Avalon&Autumn...Wind.... Full Album...
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Avalon&Autumn...Wind.... Full Album...Tracklist:
1. Remorse 00:00
2. Primavera 9:29
3. Autumn Wind 21:18
4. Sappho 30:13..........Avalonska biografija
Kanadska točka AVALON osnovana je 1976. godine, a u početku su je činili Myles Hunter (vokal), Manfred Leidecker (bas), Robert Holtz (bubnjevi), Bob Deeks (gitare) i John Fenton (gitare). Deeks i Fenton odlučili su otići dok je bend još bio u početnoj fazi, a zamijenili su ga Tullio Granata (gitare) i Brian Sim (gitare). I upravo je ta druga verzija benda došla u studio kako bi snimila i objavila svoj cjelovečernji prvijenac Voice of Life, koji je objavio London Records 1977. godine...........Avalon biography
The Canadian act AVALON was founded in 1976 and was initially made up of Myles Hunter (vocals), Manfred Leidecker (bass), Robert Holtz (drums), Bob Deeks (guitars) and John Fenton (guitars). Deeks and Fenton decided to leave while the band was still in its initial stages, and were replaced by Tullio Granata (guitars) and Brian Sim (guitars). And it was this second version of the band that came to the studio to record and release their full-length debut Voice of Life, released by London Records in 1977...........Ladislav&Zivanovic...After two years of heavy-handed touring, Avalon broke up, the members went their separate ways. Twenty years later, additional recordings of this act briefly resurfaced when a CD-R production featuring 6 previously unreleased songs by the band was sold as Avalon II, but this disc never saw an official release.Ladislav&Zivanovic..........