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/mlp/odcast #101 - We're Old Now, Anon! ⚠️

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Comments (archived 2022-09-05 17:52; 2 top, 3 total comments)

RoflDieWaldfee 2020-04-22 09:18:35

Why are all your podcasts months behind?
Great show btw love this niche sense of humor.

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Replies (1)
RoflDieWaldfee 2020-04-30 12:59:19

@Fiendishly Inventive Hate is a strong word. I see it more as ironic racism for the sake of autistic humor, the kind you see all over 4chan and /mlp/.
I can't speak for them or 4chan and say it isn't hate, but I like to think of it as ironic racism. I like the "racism" in Cumtown, too. But they are comedians who make actually funny jokes.
This podcast is more like we are just listening to a group of friends whose style of conversing is the result of spending your time on 4chan and /mlp/ especially.

Also my original question stands why their podcasts releases are so far behind.

Jax Brown 2020-04-22 10:17:26

Why do you always have to say the N-word

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