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Lunas Nightly Stroll

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Comments (archived 2023-08-11 17:34; 3 top, 5 total comments)

Makenshi179 2020-05-13 01:39:38

Such a lovely concept and theme to go for <3 <3 I especially appreciate it as I like to go on "Night strolls" among Nature, myself. And I would listen to music with headphones during those strolls, too! This composition has such regal vibes fitting for a princess, and is quite impressive. Well done paying tribute to Luna, everypony!!

Replies (1)
Dandelion Ass 2020-05-13 07:48:10

Many thank's! Yes the nature is so inspiring to get new energy for the daily chores. I hope that we can make more music of this kind in the future too. Where I live at the moment I don't have the ability to play those instruments needed.

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Cheems Adventures 2021-01-18 20:30:51

great! one of my favorites

Koron Korak 2020-05-14 09:41:31

that's pretty amazing stroll song yup, good job! ^^

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Replies (1)
Dandelion Ass 2020-05-15 06:25:52

Thank you! It's all for my princess of the dark.

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