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Crazy American loses his mind at me and a innocent French guy

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0-0ApKoquc MAXO

warning this video contains overwatch crazy toxicicty not caused by me ofc its caused by overwatch omnic crisis that overwatch jeff also known as overwatch jeff kaplan has set in moition he is not an overwacht toxic man but hes neitehr a grandmaster overwacht guy .... i made an overwatch sexist troll joke but its ok because i asked some people at the local overwacht nightclub and they said its ok, what episode is this? probably like overwacht wtf moments ep.7 i wish they made a character in overwatch maximilian my name and he was good like overwacht new hero doomfist but even better and u could overwacht solo carry with him or get overwacht solo carried and he would have no overwacht no coolodwns just like the video 5 Overwatch Weapons vs Fruit Ninja that you may have seen online and this video is not called absolutely not overwacht because that would be incorrect and i could call the video overwatch most toxic player or overwacht most toxic player or call the video overwatch low gravity mode or call the video overwacht horizon lunar colony but that would just be a lie if i called the video that so i called the video Why You Can't Get Grandmaster in Overwatch instead .

btw this video is satire and entertainment pruposres only