Art and Entertainment, Music
Cover Version - What Is It. Tribo Albums, Cover Bend
The world of music is full of different songs. Some of them gained popularity, others were not so famous. In addition to the original there is a cover version. This song quails another artist.
Every month there are dozens, hundreds of songs. And popular artists, and a little-known group created new songs and albums. But it does not lag behind them to cover the version. This song-sings, which in some cases became much more popular than the original. Furthermore, examples of cover versions of hits have become much more permeable than the original song, very much.
There's been a long cover version. This phenomenon did not cause great excitement among people. It was believed that the musician stole the idea, and then he wants to gain fame. But despite this, and the fact that some people sang the songs of their idols, to express their respect, the cover version - a song that often gained popularity even more than the original. There are collections containing self-singing songs. They are called tributes.
Cover version often in relation to the remake, which is adapted to pre-existing works. By the way, in Russia, a shining example of a man working in the style of a cover version, is Sergei Minaev. In addition, he is prone to parody.a musician who deals with the cover-version of the song, and the name received a cover strip, and the band - a cover band. But the terminology in English of the resource has other names for performers:
Wedding Band;
fankshen band.
There are groups that sing songs of only one team, in which case they are called a tribute band. Very popular, by the way, is considered a rock cover version.
There are many artists who have begun their journey to the popularity of cover versions. They include:
What is Bill;
Joe Cocker;
The Rasmus;
The Rolling Stones and others.debuted performing songs by other talents, but provoked the admiration and respect of many people. After that, these artists began to present original works already. Groups like that very much.
There are artists who constantly perform only other people's work, as stated to themselves such a task. For example, the Scopyons group.
Basically it becomes a popular execution format, which is not limited to style, design. The group is in this format can easily perform different songs: from hard rock, which ended with lounge music, jazz.
There are many albums that they released, were recognized, and consisted of self-singing songs. They were called Tribo albums. Basically, these creations hold the song of the same author, they only record various artists.
Tribute albums are divided into several types:
The album, which includes songs by musicians, groups, performing different covers of the band.
The album, which includes songs by different musicians and performs one of their cover bands. A striking example is Elvis Presley's debut album.
The album, which includes songs by musicians, a group that performs a cover band.
The album, which resembles a copy of a previously released album by a famous artist.........".fyi"........ Set ".fyi"
Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Moji neprijatelji su me gurnuli više u tvoje naručje nego moji prijatelji. Prijatelji su me vezali za zemlju, neprijatelji su me držali podalje od zemlje i uništili sve moje nade za zemlju.
Učinili su me strancem u zemaljskim carstvima i nepotrebnim stanovnikom zemlje. Baš kao što progonjena zvijer pronalazi sigurnije utočište od nje, tako sam i ja, progonjen od svojih neprijatelja, pronašao najsigurnije utočište, skrivajući se pod vašim šatorom, gdje ni prijatelji ni neprijatelji ne mogu pogubiti moju dušu. Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Priznali su mi moje grijehe pred svijetom.
Bičevali su me kad sam se suzdržavao da se bičevam.
Mučili su me kad sam pobjegla od iskušenja.
Učinili su me ružnim kad sam bio ponosan na sebe.
Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Kad sam se ponašao mudro, zvali su me ludim.
Kad sam se pretvarao da sam moćan, smijali su mi se kao patuljku.
Kad sam htio voditi ljude, gurnuli su me u drugi plan.
Kad sam se žurio obogatiti, udarili su me željeznom rukom.
Kad sam mislila da mirno spavam, probudili su me iza sna.
Kada sam izgradio dom za dug i miran život, srušili su ga i istjerali.
Doista, neprijatelji su me oslobodili svijeta i pružili mi ruke na vašem skuteru.
Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Blagoslovi ih i umnoži; umnožiti ih i gorko mi još više zamjeriti –
da bi moj bijeg tebi bio nepovratan;
uzeti nadu u ljude poput paučine;
Da bi mir bio potpuno začaran u mojoj duši:
da moje srce postane grob moje dvije zle blizanke; ponos i ljutnja; sažeti sva moja blaga na nebu;
Ah, da se jednom oslobodim samoobmane koja me je zapetljala u strašnu mrežu obmanjujućih života.
Moji neprijatelji su me naučili da znam, kao što malo tko zna, da čovjek nema neprijatelja na svijetu izvan njega.
Samo on mrzi neprijatelje, koji ne znaju da neprijatelji nisu neprijatelji, već okrutni prijatelji.
Doista, teško mi je reći tko mi je učinio više dobra i tko mi je učinio više štete na ovom svijetu: prijatelji ili neprijatelji.
Zato blagoslovi, Gospode, i moje prijatelje i neprijatelje.
Rob se kune u svoje neprijatelje jer ne zna. A sin ih blagoslivlja jer zna.
Jer njegov sin zna da mu neprijatelji ne mogu dotaknuti život. Za to slobodno hoda između njih i moli za njih: Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem...".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
@janneke Emmerink Beautiful comment.., I have no words.. Do you want communication? Do you have Skype? Answer freely! I will be glad, I want to be your sincere friend and a big thank you for the compliment..,Thank you Ladislav.......ttps:// ....... I live here.. If you like it? You're welcome to come to me... It's never too late. an honest man.., your friend Lasislav!Ik woon hier.. Als je het leuk vindt? Je bent van harte welkom om naar me toe te komen... Het is nooit te laat. een eerlijke man.., je vriend Ladislav!
Umjetnost I Zabava, Glazba
Cover Verzija - Što Je To. Tribo Albuma, Cover Bend
Svijet glazbe je puna raznih pjesama. Neki od njih su stekli popularnost, drugi nisu bili toliko poznati. Osim original nalazi se poklopac verzija. Ova pjesma prepelice drugi izvođač.
Svaki mjesec postoje deseci, stotine pjesama. I popularni umjetnici, a malo poznata skupina izradila nove pjesme i albume. Ali ne zaostaje za njima pokriti verzija. Ova pjesma-pjevaju, što u nekim slučajevima postao puno popularniji od originala. Nadalje, primjeri cover verzije hitova su postali mnogo više prođa od izvorne pjesme, jako puno.
Bilo je dugo vremena cover verzija. Ovaj fenomen nije izazvao veliko uzbuđenje među ljudima. Vjerovalo se da je glazbenik ukrao ideju, a onda želi dobiti slavu. No, unatoč tome, i činjenici da su neki ljudi pjevali pjesme svojih idola, da izraze svoje poštovanje, cover verzija - pjesma koja se često dobivanjem popularnost još više od originala.Tu su zbirke koje sadrže samo-pjevaju pjesme. Oni se nazivaju danak.
Cover verzija često u odnosu na remakeu, koja je prilagođena prethodno postojećim djelima. Usput, u Rusiji, svijetli primjer čovjeka koji radi u stilu cover verzije, je Sergej Minaev. Osim toga, on je sklon parodija.glazbenik koji se bavi poklopcem-verzije pjesme, a ime je dobio pokrovnu traku, a bend - cover bend. No, terminologija na engleskom jeziku resursa ima i druge nazive izvođačima:
Vjenčanje Band;
fankshen bend.
Postoje grupe koje pjevaju pjesme samo jedan tim, u kojem slučaju se nazivaju tribute bend. Vrlo popularan, usput, smatra rock cover verzija.
Postoje mnogi umjetnici koji su započeli svoj put do popularnosti cover verzija. Oni uključuju:
Što je Bill;
Joe Cocker;
The Rasmus;
The Rolling Stonesa i drugih.debitirao s obavljanjem pjesama drugih talenata, ali izazvala divljenje i poštovanje mnogih ljudi. Nakon toga, ovi umjetnici su počeli prezentirati originalne radove već. Takve grupe jako puno.
Postoje umjetnici koji stalno obavljaju samo tuđe poslove, kao što je navedeno sebi takav zadatak. Na primjer, skupina Scopyons.
U osnovi to postaje popularan izvršenje formatu, koji se ne ograničuje na stil, dizajn. Skupina je u ovom formatu mogu lako obavljati različite pjesme: od hard rocka, koji je završio s lounge glazbu, jazz.
Postoje mnogi albumi koje su izdali, bili priznati, a sastojao se od samo-pjevaju pjesme. Oni su se zvali Tribo albuma. Uglavnom, ove kreacije držite pjesmu istog autora, oni samo bilježi razne izvođače.
Tribute albuma su podijeljeni u nekoliko vrsta:
Album, koji uključuje pjesme glazbenika, grupa, koje izvode različite naslovnice bend.
Album, koji uključuje pjesme različitih glazbenika i izvodi jedan od njihovih cover band. Upečatljiv primjer je debi album Elvis Presley.
Album, koji uključuje pjesme glazbenika, grupa koja se izvodi cover bend.
Album, koji sliči primjerak ranije izdana albuma poznatog umjetnika.........".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
Vojnik sreće
Često sam vam pričao priče
o putu
Živjela sam život lutalice
čekajući dan
kad bih te primio za ruku
i pjevam vam pjesme,
onda biste možda mogli reći
"Dođi ležati sa mnom (i) voljeti me",
i sigurno bih ostao.
Ali osjećam da starim
i pjesme koje sam pjevao,
odjek u daljini
poput zvuka
vjetrenjače koja se okreće.
Valjda ću uvijek biti
vojnik sreće.
Mnogo puta sam bio putnik,
Tražio sam nešto novo,
u dane stare
kad su noći bile hladne
Lutao sam bez tebe.
Ali tih sam dana mislio svojim očima
vidio te kako stojiš blizu.
Iako je sljepoća zbunjujuća,
to pokazuje da nisi ovdje.
Sad osjećam kako starim
i pjesme koje sam pjevao,
odjek u daljini
poput zvuka
vjetrenjače koja se okreće.
Valjda ću uvijek biti
vojnik sreće.
Da, čujem zvuk
vjetrenjače koja se okreće.
Valjda ću uvijek biti
vojnik sreće.Set ".fyi"
Soldier of Fortune
I have often told you stories
about the way
I lived the life of a drifter
waiting for the day
when I'd take your hand
and sing you songs,
then maybe you would say
"Come lay with me (and) love me",
and I would surely stay.
But I feel I'm growing older
and the songs that I have sung,
echo in the distance
like the sound
of a windmill goin' 'round.
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fortune.
Many times I've been a traveller,
I looked for something new,
in days of old
when nights were cold
I wandered without you.
But those days I thought my eyes
had seen you standing near.
Though blindness is confusing,
it shows that you're not here.
Now I feel I'm growing older
and the songs that I have sung,
echo in the distance
like the sound
of a windmill goin' 'round.
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fortune.
Yes, I can hear the sound
of a windmill goin' 'round.
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fortune.........".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
Arts & Entertainment, Music
Cover Version - What Is It. Tribo Album, Cover Bend
The world of music is full of various songs. Some of them gained popularity, others were not so well known. In addition to the original there is a cover version. This quail song is another artist.
There are dozens, hundreds of songs every month. And popular artists, and a little-known group made new songs and albums. But not far behind them is the cover version. This song-sing, which in some cases became much more popular than the original. Furthermore, examples of cover versions of hits have become much more passable than the original song, very much so.
There was a long time cover version. This phenomenon did not cause much excitement among the people. The musician was believed to have stolen the idea and then wanted to gain fame. But despite this, and the fact that some people sang songs of their idols, to express their respect, cover version - a song that is often gaining popularity even more than the original.There are collections that contain self-singing songs. They are called tribute.
The cover version is often compared to the remake, which is adapted to pre-existing works. By the way, in Russia, a shining example of a man working in the style of the cover version, is Sergei Minaev. In addition, he is prone to parody.a musician who deals with the cover-version of the song, and the name was given to the cover strip, and the band - cover band. But the terminology in the English language resource has other names for performers:
Wedding Band;
fankshen bend.
There are groups that sing songs by only one team, in which case they are called a tribute band. A very popular, by the way, considered rock cover version.
There are many artists who have begun their journey to the popularity of cover versions. These include:
What is Bill;
Joe Cocker;
The Rasmus;
The Rolling Stones and others.debuted with the performance of songs by other talents, but aroused the admiration and respect of many people. After that, these artists started presenting original works already. There are a lot of such groups.
There are artists who constantly do only other people's work, as they are given such a task. For example, the group Scopyons.
Basically it is becoming a popular execution format, which is not limited to style, design. The band in this format can easily perform a variety of songs: from hard rock, which ended with lounge music, jazz.
There are many albums that have been released, been acclaimed, and consisted of self-sung songs. They were called Tribo Albums. Basically, these creations hold a song by the same author, they just record different artists.
Album tributes are divided into several types:
An album, which includes songs by musicians, groups, performed by various band covers.
An album, which includes songs by various musicians and performed by one of their cover band. A striking example is Elvis Presley’s debut album.Set ".fyi"
An album, which includes songs by musicians, a group performing a cover band.
An album, which resembles a copy of a previously released album by a famous artist........".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
Art and Entertainment, Music
1 likeCover Version - What Is It. Tribo Albums, Cover Bend
The world of music is full of different songs. Some of them gained popularity, others were not so famous. In addition to the original there is a cover version. This song quails another artist.
Every month there are dozens, hundreds of songs. And popular artists, and a little-known group created new songs and albums. But it does not lag behind them to cover the version. This song-sings, which in some cases became much more popular than the original. Furthermore, examples of cover versions of hits have become much more permeable than the original song, very much.
There's been a long cover version. This phenomenon did not cause great excitement among people. It was believed that the musician stole the idea, and then he wants to gain fame. But despite this, and the fact that some people sang the songs of their idols, to express their respect, the cover version - a song that often gained popularity even more than the original. There are collections containing self-singing songs. They are called tributes.
Cover version often in relation to the remake, which is adapted to pre-existing works. By the way, in Russia, a shining example of a man working in the style of a cover version, is Sergei Minaev. In addition, he is prone to parody.a musician who deals with the cover-version of the song, and the name received a cover strip, and the band - a cover band. But the terminology in English of the resource has other names for performers:
Wedding Band;
fankshen band.
There are groups that sing songs of only one team, in which case they are called a tribute band. Very popular, by the way, is considered a rock cover version.
There are many artists who have begun their journey to the popularity of cover versions. They include:
What is Bill;
Joe Cocker;
The Rasmus;
The Rolling Stones and others.debuted performing songs by other talents, but provoked the admiration and respect of many people. After that, these artists began to present original works already. Groups like that very much.
There are artists who constantly perform only other people's work, as stated to themselves such a task. For example, the Scopyons group.
Basically it becomes a popular execution format, which is not limited to style, design. The group is in this format can easily perform different songs: from hard rock, which ended with lounge music, jazz.
There are many albums that they released, were recognized, and consisted of self-singing songs. They were called Tribo albums. Basically, these creations hold the song of the same author, they only record various artists.
Tribute albums are divided into several types:
The album, which includes songs by musicians, groups, performing different covers of the band.
The album, which includes songs by different musicians and performs one of their cover bands. A striking example is Elvis Presley's debut album.
The album, which includes songs by musicians, a group that performs a cover band.
The album, which resembles a copy of a previously released album by a famous artist.........".fyi"........ Set ".fyi"
Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
1 likeMoji neprijatelji su me gurnuli više u tvoje naručje nego moji prijatelji. Prijatelji su me vezali za zemlju, neprijatelji su me držali podalje od zemlje i uništili sve moje nade za zemlju.
Učinili su me strancem u zemaljskim carstvima i nepotrebnim stanovnikom zemlje. Baš kao što progonjena zvijer pronalazi sigurnije utočište od nje, tako sam i ja, progonjen od svojih neprijatelja, pronašao najsigurnije utočište, skrivajući se pod vašim šatorom, gdje ni prijatelji ni neprijatelji ne mogu pogubiti moju dušu. Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Priznali su mi moje grijehe pred svijetom.
Bičevali su me kad sam se suzdržavao da se bičevam.
Mučili su me kad sam pobjegla od iskušenja.
Učinili su me ružnim kad sam bio ponosan na sebe.
Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Kad sam se ponašao mudro, zvali su me ludim.
Kad sam se pretvarao da sam moćan, smijali su mi se kao patuljku.
Kad sam htio voditi ljude, gurnuli su me u drugi plan.
Kad sam se žurio obogatiti, udarili su me željeznom rukom.
Kad sam mislila da mirno spavam, probudili su me iza sna.
Kada sam izgradio dom za dug i miran život, srušili su ga i istjerali.
Doista, neprijatelji su me oslobodili svijeta i pružili mi ruke na vašem skuteru.
Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem.
Blagoslovi ih i umnoži; umnožiti ih i gorko mi još više zamjeriti –
da bi moj bijeg tebi bio nepovratan;
uzeti nadu u ljude poput paučine;
Da bi mir bio potpuno začaran u mojoj duši:
da moje srce postane grob moje dvije zle blizanke; ponos i ljutnja; sažeti sva moja blaga na nebu;
Ah, da se jednom oslobodim samoobmane koja me je zapetljala u strašnu mrežu obmanjujućih života.
Moji neprijatelji su me naučili da znam, kao što malo tko zna, da čovjek nema neprijatelja na svijetu izvan njega.
Samo on mrzi neprijatelje, koji ne znaju da neprijatelji nisu neprijatelji, već okrutni prijatelji.
Doista, teško mi je reći tko mi je učinio više dobra i tko mi je učinio više štete na ovom svijetu: prijatelji ili neprijatelji.
Zato blagoslovi, Gospode, i moje prijatelje i neprijatelje.
Rob se kune u svoje neprijatelje jer ne zna. A sin ih blagoslivlja jer zna.
Jer njegov sin zna da mu neprijatelji ne mogu dotaknuti život. Za to slobodno hoda između njih i moli za njih: Blagoslovi moje neprijatelje, Gospodine. I blagoslivljam ih i ne psujem...".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
Thank you for your beautiful song you have a beautiful voice Greetings from the Nederlanders 👍
1 likeReplies (4)
Thank you forever from Hearts!!!
1 like@ladislav zivanovic you really sing from your heart i feel it and i see it
1 likegood luck and good health and keep you well and many beautiful days
@janneke Emmerink Beautiful comment.., I have no words.. Do you want communication? Do you have Skype? Answer freely! I will be glad, I want to be your sincere friend and a big thank you for the compliment..,Thank you Ladislav.......ttps:// ....... I live here.. If you like it? You're welcome to come to me... It's never too late. an honest man.., your friend Lasislav!Ik woon hier.. Als je het leuk vindt? Je bent van harte welkom om naar me toe te komen... Het is nooit te laat. een eerlijke man.., je vriend Ladislav!
1 like@ladislav zivanovic no i don't have skype and i don't have facebook thank you for your invitation dear Lasislav
0 likesUmjetnost I Zabava, Glazba
1 likeCover Verzija - Što Je To. Tribo Albuma, Cover Bend
Svijet glazbe je puna raznih pjesama. Neki od njih su stekli popularnost, drugi nisu bili toliko poznati. Osim original nalazi se poklopac verzija. Ova pjesma prepelice drugi izvođač.
Svaki mjesec postoje deseci, stotine pjesama. I popularni umjetnici, a malo poznata skupina izradila nove pjesme i albume. Ali ne zaostaje za njima pokriti verzija. Ova pjesma-pjevaju, što u nekim slučajevima postao puno popularniji od originala. Nadalje, primjeri cover verzije hitova su postali mnogo više prođa od izvorne pjesme, jako puno.
Bilo je dugo vremena cover verzija. Ovaj fenomen nije izazvao veliko uzbuđenje među ljudima. Vjerovalo se da je glazbenik ukrao ideju, a onda želi dobiti slavu. No, unatoč tome, i činjenici da su neki ljudi pjevali pjesme svojih idola, da izraze svoje poštovanje, cover verzija - pjesma koja se često dobivanjem popularnost još više od originala.Tu su zbirke koje sadrže samo-pjevaju pjesme. Oni se nazivaju danak.
Cover verzija često u odnosu na remakeu, koja je prilagođena prethodno postojećim djelima. Usput, u Rusiji, svijetli primjer čovjeka koji radi u stilu cover verzije, je Sergej Minaev. Osim toga, on je sklon parodija.glazbenik koji se bavi poklopcem-verzije pjesme, a ime je dobio pokrovnu traku, a bend - cover bend. No, terminologija na engleskom jeziku resursa ima i druge nazive izvođačima:
Vjenčanje Band;
fankshen bend.
Postoje grupe koje pjevaju pjesme samo jedan tim, u kojem slučaju se nazivaju tribute bend. Vrlo popularan, usput, smatra rock cover verzija.
Postoje mnogi umjetnici koji su započeli svoj put do popularnosti cover verzija. Oni uključuju:
Što je Bill;
Joe Cocker;
The Rasmus;
The Rolling Stonesa i drugih.debitirao s obavljanjem pjesama drugih talenata, ali izazvala divljenje i poštovanje mnogih ljudi. Nakon toga, ovi umjetnici su počeli prezentirati originalne radove već. Takve grupe jako puno.
Postoje umjetnici koji stalno obavljaju samo tuđe poslove, kao što je navedeno sebi takav zadatak. Na primjer, skupina Scopyons.
U osnovi to postaje popularan izvršenje formatu, koji se ne ograničuje na stil, dizajn. Skupina je u ovom formatu mogu lako obavljati različite pjesme: od hard rocka, koji je završio s lounge glazbu, jazz.
Postoje mnogi albumi koje su izdali, bili priznati, a sastojao se od samo-pjevaju pjesme. Oni su se zvali Tribo albuma. Uglavnom, ove kreacije držite pjesmu istog autora, oni samo bilježi razne izvođače.
Tribute albuma su podijeljeni u nekoliko vrsta:
Album, koji uključuje pjesme glazbenika, grupa, koje izvode različite naslovnice bend.
Album, koji uključuje pjesme različitih glazbenika i izvodi jedan od njihovih cover band. Upečatljiv primjer je debi album Elvis Presley.
Album, koji uključuje pjesme glazbenika, grupa koja se izvodi cover bend.
Album, koji sliči primjerak ranije izdana albuma poznatog umjetnika.........".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
Vojnik sreće
0 likesČesto sam vam pričao priče
o putu
Živjela sam život lutalice
čekajući dan
kad bih te primio za ruku
i pjevam vam pjesme,
onda biste možda mogli reći
"Dođi ležati sa mnom (i) voljeti me",
i sigurno bih ostao.
Ali osjećam da starim
i pjesme koje sam pjevao,
odjek u daljini
poput zvuka
vjetrenjače koja se okreće.
Valjda ću uvijek biti
vojnik sreće.
Mnogo puta sam bio putnik,
Tražio sam nešto novo,
u dane stare
kad su noći bile hladne
Lutao sam bez tebe.
Ali tih sam dana mislio svojim očima
vidio te kako stojiš blizu.
Iako je sljepoća zbunjujuća,
to pokazuje da nisi ovdje.
Sad osjećam kako starim
i pjesme koje sam pjevao,
odjek u daljini
poput zvuka
vjetrenjače koja se okreće.
Valjda ću uvijek biti
vojnik sreće.
Da, čujem zvuk
vjetrenjače koja se okreće.
Valjda ću uvijek biti
vojnik sreće.Set ".fyi"
Great !!
1 likeSoldier of Fortune
0 likesI have often told you stories
about the way
I lived the life of a drifter
waiting for the day
when I'd take your hand
and sing you songs,
then maybe you would say
"Come lay with me (and) love me",
and I would surely stay.
But I feel I'm growing older
and the songs that I have sung,
echo in the distance
like the sound
of a windmill goin' 'round.
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fortune.
Many times I've been a traveller,
I looked for something new,
in days of old
when nights were cold
I wandered without you.
But those days I thought my eyes
had seen you standing near.
Though blindness is confusing,
it shows that you're not here.
Now I feel I'm growing older
and the songs that I have sung,
echo in the distance
like the sound
of a windmill goin' 'round.
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fortune.
Yes, I can hear the sound
of a windmill goin' 'round.
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fortune.........".fyi"........Set ".fyi"
0 likesArts & Entertainment, Music
0 likesCover Version - What Is It. Tribo Album, Cover Bend
The world of music is full of various songs. Some of them gained popularity, others were not so well known. In addition to the original there is a cover version. This quail song is another artist.
There are dozens, hundreds of songs every month. And popular artists, and a little-known group made new songs and albums. But not far behind them is the cover version. This song-sing, which in some cases became much more popular than the original. Furthermore, examples of cover versions of hits have become much more passable than the original song, very much so.
There was a long time cover version. This phenomenon did not cause much excitement among the people. The musician was believed to have stolen the idea and then wanted to gain fame. But despite this, and the fact that some people sang songs of their idols, to express their respect, cover version - a song that is often gaining popularity even more than the original.There are collections that contain self-singing songs. They are called tribute.
The cover version is often compared to the remake, which is adapted to pre-existing works. By the way, in Russia, a shining example of a man working in the style of the cover version, is Sergei Minaev. In addition, he is prone to parody.a musician who deals with the cover-version of the song, and the name was given to the cover strip, and the band - cover band. But the terminology in the English language resource has other names for performers:
Wedding Band;
fankshen bend.
There are groups that sing songs by only one team, in which case they are called a tribute band. A very popular, by the way, considered rock cover version.
There are many artists who have begun their journey to the popularity of cover versions. These include:
What is Bill;
Joe Cocker;
The Rasmus;
The Rolling Stones and others.debuted with the performance of songs by other talents, but aroused the admiration and respect of many people. After that, these artists started presenting original works already. There are a lot of such groups.
There are artists who constantly do only other people's work, as they are given such a task. For example, the group Scopyons.
Basically it is becoming a popular execution format, which is not limited to style, design. The band in this format can easily perform a variety of songs: from hard rock, which ended with lounge music, jazz.
There are many albums that have been released, been acclaimed, and consisted of self-sung songs. They were called Tribo Albums. Basically, these creations hold a song by the same author, they just record different artists.
Album tributes are divided into several types:
An album, which includes songs by musicians, groups, performed by various band covers.
An album, which includes songs by various musicians and performed by one of their cover band. A striking example is Elvis Presley’s debut album.Set ".fyi"
An album, which includes songs by musicians, a group performing a cover band.
An album, which resembles a copy of a previously released album by a famous artist........".fyi"........Set ".fyi"