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Alan Stivell Tir Na Nog Symphonie Celtique ///+1979 Full Album///+

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Comments (archived 2022-11-28 04:48; 11 top, 13 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-08 02:42:59

Ovdje je poznati album Celtic Symphony / Tir Na N-Og, Alanov dvanaesti, deveti snimak u studiju. Devet i dvanaest (računajući živote), višestruki od tri. To je dobro jer je ovaj zapis podijeljen u tri dijela, koji su zapravo činovi, ili točnije i keltski govoreći, "krugovi". Poveznica s Triskell-om, keltskim križem? Bez sumnje. Sve ovo da bi se došlo do Tir Na N-Og.

Ali što je Tir Na N-Og? Naprosto, zemlja vječne mladosti, galski raj. Keltsko ispovijedanje vjere, na neki način? Ali Alan to nikad nije negdje sakrio. Ne znači li njegovo ime umjetnika "izvor"? Što bi značilo, uz to kad znamo da je pisanje ove Keltske simfonije započeto dok je Bard još bio tinejdžer, da je postignut krajnji cilj, da se mit ostvario ... C 'je upravo to, i treba reći da ovo toliko pomno razmotreno djelo uključuje prioritet na svim razinama, na svim razinama, kao prioritet:
- kompozicija: djela koja nisu uključena u različite struje Velike glazbe i sastoje se od tri stavka tijekom više od jednog sata ne prolaze ulicama. Ondje smo u nazočnosti iznimne ploče samo zbog toga.
- aranžmani: Alan više nije sam. U tom su postignuću sudjelovali njegov flautist-perkusionist vremena Chris HAYWARD, kao i pijanist-klavijaturist Michel PREZMAN. Gotovo bi se htjelo reći da se poštuje trojna simetrija.
- glazbenici: uz sve to, kako razmišljati drugačije nego po "veličini"? Svi su alibiji dobri kako bi se opravdao snažan priljev glazbenika, a ako je moguće dolaze iz različitih horizonata. Tu je Alanova grupa, naravno, klasični glazbenici, gudački elementi od drveta-mjedi i ... glazbenici iz drugih kultura poput Indije (Narendra BATAJU, njegova supruga) i Južne Amerike (Uña RAMOS). U studiju ih je gotovo 75, ali ovo će se djelo (gotovo želim reći i Djelo ...) izvesti uživo, jednom na Interceltskom festivalu u Lorientu s ovog puta ne manje od 300 govornika!
Ali napravimo mjesto za glazbu sada .

Replies (1)
Zorbec Legras 2022-07-08 17:25:15

I was born in Lorient, I saw this live!

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-08 02:47:21

The third is divided into two parts, for the needs of the disc at the time (the CD fortunately made it possible to have everything afterwards). The first three pieces form a single whole, the sensations which the music provides are always very strong, even more so than before ... At the beginning of "Ar C'Hammou Kentan", one does not suspect anything however. We let ourselves be carried away by the sound of the harps, that of Alan and the wind turbines (undoubtedly the work of Chris HAYWARD). The whole is peaceful, even the bagpipe which arrives in the middle does not disturb anything, however we feel that the wind turbines are getting carried away little by little. The piano comes to surprise us, opening "Ar Geoded Skedus" in the manner of "Gwerz I" but in bearings this time. Alan sings beautifully, quickly joined by the female choirs and the flute for the choruses. They make a turn like this, then the theme changes ... And so there my friends, I must say that words fail me to describe the beauty of what follows, precisely from the brief moment when the women sing alone. It is that moment when what seemed to be underlying until now, namely one and the same quest, becomes evident, to the extent that we tell ourselves that it is coming to an end. Indeed, Alan and the choir sing "Tir Na N-Og" in an incantatory manner, with the greatest beatitude (on synth-organ layers in addition), but this song is the song of hymns. ... The doors of the sanctuary of eternal youth, of the Gaelic paradise open. And it's not over, there is still "Ar Bale" ... Ah really ... "Ar Bale" is a bit the same commentary, but with the rock instruments in addition, the light rhythm, the oboe, bagpipe and strings caressing, especially towards the end, when these same strings go up. This lovely and marvelous passage draws tears from my eyes every time. Despite everything I know in music, I remain here even more admiring than ever: yes, a man can write something so beautiful, and it is not just any man, it is Alan STIVELL. After soaring so high, the descent to earth is not the most unpleasant, far from it. "Gouel Hollvedel" is a suite that is aptly named because it means universal feast. Indeed, I will not detail everything here, but over nearly a quarter of an hour, we are treated to a joyful and tasty melting pot bringing together several influences, a succession of different themes per minute, both catchy and archi -melodic ... And that starting from the drone of the Irish bagpipe through the jerk of bombards, the pop-rock, the Indian sitar ... Until the glorious and grand finale which in turn transports us high, very high in the world of happiness. But we need a return and it is the bagpipe that allows it, taking the final of "Divodan" in fade-in then fade-out ... End of the third circle, end of the Work.

You will say to me, the Work with a capital letter, that can be too much, especially that this disc is rather difficult to access (certain listeners swearing only afterwards "Gouel Hollvedel" because it is the only title which "moves" ), but it is said so because the fact that it was entirely written by Alan and matured during years if not decades, that this experiment is unprecedented gives it a special place in the whole of the work of the Bard. And in my heart too ...

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Sly 2021-12-03 14:50:32

What a masterpiece ! Thank you, Ladislav!

Replies (1)
ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-07 19:13:54

Thank you too, my friend, always came to heart honestly!!!

Laurence Mosna 2022-10-02 18:10:51

L'album de ma jeunesse ....😍

1 like
ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-08 02:44:38

Voici donc le fameux album Symphonie Celtique / Tir Na N-Og, douzième d'Alan, neuvième enregistré en studio. Neuf et douze (en comptant les lives), des multiples de trois. Ca tombe bien car ce disque est divisé en trois parties, qui sont en fait des actes, ou plus exactement et celtiquement parlant, des "cercles". Un lien avec le Triskell, la croix celtique ? Sans doute. Le tout pour arriver jusqu'au Tir Na N-Og.Mais qu'est-ce que le Tir Na N-Og ? Tout simplement la terre de l'éternelle jeunesse, paradis gaélique. Une profession de foi celtique, d'une certaine manière ? Mais Alan ne s'en est quelque part jamais caché. Son nom d'artiste ne veut-il pas dire "source" ? Ce qui voudrait dire, en plus lorsque l'on sait que l'écriture de cette Symphonie Celtique a été commencée alors que le Barde était encore adolescent, que le but ultime a été atteint, que le mythe est devenu réalité... C'est tout à fait ça, et il convient de dire que cette oeuvre aussi mûrement réfléchie entraîne avec elle des moyens assez colossaux, à tous les niveaux, en priorité :
- la composition : les oeuvres non inscrites dans les courants divers de la Grande Musique et constituées de trois mouvements sur plus d'une heure ne courent pas les rues. On est bien là en présence d'un disque exceptionnel rien que pour cela.
- les arrangements : Alan n'est plus tout seul. Ont participé à cette réalisation son flûtiste-percussioniste de l'époque Chris HAYWARD ainsi que le pianiste-claviériste Michel PREZMAN. On aurait presque envie de dire que la symétrie ternaire est respectée.
- les musiciens : avec tout cela, comment penser autrement que par "grandeur" ? Tous les alibis sont bons pour justifier une forte affluence de musiciens, et si possible venus d'horizons divers. Il y a le groupe d'Alan, bien sûr, des musiciens classiques, des élements cordes-bois-cuivres, et... des musiciens issus d'autres cultures telles que l'Inde (Narendra BATAJU, sa femme) et l'Amérique du Sud (Uña RAMOS). Il y en a près de 75 en studio, mais cette oeuvre (j'ai presque envie de dire l'Oeuvre...) sera jouée en live, une fois au Festival Interceltique de Lorient avec cette fois pas moins de 300 intervenants !
Mais laissons place à la musique à présent...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-08 02:45:55

Here is the famous Celtic Symphony / Tir Na N-Og album, Alan's twelfth, ninth recorded in the studio. Nine and twelve (counting lives), multiples of three. That's good because this record is divided into three parts, which are in fact acts, or more exactly and Celtic speaking, "circles". A link with the Triskell, the Celtic cross? Without a doubt. All this to get to Tir Na N-Og.But what is Tir Na N-Og? Quite simply the land of eternal youth, Gaelic paradise. A Celtic profession of faith, in a way? But Alan never hid it somewhere. Doesn't his artist name mean "source"? Which would mean, in addition when we know that the writing of this Celtic Symphony was started when the Bard was still a teenager, that the ultimate goal has been reached, that the myth has come true ... C ' is exactly that, and it should be said that this work so carefully considered involves with it rather colossal means, at all levels, as a priority:
- composition: works not included in the various currents of Great Music and made up of three movements over more than an hour do not run through the streets. We are there in the presence of an exceptional record just for that.
- the arrangements: Alan is no longer alone. His flutist-percussionist of the time Chris HAYWARD as well as the pianist-keyboardist Michel PREZMAN participated in this achievement. One would almost want to say that the ternary symmetry is respected.
- the musicians: with all this, how to think other than by "size"? All the alibis are good to justify a strong influx of musicians, and if possible come from various horizons. There is Alan's group, of course, classical musicians, strings-wood-brass elements, and ... musicians from other cultures such as India (Narendra BATAJU, his wife) and the South America (Uña RAMOS). There are nearly 75 in the studio, but this work (I almost want to say the Work ...) will be performed live, once at the Interceltic Festival of Lorient with this time no less than 300 speakers!
But let's make room for the music now ...

massimo giuntini 2022-03-23 10:55:01

Thanks a lot! Great music

1 like
ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-08 02:48:12

Treći je podijeljen u dva dijela, za potrebe tadašnjeg diska (CD je srećom omogućio da sve bude sljedeće). Prva tri djela čine jedinstvenu cjelinu, osjećaji koje glazba pruža uvijek su vrlo jaki, čak i više nego prije ... Na početku "Ar C'Hammou Kentan", međutim, čovjek ništa ne sumnja. Prepuštamo se da nas ponese zvuk harfa, Alanova i vjetroagregata (nesumnjivo djelo Chrisa HAYWARDA). Sve je mirno, čak ni gajde koje stignu u sredinu ništa ne remete, međutim osjećamo da se vjetroturbine malo po malo odnose. Klavir nas iznenađuje, otvarajući "Ar Geoded Skedus" u maniri "Gwerz I", ali ovaj put u ležajevima. Alan lijepo pjeva, brzo su mu se pridružili ženski zborovi i flauta za refrene. Oni naprave ovakav zaokret, pa se tema promijeni ... I tako, moji prijatelji, moram reći da mi riječi ne daju opisati ljepotu onoga što slijedi, upravo od kratkog trenutka kada žene pjevaju same. To je trenutak kada ono što se do sada činilo temeljnim, naime jedna te ista potraga, postaje očito do te mjere da sami sebi kažemo da se bliži kraju. Uistinu, Alan i zbor pjevaju "Tir Na N-Og" na neuvjerljiv način, s najvećim blaženstvom (uz slojeve sintetskih organa), ali ova je pjesma himna ... Vrata svetišta vječne mladosti, galskog raja otvorenog. I nije gotovo, još uvijek postoji "Ar Bale" ... Ah stvarno ... "Ar Bale" pomalo je isti komentar, ali s rock instrumentima uz to, miluje se lagani ritam, oboa, gajde i gudače , pogotovo pred kraj, kad se te iste žice dignu. Ovaj ljupki i čudesni odlomak svaki put mi izvlači suze iz očiju. Unatoč svemu što znam u glazbi, ostajem ovdje još divljeniji nego ikad: da, čovjek može napisati nešto tako lijepo i to nije bilo koji čovjek, to je Alan STIVELL. Nakon što se tako visoko vinuo, silazak na zemlju nije najneugodniji, daleko od toga. "Gouel Hollvedel" je apartman koji je prigodno nazvan jer znači univerzalnu gozbu. Doista, neću ovdje sve detaljno opisivati, ali tijekom gotovo četvrt sata nas počasti radosnim i ukusnim loncem koji okuplja nekoliko utjecaja, niz različitih tema u minuti, kako upečatljivih, tako i arhiv-melodičnih ... I to počevši od drona irske gajde kroz trzaj bombardiranja, pop-rocka, indijskog sitara ... Do slavnog i velikog finala koje nas pak prevozi visoko, vrlo visoko u svijet sreće. Ali trebamo povratak i to je gajda ta koja to dopušta, uzimajući finale "Divodana" u postepeno nestajanje pa u izumiranje ... Kraj trećeg kruga, kraj Djela.

Reći ćete mi, Djelo s velikim slovom, to može biti previše, pogotovo što je ovom disku prilično teško pristupiti (određeni slušatelji psuju tek nakon toga "Gouel Hollvedel" jer je to jedini naslov koji se "pomiče"), ali tako se kaže jer mu činjenica da ga je u cijelosti napisao Alan i sazrijevao godinama, ako ne i desetljećima, da je ovaj eksperiment bez presedana, daje posebno mjesto u cijelom radu Barda. A i u mom srcu ...

Myriadis 2022-07-12 21:26:07

Interesting, I just digitized my copy of my vinyl and it is 9 minutes longer, appearently it was shortened on some releases to fit on a CD.

dôgus utôôpia 2022-07-17 08:10:52


ladislav zivanovic 2020-09-07 01:57:18 (edited 2020-09-07 01:58:19 )

Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glazbe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and glayba and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us a living dear God and thank you., TO HIM FOR EVER+ LADISLAV&Z+

ladislav zivanovic