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They called me a really bad roadhog, little did they know i'm grandmaster

Description YT

hey guys i woke up in an overwacht oasis with overwacht terry craw next to me , it was really hot and we needed water so we decided to look for a overwacht dunkey to ride to the near overwacht eichenvalde and get water but it was really dry and we were starving but then we realised that overwacht heroes never die so we took our strenght and sold our body for overwacht porn and overwacht pussy prostitution with overwacht clitoris performances to get some money then we worked for overwacht jeff kaplan and made a overwacht big ass movie scene starring overwacht mccreamy overwacht doomfist andoverwacht seagull . overall we managed to buy us water it was a great experience even tho we had trouble with some overwatch toxic players but in the end overwacht toxic player gets destroyed and overwacht toxic player gets owned every time and we made it.
remember this video is jokes and satire dont get offended