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Pat Metheny& Group....The PMG Companion, Volume 1.1976.1980.2..

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Comments (archived 2022-10-04 06:03; 5 top, 5 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-12 14:28:23

Dolje ovdje na zemlji Pattheny gitara
Lyle Mays klavir, klavijature Mark Egan bas
Dan Gottlieb bubnjevi

To je isključivo za neprofitne i obrazovne svrhe i za promociju umjetnika(e) zabrinutih. Ovo je čin poštene uporabe kako su opisali Uredi za autorska prava, stoga se oko ovog videozapisa ne bi trebao pojaviti spor. Autorska prava nisu namijenjena. Sva prava pripadaju izvornim vlasnicima i kreatorima sadržaja ovog materijala i razumijem da nositelji autorskih prava imaju pravo prikazivati oglase na ovom videozapisu.
UPOTREBA: Odricanje od odgovornosti zbog autorskih prava Prema odjeljku 107 Zakona o autorskim pravima iz 1976., naknada se vrši za poštenu uporabu u svrhe kao što su kritika, komentar, izvješćivanje o vijestima, podučavanje, stipendija i istraživanje. Poštena upotreba je uporaba dopuštena statutom o autorskim pravima koja bi inače mogla kršiti. neprofitna, obrazovna ili osobna upotreba daje ravnotežu u korist poštene uporabe.ladislav&zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-12 14:37:36

Down here on earth Pattheny guitar
Lyle Mays piano, keyboards Mark Egan bass
Dan Gottlieb drums

This is exclusively for non-profit and educational purposes and for the promotion of artists concerned. This is an act of fair use as described by the Copyright Offices, so there should be no dispute over this video. Copyright is not intended. All rights belong to the original owners and creators of the content of this material and I understand that copyright holders have the right to show ads on this video.
USAGE: Copyright disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, the fee is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by a copyright statute that could otherwise be infringed. non-profit, educational or personal use provides balance in favour of fair use.ladislavazivanovic

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-12 14:44:22

Mise à jour - 24.7.06.:P MG Companion, Volume 2 (1981-1982), vient d’être publié et est actuellement ensemencement de etree.org. Regardez le lien ci-dessous.

Pat Metheny fait partie d’un groupe d’autres artistes qui ne s’opposent pas à ce que les fans échangent des enregistrements de ses concerts, tant que tout est fait sans le sou et tout matériel commercialisé. Au début du 21ème siècle, un groupe de fans de Pat Metheny Group du groupe (maintenant défunt) pat-metheny Yahoo! Groups (groupe, groupe, groupe et spam) a commencé à rassembler certaines des meilleures images du public, les peaufinant avec des efforts magistraux et les libérant pour l’amélioration des fans, appelé MAAP, Metheny Audio Archive
Le projet. Il a hébergé le http://mas-alla.com pendant un certain temps, mais à un moment donné en 2004, ce site a disparu.

En tant que fan qui a bénéficié de leurs efforts, je compile cette page dans le but de recueillir des informations sur MAAP jusqu’à ce que l’ancien site Web revienne.
La meilleure façon d’obtenir des informations sur le projet est de s’abonner au pat-metheny2 Yahoo! groupe (la liste originale de pat-metheny a été expulsé à un moment donné à l’été 2004 en raison d’une partie malheureuse du rugissement juridique) et demander parmi les habitants.LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-12 14:43:32

Update - 24.7.06.:P MG Companion, Volume 2 (1981-1982), has just been published and is currently seeding from etree.org. Look at the link below.

Pat Metheny is one of a gaggle of other artists who don't object to fans exchanging recordings of his concerts, as long as it's all done penniless and any commercially released material. Sometime in the early 21st century, a group of Pat Metheny Group fans from the (now defunct) pat-metheny Yahoo! Groups group (group, group, group and spam) began to gather some of the better audience footage, polishing them with some masterful efforts and releasing them for the betterment of fans, called MAAP, Metheny Audio Archive
The project. It hosted the http://mas-alla.com for a while , but sometime in 2004 this website disappeared.

Being a fan who has benefited from their efforts, I am compiling this page in an effort to gather some information about MAAP until the old website returns.
The best way to get information about the project is to subscribe to the pat-metheny2 Yahoo! group (the original list of pat-metheny was expelled sometime in the summer of 2004 due to an unfortunate part of the legal roar) and ask among the locals.LADISLAV&Z

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-12 14:42:53

Grupe iz (sada ugašenog) pat-metheny Yahoo! Groups grupe (grupa, grupa, grupa i spam) počela je okupljati neke od kvalitetnijih snimaka publike, polirajući ih nekim majstorskim naporima i objavljujući ih za boljitak obožavatelja, pod imenom MAAP, Metheny Audio Archive
Project. Neko je vrijeme bio domaćin u http://mas-alla.com , ali negdje 2004. godine ta je web stranica nestala.

Budući da sam obožavatelj koji je imao koristi od njihovih napora, sastavljam ovu stranicu u nastojanju da prikupim neke informacije o MAAP-u dok se stara web stranica ne vrati.
Najbolji način da dobijete informacije o projektu je da se pretplatite na pat-metheny2 Yahoo! grupu (izvorni popis pat-metheny protjeran je negdje u ljeto 2004. godine zbog nesretnog dijela pravne huke) i pitajte među mještanima.LADISLAV&Z