Il y a bien longtemps que la réputation de l'Université de Cambridge et de ses augustes Collèges n'est plus à faire. Si rien ne laisse présager que cette véritable institution britannique perde de sitôt son lustre, une époque semble pourtant bien révolue. Une époque pas si lointaine, celle des mid-70's, un temps où fleurissait alentour une scène folk-rock d'étudiants s'employant à jouer la musique qu'ils aimaient, quand ils ne l'enregistraient pas. Un temps où deux étudiants pouvaient créer leur studio - ce qui deviendra un studio - et produire les groupes qui les avaient enthousiasmés, nous gratifiant au passage de quelques joyaux. Parmi ceux-ci, Gigymen brille d'un éclat singulier, Il faut dire que le LP surprend tant par sa maîtrise et ses arrangements qui le hissent au rang d'illustres devanciers (c'est particulièrement vrai pour ce qui est des reprises dans la lignée de Fairport Convention, Trees et autres Woods Band) que par ses originaux dignes des meilleures productions labellisés Lennon/McCartney (sublime mélancolie feutrée de Plain Jane). S'il ne fallait ajouter qu'un seul disque à la seconde édition de Galactic Ramble, celui-ci aurait toutes les chances d’être l'heureux élu.As with Oxford, Cambridge University has seen many of its students go on to achieve great things. However, if Cambridge was the city of all dreams in the mid-seventies, it wasn't only for its world-renowned university, but also for the vibrant musical community around the college circuit. Gigymen was one of these bands and one of the best, if not the best. A live band of high-calibre musicians, as their name indicated, mainly influenced by Fairport Convention and The Beatles. They recorded an album at the Spaceward Studios and world is so small that it was engineered by the classmate of Alan and John, Mike Kemp himself along with Gary Lucas. The result is simply amazing and very professional. The Gigymen LP captures the best of the private press world (only 100 copies were pressed), but it doesn't really belong to this world. If we had to select only one album for Galactic Ramble second edition, this album could be the perfect
Ugled Sveučilišta u Cambridgeu i njegovih augustovskih koledža odavno je prepoznat. Ako ništa ne sugerira da će ova istinska britanska institucija uskoro izgubiti sjaj, čini se da je era završila. Vrijeme ne tako davno, ono sredinom 70-ih, vrijeme kada je folklorna rock scena cvjetala uokolo, studenti koji su radili na sviranju glazbe koju su voljeli, kad je nisu snimali. Vrijeme kada su dvoje učenika mogli stvoriti svoj studio - što će postati studio - i stvoriti grupe koje su ih uzbudile, nagradivši nas s nekoliko dragulja. Među njima, Gigymen blista jedinstvenim sjajem. Moramo reći da LP iznenađuje svojim majstorstvom i svojim aranžmanima koji ga podižu u rang slavnih prethodnika (to posebno vrijedi za naslovnice iz loze Fairport Convention, Trees i drugi Woods Band) nego po izvornicima dostojnim najboljih produkcija s oznakom Lennon / McCartney (uzvišena filcana melankolija Plain Jane). Kad bi se drugom izdanju Galactic Ramblea trebao dodati samo jedan disk, imao bi sve šanse postati sretnik. Kao i kod Oxforda, i na Sveučilištu Cambridge mnogi su njegovi studenti postigli velike stvari. Međutim, ako je Cambridge bio grad svih snova sredinom sedamdesetih, to nije bilo samo zbog svjetski poznatog sveučilišta, već i zbog živahne glazbene zajednice oko koledža. Gigymen je bio jedan od ovih bendova i jedan od najboljih, ako ne i najbolji. Svirka živih glazbenika visokog kalibra, kako je i samo ime govorilo, uglavnom je pod utjecajem Fairport Conventiona i The Beatlesa. Snimili su album u Spaceward Studios i svijet je toliko malen da ga je osmislio kolega Alan i John, sam Mike Kemp zajedno s Garyjem Lucasom. Rezultat je jednostavno nevjerojatan i vrlo profesionalan. LP Gigymen bilježi najbolje iz svijeta privatnog tiska (pritisnuto je samo 100 primjeraka), ali zapravo ne pripada ovom svijetu. Kad bismo za drugo izdanje Galactic Ramble morali odabrati samo jedan album, ovaj bi album mogao biti savršen izbor.
The reputation of the University of Cambridge and its august Colleges has long been recognized. If nothing suggests that this true British institution will soon lose its luster, an era seems to be over. A time not so long ago, that of the mid-70's, a time when a folk-rock scene flourished all around, of students working to play the music they loved, when they weren't recording it. A time when two students could create their studio - what will become a studio - and produce the groups that had excited them, rewarding us with a few gems. Among these, Gigymen shines with a singular brilliance, It must be said that the LP surprises both by its mastery and its arrangements which raise it to the rank of illustrious predecessors (this is particularly true for the covers in the lineage of Fairport Convention, Trees and other Woods Band) than by its originals worthy of the best productions labeled Lennon / McCartney (sublime felted melancholy of Plain Jane). If only one disc had to be added to the second edition of Galactic Ramble, it would have every chance of being the lucky one. As with Oxford, Cambridge University has seen many of its students go on to achieve great things. However, if Cambridge was the city of all dreams in the mid-seventies, it wasn't only for its world-renowned university, but also for the vibrant musical community around the college circuit. Gigymen was one of these bands and one of the best, if not the best. A live band of high-caliber musicians, as their name indicated, mainly influenced by Fairport Convention and The Beatles. They recorded an album at the Spaceward Studios and world is so small that it was engineered by the classmate of Alan and John, Mike Kemp himself along with Gary Lucas. The result is simply amazing and very professional. The Gigymen LP captures the best of the private press world (only 100 copies were pressed), but it doesn't really belong to this world. If we had to select only one album for Galactic Ramble second edition, this album could be the perfect choice.
Il y a bien longtemps que la réputation de l'Université de Cambridge et de ses augustes Collèges n'est plus à faire. Si rien ne laisse présager que cette véritable institution britannique perde de sitôt son lustre, une époque semble pourtant bien révolue. Une époque pas si lointaine, celle des mid-70's, un temps où fleurissait alentour une scène folk-rock d'étudiants s'employant à jouer la musique qu'ils aimaient, quand ils ne l'enregistraient pas. Un temps où deux étudiants pouvaient créer leur studio - ce qui deviendra un studio - et produire les groupes qui les avaient enthousiasmés, nous gratifiant au passage de quelques joyaux. Parmi ceux-ci, Gigymen brille d'un éclat singulier, Il faut dire que le LP surprend tant par sa maîtrise et ses arrangements qui le hissent au rang d'illustres devanciers (c'est particulièrement vrai pour ce qui est des reprises dans la lignée de Fairport Convention, Trees et autres Woods Band) que par ses originaux dignes des meilleures productions labellisés Lennon/McCartney (sublime mélancolie feutrée de Plain Jane). S'il ne fallait ajouter qu'un seul disque à la seconde édition de Galactic Ramble, celui-ci aurait toutes les chances d’être l'heureux élu.As with Oxford, Cambridge University has seen many of its students go on to achieve great things. However, if Cambridge was the city of all dreams in the mid-seventies, it wasn't only for its world-renowned university, but also for the vibrant musical community around the college circuit. Gigymen was one of these bands and one of the best, if not the best. A live band of high-calibre musicians, as their name indicated, mainly influenced by Fairport Convention and The Beatles. They recorded an album at the Spaceward Studios and world is so small that it was engineered by the classmate of Alan and John, Mike Kemp himself along with Gary Lucas. The result is simply amazing and very professional. The Gigymen LP captures the best of the private press world (only 100 copies were pressed), but it doesn't really belong to this world. If we had to select only one album for Galactic Ramble second edition, this album could be the perfect
0 likesUgled Sveučilišta u Cambridgeu i njegovih augustovskih koledža odavno je prepoznat. Ako ništa ne sugerira da će ova istinska britanska institucija uskoro izgubiti sjaj, čini se da je era završila. Vrijeme ne tako davno, ono sredinom 70-ih, vrijeme kada je folklorna rock scena cvjetala uokolo, studenti koji su radili na sviranju glazbe koju su voljeli, kad je nisu snimali. Vrijeme kada su dvoje učenika mogli stvoriti svoj studio - što će postati studio - i stvoriti grupe koje su ih uzbudile, nagradivši nas s nekoliko dragulja. Među njima, Gigymen blista jedinstvenim sjajem. Moramo reći da LP iznenađuje svojim majstorstvom i svojim aranžmanima koji ga podižu u rang slavnih prethodnika (to posebno vrijedi za naslovnice iz loze Fairport Convention, Trees i drugi Woods Band) nego po izvornicima dostojnim najboljih produkcija s oznakom Lennon / McCartney (uzvišena filcana melankolija Plain Jane). Kad bi se drugom izdanju Galactic Ramblea trebao dodati samo jedan disk, imao bi sve šanse postati sretnik. Kao i kod Oxforda, i na Sveučilištu Cambridge mnogi su njegovi studenti postigli velike stvari. Međutim, ako je Cambridge bio grad svih snova sredinom sedamdesetih, to nije bilo samo zbog svjetski poznatog sveučilišta, već i zbog živahne glazbene zajednice oko koledža. Gigymen je bio jedan od ovih bendova i jedan od najboljih, ako ne i najbolji. Svirka živih glazbenika visokog kalibra, kako je i samo ime govorilo, uglavnom je pod utjecajem Fairport Conventiona i The Beatlesa. Snimili su album u Spaceward Studios i svijet je toliko malen da ga je osmislio kolega Alan i John, sam Mike Kemp zajedno s Garyjem Lucasom. Rezultat je jednostavno nevjerojatan i vrlo profesionalan. LP Gigymen bilježi najbolje iz svijeta privatnog tiska (pritisnuto je samo 100 primjeraka), ali zapravo ne pripada ovom svijetu. Kad bismo za drugo izdanje Galactic Ramble morali odabrati samo jedan album, ovaj bi album mogao biti savršen izbor.
0 likesThe reputation of the University of Cambridge and its august Colleges has long been recognized. If nothing suggests that this true British institution will soon lose its luster, an era seems to be over. A time not so long ago, that of the mid-70's, a time when a folk-rock scene flourished all around, of students working to play the music they loved, when they weren't recording it. A time when two students could create their studio - what will become a studio - and produce the groups that had excited them, rewarding us with a few gems. Among these, Gigymen shines with a singular brilliance, It must be said that the LP surprises both by its mastery and its arrangements which raise it to the rank of illustrious predecessors (this is particularly true for the covers in the lineage of Fairport Convention, Trees and other Woods Band) than by its originals worthy of the best productions labeled Lennon / McCartney (sublime felted melancholy of Plain Jane). If only one disc had to be added to the second edition of Galactic Ramble, it would have every chance of being the lucky one. As with Oxford, Cambridge University has seen many of its students go on to achieve great things. However, if Cambridge was the city of all dreams in the mid-seventies, it wasn't only for its world-renowned university, but also for the vibrant musical community around the college circuit. Gigymen was one of these bands and one of the best, if not the best. A live band of high-caliber musicians, as their name indicated, mainly influenced by Fairport Convention and The Beatles. They recorded an album at the Spaceward Studios and world is so small that it was engineered by the classmate of Alan and John, Mike Kemp himself along with Gary Lucas. The result is simply amazing and very professional. The Gigymen LP captures the best of the private press world (only 100 copies were pressed), but it doesn't really belong to this world. If we had to select only one album for Galactic Ramble second edition, this album could be the perfect choice.