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What the buck is up with- Twilight Sparkle in s8 & s9?

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 08:05; 7 top, 14 total comments)

Noelle 2021-02-11 20:15:43

hopefully this one doesnt have audio issues, the first 30 secs have no video cause it got corrupted, i also went on a ramble with no script for this one, the next one will follow the usual script i make. also leave suggestions

FoolYourself 2021-02-12 03:43:25

If you like Twilight after she got wings but still complain about her character in "later" seasons you're an omega-tier dunce.
Twilight is the same in S8/9 as she is in S4 (minus s9face), but you notice it more in S9 because everything else sucks too.

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Replies (3)
Shizuma Hanazono 2021-02-12 04:09:30

Faustians hold seasons 1 and 2 to such unreasonable standards, Lauren was gonna make the purple Giraffe at the end of season 3. Seasons 3 through 5 are underrated.

wake me up inside 2021-02-12 08:20:43

>Lauren was gonna make the purple Giraffe at the end of season 3
[citation needed]

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Shizuma Hanazono 2021-02-12 14:46:24

@wake me up inside It was going to end with Twilight ruling Equestria

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Demi Fiend 2021-03-04 22:32:27

how do you not like the mlp movie?

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Replies (1)
Noelle 2021-03-29 22:32:27

its shit aside from its music and art style

heffalump111 2021-02-14 16:40:14

Poochie is always right man. Always.

wake me up inside 2021-02-11 21:41:29

>the first instance of Twilight being ehhh crappy is in the season 7 finale

Replies (1)
Hazy Spark 2021-02-16 14:43:09

she was kinda crappy as early on as season 3-4

heffalump111 2021-02-14 16:14:08 (edited 2021-02-14 16:14:30 )

how is it possible that corp isn't guest in this ep? Probably because video would be over 2 hours then.

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Shizuma Hanazono 2021-02-13 02:35:55

Sunset Shimmer episode? Or this only about characters who fucked up?

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Replies (2)
Noelle 2021-02-15 17:51:43

I'll do one on sunset, she has some interesting theories

Shizuma Hanazono 2021-02-16 16:11:07

@Noelle I can't wait, Sunset is interesting since she could have been an alicorn. I'm not sure how the elements of harmony would have worked, but maybe Sunset could have been Twilight's teacher, if Sunset wasn't so arrogant.