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SIRIUS&Running.....To Paradise...Full Album 2..

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SIRIUS&Running.....To Paradise...Full Album 2..Studio Album, objavljen 1982

. godine Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Tužni pastir (4,54)
2. Guslač iz Dooneyja (4,54)
3. Zašto se stari ne bi ljutio? (5:08)
4. Trčanje u raj (7,24)
5. Rujan 1913( 5,51)
6. Od planine do planine (4:40)
7. Začahureno iznutra (2,28)
8. Sretna townland (7:54)

Ukupno vrijeme: 42:58

Postava / Glazbenici
- Stefan Neubauer / vokal, klavijature
- Stefan Papsthorst / klavijature
- Thomas Honninger / bubnjevi
- Martin Vogel / gitara, bas

Objavljuje informacije
LP Brutkasten 85 R 030 (Njemačka, 1982.)……….Prilično podcijenjen (vjerojatno zato što je tako opskuran) simfonijski rock album iz Njemačke. Sirius je pokupio baklju za bendove poput Novalisa i Grobschnitta, koji su prilično napuštali simfonijski stil za komercijalnija područja. Ali Siriusov zvuk je više engleski. Genesis se čini dominantnim utjecajem. Instrumentalnim zvukom dominiraju klavijature, što ne bi trebalo čuditi s obzirom na to da u bendu postoje dva klavijaturista: Stefan Neubauer (također pjevač) i Stefan Papsthorst.Stilski bih ih usporedio s Engleskom i njihovim klasičnim albumom GARDEN SHED, makar samo zato što od njih dobivam istu vibru što se tiče sunčanog stava i znatiželjno zastarjelog lirskog sadržaja. Neubauerov cvrkut glas pridonosi učinku. Zvuk je nešto poput mosta između zvukova klasičnih 70-ih i nadolazećih zvukova 80-ih, s Hammondovim orguljama, string-synthom i Wurlitzer električnim klavirom rame uz rame s modernijim (za 1982.) Prorocima i drugim sintisajzerima. Rezultat je nešto što zvuči klasično, ali ažurno. Ali to je ekstravagantno, klasično stilizirano akustično klavirsko djelo koje sve to povezuje. Gostujući svirači na violini ("Guslač iz Dooneyja") i flauti dodaju zborniku.Sve u svemu, vrlo šarmantno izdanje. Ljubitelji poput Flame Dreama, Amenophisa, Bilo čije kćeri, Vretenca, Makijavela i slično ovdje će pronaći mnogo toga za uživanje.LADISLAV&Z……….Studio Album, released in 1982

. Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Sad Shepherd (4:54)
2. Fiddler of Dooney (4:54)
3. Why shouldn't the old man be angry? (5:08)
4. Running to Heaven (7:24)
September 5, 1913 (5:51)
6. From mountain to mountain (4:40)
7. Cocooned inside (2:28)
8. Happy Townland (7:54)

Total time: 42:58

Lineup / Musicians
- Stefan Neubauer / vocals, keyboards
- Stefan Papsthorst / keyboards
- Thomas Honninger / drums
- Martin Vogel / guitar, bass

Publishes information
LP Brutkasten 85 R 030 (Germany, 1982) ..........Pretty underrated (probably because it's so obscure) a symphonic rock album from Germany. Sirius picked up a torch for bands like Novalis and Grobschnitt, who pretty much abandoned the symphonic style for more commercial areas. But Sirius' sound is more English. Genesis seems to be the dominant influence. The instrumental sound is dominated by keyboards, which should not be surprising given that there are two keyboardists in the band: Stefan Neubauer (also a singer) and Stefan Papsthorst.I would stylistically compare them to England and their classic album GARDEN SHED, if only because I get the same vibe from them in terms of sunny attitude and curiously outdated lyrical content. Neubauer's chirping voice contributes to the effect. Sound is something of a bridge between the sounds of the classical '70s and the upcoming sounds of the '80s, with Hammond's organ, string-synth and Wurlitzer electric piano side by side with a more modern one (for 1982). Prophets and other synthesizers. The result is something that sounds classic but up-to-date. But it's an extravagant, classically stylized acoustic piano work that connects it all together. Guest violin players ("Fiddler of Dooney") and flutes add to the proceedings. All in all, a very charming edition. Fans like Flame Dream, Amenophis, Anyone's Daughter, Dragonfly, Machiavelo and the like will find a lot to enjoy here. LADISLAV&Z..........