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The&Mops... Iijanaika...1971...Full Album....

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Comments (archived 2022-10-04 12:53; 3 top, 3 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-02 21:23:12 (edited 2022-02-02 21:33:37 )

......Objavili su svoj treći album u godini koja je bila trijumfalno vrijeme Japana da zasja, 1971. godine (prema .,Juliana Copea . Ovo je solidno putovanje kroz Heavy Psych, Garage, Folk i Blues.

Često previđeni, The Mops su bili bend koji je očito oponašao američku hipijevsku scenu (Jefferson Airplane), kao i britansku heavy rock scenu (Black Sabbath), ali je to učinio s vlastitom karizmatičnom osobnošću. Ponekad kiselo, epsko i žilavo; a u drugim vremenima preko vrha sa svojom campy dirljivom nježnošću, Iijanaika vodi niz povijesno čudnih japanskih glazbenih afiniteta.ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-02 21:24:03 (edited 2022-02-02 21:32:28 )

....... They released their third album of the year, which was Japan's triumphant time to shine, in 1971 (according to Julian Cope's This is a solid journey through Heavy Psych, Garage, Folk and Blues.

Often overlooked, The Pug was a band that clearly mimicked the American hippie scene (Jefferson Airplane), as well as the British heavy rock scene (Black Sabbath), but did so with its own charismatic personality. Sometimes sour, epic and tough; and at other times over the top with his campy touching tenderness, Iijanaika leads a series of historically strange Japanese musical affinities.ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-02 21:23:30 (edited 2022-02-02 21:32:57 )

....... They released their third album of the year, which was Japan's triumphant time to shine, in 1971 (according to Julian Cope's . This is a solid journey through Heavy Psych, Garage, Folk and Blues.

Often overlooked, The Pug was a band that clearly mimicked the American hippie scene (Jefferson Airplane), as well as the British heavy rock scene (Black Sabbath), but did so with its own charismatic personality. Sometimes sour, epic and tough; and at other times over the top with his campy touching tenderness, Iijanaika leads a series of historically strange Japanese musical affinities.ladislav&zivanovic.............