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Vladimir Putin's announcement

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Comments (archived 2023-05-18 17:18; 5 top, 5 total comments)

Randolf Ducanes 2023-01-04 03:54:10

Truly the announcement of all time.

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Dandelion Ass 2023-03-03 12:45:40

I hoped he would say sorry, now I'm going to be a Celestianist and start to be a good guy, uniting the world in to peace and friendship.

Taily iq 2023-04-06 19:52:44

No one saw this coming

PaintedSkies 2023-01-10 08:01:55

Ladies and gentlemen. I love my little pony. I am big fan of Pink excited one.

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DarkyBoode32 2023-01-04 05:27:08

If only this were to actually happen, homosexuality would then be legalised in Russia.

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