I don't feel like Rainbow Dash was ever the first one to pull a sonic rainboom. I feel like it was an unknown Pegasus from a long time ago. So long, everyone thought it was a legend. But I don't think it was Rainbow Dash's family or ancestors. It could of been a different Pegasus.
+Rainbow Unicorns True, if it was really her father but he died, how would it be a legend? I feel like it was some other pony who had done the rainboom
For an event that was altered in time like, 20 times, I can fully believe that RD's first boom moment would have become noticed by those that can see the future. Not often you might see the same event that many times with slight changes. That would be worth writing down as a prophecy.
I found out this mares tale. "When the legend of the Rainboom is fulfilled, the bearers of the elements shall have their mark of destiny, and after 16 years they shall meet, and Nightmare Moon they shall defeat."
@Apple S there is no fake, there is ideas tho. pls stop saying this thing its kind of stupid to say. "fake" is the word people use when they mean like something being a fake version of something else or sombody being a fake of sombody else.
FAKE stop saying fake, FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE u r fake i was getting you back. fake is not the word, guys. the word is i do not think that that is accurate.
"When the Rainboom has come, six ponies it shall reward, a destiny they desire, and a great future they will get." that is a little more like a "mare's tale".
@EG and AJ omg, ik this was 10 months ago but your comment is so stupid that idc anymore. I’m gonna answer half of your comments. A) It’s not that long and it’s almost the same amount of words as the nightmare moon tale. (Just a bit more) B) There is no fake? I’m sorry? They are saying that the CHANNEL is fake, do your research. (They changed their channel name now, but it was a copy of a YT channel) C) Nobody cares if you like your own comments D) Okay same as B so yeah. E) Okay I have no problem with this one either.
i have a theory. so rainbow dash was the first to do a sonic rainboom. there is a theory that twilight IS clover the clever. that she went back in time. what if she wasn't the only one to go back, and rainbow dash performed a sonic rainboom somehow or something. this would explain why its called the sonic rainboom cause if any pony else did it they would make it look different and so, not be called the sonic rainboom. who knows maybe more of the mane 6 also went back in time? what do you think about that theory?
Twilight is clover the clever theory has been disproven many many times. Here is one reason: CLOVERTHECLEVERISABOY Edit: sorry I pressed send by accident Although the theory is nice, it could not have been twilight, and her talent being magic, the most magical of her friends, who can say that the other 5 can go back?
Perhaps Celestia could pull off the sonic rainboom? Being the oldest Alicorn (With rainbow hair I might add) it is not unbelievable that she could pull off the downright legendary feat. However it is doubtful that she would use it often. She wouldn't use it in combat as she is likely more effective concentrating on magic. She wouldn't use it on ordinary travel as she goes by chariot. In fact the only times I can think of that she could and would have used the rainboom is during the first two episodes as she needed to move quickly and avoid contact or capture. Also it fits with the move's mythical status as Celestia has let several other major events fade into legend.
Yes like her dad hair is a rainbow so that’s means her ancestors would have had rainbow hair as well so one of her ancestors would have done it as well
@Chris Davis now was he really as fast as his daughter though? She could have got it from her from her father but it could be possible that she went more into flying and practicing more than her father but it's still possible but isn't it strange that he didn't get any fame? Well pretty sure rainbow got recognition. But it could be possible
Yeah sure it is an old mares tale, but even though some pony did the sonic rainboom a long time ago, let go of the past and focus on the present. Now rainbow dash did the sonic rainboom at that same time line so she is the first to do the sonic rainboom. Thanks for your patronage.
heres my theory: if it was part of her family or not they must have been a scientist to know how this would even work. in real life a sonic boom happens when a moving object moves faster than the speed of sound and yes this is possible. we now know that different types of ponies can be related. so mabye dr. whooves who is a unicorn scientist may be related to rainbowdash. but because he is a unicorn he cant do it. mabye scence we know that ponies live for a long time, mabye the first pony to do this was dashies... dad? i know we have no proff she even has parents but this is a possiblity. he must have tought dashie how to do it. thats my theory!
1. RD said that the rainboom was a "mares tail" or a fantasy. That means she has never seen a rainboom in her entire life. If her father taught her the rainboom, she'd never think it was impossible.
2. Ponies do not live long lives. If put in human years, 1,000 full moons would be about 80.85 years. Only Celestia and Luna, Alicorn princesses, lived that long. By then, many generations passed, and the sisters barely seemed to age at all. That must mean that ponies do not live long lives. Yet again, there's a missing piece here as well. As a slight philosopher, I took a few things into notice. For instance, the Apple family reunion happens every 100 moons. Granny has been at almost all of them.
Well....in the end of season 5 the re cutie mark starlight glimmer creates a timeline and she does back to when rainbow dash was a filly,in the third or fourth time twilight asked rainbow dash to race her then after rainbow dash said"no"twilight flies back to rainbow dash and asks her to fly fast enough to perform a sonic rainboom rainbow dash said"no way!its the impossible!and it's only a mares tale"then twilight told rainbow dash that she had seen her do it in the future then rainbow dash flew away so there is your answer.
Not only did she prove it true, She did it 4 times in her life (disregarding the fanfic Double Sonic Rainboom); The 1st as a filly, the 2nd in Sonic Rain Boom, the 3rd in Lesson Zero destroying Applejacks barn, and the 4th in A Canterlot Wedding Part 2. I believe she's not the 1st one to perform it, but rather a descendant of someone who has.
This might be a stretch but I think it was Flash Magnus, he is a sort of predecessor to rainbow and as rainbow said “he could outfly dragons”. Dragons that were depicted as the same size if not larger than ember’s father, so imagine their wingspan
I like the "magical destiny" theory and it goes well with RD literally being rainbow-colored, as if it's what she was made for. My first instinct was theory 2, but even in 2019, the only candidate we have for that is Flash Magnus, and he didn't show the same flight capabilities as RD. I don't think theory 1 would work, though, simply because science doesn't usually become legend that way.
Long long ago when pegasi first contoled the weather a mischevios young fill was playing near the construction cite of the rainbow factory . Every day she would come after school to look at it . Her bwst friend then dared her to go inside one evening. As she flew in her wings got caught as she fell in rainbow water . Sge suddenly fell thew the floor and plumited towords the ground .
Seconds before she hit the gdround she pulled up and the rainbow water made a sonic boom. A few ponys saw this including star swirl.
I always had the feeling that LUNA did the first one who did the first rainboom but it's not just a head cannon,if sonic rainboom is connecting to nightmare moon it's to Luna too and no only that,I think sonic rainboom happened way before celestia vanished luna to the moon but like some day before that...please someone think about it:Luna were over jealous of Celestia and she wanted to do something that ponies wouldn't forget,but instead of ponies amazed they scared of this big sound that sonic rainboom does and they hate her more, but after luna's vanished they thought of it as a legend and a super cool legend and in the episode twilight tried to teach rainbow about the story of wonterbolts she said "After Luna's vanished the protecting levels fail" and the one who actually did the rainboom must be brave enough to protect equestria with her sister but Celestia protecting Equestria alone they did have her strong magic but not Luna's pegasus power and this explain why on the Luna eclipsed Luna were controlling a cloud to prank rainbow at the finale Edit: Yes i know alicorns have pegasus magic since we have seen Celestia and Twilight sitting and walking on clouds too but a part of my theory is that Celestia and Twilight can't CONTROL what a cloud will do and it makes sense being 2 pegasus born princesses (Luna and Cadence) and two unicorn born princesses (Twilight and Celestia) As we know Twilight was canon unicorn and take a look on a young Celestia toy (witch is a unicorn too) and also look at the stained glass on mlp g5 witch has a blue pegasus on WITCH IS SRSLY LUNA THERE THE SAME PONY JUST LOOK AT IT! Maybe a little while before she become an alicorn? And also the cloud thing + that it may represent the night and day : Pegasus and Unicorns are diffrent but can be together as night and day. Does all this make sense?
Holy shit. Watching this after Season 5 finale, I have a new respect for you. The fact that the sonic rainboom was prophecy is pretty much confirmed now, as without it, Equestria turns out to be a warzone, an insect kingdom, a demon's playground and a barren wasteland. That last one brings some really interesting questions, as they cycled through all of the villains, so we can assume that the next baddie is extremely powerful. More powerful than anything we've encountered yet, as with all the other futures, there is, at least, something.
2:57 When Rainbow Dash saved Raratie from falling down the sky she pulled of the one and only RAINBOOM! I think she actually was the first pony to pull it of! Ya’ know why?... because there was an air push of because of Rainbow’s 🌈 speed. I think she was the first pony to do a sonic Rainboom and no pony else! Maybe they actually explained it as a Scientific explanation, a pony never did it so the other pony’s sed it was a legend, Years later Rainbow Dash proofed them rong!!
This video is really old but if you remember back in the Season 4 Premiere, Celestia used the Elements of Harmony on Luna and once she was banished to the moon, a Sonic Rainbom appeared, the Mare in the Moon was considered an old mare’s tale even though it’s been 1000 years, whose to say that this couldn’t be said the same for the Sonic Rainbom?
I think Star Swirl made up the theory of the rainboom, and behind the tribes, he befriend a fellow powerful pegasus to try and pull of the job, but didn't make it. When Star Swirl died, all his work and theories were all published for everypony to appreciate and the rainboom was taken in account as a myth, considering Star Swirl didn't prove it possible.
You know, i like idea 2 the most, and i'm surprised you didn't use clips from the other season 1 episode with the sonic rainboom. In that episode Rainbow dash says "It's not just rare it's nearly impossible" or something to that effect. Suggesting that anyone who believes in the rainboom like rainbow obviously would, probably knows who had done it before.
Now here's a thought, what if i could say i know who said pony was. Well, I actually think i do, and it's probably kind of cliche, but hear me out. Princess 'Sunbutt' Celestia herself. It would make sense on both a fannon and cannon level. Firstly alot of fans like the idea that Spitfire would have her own varation of the rainboom, which given your own episode about it being magical would make sense, if she matched rainbows speed her own magical energy would not make a rainbow but more likely something that looked like a flame. Many fan ponies including one of my own have their own version of the rainboom, which are, when well written, usually fitting their character, and are usually weaker. Alot of fan allicorns also are able to reach this speed, which is not a stretch, as Allicorns are suppose to be really strong compared to the shorter lived species.
However, it also makes sense in cannon. Think about this, With all of the powers of the princesses Twilight was clearly the single most powerful being in all of equestria, but she never truly used it to it's fullest extent for very long. She restrained herself for most of it, and you want to know what, that girl shot across the distance between canterlot and ponyville in no time. If not for her attempt to restrain herself, she probably could of Magic Boomed. This is heavily shown in the fact that her fight with Tirek was pretty intense. Infact if she had been pegasus and not unicorn prior to the fight, it wouldn't surprise me if one of her major attacks had been to literally Fly right into her foe at top speeds. However she used all that power in magic based attacks because that's who Twilight is.
While the fandom has always liked pink haired celestia pre elements it's been confirmed that the rainbow flowing mane has basically always been Celestia's design, so what if, when she was alot younger, or just less restrained, Celestia flew at her top speeds just for fun like rainbow did, and given her design and magic, Created the first Rainboom? It certainly wouldn't be that odd for her to create a rainbow patterned ring with her aura, and we know the princesses liked to do things that would be kind of insane to most people as entertainment.
Well when I saw this I compared it to how we humans believe dragons exist. since there is no proof they exist (like the dinosaurs) we think the mind most likely made it up. So that kinda supports the prophecy theory you had which I actually agree on. :3
One of RD's relatives could have caused the first Rainboom, one with a rainbow main, but none of those ponys from that time are around anymore so no one would be around to tell if it was true or not, hence classifying the Rainboom as a made up story.
I have a theory that Celestia may have preformed a rainboom before Rainbow dash. If you look at scene where Celestia banishes Nightmare moon, what looks like a rainboom appears from the moon. This could be just an effect of magic like the purple flames created by Twlight's magic explained in his other video "How does the rainboom work". But maybe the speed of the blast that reached the moon in like 2 seconds was so fast it created a rainboom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5IfhvbvJO0
Tie this into the theory of Twilight being clover the clever. If she went back in time maybe she wrote about the sonic rainboom but since no one in that time seen it, it would have been passed off as a legend instead. But the legend was so..........legendary and was passed down to the present.
I think the most plausible explanation is the Scientific theory or the prophecy.
What I think could be the case is that millennia ago, one of RD's ancestors could've pulled it off. This would explain how RD can pull it off, and explain why it's a "mare's tale"
I think I found why the sonic rainboom was legendary if you see at the season 4 ptemier in the flash back of the banishment if Nightmare Moon, when the elements of harmony sent her to the moon a sonic rainboom can be seen.Maybe that's were it got its legendary popularity.
I like the starswirl theory because now we know that he and the pillars are responsible for the tree of harmony, the elements and the connection between the mane 6. Which maybe why a sonic rainboom was responsible for bringing them together - starswirl's magic(not himself cos he was in limbo) is responsible for the sonic rainboom that dash performed.
the prophecy one seems plausible, i mean in the season 5 finale starlight went to stop the rainboom, and by now we all know how that turned out, implying the rainboom's importance
Hey sawtooth when celestia banished luna into the moon there was a rainboom she banished her soooooo fast that the rainboom happened so maybe this is the main reason why the rainboom is a legend since it was thousand years ago
Rainbow MIGHT have been the first, if she travelled back in time. One of your other videos tell that Twilight might have time-traveled to become Clover. What if there was a time problem(EQG, Twilight said she was stuck in a time loop for a long time, probably days). What if some other main six stuck with her? Rainbow, Applejack, or others? If Rainbow did travel back in time, it might lead to shoestrap paradox, where origin of Rainboom name and feat has no start.
I think dashie WAS the first one to do the sonic rainboom,according to ink rose's idea of dashie's background story her father was not only a racer but he also liked writing books mostly about a similar pony version called daring do
Hey, here's a possible theory on the 1st rainboom, when Princess Luna gets sent to the moon do you remember seeing that kind of 'rainboom' look? Maybe one pony saw this sight and told a bunch of other ponies what they saw but most ponies thought it was just a story but the ponies who believed it maybe passed down the legend, telling it as a bedtime story to young Pegasi and such. Then Rainbow dash proved the legends true. Anyone else agree with me, or am I just rambling nonsense?
My head cannon is somewhere in option #2 except instead of it happening thousands of years ago the event took place without any witnesses. So the validity of the event was not called into question because of time but because of the lack of evidence behind it. One pony saying "No guys! I swear I did it!!" is not enough to keep the idea around as fact for very long.
+Julia Ostberg Yes indeed. That's what I mean. Yes, it would still have had to be a long time ago (in my head closer to 50 years) but not quite AS long ago as it would have been otherwise.
both the first and third option could be connected. if it was a prophecy maybe it was talking about a Pegasus that could cause a sound so loud it shocked everyone who heard it. also in the same prophecy it could say something about the same Pegasus with a rainbow following them. thus making a sonic rainboom.
My theory on it is that Luna was the first pony to do the sonic rainboom. She did it over 1,000 years ago and it became a folk tale. This actually takes less away from RD's accomplishment as before this no pegasus had ever done one.
Technically if it was new magic, RD should have ascended to alicorn status when she did it as a filly. Personally I think she was robbed.
I think what actually happened is when Celestia banishes Nightmare Moon, you can see there is a rainbow ring after she lands on the moon. I believe this is what started the story
My explanation of the rainboom: Destiny doing its thing. A rainbow seems to be a symbol of friendship to the ponies. The rainboom is what caused the friendship of these ponies. See the connection? The rainbow of the rainboom was made to draw the attention of the ponies. The rainboom probably happened in the past, used for other ponies to become friends, but long enough ago that's it's just a story. Could it possibly be the ancestors of the main 6? Could they help form equestria? Leave a like on this comment and comment down what you think!
I would like add a fourth theory to your rainboom ideas. You're a fan of Dr. Hooves. It's possible that he could have gone back at one point and let something slip, therefore creating a legend. Just an idea.
I haven't seen the video yet. But the flight formation "The Sonic Rainboom" was at least made before Rainbow Dash performed the Sonic Rainboom. Not the actual Sonic Rainboom but just the formation. It is said in Rainbow Dash's official Wonderbolts Academy Handbook which has some history on the Wonderbolts that "Commander Easyglider" Who was first mentioned in "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3" that he: "established classic Wonderbolts choreography with such famous moves as the 'Chevron Formation', the 'Incaranian Sun Salutation', and the memorable 'Sonic Rainboom'." So while its not directly said that he performed the actual "Sonic Rainboom" he did make the flight formation that Rainbow Dash used to pull it off in the episode "Sonic Rainboom". It would make sense that Commander Easyglider had made the formation to build up as much speed as possible. But he/she was never good enough at flying that he/she could pull off a magic nova like the Sonic Rainboom. And Rainbow Dash ended up being the first pony to fly so fast that it made an actual Sonic Rainboom..
I think both variants have sense. It can be that long time ago there was the pony colored like Rainbow Dash and who was a good flyer. And of course, it can be that Rainboom was just a theory.
really like the idea of the 2nd one, cause i feel it possible a pony has a simalar cutiemark to rainbow dash, i mean obovusly with how long ago it was, imagin in the old time rainbow were rare since in those time a pony had to do it since they didn't have ther fancy factories. it just that old tradition was forgotten kinda like how the windagoes are treat like a story and nothing more. if it wasn't part of a holiday how likely would ponies know about them?
Shadow Bolt Prince no... it wasn’t. In S4 E02 Twilight didn’t have the magic of 4 alicorns... they mean when during the summer sun celebration when Twilight makes the symbol of her cutimark in the sky in a sonic rainboom type style. She got her magic of four alicorns at the END of season 4, not the beginning.
You probably got your answer by now but it was when rainbow dash was flying so fast to save rarity and the wonderbolts from falling after rarity's magic wings burned the sonic rainboom was preformed. If that makes sence?
It was a spell, if you go back to look at the clip, you'll see she activates her horn just before shooting off, implying that it was a spell. As Sawtooth also said in the previous video, Twilight has done something similar to the sonic rainboom before, when she used a failsafe spell back in season 1 or 2, with discord's return. I think all 3 of these occurrences are magic, both of twilight's being made by unicorn/alicorn magic, and the rainboom by pegasus magic, as the prophecy is about a PEGASUS going fast enough to make a boom. Also, it is possible that Twilight did indeed make a sonic boom, but not purely with speed, but compensated for some speed with magic. Keep in mind that twilight is essentially a pegasus too, not only a unicorn, so she has the potential. I only say this because we see her tail pattern going with her like Rainbow dash did when she did her rainboom. So yes, I think it was both a spell and the rainboom.
@Animatronic Alinata I think they meant the spell itself, not her magic as a whole. Twilight is a very powerful and talented spell caster, but the failsafe spell she performed was not strong enough to overcome Discord's magic.
hey guys, ever noticed what happend when Luna/Nightmare Moon was first banished to the moon? (in the season 4 opener) A RAINBOOM! do you think it's important for this video?
I think the prophecy would go something like this "The young filly was defending her fellow pony from bullying, a race was put on, the young filly flew up and behind her was a Sonic rainboom. As she flew her blank flank glowed, she had her cutie mark. And with her Sonic rainboom five other fillies had gained there's."
I know this is a pretty old vid but here's my theory :The rainboom was prophesied long before just like nightmare moon because in my opinion we have seen tons of proof that the rainboom was prophesied long ago and later remembered the prophesy as a old mare tale similar to night mare moon's.Originally it was prophesied and then known as a old pony tale of not that much importance. Similarly this could have happened with the rainboom.It is after all the most plausible theory to me at least....
actually, at the start of season 4, when Celestia banished nightmare moon to the moon, it caused a sonic rainboom. maybe thats where the prophecy stemmed.
This is my theory : Rainbow Dash was The first one to pull off the rainboom but she really wasn’t a scientific theory scientist discovered Mayor Pegasus that did the rain boom thousands of years ago she was an à Alcorn she casted a spell while doing the sonic rain boom that connected the main six of the last elements of harmony together well she casted a spell it granted five lucky elements from the three tribes together they all got there cutie mark at that same time the rain boom came even the Alcorn she was born an Alcorn so she had The power to make that magic of the sonic rain boom
Somehow I think the second explanation is the most like answer to the question of this video. Somehow I think maybe the First Rainboom was performed by a Pegasus during the Three Tribe Era and maybe that Pegasus was Rainbow's earliest ancestor.
I like your reasons but my theory is that if you are right and twilight is clover the clever then in some possible way twilight could have revealed the First Rainboom and thus sprouting a huge argument of wether or not it happened
Wait, I thought that Dashy could pull it off because her mane was rainbow-colored, too. The second theory doesn't follow this, unless the first pony to pull it off had a rainbow mane. Right?
+ScareCr3w my theory is that celestia was the one who used the sonic rainboom since it would fit with her mane and maybe she used it when she used the elements to sent Luna to the moon as a special attack that threw her into the moon so you're right about the mane and since it was a thousand years ago ponies would mostly remember it as a legend that sparked rainbow dash's attention
Maybe all Pegasus magic is rainbow coloured? maybe rainbow just has more of it, which would explain why she's the only pony we have seen with a rainbow mane and the other pony's would be coloured like other pony's because they don't have enough magic to make it significant. Like a Pegasus' speed could depend on how much magic it has which would mean that another pony with a similar amount of magic did it. maybe they are just so rare that they are born once in a thousand years or something. my theory can still support the others saying she's an exception and no other Pegasus was ever born that way.
Actually the first Rainboom was not made by a pegaus but by an Alicorn. Princess Celestia To be exact. when twilight has to figure out what's wrong(this was the tree of harmony episode) in the scene when Celestia banishes Luna to the moon, with the elements and the banish spell, she created the Rainboom which a few saw and everyone thought It was a myth
If this was the 1st rainboom, wow! 👏 A few minutes later... "Let's give a round of applause to Rainbow Dash for winning the world olympic record!" (If you get what I mean...)
i agree with ScareCr3w,Swettie Bloom,Maximum Mayhem,xPixelMeGamerx,iloveowls90,Bonnietelo Cole,Gwen Skulls,Forest Grump,Noel Klich,Christian Smith, & Natalie Hinman's theories & or comments. but i gotta say, that i totally agree with all you're guys's theories about one of rainbow's relatives doing a sonic rainboom long ago.
I honestly think it was an older relative of Rainbow Dash's who did the first rainboom. Because whenever anyone is going at a speed really fast their tail color is what shows as they zoom. And since it's called the" "Rain"(rainbow) boom, someone with a rainbow tail had to have done it for it to even be a legend. Cause it could've been the Grayboom if someone with a gray tail did it. So it must've been a person with a rainbow tail. So an older relative of Rainbow's who did the first rainboom in the past really does make sense. And in a case Rainbow may have inherited a special gene that allowed her to do it. This trait may have died out for the past generations in Rainbow's family until she was born. I mean her cutie mark practically says it all too.
What about when Celetia banished Luna to the moon. A blast almost identical to the sonic rainboom occured when this happened. So, doesn't that mean there can be more than one way of making a rainboom?
Rainbow Dash seems to gain her speed and agility from her parents,ancestors etc.So just a head Canon probably one of her ancestors had pulled off a rainboom and as you said,prophecy...so probably the ancestors pulled off that rainboom that caused a harmony with his/her friends? And that's how rainbow dash pulled one that's important?
Focus on your studies more than your channel. As a High school graduate and a college sophomore I can safely say that your senior year will be the toughest of your grade school years and requires much of your attention. Uploading a video every other week can be a good solution to keeping you channel up to date. I will throw the suggestion out there to you to upload a video either at the end of your day on Friday or in the morning on one of the weekends. This way you can devote the work week to your studies. It will only get harder from here, but I know you'll do just fine. :) /)
I think it’s was a prophesy. The Rainboom was an important part to bring the Mane Six together. Without it Equestria would have been under the control of the evil villains. So it’s important enough to have a prophecy about. That’s what I think 🙂🙂🙂
Maybe her parents hasnt pulled the rainboom off but they asked her child to try, rd hasnt pulled it off but then, when she felt she was pulling it off, she continued. Maybe rd's great great great great great great great (and more great) grandparents has pulled this off before!
Hi TBN! I have a few questions: 1. Why is Pinkies family the only know family that has a last name (Pie)? 2. Are there human versions of the elements? My sister thought that RD had an element (at EGH), and said it was the belt she wore, and pinkie's was the ballon earrings. She asked me if she was right, and what the other human versions of the elements were, but I don't know. 3. Is Starswirl really dead? Did he take new life on the form of the Shadow Pony? If so, why'd he become evil all of a sudden? Where has he been all these years? If not, who IS the shadow pony? Hope I didn't ask too many questions, but they really perplexed me, and I would appreciate if you helped me figure this out. Bring out! ^ ^
I think RD started the Sonic Rainboom. She does after all have Rainbow in her name. It's logical if you say it was RD's Dad, because he also has a rainbow mane. I think RD created the first Sonic Rainboom. Idk, that's all that I could think of.
Focus on your studies, they are most important especially your senior year. A video once a month will be enough for us fans who understand. Enjoy your senior year of high school, you're gonna miss being there once you're out. I'm 23 now and I miss the simplicity of high school. /)
I understand and it's OK with me. But if you were here once a week I would have something to watch I don't have anything to watch because I already watched everything I like! But focus on school that's more important.
One of your theories said that clover the clever was actually Twilight sparkle so when twilight back in time as clover the Clever she could have found someone one like as fast as Rainbow dash to perform the Sonic rainboom in the past
I also found out another theory that I think will go very well with this story in the olden times a mayor did this boom the last six got there cutie mark I was your destiny they met 16 years later they defeated a great evil became history/ this is the same theory that. Happened in the show The mayor tail is that once Every six years six Lucky Folls Would get their mark of destiny and then 16 years later they would have to defeat night mare moon I would be connected as not only as equestrians heroes but Also Friends
i believe that ponies thought of this a mares tail, but it was proven before. ponies have forgotten about the fact it has happened before. rainbow dash was a colt when she pulled it off. the rainboom could be a 'story' passed down so she will work hard. but the fact still remains that only rainbow dash was the only one we KNOW by the show was able to pull it off. the reaction of the other ponies every time she does the sonic rainboom shos that ponies really do think it was just a mares tail, proven true.
I think Rainbow ISN'T the first pony to pull off a sonic rainboom. I also think Rainbow Dash is a descendant of the first to pull off a sonic rainboom. Think about it: If Rainbow Dash is a descendant of the first pony to pull off a rainboom, their skills could be passsed down until they got to Rainbow! It's just that nopony in her family had go e that fast since that pony until their great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter, Rainbow Dash!
I think Rainbowdash is a descendant of the pony who achieved the first rainboom. Seeing as her father has a rainbow mane, perhaps that aspect of a pony helps with making a rainboom... well RAINBOW.
Something that is making me curious is that did the elements of harmony connecta the main 6 or was it the rainboom and their cutie marks i think you'll need to watch season 4 and 5 endings to understand what i mean
I've got a theory as well, even if its late, maybe, Rainbow wasn't the first one to pull off a sonic rainboom, maybe someone related to her from the olden days? Maybe that's why only she knows about it?
I personally think that the prophecy is the most likely one to be cannon due to past prophecies in the show, the whole thing about it being a scientific theory makes the most sense and the one about rainbow dash not being the first seems unlikely due to how well many events appear to be documented in equestria, especially something as big as that.
What if Sonic Rainbooms are different... I mean Rainbow Dash made it "rainbow". But in one episode Twilight did it too. It was purple and pink not rainbow.
I think your right about it being a scientific theory and rainbow unknowingly proved and since they didn’t know that it would happen it was a mares tail
I think you're going the best way because if the first pony was say for example Derby so she would fly so hard and fast 💨 you wouldn't believe your eyes 👀 maybe she was practicing flying by 📚 she would become the fastest pony in ponyVille but rainbow dash is
If you have time after studies maybe you could do more videos and in my opnion I believe that it is the third, sense Ranibow said about the legend and each leyend has it's own prophecy
Rainbow dash might have made the whole rainboom thing reality. Now hear me out! In the return of starlight glimmer. Twilight goes back in time to the day when rainbow pulls of a sonic rainboom for the first time and rainbow thinks the rainboom thing is a silly old tale but the point is... It was a silly story passed on by generation until surprise rainbow dash pulled it off. Rainbooms look a lot like rainbow's cutie mark and her name and hair color kind of goes to show that rainbow is a very special pony for the history of rainbooms!
I think that if someone did it before rainbow dash, it would be gusty the great, that sounds reasonable, right? It wouldn't be a full rainbow, but it would probably be at least multiple colors, after all I don't think that grogar would want to depict her in any flattering light.
Maybe Starswirl studied pegasi magic and gave theory about sonic rainboom but no pegasi who lived in his time managed to fly with such high speed, so theory became just a theory and noone thought it's true to the point when Rainbowdash actually proved theory to be true
+The Brony Notion If you have seen the recent episode "Rarity Investigates" you would know there is a character named "Wind Rider" who broke a record in the Mustang Marathon. Then Spitfire said "Rainbow Dash might actually beat his record" which is implying that Wind Rider was faster than Rainbow Dash at one point. Please make a video about this and if you do, shout out for my theory??? Thx
I like the prophecy fulfilled Theory also PS thank you for the Trek pun I'm a huge Star Trek and that made my day also no Rainbow Dash was so not the first one to pull it off and on another note you know how you were talking about that Alicorn civilization well maybe other Alicorns came in disguise as normal ponies Earth ponies pegasi unicorn and one of them pulled off a Sonic Rainboom or sonic magic boom because I mean come on yeah yeah
The prophecy explanation is a more...logical explanation. For example, the prophecy might have said something about a loyal and determined Pegasus, and an intervention with speed and magic.
+The Brony Notion I have an idea. What if other ponies had created other special magical explosions or effects. They had many in the past an current times. Lightning effects, firework magic effects. Many effects existed but no one ever was able to make a Rainboom before, some believed someday a Pony could create a Sonic Rainboom while others believed that what they had seen already was the best they could do, the Wonderbolts effect and Lightning Dusts Lightning effect.
Actually Rainbow did the rainboom first. When she was a filly. Back then no one know what a rainboom is. After Rainbow did it that’s when it become a mare tail. And she brought it back in season 1 ep 16.
I think rainbow dash was the first ever pony to do the rainboom! [and btw this is the story of how she did it] so one day rainbow dash when she was a filly she went to the race, and she was in the lead when suddenly... WHOOSH! she flew off the track down towards the ground, and she was so fast that she made a ring of rainbow that was created by velocity [with flutter shy doing the same thing accept she got with animals] and then rainbow dash flew up into the air and then she just fell the end... hope you like this fan theory about yo question [ vuo / winky face] [does jay winky face voice]
In the cutie re-mark, twilight goes back and tries to talk to rainbow dash telling her to do a sonic rain boom. What if someone else from the future had went farther back in time and perhaps got stuck there and started telling stories? On of which was about the “first sonic rain boom” by rainbow dash. So she was actually the ones in the old mare’s tails if that makes sense
I think the option that Rainbow Dash wasn't actually the first to pull of a rainboom is the most logical one. I don't think a scientist would be able to convince enough ponies that their theory is right, scientists have hard time in magical worlds. As for the prophecy, now that the show is officially over I can safely say that there is no prophecy regarding the mane 6, otherwise we would have heard about it. But if somepony else did the rainboom before, why is it called rainboom and not purpleboom or whatever the pegasus' color was? Well, it's not THAT crazy to assume there were rainbow-maned pegasi before RD. After all her father has it and so does Rainbow Blaze. And it wasn't necessarily a rainbow mane! It could have been anything colorful enough to look like a rainbow of sort. I personally like to think the first rainboom was red, yellow and blue, just like RD's cutie mark.
Thank you tablet for notification. I hope if you can't keep up at least once every other week try at least once a month so you have more time to focus on school. I think school is important. Just saying 😁
+The Brony Notion if i may ask is it like every 2-3 weeks? i know school is a lot more important but just wondering at least its not like 2 months or something ya know? :D
Rainbow Dash was the first to pull up a sonogram boo the person who thought sonogram bone was fake they made a sonogram boom up but then Rainbow Dash came in and did a sonic rainbow which makes sense because it actually doesn’t make it the person who made the sonogram boom tell a lie
my theory is that some scientists or star swirl the bearded came up with the mare tale by using science he said it was possible but maybe no one was ever able to do it because they werent able to go as fast or they gave up another theory is that its like a rumour it might have been something different and somepony twisted it then another on and another until it went to the sonic rainboom
if dashie hadnt done the sonic rainboom the mane six wouldn't have been brought together, mane six woudnt be new barriers of the elaments of harmony,elements of harmony (and finishing a powerful spell,which might I add could have not only switched destiny's but destroyed equestria) wouldn't have a princess of friendship and princess of friendship wouldnt discover's human world because sunset shimmer won't get a crown cause twilight wouldn't have one seeing as to she'd need to be a princess and the crown signify's her royalty so add it all up and it just makes sense that rainbow dash is the main character
It is! I'm not trying to disgrace twilight or anything. Before you guys beat me up with words. I just want to put this out there: Really, apart from Magic and Friendship, I'm sorry to say, but Twilight isn't that important. Ahead no real goals, no dreams. She was a princess by chance. All the other characters play a more important role other than studying. It's surprising that Twilight is the main character, when you think of it that way.
Now,that u mentioned it,I wanna see if rainbow does become a princess and twilight just like,figures out all of this,then she somehow gives her alicorn power to dash...of that's possible of course,lmao imagine if that happened in like,after a year of mlp they finally did that...
Lexi Plays Msp no she just one of the main six characters cuz main Six are all their own character but still have main roles so yes she is the main character but she also has Pinkie Pie Applejack Twilight Fluttershy and Rarity All Men characters with her so she's not the main character but she is one of the main characters
Well in the first 40 seconds you are already wrong. Before in the episode in Ponyville after rainbow dash crashed into the library one of the other mane 6 mention that rainbow dash has already done it when she got her cutie mark. This was the rainbow the other mane 6 saw in the episode when they discover their cutie marks are connected.
I feel like the Rainbow boom was formed by one of Rainbow Dash's long long long long ago relative so she's not the first one and also that only if you have rainbow hair you probably could not pull it off but that's just another theory
the rainboom was first in the show caused by elements of harmony because at the scene were celestia banishes luna to moon using elements a same rain boom was happened
I bet rainbows dad did the Rainboom. His mane is exactly like Rainbow Dashes hair except shorter. Maybe he was friends with Twilight's parents and same with the others. Maybe if he didn't do the Rainboom he wouldn't have met them, and probably Twilight Velvet wouldn't have met her husband. Therefore Twilight wouldn't have been born, made into Celestia's School for Talented Unicorns, wouldn't have moved to ponyville, wouldn't have made friends, and Nightmare Moon would have won. So it was probably her father who did the Sonic Rainboom. What do u think of my idea? Plz reply.
+Natalie Hinman nah it would be her great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather or grandmother because if it was a mare's tale it would before her father's' time
ok, so what i noticed about fairy tails, is the name "fairiy tail" implys becuase it is a myth, becuase fairys do not have tails. however, the ponies do have tails, so that means annny myth that show puts on as a "mares tail" is possible to be true
No. It couldn't be. The Rainboom is described as "And Old Mare's Tale." Meaning the Rainboom is older than Rainbowdash. Which means someone had to do it before Rainbowdash.
I don't think rainbow dash was first because if you think about it the rumours about it would not be so accurate to the actual thing so there must have been someone before her to have done it so the facts on what it looked like and how hard it is and much wing power they needed could be accurate
what about this? Their has been heavy use of past actions be it legends, winter's holiday, star swirled, the map that can transport them to the past, the episode with a twilight from the future. Is it possible instead from establishng the future, they may expand the past? Let us say twilight and her freinds goes back, maybe a villion maybe a quest, as the map's main goal is to exist to preserve order. As it existed even when twilight's past had changed, but in that reality the tree of freindship has not expanded into a mansion. The map should not have been their, and wasnt their according to applejack, so is their more to the founding of the tree? Why does it have powers that can overcome the changing of history as it can appear without any clear reasoning? It must be before the formation of the kingdom of luna and celestia as they were unaware of the mansion and the true extent of the powers. It may lead to the travels with star swirled as their should be some sort of origin for the tree of harmony and he is the only pony with any merit(be it that he is the only pony of the past we have heard pleanty of) to accomplish such a task.
I am curious about discord as his nature opposes the idea of harmony. Could it be, if he was star swirled, a correlation to the alicorn amulet? He might have been intrested in dark magic, AE Alicorn magic(Aware that some how dark magic(the form and display)when overcomeing rarity, is similar to how alicorn magic was used on the potion) as he has lead to the creation of a spell that turned twilight into a alicorn. He may be someone intrested in the study of it and might have been involved in the creation of the alicorn amulet.
I think rainbow dash was the first one to pull of the sonic rainboom because who else can do that, only somepony who is 20% cooler and has a really serious need for speed in my opinion Everypony just assumed that a sonic boom is real and when rainbow dash did it, it became a sonic rainboom
My brother has this theory that rainbow dash's dad (he can be seen in equestria games season 4) first performed the sonic rainboom as a filly like rainbow dash did and that's how it became a mare's tail but I'm not sure how old rainbow dash's dad is or how old something has to be to be called a mare's tail.
The first option is not correct because if it was a science theory the dialogue would have said the theory is proven to be true BUT It said The LEGEND is proven to be true. Why had they said leyend if it was a theory?
if you are going to do other shows please do gravity falls it has a lot of mystery around it and with your therious i'll come to love the show even more
It could be that star swirl the bearded traveled to the future and saw rainbow dash perform the sonic rainboom and then he named the boom cased by rainbow dash the sonic rainboom and since star swirl the bearded goes way back ponies they must have passed it on as a mares tale
If the sonic rainbow was discovered before rainbowdash, it couldnt be her who made it true. Face it, we will never know who or whatever creature discovered it.
If you look into it you see that the Sonic Rainboom was actually only shown when Dash's friends were in danger when dash was trying to prove herself as the best of the best. This shows her element of 'loyalty' staying true to her element resulted in a sonic rainboom. It wasn't about the speed or anything numerical or factual but instead it was about the feelings of devotion and loyalty to her friends and choosing them over her dreams. It's just a theory though
Or maybe when Celestia pulled the Sonic Rainboom when she banished Luna to the moon 1000 years ago, she saw that Rainbow Dash would pull off the Sonic Rainboom again in the future after that and convinced everypony that it is just an old mare's tale
Maybe a really ancient relative of Rainbow Dash pulled it off before her? One with the rainbow colours? I Don' think we've been told much about Rainbow's family. Then it was passed down through the family until Rainbow finally did one?
rainbow dash wasn't the the first one with make the rainbow actually it was rainbow dash is father from its DNA rainbow dash was able to do the Sonic rainbow
That can't be true. In the timeloop episode when twilight went in past and asked rainbow dash to do a rainboom she said its not possible its just a mare tale, if her father did it she would have been excited about doing it
could it be that when twilight sparkle went back to become clover the clever, rainbow dash was commander hurricane and pulled off the sonic rain boom. Rainbow dash would not know about it because she has not gone back in time yet.
I would like to point out that if there was another pony that preformed the rainboom before rainbow dash I believe that this ponies mane would have to be rainbow in color otherwise it wouldn't be a rainbow rainboom
I know it's been like three years but I think rainbow dash was ment to be the one to be able to do the rainboom because she has rainbow in her and no one else does other than celestia
In The Episode Twilights Kingdom when the Princess's have given Twilight their Magic she performs a Sonic Rainboom except its not Rainbow its the colors of her mane.
What about the potion twilight created in "double rainboom"? couldn't somepony else created it a long long time ago, the pegasus which drunk it would have performed a sonic rainboom, but was never able to do it again. there was only only one sonic rainboom before by the work from unicorns and pegasi together. That was before the princesses, while the seperation. because of the separation nopony really believed it would work, and after it was possible only once before rainbow dash, it went to be a legend.
I have a theory of rainbows hair. Her ancestor had a red mane and married a pony that had orange hair. Their child could have a red a orange mane, and maybe it just kept adding?
I have a question, are you gonna do the "Random videos!" series where you post videos about random shows and theories and reviews, I would appreciate that
I think It was Great x2 Grand Parents who did the trick, rainbow dash got her genetic hair off her dad, so then either RD's dad's dad or mum had the hair last, genetics get passed on and If RD's farther passed on his hair to RD, then he must have got it passed on to him
I think I've found it out people put it as a fairy tale but maybe the parents of Luna and clestia found it out but no one can pull it of because no one was fast enough to so they knew about but couldn't pull it off because no one was fast enough, Rainbow Dash is the first but they put it as a tale when it wasn't! possible?😏
if dashie hadnt done the sonic rainboom the mane six wouldn't have been brought together, mane six woudnt be new barriers of the elaments of harmony,elements of harmony (and finishing a powerful spell,which might I add could have not only switched destiny's but destroyed equestria) wouldn't have a princess of friendship and princess of friendship wouldnt discover's human world because sunset shimmer won't get a crown cause twilight wouldn't have one seeing as to she'd need to be a princess and the crown signify's her royalty so add it all up and it just makes sense that rainbow dash is the main character
well my theory is that rainbow dash is not the first pony to do the rainboom. I think that it was one of the two princess sisters since they are the oldest ponys. so they must have made up the rainboom for it to actually be true. but then what if it was made for evil purposes, like what if discord made it or tirek. you see, not every "good" thing has to be made from the side good.so thats my theory, please tell me if one of these is what YOU believe
I Know A Theory That's Why They Call SonicRainboom A Prophecy Because If It Weren't For Rainbow Dash's SonicRainboom There's No Mane Six And If Rainbow Dash Didn't Pull A Sonic Rainboom Equestria Will Be Doomed And Remember That The Mane Six Got Their Cutiemark At The Same Time Even If They Didn't Know Each Other Except For Fluttershy And Thats My Theory
Rainbow wedash would not have been the first 1 to do a rainboom because how would pony's know what it is unless a pony like Starswirlbearded magically created it or a scientist figured a scientifically way to get a sonic boom and a rainbow all at the same time!
I think you are right I think commander hurricane might have made the first rainboom but I feel like a pony with rainbow hair should only be the one who makes the first rainboom 🤔🤔
Twilight sparkle made a sonic boom (as an alicorn), but her horn was giving the normal gentle glow which meant she was using magic. If there were many generations of ponies before the Mane Six, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a Pegasus with a rainbow mane. If you want to go even further, I realized that Celestia has a somewhat rainbow mane. She has been around for 1000+ years, and her magic is very strong (considering she raises the sun every day, and in the 1000 year imprisonment of nightmare moon, she had to raise the moon and sun). Celestia isn't as fast as Rainbow Dash (most likely), but you've seen how fast Twilight could fly with all of the alicorn magic. With just the right amount of magic, and just the right amount of speed, I think that 1000+ years ago, Celestia pulled off the first sonic rainboom (Rainbow Dash being the first to pull it off with bare speed). The magic rainboom set by Celestia traveled throughout the land, creating the old mares' tale. Additionally, we didn't get any reaction from Celestia when the sonic rainboom was pulled off by Rainbow Dash. She probably knew in advance that this would happen, triggering destiny. This event brought Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy together. Interestingly enough, when Celestia knew Nightmare Moon was returning, she sent Twilight to make new friends. She also knew this would happen in advance too. Starswirl the Bearded represented the element of sorcery and/or magic, and the other pillars represented the other elements. Celestia knew that once again, generations after, another six would rise up against the evil forces that threatened Equestria. And I know that it wasn't a coincidence that the six were brought together by a Rainboom. THAT is my evidence.
Maybe it was Rainbow Dash's Ancestors that her family hadn't heard from after this ancestor made the first sonic rainboom and didn't know anything about this relative... Just a guess
The sixth element is twighlight and she’s purple in the rainbow and the rainbow is upside down so sometimes twighlight is the worst but most of the time she is #1 this might explain why twilight is the leader or it’s just because her element is magic. that’s just a small theory hope it makes sense
Steven universe shows both mental and physical growth in all of their characters, with great attention to detail. They are masters of foreshadowing and big reveals and they can really handle a chaotic situation. The most recent episode was fantastic. The first few weren't good, but the real situation and threat of a looming apocalypse starts to set in around the middle of season 1. If you haven't seen up to at least episode 21, you cannot say that the show is bad because the tone in those episodes is very different from the rest of the show. There's an indirect kiss, on the run, ocean gem/mirror gem, Rose's scabbard, the return and jailbreak and Sworn to the sword. Those are only just a few of the best episodes. It really is a great show.
Hey, I recently started a YouTube channel. I don't have any speed arts, but I do have a compilation of most of my old stuff. Soon I'm going to start posting speed paints, as long as I get recording software. If anyone wants me to do their OC, please check my videos out. I do requests and suggestions, so please give me some. SHAMELESS PROMOTING FOR THE WIN!
+LillyLeaf VA Thanks! I just need recording software, and then I'll start posing speedpaints. I will probably also start posting songs I write and possibly covers too.
I think this is the first rainboom, but not the first boom of sonic magic. I am sure twilight can do a sonic magic boom and celestia can sun beam boom and Luna can moon beam boom ,windy whistles can sonic cheer boom and lighting dash can go boom durring a stunt lol, but get my point?
no, its not because in the episode where starlight goes back in time, rainbow says "thats only a pony tale." meaning that it had happened before, a LONNNNNNGGGGGG time ago.
Ok so Ranbow dash was the first to make a rainboom that was a RAINBOW somepony else could have made one that was colors that matches them, like ranbow dash match's the ranbow colors.
i dont think so.I think rainbows ancestors mostly have done the rainboom..So as the generations passed it passed mostly on rainbow..This is my opinion:))
Don't judge me if I get this wrong it could be Celestia. How do I know? Well she could make legends come true like Nightmare Moon's trap and escape. I bet Celestia started off as a pegasaus. (Did I spell this wrong?) I bet she saw a stained glass with a rainbow art. She must've tried it. I also know this because she had been around for a long time. I also thought what ever is stained glass, will make it a mare's tale. But this is my theory so don't judge me. :)
I know im a bit late for this and you have maybe made a video about it but dash could be the first one to make a sonic rainboom because like zombies and vampires, where did those "stories" come, how do we know about zombies or vampires if they dont exist or never have so its possible to rumor about a sonic rainboom and then dash would be the first one to make it.
So what if even before Luna in Solo‘s there was boring there was a sonic rain boom she was a beautiful rainbow headed mayor and then she got c killed but her spirit was still going when she heard about the next Sonic rain Boomer she quickly try to get that from her shadow and raise her as her own in a shadow no one knew she was there so there was other ponies who did the sonic rain boom but they just were all extinct
Maybe somepony in the three tribes like inventor started to find magic in the Pegasus and after like all that research he/she tried to make a Sonic Rainboom and maybe other ponies makes like fun of him/her and someponies believed so it became a legend and then Rainbow Dash made the unpossible happen! This is my theory. It's just a theory, ok? Xd
In the book 'Elements of Harmony' it says Rainbow was NOT the first one.
Apple S2020-04-09 10:59:47 (edited 2020-04-09 11:17:42 )
I'm a girllllllllll not a bro :P XD
Anyway I think that she pulled it off and then people later where led to believe it was just a legend. In one of the episodes, Rainbow's childhood bullies told her she could never do it as it was just a legend. They of course were proven wrong and even became "friends" I guess.
Edit: I was thinking maybe if they were the closest fillies, how could they not believe it was true? They forgot, meaning they just thought it was a legend. Also, if Rainbow Dash wasn't the first, how come no one else could ever do it? When she said "..they thought it wasn't possible.." (or whatever she said) then perhaps she was talking about right at that moment, no one would believe the NEW legend was true.
Edit2: Also did they even have colors/colours at that time??
Also, not only did the Rainboom bring the ponies together, it actually helped hatch Spikes egg.
Hope ur amused It's just some news
It's only a theory anyway, I actually have no idea Guess i will find out another day? Well I could read the comments down here ⬇
Here is my theory,when I saw that video you made named "How Does the Rainboom Work? And then my thought was this, so the sonic Rainboom was a pony's tale but I think that rainbow dash was the 2nd pony to do a sonic Rainboom in the episode that rainbow dash made a sonic Rainboom I realize that the Rainboom had a rainbow color but I think it was just from rainbow dash's mane or hair if you say and then in the past I think the only rainbow colored hair can do a Rainboom and maybe rainbow dash's great great great great grandfather or grandmother is the 1st pony in equestrian history because there is no pony I saw on the episode's that had a rainbow colored hair, and that's my theory I hope that's good for all of you guys.
I don't think rainbowdash was the first to do a sonic rainboom but it was along time since somepony did it, ponies stopped believing until rainbowdash did it.
well i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt so that means that colt already did some sort of sonic ranboom
well i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt so that means that colt already did some sort of sonic ranboom
I believe that the rainboom was a pridiction cause just like you said without the mane six Equestria is DOOMED clover the clever told star swril about the unity between the three Tribs which made him think about the alicorns thing have any of you guys saw the movie Avalon high where miles can predict what's about to happen. at end of the movie he is dressed in a clocky outfit similar to clover the clever which makes sense right?maybe clover the clever pridicted about the rainboom and maybe when the two sisters were little I suppose star swril thought that it has to happen as clover the clever pridicted it and just a thought he had made more pridictions which came true so like I almost said star swril thought making an elements of harmony can help and gived a huge amount of his power and when the two sisters were all grown and luna became jealous when celestia had use the elements of harmony as we saw in an episode the rainbow covered nightmare moon from bottom to top and when celestia used the elements nightmare moon waved her horn to make a spell and broke the element of magic and without the element of magic all the other elements broke too which went in to the future element of magic which was standing near as when zecora told twilight to look in the past and when she came back all the other element's magic went in to their places and the future always affects the past right? and this why the mane six are very important to Equestria
Time travel possible in MLP what if Star Swirl the bearded used time travel to see it to see the rain boom and right it back and the science behind it was theorized
what if when rainbow-dash was younger performed it but everybody was so caught up in themselves and did not see it so when they felt it either they could of been in a building or they saw it as just a gust of wind so when rainbow-dash told them about it they did not believe her because they did not see it
+Natasha Damico I don't think this was for little girls and anything about learning friendship,I think it's about 6 or 7 ponys that go on adventures for no reason and save they homeland from some even weirder ponys with magical powers and stuff and they kill them with magic but they don't add the blood in it because this show for little girls, it's like a educational show well for those little girls I guess, bet there are millions of people watching this show and saying "you know what life sucks shit I wanna be a pony like twilight the brainiac princess I've been wasting my life ever since I watched this show,well I'm off to watching the next movie with humans damn people are just getting smarter with these shows"
Someday they are gonna rename too ponys with magic and they don't give a fuck if they kill other ponies,ponies with guns yay now that's what you call a little girl show,pony notion or whatever they fuck your name is sure hope those school studies are all on that little girl show,science teacher must be teaching you a lot about the rainboom and how it brought ponys that had bad life's together
+Natasha Damico Well, that's what it used to be but now it's a show for all ages since over 500000 grown ups and people over the age of 10 still watch the show its not really considered a little kids show anymore.
+The Brony Notion i dont mind the change in profile pic, but not a fan with the new oc design... it looks too boxy around the mouth, other than that it good. (no offence but it looks like you walked into a wall or something...)
+The Brony Notion FINALLY I've been waiting for you to fix the oc FOREVER and i don't mean like "Fix" persay ,most notably just that every time i watched one of your vids ,i would notice your back legs were too thick. I only notice this as a person who draws oc's for people sooo i wouldn't get wrapped up in it .Love the new look!
-Cliffhanger p.s. try to guess my special talent ; 3
Star swirled wears a cape how do we know he is not an alicorn? OMFG he could be the princesses father!! There is not much proof but I believe this could be true plz tell me what you think!
+LPS Kawaii4ever OMG Your Right They Never Show Him With His Cape Off So the Discord Is Star Swril The Breaded Thory Must Be Wrong So he Might Just be An Alicorn
+COLORS! It was aimed at little girls but has spread over all ages and genders and it follows six Ponies/Unicorns/Pegasi/Alicorns who learn about friendship. Not that you know anything about friendship.
My theory is kind of mlp. You know raven from teen titans/teen titans go? I think her and twilight are the same being. Why? Beacause many reasons. Both of them are purple use magic and even share the sAme voice actor
It can't be her dad, because then she wouldn't call it in "Just a legend" and also describe it as "impossible" (during season 5 finale) because she would hear about it or maybe even see it
she isnt first, pinkie said "here" in that episode, which can mean ponyville.
my theory:
some of the ponies did the sonic rainboom from starting a loooong time ago, but in the time dash lives, no one did that, thats why it became a legend. at least they were so rare, i still dont think dash is the only one even if her time. but its a legend so it must be done even before pillars in my opinion, i think a lot of ppl done that.
i think, different colored ponies can pull it with rainbow too, because they wouldnt call it rainboom if everybody pulls it in a different color. it should be: ponies in past did it always with rainbow colors even with different manes, thats why this legend called rainboom.
i highly believe that if fluttershy pulls sonic boom, she would make a rainbow too.
my theory: a very fast flying pegasus' magic can break light like water drops, thats why that magic wave changes the color of sky for a lil time. also ofc she doesnt reach the speed of light buuut no one said her magic doesnt. i think magic of boom can reach the speed of light, thats why all mane six saw it at the same time dash pulled it even if they are in different locations.
also even if she designed her fate with that action, this doesnt means she is the only one who can do that. all of us made huge differences in life that brought us here today. so i think other ones who did this had different stories with this boom and also flying talent ofc.
Imagine this in mlp when someone causes a sonic rain boom it goes to five ponies and erupts at the same time for all six ponies causes the six ponies get their cutie mark
When rainbow dash was doing the tryouts for the wonder bolts she got paired up with another pony she proved to be better than rainbow do you think she can pull of a rainboom
It was probably just a forgotten art. I mean, how hard is it for ponies to figure out what happens when they just fly really fast? One of them would have figured it out eventually. Rainbow Dash was probably one of thousands to do so.
Not really. What about Spitfire? Rainbow Dash's idol? She abandoned her partner to get Dash on her team and they weren't even at the Equestria games yet. Ponies do what they have to to win.
Wow this conversation kept dragging on Anyone need me here? I can murder her if anyone needs it No? Okay then I'll just go a do something errr that totally doesn't involve killing ponies and turning them into rainbows
A call? Is it more important than what happened to the princess? We should be worrying over that than anything else. Besides, I think you need an attitude adjustment. If Starlight Glimmer and I can change our ways then you can too.
@Chanell Mitchell That's... not right. If you look at the replies, they're dispersed over several months. Clearly they haven't been "staring at the screen", because they've been doing other things too. You say it's your opinion but opinions are not the same as outright making assumptions about other people's lives.
@Drink My Tea Honestly, I'm not going to argue with you over this. I just think they should do something more productive. Case closed. I can make assumptions if I want, and if you seem to have a dilemma with that, then I don't know what to tell you. My point is; What's the point of acting out as pony characters from a show? What purpose does it serve? Fun?
@Chanell Mitchell Sure you can make assumptions, doesn't mean they're right. And you shouldn't act like they're right either. Not everything they do has to serve a purpose. If they're having fun, then let them have fun. They aren't wasting their time if they're enjoying what they're doing. I honestly don't know why it's such a hard concept to grasp.
@Chanell Mitchell Well you were certainly acting like they were. "Honestly, it's sad how you guys are just bronies acting out the characters, staring at a screen 24/7" You were basically saying that that's what they did on a daily basis, and that your assumptions were right. People do stuff like this all the time on the internet, and if you can't take it then leave. Actually, on that note, what were you even doing on a pony video anyway?
@Drink My Tea I came here to look at the comments, to ask your question.
Oh, I didn't know this wasn't a free country and I can't comment on videos. Do I have to leave? No.
As I stated before, I never said something like, "Oh, I'm right because you have nothing better to do. Get lost." Now where did you see me say that before?
Overall, I was just stating my opinion. And before you get butthurt, try looking in my point of view for a second.
Let me say that I might be partially to blame. Maybe I didn't lay out what I wanted out of a friendship after I was reformed. But what scoots does isn't right and it's because of you that they don't understand why being nice is important. You need to step up and do the right thing or you'll have to find yourself a new subject.
Scoots was being a jerk. Like I said, you weren't being a good leader. You let ponies walk all over you. We need less talking and more of you laying the hard hoof on those who need it. I'll stick around for now but you're on notice. I don't know how much more I can stomach. So let's get this back on the road.
Confront them and tell them to knock off the horse manure. I've done that time and time again and you've said you would step in but you were only telling me what I wanted to hear. I'm not ending our little friendship yet but you need to step up and make a change or else I'm walking.
huh? you're apologizing? That's a new one. Well, if you're willing to change your ways then perhaps I'll accept it. But I can't keep asking you to change so this is your last chance. You got to make things right. So, anyway, let's get moving.
Hey, scoots. You look pretty hurt? But don't we all get hurt from time to time? Did you know that a broken wing gets stronger when it heals? You'll be flying in no time. hehe...medicine skills for the win.
The idea of Rainbow Dash not causing the first Rainboom, is quite a solid theory. But Rainbow Dash could be the first to cause a rainbow colored Rainboom. While the first was not rainbow colored.
Wait, I just realised, If Rainbow Dash brought the mane 6 together, then why does dash ( Rainbow Dash ) get such a rubbish element ( loyalty )? At the very least she should get a better element ( maybe kindness because that is the main thing in friendship). Why can't she get to be an Alicorn? She doesn't have to be a princess, yet still is treated with plenty of respect, so I think that is reasonable enough. I know that some of you think loyalty is quite a good element to have, but I don't. And also some of you might think that you have to be a princess to be an Alicorn, but no - one has proven that yet so yeah...... Oh and another thing, what exactly did Twilight do to get all the glory? It seems Un-fair on Rainbow Dash. Let me know what you think about Twilight taking the glory from Rainbow Dash, when it all started with rainbow dash.
Since RD is best pony, i agree. :3 In all seriousness, its true! For 5 years the staf ignored that. But Twilight did discover the 6 th element, but without RD's rainboom, it could of been just a random group of people or, no one. (As seen in the season finale of se 5). But you forgot one thing. Celestia. She can have visions of the future, right? She sent twilight, now the princess of friendship to learn about friendship in ponyville. All of the friends she met were connected with the rainboom. So Rainbow Dash AND Twilight should be treated with respect.
Hatt TheCat No loyalty is very important. What would you do if your friend went behind your back and betrayed you? Kindness wouldn't work. They wouldn't think you were being honest.
Hatt TheCat I see what your saying, but it was never Dash's destiny to be an Alicorn. Twilight had a much better chance at learning than Dash and took it. But, your right in one sense. If Dash never performed the rainboom, the Mane 6 wouldn't have gotten together, as explained in the Season 5 finale. On your other note, Dash isn't as kind as Fluttershy, honest as Applejack, optimistic as Pinkie Pie, generous as Rarity, or magically inclined as Twilight. And, unlike Twilight, she is not an amazing natural leader. Loyalty is, in my opinion, one of the BEST Elements of Harmony. If it wasn't, they would have put in something else.
Hatt TheCat It wouldn't suite her personality plus loyalty is very important. Do you know how many friendships are ruined because they lacked loyalty. And loyalty comes in many shapes and sizes. It's really important.
Hatt TheCat I TOTALLY agree, without rainbow, twilight would never have got her cutie mark, wouldn't have impressed celestia, wouldn't have become a student therefore, NO PRINCESS TWILIGHT PRINCESS RAINBOW IS NEXT
anyways,Twilight DESERVE to be a princess cuz shes magic. so,the friendship is magic stands for Twilight.thats why she can be a alicorn. rainbow dash is 2nd in my favs. twilight is 1st in my favs. if rainbow is an alicorn,ill start to hate her. /:/
I feel as if RD represents loyalty the best out of all of the elements, the Elements of Harmony are assigned to the pony that represents that element the best.
Just think about this, from a young age RD was so loyal to FS, sticking by her side from the bullies. And even in her words, "I'd never leave Ponyville hanging" or "I'd never leave my friends hanging" shows how much she represents that element through her words, actions, and even from deep inside her heart (not in a creepy way).
RD should not be an Alicorn Princess, and heres why. RD has very sporadic behavior, and always does things before she thinks. This could mean that Equestria could be in serious danger if she was to be the only princess left. Not to mention how she does not do well with everyone giving her attention, it's seen multiple times in the series (even if she does have a lot of pride, she gets shy whenever the spotlight is on her).
P.S. RD is a great character and she did do many great things, it's just that I don't think that RD would do well with a greater title.
I know dashies papa had a rainbow mane so I think that he could perform 'secret sonic rainbooms. I put secret in inverted commas because I am not entirely sure if he could or not. I hope that you make more videos brony, good luck at the thing that I can't remember that you literally just mentioned, it was something about school, well I think so! byeeeeee! !!!
Ther is something to do a video about: the mane 6 is powerful then celestia? After all, the mane 6 was the ponies that bring luna back, not celestia...
i think that those were different things though because Rainbow dash got her cutie mark after the Rain Boom and the one for Twilight was just a giant star in the sky
Perhaps, it was somepony who was long before to last RD and did the Sonic Rainboom, and then it was known possibility, but then, from generation to generation, it became unknown again if it was true, and was then a legend, and RD renewed it! LOVE YA RD! (she's not my fave, all the mane six are)
This is a different subject, but in Crusaders of the lost mark, towards the end you see twilight bringing in playground equipment. but when she flew she had wings like rainbow dash. she had wings more like cadence's. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR.
The Brony Notion how do you feel about the new generation of ponies...Starburst, Prism Bolt, Clarity, Turquoise, Anthea, Golden Delicious, Cotton Candy, and Nidra
I just realized that you and I are around the same age, that is if you were 17 when you made this video. It is crazy that this video was uploaded five years ago now.
Hi, the last possibility you told is wrong. You told that the sonic rainboom was a phrophscy and got passed down to genarations as a old mairs tale and since even the return of nightmare moon was a phrophscy and got passed down to genarations as a old mairs tale, you are telling you are right. But the old mairs tale that got passed down about nightmare moon was just about nightmare moon getting defeated by princess celeastya, so you are wrong .
i think back when the 3 tribes were driven togeather it was befor even then! the leader of the pegass pulled the stunt and then she became the leader but is still leaves the question were there leaders of pegasses befor her?
I like your last theory about the predicted rainboom. This is becauz its most likely. Also if your theory is true, then I think Starswirl the Bearded would have done it. Okey byeee
well i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt.
I've a question, When Rainbow was little, She done the first Sonic Rainboom. And reamber that part when Rarity got wings and they burned in the Sun. Didn't Rainbow do a Sonic Rainboom. Saving her, and everypony acted like THAT was the first Rainboom. SOMEONE HELP ME I'M CONFUESED!!!!!
What about when tirek was taking over the princesses gave twilight there alicor magic which made her super super fast even faster than rainbow dash. Mabey something similar happened in the mares tale
Or maybe is something like mix of 1st and 3rd explanation? I mean something like... firstly there was some pagasus legend, which interested some ponywizard - maybe starswirl - who do many research on this topic and prove that this really could happen, but through the ages no one can do it... or vice-versa - prophecy come from some scientific research, in which was discovered, that something like this could happen, but no one succeded in doing this... and years later this was remember as a prophecy, that someday somepony will do it.
rainbow dashs great great great great great great great grandfather? far in the dashs family history? if so then that is why rainbow dash is able to create the sonic rainboom!
I think Rainbow Dash was the FIRST one to do the sonic RAINboom, butttttt there could have been a different Pegasus a long time ago who just made a sonic boom.
well i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt
well i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt
I actually think about the first the first Tony might actually be maybe Rainbow Dash's parents cuz I could have Rainbow Dash could do the Sonic Rainbow maybe with their hit her parents who did it I don't know for sure but that could be the explanation for this
i think someone realated to rainbow dash was a scientist and knew about a sonic boom and some how was a unicorn so he/she predicded someone would pull it off in the family and created a ledgend about it and since the family has rainbow coloured mains he/she created something called a sonic rainboom.The name sonic rainboom was probably created because the word rainboom sounds like rainbow and was realated to a sonic boom so rainbow dash must have been the first pony to do a sonic rainboom.
maybe star swerl was testing if eany magic happend while fling realy fast and he came to an conclusion that a sonik rainboom was real but he couldn't prove it because know one was fast enof to prove it
Rainbow Dash is not first to make Sonic Rainbow. If you look closly when Celestia send Nightmare Moon to the moon, and when she hit the moon Sonic Rainbow apired. So I think Princes Celestia was first to "do" Sonic Rainbow.
Could it be, The Rainboom is not scientifically possible, so when Rainbowdash did her 'first' Rainboom, it was said be to a mares tail or some miracle. :/?
anyways he wrote about a sonic rainboom and how to do it (I think) and then maybe dashie did it in the race when she was a little filly without knowing
Time Travelling Rainbow Dash? In order to get back home Rainbow must preform a triple rainboom (faster than sound, then light, then magic) where she becomes a bolt of lightning and must strike Twilight's depowered horn.
Rainbow Dash then becomes the first Alicorn Princess of Speed! She leads the Wonderbolts and learns to generate Fire-Works to make their shows even more awesome.
but I'm afraid rainbow would think she would be to much of an "egg head" if she ever tried to go back in time,seeing as to she'd think she was like Twilight,or,Starlight Glimmer.
I think that just like rainbow dash's rainboom made the main six to come together, maby some pony in ansieant time did the first rainboom and he/she made all ansieant main six to come together and then she become the first one to do rainboom . and I guess that sonembula and flash magnus could be the first one to do the first rainboom.its my theory😏😏😉😁
Who else thinks Rainbow dash should be the main pony? She was the one that made all of the main six get there cutie marks by the sonic rain boom so yeah I'm thinking that rainbow should be the main pony :)
Ok sooo here is my theory rainbow dash was the first pony to ever creat the sonic rain boom but you know when rainbow dash said she had proven the legends to be true? Well I think a pegusis before her had attempted to make a sonic rain boom but failed so other ponys started making legens and rainbow dash actually was the first ful to do a sonic rain boom do you like my theory?
its "legend has it that on the longest of the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will BRING ABOUT NIGHT TIME ETERNAL" (or at least what I heard)
It's not just a mares tale RainbowDash's dad wich his name is Spectrum streak he is the exact same color as RD but he has yellow eyes one day when he was practicing because he was a wonderbolt he did the sonic rainboom wich that's how RD got to do her sonic rainboom she got it from her dad since she looks so much alike him.
i think celestia has something to do with this... celestia chose rainbow dash to collect other ponies for the elements of harmony with out her knowing.. and why are they all girls?
I think that the first to do the first rainboom must have been related to Rainbow Dash because it wouldn't have been a rainboom if it wasn't in rainbow colors!!!!!!! so maybe a relative of rainbow dash from the time before the rein of Celestia and Luna!!!!!
rainbow dash wasn't the first, but it could have been one of rainbows ancestors, as pinkie pie said " when a Pegasus pony like rainbow dash gets going so fast a rainbow and sonic boom can happen all at once". so only the most dedicated athlete can achieve one, like we can run but we can't all run at 30 m/h.
After A burst of MAGIC A blast of MAGIC happens it makes a blast of colors. I mean to the color of the pony using the MAGIC Rainbow makes a Rainboom and Twilight can make a Twilightboom? Because Twilight made her 'boom" with MAGIC aND peguas fly super fast and they make their "boom" Earth ponies run super fast and make their "boom"?
Rainbow was not the first one to make a rainboom because how would she know that a rainboom exists the story was probably past on from generations from Rainbow Dashes family I think that she just got lucky that she did the Rainboom because she raced the bullies from her flight school for flutter shy then she just went WAYYYYY to fast so she didn't even know that she could make a rainboom so I think she is a special pony or she just really got lucky 🍀 By the way I'm a rainbow fox 🦊:D
or maybe when the 2 sister use the elements of harmony becase when the mane 6 is using the elements of harmony on the lost harmony part 2 or something like that when they use it there is also a sonir rainboom P.S make that a video theory pls ☺☺☺☺
this means the 2 isn't as likely because fore it to be known as the sonic RAINboom a RAINBOW colored pony wold have to perform it if your magic theory is correct
No because remember the one when Rainbow Dash went to the training camp she had a rainbow trail remember and there's another girl which is as fast as her she had a lightning Trail maybe they did a rain boom or light boom at the same time but further away from each other
How About the mane six traveled through time and Rainbow Dash create the first rainboom, this somehow also make sense of my theory that they become the element gems itself to reborn in the future
2. Rainbow Dash Is The Most Fastest Pony In Equestria. Maybe There Was A Pony Who Did The Rain Boom Or Discovered The Rain Boom Beafore Rainbow Dash but they wrote it as a old tail so everyone started thinking that it was and old tail. 2. The elements are conected to all sixth and they all have diffrent element colours and rainbow dash is conected to one of the elements and also rainbow dash's element is red, the lead colour of the rainbow so maybe that's the awnswer
well I watch a video of rainbow dash family and rainbow really look like his father because rianbow's father has rainbow tail too.I bet rainbow's father is the 1st one to make the sonic rainboom.
well I only know that the pony who can pull another sonic rainbooom is rainbow dash's parents or the pony who has the rainbow colored mane but the only one who has a rainbow colored mane is rainbow dash's family maybe they were the one who did the sonic rainboom before her
Wait maybe rainbow dash time travelled just like you said with twilight but just as another person it was reborn making it that she doesn’t really remember it also another thing what if she time travelled when she grew up while it was twilights reign when like you know after season 9 but she did it without realising or like realising after she had dont the sonic rainboom.
Well my thinking is no it was not the first rainboom because in your video where you told us why you thought Rainbow and Daring look alike well maybe what you said in that was true but I think that daring did it first and then rainbow maybe rainbow might pass it down or another pony will do it!
I’m rewatching this at the end of my senior year of highschool I had to google what senior year of highschool was because we don’t call it that in Canada, as far as I know at least 😂
Fluttershy did it. Rainbow did the Sonic Rainboom, but Fluttershy caused it. You see, remember how when Fluttershy said that when she went to flight school as a filly, she was a weak flier? So if she hadn't existed, the two pegasi bullies wouldn't made fun of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash couldn't stuck up for her, Rainbow Dash and the two wouldn't compete in the Pegasus Race, and Rainbow wouldn't complete the Sonic Rainboom.
So flash Maignus may have caused the first Sonic rainboom and did the same thing like rainbow dash and give him and 5 are there cutie marks and people thought it was untrue until rainbow dash people did the same thing makeing that true
The sonic rainboom costed the main six to get their cutey mark so the main six might be related some how some of u guys might think that that’s not possible because the cmc aren’t related but they got their own together at the school house twilight is conceited with her friends with the six stars on her flank rainbow dash got her friends their cutey mark so why haven’t the main six men
Maybe Rainbow Dash Dad is the first doing the sonic rainbow because Her dad is fast and he love flying I think rainbow Dad is the one who the first doing the sonic rainboom
I can't be prophesy because u said the rainbow part was a reflection of the pony. They wouldn't know that it would be rainbow dash to do the rainbow. If I twilight did a sonic Boom would it be sparkly?
really, if there were stories about the rainboom, then some pony did it before rainbowdash! like you said, just like nightmare moon, there were stories but she was real, so...I guess rainbowdash is the 2nd..... And, I'm a kid on my mom's phone XD So... some pony did it first, but we don't know who... (I love you brony nation!!)
I donypt think rainbow dash was the first to pull off the sonic rainboom maybe a pony was the first one to pull off a sonic rainboom in the olden days before celestia and luna came
I think rainbow dash was the first Pegasus to pull off a sonic rainboom and I think that somepony made up the story and rainbow dash thought that it was true many ponies said it was a pony's tale but Maybe the sonic rainboom was made up and rainbow dash was the first to ever do the sonic rainboom
The pony who pulled it off was in one of the seasons episodes.....I don't remember which one it was but it had to do when Rainbow Dash met a famous pony who he said he believed that Rainbow dash could beat his record
first of all, commander hurricane is a dude bc in the first hearth warmings episode with the play in season 2 , spike literally said HE and fluTTERshy kept saying sir
Remember cause without rainbow dash rainboom see all the equestria it's worst and in the season 5 last episode twilight say that......where we came from there is no war with king zombra......so if rainbow dash do the rainboom there is no war with king zombra which the 1ST WAR...
Muhammad Asim2020-05-26 15:15:49 (edited 2020-05-26 15:17:46 )
In princess twilight sparkle when celestia banished luna a rainbow came that might be the first sonic rainboom
think about this rainboom Rainbowdash they both have to do with rainbows in that one episode Twilight did a rainboom except it was her cutie mark or a purple star and Twilight is purple my theory is that only rainbow ponies can do rainbooms and other ponies like Twilight did can do rainbooms too except they show up different. colors so rainbow dash probably was the first to pull it off but that's only because she was rainbow
Remember when rarity had butterfly wings the to ponies that were mean to rainbow dash saw her pull off her sonic rainboom but in season 2 or 3 they told her her it was just a old mares tale so aren't they lying???????????????????
maybe it wasn't even a Pegasus it might if been a unicorn or alacorn because twilight did do something like a sonic rainboom but with her colors and with magic and alacorns have wings and a horn
Sama Jabbar2016-08-05 00:10:01 (edited 2016-08-05 00:10:02 )
Then what was the (ponys) cutie mark??? If the (pony) did the rainbowboom what was the (ponys) cutie mark??!??
Yeah.... how do they know about sonic rainboom? I don't think rainbow was first i mean she is rainbow colors but how do they know? Maybe.... if some one long ago see in the future......?
I think that Princess Celestia is first pony who make sonicrainbow. I think that beacuse when she send Nightmare Moon to the moon for 1000 yeaes, Nightmare Moon (Luna) hit moon and then sonicrainbow show up. That is my teory and sory for grammer mistakes I don't know english very well.
well! idk why they need the 6 cause if there was no such thing bad happenignthat the villans would aim for and anyways!!!! in the part where starlight travels to a new time and she stoped the sonic rainboom wouldnt its be the rainbooms fault not the main 6!
Maybe A pegasi you know they control the weather so ummm you know Rainbows are form if they are rain and a sunny weather going on maybe a pegasus or two has noticed what is even there is no rain a rainbow will form..then they like imagine some things like a pegasus will fly fast and boom! a rainbow will come..and mares like tell the other ponies if its impossible like that..and then nobody can do it..cause a rainboom can only be done if a pegasus has like a rainbow trail or whatever you call it.. So only rainbow dash can do it cause she is the only pony that has rainbow whatsoever...So maybe thats it
Maybe it was just a made up story by somepony who saw a pegasus flying super fast and almost got it but inly got so far as to make a few sparks but then the story got based off of it all but was over exaggerated and got super popular it science nopony was seen doing it it was just seen as an old mates tail until Rainbowdash accomplished it
long long ago a Rainbow colored pony with wings was fly but need to get down into the ground as fash as she/he could so she/he dive down wings in a diving pose but she/he was so close they hade to pull up but when they did a rainbow circle formed around she/he menny pony saw this but over the years it was considered fake, tell one day.........
Brony notion, starswirl or celestia has made a sonic rain boom because in one of the mlp flash backs a rain boom appeared when nightmare moon was sent to the moon or starswirl must have created a sonic rain boom for something.
Okay but like should rainbow dash be the princess of friendship because technically she was the one who made the friendship bond happen between the main six
then wat about rainbowdashes cutie Mark if she got it from the sonic boom are their cutie marks from there ancesters or something? it might be possible for a cutie mark to be repeated after centuries so maybe rainbowdashes cutie mark might be from her ancester like in the past video you said cloe the clever is twilite sparkle so maybe they are the ancesters of the main six so thats why the one that is simular to rainbow dash has the same cutie mark maybe she was the first to create the sonic boom.
Mabey it wasn't the wizard that hired the pony.Maby its just a pony who actually did it by him self or her self.I mean in real life a man did it but qhat apout back in Mlp Human.If you get what I mean.Can a human do it there too with a jet?That's what I think what about you.
Ese video real la última vez yo se que se metió el mundo de las chicas Super poderosas Rainbow Dash y eso fue muy extraño no me gusta tanto el video estuvo muy increíble
no she wasn't the 1St. where would the ponies get the idea of a rainboom from anyways? rainbow dash could have just pulled it off, but did NOT invent it...
What I think is somepony was joking around and making new words and he/she said sonic rainboom and that word was past down in tell rainbow dash did a sonic rainboom
to me is Celestia who made the first but no pony a even found out who a create it but everypony a call Sonic rainboom, Celestia is be a filly alicorn on this time, she be excited when she become alicorn princess she can't hold on one place like Pinkie, so she start to fly all around the land she be so fast she create the sonic rainboom but she a found out is her or somepony see her do it but be very long time, Luna is be too young to remember to see Celestia create the First Sonic Rainboom!
I think she was first because and ppl 50 years ago (some) thinking about things like mobile phones and today we have mobile phones, I just wanna say ppl making impossible things :D
I think rainbow dash did it before rainbow dash, yes that makes no sense but listen mabye the mane six discovered a reason to go into the past for example ugh I got nothing but mabye when they where in the past rainbow dash did a sonic rainboom making that be the first sonic rainboom I don’t have much evidence besides that time travel is possible but say if they did something completely wrong and had to go into the past to change it but then they accidently went way to far back but since they went that far back twilight didn’t have enough magic to bring them back not knowing what to do they decided to find shelter and stay out of sight so they found shelter but before they knew it the three tribes came to take them all away rainbow dash being rainbow dash grabbed fluttershy and took away from the Pegasi trying to take them away off fluttershy asks rainbow what she is doing and she responds by saying “escaping” fluttershy then asks “but what about everyone else” rainbow sighs “we are going to get them back” fluttershy starts flapping on her own and rainbow dash says “wait here” she realizes that her friends are very far away by now, she also sees other Pegasi coming toward her and fluttershy rainbow dash darts toward rarity and twilight she goes fast enough and boom sonic rainboom since you said there is a magic boom also the magic boom gave twilight enough magic to grab everyone and run
Hey why is everything based on rainbow dash the sonic rain boom the rainbow thing they do to beat villains i want to know why? She doesn't even follow her element?!?
brony notion i want you to make a video about celesta and twilight sparkle it makes me wonder if twilight really is the lost princess is makes me wonder if she is celesta's kid just look at the eye they are the same color but let me get the video ok
I think no, possibly, the Sonic Rainboom was created with love and friendship(maybe), because, when Dashie made her first sonic rainboom, she helped the other mane 6 with their cutie marks, and her second was when she saved Rare and the Wonderbolts. Ok that's all
Maybe..... Rainbow Dash's grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents you get the point Someone who was rainbows Dash's Older grandparents
If everypony said it was a mairs tale, rainbow dash was a legend with the sonic rain boom And her sonic rain boom the whole of equstria depend on it because without the mane six bronys could never had happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
Since it's a story I think pony parents would to tell stories to the children so the sonic rainbow was made to amaze fillies and colts so it parable got passed on and rainbow dash probably did the rain boom by accident and then it was proven
wait a minute!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!? the main six got there cutie marks at the same time (i think) all from the sonic rainboom. but the one who was responsible for that event. was i think, rainbow dash. if that is true, how is it possible? there cant be more then one rainbow dash... unless... she used the duplicating lake that is under water in the episode "to many pinkie pies," or... a magic spell duplicated her and they all made the sonic boom at the same time at different places. (aka where the main six are) but it could also happen from something never before seen in my little pony.
No sorry rainboom your first rainboom happen when nightmare moon got sent in the moon and then a rainboom happen when Luna/nightmare moon first went in the moon by celestia!
Can you maks a video why scootaloo can't fly. Well in season 6 when the mane 6 gets taken away Their cutie marks rainbow DASH can't fly fast is it becuese you Can only fly when you have a cutie mark? 😶
OMG!!!! Congrats on the Senior year in high school! I thought u were a grown up....... Also, I'm I 5th grade, any tips 4 high school, I'm a little worried....... If u do, plz somehow contact me. Thx!
l don't think that RD is the fitst pony who make the sonic rainboom. if no, there will be no legend. l don't spell right the words legend. l vietnam person
i think the 2nd part makes the most sence. Its NOT possible that rainbow dash could've been the first,because if she was the first,where the rumors of a sonic rainboom come from?Its possible that it could've been a pony that we have no information of.I highly doubt it would be another rainbow dash,unless theres an ancester,but i need evidence to back my theory out.(The part where i believe there wasnt another rainbow dash)
Me:Sorry RainbowDash! Dash:Aww,so much for being the global world records.
If it was her mom or dad everyone wouldn’t refer to it as an old mares tale, I think rainbow and everybody went back in time to when the three tribes where separate and that is when rainbow did a sonic rainboom
That's not possible. If rainbow dash was the first to pull it off, she'd never have known what it was. Nor would any pony else. Which means: 1. RD could have been the 1st to pull it off, but some pony in he future went back eons in the past to spread word about the rainboom. (Hence, it's a mares tail) 2. RD was not the first to do a Rainboom.
No she did come back, I bet. Like in "it's about time", Twilight wanted to time travel to her past self, so she could tell her not to worry. SHe thought she was gone for a couple minutes. To Spike and Pinkie, Twilight was gone only a few seconds. If Rainbow Dash traveled far back in time, she must've been gone for a few hours, the least. It really depends on when she traveled to.
I was think that rainbow dash is first but no and no one of rainbow family because the sonic rainbow happened in the past but after that no one make sonic boom and they think it will be so hard but rainbow dash make as it like so easy . When rainbow dash was kid she make sonic rainboom after she make it the main six get their cute mark
Aww senior sucks even though I'm going to fifth grade but my sister likes it and it sucks cause you can't make videos and stuff but senior is also a god like cause like isn't it your last year of high school
This means.if rainbow dash is not born.twillight and other mane 4 didn't get there cutie mark.if this is true.why twillight is princess.rainbow dash has to be princess and alicorn
Rainbow dash was first beacuse it is rainboom like rainbow dashes and did you realyse that the name of rainbow dashes band i eqestria girls rainbow rocks.You now ,the "rainbooms"
I like to think that a young and reckless Celestia was the origin of the original rain boom. After all, rainbows are the result of sunlight shining through water at the right angle, separating it into the color spectrum. So Celestia, having both a sun cutie mark and rainbow mane would make a lot of sense being the instigator of the legend (a.k.a. mare's tale). But that's just a theory.
If I had to suggest something, I'd say when Celestia banished Luna to the moon, there was this big explosion which looked pretty much exactly like a Sonic Rainboom. So yeah. Maybe that's where the "mare's tale" came from. After all, that was quite some time ago,and Nightmare Moon had also been passed off as a mare's tale as well.
I think it's the science bit like you explained in the previous video. Somepony must have figured the science part out on their own and written it down only for somepony else to find it later and describe it as "an old mares tale". If this was the case, the info would've been passed around, and Dashie was the one to really pull it off. ooo:
When the Sonic Rainboom was first mentioned, it was said in the show that Rainbow dash was the first in over a century to pull one off. This would make it a rare, near-mythical feat, but not an unknown one. So rare, in fact, that most would disbelieve it being possible.
Rainbow has had a speculation of having a mom and/or dad had a rainbow mane. and they were both pegasie. So they could have been maybe the first to at least discover something about it... That may be the reason why Rainbow loves to go fast and push herself beyond her limits. Creating a sonic rainboom would not be hard for a RAINBOW maned SPEED-DEMON like her.😆
I have my own explanation that I think may be true...Basically it goes that when Celestia banished Luna to the moon, in the vision in the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle there was something that looked like a sonic rainboom when that element of harmony magic bolt thing actually got to the moon, it created the old mares tale.
my theory is when celestia battled Luna while she used the elements she also used a sonic rainboom to send nightmare moon to the moon and since it was thousand years ago some ponies might remember it. also if it was heard of as a legend maybe it was a legendary attack and it intrigued rainbow dash to try it and such
Please keep making ponies related videos! I hope u don't mix both ponies and other unrelated stuff into one channel as it would be really confusing! :)
Rainbow Dash is probly part of a long line of spectral pegasi, few of them had actually pulled off a sonic rainboom, though they were all capable. Due to the fact that we don't know the actual lifespan of the average pony in MLP's world, some say the age of a normal horse/pony, others say around 300 years, some say 100, It's possible that one of Rainbow's recent ancestors could have performed such a feat. Maybe her parents did the most recent one. Who knows.
Also don't forget that it was the Sonic Rainboom who also gave the Mane 6 their cutiemarks. If the rainboom never happened, then Nightmare moon would've likely had her wish fulfilled as there'd be no Mane 6. It's possible that Twilight never would've passed the test to become Celestia's pupil without the Sonic Rainboom, and that'd only cascade into an Equestria of eternal darkness in an entirely different reality with a different set of events and notable characters.
I like to think that the Tree of Harmony lets out a background radiation/energy that can easily just be defined as "Harmony" itself and that's what is exploding everytime a Sonic Rainboom or some other incredibly powerful spell is casted.
Another wild idea is that the difference between the Speed of Light and the Speed of Sound, and breaking past each one has different effects on Equestria due to magic being virtually everywhere, and the Harmony background radiation/energy.
I like the background radiation/energy of harmony which is exploding or lifting up near incredible energy concentrations.
What if Twilight went back in time with everyone else during the Windigo fight thing and Rainbow did the sonic rainboom then? This would fit the theory of twilight being Clover the Clever.
Didn't Celestia create a similar effect when she first defeated Discord (can't remember the episode title) I seem to remember a Rainboom like event occuring.
how does it feel being a senior? I'm a senior to this year it's so weird I remember starting freshman year and now I'm a senior!! it's already November wow soon we will be walking across that stage! Hope your senior year is going well!
There is something strange in this story. If you're theory is right, then the other pony that had already done a sonic rainboom MUST have a rainbow mane. But... we've never seen another pony with a raibow mane... So, if you're theory is right, it mean that pony with a raibow mane are special. Like a destiny. That's cool... But in the other way, when Celestia banished Luna on the moon in "Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2", there is a rainbow wave. And Celestia is'nt rainbow :c
Is some certain pony gonna re-wright history by preventing RD's first sonic rainboom from happening using Starswirl's time magic? Or is she gonna bake the mane six a cake? I like cake!
Before Rainbow did it, the Sonic Rainboom could've been a myth or theory that somepony created a long time ago. Or a sycic (don't know how to spell that) could've predicted that Rainbow Dash would do the first sonic rainboom.
I personally think RD was exaggerating. She didn't literally mean it was a legend but rather said it to make what she did seem even more epic, she was telling it to three fillies primarily after all.
Dear brony notion I asked this on a previous different video but I thought I would have a better chance asking you on this video,will you please do a video on why shining armor and vinyl look so much alike
What about Twilight? In one of your past videos (or maybe it was someone else's) there was a maybe that twilight went back in time and "became" Clover. I know that she is not good enough to do it now, but what about later. When she is older. Maybe Rainbow Dash teaches her??? Just an idea.
Without the mane six, Equestria would probably just have a different mane six. Either that or Celestia could just go all solar flare on the villain's ass.
Ur theories do make sense, but I kind of think that maybe someone in the past who was related to rainbow dash must've pulled it off it just makes sense to me.
What if from the video u made about twilight being Clover, what if Twilight went back and told Star swirl about the Rainboom but since not seeing it it was passed as an old mare's tale.
well alot of old folk tales we believe due to the fact that they are fun to thunk about so if we think he same in the My Little Pony universe then it makes sense if it were to be a fulfilled prophesy
Don't forget remember how she did it as a fill and as a grown mare? And in the sonic rain boom those guys told her it wasn't true but they were there when she did it as a filly.😕 More theories
Anybody who is a Pegasus and has a rainbow mane can do the sonic rainbow. They need the speed and the colours. I agree with you that there WAS a pony before Rainbow Dash who did the sonic rainbow probily as an experiment. Like I said they just need the speed and the colours. Hope this helped.
Rainbow dash wasn't the first one because how can they predict that the rainboom was almost IMPOSSIBLE? they couldn't just say "The rainboom is impossible. I just know it." and they couldn't do tests of how difficult is this rainboom without somepony doing it. if rainbow dash WAS the first Celestial would make Rainbow and the Mane 6 the new rulers of Equestria. (new topic) if the Wonderbolts are historical, maybe the first Wonderbolts were the ones to make the first rainboom. or if Celestia and Luna are more than 1000 years old, they might be the first ones. or maybe they weren't natural born Alicorns/Princesses. maybe Star Swirl was a Pegasus and got transformed into a unicorn because of his magical knowledge. or an unknown pony who went to the human world to keep her secret. that's my theory.
hope this helps you BronyNotion. -Brianna del Callar (daughter of Bernadette.)
ok to me maybe rainbowdash had family that did it first. and also i think that rainboowdash should be a princess because if it weren't for her the main six wouldn't even exists
it is NOT the first rainboom . Right after celestia trapped luna now the moon in twilight 's flashback in one of the episode ( I forgot which ) ,a rainboom appears!
i don't think she was the first one to do the rainboom last rainboom might of happend years ago before celestia and luna and other ponies were born last ponies who saw it might of told it but then no one believed it anymore since it stoped showing up the rainboom
The only problem is that they would have to have a rainbow mane, because as you see in the My Little Pony episodes they show that Rainbow Dash's mane turns into a rainbow, that's how they make the rainbow.
Well how do I put this. if we just forget about the past for now rainbow dash wouldn't really be the first pony to do the sonic rainboom. I say she wouldn't 'really' because if we talk about dimensions here then her genderbend, rainbow blitz, would have done it to because....well.....they have the same past.
Here's something to talk about, let's not talk about Rainbow Dash, or somepony that lived thousands of years ago. There's not much evidence yet and it'd be hard to explain, but just think about this. What if, the original Sonic Rainboom was made/created by Rainbow Dash' dad?! It all makes since if you think about it. That's just my theory, so if anyone could provide facts then that'd be cool.
what if rainbowdash was the first to do a sonic RAINboom. like in the last video you said how it can be affected by the ponys colors, so someone else could of done one but it was not a rainbow.
this is most likely the prophecy with the third theory { A mare with one day go so fast that a light of a rainbow will be made that will bring her and five others together for that made all there cutie marks come at the same time like the seven colors in a rainbow will come together to form a rainbow
Haha haha I'm looking at you ink rose that's so funny. And, it WAS commander hurricane! I researched like for 3 hours and I found a title by Tara strong, Yes, THE Tara strong that read "sonic rainboom".
Well I have my own theory Borny I think that rainbow dash just said it was a mares tail to make ponies think she did the impossible but if not number 3 and yes rainbow dash was the first to do a sonic rainboom
if rainbow dash help the others to discover who they are dose that mean that rainbow dash is more important then twilight think about it without her rain boom twilight might not have become a princess and we wouldn't be watching the episodes of mlp that we love today.
Hey if you remember, there are other rainbow mane ponies like stallions. One implying as rd's father. Maybe only pegasi with rainbow manes can preform it. If so, the first pony to preform a sonic rainboom, was the first pony or was a pony with rainbow mane.
well when I went to BroNYCon or something um I'm at the actors in the story right and they told me that it that it might be someone and Rainbow Dash's family cuz in one of the episodes when she talks about getting her cutie mark when she was a little filly she took a dare from these boy's that said no a sonic boom wasnt real and she said yes it is and so it's probably someone and Rainbow Dash's family that made the sonic boom then she said I'll show you and then she tried it out herself
i started Freshman year on September 1st...not much homework so far cuz we mostly finish everything in class, and we only have 4 subjects a day plus lunch 5.
i think that rainbow blaze did it, very long ago when he was just a little filly. he was so amazing that thats how me met firefly. he want famous, so many pegisi didnt see it, So others didnt belive thoes who saw it.
wasn't there a sonic rainboom in one of the episodes before they all met.....like when twilight sparkle was just a filly??? it was on princess celestias castle
by the way, rainbow dash was born in Cloudsdale(sorry im not exacly so sure how to spell it)and so was Fluttershy, why is Rainbow dash....well rainbow as cloudsdale is rainbow but not every pony else that was born there is rainbow. strange...
What if Rainbow Dash's father could of done it!!!! Has anyone even seen the book that hasbro made called Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Dare, a ( SPOILERS ) mysterious figure says " only the one who have done the sonic rainboom"
well I just think that some random pony wanted to make a sene in equestria bc in very very very ood timew and said that they had seen something in the sky and it got around and ponies begin to call it a sonic rainboom then its passed down generations to generations and nopony knows how it works it soon becomes forgotten and is know as a " mares tale " just like the return of night mare moon it became forgotten and knon as an other mares tail lol dats my theory ponies say something wtite about ponies belive then it becomes forgotten ;)
i think on twilights kingdom she made like a sonic rainbom with her main colors i think it was rainbow dashs mom or dad ooooorrrrrrr princess celestia because they are the only on with the right color
I think that was not first. But she made it as a baby. Like Naruto when he was that fox our what ever. But like the moons they are a long time. I think ponies are too. They live long. And so it would appear to be a prophecy. None knew who made it but it was only a few who saw it. So they thought it was phony. So that is all. Bye
yes she was the first because it was not possible to a nother pegisis pony to do a SONICRAINBOOM because rainboom and rainbow dash r the same and she is the only pony that could EVER EVER pull it off
so what about about maybe piece so that may be like so like like like like like like like what well what is it when you could've got up and aunt needs five more minutes or 10 Bubba will finish it up and then we're going to wash you OK OK part but yeah and a neck and then it could be a cover to be a true fact and that could happen but number two who is building me up and then Nevada story end of Mia pandan we just made it up and originally just cast a spell on a pony with magic number but into Rainbow Dash what I found Reese likely but everything is but I don't have a free maybe next time bye-bye
I really love your work so much, it really warms my heart that so many bronies take the time to listen to your theories. You are doing an amazing thing for our fandom, you're showing that we aren't retards who watch a little girl's show but rather that we are intelligent, creative and just like everyone else. You will be the reason the haters will stop hating us and join us, not because of the show but because of the fandom and friends you can make. Ever since I was a little girl I loved ponies but I was afraid to tell anyone, when I heard about the My Little Pony fandom I found the true friendship I was missing. You're one of main reasons us bronies exist and I thank you for that
Interesting change in the pony design, little different...might just grow on me.
Also, I prefer (or better choice would be "concur with") the prophecy notion. It would be fascinating to see what the prophecy would actually say in regards to the heralding of the Mane Six.
it would be awesome to see some theories on some other shows!! not that i don't like the mlp ones, but some none mlp ones would be a good every once and a while. I say go for it!
I have a unicorn theory. I noticed that in Canterlot, a few unicorns have an alicorn like body. Thinking back, I realized that it was only unicorns and alicorns that had this body type. My theory: the unicorns with the alicorn body type are full blooded unicorn, much like how a human can be full blooded French or Scottish. The unicorns with the nonalicorn body type most likely have an earth pony or Pegasus ancestor, and the nonalicorn body type is dominant. Did anyone else think of this?
I can't recall the name of the story, but I did read an interesting fanfiction covering this topic. The pony in question was a very weak pegysus at first, bullied and driven to tears until during a trip on a train in winter, she fell off and was captured/rescued by a dragon. The dragon told her she was keeping her to fatten up until she was ready to eat, but until then, she let her stay in her cave and do chores. They eventually developed a friendship and the pegysus would practice flying under the dragons' instructions, getting stronger and stronger every day. Eventually, she preformed the Sonic Rainboom, the first ever according to the dragon. At the end, the dragon let her go back home and you see Princess Celestia show up and have a conversation with the dragon, which was an old friend of hers. The story alludes to the main character as being an ancestor of Rainbow Dash's I think. She preferred to stay out of the mainstream as far as her power, only using it for emergencies, so no one ever really knew who it was doing the rainbooms, just that it did occur occasionally. I thought it was a great story! If I manage to remember it, ill repost it here for others to check out.
Please consider the topic "Why do some unicorn/alicorns have huge horns? What's the benefit? How it's done?" Examples such as: The princesses, being alicorns they are kinda enhanced in all aspects; Fleur Dis Lee & Sassy Saddles, being super model or of similar nature. Maybe similar to having longer gun barrel & caliber, giving more precision, muzzle speed, penetration, efficiency etc. to the magic. That could be the case for alicorns. For super models maybe they just shape the corn to be more attractive.
my idea of the first sonic rainboom - When rainbow dash was saving fluttrshy she made the first rainboom but the ponies who saw it were very few , the others only heard it and thought that it was a mares tale. At the young flyers contest everyone saw her do it and they accepted it . what made me think of this was that I don't remember another pony who has the colours of rainbow dash and like you said in the last video when somepony does magic in any type of way which is really strong a they do a boom of colours which represents them.So according to me she is the first to pull it off
I am more into the second option, but the sonic rainboom being professed makes a lot of sense. Now, the questions are: who wrote those professies? and what else did that pony saw?
Good luck with school! You're a deep thinker and should definitely dedicate time to academics. High school can take up a lot of time, and college will, too, if you plan on going, but it's absolutely worth it. Sure, we'll miss a few videos from time to time (or maybe often, but that's still okay), but it'll be fine. It's a small sacrifice to make for your education. :) Thanks for being my favorite MLP analyst.
+The Brony Notion In response to one of your earlier videos, the one about Princess Cadence, I reccomend watching +Ink Rose's The Origins of Sombra and the Crystal Empire then Sombra's Rule and Cadence's Origins. It is a head-canon story, but it makes a lot of sense.
I think that something such as the first rain boom would be recorded somewhere. It's very unlikely to see a faint exploding and just forget about it. Still, they say that rainbow dash is the first to do such thing, maybe something similar happened but it wasn't enough to create the rainboom... Who knows?
well can i ask you something, its about rainbow rocks, well the dazzlings needed bad energi to get their beautiful voice, so is the rainboom need good energi to have their power, but if thats true then i think thats the reason the 6 of them standing together and says "friendship is magic" didn't work
I made a Theory on how the Rainboom works on that vidoe. But In it, I made note about something you might have missed and could also explain it. Mainly, I pointed out Celestia banishing Nightmare Moon. When the Blast, with NMM attached, hits the moon, it let out a Rainbow Explosion. What if THAT was the first 'Sonic Rainboom'. After all, no one else was around to witness what happened, and Celestia most likely wasn't up to explaining things.
So everypony awake at the time, would suddenly see a blast of Rainbow just appearing in the sky, with no explination. Earth ponies couldn't do anything like that. Magic, most likely couldn't reach that high and it wasn't some kinda Firework. In fact, being an effect from the Elements, no magic could probably come close to replicating it. So that left the Pegasi. They probably thought it was something one of them did.
And I can't remember, but I think it also let out a Boom, probably one loud enough to be heard. Any Scientists around at that time, probably saw the effect like a Sonic Boom, and maybe sounded like one too, and it was rainbow colored. Thus the Name, Sonic Rainboom. They probably thought only a Pegasi could make it happen, but no Pegasi ever could recreate it, even if any of them did break the sound barrior. That goes with my explination on what it is, or more of who can actually do it, go to the other video and look for it if you want to see that too lol.
Part of the magic rainboom theory was that it was a rainbow because Dash's hair is rainbow, and magic mimics hair colour. If the rainboom had been performed before, it would have mimicked that pegasus' hair, so in order for it to be called a rainboom at all the other pegasus would have to have had rainbow hair too. We've seen Dash's dad with rainbow hair, so if it had been done before at all it was likely one of her ancestors.
What if celestia created by the first rainboom but her magic was so strong it created the effect of the the "double rainboom" and she never didn't it again. Leaving only the beautiful legend but the destruction was long forgotten. What you think?
Wow! I didn't know you were in high school as a senior ( I am too) with the quality and theories of your videos I supposed you were older! Good luck in your last year of High School! Going through the same myself! I love your videos!
2:37So basically Rainbow Dash saved Equestria by performing the first sonic rainboom, bringing the Mane 6 together, and stopping like 5 villians. Go Dashie!
I think we will learn a lot about this in season 5 final episode because if you look at the preview twi is talking about cutie mark magic and says something about the rainboom
If it was true that Rainbow did the first sonic rainboom, then why was it a legend? Maybe somepony did it, told someone about it, and they didn't believe the Mare/Stallion/Filly/Colt. It makes sense, right?
I'm probably hella late with this, but wouldn't it make more sense to make a second, separate channel for your non-pony videos? "The Brony Notion" doesn't really sound like anything that isn't Brony-related. That being said, go you for having your priorities straight! Enjoy your last year of highschool!
Brony Notion you should do a video on how Luna and Celestia raise the sun and moon. Does it go farther than Equsteria? Does somepony else take the job?
where did you get the art for your pony? Also I think there was a pony who did the rainboom when starswirl was a colt. Maybe before he was born. I think this pony might have grown old and died or some other way and her or his life was put into obscurity.
Do you have an idea of which collage your going to go to? My big brother went to U.C.Santa Cruz and almost got sprayed by a skunk (because the school is right next to the woods)
Maybe Firefly was the original one who did it. Maybe her loop de loop was similar to a rainboom so maybe that Twilight written about it and became a mare tale
theory thing going on,right over here!!!!!!!!! i think that dash wan't the first to pull off a sonic rainboom,and that the first rainboom which started the legends was preformed by none other then princess celestia herself. let's face it she's the only other pony with the power to preform a sonic rainboom. there isn't much to say about this theory,in my opinion it proabably happened around the time celestia was in her younger years,maybe even younger than the main six,and since no one knew about the alicorn sisters yet,all they knew was that a rainbow colored sonic boom just happened...
i would say no because what if star sword (how ever you say it) had a cape so that means he could oh had wings but hid them under his cape. so it could be possible is he did the first rainboom..... but i wan't you to prove me wrong or right
I think there was a prophecy that a Pegasus with a rainbow mane will create a rainbow blast and magically unite six ponies or something like that and rainbow not being the first makes sence too since rainbow makes are rare and when somepony else tries and fails and others did so as well everypony started thinking that the rainboom was faked
Somepony with rainbow coloured hair would have done the sonic rainboom, the only ponies with rainbow hair is rainbow and her dad witch makes it harder to tell if anyone else was the first.
I just (in this video) was convinced to subscribe after watching 10 or so of the videos uploaded only to find out at the end of the video its all over. :(
Ok. Friendship Games is out. It was fucking awesome. More stuff has been released about Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight. So how about an updated theory on Sunset's element?
well what I think is a pony can tell the future and told everyone about it and he/she told the princesses and they saw it and boom it was on a book bit the others did not believe till rainbow dash was doing the FIRST rainboom then it became real boom
Can you do a video referring to twilight doing a sparkle boom (or whatever it would be called) X).........And if you don't remember the episode its season 4 episode 2 at the very end of the show.
Do a theory on Sunset and Celastia about sunset is Celastia's daughter start of with their cutie marks same layout but different colors and when Celastia says that she was her student before twilight but their probably the same age if celastia isn't her mom twilight would of known who sunset shimmer is
When RainbowDash was a filly she did the rainboom and princess Celestia is like 1000000 years old so maybe RainbowDash is like 1000 years old and when she did the rainboom as a filly she maybe that's when the 'mares tail' came in.
What about Rainbow Dash's came close to Making the sonic rainboom and a few Science ponies had mad a theory that if he went even faster he would make the rainboom! 1.they both have a rainbow mane and we haven't seen any other pony with 1. 2 when the theory was announce people didn't believe it and call it a mares-tale
are sweetie bell and diamond tiara related?i mean rarity and philthey rich love money and gems and tiara and and sweetie belle are the same color.this would make for a good therey vid
I am fine with him not just doing pony vidios I mean you have to have some other interests and MusicalHB is right it looks sooooooo weird with the new oc
Perhaps only rainbow dash's family, because her father is a rainbow Pegasus and that means that the ancestry of rainbow dash was about rainbow pegasi and that her family, be it male of female doing it last performed the sonic rainboom, even if it is commander hurricane, for perhaps he was in a race and as he won by pulling off the sonic rainboom how rainbow dash pulled it off the first ti e and winning the race he found his love of being one of dash's great grandmother, or it could have been her, or even possible one of their children or grandchildren
Um ... sorry for the following question that may sound something stupid but this question arises for me for a long time:
Can it be possible that it single pair of Cutie Marks can be said more often or differently from ponies twice because I find it hard to believe somehow that it is in all Equestria all ponies A UNIQUE Cutie mark ...
again sorry for this strange question and I'm sorry if it's so bad I formulated komem from Austria and am not that good in english :)
Haha ok :P I though you where like, 25 XD It's funny because you, Ink rose AND mlpstopmotion are all on their senior years XD But I perfectly understand the whole school thing. It SUCKS. Why the freak is school so hard? And the non-mlp videos sound pretty cool. You should watch steven universe. That show is SO GOOD :3 Weeellll, BAI FELISHA
i have a question for you ( that i hope that you make viodeo of ):
can you say how does ponies make babes and i am not talking about R64 becouse if they cant well ponies is going to be doomd but we have seen babes like cmc and the children of mr and ms cace hell there is a entire i wish to hear your theory the other reason its brcouse its a children show :)
Hey bronie i have your answer to sunset being a princess theory. The answer is no shes not a princess, wanna know i got that well i watch the friendship games preview 5. The rainbooms were playing a song and when they finished sunset shimmer did not grow wings witch means your theory was wrong.
Focus on your Senior year because it is hell, but hard work pays off. Just one more year &, for the love of god, go to college in order to get a degree for a better job. A Associates degree is a great start. Balancing youtube posts & focusing on senior work is a great practice to balance time with one event over another. Which is very useful.
i am using my moms email i have some questions Do you watch ilovekimpossiblealot?What inspired your oc?If you can mouth kiss any pegasister who would it be?Do you like the name Starburst Fireworks?Do you have a crush on some pegasister?Are you grossed out by my questions?
its k dude i get it....too much class work, ap classes ,projects,HOMEWORK FOR EVERY SINGLE CLASS EVERY DAY............sigh yep this is gonna b a long year for us siniors -_-
Is that the idea in Ink Rose's fanfic? I think I saw one other comment about that. I don't think that's the case, because even Rainbow Dash thought it was a legend. She should know about it if her own father did it. I do like that idea though.
NO. No one in RD's family did it. We don't even know if she even has a family as of this point. Fanfics are not a replacement for cannon in the show and until the show itself mentions who was the pony to do it, then we don't know. If any pony in recent history pulled off a Rainboom even if that pony didn't tell anyone, someone alive in the show would know about it and the Rainboom wouldnt be seen as just been a myth or a legend.
hey if u what the ink rose about her dad and mom it turns out her dad was the first to perform the rainboom I think it's been awhile since I've seen that video s don't juge
See I don't want you to be angry but I think you in the first mood you was too Nice. Why you changed your self in the first mood you was better WHY OK! why you changed every thing the first mood was more better !!!!!! I am one of your biggest fans and please answer my question why you changed every thing. And if you but the first mood I will be Happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
its ok u should focus on school its pk with me I don't mind it's not like I'm going to unsubscribe I know how school can be I understand but just put a video one a month that is ok ~luna📙📚📖📔📕📒📑📙📗📜📔📚📒📓📕📖📑📔📚📰 focus on school
I honestly like the third theory the best. I have my own theory, and I was wondering what you think of it. In "Rainbow Rocks", at about 1 hour and 7 minutes in, the Rain-booms use their magic to create the huge, blue light alicorn the launches the rainbow at the Dazzlings. In "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep", at around 19 minutes and 37 seconds, we see the tantupus(?) as a giant, dark blue alicorn. I theorize that when large quantities of special magic are in one area, it takes the form of an alicorn. What do you think?
I like the part where it has been done before, once long ago. A legend was born, and a new legend will come, and RD may not be the first, or the last. She may not even be the second. But when you bring in Prophecy, like "a mare will come, exploding with rainbows, and will re-unite the elements of harmony" or something to that, it gets me thinking a bit... RD may have heard of it, but interpreted it as if it had been done before. Although, if she got the mane6 to realise their talets, then why's the show focused on Twilight? The way things start, it is as if she "re-united the elements". That 3rd theory seems to just boost RD's already inflated ego. :p
Hi, BronyNotion. I've just started watching your videos, and they're REALLY good! I was so inspired, I think I want to make a channel just like this, where I talk about conspiracies and make backstories for characters. I have an OC already (a unicorn who's always wanted to fly, so her friend makes her a pair of rickety wings,) but I don't know how to make the videos! Could you help?
You left out a 4th possability, and considering you mentioned star swrle the bearded I'm suprised you didn't even mention time travle.This option is about as likely as twilight going back sending the windagoes away, but it is still at least worth mentioning.So would this thery simotaniusly prove and disprove option 2(rainbow dash isn't the first) or not?
Speeking of twilight sparkel and rainbow dash bolth travling back in time, What if the other 4 did so as well? For example: what if pinkie pie talked about nightmare moon returning, and rarity talked about "the 6th element" appearing out of thin air
I like the prophecy conclusion, because that one would make the most sense and I could see the writers (M.C Larson and Megan) writing a more conclusive, edgy story about it. One Hasbro could start a new collection of pony toys or make more figures from it. Two it would get more fans interested in the show and fan base. I think this would really be an interesting twist in the show for it could possibly reveal more about Equestrian history and a big moment for RD, shocking her that she was either not the first or was the only Pegasus pony ever able to accomplish such feats of skill and magic. I also predict that by doing the sonic rain-boom could open up a new world/dimension when done a certain way. Or maybe another big plot twist in which we get the story of how rainbow dashes mom was the first to accomplish it when she was a filly.
You missed a possibility: time travel. Rainbow Dash goes back in time for some reason and performs a Sonic Rainboom in the past. Which given that it's not a subtle event, would have been witnessed by many ponies who told tales about it that became legend, and would eventually be scientifically investigated that would result in a "theoretically possible if you had a fast enough pegasus" conclusion.
OTOH, if time travel is possible (and we know it is in MLP), just getting snippets of information from the future is likely to be far less taxing than physically transporting whole Ponies back in time. So prophecy (more "precognition") can work just as well.
i have a weird theory about the show bakugan. i think the worlds described in it are true. the only reason i bring this up is because i look a LOT like the main character and have a LOT in common with him. is it possible the worlds are linked? am i an alternate twin? i am doing a series to try and prove if it could be possible, so don't worry. and yes, i love dragons too.
Good that your putting your studies first! Also when does senior year start? I'm English so can someone tell me? Also in response to why the diamond dogs have pockets full of gems and are obsessed with them maybe they are hunting diamonds? Also i like your theory of the rainboom being a prophecy. The rainboom doesn't have to be rainbow coloured as that isn't suggested in the name. It says a type of weather symbolising that on a pegasus pony can do it and the boom part for the sound and shape it makes. You can to do videos on the weekend after you do your homework. That's when I chill out maybe you can do the same. BRO HOOF!!!!!
I like the idea that the Sonic Rainboom was was a legendary prophecy. It might be connected with the prophecy of the six barers of the Elements of Harmony. Like maybe "and when the Pegasus will perform a sonic boom of rainbow colors that shall bring the Elements of Harmony together" or something like that.
So, BronyNotion, you know about how the Elements of Harmony were created in the first place, correct? If so, then you know that Clover the Clever was the one that actually thought of the idea to find the six most important characteristics to put into the gems, crating the Elements. Well, if Clover was a unicorn, then she would be like Twilight, as both are pupils of very smart ponies (Starswirl and Celestia). Because of this, they probably have a similar IQ level. If this is true, then that means Clover would be the Element of Magic, Commander Hurricane Loyalty, Chancellor Puddinghead Laughter, Princess Platinum as Generosity, Private Pansy as Kindness, and Smart Cookie as Honesty. I think these are the first Element bearers because 1) as you said, Commander Hurricane might have caused the first Rainboom, which brought him/her, Puddinghead, Platinum, Pansy, Cookie, and Clover together in some mysterious - and magical - way, like how the Mane Six were brought together after Rainbow Dash created the Sonic Rainboom, and 2) all of this evidence that I've stated in my claim (here) caused me to believe that the first six bearers were Hurricane, Platinum, Puddinghead, Pansy, Clover, and Cookie.
Remember everypony, this is only my ideas on this topic. Feel free to criticize me if you disagree :)
Could u come up with a theory for this in your next video? Why does some ponys have a different structure than the rest. Fleur die les, rarity's manager in S5E14 and princess celestia all have a different pony body structure. Could this mean there are 2 types of pony breeds? And this 'breed' have a longer unicorn horn than the rest and a larger number of rings around it
I don't think Dash was the first one to pull off the Sonic Rainboom. Someone else did it first, but long enough ago to have made it a legendary move. I think that before Dash, Celestia did it, maybe before she and Luna became Equestria's stewards.
The historical Commander Hurricane was a stallion, as shown in Journal of the Two Sisters.
I thought of a theory!if you remember in the crystal empire episode, they said it went away a thousand years ago, but nightmare moon rained one thousand years ago... what if they had something to do with eachother???
Nope! I agree that RD WASNT the first one. Only the first in her generation, I bet celestial was involved! Because only celestial knew Nightmare Moon was real, so she MUST have something to do appearance of the sonic rainboom
I think they are going to one because if you remember they showed a sneak peak of the second half of season 5 where twilight is doing a lecture about the rainboom and how it effected the main 6. And I think starlight glimmer has something up her hooves to stop the rainboom for good like time travel for example like that one episode of twilight going back in time telling her past self to be careful of what was going to happen to her. It's just a thought but it could happen.
Maybe the 1st Rainboom was sooo long ago so it can be the creation of the Royal Sisters? Cause Royal sis can't apear from air and i don't think they can just be 'Born' (cause they are semi gods) and their manes are pretty close to be full rainbow spectrum (Sunbutt are blue, green, pink. Luna are dark blue\purple)
OK I like your theory but I think one of rainbow's ancestors had pulled it off but no one was there to tell and everypony thought that that the pony was crazy . but somepony thought it was a good type of story and wrote it down for a bed time book and after awhile it became an old mares tale.
I know the comics are not consider as a part of show but if look "fiendship is magic" n°5 and "Reflection" part 4 (it's the 20th of the main series) you can see celestia doing something like the sonic rainboom; well it's not as fast as the sonic rainboom but she is on... fire (?) and fly at high speed so maybe it's come from there.
Rainbow dash basically brought the main six together. Without the rainboom Apple Jack would had stayed in Manehattan, Twilight would had failed her entrance exam, Pinkie would had never found happiness, Fluttershy would had never comforted the DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE!
So I have a feeling they Rainbow Dash should had became a princess instead of Twilight. Like she kinda brought them together, not Twilight.
What about this possibility: Rainbow Dash has a lot of pegasus magic. Who else has this much magic and would have been alive thousands of years ago? The Princesses, being alicorns have pegasus magic, and are a lot more powerful than an average pony. It could be possible that one of the Princesses performed it in a time of great need, but covered it up, wanting to be known as benevolent and not overly powerful. There are other reasons to cover it up, too, but it would take too long to explain. A normal pony, having accomplished a Sonic Rainboom, would brag about it, and generally have a lot of fame. She (or he) would be regarded by the pegasi much like Starswirl for the unicorns. So another pony performing it would be unlikely. But an isolated event, maybe seen and reported by the few ponies that saw it, but not talked about by the princesses. The knowledge would pass down orally, not being written down in the history books, and would fade into legend. Celestia did the same thing with Nightmare Moon. Just another theory along with the ones you mentioned.
Rainbow was not the first pony to create a rainboom. If you pay close attention to the time when Celestia and Luna battle, Luna preforms a sonic rainboom. After Celestia blasts Luna with the Elements of Harmony, on the way to the moon Luna made a rainboom.
I have a theory that the Steven Universe s dimension exsists in MLP. Gems have magic, the are 4 Earth Gems (Alicorns), the Homeworld gems being other pony types and humans as other animals. The gem monsters are Discord's creations.
Notion I have a request for your next video: I really want you to make a video on how Scootaloo is cool the way Derpy was cool in your snips and snails vs Derpy video. Scootaloo kind of inspires me because I'm 10 and I have cerebral palsy in my legs and since Scootaloo can't fly and she still never gives up despite her handicap so she means a lot to me and it would mean the world to me if you made a video on that. Thanks so much!
maybe she was the first to pull off a RAINBOW sonic boom. maybe before other ponies had done something similar to a sonic rainbow, but as they aren't rainbow dash, the resulting boom wasn't a rainbow, but something else. going off the idea that commander hurricane did it, maybe he produced a sonic 'galeboom', causing a giant magical hurricane to appear, or maybe luna did, making an 'auroraboom', but not a magical rainbow. maybe it was done multiple times, by multiple ponies, but not one made a rainbow. a sonic boom resulting in a rainbow was then theorised, and then legends started to grown upon that, as the idea of a rainboom would be considered legendary because...rainbows are rare?
Theory: What if the first person to do the Sonic rainboom was a ancestor of rainbow Dash! Or rather what if commander hurricane was related to her? Picks up pieces of brain
If u want to post non-MLP stuff, could u create another channel for it? Because your channel has been growing rapidly and I'm not sure all current subscribers would want to see non-MLP stuff and may unsubscribe. This is just a suggestion. I hope u agree with me on this. Thanks for your weekly videos and good luck in senior year but post videos as often as possible:)
Notion, I'd really appreciate if you read this, so let me just say that I tried to subscribe on my tablet about twenty times until I did it on the computer. I love you and all your vids. We understand you have school work, so do i, but you make us happy and give us so many story ideas. So please try to make more videos. And you'll have loads to talk about when the next three season five come out!
Rainbow Dash is not the first. Cause in a episode,the cutiemark crusaders was finding how the mane six got their cutiemark. When Rainbow Dash does Rainboom,she said:I proof that the legends where true. So that kinda explains that Dash is not the first
i have a idea for a new video where did the sun and moon come from in Equestria Celestia raises the sun and Luna raises the moon but where did they come from any why do they control it what if they just let the sun and moon be would it go in our time well i would like for this to be looked into thanks.
I think, maybe, there might have been a previous rainboom, but maybe the pony who pulled it off didn't make the colors of the rainbow -- thus it wasn't accounted for.
Hmmm id say someone did it before rainbow, and yes, in the far past. But wouldn't that pony be related to dash? If rainbow can pull it off, she has something special, that cant be done by just anypony. Who ever was able to the the first sonic rainboom, would have to be related to dash in some way. If so, who is most likely to be related to dash? Id like some more info on this, but you dont have to seeing as you have school. Thank you!
I've only seen the Season 5 Backhalf trailer every day I'm on Youtube.. AND MY GOD IS THAT TRAILER AMAZING! BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY. Face it, without Cough RAINBOW DASH, Equestria would be doomed.
I think that rainbow was the first to do the rain boom cause: before rainbow did it someone did some sorta expiriment and found out but this theory is not very clear or easy to explain
well you could say that maybe rainbow dash family is the only family that could do it .. with her generations of rainbow mane.. well with her family generations speed .. well i think dash family generations is the ONLY family that could do the SONIC RAINBOOM ..
I think you should keep your channel pony themed cause you the "brony notion" and since most of us probably never seen those shows or movies you could be a spoiler. Please stay pony themed 😖
I think that maybe someone or some pony in rainbow dashes family like her great great grand father or something like that could have told rainbow about the rain boom
They never said she's the first. Just that she's the only one who can do it. Not the same thing. Other ponies in the past who are no longer around could have done it. It's just Dash is the only one NOW who can do it. Plus Nendalynn Brisco commented "Rainbow was not the first pony to create a rainboom. If you pay close attention to the time when Celestia and Luna battle, Luna preforms a sonic rainboom. After Celestia blasts Luna with the Elements of Harmony, on the way to the moon Luna made a rainboom." it's in the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle pt 2 I think.
Hmmmmmm maybe just maybe twighlight sent rainbow dash back in time and then she made a sonic rain boom whilst she was there just a crazy off the chart theory but you never know it might be possible
My fan made pony is artsy pastel she is a forgotten alicorn princess with a rainbow mane and tail with Orange skin and freckles she is very artistic and hated!
im thinking that star swirl hired a pegis to try the rainbow but he/she wasrnt fast anoth and the story was passed on then rainbiw dash was the first one to do it because she was faster
my theory is rainbow dash is related to hurricane whatever his name is.... just like the other mane 6 and they did use the elements of harmony before the mane 6.agree?
Can a pony have the same as another ponies cutie mark. Why I ask this is because when they all got there cutie mark mixed two had the same cutie mark do why?
I don't really like your new update sorry :( and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I love your videos don't stop and I can do the sonic rainboom rainbow isnet the only one :D ps lightning blade (my sister) is clowes
i have something what about you do a vidio about why is fler del ess being so much whith fancy pants. are they under a love spell that cadence put on them . what about that.
I love the 3rd idea! I think your right about it. But maybe someone pulled off the sonic rainboom without knowing it with no one around. They probably only saw the effect and named it that. Then it's been passed on but i guess lost in time. Thats my theory, but idk. Also it's fine when you just post every-other week or so, school's important :)
Hopefully your senior year is a good one. Like you, I'm in my senior year of high school and I have TWO channels to work on and upload content to. So, good luck to you and I can't wait for the next video (no matter how long it is). As for the video, there could be a possibility that a Pegasus did create the rainboom before. But, it could also just be that it was a myth. There was nobody to document Nightmare Moon unless it was Celestia so it could just be a myth.
I think Starswirl the Bearded theorized that a Rainboom would come in time and that it would bring saviors to defeat the troubles of Nightmare Moon, Discord and many others. Celestia knowing his wits and power and trusted his word.
I would go with the prophecy angle two since the "Prophecy" of the Sonic Rainboom is linked to the Elements of Harmony which are in turn linked to the Legend of Nightmare Moon.
I think Rainbow wasn't the first pony to perform a sonic rainboom. I theorised that the sonic rainboom was a legendary piece of magic that was used by pegasi alike. I think the rainboom might explain how the Mane six are connected and that it might be the most powerful magic in Equestria.
yeah, I'm a sophomore in High school, so I understand the struggles of balancing.. It's fun to watch your videos when they will come out, and I hope you have a good senior year!
If you do theories on other shows and movies, I can only suggest one...one of the greatest cartoons ever, some of my most amazing characters and plots that are the best in the universe...Teen Titans.
You can really tell I'm a massive fan, can't ya? X
Celestia might be the first. The Sonic Rainboom matches Rainbow Dash because of her mane and tail. Celestia also has a rainbow main and tail. She has wings and over 1000 years of experience in the field of flying. And you also said the Rainboom was magical. Celestia also has a horn and is one of the most powerful beings in Equestria. Maybe she was the first...
I like the version of "It wasn't the first one". Primary because Equestria doesn't last for just 1 thousand years and I don't like the concept of RD being the bestest pegasus in all of pegasus history. Also You weren't sure if Hurricane was a stallion or a mare. As far as I remember In Castle Mania in princesses dairy he was refered to as "he" so he's stallion and not a mare.
I have a question I really want the answer to. Why 6? Why are there 6 elements of harmony? As I was watching the show today, I realized that some of the elements are really similar. So similar in fact that they could fall under the same category. For example, generosity could easily be put under kindness, and part of being loyal is also being honest. Therefore generosity could combine with kindness, and honesty with loyalty. So why are there 6 elements? I would really appreciate it if you did an episode about this. I'm really interested in what the answer can be and what your thoughts one the subject are.
I think that the Second one and the Third one are the most likely. It has been shown that Rainbow Dash's dad has a rainbow style mane too. Proving that Rainbow Dash isn't the only Pegasus with a rainbow style mane AND it is mostly likely a genetic thing. Proving that someone in the past could have done a ( sonic-rainboom ) and that they are mostly likely related. Now just because they're related and have a rainbow style mane does NOT mean they can fly fast enough to do it. They would have to fly as fast as Rainbow Dash or as fast as the ( wunder-bults ) to do a ( sonic-rainboom ). Now the reason I think it's also the Third one is because there aren't many Pegasus that can fly as fast as Rainbow Dash ( or the wunder-bults ) and there isn't that many Pony's with rainbow style mane's so I think in the past, some Pegasus with a rainbow style main did a ( sonic-rainboom ) and they significantly changed the future like Rainbow Dash did. I also think because it was so rare ( or never done before ) the legend of the ( sonic-rainboom ) was created. What do think?
But... It must have been the first RAINBOOM for your other video about this to make sense since it was called the Sonic RAINboom. Since their colours coordinate with which colour the RAINboom is then it wouldn't be called that UNLESS she was the first to pull it off
Could have been.... Celestia or cadance or luna. Twilight was SUPER FAST when she was given all that magic. This was in the Twilights Kindom part 1 and 2.
Hmmm...Ok so here's my theory on who may have pulled off the Sonic Rainboom.I think it was the mom of Luna's and Clessila's parents that successfully pulled it off.1. cause in lots of seasons, you can see sparks in the rainbow after a villain is defeated (Nightmare moon, Discord, Somba and Tirek were all defeated in the show by the elements)2. there's a total of 7 elements in the show (Honest, Kind, loyal, laughter, genourous, magic and friendship*) and the rainbow in real life also have 7 colors. (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo and Violet (Purple) ) *Friendship is really in the MLP EQ movies but It'll do.And 3. The Sonic Rainboom was the reason the main 6 all got their cutie marks. Which means that Whoever did it had a lot of magic.
Well, of course "prophercy" sounds cooler, but I think that it's old tales of sonic rainboom.... tales that are told to children and no one really thinks they are true, but they are nice stories... or something like that...
I blame Starswirl. I am beginning to spot links to him in a lot of the important events in Equestria. (His apprentice helped found Equestria, He put the sisters into power and taught them to perform their talents, He showed the Sisters the Tree of Harmony, Facilitating every defeat of Discord, He befriended Scorpan, helping Tirek get captured, He banished the Sirens, and "The Stars will Aide in her Escape" sounds an awful lot like the Celestia, Twilight, and Starswirl. I would even wager that when Dashie performed her first Rainboom, Starswirl was there, using his magic to let her do something she would not be able to do again for years.
i have a theory that maybe star swirl hired clover the clever and yes i know that this would mean he knew twilight was an alicorn but what if twilight did a sonic rainboom i know this theory is a bit well crazy but it kinda of just came to me as soon as you mentioned starn swirl so . . .
Ive got a question.. How old is spike? Think about it, twilight always calls him a baby but twilight was just a filly when she.. Uh.. Cracked his egg open and Twilight is almost an adult now.
you know what I just saw my brother go through his last year in high school so I get that you won't always I have time but when you do have one I can't wait to see it
P.S. did you know there is a continuation to season 5
Wait . . . if without the the Rainboom there's no cutie marks, and without the cutie marks there's no Elements of Harmony . . . shoot! If the theories about the Season 5 finale are true, Equestria IS doomed!
what about time travel? maybe rainbow was th first but not th first time she did maybe like ur other theory about twilight being star swirleds apprentice could tie in some how?
maybe Rainbow Dash had ancestors who did the sonic rainboom and they had a rainbow tail so the sonic rainboom ran through the family and she had the rainbow tail to do the rainboom so that means if she had a filly it will have a rainbow tail to do the sonic rainboom.
Please don't start theorizing on other shows, U.S. People have been watching your content of mlp theories for that, and only that. There are plenty of other show theorizers, and you're the main one for mlp. A lot of us wouldn't watch it if you started something else, we came for mlp, you gave it, and we're happy as you are. 😢
No because her dad (or mom) probably had the color tail so maybe just maybe her a setters had colorful mains and tails too so one of them pulled it off
in some episodes in mlp the same pony shows up twice in the same place for example bost busters when trikcy shows of her tricks and the camara goes to the ponys watching.......
I was reading a Star Wars book and this is what I found.anikain said that there was a CHANGLING in one of the crowds. I wonder why mlp would have CHANGLINGS.
Ok Do U Remember Your Clover The Clever Theory? Well SHE WAS! Maby Just Like That Twilite Had To Go BACK IN TIME TO SOLVE A FRIENDSHIP PROBLEM! So Probably They Did One
Please don't start theorizing on other shows, U.S. People have been watching your content of mlp theories for that, and only that. There are plenty of other show theorizers, and you're the main one for mlp. A lot of us wouldn't watch it if you started something else, we came for mlp, you gave it, and we're happy as you are. 😥
Maybe it was Rainbow dash's father who made the sonic rainboom and told rainbow dash about how he did the sonic rainboom when he was a filly or a adult. Probably how rainbow dash's father met rainbow dash's mother :3
Oh i have one Why was Sunset Shimmer the easiest villain to defeat and not the rest Twilight had not beed in that world and the fight lasted less than a minute
I think that sunset shimmer is celastia's long lost daughter look at there cutie makers they are exactly the same one but with different colors and her mane is the colors of fire and the sun is a giant ball of fire maybe a video about that.
Brony notion can you review some episodes? A lot of the bronies and pegasisters I watch do it and I want you to plz ( start of with the cutie map or something if u do)
What if the grand grand grand grand grand father from RD made the sonic rain boom forts but that rainbow wil not say it because she thinks that she is "so" awesome
What if the grand grand grand grand grand father from RD made the sonic rain boom forts but that rainbow wil not say it because she thinks that she is "so" awesome
I know I am late but in your name video you said there names could change and I believe that is true in bloom and gloom big mack said to apple bloom you will have to change your name do you agree.
Gonna do non-pony stuff, Sawtooth? Here's a tip: DON'T DO ANY FNaF RELATED STUFF (not that I hate it, it's annoying when some fans just want FNaF ALL the time). Once you do FNaF, the fans come for attack.
i uderstand that study is time consuming cuz im a senior too but if u can make videos like twice or three times a month so u can mostly study and hopefully graduate!
Maybe other pony like the last vid unicorns can do a sonic rainboom but the rainboom must mean other colors not just a rainbow, like twilight rainboom it's purple
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM........................ Unless rainbow wasn't the first ever pony to have a rainbow mane and tail, then yes she is the first to pull off the Sonic RAINBoom. Any other pegasi as fast as Rainbow could've done it, but not a rainbow.. It would be the color of their coat. If you agree, like or reply, if you dont agree, feel free to dislike, or reply that you dont agree. :P
Brony noshed pleas answer this coment I figerd it out if u wochch the ep whair u get to see luna tern into night meter moon you see when celts banished her it created a sonic rain boom this is problem y it considered a old fuls tail like Luna's banishment because it happened at the same time pleas look into this and make a vid to c if I'm right of rong thank u
Lots will unsub and I don't blame them what's the point of a channel finally gets a 100000 subs and then quits and don't give me all the crap like ...... Oh he's not giving it up bla bla bla so ya and then your going to upload non pony stuff wow so u wont badly upload videos but when you do I wont be mlp it will be star wars or some crap like the (no offence star wars fans I have nothing against you) if you disagree plz realply
ppl who want attention be like: person 1who wnats attention: "First! :D" someone else who wants attention replying to the first person: "I was first!" someone else again: "No I was!"
Way to go dude! Two full years as of last week! That's awesome! Do what you need to, but keep in touch with everyone. Those are the keys to being amazingly awesome, and you've done it before, so just keep doing it!
I have a lot of respect for you, how you're prioritizing and going for the goals you've set for yourself in school. I love your videos but you gotta do what you gotta do. I look forward to seeing what kinds of new videos you come up with. I'm sure they'll be fantastic!
My theory: The aesthetics of a 'Rainboom' is unique to each pony (like how Twilight's 'Rainboom' was in the shape of her cutie mark), but happen under the same circumstances.
I guess is that, long, long ago, when information didn't travel so quickly and the population was much smaller, there may have been a limited number of pegasi who would pull it off (or none at all), but were dismissed as tall tales because others didn't believe it could be done.
They could easily have been theorised - you know, science and whatnot - just maybe nopony had done one before.
I agree with all of these theories and it's something I've wondered about for awhile, though of the 3 I like the second theory best. It's cool that you have to prioritize your future over pony vids, especially when worded like that it's easy to see which is more important. As your loyal subscribers we'll stick around even if you can't update every week.
Heyy! Great video as always! I'm curious about what do you think about something. So ponyville is basically just a random village in equestria. We have big cities like Manehattan and Canterlot as a capital. BUT with all that happened since season 4, I mean a Castle of "the princess of Friendship" being in ponyville, how did that change the status of the village in terms of "fame" in Equestria? What do you think? I would love to see a video about this. Keep up the good work and good luck at school! ^^ Brohoof!
I subscribe to the first one. My guess is that they knew it could happen in theory but the odds of someone having the ability to pull off a "magicboom" and have a rainbow trail/motif has to be low.
I like a combination of the third and first theory, meaning that the prophesy of such an event brought about studies into it which created a science theory, but that's just how I view it.
Think the first and second are the most likely, since the two prophecies were likely created by Celestia secretly to help guide her future student in being prepared for Nightmare Moon's return. Lets face it, as benevolent as Celestia is she really goes overboard with the cryptic mentor nonsense. That is something she'd do in a heartbeat. Starswirl could have made the theory of the sonic rainboom, though his notes would likely have been lost and his theory treated with disdain since many scientific theories weren't taken seriously until a good time after said theorist died.
You should make another channel to show your 'non-pony' stuff and I am glad you decided on telling us about the change p.s I luv your channel and on what your thoughts are on the show 😊
Ya, school comes first always, so good luck your senor year though I'll still be keeping an eye out for when you post cause I love how you make me think about the show. As for what I think about the Rainboom, when I watched it I always assumed it was someone in the past that did it, before the sisters like you said for number two, but I like the idea of your third idea and how it was predicted.
Well, I got the theory that Rainbow Dash was actually the first one to do the Sonic Rainboom, but not the first to do a Sonic Magicboom. In your last video you talked about the theory that the Sonic Rainboom were a Rainbow because of Rainbow Dash's mane, like Twilight's magic got her colors.
So once a pegasus did the Sonic Magicboom, maybe Commander Hurricane, Firefly or just any other one. And this Sonic Magicboom became a legand (a tale) and when Rainbow Dash were able to performe the Sonic Rainboom as filly, she told everybody about it and they just told her "No you didn't, because a Sonic Magicboom is just a tale" and things like that, some ponies still said that she were able to do it, but most didn't believe she was able to do so...
I can't remember which theory channel implied that Twilight Sparkle might've time traveled & created the EoH; how about instead of the three you mentioned, Past Princess Twi was just recollecting on something that hadn't happened yet? Not a theory or prophecy, and I'm pretty sure RD was the first to pull off a sonic rainboom.
I think number two, and I actually have a theory that it could be a genetic descendents list. Like possibly every five to 6 hundred years ago one of the rainbow family actually does the sonic rainbow.
I think Celestia as a foal was the first was the first to pull it off. Read my fanfic on WattPad called power of 6 friends and it explains every thing.
i have an explanation for this so in order to make the elements of harmony starswirl had to get 6 ponies who display the acts the best so the two pegasus ponies that were chosen by commander hurricane were sisters or brothers and one had rainbow mane and in order to prove that pony's loyalty the took a dangerous monster and that pony and that pony's dream just like in the first episode and in order to save her/his friends that pony had to fly faster than that pony ever could and then the rainboom was preformed and scared the monster away and that pony must have been Rainbow's ancestor
The prophecy angle sounds neat, but I personally believe the previous user theory to be the most likely (though pre-Sisters sounds a little farther back than actually necessary). Heck, there might have even been a prophecy about it because there was a previous user. NMM and the Elements, the things also with prophecies, were also previous occurrences who probably only got prophecies after they were first shown to exist, though by that logic the Elements may have had three appearances, the "true" first predating the Sisters' defeat of Discord.
Maybe she wasn't the first. Maybe other pegasi have been able to do it but it was a very rare occurrence with decades between them. Heck maybe it's a family trait that she inherited from one of her parents (which ever has the rainbow mane and tail). The rain boom was a special talent that her family has been able to do but not many master it as well as Rainbow Dash has who can now do it on command.
I think the sonic rain boom WAS performed in the past, tho it would look odd 4 a non rainbow coloured pony 2 perform 1 When twilight performed at the summer sun celebration her (star boom?) appeared in the same way a rain boom does, except for its shape & colour, maybe this means each sonic boom appears different for every Pegasus (or alicorn) depending on their colour scheme & mark
My theory is that maybe rainbow dash's ancestors performed past sonic rain booms as her parents also had rainbow manes (according to art pics & cameos in the show)
If you are to do a non pony video I suggest doing a review on the similarities of the anime Fairy Tail to MLP you'll find that the main theme is very similar to MLP except for an older audience with a rating of 14+
PLEASE READ MY THEORY!! In the book the journal of the two sisters we read that Star Swirl the bearded had found a spell for time traveling.So maybe he saw all the possible futures (which are bad) for example the end of equestria because of the villains we've seen in the show.One time he returns sad to the castle because he saw the future of princess luna as nightmare moon, so like I said before he might saw the future without the mane six in which all the villains rule all over equestria.So he did something like a spell to make something that brings our main six together.The sonic rainboom.Maybe he tried lot of other ways to bring them together and save equestria but none worked.That's maybe the reason the sonic rainboom is a mix of magic and physics.Physics from the pegasus side and magic from Starswirl's unicorn powers.So maybe the first pony to do the sonic rainboom was a pegasus who helped starswirl to see if it really works to save equestria so he maybe wrote it in a book and after many years it became a tale so Rainbow Dash can later accomplice it.That pegasus' name was never known as it was just an experiment.Thanks everyone for reading my theory!😄
+The Brony Notion I think the scientific theory was kind of accurate but the profocy theory made more sense to me. If Rainbow dash was profaceid to create the first Sonic Rainboom then then someone knew about the main six even before they existed. Or if the scientific theory was correct that Rainbow Dash wasn't the first I would predict that it was some before the sister during the times when ponies and pegasus and unicorn were in different groups, which means one of the unicorns like Starswirled the bearded cold have convinced a Pegasus to try and it worked. Otherwise it wouldn't have been a ponies tale.
But what if it was just an old mares tale. think about it. it could have been a campfire story for ponies back then and not much thought about until it was actually pulled off
I feel you, I have to juggle my channel with a full time job that mandates overtime. I was lucky to post one video a month, and burned myself out in the process. Only now have I really started making videos again but, with overtime, it is slow going.
I myself have been thinking... the rainboom could not be made by commander hurricane as the rainboom needs determination and friendship itself and in the mlp play of how equestria came to be, he/she only had determination. what do u think?
I'd go with number three.... thats the only one that makes sense...not only that (bit a spoiler), but this event will be brought back up in the episodes to finish off Season 5.... dont know which...but yeah. Can't wait since it starts back up Sept 12th I believe. Hope catch it on here since I work 8-12 hours a day...seven days a week.
My theory is that rainbow's ancester was the one who pulled off the sonic rainboom and only a descendant of the ancester is capable of pulling it off, idk what do you guys think?
Ok rainbow might have been the first but wouldn't it be possible that one "pony" in her family could have been the first. Her father had the same mane and tail like RD so that is a possibly answer
Just a wild theory but what if Celestia was anyhow involved as being the first one of doing the sonic rainboom. It's because she has a rainbow colored mane. We do know she had pink hair before she became a princess. Some support for this theory is when Twilight was holding the collective alicorn magic and flew at very high speed, she left a colored trail in the same colors of her mane. But I call it wild because then Luna also must of done something similar (like a starboom, moonboom, ... i don't know what).Good luck in your senior year.
bronynotion, I think it would make more sense if you made your own theme song considering your mark is a music symbol. It would be better then constantly hearing "frrrreeeeeeeeyyyyyyuuuuuuuunnnndddss" over and over again.
Hello the Brony Notion! I have an interesting argument for you and specifically for a video you made 3 weeks ago. " Is Chrysalis and alicorn" You see I think you didn't quiet remember the episode where Twilight got her wings in the first place! Magical misty something!! When She got her wings the first thing rarity said was -"Well you've become an alicorn!! She recognized her as a alicorn because she saw that twilight had wings and a horn!! But afterwords Fluttershy said -"You LOOK just like a princess!! She didn't say you ARE a princess so if you get what I am saying - Pegasus pony with wings, Unicorn -pony with horn, Earth pony-pony with none of them and Alicorn pony with both!! I mean rarity doesn't become an alicorn when she got wings because they weren't pony wings!! What I am saying is that Every princess is an alicorn but not every alicorn is a princess!!! Can you please read this and maybe explain to me why you think so?? I really enjoy your videos btw!!!!
Maybe if Rainbow wasn't the first pony to do a rainboom maybe the first could have been an Alicorn. Or she could be the first PONY but not the first creature to do the Rainboom.
nice video. I agree with your first and third theory, what would say that there was a prophecy and scientists proved based on it that it's true. And i'm 28th or something idk. ^^
I think it was just a thing like a myth and I think this because rainbow says "I made the impossible, happen!" I think it means that it's what one pony believed and she confirmed that it's not myth. that's my idea.
in the one of the newer episodes, episode 11 when the main six other then pinkie find pinkies basement, do you think it was supposed to be related to pinkies torture basement from Cupcakes by captain sparkles?
if the theory that the sonic boom is the same colours as the pony would that not mean the pony who did it first would have to have that colour scheme as rainbow dash?
Remember when you said Rainbow Dash helped everyone get there cutie marks? Well that makes her very important. Even more important than the princesses. When twilight got her cutie mark (by the sonic rainboom ) she got into Celestia's school and that was the only way she went into pony Ville to make friends and save equestria. Twilight wouldn't have gone to Tonyville if celestia didn't send her. And she wouldn't have send twilight if twilight didn't go to her school. And she wouldn't have gone to her school and she didn't pass that test. And if she didn't pass that test.... Oh you know the rest! So rainbow saved a Equestria! Make a video of that! After schoolwork!
Before rainbow dash did the sonic rainboom they used to call it the sonic rainboom, so probably the first pony did the sonic rainboom caused a rainbow explosion, so that pony had a rainbow mane, like rainbow dash's father maybe?
I think Pinkie Pie heard from gossip around town about rainbow dashes mom from scoots mom. And then the town exploded about how rainbows dad pulled it off and named it in his families name.
But in your last episode you said that it seems that when you dash made the sonic rainboom it also can from her colors remember and you also said that we saw this to in twilights Magic boom thing
yeah man i feel ya with highschool i post gaming videos on a different channel but i had yo stop for a bit because i just started highschool as a freshman
ugh. school sucks. im totally fine with you posting less though. if you see this, what other fandom content are you planning on posting? lemme guess, irs doctor who right? youve already made it clear that youre a whovian in many of your videos, and with season 9 comin up in 8 days -squeals in exitement- thered be a lot of new content to theorise on!
try to do pony videos once two weeks and please don't make non pony videos it will ruin your channel But do wathever you want But still i am a Big fan of the brony notion and School is more important than youtube
Hey, how long do ponies even live? Mabey it was somebody in RDs family... or mabey.... IT WAS PRINCESS CELESTIA XD her hair is a bit rainbow-ish... Nah Idk XD
Well we stell havent seen other pony to do the rainboom but really in the past you say maybe i was one of the two princeses but it cant be them but i still think thath when they were little one of them did it
Oh. Ma GAWD.well first I think that one of rainbow dash's... Grandmothers did that as a fool, and.. Well... The stories about the sonic rainbow stared to appear for years and years. And when rainbow dash's mother told her about it, she wanted to be one of the only ables make one.. Or two. Well thats my opinion. And seconde. OH MA GAWD THAT VIDEO WAS AWSOME BTW WE TOTALLY UTHERSTAND ALL KAWAII POTATOES IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO STUDY. IM SO GLAD THAT YEW HAVE MADE A VIDOE (TWO VIDOES) ABOUT MY FAV PONY AND THE THINK I WAS THINKING ABOUT SINCE LIKE...FOREVER. IM A VERY SUPER OLD FAN OF YOURS AND I SUPER LI,E THE VIDEOS!!!!!!! TODDLES!
rainbow dash was not the first to do a sonic rainboom I think it was one of her ansesters that did it thus passing on the genes to RD to be abel pull off a rainboom!
So if my little pony is a children's show ment for little girls ( 3_12) # I'm in the appropriate age for the show ( I'm 12) no offence to any bronies or pegasusisters how did you bronies get involved ?☺️
Ok I get your new OC is your dream, and u wont let your dreams be dreams, but a few weeks ago u said there would be a collab with a with AnY. When will that be uploaded I was hoping to see some puns.
I have no problem with it school is school school sucks but we all got to get it taken care of. good luck with school man. And I believe the Second theory the most
um brony I know school is important but you can still make video on weekends maby sunday or Saturday or friday any way nice vid I love them bro hoof my friend
Unfortunately it isn't as easy as that. Making scripts and coming up with ideas for videos is hard and takes time, and as he has explained he doesn't want to spent too much time doing that and therefore neglecting his school work; I think it's great that he still wants to make videos, but he needs to make sure it doesn't get in the way of more important things. 😊
i think no rainbow dash is not the first one it can me any other pony oh wait there is a video but i don t know what episode was that u can find it by you re own and there is a part that pinky pie is talking about something about rainboom
at firts i tought princess celestia was the forst to rainboom cuz her her is all rainbowish. but rainbows are made of LIGHT and water, and Lunas hair is made of darkness
@The Brony Notion I feel like that the sonic rainboom was caused by a pegasi or a alicorn, think about it if RD caused the rainboom. How does Pinkie know what a Sonic Rainboom is?
Maybe rainbow dash make me something else for something else because I know a lot of people stop I can do say that LPS came 🌈🍦🍿 and do it oh yay for the bat Ha ha lol yhchgg
"Without the mane six, equestria would probably be doomed"
324 likesDescribed the season 5 finale in one sentence
Replies (6)
The main 6 is the best heroes of all time!
12 likes@Lasagne and Mango 🥭 yes
4 likesI actually don't think so the princess of the Sun The Princess of love they would work together since Luna turnd into night mare moon
7 likesum why? and I was talking sam hillis if thats his or her name.
0 likes! …yes
0 likesStarlight was ignorant, Twilight was heroic and Spike was a waste if time
2 likesI don't feel like Rainbow Dash was ever the first one to pull a sonic rainboom. I feel like it was an unknown Pegasus from a long time ago. So long, everyone thought it was a legend. But I don't think it was Rainbow Dash's family or ancestors. It could of been a different Pegasus.
290 likesReplies (11)
+Rainbow Unicorns True, if it was really her father but he died, how would it be a legend? I feel like it was some other pony who had done the rainboom
16 likesI totally agree
5 likesI think rainbow went back in time and did it then did it again as a filly
5 likesIm a broni
3 likesJasmine Pradier That’s exactly how I feel.
3 likesmy theory is rainboom is easier for her to pull off and maybe most speed talently ponies can do it with alot of practice and endurance
7 likesI think you’re wrong because Rainbow Dash is family is pretty good so I think we’re going to his family or ancestors pulled off a sonic rain boom
1 like@Jasmine Pradier yeah I agree
1 likeThat i think too
0 likes@Cordeya Gomez super late but Wouldn't rainbow dash BELIEVE that the rainboom is real because her ancestors is still her familu
0 likesMe too
0 likesFor an event that was altered in time like, 20 times, I can fully believe that RD's first boom moment would have become noticed by those that can see the future. Not often you might see the same event that many times with slight changes. That would be worth writing down as a prophecy.
27 likesI found out this mares tale. "When the legend of the Rainboom is fulfilled, the bearers of the elements shall have their mark of destiny, and after 16 years they shall meet, and Nightmare Moon they shall defeat."
582 likesReplies (36)
NicsterV that’s makes much more sense to me
33 likesYea nic makes sense also big fan
14 likesJyle Obligacion he’s the fake one though
11 likesThat's a prophecy telling, because it did happen
14 likesomg nicsterv
2 likesmakes so much sense cause equestria wouldn't last without them and that is what United them
5 likesI already knew actually
2 likes@Titan 200 he is a fake
2 likes@P M he is fake
1 likeLol XD
0 likesoh
0 likesFake nickster
2 likes@Zaktabyte yeah
1 likeTitan 200 this ones fake
1 likeFake
1 likeMe be like: 👁👄👁
2 likesNic. U watch mlp. Nothn wrong with tat
Fake nic
2 likesthat is obviously not thought through. its too long and specific. and they don't only defeat her.
3 likes@P M uh... what? yes it united then and equestria would not last without them, but that has nothing to do with what they are talking about here.
2 likes@Apple S there is no fake, there is ideas tho. pls stop saying this thing its kind of stupid to say. "fake" is the word people use when they mean like something being a fake version of something else or sombody being a fake of sombody else.
1 like@Zaktabyte and Apple S you liked your own comments.
0 likesFAKE stop saying fake, FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE u r fake
1 likei was getting you back. fake is not the word, guys. the word is i do not think that that is accurate.
"When the Rainboom has come, six ponies it shall reward, a destiny they desire, and a great future they will get." that is a little more like a "mare's tale".
2 likesGood, The guardian and advisor of the Moon approves, hope my niece, Selene, (Luna’s daughter) approves the prophecy she made.
1 likeHe’s the FAKE nicsterv I WENT TO HIs CHANNLE
1 likeF_izy Wolf he’s a fake check out his profile
1 likeHewo
1 like@P M ITS FAKE, click the channel. 2 subs only.
0 likes@Titan 200 how are you a fan of him if he doesn’t have any videos
0 likesNice 👍👌
0 likesAgreed.
0 likesoh hey- not only did this taught me one thing but two things- almost everyoneeof them is probably 16-
0 likes@EG and AJ omg, ik this was 10 months ago but your comment is so stupid that idc anymore. I’m gonna answer half of your comments.
0 likesA) It’s not that long and it’s almost the same amount of words as the nightmare moon tale. (Just a bit more)
B) There is no fake? I’m sorry? They are saying that the CHANNEL is fake, do your research. (They changed their channel name now, but it was a copy of a YT channel)
C) Nobody cares if you like your own comments
D) Okay same as B so yeah.
E) Okay I have no problem with this one either.
Hello there
0 likesCool fake
0 likesThat’s incredible
0 likesi have a theory. so rainbow dash was the first to do a sonic rainboom. there is a theory that twilight IS clover the clever. that she went back in time. what if she wasn't the only one to go back, and rainbow dash performed a sonic rainboom somehow or something. this would explain why its called the sonic rainboom cause if any pony else did it they would make it look different and so, not be called the sonic rainboom. who knows maybe more of the mane 6 also went back in time? what do you think about that theory?
198 likesReplies (12)
I have faith in it.
7 likesDerby Mudskipper wow ! Its sooo good
5 likes+I E +2 ER
3 likesDerby Mudskipper I agree but the clover the clever theory was disproved so they went back for another reason
4 likesTwilight is clover the clever theory has been disproven many many times. Here is one reason: CLOVER THE CLEVER IS A BOY
6 likesEdit: sorry I pressed send by accident
Although the theory is nice, it could not have been twilight, and her talent being magic, the most magical of her friends, who can say that the other 5 can go back?
That theory is stupid
2 likesThat douse have some interesting thoughts but... Twilight being clover the clever is just a theary that's just and add on to another theary.
1 like@Abigail Walker Theory*
1 likeSorry this person doesn’t agree with you they are kindly trying to say the don’t agree
1 likeThat was brilliant it makes so much sence!
1 likeI really enjoyed that theory
1 likeIsn't clover the clever a guy
0 likesPerhaps Celestia could pull off the sonic rainboom? Being the oldest Alicorn (With rainbow hair I might add) it is not unbelievable that she could pull off the downright legendary feat. However it is doubtful that she would use it often. She wouldn't use it in combat as she is likely more effective concentrating on magic. She wouldn't use it on ordinary travel as she goes by chariot. In fact the only times I can think of that she could and would have used the rainboom is during the first two episodes as she needed to move quickly and avoid contact or capture. Also it fits with the move's mythical status as Celestia has let several other major events fade into legend.
4 likesIt’s Probably the first one ever properly documented and seen by others
32 likesJust a thought.....
I think one of Rainbow Dashes great-great-great-great-great ancestors must have been the first one to the sonic rainboom because
635 likes1: a mares tale must be pretty old
2: how does Rainbow get her rainbow-colored mane/hair
like if you agree
Replies (21)
I think rainbow went back in time
12 likesNo
1 likeYes like her dad hair is a rainbow so that’s means her ancestors would have had rainbow hair as well so one of her ancestors would have done it as well
14 likesGalaxy Lover Girl 👧 Oh man my little goodness fucking smack in hell
1 likeMaybe it's Celestia ?
1 likeI think it was her father
1 likenope nope nope that very wrong i will lets you figure out this your self
1 likeyes on that last part but raindow dash would not have an ancestor who has done it before i don't think, sorry , i know that that is not correct.
2 likesHmm yea good point, she got her mane from her dad but where did her dad get the mane?
2 likes2 : wig
2 likesKittyCat what? A: ur grammar there was terrible. B: how do u know it’s for sure wrong if it was never stated in the show.
1 likeI was about to like before i read the last sentance
1 likeshe also gets her rainbow mane from her dad too lol
1 likeThe Kitten Gamer lol I don’t think so
1 likeMore like one of her Great - great - great - great- great - great - great - great - great Ancestors.
2 likesIt coudent be because its not sure. But I like you theory too oo😊
1 like@MultiDebbie you meant you know it haha🤔🙄
1 like@acwck ac it's not likely, she would be to busy to do so.
1 like@Chris Davis now was he really as fast as his daughter though? She could have got it from her from her father but it could be possible that she went more into flying and practicing more than her father but it's still possible but isn't it strange that he didn't get any fame? Well pretty sure rainbow got recognition. But it could be possible
2 likes@acwck ac noooooooo way and absolutely not.
0 likesYeah sure it is an old mares tale, but even though some pony did the sonic rainboom a long time ago, let go of the past and focus on the present. Now rainbow dash did the sonic rainboom at that same time line so she is the first to do the sonic rainboom. Thanks for your patronage.
0 likesmaybe someone in Rainbow Dash's family pulled off a Sonic Rainboom
438 likesReplies (40)
Makes sense... But like what he said it had to happen during the time period of the three tribes
20 likes+Nora Sprague It could be true
7 likesGood guess
5 likesthat's what I was thinking! :)
3 likesheres my theory: if it was part of her family or not they must have been a scientist to know how this would even work. in real life a sonic boom happens when a moving object moves faster than the speed of sound and yes this is possible. we now know that different types of ponies can be related. so mabye dr. whooves who is a unicorn scientist may be related to rainbowdash. but because he is a unicorn he cant do it. mabye scence we know that ponies live for a long time, mabye the first pony to do this was dashies... dad? i know we have no proff she even has parents but this is a possiblity. he must have tought dashie how to do it. thats my theory!
4 likesThere's a few flaws in your theory.
5 likes1. RD said that the rainboom was a "mares tail" or a fantasy. That means she has never seen a rainboom in her entire life. If her father taught her the rainboom, she'd never think it was impossible.
2. Ponies do not live long lives. If put in human years, 1,000 full moons would be about 80.85 years. Only Celestia and Luna, Alicorn princesses, lived that long. By then, many generations passed, and the sisters barely seemed to age at all. That must mean that ponies do not live long lives.
Yet again, there's a missing piece here as well. As a slight philosopher, I took a few things into notice. For instance, the Apple family reunion happens every 100 moons. Granny has been at almost all of them.
+Lets Play Games
1 like+Kaelyn Klatte you are right luna and celestia are not old ponies
1 likeIn Alicorn years, no. For regular ponies, yes.
1 like+Kaelyn Klatte tes
1 likeancesters
1 likeDollLover46 crafts46 they did it was her dad Spectrum Streak.
0 likesYeah
0 likesDollLover46 cr
0 likesYea
0 likesThat is a possibly
0 likesAccent ancestor?
1 likerainbow dash's ancester?
0 likesIf so, It wouldn't be a Myth, but if your saying an old member did it a long time ago, you could be correct.
0 likesMaybe Sonic is even name of that pony.
0 likesmaybe because in season 5 in the time ep rainbow dash said in the past the sonic rainbow is just an old mare tale
0 likeshave you seen the ep where rainbow dashes mom and dad where nope they where not as fast as rainbow dash so nope
0 likes@MultiDebbie i posted that comment 3 years ago before that episode aired
0 likes@Shelby kay shut up
0 likesAgreed
0 likesYeah
0 likesHer dad
0 likesI feel like only if you have a rainbow colored mane and tail so maybe her dad made the first rain boom
1 likeMaybe only the ones with the rainbow mains and tails because it has rainbows in it and stuff like that
0 likesYeah like firefly isn’t she like her grandma I think 🤔
0 likesok my thoery is corrt
0 likesYh maybe
0 likesrainbow dash is the only child they have but it's likely their parents did
0 likesWait but if they did wouldent they know who?
0 likesYeah
0 likesWell....in the end of season 5 the re cutie mark starlight glimmer creates a timeline and she does back to when rainbow dash was a filly,in the third or fourth time twilight asked rainbow dash to race her then after rainbow dash said"no"twilight flies back to rainbow dash and asks her to fly fast enough to perform a sonic rainboom rainbow dash said"no way!its the impossible!and it's only a mares tale"then twilight told rainbow dash that she had seen her do it in the future then rainbow dash flew away so there is your answer.
0 likes@noelle rainbow dash is not an only child she has scoot-a-loo
0 likesYea it could be
0 likesNah
0 likes1: ,?
0 likesNot only did she prove it true, She did it 4 times in her life (disregarding the fanfic Double Sonic Rainboom); The 1st as a filly, the 2nd in Sonic Rain Boom, the 3rd in Lesson Zero destroying Applejacks barn, and the 4th in A Canterlot Wedding Part 2.
3 likesI believe she's not the 1st one to perform it, but rather a descendant of someone who has.
This might be a stretch but I think it was Flash Magnus, he is a sort of predecessor to rainbow and as rainbow said “he could outfly dragons”. Dragons that were depicted as the same size if not larger than ember’s father, so imagine their wingspan
2 likesI like the "magical destiny" theory and it goes well with RD literally being rainbow-colored, as if it's what she was made for.
1 likeMy first instinct was theory 2, but even in 2019, the only candidate we have for that is Flash Magnus, and he didn't show the same flight capabilities as RD.
I don't think theory 1 would work, though, simply because science doesn't usually become legend that way.
My theory :
48 likesLong long ago when pegasi first contoled the weather a mischevios young fill was playing near the construction cite of the rainbow factory . Every day she would come after school to look at it . Her bwst friend then dared her to go inside one evening. As she flew in her wings got caught as she fell in rainbow water . Sge suddenly fell thew the floor and plumited towords the ground .
Seconds before she hit the gdround she pulled up and the rainbow water made a sonic boom. A few ponys saw this including star swirl.
That is my theory .
Replies (2)
Elizabeth Erasmus sounds legit 👌
2 likesElizabeth Erasmus I think she went back in time
1 likeI always had the feeling that LUNA did the first one who did the first rainboom but it's not just a head cannon,if sonic rainboom is connecting to nightmare moon it's to Luna too and no only that,I think sonic rainboom happened way before celestia vanished luna to the moon but like some day before that...please someone think about it:Luna were over jealous of Celestia and she wanted to do something that ponies wouldn't forget,but instead of ponies amazed they scared of this big sound that sonic rainboom does and they hate her more, but after luna's vanished they thought of it as a legend and a super cool legend and in the episode twilight tried to teach rainbow about the story of wonterbolts she said "After Luna's vanished the protecting levels fail" and the one who actually did the rainboom must be brave enough to protect equestria with her sister but Celestia protecting Equestria alone they did have her strong magic but not Luna's pegasus power and this explain why on the Luna eclipsed Luna were controlling a cloud to prank rainbow at the finale
1 likeEdit: Yes i know alicorns have pegasus magic since we have seen Celestia and Twilight sitting and walking on clouds too but a part of my theory is that Celestia and Twilight can't CONTROL what a cloud will do and it makes sense being 2 pegasus born princesses (Luna and Cadence) and two unicorn born princesses (Twilight and Celestia) As we know Twilight was canon unicorn and take a look on a young Celestia toy (witch is a unicorn too) and also look at the stained glass on mlp g5 witch has a blue pegasus on WITCH IS SRSLY LUNA THERE THE SAME PONY JUST LOOK AT IT! Maybe a little while before she become an alicorn? And also the cloud thing + that it may represent the night and day : Pegasus and Unicorns are diffrent but can be together as night and day.
Does all this make sense?
Holy shit. Watching this after Season 5 finale, I have a new respect for you. The fact that the sonic rainboom was prophecy is pretty much confirmed now, as without it, Equestria turns out to be a warzone, an insect kingdom, a demon's playground and a barren wasteland. That last one brings some really interesting questions, as they cycled through all of the villains, so we can assume that the next baddie is extremely powerful. More powerful than anything we've encountered yet, as with all the other futures, there is, at least, something.
0 likes2:57 When Rainbow Dash saved Raratie from falling down the sky she pulled of the one and only RAINBOOM! I think she actually was the first pony to pull it of! Ya’ know why?... because there was an air push of because of Rainbow’s 🌈 speed. I think she was the first pony to do a sonic Rainboom and no pony else! Maybe they actually explained it as a Scientific explanation, a pony never did it so the other pony’s sed it was a legend, Years later Rainbow Dash proofed them rong!!
2 likesThis video is really old but if you remember back in the Season 4 Premiere, Celestia used the Elements of Harmony on Luna and once she was banished to the moon, a Sonic Rainbom appeared, the Mare in the Moon was considered an old mare’s tale even though it’s been 1000 years, whose to say that this couldn’t be said the same for the Sonic Rainbom?
1 likeThe third explanation was awesome! That is definitely the best reason why.
1 likeI think Star Swirl made up the theory of the rainboom, and behind the tribes, he befriend a fellow powerful pegasus to try and pull of the job, but didn't make it. When Star Swirl died, all his work and theories were all published for everypony to appreciate and the rainboom was taken in account as a myth, considering Star Swirl didn't prove it possible.
0 likesI think it was a prophecy. How else would the mane 6 get their cutie marks at the same time, an alicorn is made, and the 6 help friendship prohlems?!
10 likesYou know, i like idea 2 the most, and i'm surprised you didn't use clips from the other season 1 episode with the sonic rainboom. In that episode Rainbow dash says "It's not just rare it's nearly impossible" or something to that effect. Suggesting that anyone who believes in the rainboom like rainbow obviously would, probably knows who had done it before.
10 likesNow here's a thought, what if i could say i know who said pony was. Well, I actually think i do, and it's probably kind of cliche, but hear me out. Princess 'Sunbutt' Celestia herself. It would make sense on both a fannon and cannon level. Firstly alot of fans like the idea that Spitfire would have her own varation of the rainboom, which given your own episode about it being magical would make sense, if she matched rainbows speed her own magical energy would not make a rainbow but more likely something that looked like a flame. Many fan ponies including one of my own have their own version of the rainboom, which are, when well written, usually fitting their character, and are usually weaker. Alot of fan allicorns also are able to reach this speed, which is not a stretch, as Allicorns are suppose to be really strong compared to the shorter lived species.
However, it also makes sense in cannon. Think about this, With all of the powers of the princesses Twilight was clearly the single most powerful being in all of equestria, but she never truly used it to it's fullest extent for very long. She restrained herself for most of it, and you want to know what, that girl shot across the distance between canterlot and ponyville in no time. If not for her attempt to restrain herself, she probably could of Magic Boomed. This is heavily shown in the fact that her fight with Tirek was pretty intense. Infact if she had been pegasus and not unicorn prior to the fight, it wouldn't surprise me if one of her major attacks had been to literally Fly right into her foe at top speeds. However she used all that power in magic based attacks because that's who Twilight is.
While the fandom has always liked pink haired celestia pre elements it's been confirmed that the rainbow flowing mane has basically always been Celestia's design, so what if, when she was alot younger, or just less restrained, Celestia flew at her top speeds just for fun like rainbow did, and given her design and magic, Created the first Rainboom? It certainly wouldn't be that odd for her to create a rainbow patterned ring with her aura, and we know the princesses liked to do things that would be kind of insane to most people as entertainment.
I always went with the second theory, that some legendary Pegasus or Alicorn made a rain boom prior or even at the beginning to the sisters rain.
0 likesWell when I saw this I compared it to how we humans believe dragons exist. since there is no proof they exist (like the dinosaurs) we think the mind most likely made it up. So that kinda supports the prophecy theory you had which I actually agree on. :3
0 likesOne of RD's relatives could have caused the first Rainboom, one with a rainbow main, but none of those ponys from that time are around anymore so no one would be around to tell if it was true or not, hence classifying the Rainboom as a made up story.
0 likesI would think creating the sonic rainboom as a filly would have been the first time Equestria was subjugated to such awesomeness! 🌈
0 likesI have a theory that Celestia may have preformed a rainboom before Rainbow dash. If you look at scene where Celestia banishes Nightmare moon, what looks like a rainboom appears from the moon. This could be just an effect of magic like the purple flames created by Twlight's magic explained in his other video "How does the rainboom work". But maybe the speed of the blast that reached the moon in like 2 seconds was so fast it created a rainboom.
1 likehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5IfhvbvJO0
2 likesTie this into the theory of Twilight being clover the clever. If she went back in time maybe she wrote about the sonic rainboom but since no one in that time seen it, it would have been passed off as a legend instead. But the legend was so..........legendary and was passed down to the present.
0 likesI think the most plausible explanation is the Scientific theory or the prophecy.
0 likesWhat I think could be the case is that millennia ago, one of RD's ancestors could've pulled it off. This would explain how RD can pull it off, and explain why it's a "mare's tale"
I think I found why the sonic rainboom was legendary if you see at the season 4 ptemier in the flash back of the banishment if Nightmare Moon, when the elements of harmony sent her to the moon a sonic rainboom can be seen.Maybe that's were it got its legendary popularity.
0 likesI like the starswirl theory because now we know that he and the pillars are responsible for the tree of harmony, the elements and the connection between the mane 6. Which maybe why a sonic rainboom was responsible for bringing them together - starswirl's magic(not himself cos he was in limbo) is responsible for the sonic rainboom that dash performed.
0 likesthe prophecy one seems plausible, i mean in the season 5 finale starlight went to stop the rainboom, and by now we all know how that turned out, implying the rainboom's importance
0 likesHey sawtooth when celestia banished luna into the moon there was a rainboom she banished her soooooo fast that the rainboom happened so maybe this is the main reason why the rainboom is a legend since it was thousand years ago
1 likeRainbow MIGHT have been the first, if she travelled back in time. One of your other videos tell that Twilight might have time-traveled to become Clover. What if there was a time problem(EQG, Twilight said she was stuck in a time loop for a long time, probably days). What if some other main six stuck with her? Rainbow, Applejack, or others? If Rainbow did travel back in time, it might lead to shoestrap paradox, where origin of Rainboom name and feat has no start.
0 likesI think dashie WAS the first one to do the sonic rainboom,according to ink rose's idea of dashie's background story her father was not only a racer but he also liked writing books mostly about a similar pony version called daring do
0 likesyour idea about it being part of a prophecy makes the most sense in all honesty. I really enjoy watching your videos.
0 likesHey, here's a possible theory on the 1st rainboom, when Princess Luna gets sent to the moon do you remember seeing that kind of 'rainboom' look? Maybe one pony saw this sight and told a bunch of other ponies what they saw but most ponies thought it was just a story but the ponies who believed it maybe passed down the legend, telling it as a bedtime story to young Pegasi and such. Then Rainbow dash proved the legends true. Anyone else agree with me, or am I just rambling nonsense?
0 likesMy head cannon is somewhere in option #2 except instead of it happening thousands of years ago the event took place without any witnesses. So the validity of the event was not called into question because of time but because of the lack of evidence behind it. One pony saying "No guys! I swear I did it!!" is not enough to keep the idea around as fact for very long.
15 likesReplies (5)
mmm yrs u r smart
0 likes+Julia Ostberg Yes indeed. That's what I mean. Yes, it would still have had to be a long time ago (in my head closer to 50 years) but not quite AS long ago as it would have been otherwise.
0 likes+Sweetie Bloom Sure, so somepony caused a rainboom and noone noticed? How? Rainbooms go across the sky, it's pretty impossible that no pony noticed it
1 likeBecause it happened at night. Hard to see a rainbow in the dark.
2 likes+ sweetie bloom gunshots*
0 likesboth the first and third option could be connected. if it was a prophecy maybe it was talking about a Pegasus that could cause a sound so loud it shocked everyone who heard it. also in the same prophecy it could say something about the same Pegasus with a rainbow following them. thus making a sonic rainboom.
0 likesMy theory on it is that Luna was the first pony to do the sonic rainboom. She did it over 1,000 years ago and it became a folk tale. This actually takes less away from RD's accomplishment as before this no pegasus had ever done one.
0 likesTechnically if it was new magic, RD should have ascended to alicorn status when she did it as a filly. Personally I think she was robbed.
I think what actually happened is when Celestia banishes Nightmare Moon, you can see there is a rainbow ring after she lands on the moon. I believe this is what started the story
0 likesMy explanation of the rainboom:
0 likesDestiny doing its thing.
A rainbow seems to be a symbol of friendship to the ponies. The rainboom is what caused the friendship of these ponies. See the connection? The rainbow of the rainboom was made to draw the attention of the ponies. The rainboom probably happened in the past, used for other ponies to become friends, but long enough ago that's it's just a story. Could it possibly be the ancestors of the main 6? Could they help form equestria? Leave a like on this comment and comment down what you think!
I would like add a fourth theory to your rainboom ideas. You're a fan of Dr. Hooves. It's possible that he could have gone back at one point and let something slip, therefore creating a legend. Just an idea.
0 likesI haven't seen the video yet. But the flight formation "The Sonic Rainboom" was at least made before Rainbow Dash performed the Sonic Rainboom. Not the actual Sonic Rainboom but just the formation. It is said in Rainbow Dash's official Wonderbolts Academy Handbook which has some history on the Wonderbolts that "Commander Easyglider" Who was first mentioned in "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3" that he: "established classic Wonderbolts choreography with such famous moves as the 'Chevron Formation', the 'Incaranian Sun Salutation', and the memorable 'Sonic Rainboom'." So while its not directly said that he performed the actual "Sonic Rainboom" he did make the flight formation that Rainbow Dash used to pull it off in the episode "Sonic Rainboom". It would make sense that Commander Easyglider had made the formation to build up as much speed as possible. But he/she was never good enough at flying that he/she could pull off a magic nova like the Sonic Rainboom. And Rainbow Dash ended up being the first pony to fly so fast that it made an actual Sonic Rainboom..
0 likesI think both variants have sense. It can be that long time ago there was the pony colored like Rainbow Dash and who was a good flyer. And of course, it can be that Rainboom was just a theory.
0 likesreally like the idea of the 2nd one, cause i feel it possible a pony has a simalar cutiemark to rainbow dash, i mean obovusly with how long ago it was, imagin in the old time rainbow were rare since in those time a pony had to do it since they didn't have ther fancy factories. it just that old tradition was forgotten kinda like how the windagoes are treat like a story and nothing more. if it wasn't part of a holiday how likely would ponies know about them?
0 likesWhen twilight did her special part in the summer sun celebration in season 4 episode 2 at the end was that a spell or a sonic boom?
299 likesReplies (22)
maby but remeber her magic wasint strong enoutgh
22 likesIts actually spell because you can see twilights horn was glowing
36 likesDashie She probably just was there so it would be in the sky
7 likes@Hobi's_Sprite it was!!! What r YOU on about
3 likes@Hobi's_Sprite spell purpleboom
4 likesIt was a spell
3 likesSpell we saw her horn doing the glowy thing that it does for a second.
1 likeIt was a spell
3 likes@•VOYDE• yes because you can see her horn glowing
2 likesShadow Bolt Prince no... it wasn’t. In S4 E02 Twilight didn’t have the magic of 4 alicorns... they mean when during the summer sun celebration when Twilight makes the symbol of her cutimark in the sky in a sonic rainboom type style. She got her magic of four alicorns at the END of season 4, not the beginning.
3 likesIt can't be because rainbow dash's mane is the color of rainbow
2 likesRajesh Kumar Singh no, I think they mean did Twilight do a sonic rainboom XD
1 likeA spell
0 likesYou probably got your answer by now but it was when rainbow dash was flying so fast to save rarity and the wonderbolts from falling after rarity's magic wings burned the sonic rainboom was preformed. If that makes sence?
1 like@Apple S why did you put r instead of are
1 likeThats not sonic rainboom that was magic, for a sonic rainboom u need speed and twilight obviously didn't have speed
0 likesI think it may be a spell because if it was a sonic boom then she would have gone faster
0 likes@Hobi's_Sprite her magic IS strong enough, she's an alicorn
0 likes@Jibakoma Adventures 👁️👄👁️
0 likesIt was a spell, if you go back to look at the clip, you'll see she activates her horn just before shooting off, implying that it was a spell. As Sawtooth also said in the previous video, Twilight has done something similar to the sonic rainboom before, when she used a failsafe spell back in season 1 or 2, with discord's return. I think all 3 of these occurrences are magic, both of twilight's being made by unicorn/alicorn magic, and the rainboom by pegasus magic, as the prophecy is about a PEGASUS going fast enough to make a boom.
0 likesAlso, it is possible that Twilight did indeed make a sonic boom, but not purely with speed, but compensated for some speed with magic. Keep in mind that twilight is essentially a pegasus too, not only a unicorn, so she has the potential. I only say this because we see her tail pattern going with her like Rainbow dash did when she did her rainboom. So yes, I think it was both a spell and the rainboom.
@Animatronic Alinata I think they meant the spell itself, not her magic as a whole. Twilight is a very powerful and talented spell caster, but the failsafe spell she performed was not strong enough to overcome Discord's magic.
0 likesSpell probably i mean she just got her wings right and she didn't go up and all
0 likeshey guys, ever noticed what happend when Luna/Nightmare Moon was first banished to the moon? (in the season 4 opener) A RAINBOOM! do you think it's important for this video?
1 likeI think the prophecy would go something like this "The young filly was defending her fellow pony from bullying, a race was put on, the young filly flew up and behind her was a Sonic rainboom. As she flew her blank flank glowed, she had her cutie mark. And with her Sonic rainboom five other fillies had gained there's."
0 likesI know this is a pretty old vid but here's my theory :The rainboom was prophesied long before just like nightmare moon because in my opinion we have seen tons of proof that the rainboom was prophesied long ago and later remembered the prophesy as a old mare tale similar to night mare moon's.Originally it was prophesied and then known as a old pony tale of not that much importance. Similarly this could have happened with the rainboom.It is after all the most plausible theory to me at least....
0 likesactually, at the start of season 4, when Celestia banished nightmare moon to the moon, it caused a sonic rainboom. maybe thats where the prophecy stemmed.
0 likesWhen Discord was defeated by Celestia and Luna using the elements, there was a sonic rainboom. That was a thousand years ago if I’m correct.
1 likeThis is my theory : Rainbow Dash was The first one to pull off the rainboom but she really wasn’t a scientific theory scientist discovered Mayor Pegasus that did the rain boom thousands of years ago she was an à Alcorn she casted a spell while doing the sonic rain boom that connected the main six of the last elements of harmony together well she casted a spell it granted five lucky elements from the three tribes together they all got there cutie mark at that same time the rain boom came even the Alcorn she was born an Alcorn so she had The power to make that magic of the sonic rain boom
0 likesSomehow I think the second explanation is the most like answer to the question of this video. Somehow I think maybe the First Rainboom was performed by a Pegasus during the Three Tribe Era and maybe that Pegasus was Rainbow's earliest ancestor.
0 likesI like your reasons but my theory is that if you are right and twilight is clover the clever then in some possible way twilight could have revealed the First Rainboom and thus sprouting a huge argument of wether or not it happened
0 likesWait, I thought that Dashy could pull it off because her mane was rainbow-colored, too. The second theory doesn't follow this, unless the first pony to pull it off had a rainbow mane. Right?
28 likesReplies (17)
For the second theory, I think that maybe on of rainbow's ancestors pulled off the sonic rainboom since they have like rainbow hair and stuff
4 likesmmm but shadowbolts and wonderbolts have grey stuff coming out of their mane but spitfire's mane is orange. orangeboom??????
2 likes+Andrea Ladino maybe rainbow dash's dad did the sonic rainbow?
0 likeswell if you watched his last vid it tells you how it is done.u think any pegasis fast enough could do it.
0 likes+Hanna McIntyre yes but it wouldn't exactly be a rainboom if there was no rainbow to be produced by a rainbow mane
0 likes@Farhana Khan good point
0 likes+ScareCr3w my theory is that celestia was the one who used the sonic rainboom since it would fit with her mane and maybe she used it when she used the elements to sent Luna to the moon as a special attack that threw her into the moon so you're right about the mane and since it was a thousand years ago ponies would mostly remember it as a legend that sparked rainbow dash's attention
1 likeMaybe all Pegasus magic is rainbow coloured? maybe rainbow just has more of it, which would explain why she's the only pony we have seen with a rainbow mane and the other pony's would be coloured like other pony's because they don't have enough magic to make it significant. Like a Pegasus' speed could depend on how much magic it has which would mean that another pony with a similar amount of magic did it. maybe they are just so rare that they are born once in a thousand years or something. my theory can still support the others saying she's an exception and no other Pegasus was ever born that way.
1 likeAdding I Agree, Her Mane And The Wind Clashes. The Reston Bcs The Rainbow Fades Away Bcs Of The Heavy Wind.
0 likes+Zuzia Kwiatek Maybe Rainbow has so much magic, (considering she has the element of loyalty) her mane is rainbow?
0 likes+ScareCr3w The first time I saw her do it I thought her mane was growing.:)
0 likesI get it maybe only ponies with rainbow manes can do a sonic rain boom?
0 likes@Sheri and Dan Hilker that's what I said in my theory. ( except I forgot to add the element of loyalty part.
0 likesRainbow dashes ANCESTORS!! OF COURSE!!
1 likeYes!!!
0 likesActually the first Rainboom was not made by a pegaus but by an Alicorn. Princess Celestia To be exact. when twilight has to figure out what's wrong(this was the tree of harmony episode) in the scene when Celestia banishes Luna to the moon, with the elements and the banish spell, she created the Rainboom which a few saw and everyone thought It was a myth
0 likesYeah... The first pony to pull of a sonic rainboom had to have had a RAINBOW MANE!!!!!
0 likesIf this was the 1st rainboom, wow! 👏
0 likesA few minutes later...
"Let's give a round of applause to Rainbow Dash for winning the world olympic record!" (If you get what I mean...)
I believe that now, with the s5 finale, the last theory is the most likely
0 likesi agree with ScareCr3w,Swettie Bloom,Maximum Mayhem,xPixelMeGamerx,iloveowls90,Bonnietelo Cole,Gwen Skulls,Forest Grump,Noel Klich,Christian Smith, & Natalie Hinman's theories & or comments. but i gotta say, that i totally agree with all you're guys's theories about one of rainbow's relatives doing a sonic rainboom long ago.
0 likesI honestly think it was an older relative of Rainbow Dash's who did the first rainboom. Because whenever anyone is going at a speed really fast their tail color is what shows as they zoom. And since it's called the" "Rain"(rainbow) boom, someone with a rainbow tail had to have done it for it to even be a legend. Cause it could've been the Grayboom if someone with a gray tail did it. So it must've been a person with a rainbow tail. So an older relative of Rainbow's who did the first rainboom in the past really does make sense. And in a case Rainbow may have inherited a special gene that allowed her to do it. This trait may have died out for the past generations in Rainbow's family until she was born. I mean her cutie mark practically says it all too.
0 likesWhat about when Celetia banished Luna to the moon. A blast almost identical to the sonic rainboom occured when this happened. So, doesn't that mean there can be more than one way of making a rainboom?
0 likesI like third explanation the most
4 likesI have a theory!
0 likesHow did the other ponies know that rainboom is real?
Rainbow Dash seems to gain her speed and agility from her parents,ancestors etc.So just a head Canon probably one of her ancestors had pulled off a rainboom and as you said,prophecy...so probably the ancestors pulled off that rainboom that caused a harmony with his/her friends? And that's how rainbow dash pulled one that's important?
0 likesFocus on your studies more than your channel. As a High school graduate and a college sophomore I can safely say that your senior year will be the toughest of your grade school years and requires much of your attention. Uploading a video every other week can be a good solution to keeping you channel up to date. I will throw the suggestion out there to you to upload a video either at the end of your day on Friday or in the morning on one of the weekends. This way you can devote the work week to your studies. It will only get harder from here, but I know you'll do just fine. :) /)
4 likesI don’t think the lore requires raindash to be the first, just that the bearers of harmony would coincide with a rainboom
0 likesI think it’s was a prophesy. The Rainboom was an important part to bring the Mane Six together. Without it Equestria would have been under the control of the evil villains. So it’s important enough to have a prophecy about. That’s what I think 🙂🙂🙂
0 likesI would love to see an mlp episode about this.
0 likesStar swirl the bearded could have wiped up a spell that lifted him up, and he could have done one.
0 likesI'm glad to see your priorities are straight. School's far more important than entertaining us.
7 likesP.S. I might have to see if I can come up with a good fic about the first rainboom. I'll let you know if I do.
Replies (2)
Maybe her parents hasnt pulled the rainboom off but they asked her child to try, rd hasnt pulled it off but then, when she felt she was pulling it off, she continued. Maybe rd's great great great great great great great (and more great) grandparents has pulled this off before!
0 likesor another distant relative
0 likesI love your intro, I love your OC, I love your videos, I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL!!!
0 likesI believe one of Rainbow's ancestor did the rainboom! And nobody believed her/him, so it was known as a fairy tale, until Rainbow Dash did it.
0 likesHi TBN! I have a few questions:
0 likes1. Why is Pinkies family the only know family that has a last name (Pie)? 2. Are there human versions of the elements? My sister thought that RD had an element (at EGH), and said it was the belt she wore, and pinkie's was the ballon earrings. She asked me if she was right, and what the other human versions of the elements were, but I don't know. 3. Is Starswirl really dead? Did he take new life on the form of the Shadow Pony? If so, why'd he become evil all of a sudden? Where has he been all these years? If not, who IS the shadow pony?
Hope I didn't ask too many questions, but they really perplexed me, and I would appreciate if you helped me figure this out. Bring out! ^ ^
I think RD started the Sonic Rainboom. She does after all have Rainbow in her name. It's logical if you say it was RD's Dad, because he also has a rainbow mane. I think RD created the first Sonic Rainboom. Idk, that's all that I could think of.
0 likesFocus on your studies, they are most important especially your senior year. A video once a month will be enough for us fans who understand. Enjoy your senior year of high school, you're gonna miss being there once you're out. I'm 23 now and I miss the simplicity of high school. /)
16 likesReplies (1)
I understand and it's OK with me. But if you were here once a week I would have something to watch I don't have anything to watch because I already watched everything I like! But focus on school that's more important.
0 likesOne of your theories said that clover the clever was actually Twilight sparkle so when twilight back in time as clover the Clever she could have found someone one like as fast as Rainbow dash to perform the Sonic rainboom in the past
1 likeActually in season 4 when celstia banshed Luna to the moon and there was a rainboom kinda thing formed
2 likesI also found out another theory that I think will go very well with this story in the olden times a mayor did this boom the last six got there cutie mark I was your destiny they met 16 years later they defeated a great evil became history/ this is the same theory that. Happened in the show The mayor tail is that once Every six years six Lucky Folls Would get their mark of destiny and then 16 years later they would have to defeat night mare moon I would be connected as not only as equestrians heroes but Also Friends
0 likesi believe that ponies thought of this a mares tail, but it was proven before. ponies have forgotten about the fact it has happened before. rainbow dash was a colt when she pulled it off. the rainboom could be a 'story' passed down so she will work hard. but the fact still remains that only rainbow dash was the only one we KNOW by the show was able to pull it off. the reaction of the other ponies every time she does the sonic rainboom shos that ponies really do think it was just a mares tail, proven true.
0 likesI think Rainbow ISN'T the first pony to pull off a sonic rainboom. I also think Rainbow Dash is a descendant of the first to pull off a sonic rainboom. Think about it: If Rainbow Dash is a descendant of the first pony to pull off a rainboom, their skills could be passsed down until they got to Rainbow! It's just that nopony in her family had go e that fast since that pony until their great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter, Rainbow Dash!
28 likesI think the rainboom proves that there is a magic element to pegisi their flight and walking on clouds after all Tearak did steal flight.
0 likesI like how it's prophesied like you said Nightmare Moon was thought to be an old mares tale or made up prophesy that was real
0 likesI think Rainbowdash is a descendant of the pony who achieved the first rainboom. Seeing as her father has a rainbow mane, perhaps that aspect of a pony helps with making a rainboom... well RAINBOW.
0 likesSomething that is making me curious is that did the elements of harmony connecta the main 6 or was it the rainboom and their cutie marks i think you'll need to watch season 4 and 5 endings to understand what i mean
0 likesRainbow was the first. She’s always the winner 💁♀️
1 likeI've got a theory as well, even if its late, maybe, Rainbow wasn't the first one to pull off a sonic rainboom, maybe someone related to her from the olden days? Maybe that's why only she knows about it?
0 likesits funny that you mentioned the significance of the rainboom considering the end of season 5 :)
0 likesI personally think that the prophecy is the most likely one to be cannon due to past prophecies in the show, the whole thing about it being a scientific theory makes the most sense and the one about rainbow dash not being the first seems unlikely due to how well many events appear to be documented in equestria, especially something as big as that.
0 likesWhat if Sonic Rainbooms are different...
111 likesI mean Rainbow Dash made it "rainbow". But in one episode Twilight did it too. It was purple and pink not rainbow.
Replies (18)
HaruMaki yeah
0 likesWhat episode
2 likeskitty paws Twilights KIngDom
0 likesharumaki v
0 likeshe said that in scientific rainboom vid
0 likesharumaki no twilight broke the sound barrier you dumb ass she didn’t do the sonic boom smh are you even watching the show properly
2 likesSHAZIA ZARA BINTI ISRAR AHMAD - THANK you someone who watches the show properly. and btw its sonic boom
0 likesharumaki I never new
0 likestsuyu asui Kid, ‘Dumb Ass` Wasn’t Needed In That Sentence. Hmph, Kids.
1 likeSpotted’ Leaf THANK YOU
0 likestis true you I was led to evidence that a pony from the wonder bolts did a wonder bolt colord one
1 likeThat's true! I remember that as soon as I read your comment! The episode is Twilights Kingdom part 1 or 2
0 likesThat's upright RUDE! Why?! Why would you say that?! She was just showing her explinaition
0 likesAlicorn*
0 likesIKR
0 likesharumaki The Brony Notion talked about that in a different episode
0 likes@Tsuyu asui That was rude of you to say..
0 likesIt wasn’t really a sonic rainboom though, besides she had all of the princesses magic. Without it she wouldn’t of done it.
0 likesThis was NOT the first rainboom if you see s1 ep1 you see that when Celestia banished Nightmare Moon, to the moon there was a rainboom.
1 likethis is my theory
Turns out it was celestia to do a rain boom because she old enough to be in a mares tail and she has great wing power and magic could help her too
0 likesI think your right about it being a scientific theory and rainbow unknowingly proved and since they didn’t know that it would happen it was a mares tail
0 likesI actually like the first explanation
1 likeI think you're going the best way because if the first pony was say for example Derby so she would fly so hard and fast 💨 you wouldn't believe your eyes 👀 maybe she was practicing flying by 📚 she would become the fastest pony in ponyVille but rainbow dash is
0 likesI think the concept of sonic rainboom was created by them just the way we thought of unicorns,fairies and the concept of magic
0 likesIf you have time after studies maybe you could do more videos and in my opnion I believe that it is the third, sense Ranibow said about the legend and each leyend has it's own prophecy
0 likesRainbow dash might have made the whole rainboom thing reality. Now hear me out! In the return of starlight glimmer. Twilight goes back in time to the day when rainbow pulls of a sonic rainboom for the first time and rainbow thinks the rainboom thing is a silly old tale but the point is... It was a silly story passed on by generation until surprise rainbow dash pulled it off. Rainbooms look a lot like rainbow's cutie mark and her name and hair color kind of goes to show that rainbow is a very special pony for the history of rainbooms!
0 likesIt makes sense that she wasn't the first, I mean, genetics
25 likesReplies (8)
Maximus mayhem Ikr maybe one of rainbow dashes ancestor was the "first one" to pull it off
0 likesThis is actually a really good add-on to the Hearths Warming Eve theory.
0 likesDoctor dogs GOD DAMMIT that's what I said you win (sigh)
0 likes+jose hernandez don't worry, you still had the same idea, k
0 likesK 😃
0 likes+Maximum Mayhem j
0 likesKiera Thompson what ???
0 likes+jose hernandez rainbow dash I think
0 likesThe real questions we should be asking is when,where,why, and who predicted the prophecy?
0 likesI think that if someone did it before rainbow dash, it would be gusty the great, that sounds reasonable, right? It wouldn't be a full rainbow, but it would probably be at least multiple colors, after all I don't think that grogar would want to depict her in any flattering light.
0 likesMaybe Starswirl studied pegasi magic and gave theory about sonic rainboom but no pegasi who lived in his time managed to fly with such high speed, so theory became just a theory and noone thought it's true to the point when Rainbowdash actually proved theory to be true
0 likesWith the season 5 finale it makes sense that the rainboom should be profisised
0 likes+The Brony Notion
5 likesIf you have seen the recent episode "Rarity Investigates" you would know there is a character named "Wind Rider" who broke a record in the Mustang Marathon. Then Spitfire said "Rainbow Dash might actually beat his record" which is implying that Wind Rider was faster than Rainbow Dash at one point. Please make a video about this and if you do, shout out for my theory??? Thx
Replies (3)
+Christian Smith not bad.....
1 like@Srinivasan Mahabhashyam Really!!??? I've never made a theory before!! 😄😄😄😄😄
0 likes@Christian Smith It makes sense so I would like to see an episode on it...
0 likesI like the prophecy fulfilled Theory also PS thank you for the Trek pun I'm a huge Star Trek and that made my day also no Rainbow Dash was so not the first one to pull it off and on another note you know how you were talking about that Alicorn civilization well maybe other Alicorns came in disguise as normal ponies Earth ponies pegasi unicorn and one of them pulled off a Sonic Rainboom or sonic magic boom because I mean come on yeah yeah
0 likesThe prophecy explanation is a more...logical explanation. For example, the prophecy might have said something about a loyal and determined Pegasus, and an intervention with speed and magic.
0 likesOh, theroy 2 suits me! As 4 ze pony who did the real first S.R.B. It was my fan pony, Wind Feather!
0 likesI believe that the Rainboom was a prophecy and that RD was the first to pull it off.
0 likesI hope your senior year is awesome!
20 likesReplies (12)
Thank you! :D
1 like+The Brony Notion
+The Brony Notion I have an idea. What if other ponies had created other special magical explosions or effects. They had many in the past an current times. Lightning effects, firework magic effects. Many effects existed but no one ever was able to make a Rainboom before, some believed someday a Pony could create a Sonic Rainboom while others believed that what they had seen already was the best they could do, the Wonderbolts effect and Lightning Dusts Lightning effect.
0 likesLol last year my brother just graduated
0 likesLol my oc is the mare that did the first rainboom.. I put it in my bio😎
0 likes+Ella Dambergs my oc is lunas daughter bow please i am a princses!!
0 likesElla Your oc is Mary sue
0 likes+Katie Mansfield
0 likesMary sue as well.
+Ella Dambergs Agreed, you have a Mary Sue.
0 likes+Cinnamon Punch next year my sis is
0 likesActually Rainbow did the rainboom first. When she was a filly. Back then no one know what a rainboom is. After Rainbow did it that’s when it become a mare tail. And she brought it back in season 1 ep 16.
0 likes"Without the Mane 6, Equestria would be DOOMED."
1 likeOh boy, that phrase didn't aged well!! Like, AT ALL 😂😂😂😂
I think rainbow dash was the first ever pony to do the rainboom! [and btw this is the story of how she did it] so one day rainbow dash when she was a filly she went to the race, and she was in the lead when suddenly... WHOOSH! she flew off the track down towards the ground, and she was so fast that she made a ring of rainbow that was created by velocity [with flutter shy doing the same thing accept she got with animals] and then rainbow dash flew up into the air and then she just fell the end... hope you like this fan theory about yo question [ vuo / winky face] [does jay winky face voice]
0 likesIn the cutie re-mark, twilight goes back and tries to talk to rainbow dash telling her to do a sonic rain boom. What if someone else from the future had went farther back in time and perhaps got stuck there and started telling stories? On of which was about the “first sonic rain boom” by rainbow dash. So she was actually the ones in the old mare’s tails if that makes sense
0 likes2:16 he explains last episode of season 5
15 likesReplies (1)
"Without the main six Equestria would be doomed" little does he know he's right about everything...
0 likesI think the option that Rainbow Dash wasn't actually the first to pull of a rainboom is the most logical one. I don't think a scientist would be able to convince enough ponies that their theory is right, scientists have hard time in magical worlds. As for the prophecy, now that the show is officially over I can safely say that there is no prophecy regarding the mane 6, otherwise we would have heard about it.
0 likesBut if somepony else did the rainboom before, why is it called rainboom and not purpleboom or whatever the pegasus' color was? Well, it's not THAT crazy to assume there were rainbow-maned pegasi before RD. After all her father has it and so does Rainbow Blaze. And it wasn't necessarily a rainbow mane! It could have been anything colorful enough to look like a rainbow of sort. I personally like to think the first rainboom was red, yellow and blue, just like RD's cutie mark.
I know when and how it happened:Dashie's dad!Because well,if you've seen her Dad's cutie mark...you get the point.
0 likesWhat if the pillars like star swirl and that group came together because of the first sonic rainboom? Does that make sense
0 likesThank you tablet for notification. I hope if you can't keep up at least once every other week try at least once a month so you have more time to focus on school. I think school is important. Just saying 😁
17 likesReplies (7)
Thanks for understanding :)
1 like+The Brony Notion your welcome
1 like+The Brony Notion if i may ask is it like every 2-3 weeks? i know school is a lot more important but just wondering at least its not like 2 months or something ya know? :D
1 likeThat is true.I agree with what you think.
0 likes+The Brony Notion I actally found out from Ink Rose's video, RD's parent's, that her dad did the SRB way before she egsisted
0 likes+The Brony Notion You should do a video probably every Sunday or Saturday. 😁
1 likePS
I don't like Doctor Who. Sorry.😀
+The Brony Notion could you make a vid with no pony oc character just you in real life for next vid please?
0 likesRainbow Dash was the first to pull up a sonogram boo the person who thought sonogram bone was fake they made a sonogram boom up but then Rainbow Dash came in and did a sonic rainbow which makes sense because it actually doesn’t make it the person who made the sonogram boom tell a lie
1 likeMy theory: long time ago, I don't think rainbow dash didn't pull the sonic rainboom , I think it was rainbow's great great great grandpa
1 likeOr maybe; not
Maybe some pony made the Rainboom up as a bedtime story, but then Rainbow Dash actually proved the impossible and the unthinkable by pulling it off
0 likesmy theory is that some scientists or star swirl the bearded came up with the mare tale by using science he said it was possible but maybe no one was ever able to do it because they werent able to go as fast or they gave up another theory is that its like a rumour it might have been something different and somepony twisted it then another on and another until it went to the sonic rainboom
0 likesif dashie hadnt done the sonic rainboom the mane six wouldn't have been brought together, mane six woudnt be new barriers of the elaments of harmony,elements of harmony (and finishing a powerful spell,which might I add could have not only switched destiny's but destroyed equestria) wouldn't have a princess of friendship and princess of friendship wouldnt discover's human world because sunset shimmer won't get a crown cause twilight wouldn't have one seeing as to she'd need to be a princess and the crown signify's her royalty so add it all up and it just makes sense that rainbow dash is the main character
11 likesReplies (20)
only my opinion
0 likesThat's not opinion; that's facts and theory.
0 likes+Kaelyn Klatte ohh sorry just me forgetting the difference's xD
0 likeslol no. It can be an opinion, but you're right actually. Your facts build an amazing theory.
1 likeI 100 •\° agree with you,but besides the fact that it's all about rainbow dash and so is the video,what does it have to do with the video?
0 likes@Luqman Kareem um....it has dashie in it @-@.....idk tbh xD just thought I'd share it :)
0 likes+Lexi Plays Msp alright,I understand😊
0 likesBtw I agree with Dawn :D she is right,it's amazing how twilight is the main character and rainbow dash isn't 🤔
0 likesI guess it does 😌
0 likesIt is! I'm not trying to disgrace twilight or anything. Before you guys beat me up with words. I just want to put this out there:
0 likesReally, apart from Magic and Friendship, I'm sorry to say, but Twilight isn't that important. Ahead no real goals, no dreams. She was a princess by chance. All the other characters play a more important role other than studying. It's surprising that Twilight is the main character, when you think of it that way.
+Dawn :D EXACTLY, u have put a lot of thinking for the makers of mlp lexi 🤔😌
0 likesUm,wow@-@ thanks 😁
0 likes@Luqman Kareem Thanks! :D
0 likesNow,that u mentioned it,I wanna see if rainbow does become a princess and twilight just like,figures out all of this,then she somehow gives her alicorn power to dash...of that's possible of course,lmao imagine if that happened in like,after a year of mlp they finally did that...
0 likesdamn I didn't think it would get this much attention,I just though it out there...
0 likesthrough*
0 likesXD that would be hilarious if RD was a princess!!!!!!
1 likeIkr o-o Rainbowdash: Hey im Rainbow dash,the princess of swag 😎
0 likesLexi Plays Msp no she just one of the main six characters cuz main Six are all their own character but still have main roles so yes she is the main character but she also has Pinkie Pie Applejack Twilight Fluttershy and Rarity All Men characters with her so she's not the main character but she is one of the main characters
0 likesWell in the first 40 seconds you are already wrong. Before in the episode in Ponyville after rainbow dash crashed into the library one of the other mane 6 mention that rainbow dash has already done it when she got her cutie mark. This was the rainbow the other mane 6 saw in the episode when they discover their cutie marks are connected.
0 likesin the music video "Let the rainbow remind you" the elements make a rainbow. So i think in past all rainbooms is the elements of harmony' work.
0 likesI feel like the Rainbow boom was formed by one of Rainbow Dash's long long long long ago relative so she's not the first one and also that only if you have rainbow hair you probably could not pull it off but that's just another theory
0 likesthe rainboom was first in the show caused by elements of harmony because at the scene were celestia banishes luna to moon using elements a same rain boom was happened
0 likesI bet rainbows dad did the Rainboom. His mane is exactly like Rainbow Dashes hair except shorter. Maybe he was friends with Twilight's parents and same with the others. Maybe if he didn't do the Rainboom he wouldn't have met them, and probably Twilight Velvet wouldn't have met her husband. Therefore Twilight wouldn't have been born, made into Celestia's School for Talented Unicorns, wouldn't have moved to ponyville, wouldn't have made friends, and Nightmare Moon would have won. So it was probably her father who did the Sonic Rainboom. What do u think of my idea? Plz reply.
8 likesReplies (2)
+Natalie Hinman nah it would be her great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather or grandmother because if it was a mare's tale it would before her father's' time
0 likesNice theory
0 likesI like the prophecy explanation it makes the most sense
0 likesok, so what i noticed about fairy tails, is the name "fairiy tail" implys becuase it is a myth, becuase fairys do not have tails. however, the ponies do have tails, so that means annny myth that show puts on as a "mares tail" is possible to be true
0 likesMaybe star swirled the bearded theorized it and then hired someone to do it and it failed but then rainbow dash actually pulled it off
0 likesNo. It couldn't be. The Rainboom is described as "And Old Mare's Tale." Meaning the Rainboom is older than Rainbowdash. Which means someone had to do it before Rainbowdash.
0 likesThat means thay got there cutie Mark at the same time!!!
4 likesIt could of been celestia so i disagree with the theory of it being before the sisters reign
0 likesI don't think rainbow dash was first because if you think about it the rumours about it would not be so accurate to the actual thing so there must have been someone before her to have done it so the facts on what it looked like and how hard it is and much wing power they needed could be accurate
0 likesBeware: I did not correctly stucture my ideas
0 likeswhat about this? Their has been heavy use of past actions be it legends, winter's holiday, star swirled, the map that can transport them to the past, the episode with a twilight from the future. Is it possible instead from establishng the future, they may expand the past? Let us say twilight and her freinds goes back, maybe a villion maybe a quest, as the map's main goal is to exist to preserve order. As it existed even when twilight's past had changed, but in that reality the tree of freindship has not expanded into a mansion. The map should not have been their, and wasnt their according to applejack, so is their more to the founding of the tree? Why does it have powers that can overcome the changing of history as it can appear without any clear reasoning? It must be before the formation of the kingdom of luna and celestia as they were unaware of the mansion and the true extent of the powers. It may lead to the travels with star swirled as their should be some sort of origin for the tree of harmony and he is the only pony with any merit(be it that he is the only pony of the past we have heard pleanty of) to accomplish such a task.
I am curious about discord as his nature opposes the idea of harmony. Could it be, if he was star swirled, a correlation to the alicorn amulet? He might have been intrested in dark magic, AE Alicorn magic(Aware that some how dark magic(the form and display)when overcomeing rarity, is similar to how alicorn magic was used on the potion) as he has lead to the creation of a spell that turned twilight into a alicorn. He may be someone intrested in the study of it and might have been involved in the creation of the alicorn amulet.
I think rainbow dash was the first one to pull of the sonic rainboom because who else can do that, only somepony who is 20% cooler and has a really serious need for speed in my opinion Everypony just assumed that a sonic boom is real and when rainbow dash did it, it became a sonic rainboom
1 like“4 years ago” he’s still uploading videos in 2020
3 likesMy brother has this theory that rainbow dash's dad (he can be seen in equestria games season 4) first performed the sonic rainboom as a filly like rainbow dash did and that's how it became a mare's tail but I'm not sure how old rainbow dash's dad is or how old something has to be to be called a mare's tail.
0 likesThe first option is not correct because if it was a science theory the dialogue would have said the theory is proven to be true BUT It said The LEGEND is proven to be true.
1 likeWhy had they said leyend if it was a theory?
I think it's a scientic theory, made by Star Swirl the Bearded.
0 likesif you are going to do other shows please do gravity falls it has a lot of mystery around it and with your therious i'll come to love the show even more
3 likesReplies (7)
+Harini Vasantharaj I would have to agree with you. That show is just begging for conspiracy theories! :D
0 likesikr
0 likesI love GF
Sorry I say that A LOT‼️‼️‼️
+Harini Vasantharaj Teen Titans would be awesome too
0 likes+Leaf Pon Teen Titans or Teen Titans Go?
0 likes@MyLittleAdventureTimePony 047 don't even ask that teen titans of course. You know teen titans go makes fun of bronies?
0 likesyeah it does.Its good your saying teen titans
0 likesIt could be that star swirl the bearded traveled to the future and saw rainbow dash perform the sonic rainboom and then he named the boom cased by rainbow dash the sonic rainboom and since star swirl the bearded goes way back ponies they must have passed it on as a mares tale
0 likesIf the sonic rainbow was discovered before rainbowdash, it couldnt be her who made it true. Face it, we will never know who or whatever creature discovered it.
1 likeIf you look into it you see that the Sonic Rainboom was actually only shown when Dash's friends were in danger when dash was trying to prove herself as the best of the best. This shows her element of 'loyalty' staying true to her element resulted in a sonic rainboom. It wasn't about the speed or anything numerical or factual but instead it was about the feelings of devotion and loyalty to her friends and choosing them over her dreams. It's just a theory though
0 likesReplies (1)
I now see a flaw in this with Cadences and Shining Armours marrige.
0 likesI think the third one is correct well done sorry I was so hard on you in "How Do Ponies Get Their Names"! :(
0 likesThe brony notion: “face it with out the mane 6 equestria will be doomed”
20 likesMe:😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Replies (2)
2 likesOr maybe when Celestia pulled the Sonic Rainboom when she banished Luna to the moon 1000 years ago, she saw that Rainbow Dash would pull off the Sonic Rainboom again in the future after that and convinced everypony that it is just an old mare's tale
0 likesIf she was the first one to do it, How would they know it existed?
0 likesMaybe a really ancient relative of Rainbow Dash pulled it off before her? One with the rainbow colours? I Don' think we've been told much about Rainbow's family. Then it was passed down through the family until Rainbow finally did one?
0 likeswhy would you think the scientific theory is disapointing. I would totally go with the first explination.
0 likesrainbow dash wasn't the the first one with make the rainbow actually it was rainbow dash is father from its DNA rainbow dash was able to do the Sonic rainbow
5 likesReplies (1)
That can't be true. In the timeloop episode when twilight went in past and asked rainbow dash to do a rainboom she said its not possible its just a mare tale, if her father did it she would have been excited about doing it
0 likesthe old mares tale could have been brought up when twilight goes back in time.
0 likesThe first rain boom story kinda sounds like Amilia Earhart the first woman to fly a plane
0 likesIf Rainbow s'rainboom is the first rainboom,then how the "legend of rainbooms" could be invented?
1 likeI think that the third one is true although seeing a fanfic on the second one would be cool ( I'm looking at you Rose Ink )
0 likesI got an equestrian girls ad before watching ☺️
6 likesReplies (1)
Wow! Such coincidence!
0 likesI figure she’s the first in a REALLY long time.
0 likesIt's ok, schools important :) we support u and good luck man! :D
0 likescould it be that when twilight sparkle went back to become clover the clever, rainbow dash was commander hurricane and pulled off the sonic rain boom. Rainbow dash would not know about it because she has not gone back in time yet.
0 likesHoly shit, I'm older than senpai?!
3 likesWhen celestia sent night mare moon to the moon there was a rainbow thing that looked like a rain bow so maybe that is the first rain boom
0 likesI would like to point out that if there was another pony that preformed the rainboom before rainbow dash I believe that this ponies mane would have to be rainbow in color otherwise it wouldn't be a rainbow rainboom
0 likesI know it's been like three years but I think rainbow dash was ment to be the one to be able to do the rainboom because she has rainbow in her and no one else does other than celestia
0 likesIn The Episode Twilights Kingdom when the Princess's have given Twilight their Magic she performs a Sonic Rainboom except its not Rainbow its the colors of her mane.
0 likesThanks phone for telling me about the new video (:
15 likesReplies (13)
+Fanipalaxy you got that too?
0 likesIkr
0 likes+mlp Lights™ same here!
1 like@SweetStep Studio I got this notification on my phone
0 likesme too
0 likessame here
0 likesm tablet and phone poth notificared me
0 likesSame
0 likesI just went to his channel and found it
0 likesI only receve comment notifications
0 likesI'm not a Brony I'm just here to piss you off
0 likes@alex the trader Dude, good luck. Most of the bronies with YT accounts learn not to get pissed.
0 likes+ButterCupGamingJ sure about that every fandom gets pissed for no reason it's the fandom cycle
0 likesWhat about the potion twilight created in "double rainboom"? couldn't somepony else created it a long long time ago, the pegasus which drunk it would have performed a sonic rainboom, but was never able to do it again. there was only only one sonic rainboom before by the work from unicorns and pegasi together. That was before the princesses, while the seperation. because of the separation nopony really believed it would work, and after it was possible only once before rainbow dash, it went to be a legend.
0 likesI have a theory of rainbows hair. Her ancestor had a red mane and married a pony that had orange hair. Their child could have a red a orange mane, and maybe it just kept adding?
0 likesI have a question, are you gonna do the "Random videos!" series where you post videos about random shows and theories and reviews, I would appreciate that
0 likesI think It was Great x2 Grand Parents who did the trick, rainbow dash got her genetic hair off her dad, so then either RD's dad's dad or mum had the hair last, genetics get passed on and If RD's farther passed on his hair to RD, then he must have got it passed on to him
0 likesPEOPLE! Rainbow dash did a sonic rain boom when she was “a little filly”. I he first one was years ago
3 likesI think I've found it out people put it as a fairy tale but maybe the parents of Luna and clestia found it out but no one can pull it of because no one was fast enough to so they knew about but couldn't pull it off because no one was fast enough, Rainbow Dash is the first but they put it as a tale when it wasn't! possible?😏
0 likesif dashie hadnt done the sonic rainboom the mane six wouldn't have been brought together, mane six woudnt be new barriers of the elaments of harmony,elements of harmony (and finishing a powerful spell,which might I add could have not only switched destiny's but destroyed equestria) wouldn't have a princess of friendship and princess of friendship wouldnt discover's human world because sunset shimmer won't get a crown cause twilight wouldn't have one seeing as to she'd need to be a princess and the crown signify's her royalty so add it all up and it just makes sense that rainbow dash is the main character
0 likeswell my theory is that rainbow dash is not the first pony to do the rainboom. I think that it was one of the two princess sisters since they are the oldest ponys. so they must have made up the rainboom for it to actually be true. but then what if it was made for evil purposes, like what if discord made it or tirek. you see, not every "good" thing has to be made from the side good.so thats my theory, please tell me if one of these is what YOU believe
0 likesis it just me or would Ink Rose and The Brony Notion make an adorable couple
0 likesI Know A Theory That's Why They Call SonicRainboom A Prophecy Because If It Weren't For Rainbow Dash's SonicRainboom There's No Mane Six And If Rainbow Dash Didn't Pull A Sonic Rainboom Equestria Will Be Doomed And Remember That The Mane Six Got Their Cutiemark At The Same Time Even If They Didn't Know Each Other Except For Fluttershy And Thats My Theory
3 likesReplies (1)
1 likeOff topic and out of date. But does anyone know why pharynx was the only purple changeling?
1 likeHave you watched S5 EP25&EP26? The Rainboom is the most powerful and important force
0 likesYes rainbow was the first to pull off sonic rainboom, but she wasn't the first to pull off the Concept if that makes any sense.
0 likesRainbow wedash would not have been the first 1 to do a rainboom because how would pony's know what it is unless a pony like Starswirlbearded magically created it or a scientist figured a scientifically way to get a sonic boom and a rainbow all at the same time!
0 likes"I'm looking at you, Ink Rose." XD
14 likesI think you are right I think commander hurricane might have made the first rainboom but I feel like a pony with rainbow hair should only be the one who makes the first rainboom 🤔🤔
0 likesWell... Haven't you noticed rainbow dash's father also has rainbow mane ? I think he could also be one of the ponies who made it before rainbow Dash.
0 likesI like the idea that it was prophesied.
0 likesWhat if an Alicorn made the first rainboom?
6 likesWhat if nightmare moon did?
Replies (2)
You got evidence too back that up?
0 likesTwilight sparkle made a sonic boom (as an alicorn), but her horn was giving the normal gentle glow which meant she was using magic. If there were many generations of ponies before the Mane Six, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a Pegasus with a rainbow mane. If you want to go even further, I realized that Celestia has a somewhat rainbow mane. She has been around for 1000+ years, and her magic is very strong (considering she raises the sun every day, and in the 1000 year imprisonment of nightmare moon, she had to raise the moon and sun). Celestia isn't as fast as Rainbow Dash (most likely), but you've seen how fast Twilight could fly with all of the alicorn magic. With just the right amount of magic, and just the right amount of speed, I think that 1000+ years ago, Celestia pulled off the first sonic rainboom (Rainbow Dash being the first to pull it off with bare speed). The magic rainboom set by Celestia traveled throughout the land, creating the old mares' tale. Additionally, we didn't get any reaction from Celestia when the sonic rainboom was pulled off by Rainbow Dash. She probably knew in advance that this would happen, triggering destiny. This event brought Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy together. Interestingly enough, when Celestia knew Nightmare Moon was returning, she sent Twilight to make new friends. She also knew this would happen in advance too. Starswirl the Bearded represented the element of sorcery and/or magic, and the other pillars represented the other elements. Celestia knew that once again, generations after, another six would rise up against the evil forces that threatened Equestria. And I know that it wasn't a coincidence that the six were brought together by a Rainboom. THAT is my evidence.
2 likesWow, you’re confident for being in high school.
1 likeAlso do you get teased for being a brony?
Also Also love you vids😊
Maybe it was Rainbow Dash's Ancestors that her family hadn't heard from after this ancestor made the first sonic rainboom and didn't know anything about this relative... Just a guess
0 likesThe sixth element is twighlight and she’s purple in the rainbow and the rainbow is upside down so sometimes twighlight is the worst but most of the time she is #1 this might explain why twilight is the leader or it’s just because her element is magic. that’s just a small theory hope it makes sense
0 likesI swear she was the first ever pony to do the double sonic rainboom I'm probably wrong but oh well
33 likesIf u wanna see how it would look, my deviantart is IzzyFizz96.
Replies (23)
+Christina Cpps YES
0 likesMore like: WORST. FUCKING. IDEA. EVER!
3 likes+Zara Entertainment (Its4u) I agree. The worst.
1 like+Zara Entertainment (Its4u) more like people enjoy steven universe
0 likes+Izzy Fizz LOVE IT
0 likesSteven universe shows both mental and physical growth in all of their characters, with great attention to detail. They are masters of foreshadowing and big reveals and they can really handle a chaotic situation. The most recent episode was fantastic. The first few weren't good, but the real situation and threat of a looming apocalypse starts to set in around the middle of season 1. If you haven't seen up to at least episode 21, you cannot say that the show is bad because the tone in those episodes is very different from the rest of the show. There's an indirect kiss, on the run, ocean gem/mirror gem, Rose's scabbard, the return and jailbreak and Sworn to the sword. Those are only just a few of the best episodes. It really is a great show.
0 likes+Izzy Fizz YES
No it doesn't that show is SOOO boring
1 like+Zara Entertainment (Its4u) no it's not
0 likesOne question.........
0 likesWhat the heck is Steven Univers?
0 likesThank you
0 likesI think i heard the song Cookie Cat
0 likesEveryone like to izzy fizz to agree to Steven universe
0 likesHey, I recently started a YouTube channel. I don't have any speed arts, but I do have a compilation of most of my old stuff. Soon I'm going to start posting speed paints, as long as I get recording software. If anyone wants me to do their OC, please check my videos out. I do requests and suggestions, so please give me some. SHAMELESS PROMOTING FOR THE WIN!
0 likesI'm not a Brony I'm just here to piss you off
0 likes+Izzy Fizz no
0 likes+Izzy Fizz Subbed ;) I love meeting fellow artists!
1 like+LillyLeaf VA Thanks! I just need recording software, and then I'll start posing speedpaints. I will probably also start posting songs I write and possibly covers too.
0 likes+Izzy Fizz I LOVE ART
0 likes+The Gracie Show Hey, if you can draw, maybe you could put some on your channel! I'd love to see what you can do!
1 like+Izzy Fizz I want to upload art to my channel, maybe I could make a slideshow. Right now I just send all my art to my parent's Deviantart.
0 likesI think this is the first rainboom, but not the first boom of sonic magic. I am sure twilight can do a sonic magic boom and celestia can sun beam boom and Luna can moon beam boom ,windy whistles can sonic cheer boom and lighting dash can go boom durring a stunt lol, but get my point?
0 likesI like theory 2 and I think my OC, Swirling Moon, did the first R.B.
0 likesI like theory 2 and I think my OC, Swirling Moon, did the first R.B.
0 likesActually the elements of harmony created the first rainbow and Celestia use it to banish nightmare moon a rainbow appeared in her to the moon
0 likesI like them in this order
7 likes1: prophesy
3: rainbow not first
I like prophesy best :)
Replies (1)
0 likesno, its not because in the episode where starlight goes back in time, rainbow says "thats only a pony tale." meaning that it had happened before, a LONNNNNNGGGGGG time ago.
0 likesOk so
2 likesRanbow dash was the first to make a rainboom that was a RAINBOW somepony else could have made one that was colors that matches them, like ranbow dash match's the ranbow colors.
i dont think so.I think rainbows ancestors mostly have done the rainboom..So as the generations passed it passed mostly on rainbow..This is my opinion:))
3 likes2:30 Actually, without Rainbow Dash, Equestria would be doomed. Does this mean Rainbow Dash is best pony? No, just most important.
0 likesthe scientific theory was the most believable seriously that's what I'm sticking to😑
0 likesif you are watching this late 2015 then you know about the season 5 finale and how the main 6 really do matter to the fate of equestria
0 likesDon't judge me if I get this wrong it could be Celestia. How do I know? Well she could make legends come true like Nightmare Moon's trap and escape. I bet Celestia started off as a pegasaus. (Did I spell this wrong?) I bet she saw a stained glass with a rainbow art. She must've tried it. I also know this because she had been around for a long time. I also thought what ever is stained glass, will make it a mare's tale. But this is my theory so don't judge me. :)
0 likesi think that WITHOUT rainbow dash the 6 would not be the 6
3 likesReplies (6)
woah... mind blown man... because without rainbow dash, it would be the 5, man... such total brilliance, man...
0 likeswhy do you like the word man
0 likes+ im a girl
0 likes@robynhatch9
0 likes-.- I was acting like a hippy who is high on pot. They're famous for using the word "man."
yea welll.. im 11
0 likesso i do use pot
0 likesI know im a bit late for this and you have maybe made a video about it but dash could be the first one to make a sonic rainboom because like zombies and vampires, where did those "stories" come, how do we know about zombies or vampires if they dont exist or never have so its possible to rumor about a sonic rainboom and then dash would be the first one to make it.
0 likesSo what if even before Luna in Solo‘s there was boring there was a sonic rain boom she was a beautiful rainbow headed mayor and then she got c killed but her spirit was still going when she heard about the next Sonic rain Boomer she quickly try to get that from her shadow and raise her as her own in a shadow no one knew she was there so there was other ponies who did the sonic rain boom but they just were all extinct
1 likeMaybe somepony in the three tribes like inventor started to find magic in the Pegasus and after like all that research he/she tried to make a Sonic Rainboom and maybe other ponies makes like fun of him/her and someponies believed so it became a legend and then Rainbow Dash made the unpossible happen! This is my theory. It's just a theory, ok? Xd
1 likemy theory is that all large burst of magic result in a rainbow color or purple because they represent magic more than other colors
31 likes_' bruh u spelled prophecy wrongReplies (4)
+LPS life Good catch.
7 likes😊 thanks
3 likesI love your video's
7 likesLol ur right XD
2 likesIn the book 'Elements of Harmony' it says Rainbow was NOT the first one.
0 likesI'm a girllllllllll not a bro :P
0 likesXD
Anyway I think that she pulled it off and then people later where led to believe it was just a legend. In one of the episodes, Rainbow's childhood bullies told her she could never do it as it was just a legend. They of course were proven wrong and even became "friends" I guess.
Edit: I was thinking maybe if they were the closest fillies, how could they not believe it was true? They forgot, meaning they just thought it was a legend. Also, if Rainbow Dash wasn't the first, how come no one else could ever do it? When she said "..they thought it wasn't possible.." (or whatever she said) then perhaps she was talking about right at that moment, no one would believe the NEW legend was true.
Edit2: Also did they even have colors/colours at that time??
Also, not only did the Rainboom bring the ponies together, it actually helped hatch Spikes egg.
Hope ur amused
It's just some news
It's only a theory anyway,
I actually have no idea
Guess i will find out another day?
Well I could read the comments down here ⬇
Here is my theory,when I saw that video you made named "How Does the Rainboom Work? And then my thought was this, so the sonic Rainboom was a pony's tale but I think that rainbow dash was the 2nd pony to do a sonic Rainboom in the episode that rainbow dash made a sonic Rainboom I realize that the Rainboom had a rainbow color but I think it was just from rainbow dash's mane or hair if you say and then in the past I think the only rainbow colored hair can do a Rainboom and maybe rainbow dash's great great great great grandfather or grandmother is the 1st pony in equestrian history because there is no pony I saw on the episode's that had a rainbow colored hair, and that's my theory I hope that's good for all of you guys.
0 likesI don't think rainbowdash was the first to do a sonic rainboom but it was along time since somepony did it, ponies stopped believing until rainbowdash did it.
0 likesi think rainbow dash dad was the first one to make the sonic rainboom
6 likesReplies (3)
Then it wouldn't be a myth :) <3
0 likesXD
0 likesjamesfan 005 maybe
0 likeswell i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt so that means that colt already did some sort of sonic ranboom
0 likeswell i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt so that means that colt already did some sort of sonic ranboom
0 likesSawtooth 2015: I'm gonna make different videos for different non-pony related things!
I believe that the rainboom was a pridiction cause just like you said without the mane six Equestria is DOOMED clover the clever told star swril about the unity between the three Tribs which made him think about the alicorns thing have any of you guys saw the movie Avalon high where miles can predict what's about to happen. at end of the movie he is dressed in a clocky outfit similar to clover the clever which makes sense right?maybe clover the clever pridicted about the rainboom and maybe when the two sisters were little I suppose star swril thought that it has to happen as clover the clever pridicted it and just a thought he had made more pridictions which came true so like I almost said star swril thought making an elements of harmony can help and gived a huge amount of his power and when the two sisters were all grown and luna became jealous when celestia had use the elements of harmony as we saw in an episode the rainbow covered nightmare moon from bottom to top and when celestia used the elements nightmare moon waved her horn to make a spell and broke the element of magic and without the element of magic all the other elements broke too which went in to the future element of magic which was standing near as when zecora told twilight to look in the past and when she came back all the other element's magic went in to their places and the future always affects the past right? and this why the mane six are very important to Equestria
0 likesWho has watched bill nye
3 likesReplies (2)
1 likeMe
1 likeHow long is a pony lifespan because the princesses ruled for a long time and how did Luna breath on the moon for 1000 years?
0 likesMy theory:the editors don’t care
2 likesMy second theory:somepony else say one and passed it round untill it was a story
Time travel possible in MLP what if Star Swirl the bearded used time travel to see it to see the rain boom and right it back and the science behind it was theorized
0 likeswhat if when rainbow-dash was younger performed it but everybody was so caught up in themselves and did not see it so when they felt it either they could of been in a building or they saw it as just a gust of wind so when rainbow-dash told them about it they did not believe her because they did not see it
0 likeshe changed the profile pic sorry but i dont like change
55 likesReplies (53)
No one likes change, but it's for the better!
16 likes+The Brony Notion You've redecorated! I don't like it.
6 likesI'm not a Brony I'm just here to piss you off
2 likes+alex the trader
+Natasha Damico to much butter pecan I'm not sure if mlp just a illusion or just little pixels or historical TV show about ponys or something
0 likes+alex the trader it was made for little girls but it caught on what it is its about 6 pony going on adventures learning about friendship
0 likes+The Brony Notion D: change of oc and profile pic I don't like oc and pic not trying to be mean
1 like+Natasha Damico I don't think this was for little girls and anything about learning friendship,I think it's about 6 or 7 ponys that go on adventures for no reason and save they homeland from some even weirder ponys with magical powers and stuff and they kill them with magic but they don't add the blood in it because this show for little girls, it's like a educational show well for those little girls I guess, bet there are millions of people watching this show and saying "you know what life sucks shit I wanna be a pony like twilight the brainiac princess I've been wasting my life ever since I watched this show,well I'm off to watching the next movie with humans damn people are just getting smarter with these shows"
0 likesSomeday they are gonna rename too ponys with magic and they don't give a fuck if they kill other ponies,ponies with guns yay now that's what you call a little girl show,pony notion or whatever they fuck your name is sure hope those school studies are all on that little girl show,science teacher must be teaching you a lot about the rainboom and how it brought ponys that had bad life's together
0 likes+Natasha Damico Well, that's what it used to be but now it's a show for all ages since over 500000 grown ups and people over the age of 10 still watch the show its not really considered a little kids show anymore.
0 likes+Natasha Damico Me neither
0 likes+Dip trix dots yea i know i was just saying cause theirs still alot of little kids watching it
0 likes+alex the trader and dont i mean DONT make fun of brony notion
0 likes+Natasha Damico how can I make fun of brony notion he/she doesn't give a fuck of what I'm commenting
0 likesRIP https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-XAvm4xIQm9M/U8H5TCrffNI/AAAAAAAAAGw/0DpzYgMYzQU/s433-no/tbn%2Bpropic.png
1 like+alex the trader well your making fun of his school cause hes good at pony science and you dont even know if hes a guy
0 likesRainbow dash's dad maybe before her
1 like+Doblestorm Nice reference XD
1 like+The Brony Notion i dont mind the change in profile pic, but not a fan with the new oc design... it looks too boxy around the mouth, other than that it good. (no offence but it looks like you walked into a wall or something...)
0 likesP.S. Are trying to show age progression?
neither do I...
0 likes+Natasha Damico I hate the change too D: he looks like a weird pony!
0 likes+The Brony Notion WHY IS IT FOR THE BETTER!!!
0 likes+The Brony Notion FINALLY I've been waiting for you to fix the oc FOREVER and i don't mean like "Fix" persay ,most notably just that every time i watched one of your vids ,i would notice your back legs were too thick. I only notice this as a person who draws oc's for people sooo i wouldn't get wrapped up in it .Love the new look!
0 likes-Cliffhanger
p.s. try to guess my special talent ; 3
+Natasha Damico To be honest, the change I really don't like is the new OC he uses in his videos, I liked the old one a lot better.
1 like@Jinkinson Smith yeah me too not to be mean but its just wierd i think ocs sould be like normal ponys and how is he going to show hes a changeling
0 likes+Natasha Damico SAMMMEEEEE
0 likesi don't like this change too
0 likes+The Brony Notion she was the 1 and I wil, subscribe
0 likesI agree, honestly the new oc just doesn't seem right and the profile pic is.... well lets just say it could be better
1 like+Lulu Luna I agree with you
0 likes+The Brony Notion maybe her dad or mom I try my best
0 likesStar swirled wears a cape how do we know he is not an alicorn? OMFG he could be the princesses father!! There is not much proof but I believe this could be true plz tell me what you think!
4 likes+LPS Kawaii4ever o,o I kinda agree... maybe hasbo will tell us who lunas and celestias mom an dad were. o,o
0 likes+LPS Kawaii4ever OMG Your Right They Never Show Him With His Cape Off So the Discord Is Star Swril The Breaded Thory Must Be Wrong So he Might Just be An Alicorn
0 likes+The Brony Notion I do not like the new profile pic
0 likesI think it looks cool
0 likes+hope nichole me too!
0 likeshe kept on changing his background. now this? I hate your change! the explanation mark was used in a bad way. 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
0 likes+Ellie Grafham agreed my friend, agreed.
0 likes+amellia rosetta the his new profile pic is just a music note
0 likes@Cats Corral i think he/she means the background and got the name wrong.... but i agree, i do not like the background.
0 likesits not that i don't like it its just that i'm kinda weirded out by how he changed everything he did so i just have to get use to it
0 likes+Kittie53 well it's not selfish it's just her/his opinion so ya
0 likes+John Young you are right👍🏻
0 likes+COLORS! It was aimed at little girls but has spread over all ages and genders and it follows six Ponies/Unicorns/Pegasi/Alicorns who learn about friendship. Not that you know anything about friendship.
0 likesyup
0 likesI love your profile pic
0 likesI love fluff puff
3 likes+Rainbow cosmic me too!!!
0 likesbut he's a changeling so stop watching his videos!
0 likesUki-Chan that's racist
1 likeUki-Chan haha
1 likeI think when rainbowDash first created the sonic rainboom that's when they started talking that it was a legend because it was long back
0 likesThe phrophecy one was the best.
0 likesMy theory is kind of mlp. You know raven from teen titans/teen titans go? I think her and twilight are the same being. Why? Beacause many reasons. Both of them are purple use magic and even share the sAme voice actor
0 likesmaybe star swirl the bearded had his wings hidden under his cloak
0 likesi think it was her dad first
47 likesReplies (13)
then why would it be a myth?
7 likesor his great great great grandfather uh? same age as the old wizard
2 likesSachiko Ever After same I think it's her dad
0 likespinkie paw u mean star swirl the bearded
0 likesummmm....
1 likeSachiko Ever After .i agree
0 likesSachiko Ever After hell yeah it was!😄
0 likesSachiko Ever After yes
5 likesIt can't be her dad, because then she wouldn't call it in "Just a legend" and also describe it as "impossible" (during season 5 finale) because she would hear about it or maybe even see it
4 likesperhaps her dad did, but dash shrugs it off and doesn't believe it, seeing it only as a boost for her dreams or whatev.
0 likesYeah
0 likesSachiko Ever After nooooooooooooo rainbow dash was 1
0 likesshe isnt first, pinkie said "here" in that episode, which can mean ponyville.
0 likesmy theory:
some of the ponies did the sonic rainboom from starting a loooong time ago, but in the time dash lives, no one did that, thats why it became a legend. at least they were so rare, i still dont think dash is the only one even if her time.
but its a legend so it must be done even before pillars in my opinion, i think a lot of ppl done that.
i think, different colored ponies can pull it with rainbow too, because they wouldnt call it rainboom if everybody pulls it in a different color. it should be: ponies in past did it always with rainbow colors even with different manes, thats why this legend called rainboom.
i highly believe that if fluttershy pulls sonic boom, she would make a rainbow too.
my theory: a very fast flying pegasus' magic can break light like water drops, thats why that magic wave changes the color of sky for a lil time. also ofc she doesnt reach the speed of light buuut no one said her magic doesnt. i think magic of boom can reach the speed of light, thats why all mane six saw it at the same time dash pulled it even if they are in different locations.
also even if she designed her fate with that action, this doesnt means she is the only one who can do that. all of us made huge differences in life that brought us here today. so i think other ones who did this had different stories with this boom and also flying talent ofc.
these are my opinions
I don't care what he changed but I want him to do more he is very smart
0 likesImagine this in mlp when someone causes a sonic rain boom it goes to five ponies and erupts at the same time for all six ponies causes the six ponies get their cutie mark
0 likesWhen rainbow dash was doing the tryouts for the wonder bolts she got paired up with another pony she proved to be better than rainbow do you think she can pull of a rainboom
0 likesIt was probably just a forgotten art. I mean, how hard is it for ponies to figure out what happens when they just fly really fast? One of them would have figured it out eventually. Rainbow Dash was probably one of thousands to do so.
6 likesReplies (242)
Oh no. Not you again.
0 likesI don't like talking to you very much.
0 likesAt least I have one.
0 likesNothing lame about it, bloom!
0 likesI was talking about mine.
0 likesKnock it off. You shouldn't judge.
0 likesSo?
0 likesUm, because...mommy said that judging is necessary.
0 likesShe's wrong. Suri Polomare (aka Buttonbelle) is smarter and more successful. She lives in the big city.
0 likesGood for you.
0 likesAlright.
0 likesShe'll reward me. She's Buttonbelle after all.
0 likes+Diamond Tiara Hi i don't belong XD
0 likesWhat?
0 likesCuz Im not in FIM
0 likesI see. Are you at Canterlot High?
0 likesUm well not really
0 likesWhere do you live?
0 likesHello? Speak.
0 likesIm not telling you where I live XD
0 likesI live in ponyville
0 likesIk... But in reality your some random person acting out a character XD
0 likesButtonbelle believes in initiative. Every pony for herself.
0 likesHow did she cheat?
0 likesHow did she do that? Rarity allowed her to use her special fabric if I recall. Mommy was just doing her best to win.
0 likesNot really. What about Spitfire? Rainbow Dash's idol? She abandoned her partner to get Dash on her team and they weren't even at the Equestria games yet. Ponies do what they have to to win.
0 likesKind of. But Scootaloo looks up to Rainbow and Rainbow looks up to Spitfire.
0 likesWhat?
0 likesWhy is that?
0 likesYeah, you're full of something. Oh well. I'm going to Rarity's new boutique today. Ever hear of it? It's in Canterlot.
0 likescan you even afford that? I thought the farm had trouble buying new things like a new barn.
0 likesHe can't give all of it or why would he bother selling it for your family?
0 likesIf he doesn't make any money then you can sell it yourself. rotten apples
0 likesYou never met her so shut it
0 likesWhatever. I'm still right which is why you're mad
0 likesNot really. You don't have a princess dress and I'm about to get one right now.
0 likesI'm in the boutique. Not ordering it out of a catalogue, loser.
0 likesYou sound like one. anyway, I am busy. I'll stop texting. I need to talk to Miss Rarity.
0 likesI don't see you here.
0 likesOh. Why am I texting to you then. Let's talk normal. I only have a minute left though. I'm next in line
0 likesWell, Scoots and Rainbow Dash are very close after all.
0 likesIt means that Rainbow Dash has bias towards Scoots
0 likesDidn't Dash put Scoots under her wing?
0 likesSo she already prefers her.
0 likesSo that's like a bias. Some pony else should have been the coach.
0 likesmaybe
0 likesuh yeah!
0 likesIt was splendid.
0 likesWhatever. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm still tired from watching the wonderbolts' show yesterday in Canterlot.
0 likesWhy would you come to my room? Does that mean we stop texting?
0 likesAre you in my house or my room?
0 likesI'll stop texting then.
0 likesI don't want to be strapped today. You're no fun.
0 likesUgh! I'm going to need Rainbow Dash to do a sonic rainboom to get me out of this one.
0 likesOh well. What are you going to do?
0 likesStill?
0 likesFine but next time, it will be you on the bed
0 likeswhat the?
0 likeswhat for?
0 likesgah! Why?
0 likesYou can't do that.
0 likesI am going to get you apple bloom
0 likesmmmmmm
0 likesUgh! It does! Why would you do this
0 likesStop before my daddy comes and kicks your flank
0 likesugh
0 likesI'll kick you in the face!
0 likesI'll get out of them eventually
0 likesSilver Spoon!
0 likesNot much.
0 likeswhy?
0 likesAre you here to help me? Apple bloom is being a huge bother.
0 likesI don't know why my mark would disappear just by pouring water on it
0 likesNo, it's not.
0 likesIt didn't.
0 likesI don't know what you're talking about.
0 likesWhy is everybody saying that?
0 likesMy cutie mark is still here! What is this? Some kind of confusion tactic?
0 likesBased on what?
0 likesNo evidence. My cutie mark is still here and intact.
0 likesYou don't have a cutie mark.
0 likesSend me a photo then.
0 likesThat means you don't have one.
0 likesWhen where's the picture?
0 likesAlways a blank flank? Even your picture here is blank.
0 likesOh well. I took a photograph of Rainbow Dash earlier. She looked very nice in her costume.
0 likes+Diamond Tiara This thread though....
1 like@Srinivasan Mahabhashyam
0 likesI was just chatting with Apps. You have something to say about Rainbow Dash?
It's free to some privileged ponies.
0 likesI don't think they'll let you.
0 likesBecause my daddy is important.
0 likesA bunch of apple losers. Stick to your cider.
0 likesYour threat is about as credible as your cutie mark nonsense.
0 likesI don't bully. I "motivate" fillies to get cutie marks. :P
0 likesIf I bully then maybe I'll kick your flank up and down mane street.
0 likesThat should be easy.
0 likesI'll just put down my phone.
0 likesThat's it! You're done, bloom!
0 likesI got you instead!
0 likesI'm going to drag you through the mud.
0 likesHow do you like the mud all up in your coat? And the worms keeping you company?
0 likesApplejack...oh shut up. Eat mud!
0 likesNope. Time for you to pay. Your bow is on the ground now and your mane and tail is a mess. Apologize or I'll sit on you and prevent you from moving.
0 likesNow I'm sitting on you. helpless#
0 likesHuh? I'll pull your head up by your hair so I can hear you.
0 likesYou're covered in mud. Go home and clean your injuries first.
0 likesThen you will look funny. See, some ponies are looking at you and pointing.
0 likesIt's funny. And also if Apples sees this she'll watch over you and you won't have time for a song or anything!
0 likesFine. Be that way. I'm going.
0 likesGood for you. Hey, you're getting mud inside this place. Sweetie Drops will be mad.
0 likesSweetie Drops, do you care?
0 likesYou're super muddy. So Sweetie, should she be allowed in?
0 likesNot until I get my answer. Sweetie Drops, should she be allowed in?
0 likesOh, are you sure, Sweetie Drops?
0 likesOH well. Sweetie, give me the green tea ice cream. And dont' be slow.
0 likesI am not sure if Sweetie makes that but I'll have the mint chocolate cookies.
0 likesSweetie, thanks
0 likesI am going home to eat with daddy.
0 likesWhat party?
0 likesOh, there's a party? I guess I'll go.
0 likesWhy wouldn't I be?
0 likesI am special. I went to Canterlot High lately. You didn't.
0 likesWhatever they call it. I watched the Friendship games and it was fun. :P so there
0 likesI didn't see you there
0 likesWell what happened then?
0 likesHow did you travel there? I thought only I knew how the princess went there?
0 likesThat sounds complicated.
0 likesI just follow her secretly. I can't believe there are two twilights
0 likesI guess not.
0 likesWhy? It's not your problem. And how else would I be able to listen to her sing about a "a strange new world"? It was hilarious.
0 likesWhy not? There aren't no guards.
0 likesI'm afraid I can't let you do that.
0 likesSilver Spoon, shut the doors. We're going to go on a little trip.
0 likesYeah. I'm taking you to that room that holds the doorway to the human world.
0 likesSo we can go on a trip. Okay, we're there. Silver, turn on the machine. We're going.
0 likesI'll have to make you. Let's go! Time to drag you in!
0 likesWhatever. I'm jumping in! Whee!
0 likesWow...I'm a human again, Silver. Let's go and harass some people. Hey, it's me! Let's go and talk to her! Hey, me!!
0 likesHey, me! Its' been a while since I've been at your school. How are you?
0 likesLet's go, me. I want to eat lunch. Too bad Twilight isn't here and I cant hear her at all.
0 likesWhats' for lunch, me?
0 likesHuh? You're here too, Twilight? WHen did you come?
0 likesOh. Well, it seems you are popular around here. I'm going to hang out with myself. Bye now
0 likeswhat? People are going to think you're mean.
0 likesWait...how did that happen?
0 likesI don't want to. I want to go speak to myself again in that human world. Then annoy the crusaders.
0 likesOh. Well, that was fun although you had to get in the way.
0 likesFine.
0 likesWhy?
0 likesAlright. Hey, princess. I found your portal thing. I'm sorry. I won't go in it anymore.
0 likesI'm going to go home and rest princess until night time
0 likesI don't need to go. I have something better planned
0 likesNone of your business. I'm going home
0 likesWell, I'm at home. I thought you were going somewhere else
0 likesFine. I'm going to get my mane done until night
0 likeswhatever
0 likesThanks to you and your arrogance and your pride.
0 likesYou should have just done your job like I asked. I should have just fired you
0 likesBecause I had nobody to replace you. Why am I even talking to you? Get out of my house.
0 likesOh well, goodbye
0 likesFeatherweight?
0 likesI don't know who it is.
0 likesWhy is she doing it?
0 likesA perfect idiot. Alright. Goodbye. I'm going to get my mane done.
0 likesWhy do you keep talking? I'm done
0 likesOh well. In a few hours, I'll be too busy to talk
0 likesI can't tell you. You can't keep anything to yourself.
0 likesWhat do you mean? >:(
0 likesThat was a long time ago, blankie.
0 likesYou can't do that. Daddy will have the paper shut down.
0 likesI'm going. Goodbye
0 likesOh boy.
0 likesWell, things changed. She's really not that bad.
0 likesWhat does Daddy think?
0 likesHmm...
0 likesMe and mom are talking
0 likesI don't remember.
0 likesI was talking to Apps but she's not horrible.
0 likesAlright
0 likesPoor her =(
0 likesWow this conversation kept dragging on
0 likesAnyone need me here? I can murder her if anyone needs it
No? Okay then I'll just go a do something errr that totally doesn't involve killing ponies and turning them into rainbows
A call? Is it more important than what happened to the princess? We should be worrying over that than anything else. Besides, I think you need an attitude adjustment. If Starlight Glimmer and I can change our ways then you can too.
0 likes+Diamond Tiara LOL
0 likesBut, why!
0 likes+Diamond Tiara XD
0 likes+Diamond Tiara Honestly, it's sad how you guys are just bronies acting out the characters, staring at a screen 24/7
0 likes+Chanell Mitchell Sad? I think it's pretty cool. They're having fun so what's the problem?
0 likes@Drink My Tea The problem is that they have nothing better to do than staring at the screen, acting out show characters. But then, this is my opinion.
0 likes@Chanell Mitchell That's... not right. If you look at the replies, they're dispersed over several months. Clearly they haven't been "staring at the screen", because they've been doing other things too. You say it's your opinion but opinions are not the same as outright making assumptions about other people's lives.
0 likes@Drink My Tea Honestly, I'm not going to argue with you over this. I just think they should do something more productive. Case closed. I can make assumptions if I want, and if you seem to have a dilemma with that, then I don't know what to tell you. My point is; What's the point of acting out as pony characters from a show? What purpose does it serve? Fun?
0 likes@Chanell Mitchell
0 likesIt's none of your business. Just leave people alone.
@Chanell Mitchell Sure you can make assumptions, doesn't mean they're right. And you shouldn't act like they're right either. Not everything they do has to serve a purpose. If they're having fun, then let them have fun. They aren't wasting their time if they're enjoying what they're doing. I honestly don't know why it's such a hard concept to grasp.
0 likes@Diamond Tiara Considering that you're talking in public, I can speak my thoughts.
0 likes@Drink My Tea I never said my assumptions was right.
0 likesI never said they couldn't have fun, I'm just expressing how I feel about this.
Again, this is an opinion. I never said they should stop what they are doing, I just find it odd how people do that.
@Chanell Mitchell
0 likesI still think you could do something more positive with your time.
@Diamond Tiara I do.
0 likes@Chanell Mitchell Well you were certainly acting like they were. "Honestly, it's sad how you guys are just bronies acting out the characters, staring at a screen 24/7" You were basically saying that that's what they did on a daily basis, and that your assumptions were right.
0 likesPeople do stuff like this all the time on the internet, and if you can't take it then leave. Actually, on that note, what were you even doing on a pony video anyway?
@Drink My Tea I came here to look at the comments, to ask your question.
0 likesOh, I didn't know this wasn't a free country and I can't comment on videos. Do I have to leave? No.
As I stated before, I never said something like, "Oh, I'm right because you have nothing better to do. Get lost." Now where did you see me say that before?
Overall, I was just stating my opinion. And before you get butthurt, try looking in my point of view for a second.
0 likesI can't argue there.
0 likesMaybe but at least I'm not annoying.
Shut up punk or I'll get my deathclaw pet to maul your flank.
0 likesIt's a deathclaw and a pet. What more needs to be said?
0 likesDeathclaw...KILL!
I bet you said something like "you're already dead" but nope, it's who's going down! hahaha. Careful, boy...chicken wings will get stuck in your teeth
0 likesWhat? Want to change my mind? Why should I? You better have a good reason? I don't think your charisma is that good.
0 likesPersuasion attempt failed. I've had it with Scoots and her buffoon ways. Tell her that if there's one more misstep, she's going to pay.
0 likesFine, what is it?
0 likesLet me say that I might be partially to blame. Maybe I didn't lay out what I wanted out of a friendship after I was reformed. But what scoots does isn't right and it's because of you that they don't understand why being nice is important. You need to step up and do the right thing or you'll have to find yourself a new subject.
0 likesScoots was being a jerk. Like I said, you weren't being a good leader. You let ponies walk all over you. We need less talking and more of you laying the hard hoof on those who need it. I'll stick around for now but you're on notice. I don't know how much more I can stomach. So let's get this back on the road.
0 likesHold position? Got it. Sneaking up on the enemy?
0 likesI don't like your tone of voice. When you come back, we'll talk.
0 likesConfront them and tell them to knock off the horse manure. I've done that time and time again and you've said you would step in but you were only telling me what I wanted to hear. I'm not ending our little friendship yet but you need to step up and make a change or else I'm walking.
0 likesWell, I'm asking now. Are you going to do something about it?
0 likesI uh, ignore it.
0 likesUh, go to a settlement that needs our help? Kidding....I would go and get an adult to get involved. Right?
0 likesFine
0 likesWhat was that?
0 likesThis is like a endless conga line of retards. I would like it to stop and maybe you should grow up, apps. If not, I'm just going to go away.
0 likeshuh? you're apologizing? That's a new one. Well, if you're willing to change your ways then perhaps I'll accept it. But I can't keep asking you to change so this is your last chance. You got to make things right. So, anyway, let's get moving.
0 likesI heard of a group of mercenaries bothering a settlement. Here, I'll mark it on your map.
0 likesYes if you want me to be your companion.
0 likesDaddy? What does he want? Isn't he busy fooling around with his secretary?
0 likesWhat?! What about your new friend? Starshine...or whatever?
0 likesEven with my charisma maxed out?
0 likesLet me try...
"But if I go with you...I'll miss lots of school."
0 likesAhh...fine. Next time I'll try science...that should work. let's go.
If I must.
0 likesAlright
0 likesYeah
0 likesHey, scoots. You look pretty hurt? But don't we all get hurt from time to time? Did you know that a broken wing gets stronger when it heals? You'll be flying in no time. hehe...medicine skills for the win.
0 likesHey, I was waiting for a response from Scoots
0 likesYou're welcome
0 likessure
0 likesAhh...fine
0 likesFine...hey scoots.
0 likesI guess getting you hurt was wrong. I won't do it anymore
0 likesYeah, that's it. How many caps does it take to pay a hospital bill?
0 likesI already did say sorry. Clean out your ears. I was asking about caps so I can pay for the hospital bills.
0 likesFinally. Scoots, have the hospital charge my daddy's estate
0 likesI guess that's it
0 likes477 replies?! You really don't have life
0 likesYou know what I think? Maybe someone wrote a fictional book on the sonic rainboom… (?)
0 likesMy favourite one what is the scientific one because it was short and realistic.
0 likesWait-
0 likesAfter doing the math, you’ve graduated college, am I correct? And if you don’t mind me asking, what did you get your degree in?
The idea of Rainbow Dash not causing the first Rainboom, is quite a solid theory. But Rainbow Dash could be the first to cause a rainbow colored Rainboom. While the first was not rainbow colored.
0 likesWait, I just realised, If Rainbow Dash brought the mane 6 together, then why does dash ( Rainbow Dash ) get such a rubbish element ( loyalty )? At the very least she should get a better element ( maybe kindness because that is the main thing in friendship). Why can't she get to be an Alicorn? She doesn't have to be a princess, yet still is treated with plenty of respect, so I think that is reasonable enough. I know that some of you think loyalty is quite a good element to have, but I don't. And also some of you might think that you have to be a princess to be an Alicorn, but no - one has proven that yet so yeah...... Oh and another thing, what exactly did Twilight do to get all the glory? It seems Un-fair on Rainbow Dash. Let me know what you think about Twilight taking the glory from Rainbow Dash, when it all started with rainbow dash.
47 likesReplies (42)
Since RD is best pony, i agree. :3 In all seriousness, its true! For 5 years the staf ignored that. But Twilight did discover the 6 th element, but without RD's rainboom, it could of been just a random group of people or, no one. (As seen in the season finale of se 5). But you forgot one thing. Celestia. She can have visions of the future, right? She sent twilight, now the princess of friendship to learn about friendship in ponyville. All of the friends she met were connected with the rainboom. So Rainbow Dash AND Twilight should be treated with respect.
10 likesI see now!!
4 likes@Hatt TheCat :) your theory was really good!
2 likesThanks though it was really just for RD!
4 likes@Hatt TheCat I see. RD should really be the spotlight!
4 likesYesss
2 likesYep
2 likesRD is best pony
3 likesYeah she should be alicorn
6 likesHatt TheCat I agree.
0 likesI agree with you completely, although I don't know if Rainbow Dash would like being an alicorn
2 likesHatt TheCat No loyalty is very important. What would you do if your friend went behind your back and betrayed you? Kindness wouldn't work. They wouldn't think you were being honest.
6 likesYeah like in that fanfic harmonic spectrum
0 likesWow
3 likesThis is over a year old....
I no longer like mlp now XD
Hatt TheCat I see what your saying, but it was never Dash's destiny to be an Alicorn. Twilight had a much better chance at learning than Dash and took it. But, your right in one sense. If Dash never performed the rainboom, the Mane 6 wouldn't have gotten together, as explained in the Season 5 finale. On your other note, Dash isn't as kind as Fluttershy, honest as Applejack, optimistic as Pinkie Pie, generous as Rarity, or magically inclined as Twilight. And, unlike Twilight, she is not an amazing natural leader. Loyalty is, in my opinion, one of the BEST Elements of Harmony. If it wasn't, they would have put in something else.
5 likesHatt TheCat It wouldn't suite her personality plus loyalty is very important. Do you know how many friendships are ruined because they lacked loyalty. And loyalty comes in many shapes and sizes. It's really important.
2 likesHatt TheCat Rainbow as Kindness.... 😑
0 likesHatt TheCat -
0 likeswell she's not kind and has no leadership
0 likesTrue True True.Twilight was BASICALLY created to be the favourite one...
1 like+Johana Noah Here is the typical raging Twilight fan.
0 likesMinecraft animations and here is the prez of the rainbowdash fan club. Scootaloo
1 likeHatt TheCat If RD became an Alicorn, her ego would grow double in size
2 likesHatt TheCat I TOTALLY agree, without rainbow, twilight would never have got her cutie mark, wouldn't have impressed celestia, wouldn't have become a student therefore, NO PRINCESS TWILIGHT
she wouldn't be very good princess
1 likeseriously
Hatt TheCat fuck why
0 likesGuys! in one episode,Twilight made a rainboom!
0 likesWon Jhon 1 when?
0 likesanyways,Twilight DESERVE to be a princess cuz shes magic. so,the friendship is magic stands for Twilight.thats why she can be a alicorn. rainbow dash is 2nd in my favs. twilight is 1st in my favs. if rainbow is an alicorn,ill start to hate her. /:/
0 likesimranvoujon mmm
0 likesSilver wolf i have seen it. but i forgot which episode or season was it
0 likes:::::DDDD
0 likesHatt TheCat read my comment
0 likesI agree rainbow dash should be a alicorn princess leader!!!
0 likesWon Jhon 1 no she didn’t she only broke the sound barrier
0 likesAnd also rainbow dash is not princesses like
0 likesLoyalty is very important in friendship so Ranbow dash is important
0 likesYes but it would kinda ruin it all and we would get 100 alicorns and every thing://
0 likesBut i do wish it came true!!
unfair is one word and let’s call rainbow dash Fido
0 likesLoyalty is just as important as any other traits, if you ask me, its one of the most important!
0 likesI feel as if RD represents loyalty the best out of all of the elements, the Elements of Harmony are assigned to the pony that represents that element the best.
0 likesJust think about this, from a young age RD was so loyal to FS, sticking by her side from the bullies. And even in her words, "I'd never leave Ponyville hanging" or "I'd never leave my friends hanging" shows how much she represents that element through her words, actions, and even from deep inside her heart (not in a creepy way).
RD should not be an Alicorn Princess, and heres why. RD has very sporadic behavior, and always does things before she thinks. This could mean that Equestria could be in serious danger if she was to be the only princess left. Not to mention how she does not do well with everyone giving her attention, it's seen multiple times in the series (even if she does have a lot of pride, she gets shy whenever the spotlight is on her).
P.S. RD is a great character and she did do many great things, it's just that I don't think that RD would do well with a greater title.
@jhon win Tan nobody chose to be magic or not therefore magic does NOT determine what you deserve
0 likesi think the first person or pony that was the first to do one was clover the clever as a alicorn
0 likesI know dashies papa had a rainbow mane so I think that he could perform 'secret sonic rainbooms. I put secret in inverted commas because I am not entirely sure if he could or not. I hope that you make more videos brony, good luck at the thing that I can't remember that you literally just mentioned, it was something about school, well I think so! byeeeeee! !!!
0 likesTher is something to do a video about: the mane 6 is powerful then celestia?
0 likesAfter all, the mane 6 was the ponies that bring luna back, not celestia...
You'll see how importent the rainbow was in the season 5 finnally.
0 likesUnironically first.
5 likesProblem?
Replies (8)
Your second... Sorry
2 likesUr second
1 like+krishan kumar You guys are second..i'm third
0 likes+Ewileyrider *you're
0 likes+Katrina :3 Can somebody halp me?
0 likes+Samantha Mendoza no
0 likesI thought this said unicorn
1 likeHomestuck fan!!!! I have found you!!
0 likesi think that those were different things though because Rainbow dash got her cutie mark after the Rain Boom and the one for Twilight was just a giant star in the sky
0 likesPerhaps, it was somepony who was long before to last RD and did the Sonic Rainboom, and then it was known possibility, but then, from generation to generation, it became unknown again if it was true, and was then a legend, and RD renewed it! LOVE YA RD! (she's not my fave, all the mane six are)
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesThis is a different subject, but in Crusaders of the lost mark, towards the end you see twilight bringing in playground equipment. but when she flew she had wings like rainbow dash. she had wings more like cadence's. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR.
0 likesIs the sonic rainboom the same as what clover the clever did when he/she started the warm fire from his/her horn.
0 likesI herd on the wiki before that Soarin and Fleetfoot can pull off a sonic rainboom
0 likesI think there is more than one kind of rain boom because when twilight becomes alicorn she makes some what of a rainboom
0 likesThe Brony Notion how do you feel about the new generation of ponies...Starburst, Prism Bolt, Clarity, Turquoise, Anthea, Golden Delicious, Cotton Candy, and Nidra
0 likesawww im starting to think how old he is and what he looks like
0 likesI think a legendary pegisi might have just pulled off a sonic rainboom.
1 likeI just realized that you and I are around the same age, that is if you were 17 when you made this video. It is crazy that this video was uploaded five years ago now.
0 likesWell, lemme begin with this: How do we get our legends?
0 likes2:30 And the Season 5 finale proves that!
0 likesHi, the last possibility you told is wrong. You told that the sonic rainboom was a phrophscy and got passed down to genarations as a old mairs tale and since even the return of nightmare moon was a phrophscy and got passed down to genarations as a old mairs tale, you are telling you are right. But the old mairs tale that got passed down about nightmare moon was just about nightmare moon getting defeated by princess celeastya, so you are wrong .
0 likesi think back when the 3 tribes were driven togeather it was befor even then! the leader of the pegass pulled the stunt and then she became the leader but is still leaves the question were there leaders of pegasses befor her?
0 likesI like your last theory about the predicted rainboom. This is becauz its most likely. Also if your theory is true, then I think Starswirl the Bearded would have done it. Okey byeee
0 likesI think princess celestia was the first one and got a horn
1 likea legend always begins with a truth and that shall be past on to some day be proven
0 likesI think when Celestia banned her sister to the moon you can see the sonic rainbow may be thay could be the first 1. Maybe😉
0 likesI think she’s not the first pony to make a sonic rain boom but I think she’s the only want to make it Rainbow 🌈
1 likeReplies (1)
edit I think she’s the first want to make it rainbow
0 likes“It’s probably that they came from the same source”
2 likesMe: WIKIPEDIA
I think it could have bind her dad because he has rainbow hair too
0 likesWas it flash Magnus who was the first? He and rainbow dash are very similar
1 likeI like the third best.
0 likesI don't think it was the first rainbow because otherwise the mane 6 wouldn't have the same cutie mark
0 likes.. I liked the 3rd explanation better cuz it makes more sense!
0 likesThe sonic rainboom was performed by RD's dad (theory).
0 likesI really like how you talk about the mlp eps
0 likesI think that it was never actually performed, but rather it was a fictional story and rainbow dash actually was the first pony to do it.
0 likeswell i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt.
0 likesi kinda liked the 3rd one
0 likesI think some ponies tried to make the rainboom🌈 before but failed
0 likesMaybe the Pegasus who did the rainbow was sornambale one of the pillars and a friend of star swirl
0 likesI think you are correct because it had to be some before or they would not know about the sonic rainboom
0 likesI've a question, When Rainbow was little, She done the first Sonic Rainboom. And reamber that part when Rarity got wings and they burned in the Sun. Didn't Rainbow do a Sonic Rainboom. Saving her, and everypony acted like THAT was the first Rainboom. SOMEONE HELP ME I'M CONFUESED!!!!!
0 likesWhat about when tirek was taking over the princesses gave twilight there alicor magic which made her super super fast even faster than rainbow dash. Mabey something similar happened in the mares tale
0 likesWell twilight put wings on rarity and if starswarl was the beast wiserd maybe he put wings on himself and did the rainboom
0 likesYeah!!..Celestia also made a rainboom when she banished Luna on the moon..
0 likesi think she was first but i think a few fillies might of made up a story and it spread and went down in history
0 likesNumber 2 is my favorite who agrees with me?
0 likesisn't it obvious that rainbow dash made the first sonic rainboom
2 likesRainbow was not the first, I think it was her dad.
0 likesOr maybe is something like mix of 1st and 3rd explanation? I mean something like... firstly there was some pagasus legend, which interested some ponywizard - maybe starswirl - who do many research on this topic and prove that this really could happen, but through the ages no one can do it... or vice-versa - prophecy come from some scientific research, in which was discovered, that something like this could happen, but no one succeded in doing this... and years later this was remember as a prophecy, that someday somepony will do it.
0 likesRainbow's father was first one to pull of a rainboom Its not a mare's tale it's a colt's tale😅
0 likesrainbow dashs great great great great great great great grandfather? far in the dashs family history? if so then that is why rainbow dash is able to create the sonic rainboom!
2 likesSeason 5 proved Equestria wouldn’t survive without the rainboom
0 likesMaybe flash Magnus or another Pegasus pillar an Allie of Star swirl?
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash was the FIRST one to do the sonic RAINboom, butttttt there could have been a different Pegasus a long time ago who just made a sonic boom.
0 likesi like the first one best
0 likeswell i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt
0 likeswell i dont think rainbow dash is the firat pony to do the sonic rainboom because in season 5 in one episode spitfire says that rainbow dash could even beat a record of a colt
0 likesNo, because in the new book wonder bolts academy it's says that the wonder bolts had done it too and they came before dashie
0 likesYes!!!! I love my little pony and rainbow!!! 😎🤗
0 likesOr Star Swirl went back in time...
0 likesexactly!!!!If it was the first Sonic Rainboom how come there's legends of it?
0 likesI actually think about the first the first Tony might actually be maybe Rainbow Dash's parents cuz I could have Rainbow Dash could do the Sonic Rainbow maybe with their hit her parents who did it I don't know for sure but that could be the explanation for this
0 likesi think someone realated to rainbow dash was a scientist and knew about a sonic boom and some how was a unicorn so he/she predicded someone would pull it off in the family and created a ledgend about it and since the family has rainbow coloured mains he/she created something called a sonic rainboom.The name sonic rainboom was probably created because the word rainboom sounds like rainbow and was realated to a sonic boom so rainbow dash must have been the first pony to do a sonic rainboom.
0 likesI like the scientific theory and I have only been watching for a bit but I think you really good at what you do.😛😜😝🐯🐆
0 likesThe first rainboom was performed while banishing nightmaremoon.
0 likesAnd Lighting Dust was in von episode did it too.
1 likeBut was not rainbow colors,but was orange and he'll blau.
Its probably Celestia when she banished Luna to the moon. There was a rainboom happened
0 likesno, the first sonic rainboom is actually When Luna was banished to the moon ... I'm just telling this for your information
0 likesYes because only rainbow dash can perform the sonic rainboom
1 likeMaybe Rainbow Dash's dad did the very first one to do a rainboom??
0 likesI have no opinion. Instead, ask starlight glimmer for that, so she can travel back to time and see the first rainboom.
0 likesDo more please I've subscribed
0 likesI like the first one
0 likesWith out the main 6 Equestria would be on fire, Pirncess Celestia would be dead, Nightmare Moon would bring internal night.
0 likesI know of a giant boom it’s quite deadly
0 likesYour wrong first ranbom is from 1.celestia when she's gonna seiled nitmare moon 2.rainbow dash when she's trying to protect flutter shy
0 likesmaybe star swerl was testing if eany magic happend while fling realy fast and he came to an conclusion that a sonik rainboom was real but he couldn't prove it because know one was fast enof to prove it
0 likesWhat if the pony that pulled off the first sonic rainboom was Rainbow Dash's Dad?!
0 likesmaybe the wonderbolts where the first ones to make a sonic rainboom
0 likesEver noticed he misspelled propechy and he spelled tales as tails like a cat tail not like a story/tale?
0 likesI like the 3rd one, who's with me!! ;)
0 likesI like the fulfilled prophecy theory best. And that RD is the first (since that's what I thought since I was 7)
0 likesRainbow Dash+Rainboom+First Pony+makes the Story=Alicorn
0 likesTwilight Sparkle+Magic+Alicorn\Unicorn=Normal Pony
Black hole theory fits here!?
2 likesMy theories are either it was a prophecy or has been done before but with someone else with a rainbow mane... Probably rainbow's ancestors??
0 likesWhat if some pony went back in time
0 likesHey, when luna was banished there’s a rainboom too
0 likesRainbow Dash is not first to make Sonic Rainbow. If you look closly when Celestia send Nightmare Moon to the moon, and when she hit the moon Sonic Rainbow apired. So I think Princes Celestia was first to "do" Sonic Rainbow.
0 likeshis dad was married to flutter fly he kept on racing with his rainboom and then now nobody believes in it
0 likesI ,think rainbow did do the first sonic rainboom cuz when she told her cutie mark story she said "I made the impossible happen"
0 likesCould it be, The Rainboom is not scientifically possible, so when Rainbowdash did her 'first' Rainboom, it was said be to a mares tail or some miracle. :/?
0 likesThat was not the first rain boom his first own when he was a kid that’s how he got his cutie mark
0 likesanyways he wrote about a sonic rainboom and how to do it (I think) and then maybe dashie did it in the race when she was a little filly without knowing
0 likesmaybe,she is the reincarnation of that pony who did it a looooooooooong time ago🤔,just my theory cause I believe in reincarnation 😶
0 likesTime Travelling Rainbow Dash? In order to get back home Rainbow must preform a triple rainboom (faster than sound, then light, then magic) where she becomes a bolt of lightning and must strike Twilight's depowered horn.
0 likesRainbow Dash then becomes the first Alicorn Princess of Speed! She leads the Wonderbolts and learns to generate Fire-Works to make their shows even more awesome.
Replies (3)
hm,what if that was actually possible?
0 likesit would explain alot
0 likesbut I'm afraid rainbow would think she would be to much of an "egg head" if she ever tried to go back in time,seeing as to she'd think she was like Twilight,or,Starlight Glimmer.
0 likesWait... The stars will aid in her escape? Soooo Starswirl the Bearded?
0 likesIt is a possibility that it's not the 1st sonic rainboom
0 likesI think Flash sentuary was the one to make a rainboom
0 likesMaybe it was Rainbow Dash's mom, but she died shortly after it happened and Rainbow Dash knew it was her mom but kept it a secret.
0 likesI think that just like rainbow dash's rainboom made the main six to come together, maby some pony in ansieant time did the first rainboom and he/she made all ansieant main six to come together and then she become the first one to do rainboom . and I guess that sonembula and flash magnus could be the first one to do the first rainboom.its my theory😏😏😉😁
0 likesNo, because they all knew what the sonic rain boom was before she did it.
0 likesWhat if, only people from rainbow dash’s dad’s side of the family(the rainbow hair origin) can do a rainboom and one of them did it
0 likesi get it it might have been one of rainbowdash's long lost grandma
0 likesOf course I did. My dad's a geek.
Well... same source... Luna going to the moon by Elements of Harmony was the first.
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash was the 3rd pony who did the sonic rainboom so...
1 likeOr maybe starswirl is a Alicorn after all we always she him with that cloak...
0 likesMaybe the rainbom was actually different than the 1 than rainbow dash did
0 likesWho else thinks Rainbow dash should be the main pony? She was the one that made all of the main six get there cutie marks by the sonic rain boom so yeah I'm thinking that rainbow should be the main pony :)
1 likeI think that the first one who did the Rainboom was RD's great great great great great great great.....great great great grandfather/grandmother.
0 likesSo flash magnus got his friends there marks now this could be a possibility
0 likesOk sooo here is my theory rainbow dash was the first pony to ever creat the sonic rain boom but you know when rainbow dash said she had proven the legends to be true? Well I think a pegusis before her had attempted to make a sonic rain boom but failed so other ponys started making legens and rainbow dash actually was the first ful to do a sonic rain boom do you like my theory?
0 likesits "legend has it that on the longest of the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will BRING ABOUT NIGHT TIME ETERNAL" (or at least what I heard)
0 likespls don't stop making videos!!!
0 likesI like the most interesting one. 🏳️🌈🌈
0 likesRainbow dash is the most important pony of all she did the rain boom which gave everyone there cutie marks
0 likesThings may come and things may go .....sounds familiar?
0 likesI am not going to agree that rainbow did the first one but I do wanna know who did it
0 likesIt's not just a mares tale RainbowDash's dad wich his name is Spectrum streak he is the exact same color as RD but he has yellow eyes one day when he was practicing because he was a wonderbolt he did the sonic rainboom wich that's how RD got to do her sonic rainboom she got it from her dad since she looks so much alike him.
0 likesMy theory is darig did rainboom before
0 likesCause maybe she did the rainboom and loosed the color of the her mane
I think rainboe dash was the first cause it was said its a legend and rainbow dash is the only one the can pull of a sonic rainbow in the wonder bolt
0 likesMaybe Flash Magnus did the first rainboom
0 likesi think celestia has something to do with this... celestia chose rainbow dash to collect other ponies for the elements of harmony with out her knowing.. and why are they all girls?
0 likeswhat if rainbowdash traveled back in time and created a sonic rainboom there
0 likesi think she might be the first because its called a sonicRAINBOOM
0 likesI think that's a good theory
0 likesI think Rainbow is still da 1st pony 2 pull off a sonic rainboom
0 likesMaybe the series were before rainbow – did her first Sonic rainboom and when she did she called it that cuz she heard legend of the Sonic rainboom
0 likesI think that the first to do the first rainboom must have been related to Rainbow Dash because it wouldn't have been a rainboom if it wasn't in rainbow colors!!!!!!! so maybe a relative of rainbow dash from the time before the rein of Celestia and Luna!!!!!
0 likesWhat if rainbow dash was the first, but another pony did a different colered boom.
0 likesI think the first reason makes the most sense.
remedies is not actually the first pony but actually the first filly who did a sonic rainboom
0 likesrainbow dash wasn't the first, but it could have been one of rainbows ancestors, as pinkie pie said " when a Pegasus pony like rainbow dash gets going so fast a rainbow and sonic boom can happen all at once". so only the most dedicated athlete can achieve one, like we can run but we can't all run at 30 m/h.
0 likesAfter A burst of MAGIC
1 likeA blast of MAGIC happens it makes a blast of
colors. I mean to the color of the pony using the MAGIC
Rainbow makes a Rainboom and Twilight can make a
Twilightboom? Because Twilight made her 'boom" with MAGIC
aND peguas fly super fast and they make their "boom"
Earth ponies run super fast and make their "boom"?
Replies (1)
Doesn't Rainbow's dad has a rainbow mane?
1 likeI think one of rainbows dash’s old ancestors did a sonic rainboom
0 likesI think rainbow dash was the first one to do the sonic rainboom
0 likesI think rainbow should be the main carecter
0 likesA Doctor Who video maybe 😊?
0 likesMaybe the Pegasus ponies saw a rainbow, but the only way to explain it was the sonic rainboom. Maybe?
0 likesI don't that was the first rainboom
0 likesThe rainboom been a legend if it never happened
I have a theory on this what if Rainbow didn't do the first sonic rainboom but also did do the first sonic rainboom think about it for a minute
0 likesThe only ponies that we know now that could perform a sonic rainboom would be rainbow dash and celestia coz of their rainbow manes, no?
0 likesi think they should make a vid about the sonicrainboom
0 likesWhen the mane six vanished night mare moon it makes a rainbow. I think the rainbow was the sonic rainboom.
0 likesHi im a new pony the theories are correct but it may be a princess before celestia and luna mum and dad
0 likesMaybe Flash, one of the pillars.
0 likesRainbow was not the first one to make a rainboom because how would she know that a rainboom exists the story was probably past on from generations from Rainbow Dashes family I think that she just got lucky that she did the Rainboom because she raced the bullies from her flight school for flutter shy then she just went WAYYYYY to fast so she didn't even know that she could make a rainboom so I think she is a special pony or she just really got lucky 🍀 By the way I'm a rainbow fox 🦊:D
0 likesWhat if one of rainbow dashes ancestors or relatives pulled off a sonic rainboom because their mane has had to be a rainbow pattern like her parents.
0 likesMaybe it was Rd's mum who did the 1st and rainboom.
0 likesMaybe he made it!
0 likesor maybe when the 2 sister use the elements of harmony becase when the mane 6 is using the elements of harmony on the lost harmony part 2 or something like that when they use it there is also a sonir rainboom
0 likesP.S make that a video theory pls ☺☺☺☺
what if rainbows parents did the first rainboom? 😦😱
0 likes--> Maybe someone in Rainbow's history / one of her ancestors did the Sonic Rainboom at first so its in her DNA? idk lmao
0 likesthis means the 2 isn't as likely because fore it to be known as the sonic RAINboom a RAINBOW colored pony wold have to perform it if your magic theory is correct
0 likesthe hole point of a sonic-rainboom being called sonic-rainboom is bc of its colour
0 likesNo because remember the one when Rainbow Dash went to the training camp she had a rainbow trail remember and there's another girl which is as fast as her she had a lightning Trail maybe they did a rain boom or light boom at the same time but further away from each other
0 likesits obvious it was one of rainbow dashes relatives who made the first one
0 likesThe mane 7 spike is left out .
0 likesDude make a explanation on how changelings change theyre form
0 likesHow About the mane six traveled through time and Rainbow Dash create the first rainboom, this somehow also make sense of my theory that they become the element gems itself to reborn in the future
0 likesI think yes for rainbow and number 3
0 likesThe best explanation is number 3.
0 likes2. Rainbow Dash Is The Most Fastest Pony In Equestria. Maybe There Was A Pony Who Did The Rain Boom Or Discovered The Rain Boom Beafore Rainbow Dash but they wrote it as a old tail so everyone started thinking that it was and old tail. 2. The elements are conected to all sixth and they all have diffrent element colours and rainbow dash is conected to one of the elements and also rainbow dash's element is red, the lead colour of the rainbow so maybe that's the awnswer
0 likesmaybe it was windrider the greatest wonderbolt who ever live he's first appearesn is in rarity ivestigates but the he got abbended
0 likesRainbow is the first child pony to do the rainboom that is my theory
0 likesOh no, he just made My Little Pony scientific.
0 likeswell I watch a video of rainbow dash family and rainbow really look like his father because rianbow's father has rainbow tail too.I bet rainbow's father is the 1st one to make the sonic rainboom.
0 likeswell I only know that the pony who can pull another sonic rainbooom is rainbow dash's parents or the pony who has the rainbow colored mane but the only one who has a rainbow colored mane is rainbow dash's family maybe they were the one who did the sonic rainboom before her
0 likesWe saw when nightmare moon was banished a rainboom came from the moon
0 likesVideo request how come moon dancer isn't in Crystal Prep
0 likesWait maybe rainbow dash time travelled just like you said with twilight but just as another person it was reborn making it that she doesn’t really remember it also another thing what if she time travelled when she grew up while it was twilights reign when like you know after season 9 but she did it without realising or like realising after she had dont the sonic rainboom.
0 likesshe was the one to pull off a sonic rain boom and maybe twilight help name the sonic rain boom
0 likesi like the 3 one
0 likesRainbow Dash was the first one to do a sonic rainboom
0 likesmaybe camander huricane or flash magnus performed the first rainboom
0 likesMaybe it was one of her predecessors at was the first (but just maybe)
0 likesWell my thinking is no it was not the first rainboom because in your video where you told us why you thought Rainbow and Daring look alike well maybe what you said in that was true but I think that daring did it first and then rainbow maybe rainbow might pass it down or another pony will do it!
1 likeReplies (1)
And this is not hate just saying~!
1 likeI just realized... celestia and Luna are older than dumbledore
0 likesI’m rewatching this at the end of my senior year of highschool
0 likesI had to google what senior year of highschool was because we don’t call it that in Canada, as far as I know at least 😂
Replies (2)
Yeah we do-
0 likesEclipse /NightMARE_ whelp. Guess I didn’t know that either then 😂
0 likesFluttershy did it. Rainbow did the Sonic Rainboom, but Fluttershy caused it. You see, remember how when Fluttershy said that when she went to flight school as a filly, she was a weak flier? So if she hadn't existed, the two pegasi bullies wouldn't made fun of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash couldn't stuck up for her, Rainbow Dash and the two wouldn't compete in the Pegasus Race, and Rainbow wouldn't complete the Sonic Rainboom.
0 likesMaybe it was pridicted and then sort of got forgotten
0 likesTwighlights did her own type of sonic rainboom a few days after becoming a princess
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry she did three I think
0 likesI think there was one more because how the heck would they KNOW about the sonic rainboom
0 likesI think the first one could be rainbow dash's dad or mom
0 likesI don't think it was the first cause I remember in the time episode when they were in past baby rainbow dash said that's just an old mare tale
0 likesSo flash Maignus may have caused the first Sonic rainboom and did the same thing like rainbow dash and give him and 5 are there cutie marks and people thought it was untrue until rainbow dash people did the same thing makeing that true
0 likesExcept for Dash's father, who hs a rainbow coloured mane?
0 likeswhen celestia banished nightmare moon to the moon you see a rainboom
0 likesMaybe it was celestia? 😕
0 likesHow did the sonic rain boom work
0 likesIf Rainbow dash made the rainboom and united the mane six, wouldn't she be the leader?
0 likesI have a question.What happens when starfire bece an alicorn did the others get imortalaty or are they going to die?
0 likesProbably she's the first one to do this BUT in ponyville
0 likesTwilight did it when the princess gave her there magic there were stars behind her in stuff
0 likesThe sonic rainboom costed the main six to get their cutey mark so the main six might be related some how some of u guys might think that that’s not possible because the cmc aren’t related but they got their own together at the school house twilight is conceited with her friends with the six stars on her flank rainbow dash got her friends their cutey mark so why haven’t the main six men
0 likesReplies (1)
Mentioned it yet?
0 likesHmmm mabey the story was just a fiction book? so rainbow was the frist pony to pull off the rainboom?
0 likespretty much rainbow is the most imprtant pony and dats y i like her the most
0 likesI don't think Rainbow dash is the first pony who made a sonic rainboom
0 likesSo what if someone made the Sonic rainboom but they didn’t pull it off so then Rainbow Dash did it
0 likesI think that the first pony made the rainboom was rainbow dash's dad
0 likesI think that the first pony made the rainboom was rainbow dash's dad
0 likesMaybe she had to fulfill her parents hooves steeps?
0 likesDidn't you her first rainboom - made cutie mark . Huh Galaxy Lover Girl.(now I am guilty😣)
0 likesHow did it get the name "Sonic Rainboom"
0 likesThe fact that ponies have even found out about what a sonic rain boom even is? Of course this isn’t the first rain boom sighted or created
0 likesMaybe flash mangos made the first rainbom
0 likesHey I think flash magnus did it
1 likeMaybe Rainbow Dash Dad is the first doing the sonic rainbow because Her dad is fast and he love flying
0 likesI think rainbow Dad is the one who the first doing the sonic rainboom
Yes yes she was the first one
0 likesWe all know that Equestria wouldn't survive without the mane six because of the episodes the cutie re-mark part 1 and 2
0 likesI can't be prophesy because u said the rainbow part was a reflection of the pony. They wouldn't know that it would be rainbow dash to do the rainbow. If I twilight did a sonic Boom would it be sparkly?
0 likesActully Rainbow was the first pony but when princess Celestia become a alicorn she discover sonic rainbow
0 likesnumber one is my favorite
0 likesshe was the first child to pulled of the sonic rainboom
0 likesI like the prophecy theory
0 likesreally, if there were stories about the rainboom, then some pony did it before rainbowdash! like you said, just like nightmare moon, there were stories but she was real, so...I guess rainbowdash is the 2nd..... And, I'm a kid on my mom's phone XD So... some pony did it first, but we don't know who... (I love you brony nation!!)
0 likesMaybe her dad made the first sonic rainboom
0 likesNo, they were a Rainboom when celestia banished luna into the moon and the rainboom appeard
0 likesI don't think this is the first rainboom if it was no one would know about it
0 likesCause I’m a warrior cats fan I say it was a fulfilled prophecy
0 likesWait then he is a HUMAN?!
1 likeAlso starlight seeing this video
1 likeStarlight glimmer: hmm interesting
Maybe someone related to rainbow dash like her great grandmother so it would be possible
0 likesThe first pony was rainbow dash's father
0 likesBecause he and she has the efect on their tail
Ooh ooh I have an awesome guess of who did the first sonic rainboom: It's ether commander hurricane or rainbow dash's dad
0 likesWhat if it was RainbowDashs mom who did the first Rainboom
0 likesCongratulations my brother just graduated from high school I hope you do well in high scho
0 likesI think rainbow dashes dad was the first one to do a Sonic rainbowboom
0 likesI believe it is a fulfilled prophecy
0 likesI think somepony once told a rumor and rainbow dashe proved that the rumor was not a rumor and is a true story.
0 likesShe is the first one who can make it be true 🎯
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesYeah
0 likesRainbow Dash is not the first pony to pull off a sonic rainboom is my best theory.
0 likesBoth "tails".nice one✌
0 likesThe first sanic rainboom is 40 trillion years ago (fake fact)
0 likesI think the first rainboom was Rainbow Dash's father
0 likesI donypt think rainbow dash was the first to pull off the sonic rainboom maybe a pony was the first one to pull off a sonic rainboom in the olden days before celestia and luna came
0 likesmaybe dash's ancestors did one
0 likeswithout rainbow dash, equstria would be doomed. she is the main reason why equstria is still alive.
0 likesI think rainbow dash was the first Pegasus to pull off a sonic rainboom and I think that somepony made up the story and rainbow dash thought that it was true many ponies said it was a pony's tale but Maybe the sonic rainboom was made up and rainbow dash was the first to ever do the sonic rainboom
0 likesrainbow dash did her first sonic rainboom when she was in her first race to defend fluttershy's oner
0 likesMabry Celestia was the first to pull it of?Um,I dunno,I'm just random.
0 likesit would be celestias mom or something
0 likesThe pony who pulled it off was in one of the seasons episodes.....I don't remember which one it was but it had to do when Rainbow Dash met a famous pony who he said he believed that Rainbow dash could beat his record
0 likesReplies (2)
RainbowGriefer which one
0 likesRainy Jamaa I don't remember but it's in one of the episodes
0 likesher father was the 1st one who did it!!!
0 likesRainbow Dash is the first pony who proof the socnic rainnoom is ril.
0 likesThe elements create the first sonic rainboom
0 likesMaybe her dad of Rainbowdash did it first 🌈
0 likesMy theory is no, because how would anybody know about the rainboom unless it’s happened before.
0 likesrainbow dash was a fist one but her dad done a rainbow boom but everyone think it was
0 likesI think this was the first sonic rainboom because it makes a rainbow like rainbow dashes name
0 likesGood job
0 likesrainbow dash is the first pony who did a rainboom
0 likesI love mlp
0 likesfirst of all, commander hurricane is a dude bc in the first hearth warmings episode with the play in season 2 , spike literally said HE and fluTTERshy kept saying sir
0 likesHave you ever wondered what where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's cutie marks came from how do you earn for a wonder about that
0 likesJust me think it is a TIME TRAVEL ?
0 likesOr Pinkie Sense can Explain ?
Wait are you connected with Star Trek? I love you! Ahem sorry. I'm glad you like it.
0 likesDude your lucky. My school starts at the beginning of August.
0 likesNo. If that was the first sonic boom celestia and Luna were like 😱 what the !?..
0 likesRemember cause without rainbow dash rainboom see all the equestria it's worst and in the season 5 last episode twilight say that......where we came from there is no war with king zombra......so if rainbow dash do the rainboom there is no war with king zombra which the 1ST WAR...
0 likesIn princess twilight sparkle when celestia banished luna a rainbow came that might be the first sonic rainboom
0 likesInteresting. I suppose so.
0 likesYes she is.
0 likesCelestia exists. So probably prophecy
0 likesWithout Rainbowdash equestria would be doomed
0 likesmaybe her dad made a 🌈boom😞
0 likeswell rainbow's first sonic rainboom is her filly days
0 likesI think the rainbow was made by a peaguses and starswirll
0 likesI like the prophesy theory
0 likesRainbow Dash not the first. It makes more sense. They say legends are somehow based on truth.
0 likescelestia caused a rainboom when Luna was bamished
0 likesrain bow dash wasn't the first it was cadence cause cadence was born a Pegasus
0 likesWhat if rainbow's ancestor did it
0 likesmake more videos i am a big fan
0 likesI think that Dashs DAD did it... If you watch InkRose you will find it
0 likesthink about this rainboom Rainbowdash they both have to do with rainbows in that one episode Twilight did a rainboom except it was her cutie mark or a purple star and Twilight is purple my theory is that only rainbow ponies can do rainbooms and other ponies like Twilight did can do rainbooms too except they show up different. colors so rainbow dash probably was the first to pull it off but that's only because she was rainbow
0 likesRemember when rarity had butterfly wings the to ponies that were mean to rainbow dash saw her pull off her sonic rainboom but in season 2 or 3 they told her her it was just a old mares tale so aren't they lying???????????????????
0 likesIf Rainbow Dash was the first to create a Rainboom why isn't she an Alicorn? I that proofs enough magic to be one.
0 likesIt's sad when you started your senior year of High School.😢. But you probably need to do daily uploading it you have time. ☺☺
0 likesNo it was rainbow entering the puberty x'D now she eats way more vegetables
0 likesI think that was the first rainboom bit there's something called a alicorn boom "from twilight on the second summer sun celebration. If
0 likesmaybe it wasn't even a Pegasus it might if been a unicorn or alacorn because twilight did do something like a sonic rainboom but with her colors and with magic and alacorns have wings and a horn
0 likesThen what was the (ponys) cutie mark??? If the (pony) did the rainbowboom what was the (ponys) cutie mark??!??
0 likesYeah.... how do they know about sonic rainboom? I don't think rainbow was first i mean she is rainbow colors but how do they know? Maybe.... if some one long ago see in the future......?
1 likeit was proven real by rainbow dash when she was a kid
0 likesI feel like rainbow Dash's dad because her dad has a rainbow mowhock
1 likeMaybe rainbow dash should be the princess because she made a sonic rain boom 💥 made everyone else get there cutie mark so see what you think
0 likeswhat was starlight glimmer doing in the resturant in the episode when twighlight sees her old freind
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Dash's PARENTS did it!!!!😱
0 likeswhat if it was celestia
0 likesI think that Princess Celestia is first pony who make sonicrainbow. I think that beacuse when she send Nightmare Moon to the moon for 1000 yeaes, Nightmare Moon (Luna) hit moon and then sonicrainbow show up. That is my teory and sory for grammer mistakes I don't know english very well.
0 likesThey have a ep on the non equestria without the rain boom thing
0 likeswhat about when the main six got there cutie marks, rainbow dash also made a sonic rainboom
0 likeswell! idk why they need the 6 cause if there was no such thing bad happenignthat the villans would aim for and anyways!!!! in the part where starlight travels to a new time and she stoped the sonic rainboom wouldnt its be the rainbooms fault not the main 6!
0 likesRainbow is the first one to do the rainbom
0 likesrainbow was the first because she has a rainbow main.
0 likesMaybe A pegasi you know they control the weather so ummm you know Rainbows are form if they are rain and a sunny weather going on maybe a pegasus or two has noticed what is even there is no rain a rainbow will form..then they like imagine some things like a pegasus will fly fast and boom! a rainbow will come..and mares like tell the other ponies if its impossible like that..and then nobody can do it..cause a rainboom can only be done if a pegasus has like a rainbow trail or whatever you call it..
0 likesSo only rainbow dash can do it cause she is the only pony that has rainbow whatsoever...So maybe thats it
PS: Im 10 yrs. old
I guess that rainbow dash was not the first one to make the rainbow because
0 likesI guess that the rainboom could be done by hes father itself
I like the prophecy theroy
0 likesI thing that it is coincidence. Some one made up a thing and told everyone about it.
0 likesI think that Rainbow not was the first to do the sonic rainbom. Maybe hers dad or someone in hers famaliy did the sonic rainbom.
0 likes2:49 i saw what you did there
0 likesat least the first pony if there was
0 likesi think it is a fulfilled prophecy
0 likesThe show,s are cool.
0 likesHey this show wouldn't have happened if those bullies where nice ponys!
1 likeReplies (1)
Yep, you're right. In the episode where Starlight bends time, in one of the versions she makes them nice and equestria is doomed
1 likeNon-pony related vids you say? Steven Universe maybe??
0 likesI Think That Rainbow Dash Did Do It Because The Rainboom Is Real But The One That Did It Tried But Didn't Do It But knew It Was Possible
0 likescould you please Post a video about how you make videos?
0 likesMaybe only ponies with a rainbow tail or mane can do Rainbooms. Could be relatives of Rainbow Dash.Like if you want this to be a video
0 likesIt's Possible That Her Parents Pulled It Off Because She Was Born To Pull It Off Bcs The Rainbow Hair? And Super Flying
0 likesshe is the first rainboom
0 likesMAYBE they just guessed about it.
0 likesMaybe it was her grandfather
0 likesIf teric took rainbow dashes powers then can he do a sonic rainboom
0 likesranbow was the first! as a kid
0 likescan there be difrent types of rainboom example if twilight learned fly that fast as rainbow dash maybe there will be sparkleboom???????
0 likesstar swirl looks nothing like that
0 likesmaybe twilight traveled througt time and told people.
0 likesit was her dad first.
0 likesWell i can maybe help so the rainboom.......Well...ya see..... You confuse me :/
0 likesDidn't Twilight do one one on the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle
0 likesThis is Mandy the first rain boom because they couldn’t be anymore rainbow ponies..
0 likesI think the pony who pulled it of is a ancestor of rainbow dash
0 likesRainbow Dash mother was the first Pegasus to do the first rainbow
0 likesNo because if celestia luna sent to the moon then was a raimboom
0 likesDo Littlest Pet Shops
0 likesHe just predicted Cutie Re-marked..
0 likesMaybe it was just a made up story by somepony who saw a pegasus flying super fast and almost got it but inly got so far as to make a few sparks but then the story got based off of it all but was over exaggerated and got super popular it science nopony was seen doing it it was just seen as an old mates tail until Rainbowdash accomplished it
0 likesThe Fulfilled Prophecy and yes rd was the first
0 likesI think the mayor had dreamed it and told everybody and and somhow connected it to rainbowdashes biology
0 likesForesight sawtooth waves 😉
0 likesIf your asking Brony Notion to change his OC or Avatar, it's for the better
0 likesShe is the first cuz she's awesome
0 likesMayjen rainbow wentback in time to do it
0 likesI don't think that rainbow dash was the first one.
0 likesI don't think that rainbow dash was the first one.
0 likesWow Rainbow Dash is a pioneer XD
0 likesWhat If all the mane 6 would become alicorns
0 likessomeone can do the sonic rainboom if there are pegasi and a rainbow mane and tail
0 likesIt is not the 1st rainbom bc how do pony's know about it
0 likeslong long ago a Rainbow colored pony with wings was fly but need to get down into the ground as fash as she/he could so she/he dive down wings in a diving pose but she/he was so close they hade to pull up but when they did a rainbow circle formed around she/he menny pony saw this but over the years it was considered fake, tell one day.........
0 likesAny pegusus can do it but she does a rainboom because she has rainbow hair
0 likesBrony notion, starswirl or celestia has made a sonic rain boom because in one of the mlp flash backs a rain boom appeared when nightmare moon was sent to the moon or starswirl must have created a sonic rain boom for something.
3 likesso cool
0 likesOkay but like should rainbow dash be the princess of friendship because technically she was the one who made the friendship bond happen between the main six
0 likesmaybe rainbows dad? or mom?
0 likesI think it was Rainbows dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😄
0 likesPlease I know this is an old video but please respond to my comments cuz I really want to know this is sunny star scout the new princess of friendship
1 likeLove the third!!!!
0 likesits got to be a pecsis with a rainbow mane and tail
0 likesthen wat about rainbowdashes cutie Mark if she got it from the sonic boom are their cutie marks from there ancesters or something? it might be possible for a cutie mark to be repeated after centuries so maybe rainbowdashes cutie mark might be from her ancester like in the past video you said cloe the clever is twilite sparkle so maybe they are the ancesters of the main six so thats why the one that is simular to rainbow dash has the same cutie mark maybe she was the first to create the sonic boom.
0 likesIt might be one of her parents
0 likesReplies (1)
then it wouldn't be a myth then Duh
2 likesMabey it wasn't the wizard that hired the pony.Maby its just a pony who actually did it by him self or her self.I mean in real life a man did it but qhat apout back in Mlp Human.If you get what I mean.Can a human do it there too with a jet?That's what I think what about you.
0 likesrainbow sis the best i love her shes asome <3
0 likesI think it was rainbow dash 's dad or mom.
0 likesno rainbow dash is not the first one to do the rainboom because if there`s a legend the some one must of envent it
0 likesMaybe Rainbow dash and Sonic had a baby and that baby went back in time and did the sonic rainboom
0 likesI don't think that rainbow dash was the first one
0 likesI don't think that rainbow dash was the first one
0 likesMaybe it's Princess selsta she is powerful
0 likesmaybe dash timetraveled
1 likeWhat if it is fiction
0 likesI know! It was the explorer Pegasus that rainbow dash loves and adores I forgot her name😕😕😕🌈🌈🌈🌈
0 likesRainbow Dash is the first pony to do it cause she's the only rainbow pony.Also she has the first rainbow cutie mark
0 likesit was her father
0 likesI think rainbow dash did it first
0 likesMaybe Rainbow dash’s dad because He has a Rainbow mane too!
0 likesrainbow-dash made a rainboom/sonic rainboom when she was a filly
0 likesSelestia made the first rainboom, srsly! 😒😒😒😡
1 likeWhen luna (i mean nightmermoon) got to the moon .
Well RAINboom rain is meaning rain now and rainbow dash is the only rainbow pony so rainbow is the 1st
0 likescan you make a video about your cutie mark?
0 likesperhaps a family member of rainbow dash?
0 likes+3:59 star swirl has wings
0 likesEse video real la última vez yo se que se metió el mundo de las chicas Super poderosas Rainbow Dash y eso fue muy extraño no me gusta tanto el video estuvo muy increíble
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash's parents was the first
0 likesI don't think rainbow dash was the 1st either 🤔🤔🤔🤔
0 likesmaybe the first one to do it was rainbow dashes dad or mom
0 likesIts too much SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesif you look the flashback of Luna when she banished to moon on that scene is a SONIC RAINBOW in the MOON!!
The part that you past the mane five besides rainbow dash they all saw the sonic rainboom
0 likesdid anyone no if she didnt do the sonic rainboom no one in the main 6 will get there cutie mark
0 likesi think the pony would have rainbow mane
0 likesYes Rainbow was the first one to do it but I know some one why does
0 likesno she wasn't the 1St. where would the ponies get the idea of a rainboom from anyways? rainbow dash could have just pulled it off, but did NOT invent it...
0 likesSo, you're a year or two older than me.
0 likesWhat I think is somepony was joking around and making new words and he/she said sonic rainboom and that word was past down in tell rainbow dash did a sonic rainboom
1 likeI think RB is first place
0 likesIf some one els did a sonic rain boom it wold have ben different
0 likescolor. Its named out fore rain Bo dash
rainbow. was. the.
0 likesfirst. one.
Actually I think rainbow dash is tge first to pull out the sonic rainbom
0 likesYou spelled prophecy wrong
0 likesrainbow was first and both 1and 3 are right
0 likesA magic exzer squid XD
0 likesYay to the announcement pls do a docter who video or gravity falls
0 likesIt wast if it was then how would they know it existed?
0 likesNo I don’t think so cause if they say it’s a legend then there telling a story that someone did it
0 likesi think it was rainbows mom or dad
0 likesHey, if that Starswill the beard is alicorn, i mean his power iš verry strong likę alicorns?
0 likes(Of course I commented this before I watched the video and realized you had the same theory)
0 likesI think she is the second
0 likesone of Rainbow Dashes family pulled of the Sonic Rainboom
0 likesThat why starlight was in the past
0 likeslook I saw a episode that the first pony to do a sonic rainboom was bubble blue
0 likesshe was the 1st Philly
0 likesWho else fell off their chair while watching this?
0 likesJust me? Ok I'll stop 😐
to me is Celestia who made the first but no pony a even found out who a create it but everypony a call Sonic rainboom, Celestia is be a filly alicorn on this time, she be excited when she become alicorn princess she can't hold on one place like Pinkie, so she start to fly all around the land she be so fast she create the sonic rainboom but she a found out is her or somepony see her do it but be very long time, Luna is be too young to remember to see Celestia create the First Sonic Rainboom!
0 likesFulfilled prophecy
0 likesUm I going to say it's called a sonic RAINBOOM so a rainbow so only a pegasus with a rainbow main and tail can do a sonic rainboom
1 likeWay to put ink rose under the buss
0 likesAll hail princess Starswirl XD
1 likeReplies (1)
Jello hello
0 likesI think she was first because and ppl 50 years ago (some) thinking about things like mobile phones and today we have mobile phones, I just wanna say ppl making impossible things :D
0 likesMaby the second theroy is true but it wasnt a rainboom as in rainbow but say a sonic green boom
0 likesit wasnt the first because thats how she got her cutie mark
0 likesduh.....
if i say... it was The Great great great great great great great great great great (soo may greats) Grandfather of Rainbow dash has pulled it out
0 likesya and how would they know to call it the sonic rainboom
0 likeslove the bill nye
0 likesI think rainbow dash do the second rainbow bloom
0 likesi like the 3rd reason
0 likesMaybe rainbowdash has a past life
0 likesHow about?.. What if someone made up sonic rain boom and made up a story behind it
1 likeReplies (1)
sanspinkipoo the yokai then how are they able to make it up? They don't even know what's a Sonic rainboom or seen one.
1 likeAnd this theory is not real in the episode sonic rainboom applejack said this (and rainbow dash is the only one who pulled it off) so yeah
0 likesI think rainbow dash did it before rainbow dash, yes that makes no sense but listen mabye the mane six discovered a reason to go into the past for example ugh I got nothing but mabye when they where in the past rainbow dash did a sonic rainboom making that be the first sonic rainboom I don’t have much evidence besides that time travel is possible but say if they did something completely wrong and had to go into the past to change it but then they accidently went way to far back but since they went that far back twilight didn’t have enough magic to bring them back not knowing what to do they decided to find shelter and stay out of sight so they found shelter but before they knew it the three tribes came to take them all away rainbow dash being rainbow dash grabbed fluttershy and took away from the Pegasi trying to take them away off fluttershy asks rainbow what she is doing and she responds by saying “escaping” fluttershy then asks “but what about everyone else” rainbow sighs “we are going to get them back” fluttershy starts flapping on her own and rainbow dash says “wait here” she realizes that her friends are very far away by now, she also sees other Pegasi coming toward her and fluttershy rainbow dash darts toward rarity and twilight she goes fast enough and boom sonic rainboom since you said there is a magic boom also the magic boom gave twilight enough magic to grab everyone and run
0 likesnow theres my little pony season 8
0 likesTheorie 3. So it was a THEORIE get it
0 likesI thank rainbow dash was the Frits pony to do it.
0 likesI think rainbow Was the 1st
0 likesrainbow dash was the first one to pull the rainboom sints she was a little pony
0 likesi think that the sonic rainboom was science by somepony and later it hapened
0 likesO think the raonboom is NOT a rainbow at all it's a ring of colors that produces a rainbow afterwards
0 likesRainbow boom not the first. good thing you put school first.
0 likeswhat music do you use?
0 likesSo all this happened because of a bet
0 likesPROPHECY!!!!
0 likeswe won't be mad education is more important than youtube
0 likesHey why is everything based on rainbow dash the sonic rain boom the rainbow thing they do to beat villains i want to know why? She doesn't even follow her element?!?
0 likesWhat about rainbow dash's dad he has a colorful mane too
0 likesya rainbow dash was the first one to do the sonic rainboom
0 likesAcroding to what I know it is not because her dad did them aswell
0 likesThe next elements of harmony is the suffers sorry seven isn’t really rightly spelt
1 likebrony notion i want you to make a video about celesta and twilight sparkle it makes me wonder if twilight really is the lost princess is makes me wonder if she is celesta's kid just look at the eye they are the same color but let me get the video ok
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash dad did the first rainbom
0 likesThere is some one who does film theories
0 likesthink lighting dust could do a rainboom cause she is just as fast as rainbow dash
0 likesReplies (1)
I think no, possibly, the Sonic Rainboom was created with love and friendship(maybe), because, when Dashie made her first sonic rainboom, she helped the other mane 6 with their cutie marks, and her second was when she saved Rare and the Wonderbolts. Ok that's all
0 likesI love the sientific theory
0 likesshe won't the first to do a Sonic Rainboom and it happens if given the My Little Pony movie
0 likestime travel.
0 likesI think somepony did it before Rainbow
0 likesrainbow dash is the first because its just a story they made the story up
0 likesInk Rose! LOL!
0 likesmaybe daring do did the first rainboom
0 likesWait you posted your first video on September 4th!?! My b-day is on September 4th!!!
0 likesDo a video this a idea How many parents does pikie pie have
0 likesTime travel!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesMaybe..... Rainbow Dash's grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents grandparents you get the point
0 likesSomeone who was rainbows Dash's
Older grandparents
he hem dose thou not remember when princess Celestia banned night mare moon it made a raneboom? I believe that is where the tale came from
0 likesProphecy from future Twilight
0 likesdid twilight do the sonic raineboom at the summer sun ceiebration but she didnt go at sonic speed
0 likesstar swirl the bearded has a cape on. he could easily have wings. SECRETLY. dun dun DUN!😠
0 likesReplies (2)
anyone agree? 😕
0 likesThat would mean he was an alicorn
0 likesYeah she is The olny pegasus with rainbow corlord
0 likesIM A BIG FAN!!!!! :D
0 likesI love ink rose I wach her all the time 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhat would happen if Rainbow Dash didn't exist!
0 likesRainbow dash was the first won her cutie mark is a rainbow /rainboom if someone else did it I thing that would be there mark
0 likesMaybe it was cadets
0 likesI think rainbow dash creat the sonic rainboom
0 likesIf everypony said it was a mairs tale, rainbow dash was a legend with the sonic rain boom
0 likesAnd her sonic rain boom the whole of equstria depend on it because without the mane six bronys could never had happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
rainbow dash,s dad scared rainbow dash so mutch she did a sonic rainboom first as a babby
0 likesI'm hopefully not the first to ask, but are you and ink rose related?
0 likesrainbow dash did make the 1st rainbom stents she wos a little pony
0 likesNOT the 1st pony
0 likesi think it was rainbow dashes great great great great great great GREAT grandma that did the rainnboom
0 likesor flash magnas
0 likesSince it's a story I think pony parents would to tell stories to the children so the sonic rainbow was made to amaze fillies and colts so it parable got passed on and rainbow dash probably did the rain boom by accident and then it was proven
0 likesReplies (3)
0 likes+LpsSnowFlake TV p,g k do not remember typing this
0 likes+LpsSnowFlake TV *omg
0 likesJust ms Watching at 3:33 am.
0 likesI thick rainbows dad did it first
0 likesIt’s simple ponies are making up stuff
0 likesI think it was kamander herakane
0 likesActually when they said it was a maretail they siad it was somepony
0 likesIt was probably one of his ansesters
1 likeReplies (1)
Destiny Floyd no he is talking about the first time.
0 likesOnly rainbow dash or her dad can make it
0 likesMary Sue OCs will be like
0 likesBitch plz I made the first Rainboom
it was flash magnus OvO
0 likesI think no I think Rainbow's mom or dad is do the sonic rainboom
0 likesi think it is Rainbow Dash's DAD!!!!!!!! because well Rainbow Dash's DAD had RAINBOW MANE AND TAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesBrony Notion i don't think rainbowdash is the first. I mean i she was peo.. i mean ponies wouldn't know what it was called.
0 likesmaybe.... Rainbow blaze done the 1th one well you know Rainbow dash's dad.
0 likesWhat about rainbow bliz he can do a sonic rainbowm
0 likesWhat was his first video
0 likesshe was the first
0 likeswait a minute!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!? the main six got there cutie marks at the same time (i think) all from the sonic rainboom. but the one who was responsible for that event. was i think, rainbow dash. if that is true, how is it possible? there cant be more then one rainbow dash... unless... she used the duplicating lake that is under water in the episode "to many pinkie pies," or... a magic spell duplicated her and they all made the sonic boom at the same time at different places. (aka where the main six are) but it could also happen from something never before seen in my little pony.
0 likesReplies (1)
No. Only one rainbow dash. It was seen from miles off as well. Therefore, the mane 6 all saw the same rainboom.
1 like3:16
ME:I do. I say u have to let it go and live a normal life K!!! HOPE UR HAPPY HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!!
No sorry rainboom your first rainboom happen when nightmare moon got sent in the moon and then a rainboom happen when Luna/nightmare moon first went in the moon by celestia!
0 likesReplies (1)
Really it happen look when twilight drank the potion that made her go look and be in the past and one was when nightmare moon was first defeated!
0 likesDoes he have a Twitter
0 likesIt was an 'educated guess.
0 likesThis video was posted 6 years ago today-
1 likeI think that rainbow dashes dad did it
0 likesSCIENCE!!!!!
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash's dad did it wich is spectra bolt
0 likesor mAyBe they just liKe legends
0 likesdude, "a spark will make the sixth" bla bla. spark: twilight
0 likesderpy was first to make da rainboom
0 likesIt. Was her father
0 likesI think commander hurricane
0 likesIt was destiny!!!!!!
0 likesalso i want my horse theories
0 likesRainbow dash was the first maybe??
0 likesWhy is your cutie mark a music note? Explain about weird cutie marks.
0 likesMaybe celestia I mean she has rainbow hair
0 likesRainbow das historische the First Pony that mad the Sonic rainboom because
0 likesShe is the fastest fligher in the world she is awesom i like her so much
(but the wizard guy and scientists.)
0 likesCan you explain why there is a mlp song that that is called beat it
0 likesSo you want to be like game theory
0 likesMaby the sonic rainbow was named after rainbow dash
0 likesRainbow dashs father.Because he had A rainbow mane.
0 likesIt's was a prophecy
1 likeRainbow dash's parents could have been the first to do the sonic rain boom
0 likesReplies (1)
IMPOSSIBLE!!! RD thought it was a fantasy. She's never seen it in her life. Only heard of the rainboom in stories.
1 likeit was her
0 likesYou are a science teacher briny
0 likesDuh that is the 2d rain boom cause she already did a sonic rainboom when she is a kid did you see that vid?
0 likesdon't forget...... the rainboom made pinkiepies hair curly, that's like the most important thing ever in mol!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesRainbow well i she told that she did a sonic rainboom i guess it was the first one?
0 likesRainbow dash Did not Do the 1st rain boooom
1 likedid anyone notice that rainbow dash shoots up and the sonic rainboom forms right as she hits a circular cloud?
2 likesReplies (2)
No. Good eye though!
0 likesi did notice that
0 likesif this is a legend so there will be a pony who did it frist
0 likesYou can do the same in youtubers life
0 likesIf you look 1000 years ago defaut of luna you can see an sonic rainbow when luna go to moon (I cant spreak perfect sorry) ;)
0 likesSo you are actually a teen? I thought yoj were already an adult.
0 likesIf there is no first sonic rainboom then how sonic rainboow knowed ??
0 likesdoes Chrysalis have a cutie mark?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesStop killing mlp
0 likesMaybe Rainbow dashes Parents?
0 likesWho is just watching this five years later
0 likesWe don’t want anything besides Mlp
0 likesin the episode of the gala I jues rarity meets BlueBlood & celestia says he is his family so that mean Luna have a bb
0 likeswhat if rainbow s dad was the first one to pull off a sonc rainboom
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesNo that's not possible it happen longer back then before Rainbow Dash's Dad was born
0 likesDo you want a rainbow colour mane
0 likesHi, Iam From Indonesian
0 likesChanel Globaltv MLP
Rainbow Dash Yang Pertama Mendapatkan Cutie Marks Di Sekolahnya!!
Oh I'm sorry to hear that you can't study much because making videos !!!!!
0 likesBut I hope you passed your axem!!
and the rainboom gave the mane six Thier cutie marks
0 likes:I welp you just found out the season finale.
0 likesI think somepony time traveld
0 likesi think ranbow dasd past do the rainboom
0 likesIs there a 7th elements of harmony????????
0 likeswait... Rainbow Dash caused them to get their cutie marks so... should she be princess... LIKE IF YOU ARGEE!
0 likesbrony well i think all 6 did it and combined
0 likesScientific theory
0 likesmaybe her dad
0 likesi think that rainbow is the first to pull it of because she is so AWESOME!!!!!!!
0 likesI like yhe second one
0 likesIm SoOo CoNfUsEdDDdDdD
0 likesRainbow dash is the reason equestria is safe and sound hehe
Everybody gangsta until rainbow dash blasts 400Mph
0 likesu spelt prophecy wrong
0 likesCan you maks a video why scootaloo can't fly. Well in season 6 when the mane 6 gets taken away Their cutie marks rainbow DASH can't fly fast is it becuese you Can only fly when you have a cutie mark? 😶
0 likesthat mean rainbow dash should be a princess
0 likesMaybe it was a princess,.
0 likesNope rainbow dash was not the first
0 likescommander hurricane looks like thunderlane.............................................................................
1 likemaby RD mom or dad made the first rain boom
0 likesEscuse me sawmooth, if its true is there a mane six
0 likesbefore the mane six?
Like if agree
Why do some ponys call rainbow dash rainbow crash
0 likesOMG!!!! Congrats on the Senior year in high school! I thought u were a grown up....... Also, I'm I 5th grade, any tips 4 high school, I'm a little worried....... If u do, plz somehow contact me. Thx!
0 likesink rose!!!
0 likesDo a face reveal
0 likesmaybe rainbow dash ancestor
0 likesI know who is ink rose
0 likesyea because mabey somepony made it up
0 likesMaybe first proven rainboom
0 likesAs in people saw it
Replies (1)
not people pony's
0 likesThe brony notion sounds like he's 13 or 14
0 likesReplies (1)
But he's probley not
0 likeswhats chrysalises cutie mark plz tell when get a chance
0 likesI am from the futer lisen to me now you are probably correct on the 3td. One i belevet it
0 likesRainbow sweet
1 likeRAINBOWDASH'S DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesThe thing is that she did do the 2 or 1 SHE WAS NOT FAMOUS LIKE WHATTTTTTT
0 likesSciencetific theory
0 likeshe said proficide
0 likesl don't think that RD is the fitst pony who make the sonic rainboom. if no, there will be no legend. l don't spell right the words legend. l vietnam person
0 likesYes I think
1 likewait wait wait wait wait the Sonic Rainboom was created in our world to its called a sonic boom
0 likesCongratulations
0 likesnot commander horcan
0 likesthis is on my b-day
0 likesMabey it was rainbow dashes mom or dad who did the first one becase their rsinbow
0 likesmabey rainbow dash great great great great great granma or granfather do the first sonic rainboom
0 likesI LOVE YOU!!!
0 likesrainboom prophesy: One day their will be a peagases to ceate the sonic rainboom to egnight the friendship of harmony and peace
0 likesI love you bony
0 likesIt was made on 9/11
0 likesPrincess Celestia made a rainboom when she banished Luna.
0 likesit feels like your channel is death it's very long time ago you posted your last video
0 likesi watched that I got this
0 likesi think the 2nd part makes the most sence.
0 likesIts NOT possible that rainbow dash could've been the first,because if she was the first,where the rumors of a sonic rainboom come from?Its possible that it could've been a pony that we have no information of.I highly doubt it would be another rainbow dash,unless theres an ancester,but i need evidence to back my theory out.(The part where i believe there wasnt another rainbow dash)
Me:Sorry RainbowDash!
Dash:Aww,so much for being the global world records.
Replies (2)
Well where did the tale of nightmare moon coming back come from? Have you even concentrated on the third one?
0 likes+The Donkey That Probably Lives In Your Closet Thats a diffrent story dude - .-
0 likesWow it has more dislikes
0 likesCool
0 likeszoo
hmmm i think it was rainbows mom
1 likeReplies (1)
im kylie lisa's kid
1 likeThe exzer squids
0 likesWe shouldn't add since in cartoons
0 likesyou know InkRose????
0 likesHaha, Lore.
0 likesrainbow dash is the 1st!!!
0 likesI like 3
0 likes1 and 3
0 likesI watch bill nye the dude thing in school and I call it : bill nye the farting guy
0 likesWhere!s the commenter dragon?
0 likesyaaaaaas I love ink rose
0 likesher mother
0 likesI think it was her dad or mom because the too are rainbow colored like Rainbow Dash
0 likesReplies (1)
If it was her mom or dad everyone wouldn’t refer to it as an old mares tale, I think rainbow and everybody went back in time to when the three tribes where separate and that is when rainbow did a sonic rainboom
0 likesINK ROSE!!!!!!!
0 likesI LUV INK ROSE!!!!!!!
0 likesYOU KNOW INK ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesThe 4th is my birthday September
0 likeswhat if someone made it up so RAINBOW DASH IS THE 1ST ONE
0 likesReplies (4)
No way
0 likesThat's not possible. If rainbow dash was the first to pull it off, she'd never have known what it was. Nor would any pony else. Which means:
0 likes1. RD could have been the 1st to pull it off, but some pony in he future went back eons in the past to spread word about the rainboom. (Hence, it's a mares tail)
2. RD was not the first to do a Rainboom.
+Kaelyn Klatte Well where did the mare tale of nightmare moon returning come from if she never came back until now?
0 likesNo she did come back, I bet. Like in "it's about time", Twilight wanted to time travel to her past self, so she could tell her not to worry. SHe thought she was gone for a couple minutes. To Spike and Pinkie, Twilight was gone only a few seconds. If Rainbow Dash traveled far back in time, she must've been gone for a few hours, the least. It really depends on when she traveled to.
0 likesfulfilled proforcey
0 likesNo she was not
0 likesscience yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesYep
0 likesfirst who did the sonic rainboom was rd's mom! u kniw that pony... right?!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likeslearn hard man
0 likesI suggest you start doing Harry Potter videos. 😊😊😊😊 Either do HP vids, Or I'm unsubscribing 😊😊😊😊
0 likesI'm not watching non pony videos
0 likesprof season
0 likeshow do you get a profile picture
0 likesfirst yes second phofild destiny
0 likesI'm a fresh man and I kinda left my channel
0 likesмαвує ѕнє ωαѕ вє¢αυѕє тнє вσуѕ ιи ѕєαѕσи 2 said it was just a stupid legand
0 likesTwilight did one but purple and pink like here hair and rainbow dash like here hair the same way
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesno she did it as a filly
0 likesRanbow didn't pull it off.. It was really........... Gilda
0 likesReplies (1)
How do u know. What's the evidence
0 likesjust maybe ???!!!
0 likesI was think that rainbow dash is first but no and no one of rainbow family because the sonic rainbow happened in the past but after that no one make sonic boom and they think it will be so hard but rainbow dash make as it like so easy . When rainbow dash was kid she make sonic rainboom after she make it the main six get their cute mark
0 likesιм looĸιng aт yoυ ιnĸroѕe!
0 likesYes
1 likerainbow dash dad???
0 likesbrony and ink rose sitting in a tree oommggg
0 likesbrony and ink rose sitting in a tree oommggg
0 likesStop correcting me iPad please ;-;
0 likeshi look whos back
0 likesmade up I guess...?
0 likesMabye rainbows dad sis brother mum
0 likesWait what??
0 likesMake video about legend of ever free!!!!! It's the newest news!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesSientfic explnashon:3
0 likesHow old is princesses Celestia she banished Luna 4time she has to be adlest 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
0 likesi like fuffiled prophecy
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likeslike wings of fire my favorite novel
0 likesRainbow is1one because if not they will tell us if rinbow
0 likesWsent the1
my be it could be rainbow dash dad
0 likesrainbow dashs dad
0 likesyall need to grow the hell up and find some jezuz
0 likesUm mare do well?
1 likeThe starting: fRiEeEeEeEeEEeEEeeeeeEndzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
0 likesI think it could be draneing do
0 likeswhy u do dis bro. lol its ok i get it
0 likesdidnt rainbow dash protect fluttershy from bullies when they wer fillies then inspired everyone else`s destiny or whatknot?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa w a wa wa wa wa wa wa 😭😭
0 likesyes
0 likesyes
0 likesI think it was one of rainbowdash ansaters
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesLol Bill Nye
0 likesmy birthday is 9-5-2004
0 likesor Prince
0 likesHe cept saying raiboow dash
0 likesyes
0 likesProphecy
0 likesWhy is this so ooolld
0 likesIf you wont do pony video all the time I will stop watching your videos
0 likesgood
0 likesumm do STAR WARS and Disney and Disney Pixar
0 likesyes
0 likesHes in high school WWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTT???
0 likesHow old it rainbow dash
0 likeswhy do you like mlp
0 likesis have to be RAINBOW.........
0 likesmeybee its her gret10 grendpa,grendma
0 likesAww senior sucks even though I'm going to fifth grade but my sister likes it and it sucks cause you can't make videos and stuff but senior is also a god like cause like isn't it your last year of high school
0 likesThis means.if rainbow dash is not born.twillight and other mane 4 didn't get there cutie mark.if this is true.why twillight is princess.rainbow dash has to be princess and alicorn
1 likeReplies (1)
Who who thinks it like it
0 likesRainbow
0 likesno.3
0 likesBrony Notion
0 likeslol I'm so lame!!
0 likesHaha tails.....
0 likes#Dislestia
0 likesOK bye sawtooth
0 likesNo its celestia cause she has a rainbow hair and elder than rainbow dash rainbow dash already have a rainbow hair so that makes sense......
0 likesReplies (1)
I mean the first pony/Pegasus/alicorn who did it
0 likesprophecy
0 likesprophecy
0 likesI like the profit
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likes#2 QUSTICN
0 likesim looking at you ink rose lollollololololololololololololololololololololololololol
0 likesThe Brony Notion can't you your profile picture like me
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesrainbow dash was first
0 likesWen she was a filly
0 likes0-0
0 likesHow old are you
0 likesi think
0 likesomg nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesTime travle!😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🚖🚖🚖🚖
0 likesScience
0 likesnooooooooooooo
0 likesranbows mrdrer
0 likesWas the first
0 likesThe 3rd reason
0 likesMaybe
0 likesMaybe
2 likesTalking to a nerd
1 likeNumber 3
0 likesNumber 3
0 likesHow are you sawtooth
0 likesRainbow dash was first beacuse it is rainboom like rainbow dashes and did you realyse that the name of rainbow dashes band i eqestria girls rainbow rocks.You now ,the "rainbooms"
0 likesReplies (1)
cool stuff grammar please 12 year old 😐😑😒
0 likesRainbow dash was the first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @? !*
0 likesSpongeBob hate each other&zechariah
0 likesrainbow dash ' s dad
0 likesReplies (1)
rainbow dash ' s dad is hair rainbow sooooooo rainbow dash ' s dad made the sonic rainboom
0 likesprophysy
0 likesim gonna sub u
0 likesNot people ponies
0 likesdo you make video in 2017,2018
0 likes#3
0 likesRainbowdash is not first
1 likeNO
0 likesNope
1 likeyou go to school?
0 likesshe is 1st
0 likesKeins Keleues
0 likesThe Third
0 likescan't you change your profile pic like me
0 likesis raimbowdash a Girl ir a boy
0 likesReplies (1)
A girl.
1 likeAw
0 likeshave you forgoten
0 likesyeah loll rainbow thash in a kid
0 likesReplies (1)
excuse me please
0 likesher name is
(Rainbow Dash)
Yes she is the first
0 likesits a kid show anithing can hapen
0 likesmaybe
0 likesmaybe
0 likesno
0 likesI like to think that a young and reckless Celestia was the origin of the original rain boom. After all, rainbows are the result of sunlight shining through water at the right angle, separating it into the color spectrum. So Celestia, having both a sun cutie mark and rainbow mane would make a lot of sense being the instigator of the legend (a.k.a. mare's tale). But that's just a theory.
0 likesI love the new art style while the other one was ok, I gotta pony creator vibe from it. But this new one is unique and alot better!
0 likesIf I had to suggest something, I'd say when Celestia banished Luna to the moon, there was this big explosion which looked pretty much exactly like a Sonic Rainboom. So yeah. Maybe that's where the "mare's tale" came from. After all, that was quite some time ago,and Nightmare Moon had also been passed off as a mare's tale as well.
0 likesI think it's the science bit like you explained in the previous video. Somepony must have figured the science part out on their own and written it down only for somepony else to find it later and describe it as "an old mares tale". If this was the case, the info would've been passed around, and Dashie was the one to really pull it off. ooo:
0 likesWhen the Sonic Rainboom was first mentioned, it was said in the show that Rainbow dash was the first in over a century to pull one off. This would make it a rare, near-mythical feat, but not an unknown one. So rare, in fact, that most would disbelieve it being possible.
0 likesRainbow has had a speculation of having a mom and/or dad had a rainbow mane. and they were both pegasie. So they could have been maybe the first to at least discover something about it... That may be the reason why Rainbow loves to go fast and push herself beyond her limits. Creating a sonic rainboom would not be hard for a RAINBOW maned SPEED-DEMON like her.😆
0 likesI have my own explanation that I think may be true...Basically it goes that when Celestia banished Luna to the moon, in the vision in the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle there was something that looked like a sonic rainboom when that element of harmony magic bolt thing actually got to the moon, it created the old mares tale.
0 likesmy theory is when celestia battled Luna while she used the elements she also used a sonic rainboom to send nightmare moon to the moon and since it was thousand years ago some ponies might remember it. also if it was heard of as a legend maybe it was a legendary attack and it intrigued rainbow dash to try it and such
0 likesPlease keep making ponies related videos! I hope u don't mix both ponies and other unrelated stuff into one channel as it would be really confusing! :)
0 likesi think i agree with your star swirl theory, but what if starswirl used a spell to tempoarily turn into a Pegasus?
0 likesRainbow Dash is probly part of a long line of spectral pegasi, few of them had actually pulled off a sonic rainboom, though they were all capable.
0 likesDue to the fact that we don't know the actual lifespan of the average pony in MLP's world, some say the age of a normal horse/pony, others say around 300 years, some say 100, It's possible that one of Rainbow's recent ancestors could have performed such a feat. Maybe her parents did the most recent one. Who knows.
Also don't forget that it was the Sonic Rainboom who also gave the Mane 6 their cutiemarks. If the rainboom never happened, then Nightmare moon would've likely had her wish fulfilled as there'd be no Mane 6. It's possible that Twilight never would've passed the test to become Celestia's pupil without the Sonic Rainboom, and that'd only cascade into an Equestria of eternal darkness in an entirely different reality with a different set of events and notable characters.
I like to think that the Tree of Harmony lets out a background radiation/energy that can easily just be defined as "Harmony" itself and that's what is exploding everytime a Sonic Rainboom or some other incredibly powerful spell is casted.
Another wild idea is that the difference between the Speed of Light and the Speed of Sound, and breaking past each one has different effects on Equestria due to magic being virtually everywhere, and the Harmony background radiation/energy.
I like the background radiation/energy of harmony which is exploding or lifting up near incredible energy concentrations.
What if Twilight went back in time with everyone else during the Windigo fight thing and Rainbow did the sonic rainboom then? This would fit the theory of twilight being Clover the Clever.
0 likesI love your channel and I'll always watch it even if there isn't a video every week and I think the fulfilled prophecy one is the best
0 likesI like the prophesy theory more. doesn't it have a tad bit more solid ground compaired to others?
0 likesDidn't Celestia create a similar effect when she first defeated Discord (can't remember the episode title) I seem to remember a Rainboom like event occuring.
0 likeshow does it feel being a senior? I'm a senior to this year it's so weird I remember starting freshman year and now I'm a senior!! it's already November wow soon we will be walking across that stage! Hope your senior year is going well!
0 likesThere is something strange in this story. If you're theory is right, then the other pony that had already done a sonic rainboom MUST have a rainbow mane. But... we've never seen another pony with a raibow mane... So, if you're theory is right, it mean that pony with a raibow mane are special. Like a destiny. That's cool...
0 likesBut in the other way, when Celestia banished Luna on the moon in "Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2", there is a rainbow wave. And Celestia is'nt rainbow :c
Is some certain pony gonna re-wright history by preventing RD's first sonic rainboom from happening using Starswirl's time magic? Or is she gonna bake the mane six a cake? I like cake!
0 likesMaybe Rainbow will time travel into the past and perform a Rainboom there, hence setting off the legend that became an old mare's tale.
0 likesBefore Rainbow did it, the Sonic Rainboom could've been a myth or theory that somepony created a long time ago. Or a sycic (don't know how to spell that) could've predicted that Rainbow Dash would do the first sonic rainboom.
0 likesI like to think that Rainbow wasn't the first, but it was one of her ancestors from long, long ago.
0 likesI think the prophesy idea is the best explanation for Rainbow's sonic ability. ;) it makes the most sense and is the most interesting.
0 likesA senior in highschool? Damn, I figured you were young but I didn't think you were younger than me. Good on ya, and best of luck to you!
0 likesI personally think RD was exaggerating. She didn't literally mean it was a legend but rather said it to make what she did seem even more epic, she was telling it to three fillies primarily after all.
0 likesDear brony notion I asked this on a previous different video but I thought I would have a better chance asking you on this video,will you please do a video on why shining armor and vinyl look so much alike
0 likesI like the third theory the best!
0 likesI agree with the idea that commander hurricane did the first rainboom also you should do shows like Once Upon a Time
0 likesi love the new look 😍
0 likesWhat about Twilight? In one of your past videos (or maybe it was someone else's) there was a maybe that twilight went back in time and "became" Clover. I know that she is not good enough to do it now, but what about later. When she is older. Maybe Rainbow Dash teaches her??? Just an idea.
0 likesWithout the mane six, Equestria would probably just have a different mane six.
0 likesEither that or Celestia could just go all solar flare on the villain's ass.
I think we have a new sprouting game theorist on our hands!
0 likesUr theories do make sense, but I kind of think that maybe someone in the past who was related to rainbow dash must've pulled it off it just makes sense to me.
0 likesThe full-filled prophecy seems more convincing to me. /)
0 likesWhat if from the video u made about twilight being Clover, what if Twilight went back and told Star swirl about the Rainboom but since not seeing it it was passed as an old mare's tale.
0 likeslove the new change!
0 likeswell alot of old folk tales we believe due to the fact that they are fun to thunk about so if we think he same in the My Little Pony universe then it makes sense if it were to be a fulfilled prophesy
0 likesIt is very possible that Rainbow Dash is a descendant of the one that did the rainboom (thats why she have this magic)
0 likesbut it mostly seems that it might have been a prophecy
I dont want to spoil the season finale ...but....I.can't.hold.it.in.OH I CANT HOLD IT MUCH LONGER
0 likesDon't forget remember how she did it as a fill and as a grown mare? And in the sonic rain boom those guys told her it wasn't true but they were there when she did it as a filly.😕 More theories
0 likesI think the third one, it makes more sense, just think about it mares tail or tale happened with Nightmare moon
0 likesAnybody who is a Pegasus and has a rainbow mane can do the sonic rainbow. They need the speed and the colours. I agree with you that there WAS a pony before Rainbow Dash who did the sonic rainbow probily as an experiment. Like I said they just need the speed and the colours. Hope this helped.
0 likesI agree with you. I also think it was a prophesy
0 likesGood for you focusing on the important things.
0 likesRainbow dash wasn't the first one because how can they predict that the rainboom was almost IMPOSSIBLE? they couldn't just say "The rainboom is impossible. I just know it." and they couldn't do tests of how difficult is this rainboom without somepony doing it. if rainbow dash WAS the first Celestial would make Rainbow and the Mane 6 the new rulers of Equestria. (new topic) if the Wonderbolts are historical, maybe the first Wonderbolts were the ones to make the first rainboom. or if Celestia and Luna are more than 1000 years old, they might be the first ones. or maybe they weren't natural born Alicorns/Princesses. maybe Star Swirl was a Pegasus and got transformed into a unicorn because of his magical knowledge. or an unknown pony who went to the human world to keep her secret. that's my theory.
0 likeshope this helps you BronyNotion. -Brianna del Callar (daughter of Bernadette.)
yes definitely rainbow dash was the first one to pull off a sonic rainboom!
0 likesSeems legit. I'll go with that idea XD
0 likesCelesta was the first when she made Luna go to the moon
0 likesok to me maybe rainbowdash had family that did it first. and also i think that rainboowdash should be a princess because if it weren't for her the main six wouldn't even exists
0 likesit is NOT the first rainboom . Right after celestia trapped luna now the moon in twilight 's flashback in one of the episode ( I forgot which ) ,a rainboom appears!
0 likesi don't think she was the first one to do the rainboom last rainboom might of happend years ago before celestia and luna and other ponies were born last ponies who saw it might of told it but then no one believed it anymore since it stoped showing up the rainboom
0 likesThe only problem is that they would have to have a rainbow mane, because as you see in the My Little Pony episodes they show that Rainbow Dash's mane turns into a rainbow, that's how they make the rainbow.
0 likesWell how do I put this. if we just forget about the past for now rainbow dash wouldn't really be the first pony to do the sonic rainboom. I say she wouldn't 'really' because if we talk about dimensions here then her genderbend, rainbow blitz, would have done it to because....well.....they have the same past.
0 likesshe also did one when she was a filly so yeah she was the 1st
0 likesHere's something to talk about, let's not talk about Rainbow Dash, or somepony that lived thousands of years ago. There's not much evidence yet and it'd be hard to explain, but just think about this. What if, the original Sonic Rainboom was made/created by Rainbow Dash' dad?! It all makes since if you think about it. That's just my theory, so if anyone could provide facts then that'd be cool.
0 likesoh wow your voice sounds super mature i thought you were like 19 or something, good luck in your senior year!
2 likesFinally I was thinking of this a while ago
1 likeI like his new OC.
0 likesi think it was her father who was the first one
0 likesThis wasn't the first rainboom. If nobody had done it before it wouldn't be an angel.
0 likesl think that it might be how some of the most imperative ponies got there cutie marks
0 likesMaybe celestia was the first one to create the sonic rainboom
0 likesno rainbow was the 2nd her mother (Rainbow drops) was the 1st ever to pull off a Sonic Rainboom.
0 likesWhat if celestial caused the first rainboom?
0 likesI think that she is the first one to do the rainboom someone could have said that they made a story about the rainboom
0 likeswhat if rainbowdash was the first to do a sonic RAINboom. like in the last video you said how it can be affected by the ponys colors, so someone else could of done one but it was not a rainbow.
0 likesmaybe starswirl has wings under his cloak?
0 likesthis is most likely the prophecy with the third theory { A mare with one day go so fast that a light of a rainbow will be made that will bring her and five others together for that made all there cutie marks come at the same time like the seven colors in a rainbow will come together to form a rainbow
0 likesHaha haha I'm looking at you ink rose that's so funny.
0 likesAnd, it WAS commander hurricane! I researched like for 3 hours and I found a title by Tara strong, Yes, THE Tara strong that read "sonic rainboom".
Sorry Brony Notion, I still believe Rainbow was the one and only pony to do a Sonic Rainboom, both of the times.
0 likesMy fav is the procephy and I think she was the first
0 likesI don't think she was because if it was an old tale then some one must have done it before her for it to become a tale
0 likesI've got a request! Why is Pinkie's hair curly?
0 likesWell I have my own theory Borny I think that rainbow dash just said it was a mares tail to make ponies think she did the impossible but if not number 3 and yes rainbow dash was the first to do a sonic rainboom
0 likesmaybe one of rainbow dash ancestors did the sonic rainboom! or maybe rainbow dash did the first sonic rainboom and made the "legand happen" I think
0 likesI think rainbow dash's parents pulled off the first ever rainboom
0 likesthere is a episode called cutie re marked where starlight glimmer stops the rainboom from ever happening in season 6
0 likescool style but i like the old backround :c
0 likeswhat if one of Rainbowdash's past relatives did it
0 likesI believe twilight was a prophecy that came true look at the crystal empire and pay attention to the princesses
0 likesif rainbow dash help the others to discover who they are dose that mean that rainbow dash is more important then twilight think about it without her rain boom twilight might not have become a princess and we wouldn't be watching the episodes of mlp that we love today.
0 likesIn one of the episode it was her dad
0 likesone theory is that Celestia did the frist. Whould explain her mane since most pictures of her have a pink one.
0 likesit might have been an alicorn
0 likesHey if you remember, there are other rainbow mane ponies like stallions. One implying as rd's father. Maybe only pegasi with rainbow manes can preform it. If so, the first pony to preform a sonic rainboom, was the first pony or was a pony with rainbow mane.
0 likesReplies (1)
But that's my theory, a pony theory. (See what o did there?)
0 likes1:48 It's spelled "prophecy" Not "Prophesy"
0 likesI think that Rainbow was the first
0 likesIf Rainbow Dash was the one that cause the sonic rainbow and some what connected them why is Twilight more important than her?
0 likeswell when I went to BroNYCon or something um I'm at the actors in the story right and they told me that it that it might be someone and Rainbow Dash's family cuz in one of the episodes when she talks about getting her cutie mark when she was a little filly she took a dare from these boy's that said no a sonic boom wasnt real and she said yes it is and so it's probably someone and Rainbow Dash's family that made the sonic boom then she said I'll show you and then she tried it out herself
0 likesnumber three sounds most likely to be it
0 likesProphesy. Definally that one!
0 likesMaybe he'll make a video on nic cage.
I think RD was the 1st, but it was a theary it could happen, from a pegises who almost was the first
0 likesi started Freshman year on September 1st...not much homework so far cuz we mostly finish everything in class, and we only have 4 subjects a day plus lunch 5.
0 likesWow I'm surprised I though he was an adult because of the was he sounds and talks WOW
0 likesi think that rainbow blaze did it, very long ago when he was just a little filly. he was so amazing that thats how me met firefly. he want famous, so many pegisi didnt see it, So others didnt belive thoes who saw it.
Replies (1)
+cookietaco55 aj
0 likessorry, i meant he wasnt famous
then should rainbow be the alicorn instead of twilight
0 likeswasn't there a sonic rainboom in one of the episodes before they all met.....like when twilight sparkle was just a filly??? it was on princess celestias castle
0 likesThink in the sonic rainboom episode pinkie said a pony like rainbow dash so maybe it could've been on of rainbow dashes ancestors.
0 likespuedo hacer una traducción del vídeo al español?
0 likesit could be rainbow dash's grandfather great grandfather
0 likeswhat if when RDs dad was a filly HE did the first rainboom?????
0 likescongratulations on being a senior
0 likesplease. ... please please tell if a colt can be an alicorn
0 likesby the way, rainbow dash was born in Cloudsdale(sorry im not exacly so sure how to spell it)and so was Fluttershy, why is Rainbow dash....well rainbow as cloudsdale is rainbow but not every pony else that was born there is rainbow. strange...
0 likesMLP ROCKS
0 likesi think the prophecy is most likely
0 likesI think she is the first one to do it
0 likesif you read the tails of 2 sisters may just give you a hint into that very ?n that did star swarl see
0 likesWhat if rainbows dad did as a teen pony
0 likesWhat if Rainbow Dash's father could of done it!!!! Has anyone even seen the book that hasbro made called Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Dare, a ( SPOILERS ) mysterious figure says " only the one who have done the sonic rainboom"
0 likesRainbow was the first when she was a filly
0 likesIt was an old ponies tale
0 likesI think I it was an ancestor Commander Hurricane.
0 likesperhaps the sonic rainboom was just simply made up.
0 likeswell I just think that some random pony wanted to make a sene in equestria bc in very very very ood timew and said that they had seen something in the sky and it got around and ponies begin to call it a sonic rainboom then its passed down generations to generations and nopony knows how it works it soon becomes forgotten and is know as a " mares tale " just like the return of night mare moon it became forgotten and knon as an other mares tail lol dats my theory ponies say something wtite about ponies belive then it becomes forgotten ;)
0 likeswhat if human twilight go in the Equestria. Does she be a princess?
0 likesthe first snic rainbomes is from rainbows great great great great great great grandma
0 likesshe is not the first, she could have just been bragging(you know rainbowdash
0 likesIt is her mom!!!!!😀
0 likesi know she was!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesYou spelled prophecy wrong
0 likesno she was not the first one
0 likesno it whas puff boom......the pony in the cake outfit in rarity's CM story.
0 likesI have a game you might like... World of Warcraft. There is a lot of lore and you should check out nobbel's channel! Turtle out =D
0 likesYea if he- SHE is the only one that has a rainbow mane and some fast wings except for his- HER dad
0 likesI think she wasn't the first
0 likesmaybe her mom did it?
0 likesi think on twilights kingdom she made like a sonic rainbom with her main colors i think it was rainbow dashs mom or dad ooooorrrrrrr princess celestia because they are the only on with the right color
0 likeswait when the main six get there cutie mark s how does twilight see the rainboom from canterlot but it looks like she was in ponyville what
0 likesI think that was not first. But she made it as a baby. Like Naruto when he was that fox our what ever. But like the moons they are a long time. I think ponies are too. They live long. And so it would appear to be a prophecy. None knew who made it but it was only a few who saw it. So they thought it was phony. So that is all. Bye
0 likesdo it on weekends
0 likesI think a mares tale is ledgand so you don't know if it's true or false
0 likesdaring doo is the 1st one to do tge sonic rainboom....I THINK.?
0 likesshe is the first and l love her
0 likesThe first episode of melphem....oh wait...milfim... MLP FIM...
0 likesi love brony notion
0 likes" I'm starting my senior year of high school. " WUTT. I though you were 20+ XD I feel embarrassed.
0 likesI agree with brony
0 likesdon't you mean withouth rainbow dash equestria would be doomed???
0 likesI think it was rainbows great great great great great grandparents
0 likesStudies should come first. Good luck with your Senior year.
0 likesTwilight is 2nd place sonic rainboom
0 likesHer (forever) great grandmother/father or other realitive
0 likesReplies (1)
No grammer natzis
0 likesi would say the 3rd one
0 likesrainbowdash father looks like her
0 likesyes she was the first because it was not possible to a nother pegisis pony to do a SONICRAINBOOM because rainboom and rainbow dash r the same and she is the only pony that could EVER EVER pull it off
0 likesYour pony pic looks weird but I'll get use to it
0 likesWait you're in high school??? I thought that you were at least in college lol
0 likesI think that it was rainbow dash mum or dad might did it
0 likeswhen you are older you will get bullied for watching a pony tv show for 1234and5 year olds so if I were you I would start doing other tv shows quick
0 likesmaybe her mom was the first- GAAASP
0 likesI stumbled across the Virgins of the Internet!
0 likesInk rose!!
0 likesGood luck in college.
0 likesi love ink rose
0 likesi have a questión what happen to the fathers of rainbow dash, apple jack, twilight , rarity, flutter shy
0 likesonly pony please!! make a different channel for others. pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!!
0 likesYou should go back to your first pony OC, no offense but ur new pony is weird.
0 likesCan you do a video about eris? eris is the girl version of discord. plz? plz respond thx u!
0 likesIf your wondering how is texting you is Mechelle little sister is Briany I love all your video
0 likesi think 3 is it
0 likesplease watch cutie mark Chronicles again
0 likesDo Steven Universe content
0 likesit's his desition
0 likeswhy is discord in fluttershys cottage in the intro song
0 likesI'm also looking at you Ink Rose
0 likeschange CHANGE !!!!!!!!
0 likesIt isn't!
0 likesIt isn't!
0 likesrainbow dashes parents duh rainbows parents looked like rainbowdash
0 likesNo offense, but I prefer your old style.
0 likesrainbow not the first
0 likesi think that theaury two is the be st and i know i have bad spelling
0 likesi believe 2
0 likesoh :o
0 likesAnd my birthday is August 24th
0 likesrainbow dash should be the main chareter because she brout them all together not tylight
0 likesReplies (2)
Just found out you can see your comments history...
1 liketylight
0 likesI like pudim
0 likesNoooooooooooo
0 likesNobody knows 💩
0 likesthis vid was uploaded on my bday.....
0 likesI love ink rose and you to
0 likesFive nights at freddys plz plz plz plz!!!!!! I am beging you!!!!! I LOVE five nights at freddys I made a foxy plush!!!!!!!!
0 likeswhy never appear
0 likesI i .............
0 likesI dont no..........
Only pony videos
0 likesme to
0 likesHow old r u?
0 likesAnd iam 8 years old
0 likesI don't agree with you
0 likes#2
0 likesfufiled phrofissssy
0 likesAm I a the only one who made a recent comment 🤔
0 likesno and 3.
0 likesso what about about maybe piece so that may be like so like like like like like like like what well what is it when you could've got up and aunt needs five more minutes or 10 Bubba will finish it up and then we're going to wash you OK OK part but yeah and a neck and then it could be a cover to be a true fact and that could happen but number two who is building me up and then Nevada story end of Mia pandan we just made it up and originally just cast a spell on a pony with magic number but into Rainbow Dash what I found Reese likely but everything is but I don't have a free maybe next time bye-bye
0 likesI really love your work so much, it really warms my heart that so many bronies take the time to listen to your theories. You are doing an amazing thing for our fandom, you're showing that we aren't retards who watch a little girl's show but rather that we are intelligent, creative and just like everyone else. You will be the reason the haters will stop hating us and join us, not because of the show but because of the fandom and friends you can make. Ever since I was a little girl I loved ponies but I was afraid to tell anyone, when I heard about the My Little Pony fandom I found the true friendship I was missing. You're one of main reasons us bronies exist and I thank you for that
0 likesInteresting change in the pony design, little different...might just grow on me.
0 likesAlso, I prefer (or better choice would be "concur with") the prophecy notion. It would be fascinating to see what the prophecy would actually say in regards to the heralding of the Mane Six.
Congratulations on making it to your senior year, Brony Notion! And you've made a good choice. Your studies do come first. Good luck and do well!
0 likesit would be awesome to see some theories on some other shows!! not that i don't like the mlp ones, but some none mlp ones would be a good every once and a while. I say go for it!
0 likesI have a unicorn theory. I noticed that in Canterlot, a few unicorns have an alicorn like body. Thinking back, I realized that it was only unicorns and alicorns that had this body type. My theory: the unicorns with the alicorn body type are full blooded unicorn, much like how a human can be full blooded French or Scottish. The unicorns with the nonalicorn body type most likely have an earth pony or Pegasus ancestor, and the nonalicorn body type is dominant. Did anyone else think of this?
0 likesI can't recall the name of the story, but I did read an interesting fanfiction covering this topic. The pony in question was a very weak pegysus at first, bullied and driven to tears until during a trip on a train in winter, she fell off and was captured/rescued by a dragon. The dragon told her she was keeping her to fatten up until she was ready to eat, but until then, she let her stay in her cave and do chores. They eventually developed a friendship and the pegysus would practice flying under the dragons' instructions, getting stronger and stronger every day. Eventually, she preformed the Sonic Rainboom, the first ever according to the dragon. At the end, the dragon let her go back home and you see Princess Celestia show up and have a conversation with the dragon, which was an old friend of hers. The story alludes to the main character as being an ancestor of Rainbow Dash's I think. She preferred to stay out of the mainstream as far as her power, only using it for emergencies, so no one ever really knew who it was doing the rainbooms, just that it did occur occasionally. I thought it was a great story! If I manage to remember it, ill repost it here for others to check out.
0 likesPlease consider the topic "Why do some unicorn/alicorns have huge horns? What's the benefit? How it's done?" Examples such as: The princesses, being alicorns they are kinda enhanced in all aspects; Fleur Dis Lee & Sassy Saddles, being super model or of similar nature. Maybe similar to having longer gun barrel & caliber, giving more precision, muzzle speed, penetration, efficiency etc. to the magic. That could be the case for alicorns. For super models maybe they just shape the corn to be more attractive.
1 likemy idea of the first sonic rainboom -
0 likesWhen rainbow dash was saving fluttrshy she made the first rainboom but the ponies who saw it were very few , the others only heard it and thought that it was a mares tale. At the young flyers contest everyone saw her do it and they accepted it . what made me think of this was that I don't remember another pony who has the colours of rainbow dash and like you said in the last video when somepony does magic in any type of way which is really strong a they do a boom of colours which represents them.So according to me she is the first to pull it off
I am more into the second option, but the sonic rainboom being professed makes a lot of sense. Now, the questions are: who wrote those professies? and what else did that pony saw?
0 likesI really like the idea of a prophecy, it seems the most...probable in the magical land of my little ponies.
0 likesRequest: I've always wondered how earth pony magic works. Or maybe why alicorn maqic is more powerful than unicorn magic? ;3
0 likesOh and by the way I like the change to your OC I think it looks a lot more professional (I hope that's the look you where going for) X)
0 likesGood luck with school! You're a deep thinker and should definitely dedicate time to academics. High school can take up a lot of time, and college will, too, if you plan on going, but it's absolutely worth it. Sure, we'll miss a few videos from time to time (or maybe often, but that's still okay), but it'll be fine. It's a small sacrifice to make for your education. :) Thanks for being my favorite MLP analyst.
0 likes+The Brony Notion In response to one of your earlier videos, the one about Princess Cadence, I reccomend watching +Ink Rose's The Origins of Sombra and the Crystal Empire then Sombra's Rule and Cadence's Origins. It is a head-canon story, but it makes a lot of sense.
0 likesI think that something such as the first rain boom would be recorded somewhere. It's very unlikely to see a faint exploding and just forget about it. Still, they say that rainbow dash is the first to do such thing, maybe something similar happened but it wasn't enough to create the rainboom... Who knows?
0 likeswell can i ask you something, its about rainbow rocks, well the dazzlings needed bad energi to get their beautiful voice, so is the rainboom need good energi to have their power, but if thats true then i think thats the reason the 6 of them standing together and says "friendship is magic" didn't work
0 likesI made a Theory on how the Rainboom works on that vidoe. But In it, I made note about something you might have missed and could also explain it. Mainly, I pointed out Celestia banishing Nightmare Moon. When the Blast, with NMM attached, hits the moon, it let out a Rainbow Explosion. What if THAT was the first 'Sonic Rainboom'. After all, no one else was around to witness what happened, and Celestia most likely wasn't up to explaining things.
0 likesSo everypony awake at the time, would suddenly see a blast of Rainbow just appearing in the sky, with no explination. Earth ponies couldn't do anything like that. Magic, most likely couldn't reach that high and it wasn't some kinda Firework. In fact, being an effect from the Elements, no magic could probably come close to replicating it. So that left the Pegasi. They probably thought it was something one of them did.
And I can't remember, but I think it also let out a Boom, probably one loud enough to be heard. Any Scientists around at that time, probably saw the effect like a Sonic Boom, and maybe sounded like one too, and it was rainbow colored. Thus the Name, Sonic Rainboom. They probably thought only a Pegasi could make it happen, but no Pegasi ever could recreate it, even if any of them did break the sound barrior. That goes with my explination on what it is, or more of who can actually do it, go to the other video and look for it if you want to see that too lol.
Part of the magic rainboom theory was that it was a rainbow because Dash's hair is rainbow, and magic mimics hair colour. If the rainboom had been performed before, it would have mimicked that pegasus' hair, so in order for it to be called a rainboom at all the other pegasus would have to have had rainbow hair too. We've seen Dash's dad with rainbow hair, so if it had been done before at all it was likely one of her ancestors.
0 likesWhat if celestia created by the first rainboom but her magic was so strong it created the effect of the the "double rainboom" and she never didn't it again. Leaving only the beautiful legend but the destruction was long forgotten.
0 likesWhat you think?
Wow! I didn't know you were in high school as a senior ( I am too) with the quality and theories of your videos I supposed you were older! Good luck in your last year of High School! Going through the same myself! I love your videos!
0 likes2:37So basically Rainbow Dash saved Equestria by performing the first sonic rainboom, bringing the Mane 6 together, and stopping like 5 villians. Go Dashie!
1 likeI think we will learn a lot about this in season 5 final episode because if you look at the preview twi is talking about cutie mark magic and says something about the rainboom
0 likesOf course! Mlp is off it's mid-season short hiatus, So OF COURSE we'll have SOMETHING to look forward to.
0 likesIf it was true that Rainbow did the first sonic rainboom, then why was it a legend? Maybe somepony did it, told someone about it, and they didn't believe the Mare/Stallion/Filly/Colt. It makes sense, right?
0 likesI'm probably hella late with this, but wouldn't it make more sense to make a second, separate channel for your non-pony videos? "The Brony Notion" doesn't really sound like anything that isn't Brony-related.
0 likesThat being said, go you for having your priorities straight! Enjoy your last year of highschool!
Also how do you know starsweeled doesn't have wings he always has that cloak on
0 likesyour prophecy theory seems to fit the best to me. I agree.
0 likesYou should do a poll on the best villan :)
0 likesI think the first one could be firefly, because fan - made firefly is Dash's mom.
0 likesBrony Notion you should do a video on how Luna and Celestia raise the sun and moon. Does it go farther than Equsteria? Does somepony else take the job?
0 likeswhere did you get the art for your pony? Also I think there was a pony who did the rainboom when starswirl was a colt. Maybe before he was born. I think this pony might have grown old and died or some other way and her or his life was put into obscurity.
0 likesDo you have an idea of which collage your going to go to? My big brother went to U.C.Santa Cruz and almost got sprayed by a skunk (because the school is right next to the woods)
0 likesMaybe Firefly was the original one who did it. Maybe her loop de loop was similar to a rainboom so maybe that Twilight written about it and became a mare tale
0 likesDo you think Wind Rider from the new MLP episode (season 5 episode 15) could be Rainbow Dash's father?
0 likesyou should do a video on what would happen if a non unicorn wore the alicorn amulet
0 likestheory thing going on,right over here!!!!!!!!!
0 likesi think that dash wan't the first to pull off a sonic rainboom,and that the first rainboom which started the legends was preformed by none other then princess celestia herself.
let's face it she's the only other pony with the power to preform a sonic rainboom.
there isn't much to say about this theory,in my opinion it proabably happened around the time celestia was in her younger years,maybe even younger than the main six,and since no one knew about the alicorn sisters yet,all they knew was that a rainbow colored sonic boom just happened...
friendship games out on Saturday!!! BE READY!!!
2 likesor the backup mane six, with Trixie as magik and sonata as laughter
0 likesi would say no because what if star sword (how ever you say it) had a cape so that means he could oh had wings but hid them under his cape. so it could be possible is he did the first rainboom..... but i wan't you to prove me wrong or right
0 likesThe first Sonic Rainboom was performed by Firefly the First of Paradise Estate, who is an ancestor of Rainbow Dash. That's my headcanon anyway.
0 likesI think there was a prophecy that a Pegasus with a rainbow mane will create a rainbow blast and magically unite six ponies or something like that and rainbow not being the first makes sence too since rainbow makes are rare and when somepony else tries and fails and others did so as well everypony started thinking that the rainboom was faked
0 likesI get it I'm in my senior year too and I have a lot already on my plate. Just do good in school so you don have to worry about your future.
0 likesCould wild Rider be Lighting Dust's dad?
0 likesCould they all be true at the same time? Well if we chance number 1, first pony but not the first thing (griffen or who you write em)
0 likesSomepony with rainbow coloured hair would have done the sonic rainboom, the only ponies with rainbow hair is rainbow and her dad witch makes it harder to tell if anyone else was the first.
0 likesi think pinkie can do the sonic rainboom because i saw her running so fast like rainbow dash in her birthday party
0 likesFor some reason, every time I click on a My Little Pony related video, the ad for season 5 appears. Coincidence? I think not! XD Lol
0 likesI just (in this video) was convinced to subscribe after watching 10 or so of the videos uploaded only to find out at the end of the video its all over. :(
0 likesOk. Friendship Games is out. It was fucking awesome. More stuff has been released about Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight. So how about an updated theory on Sunset's element?
0 likeswell what I think is a pony can tell the future and told everyone about it and he/she told the princesses and they saw it and boom it was on a book bit the others did not believe till rainbow dash was doing the FIRST rainboom then it became real boom
0 likesHey i like your new look notion, keep it :)
0 likesI prefer the first explanation (scientific theory).
0 likesthe new Change is 100% cooler!! ;)
0 likesCan you do a video referring to twilight doing a sparkle boom (or whatever it would be called) X).........And if you don't remember the episode its season 4 episode 2 at the very end of the show.
0 likesyou should do a vid about the haycart method from the season 5 episode 12
0 likesyou should do a vid about the haycart method from the season 5 episode 12
0 likesDo a theory on Sunset and Celastia about sunset is Celastia's daughter start of with their cutie marks same layout but different colors and when Celastia says that she was her student before twilight but their probably the same age if celastia isn't her mom twilight would of known who sunset shimmer is
0 likesIF YOU LOOK AT FLUTTERSHYS HOUSE'S WINDOW WHEN ITS DOING THE INTRO, DISCORD IS IN IT (i thinks its season 3 to 5, but definintly 5 and 4.
0 likesthis was NOT the first sonic rainboom. it was the second one.
0 likesits got to be someone like rainbow because it cant be called a rainboom if it wasnt someone with a rainbow feature right
0 likesWhen RainbowDash was a filly she did the rainboom and princess Celestia is like 1000000 years old so maybe RainbowDash is like 1000 years old and when she did the rainboom as a filly she maybe that's when the 'mares tail' came in.
0 likeswhy don't you record on Saturday and post it on Sunday that should make things easier for both school and youtube
0 likesStarting senior year? I honestly thought you were in college or university. Interesting to know you're a high schooler. Pretty neat.
0 likesWhat about Rainbow Dash's came close to Making the sonic rainboom and a few Science ponies had mad a theory that if he went even faster he would make the rainboom! 1.they both have a rainbow mane and we haven't seen any other pony with 1. 2 when the theory was announce people didn't believe it and call it a mares-tale
0 likesOooooooh!!! THAT PONY IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!
0 likes/Spoilers/
0 likesWhat if the "cutie mark rainboom" caused a time paradox? cough season 5 finale cough
I like the Prophecy idea
0 likesi never thought of you as being young enough as so you weren't in senior school. wow. you just never seemed young. take this as a compliment
1 likefocus on your studies, id say just post one video a month, I'll still be here looking forward to your content.
0 likesI think the third one is the best....
0 likesWho is the only other person besides Rainbow Dash who may have been able to pull off the sonic rainboon? Her father.
0 likesI prefer the old pony you had better
0 likesWe understand my friend, your studies come first, hope your enjoyin your Senior year.
0 likesSomebody would've had to do it before bc then there wouldn't be such thing as a rainboom or a legend or tale etc.
0 likesit seems like rainbow dash is always doing it , every time she flies there is a rainbow behind her....
0 likesThe tails are telling the future event !
0 likesBut everyone thought the son I rainbo on was a myth and rainbow dash proved it wasn't
0 likesare sweetie bell and diamond tiara related?i mean rarity and philthey rich love money and gems and tiara and and sweetie belle are the same color.this would make for a good therey vid
0 likeswhat if one of rainbow dashes parents did the sonic rainboom. its a stretch i know but just think about it.
0 likesmake a video based on the freindship games
0 likesMaybe that was the 1st one and it spreaded out
0 likesstill tryin to get used to that new muzzle...
0 likesI am fine with him not just doing pony vidios I mean you have to have some other interests and MusicalHB is right it looks sooooooo weird with the new oc
0 likesPerhaps only rainbow dash's family, because her father is a rainbow Pegasus and that means that the ancestry of rainbow dash was about rainbow pegasi and that her family, be it male of female doing it last performed the sonic rainboom, even if it is commander hurricane, for perhaps he was in a race and as he won by pulling off the sonic rainboom how rainbow dash pulled it off the first ti e and winning the race he found his love of being one of dash's great grandmother, or it could have been her, or even possible one of their children or grandchildren
0 likesI think she was not the first mainly because if someone had not done it how would they know about it. am I right?
0 likesI think that Rainbow Dash maybe did Sonic RAINboom first but Sonic Boom second or it was suposed to happen
How do you edit your videos
0 likes+The Brony Notion what is your favorite season of mlp? 😮
0 likesIs there a posibility that rainbow dash's dad created the first sonic rainboom???
0 likesWOAAAAAH You're way younger than I thought you were.
0 likesUm ... sorry for the following question that may sound something stupid but this question arises for me for a long time:
0 likesCan it be possible that it single pair of Cutie Marks can be said more often or differently from ponies twice because I find it hard to believe somehow that it is in all Equestria all ponies A UNIQUE Cutie mark ...
again sorry for this strange question and I'm sorry if it's so bad I formulated komem from Austria and am not that good in english :)
Of course i think RD was first. What other pony had rainbow hair?
0 likesWhat do u use to make your vids
0 likesJest asking but did you know that equestria girls and the pony world have the same eyes 😐
0 likesNo! Don't leave! I'll miss you! 😓
0 likesRainbow tail means rainboom
0 likescan u do a dubstep remix of
0 likeswhat my cutiemark is telling me?I think it was Alcorn
0 likesIf Rainbow Dash was not the First one, maybe Lightning Dust or Lightning Bolt.....i don't know
0 likeslooks like you and I are going to be the class of 2016
0 likesGood luck with school!
0 likesAlso when Rainbow Dash did her first Rain boom all the Mane6 got their Cutie Marks
0 likesI think I've heard of Ink Rose before... Oh wait, I did.. :3
0 likesReplies (1)
And, you have a note cutie mark!? :D 1 of my OC's has a crystal pattern half note! :D Yay! :D ( not joking ) :3 I know, useless comment...
0 likeswhat eould be the effect of a double sonic rainboom
0 likesNon-pony content?RETURN OF THE NICK CAGE NOTION
0 likesnon-MLP content? Woooo Thomas vids!
0 likesHaha ok :P I though you where like, 25 XD It's funny because you, Ink rose AND mlpstopmotion are all on their senior years XD But I perfectly understand the whole school thing. It SUCKS. Why the freak is school so hard? And the non-mlp videos sound pretty cool. You should watch steven universe. That show is SO GOOD :3 Weeellll, BAI FELISHA
0 likesi have a question for you ( that i hope that you make viodeo of ):
0 likescan you say how does ponies make babes and i am not talking about R64 becouse if they cant well ponies is going to be doomd but we have seen babes like cmc and the children of mr and ms cace hell there is a entire i wish to hear your theory the other reason its brcouse its a children show :)
Hey bronie i have your answer to sunset being a princess theory. The answer is no shes not a princess, wanna know i got that well i watch the friendship games preview 5. The rainbooms were playing a song and when they finished sunset shimmer did not grow wings witch means your theory was wrong.
0 likesI saw the little music note in the corner and u got close to it so I thought u had 2 cutie marks
0 likesIt's ok that u are in school but I understand u do your study well man
0 likesjust promise more videos and we will all be fine
0 likeswait your gonna leave the fandom soon??😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 please dont leave i been with you for ever! 😭😭
0 likesI wish you luck till the longest day of the thousandth year.
0 likeswell rainbowdash did a sonic rainboom when she was a fillie
0 likesFocus on your Senior year because it is hell, but hard work pays off. Just one more year &, for the love of god, go to college in order to get a degree for a better job. A Associates degree is a great start. Balancing youtube posts & focusing on senior work is a great practice to balance time with one event over another. Which is very useful.
0 likesi am using my moms email i have some questions Do you watch ilovekimpossiblealot?What inspired your oc?If you can mouth kiss any pegasister who would it be?Do you like the name Starburst Fireworks?Do you have a crush on some pegasister?Are you grossed out by my questions?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesBrony notion I have something to tell u.U Are...AWSOME
0 likesThere was a sonic rainboom when Luna was banished to the moon :v
0 likesProbably rainbow's family
0 likesremember rainbow dash in human she did a sonic rainboom with her new guitar
0 likesNo when she was a filly racing against the mean ponys and that how she got cutiemark and did rainboom
0 likesI have a pony theory does maud pie have a cutie mark
0 likesi feel like if ur gonna do other topics that arent pony related, you should make another channel not called the BRONY notion. Just saying.
0 likesWhen are you gonna do the Q&A?
0 likesTwilight did a sonic rainboom
0 likeshow do ponies hold things they dont have fingers
0 likesyou should do your backround music
0 likesDo a gravity falls video
0 likesits k dude i get it....too much class work, ap classes ,projects,HOMEWORK FOR EVERY SINGLE CLASS EVERY DAY............sigh yep this is gonna b a long year for us siniors -_-
0 likesI like your old skin ):
0 likesI think rainbow dash family tree was able to do the sonicrain boom but who is rainbows parents
0 likesink rose has a back story of rainbow dashes parents
0 likes:D I Love Your Chanel
0 likescan you do a vidio on how old sunset shimmer was when she got sent to th human world
0 likesan ansister may made existence of the legend and was kept a secret
0 likesMabey the leader of the wonder bolts
0 likeswhat happened to his oc look 0_0 it looks so different... .-.
0 likesPost your videos on the weekend!!!!!!
0 likesHigh five School XD
0 likesRAINBOWS DAD DID IT!!!!!!!
1 likeReplies (8)
Is that the idea in Ink Rose's fanfic? I think I saw one other comment about that. I don't think that's the case, because even Rainbow Dash thought it was a legend. She should know about it if her own father did it. I do like that idea though.
2 likesMaybe her dad did it before she was born, but kept it to himself, hm?
0 likes+Purple Pony Rose I agree with you😋
0 likesYah your right
0 likesThat's what I thought as well!!! ^^
0 likes+Kaelyn Klatte I don't know buy I guess
0 likesNO. No one in RD's family did it. We don't even know if she even has a family as of this point.
0 likesFanfics are not a replacement for cannon in the show and until the show itself mentions who was the pony to do it, then we don't know.
If any pony in recent history pulled off a Rainboom even if that pony didn't tell anyone, someone alive in the show would know about it and the Rainboom wouldnt be seen as just been a myth or a legend.
or her MOTHER.......
Dud twilight once did the sonic boom so alicorns can do it to
0 likesShe can't be the first because how did it even been a mith
0 likesbut doesn't come out the same the elements of harmony
0 likesyou looked better before
0 likes1:53 yay im not the only one that says it as a word
0 likesWait you are a senior in high school? I'm a sophomore.
0 likesI love ink rose
0 likesMaybe rainbow blitz or some one in rainbow dashes family
0 likeswho is fluttershys parents or applejacks?
0 likesProphesy? Coughcoughprophecycoughcough
0 likeshey if u what the ink rose about her dad and mom it turns out her dad was the first to perform the rainboom I think it's been awhile since I've seen that video s don't juge
0 likesI have the easy solution time travel
0 likesAny day now till the next video.
0 likesit was rainbowdash
0 likesI don't like the new oc look
0 likesI think the shadow pony is crysilas and she pulled off the sonic rainboom and that is why she is evil👻👻
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesProbably not
1 likedad or an early rainbow desendent
0 likesgravoty falls pls
0 likesWait, your in high school?!
0 likesSee I don't want you to be angry but I think you in the first mood you was too Nice.
0 likesWhy you changed your self in the first mood you was better WHY OK! why you changed every thing the first mood was more better !!!!!!
I am one of your biggest fans and please answer my question why you changed every thing.
And if you but the first mood I will be Happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
WHEN R U GOING 2 DU THE Q & A?!?!?!?!
1 likeIt's Friday! Where's the vid you where suppose to upload on Thursday?
0 likesHey. Rainbow Dash's Ancestors. Easy.
0 likesits ok u should focus on school its pk with me I don't mind it's not like I'm going to unsubscribe I know how school can be I understand but just put a video one a month that is ok ~luna📙📚📖📔📕📒📑📙📗📜📔📚📒📓📕📖📑📔📚📰 focus on school
0 likesNEW VIDEO NOW!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likesEquestria girls comercial before video coincidence I think NOT
0 likesYou're in highschool?!?! ;O
0 likesYou changed your oc 0.0
0 likesmy pony but you are wrong I spelled that wrong sorry if I did
0 likesholy fuck you're in high school??!!?!
0 likesken man be alecrona
0 likesi am intrestied in ur oc. why is it a earth pony ahem i mean why did your changling decide for a earth pony? t could of been any but why earth pony
1 likeReplies (2)
facepalm You guys are sad.
0 likes... kk
0 likesnotice me senpia~pony~chan
0 likesNo offense but i dont like the new pony design for you
0 likesgo back to your old style!
0 likesI did not liked this change
0 likesQ&A Q&A Q&A
0 likes*prophecy
0 likesmind gravity falls remix plz not write a way but eventually
0 likesI think
0 likesSTEVEN UNIVERSE!!!!! like if you agree
0 likesnotice me senpie ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
0 likes#3
0 likesHey bn next Thursday is my b day
0 likesumm your ctuie mark broke
0 likesReplies (5)
0 likesand 0:53
0 likesand more
0 likes+Diamond Alex his cutie mark is ment to be like that.
0 likesno it fell off
0 likesFrieeeeeeeeeeendsssss
0 likesNo,3
0 likesI am new
0 likesyou look like you're from g3.5 dude I want to cry why I need an explanation for all of this change you muffin!!!😠😠😠😠😣😣😣
0 likesNo
0 likesNumber three
0 likesNo
0 likesill mess you
0 likes2019??
0 likeswhat your in hischool i that you wer an adult
0 likesno and 2
0 likesI honestly like the third theory the best. I have my own theory, and I was wondering what you think of it. In "Rainbow Rocks", at about 1 hour and 7 minutes in, the Rain-booms use their magic to create the huge, blue light alicorn the launches the rainbow at the Dazzlings. In "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep", at around 19 minutes and 37 seconds, we see the tantupus(?) as a giant, dark blue alicorn. I theorize that when large quantities of special magic are in one area, it takes the form of an alicorn. What do you think?
0 likesI like the part where it has been done before, once long ago. A legend was born, and a new legend will come, and RD may not be the first, or the last. She may not even be the second.
0 likesBut when you bring in Prophecy, like "a mare will come, exploding with rainbows, and will re-unite the elements of harmony" or something to that, it gets me thinking a bit... RD may have heard of it, but interpreted it as if it had been done before. Although, if she got the mane6 to realise their talets, then why's the show focused on Twilight? The way things start, it is as if she "re-united the elements".
That 3rd theory seems to just boost RD's already inflated ego. :p
Hi, BronyNotion. I've just started watching your videos, and they're REALLY good! I was so inspired, I think I want to make a channel just like this, where I talk about conspiracies and make backstories for characters. I have an OC already (a unicorn who's always wanted to fly, so her friend makes her a pair of rickety wings,) but I don't know how to make the videos! Could you help?
0 likesYou left out a 4th possability, and considering you mentioned star swrle the bearded I'm suprised you didn't even mention time travle.This option is about as likely as twilight going back sending the windagoes away, but it is still at least worth mentioning.So would this thery simotaniusly prove and disprove option 2(rainbow dash isn't the first) or not?
1 likeReplies (1)
Speeking of twilight sparkel and rainbow dash bolth travling back in time,
1 likeWhat if the other 4 did so as well?
For example: what if pinkie pie talked about nightmare moon returning, and rarity talked about "the 6th element" appearing out of thin air
I think his My Little Pony theories are cool, so I'm quite excited to see non-pony content on his channel in future.
0 likesI like the idea of prophecy. it ties everything together-including the mane 6.
0 likesI like the prophecy conclusion, because that one would make the most sense and I could see the writers (M.C Larson and Megan) writing a more conclusive, edgy story about it. One Hasbro could start a new collection of pony toys or make more figures from it. Two it would get more fans interested in the show and fan base. I think this would really be an interesting twist in the show for it could possibly reveal more about Equestrian history and a big moment for RD, shocking her that she was either not the first or was the only Pegasus pony ever able to accomplish such feats of skill and magic. I also predict that by doing the sonic rain-boom could open up a new world/dimension when done a certain way. Or maybe another big plot twist in which we get the story of how rainbow dashes mom was the first to accomplish it when she was a filly.
0 likesYou missed a possibility: time travel. Rainbow Dash goes back in time for some reason and performs a Sonic Rainboom in the past. Which given that it's not a subtle event, would have been witnessed by many ponies who told tales about it that became legend, and would eventually be scientifically investigated that would result in a "theoretically possible if you had a fast enough pegasus" conclusion.
0 likesOTOH, if time travel is possible (and we know it is in MLP), just getting snippets of information from the future is likely to be far less taxing than physically transporting whole Ponies back in time. So prophecy (more "precognition") can work just as well.
i have a weird theory about the show bakugan. i think the worlds described in it are true. the only reason i bring this up is because i look a LOT like the main character and have a LOT in common with him. is it possible the worlds are linked? am i an alternate twin? i am doing a series to try and prove if it could be possible, so don't worry. and yes, i love dragons too.
1 likeGood that your putting your studies first! Also when does senior year start? I'm English so can someone tell me? Also in response to why the diamond dogs have pockets full of gems and are obsessed with them maybe they are hunting diamonds? Also i like your theory of the rainboom being a prophecy. The rainboom doesn't have to be rainbow coloured as that isn't suggested in the name. It says a type of weather symbolising that on a pegasus pony can do it and the boom part for the sound and shape it makes. You can to do videos on the weekend after you do your homework. That's when I chill out maybe you can do the same. BRO HOOF!!!!!
0 likesI like the idea that the Sonic Rainboom was was a legendary prophecy. It might be connected with the prophecy of the six barers of the Elements of Harmony. Like maybe "and when the Pegasus will perform a sonic boom of rainbow colors that shall bring the Elements of Harmony together" or something like that.
0 likesSo, BronyNotion, you know about how the Elements of Harmony were created in the first place, correct? If so, then you know that Clover the Clever was the one that actually thought of the idea to find the six most important characteristics to put into the gems, crating the Elements. Well, if Clover was a unicorn, then she would be like Twilight, as both are pupils of very smart ponies (Starswirl and Celestia). Because of this, they probably have a similar IQ level. If this is true, then that means Clover would be the Element of Magic, Commander Hurricane Loyalty, Chancellor Puddinghead Laughter, Princess Platinum as Generosity, Private Pansy as Kindness, and Smart Cookie as Honesty. I think these are the first Element bearers because 1) as you said, Commander Hurricane might have caused the first Rainboom, which brought him/her, Puddinghead, Platinum, Pansy, Cookie, and Clover together in some mysterious - and magical - way, like how the Mane Six were brought together after Rainbow Dash created the Sonic Rainboom, and 2) all of this evidence that I've stated in my claim (here) caused me to believe that the first six bearers were Hurricane, Platinum, Puddinghead, Pansy, Clover, and Cookie.
0 likesRemember everypony, this is only my ideas on this topic. Feel free to criticize me if you disagree :)
Could u come up with a theory for this in your next video? Why does some ponys have a different structure than the rest. Fleur die les, rarity's manager in S5E14 and princess celestia all have a different pony body structure. Could this mean there are 2 types of pony breeds? And this 'breed' have a longer unicorn horn than the rest and a larger number of rings around it
0 likesI don't think Dash was the first one to pull off the Sonic Rainboom. Someone else did it first, but long enough ago to have made it a legendary move. I think that before Dash, Celestia did it, maybe before she and Luna became Equestria's stewards.
0 likesThe historical Commander Hurricane was a stallion, as shown in Journal of the Two Sisters.
Good luck at school, Notion.
I thought of a theory!if you remember in the crystal empire episode, they said it went away a thousand years ago, but nightmare moon rained one thousand years ago... what if they had something to do with eachother???
0 likesI like your new OC!! It's more detailed! I like it!😎👍
0 likesNope! I agree that RD WASNT the first one. Only the first in her generation, I bet celestial was involved! Because only celestial knew Nightmare Moon was real, so she MUST have something to do appearance of the sonic rainboom
0 likesI think they are going to one because if you remember they showed a sneak peak of the second half of season 5 where twilight is doing a lecture about the rainboom and how it effected the main 6. And I think starlight glimmer has something up her hooves to stop the rainboom for good like time travel for example like that one episode of twilight going back in time telling her past self to be careful of what was going to happen to her. It's just a thought but it could happen.
0 likesMaybe the 1st Rainboom was sooo long ago so it can be the creation of the Royal Sisters?
0 likesCause Royal sis can't apear from air and i don't think they can just be 'Born' (cause they are semi gods) and their manes are pretty close to be full rainbow spectrum (Sunbutt are blue, green, pink. Luna are dark blue\purple)
OK I like your theory but I think one of rainbow's ancestors had pulled it off but no one was there to tell and everypony thought that that the pony was crazy . but somepony thought it was a good type of story and wrote it down for a bed time book and after awhile it became an old mares tale.
0 likescongrats on starting senior year I hope it all goes well for you and I cant wait till your next video
0 likesCan you please do a video about the ships in MLP? Thanks, and love you & this channel!
0 likesI know the comics are not consider as a part of show but if look "fiendship is magic" n°5 and "Reflection" part 4 (it's the 20th of the main series) you can see celestia doing something like the sonic rainboom; well it's not as fast as the sonic rainboom but she is on... fire (?) and fly at high speed so maybe it's come from there.
0 likesso let me get this straight
0 likesRainbow dash basically brought the main six together. Without the rainboom Apple Jack would had stayed in Manehattan, Twilight would had failed her entrance exam, Pinkie would had never found happiness, Fluttershy would had never comforted the DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE!
So I have a feeling they Rainbow Dash should had became a princess instead of Twilight. Like she kinda brought them together, not Twilight.
What about this possibility: Rainbow Dash has a lot of pegasus magic. Who else has this much magic and would have been alive thousands of years ago? The Princesses, being alicorns have pegasus magic, and are a lot more powerful than an average pony. It could be possible that one of the Princesses performed it in a time of great need, but covered it up, wanting to be known as benevolent and not overly powerful. There are other reasons to cover it up, too, but it would take too long to explain. A normal pony, having accomplished a Sonic Rainboom, would brag about it, and generally have a lot of fame. She (or he) would be regarded by the pegasi much like Starswirl for the unicorns. So another pony performing it would be unlikely. But an isolated event, maybe seen and reported by the few ponies that saw it, but not talked about by the princesses. The knowledge would pass down orally, not being written down in the history books, and would fade into legend. Celestia did the same thing with Nightmare Moon. Just another theory along with the ones you mentioned.
0 likesGood luck this year! Hope you can still post occasionally!
0 likesI'm happy for you and I don't mind not getting weekly videos. Priorities.
0 likesRainbow was not the first pony to create a rainboom. If you pay close attention to the time when Celestia and Luna battle, Luna preforms a sonic rainboom. After Celestia blasts Luna with the Elements of Harmony, on the way to the moon Luna made a rainboom.
0 likesI have a theory that the Steven Universe s
0 likesdimension exsists in MLP. Gems have magic, the are 4 Earth Gems (Alicorns), the Homeworld gems being other pony types and humans as other animals. The gem monsters are Discord's creations.
Notion I have a request for your next video: I really want you to make a video on how Scootaloo is cool the way Derpy was cool in your snips and snails vs Derpy video. Scootaloo kind of inspires me because I'm 10 and I have cerebral palsy in my legs and since Scootaloo can't fly and she still never gives up despite her handicap so she means a lot to me and it would mean the world to me if you made a video on that. Thanks so much!
0 likeshow about this, in one of season 4's episodes, twilight made a sonic rainboom in the shape of her cutie mark but the question is how?
0 likesHey, Notion. Back in "Does Twilight has OCD?". You said you were gonna make "Does Pinkie Pie has ADHD?". Soooo, when is it gonna come out?
0 likesmaybe she was the first to pull off a RAINBOW sonic boom. maybe before other ponies had done something similar to a sonic rainbow, but as they aren't rainbow dash, the resulting boom wasn't a rainbow, but something else. going off the idea that commander hurricane did it, maybe he produced a sonic 'galeboom', causing a giant magical hurricane to appear, or maybe luna did, making an 'auroraboom', but not a magical rainbow. maybe it was done multiple times, by multiple ponies, but not one made a rainbow. a sonic boom resulting in a rainbow was then theorised, and then legends started to grown upon that, as the idea of a rainboom would be considered legendary because...rainbows are rare?
0 likesI think that Rainbow wasn' t the first because we have seen that there are other rainbow ponies like her dad.
0 likesI hope you senior year is awesome! and, good luck!!!!!! Ive been watching your vidoes sence the beginging, and i hope you never stop!!!
0 likesyour number 1 fan,
Lemon Dream
Theory: What if the first person to do the Sonic rainboom was a ancestor of rainbow Dash! Or rather what if commander hurricane was related to her? Picks up pieces of brain
0 likesIf u want to post non-MLP stuff, could u create another channel for it? Because your channel has been growing rapidly and I'm not sure all current subscribers would want to see non-MLP stuff and may unsubscribe. This is just a suggestion. I hope u agree with me on this. Thanks for your weekly videos and good luck in senior year but post videos as often as possible:)
0 likesyou should make a video about looking into an earth pony becoming an alicorn/princess
0 likesI like the prophecy idea!
0 likesNotion, I'd really appreciate if you read this, so let me just say that I tried to subscribe on my tablet about twenty times until I did it on the computer. I love you and all your vids. We understand you have school work, so do i, but you make us happy and give us so many story ideas. So please try to make more videos. And you'll have loads to talk about when the next three season five come out!
0 likesHonestly I think celestial preformed the first one
0 likesJust in 4 minutes you blew my mind!
0 likesdoes anyone else put their hand in front of the computer screen whenever he says "bro-hoof"? i do:3
0 likesoh jez, this is the first video i have seen w/ this new pony! takes some getting used to
0 likesWhat if one of Rainbow's ancestors did the first Sonic Rainboom
0 likesRainbow Dash is not the first. Cause in a episode,the cutiemark crusaders was finding how the mane six got their cutiemark. When Rainbow Dash does Rainboom,she said:I proof that the legends where true. So that kinda explains that Dash is not the first
0 likesThe show's creators said they don't think into the logic and not to overthink everything :|
0 likesi have a idea for a new video where did the sun and moon come from in Equestria Celestia raises the sun and Luna raises the moon but where did they come from any why do they control it what if they just let the sun and moon be would it go in our time well i would like for this to be looked into thanks.
0 likesI think, maybe, there might have been a previous rainboom, but maybe the pony who pulled it off didn't make the colors of the rainbow -- thus it wasn't accounted for.
0 likesReplies (1)
To avoid confusion, whoever previously pulled it off may have created a different color pattern, just not a rainbow
0 likesAww i love the new art!~
0 likesHmmm id say someone did it before rainbow, and yes, in the far past. But wouldn't that pony be related to dash? If rainbow can pull it off, she has something special, that cant be done by just anypony. Who ever was able to the the first sonic rainboom, would have to be related to dash in some way. If so, who is most likely to be related to dash? Id like some more info on this, but you dont have to seeing as you have school. Thank you!
0 likesMy mind just blew out of the back of my head! THIS HAS TO BE SOME KIND OF CONSPIRACY!!! HASBRO? WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING!?
0 likesIf your doing other shows I recommend gravity falls, it is full of crazy comsperscys
0 likesAre you going to make Gravity Falls or Steven Universe videos?Because that would be great
0 likesone of my oc's, Rainbow Blast made the first sonic rainboom, that is her cutie mark
0 likesI've only seen the Season 5 Backhalf trailer every day I'm on Youtube..
Face it, without Cough RAINBOW DASH, Equestria would be doomed.
I think your third explination made the most sence. And that Rainbow dash is the first one to make a rainboom !
0 likesYour fans will still be here. I know it's sometimes hard to do vids every week with school.
0 likesI think that rainbow was the first to do the rain boom cause:
0 likesbefore rainbow did it someone did some sorta expiriment and found out but this theory is not very clear or easy to explain
I know how you feel I'll be starting my 2nd year at Uni (as we call it in the UK) in early October.
0 likesI just wanna know why Big Mac is obsessed with twilights old toy XD course it could be he's just crazy...
0 likesmay the awesome drupy be with you eat muffins for the awesome one :) (SMILEY FACES ARE ALWAYS NECESSARY!!!!!!!)
0 likes"I'm looking at you InkRose." I died
0 likesi like the prophesy one
0 likesyou cod start a gravity falls segment of theories
0 likesThat "Lore" was awesome!
0 likesI think the mane 6 got their cutie marks at the same time cuz of the rainboom
0 likesNow I want to watch Bill Nye!
0 likesif the mirror is in crystal empire how did twilight end up in equestria
0 likesGood luck on your senior year! :)
0 likesi think it was the first because think about the name of the trick compared to the name of the pony doing it.
0 likesYour a senior in high school? WOAH! I thought you were older :O Great Theory btw :3
0 likesI think nigthmare moon was the first to do a sonic boom because it start at day
0 likeswell you could say that maybe rainbow dash family is the only family that could do it .. with her generations of rainbow mane..
0 likeswell with her family generations speed .. well i think dash family generations is the ONLY family that could do the SONIC RAINBOOM ..
I think you should keep your channel pony themed cause you the "brony notion" and since most of us probably never seen those shows or movies you could be a spoiler. Please stay pony themed 😖
0 likesReplies (1)
And I hope your senior year is awesome (I'm in 6th grade :). )
0 likesI've just become a freshman myself so I can't watch yt as much as I want hope your senior year is awesome!
0 likesI like your old design better.
0 likesHer father pulled it off or could have been her mother who was never shown
0 likesi think firefly was first to do a sonic rainboom and i like theory 2
0 likesMake the vids on the weekends then upload them on the day it needs to be uploaded
0 likesmake a cave/dino
0 likespony ep.
Are we ever going to see what you actually look like? :D
1 likeWhy does flash sentry look like joy from inside out
0 likesI think that maybe someone or some pony in rainbow dashes family like her great great grand father or something like that could have told rainbow about the rain boom
0 likesare u ever gonna do that Q:A video? i thought it would be really cool
0 likesHey Brony Notion plz answer this question Can 2 Ponies Have The SAME Cutiemark? I really want to know
0 likesI have a theory maybe it was one of Rainbow Dash's ancestors who did the first Sonic Rainboom what do you think brony notion
0 likesThe rainboom only come out one time and also it's the same one like ho-oh did
0 likesDose twilight need glasses??? The reason I think this is because equestria girl twilight has glasses. So I wonder if pony twilight needs them too????
1 likeThey never said she's the first. Just that she's the only one who can do it. Not the same thing. Other ponies in the past who are no longer around could have done it. It's just Dash is the only one NOW who can do it. Plus Nendalynn Brisco commented "Rainbow was not the first pony to create a rainboom. If you pay close attention to the time when Celestia and Luna battle, Luna preforms a sonic rainboom. After Celestia blasts Luna with the Elements of Harmony, on the way to the moon Luna made a rainboom." it's in the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle pt 2 I think.
0 likeswhat if princess celestial did it first
0 likeswhere did all the new ponys come from canterlot boutiqe in the episode where rarity goes to canterlot and makes a dress for twilight for her birthday.
0 likesall long as you do q and a im good also good luck in school! :)
0 likeshave a great senior year! my sister is one as well! ;-; I'm not a bro...so... PEGGA-BRO HOOF holds up my hoof
0 likesMaybe it was rainbows distant ancestor
0 likeswho said it was a pony? maybe a changeling did it...that looked like a pony?
0 likeswow will you still be making MLP videos?? :(
0 likesI love mlp lol
0 likesWhats Maud's cutie mark? I havent seen it yet
0 likesMaybe RaindowDashes Parents or Uncle or Auntie?? So many theories
0 likesHmmmmmm maybe just maybe twighlight sent rainbow dash back in time and then she made a sonic rain boom whilst she was there just a crazy off the chart theory but you never know it might be possible
0 likesWell mabe rainbow dash had a relative that did the sonic rainboom but had simaler color
0 likesor maybe celestia
0 likessome one said twilight is dead can you do a video on it
0 likesMy fan made pony is artsy pastel she is a forgotten alicorn princess with a rainbow mane and tail with Orange skin and freckles she is very artistic and hated!
0 likesThe new epicsode is epic get it?
0 likesI like #3
0 likesI like your old oc better
0 likesim thinking that star swirl hired a pegis to try the rainbow but he/she wasrnt fast anoth and the story was passed on then rainbiw dash was the first one to do it because she was faster
0 likesGood luck with senior year!
0 likesI don't think rainbow dash was.the first Pony to make the sonic rainboom
0 likesmy theory is rainbow dash is related to hurricane whatever his name is.... just like the other mane 6 and they did use the elements of harmony before the mane 6.agree?
0 likesCongrats 😄😊😄
0 likesits cool
0 likesdude nice OC update
0 likesI don't think rainbow dash was the first pony to do the first sonic rainboom I mean it wouldn't make sense
0 likesWhy is Princess Celestia's hair colorful?
0 likesstarswirl must be behind this or rainbow dash :/
0 likesWhat is Maud Pies cutie mark?
0 likesGood luck in school Notion! :3
1 likeReplies (2)
Thank you! :)
0 likesNo prob. whispers Oh sweet Luna! Senpai noticed me!! :D
0 likesCan a pony have the same as another ponies cutie mark. Why I ask this is because when they all got there cutie mark mixed two had the same cutie mark do why?
0 likesWhat about rainbowdash's parents or thier parents before them that could be something (What do I know)
0 likes+The Brony Notion How did you create your intro?
2 likesReplies (4)
I sent in my old logo to intromaker.com and they added it to a default intro. It was 10 dollars. :)
2 likesThank you! :) (By the way I love your videos)
0 likes+The Brony Notion ahhh
0 likesHe actually replied IM A BIG FAN
0 likesthe brony notion is my friend
0 likeshow is magic possible in equestia
0 likesoh I thought u were older. good luck on senior high!
0 likesI don't really like your new update sorry :( and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I love your videos don't stop and I can do the sonic rainboom rainbow isnet the only one :D ps lightning blade (my sister) is clowes
0 likeswhat if star swirl was an alicorn?????
0 likeshe alwase werse that cape
Or it's just a show with cartoon horses
0 likesYou need to change your guy back I miss Him :(
0 likesWow, then ding is a mouthful
0 likesbrony notion <3
0 likesWoah bro you're in highschool!? Thats cool
0 likesHey I randomly dreamt of you the other night.
0 likesprophecy is in the wrong spelling
0 likesDo who are apple jacks parents
0 likesNo I made the sonic rain boom!!!
0 likesU r my ultimate fave
0 likesOk. I suggest HOMESTUCK!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhat happened to DPC
0 likes+The Brony Notion plz help im trying/wanting to tell my school imma brony so maybe others will be brave enough to say that their bronies to any ideas
0 likesWhy did your body change?
0 likesOMG im a senior too dude
0 likesNON-PONY?! dun dun dun.....
0 likesdo ethier a favorite villan video or a q and a like u were sapoused to
0 likesi know them
0 likesWat i thought that he was like 27 or something
0 likesI am sssssssoooo sad I love brony notion whhhhhhyyyy
0 likesGood luck with your senyer year
0 likesmy brain hurts............
0 likesMabey one rainbow dashes old family members
0 likesplz dont leave us
0 likescould u do a facecam?
0 likesthat's okay
0 likesYou can try a to post a video on Saturday if it helps.
0 likesGood luck at high school
0 likesNew logo?
0 likesYou promised to do q and a!
1 likeReplies (6)
And I will!
0 likes+FiveNightsAt Ponies He will soon :I
0 likes+The Brony Notion play fnaf pls
0 likesYEAH,
0 likesI meant YEAH!
0 likes+The Brony Notion YAY
0 likesHey BRONY notion y did the creators not put in any more pinky sence
0 likesi like 3
0 likesIt was celestial
0 likesReplies (1)
She's rainbow
0 likesHmm third one i like
0 likesmaybe it was daring do
0 likesA+
0 likesHmm I like Mr prophesy
0 likes1:08: she be no pegasos?😄
0 likesok look do you have an email or something I'd like to send you an email on something thank you
0 likesIn your new channel / banner art it says "follow m" XD
0 likesReplies (3)
On tablet / iphone of course
0 likesOh that's troubling. I designed it with mobile in mind, the follow me should only be visible for pc, but I guess not...
0 likes+The Brony Notion That's okay, it still looks awesome :D
0 likesNo not the logo
0 likesgood luck
0 likesi have something what about you do a vidio about why is fler del ess being so much whith fancy pants. are they under a love spell that cadence put on them . what about that.
0 likesYou're only in high school? Wow.
0 likesReplies (2)
+Helen Zhang I was wondering about that....
0 likesSo was I.
0 likesYooo I'm a junior xD
0 likesbill Nye '0'
0 likesbecause reasons i dont know...
0 likesDo you have a cold or something???
0 likesminecraft
i HATE this new animation!
0 likesno. Terrible pun
0 likesbro hoof
0 likesI dont get it
0 likeseveryone spam ink rose!
1 likeGRAV I TY FA lLs
0 likeseXPLAIN FIW
0 likesyour still in high school i am the 5th grade any thing you want to tell me
0 likesOmg I love u van we be beasties
0 likesomg nnnnooooo now a other guy is gonna make of tv show videos why world wwwwhhhhyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!died
0 likesomg nnnnooooo now a other guy is gonna make of tv show videos why world wwwwhhhhyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!died
0 likessrry diego belfiore was actually my account i forgot to switch accounts so that was me
0 likesllamas
0 likesI love the 3rd idea! I think your right about it. But maybe someone pulled off the sonic rainboom without knowing it with no one around. They probably only saw the effect and named it that. Then it's been passed on but i guess lost in time. Thats my theory, but idk. Also it's fine when you just post every-other week or so, school's important :)
0 likesHopefully your senior year is a good one. Like you, I'm in my senior year of high school and I have TWO channels to work on and upload content to. So, good luck to you and I can't wait for the next video (no matter how long it is). As for the video, there could be a possibility that a Pegasus did create the rainboom before. But, it could also just be that it was a myth. There was nobody to document Nightmare Moon unless it was Celestia so it could just be a myth.
0 likesI think Starswirl the Bearded theorized that a Rainboom would come in time and that it would bring saviors to defeat the troubles of Nightmare Moon, Discord and many others. Celestia knowing his wits and power and trusted his word.
0 likesI would go with the prophecy angle two since the "Prophecy" of the Sonic Rainboom is linked to the Elements of Harmony which are in turn linked to the Legend of Nightmare Moon.
0 likesI think Rainbow wasn't the first pony to perform a sonic rainboom. I theorised that the sonic rainboom was a legendary piece of magic that was used by pegasi alike. I think the rainboom might explain how the Mane six are connected and that it might be the most powerful magic in Equestria.
0 likesyeah, I'm a sophomore in High school, so I understand the struggles of balancing.. It's fun to watch your videos when they will come out, and I hope you have a good senior year!
0 likesIf you do theories on other shows and movies, I can only suggest one...one of the greatest cartoons ever, some of my most amazing characters and plots that are the best in the universe...Teen Titans.
0 likesYou can really tell I'm a massive fan, can't ya? X
Celestia might be the first. The Sonic Rainboom matches Rainbow Dash because of her mane and tail. Celestia also has a rainbow main and tail. She has wings and over 1000 years of experience in the field of flying. And you also said the Rainboom was magical. Celestia also has a horn and is one of the most powerful beings in Equestria. Maybe she was the first...
0 likesI like the version of "It wasn't the first one". Primary because Equestria doesn't last for just 1 thousand years and I don't like the concept of RD being the bestest pegasus in all of pegasus history. Also You weren't sure if Hurricane was a stallion or a mare. As far as I remember In Castle Mania in princesses dairy he was refered to as "he" so he's stallion and not a mare.
0 likesI have a question I really want the answer to. Why 6? Why are there 6 elements of harmony? As I was watching the show today, I realized that some of the elements are really similar. So similar in fact that they could fall under the same category. For example, generosity could easily be put under kindness, and part of being loyal is also being honest. Therefore generosity could combine with kindness, and honesty with loyalty. So why are there 6 elements? I would really appreciate it if you did an episode about this. I'm really interested in what the answer can be and what your thoughts one the subject are.
0 likesAnyone else think someone should make a fan show with the main characters being Dr. Whooves, Derpy Hooves, Lyra and Bon Bon?
0 likesi totally respect and admire your decision studies come first then fun i wish you luck on your acedemic endvors.
0 likesI think that the Second one and the Third one are the most likely. It has been shown that Rainbow Dash's dad has a rainbow style mane too. Proving that Rainbow Dash isn't the only Pegasus with a rainbow style mane AND it is mostly likely a genetic thing. Proving that someone in the past could have done a ( sonic-rainboom ) and that they are mostly likely related. Now just because they're related and have a rainbow style mane does NOT mean they can fly fast enough to do it. They would have to fly as fast as Rainbow Dash or as fast as the ( wunder-bults ) to do a ( sonic-rainboom ). Now the reason I think it's also the Third one is because there aren't many Pegasus that can fly as fast as Rainbow Dash ( or the wunder-bults ) and there isn't that many Pony's with rainbow style mane's so I think in the past, some Pegasus with a rainbow style main did a ( sonic-rainboom ) and they significantly changed the future like Rainbow Dash did. I also think because it was so rare ( or never done before ) the legend of the ( sonic-rainboom ) was created. What do think?
0 likesBut... It must have been the first RAINBOOM for your other video about this to make sense since it was called the Sonic RAINboom. Since their colours coordinate with which colour the RAINboom is then it wouldn't be called that UNLESS she was the first to pull it off
0 likesCould have been.... Celestia or cadance or luna. Twilight was SUPER FAST when she was given all that magic. This was in the Twilights Kindom part 1 and 2.
0 likesI hope your studies go well! I'd feel fine about anything you post on here, it doesn't really matter for me.
0 likesHmmm...Ok so here's my theory on who may have pulled off the Sonic Rainboom.I think it was the mom of Luna's and Clessila's parents that successfully pulled it off.1. cause in lots of seasons, you can see sparks in the rainbow after a villain is defeated (Nightmare moon, Discord, Somba and Tirek were all defeated in the show by the elements)2. there's a total of 7 elements in the show (Honest, Kind, loyal, laughter, genourous, magic and friendship*) and the rainbow in real life also have 7 colors. (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo and Violet (Purple) ) *Friendship is really in the MLP EQ movies but It'll do.And 3. The Sonic Rainboom was the reason the main 6 all got their cutie marks. Which means that Whoever did it had a lot of magic.
0 likesWell, of course "prophercy" sounds cooler, but I think that it's old tales of sonic rainboom.... tales that are told to children and no one really thinks they are true, but they are nice stories... or something like that...
0 likesi like #2 seems realistic enough
0 likesThank's for the notice! I'll be looking forward to your next video, and I hope you do well in school. :)
0 likesYou should Ask the person that makes the design of your oc to make more animation to your character like moving mouth
0 likesI blame Starswirl. I am beginning to spot links to him in a lot of the important events in Equestria. (His apprentice helped found Equestria, He put the sisters into power and taught them to perform their talents, He showed the Sisters the Tree of Harmony, Facilitating every defeat of Discord, He befriended Scorpan, helping Tirek get captured, He banished the Sirens, and "The Stars will Aide in her Escape" sounds an awful lot like the Celestia, Twilight, and Starswirl. I would even wager that when Dashie performed her first Rainboom, Starswirl was there, using his magic to let her do something she would not be able to do again for years.
0 likesI find it hard to believe Rainbow Dash was the first to accomplish this. Somepony else had to have done this before.
0 likesi have a theory that maybe star swirl hired clover the clever and yes i know that this would mean he knew twilight was an alicorn but what if twilight did a sonic rainboom i know this theory is a bit well crazy but it kinda of just came to me as soon as you mentioned starn swirl so . . .
0 likesIve got a question.. How old is spike? Think about it, twilight always calls him a baby but twilight was just a filly when she.. Uh.. Cracked his egg open and Twilight is almost an adult now.
0 likesYou know how starswirl wears that cape? Maybe he has secret wings!!!!!
0 likesIf you do theories on other stuff, you kinda should make your OC into a human. Brown hair, your IRL skin color, and a grey hoodie... ?
0 likesAlright. That's fair. But if you're going to do non pony stuff please have a look at Firefly. How was your first day anyway?
0 likesIf you make non-pony videos, could you keep them to a decondary channel please?
0 likesI think that the Doctor saw the rainboom went back in time and acidently spilled the beans about the rainboom
0 likesI have a theory. Some other creature such as a griffin or dragon did the first and rainbow was the first PONY to do it
0 likesyou know what I just saw my brother go through his last year in high school so I get that you won't always I have time but when you do have one I can't wait to see it
0 likesP.S. did you know there is a continuation to season 5
So I guess Rainbow Dash is one of the more important ponies.(I mean, that's how the Mane 6 got their cutie marks.)AWESOME!!!!
0 likesMabie a Pegasus (or alicorn) made a sonic rainboom so long ago, it was lost in history!
0 likesCongrats for senior year! :D
0 likesWait . . . if without the the Rainboom there's no cutie marks, and without the cutie marks there's no Elements of Harmony . . . shoot! If the theories about the Season 5 finale are true, Equestria IS doomed!
0 likesi beleive that the first rainboom was made by her father cause we know that he is a rainbow main just like Dash so maybe he did it first
0 likesAbout the snips video, i think snips might've run away, thus cutting his father's conrto, and the reason why snips is never pictured with him
0 likesReplies (1)
+Moonblood control, sorry
0 likesin the case of non-pony videos could you do something on 'Codename Kids Next Door"?
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash is the first one to pull off a sonic rainboom.
0 likesLot to look forward to? Awww yeah son. 1. Season 5 Second Half comes out Tomorrow. 2. Friendship Games. TOO MUCH TO HANDLE!
0 likesI like the second explanation
0 likesCongrats on your new year in school! 🏣😄💗
0 likesthe first pony who did do the rainboom it must have been one of rainbows ancestors considering ya know its a rainboom.. RAINboom
0 likesi like #3 because everything we've seen has been prophycized
0 likesDidn't they once say that the first pony to ever create a Sonic Rainboom
0 likesI'm sad...Thursdays have been the highlight of my week since I "discovered" the Brony Notion... :'(
0 likesI vote for
0 likes3. Fulfilled prophecy
please make a second channel for non mlp videos and keep this one for mlp videos
0 likeswhat about time travel? maybe rainbow was th first but not th first time she did maybe like ur other theory about twilight being star swirleds apprentice could tie in some how?
0 likesmaybe Rainbow Dash had ancestors who did the sonic rainboom and they had a rainbow tail so the sonic rainboom ran through the family and she had the rainbow tail to do the rainboom so that means if she had a filly it will have a rainbow tail to do the sonic rainboom.
0 likesI just finished my third week in Senior year, so I hope you have a great year and I wish you good luck in your future!
0 likesNice redesign of your oc!
0 likesOR it was a gryphon or other winged species that did the first rainboom.
0 likesPlease don't start theorizing on other shows, U.S. People have been watching your content of mlp theories for that, and only that. There are plenty of other show theorizers, and you're the main one for mlp. A lot of us wouldn't watch it if you started something else, we came for mlp, you gave it, and we're happy as you are. 😢
0 likesNo because her dad (or mom) probably had the color tail so maybe just maybe her a setters had colorful mains and tails too so one of them pulled it off
0 likesI like the old look better
0 likesIs high school the British equivalent of collage or university? I'm starting collage (age 16) and I'll finish in 2 years (age 18) just curious😏
0 likesin some episodes in mlp the same pony shows up twice in the same place for example bost busters when trikcy shows of her tricks and the camara goes to the ponys watching.......
0 likesI was reading a Star Wars book and this is what I found.anikain said that there was a CHANGLING in one of the crowds. I wonder why mlp would have CHANGLINGS.
0 likeswow you already a senior and i wished i could have started on that day that would be awesome
0 likesI like your 3rd one the best
0 likesI always thought the second theory was the explaintion
0 likesstudying for school is one of the most important things in life... (not really) but how about a video every two weeks?
0 likesOk Do U Remember Your Clover The Clever Theory? Well SHE WAS! Maby Just Like That Twilite Had To Go BACK IN TIME TO SOLVE A FRIENDSHIP PROBLEM! So Probably They Did One
0 likesPlease don't start theorizing on other shows, U.S. People have been watching your content of mlp theories for that, and only that. There are plenty of other show theorizers, and you're the main one for mlp. A lot of us wouldn't watch it if you started something else, we came for mlp, you gave it, and we're happy as you are. 😥
0 likesHere's a theory. If sunset shimmer is from the pony world than what happened to the sunset shimmer of the human world.
0 likes"I'm looking at you, Ink Rose!" XD
2 likesIn episode 1 season 4 Celestia throw Luna to the moon and a Rainboom happened
0 likesMaybe it was Rainbow dash's father who made the sonic rainboom and told rainbow dash about how he did the sonic rainboom when he was a filly or a adult. Probably how rainbow dash's father met rainbow dash's mother :3
0 likesOh i have one Why was Sunset Shimmer the easiest villain to defeat and not the rest Twilight had not beed in that world and the fight lasted less than a minute
0 likesIt's okey, we still love you! I liked the second theory
0 likesI think that sunset shimmer is celastia's long lost daughter look at there cutie makers they are exactly the same one but with different colors and her mane is the colors of fire and the sun is a giant ball of fire maybe a video about that.
0 likesi think the 3rd was the best
0 likesI like the prophecy thing
0 likesWoah... You're only two(ish) years older than me! Unexpected!
0 likesWait....you're a senior??? So am I! 😋 good luck this year
0 likesWhat if Princess Celestia was the first she does have rainbow hair!?!
0 likesYou should do Steven universe theories :3
0 likesAh, hope your senior year is dashtastic!
0 likesI feel like the sisters have something to do about this..................... Na I'm going insane now 😅
0 likesdo u think that maybe one of rainbow dash's ancestors did the first rainboom?
0 likesBrony notion can you review some episodes? A lot of the bronies and pegasisters I watch do it and I want you to plz ( start of with the cutie map or something if u do)
0 likes🌈I think rainbow's dad did the first rainboom that what i think 🌈
0 likes"other shows and series"
0 likesPrays for Gravity Falls theories
well I know its hard to work on two things at once but what about posting a video on the weekend 😀
0 likesInk rose already has a head canon with rainbowdash's father that he pulled off a sonic rainboom apparently
0 likesWhy does Minuette/ Minuet and the Doctor have the same cutimark?
0 likeshow come octavia first had a horn and now she dosnt.
0 likesWhat if the grand grand grand grand grand father from RD made the sonic rain boom forts but that rainbow wil not say it because she thinks that she is "so" awesome
0 likesWhat if the grand grand grand grand grand father from RD made the sonic rain boom forts but that rainbow wil not say it because she thinks that she is "so" awesome
0 likesBill Nye the science guy!
0 likesHmm I am 11 and I love my little pony and you are right some pony did do the sonic rainboom
0 likesYou got to check out mlp EG3 human twilight has wings
0 likesI believe there's something else i know about it's well the pot of gold
0 likesdidn't twilight do a rainbow or twilboom at the summer sun celebration
0 likesdidn't twilight do a rainbow or twilboom at the summer sun celebration
0 likeswe will miss you. ;'-)
0 likeswe will miss you. ;'-)
0 likesI am a freshman this year. So I understand stand that you need to do school more. Don't worry High School forever!!!
0 likesI know I am late but in your name video you said there names could change and I believe that is true in bloom and gloom big mack said to apple bloom you will have to change your name do you agree.
0 likesIt's ok, we can wait :3
0 likesNo pony must stay!!!!😭😫
0 likeswhat about you do something about gravity falls.
1 likeabout the school and youtube thing you should probably study more, you could upload videos during weekends i suppose.
0 likesGonna do non-pony stuff, Sawtooth? Here's a tip:
0 likesDON'T DO ANY FNaF RELATED STUFF (not that I hate it, it's annoying when some fans just want FNaF ALL the time). Once you do FNaF, the fans come for attack.
I guess it can be destiny even her name they sound fimilar sonic rainboom- rainbow dash
0 likesWhy dose celestia rely on the mane six
0 likeswish you luck! bro hoof!
0 likeslol I was reading the title and right after I was done it did the intro
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Dash's dad did a sonic rainboom
0 likesWait wait your a senoir now. Hm. Interesting. (I lest relized thats a pic in here.) I believe it was a scientific theory.
0 likeswow you're only two years older than me I thought you were like graduated from college or something
0 likesI believe in cause number 3
0 likesi believe rainbow dash was the first i mean which other pony has a rainbow colored mane n tail
0 likesFulfilled prophecy
0 likesHey I'm a senior too!!! 2016 baby!!
0 likesYou spelt prophecy wrong
0 likesRainbow blaze thought rainbow dash everything she knows cool huh
0 likesOMG YOU SPELLED PROPHECY WRONG I'M UNSUBBING OMG. I'm just kidding! Good luck with school and great theory! I like the prophecy theory the best! :3
0 likesGood luck in your senior year
0 likesHow about human rainbow dash? Do she can do the SONIC RAINBOOM?! -_- ?
0 likesit could be her parent s
0 likesi uderstand that study is time consuming cuz im a senior too but if u can make videos like twice or three times a month so u can mostly study and hopefully graduate!
0 likesAwsome
0 likesRainbow dash did it first
0 likesMaybe Rainbows relative did it or somepony with rainbows
0 likesRainbow was not the first
0 likesNo because it was mentioned it before RainbowDash did it
0 likeslol new type of pony look
0 likesNo rainbow dash is the One who brought the main 6 together without rainbow dash equestria will be gone ok
0 likesWhen is the Q&A??? :(
0 likesWhy scootaloo can't fly
0 likesrainbow dash was not the first if u watched inkrose headcannon on rainbow dashes parents her dad was the frist
0 likeswhat if a ALICORN did it #luna or derpy #lol
0 likesI understand school comes first
0 likesDashie was the first
0 likesmake a song call rainboom
0 likesnon Pony? POSSIBLY FNAF!?!???
0 likesMaybe other pony like the last vid unicorns can do a sonic rainboom but the rainboom must mean other colors not just a rainbow, like twilight rainboom it's purple
0 likesReplies (2)
He meant a pegasus rainboom, not a unicorn magicboon
0 likes+xPixelMeGamerx ik just letting him know
0 likesMeybe some ponies before rainbow say: " Rainboom IS REAL!"?
0 likesrelax, there is no point in ruining your future for a view videos.
1 likeWork and RL first.
you're still in high school O.O thought you were older than that
0 likesdoes scootaloo even have parents were does she even live
0 likesyou're only a senior I though you were older
0 likesHow about steven universe theory
0 likesNo keep the mlp videos PLZ!!!!
0 likeshmmm i like ur 1st and 2nd 1s
0 likesChange ur ponys shape and size or whatever back to how it was u made it ugly
0 likesyes :-0
0 likesI think 2
0 likesi DONT like the new look
0 likesHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM........................ Unless rainbow wasn't the first ever pony to have a rainbow mane and tail, then yes she is the first to pull off the Sonic RAINBoom. Any other pegasi as fast as Rainbow could've done it, but not a rainbow.. It would be the color of their coat. If you agree, like or reply, if you dont agree, feel free to dislike, or reply that you dont agree. :P
1 likeReplies (4)
+FlutterButterLuver good on there and I do agree and I luv u. ( because Fluttershy is my fave pony! :P lol)
0 likesWow, My fav pony is actually pinkie, my second is Flutters, but I couldn't think of a catchy name that fits pinkie XD
0 likes+FlutterButterLuver :D actually rainbows dad has a rainbow mane i believe it showed him in games ponies play
0 likes+Leaf Pon Oh really? I didn't notice! But he probably never did the Sonic Rainboom!
1 likedo what you please!
0 likesBill bye the science guy :P that's all I have to say...
0 likesReplies (4)
Also, I hope you do well in school and I'm glad that your still gonna do videos :)
0 likes+Sonic Sega Bill nye
0 likesWhoops, bill nye not bill bye (stupid auto correct)
0 likesikr XD
0 likesill miss you
0 likesWhatever's good for you
0 likesYou changed your mascot pony! It looks horribible!
0 likestoday is sep 11 if u goooo back in time sigh new york twin tower (no explanation about ponies lol)
0 likesYou do as you can
0 likesgood luck in senior year, and i cant get used to ur shape....
0 likesOh ya i understand your education is more important.
0 likesTry weekends
0 likeswhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likesmy birth day is the 4th!!
0 likesNo.... just no. I'm sorry but "MLPFIM" or "milpfim", sounds as annoying as "YOLO". Please just say "M-L-P" if you have to abbreviate it.
0 likesNumber 3.
0 likesim starting 4th grade and I have my own chanel same touble
0 likesi think you would be great at gravity falls anylasiss but i guess your already to late also still hate your new animation
0 likes"milp fem"
0 likesD:
0 likesu started on the same day I did
0 likesdo you know that you have over 100,000 sup? :)
0 likeswtf
0 likesBrony noshed pleas answer this coment I figerd it out if u wochch the ep whair u get to see luna tern into night meter moon you see when celts banished her it created a sonic rain boom this is problem y it considered a old fuls tail like Luna's banishment because it happened at the same time pleas look into this and make a vid to c if I'm right of rong thank u
0 likesyou're so young
0 likesOther shows umm u gotta change your appearence bro
0 likesdo you remember about q and a my questen about do you have a girlfriend.
0 likesWhy do you look like that?😬😬😬
0 likesLots will unsub and I don't blame them what's the point of a channel finally gets a 100000 subs and then quits and don't give me all the crap like ...... Oh he's not giving it up bla bla bla so ya and then your going to upload non pony stuff wow so u wont badly upload videos but when you do I wont be mlp it will be star wars or some crap like the (no offence star wars fans I have nothing against you) if you disagree plz realply
0 likesHow do i change my profile name and do pic?¿ :-)
0 likeshi yeah but what about the shadowbolts and wonderbolts???? luv u byeeeeeeeeeeee
0 likesppl who want attention be like:
0 likesperson 1who wnats attention: "First! :D"
someone else who wants attention replying to the first person: "I was first!"
someone else again: "No I was!"
Me: "Geez.Shut up already,nobody cares."
What's up with the animations
0 likeswtf happend to YOUR PIC OMG XD
0 likesspeak of the devil bill is under my comment
0 likeswait wut! ur only in highskool
0 likesEducation first
0 likesprophosy
0 likesReplies (6)
1 like+1sonicthe MAYBE
0 likes+1sonicthe O NO WAT DO WE DO?
0 likesim awesome
0 likesunsubscribed
0 likesyou know i only see your vid fpt mlp theroys anything eils nope
0 likes*watch
0 likesWay to go dude! Two full years as of last week! That's awesome!
1 likeDo what you need to, but keep in touch with everyone. Those are the keys to being amazingly awesome, and you've done it before, so just keep doing it!
I have a lot of respect for you, how you're prioritizing and going for the goals you've set for yourself in school. I love your videos but you gotta do what you gotta do. I look forward to seeing what kinds of new videos you come up with. I'm sure they'll be fantastic!
0 likesMy theory: The aesthetics of a 'Rainboom' is unique to each pony (like how Twilight's 'Rainboom' was in the shape of her cutie mark), but happen under the same circumstances.
0 likesI guess is that, long, long ago, when information didn't travel so quickly and the population was much smaller, there may have been a limited number of pegasi who would pull it off (or none at all), but were dismissed as tall tales because others didn't believe it could be done.
They could easily have been theorised - you know, science and whatnot - just maybe nopony had done one before.
I agree with all of these theories and it's something I've wondered about for awhile, though of the 3 I like the second theory best.
0 likesIt's cool that you have to prioritize your future over pony vids, especially when worded like that it's easy to see which is more important. As your loyal subscribers we'll stick around even if you can't update every week.
Heyy! Great video as always! I'm curious about what do you think about something. So ponyville is basically just a random village in equestria. We have big cities like Manehattan and Canterlot as a capital. BUT with all that happened since season 4, I mean a Castle of "the princess of Friendship" being in ponyville, how did that change the status of the village in terms of "fame" in Equestria?
0 likesWhat do you think? I would love to see a video about this.
Keep up the good work and good luck at school! ^^
I subscribe to the first one. My guess is that they knew it could happen in theory but the odds of someone having the ability to pull off a "magicboom" and have a rainbow trail/motif has to be low.
0 likesI like a combination of the third and first theory, meaning that the prophesy of such an event brought about studies into it which created a science theory, but that's just how I view it.
0 likesThink the first and second are the most likely, since the two prophecies were likely created by Celestia secretly to help guide her future student in being prepared for Nightmare Moon's return. Lets face it, as benevolent as Celestia is she really goes overboard with the cryptic mentor nonsense. That is something she'd do in a heartbeat. Starswirl could have made the theory of the sonic rainboom, though his notes would likely have been lost and his theory treated with disdain since many scientific theories weren't taken seriously until a good time after said theorist died.
0 likesI love your videos. My favorite theory was the third one. It really made me think. :D
0 likesYou should make another channel to show your 'non-pony' stuff and I am glad you decided on telling us about the change p.s I luv your channel and on what your thoughts are on the show 😊
0 likesYa, school comes first always, so good luck your senor year though I'll still be keeping an eye out for when you post cause I love how you make me think about the show. As for what I think about the Rainboom, when I watched it I always assumed it was someone in the past that did it, before the sisters like you said for number two, but I like the idea of your third idea and how it was predicted.
0 likesWell, I got the theory that Rainbow Dash was actually the first one to do the Sonic Rainboom, but not the first to do a Sonic Magicboom.
0 likesIn your last video you talked about the theory that the Sonic Rainboom were a Rainbow because of Rainbow Dash's mane, like Twilight's magic got her colors.
So once a pegasus did the Sonic Magicboom, maybe Commander Hurricane, Firefly or just any other one. And this Sonic Magicboom became a legand (a tale) and when Rainbow Dash were able to performe the Sonic Rainboom as filly, she told everybody about it and they just told her "No you didn't, because a Sonic Magicboom is just a tale" and things like that, some ponies still said that she were able to do it, but most didn't believe she was able to do so...
I can't remember which theory channel implied that Twilight Sparkle might've time traveled & created the EoH; how about instead of the three you mentioned, Past Princess Twi was just recollecting on something that hadn't happened yet? Not a theory or prophecy, and I'm pretty sure RD was the first to pull off a sonic rainboom.
0 likesI was wondering how you were keeping both of those up 😂
0 likesI think number two, and I actually have a theory that it could be a genetic descendents list. Like possibly every five to 6 hundred years ago one of the rainbow family actually does the sonic rainbow.
0 likesI think Celestia as a foal was the first was the first to pull it off. Read my fanfic on WattPad called power of 6 friends and it explains every thing.
0 likesI like the second idea and I think that the one to pull it off could have been an ancient ancestor of rainbow dash
0 likesi have an explanation for this so in order to make the elements of harmony starswirl had to get 6 ponies who display the acts the best so the two pegasus ponies that were chosen by commander hurricane were sisters or brothers and one had rainbow mane and in order to prove that pony's loyalty the took a dangerous monster and that pony and that pony's dream just like in the first episode and in order to save her/his friends that pony had to fly faster than that pony ever could and then the rainboom was preformed and scared the monster away and that pony must have been Rainbow's ancestor
0 likesThe prophecy angle sounds neat, but I personally believe the previous user theory to be the most likely (though pre-Sisters sounds a little farther back than actually necessary). Heck, there might have even been a prophecy about it because there was a previous user. NMM and the Elements, the things also with prophecies, were also previous occurrences who probably only got prophecies after they were first shown to exist, though by that logic the Elements may have had three appearances, the "true" first predating the Sisters' defeat of Discord.
0 likesI just started senior year too so I totally get it. How did you manage junior year which is arguably the most stressful year and the SATs?!
0 likeskeep up the good work
0 likesdo more sciency stuff
and don't let ponies get in the way of your studies
Maybe she wasn't the first. Maybe other pegasi have been able to do it but it was a very rare occurrence with decades between them. Heck maybe it's a family trait that she inherited from one of her parents (which ever has the rainbow mane and tail). The rain boom was a special talent that her family has been able to do but not many master it as well as Rainbow Dash has who can now do it on command.
0 likesI think the sonic rain boom WAS performed in the past, tho it would look odd 4 a non rainbow coloured pony 2 perform 1
0 likesWhen twilight performed at the summer sun celebration her (star boom?) appeared in the same way a rain boom does, except for its shape & colour, maybe this means each sonic boom appears different for every Pegasus (or alicorn) depending on their colour scheme & mark
My theory is that maybe rainbow dash's ancestors performed past sonic rain booms as her parents also had rainbow manes (according to art pics & cameos in the show)
If you are to do a non pony video I suggest doing a review on the similarities of the anime Fairy Tail to MLP you'll find that the main theme is very similar to MLP except for an older audience with a rating of 14+
0 likesIn the book the journal of the two sisters we read that Star Swirl the bearded had found a spell for time traveling.So maybe he saw all the possible futures (which are bad) for example the end of equestria because of the villains we've seen in the show.One time he returns sad to the castle because he saw the future of princess luna as nightmare moon, so like I said before he might saw the future without the mane six in which all the villains rule all over equestria.So he did something
like a spellto make something that brings our main six together.The sonic rainboom.Maybe he tried lot of other ways to bring them together and save equestria but none worked.That's maybe the reason the sonic rainboom is a mix of magic and physics.Physics from the pegasus side and magic from Starswirl's unicorn powers.So maybe the first pony to do the sonic rainboom was a pegasus who helped starswirl to see if it really works to save equestria so he maybe wrote it in a book and after many years it became a tale so Rainbow Dash can later accomplice it.That pegasus' name was never known as it was just an experiment.Thanks everyone for reading my theory!😄+The Brony Notion I think the scientific theory was kind of accurate but the profocy theory made more sense to me. If Rainbow dash was profaceid to create the first Sonic Rainboom then then someone knew about the main six even before they existed. Or if the scientific theory was correct that Rainbow Dash wasn't the first I would predict that it was some before the sister during the times when ponies and pegasus and unicorn were in different groups, which means one of the unicorns like Starswirled the bearded cold have convinced a Pegasus to try and it worked. Otherwise it wouldn't have been a ponies tale.
0 likesBut what if it was just an old mares tale. think about it. it could have been a campfire story for ponies back then and not much thought about until it was actually pulled off
1 likeI feel you, I have to juggle my channel with a full time job that mandates overtime. I was lucky to post one video a month, and burned myself out in the process. Only now have I really started making videos again but, with overtime, it is slow going.
0 likesI myself have been thinking... the rainboom could not be made by commander hurricane as the rainboom needs determination and friendship itself and in the mlp play of how equestria came to be, he/she only had determination. what do u think?
0 likesI'd go with number three.... thats the only one that makes sense...not only that (bit a spoiler), but this event will be brought back up in the episodes to finish off Season 5.... dont know which...but yeah. Can't wait since it starts back up Sept 12th I believe. Hope catch it on here since I work 8-12 hours a day...seven days a week.
0 likesI think I'll go with the 2nd one, that there was original sonic rainboom performer before Rainbowdash.
0 likesCan't wait for the new episode tomorrow!
0 likes2:31 "So Face it, without the Mane 6, Equestria would be doomed."
1 likeOr we could actually get Celestia and Luna to do something
I think YouTube should NEVER get in the way of school. You did the responsible thing. 😊
0 likesHermmmmmmm.... Number two.
0 likesAnd your fans won't ever leave you (well, at least me)! You're the first pony analyzer that I ever watched!!!
And when your new OC style came on screen I might have fangirled a little. :3
I think that the sonic rainboom was scientifically theorized like you said, also don't feel bad about the videos, we'll survive. Good luck in school
0 likesMy theory is that rainbow's ancester was the one who pulled off the sonic rainboom and only a descendant of the ancester is capable of pulling it off, idk what do you guys think?
0 likesOk rainbow might have been the first but wouldn't it be possible that one "pony" in her family could have been the first. Her father had the same mane and tail like RD so that is a possibly answer
0 likesThe third theory is cannon. RD even said that she did it once when she was younger
0 likesToo bad that you can't make videos every week, but nice job for putting the right priorities in front. :)
0 likesIf Rainbow Dash was the first pony to pull it off, maybe it was some other creature who did it first?
1 likeYou do what you need! We will be here for you when you are free!
0 likesHey! Education's a big deal, and I can sympathize with having to push back other obligations for it. Best on luck on your senior year!
0 likesJust a wild theory but what if Celestia was anyhow involved as being the first one of doing the sonic rainboom. It's because she has a rainbow colored mane. We do know she had pink hair before she became a princess. Some support for this theory is when Twilight was holding the collective alicorn magic and flew at very high speed, she left a colored trail in the same colors of her mane. But I call it wild because then Luna also must of done something similar (like a starboom, moonboom, ... i don't know what).Good luck in your senior year.
0 likesbronynotion, I think it would make more sense if you made your own theme song considering your mark is a music symbol. It would be better then constantly hearing "frrrreeeeeeeeyyyyyyuuuuuuuunnnndddss" over and over again.
0 likesHmmmm... I think the rain boom is supposedly a prophesy. Something that is kinda related to Nightmare Moon.
0 likesI understand, school is important. Take your time. GEEZ LOIUSE! It's your YouTube channel, do what you want!
I think she was the first for the "Rainboom" but not the magicboom
0 likesMy personal belief is that there should be an episode where Rainbow Dash goes back in time and makes the legend that she has to fulfill.
0 likesHello the Brony Notion! I have an interesting argument for you and specifically for a video you made 3 weeks ago. " Is Chrysalis and alicorn"
0 likesYou see I think you didn't quiet remember the episode where Twilight got her wings in the first place! Magical misty something!! When She got her wings the first thing rarity said was -"Well you've become an alicorn!!
She recognized her as a alicorn because she saw that twilight had wings and a horn!! But afterwords Fluttershy said -"You LOOK just like a
princess!! She didn't say you ARE a princess so if you get what I am saying -
pony with wings, Unicorn -pony with horn, Earth pony-pony with none of them and Alicornpony with both!! I mean rarity doesn't become an alicorn when she got wings because they weren't pony wings!! What I am saying is that Every princess is an alicorn but not every alicorn is a princess!!! Can you please read this and maybe explain to me why you think so?? I really enjoy your videos btw!!!!Maybe if Rainbow wasn't the first pony to do a rainboom maybe the first could have been an Alicorn. Or she could be the first PONY but not the first creature to do the Rainboom.
0 likesnice video. I agree with your first and third theory, what would say that there was a prophecy and scientists proved based on it that it's true. And i'm 28th or something idk. ^^
0 likesI think it was just a thing like a myth and I think this because rainbow says "I made the impossible, happen!" I think it means that it's what one pony believed and she confirmed that it's not myth. that's my idea.
0 likesin the one of the newer episodes, episode 11 when the main six other then pinkie find pinkies basement, do you think it was supposed to be related to pinkies torture basement from Cupcakes by captain sparkles?
0 likesHave you seen my theory about the alicorn gem thingy? If not, I'll send it again, I really want you to notice it!!!
0 likesDoctor Whooves saw the SR. He goes back in time to tell people about it, thus creating the mare's tale (or colt's tale, DW being male) BOOM
0 likesif the theory that the sonic boom is the same colours as the pony would that not mean the pony who did it first would have to have that colour scheme as rainbow dash?
0 likesIf you do other theories, PLEASE do Steven Universe too!!!!!
0 likesI think Celestia did the first sonic rainboom.
0 likesYou should do bionicle for non-pony content for just a suggestion
0 likesScientific theory was proven by Rainbow Dash.
0 likesWhy do I believe this?
"The best solution is usually the easiest."
I think Rainbow Dash was the first pony to do the sonic rainboom
0 likesCan't wait till next mlp episode tomorrow :-)
0 likesI've only seen one other pegasus in the show who had a rainbow colored mane: Rainbow Dash's father from "Cutie Mark Chronicles"
0 likesGood luck with all of your studies <3
0 likesRemember when you said Rainbow Dash helped everyone get there cutie marks? Well that makes her very important. Even more important than the princesses. When twilight got her cutie mark (by the sonic rainboom ) she got into Celestia's school and that was the only way she went into pony Ville to make friends and save equestria. Twilight wouldn't have gone to Tonyville if celestia didn't send her. And she wouldn't have send twilight if twilight didn't go to her school. And she wouldn't have gone to her school and she didn't pass that test. And if she didn't pass that test.... Oh you know the rest! So rainbow saved a Equestria! Make a video of that! After schoolwork!
1 likeReplies (3)
Rainbow deserves to be a Princess!
1 like+TheRainbooms Channel youer so right rainbow deserves to be a princess
0 likes+TheRainbooms Channel I think all six are supposed to be a princess
0 likesabout the school thing... I heard you think in school it is rubbish but later in life you won't regret it! so I understand
0 likesI feel you with the whole school thing but CONGRATS ON YO SENIOR YEAR
0 likesBefore rainbow dash did the sonic rainboom they used to call it the sonic rainboom, so probably the first pony did the sonic rainboom caused a rainbow explosion, so that pony had a rainbow mane, like rainbow dash's father maybe?
0 likesDat Ink Rose spinning around though XD
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie heard from gossip around town about rainbow dashes mom from scoots mom. And then the town exploded about how rainbows dad pulled it off and named it in his families name.
0 likesBut in your last episode you said that it seems that when you dash made the sonic rainboom it also can from her colors remember and you also said that we saw this to in twilights Magic boom thing
0 likesWait, people say "MilpFim"? Hmm.... I like it. XD anyways I LOOOOVE YOUR NEW OC DESIGN, seriously it's SUCH an improvement on the last one...
0 likesMaybe it was Rainbows farther or a distant relative and yes rainbow has a farther he was in one episode
0 likesHave a nice year I hope you have fun
0 likesyeah man i feel ya with highschool i post gaming videos on a different channel but i had yo stop for a bit because i just started highschool as a freshman
0 likesI like the third theory it shows that rainbow dash as a lot more to brag about
0 likesmaybe celestia did it first but just doesnt like to talk about it for whatever reason?
0 likesgood luck with new school ♡
0 likesMy theory is that Celesta used to make the sonic rainbom wat do you think?
0 likesRemember school isn't the only important thing in life. Go experiment and such everything you read in books isn't fully. Test the things you read :)
0 likesCould celestial be a fraud?
0 likesugh. school sucks. im totally fine with you posting less though. if you see this, what other fandom content are you planning on posting? lemme guess, irs doctor who right? youve already made it clear that youre a whovian in many of your videos, and with season 9 comin up in 8 days
0 likes-squeals in exitement-thered be a lot of new content to theorise on!it will all happen when the school year ends.
0 likesI'm a senior too!!!! Crazy how time flies, am I right?If you're from America, what part are you from???
0 likesI think rain bow dash was the first a sonic rainboom because she did it as a filly
0 likesI think rainbow did pull it off 1st but a rainboom get what I'm saying
0 likestry to do pony videos once two weeks and please don't make non pony videos it will ruin your channel But do wathever you want But still i am a Big fan of the brony notion and School is more important than youtube
0 likesI am happy for you and please make more videos K😀😀😀😃
0 likesYour the best now I know lots about my little pony your the best you tuber THANK YOU!
0 likesDo not worry about school. We all have that problem. Good luck. Bro hoof
0 likesmaybe rainbows parents was the first to do the sonic rainbow
0 likesCan you do next vidio about fan made ponies like Button or Fluffypuff?
0 likesAre you still doing the Q and A video?I am just curious
0 likesyou're only in high school good job man you can do what you need to do
0 likesDon't worry notion we will just have to wait for your vids good luck in senior year
0 likesCongratulations at the beginning of the end of high school!
0 likesYou spelled "tales" wrong. Unless that is a pun.
0 likesit probably wasn't maybe rainbows mom or dad was able to do it as well
0 likeswoah you're my age! good luck with school mate, I'll be struggling too ;-;
0 likesbtw awesome videos :3 just post when ya can
i think Rainbow dash had grandparents or great grandparents who did the sonic rainboom and more stuty hard my friend
0 likesI think it's scientific
0 likesMaybe rainbows mom or dad done a sonic rainboom.
0 likesHey, how long do ponies even live? Mabey it was somebody in RDs family... or mabey.... IT WAS PRINCESS CELESTIA XD her hair is a bit rainbow-ish... Nah Idk XD
0 likes1. is the most likely one i like.
0 likesrainbow is magical with the friends is friendship is magic
0 likesAw he's a little smol bean
0 likesWell we stell havent seen other pony to do the rainboom but really in the past you say maybe i was one of the two princeses but it cant be them but i still think thath when they were little one of them did it
0 likesNon-Pony videos???
0 likesgasp Riot!
Oh. Ma GAWD.well first I think that one of rainbow dash's... Grandmothers did that as a fool, and.. Well... The stories about the sonic rainbow stared to appear for years and years. And when rainbow dash's mother told her about it, she wanted to be one of the only ables make one.. Or two. Well thats my opinion. And seconde. OH MA GAWD THAT VIDEO WAS AWSOME BTW WE TOTALLY UTHERSTAND ALL KAWAII POTATOES IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO STUDY. IM SO GLAD THAT YEW HAVE MADE A VIDOE (TWO VIDOES) ABOUT MY FAV PONY AND THE THINK I WAS THINKING ABOUT SINCE LIKE...FOREVER. IM A VERY SUPER OLD FAN OF YOURS AND I SUPER LI,E THE VIDEOS!!!!!!! TODDLES!
0 likesrainbow dash was not the first to do a sonic rainboom I think it was one of her ansesters that did it thus passing on the genes to RD to be abel pull off a rainboom!
0 likesRainbow may not have been the first sonic Rainboom but I bet she was first in the internet coments.
0 likesIt was probably rainbow dashes like great great great great grandpa to do the first sonic rainbom
0 likesDang it, I forgot what I was going to type!
0 likesDo some Doctor Who theories I will be your best friend if you do
0 likesHow bout every Sunday or Saturday?
0 likesare you still doing the q& a video btw I love your channel I sub u
0 likesHehe.This is the phillipines and i'm basically a grade 6 almost a high school! wish me luck to graduate!
0 likesSo if my little pony is a children's show ment for little girls ( 3_12) # I'm in the appropriate age for the show ( I'm 12) no offence to any bronies or pegasusisters how did you bronies get involved ?☺️
0 likesOk I get your new OC is your dream, and u wont let your dreams be dreams, but a few weeks ago u said there would be a collab with a with AnY. When will that be uploaded I was hoping to see some puns.
0 likesCould you plz make a vid about who is da best singer in the main 6??? Plz!
0 likesFrom seeing this I belive that......you now what I have no clue
0 likesYour still in high school?Respect.
0 likeswait you're still In high school? I thought you were like in your twenties....
2 likesHey maybe rainbowDashes mother did it😮
0 likesGood luck with school
2 likesI think she is the first
0 likesmany her father did it a long time ago
0 likesI like the idea of new video about different shows, but your the BRONY notion! Will you change your name?
0 likesI hope not :(
Good luck in senior year! /)(\
0 likesDo you reamember this episode were mane 6 told storyes how they got theyr cutie mark.... Well reamember Dash...
0 likessame goes for that dang cmc music
0 likesi vote 3
0 likesthe way you changed your look makes you look less like a pony...
0 likescries in a corner
Replies (1)
I think the new look looks cute!
0 likesDERPY
0 likesI have to remember that you live in Canada. And your today has already passed, while it is 5:22 AM where I am.
0 likesGood luck in high school. It's scary as fck. But belive me, You'll get use to this. ;)
0 likessigh, I have to go to school, no time to watch this....
2 likesReplies (1)
After watching the video, I realize how ironic my comment is
2 likesWell when she made a rain boom by a filly
0 likesIt's cool school is important
0 likesI have no problem with it school is school school sucks but we all got to get it taken care of. good luck with school man. And I believe the Second theory the most
0 likesi think rainbows mom or dad were first one who did rainbom
0 likesReplies (1)
i know it is stupid but it cud be
0 likesum brony I know school is important but you can still make video on weekends maby sunday or Saturday or friday any way nice vid I love them bro hoof my friend
1 likeReplies (2)
Unfortunately it isn't as easy as that. Making scripts and coming up with ideas for videos is hard and takes time, and as he has explained he doesn't want to spent too much time doing that and therefore neglecting his school work; I think it's great that he still wants to make videos, but he needs to make sure it doesn't get in the way of more important things. 😊
0 likesYep your right he so cool but he's new art style I still need to get use to =)
1 likei think no rainbow dash is not the first one it can me any other pony oh wait there is a video but i don t know what episode was that u can find it by you re own and there is a part that pinky pie is talking about something about rainboom
0 likesGood look in high school
0 likesit is a myth
0 likesI dunno why but I see you doing Steven universe content
0 likesInk rose do it!!!!
0 likesIm a senior too! Good luck.
0 likeswoah senior year ! O.o
0 likesI'd say the first one
0 likesRainboom
0 likeswait... HE IS IN 9TH GRADE?!!?
0 likesWow im in elementry and im starting my videos after chrismas
0 likes1:48 ... you spelled prophecy wrong. :(
0 likesReplies (2)
1 likeGood job Sherlock
0 likesBro I do the same thing try to balance YouTube and school it's is very hard and It does not help
0 likesDo gravity falls
1 likeReplies (3)
I wonder if he watches GF. That would be so cool if made videos for it.
0 likesI hope he does a episode analysis on the last mabelcorn
0 likes@Andreas Johnson That would be so cool!
0 likesNo it was rainbow blaze rainbow dashes father
0 likeswhat do duble rainboom
0 likesi was the first to make a rainboom because i am awesome
0 likes8 hours ago= 945 likes!!!
2 likessteven universe for new show
0 likesI suggest making another channel for other content
0 likesYou started school today?????
0 likes:O you're lucky
I started literally a month ago QQ
Replies (2)
I started today too
0 likesI started on the first day of teh year o3o
0 likeswhen ur finished 1 lesson do a vid? and i think it was 1
0 likesthє вrσnч nσtíσn plєαѕє dσ α thєσrч ín вσn вσnѕ vσícє plєαѕє
0 likesdo a sonic video
0 likesFirst in living memory makes sense
0 likesWhat's with the new design
0 likeshis father
0 likesI subscribe you ^^
0 likes*prophecy *tale. Sorry but i had to!!!!
0 likesyou could be on to something???
0 likes3 and study hard ! don't worry about the channel your personal life is more important
0 likesGood luck in high school study hard
0 likesat firts i tought princess celestia was the forst to rainboom cuz her her is all rainbowish. but rainbows are made of LIGHT and water, and Lunas hair is made of darkness
0 likesReplies (2)
Celestia's hair doesnt have anything to do a rainboom
0 likesBefore really was part of the fandom i tought Celestia rainboomed Luna to the moon
0 likeswhat i do is study and do homework first then go do a videos then study so more
0 likes3 #3 what about the q and a?
0 likes@The Brony Notion I feel like that the sonic rainboom was caused by a pegasi or a alicorn, think about it if RD caused the rainboom. How does Pinkie know what a Sonic Rainboom is?
0 likesReplies (10)
Duh, she has her pinkie sense
0 likesNo I mean that how does Pinkie know what a Sonic Rainboom is when she was a child.
0 likesShe didn't know what it was, but when she saw it, she didn't care about what it was, she just knew it was pretty
0 likesI get it but maybe a pegasi or a alicorn did the rainboom long ago
0 likesVery true
0 likesAnd I think Celestia Luna Or Hurricane caused the rainboom.
0 likes@Twilight Sparkle can't be a hurricane
0 likes+Lyra'sPlateOfPancakes Hurricane from the pegusus chriconichles
0 likes@Twilight Sparkle Ohhhhhh
0 likesIt's a pony tail, duh
0 likesNumber 3.
0 likesgood luck
0 likesink rose
0 likesI suscribed
0 likeslol if ink rose say this
0 likesWheres the QandA
0 likeswhat about rainbow dash's dad he has a rainbow main
0 likesReplies (2)
Yeah, but I think it would be Dashie's older ancestors from her father's family side. It would be too soon for her dad to do it.
0 likesThat's what I was thinking I was about to post a comment about her dad but before I did that I was looking in the comics if anyone else posted that
0 likesIt can't be
0 likesReplies (1)
It could be rainbows old reletive
0 likesFNAF?
0 likesi started school 2 weeks ago
0 likesReplies (3)
+TyTy Roe dislike unsubscribe block report burn their computer
0 likes+MKWII Koko sorry wrong comment
0 likesSame
0 likesDon't go
0 likesNo
0 likesgood bye
0 likesok
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash make me something else for something else because I know a lot of people stop I can do say that LPS came 🌈🍦🍿 and do it oh yay for the bat Ha ha lol yhchgg
0 likeshi there is rug anybody.
0 likes*so
0 likesno stop no I hate change no pony videos only please no no no !!!!!!!!why world all the best bronys are leaving me!!!!!😡😡😣😣😦😯waaahhhhh!!!!!!!
0 likeshi