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Gila&Night Works 1972 ,Germany ,Psych, Krautrock, Folk Rock, Prog Rock...

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Gila&Night Works 1972 ,Germany ,Psych, Krautrock, Folk Rock, Prog Rock..LEASE HAVE A NICE LAYK SUBSCRIPTION-.01. Oko ponoći (0:00)
02. Braintwist (5:54)
03. Trampelpfad (13:39)
04. Viva Arabica (19:51)
05. Gila simfonija (25,15)
06. Komunikacija II (39:02)
07. Igla (42:06)

- Conny Veit / gitara i vokali
- Fritz Scheyhing / klavijature
- Walter Wiederkehr / bas
- Daniel Alluno / bubnjevi.......GILA | NOĆNI RADOVI (1972.).............S namjerom da oduševljeno reproduciraju zvuk i spontanost glazbenog čuda postignutog njihovim debitantskim albumom, izvrsnim "Free electric sound",barem u njihovim namjerama, njemačka Gila – uvijek predvođena sjajnim gitarističkim talentom Connyja Weidta (ili čak Veita) – odlučila je nadići jednostavnu aktivnost u studiju, skrenuvši pozornost na 'on stage' snimku novih pjesama snimljenih na live disku. Tako je rođen 1972. godine"Night Works",ostajući ista postava (Conny Veidt na gitarama, vokalima i elektronskim efektima, Daniel Alluno na bubnjevima i udaraljkama, Fritz Scheyhing na klavijaturama, mellotron i elektronski efekti i Walter Wiederkehr na basu). Album je predstavljao svojevrsni idealan završetak"Free electric sound"u cijelosti odsviranog uživo – bez vanjske buke – čuvajući originalne ideje i inspiracije. Album neslužbeniji od službenog (objavljen na Compact Discu tek 1999. godine), vjerojatno namijenjen uglavnom radijskim postajama, ali koji se danas umjesto toga s pravom smatra sastavnim dijelom njihove diskografije.LADISLAV&Z.......With the intention of enthusiastically reproducing the sound and spontaneity of the musical miracle achieved by their debut album, the excellent "Free electric sound", at least in their intentions, The German Gila – always led by the brilliant guitar talent of Conny Weidt (or even Veit) – decided to transcend simple activity in the studio, drawing attention to the 'on stage' recording of new songs recorded on a live disc. So he was born in 1972"s "Night Works", remaining the same cast (Conny Veidt on guitars, vocals and electronic effects, Daniel Alluno on drums and percussion, Fritz Scheyhing on keyboards, mellotron and electronic effects and Walter Wiederkehr on bass). The album represented a kind of ideal ending "Free electric sound" played entirely live – without external noise – preserving original ideas and inspirations. An album more unofficial than the official one (released on Compact Disco only in 1999), probably intended mainly for radio stations, but which today is instead rightly considered an integral part of their discography. LADISLAV&Z.......LEASE HAVE A NICE LAYK SUBSCRIPTION-