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MrMehster- Crystal Brush

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Hard With Ponystyle Recordz

Hard With Ponystyle Recordz is proud to present "MrMehster- Crystal Brush" based on Colgate from My Little Pony. All credit go to MrMehster for the track. All visuals done by me. Enjoy!

DL: http://bit.ly/1bm1cGC

Yazmil Mehster- Hey guys, MrMehster here, just wanted to thank RoyalPony5300 for uploading my track on his channel.
I'll continue to produce more Pony Hardstyle, and maybe a little Dubstep in the future.

Be sure to like, comment and share, if you like the song!

-Social Links-
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/YazmilMehster
Soundcloud: http://www.Soundcloud.com/YazmilMehster
Instagram: @YazmilMehster

Buy my album: https://royalpony5300.bandcamp.com/album/hard-with-ponystyle-recordz-maximum-overload-album

Contact me:
PS3:LaGxCelestia_530 or Royalpony5300
Skype: Royalpony5300
XBOX ONE gamertag: royalpony5300

Follow me:
Instagram: Royalpony5300
Tweeter: Royalpony5300

Like my facebook:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/royalpony5300

Submit your Pony Hardstyle music to be featured by Hard With Ponystyle recordz @ jildardo.aguilar93@yahoo.com