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/mlp/odcast #24 - Too Lit for Woke Flutterfags

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This podcast is a desperate wasteland of nothingness, so everypony get woke and join your least favorite group of Anons in our national pastime of shitting on our favorite punching bag, Fluttershy. We actually talk about the show for like half the podcast before we move on to the topic of grandmothers having lots of sex.

Oh, and then ArtfagAnon admits to being the infamous BRAAP poster. So go blame him.

This shit smells worse than a Rarity cut with a triple-cut stitched hem and a guacamole chevka pattern fabric, truly the real branché chic prêt-à-porter.

Grannies Gone Wild: https://www.elitedaily.com/news/world/grandma-sex-3000-men-swinger-club/941928

Get the podcast audio here:

MP3: http://podcast.mlp.one/files/mlpodcast/0024.mp3
Google Play Music: https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=googleplaymusic&apn=com.google.android.music&link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Iwpkbfdp7sh2eoyspoloemepfiy?t%3D/mlp/odcast%26pcampaignid%3DMKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mlp-odcast/id1319420599
Stitcher: http://stitcher.com/s?fid=159260&refid=stpr
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