Maybe that Pupetter guy is actually Snips' father who was abusive towards him.Maybe Snips' cutie mark represents him breaking free from Pupetter's strings and saving himself. But it's just a theory,a pony theory ๐ P.S. YOU'RE DA BEST!!!!
I suppose he wanted Snips to follow his carreer but that wasn't for him... and probably Snips isn't his birth name but ponies tend to change their names sometimes.
I like to think he grows up to be some sort of teacher, or counseler of some sorts, maybe a special Ed teacher. Maybe his talent is helping others at their own pace, he could be a very good teacher for disabled foals, sense he seems very patient.
But then what would Snails be? Seeing as how it's typical for friends and friend groups to get their cutie marks together and/or talents that work together, I can't see how a snail could fit into a barber shop. But then again they could just be completely unrelated in the talent department, also taking into consideration the theory on Snips cutie mark we just heard - individuality would make sense in that situation.
Maybe Claud was very controlling of everything Snips did for much of his life. Maybe the scissors symbolize the time when Snips broke away from his father for the first time. That's also why his being used as a henchman so often is significant. It shows that he still can't shake off the amount of control Claud had over his son, since other ponies were allowed to exploit it.
One thing that I found interesting is that Claud's cutie mark has no puppets on it. That could just be his cutie mark, but, like your theory explains, it could mean that Snips sabotaged one of his shows. That might also explain why we never see Snips and Claud together. He could still hold a grudge against Snips.
Another suggestion: Snips' talent is being a foil to those who try to control/manipulate others. Case in point: They follow Trixie and Sunset Shimmer, two villains who like to maintain control over those they're antagonizing. They brought an Ursa Minor to town for Trixie, which led to her downfall. For Sunset Shimmer, they weren't very helpful, considering they're the morons who tried to cut-n-paste actual pictures to frame Twilight instead of use photoshop or some sort of video editing tool like Sunset did.
TL;DR: Snips' talent isn't just overthrowing some sort of evil, it's foiling bad guys. That's why he and Snails seem to follow antagonists.
Your theory is very detailed but snips cutie mark was specifically explained in the Mlp comic book series. Snails asked Snips what his cutie mark means. Snips then said, "It means I'm excellent at cutting all things, observe this rope." Then Snips cut the rope with his buck teeth.
Another interesting thing is that one part of the scissors is highlighted, and seems almost made of two separate parts. Snips is (and probably always will be) working with his friend snails. They're always working in tandem, and (at least when we first saw them) it was to sabotage something.
I dunno. I'm pretty tired as of watching this video, so this comment is probably not entirely coherent. I'll more than likely come back and edit this later, when I'm not so dang tired.
If this hasn't already been said, "Snips and Snails (and puppy dog tails)" is how you make little boys. I'm not saying they're the only (littlest) ponies who were boys, but they were some of the first littler boy ponies.
I think snips might be a great clothing maker able to make clothing like no one else in equestria. It could also symbolize making of art from paper or working in an office though I do like your idea that he would battle corruption when he was older perhaps as some galavanting hero or public servant as mayor! Ya know him cutting through the red tape :)
he (along with snail, but this is snip's moment) even unintentionally sabotaged trixie with the ursa minor, casting her out since, well, she was revealed.
he and snails video-taped twilight in EQG, and we can all agree on who did the 'editing and cutting' of said video.
and if the whole him-and-his-'dad'-thing is real, then it only serves to strengthen the fact he can sabotage well, since he sabotaged his 'dad'.
and scisors would be a symbol of cutting things down, hence, sabotaging.
I always thought his cutie mark was from trying to cut his own mane. I mean, look how choppy and messy it looks. Like a kid took sizcors to their hair.
He tried it and, although at first a failure, he practiced with others, possibly snails, and got it right.
Just a hunch, but if that was Snips father then he would have control over Snips. Snips getting angry with his father told him to leave him alone brake the control that his father had. Creating the cutie mark of scissors. ๐I love this
I honestly don't know if someone has already thought of this but what if Snips cutie mark represents breaking away from his father and choosing to follow his own path? Also, if Inspiration Manifesto is Snips's father, what if Inspiration Mainfesto's cutie mark not only represents his love of being a puppeteer, but his love of control? You're probably thinking, why does Inspiration Manifesto then use magic for his puppets? Well, think of this: what if after Snips broke away from his father's control, Inspiration Manifesto lost it and decided that magic would be a better form of control, since you can't just cut magic with scissors. I'm not saying that the theory in the video is wrong because it still could have happened. Father controls his son, son gets angry, sabotages his father's puppets and breaks away from his father, father turns coocoo crazy and uses a non cuttable force to control his puppets. I could honestly see this being a thing. Maybe it'll show up in other episodes? Also, maybe the reason Snips always gets into trouble is because he wants to be rebellious, since his father attempted to control him. I know, the last one is a bit shaky but, it's a theory right? Thank you if you read this far! I love these videos and I'm definently going to subscribe!
I'm one of ur newer subscribers and I LOVE ur channel.... Not sure about how I feel about ur opinions on rd and aj but I'll live with it. The snips thing makes so much sense but what about Claud's cutie mark? How would he get a cutie mark that represented a mishap with his son when he was little? Unless it was the destiny thing u mentioned in ur what is a cutie mark video. Congrats on 3,000 and nice voice.
Ok, I think that instead of messing with his father's show, he say, liberated himself. Makes sense considering you said your self that scissors are commonly used to symbolize freedom, so, using this, my theory is that snips was under the influence of his father and was told to, or forced, to do something that he didn't like. So he was free of the manipulation that his father had on him(again,I'm theorizing, might not be true). To follow up on this, from the looks of the episode that you showed (sorry, not sure I saw that episode of mlp) it looked like his dad was walking away or avoiding him, it seems similar to some movies: the person (his dad) does something that was disagreeable to the character (snips) and so he does something to the person(snips does something to dad) that resulted in the freedom of the character(snips now has freedom). I don't know about you, but that makes way more sense to me than the original thought. Sorry, but it seems to me that it seems less likely that he freed a puppett, or what ever he could do. The other thing that may mess up your theory is the cutie mark. Dad's cutie mark was cut strings and snips was scissors. And you said that a cutie mark could most definitely be distinguished by either their special talent , thing that makes them special, or their destinies, or all. And we can predict that cut strings was most likely his destiny. I think that dad saw both these things and that's probably why snipd was in his father's influence any ways. The only loosened or thing that could mess this all up, is if snips DID NOT ALREADY have that cutie mark by freeing some one. This could also support your thing that snips could free whatever and all that In the future, but if I were right, this already happened. So, yeah. I'm looked in the video and I just wanted to share since you encourage it in almost every video. I know it was long, but I just had to tell you, just in case you make a video on this new insight, I don't have Facebook, but I do have kik and Skype, Skype is " bookworms4ever " and kik it's " bane _of_light ".thank you for listening to this.
I think that's a surprisingly sound theory re: Snips and Claude the Puppeteer. However, in that case I think Snip's mark might have more to do with him breaking free from his father's control (and might explain his current free reign). Maybe this involved some sabotage, maybe not. Maybe he defied his father by choosing sewing or mane-dressing over puppets. I doubt it has anything to do with the lack of strings on Claude's puppets--he is, after all, a unicorn, so there's no need for strings to begin with. As for his destiny . . . I think in MLP "destiny" is more like the optimal outcome than the set-in-stone result or anything terribly glorious. Apple Jack's destiny appears to be carrying on the Apple legacy, for instance. If everything goes well, AJ will keep the orchards from going to wrack and ruin until the next generation can take up the mantle. Similarly, I don't think Pinkie Pie's headed for anything legendary--unless you count being the Element of Laughter, which, I'll admit, is pretty legendary.
@derp ina MINECRAFT IS AMAZING And I think I just heard it in Harry Potter playing in the background. I just don't curse, one of my teachers said it's for people who are to stupid (She said "aren't creative", but we all knew what she meant) to think of a better word to say. MINECRAFT!!!!
+derp ina wow nice theary. GASP what if Claud is a killer? Okey A fan made creepy tv show called Puppets should be made then...But I am not watching it!
Well in real life there a puppets that were originated in Indonesia, those puppets actually have dead souls inside and that explains why the puppets move on their own some times... creepy right.
I can take it a step further. If Claude and Snips were on good terms, Snips would show up to the puppet show. It's also shown that Claude is an angry guy. I'm going really far into head cannon territory but I think it's clear where I'm going with this.
I can always count on this guy to provide amazing mlp food 4 thought. The idea makes a lot of sense as well. lastly: U NEED 2 SING MOAR IT DOESN'T COUNT! lel xD
After watching this video I came up with a theory. Is it possible that Claud was controlling snips so snips stood up to Claud and earned his cutie mark?
It's amazing how well some stuff fits together in the show but some how goes right past me that's the reason I love your show so many interesting theories
@***** Lol he dosent need to sing the whole song! HES AWESOME! I don't sing the whole song when it comes to stuff like this in my other channel. But Great Job!
Fist of I am sorry for such a long post) But I was reading a bit on Snails as I have a friend who is doing course at college so she can be a Gardner designer anyway she wanted a bit of information on Snails. So I found this very cool aspect of the snail meaning and I found this mainly in their shells and how a snail lives their lives in short this is what it said.
Do you have a little free-roaming gypsy in you? The snail is a great guide for you. It carries its home upon its back. It can wander anywhere, and still be home. Not only that - the snail excretes a substance (calcium carbonate) that actually creates its own shell (unlike hermit crabs, who find shells already made to move into). This is hugely symbolic. It implies anywhere we go - that's home. Are you the kind of person who feels at home where ever you are? The snail salutes you for that! What's key to feeling at home is being okay with ourselves. Home is in the heart. We can make our own comfort from within. We can auger a sense of content just by being satisfied with who we are from the inside out.
Then it got me thinking maybe this is what Snail's cutie mark means that he is a free spirit and able to move from place to place and work almost every where and anywhere. Ii don't know just thought I would post this
Great theory! But I found out something about Snips that is canon. In the comic mini series, "Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair", Snips and Snails are seen walking through the Summer Fair, and Snails is questioning Snips' cutie mark. Snips quotes, "Snails... It means that I am excellent at cutting all things." And he demonstrates by cutting a rope flawlessly with his front teeth, accidentally setting off the CMC's firework catapult.
A theory for the puppeteer of being snips' father: the thing the strings are attached to kind of look like scissors and can be related to snips' cutie mark in someway or another
I always thought that Snip and Snails got their marks when they played a Pony Version of rock, paper, scissors and they were so boring that destiny was like, well this as good as any special talent, congratulation boys.
Hold it! phonix Wright looking at the past "I'm afraid you are forgetting something Snip and snails are quite often working for someone who is corrupt like Trixie and sunset shimmer and sometimes even Dimonde Tierara. however Snips could be infamous erhaps for maybe being rebelios and causing trouble and following the wrong crowd. He does seam like the sort of abnoxias person who would get in the way and cause sabotauge. but what about snails? there's nothing sluggish or slow about him. he looks some what sleepy but I don't think he's actualy slow minded or slow in pace. as we have seen him run before. maybe his cutie mark means something else as well. like he's slimey ad sticks ......oh boy I just refrences a stupid moment didn't eye.. insert gum on butt joke here. there's alo the notion that snails have shells and he could of just had a slug for a cutie mark if it was that's he's just slow. but maybe there is more to this charecter than we know. also maybe it could refrence to the Nurdery Rhyme snips and snails and puppy dog tails. however this would be sexists..... WAAAAAAAIIIIIT. could it be...... noooo. I mean...noooo.............. gasp! I fear I may have caused....a paradox. Every Bronie run to your bunkers! and this is not my fault I repeat this is not my fault! /hides in a vault.
I think itโs like twilights cutie mark , it had 2 reasons (Twilights cutie mark ) first it resembled her talent for magic and then it resembled her friends and twilight Similarly I think snipsโs cutie mark resembles that heโs a big trouble maker and in that he might accomplish something related to freedom in the future
WTF... I though somebody would point out the most obvious interpretation of the 2 cutie marks! Snips simply had an overprotective father or maybe he wanted to force him doing the same job as him? And Snips solved that problem and obtained freedom from his father.
You'll notice that Snips never mentions his father in the show. He mentions his mother in the Gabby Gums episode, but a father is never mentioned. I think that Snip's father was abusive and controlling towards him and Snips had something to do with it ending (i.e a divorce, improvement int the situation, etc.) you might think this means that the fathers destiny was to be defeated by his son and lose that control, but I think it just means that he was destined to be abusive in order for Snip's destiny to be fulfilled. And the strings also represent his skills as a puppet master. As for Snips, who knows? He could be good at sewing, or curigami (the art of cutting paper) as well as well as debunking his fathers control.
We can take this idea further and look how different cutie marks match each other. For example the ones of Flim and Flam. Surely their talents must have something to do with one another. Or what about Celestia and Luna? Or Applebloom and that Pest Control Pony? After all, there is this other video of yours discussing over the existence of the dream world. What about Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust? Or what about all the ponies with hourglasses?
Like you said. He sabotaged his fathers puppets. Well in many episodes, or equestrian girls he sabotages twilights reputation etc. It could have something to do with that. But he could use his talent for good use. But I maybe he uses it for bad for now because that's what he thinks his talent is. Just a theory.
snips cutie mark somehow matches with babs cutie mark he also has a pair of scissors . Scotaloo made it clear babs talent was taming manes so maybe the same is with snips i would like to see babs and snips open up a mane salon .
Does anyone notice that like on 1:37 or 1:38 there is some kind of kid saying something in the background. It's hard to hear, so try using headphones for this.
+donnacoolart In the clip from the show I got the music from, the CMC had just done some pony's hair. That pony ran out crying because of their bad hair do. Now I use the same song, but without all the sfx.
+The Brony Notion I Think That Claude Controlled Snips But When Snips Reused To Follow Claudes Rules He Got His Cutie Mark Of A Scissor = Breaking Free
Classic Sonic is AWESOME OMG Just by looking at your profile picture, I thought you were Brony Notion. XD Then, I remembered that he changed it over a year ago...
Maybe his special talent is to mess up stuff! He have proven to be good at it!
Like when he screwd up Trixie's fake story by bringing the Ursa Mayor (That ended up being a Ursa Minor), or like when they messed up the reputation of Twilight in Enquestria Girls twice, or the time when he and his friend got stuck with bubblegum (He totally screwd up it worst when they tried to separate!)...
XD Think about it! He ruined the work of his father and got his cutie mark! :)
It just works with how I see the future of mlp. Years pass, and the old villains group together to shatter the kingdom. Twilight must find her friends and join them together in secret and defeat the elements of disharmony. Snips is leader of the rebellion, where twilight finds Rainbow fighting
"Possibly someday put a stop to some form of corruption" (In the later years in Ponyville) Diamond Tiara takes over her fathers company and is now forcing the Apple Family to do oh I don't know some corporate espionage? Snips saves the day and proves Diamond Tiara guilty of corruption in her fathers business. Perhaps things aren't always quite as they seem...
OMG! You know how Snips is always doing what other ponies do, rather than what he wants right? Always obeying the superiors. And you talked about him "breaking free"? Well maybe his destiny is to stop doing what others ask and to "break free" like you said! He might also encourage Snails to aswell, but he will be well... slower to do so...get it, like a snail (lol cheesy joke)? What do you think?
I just realized the main six have opposites of each other, Applejack is the opposite of Rarity,Applejack is always fine with getting a little dirty,but on the other hand Rarity hates getting dirty or messing up her mane. Fluttershy is the opposite of pinkie pie,Fluttershy is well SHY,and Pinkie pie,Pinkie Pie is friends with basically everyone and if she sees a new pony walking by she will quickly try and make friends with them. Rainbow Dash is the opposite of Twilight Sparkle,Rainbow Dash wants to be the center of attention and better then everyone else (not as bad as trixie though)like in mysterious mare do well ,Twilight wouldn't ever want to be better then everyone else. Well that's just my theory not sure if it's very good though. Just saying, bye anyone who read this >:D
if you read the my little pony comic Zen and the art of Gazebo Making (strange title, right?), Snips cuts a string with his teeth when Snails asks what is so special about a pair of scissors. i agree with your idea, but i just wanted to tell you that.
Babs Seed's cutie mark is also a pair of scissors... In the episode "Bloom and Gloom" Babs said so. Does that mean it's possible to have the same cutie mark?
@The Dashytiger forever It's in the corner of the letter Apple Bloom gets. It's scissors, but the thumb and finger holes are red and if you look at them they're shaped like an apple. :)
I don't think snips will solve something later or anything like that, but I think that the puppeteer guy was a bad father and so Snips sabotaged and ran away, freeing himself from his father
But then why is it that every single time there's a new major (or minor) villian in the show, snips and snails are always sucking up to them? (ex: Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, etc. )
dude...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seeing my comment in your video was amazing for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really I think it's more about just reusing the snips, snails and puppy dog tails from Faust's previous use in the Powerpuff Girls (or at least from common popular culture) and really doesn't mean much at all.
I just noticed something. How come shining armors, and twilights magic color r the same, but rarity, and sweetie bell's r different colors? I also noticed that the magic color is the somewhat same color as the eyes, but for shining armors. Shinung armors eyes r blue, but his magic color is purple
I always thought the magic glow color just runned in the family. Example, shinning armor, and twilighy. Both of there magic glow color is purple. But then u look at sweetie belle, and rarity, and there maig glow color is different. Rarity's is blue, and sweetie delle's is green. So i think the magic glow color adopes the color of the eyes, and maybe it dose run in the family aswell.
Her magic glow color is purple not pink. And if u look closely ITS THE SAME COLOR AS HER EYES!!!! And if u think about it sweetie belle just started using her magic, and dosent have a cutie mark. Also her magic glow color is green WITCH IS THE SAME COLOR AS HER EYESS!!!
Personaly, I like the theory that was presented in Ponies With Pockets Productions' short, Domestics. For those who don't know, PWPP makes the Doctor Whooves n Assistant audio drama series, and just before the short they added a new companion, a ginger unicorn named Tick Tock. During the short, the Doctor was studying Tick Tock's magic and asked about the color of his magic, to which he responded: "It comes down to personal preference. The base being eye color, followed by cutie mark color, followed by personal choice should either be un-desired."
The color of the magic aura is coming from either their cutie marks or their eye color.Rarity's eyes are dark blue but her aura is light blue,the color of her cutie mark.Belle's eyes are green and her aura's green as well,since it would be impossible to fit 3 different colors into her aura.
Maybe Snips was forced to do something bad that the puppetpony guy wanted him to do. Then suddenly Snips escaped from the bad puppetpony guy. I'm guessing Snips cut through (I meant by freed himself) the puppetpony guy. Just a theory or an idea :)
What I think of is that I remember when I was little there was this rhyme "Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of" Maybe this symbolizes how snips and snails act very childish
Perhaps his cutie mark has to do with cutting with scissors to be about innocent destruction. In other words his special talent is having accidents, the greatest of which was destroying pony-ville with an Ursa.
Well look at the scene in equestria girls when Sunset Shimmer framed Twilight, the fake pictures look perfect only Snips would be able to do this considering his cutiemark.
I think your on to something! maybe his dad wanted snips to put on shows like him, and made him practice all day instead of playing with his friends. so one day Snips decided to destroy his dad's favorite puppets, that's why the puppets don't have strings.
I personally think snips got his cutie mark when his dad was making a puppet show and snips was the person working backstage like a slave and then he met snails and then he helped him savage the show by cutting the strings on the puppets this event caused both his dad and himself there cutie marks this symbolizes that snips broke free from his father's power then he set a goal with snails, to find a perpouse so, that's why they serve popular people and snails got his cutie mark when he descoverd that he's slow in descovering friendship and also very ignorant just my therories!
I noticed something In power puff girls the girls were made from suagr,spice,and everything nice but in on episode the villain wanted to make his own boys and make them bad but for this ingredient it was:SNIPS,SNAILS,and a puppy dog tail which it sorta odd but not really idk:BRO HOOF /)
It's actually from an old nursery rhyme. "What are little girls made of? x2 Sugar and spice and every thing nice, that's what little girls are made of," and the other version: "What are little boys made of? x2 Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of." Both shows got those ingredients from that poem. :D
what if snip's dad was forcing snips to go into puppeteer business but snips refused and cut all of the strings off of his fathers puppets so he wouldn't have to, that then meaning he broke free of his father manipulating him.
Think about it pinkey pies dad looks similar to star swirl bearded and it could be his lost brother or something maybe this is why pinky has some strange power
That can't be true. First of all, Starswirl is a unicorn, and second of all, the Pie family is related to the Apple family and Big Mac looks nothing like Starswirl.
If I find out you don't cuss I'll subscribe instantaneously.. Do you know why? Because you sang that song and because your the only person I know that loves map as much as I do and is not in 2nd grade cause I'm in fourth grade and nobody can relate
+The Brony Notion HI I CANT BELIVE IM TALKING TO U!!anyways I think that did happen where he sapatoshed sorry I can't spell but I think that happens.why do u not like doing winter wrap up I like it cause your good at doing it anyways bye!
steph jones Actuallly, you're not talking to him, you just wrote (insert what steph jones wrote), and The Brony Notion didn't reply to you, so basically you're not talking to him. (Srry I crushed you're dreams,I had to cringe at your comment)
theory time!!! magic color theory!!: (this is also for comments i've seen.) III noticed in my first time watching ( a canterlot wedding part 1 ) this. my first hint that cadance was evil was her magic. ( it was actually her snobbishness and the game BUT STILL!! ) i went back a couple episodes ( or earlier in that episode ) and saw that her TRUE magic was blue. just like rarity's for her cutie mark and twilight's. so i KNEW it was something evil cuz well... ( just like season four green and red r evil colurz )
BUT... why is shining's magic not blue? its pink. he has more blue in his cutie mark than pink so i don't have a good theory for that except he's related to twilight who's magic is pink.
Then why do snips and snails always allow themselves to be controlled by antagonists like trixie and sunset shimmer (or sunlight glimmer) whatever her name is?
Maybe snip's father was abusive or controlative (as his cutie mark symbolisises marionette strings aka his puppet talent or maybe something more) he could have been controlative towards snips and maybe one day snips finally broke free from his father's theoretical "marionette strings" as symbolized by his scissors cutiemark. It is possible his cutie mark symbolizes him breaking away from his father's control
I know this is a weird question but... Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom's sisters all have a connection. Could it be that they next could have some close connection as their sisters? They have a pretty close connection as friends (just like their sisters) and all get along with each other (just like their sister) This may not be such a good theory but it's all I got.
I have a nice idea about snails cutie mark he brought pets snails into his house even though his mother said no and he was so angry but still he helped the snails and then he said goodbye but he never lost his love of playing with snails and that's when he got his cutie mark that is the best I can think of by the way my best channel ever I love watching your theories and this one is by me love your channel
Maybe it has to do with the fact that snips is almost always with snails,thus they come in a pair. a PAIR of scissors. See the conection? This is the only thing i thought of that isnt extremely unevidenced (thats a word now) or outrageous. Then again, thats baisicly what theorys are: outrageous, evidence-lacking ideas that seem really silly most of the time.
(Look in the comments if you want to see my other theory )
My other theory is that snips ends up working for rarity or something. Think about it: a stressed and probably overworked designer looking for someone to higher and a ponie with a pair of scissors for a cutie mark.
in the comics snails asks snips why his cutie mark is scissors. he asked if it was because he was good at using sciรors, where snips replys, nope. im good at cuting everything. watch. he then bites through a rope holding down the cmc's fkreworks catapolt, which flies into the gazebo,wrecking it.
I have a theory that what's up with snips and scootalo I think the we're siblings at one point but when they where little the parents split up the mother (unknown) taking scootalo and the father (possibly the puppeteer pony) taking snips on the mothers side it was ok for a few years until the mother got cancer and she died and scootalo didn't know who her father was so she stayed with her her aunt and her wife on the father's side after a few years snips ran away to live with his friend snails if you look at snips scissors it's 2 story's the gray is his father cutting away from his mother the other white side is him cutting away from the strings of his father and going to live with snails
I have theory Snip and Snails's dad is Barber Groomsby who's a barber his cutie mark is a pair of scissors and comb together which is similar to Blue Blade( my ponysona's cutie mark) which is a blue pair of scissors with a blue comb above it( see my gallery on deviant art to see a picture of my ponysona's cutie mark.)
I never seen a mare that looks like snips maybe that was his back story or maybe the puppettear might have been not hanging out with snips that snips cut the strings to get the puppettear back.
Nyeh, ya know some cartoons don't have a back story for every background characters. Maybe his cutiemark really is to just match his name. No stories no nothin'. Nyeheheh
I have a theory. So maybe the scissors story have nothing to do with the cutie mark? Maybe its part of this destiny like you said later on, it's part of his Destiny. So maybe in the future since hes bad in equestia girls and sung rock in the 2nd movie, he may lead to be a r rock band and their symbol might be scissors? Gosh I'm over thinking something about a show for 5 year olds๐
You sang winter wrap up great! I can sing in EVERY mlp voice and my show accurate name is rarity dash pie but my original name is gem note, and im kinda like sweetie belle and dash and pinkie all yoegether with a bit of rarity, but im an alicorn. I love your videis and yes i know this is an old video. Just voicing my opinion, not to brag.
what if snip's father disowned him because his father was very controlling and snip broke free? Thus his cutie mark of scissors and his father is a puppeteer.
Does it alarm anyone else that snips and Applebloom's cousin Bab C both have the same cutie mark? In the cousin's letter it said that her cutie mark is a pair of scissors too!!!
Brony Notion , We know by now that Diamond Tiara's special talent in getting others to do what she wants; but what the hay is Silver Spoon's special talent?
I agree. Snips and claud have similar apearences, they are both unicorns and they have the same fur color. Snips could sabotage claud, or cut the strings. Hahahahahaha! Did...did you get ? Never mind let's change the subject. So brony notion is on to something. Do you agree with me and brony notion? This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump!
If Claud is really Snips's father maybe he was very controlling of him and one day Snips had enough and said "Stop!" Which he ran off. Eh that's my theory though. Not a very good one :b
Snips: Hey DAD! Can I help with your show today? Claud: Sorry son, Blank flanks can't help a famous pony like me! Heh heh! Snips: Grrrrr! Why can't I help my dad? HE NEVER ASKS ME!!! THATS IT! ( Snips goes dawn into his dads basement and gets a pair of scissors ) Snips: Say goodbye to your strings Dad! ( cuts off the strings and gets his mark ) Snips: What the? GASP MY CUTIE MARK! Claud: Whats going on SNIPS! GET OVER HERE! NOW!! Snips: UH OH!
you forgot that in the thirteenth edition of friendship is magic in zen and the art of the gazebo repair snips says it means that i am excellent at cutting all things
I just saw the cart before the ponies and saw snips and his dad was in a cart and the cart was designed as the little red and blue thing that spins then that means his dad is a pony that cuts hair and snips cutie mark is scissors because his dad cuts hair
I'm Pretty sure his cutie mark is just a pun so with snails... The poem goes like this, Snips and snails and puppy dog tails (like cutting the puppy's tails off :/) that is what boys are made of Suger, Spice and Everything nice is what girls are made of (I'm Aware that is the Power puffs girl intro. BUT they were made with chemical X!)
I have a different idea behind snips and snails cutie marks. You know the nursery rhyme "what are little boys made of"? Well it says " what are little boys mad out of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tail." I think that snips and snails are little boys and will always act like little boy.
I really don't think that is it...When i was little ,kids used to tell of how girls and boys made ,but for in their mind.....girls were sugar,spice and everything nice(for being all sweet and girly) ,while boys where Snips,snails and puppy dog tails (for being weird but fun!)......their cutie mark is a saying of how boys are really, that's is their character. In a girl's show that's how boys are played...nothing more.
i think he was ment to sabatoge his fatherโs show heres the reason i think he was abused by his father and he was always lonely when he was a kid now he met snails to be his best friend
mabey snips rebelled against his father, since we see him always being the minion usually with snips. So maybe he hates his father or his father grounded him and sabotaged his fathers pupitier show (yet we don't know if the puppeteer is snips father) so the scissors is a sign of rebellion or breaking free from his parents?parent
I thought that snips and snails cutie marks have to do with the nursery rhyme what are little boys made SNIPS, SNAILS and LITTLE PUPPY TAILS so I think their marks are representing their personality as young mischievous boys that are always getting into trouble
Iโm going along with this but a with changes so snips dad would make him do stuff for him and he was just about done with it so on the night of his dadโs biggest show he got some scissors and then he cut the strings and his dad was so mad he moved out snips got his cutie mark
Remember that saying " snips and snails and bubblegum tails" like " sugar and spice and everything nice" maybe that's what snips and snails would be if they were girls? Just a thought...
I all ways Thought since Lauran is the producer of the show( and forgive me if I spell her name wrong) and since she is married to the creator of the power puff girls, on the creation of the "Rowdy ruff boys" mojo Jo Jo used "snips, snails and puppy dog tails. And snails is snips best friend I all ways Thought it was a reference of the ppg
So, if Snips got his cutie mark by ruining his maybe real dad's show, he probably ruined many things before. Maybe his talent is ruining things! Scissors ruin many things, so his cutie mark is a scissor
He has that cutie mark because of the nursery rhyme snips and sailes and puppy dog tails that's what little boys are made of. And snips and sniles act like little boys.
Babs Seed also got her cutie mark as a pair of scissors. But she's an earth pony.. Trying to cut your hair with scissors made for human hands. (Cut to that scene from Family Guy where Luke from Star Wars tries to use the force and his light saber to perform laser eye surgery.)
have you ever heard the saying for girls: sugar spice and everything nice? well for boys it is SNIPS and SNAILD and puppy dog tails !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh i always thought that snipes cutie mark was a play on words for the old poem say idk i mean his best friend is snails but then again i don't think he has a friend named puppy dogs tails (snipes bad snails and puppy dog tails that's what little boys are made of) but now i am wondering if his cutie mark is like him cutting free from his father (the puppeteer) and his rules over him because snipes pretty much dose what he wants now
i think its a pare of scissors becuss he likes things cut short! and likes to cut to the point of what he's doing or saying unlike snails who likes to take his time.
Nope it means snips,s cutie mark means he broke free his dad kept telling him to do something most likely helping him with work and well snips broke free bam well that's how I see thing I still like your theory(love your vids)/) ๐ means bro hoof
i am thinking that clyd of however u spell his name, is snips dad and he wanted snips to follow in his footsteps but snips didnt want to so as u said he savatauged one of his shows and showed that he didntwant too do pupeteering and i think that is how he got his cutie mark
Your a good singer! Why don't you want to sing in front of like, 3,000 people. And that's even why your pony Cutiemark is a music note! Your special talent is singing! Congratulations your like 20 to 30 or something and you finally found out what your Cutiemark means!
snips cutie mark means he is as sharp as scissors like he is smart and snails is because he is slow in the head. in the episode when Trixie first appears that is when I figured it out.
i have a theory about the crystals empire. sambra wes the rightful king but something happen to make him use dark magic, red crystals horn anyone. and that chrysalis wes his queen/wife; chrysalis:crystals, they are so simular.all so i think that cadance is her daughter, that's why she wes never harm by chrysalis just inprisoned in the forgeten diamond mine/cave under the city. PS i never read the comic books. all so changeling are creacher how need love because they die heartbroken and in pain or some tip of vampire/zombie leech being.
I think its because he will screw more things up for others I mean in equestria girls he helped sunset shimmer attempt to mess with twilight he also helped trixie!
hey u actually sort of have a good singing voice! i think. maybe. idk i just came from a sing ing camp so im probably out of my mind. but nice job! maybe.......
Maybe snips was a puppet and he 'cut' free from his puppeteer which was his 'dad' or something like penokeyo ( I'm bad at spelling sorry about that, you know the guy who wants to be a real boy and all that jazz!) just a thought.
Well instead of you theory of him stoping a big thin I maybe thinking a hairstylist...
I know what your thinking "that's stupiiiiiiiiiiiid" but no he could acctually someday be a Saphire Shores but with hair or manes/tails. A famous equestrian renoun main/tail stylist.
Maybe snips got angry from his father and tryโs to sabotage his fatherโs show and gets his cutie mark and from that Daundia father doesnโt use the strings to control his puppets
I think why Snips's cutie mark is scissors is. Because maybe he used scissors to much but then like maybe in shcool he did a project and he used scissors for it and succeeded and got an A THE END
i think you are right about him being snip's father, but where is he now, did he put snips up for adoption or something and if he did does he still live there has he been adopted? And his best friend snails, where does he live?
Same it is funny~plenty of room for my puppets ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
I don't think that's why I think I've because going on covering up the springs which made the puppet so that's how he got to make the pupets without strings
Snips's cutie mark is supposed to go with Snails's cutie mark , you know snips and snails and puppy tails thats what boys are made of? Like sugar spice and everything nice are whar girls are made of please take this into consideration
Well, Lauren Faust married Creig Mccracken are married. And, Creig Mccracken did the Power Puff Girl series. In one episode, the villain, Mojo Jojo, was making the Rowdy Rough Boys to fight against the Girls. The ingredients were: Snips of hair, Snails, and Puppy dog tails. Lauren must have named Snails after the ingredient.
It hink that snips cutie mrk means You see how the scissors are diffrent colors (blue and silver) yeah i think it Is the symbol of his friendship beetween him and snails
The brony notion your wrong snips and snails get there names from an old nursery rhyme it goes like this"Snips an snails and puppy dog tails that is what little boys are made of"and snips and snails are in fact little boys maybe in future episodes they would meet pony with puppy dog tails as a cutie mark in the future and if you don't believe in me look up the rhyme
I may be a kid but I have a thery what's up with twilight , sunset, trixie ,and starlight . They have a simbolic connection I can't say more my mom is calling.
listen i have a theory its about rarity ok this is my theory u may use it ok so luna had a child wait u may say no but listen ok what it luna had a child her child rarity so this cant explain her parents in sister hoff social i can she is adopted her mom looks nothing like her mer dad is a earth pony so why is luna lacking of being with the full main 6 well thats because she doesnot want to see rarity shes to scared rarity will find out u know but wait if thats the case how come she has no problem being with sweetie belle like in her dreams well of course sweeti is not her kid shes in the fake side of raritys family but why is rarity not a alicorn alreay and why is her cutie mark not royal but what if it is 3 diamonds diamonds mean value shes good at making dresses but the true meaning of it we all know finding GEMS but why is rarity not a alicorn and why does luna nay want her 1 alicorn theory ok shes not a alicorn YET she still needs to grow when i say grow i mean LEARN the true meaning of being royal and what ever thing she will represent if this theory is true tell me ur thoughts and maybe u can share this theory with youtube i would like to see other ppls thoughts and urs bye
Twilight is not like the other princesses also with Princess Cadance because Princess Luna and Princess Celestia's Maine's are wavy but they weren't born with them but people always say that they are so why doesn't Princess Cadence and Twilight maine's do that as well
I hate to be a hater but did you check out the MLP comics the office one they kind of enplane it in issue 10 and those comics are canine to the story to MLP
was it u or somepony else who is a changeling? damn, the only thing i cant remember is stuff like names or fictional character abbilities. anyway, i subscribed to 2 other bronies that day so im pretty confused. if u could answer my question, it would be really nice, but dont exspect me to remember it next time u upload a video, except that tomorrow.
well done with trhe subcribers im very impress with ur work well done i would like to say could u put a video about rainbow dash and scootaloo how they bond since the day rainbow dash saved scootaloo from the waterfall if u could i would be very happy and thanks for all the work u done
We're you emberesd I'm sure the fan base enjoys your singing and no snips name is a joke gets it snips and snails and puppy dog tails that's wat boys are made of there is not a pony named puppy dog tails because that's WAY too forsed
Orrr the skisors has a triangell in it. triangal has 3 sides the illumiti has 3 sides theair is one triangle the illumiti hase one eye illuminati COMFERMED?????
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk if i can make a long comment about this............... I'LL TRY maybe claud is actually snips uncle and his parents passes so legally he had to take care of him and so hes mad and probablly doesn't like him so he wants to sabatoge his carer with sicsoors (idk how to spell it) so maybe hes mean to snails all the time to let his anger out on somebody else
I'm not dissing the idea that snip's mite be the son of the that puppeteer unicorn but I do think that YOU ( The Brony Notion ) are way to obsessed with the two most boring-est characters snips and snails and have made one too many video's about them when the fact will never change that they ARE the most annoying-est leeches that will always be the supporting cast of My Little Pony.
In his first video about them he said the same thing about but then he got curious if there isn't more in their characters. They are not so boring characters i actually like them but there are 6 characters whom i don't even know their names. Bullies of Rainbow Dash and Dragon bullies of Spike. They were there just for the story, Snips and Snails at least have some character.
Well I'm not saying he's stupid. I never said he was, I actually have the most greatest respect for him I'm just saying he shouldn't read into those two charterers too much when there is nothing there to read into.
@Morgan Nigg There actually is a lot to read into. In flight to the finish they want to compete but are discouraged by their classmates which was very similar to experiances in the life of others and I. this proves that they potential. Speaking for myself I find them interesting because of how much i relate to them.
As for Brony notion, He's a reviewer.He's supposed to look into small things to catch facsinating ideas and theories. Every character has something to be read into.
I doubt id ever get 3,000 subs . I just don't have the equiptment to do good videos . But ... If I ever get 3,000 subs .... I have to sing winter wrap up ? NUUUUUUUU I SUCK AT SINGING
Ya no how in fanaf2, marionette is coming at you, her strings are cut. Snips cuttie Mark is scissors. His father is Claude. Claude cuttie Mark is marionette puppet strings. Snips could have cut marionette strings. Snips talent is playing five nights at freddys 2!!!!!!!!!!!! :0
Maybe that Pupetter guy is actually Snips' father who was abusive towards him.Maybe Snips' cutie mark represents him breaking free from Pupetter's strings and saving himself.
122 likesBut it's just a theory,a pony theory ๐
Replies (3)
I suppose he wanted Snips to follow his carreer but that wasn't for him... and probably Snips isn't his birth name but ponies tend to change their names sometimes.
3 likesI think that could be a possibility
1 likeI literally disliked you but change my mind cuz of a joke it iconic
0 likes" plenty of room for mah puppets " the best line from mlp XD I laugh every time I hear it
312 likesReplies (16)
XD ikr
0 likessame
0 likesMery Martinez OMG SAME
1 likeMery Martinez i
0 likesSame
0 likesMery Martinez I'm with ya
0 likesSame
0 likesYeah ikn
0 likesMery Martinez l
0 likessame lol
0 likes0:43
0 likesI it sure is the best line XD
0 likesBruh same it killed me ๐
0 likesI JUST saw the scene i this i and i am just reawinding ten times in a row
0 likesโช๏ธ๐นโช๏ธ
0 likesWhat about Snail's cutiemark? Is it possible his special talent is going at his own pace in learning or through life?
21 likesReplies (4)
hm....that got my thinking
4 likes+Spachuni Spachuni That is actually possible. Noticed how he's really dumb for his age, wait, is he grown up, or a foal?
1 like@Feather Waves He's a foal
1 likeI like to think he grows up to be some sort of teacher, or counseler of some sorts, maybe a special Ed teacher. Maybe his talent is helping others at their own pace, he could be a very good teacher for disabled foals, sense he seems very patient.
0 likesYou actually have a decent singing voice, why didn't you sing more of the song? XD
120 likesCouldnt he be, oh idk, a barber???
335 likesReplies (13)
I tend to look to far into things and miss the obvious. XD
133 likes@Sawtooth Waves Yeah, Babs is a barber too...
21 likesThat's what I was thinking XD
7 likesikr
3 likesThatโs what I said when I saw this!
0 likesI love how he didn't think of this as a hate comment
1 likeThat is so weird I never thought of that!
1 likeBut then what would Snails be? Seeing as how it's typical for friends and friend groups to get their cutie marks together and/or talents that work together, I can't see how a snail could fit into a barber shop. But then again they could just be completely unrelated in the talent department, also taking into consideration the theory on Snips cutie mark we just heard - individuality would make sense in that situation.
0 likes@Formless Corvid in the comics her cutie mark is mane cutter
0 likes@snave gun In the show her cutie mark is scissors and she's a barber
0 likesHe seems to be great at cutting pictures cause in equestria girls it looks like he and snails are the ones who made the fake pictures.
0 likesIdk
0 likesMaybe Claud was very controlling of everything Snips did for much of his life. Maybe the scissors symbolize the time when Snips broke away from his father for the first time. That's also why his being used as a henchman so often is significant. It shows that he still can't shake off the amount of control Claud had over his son, since other ponies were allowed to exploit it.
2 likesYour voice is quite good! Love it! I will continue to hound you to sing more!!!!
13 likesOne thing that I found interesting is that Claud's cutie mark has no puppets on it. That could just be his cutie mark, but, like your theory explains, it could mean that Snips sabotaged one of his shows. That might also explain why we never see Snips and Claud together. He could still hold a grudge against Snips.
1 likeAnd less than a year later, he already has almost 61,000 subscribers OโขO โฆImpressive.
23 likesReplies (8)
And after 4 weeks, now he has 72,000!
0 likes@***** just subbed 82000 now xD
0 likes@Kittycattycat Almost 102,000!
0 likes+Kittycattycat 162,000
0 likesKittycattycat 209k
0 likes241k
0 likes6 years later 320k
0 likesoho in my time itโs 333k
0 likesAnother suggestion: Snips' talent is being a foil to those who try to control/manipulate others. Case in point: They follow Trixie and Sunset Shimmer, two villains who like to maintain control over those they're antagonizing. They brought an Ursa Minor to town for Trixie, which led to her downfall. For Sunset Shimmer, they weren't very helpful, considering they're the morons who tried to cut-n-paste actual pictures to frame Twilight instead of use photoshop or some sort of video editing tool like Sunset did.
1 likeTL;DR: Snips' talent isn't just overthrowing some sort of evil, it's foiling bad guys. That's why he and Snails seem to follow antagonists.
Your singing voice is amazing :)
63 likesReplies (9)
I thought it was great
2 likesIt definitely was good. c:
1 likeIt was all right :3
1 likeIt's your opinion .-.
0 likes+Ava Says
1 likeHis cutie mark is a 8 or 16 bit music note for his love of digital and just music in general. And yes, his singing voice is quite nice
@LorienEdits Espino it sounds alittle like animated i want him to sing winter's f**ked up
0 likes@LorienEdits Espino if you put it on slow motion (0.5) it sounds like he (alsmost) sings winter wrap up in REAL time :D (sorry for bad english)
1 like@Rainbow Dash plzzz as vxf zzz kg s ex h zzz know jD's S's g hxhdjbgdjajausCNN akabsgsvahjavavzbzb zhd haavahssjsbshsbshsbd
0 likes@***** It's supposed to represent electronic music but maybe it has more to do... Tune in next Thurday to see more. (Maybe)
1 likeNice theory.
1 likeI saw another interpretation of his cutie mark in one fanfic that was kinda interesting.
He can press his horn against almost anything and cleanly cut it into any shape he wants.
โ or maybe Iโm just overthinking a show for little girls. Whoa. I think I just summed up my channel In ten wordsโ lol the best line ever
6 likesYour theory is very detailed but snips cutie mark was specifically explained in the Mlp comic book series. Snails asked Snips what his cutie mark means. Snips then said, "It means I'm excellent at cutting all things, observe this rope." Then Snips cut the rope with his buck teeth.
1 likeAnother interesting thing is that one part of the scissors is highlighted, and seems almost made of two separate parts. Snips is (and probably always will be) working with his friend snails. They're always working in tandem, and (at least when we first saw them) it was to sabotage something.
0 likesI dunno. I'm pretty tired as of watching this video, so this comment is probably not entirely coherent. I'll more than likely come back and edit this later, when I'm not so dang tired.
This happens to at least somewhat align with the previous notion of Snips representing boyish stereotypes, among those being mischief.
0 likesOf course, we can also take the extreme route and assume Snips will become an anarchist.
If this hasn't already been said, "Snips and Snails (and puppy dog tails)" is how you make little boys. I'm not saying they're the only (littlest) ponies who were boys, but they were some of the first littler boy ponies.
0 likesI think snips might be a great clothing maker able to make clothing like no one else in equestria. It could also symbolize making of art from paper or working in an office though I do like your idea that he would battle corruption when he was older perhaps as some galavanting hero or public servant as mayor! Ya know him cutting through the red tape :)
0 likesi thought snips special talent is sabotaging.
0 likeshe (along with snail, but this is snip's moment) even unintentionally sabotaged trixie with the ursa minor, casting her out since, well, she was revealed.
he and snails video-taped twilight in EQG, and we can all agree on who did the 'editing and cutting' of said video.
and if the whole him-and-his-'dad'-thing is real, then it only serves to strengthen the fact he can sabotage well, since he sabotaged his 'dad'.
and scisors would be a symbol of cutting things down, hence, sabotaging.
I always thought his cutie mark was from trying to cut his own mane. I mean, look how choppy and messy it looks. Like a kid took sizcors to their hair.
0 likesHe tried it and, although at first a failure, he practiced with others, possibly snails, and got it right.
Just a hunch, but if that was Snips father then he would have control over Snips. Snips getting angry with his father told him to leave him alone brake the control that his father had. Creating the cutie mark of scissors. ๐I love this
2 likesI honestly don't know if someone has already thought of this but what if Snips cutie mark represents breaking away from his father and choosing to follow his own path? Also, if Inspiration Manifesto is Snips's father, what if Inspiration Mainfesto's cutie mark not only represents his love of being a puppeteer, but his love of control? You're probably thinking, why does Inspiration Manifesto then use magic for his puppets? Well, think of this: what if after Snips broke away from his father's control, Inspiration Manifesto lost it and decided that magic would be a better form of control, since you can't just cut magic with scissors. I'm not saying that the theory in the video is wrong because it still could have happened. Father controls his son, son gets angry, sabotages his father's puppets and breaks away from his father, father turns coocoo crazy and uses a non cuttable force to control his puppets. I could honestly see this being a thing. Maybe it'll show up in other episodes?
0 likesAlso, maybe the reason Snips always gets into trouble is because he wants to be rebellious, since his father attempted to control him. I know, the last one is a bit shaky but, it's a theory right?
Thank you if you read this far! I love these videos and I'm definently going to subscribe!
I'm one of ur newer subscribers and I LOVE ur channel.... Not sure about how I feel about ur opinions on rd and aj but I'll live with it. The snips thing makes so much sense but what about Claud's cutie mark? How would he get a cutie mark that represented a mishap with his son when he was little? Unless it was the destiny thing u mentioned in ur what is a cutie mark video. Congrats on 3,000 and nice voice.
1 likeGreat singing! And great theory to! I LOVE your videos!
1 likeOk, I think that instead of messing with his father's show, he say, liberated himself. Makes sense considering you said your self that scissors are commonly used to symbolize freedom, so, using this, my theory is that snips was under the influence of his father and was told to, or forced, to do something that he didn't like. So he was free of the manipulation that his father had on him(again,I'm theorizing, might not be true). To follow up on this, from the looks of the episode that you showed (sorry, not sure I saw that episode of mlp) it looked like his dad was walking away or avoiding him, it seems similar to some movies: the person (his dad) does something that was disagreeable to the character (snips) and so he does something to the person(snips does something to dad) that resulted in the freedom of the character(snips now has freedom). I don't know about you, but that makes way more sense to me than the original thought. Sorry, but it seems to me that it seems less likely that he freed a puppett, or what ever he could do. The other thing that may mess up your theory is the cutie mark. Dad's cutie mark was cut strings and snips was scissors. And you said that a cutie mark could most definitely be distinguished by either their special talent , thing that makes them special, or their destinies, or all. And we can predict that cut strings was most likely his destiny. I think that dad saw both these things and that's probably why snipd was in his father's influence any ways. The only loosened or thing that could mess this all up, is if snips DID NOT ALREADY have that cutie mark by freeing some one. This could also support your thing that snips could free whatever and all that In the future, but if I were right, this already happened. So, yeah. I'm looked in the video and I just wanted to share since you encourage it in almost every video. I know it was long, but I just had to tell you, just in case you make a video on this new insight, I don't have Facebook, but I do have kik and Skype, Skype is " bookworms4ever " and kik it's " bane _of_light ".thank you for listening to this.
0 likesAccording to the comics, Snip's special talent is the ability to cut all things. It was proved by him easily biting through a thick rope in one chomp.
0 likesI think that's a surprisingly sound theory re: Snips and Claude the Puppeteer. However, in that case I think Snip's mark might have more to do with him breaking free from his father's control (and might explain his current free reign). Maybe this involved some sabotage, maybe not. Maybe he defied his father by choosing sewing or mane-dressing over puppets. I doubt it has anything to do with the lack of strings on Claude's puppets--he is, after all, a unicorn, so there's no need for strings to begin with.
0 likesAs for his destiny . . . I think in MLP "destiny" is more like the optimal outcome than the set-in-stone result or anything terribly glorious. Apple Jack's destiny appears to be carrying on the Apple legacy, for instance. If everything goes well, AJ will keep the orchards from going to wrack and ruin until the next generation can take up the mantle. Similarly, I don't think Pinkie Pie's headed for anything legendary--unless you count being the Element of Laughter, which, I'll admit, is pretty legendary.
I just thought of something what if the pony puppets were one really alive ponys that were turned into puppets?
104 likesReplies (28)
And snips found out and wanted freedom?
9 likesThat's very creatively spooky, but I don't think so :)
22 likesAll well back to the drawing board
3 likes@derp ina arent you just think of another version of Rainbow Factory then?
6 likesFNaf I mean Five nights at Ponies ain't it the same.
6 likes+Pinky Gypsy no that scares the nether out of me (I'm not allowed to swear my mom says and I'm following the rule even on the internet)
0 likes@derp ina It's ok I can't swear at all!
0 likesOk
0 likes@derp ina I'm ALLOWED to, I just don't. It's just more respectful.
0 likesFNAF much, derpy ina
3 likesYa I know but it's all I got and thar is rainbow factory
0 likesI know that
0 likesIs that like a refrence to Fnaf?
1 like@derp ina Are you a FNAF fan or something? The Puppet wants free!! She's waited so long....
0 likes@derp ina MINECRAFT IS AMAZING And I think I just heard it in Harry Potter playing in the background. I just don't curse, one of my teachers said it's for people who are to stupid (She said "aren't creative", but we all knew what she meant) to think of a better word to say. MINECRAFT!!!!
0 likes@***** Pandora wants freedom!!!!!!!
0 likes@derp ina To be honest I was thinking the same thing.
3 likesKk
0 likes+derp ina wow nice theary. GASP what if Claud is a killer? Okey A fan made creepy tv show called Puppets should be made then...But I am not watching it!
1 likeOk to far
1 likeIt's Been So Long, since last I've seen the sun...
0 likes+derp ina why not give it to the peron who wrote the story muffens
0 likes+Nanci Shur'tugal thats not at all about the vidoe so why post that its kind of silly
0 likesWell in real life there a puppets that were originated in Indonesia, those puppets actually have dead souls inside and that explains why the puppets move on their own some times... creepy right.
0 likesThe Brony Notion yep
0 likes๐ฑ
0 likesO-O
0 likesYou just created a new game..I present FNAP ....... Wat u don't get it...
0 likesF (five)
N (nights)
A (at)
P ( ponies)......
.... FNAP
I agree with the theory. And awesome new intro! =)
36 likesReplies (3)
1 like@Annie Sallemi lol
0 likesIt's from intromaker .net if ya want it
0 likesI can take it a step further. If Claude and Snips were on good terms, Snips would show up to the puppet show. It's also shown that Claude is an angry guy. I'm going really far into head cannon territory but I think it's clear where I'm going with this.
0 likesI can always count on this guy to provide amazing mlp food 4 thought. The idea makes a lot of sense as well. lastly:
After watching this video I came up with a theory. Is it possible that Claud was controlling snips so snips stood up to Claud and earned his cutie mark?
0 likesIt's amazing how well some stuff fits together in the show but some how goes right past me that's the reason I love your show so many interesting theories
1 likeCongrats on the subscribers! But I don't think it counts if you only sing one verse....
15 likesReplies (7)
Oh yes it does
8 likes@The Brony Notion
5 likes;D
>:( I'm unimpressed.....
3 likesHaha Lol its fine ;)
4 likes@The Brony Notion Plz sing hole song!
1 like@***** Lol he dosent need to sing the whole song! HES AWESOME! I don't sing the whole song when it comes to stuff like this in my other channel. But Great Job!
0 likes@Sonata Dusk yeah i want him to sing the hole song to
0 likesYou just earned yourself another subscriber! You are AWESOME! i love your theories.
0 likesFist of I am sorry for such a long post)
0 likesBut I was reading a bit on Snails as I have a friend who is doing course at college so she can be a Gardner designer anyway she wanted a bit of information on Snails.
So I found this very cool aspect of the snail meaning and I found this mainly in their shells and how a snail lives their lives in short this is what it said.
Do you have a little free-roaming gypsy in you? The snail is a great guide for you. It carries its home upon its back. It can wander anywhere, and still be home. Not only that - the snail excretes a substance (calcium carbonate) that actually creates its own shell (unlike hermit crabs, who find shells already made to move into). This is hugely symbolic. It implies anywhere we go - that's home. Are you the kind of person who feels at home where ever you are? The snail salutes you for that! What's key to feeling at home is being okay with ourselves. Home is in the heart. We can make our own comfort from within. We can auger a sense of content just by being satisfied with who we are from the inside out.
Then it got me thinking maybe this is what Snail's cutie mark means that he is a free spirit and able to move from place to place and work almost every where and anywhere. Ii don't know just thought I would post this
Another interesting theory as always! Keep it up! And congrats on 3K subs!
1 likeGreat theory! But I found out something about Snips that is canon. In the comic mini series, "Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair", Snips and Snails are seen walking through the Summer Fair, and Snails is questioning Snips' cutie mark. Snips quotes, "Snails... It means that I am excellent at cutting all things." And he demonstrates by cutting a rope flawlessly with his front teeth, accidentally setting off the CMC's firework catapult.
0 likesA theory for the puppeteer of being snips' father: the thing the strings are attached to kind of look like scissors and can be related to snips' cutie mark in someway or another
0 likesYou have a really good singing voice
8 likesI always thought that Snip and Snails got their marks when they played a Pony Version of rock, paper, scissors and they were so boring that destiny was like, well this as good as any special talent, congratulation boys.
0 likesYou don't have to be embarrassed about singing. I think your voice is great!
0 likesScissors represent him breaking free, yet he always ends up being the minion of all the bad guys
0 likesHold it!
0 likesphonix Wright looking at the past
"I'm afraid you are forgetting something Snip and snails are quite often working for someone who is corrupt like Trixie and sunset shimmer and sometimes even Dimonde Tierara. however Snips could be infamous erhaps for maybe being rebelios and causing trouble and following the wrong crowd. He does seam like the sort of abnoxias person who would get in the way and cause sabotauge. but what about snails? there's nothing sluggish or slow about him. he looks some what sleepy but I don't think he's actualy slow minded or slow in pace. as we have seen him run before. maybe his cutie mark means something else as well. like he's slimey ad sticks ......oh boy I just refrences a stupid moment didn't eye.. insert gum on butt joke here.
there's alo the notion that snails have shells and he could of just had a slug for a cutie mark if it was that's he's just slow.
but maybe there is more to this charecter than we know. also maybe it could refrence to the Nurdery Rhyme snips and snails and puppy dog tails. however this would be sexists..... WAAAAAAAIIIIIT. could it be...... noooo. I mean...noooo.............. gasp! I fear I may have caused....a paradox. Every Bronie run to your bunkers! and this is not my fault I repeat this is not my fault!
/hides in a vault.
I think itโs like twilights cutie mark , it had 2 reasons
0 likes(Twilights cutie mark ) first it resembled her talent for magic and then it resembled her friends and twilight
Similarly I think snipsโs cutie mark resembles that heโs a big trouble maker and in that he might accomplish something related to freedom in the future
WTF... I though somebody would point out the most obvious interpretation of the 2 cutie marks! Snips simply had an overprotective father or maybe he wanted to force him doing the same job as him? And Snips solved that problem and obtained freedom from his father.
0 likesIt all makes sense now....
1 likeAh, wish you didn't rush through the song, there. You have a great singing voice!
I laughed so hard at "Just let that sink in."
2 likesXD
You have an amazing singing voice
8 likes"Or maybe I'm thinking too deeply about a show for little girls."
0 likesYou just described the thoughts of every brony ever.
Replies (1)
I know right? ...But screw logic. MLP is the best. :3
1 likeYou'll notice that Snips never mentions his father in the show. He mentions his mother in the Gabby Gums episode, but a father is never mentioned. I think that Snip's father was abusive and controlling towards him and Snips had something to do with it ending (i.e a divorce, improvement int the situation, etc.) you might think this means that the fathers destiny was to be defeated by his son and lose that control, but I think it just means that he was destined to be abusive in order for Snip's destiny to be fulfilled. And the strings also represent his skills as a puppet master. As for Snips, who knows? He could be good at sewing, or curigami (the art of cutting paper) as well as well as debunking his fathers control.
0 likesHaven't you heard of what little boys are made of? Snips and Snails (and puppy dog tails) are obviously the quintessential little boy archetypes.
0 likesWe can take this idea further and look how different cutie marks match each other. For example the ones of Flim and Flam. Surely their talents must have something to do with one another. Or what about Celestia and Luna? Or Applebloom and that Pest Control Pony? After all, there is this other video of yours discussing over the existence of the dream world.
0 likesWhat about Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust? Or what about all the ponies with hourglasses?
Aww you should have sung it all. you have a beautiful voice!
1 likeWow! You have a great voice you should sing the whole verse to prove you love your subscribers
0 likesMaybe Claud (considering he is dad) kept bothering snips about following in his foot steps, and maybe one day snips had enough and sad no
0 likesMetaphorically cutting his strings
you have a beautiful voice! Don't be so "ugh lets get this over with" about it!
4 likesSnips has the best cutie-mark! I didn't see that coming.
1 likeLike you said. He sabotaged his fathers puppets. Well in many episodes, or equestrian girls he sabotages twilights reputation etc. It could have something to do with that. But he could use his talent for good use. But I maybe he uses it for bad for now because that's what he thinks his talent is. Just a theory.
0 likessnips cutie mark somehow matches with babs cutie mark he also has a pair of scissors . Scotaloo made it clear babs talent was taming manes so maybe the same is with snips i would like to see babs and snips open up a mane salon .
0 likesYou should go on Equestria's Got Talent! Your voice is awesome.
0 likesDoes anyone notice that like on 1:37 or 1:38 there is some kind of kid saying something in the background. It's hard to hear, so try using headphones for this.
162 likesReplies (99)
I heard it, kinda weird...
8 likesI think it's like becuz he says "little girls" it's says little girl voices
8 likes+donnacoolart In the clip from the show I got the music from, the CMC had just done some pony's hair. That pony ran out crying because of their bad hair do. Now I use the same song, but without all the sfx.
35 likesI heard without headphones !
8 likes@Ajay Kulye i know, it was just a Recommendation.
3 likesI'm bored. Hey, did anyone watch friendship games?
4 likes+donnacoolart i did
0 likes+ShortVidioClips I felt I related to Twilight in that movie
0 likesI heard a sound at 1:38 or 1:37 to
0 likes+Ajay Kulye me tooo!
0 likes+donnacoolart I think that's part of the "little girls" thing.
0 likesOmg I heard it without headphones and it was creepy...
0 likes@Should i PLAY this Game? Ikr it scared me a little...
1 like+eveev and the crew so creepy like it said keya
0 likes+The Brony Notion I Think That Claude Controlled Snips But When Snips Reused To Follow Claudes Rules He Got His Cutie Mark Of A Scissor = Breaking Free
0 likesi think the kid said hello or allow or idk
0 likes+Lidia Gonzalez mee too
0 likeslolz ๐
0 likes+donnacoolart nope...
0 likesYeah, he is saying 'alahhhh' or something along those words of wizdom.
0 likessorry wut i wa like 1/2 a sleep
0 likesOMG, heard it!
0 likesi did 1st time
0 likesit sounded like ahyeahhhhhhhhh
0 likesin between these seconds like 1:37.007
0 likesi like it when he sang winter wrap up say i if u agree?
0 likesI heard it
0 likes+donnacoolart i heard kid screaming
0 likes@Pop pony star/Princess Vi yeah it was something like that. love your profile pic btw
0 likesLo
0 likesit sounds like ayea! khehe!
0 likesI heard it to
0 likesno it sounds like I'm not
0 likes+donnacoolart when nation was recording problubly a little kid was trying to talk to him but he ignored
0 likesI heard it to
0 likesI'm pretty sure it's the music
1 likei know
1 likeIts screming on 1:38
0 likesOmg I heard it.
0 likes+donnacoolart that's just a song in the background
0 likes+donnacoolart i noticed it, music i think
0 likesI hear it
0 likesthat's strange...
0 likes+Acer Anderson woe
0 likesit's the sound of a baby pony crying.
0 likesHey said kiyaaaa or Miyaaa or something that begins with yaaaaaaaaaa
0 likesI heard it!
0 likesIT sounds like "Ayaaaa!"
0 likesyeah
0 likesClassic Sonic is AWESOME OMG Just by looking at your profile picture, I thought you were Brony Notion. XD Then, I remembered that he changed it over a year ago...
0 likesI hear it to
0 likesOh yeah...
0 likesdonnacoolart yeah I herd that...
0 likesdonnacoolart or it was flurry hart
0 likesAjay Kulye same and I herd it on my phone
0 likesit sounded like pikachu PIKA
0 likesi love sans hope ya do to yea it was like crying
0 likesdonnacoolart it really sounded like crying
1 likedonnacoolart it said TWILIGHT!!!!!
1 like+samantha cute maybe
0 likesdonnacoolart I heard it 2
0 likesHeard it already.
0 likesdonnacoolart heard it
0 likesdonnacoolart there's someone crying ๐ญ
1 likeYeah,I heard it.
2 likesdonnacoolart is ah i
0 likesdonnacoolart it sounds like hi!!
0 likesi thought that was music but it sounds like MAMA
1 likeShortVidioclips so weird
0 likesdonnacoolart ..... ok ๐ ๐
0 likesStarted hearing it at l:35 through 1:39
0 likesdonnacoolart j
0 likesYeah
0 likesI heard it without my headphones, and yeah, weird.
0 likesdonnacoolart it was aaaayyeeeahhhhh
0 likesdonnacoolart, it was a crying pony. I can hear it because I'm wearing headphones.
0 likesdonnacoolart the kid is saying AYE AYE
0 likesI heard it without headphones..
0 likesOh....mai god
0 likesdonnacoolart I heard it
0 likesI heard it
0 likesdonnacoolart ur right!!!! Thats so weird
0 likesdonnacoolart it sound like someone is saying hello
0 likesit's in Analyzing Cutie marks TOO
0 likesdonnacoolart no it was a girl shrieking.
0 likesdonnacoolart I heard
0 likesAII YAHH!!!
At 1:38, remember when the adult pony cried because the CMC messed up her hair in "Showstoppers?" That as the cry of that clown-haired pony
0 likesI am I the only person who knows what that sound is?
0 likesI heard it
0 likesheard it, although it sounds more like screaming LOL XD XD
0 likesyes i noticed that too. Weird. It's good to hear that i'm not the only one..
0 likesdonnacoolart I HEARD IT
0 likesi heard it without headphones
0 likesI assumed it was just part of the background muisc
0 likesdonnacoolart ikr!!
0 likesThay are laghing
0 likesmaybe sweetie belle?
0 likesMaybe his special talent is to mess up stuff! He have proven to be good at it!
0 likesLike when he screwd up Trixie's fake story by bringing the Ursa Mayor (That ended up being a Ursa Minor), or like when they messed up the reputation of Twilight in Enquestria Girls twice, or the time when he and his friend got stuck with bubblegum (He totally screwd up it worst when they tried to separate!)...
XD Think about it! He ruined the work of his father and got his cutie mark!
It just works with how I see the future of mlp. Years pass, and the old villains group together to shatter the kingdom. Twilight must find her friends and join them together in secret and defeat the elements of disharmony. Snips is leader of the rebellion, where twilight finds Rainbow fighting
0 likes"Possibly someday put a stop to some form of corruption"
0 likes(In the later years in Ponyville)
Diamond Tiara takes over her fathers company and is now forcing the Apple Family to do oh I don't know some corporate espionage? Snips saves the day and proves Diamond Tiara guilty of corruption in her fathers business.
Perhaps things aren't always quite as they seem...
OMG! You know how Snips is always doing what other ponies do, rather than what he wants right? Always obeying the superiors. And you talked about him "breaking free"? Well maybe his destiny is to stop doing what others ask and to "break free" like you said! He might also encourage Snails to aswell, but he will be well... slower to do so...get it, like a snail (lol cheesy joke)? What do you think?
12 likesReplies (13)
@***** thnx!
0 likes@HappyPonyJunior that could be it I think thats right!
0 likes@Percy Hitt thnx!
0 likesNo problem it was a good reason
0 likes@Percy Hitt :D
0 likesthat's a really good theory๐๐๐
0 likes@Andrea Dooling thnx!
0 likesNp!
0 likesfast reply! either you have amazing wifi or you're near me (same state, same region)
0 likesOr I have no life and watch YouTube all day
0 likesI live in Canada so
0 likes@Andrea Dooling cool my friend's from Canada. I'm from the US
0 likes@HappyPonyJunior nice
0 likesI think Claud used to use strings,but snips cut them and now Claud uses his magic.
0 likesI am 100% with you! And lovin the intro! ๐ฅ
0 likesI have one of the MLP comics, and it states that Snips's buck teeth help him cut string and other materials. Just pointing that out there.
0 likesI think it's for his mischievous nature (sabotage, bringing minor into ponyville,etc) it's him 'cutting the strings of social norms'
0 likesmy cutie mark represents my never dyeing flame for the fandom and other things
3 likesHes also rather "Snippy" in both appearance and the way he interacts with certain characters.
0 likesI just realized the main six have opposites of each other,
1 likeApplejack is the opposite of Rarity,Applejack is always fine with getting a little dirty,but on the other hand Rarity hates getting dirty or messing up her mane.
Fluttershy is the opposite of pinkie pie,Fluttershy is well SHY,and Pinkie pie,Pinkie Pie is friends with basically everyone and if she sees a new pony walking by she will quickly try and make friends with them.
Rainbow Dash is the opposite of Twilight Sparkle,Rainbow Dash wants to be the center of attention and better then everyone else (not as bad as trixie though)like in mysterious mare do well ,Twilight wouldn't ever want to be better then everyone else. Well that's just my theory not sure if it's very good though. Just saying, bye anyone who read this >:D
In the comics Snips explains that his special talent is the ability to cut anything.
0 likesif you read the my little pony comic Zen and the art of Gazebo Making (strange title, right?), Snips cuts a string with his teeth when Snails asks what is so special about a pair of scissors. i agree with your idea, but i just wanted to tell you that.
1 likeBabs Seed's cutie mark is also a pair of scissors...
4 likesIn the episode "Bloom and Gloom" Babs said so.
Does that mean it's possible to have the same cutie mark?
Replies (4)
Yes, but babs seeds cutie mark has red in it.
0 likes@ShortVidioClips really?
0 likesi've never seen her cutie mark before?
@The Dashytiger forever It's in the corner of the letter Apple Bloom gets. It's scissors, but the thumb and finger holes are red and if you look at them they're shaped like an apple. :)
1 like@darkflame728 Oh. COOL!!!!
1 likeI don't think snips will solve something later or anything like that, but I think that the puppeteer guy was a bad father and so Snips sabotaged and ran away, freeing himself from his father
0 likesI think the story means that his special skill is sabotage, think about it. He does it a lot
0 likesI think they should do like an episode where Snips and Snails try to help the CMCs to get their cutiemarks! :3
0 likesBut then why is it that every single time there's a new major (or minor) villian in the show, snips and snails are always sucking up to them? (ex: Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, etc. )
1 likedude...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seeing my comment in your video was amazing for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 likesReplies (8)
@ืืงื ืืจืืจ Thanks for the idea!
3 likesyou are SOOOOOOOOOOO welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes@The Brony Notion you are SOOOOOOOOOOO welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes@Pinkamena Diane Pie thank you!!!!!!!!
0 likesืื ืืืขืชื ืฉืืฉ ืืฉืจืืืื ืคื 0_0
1 like@ืืืจืืื ืืื ืืจืืืื ืื ืขืื
0 likesืื ืขืืฉืื ืืชื ืืืืข...
0 likesWhat?
0 likes0:45 the voice never gets old
0 likesReally I think it's more about just reusing the snips, snails and puppy dog tails from Faust's previous use in the Powerpuff Girls (or at least from common popular culture) and really doesn't mean much at all.
0 likesYou have a beautiful voice! Keep up the great theories! <3
0 likes. 1 too quick and 2 you sing winter wrap-up so good
14 likes"Plenty of room for my puppets!!" I died of luaghter
0 likesbreaking through power might make him a villian. or it means his destiny is to snip through bad power
0 likesThat's a very interesting back story about his cutie mark!
0 likesWow i never ever thought of his cutie mark like that wow mind blown!
0 likesI just noticed something. How come shining armors, and twilights magic color r the same, but rarity, and sweetie bell's r different colors? I also noticed that the magic color is the somewhat same color as the eyes, but for shining armors. Shinung armors eyes r blue, but his magic color is purple
3 likesReplies (14)
It corresponds with the color of their cutie mark. Therefore we can safely assume sweetie belles will be green
0 likesWitch is the same color as her eyes.
0 likesI always thought the magic glow color just runned in the family. Example, shinning armor, and twilighy. Both of there magic glow color is purple. But then u look at sweetie belle, and rarity, and there maig glow color is different. Rarity's is blue, and sweetie delle's is green. So i think the magic glow color adopes the color of the eyes, and maybe it dose run in the family aswell.
0 likesThe magic matches their cutie mark twighlights is magic is pink, as well as her cutie mark not her eyes
0 likesHer magic glow color is purple not pink. And if u look closely ITS THE SAME COLOR AS HER EYES!!!! And if u think about it sweetie belle just started using her magic, and dosent have a cutie mark. Also her magic glow color is green WITCH IS THE SAME COLOR AS HER EYESS!!!
0 likeslooks to the left, then the right r u talkung about me, maskket?
0 likesOn all ponies I've seen, the color of the magic matches the cutie mark.
0 likesPersonaly, I like the theory that was presented in Ponies With Pockets Productions' short, Domestics. For those who don't know, PWPP makes the Doctor Whooves n Assistant audio drama series, and just before the short they added a new companion, a ginger unicorn named Tick Tock. During the short, the Doctor was studying Tick Tock's magic and asked about the color of his magic, to which he responded:
0 likes"It comes down to personal preference. The base being eye color, followed by cutie mark color, followed by personal choice should either be un-desired."
yeah that's weird.
0 likesThe reason Raritys and Sweetie Bells colors are different is because they're not related.:-P
0 likes@Dan Davis Where did you get that from? There's nothing in the show that even suggests they're not related
0 likesit has to do with CM
0 likes@Dan Davis theyre sisters
0 likesThe color of the magic aura is coming from either their cutie marks or their eye color.Rarity's eyes are dark blue but her aura is light blue,the color of her cutie mark.Belle's eyes are green and her aura's green as well,since it would be impossible to fit 3 different colors into her aura.
0 likesMaybe Snips was forced to do something bad that the puppetpony guy wanted him to do. Then suddenly Snips escaped from the bad puppetpony guy. I'm guessing Snips cut through (I meant by freed himself) the puppetpony guy. Just a theory or an idea :)
0 likesWhat I think of is that I remember when I was little there was this rhyme
0 likes"Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of" Maybe this symbolizes how snips and snails act very childish
Replies (1)
Crap never mind you already realized that whoops
0 likesYour a good singer!!! <3 Love your channel.
0 likesPerhaps his cutie mark has to do with cutting with scissors to be about innocent destruction. In other words his special talent is having accidents, the greatest of which was destroying pony-ville with an Ursa.
0 likesi thought about babs seed and snips because both of their cutie marks are SCISSORS
3 likesSnips could be good at hair cuts and that's why he got his cutemark :)
0 likesWell look at the scene in equestria girls when Sunset Shimmer framed Twilight, the fake pictures look perfect only Snips would be able to do this considering his cutiemark.
1 likeGreat theory!! Snips looks a lot like the puppeteer
0 likesyou are good at singing! i could definetly watch that again! :D
0 likeswow you ate a good singer you should sing more often :-D
6 likesReplies (2)
Wonder who he ate..
3 likesI'm kidding of course. We all make mistakes.
3 likesI think it's super hilarious that in Equestria Girls, Snips moves like a pair of SCISSORS turned into a PUPPET!
0 likesI think your on to something! maybe his dad wanted snips to put on shows like him, and made him practice all day instead of playing with his friends. so one day Snips decided to destroy his dad's favorite puppets, that's why the puppets don't have strings.
0 likesI personally think snips got his cutie mark when his dad was making a puppet show and snips was the person working backstage like a slave and then he met snails and then he helped him savage the show by cutting the strings on the puppets this event caused both his dad and himself there cutie marks this symbolizes that snips broke free from his father's power then he set a goal with snails, to find a perpouse so, that's why they serve popular people and snails got his cutie mark when he descoverd that he's slow in descovering friendship and also very ignorant just my therories!
0 likesOr it could just be from the rhyme โboys are made of snips and snails...โ since theyโre always together, makes sense.
0 likesI noticed something In power puff girls the girls were made from suagr,spice,and everything nice but in on episode the villain wanted to make his own boys and make them bad but for this ingredient it was:SNIPS,SNAILS,and a puppy dog tail which it sorta odd but not really idk:BRO HOOF /)
3 likesReplies (3)
It's actually from an old nursery rhyme.
4 likes"What are little girls made of? x2
Sugar and spice and every thing nice,
that's what little girls are made of," and the other version:
"What are little boys made of? x2
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of." Both shows got those ingredients from that poem. :D
I like PPG (that WIERD kid that no one understands)
0 likes@karina diaz I like it too. Did you know Cartoon Network is gonna reboot the show in 2016?
0 likesOr maybe snip's cute mark is about cutting through serious situations in life by ruining everything right or not maybe he cuts through decisions
0 likesโI think I just summed up my channel in 10 wordsโ I laughed hard core at that
0 likeswhat if snip's dad was forcing snips to go into puppeteer business but snips refused and cut all of the strings off of his fathers puppets so he wouldn't have to, that then meaning he broke free of his father manipulating him.
0 likesClaud used to use strings but when snips cut the strings he started using his horn so snips won't ruin another show
0 likesI got it! How about star swirl bearded is part of the pie family!!
4 likesReplies (6)
Think about it pinkey pies dad looks similar to star swirl bearded and it could be his lost brother or something maybe this is why pinky has some strange power
0 likesBest fanfiction of the year guys xD :) Lol
0 likesReally! Yay!!!
0 likesWe need to have the boroy notion do his next video about that
0 likesYeah I hope he saw it
0 likesThat can't be true. First of all, Starswirl is a unicorn, and second of all, the Pie family is related to the Apple family and Big Mac looks nothing like Starswirl.
0 likesYou're such an adorable singer! X3
1 likeOr maybe Snipes is a reference to the what boy are "made of." Like snips, snails, and puppy dog tails
0 likesI always thought his talent was arts and crafts or tailoring or something
0 likesI think snip's cute mark is about his personality not just his destiny
0 likesIf I find out you don't cuss I'll subscribe instantaneously.. Do you know why? Because you sang that song and because your the only person I know that loves map as much as I do and is not in 2nd grade cause I'm in fourth grade and nobody can relate
7 likesReplies (16)
I meant loves mlp as much as me
0 likesGood news, I have never sworn on any video and never will.
3 likes+The Brony Notion Awesome! (Also I'm like screaming in my head right now because you actually replied to me that RARELY ever happens)
0 likes+The Brony Notion HI I CANT BELIVE IM TALKING TO U!!anyways I think that did happen where he sapatoshed sorry I can't spell but I think that happens.why do u not like doing winter wrap up I like it cause your good at doing it anyways bye!
0 likesim in 4th grade too
1 likeIm just like u!
0 likesim 3rd grade
1 like+Cantaloupix your lucky third graders get everything
0 likessteph jones Actuallly, you're not talking to him, you just wrote (insert what steph jones wrote), and The Brony Notion didn't reply to you, so basically you're not talking to him. (Srry I crushed you're dreams,I had to cringe at your comment)
0 likes+Chad Hamilton he. doesn't
0 likesChad Hamilton I can relate
0 likesChad Hamilton I love mlp and I'm in high school
0 likesIm in 8th and I love mlp
1 likeChad Hamilton I'm in 5 grade and โกโกโกmlp
1 likeChad Hamilton 6th and loves mlp and I have a friend that's a freshman and also one that's in 7th that loves mlp
1 likeI thought when you said the puppeteers name and how it might be Snips father I thought his talent was going to be making puppets.
0 likesI agree, I think that makes perfect sense. ;P congrats on the 3000 subs!
1 liketheory time!!! magic color theory!!: (this is also for comments i've seen.) III noticed in my first time watching ( a canterlot wedding part 1 ) this. my first hint that cadance was evil was her magic. ( it was actually her snobbishness and the game BUT STILL!! ) i went back a couple episodes ( or earlier in that episode ) and saw that her TRUE magic was blue. just like rarity's for her cutie mark and twilight's. so i KNEW it was something evil cuz well... ( just like season four green and red r evil colurz )
0 likesReplies (1)
BUT... why is shining's magic not blue? its pink. he has more blue in his cutie mark than pink so i don't have a good theory for that except he's related to twilight who's magic is pink.
0 likesI know this is weird, but I found his singing voice as a cute one...hehe :p
0 likesIn that brief moment, you sound like an amazing Singer.
0 likessawtooth waves: "just let that sink in"
1 likealso sawtooth waves: (shows an actual sink saying "knock knock")
Replies (1)
I don't remember typing this lol
0 likesThat's a really cool theory and I totally agree๐
0 likesI remember hearing snips say something about doing hair I can't remember which episode but I do believe that he is going to be a hairdresser
0 likesThen why do snips and snails always allow themselves to be controlled by antagonists like trixie and sunset shimmer (or sunlight glimmer) whatever her name is?
0 likesMaybe snip's father was abusive or controlative (as his cutie mark symbolisises marionette strings aka his puppet talent or maybe something more) he could have been controlative towards snips and maybe one day snips finally broke free from his father's theoretical "marionette strings" as symbolized by his scissors cutiemark. It is possible his cutie mark symbolizes him breaking away from his father's control
0 likesThat awkward moment when you watch a video a year later and they have a lot more subscribers then they said in the video XD
0 likesI think it's possible that Claud is snip's dad but I doubt that snips will be anything more than Sunset shimmer's goon
0 likesI know this is a weird question but... Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom's sisters all have a connection. Could it be that they next could have some close connection as their sisters? They have a pretty close connection as friends (just like their sisters) and all get along with each other (just like their sister) This may not be such a good theory but it's all I got.
0 likesI have a nice idea about snails cutie mark he brought pets snails into his house even though his mother said no and he was so angry but still he helped the snails and then he said goodbye but he never lost his love of playing with snails and that's when he got his cutie mark that is the best I can think of by the way my best channel ever I love watching your theories and this one is by me love your channel
0 likesReplies (1)
At least one reply please
0 likesThe theory seems legit but we can never know...
1 likeIn the comics, Snips kinda explains it. My talent is being good at cutting things. Yeah.
0 likesThe scissors could represent a talent for cutting corners
0 likesI think snip used to be a puppet, but got a hold of a pair of scissors and broke free, because he was like Pinocchio.
0 likesBro you actually sung winter wrap up really well
0 likesOMG! I absolutely love your videos!
0 likesMaybe it has to do with the fact that snips is almost always with snails,thus they come in a pair. a PAIR of scissors. See the conection? This is the only thing i thought of that isnt extremely unevidenced (thats a word now) or outrageous. Then again, thats baisicly what theorys are: outrageous, evidence-lacking ideas that seem really silly most of the time.
0 likes(Look in the comments if you want to see my other theory )
Replies (1)
My other theory is that snips ends up working for rarity or something. Think about it: a stressed and probably overworked designer looking for someone to higher and a ponie with a pair of scissors for a cutie mark.
0 likesThat's a quite smart idea... Will snips be a hero in the future? :O well... Someone just needs to educate and teach dem manners :D
0 likesin the comics snails asks snips why his cutie mark is scissors. he asked if it was because he was good at using sciรors, where snips replys, nope. im good at cuting everything. watch. he then bites through a rope holding down the cmc's fkreworks catapolt, which flies into the gazebo,wrecking it.
0 likesYou only have 3k!!! I believe you should have 1M!!!!!
0 likesYour stuff are so good and interesting!!
I have a theory that what's up with snips and scootalo I think the we're siblings at one point but when they where little the parents split up the mother (unknown) taking scootalo and the father (possibly the puppeteer pony) taking snips on the mothers side it was ok for a few years until the mother got cancer and she died and scootalo didn't know who her father was so she stayed with her her aunt and her wife on the father's side after a few years snips ran away to live with his friend snails if you look at snips scissors it's 2 story's the gray is his father cutting away from his mother the other white side is him cutting away from the strings of his father and going to live with snails
0 likesI have theory Snip and Snails's dad is Barber Groomsby who's a barber his cutie mark is a pair of scissors and comb together which is similar to Blue Blade( my ponysona's cutie mark) which is a blue pair of scissors with a blue comb above it( see my gallery on deviant art to see a picture of my ponysona's cutie mark.)
0 likesBtw, your singing voice is actually nice...... ๐๐๐
0 likesI love the theory and I love the song also congrats man
0 likesThere is only one flaw with the theory. Ponies get their cutie marks when they have done what they are good at.
0 likesI was surprised to figure out that Inspiration Manifestation came out in season 4. Tbh, I thought that it was in season 2. XD
0 likesEdit: those 10 words really does sum up your channel, really well, in fact.
it's a good possibility...but dose this mean snails is going to grow up to be in pest control or just specialize in making escargot?
0 likesThis is questionable. It's great tho. In the episode applewood derby, you can see snip's dad making the cart with him
0 likesPlz sing whole song! You are a really great singer! So plzzzz!!
0 likesOr, you know, he could just be a good hairstyleist or something
0 likesI never seen a mare that looks like snips maybe that was his back story or maybe the puppettear might have been not hanging out with snips that snips cut the strings to get the puppettear back.
0 likesNyeh, ya know some cartoons don't have a back story for every background characters. Maybe his cutiemark really is to just match his name. No stories no nothin'. Nyeheheh
0 likeshes actually good at singing
0 likesI think it symbolises snips being free of his dad
0 likesDoesnโt Bab seed also have a scissors on her flank
2 likesThis made me realize how similar your color scheme is to Snips'
0 likesBut you actually have a pretty good voice!
0 likesit only took 2 or so weeks and he has 2x the subs...
0 likeswow
2 likesI love your videos.But I want you to tell me what the actual story is.
0 likesSnips is just supposed to go with snails. You know, Snips Snails and puppy dog tails
0 likesI have a theory. So maybe the scissors story have nothing to do with the cutie mark? Maybe its part of this destiny like you said later on, it's part of his Destiny. So maybe in the future since hes bad in equestia girls and sung rock in the 2nd movie, he may lead to be a r rock band and their symbol might be scissors? Gosh I'm over thinking something about a show for 5 year olds๐
0 likesMaybe claude was a very controlling father and snips broke free from his father
0 likesClaud isnโt snips dad. Iโm pretty sure that they show his dad in the series . Also his dad is a barber
0 likesMore like he's going to be a hairdresser for Rarity in the future since she has a hair station in her boutique.
0 likeslove your voice it's beautiful ( not to sound creepy or anything like that)
0 likesOr it could be as simple as this: The saying "Boys are made out of snips, snails, and puppy dag tails?"
0 likesGuessing at 1:27 snip's special talent is sabotage.
0 likesYou sang winter wrap up great! I can sing in EVERY mlp voice and my show accurate name is rarity dash pie but my original name is gem note, and im kinda like sweetie belle and dash and pinkie all yoegether with a bit of rarity, but im an alicorn. I love your videis and yes i know this is an old video. Just voicing my opinion, not to brag.
0 likeswhat if snip's father disowned him because his father was very controlling and snip broke free? Thus his cutie mark of scissors and his father is a puppeteer.
0 likesDoes it alarm anyone else that snips and Applebloom's cousin Bab C both have the same cutie mark? In the cousin's letter it said that her cutie mark is a pair of scissors too!!!
0 likesBrony Notion , We know by now that Diamond Tiara's special talent in getting others to do what she wants; but what the hay is Silver Spoon's special talent?
0 likesmaybe it represents his destiny he hasn't fulfilled yet
0 likesGood thought I think that he could have done something like this to earn his cutie mark
0 likesI have a theory what if he had to follow a family tradition but he wanted to be a doctor or something else. what do you think?
0 likesTell us more! Tell us more!!
1 likeYou have a really good singing voice
0 likesSnips and snails, and puppy dogs tails, That's what little boys are made of.
0 likesYou sing BEAUTIFULLY
1 likeYou have a good singing voice :D
0 likesMaybe snips is good at ruining things ( like puppet strings )
0 likesI think that it means, he aint the sharpest tool in the shed, if ya catch my drift. :D
0 likes3000... damn we're on 300 hundred thousand now
0 likesI agree. Snips and claud have similar apearences, they are both unicorns and they have the same fur color. Snips could sabotage claud, or cut the strings. Hahahahahaha! Did...did you get ? Never mind let's change the subject. So brony notion is on to something. Do you agree with me and brony notion? This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump!
0 likesYou've got a nice voice don't be ashamed of it.
0 likesmaybe snips is a hair dresser? the scissors could represent cutting hair
1 likeReplies (1)
or maybe crafts you know
0 likes3000 subscribers then. now its 359K subs! how much youve grown! though i still love any of your theorys!
0 likesSo your saying Snips is good at ruining shows and stuff by cutting them with a scissor?
0 likesSnips is a unicorn right so, can't he use his magic?
0 likesIf Claud is really Snips's father maybe he was very controlling of him and one day Snips had enough and said "Stop!" Which he ran off. Eh that's my theory though. Not a very good one :b
0 likesOr he just tripped and cut of snails tail and stuff. Or the first time the two caused issues they got them together
0 likesSips and snails is a old saying "boys are made out of snips and snails and puppy dog tails"
0 likesYeah, good theories, but what about Snails? If you haven't done one already, please do a cutie mark vid for him because
0 likes... just...a snail?! Really?
Maybe there is something to do with the type of scissors?
0 likesThere's all sorts after all...
haha your singing sounded actually really good :D
1 likeSnips: Hey DAD! Can I help with your show today?
0 likesClaud: Sorry son, Blank flanks can't help a famous pony like me! Heh heh!
Snips: Grrrrr! Why can't I help my dad? HE NEVER ASKS ME!!! THATS IT!
( Snips goes dawn into his dads basement and gets a pair of scissors )
Snips: Say goodbye to your strings Dad!
( cuts off the strings and gets his mark )
Snips: What the? GASP MY CUTIE MARK!
Claud: Whats going on SNIPS! GET OVER HERE! NOW!!
Snips: UH OH!
or, snips could have run away, cutting his father's control
0 likesThe Story Behind Snip's Cutie Mark Is The One That Can Win A Lottery
0 likesif you ask me 0:30 explains everything (body movement )anyone with me
0 likesThere should be a tradition where Bronies sing Winter Wrap-Up BACKWARDS!! XD That'd be both a fun and painful video!
0 likesyou forgot that in the thirteenth edition of friendship is magic in zen and the art of the gazebo repair snips says it means that i am excellent at cutting all things
0 likesI love that sink joke.
0 likesI just saw the cart before the ponies and saw snips and his dad was in a cart and the cart was designed as the little red and blue thing that spins then that means his dad is a pony that cuts hair and snips cutie mark is scissors because his dad cuts hair
0 likesIf you watch derby race of the CMC'S you'll see snip and his dad in it, I just don't remember the title
0 likesI love your videos they are so likely to be true in my opinion
0 likesSo snips good at breaking control
0 likesMaybe snips is great at creating?
0 likesI think another idea is that snips makes the puppets for his dads show just a thought ๐
0 likesI'm Pretty sure his cutie mark is just a pun so with snails... The poem goes like this, Snips and snails and puppy dog tails (like cutting the puppy's tails off :/) that is what boys are made of Suger, Spice and Everything nice is what girls are made of (I'm Aware that is the Power puffs girl intro. BUT they were made with chemical X!)
0 likesI think that he has scissors as a cutie mark because when he's angry, he CUTS BITCHES
1 likeGreat Job for getting so much subscribers ๐
0 likesGreat Job for getting so much subscribers ๐
0 likesWho here thinks Luna should rule all alone or at least be head of the alicorns
0 likesIf you could do videos if you have time that would be awesome so please do it more please please pleaseeee!
0 likesJust let that sink in.
0 likesOk, then, I agree.
0 likesI have a different idea behind snips and snails cutie marks. You know the nursery rhyme "what are little boys made of"? Well it says " what are little boys mad out of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tail." I think that snips and snails are little boys and will always act like little boy.
0 likesTechna: " Hey Sawtooth, How did you get your cutie mark? "
0 likesI really don't think that is it...When i was little ,kids used to tell of how girls and boys made ,but for in their mind.....girls were sugar,spice and everything nice(for being all sweet and girly) ,while boys where Snips,snails and puppy dog tails (for being weird but fun!)......their cutie mark is a saying of how boys are really, that's is their character. In a girl's show that's how boys are played...nothing more.
0 likesIf you look closely in the Derby cart race episode you can see snips actual father helping his with his Car and the dad is a barber duh
0 likesYou've got 100,000 subscribers now!!!
0 likesYou know? Twilight's cutie looks like the North Star!
0 likesYou're a really good singer!
0 likesWow, I never thought of that. Go Derby!!!!!!!!!!!!๐ด
0 likesWell a cutie mark is when somepony achieves something or ...... Its his or hers talent! (I think)
0 likesYou have a great voice!
0 likesi think he was ment to sabatoge his fatherโs show heres the reason i think
0 likeshe was abused by his father
and he was always lonely when he was a kid
now he met snails to be his best friend
mabey snips rebelled against his father, since we see him always being the minion usually with snips. So maybe he hates his father or his father grounded him and sabotaged his fathers pupitier show (yet we don't know if the puppeteer is snips father) so the scissors is a sign of rebellion or breaking free from his parents?parent
0 likesI thought that snips and snails cutie marks have to do with the nursery rhyme what are little boys made SNIPS, SNAILS and LITTLE PUPPY TAILS so I think their marks are representing their personality as young mischievous boys that are always getting into trouble
0 likesOh now i get why.All though he does make a good point.
0 likesIn Bloom and Gloom, Babs got a cutiemark of scissors.
0 likesSnips has a cutiemark of scissors.
[insert deja vu joke here]
At, 0:30 it shows, in the CHS Library that Snails, is using a snail techniques (sorry if spelled wrong) to, move around.
0 likesIโm going along with this but a with changes so snips dad would make him do stuff for him and he was just about done with it so on the night of his dadโs biggest show he got some scissors and then he cut the strings and his dad was so mad he moved out snips got his cutie mark
0 likesRemember that saying " snips and snails and bubblegum tails" like " sugar and spice and everything nice" maybe that's what snips and snails would be if they were girls? Just a thought...
0 likesXD you always think outside of the normal brony mind!
1 likeContinue the song!!
0 likesThree months of winter coolness and awesome holidays ...
Brony! You sing so good for a guy! That's a compilemt btw. I love your videos so so so so much!
0 likesI had a feeling that the intro was new when I saw the thumbnail...
0 likesReplies (1)
I'm trying to change the thumbnail, but YouTube is being tricky. I'll make it more visually appealing. :3
0 likesMaybe he got the scissors to show that he is free from the strings because his dad told him what to do and he had no freedom and no friend
0 likesif you look at snips hair you see it looks choppy i think his cutie mark is in hair cutting
0 likes@The Brony Notion wow your a great singer. For 70,000 ( I know it WILL happen ) subs, can you do 'This day aria'? It would ROCK!!!
0 likesI all ways Thought since Lauran is the producer of the show( and forgive me if I spell her name wrong) and since she is married to the creator of the power puff girls, on the creation of the "Rowdy ruff boys" mojo Jo Jo used "snips, snails and puppy dog tails. And snails is snips best friend I all ways Thought it was a reference of the ppg
0 likesI think it means snips is unpredictable and uncontrolable you never know what he's gonna do or say ya know what I mean like if you agree
0 likesSo, if Snips got his cutie mark by ruining his maybe real dad's show, he probably ruined many things before. Maybe his talent is ruining things! Scissors ruin many things, so his cutie mark is a scissor
0 likesI'm seriously addicted to your videos right now. Lol. I need to stop.
0 likesThe comic's highlight confusion about Snips' cutie mark.
0 likes"Let that sink in" lol
0 likesHe has that cutie mark because of the nursery rhyme snips and sailes and puppy dog tails that's what little boys are made of. And snips and sniles act like little boys.
0 likesI thoght that Snips Cutie mark is just that he is good at Haircuting :D
0 likesI think snips dad the puppeteer was really controling and snips cutie mark represents him breaking free
0 likesAwwww... I liked your singing voice!
0 likesBabs Seed also got her cutie mark as a pair of scissors. But she's an earth pony.. Trying to cut your hair with scissors made for human hands. (Cut to that scene from Family Guy where Luke from Star Wars tries to use the force and his light saber to perform laser eye surgery.)
0 likesMaybe it means that the father stopped working to take care of his son
0 likesI think that your story is true. I love your channel. I am 11 and I still like mlp
1 likeYou're a good singer, actually
0 likesHis voice is beautiful if that isnโt too weird
0 likesThe guy in Appleoosaโs most wanted the judge from Trouble Shoesโs flashback
0 likesI think snips got his cutiemark by cuting a puppet string
0 likesThis was made six years ago and youtube tells me it was MADE TWO DAYS AGO
2 likesYou think this could be a Creepypasta back story?
0 likeshave you ever heard the saying for girls: sugar spice and everything nice? well for boys it is SNIPS and SNAILD and puppy dog tails !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesThe puppeteer's name is this...
0 likesYellow Diamond: WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE EARTH!?
Peridot: APARATLY MORE THAN YOU! YOU (the puppeteer's name) CLOD
That song was beautiful
1 likeMaybe his special talent is cosmetology.
0 likessnips and claud arent the only one with that body type what about teachers pet?
0 likesyou're actually not that bad at singing, don't fell embarrassed.
3 likesI figured it out for snails's story:Pranking with snails.
0 likesmaybe he is good at cutting gum according to gabby gums
0 likesHuh i always thought that snipes cutie mark was a play on words for the old poem say idk i mean his best friend is snails but then again i don't think he has a friend named puppy dogs tails (snipes bad snails and puppy dog tails that's what little boys are made of) but now i am wondering if his cutie mark is like him cutting free from his father (the puppeteer) and his rules over him because snipes pretty much dose what he wants now
0 likeslove it
0 likesInteresting theory! :)
0 likesmaybe snips's cutie mark means something evil like cutting good because he did help villains like trixie and sunset shimmer
0 likesi think its a pare of scissors becuss he likes things cut short! and likes to cut to the point of what he's doing or saying unlike snails who likes to take his time.
1 likeHe is a great singer ๐จโ๐ค
0 likesI thought it was like boy were made of snips,snails and puppy dog tails
0 likesBruh, he had 3000 subs, now 300, 000 o-o
2 likesYou're a good singer!!!
0 likesYes, I agree with this video.
0 likesActually your voice is nice itโs pretty Iโm sad we only got a few seconds of it
0 likesWe'll if you notice later in the show bab seed gets her cutie mark and it's a pair of scissors just like snips cutie mark
0 likesNope it means snips,s cutie mark means he broke free his dad kept telling him to do something most likely helping him with work and well snips broke free bam well that's how I see thing I still like your theory(love your vids)/) ๐ means bro hoof
0 likes0:43 โPlenty oโ ROOOMM for mah PUH-ppeetsss ๐โ
0 likesBruh I canโt ๐ญ๐
now you got one more i subbed cus you RULE bro
0 likesthe fact he was exited for 3,000 lol
0 likesbabs got almost the same cutiemark tho! a pair of scissors!
0 likesI love your singing voice
0 likesDonโt you see that snipโs cutie mark looks like a Yang and yang I mean one part of the scissors is black or gray and the other part is white
0 likesYou are an amazing singer
0 likesMake a video on who you think will be the next billion of mlp for season 5
0 likesThat was awesome
0 likeswhat about Snail's cutiemark? maybe its patience? he likes to take his time? (& congrats on your 3000 subs!)
0 likesyou need to make your videos longer
0 likesI for one think snips got separated with his father. :-\
0 likesI'm drawing an OC with paper and pencil and so far it looks like a pig...
0 likesbring can sing : D
0 likesSugar and spice and everything nice thats what little girls are made of Snips and snails and puppy tails that's what little boys are made of
1 likeWhat if he helped his mom to do hair cutting at the Solon and thats how he got his cutie mark
0 likesSo funny๐คฃ
0 likesmaybe snip's cutiemark means he is a barber (just saying)
0 likesAll the comments are going to be about his singing and not about the video?
1 likeAlright, then.
Or just...little boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails? |D
0 likesWINTER WRAP UP ROCKS ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesi think after he did it his fater made him take ritalin and it changed his life
0 likesi wrote a comment about how he snaps out of comcentration
I LOVE THE NEW INTRO!!! fangirls
0 likesyou are so good at singing.๐ค๐ค๐ถ๐ถ๐ผ๐ผ๐ง๐ง
0 likesbrony you have a great voice
0 likesi call the pupet master Snips in 20 Years LOL
0 likesi am thinking that clyd of however u spell his name, is snips dad and he wanted snips to follow in his footsteps but snips didnt want to so as u said he savatauged one of his shows and showed that he didntwant too do pupeteering and i think that is how he got his cutie mark
0 likesYour a good singer! Why don't you want to sing in front of like, 3,000 people. And that's even why your pony Cutiemark is a music note! Your special talent is singing! Congratulations your like 20 to 30 or something and you finally found out what your Cutiemark means!
0 likesWinter wrap winter wrap I have it in my head.
1 like@The Brony Notion man you can sing!
0 likessnips has his cutie mark of the saying snips snails and puppy dog tails.
0 likescould be he ran away so scissors represent difyance
0 likessnips cutie mark means he is as sharp as scissors like he is smart and snails is because he is slow in the head. in the episode when Trixie first appears that is when I figured it out.
0 likesReplies (1)
well if u just think about it snails is pretty dumb and snips is smarter to cancel out snails stupidity
0 likesSassy Saddles like Claude the Puppeteer is also related to Snips
0 likesYou have a good singing voice
0 likesi have a theory about the crystals empire. sambra wes the rightful king but something happen to make him use dark magic, red crystals horn anyone. and that chrysalis wes his queen/wife; chrysalis:crystals, they are so simular.all so i think that cadance is her daughter, that's why she wes never harm by chrysalis just inprisoned in the forgeten diamond mine/cave under the city. PS i never read the comic books. all so changeling are creacher how need love because they die heartbroken and in pain or some tip of vampire/zombie leech being.
0 likesAmazing singing!!. ;)
1 likei TOTALLY belive u on your theory
0 likesOmg that's so funny I mean you singing winter wrap up well I love that song i would defiantly do it!!!
0 likesWouldnt it be Snips'?
0 likesI love how im not focused on the video and on the grammar. ๐
U R a really good singer!!!
0 likesIf you read the comics there is a issue about Big Mac and snips says his talent is cutting things it was interesting please respond
0 likesI think its because he will screw more things up for others I mean in equestria girls he helped sunset shimmer attempt to mess with twilight he also helped trixie!
0 likesNOW ITS OVER 9,000!!! XD
1 likelol 3k? hes gained 470k since this upload and i find it cool enough to point out ty
0 likesWhat if snips broke free from claude or how ever ya spell it because claude was controlling him like a puppet? just an idea.........
0 likesawesome singing Brony Notion.
1 likeReally.
I-I just wanna hug you for that.
Replies (1)
Ppl in 2020:๐ฑ๐ฑ๐ฒ
0 likesI subscribe ;-)
0 likesYor videos are little bit crazy but awesome!
0 likesmaybe the scissors were his first act of sabotage. and his talent is sabotage.
0 likeshey u actually sort of have a good singing voice! i think. maybe. idk i just came from a sing ing camp so im probably out of my mind. but nice job! maybe.......
0 likesMaybe snips was a puppet and he 'cut' free from his puppeteer which was his 'dad' or something like penokeyo ( I'm bad at spelling sorry about that, you know the guy who wants to be a real boy and all that jazz!) just a thought.
0 likesWell instead of you theory of him stoping a big thin I maybe thinking a hairstylist...
0 likesI know what your thinking "that's stupiiiiiiiiiiiid" but no he could acctually someday be a Saphire Shores but with hair or manes/tails. A famous equestrian renoun main/tail stylist.
Good singer and I love the line plenty room for ma puppets
0 likesyou sing beautifully
0 likesWhat about snails.... explain that!
0 likesI personally like this theory
0 likesI wish the brony notion sang "winter's fยทยทยทed up"
0 likesAnyway he has magic.
0 likeswow I never thought of it that way
0 likesif sniph and snail's are trixe help, does it mean they are dumb ;friends ล so leave your thoughts in the comments Brown hovel
0 likesMaybe snips got angry from his father and tryโs to sabotage his fatherโs show and gets his cutie mark and from that Daundia father doesnโt use the strings to control his puppets
0 likesReplies (1)
From that day
0 likesI think why Snips's cutie mark is scissors is. Because maybe he used scissors to much but then like maybe in shcool he did a project and he used scissors for it and succeeded and got an A THE END
0 likesi think you are right about him being snip's father, but where is he now, did he put snips up for adoption or something and if he did does he still live there has he been adopted? And his best friend snails, where does he live?
0 likesAuuuw your singing voice is cute
0 likesYou have have a lovely voice. :)
0 likesSame it is funny~plenty of room for my puppets ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesIf you reach 300,000 subs, i dare you to sing what my cutie mark is telling me slow motion XD
0 likesI guess if I get to 3000 subscribers for my channel if I do Regular Show reviews, I'd be singing the "Summertime song".
0 likesPlenty of rooom for my BRAAAIIIN
0 likesAs I said was I love Kim Possible a lot screw tradition
0 likesI'm a boy and I love my little pony sooooooooooo much
0 likesDude you sound grate and have a grate voice
0 likesHey brony notion do you know what's going on with snails cutie mark? Or even trixies? Why is trixies a wand?
0 likesI say that snips cutie mark reflects for who is like in mlp Equstria girls spying on twilight snips was moving like scissors
0 likesU sung really good.
You could have done what Iโค๏ธKimPossibleAlot did!
0 likesThat was pertty short. Nice singing btwXD
0 likesAwesome and cool!
0 likesClaud and Snips aren't the only chubby ponies, there's Teacher's Pet.
0 likesReplies (1)
Teacher's Pet is an OC
0 likesSnips and Snails and Puppy tails are what make a boy
0 likesLike Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.
probably MORE than 3000 subscribers now!
0 likesOne day the clawds guy controls pony vill and snips frees ponyvill!
0 likesI don't think that's why I think I've because going on covering up the springs which made the puppet so that's how he got to make the pupets without strings
0 likeswhat about snails i mean come on is his talent being slow
0 likesI love youre singing๐
0 likesYou sounded pretty good you know that winter wrap up winter wrap up I don't even know the whole song
0 likesThat was good singing!!
0 likesyou have a good voice
1 likei love ur singing for winter wrap up
0 likesI believe him.โบ
0 likesHas bro has made a big mistake snips has a scissors cutie mark and on MLP S5 Ep4 it says that babs seed also had a scissors as a cutie mark
0 likesFlawlessโฆ
0 likesWoah you sing really well
0 likesi had to listen your song at 0,75 sped and i admit you are god at it XD
0 likeswhy so shy?
News letter, snips and snails and bubblegum tails. Little boy thing, snips and snails and puppy dog tails. See what I mean.
0 likesmaybe his cutie mark doesn't represent freedom or whatever but it actually represented sabotage? just a thought...
0 likesReplies (1)
@Bonez also, i wish i could have herd you sing the whole song.... you have a lovely voice... ~0.0~ just thought i should say that...
0 likesCongratulations on getting 3000 subscribers ๐time to celibate๐you get comment cake๐
0 likesI think he when he said he summed up his channel in 10 words it was actually 11... idk.
1 likeWait didnโt bab seed have a pair of scissors???
0 likesAww but Notion! You have a great singing voice ;_; Please?~
0 likesI just realized... Aren't babs seed and snips cutie mark the same?
0 likesReplies (2)
we never acually saw babs's cutie mark
0 likesactually yeah we did. in the one where applebloom keeps having dreams of a bad cutie mark.
0 likesSnips's cutie mark is supposed to go with Snails's cutie mark , you know snips and snails and puppy tails thats what boys are made of? Like sugar spice and everything nice are whar girls are made of please take this into consideration
0 likesAwesome theory
0 likesI think it is cause his dad controlled him but he when he broke out control soo thats why
0 likeskp broke the tradtion awhile ago she sang discord and it was awesome
0 likesReplies (1)
not bans babs.
0 likesWhat if his cutie mark is two spoons? then what?
1 likeBabs Seeds have a Scissors Cutie Mark too...
0 likessounds like a cry in one of the episodes I saw on mlp
0 likesHAHAHA
0 likes3000 SUBSCRIBERS
Not every Brony Analyst who got 3K+ sang Winter Wrap Up. Look at what ILKPAL did: 3,000 Subscriber Special With AnY Pony!
0 likesi almoust scream when i saw aomone in hebrew!
0 likesThis reminds me of a midrash in which Abraham destroys the idols of his father because he belives in only one g-d. maby this has some meaning?
0 likesdo full version winter wrap up, plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
1 likeReplies (1)
wait, i challenge you to sing it in a another langauge, of course, if you don't want to, you don't have to :3 (it'll be fun though)
0 likesmaybe snips is the SLIT MOUTH MOMAN!!!!!!!
0 likesSnips is Scissors becuse they Snip, Snails is Snail because Snails.
0 likesI still can't figure out your cutie mark maybe you could do a video on it
0 likesis that really snips father
0 likesWhy did he have to do past video graphics at first?
0 likes"Show for little girls" I now hate him.
0 likesIt could be because he is short, scissors, cutting it down to size... DOWN TO SIZE, SMALL.. any one catching my drift here?
0 likesand a warroir cat month is called a moon so what if it was warrior ponys? even if i dont read warroirs. lol.
0 likesany pony remeber the SONG! sinps snails and puppy dog tails thats what boys are made of.
0 likescorruption possibly created by guess who... Diamond tiara and silver spoon.
0 likesheard it without headphones!
0 likesbecause u sang that song I love u even more now
0 likeshes probably ultron of the pony verse.
0 likesYou sing so good
0 likesthe guy who gave the idea is Gilad Dvor in hebrew sry im not sure about the last name :d
1 likeYou're thinking too hard about a show for little girls........
0 likesGreat singing I like it btw cute account๐โ๏ธ๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesI think snips cutimark is in mane cuting an styling
0 likesYour not bad at singing Winter Wrap Up. PLZ make da vid of u singing it. P.S. Congrats on 3,000 subscribers I think? Yeah anyways congrats.
1 likesame thing as babs because in season 5 episode 4 babs got a cutie mark with a pair of scissors
0 likesGood idea but I think it means he tells or sabitash for stuff like twilite in the fist movie you know what I mean
0 likesTheory powers ENGAGE!
1 likeI like your voice โบ๏ธ
0 likesA video request for you:
0 likesIS MLP = WINX ??
Well, Lauren Faust married Creig Mccracken are married. And, Creig Mccracken did the Power Puff Girl series. In one episode, the villain, Mojo Jojo, was making the Rowdy Rough Boys to fight against the Girls. The ingredients were: Snips of hair, Snails, and Puppy dog tails. Lauren must have named Snails after the ingredient.
0 likesReplies (3)
Well, who would be the puppy dog tails??
0 likesDerpy's cousin!
0 likesOr, Snip's cousin.
0 likesYour a really good singer
1 likeyou're a great singer, why did you hate it?
0 likesReplies (1)
idk why he hates it
0 likesOr maybe hasbro just desided to make a pony called snips and snails and your thinking sooo far outside the box .-.
0 likesI wish you did a collab with hasbro
0 likesReplies (1)
A singing collab with Tara strong Ashleigh ball Andrea libman and Tabitha st Germain.
0 likesIt hink that snips cutie mrk means
0 likesYou see how the scissors are diffrent colors (blue and silver) yeah i think it Is the symbol of his friendship beetween him and snails
that wasnt winter wrap up XD but it was funny
0 likesI love your voice
0 likesI love your voice
0 likesAnyone sing along to his intro? FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFF.
0 likesNice singing! ๐
1 likeReplies (1)
Haha thanks!
0 likesbads seed has theโ same cutie mark a pair of scissors
0 likesThat's a really cool idea .....
0 likesthen what about snails?!
0 likesthere is like a kid screams "AAAAAAA!"
0 likesmlp can be for BOYS too not just GIRLS!:(
0 likesout of curiosity are you part of the rift cafe?
0 likesร theory about swetie Bell. Maybe her cutie mark is ร bell. Flora
0 likesBabe seed has the same cutie mark as snips
0 likeswhat i think is your the best youtuber
0 likesEleven words, not ten! I counted.
0 likesI personly think snips cutie mark means that like you said I think it is to cut things or use sisors
0 likesErmigerd u sing really. Good!!!
0 likesMaybe he's good with hiar
0 likesThe brony notion your wrong snips and snails get there names from an old nursery rhyme it goes like this"Snips an snails and puppy dog tails that is what little boys are made of"and snips and snails are in fact little boys maybe in future episodes they would meet pony with puppy dog tails as a cutie mark in the future and if you don't believe in me look up the rhyme
0 likesWait, so if I like MLP does that mean when I hit 3,000 subs I have to sing winter wrap UP>
0 likesU have a good voice
0 likesYou're not a bad singer, don't be embarrassed
0 likesSing the whole thing here I go I don't know the words
0 likesYour almost 4K subscribers
1 likeyou are AWESOME
0 likesIts certainly a theory
1 likeCause he messes things up ๐๐ช
0 likesHmm... Good theory, but maybe they're cutiemarks are just to match they're name. This is way too much thinking and stuff for a little girls show...
0 likesIt could mean a cut behind the other
0 likesomg... I just checked you subs... IT'S ALREADY DOUBLE!!!!!!
0 likesI may be a kid but I have a thery what's up with twilight , sunset, trixie ,and starlight . They have a simbolic connection I can't say more my mom is calling.
0 likesthe puppets are creepy
0 likesMaybe hes talent is to ruin things with sissors?
0 likesSnips's teeth looks like sccizors
0 likesMore More More Videos!
0 likesThat voice ;)
0 likesOkay, but how do ponies actually use scissors...?
0 likesReplies (2)
Well... snips probably has those Buck teeth foe a reason... and he is a unicorn
1 like@Brianna Dilks Oh, right.
0 likesMaybe thatโs snips father
0 likesdiscord sucks at being king of chaos for me if he would rule the world I would think the world is wonderland
0 likesu got a few more than 3,000!
0 likeslisten i have a theory its about rarity ok this is my theory u may use it ok so luna had a child wait u may say no but listen ok what it luna had a child her child rarity so this cant explain her parents in sister hoff social i can she is adopted her mom looks nothing like her mer dad is a earth pony so why is luna lacking of being with the full main 6 well thats because she doesnot want to see rarity shes to scared rarity will find out u know but wait if thats the case how come she has no problem being with sweetie belle like in her dreams well of course sweeti is not her kid shes in the fake side of raritys family but why is rarity not a alicorn alreay and why is her cutie mark not royal but what if it is 3 diamonds diamonds mean value shes good at making dresses but the true meaning of it we all know finding GEMS but why is rarity not a alicorn and why does luna nay want her 1 alicorn theory ok shes not a alicorn YET she still needs to grow when i say grow i mean LEARN the true meaning of being royal and what ever thing she will represent if this theory is true tell me ur thoughts and maybe u can share this theory with youtube i would like to see other ppls thoughts and urs bye
0 likesNice one.
0 likeswow..just wow..
0 likesBut wou is sales and snippets mom?
0 likesNice singing!!
0 likesReplies (4)
@sparkydogdancer yes :3
0 likes@The Brony Notion AWW COME ON. DO I HAVE TOO?
0 likes@sparkydogdancer Just screw it man :D
0 likesILoveKimPossibleAlot didn't do it, she sang Discord.
She's a cheater d:<
@WarriorKitten I screwed it an sung something else I MADE THAT A TRADITION :D no jk I didn't
0 likeshow de heck could the puppeteer operate the puppets without hands? he would have to use majicks!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
he probably has a horn, but its hid inside his hat :P
1 likebrony!Babs and Snips have the same cutie mark
0 likesyou are awesome
0 likesMan your good
1 likeyou sing great
0 likespumcake n pound cake are different from their parents ones a unicorn and the other one was Pegasus
0 likesyour a really good singer
0 likesI remember that video I just watched it
0 likesI HEARD THE CHILD AT 1:37
0 likesHe has the same cutie mark as babs seed
0 likesUr such a good singer
0 likesWho else heard the crying pony and the boings
0 likesTwilight is not like the other princesses also with Princess Cadance because Princess Luna and Princess Celestia's Maine's are wavy but they weren't born with them but people always say that they are so why doesn't Princess Cadence and Twilight maine's do that as well
0 likesWINTER WRAP UP WINTER WRAP UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesYay you sing so gud >~<
0 likesYour waaaaaayyyy too smart
0 likesI hate to be a hater but did you check out the MLP comics the office one they kind of enplane it in issue 10 and those comics are canine to the story to MLP
0 likeshello will look at snips tail and his end of his mane will i think that he cut his hair so thats how he got hes cutie mark i think
1 likebab seed has scissors as a cutie mark
0 likesAt the end, he said brony noshon
0 likesWho's Snip?
0 likesWOW your singing is good
2 likesyes, you did. PLENTY A ROOM 4 MEH PUPPETTSSS
0 likesSing it agen AGEN NOW!
0 likeshi th brony notion i have a question for you "how applejack's paraents died?"
0 likes:D sing it bro! /)
1 likeReplies (3)
Dat song...
0 likes@Cloverfang was so awesome....
0 likesXD yes @***** that is exactly right!
0 likesYou have a nice voice
0 likesYour Not That Bad At Singing
0 likesPleny o' Room For meh Purpets!
0 likesUGH you're SO SMART! ร^ร
0 likesHe also can be abarber or what?!?!
0 likesyou have amaziing singiing voice
0 likesmuch better than mine
babs has a scissor cutie mark
0 likesI don't like it I love it that theory is awsome
0 likesWell that covers one pony how about the others
0 likesSpid it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
1 likeMARIONETTE? (cough) Miraculous Ladybug reference (cough)
0 likeswhy is your intro still say brony notion instead of sawtooth waves
0 likesI like your singing ;)
0 likesI was watching benja and my body hit this gg
0 likesIs the tradition only analysers?
0 likeswas it u or somepony else who is a changeling? damn, the only thing i cant remember is stuff like names or fictional character abbilities. anyway, i subscribed to 2 other bronies that day so im pretty confused. if u could answer my question, it would be really nice, but dont exspect me to remember it next time u upload a video, except that tomorrow.
0 likesbut why the same cutie mark as snips๐
0 likesWrong there is another pony that looks like snips and that is teachers pet he has no real name maybe snips is teachers pet's brother maybe idk
0 likesmlpfim....XD I think it's funny how you actually say it like a word...I just say m. l. p. f. i. m.
0 likesyour singing is kinda good
0 likesMrs.cake looks like that too
0 likesHe ate a wallful
0 likesMakes sense
0 likesWhat???? Is that true!!
0 likesI think his cutie mark mean destruction ................... Lol :-)
0 likes1:38 I heard something like ahhh!
0 likescan you tell us about your cutie mark?
0 likes3,000
0 likes6 years ago
Still nice
do you like to sing because your cutie mark is a musical note and you didn't do the whole winter wrap up song?
0 likes- says in eahoy voise - hahaha
0 likeswhos here at 392k subs they have come so far <ยฃ
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWait then what is snails cutie mark about
0 likes2:19-2:28 lol XD
0 likesYou sing. Great
0 likeslook, i wish i could subscribe on ALL your videos, BUT(sigh) my mom said i can NEVER subscribe ANY video.
0 likes01:37 - true
0 likesi... DID NOT ENJOY THAT QUICK SINGING! plz do another one at normal speed, and the whole song :3 before i make that afficial (i cant)
0 likes"Significant"
0 likesYa Mean "ShipNificent"
You sing good
0 likesmaby snips cutie mark is scisers because he could be good at crafts????
0 likesPls reply:How many subs do you have now on 2016?
1 like0:45 for FOR MAH PUH-PEHTS
0 likesyou didn't want to sing? but when you did it sounded alright. why didn't you want to sing then????????????
0 likeshe didn't sing all of winter rap up!! >:(
0 likesI HEARD ANOTHER DERPY!!!!!!!!
0 likes... someone didn't read the comics
0 likesWho will be the new billion next season?
0 likesI what all your shows and dose triek ever come back like in one of the ones you did where sombra only came back?
0 likesI think your right
0 likeswell done with trhe subcribers im very impress with ur work well done i would like to say could u put a video about rainbow dash and scootaloo how they bond since the day rainbow dash saved scootaloo from the waterfall if u could i would be very happy and thanks for all the work u done
1 likeI'm sorry, but that's not the full song. I think you might have to sing the full song. I'll subscribe if you do!
0 likesReplies (1)
Well, I guess I'll subscribe either way...
0 likesNice Singing!
0 likessnips and snails and puppy dog tails
0 likesOr Pinocchio....?
0 likesWat about Snails' cutie mark?
0 likesNice singing xxD
0 likesI think all you said is true
0 likesBut why do there names Mach there cutie marks?
0 likesIts wierd because a new episode of mlp,Apple Bloom said Babs Seed got her cutie mark. WHICH IS ALSO SCISSORS. Could Babs and Snips be related??
0 likesReplies (2)
Its possible... Just quite unlikely. It would be like saying someone with a gem cutie mark would be related to rarity. We dont know their heritage.
0 likes@Trevor Bilinski
0 likeshmm,true.
:/ it's not just for LITTEL girls.......
0 likespretty voice
0 likesWe're you emberesd I'm sure the fan base enjoys your singing and no snips name is a joke gets it snips and snails and puppy dog tails that's wat boys are made of there is not a pony named puppy dog tails because that's WAY too forsed
0 likesOrrr the skisors has a triangell in it. triangal has 3 sides the illumiti has 3 sides theair is one triangle the illumiti hase one eye illuminati COMFERMED?????
0 likesMy Little pony is for everyone
0 likesthis was done ages ago
0 likesFor little girls...... THATS OFFENSIVE!
0 likeswho is your favourite ุจุฑููู ..oh opss imeen brony?
Replies (7)
oh my god your arabic?
0 likes@Princess Snow i didn't know that there's Arabic bronies
0 likesnow you know XD
0 likesso hi!^-^
0 likesfaint's
0 likeshelp...i cant breath
0 likesCLOD the puppeteer
0 likesis it just me or at 1:38 I heard a little girl
0 likesYour a good singer
0 likesWait isnโt bans cutie mark sizers ๐ง
1 likeReplies (1)
I mean babs
0 likeshmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk if i can make a long comment about this............... I'LL TRY maybe claud is actually snips uncle and his parents passes so legally he had to take care of him and so hes mad and probablly doesn't like him so he wants to sabatoge his carer with sicsoors (idk how to spell it) so maybe hes mean to snails all the time to let his anger out on somebody else
0 likesIn super squishy 6 hundred there was sunset shimers she's good and in the movie she's bad and good can't she make a choose what to be make up her mind
0 likesyour voice is pretty
0 likesI hear the kid it's a baby crying
0 likesI have a theory
1 likewhat if a cutie mark controls a ponys destiny what if the pony wants a differnt job
er sorry
Replies (1)
Then that sucks for them.
0 likesGood singing
0 likesI'm not dissing the idea that snip's mite be the son of the that puppeteer unicorn but I do think that YOU ( The Brony Notion ) are way to obsessed with the two most boring-est characters snips and snails and have made one too many video's about them when the fact will never change that they ARE the most annoying-est leeches that will always be the supporting cast of My Little Pony.
0 likesReplies (7)
I tend to agree with you... I HATE Snips and Snails D;<
0 likesHahaha!
0 likesIn his first video about them he said the same thing about but then he got curious if there isn't more in their characters. They are not so boring characters i actually like them but there are 6 characters whom i don't even know their names. Bullies of Rainbow Dash and Dragon bullies of Spike. They were there just for the story, Snips and Snails at least have some character.
2 likesAre you saying that Big Mac is stupid? He's not in my opinion.
0 likesWell I'm not saying he's stupid. I never said he was, I actually have the most greatest respect for him I'm just saying he shouldn't read into those two charterers too much when there is nothing there to read into.
0 likesSorry it happens to me a lot that first comment was for you that second was for werewolf873.
0 likes@Morgan Nigg There actually is a lot to read into. In flight to the finish they want to compete but are discouraged by their classmates which was very similar to experiances in the life of others and I. this proves that they potential. Speaking for myself I find them interesting because of how much i relate to them.
0 likesAs for Brony notion, He's a reviewer.He's supposed to look into small things to catch facsinating ideas and theories. Every character has something to be read into.
Why not talk about a different show
0 likes1:38 I heard A whiny kid
0 likesCool!
0 likeswhy dose ponys cutie mraks mach with there names?
0 likesPlease explain a little slow. I can't understand you
0 likesI have a pudgey face c:
0 likesMan I love milp fim
0 likesI think u are right
0 likesWinter wrap up was way to long of a song. It ruined the episode for me. I hate songs. I don't watch for the songs
0 likesman i hope i dont get 3,000 to fast
0 likesBrony the Pony
0 likesu sing good
0 likesSo agree! FANFICTION!
1 like@Carise Shepherd @Muchacha de la Mรบsica Para siempre STARTING NOW
your nit a bad singer, u know
0 likesYou hush this show is not just for little girls
0 likesMaby its his talent or his name
0 likesNice voice
0 likesur a good singer
0 likeshahaha
0 likeswhat about snails cuttermark
0 likesyou are right
0 likeshey babseed also has a sizer cutiemark
0 likesWait, WHAT??
0 likesLOLZ!!!!!!
0 likesWait you 66,600 mobile subs I'm dead serious like man
0 likesUr a good singer
0 likesWHAT about bad seed
0 likessorry I meant I whatch all your shows.:-)
0 likesWhy Winter Wrap Up?
0 likesCan you make a dare video? (Random)
0 likesand It was all right
1 likeNo but like snails .โ.
0 likes#ProBronySinger
0 likesBut what if snips is not kill
0 likesI LIEK IT
1 likePLENTAH UV ROOM 4 MAH PUPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEETZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesFace reveal plz
0 likesI doubt id ever get 3,000 subs . I just don't have the equiptment to do good videos . But ... If I ever get 3,000 subs .... I have to sing winter wrap up ? NUUUUUUUU I SUCK AT SINGING
0 likes4k subs.
0 likesHey I found a video that features snowdrop can you Chaco it out!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesnot bad at singing
0 likesi think its true
0 likesyeah, becuse i wanted to watch minute of channel advertisment
0 likeswhy are you in the castle library
0 likeslink to the "5 weeks ago" vid he showed?
0 likesnuu it's twelve words :3
0 likesthat guy is freaky "PLENTY OF ROOM FOR MEH PUPPETS" why u so weird also XD let's get this singing over with
0 likesYa no how in fanaf2, marionette is coming at you, her strings are cut. Snips cuttie Mark is scissors. His father is Claude. Claude cuttie Mark is marionette puppet strings. Snips could have cut marionette strings. Snips talent is playing five nights at freddys 2!!!!!!!!!!!! :0
0 likesnice tradition folowing
0 likesYou do not have 3000 subscribers now
0 likesmaybe he suppose be barber
0 likesInteresting. I suppose.
0 likesAll of them are crosses..
0 likesWHAT DOCE THE... oh wrong vid O-o walks away slowly
0 likesUuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh I haven't noticed until now
0 likesWhen u did the video to see if sunset shimmer was a alacorn in the pony world she was a unicorn put when she sang my past is,n
0 likesIs,n???? When she sang my pass is not to day she was a pony with wings I said a pony with wings because I don't know how to spell it BRO HOOF
i still dont get it...
0 likesXD
0 likesSnail get he cutie mark because he's was slow.
0 likesWow
0 likesAlso good therory
0 likeswhat is going to happen to twilight sparkles castle
0 likesYou Have 127,150 subscribers
0 likesWhat is your name you are not called the brony notion are you think of a name for your pony maybe winter wrap up dude haha๐๐๐๐
0 likesclapsdo play the guitar
0 likescool bro
0 likesever one is cut but not me:(๐๐ข๐ญ
0 likesI agree
0 likesO my gosh you sing does he have a wife and kid
0 likesI think it was right
0 likes๐ถ๐ถ๐ถ๐ถ๐ถ WOW
0 likesya their was a kids voice in the backround
0 likesya their was a kids voice in the backround
0 likesChange that fucking opening theme
0 likesYo awesome breh
0 likesLol winter wrap up..
0 likesjohanna,u confuse me
0 likesFace reaveal
0 likesI love you
0 likes๐
0 likes๐๐๐๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
1 likeI seen that episode of mlp
0 likes2:20
0 likesnow there are 140,156 sub
0 likesdude u have 134,645 subscribers
0 likesReplies (1)
That's what I said
0 likesI only thought one thing when I heard u say marionette.... FNAF :3
0 likesGeneral zois oc maker
0 likesahhhhhhhhhh the kid is a girl
0 likesThen why do you have 58 subs that I can see on the subs side thing I donโt see a k anywhere
0 likesOoo! That commenter might be Jewish!๐
0 likesI am a girl but i still like this channal
0 likes3,000 subscribers psh
0 likesBabes cutie mark is siccors
0 likesps that was not singing winter wrap up
0 likesHow about you cutting hair๐๐ฝ
0 likesWhat does your cuite marck mean
0 likesReplies (1)
Yeah for real
0 likesI herd it
0 likesthat comenters name is' Dakal Doror' i speak hebrew
0 likesi mean not a bad singer
0 likesIdk about this one
0 likesI head it
0 likesUm... 77000....
0 likesWho sad five nights at freddy's because foxy is my friend
0 likesI think it's a. Cool theri
0 likes207k Subs*
0 likesIs it sesoirs cuase hes not the sharpest tool ba dah pssh
0 likeswtf?
0 likesSunp is all way,s sad so he hurt,s he self it,s perty sad
0 likesMy little pony is not a show for only little girl!And im not little!BOYS LIKE IT TOO YA KNOW AND GROWN UPS!
0 likeswhos the creeper then nightmare night (One she has her eyes black and not cute)
0 likesReplies (1)
like if no one is creeper (Like to le video not me)
0 likesdislike if u hate my guts right now
177,954 subscribers
0 likeslucky I only have 8 subs .
0 likesReplies (1)
I have 11 and I don't even know what I do :T
0 likesO.O
0 likesLol
0 likesLol
0 likesLol
0 likesI heard (high yaa
0 likesWho is watching this in 2016
0 likesis a roblox scream
0 likesor mabe he got it erly and he is soppose to be barrber
0 likesCheater!!!
0 likeshey you i got a question here
0 likesAnyone 2020 corona vรญrus isolation ?
0 likesYou didn't sing the whole song ๐ก๐ก
0 likesMe to.
0 likesugh pony creator
0 likesThx
0 likesI just wo se what happened to there missing friend puppy dog tails
0 likesืืงื ืืจืืจ
0 likesDay song doh
0 likesyou sing winter wrap up rong
0 likeserrrr u have 285k subs๐๐๐๐
1 like64,000
0 likeswinter rap up winter rap up!!!!!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesno no no no no no no no no no no
0 likesOK why do u do this show
0 likesDon't get me wrong I like it but y do u do it?
75,001 sub
0 likesthis video makes no sense
0 likesme to
0 likesHa ha that was someone in Israel
0 likesI only have 2 subscribers :(
0 likesits not tro
0 likesCheater
0 likes64,00
0 likesprobably
0 likesI dont know
0 likes- _- I hate it
0 likesYou think the song is stupid and annoying too!!
0 likesReally
0 likesyeah
0 likeswho is a subscriber
0 likesWot
0 likes132,423
0 likes@AnY Entertainment
0 likesno
0 likesi dont no
0 likespie
0 likeshi
0 likesX's
0 likesFive weeks ago
0 likesHello
0 likesHello
0 likesHi
0 likesHi
0 likesI don't now
0 likesI have my own chanll haileigh wheeler is my chanll
0 likesIs ah i
0 likesit's not just for LITTEL kids
1 likeZz