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Blind Reaction/Review: Attack on Titan Season 3 Episodes 7-9

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Comments (archived 2024-01-23 15:22; 4 top, 4 total comments)

@vman7310 2022-06-11 15:59:35

I forgot to mention this but I like the way you pronounce Armin's and Historia's names with like a little accent, I've never seen any other reactor do that before.

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@thaddeusr.3967 2022-06-12 03:49:32

Historia gains character development. Curious on what Kenny is up to.

@chrisprata4936 2022-06-11 20:14:18

Ponybro I guess, you should do both “black lagoon” and “Muv Luv total alternate” amines, trust me you’ll like them cause there both military

@ballerheadsway4528 2022-06-11 15:51:16

it only gets better from here

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