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[Friday Night Funkin'] C O R N

Description YT

This joke was funnier in my head.
... It fits, okay? :^)

BPM is not really synced, but hey, at least the voices are synced to the notes.
Original audio source: https://youtu.be/j8qp3ITVqY0

Mods used:
V.S. Zardy - Foolhardy: https://gamebanana.com/mods/44366
Zardy Foolhardy Remaster!: https://gamebanana.com/mods/183664
Keyboard Rebinds with Noteskins: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/15117
Accurate Colored Health Bar Icons: https://gamebanana.com/guis/36437​ (I made this!! :0)

The game itself:
itch.io (+download): https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/770371