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ALAIN&MARKUSFELD....Platock Full Album.........

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 05:12; 7 top, 7 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-07 20:51:14

Možda neobjašnjeniji od svihih francuskih proždrljivih rock umjetnika 1970-ih, Alain Markusfeld ima ni ni više nego 6 albuma vremena 70-ih i ranih 80-ih, nedan ni vidio reizdanje CD-a ili LP-a. Povrh svega, njegov originalni LP na Jajetu, počevši od Le Desert Noira, trpi sramotu super jeftinosti. Mislim, ima daleko daleko ponude više nego vrijeme. Kako može biti nakon ove godine? Nemam pojma, jer je Platock još jedna žrtva koja je bila koja je bila umjetnika. Na Platocku, Markusfeld se uglavnom preokret akustroj gitari, s raskošna električna u cijelog priči - kao i nekoliko glasova bez riječi. Ovo ne tako prog rock album, niti jazz fusion, već cikličko djelo koje crpi iz oba strula. Lak na taj način kao Mike Oldfield, možda i konkretnije Michel Moulinie. Nešto poput izuma za akuturu gitaru, dok manje pršut. Na album Je jedan, onaj koji se privlači vašu pažnju na papiru, već poza lukavi vrijeme albuma. Još da ga bulj na 4 zvjezdice.ladislav&zivanović.......Perhaps more unexplained than all of France's voracious rock artists of the 1970s, Alain Markusfeld has no more than six albums of time in the '70s and early '80s, a dayless or seen reissue of CDs or LPs. On top of that, his original LP on Egg, starting with Le Desert Noir, suffers the embarrassment of super cheapness. I mean, there are far more offers than time. How can it be after this year? I have no idea, because Platock is another victim who was an artist. On Platock, Markusfeld mostly turns to the acoustic guitar, with a sumptuous electric one throughout the story - as well as a few wordless voices. This not so prog rock album, nor jazz fusion, but a cyclical work that draws from both strings. Easy that way like Mike Oldfield, maybe more specifically Michel Moulinie. It's kind of like an invention for an acutura guitar, while less prosciutto. On the album Is One, the one that attracts your attention on paper, already poses a tricky time album. Even if he was staring at 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović.......

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-07 20:52:27

Perhaps more unexplained than all of France's voracious rock artists of the 1970s, Alain Markusfeld has no more than six albums of time in the '70s and early '80s, a dayless or seen reissue of CDs or LPs. On top of that, his original LP on Egg, starting with Le Desert Noir, suffers the embarrassment of super cheapness. I mean, there are far more offers than time. How can it be after this year? I have no idea, because Platock is another victim who was an artist. On Platock, Markusfeld mostly turns to the acoustic guitar, with a sumptuous electric one throughout the story - as well as a few wordless voices. This not so prog rock album, nor jazz fusion, but a cyclical work that draws from both strings. Easy that way like Mike Oldfield, maybe more specifically Michel Moulinie. It's kind of like an invention for an acutura guitar, while less prosciutto. On the album Is One, the one that attracts your attention on paper, already poses a tricky time album. Even if he was staring at 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović....... Perhaps more unexplained than all of France's voracious rock artists of the 1970s, Alain Markusfeld has no more than six albums of time in the '70s and early '80s, and dayless or seen reissue of CDs or LPs. On top of that, his original LP on Egg, starting with Le Desert Noir, suffers the embarrassment of super cheapness. I mean, there are far more offers than time. How can you be after this year? I have no idea, because Platock is another victim who was an artist. On Platock, Markusfeld mostly turns to the acoustic guitar, with a sumptuous electric one throughout the story - as well as a few wordless voices. This not so prog rock album, nor jazz fusion, but a cyclical work that draws from both strings. Easy that way like Mike Oldfield, maybe more specifically Michel Moulinie. It's kind of like an invention for an acutura guitar, while less prosciutto. On the album Is One, the one that attracts your attention on paper, already poses a tricky time album. Even if he was staring at 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović.......

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-07 21:00:24

. Perhaps more unexplained than all of France's voracious rock artists of the 1970s, Alain Markusfeld has no more than six albums of time in the '70s and early '80s, a dayless or seen reissue of CDs or LPs. On top of that, his original LP on Egg, starting with Le Desert Noir, suffers the embarrassment of super cheapness. I mean, there are far more offers than time. How can it be after this year? I have no idea, because Platock is another victim who was an artist. On Platock, Markusfeld mostly turns to the acoustic guitar, with a sumptuous electric one throughout the story - as well as a few wordless voices. This not so prog rock album, nor jazz fusion, but a cyclical work that draws from both strings. Easy that way like Mike Oldfield, maybe more specifically Michel Moulinie. It's kind of like an invention for an acutura guitar, while less prosciutto. On the album Is One, the one that attracts your attention on paper, already poses a tricky time album. Even if he was staring at 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović....... Perhaps more unexplained than all of France's voracious rock artists of the 1970s, Alain Markusfeld has no more than six albums of time in the '70s and early '80s, and dayless or seen reissue of CDs or LPs. On top of that, his original LP on Egg, starting with Le Desert Noir, suffers the embarrassment of super cheapness. I mean, there are far more offers than time. How can you be after this year? I have no idea, because Platock is another victim who was an artist. On Platock, Markusfeld mostly turns to the acoustic guitar, with a sumptuous electric one throughout the story - as well as a few wordless voices. This not so prog rock album, nor jazz fusion, but a cyclical work that draws from both strings. Easy that way like Mike Oldfield, maybe more specifically Michel Moulinie. It's kind of like an invention for an acutura guitar, while less prosciutto. On the album Is One, the one that attracts your attention on paper, already poses a tricky time album. Even if he was staring at 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović.......

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-28 16:34:02

💝💝🕊🕊🎧🎼🎧Lijepe dame i gospodo.,predragi ljudi i svi one i oni koji niste pretlaceni na moj kanal.,pa dajte barème lajk!!!A ako vam se svidja glazba koju postavim,ne radi sebe nego radi vas Postovana gospodu,onda imaj te dusu i srce..,pa se pretplati te nece vas to nista niovcano kostati.,a meni i mom kanalu ce te dati dignitet i popularnost..,hvala vam svima od srca.,uz Boziji Blagoslov na sve nas..,HvAL vam na svemu.,A po najvise na dolazak.., Na moj Kanasl.,I RAZUMU S' Velikim Postovanjem Za Vas Zivjeli i uzivaj te u glazbi...Ladislav&zivanovic!!!💝💝🕊🕊🎧🎼🎧

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-07 20:52:49

. Peut-être plus inexpliqué que tous les artistes rock voraces de France des années 1970, Alain Markusfeld n’a pas plus de six albums de temps dans les années 70 et au début des années 80, une réédition sans jour ou vu de CD ou de LP. En plus de cela, son LP original sur Egg, à commencer par Le Desert Noir, souffre de l’embarras du super bon marché. Je veux dire, il y a beaucoup plus d’offres que de temps. Comment est-ce possible après cette année? Je n’en ai aucune idée, parce que Platock est une autre victime qui était un artiste. Sur Platock, Markusfeld se tourne principalement vers la guitare acoustique, avec une somptueuse guitare électrique tout au long de l’histoire - ainsi que quelques voix sans paroles. Ce n’est pas si un album rock prog, ni de jazz fusion, mais une œuvre cyclique qui puise dans les deux cordes. Facile de cette façon comme Mike Oldfield, peut-être plus précisément Michel Moulinie. C’est un peu comme une invention pour une guitare acutura, tout en moins prosciutto. Sur l’album Is One, celui qui attire votre attention sur le papier, pose déjà un album de temps délicat. Même s’il regardait 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović....... Peut-être plus inexpliqué que tous les artistes rock voraces de France des années 1970, Alain Markusfeld n’a pas plus de six albums de temps dans les années 70 et au début des années 80, et sans jour ou vu réédition de CD ou LP. En plus de cela, son LP original sur Egg, à commencer par Le Desert Noir, souffre de l’embarras du super bon marché. Je veux dire, il y a beaucoup plus d’offres que de temps. Comment pouvez-vous être après cette année? Je n’en ai aucune idée, parce que Platock est une autre victime qui était un artiste. Sur Platock, Markusfeld se tourne principalement vers la guitare acoustique, avec une somptueuse guitare électrique tout au long de l’histoire - ainsi que quelques voix sans paroles. Ce n’est pas si un album rock prog, ni de jazz fusion, mais une œuvre cyclique qui puise dans les deux cordes. Facile de cette façon comme Mike Oldfield, peut-être plus précisément Michel Moulinie. C’est un peu comme une invention pour une guitare acutura, tout en moins prosciutto. Sur l’album Is One, celui qui attire votre attention sur le papier, pose déjà un album de temps délicat. Même s’il regardait 4 stars.ladislav&zivanović.......

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-07 21:10:33

Respected ladies and gentlemen, let's leave the layk.. Let's be cultural and thank you for your visit., my respect to all of you... LADISLAV..,💝💝🕊🕊🎧🎼🎧

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-28 16:34:47

💝💝🕊🕊🎧🎼🎧There's past ladies and gentlemen.dear people and all those and those who aren't beaten to my canal.so give the barème a like!!! And if you like the music I set, not for my own sake but for the sake of you Respected Gentlemen,then have you soul and heart..,so subscribe and it will not cost you anything nivaco.,and it will give you dignity and popularity to me and my channel..,thank you all from the bottom of your heart.,with God's Blessing on all of us..,HvAL to you for everything., And most of all on arrival.., On my Kanasl., AND REASON WITH GREAT Respect for you Live and enjoy you in music... Ladislav&zivanovic!!! 💝💝🕊🕊🎧🎼🎧