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I Am Deleting LINUX and Installing Windows! My ramblings on the future of Linux.

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Comments (archived 2022-07-03 00:16; 16 top, 27 total comments)

Iván F. 2020-09-03 09:11:06

LOVE your opinion.
It's what I say. Every distro is "the same" in root. We don't need a lot of distros, or a lot of init sistems, but a lot of good, quality software. And more people, so private companies start interesting a bit more on Linux.

Also. Free is free as in freedom. If you want OS to be better you should donate. People don't donate and are like "hell, this free software is worst than a thousand euros software". Yah, because if you don't donate, people in the open source cannot be full time developing, and they should do other things to live.

アリアダストホライゾン 2020-09-11 11:48:22

I love how this guy is very unbiased, even if he's a Linux user. Love or hate Linux or Windows or even macOS, the three all matter in the desktop market. What matters is something that you're comfortable with.

When I get my laptop, I'll definitely try Linux for development!

Myron 2020-08-11 04:43:53 (edited 2020-08-11 04:44:20 )

Is this manjaro? Man that start menu looks so damn good and can be really useful not like win10 start garbage and also the view of libreoffice is just fantastic how it shows

Rishi Das 2020-08-20 20:06:58

You can use Ubuntu Studio... (xfce environment) (you can use Ubuntu Studio installer on any official Ubuntu distribution as per your taste for desktop environment like GNOME, KDE etc)
There are so many software which are pre-installed and similar to Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Acrobat, Lightroom etc..
And Blender also...
I am just new in Linux so if anything I said wrong please pardon me...
I am from India...
And I love your works very much...
Thank you...
Crypto Out...🤘🤘🤘

Replies (3)
Nargis Bibi 2020-09-02 16:46:04

Ubuntu more like nobuntu

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Nargis Bibi 2020-09-02 16:46:26

Ubuntu more like nobuntu

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Nithilan's Channel 2020-09-08 02:52:26

Ubuntu is a spyware from amazon use pop!_os

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bobby 2020-09-14 03:15:18 (edited 2020-09-14 03:17:01 )

If you know how to use linux you won’t go back to windows....i used linux from 2014 and i played with many distribution upto 2016 i installed debian and I’m still in debian (distribution never matters) but windows as update comes and the more you use it becomes very slower...and fully loaded with bloatware

Raavaoli Norman 2020-09-14 05:53:48

But what’s your opinion on Ubuntu lying to people and selling their data to amazon? They got caught in 2016 if I remember correctly. I agree stay loyal, but only to those loyal to you and Ubuntu doesn’t seem loyal to the Linux community. Hell a lot of their code is proprietary and not open source. At the same time all that said I don’t have a problem if people want to stray out and find their own little niche OS. The beauty of Linux is open source and that anyone can take the code and make a distro to better suit their needs. That’s what a lot of these offshoot distros are I would assume. While consolidation to certain distros could speed up the growth and development of Linux it can’t happen either to keep Linux the open source bastion that it is. It’s somewhat a double edged sword if you ask me.

kanishk bhadauria 2020-01-29 18:07:54

sir you are my role model i want you assistance for my career i am a student of cybersecurity

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Prestige Gamer 2021-01-21 01:55:43

Why everyone talking about "open source" while it's kinda Truth that is better and more secure but many distribution make it more vulnerable , I.e android os everyone able to make his own rom . I support open source community and like what linux do , in development Microsoft did very well, it has .net platform for everyone. It's up to the developers if they want to support this platform.

veerasatya Venkatesh 2020-08-21 08:33:23


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DarkSoulpony 2020-05-19 23:04:44

Agree, we need standarization, to many package managers, to many new formats, if we all agree to use the same thing, linux can actually get more dev support and grow a lot!

Replies (3)
e E 2020-07-29 17:21:13

Too many package managers? Is that a joke?

Muhammad Osama 2020-08-09 15:46:17

yeah and become the next Microsoft Windows

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e E 2020-08-09 16:01:11

@Muhammad Osama that would be sad

the gremlin boy 2020-08-11 19:35:53

Your ignoring that that's already what people do. And if you use windows on one of your PC's why did you have to install it?

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Replies (1)
BlueGuest222 2020-09-15 01:41:59

I don't think he did otherwise he'd had to deal with the pain of activating with an older product key, he didn't actually show us him installing it because he didn't, he just booted the installer and that's it

Jovany Agathe 2020-08-25 16:03:24

You're right.

Michael Hoefler 2020-08-25 03:42:32

Parrot > Kali

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Deer Lake 2020-12-14 06:24:11

No u r not.
Todd will be very upset.

RigaRiggleMan XTV 2020-09-11 02:44:13

Why not Wine?

Replies (1)
BlueGuest222 2020-09-15 01:40:19

Not all programs work with wine.

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Max MacNeill 2020-09-09 19:49:07

Ok but... Wine?

Replies (3)
thooor 2020-09-11 19:28:13

It's good, but unstable with many programs. Idk how good it is with LR

Max MacNeill 2020-09-14 16:51:07

thooor I’ve personally never had programs misbehave on wine unless I was missing prerequisites. Maybe lucky tho.

thooor 2020-09-14 17:00:28

@Max MacNeill Def lucky / You had the right programs to the right time.