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The Neal&Morse Band....The Grand Experiment..Full Album.

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Comments (archived 2022-10-05 01:13; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-21 15:58:27

Ne sramim se priznati da mi nedostaju skladbe Neala Morsea sa Spockovom bradom. Njegovo gostovanje u emisiji "Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep" pomoglo je, vjerujem, da to bude jedan od najboljih (do sada) prog albuma ovog desetljeća. Njegov prethodni studijski album , "Momentum", bio je prilično dobar, pa se nisam ustručavao pokupiti ovaj kada mu je moja lokalna CD trgovina dala dobru prodajnu cijenu.ako je instrumentalno, ovo je dobar album, daje mi osjećaj da Morse ulazi u kolotečinu.Prvo, tu je format. Čini se da se gotovo svaki Morse projekt sastoji od dvije epske pjesme koje uokviruju tri kraće, poppier pjesme. I to je upravo ono što smo dobili ovdje. Drugo, stvarno mi se sviđa glazba koju je Morse ovdje napisao, ali, uglavnom, sve to zvuči sastavljeno od rifova iz starih SB pjesama. I treće, stihovi. Dok sam ateist, nemam problema s religioznim stihovima, ako su vješto napravljeni, ali evo, Morseove riječi su ins... insp... Ins... Oh, neukusno.Osjećam se kao da mi treba Christian Buzzword Bingo kartica dok slušam ovo. Morseovi epovi su i inspirativne priče, nadajući se da će prenijeti siromašnom slušatelju ideju da ako ste dolje i van, način da podignete raspoloženje je da date svoju dušu nekom zamišljenom nadnaravnom biću koje kontrolira sve. Ok, čuo sam i druge pjesme ovog tipa, i one nemaju tako negativan utjecaj na mene, ali ove su potpuno banale.U Pozivu, Morse koristi pojednostavljene evanđeoske fraze kako bi vas pokušao privući u stado, ali mogu se sjetiti: "O kojem pozivu govori? Onaj koji želi da konsolidiram svoj dug? Onaj u kojem sam kvalificiran za "besplatan" sigurnosni sustav ili neku drugu "nevjerojatnu" ponudu? Ili što kažete na tipa koji tvrdi da je iz Microsofta, koji misli da mu vjerujem kad kaže da vidi virus na mom računalu?"Ta se pjesma ne može usporediti s Alive Again, gdje Morse podilazi liku opisanom kao "ranjeni ratnik", koji je, naravno, u lošem dnu, a samo će ga oprati u moru, od strane tipa koji hoda po vodi, vratiti. Hajde, Neal, dobiti neke originalnosti. Nekad si bio dobar u tome.A Neal? Razumijem da ste ponosni na svoj plan,ali ne bi li ponos trebao biti jedan od vaših grijeha?

Unatoč očitim buzzwords, Vodopad je zapravo lijepa staza. Ima CSNY osjećaj, s odličnim harmonijama, i najoriginalnija je pjesma na albumu.

Nemojte me krivo shvatiti. Sviđa mi se glazba (ne riječi) na ovom albumu. Jednostavno ih ne volim.

Za Neal Morse popraviti, ako možete blokirati vokale, to nije loše.svima vama ugodno slusanje .,.i lijepi pozdravi i veliko hvala na posjeti mog kanala.,sam svoj i Boziji…….Ladislav&zivanovic...L&Z...……….

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-21 16:02:44

I'm not ashamed to admit I miss Neal Morse's compositions with Spock's beard. His appearance on "Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep" helped, I believe, make it one of the best (so far) prog albums of the decade. His previous studio album, Momentum, was pretty good, so I didn't hesitate to pick this one up when my local CD store gave it a good sale price.if it's instrumental, this is a good album, it gives me the feeling that Morse is getting into a rut. First, there's the format. Almost every Morse project seems to consist of two epic songs framing three shorter, poppier songs. And that's exactly what we got here. Secondly, I really like the music Morse wrote here, but, for the most part, it all sounds made up of riffs from old SB songs. And third, the lyrics. As long as I'm an atheist, I have no problem with religious verses, if they're skillfully crafted, but here, Morse's words are ins... insp... Ins... Oh, distasteful. I feel like I need a Christian Buzzword Bingo card while I'm listening to this. Morse's epics are also inspiring stories, hoping to convey to a poor listener the idea that if you're down and out, the way to lift your spirits is to give your soul to some imaginary supernatural being who controls everything. Okay, I've heard other songs from this guy, and they don't have such a negative impact on me, but these are completely corny. In The Call, Morse uses simplified gospel phrases to try to draw you into the fold, but I can remember, "What call is he talking about? The one who wants me to consolidate my debt? The one where I'm qualified for a "free" security system or some other "amazing" offer? Or how about a guy who claims to be from Microsoft, who thinks I trust him when he says he sees a virus on my computer?" This song does not compare to Alive Again, where Morse paers to a character described as a "wounded warrior", who, of course, is in a bad bottom, and will only be washed in the sea, by a guy walking on water, returned. Come on, Neal, get some originality. You used to be good at it. What about Neal? I understand you're proud of your plan, but shouldn't pride be one of your sins?

Despite the obvious buzzwords, Waterfall is actually a nice track. It has a CSNY feel, with great harmonies, and is the most original song on the album.

Don't get me wrong. I like the music (not the words) on this album. I just don't like them.

For Neal Morse to fix, if you can block out the vocals, it's not bad.all of you are comfortable listening.,.and nice greetings and a big thank you for visiting my channel.,I'm myself and God's.......Ladislav&zivanovic... L&Z... ..........

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-21 15:59:13

I'm not ashamed to admit I miss Neal Morse's compositions with Spock's beard. His appearance on "Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep" helped, I believe, make it one of the best (so far) prog albums of the decade. His previous studio album, Momentum, was pretty good, so I didn't hesitate to pick this one up when my local CD store gave it a good sale price.if it's instrumental, this is a good album, it gives me the feeling that Morse is getting into a rut. First, there's the format. Almost every Morse project seems to consist of two epic songs framing three shorter, poppier songs. And that's exactly what we got here. Secondly, I really like the music Morse wrote here, but, for the most part, it all sounds made up of riffs from old SB songs. And third, the lyrics. As long as I'm an atheist, I have no problem with religious verses, if they're skillfully crafted, but here, Morse's words are ins... insp... Ins... Oh, distasteful. I feel like I need a Christian Buzzword Bingo card while I'm listening to this. Morse's epics are also inspiring stories, hoping to convey to a poor listener the idea that if you're down and out, the way to lift your spirits is to give your soul to some imaginary supernatural being who controls everything. Okay, I've heard other songs from this guy, and they don't have such a negative impact on me, but these are completely corny. In The Call, Morse uses simplified gospel phrases to try to draw you into the fold, but I can remember, "What call is he talking about? The one who wants me to consolidate my debt? The one where I'm qualified for a "free" security system or some other "amazing" offer? Or how about a guy who claims to be from Microsoft, who thinks I trust him when he says he sees a virus on my computer?" This song does not compare to Alive Again, where Morse paers to a character described as a "wounded warrior", who, of course, is in a bad bottom, and will only be washed in the sea, by a guy walking on water, returned. Come on, Neal, get some originality. You used to be good at it. What about Neal? I understand you're proud of your plan, but shouldn't pride be one of your sins?

Despite the obvious buzzwords, Waterfall is actually a nice track. It has a CSNY feel, with great harmonies, and is the most original song on the album.

Don't get me wrong. I like the music (not the words) on this album. I just don't like them.

For Neal Morse to fix, if you can block out the vocals, it's not bad.all of you are comfortable listening.,.and nice greetings and a big thank you for visiting my channel.,I'm myself and God's.......Ladislav&zivanovic... L&Z... ..........

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-21 16:01:34

Je n’ai pas honte d’admettre que les compositions de Neal Morse me manquent avec la barbe de Spock. Son apparition dans « Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep » a contribué, je crois, à en faire l’un des meilleurs albums de prog (jusqu’à présent) de la décennie. Son précédent album studio, Momentum, était assez bon, donc je n’ai pas hésité à prendre celui-ci quand mon magasin de CD local lui a donné un bon prix de vente.if it’s instrumental, c’est un bon album, il me donne le sentiment que Morse est en train de se mettre dans une ornière. Tout d’abord, il y a le format. Presque tous les projets Morse semblent se composer de deux chansons épiques encadrant trois chansons plus courtes et plus poppier. Et c’est exactement ce que nous avons obtenu ici. Deuxièmement, j’aime beaucoup la musique que Morse a écrite ici, mais, pour la plupart, tout cela sonne composé de riffs de vieilles chansons de SB. Et troisièmement, les paroles. Tant que je suis athée, je n’ai aucun problème avec les versets religieux, s’ils sont habilement conçus, mais ici, les mots de Morse sont des ins... insp... Ins... Oh, déplaisant. J’ai l’impression que j’ai besoin d’une carte de bingo Christian Buzzword pendant que j’écoute cela. Les épopées de Morse sont également des histoires inspirantes, dans l’espoir de transmettre à un pauvre auditeur l’idée que si vous êtes en bas et dehors, la façon de remonter le moral est de donner votre âme à un être surnaturel imaginaire qui contrôle tout. D’accord, j’ai entendu d’autres chansons de ce gars, et elles n’ont pas un impact négatif sur moi, mais ce sont complètement ringardes. Dans L’Appel, Morse utilise des phrases évangéliques simplifiées pour essayer de vous attirer dans le giron, mais je me souviens: « De quel appel parle-t-il? Celui qui veut que je consolide ma dette? Celui où je suis qualifié pour un système de sécurité « gratuit » ou une autre offre « incroyable »? Ou que diriez-vous d’un gars qui prétend être de Microsoft, qui pense que je lui fais confiance quand il dit qu’il voit un virus sur mon ordinateur? » Cette chanson ne se compare pas à Alive Again, où Morse paers à un personnage décrit comme un « guerrier blessé », qui, bien sûr, est dans un mauvais fond, et ne sera lavé dans la mer, par un gars marchant sur l’eau, retourné. Allez, Neal, obtenez un peu d’originalité. Vous aviez l’habitude d’être bon dans ce cas. Qu’en est-il de Neal? Je comprends que vous êtes fier de votre plan, mais l’orgueil ne devrait-il pas être l’un de vos péchés ?

Malgré les mots à la mode évidents, Waterfall est en fait une belle piste. Il a une sensation CSNY, avec de grandes harmonies, et est la chanson la plus originale de l’album.

Ne vous méprenez pas. J’aime la musique (pas les mots) sur cet album. Je ne les aime tout simplement pas.

Pour Neal Morse à fixer, si vous pouvez bloquer la voix, ce n’est pas mal.vous tous êtes à l’aise d’écouter.,.et de belles salutations et un grand merci d’avoir visité ma chaîne.,Je suis moi-même et de Dieu.......Ladislav&zivanovic... L&Z... ..........