If this video gets taken down, I will upload a redirect so lets see how it goes! My anthology 2 video got taken down a week or two after it was uploaded lol, so I guess we'll see.
The funny thing that twilight's singing voice is voice of Sunset Shimmer. Twilight normal voice is Tara Strong who is know for Timmy Turner( fairy odd parents) Jimmy neutron, bubbles( powderpuff girls) Raven from Teen Titans. She also voiced rikku from final fantasy x&X-2
I actually don't get how ppl don't like the first EG movie. I loved it. I mean, I respect it if u don't like the first movie but I thought it was great.
The first movie has gotta be the weakest of the EQG series. The pacing in the first one was just bizarre and the plot was overly cliche, but I'd say the way Rainbow Rocks handled the plot, the pacing, and action had me HOOKED. Same applies for the later movies and others
I thought this one was alright, but nothing to write home about. Rainbow Rocks completely won me over on Sunset and EQG in general. Though I still find both this movie and Friendship Games to be a bit underwhelming. Legend of Everfree and the tv series I both enjoy quite a bit.
Twifan4ever xx I personally enjoyed EQG when it first aired. I saw no problem with it. Ponies or no ponies, it didn’t matter. Their human counterparts are just as significant as their pony selves.
To be honest, I'm kind of in the minority in that I was still slightly disappointed by the second movie. (I won't go into details here, because it's spoiler territory.)
The specials, however, are something I absolutely adore. Especially "Forgotten Friendship".
There are some who still are not very fond of the entire "Equestria Girls" franchise, "because they're not ponies". I know a couple of them. But I'm not one of them – I like those movies from the very first one ;) When it first came out, I heard many people saying that it was unnecessary or dumb. I don't think so. It was necessary, because it shows Twilight's struggles with being a Princess and answers some important questions of the fans (e.g. "the Princess of WHAT?"). It also introduces some new lore about how the Elements of Harmony work across the boundaries of universes, or that it's more about the virtues, such as Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty etc., than about the "bling", that is really the source of their power. And it introduces another great character, who would never be who she is now, if it wasn't for the first movie and her experiences & lessons she learnt in it.
I think the "I'm not a monster" line was meant to make her redemption more believable by establishing that it was indeed the magic that corrupted her, since prior to her transformation she would not even hurt a dog, let alone commit murder.
She needed to find the kindness that was lost in her heart and the only way for that to happen was realize her mistakes. "I bet they can teach you" was the perfect way for Twilight to pass the torch as a teacher to her human friends
yes it's true, magic spoiled her and let's look at her first photo when she became a princess for the first time she was so not guilty, so genuinely happy, smiling and so pretty well she was always very very pretty even when she was angry and when she redeemed herself but let's look at the first photo maybe it was her first year in canterlot high school and then she was nice because it is indicated by this photo but due to popularity and magic she became dishonest and mean to everyone, popularity changed her the most in my opinion.
Honesty my high school isn't hell at all our main subjects are art dancing singing acting and music I now know how to play harmonica piano ukulele guitar cello violin and am learning to play drums i have at home the harmionica piano ukulele and drums...my hands are rekt 😅
@@CategoryFive5 more 17-18 I was 18 when I graduated and I'm born in January. They are likely 17 as it is the "Fall formal" Should also be noted that it is never actually said that they are seniors, We are assuming that based off of Sunsets Fall Formal pictures, but I think she is actually older than Twilight.
@@katnippy also “years went by” does not imply that twilight had to be there it could have meant THERE years. Also sunset in EQG 1 had 3 pictures of the fall formal which is once a year since its fall. But when twilight came the 4th fall formal was going to happen and your fourth year is your senior year
blaine shafer we’ve never seen him actually in a class have we he’s just been hanging around plus they all shared the freshmen year picture from EQG and showed sunset from all 3 previous years at the fall formal and there wasn’t a fourth one
Can i just say that you're probably the most chill military person i've ever witnessed? Even though you're in the army, you really quickly gave in to the ponies, and loved even the first ever songs in the show. Reminds me of myself, as i'm a guy who loves hearing Rock and stuff, but i have an extremely open mind about things, even if i just see pics of certain things. It's awesome, and i just wanna say thank you :)
@@reinessoapdispenser4413 Oh, I'm so terrified... :q OK, I think I know now what you've tried to accomplish. Next time you try insulting me, make sure you communicate it better. But I'm afraid it won't work anyway, so you're only wasting your (and my) time.
@@reinessoapdispenser4413 Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. So unless you actually have something to say, I'd rather end our conversation (?) here.
@@ponybroiguess384 This means a lot to me too, because it kinda says that if one day you will find yourself in a military conflict, they didn't brainwashed you totally yet to shoot all around you and kill other Humans just because they're on the other side of the front :q Always remember, there are Bronies all over the world, so you never know whom you'll be shooting at :q That's why I did my best to never get myself drafted into military: I would never kill another living being, even if they were hostile towards me.
23:41 Pinkie: "Although, now that I'm really looking at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, and has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?" PonyBro: "Oh yeah, where's the real Twilight in this universe?"
If this dimension is running several years behind the pony one (which would explain why they're all high-school aged here), then it would make sense that Twilight would be going to a different school in another city.
Before the start of Friendship is Magic, pony Twi wasn't living in Ponyville with the others. She was enrolled at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, in Canterlot.
A lot of people mention the sledgehammer going through the portal, but she's obviously not going to hit the center of it, but the frame of the portal itself, potentially destroying it if she breaks the frame around it.
Edit: Also, Fluttershy is the one that took the crown and gave it to Celestia, not Sunset.
They should had dedicated just a few more seconds on that flashback: Showing Fluttershy placing the crown in her backpack then walking inside the school [with Sunset Shimmer coming from the Portal just in time to see her going inside, searching the ground around the portal for the crown]. -> This would explain why Sunset did not confronted Fluttershy "right there" (she could not find her because she was not expecting for Flutters to be going towards Celestia´s office) giving Twilight the necesary HOURS to "prepare" for her journey , study the CHS students & casually finding both of them randomly.
@@rubencedeno5456 i think it’s just because I don’t like equestria girls in general. Just not a fan of the HighSchool setting. I prefer the pony dimension.
A lot of reactors say the same as you, that cutout pictures pasted onto a photo would be obvious. If you think it through though, Sunset is obviously not that dumb, she would have mocked the cut photos up to the destructive photos, then taken a pic of or scan/copied the mocked up photo. She wouldn't turn in the obviously pasted ones.
I'd like to agree with you that Sutset is not dumb, but even if everything you said is true she still disposed of the evidence in a place where anyone who cared enough could find it.
And while she's not intellectual dumb, I still think she's pretty stupid for being so arrogant and acting like no one would eventually stand up to her. Plus, this girl actually taught she could conquer Equestria with a teenage army. I think her arrogance has made her delusional that made her stupid.
@@Longma1 A couple of others I can think of off the top of my head: -Twilight and Fluttershy bring Rainbow Dash's "favorite game" to play with her in the hospital, a game which strongly resembles Battleship ("Read It and Weep", s2e16) -When Celestia sends Twilight her old belongings via Derpy delivery, one of the things she finds inside is a "g1 Starswirl figure", a clear reference to the original g1 toy figures of the MLP franchise ("The Point of No Return", s9e05) -During the MLP movie, Twilight misinterprets Celestia's plea to Luna to find the "queen of the hippos", which leads to an exchange between Twilight's friends in which three of them utter the words "hungry", "hungry", and "hippos" consecutively, spelling out the name of a popular children's game.
46:00 This man out here flexing on us i've never seen any reactor actually get up and dance bro you gon reach 1,000 subs real quick. Also pinkie is basically Dr.Strange.
33:36 - are you kidding me? Twilight would love sleeping on a bed of books, whether as a human or a pony...she's a bibliophile, and a totally adorkable one at that!~ :D
Flash really is a just sweet high school guy. :) Over these years my distain for him disappeared lol! Also it was Twi's teen hormones hehe
I wouldn't have minded if we gotten series FlashLight the most. But it's ambiguous at best... It'll be nice if it could at least be possible in some alternate canon future however
I actually watched Equestria Girls after I caught up to the second half of S4 because I didn’t know this film even existed until I saw that it was available on Netflix.
I just watched this movie after getting finishing s5 ep12. The reason why I didn't watch it earlier is cause I didn't know if it would spoil the show or not. I didn't know which order it went in too, and I didn't have any friends that watch mlp lmao
Gotta love the convenient twist of Celestia deciding not to send the others with Twilight and her counterpart being the only one not there :) And yes I am being sarcastic as I have seen the movie already, and the length of a "moon" is never revealed. A lot of people use our lunar calendar and judge it by each full moon, which actually seems to be fairly accurate based on how they use it to measure time in the series, here 30 moons between each portal opening, and back in season 3 the had the Apple family reunion every 100 moons which equals out about ever 10 years or so.
Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie, Rarity, and Rainbow dash are the new versions of the elements of harmony. When Sunset tried to destroy twilight the shield was created by her friends. "The magic contained in my element was able to unite the one's that helped create it."
The first movie is my least favorite but its still enjoyable, the cafeteria song is one of the best in the series honestly. Also, when sunset turned to the devil, her magic kinda reminded me of sombras, but with different color. As usual great reaction.
Basically the portal was nearing closure time so the dimensional walls were a lot weaker. And since Twilight friends are by the portal they got worried because time was running out so the elements manage to find their spirits and this is what activated the element of magic
12:17 "It looks a little weird. But now that they're human... they're fair game." Depending upon their age and the age of consent in this realm, so... about a 75% chance, I'd say.
Ponybro I guess love your videos always make me laugh your one of my favorite youtubers I still remember the first reaction of you I watched anyway keep up the great 5 star videos 😁
Amazing reaction! Are you going to do a blind reaction to Rainbow rocks, Friendship Games, and Legend of Everfree (The other equestria girls move and i listed them in order)
My god the intro song had a short clip of rainbow dash as a human running to kick her ball. Pony bro looked away to dance at that moment and missed it. Thank god he missed it and didn’t get spoiled.
I love this movie I can't believe that Netflix removed the first equestria girls movie, rainbow rocks and the friendship games I like watching the movies on Netflix especially rainbow rocks and friendship games those are two of my favorites and everfree that's still there.
Hey ponebro whenever ya get past season 6 would ya be able to watch Totally legit recap? Its by Dwk and it would be nice to see more bronies react to his humor
Most of us agree that the first Equestria girls is okay, but the worst out of the 4, and that the second movie, which you can watch right after season 4 is the best.
I think Rainbow Rocks is the best. After that I have Legend of Everfree because I just enjoy it a lot and the songs are great despite the plot being kind of weird. Between the first and third movies I dunno. I think both have decent beginnings, very enjoyable second acts and underwhelming climaxes. I think Friendship Games is technically better, but I still think it’s a little overrated, subjectively speaking. So my ranking: 2>4>3>1
What possible reason would I have to lie about that? That's absurd. No, I just think most of the shorts lack any sort of substance and are vapid and stupid.
Not terrible, sure, but I think it doesn't measure up to any other significant bit of EG content (so, you know, apart from all the stupid and pointless shorts). A lot of the writing in the first one is really wonky and most of the songs are sort of uninspired. While it's still enjoyable, I can't think of a single EG movie or special that I'd rate below the first movie.
Too bad I was never in the majority then ;) because I don't think the first movie was as bad as they usually say. True, the next one is much more awesome, but the first one wasn't the worst either ;) True, it has got some deficiencies, which I can blame on experimenting with the new territory, but overall, it wasn't terrible either.
Sadly I can't go into detail here as there's always a chance we'll spoil something for our dear reactor. I'm just gonna say I love the characters in that movie and the storyline was the most interesting for me personally. Let's keep it this vague until PonyBro gets to those movies.
@@Antroid I think I need to rewatch 3. It is the one I've watched the least. I don't remember why I rank it so low. Backstage pass would probably be 3rd for me, right above movie 4. Edit: I mean right above movie 3
50:15 I found a video link on Reddit that says a Moon is 36.5 days. And after doing the math, it turns out that when the portal closes, it stays closed for three years.
With the fact that you’ve passed season 4 and got into season 4 ALOT of fan work is now available to you without it being spoilers and would definitely be stuff worth reacting to:
Inkpotts animatics; This is the moment Alive Confrontation A story told I will be there every day a little death hell to your doorstep I know those eyes/this man is dead The man I used to be
Rainbow factory (bronyDanceParty) Mlp once upon a Time in Canterlot Mlp Guardian MLP Anthropologie PMV Interview with vinyl and Octavia I am Octavia Remembrance
I know it’s a lot, but it’s all worth it it’s all really good stuff.
Can someone help me out with when each movie was released? I know the first one came out between seasons 3 and 4. I think Rainbow Rocks came out between 4 and 5, and Friendship Games came out between 5 and 6. Am correct to presume Legend of Everfree came out between seasons 6 and 7?
I'm starting to think that the girl Sunset was fightning with for the title of princess is human Sunset and pony Sunset killed her. Or it was Trixie. I'm not sure.
Him: why didn't u wear this crown when u got here and put it in clelestia's office TRIGGERED ME: UMMM FLUTTERSHY FOUND IT AND GAVE IT TI CELESTIA AND THATS WHY SUNSET WAS SCREAMING AT HER WHEN TWILIGHT MET HER!
1:43 Ah, yes. The moment where it all began... SO OF COURSE THERE WILL BE NO INTRO! What do you mean, Equestr0n did this joke twice already? Well, geniuses think alike, deal with it!
1:56 and the show is self-aware of it too, yeah.
2:30 Say it with me: H to the A to the S to the BRO.
2:35 It's Pinkie, she can be whatever she wants, get of her back :D
3:08 G5 foreshadowing?
3:20 Oh hi Mark, I mean Bread, I mean, Brad, I mean, Most Obvious Foreshadowing. Have you been played by Andrew Garfield? You know, "Could've be decent or even great, if writers didn't fail at their job". (Yeas, that's a TASM reference in your MLP, Pinkie already is a Spidey, get off my face!)
3:29 That's what I said! That was first (even if small) red flag for me.
3:40 RIGHT?
4:19 Did you read the script again? You even put metaphor on adultery... I MEANT ADULTING... GROWING UP! Sheesh! Languages are difficult!
4:38 Let me introduce to you WINGBONER! Absolute menace for those who doesn't sleep on their tummies. Not sure how bad is that for those who do, never had this type of wings myself...
4:47 Or that stallion from before, considering where all of this is going... What was his name again? Hated Bread?
7:47 Your taste is showing ;) And yeah, attractive antagonists are super common thing, especially with female villains. I'll go over Youtube comment limit just by listing major examples of those... If I also remembered them all... You got the idea!
8:10 Of course not! She got thick (see what I did there?) plot armor.
8:16 See the parallels already? It's almost like Rebecca Cassidy and Rebekah Cassedy or something. Or, rather, Aurora Zarnicina and Elena Zorina, keeping both different spelling and similar meaning of original names. Ah, the Irony of them being students of seem-to-be Demigod of Sun (but actually Equestria's MOM)
10:21 I mean... word been newly invented before... Double the irony because of Apple Family trademark countryisms.
10:35 Celestia is possessed by the actual God of MLP multiverse: Shadow Pony named Plot Demands.
11:05 Fuck tha princess comin' straight from the underground! A young dragon got it bad 'cause he's... Butt-dragon, I guess?
11:37 Yeah, I would scream like that too, if I was protagonist of a bad school drama...
12:50 I blame society for her not be accepted in that... instinct, or desire or whatever you would call it. And no, it's more complex and general concept than "Hey, he want's to look at schoolgirl **yadayadayada**"
13:25 – He said, looking the way it could be read us "under skirt" if one want to.
14:19 As well as first one... Here goes DWK's rant on her being thrown on teenage girl's body.
14:23 Well, at least this one have decent musical numbers.
14:39 Everyone pointed out that this is more of a checking her out than laughing at her weirdness and/or misfortune and I'm not gonna be exception.
15:07 I'm not sure how common those in America, but in Russia those are main type. Second being 4 classes of primary school and 5+2 more of middle- and high-school (I'm not sure if there separate 2 classes high-schools (and 5-year middles for that matter). I know mine has 11 classes, from 1st (7 y.o) to the last, 11th... although, just like anywhere you can drop after 9th and... this comment went awfully long into Russian educational system. I'm stopping myself right here.) A-A-ANYWAY, I always perceived Canterlot High as being Middle to high-school (with CMC being fresh out of elementary, and right before puberty or something among those lines), as "clearly elementary students" are nowhere to be seen.
16:16 I'm pretty sure she was talking to Fluttershy, not herself. ;) And Fluttershy's more on a Cute side here IMO... not that it was mutually exclusive spectrum: "adorasexy" wan't invented out of boredom.
16:35 Yeah, her hair are clearly resemble flame... Oh... Right.
17:01 "Pulling sick-ass Avant-garde dance moves that I refer to as Twigly-wiggle."
18:09 You're just biased, or?..
19:23 See?! That What I said! What the hell you did to Celestia (than I saw Luna, but that's whole another topic) (more parts in reply)
52:28 Pinkie is so deliciously meta, I love every last bit of it.
52:48 Another decent Musical Number? Another decent Musical Number.
54:07 So that's how it all started?..
54:17 Yeah, but it's school hall. JK. I would expect it's power of Plot Demands and everyone's desire to fuck SunShim over. "FUCK OVER", GUYS! That other thing would be motivation of different sort for different things.
57:40 Sweetie Belle dancing Hiiragi Tsukasa's dance from Lucky Star and Scootaloo (OUT OF ALL THINGS!) – Chicken Dance? Okay you guys, you got yourself some points!
58:26 You won this round.
59:28 Poor writing? Poor bluff? Both?
59:52 She... doesn't want to? Well, not per se, anyway, considering her plan (was it a plan from the beginning or was it "okay, we need something for the third act"? We'll never know). And, again, bluff factor.
1:00:29 Why did you took off the crown then? Why make your animator's work harder?
1:00:37 Right, rub it in SunShim's face. You're all terrible people and have no ability of reading the air. She's a disaster as far as you concerned, but still! (I'm half-joking here, but only a half, really. Also I'm biased because of later works and my love for Redeemed SunShim)
1:00:51 Can you blame her though? Oh... Right... You can, because film itself did not established her as a character other than "she's generic bad girl, roll with it". That's interesting to rewatch it with all the insight though.
1:01:15 Proof that SunShim does not play ball sport games.
1:01:42 Because she has not. Remember, crown went through the portal, and SunShim came later, just to find out Fluttershy already took the crown and handled it to Principal Celestia, which is why SunShim attacked Fluttershy later and Twilight intervened and yadayadayada, the rest of the movie.
1:02:16 "Ember, you shall feed on the pain and the misery of others". Anyone?
1:03:34 They probably like strong beautiful females with attitude. I mean, should I remind you how they brought some softcore femdom on themselves with Trixie in main MLP storyline?
1:03:37 See? The fact, that you still have to ask this during Third Act is further proof of writers failure.
1:03:48 They WOULD transform to (probably) adult ponies, so that part wouldn't be that much of an issue. She probably would also use her new powers to brainwash ponies as well. Plus, knowing genre, everyone always underuse and underutilize their superabilities, so "realistically" she might have at least certain advantage.
1:05:00 Obligatory (Mahō Shōjo of your choice) music here!
1:07:24 OKAY, Did Princess Celestia NOT teach Sunset Shimmer magic of Friendship? Never even mentioned it? Therefore, learned her mistakes a hard way and fixed it with Twilight? Or did she only learned about it somewhere between teaching Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle?..
1:08:08 TO BE FAIR, it works just fine outside bestiality.
1:09:13 Gangnam Style? Really, Micro Chips?
1:09:16 No one ever. You all know who I'm blaming for it!
1:11:31 AS IF!
Fun fact, this movie's existence brought me to MLP because of very dumb inside joke. I planned to just watch it, but gave show a chance first, starting chronologically. It became my first real disappointment in this show, although I came back for "That was experimental and maybe sequel not gonna suck" and did not regret it.
P.S. It might seem like I hate EG generally, as concept or however else, but actually, that's not true. I'm not a big fan of this one in particular and they get better altogether (see what I did there?), but I still had some fun on this one too.
21:27 Do every human is vegetarian/vegan in this world? Did SunShim broke vegetarian diet (she sure did in fandom. You know. Bacon. I still doubt she would go for the horse meat, but hey)? ARE ponies are even strictly vegetarian? You might argue that they should be, as herbivore-based species, but then again, they're closer to mythological creatures and even Earth ponies not a strict counterpart. Despite implications, room for speculation is widely open. ANYWAY, unless it's horse meat (and I highly doubt it is), that would just make her omnivore, just like regular human. I doubt her stomach would argue with her, unlike the possibility of that in pony form.
22:15 You know you can say everybody, instead of everypony?
30:19 For the sake of visual pun alone.
36:56 Kinda thought high society and street art like beat-boxing doesn't exactly go well together. But hey, she probably know better than me.
37:50 And by the rules of teen drama that's enough. She still had her point further here, though, thanks at least on that.
39:09 At least she's wearing spats (safety shorts, whatever you supposed to call them), unlike, say, DoA characters.
40:48 Yo Twilight! You alright? Yeah, you're gonna be fine.
41:42 Jeez! She said OATS, not NUTS! SHEESH!
43:10 Cosplay jokes go HERE:
43:44 Okay, but IS he? You know how Hermione's cat wasn't exactly a cat? Here he kinda "Posses dog-like body" but dog's throat aren't exactly capable of human speech last time I checked. And arguably do not have same sentience either. On the mostly unrelated note, does anyone have any data on interspecies sexuality for animals? Like in Dog-human for this case? Because if they do, this here quickly becomes less weird as long as Rarity does not go to sexual affection to Spike. And no, we do not count "zoosexuality" (or however they call it) activists here for the sake of this case.
44:00 Epic musical number? Epic musical number.
45:34 Make your bets, how many money Rarity Dash would pay to be Micro Chips right now (you didn't expect me to skip this one, did you?)
45:36 So... A unicorn?
46:38 Musicals 101, babe.
47:55 <...> THEY COMPLETELY FUCKED UP YOUR ORIGINAL DESIGN! No black people allowed in EG world, apparently, which is kinda ironic, considering that pretty much all the cast here is people of color.
48:23 OBJECTION! Luna playing Winston Payne here! Clearly, a contradiction! Vice Principal Luna and Winston Payne are two different people from different franchises! (Auchi Takefumi, if you're geek enough)
49:09 And that made me swear audibly for a few minutes. Like, WHAT THE HELL?! That's just disrespect for your craft. insert few hours of angry rant here If I had to point to absolute worst moment in G4 – THAT would be it.
49:16 Too bad he wasn't well written throughout EG. He might've been liked if he wasn't as bland and basically useless (I don't fully count HERE as useful because of horrible writing on this conflict)
49:26 PRINCIPAL CELESTIA! Not ''my sister"! You're on duty, your family status does not apply here, even if everyone know, who're you're talking about!
49:53 Nonexistence of the genre without miscommunication, eh? I kinda feel like there should be written teen/school drama, that does not rely on this trope at all, or at least subverts expectations. Too much work for that?
50:15 Commonly, 30 plot-years. Alternatively, there are theories on Moon cycle and Moon Calendars.
51:11 You see... Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Even Human Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. (Also, absolutely love how Pinkie refers to 30 moons as "Really long time", because NO SPECIFICATIONS, BABY!)
52:11 They're just high. Canterlot High. I mean, have you seen the length of their legs?.. Oh, and I'm pretty sure talking dog is heavy argument. Also, they probably seen so much shit from Pinkie that it doesn't even seem impossible anymore, especially after all weirdness from Twilight. That, or I'm trying to conceal poor writing, which is already prominent in this movie.
52:13 Okay, you mentioned a talking dog, I give you that part.
As a hardcore Twilight × Sunset Shimmer shipper, I really wish that sunset went back to the point realm to continue her studies with twilight or celestia.
Yeah, if I can remember, this film showed clips of what happens IN THE FILM throughout the intro, so . . . yeah, that was real genius.
As for this being optional . . . basically, the events that transpire in FiM are cannon to the lore of EqG, and often get mentioned or referenced. However, much like the comics, EqG is never mentioned in FiM, making it a sort of, separate cannon, or some such. It's kinda like how in Star Wars you have the films' cannon, and then you have the Legends cannon, from the books and comics.
Dude please tell me you are reacting to DWK's Totally Legiy Recap series. He's hilarious and it definitely fits your sense of humor. You won't regret it. :D
I wish spike stayed a reptile when he got into the human world.. dogs are too mainstream, it would be fun for twi to have like a little gecko spike lol
Ah Flash Sentry I don't dislike him as a character, I don't dislike him as a person. But him and Twilight have almost zero compatability personality and interest wise. Not to mention the lack of adequate buildup.
I just wish there was either more buildup, a different character, or- more preferably- just no obviously forced romance at all.
01:15 Yeah, "Equestria Girls" is a spin-off series based on "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Everything that is canon in the original show, is also canon in EqG universe. But whatever happens in EqG universe is not being referenced in the original show. So it's not required to know anything about EqG to watch FiM, but it's a lot more fun to know both ;) Some people don't like EqG and they are free to dismiss it without damaging their experience with FiM. But I think that it's worth to know at least the first EqG movie, because it expands on the idea of Twilight becoming a princess, shows some of her struggles with embracing her new role, and explains some bits that haven't been explained in the main show. 02:10 Nope, she didn't piss off Celestia that much yet ;) 02:30 Yup :D It's Pinkie breaking the boundaries between the universes again ;) (and of course "Transformers" is another one of Hasbro's franchises ;) ) 03:30 A Changeling!!! :o ;) 04:40 Hahah you didn't disappoint ;J 05:18 If only this one were the intro music for the original show, eh?... :q But on the other hoof, maybe it's better that way, because it deflects people who worry too much about their "tough guy" image ;) 06:06 Yeah, probably because they spoiled two things in the intro: the main villain's identity, and the transformation into Humans. 09:18 I'd say it's worse :q But it has a similar purpose, which you'll learn in the second movie soon... :q 10:57 Stargate: Equestria :) And now a random hand came out of the other side of the statue :D I hope no one saw that ;D 11:30 :D 12:24 And now, a random hoof came out of the mirror ;D 13:59 Human counterparts of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ;) I wonder how many of them you can found. 14:20 Yeah, unfortunately.... :q 14:53 OK you recognized your first one :J 15:45 :D 18:24 Oh just wait until he sees Rarity ;>
@@bonbonpony 10:57 & 12:24 The mirror/portal actually DOES work like a Stargate. You can not "partially" cross a bodypart from one place to the other. The whole body and everything that is "physically connected" to it must cross the "event horizon" completely first before getting dematerialized [the "spiral of colors] and then the dataset+energy "sent" though the wormhole at lightspeed.
This is why Twilight´s saddlehorse pouches were "translated" into a backpack (presumably also containing whatever she was carring inside of it). -> Since Twilight could see her arm transformed into a pony foreleg on the portal (but not the opposite on the mirror side); the "species translator" must be an aditional "filter" set up on the CHS side [to both protect that world from dangerous magical creatures like dragons, but also to prevent any local species to ever "colonize" Equesria without "integrating" themselves to the already existing ones (ponies are so racists!)].
55:10 Aren't all elections rigged? ;J 55:44 Not puffy enough ;) 56:16 Have you seen "Friendship is Manly" yet? ;> 57:24 "No" means "awoooo!" apparently? :J 57:42 Scoots doing the chicken dance ;) You know, because she's a chicken, right? ;> Get it? ;> 57:47 Yup :) 01:00:29 Yeah, f_ck all my Equestrian friends!... :q 01:01:42 Well, not really. She threw the crown into the portal, and then it hit Fluttershy who took it to Principal Celestia. When Sunset Shimmer went through the portal a while later, the crown wasn't there anymore. 01:02:22 Looks like a Gargoyle to me. 01:02:40 The answer is contained in your question ;J 01:05:05 Sailor Moon transformations :) 01:06:10 There are six of them ;> The Elements are not about the bling ;> They're about the virtues. Whoever possess those virtues, can control the magic of the Elements. 01:08:03 Or the MIBs will just flash them with their neuralizer ;J 01:09:41 In Equestria no pony goes to jail. What would be the point in putting them in a cage? It's not very educative. It's better to have them fix the mess they've done and show them a better way. Humans, you're doing it wrong (as always). We put in Tartarus only those who have been shown a better way but refused to follow it. They basically choose it for themselves to be there for the rest of their lives. 01:10:48 Long enough to get used to walking on two :J 01:12:35 Congrats, you unlocked "Lyra's Big Secret" ;) watch?v=BCuTfNcRIQU 01:14:40 DERPY! :>
19:29 Yeah, her hair isn't floating ;J 20:24 Why is there a MOON above her door? :D 20:33 "My door is always open" (slams the door closed) ;) 21:26 There are some weird comics & fanfics about that ;> 23:52 Many fans were asking themselves the same question ;J Welp, at least Pinkie seems to know the answer :J More importantly, though: what happened to Sunset Shimmer's clone? :q I bet she's buried somewhere... :q 26:02 And they're sidekicks/minions again :q 27:15 Well, they don't exactly look the same. 29:16 Sweetie Bot :D 31:10 Maybe they know how to use a proxy ;J 35:24 Talk about being lucky ;J 36:56 Beatboxing Rarity ;> 38:30 Forged e-mails? Spoofed text messages? Wow, that Sunset Shimmer must be a l33t h4xx0r :> 44:20 "Weee will, weee will, convert you into Bronies" :q 48:34 Here the problem is that they have. 48:58 Poor man's Photoshop :J Makes you question the Principals' intelligence as they fell for that :q 50:20 Well, if Equestrian moons are the same as Human World moons, then 1 moon cycle is approximately one month. 30 moons is 900 days then, or 2 years and 170 days. Not terribly long, but yeah, having to go to high school for over 2 years doesn't sound very peachy either :J 50:45 That won't necessarily be that hard to explain if she starts from showing them a talking dog :D 51:38 That's your least problem right now, Rarity: he can see your taco at this moment :J 51:54 Guys, I think she remembered :D 52:10 Show them a miracle and they'll buy everything else...
I see you noticed how weird and inadequate Sunset's plan was. Twilight may have saved Sunset's life by stopping her before she went to face a military, three alicorns, and a chaos spirit on the other side using an army of high schoolers that wouldn't even know how to use their pony magic. Mainly, I don't think they gave them much time to make this movie or it'd have been better.
The other EG movies are all better I think, so since you seemed to enjoy this one you should really like those.
@@adolfodef Honestly if she were that devious and evil, it just makes her sudden and abrupt reformation all the worse. She seems to do bad things because she is evil and for no other reason. There are few villains that can get away with that mentality and still be believable, and even more rare when they're a villain slated for reformation. It's much more useful and interesting to have someone that actually thought they were doing the right thing for some reason. To me, evil Sunset was just the stereotypical high school bully villain, just with an added layer of creepiness since she's probably over 25 if not 30 years old. I just wish they hadn't rushed this movie out to sell toys so they could have given her the story that post-reformation Sunset deserved.
@@Shinku_no_sanbun AGREE! This would NOT be easy to implement. . She could theoretically "train" them on using abilities simply by "asuming direct control" [a super_focused "possesion"], then performing an ability with their bodies/magic/apendages while asociating a "code word" to it [then whenever she needs them to perform it, she just commands it on a sequence]. -> There is no way to know if this is posible at all. It would take a lot of time [even if she just limits the ammount by those few "selected" ascended alicorns].
. Sombra still needs some """accesories""" (not saying what exactly, because of "flashback" spoilers for Ponybro) on his targets for them to retain their full strenght/reactions. -> Sunset´s version of this could be part of the "ascention" alicornification process [if she does it as a transformation already including the ""stuff"" integrated into their bodies].
Why she needed zombie-like teenagers? She is using them as a humanpony shield [this should be enough to avoid most of the peasants & at least some royal guards from acting against her at all (running away or paralized)]; merely based on pony morality/horror issues. -> Paradoxically, this may be either easier or extremely harder to implement with the crystal ponies, because of their past with Sombra & the "old ways" they may have carried from 1000 years of "life suspension", not having experienced the same "laws" & "peace" from recent times).
THEN, whe she has to face the "ready to actually hurt/kill innocents" soldiers; she would use their deaths as a de-moralizing propaganda (she is aware that MASS MEDIA in Equestria does not exist), but she can always at least project images of past "crimes against equanity" right there in the battlefield. -> It is canon that Celestia actively hides the existence of "Black Ops" that worked under her secret orders... [S5E0x]; showing it out COULD trigger an internal civil war AGAINST Celestia (not necesary in favor of Sunset as her replacement, but any "fragmentation" will help her indirectly).
ALSO: She probably does not know exactly how large, how far & how many she can affect with her powers using the Element of Magic [or if it may change once moves into Equestria]. -> She is likely planning on "testing" her limits extensively with the "cannon fodders" (sending them far into the ice_covered wastelands of the Crystal Empire, commanding them to killl others/themselves at different distances, etc).
@@adolfodef But it would still take months if not years to train them in their abilities. She was sending them through right then. If she was just mind-controlling targets, I'm not sure why she needed them at all. Also to note, Sunset's mind-control seems to result in zombie-like people that shamble around, whereas Sombra's victims remain at full strength other than being mind-controlled. I don't think Sunset's would be up for any complex military maneuvers and certainly not as competent slave labor for an empire if she managed to win.
In the movie, she used just a bit of her power to transform the human Snip & Snails into "demons" just like her (they are smaller, but they were already shorter & slower than her human form). My headcanon is that they became alicorns (just like Sunset, who can cast spells while flying), thanks to the power of the Element of Magic [that was already cappable of doing that to Princess Twilight after getting "supercharged" with the energy from the other 5 elements in S3E13 ]. -> The only reason it did not also transformed the human mane 5 into alicorns, is because the same "beam" got splitted into 6 parts [Twilight getting an alicorn_like form while the other 5 only their respective pony counterparts abilities]
Sunset planned to send the mindcontroled teenagers through the portal first to know witch ones become unicorns (this way she would only "upgrade" those into alicorns), with the rest acting as "support" (cannon fodder). -> She likely can also do the same mind_control to other ponies in the Crystal Empire (in a similar way as to how King Sombra weakened their minds in the past), so her "army" would grow with each new place she invades.
In case you were wondering, here's the order in which the major media were released (with in-season releases starred and names omitted for spoilers): MLP seasons 1, 2, and 3 EQG (this movie, awesome reaction by the way!)
Season 4 EQG #2 Season 5 ** EQG #3 in the middle of Season 5 (same day as episode 16) Season 6 ** EQG #4 toward the end of Season 6 (same day as episode 22) Season 7 ** EQG half-hour specials in the mid-season break of Season 7 (after episode 13) ** MLP: The Movie toward the end of Season 7 (the day before episode 22) EQG hour-long special #1 Season 8 ** EQG hour-long special #2 in the mid-season break of Season 8 (after episode 13) EQG hour-long special #3 Season 9 ** EQG hour-long special #4 in the mid-season break of Season 9 (after episode 13)
actually, he should react to EQG #3 strictly after Season 5, because the ending of it contains spoilers to the Season 5 finale. Also, while it isn't necessary, I would prefer if he reacts to the movie strictly after Season 7, because the begging of Season 8 acknowledges the movie. Also, things that you missed EQG shorts that go with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th movie, as well as Equestria Girls Summertime Shorts, Digital Series and Better Together Series. Also Best Gift Ever Special before Season 9, as well as Best Gift Ever Special Shorts.
The first movie was...okay. It became a bit boring after the initial reveal and the second half felt rushed in my opinion. Never mind the many plot holes like how Sunset new about the crown or that Twilight was in the same place as the mirror.
The second one is better. Especially since it made me fall in love with Sunset (as a character, not in a romantic way). The villains also helped.
The third movie is the first one I enjoyed in its entirety from beginning to end. Thanks to this movie, I started to warm up to the world of Equestria Girls.
And the fourth movie was just amazing. This was the moment the ice broke and I became a fan of Equestria Girls.
And nowerdays I'm eagerly awaiting every new Equestria Girls-short on the official My little Pony YouTube-channel.
No idea why Twilight didn't just tell Principal Celestia right off the bat, "That's my crown. I lost it earlier today. It's for a presentation/drama club/art project/whatever. Can I please have it back? I can describe it if you need me to." Easy peasy, and then they wouldn't need to continue making these awful Equestria Girls things...with their ugly giant baby heads and ridiculous Sailor Moon legs with the massive Mega Man boots. Her weird nonsense reasoning for why she didn't, talking about "what if one of them showed up in Equestria" was a total non sequitur and made zero sense as an excuse.
So sorry that my having a negative opinion of crap writing and character design is so offensive to you. Obviously, I had to watch it to find out I didn't like it.
1 moon means 29 days and she's worried she can't go back early...imagined 29 days times 30 like what if something will happen in ponyworld and she's not there
@@clearmelody6252 And yet they seem to show us the shots of the Moon as if it were shared by the two words: the same configuration of those celestial bodies (sorry, Princess Luna, no pun intended :J ) appears in the night sky as seen from Equestria as well as from Human World.
@@clearmelody6252 the only thing that throws a wrench into it making sense is Applejack's mention of 80 moons of memories to sort through in a season 6 episode, but eh whatever.
Edit: Unless she's including memories from before she was born, but it didn't seem like it from the stories she mentions.
Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: I'm probably wrong since 30 moons is just 2.5 years.
Actually, the writers have never confirmed what a moon is, and have directly stated that it has "No comparison in our world". Meaning that it is, as DWK said, Plot Years, or an unquantified amount of time that can be used when the writers don't want to have to come up with anything specific. That said, as far as headcannon goes, that actually makes sense and seems like it would work, so props to you!
I just looked at you Twitter account for the first time, and uh, what's with dark ponybro? Your videos never have dislikes, but it seems you have a hater? I am just gonna assume it is a satirical account.
Edit: also the stuff that dark ponybro is pointing out really isn't something to be upset about. After watching the totally legit recaps from dwk, I am completely numb to ponies being sexualized.
Having skipped ahead to see your overall reaction summary for EQG, I'm glad you liked it ... or at least somewhat liked it! I know I personally could not stand (and still cannot stand) the Equestria Girl's spin-off stuff. It took me several tries before I could sit all the way through the first one -- I kept turning it off and walking away, grumbling and growling! EQG is most definitely something I do not enjoy. At all.
However, if you did enjoy EQG, then when their second movie comes up in your progress through My Little Pony, by all means check it out! It is certainly a big improvement over the first EQG movie. If you like 'em, keep up with 'em and continue to enjoy them! Plenty of folks do. If you find you don't like 'em, you don't really need to keep up with them. Plenty of folks don't. As a spin off series EQG seems to be very much its own thing ... and as such it doesn't seem to have much (if any) impact on the happenings in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. So feel free to take it or leave it, whichever you prefer!
My favorite to least favorite songs of this movie: 1. Helping Twilight Win the Crown 2. Opening Title 3. This Is Our Big Night 4. This Strange World 5. Time To Come Together 6. A Friend For Life (outro song)
@@ponybroiguess384 oh it's okay, I knew it wasn't you lol, I can tell it's a difference profile name and picture as "Dark PonyBro" is different from "PonyBro I Guess" and the profile picture had a black background, as opposed to a white background, so I knew it wasn't you
@@reinessoapdispenser4413 lol, I shared it to the real PonyBro I Guess, as well as anyone else who would read the top part of that comment, and be interested
There is no argument this movie had its problems, eg. Sunset Shimmer's cookie cutter villainy, the five girls silly infighting, the quick resolve of Twilight's frameup. All things that could have been saved with more nuance. Like give Sunset a deeper backstory or explaining PHOTOSHOP (seriously, cutting out photos in the digital age?)
Thankfully the sequels got better along with Sunset.
22:16 My school dosen't have clicks were all one big family there's no figths no rumors but then again i am in a performing arts school were all artist's actor's singer's and dancers... aaaaaand were all self conscious weebs 😅...
God I was so cringey not to mention a bold faced liar there are shit tons of petty fights and bullying in fact I was probably 1 week in to high school back then I couldn't say shit💀
@@Icy-be5vl Yes, Sunset is the best and I bet that when she came to the human world and went to school everyone was definitely interested in her and charmed by her pretty face and her beautiful eyes and hair.
@@Icy-be5vl yes but Sunset has something that just makes her so different, so mysterious besides, she has a human skin color yet that red hair perfectly suited her character and that's why she stood out above all and Rarity she was just as fashionable as in Equestrii, only in human form Rarity is more beautiful but they are both pony and human alike
yes she is so pretty what what but Sunset is the most beautiful girl in the whole Canterlot High School I'm not surprised that she was a three-time princess because she looked much more beautiful in the crown than Twilight, for example, this photo of Sunset when she was a princess for the first time is so genuinely happy on it and so sweet
Josh Blackwell. It's presumable the Humane Six are all high school juniors, in which the CMC are either freshman or it is indeed a grade 6-12 type school.
Given how casual the CHS students are with the furry cosplay (likely an old fad from when Rarity was a freshman cheerleader for the "Wondercolts" soccer team of CHS), that would be like being obssesed with Ice Cream [ human!Lyra is probably a bird/scaly weirdo ].
Wait, correction. It just hit me a little bit ago.
They don't say hand in A True, True Friend. They say it in What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me. You are right about AJ saying it though. "Looky here at what I made. I think that it's a dress. I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress. Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess? My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie Mark is telling me."
Hey if your ship them, then you ship them. It's your opinion and if somebody gonna be mad at you for that, then they shouldn't even be watching your videos if they gonna get mad. Simple as that.
Have you got it on my phone 📱 📱 have you got it on my phone has been taken up a lot in your mind has just returned the keys and I think we could get in the past
I have a litter problem on your video is not easy to here the movie you watching is hard to here it you need to tone it up and that's it and is more better then befor but is not but is ok
@@Narrator007 It is NOT "safe" (technically speaking) if you are smart enough. DWK is a regular 4Chan lurker who may use a "leak" or "rumor" (there were at least 4 known "Anons" working at DHX that slipped things from time to time). -> One of his "random jokes" did not made any sense until a whole year later.
Since he didn't start making any of his videos until after season 6, there's no way to be sure without watching through his EqG recap again to check for season 4+ pony clips.
@@BeePuncher Actually, we do not know what their relationship looked like and this is a hasbro mistake because they should at least do some flashbacks about how they are together or how they met but judging by Sunset's response to Rainbow rocks it was like, okay I used it so it wouldn't be that he liked it a bit '' because as soon as Rarity said that she fell in love with Twilight, Sunset became very sad as if it hurt her that he fell in love with another girl and before that it was Sunset and she was his girlfriend or it is such a mystery because Sunset after how Flash broke up with her, she didn't do anything to him, she didn't hurt him, and she could, because she could be furious that he left her, seriously, whatever she could do to him and yet she didn't, of course, she could have other things than taking revenge on Flash, but it explains a lot. .
@@adolfodef It was the other way around if we take what SunnyBuns says in the beginning of Rainbow rocks into account. She did say she was just using HIM to be popular, so she stole the waifu stealer before his title was earned.
@@BeePuncher Now that I think about it... -> Flash Sentry took Sunset Shimmer as his girlfriend even BEFORE she appeared onscreen [given that this is part of their backstory].
It´s so nice to see a "new" fan after all this years who apprichiate this series. And you wanna ** Fluttershy huh? Well i´ll take Apple Jack ;) But hm... Rainbow Dash supposed to be into girls ^^
"Let me get this straight. You are a pony?" "You´re actual an animal?" "With Magic?" "You are a princess?" "You lied to us the whole time?"
"The Great and Powerful TRRRIXIE...needs some peanut butter crackers" I won't say WHEN it happens but later in the original series, PONY Trixie mentions the crackers again
If this video gets taken down, I will upload a redirect so lets see how it goes! My anthology 2 video got taken down a week or two after it was uploaded lol, so I guess we'll see.
158 likesReplies (6)
27:17 Sunset didn't recognize her because it was dark & hard to see
2 likesHave i watched u before?
0 likesnoke pony mlp3
0 likesnoke pony mlp3
0 likesThe funny thing that twilight's singing voice is voice of Sunset Shimmer. Twilight normal voice is Tara Strong who is know for Timmy Turner( fairy odd parents)
2 likesJimmy neutron, bubbles( powderpuff girls) Raven from Teen Titans. She also voiced rikku from final fantasy x&X-2
1 moon is 1 week
3 likesFun fact : a lot of people didn't like this movie that much but the next one made them love equestria girls.
417 likesReplies (45)
0 likesI actually don't get how ppl don't like the first EG movie. I loved it. I mean, I respect it if u don't like the first movie but I thought it was great.
0 likes@@inksans6580I think 1st one is better,The fall formal was so adventurous episode...
0 likes@@sahiralopez6146To be honest, Twilight should return back to her old version (Human Twilight) Version after the Friendship Games...
0 likesTo be honest,I loved the first equestria girls,and it's already one of my favourite movie....but...what was wrong with it? 🤔
0 likesnah I still don't like equestria girls. It was just a pony cartoon so seeing them as humans just ruined the "specialty" of ponies imo
1 likeI love the movies but I do think rainbow rocks is the best my daughter's favorite is legend of everfree.
0 likesI was one of the few who liked it more than FIM instantly
0 likesit was still really good.
0 likesong
0 likes@@comedyskitrehman6001 It was cool
1 like@@inksans6580 first movie is awesome
1 like@@comedyskitrehman6001 I think 2nd one better
0 likesI loved this movie lol but the second one is definitely my favorite. I didn’t care much for 3 or 4 tbh
2 likesI still don't like it
1 likeI like all except the first movie and forgotten friebdship! And that is solely due to wallflower giving me school shooter vibes
0 likesSunset Shimmer is the best character.
1 likeFun fact to everyone loves the movie legend of everfree the mouse it a good Movie
0 likesThe first movie has gotta be the weakest of the EQG series. The pacing in the first one was just bizarre and the plot was overly cliche, but I'd say the way Rainbow Rocks handled the plot, the pacing, and action had me HOOKED. Same applies for the later movies and others
0 likesReally
0 likesI was okay with the movie except for the skin color
0 likesThe reason a lot of people hated it was because flash
1 like@@madeleinewalker838 definitely in the minority
0 likes@@madeleinewalker838 1st movie way better
1 likeI know it’s weird but I actually like the 1st movie more than the second.
2 likes@@Btm10000 Sunset Shimmer is a icon of this movie. She's much better than Twilight.
5 likes@@CategoryFive5 found out next year
1 like@@comedyskitrehman6001 bruh it dosnt suck they can’t keep reforming every villain. They had very little redemption in sunsets backstage
2 likes@@alanestrada5846 facts
0 likes@@cincoutmagus5508 interesting
0 likes@@MyvIsLove2 facts
0 likesSunset Shimmer is now best Equestria Girl
4 likesSecond is AppleJack and third is Sci-Twi
I thought this one was alright, but nothing to write home about. Rainbow Rocks completely won me over on Sunset and EQG in general. Though I still find both this movie and Friendship Games to be a bit underwhelming.
4 likesLegend of Everfree and the tv series I both enjoy quite a bit.
Dazzlings hard carried the EG franchise
2 likes@@MyvIsLove2 Rainbow Rock Suck there didn't reform Dazzling there should reform on 6th Special
1 like@@Btm10000 Sunset Shimmer Suck
1 likeYes.
1 likeYes I was there
Abraham Diaz same
2 likesGreis 195 really? I love it since the first time I saw
7 likesTwifan4ever xx I personally enjoyed EQG when it first aired. I saw no problem with it. Ponies or no ponies, it didn’t matter. Their human counterparts are just as significant as their pony selves.
20 likesTo be honest, I'm kind of in the minority in that I was still slightly disappointed by the second movie. (I won't go into details here, because it's spoiler territory.)
12 likesThe specials, however, are something I absolutely adore. Especially "Forgotten Friendship".
There are some who still are not very fond of the entire "Equestria Girls" franchise, "because they're not ponies". I know a couple of them. But I'm not one of them – I like those movies from the very first one ;) When it first came out, I heard many people saying that it was unnecessary or dumb. I don't think so. It was necessary, because it shows Twilight's struggles with being a Princess and answers some important questions of the fans (e.g. "the Princess of WHAT?"). It also introduces some new lore about how the Elements of Harmony work across the boundaries of universes, or that it's more about the virtues, such as Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty etc., than about the "bling", that is really the source of their power. And it introduces another great character, who would never be who she is now, if it wasn't for the first movie and her experiences & lessons she learnt in it.
55 likesimo rainbow rocks is the best eg movie
60 likesIt's 50/50, second movie is definitely better but many people, including me, still feel pretty cold towards the franchise.
53 likesAnd Sunset Shimmer
61 likesI think the "I'm not a monster" line was meant to make her redemption more believable by establishing that it was indeed the magic that corrupted her, since prior to her transformation she would not even hurt a dog, let alone commit murder.
83 likesReplies (2)
She needed to find the kindness that was lost in her heart and the only way for that to happen was realize her mistakes. "I bet they can teach you" was the perfect way for Twilight to pass the torch as a teacher to her human friends
2 likesyes it's true, magic spoiled her and let's look at her first photo when she became a princess for the first time she was so not guilty, so genuinely happy, smiling and so pretty well she was always very very pretty even when she was angry and when she redeemed herself but let's look at the first photo maybe it was her first year in canterlot high school and then she was nice because it is indicated by this photo but due to popularity and magic she became dishonest and mean to everyone, popularity changed her the most in my opinion.
21 likes9:17 "So, another dimen-- Is this like Tartarus?"
217 likesWorse. High school.
Replies (6)
0 likesWell technically, Tartarus isn't really another dimension, it's in the same dimension as Equestria.
4 likes@@Narrator007 well my school was a performing arts school were all quiet weebs =w=
0 likesHigh school sure has changed a lot since I went, then.
1 likeOh god sorry if its seems im showing up 😓
0 likesHonesty my high school isn't hell at all our main subjects are art dancing singing acting and music
1 likeI now know how to play harmonica piano ukulele guitar cello violin and am learning to play drums i have at home the harmionica piano ukulele and drums...my hands are rekt 😅
EQG gives you a false sense of security by turning the characters human and then puts you straight on the FBI list by making them underage.
174 likesReplies (15)
@@james_luigi6366they live alone in their houses, I don't think they are very young
1 likeI think they aren't that underage, I mean, they can literally drive cars and motorcycles.
1 like@@CategoryFive5 same
0 likes@@CategoryFive5 more 17-18 I was 18 when I graduated and I'm born in January. They are likely 17 as it is the "Fall formal"
4 likesShould also be noted that it is never actually said that they are seniors, We are assuming that based off of Sunsets Fall Formal pictures, but I think she is actually older than Twilight.
@@katnippy also “years went by” does not imply that twilight had to be there it could have meant THERE years. Also sunset in EQG 1 had 3 pictures of the fall formal which is once a year since its fall. But when twilight came the 4th fall formal was going to happen and your fourth year is your senior year
1 like@@katnippy there are multiple summer breaks in school called summer vacation
0 likes@@CategoryFive5 they are NOT seniors ... in an episode they said years went by since twi was there and they went on summer break beotre
4 likesMy headcanon is that they re 17 in Eqg1 and 20 or more in the series
3 likesblaine shafer plus maybe Big Mac just failed a couple years lol
5 likesblaine shafer we’ve never seen him actually in a class have we he’s just been hanging around plus they all shared the freshmen year picture from EQG and showed sunset from all 3 previous years at the fall formal and there wasn’t a fourth one
7 likes@@CategoryFive5 But Big Mac is at Canterlot High too, so they can't be seniors.
9 likesLuigiBro74 besides I’m in high school so it dosent matter to me lol
5 likesLuigiBro74 but they’re literally seniors so they’re 18-19
7 likes@@CategoryFive5 that's what they want you to think
29 likesBut they’re 18
6 likesCan i just say that you're probably the most chill military person i've ever witnessed? Even though you're in the army, you really quickly gave in to the ponies, and loved even the first ever songs in the show. Reminds me of myself, as i'm a guy who loves hearing Rock and stuff, but i have an extremely open mind about things, even if i just see pics of certain things. It's awesome, and i just wanna say thank you :)
219 likesReplies (12)
I thought that all army guys are toxic, he proves how wrong I was.
4 likes@Justin Griffith Yup, it was an impostor pretending to be PonyBro and shitting at people. But his act was just too obvious for anyone to fall to that.
6 likes@@ponybroiguess384 Don't worry, I know all well that this is not you. And I'm also not easily offended ;)
10 likesDark PonyBro That’s me!
10 likesBon Bon Ok so my friend just told me about this guy’s comments, this is not me! I’m sorry about this BonBon I guess I have my first hater lol
13 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 Oh, I'm so terrified... :q OK, I think I know now what you've tried to accomplish. Next time you try insulting me, make sure you communicate it better. But I'm afraid it won't work anyway, so you're only wasting your (and my) time.
7 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. So unless you actually have something to say, I'd rather end our conversation (?) here.
3 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 No clue. Should I know him?
3 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 What's "beta"? (besides being the Greek letter of course) I don't quite get what you meant by that.
3 likes@@ponybroiguess384 This means a lot to me too, because it kinda says that if one day you will find yourself in a military conflict, they didn't brainwashed you totally yet to shoot all around you and kill other Humans just because they're on the other side of the front :q Always remember, there are Bronies all over the world, so you never know whom you'll be shooting at :q That's why I did my best to never get myself drafted into military: I would never kill another living being, even if they were hostile towards me.
13 likes@@ponybroiguess384 No problem!
15 likesLasse WeirdDane Thanks, that comment means a lot!
69 likes23:41 Pinkie: "Although, now that I'm really looking at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, and has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?"
98 likesPonyBro: "Oh yeah, where's the real Twilight in this universe?"
If this dimension is running several years behind the pony one (which would explain why they're all high-school aged here), then it would make sense that Twilight would be going to a different school in another city.
Before the start of Friendship is Magic, pony Twi wasn't living in Ponyville with the others. She was enrolled at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, in Canterlot.
Replies (7)
@@Haxior5506 I refer you to my previous statement:
1 likeI never said everything in this spinoff world made sense. :)
@@Narrator007 So why then CMC were listening they're new song...
3 likes*twilight
0 likesBecause it introduces crystal prep teu, with a pet dog just like spike....
2 likesAt least that’s what I 🤔 think.....
It could also be foreshadowing to friendship games...
5 likes@@TI-hn4te I never said everything in this spinoff world made sense. :)
5 likesthen it would make sense for her to be at cantalot high and the rest not.
5 likesA lot of people mention the sledgehammer going through the portal, but she's obviously not going to hit the center of it, but the frame of the portal itself, potentially destroying it if she breaks the frame around it.
103 likesEdit: Also, Fluttershy is the one that took the crown and gave it to Celestia, not Sunset.
Replies (1)
They should had dedicated just a few more seconds on that flashback: Showing Fluttershy placing the crown in her backpack then walking inside the school [with Sunset Shimmer coming from the Portal just in time to see her going inside, searching the ground around the portal for the crown].
7 likes-> This would explain why Sunset did not confronted Fluttershy "right there" (she could not find her because she was not expecting for Flutters to be going towards Celestia´s office) giving Twilight the necesary HOURS to "prepare" for her journey , study the CHS students & casually finding both of them randomly.
When he started Dancing
36 likesGo pony pro go pony pro
"Helping twilight win the crown" & "Friend for life" are my favorite songs from this movie.
96 likesReplies (4)
@@sordonic9195 Cafeteria Song too that's a banger
1 likeProbably because those are like the only good songs in the movie
2 likesAnd Our big night.
5 likesSame here.
5 likes23:46 - Little did anyone know that Pinkie was foreshadowing the friendship games movie
12 likesThis man's reaction at 14:09 was all of us. Frankly, it still is.
75 likesReplies (6)
@@supersonicheroesi love the dorkyness, and he’s just nice in general, unlike a “Nice Guy” which are probably the type of people who hate him haha
0 likesflash is a W, just unexpected
2 likesNot me. Unlike a lot of immature toxic fools, I loved Flash and still do.
4 likes@@rubencedeno5456 i think it’s just because I don’t like equestria girls in general. Just not a fan of the HighSchool setting. I prefer the pony dimension.
12 likes@@michelleobamafootcream9292 Why? His such a nice guy? Lol
10 likesSame. Kinda hate human flash.
7 likes30:22 - 30:23 "I don't know why they're doing that."
40 likesSnips=moving his legs like scissors
Snails=sliding like a slug/snail
46 likes1:07:19 - 1:07:26, 1:07:40 - 1:07:45 The emotion in Rebecca's voice.
26 likes1:11:48 “She won't say she's in love.”
14:09 Probably the best and most truthful reaction to meeting Flash in the entire universe.
19 likesPonyBro sees human Flash: “Oh god. 😒”
12 likes14:11
PonyBro sees pony Flash: “Oh god! 😮”
It was fun seeing Twilight and Spike make the same friends twice
5 likeshim dancing to a mlp song
7 likes*his roomates come in*:😳😟🤩
I remember watching this on Netflix not long after it was released. I get nostalgia from watching it again now 😂
24 likesReplies (1)
This is the movie that actually got me into the Fandom:o
6 likesTwilight in equestria girls: thinks the school is a castle
11 likesAlso twilight: went to a school and then opened a school
A lot of reactors say the same as you, that cutout pictures pasted onto a photo would be obvious. If you think it through though, Sunset is obviously not that dumb, she would have mocked the cut photos up to the destructive photos, then taken a pic of or scan/copied the mocked up photo. She wouldn't turn in the obviously pasted ones.
20 likesReplies (1)
I'd like to agree with you that Sutset is not dumb, but even if everything you said is true she still disposed of the evidence in a place where anyone who cared enough could find it.
0 likesAnd while she's not intellectual dumb, I still think she's pretty stupid for being so arrogant and acting like no one would eventually stand up to her. Plus, this girl actually taught she could conquer Equestria with a teenage army. I think her arrogance has made her delusional that made her stupid.
2:28 "They added Transformer sounds, what the hell?!"
21 likesHasbro just loves to reference their other properties. :)
Replies (3)
@@Longma1 in the Best Gift Ever, there was a GI Joe reference
1 like@@Longma1 A couple of others I can think of off the top of my head:
4 likes-Twilight and Fluttershy bring Rainbow Dash's "favorite game" to play with her in the hospital, a game which strongly resembles Battleship ("Read It and Weep", s2e16)
-When Celestia sends Twilight her old belongings via Derpy delivery, one of the things she finds inside is a "g1 Starswirl figure", a clear reference to the original g1 toy figures of the MLP franchise ("The Point of No Return", s9e05)
-During the MLP movie, Twilight misinterprets Celestia's plea to Luna to find the "queen of the hippos", which leads to an exchange between Twilight's friends in which three of them utter the words "hungry", "hungry", and "hippos" consecutively, spelling out the name of a popular children's game.
Hmmm, where else in this show have they done that? Reference their other properties I mean.
1 likeFINALLY! A reactor noticed the Transformers sound effect with Pinkie. Not many notice this! Clever on Hasbro’s part since they own both franchises!
12 likes46:00 This man out here flexing on us i've never seen any reactor actually get up and dance bro you gon reach 1,000 subs real quick. Also pinkie is basically Dr.Strange.
52 likeseven after watching last episodes of mlp i want to watch this 9 seasons once again and share laugh and tears with you.
13 likeshave a nice day fella brony
Replies (1)
The Ibian Hell yeah! Best to start from scratch with new-coming reactors!
0 likes33:36 - are you kidding me? Twilight would love sleeping on a bed of books, whether as a human or a pony...she's a bibliophile, and a totally adorkable one at that!~ :D
14 likesHim getting mad bc at the begining they didnt do the sunshine thing
10 likesMe: You just wanna see cadance do a little shake
Flash really is a just sweet high school guy. :) Over these years my distain for him disappeared lol!
15 likesAlso it was Twi's teen hormones hehe
I wouldn't have minded if we gotten series FlashLight the most.
But it's ambiguous at best... It'll be nice if it could at least be possible in some alternate canon future however
I actually watched Equestria Girls after I caught up to the second half of S4 because I didn’t know this film even existed until I saw that it was available on Netflix.
33 likesReplies (1)
I just watched this movie after getting finishing s5 ep12. The reason why I didn't watch it earlier is cause I didn't know if it would spoil the show or not. I didn't know which order it went in too, and I didn't have any friends that watch mlp lmao
1 likeGotta love the convenient twist of Celestia deciding not to send the others with Twilight and her counterpart being the only one not there :)
27 likesAnd yes I am being sarcastic as I have seen the movie already, and the length of a "moon" is never revealed. A lot of people use our lunar calendar and judge it by each full moon, which actually seems to be fairly accurate based on how they use it to measure time in the series, here 30 moons between each portal opening, and back in season 3 the had the Apple family reunion every 100 moons which equals out about ever 10 years or so.
Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie, Rarity, and Rainbow dash are the new versions of the elements of harmony. When Sunset tried to destroy twilight the shield was created by her friends. "The magic contained in my element was able to unite the one's that helped create it."
5 likesEverything I wanted and more. Glad it wasn't spoiled for you!
36 likesReplies (4)
@@reinessoapdispenser4413 you fool
0 likes@@ponybroiguess384 ah don't worry about it too much, he just wants to be a part of things is all
2 likesi pet my cats I’m sorry, apparently this guy is insulting my fans and trolling all over my videos. It is not me! I guess I have my first hater lol
8 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 oh god oh frick
1 like4:06 and we never imagined back then that she would one day rule all of Equestria 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'm still so proud I could burst into tears
4 likesTwilight is still adorable weather as a pony or a human
8 likesI think I had an existential crisis when I first saw the trailer for this movie. I had to sit down and could not believe this was actually happening.
9 likesThe first movie is my least favorite but its still enjoyable, the cafeteria song is one of the best in the series honestly. Also, when sunset turned to the devil, her magic kinda reminded me of sombras, but with different color. As usual great reaction.
22 likesReplies (1)
My fav movies:
1 likeEqg rainbow rocks
Eqg 1
I kinda like:
Eqg friendship games
My least favourite movie:
Eqg 4
There is a theory why the rainbow work.
13 likesBasically the portal was nearing closure time so the dimensional walls were a lot weaker. And since Twilight friends are by the portal they got worried because time was running out so the elements manage to find their spirits and this is what activated the element of magic
Aw That's reaction was awesome! I love it~ ^^
8 likesIf I had to say one thing, only one sentence about my reactions to your reactions was... Yes, Rarity has the most lady-like twerking ever. lol!
47:00 that song stuck in my head since 2016.
8 likesHoly shit guys, first time he stood up im all like, hot damn he buff
5 likes57:48 This part got me rolling 💀
6 likes11:37 Twilght Sparkle screaming in panic after realizing she is a human!
5 likes12:17 "It looks a little weird. But now that they're human... they're fair game."
12 likesDepending upon their age and the age of consent in this realm, so... about a 75% chance, I'd say.
Human Pinkie And Pony Pinkie Both Have Half A Brain, Which Connects One To The Other
3 likesTherefore Breaking The Forth Wall
The cafeteria song will always be iconic
2 likesHas anyone noticed that EVERY outfit Pinkie wears includes a tiny hat?
6 likesI love Equestria Girls and I love Sunset Shimmer.
5 likesFinally someone who reacts to this! It seems that everybody else already saw it!
2 likesEvery time I watch the first movie I’m like “oh yeah she used to be evil lol” cause all the other things she is nice
6 likesSUNSET SHIMMER HYPE! Also its hilarious 90% of the fandom (including myself) had the same exact reaction you did *@14:10
2 likesPonybro I guess love your videos always make me laugh your one of my favorite youtubers I still remember the first reaction of you I watched anyway keep up the great 5 star videos 😁
1 likeAmazing reaction! Are you going to do a blind reaction to Rainbow rocks, Friendship Games, and Legend of Everfree (The other equestria girls move and i listed them in order)
11 likesReplies (1)
Precious White yep!
5 likesMy god the intro song had a short clip of rainbow dash as a human running to kick her ball. Pony bro looked away to dance at that moment and missed it. Thank god he missed it and didn’t get spoiled.
2 likesI thought you wouldn't care about Angel suffocating.
3 likesi cant wait for rainbow rocks!
11 likes1:02:59 don't remind me of another villain I'll much rather be watching.
6 likesAlso at 57:42, Scootaloo is doing the Chicken Dance.
Replies (1)
Sweetie Belle is also doing a "meme dance" from a famous anime (Lucky Star).
1 like22:43 (cozy glow in the background)
2 likes33:08 "Okay, but you're a dog now. She's a human."
9 likesIs that really any weirder than when Spike was a dragon and Rarity was a pony?
Replies (1)
At least they are both mammals now (there should not be a risk of burning Rarity).
1 likeI love this movie I can't believe that Netflix removed the first equestria girls movie, rainbow rocks and the friendship games I like watching the movies on Netflix especially rainbow rocks and friendship games those are two of my favorites and everfree that's still there.
4 likesOk I really like that intro remix.
1 likeIn fact, I can't seem to be able to stop listening to it.
"You had the crown why did you put it in Celestia's office"
1 likeBro was listening to 1% of the story 💀💀💀
57:47 "...Did you see Rarity?"
7 likesYep, she was workin' it. Or rather, twerkin' it. :D
Hey ponebro whenever ya get past season 6 would ya be able to watch Totally legit recap? Its by Dwk and it would be nice to see more bronies react to his humor
23 likesReplies (3)
Although, watching Legit Recaps has the problem that PonyBro is trying to be quiet and it's hard to stay quiet when you're laughing your head off.
0 likes@@TheCobaltLegion 😍😘
2 likesyeeeesssss! he must watch that. XD
4 likesMost of us agree that the first Equestria girls is okay, but the worst out of the 4, and that the second movie, which you can watch right after season 4 is the best.
19 likesReplies (14)
I forgot how much I adored the first one
0 likesI think Rainbow Rocks is the best. After that I have Legend of Everfree because I just enjoy it a lot and the songs are great despite the plot being kind of weird.
0 likesBetween the first and third movies I dunno. I think both have decent beginnings, very enjoyable second acts and underwhelming climaxes. I think Friendship Games is technically better, but I still think it’s a little overrated, subjectively speaking.
So my ranking: 2>4>3>1
I think 4 is the worst, its too cliche, my ranking is 2 3 1 4
2 likes@@bonbonpony though there is an alternate version of you in that universe
0 likesAlthough my personal favorite is Friendship Games. I gotta say that Rainbow Rocks is better many ways.
0 likesWhat possible reason would I have to lie about that? That's absurd. No, I just think most of the shorts lack any sort of substance and are vapid and stupid.
0 likesIunno, I think I can count the number of ones I actually enjoyed on the fingers of my two hands. And it would include standalone songs and the CYOAs.
0 likesNot terrible, sure, but I think it doesn't measure up to any other significant bit of EG content (so, you know, apart from all the stupid and pointless shorts). A lot of the writing in the first one is really wonky and most of the songs are sort of uninspired. While it's still enjoyable, I can't think of a single EG movie or special that I'd rate below the first movie.
0 likesToo bad I was never in the majority then ;) because I don't think the first movie was as bad as they usually say. True, the next one is much more awesome, but the first one wasn't the worst either ;) True, it has got some deficiencies, which I can blame on experimenting with the new territory, but overall, it wasn't terrible either.
3 likesSadly I can't go into detail here as there's always a chance we'll spoil something for our dear reactor. I'm just gonna say I love the characters in that movie and the storyline was the most interesting for me personally. Let's keep it this vague until PonyBro gets to those movies.
1 like@@Antroid I think I need to rewatch 3. It is the one I've watched the least. I don't remember why I rank it so low. Backstage pass would probably be 3rd for me, right above movie 4.
0 likesEdit: I mean right above movie 3
My ranking would be 3, 2, [FF], 4, [Backstage Pass], [other specials], 1, [most of the shorts].
0 likes@@Antroid id rank it from best to worse, for me, as 2, 4, 3, 1. If we would count shorts then forgotten friendship is tied for second
0 likesSome of us think the third movie is the best, but I think the important part is the first is merely sort of okay compared to the others.
1 like1:06:25 Every time I see this moment, I'm reminded of the final scene of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. :D ;)
2 likes50:15 I found a video link on Reddit that says a Moon is 36.5 days. And after doing the math, it turns out that when the portal closes, it stays closed for three years.
0 likes44:21 That's actually what it's called! "Cafeteria Song".
1 like"Wait, is this earth?!" XD rocking out too hard at the opening theme to notice all the human versions it seems :P
4 likesLeah Rowden: Twilight! Spike! Wait for me!
1 likeBattle Brawlers: Leah, no!
With the fact that you’ve passed season 4 and got into season 4 ALOT of fan work is now available to you without it being spoilers and would definitely be stuff worth reacting to:
7 likesInkpotts animatics;
This is the moment
A story told
I will be there
every day a little death
hell to your doorstep
I know those eyes/this man is dead
The man I used to be
Rainbow factory (bronyDanceParty)
Mlp once upon a Time in Canterlot
Mlp Guardian
MLP Anthropologie PMV
Interview with vinyl and Octavia
I am Octavia
I know it’s a lot, but it’s all worth it it’s all really good stuff.
Why does the intro go hard 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
1 like43:57 sooo i guess it's not normal to have a ukulele harmionica and speaker's at school ... but then again at my school 50% of people have a ukulele 😅
1 like1:14:39 Movie makes sure to add Derpy to the credits for those who missed her ever so brief appearances.
5 likesCan someone help me out with when each movie was released? I know the first one came out between seasons 3 and 4. I think Rainbow Rocks came out between 4 and 5, and Friendship Games came out between 5 and 6. Am correct to presume Legend of Everfree came out between seasons 6 and 7?
1 likeIt's for the cover songs I'm doing.
I'm starting to think that the girl Sunset was fightning with for the title of princess is human Sunset and pony Sunset killed her. Or it was Trixie. I'm not sure.
1 likeHim: why didn't u wear this crown when u got here and put it in clelestia's office
0 likesI just love it with she blushes
0 likesI love Sunset Shimmer.
1 likeGiven Equestria always has full moons, I still think 30 moons is just 30 days. A month is still a rather long time
1 likeImo, just like how season 1 of MLP is regarded as the worst, the first equestria girls is aswell. The next movie is probably my favorite one!
6 likesOMG, I am SO happy you had no idea.
0 likes1:43 Ah, yes. The moment where it all began... SO OF COURSE THERE WILL BE NO INTRO! What do you mean, Equestr0n did this joke twice already? Well, geniuses think alike, deal with it!
2 likes1:56 and the show is self-aware of it too, yeah.
2:30 Say it with me: H to the A to the S to the BRO.
2:35 It's Pinkie, she can be whatever she wants, get of her back :D
3:08 G5 foreshadowing?
3:20 Oh hi Mark, I mean Bread, I mean, Brad, I mean, Most Obvious Foreshadowing. Have you been played by Andrew Garfield? You know, "Could've be decent or even great, if writers didn't fail at their job". (Yeas, that's a TASM reference in your MLP, Pinkie already is a Spidey, get off my face!)
3:29 That's what I said! That was first (even if small) red flag for me.
3:40 RIGHT?
4:19 Did you read the script again? You even put metaphor on adultery... I MEANT ADULTING... GROWING UP! Sheesh! Languages are difficult!
4:38 Let me introduce to you WINGBONER! Absolute menace for those who doesn't sleep on their tummies. Not sure how bad is that for those who do, never had this type of wings myself...
4:47 Or that stallion from before, considering where all of this is going... What was his name again? Hated Bread?
7:47 Your taste is showing ;) And yeah, attractive antagonists are super common thing, especially with female villains. I'll go over Youtube comment limit just by listing major examples of those... If I also remembered them all... You got the idea!
8:10 Of course not! She got thick (see what I did there?) plot armor.
8:16 See the parallels already? It's almost like Rebecca Cassidy and Rebekah Cassedy or something. Or, rather, Aurora Zarnicina and Elena Zorina, keeping both different spelling and similar meaning of original names. Ah, the Irony of them being students of seem-to-be Demigod of Sun (but actually Equestria's MOM)
10:21 I mean... word been newly invented before... Double the irony because of Apple Family trademark countryisms.
10:35 Celestia is possessed by the actual God of MLP multiverse: Shadow Pony named Plot Demands.
11:05 Fuck tha princess comin' straight from the underground! A young dragon got it bad 'cause he's... Butt-dragon, I guess?
11:37 Yeah, I would scream like that too, if I was protagonist of a bad school drama...
12:50 I blame society for her not be accepted in that... instinct, or desire or whatever you would call it. And no, it's more complex and general concept than "Hey, he want's to look at schoolgirl **yadayadayada**"
13:25 – He said, looking the way it could be read us "under skirt" if one want to.
14:19 As well as first one... Here goes DWK's rant on her being thrown on teenage girl's body.
14:23 Well, at least this one have decent musical numbers.
14:39 Everyone pointed out that this is more of a checking her out than laughing at her weirdness and/or misfortune and I'm not gonna be exception.
15:07 I'm not sure how common those in America, but in Russia those are main type. Second being 4 classes of primary school and 5+2 more of middle- and high-school (I'm not sure if there separate 2 classes high-schools (and 5-year middles for that matter). I know mine has 11 classes, from 1st (7 y.o) to the last, 11th... although, just like anywhere you can drop after 9th and... this comment went awfully long into Russian educational system. I'm stopping myself right here.) A-A-ANYWAY, I always perceived Canterlot High as being Middle to high-school (with CMC being fresh out of elementary, and right before puberty or something among those lines), as "clearly elementary students" are nowhere to be seen.
16:16 I'm pretty sure she was talking to Fluttershy, not herself. ;) And Fluttershy's more on a Cute side here IMO... not that it was mutually exclusive spectrum: "adorasexy" wan't invented out of boredom.
16:35 Yeah, her hair are clearly resemble flame... Oh... Right.
17:01 "Pulling sick-ass Avant-garde dance moves that I refer to as Twigly-wiggle."
18:09 You're just biased, or?..
19:23 See?! That What I said! What the hell you did to Celestia (than I saw Luna, but that's whole another topic)
(more parts in reply)
Replies (2)
52:28 Pinkie is so deliciously meta, I love every last bit of it.
0 likes52:48 Another decent Musical Number? Another decent Musical Number.
54:07 So that's how it all started?..
54:17 Yeah, but it's school hall. JK. I would expect it's power of Plot Demands and everyone's desire to fuck SunShim over. "FUCK OVER", GUYS! That other thing would be motivation of different sort for different things.
57:40 Sweetie Belle dancing Hiiragi Tsukasa's dance from Lucky Star and Scootaloo (OUT OF ALL THINGS!) – Chicken Dance? Okay you guys, you got yourself some points!
58:26 You won this round.
59:28 Poor writing? Poor bluff? Both?
59:52 She... doesn't want to? Well, not per se, anyway, considering her plan (was it a plan from the beginning or was it "okay, we need something for the third act"? We'll never know). And, again, bluff factor.
1:00:29 Why did you took off the crown then? Why make your animator's work harder?
1:00:37 Right, rub it in SunShim's face. You're all terrible people and have no ability of reading the air. She's a disaster as far as you concerned, but still! (I'm half-joking here, but only a half, really. Also I'm biased because of later works and my love for Redeemed SunShim)
1:00:51 Can you blame her though? Oh... Right... You can, because film itself did not established her as a character other than "she's generic bad girl, roll with it". That's interesting to rewatch it with all the insight though.
1:01:15 Proof that SunShim does not play ball sport games.
1:01:42 Because she has not. Remember, crown went through the portal, and SunShim came later, just to find out Fluttershy already took the crown and handled it to Principal Celestia, which is why SunShim attacked Fluttershy later and Twilight intervened and yadayadayada, the rest of the movie.
1:02:16 "Ember, you shall feed on the pain and the misery of others". Anyone?
1:03:34 They probably like strong beautiful females with attitude. I mean, should I remind you how they brought some softcore femdom on themselves with Trixie in main MLP storyline?
1:03:37 See? The fact, that you still have to ask this during Third Act is further proof of writers failure.
1:03:48 They WOULD transform to (probably) adult ponies, so that part wouldn't be that much of an issue. She probably would also use her new powers to brainwash ponies as well. Plus, knowing genre, everyone always underuse and underutilize their superabilities, so "realistically" she might have at least certain advantage.
1:05:00 Obligatory (Mahō Shōjo of your choice) music here!
1:07:24 OKAY, Did Princess Celestia NOT teach Sunset Shimmer magic of Friendship? Never even mentioned it? Therefore, learned her mistakes a hard way and fixed it with Twilight? Or did she only learned about it somewhere between teaching Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle?..
1:08:08 TO BE FAIR, it works just fine outside bestiality.
1:09:13 Gangnam Style? Really, Micro Chips?
1:09:16 No one ever. You all know who I'm blaming for it!
1:11:31 AS IF!
Fun fact, this movie's existence brought me to MLP because of very dumb inside joke. I planned to just watch it, but gave show a chance first, starting chronologically. It became my first real disappointment in this show, although I came back for "That was experimental and maybe sequel not gonna suck" and did not regret it.
P.S. It might seem like I hate EG generally, as concept or however else, but actually, that's not true. I'm not a big fan of this one in particular and they get better altogether (see what I did there?), but I still had some fun on this one too.
21:27 Do every human is vegetarian/vegan in this world? Did SunShim broke vegetarian diet (she sure did in fandom. You know. Bacon. I still doubt she would go for the horse meat, but hey)? ARE ponies are even strictly vegetarian? You might argue that they should be, as herbivore-based species, but then again, they're closer to mythological creatures and even Earth ponies not a strict counterpart. Despite implications, room for speculation is widely open. ANYWAY, unless it's horse meat (and I highly doubt it is), that would just make her omnivore, just like regular human. I doubt her stomach would argue with her, unlike the possibility of that in pony form.
0 likes22:15 You know you can say everybody, instead of everypony?
30:19 For the sake of visual pun alone.
36:56 Kinda thought high society and street art like beat-boxing doesn't exactly go well together. But hey, she probably know better than me.
37:50 And by the rules of teen drama that's enough. She still had her point further here, though, thanks at least on that.
39:09 At least she's wearing spats (safety shorts, whatever you supposed to call them), unlike, say, DoA characters.
40:48 Yo Twilight! You alright? Yeah, you're gonna be fine.
41:42 Jeez! She said OATS, not NUTS! SHEESH!
43:10 Cosplay jokes go HERE:
43:44 Okay, but IS he? You know how Hermione's cat wasn't exactly a cat? Here he kinda "Posses dog-like body" but dog's throat aren't exactly capable of human speech last time I checked. And arguably do not have same sentience either. On the mostly unrelated note, does anyone have any data on interspecies sexuality for animals? Like in Dog-human for this case? Because if they do, this here quickly becomes less weird as long as Rarity does not go to sexual affection to Spike. And no, we do not count "zoosexuality" (or however they call it) activists here for the sake of this case.
44:00 Epic musical number? Epic musical number.
45:34 Make your bets, how many money Rarity Dash would pay to be Micro Chips right now (you didn't expect me to skip this one, did you?)
45:36 So... A unicorn?
46:38 Musicals 101, babe.
47:55 <...> THEY COMPLETELY FUCKED UP YOUR ORIGINAL DESIGN! No black people allowed in EG world, apparently, which is kinda ironic, considering that pretty much all the cast here is people of color.
48:23 OBJECTION! Luna playing Winston Payne here! Clearly, a contradiction! Vice Principal Luna and Winston Payne are two different people from different franchises! (Auchi Takefumi, if you're geek enough)
49:09 And that made me swear audibly for a few minutes. Like, WHAT THE HELL?! That's just disrespect for your craft. insert few hours of angry rant here If I had to point to absolute worst moment in G4 – THAT would be it.
49:16 Too bad he wasn't well written throughout EG. He might've been liked if he wasn't as bland and basically useless (I don't fully count HERE as useful because of horrible writing on this conflict)
49:26 PRINCIPAL CELESTIA! Not ''my sister"! You're on duty, your family status does not apply here, even if everyone know, who're you're talking about!
49:53 Nonexistence of the genre without miscommunication, eh? I kinda feel like there should be written teen/school drama, that does not rely on this trope at all, or at least subverts expectations. Too much work for that?
50:15 Commonly, 30 plot-years. Alternatively, there are theories on Moon cycle and Moon Calendars.
51:11 You see... Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Even Human Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. (Also, absolutely love how Pinkie refers to 30 moons as "Really long time", because NO SPECIFICATIONS, BABY!)
52:11 They're just high. Canterlot High. I mean, have you seen the length of their legs?.. Oh, and I'm pretty sure talking dog is heavy argument. Also, they probably seen so much shit from Pinkie that it doesn't even seem impossible anymore, especially after all weirdness from Twilight. That, or I'm trying to conceal poor writing, which is already prominent in this movie.
52:13 Okay, you mentioned a talking dog, I give you that part.
5:15 - I like your face😂😂😂
2 likesAs a hardcore Twilight × Sunset Shimmer shipper, I really wish that sunset went back to the point realm to continue her studies with twilight or celestia.
1 like57:45 I'm glad you didn't get back up and dance or we would've found out how much you liked that scene.
6 likesThat 'she-demon' Shimmer voice does kinda sound like Chrysalis now that I think about it.
1 like49:08 "Well that plot was resolved very... fast."
4 likesYou might even say it was resolved in a Flash. ;)
A moon is like a month they say
1 likeYeah, if I can remember, this film showed clips of what happens IN THE FILM throughout the intro, so . . . yeah, that was real genius.
11 likesAs for this being optional . . . basically, the events that transpire in FiM are cannon to the lore of EqG, and often get mentioned or referenced. However, much like the comics, EqG is never mentioned in FiM, making it a sort of, separate cannon, or some such. It's kinda like how in Star Wars you have the films' cannon, and then you have the Legends cannon, from the books and comics.
Replies (2)
Though there is one mention of the sirens in the FiM series so I guess EQG is canon to the original series
2 likesEh....
1 likeDude please tell me you are reacting to DWK's Totally Legiy Recap series.
0 likesHe's hilarious and it definitely fits your sense of humor. You won't regret it. :D
57:48 Oh I saw Rarity alright 💀
1 likeBro how can twilight not be mad that her chocky milk is all over the floor I would be like “my god damn chocky MILKKKKKKK”
0 likesYou should watch the credits, they put stingers after the credit.
6 likesI wish spike stayed a reptile when he got into the human world.. dogs are too mainstream, it would be fun for twi to have like a little gecko spike lol
0 likesAh Flash Sentry
1 likeI don't dislike him as a character, I don't dislike him as a person. But him and Twilight have almost zero compatability personality and interest wise. Not to mention the lack of adequate buildup.
I just wish there was either more buildup, a different character, or- more preferably- just no obviously forced romance at all.
23:46 pinkie pie has predicted the future
1 like01:15 Yeah, "Equestria Girls" is a spin-off series based on "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Everything that is canon in the original show, is also canon in EqG universe. But whatever happens in EqG universe is not being referenced in the original show. So it's not required to know anything about EqG to watch FiM, but it's a lot more fun to know both ;) Some people don't like EqG and they are free to dismiss it without damaging their experience with FiM. But I think that it's worth to know at least the first EqG movie, because it expands on the idea of Twilight becoming a princess, shows some of her struggles with embracing her new role, and explains some bits that haven't been explained in the main show.
4 likes02:10 Nope, she didn't piss off Celestia that much yet ;)
02:30 Yup :D It's Pinkie breaking the boundaries between the universes again ;) (and of course "Transformers" is another one of Hasbro's franchises ;) )
03:30 A Changeling!!! :o ;)
04:40 Hahah you didn't disappoint ;J
05:18 If only this one were the intro music for the original show, eh?... :q But on the other hoof, maybe it's better that way, because it deflects people who worry too much about their "tough guy" image ;)
06:06 Yeah, probably because they spoiled two things in the intro: the main villain's identity, and the transformation into Humans.
09:18 I'd say it's worse :q But it has a similar purpose, which you'll learn in the second movie soon... :q
10:57 Stargate: Equestria :) And now a random hand came out of the other side of the statue :D I hope no one saw that ;D
11:30 :D
12:24 And now, a random hoof came out of the mirror ;D
13:59 Human counterparts of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ;) I wonder how many of them you can found.
14:20 Yeah, unfortunately.... :q
14:53 OK you recognized your first one :J
15:45 :D
18:24 Oh just wait until he sees Rarity ;>
Replies (3)
1 like10:57 & 12:24 The mirror/portal actually DOES work like a Stargate.
You can not "partially" cross a bodypart from one place to the other.
The whole body and everything that is "physically connected" to it must cross the "event horizon" completely first before getting dematerialized [the "spiral of colors] and then the dataset+energy "sent" though the wormhole at lightspeed.
This is why Twilight´s saddlehorse pouches were "translated" into a backpack (presumably also containing whatever she was carring inside of it).
-> Since Twilight could see her arm transformed into a pony foreleg on the portal (but not the opposite on the mirror side); the "species translator" must be an aditional "filter" set up on the CHS side [to both protect that world from dangerous magical creatures like dragons, but also to prevent any local species to ever "colonize" Equesria without "integrating" themselves to the already existing ones (ponies are so racists!)].
55:10 Aren't all elections rigged? ;J
1 like55:44 Not puffy enough ;)
56:16 Have you seen "Friendship is Manly" yet? ;>
57:24 "No" means "awoooo!" apparently? :J
57:42 Scoots doing the chicken dance ;) You know, because she's a chicken, right? ;> Get it? ;>
57:47 Yup :)
01:00:29 Yeah, f_ck all my Equestrian friends!... :q
01:01:42 Well, not really. She threw the crown into the portal, and then it hit Fluttershy who took it to Principal Celestia. When Sunset Shimmer went through the portal a while later, the crown wasn't there anymore.
01:02:22 Looks like a Gargoyle to me.
01:02:40 The answer is contained in your question ;J
01:05:05 Sailor Moon transformations :)
01:06:10 There are six of them ;> The Elements are not about the bling ;> They're about the virtues. Whoever possess those virtues, can control the magic of the Elements.
01:08:03 Or the MIBs will just flash them with their neuralizer ;J
01:09:41 In Equestria no pony goes to jail. What would be the point in putting them in a cage? It's not very educative. It's better to have them fix the mess they've done and show them a better way. Humans, you're doing it wrong (as always). We put in Tartarus only those who have been shown a better way but refused to follow it. They basically choose it for themselves to be there for the rest of their lives.
01:10:48 Long enough to get used to walking on two :J
01:12:35 Congrats, you unlocked "Lyra's Big Secret" ;) watch?v=BCuTfNcRIQU
01:14:40 DERPY! :>
19:29 Yeah, her hair isn't floating ;J
1 like20:24 Why is there a MOON above her door? :D
20:33 "My door is always open" (slams the door closed) ;)
21:26 There are some weird comics & fanfics about that ;>
23:52 Many fans were asking themselves the same question ;J Welp, at least Pinkie seems to know the answer :J More importantly, though: what happened to Sunset Shimmer's clone? :q I bet she's buried somewhere... :q
26:02 And they're sidekicks/minions again :q
27:15 Well, they don't exactly look the same.
29:16 Sweetie Bot :D
31:10 Maybe they know how to use a proxy ;J
35:24 Talk about being lucky ;J
36:56 Beatboxing Rarity ;>
38:30 Forged e-mails? Spoofed text messages? Wow, that Sunset Shimmer must be a l33t h4xx0r :>
44:20 "Weee will, weee will, convert you into Bronies" :q
48:34 Here the problem is that they have.
48:58 Poor man's Photoshop :J Makes you question the Principals' intelligence as they fell for that :q
50:20 Well, if Equestrian moons are the same as Human World moons, then 1 moon cycle is approximately one month. 30 moons is 900 days then, or 2 years and 170 days. Not terribly long, but yeah, having to go to high school for over 2 years doesn't sound very peachy either :J
50:45 That won't necessarily be that hard to explain if she starts from showing them a talking dog :D
51:38 That's your least problem right now, Rarity: he can see your taco at this moment :J
51:54 Guys, I think she remembered :D
52:10 Show them a miracle and they'll buy everything else...
Yo, you liked the intro? On the off chance you never stumbled upon it, MLP Theme, Alex S Glitch Remix
1 likeA moon is 1 night. Luna controls the moon. In Equestria, there are no phases. So 30 moons is 30 nights.
0 likesReplies (1)
A moon isn’t a specific unit of time, it’s fictional and meant to be unknown. Good theory though, it makes sense!
0 likesI see you noticed how weird and inadequate Sunset's plan was. Twilight may have saved Sunset's life by stopping her before she went to face a military, three alicorns, and a chaos spirit on the other side using an army of high schoolers that wouldn't even know how to use their pony magic. Mainly, I don't think they gave them much time to make this movie or it'd have been better.
0 likesThe other EG movies are all better I think, so since you seemed to enjoy this one you should really like those.
Replies (4)
@@adolfodef Honestly if she were that devious and evil, it just makes her sudden and abrupt reformation all the worse. She seems to do bad things because she is evil and for no other reason. There are few villains that can get away with that mentality and still be believable, and even more rare when they're a villain slated for reformation. It's much more useful and interesting to have someone that actually thought they were doing the right thing for some reason. To me, evil Sunset was just the stereotypical high school bully villain, just with an added layer of creepiness since she's probably over 25 if not 30 years old.
0 likesI just wish they hadn't rushed this movie out to sell toys so they could have given her the story that post-reformation Sunset deserved.
@@Shinku_no_sanbun AGREE! This would NOT be easy to implement.
2 likes. She could theoretically "train" them on using abilities simply by "asuming direct control" [a super_focused "possesion"], then performing an ability with their bodies/magic/apendages while asociating a "code word" to it [then whenever she needs them to perform it, she just commands it on a sequence].
-> There is no way to know if this is posible at all. It would take a lot of time [even if she just limits the ammount by those few "selected" ascended alicorns].
. Sombra still needs some """accesories""" (not saying what exactly, because of "flashback" spoilers for Ponybro) on his targets for them to retain their full strenght/reactions.
-> Sunset´s version of this could be part of the "ascention" alicornification process [if she does it as a transformation already including the ""stuff"" integrated into their bodies].
Why she needed zombie-like teenagers?
She is using them as a
humanpony shield [this should be enough to avoid most of the peasants & at least some royal guards from acting against her at all (running away or paralized)]; merely based on pony morality/horror issues.-> Paradoxically, this may be either easier or extremely harder to implement with the crystal ponies, because of their past with Sombra & the "old ways" they may have carried from 1000 years of "life suspension", not having experienced the same "laws" & "peace" from recent times).
THEN, whe she has to face the "ready to actually hurt/kill innocents" soldiers; she would use their deaths as a de-moralizing propaganda (she is aware that MASS MEDIA in Equestria does not exist), but she can always at least project images of past "crimes against equanity" right there in the battlefield.
-> It is canon that Celestia actively hides the existence of "Black Ops" that worked under her secret orders... [S5E0x]; showing it out COULD trigger an internal civil war AGAINST Celestia (not necesary in favor of Sunset as her replacement, but any "fragmentation" will help her indirectly).
ALSO: She probably does not know exactly how large, how far & how many she can affect with her powers using the Element of Magic [or if it may change once moves into Equestria].
-> She is likely planning on "testing" her limits extensively with the "cannon fodders" (sending them far into the ice_covered wastelands of the Crystal Empire, commanding them to killl others/themselves at different distances, etc).
She needs a lot of test subjects.
@@adolfodef But it would still take months if not years to train them in their abilities. She was sending them through right then.
1 likeIf she was just mind-controlling targets, I'm not sure why she needed them at all. Also to note, Sunset's mind-control seems to result in zombie-like people that shamble around, whereas Sombra's victims remain at full strength other than being mind-controlled. I don't think Sunset's would be up for any complex military maneuvers and certainly not as competent slave labor for an empire if she managed to win.
In the movie, she used just a bit of her power to transform the human Snip & Snails into "demons" just like her (they are smaller, but they were already shorter & slower than her human form).
2 likesMy headcanon is that they became alicorns (just like Sunset, who can cast spells while flying), thanks to the power of the Element of Magic [that was already cappable of doing that to Princess Twilight after getting "supercharged" with the energy from the other 5 elements in S3E13 ].
-> The only reason it did not also transformed the human mane 5 into alicorns, is because the same "beam" got splitted into 6 parts [Twilight getting an alicorn_like form while the other 5 only their respective pony counterparts abilities]
Sunset planned to send the mindcontroled teenagers through the portal first to know witch ones become unicorns (this way she would only "upgrade" those into alicorns), with the rest acting as "support" (cannon fodder).
-> She likely can also do the same mind_control to other ponies in the Crystal Empire (in a similar way as to how King Sombra weakened their minds in the past), so her "army" would grow with each new place she invades.
Please react to Rainbow Rocks !
7 likesReplies (1)
night diamond I will once I’m done with season 4 of mlp
8 likesSo on the rewatch pretty sure the CMC are freshman while the human mane 5/6 are Junior's.
1 like21:08 “spike I’ll seduce my way to the crown”😂😂😂😂😂
1 likeIn case you were wondering, here's the order in which the major media were released (with in-season releases starred and names omitted for spoilers):
2 likesMLP seasons 1, 2, and 3
EQG (this movie, awesome reaction by the way!)
Season 4
EQG #2
Season 5
** EQG #3 in the middle of Season 5 (same day as episode 16)
Season 6
** EQG #4 toward the end of Season 6 (same day as episode 22)
Season 7
** EQG half-hour specials in the mid-season break of Season 7 (after episode 13)
** MLP: The Movie toward the end of Season 7 (the day before episode 22)
EQG hour-long special #1
Season 8
** EQG hour-long special #2 in the mid-season break of Season 8 (after episode 13)
EQG hour-long special #3
Season 9
** EQG hour-long special #4 in the mid-season break of Season 9 (after episode 13)
Replies (2)
Yes, there are pre-movie shorts before EqG 2, 3, and 4 that are meant to be seen just before each of those movies.
0 likesAlso, there were a few other pony shorts released before season 9 aside from the Best Gift Ever shorts.
actually, he should react to EQG #3 strictly after Season 5, because the ending of it contains spoilers to the Season 5 finale. Also, while it isn't necessary, I would prefer if he reacts to the movie strictly after Season 7, because the begging of Season 8 acknowledges the movie.
2 likesAlso, things that you missed EQG shorts that go with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th movie, as well as Equestria Girls Summertime Shorts, Digital Series and Better Together Series. Also Best Gift Ever Special before Season 9, as well as Best Gift Ever Special Shorts.
With Equestria Girls, I see it like a staircase:
8 likesThe first movie was...okay. It became a bit boring after the initial reveal and the second half felt rushed in my opinion. Never mind the many plot holes like how Sunset new about the crown or that Twilight was in the same place as the mirror.
The second one is better. Especially since it made me fall in love with Sunset (as a character, not in a romantic way). The villains also helped.
The third movie is the first one I enjoyed in its entirety from beginning to end. Thanks to this movie, I started to warm up to the world of Equestria Girls.
And the fourth movie was just amazing. This was the moment the ice broke and I became a fan of Equestria Girls.
And nowerdays I'm eagerly awaiting every new Equestria Girls-short on the official My little Pony YouTube-channel.
Wouldn’t there be another portal to Equestria
0 likesNo idea why Twilight didn't just tell Principal Celestia right off the bat, "That's my crown. I lost it earlier today. It's for a presentation/drama club/art project/whatever. Can I please have it back? I can describe it if you need me to." Easy peasy, and then they wouldn't need to continue making these awful Equestria Girls things...with their ugly giant baby heads and ridiculous Sailor Moon legs with the massive Mega Man boots. Her weird nonsense reasoning for why she didn't, talking about "what if one of them showed up in Equestria" was a total non sequitur and made zero sense as an excuse.
0 likesReplies (3)
@@Lanovran you seem upset. Maybe sit down and have a glass of water?
0 likesSo sorry that my having a negative opinion of crap writing and character design is so offensive to you. Obviously, I had to watch it to find out I didn't like it.
0 likesYou started off good, but then got into needless rudeness, just say you didn’t like them
0 likesAnd if you don’t like them, why watch them lol
1 moon means 29 days and she's worried she can't go back early...imagined 29 days times 30 like what if something will happen in ponyworld and she's not there
0 likes30 moons means 30 lunar cycles, or 2.5 Earth years
5 likesReplies (4)
@@clearmelody6252 And yet they seem to show us the shots of the Moon as if it were shared by the two words: the same configuration of those celestial bodies (sorry, Princess Luna, no pun intended :J ) appears in the night sky as seen from Equestria as well as from Human World.
0 likesI go with the lunar cycle theory because of a line in Rainbow Rocks, but I will not spoil
0 likes@@clearmelody6252 the only thing that throws a wrench into it making sense is Applejack's mention of 80 moons of memories to sort through in a season 6 episode, but eh whatever.
0 likesEdit: Unless she's including memories from before she was born, but it didn't seem like it from the stories she mentions.
Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: I'm probably wrong since 30 moons is just 2.5 years.
Actually, the writers have never confirmed what a moon is, and have directly stated that it has "No comparison in our world". Meaning that it is, as DWK said, Plot Years, or an unquantified amount of time that can be used when the writers don't want to have to come up with anything specific. That said, as far as headcannon goes, that actually makes sense and seems like it would work, so props to you!
2 likesI just looked at you Twitter account for the first time, and uh, what's with dark ponybro? Your videos never have dislikes, but it seems you have a hater? I am just gonna assume it is a satirical account.
2 likesEdit: also the stuff that dark ponybro is pointing out really isn't something to be upset about. After watching the totally legit recaps from dwk, I am completely numb to ponies being sexualized.
Replies (2)
Shadow Wolf I’m sorry guys, this person is not me. I’m guessing I have my first hater lol
0 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 Speaking of
0 likes17:30 lol
4 likesHaving skipped ahead to see your overall reaction summary for EQG, I'm glad you liked it ... or at least somewhat liked it! I know I personally could not stand (and still cannot stand) the Equestria Girl's spin-off stuff. It took me several tries before I could sit all the way through the first one -- I kept turning it off and walking away, grumbling and growling! EQG is most definitely something I do not enjoy. At all.
6 likesHowever, if you did enjoy EQG, then when their second movie comes up in your progress through My Little Pony, by all means check it out! It is certainly a big improvement over the first EQG movie. If you like 'em, keep up with 'em and continue to enjoy them! Plenty of folks do. If you find you don't like 'em, you don't really need to keep up with them. Plenty of folks don't. As a spin off series EQG seems to be very much its own thing ... and as such it doesn't seem to have much (if any) impact on the happenings in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. So feel free to take it or leave it, whichever you prefer!
Of course they added Transformers sounds. My Little Pony and Transformers are both owned by Hasbro.
0 likesMy favorite to least favorite songs of this movie:
1 like1. Helping Twilight Win the Crown
2. Opening Title
3. This Is Our Big Night
4. This Strange World
5. Time To Come Together
6. A Friend For Life (outro song)
Replies (3)
@@ponybroiguess384 oh it's okay, I knew it wasn't you lol, I can tell it's a difference profile name and picture as "Dark PonyBro" is different from "PonyBro I Guess" and the profile picture had a black background, as opposed to a white background, so I knew it wasn't you
1 likeNick Ronca I’m sorry man, this isn’t me. I read and appreciate your list don’t worry, this guys is my first hater I think.
0 likes@@reinessoapdispenser4413 lol, I shared it to the real PonyBro I Guess, as well as anyone else who would read the top part of that comment, and be interested
0 likesthe song stayed in my head for two months...
0 likes0:30, It's not really a spoiler if the intro and the trailer shows it.
0 likesThere is no argument this movie had its problems, eg. Sunset Shimmer's cookie cutter villainy, the five girls silly infighting, the quick resolve of Twilight's frameup. All things that could have been saved with more nuance. Like give Sunset a deeper backstory or explaining PHOTOSHOP (seriously, cutting out photos in the digital age?)
2 likesThankfully the sequels got better along with Sunset.
Warning do not read the description of this video, it will ruin your enjoyment. the video forever.ඩාඞ
1 like22:16 My school dosen't have clicks were all one big family there's no figths no rumors but then again i am in a performing arts school were all artist's actor's singer's and dancers... aaaaaand were all self conscious weebs 😅...
1 likeReplies (1)
God I was so cringey not to mention a bold faced liar there are shit tons of petty fights and bullying in fact I was probably 1 week in to high school back then I couldn't say shit💀
0 likesOn an akward senario its my school in a nutshell
1 likeI love your vids
0 likesSpike opened the door at the start can’t he open it then
1 likeSun set shimmer is so beautiful
2 likesReplies (6)
@@Icy-be5vl Yes, Sunset is the best and I bet that when she came to the human world and went to school everyone was definitely interested in her and charmed by her pretty face and her beautiful eyes and hair.
0 likes@@martynachmielewska297 Well I love mysterious and pretty good looking girls so ok you're right, Sunset is the best.
1 like@@Icy-be5vl yes but Sunset has something that just makes her so different, so mysterious besides, she has a human skin color yet that red hair perfectly suited her character and that's why she stood out above all and Rarity she was just as fashionable as in Equestrii, only in human form Rarity is more beautiful but they are both pony and human alike
0 likes@@martynachmielewska297 Both Sunset and Rarity are the most beautiful.
1 likeyes she is so pretty what what but Sunset is the most beautiful girl in the whole Canterlot High School I'm not surprised that she was a three-time princess because she looked much more beautiful in the crown than Twilight, for example, this photo of Sunset when she was a princess for the first time is so genuinely happy on it and so sweet
0 likesThe most hot girl in this universe, also Rarity.
0 likesI'm pretty sure a moon is a month
2 likesReplies (1)
It’s is 27 days basically a month :)
0 likesRarity be twerking tho
3 likesReplies (1)
0 likesIma be 100 with you... I liked this movie..it was good
1 likeWhen twilight was signing the paper good job pinkie doesn’t judge
0 likesWell the Mane 6 are in their 20's.
13 likesWhile the ages of the Humane 6 are pretty much unknown.
Replies (2)
Josh Blackwell. It's presumable the Humane Six are all high school juniors, in which the CMC are either freshman or it is indeed a grade 6-12 type school.
1 likeWell since the human world here is heavily based on our own I'd say late teens.
7 likeswhen flash and twilight are dancing pony style there is a guy in the back doing gangnam style
0 likes1:06:25 This is how Covid spreads if you don't take precautions.
1 like11:06 "fuck the police coming straight from the underground"
0 likesAre we sure Pinky pie isn't related to Discord or something.
0 likes(10:57) You are about to enter the Twilight Zone.
0 likes(16:00) Now we’ve got the bitch in this school.
god i love sunset she's one of my girlfriends
0 likes57:53 LOL that killed me
0 likes(57:42) Gangnam Style was still a thing at the time!
0 likesI love this movie
0 likesThe one thing that he hasn’t learned from mlp is swearing
0 likesYou think human Lyra is obsessed with ponies?
1 likeReplies (1)
Given how casual the CHS students are with the furry cosplay (likely an old fad from when Rarity was a freshman cheerleader for the "Wondercolts" soccer team of CHS), that would be like being obssesed with Ice Cream [ human!Lyra is probably a bird/scaly weirdo ].
1 likeWho's here after his last video??
0 likesIts pinky prime!
0 likesPls can you reacts to best gift ever shorts pretty pls and I love your reaction nice one ❤😘
0 likesMoon is every day so 30 moons would be a month
0 likes55:45 was it just me or Rainbow Dash looked like Jojo Siwa.
7 likes13:11 true
0 likesReplies (1)
Hmm.. I headcanon Sunset as a lesbian.. and she was chilling in a closet... Hmmmmmm
1 likethose aren't tails, those are hair extensions
0 likesWill you please do a reaction to Double rainboom. This is a full episode made by fans.
4 likesReplies (2)
@@ponybroiguess384 thank you :3 your reactions make my day!
2 likesJustRollingAround I’ll add it to the list!
2 likesA lot of dancing I see
0 likesReplies (1)
I love dancing.
0 likes"You said hand before. In fact, True, True Friend, you said hand."
0 likesNo they didn't.
Replies (3)
Wait, correction. It just hit me a little bit ago.
1 likeThey don't say hand in A True, True Friend. They say it in What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me.
You are right about AJ saying it though.
"Looky here at what I made. I think that it's a dress. I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress. Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess? My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie Mark is telling me."
@@ponybroiguess384 oh yeah. I guess I briefly forgot that part.
0 likesYes they did, Applejack says “could ya’ll give me a hand here”
2 likesHey if your ship them, then you ship them. It's your opinion and if somebody gonna be mad at you for that, then they shouldn't even be watching your videos if they gonna get mad. Simple as that.
1 likeHave you got it on my phone 📱 📱 have you got it on my phone has been taken up a lot in your mind has just returned the keys and I think we could get in the past
0 likesOk I give you F-
0 likesI have a litter problem on your video is not easy to here the movie you watching is hard to here it you need to tone it up and that's it and is more better then befor but is not but is ok
0 likespony mlp10000000
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesRainbow Rocks is the best of the Equestria Girls movies and it is between season 4 and 5, Equestria girls 3 is between season 5 and 6 btw
5 likesThis is the only eg movie I don’t like. Mostly cuz the plot is contrived and really stupid. All the other ones are amazing though
2 likesThis is a good movie. Though the weakest of the four.
3 likesTotally Legit Recap... Equestria Girls. I think it's spoiler free but im not completely sure.
0 likesReplies (2)
@@Narrator007 It is NOT "safe" (technically speaking) if you are smart enough.
2 likesDWK is a regular 4Chan lurker who may use a "leak" or "rumor" (there were at least 4 known "Anons" working at DHX that slipped things from time to time).
-> One of his "random jokes" did not made any sense until a whole year later.
Since he didn't start making any of his videos until after season 6, there's no way to be sure without watching through his EqG recap again to check for season 4+ pony clips.
1 likeSay hello to the legendary waifu stealer Flash sentry.
6 likesAnd goodbye to your waifu because by the time you are done reading this comment Flash has already ran off with her lol.
Replies (5)
@@BeePuncher Actually, we do not know what their relationship looked like and this is a hasbro mistake because they should at least do some flashbacks about how they are together or how they met but judging by Sunset's response to Rainbow rocks it was like, okay I used it so it wouldn't be that he liked it a bit '' because as soon as Rarity said that she fell in love with Twilight, Sunset became very sad as if it hurt her that he fell in love with another girl and before that it was Sunset and she was his girlfriend or it is such a mystery because Sunset after how Flash broke up with her, she didn't do anything to him, she didn't hurt him, and she could, because she could be furious that he left her, seriously, whatever she could do to him and yet she didn't, of course, she could have other things than taking revenge on Flash, but it explains a lot. .
0 likes@@adolfodef It was the other way around if we take what SunnyBuns says in the beginning of Rainbow rocks into account. She did say she was just using HIM to be popular, so she stole the waifu stealer before his title was earned.
1 like@@BeePuncher Now that I think about it...
1 like-> Flash Sentry took Sunset Shimmer as his girlfriend even BEFORE she appeared onscreen [given that this is part of their backstory].
@@BeePuncher That is a great trade.
3 likesBut the trade-off is that we got a new top tier waifu in the making with Smugset Shimmy.
4 likesIt´s so nice to see a "new" fan after all this years who apprichiate this series. And you wanna ** Fluttershy huh? Well i´ll take Apple Jack ;) But hm... Rainbow Dash supposed to be into girls ^^
3 likes"Let me get this straight. You are a pony?"
"You´re actual an animal?"
"With Magic?"
"You are a princess?"
"You lied to us the whole time?"
"That is AWESOME"
Aye do You remember me I’m the nigga who said”if you don’t shout me out in a video I will delete your account and suck your ass crack”
0 likes43:45 yes, he is a dog, right now, but you are not from this dimensional World 😎.
0 likesbbbbbbbbb
0 likes34:22 Hi, my name’s Twilight. Clouds are moved by wind. Want to be friends?
2 likesYou actual perv-
0 likesReplies (1)
This was a joke btw I forgot to say that 2 months ago 💀
0 likesTwilight's lucky she don't get COVID from having that book in her mouth😂😂😂😂😂😂😂☠
1 like"The Great and Powerful TRRRIXIE...needs some peanut butter crackers"
5 likesI won't say WHEN it happens but later in the original series, PONY Trixie mentions the crackers again
Do you
0 likesThink your your
Read again
Dude, your opinion about Flash is gonna get you lynched.