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RNG Manipulation in 1.13 and What It Could Have Been

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In this video we discuss how RNG manipulation is affected in 1.13 and beyond, and also give a brief history of world RNG manipulation and fantacize about what it could have been.

All videos mentioned in the video can be found in the RNG manipulation playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpK07MezbLpObG84os53d1GtSyht2lhDE

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Comet: https://goo.gl/qRgFbb
commandblockguy: https://goo.gl/T7rA2K
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Earthcomputer: https://goo.gl/KpoacL
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Galia: https://goo.gl/uhk9Nu
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kikawet: https://goo.gl/hLMYok
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Lord Jon: https://goo.gl/TT9fg5
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Theosib: https://goo.gl/sk21eb
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