@Salem ! 🔮i know that, i was talking about flurry heart, that person i replied to said something about flurry heart's voice, but flurry heart's voice hasn't been heard in the whole series. I think that person i replied to deleted their comment tho.
honestly, its so cool to think about all of the deeper backways in this seemingly kids show, celestia and luna (love of siblings), cadance (love of their other one) twilight sparkle (love of friends) and flurry heart (love of family). this is amazing.
And more specifically, Celestia represents love for ones younger siblings while Luna, older siblings. Like the sun, who emits light, she was born first and most likely shined her guidance on Luna, who reflected it, and shines in the night. So Sun and Moon are also fitting and more satisfying names for them ❤️
I also remembered that Celestia had said that the reason Twilight was an alicorn was that she had created new magic. Shining Armor and Cadence wielded the magic of love and when they were together it created a level of magic that had never been seen before. So Flurry Heart was a direct result of this magic meaning not only did she have high levels but also was a product of new magic. One thing that seems interesting, however, is that we never see any male alicorns even though we know there are royal stallions. He also has a different dynamic of love than that of Cadence because she's romantic love and motherly love. Shining on the other hand may still have romantic love (from a husband's standpoint) but he also has fatherly love, brotherly love, and love for his people. His unquestioning loyalty and self-sacrifices he constantly made as the lead protector of Equestria and then later the Crystal Kingdom proves this.
4:10 actually makes a lot of sense. Even if not at birth, Celestia and Luna became alicorns at much younger ages than Twilight or Cadence(or at least this has been implied several times). Siblinghood is something you don't need several years to understand. From the first moment you meet, they're always going to be your playmate and your friend. Kind of cute if you think about it.
I think I figured out the flowing hair. I think you need equal amounts of magic from all three tribes. Back then Luna wasn’t as appreciated so she never got the equal amount of magic. Through the years Twilight got her equal amount of magic from the tribes.
YOU ARE A GENUIS. I was super worried when I started watching that something possibly would have happened to Cadence, but With them ruling side by side it makes so much more sense. Like you said we had celesta and Luna side by side. And I think if the WHOLE family ruled the crystal empire, the crystal empire just might have the most fire power.
Person 1: what is your favorite pony princess? Person 2:: mine is Luna! Person 3: mine is Twilight! Person 4: Mine is cadence, what’s urs? Me: flurry heart, the princess of merchandise
This is so crazy I have never seen that in the background before when I watched like the last video of Equestria or something wow I've never seen that in the background I also am actually be the princess of light that makes🤔🤔🙃😮😮
Jaden A. Prince2021-10-18 04:30:14 (edited 2021-10-18 04:34:18 )
Flurry Heart is already an alicorn right? Well just imagine what it will be like when she gets her cutiemark! It would probably be the most spectacular transformation in cutiemark history! We’ve seen how amazing it was when Twilight as well as the Cutiemark Crusaders earned their cutiemarks, but just imagine the transformation of a pony who is already an alicorn getting her cutiemark! Something else I just thought of. What if Flurry Heart already has her cutiemark!!!! Just think about it, she was born as an alicorn, with already powerful alicorn magic, and we only ever see her with her diaper on. It would make sense that she was born with her cutiemark as well, and that her destiny was already laid out! I don’t really think this happened thought, since there is nothing in the show to indicate it, but it is an interesting thought.
With that lens of alicorns representing bonds, I think we can guess when Celestia and Luna got their wings. An important thing with your sisters is knowing what you guys have in common thanks to the relation, but also understanding your differences. With that one’s-versary play they did, it seems like Celestia guessed first that she could raise the sun, but what about the moon? She then look’s at her sister. If she could raise the sun, maybe it was a genetic thing? Luna tries raising the sun, doesn’t work. But they understand each other’s differences so Luna tries with the moon and the rest is history. But no one realised because all they saw was two sisters playing with the sun and moon.
I absolutely LOVE the theory that Flurry is the PRINCESS OF LIGHT 🤍! It just makes so much sense! I am not 100 percent sure that every alicorn is meant to symbolize a relationship though. I get Twilight and Cadence, but the sisterhood relationship for Celestia and Luna seems a little blurry. Same for Flurry Heart, I see how that the relationship of love for one’s caretaker’s could apply to her now, but way forward in the future, where does that put her? If the relationship theory is correct, maybe her’s would be more of a love for family? This still doesn’t seem like the answer to me though, but I feel that the idea that Flurry is the Princess of Light is full proof (hopefully this theory is never disproven).
I have an incredibly far fetched theory, but its that cadences love for her husband, flurrys for her dad, and twilights for her brother (all family) transform Shining Armor into the first (known) alicorn prince. this may make Shining the prince of protection (like a father is usually supposed to protect and look over his family, and this is reflected in Shinings stances and status), Cadences being love (over relationships, motherly love and family) and Flurrys being over parental love and "light" - and this may create the Empire family be kind of the "kingdom" of family, family love, or something of the sort. again far fetched but,,, lol
The sad part he's not saying is that, considering alicorns are basically immortal (if Celestia and Luna are anything to go on) then Shining Armor isn't going to be in the picture for very long. That's probably why the Crystal Empire will need both mother and daughter to rule together. They'll be able to help each other through their grief of losing a husband and father. sniff WAAAAH! I didn't wanna have to think about that! Shining Armor is one of my favorite characters! (Except when they turn him into a kinda pathetic goof.)
Elementianhero22 Yes but what kind of husband can’t tell the difference between is wife and an imposter. I mean the magic was a different color. Not only that but chose the side of his wife and not his own flesh and blood.
You have a point and also shining armor is a guard so where cadence and flurry rule together, shining armor is there to protect and look out for danger...but Idek it’s just a theory 🤷
Elementianhero22 I don’t think they are all immortal. I think that’s only celestia/ Luna and twilight would die but just later. Same with all the other alicorns.
@lesborashomon I agree with that. It was shouwed in the show that Cadance can age, because in Twilight's childhood flashbacks, Cadance was portrayed as a filly/teenager (?) allicorn.
@Elementianhero22 this is super later so sorry about that but I have a kind of far fetched theory, that twilights love for her brother, cadences love for her husband and flurrys love for her dad all transform him into the first (known) alicorn prince? because he, as a father and husband, holds cadences and flurrys alleged "love and light" powers together as a family. maybe shining gets transformed into the prince of family, or something like that. families job is to protect one another, which is shinings job as a soldier and non-alicorn prince
I have no way to describe how good of a theory this is... I mean if you look at the damn title of the show "friendship is magic" the answer was right under our noses!!!
I love how Celestia and Luna literally represent sibling love.. LITERALLY their last castle is named "castle of the two sisters "
(I've commented this like 50 times in people replies but shh ) I have an incredibly far fetched theory, but its that cadences love for her husband, flurrys for her dad, and twilights for her brother (all family) transform Shining Armor into the first (known) alicorn prince. this may make Shining the prince of protection (like a father is usually supposed to protect and look over his family, and this is reflected in Shinings stances and status), Cadences being love (over relationships, motherly love and family) and Flurrys being over parental love and "light" - and this may create the Empire family be kind of the "kingdom" of family, family love, or something of the sort. again far fetched but,,, lol
Luna could also represent the relationship with yourself in part, as she is comfortable alone and can see into everyone's psychological makeup while they sleep, which are often nightmares focused on questions about oneself. :)
I feel sorry for Shining Armour, his sister, an allicorn, his wife an allicorn and his daughter, an allicorn. Who technically are immortal, he isnt they will live a very long happy life while he will probs die soon 😞
And that is a major issue I have with that show. Twilight is a princess od friendship. Cadence is a princess of love. But when Twilight's friends and Cadence's beloved ponies will be dead, there will be no love or friendship anymore.
Tbh i dont think ponies in equestria die cuz it doesnt show that and its a kids show with magical ponies so i dont think they die in equestria maybe if they came to the mortal/human world but other than that nope
The other show equestria girls on the other hand they prob will die cuz no magic and its not exactly the same type in equestria
nah tbh i feel like they wont die like natural pony Twilight and cadence wont just let them die they will probably cast some sort of time spell on them so they age at the same rate as them
@Lady_Sherin That's actually incorrect... Just because Twilight has the strongest friendship with a couple of ponies, doesn't mean that when they die, friendship will die out. That just wouldn't make any sense *at all*. Twilight would still have the friendship and love in her for her 5 friends, just as Cadence would still have the love for Shining Armour and Flurry Heart.
@mariyah 마리야 but what about when they all die? Is she supposed to keep making new friends forever?
this part of the show has always bothered me. I wish they would address how all of twilights friends are literally going to die after only a small portion of her lifespan
@Lady_Sherin Friendship and love won't die when the ponies who helped them represent that die. They're more or less just representatives of those bonds. Living proof that love and friendship are powerful- after all, that power supposedly made alicorns!
Star swirl or starlight (which are pretty powerful ponies) could do the immortal spell on him and the mane six. I mean what’s what he probaly did to himself and all the other pillars
Not exaly if you have watched MPL you know when stars swril sends a letter to Twilight in season 9 he says a pony thousand yers old as me wold still now definitely he was it before pony of shadows and he ist an alicirorn so I don't think that will and aso the tree of harmony wold not give Twilight a longer life span than all of her friends
I feel like if shining armour and the whole main 6 should of became alicorns aswell since cadence is the princess of love to one’s partner he should of also became an alicorn and the main 6 they have proved there friendship multiple time lmao ik it’s a kids show and writers just wanted to show kids friendship and how to solve social problems but it has so many hidden messages and mysteries
@Goofus DestroyerOfWorlds I disagree. Granny Smith wasn't in the final episode of mlp but her scarf with apple pattern was. It was around Apple Jack. Why was it there? I think it is because Granny Smith had died but since it is a kids show we can't show it on here
Aren't age spells a thing? I don't think it's far fetched for Candice to keep Shining Armor alive. Or more likely Flurry Heart. Discord can break reality. So Fluttershy is likely going to live forever. And likely the rest of her friends to make her happy.
@uhbh hhh Granny Smith and Goldie delicious died, at the last episode you can see AJ wearing Granny’s coat, and Apple Bloom wearing the coat of Goldie, implying that they passed away…
I mean if all those ponies are intrinsically linked to their alicorn powers then I dont see why theyd die normally instezd of being able to live alongside them 🤨 the mane 6 are not only linked to twilights alicorn powers they are also linked to the elements of harmonie, they are no normal ponies my man
I have an incredibly far fetched theory, but its that cadences love for her husband, flurrys for her dad, and twilights for her brother (all family) transform Shining Armor into the first (known) alicorn prince. this may make Shining the prince of protection (like a father is usually supposed to protect and look over his family, and this is reflected in Shinings stances and status), Cadences being love (over relationships, motherly love and family) and Flurrys being over parental love and "light" - and this may create the Empire family be kind of the "kingdom" of family, family love, or something of the sort. again far fetched but,,, lol
I really liked the video about the types of love, and how the princesses related to each. Agape for Celestia, Storge for Luna, Eros for Cadence, and Philia for Twilight. It was a really simple, elegant explanation. In comparison, this feels convoluted somehow - but I guess it does essentially do that same thing: relate each of the princesses to a type of love (even if we don't quite have a set of nice, fancy greek-sounding words for each of them)
I think Cadence and Flurryheart both represent love, just different types of love. Cadence is the princess of romantic love (like what is felt in dating and marriage) while Flurryheart is the princess of familial love (like what is felt between parent and child).
Plus it fits. Children represent hope for the future, a better tomorrow. It makes sense that she was born an allicorn if she's meant to represent hope.
Just Vibin2020-04-29 03:26:25 (edited 2020-04-29 03:26:53 )
I think "light" fits better alongside "hope" rather than "lighthearted love". It would make sense. A BRIGHTER future, a BRIGHT hope.
What if she’s more specifically the Princess of Hope?
Like “light” is a pretty fitting but also confusing way to phrase it, like yeah its all that “lighthearted joy” stuff, but the name could be confusing. Does she control light like how Celestia and Luna control the sun and moon? I think Hope is a more fitting title, because hope is all about seeing a “brighter side” of a dark situation. And the love for ones caretakers thing can still fit, as its the job of parents to nurture and grow the child, and the child is new to the world, full of hope and wonder for the joy their parents bring them.
I could see the future stories of the other characters we didn’t see on screen in the finale being released in comic form similar to what happened with Sombra’s past
Glad to know others share my feelings about Hasbro practically doing nothing with Flurry or letting us see it. As a matter of fact it is a bad old wound at this point for me, that has scarred me deeply in terms of my hopes for a lot of other things. A source of anger, sadness, frustration, and grief. Even now it still hurts just as much as it did when they pulled the plug in '19. And I can't forgive Hasbro for wasting her potential (and the threat of the umbrum army, nor Cadence's family love magic) unless they can pick up the ball with her in Gen 5...
I feel like Cadence would be like "Do you remember when Flurry destroyed the crystal heart-" at a family dinner or the holidays and Flurry Heart would just cover her face and groan while Cadence just laughs
I know it's a bit late but I think it's very clear that Flurry Heart is the Princess of Hope. She was a child, part of the future generations. She represents what all the effort to preserve and protect is for, the future generations.
It would make more sense that Flurry Heart is the princess or Self-love, instead of "love for one's parents". That would be really transformational and make sense with the fact that she is going to "change the world one day" as it says in the story. Loving oneself is the key to end all darkness. Loving one's parents is just a consequence. :-)
Thought: During Flurry's crystaling, Caydence and Shining Armor cast a spell that surrounded Flurry with light, but when she opened her wings, that light grew brighter. And, it seems from the stained glass window in the castle, that Flurry Heart used the heart to spread light due to her connection with the heart, the love of the crystal empire for her. So her being the princess of light is possibly the best bet we got :)
@Sawtooth Waves look i need you too do a video on something big you see watch the very first episode of my little pony you know that part where twilight asks spuke to take a note to celestia to warn her about nightmare moon watch this part very closley the part as she passes the hourglass the unicorn head statue turns into nightmare moons head and then back too normal please reply and think about considering making a video on this thankyou
I always thought Flurry Heart would be the princess of weather or the princess of crystals, but that sounds cool too. The princess of light, it is. If that's the case, then that would make Flurry Heart the light of Equestria.
This is perfect. The show always has a tilt to Greek mythology. So it would only make sense that the princesses represent all of the forms of love the Greeks came up with.
I vote for a spin off series involving the student 6 and Flurry heart. I wanna know what influenced Gallus to become a guard and Yona to take over Rarity’s shop. I’m so curious
@Daniel Hall Wh6 are assuming this is a man? And why are you assuming that all people grow up (figuratively)? Why are you assuming basic values are not important? Is work or sex all there is to life? No, its not. You should grow up actually.
Flurry Heart being the princess of LIGHT, it feels fitting that her "big moment in history" was something to do with her strengthening her connection to the crystal heart, bringing light back to their kingdom & ponies and bringing them back to their "original" shiny/crystal state forever (if what Sawtooth said in his other video is right, that their "shiny forms" used to be their true state, but slowly faded over time) Cadence would spread the love & positivity to the kingdoms people, and Flurry Heart would keep the crystal heart strong and flowing with magic and energy, together making the kingdom stronger (+ Shining Armor would keep the kingdom physically strong)
I just watched your previous video on Flurry Heart before this one and when you mentioned that Alicorns could be a generational thing it accrued to me that, although there's no evidence of this in MLP and it's only a theory, maybe if that's the case it could be tied in with the MLP generations 1-4 and those generations/ages are all connected within the same world, however, (unless I'm mistaken), because G4 was the first to introduce Alicorns, we didn't see any actually before, however, I believe the first Pony to become an Alicorn and a direct ancestor to the G4 Alicorns could have been G1's Majesty (whom Celestia was originally based on)...
Well Sawtooth, I've done research and Cilestisa is the princess of the stars and day, luna is the moon and night, that's right Cilastia is the princess of the Starts, proving that your theory of Cilestisa releasing Luna is the most true 😏
i feel like twilight being princess of friendship is a bit too spacific i always called her princess of harmony, since friendship works threw out harmony and she basicly represents the elements of harmony with her friends.
Tbh is reckon it might be easier to connect these with the Greek loves Twilight - Philia (platonic love) Cadence - Eros (romantic love) Cadence n Luna - Storge (familial love) And then I reckon Flurry Heart would be Ludus (playful, non-commital love)
I think it may have to do with the four types of love. Luna and Celestia represent Agape, because they have ruled equestria for a long time, and their people love them, and they love them and protect them. Cadance represents Eros, the love for one's partner. Twilight represents Philia, the love for your friends. Flurry Heart represents Storge, love for your family.
Oooh shut, that's ruin my hole Next Generation! literally I was going to make a character to become a alicorn that would represent the magic of the family!
@ramy nasser I guess it's more epic, but that would make her too mary sue and it doesn't fit with the theme of "relationships" that brony made. There's sisterly love Platonic love Romantic love and family love so it also sorta makes sense that Flurry doesn't have any siblings
I remember on the MLP Movie on a scene that was cut from the movie Twilight said that Cadance was the purrrincess of family . But it was a deleted scene. Could this solve the mystery of Flurry Heart being the purrrincess of family and light?
She’s as strong as a few alicorns combined. Look at the amount of magic compared to when Twilight took the princesses magic. Also, I think that each princesses hair flows when their purpose is at the moment. Celestia’s hair flows in day, Luna’s in night (though in day it shines), Cadence’s when love is united, Twilight when friendship solves a big problem, and Flurry Heart when light solved a major problem. Edit: I completely forgot about Mist Mane while thinking about this.. but her mane and take don’t flow as mush as alicorns.. maybe her parents were alicorns..?
that was just baby magic, we learned in "baby cakes" that baby magic users have crazy powers before they adjust to them, even more so for a baby alicorn!
The Brony Notion that makes sense since they don’t know their cutie mark yet. It’s like what Twilight said the unicorn users magic vary on their cutiemarks. Twilight’s cutiemark is magic, so she can use more magic. Whereas Rarity can make clothes, she’s not as capable of doing magic or even throwing a rock because she doesn’t have a lot of magic due to her cutie mark. Sorry if that doesn’t make any sense 💀
The Brony Notion oh yeah... but having a born alicorn might be stronger than a unicorn/pegasus who turned into an alicorn, so I think it would be harder to adjust flying and magic, but we haven’t seen her adjustment to flying like Twilight had to.
Luny Cipres I meant boulders sorry, I forgot what episode or if it was in the movie, but she threw a big boulder to save twilight. Which resulted in her being tired because her magic was being used too much.
In the MLP Movie Cadence is introduced to the audience as the Princess of Family (or something like that) which is not only a very interesting little retcon but also supports your theory here.
I have always thought Celestia represents the the love of everyone (in a country, family, or in the world) Luna the love of family ( siblings, children, parents, and ancestors) Cadence the love between couples ( the couples and their children) Twilight the love of friends (Best friends and allies) Flurry Heart the love and acceptance of ones self. ( yourself and your heritage)
All the princesses represent different forms if love but yet share similar people they love in their role.
I felt that your vid was really good but missed something that could ultimately tie it alllll together. The 4 types of love could really Storge – familiar bond. (Flurry and Cadence) Philia – friendship bond. (Twilight) Eros – romantic bond. (Cadence and Shining) Agape – unconditional bond. (Celestia and Luna)
Princess of The Sun is Celestea Princess of The Moon is Luna Princess of Love is Cadence Princess of Friendship is Twilight Princess of Light is Flurry Heart King of The Darkness is king sombra
Have you noticed flurry hearts name? Flurry Heart Now let’s compare with crystal heart Crystal Heart It’s like cadence and shining wanted flurry to rule somewhat connected to the crystal heart ❤️
hmm, we have a possibility of 2 main 6s in generation 5. maybe, the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver spoon, Babs seed, and maybe Pipsqueak could become the main 6 of G5. theres also a chance the young 6 can become the main 6 of generation 5.
Well, I'd say there's a slightly deeper connection between Celestia and Luna, other than as sisters. I think that their connection to what kind of princesses they are does not stop at the fact that they are sisters and rule Equestria together, but I think of the symbol Ying and Yang, the Sun and the Moon, the Day and the Night, Good and Evil I mean, at least it makes sense to me. Celestia takes care of Equestria during the day, and Luna during the night, watching over the sleep of all the ponies in their land. When we look at the symbol of Ying and Yang, we think of the balance of nature and things in the universe, of the peace and order that existed during the two sisters' rule and that continues because of their contribution. ☯️☯️☯️
I thought I should add on a little theory I came up with it’s about the wavy hair basically Luna and Celestia have waving hair and twilight and cadence didn’t have it even though that they are all alicorns I thought that it was just because Luna and Celestia earned their wings and horns and Twilight and cadence had it given to them but now that twilight has waving hair it’s different maybe she had to earn her wavy hair Maybe she was meant to rule Equestria with her friends and that’s why when she did rule Equestria she got waving hair so perhaps cadence has to rule with her daughter in the crystal empire to earn her wavy hair. Maybe Even Luna and Celestia had to earn their wavy hair too by raising the sun and moon TOGETHER
Flurry Heart is definitely destined to be the Princess of Light. After all, her adoptive great-aunts are Princesses Celestia and Luna, the Princesses of Sunlight and Moonlight, as well as the former co-rulers of Equestria respectively. Her biological aunt and her friends are the current rulers of Equestria, spreading the light of Friendship across the country. Her mother is none other than the Princess of Love, specifically maternal love. If the Crystal Empire is protected by the love and light of its citizens channeled through the Crystal Heart, then Princess Flurry Heart is the ponified embodiment of the love and light one feels for their parents. Another thing about Princess Flurry Heart is that her paternal aunt is the embodiment of the Element of Magic, the powerful Element of the six Elements of Harmony. If Flurry Heart was to have done something worthy of being enshrined in a stained glass window, it was because she learned of her aunt’s lifelong pursuit of preserving harmony in Equestria while spreading the powerful light of friendship by mentoring those who were misguided in their own studies of magic. Princess Flurry Heart learned from her great-aunt Celestia that her paternal aunt was a bookworm, extremely dedicated to her studies in magic, and was lacking in a key aspect of any young student: friends; prompting her (Celestia) to send the young Twilight to Ponyville to “make some friends” (Season 1, Episode 2?). Of course, Flurry Heart would have learned of the Sibling Supreme Crown her dad, aunt, and Uncle Spike vied for as youngsters from Grandma Twilight Velvet and Grandpa Night Light. Flurry would also be told about the villains her aunt faced in her life before her reign as Equestria’s Ruler by her mom and dad, with details from her aunt. She would also hear about her great-aunt Celestia’s emotional turmoil in banishing her own sister to the moon and the slow but rewarding reformation process that her great-aunt Luna underwent. Flurry would be told about the time-travel loop that her aunt Starlight created trying to prevent her biological aunt from meeting her friends and co-rulers of Equestria. @sawtoothwaves I think Flurry Heart’s backstory involves all nine seasons of MLP:FiM, the MLPEG movies and shorts (specific shorts where her paternal aunt has a primary or secondary role as a character, such as Forgotten Friendship). As a frequent visitor to your channel, I am absolutely amazed at how accurate your analyses are and want more! You’ve got my subscription!
I get it. Especially the part about Celestia and Luna being the princesses of siblinghood. In that case it makes even more sense why there are 2 of them, but Cadence's romantic and Twilight's friendship are each only represented by one pony; an older and a younger sibling, the two loves would be somewhat different. Not one being stronger than the other, but still different.
This is so smart, but I feel like maybe she would be a successor, and also I felt like since I first heard she was born an alicorn, I thought it might have had something to do with the magical love explosion from the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor, like the love magic went in there or something. Great theory though! Yay!
I don't think they're afraid of backlash, cause there's always something someone isn't gonna like. they took a stance on Twilights lifespan/aging anyway, and i find that more controversial. i probably would have liked whatever they did with flurry. I think you're right about not having enough time, the show just has too many elements.
They showed literally every other character. They didn't need to do anything with her; just show her in the same montage literally every other character is in.
@•Midnight_Flamezz• Scotaloos parents are not dead, didn't you see season 9 episode 12 "The Last Crusade"? They are alive, they just don't live in Ponyville, instead they travel a lot.
Watching me so mad that I’m probably gonna figure this out in like a few seconds when he spent years trying to figure it out the stuff she’s wearing is more like armor material she doesn’t have a cutie mark but I think she grew up to be the protector of the city
I always thought that Flurry would somehow become evil. Like, she is a princess born special and unique with the love of an entire kingdom, that ought to make one spoiled. Now let's say Cadance and Shining had a second child, who maybe wasn't born an alicorn but a Pegasus or a Unicorn, but that child also getting an endless amount of love. Flurry isn't used to sharing the attention, especially not to a bratty sibling who isn't even special like her. Idk what goes down, but I do know that the sibling does a Celestia and banishes Flurry not to the moon, but to the crystal heart. Sorta like a reverse Celestia and Luna. But that's honestly just a headcanon
what comics I've heard about the comics before telling more detail like how big macs mother sent letters i think to her father but he never wrote back, i dont get what this comic thing is and how u get, do u just buy it in a store??
@Palace Kale Most of the time you have to buy them or get an abonnement and I'm not sure honestly. Since I can't get my hands on rhose in Quebec (I purposely set in not at Quebec).
@Palace Kale it's so sad to know that ya'll are losing what traditional entertainment. you know super hero comics? those thin books with boxes of pictures and less text. that's like the book version of cartoons.
I collect the comics and have been doing so from my local comic shop since they came out. Honestly most comic stores will have them, every one I have been too (5-6 or so because our regular one keeps closing :( ) has had them. Theyre usually in the kids section, but theyve been out for years, since 2012 and you would have to read hundreds of comic books to catch up and buy new ones. It looks like you can buy them on the IDW website though, if you look up my little pony comics it will probably be the first link.
I like to imagine that there is still a handful of Sombra supporters in the Crystal Empire and that they would support Flurry overthrowing her mother to give them the totalitarianism they would want.
But I personally don’t support totalitarian regimes, although it makes good fiction.
I thought she would somehow become evil too. Maybe because she’s so unique that her parents are extremely protective of her so she was never able to experience a normal childhood like every other pony did, and maybe she sometimes threw tantrums about it. But since she’s Equestria’s first born alicorn, there’s no one she can relate with, which makes her more angry
well what you're saying might actually be the conflict that caused her breakthrough...
like for example, Cadence and Flurrie had an argument, and in her anger, Flurrie broke the crystal heart--again. The Empire would freeze and lose hope, and with Cadence heartbroken from Flurrie's words, she wouldn't be strong enough to spread as much love. That's when Flurrie turnss and spreads the Light, realizes her purpose etc.
@ Meteor 752 I love that idea! I am in the making of making this an audio drama! Would that be ok with you? I will of course give you the credit you deserve! I I just want your consent before I hold auditions. Thanks!
When you said “And candance has been ruling since season 3, that’s incorrect. She has been ruling in “Equestrian games”, “Twilights kingdom”, “The crystalling 1-2”, “The times they are a changeling” & when twilight teleported to the crystal empire, later we see that cadance was ruling. It’s not that I’m being mean by saying “Your incorrect” no, I’m saying that the times she is (was) ruling.
I think it makes sense and its true ( i said i think ) bc her magic is also so powerful for a baby and if she represents light AND light is everywhere, then it might be a good reason or source where she gets all the power from , bc light is not always the sun like when we say light we mean hope, chance , happiness or just anything good in general
So, this might be a strech, but if each princess represents a different relationship, doesn't that mean that each evil alicorn represents a negative relationship. Cozy glow is friendship manipulation, nightmare moon is sibling rivalry, and queen chrysalis is romantic manipulation. Idk, maybe this makes no sense but ur welcome to make ur own ideas about it. Also, i believe flurry is the princess of optimism/hope.
Prolly already said but I believe flurry is the princess of light or hope. She was spreading light and hope right out the womb through the crystal empire. And the phrase "spreading love and light" is said a ton on times throughout this entire thing.
umm has anybody wondered that flurry hearts horn and wings were REALLY BIG for her age. Like her horn was about the same size as twilights before she became the ruler of equestria. Also compared to the other peagsus that are the same age as scootaloo have little wings. Like compare it. Scootaloo's wings are about the same size as other pegasus that are her age. So yeah flurry has an over sized horn and wings. Also like she was super powerful when she was born. So yeah also when flurry is older like not an adult but a kid her horn is almost smaller then it was when she was a baby. Also i thought twilight should have thron Flurry in the water and hit her and yelling at her that she was bad and punish her when twilitht babysitted Flurry and she was being bad in the hospiatal. So yeah i just wanted to mention this. Also why wasn't cadence chosen to be the next ruler of equestria?! Is cadence not important and if twilight stops being the ruler she should pass the throne to Flurry Heart. (Srry not so sryy cadence!) ;)
So... Flurryheart would say something like.... “Darkness cannot abide within the Light!” Or “By the Light be purged!” (Flurryheart as a WoW paladin is now my headcanon)
I think that is a great way to explain what flurry heart could stand for cause she would not really be there if there wasn't a piece of part missing it all ties to her cause she is super strong and she is very powerful for her age (it make slot of sense to what she represents) #flurry heart #light and love for one's parents and child, ruler of the crystal empire along side of her mother princess my amore cadenza(princess cadance).
Sadly, she is a baby. And babies are not really characters, since they don't have their own agenda. So any further episode would not do much for her anyway. But she could have at least appeared in the last episode.
I saw a clue for flurry heart's cutie mark tin season 7 the episode flurry of emotions you could see a shield with a heart on it and shining armour said this reminds me of flurry too in that moment there it was the clue to flurry's cutie mark the shield represents shining armour and the heart represents Cadence there I was surprised to see it
My ideas of the princesses: "Celestia" princess of sun and magic, "Luna" the princess of dreams and night, "Cadence" the princess of relationships and hope, "Twilight" princess of friendship and harmony, and "Flurry heart" princess of family and light.
She’s the princess of emotions, her magic is controlled by her feelings, when she’s annoyed anything can go wrong, her magic is like a balance scale working on her emotions, angry=time to die, 0=normal scale.
Nuevo el inglés pero si hablo español pero espero que ustedes me entiendan pero creo que ustedes tendrán que hablar español porque yo no sé hablar inglés porque soy de la Sierra de Veracruz y no puedo seguir hacían en español por favor porque ya no le puedo entender a su palabra si por favor le salió todo gusto que todos ustedes hablaran español que aprendieron en YouTube pueden estar estudiando español y también ustedes pueden hacerlo porque si no ya no voy a tenderle si ustedes son tan poco ya yo había hablado español pero se me había olvidado y ya no pude contener otra vez es español pero tal vez ustedes hablen español de Soy lo que es pero los Necesito que hablen español por favor yo no puedo hablar ni siquiera inglés ni taliana ni nada ni por eso es que no he ido a Estados Unidos por eso y después pueden hacer eso por favor y ya después que podemos hablar en contacto aquí en los comentarios porque sino yo ya no voy a poder jamás andaría sí estudiando inglés porque eso cuesta mucho trabajo y necesito que ustedes hablan español por favor Los amo un abrazo para todos ustedes y ustedes entiendan todo esto es lo que les escribo por favor Los necesito que hablen español ya no tengo nadie más que hable español si no quieres pues no lo hagan pero Escríbame algo que hable de español bueno que esté de español Okay lo entiendo como español pero yo no sé hablar el idioma por favor Los necesito que español porque sino no voy a poder y ya después ya si ya entendieron lo que digo Les mando un abrazote para todos ustedes y se lo que lo que siento se lo que ustedes sienten por favor y lo suplico por favor es lo que necesito porque si no bueno tengo a alguien aquí a mi lado mío la Sofía Carson conmigo pero ya eres mi hermana no eres mi hermana claramente tú eres estudiante Aquí está Sofía Carson conmigo Adiós Oye Sofía Carson verdad quiero de los descendientes Pero bueno sé hablar español inglés pero yo no lo sé Bueno sí sé hablar inglés y español pero me voy a quedar unos días contigo y después vamos a hacer pijamada Espero que también tengas una hermana verdad sí la tengo no lápices en la entrada Claro que no el montón de Ay no No creo que hay no se te ve otra vez el botón de grabar audio que se puede escribir todo a su Mecha no bueno Di algo Sofía Carson bueno es que les mando un abrazote a todos y sé que todos es duro pero yo perdí la costumbre de verte y yo creo que no podría hablarles jamás Es que ahorita estoy resfriada no me mande nada nada nada nada no me busquen en YouTube en nada es duro ya lo sé pero la costumbre de verte y no y yo creo que no podía pero no me mande nunca más así no me quieren en YouTube Dios y ustedes hablan español o inglés Está viendo entender Pero espero que ustedes estén bien y ahorita les mando un abrazote soy Sofía Carson Adiós nos comunicaremos después si me mandó sus números de teléfono no sabía nada si no nos buscan por YouTube y nada no nos vea nada nada porque en verdad Tal vez A los cuantos días y yo me vaya para allá sé que estás en la cuarentena y todo esto pero también Es que yo venía por la calle y me está casa Y pensé y después me invitan a mí porque soy una gran cantante y yo no lo sé Bueno si han visto la película de siete ritmo podremos hacer eso O ver esa película No lo sé yo creo que aquí verdad no quiero no quiero no quiero ustedes les haya gustado este momento Adiós así también
Well here’s another theory: Celestia represents love for the subjects she rules over, Luna for the way she spreads motherly love to fillies and colts, Cadence represents love for significant others, and twilight represents love for friends. But, this kinda crashes because cadence is also representing motherly love so maybe Luna is sisterly love
lovely peaches behind the scenes That is true, but like we saw when Pinkie Pie was babysitting for the cake twins, their emotions influencing their powers is sort of normal for foals. Like the unicorn (idk if it was pound cake or pumpkin cake) foal, she started teleporting all around the room bc she wanted to play with her toys But idk I could be wrong
celestia sun but she can't be of magic since twilight's cutiemark represents magic cadence the princess of love and relationships and flurry princess of light and hope and twilight princess of friendship and harmony and what about sunset
I know this video was made 2 years ago but if we DO have hope for starlight, I have a theory that she'd be the princess of Leadership. As Love for one's followers. I haven't watched this show in like 4 years so don't come at me if I'm wrong.
I think we're all forgetting something here. Some toys are light up. Sence Flurry is the princess of light, she can also be The princess of Flipping Light up merch
@kayn In MLP's official channel there's not a single video entitled her name... Reuploaders have them tho... That's why Cadance, Cadence, etc. Got mixed up...
@°•KitsuNikz•° you didn't search did you. i would reply to you a link but youtube deletes comments with links so i can't. it's the 'This Day Aria' video that isn't the music video and in the title there's "Princess Cadance and Queen Chrysalis"
Also, another responds! I don’t think so because when the crystal empire was attacked the second time. And one of the crystal pony’s said “Look! It’s the crystal princess!” So I highly doubt she will be a crystal princess
Yes, Because Flurry Heart is like a two sided coin, Heads would be Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance) and Flurry would be tails. Cadance is the princess of love And Flurry would be the princess of Light....!
You are right I’ve known this since flurry heart was born sorry heart has always been the princess of light she works with her mother and love and light is it’s a lot of love every time someone’s mind right it was from flurry heart who brought the
To me, Princess Celestia is able to rise the sun making her the princess of the sun, Princess Luna being able to rise the moon making her princess of the moon. Princess Cadence being able to spread love making her the princess of love. And Princess Twilight, being able to make friendship with many creatures makes her the Princess of friendship.
My Theory for the six fighting a ‘Alien’ is, twilight started a school herself and got these six and they became friends, they passed and went on to live their life but then, a alien came to equestria and the six beat it and got their own stained glass picture
The only thing we still don’t know about Flurry Heart is what her cutiemark is, we can only guess now and FOREVER.
(Also all the time it shows the “Cutiemark” it’s what the fan wants it to be. We can have some that are liked but none are cannon, so yea I know it “shows it” but it’s not what it is, it’s what people want it to be.)
@its Alex Well her magic aura is yellow and her eyes are blue, and you magic aura matches either your eyes or your cutie mark. And as her aura doesn't match her eyes, it must match her cutie mark.
Yup that's true I've been trying to figure out with her cutie mark is but I think it might have like light in it,cause she's the princess of light.and I am trying to find out,with watching wan she's in the videos.
I swear in the episode “a flurry of emotions” when shining armor and cadence is at the art show that shield with the heart in it is a hint to her cutie mark.
I think its a mix between her parents. Love and Light. And Knight and SHININGGGG ARMOR hmm?? Cuz Its a shield with a heart and her mother has a heart while her father has a shield annnnnd cuz shes representing Light, and the love for her parents, I think it has something to do with maybe rescuing her parents from some unknown danger that also somehow involves rescuing them with crystal heart. Therefore she gains a cutiemark that not only matches her parents but it also makes sense in what she's destined for. Boom my theory for you.
I absolutely love your idea but I have my own Theory, what if Flurry Heart is the Princess of Family? I mean she didn’t just love her parents but her hole family. There a the princess who represent Siblinghood, friendship, the family you make and then Flurry Heart brings it together with whole Family
Boutta get into some HEAVY THEORIZING here. So when you mentioned different kinds of love (friendship, romantic, familial), I remembered how much of greek mythos I used to study. I've always been fascinated by Greek mythology, and something in Greek mythology I think applies to what flurry heart could be the princess of. Long ago, the Greeks believed in many different kinds of love, and gave them specific names. For example, there is Storge, or familial love, Eros, or romantic love, and Philia, the love for one's friends. There are some others other than these, but I think that we could apply one of the main forms of love that the Greeks identified to Flurry Hearts prospective princess title. I think that she could be the princess of Agape, or love for humanity (Ponymanity?). Flurry could represent the undying love for her people and her kingdom. She would strive to protect her people, being the "light" that they need. She could bring "light" to her people through her love for them. But hey, that's just a theory. A pony theory.
That's an interesting theory, but isn't Eros the Greek God of sexual pleasure? I mean, greek mythology varies from place to place, so maybe the sources we read from say differently.
lets talk in terms of animals, for example if a dolphin and a wale were able to mate and successfully have a child together then that means the child would be a wholphin. Meaning that the Wholphin has the same characteristics of both a whale and a dolphin. Same way before Cadence became a alicorn she was said to be a Pegasus and later she mates with Shining Armour she has a child named Flurry heart. Who is an a unicorn in a Pegasus meaning, Flurry is a Pegasus/ unicorn hybrid also called a Pegacorn.
I could see her being called the “Princess of Family” to tie in to your point however the show would probably still call her the princess of light if that is what Flurry is
A proper family in my opinion should be the light in your life. No matter what happens outside your house when you're home you're safe and loved. Ideally.
If baby mcflurrycorn over here is the princess of light, stands to reason there is a counterpart princess of darkness. Darkness can destroy someone from the inside out giving flurry heart something to purity , this reforming the character involved. Only question is, who will she be?
I just thought that the glass stain window was just flurryheart on the throne using the crystal heart for some sort of coronation thing we never learned about. I figured that maybe cadence had just stepped down to more time with shining armor (while he's still alive) but I like this aswell. I never understood that line that twilight said since even if equestria fell cadence would still be there. And all the other leaders they've made alliances with aswell. I enjoy your videos so much and I like all the cool theories you introduce. This channel is a big reason I even started to like mlp
Okay, There's other kinds of love. I just thoguht of it. How about Teacher and Student? Those who teach us are respected and loved in an unique way never seen anywhere else; same goes with those who we want to see succeed against all the odds. Just a wild thought that I think needs a consideration.
But if Flurry Heart is the Alicorn of light, then doesn't there have to be one for shadows too? And why are there no Male Alicorn's? But please do more about the sirens!
I don't care if it's a mistake but I'm counting Rivet and Steamroller as alicorns. Maybe not magical princess alicorns but just alicorn dudes doing their jobs. I have a head cannon as to why they (and the other mistake) alicorns aren't officially acknowledged , but it doesn't really jive well with the friendly nature if the show.. or maybe it does with the agent BonBon thing and Celestia having a division that she can have full deniability of 🤔
I'm just going to detail how I think Flurry gets her cutie mark here:
She faces off against Sombra, who has trapped basically the entire Crystal Empire into a few cages made of shadows, disabling magic. Flurry has evaded them, but Sombra has found her (I think she should be CMC age, so a young, worried filly but not a baby) and is trying to convert her to evil/umbrum using dark magic. He shatters the Crystal Heart, and Flurry is feeling hopeless before her shard falls before her. She then tells Sombra about how even if the "love" is locked away in shadow, there is always hope: coming in the form of light, the opposite of Sombra's darkness and shadow. She then repairs the Crystal Heart and uses its magic to defeat Sombra (or maybe another villain? I don't have the creativity . . .), then gains her cutie mark (CMC and Twilight's alicornify-style, like floating into the air with a magical aura and then teleporting to a separate world, where Twilight congratulates her and shows her her mark. I imagine it would have the Crystal Heart, with maybe a snowflake to represent the "flurry" of it. Maybe there's a flurry happening while she's gone because the Crystal Heart isn't broken, but isn't in its place.
Anyways, it's weird, I've commented too much on this video, and we really need to see her in a not-stain glass, especially with her cutie mark.
You are right because when the crystal heart was broken and the wizard guy I forgot his name tried to fix it it didn’t work do you remember that episode with flurry heart breaking in there crystal heart and win they made the crystal hearts better the crystal heart was so bright and and flurry heart is the princess of light 💡 💙
If there's a princess of light then shouldn't there be a princess or prince of darkness. I mean it would only bring balance. Such as the sisters. Altough- Celestia was able to rule even without her sister, but it would've been much harder.
Does anybody else wanna see a movie where flurry heart discovers the equestria girls portal and goes through it? Or even just a normal mlp movie but all about flurry heart
Dusty Fire Gaming Alt Well above the arrow that points to the like above that there’s the letters P and E I made the connection between them with the school P.E.hope that helps!
@Miraculous Crazy IT WILL COME BACK! If you have netflix on your tv you can see Mlp Pony Life but If you don't have netfix then watch peoples reactions to pony life
i cryd at the end it was like🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😢🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😔😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😨😱😱😱😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😵😵😵😵😵😵😨😨😨😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@SkyLolasaysthings Yea same.. I grew up with it ever since i was born.. I loved that show so much but I'm still so glad that we still have the remainder of MLP G4 as Pony life
As much as I agree with the statement, I am a bit confused. Celestia and Luna clearly say that no alicorn has birthed , y’know a alicorn. But statements say that Celestia and Luna’s parent, which so are called, queen Gladys and King Cosmos gave birth to two unicorns which are Celestia and Luna, but in images they state that there parents were alicorn’s and you as well said that there’s no stallioncorns, or something. So I’m totally confused about the photo of there dad,
I think that you're right cuz i saw twilight sparkle from season 1 to the last season and twilight did said flurry heart with her last hope of equestria so you are correct on that
So in the future there should be the love for yourself, sure that sounds selfish but you must love yourself before you love anyone else and every other princess in the show is very selfless, even putting their own lives at stake for others and that could not be healthy. Maybe if the show kept going we would have seen a princess representing self love. Not being selfish but loving themselves in a healthy way
since celestia is the princess of the sun, luna the princess of the moon, cadance the princess of love and twilight the princess of friendship. Wouldn't be logical for there to be a princess of life? Flurry seems like a nice fit for that role.
I've always thought of Celestia and Luna as the alicorns of day and night more than just the sun and moon. Heck, Luna herself does, way back when she helped Scootaloo. Watching over the dreams of her subjects has little to do with the moon, but it has everything to do with the night. It's more in line with alicorns embodying concepts more than just objects too, and gives the sisters a bond, as day and night are always linked to one another. Also fun fact, the unused opening for the movie ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGlQxu3pdbg ) called Cadance the alicorn of family rather than the alicorn of love, which fully supports your idea that Cadance represents more than just romantic love.
Keroko I’ve also always considered Celestial and Luna to be representative of the conscious and subconscious, intent/will versus base physical needs and drives.
I appreciate both op and the first commented perspective, especially with the comment underneath I would of never of interpreted Celestia and Luna to be concious/subconscious or intent/will and I think I really fuck with that head cannon
In an alternate opening for the MLP movie, there's this scene where Twilight lists off each Princess and what they represent. She doesn't mention Flurry, but she DOES call Cadence the Princess of "Family", not "Love". It's a weird title change, probably brought about by some unnecessary corporate meddling, but it still has some interesting implications.
What if Flurry's duty is to inherit her mother's? It'd only make sense for her title to be hereditary, since that's how her alicornhood came about. She didn't earn the right to be an Alicorn, she gained that magic from her mother. Alternatively, she could rule alongside Cadence like you proposed. As being the royal representatives of "Family" it'd only make sense to have them rule their kingdom as such, AS a family.
It's a deleted scene, so whether it could be considered canon or not is up to interpretation... But still, it opens up ideas similar to what you discuss in this vid, so I figured it's worth bringing up. 👍
I don't know maybe fluffy is the princess of light or not but I really think that fluffy is the princess of light because the heat has 2 things in it love and light 💮❤️
I really wish the show included more character development for shining armor, cadence, and flurry....it would be so cool to see flurry grow into the princeee of light along with her mother beside her.
This kind of works, until twilight and her friends come. If flurry heart and cadence both have to be acorns, because they are both sides of love. Then technically twilights friendship, every side of her friendship should be equal. but they are not. Only twilight is an alicorn.
@✨Høllyberry Cøøkie✨ there are many comics and Rosa talked about an episode, not a comic. And mlp the movie 2 will be released 2021 but there won't be Flurry Heart
Rebeka Rexhaj Nope, they released new episodes called "Friendship Forever", I think there are seven episodes and they are about how Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Starlight, Spike and the princesses created the scrapbook they gave Twilight when his coronation ended
I think they should do the 10 and 11 season showing in 10th seson where celestia and luna came from and who are their parents and what happend ro them and in 11th like you said flurry destiny
It makes sense that it’s light because as soon as she was born, she was already spreading light to the crystal ponies - which was how she was born an alicorn right?
Maybe flurry role would be like how transformers called non-primes (they are like the primes but they don't wield the matrix but has a chance of wielding it) called: major
But wait. When the pony of shadows came along, flurry heart was probably old enough to be the princess of light by then so why didn’t she try and step in to help?
When I was unfamiliar with the timeline and just started watching the show I though sweetie belle was future flurry heart that lost her wings or something
No their coat colors are different (Sweetie Belle’s coat is a very very light grey, Flurry Heart’s is a light baby pink), Sweetie Belle’s eyes are really round, and Flurry would have inherited Cadence’s almond shaped eyes like she inherited the Alicorn genetics. Also Flurry’s eyes are blue and not green like Sweetie Belle’s. Flurry also has WINGS. So basically is just their hair that looks similar, and that is just because Flurry has curly locks like Cadence.
This gives me a theory: If Celestia and Luna represent sibling love, wouldn't have they been born alicorns? They weren't, because their actually step-siblings. They transformed into alicorns when they finally saw each other as sisters. There is nothing mentioned about Celestia being an alicorn when she first rose the sun, nor is there any mention of Luna. Once they saw each other as sisters and rose the sun and moon together, they became alicorns. What do you guys think?
Possible rivalry may of happened when they were young, since not every sibling is born on good terms, and sine Luna is younger, that may of been the issue between them. From my experience, my brother hated me until a few years ago, and now we're pretty good friends. The same could of happened between the two sisters, which may of made them Alicorns.
Yeah, I agree with TriggerHappyEevee. The sisters also had nothing in common in the way of looks when they were younger. The old equestrian flags depicted Celestia having a rosey pink mane. If we look at before and after Luna, the flags depicts her according to the timeline. There is little doubt that Celestia is different. Now, looking at the AJ and her siblings, they all have something in common with another sibling (Applebloom has red hair - Big Mac has a red coat). Like I said earlier, Celestia and Luna had no common looks when they were younger... Yet they're sisters. That's why I believe their step-sisters.
i agree but it could be possible celestia wasn't born an alicorn because she didn't have a sibling yet because luna may have not been born yet. possibly once luna was born they both became alicorns but idk
There's vary little possibility there. If your theory is correct, that means Luna would have to be born an alicorn. And as I mentioned before (in another comment), siblings in MLP all have something in common in their looks. Shining armor and Twilight both have a dark blue mane. Celestia and Luna don't follow this rule at all. There is little possibility that theory is correct. Nice try tho. All theories about this only digs deeper into the concept. Someday the truth will reveal itself.
Kayleigh Hayes i Like it bit i don’t think it makes sense ,Because,one,Twilight and her friends also sees each other also as sisters and yet Not all the mane 6 are alicorns,and we can’t say they are step-sisters without actual proof or explanations,and it’s true That Nothing is mentioned about How celestia and Luna turned into alicorns ,but we know one thing,their titles represent their destiny: Twilight:the princess of friendship,her role is to rule equestria with her friends and spread the power of friendship across all of The land Cadence:the princess of love,her role is to rule the crystal empire with her family showing the power of love for your Lover and your children,and to spread the power of love across all the land Celestia:the princess of the sun/day,her role is to bring light upon all the Subjects of the land ,and to rule with her beloved sister luna representing the importance of sisterhood/brotherhood Luna:the princess of the Moon/night,her role is to rise the moon in the sky representing the time for her subjects to sleep and dream of beautiful dreams,and of course to rule with her beloved sister Celestia That means that,They became alicorn once they realized They NEEDED each other,In season 9 ep 13,you can clearly see that they cannot LIVE without each other,And in s7 ep 10, Starlight Glimmer said this: »day,night,sun,moon,Equestria need BOTH of you,without Balance their is no Harmony ».That means that celestia and Luna represents the Balance and Harmony that are between siblings,just like the balance that is between the sun and moon,That’s my théorie
Kayleigh Hayes Not all Siblings have to have something in Common,Maybe Each one of them followed Only one parent,it’s possible and Normal,i mean i have nothing in Common with my dad,i Have everything from my mom,while my brother have everything form our dad and had nothing in common with our mom
Kayleigh Hayes and Honestly it Would ruin the Whole Princesses representing Sister love If they are Step-sisters ,for them to Have this destiny and Title,they have ro be connected not only emotionally and magically ,But also PHYSICALLY.
Kayleigh Hayes but shining armor and twighlight have nothing in common and pinkie doesn’t have anything similar to her sisters except straight hair when she’s sad
1. Siblings in real life don't always look alike, but in equestria, the only pony that looks nothing alike to their family (that I can recall) is pinkie, but we're talking about pinkie here. There is absolutely no logic flowing within that pony. It makes sense she looks nothing like anyone else in her family. Not to mention, in the episode where the 2 sisters went on vacation, all the siblings looked like twins. That is not vary common in reality. I should know as this occured with my sibling and I. 2. Why would step-sisters ruin it? 3. I like how it was earlier mentioned that Celestia and Luna became alicorns when they realized they can't live without each other, but they were separated multiple times, for multiple reasons, for all different times. Highly unlikely. It most likely had to be an one time thing. 4. Half siblings may be correct, but again, pinkie pie is the only pony that I know of that looks nothing like her siblings. She doesn't even look like her parents. Pinkie is pinkie. The 2 sisters would have to have something within their looks to connect them. 5. Shining armor and Twilight's hair are both a deep blue. It can be hard to tell tho because of shining armor's stripes.
Kayleigh Hayes I didn’t say anything about the idea but that siblings don’t have to look a like more examples being sweetie bell and rarity and twighlight mane is purple and pink shinnings isn’t blue and light blue Celestia and Luna have corresponding cutie marks step siblings is a low possibility maybe adopted or half or full but step just wouldn’t make sense to the story
@Tatiana Walker Twilight's mane is not just pink and purple. I found a website that has the hex color codes for MLP and Twilight's mane is deep blue with pink and purple stripes. Same goes for shining armor (though shades of blue instead of pink and purple)
@Draco_Asteria im half sisters with my sister and i just think it would be a plausible option with them looking so different but still staying with the general canon of them being biological sisters
@Margie Lewallen bit for this Luna would have to be born an alicorn or become an alicorn as soon as she was born and they said that no one has ever been born an alicorn
The reason I don't like thinking they're half siblings is because it creates a bigger hole in the story. Why are they half siblings? Is it because the parents remarried? Or is it because one cheated? Step-siblings gives only one hole: Why did the parent remarry? The rest comes naturally.
I agree on the theory they became alicorns when they realise they love each other as siblings. But after i referred back to the journal of the two sisters, apparently they were already alicorns when they started to rule equestria, they do not have their cutie marks yet despite their age, the other unicorns were still incharged of raising the sun and moon, until it drained their power one day, the first time luna lowered the moon and celestia rose the sun, they then only gained their cutie marks, hence get the title of princesses of sun and moon.
The Wisp Channel2020-04-21 17:31:56 (edited 2020-04-21 17:33:52 )
According to the journal of the two sisters they became the rulers of equestria when they were already sisters and ALICORNS without cutiemarks. Starswirl and company recognized that they represented all the kinds of ponies and thought they would be best suited to establish peace over the lands. They were already siblings and had never risen the sun or moon. They only earned their cutie marks once they rose the sun and lowered the moon for the first time after learning from starswirll that they could safely replace the six unicorn sacrifice(every night six unicors would sacrifice their magic in order to lower the moon and raise the sun. This can only go on for a short period of time before their magic is permanently depleted). Starswirl tried to do so by himself (adult unicorns with fully developed magic had run out) and his magic was immediately depleted and his beard turned grey. Then they rose the sun and lowered the moon, and got their cutie marks. And with the magical boost they received from the act they were able to restore all the unicorns, including starswirl's, magic.
@Draco_Asteria Children aren't born with the natural instinct of loving their siblings though,so Luna wouldn't have had to be born an alicorn. Celestial could have not wanted a sister in the first place and they might not have gotten on, meaning it's still possible because they had to achieve a feat together that proved their understanding of sibling love
@ChocoCoronet but that doesn't mean Luna didn'tt look up to Celestia. Just because they don't love you back shouldn't mean you shouldn't love them. Plus I know how it feels. I am an elder sibling after all. I don't know anyone who liked their younger siblings at first. Parents tend to say "you'll be able to play with each other!" But when they first come well... Ya can't. You can't for a while. Not to mention you suddenly have to split the attention of your parents with the new baby. Besides others would have gone through this as well, but they aren't alicorns. The situation must be more unique.
What if Luna and celestia is at the alicorn's homeland, where they came from? Luna and celestia are probably not in the new movie because they went home.
@Trixx she is the princess of love as you can see in the centerlot wedding episode twilight tells the story how much cadence care about others relations and she also fix it
Family is broad because family also includes siblings, but Flurry doesn’t have siblings meaning that she can never understand the meaning to siblinghood unless later ponies within her family are Introduced. So yeah I support Flurry being the princess of light, spreading the love of child and parenthood.
@ριɠαƈԋυ👑🎗 maybe not, I'm just giving names up, but I'd argue that light can be a symbol of hope and that Sombra is a short of king of shadows so we'd have a ying yang. EDIT : I rewatched the video and yep, just as I thought. He theories it himself based on the fact that the crystal heart is made of love and light : and we have the princess of love, so it would be logic to get the princess of light. But here I'm just repeating what he says.
Well, Cadance is actually the Princess of Love like in the romantic way. And I already saw what u said to that other person who said my familiar comment so u don't need to tell me (:
Canon: there is a third sister that is the middle child between Celestia and Luna we have not seen her yet because everyone forgets the middle her relationship is the forgotten sister
So when flurry heart growed older she will Rule with her mother Or she will just be the queen of the Crystal's empire but also twlight student won't become an alicorn but if she do in the future What princess would she be like what purpose would she play
For me l think that there’s a connection of flurry heart and sunny starscout because they both have some kind of relationship to some kind of artifacts, celestia and Luna has a connection, candence and twilight has a connection, why not flurry heart and sunny starscout?
I think you've solved something the entire Fandom tried to understand since season 6 premiere. Not only that, I don't think even the writers could come up with a better explanation for Flurry
Flurry heart could be the Princesses of Light and she could help Sombra. Sombra is DARKness, He's a SHADOW. Right? So Flurry Heart could bring the LIGHT in Sombra and make him GOOD!
You will know how flurry heart in the future If you watch a lot of My Little Pony but some Of the fans of MLP don’t know her future Even if there a big famous MLP watcher Some of you guys might like the light And love measuring why did she born As an alicorn well because they made That up alicorn isn’t a real thing or well Word to be honest it isn’t though why? We don’t know why we just saw it they Made it up for fun I guess I wish it was A real word though that would make my Day a lot I I think? I think Iam CRAZY right? So this is why you red this right? Not just For fun I hope lol
Idk about luna's story but in the episode horse play The play's story was like a student of star swirl ( I think jussssttt think ) knew how to raise the sun on her own so I think that's when she got a cutie mark
@sawtooth waves .... You got it wrong! Flurry heart was alicorn because her mom is an alicorn so it is by blood. One parent of the princesses was an alicorn and the second parent was like Shinning Armor. That is why Celestia and Luna were not born as unicorn they was alicorn . but Cadence was not an alicorn but she earned her wings and she gave her genetics to have wings so that is why Cadence is bad at flying.
Seriously when is he ever freaking going to read the journal of the two sisters I mean it doesn’t really change anything about this particular theory it can still work princess Celestia and Princess Luna wile yes accomplishing a Great feet when raising the sun and moon also represented love and cooperation between siblings so it can still work but he could’ve used it as evidence if he had known
me saying: So if king sombra comes back once more, we will need cadence AND flurry heart since he is darkness and hate while cadence and flurry are light and love
Ughhhhhhhhh i really Hope for a new series following the young Six and The CMCs. Please give younger people the same experience we had and give us more of that magic
@Sawtooth Waves yeah, it's true, but I would like to see how they become professors, And also a girl in this comment section Said that they have a window too. But giving sense to flurry would be such an achievement too. But anyway I'm happy that you saw my comment, I love your Theorist and I wanted you to know it (even if it probably doesn't matter). Sorry for my bad english but it isn't my first language😅
Oskar winters2020-07-21 09:31:53 (edited 2020-07-21 09:32:09 )
because he is too humble to be an alicorn. He's the glue that holds everything together. The support system. Not everyone is built for fame and greatness and that's ok too, he is a guard he embodies his role of supporting.
• pearlize • I feel bad for poor Shining Armor, everybody takes advantage of him, disrespects him, disregards him, disses him, just ignores and mocks him. He’s just like Spike, there to be a joke.
xX Raina Xx His once idiotic “Eey-up”s would be the most wise of words ever spoken if he were a princess. It’s true, it’s not about what is said, it’s about who says it.
Cadance:make people fall in love is hard Flurry:give hope is stress full Twilight:wanna talk about stress?i raise the sun.the moon.and i even have to rule FREAKING EQUESTRIA Cadence:... Flurry:... Shining:i want a pair of wings.i wanna argue like that like them
@Unicorn Number1 so what? The Cake parent don't have any horn or wings, but Pound and Pumkin are a unicorn and a pegasus. Also, Twilight and even Spike got their wings eventually.
@Alegria Déessethe cake twins were just chance, and Twilight is the element of Magic and a princess and Celestia's successor. And Spike is a dragon, and all dragons have wings.
@Alegria Déesse Yeah I did - of course if his parents dont have wings he probably won't be born with them, and he hasn't done some big princess-worthy deed, so he shouldn't be a stallicorn.
@Unicorn Number1 and can't you take a joke? Because it just started as a joke where Shining is upset that his wife, his sister and his daughter all are alicorns (and Flurry didn't do anything for that).
Now that i look at it all the alicorns have an opposite character like luna and celestia is eachother twillights opposite is discord princess cadence opposite is chrysalis except flurry heart my theory is flurry hearts opposite is king sobra since his magic kind of represents darkness
flurry heart: i am the princess of light but something doesn't feel right im missing a part of me, i know! I AM ALSO THE PRINCESS OF MERCHANDISE, BUY OUR MERCH
I’m very late but my theory is that cutie marks aren’t just your special talent but also you destiny. The reason cadence had the crystal heart is because her destiny was to rule the crystal empire. This back to twilights mark, a pink star repenting her with 5 small white stars symbolizing her future friends. But this is the white star in behind the pink one, possibly showing that she became an alicorn. I believe the flurry is the protecter of the crystal heart and a threat was made against it. In the stain glass window is what we see of her after she defeated the threat.
This is a little random, but I feel like Queen Chrysalis also falls into the same group with Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Flurry Heart, and Cadence. But instead of being a princess that keeps people together, it's of what tears people apart, since she very literally devours love. Throughout the entire show, it's shown how love and friendship keep people together, and what happens without it. Chrysalis basically is the embodiment of that loss of love. Could also be part of why she always turned down the ponies friendships, because she was never missing those things, unlike many of the others who were villans.
I mean... Cadence also gave birth as a alicorn, and Celestia, Luna, and Twilight hasn't given birth to really know that DNA.. So technically she got her wings from her mother.
Well idk I think the only meaning of light isn't something like light of moon,sun,star or... I think it means light in hearts wich is actually Hope I mean love and hope work together If there wasn't any hope(like crystal ponies during sombra's kingdom)there wasn't any love either
We know man she’s a princess of light I want is a principal and she’s resilient like she was like all around the loving ones and family hearing some light and happiness from across the world she’s the happiness of all of a kiss yeah he hearing sappy news about he has a layover shining armor she shows like the sun in the power of magic power magic inner so nice light shine over caccia and Ireland and I don’t really doesn’t matter what she does she’s makes everything go through
I think that my little pony has 3 mane princesses ,cadence, twilight, and flurry heart. I mean if you think about it my little pony is mostly about friendship, love, and light so I think he is right
You know those 5 princesses are the meanings of Life and magic so it exists in reality and spiritual world's and these princesses are powerful but what happens when they come together! we know that when a pony use a lot of magic they turn into monsters like princess celestia and princess luna and twilight and sunset shimmer and cozy and gloryosa so maybe just maybe they will turn into monsters too especially Flurry heart cus she isn't as powerful as grown allicorns
Okay I like her being the princess of light but I don’t think the royal sisters are the princesses of siblings because if you listen to the line carefully “this is some thing equestria has never seen equestria has never seen it what if the princesses don’t have a love tie to their magic?
Me: the Princess of friendship, the Princess of the moon, the Princess of the sun, the Princess of love and the Princess of light Wow😓 that's a lot of Princesss
It sounds right, but since flurry heart is light and Celestia is sun the sun is light so what if flurry heart probably works with Celestia and not with her mother
Princess Flurryheart crowned Princess of Merchandise. Twilight: gasps This kind of magic has never been seen before! Surely she has to be the only one to rule all of Equestria! 2 days later. the world ends
My theory as to the reason why Flurry Heart was born an Alicorn is most likely because of her family genetics, because you know Shining Armor is a Unicorn and Cadence is an Alicorn, so it's quite possible that Flurry maybe a genetic hybrid...at least that's my theory.
Buttt.. if that was true at the grand galloping Galla prince blue blood would be an alicorn because rarity said “I’d meet celesta’s nephew or this is just in my head ..
Yeaaa, but then Luna and Celestia say that Equestria never experienced the birth of an alicorn before, and that even them don't understand how it happened
Martina Ariatta just because it never happened doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Flurry possibly inherited a Recessive trait that made her have wings and a horn.
@Sarah According to Prince Blueblood's wiki page: "He is the distant nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and the cousin of Princess Cadance," so he's more like a nephew once-or-twice removed, probably. It's not canon that Cadance was a pegasus, and the show hasn't given us any reason to believe a non-unicorn could become an alicorn, so that's inconclusive. Given that no non-alicorns have had alicorn children in the entirety of pony history, even if you do think Cadance was originally a pegasus, that alone wouldn't have done it anyway. If all it took was a pegasus and a unicorn having a kid, we'd have a LOT of Flurry Hearts. I think it's most likely a combination of love (from Flurry) and alicorn magic (from Cadance) that did it, but we'll never know for sure.
Still imagineing what type of princess flurry heart is I mean like I guess that why is she an alicorn maybe because of her parents also maybe she is combination of her parents but they should mention that what kind of princess flurry heart is
Theory- Is Flurry Heart REALLY an Alicorn? It's possible that she got her dangerously large horn and wings from her mama but...she doesn't have earthpony strength. I mean We have NEVER seen a time where ANY of the princesses use their strength. There has to be AT LEAST ONE TIME where they use strength. I'm not saying that alicorns are only unicorn and pegasi, I'm saying they never use their stregth EVER.
Like the Yin and Yang yin is the light and as a dark spot in the middle and on the Yang is darkness and at the very middle there is light dark and light always has each other there is no such thing has fully of any side
Maybe when Flurry grows up she makes a friend who later becomes the princess(or Prince) of Darkness when they gain their wings and/or horns
Jackson Sparkle2020-04-17 21:05:49 (edited 2020-04-17 21:08:37 )
I would say Thorax. Why does darkness have to be bad? An antagonist
? Or a pony at all? Thorax has become a leader and he knows the darkness, because of his past and as a male changeling, he would be the complete opposide of a princess of light. Perfect for the prince of darkness :D
@Sarah Chrysalis! Yes! That would be cool! Wait, she wanted revenge on Starlight, not Flurry. And she's also a statue. No wait (thinks back on a previous video of Brony Notion's.).
@𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 but sombra has been around for mUCH longer than flurry, if its true that dark and light must always be balanced and that flurry represents light and with sombra representing darkness, will that mean that equastria was not balanced all these time until flurry was born?
Ik ur a gacha person like me so like...what if theres a new villian? Prince of Darkness? And maybe instead of bannishing or doing something else to cause frustration for them and hate her more...what if they fall inlove? In gacha stories theres a thing called "opposites attract" like theres a soft girl with a bad boy.
Hmm. The only candidate I find possible is Sombra. Or at least, anyone who walked his path. Ink Rose did say that it was a path in one of her old videos
Sѧҡuяѧ Wօʟʄɛɛ if ur true then what type of relationship would the princess of darkness have, now it doesn’t really make sense it would seem more like an alter ego that flurry heart might have became in the past, like Luna when she became nightmare moon. And another thing darkness usually is associated with being alone or sad which is the opposite of all the princesses or this pony might not even be related to flurry maybe they aren’t even a pony what if they are like an unreformed changling... 🤔 maybe a changling for chrysalis that maybe ran away or something.
i have a question why does the cristal empier have a like shape of a snowflake it for sure had another alicorn rueling the crystal empier before cadence
0:40 Hmm... that monster kinda looks like the one Big Mac was hiding from in one of the pictures Applejack showed Starlight in Every Little Thing She Does. Theories on this?
did anyone notice that just below the screen that it says mysterious south I think that might be where Celestia and Luna lived in the past . please make a video about that .
i tought that flurry is the princess of light and love i tought flurry was the princess of love bc her mom was the princess of love so i tought she keept her mom's dasteny the light one idk i just tought she wead be the princess of light and love
I have a question about what is sunset shimmer's story is she a pony? Or a alien type of figure that camouflaged as a pony? And I have asked this for Matpat and see which one will win
If Flurry hearts the princess of light then.. what is her cutie mark?? well if she is spreading light with the crystal heart... from what we know about flurry heart she has ALOT OF ENERGY she is curious and smart at times. in the episode flurry of emotions, flurry heart is smart and mimics what twilight does with the toy bear. ok so she's smart.. so what thing represents a curious kind loving light smart pony?? What does the crystal heart has the most light in it?? the most unique thing about this kingdom
CRYSTALS!!! I MEAN ITS EVERYWHERE!!! in the name of the kingdom alot of times the ponys the CRYSTAL HEART IS MADE OUT OF CRYSTALS!! cadences cutie mark is the crystal heart so flurrys would be connected to kingdom too in way. that connection is crystals her cutie mark would be a few shiny crystals with sparkles around them like the crystal ponys. the entire kindom is basicly made out of crystals. do you agree..??
Hold up IF mlp g5 doesn't take place THAT far away from the mlp show with Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow dash, ect,. Would Flurry Heart be included in the mlp g5 movie?
If you look at the ‘northern lights’ that appears from the crystal heart, the colors that apppears are pink, yellow and blue. Which might symbalize Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurrys magic aura. (Shining Armor: Pink. Cadence: Blue/ Love and Flurry Yellow/Light)
I think I can maybe answer twilight students on the wall twilight and her friends got a picture off all or then on the wall when they got control of the elements of harmony but you can think of it like this after Celestia and Luna got the crown they had to lose control of the elements soon that would mean the same for twilight who better to give them to than her best creachers in school but since the creachers armed all ponies they look for a new tradition each new villain defeated by the new elements is now a part of aquestria history so they add it to the window but the question still stands why them well here’s the thing since they created somthing together to remember the tree it grew a new one that would be there base but another question how do they represent the elements well smolder is brave and kind but she would not be kindness otherwise jenerousety silvedstreem makes a lot of jokes the element of laughter but getting to Yona is triky how to sort her well she is kind loyal jenerouse and honest she is the element of friendship the rest is simple to sort so that’s why I think they are the new elements
@Teletubbies Harvest Please don't mention Monica Towa, she causes me to have anxiety attacks and it's fun for none of us. Please just remember that some of us have triggers and we would like it if you don't cause anxiety/panic attacks by mentioning something so I hope you have a good day because I'm in a kinda bad mental state and I even kinda vent randomly in private chats and I just want you to know that you are loved and if you didn't know that then now you know I love all of you beans and I hope you stay happy💖
@Shiofuki Ando I wasn't aware she could cause anyone other than actual characters to have panic attacks I'm sorry I offended you here have a cookie (>^w^)>🍪~
If Flurry is the princess of light, and princess Celestia being the princess of the sun, so that means.. she will raise the sun of the Crystal Empire? Idk
Then shouldn’t there be a Princess of Darkness? I mean not necessarily in an evil way but remember you said that balance was important like with your whole Star Wars Analogy.
@Sawtooth Waves Nah. She's the Princess of the Night. Like how Celestia is the Princess of the Day. Maybe if Flurry had a sister? Who knows...
(Update: The video/The Brony Notion calls Celestia and Luna as the Princesses of the Sun and Moon respectively. Although, in that regard, I'd have to disagree. They may raise and set the sun and moon respectively, but those two "celestial bodies" can be moved by anyone with just enough magic and training. Heck, Celestia even raised and set both at one time, for a thousand years.)
Update 2: If we assume Chrysalis as a sort of "Princess/Queen of Hatred", then we can presume that her child would be the Prince/Princess of Darkness. That way there's double duality. (Since it can't just be a duality of good [i.e. love and light] since that wouldn't be balanced.)
I’m pretty sure that they’re all Alcorns are actually in mortal because if you think about it last year and Luna still haven’t died and they don’t appear to be getting old like wrinkles and stuff like that like twice friends were old and the ending of the final season but while it’s still light looks like a celestial did does that mean Alcorns are immortal
It if we say about the magic colour they are similar like princess celestia is the princess of sun so he's magic colour is yellow princess Luna is princees of moon and her magic colour is dark blue. Princess cadence is princess of love so he's magic colour is blue. Like crystal heart she is connected to crystal heart. And when we talk about twilight sparkel she is princess of friend ship so her magic colour is magneta first it was baby pink.it it is some of connected to her cutie mark. And finally flurry heart in this video you have said that flurry heart is the princess of light yes she is her horn magic colour is also yellow like princess celestia but if you see the my little pony . Flurry heart crystalling full episode you will see all of the things that happens.or if flurry heart horn magic colour is that not means that she is also princess of Sun. She is the princess of light.
ok don't forget luna she also is the love for children because in many episodes of luna she protects children and show them the light so don't forget than man
@🦋Nikkira Laniakea🦋 Except with the parents! Cause we have Cadence and (probably still have) Shining Armor. So is basically a Family problem. Puts on shades and starts playing "My Family"
Mikhaella Ortega when I was little (about season 4) I would invent mlp oc’s I still have an entire folder full of em. One of them was supposed to be cadance’s daughter who just happened to be named skyla. What a coincidence haha
"i GuEss im Always Gonna be the bad child. i guess im always gonna be the mad child. Cauz you will never understand my wierd mind. My wierd mindddd" 🎤🎶 But bro i seriously love idea omfg the plottt
I mean if u look at celestia and look at flurry's magic ITS YELLOW just like celestia and celestia basically represents the sun aaand her magic is also yellow, so maybe the rumor is true :)
Flurry heart being related to all the royal princesses, cadence being pronounced neice of Celestia and Luna, making the royal sisters flurrys great aunts, And Twiglight being her aunt and Cadence her mom :)
You and me are never gonna give up for a heart being the queen of merchandise we’re never gonna forget that ‘cause that is my favorite part just it’s amazing😂😂😂 I can barely speak because it’s so funny aaa haaa
Finally i can flex my knowledge about the four types of love:
Romantic love:The type if love Cadence and shining armour feel Platonic love: The love between twilight and her friends Love between siblings: Luna and celestia Unconditional love: This could be flurry hearts type of love?
Why is everyone acting like an alicorn giving birth to an alicorn is weird? Think about it. There were four alicorn princesses (that we know of, anyway), and Cadance is the only one to have ever gotten pregnant. Just because she's the only one to have ever given birth to a baby alicorn, though, doesn't mean Celestia, Luna, or Twilight won't also give birth to a baby alicorn if they ever get pregnant. So my theory is that everyone's just making a big deal out of something that would be considered perfectly normal if there were more alicorns :) I do like the idea of Flurry Heart being the princess of hope, though. I feel like just because alicorns may be a more common occurrence now, doesn't mean they can't still be special in some way. We need some MLP spinoffs to explain a lot of these other characters.
This makes a lot of sense with Flurry Heart. However I do have something that bothers me. Celestia and Luna leave: but Twilight rules? Something else that bothers me is, Twilight is an Alicorn, because she is the princess of friendship. She would have never of had friends if it wasn't for the other 5. An Alicorn basically means your "immortal" but if Twilight was to.. rule for let's say.. 1,000 years, wouldn't it be impossible for her? Her friends would pass away, and she would rule alone. But she can't, because she tecnecally rules with her friends?? It would be kind of school if you made a theory off of this, but I figured I would just comment something that bothered me about the princesses retiring.
EDIT1: This means that she became an Alicorn because of her friends. She did not do her feats alone. So why does she get the "reward" of being alive..forever? Or maybe..it's not a reward?
This is what I could find: "On April 14, 2013, McCarthy was asked "As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?" and answered "Twilight will not outlive her friends". However, on October 12, 2019, in response to Twilight not aging in The Last Problem while her friends are, Jim Miller said, "That was never said on the show. We don't know how long everyone lives, Twilight included." He then added, "We honestly never discussed it. Her friends have been exposed to a LOT of special magic over the years, so who knows how it's affected them"'
Short Answer: We really don't know how long ponies live for, but we do know that Alicorns age slower than normal ponies, but they aren't immortal. That said, the friendship throughout all of Equestria will still exist, even after Twilight's friends have died. Her friendship goes beyond just her close group.
I think they will live as over years her friends have gotten a lot of magic and not only twilight has the friendship magic all of her friends do its just only her with Alicorn magic so I think they will all still be alive in 1000 years
Show Staff: Behold, an Alicorn baby! Fandom: COOL! I wonder what’s gonna happen with her!
3 Years Later...
Show Staff: Behold, the final episode! Fandom: What about Flurry Heart? Show Staff: Oh yeah, uh, we just put her on a window. Hope that’s good enough for ya.
mmm. I know this is late. But what about darkness. There has to be an element for everything or else one aspect will fall apart. I don't see where darkness could truly be. One thing it COULD be Sombra but he was defeated. So then. Where is this darkness coming from.
I need a season 10 where they go over the stained glass paintings for example showing what flurry did or the student six something something rock thing
Maybe, Flurry is also the Princess of Hope. Like you said, when villains come over Equestria and make everything dark, Flurry comes and spread new Light and with the Light comes the hope. By the way, I love your videos and your theories give me a new perspective on mlp
i think your right what if flurrys acplecment was to find her destiny ,what if she apeared on twilights map but what IF SHE WAS SOPOESD TO SPREAD LIGHT .
This is literally the first time I have ever watched a video ten minutes after being uploaded. And boy. It took 4 years to figure this out. You know when you posted that video 4 years ago it got me thinking. Why does Flurry Heart's destiny have to be so complicated?!
i know i am kinda late here but.. i think that flurry could be princess of light.. but what if she is princess of cristals and light? What if the first one broke and that was just a new one on that window?
Look at her cutiemark like we literally just saw it
raw toast2020-07-24 16:43:27 (edited 2020-07-24 16:44:19 )
i like the idea of celestia being the princess of the love a ruler has for their civilians. she's in the public eye the most and her duties mostly include interacting with civilians.
luna could be the princess of the love a caretaker has for those they take care of (almost motherly). she helps ponies deal with their nightmares, comforting them in their dreams, she takes care of them. that's why cadence is the princess of romantic love, not motherly love.
the oldest princesses, celestia and luna, would represent the love one has for those under them. twilight and cadence represent the love one has for their equals. flurry heart, the youngest princess, embodies the love one has for those above them.
I always imagined Flurry Heart was the princess of community, given the love the empire shared for her was used to reforge the crystal heart. That would explain her like to the heart in her stained glass window. Your case does make sense with the whole 'born an alicorn' argument, but caring for those who raise you could also account for those who you grow alongside. Your community, right? Just spitballin' here, good vid nontheless.
Flurry Heart is my Favorite Character! And I do think your right!! :D but.... I have my own flurry heart drawings, sooooooooo in all honesty I think my drawing of flurry heart looks better :|
You said in another video that Twilight will have starlight turned into an à la corn and roll over a Questria but now we have a new character that twilight it’s going to be repeated and so just like Celestia did twilight soWhen we see into the future we see a student walk in with twilight and it’s going to be repeated like Celestia and Luna did but she is going to get turned into an Alcorn not starlight so how does this make sense
Haven't you ever considered when Twilight said that her heart was the Empire's last chance like it was as if she knew flurry heart was going to come to this world don't you find that a little suspicious
Idk why but i just came up with this but Flurry Heart the princess of Healing. Helping the crystal empire heal from their past and others healing with trauma??? idkkk-- sorry this sounds dumb
Ok lets be honest here, its definitely more likely to be princess of f a m i l y Or one for ones family i guess More then “ love for ones parents” like its so random and it doesnt make much sense lol
@SonicFan4Life 007 Well, you can call me a fan and I don't really care about it. The person was just joking around.
Now that I think about it... In this fanbase are very young people. So I guess your comment goes to them because I don't think that older ones would react like that.
Your right because look like the baby magic is the color yellow ✨💛✨ And you just show the baby cutie mark It's has yellow in it 💛💛💛💛💛💛 And yup she is the princess of light But I don't think that her mommy Is going to die no no no
She was born like alicorn bc she was understanding the love of kids she understand that they parents love her and thats why she was born like alicorn thats my theory about flurry heart
I think Flurry Heart could be The Princess of Joy or The Princess of Light and Joy because in The First Episode of Season 6 Spike brings a vase and he says “Then they all share The Light and Joy they feel ... (you can watch The Episode if you want to here the full sentence)
My theory about alicorns Since I think Celestia and Luna became an alicorn because of starsworld idk if that's the name but yep. Then Twilight and Candace became an alicorn because of Celestia. No one ever knows what would happen if an alicorn became pregnant right. So what if an alicorn got pregnant the baby would be alicorn
how celestia rule then? If repersented the relationship of sibling hood celestia ruled BEFORE luna which who looked a lot like kandence when she was defeated
I still a few Questions about celestias and lunas hair, because twilight got older and got the same wavy thing but what about cadence? Or why did mistmane have the same wavy thing?
So sincerally Flurry heart is the love of family, BC when twilight took care of flurry she had a Relaction\likeing with her. But i'm not the one makeing the Theorie here🤷♀️
Sidenote: When he has all the princesses together there's like a color/theme pattern, light, dark, light, dark and light Celestia has lighter colors, and Luna has darker colors... it's nothing too important not trying to say Cadenca is secretly Celestia's daughter just because has a light color scheme like Celestia and her daughter... no, just noticed something that looked interesting
I agree but idk if u know one ep of crystel empire only they show king sombra only took flury heart with the crystel heart but why didnt he took cadens and chained her? So i think ur right and i agree
What if Ponies don't die? What if alicorns don't grow old, but, they have the same lifespan as a normal pony? What if they both don't die, but the alicorns will look younger, while the ponies will grow old? They said that Twilight wouldn't outlive her friends, which, could make sense if her friends die at the same time, but, that could take a 1000 years, or even more.
Granny Smith has lived for so long, yet she's still alive. What if ponies just don't die by age, but they can die by murder, sicknesses?
I never even gave flurries destiny a thought, cause throughout the whole show, after she’s introduced, no matter how much time passes she stays a baby, but the ‘light and love’ theory makes so much sense when you put it that way! #brony#flurryheart#princesses#lightandlove#explainationgiven
I still have a question if she have a big wings when she was a baby, so that's mean when shes got older, she got a big like the biggest one???? I'm just curious about it. I mean when she grow is the wings also grow and became bigger and not a normal size for unicorn princess???
Flurry heart is actually an alicorn because he's connected to the heart when she's already born she already connected to her heart but he destroyed the crystal heart but it was an accident he was actually powerful like her mother but more power princess already a grown up she got more power and he can protect the world I mean Equestria so that's the fact about Florida to make her an alicorn she's connected to all sides of now could have from her mom and dad when is the mom is now going to connect but if the flurry I already connected to the crystal she's already an alicorn
This is how I sort of, view the princesses First you have Celestia and Luna, the first generation, rulers at heart, separate from the people Then Twilight and Cadence, not the second generation but the bridge between generations. Born under the rule of the two sisters but understanding the need to pass the baton And lastly Flurryheart and any future allicorns, the next generation, ruling not as a leader but as an equal. Born at the end of the rule of the two sisters, destined to rule, but a citizen at heart.
I like how every one else is just like"this is such a good about friendship and whatnot!" While Sawtooth is like "I HAVE FINNALY SOLVED THE CASE!" While slowly driving himself nuts over a KIDS show😂
But I meannnnn the relationship between the sisters are also day and night (perfect to go with each other) friendship and love go together aswell, soooo TwT
Andddd Celestia is already technically light tho TwT
i always thought that they cold represent other things like luna and celestia: the gardians of the creatures of night and day cadance and twilight: the union of one another and the harmony between creatures and flurry:the light that shines when all is lost the love and harmony between her family and friends
Sawtooth on another video: and the princess of...merchandise! Me: bruh she LITERALLY has the crystal heart as her cutie mark in another video Also me in the past where I first saw this video : listening to buy our merch 😂😂 (In the crystal empire) cadence and flurryheart rule together Shining armor: am I a joke to you?😑 Me: and i oop XD 😂😂✌🏻 My sister: my sister has become crazy... LoL Like if you want to see sawtooth waves to make like a origin for flurryheart 👇🏻
There’s a guy I watch named ponyfile3 I think, and I think in one vid he says a changeling took one baby changeling to swap, and what happens if the real flurry when adult, she breaks out and saves the day by killing the changeling (and that’s why you don’t see it) OR the changeling try’s to break the crystal heart and flurry saves the day YAYyyyyyyyyy…….
When you analyzed day breaker I realized your entire explanation was wrong Luna never knew she could become nightmare moon until it happened so how could celestial know that she had day breaker on her dark side if shes never turned into her I think celestia HAS turned into daybreaker but the show never mentioned it we all know that celestia is even older than granny smith and if celestia gave granny smith that piece of land that's ponyville who knows how many years ago celestia turned into day breaker I hope find this explanation useful and celestial said "you are not real and you will never exist AGAIN"
I believe Celestia feared that one day she could become Daybreaker, because she was horrified of what happened to Luna. She probably thought of it up due to anxiety, so Daybreaker must of existed in her mind. But the love of every pony never made her turn into Daybreaker, she knew that she was well appreciated and how everyone cared for her, but she still had some guilt. Daybreaker was real to Celestia, but never existed in the real world, which is why she probably say that Daybreaker will never exist again, due to Celestia finally being free from that anxiety.
Smart but not enough remember this was in a dream how could starlight know anything about day breaker. Celestia is smart so why would she tell anyone about her anxiety except her sister day breaker must've been in some book about the history of the two sisters because celestia isn't stupid she would never tell anyone about her anxiety except family so this is why I say day breaker has appeared because starlight had her eyes closed half the time and you see Luna knew clearly who daybreaker was so that's why day breaker has appeared
I just noticed that their is also more allicorn then the main four princesses plus Flurry heart their is also Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and her changlins.So are they allicorns or not?
maby luna and celestia r the yin in yag like of darkness and good but it’s kinda like discord and twilight where discord can still be good but choatic?
I never thought about it,but i realized it all makes sense!"Shining" Armor and Princess Mi "Amore" Cadenza which is her parents and it means Love Light when you put "Amore" and "Shining" it also means Shining Love which makes her Princess of Shining Love!Im not declining your idea Brony,this is just another idea or suggestion to add :).
I think Flurry Heart could be The Princess of Joy or The Princess of Light and Joy because in The First Episode of Season 6 Spike brings a vase and he says “Then they all share The Light and Joy they feel ... (you can watch The Episode if you want to here the full sentence)
What if the crystal heart is similar ti the tree like has the same powers just hasn't shown them yet! Or has different power but they have the same effect!
I thought maybe.. if cadence was "born a Pegasus" and shining armour is born a unicorn.. and mr & Mrs cake are earth ponies with a unicorn and Pegasus baby bc of genetics... maybe the process that happened to cadence just.. "optimized" the baby, and pull ALL the genetics?
good eye! for a few frames you can see sweetie belle, and assume the other two are with her. i wish we could see more, cause the window might be something we've already seen: when they got their cutie marks. Twilight mentioned this event in the speech that evil starlight sat in on, so it could be they made a window for it too! I didn't have the time to go into that
The Brony Notion cough Princess of Cutie Marks cough or maybe it could be Starlight???? If any pony gets to be the princess of Cutie Marks probs gonna be Starlight, or something like Princess of Destiny? idk. There’s no evidence but that would be pretty cool
The Brony Notion I believe you are wrong about that. When you look at the windows, you see they are in time order, going from right to left. If the cmc window is the last one, this means it has to be something they did AFTER Twilight became ruler of Equestria.
@・Pastel Wolf ・ maybe they're more like ambassadors of cutie marks. they aren't exactly experienced enough to be princesses of anything, really. I wish they could've been apart of the evil starlight thing, it would've been perfect for them. but maybe they supported starlight in discovering more about cutie marks and how they work
I thought they got a window when they all got their cutie marks at the same time-in the window sweetie bell doesn't have her mark on her flank-and behind her you can see the colors of the badge.
@Laura Kelly But when u look at the window with the student six sandbar does not have his cutie mark so we don't actually know,that could be from something they do in the future
DeadFlower that’s an interesting theory and could possibly make sense although that seems a bit vague. What exactly would she control/help? Showing ponies that they have meaning when they feel suicidal? Or every single aspect of living? I feel that there is a large range to the meaning of “life.” I feel like being the princess of life is a little overpowered, It’s definitely something worth thinking about, maybe you’re on to something.
@Cocoa Heart if it was the meaning of life it would fit in. The show did explore "purpose" quite a bit, mostly through the cutie marks, so it could work on that level.
Suicide, not so much and I couldn't see that happen in this show specifically. Though it's not like that hasn't been referenced in a kids cartoon before either. One of the scenes with Princess cookie (the cookie who wanted to be a princess and got laughed at by Pb) from adventure time comes to mind. Didn't actually result in death but could have. Doesn't fit this show and having a kids characters whole purpose based around it would be dark for a kids show, but at was just to point out that kids shows haven't avoided it completely either
The purpose of life for individuals could definitely be dealt with and could definitely benefit from a princess if you take it as each person has to find / create their purpose (ie it's something that develops like friendship, not some purpose that just magically already exists for each person - though some individuals might have an inborn purpose in fantasy worlds like this, not everyone should).
I think that Celestina is princess of the love of her people. Like how a ruler loves her subjects. Luna is still sisterhood, cadence is still par tener love, ect
0:38 Theory: Remember the Mane 6's window shows them defeating Discord? This could mean they will defeat, and possibly befriend the red dinosaur thing and there will possibly will be a Sequel to MLP! I can't WAIT to get my paws on that.
there are 4 princesses sibling love friendship and light there could be one of darkness.Maybe that is the darkness that flurry hart has to defeat to make things right.
is it just me our are all the alicorns sister celestia and luna twilight and cadence maybe flurry heart willnot rule with her mother but maybe her sister ho is not canon in the show
Well, I do see it! But I think thinking of her as just that specifically seems... little. All the others are big and great concepts for a lot of relationships and species. ... Isn't it easier to think Flurry Heart is the princess of family?? I mean, it's not only the only relationship not stated so directly as all the others. Love, friendship and siblinghood, or rathe... Well, there are different types of love. Eros, romantic love, like Cadence. Philia, friendship love. Agape, unconditional love, like Luna and Celestia, that kept loving each other despite all the problems that developed in their past. Although Agape also sometimes is interpreted as selfless love from a higher power, like the love from a God for their creation. In this case, the love of the princesses for their subjects.
And finally, Storge that is love for your family, which is the only one in the show that was never kinda stated.
i know i might not be right but here's a theory: Shinining armour is a unicorn , and if im right cadence is/was a Pegasis so maybe both gene's combined , creating a wing and horn creature? (no hate pls this is just my theory !! :D
Is that beautiful, well.. it is not likely i guess to persupe she aware of her own destiny, or reather be embodiment of destiny, that is the heart of crystal empire
Don’t make sense how cadence is the princess of love and her love shining armor will die, and how twilight is princess of friendship bUT HER FRIENDS WILL DIE CAUSE THEY ARENT IMMORTAL-
1 you might be right 2 she's probably the princess of merchandise 3 ITS JUST A TV SHOW .. although fluryheart is still probably princess of merchandise and light....mostly merchandise 😂
I remember on the MLP Movie on a scene that was cute from the movie Cadance was the purrrincess of family . But it was a deleted scene. Could this solve the mystery of Flurry Heart being the purrrincess of family and light?
But seriously, I wasn't expecting the merch song played again. But I'm happy that finally FLURRY HAS A PURPOSE OF BEING A PRINCESS. Also in season nine 'the final battle' , does that mean, in the future mlp A.K.A G5, there could be a war? Idk but pls try to explain this on ur next video. Thank you
I also think flurry could be a princesses of youth or like children ya know what i mean ? Or like some thing to to woth the power of imagination ? Idk its a strech
I think flurry is actually the princess of love, instead of light, since the points you made I think more relate to family the light hearted ness. But that’s just my opinion
FAMILIAL LOVE, community empathy, deep interpersonal connection, social balance and harmony, innocent admiration, hope, imagination and love of the world and family/foundfamily, LIGHT! ☆♡
What if flurry went her whole life without a cutie mark and the thing that would normally have her earn her wings earned her her cutie mark instead I'd like to see that story
Also I think her title could also be the princess of family
I THINK THAT FLURRY NOT RARE AT ALL CAUSE NO OTHER ALICORN EVER GAVE BIRTH ITS NOT LIKE EVERYPONY KNOES WHAT HAPPENS WHEN AN ALICORN GIVES BIRTH NO SO THAT JUST MEANS flurry got horn and wing from her mothers cells the real question is why didnt she get any of her father cells🤔🤔😎🤐
Right? It’s possibly EXTREMELY rare for ponies to get cutie marks for the same purposes. They’re the same one mark but with a symbol to represent each filly. So it would make sense for the future to make the 3 alicorn princesses. They’re each pony type. They ARE the definition of what being an alicorn is.
@PartySuvius Since Scootaloo is half earth pony and still has small wings as an adult, I'm not sure about the three being the "definition of an alicorn". If the CMC become princesses in the future, I believe the same thing will happen with them what happened to Twilight, they'd receive big wings and a horn that's longer than the average unicorn. But I agree with most of your reply :)
Well technically hes not wrong but flurry heart is the child of cadence so of course somebody would have to take over the crystal empire and be the new crystal princess, because when cadence goes old i dont think she will have that much magic to protect the crystal heart like flurry heart does. Sorry if it was to much to read
Brony notion is right that flurry heart is the princess of light. You will probably know why after you watch the crystalling again then you will truly get it
•Linda Playz• Going by another one of Brony Notion’s theories, they were probably turned into alicorns by Starswirl himself because they were the best candidates, but they still ruled together so the sister connection ended up fitting them anyway uvu I feel like they created a magic in Starswirl that convinced him they were the ones that had to rule, idk
Lia It is confirmed by Lauren, but it was an idea of hers that later Hasbro changed. ‘The birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has never seen’ ‘It is even beyond even our understanding’. That obviously confirms they weren’t uvu
@Azu The Viper they were born before equestria actually. The land did not exist before celestia and Luna so yeah they've not seen alicorns since its creation
•Linda Playz• that could simply mean that they haven’t seen anything like that ever since they started ruling btw. They are not from Equestria. They can explain themselves but not flurry heart
I know you probably won't see this sawtooth because this comment is 2 years late. However, I want to support your theory. I don't have much to say but on season 3 episode 13 "Magical Mystery Cure" at 22:25 on princess Twilight's Celebration you can see Crystal ponies celebrating but they're not sparkled up. However at that minute mark you can see two crystal ponies who are shimmering like stars in the background of the crowd. So maybe your theory is correct. Or it was a glitch however, its so obvious and open for showing the two ponies. Keep up on your hard working theories, I really think you are discovering something in this My Little Pony kids show lol
Hopefully, we can assume that around that time she was in her teenage years, and Teenagers have a history with, y'know. "Love." Though I haven't read any MLP books or comics, I can hopefully be correct in assuming this: Cadence became an Alicorn then because she knew the true meaning and feelings behind romantic love before the usual Teenager understands. She found love in Shining Armor, and she understood it extraordinarily well.
She didn't seem that young. She was probably an adolescent or teenager. She is not old enough to marry yet. However that is old enough to get crushes. Maybe she got a crush on a stallion or an older colt, and that was enough to help her become an allicorn. The object of the crush may or may not be Shining Armour. It is possible to have a crush on more than one person in ones lifetime. Even the show aknowlages this. Rarity had a crush on Prince Blueblood at the beginning of the series. Later she had a crush on Trenderhoof at the middle. In either case things didn't work out. Whatever happened in the past, Cadence did marry Shining Armor. So that stallion can be the focus of love in the current time of the show.
She probably found her love for spreading love her cutie mark represent her love for others but she earned her wings or horn when she first spread/ created love between two or more others which she can still do at a younger age the love doesn’t necessarily have to include herself I donno it’s a little far fetched but there isn’t any canon information on her past also I’m not sure if this even really makes sense
When cadence was feal sitting twighlight was just a foal but she was only a unicorn then if u watched the video about cadence taking care of twighlight but I think they arent sisters there just friends but in the movies there sisters but they dont see each over that much amagen if cadence wasent even alive
ok pls sawtooth waves ... yeah i came to text and say pls make a video explaining why cant scootaloo fly because i have been checking and no pony gives me an answer with correct explanaitions
some of the videoss i saw say that scootaloo can not fly becasue she is half earth pony because of his dad and the mummy is a pegasy so what is your theory .. am aways on youtube if u need me.
I seriously think either cadence was first off a wing pony a Pegasus because both of them are probably unicorns or b they're both unicorns but she gets her wings from her mother like say if my father has brown hair and my mom has green eyes and blonde hair and my dad has blue eyes I would get the blonde hair and the blue eyes so Ithink flurry heart gets her wings from her mother because she's an alicorn and gets her horn from her mother and father
That one girl_2020-04-25 00:05:20 (edited 2020-04-26 14:08:42 )
I realize that all the potential students have horns. Princess Celestia had horn, Luna had a horn, Princess Cadance had a horn, Twilight had a horn, Sunset shimer has a horn, starlight has a horn. Like you said in one of your theories, you dont need a horn to possess magic, why are all the of the possible students are all unicorns, why can't a pegasus get a horn just like a unicorn gets their wings?? Why cant a earth pony get both?
@Nirva [Old Acc] Your right, but could it be most likely that she was, i mean all the alicorns got their wings so most likely she had a horn, i could be wrong but there are no signs saying that she already had wings and became an alicorn, if she did have wings before she was an alicorn why haven't we seen anyone else with wings get a horn? Why do all the potential students have horns and get wings not the other way around?
In episode 22 in season 9, Sweetie Bell states, "I wish we could as old as our sisters." When they all grow up, Scootaloo also grows up, is that implying that Scootaloo has an older sister?
Ella Pabuwal; From what I remember, Scootaloo always considered Rainbow Dash her older sister/mentor. So I think it was probably mirroring that and not an actual biological sister of Scoot. It would be interesting to see more of Scoots family though.
Me too even though I skip becase i though it was cringe and then saw how cringe spike looked like in the future but i dont skip mlp equestria girls i would love to see more of mlp equestria girls
@Daniel Hall also if you press dislike that just gives the video more acknowledgement because your still giving the video views and stuff like this, there’s no point in disliking just go watch the stuff you normally watch and don’t waste your time giving videos more clout😐
@Daniel Hall I will once you mind your own business and stop watching stuff if ya don’t like it 🙂 if ya don’t like something don’t watch it it’s not that hard
I think you are right, and this is where my theory begins: In the crystal empire Flurryheart and Cadence protected the crystal heart, one day the heart began to weaken slowly Although all the love of the empire would continue to flow it continued to weaken Flurryheart and Cadence went out of their way to stop that, but ... THE SOIL BEGAN TO Rumble, MAKING THE GLASS HEART BEGIN MORE WEAK AND COMPLETELY DARK! THE HEART BROKEN AND BECAME A GREAT BLACK AND WHITE SHADOW There was ... THE KING OF NIGHTMARES (RIGHT SAID, Dark light / Light of nightmares) The monster dreamed of reigning all equestria, and his first plan was to break the heart ... And all because in the past some "students" (You know what I'm talking about) of Twilight defeated him and locked him up under surveillance, but managed to escape somehow Light of nightmares locked Cadence so he couldn't escape and took his magic ... Flurryheart quickly flew into hiding to give Twilight a warning that they were in danger. Her message reached her and she quickly went with her friends to the crystal empire but ... they could only free several ponies and Cadence but she also did the same to them. Desperate Flurryheart faced Light from nightmares and managed to knock him out but not for much, she was in luck because Starlight cast a spell on him preventing him from moving, she could not last long with the spell but a battle of Light from nightmares vs. Starlight and Flurryheart started ... (DO YOU WANT ME TO CONTINUE THE STORY ?! I'M USING TRANSLATOR)
Me: I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy My dad: BECCA DID U JUST SPENT 10000000 DOLLARS ON MERCH?! Me: maybe 😏
Hi, hello. Nothing related to the video but this has something to do with Lauren Faust's new show that is DC Super Hero Girls. I just wanted to express my feelings on how I think the Superhero Girls have really similar character traits to the Mane Six.
Wonder Woman is sort of like Twilight. What I mean is, coming from a different background and learning to fit in, also the leader.
Bumblebee is Fluttershy and what I mean by that is the shyness and her soft voice.
Zatanna = Rarity because the love for theatre, fashion and the accent.
Batgirl is Pinkie Pie, always excited, super high pitched voice.
Supergirl is like Rainbow Dash ex, the arrogance and wanting to be the tough guy and show off all the time.
Lastly, Green Lantern ( Jessica Cruz) is like Applejack, though she's not known in the show for honesty but she's like the green thumb, vegan, animal loving and good with animals type.
Has bro: Since we don't know what to do with my little pony anymore, let's just watch bronie videos for ideas Bronies watching my little pony Wow! It's exactly as we thought!
Ok Flurry heart is a alecorn becouse irs in DNA from her mom its in DNA you know the perents and the baby have a bit of what the perents have its not anething spasel you shold konw that
WAIT I JUST FOUND OUT SOMTHING LUNAR AND CELESTIA COULD BE TWINS AND I MEAN THAT QUEEN GALAXIA COULD BE THERE MUM THAT'S HOW THEY ARE PRINCESSIS but we still haven't solved who is cadence shining Armor and twighlight who are there mum's we have lots more of misterys to solve
SlenderWolf 559 no you do look pretty upset over nothing 🤷🏼♀️ idrc about your opinion and i actually think it’s smart cause who knows how many more kids shining armor and princess cadence had? it would make a lot of sense
Congratulations on solving the case of flurry heart now I won't have to scream in my pillow " why is flurry heart an alicorn at birth!!!!!!!" Thank you
The sisters were born alicorns and they're parents were alicorns and rollers too. They died in a war. It's an episod werry old and I don't finde it. Sorry for my english, I'm romanian
Yes I think she is love and light you can tell how she the power of light her magic it yell like light just like Luna and sleep Luna mack us dark blue seem the night and sleep of resing the sun yellow and the sun yellow so he is yellow so it bends light but I fell like there going be a nother Alucard and she will be dark but and yes she the princess of light bc he magic and when they show the ponys her she light up yellow so yea 100 press of princess of light
Did anyone think about this?: Flurry could be born as an Alicorn because Cadence before she turned into an Alicorn, she was a Pegasus and shining is a unicorn, so she became an Alicorn. If Shining armour had wings and no horn, then flurry would be a pegasus, I mean doesn't it make sense???? Like and comment if you agree.
@S1dewalk_L0ser and pls remember that when celestia said "there was never an born Alicorn," and an Alicorn never had a baby sooo. They can't know why flurry heart is an Alicorn if not even one Alicorn had a baby.
@Funeez well yes, but an Alicorn has never gave birth. So that means that if a Alicorn gives birth then the child will be an Alicorn. Nobody know what is going on.
no, because an Alicorn isn’t just unicorn and pegasi magic, it’s also an earth pony magic (i think it explains why they grow taller), she wouldn’t be born an alicorn if cadence was still a pegasus, cadence now holds all three, unicorn, pegasus and earth pony magic.
Or she could’ve just inherited basically two alicorn parents since shining armour is twilight sparkle’s brother so it o could be in his blood or something like that
Okay so if the two sisters represent Sisterhood and that means Maybe after we saw the future of My Little Pony a couple months after the part we took a look at the rest of the Mane 6 have a small chance of becoming Alicorns as well here comes another question to my theory why doesn't Rainbow Dash fit her element perfectly like the others well maybe Rainbow Dash was supposed to become a villain
You are correct because falling hard is a princess of love and also of light hello Sean hi hot mom also a phone in love with us for a fairy high that’s why that baby name is Siri hot very hot like fairy I am Siri hotWhy does baby unicorn name because there’s also no Siri very hot
There is this thing I wanna know about it's every pony's parents the thing I'm saying is that we still don't know about many pony's parents for example Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry and many others
the title:"Finally Solving Flurry Heart" what i see: "Finally Song for Flurry Heart" me: :O "A song for flurry heart??" (clicks) watches the whole thing sees the buy our toys song laghs ... (it finishes) looks at title relizes what it actollly says me: "oh... well that explains some of the other explaining" XD
Celestia and Luna: Princesses of siblings, Princess Twilight: Princess of Friendship Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence) and Flurry Heart: Princesses of Family, Of Love and Light
Another theory I just felt like adding to this, even though the comics are not canon: Radiant Hope was supposed to be the chosen princess of Light (hope is light after all). She saw herself as a princess in the Crystal Heart after all.
Maybe Sombra could've been the prince of love heck, if he started a family with Hope (since family is love). The Crystal Heart gave two paths, and if Sombra had not chosen his destiny, then the path with Radiant Hope's princesshood would have come true.
Ya know the fir pink Hart that came up when friendship was created, well Fleury heart is the element of friendship, a friendship that is connected to the love friendship and all friendship. Mother love and daughter love, the heart from the biginig* of friendship is in her name FLIRRY HEART! (FIRE HEART) all prince sees represent all of the friendships.
Maybe she is the princess of emotions, or Maybe her part is Solving conflicts of love, since her mothers is spreading love, her's could be managing it in itself, if that makes sense
I believe flurry heart is not just gonna rule alongside her parents I think she is also gonna lead the crystal pony guards one day, seeing as her dad used to be one
i think your right but maybe princess of hope might be better,in the stain glass window she was(I think) the first pony in a stainglass window by herself.so she mightve been the only hope but thats just something i think.
If you look at the background in the glass with the 6 it looks a little like space, but if they did someting in space wouldnt they be ona hugger work level
OK ever since I saw this video I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it for a while and what I think is maybe princess flurry heart is the princess of life because think about it before her even being born all the people in the Empire could think about is protecting their life and the crystal heart but the crystal heart is the life of the empire flurry heart crystallization was part of the crystal hearts life so that would also make flurry heart part of the crystal heart so what I’m thinking is pretty much as there’s are the princesses of siblinghood the princess of magic and friendship and the princess of love and light so could flurryheart be the princess of life?
I'm not going to lie I'm really upset that the show ended and I was really interested to see if flurry heart would grow or at least the last episode with snow flurry heart in anyway or maybe a few bonus episodes to see how the other characters grew after all the years but I'm still satisfied with this video although I'm still really upset still
Well, that means you debunked yourself and Flurry heart is like Celestia and Luna in that she got her wings through finding her purpose and she found it at birth.
We do know how the princesses became Alcorns star swirl new magic to turn celestial until unicorn and he did the same with Luna while she was still in her mother stomach so it was all magic and we also at twilight she was changed to Alacon with magic so celestial and Luna must have gone through the same process
The student six window was probably their first battle and the monster looked a lot like..... A RED VERSION OF GROGOR WITH THE SAME MAGICAL POWERS AS GROGOR
OKAY BUT, If We have Princess of Sun and Princess of Moon, with are kinda an opposite, then if we have a Princess of Light, maybe one day there would be a princess of darkness? Like, maybe that sound dumb, but just imagine how amazing her design would look :D
The princess of magic flurry how will be this explains a lot about her. Flurry has more magic then Cadence Twilight and Celestia and Luna. She contains lots of magic because who would be able to break the crystal heart! I don’t think Love will fit Flurry as much as her mama that’s why she was born as an hour corn to contain magic she’s the princess of magic and spreads magic across the world to earth ponies pegasus unicorns. I do get the point of the right side light is named as very fast so when she flies she is very fast so she can be the princess of speed to there is a lots of theories of what princess flurry can be!
Everyone Knows that if the Oueen mother is a Alicorn then the child will become a Alicorn. And for Twilight princess She became a princess because she created a new magic And that is friendship is magic And for that reason she became a princess. Okay ,
Celestia princess of the day . Luna princess of the night. Cadence princess of love. Twilight princess of friendship. And Flurry princess of light. The crystal heart is devide into two light and love so Flurry is princess of light and cadence is princess of love
If celestia and Luna are the princesses of sibling hood, wouldn’t Luna stop being an alicirn when she turned into nightmare moon since she didn’t have a love for her sister?
wait......... if you sell merchandise, you are bringing light into their day! By purchasing the item,you are loving it and you get happiness/ light spread into your day.#princess of light and merch P.S i probably put to much thought into this
Just a Theory about shining armor here I saw your video of how he is ganna it might become an alicicorn if he does to keep up with the like each princess being like light love friendship and all that what if they all join like shining armor cadence and flurry heart be the embodiment of family just a very long suggestion 😂
Oooohhhh now i get it thats why flurry heart's name also has a heart and flurry that makes flurry heart.and.... Thats why her mom and her are both have hearts i mean flurry got a necklace heart in the windows and her mom has a heart cuttiemark i get it nowww. Now that i get it i'll imagine flurry heart's future voice 😁
He said celestia ruled for over 1000 years! Shouldn't she be old like granny Smith? I mean now I guess normal ponies turn old and special ponies turn into a beautiful mythical.. being?
maybe if shes the princess of light, and her mother love, then would her cutie mark be a little similar to her mothers cutie mark because its the other side of the heart? like if you know what i mean.
It is obvious flurry was an Alison because before cadence was a princess she was a Pegasus and shining a unicorn they got married it depends on the parents so Pegasus and unicorn =alicorn this is why flurry is an alicorn
In my stories, there’s the Darth Vadora prophecy of Princess👑Flurry Heart❤️. It’s said that light💡can shine as well as burn🔥. She will turn to the dark side of the magic in the process of trying to protect her family and subjects.
Flurry Heart reminds me of Chibi-Usa from Sailor Moon. Sassy, always thinks she's right until she sees the error of her ways, smart and makes fun of others ignorance, but is still a really lovable character. XD
Wait..., What happened to starlight after that? Did twilight send her somewhere like celestia? Or did she just stay in ponyville? I have so many questions about starlight!
You forgot they Said Equestria has never seen, "EQUESTRIA" they never said anything about the outside world just that it's never happened in Equestria.
Your right flurry heart is light. You know love and light is is their jobs the love make everyone love each others and light if every thing is darkness the light shine up and the darkness go away. if put alltogether so light and love.... the light spreat our shining light and love speart loving so working together are stronger
Hey dude I'm on that I will tone tribe you was talkin about Lego Movie Newman the Elkin Tribune so my Mother season 9 came out yeah I don't know what else show. Me the power doctor with the tribe when they left the trial table and trouble Justice Siri cool
This is very interesting and well-reasoned, especially in the context of the alternate intro for the MLP Movie, where Twilight's narration explaining the Princesses specifically associated Cadance not with love, but with FAMILY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bscnfW5hbJM
Also, I think Cadence may be the princess of romantic love while Flurry Heart is the princess of family. If she is meant to rule along side her family then it just makes sense that that is what she rules over. Plus, we never see Cadence do anything magical related to parenthood. Just romance. But idk I could be wrong. lol
Who will rule Equestria next once Twilight retires though? Same with the Crystal Empire since Alicorns have a long lifetime; Flurry will be old by the time Cadence and Shining Armour will be retiring 🤔
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no
I feel like she is the Princess of Joy or Light. Something to do with happiness. U already feel the emotion of joy and/or light as a baby so that would explain her being an alicorn
So cadance is the word LOVE and light UNTIL Flurry comes as the second word LIGHT so that Cadance can take care of the first word LOVE. So that is why Flurry was born as the second word LIGHT so that Cadance doesn't have to take care of both of the word's LOVE and LIGHT.
flurry heart as the princess of light does make sense but isn't that nearly the same as the princess of the sun? i have 2 ideas: she is probably the princess of love, so when her mom steps down there is a new princess of love. NO ONE IS GONNA RUN OUT OF LOVE!!!!!! my second idea is that she could be the princess of hope, this video gave me the idea this is the part: 5:07 when he said: "hope would come". so I'm not saying that this is a bad theory but some of it doesn't make sense. another thing is that if she is the princess of light then shouldn't there be a princess of darkness or shadow, (but there still good guys)
You know what is Alessia figured out she had the power to raise the sun without draining all her magic maybe that's how she earn her wings and maybe that the same way how Princess Luna got her wings
I don’t think flurry heart is that mysterious for the fact that the reason behind her being a born Allicorn is because her mother was an allicorn think back to Celestia Luna they were never born a allicorn but there are No known Allicorn that actually ever had a kid so that is my theory
i figured out why flurry heart's name is ''flurry heart''. because in the video he said that flurry heart is the princess of light,so flurry i think means light? justsayin'
maybe one day hasbro might make future shorts? instead of erasing it for pony life hopefully, people still are interested in the future and ngl I can see them doing that. Maybe making an episode on flurry heart, there's still things we all don't know and it seems hasbro knows that and maybe hopefully possibly will return the favor of future short maybe 10-15 minute episodes of the future arc?
I noticed something if the alicorn civilization existed they said the birth of an alicorn has never happened in equestria doesn't mean it didn't happen in the alicorn civilization
The crystal heart and flurry are beStfrieNds now, also I think she's the princess of protection? Cuz the crystal heart protects the crystal empire from stUff, I remember an episode where king sombra took over as darkness and enslaved all pony I Mean celestia brings light as well but was also kidnapped by another dark pony, her own sister when she was evil, but again flurry could be using the heart for its last use of power, But think about it, Day shows light, night shows dark, love spreads joy, friendship means ur not alone, and protection has confidence
Yes! The crystal is a shape of the heart which is cadence cutie mark, but what is used for is protection, 2:06 shows her cutie mark as a shield and a heart but that could be just fanfics-
Sorry if none of this makes sense I was saying my thoughts out buT you could be right lol
1st of all there should be 6 because there should be The 1 of child and which is the 2 sisters the 1 of love The 1 of life The 1 of friendship And my CD a dark princess because There is light
I think that furry heart and princess pea dances that's when we are like two sides of a coin because cadence would mean princess of love of two and I think that flurry heart means love of family just like two sides of a coin they would rule together but differently
omg u were RIGHT cuz u said while princess cadence is the pwincess of love and flurry is the pwincess of light! omg omg omg omg omg XD COOL EXPLAINING lol
What? Twilight still takes the Princess of Magic/Friendship title, i dont remember Flurry taking Twilight's magic, so she instead would be the heir to crystal empire, taking the title of Princess of Light, since the crystal heart brings "Love and Light" to the empire, while Cadance would be the princess of love.
Cool . Very interesting.👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👧🏻👩🏻👤🗣👥👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻
Did you train all that that very hard on your mother should room together but what shining armor what if Peyton and shining armor have another baby alicorn or just another regular unicorn Anna looks like his daddy where is that cool but here's the catch I wanted to be crystallized forever
No, it is mentioned in the show that the crystal heart of the crystal empire brings "Love and Light" Cadance taking the title of Princess of love, then Flurry heart would be taking the title of Princess of light.
@Sunjay narayan Each of the princesses has its own unique title, if the other pony has already took a title, then the princess will need to have its own.
buy her toys buy her toys buy her toys buy her toys buy her toys (one day earlier) commercial on tv says now the newest mlp toy baby flurry heart. [after the buy her toys apocalipse] the new flurryheart toy namely princess of merchandise😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Play with the same one as you can see it in the morning and the first thing is fine for us so we can do the same as the other days for me and my family for the weekend and the rest of the week I will be back on the 18th so I'll have to wait until the morning of the 15th and the other days we will need a few days to get to bed for our next two days 🛏️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think they each represent a different type of greek love : celestia and luna are storge (familial love), Cadence is eros (romantic love), twilight is philia (friendship) and flurry heart is agape (unconditional love) which is the type of love parents are supposed to have for their children!
Do you know what confuses me? Why are Flurry hearts parents taking care of her? Royal babies or babies whims parents are generally just rich usually have a nursemaid, and why do Cadence, Shining Armour and Twilight travel without guards, their royalty for crying out loud! They’re most likely targeted for ransom! I’m so confused.
Also makes sense as to why it’s called The Castle of the Two Sisters over anything detailing their role as Princesses of the sun and moon, because their sisterly bond is more important than their powers over celestial bodies
I think cadence represents Eros, or the love shared between partners. Twilight is technically a princess of love, too. An alternative word for friendship is Philia, the strong relationship between friends or a team. I think Flurry Heart grows into becoming a princess of Agape, or Pragma. The love of humanity, or enduring love.
LOOK INTO THE GREEK MEANINGS OF LOVE THEY HAVE ALL OF THEASE!!!! Storge -the love between siblings Philia- the natural love and affection of a parent for their child Eros- in the sense of "being in love" or "loving" someone Agape- Love of humanity and of others/Friends
What I always thought was that since Luna and Celestia never got children, and since we only ever saw those 2 being alicorn until then there could not have been any information about it. Cadence was the first new alicorn and the first Alicorn to get a child, also inplying that her dna and power would partly be given to Flurryheart. The only known Alicorns were: Celestia, Luna Cadence and later on Twilight. No one apart from Cadence got a child.
I do agree with this theory though, the love for ones parent and child is almost always the strongest bond in childhood. A child has no knowlidge of anything apart from their love they get from their parents. And since the crystal heart was healed also with Flurry in place the connection between the crystal heart and the person using it for light is stronger then before. Cadence was able to use it because of love. To get evil away from the kingdom, but now Flurryheart is light and love connected as one. Making her strong from a young age to be along side her Mother on the Throne to rule and watch over the kingdom. Both her love forwards her parents and the Dna of Cadence made it posible to trigger the transformation without the help of Celestia. Making her be born as a alicorn. ( Since she also did not need life lessons to learn to love their parents ;) )
Because again: "The Birth of a alicorn is something Equestria has never heard of"
This is just my look on the matter, but it makes sence to me :3
Thank you for reading this loooooooonnnggg mess, and I hope you enjoyed ^^♡
I always thought that because Shining Armor was a unicorn and Cadence was a pegasus at birth those genes made Flurry Heart an alicorn, but this makes much more sense.
I think that Flurry Heart fits well as the princess of light. But there's a small issue. Sun and moon are both connected with light, especially the sun. In the context of the crystal heart, it's fitting that she would be the princess of light. But in the context of the other princesses, it just doesn't work. Twilight actually called it: Flurry Heart is the princess of hope. Like a light in the dark. A child allicorn would be perfect to represent hope.
It could also be the types of love based on greek mythology (since mlp has taken a lot of inspiration from greek mythology before its not impossible) Also, damn, 2016? I thought flurry heart was introduced in 2018, how quick does time pass
I think about the whole wavy hair thing, Celestia and Luna were born with normal hair like Twilight had for the majority of the show. I think that since the sisters grew in age and became established rulers of Equestria that's when they earned their wAvY hAiR/extra magical powers. I think that's why Twilight got wavy hair and into "an alicorn body shape" and I think Cadence and Flurry Heart will have that too one they become established rulers.
It’s makes sense that she could be princess of light just like how in once upon a time Emma is the product of true love and her magic is pure light magic flurry heart is the product of true love so she could be princess of light
I think i figured out how she got her cutie mark, Here's what happened. (push Read More to read the whole thing) When she was born all rapped up before no one could notice her wings, She got the power of light, Connected to the Crystal Heart, Cadence had the power of Love <3 Then she transformed into a alicorn when she got unrapped, Then a few years ago like 5 years, She faces off Sombra, Who has trapped the whole Empire into a few cages made of shadows.. Stopping the magic. Flurry has Evaded them but Sombra has found her and is trying to convert her to evil. He breaks the Crystal Heart to powder and Flurry felt hopeless Before her shard falls before her. She then tells Sombra about how even the 'love' is locked away is shadow, there is always hope coming in the form in Light, The opposite side of Sombra's darkness and shadow. Then she fixes the powder heart and uses its magic to defeat Sombra, Then gains her cutie mark! I think Flurry is going to be a great princess.
Fun fact, Cadence, Twilight, and alicorns that werent born alicorns out live their non alicorn friends but dont live forever, thats why Celestia and Luna are still alive even though its been thousands and thousands of years. Natural born alicorns live forever, but non natural born alicorns live long but still die.
awsome video but I don't think she's the Princesses of light. Instead, I think she the princess of unity. Think about it shes the firstborn alicorn a combination of all 3 types of ponies. Also, It may be a possibility that once she gets a little older she would start to hang out with the student 6. therefore adding to the unity of all creatures of that group.
As for her destiny, what if she's meant to use the crystal heart to spread hope, love, light, and unity to places farther then just Equestria? Farter then anywhere the shows ever went?
Feel free to talk to me about this by replying to this comment. :)
feel flurry being the princess of light is correct but i like to think an alicorn repsent a new type of magic one that they discover and master. each alicorn is powerfull and as such are conected to their form of magic Celstia has power to goner the day in her case is mostly jsut raiinf the sun but it takes a powerfull pony to do so Luna is the magic of the night with rasing the moon and dream walking things only she can do Cadence is the magic of love as she been shown to spead with ease Twilight has been shown to use powers much like the tree of harmony a power one able to be used with the help of the friends she made FLurry if she is light thart means she has some sort of magic that brings hope and light something that so powerfull and she borned an alicorn since those vutues are some people are born with they don't learn and and might also be an hint she might be a child prodigy even more than twi was
Wait, so if cadence is immortal that means she has to watch shining armor get old a eventually die 🤔. And if flurry is an ailcorn is she immortal or does she have to gain inmortaly?
If you can ever solve the mystery of the scholar six alien window, please let me know. .... no wait, you don’t have to let me know, I subbed and rang that bell. But please solve the mystery of the scholar six alien window
The royal sisters were unicorns they become alacorns by luna raising the moon and cleictia for raising the sun ans also got there cutie marks in the process
I think the two royal sisters became alicorns when they defeated grogar Or I think they were lying all along and were born as alicorns and there mother was queen galaxies and there father was a alicorn who turned evil but later turned good and he had a moon related cutiemark
Sawtooth: no one has ever been born an California because no one has been born knowing the relation ship their meant to imbody Me: what about pound cake and her sibling? Didn't they show love for pinkie-
All seems good accept the fact that if she was love for ones parents what would to cutiemark be wild it be her parents? A heart with two swirls or what
idk what princess flurry heart is but I think its something within the crystal like the princess of power the princess of life the princess of happiness idk?
That Pink Smile2020-09-14 00:34:46 (edited 2020-09-14 00:35:50 )
But I have a question, why doesn’t princess Cadence have having hair? Is it because she’s married? Something happened that couldn’t make her have it?
If you think of it cadence has the color blue for her magic shining amour has pink. So pink and blue make purple flurry has some purple so dose twilight now go back to the royal wedding crylilis wanted to rule but twilight and cadence stopped her and twilight only had to do one more thing to earn her wings but cadence and shining armour stopped cryslils from ruling giving them a gift that gift was flurry a crystaling and twilight got wings as a gift and no one looked at flurrys horn yellow like light. Like sawtooth said she is princess of light i think she is the princess of gift and light cause she was gifted as a crystaling to shining and cadence
Princess Flurry Heart ruling the Crystal Empire and the Kickoff against King Red McLaren ace of Champions and Comrades and Friendship with Commander/ King Of Fire Commander of Heroes
WHY flory heart îs called princess of Light, not celestia îs The princess of the sun, and The sun make Light, maiby shes îs The princess of the heart, but not The princess of the town, maiby she îs The spirit of the crystal heart or something like things👁️👄👁️
Bro you have such a big brain Luna was born a Pegasus Celestia was born as a unicorn It was said that Celestia raised the sun and got her cutie mark And I forgot how Luna got hers
Flurry Heart: *is born an alicorn* Celestia: "Nothing like this has ever happened before" Me: .......Has an alicorn ever had a child before? I don't see you or Luna having children. And I don't think an Alicorn was mentioned before you two -_- Celestia: .......
I think she was born an alicorn because katins is an alicorn celestia and Luna are alicorns but they don't have kids so nobody found out that if an alicorn would have a kid it would be a alicorn
Not to be rude Kaydence yup her shes going to die she was gaven the alicorn the other alicorns they were the first ones soo they dont die and the baby was born a alicorn then she will also not die
That's not always true, some ponies that are Pegasus and Unicorns do make babies but they do not born alicorns, therefore I disagree with your opinion.
I think its because of the enormous amount of magic Alicorns have. It is too much for a pony to contain in their body, so wings/horns are created as a outward expression of the magic. Flurry Heart has a simular wing and horn size to twilight because she has just as much alicorn magic. They just look huge because she's still a foal.
I had her pegged for the Princess of the Northern Lights, in command of the Storm/Weather. Kinda steps on Pegasus toes a little, but some Alicorns are treated as supped up Unicorns. Makes sense that some favour the Pegasus side of the tree.
This is pretty good though. Though when you were saying she was doing something with the Crystal Heart to do with ones love for ones parents, I did wonder if it might be her making her father immortal. Or at least less breakable.
To me flurry heart also resembles "hope" just like what twilight said "equestrias last hope", he's right about her being the light but think she will also be the one that resembles hope and lead the ponies of equestria to the light again if their was ever a catastrophic occurrence that will make equestria hopeless to fight, She's like a leader to guide and give people hope and light to a very shattered place once again
Interesting. Sun and moon are important because they provide light (yeah I don't think the equestrian moon just reflects the sun's light), and Twilight's friendship is a form of love. Would Flurry be the center of all princesses?
Each of the princesses represent an element of love. Celestia-She rules as supreme ruler so love over her people, Luna-Has a more connection individually so love like a mentor, cadence-Love for her significant other, twilight-love for her friends, flurry- love for her caretakers
I just realized this but Flurry Heart being an alicorn could also be from genetics.We know Luna and Celestia weren't born alicorns and Flurry Heart was the first alicorn ever to be born.So her being an alicorn could be from genetics.
That could go along with some Greek mythology, it appears in a book trilogy call daughter of smoke and bone, there are two moon sisters, Nitid, and Ellai. Ellai, was the brighter and more celebrated moon, she was the goddess of everything but secret lovers and assassins, Like how princess celestia is more well known and celebrated. Nitid, was the goddess of secret lovers and assassins, like how princess luna is less well known, but relatable with the secret livers, I can't tell you everything, but you can look up more.
I think the way Celestia and luna got there cutie marks was when they proved star swirl they can do something very important, remember the play twilight set up, how a group of ponies were exhausted after raising the sun, since Celestia did it so easily i think star swirl thought she deserved to be alicorn But idk
Idk... the sun and moon are total opposites, bringing light and dark, hot and cold, day and night... so wouldn’t Flurry Heart require a princess of darkness?
I personally think that flurry heart would be the princess of magic because notice how great she is at magic even from a young age, she could do so much, the princess of magic sounds like something, as twilight is her aunt, and she is very gifted at magic, i believe she is helping her mother with magic, not love.
I mean, Celestia is the Princess of the Sun, and the Sun has Light, and Celestia and Flurry both have yellow magic so she is definitely the princess of light.
Here a thought, maybe Flurry Heart is, the Princess Of Weather, as well for hope? When Rainbow Dash, try to stop the snow clouds, Luna stoped Rainbow Dash, saying “ this far north, the weather has the will of it own.” Meaning, Pegasus who controls, the clouds and weather of ponyville, can’t stop the weather at the crystal empire. Witch would explain, why her magic is so powerful. Maybe not when, it was a baby. When she old enough, has better control of her magic. She can control the weather, at the crystal empire. Since, Flurry Heart and Princess Cadance, has power of the crystal heart, the power of the crystal heart, is inside Flurry Heart, like the elements are inside the mane 6. Flurry Heart, power is also the same color of the crystal heart, light blue. 🙂
I might know Flurry hearts cutie Mark when She is grown.So I saw the video where Sining armor and Cadence Went to see a friend of Sining Armor.You know"Flurry emotions"When Sining Armor said"its small like flurry heart*If you look at the Golden small thing that sining armor was talking about and there,there was a simble it looked like Candace's cutie mark but it looked like hers so it could've been flurry hearts cutie mark in the future
The new socialist trifecta: Twilight Sparkle the princess of FRIENDSHIP Cadence the princess of ROMANCE Flurry Heart the princess of FAMILY All of these are social structures and it makes them better equipped to rule the kingdoms together.
My Own Theory Is The Flurry Heart is the True Crystal Princess. As the Daughter of Cadance She Is Born Connected to The Connected to The Empire, Then with The Empires Love for her being Fused with the Crystal Heart. But That's just My Idea.
What if natural born Alicorn like Tia and Luna are elemental(hence the sun and moon) And other Alicorn Rule over other things take the Greek gods for example. Most God we learn about are Elemental, whilst there are countless others that watch over things like Friendship .
I believe what Twilight said about flurry heart being Equestria's only hope I believe flurry heart is the princess of Hope I believe that one another if the dad has a horn and their mom has a way that's how she was given births with horn and wings because she is the princess of Equestria is what I believe Stephanie the princess of all time
Получается, что чтобы магия любви Кейденс работала, надо кого-то очень сильно любить, а так как аликорны живут дольше пони, Шайнинг Армор умрет первым, а Фларри останется, наверно поэтому она аликорн
I know what the student for doing when the main six are gone they will take their place in one episode they started glowing like all the elements of harmony in different colors that represent each of the elements
Mike Shannon2020-08-07 18:30:04 (edited 2020-08-07 18:39:29 )
2:48 flurry hart is the divider... the princess of light
Elizabeth Hueske2020-08-23 05:15:20 (edited 2020-08-23 05:17:43 )
I really think 💭 that flurry heart should be The princess of light Because well I mean like I seen the future song and in MLP And I always spot the window showing flurry heart having the crystal heart showing off light
but if flurry hart is the princess of light and love for ones parents then.then she would have to learn the love for your parents.if this is right then everyone can be a princess
hmm for me flurries cutie mark could be like a sheild then the crystal heart it means Flurry protecting the Crystal heart as long with the crystal ponies which is like her family but that just my idea
So the thing is that princess celestia, and princess lunar were in equestrian since they were filles. Please watch the episode of when they were convinced the sisters old castle was haunted.
I think luna and celestia became alicorns because they could raise the sun and the moon. Or maybe they were born alicorns outside of equestria or because their parents were both alicorns, queen galexcia and king cosmos.
When shining armor dies does that mean flurry heart twilight and cadence I’ll get to see their husband brother and father die that’s kind a dark to think about not to mention that while Twilight get to see all her friends die
i really hope flurry heart is the main charter of gen 5 shes meets hippergirf dragon and changeling and yak but he talks normale but he has one eye and a griffen and pony that will be cool like young 6 but diffent gender swap like their siblings like will be really cool i hope and this is what i want for gen 5 i guess also twilight student will be with them in like ep 7 like voltron but a little diffrent like they go into space and find like robots and stuff i hope they do this
Yes but I see it in a different way ...... Look you have Princess Cilesia Princess Luna aka Sun and Moon aka SISTERS and you have Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight aka Love and Friendship aka SISTERS IN LAW and you have Princess Flurry Hearts aka the princess of Love daughter aka the princess of Light so all of the princess are connected
If they where all shocked and never saw this it makes Luna and celesteia a normal unicorn when they where born but flurry heart isent like the sun or moon and shinning armour is like the moon and cadence is like the sun so that makes flurry heart basically the crystal heart and love but then what would cadence be? So I think luna and celestia are rly unicorns but with powerful powers go make a baby alicorn but instead cadence and shinning armour did because if luna and celestia but more likely luna was the mum of flurry heart but if luna had a baby and celestia did not that would make luna the queen but they would say princess but more important then celestia ik this dosent explain much about flurry heart but moon and love makes a purple magic called friendship but what would twilight do everyone is asking but i think ik she could be the auenty as flurry heart and twilight are best friends like bff but then cadence makes more sence with flurry heart but not shinning armour maybe he is the husband with luna so he is a real prince but then who would be with cadence idk but I will try explaining what I think. I think cadence could be with sunburst and starlight could have been there kid but love light and sun dosent rly work together because its basically makes friendship again so twilight could be the sister of sunburst too but cadence is her sister so sunburst isent the right pony. So i think cadence Is with flash as he is blue and orange different from the princesses and trixie is young more then cadence so I think she could be there kid but she grew when we could see her so that's why she isent a foal maybe. So I think I solved it.
when will u explain the episode where it shows the future? like what happened to everypony else what happened to the 6 friends? where are they now? when when when i dont understand much from that episode
I think if kadence is the princess of love for one’s children then Shining armor should be an alicorn because if she’s the princess of love for one’s children then there should be a prince/king/princess/queen of romantic love and that pony Could be Shining armor
Hey guys to people’s whatch teen titans go and my little pony have u notice that both shows in won video spike got kissed by rarity and spike did not want to wash the kiss of and to same thing happened with Robbin and starfire if u noticed ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ♥︎♡︎
I’ve had a similar theory about Flurry being born an Alicorn because her true destiny was set the moment she was born. She had an uncanny connection to the Crystal Heart very early on and she seemed to instinctively know that Sombra was a bad Pony given the way she struggled and tried to fight back when he grabbed her. Babies don’t generally make such associations to morality so quickly.
I don't exactly think Luster Dawn is Sunburst and Starlight's daughter. There's people who think so and think no. They don't really act like parent-child (and on that topic, Pinkie has a child who is younger than the CMC when she could be the age of an early grandmother. All of the Mane 6's parents have the same body shape and size as their children, unlike Granny Smith, but Luster being around the age of Twilight and having wrinkled parents is kind of weird. Very weird, same thing with Big Mac's child.), and the wave Starlight gave Luster was more like a greeting, like "Welcome!" but anyways, I'd be fine if they really were parent-child.
But what I can't stand is everyone thinking Luster will replace Twilight the same way Twilight did with Celestia. Celestia ruled for well over a thousand years, and Twilight's been there for maybe only a few. Not even enough to make her friends look like Granny Smith (including the fact they will die soon and the Princess of Friendship will not have her literal best friends). I can get a Celestia-Luna relationship or with Cadence, but Luster's transformation from Canterlot-Ponyville went really fast and it wouldn't make much sense to have another Princess of Friendship, have their friends die off, and then call it a day.
Aside from care taker, light would also equal hope. That's what I would call Flurry the princess of hope. If saying princess of light might be confusing for some people
i remember tweets from either lauren faust or other showrunners, but they said twilight wouldnt outlive her friends and that celestia and luna were always / born alicorns. if alicorns live for a long time like you said in the video, what would that mean for twilight and her friends? maybe only natural / born alicorns live for a long time... spitballing here
The term is Filial Love. I think by your reckoning of the family thing, you are separating Twilight from the pack, she is a part of Flurry's family via her father, Twilight's Big-Brother-Best-Friend-Forever, and while Flurry's love for her Best-Aunt Ever will never match what she has for Mommy and Daddy, she will love her family. Plus; big picture here, THEY ARE RULING AS A FAMILY!!!
What if... protective love (i mean it makes sense as her mother is love and her father is a guard) The type of love that makes you want to protect everybody even before yourself If that sooo... she could be the key to Crystalis reformation
Your theory is not bad, it's a great one, but there is an inconsistency regarding the cutie maris of the ponies. In your theory, Cadance is the only one whose cutie mark and special ability match with the love she is incarnating. All the other princesses have a cutie mark that represent their powers, and they represent one type of bond that is not related to their cutie mark. We also seem ton disagree about Twilight's role as the princess of friendship. In my opinion, princesses are princesses because they have a special talent that is unique to them and that is linked with a powerful element. Cadence creates love with her magic, she defeated the changeling using her love for Shining Armor, Celestia and Luna control the Sun and Moon. Twilight isn't the princess of friendship, but the princess of the magic of friendship. Any pony can create friendship, represent friendship, what makes Twilight special is that she is able to use the magic of friendship and that she represent magic in the elements of Harmony. Also it's the name of the show, and her cutie mark represent magic. Friendship and magic are linked because friendship is the most powerful magic, but I really think that her role as a princess is not to represent friendship, but to ensure that the magic of friendship stays strong, just like Celestia and Twilight have to ensure that the day and night cycle continues. She is the keeper and guardian of the force of magic that comes from friendship, and for simplification she is called the princess of friendship.
Like I said, In my opinion, the princesses are supposed to symbolise and guard a force or law of the universe. Celestia and Luna represent the forces of nature because they are the keepers of the night and day cycle. Twilight represent magic in general, and in particular the magic of friendship, the most powerful magic of all. Cadance represent love. Love you feel for your husband, partner, etc, but also any type of love. By using the crystal heart, she ensures that love stay strong in the crystal empire where it is particularly needed. Then, to know what flurry heart represents, we need to understand the circumstances of her birth. She was born during a time of despair in the crystal empire, and her birth was what gave hope to those ponies. So I think that she is related to the general idea of hope, dreams, future. She may just represent the force of hope, but I'm not sure if it fits with magic, nature, and love. Another possibility is that she represent the future or the flow of time, that law of nature that dictates that time will always continue to go forward no matter what. That would make sense for a baby to be sacred as the keeper and guardian of the future and the time going by, because children are the future. I feel like children also have a special way of living carefree of the future, confident and hopeful, and maybe that is why it was needed that she had her wings as a baby. The glass window could represent anything so it's not much help. Maybe just her coronation day as the ruler of the crystal empire, maybe she saved the kingdom using the heart, maybe she had a crisis growing up not knowing her purpose and this represent the day she understood that she represented the future or hope.
maybe celestial became an alicorn either when she raised the sun or when she showed a feat of sisterhood (older sister) and luna the same but with the moon and showing an understanding what it means to be the younger sister
Twilight spreads friendship Cadence spreads love and rules the crystal empire Luna and Celestia rule and balance night and day Flurry Heart.. co-rules the crystal empire???
Here's my only problem. So, Twilight, Cadence, and Flurry Heart are all alicorns, so they also all have an alicorn life span, which if at this point we can even use Celestia and Luna as examples, Is thousands of years. But Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash, Flutter Shy, Apple Jack, Rarity, And PinkiePie are all normal ponies with normal pony life spans. I think you see what I'm getting at here.
Just because flurry heart is outside the castle in the glass window doesn't mean she was outside when she did it, for example the stain glass window where shining armor and cadence defeat chrysalis shining and cadence aren't inside canterlot like they were when they defeated chrysalis.
Wait, if there are a two rulers - like Celestia - Luna, Cadence - Flurry then what about Twilight ? I know she rules with her friends, but if they pass away then what ? Maybe that is the role of Luster Dawn ? :0
Warning: !!!I'm not actually in the fandom anymore!!! I was sure that Shining Armor's and Candace's baby will be an alicorn and I really hoped it'll be a boy 😔 We don't have any male alicorns and that's a shame.
Maybe each alicorn represents everything u might need u need the sun and moon for health and love and friendship for ummmm idk but I think it’s necessary
I'm know the comics are semi cannon but the princess of light would tie in with the shadow ponies from the FIENDship is Magic series about the crystal empire and king Sombra's background
I would laugh so much if the Hasbro says the flurry just got lucky 😂😂😂or maybe flurry has to to bring love to place beyond equestria because here mother has to look after her empire
It also fits into the way you said how they are both the princes of sibling hood I mean when they where born they where of corse related as flurry heart was to her parents so if they where related and siblings at birth then they would be alicorns at birth
I think when princes Luna and princes celestia said that even they where they sure about alicorn birth they meant that they weren’t even sure how they where born.
I feel like it would be cool if Flurry Heart took the throne and ruled over all of Equestria in G5. This means that Celestia and Luna would still be retired, and Twilight would have probably moved on with her friends.
MLP FiM focuses on friendship, hence “friendship is magic.” If Flurry is the new princess, the princess of family, the new generation could focus on the aspects of family.
“What is flurry heart going to be the princess of? Presides merchandise. Bye our toys, Buy our toys, buy our toys, buy our toys.” LOL😹, the princess of merchandise.
I think you are cause her horn glows the same color as princess equesrtria does and the sun is a fragment of light itself so yeah she could be light and hope for the crystal empire
But we got Luna and Celestya,Candens and Twilight but what about her does that means that ther is another princess??? And I got a question In the song from Luna with the children of darkness is at the end a a moment with a girl that says we are still here or something like that.What is with them??????
The Brownian notion: what will flurry heart be the princess of but merchandise of course. Hasbro and Shining Armor: dancing while saying BUY ARE FREAKING TOYS Cadence: WTH shining armor!!!!
Estamos aquí en otro video soy en Emilia del Canal pero venía pero hoy no es bueno hay una zona que dije ay no es muy grande no me gusta bueno Sofía Carson ya se fue Sofía Carson porque ya yo tengo contagio quiero que tengo coronavirus pero tranquilo no me afecta tanto tiempo pero ya se me va a pasar mañana es mi último día de estar enferma y si me ven así de esta voz Espero que me entiendas porque yo estoy estoy un poco enferma estoy enferma No quiero que me puedan entender de Sofía Carson ya se fue pero deberían decir que nunca salgas de casa porque si le vas a pasar igual que a mí pero tranquilos pasar este gran dolor que tengo en el nudo en la garganta Bueno adiós Espero que les guste este comentario yo no sé hablar español por favor en algo así de español lean haciendo con YouTube para aprender español porque yo he prendido poquito inglés pero nomás fui a decir a Paulita ya viene mi papá en YouTube adiós salgan de casa por favor porque si no se van a juntar ya no quiero que mis grandes Bueno
Why am I only one who sees flurry heart with cozy glow is not just a lisebain and if not cozy glow and flurry heart then dimoned tira pleas like if you agree
Princes twilight in not fake alicorn look she have flowing hair and princes cadens same thing the ware not having flowing hair because they wear not the same age as clestia
Do u now that See is not an eathpony soo? Because the mother is an Pegasus and the Fahrer und an alicorn soo she is not an alicorn!.. that maks seds...
I really wish we could have heard Flurry Heart’s voice when she got older. I can imagine it sounds soft and gentle✨
802 likesReplies (20)
2 likesI think it will sound like celestia's
7 likes@Aaliyah Hussein wdym? her voice haven't been heard in the whole series😭
19 likesOkay but what if she has an extremely deep voice-
32 likes@Awesome Person
23 likesLMFO that would be hilarious💀🤣
0 likesThat,s what I wished!
0 likesI headcanon her voice to be like Ashley H’s version in remembrance
1 like@Aaliyah Hussein this made me laugh SO hard. i also pictured a bubbly, annoying high pitched voice. pretty devilish
7 likesI like to imagine that she would sound like Cadance
1 like@kass Wdym? Celestia's voice has been heard? 💀
2 likes@Salem ! 🔮i know that, i was talking about flurry heart, that person i replied to said something about flurry heart's voice, but flurry heart's voice hasn't been heard in the whole series. I think that person i replied to deleted their comment tho.
2 likes@kass Ohh yeah sorry, I got confused lol.
2 likes@kass I thought you were replying to the person above your comment lol
2 likesI think she'd sound like Celestia or Cadence. Maybe even Luna.
2 likesI think she would sound like a mix between a twilight and starlight, like that more softer y/n voice
0 likesIt would have been amazing to see how she looks when she's older AND her OFFICIAL cutie mark.
0 likeswell other than the fact that she bursted the crystal heart with her enourmously high pitched screams. yep soft and gentle
1 liketo me, it's similar to candance"s.. however more teenage alike
0 likesIkr
0 likeshonestly, its so cool to think about all of the deeper backways in this seemingly kids show, celestia and luna (love of siblings), cadance (love of their other one) twilight sparkle (love of friends) and flurry heart (love of family). this is amazing.
1234 likesReplies (9)
why honestly are you apple jack😂🤣✌🤞🤘
3 likesI get her joke cuz applesauce represents honesty
7 likesThat is a Lotta luv
0 likesisn't love of siblings basically love of family?
4 likesCastle windows.
0 likesProfound light hearted.
0 likesIf they have alicorn but the drakers ways not for Celestia and Luna but if they are exist athother alicorns
0 likesBecause family... Is everything
0 likesAnd more specifically, Celestia represents love for ones younger siblings while Luna, older siblings.
596 likesLike the sun, who emits light, she was born first and most likely shined her guidance on Luna, who reflected it, and shines in the night. So Sun and Moon are also fitting and more satisfying names for them ❤️
Replies (3)
So good
4 likesMmm good thinking! 👏👏👏
1 likei never thought of it that way
1 likeI also remembered that Celestia had said that the reason Twilight was an alicorn was that she had created new magic. Shining Armor and Cadence wielded the magic of love and when they were together it created a level of magic that had never been seen before. So Flurry Heart was a direct result of this magic meaning not only did she have high levels but also was a product of new magic.
203 likesOne thing that seems interesting, however, is that we never see any male alicorns even though we know there are royal stallions. He also has a different dynamic of love than that of Cadence because she's romantic love and motherly love. Shining on the other hand may still have romantic love (from a husband's standpoint) but he also has fatherly love, brotherly love, and love for his people. His unquestioning loyalty and self-sacrifices he constantly made as the lead protector of Equestria and then later the Crystal Kingdom proves this.
Replies (2)
I love this theory!
7 likesWow u had a lot to say😂
2 likesI’m mad we didn’t get to see what Flurry looks like as an adult
707 likesReplies (6)
Yeah, same. But I always usually look at fan art of flurry as an adult because it’s relaxing idk why
54 likesThe last problem duh
2 likes@Lucy Randomness no- i think they mean seeing her in a scene instead of a window pane.
29 likes@Filipino Jiafei 🇵🇭 ok
1 likeBuT tHeRe'S a WiNdOw PaNe
3 likesI wish Flurry wouldve been shown in the last season or episode 😭 there was obviously a time skip, why couldn't have flurry been a preteen at least
2 likes4:10 actually makes a lot of sense. Even if not at birth, Celestia and Luna became alicorns at much younger ages than Twilight or Cadence(or at least this has been implied several times). Siblinghood is something you don't need several years to understand. From the first moment you meet, they're always going to be your playmate and your friend. Kind of cute if you think about it.
105 likesI think I figured out the flowing hair. I think you need equal amounts of magic from all three tribes. Back then Luna wasn’t as appreciated so she never got the equal amount of magic. Through the years Twilight got her equal amount of magic from the tribes.
56 likesI was super worried when I started watching that something possibly would have happened to Cadence, but With them ruling side by side it makes so much more sense. Like you said we had celesta and Luna side by side.
And I think if the WHOLE family ruled the crystal empire, the crystal empire just might have the most fire power.
Still can't get over flurryheart being the Princess of merchandise 😂
2977 likesReplies (66)
112 likesBUY OUR TOYS 😂
62 likesBUY OUR TOYS
Come on i love that
Same 😂😂
16 likesI love the sound in the background
42 likesBUY OUR TOYS
I KNOW RIGHT😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
10 likesYOU ARE A Change ling?
7 likesYep 👍🏻 me too I feel that flurry will become a very good merchant when she retires XD
6 likesAutotune incoming bUy oUr tOyS bUy oUr tOyS bUy oUr tOyS bUy oUr tOyS bUy oUr tOyS
6 likesThe mlp toys aren't great
7 likesThere hair goes bad to quickly
Lol same
3 likesMuisje_ Mira lol true
4 likeslol
1000th like :3
1 likeI agree with YOU!
1 likeME TO LMAO 😂
2 likesMe to!!!?
1 likeFool
2 likesFlurryheart is the princess of light
1 likePrincess of Merchandise?😐 Are you Serious I think flurry hearts the Princess of Cuteness😂
1 like@Itzz me flurry Heart flurry heart whatcha doing in the comment section???
1 like@Itzz me flurry Heart never knew ponies even had phones ;-;
1 like@Itzz me flurry Heart dang dude teach me ur ways
1 like@cookie_gurlxx lovely buy
0 likesOur
I think the picture in castle shows that sombra king come back and flurry heart defeat him , who knows what is truth 🤔 🤔🤔
0 likes@Daniel Hall go away
0 likesXDXD
0 likesMe too. It's so funny that I can laugh
0 likesBUY OUR TOYS BUY OUR TOYS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesBUY ARE TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesBUY ARE TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to disagree with Muisje_Mira because we did see flurry heart as a grown-up, just in a stain glass window thou.
0 likesLol hahaha
0 likesLOL I know it’s funny
0 likesI agree😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesBUY MY TOYS
0 likesmy to
0 likesLol🤣 buy our toys buy our toys buy or merchandise 🤣
0 likes@NOUR buy our toys buy our toys buy out toys
1 like@Boba star🧋⭐️ #savetheanimals
0 likestbh i forgot that i commented this 😂
0 likesBUY OUR TOYS 😂
0 likesTotally
0 likesI baught a toy because of that
0 likesPerson 1: what is your favorite pony princess?
1 likePerson 2:: mine is Luna!
Person 3: mine is Twilight!
Person 4: Mine is cadence, what’s urs?
Me: flurry heart, the princess of merchandise
I love democracy
0 likesjsid
0 likesThe princess of merchandise be like buy buy buy buy
0 likesI know
0 likesBuy our toys
0 likesBuy our toys
Buy our toys
0 likesBUY OUR TOYS 😂
Bye are toys😎😎😎
Nice and cringey too
0 likesBuy Our Toys
0 likesBuy Our Toys
Buy Our Toys
0 likesFlurry Heart is so popular that she is the princess of merchandise 🤣🤣🤣 so funny 🤣🤣
0 likesbUy oUr ToYs
0 likesbUy oUr tOys
This is so crazy I have never seen that in the background before when I watched like the last video of Equestria or something wow I've never seen that in the background I also am actually be the princess of light that makes🤔🤔🙃😮😮
0 likesBuy our toiys
0 likesFlurry Heart is already an alicorn right? Well just imagine what it will be like when she gets her cutiemark! It would probably be the most spectacular transformation in cutiemark history! We’ve seen how amazing it was when Twilight as well as the Cutiemark Crusaders earned their cutiemarks, but just imagine the transformation of a pony who is already an alicorn getting her cutiemark! Something else I just thought of. What if Flurry Heart already has her cutiemark!!!! Just think about it, she was born as an alicorn, with already powerful alicorn magic, and we only ever see her with her diaper on. It would make sense that she was born with her cutiemark as well, and that her destiny was already laid out! I don’t really think this happened thought, since there is nothing in the show to indicate it, but it is an interesting thought.
19 likesFlurry Heart is my favorite now ! ✨
5 likes'Cause I love the Light !
With that lens of alicorns representing bonds, I think we can guess when Celestia and Luna got their wings. An important thing with your sisters is knowing what you guys have in common thanks to the relation, but also understanding your differences. With that one’s-versary play they did, it seems like Celestia guessed first that she could raise the sun, but what about the moon? She then look’s at her sister. If she could raise the sun, maybe it was a genetic thing? Luna tries raising the sun, doesn’t work. But they understand each other’s differences so Luna tries with the moon and the rest is history. But no one realised because all they saw was two sisters playing with the sun and moon.
3 likesI absolutely LOVE the theory that Flurry is the PRINCESS OF LIGHT 🤍! It just makes so much sense! I am not 100 percent sure that every alicorn is meant to symbolize a relationship though. I get Twilight and Cadence, but the sisterhood relationship for Celestia and Luna seems a little blurry. Same for Flurry Heart, I see how that the relationship of love for one’s caretaker’s could apply to her now, but way forward in the future, where does that put her? If the relationship theory is correct, maybe her’s would be more of a love for family? This still doesn’t seem like the answer to me though, but I feel that the idea that Flurry is the Princess of Light is full proof (hopefully this theory is never disproven).
10 likesReplies (1)
I have an incredibly far fetched theory, but its that cadences love for her husband, flurrys for her dad, and twilights for her brother (all family) transform Shining Armor into the first (known) alicorn prince. this may make Shining the prince of protection (like a father is usually supposed to protect and look over his family, and this is reflected in Shinings stances and status), Cadences being love (over relationships, motherly love and family) and Flurrys being over parental love and "light" - and this may create the Empire family be kind of the "kingdom" of family, family love, or something of the sort. again far fetched but,,, lol
1 likeTBN: Cadence and Flurry should rule together.
3723 likesShining Armor: Am I a joke to you?
Replies (55)
Apparently so...
86 likesSorry dude
63 likesMost of the time yes
62 likesThe sad part he's not saying is that, considering alicorns are basically immortal (if Celestia and Luna are anything to go on) then Shining Armor isn't going to be in the picture for very long. That's probably why the Crystal Empire will need both mother and daughter to rule together. They'll be able to help each other through their grief of losing a husband and father. sniff WAAAAH! I didn't wanna have to think about that! Shining Armor is one of my favorite characters! (Except when they turn him into a kinda pathetic goof.)
243 likes@Elementianhero22to be fair, this guy has a good point
64 likesIsn’t he part of the royal guards?
24 likes@Elementianhero22 but his character is a goof haha
17 likesRip shinny
27 likesHe just get ignored
Elementianhero22 Yes but what kind of husband can’t tell the difference between is wife and an imposter. I mean the magic was a different color. Not only that but chose the side of his wife and not his own flesh and blood.
22 likesMe: Yes yes you are deal with it
7 likes@Elementianhero22 I hate this
7 likesYes completely all siblings hate each other as kids.
11 likesShining armour: well guess I’m no use ...
8 likesHailey Parsons but I thought she had shining armor under a spell
10 likes@Hailey Parsons oh come on give him a break, he's under a goddamn spell.
25 likesYes he is a joke
4 likesWait so u know that shining armor isn't an alcorn so he would die and also than cadence and flurry would be the ruler's
4 likes@Mudkip master
Elementian22 oof🥺
4 likesYes
0 likesMe : what happens if we replace shining armor NOPE NOPE NOPE
2 likesYou have a point and also shining armor is a guard so where cadence and flurry rule together, shining armor is there to protect and look out for danger...but Idek it’s just a theory 🤷
2 likesI guess yes kinda apparently
0 likesYes yes you are
0 likes@Hailey Parsons i think magic being multicolor is for the effect, i don't think ponies comment on it
3 likesSo trueeee
0 likesXD
0 likesHe’s a guard HE choose to do it- I DONT think he wants to rule
3 likesElementianhero22 I don’t think they are all immortal. I think that’s only celestia/ Luna and twilight would die but just later. Same with all the other alicorns.
0 likes@lesborashomon I agree with that. It was shouwed in the show that Cadance can age, because in Twilight's childhood flashbacks, Cadance was portrayed as a filly/teenager (?) allicorn.
1 likeLiih yeah. And flurry will definitely age. They all will. Even though they will keep eternal youth thing twilight and the other alicorn with die.
3 likesShining armour would not last very long
0 likesLmao XD
0 likesOh oof... Shining Armour 😂😅
0 likesSorry shining armor
0 likesYes
0 likesLol
0 likesLol
0 likesShining armor diessssss because he's a mortal
0 likesI'm in 2020
0 likesPoor Shining Armor.
1 like😂not sure
0 likesHe should be an alicorn so the rulers of the crystal empire can be a family of alicorns
3 likesIkr there isn't a male alicorn and shining armour deserves to be immortal I mean he is a KING
2 likesI mean..🚪🚶🏽♀️
0 likeshahaha!😂🤣🤣
1 likethe prince of leadership?
1 likethe relationship between a general and the guards
and merchandise
@Hailey Parsons Well, he was under a spell. But I agree, they could have written him smarter.
1 likeSorry Shining Armor...
0 likesWouldnt shining armor die at some point tho
1 likeonly Cadence and flurry heart should rule because they are both Alcorns and shining armor is not a Alcorn yet
1 likeWhen I read TBN I instantly thought of The Brightest Night
0 likesLol
0 likes@Elementianhero22 this is super later so sorry about that but I have a kind of far fetched theory, that twilights love for her brother, cadences love for her husband and flurrys love for her dad all transform him into the first (known) alicorn prince? because he, as a father and husband, holds cadences and flurrys alleged "love and light" powers together as a family. maybe shining gets transformed into the prince of family, or something like that. families job is to protect one another, which is shinings job as a soldier and non-alicorn prince
1 likeI have no way to describe how good of a theory this is... I mean if you look at the damn title of the show "friendship is magic" the answer was right under our noses!!!
6 likesI love how Celestia and Luna literally represent sibling love.. LITERALLY their last castle is named "castle of the two sisters "
I want this so be canon this is a great theory and I can totally see this being possible!✨
2 likesI am kind of expecting that G5 adds in that Shining Armor won or was given wings at some point. That would make for a really cool flashback scene.
5 likesReplies (1)
(I've commented this like 50 times in people replies but shh ) I have an incredibly far fetched theory, but its that cadences love for her husband, flurrys for her dad, and twilights for her brother (all family) transform Shining Armor into the first (known) alicorn prince. this may make Shining the prince of protection (like a father is usually supposed to protect and look over his family, and this is reflected in Shinings stances and status), Cadences being love (over relationships, motherly love and family) and Flurrys being over parental love and "light" - and this may create the Empire family be kind of the "kingdom" of family, family love, or something of the sort. again far fetched but,,, lol
0 likesLuna could also represent the relationship with yourself in part, as she is comfortable alone and can see into everyone's psychological makeup while they sleep, which are often nightmares focused on questions about oneself. :)
2 likesI feel sorry for Shining Armour, his sister, an allicorn, his wife an allicorn and his daughter, an allicorn. Who technically are immortal, he isnt they will live a very long happy life while he will probs die soon 😞
2321 likesReplies (65)
And that is a major issue I have with that show. Twilight is a princess od friendship. Cadence is a princess of love. But when Twilight's friends and Cadence's beloved ponies will be dead, there will be no love or friendship anymore.
503 likesI believe for this world to make sense, ponies in Equestria have a long life span. Otherwise Granny Smith wouldn't exist.
284 likesTbh i dont think ponies in equestria die cuz it doesnt show that and its a kids show with magical ponies so i dont think they die in equestria maybe if they came to the mortal/human world but other than that nope
77 likesThe other show equestria girls on the other hand they prob will die cuz no magic and its not exactly the same type in equestria
Btw hv u heard of the real life true story behind twilight and her friends?
13 likes@Lady_Sherin alicorns are immortal they can live up to 10,000 years or even a million
33 likes@uhbh hhh So how would you explain the Applejack family? Did all her relatives die conveniently to external factors?
17 likes@Célio Vinícius o h m y G O D
4 likes@Lady_Sherin What if we have hope for Starlight? Tbh, idk what princess she would be.
11 likes@uhbh hhh the do die they just live a longer life
11 likes@Jad Alomer yeah but twilight’s friends will be gone that time twilight has to rule alone
10 likes@Rekha V ya
1 likenah tbh i feel like they wont die like natural pony Twilight and cadence wont just let them die they will probably cast some sort of time spell on them so they age at the same rate as them
18 likesNormal ponies life span is probably like huamans or like 100 years alicorns are long 1000+ years
5 likes@Yağmur Sunny Ikr
3 likesWell then everybody will pay attention to the alicorn family and
2 likes@Lady_Sherin That's actually incorrect... Just because Twilight has the strongest friendship with a couple of ponies, doesn't mean that when they die, friendship will die out. That just wouldn't make any sense *at all*. Twilight would still have the friendship and love in her for her 5 friends, just as Cadence would still have the love for Shining Armour and Flurry Heart.
15 likes@mariyah 마리야 I don't think it's how a friendship works (I won't talk about love). Not for me, at least.
4 likes@mariyah 마리야 but what about when they all die? Is she supposed to keep making new friends forever?
8 likesthis part of the show has always bothered me. I wish they would address how all of twilights friends are literally going to die after only a small portion of her lifespan
@Lady_Sherin Friendship and love won't die when the ponies who helped them represent that die. They're more or less just representatives of those bonds. Living proof that love and friendship are powerful- after all, that power supposedly made alicorns!
7 likesAchi baat nahi kar sakh ti to bori beh maat karo 😉
0 likesPetitition for prince shining armor
5 likesBut, Twilight used to be only a unicorn, so does she still count as being immortal?
0 likes@Kaysie Rader yes! Remember, celestia and Luna were unicorns at first, then TURNED to alicorns! And are themselves immortal
9 likes@Dragon Drawings Oh that's right, thank you 😅
1 like@Kaysie Rader yw
0 likes@uhbh hhh But Apple Jack's Parents are gone bro. There's a flaw in you theory. lol
7 likes@Kpop Ent. I agree with you
0 likesShining Armor: as an alicorn, he would fall and wouldn’t be able to fly, because he’s a stallion. O-o imagine Alicorn Big Mac..
0 likesThis is depressing 😕
2 likesAnd what’s so bad?
0 likes@uhbh hhh yes its scary but sad
0 likesStar swirl or starlight (which are pretty powerful ponies) could do the immortal spell on him and the mane six. I mean what’s what he probaly did to himself and all the other pillars
5 likesits the fact he is the odd one out except for twilights and his parents but they dont really count
0 likesI mean theres a difference between never dying of old age and being immortal. Ponies can still die, maybe just not of age?
0 likes@Daniel Hall lions don't exist in Equestria
0 likesThere is a video about that
0 likesKnuckleheads immortal too
0 likesThey need to Have kings Like Flash Discord Shinging armor And star swirl
0 likes@uhbh hhh
3 likesThere was a coffin shown in "Hearts and Hooves Day".
0 likesNot exaly if you have watched MPL you know when stars swril sends a letter to Twilight in season 9 he says a pony thousand yers old as me wold still now definitely he was it before pony of shadows and he ist an alicirorn so I don't think that will and aso the tree of harmony wold not give Twilight a longer life span than all of her friends
0 likesand sister
0 likesDude😒
0 likesIk
0 likesI have a theory that cadence cast a spell that made shining armour stay alive for longer than a normal pony
0 likesI feel like if shining armour and the whole main 6 should of became alicorns aswell since cadence is the princess of love to one’s partner he should of also became an alicorn and the main 6 they have proved there friendship multiple time lmao ik it’s a kids show and writers just wanted to show kids friendship and how to solve social problems but it has so many hidden messages and mysteries
1 like@Lady_Sherin Who knows. Perhaps due to an event like this, that's what separated all ponies in G5?..
0 likesThat’s not real alicorns just age slower and get taller
0 likesBu5 they will be sad
0 likesI agree
0 likesWait if shining dude dies than that love means disappears
0 likesYou should feel bad for Cadence.. she'll miss him very badly..
0 likesWhen you put it that way, maybe Shining Armor should of been a male alicorn who ruled alongside Candence since they are married it only makes sense.
0 likes@Goofus DestroyerOfWorlds I disagree. Granny Smith wasn't in the final episode of mlp but her scarf with apple pattern was. It was around Apple Jack. Why was it there? I think it is because Granny Smith had died but since it is a kids show we can't show it on here
1 like@uhbh hhh well king zombra got killed 2 times but got revived 2 times
1 likeAren't age spells a thing? I don't think it's far fetched for Candice to keep Shining Armor alive. Or more likely Flurry Heart. Discord can break reality. So Fluttershy is likely going to live forever. And likely the rest of her friends to make her happy.
0 likes@Audrina Tim Ocampo princess of equality
1 like@uhbh hhh Granny Smith and Goldie delicious died, at the last episode you can see AJ wearing Granny’s coat, and Apple Bloom wearing the coat of Goldie, implying that they passed away…
0 likesI mean if all those ponies are intrinsically linked to their alicorn powers then I dont see why theyd die normally instezd of being able to live alongside them 🤨 the mane 6 are not only linked to twilights alicorn powers they are also linked to the elements of harmonie, they are no normal ponies my man
0 likes@Célio Vinícius yeah, big Macs and apple jack met their parents. But applebloom didn't
0 likes@Célio Vinícius I think I read something where they died saving a young rarity from a falling bridge
0 likes@uhbh hhh applejacks grandma literally dies and u see applejack wearing it same with applebloom, and you can see everyone growing old
0 likesActually her becoming the new crystal princess is actually accurate because of the stain glass window.
2 likesI have an incredibly far fetched theory, but its that cadences love for her husband, flurrys for her dad, and twilights for her brother (all family) transform Shining Armor into the first (known) alicorn prince. this may make Shining the prince of protection (like a father is usually supposed to protect and look over his family, and this is reflected in Shinings stances and status), Cadences being love (over relationships, motherly love and family) and Flurrys being over parental love and "light" - and this may create the Empire family be kind of the "kingdom" of family, family love, or something of the sort. again far fetched but,,, lol
1 likeI really liked the video about the types of love, and how the princesses related to each. Agape for Celestia, Storge for Luna, Eros for Cadence, and Philia for Twilight. It was a really simple, elegant explanation. In comparison, this feels convoluted somehow - but I guess it does essentially do that same thing: relate each of the princesses to a type of love (even if we don't quite have a set of nice, fancy greek-sounding words for each of them)
2 likesI think Cadence and Flurryheart both represent love, just different types of love. Cadence is the princess of romantic love (like what is felt in dating and marriage) while Flurryheart is the princess of familial love (like what is felt between parent and child).
1 likeIf she is to be Equestria's last hope, she should be the princess of hope. A fitting title for a corresponding circumstance.
321 likesReplies (7)
Plus it fits. Children represent hope for the future, a better tomorrow. It makes sense that she was born an allicorn if she's meant to represent hope.
57 likesI think "light" fits better alongside "hope" rather than "lighthearted love". It would make sense. A BRIGHTER future, a BRIGHT hope.
29 likesI think light as in brightness and hope
2 likesIdk
0 likesI think hope fits better because on that glass window it shows that shes giving the cristal hope living on
0 likesPrenses twilight ile yöneteceğini düşünüyorum
0 likesWhat if she’s more specifically the Princess of Hope?
1 likeLike “light” is a pretty fitting but also confusing way to phrase it, like yeah its all that “lighthearted joy” stuff, but the name could be confusing. Does she control light like how Celestia and Luna control the sun and moon? I think Hope is a more fitting title, because hope is all about seeing a “brighter side” of a dark situation. And the love for ones caretakers thing can still fit, as its the job of parents to nurture and grow the child, and the child is new to the world, full of hope and wonder for the joy their parents bring them.
I could see the future stories of the other characters we didn’t see on screen in the finale being released in comic form similar to what happened with Sombra’s past
4 likesGlad to know others share my feelings about Hasbro practically doing nothing with Flurry or letting us see it. As a matter of fact it is a bad old wound at this point for me, that has scarred me deeply in terms of my hopes for a lot of other things. A source of anger, sadness, frustration, and grief. Even now it still hurts just as much as it did when they pulled the plug in '19. And I can't forgive Hasbro for wasting her potential (and the threat of the umbrum army, nor Cadence's family love magic) unless they can pick up the ball with her in Gen 5...
0 likesDid anybody else notice in the thumbnail she’s wearing the same crown the diamond tiara wears?
10 likesImagine growing up and then your mom telling you “Oh sweetheart, when you were a baby, you destroyed the relic that keeps our kingdom safe 🤠🤠👍🏼”
2811 likesReplies (36)
I would be mortified-
156 likesI'd be like "ok sorry I guess"
182 likesI would be embarrassed XP
93 likes@Unicorn Crafter same 😭 😂
30 likesI’d be like:can I do that again
54 likes@꧁Acidic Nebula 3.0꧂ i would like to do that again cos sambra is gone anyway...
23 likesI was the 300th like . It’s fun 😂
6 likesOh,alright then...
4 likes@Marcus Lewis same that's what i would say lol 😂
7 likesI would be like: "wait, wha-"
4 likesLMFAOO
0 likesI would be like
1 like" mom are you crazy "
@Daniel Hall your not my mother
0 likesWhoops-
0 likesepic realisation
0 likesWell, shit happens. Hopefully she didin’t murder anypony...
4 likesI would be like “w-WHAT
1 likeit is funny but also sad at the same time .funny theory Cait Yance
0 likesI would be like: COOL? Can i do that again?
0 likesI feel like Cadence would be like "Do you remember when Flurry destroyed the crystal heart-" at a family dinner or the holidays and Flurry Heart would just cover her face and groan while Cadence just laughs
3 likesI would be like " I was an alocorn baby what did you expect I was powerful" lol
1 likeNo,no,no,no flurry heart would say “ mom why did you decide on flurry heart?” THEN cadence says the story, and flurry is like 0-0
1 likeha ha haa so so funny
1 likehow hard would it be
0 likesLmao+
0 likesLmao-
0 likesAnd you where named after it😃👍
1 likeWhoops😂
0 likesI would be like * Am I dangerous???…. Mommy daddy???😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😱😱😱😱😱😱😱MOMMY TELL ME*
1 likeUmm yeah if my mom said that i would say that I would have blown
0 likesMe if my mom said that: oh, that’s cool I guess-
0 likesI would regret being an alicorn at birth
0 likesLMAO
0 likesLol
0 likeslol
0 likesI know it's a bit late but I think it's very clear that Flurry Heart is the Princess of Hope. She was a child, part of the future generations. She represents what all the effort to preserve and protect is for, the future generations.
1 likeIt would make more sense that Flurry Heart is the princess or Self-love, instead of "love for one's parents". That would be really transformational and make sense with the fact that she is going to "change the world one day" as it says in the story. Loving oneself is the key to end all darkness. Loving one's parents is just a consequence. :-)
34 likesReplies (1)
Loving oneself is subjective and usually selfish in most cases so nty.
1 likeFluttershy should’ve been an alicorn! She could’ve represented love for ones Pets!
8 likesThought: During Flurry's crystaling, Caydence and Shining Armor cast a spell that surrounded Flurry with light, but when she opened her wings, that light grew brighter. And, it seems from the stained glass window in the castle, that Flurry Heart used the heart to spread light due to her connection with the heart, the love of the crystal empire for her. So her being the princess of light is possibly the best bet we got :)
0 likesThat makes...a LOT of sense actually.
1918 likesMan, there’s so much to this show.
Also, did your voice get HIGHER?
Replies (18)
not that I know of 🤔
195 likesHi
10 likes@Sawtooth Waves YOUR VOICE GOT HIGHER! WHAT THE HECK?! Puberty hit you the wrong way!
63 likesMichelle Nguyen hola
6 likes@Flyingturret208: The Cannon lmao
8 likesThe Brony Notion I recon you are right about it I agree with u but what about shining armour??
1 likeIt does make sense
2 likes@Flyingturret208: The Cannon he sounds like me. . . I'm a 13 year old girl
5 likesRevese puberty
5 likesCongrats I am you 1000th like!
2 likesAnd congrats for me because it’s my first time being the 1000th like
@Sawtooth Waves look i need you too do a video on something big you see watch the very first episode of my little pony you know that part where twilight asks spuke to take a note to celestia to warn her about nightmare moon watch this part very closley the part as she passes the hourglass the unicorn head statue turns into nightmare moons head and then back too normal please reply and think about considering making a video on this thankyou
3 likes@Vinyl Dash11 IT IS SAWTOOTH WAVE'S
1 like@Sawtooth Waves WOW!!!
1 likeFlyingturret208: The Cannon it could be the mic though
1 likeSawtooth Waves omg you replied I’m gonna faint
0 likes@Rxse_summq Don't Faint!
0 likesI don’t think so.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves actually cadence saved the crystal heart when she was pregnant and that's a princess worthy deed
0 likesI always thought Flurry Heart would be the princess of weather or the princess of crystals, but that sounds cool too. The princess of light, it is. If that's the case, then that would make Flurry Heart the light of Equestria.
0 likesThis is perfect. The show always has a tilt to Greek mythology. So it would only make sense that the princesses represent all of the forms of love the Greeks came up with.
0 likesSunny is the Element of Hope, and Light can bring Hope so does that mean they will work together to restore Harmony to the Ponies?
1 likeI vote for a spin off series involving the student 6 and Flurry heart. I wanna know what influenced Gallus to become a guard and Yona to take over Rarity’s shop. I’m so curious
2 likesInstead of studying, I'm here trying to understand a theory about a fictional world in which ponies live in...
795 likesReplies (13)
Hahahah saaaame 😂😂😂
7 likesSame
2 likes@Daniel Hall it’s a good show
3 likes@Daniel Hall YOU
2 likeswhatevs
2 likes@Daniel Hall ok boomer
0 likes@Daniel Hall Wh6 are assuming this is a man? And why are you assuming that all people grow up (figuratively)? Why are you assuming basic values are not important? Is work or sex all there is to life? No, its not. You should grow up actually.
1 like@Daniel Hall it's 2021, what else are we supposed to do?
1 likeman i didnt know dainsleif was interested in my little pony
0 likesSame lmao
0 likesME TOO LMAO 😭
0 likesSame Dainsleif
0 likesFlurry Heart being the princess of LIGHT, it feels fitting that her "big moment in history" was something to do with her strengthening her connection to the crystal heart, bringing light back to their kingdom & ponies and bringing them back to their "original" shiny/crystal state forever (if what Sawtooth said in his other video is right, that their "shiny forms" used to be their true state, but slowly faded over time)
0 likesCadence would spread the love & positivity to the kingdoms people, and Flurry Heart would keep the crystal heart strong and flowing with magic and energy, together making the kingdom stronger (+ Shining Armor would keep the kingdom physically strong)
I just watched your previous video on Flurry Heart before this one and when you mentioned that Alicorns could be a generational thing it accrued to me that, although there's no evidence of this in MLP and it's only a theory, maybe if that's the case it could be tied in with the MLP generations 1-4 and those generations/ages are all connected within the same world, however, (unless I'm mistaken), because G4 was the first to introduce Alicorns, we didn't see any actually before, however, I believe the first Pony to become an Alicorn and a direct ancestor to the G4 Alicorns could have been G1's Majesty (whom Celestia was originally based on)...
2 likes“Where there is light, there is love”-Anvesha
11 likesWell Sawtooth, I've done research and Cilestisa is the princess of the stars and day, luna is the moon and night, that's right Cilastia is the princess of the Starts, proving that your theory of Cilestisa releasing Luna is the most true 😏
1 like“Except being the princess of merchandise” INSTANT PARTY
7 likesBehold, the princess of love for one's parents, Flurryheart!
1 likei feel like twilight being princess of friendship is a bit too spacific i always called her princess of harmony, since friendship works threw out harmony and she basicly represents the elements of harmony with her friends.
0 likesI doubt the writers thought about this considering it wasn't brought up or explained at all. But it's interesting to hear a theory about it.
0 likesAll together can be some'd up into one thing, the true power of family, it's the connection they all have to each other.
1 likeTbh is reckon it might be easier to connect these with the Greek loves
0 likesTwilight - Philia (platonic love)
Cadence - Eros (romantic love)
Cadence n Luna - Storge (familial love)
And then I reckon Flurry Heart would be Ludus (playful, non-commital love)
Cadence : I think Flurry and I should rule together .
1 likeShinning armor : Will I just die then ?
Flurry heart : Dad !!!! are you crazy !!!!!
I think it may have to do with the four types of love.
0 likesLuna and Celestia represent Agape, because they have ruled equestria for a long time, and their people love them, and they love them and protect them.
Cadance represents Eros, the love for one's partner.
Twilight represents Philia, the love for your friends.
Flurry Heart represents Storge, love for your family.
793 likes(Merchandise works extremely well too)
Replies (32)
@Space Being I on both sides I think brony and you are right
12 likesKimberlly With 2 L's I agree that’s what I think
3 likesliterally the same thing
11 likesjust a better name
Kimberlly With 2 L's maybe actually!
4 likesThat makes sense! It could be a possibility
4 likesKimberlly With 2 L's YESSSSS
3 likesPrinses of (heart and soul) Soul. Annyone? Prinsess of Light is just fine I know.
1 likeOooh shut, that's ruin my hole Next Generation! literally I was going to make a character to become a alicorn that would represent the magic of the family!
0 likesNo, Cadance is the princess of family.
2 likes@DorVaughn Steamer No, Cadance is the Princess of romantic love
4 likesOh yeah that makes sense
1 likeBut I am fine with the idea of the Princess of Familly or Light. 😌
1 likeBut you know: heart and soul...
1 likeMerchandise*
1 likeKimberlly With 2 L's EXACTLY!
1 likeIn the movie opening Twilight states Candence is the princess of family
2 likes@Jademc123 told ya she's the princess of MERCH!?
2 likesY E S
2 likes@𝙈𝙚𝙡_𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙝 Hasbro needs more flurry heart toys SHES THE PRINCESS OF MERCH CMON
2 likes@Jademc123 LMAO 😂😂😂
1 likeDominic Torreto mumble growls in agreement
1 like@JessZ YammD then you can make it with flurry! maybe there is a super close friend she has and they become family in some way.
0 likesKimberlly With 2 L's yeah but princess of light is a more epic and royal name
0 likesMaybe
0 likes@ramy nasser
1 likeI guess it's more epic, but that would make her too mary sue and it doesn't fit with the theme of "relationships" that brony made.
There's sisterly love
Platonic love
Romantic love
and family love
so it also sorta makes sense that Flurry doesn't have any siblings
I remember on the MLP Movie on a scene that was cut from the movie Twilight said that Cadance was the purrrincess of family . But it was a deleted scene. Could this solve the mystery of Flurry Heart being the purrrincess of family and light?
2 likesFamily does work well
0 likes@Jademc123 🤩
0 likesFlurry Heart is the Princess of Light?
0 likes(Kingdom Hearts would like to know your location)
I think I like that better than light actually
1 likeOMG YOU ARE A LIVE SAVER! All of the misunderstandings are finally making sense!!! 👍
0 likesCan we specify "Princess of Light?" 😅 How about Princess of Joy and Hope? It would make more sense to specify "light"😂
1 likeSince there are princesses of different relationships, I would be curious about the one of hate!
0 likesMaybe flury heart is connected to the flaming heart that was used to stop the windigos as if a piece of it is in her
1 likeAnd that’s why she’s an alicorn
She’s the princess of bonding
Although princess of light does sound better
She’s as strong as a few alicorns combined. Look at the amount of magic compared to when Twilight took the princesses magic. Also, I think that each princesses hair flows when their purpose is at the moment. Celestia’s hair flows in day, Luna’s in night (though in day it shines), Cadence’s when love is united, Twilight when friendship solves a big problem, and Flurry Heart when light solved a major problem.
368 likesEdit: I completely forgot about Mist Mane while thinking about this.. but her mane and take don’t flow as mush as alicorns.. maybe her parents were alicorns..?
Replies (5)
that was just baby magic, we learned in "baby cakes" that baby magic users have crazy powers before they adjust to them, even more so for a baby alicorn!
66 likesThe Brony Notion that makes sense since they don’t know their cutie mark yet. It’s like what Twilight said the unicorn users magic vary on their cutiemarks. Twilight’s cutiemark is magic, so she can use more magic. Whereas Rarity can make clothes, she’s not as capable of doing magic or even throwing a rock because she doesn’t have a lot of magic due to her cutie mark. Sorry if that doesn’t make any sense 💀
25 likes@Fairy Mystonight just saying that Rarity can definitely throw rocks cuz she mines for gems
10 likesThe Brony Notion oh yeah... but having a born alicorn might be stronger than a unicorn/pegasus who turned into an alicorn, so I think it would be harder to adjust flying and magic, but we haven’t seen her adjustment to flying like Twilight had to.
13 likesLuny Cipres I meant boulders sorry, I forgot what episode or if it was in the movie, but she threw a big boulder to save twilight. Which resulted in her being tired because her magic was being used too much.
5 likesI'm actually in agreement with this throey😁. Makes sense and has nice ring to 8t. Flurry Heart princess of light.
0 likesHere’s what I think.
0 likesCelestia - The Sun
Luna - The Moon
Because they’re the natural alicorns, they represent just… concepts.
Meanwhile, I think the “artificial alicorns” all represent a form of love. So…
Cadence - Romantic Love
Twilight - Platonic Love/Friendship
Flurry Heart - Familial Love
In the MLP Movie Cadence is introduced to the audience as the Princess of Family (or something like that) which is not only a very interesting little retcon but also supports your theory here.
0 likesNow one mystery remains... How did she skip the bug-eyes?
1 likeI have always thought Celestia represents the the love of everyone (in a country, family, or in the world)
62 likesLuna the love of family
( siblings, children, parents, and ancestors)
Cadence the love between couples
( the couples and their children)
Twilight the love of friends
(Best friends and allies)
Flurry Heart the love and acceptance of ones self.
( yourself and your heritage)
All the princesses represent different forms if love but yet share similar people they love in their role.
Celestia: Physical love
0 likesLuna: Emotional love
Cadence: Romantic love
Twilight: Friendship love
Flurry: Parental love
I felt that your vid was really good but missed something that could ultimately tie it alllll together. The 4 types of love could really
0 likesStorge – familiar bond. (Flurry and Cadence)
Philia – friendship bond. (Twilight)
Eros – romantic bond. (Cadence and Shining)
Agape – unconditional bond. (Celestia and Luna)
Princess of The Sun is Celestea
1 likePrincess of The Moon is Luna
Princess of Love is Cadence
Princess of Friendship is Twilight
Princess of Light is Flurry Heart
King of The Darkness is king sombra
Also I got another theory:
0 likesHave you noticed flurry hearts name?
HeartNow let’s compare with crystal heart
HeartIt’s like cadence and shining wanted flurry to rule somewhat connected to the crystal heart ❤️
This is really nice! This way, she fits in with all the other Alicorns.
93 likes"Princess of Light"? The sun and the Moon are different types of light.
Princess of Parental Love? Cadence is her mother. And her father is the brother of Twilight.
She's like, the Emperor of Families!
I’ve been watching mlp since I was 7, and here I am a 17 yo still watching stuff to finally understand why
15 likesReplies (4)
well suprise suprise im 8
1 likeand ive been watching ever since i was the age of 3
1 likeSame man except I started when I was 4 I’m 13 now lol
0 likes@Hallucination Oh look, someone like me!
0 likeshmm, we have a possibility of 2 main 6s in generation 5.
0 likesmaybe, the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver spoon, Babs seed, and maybe Pipsqueak could become the main 6 of G5.
theres also a chance the young 6 can become the main 6 of generation 5.
Well, I'd say there's a slightly deeper connection between Celestia and Luna, other than as sisters. I think that their connection to what kind of princesses they are does not stop at the fact that they are sisters and rule Equestria together, but I think of the symbol Ying and Yang, the Sun and the Moon, the Day and the Night, Good and Evil I mean, at least it makes sense to me. Celestia takes care of Equestria during the day, and Luna during the night, watching over the sleep of all the ponies in their land. When we look at the symbol of Ying and Yang, we think of the balance of nature and things in the universe, of the peace and order that existed during the two sisters' rule and that continues because of their contribution. ☯️☯️☯️
0 likesI thought I should add on a little theory I came up with it’s about the wavy hair basically Luna and Celestia have waving hair and twilight and cadence didn’t have it even though that they are all alicorns
7 likesI thought that it was just because Luna and Celestia earned their wings and horns and Twilight and cadence had it given to them but now that twilight has waving hair it’s different maybe she had to earn her wavy hair Maybe she was meant to rule Equestria with her friends and that’s why when she did rule Equestria she got waving hair so perhaps cadence has to rule with her daughter in the crystal empire to earn her wavy hair. Maybe Even Luna and Celestia had to earn their wavy hair too by raising the sun and moon TOGETHER
Flurry Heart is definitely destined to be the Princess of Light. After all, her adoptive great-aunts are Princesses Celestia and Luna, the Princesses of Sunlight and Moonlight, as well as the former co-rulers of Equestria respectively. Her biological aunt and her friends are the current rulers of Equestria, spreading the light of Friendship across the country. Her mother is none other than the Princess of Love, specifically maternal love. If the Crystal Empire is protected by the love and light of its citizens channeled through the Crystal Heart, then Princess Flurry Heart is the ponified embodiment of the love and light one feels for their parents. Another thing about Princess Flurry Heart is that her paternal aunt is the embodiment of the Element of Magic, the powerful Element of the six Elements of Harmony. If Flurry Heart was to have done something worthy of being enshrined in a stained glass window, it was because she learned of her aunt’s lifelong pursuit of preserving harmony in Equestria while spreading the powerful light of friendship by mentoring those who were misguided in their own studies of magic. Princess Flurry Heart learned from her great-aunt Celestia that her paternal aunt was a bookworm, extremely dedicated to her studies in magic, and was lacking in a key aspect of any young student: friends; prompting her (Celestia) to send the young Twilight to Ponyville to “make some friends” (Season 1, Episode 2?). Of course, Flurry Heart would have learned of the Sibling Supreme Crown her dad, aunt, and Uncle Spike vied for as youngsters from Grandma Twilight Velvet and Grandpa Night Light. Flurry would also be told about the villains her aunt faced in her life before her reign as Equestria’s Ruler by her mom and dad, with details from her aunt. She would also hear about her great-aunt Celestia’s emotional turmoil in banishing her own sister to the moon and the slow but rewarding reformation process that her great-aunt Luna underwent. Flurry would be told about the time-travel loop that her aunt Starlight created trying to prevent her biological aunt from meeting her friends and co-rulers of Equestria. @sawtoothwaves I think Flurry Heart’s backstory involves all nine seasons of MLP:FiM, the MLPEG movies and shorts (specific shorts where her paternal aunt has a primary or secondary role as a character, such as Forgotten Friendship). As a frequent visitor to your channel, I am absolutely amazed at how accurate your analyses are and want more! You’ve got my subscription!
0 likesI get it. Especially the part about Celestia and Luna being the princesses of siblinghood. In that case it makes even more sense why there are 2 of them, but Cadence's romantic and Twilight's friendship are each only represented by one pony; an older and a younger sibling, the two loves would be somewhat different. Not one being stronger than the other, but still different.
0 likesjust imagine if they actually did make her the princess of merchandise
1 likeThis is so smart, but I feel like maybe she would be a successor, and also I felt like since I first heard she was born an alicorn, I thought it might have had something to do with the magical love explosion from the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor, like the love magic went in there or something. Great theory though! Yay!
0 likesThey probably didn’t show her in person in the finale due to two things:
414 likes1: Not enough time for a meaningful interaction.
2: The possibility of major backlash from the audience.
Replies (7)
I don't think they're afraid of backlash, cause there's always something someone isn't gonna like. they took a stance on Twilights lifespan/aging anyway, and i find that more controversial. i probably would have liked whatever they did with flurry. I think you're right about not having enough time, the show just has too many elements.
46 likesscotaloos parents are way more controvercial than flurryheart, so i'm guessing 1
10 likesYeah I think they are dead
3 likes3. They never found a voice actor for flurry heart
4 likesThey showed literally every other character. They didn't need to do anything with her; just show her in the same montage literally every other character is in.
1 like@•Midnight_Flamezz• Scotaloos parents are not dead, didn't you see season 9 episode 12 "The Last Crusade"? They are alive, they just don't live in Ponyville, instead they travel a lot.
0 likes@Cruz Ramirez Lightning Mcqueen oh, I guess I didn't see that episode
0 likesI feel like your right Bc there’s no proof your gone tons of proof your right you explained a ton too! It really fits too!
0 likesWatching me so mad that I’m probably gonna figure this out in like a few seconds when he spent years trying to figure it out the stuff she’s wearing is more like armor material she doesn’t have a cutie mark but I think she grew up to be the protector of the city
6 likesI also believe that each of them is balanced by the other, that they need each other to lead.
0 likesCelestia: sun
0 likesLuna: moon
Twilight: friendship
Cadence: love
Flurry heart: light
Cozy glow could be the alicorn of hate ( opposite of love and friendship)
Sombra could be the alicorn of darkness (opposite of light)
I always thought that Flurry
682 likeswould somehow become evil. Like, she is a princess born special and unique with the love of an entire kingdom, that ought to make one spoiled. Now let's say Cadance and Shining had a second child, who maybe wasn't born an alicorn but a Pegasus or a Unicorn, but that child also getting an endless amount of love. Flurry isn't used to sharing the attention, especially not to a bratty sibling who isn't even special like her. Idk what goes down, but I do know that the sibling does a Celestia and banishes Flurry not to the moon, but to the crystal heart. Sorta like a reverse Celestia and Luna. But that's honestly just a headcanon
Replies (28)
hopefully we can get some grown-up flurry content in the comics!
119 likeswhat comics I've heard about the comics before telling more detail like how big macs mother sent letters i think to her father but he never wrote back, i dont get what this comic thing is and how u get, do u just buy it in a store??
13 likes@Palace Kale if you know where to find them let me know
5 likesI also like the idea of a Princess of Nature in Mlp. Fluttershy? Or just my character Forester (Leaf). #lovefornature
8 likes@Palace Kale Most of the time you have to buy them or get an abonnement and I'm not sure honestly. Since I can't get my hands on rhose in Quebec (I purposely set in not at Quebec).
4 likeswait... I'm not the only one who thought that? yES
5 likes@Palace Kale There is readcomicsonline. I don't think season 10 avaible yet but the other comics are.
3 likes@Palace Kale it's so sad to know that ya'll are losing what traditional entertainment. you know super hero comics? those thin books with boxes of pictures and less text. that's like the book version of cartoons.
4 likesI love the idea
0 likesAmazing theory!!! Now I'm thinking a lot about that.
1 likeI collect the comics and have been doing so from my local comic shop since they came out.
1 likeHonestly most comic stores will have them, every one I have been too (5-6 or so because our regular one keeps closing :( ) has had them. Theyre usually in the kids section, but theyve been out for years, since 2012 and you would have to read hundreds of comic books to catch up and buy new ones.
It looks like you can buy them on the IDW website though, if you look up my little pony comics it will probably be the first link.
What a cool theory
0 likesBanished to the Heart. Whoa. That's like a genie!
0 likes@Palace Kale once you find them, tell everypony here.
0 likesMeteor 752 that’d be awsome
1 likeI like to imagine that there is still a handful of Sombra supporters in the Crystal Empire and that they would support Flurry overthrowing her mother to give them the totalitarianism they would want.
2 likesBut I personally don’t support totalitarian regimes, although it makes good fiction.
@aycc-nbh72 ooooooh! Maybe someone can do a comic! If anyone does that, tell me imedeiantly!
1 likeI thought she would somehow become evil too. Maybe because she’s so unique that her parents are extremely protective of her so she was never able to experience a normal childhood like every other pony did, and maybe she sometimes threw tantrums about it. But since she’s Equestria’s first born alicorn, there’s no one she can relate with, which makes her more angry
1 likeMeteor 752 me too
0 likesMeteor 752 Same but not that specifically
0 likesMeteor 752 that’s dope
0 likes"Does a Celestia" that's funny
1 likewell what you're saying might actually be the conflict that caused her breakthrough...
2 likeslike for example, Cadence and Flurrie had an argument, and in her anger, Flurrie broke the crystal heart--again. The Empire would freeze and lose hope, and with Cadence heartbroken from Flurrie's words, she wouldn't be strong enough to spread as much love. That's when Flurrie turnss and spreads the Light, realizes her purpose etc.
@ Meteor 752 I love that idea! I am in the making of making this an audio drama! Would that be ok with you? I will of course give you the credit you deserve! I
1 likeI just want your consent before I hold auditions. Thanks!
-Sophia Mei
Sophia Mei Oh my gods of course! That would be amazing! Please tell me when you are done so I can listen to it!
0 likes@ Meteor 752
1 likeOf course!
Would you like to be credited as Meteor 752 or something else?
Sophia Mei Meteor752 is the name I use on the internet, so yeah I’d like to be credited as such
0 likesAlright will do!
0 likesIt finally is good to have some answers about Flurry Heart.
1 likeWhen you said “And candance has been ruling since season 3, that’s incorrect. She has been ruling in “Equestrian games”, “Twilights kingdom”, “The crystalling 1-2”, “The times they are a changeling” & when twilight teleported to the crystal empire, later we see that cadance was ruling. It’s not that I’m being mean by saying “Your incorrect” no, I’m saying that the times she is (was) ruling.
0 likesI think it makes sense and its true ( i said i think ) bc her magic is also so powerful for a baby and if she represents light AND light is everywhere, then it might be a good reason or source where she gets all the power from , bc light is not always the sun like when we say light we mean hope, chance , happiness or just anything good in general
0 likesAt least an episode about her, literally anything would help... I just want to see more content of her :( but it's too late uhh
2 likesSo, this might be a strech, but if each princess represents a different relationship, doesn't that mean that each evil alicorn represents a negative relationship. Cozy glow is friendship manipulation, nightmare moon is sibling rivalry, and queen chrysalis is romantic manipulation. Idk, maybe this makes no sense but ur welcome to make ur own ideas about it. Also, i believe flurry is the princess of optimism/hope.
0 likesYour a true genius! I always wondering what was happening with Flurry Heart and everything and now I know!
0 likesReplies (1)
who me
1 likeProlly already said but I believe flurry is the princess of light or hope. She was spreading light and hope right out the womb through the crystal empire. And the phrase "spreading love and light" is said a ton on times throughout this entire thing.
0 likesumm has anybody wondered that flurry hearts horn and wings were REALLY BIG for her age. Like her horn was about the same size as twilights before she became the ruler of equestria. Also compared to the other peagsus that are the same age as scootaloo have little wings. Like compare it. Scootaloo's wings are about the same size as other pegasus that are her age. So yeah flurry has an over sized horn and wings. Also like she was super powerful when she was born. So yeah also when flurry is older like not an adult but a kid her horn is almost smaller then it was when she was a baby. Also i thought twilight should have thron Flurry in the water and hit her and yelling at her that she was bad and punish her when twilitht babysitted Flurry and she was being bad in the hospiatal. So yeah i just wanted to mention this. Also why wasn't cadence chosen to be the next ruler of equestria?! Is cadence not important and if twilight stops being the ruler she should pass the throne to Flurry Heart. (Srry not so sryy cadence!) ;)
1 likeSo... Flurryheart would say something like.... “Darkness cannot abide within the Light!” Or “By the Light be purged!” (Flurryheart as a WoW paladin is now my headcanon)
141 likesI don’t think it’s love for ones parents!!! I think it’s love for family. Cadence is romantic relationships and flurry Heart is Family relationships
1 likeI think that is a great way to explain what flurry heart could stand for cause she would not really be there if there wasn't a piece of part missing it all ties to her cause she is super strong and she is very powerful for her age (it make slot of sense to what she represents) #flurry heart #light and love for one's parents and child, ruler of the crystal empire along side of her mother princess my amore cadenza(princess cadance).
0 likesFlurry Heart should be the Princess of Light to make the equation work.
0 likesThis is just an incredible theory!
0 likesI was always expecting her to show up in more episodes in the last season but there wasn’t much...
148 likesReplies (3)
oh well :(
15 likesSadly, she is a baby. And babies are not really characters, since they don't have their own agenda. So any further episode would not do much for her anyway. But she could have at least appeared in the last episode.
2 likes@Voltorb1993 excuse me BUT RUGRATS just left the chat
3 likesTakes 4 years to solve one mystery
Replies (2)
what do you like more mlp or equestria girls
1 like@FLOWOFWEALTH both
0 likesFlurry heart is the new member of the family that keeps the crystal empire safe.
0 likesI saw a clue for flurry heart's cutie mark tin season 7 the episode flurry of emotions you could see a shield with a heart on it and shining armour said this reminds me of flurry too in that moment there it was the clue to flurry's cutie mark the shield represents shining armour and the heart represents Cadence there I was surprised to see it
0 likesIt probably explains why she laser beams everything when she sneezes. Being princess of light. She was spreading light alright lol
0 likesMy ideas of the princesses: "Celestia" princess of sun and magic, "Luna" the princess of dreams and night, "Cadence" the princess of relationships and hope, "Twilight" princess of friendship and harmony, and "Flurry heart" princess of family and light.
754 likesReplies (17)
She’s the princess of emotions, her magic is controlled by her feelings, when she’s annoyed anything can go wrong, her magic is like a balance scale working on her emotions, angry=time to die, 0=normal scale.
61 likesYou know that cadance is the princess of love
12 likeslovely peaches behind the scenes so basically, flurry heart is equestrias natsu dragneel, at least that’s how I imagined it 🤷🏽♀️
5 likesAnd merchandise
4 likesMia
1 like)
1 likeAnd merchandise
4 likesThat would make sence
1 likeNo Pablo ingles pero si Pablo español
2 likesNuevo el inglés pero si hablo español pero espero que ustedes me entiendan pero creo que ustedes tendrán que hablar español porque yo no sé hablar inglés porque soy de la Sierra de Veracruz y no puedo seguir hacían en español por favor porque ya no le puedo entender a su palabra si por favor le salió todo gusto que todos ustedes hablaran español que aprendieron en YouTube pueden estar estudiando español y también ustedes pueden hacerlo porque si no ya no voy a tenderle si ustedes son tan poco ya yo había hablado español pero se me había olvidado y ya no pude contener otra vez es español pero tal vez ustedes hablen español de Soy lo que es pero los Necesito que hablen español por favor yo no puedo hablar ni siquiera inglés ni taliana ni nada ni por eso es que no he ido a Estados Unidos por eso y después pueden hacer eso por favor y ya después que podemos hablar en contacto aquí en los comentarios porque sino yo ya no voy a poder jamás andaría sí estudiando inglés porque eso cuesta mucho trabajo y necesito que ustedes hablan español por favor Los amo un abrazo para todos ustedes y ustedes entiendan todo esto es lo que les escribo por favor Los necesito que hablen español ya no tengo nadie más que hable español si no quieres pues no lo hagan pero Escríbame algo que hable de español bueno que esté de español Okay lo entiendo como español pero yo no sé hablar el idioma por favor Los necesito que español porque sino no voy a poder y ya después ya si ya entendieron lo que digo Les mando un abrazote para todos ustedes y se lo que lo que siento se lo que ustedes sienten por favor y lo suplico por favor es lo que necesito porque si no bueno tengo a alguien aquí a mi lado mío la Sofía Carson conmigo pero ya eres mi hermana no eres mi hermana claramente tú eres estudiante Aquí está Sofía Carson conmigo Adiós Oye Sofía Carson verdad quiero de los descendientes Pero bueno sé hablar español inglés pero yo no lo sé Bueno sí sé hablar inglés y español pero me voy a quedar unos días contigo y después vamos a hacer pijamada Espero que también tengas una hermana verdad sí la tengo no lápices en la entrada Claro que no el montón de Ay no No creo que hay no se te ve otra vez el botón de grabar audio que se puede escribir todo a su Mecha no bueno Di algo Sofía Carson bueno es que les mando un abrazote a todos y sé que todos es duro pero yo perdí la costumbre de verte y yo creo que no podría hablarles jamás Es que ahorita estoy resfriada no me mande nada nada nada nada no me busquen en YouTube en nada es duro ya lo sé pero la costumbre de verte y no y yo creo que no podía pero no me mande nunca más así no me quieren en YouTube Dios y ustedes hablan español o inglés Está viendo entender Pero espero que ustedes estén bien y ahorita les mando un abrazote soy Sofía Carson Adiós nos comunicaremos después si me mandó sus números de teléfono no sabía nada si no nos buscan por YouTube y nada no nos vea nada nada porque en verdad Tal vez A los cuantos días y yo me vaya para allá sé que estás en la cuarentena y todo esto pero también Es que yo venía por la calle y me está casa Y pensé y después me invitan a mí porque soy una gran cantante y yo no lo sé Bueno si han visto la película de siete ritmo podremos hacer eso O ver esa película No lo sé yo creo que aquí verdad no quiero no quiero no quiero ustedes les haya gustado este momento Adiós así también
1 likePrincess cadances is also the princess of love because twilight mentioned she could make couple's fall inlove again.
4 likesWell here’s another theory: Celestia represents love for the subjects she rules over, Luna for the way she spreads motherly love to fillies and colts, Cadence represents love for significant others, and twilight represents love for friends. But, this kinda crashes because cadence is also representing motherly love so maybe Luna is sisterly love
0 likeslovely peaches behind the scenes
0 likesThat is true, but like we saw when Pinkie Pie was babysitting for the cake twins, their emotions influencing their powers is sort of normal for foals. Like the unicorn (idk if it was pound cake or pumpkin cake) foal, she started teleporting all around the room bc she wanted to play with her toys
But idk I could be wrong
wow that makes so much sense thanks for clarifying though
0 likescelestia sun but she can't be of magic since twilight's cutiemark represents magic cadence the princess of love and relationships and flurry princess of light
1 likeand hope and twilight princess of friendship and harmony and what about sunset
@わたし saiko _noshinsei Was twilight the one who built the magic school?
0 likesinsert a name its so much more clear now😎🤩
0 likesIf different alicorns are meant to embody different kinds of relationships, what's next? Alicorn of bosses? Of teachers?
0 likesI know this video was made 2 years ago but if we DO have hope for starlight, I have a theory that she'd be the princess of Leadership. As Love for one's followers. I haven't watched this show in like 4 years so don't come at me if I'm wrong.
0 likesI think we're all forgetting something here. Some toys are light up. Sence Flurry is the princess of light, she can also be
1 likeThe princess of
Light up merch
Replies (1)
1 likeI think Cayden’s daughter will be princess of the crystals…
179 likesReplies (51)
2 likesYes that’s what I think!
3 likes@Flowers cat
4 likesThe joke
Caydens is alr the crystal princess
1 likeyes!
0 likeslove and crystal is just the same so
0 likesNo I'm pretty sure it's The Princess Of Light
2 likesEveryone saying "Cayden" it's "Cadence" as in Mi Amore Cadenza
8 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° no it's Cadenza
0 likes@The Magical World of Hamsi uhmmm what is wrong in what I said????????
6 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° u like said Cadensa I don't remember rlly
0 likes@The Magical World of Hamsi hahahahahha maybe you mistaken it lmao tho you are someone who knows how to spell it lol
2 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° Well you did edit your comment. Perhaps you misspelled it and fixed it after being called out on it hoping no one would notice?🤔
1 like@💙Blue💙 no I edited the Cayden because I said there is Caiden but yes sure I did edit that but Cadence is really pretty 🦋
1 like@💙Blue💙 like your profile pic
0 likes@The Magical World of Hamsi do you know who is Princess Cadence's mother?
0 likesCadence, not Cayden
0 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° she was adopted by Earth ponies, she is originally a pegasus
2 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° if you want to get technical her name is written as “Cadance” (I’m sure nobody cares)
2 likesWe don't know we're not the creator
1 likeIt's Cadance.
0 likesActually you could be right because any way we see the kittens is the daughter of the queen chrysalis
0 likesThat’s extremely odd that she will be the princess of crystals.
0 likesWell you mean Cadence
0 likesyou did not just spell cadance like that 😭🖐🏻🤢
0 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° not you trying to correct someone when you're WRONG too 🤡 PLS
3 likes@kayn -_- we've talked about this like days ago please don't make us start again
0 likes@kayn what's wrong with "Cadence"?
0 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° sis it's cadance not cadence 💀
3 likes@kayn I'm sorry where did you found the Cadance? Like literally search here in yt... Princess Cadence 🙂👉🏻👈🏻
0 likes@kayn I even tapped the one with Cadance but google litteraly shows Cadence 😕 I'm really confused lol 😆
0 likes@kayn if I could only send you a video
0 likes@kayn words...words ... I'm tryna be nice here okay...I could easily press a report button...
0 likes@kayn In MLP's official channel there's not a single video entitled her name... Reuploaders have them tho... That's why Cadance, Cadence, etc. Got mixed up...
0 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° you didn't search did you. i would reply to you a link but youtube deletes comments with links so i can't. it's the 'This Day Aria' video that isn't the music video and in the title there's "Princess Cadance and Queen Chrysalis"
2 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° oh and on their OFFICIAL hasbro website, it's Princess Cadance so yeah cadence is wrong.
4 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° There's nothing to argue about because it's officially spelled Princess Cadance.
2 likesAlso, another responds! I don’t think so because when the crystal empire was attacked the second time. And one of the crystal pony’s said “Look! It’s the crystal princess!” So I highly doubt she will be a crystal princess
0 likesCadence not Cayden
0 likesNo I'm pretty sure it's The Princess Of Light
1 like@Flowers cat Be nice pls
0 likespositive
0 likesCadence*
0 likes@°•KitsuNikz•° right?
0 likesOr it's the princess of MERCHANDISE
0 likesNo since kaidence is already the princess of crystals. So that means flurry is the princess of light so this theory isnt true.
0 likes@ashley and Aqua gacha her name isnt kaidence its Candace
0 likes@♥Jamille_zY♥ oop- sorry l didn't really know how to spell her name. 😅
0 likesUhh 😬…….
0 likesThe crystal heart is made of light and love and we have princess of sun, moon, love, friendship so flurry heart must be a princess of light
0 likes@Flowers cat it's a joke
0 likesSo i guess sombra is the king of darkness that overpowered the light at one time
185 likesReplies (2)
@Angel Chavez shadow and darkness are technally the same thing
0 likesActually, hes the princess of darkness.
0 likesYes, Because Flurry Heart is like a two sided coin, Heads would be Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance) and Flurry would be tails.
0 likesCadance is the princess of love And Flurry would be the princess of Light....!
You are right I’ve known this since flurry heart was born sorry heart has always been the princess of light she works with her mother and love and light is it’s a lot of love every time someone’s mind right it was from flurry heart who brought the
1 likeTo me, Princess Celestia is able to rise the sun making her the princess of the sun, Princess Luna being able to rise the moon making her princess of the moon. Princess Cadence being able to spread love making her the princess of love. And Princess Twilight, being able to make friendship with many creatures makes her the Princess of friendship.
0 likesSo she basically completes what the crystal heart is missing in order to work more. We got the dad, mom, and infant.
0 likesBrony 4 years ago: "I dispaice flurry with every fiber of my being..."
384 likesBrony now: "our journey is now over...old friend..."
Replies (1)
I still don't like her xD too much Mary Sue for me
2 likesI thought flurry would symbolize some sort of love for children
0 likesLike with diamond not all kids get treated right
My Theory for the six fighting a ‘Alien’ is, twilight started a school herself and got these six and they became friends, they passed and went on to live their life but then, a alien came to equestria and the six beat it and got their own stained glass picture
0 likesHas anyone else noticed that when it showed flury heart 2 times she had a different cutie mark but then it stayed the same?
0 likesceleste- princess of forgivness
0 likesLuna-princess of redemtion
Twilight- friendship
cadence- love
flurry- HOPE
shes born as the hope to fight off the baddies or sm aha
The only thing we still don’t know about Flurry Heart is what her cutiemark is, we can only guess now and FOREVER.
1353 likes(Also all the time it shows the “Cutiemark” it’s what the fan wants it to be. We can have some that are liked but none are cannon, so yea I know it “shows it” but it’s not what it is, it’s what people want it to be.)
Replies (46)
6 likesMhm
3 likesProbably a heart with wings
33 likesMy guess is blue crystal hearth with....shield?
12 likesI’m thinking a heart shaped gem with a glowing aura behind it and a gleam sparkle on the gem.
18 likesOne thing we can discern is it will be predominately/entirely yellow
4 likes@Dark Cyan or white
1 likeIs her cutie mark hiding because of that diaper
5 likesPekcu☺️😻😎💓!?
1 likeValerie Vlzqz I don’t think you can have a cutie mark as a baby. She’s still very young. (She’s not young anymore lol)
3 likes@its Alex Well her magic aura is yellow and her eyes are blue, and you magic aura matches either your eyes or your cutie mark. And as her aura doesn't match her eyes, it must match her cutie mark.
6 likes@mooni well we never got to saw it when she got older what if she was blessed with being alicorn and maybe also a cutiemark
1 likeYup that's true I've been trying to figure out with her cutie mark is but I think it might have like light in it,cause she's the princess of light.and I am trying to find out,with watching wan she's in the videos.
1 like@thesarahdilemma WHAT
1 like@Scribbly Arts mabe
1 likeIts a merchandise cutie mark uwu
1 like@thesarahdilemma No.
1 likeHer cutie mark is like this💝
1 likeBlue for shining armor pink for kadence
@thesarahdilemma BOYYYY NOONONONONO
1 like@erica Strickland good question but THERES A SUN CUTIE MARK SO AHHAHAHAHAHAHWHBW
1 likeThe sun and a the blue Crystal in the middle
1 likeUntil the next movie doe
1 like1:44 her cutie mark is there
2 likesSharanya Dubey sadly that’s most likely fanart not Canon, because it’s shows it many times, there always different.
1 likeMaybe a glowing crystal heart? She is the princess of light after all..
1 like@CRYBABY sadly this show has ended 😔
2 likesI personally think its a blue fluffy heart
2 likesMaybe the crystal heart with a halo and angel wings
1 likeI swear in the episode “a flurry of emotions” when shining armor and cadence is at the art show that shield with the heart in it is a hint to her cutie mark.
2 likesYes
1 like1:42 it shows her cutie mark on her flank!
1 likeLook at every one of Flurry Hearts cutiemarks, are they all the same? Then start commenting.
1 likeYep
1 likeI think its a mix between her parents. Love and Light. And Knight and SHININGGGG ARMOR hmm?? Cuz Its a shield with a heart and her mother has a heart while her father has a shield annnnnd cuz shes representing Light, and the love for her parents, I think it has something to do with maybe rescuing her parents from some unknown danger that also somehow involves rescuing them with crystal heart. Therefore she gains a cutiemark that not only matches her parents but it also makes sense in what she's destined for. Boom my theory for you.
2 likesTrue
1 likeI think she wood have a snow flake as a cuetimark
1 like1:44 you see her cutie mark here
1 like@naomiix and a different cutie mark at 2:16
1 like4:55 it looks like it's a Blue Light (Maybe a shape of a heart) inside a shield
2 likes@Dark Cyan right just like twighlight and rarity
1 likeHonestly, I think Flurry Heart should have a more feminine cutie mark.
0 likesMaybe her cutie mark is a shield with the crystal heart in it
1 likeBroken crystal heart lol
0 likesgood point🤔🤨🙄
1 likePrincess of Love for one's parents, is a mouthful.
0 likesWhy not call her the Princess of Family?
This dude's awesome! Honestly I think his cutie mark should be a magnifying glass or question mark.n
0 likesI absolutely love your idea but I have my own Theory, what if Flurry Heart is the Princess of Family? I mean she didn’t just love her parents but her hole family. There a the princess who represent Siblinghood, friendship, the family you make and then Flurry Heart brings it together with whole Family
0 likesI think they should also make a princess of balance in the future series
1 likeBoutta get into some HEAVY THEORIZING here. So when you mentioned different kinds of love (friendship, romantic, familial), I remembered how much of greek mythos I used to study. I've always been fascinated by Greek mythology, and something in Greek mythology I think applies to what flurry heart could be the princess of. Long ago, the Greeks believed in many different kinds of love, and gave them specific names. For example, there is Storge, or familial love, Eros, or romantic love, and Philia, the love for one's friends. There are some others other than these, but I think that we could apply one of the main forms of love that the Greeks identified to Flurry Hearts prospective princess title. I think that she could be the princess of Agape, or love for humanity (Ponymanity?). Flurry could represent the undying love for her people and her kingdom. She would strive to protect her people, being the "light" that they need. She could bring "light" to her people through her love for them. But hey, that's just a theory. A pony theory.
120 likesReplies (3)
SarooBadoop I agree. I think that is a really good theory! I never though about it like that.
4 likesI'm pretty sure sawtooth brought that up in an older video, but good theory!!
2 likesThat's an interesting theory, but isn't Eros the Greek God of sexual pleasure? I mean, greek mythology varies from place to place, so maybe the sources we read from say differently.
0 likeslets talk in terms of animals, for example if a dolphin and a wale were able to mate and successfully have a child together then that means the child would be a wholphin. Meaning that the Wholphin has the same characteristics of both a whale and a dolphin. Same way before Cadence became a alicorn she was said to be a Pegasus and later she mates with Shining Armour she has a child named Flurry heart. Who is an a unicorn in a Pegasus meaning, Flurry is a Pegasus/ unicorn hybrid also called a Pegacorn.
0 likesI feel like your right because normally yellow means light and flurry heart’s magic is yellow!
0 likesSombre was the Prince of darkness which ties into the complete opposite as sombra also ruled the empire.
0 likesFlurry heart is the princess of light. It’s also the color of her magic which is yellow. Cadence is blue which matches the crystal empire and love.
0 likesI could see her being called the “Princess of Family” to tie in to your point however the show would probably still call her the princess of light if that is what Flurry is
183 likesReplies (4)
A proper family in my opinion should be the light in your life. No matter what happens outside your house when you're home you're safe and loved. Ideally.
9 likesThe Princess of Light consists of many of those qualities and family being one of the major ones.
0 likesI thought she was going to be princess of self love
0 likesmaybe
0 likesI wonder if there's a princess of light, is there a princess of darkness?🤔
1 likeThank you for bringing me back to this Fandom :]
0 likesi love how your style haven’t changed in all those years
0 likesIf baby mcflurrycorn over here is the princess of light, stands to reason there is a counterpart princess of darkness. Darkness can destroy someone from the inside out giving flurry heart something to purity , this reforming the character involved. Only question is, who will she be?
0 likesI just thought that the glass stain window was just flurryheart on the throne using the crystal heart for some sort of coronation thing we never learned about. I figured that maybe cadence had just stepped down to more time with shining armor (while he's still alive) but I like this aswell. I never understood that line that twilight said since even if equestria fell cadence would still be there. And all the other leaders they've made alliances with aswell. I enjoy your videos so much and I like all the cool theories you introduce. This channel is a big reason I even started to like mlp
55 likesOkay, There's other kinds of love. I just thoguht of it. How about Teacher and Student? Those who teach us are respected and loved in an unique way never seen anywhere else; same goes with those who we want to see succeed against all the odds. Just a wild thought that I think needs a consideration.
0 likesTechnically we never see any other alicorns have children like biological ones so maybe flurry heart got her alicorn magic from cadence
0 likesBut if Flurry Heart is the Alicorn of light, then doesn't there have to be one for shadows too? And why are there no Male Alicorn's? But please do more about the sirens!
0 likesSister, wife and daughter all get to be super powerful alicorns
1 likeShiny: sadly yeets his wife
825 likesReplies (27)
five year old me: IM NOT COMPLAINING!!!!!
7 likesOh my gosh thanks for all the likes
2 likesTrue😏😂
2 likesYa!
1 likeBuy our toys buy our toys buy our toys
5 likesYes
2 likes♪Buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys♪
5 likesLol-
0 likesY E S
1 like@gxlqxy no I'm 14 now
0 likesYoung me and 14 year old me: YAS BUY OUR TOYS
2 likesHOW DOES THIS HAVE 602 LIKES!?!?!?!?
2 likes@Nancy van Ross Idk xD
0 likesAAAA YES
0 likesOh boy, here we go again o>o
0 likesHahahaha LMAO
1 likeNo light
0 likesHa, maybe not…
0 likesThe princess of the light of toys! Mouthful 😅
Your right
0 likesBuy our toys
1 likeBuy our toys
BuY oUr ToYs
Хөөрхөн шүү
0 likesI loved that part
0 likes@Mohammad Reza me too
0 likesBuy our toys! Buy our toys!
0 likesThat is so cool I do not know FLori Hart was going to be the princess of light
2 likesI don't care if it's a mistake but I'm counting Rivet and Steamroller as alicorns. Maybe not magical princess alicorns but just alicorn dudes doing their jobs. I have a head cannon as to why they (and the other mistake) alicorns aren't officially acknowledged , but it doesn't really jive well with the friendly nature if the show.. or maybe it does with the agent BonBon thing and Celestia having a division that she can have full deniability of 🤔
0 likesI think Flurry heart will be the princess of light and love. A special princess.
1 likeInteresting. I mean those windows do seem to depict important events.
0 likesI'm just going to detail how I think Flurry gets her cutie mark here:
537 likesShe faces off against Sombra, who has trapped basically the entire Crystal Empire into a few cages made of shadows, disabling magic. Flurry has evaded them, but Sombra has found her (I think she should be CMC age, so a young, worried filly but not a baby) and is trying to convert her to evil/umbrum using dark magic. He shatters the Crystal Heart, and Flurry is feeling hopeless before her shard falls before her. She then tells Sombra about how even if the "love" is locked away in shadow, there is always hope: coming in the form of light, the opposite of Sombra's darkness and shadow. She then repairs the Crystal Heart and uses its magic to defeat Sombra (or maybe another villain? I don't have the creativity . . .), then gains her cutie mark (CMC and Twilight's alicornify-style, like floating into the air with a magical aura and then teleporting to a separate world, where Twilight congratulates her and shows her her mark. I imagine it would have the Crystal Heart, with maybe a snowflake to represent the "flurry" of it. Maybe there's a flurry happening while she's gone because the Crystal Heart isn't broken, but isn't in its place.
Anyways, it's weird, I've commented too much on this video, and we really need to see her in a not-stain glass, especially with her cutie mark.
Replies (21)
13 likesU wrote a lot
8 likesThis need more likesss!
I think it might be crystal heart like-
5 likesO.m G YES
5 likesLETS START SEASON 20 :-))) TeHe
@ashleysaav Omg yes lets protest to get a season 10!
6 likeswhat if she represents hope 😳
2 likesKen yuo gs wat iz flris kudmak
1 likeSkylar Lee, it should be a white star. That is a good way to show light. I’M KIDDING IT SHOULD BE HER TOY!
0 likesyeah i dont think so
0 likesWhen you said sombra I thought..... overwatch.....sorry my mind is wondering again 😅
2 likes@Swag Yesssssss I Want moreeee
1 likeMaybe a snowflake then the crystal heart infront of it
1 likeI also have a theory to
1 likeYou have done so good on this! :3
0 likesGood job I'm impressed but one question did you type this on phone or on keyboard if this was typed on phone then teach me your ways
0 likesCan the mop creator make this a movie atleast
0 likesNoice UwU
0 likesWow so much :O
0 likesNo way im reading that all
0 likesYou are right because when the crystal heart was broken and the wizard guy I forgot his name tried to fix it it didn’t work do you remember that episode with flurry heart breaking in there crystal heart and win they made the crystal hearts better the crystal heart was so bright and and flurry heart is the princess of light 💡 💙
1 likeI really think he is right cause he had solid evidence
0 likesIf there's a princess of light then shouldn't there be a princess or prince of darkness. I mean it would only bring balance. Such as the sisters. Altough- Celestia was able to rule even without her sister, but it would've been much harder.
0 likesYet another great theory! Also I’m totally down for a “buy our toys” remix
262 likesReplies (5)
We already got one
3 likes@Gavin Brown remix remix
3 likesAbsolutely!
2 likesIvugg gt5rf you ok there buddy
1 likeSame! XD
0 likesDoes anybody else wanna see a movie where flurry heart discovers the equestria girls portal and goes through it? Or even just a normal mlp movie but all about flurry heart
1 likeнастолько четко и по понятиям, что даже я поняла :D
0 likesI really hope you are right on that one otherwise.......
1 likeWe have to go back to the mystery about that dran Alicorn
Instead of learning for tomorrow's test I watch theoric clips about imaginary pony from a carton 😂
0 likesPeople who are still sad that the show ended
Replies (79)
12 likesMLP G4 will be the best MLP generation and always will be
35 likesya
2 likes@Ahmed Taifoor i agree°·~.°
1 likeShattered Bøødle what’s g4 and g5
1 likeOkay who isnt XD
2 likesI ended already????
2 likesIt.
2 likes@Valeria Valladares Why did I clicked see more 😧
0 likesIKR 😭
1 likeOh no it’s 333. Half of 666
0 likesValeria Valladares Wow that’s a lot of returns
1 likeI wish it had a season 10 like F.R.I.E.N.D.S
2 likesThe best gen is gone waaaaa
0 likesIt's 2020 and I have not seen the last season I watch on now Tv
1 likeI love mlp 😭😭😭😭
0 likesYeah pony life is ok I guess but I will miss this show
1 likeWait...... Above the arrow....the letters are P and E Like:PE YASS I HATE PE!!!!!! Coincidence??? I THINK NOT!!!
0 likes@shr00mie :D wat r u talkin about!?
0 likesDusty Fire Gaming Alt Well above the arrow that points to the like above that there’s the letters P and E I made the connection between them with the school P.E.hope that helps!
0 likesThere r 666 likes on ur comment, but I’m not gonna like so that it stays that number and scares everyone
0 likesI M
0 likes@Shivi Srivastava how will it scare everyone?
0 likesIt ended?
0 likesSorry I just haven’t seen it in a while.
1 likeYes yes
0 likesWhy does it have to end!!! 😦
1 likeDusty Fire Gaming Alt cuz some people are scared of the satanic number
0 likesNot Anisa Um generation 4 and generation 5..?
0 likesU said that a month ago and I still do 😔
0 likesWanna see how MLP 2.0 might look like if it will eventually exist?
0 likesGo to Vel Sen, i’m not doing the real name because I’m lazy but u get it
It was my most favorite show so many memories I didn't see the seasons near the end tho but I saw the last episode and I was crying D':
1 like😔
0 likesI am
0 likesYes also nice deku pic
0 likesI LOVE IT😭
0 likeswait how did it end
0 likesIt started again but it became worse-
0 likesI wish there are more episodes but I know that It is over
0 likesI hope that there will be seasons for the children
0 likesYea
0 likesI didint know until now but I liked
0 likesgOOgLE iT
0 likeswhen does it go to Netflix
0 likesYes
0 likesYeah l am ultra sad that the show ended
0 likesLlamaBoba wait what
0 likesMe
0 likesIt- ended?
0 likes(COUGH) G5 is coming someday soon (COUGH)
0 likesI want more MLP
0 likesI don’t need to like a comment to be sad about the show ending.
0 likesseason 9 is coming October 12th
0 likes@boo Season 9? But Season 9 already happened?
0 likesThey started a new series.. It's called "Pony Life"
0 likesIm in grade 7 and im still sad it ended
0 likesWon't it come back 😢😭
0 likesMabye another book?
Please please please please please please please Come back MLP😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likes@Miraculous Crazy IT WILL COME BACK! If you have netflix on your tv you can see Mlp Pony Life but If you don't have netfix then watch peoples reactions to pony life
0 likes@Kellen Ross ???
0 likesI'm honestly sometimes still in disbelief this journey has come to an end 😔
0 likes@Celeste same
0 likesbye mlp ;(
0 likesI think they may carry us, but not the mane 6,i mean like you see the main kids grow up
0 likesWAAAAA
0 likesYesssssss
0 likesi cryd at the end it was like🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😢🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😔😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😨😱😱😱😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😵😵😵😵😵😵😨😨😨😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likesAll of us are! ♥️♥️♥️ MLP was our childhood, and our family, and we have an awesome™ community 💖
0 likes@The_Real_Puppet_Master Ya! I love Pony Life to! But MLP G4 will be my number 1 place 💞💞
0 likes@SkyLolasaysthings Yea same.. I grew up with it ever since i was born.. I loved that show so much but I'm still so glad that we still have the remainder of MLP G4 as Pony life
0 likesMe
0 likesYa :((( sad
0 likesI sad it ended
0 likesI want season 10 with Grogar.
0 likesme
0 likesIt ENDED!?!?!.
0 likesAs much as I agree with the statement, I am a bit confused. Celestia and Luna clearly say that no alicorn has birthed , y’know a alicorn. But statements say that Celestia and Luna’s parent, which so are called, queen Gladys and King Cosmos gave birth to two unicorns which are Celestia and Luna, but in images they state that there parents were alicorn’s and you as well said that there’s no stallioncorns, or something. So I’m totally confused about the photo of there dad,
0 likeskeep doing content!
I think that you're right cuz i saw twilight sparkle from season 1 to the last season and twilight did said flurry heart with her last hope of equestria so you are correct on that
1 likeis so sad that the show ended and so many not answered questions
0 likesi honestly agree that flury would be the princess of light.
0 likesIs it just a coincidence that her magic is yellow? Like light?
696 likesGet it?
Okay fine.
Replies (19)
Like an angel haul
6 likesLike celestias magic
9 likesI think flurry's magic color is YELLOW maybe because cadence's mane color is pink and magenta and some YELLOW
3 likesBut yeah i get it
꧁ SallyDaily ꧂ or maybe cause celestial has yellow magic and maybe she got that from celestia
1 like@ramen slimes But I don't think Celestia and Flurry are related.
3 likesThat makes sense
1 likePink Unicorn Kitty true
1 likeYeah
1 likePink Unicorn Kitty light is yellow?
1 like@thesarahdilemma light is mostly represented with yellow
1 likeNo no I get it
0 likesI didn’t understand this until I watched the full video😅
0 likesLight is white though
0 likesIt doesn't matter what colour her magic is!
1 like@Daniel Hall She asked why Flurry's magic is yellow like light
1 likeYes
0 likes@Daniel Hall why do you hate her? ☹️
0 likesI get it
0 likesI love how he does these
0 likesSo in the future there should be the love for yourself, sure that sounds selfish but you must love yourself before you love anyone else and every other princess in the show is very selfless, even putting their own lives at stake for others and that could not be healthy. Maybe if the show kept going we would have seen a princess representing self love. Not being selfish but loving themselves in a healthy way
0 likesWow the stain glass window is very pretty
0 likessince celestia is the princess of the sun, luna the princess of the moon, cadance the princess of love and twilight the princess of friendship. Wouldn't be logical for there to be a princess of life? Flurry seems like a nice fit for that role.
0 likesI've always thought of Celestia and Luna as the alicorns of day and night more than just the sun and moon. Heck, Luna herself does, way back when she helped Scootaloo. Watching over the dreams of her subjects has little to do with the moon, but it has everything to do with the night. It's more in line with alicorns embodying concepts more than just objects too, and gives the sisters a bond, as day and night are always linked to one another. Also fun fact, the unused opening for the movie ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGlQxu3pdbg ) called Cadance the alicorn of family rather than the alicorn of love, which fully supports your idea that Cadance represents more than just romantic love.
279 likesReplies (3)
Keroko I’ve also always considered Celestial and Luna to be representative of the conscious and subconscious, intent/will versus base physical needs and drives.
10 likesHowever Sun and Moon are depicted as Twins in Mythology
3 likesI appreciate both op and the first commented perspective, especially with the comment underneath I would of never of interpreted Celestia and Luna to be concious/subconscious or intent/will and I think I really fuck with that head cannon
0 likesI feel like if starlight had became an alicorn, shed be the princess of loving oneself
0 likesVery interesting theory!
1 like"What do you do in your free time?"
0 likes"Well, its complicated…"
I think a good princess name is the princess of family
2 likesIn an alternate opening for the MLP movie, there's this scene where Twilight lists off each Princess and what they represent. She doesn't mention Flurry, but she DOES call Cadence the Princess of "Family", not "Love". It's a weird title change, probably brought about by some unnecessary corporate meddling, but it still has some interesting implications.
65 likesWhat if Flurry's duty is to inherit her mother's? It'd only make sense for her title to be hereditary, since that's how her alicornhood came about. She didn't earn the right to be an Alicorn, she gained that magic from her mother. Alternatively, she could rule alongside Cadence like you proposed. As being the royal representatives of "Family" it'd only make sense to have them rule their kingdom as such, AS a family.
It's a deleted scene, so whether it could be considered canon or not is up to interpretation... But still, it opens up ideas similar to what you discuss in this vid, so I figured it's worth bringing up. 👍
I don't know maybe fluffy is the princess of light or not but I really think that fluffy is the princess of light because the heat has 2 things in it love and light 💮❤️
1 like"Princess of Light"... Yeah, that sounds a lot like most merchandising heroes too. It checks out.
0 likeswow this is really cool and a really cool theory, honestly I think it's true
0 likesim sooooo happy for you solved flurry heart my opinion is that ur right 🥰😍🥰😍🥰😚🥰
0 likesI really wish the show included more character development for shining armor, cadence, and flurry....it would be so cool to see flurry grow into the princeee of light along with her mother beside her.
37 likesThis is so true, I can’t believe you figured it our!
0 likesThis child was confusing before they came out as non-binary just think about that real quick!
1 like2:17
0 likesCandence: stop it
Sawtooth: nope
Yes because when she used magic her horn turns yellow and yellow is the color of light 💛 ✨️ 😍 💓 💕 💗
0 likesThis has so much logic that even math can’t compete
228 likesReplies (4)
MATH makes no sense but ok
6 likesLol
0 likesHe's right
0 likesThey all tie into love for friends and family
0 likesThinking about fluury heart, maybe instead of love for parents, but maybe her thing would be gratitude :)
0 likesI agree, it makes so much more sense now!!
0 likesThis kind of works, until twilight and her friends come. If flurry heart and cadence both have to be acorns, because they are both sides of love. Then technically twilights friendship, every side of her friendship should be equal. but they are not. Only twilight is an alicorn.
0 likesIf MLP does a “Lost Episode” of Flurry Heart’s destiny then they better do it like he said
768 likesReplies (10)
Mlp finished😐 there won't be anymore episodes
13 likesRosa Cardiel, mlp ended last October. ;-;
6 likes@LolaNevermind there is a comic about mlp
5 likes@✨Høllyberry Cøøkie✨ there are many comics and Rosa talked about an episode, not a comic. And mlp the movie 2 will be released 2021 but there won't be Flurry Heart
9 likesRosa Cardiel There’s no way my little pony came out of again it just ended last October -_-
4 likesRebeka Rexhaj Nope, they released new episodes called "Friendship Forever", I think there are seven episodes and they are about how Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Starlight, Spike and the princesses created the scrapbook they gave Twilight when his coronation ended
6 likesI think they should do the 10 and 11 season showing in 10th seson where celestia and luna came from and who are their parents and what happend ro them and in 11th like you said flurry destiny
2 likesBlossomVibes Season eight and nine is out, it’s not in Netflix but you can find it in YouTube...
2 likes@BlossomVibes yeah why did you say that
0 likesPretty sure there's gonna be a new generation. I don't know 🤷♀️
0 likesI feel bad for Shining Armer as he won’t live a long life like his wife and daughter
1 likeIt makes sense that it’s light because as soon as she was born, she was already spreading light to the crystal ponies - which was how she was born an alicorn right?
0 likesMaybe flurry role would be like how transformers called non-primes (they are like the primes but they don't wield the matrix but has a chance of wielding it) called: major
0 likesThis is like one of my fav vids no matter how many times I watch it is not boring at all
0 likesBronies: *long and detailed analysis of the show's magic system and pony genetics*
127 likesLauren Faust: I want a cute alicorn!
I believe the same way as that Flurryheart is the princess of light.
0 likesFlurry sounds more like the princess of merchandise because celestial is sun and light Luna is moon and darkness
0 likesIt kinda sad knowing the fact that Flurry heart and cadence will outlive shining armor :'
0 likesBut wait. When the pony of shadows came along, flurry heart was probably old enough to be the princess of light by then so why didn’t she try and step in to help?
0 likesFlurry Heart: The Princess of Light, hope, and family!
86 likesReplies (1)
Did I just see Shera, Princesses of power. LightHope
0 likesSawtooth Waves: What will she be the princess of besides merchandise, of course.
0 likesFlurry Heart: Am I a joke to you?
I can confirm this. She is the princess of merchandise
1 likei belive that there are two sides to what princess she is its true that she is love for parents and light but I think shes both of those things
1 likeI have a Question
0 likesWhy did only Twilight grow and not her other friends ?
But still I love your video
Ok why does Flurry Heart actually look like Sweetie Belle though just with recolored hair?
719 likesReplies (23)
ElectricSnivy I thought the same-
12 likesOhmygoodness
7 likesThey don't look alike at all
10 likesKinda ngl-
3 likesElectricSnivy the eyes.... IT’S ALWAYS THE EYESS
1 likeHasbro in a nutshell
4 likesHasbro are not only lazy with toys -3-
3 likeswhy do the hero of rainbow dash looks like her but with brown skin and black-grey mane?
0 likesThey just used the same coat color. Plus flurry has a horn as well.
0 likesWhen I was unfamiliar with the timeline and just started watching the show
4 likesI though sweetie belle was future flurry heart that lost her wings or something
On my gosh I thought I’m the only one who realized this
0 likesyeah she kinda look like sweetie belle but that does'nt matter
0 likesTrue
0 likesAnd she has wings
0 likesNo their coat colors are different (Sweetie Belle’s coat is a very very light grey, Flurry Heart’s is a light baby pink), Sweetie Belle’s eyes are really round, and Flurry would have inherited Cadence’s almond shaped eyes like she inherited the Alicorn genetics. Also Flurry’s eyes are blue and not green like Sweetie Belle’s. Flurry also has WINGS. So basically is just their hair that looks similar, and that is just because Flurry has curly locks like Cadence.
3 likesMabe cause she didint want you to look bad🙂👑
0 likesThere’s only for Alcorns
1 likeBaby flurry heart isn’t Alcorn
1 likeThey could have used Sweetie Belle as an example bc they wanted to use the same hair again.
1 likeTrue
0 likesAnd light pink skin
0 likesBc Cadence has purple strips and Shining Armour has light blue strips its and Flurry Heart has purple,pink and blue,so I think its bc of that
0 likeswow! i never noticed that
0 likesYa explain sooo well🙃🙂
1 likeYou're absolutely right ✅👏 she is the princess of light i love mlp
0 likesWe do know why Celestia and Luna become alicorns, they found out they have the power to raise the sun and moon!
0 likesIn my opinion Is a good theory that Flurry Heart Is the princes of light. It can be associate with the cristal ponies energy or life.
1 likeThis gives me a theory:
211 likesIf Celestia and Luna represent sibling love, wouldn't have they been born alicorns?
They weren't, because their actually step-siblings. They transformed into alicorns when they finally saw each other as sisters. There is nothing mentioned about Celestia being an alicorn when she first rose the sun, nor is there any mention of Luna. Once they saw each other as sisters and rose the sun and moon together, they became alicorns.
What do you guys think?
Replies (27)
Possible rivalry may of happened when they were young, since not every sibling is born on good terms, and sine Luna is younger, that may of been the issue between them.
24 likesFrom my experience, my brother hated me until a few years ago, and now we're pretty good friends. The same could of happened between the two sisters, which may of made them Alicorns.
6 likesThat wouldn't make sense
Yeah, I agree with TriggerHappyEevee. The sisters also had nothing in common in the way of looks when they were younger.
7 likesThe old equestrian flags depicted Celestia having a rosey pink mane. If we look at before and after Luna, the flags depicts her according to the timeline. There is little doubt that Celestia is different.
Now, looking at the AJ and her siblings, they all have something in common with another sibling (Applebloom has red hair - Big Mac has a red coat). Like I said earlier, Celestia and Luna had no common looks when they were younger... Yet they're sisters. That's why I believe their step-sisters.
i agree but it could be possible celestia wasn't born an alicorn because she didn't have a sibling yet because luna may have not been born yet. possibly once luna was born they both became alicorns but idk
4 likesThere's vary little possibility there. If your theory is correct, that means Luna would have to be born an alicorn. And as I mentioned before (in another comment), siblings in MLP all have something in common in their looks. Shining armor and Twilight both have a dark blue mane. Celestia and Luna don't follow this rule at all. There is little possibility that theory is correct. Nice try tho. All theories about this only digs deeper into the concept. Someday the truth will reveal itself.
1 likei have nothing to say ..
0 likes@Draco_Asteria They could look like their parents, Celestia could look like one parent and Luna could look like the other.
5 likesStar the Drawer exactly
5 likesNot all siblings look the same or have similarities
Kayleigh Hayes i Like it bit i don’t think it makes sense ,Because,one,Twilight and her friends also sees each other also as sisters and yet Not all the mane 6 are alicorns,and we can’t say they are step-sisters without actual proof or explanations,and it’s true That Nothing is mentioned about How celestia and Luna turned into alicorns ,but we know one thing,their titles represent their destiny:
1 likeTwilight:the princess of friendship,her role is to rule equestria with her friends and spread the power of friendship across all of The land
Cadence:the princess of love,her role is to rule the crystal empire with her family showing the power of love for your Lover and your children,and to spread the power of love across all the land
Celestia:the princess of the sun/day,her role is to bring light upon all the Subjects of the land ,and to rule with her beloved sister luna representing the importance of sisterhood/brotherhood
Luna:the princess of the Moon/night,her role is to rise the moon in the sky representing the time for her subjects to sleep and dream of beautiful dreams,and of course to rule with her beloved sister Celestia
That means that,They became alicorn once they realized They NEEDED each other,In season 9 ep 13,you can clearly see that they cannot LIVE without each other,And in s7 ep 10, Starlight Glimmer said this: »day,night,sun,moon,Equestria need BOTH of you,without Balance their is no Harmony ».That means that celestia and Luna represents the Balance and Harmony that are between siblings,just like the balance that is between the sun and moon,That’s my théorie
Kayleigh Hayes Not all Siblings have to have something in Common,Maybe Each one of them followed Only one parent,it’s possible and Normal,i mean i have nothing in Common with my dad,i Have everything from my mom,while my brother have everything form our dad and had nothing in common with our mom
2 likesKayleigh Hayes and Honestly it Would ruin the Whole Princesses representing Sister love If they are Step-sisters ,for them to Have this destiny and Title,they have ro be connected not only emotionally and magically ,But also PHYSICALLY.
1 likeHalf sisters
0 likesKayleigh Hayes but shining armor and twighlight have nothing in common and pinkie doesn’t have anything similar to her sisters except straight hair when she’s sad
0 likes1. Siblings in real life don't always look alike, but in equestria, the only pony that looks nothing alike to their family (that I can recall) is pinkie, but we're talking about pinkie here. There is absolutely no logic flowing within that pony. It makes sense she looks nothing like anyone else in her family. Not to mention, in the episode where the 2 sisters went on vacation, all the siblings looked like twins. That is not vary common in reality. I should know as this occured with my sibling and I.
0 likes2. Why would step-sisters ruin it?
3. I like how it was earlier mentioned that Celestia and Luna became alicorns when they realized they can't live without each other, but they were separated multiple times, for multiple reasons, for all different times. Highly unlikely. It most likely had to be an one time thing.
4. Half siblings may be correct, but again, pinkie pie is the only pony that I know of that looks nothing like her siblings. She doesn't even look like her parents. Pinkie is pinkie. The 2 sisters would have to have something within their looks to connect them.
5. Shining armor and Twilight's hair are both a deep blue. It can be hard to tell tho because of shining armor's stripes.
Kayleigh Hayes I didn’t say anything about the idea but that siblings don’t have to look a like more examples being sweetie bell and rarity and twighlight mane is purple and pink shinnings isn’t blue and light blue Celestia and Luna have corresponding cutie marks step siblings is a low possibility maybe adopted or half or full but step just wouldn’t make sense to the story
0 likes@Tatiana Walker Twilight's mane is not just pink and purple. I found a website that has the hex color codes for MLP and Twilight's mane is deep blue with pink and purple stripes. Same goes for shining armor (though shades of blue instead of pink and purple)
0 likesWhy is everyone against step siblings?!? My neighbors are (almost) step siblings (official next spring).
0 likesAnd the cutie mark crusaders have corosponding cutie marks but they ain't related at all.
0 likes@Draco_Asteria im half sisters with my sister and i just think it would be a plausible option with them looking so different but still staying with the general canon of them being biological sisters
0 likes@Margie Lewallen bit for this Luna would have to be born an alicorn or become an alicorn as soon as she was born and they said that no one has ever been born an alicorn
0 likesI thought it was confirmed they were born alicorns?
1 likeThe reason I don't like thinking they're half siblings is because it creates a bigger hole in the story. Why are they half siblings? Is it because the parents remarried? Or is it because one cheated? Step-siblings gives only one hole: Why did the parent remarry? The rest comes naturally.
0 likesI agree on the theory they became alicorns when they realise they love each other as siblings. But after i referred back to the journal of the two sisters, apparently they were already alicorns when they started to rule equestria, they do not have their cutie marks yet despite their age, the other unicorns were still incharged of raising the sun and moon, until it drained their power one day, the first time luna lowered the moon and celestia rose the sun, they then only gained their cutie marks, hence get the title of princesses of sun and moon.
0 likesAccording to the journal of the two sisters they became the rulers of equestria when they were already sisters and ALICORNS without cutiemarks. Starswirl and company recognized that they represented all the kinds of ponies and thought they would be best suited to establish peace over the lands. They were already siblings and had never risen the sun or moon. They only earned their cutie marks once they rose the sun and lowered the moon for the first time after learning from starswirll that they could safely replace the six unicorn sacrifice(every night six unicors would sacrifice their magic in order to lower the moon and raise the sun. This can only go on for a short period of time before their magic is permanently depleted). Starswirl tried to do so by himself (adult unicorns with fully developed magic had run out) and his magic was immediately depleted and his beard turned grey. Then they rose the sun and lowered the moon, and got their cutie marks. And with the magical boost they received from the act they were able to restore all the unicorns, including starswirl's, magic.
1 like@Draco_Asteria Children aren't born with the natural instinct of loving their siblings though,so Luna wouldn't have had to be born an alicorn. Celestial could have not wanted a sister in the first place and they might not have gotten on, meaning it's still possible because they had to achieve a feat together that proved their understanding of sibling love
0 likes@ChocoCoronet but that doesn't mean Luna didn'tt look up to Celestia. Just because they don't love you back shouldn't mean you shouldn't love them. Plus I know how it feels. I am an elder sibling after all. I don't know anyone who liked their younger siblings at first. Parents tend to say "you'll be able to play with each other!" But when they first come well... Ya can't. You can't for a while. Not to mention you suddenly have to split the attention of your parents with the new baby.
0 likesBesides others would have gone through this as well, but they aren't alicorns. The situation must be more unique.
@hannah yes it is lmao
0 likesYou are right flurry heart is princees of light.
2 likesThe crown that flurry is wearing is diamond tiara’s
1 likeIf flurry heart is princess of light , maybe she could do sunrise too
0 likesI think she could also just be the princess of family or something:)
0 likesWhen Flurry Heart is finally explained in a way that makes sense. 👏👏👏
11 likesI was always told that Celestia and Luna were born as alicorns. Because their parent were!
0 likesSo…. She’ll light our darkest hour 😆
0 likesI'm kinda wondering how do people already know how her cutie mark will look like
0 likesWhat if Luna and celestia is at the alicorn's homeland, where they came from? Luna and celestia are probably not in the new movie because they went home.
1 likeI feel like Flurry Heart is the princess of family
1433 likesReplies (70)
Cami mations yes
19 likesNo cadence is the princess of love means family
32 likes@Trixx romance between 2 people or ponies leads to family
7 likes@Trixx she is the princess of love as you can see in the centerlot wedding episode twilight tells the story how much cadence care about others relations and she also fix it
8 likes@Trixx she is the princess of love her daughter is the princess of light
11 likesBecause for crystaling love and light both are wanted
No, she’s the princess of merchandise
28 likesShivi Srivastava lol
4 likesMe to
2 likesMore of enother chaos 😂
2 likes@Funeez love and family is a bit different thing
7 likes@Shivi Srivastava yes
1 like@Funeez nah ohana means family
3 likesOr life. Seeing as a baby is a sign of a new life
4 likes@Flower Doctor shes of Light actually
1 likeNo I'm sorry but I say cadence's husband
1 likeFamily is broad because family also includes siblings, but Flurry doesn’t have siblings meaning that she can never understand the meaning to siblinghood unless later ponies within her family are Introduced. So yeah I support Flurry being the princess of light, spreading the love of child and parenthood.
3 likesAli Murtaza not necessarily
2 likesLight is a term that can be taken literally and figuratively so it could mean that
2 likesShe pretty much is
3 likesAli Murtaza it doesn’t always lead to family
4 likesI think both cadence and flurry are the princesses of family because there connected but just in a different way
2 likesYa me too
2 likesyee I thought that too ! Or the Princess of hope
3 likesEven if I still prefer the princess of light
this is much better
2 likesHeart family
2 likesNo shes not shes the princess of ligth dont you understand silly🤧
1 like@ριɠαƈԋυ👑🎗 maybe not, I'm just giving names up, but I'd argue that light can be a symbol of hope and that Sombra is a short of king of shadows so we'd have a ying yang.
2 likesEDIT : I rewatched the video and yep, just as I thought. He theories it himself based on the fact that the crystal heart is made of love and light : and we have the princess of love, so it would be logic to get the princess of light. But here I'm just repeating what he says.
It's a bit likely
1 like@ριɠαƈԋυ👑🎗 No, I don't. Especially when I see no argument coming from you. However I'd be glad to hear why you're so sure of your statement :)
2 likesSame😌
1 likeTure
1 likeCadence is the princess of Family, haven’t you watched the Film’s cutscenes?
1 like@Katina Marnela she's actully the princess of love
1 likeShe literally is
0 likesOmg true😱😨
0 likesNo😡
0 likesCorrect thanks
0 likesLight sound cooler-v-
1 likeyeah
0 likesIt does make sense think her mum is the princess of mum and her aunt is the princess of friendship = family
0 likesAnd her dad's doesn't mean anything😂😂😂😂😂
Omg, 666-
1 likeWell in the mlp movie twilight said that cadence is the princess of family (not to be rude)
1 likeYa
0 likesI dout it
1 likeI am ur 800th like
1 likeẞ
1 likeWho princess of dark then me? I’m moon light
1 likeOwww her baby is soo cute
1 likeWell i think ur wrong
0 likes@Shivi Srivastava Yes XD
2 likesPossibly
1 likeNo
0 likesIt was said that cadance is the princess of family, it was told in the deleted scene
1 likeThats cute😊😊😊😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍
1 likeYour soooo right you have nothing wrong thank you for telling us.
0 likesI don’t think that
0 likesFamily, or maybe magic!
1 likeI feel she’s the princess of life
1 likeDude, Celestia and luna are sisters allready as a family!, why should there be another one
0 likes@HazelBunxz right I think she’s the princess of life
0 likesYus
0 likesTrue true
0 likesWell, Cadance is actually the Princess of Love like in the romantic way. And I already saw what u said to that other person who said my familiar comment so u don't need to tell me (:
1 likeNonono
0 likesFamily doesn't make sense
0 likesIs not the same way, cause flurry heart it's the light of the family, at the same way as love. They both form what the family it is
1 like@Shivi Srivastava ikr ur right smh
1 likeI don't think so because cadence is the princess of family
0 likesWell cadence and flurry heart
0 likesok ok more than 7 people comented that
0 likesMaybe the princess of emotions?
0 likesThat would be cool...
Canon: there is a third sister that is the middle child between Celestia and Luna we have not seen her yet because everyone forgets the middle her relationship is the forgotten sister
0 likesSo when flurry heart growed older she will Rule with her mother Or she will just be the queen of the Crystal's empire but also twlight student won't become an alicorn but if she do in the future What princess would she be like what purpose would she play
1 likethank you for making this video :3
0 likesWell, we found 2 titles for Flurry
487 likesThe Princess of Light
And the Princess of
Replies (9)
y e s
13 likesS a l e s a r e o n e p e r c e n t o f f
18 likesGood times, good times.
4 likesBuy our toys.buy our toys.buy our toys.
5 likesbuy our merch
0 likesbUy oUr tOys
0 likesLove
0 likesAnd the princess of Family
1 likeI love this idea ♥♥
0 likesWould flurry heart be the daughter that her mom and dad knew she can be?
0 likesFor me l think that there’s a connection of flurry heart and sunny starscout because they both have some kind of relationship to some kind of artifacts, celestia and Luna has a connection, candence and twilight has a connection, why not flurry heart and sunny starscout?
0 likesMaybe Caden's was born an alicorn and that's why baby flurry heart was born an alicorn! ❤
0 likesI think you've solved something the entire Fandom tried to understand since season 6 premiere. Not only that, I don't think even the writers could come up with a better explanation for Flurry
13 likeslook at her magic color it matches the color of light
0 likesFlurry heart could be the Princesses of Light and she could help Sombra. Sombra is DARKness, He's a SHADOW. Right? So Flurry Heart could bring the LIGHT in Sombra and make him GOOD!
0 likesYou will know how flurry heart in the future
1 likeIf you watch a lot of My Little Pony but some
Of the fans of MLP don’t know her future
Even if there a big famous MLP watcher
Some of you guys might like the light
And love measuring why did she born
As an alicorn well because they made
That up alicorn isn’t a real thing or well
Word to be honest it isn’t though why?
We don’t know why we just saw it they
Made it up for fun I guess I wish it was
A real word though that would make my
Day a lot I I think? I think Iam CRAZY right?
So this is why you red this right? Not just
For fun I hope lol
0 likesflurry is literally the princess of Merchandise. there is no changing my mind.
56 likesI think Flurry Heart can be the next Prince .She is an Allicorn? I am not sure at all
0 likesAnyone else thinking about Princess of Family? The moment he mentioned love of one's parents, I immediately thought of family.
0 likesIdk about luna's story but in the episode horse play
0 likesThe play's story was like a student of star swirl ( I think jussssttt think ) knew how to raise the sun on her own so I think that's when she got a cutie mark
@sawtooth waves .... You got it wrong! Flurry heart was alicorn because her mom is an alicorn so it is by blood. One parent of the princesses was an alicorn and the second parent was like Shinning Armor. That is why Celestia and Luna were not born as unicorn they was alicorn . but Cadence was not an alicorn but she earned her wings and she gave her genetics to have wings so that is why Cadence is bad at flying.
0 likesBrony notion: solved flurry heart theory.
383 likesHasbro: WRITE THAT DOWN!
Replies (2)
This is an under appreciated comment
11 likesOMG YEAH
2 likesSeriously when is he ever freaking going to read the journal of the two sisters I mean it doesn’t really change anything about this particular theory it can still work princess Celestia and Princess Luna wile yes accomplishing a Great feet when raising the sun and moon also represented love and cooperation between siblings so it can still work but he could’ve used it as evidence if he had known
0 likesme saying: So if king sombra comes back once more, we will need cadence AND flurry heart since he is darkness and hate while cadence and flurry are light and love
0 likesCadence and flurry heart should rule! Wait WHAT ABOUT SHINING ARMOUR?!
0 likesLove the princess of merchandise thing
0 likesUghhhhhhhhh i really Hope for a new series following the young Six and The CMCs. Please give younger people the same experience we had and give us more of that magic
10 likesReplies (2)
the cmc have had enough screentime, but there's a world of potential for flurry
5 likes@Sawtooth Waves yeah, it's true, but I would like to see how they become professors, And also a girl in this comment section Said that they have a window too. But giving sense to flurry would be such an achievement too. But anyway I'm happy that you saw my comment, I love your Theorist and I wanted you to know it (even if it probably doesn't matter). Sorry for my bad english but it isn't my first language😅
4 likesShe is a princess of light
2 likesHasbro MLP creator watching this:.... they know... THEY KNOWWWW!
3 likesReplies (1)
what do they know
0 likesIsn't Flurry the Princess of Hope?
1 likeThen sunny hops in from the new gen wrecking everything we worked out
0 likesAll of them are allicorns
Replies (58)
It should be 'AN alicorn' , not 'A alicorn'...
84 likesHumail Fatima you must be fun at parties
175 likesbecause he is too humble to be an alicorn.
167 likesHe's the glue that holds everything together.
The support system.
Not everyone is built for fame and greatness and that's ok too, he is a guard he embodies his role of supporting.
@IzzyIndeed, yes, I am the centre of attention at parties.
27 likesLol!
10 likesMaybe Alicorn is a female only thing
34 likes@Iris tell that to Big Mac
73 likes😂😂😂 l bet thats how he fell
10 likes• pearlize • I feel bad for poor Shining Armor, everybody takes advantage of him, disrespects him, disregards him, disses him, just ignores and mocks him. He’s just like Spike, there to be a joke.
26 likesxX Raina Xx His once idiotic “Eey-up”s would be the most wise of words ever spoken if he were a princess. It’s true, it’s not about what is said, it’s about who says it.
19 likesHumail Fatima annnd this is what we call a “killjoy”
2 likesAlicorn*
4 likesAn*
xX Raina Xx I don’t think dreams count...sorry Big Mac xd
9 likesIm getting flashbacks to Alicorn Big Mac
5 likesbecause if he has wings wouldnt he not like it because gets air sick???
4 likes@𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞•𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 ⧗ maybe it's different if you drive it? I mean, some people are car sick, except if they are driving the car.
5 likesCadance:make people fall in love is hard
7 likesFlurry:give hope is stress full
Twilight:wanna talk about stress?i raise the sun.the moon.and i even have to rule FREAKING EQUESTRIA
Shining:i want a pair of wings.i wanna argue like that like them
6 likesmlp dosnt want to make stallions alicorns-?
t s u k a s a his parents don’t have wings
2 likes@Unicorn Number1 so what? The Cake parent don't have any horn or wings, but Pound and Pumkin are a unicorn and a pegasus. Also, Twilight and even Spike got their wings eventually.
3 likes@Alegria Déessethe cake twins were just chance, and Twilight is the element of Magic and a princess and Celestia's successor. And Spike is a dragon, and all dragons have wings.
2 likes@Unicorn Number1 it has nothing to do with "his parents don't have wings"
3 likes@Alegria Déesse No, it probably does - they're his parents for goodness sake.
3 likes@Unicorn Number1 damn, read again everything I answered you!
3 likes@Alegria Déesse Yeah I did - of course if his parents dont have wings he probably won't be born with them, and he hasn't done some big princess-worthy deed, so he shouldn't be a stallicorn.
3 likes@Unicorn Number1 and can't you take a joke? Because it just started as a joke where Shining is upset that his wife, his sister and his daughter all are alicorns (and Flurry didn't do anything for that).
3 likes@Iris yeah like a calico XD
1 like@Alegria Déesse I was just saying that his parents dont have wings either, so he's not the only one.
2 likes@Unicorn Number1 So? What if his parents don't have wings it has nothing to do with being an allicorn
4 likes@Izzy haha made ur likes 69
1 likeYep.XD
1 likeBAHAHA
1 likeHumail Fatima totaally
1 likeLol
3 likesTwilight be like: cOz wE aRe SpEciAl
3 likesHumail Fatima chile this ain't a spelling bee
1 likeHumail Fatima umm it don’t matter
1 like😂😂
1 like@Humail Fatima Alright...
2 likesI love this comment so much!
4 likesHumail Fatima you wish
2 likesCuz mare cant be an Alicorn
2 likesVbee Banda stallion**
3 likes@max 😂😂
1 like@Caren Renaline swandi like I said above, some people are car sick unless they are the ones driving, so maybe it's the same for flying.
1 liketrue tho XDD
1 like@xX Raina Xx that was in his dreams but irl we don't have anything
1 like@aydawni twilight is his sister
1 like@Jad Alomer ik
1 like@Jad Alomer that was me when i was stupid
1 likeAnd before i rewatched mlp-
@Iris, yea but why is the question XD
1 likeIzzy
1 likeur comment doesn’t make sense, op got the joke and was just correcting them
@Humail Fatima what do you meannnnn
1 like@Humail Fatima of course I saw a comment about spelling correction when I just finished...was is spelling or is it called English class...I dunno o-O
1 likehahahaha that’s so funy
1 likeMaybe they would technically calm her the Princess of hope
0 likesNow that i look at it all the alicorns have an opposite character like luna and celestia is eachother twillights opposite is discord princess cadence opposite is chrysalis except flurry heart my theory is flurry hearts opposite is king sobra since his magic kind of represents darkness
1 likeYou are right flurry heart could be the princess of light.
0 likesflurry heart: i am the princess of light but something doesn't feel right im missing a part of me, i know! I AM ALSO THE PRINCESS OF MERCHANDISE, BUY OUR MERCH
0 likesI’m very late but my theory is that cutie marks aren’t just your special talent but also you destiny. The reason cadence had the crystal heart is because her destiny was to rule the crystal empire. This back to twilights mark, a pink star repenting her with 5 small white stars symbolizing her future friends. But this is the white star in behind the pink one, possibly showing that she became an alicorn. I believe the flurry is the protecter of the crystal heart and a threat was made against it. In the stain glass window is what we see of her after she defeated the threat.
0 likesI think Flurry Heart can be the next Princes .She is an Allicorn? I am not sure at all
0 likesFlurry heart is the one who take on her mothers legacy
0 likesFlurry heart can spread light when dark comes like king sombra so the crystal pony will never get to forget anything
0 likescelstia's element: sun
189 likesluna's element: moon
candace's element: love
twilight's element: friendship
flurry heart's element: light
(thats all elements of the princesses)
Replies (4)
Love Can be Relationship ^^
2 likesCozy Glow: the "princess/queen?" of dark power-
0 likesChristina Wright maybe flurry can be hope?
0 likesThis is a little random, but I feel like Queen Chrysalis also falls into the same group with Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Flurry Heart, and Cadence. But instead of being a princess that keeps people together, it's of what tears people apart, since she very literally devours love. Throughout the entire show, it's shown how love and friendship keep people together, and what happens without it. Chrysalis basically is the embodiment of that loss of love. Could also be part of why she always turned down the ponies friendships, because she was never missing those things, unlike many of the others who were villans.
0 likesWhat about Celestia? She give sun, which basally mean light and warmth...
1 likeI mean... Cadence also gave birth as a alicorn, and Celestia, Luna, and Twilight hasn't given birth to really know that DNA.. So technically she got her wings from her mother.
0 likesThis sounds right to me. 💖
0 likesWell idk I think the only meaning of light isn't something like light of moon,sun,star or...
0 likesI think it means light in hearts wich is actually Hope
I mean love and hope work together
If there wasn't any hope(like crystal ponies during sombra's kingdom)there wasn't any love either
I totally agree with u about the whole "princess of light" theory, how are u so smart at these things?!?!
322 likesReplies (5)
Nicole Betts that’s what I think all the time
0 likesYeah
0 likes@Hey Hmmm Really??.. ..
0 likesThe way he explains this theory makes sense☺
0 likesThe many years of doing theses types of theories
0 likesWe know man she’s a princess of light I want is a principal and she’s resilient like she was like all around the loving ones and family hearing some light and happiness from across the world she’s the happiness of all of a kiss yeah he hearing sappy news about he has a layover shining armor she shows like the sun in the power of magic power magic inner so nice light shine over caccia and Ireland and I don’t really doesn’t matter what she does she’s makes everything go through
0 likesWhat about shining armor? Love for ones partner is also two ways. So basically... WHERES MY PRINCESS SHINING ARMOR?!?
0 likesI think that my little pony has 3 mane princesses ,cadence, twilight, and flurry heart. I mean if you think about it my little pony is mostly about friendship, love, and light so I think he is right
0 likesFlurry is cute but I’m guessing that she’s princess of hearts match up with her mom
1 likeIt really took me the whole video to figure out why he added a snowflake onto his character-
124 likesReplies (8)
flurry heart ^^
32 likes@Sawtooth Waves yeah^^
5 likesI just didn't get it......thanks
5 likesHey Phoenix UwU
1 like@Vampy Vee vEE WHAT
2 likesth3phoenix - nice running into ya XD
1 like@Vampy Vee you too 😂
1 like😭why is the show ending 😭
0 likesYou know those 5 princesses are the meanings of Life and magic so it exists in reality and spiritual world's and these princesses are powerful but what happens when they come together! we know that when a pony use a lot of magic they turn into monsters like princess celestia and princess luna and twilight and sunset shimmer and cozy and gloryosa so maybe just maybe they will turn into monsters too especially Flurry heart cus she isn't as powerful as grown allicorns
0 likesWe All Feel Proud Of The Mcflrurry. The Prince Of Mcdonalds. Sniff
0 likesThis just crossed my mind
0 likesBut what kind of princess is Princess Big Mac and Cozy Glow
Remember the deleted part of the movie "one for family" was Cadence, so yes.
58 likesOkay I like her being the princess of light but I don’t think the royal sisters are the princesses of siblings because if you listen to the line carefully “this is some thing equestria has never seen equestria has never seen it what if the princesses don’t have a love tie to their magic?
0 likesWhat a lovely so I really like how you need to register me perfect I’ll tell you keep on making things right and making other people understand
0 likesI think flurry heart will be the princess of light
1 likeMe: the Princess of friendship, the Princess of the moon, the Princess of the sun, the Princess of love and the Princess of light
0 likesWow😓 that's a lot of Princesss
Flurry Should Be The Queen Of Ice Cream Y'Know McFlurry Heart
0 likesOr flurry heart could be the princess of happiness. Think about it
0 likesWhat if Flurry is the Princess of Family for a more simpler term
0 likesShining armor: My sister and wife and my daughter are alicorns.
360 likesFlurry heart: Dad,just buy our toys
Replies (5)
9 likesXD
1 likeXD
1 likeBuy our toys
1 likeIt sounds right, but since flurry heart is light and Celestia is sun the sun is light so what if flurry heart probably works with Celestia and not with her mother
1 likeShe's more like the princess of hope
0 likesso, shouldn't it be called "My Little Pony: Magic of Love"?
0 likesPrincess Flurryheart crowned Princess of Merchandise.
235 likesTwilight: gasps This kind of magic has never been seen before! Surely she has to be the only one to rule all of Equestria!
2 days later.
the world ends
Replies (4)
The truth has been revealed everypony! Run for the hills
4 likesat least Equestria’s bank will be loaded🤑😆💵💰
4 likeseconomy falls apart
1 like@Selim Sultan Akbar Dude, if you don't have something nice to say, leave...please? We just wanna keep the peace.
1 likeYou’re prob not gonna see this but if you haven’t already, you should make a theory video for how Celestia and Luna became princesses :)
0 likesI guess...
0 likesFlurry Heart is Princess of JOY
Because she is so joyful
Luna could have been born alicorn, or became one as soon as she met Celestia.
0 likesI think maybe the mom and daughter roll together so they have the same destiny and they’re both the princesses of love
0 likesI think she should be called ,,The princess of hope”
155 likesReplies (11)
4 likesLike twilight should be the princess of harmony
20 likesYeah I thought she should be
2 likesMakoto Neagi: allow me to introduce myself
5 likesUniverse Area a fellow danganropa fan?!
1 likeTotally!
1 like@Universe Area yey. Another fellow danganronpa fan!
1 likeYAS! But isn't there already a pillar representing hope?
2 likesu cant make a comment like that when I'm doing my DandanRonpa week damnit
0 likesthe princess of hope would be a good name for flurry, but before cadence there was a princess of hope she was the first one to banish sombra
0 likesThat means she wasn’t born in allicorn She just become one at that moment
0 likesWhoever needs time stamp for flurry heart princess of merchandise:
0 likes2:17
FLURY IS THE PRINCESS OF LIGHT. the was you said she was connected to the heart is by spreading light
0 likesWill flurry heart get married?!
0 likesWill flurry heart be a good ruler?!
Will flurry heart have her own student?!?!
I question them a lot
My theory as to the reason why Flurry Heart was born an Alicorn is most likely because of her family genetics, because you know Shining Armor is a Unicorn and Cadence is an Alicorn, so it's quite possible that Flurry maybe a genetic hybrid...at least that's my theory.
102 likesReplies (9)
Buttt.. if that was true at the grand galloping Galla prince blue blood would be an alicorn because rarity said “I’d meet celesta’s nephew or this is just in my head ..
8 likesI mean, it makes sense. Cadence was originally a pegasus. So, I think her being a hybrid connects the docs.
8 likesThe Commenter Dragon wELl ThATs nO fuN
0 likesYeaaa, but then Luna and Celestia say that Equestria never experienced the birth of an alicorn before, and that even them don't understand how it happened
0 likesI recognize that as soon s he start I just wonder why he has it there lol probably a crystal empire edition
0 likesAnd Twilight
0 likesMartina Ariatta just because it never happened doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Flurry possibly inherited a Recessive trait that made her have wings and a horn.
0 likes@crispy creams. wait... Her nephew?! Does Luna have a child?!
0 likes@Sarah According to Prince Blueblood's wiki page: "He is the distant nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and the cousin of Princess Cadance," so he's more like a nephew once-or-twice removed, probably.
0 likesIt's not canon that Cadance was a pegasus, and the show hasn't given us any reason to believe a non-unicorn could become an alicorn, so that's inconclusive.
Given that no non-alicorns have had alicorn children in the entirety of pony history, even if you do think Cadance was originally a pegasus, that alone wouldn't have done it anyway. If all it took was a pegasus and a unicorn having a kid, we'd have a LOT of Flurry Hearts.
I think it's most likely a combination of love (from Flurry) and alicorn magic (from Cadance) that did it, but we'll never know for sure.
Flurry Heart: I'm the princess of light yay
0 likesPrincess Celestia:...my title used to be Princess of the Day Sun and Light–
What is Flurry Heart Queen of?
0 likesMe: She ain't queen she is just a crystal PRINCESS. Cadence is the crystal QUEEN. Does it make sense?
Still imagineing what type of princess flurry heart is I mean like I guess that why is she an alicorn maybe because of her parents also maybe she is combination of her parents but they should mention that what kind of princess flurry heart is
1 likeTheory- Is Flurry Heart REALLY an Alicorn? It's possible that she got her dangerously large horn and wings from her mama but...she doesn't have earthpony strength. I mean We have NEVER seen a time where ANY of the princesses use their strength. There has to be AT LEAST ONE TIME where they use strength. I'm not saying that alicorns are only unicorn and pegasi, I'm saying they never use their stregth EVER.
0 likesWhat about the princess of Darkness? There's Light, so that means there has to be Darkness. With Light comes the Dark.
263 likesReplies (40)
It might be Sombra and Flurry, Sombra being Darkness and Flurry being Light
83 likesLike the Yin and Yang yin is the light and as a dark spot in the middle and on the Yang is darkness and at the very middle there is light dark and light always has each other there is no such thing has fully of any side
26 likes@I_am_Snakelake wait... I thought yin was the black one and yang the white one-
7 likesChrysalis?
6 likesThat elements of disharmony theory is feeling more and more like a possibility
22 likes@Sarah Chrysalis doesn't really represent any form of darkness, just bugs. Lots and lots of bugs.
25 likes@𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 true... But if she wasn't a "bug" before...
4 likes@Ace magalor Exactly!! :3
1 like@Sarah That is also true.
4 likesI think the princess of Darkness is a prince who calls himself a king. Can you guess who that person is? Hint It starts with a s and ends with an a.
8 likesSombra’s kid and Flurry in love :O
5 likes@Insert a name I haven't heard that name in years.
2 likesI did NOT expect my comment to be a center of theories-
2 likes@Luna•Foox Neither did i-
1 likeShe should of had a twin!
3 likesSѧҡuяѧ Wօʟʄɛɛ yes just like the Sisters Celestia and Luna: Sun and Moon; day and night
2 likes@minnsy minnd nobody's truely gone...
6 likes@lemonqvartz The "…" makes me think your upset, you OK?
2 likesMaybe when Flurry grows up she makes a friend who later becomes the princess(or Prince) of Darkness when they gain their wings and/or horns
3 likesI would say Thorax. Why does darkness have to be bad? An antagonist ? Or a pony at all?
4 likesThorax has become a leader and he knows the darkness, because of his past and as a male changeling, he would be the complete opposide of a princess of light.
Perfect for the prince of darkness :D
@Jackson Sparkle Great theory!
1 likeAw yeah! This is going to be gooooooooooooooooood!
0 likes@𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 I thought Sombra was permanently incinerated.
0 likes@Sarah Chrysalis! Yes! That would be cool! Wait, she wanted revenge on Starlight, not Flurry. And she's also a statue. No wait (thinks back on a previous video of Brony Notion's.).
0 likes@Ace magalor Yes!
0 likes@Insert a name He's incinerated, though. So how would that happen? A son?
0 likes@Luna•Foox LOL! That happened to me once. A bunch of comments on mine.
0 likes@Jackson Sparkle oooooooooooooh! That's good!
0 likes@𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 It's time for fanfiction about them~
0 likes@𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 but sombra has been around for mUCH longer than flurry, if its true that dark and light must always be balanced and that flurry represents light and with sombra representing darkness, will that mean that equastria was not balanced all these time until flurry was born?
0 likesStygian? He did become the Pony of Shadows, after all.
1 like@Flexibo That actually makes alot of sense
0 likesWe already have light and dark, it's Celestia and Luna, quite literally day and night. They're the celestial alicorns.
1 likeIk ur a gacha person like me so like...what if theres a new villian? Prince of Darkness? And maybe instead of bannishing or doing something else to cause frustration for them and hate her more...what if they fall inlove? In gacha stories theres a thing called "opposites attract" like theres a soft girl with a bad boy.
1 like@S4g3_BS Those make like no sense, I don't get the appeal to those sort of stories but it's a perfect idea
0 likesHmm. The only candidate I find possible is Sombra. Or at least, anyone who walked his path. Ink Rose did say that it was a path in one of her old videos
0 likes@S4g3_BS I like your theory!!
0 likeslaughs in Darth Vader
0 likes@Jasmine Mathew Oh my god it's perfect.
0 likesSѧҡuяѧ Wօʟʄɛɛ if ur true then what type of relationship would the princess of darkness have, now it doesn’t really make sense it would seem more like an alter ego that flurry heart might have became in the past, like Luna when she became nightmare moon.
2 likesAnd another thing darkness usually is associated with being alone or sad which is the opposite of all the princesses or this pony might not even be related to flurry maybe they aren’t even a pony what if they are like an unreformed changling... 🤔 maybe a changling for chrysalis that maybe ran away or something.
I personally think if flurry heart is the princess of light she then keeps an reminder of her mother and celesta
0 likesMy name is Vivian I love your videos and I think you were just right about flurry heart 🤪🤗🤔❤️❤️❤️
0 likes2:18 Sawtooth waves:BUY OUR TOYS BEFORE WE EAT YOUR SOUL
0 likesi have a question why does the cristal empier have a like shape of a snowflake it for sure had another alicorn rueling the crystal empier before cadence
0 likes0:40 Hmm... that monster kinda looks like the one Big Mac was hiding from in one of the pictures Applejack showed Starlight in Every Little Thing She Does. Theories on this?
51 likesI bet if you went to like a really good math person and they said yes then it would be right to call flurry the Princess of light
1 likedid anyone notice that just below the screen that it says mysterious south I think that might be where Celestia and Luna lived in the past . please make a video about that .
0 likesSun and moon I’d say represents differences
1 likeBrony Notion finally solving the Flurry Heart mystery?
87 likesImpossible
Replies (1)
Indeed, it is impossible.
0 likesYou are honestly a genius
0 likesLet put her in G5 and see what that looks like with magic being restored with Izzy and switch
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI think flurry heart is the princess of emotions
0 likesflurry heart: princess of hope&light .
1209 likesReplies (58)
Hope or light or care think
19 likesAnd MERCHANDISE!!! 💵
85 likesNo! Not that !
2 likesShe’s a princess of Faith and Hope!
17 likesBuy. Our. Toys.
21 likesNot hope
3 likesShe’s the princess of LIGHT
4 likescant be hope. that's for the pillars
9 likesI thought she’s the princess of family
3 likesWho r u naegi or nagito
3 likesYes
0 likesshe is my favorite
1 likeiiEvelynx thank you for saying light and hope I’ve been saying that all throughout the video
0 likesdont forget MERCHANDISE
1 likeI are toy I are toys I are toy I are toy what
0 likesU forgot merch
0 likesHonestly I think Princess of light and peace
0 likesOk🆗
0 likesSean Goh of course!?!
0 likesso true
0 likesHas a nice ring to it
0 likesAnd merchandise
1 like@Sean Goh buy our toy buy our merchandise
1 like@Sean Goh exactly
1 likeNagito the princess of hope
0 likes(Sorry for messing with fandoms but it's the first thing that came to mind while reading this)
Buy. our. toys.
0 likesFlurry Heart a Alicorn
And merchandise
1 likeOnly true fans remember 😢
I would say flurry heart is the princess of light
0 likesThe ultimate Hope Student
1 likeAH THERES 666 LIKES ;'(
0 likesAlso known as merchandise
0 likesHOPE AND LIGHT :l hope from fireafy?
0 likes@Sean Goh I don't want to be rude but say what now
0 likesYep its truth
0 likesi tought that flurry is the princess of light and love i tought flurry was the princess of love bc her mom was the princess of love so i tought she keept her mom's dasteny the light one idk i just tought she wead be the princess of light and love
0 likesNo,hajime nagito and makoto rule hope
0 likesand then we need a new villain princess of despair and darkness
0 likesIt's not hope & light it's love & light
0 likesfroree.hartfrist.celstya.and.Luna.and.twilighteands...star.lihtye.grimmer.3power.full.alarkorn.power.and.power.full.younekornpower.
0 likesYes
0 likesIt makes sence
0 likesLight hope in she-ra 🤣
0 likesFlurry heart :Princess of confusing people and making them argue
0 likesno shes the princess of merchandise
0 likesYea I wanted to say that but then I saw your reply
0 likes@★p¡rate★ did you watch the video THE MAJORITY IS LITERALLY LIGHT
0 likes@Pippa Fung 🤧🤧Cadence is the princess of live and family 🤦♀️🤦♀️
0 likesBut i think she will rule the crystal empire
0 likesNo she is princess of merchandise
0 likesflurry heart: the princess of.. bUy OuR tOyS!!
1 likeyeah!!!
1 likeor love like princess cadence.
1 likeI never thought of it that way. Nice.
0 likesDont watch the series but i love your videos so much information
0 likesI have a question about what is sunset shimmer's story is she a pony? Or a alien type of figure that camouflaged as a pony? And I have asked this for Matpat and see which one will win
0 likesTwilight literally had the same type of window 💀💀💀💀
0 likesFlurry Heart has always been my favorite MLP character and I hate when people criticize her but I'm so happy this video clears up everything!
15 likesI think since flurry heart is special she has 2 destiny's the princess of ice and light
0 likesFlurry Heart is the princess of light.
0 likesIf Flurry hearts the princess of light then.. what is her cutie mark??
0 likeswell if she is spreading light with the crystal heart... from what we know about flurry heart she has ALOT OF ENERGY she is curious and smart at times. in the episode flurry of emotions, flurry heart is smart and mimics what twilight does with the toy bear. ok so she's smart.. so what thing represents a curious kind loving light smart pony?? What does the crystal heart has the most light in it?? the most unique thing about this kingdom
in the name of the kingdom
alot of times the ponys
cadences cutie mark is the crystal heart so flurrys would be connected to kingdom too in way.
that connection is crystals
her cutie mark would be a few shiny crystals with sparkles around them like the crystal ponys.
the entire kindom is basicly made out of crystals.
do you agree..??
Hold up IF mlp g5 doesn't take place THAT far away from the mlp show with Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow dash, ect,. Would Flurry Heart be included in the mlp g5 movie?
1 likeIf you look at the ‘northern lights’ that appears from the crystal heart, the colors that apppears are pink, yellow and blue. Which might symbalize Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurrys magic aura. (Shining Armor: Pink. Cadence: Blue/ Love and Flurry Yellow/Light)
0 likesAwww this theory gives me warm Fuzzies. 😊
0 likeswait it's been 5 years since flurry heart was introduced ?!?!
0 likesYes I think it’s very clear for you to be right
1 likeWell her name is FLURRY Heart so maybe...The Princess of snow?
0 likesaccording to the scrapped opening for the movie, Cadence is the princess of Family?
0 likesI think I can maybe answer twilight students on the wall twilight and her friends got a picture off all or then on the wall when they got control of the elements of harmony but you can think of it like this after Celestia and Luna got the crown they had to lose control of the elements soon that would mean the same for twilight who better to give them to than her best creachers in school but since the creachers armed all ponies they look for a new tradition each new villain defeated by the new elements is now a part of aquestria history so they add it to the window but the question still stands why them well here’s the thing since they created somthing together to remember the tree it grew a new one that would be there base but another question how do they represent the elements well smolder is brave and kind but she would not be kindness otherwise jenerousety silvedstreem makes a lot of jokes the element of laughter but getting to Yona is triky how to sort her well she is kind loyal jenerouse and honest she is the element of friendship the rest is simple to sort so that’s why I think they are the new elements
0 likesMlp: every question is already answered
607 likesMe: What about cozy glow's parents?
Replies (12)
They got in her way, so she made sure they wouldn't anymore.
78 likes@CinCoutMagus hold up-
36 likesMonaca from Danganronpa
9 likesOh yeah we don't know who cozy glow's parents are
12 likesFaye Animates good question 😀
3 likesYeah!! what about cozy's perents
4 likesYeah
0 likesIkr
0 likesShe might of killed them
0 likes@Teletubbies Harvest Please don't mention Monica Towa, she causes me to have anxiety attacks and it's fun for none of us. Please just remember that some of us have triggers and we would like it if you don't cause anxiety/panic attacks by mentioning something so I hope you have a good day because I'm in a kinda bad mental state and I even kinda vent randomly in private chats and I just want you to know that you are loved and if you didn't know that then now you know I love all of you beans and I hope you stay happy💖
2 likesHer mum is cadance and dad shining...
0 likes@Shiofuki Ando I wasn't aware she could cause anyone other than actual characters to have panic attacks I'm sorry I offended you here have a cookie (>^w^)>🍪~
0 likeswait.. if there's a duo.. sun and moon than duo friendship and love.. doesn't it means.. there should be a duo of light (flurr heart) and dark?
0 likesIf Flurry is the princess of light, and princess Celestia being the princess of the sun, so that means.. she will raise the sun of the Crystal Empire? Idk
0 likesHmm I think your right Flurry might be princess of light!
0 likesCelestia and luna became alicorn when the first raised the sun and moon .
0 likesThen shouldn’t there be a Princess of Darkness?
20 likesI mean not necessarily in an evil way but remember you said that balance was important like with your whole Star Wars Analogy.
Replies (5)
I'd say Luna fits the bill.
4 likesThe Brony Notion But wouldn’t Celestia then be the Princess of Light?
3 likes@ella yeah
1 likeThan there should be a green alicorn of Nature. I like that idea. I got my character Forester (Leaf).
1 like@Sawtooth Waves Nah. She's the Princess of the Night. Like how Celestia is the Princess of the Day. Maybe if Flurry had a sister? Who knows...
2 likes(Update: The video/The Brony Notion calls Celestia and Luna as the Princesses of the Sun and Moon respectively. Although, in that regard, I'd have to disagree. They may raise and set the sun and moon respectively, but those two "celestial bodies" can be moved by anyone with just enough magic and training. Heck, Celestia even raised and set both at one time, for a thousand years.)
Update 2: If we assume Chrysalis as a sort of "Princess/Queen of Hatred", then we can presume that her child would be the Prince/Princess of Darkness. That way there's double duality. (Since it can't just be a duality of good [i.e. love and light] since that wouldn't be balanced.)
I’m pretty sure that they’re all Alcorns are actually in mortal because if you think about it last year and Luna still haven’t died and they don’t appear to be getting old like wrinkles and stuff like that like twice friends were old and the ending of the final season but while it’s still light looks like a celestial did does that mean Alcorns are immortal
0 likesI think you're right sawtooth it obviously has to be true whatever cutie mark cookie have
0 likesI like this idea more than the other one
0 likesI love the buy our toys bit its so funny 🤣😂
0 likesFlurry: by the power of Light and merchandise, I will help keep the crystal empire full of light and toys!
39 likesShe also could be the princess of Family if we are talking relationship related?
0 likesI think she's supposed to be princess of light?
1 likeIt if we say about the magic colour they are similar like princess celestia is the princess of sun so he's magic colour is yellow princess Luna is princees of moon and her magic colour is dark blue. Princess cadence is princess of love so he's magic colour is blue. Like crystal heart she is connected to crystal heart. And when we talk about twilight sparkel she is princess of friend ship so her magic colour is magneta first it was baby pink.it it is some of connected to her cutie mark. And finally flurry heart in this video you have said that flurry heart is the princess of light yes she is her horn magic colour is also yellow like princess celestia but if you see the my little pony . Flurry heart crystalling full episode you will see all of the things that happens.or if flurry heart horn magic colour is that not means that she is also princess of Sun. She is the princess of light.
1 likeI think that flurry heart is the princess of merchandise 😂😂
0 likesPlease do a theory on where tf Cozy Glow's parents are and why Cozy became evil.
121 likesReplies (2)
They're too busy being dead.
11 likes@F yep, they're dead
4 likesIg flurry will never become that edgy teenager who hates their parents
0 likesok don't forget luna she also is the love for children because in many episodes of luna she protects children and show them the light so don't forget than man
1 likeSo Flurry Heart was the princess of light
0 likesU deserve to be Verified by YouTube :3
0 likesPlot twist: Cadence has another daughter, again born an alicorn, and she becomes the princess of darkness and she becomes the next villain
734 likesReplies (26)
Isn’t that Celestia and Luna all over again ? Haha
75 likesthis where people started thinking its princess skyla😂 e
29 likesMakes Denver or the best could be the princess of fun
7 likesSo maybe she is another half of light who doesn't get enough importance so she might turn evil, just like luna....
8 likesSo this means after cadence retires Flurry heart will take her mothers place
3 likesnightmare moon........... 2!
6 likesLily The potato if earth ponies could be alicorns then wouldn’t that be pinky?
8 likes@🦋Nikkira Laniakea🦋 you make a good point.
2 likes@Darcy Michaels-Gardam or maybe the princess OF the dark or princess of darkness cause thr princess of dark does sound like a good title
1 like@🦋Nikkira Laniakea🦋 Except with the parents! Cause we have Cadence and (probably still have) Shining Armor. So is basically a Family problem.
2 likesPuts on shades and starts playing "My Family"
Cool! You should write for Hasbro!
2 likes@🦋Nikkira Laniakea🦋 Lol that is so true😂
2 likesMikhaella Ortega when I was little (about season 4) I would invent mlp oc’s I still have an entire folder full of em. One of them was supposed to be cadance’s daughter who just happened to be named skyla. What a coincidence haha
0 likesPrincess of Darkness, the love of doing evil things.
0 likes@Mikee why do peeps think the name would be Skyla?
1 like@Fire Fox no, you didn't listen, GaWd
0 likesLuna is not evil!!!!!!!
2 likesOr HE
0 likesGreat plot twist i aggree someone acctully made a movie on that
0 likes"i GuEss im Always Gonna be the bad child. i guess im always gonna be the mad child. Cauz you will never understand my wierd mind. My wierd mindddd" 🎤🎶
0 likesBut bro i seriously love idea omfg the plottt
@Mikee who is sklya
0 likesthen twilights student and the new main six sort it out and then she becomes the princess of harmony or whatever
0 likesNo way
0 likesCelestia and Luna all over again-
0 likesYAS
0 likesShe probably the new queen 👸
0 likesYup your right cause I've been thinking about this for a long time
0 likesI mean if u look at celestia and look at flurry's magic ITS YELLOW just like celestia and celestia basically represents the sun aaand her magic is also yellow, so maybe the rumor is true :)
0 likesyes you are totally right finally
1 likeFlurry heart being related to all the royal princesses, cadence being pronounced neice of Celestia and Luna, making the royal sisters flurrys great aunts, And Twiglight being her aunt and Cadence her mom :)
63 likesReplies (4)
Then who's cadences mom?
1 like@୨KiraTheFox୧ 💭 DUN DUN DUN
1 likeGRAND aunts
0 likes@Daniel Hall um
0 likesCadance:oh sweetheart It was amazing when you killed the earth and turned it ice
0 likesgrown up flurry heart:...............
who named flurry heart? if flurry heart won't be named then maybe that's y she's coneted
0 likesto the heart her name has the word heart flurry "heart"😃
Flurry heart : I don't work for the sun the sun work for me
0 likesI was literally just gonna comment that I think she is the princess of light when he went off about that
0 likesYou and me are never gonna give up for a heart being the queen of merchandise we’re never gonna forget that ‘cause that is my favorite part just it’s amazing😂😂😂 I can barely speak because it’s so funny aaa haaa
0 likesThe place where the royal sisters came from is silver shoals
0 likesI feel like the sisters are like Yinyang
0 likesFlorey heart Is the princess of light
1 likeFinally i can flex my knowledge about the four types of love:
12 likesRomantic love:The type if love Cadence and shining armour feel
Platonic love: The love between twilight and her friends
Love between siblings: Luna and celestia
Unconditional love: This could be flurry hearts type of love?
nah she's the princess of merchandise 100%
0 likesWhy is everyone acting like an alicorn giving birth to an alicorn is weird? Think about it. There were four alicorn princesses (that we know of, anyway), and Cadance is the only one to have ever gotten pregnant. Just because she's the only one to have ever given birth to a baby alicorn, though, doesn't mean Celestia, Luna, or Twilight won't also give birth to a baby alicorn if they ever get pregnant. So my theory is that everyone's just making a big deal out of something that would be considered perfectly normal if there were more alicorns :) I do like the idea of Flurry Heart being the princess of hope, though. I feel like just because alicorns may be a more common occurrence now, doesn't mean they can't still be special in some way. We need some MLP spinoffs to explain a lot of these other characters.
0 likesSo that’s why she’s called flurry heart
1 likeIf theres a princess of light shouldn't there be a princess of darkness🤔
0 likesThis makes a lot of sense with Flurry Heart. However I do have something that bothers me. Celestia and Luna leave: but Twilight rules? Something else that bothers me is, Twilight is an Alicorn, because she is the princess of friendship. She would have never of had friends if it wasn't for the other 5. An Alicorn basically means your "immortal" but if Twilight was to.. rule for let's say.. 1,000 years, wouldn't it be impossible for her? Her friends would pass away, and she would rule alone. But she can't, because she tecnecally rules with her friends?? It would be kind of school if you made a theory off of this, but I figured I would just comment something that bothered me about the princesses retiring.
17 likesEDIT1: This means that she became an Alicorn because of her friends. She did not do her feats alone. So why does she get the "reward" of being alive..forever? Or maybe..it's not a reward?
Replies (4)
This is what I could find:
5 likes"On April 14, 2013, McCarthy was asked "As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?" and answered "Twilight will not outlive her friends". However, on October 12, 2019, in response to Twilight not aging in The Last Problem while her friends are, Jim Miller said, "That was never said on the show. We don't know how long everyone lives, Twilight included." He then added, "We honestly never discussed it. Her friends have been exposed to a LOT of special magic over the years, so who knows how it's affected them"'
Short Answer:
We really don't know how long ponies live for, but we do know that Alicorns age slower than normal ponies, but they aren't immortal.
That said, the friendship throughout all of Equestria will still exist, even after Twilight's friends have died. Her friendship goes beyond just her close group.
@Bashful Wolfo that makes sense. Thanks!
1 likeMaybe even the sisters(Luna&Celestial)will revert back to Pony form and become mortal again?
0 likesI think they will live as over years her friends have gotten a lot of magic and not only twilight has the friendship magic all of her friends do its just only her with Alicorn magic so I think they will all still be alive in 1000 years
0 likesOr cadance is love and flurry heart is hope
0 likeswell then..
0 likesflurry: you hate ur parents? well now you love'em! 🤩🎉
She is the princess of making friends and being kind
0 likesReplies (1)
Isn't that Twilight the princess of friendship-
0 likesI think Flurry is the princess of emotions lol
0 likesShow Staff: Behold, an Alicorn baby!
5 likesFandom: COOL! I wonder what’s gonna happen with her!
3 Years Later...
Show Staff: Behold, the final episode!
Fandom: What about Flurry Heart?
Show Staff: Oh yeah, uh, we just put her on a window. Hope that’s good enough for ya.
Shinging armor in the corner: whY am I tHe usEleSs OnE 😭
0 likesFlurry heart: u helped give birth to me u aint completely useles jeez chill 🙄
She be the princess of the love for your parents
0 likesmmm. I know this is late. But what about darkness. There has to be an element for everything or else one aspect will fall apart. I don't see where darkness could truly be. One thing it COULD be Sombra but he was defeated. So then. Where is this darkness coming from.
0 likesWhen flurry heart broke the heart when she was a baby and then Sombra kinda damage it maybe flurry is restored the heart and then she gets the crown
0 likesI need a season 10 where they go over the stained glass paintings for example showing what flurry did or the student six something something rock thing
106 likesReplies (5)
Season 10 is being done as comics
8 likesActually there's been leaks of actual episodes
2 likesMatrixster omg Yes
1 likeOr maybe a animated shorts series like Flurry Hearts Heartfelt Scrap Book?
3 likesPlusie Gaming How the actual fu** did you create that epic title
1 like2:16 the best part
0 likesFinally the truth about flurry heart is solved
0 likesis flurry heart the princes of hope ?
0 likesI love her so much 😍💝
0 likesLast time I was this early "the princess of merchandise" was still relevant
3504 likesReplies (37)
Ahhhh yes. bUy oUr tOys BuY oUr ToYs
86 likesBUY
58 likesOUR
46 likesOUR
40 likesOUR
33 likesBUY OUR TOYS
omg lol
7 likesBUY
25 likesOUR
24 likesOUR
After reading these replies, I’m suddenly having an urge to buy a flurryheart toy.
22 likesJessica The Iceberg same lol
8 likesLol
11 likesBUY
13 likesOUR
Fluffy fart
4 likesStill is
3 likesBUY OUR TOYS!
5 likes💲💲💲BUY OUR TOYS!💲💲💲
4 likes@aquatic angel buy two! I gotta get one!
1 likeBUY
4 likesOUR
Flurry Heart is the Princess of Light?
4 likes(Kingdom Hearts would like to know your location)
3 likesOUR.
It still is lmaooo
4 likesThey probably got millions of dollars off of Flurry Heart toys and merchandise all together.
4 likesBUY
1 likeOUR
“Flurry Heart, The Princess Of Light”, I like the sound of that. Don’t You?
1 likeK
0 likesO
0 likesLol
0 likesYou’re correct
0 likes@General Jimmies Right? That's what I thought too :D
1 likeBuy our M E R C H E N D I S E
Buy our toys by our toys
0 likesSunset Stars same!
0 likesWhy can't she be the princess of family?
1 likeThere is two princesses of sibling hood romantic love in that case shining armour should Alicon
0 likesShe probably becomes the true crystal empire leefrr I would also like to know how Candace became allicorn As she is a Pegasus First
0 likesHold up now they are two light alicorns (celestia and flurry)
0 likesMaybe, Flurry is also the Princess of Hope. Like you said, when villains come over Equestria and make everything dark, Flurry comes and spread new Light and with the Light comes the hope. By the way, I love your videos and your theories give me a new perspective on mlp
20 likesReplies (1)
1 likeI think The picture in the the glass of castle shows sombra king come back and flurry heart defeat him , who knows what truth 🤔🤔
1 likeYou are right because she also has the crystal heart cutie mark
0 likesI think you're right she is the princess of light
0 likesi think your right what if flurrys acplecment was to find her destiny ,what if she apeared on twilights map but what IF SHE WAS SOPOESD TO SPREAD LIGHT .
0 likesThere Is A Other Alicorn Her Name Is Twivine Sparkle
1 likeI think Flury will be the princess of family
0 likesYou are right about her destiny
0 likesWhat about : Love Cadence Shining Armor crystal FLURRY heart light
0 likesWe have the princess of light now we need the......... ANGEL OF DARKNESSSSS
366 likesReplies (16)
🎵Angel of darkness, Angel of darkness. The world is in your hands, but I will fight until the end 🎵
49 likesNo just no I heard that song 16 million times
19 likesLuna is the angel of darkness
13 likes@C0ll31 you mean nightmare moon
9 likesThat's technically luna she is the princess of the night and the night is darkness
8 likesLunaaaa??
1 likeYESSSS
0 likesguys dont ruin the joke, I know luna is the princess of the night (and sort of darkness) BUT ITS JUST FOR A SONG REFERENCE thank you
6 likes@Fanimation Animation and Roblox its fine it wasnt aimed at you, just you got me back to reply to the comment xD
0 likesFlurry heart vs cozy glow
1 likeLuna
0 likes@Amelinda Berube oh same, the comment above reminded me of the song XD 😂
1 like2019 gacha memories intensifies
0 likesflashbacks to my gacha phase
0 likesEstuans interius
0 likesIra vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
KRISTEN not bothering to explain it if you don't get it
0 likesThats so cool it actually makes sense
0 likesSure you are right princess of sun, moon, love and light
0 likesAlguem sabia que flurry heart siginifica coracao agitado ????
2 likesEu nao kkkk
Replies (1)
do you know english
1 likeFlurryheart: BUY OUT TOYS BUY OUR TOYS
0 likesThis is literally the first time I have ever watched a video ten minutes after being uploaded. And boy. It took 4 years to figure this out. You know when you posted that video 4 years ago it got me thinking. Why does Flurry Heart's destiny have to be so complicated?!
4 likesIt can be the princess of crystal heart
1 likeYou have a nice channel but I don't understand English well, can you do Polish subtitles please?
0 likesI thought Celestia was the Princess of Light
0 likesI love flurry heart is so much she one of my favorite mlp
0 likesYou should make a “ Buy Our Toys” remix full release.
264 likesReplies (5)
6 likesYes
1 likeBuy Our Toys VIP
1 likeIt already exists
5 likesFoxsden 太让人烦v效果O哦 婆机会去问多少啊不买这些意义不是从天上掉馅饼么给我们带来的幸福就是不一样吗?
0 likes呼吁国会快捷键刚刚加入了美女阿康翅膀的独角兽。30
yes but it wont change the fact that shes a princess of toys
0 likesPrincess of family love, it makes sense
0 likesi know i am kinda late here but.. i think that flurry could be princess of light.. but what if she is princess of cristals and light? What if the first one broke and that was just a new one on that window?
0 likesLook at her cutiemark like we literally just saw it
0 likesi like the idea of celestia being the princess of the love a ruler has for their civilians. she's in the public eye the most and her duties mostly include interacting with civilians.
3 likesluna could be the princess of the love a caretaker has for those they take care of (almost motherly). she helps ponies deal with their nightmares, comforting them in their dreams, she takes care of them. that's why cadence is the princess of romantic love, not motherly love.
the oldest princesses, celestia and luna, would represent the love one has for those under them. twilight and cadence represent the love one has for their equals. flurry heart, the youngest princess, embodies the love one has for those above them.
she shall always be The Princess of Merchandise now...... ;)
0 likes2:14
0 likeswhat would Flurry Heart be the princess of? BESIDES MERCHANDISE OF COURSE!
Buy our toys😈
u legit got this spot on...
0 likesFlurry Heart is the princess of SECRET
0 likesI always imagined Flurry Heart was the princess of community, given the love the empire shared for her was used to reforge the crystal heart. That would explain her like to the heart in her stained glass window. Your case does make sense with the whole 'born an alicorn' argument, but caring for those who raise you could also account for those who you grow alongside. Your community, right?
3 likesJust spitballin' here, good vid nontheless.
0:48 maybe it’s an obscure reference to transformers? Like Beast Wars era ones? They have had crossovers before, and travelled the multiverse.
0 likesWe’re missing element alicorns
0 likesFlurry Heart is my Favorite Character! And I do think your right!! :D
0 likesbut.... I have my own flurry heart drawings, sooooooooo in all honesty
I think my drawing of flurry heart looks better :|
Not gonna lie, Yoshi Dark Lord is the best user name ever
0 likesif only we got to see what the sisters are doing after the 20 year time gap
66 likesReplies (4)
Play PonyBox. Or at NeighStation 4. =)
0 likesisn't it like 1000 years?
4 likes@insomnianimations what's a 1000 years
1 likeProbably travelling across the world or chilling in Silver whatever it's called.
2 likesWhat does spreading light mean I'm so confused
0 likesI think someone should watch the vid again and pay attention to flury's cutie mark pls‼️❕
0 likesflurry: heart
0 likeslove: light
mind: blown
hotel: Travago
Your right i understand everything uwu
1 likeI really wish they showed her in the last episode... not just on the window
12 likesLast time I was into MLP, Flurry Heart was new I think. What the fuck did I miss??
0 likesdenently true i think that flurry heart is the prinsses of light
0 likesHow come you never say anything about the queen of a Questria
0 likesThis really makes sense but don’t you all feel bad for shining armour like he doesn’t have a big lifespan
0 likesThis makes a lot of sense actually
28 likesIf I’m being honest I didn’t expect this to make as much sense as it did before watching this
I understood siblinghood when I was a baby
0 likesI think your right becuase that same question has been buging my to the moon and back.
0 likesYou said in another video that Twilight will have starlight turned into an à la corn and roll over a Questria but now we have a new character that twilight it’s going to be repeated and so just like Celestia did twilight soWhen we see into the future we see a student walk in with twilight and it’s going to be repeated like Celestia and Luna did but she is going to get turned into an Alcorn not starlight so how does this make sense
1 likeI don't know why flurry heart was born on a alicorn
0 likesThis makes sense. This is why we need an “in between” season cause I still have so many questions
5 likesCelestia is also an Alcorn when she was born
0 likesno way a mlp analysis video got me crying
0 likesI love your channel!!!!!❤️❤️💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜💖💖💕💕
0 likesBro I've been waiting for this all of my lifeeeee😭😭😂😭😂
1 likeReplies (1)
for what that im the only person liking your coment
0 likesHaven't you ever considered when Twilight said that her heart was the Empire's last chance like it was as if she knew flurry heart was going to come to this world don't you find that a little suspicious
27 likesWe will see after flury gets her cutie mark
0 likesIdk why but i just came up with this but
0 likesFlurry Heart the princess of Healing.
Helping the crystal empire heal from their past and others healing with trauma??? idkkk-- sorry this sounds dumb
Ok lets be honest here, its definitely more likely to be princess of f a m i l y
0 likesOr one for ones family i guess
More then “ love for ones parents” like its so random and it doesnt make much sense lol
What actually happen
1 likeTwilight: she's my niece let just put her one the window too.
Flurry heart the weird useless thing that finally has a purpose
272 likesReplies (12)
kinda rude
4 likesShe is not useless that is rude
3 likesYou guys are seriously getting butthurt over a fictional multicoloured horse.with magic and wings.
31 likes@Jelly XD
6 likes@Jelly Yeah, exactly my thoughts.
5 likesI like the idea of a green alicorn Princess of Nature.
5 likes@Jelly y e s
0 likes@Jelly and a literal baby at that
1 likeFlurry heart is not useless.
0 likesGuys do you know what a joke is and flurry heart isn’t even a real person
3 likes@SonicFan4Life 007 Well, you can call me a fan and I don't really care about it. The person was just joking around.
4 likesNow that I think about it... In this fanbase are very young people. So I guess your comment goes to them because I don't think that older ones would react like that.
She did have a purpose
1 likeTo sell merchandise
Princess of sun means special because the sun is made out of fire that’s fire is lit
0 likesI think flurry heart is the princess of the crystal heart but you can be right
0 likesWhat is the episode where you see Twilight in the future?
0 likesYour right because look like the baby magic is the color yellow ✨💛✨
1 likeAnd you just show the baby cutie mark
It's has yellow in it 💛💛💛💛💛💛
And yup she is the princess of light
But I don't think that her mommy
Is going to die no no no
Celestia- princess of the sun
4 likesLuna- princess of the moon
Cadence- princess of love
Twilight- princess of friendship
Flurry heart- Princess of light
And the princess of merchandise
0 likesfurry heart: Buy our toys,Buy our toys😂😂😂
ummm...we didnt see the future in the last ep...we saw the past...cause do u remember that in the first an last episode, a book was opened and closed?
0 likesMaybe she's the princess of the crystal heart
0 likesWow I think flurry heart is the princess of light =bright, you know,some hiw when villains come the hope comes from the bright mind...hope it got you
0 likesHasbro should REALLY consider making a sequel just about what happened between when young Twilight moved to Canterlot to the last episode
170 likesReplies (5)
Or a season!!!
9 likesKaylee Lal Sayin that’s what i mean 😂
2 likesMarble Bubble oop I’m an idiot
1 likeMe, or maybe they should do a new serie, and flurry has ro be the protagonist
4 likesA spin off series about flurry
0 likesMaybe Flurry Heart is princess of hope
0 likesmindblowing!
0 likesShe was born like alicorn bc she was understanding the love of kids she understand that they parents love her and thats why she was born like alicorn thats my theory about flurry heart
0 likesthe only thing we need now is a princess of darkness.
0 likesall the edgy kids and me:
Uuuuuuuuuuu yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh
I think Flurry Heart could be The Princess of Joy or The Princess of Light and Joy because in The First Episode of Season 6 Spike brings a vase and he says “Then they all share The Light and Joy they feel ... (you can watch The Episode if you want to here the full sentence)
69 likesPrincess of one’s love for parents
0 likesYah you are right about flurry.
1 likeIt’s because cadence is alicorn and she is first one to get a baby being an alicorn so cadence is alicorn so flurry heart is alicorn
1 likeisn’t flurry another word for like light or something?
0 likesI haven’t seen the merchandise flurry heart song in like YEARS.
674 likesEdit: OHHHH MY GAAWWD, that’s a lot of likes!
Thank you.? I guess😅
Replies (8)
9 likesWe got a remix
1 likeDurpyCat Gaming
4 likesBuy our toys
Buy our toys
buy our toys
L i t e r a l l y
1 likeI'm the 333 like
1 like666 likes? ack
Jessie Terry O.o
0 likesI already know , Flurry Hearts the power of light !😒😂😕😑
0 likesMy theory about alicorns
0 likesSince I think Celestia and Luna became an alicorn because of starsworld idk if that's the name but yep. Then Twilight and Candace became an alicorn because of Celestia. No one ever knows what would happen if an alicorn became pregnant right. So what if an alicorn got pregnant the baby would be alicorn
I'm a huge fan of "My Little Ponys"
0 likesI think your right about flurry heart
0 likesнет! она принцесса продаж :) ! а если серьёзно то идея отличная.
0 likesНичего не понятно,но очень интересно
0 likesIt took you 4 whole years to solve Flurry Heart
0 likesI agree with this whole heatedly! It makes sense. Thanks BronyNotion, I believe you've done it!
3 likeshow celestia rule then? If repersented the relationship of sibling hood celestia ruled BEFORE luna which who looked a lot like kandence when she was defeated
0 likesis this why flurries unicorn magic outline thing is yellow/light?
0 likesI still a few Questions about celestias and lunas hair, because twilight got older and got the same wavy thing but what about cadence? Or why did mistmane have the same wavy thing?
0 likesSo sincerally Flurry heart is the love of family, BC when twilight took care of flurry she had a Relaction\likeing with her. But i'm not the one makeing the Theorie here🤷♀️
0 likesSidenote: When he has all the princesses together there's like a color/theme pattern, light, dark, light, dark and light Celestia has lighter colors, and Luna has darker colors... it's nothing too important not trying to say Cadenca is secretly Celestia's daughter just because has a light color scheme like Celestia and her daughter... no, just noticed something that looked interesting
26 likesI agree but idk if u know one ep of crystel empire only they show king sombra only took flury heart with the crystel heart but why didnt he took cadens and chained her? So i think ur right and i agree
0 likesWhat if Ponies don't die? What if alicorns don't grow old, but, they have the same lifespan as a normal pony? What if they both don't die, but the alicorns will look younger, while the ponies will grow old?
0 likesThey said that Twilight wouldn't outlive her friends, which, could make sense if her friends die at the same time, but, that could take a 1000 years, or even more.
Granny Smith has lived for so long, yet she's still alive.
What if ponies just don't die by age, but they can die by murder, sicknesses?
1 likewow! This is a breakthrough.
0 likesI never even gave flurries destiny a thought, cause throughout the whole show, after she’s introduced, no matter how much time passes she stays a baby, but the ‘light and love’ theory makes so much sense when you put it that way! #brony#flurryheart#princesses#lightandlove#explainationgiven
3 likesFlurryheart is the princes of LIGHT
0 likesYESSSSSSSSSSSS Light and love !!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI still have a question if she have a big wings when she was a baby, so that's mean when shes got older, she got a big like the biggest one???? I'm just curious about it. I mean when she grow is the wings also grow and became bigger and not a normal size for unicorn princess???
0 likesFlurry heart is actually an alicorn because he's connected to the heart when she's already born she already connected to her heart but he destroyed the crystal heart but it was an accident he was actually powerful like her mother but more power princess already a grown up she got more power and he can protect the world I mean Equestria so that's the fact about Florida to make her an alicorn she's connected to all sides of now could have from her mom and dad when is the mom is now going to connect but if the flurry I already connected to the crystal she's already an alicorn
0 likesThis is how I sort of, view the princesses
10 likesFirst you have Celestia and Luna, the first generation, rulers at heart, separate from the people
Then Twilight and Cadence, not the second generation but the bridge between generations. Born under the rule of the two sisters but understanding the need to pass the baton
And lastly Flurryheart and any future allicorns, the next generation, ruling not as a leader but as an equal. Born at the end of the rule of the two sisters, destined to rule, but a citizen at heart.
Replies (1)
Twilight will reign for generations that's for sure
0 likesPlot twist: what if that princess Kaden was tge one who turned flury into a alicorn
0 likesI think you are wrong I think Cadence retired when Cadence gone Sombra ruled flurry saved the crystal empire
0 likesCould you do how did flurry heart got her cutie mark. What is it?
0 likesOMG!!! you are SO right!!!
0 likesFlurry Heart, the princess of asexuals like me.
76 likesReplies (2)
ayyy me too :D
2 likesEYYYYY-
0 likesHave you noticed that twilight's mum and dad is a unicorn but Twilight is an alicorn
0 likesMaybe flurry will be come the next ruler of the crystal empire
0 likesWhen I saw the kanji’s I immediately thought of Deku
0 likesI like how every one else is just like"this is such a good about friendship and whatnot!"
14 likesWhile Sawtooth is like "I HAVE FINNALY SOLVED THE CASE!" While slowly driving himself nuts over a KIDS show😂
You are right about flurry heart
0 likesBut what about the alicorn princess in the Hearts and Hooves day story? What is she the princess of?
0 likesi deffintly think she might actual be the princess of family
0 likesFlurry heart is the element of peace and harmony 😌✋
2 likesI don’t think Hasbro even knows what they’re doing, they just wanna sell toys lmao, they have no plan🤣
73 likesReplies (2)
I wish it was a endless cartoon series
3 likes@Funeez season 8 and 9 weren't as good as the order seasons so if they continued it would go worst and worst and wouldn't be a good show anymore
3 likesBut I meannnnn the relationship between the sisters are also day and night (perfect to go with each other) friendship and love go together aswell, soooo TwT
0 likesAndddd Celestia is already technically light tho TwT
love it
0 likesFlurry heart may be the light alicorn
0 likes1 suggestion shining armor is a unicorn and cadence is original pegasus so we combine them we get a alicorn
0 likesi always thought that they cold represent other things like
4 likesluna and celestia: the gardians of the creatures of night and day
cadance and twilight: the union of one another and the harmony between creatures
and flurry:the light that shines when all is lost the love and harmony between her family and friends
Replies (1)
Nice theory.
0 likescelestia and luna raised the sun and moon together thats why there alicorn
0 likesI LOVE THIS
1 likeWorry heart will be the princess of the Crystal empire
0 likesPoor shining armour is left out of the alicorn family
0 likesFlurry hearth is a prinsess of love for the crystal hearth
0 likesI think flruy heart if she’s same age as twillt she will not have wings maybe
0 likesBrony notion: I solved flurry heart
0 likesTwilight sparkle would like to know your location
0 likesMe(as a Pegasi) LOVE SONG
Flurry heart: THATS MY PURPOSE
2:28 dont lie.
39 likesYou sang along.
I know you did.
Replies (3)
I did I so did
3 likesI didn’t and I’m not you don’t know no hate but I didn’t I don’t know song XD
0 likes@Pluto Royal ok then
1 likeThe princeses of siblinghood the princess of love the princess of friendship
0 likesthe princess of light NOOOOOO
Or they just put the window there to pester out nevers
0 likesSawtooth on another video: and the princess of...merchandise!
0 likesMe: bruh she LITERALLY has the crystal heart as her cutie mark in another video
Also me in the past where I first saw this video : listening to buy our merch 😂😂
(In the crystal empire) cadence and flurryheart rule together
Shining armor: am I a joke to you?😑
Me: and i oop XD 😂😂✌🏻
My sister: my sister has become crazy...
Like if you want to see sawtooth waves to make like a origin for flurryheart
I think Flurry hurt is the princess of light
0 likesI've always thought that Flurry Heart was the princess of family, but I really like this theory too! Made me like her alot more :D
4 likesReplies (2)
I agree with the family one
3 likesCadence is the princess of family.
0 likesProved in this vid (deleted scene): https://youtu.be/y0zgtD7rUIU
So many alicorns to steal alicorn magic from hahahahah I must do it for my stoned queen
0 likesFlurry heart is princess of light
0 likesthats so funny when sawtooth waves says buy our toys hahahaha lol.
0 likesThere’s a guy I watch named ponyfile3 I think, and I think in one vid he says a changeling took one baby changeling to swap, and what happens if the real flurry when adult, she breaks out and saves the day by killing the changeling (and that’s why you don’t see it) OR the changeling try’s to break the crystal heart and flurry saves the day YAYyyyyyyyyy…….
0 likesWhen you analyzed day breaker I realized your entire explanation was wrong Luna never knew she could become nightmare moon until it happened so how could celestial know that she had day breaker on her dark side if shes never turned into her I think celestia HAS turned into daybreaker but the show never mentioned it we all know that celestia is even older than granny smith and if celestia gave granny smith that piece of land that's ponyville who knows how many years ago celestia turned into day breaker I hope find this explanation useful and celestial said "you are not real and you will never exist AGAIN"
5 likesReplies (2)
I believe Celestia feared that one day she could become Daybreaker, because she was horrified of what happened to Luna. She probably thought of it up due to anxiety, so Daybreaker must of existed in her mind. But the love of every pony never made her turn into Daybreaker, she knew that she was well appreciated and how everyone cared for her, but she still had some guilt.
2 likesDaybreaker was real to Celestia, but never existed in the real world, which is why she probably say that Daybreaker will never exist again, due to Celestia finally being free from that anxiety.
Smart but not enough remember this was in a dream how could starlight know anything about day breaker. Celestia is smart so why would she tell anyone about her anxiety except her sister day breaker must've been in some book about the history of the two sisters because celestia isn't stupid she would never tell anyone about her anxiety except family so this is why I say day breaker has appeared because starlight had her eyes closed half the time and you see Luna knew clearly who daybreaker was so that's why day breaker has appeared
0 likesBut now we have to work that with the new movie 🤔
0 likesI just noticed that their is also more allicorn then the main four princesses plus Flurry heart their is also Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and her changlins.So are they allicorns or not?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI never hear the princess of light if you think I think also the answer is yes
0 likesmaby luna and celestia r the yin in yag like of darkness and good but it’s kinda like discord and twilight where discord can still be good but choatic?
3 likesReplies (1)
do you live in equestria i cant beleve your the real trixie
1 likeNah she’s just still the princess of merchandise. There’s nothing stopping it
82 likesI want to say you are really good at this videos well good gob on the vids
0 likesIt makes enough sense tho
0 likesInstead of buy my Murch it should probably be by my light
0 likesThat sounds just about right.
0 likesI never thought about it,but i realized it all makes sense!"Shining" Armor and Princess Mi "Amore" Cadenza which is her parents and it means Love Light when you put "Amore" and "Shining" it also means Shining Love which makes her Princess of Shining Love!Im not declining your idea Brony,this is just another idea or suggestion to add :).
10 likesCan you solve the second window
0 likesWell hope and light are the same thing so maybe princess of hope?
0 likesDid anyone else chuckle When He said " Momma" XDDDD
0 likesIf there is light then their has to be dark if we are doing the pairs
0 likesBUY. OUR. TOYS.
113 likes(God did I miss that song.)
I know what flurry hearts cutie mark is!
0 likesNah she'll all ways be the princess of merch and dice
0 likesMake a video about the glass about the student 6.
1 likeHave you noticed that flurry is wearing an amour
0 likesI feel like there should be a sixth alicorn for the love of your self.
38 likesReplies (4)
That would be me 💖
6 likesTrixie
5 likesLol, should be named "The Princess of Narcissism" lol. :3
2 likes@KittyCatCube loving yourself isn't narcissistic lol :3
6 likesBut twilight didn’t know what she was meant to do when she became and alicorn so y would flurry have to
0 likesBaby flurry heart is so so cute
0 likesWait Celesteia would be connected to flurry because the sun and light are basically the same thing.....???
0 likesi think flurry heart is the prinncess merchendise
0 likesThank you all so much for 1,000,000 views on this <3
137 likesReplies (9)
0 likesI love your videos so much! I just wanted to let you what a big fan I am of you. I appreciate your channel and will always give you lots of love!
1 likeBiggggggg fan
1 likeDude I think you hit the nail on the head. I hope they at least release a comic wrapping up unanswered things at some point before Gen5
1 likeI think Flurry Heart could be The Princess of Joy or The Princess of Light and Joy because in The First Episode of Season 6 Spike brings a vase and he says “Then they all share The Light and Joy they feel ... (you can watch The Episode if you want to here the full sentence)
2 likesDad
0 likesSo that explains why Paris is the city of love and light
1 likeIf Flurry Heart is princess of light, I wonder who will be the princess of ''DARK''. I know this is quite funny but can't help it😅😅
0 likesRebecca Alaxia I think The Princess of Dark might be Flurry Heart‘s alter-ego like Nightmare Moon,Daybreaker
1 likeYeah I think your right ✅
1 likei think your right it sense well but a question what about shinning armor and how did princess celestia and princess luna born elecorn
0 likesI never kewn that flurry heat was the Princess of light anyway I am the world's biggest fan of my little pony s❤️
0 likesCool. So many pretty picturess
0 likesWhat if the crystal heart is similar ti the tree like has the same powers just hasn't shown them yet! Or has different power but they have the same effect!
20 likesIf flurryheart is the princess of light is there a princess of darkness
0 likesFlurry heart princess of merchandise is haunting
0 likesI thought maybe.. if cadence was "born a Pegasus" and shining armour is born a unicorn.. and mr & Mrs cake are earth ponies with a unicorn and Pegasus baby bc of genetics... maybe the process that happened to cadence just.. "optimized" the baby, and pull ALL the genetics?
0 likesBut I like yours better lol
Replies (1)
@jenica rimorin okay? Maybe I'm just not understanding what you're asking.
0 likesI love flurry heart
1 likeI agree with your theory, its believable because we have proof that the theory could be true!
4 likesThis show is amzing UwU
0 likesFlurry Hearts cutie mark is the crystal heart and heart
0 likesDoes that mean flurry heart is the main character or twilight is the Main character
0 likesIf you think cadence's and flurry heart are sopposed to rule together why errant cadence in the picture too
0 likesNext thing we know there’s a princess of darkness
85 likesReplies (7)
wait,, in a music video thing where Luna breaks into song, she calls herself angel of darkness, so i'm pretty sure there's no need for another haha
3 likesYumeke png nah
0 likesThere is one
0 likesThere is, actually.
0 likesthere already is a QUEEN of darkness (drumroll) QUEEN CHRISALIS
4 likes@Sensational Shagun yep! 😂
0 likesOr you should say... Queen's Darkness(? Ya now, Princess for the good, Queen for the evil
0 likesWait a dang minute-
0 likesIf cadence and shining had flurry heart but thennnnnnnnn they would have to do- the thing
princess of family is less of a mouthful xD
0 likesHeh not me rewatching this- i totally forgot i already watched this video 🧍♀️
0 likesYour highness. your majesty.
1 likePrincess of emotions
0 likesI think Sawtooth is right the princess of light is flury heart(Did i spell that right?)
0 likesReplies (1)
Oh it Flurryheart
0 likesThe title should have been, Finally solving the evil mistake who ruined all my theories ❄💙
16 likesAlso did you take the test to see if you were a pony or did you just decide to be a pony
0 likesFlurry is the princeses of light
0 likesFlurry/Sawooth:Buy our toys.Buy our toys. BUY OUR TOYS. BUY OUR TOYS.
0 likesMe: ................... Alright jeez merchandise princess lemme find some.
I love it
0 likesWhy nopony talking about the cmc also having an crystal window
817 likesReplies (28)
89 likesOur eyes were too full with tears
84 likesgood eye! for a few frames you can see sweetie belle, and assume the other two are with her. i wish we could see more, cause the window might be something we've already seen: when they got their cutie marks. Twilight mentioned this event in the speech that evil starlight sat in on, so it could be they made a window for it too! I didn't have the time to go into that
209 likesI think I saw it in the stained glass student window idk?
19 likesThe Brony Notion cough Princess of Cutie Marks cough or maybe it could be Starlight???? If any pony gets to be the princess of Cutie Marks probs gonna be Starlight, or something like Princess of Destiny? idk. There’s no evidence but that would be pretty cool
35 likes@Sawtooth Waves Why not
3 likesThe Brony Notion
17 likesI believe you are wrong about that. When you look at the windows, you see they are in time order, going from right to left. If the cmc window is the last one, this means it has to be something they did AFTER Twilight became ruler of Equestria.
X cloudy_gacha X That also supports my theory of them making Cutie Mark magic, maybe, kind of..not really.?
7 likesThe Potato Of YT
6 likesMaybe. But if you look in the window, Sweetie Bell is still a unicorn. Perhaps something else happened?
Where o, o
2 likes@・Pastel Wolf ・ maybe they're more like ambassadors of cutie marks. they aren't exactly experienced enough to be princesses of anything, really. I wish they could've been apart of the evil starlight thing, it would've been perfect for them. but maybe they supported starlight in discovering more about cutie marks and how they work
8 likes* a crystal window
2 likessmokii.qvartz
6 likesI think you might be right. I mean, Spike DID become the Ambassador of Friendship
It wasn't relevant to the video
0 likesChris Quinn-Waugh
1 likeWhat wasn’t?
0 likes@lemonqvartz oh my gosh! They could've started the whole chain of events leading to that!
1 likeX cloudy_gacha X WHERE I CAN’T SEE THEM
0 likesPrincess of determination!
1 likeWait, they do?
0 likes@Paloma Roggeri fyjh ujhb fq
0 likesI didn't ever see that, but I noticed one with Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis, and Tirek doing something.
1 likeI thought they got a window when they all got their cutie marks at the same time-in the window sweetie bell doesn't have her mark on her flank-and behind her you can see the colors of the badge.
1 likeHuda Kik hi
0 likes@Laura Kelly But when u look at the window with the student six sandbar does not have his cutie mark so we don't actually know,that could be from something they do in the future
2 likesAyana Owais
1 likewhat is cmc crafty making crab🦀📦☑🤣
0 likesI still can't get over the part Where are you have buy our toys It just so when I keep watching it😘😆
0 likesThis makes sense l like this theory
0 likesi just hate that her armor was silver.
0 likesI think flurry heart its princess of crystal light or lightning crystal
0 likesMaybe she’s the princess of life! It could explain her being born an alicorn, because her birth is the creation of life. Idk
21 likesReplies (3)
DeadFlower that’s an interesting theory and could possibly make sense although that seems a bit vague. What exactly would she control/help? Showing ponies that they have meaning when they feel suicidal? Or every single aspect of living? I feel that there is a large range to the meaning of “life.” I feel like being the princess of life is a little overpowered, It’s definitely something worth thinking about, maybe you’re on to something.
3 likesLozzy Potato
1 likeIt’s a kids show so probably this theory wouldn’t fit in. I always thought flurry heart was born a alicorn because her mother was one
@Cocoa Heart if it was the meaning of life it would fit in. The show did explore "purpose" quite a bit, mostly through the cutie marks, so it could work on that level.
1 likeSuicide, not so much and I couldn't see that happen in this show specifically. Though it's not like that hasn't been referenced in a kids cartoon before either. One of the scenes with Princess cookie (the cookie who wanted to be a princess and got laughed at by Pb) from adventure time comes to mind. Didn't actually result in death but could have. Doesn't fit this show and having a kids characters whole purpose based around it would be dark for a kids show, but at was just to point out that kids shows haven't avoided it completely either
The purpose of life for individuals could definitely be dealt with and could definitely benefit from a princess if you take it as each person has to find / create their purpose (ie it's something that develops like friendship, not some purpose that just magically already exists for each person - though some individuals might have an inborn purpose in fantasy worlds like this, not everyone should).
Princess of hope, not light
0 likesShe is the princess of light
0 likesIf there is a princess of light is there a princess of dark
0 likesslightly after 2:16 Me:Ahhh this feels good
0 likesI love how he’s uploading more
11 likesReplies (1)
Yeay I hope he will upload more through the weeks out. 😌
0 likesCan you explain why there is no season nine on Netflix but on YouTube? Please?
0 likesFlurry cute !!!!!😍😍
1 likeI love it
0 likesI love cadence
0 likesI think that Celestina is princess of the love of her people. Like how a ruler loves her subjects. Luna is still sisterhood, cadence is still par tener love, ect
9 likesI'm just confused how do u find these answers
0 likesOh she's princess of hope ?
0 likesIt is perfect
0 likesThe funniest part was buy my toys
1 like0:38 Theory:
10 likesRemember the Mane 6's window shows them defeating Discord? This could mean they will defeat, and possibly befriend the red dinosaur thing and there will possibly will be a Sequel to MLP!
I can't WAIT to get my paws on that.
Replies (1)
F u r r y a l e r t
1 likeIslami heart is the princess of light then while Cadence in the picture the both excellent The Crystal heart
0 likesOmg this is so good
0 likesI thought I Was starlight but i think I am flurry heart because my name means hope
0 likesI think you really are right
0 likesthere are 4 princesses sibling love friendship and light there could be one of darkness.Maybe that is the darkness that flurry hart has to defeat to make things right.
4 likesis it just me our are all the alicorns sister
1 likecelestia and luna
twilight and cadence
maybe flurry heart willnot rule with her mother but maybe her sister ho is not canon in the show
One more question what flurry heart cutie Mark ?
0 likesthat is so cool i loved it😺😸😸😸😸💙✌
0 likesHi I'm Sarah about flury heart maybe there is more episodes of my little pony what do you think sawtoth waves?
0 likesWhat if the heart is like the sister of the tree!
13 likesi just realilised why does furrys hearts crown look like diamond tiarias crown im kinda bad at speeling sorry
1 likei have one queation princess luna and celestia had to be born an alicorn there is nothing else hat could have happened right
0 likesDoes anyone notice the stain glass of the other school mane 6 what did they do?
0 likesidk but i think its true
0 likesbtw i love your videos
I’m so happy for you that you know now the flurryheart mystery
3 likesyour theory is good
0 likesMaybe Flurry Heart is the princess of hope?pls answer
0 likes" What will Flurry Heart be the princess of besides Merchandise" 😂😂
1 likeSo why didn't the last episode show a grown up Flurry? Did she die?
0 likesWell, I do see it! But I think thinking of her as just that specifically seems... little. All the others are big and great concepts for a lot of relationships and species.
Isn't it easier to think Flurry Heart is the princess of family??
I mean, it's not only the only relationship not stated so directly as all the others. Love, friendship and siblinghood, or rathe... Well, there are different types of love.
Eros, romantic love, like Cadence.
Philia, friendship love.
Agape, unconditional love, like Luna and Celestia, that kept loving each other despite all the problems that developed in their past. Although Agape also sometimes is interpreted as selfless love from a higher power, like the love from a God for their creation. In this case, the love of the princesses for their subjects.
And finally, Storge that is love for your family, which is the only one in the show that was never kinda stated.
i know i might not be right but here's a theory: Shinining armour is a unicorn , and if im right cadence is/was a Pegasis so maybe both gene's combined , creating a wing and horn creature? (no hate pls this is just my theory !! :D
4 likesReplies (1)
You're theory could be right! It makes sense
1 likeAm confused why that merchandise song isn’t on the Second waves
0 likesThe picture you saw is from the my little pony movie
0 likesSo what kind of princess is sunny from g 5?
0 likesThe Princess of Light. Yeah, I definitely like the sound of that.
4 likesIs that beautiful, well.. it is not likely i guess to persupe she aware of her own destiny, or reather be embodiment of destiny, that is the heart of crystal empire
1 likeAll of this actually makes sense now! Like light I forgot about light and just flurry ❤️ just it just makes sense now (pls pin)
0 likesI love all of your videos
0 likesDon’t make sense how cadence is the princess of love and her love shining armor will die, and how twilight is princess of friendship bUT HER FRIENDS WILL DIE CAUSE THEY ARENT IMMORTAL-
0 likes“Princess of love for ones parents”
6 likesOr, like, love for ones family?
I love your channel
0 likesI think what you say is make some sense👍
0 likesOk sawtooth uh... so the 5 princesses are pared sisterhood and all love you know but what about twilight
0 likesWhy not just the princess of the family ?
0 likesYou’ve forgotten one thing...
Replies (3)
who knows! xD
2 likesIt would be a heart with wings, after all, her name is furry heart right?
1 likeAnd she has wings
0 likesI have a question what happened when flurry was born in the human world
0 likesMore like the princess of family
0 likesFlurry is the Princess of a mama’s gal
0 likesLightbringer but Not In That Way
0 likesI think the logical title would then be the "Princess of Family"
6 likesINCORRECT! because she has curly hair she must be the princess of pinkie pie right?😁😅
0 likeswow amazing
1 like1 you might be right 2 she's probably the princess of merchandise 3 ITS JUST A TV SHOW .. although fluryheart is still probably princess of merchandise and light....mostly merchandise 😂
0 likesI think you're right
0 likesNo one :
417 likesMe : casually vibing to ‘Buy our toys,’
Replies (8)
Sooo I’m not the only one?
16 likes*me buying all the buy our toys
8 likesMe aso I love it
3 likeslol
3 likesOML SAME XD
0 likesMe too!
1 like@Daniel Hall how are you funny ._.
0 likesIsn't the original intent to make my little pony even the original series is to sell toys?
0 likesWhat is flurry hearts cutie mark though
0 likesIt could be future not past so it could be babby flurry heart who is on the love posten
0 likesWhat if she’s the princess of merchandise AND light 😂😅🤣🤣😅
0 likes3:26 so you mean like an equine Aphrodite/Hera?
0 likesReplies (2)
wow are you from hogwarts you know harry potters school wait if your in grifindor you must be harrys friend can i get your atoghraph
1 likeharry potter the boy who lived are you a wizard or a witch technically boy or girl huh huh get it
0 likesbut can it be hope maybe?
0 likesI think the tittle "princess of merchandise" fits better to be honest with you lol-
0 likesAnd we all don’t know bout. Celestia and Luna backstory when they are kids maybe they are born an alicorn?
0 likesI remember on the MLP Movie on a scene that was cute from the movie Cadance was the purrrincess of family . But it was a deleted scene. Could this solve the mystery of Flurry Heart being the purrrincess of family and light?
5 likesbut romantic love goes both ways
0 likesSee twilight has a flowing mane!
0 likesShe is a unicorn and pegasus
1 likeFinally I'm early!
57 likesBut seriously, I wasn't expecting the merch song played again.
Also in season nine 'the final battle' , does that mean, in the future mlp A.K.A G5, there could be a war? Idk but pls try to explain this on ur next video. Thank you
I also think flurry could be a princesses of youth or like children ya know what i mean ? Or like some thing to to woth the power of imagination ? Idk its a strech
0 likessame the flurry heart been curse me all the years pass, and now I know
0 likesHow bout princess 👸🏻 darkness
0 likes0:16 didn’t even notice that wow
1 likeI think flurry is actually the princess of love, instead of light, since the points you made I think more relate to family the light hearted ness. But that’s just my opinion
3 likesLight=love and sun and moon and friendship AH YES SHE HAS ALL THE POWER
4 likesThank you
0 likesIf flurry is the princess of light is there a princess of darkness like celsetia and luna sun and moon?
0 likesFAMILIAL LOVE, community empathy, deep interpersonal connection, social balance and harmony, innocent admiration, hope, imagination and love of the world and family/foundfamily, LIGHT! ☆♡
1 likeMe: looks up brony notion
262 likesBrony notion 2019: demon flurry heart
Brony notion 2020: savior of the Crystal empire
Me: which one is it?!?!
Replies (3)
0 likeswhy does your icon remind me of cozy glow?
0 likesOMG YOUR AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesSo flurry is a flashlight pony princess
0 likesI like this Theory.🥰🥰🥰😘🤞
0 likesOr maybe call her The princess of Family (
0 likesWhat if flurry went her whole life without a cutie mark and the thing that would normally have her earn her wings earned her her cutie mark instead
9 likesI'd like to see that story
Also I think her title could also be the princess of family
Furry heart is such a cute baby in my apponon
0 likesOk fine u win i think this is her it has lots of points
0 likesflurry heart parents are queen and king because cause when a princes and a prince have a baby they are king and queen
0 likesOmg your sooo right
0 likesCan you tell will luster be the princess or not..??
0 likesprincess of gaming
0 likesthis was so wholesome imo
0 likesPrincess of power
1 likeI THINK THAT FLURRY NOT RARE AT ALL CAUSE NO OTHER ALICORN EVER GAVE BIRTH ITS NOT LIKE EVERYPONY KNOES WHAT HAPPENS WHEN AN ALICORN GIVES BIRTH NO SO THAT JUST MEANS flurry got horn and wing from her mothers cells the real question is why didnt she get any of her father cells🤔🤔😎🤐
1 likeHow you can add is from life. Not kidding. Here's how
0 likesFirst: you are born, go to shool and make friends: twilight (princess of friendship)
Second: you have brother/sister/s Celestia and Luna (rulers of equestria as siblings)
Third: you find true love cadance (princess of love)
Last: the lovers get married and have a baby flurry heart (born alicorn)and Princess of light)
Easier said than done
Him:what will princess will she be also him:exept thee princess of merchendice BUY OUR TOYS BUY OUR TOYS. 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesI feel like the cmc should be the princesses of destiny or smth
18 likesReplies (2)
Right? It’s possibly EXTREMELY rare for ponies to get cutie marks for the same purposes. They’re the same one mark but with a symbol to represent each filly. So it would make sense for the future to make the 3 alicorn princesses. They’re each pony type. They ARE the definition of what being an alicorn is.
2 likes@PartySuvius Since Scootaloo is half earth pony and still has small wings as an adult, I'm not sure about the three being the "definition of an alicorn". If the CMC become princesses in the future, I believe the same thing will happen with them what happened to Twilight, they'd receive big wings and a horn that's longer than the average unicorn. But I agree with most of your reply :)
1 likeThats epic
0 likesOther ppl: commenting more theories
1 likeMe: Hmm, Complicated.....
Cadence rules with family
0 likesThey are coziness celesta and flurryhart
0 likesFlurry heart toy flurry heart toys I love this
1 likeReplies (1)
Flurry heart every day give me flurry heart flurry heart Beautiful beautiful is it beautifulThat’s it it’s just beautiful it’s wonderful
1 likeBRAVO 👏
0 likesI think i get it😁😅
0 likesSong: buy our toys etc
0 likesMe:BUY MY TOYS NOT HERS!!!!
Another video from The Brony Notion! Dective Brony Notion is on the case of the mysteries of Equestria!
13 likesPrincesses of balance to me
0 likesI saw the video “the truth about flurry heart just then
0 likesMhm princess of light..... wonder if there can be a princess of darkness
0 likesIdk me just rambling stuff
That's really Larry Hart destiny but it just means dark message all around but lightness is too must better😇😇😇
0 likesYour right but i watched the clip 28 times about the stained glass
47 likesReplies (6)
2 likesWell technically hes not wrong but flurry heart is the child of cadence so of course somebody would have to take over the crystal empire and be the new crystal princess, because when cadence goes old i dont think she will have that much magic to protect the crystal heart like flurry heart does. Sorry if it was to much to read
4 likesThanks guys for liking!
3 likes@Cookie Plays but allicorns don't exactly age after a certain amount of time
4 likesLook at Celestia, for instance.
Your right! Because celestia would be more than a thousand years old because if you go back to episode one thats when she banished luna to the moon
3 likesBrony notion is right that flurry heart is the princess of light. You will probably know why after you watch the crystalling again then you will truly get it
2 likes0:15 the tree of hurmuni is back
0 likesYour wrong flurry heart is the princess of Mercedes
0 likesIsn't light and sun the same thing
0 likesSo what is flurry hearts destiny
0 likesthe thing is... why is it called the "friendship is magic".. shouldnt it be called "love is magic"? because everyone represents a kind of love
7 likesReplies (2)
Damn itz •XAlexX• I think it might be because they mostly focus on twilight ( the princess of friendship )
2 likes@Sossa Art maybe
0 likessun moon day night without balants there is no harmony and without harmony
0 likesThis "cutie mask"
0 likesI aHave a theory maybe because luster dawn is in the future maybe just maybe sunburst is luster dawns dad!!!!!!!
0 likesPs: This was for the video Who are Luster Dawn’s Parents?🌅
I love your Chanel so much
0 likesIf this Theory is correct, Celestia and Luna probably got their wings when doing something really important to each other
44 likesReplies (10)
•Linda Playz• Going by another one of Brony Notion’s theories, they were probably turned into alicorns by Starswirl himself because they were the best candidates, but they still ruled together so the sister connection ended up fitting them anyway uvu I feel like they created a magic in Starswirl that convinced him they were the ones that had to rule, idk
3 likesThey were born alicorns (confirmed)
1 likeVeronika [Better known as SyainZ_] ya but if this was the actual story then
0 likesLia but why’d they say “a birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has ever seen. It is even benign OUR understanding”
0 likesLia It is confirmed by Lauren, but it was an idea of hers that later Hasbro changed.
0 likes‘The birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has never seen’ ‘It is even beyond even our understanding’.
That obviously confirms they weren’t uvu
•Linda Playz• yeah, jaja I just gave my opinion on what could fit better uvi your idea is pretty good 💖
0 likes@Azu The Viper they were born before equestria actually. The land did not exist before celestia and Luna so yeah they've not seen alicorns since its creation
1 like@Lu Well Luna also says that it is beyond their understanding, which would mean that they weren't born alicorns.
0 likes•Linda Playz• that could simply mean that they haven’t seen anything like that ever since they started ruling btw. They are not from Equestria.
1 likeThey can explain themselves but not flurry heart
@Ravs 6709 they didnt have to handle themselves, celestia was a child when Luna was born so ofc she doesn't know what to do with it
0 likesTwilight and starlight are the sisters please make a video of this topic
0 likesHola me , Gustan sus videos
0 likesI know you probably won't see this sawtooth because this comment is 2 years late. However, I want to support your theory. I don't have much to say but on season 3 episode 13 "Magical Mystery Cure" at 22:25 on princess Twilight's Celebration you can see Crystal ponies celebrating but they're not sparkled up. However at that minute mark you can see two crystal ponies who are shimmering like stars in the background of the crowd. So maybe your theory is correct. Or it was a glitch however, its so obvious and open for showing the two ponies. Keep up on your hard working theories, I really think you are discovering something in this My Little Pony kids show lol
0 likesNo wonder why flurry heart have yellow colored magic horn..uhh..thing?
0 likesI like the:” BUY OUR TOYS” part!
102 likesReplies (2)
0 likesno wonder your called rainbow unicorn girl😆🤣😂🎁🎀
0 likesThe last one Alison of life?
1 like2:18 totally not rock roll ;)
0 likesOr princes of ice
0 likesWhen Cadence was foalsitting Twilight she was an alicorn, so does this mean she was in love with Shining Armour at a young age????
87 likesReplies (7)
Hopefully, we can assume that around that time she was in her teenage years, and Teenagers have a history with, y'know. "Love."
22 likesThough I haven't read any MLP books or comics, I can hopefully be correct in assuming this: Cadence became an Alicorn then because she knew the true meaning and feelings behind romantic love before the usual Teenager understands. She found love in Shining Armor, and she understood it extraordinarily well.
probly not maybe bf and gf so yea
1 likeNope by helping a witch understand love
2 likesShe was twilight's age it only makes sense you see how she's taller??
0 likesShe didn't seem that young. She was probably an adolescent or teenager. She is not old enough to marry yet. However that is old enough to get crushes. Maybe she got a crush on a stallion or an older colt, and that was enough to help her become an allicorn. The object of the crush may or may not be Shining Armour. It is possible to have a crush on more than one person in ones lifetime. Even the show aknowlages this. Rarity had a crush on Prince Blueblood at the beginning of the series. Later she had a crush on Trenderhoof at the middle. In either case things didn't work out. Whatever happened in the past, Cadence did marry Shining Armor. So that stallion can be the focus of love in the current time of the show.
2 likesShe probably found her love for spreading love her cutie mark represent her love for others but she earned her wings or horn when she first spread/ created love between two or more others which she can still do at a younger age the love doesn’t necessarily have to include herself I donno it’s a little far fetched but there isn’t any canon information on her past also I’m not sure if this even really makes sense
1 likeWhen cadence was feal sitting twighlight was just a foal but she was only a unicorn then if u watched the video about cadence taking care of twighlight but I think they arent sisters there just friends but in the movies there sisters but they dont see each over that much amagen if cadence wasent even alive
0 likesexcuse me why do it have to be light it be princess of memory
0 likesRed Bull gives you wiiiiings.
1 likeI think shees the princess of family
0 likesflerry heart grow all ready?
0 likesI have a question, Why does flurry's cutie mark look so much like the ones on the CMC's???
14 likesBuy our toys buy our toys buy our toys, BBUUYY OOUURR TTOOYYSS!!!
1 likeYes I think it’s correct because always
0 likesI ❤️ toys xD
0 likeseh still the princes of merchandise UwQ
0 likesSo many mystery's unsolved of MLP, sad that the show ended, for now we will hope that the theories is true 😔
4 likesShe’s. 100. Years old
0 likesTHIS WAS A YEAR AGO I remember this being like a day ago
0 likesYes you are right.
0 likesok pls sawtooth waves ... yeah i came to text and say pls make a video explaining why cant scootaloo fly because i have been checking and no pony gives me an answer with correct explanaitions
0 likesReplies (1)
some of the videoss i saw say that scootaloo can not fly becasue she is half earth pony because of his dad and the mummy is a pegasy so what is your theory .. am aways on youtube if u need me.
0 likesFlurry heart is the best princess
6 likesThe princess of merchandise
I seriously think either cadence was first off a wing pony a Pegasus because both of them are probably unicorns or b they're both unicorns but she gets her wings from her mother like say if my father has brown hair and my mom has green eyes and blonde hair and my dad has blue eyes I would get the blonde hair and the blue eyes so Ithink flurry heart gets her wings from her mother because she's an alicorn and gets her horn from her mother and father
0 likesBest theory
0 likesPrincess of merch and…. Light?
Yes if this is not it i'm going to go cazy
1 likeI realize that all the potential students have horns. Princess Celestia had horn, Luna had a horn, Princess Cadance had a horn, Twilight had a horn, Sunset shimer has a horn, starlight has a horn. Like you said in one of your theories, you dont need a horn to possess magic, why are all the of the possible students are all unicorns, why can't a pegasus get a horn just like a unicorn gets their wings?? Why cant a earth pony get both?
9 likesReplies (3)
ANB , we don’t know that cadence was a unicorn
1 like@Nirva [Old Acc] Your right, but could it be most likely that she was, i mean all the alicorns got their wings so most likely she had a horn, i could be wrong but there are no signs saying that she already had wings and became an alicorn, if she did have wings before she was an alicorn why haven't we seen anyone else with wings get a horn? Why do all the potential students have horns and get wings not the other way around?
2 likesActually, no. Princess Cadence was born a Pegasus.
3 likesLol cadiance dancing to flurry hearts song 2:24
0 likesPlease make a video on pound cake and pumpkin cake
0 likesMaybe she is light and merchandise 🤔
0 likesI think you are right
0 likesIn episode 22 in season 9, Sweetie Bell states, "I wish we could as old as our sisters." When they all grow up, Scootaloo also grows up, is that implying that Scootaloo has an older sister?
3 likesReplies (1)
Ella Pabuwal; From what I remember, Scootaloo always considered Rainbow Dash her older sister/mentor. So I think it was probably mirroring that and not an actual biological sister of Scoot. It would be interesting to see more of Scoots family though.
1 likeI love her
0 likesI think you're correct start with
0 likesHeart sure love and light
0 likesWhy in the world is flurry heart's. Wings too big!!?!?!?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🧐🤨
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI hope they make another generation of my little pony i miss mlp
71 likesReplies (6)
I know this comment was 2 months ago but
4 likesinstead, they now have PONY LIFE
@vella pony life is so bad i-
2 likesWE NEED G4
Welp- pony life exists
0 likesRayan Alroumi if I’m correct they’re making G5 with DIFFERENT characters
1 likeVibrantNoob i hope its the same animation if they will
0 likesJONAH CLARK-KING ikrr I’m 13 I started watching them when I was like 3 (when it started)
0 likesWhat about human flury heart???
0 likesI think your right
0 likesBut I have a question who cadences parents
I think you are right
0 likesI think you are right
0 likesThe princess of
0 likesMusic?
Ok now who is the princess of datkness then?
0 likesAnd also while the brony notion says flurry heart is the prinsess of light, during the cristaling she glowed
4 likesCrescent sign in or have a hold and and princess Cadence have a the L1 that's why there is connected to 4v hard ok
0 likesCadence and twilight are sister-in-law
0 likesLight princess.
0 likesthis is why we need my little pony friendship is magic season 10
0 likesSawtooth: mama
0 likesMe : do you mean mom
I like flurry-heart🤩😷
0 likesI think you are right
0 likes2:19 my fav part
5 likesI’m the future what’s this show called? Can you pleasesssssss tell me!
0 likesU make so much sense
0 likesB U Y O U R T O Y S
0 likesWhat if this gets taken down for spoilers GASP
0 likesBut how would twilight know that she’s equstrias last hope?... she knows that she’s going to be the princess of light all along?
0 likesI have the book so I don't have to look it up
0 likesIf this theory is to be true, then Flurry Heart could, theoretically, STOP being an alicorn in the future.
5 likesThat is some sic fanfic idea
talk about is pinkie pie really applejacks cousin in the next video pls
1 likei think you are right
0 likesYes your right
0 likesI don't trust you. Princess celetaea or tiea and are princess luna are princesses of sun and moon
1 likeI just love how people keep making MLP vids although it ended
511 likesedit: ok here is extra things I want to say
1. BRUH THIS IS THE MOST LIKES I'VE GOT IN A COMMENT!?!?!? HOW (srry me just happy)
2. No offence but if you are going to hate MLP please make ur own video on it (yes I read the comments)
Edit 2: also I love MLP, but please don't start a fight in the comments :>
Replies (27)
right, g4 will always be my favorite though.
25 likesI mean now that it's ended everyone doesn't have to hold back for the "we'll see in the future" scenario lol
20 likesIt's more fun cause anything could happen,and cannon wont be destroyed.
10 likeswhat are you talking about? it won't ever end as long as the fans keep it alive
8 likesMe to
2 likesYe they should make a nother season
4 likes@Harley f*ckin quinn I’m pretty sure it’s ending for ever..
4 likesI get the feeling MLP will never be completely over
5 likesThere's a movie this year
4 likes@Daniel Hall yeahh its not over thers a movie this year and idc if you do
2 likes@Daniel Hall ok and?
3 likes@Daniel Hall y’know... if you hate MLP then... why are you even watching this video?
4 likes@Daniel Hall tf why are you hating the whole mlp series just for ONE character can you atleast enlighten us with you're reasons
3 likesMe too even though I skip becase i though it was cringe and then saw how cringe spike looked like in the future but i dont skip mlp equestria girls i would love to see more of mlp equestria girls
0 likesSame
0 likes@Daniel Hall nobody asked
1 like@Daniel Hall cara, o que é stfu? Eu sei lá oque é essa merda '-'
1 likeYep
0 likesYe
0 likesYa i wish it could continue
0 likesIt ended? 😟 i didnt get to watch the rest of the show
0 likes@Daniel Hall okay if you don’t like it that’s your opinion no-ones forcing you to have to watch stuff that involves it 🙃
0 likes@Daniel Hall also if you press dislike that just gives the video more acknowledgement because your still giving the video views and stuff like this, there’s no point in disliking just go watch the stuff you normally watch and don’t waste your time giving videos more clout😐
0 likesYeah but I’m also quite excited for Gen 5
0 likes@Daniel Hall I will once you mind your own business and stop watching stuff if ya don’t like it 🙂 if ya don’t like something don’t watch it it’s not that hard
0 likesNever disrespect to the
0 likesFandom
Yes to everything
0 likesYou are correct
0 likesAre you going to explain any other windows
0 likesI love My little pony
0 likes0:45
14 likesIt looks like a rino that was made from rocks
I like it
1 likeok now i get it
0 likesYes you are right
0 likesdose flurry heart have a kid ??
1 likeFinally
0 likesWhile being smart s-m-r-t (meme) ur also hilarious. MERCHANDISE PRINCESS YO!!! XD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😄😄😄😄😄😄😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
0 likesI am 13 years old... im going to high school soon.. I don’t watch my little pony.. why the fuck can I not stop watching these...
1 likeSoldiers I l o v e love your your videos are so cool
0 likesI think you are right, and this is where my theory begins:
4 likesIn the crystal empire Flurryheart and Cadence protected the crystal heart, one day the heart began to weaken slowly
Although all the love of the empire would continue to flow it continued to weaken
There was ... THE KING OF NIGHTMARES (RIGHT SAID, Dark light / Light of nightmares)
The monster dreamed of reigning all equestria, and his first plan was to break the heart ...
And all because in the past some "students" (You know what I'm talking about) of Twilight defeated him and locked him up under surveillance, but managed to escape somehow
Light of nightmares locked Cadence so he couldn't escape and took his magic ...
Flurryheart quickly flew into hiding to give Twilight a warning that they were in danger. Her message reached her and she quickly went with her friends to the crystal empire but ... they could only free several ponies and Cadence but she also did the same to them.
Desperate Flurryheart faced Light from nightmares and managed to knock him out but not for much, she was in luck because Starlight cast a spell on him preventing him from moving, she could not last long with the spell but a battle of Light from nightmares vs. Starlight and Flurryheart started ...
Replies (1)
0 likesI made this comment to vibe to "buy our toys" 2:17
0 likesIt makes sense
0 likesyour right because they all light and love or love and light
0 likesyou are right i think
0 likesFlurryheart sole purpose in the franchise is money
9 likesAlso awesome vid!!! I'm so glad you're backkk!
Replies (1)
Aaahh, I got a heart!
0 likesMe: I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy I see I buy
Me: maybe 😏
Her cutie mark tho what will it be
0 likesWhen Its Princess of light why isn’t there Princess of ice?
0 likesWow so shing armor doesn’t matter huh
0 likesHi, hello. Nothing related to the video but this has something to do with Lauren Faust's new show that is DC Super Hero Girls. I just wanted to express my feelings on how I think the Superhero Girls have really similar character traits to the Mane Six.
12 likesWonder Woman is sort of like Twilight. What I mean is, coming from a different background and learning to fit in, also the leader.
Bumblebee is Fluttershy and what I mean by that is the shyness and her soft voice.
Zatanna = Rarity because the love for theatre, fashion and the accent.
Batgirl is Pinkie Pie, always excited, super high pitched voice.
Supergirl is like Rainbow Dash ex, the arrogance and wanting to be the tough guy and show off all the time.
Lastly, Green Lantern ( Jessica Cruz) is like Applejack, though she's not known in the show for honesty but she's like the green thumb, vegan, animal loving and good with animals type.
It's like C'mon Lauren who ya tryin to fool ?
Replies (1)
I'm pretty sure Batgirl is voiced by the same person who voiced Twilight.
0 likesI thought there were 8 season not 9
0 likesYes 👍
0 likesomg so smart.
0 likesThat makes SOOOOO MUCH SEENS
0 likesWhen you daughter , wife and sister are alicorns but you dont...smh
8 likeswow this video is almost a year old
0 likesBaby alicorn is only flurry heart
0 likesthis keeps wanderinf meh brain (im a girl my name is yasmin)
0 likesMaybe her cutie mark might be a heart but white!
0 likesHas bro: Since we don't know what to do with my little pony anymore, let's just watch bronie videos for ideas
22 likesBronies watching my little pony
Wow! It's exactly as we thought!
why is shineing armor not owlicorn
1 likeyour the prince of the theary now bow bow bow! hahahahaha
0 likesI trust you so I belive you.
0 likesOmg flyry is my new favryt
1 likeFlurry was also the only alicorn by birth because she represents parents...
13 likesSpedeing love~
0 likesShes a teen in the window
0 likesMore buy our toys jokes lol
0 likesOk Flurry heart is a alecorn becouse irs in DNA from her mom its in DNA you know the perents and the baby have a bit of what the perents have its not anething spasel you shold konw that
0 likesOMG this actually is PERFECT!!
3 likesYou are right
1 likey’all are really over thinking this.
0 likesWAIT I JUST FOUND OUT SOMTHING LUNAR AND CELESTIA COULD BE TWINS AND I MEAN THAT QUEEN GALAXIA COULD BE THERE MUM THAT'S HOW THEY ARE PRINCESSIS but we still haven't solved who is cadence shining Armor and twighlight who are there mum's we have lots more of misterys to solve
0 likesReplies (3)
I haven't -_-
0 likesAnyways then how is celestia a princess????
0 likesThat doesn't Explain and I'm not actually gaming thing I'm on my brother's tablet -_-
0 likesO think flurry wold rather be prinsses of light
1 likeflurry heart: princess of family
130 likesReplies (19)
No thats actually stupid
2 likes@Bozena Z AND THATS RUDE
7 likes@IICharl but uts not
0 likes@øreõ how??? Wtf
1 like@IICharl how is it???? WTF?
1 like@IICharl normaly
2 likesBecause she is a different PRINCESS
And i didnt call HER stupid that should be enought
@IICharl Yes 😂 😂 😂
0 likesI like the idea, but how can flurry kinda understood if she doesn't experience having siblings but only the parents 🤔
0 likesSlenderWolf 559 keep telling yourself that bud.
1 likeSlenderWolf 559 no you do look pretty upset over nothing 🤷🏼♀️ idrc about your opinion and i actually think it’s smart cause who knows how many more kids shining armor and princess cadence had? it would make a lot of sense
1 likeDᴇʟʟᴀ Mιᴀʀʀʏ we don’t know if she has siblings later in life because it doesn’t show anything. the crystal empire is like a family
0 likes@Maya Benton but I am not
0 likesIm just saying my opinion
@Maya Benton they had only one obviously
0 likes@Maya Benton and it isn't at all
0 likesSlenderWolf 559 they had one in the running of the show.
0 likes@Maya Benton oh
0 likesYes
0 likes@Bozena Z
0 likesNah I don’t think so
@illicxt well but i do
0 likesWOO your cool sawtooth
0 likesPrincess of ice
0 likesAnd I’m still one of your fans
0 likesBuy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our merchandise 🤣 😂
0 likesCongratulations on solving the case of flurry heart now I won't have to scream in my pillow " why is flurry heart an alicorn at birth!!!!!!!" Thank you
9 likesThank you brony notion for liking this comment
Edit: thanks for 9 likes
Replies (3)
you're welcome XD
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves you didnt heart it tho lol
0 likesOh wait
0 likesThis bab is has also been driving me crazy to
0 likesI think kids should wach your vids when they wach my little pony
0 likesPrincess of.... family?????
0 likesYes you are right
0 likesi literally checked the date twice
13 likesА можно на русском языке
0 likesOr earth pony
0 likesShe is the princess of merchandise
0 likesPrincess of sibling hood: One tries to rule eternal night and gets sent to the moon for a thousand years
3 likesI saw flurrys cutey mark it looks kinda like her moms cutey mark.😒😲
0 likesI like the part besides t merchanddies of-course
0 likesBUY OUR TOYS vibing
1 likeYES!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhat is Flurry Hearts cutie mark?
0 likesYour right
0 likesThe sisters were born alicorns and they're parents were alicorns and rollers too. They died in a war. It's an episod werry old and I don't finde it.
0 likesSorry for my english, I'm romanian
I think you’re a changeling because in some videos your a unicorn or a Pegasus or A Alcorn
0 likesReplies (1)
Or earth pony
0 likesHe brought back my fav. song.
6 likesThis video explains so much thank you ^^
0 likesYou forgot toilets for girls when they dance was little she babysits Twilight sparkle PB 6.8 sparkle and she has wings and your
0 likesI❤️❄️♥️
0 likesum yea about that star swirl made the princesses alicorn
0 likesyup. yup. ughhhhhhhh im supposed to be studying-
1 likeWhat if cadence dies
0 likesI love you Flurry Heart🥰😍😘😘💋💋💗💞💕❤❤
0 likessoooooo amzing
0 likesprincess of light sounds cooler then princess of love
80 likesReplies (6)
i like love more tho the
0 likesi love the princess of light do you
1 like@oh hi hi wats your name my name is lyka
0 likes@oh hi hi wats your name my name is lyka
0 likes@oh hi hy
0 likes@Daniel von Strangle I don't think you know what that word means
0 likesRainbow 🌈🦄💐🍡🎨🏳️🌈
0 likesHow is Cadence be come a Alcons
0 likesLipstick 💄 pink and blue
0 likesWe still don’t know her cutie mark ;-;
53 likesReplies (5)
5 likesShe’s still a baby
0 likesNaomi Yappa true but they haven’t shown her real cutie mark
0 likesshatakshi das it’s fan art bro
0 likesHoly cracker doodles
1 likeLove for family
0 likesIts a snowflake!
0 likesAnd they don’t get Born like that
0 likesBut flurry heart cute
0 likesI can’t get over flurry
0 likeshart princess of merchandise 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 I CANT GET BUY ARE TOYS SONG out of my head🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Siri song is my favourite is it the dance party!!!!
0 likesPrincess Cadence: Alicorn
16 likesFlurry Heart: Alicorn
Shining Armor: Unicorn
They Are All Alicorn Except Shining Armor
Replies (3)
That's sexist!
1 likeI mean, it's not exactly like he was born an Alicorn. He gets by though.
0 likes:P
0 likesi think your hipothisas is true
0 likesSo cool
0 likeswow nice theroy
0 likesLast time I was this early we could still go out
62 likesReplies (1)
I know right
7 likesWhy is princess celestia and princess Luna gone
0 likesYou are corret👍🏻
0 likesB U Y O U R T O Y S
0 likesYes I think she is love and light you can tell how she the power of light her magic it yell like light just like Luna and sleep Luna mack us dark blue seem the night and sleep of resing the sun yellow and the sun yellow so he is yellow so it bends light but I fell like there going be a nother Alucard and she will be dark but and yes she the princess of light bc he magic and when they show the ponys her she light up yellow so yea 100 press of princess of light
0 likesDid anyone think about this?: Flurry could be born as an Alicorn because Cadence before she turned into an Alicorn, she was a Pegasus and shining is a unicorn, so she became an Alicorn. If Shining armour had wings and no horn, then flurry would be a pegasus, I mean doesn't it make sense????
110 likesLike and comment if you agree.
Replies (10)
That would work out if there wasn’t already ponies with parents that have both wings and horns, and end up with only one
19 likes@S1dewalk_L0ser yes but cadence is a Alicorn now so we need to add another horn, then it will kinda make an Alicorn.
6 likes@S1dewalk_L0ser and pls remember that when celestia said "there was never an born Alicorn," and an Alicorn never had a baby sooo. They can't know why flurry heart is an Alicorn if not even one Alicorn had a baby.
12 likesYeah I think that's right.
3 likesClose but no
3 likesBecause
There are also too much pony who have parents as different sides
@Funeez well yes, but an Alicorn has never gave birth. So that means that if a Alicorn gives birth then the child will be an Alicorn. Nobody know what is going on.
7 likesno, because an Alicorn isn’t just unicorn and pegasi magic, it’s also an earth pony magic (i think it explains why they grow taller), she wouldn’t be born an alicorn if cadence was still a pegasus, cadence now holds all three, unicorn, pegasus and earth pony magic.
1 like@nini yeah I think your right.
0 likesNice theory☺️
0 likesI knew that to i bet Cadence Was a pegasaus and Shinig armor is a unicorn
0 likesI think that's fits perfectly
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI do think it is true
0 likesprincess of merchandise
0 likesi think its good
0 likesWait the Brony nation uploaded that’s illegal
348 likesReplies (15)
Oblivionwing why??
5 likeswhy?
4 likesManuel Prieto Pupo its a joke.
12 likeshe takes a long time to make new videos and its really cool that he is still making content even tought the show ended.
why (and you writed nation not notion)
2 likes@Black Nandin wrote
0 likesOblivionwing No it’s not you can upload during the virus!
2 likesMr. Mineblox / Daylight Twinkle it’s a joke .-.
2 likesManuel Prieto Pupo this is the most likes I’ve ever got
0 likes@Mr. Mineblox / Daylight Twinkle it was a joke
0 likesWhy???
0 likes@The Nation's 3mPirE it's a joke
1 like@Kenzi Dragneel oh.....
0 likesI’m honestly surprised that people didn’t get this joke
2 likesWhy?
0 likesAll princesses are alicorns
0 likesWhat about princess amore
0 likesNo One:
3 likesAbsolutely No One:
Flurry Hear merchandise : BUY OUR TOYS.
0 likesOr she could’ve just inherited basically two alicorn parents since shining armour is twilight sparkle’s brother so it o could be in his blood or something like that
32 likesReplies (2)
1 likemaybe it's due to Cadence's alicorn genetics but it definitely has nothing to do with shining armor
0 likesWOW
0 likesI agree but what is her cutie mark
0 likesI think your right but i belive that your rigth
0 likesYou are very you are very very very very very very right right right
0 likesThank you for telling me all this thank you for telling me al
why does Flurryheart have full-grown wings shouldn't she have tiny wings?
3 likesI love Florida hart
0 likesI Love you you hold the best chanel ever
0 likesYes 😄
0 likesAHHHHHH!
0 likesLove for one’s parents:
17 likesLight:
What about...
The light for one’s parents!!!
Flurry BART
0 likesBUY. OUR. TOYS
1 likeQueen alicorn
1 likeAll I now that wen Luna had her cutiemark wen sambra was with her
0 likesI thought she was gonna be a princess of Heartship.
11 likesReplies (2)
I thought she was going to be pricess of self love?
0 likes@Niimomeh, that can't work to.
0 likesYes😃
0 likesbuy our toys buy our toys buy our toys!😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesof course yes
0 likesWhy the two sister never goth meri???
0 likesLight also fits because it ties in the Sun and Moon together with Friendship and Love
3 likesHow u make the pony
0 likesI'm going to
0 likesWOW
What happened to the princesses mum
0 likesmakes scense
0 likesWow I’m early for once and, flurry heart makes sense to me now
44 likesEu gosto
0 likesI am flurry heart
0 likespRiNcEsS oF mErChAnDiSe
0 likesA twilight how alecon
1 likeShining armor could be prince of fatherhood and become allicorn price
0 likesUS Phulwari heart
1 likeSawtooth: We solved Flurry Heart
3 likesPrincess Twilight Sparkle would like to know your location
Princess Celestia would like to know your location
Princess Luna would like to know your location
Princess Cadence would like to know your location
Sunburst would like to know your location
Starlight Glimmer would like to know your location
Star Swirl the bearded would like to know your location
Rarity would like to know your location
Love you 💓💓 8
0 likes0:43 WAIT WEEB SAWTOOTH??
0 likes孝 🥺
0 likesKeriruu💜
1 likeOkay so if the two sisters represent Sisterhood and that means Maybe after we saw the future of My Little Pony a couple months after the part we took a look at the rest of the Mane 6 have a small chance of becoming Alicorns as well here comes another question to my theory why doesn't Rainbow Dash fit her element perfectly like the others well maybe Rainbow Dash was supposed to become a villain
3 likesReplies (1)
Ayana Owais Tawakkal
0 likesThe closest thing
0 likesWhat a surprise
0 likesNo session 9😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likesTvilite is prinsess kos of .
0 likesThe best joke from the show buy our tour
9 likesYou are correct because falling hard is a princess of love and also of light hello Sean hi hot mom also a phone in love with us for a fairy high that’s why that baby name is Siri hot very hot like fairy I am Siri hotWhy does baby unicorn name because there’s also no Siri very hot
0 likesyes🎠
0 likesI’m pretty sure you’re right that makes a lot of sense!😜
3 likesYES
0 likesDid you work for crisalas
0 likesBuy our toys!!!
1 likeMaybe the sisters represent siblings love Twilight represent friendship and Cadence and Flurry represent family love ?
0 likesShe’s the princess of light
111 likesReplies (3)
Makes kind of sense
4 likesThat's technically Celestia
6 likesSun = light
Yes she is🦄
2 likesWow 😮😮yes
1 likeWell I mean earth pony
0 likesHow did you know that
0 likesWhy you gotta be so judgmental...
0 likesI mean flurry heart
0 likesI agree
0 likesWhen he said "Princess of Merchandise" I felt that
7 likeshow she use it
0 likesHow do you know?
0 likesi like it os much
0 likesThe first time in this world 🌎 is you
0 likesI remember watching the old flurry heart video and laughing my a** off at Buy Our Toys
11 likesReplies (3)
I laughed at the spam comments of flurry heart
1 likeSince where did you learn to use WiFi from , Twilight ? 😂
0 likes@Hasina Begum new thing in equestria I quess
0 likesWow
0 likesWow
0 likes2:44
0 likesYES
0 likesThere is this thing I wanna know about it's every pony's parents the thing I'm saying is that we still don't know about many pony's parents for example Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry and many others
4 likesReplies (1)
Your right.
0 likescandance babby
0 likesi agree
0 likesyes!
0 likesyes yes yes
0 likesthe title:"Finally Solving Flurry Heart" what i see: "Finally Song for Flurry Heart" me: :O "A song for flurry heart??" (clicks) watches the whole thing sees the buy our toys song laghs ... (it finishes) looks at title relizes what it actollly says me: "oh... well that explains some of the other explaining" XD
52 likesYa I think is light
0 likesMe: hopes it is
Why are their only girl Alicorn and no boys
0 likesPlz make video about princess amore
0 likes"The princess of light"
43 likesThat's a loose translation of my name lol....
Anyway I wanted to say that Celestia and Luna should have something of their own...
Celestia shows great leadership and Luna shows great empathy...
Celestia could be princess of rulership (befitting for princess of the sun)
Luna could be princess of empathy? (The night is when you open up most)
Just my guess..
Replies (2)
Woah that fast
5 likesFlurry Heart is the Princess of Light?
4 likes(Kingdom Hearts would like to know your location)
0 likesWHos watching this in 2021 XD
1 like😱
0 likesBuy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our merchandise!
0 likesFirst
15 likesYou actually make theories that make sense
Why do you use the princess of merchandise joke bruh im sick of hearing it lol
0 likesYES
0 likesOn Netflix
0 likesBuy our toy$!!!!!!! Make it a thing
0 likes"The Princess of Love for One's Parents"
Replies (1)
1 likeI'm not quite sure.🤨
0 likesWow
0 likes2:16
0 likesPrinses cedens has 2 babies ha you don't know hahaha
0 likesThis is a really good story😍 They have to do all of this in a movie or in another season but no Lauren Faust don’t want to do that
2 likesCelestia and Luna: Princesses of siblings,
1 likePrincess Twilight: Princess of Friendship
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence) and Flurry Heart: Princesses of Family, Of Love and Light
Another theory I just felt like adding to this, even though the comics are not canon: Radiant Hope was supposed to be the chosen princess of Light (hope is light after all). She saw herself as a princess in the Crystal Heart after all.
0 likesMaybe Sombra could've been the prince of love heck, if he started a family with Hope (since family is love). The Crystal Heart gave two paths, and if Sombra had not chosen his destiny, then the path with Radiant Hope's princesshood would have come true.
Ya know the fir pink Hart that came up when friendship was created, well Fleury heart is the element of friendship, a friendship that is connected to the love friendship and all friendship. Mother love and daughter love, the heart from the biginig* of friendship is in her name FLIRRY HEART! (FIRE HEART) all prince sees represent all of the friendships.
1 likeReplies (1)
thats not how you spell fluery heart this is FLURY HEART🤐😴👸🎈
0 likesMaybe she is the princess of emotions, or Maybe her part is Solving conflicts of love, since her mothers is spreading love, her's could be managing it in itself, if that makes sense
0 likesI believe flurry heart is not just gonna rule alongside her parents
0 likesI think she is also gonna lead the crystal pony guards one day, seeing as her dad used to be one
i think your right but maybe princess of hope might be better,in the stain glass window she was(I think) the first pony in a stainglass window by herself.so she mightve been the only hope but thats just something i think.
0 likesBut, this changes a whole lot about the history of Equestria. How does this make the story now?
0 likesI have a idea, Flurry Heart is the princess of crystals because she was born in the Castle and in that window she’s like absorbing the Crystal Heart.
0 likesIf you look at the background in the glass with the 6 it looks a little like space, but if they did someting in space wouldnt they be ona hugger work level
0 likesYou must be right as her magic colour is yellow and yellow represents light!
0 likesThis fairy is the best ferry I’ve ever heard about flurry heart!!!🌕🌑👭💑🌟
0 likesOK ever since I saw this video I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it for a while and what I think is maybe princess flurry heart is the princess of life because think about it before her even being born all the people in the Empire could think about is protecting their life and the crystal heart but the crystal heart is the life of the empire flurry heart crystallization was part of the crystal hearts life so that would also make flurry heart part of the crystal heart so what I’m thinking is pretty much as there’s are the princesses of siblinghood the princess of magic and friendship and the princess of love and light so could flurryheart be the princess of life?
0 likesI like every pony but not going to lie Cadence looks more beautiful then Flurry
1 likeI think you're right honestly it makes complete sense.
0 likesI gotta say, all his theories dumbfound an ex-mlp fan like me even today...
0 likesI'm not going to lie I'm really upset that the show ended and I was really interested to see if flurry heart would grow or at least the last episode with snow flurry heart in anyway or maybe a few bonus episodes to see how the other characters grew after all the years but I'm still satisfied with this video although I'm still really upset still
0 likesReplies (2)
dont be upset there are much BIGGER reasons to be upset
0 likesbesides Launa you can be creative and draw your own futre flurry heart at this artists studio of yours
1 likeI feel so much better to know that I’m not the only 10 year old still watches my litttle pony
0 likesWell, that means you debunked yourself and Flurry heart is like Celestia and Luna in that she got her wings through finding her purpose and she found it at birth.
0 likesWe do know how the princesses became Alcorns star swirl new magic to turn celestial until unicorn and he did the same with Luna while she was still in her mother stomach so it was all magic and we also at twilight she was changed to Alacon with magic so celestial and Luna must have gone through the same process
0 likesI think that this will be proved wrong by a tweet from a writer of the show in a couple years
0 likesSawtooth, luna and celestia represnt the lite and dark side of love!!!!
1 likeI want to learn more about the princesses
0 likesIf g5 comes out with g4 features and same outlook of the world maybe twilight will make her new mentee to alicorn and she meets flurry heart
1 likei still think she's princess of merchandise. change my mind.
0 likesCan you make a video on telling the story of the glass window before the flurry hart glass window one
1 likeSawtooth Waves: Flurry heart's the princess of the merchandise
0 likesMe: No she's not, on my opinion, maybe flurry's the princess of crystalling
The student six window was probably their first battle and the monster looked a lot like..... A RED VERSION OF GROGOR WITH THE SAME MAGICAL POWERS AS GROGOR
0 likesSo if all the princesses are embodiments of relationships, then what will Starlight embody?
0 likesReplies (1)
Maybe she won't we'll never know
0 likesi figured she was the princes of hope because of what happened at the crysaling but that's just my opinion.
0 likesWhat will Flurry Heart be the ruler of??
OKAY BUT, If We have Princess of Sun and Princess of Moon, with are kinda an opposite, then if we have a Princess of Light, maybe one day there would be a princess of darkness? Like, maybe that sound dumb, but just imagine how amazing her design would look :D
0 likesYes I think that you are right I can’t wait to see it
0 likesThe princess of magic flurry how will be this explains a lot about her. Flurry has more magic then Cadence Twilight and Celestia and Luna. She contains lots of magic because who would be able to break the crystal heart! I don’t think Love will fit Flurry as much as her mama that’s why she was born as an hour corn to contain magic she’s the princess of magic and spreads magic across the world to earth ponies pegasus unicorns. I do get the point of the right side light is named as very fast so when she flies she is very fast so she can be the princess of speed to there is a lots of theories of what princess flurry can be!
0 likesI think flurry hearts cutie mark is crystal heart in a shield with some type of light around or inside it
1 likeReplies (1)
youl never know mlp has a way of getting tricky🙄
0 likesEveryone Knows that if the Oueen mother is a Alicorn then the child will become a Alicorn.
0 likesAnd for Twilight princess
She became a princess because she created a new magic
And that is friendship is magic
And for that reason she became a princess.
Okay ,
Celestia princess of the day . Luna princess of the night. Cadence princess of love. Twilight princess of friendship. And Flurry princess of light. The crystal heart is devide into two light and love so Flurry is princess of light and cadence is princess of love
0 likesIf celestia and Luna are the princesses of sibling hood, wouldn’t Luna stop being an alicirn when she turned into nightmare moon since she didn’t have a love for her sister?
0 likesI think that she might be an elemental alicorn
0 likeswait......... if you sell merchandise, you are bringing light into their day! By purchasing the item,you are loving it and you get happiness/ light spread into your day.#princess of light and merch
0 likesP.S i probably put to much thought into this
2:18 me trying to get my mom to buy a toy
0 likes“In the way her mAmA”
7 likesI never heard you say that
I think flurry heart is the princess of light.
0 likes2:25 i can't stop laughing
0 likesWhat would flurry heart's cutie mark be?
0 likesYa ur right they always say love and light so I think flurry heart is the princess of light
0 likesSo basically siblings partners friends and family?
0 likesNice.
Kinda weird but nice.
If there is a princess of light is there a princess of dark
1 likeThe fact that Flurry's wings are so big and the wings of cozy glow are just like the size of scootaloo--👁️👄👁️
0 likesReplies (1)
Flurry Heart is an alicorn thats why her wings are enormous, Scootaloo and Cozy Glow are just normal pegasus fillies.
0 likesJust a Theory about shining armor here I saw your video of how he is ganna it might become an alicicorn if he does to keep up with the like each princess being like light love friendship and all that what if they all join like shining armor cadence and flurry heart be the embodiment of family just a very long suggestion 😂
0 likesSo merchandise is light? Take that Kingdom Hearts.
0 likesLOVE IT
0 likesWait so if they’re more princesses\Princes will they’re relationship be Hate?
0 likesOooohhhh now i get it thats why flurry heart's name also has a heart and flurry that makes flurry heart.and.... Thats why her mom and her are both have hearts i mean flurry got a necklace heart in the windows and her mom has a heart cuttiemark i get it nowww. Now that i get it i'll imagine flurry heart's future voice 😁
0 likesHe said celestia ruled for over 1000 years! Shouldn't she be old like granny Smith? I mean now I guess normal ponies turn old and special ponies turn into a beautiful mythical.. being?
0 likesIt sounds about right :)
0 likesGREAT IDEA 💡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesIs this in the new season 9 I saw every single episode in season 9 and I can agree I saw the same Systane glass window on the last episode
0 likesI agree with princess of light
0 likesWait what episode do we see the future in MLP???
0 likesFluffy heart will be princess light hearted and should rule with mom
0 likesSo does that mean we get to see season 10? Because that would make sence i mean everyone want's to see flurry heart grow up!
0 likesPrincess of Light!
0 likesI think it should be the princess
0 likesFYI that monster might be a mutation from tartores
0 likesBut flurry heart broke the crystal heart.
0 likesYou know what is sad for me
0 likesI can't watch the last series🥺😓
When you said mama i laughted so hard😂😂😂
1 likemaybe if shes the princess of light, and her mother love, then would her cutie mark be a little similar to her mothers cutie mark because its the other side of the heart? like if you know what i mean.
4 likesI THINK THIS GUYS IS IN LOVE WITH flurryheart
2 likesReplies (1)
Now 1 year ago
0 likesIm still calling her the princess of merchandise hehehhe
0 likesI feel like flurry heart and my sister and also may be the picture of the students a sign that they are the next main six
0 likes"alien species" welllll what about "alien alicorns vs pirates" ?
0 likesidk about the history tho... u shud make a vid about celestia and luna's parents
0 likesI believe u are right, but instead of flurry heart being the princess of light , I fell she needs to be the princess of hope
0 likesReplies (1)
As u said twilight said flurry is Questria last hope
0 likesThe only thing i dont know is... is mlp ending or finished? Im confused
0 likeswhat if Luster dawn Became next Aicorn?
0 likesI agree with you and you are soo awesome 😎
0 likesYeah your right i like my little pony so much and flurry heart is so cute
0 likesthe buy our toys song kinda slaps tho
0 likesNo maybe she's the magic of hearts maybe??
0 likesGreat 😊
0 likesi think flurry heart is the 5th princess
0 likesYou are right that flurry heart is supposed to be the princess of light but what's your cutie mark supposed to be tell me that in the next episode
0 likeswhy do i think only flurry hart should be the only ruler in the crystal empier like if you agree (:
0 likesOrrrr cadance would die and then flurry heart have to rule the crystal empire with shining armor
0 likesBuy our merch... BUY OUR MERCH...BUY OUR MERCH, BUY OUR MERCH!
0 likesFlurry is so cool and i like her
0 likesOk baby flurry is my favorite now
0 likesI guess u are wright about the point that flurry is the princess of light
0 likesCan we see the truth about the shadow pony
0 likesThink two of the princess got there wings from there cutie mark maybe tho I don't know 😅😅
0 likesWow- finally
0 likesYes u are right 😍😍
1 likeHey sawtooth can u make a vid about what happened to the pillars after twilight became qeen?
0 likesReplies (1)
you mean queen thats the second person that doesnt know how to spell🙄😶
1 likeYour right in my mind
0 likesIt is obvious flurry was an Alison because before cadence was a princess she was a Pegasus and shining a unicorn they got married it depends on the parents so Pegasus and unicorn =alicorn this is why flurry is an alicorn
0 likesCadence is sort of like Cupid
0 likesWait how did i not notice that i watched this clip over 89 times and i never saw that
0 likesWhy is Flurry hearth wearing Diamond tiara's tiara
0 likesFlurry heart is ruler LOVE💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
0 likesI love thi-Movie:you just killed me and my cat
1 likeHey this pony is the nicest à la corn and she is the nicest pony I know in Ponyville read all the theme of twilight name
0 likesDude your right but I also thing flurry hearts destiny is to care
0 likesTwilight's hair looks like bacon.
0 likesCouldn't agree more
0 likeshm flury hart is in da family she and she s will be a part of ❤❤❤
0 likesAwesome
0 likesА теперь также но на русском 👌
0 likesYour so right
0 likesI think saw tooth is right
0 likesMind blown
0 likesi think your right
0 likesThis is so true
0 likesI think you are right
0 likesthanks for information
0 likesFlurry derfeat sombra dark flurry is light
0 likesWhat's her cutie mark
0 likesHEY what about shining armor cause he is theFather
0 likesBUY OUR TOYS-
0 likesYou are right
0 likesWhat can we watch season 9 on please someone please help me
0 likesprincess of merch
0 likesCelastia and luna were born alicorn their parents and their parents and etc
0 likescelestia and luna r borned alicorn
0 likeslove and light
0 likesI really , really like flurry Hart .💟💖💗💓💞💕..... Atfa
0 likesI say you are right
0 likesyour right
0 likesdo u all know roblox piggy it has book 2 after the chapters ended soooo I'm hoping there are more mlp seasons
0 likesRandom merchant: buy our toys
17 likesMe: *doesn’t buy any toys”
,,The Royal Sisters, that Rule togeter."
18 likesSeason 9 appers
Me: Not anymore
Everyone: theories and discussion
16 likesMe, in Canada: *scared noises*
I like Flutter heart
0 likesWho else thought Celestia and Luna were born alicorns and were even more confused when they said Flurry was the first one...
3 likeshe now he's not wrong, every time they say it is the light in the love, so cadence has the love, so sorry, mark must have the light
3 likesShe is I saw that in the show so
0 likesCadence didn’t love her mom. Nobody but flurry heart loves their parents.
6 likesReplies (1)
I think he means that other pony's destinys weren't directly related to loving their parents.
1 likeCandace can hate her mum but she'll still fall in love or spread love and become an alicorn
The reason is be because they are goddess sun and moon they say that they raise the moon and sun duh 🌚🌞lol not to be rude but yes
0 likesIn my stories, there’s the Darth Vadora prophecy of Princess👑Flurry Heart❤️. It’s said that light💡can shine as well as burn🔥. She will turn to the dark side of the magic in the process of trying to protect her family and subjects.
3 likesReplies (2)
what does that even mean i mean vadora prophecy vadora is the name of my aunt🤣
1 likeNo
0 likes"for real this time" WEREN'T YOU REAL BEFORE THAT SONG???? ;<
0 likesI'm still laughing at flurry heart is a acorn
3 likesShe is at for 7 years
0 likesFlurry Heart reminds me of Chibi-Usa from Sailor Moon. Sassy, always thinks she's right until she sees the error of her ways, smart and makes fun of others ignorance, but is still a really lovable character. XD
6 likesMaybe you are right
0 likesWho remembers princess Skylar. The original child of cadence and shining before flurry heart appeared
5 likesReplies (4)
0 likes@Elementianhero22 yeah. Back in season 4-6 there was a toy called princess Skylar and it was shining and Candace's child
2 likes@Samantha Freeman Oh, cool!
1 likeSamantha Freeman lmao
0 likesFlurry haré is prissess
0 likesYou're probably wondering why I have so many likes...
1660 likesReplies (31)
I dindnt think of it that way...
42 likesLol
15 likes"oH i'm toTallY nOT jeALous"
73 likesLol 😂
10 likesLol 🤣
8 likesAnd adoptive aunt in laws
24 likesLol
4 likesHard to imagine none of that would rub off on him after awhile. He's pretty magical himself anyway!
9 likes@☻ThawBerry☹︎ this is irrelevant but you have the same first name as me;~;it's spelt the same🤔🤣coincidence
6 likesEasy: Hasbro make him an alicorn, please
7 likesApple-Cari林檎 HAHAHAHAHAHA
0 likesI feel so sorry for him
1 likewell he's the captain of the loyal gurad so he still pretty powerful
2 likesSame! I even recently made a head-canon based on that!
1 likeApple-Cari林檎 XDDDD
0 likesYeah poor dude
1 likeLOL ikr
0 likesLol
0 likesMe to
0 likesYou know you can actually delete your comment, right? What is the point of leaving it up hon
3 likesWe thank yes
0 likesApple-Cari林檎 lol
0 likesWhyyyyyy....... WHAAAAAAAAAAA
0 likesPfft
0 likesLOL that was your comment and ALL THE LIKES WAVED IN
0 likesYeh
0 likes_Josuh hah,I already know that
0 likesHuong Pham you think I don't already know what
0 likesSince you changed it I’m unliking it
0 likesWhen the “BUY OUR TOYS BUY OUR TOYS” comes on
14 likesMe: 💃🏻👯♀️💃🏻👯♀️🕺🏻🕺🏻dancing insanely
My brother: UhG tHeY mIlkEd the ShoW So MuCH
Replies (1)
Me to
1 likeyour all right
0 likesWait..., What happened to starlight after that? Did twilight send her somewhere like celestia? Or did she just stay in ponyville? I have so many questions about starlight!
4 likesReplies (1)
Starlight is now headmaster at school of friendship, i think.
0 likesI didn’t need this to find out who was the princess of light my sister spoiled it for me and she’s younger
10 likesBuy our toys
24 likesOh I remember that
Replies (1)
Kookiemations YT * toy intensifies *
0 likesNot everybody has good parents, so maybe change that to authority/mentor figure???
4 likesReplies (1)
Or to family in general like others say.
0 likesBecause family is not only just who your parents are, but as well as people who are close to you.
wow cool
0 likesYou forgot they Said Equestria has never seen, "EQUESTRIA" they never said anything about the outside world just that it's never happened in Equestria.
13 likesReplies (1)
i address that point in "the truth about star swirl". it really doesn't seem like there are alicorns besides the ones we know.
4 likesWho is the ruler of the stars
4 likes1. Cartoons
0 likesIsn't that a good idea
0 likesI still think she is the princess of merchandise lol 😂 😂🤣 but I do think that you are right but she is still the Princess of the merchandise!!
6 likesMerchandise is part of light glow in the dark merchandise 😯
3 likesI agree
0 likesYou're brain is so big!!
0 likesShining armor is nothing related to the crystal heart qwq
3 likesYES
0 likesWhen’s the Buy Our Toys remix coming out?
3 likesYour right flurry heart is light. You know love and light is is their jobs the love make everyone love each others and light if every thing is darkness the light shine up and the darkness go away. if put alltogether so light and love.... the light spreat our shining light and love speart loving so working together are stronger
7 likesYour lucky your not lazy as me. If I wanna figure out something I just search it and DONE. uwu'
3 likesthat sound's so like flurry heart for some reason i cant get my hoof of it tho😮😮😮
3 likesi see it videl
0 likesspace dinosaur LUL
0 likesYa u are rigth my big cuz is the director and we watch your vids 🦄
0 likesReplies (1)
Just kidding
0 likesFlurry: since I'm the secent queen .... ALL OF YOU WILL BECOME TOYS and MORTONDICCE!!!
39 likesKaten: my baby!! is evil!!!!!! aaahhhhhhh!!!
Replies (2)
0 likesLol
0 likesI want to watch this but my computer would not let me watch youtube. 😢
5 likescandance babby cute babby
0 likesЯ одна тут по русскому разговариваю😒😂
0 likes4:55 *(mums account btw) look her cutie mark also has a heart on it o:
3 likesThe fact that Flurryheart is a princesss when shes a filly
6 likesReplies (1)
Being related to one of 3 Royalty alicorns has its benefits.
2 likesHmm I you are right 🤔
0 likesI really hope Flurryheart will have a daughter (Or the first stallicorn who knows) that will represent love for grandparents!
5 likesLas
0 likesLada☺💖
candance babby Big Babby
0 likesShining armor looking at his two alicorn family members like
5 likesHey dude I'm on that I will tone tribe you was talkin about Lego Movie Newman the Elkin Tribune so my Mother season 9 came out yeah I don't know what else show. Me the power doctor with the tribe when they left the trial table and trouble Justice Siri cool
0 likesIs Princess celestial is the Princess of the light because the sun makes light so flurry heart is not the Princess of light
0 likesthe only problem is, alicorns don't really age. so flurry heart would still be a baby at the end of the show. that window pain makes no sense.
3 likesDid any one see flurry’s cutie mark like if you saw
28 likesReplies (4)
I don't see it
2 likesI also don't see
1 likeMe too, I mean, I also can't see it but I really need to know, well how 'bout we google 'bout her cutie mark ??????
1 likeYeah
0 likesYes yes
0 likescandace babby
0 likesCome on stop the music!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
all the time!!
1 likeSTOP THE "BUY MY TOYS"!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesLike. 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿♥️❤️♥️❤️
0 likesfully heart can't be rule of pertactent
3 likesclisytla epire "toys" what I min she
still a baby am I rayt am rayt
Am I the only one here from 2021???? XD
1 likeYou dooo have da answer
0 likesThis is very interesting and well-reasoned, especially in the context of the alternate intro for the MLP Movie, where Twilight's narration explaining the Princesses specifically associated Cadance not with love, but with FAMILY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bscnfW5hbJM
0 likesAlso, I think Cadence may be the princess of romantic love while Flurry Heart is the princess of family. If she is meant to rule along side her family then it just makes sense that that is what she rules over. Plus, we never see Cadence do anything magical related to parenthood. Just romance. But idk I could be wrong. lol
0 likesWho will rule Equestria next once Twilight retires though? Same with the Crystal Empire since Alicorns have a long lifetime; Flurry will be old by the time Cadence and Shining Armour will be retiring 🤔
1 likeLight is the same as love 💕 but friendship is super important.
0 likesFlurry's talent is to protect the empire and send news to twilight
0 likesI feel like either sandbar or starlight should've become the prince(ss) of menteeship
0 likesMaybe Celestia or Luna could be princess of mentorship, at least to twi, making it just one big bushel of connections
Sawtooth: I finally solved Flurry Heart for more than 4 years
1 likeLauren: He's right. Change the story.
Of corse! She has powerful magic and when the pony’s thought there were fire works it was light
Replies (1)
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no
0 likesSo essentially, she is the Princess of Agape (Familiar/Family love).
0 likesI feel like she is the Princess of Joy or Light. Something to do with happiness. U already feel the emotion of joy and/or light as a baby so that would explain her being an alicorn
0 likesPrincess of Light huh?
1 like...has a nice ring to it.
So cadance is the word LOVE and light UNTIL Flurry comes as the second word LIGHT so that Cadance can take care of the first word LOVE. So that is why Flurry was born as the second word LIGHT so that Cadance doesn't have to take care of both of the word's LOVE and LIGHT.
0 likesFlurry could be the princess of hope, you give hope for friends when they are sick or going through something but I don’t know
0 likesI think Flurry Heart is the Princess Of Relationship as she is related to her Parents and Aunt (Twilight) .
0 likesflurry heart as the princess of light does make sense but isn't that nearly the same as the princess of the sun? i have 2 ideas: she is probably the princess of love, so when her mom steps down there is a new princess of love. NO ONE IS GONNA RUN OUT OF LOVE!!!!!! my second idea is that she could be the princess of hope, this video gave me the idea this is the part: 5:07 when he said: "hope would come". so I'm not saying that this is a bad theory but some of it doesn't make sense. another thing is that if she is the princess of light then shouldn't there be a princess of darkness or shadow, (but there still good guys)
0 likesYou know what is Alessia figured out she had the power to raise the sun without draining all her magic maybe that's how she earn her wings and maybe that the same way how Princess Luna got her wings
0 likesI don’t think flurry heart is that mysterious for the fact that the reason behind her being a born Allicorn is because her mother was an allicorn think back to Celestia Luna they were never born a allicorn but there are No known Allicorn that actually ever had a kid so that is my theory
0 likesi figured out why flurry heart's name is ''flurry heart''. because in the video he said that flurry heart is the princess of light,so flurry i think means light? justsayin'
0 likesOr maybe the princess of family light makes the family not fight and make their familys personality nice
0 likesyes you are right
1 likeSawtooth Waves,
FLURRY HEART can be the princess of light
Replies (1)
what about the Princess of PhOtOnS?
0 likesThe sisters actually rule as balance but okay it’s just obvious sun and moon represent balance
0 likesi think sunset shimmer should rule with twilght because that relationship could be friendship because none of the other 5 can't become the princess.
0 likesThe real 2 questions are
0 likes1. Will they make a show with there kids
2. Who is the princess of Dark?
Makes me wonder what is flurry's cutie mark
0 likesmaybe one day hasbro might make future shorts? instead of erasing it for pony life hopefully, people still are interested in the future and ngl I can see them doing that. Maybe making an episode on flurry heart, there's still things we all don't know and it seems hasbro knows that and maybe hopefully possibly will return the favor of future short maybe 10-15 minute episodes of the future arc?
0 likesI have a question Kadance is a Alicorn why isn't Shining Armor a Alicorn is it that only only mares become Alicorns?
1 likeDoes anyone know why princess Cadance doesn’t have that long flowing Alicorn hair and the really tall body?
0 likesI know why Celesta and Lunar are sisters,because sunlight and moonlight are opposites.🌕🌞🌕🌞🌕🌞🌕🌞
0 likesI think she’s the princess of true love
0 likesFlurry Heart is the Princess of Light
0 likesI want to hear your space dinosaur vs the student six theory.
1 likeWhat about a princess of hope?
1 likeI have the same book''twilight sparkle and the crystal heart spell
0 likesInstead of princess of sibling hood I think they are princess of getting along even though they are really different
0 likesme: * sees sawtooth waves has a snowflake in his hair * Oof-
0 likessister: * sees the snowflake * I WANT THAT
Or she could be the princess of self-love :00
0 likesThat sounds like she should be working with celestial
0 likesShe's cuter than Cozy Glow
0 likesI think you are right bc your thinking makes sense
1 likeI noticed something if the alicorn civilization existed they said the birth of an alicorn has never happened in equestria doesn't mean it didn't happen in the alicorn civilization
0 likesEveryone:
1 likeHmmm hope? Sounds dood!
Ok but, who's Cadence's mom and dad? ;-;
1 likei think princes flurry heart is princes of light and destiny
0 likesI think that flurry is princess of love but connected to the heart her mom is the princess of love in a different way
0 likesYou should be the prince of amazing extraordinary theory's
0 likesme not knowing how to get these answers: yep your right
0 likesLove your videos
0 likesDude how did he remember this? Does he have a script or something? 🙀👀👁👄👁😳
0 likesThat is a lot of evidence so...yea you sure are right
0 likesi can imagine somone in a flurryheart costume going to the store slapping someone in the face and being like bey oure meeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrccccccchhhhhh
0 likesThe Princess of Potions maybe.
0 likesWell your new theories blow this out of the water
0 likesI have 1 thing to sa- Flurry Heart: BUY MY TOYS BUY MY TOYS BUY MY TOYS
0 likesI have a soft spot for flurry heart
0 likesi think its the princess of light because it looks like shes spreading light Im using my sisters account btw
0 likesYes you are right 👍🏻👍🏻🌺
0 likesFlurry heart will be queen of hearts
0 likesThe crystal heart and flurry are beStfrieNds now, also I think she's the princess of protection? Cuz the crystal heart protects the crystal empire from stUff, I remember an episode where king sombra took over as darkness and enslaved all pony I Mean celestia brings light as well but was also kidnapped by another dark pony, her own sister when she was evil, but again flurry could be using the heart for its last use of power,
0 likesBut think about it, Day shows light, night shows dark, love spreads joy, friendship means ur not alone, and protection has confidence
Yes! The crystal is a shape of the heart which is cadence cutie mark, but what is used for is protection, 2:06 shows her cutie mark as a shield and a heart but that could be just fanfics-
Sorry if none of this makes sense I was saying my thoughts out buT you could be right lol
Princess Celestia was a earth pony with Luna
0 likesis it just me or do i see diamond tiaras cutie mark as her crown
0 likeswe already saw the allicorn civilization 😳
0 likesShe's the princess of snow
0 likesI'm sorry but in the beginning when you said mama I laughed but I agree with you on this
0 likesLovely💐
0 likesThat's true since when she used her horn since its yellow like light
0 likesI think you is right cause it just makes sense
0 likesSun and moon are important because if nobody raises the sun or moon then no pony will no when to get up or sleep
0 likes1st of all there should be 6 because there should be The 1 of child and which is the 2 sisters the 1 of love The 1 of life The 1 of friendship And my CD a dark princess because There is light
0 likesI think that furry heart and princess pea dances that's when we are like two sides of a coin because cadence would mean princess of love of two and I think that flurry heart means love of family just like two sides of a coin they would rule together but differently
0 likesOr the princess of blue hearts
0 likesi know hasbro will show us queen flurry heart
0 likesall the weight has been lifted... thank you :)
0 likesCandance wasn't always a princess
0 likesShining Armor: 👁💧👄💧👁
0 likesflurry heart doing mom job not the queen of the light maybe i think you are right maybe she is the queen of light
0 likesNobody
0 likesLiterally nobody
Not even everyone in the comments
Sawtooth Waves: has a snow pin
Me:everyone gonna ignore that???
So is flurry heart a true alicorn
0 likesI say cadence is the princess of family, not parent/sibling family, kids and husband/wife family.
0 likesFlurry heart is the princess of.
0 likesMe encanta
0 likeshow tf has it already been 5 months since this video came out
0 likesMe encanta mucho
0 likesImagine giving birth to a baby with a horn... Ouch
0 likesIt is very hard but it is so cool
1 like❤️❤️🌈
1 likeFlurryheart will be princess of light and merchandise
0 likesFlurry heart= princess of merchandise
0 likesI think flury is no the princess of light cause celestia is already princess of Sun and sun represents light and heat just mu conclusion
0 likesWhy is it always a princess ,why isn't there a prince ?
0 likes❄️💙 I liked this video
0 likesWill equstria be light evry year and day if all the alicorns and the elments use there powrs on the crystal heart what would happen???
0 likesI love this teory
0 likesBaby flurry heart has magic that light
0 likesPony can talk 🤣🤣
0 likesCan you make a video about”can earth pony become a alicorn
0 likesWhy does it look like Flurry is the princes of family or princess of crystals idk
0 likesWon't it come back 😢😭
2 likesMabye another book?
Please please please please please please please Come back MLP😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭
I honestly hope you are wrong... princess of merchandise has a better ring to it that princess of light XD
0 likesPrincess of merch 😳🔪
0 likesomg u were RIGHT cuz u said while princess cadence is the pwincess of love and flurry is the pwincess of light! omg omg omg omg omg XD COOL EXPLAINING lol
0 likesEveryone just gonna ignore the total bop at 2:20?
0 likesit makes sense to me
0 likesi hope the villan are good
0 likesSo what will happen if cadence retired
0 likesFun fact no body dies in MLP
0 likesYet 👁👄👁
THERE IS A SEASON 3!?!?!!!!?!?
0 likesSo what you mean is the princess of Love of family
0 likesShe has magic from her aunt so she is the princess of magic
0 likesReplies (1)
What? Twilight still takes the Princess of Magic/Friendship title, i dont remember Flurry taking Twilight's magic, so she instead would be the heir to crystal empire, taking the title of Princess of Light, since the crystal heart brings "Love and Light" to the empire, while Cadance would be the princess of love.
0 likesCool . Very interesting.👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👧🏻👩🏻👤🗣👥👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻
0 likesThe window till the futures
0 likesMlp:fim g4 will always be the best no matter what
0 likesumm what about the Princess that represents Family??
0 likesÙ^Ú
What episode is this?
0 likesWon't it come back 😢😭
1 likeMabye another book?
Please please please please please please please Come back MLP😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭
Won't it come back 😢😭
1 likeMabye another book?
Please please please please please please please Come back MLP😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭
She is the princess of crystal and her mother is the princess of love
0 likesReplies (1)
Flurry heart is the princess of Light, it is mentioned in the show that the crystal heart brings "Love and Light" to the crystal empire.
0 likesyour wrong beacuse celestia is ruler of sun and sun gives light
0 likesI think your right
0 likesI think your right
0 likesthat's right that's right she is a princess of like
0 likesPlease react to bride and daughter of discord.
0 likesthe student 6 fighting a dinosaur?
0 likesLight yes that flurry hearts destiny😒
0 likesYes you are right
0 likesYes your are right
0 likesYou are right
0 likesthis is cool bro
0 likesFlurry heart this allacorn babby was a pain for sawtooth waves its over
0 likesIn another video pls explain wat Luster Dawn's cutie mark meanand also like if you wanna know k?
0 likesFlory hard 👏🏻👏🏻😘😘
your right
0 likesyour right
0 likesDid you train all that that very hard on your mother should room together but what shining armor what if Peyton and shining armor have another baby alicorn or just another regular unicorn Anna looks like his daddy where is that cool but here's the catch I wanted to be crystallized forever
0 likesThis powers what new grow setercs
0 likesYou imagen that the Chrystal heart is flurry heart and soul
9 likesಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
Buy our toys BUY OUR TOYS
17 likesMeh:I’m not buying ur toys
Me again:*goes on Amazon *
buys flurry’s toys
Replies (2)
Wow these are the mos5 likes I got the guys
0 likesThx guys
0 likesEarliest I have been. Also why snowflake?
7 likesReplies (2)
for fun! plus flurry heart ^^
2 likesThe Brony Notion me like fun! Thanks a lot : )
1 likeFirst
3 likesReplies (1)
Your third I think
2 likesMoon. Is. To. Sleep sun. Is. To. Work. And. Play
0 likesWell I wasted 6 minutes and 37 seconds of my life. At least the comments made my time worth it.
0 likesHihi
3 likesReplies (1)
2 likesFlurry heart is the princess of hearts, not merchandise ;-;
0 likesReplies (1)
No, it is mentioned in the show that the crystal heart of the crystal empire brings "Love and Light" Cadance taking the title of Princess of love, then Flurry heart would be taking the title of Princess of light.
0 likesI think Flrry is the PRINCESS OF hope
0 likesReplies (4)
One of the pillars already took the title of Hope.
0 likesI know but they don't have a princes of hope test tests
0 likes@Sunjay narayan Only one can take the title of Hope.
0 likes@Sunjay narayan Each of the princesses has its own unique title, if the other pony has already took a title, then the princess will need to have its own.
0 likesMe lo explican en español, no entiendo
0 likesur crazy smart
1 likeDude thats dep
0 likesprincess nagito
0 likesHmmmm I am so confused just saying I won't remember all that ;-;
0 likesi think princess cadence is born as a alicorn and flurry heart is born to as a alicorn plsss shout out and plsssss notice
0 likesbuy her toys buy her toys buy her toys buy her toys buy her toys (one day earlier) commercial on tv says now the newest mlp toy baby flurry heart. [after the buy her toys apocalipse] the new flurryheart toy namely princess of merchandise😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesyes you said true
0 likesI mean when twilight hair Started following
0 likesBut what about when became older her hair Started following but why
0 likesReplies (1)
I mean twilight hair Started following
0 likesHer. Magic
0 likesyes👍
0 likesI share the same believe
0 likesYES
0 likesPls make a video about it
0 likesThink is meh.flurry heart.
0 likeshi
0 likesI am Tara Strong
actor of twilight sparkle
I never knew this
Its showing Sam k as this is my husbands laptop
very smart
ya so I think 🤔 it is
0 likesYes I thank he is rite
0 likes2:15
0 likesMe too
0 likeshahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
0 likesI think you are true
0 likesI thic shes only the prises of family
0 likesMY TOY
0 likesMy small small brain is too terrible to know otherwise.
0 likesWow...
0 likesILOVE. You
0 likesBaby allcorn
0 likesHow you guys have season 9? I have only to season 8
0 likesAnd Light
0 likes0 likes
is a 5 alacorn
0 likesSawtouth
0 likesLol queen of merchandise
0 likesDude ur so right i mean i have been looking at fLuRrY and i assume datshe beprincess offf ligghhhtttt
0 likesYES OK
0 likesWait so dont that mean about SHES NOT ALICORN video was kinda wrong
0 likesDont) buy our toys
0 likesPlay with the same one as you can see it in the morning and the first thing is fine for us so we can do the same as the other days for me and my family for the weekend and the rest of the week I will be back on the 18th so I'll have to wait until the morning of the 15th and the other days we will need a few days to get to bed for our next two days 🛏️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesBye our toys bye our toys!
0 likes💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 me name is Somia
0 likesBuy our TOYS!
0 likes5💙
0 likesDo the other one duuuuuuu
0 likesYeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesThefis
0 likesI love you
0 likesLights
0 likesI think they each represent a different type of greek love : celestia and luna are storge (familial love), Cadence is eros (romantic love), twilight is philia (friendship) and flurry heart is agape (unconditional love) which is the type of love parents are supposed to have for their children!
0 likesDo you know what confuses me? Why are Flurry hearts parents taking care of her? Royal babies or babies whims parents are generally just rich usually have a nursemaid, and why do Cadence, Shining Armour and Twilight travel without guards, their royalty for crying out loud! They’re most likely targeted for ransom! I’m so confused.
2 likesAlso makes sense as to why it’s called The Castle of the Two Sisters over anything detailing their role as Princesses of the sun and moon, because their sisterly bond is more important than their powers over celestial bodies
0 likesI think cadence represents Eros, or the love shared between partners.
0 likesTwilight is technically a princess of love, too. An alternative word for friendship is Philia, the strong relationship between friends or a team.
I think Flurry Heart grows into becoming a princess of Agape, or Pragma. The love of humanity, or enduring love.
Candace Princess of Love 💗
2 likesFlurry heart princess of light ⭐️
Twilights princess of Friendship 🟣
0 likesStorge -the love between siblings
Philia- the natural love and affection of a parent for their child
Eros- in the sense of "being in love" or "loving" someone
Agape- Love of humanity and of others/Friends
What I always thought was that since Luna and Celestia never got children, and since we only ever saw those 2 being alicorn until then there could not have been any information about it. Cadence was the first new alicorn and the first Alicorn to get a child, also inplying that her dna and power would partly be given to Flurryheart.
0 likesThe only known Alicorns were: Celestia, Luna Cadence and later on Twilight. No one apart from Cadence got a child.
I do agree with this theory though, the love for ones parent and child is almost always the strongest bond in childhood. A child has no knowlidge of anything apart from their love they get from their parents. And since the crystal heart was healed also with Flurry in place the connection between the crystal heart and the person using it for light is stronger then before.
Cadence was able to use it because of love. To get evil away from the kingdom, but now Flurryheart is light and love connected as one. Making her strong from a young age to be along side her Mother on the Throne to rule and watch over the kingdom.
Both her love forwards her parents and the Dna of Cadence made it posible to trigger the transformation without the help of Celestia. Making her be born as a alicorn.
( Since she also did not need life lessons to learn to love their parents ;) )
Because again: "The Birth of a alicorn is something Equestria has never heard of"
This is just my look on the matter, but it makes sence to me :3
Thank you for reading this loooooooonnnggg mess, and I hope you enjoyed ^^♡
I always thought that because Shining Armor was a unicorn and Cadence was a pegasus at birth those genes made Flurry Heart an alicorn, but this makes much more sense.
0 likesI think that Flurry Heart fits well as the princess of light. But there's a small issue. Sun and moon are both connected with light, especially the sun. In the context of the crystal heart, it's fitting that she would be the princess of light. But in the context of the other princesses, it just doesn't work. Twilight actually called it: Flurry Heart is the princess of hope. Like a light in the dark. A child allicorn would be perfect to represent hope.
0 likesI feel like Celestia is also the princess of the love a monarch feels for their subjects. I mean, obviously.
0 likesIt could also be the types of love based on greek mythology (since mlp has taken a lot of inspiration from greek mythology before its not impossible)
0 likesAlso, damn, 2016? I thought flurry heart was introduced in 2018, how quick does time pass
Maybe Flurryheart could also be depicted as the princess of hope? Just a theory ;) - and great analysis!
0 likesGreat theory but I think the light is a bit of a stretch but we’ll just have to find out in gen 5 hopefully
0 likesIs still find it funny that in lot of the AU's about Flurry make her evil- unless to discover light she learned the hard way and redeemed herself?
0 likesI think about the whole wavy hair thing, Celestia and Luna were born with normal hair like Twilight had for the majority of the show. I think that since the sisters grew in age and became established rulers of Equestria that's when they earned their wAvY hAiR/extra magical powers. I think that's why Twilight got wavy hair and into "an alicorn body shape" and I think Cadence and Flurry Heart will have that too one they become established rulers.
0 likesIt’s makes sense that she could be princess of light just like how in once upon a time Emma is the product of true love and her magic is pure light magic flurry heart is the product of true love so she could be princess of light
0 likesI think i figured out how she got her cutie mark, Here's what happened. (push Read More to read the whole thing) When she was born all rapped up before no one could notice her wings, She got the power of light, Connected to the Crystal Heart, Cadence had the power of Love <3 Then she transformed into a alicorn when she got unrapped, Then a few years ago like 5 years, She faces off Sombra, Who has trapped the whole Empire into a few cages made of shadows.. Stopping the magic. Flurry has Evaded them but Sombra has found her and is trying to convert her to evil. He breaks the Crystal Heart to powder and Flurry felt hopeless Before her shard falls before her. She then tells Sombra about how even the 'love' is locked away is shadow, there is always hope coming in the form in Light, The opposite side of Sombra's darkness and shadow. Then she fixes the powder heart and uses its magic to defeat Sombra, Then gains her cutie mark! I think Flurry is going to be a great princess.
1 likeThat actually- makes so much sense when you say it like that!
1 likeFun fact, Cadence, Twilight, and alicorns that werent born alicorns out live their non alicorn friends but dont live forever, thats why Celestia and Luna are still alive even though its been thousands and thousands of years. Natural born alicorns live forever, but non natural born alicorns live long but still die.
0 likesIt’s very good theory. I couldn’t have put this together. I just wish hasbero wouldn’t leave us in the dark and actually tell us
0 likesWow I never thought about flurry heart being the princess of light
1 likeI think that flurry should represent family, it sounds better and still makes sense
0 likesI've always thought of her as the Princess of War because of the Heart of War AiE
0 likesShining Armor+Candance= Flurry heart 💙💝💖
1 likeWait if Flurry Heart is the princess of Light, Then how does she get the light powers?
1 likeflurry heart:mom cadense:yes? flurry heart: when will I be ready? cadence: well your almost ready flurry heart: but why is there a window of ME?
0 likesAlso born alicorns live a lot longer than earned alicorns so that would mean flurry heart would live a looooot longer than cadence
0 likesawsome video but I don't think she's the Princesses of light. Instead, I think she the princess of unity. Think about it shes the firstborn alicorn a combination of all 3 types of ponies. Also, It may be a possibility that once she gets a little older she would start to hang out with the student 6. therefore adding to the unity of all creatures of that group.
0 likesAs for her destiny, what if she's meant to use the crystal heart to spread hope, love, light, and unity to places farther then just Equestria? Farter then anywhere the shows ever went?
Feel free to talk to me about this by replying to this comment. :)
feel flurry being the princess of light is correct but i like to think an alicorn repsent a new type of magic one that they discover and master. each alicorn is powerfull and as such are conected to their form of magic
0 likesCelstia has power to goner the day in her case is mostly jsut raiinf the sun but it takes a powerfull pony to do so
Luna is the magic of the night with rasing the moon and dream walking things only she can do
Cadence is the magic of love as she been shown to spead with ease
Twilight has been shown to use powers much like the tree of harmony a power one able to be used with the help of the friends she made
FLurry if she is light thart means she has some sort of magic that brings hope and light something that so powerfull and she borned an alicorn since those vutues are some people are born with they don't learn and and might also be an hint she might be a child prodigy even more than twi was
Wait, so if cadence is immortal that means she has to watch shining armor get old a eventually die 🤔. And if flurry is an ailcorn is she immortal or does she have to gain inmortaly?
0 likesflurryheart could also be the princess of hope
0 likesomg you're so right you mind-blowing person... IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW !!!!!!
0 likesoh yes you are right
0 likesi always wondered why they added flurry heart
I feel like there’s going to be a princess of dark or maybe a prince of dark?
0 likesI thought I'd point this out
0 likesCelestia and Luna were born BEFORE Equestria!
She is the princess of respect
0 likesIf we have a princess of light... Who's the princess or darkness?
0 likesThe cristal heart represented 1 magic when flurry heart was not there and that magic was love
0 likeswe learn something everyday
0 likesThis is just amazing ur such a genius
0 likesWait... if The Princess of the Sun doesn't mean the same thing with light? Because Sun brings light?
0 likesWhy can’t flurry rule while cadence rules with twilight?
1 likeIf you can ever solve the mystery of the scholar six alien window, please let me know.
0 likes.... no wait, you don’t have to let me know, I subbed and rang that bell.
But please solve the mystery of the scholar six alien window
What about, Cadance is for family and Flurry is for love
0 likesBut Cadience isn’t imortal and Flurry heart is-
0 likesI love a good flurry heart
0 likesI think you are correct about flurry Hart mystery
0 likesThe royal sisters were unicorns they become alacorns by luna raising the moon and cleictia for raising the sun ans also got there cutie marks in the process
0 likesI think the two royal sisters became alicorns when they defeated grogar
0 likesOr I think they were lying all along and were born as alicorns and there mother was queen galaxies and there father was a alicorn who turned evil but later turned good and he had a moon related cutiemark
The show is done but there are still tons of questions.
0 likesThis is really good!
0 likesFlurryheart the princess of merchandise. (goes on to play song) "buy our toys"
0 likesI love how this is the first video I see after coming back from 2016 when I watched the first video
0 likes2:18 beat moment
1 like3:32
0 likesSo the princess of family love?
That means flurry heart went through the transformation during the birth/before the birth-
0 likesmakes a lot of sense!
0 likesThis makes so much sense
0 likesMe realizing that flurry heart is a knock off of sweetie bell
0 likesCadence will die bc she wasn’t born alacorn but flurry heart will live forever hope this helped
1 likeDoesn't the sun give light??? ( my brain is melting but i love your videos)
0 likesSawtooth: no one has ever been born an California because no one has been born knowing the relation ship their meant to imbody
0 likesMe: what about pound cake and her sibling? Didn't they show love for pinkie-
omg lol i cant breath this is unbelievable like you r the new sherlock holmes i swear
0 likesis flury heart the next genarition of priness cadace
0 likesthis makes total sense!
0 likesShe could be the true crystal princess
0 likesFlurry Heart is the princess of light and her mother is the princess of love they shoud rule together 😀😀😀
0 likesYou had the original "buy our toys" song and now we have the remix 🤣🤣
0 likesAll seems good accept the fact that if she was love for ones parents what would to cutiemark be wild it be her parents? A heart with two swirls or what
0 likesI think you are right I think flurry heart is a princess of light
0 likesI was the girl who is the actor as flurry heart in my little pony :)
2 likesReplies (1)
lol dont lie 🙄
1 likeidk what princess flurry heart is but I think its something within the crystal like the princess of power the princess of life the princess of happiness idk?
0 likesBut I have a question, why doesn’t princess Cadence have having hair? Is it because she’s married? Something happened that couldn’t make her have it?
0 likesI love flurry shes so cute
0 likesMe: I think I know whats coming... BUY BUY BUY MERCHENDICE BUY BUY BUY
2 likesLater: *sings BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY OUR TOYS
Yall do realize cadence is gonna die while flurry heart is immortal and twilight shes immortal too but her friends arent....
0 likesYay u solved it !!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesIt’s weird to keep hearing my name said by famous you-tubers even my name spelled different from the show.
0 likesСпасибо, а теперь пожалуйста на русском
0 likesI love calling flurry hart flurry face
0 likesBut why flurry? Why not just the first baby born after the unification of the three tribes
0 likesI. THink. Flurry heart. Is. The princess of the crystal heart like her mother❤️
0 likesMy favorite part is 2:17 buy are toys 😂
0 likesI like this theory x
0 likesIf only it was true
I agree with you since I’ve seen that
0 likesIf you think of it cadence has the color blue for her magic shining amour has pink. So pink and blue make purple flurry has some purple so dose twilight now go back to the royal wedding crylilis wanted to rule but twilight and cadence stopped her and twilight only had to do one more thing to earn her wings but cadence and shining armour stopped cryslils from ruling giving them a gift that gift was flurry a crystaling and twilight got wings as a gift and no one looked at flurrys horn yellow like light. Like sawtooth said she is princess of light i think she is the princess of gift and light cause she was gifted as a crystaling to shining and cadence
0 likesDid anyone else notice Flurry's cutie mark
0 likesThanks man that sooo helpfull
0 likesCadance is the princess of family
0 likesDid Luna and Celestia give up their in mortality to twilight
0 likesI think flurry heart is Princess of JOY Or light Or family
0 likesWow that is mind blowing
0 likesi surpport this idea it would make sense aswell!
0 likesWow! I had no idea about this she is not a real alicorn
0 likesI mean her dad was a unicorn and her mom had wings sooooooo
0 likesI think she is the Princess of light
0 likesI I will think what flurry heart would be
1 likePrincess Flurry Heart ruling the Crystal Empire and the Kickoff against King Red McLaren ace of Champions and Comrades and Friendship with Commander/ King Of Fire Commander of Heroes
0 likesOh I want a My Little Pony the movie🦄🦄
0 likesAm I the only one thinking about why there are no male alicorns ;-;
1 likeShe's taking her mother's place
0 likesI’m just sad why did it end
1 likeSo i stopped watching these sort of videos about 2 years ago.
0 likesI come back and oh boy-
I have missed the whole “BUY. OUR. TOYS.”
i have been saying this.... for YEARS
0 likesno one listens to me...
I should write fan fic! :3
I think you are right.
0 likesI still want to see the episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
0 likesI think you're right
0 likesWait isnt the princess of light celestia?
0 likesYou’re right
0 likesFlurry Heart is the princess of Light 🦄🐇🐱🐼🦢🦩🦜💐🌹🌸🌈🎁🎁
0 likesWHY flory heart îs called princess of Light, not celestia îs The princess of the sun, and The sun make Light, maiby shes îs The princess of the heart, but not The princess of the town, maiby she îs The spirit of the crystal heart or something like things👁️👄👁️
0 likesAre Luna and Celestia dead now? :(
0 likesBro you have such a big brain
0 likesLuna was born a Pegasus
Celestia was born as a unicorn
It was said that Celestia raised the sun and got her cutie mark
And I forgot how Luna got hers
Sawtooth waves I'm a big fan
0 likes2:25 disco party 🤪
0 likesMe during this entire video - : 0
0 likesShe's kindness
0 likesBuy my merchendice buy my merchendice buy my merchendice.
0 likesLight? What's light :0
0 likesMind BLOWN
1 like0.o
I think you are right
0 likesFlurry Heart: *is born an alicorn*
1 likeCelestia: "Nothing like this has ever happened before"
Me: .......Has an alicorn ever had a child before? I don't see you or Luna having children. And I don't think an Alicorn was mentioned before you two -_-
Celestia: .......
0 likesThis video was posted at my sister’s birthday-
Wait I think when she bear k it means there a new ruler helper
0 likesPlatonic love is the best
0 likesHow about the baby is the baby is the magic of crystal
0 likesThen what is the qutie mark of flurry
0 likesI think she was born an alicorn because katins is an alicorn celestia and Luna are alicorns but they don't have kids so nobody found out that if an alicorn would have a kid it would be a alicorn
0 likesThat because she is a princess of FAMILY
0 likesSo intrasting
0 likesWhy did the last ep dont have on the netflix
0 likesWhat is twilight sparkle was the changing queen
0 likesWhen you said buy our toys
0 likesYes ur right
0 likesur right YAY
0 likesI thinkk shes princess of crystal
0 likesI wish you can eidt me into my little pony I will called flurry heart she my fav
0 likesOMG YES
0 likesNot to be rude Kaydence yup her shes going to die she was gaven the alicorn the other alicorns they were the first ones soo they dont die and the baby was born a alicorn then she will also not die
0 likesSmart person over here
0 likesYes😄
0 likesCool
1 likeI I saw fulry on stane glass
0 likesMy name is cadence lol
0 likesIs she prinsess of famalie love?
1 likeReplies (2)
0 likesShe is the princess of light
0 likesI think it is light because you say to the video
0 likesWowwwwwww COOLLL
0 likesI now you are right
0 likesy
0 likese
0 likesShe is always the princess of merchandise. >:o HOW COUKD YOU GET THAT WRONG!?
Fake edit: Bye our toys. Buy our toys.
Cute grils
0 likesWowwwwwwwww
0 likesI understand that you are saying
0 likesI love
0 likesAnd then she turned evil badumtss
0 likeswow
0 likesShe was born alicon because her mother was Pegasus up and her father was a unicorn I guess it is right or not I don't know but I am sick saying it now
0 likesReplies (1)
That's not always true, some ponies that are Pegasus and Unicorns do make babies but they do not born alicorns, therefore I disagree with your opinion.
0 likesMaybe you right
0 likesHoly crap 😯😯😯😳😳😳
0 likes... i love you
0 likesReplies (1)
Idk why I committed this but
0 likesЗдесь есть русские?🙃
1 likeHahaha princess of merchendise buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys
0 likesBuy our toys.
0 likesКласс
0 likesoh ok
0 likesThat a good theory but what is her cutey mark 🤔 🦄🌞🌛💜🦄🐎❔
0 likesOn second thought flirty hart aintlight she princess offfff… Mirch But are toys bye are toys😎😎😎😎😎😎
0 likesDon't you live in pony World
0 likesWhy do the baby have big wing
0 likesReplies (1)
I think its because of the enormous amount of magic Alicorns have. It is too much for a pony to contain in their body, so wings/horns are created as a outward expression of the magic. Flurry Heart has a simular wing and horn size to twilight because she has just as much alicorn magic. They just look huge because she's still a foal.
1 likei mean...what!!
0 likesIs that true
0 likesWooooooooooooofff
0 likesyesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
0 likesEn español Porfa no se inglés
0 likeswait i feel so sad but happy i need some help i need flurry heart become a princess wait i new the vidie tama ba hehe here mother and baby
0 likesLinda
0 likesYes
1 likeLIGHT
0 likesYes
1 likeI think right
0 likesNo entendí ni mergas, no hablo taka tska
0 likesWhat is this I can’t really understand ok plz forgive me :(
1 likeYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likes7 alcons
0 likesmakes a huge amount of sense actually, I’ve been with MLP since the originals so it’s a lot of dynamic changes
0 likesThank you! This soothed my absolute outrage at the lack of Flurry Heart Conclusion. A bit... A STAINED GLASS WINDOW IS ENOUGH RIGHT?????
0 likesI had her pegged for the Princess of the Northern Lights, in command of the Storm/Weather. Kinda steps on Pegasus toes a little, but some Alicorns are treated as supped up Unicorns. Makes sense that some favour the Pegasus side of the tree.
0 likesThis is pretty good though. Though when you were saying she was doing something with the Crystal Heart to do with ones love for ones parents, I did wonder if it might be her making her father immortal. Or at least less breakable.
To me flurry heart also resembles "hope" just like what twilight said "equestrias last hope", he's right about her being the light but think she will also be the one that resembles hope and lead the ponies of equestria to the light again if their was ever a catastrophic occurrence that will make equestria hopeless to fight, She's like a leader to guide and give people hope and light to a very shattered place once again
0 likesInteresting. Sun and moon are important because they provide light (yeah I don't think the equestrian moon just reflects the sun's light), and Twilight's friendship is a form of love. Would Flurry be the center of all princesses?
0 likesEach of the princesses represent an element of love. Celestia-She rules as supreme ruler so love over her people, Luna-Has a more connection individually so love like a mentor, cadence-Love for her significant other, twilight-love for her friends, flurry- love for her caretakers
0 likesI just realized this but Flurry Heart being an alicorn could also be from genetics.We know Luna and Celestia weren't born alicorns and Flurry Heart was the first alicorn ever to be born.So her being an alicorn could be from genetics.
0 likesThat could go along with some Greek mythology, it appears in a book trilogy call daughter of smoke and bone, there are two moon sisters, Nitid, and Ellai. Ellai, was the brighter and more celebrated moon, she was the goddess of everything but secret lovers and assassins, Like how princess celestia is more well known and celebrated. Nitid, was the goddess of secret lovers and assassins, like how princess luna is less well known, but relatable with the secret livers, I can't tell you everything, but you can look up more.
0 likesBond of siblings, parents, love, and friendship. So in this case, it's basically the bond of a whole family. That's pretty cool.
0 likesI honestly think they should continue the episodes but in the next gen’s view :0
1 likeI think the way Celestia and luna got there cutie marks was when they proved star swirl they can do something very important, remember the play twilight set up, how a group of ponies were exhausted after raising the sun, since Celestia did it so easily i think star swirl thought she deserved to be alicorn But idk
0 likes1:55 The MLP crew confirmed Twilight would NOT outlive her friends tho 🤨
2 likesPrincess Celestia earned her wings by raising a sun and Luna raise the moon so she had to earn her wings from star swirl
1 likeIdk... the sun and moon are total opposites, bringing light and dark, hot and cold, day and night... so wouldn’t Flurry Heart require a princess of darkness?
0 likesI personally think that flurry heart would be the princess of magic because notice how great she is at magic even from a young age, she could do so much, the princess of magic sounds like something, as twilight is her aunt, and she is very gifted at magic, i believe she is helping her mother with magic, not love.
0 likesIm nto to sure though
What should Flurry Heart be the Princess of?
1 likeExcept Merchandise
I have one thing that bothers me
1 likeHow come Cadence gets two when shining could of been the love for children?
Replies (1)
cause shining isn’t an alicorn so he doesn’t really represent anything lmao
0 likesThe royal princess magic is to control the sun and the moon and the princess of love and friend ship is to make everybody to make happy
0 likesI mean, Celestia is the Princess of the Sun, and the Sun has Light, and Celestia and Flurry both have yellow magic so she is definitely the princess of light.
0 likesHere a thought, maybe Flurry Heart is, the Princess Of Weather, as well for hope? When Rainbow Dash, try to stop the snow clouds, Luna stoped Rainbow Dash, saying “ this far north, the weather has the will of it own.” Meaning, Pegasus who controls, the clouds and weather of ponyville, can’t stop the weather at the crystal empire. Witch would explain, why her magic is so powerful. Maybe not when, it was a baby. When she old enough, has better control of her magic. She can control the weather, at the crystal empire. Since, Flurry Heart and Princess Cadance, has power of the crystal heart, the power of the crystal heart, is inside Flurry Heart, like the elements are inside the mane 6. Flurry Heart, power is also the same color of the crystal heart, light blue. 🙂
0 likesI might know Flurry hearts cutie Mark when She is grown.So I saw the video where Sining armor and Cadence Went to see a friend of Sining Armor.You know"Flurry emotions"When Sining Armor said"its small like flurry heart*If you look at the Golden small thing that sining armor was talking about and there,there was a simble it looked like Candace's cutie mark but it looked like hers so it could've been flurry hearts cutie mark in the future
1 likeAnd it also explains why Cadence hasn’t had the throne
0 likesOMG YESSS
The new socialist trifecta:
0 likesTwilight Sparkle the princess of FRIENDSHIP
Cadence the princess of ROMANCE
Flurry Heart the princess of FAMILY
All of these are social structures and it makes them better equipped to rule the kingdoms together.
My Own Theory Is The Flurry Heart is the True Crystal Princess. As the Daughter of Cadance She Is Born Connected to The Connected to The Empire, Then with The Empires Love for her being Fused with the Crystal Heart. But That's just My Idea.
0 likes😳 Wow! You figured it out! But where did you get the older flurry heart? She wasn't on the show 🤔 Did you make her?
0 likesShining armors sister, wife, and daughter have wings glued to them, meanwhile Shining is crying in the corner.
0 likesWhat if natural born Alicorn like Tia and Luna are elemental(hence the sun and moon) And other Alicorn Rule over other things
0 likestake the Greek gods for example. Most God we learn about are Elemental, whilst there are countless others that watch over things like Friendship .
Food for thought
Flurry heart was first connected to the heart when she broke it ...
1 likeThe chosen one to brake it ...
Of course I could be wrong
I believe what Twilight said about flurry heart being Equestria's only hope I believe flurry heart is the princess of Hope I believe that one another if the dad has a horn and their mom has a way that's how she was given births with horn and wings because she is the princess of Equestria is what I believe Stephanie the princess of all time
0 likesI figured that out when I first saw Flurry Heart, it was when the episode released
0 likesI wish mlp was a endless series
0 likesПолучается, что чтобы магия любви Кейденс работала, надо кого-то очень сильно любить, а так как аликорны живут дольше пони, Шайнинг Армор умрет первым, а Фларри останется, наверно поэтому она аликорн
0 likesMy mind....is literally blown
0 likesGod I missed so much episodes and forgot most of them ":'D
I think that Flurry Heart is the Princess of Hope
0 likesFlurry could be a genetic alicorn because she is a combo of a unicorn and a pegasus turned alicorn
0 likesI know how the two sisters are alicorns. But when will a new season come out? as she is older.
1 likeI know what the student for doing when the main six are gone they will take their place in one episode they started glowing like all the elements of harmony in different colors that represent each of the elements
0 likesI love this video 💕
0 likesIf I had to make an alicorn OC, they would be the princess of CHILL
0 likesI think flurry heart is a hybrid between a Pegasus (cadence) and a unicorn (shinging amour)
0 likesI've been searching what she looks like grown up on Google because the show didn't show her
0 likesYeah I think you're right princess flurry heart maybe is the princess of light
1 likeQuick question, Where can I find the epiodes from the future?
0 likescelestia and luna also represent balance
0 likesThat makes so much sense!
0 likes2:48 flurry hart is the divider... the princess of light
0 likesI really think 💭 that flurry heart should be The princess of light Because well I mean like I seen the future song and in MLP And I always spot the window showing flurry heart having the crystal heart showing off light
0 likesLauren Faust said that Celestia and Luna were both born as alicorn so i think it can genetic when Cadence give birth to Flurry Heart as an alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
Oh, oh MAN did this video go even further beyond what I thought you were gonna do. I love it so much. Accepted as canon.
0 likesSo Inspirational and will there be a princess of darkness love
0 likesbut if flurry hart is the princess of light and love for ones parents then.then she would have to learn the love for your parents.if this is right then everyone can be a princess
0 likeshmm for me flurries cutie mark could be like a sheild then the crystal heart it means Flurry protecting the Crystal heart as long with the crystal ponies which is like her family but that just my idea
0 likesThey better make like 16 seasons of my little pony after those panes
0 likesHablo español pero igual lo vi entero, me dio mucha risa la parte de buy our toys xd
0 likesI wonder why celestial took candence as her niece and not as her daughter
0 likesSo the thing is that princess celestia, and princess lunar were in equestrian since they were filles. Please watch the episode of when they were convinced the sisters old castle was haunted.
0 likesI think luna and celestia became alicorns because they could raise the sun and the moon. Or maybe they were born alicorns outside of equestria or because their parents were both alicorns, queen galexcia and king cosmos.
0 likesLuna and Celestia were born Alicorns! It is comfirmed
0 likesNormal people:the princess of light
1 likeMe:...why does she wears diapers if ponies poop in the ground?
Easter egg on the thumbnail: the tiara on flurryheart is a the tiara from princess tiana
0 likesWhen shining armor dies does that mean flurry heart twilight and cadence I’ll get to see their husband brother and father die that’s kind a dark to think about not to mention that while Twilight get to see all her friends die
0 likesi really hope flurry heart is the main charter of gen 5 shes meets hippergirf dragon and changeling and yak but he talks normale but he has one eye and a griffen and pony that will be cool like young 6 but diffent gender swap like their siblings like will be really cool i hope and this is what i want for gen 5 i guess also twilight student will be with them in like ep 7 like voltron but a little diffrent like they go into space and find like robots and stuff i hope they do this
0 likesShe’s the princes of family
0 likesOh gosh when he said merchandise I died of luaghter
2 likesi think flurry heart is the princess of the crystal empire
0 likes0:46 maybe that's a battle where those creatures from mlp the movie, the ponies and the other allied against a antic dinosaur
0 likesThere are two apprentices of sisterhood but only one princess of friendship one princess of love princess of light
0 likesWell what if she’s is the next sun princess but just a thought good theory tho
0 likesI feel like magic
0 likesso what kind of love is "light" ?
0 likesprincess celstia and luna are born so flurry heart have their blood flowing in them
0 likesIve Watched The Yin and Yang Thing And if That’s True Will There Be a Princess Of Darkness? I Mean Not Luna Someone Else.. Idk Who K But What If..
1 likeReplies (1)
ooo maybe king sombre will have a daughter 👁👄👁
0 likesdoes that mean cozy glow is the princess of dark?
0 likeswhat is that episode about "the look into the future?" I don't think that one is on Netflix...
0 likesCan you please do a theory on the different species six? We will go with that with the dinosaur
0 likesI think flurry heart is an alicorn because her father is a unicorn and her mother is actually a Pegasus
0 likesme = just call her the Princess of Family
0 likesYes but I see it in a different way ...... Look you have Princess Cilesia Princess Luna aka Sun and Moon aka SISTERS and you have Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight aka Love and Friendship aka SISTERS IN LAW and you have Princess Flurry Hearts aka the princess of Love daughter aka the princess of Light so all of the princess are connected
0 likesBrony : but it's cadence with the crystal heart cutie mark
0 likesMe : what's flurry hearts cutie mark
Wooooooow! Alicorns are my favorite.
0 likesSomeone said that in Equestria sun fallen and no one besides Celestia had the magic to rise the sun idk about Luna
0 likesMe knowing this ever since I watched: 👁👄👁
2 likesGuys look out flurry is born alicorn so that means she didnt even did any Struggle like cadence and twilight
0 likesThe Mlp version of my lil cousin is like Flurry Heart but in male and not a alicorn his also a infant
0 likesHe said we dont know how celestia and luna became alicorns but didnt star swirl turn them??
0 likesI love your videos
0 likesSawtooth Wave Woww you make sense.
0 likesIt’s so funny how you said she is the princess of merchandise
0 likesi think it a great theory
0 likesyou are a genius dude
0 likesPlease can u record all the episodes from season 6 till last season cuz I dont get the opportunity to watch it
0 likesIf they where all shocked and never saw this it makes Luna and celesteia a normal unicorn when they where born but flurry heart isent like the sun or moon and shinning armour is like the moon and cadence is like the sun so that makes flurry heart basically the crystal heart and love but then what would cadence be? So I think luna and celestia are rly unicorns but with powerful powers go make a baby alicorn but instead cadence and shinning armour did because if luna and celestia but more likely luna was the mum of flurry heart but if luna had a baby and celestia did not that would make luna the queen but they would say princess but more important then celestia ik this dosent explain much about flurry heart but moon and love makes a purple magic called friendship but what would twilight do everyone is asking but i think ik she could be the auenty as flurry heart and twilight are best friends like bff but then cadence makes more sence with flurry heart but not shinning armour maybe he is the husband with luna so he is a real prince but then who would be with cadence idk but I will try explaining what I think. I think cadence could be with sunburst and starlight could have been there kid but love light and sun dosent rly work together because its basically makes friendship again so twilight could be the sister of sunburst too but cadence is her sister so sunburst isent the right pony. So i think cadence Is with flash as he is blue and orange different from the princesses and trixie is young more then cadence so I think she could be there kid but she grew when we could see her so that's why she isent a foal maybe. So I think I solved it.
0 likesI thought she was the princess of magical light but that's just me3
0 likesI want to know what is her cutie mark!!!!!!
0 likesLuna and celestia were as an ALICORN!!!
0 likesVideo: BUY OUR TOYS
0 likesMe: My mum won’t let me
Me: fine. Just don’t say it again
Me: U said it again, I’m not buying it.
I think this the best video you every posted
0 likesOr the princess of life?
0 likesNo wonder why flurry heart have very light skin
0 likeswhen will u explain the episode where it shows the future? like what happened to everypony else what happened to the 6 friends? where are they now? when when when i dont understand much from that episode
0 likesWhat season did you see the peak of the future?
0 likesHey I’m just wondering what’s the theme song on the first bit of the video
0 likesyep! the buy our toys song is back.
0 likesFlurry is still princess of merchandise
0 likesWhat’s the name if the music at 4:49
1 likeShining armor watching this be like: 👁👄👁
So princess of family love!?
0 likesBut three years ago you said flurry hart is not a real alicorn lol
0 likesWhy are they all called princess? Where’s the queen?
0 likesVote for a NEW series
1 likeI
Bc she’s supposed to rule with her daughter
0 likesI been wondering that to and I also thing she is a princess of light cause alicorns have a destiny and she was born as a part of destiny
0 likesclapping like crazy
1 likeWhat about twilights top student if she becomes a princess like twilight what will she be the princess of
0 likesI think if kadence is the princess of love for one’s children then Shining armor should be an alicorn because if she’s the princess of love for one’s children then there should be a prince/king/princess/queen of romantic love and that pony Could be Shining armor
2 likesничего не поняла (Из за того что не знаю англиский) но всё равно интересно
0 likesBut why are her wings and horn so big even though she's just a baby.
0 likesAnd I think your wrong I think it is the princess of light and dark
0 likesHourglass with flurry heart will be well I'm going to tell you cuz I know not
0 likesI think ur soooo right
0 likesi think your right
0 likesthe love of family
0 likesHow do you watch season 9 it’s not on Netflix so how do you watch it and where
0 likesI think you are correct
0 likesWhy are her wings so big omg
1 likeReplies (1)
Poor scootalo
0 likesMaybe love of family?
0 likesyour so so so right whatever your name is.
0 likesPretty Cool
0 likesI am 11 and need to watch my favorite show again
0 likesI know you’re a changeling!!!!!
0 likesWait love for one can’t you see all for one in anime
0 likesFlury heart be the cristal princess
0 likesI mean twilight and candince are sisters to.
0 likesYou are right
0 likesThe princess of light an merchandise
0 likesYou R right
0 likesYes you are right
0 likesIsn’t the sun light
0 likesPrincess Of mc flurries
0 likesi think candce her grandfather 👨🦳is a alirocn
0 likesYour right
0 likesNo she is the princess of merchandise
0 likesHey guys to people’s whatch teen titans go and my little pony have u notice that both shows in won video spike got kissed by rarity and spike did not want to wash the kiss of and to same thing happened with Robbin and starfire if u noticed ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ♥︎♡︎
1 likeมหาเทพ
0 likesYea h you are right my mom is the Ather well done
0 likesFlurry hearts a brat 😕
0 likesexuse me what is that snowflake ;-;
0 likesFlurry heart she is the best but this is a bad video bc it is a spoiler
0 likesSo when do see if twilight has child
0 likesU are right
0 likesOmg :V my last have braincell exploded with this omgggg xd
0 likesI like the disco
0 likesI agree
0 likesWow
0 likesActually your worng princess flurry harts is the princess of harts
0 likesThat was accident
0 likesi think ur right great theory and umm plz reply its my dreamish... thing even tho I didn't say much xD oh..and do you play roblox?
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesyessssssss
0 likestrue true
0 likesWow
0 likesHow much do u think?
0 likesTunkywumpy
1 likebuy are toys buy are toys
0 likes0:45
0 likesmutter
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
1 likeUwU mitch
0 likesBuy our toys buy our toys buy our toys
0 likesYes
1 like🤑can
1 like🤜☕
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesLol princess of merch
1 likeYes
0 likesнеееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееенеееееееееееееееееееееееет
0 likesTonight I will be nice all people today I hope to be nice 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥺😍😍😍😍😍
0 likesYes you are ! Maybe?
0 likesYour wrong.
0 likesWhy, you may ask? Check replies.
Replies (1)
buy our toys
0 likesBuy our toys.
Buy Our Toys!
All af the princess r Family👩👩👧👧
0 likesbuy our toys
0 likesМожна по руски
0 likesbuy our toys
0 likesI did not realise that
0 likesHi sawtooth Waves
0 likesBakit ??? Ang mga Pony baby na laki po yon talaga
1 likeCelestia: 'Raises the sun.' Luna: 'Raises the moon.' Cadence: 'Spreads love.' Twilight: 'Spreads friendship.'
2 likesFlurry Heart: BUY OUR TOYS! 💗
I’ve had a similar theory about Flurry being born an Alicorn because her true destiny was set the moment she was born. She had an uncanny connection to the Crystal Heart very early on and she seemed to instinctively know that Sombra was a bad Pony given the way she struggled and tried to fight back when he grabbed her. Babies don’t generally make such associations to morality so quickly.
0 likesi always think you’re right. when you say you’re wrong, i just agree with the new theory.
0 likesI don't exactly think Luster Dawn is Sunburst and Starlight's daughter. There's people who think so and think no. They don't really act like parent-child (and on that topic, Pinkie has a child who is younger than the CMC when she could be the age of an early grandmother. All of the Mane 6's parents have the same body shape and size as their children, unlike Granny Smith, but Luster being around the age of Twilight and having wrinkled parents is kind of weird. Very weird, same thing with Big Mac's child.), and the wave Starlight gave Luster was more like a greeting, like "Welcome!" but anyways, I'd be fine if they really were parent-child.
1 likeBut what I can't stand is everyone thinking Luster will replace Twilight the same way Twilight did with Celestia. Celestia ruled for well over a thousand years, and Twilight's been there for maybe only a few. Not even enough to make her friends look like Granny Smith (including the fact they will die soon and the Princess of Friendship will not have her literal best friends). I can get a Celestia-Luna relationship or with Cadence, but Luster's transformation from Canterlot-Ponyville went really fast and it wouldn't make much sense to have another Princess of Friendship, have their friends die off, and then call it a day.
Just saying.
Aside from care taker, light would also equal hope. That's what I would call Flurry the princess of hope. If saying princess of light might be confusing for some people
0 likesi remember tweets from either lauren faust or other showrunners, but they said twilight wouldnt outlive her friends and that celestia and luna were always / born alicorns. if alicorns live for a long time like you said in the video, what would that mean for twilight and her friends? maybe only natural / born alicorns live for a long time... spitballing here
0 likesThe term is Filial Love.
0 likesI think by your reckoning of the family thing, you are separating Twilight from the pack, she is a part of Flurry's family via her father, Twilight's Big-Brother-Best-Friend-Forever, and while Flurry's love for her Best-Aunt Ever will never match what she has for Mommy and Daddy, she will love her family.
Plus; big picture here, THEY ARE RULING AS A FAMILY!!!
0 likesWhat if... protective love (i mean it makes sense as her mother is love and her father is a guard)
0 likesThe type of love that makes you want to protect everybody even before yourself
If that sooo... she could be the key to Crystalis reformation
Princess of Light is perfect for Flurry heart!
0 likesThe princesses must have been separated from there parents young so their parents never got to teach them about how the birth of an alicorn works
0 likesSuch a amazing video flurry heart is one of my favourite characters. Thank you!
0 likesYour theory is not bad, it's a great one, but there is an inconsistency regarding the cutie maris of the ponies. In your theory, Cadance is the only one whose cutie mark and special ability match with the love she is incarnating. All the other princesses have a cutie mark that represent their powers, and they represent one type of bond that is not related to their cutie mark.
0 likesWe also seem ton disagree about Twilight's role as the princess of friendship. In my opinion, princesses are princesses because they have a special talent that is unique to them and that is linked with a powerful element. Cadence creates love with her magic, she defeated the changeling using her love for Shining Armor, Celestia and Luna control the Sun and Moon. Twilight isn't the princess of friendship, but the princess of the magic of friendship. Any pony can create friendship, represent friendship, what makes Twilight special is that she is able to use the magic of friendship and that she represent magic in the elements of Harmony. Also it's the name of the show, and her cutie mark represent magic. Friendship and magic are linked because friendship is the most powerful magic, but I really think that her role as a princess is not to represent friendship, but to ensure that the magic of friendship stays strong, just like Celestia and Twilight have to ensure that the day and night cycle continues. She is the keeper and guardian of the force of magic that comes from friendship, and for simplification she is called the princess of friendship.
Like I said, In my opinion, the princesses are supposed to symbolise and guard a force or law of the universe. Celestia and Luna represent the forces of nature because they are the keepers of the night and day cycle. Twilight represent magic in general, and in particular the magic of friendship, the most powerful magic of all. Cadance represent love. Love you feel for your husband, partner, etc, but also any type of love. By using the crystal heart, she ensures that love stay strong in the crystal empire where it is particularly needed. Then, to know what flurry heart represents, we need to understand the circumstances of her birth. She was born during a time of despair in the crystal empire, and her birth was what gave hope to those ponies. So I think that she is related to the general idea of hope, dreams, future. She may just represent the force of hope, but I'm not sure if it fits with magic, nature, and love. Another possibility is that she represent the future or the flow of time, that law of nature that dictates that time will always continue to go forward no matter what. That would make sense for a baby to be sacred as the keeper and guardian of the future and the time going by, because children are the future. I feel like children also have a special way of living carefree of the future, confident and hopeful, and maybe that is why it was needed that she had her wings as a baby. The glass window could represent anything so it's not much help. Maybe just her coronation day as the ruler of the crystal empire, maybe she saved the kingdom using the heart, maybe she had a crisis growing up not knowing her purpose and this represent the day she understood that she represented the future or hope.
I think you're right about Flurie Heart's destiny
0 likesEveryone has parteners
0 likesFlurry and cadance
Luna and celestia
Twilight and friends
The all have two destinies
Twilight:magic and friendship
Flurry:light and parents
Cadance:love and child
Luna:moon and sisterhood
Celestia:sun,ruler and sisterhood
One of their destiny is with partner and one is without
It gives so much sence since the color in flurry heart's magic is light yellow
2 likesmaybe celestial became an alicorn either when she raised the sun or when she showed a feat of sisterhood (older sister) and luna the same but with the moon and showing an understanding what it means to be the younger sister
0 likesYes, but my question is, what does flurry do?
0 likesTwilight spreads friendship
Cadence spreads love and rules the crystal empire
Luna and Celestia rule and balance night and day
Flurry Heart.. co-rules the crystal empire???
I haven’t seen season 9 but this makes a lot of sense to me
0 likesHere's my only problem. So, Twilight, Cadence, and Flurry Heart are all alicorns, so they also all have an alicorn life span, which if at this point we can even use Celestia and Luna as examples, Is thousands of years. But Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash, Flutter Shy, Apple Jack, Rarity, And PinkiePie are all normal ponies with normal pony life spans. I think you see what I'm getting at here.
0 likesJust because flurry heart is outside the castle in the glass window doesn't mean she was outside when she did it, for example the stain glass window where shining armor and cadence defeat chrysalis shining and cadence aren't inside canterlot like they were when they defeated chrysalis.
0 likesCelestia: Princess of The sun
0 likesLuna:Princess of The moon
Cadance:Princess of love
Twighlight: Princess of friendship
Flurry heart:princess of merchendise
Buy our toys buy our toys BUY OUR TOYYYYYYYS
If you're accepting book continuity the journal of the two sisters stats the Celestia and Luna were also born alicorns.
0 likesWait, if there are a two rulers - like Celestia - Luna, Cadence - Flurry then what about Twilight ? I know she rules with her friends, but if they pass away then what ? Maybe that is the role of Luster Dawn ? :0
0 likesI personally just think that Hasbro was gonna do something with Flurry but were waiting for your theory.
0 likesShe is really hopeful 😁
0 likesWarning: !!!I'm not actually in the fandom anymore!!!
0 likesI was sure that Shining Armor's and Candace's baby will be an alicorn and I really hoped it'll be a boy 😔 We don't have any male alicorns and that's a shame.
Maybe each alicorn represents everything u might need u need the sun and moon for health and love and friendship for ummmm idk but I think it’s necessary
0 likesShe will forever be the princess of merchandise ( and light ofc)
0 likesI'm know the comics are semi cannon but the princess of light would tie in with the shadow ponies from the FIENDship is Magic series about the crystal empire and king Sombra's background
0 likesin the mlp fim movie cadence was referred to as the princess of family...like Hera
1 likeI would laugh so much if the Hasbro says the flurry just got lucky 😂😂😂or maybe flurry has to to bring love to place beyond equestria because here mother has to look after her empire
0 likesI get it but i thought the sisters were sun (light) and moon (dark)
1 likeWhen I first saw flurry heart I thought she was going to be the princess of life
0 likesShe looks more like the princess of snow, because she broke the crustal hea
0 likesI made a theory about Discord why he still didn't found the meaning of love
0 likesWow!!that is a really good explanation actually???
0 likesI am addicted to this guy now.
0 likesFlurry is love for her mom and dad
0 likesIt also fits into the way you said how they are both the princes of sibling hood I mean when they where born they where of corse related as flurry heart was to her parents so if they where related and siblings at birth then they would be alicorns at birth
0 likescadence and shining amour and flurry heart all represent family
0 likesWhat if Flurry heart was in charge of dreams?!
0 likesOmg this dude is a genius 😳
0 likesAll will be explained in either the season 10 idw comics or the 2021 mlp fim movie
1 likeThanks to Bronies react I refuse to believe anything other than The Student 6 fighting a Terrasque in their stained glass window
0 likesI think when princes Luna and princes celestia said that even they where they sure about alicorn birth they meant that they weren’t even sure how they where born.
0 likesI feel like it would be cool if Flurry Heart took the throne and ruled over all of Equestria in G5. This means that Celestia and Luna would still be retired, and Twilight would have probably moved on with her friends.
1 likeMLP FiM focuses on friendship, hence “friendship is magic.” If Flurry is the new princess, the princess of family, the new generation could focus on the aspects of family.
G4: friendship
G5: family
That’s just my opinion though!
“What is flurry heart going to be the princess of? Presides merchandise. Bye our toys, Buy our toys, buy our toys, buy our toys.”
0 likesLOL😹, the princess of merchandise.
I have a question how about the cutie mark cursadedors aren't they sopussed to be the queen's of teamwork?right?
0 likesIf anything flurry should be a unicorn, both parents have horns 😐
0 likesFlurry heart: BUY MY TOY 😃
0 likesThis was big question for me too but now it's solved... BUT DO NOT CHANGE THIS AGAIN....
0 likesI know why flurry is a alicorn her dad is a unicorn and her mom has wings
0 likesI think she is the princess of hope, because like the vid said if equestria does not make it Flury heart is the last hope so princess of hope
0 likesIntroducing princess flurry heart of the merchandise store
0 likesSo we know about baby flory heart but how did baby flory heart grow?
0 likesI think flurry hart is the guardian of the crystal heart
0 likesI mean think about it when human children are born we don’t just pop out knowing how birth works
0 likesBuy our toys always makes me laugh
0 likesI think you are cause her horn glows the same color as princess equesrtria does and the sun is a fragment of light itself so yeah she could be light and hope for the crystal empire
0 likesIf there is Princess of light then is there a princess of dark?
0 likesdood shes a queen boom sloved done case closed end of video thank you
0 likes:p
I love your videos
0 likesI love your videos
0 likesevery time I try to see her in the show
0 likesOf course you’re right
0 likesYou’re right!!!!!!!!
1 likeWhy dose it not show flurry in the show ? but this makes alot of sense
0 likesTwilight also said last hope because she would last and probably unknown alicorn
0 likeswhat episode is the one where their all grown up????
1 likeThhis is the first time I understood about flurry heart
0 likeswhy do I think that sun is light and night is dark?
0 likesYessssssssss You’re right
0 likesIs celestia 1000 years old?
0 likesPrincess of the love for ones family
0 likesIn the MLP MOVIE Twilight said Cadence is the Princess of Family :/
0 likesWhat if flurry hart is the princess of......
0 likesFamily
Wait if flurry heart is the princess of light what if SHE defeated king sombra?!?
0 likesThe stain glass of flurry heart has a long neak
0 likesI love my little pony but I have never seen that I always think about it and I go crazy 🤬🤯😡😭😤🤮😵but l think you are right 🤯🤐🥰😍🥳😁😅 and wooooow
1 likeme watching this be like: 👁👄👁✨🦄
0 likesWhy is there princess of light when the sun princess provides Light
0 likesYes! I'm sure it's right.
0 likesthis cool the princess is strong and beutiful
0 likesWhy do you have a snowflake in your ear that hasn’t melted
0 likes2:18 is funny LOL
0 likesWait..... does that mean twilight is 1000 years old?
1 likeSweeti Bell is on one Window
0 likesPlzzz read my comments I think they could be a huge asset to the whole flurry heart situation
0 likesMaby shes the princess of hope
0 likesFlery hart : by my merch pony!!
0 likesI didn't even know there was a season 9
0 likesso...the princess of family
0 likesI don’t get this flurry heart is the princess of light I still don’t get this
0 likesYes because I love it even if it's not the truth
0 likesBig fan and hope to meet you some day
0 likesI subscribed
What will happen to shining armour than??
0 likesFeel sorry for shinning armor and spike
0 likesSawtooth Waves: Flurry Heart is the princess of light
(I’m sorry)
But we got Luna and Celestya,Candens and Twilight but what about her does that means that ther is another princess???
0 likesAnd I got a question
In the song from Luna with the children of darkness is at the end a a moment with a girl that says we are still here or something like that.What is with them??????
The cadense is born like pegasus not an alicorn
0 likesI love mlp
0 likesi did'nt see the window picture of flurry heart
0 likesWell that's smart af
0 likesThe Brownian notion: what will flurry heart be the princess of but merchandise of course. Hasbro and Shining Armor: dancing while saying BUY ARE FREAKING TOYS Cadence: WTH shining armor!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesSeason 9 dosent exist on Netflix so I cant see it ;-;
0 likesWowww nice content
0 likeswow your SSSSOOOOOO smart!
0 likesAnyone else a bit embarrassed that they are so old and watch a kids film? ಥ_ಥ
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesYay freerey heart
0 likesWhat movie is this? :•
0 likesB U Y O U R T O Y S
0 likesWhy does he have a snow flake
0 likesYes you are right
0 likesI think that's awesome light nice
0 likesyou are right
0 likesPs I loveee your vids
0 likesI well never hurt flurry heart
0 likesСделай русские субтитры
0 likesPrincess of family
0 likesAka unconditional love ^^ im guessing
0 likesmaybe ;) but pricecess light 🤔🤨
0 likesFlurry heart princess 9f light
0 likesI love this chanle
0 likes💙 familia de florín gein🐴🎠🎠🎠💘💙💙💗
0 likesReplies (1)
Estamos aquí en otro video soy en Emilia del Canal pero venía pero hoy no es bueno hay una zona que dije ay no es muy grande no me gusta bueno Sofía Carson ya se fue Sofía Carson porque ya yo tengo contagio quiero que tengo coronavirus pero tranquilo no me afecta tanto tiempo pero ya se me va a pasar mañana es mi último día de estar enferma y si me ven así de esta voz Espero que me entiendas porque yo estoy estoy un poco enferma estoy enferma No quiero que me puedan entender de Sofía Carson ya se fue pero deberían decir que nunca salgas de casa porque si le vas a pasar igual que a mí pero tranquilos pasar este gran dolor que tengo en el nudo en la garganta Bueno adiós Espero que les guste este comentario yo no sé hablar español por favor en algo así de español lean haciendo con YouTube para aprender español porque yo he prendido poquito inglés pero nomás fui a decir a Paulita ya viene mi papá en YouTube adiós salgan de casa por favor porque si no se van a juntar ya no quiero que mis grandes Bueno
0 likesПривет
0 likesПрикольно)
I love pony
0 likesWhy am I only one who sees flurry heart with cozy glow is not just a lisebain and if not cozy glow and flurry heart then dimoned tira pleas like if you agree
0 likesWavy hair is confuse
0 likesThe next generation hates me
0 likesLove&light &hope 💓☀️👭👬👫🤝🤝🤝🤝✊👊👈✍️🙍🙎
0 likesur right
0 likesIt’s so sad that they ended the series without even showing flurry ☹️
0 likesBut also what’s between Rainbow AJ 🤔😏
0 likesYes I THICK IT IS
0 likesBuy our toys buy our toys so XD
1 likeWere is the queen!
0 likesok your smart
0 likesPrinces twilight in not fake alicorn look she have flowing hair and princes cadens same thing the ware not having flowing hair because they wear not the same age as clestia
0 likesBuy flurryheart toys
1 likeI agree
0 likesWow
0 likesOmg that makes sencd
0 likesposibly
0 likesbut I like it
from Aleina: your 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋
0 likesyour rith sorry i cant spell it
How is ganna rule the water
0 likesSo true
0 likesFlurry heat😠
1 likeHow you get the season 9 my TV won’t update ;-;
0 likesur to smart
Nah, flurry will forever be merchandise lol
0 likesNo, when the toys ran out in the store, hope would come with the princess of merchandise
স্ট্যাটাস মালে পানিস
1 likeOh yes
0 likesGood
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesDo u now that See is not an eathpony soo? Because the mother is an Pegasus and the Fahrer und an alicorn soo she is not an alicorn!.. that maks seds...
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesWhy do you have such a big brain
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likes$w$
0 likesYes
0 likesIm my little ponny princess amore
1 likeReplies (2)
@Gumball gatinho yes i just have to roleplaying of princess amore im not real princess amore
1 like@𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎_.𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒛 ok then
0 likes2:30 wtf
0 likesAlguien habla español
0 likesVaj flurhart?
0 likesHI has Evelyn told you about me Alyssa
0 likesReplies (1)
I hi
0 likesNow all we have to figure out is if there's male alicorns.
1 likeI do not like cadence
0 likesХа!ха!
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likes...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesTry to make more
1 likevideos
no your wong i mabe it
0 likesCorrect
0 likesthen what about starlight glimmer ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa
0 likesPlease get a new YouTube channel name 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏
1 likeAlguien en español?
0 likesyesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
0 likesyes
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