I think the point was that Rainbow is ADHD, which fits perfectly with her character, you don't see it too often because she's an athlete, but when she gets excited about something or is bored by it this aspect shines through, think about how ecstatic she gets about Daring Doo, then think about how she never listens to things that bore her. It wasn't that she meant to goof off it's just that she has trouble sitting still through things that don't interest her and anything at that point can entertain her better, at which point she forgets what she was supposed to be doing in the first place. This also fits with how she finally WAS able to learn because frequently people with ADHD learn better while moving or doing something in tandem with the learning that DOES interest them.
That makes perfect sense! I could even see why the writers wanted to do that, because they want people with learning disabilities or attention problems to know that they can be 20% cooler all the time.
@sykosam No, ADHD is not a disability 9/10. The problem is how the schools work with, or fail to work with as the case may be, their differences. My ADD allows me to test exceptionally well but makes homework mostly pointless and exceedingly difficult. It's a different way of learning and sometimes can be superior but just doesn't mesh well with the school systems which is kinda the point of the whole episode...
@paulisawsome29 I also have ADHD, albeit the non-hyperactive variety. From what I remember researching the topic there are four categories of ADHD, each with certain distinguishing markers both mentally and physically (as in by the structure of your brain). Within each type you still get variations in severity. Also it would certainly be possible to make you concentrate simply by changing the way the material is taught so that you want to learn.
That makes so much sense! It would also explain how she noticed all those little details without really thinking about it. People with ADHD tend to notice everything.
I agree intirely but it might also be a disorder like Dislexia (Sorry if it's spelled wrong) Or a mixture of OCD and ADHD Because she pays attention to small details but not Twi's Lesson
Well I can tell you right off the bat that she's not OCD and she doesn't really have any symptoms of Dyslexia. OCD would be completely different, like if she HAD to do five loops every time she took off from the ground OCD isn't about paying attention, that's ADD and it's not uncommon for someone with ADD to remember random, seemingly unimportant things. Dyslexia is a bit more complicated to diagnose (I wasn't entirely sure so I did some research) but it's very unlikely because several of the symptoms would prevent her from being good at flying such as motion sickness, poor fine and gross motor control, clumsiness, difficulty telling directions apart, et cetra.
Okay this is not meant to offend anyone or anything But while reading the comments from people that said they have ADHD I couldn’t stop thinking about Percy Jackson, the kid side of me was secretly thinking you guys could be Demigods xD
I'm an early childhood educator and this episode was VERY important to me. It should be in early childhood where kids discover how THEY learn, and when teachers should create lessons or modify a lesson to help the different styles. I always thought I learned visually, but I am more of a kinesthitic learner. I learn best by actively doing things and I HATE it when people try to do things for me without letting me try it first.
Several mental issues has lead to me not bejng able to learn easily. I have found out that chatting to friends or roleplaying while working helps. But my parents refuse to believe that
as a person who suffers from adhd i both agreed with and learned to implement the leason in that episode long ago, i realized swfitly that structured learning [ie school in general] does 'not' work for me, instead i have found a shotgun aproach works better...i pick several topics im highly interested in and just randomly dig into facts about it till im sated, is this a perfcet method, hoof no, but i learn more this way then i would the conventional way where im board to tears and my mind is constantly going anywhere besides the book/article/lecture im supposed to be learning from
I really liked this episode because my algebra teacher really needed to know that not every student learns by seeing them write hours and hours of notes
This episode was pretty interesting since it kinda tackled the thought of school pretty hard. It may not have seemed like Rainbow was trying to learn from Twilights part but I know from experience that of you are not understanding the material and not seeing the point in learning something that doesn't make sense to you then you will start to get bored, the boredom will exponentially increase if you kinda just know you won't get the subject and give up too early, which is something I saw in Rainbow Dash
you know im fairly glad at this vid because the creator did some decent time organizing his points and concerns as well, as a bit of a critic I say he made his point quite well, without pointing out too many flaws or faults.
Yeah. I can relate to Rainbow on this one. I learn best with little tricks. Like this one: Phineas, Candace or Ferb. Phylum Class Order Family And P.E.O.P.L.E Pulls Eat Ostrich Poop Like Everyone. I still use this.
I do love this episode and I have to agree with you I think every teacher should watch this and understand it's point, but it kind of urks me because even if they were to get it. This morale cannot be elaborated on in real life because this is great as a one on one teaching but it can't happen in a classroom becasue of the amount of students, teachers can't take the time to individually figure out each student's learning style.
I loved this episode, and it made me think about how I learned best. Turns out, I learn best by talking. Not in groups or something like that, but just me talking. It dosen't matter if I'm alone or not, I just learns best by hearing myself talking. Is this weird?
search up ink rose she told a story about that their parents died but i wont tell you how you will have to watch it for yourself i dont need to be a spoiler
I have had trouble with math my whole life. My mom tried pretty much everything to help me get better at it, but nothing worked. Some methods didn't help at all or unfortunately made it worse. I had to focus on math so much and was still bad at it that I thought I was dumb and a bad student. I had horrible confidence for a long time and was afraid of trying certain things. I took Japanese in high school though and became good at it through studying. I studied it all through college and am still studying it. That helped me realize that maybe I was actually smart. It really boosted my self-esteem. I'm still awful at math and still have issues with other things but have realized I'm good at lots of things like language and music and science (just not math).
actually the classroom scene wasn't going too easy on rainbow. with lots of kids, especially those with ADD, they get bored easily in classrooms and will find even the smallest distraction and fixate on it. after thinking back on it I see a lot of similarities between her learning difficulties and the solution and my own difficulties. it's a mild form but i truly think she has ADD just like me.
I love this episode, mostly because I felt the same way once. I'm one of the five tactile (physical) learners in my class. The thing about this is our teacher is an auditory ( hearing or speaking) teacher. So I kinda felt like school was going to be hard. After a while, I realised school this year seams way shorter than last year!
@Workdaykittie Lps i either have to experience stuff or hear it as topic of a song to learn it better. the problem is, my teacher didnt want to let us build bombs in class, so yeah. jk, i learned most of the stuff simply by looking through the book. i go my own way, and if this means taking out the biology book in english class, this is what happens. my teachers never liked that. anyway, because of my fragile appearance, people think i cant get anything done myself. after school, i got sent to a building where "special people" get prepared for society. one day, there was this guy from poland, who didnt speak a word german, because reasons. noone could understand him, except me. well, the didnt ask me if i could, so i just thought "why should i listen to them if they cant even speak english?" this is one thing others call a problem. when i dont consider someone smarter than me, i dont take orders from them. so, if u want to tell me what to do, either u learned the subject and really know what to do or u shut up. anyway, when this guy from poland got back into his truck and drove away, i asked: "why didnt u tell him where he need sto go?" and they were totally confused because i knew what he wanted. they asked me why i didnt say anything and i was like: "U were talking all the time and i dont interrupt others" i mean, its basic knowledge. dont interrupt others, dont insult others, such things.
Applejack's way was right. She said she'd learned through experience ((basically)), and Rainbow then unknowingly started learning by doing. I know it's a little bit stiff of a comment, and many things could be said against it, especially since Rainbow learns through Flying - something she enjoys - while Applejack learns through her job, but I thought it'd be an interesting idea/conversation starter :P
I personally learn the best by drawing at the same time. I totally agree with this! I mean seriously! People really need to watch this! Especially if they think this.
I don't know, I feel like Rainbow's "method of learning" may have worked just a little bit too well to be believable. I mean, subconsciously learning everything to that degree of detail without even being aware of it? I mean, I guess I could understand if she had a photographic memory or something, but it's pretty clear she doesn't.
Yes it is true that everyone learns a different way for example when I use to have my other science teacher all we did was write or watch or do experiments and ever since I got a new teacher she usually let me listen to music while doing work or sometimes doddle on some paper while listening and we had a science test some weeks ago and I got my mark improve about 2 or 3 levels higher....
i loved everything about it but especially dash's way of learning it was pretty interesting but when you compared it to sherlock i was even more interested so i decided to sherlock hehe lol
I fail to see how this episode was AMAZING. I laugh at most things. I laughed in party of one because Pinkamena. But I was actually getting out my art supplies in the middle of the show because I was so bored! You know what made me laugh?!?! Pinkie Pride.
You are entitled to your own opinion but I am saying mine.
I also learn differently. I was in a musical theatre for school house rock ( with very educational songs) and from multiple songs I learned about the preamble, adjectives, and our solar system. It made learning seem easier and fun!!! :-)
I like it... RD can't concentrate on any other lesson ALL of them require her to basically sit still when 1. she NEEDS to move in order to learn; 2. big part of her focus goes to sitting still during the other ways -- especially Twilight's "class room". 3. She's naturally paying attention to LOADS of things at once, concentrating on one thing in one spot is practically impossible for her. For a reason, too, considering what she needs to watch out for when she's flying. She even says it right out, she's a flyer. Just not in a constructive way.
I love this episode too, but it's not my favorite. It's like number 2-3 on my list. I don't know what my number one is, but I do know that I'm kinda like RD. Well, kind of. I actually listen the best when I am drawing or doing something, not by looking at the teacher. Another weird this is that I retain everything about MLP, science and cats, but not history. But I know why. I don't really like history but I love MLP, science and cats. Anyone feel the same? (Like they learn the same way)
My favorite part of testing 1,2,3 is when fluttershy turns into princess fluttershy. And like brony notion said , the moral in this episode is "simply fabulous". This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump!
the whole I feel stupid thing happened to me. I started off in a Montessori school then we got a new principal and she made every thing traditional so my grades (and every other Montessori kid's) went way down.
I like the episode because of a Rainbow dash learning.I thought it was pretty cool on how she remembers every thing while she is flying and that is true no one learns the same way everyone is different.
@Princess Luna when im in stressing situations, my sense get highly increased. i hear stuf outside the closed window, smell stuff from the other nd of the road and feel emotions. not the emotional kind of feeling, but the litteral kind. like, with my fingers. thats kinda scary, well, it was at first, but now i can controll it and know what others really think of me. this often leads to problems because people are too afraid of this to admit it actually works. i even was sent to a mental doctor, but he said besides my autism everything is fine. i smashed my foot in his private parts for this statement. i dont have anything against people saying that i have autism, i just dont like people calling it a problem.
Dunno, can't really blame her for not paying attention -- when that's how she learns -- by NOT paying attention... or rather, looking everywhere at once. And she actually NEEDS to be that way, to notice traffic etc. when flying. In a way, when she's paying attention to one single thing she crashes...
Uhhg one time in like the 1st or 2nd grade we had to do ballpark estimates of a problem then do the problem itself, so one time i asked the teacher if i could not do them and they said "Everyone learns in a different way so just try and it might help you" after we had done it for weeks, all it was doing was slowing me down and wasnt helping at all. So i said "It isnt helping" and they said the same thing besides they said so it will help the people around you. and i was thinking BUT IT ISN'T TO ME!
This is my first year at a vocational school. And this is how my brain works: Chemistry: I understand for the first time I hear Physical chemistry calculations: Show me the simplest pices, give me three days, and I'll solve the hardest excercices Maths: It takes a time, but in the end I get everything perfectly History: Repeat me the same five sentenses over an over for weeks, several times a day, and I still won't remember anything from it Englis: I speek flowlently, but my spelling is terrible and I have no idea, what is "present perfect continous" even if I use it for two years (yeah, english is not my naitive legnauge)
I like how you had the blink and you’ll miss it Sean and to other commenters it’s less like attention deficit hyper active disorder and more like the non medicated counterpart
I thought it was weird how all of Rainbow dash's friends knew more about the wonderbolts than she did. Being a wonderbolt is Rainbow's life goal, and while being so obsessed with them it seems like she would know more about them.
@MLP Graphite Tip Well, in my mind, she became a fan of them because they were famous and great fliers, and that was her goal. Not to learn about their history. I mean, there ARE fans who don't find it particularly interesting to learn the history of who or what they're a fan of. Rainbow probably didn't expect she would ever need the knowledge of how they formed, or their uniforms, or their best generals, so she didn't bother to learn it. That's at least how I look at it.
OOF. "Kids who goof off in class are not the ones who are struggling to learn." Oh boy oh man oh god. You stepped in the shit. You completely 100% fucked up. No. Dude no. The kids goofing off are not consciously choosing to not learn. They are not making the decision to fail. They are SPECIFICALLY the ones that are unable to learn from the bad teaching methods. They are SPECIFICALLY the ones being targeting in the episode, where the staff did a damn good job making RD act like them. It's amazing how you can praise this episode and not understand the real life equailence. Like someone told you second hand why this episode is good and you took that and made this video. Instead of being one of us who lived that. I didn't just do bad at school, I FAILED outright school, and high school both. I was treated by teachers as if I was mentally disabled, and yet others called me a genius. I was someone that goofed off in all my lessons, because I had more fun being creative and immersiving myself in my make believe worlds, than I did a written test. Writing on paper, it was upsetting and my mind would go blank when I did it from how much I would concentrate. I would write down so much, and then be asked. "So what did you just write?" since, the point of writing it is "Writing it down makes you memorise it in your head." And there I am, 2 seconds after writing it, and I can't even remember what the heck I wrote. It was ACTUALLY POINTLESS. Just like it felt. If I has not goofed off, if I had sat and did what I was told. I would have learned exactly as little. I needed SOMETHING to make my mind actually come awake and alive. I was forced to provide myself with mental stimulation of any kind. The teachers were just bad. And the fact I was top of my class in maths, got put into the higher tier group and then instantly became the worst in class really showed that to me. Change of teacher, and I stopped being able to learn. It isn't my job to learn, it's the teachers job to teach. Never blame a student. Never. That's not okay.
I found out many years later whilst trying to code that I was apparantly impressive. I didn't bother reading the instructions and so i was that annoying "Hey what's the code for this thing?" but then I present my final thing and show my code and it's "What the fuck did you do?! This mess is broken!... But it works? How? How did you turn 50 lines into 5 lines?", but really, I just had a good engine. You only have to realise you can put lines of code as values of code and now you can... double code? It's all just variables really. Genuinely felt so damn obvious and easy to me. That felt great, confusing people and doing so well at something I never studied. And game design is my passion! Was from the get go. So why did it take me years to get the chance? My schooling failed so hard every single step of the way that it kept me from even being able to study the subject I wanted. I ended up doing IT in college but it had nothing to do with coding, until we got to website design and then I did great! But the rest was bullshit and irelevant. None of it even applies in 2019 where tech has changed. It was like a beginners course to computers. There was never an actual programming course ever available. Everything I have learned has only come from myself and my own google searches for info. I am fully self taught. And I hate it. I hate that I ma eyars behind everyone else because I never had teh chances I deserved. And I hate that you would look at a younger me and say "Yeah that kid is goofing off he doesn't deserve a chance."
I'm just going to say it, Applejack was pretty useless in this episode. Seriously, AJ we get you love apples. We do, but uh the history of apples is not going to help Rainbow pass her test. I'm sorry, but it's not. At least everybody else's teaching methods had a use. I personally would have learned best from watching Fluttershy's play. But yeah AJ really annoyed me in this episode. Other than that this truly was a great episode. Loved it!
I have to agree. Applejack doesn't really seem to have a like besides apples. I mean, I know it's her favorite food, but still, it's not her life. Friendship, love, sadness, and other postive and negative elements are important too. My main point is : Applejack needs to find something else she likes besides apples.
the only thing I didn't like was that they didn't show my teaching method. I'm kind of a visual and auditory, but only if I'm interested. If it's not interesting, then forget about it. But whatever, it was good!
I find it easier to learn and pay attention in class if I'm doodling while my teacher is talking. It keeps me from spacing off, and when I'm working on a paper, gives me a chance to take a small break to recollect my thoughts. I sit next to someone (Who I absolutely hate) who tells me that I'm ling whenever I tell her that drawing in class helps me focus more, she says that I don't listen and think that I'm better and smarter than everyone else. I mean, sure, I AM in a group of advanced kids that meets weekly, but I don't even raise my hand in class because I'm always worried that my answer is going to be wrong and I'm going to need help. I also feel like people expect too much from me because I'm supposedly "smarter than they are". I'm not smarter than anyone! I just tend to pick things up quickly, plus I'm usually interested in what I learn. (I've recently started becoming very interested in learning about things like Ancient China, World War 2, and many other things in the world's past, as well as how different cultures work and act today) Anyway, yeah, I agree with this. The episode had a REALLY great meaning to it.
@***** WW2? u mean german history lesson? im not joking. here in germany, history lessons look like this: teach about hitler, teach about WW2, repeat. and this for more than 5 years.
@***** I hate when people are like that. I mean, I'm partially German, so does that make me evil? (I'm quite the opposite, thank you very much) I have a friend who's trying to learn German, and we have this little "war" going on about whether Japan or Germany is better. XD
@***** well, i would say, for me personally, german is better. but thats mostly because i was born here and if i wouldve been born in japan i would think different, but we never know that unless my parallel universe rift opening device works. but for that i need a few more subscribers and since i dont have them... :) no really, if i would live in japan, i mean, i dont know the culture there so i can only assume what it would be like if i would live there.
@***** Yeah, I just love foreign countries. In fact, my favorite country would probably be something like Canada, France, or England if it weren't for me first checking out anime. THAT sparked what is now a very huge love for Japan. Someone in my church is Japanese, and spending the summer in Japan with her kids so they can learn Japanese, and the culture and stuff, and they say that it's like, the Japanese go BIG. Like in the playgrounds, the slides are huge, and at one place there are these fake horse things they can ride, that make sit look like they're ACTUALLY riding a horse, and stuff. Like, when the Japanese love something, they get creative with it, and make it larger and/or better. (like a Pokemon themed Amusement Park. That's in Japan) I personally really like it. The only problem is that I would NEVER want to get on a bus in rush hour at a city there. The buses are so crowded they have to push people in fully to get them on. Yeah, not happening. XD
@***** yeah, the ammount of people there is my biggest problem. thats why i like it where i live. a small village, we have everything we need and thats it.
@***** Yeah,. But you can go to rural Japan if you want to get away from all the crowds. But I also don't want to go there because of the Japanese Giant Hornets (well, Asian Giant Hornets, actually. They're just mostly in rural Japan) there.
I just watched the episode and I find it a little.. Weird? You know, dash is hanging on the cloud, then takes a fly with twi. Fine. They talk about not giving up dreams and all of the sudden dashie remembers everything? I thought she would memorize DURING flying. Not memorize before flying and then preach it afterwards.
I have trouble learning in a class. do when I study I listen too my music and everything sticks with me and 9 times out of 10 I ace the test. (even though I know I shouldn't 🙀) I put a one earbud in my ear and listen to my music and I remember all of it. my mom thinks quietly doing my work or studying with no music is better but I don't hold it against her she just doesn't understand.
"Why 'Testing Testing 1, 2, 3' was AMAZING": TwiDash. TwiDash. Shipping INTENSIFIES! (Jk. While TwiDash is my OTP, this episode was so much more than me fan-boying over shipping. The moral was amazing and the humor was great. I loved how the solution was right at the start, yet everyone I've seen watch this episode (Including me) didn't think about it until Twilight did it in the ending of the episode. I personally rank Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 over episodes like Pinkie Pride. (I didn't enjoy Pinkie Pride as much as many other fans as I had no idea about who Weird Al was until long after I first watched the episode)
There is no doubt... This episode was totally awesome. But at the same time I was seriously oblivious on what they're trying to do but at the same time it was actually kind of funny. Applejack is awful I hate her I mean that granny smith fax isn't going to help her learn about the Wonderbolts
i completely agree with you, nicole. Applejack is BEST BACKROUND PONY!!!!! Rainbow is my second least favourite with applejack coming last because she is so stupid and oblivious and she is so boring she is a disgrace to the Apple family!
This is why I’m a pegasus. Let me explain; we pegasi only need to one school, flight school. The history is taught by our parents through stories passed down from parent to foal.
dr.Hooves dosen't get a speaking role he gets a singing role! twise!:winter rap up and the rapning(n) history of the wonderbolts! wow Hasbro you have made my day!
I liked the moral of everyone has their own way of studying but I dislike Dashie's way of learning because it's not practical when you think about it Dashie 's way of learning is to get everypony to dress up, Prepare everything and who knows what else. What I mean to say is that It's important to respect other people's way to learn but everypony else have more important things to do than to help Dashie learn
You just made me wonder why this lesson was hidden within a show like this. although you did mirror many of the clips, was that on purpose? the logo is backwards, dead giveaway, you know.
I am a kinisteric learner. I learn by doing. My careers class one tested to see how we learn. The teacher first handed out a diagram on how to tie a tie. Then she she told everyone the steps who didn't get it from the pictures. Then anyone else who still didn't get it was shown in a hands on way.
I am also a kinesthetic learner. I transfer exponential equations to logarithms by imagining the numbers switching around, but alas, my class is now common core
@***** most of the stuff i know i self educated. when i see a word i dont know, i google it. when i need to know anything, i google it. some would say i learned most of the stuff in school, but there is a reason why i always fell asleep durign class. i googled my way through the internet every night and learned stuff that wasnt taught in school yet. mostly stuff that was about to be taught in school in a few days, but u know what i mean. i just wish school was more individual. that when we know what we wanna do, we tell the teachers and they teach us this thing after they covered the basics. well, on the other hand, nearly noone knows what he wants to do with his life before they covered the basics. well, i taught myself how to write a book. i wrote one, then another and so on until i was happy.
@***** I feel that. Honestly half the time I nearly screamed at my teacher, "I DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS WHO INVENTED THIS OR WHY THEY DID, JUST TELL ME THE DAMN FORMULA." Studying Computer Sciences and Engineering, I need math, but my highschool teachers just wasted so much time. I also took a game design course a few years back. The class was literally 5 hours of work time, with a short half an hour lecture every once in a while. We progressed mainly by looking up tutorials and asking the teacher for help every once in a while. It was much better than any of my highschool courses (The GD class was a college course) So hopefully uni will be better in that department.
@Inazuma Lightning well, me too, u know? anyway, im from germany, and even though i was the best in my english classes, my english teacher was such a racist, she barely tought us the german translations for the english words, because reasons. so yeah.
Who knew that Pinky Pie would be so good at rapping? "well i say you put down those silly cards of flash, gor i know they cannot help our good friend rainbow dash".
My method of learning is voice and goofing about. By that goofing i know mistakes so easily in school i was a version of GOOFY from mickey mouse and by that i was quite clever, try it
I like the episode but I don't like how the author tried to make the mane six force learning on rainbow dash anything that reminds me of school gets a NO in my book
well i like this to i learn like applejack so if i have a test or something i really need to study hard and i keep what i learn for future use... also i learn by see and try it myself... all hoof on.... but not easy when its a text test....
I'd say Twilight the most, because now she knows that her "tried and true" teaching methods are only helpful to some ponies. RD also learned that she can learn like anypony else.
That could be the case but while this moral is good, I don't think that this is a lesson either Twilight or Rainbow Dash should be learning. I would say this should be a lesson Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle learns
Speaking of small details, the clip from 2:45 is mirrored. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I hope that I am the first who rewatches the show enough to realize this. :p I love you everypony, bye
I didn't like Pinkies' rap but then again, I don't like any rap. And AJ wasn't helpful in the slightest. Though it is a good episode and I loved Fluttershys' part in it all. Good episode.
I hated the rap scene. Stabbing rap into anything, especially a children's show, is just lame and cheapens the whole episode. It's like throwing in a meme (which they did in another episode) or in a movie (the Nut Job, I think) sticking gangnam style in the credits even though it completely doesn't fit anything about the movie, but it's popular so 'Let's shove this trendy thing in here for no reason and people will like us more!'
That stuff does annoy me. :P I think the rap is a funny 90's culture reference toward the adult audience in the show, sorta winking to the bronies. Plus they needed to get music learning method in there somehow... idk. /))))
I had the same way about school because I am dyslexic 1 I can't read Big letters and 2I a good at technology 3 I like your pony and you're song's it takes hours of do the song/songs on YouTube but it is good to me about your song are grateful because 4 I listen to music to do work, playing the guitar #theponynotion
What I meant is she seemed to lose a lot of the frantic edge that kept her character interesting. This has since been improved upon even more since then.
I can easily learn with any method but I'm to lazy to try any that's my problem or maby the work is just to boring I mean I'm not lazy with math, science nor IT because I like it
I love that rainbow dash is learning her way and not other ponies way and I didn't like it when apple jack made that Apple fact I mean that's just stupid
@Salene Rose that sounds like me one time. i was nearly sleeping all day and my teacher thought i would never pass the test, but then, baam 99% right. 1% was just missing because i dont like being called perfect :)
I learn similarly as well. Set me up with an audio book while I play Minecraft and then I'll have it drilled in my head. My parents don't realize it and claim it doesn't work. I know it works because I listened to some stories being read while playing and now if I think back to a scene from the screen, I remember what was being said. Since it think about Minecraft alot, it works very well.
The main thing that I disliked about this episode is that it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Rainbowdash is the Wonderbolts' biggest fan and yet knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about their history. This doesn't make any sense to me. I feel like they could have come up with a different reason to show off her style of learning that would make more sense.
@Becca Chapman Well, there are a LOT of people who are really big fans of things that don't know about it's history. It depends on the person. There are the type of fans who do everything they can to be the best at trivia on a certain type of person/thing, but there are also others who don't really care. They just really like whatever they're a fan of. Rainbow Dash didn't become a fan of the Wonderbolts so she could learn about their history (I probably would. I'm obsessed with history at the moment). She did it most likely because they were famous, and amazing fliers. She wanted to be like them. The best flier, and well-known. I mean, I really like certain bands and singers (Ex: One Direction, Imagine Dragons, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy), but I don't really want to learn about their history, or obsess over it. I would like to be like them. Famous and great with singing/playing in a band. Rainbow only found the need to learn the history because that would lead her closer to becoming a Wonderbolt, she didn't expect she would need the knowledge before that, so she didn't bother to learn it.
well i study ....ok i study like this story time i study with songs ,drawings ,flash cards and reading a looking at pictures in books . and no i have not wached the episode
Maybe in the summer, but now I'm focused on analysis and such. I use a editing program called Adobe Premier Elements, and I use the crappy microphone that came with my laptop lol. :) Thanks for the idea!
Actually, Dash was paying attention, but she was bored, so she fell asleep, and started goofing off after she woke up. Watch episodes properly before talking about them. :(
@Laura Harris Ok. You aren't even paying attention now. He literally said RD "wasn't even trying to listen in the classroom scene". My statement and TBN's statement are very different.
I APAOULTLY CANNOT LEARN EITH A TEXTBOOK AND LECTURESSS I learn by activity’s and somthing that grabs people’s autention I like music too. So If I listen to music while I work it makes me happy whitch is what I do when I’m doing some work at home.
+prince spade “shalour the lucario” of shuigong I have that learning style too, I think. In some of my classes I ask like, one question every minute XD
ANYONE NOTICE THAT BRIEF FLASH OF FACES AROUND THE EDGE oops caps lock. anyways for a split frame you see a crowd or something. I can't stop it in time its inbetween 2:55 and 2:56
Wayll I guess i diydnt really laike the fayct thayt A.J thawt aypples could haylp by giving her aypples awm not quaite sure whay she would thaynk thawse would haylp dayffinately nawt the thaing she wauld need rait whayn shays tryna learn haystory nawt baying mean in awll but iys just an aponiyawn
I think the point was that Rainbow is ADHD, which fits perfectly with her character, you don't see it too often because she's an athlete, but when she gets excited about something or is bored by it this aspect shines through, think about how ecstatic she gets about Daring Doo, then think about how she never listens to things that bore her. It wasn't that she meant to goof off it's just that she has trouble sitting still through things that don't interest her and anything at that point can entertain her better, at which point she forgets what she was supposed to be doing in the first place. This also fits with how she finally WAS able to learn because frequently people with ADHD learn better while moving or doing something in tandem with the learning that DOES interest them.
311 likesReplies (22)
That makes perfect sense! I could even see why the writers wanted to do that, because they want people with learning disabilities or attention problems to know that they can be 20% cooler all the time.
25 likes@sykosam
15 likesNo, ADHD is not a disability 9/10. The problem is how the schools work with, or fail to work with as the case may be, their differences. My ADD allows me to test exceptionally well but makes homework mostly pointless and exceedingly difficult. It's a different way of learning and sometimes can be superior but just doesn't mesh well with the school systems which is kinda the point of the whole episode...
5 likesI also have ADHD, albeit the non-hyperactive variety. From what I remember researching the topic there are four categories of ADHD, each with certain distinguishing markers both mentally and physically (as in by the structure of your brain). Within each type you still get variations in severity. Also it would certainly be possible to make you concentrate simply by changing the way the material is taught so that you want to learn.
That makes so much sense! It would also explain how she noticed all those little details without really thinking about it. People with ADHD tend to notice everything.
5 likesAmazing! That's perfect! The perfect explanation!
2 likesI agree intirely but it might also be a disorder like Dislexia (Sorry if it's spelled wrong) Or a mixture of OCD and ADHD Because she pays attention to small details but not Twi's Lesson
2 likesWell I can tell you right off the bat that she's not OCD and she doesn't really have any symptoms of Dyslexia. OCD would be completely different, like if she HAD to do five loops every time she took off from the ground OCD isn't about paying attention, that's ADD and it's not uncommon for someone with ADD to remember random, seemingly unimportant things. Dyslexia is a bit more complicated to diagnose (I wasn't entirely sure so I did some research) but it's very unlikely because several of the symptoms would prevent her from being good at flying such as motion sickness, poor fine and gross motor control, clumsiness, difficulty telling directions apart, et cetra.
2 likesok
1 likeWhat IS ADHD? 😕
0 likesI think it it means air head
0 likeseliem nope
0 likesWell, that explains a lot
0 likesSOOOO TRUE!
0 likes@kaci jada Attention decifet hyperactivity disorder
1 likeOkay this is not meant to offend anyone or anything
1 likeBut while reading the comments from people that said they have ADHD I couldn’t stop thinking about Percy Jackson, the kid side of me was secretly thinking you guys could be Demigods xD
i always headcanoned her as autistic, adhd and autism definitely overlap a lot lol
2 likesI actually know someone with ADHD, and this makes me see both that person and Rainbow in a different light.
1 likeYou’re wrong its pinkie that has adhd (im not being serious)
0 likesYep
1 likeI didt realize that Rainbow probarly has ADHD even if I have it too! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
1 likeAlright here here’s what I think twilight and rarity have OCD and pinkie and rainbow have ADHD
2 likes@David Betancourt Agreed
1 likeI'm an early childhood educator and this episode was VERY important to me. It should be in early childhood where kids discover how THEY learn, and when teachers should create lessons or modify a lesson to help the different styles. I always thought I learned visually, but I am more of a kinesthitic learner. I learn best by actively doing things and I HATE it when people try to do things for me without letting me try it first.
32 likesSeveral mental issues has lead to me not bejng able to learn easily. I have found out that chatting to friends or roleplaying while working helps. But my parents refuse to believe that
77 likesReplies (2)
well force them to watch this episode XD
4 likesyou do not need your parents to believe you, it is you who learn afterall, not them
7 likesas a person who suffers from adhd i both agreed with and learned to implement the leason in that episode long ago, i realized swfitly that structured learning [ie school in general] does 'not' work for me, instead i have found a shotgun aproach works better...i pick several topics im highly interested in and just randomly dig into facts about it till im sated, is this a perfcet method, hoof no, but i learn more this way then i would the conventional way where im board to tears and my mind is constantly going anywhere besides the book/article/lecture im supposed to be learning from
15 likesI really liked this episode because my algebra teacher really needed to know that not every student learns by seeing them write hours and hours of notes
12 likesI loved when twi and dash were flying and the mane 6 put on the I guess play??
161 likesReplies (13)
Oh yeah! and Opal and Angel were so cute! /)^u^(\
37 likesYeah, /)^-^(\ but I meant how dashie really learned the history of the wonderbolts. (Btw, général purpledot. Your kidding me, right?!)
6 likesUm, sorry Notion but, when I saw the title, I was like..
6 likesTwidash I guess? No? Okay im out..
+Im a Random Person... No go away ;)
2 likesTigeress4140 Aj
3 likessophia pang I loved that point to but it was a bit too much and cheesy
1 likeTigeress4140 Aj I loved the quote
2 likesThe Brony Notion totally
2 likesThe Brony Notion luna is opal
4 likesIm a Random Person... I ship it as well XD
2 likes/)^0^(\
0 likesIts such a cute face!
That and opal and angel and... THE OUTFITS
0 likes@Im a Random Person... to be fair this was kind of a twidash episode but a GREAT one once again!
0 likesI think teachers should show this episode of my little pony at school though many people will not like it but it will teach you a lesson
10 likesThis episode was pretty interesting since it kinda tackled the thought of school pretty hard. It may not have seemed like Rainbow was trying to learn from Twilights part but I know from experience that of you are not understanding the material and not seeing the point in learning something that doesn't make sense to you then you will start to get bored, the boredom will exponentially increase if you kinda just know you won't get the subject and give up too early, which is something I saw in Rainbow Dash
2 likesI LOVED this episode! My mom's a teacher, so she should watch this with me! 😺💜💜💜
2 likesyou know im fairly glad at this vid because the creator did some decent time organizing his points and concerns as well, as a bit of a critic I say he made his point quite well, without pointing out too many flaws or faults.
1 likeI say pinkie pie's rap was the best :D
70 likesReplies (5)
0 likesIn my opinion, 8th worst song in MLP:FiM
0 likes@***** y u no like?
0 likesWhile I do believe she can rap, her flow was really off a lot screwing up the song in the process.
1 likeRyan Eyster Still tho I loved it as a kid
0 likesYeah. I can relate to Rainbow on this one. I learn best with little tricks. Like this one: Phineas, Candace or Ferb.
11 likesPhylum
And P.E.O.P.L.E
I still use this.
This is my favorite episode of season 4. Each showed their style of learning except aj.
4 likesI do love this episode and I have to agree with you I think every teacher should watch this and understand it's point, but it kind of urks me because even if they were to get it. This morale cannot be elaborated on in real life because this is great as a one on one teaching but it can't happen in a classroom becasue of the amount of students, teachers can't take the time to individually figure out each student's learning style.
1 likeI loved this episode, and it made me think about how I learned best. Turns out, I learn best by talking. Not in groups or something like that, but just me talking. It dosen't matter if I'm alone or not, I just learns best by hearing myself talking. Is this weird?
0 likesHere's a question... WHAT HAPPENED TO APPLE JACK'S PARENTS???
55 likesReplies (12)
+Denabella THEY DIED .
1 like. (from a vid I watched they died .. )@German The Wolf I meant how.
1 like+Denabella I think they fell in a river were it looks like an earthquake happened I think .-.
0 likes😷🐴 Soz, yo momma and dad died
0 likesWatch Ink Rose's headcanon story.
0 likesApple Jacks parents had to go somewhere else so that's why they left Granny Smith in charge ok 💩
2 likessearch up ink rose she told a story about that their parents died but i wont tell you how you will have to watch it for yourself i dont need to be a spoiler
0 likes+Maxine Scott me 3 it was so good
0 likeslook up ink rose she has somthing about that
1 likesoon well know...
1 likeI know, we’ve met her parents through flashbacks but we still don’t know what happened to them.
1 likeHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good question
1 likeI have had trouble with math my whole life. My mom tried pretty much everything to help me get better at it, but nothing worked. Some methods didn't help at all or unfortunately made it worse. I had to focus on math so much and was still bad at it that I thought I was dumb and a bad student. I had horrible confidence for a long time and was afraid of trying certain things. I took Japanese in high school though and became good at it through studying. I studied it all through college and am still studying it. That helped me realize that maybe I was actually smart. It really boosted my self-esteem. I'm still awful at math and still have issues with other things but have realized I'm good at lots of things like language and music and science (just not math).
0 likesactually the classroom scene wasn't going too easy on rainbow. with lots of kids, especially those with ADD, they get bored easily in classrooms and will find even the smallest distraction and fixate on it. after thinking back on it I see a lot of similarities between her learning difficulties and the solution and my own difficulties. it's a mild form but i truly think she has ADD just like me.
1 likeI love this episode, mostly because I felt the same way once. I'm one of the five tactile (physical) learners in my class. The thing about this is our teacher is an auditory ( hearing or speaking) teacher. So I kinda felt like school was going to be hard. After a while, I realised school this year seams way shorter than last year!
0 likesReplies (3)
@Workdaykittie Lps i either have to experience stuff or hear it as topic of a song to learn it better. the problem is, my teacher didnt want to let us build bombs in class, so yeah.
0 likesjk, i learned most of the stuff simply by looking through the book. i go my own way, and if this means taking out the biology book in english class, this is what happens. my teachers never liked that. anyway, because of my fragile appearance, people think i cant get anything done myself.
after school, i got sent to a building where "special people" get prepared for society. one day, there was this guy from poland, who didnt speak a word german, because reasons. noone could understand him, except me. well, the didnt ask me if i could, so i just thought "why should i listen to them if they cant even speak english?" this is one thing others call a problem. when i dont consider someone smarter than me, i dont take orders from them. so, if u want to tell me what to do, either u learned the subject and really know what to do or u shut up.
anyway, when this guy from poland got back into his truck and drove away, i asked: "why didnt u tell him where he need sto go?" and they were totally confused because i knew what he wanted. they asked me why i didnt say anything and i was like: "U were talking all the time and i dont interrupt others" i mean, its basic knowledge. dont interrupt others, dont insult others, such things.
@***** Sry, not to be mean, but you go on about how you learn, but you don't capital the I. I'm sorry, it kinda annoys me..
0 likes@Workdaykittie Lps ok
0 likesApplejack's way was right. She said she'd learned through experience ((basically)), and Rainbow then unknowingly started learning by doing. I know it's a little bit stiff of a comment, and many things could be said against it, especially since Rainbow learns through Flying - something she enjoys - while Applejack learns through her job, but I thought it'd be an interesting idea/conversation starter :P
1 likeI personally learn the best by drawing at the same time. I totally agree with this! I mean seriously! People really need to watch this! Especially if they think this.
0 likesI don't know, I feel like Rainbow's "method of learning" may have worked just a little bit too well to be believable. I mean, subconsciously learning everything to that degree of detail without even being aware of it? I mean, I guess I could understand if she had a photographic memory or something, but it's pretty clear she doesn't.
0 likesI couldn’t remember history till I watched Hamilton ;—;
8 likesYes it is true that everyone learns a different way for example when I use to have my other science teacher all we did was write or watch or do experiments and ever since I got a new teacher she usually let me listen to music while doing work or sometimes doddle on some paper while listening and we had a science test some weeks ago and I got my mark improve about 2 or 3 levels higher....
0 likesi loved everything about it but especially dash's way of learning it was pretty interesting but when you compared it to sherlock i was even more interested so i decided to sherlock hehe lol
1 likeThank you! These are all things I love about this episode!
2 likesI loved that impression of Fluttershy (:
6 likesA thing I love about it, is because before I watched the episode, I thought I was dumb. But now I realize how I learn during Homeschool.
0 likesActually I loved all of it I laughed so hard almost positive I almost died
2 likesI fail to see how this episode was AMAZING. I laugh at most things. I laughed in party of one because Pinkamena. But I was actually getting out my art supplies in the middle of the show because I was so bored!
0 likesYou know what made me laugh?!?! Pinkie Pride.
You are entitled to your own opinion but I am saying mine.
I also learn differently. I was in a musical theatre for school house rock ( with very educational songs) and from multiple songs I learned about the preamble, adjectives, and our solar system. It made learning seem easier and fun!!! :-)
0 likesI like the way twilight actually flied in this episode this tells me that she needs to learn how to fly more
0 likesWait, something flashed on the background , like a bunch of faces. Did any pony see this or were my eyes playing tricks?
31 likesReplies (4)
Zoey Wood it was Nicolas cage
1 likeIt’s there
0 likesI slowed it down and i think its him
0 likesI saw it
0 likesI like it... RD can't concentrate on any other lesson ALL of them require her to basically sit still when 1. she NEEDS to move in order to learn; 2. big part of her focus goes to sitting still during the other ways -- especially Twilight's "class room". 3. She's naturally paying attention to LOADS of things at once, concentrating on one thing in one spot is practically impossible for her. For a reason, too, considering what she needs to watch out for when she's flying. She even says it right out, she's a flyer. Just not in a constructive way.
0 likesI love this episode too, but it's not my favorite. It's like number 2-3 on my list. I don't know what my number one is, but I do know that I'm kinda like RD. Well, kind of. I actually listen the best when I am drawing or doing something, not by looking at the teacher. Another weird this is that I retain everything about MLP, science and cats, but not history. But I know why. I don't really like history but I love MLP, science and cats. Anyone feel the same? (Like they learn the same way)
0 likessawtooth waves: Students/ Teachers NEED to watch that episode
7 likesme: thats me
I like that episode but listening to this I even love it more
1 likeTo this day I still love this episode
1 likeMy favorite part of testing 1,2,3 is when fluttershy turns into princess fluttershy. And like brony notion said , the moral in this episode is "simply fabulous". This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump!
0 likesthe whole I feel stupid thing happened to me. I started off in a Montessori school then we got a new principal and she made every thing traditional so my grades (and every other Montessori kid's) went way down.
0 likesI love the episode because it shows that not everypony learns in the same way ans I find that very inspiring
0 likesPersonally I love this Ep Because of the humour
2 likesmy mom is a teacher and i told her to defiantly watch this episode and when she finally did she really improved just like twillight
0 likesI like the episode because of a Rainbow dash learning.I thought it was pretty cool on how she remembers every thing while she is flying and that is true no one learns the same way everyone is different.
0 likesIm a student I watched the episode I learn like Rainbow Dash but I actually pay attention in class
16 likesReplies (9)
When I walk,sit,run,basically do anything, I observe things while talking to someone and doing something else.
0 likes00:17 fluttershy should be celetia for nightmare night.
0 likes@Samra Haroon why?
0 likes@shelby 1971 because when fluttershy flew in the air and acted like celestia,it actually looks like celestia
0 likesyes i just watch it it was good
0 likesi did not no caese i did not watch it but now i did
0 likesOk...;)
0 likes@Princess Luna when im in stressing situations, my sense get highly increased. i hear stuf outside the closed window, smell stuff from the other nd of the road and feel emotions. not the emotional kind of feeling, but the litteral kind. like, with my fingers. thats kinda scary, well, it was at first, but now i can controll it and know what others really think of me. this often leads to problems because people are too afraid of this to admit it actually works. i even was sent to a mental doctor, but he said besides my autism everything is fine. i smashed my foot in his private parts for this statement. i dont have anything against people saying that i have autism, i just dont like people calling it a problem.
0 likesDunno, can't really blame her for not paying attention -- when that's how she learns -- by NOT paying attention... or rather, looking everywhere at once. And she actually NEEDS to be that way, to notice traffic etc. when flying. In a way, when she's paying attention to one single thing she crashes...
0 likesThis was definitely my favorite episode in the MLP
1 likeFinally! Someone who agrees that this was sooooooooooooo good
0 likesUhhg one time in like the 1st or 2nd grade we had to do ballpark estimates of a problem then do the problem itself, so one time i asked the teacher if i could not do them and they said "Everyone learns in a different way so just try and it might help you" after we had done it for weeks, all it was doing was slowing me down and wasnt helping at all. So i said "It isnt helping" and they said the same thing besides they said so it will help the people around you. and i was thinking BUT IT ISN'T TO ME!
0 likesThis is my first year at a vocational school. And this is how my brain works:
0 likesChemistry: I understand for the first time I hear
Physical chemistry calculations: Show me the simplest pices, give me three days, and I'll solve the hardest excercices
Maths: It takes a time, but in the end I get everything perfectly
History: Repeat me the same five sentenses over an over for weeks, several times a day, and I still won't remember anything from it
Englis: I speek flowlently, but my spelling is terrible and I have no idea, what is "present perfect continous" even if I use it for two years (yeah, english is not my naitive legnauge)
I like how you had the blink and you’ll miss it Sean and to other commenters it’s less like attention deficit hyper active disorder and more like the non medicated counterpart
0 likesI thought it was weird how all of Rainbow dash's friends knew more about the wonderbolts than she did. Being a wonderbolt is Rainbow's life goal, and while being so obsessed with them it seems like she would know more about them.
1 likeReplies (2)
@MLP Graphite Tip Well, in my mind, she became a fan of them because they were famous and great fliers, and that was her goal. Not to learn about their history. I mean, there ARE fans who don't find it particularly interesting to learn the history of who or what they're a fan of. Rainbow probably didn't expect she would ever need the knowledge of how they formed, or their uniforms, or their best generals, so she didn't bother to learn it.
4 likesThat's at least how I look at it.
Yeah true
0 likesRight off the bat I agree with this episode
5 likesOOF. "Kids who goof off in class are not the ones who are struggling to learn." Oh boy oh man oh god. You stepped in the shit. You completely 100% fucked up. No. Dude no. The kids goofing off are not consciously choosing to not learn. They are not making the decision to fail. They are SPECIFICALLY the ones that are unable to learn from the bad teaching methods. They are SPECIFICALLY the ones being targeting in the episode, where the staff did a damn good job making RD act like them. It's amazing how you can praise this episode and not understand the real life equailence. Like someone told you second hand why this episode is good and you took that and made this video. Instead of being one of us who lived that. I didn't just do bad at school, I FAILED outright school, and high school both. I was treated by teachers as if I was mentally disabled, and yet others called me a genius. I was someone that goofed off in all my lessons, because I had more fun being creative and immersiving myself in my make believe worlds, than I did a written test. Writing on paper, it was upsetting and my mind would go blank when I did it from how much I would concentrate. I would write down so much, and then be asked. "So what did you just write?" since, the point of writing it is "Writing it down makes you memorise it in your head." And there I am, 2 seconds after writing it, and I can't even remember what the heck I wrote. It was ACTUALLY POINTLESS. Just like it felt. If I has not goofed off, if I had sat and did what I was told. I would have learned exactly as little. I needed SOMETHING to make my mind actually come awake and alive. I was forced to provide myself with mental stimulation of any kind. The teachers were just bad.
0 likesAnd the fact I was top of my class in maths, got put into the higher tier group and then instantly became the worst in class really showed that to me. Change of teacher, and I stopped being able to learn. It isn't my job to learn, it's the teachers job to teach. Never blame a student. Never. That's not okay.
I found out many years later whilst trying to code that I was apparantly impressive. I didn't bother reading the instructions and so i was that annoying "Hey what's the code for this thing?" but then I present my final thing and show my code and it's "What the fuck did you do?! This mess is broken!... But it works? How? How did you turn 50 lines into 5 lines?", but really, I just had a good engine. You only have to realise you can put lines of code as values of code and now you can... double code? It's all just variables really. Genuinely felt so damn obvious and easy to me. That felt great, confusing people and doing so well at something I never studied. And game design is my passion! Was from the get go. So why did it take me years to get the chance? My schooling failed so hard every single step of the way that it kept me from even being able to study the subject I wanted. I ended up doing IT in college but it had nothing to do with coding, until we got to website design and then I did great! But the rest was bullshit and irelevant. None of it even applies in 2019 where tech has changed. It was like a beginners course to computers. There was never an actual programming course ever available. Everything I have learned has only come from myself and my own google searches for info. I am fully self taught. And I hate it. I hate that I ma eyars behind everyone else because I never had teh chances I deserved. And I hate that you would look at a younger me and say "Yeah that kid is goofing off he doesn't deserve a chance."
But everyone has flaws! Even popular girls in school! I'm surprised the writers are trying to make them perfect.👌
0 likesSawtooth: No student is stupid
2 likesTeacher: Oh! Greenolive! You are so stupid!
This happens to me! I look so stupid, but i'm just a audiotive learner.
1 likeI'm just going to say it, Applejack was pretty useless in this episode. Seriously, AJ we get you love apples. We do, but uh the history of apples is not going to help Rainbow pass her test. I'm sorry, but it's not. At least everybody else's teaching methods had a use. I personally would have learned best from watching Fluttershy's play. But yeah AJ really annoyed me in this episode. Other than that this truly was a great episode. Loved it!
1 likeReplies (1)
I have to agree. Applejack doesn't really seem to have a like besides apples. I mean, I know it's her favorite food, but still, it's not her life. Friendship, love, sadness, and other postive and negative elements are important too. My main point is : Applejack needs to find something else she likes besides apples.
1 likethe only thing I didn't like was that they didn't show my teaching method. I'm kind of a visual and auditory, but only if I'm interested. If it's not interesting, then forget about it. But whatever, it was good!
0 likesI find it easier to learn and pay attention in class if I'm doodling while my teacher is talking. It keeps me from spacing off, and when I'm working on a paper, gives me a chance to take a small break to recollect my thoughts. I sit next to someone (Who I absolutely hate) who tells me that I'm ling whenever I tell her that drawing in class helps me focus more, she says that I don't listen and think that I'm better and smarter than everyone else. I mean, sure, I AM in a group of advanced kids that meets weekly, but I don't even raise my hand in class because I'm always worried that my answer is going to be wrong and I'm going to need help. I also feel like people expect too much from me because I'm supposedly "smarter than they are". I'm not smarter than anyone! I just tend to pick things up quickly, plus I'm usually interested in what I learn. (I've recently started becoming very interested in learning about things like Ancient China, World War 2, and many other things in the world's past, as well as how different cultures work and act today)
0 likesAnyway, yeah, I agree with this. The episode had a REALLY great meaning to it.
Replies (9)
@***** WW2? u mean german history lesson? im not joking. here in germany, history lessons look like this:
0 likesteach about hitler, teach about WW2, repeat. and this for more than 5 years.
@***** Wow.
0 likesAnd from what I know, next year I'm only going to learn a tiny bit about WW2.
@***** lucky u. i know its terrible, but the teacher was totally "we are all evil because we are german" in history class.
0 likes@***** I hate when people are like that.
0 likesI mean, I'm partially German, so does that make me evil? (I'm quite the opposite, thank you very much)
I have a friend who's trying to learn German, and we have this little "war" going on about whether Japan or Germany is better. XD
@***** well, i would say, for me personally, german is better. but thats mostly because i was born here and if i wouldve been born in japan i would think different, but we never know that unless my parallel universe rift opening device works. but for that i need a few more subscribers and since i dont have them...
no really, if i would live in japan, i mean, i dont know the culture there so i can only assume what it would be like if i would live there.
@***** Yeah, I just love foreign countries.
0 likesIn fact, my favorite country would probably be something like Canada, France, or England if it weren't for me first checking out anime.
THAT sparked what is now a very huge love for Japan.
Someone in my church is Japanese, and spending the summer in Japan with her kids so they can learn Japanese, and the culture and stuff, and they say that it's like, the Japanese go BIG. Like in the playgrounds, the slides are huge, and at one place there are these fake horse things they can ride, that make sit look like they're ACTUALLY riding a horse, and stuff.
Like, when the Japanese love something, they get creative with it, and make it larger and/or better. (like a Pokemon themed Amusement Park. That's in Japan)
I personally really like it.
The only problem is that I would NEVER want to get on a bus in rush hour at a city there.
The buses are so crowded they have to push people in fully to get them on.
Yeah, not happening. XD
@***** yeah, the ammount of people there is my biggest problem. thats why i like it where i live. a small village, we have everything we need and thats it.
0 likes@***** Yeah,.
0 likesBut you can go to rural Japan if you want to get away from all the crowds.
But I also don't want to go there because of the Japanese Giant Hornets (well, Asian Giant Hornets, actually. They're just mostly in rural Japan) there.
@***** ah, right, these things. well, i better stay in germany :)
0 likesI liked how you said everyone learns differently
0 likesI loved that episode, it's good u talk about it
0 likesI just watched the episode and I find it a little.. Weird? You know, dash is hanging on the cloud, then takes a fly with twi. Fine. They talk about not giving up dreams and all of the sudden dashie remembers everything? I thought she would memorize DURING flying. Not memorize before flying and then preach it afterwards.
0 likesReplies (1)
She just put it in the back of her head. Sure she notices everything, but until asked she never put any thought into it.
0 likesI have trouble learning in a class. do when I study I listen too my music and everything sticks with me and 9 times out of 10 I ace the test. (even though I know I shouldn't 🙀) I put a one earbud in my ear and listen to my music and I remember all of it. my mom thinks quietly doing my work or studying with no music is better but I don't hold it against her she just doesn't understand.
0 likesI thought it was really funny when Rainbow Dash was doing the song while Twilight was teaching.
2 likes1:05 i mean, i remember more about history from Sabaton music than from my 12 years at school
1 likethen again i have a horrible memory
I can't get over the fact that the Learning Styles chart had 'oral' spelled wrong
0 likes"Why 'Testing Testing 1, 2, 3' was AMAZING": TwiDash. TwiDash. Shipping INTENSIFIES! (Jk. While TwiDash is my OTP, this episode was so much more than me fan-boying over shipping. The moral was amazing and the humor was great. I loved how the solution was right at the start, yet everyone I've seen watch this episode (Including me) didn't think about it until Twilight did it in the ending of the episode. I personally rank Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 over episodes like Pinkie Pride. (I didn't enjoy Pinkie Pride as much as many other fans as I had no idea about who Weird Al was until long after I first watched the episode)
1 likeReplies (2)
Sorry but what does OTP mean I've seen alot of people say that and I don't ship anything or usually care about shipping.
0 likesBtw I'm not a role playing account
0 likesThere is no doubt... This episode was totally awesome. But at the same time I was seriously oblivious on what they're trying to do but at the same time it was actually kind of funny. Applejack is awful I hate her I mean that granny smith fax isn't going to help her learn about the Wonderbolts
0 likesReplies (5)
You mean "facts"?
0 likes@Pixle Pixie yes I mean facts
0 likes@Nicole Rivera
0 likeskk!!
0 likesi completely agree with you, nicole. Applejack is BEST BACKROUND PONY!!!!! Rainbow is my second least favourite with applejack coming last because she is so stupid and oblivious and she is so boring she is a disgrace to the Apple family!
0 likesI searisly loooved testing ,1,2,3...BUT my most fave part was when "Rainbow dashie" learned about the"wonderbolts"
0 likesThis is why I’m a pegasus. Let me explain; we pegasi only need to one school, flight school. The history is taught by our parents through stories passed down from parent to foal.
0 likesdr.Hooves dosen't get a speaking role he gets a singing role! twise!:winter rap up and the rapning(n) history of the wonderbolts! wow Hasbro you have made my day!
5 likesIn the classroom scene, I TOTALLY RELATE.
1 likeLove that episode too 😉
2 likesI liked the moral of everyone has their own way of studying but I dislike Dashie's way of learning because it's not practical when you think about it Dashie 's way of learning is to get everypony to dress up, Prepare everything and who knows what else. What I mean to say is that It's important to respect other people's way to learn but everypony else have more important things to do than to help Dashie learn
0 likesi liked how all of the main 5, helped rainbow dash by acting out in ponyville
0 likesthat April fools video really had me scared. I thought that I would never watch Mlp again...
1 likeI loved it so much!
0 likesI just wanna put it out there, Fluttershy uses the same costume in “Horse play” (the celestial costume)
0 likesI love testing 123 because it’s,one episode twhlight and rainbow hang out together.
1 likeMy favorite part of that episode was the classroom same one rainbowdash starts rocking in her chair.
0 likesYou just made me wonder why this lesson was hidden within a show like this.
1 likealthough you did mirror many of the clips, was that on purpose? the logo is backwards, dead giveaway, you know.
Replies (1)
@Anna Sheridan If I played clips long enough and not reversed, youtube might take it down, so I have to be cautious.
2 likesElephant Raymond - was able to analyze while she was flying and it's true everyone does have their own way of studying
0 likesI loved when rainbow dash was rocking on the chair and makes spike do it too
0 likesthat ep was amazing!!
0 likesii agree I learn differently and this episode made me see that people can learn a different way
0 likesMy way of learning is visually, you know! Like watching videos, drawing ,etc
0 likesI liked every thing specially that rainbow finally got into wonderbolts
0 likes0:55 I hope they don't sit in a classroom for two full days, they might starve
0 likesI'm not sure about my learning style is but I understand it when the teacher just teach me idk what that style is but its my style I guess.
0 likesIf I am a student but I agree with you of this is the best episode it was so funny
1 likeI am a kinisteric learner. I learn by doing. My careers class one tested to see how we learn. The teacher first handed out a diagram on how to tie a tie. Then she she told everyone the steps who didn't get it from the pictures. Then anyone else who still didn't get it was shown in a hands on way.
0 likesReplies (7)
I am also a kinesthetic learner. I transfer exponential equations to logarithms by imagining the numbers switching around, but alas, my class is now common core
0 likes@***** most of the stuff i know i self educated. when i see a word i dont know, i google it. when i need to know anything, i google it. some would say i learned most of the stuff in school, but there is a reason why i always fell asleep durign class. i googled my way through the internet every night and learned stuff that wasnt taught in school yet. mostly stuff that was about to be taught in school in a few days, but u know what i mean.
1 likei just wish school was more individual. that when we know what we wanna do, we tell the teachers and they teach us this thing after they covered the basics. well, on the other hand, nearly noone knows what he wants to do with his life before they covered the basics.
well, i taught myself how to write a book. i wrote one, then another and so on until i was happy.
@***** I feel that. Honestly half the time I nearly screamed at my teacher, "I DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS WHO INVENTED THIS OR WHY THEY DID, JUST TELL ME THE DAMN FORMULA." Studying Computer Sciences and Engineering, I need math, but my highschool teachers just wasted so much time. I also took a game design course a few years back. The class was literally 5 hours of work time, with a short half an hour lecture every once in a while. We progressed mainly by looking up tutorials and asking the teacher for help every once in a while. It was much better than any of my highschool courses (The GD class was a college course) So hopefully uni will be better in that department.
0 likes@***** I wish you Googled proper grammar...
0 likes@Inazuma Lightning well, me too, u know?
1 likeanyway, im from germany, and even though i was the best in my english classes, my english teacher was such a racist, she barely tought us the german translations for the english words, because reasons. so yeah.
@***** Glad you didn't over react to the joke :D
0 likes@Inazuma Lightning :)
1 likeI loved it all 😀
0 likesWho knew that Pinky Pie would be so good at rapping? "well i say you put down those silly cards of flash, gor i know they cannot help our good friend rainbow dash".
0 likesI do my homework with the volume of my headphones at 100 and I concentrate more
0 likesMy method of learning is voice and goofing about. By that goofing i know mistakes so easily in school i was a version of GOOFY from mickey mouse and by that i was quite clever, try it
0 likesYay! :3 I love this video (One of my favorites!)
1 likeI like the episode but I don't like how the author tried to make the mane six force learning on rainbow dash anything that reminds me of school gets a NO in my book
0 likesI loved every thing about it
0 likeswell i like this to i learn like applejack so if i have a test or something i really need to study hard and i keep what i learn for future use... also i learn by see and try it myself... all hoof on.... but not easy when its a text test....
0 likesweeeeeell i love everything about that episode but mostly that everypony even ones that we dont really know help dash with her dream
0 likesMr Einstein really was a genius R.I.P .
0 likesI like it when Rainbow Dash say no play no cards no wrapping and no apples and also Rarity things whatever it's called
1 likeTeachers need to see this!!!! Like right now!!!
1 likeit was funny how they kept dressing up as princesses
0 likesrainbow dashes way of learning is by doing something he likes and he can learn things around him twilight us just by reading lol
0 likesMy learning style is logic, because SCIENCE!
8 likesReplies (3)
@***** That's a great learning style as well xD FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!
0 likes黃吳汶謙
0 likesはい!
Same dude
0 likesI don't need a method of learning I am a genius
0 likesThis video helps people with learning
0 likesMy only problem is with the moral, not it itself, but who's learning it
4 likesReplies (2)
I'd say Twilight the most, because now she knows that her "tried and true" teaching methods are only helpful to some ponies. RD also learned that she can learn like anypony else.
12 likesThat could be the case but while this moral is good, I don't think that this is a lesson either Twilight or Rainbow Dash should be learning. I would say this should be a lesson Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle learns
0 likesHey it’s actually awesome that rainbow dash had Sherlock ability’s 🕵️♂️🧐🌈🦄⚡️🤩
0 likesSpeaking of small details, the clip from 2:45 is mirrored. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I hope that I am the first who rewatches the show enough to realize this.
1 like:p I love you everypony, bye
hahaha, I see what you did at the end there notion lol
0 likesFunny the crusaders said "EARTH PONY PEGASI!; EUP!!!"
0 likesNext thing you know big mac makes an "Euup!"(EUP) Face it bro, your made for the yup thing.
Ur right brony. I'm 11 and still can't tie my shoes! I wonder what's my learning method?
0 likesi here baby noises in every episode,its very dull but....its questionable
0 likesReally....i thought Twilight gained more flaws after she became a princess.
0 likesI'm a hand on learner. I work on cars and they are my life. how do you think i learned.
0 likesI think you are right about the Sherlock thing with Rainbowdash
0 likesTo me the best part of this episode was Pinkies Rap.
0 likesYea teachers,COME WATCH THIS!!!!!!! 😂😂😁😆🤣😇😇
1 likeSo relaterble !XD hahahaha
0 likesReminds me I think teachers are weird.
0 likesI only watch “testing 123” to see Vinyl
1 liketwilight's like fluttershy she spends most of her time on the ground
0 likesThis Is My Fav Episode!
0 likesI'm Rainbow Dash's little sister so I know how she learns. I learn that way too!
0 likesImagine how it is to fly ................⚡️fast!
0 likesbeing perfect is a flaw.
0 likesNow i know my learning method is like RD's learning method..
1 likeReplies (1)
me too
0 likesI think I'm a phisical, solitary, amd a little bit of verbal learner
0 likesim that kid that just cant get enything out of the history book
2 likesthat was my favorite mlp episode
0 likesI didn't like Pinkies' rap but then again, I don't like any rap. And AJ wasn't helpful in the slightest. Though it is a good episode and I loved Fluttershys' part in it all. Good episode.
0 likesMy style is learning in a musical number way
1 likeMe with autism and adhd: thank you. Yes.
0 likesDid did anyone else notice a screen of Nicolas cage faces flash at 5:54-5:55?
1 likeI hated the rap scene. Stabbing rap into anything, especially a children's show, is just lame and cheapens the whole episode. It's like throwing in a meme (which they did in another episode) or in a movie (the Nut Job, I think) sticking gangnam style in the credits even though it completely doesn't fit anything about the movie, but it's popular so 'Let's shove this trendy thing in here for no reason and people will like us more!'
2 likesReplies (1)
That stuff does annoy me. :P I think the rap is a funny 90's culture reference toward the adult audience in the show, sorta winking to the bronies. Plus they needed to get music learning method in there somehow... idk. /))))
3 likesi love that Nicolas Cage flash
0 likesTwilight = Mary Sue = Alicorn Princess = Perfect Pony Princess
0 likesNot on topic or anything really, but you said it, I just put the puzzle together.
I had the same way about school because I am dyslexic
0 likes1 I can't read Big letters and
2I a good at technology
3 I like your pony and you're song's it takes hours of do the song/songs on YouTube but it is good to me about your song are grateful because
4 I listen to music to do work, playing the guitar
It was a good episode because of your opinion on its morals,
0 likesBut I also disliked it because Rarity was useless as always,
And it's weird how Rainbow can learn the history even if it's just DRAWN ON FRICKING PAPER.
Replies (1)
@TheInsaneHetalian RARITY is not USELESS
0 likesall the ponies were helping dashy XD
0 likesmy school separates people who learn differently, so Rainbowdash will be in the group that learns like her! :-)
0 likesI think that.... SHERLOCK IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!! 😍
2 likesReplies (1)
meh... I like doctor who more... but you can like what you want ;3
0 likesThat is it she is awesome
0 likesAMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesSherlock Dash! You cracked the case!
1 likenow hear the two seperate
Sherlock Holmes! You cracked the case!
Rainbow Dash! You cracked the case!
Sherlock dash is better
That's Geometry in general for me
0 likeslol the big thing of nicholas cage at the end xD
0 likesWho else saw the nick cage thing at 2:55?
0 likesI really love you! you'r the best!
0 likesi like this episode, but my favorite is pinkie pride
0 likesName one incent in Season 4 before this episode that showed Twilight as a flawless being...
0 likesReplies (4)
What I meant is she seemed to lose a lot of the frantic edge that kept her character interesting. This has since been improved upon even more since then.
3 likesthen don't call Twilight a Mary Sue
0 likesWow
0 likesWilliam Tate he didn't call her a Mary Sue
1 likeRainbow dash is like me in the classroom scene with twi lol especialy if it is English (unless it is poems )
0 likeswhat i didnt like?
My learning style is ignoring everyone and insulting gucci boys whilst I write down notes I don't understand, then later understand perfectly. :)
0 likesTwilight told her way of staying at her house
0 likesMe: Wow, Cage at the end Person:You don't say Me: Wait your... Brony Notion : Yep
0 likesI GOT THE FRAME spent literally five minutes on finding it got no life
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesyou always put random flashing objects at random times
0 likeswhat have you eaten man?
(pls not milk tea)
"I-" Sees Morgan Freeman faces "No...please don't hurt me...!"
0 likesI can easily learn with any method but I'm to lazy to try any that's my problem or maby the work is just to boring I mean I'm not lazy with math, science nor IT because I like it
0 likesnew school special learning types just like that huh grasp
0 likesI love that rainbow dash is learning her way and not other ponies way and I didn't like it when apple jack made that Apple fact I mean that's just stupid
2 likesthe rap of pinkie was the best part for me
0 likesI just cannot (at all) take notes. Ever. Ever. Ever.
0 likesI learn simaler to rainbow dash like this one time I was studying for a test I felt like I learned nothing and when I took the test I knew every thing
0 likesReplies (2)
@Salene Rose that sounds like me one time. i was nearly sleeping all day and my teacher thought i would never pass the test, but then, baam 99% right. 1% was just missing because i dont like being called perfect :)
0 likesI learn similarly as well. Set me up with an audio book while I play Minecraft and then I'll have it drilled in my head. My parents don't realize it and claim it doesn't work. I know it works because I listened to some stories being read while playing and now if I think back to a scene from the screen, I remember what was being said. Since it think about Minecraft alot, it works very well.
0 likesLove the Cage frame
0 likesWhy does he always have weird pictures flashing on the screen at the end of his videos!!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhy is one of the learning style solitary?
0 likesReplies (1)
Do they need to be contained in a prison?
0 likesCant people do what rainbow does? Cause I can!
0 likesThe main thing that I disliked about this episode is that it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Rainbowdash is the Wonderbolts' biggest fan and yet knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about their history. This doesn't make any sense to me. I feel like they could have come up with a different reason to show off her style of learning that would make more sense.
0 likesReplies (1)
@Becca Chapman Well, there are a LOT of people who are really big fans of things that don't know about it's history. It depends on the person. There are the type of fans who do everything they can to be the best at trivia on a certain type of person/thing, but there are also others who don't really care. They just really like whatever they're a fan of.
0 likesRainbow Dash didn't become a fan of the Wonderbolts so she could learn about their history (I probably would. I'm obsessed with history at the moment). She did it most likely because they were famous, and amazing fliers. She wanted to be like them. The best flier, and well-known.
I mean, I really like certain bands and singers (Ex: One Direction, Imagine Dragons, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy), but I don't really want to learn about their history, or obsess over it. I would like to be like them. Famous and great with singing/playing in a band.
Rainbow only found the need to learn the history because that would lead her closer to becoming a Wonderbolt, she didn't expect she would need the knowledge before that, so she didn't bother to learn it.
the play was cute ^.^
1 likeCorrection 4** Apple Jack didn't really RainbowDash
0 likeswas i the only one who noticed the hidden picture: 2:55 (make playback speed on slowest setting)
0 likesI cried during that whole episode lol freaking adhd sucks
0 likespinkie pie had the best idea .
0 likeswell i study ....ok i study like this story time i study with songs ,drawings ,flash cards and reading a looking at pictures in books . and no i have not wached the episode
0 likespinkie pie is from the hood confirmed
1 likeI learn better with music but I can't do it in French because I don't have a I.E.Q
0 likesI have a better mike then you did in this video... (it's on a gaming headset)
0 likesMy teacher try many to get us understand math
0 likesRainbow dash is awesome!!!
1 likeThat ep was my fave ep in sea 4
0 likesReplies (2)
Yah and teachers need to watch this
0 likesYah and teachers need to watch this
0 likesWhy can't you keep my little pony new generation
0 likesUmm... 2:55 is freaking creepy
0 likessrry I wasn't listening, I need another METHOD TEACHER!
1 likecan you make a video of how you make your videos?
2 likesReplies (1)
Maybe in the summer, but now I'm focused on analysis and such. I use a editing program called Adobe Premier Elements, and I use the crappy microphone that came with my laptop lol. :) Thanks for the idea!
1 like0:19
Sherlock Dash, or maybe Rainbow Holmes xD
0 likesMy favourite part is when the put up band in class hhhhhaaaaaa😆😆😆😆😆😆🔥💥 dies
0 likeslook careful at the mlp theme you can see discord in fluttershy's house
0 likesThnx now I no how to study for my test
1 likeomg wait a minute at 2:54 he flashed a super short picture of idk, heads all over, check it out
0 likesO...M...G!!
I dislike the school part XD
0 likesWhoa the Cage pic snuck in... hard to stop in but scary.
0 likesGood job fluttershy
0 likesI dislike the episode because rainbow dash doesn't even try to work with her friends ideas of learning
0 likesAwesome
0 likesWe have that fish poster in our school
1 likeActually, Dash was paying attention, but she was bored, so she fell asleep, and started goofing off after she woke up. Watch episodes properly before talking about them. :(
0 likes~Dash~
Replies (2)
No offense, but you just said it yourself, she (sort of) started out paying attention then stopped, by sleeping and goofing off,
0 likes@Laura Harris Ok. You aren't even paying attention now. He literally said RD "wasn't even trying to listen in the classroom scene". My statement and TBN's statement are very different.
0 likesI liked the play best.
0 likesYour OC seems to have a bit of a mare head going on.
0 likesI'm sort of a mix of verbal and visual.
0 likesI APAOULTLY CANNOT LEARN EITH A TEXTBOOK AND LECTURESSS I learn by activity’s and somthing that grabs people’s autention I like music too. So If I listen to music while I work it makes me happy whitch is what I do when I’m doing some work at home.
1 likeThank you.
0 likesi have a freind who style of learning is asking questions
1 likeReplies (1)
+prince spade “shalour the lucario” of shuigong I have that learning style too, I think. In some of my classes I ask like,
0 likesone question every minute XD
Sorry I don't really like this episode it give me the heart like other episodes do. It's not a 👍 for me.
0 likes2:55 did any ponyelse she the faces?
97 likesReplies (24)
4 likesNicolas cage everywhere
11 likesI did
2 likesNo, I Cant catch it
2 likes@Robin Ebel yes look up
0 likes@Robin Ebel Yep I was like what was that?
0 likes@Robin Ebel All of the Nicholas Cages... It's part beautiful, part scary, and all...I don't know how to end this comment.
2 likesI did
0 likesRobin Ebel
It's Nicholas Cage, lmao.
0 likesYeah 😐
0 likesRobin Ebel yes
0 likesYes, yes I did
0 likesyeah and i wish i didn’t.
0 likesI paused on it
1 likeI thought I was crazy
0 likesI think this pony has a thibg for Nicholas cage
0 likesI went back to look. 😂
0 likesrainbow dashes faces were kinda cute...DASHE
0 likesyes this is the sixth time I've seen something like that
0 likes2:56
0 likesOml.
0 likesNope
0 likesyes one pegasi saw it
0 likeshaha 90's style rapping
0 likes2019 squad? I actually colored that poem last year
9 likesReplies (5)
No comment on that one 😶
0 likesI can't do it!!!! 😭
0 likesJakau I can't pause.
0 likesHow flutter shy look like Princess Celest
0 likesI saw nick cage from 2:54-2:55 if you put it in slow motion
0 likesReplies (1)
i saw it too
0 likesTwidash = best morals
0 likeseats Wonka Randoms *pulls out unicorn*😝
0 likesI HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MY LEARNING STYLE IS!! Plz give ideas bellow besides the learning chart D:
0 likesdid no one else see the faces in the backround for like, one millosecond? O.o
0 likesI liked the rap.
0 likes2:43 Sherlock...or Shawn Spencer.
4 likesReplies (2)
@BioniclesaurKing4t2 YES!!!! A FELLOW PSYCHO!!! XD /)
1 like@BCT Alicorn
1 like(\
Well I am a child I am just took my mother's mobile everything you said was not my style to learn
0 likesnext time do a video about dj pon 3.
0 likesSo you're saying that Rainbow Dash is a fish...?
0 likes2:55 paused....Now I shudder at what I have seen.
7 likesReplies (3)
wait you saw heads like tons of them ? big and small
0 likesI saw them too, and it is driving me nuts, who is that? I think it might be Nick Cage over and over, but I can't catch the frame in pause to see.
0 likesya but i cought it just right
0 likes2:55 wtf! are these cage?
4 likesto cool for school
0 likesstop at 2:55 exact dont you see the days that he puts the picture of whats his face all over and stuff
0 likesI can remember thinks much better if there terned into a song
0 likeswhat was that flash of faces? and why do these things keep poping up ?
0 likesWhat episode was this x
0 likesThis is my least favourite episode
0 likesReplies (1)
because you're an idiot.
0 likesrainbow is Sherlock Holmes!
0 likesDid you just swear on 1:20?!?!
0 likesdid anyone see the flash toward the end???
0 likesReplies (3)
0 likesyasss
0 likes#caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee
0 likesTry and pause at 2:55
0 likesReplies (1)
I can't remember, but it is so hard to stop at that one millisecond picture.
0 likesDid anyone see that thing at 2:55??
0 likesi love it whin pinkie did the rap
0 likesi did not watch it yet but i am gonna now
0 likes2:55 - 2:57
1 likedid anybody just-
see, a bunch of men around the screen? like. idk
anybody see that? ;-;
2:55 Nicholas cage!!!!!
0 likesI paused on that 1 frame...
0 likesWhat even....
I think Twilight is getting taller than her friends...
0 likesReplies (2)
She is taller.
0 likesShe grew a little bit when she became a alicorn
0 likesWhat was that in the background aroud 2:55 ?
0 likesWhy have you been like flashing things on the screen
0 likesI agree
1 likeAt the end did the backround change?
0 likesYeah I suck at math.
0 likesExactly Rainbow Dash is annyoing
0 likesFACES at 2:55
0 likesI go to school and I'm Samrter then most of all of the other people in my calss
1 likeReplies (2)
Alyssa Mackenzie
1 likeI'd be willing to be that there are people smarter than you...
Alyssa Mackenzie
0 likesYour spelling though.
i learn math diff. then
0 likesDid anypony else see that picture of a bunch of boys with weird faces? Or only me?
0 likesI multitask as well
0 likeswhats with the heads i saw somthing then i stoped it just wright and i saw heads tons of them
0 likesAnyone else see nick cage?
0 likesWTF...y so many faces of whoever that is...(I know he's from a movie...Idk what his real name is..) Anyways...XD
0 likesLove your videos r u a homestuck
0 likesXD What's with the Faces @ 2:55?
0 likesNicolas Cage! Nicolas Cage!
0 likesInteresting. I suppose.
0 likesHey! You flashed a Nicolas Cage pic! I hate Nicolas Cage! Huh, maybe this vid wasn't made for me, even though i'm your biggest fan :( .
0 likes2:55 What is that?
0 likesWhat if rainbow bash has Add
0 likesim best at music and writing
0 likesWhat's the song in the background
0 likesI like your vid .
0 likesI love
0 likesA whole lot of faces popd up
0 likesAnyone else get Caged?
0 likeswhoa whoa whoa faces faces faces!!!
0 likesi like school
0 likesANYONE NOTICE THAT BRIEF FLASH OF FACES AROUND THE EDGE oops caps lock. anyways for a split frame you see a crowd or something. I can't stop it in time its inbetween 2:55 and 2:56
1 likeReplies (2)
hahahahahahaahah its nick cage
0 likes@TheZentegi Nicolas Cage is Best Pony
0 likesyour the best
0 likesThx. 😘
0 likesWHAT EPISODE IS DIIIIISSSSS??????????!1!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes2:55-2:56
0 likes2:55 Nicholas Cage?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesFluttershy is in love with Rainbow Dash TROLOL
What is it with you and Nickolas Cage
0 likesLol i made a screenshot at 2:55
0 likesTwidash shipping/fandom?
0 likesWhat pic did it show when he said shar
0 likes2:50-2:58 wtf?
0 likes2:54 why
0 likesWhat’s with 2:55 tho
0 likesTo be honest I really hate Twilight Sparkle
0 likessherlock dash
1 likeAnyone notice that guy at 2:54
0 likesI'm going to school today.
0 likesI love learning more than twi Rainbow is stupid
0 likesfreaky troll. what's with the faces?
0 likesDa fuq does "appleakable" mean?
0 likesReplies (2)
+Creepa-Bot Inc. Applicable. Can be applied.
0 likesOoooohhhhhh. Thanks. Sorry if I sounded rude.
0 likesTo the 👬👭
0 likesDid any one else see faces.
0 likesin this episode
0 likescoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
0 likesNicolas Cage
0 likesi have wached it
0 likesI agrea with you I can`t eather learn histoy like atores I ray athore ways but I just can`t learn it.
0 likesWayll I guess i diydnt really laike the fayct thayt A.J thawt aypples could haylp by giving her aypples awm not quaite sure whay she would thaynk thawse would haylp dayffinately nawt the thaing she wauld need rait whayn shays tryna learn haystory nawt baying mean in awll but iys just an aponiyawn
0 likesPopy ups
0 likesRd is l to the azy
0 likesAnyone here in 2021?
0 likesApplessssssssssssssss
0 likeshere at job
0 likesWats with the ting flasing up one the screen for ferry short😕😟😓❔❓❔❓❔❓
0 likesNoooioooooo
0 likesI don't like school it's stupid and it sucks lol
0 likesThis video is horrible. Poor audio, and the video has no purpose. Everyone already knew this!
0 likesi am 10
0 likesコナンの?
0 likesI am a kid
0 likesReplies (2)
me too I am studying in 4 class nice to meet you and I am from India
0 likesThe scoend most populated contry
0 likes2:56 ummmm
0 likesmeh
0 likesOK
0 likesMeow
0 likesNo comment
0 likesHi
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesUhh