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Eric&Quincy Tate..Drinking Man's Friend..1972.Full Album..

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Comments (archived 2022-11-20 01:54; 7 top, 11 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-15 22:49:05

Capricorn Records must have screwed up when they didn't do everything possible to keep this band happy while promoting the Allman Brothers Band. Funky, the original, doesn't have Allman's rhythm. It's the groove of their own creation. "Texas Sand" is supposed to be a Texas state song. What a shear of Phil Walden's talent. What an idiot he is. This band cooks and cooks hot. Paul Hornsby deserved to have a fight with these guys. We'd go beyond the Marshall Tucker Band... ladislav&zivanovic...

Replies (2)
Susie Fairfield 2021-08-15 22:53:09

Reminds me of The Band also,
Killer Jams, different and smokin in each their own way 💥🇺🇲🇨🇱🎸🎸🔥🔥

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-15 22:59:35

@Susie Fairfield JUST SUCH A BIG THANK YOU.....

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Susie Fairfield 2021-08-15 22:50:25

Love this! 🤘🔥☝️😎💓🍺💘💓

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Replies (1)
ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-15 22:56:10

Thenks hany came to me well, big thank you.....

slavlko tomić 2021-08-19 17:13:40 (edited 2021-08-19 17:14:56 )

E svaka ti čast Ladislave...po prvom postu si me obradovao(Grand Funk) koji sam ja ubro da si postavio...a sad ovo,pa ti si taj kojeg tražim...mislim glazbeno,a i da mogu sa nekim podijelit utiske na jeziku koji kontamo oboje...ovaj bend je čudo...negdje sam u zezanciji reko da su ovo rođaci od Allman Brothersa,haha...ej sad sam u nekoj rađi,usput slušam Erica i uživam...nek si se pojavio...sad imam koga davit i slušat odličnu glazbu...zdrav i veseo bio✌

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Replies (1)
slavlko tomić 2021-08-19 17:16:46

Pozdrav iz vruće Hercegovine...

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Nikolaos Mosxakis 2022-01-17 12:37:54

very very good old band..................................................................................

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-15 22:48:45

Capricorn Records je sigurno zajebao kada nisu učinili sve što je bilo moguće kako bi ovaj bend bio sretan dok su promovirali Allman Brothers Band. Funky, original, nema Allmanov ritam. To je utor njihove vlastite kreacije. "Texas Sand" bi trebala biti teksaška državna pjesma. Kakvo smicanje talenta Phila Waldena. Kakav je idiot. Ovaj bend kuha i kuha vruće. Paul Hornsby je zaslužio da se posvađa sa ovim momcima. Otišli bi dalje od Marshall Tucker Banda.....ladislav&zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-15 22:49:36

Capricorn Records a dû se tromper quand ils n’ont pas fait tout leur possible pour garder ce groupe heureux tout en faisant la promotion de l’Allman Brothers Band. Funky, l’original, n’a pas le rythme d’Allman. C’est le sillon de leur propre création. « Texas Sand » est censé être une chanson de l’État du Texas. Quelle cisaillement du talent de Phil Walden. Quel idiot il est. Ce groupe cuisine et cuisine chaud. Paul Hornsby méritait de se battre avec ces gars-là. Nous irions au-delà du Marshall Tucker Band... ladislav&zivanovic...

Jonny Bueno 619 2021-08-16 00:26:18

My friends now ;)

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