What I think about the Mane Six: Rarity is dramatically heated, but givingly generous. Applejack is stubbornly shallow, but honestly down to earth. Pinkie is spontaneously out there, but effectively cheerful. Fluttershy is defensively pushed, but is sympathetically kind. Dashie is boastingly arrogant, but selflessly loyal. Twilight is obsessively stressed, but intelligently triggering/connecting. They all have their flaws, which contrast strengths, and vice versa.
I agree w/ the points that you made, but want to clarify a few things: 1: She may be oblivious but that is because she believes people will always be honest. As she says in the episode where she learns Rainbow Dash dosen't like pie, "are you sure there isn't anything else that you have been lying to us about?" She was the last pony to realize this and was then suspicious. She only give friends and family the benefit of the doubt because she trusts them that they are honest. If it is a villain or you've hidden something and she finds out, than she is detective suspicious no. 1! 2: her persistace is mainly caused by her element of honesty too because she makes what is called an honest promise- staying true to the cause no matter what. 3: there is no three because I agree with you that it is a problem that needs solving and it makes her character static and a little boring.
@ツ Froggy Gaming uh... NO!!!!! SWEETIE BELLE IS ANNOYING AND IS THE WORST!!!!!! Read my comment and you'll understand why I hate her.
Edit: This was almost 2 years ago, I have matured now and I do not know what 9 year old me was thinking as no way in hell is this good for swaying others, anyway I'm a bitch and bye bye
Nova rose2019-05-04 18:30:01 (edited 2019-06-08 14:30:42 )
I agree but applejack is my favorite tho but this is his opinion but hasbro said the most popular characters in the mane six was pink pie and apple jack I know it’s there opinion and I like every mlp character 😕🙂 and she isn’t flawless
Nova rose2019-05-04 18:33:19 (edited 2019-05-04 18:55:10 )
Roxy Scarlet why so rude? And btw sweetie belle is just fully 😕😒
Applejack is actually my favorite FiM character, and even after watching Sawtooth’s video, I still don’t get why she’s this hated by the Brony fandom. If anything, in my opinion, Rainbow Dash (or shall I say, Rainbow Trash?) deserves way, way more hate than any of the ponies, for obvious reasons.
Don't you guys remember the song Flawless ? No pony is perfect. All of them are best friends. And all of them have good things about them. And P.s l love all of them
Yes I'm not the only one who thought of that to be honest Applejack does this all for good reasons so Applejack is probably the kindest Pony next to Fluttershy
I for one love AJ, so she's not perfect, she's stubborn, and makes mistakes, who doesn't? And of course she sees everything through apple-shaped glasses, she's been an apple farmer her ENTIRE life!
Second of all, apple jack was treating apple bloom like a baby because she was afraid of her sister being hurt. If you think about it, apple bloom is really young, she doesn’t even have her cutie mark! Would you leave your young sister alone in a barn for a few days?
They don't seem to be super worried when the cutie mark crusaders are wandering all over ponyville unsupervised. There are plenty of times the crusaders are off doing their own thing. I'm not saying it's completely out of character for Applejack to worry so much, I just think it was stretched a bit too far
I searched how old is apple bloom and it says she’s 10 but this isn’t the human world in the human world 13 you can stay home by yourself plus ya she cared what small thing she does but she’s being to you know protective and she won’t learn anything if applejack keeps getting in the way she’s old enough to do some of the stuff
@Becka B fair point but in ponyville there are a lot of ponies, so if something happened to her there are a lot more ponies to help and weve seen of friendly and helpful ponies (:
@Niya_theawesome true but I do think the biggest problem has less to do with Applebloom being unsupervised and more to do with Applejack's behavior in the episode. Like I said, I think it was pushed a little too far and could have been written better
Well, she is pretty old because she is allowed to do some crazy things to get her cutiemark, and BIG MAC BIG MAC himself ( most responsible pony well almost ) Said apple bloom was responsible ( indirictly )
1. Applejack, love the accent, love the amount of hardwork and love her dedication and loyalty. That being said she does need more character development 2. Rainbow Dash, I actually wouldn't consider her all that loyal (at least not anymore than the other ponies) but HOT DIGGIDY DAWG she is awesome. 3. Twilight Sparkle Loves to read like me, potentially has OCD (i have been diagnosed with severe OCD and am on medication) so she's the most relatable 4. Fluttershy likes animals but shes a little overprotective of them...that being said she is shy and kind 5. Pinkie Pie jumps too much and is a little too random, but she has some funny moments 6. Rarity cries and wines a little too much, annoyingly. That being said her moments with spike are quite funny
Edit: I hate the fact that I was ever a brony and I want to shoot myself for this faze
rainbow dash is very loyal, she sacrificed so much for her friends, for what she thought was right. the others didn't have anything else to really sacrifice.
Out of everyone I really liked, rareity, applejack and fluttershy
1.) Rareity- I really liked how she wasn’t that mean pony who liked fashion or fitted that stereotype, she was generous and kind, she helped a ton of people with their personal issues and even inspired me to design clothes. Her character out of all of them was the most unique, she was sassy, kind a bit crazy bjt overall i liked how she didn’t stay with one personality and out of all of them I really think she’s really underrated, the people who don’t like her thinks she’s to “girly” which fine i guess but that’s still a stupid reason to dislike her after all the good things she have done in the past
2.) Apple Jack- She can sometimes be annoying but nonetheless shes a really mature character. Her and rainbow dash relationship is really just gold, she’s strong, honest and caring. Yes i guess she’s to honest in that one episode to the fashion designers but really it’s just her opinions even if it does hurt others, yes i guess i was bit annoyed with her of how she ruined all their hardwork but later on apologies and admits her mistakes and helps them which is also why i like her, she takes responsibility for her actions, although shes a sweetheart she’s also a bit sassy but in her own ways, nonetheless shes a mature motherly character.
3.) Fluttershy- Shes the definition of a sweetheart, I really like how she can be nice and harsh at the same time but of course her kindness does take over, after many years she has become confident, in the beginning of season 1 she couldn’t even look at twilight in the eyes and say her name but now they have been good friends, her character growth is amazing which is why I agree of her being the no1.) pony favourite.
I've just seen this video lately. Although it's kind of late to share my thoughts, I hope that there is somepony can read my opinions – about AJ.
First, AJ sure is a determined pony, and sometimes she got carried away and things turned out to be unexpected. At least she felt apologized and tried her best to help fixing her mistake. Since she also learnt something from that, I guess there is nothing to complain about her stubbornness.
Secondly, AJ has such a perfect country flair included her appearance and characteristic. Honest, hard-working and hospitality are 3 of her most recognizable pony(person)ality in my point of view. It that case, it’s quite obvious that she is oblivious. Unlike Rarity, who is very sensitive, AJ doesn't have the ability to see through other ponies' feeling. Rarity can easily recognize every frowns that her friends, family or customers give her and immediately guess out what they want (ep Forever filly for example), but if you ask AJ to read another pony's expression, even the most simple one, she just can't. Hey, are you asking a simple and sincere cowgirl to read other's mind? Shoot! She can't do that sugar cube, unless there is somepony comes and tell her what should she do.
Well, since AJ had to take care of Apple Bloom from the day AB was little, I guess AJ has her reason to treat AB overprotective, like mother to daughter. But I agree, it was way too overprotective that led to tons of unexpected things :p
The last thing I want to say is about “AJ didn't learn anything at all” which is simply not true. I think the pony who keeps on learning only 1 lesson should be Fluttershy. Oops, no offence.
So, to conclude everything, I strongly think that everypony has their own flaws, and those flaws are what make them perfect.
About the others; Rainbow Dash? I thought she was such a showing-off and reckless, yet seeing her kind look that she gave Pinkie or Scootaloo made my heart melted. Rarity? She is just annoying and useless sometimes, but I love the way she put her passion in everything, and her sensibility, too. Pinkie Pie! I thought her to be a silly carefree pony who has nothing to worry about, but actually the most caring one, always think of her friends and family. I have nothing to say about Fluttershy, she just too adorable and cuteness overload yet sometimes her shyness makes her useless and she only learn 1 lesson about how to use the stare whole season. And Twilight, I hate when she went creepy, but overall, I love her without reasons.
Well, I guess everypony has their flaws, but I still love all of them.
If you are still reading this, thank you very much and please forgive me if I made some kind of grammar or spelling mistake since English is not my mother tounge language.
From Vietnam with luv <3
@Nerissa Cappell Let's play the drinking game. Every time Applejack says apple, take a shot. Probably be drunk by the end of the episode too considering that's all she like talks about besides family especially if said episode is mainly about her.
First episode beggining Twilight: oki, time for the food Applejack: let me introduce you to the family Apple fritter, apple pie, apple bloom APPLE DIS APPLE DAT APPLE STAT
You know if they make every pony of the mane six perfect then the show wouldnt even be interesting!!You cant always point out ponys mistakes in every episode to get a topic of a video..
I like all of them for different reasons and don’t like a part of all of them for different reasons but having flaws makes them more relatable (albeit frustrating) to watch.
I really couldn’t list them in order of my favourite to least favourite because I see a part of myself in each of them from the bad qualities to the good.
Applejack is a weird character for me . My dad thinks that applejack is the best pony just because she’s southern . I think she’s an ok character, and of course an important one . She’s the element of honesty and she’s been in more episodes than twilight ! Yet , I think my favorite character has to be Flutter shy . I think my least favorite is twilight . I mean , I don’t hate her character , I actually see her as a really good character , and she’s up there for my favorites ponies in general . It’s just that I’d pick fluttershy for best pony XD
@Ethan Beharry we’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too! Cause I still like what’s flawed about you! They say I’m a big shot, that my ego’s the size of a whale! My confidence comes off as cocky, but it gives me the courage to fail! Sure, I can be a drama queen, a bit stuck up it’s true. And I can be too eager to please, there’s such thing like being too honest too cause We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you! Ponies just think I’m all bubbles and laughter, that I don’t seem sincere. I might joke around a little too much, but I’m just so happy you’re here! It took me a while to be confident, to really come out of my shell! But nopony has to be perfect, by now don’t you know so we’ll because yeah We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
What about the beginning?
I never claimed to be perfect, my mistakes are all written in ink! None of us claimed to be perfect, and it’s sad if that’s what you all think. Our flaws help to make us special, they bond us and keep us strong. Our flaws are what brought us together, so stop acting like somethings wro-o-o-ong
Full version of Flawless
I never claimed to be perfect, my mistakes are all written in ink! None of us claimed to be perfect, and it’s sad if that’s what you all think. Our flaws help to make us special, they bond us and keep us strong. Our flaws are what brought us together, so stop acting like somethings wro-o-o-ong, We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you! They say I’m a big shot, that my ego’s the size of a whale! My confidence comes off as cocky, but it gives me the courage to fail! Sure, I can be a drama queen, a bit stuck up it’s true. And I can be too eager to please, there’s such thing like being too honest too cause We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you! Ponies just think I’m all bubbles and laughter, that I don’t seem sincere. I might joke around a little too much, but I’m just so happy you’re here! It took me a while to be confident, to really come out of my shell! But nopony has to be perfect, by now don’t you know so we’ll because yeah We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
Applejack is the most sane of the mané 6 .in each episode she confront one of two things 1.-a dishonest act ( usually done by flin and flan) 2.-a family issue Being stubborn is her great weakness because it came along with her honest behavior ( in her way she has to confront the fact that her ways arent the correct ones al the time)
My favorite pony is rainbowdash because I dig her personality. She's a tomboy go-getter who has the element of harmony I believe is the best. I believe in loyalty above all else.
In season 7s episode the perfect pear we know the apple siblings had parents now being a show for kids they wouldn't show tragedy but I believe that when Applejack was a filly along with might Mac and apple bloom being an infant she got in a fight with rarity at school one day so rarity wanted to apologise for it but had to cross a bridge to get to the farm but the rope snapped and rarity screamed for help Applejack and her parents heard her and went to help but all this caused the outher rope to break but the mom tried to grab it the dad was able to save rarity but him and his wife fell in the river from the fall and Applejack thinking it was her fault for being not that strong or fast but mostly for fighting with rarity but there Grandma gave Applejack time but at one point she had to let it out but Applejack was I'm guessing scared of that then she starts getting memories of her parents but maybe she had those feelings cause maybe she had a good relationship with them witch is understandable but being an older sister she was told to be there for her family but mostly for applebloom because she wouldn't know why her parents aren't around anymore but that's just my saying after watching a four part video story on YouTube called core of the apple
I LOVE apple juice aka cider, and how honest applejack is to her friends (I’m the opposite most of the time), but I like how fluttershy loves animals (I do too). Rainbow, well, she... is a TOTAL show-off, rarity on the other hand is... well... TOO pretty perfect. Pinky is fun, okay, maybe she spoiled a couple of suspense parts in MLP, but at least she has parties? Idk 😐, BUT I would LOVE it if u would make a chart like u did before for the princesses but this time for the main 6... maybe 5?!? Cause I can tell everyone is gonna pick twilight spankin sparkle over everyone else (twilight is my fav). To sum this all up I would like to thank you for all of ur reasoning behind ur theories because before I met ur YT channel I didn’t much know much about anyone in the story although they literally told us everything about them. ;3
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Allen Holloway2020-02-11 07:06:47 (edited 2020-02-11 07:06:54 )
The flaws I usually don't care about. That's what makes someone an actual character. It's the lack of character development that's the actual problem. It's the reason that from a literary perspective, Applejack is my least favorite character. (Which is a completely different rating system than, say, wanting to meet them if they were real. Being critical of their character doesn't necessarily mean I don't like them, personally.)
I should probably point out that any obliviousness in MLP in general is not indicative of the character's actual lack of awareness, unless it is being made clear that they are being unaware. That's just a common thing for cartoons to do to convey the information to the audience in a clear way. If a character on-screen is a really good liar, but the audience is supposed to know they are lying, the only way to do that is to give them clear tells, which they would not possess in-universe.
Personally, I think the episode "somepony to watch over me" has a meaningful story line, to me I see Applejack taking on the role of Appleblooms mother who most likely died. Yes I do understand that their sisters, but I think Applejack might have been there when their parents died and whenever Applebloom is hurt it reminds Applejack that she won't have a parent figure to lift her back up, so Applejack decides to take on that role her self.
Apple Jack is actually my favorite pony from the main 6. I love her for the reason you don't like her. She is under developed. To me this just means she has room to grow as a pony. She may have her flaws but those are just obstacles for her to overcome. I also love her because of the simplicity of her character. I mean how much simpler can you get than a farm girl. I also love her aspersions, to continue to run the farm. Mostly because Apple blossom, big Mack, and probably AJ's parents (if there not dead) did not what to continue this. Also, everyone else's aspirations are a little to out there and "not traditional". They'd seem like things a much younger pony would dream of. For example, rainbow dashes desire to join the wonderbolds. This is simpler to wanting to become a popstar when you're older, it's probably not going to happen. She set realistic standards so not to be let down. In conclusion, AJ is amazing
HOLD ON! it's actually thanks to appel Jack for being so oblivious! what to I mean you may ask? when apple bloom was trying to get out of the party thanks to apple jack for blocking the exit apple bloom would have never met sweetie bell and scootaloo, I mean she still could have ended up meeting them some how but not the same way.
my most favorite pony is fluttershy, i love her so much, tbh some of my friends ship me and fluttershy because i'm pretty much a male version of fluttershy, to make it less confusing i'm a male fluttershy is female, but i am kind like fluttershy, i'm shy like fluttershy, i love animals and nature like fluttershy, i only ever get mad when someone rubbishes or hurts those i care about, fluttershy is like that too as she show's in that episode where they went up the mountain to get rid of the sleeping dragon
Pinkie Pie is my least favourite of the main 6. She is very funny, sweet and is always positive but she can get very absent minded at times. In season 5 a snow monster tries to attack her and she laughs at it. In season 1 when Celestia goes missing she says that she is "good" at hiding. In season 1 when Pinkie tried to get Rainbow Dash to help her with a prank Rainbow tried avoiding her and you can clearly see she is annoyed. But Pinkie keeps on going after Rainbow. I'm not saying that Pinkie is a bad pony, she is an awesome pony. Those were just some flaws.
This might be seven years ago but... I respect your opinion and while she might be one my favorites, I understand your point of view. Atleast A.J won't join the bad side since she's so stubborn. I like her and Rainbowdash because my personality is more like them. So basically, I like knowing other people's (or ponys) opinion and I neither agree or disagree
I think that all the ponies have a major flaw of obliviousness like how Twilight is completely inconsiderate of the feelings of other ponies or how Rarity sometimes doesn't care for any pony getting hurt for her major goal. The writers and author have said that the qualities shown usually with her little sister is mostly for character development for Apple Bloom so the intentions are made clear.
I think the obliviousness in Applejack is kind of… faked. Maybe she’s trying just to help Apple Bloom realize her mistakes/be able to face her enemies in a way
My order of favorite’s to least favorites (I like all of them this is just a list to put them on)
1.Fluttershy -I just relate to her the most, we both are shy, we both have stage fright, we both have people who admire us because of our singing, we both love nature and animals.
2. Rainbow Dash -I would be Rainbow dash if I was very confident in myself and we both are emotional but don’t show it.
3.Twilight Sparkle -We both are bookworms, we both are clever, and we both want things organized.
4.Pinkie pie -I would put her higher but my three choices are my favorites, We both get very offended and doubt our friends sometime but we keep a smile on, well I do on the outside.
5.Rarity -I was a drama queen as a kid (I’m a pre-teen now) one time I cried just because I didn’t want to get on the computer, I also cried at the little insults my stepbrother said to me.
6.Applejack -I just don’t have much things in common with her except we both are stubborn minded.
Gacha star2020-08-12 20:00:22 (edited 2020-08-12 20:01:55 )
1. Twilight,she has been with us all and without her the main 6 would fall apart. After all she was last to get courpt by discord. And she is also the wisest and best at giving advice due to her leadership skills. And she also relatable.
2 dash. Independent strong smart and is always loyal. She would give up her dreams for the mane six. And she always ready to save the day. And she is good to look up to as she takes care of scootaloo very well.
3. Rarity. Hardworking confident and she is also a good inspiration she is a good sister and puts everything into her next creation and eont give up on her dreams.
4 flutters calm,quiet loves animals but can be assertive when she needs to be. Has talent and knows how to put up with people no matter there past like discord. And she was the only one to trust him at first.
5 pinkie. Loud,fun talented and someone to bring a smile to your face. Can look past danger and see the light in things and always knows how to make things better for everypony
6 aj. Hardworking, mother figure family lover and will comfort when things get bad likes to help and will tell you how it is when you need to here it.
She is actually my favorite. I agree that she's stubborn, but in some of the examples you had it just shows how much she cares about her loved ones. I also love that she's honest, loyal, hard working, kind and as I said, super caring c:
I love all the girls so much and this list isn't a representation of who I like the most it's simply a list of their traits and flaws. The Mane 6 is made of these girls and their all incredible in their own way❤!!
1. Rainbow Dash, she's just AMAZNG! She's the coolest out of the mane 6! Like have you seen her do the sonic rainboom?! She's so confident not the typical girl she's a tomboy and. She's actually loyal in many ways even though she doesn't always show it there's been countless amount of times RD has been loyal to her friends and even her princess. She can be very self-centred and her ego can get so huge it makes her unbearable but it's just because she's ever so confident in herself.
2.Twilight Sparkle she's just so quirky and smart. I don't know why i like her so much she's just got that something about her. Yes she has her moments and can be very controlling and bossy but that's what makes her a good leader eh. From season 1-3 she possibly had OCD but from season 4 she learned how to control it, I think it's mainly because she became princess. She's very organized and likes to stay on top of things so when things don't go to plan she has a mental breakdown!! She gets so worked up in her studies and books that she sometimes forgets how others may feel. With that being said, her intuition and magic sense is crazy she's very empathetic to how other's may feel and put's people's needs above her own! Long live Princess TWILY!!
3. Apple Jack, my country gal. She's the mom of the group! I love her accent and countryisms "Well colour me pleased as punch" I feel like I can relate to her thee most because I'm stubborn, driven and hard-working. I love how family-oriented she is; she'll do anything for her friends and family. She's very proud to be from the Apple family and doesn't hide that! Apples are her thing and she can rant about them forever but she tends to get carried away and lets it take over her personality. She's brutally honest and doesn't sugar-coat anything and that's why I respect her. However, I do wish she had more of a character development !
4.Rarity, more like Miss Rarity, she's well the drama-queen, the Miss Perfect of the mane 6. She likes things clean and proper. She's the typical girly-girl and can be very annoying with all her whining and over-the-top dramatic scenes but that's what makes her likeable. She cares so much about looks that it can distract her from the actual objective. She can be very dismissive of other people's experiences and feelings until it's happened to her. However, she's a very generous pony and wears her heart on her sleeve to make others happy. She clearly has a soft spot for Spike and is closest to Fluttershy.
5.Flttershy, I've put her here not because I don't like her but I feel like she could be more confident in herself. I wouldn't necessarily call her a "pushover" anymore but there's times where she has self-doubt. With that being said, the times she's assertive are one to talk about, she becomes a complete boss. She's a cute, shy pony who's great with animals and children. She isn't afraid to stand up for what is right.
6.Pinkie Pie, I love Pinkamina Diane Pie. She's hilarious and so fun. With that being said, she can be a bit much, gets offended easily, she takes things too personally and she can be a bit too in your face. She loves making friends and is the life of the party but she needs respect other people's privacy and tone it down just a notch. With that being said, her over-the-top crazy personality makes her a great character and makes the show enjoyable to watch!!!
1. Applejack because she is strong, funny, and awesome 2. Pinkie Pie because she has such a lovable personality! 3. Rainbow Dash. She is full of herself, but she did pull off a Sonic Rainboom, and that's pretty awesome 4. Twilight Sparkle. She is a very smart pony and she'd do anything for her friends 5. Fluttershy. Don't get me wrong, I like Fluttershy, but she can be painfully shy. For example, in the episode Filli Vanilli, she hides the fact that she likes singing until the very end of te episode. 6. Rarity. Ugh! Have you counted all the times she was moping in her boutique on a chaise eating ice cream?
tbh i can't decide on a least favorite out of the mane 6, but out of all ponies my least favorite would have to be Hoity Toity (i can't remember how to spell his name so forgive me if i got the spelling of his name wrong) i hate the way he bad mouths the first costumes that the other 5 mane ponies asked rarity to make them for the first grand galloping gala (not sure if i spelled that right or not either) we see, i think their first costumes were so pretty, yes there second ones were nice too, but i liked the first ones better, and i think Celestia would have liked them better too, but i dunno that's all just my opinion, other mlp fans might disagree and that's fine, everyone has a right to there own opinion
She pissed me off in Apple Family reunion because she kept pushing Apple Bloom and Babs Seed away from each other without giving them any time to catch up and see each other knowing full well that they don’t see each other enough that often and only want to catch up and see each other
Kiara LionessTM {Kiara Fray Fairchild} well I don’t agree with you
Jacob Chernack2018-07-09 14:46:50 (edited 2018-07-09 14:48:42 )
As of Season 8, I can't decide whether my least favorite of the Mane 6 is Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. With Rainbow, it's a matter of my always having had some reservations about her ego and sharp tongue, as well as some of her more out-of-the-blue jerk moments - with Pinkie, I just feel like the writers are slowly turning her into little more than a childish idiot (if episodes like "The Maud Couple" and "Horse Play" are anything to go by).
For me my least favorite mane 6 member is rarity I don't know why but she just doesn't resonate as well with me as the others do but also she just is so greedy like with dragonshy for example she has almost gotten the dragon to leave but knowing dragons are greedy she still says "and I'll watch your treasure" completely setting everything back to square one plus when she's thrown out of the cave she is more annoyed about not getting the gems and jewelry than making it so that ponyville won't end up covered in black smoke for the next 100 years and I know it was a flutter shy development episode but still they lugit just ended up making her greedy for the sake of her being greedy which may I remind you she's supposed to be the welder of the element of generosity aka the opposite of how she was in dragonshy
My least favorite out of the mane 6 is Rarity. Mostly because she doesn’t always listen to her friends. I like Applejack because in season 9 she was basically the only one willing to tell Twilight what was going on when something went wrong. Yes, Applejack has her flaws, but all of the mane 6 does. There was literally a whole song about their flaws in the show (forgot what episode-).
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Apple Joy2016-10-02 21:01:37 (edited 2016-10-02 21:04:20 )
Applejack has been my favorite since season 1 and that will never change, I would have to say she is one of the best characters of the show, shes not perfect but neither are her friends, shes strong, caring mature, level headed, second in command of the mane 6 next to Twilight, she is the back bone of the group keeps them together and brings out the best in them. she has had alot of good moments thru out the series and has out shined her friends in the episodes, she is the best sister, and will always be best pony.
Favorite: Fluttershy. She is the kindest one I know. I love how much of an animal lover she is and how much character development she's had. Her shyness has improved greatly throughout the seasons. Also, she has the right amount of flaws.
Least Favorite: This is hard. I have to say, even though I like them all equally, I believe Rainbow Dash is my least favorite. She seems the least loyal, and I don't know, a little too cocky. But still, I like them all equally.
I respect your opinion, but rd is my fav. Favorite: rainbow dash. I really like her attitude and she can be loyal sometimes. Least favorite: Rarity. Her element is generosity, but she never shows that, and she is always a stock up and a b*
Okay so here's my list, but just to be clear I don't actually have a 'least favourite' member of the mane 6, it'll just be the one who I don't like as much as others and I'll say what I think of them.
1. Fluttershy: Mainly because I relate to her a lot. She's socially awkward, quiet, prefers being around animals rather than other ponies, loves nature, is caring and has her moments where she might get frustrated, or if she's trying to be something she's not and it ends up going pear shaped. That's all me, and her character just makes a lot of sense because I relate to her so much. It honestly feels like I'm watching myself as a cartoon pony. 2. Applejack: Again, I relate to her a lot. She's bluntly honest, sensible, and acts very motherly towards her family and friends. She also has a very big appetite like myself, lol. I like how she's always thinking practically, and how straightforward she is. Yes, she has her flaws, they all do, but she learns from her mistakes and is genuinely concerned if she hurts somepony's feelings. She's just great, and in my opinion she needs more love. 3. Rainbow Dash: This is mostly because I really like her character design, and how she's not a typical girl. She can be a bit much sometimes though, although she's gotten a lot more mature recently. 4. Pinkie Pie: I like her, but like Rainbow she can be a little much sometimes. I know it's her character to be the hyper one, but I'd like her to be a bit calmer sometimes and maybe not so "in your face". 5. Twilight: I do not in any way dislike her, I actually really love her character and how she's always there for her friends, she just annoys me sometimes with how she acts. I think it's just how her character is written, but remember in "Tanks For The Memories", after they had all said 'goodbye' to Tank, she straight away asked if Rainbow was "ready for some winter fun". Like what the heck 😂😂 he just went into his hole and you think RD's just suddenly gonna be okay?! I don't know, I like her but she has times where I'm just like omg Twilight why 😂 6. Rarity: Okay, so this is basically because I don't really relate to her character that much. I'm not confident, and I don't like attention, and I don't like dressing up, and I don't like obsessing over boys. She's just too much of a typical female, and can be very annoying sometimes. I don't hate her, she's a very cute pony, but I only really like it when she's being generous, or when she's singing cause I really love her voice and she has the catchiest songs. She just seems too obsessed over her looks, and I don't like it. Ñ
I'm pretty sure Apple Jack's popular everyone I've talked to likes her also spike and rainbow are more blunt than Apple Jack she's more being honest even when it's difficult or when it's important more than bluntly honest and I like Rainbow and Pinkie being over the top but I respect your opinion
@Aria no??? i literally just said that i like rainbow dash BECAUSE she's not traditionally feminine.. like it's good to have girls who are a bit more rough and tumble than most people think they're supposed to be.. of course that doesn't mean traditionally feminine girls have any less value.. all females are wonderful, no matter what their interests or traits are.. i'm a girl (in case you didn't know) and i would say i'm more feminine than masculine but i wouldn't label myself as particularly girly or boyish, i'm just a female who has her interests and traits and that's it.. i'm just an awkward little human who is trying her best, like we all are c:
Shut up. I think it also means like the stereo typical girl like “omg there is a new boutique at the mall” and “I am so going to go get my nails done” and I am not saying those are bad I am just saying that that’s what some people think ALL girls act and it’s not true I myself am sorta girly sorta Tom boy my bestie is Tom boyish she loves football and likes sports and hangs out with the boys not because she likes them but she says that there is less drama there an I agree
While I respect your oppinion, and do admit that you raise many good points, I cannot agree. In fact Applejack is tied best pony in my mind with Pinkie Pie. Yeah, that should tell you something about my personality. :P
Yeah, she is stuborn. She is also really proud, short-tempered, blunt and often too eager to please. She can be a little under developed, but I can't blame a character for bad writing, can I? Also, well, yeah. The apples...I don't think the show AJ is as focused on Apples as the fans make her out to be. She just happens to be run a farm with them. And if something is your job, it is something you focus on. We don't hear the same complaint with twilight and her books, or Rarity and her gems, or Pinkie Pie and cake. But for some reason AJ's apple focus is freaky and the other's are normal. I don't know. As for obliviousness...I don't argue that one little bit. It's like she has blinders on, maybe because she expects things to go a certain way. When it doesn't, she is slow to realize that something is off. It maybe that she is slow to pick up social cues? Autism maybe? Because she is quick as anything so see something wrong in things like her apple trees.
I honestly think tht her character as some of the best good points in the whole show. She is honest, but she had to go through a lot of rough patches to truely learn what being honest and having good integrety really means. She is stuborn, but a lot of that is because she is so determined not to let her family, her friends and her farm down. She is proud, but really, when you have such a solid rep, it is pretty hard not to be.She clearly loves her family to a fault. And I just love her sense of humor. When that eyebrow goes up, my inner fangirl has a ball. She is, of course, hardworking, dependable, and a solid rock. If she cracked, I think the whole town of Ponyville might suffer and suffer hard.
Personally, I have the most trouble getting Rarity. That is weird because we both are creative. But I have a hard time understanding her. Her dramas are off-putting, her focus on clothes and fassion and papering herself is silly to me. Her selfishness is annoying. And I have a hard time getting behind her when she is clearly even more oblivious in a far more fundamental way than AJ ever is. Especially when it comes to high society or, forgive me, stallions. That is to say, I still like her. There is almost no character that I don't like at least a little in the show. But of the main six, she is the one I have the most trouble likeing. Maybe that is the AJ in me.
I respectfully disagree with you. I think AN has flaws but she is also the most adjustable pony. She usually adjusts with situation and does not force her ideas on others. Unlike the other 5 she also doesn't feel jealous in certain scenarios. She's always happy and doesn't show off about anything. I think she is under developed because she doesn't have much to work on. She is a perfect pony.
My least favorite is Rarity. Sometimes her character is over dramatic to say the least. However, what really angered me was how easily annoyed she was with her sister Sweetie Belle. Maybe, being a younger sibling myself, and often seeking the respect and attention from my sister, I tend to side a bit more Sweetie Belle. The truth is though, Rarity got so bothered about having everything her way that she failed to reach an understanding with her until the end of the Sisterhooves Social, therefore showing a lack in generosity when it comes to giving patient and time with her sibling. Also in the Manehattan episode when she ran out with the costumes her friends made for her, she did not even stop to say thank you. The good news is that she learned her lesson in the end. What I do like about her is those moments when she surprises people by going all " oh it is ON!" on everypony. My favorite ponies however are Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Pinkie mostly because of her great sense of optimism and Fluttershy because of the many obstacles she has had to overcome in her life. What makes them both awesome is their sensitivity which often shows how much they really care or rely on other characters in the show.
Fun fact: the creator wanted to make the mane 6 be relatable so she gave all 6 of them personality disorders so that's why they all have such fatal flaws since they are supposed to be relatable and there are many people who would have similar flaws and that's also why they aren't the perfect hero's
my favorite and least favorite: 1) rainbowdash she's basically me as a pony even though she gets a little bit full of herself she does realize it 2)pinkie pie who couldn't love her? 3) apple jack basically what you said at the end 4) fluttershy she has her good days and is willing to do anything for her friends 5) rarity fashion isn't really my thing but she isn't that bad 6) twighlight, i honestly dont HATE her but she isn't my favorite she is too much of a goody 2 shoes
I feel like in the scene with baby being in the cart, she saw the suspicious thing and decided to subtly mention what a hard time she's been having at home
I have to disagree with the second one. she's always the first one to notice that something isn't right, and always notices things more than the others.
My fav ponies : 1. Rainbow Dash (she always been my fav pony ever since I watch the show and I'm into MLP because of RD. People who said RD isn't loyal really needs to pay attention to her. I like how she's the one who saved her friends' life most of times and sacrificed many things just to be with her friends yet people still call her unloyal -_-) 2. Pinkie Pie (To be honest, Pinkie Pie made the show a lot more entertaining. I love how she likes to make her friends smile and how she treats her sister Maud. Pinkie always made me less sad when I'm having a bad day) 3. Twilight (She's so cute when she's panicking) 4. Rarity (People also need to pay attention to her more. She is really generous but people always try to deny it) 5. Applejack (I like her as much as others, she's hardworking, honest, and overall she will be good friend in real life) 6. Fluttershy (I notice how when other mane 5 goes against their elements people were hating on the character but when Fluttershy is against her element people were okay with that. Fluttershy is so gullible. She force all animals to like her and she hurt animals and would do anything to make animals love her (like the one in best night ever) She rarely saved her friends. She can handle a dragon in Dragonshy and later she's afraid of dragons again in Dragon Quest. Idk, she's always my least fav pony
rarity as a girl who hates stereotypical and "trendy" girls i hate her a lot i dont really mind obsession with apples (applejack) but omg i hate girls obsessed with the appearance of someone
I stand up for myself If someone bothers me or doesn’t understand that I said NO then I can be really stubborn/angry I always stay positive even in hard times (Ik I said I’m stubborn sometimes but only when someone bothers me, not when something sad is happening or scary or dangerous, I am positive at those times) I am brave and never cry (by never I mean rarely, even AJ cried in an episode so I mean, everyone cried at least once) I laugh alot:p MY FAVE COLORS ARE PINK ,ORANGE AND YELLOW AND ITS NOT BECUASE OF MLP I JUST LOVE ‘EM I try to cheer sad people up and give really good advice to those who struggle When I’m working, I really concentrate
Picking favorites is easy and hard for me at the same time, but I'll give it a go. 1.My favorite is probably Fluttershy because honestly she is the most down to earth, kindest, most thoughtful and least stupid out of all of the ponies. Sure her shyness can sometimes get in the way of her goals but that never annoyed me, in fact I really identify with Flutteryshy. Also her mane is the prettiest out of all of the main six (and only second to Cadence imo). 2. My second is Twilight. She is super smart, precise, analytical, and at first was a total loner (which I totally get). And I love how she learns about friendship and gains friends because I really struggle with that sometimes. But on the down side, there are a couple of times where her OCD tendencies get a little annoying and sometimes she can completely oblivious to things and way too dramatic about stuff and worrying about the tiniest little things (but then again I probably don't like that because I do it too heh....) 3. Apple Jack. Honestly I really like Apple jack and it's hard for me to out her at number 3. But when I first stared watching the show, I thought she was just so full of herself and stuck in her ways and just annoying. But over time when she started developing more as a character, I really started to like her. 4. Rarity is # 4. I get where everyone is coming from and yeah she can be kinda shallow, but once she realizes it, she tries to make amends. And honestly that's way better than not realizing it at all (*cough* Raindow Dash *cough*). Also she is really clever and she honestly doesn't really annoy me which is always a plus. And I hate that she is so low on the list because I do like her but the previous ponies i like a lot more. 5. Pinkie can just be... too much for me. Don't get me wrong, there are times where I like her, like when she tries to make everyone happy and goes so far out of the way for her friends, but she can be really, really really annoying. And loud. And pushy. And she doesn't listen. Or pay attention. I think you see my point by now. 6. Raindow Dash is my least favorite hands down. No I don't think she is the worst pony ever, in fact I do like some things about her. But honestly, she is so full of herself that it gets annoying. Also she doesn't listen, she puts herself before others 95% of the time, and is shallow. And unlike Rarity, she doesn't even realize it. She just thinks she is the shit when she really isn't. But there are times when I do like her. Like when she got Fluttershy the bird call and actually thought about others before herself or when we got to see past that "I'm so awesome" shit, and especially when she gets humbled like when she was trying to get in the WonderBolts Academy. Then we get to see potential for a really great pony. But right now, her ego is still too much for me to be okay with. HONORABLE MENTIONS (seeing as I was only focusing on the mane six, these are a couple of my favorites overall. They just didn't fit in this ranking system). These are in no specific order Big Mac Princess Cadence Princess Luna Applebloom Spike (yea I know he's a dragon but I don't care) Maud Pie Sunburst Starlight Glimmer
Rainbow Dash's ego is part of how athlete's survive in that kind of environment. She needs to have that attitude to make it. It's working for her too. Twilight is the worst because of how reckless she is with her magic.
Frank Poole You can still be humble and not think you are the greatest thing in the world. Just because she is an athlete doesn't give her a free pass so be so selfish and egotistical. Yeah, she needs to be confident, that's totally cool. I get that. But not to the point where confidence becomes almost sufficatingly cocky. I just personally think that it is a flaw in her character, but that makes her more relatable. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying I don't prefer her because of it. And yeah sure Twilight is reckless but that's because half of the time she doesn't know what the hell she is doing and sometimes doesn't know her own strength. Also that's part of learning, so I don't see it as a big deal. As she becomes more advanced with it she will get better. And if she doesn't that's bad character writing.
Since this is about AJ, I'll be honest: ^^ I really don't know why people say they hate any of the ponies. To me you just can't hate them. And you shouldn't. That's just they way they are. You wouldn't want me hating you because I'm not crazy with your personality, or because you made some mistakes in your life. Sometimes the way people describe one of the mane six that they don't like, you'd think they thought that particular pony was the Devil.
I agree that AppleJack is very stubborn and it is something she needs to work on, but stubbornness is an extremely hard trait to dumb down. And that's what it is- a trait, not a flaw that she needs to rid herself from. I agree that her stubbornness can be bad and at times a "flaw" but it can be used for good as well because it helps her be dependable and industrious. :)
Also, Apple Jack isn't always oblivious. If you remember the camping episode with the CMC, AJ, Rarity, and RD, you'll notice that Apple Jack was the only one to notice something was up with Scootaloo and asked the filly if she wanted to talk about what was going on. Also, she caught on to Tenderhoof liking her, and Rarity doing what she could to impress Tenderhoof.
In the first couple of seasons Celestia acted a little to high and mighty even though she is a princess you’d think she’d be more selfless right? And well Luna didn’t act that special after twilight thought her the modern ways. Maybe since Celestia stayed in Equestria so long without Luna, her vinegar in the moon sort of changed her making her think that since she could take the responsibilities of day and night that she was more special
My least favorite pony is twilight. Before season 4 she would worry over everything to the point where it was annoying. After she became a alacorn all her flaws just disappeared. It’s unrealistic and she goes back to her old ways when it’s convenient for the plot. I think that she is the least developed character. She went from a nerves wreck to a perfect princess in like 2 episodes. I feel like other then that she didn’t change at all. She still puts her studies before her friends many times. Compared to all the the other fun and and pony’s with there interesting characteristics she is super bland and a flat character. I know I will get a lot of hate for this but ok.
🎵We're not flawless, we're a work in progress. We've got dents and we've got quirks ,but it's our flaws that make us work, yeah! We're not flawless, we're a work in progress. So tell me what flaws you got too, cause i still like what's flawed about you.🎵
Her two biggest character flaws are Pride, Stubborness and Greed, but I hardly blame her. I mean, she's a farm pony. They make a lot of money, but I'm assuming most of that goes back into taking care of the farm, so they barely have any money to cover their health, repair their house or even buy new farm supplies. ("Ticket Master"). And her pride and stubborness stems from her determination. She's determined to make everypony proud and happy, she's determined to help the farm, she's determined to keep her family safe. And because she wants to help so much she's stubborn. And because she's so good at it, she's prideful. You can't really blame Applejack.
That said, my list favorite is Pinkie Pie, simply because I have had a friend like Pinkie before. Good intentions, fun, happy, positive, energetic and out to cheer you up. See also: Jealous, Overly Hyper, Overly Dramatic, Impossible to talk to seriously, etc.
+Katoka Karalashvili It's me again. Shocker. Realistically speaking Farmers don't make much money at all. They don't really sell their produce as the lands are owned by someone else and rented by them. So they tend to pay the rent through the produce which is then shipped to markets and stuff by said company. All the stuff you said about AJ can also make you lose friends. We call that stuck up where I was raised, since you still think about your own well-being by thinking about YOUR family and nobody elses family. She was just being honest though. Besides Pinkie shows not all things are serious and you should learn to enjoy the finer things. I do enjoy seeing your opinion. It's great. /)
Oh hi. ...How does that make any sense? OK Well, firstly you mention how farmers make very little money. Applejack's farm is pretty much the biggest provider of all things apple, so I'd assume they'd actually be making a lot of money, but let's say you're right. If that's the case, no one can blame her for wanting money. But Applejack never shows any signs of not caring about other ponies?.. Maybe once in "Swarm of the Century", and who can blame her. Her friends have a pupil of a god, and her family has at most a strong stallion. Who would you support? And another time in "The Ticket Master", in which everyone wants to go to the party for one reason or the other, but it never touches the subject of their family's well-being. If this were the case, I'm sure Applejack would be more hesitant to take the ticket. Yes, Pinkie shows that not all things are serious. Pinkie has a lot of redeeming qualities. But at the same time, Jealousy as well as not taking almost ANYTHING seriously is very clearly a part of her character, which is just the biggest flaw imaginable for me personally, since, again, I've had a friend EXACTLY like her.
+Katoka Karalashvili I agree. Rainbowdash is over used and can get on my nerves when people talk about her TOO MUCH. She is kind a on my bottom list because I dislike arrogant people, but that's only how I feel.
@Katoka Karalashvili I think that some characters are used way too much. Its good character development sometimes but, It can get a little boring. Maybe they should make episodes on characters without spotlights, Like... Um... Maybe a Wonderbolt? Or a side pony.
@***** oh I just saw that. You realize how dumb the show would be without her right? It NEEDS a grounded character, every wacky show does. And also that thing has three backers, so what exactly is your point?
+Katoka Karalashvili Personally, I know it';s heresy, but I like AJ over RD (and Rainbow Dash is actually at the bottom of my personal list). I identify with AJ more, she's a better tomboy, Rainbow Dash might be more characterful, but she gets too obnoxious (and requires Tank to bring out the best in her), and I think Applejack clashes better with the other ponies. Rainbow Dash is basically just a boy who wears a dress on occasion and is advertised as a girl.
My least favourite is rarity as she cares about her career than she does about her friends. Also when discord turned the elements of harmony into the opposite, rarity didn’t become much different
My order: 1. Applejack- I love her connection to family and love of baking apple treats. 2. Pinkie Pie- Baking and positivity, what can I say... 3. Fluttershy- I kinda understand her. I am little shy too. I also love her kindness. 4. Rarity- I agree with her feelings on beauty, I just like the other characters more. 5. Twilight Sparkle- I just like her for being a good friend. 6. Rainbow Dash- I am not super sporty, so I can't relate as much.
If I am being honest I like all of them..But I do agree about Apple Jack.. Edit:I finished the show, and yea the main 6 all have their flaws. So yea I will always agree with them on that.
honestly, Applejack is in the bottom of my list. But, she is a good character! A good character has to have a lot of flaws. But, you made your point when you said that she hasn't developed much as the other characters.
Apple Jack's my least favorite too but that's because compared to everyone else in the show she seemed a little bit perfect and not particularly interesting
No, In babs seed, she knew what the cmcs were up too. She told them about the heartache which made them realise how mean they were and they could save her. But I agree with the watching over me. 🍎 🐴
I don’t really like applejack because she can be very mean this actually happened in two episodes the first episode too many pinkie pies I mean I know that all of the pinkie pies knock down her building but she shouldn’t have got that mad I mean if they got the other building up they can easily get that one up again OK now the second episode bats in this episode applejack was just evil I mean here’s how I know she encouraged all of her friends to do the wrong thing I mean to me that’s just cruel my opinion all of her friends should have gone with her idea they should have gone with Fluttershy’s idea and now Apple jacks idea backfired and turned flutter shy into a bat and all of her friends including herself almost got eaten I love your videos!
Personally, Applejack is tied with Twilight Sparkle for my favorite of the Mane Six. I mean, she's hardworking, headstrong, not to mention, she isn't a class-clown like Rainbow Dash!
Yeah I agree, my least favourite mane six is Applejack and Rainbow dash isn't far in the podium... even with the more recent episodes she didn't do much better... I mean that episode where she had to be in the jury for the dresses made me scream "It's about time she learns honesty doesn't mean you have to be rude". I already said it somewhere else but when she and Rainbow Dash showed distrust toward Discord, it only dragged him away from friendship and towards Tirek's promise of freedom.
I'm personally not appealed by the whole "family" stuff, but even so I'm quite mad that she says she's placing her family above all, and still ends up letting them down so often: the examples you showed in this video, plus that time she wanted Rainbow Dash to babysit Granny Smith, that time when Big Mac showed that he lost connection with Applebloom because Applejack was so awesome and he ws just a farm pony showed that Applejack doesn't actually listen to her family. This is painful to watch.
The times her competition against Rainbow Dash makes her forget everything else (I'm sorry but cheating and lying for that running of the leaves, or putting the friendship school students in trouble for a picture on the wall ain't honesty) don't help.
That said, in the episode about the journal of friendship, if I had been there I'd have said that even if I don't like her, I'd defend Applejack's legitimacy in the group, because she does have qualities, she completes the others and more importantly, if she's their friend, that's all we need to accept her.
I like Applejack. But I gotta say, in season 1, she was really annoying. But as the season's progressed, her character grew. I really like her character now, because of the love she has for her family.
Personally Rarity would be my least favourite pony, for main reason she only thinks of herself and is very oblivious to how nicely Spike treats her, he even gave Rarity his birthday dinner just for her own benefit of having the gem, she often causes feuds against her friendship with AppleJack for them being completely different to each other, and in Rainbow Rocks she just had to bring in a giant piano for the rehearsal describing it as "Arriving in style" and even manipulating the diamond dogs to carry the damned thing for her, and i think that she just overreacts on every single thing, then again she does have her flaws but she also has moments from when she is right (Please don't hurt me, this is just my own opinion...)
My favorite out of the six is rainbow dash cuz she is loyal to her friends even though she brags sometimes she's still my favourite. My least favorite is flutter shy cuz she's really shy and not very helpful and she also betrayed her friends in one episode
Ok first of all apple jack didn’t consider flutter shy side in the bat episode because her granny had been telling her stories about how bad the bats are and granny was there when it happened. Flutter shy just met them.
About obliviousness, this is MLP we're talking about. Name one character that hasn't been oblivious despite the obvious being right in front of them. Diamond with Cheerilee, Gilda with Rainbow Dash etc. etc. etc. It often takes a big event (combined with public humiliation) to get them to think "hmmm, maybe insert character's name here might not be a nice person after all!"
My least favourite pony is Rainbow Dash because she's a jerkass
Or Starlight Glimmer because she's a spotlight hogging Mary Sue who destroyed the world over 1 friend moving away. WTF.
I rember in an episode when Applejack was the only one bucking apple trees. She did everything her friends had said even when she was almost all worn out. She earned a trophy. She is a caring pony and that is why she is so protective of her only little sis.
Applejack my favorite but i like them all there is literally nothing wrong with them they may have flaws but wait till season 7 episode 14 they make a song that says we arent flawless we are working progress we got dents and we got querks but its are flaws that makes us work
AppleJack is one my favorite ponys, but you have great points. My least favorite characters would have to be either Pinkie Pie or FlutterShy because they both are very annoying a lot of times and do more harm than good sometimes.
0:37 That would make a good Earth-Pony joke 3:18 Tongue Twisters, Granny Smith is an apple named after Maria Ann Smith who propagated the cultivar from a chance seedling Apples, Apples, Apples
At least Applejack has a confirmed job and actually gets something done once in a while, unlike your favourite, Fluttershy. Fluttershy is definitely my least favourite.
"Today I will talk about who is worst pony" Me: Man I didn't even watch the video yet and I allready tell you there will be a huge amount of dislikes. So you MISSED :D
My favorite pony order: 1) Apple Jack 2) Fluttershy 3) Pinkie Pie 4) Twilight 5) Rarity 6) Rainbow Dash 1-3 are almost tied and 4-6 are also almost tied.
My list: 1. Pinkie Pie. Idk I just love her for some reason 2. Twilight Sparkle. She's magic, and purple, and sweet, and magic... 3. Applejack. Even though I agree with you, Applejack is a main character that is hard-working and sweet, and I like her lots. 4. Rainbow Dash. Dem wings are cool, but I feel like she's a character with poor development. Also she's rude sometimes. 5. Fluttershy. Okay, everyone's gonna hate me for this, but I feel like Fluttershy is W A Y too kind sometimes. I know that's her element, but just... yeah. 6. Rarity. It's not that I don't like her, but her attitude is just the worst for me. Even worse than Applejack's.
My order from favorite to least favorite and brief explanations why, 1.Pinkie pie She is fun, crazy, happy, and always tries to make sure others around her are happy, often standing in the way of her own happiness just for others. She's awesome. And she's insane (like me XD)
2. Rainbow dash While I guess she can be selfish at times and yeah, little full of herself, I think she still shows how she cares for her friends and will stick up for them. She is also the honest friend which everyone needs (More honest than Aj,) Plus, who doesn't like rainbows?
3. Applejack Applejack is loyal to her friends and family (More loyal than RD,) yeah they should switch elements....Anyway she is hardworking and would do anything for the great or good of her family and farming business. So props to her for that
4. Fluttershy (Yeah I know I'm gonna get hate for putting her at number 4) but hear me out, while yes, she is adorable and kind and the type of animal person everyone needs to be, she is still shy to the point where I feel like there is to much awwww moments and sympathy for her. Actually you know what? Its not that I don't like fluttershy, actually, its probably the way the fandom acts about her. like oh, if you don't like her then you're evil etc, but overall, she is still a pretty good character 🙂
5. Twilight Personally for me, I've never really liked her. Idk, she just is well, for starters, annoying at times, plus the fact that she became an alicorn when the others know just as much about friendship as she does! (Not that I'm complaining, if all of them became alicorns it would have been awful) the list goes on. Personally, she's just not my favorite
6. Rarity Ok so, rarity is WAY too obsessed with fashion (Duh) I feel like that's all she cares about. She's ANNOYING, and she might be generous, but she's not selfless, and can still be very rude. And don't even get me started on the whining....
Anyway remember this just my opinion. Getting mad at me for having a different opinion then you is simply childish and rude (Words from hoodohoodlumsrevenge) anyways....Baiii now XD
The way you worded your comment just rubs me the wrong way and honestly, it makes me a little sad. Lauren Faust herself says that each My Little Pony character has at least one personality disorder. (Including the Mane Six) Knowing this I really feel a connection to each pony. A lot of people agree that Twilight is the most mature pony out of all the mane six, plus she's the leader! Everyone has a flaw in their personality, so I really think the characters shouldn't be ranked. Everyone struggles with anxiety from time to time, but the spectrum differs from person to person.
5 years later update: My least fav pony is still AJ. I live in the South, and her accent isn't authentic. Normally I hear someone with an accent and do not notice, but with hers I do. Maybe she's just not from my state.
I disagree. Everyone has some flaws, it what makes them unique. You are being too hard on applejack. This is my opinion. I like all the ponies equally.
I just think after twilight apple jack is the 2nd best pony for me like in shining armor wedding she was the only person who said sorry to twilight for not believing her
Another thing you should've added was that Applejack avoids telling the truth, especially when it needs to be said. This is just me, but I kinda find it annoying that she says "To tell you the truth..." we already know it's gonna be the truth. She could either get to the gist of it or just say "Honestly..."
1.Rainbow Dash bc shes kool and funny 2. Pinkie Pie bc shes fun and bright 3. Rarity bc shes well brighter? 4. Fluttershy bc shes sweet and kind 5. Applejack bc APPLEZZZZZZZZ 5. Twilight bc idk i kinda forgot about her lol
I don't do "worst pony" but the bottom of my list for "okay ponies" is probably Twilight, I mean, yeah, she's great and all, and she certainly LOOKS pretty but... she's just so "I'm the main character so you should all listen to me" and then her thing works over half the time, it just makes her so unlikeable in my opinion and don't even get me started on how annoying her voice is. In the other hand, Flutter shy is definitely my favorite pony, she is amazing and his good flaws to balance her out, her main flaw that balances her out AND makes her her is the fact that she has such a quiet and soft voice, implying that she doesn't think that she should be the center of attention all the time.
Stop judging the show! Flaws are a part of life! And no Apple Jack is NOT my favorite pony! But everyone has flaws! So don't be mean to ponies cuz you don't like there flaws... 👌🔫
Apple Jack is my favorite purely because I relate to her the most. I am super stubborn when I get an idea in my head, I love helping others out but have a hard time accepting it myself, I am a hard worker and sometimes over exert myself. I also have the tenancy to kind of miss things that later I'll realize what someone was meaning even if they didn't straight up say it. I am also easily liked because of my caring and loyal nature. I also relate to Twi and Fluttershy, but AJ is my favorite.
You make a great point, Apple Jack has more responsibilities than even Princess Twilight, so I can definitely understand. And btw when I first discovered the show, about a year ago, Apple Jack was at first my favorite because of her southern charm ;) When it comes to relatability, I think Apple Jack is at the top for most people, but Twilight is more relatable for me. /))))
Here is a list of the Mane 6 from most useful to useless: 1. Twilight Sparkle. She is an important alicorn princess 2. Rarity. She has a horn that contains powerful magic 3. Rainbow Dash. She can fly well and fast 4. Fluttershy. She can fly but low and not very fast 5. Applejack. She is strong but she can't fly and she doesn't have magic 6. I'm sorry, Pinkie. You don't have strength, flight, or magic.
these are qualities everypony has. some just show it more than others, btw my least fav is rarity just for the fact that she is the exsact type of "pony" i hate. thinking looks are everything. i won't lie, her "elemental" side is good and she is a bit kind but i just can't put her higher on my list.
Was I the only pony, I mean one, to keep pausing it at 1:22 to see what appeared on Fluttershys face? It's so funny 😂 (hint- put it at the slowest playback speed)
rewatch every episode from MLP [like every episode from start to present] and take a shot every time Applejack says the word ‘apple’ or ‘apples’ or anything apple related.
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the video, but applejack's and rainbow dash's elements should be swapped Applejack is (almost) always loyal to her farm, friends, family etc Dash (almost) always tells the truth, sometimes doesnt even think about what she says, even if aj doesnt (And yes, i did comment this from a video i saw... sometime)
I know that this is an older video, but this is my list: (I love them all!! Don't get me wrong) 1. Applejack! As someone who lives on a farm, you get so much from her. She is so cute and I love the accent and she is just perfect to me :D I feel like that sometimes she is the only one who gets things done and I respect that.
2. Pinkie Pie! She makes me so happy. Sometimes she is so over the top, but it gives a lot to the show. If she wasn't there the show would be quite boring at times.
3. Rarity! She is such a drama Queen and I love it. All the girls give different perspectives to look from, but hers is so interesting. She can be whiny and annoying at times, but we're out here chilling.
4. Raindow Dash! She is amazing and I love her energy :D Her ego is sometimes so huge that she becomes almost unbearable.
5. Twilight! She is a great main character, but she can have this guality where she thinks that this whole world saving thing is her own problem and so ignores her friends who are there to help. That annoys me so much when it happens, but thankfully she usually understands that she doesn't have to do things alone :D
6. Fluttershy! Oh how I wish they did her just a tad better. At the start when I got to know her she was just this cute little delicate bean who needs to be protected, but there where everyone else became better ponies through friendship, she just kind of stayed pathetic :/ Of course she has her moments which make me like her even more, bc that's what I wanted for her. Good development. Most of the time she still is too blue-eyed &sensitive. They made her seem so weak, even tho she could have been so much more :(
My favorite pony is Apple Jack..... And I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you😞 No one is perfect! Too me she is very hard working and loyal to her family and friends! Then Twlight, since she taught me how friendship is important and made me realize how special friendship really is! Then comes Rainbow dash 🌈 She is sooooo cool and awesome and sometimes funny😂 Then comes pinkie pie since so is also VERRRRRERY FUNNY AND HAPPY 🎈 Then comes Raity and there comes fluttershy.....Flutter shy looks like she cares more about her animal friends more about her pony friends..... TBH flutter sky is the most prettiest pony of the Mane 6 but she is too shy
This video is very old but I m seeing it now 😅 Well my favorites out of the mane six are 1. Twilight Sparkle ( I don't know why I like her she is kinda like me, she is very good by nature and always there for her friends) 2. Rainbow Dash ( well she is truly awesome and I like how her character is designed and I love her voice and her nature is also like me) 3. Pinkie Pie ( well I love how she is Crazy for parties and I love her colours and I love when she sings songs!) 4. Apple Jack ( well I don't hate AJ she is very hardworking and I love her accient the way how she speaks and l love her style..Simple u know.. that sort of thing) 5. Fluttershy ( I don't hate Fluttershy.. actually I love her character design and her love for animals and her beautiful voice..she is sooo kind) 6. Rarity ( I really don't hate Rarity...she is Beautiful and her way of speaking is also good but what I don't like is that Rarity sometimes take advantage of Spike and She is always Crying and Drama queen all the time..so because of that Rarity is last from my opinion..)
Arianna Conomacos I know this is two years ago but rarity is the most tragic. She makes things seem so difficult to handle when there so easy. She’s the drama queen. (Sorry I’ll shut up)
@〜Mizuki-Chan〜 I agree. Here are my reasons to HATE her. 1. She is a typical girl who loves fashion. 2. She is almost too much obsessed with beauty. 3. She has been crushing over quite a few colts. And she has gone into quite some trouble for herself to get Trenderhoof's attention. 4. She cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
My favorite ponys Rainbow dash she is cool sometimes a jerk Pinkie pie she is funny always breaks the 4th wall and comes from nowhere DERPY she is just funny fly into stuff loves muffins
1) Starlight (she’s relatable and powerful so 👌) 2) flutter shy (she is shy which is the opposite of me but she’s sweet) 3) Rarity (she’s great) 4) Twilight (besides being opinionated I like her) 5) Apple jack (I like that she’s honest) 6) Pinky pie (nice but kinda annoying) 7) Rainbow dash (arrogant but cool)
Yes I know these are their personalities but it’s just my personal presence ( also so many people have flutter shy as their 2nd or 3rd fav)
List of ponies from my fave to least fave 1:fluttershy 2:Pinkie Pie 3:Rainbow dash 4:twilight sparkle 5:applejack And #6 is rarity. Why? Long story short, rarity is basically the most full of herself, and is more OCD than good ol' twily. Rarity is basically the most selfish of the man's six with a sticker labeled "generosity" slapped on her. She is totally full of herself and uses spike, and she takes advantage of him. Sorry to all those who no I've offended, but this is my opinion
1. Fluttershy - She my favorite pony because she's SO ADORABLE and nice to her friends and her animals. The way shes shy is so cute.
2. Twilight Sparkle - I like Twilight because she always help her friends and save Ponyville. Also the name Twilight is a great name by her character, So that's why my name TwilightJLO was inspired by her. Sometimes she's obsessed with books.
3. Applejack - She is a hard working pony. She always be honests to her friends and family. She always be the helpful pony. The reason why in put her in 3 is what BN says she only obsessed Apple's and bad weird or bad problems but I still like her.
4. Pinkie Pie - I kinda like her. Pinkie pie shes obsessed with party but that's all. Sometimes she gets annoying someone like Rainbow Dash or Cranky doodle donkey. But what i like about her is she cute and Happy smile but thats all. For my Opinion.... I sometimes don't like party (Sorry Pinkie)
5. Rainbow Dash - To be honest I don't really hated her. It just always be mad for reason and NOT be a loyalty Pony. For example, She bans pinkie pie and hang out with Gilda (Gilda is mean, will sorta) and she always what to be awesome and join the wonderbolts. She sometimes bans her friend just because to be cool. The only thing I like about her is her rainbow hair and her sonic rainboom.
6. Rarity - Just like Rainbow Dash, Rarity is sometimes mean to her friends and sometimes sweetie bell. Shes ONLY OBSESSED WITH FASHION and she always be spoiled. Sometimes she like cute male ponys but all of them rejected her. So she cry like a spoiled. The only thing I like about her is she being generous to her friends sometimes.
Im not saying I hate Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. They just my least favorite ponys. But this is just my opinion.
"flaw 1: shes stubbornminded...goes into explaining why" YA DONT SAY there was an episode ABOUT HER NOT WANTING HELP FOR MOST OF THE EPISODE BECAUSE SHES TOO STUBBORN
I don't like Fluttershy... She's just such a push-over, and even after the iron will episode, when she finally gets a backbone, she's still a shy jello-heart. This could severely effect her personal life with her friends.
I agree with you, My favorite pony is Twilight. My least favorite pony...oh I’m getting to get hate for this BUT It’s my OPINION!!! Rainbow Dash, she seems a little ignorant and selfish. I like her but she isn’t my favorite in the main 6. My list is this... 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Flutter Shy 3. Rarity and Pinky Pie 4. Apple jack 5. Rainbow Dash
one thing I like and have about apple Jack is that she is a pony like from Earth she looks alot like a real pony so I don't think they should have made Earth ponys
I disagree with AJ being oblivious. I think the writers were trying to make her like an annoying parent. I’m pretty sure that they were trying to make her relatable. That’s just my opinion.
all the characters are oblivious - the show presents sth as obvious so that the young audience knows what's happening. take the time the main 6 fooled spike that the timber wolf in spike at your service was real. they genuinely thought it was believeble.
Literally first of all her parents are missing or dead so what’s the point of her flowers maybe it’s because of her parents I don’t know we don’t know a lot about the other characters backstory a lot we just know twilight has a mother and a father with a brother called shining armor big pinkie pie with the rock family
todaly agree but (and this is just cannon) that applejack knew there was something off with babes and apple bloom and told apple bloom why babes was the way she was without making it ovious she knew something.
1 Applejack and Dashie :) 2 Fluttershy Pinkie Rarity 3 Twili I don"t know why people hate AJ maybe she is not cool like Dashie but she is fast beautiest Element ( Honesty ) strong cool . She make my everytime smile . She give Twilight first Ticket , Last episode of MLP with Star Lights , she goth cool hat and cool family . I like every pony I can't imagin MLP with no Pinkie smile , Dashie cool rainbow and speed , Rarity beauty , Fluttershy kind and cutte , Twili magic and Aj strong and apples :) sorry for my English :)
Listen, don't get me wrong, I don't HATE twilight, she's just at the bottom. She has all the attention when all her friends help her too. Princess Celestia barely notices the other 5 (unless she wants to dump a problem on them) it's always been Twilight. The special one, seriously, if there is a star painted or drawn anywhere it's automatically seen as her cutie mark-because she's so special
I have a headcanon that Applejack is autistic and that's why she's so stubborn and non observent. It would make sense for her not to notice the fillys deviously smiling. And also her making drastic decisions without thinking about them makes sense too. It also makes sense as to how she talks about apples so so so so much because apples are her special interest.
Rarity is least favorite because sometimes she only cares about her and the things she wants. I mean she took away spikes birthday dinner for her benefit
My least favorite character is rarity she is so she’s the Element of generosity and even though some episodes went out for being generosity she got so much sweetie Belle when she used her blue Jules and then she tried to clean her room and when she tried to help cook but she still a good character
Applejack made flaws and fixed it up. Nopony is bad.' We are not flawless we have got dents and we have got quirks so tell me what flaws you got too because I still like whats flawed about you '
I used to think Rarity was the worst when I was younger, because I thought she was selfish and snobby But that changed as I got older, I saw how she is actually very generous (as her element suggests) and I think she's very though even tho she is the girliest of them all Now I dislike Applejack, honestly (no pun intended) she's just boring for me and sometimes her stubbornness is too much to bear Yeah, "she's not flawless" but I hold a grudge against her for some reason That was my rambling Good afternoon
Pinkie: Q. makes everyone happy F. forgets own birthday Rarity: Q. generous F. dramatic Rainbow: Q. brave F. rude Fluttershy: Q. kind F. Fearful and Quiet Twilight: Q. smart F. totally has O.C.D. Apple jack: Q. loyal and honest F(s). Stubborn minded, Oblivious, Apples do you agree? like is yes reply is no (pls tell me why) and don't answer is you have never seen the show
My least favorite pony is Rarity because she is not practical, do one small mistake and she gets mad. And she is too much of a fashionista, also I get the feeling she cares more about her friend's wearing her dresses more than her friend comfort in the dresses she makes.
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a person🐈⬛2020-11-10 22:11:07 (edited 2022-03-13 20:41:05 )
My least favorite character is anyone who teaches the cmc a lesson the hard way or mare do well.
My least favorite pony is Twilight, cuz she takes things too seriously. Like in Pinkie Sense, (or whatever it was called) she was so determined to find the reason behind Pinkie's Pinkie Sense.
I love them all equally because love is about giving then receiving or receiving then giving and then it keeps on happening over and over again and I have equals happiness and happiness equals love
the two ponies out of the main 6 i don't like is Rarity and Twilight. I don't like Rarity because she's annoying, drama queen and lame to watch on screen. I hate Twilight because she relies on books to live, she become lame when she became a princess, she thinks everything well be okay if you just befriend them, she also thinks things can be fixed with magic, she's a bad friend and is just bland and lame.
to me Rarity and Twilight have 0 character while Pinkie pie. Rainbow dash and Apple jack to me have character and i do see where your coming off with aj and i think that's right.
Applejack is my second favourite pony because her and rainbowdash relate to me the most and i like her constant mission to please her family like when twillight gets the tickets to the grand galloping gala in season 1 rainbow’s, rarity’s, pinkie’s and even i know this sounds surprising but fluttershy’s reasons to go are all for their own benifit but applejacks are to help the farm and her family. P.S good job if you made it to the end of this comment you sure have good patience.
So for oblivious example maybe AJ DID notice them laughing and suspected something so she said that about bab seed so they could realize they did something wrong without AJ outright saying you did something wrong and you need to learn a lesson just my opinion thank you for reading
My Fav is Twilight heres why: She shows pottential for a great leadership And i just love her she has a lot of my favourite things and shes just too awesome.
Now my least fav is Rainbow heres why:Shes too full off herself and way over Confident and she doesnt deserve the element of loyalty And shes kinda a little bit not nice.
I get why aj is really stubborn because her character is based off a country person and most country people are known to be stubborn. Not trying to offend anybody. Also my favorite pony is sunset shimmer
My least pony (from the mane six) is rarity I mean she literally tried to steal from a dragon ready to sacrifice and be a meal and she got 9 million (a lot of) gems when she got her cutie mark
My favorite pony is Fluttershy. Why? Because I see myself in her SO MUCH! Its always when I discover a new episode I see myself so much in Fluttershy! She LOVES animals like I do, she's shy like I am but she learns to stand up for herself, like I did at somepoint. I think my least favorite pony is Pinky Pie. I do not not like her, its just that I don't have that much interest in the funny carecters in movies. Except for Olaf of corse. I just think that every pony is different but Pinky is the classic funny carecter.
Mine Fluttershy + shes has alot of character growth -she takes her shyness too far sometimes Twilight +she learns alot -she over thinks Pinkie + she has a postive influance -she is a little too optemisic sometimes Rarity + she is learning how to give more and not to be too bossy - she abuses her reltionship with spike and is toooooo vain Aj +she cares for her loved ones -suuuppper stuborn Rd +always helps her friends - super self centre and has a 🐋+🐘 ego
I love apple jack but she does have a few problems she could be less stubborn and pay a little more attention but what pony doesn't doesn't have some problems .
aj is my favorite because were both stubborn, family oriented and love apples then rarity because im always sowing something and diamonds are my birth stone then twilight because we are both book worms and have some anxiety and O.C.D then rain bow dash because she reminds me of my best friend and is someone i could talk freely with then pinkie because she's pinkie i mean what is there more to say then fluttershy because we both love animals and she also reminds me of my friend who loves singing
my least favorite pony is rarity i mean i had saw her being generouse 0 times in total and lets all agree on this she is toooo much into fashion she also has some hard times getting along with ponies in generall so i would say that is a major flaw
Honestly rainbow isn't my all favorites because she's egotistic and ignorent Also the fact she's more disloyal then her element of loyalty. In one of the episodes we see her screaming to her parents because their too supportive and it's embarSing. I mean it's ok to feel embarrassed but it's just for her to feel like there first. She screams at them just for the wonderbolts but you should always put your family first before friends and others
If I had to say my favorites in order of greatest to least. 1. Twilight 3.Rainbowdash 3.Fluttershy 4. Rarity 5.Applejack Now her pls don’t yell at me... but... 6. Pinky pie
My favorite pony is princess Luna cuz shes the moon princess!
My list goes
Luna Pinkamena(pinkie pie) AJ RD Twilight Sparkle (unicorn) Celestia Rarity,and Cadance
I can't stand Cadance because she's barely even noticable and because she acts like shes the most perfect pony which takes meh to Rarity who is so full of herself and far too deep in fashion that she's VERY hard to like
1. Fluttershy (need i say more? CUTE, ADORABLE, and has a lot of good character development) 2. Rarity (she is fabulous and has good development, but can be a bit dramatic at times) 3. Applejack (yes, she can be oblivious at times but she's still loveable) 4. Pinkie Pie (i literally don't have to say anything here. SHE'S GREAT) 5. Rainbow Dash (she's overrated.) 6. Twilight Sparkle (also overrated and i don't care much for her, but her freakouts are funny to watch)
Flaw # 1 LIKE A 3 DIMENSIONAL CHARACTER! Notice what she felt was at stake every time she was stubborn or... lied. She has pride and hates to disappoint ponies around! Also, her goddamn parents are dead. She'll do everything for Applebloom's sake, so that Applebloom has the best situation possible, because, of course, she feels responsible and Big Mac isn't the type to raise a filly, he's good at providing necessities, but not truly raising a child into responsible, aware adult. Yes, she made that ONE mistake that ONE day, but... which parents or guardians didn't? Also, she felt bad for herself because for the overprotective time, she was certain she was mistaken for all the time before, and how badly and often this could have hurt her younger sister! She probably went as far as to think that she hurt her sister be being neglect! I think this clears her.
Flaw # 2 Like a 3 dimensional character. First example: She's not oblivious, she jumps into conclusions and assumes. (Also, this is early in the show, character had yet to be developed) Second example - She assumes her sister has no bad will in her. She assumes that if Applebloom didn't tell her anything bad about Babs, that means they get along fine. After all, AJ had probably told her several times, that she can trust her big sister with anything.
Flaw # 3 I disagree. Her stubborness has many effects and she has either to learn about each result of it, which she's partially doing, or have this adressed.
Flaw # 4 She's expert on them, that's her life's work. The sublect she feels strongest at. That's how she was raised.
@***** Twillight? Freak outs. Applejack? Celery. :P But I do agree she's not the most developed character. Yet... she has complex feelings. She overreacts. She's insecure. She thinks ponies recent accomplishments mean the most about them, she seems to think that if she fails at something, every previous times she got things just perfectly, won't matter anymore. Before the events of the show, Applejack is in my opinion, besides her flaws and fears, the most adult and society-functional person. And... she already had the most responsibilities before the Mane 6 met. She had to grow up before them.
If one were to compare the responsibilities and social positions of M6 before the events of the show: Twilight is a student. She's only responsible for her grades. Cares for them by studying. Rarity is responsible for herself only - after all, Sweetie Belle lives with their parents. Also, her parents would probably help Rarity with basics if she weren't successful with her dresses, which are her means of providing herself. Rainbow Dash is a weathermare. She's only responsible for herself , cares for herself by working. And no, weather doesn't count as her responsibility, because other weather pony would take care for it. Fluttershy is responsible for herself and her animals, but is deeply incompatible with society, even basic interactions. Pinkie is pastry chef/party planner. This is nice and sweet, but she's hardly responsible for much, besides herself. Cares for herself by working for Cakes. And then... Applejack. Owner of Sweet Apple Acres. Responsible for both her siblings in a way, as well as Granny Smith. In details - responsible for her senile relative, responsible for family business, responsible for not only her little sister's food and living, but for raising her to socially functional adult. Also... I don't have any "best pony/worst pony" picks.
I accidentally deleted my entire post... so that’s annoying, but basically, this is the summary of how it goes-
1. Flutters, cause I relate to her on an extremely personal level 2. AJ, because she’s a pony embodiment of my personality 3. Pinkie, because I always admired her positivity 4. Twi, because of her major character development overtime 5. Dashie, because she was my childhood favorite, but I’ve now realized and seen her flaws 6. Rarity, because I like her on certain levels, but on others, I don’t like her at all
If you want me to go more into detail about why, lemme know, I also know this response is very late rip-
The flaws is the best part to characterization. Personally, I know it's heresy, but I like AJ over RD. I identify with AJ more, she's a better tomboy, Rainbow Dash might be more characterful, but she gets too obnoxious (and requires Tank to bring out the best in her), and I think Applejack clashes better with the other ponies. Rainbow Dash is basically just a boy who wears a dress on occasion and is advertised as a girl.
I have a strange connection to some lesser-favorable elements in fandoms (notably games) and I put in a lot of work to sometimes see how they work.
Applejack isn't at the top of my list, but she's not the bottom, and I like all of the Mane Six quite a lot.
You obivasly don't understand the meaning of the two VERY SIMALER characters Apple jack and rainbow dash because honestly Apple jack is the LEAST relatibal PONY IN THE WHOLE SHOW I mean if she lived a life that didn't basically mean APPLES there would be more character and I know about rainbow dash but SHE IS NOT A BOY WHO WHERES A DRESS EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE aj and rd are bascically the exact same except RD is better
Hey, RD my be obnoxious, but that gives you no right to say that she is a boy that sometimes puts on a dress, and is made to look like a girl. I wouldn't even say that about AJ, who just for the record, spits on her hoof before she shakes someone else's. Thats just unbelievably gross and in some cases rude. RD also is more honest than AJ, so let's be "honest" here, AJ probably doesn't deserve her element, of course the same goes for RD too, but at least RD has more character than AJ, and even though it doesn't seem like it, RD is just a smigimeter (pinkie pie quote) more sensitive about others than AJ is
I DEFEND applejack cause she's like me kinda (and not that I have a southern accent cause I don't) its cause she does stupid things and I do stupid things all the time.
Ok, before I get bad comments, I'm just gonna list off my favorite from worst by list, I'll explain why I hate the pony after the list. 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Fluttershy 3. Rarity 4. Applejack 5. Twilight 6. Pinkie Pie Ok, the reason Pinkie Pie is at the bottom is because I find her a little too out of control, the 4th wall breaking is too over rated in my opinion, and She's too pink! Plz don't hate.
My least favourite member of the Mane 6 would have to be Rainbow Dash because she's full of herself, is impulsive, reckless, hot-headed and tends to suffer from bouts of thoughtlessness.
I don't hate her though and she IS loyal, caring and once she realizes that she's unknowingly made a mistake or caused someone to be hurt, she feels bad and goes all out to make up for her mistake and apologizes for it. It's just that the other Mane 6 members tend to be more likeable to me.
my least favorite pony? Country Sawtooth kidding (kinda) My least favorite is.... Cozy Glow during the times she acted "nice" they were all SOOOO OBLIVIOUS like that "smile"
If I happen to offend you... get over it.... you know what Sawtooth. You lied. You said you hated snips and snails, you say you hate twist. Worst pony is clearly prince blue blood tho. He is so mean. Most useless pony is Celestia, Applejack has a job.
Agree and disagree she went back to pony vile and her friends because she could never do something like that to she really cares about she just needed help of thinking how much she cared about them
Sorry to say, but you asked for opinions. My least favorite pony is Fluttershy. Because she is extremely annoying (to me anyway). I don’t hate her, I just dislike her. Sorry to anyone who’s feelings I’ve hurt Edit: also my opinion on mane 6 best to worst. 1) Pinkie Pie She is crazy! And sooooooo relatable to me. She is basically like me in most ways. Plus she is the funniest and the only shows I watch are either full comedy or things with a random character joking all the time (which is why I love the show “Teen Titans Go”). 2) Rainbow Dash I like how her character is always awesome, and her ego. (I usually like characters who are full of themselves). Plus, I looked up to her when I was little. 3) Twillight I didn’t like her before, but once I returned to the show as an older person than I was, she just grew on me 4) Rarity I like how over dramatic she is. And I also love fashion. 5) AJ I never liked her that much. She is starting to grow on me though, it still is a long way 6) Fluttershy I don’t like her. She is REALLY annoying with the shy and defendless personality. Although she is pretty likable with Discord around. I just don’t like these character types in any show
My least favorite character (of the mane six) is Rarity because she just...Nitpicky. Every freaking thing has to be just right! She literally couldn't choose between, five white towels! They were all white! Well, that was human Rarity, but pony Rarity is just as bad, wanting a some pin thing or something that looks exactly like the one she has, but it's slightly older! Just keep the one you have pony! Now, I know that keeping everything in the right order is important, (A few weeks ago I was caught sorting a handful of rocks in a drive-in theatre because they weren't straight) but still, she does it with everything!
The main six Great to worst Flttuer Shy. Ok Flttuer Shy is the best pony of the main six. I know some people say that she's a doormat and to sacred or whatever. But she is kind, She's adorable, And loves anammls.
Pinke pie Pinke is the second best of the main six cuss She is funny, happy loves cupcakes (and other sugar thing), Is really pink, and loves to party.
Twilight Twilight is the third best of the main six cuss She is Nice to her friends, Loves books, a powerful aliacron, Twilight is Starlight student, and a good friend
Apple Jack Apple Jack is is both. The positive part is that she honest to her friends and family, She (almost) always tell the truth no matter what, and her contrarians (do not how to spell it so don't blame me) are really funny. The negative part is sometimes suburban. That the only sipped thing about her
Raraty Raraty is the second worst of the main six cuss She is so how do you say it oh I don't know CARING MOSTLY ABOUT YOUR MAIN LIKE WHO EVEN CARES LIKE JUST COMB IT OR I'M SOMETHING LIKE THAT! AND NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU WEARING! Raraty is JUST... bad
Ugh Rainbow Dash Ok any other Rainbow Dash fan's reading this well then fine I resstpet our opinion bur Rainbow Dash is the first worst m.l.p charter bases Flim and Flam. I know she did better in Seasen 8 but my point is that Rainbow Dash brages to much. And she's just picky A lot of the times. Rainbow Dash is JUST to to much.
i really don't like fluttershy her whole personality can be summed up with two words "kind,shy" all the rest of them have a more interesting personality
Fact Applejack is the only one that does not have parents Yeah sure you might say “but we never saw the mane six parents Yes But we already saw twilight when she got her cutie mark Rainbow dash Fluttershy Rarity And pinkie You seee ?
Weeeeeeeelll, my least favorite is ..... Twilight! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN. I know, it’s shocking, but she’s all about bookz! And, why was SHE mane character. I know she’s great with magic and all buuuuuuuut, she’s kinda weird, and her mane style is so... plain, the only kinda not really cool thing about her mane is... well... the tiny cut... tell me why u agree or disagree in the reply’s...
I personally love all the mane 6 but heres my list (Favourite to “Least favourite”) -Apple Jack, shes honest and the most realistic and down to earth and she cares about her friends and family -Rarity, I normally would hate people like her but idk. Yes she is self centred but she knows when she crosses the line and and shes generous -RainbowDash. Idk I love her energy and her vibes and how cocky she is but how she would never abandon her friends -Fluttershy. I like her quietness bc its somewhat relatable and she isn’t hesitant to stand up for what she believes in when necessary -Pinkie Pie. I love her backstory and her personality, yes shes a tad annoying but idk shes just overall fun -Twilight Sparkle. I like her, not as much though shes fun and smart but she over thinks things a bit too much
I think in season 5 they develop aj a bit more. I've been looking all over the net for more aj episodes and the only ones I can find are either non intense or I've already watched it. AJ is awesome!
My favourites of the main six 1. Fluttershy 2.Pinkie Pie 3. Rainbow Dash 4.Rarity 5. Twilight 6. Apple Jack. Apple Jack is way to rude and honest to me. Sure, she is the Element of honesty, but she is actually hurting the feelings of others all the Time.
My least favorite is..... sorry..... it's rarity. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "BUT ANYA, RARITY IS THE BEST OF THEM, SHE'S THE ONE WHO HAS THE BEST SINGING VOICE!!!!!!!" Yeah, yeah, shut up. this is MY opinion. I think she's my least favorite because she's just all.... she's just all frilly frilly frou frou.
Honestly, this might sound a little offensive to every brony and pegasister out there, but I really don't like Twilight Sparkle very much because she's bossy and pushy and she's way too humble for anypony's good.
She's always acting like, "I'm an alicorn princess now and I've been the trigger for saving Equestria on more than one occasion, but I'm just going to pretend that I'm just a regular pony." "Rainbow, you need flash cards for studying or else you won't get anything done."
In my opinion I don't Like Twilight its just a matter of she gets too stressed and Id rather look more into Fluttershy or applejack. Rainbow dash makes a competitive character that people cant relate to and rarity maybe be dramatic but who doesn't laugh every time she has one of her dramatic moments. Tho favorite character which I'm going to count in is spike.
I love applejack!! But I really agree with this. I like how she's down to earth and country :D. My least favorite pony would probably be Twilight.... I'm just.. Not a fan lol :P
Applejack is one of the strongest - and kinda funny at times - so I like her as my faveourite. Becos she's stubborn, she can learn a lesson outta that, cos she'll help her other friends but can go through a hard time accepting help from friends
tbh all the main ponies kinda annoy me for one reason or another. I don't hate them, but I won't fangirl over any of them either. my fav characters are usually the side characters.
I know some one who is not a fan of apple jack but shares features that make her ruin my life like not seeing the entire picturea and jumping to random and stupid conclusions.
I think that being stubborn is a good thing sometimes being Fluttershy is bad cuz she just let people push her around what Applejack she stands her ground she is stubborn and she will not let anybody just walk all over her now honestly I think Apple Jacks the best it get it I mean she is the element of honesty I said I honestly I think she's the best
In my mind Rarity is the worst pony ever like she makes so much masteaks and then relises it at the end of the episode shes also 60% lazy anoying and she only cares about her self like she makes sweetiebelle and spike do all her work!
In my opinion, my least favourite pony is The Brony Notion because he tells his fans how terribly flawed some peoples favourite pony is, for example, how Apple Jack gives tough love to her friends and family, I am sorry I fell this way but this is my Honest opinion like how Apple Jack is honest!!!!! By the way this is just a Little joke I don't mean any of this apart from Apple Jack being honest 😆😄👧
I don't like her either . To tell the truth, i have many times "fight" with a guy on YouTube whose favourite pony is Applejack. I prefer Rarity 💎 and Starlight ✨.
I know it's just your opinion but I like Apple jack here my favorite to my least favorite... Pinkie pie, flutter shy, Apple jack, twilight, rarity, rainbow dash.
In order who I like best 1: Applejack XD 2: Rainbow dash 3: Twilight 4: Fluttershy 5: Pinkie pie ( Sorry She just isn't instresting) 6: Rarity ok here's the reason I'm not a girl or for that matter DONT CARE for dresses and designs and all that that's my opinion 😀
Ugh fine here's my updated one 1: AppleJack (Still XD) 2:Fluttershy 3:Rarity 4:Twilight (why she down graded is because SHE is the only one of the mane six who is a princess :/) 5:Pinkie 6: Rainbow dash Ok here's the reason why she was 2 in my last one is because she's athletic like me so I could relate to that. But then I was pretty ignorant XD She wasn't only athletic she's Rude Mistrustworthy despite her element of loyalty. And she's a show off :/
If you want me to say my favorite characters from greatest to least i would say... 1. Twilight 2. Fluttershy 3. Rarity 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Apple Jack 6. Pinkie Pie
Here is my list 1 Twillight I like Twilly the Most because I relate to her the most because we’re both tidy and organised and I can’t take a test without thinking that everything is going down 2 Pinky I like Pinky because she’s a lot like me we both have high energy and love to make other People smile 3 Flutter Shy I like flutter shy because of her kind caring nature but I don’t think that she is the best 4 Rarity I like her because I actually don’t now why 5 Dashy I like rainbow better than apple jack because 6 Apple Jack I don’t like Apple jack or Rainbow to much because they are both so cumpeditive I really don’t like that
rarity because she is so self center the way she treat her friends isn't very generous I mean she is so mean to sweetybell and she ruins everything with her stupid fashion. She also takes spike for granted and took the heart shaped gem away from him. I don't think I can write down all of my reasons. the only good thing I saw in her was in episode one see she cuts off her tail and that is not generous that disgusting and more of being thoughtfull and fashionable and no affeiens but I hate fashion.
1,Pinkie pie She’s fun,crazy,very random and Insanely joyful 😄
2,Applejack She’s helpful and loyal to her friends and family!Plus she’s quite honest although she hasn’t changed much but that’s something good and bad she hasn’t improved or gotten worse.
3,Twilight sparkle I would’ve put her on 2nd but she’s too center of attention plus she’s already my 2nd favorite princess,anyways I like Twilight because we’ve been with her from the start and been through her journey Which brings us quite close to her!
4,Rainbow Dash I feel like she’s more tomboy then a natural pony,she’s brutally honest I love the sonic rainboom the idea just seems awesome and the rainbow seems to follow her after or when she flies really fast
5,Fluttershy(I’m gonna get so hated for this :( Let me say something before I mention my reasons shes so low on my list,she’s sugar sweet and kind but the flaws are that she’s way too shy... and gently like when she was cheering her voice was quiet.
6,Rarity I am so sorry Rarity fans she’s just not my favorite pony she’s way to obsessed over fashion sorry again.
lots of people hate rarity for some reason i just don't understand why and i just feel like rainbow dash is overrated. and rarity and fluttershy are kinda underrated
here is my list 1. Fluttershy 2. AJ 3.Rarity 4. Twilight sparkle 5.Pinkie pie 6. Rd Her character is way too sporty and doesn't really acknowlege people that can't really do that stuff.
My least favorite pony is Pinkie Pie because she is way too perky and the random party stuff is really annoying. I disagree with you about the Applejack thing because yes, the random apple facts won't help with anything, but I still like the fact that she never lies to her pony friends.
I have three least favorite ponys- Flim and Flam Prince Blue Blood Blue blood cuz hes a jerk Flim an flam cuz even when they could have become Good No they wanted to stay villans.
I hate rarity because she gets pony’s mad at her ALL the time.infact I can even make a list about who,why,when the pony’s were mad at her!
Rarity and applejack:3 times rarity and rainbow dash: 2 times Rarity and sweetiebell:1 time Rarity and Fluttershy:1 and 1/2 times That totals up with 8 1/2 times with pony’s being mad at her.Also,I hate she is soooooo fancy.She seems to only be happy working with famous pony’s and I just don’t like her hair
I dont like twilight, because she is feels fake. Her friendliness and happiness sounds artificial and forced to me. Also, I feel like the other ponies feel more developed then her.
I think AJ and dashie should be switched in the elements of harmony Aj is very loyal To her family and friends But broke a pinke promise Which is deception
But dashie is always truthful But has left her friends hanging every once in a while
I'd like videos like that about all the mane six, not just the one you dislike the most. Anyway, I despise Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, even though they seem to be the most popular out there. I get that everyone has flaws, but one being a narcissistic brat and the other an "adorable" (tbh I'm always so thrown away by that cutesy shy act) doormat? That both never learn their lessons dedicated to these sides? I honestly will never understand.
I know I’m gonna get hate but I completely hate fluttershy. Every body makes such s big deal when she’s “assertive” or even if she yells the tinyest bit. I just find her character really boring and not that exciting I can’t think of any other way to say it but either way I would put her at the very very very bottom I’m my list
I like apple jack twighlights my least favorite. She gets to be prencess. she was not a powerful unicorn. But trixie,starlight, and sunset are powerful uicorns but they aren't princess. And sunset,starlight and trixie have worse pasts
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Replies (2)
Dog Tube2020-08-21 09:59:23 (edited 2020-08-21 10:00:41 )
Yeah I hate how perfect, flawless, so overpowered and always in charge she has gotten. I miss the old unicorn Twilight.😑
I think the post pony is rainbow dash with a mix of AppleJack rainbow because shes just too selfish in herself and AppleJack well all the facts that you said
My least favourite character is totally rarity yes she is such a fashionista and I just don’t care about like fashion stuff so I just don’t really get soda
@astro animation I know I am super late but here's the thing - some people hate Rarity because she is that typical girl who loves fashion. and she is almost too much obsessed with beauty. Also she always falls for a bunch of colts. Trenderhoof, Prince Blueblood and maybe there could be more. And she almost always cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
i don't need to defend AJ because MOST points are true (Beside the character development part >:() my least favourite pony is Rarity. obvious reasons first, SHE WHINES AND CRIES TOO MUCH. she literally whines her way out of the diamond dogs! secondly she's boring and predictable. finally she doesn't actually have good taste in fashion for my tastes. was i too harsh?
I really like all the veins it sends what I do you slightly dislike Applejack sometimes but my daughters favourite is Apple get I don’t think I can really you never say that to hurt when he is you know here but I think my least favourite pony is Verity he just called cc you know the facts and that he start and end I just don’t think girls should really act that way hey hey
My least favorite is Fluttershy because she is kind of boring and doesn't have an interesting character. Like you said, she doesn't seem vey developed either.
I will have to agree on some points in this video, but I'm only going to say one. Her element of Honesty. As you watch MLP there are some episodes, like the one that was shown, where Applejack doesn't fully show her element. In fact, Rainbow Dash shows the element of Honesty more then Apple Jack dose, And There are some where Applejack shows the element of Loyalty more then Rainbow Dash. Maybe the creator(s) of MLP should of switched the two elements between the characters. But that's not always true. In most episode the two show there element, but in key situations, Applejack always forgets her in till the last minute. And Rainbow Dash is usually blunt with everything. Now I'm not dising either Pony, my favorite ship is AppleDash (Yes AppleDash), but I will never say that there is a worst pony. While there are opinions and I favor yours my friend, I believe that no pony should be shun. Not saying that you have done so. I support this video.
why hatred towards rainbow dash I know I've read all the comments. if it hadn't been for rainbow dash none of the main six would have been who they are today or have been friends all hail the best pony in equestria Rainbow Dash
@Katy Lewis I think my opinion actually shifted to Rarity being my least favorite. In later seasons Applejack is more down to earth and has a lot of growth.
Same also she shouldn’t be the princess of friendship, that’d be like if Celestia sent Discord to stop doing chaos and be more normal and he did so now he’s princess of normalness. Pinkie Pie for Princess of Friendship.
1. Applejack 2. Rarity 3. Fluttershy 4. Rainbow dash 5. Pinkie pie 6. Twilight I don't like twilight because she is too typical and predictable, she can't always be the centre of attention y'all.
My least favorite character is........... Twilight Sparkle. She's not even cute. She steals the show and she's the center of attention and I don't like it. To me, she is linked to Princess Celestia and everyone knows that Princess Celestia is a troll. That means she's a troll. Evidence, search Twilghtlious and see that thing. OMG. I just hate her. My favorite characters are Derpy, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.
my favourite mlp character is.... 1: Rarity 2: Fluttershy 3: Pinkie 4: Rainbow dash 5: Spike 6: Twilight and my least favourite.... 7: Apple Jack and starlight but... Aj is worse.
WARNING THIS COMMENT MIGHT CONTIAN HATE FOR YOUR FAVE PONY!!! Rarity. She is stuck up and so annoying! She does have a few good moments but I don't really like that much.
Well I think Rarity is the most "Real" of the Mane Six in regards to her personality, Yes, She can be Stuck Up, Yes, She can be a Bitch, But more often than not, she is shown to help her friends no matter what the cost to her Time, Money, Popularity, ETC. She is my Favorite pony because she is nowhere near perfect, She is not the Shining Paragon of Niceness, but when you need her, You can bet she'll be there to help you. I Know this probably won't convince you otherwise, But maybe It will help you appreciate her a little bit more :)
i agree shes a stuck up bitch, not hating just true, shes also cries alot, i counted and shes cried 7 times, and if shes had more scenes in mlp fim that number would probably double
Rainbow dash is incredibly egoistic, and she has been given the element of loyalty, for being loyal ONCE. She hasn't fulfilled her element greatly now, hasn't she?
Rarity seems to love being the center of attention, and if she isn't, she'll start ranting about how unfair it is. She also wanted to ruin Fluttershy's show since she was jealous that Photo Finish didn't choose her as her model.
Pinkie pie cares about partying too much. In that episode with the parasprites, she cares about her music instruments more than the safety of ponyville.
Applejacks Flaws have already been stated.
AND YOU... FLUTTERSHY AND TWILIGHT...... have no flaws.
@jjenlub dash sticks with her friends more often than not. And when she does ditch them she has a good reason for it. It's not like she has an easy choice.
Plus her friends dont treat her very well so they dont really deserve her loyalty.
@Amanda Adams Are you talking about the fan favorite poll that Fluttershy won? I heard it was the other way around with those two. I think it went: Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Twilight Applejack.
It's mostly just because I have the least in common with her, as opposed to the rest of the Mane Six, whom I share at least one trait with respectively. I don't actually dislike her.
@Princess Derpy Hooves heres how my list goes: (favorite to least fav) 1. Twily 2. Rd 3. PP 4. Applejack 5. Rarity 6. Flutters I dont dislike her, shes in the bottom of the list because i dont identify with her as much as the others.
@Princess Derpy Hooves hahaha my favorire background pony is vynil... 1. Vynil 2. Octavia 3. Derpy 4. Lyra 5. Bon bon (sweetie drops) 6. Dr hooves I like him but i just like the others more.
Ooh. My least favourite pony is definitely Rarity. 1. She is a typical girl who loves fashion. 2. She is almost too much obsessed with beauty. 3. She has been crushing over quite a few colts and she did a lot just to get Trenderhoof's attention. 4. She cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
I am not hating on your opinion because it is YOUR opinion but I just want to point out one of the reason you dislike Applejack for. You said, and I quote "She's stubborn minded." The thing about this is there is a pony who takes "being stubborn" to a whole new different level..Twilight. Now I don't hate on Twilight or anything but I just want to compare her stubborness to Applejack's stubborness. I agree that Applejack is very stubborn but over the years she has learned to trust others a bit more. She is still not completely there but she is definitely getting there. In Applebuck season she willingly decides to ask for help and it helps her. Twilight however, needs a bit more convincing. It takes the rest of the Mane 6 plus spike to finally get her to agree to their help. Even after she finally agrees and everything goes smoothly, she is still stubborn and thinks she HAS to do it herself or else her friends would get hurt. What she doesn't know though is that they are more likely to defeat a villain or sort some havic TOGETHER. Not one by themselves but all together.
In apple buck season apple jack was stubborn cause she was tired bc pony’s and ppl I know that when both things are tired there stubborn like me so that’s one way u affended me apple jack is my favorate pony !
Applejack is really stubborn like y’all are probably saying well applejack cares about apple bloom that’s why she keeps looking out for apple bloom ugh when I looked on google it says she was 10 first of all apple bloom goes walking out on ponyvill by herself and how would you feel if someone said if you need to get a spoon you open the where the spoons are really so you can’t be to supportive on your child or else they will end like they can’t really do anything if you do it all for them
Pinkie pie= worst pony because she party's waaàaaaaaaaay to much and at the wrong time if u don't believe me say someponey passes on pinkie being pinkie would of course through a party
But...all the other main ponies have flaws....why is AJ such a big problem? If she didn't have flaws, she'd be a Mary Sue! Sure she's stubborn, but Dash's arrogant, Pinkie's oblivious, Rarity can be greedy, Twilight is obsessive etc. Flaws are what makes characters grow and learn. I mean, yeah Applejack is boring, but she's not my least favorite. I love all the mane 6.
The reason why reason why AJ's is such a big problem here is because it is what he dislikes. Yes I agree on you that people have flaws it depends on you if you will like them or not. EX: Soul Eater (not sure if you seen it, but here it is). There was an episode that two of the main characters (one of them is an arrogant, show off, and loud mouth. He is still an okay guy) had to go to a village to defeat an enemy. At the end of the episode one of the villagers said "even if he wasn't part of the star clan, I still wouldn't like him."
1.)Sorry, fast typing. 2.)You're right that is not an argument, but instead a statement. Brony notion doesn't like stubborn, oblivious characters who can unintentionally cause others harm and shows no development from it. Which AJ is (Applebuck Season and Bats). 3.)Soul Eater is an anime TV series and it was suppose to be an example of what I meant.
2.) Pinkie isn't stubborn though and she doesn't always cause others harm. She has way more development than AJ. Bats to me shows that she didn't learn much from her stubbornness and she didn't tried to listen to Fluttershy. (Reminded me of the same mistake she made when she didn't listen to Twilight in Applebuck Season. 3.) Again it was an example. But here is another. I don't like stubborn, close-minded, oblivious characters that had the least development, which Applejack is.
I don't like people who too stubborn and are not willing to give new things a chance. Close minded people who will always stay in the past and never look at the future. Those are the type of stubborn people I don't like. Sadly that is what AJ is to me.
@Vinyl Scratch I see what you mean, but I still like AJ. (oh trust me she's the second worst for me) and I think she's alright. To be honest I hate people like Rainbow Dash. Show offs, arrogant..ugh...don't kill me XD
@Vinyl Scratch Rainbow Dash is defiantly worse for me. But Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Snips and Snails are awful too. At least AJ isn't annoying, mean spirited or just...ugh. She stays in the background.
AJ to me is annoying, I tend to look for characters that have the most development but there are not many episodes that are mainly about her and the writers sometimes use her as a background pony (which I don't really think she is) which makes me angry. She is not a bad character, but I wish she had more development. I don't mind DT or SS, I hate bullies but I sort of like them. Snip and Snail are straight out "boys are dumb" characters. Well so much for equalities.
@Vinyl Scratch Yeah but for me Dash is just...unlikable. I don't really wish to go into a full argument about "who is worst pony" , like I said...I really like them all.
@Kelly Mramor I said CAN be greedy. Let's not forget when she gave Spike the smallest gem off her dress for him, or when she seduced Spike into giving her the fire ruby. Oh and when she stole some of the dragon (from Dragonshy's) gems.
yeah but at least she gave him a gem and remember she gave him that gigantic blue gem for helping her find gems for sapphire shore`s dresses that was not greedy at all.
Rarity because in the MLP movie in the song “We got this” she says “Generosity’s what we’re all about” she clearly favors her element and is that really going to help Twilight feel less stressed out?
My least favourite pony has to be…….. uh….hhmmm.. I think it’s flooded shy.. why you ask? Well… she always tries to stop doing stuff which is scary and you’re supposed to be brave at some point but she’s never brave! Sooooo….. yeah! My least favourite character.
Truth be told, I like Applejack more than I like Rarity and Rainbow Dash. While it's true that Applejack can go overboard with her honesty, Rainbow Dash and Rarity tend to show signs of going against their element. Though I will admit Applejack has made some little white lies a couple times, I wouldn't hold it against her too much.
EDIT: I still like Rarity and Rainbow Dash, just not as much.
My least favorite is Twilight because... I don't really know. I guess because she's the main character and for some reason, I usually end up disliking the main characters the most... favorite is Pinkie Pie, she always makes me smile :)
I think you dislike twilight becose shees a goody goody.....But i like her cus im like her ! Im a nerd, bookwarm and.... Im kinda like a goody too shoes (Sorry for my spelling im latvian..)
+Marta Gavrilka No, I'm a lot like her too, actually. It might be because I like humor, and Twilight usually gives us the practicality instead of the humor.
I agree with you I don't like twilit either it's because she just rambles on threw the I tire show and the fact that she gets everything she gets to be a alicorn she gets to be a princess she gets a crown when everyone one else just gets a neckless
My 2 favs (since I like them equally) or Pinkie and Flutters. My least favorite, is Twilight. She isn't BAD, but I really don't relate to her. I'm not as smart, independent, etc. as her. I like characters I relate to more.
+Kat465k Yeah, she's not bad, and I do relate to her a little, but I think it's because she's so serious most of the time and I tend to like comedic characters like Pinkie and Discord.
+Kat465k Yeah, she's not bad, and I do relate to her a little, but I think it's because she's so serious most of the time and I tend to like comedic characters like Pinkie and Discord.
I could not point out any pony but I say it in my little pony equestria girls is pinkiepie because in season one she looks so crazy funny mad and very different compared to season 2 pinkiepie
i don't like Dr hooves, he ignores Derpy and just is bad and calls sitting in a chair for 5 seconds time travel also derpys name is derpy hooves and he is dr hooves so their either related or married
I can't tell who I dislike the most. I like AJ because she is just a normal pony, she could even be a background pony, I like it. I don't like all those perfect heroines in little girls' shows. I don't like Rarity because she cares about fashion. A LOT. I don't like Twilight anymore because she's an alicorn --' At the beginning of the show I really liked her because she had flaws and wasn't perfect at all. I found her original. But eh... Princess of friendship and all... Stupid kids show I don't really like Flluttershy because we don't know a lot about her, I can't feel close to her. And yeah she's cute but I don't really like her. I guess I pretty like Rainbow, even if she is way too arrogant. But eh, I can't hate everyone I LOVE Pinkie I know if I met her I'll just cry and hope she'll die with her canon, but in the show she's awesome! Always see life as a game, and have fun everytime everywhere, I'd like to live like her. But in our world everything sucks so I can't ._.
So if I had to make a list, of my favorites, I think it's: 1.Pinkie 2.AJ 3.RD 4.Flutter 5.Twilight 6. Precious brat Rarity
Oh and it's just my opinion it's okay if you like the brat RARITY
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@raridashylightpie raridashylightpie raridashylightpie watch your language please! there is a child present. aka, me! also, "faggot isn't an insult anymore unless your my brother. okay? just stop being so negative! geez!!
@Julia Usquisa why did you call me stupid? for liking twilight? girl im not saying everyone should love twilight im just saying that i dont really understand why and for some reason i call them traitors
My list: 1. Rarity 2. Apple Jack 3. Fluttershy 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Twilight ( sorry to twilight lovers I do still like her I just like the others better )
My lease favorite happens to be twilight sparkle. Don't get me wrong, she is the main one, and before she was a princess, I liked her. But when she became a princess, oh please stop hasbro, you're ruining the show! I mean I know the CMC got their cutie marks but that's actually cool. But why did she have to become a princess? Why not just make her an Alicorn? I mean my OC is an Alicorn and so are my other mane 6 OCs, but they don't rub it in people's faces or are princesses!
+Angelina Woods Alicorn = Princess. There are no non-princess Alicorns in the show. If you're an Alicorn, you're a ruler. The title of Alicorn isn't given out to just anyone. That said, Twilight isn't really rubbing anything into anyone's face? She's still a cute little bookworm, who has no choose but to live in a castle and attend fancy gatherings. She only points her title out when it's necessary, like solving a friendship problem.
+Katoka Karalashvili hmm... you are right. plus she didn't want to be a princess anyways I'm guessing. yet she is still my least favorite pony. why is cause her element doesn't make sense at all, she knows everything, and she is kinda rude to spike.
@somer loves dogs I understand why anyone would hate or love Twilight and it's fine, but thank you for being rational. And yes, your point does make sense. I'm neutral to Twilight, personally. @***** Um... Twilight wants to go on an Adventure. That doesn't make her greedy, it's due to her curiosity. She is a Princess because she was an Apprentice of a Princess.
Yes, I was thinking they were trying to rub in the other five element's faces. I think they gotten too far when they make only Twilight have special things occur to her. I mean like really, WE KNOW SHE IS A PRINCESS HASBRO! Is that clear, to much to ask for? I'll answer for you, no!
My least fave is TwiglightSparkle because the other 5 lived a normal life but when twighlight came into the picture the other 5 have had to risk there lives.
+Angelina Woods ,i agree! i mean, she's always the main subject of everything! i mean,of course SHE is an alicorn! my oc is an alicorn too,but im not the center of attention! and of corse twilight's was the last key!
+Tanya Maxwell Well, sure, but it's not like she means to be the center of attention. In Trade Ya, when Pinkie offers to help her give away her books, instead making her look very popular, Twilight says she doesn't want the ponies getting her books because she's a princess. She doesn't like the feeling of being more important when she isn't. She's just another pony.
Rarity I don’t like rarity she only cares about her appearance and too full of her self to notice that spike is trying to shoe love and detention and she is too busy with realising he loves her
Why does everybody think rarity is the worse its just a kids show and its none of your business the voice actor of rarity is a adult so pls dont hate on rarity and aj and rd or pinkie it really hurts the Hasbros i hope you understand-LJ
My least favorite pony is rarity It’s because kids just Doesn’t understand that spike is a gross on Doesn’t who doesn’t know that already no that She doesn’t know anything and she’s just Spoiled In Ticketmaster she kept on insisting twilight to give her the tickets to just a guy does she already have 1 million others so yeah that’s why I hate rarity
Reasons 1. She's a BIG drama queen and i hate drama queens 2. Rarity easily gets jealous about her FRIENDS 3. She is kinda ego centric, which is Rainbows thing. But she still has a ego 4. Her voice sounds like a snobby teenager
Hmm... Applejack may have these flaws, but she is still kind, hard working, faithful and honest. But the WORST character is Rarity... seriously, instead of being a seamstress and the element of genorousity, she is nothing good. I hate her. And what about Rainbow Dash? Loyal, huh? She has not done anything good after the first episode of season 1 and season 3 and season 5... She is a total JERK with short temper!
Offensive! Rainbow dash doesn’t need any more loyalty lessons she’s loyal enough! Yeah I know that ONE TIME she got angry about tank but come on! She did it because she loves him! And everyone gets angry silly.
My worst pony list 1°Twilight :because she want to be the best pony ever 2°Rarity:because she want to be the only pony fabulous 3°AppleJack:because she is a lie and the real for me its that 4°Celestia:because she HATE LUNA 5°Sunset:because... because I said Jk it because my cousin said when me and my cousin are playing mlp she is bad
I disagree with you cuz at the end aj is a farmer she trys her best and I hate rarity she is sooooo sassy atleast she is friendly she should be the element of sassy ness
Why? One word: STERYOTYPE!!! She's got NO original character!!! I have seen her character in SOOOOO many other cartoons, getting over the same issues OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! It's getting boooooring!!!! Another example for this is rarity.
Rainbow is brave, not afraid to fight Applejack is strong both inside and out If more people were like pinkie the world would be a better place Raritys character always surprises me Twilight can shoot lasers from her face lol
And flutters? Ummm... uhhhhh.... She can speak to animals??? Idk
Everyone I won't pick any pony there school is fantastic and they have a few flaws 1 Aj She may be this same awesome stat s as rainbow but she is a pony who is very fooled easily like on call of the cutie
Apathetic sounds like she want to get attention from everyone in PonyvillLike how good she isInIn my friends party is twilight she’s so adorable and cute and can steal them both adorable so hard babe you’re right I hate Florida to she’s so annoying she’s so annoying Florida is the only real Alacon
Gacha Fan 05182017-06-21 20:57:56 (edited 2017-07-05 20:35:16 )
My fav ponies: 1. Fluttershy She is kind and adorable and she even is my inner pony! We both love nature, have a little brother, are shy and good at singing (I didn't to brag) 2. Rainbow Dash She is REALLY loyal (no matter how much bronies don't notice it) She actually learns from her mistakes and she is determined no matter what. She'll do her best to get what she wants as long as she doesn't hurt others. I'm also a lot like her 3. Applejack She is the best role model of the mane six. She's always honest and loyal to her family and friends. She cares about her sister very much and does her best to protect her even if she gets over protective. And I can relate to her worrying for Applebloom. 4. Twilight. Twilight is always organized and wants for everyone to be alright. She's the best pony she can be. Episodes such as Friendship is Magic part 2 and Lunar Eclipse show wonderful character development for her. And she learns from her mistakes no matter what was the coincidence and gives others a second chance when THEY ALSO learn from THEIR mistakes. 5. Pinkie Pie. I'm not against her in any way just that I like one through four even more. She shows to be brave even if it's not in the way you expect. She also truly shows that she cares about everyone. She'd go completely out of her way (shown in the episode "A friend in deed") just to make others feel happy. 6. Rarity Ugh! I'm sick of HER! Rarity is generous and all but besides of that she needs to get a whole lot better! In the episode "For whom the Sweetiebell Toils" instead of helping Sweetiebell Rarity goes to sleep because Sweetiebell is upset. She can't just touch dirt because she freaks out! That's too much of a stretch! She can just take a bath no pity! Honestly I think she is far too worried about her clothing. I understand that's her life and all but needing a GALLON for a single little patch of mud on one of her dresses. That far tooooooooooo much! I appreciate her in episodes like Art of the dress (I think that's the name) were she works hard to make her friends happy but for most of the series, she's best character she could be. I'm KNOW she can do better than most of the series shows. She just needs to TRY or just put more effort into it.
don't the bubbles for Kim work I always forget her name but she's terrible I mean seriously she looks so Derpy that's literally her name that's terrible I mean she's the one of the least developed characters
I like mane pony Because , I see the Sony fo friendship this song name is Flawless , I like that song sooo. Much, Sony say all is not perfect , you see that 🐎🐎❤️❤️
1. fluttershy2. twilight3. starlight glimmer4. apple jack5. pinkie pie6. rainbow dash7. rarity I very dislike rarity because she is very girly and is a drama queen.
+Becky Cronin Omg those sentences made me cringe so much. It's "In an episode, Diamond Tiara realized she is mean, and she stands up to the pony that's making her mean. The pony is... HER MOM!"
Mine is probably Trender Hoof.. the reason why is how can he discover something thatwasnt even created or how can he predict something before its announced and... HIS.SENCE.OF.STYLE!! REALLY!? It's just no... for me so that's who my lest fav pony is im sorry to all that like him... :(
Before watching video: Objectively, Applejack is best pony and Rainbow Dash is worst. Began watching: The only issue anyone has with her, is that she's flawless. That is her flaw. How the hell can she be the worst then?! Finished watching: Applejack made such grand strides in not being stubborn anymore that she wrote the infamous friendship letter to Celestia that was entirely her boasting about being right. That episode summed her up so well. Even when she got in over her head, she was willing to change things up for the better. She got over her one flaw quickly. too quickly. Meanwhile Fluttershy, your idea of a best pony, was still struggling to learn the same lesson she'd had over and over again. You are deeply confused if you think AJ is flawed, when her entire character is being so perfect that she becomes dull.
Pesonally I think twilight is the worst because she gets so much attention. I mean, why should she be the ONLY princess of friendship when she would be worthless without the rest of the PONIes. I think that all the main 5 should be princesses or if it really had to be only one of them it should be pinkie pie because she is friends with everyone in ponyville she always makes people smile and everything. Right. Rant over.
Twilight because she gets way to much attention and shouldn't be the only princess
Fluttershy because she's so timid and shy that it annoys, sure she can scare a dragon but she herself is scared of a leaf and let's a bunny control her
Ya you should see the episode when twilight trys to make it up to moon dancer and twilight didnt know pinkie pie knew menuet so pinkie pie said and you call yourself the princess of friendship
She is CRAZY.If she will be princess then future of equestria will be Crazy.She probably woud make party in every house and nobady coud do enytihink becuse,she woud be princess
I don't like Twilight, she just so... full of herself with her new role as princess. Sunset Shimmer is my fav, although she is a EG character when she was first released. Anyway, back to Twilight. She always seems to rub it in that she is a princess and the rest of the mane 6 aren't. " As the princess of Friendship" - T.S. ALL FORMAL SENTENCES ARE STARTED THAT WAY!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?! Answer: Because she is princess of friendship My reply: So? She doesn't have to RUB IT IN.
but nobody can choose what you like only you can choose what you like let me explain lets say you really like oreo cookies but somebody else might like chocolate chip 🍪 cookies they said no you should eat my kind of cookies but they cannot choose what you like only you can choose what you like.Get it now?
My mlp best to worst 1st:twilight 2nd:fluttershy 3rd:rarity 4th:Pinkypie 5th:applejack 6th:rainbow dash Edit:I hate rainbow dash cause she always showsoff cheets and hardly shows the element of loyalty
My least favorite character is Pinkie pie because she’s just... annoying. She’s in everyone’s business all the time, she doesn’t back off, even when you tell her to go away, and I already have two little sisters like that! I don’t need one more
STOP BRAGGING AND BEING SELFISH RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone only likes your sonic rainbom and rainbow mane. (I am sorry, i know i am being harsh)
Least Favorite: FLUTTERSHY- she is so sweet it really makes my head explode in the episodes. And those eyes.... yeah and lack of flaws other then - too kind, (not a flaw) and not assertive - Sorry if you like her
So Turtleee she does have flaws... wait, hmm. Let me think... she lets herself get pushed around a lot, so quiet that she misses out on things... uhhh, that's all i can think of...
Interesting opinion there. Ok, I cannot think of many flaws for her, I’ll give you that. BUT STILL, I love her forever!! Although I am not offended by anyone’s opinion, just as long as they are not rude about it.
Your wrong after an episode and pushes anyone else even her she got scared by herself and not scared when the situation is for her friends and her means she's one of sweetest characters in the whole mlp befriended a king of chaos and does put on a brace face in ain't easy being breezies
@fox_in_michigan then when she decides to be assertive she turns into an unreasonable asshole. It's either too shy or too much of an asshole. That makes her 2 dimensional, which is a weak character.
I don’t like rarity because how she only care about famous like all of her friends help her and she doesn’t care really that much oboe her friend like when they first met she was trying to make her look nice and that’s rude maybe they like that hair style maybe she won’t even be friends with her
My least favorite pony is Rainbow dash because of one thing: In a whole episode she tried to stop Winter (my favorite season) And she didn't listen to Fluttershy (my favorite pony) About hibernation!
seriously why all the hatred just because she wanted to stop winter can u honestly tell me u had a friend who was about to move away and u didn't try to get them to stay she didn't want to be without her new best friend who saved her and choose her and she didn't want to believe fluttershy because saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do tank is her main friend all the other ponies live close to their family rainbow dash is all alone...
Rainbow isn't will not be a jerk she stop because she was scared for tank to go and cried after trying to stop because of tank and she didnt care to fluttershy because she thought he can't and remember rainbow dash is competitive and a hero to others and she will for her friends and in may the best pet win she learned how to care a pet no matter what and plus Flawless Every Pony were not flawless And I'm her give proof
My least favorite pony has to be.................................................Pinkie Pie (Already hears hate comments) Think about it, shes loud, cliche, and never ever will take a serious situation, like when you go over to her and softly say "My grandmother died could you set a dinner up in her honor?" Expecting nice clean set up tables but NO you may get a pink room with the table looking like a 5 year old's bday party. Second of all she has no character other than being happy and smiling all the time. At least AJ is an honest, hardworking, and loving pony, "BUT SO IS PINKIE PIE!" Calm DOWN people, she has NO flaws known. I have SO many more reasons but I'll keep it short. (This is MY opinion) Btw Maud Pie is so much better I'd rather watch her for 5 hours than pinkie for 1.
huh interesting opinion. but I think pinkie has way more depth that you see. she has struggled with identity crisis is too many pinkie pies. and with extreme self doubt in party of one. so much so she goes back to her sad unhappy self as a filly. and when asked to be serious she is. or if she reads the situation. but she is an extreme optimist which always lightens the mood when things get too bad. but thats just my opinion :)
Why did you comment then? If your tiny little mind wasn't dead because you destroyed it with your hate! Look here five year old if you READ it all it's my opinion, Geez I didn't say I didn't like her GOD, AND I'M COMMENTING on the "Worst pony video" Not "The best" Their opinions on the best are over there! Look Rarity always prepares everyone always giving, AJ hardworking doing her best, RD always willing to stay with her friends and protect them, Fluttershy may calm them, Twilight leads them, and Pinkie well helps them smile? I mean I guess her pinkie sense is helpful but really? It's my opinion.
Usually I'll get mad, but you proved your point actually well. Pinkie Pie IS my favorite pony, but she isn't to you. She brings the fun to me, and doesnt to you. I respect that. you have a pretty good point then I seen here.
It is only my opinion ^^ I understand that she can be funny but when she matures just an inch then maybe I'll consider her. I do still like when she breaks the 4th wall and is with Maud.
LionesslionLover AJ she can take a serious situation, especially if it involves her friends. Remember pinkie pride? She was wrong in that episode, same with party of one (i thought that was pinkies's best episode, it showed an "alter ego" of pinkie, like more character development) i understand how you wouldn't like her though.
LionesslionLover AJ Every video I come across always has that one animal jam player XD Dont blame ya, I make some AJ(PW) videos too! And pinkie is my least favorite as well. She messed a lot of stuff up in the MLP movie and is just a bit too hyper for me...
well you are right to have your own opinion but i don't think calling someone a five year old won't help anything I mean but I do admire you giving out your opinion but maybe if a hater comes just let them hate ( not to be a hater just saying )
Don't act grown up. Yes , I didn't like pinkie pie before but I realized she's the best and no one will be happy without her. happiness is the key to friendship.
you are right cuz off all Apple Jacks Evans Apple she brings up apples at 4 everything I bet a big mack comes around she would say put on but on tap in fry could see your Apple
1. Pinkypie: she's PINK she is always happy (and a little crazy) and makes jokes and breaks the 4th wall. 2. Fluttershy: she's sweet and very kind and her pet is funny and amazing plus she turned into a batpony. 3. Rainbow dash: RD is the one who gave the mane six there cutie marks even though she seems tough she has soft feelings and I love tank. 4: Applejack: .....she isn't all bad....her dogs cute....and she's a bit more loyal then RD 5. Rarity: ok.....she is....sigh ALL SHE CARES ABOUT IS HER SELF AND FASHION LIKE COME ON!!!! 6. princess Twilight sparkle: ok Twi is a pony sue to me. She's super smart,always gets the job done, I think she got cheated into being a princess (sorry for the people who like her and dis agree) and when she gets stressed SHE BECOMES MAD AND SHE ALMOST MADE PONY VILL GO MAD plus Luna is best princess pony (lol again just my opinion)
Haylie Bunny um........TWILIGHT IS BEST PONYYYYYYYY and also...She is NOT a mary sue. She has flaws. example: wanting every single thing to be perfect at the point of going completely insane.
Flutterdash MLP I understand why you would like her and other people like her too I just never got attached to her.... And not everyone likes the same things it was just my list and opinions I don't want to fight about this and I hope I didn't make you too mad. :D PS I like Twi in some ways but she's just not my favorite.
1: Twilight 2: Fluttershy 3: Pinkie pie 4: apple Jack 5: Rarity 6: Rainbow dash I dislike rainbow because she is a bragger and in one episode just runs away from pinkie pie and rainbow is just so sad when mysterious mare do well takes her place
StaryDayMLPLoverLane sorry I didn't answer awhile back. my mom didn't let me have my phone because of my grades so I'm going to Valerie's house to spend the night with Kynleigh. She said I could take it and that's why I didn't answer till now so... thanks
@Flutter guy What's wrong with wanting to win all the time? She's not selfish at all either. Giving up your dream for your friends is not a selfish act, which is exactly what she did in Wonderbolts Academy.
@Flutter guy THANK YOU. I don't hate RD, but she has a lot of flaws and most people doesn't seem to care about it just because she's cool and all and she is one of the fandom's favorite.
@clivinator baitor point me to a video where sombody is saying that she is worst pony, there are plenty of people commenting that but there isn't anyone on youtube with alot of subs saying it because if they sayed that on video they would lose 80% of there subs, you see what i mean?
@clivinator baitor rainbow is the foxy of mlp made worse by the fact that she becomes more annoying because she is an only okay at best charactor doesn't deserve the love she gets
@shadow bonnie she does deserve it because she's gotten the most development of any of them, and the best episodes. I don't see the other ponies doing anything that great, so I don't see why they should get more love.
@clivinator baitor yeah your just another, "rd is perfect shut up if you say she has a flaw" person you don't know anything she's lurned the same lessons over and over
@shadow bonnie I don't think she's perfect, I think her flaws are what make her interesting though. I want to know more about why she is the way she is. Maybe if you actually gave her more thought, you'd understand why she's such a good character. Not perfect, but good.
+clivinator baitor err.... she kind of left her friends to lose to fly with the wonderbolts remember..? I don't like rainbow myself I feel like applejack already has most the good traits ranbow has which to be fair.. isn't alot...
here's the thing, i don't really care if people like her or not, but saying she isn't deserving of her element is what really sets me off, because that's straight up crap.
+clivinator baitor yeah, but exactly how many times has Rainbow Dash was TRULY loyal? I mean, think about it, Rainbow Dash has only loyal in about 5 episodes out of, I don"t know 110 episodes!
@StarLight ShineBright She's loyal in every episode just be being with her friends. Besides, being loyal isn't her sole character trait. Just because she doesn't show true loyalty in every episode doesnt' mean she isn't loyal. Rarity rarely shows generosity, Applejack is rarely honest, Pinkie isn't funny in every episode, Fluttershy is a bitch h several times. I guess that means they don't deserve their elements either.
+clivinator baitor Sure EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, Rainbow Dash is with them, right? fine i will admit it, I have been harsh, but I just can't see why people like Rainbow Dash so much....well nobody's the same Right? I apologize.
That IS true but there's more stuff that I NOT happy with RD, In 'Super breezy, cider sqweezy' RD LOVED Flim and Flam's Cider, and she didn't thought of AJ's Cider, she just kept on liking Flim and Flam's Cider. In 'RD Falls Back' RD pretty much Gives up on being in the main 5's team, and goes and joins the wonderbolts. But to be honest, I LOVE how RD has a place to love her pet, Tank. And that's the complaining I had to say about RD, So yeah..... Good ideas though!
1- Fluttershy- I LOVE her because she is adorable and sweet, and I love her character development throughout the show, and I like animals just like her 2- Rainbow Dash- Yeah, I know she brags a LOT about herself, and it annoys me too sometimes, but she’s just so AWESOME and funny 3- Rarity- I love her dramatic personality, and she’s just so adorable, and I love her fashion hobby 4- Pinkie Pie- She’s soo funny and entertaining and energetic!! I also find her very adorable, and she always knows how to make anyone smile, and I like her singing voice 5- Twilight- It’s not that I don’t like her, I just don’t really enjoy her all that much.. but I kinda enjoyed her bookworm personality and talents in magic. I liked her the most when she was a quirky unicorn, but her being an alicorn princess is good too 6- AppleJack- She’s my least favorite pony too. I liked how you pointed out her obliviousness and stubborn nature, and how many fricken times she says the word “apple”.. 😒But I liked how easygoing AppleJack was, and I enjoyed her accent, but she just wasn’t my favorite.
1. Twili because similarities 2. RC (Rainbowcrash) Because she was the first pony from mlp i´ve ever seen and she´s also one of the reasons why i started watching the show 3. Psycho (Fluttershy) I need to admit it was hard to decide between RC and psycho but she´s just a little bit too shy. But i really like her relation with discord. 4.Pink Thuglife pony (pinkie) Because she kinda got annoying with her always happy mindset 5. AJ (Apple jack) well Notion just explained it. 6. Rarity I don´t even have a nickname for her that explains it all. Let me cite Eva Smith: "Rarity because she calls herself pretty, and she's all like this: '' FLUTTERSHY, DARLING, HOW COULD YOU!? YOU NEVER WORK THE DRESS I MADE! I TOOK ME HOURS TO MAKE!!!!!!!!!!!''😐 I know you are probably thinking I'm going to far on this, but Rarity is always caring about fashion, and barley anything else. I like her, but not as much as I like the others. She always cares about what is least important, like fashion, than what is more important, like chafing taking ove f Equestria."
Yalla yalla inkavalla I really really I don't mind I'm really kind well because she's the most generous Pony ever she never means to harm any Pony if you make me do Pinkie Pie's promise I will I will do it I promise I will do it don't make me do it because I will so don't make me do it please from Fluttershy
My opinion for worst pony, rainbow dash. Ugh just here me out. Rainbow is very self senterd and diterminded, and trust me being determined is a great thing. But when it puts others at risk its not good. Like in the iorn pony competition she was willing to send aj up a montain to win! THERE COULD HAVE BEEN A ROCK SLIDE!!!!!!!!!! And when the derby racing came along she didn't give a care in the world what scootaloo had to say about her cart, she just wanted to make the fastest cart to win! She is also brutally honest. To be so brutally honest could hurt others feeling abd self confidence. Honesty is a good policy but kindness is a better one in my opinion.
-doesn't keep her promises (beginning of Dragon Quest she screws over RD) -too much of a coward to help her friends when they need her (Power Ponies) -has the most annoying fanbase ever
No hate on this... But my opinion on the worst pony, is Twilight Sparkle. She is super crazy, focuses too much on magic, and is way to much of a fan favorite! Blah blah blah TWO HOURS LATER FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC! ENOUGH. WITH. THAT. SAYING!
dis who i like >.< 1.Pinkie cause she is kind lol 2.apple jack WHERE MY APPLE JACK HOMIES AT??? 3.raanbowdash i guess -_- 4 fluttershy 5.twlight 6.rarity
+Avery Fleming actually, I do sort of like Twilight. She reminds me of well, me. It's just that she gets too much attention lately. And also, don't get mad at someone just because their thoughts are different from yours.
.......... i dont like you now. apple jack is my favorite pony cause first off im a texan! and second she really cares for her faimly i know its your list but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! :C
GlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl well, she's my middle pony. I agree with him on "whos the best pony" yeah its fluttershy. but I think rarity is the worst.
Look, he clearly said "this is only my opinion so sorry haters" and your saying that! Did you even watch the video??? I love Apple Jack but can you at least not shout about it when he said it a THE FIRST 30 SECONDS OF THE VIDEO
Kendra Tyler I'm sorry but you can't tell her what she needs or doesn't need to get over cuz you are not the boss of her or him or it how does that make you feel think about it God!!!
1. Twi 2. RD 3. Apples 4. Pink pony 5. rarity 6. The shy one I dislike Fluttershy because first- I think she gets too much love and I love breaking the system, second- I dislike her because she's "kawaii" and I hate that kind of people.
I admit, rainbow can be amusing, but she acts like a stuck up jerk. she things she’s the best thing ever to set foot in equestria and needs to be praised for everything and can’t be seen doing anything that may give her a bad image. Prideful jerk of a pony... JK! Although I don’t like rainbow all that much, she isn’t the worst ever. I feel like she can be really funny, but she is a bit self absorbed, and I get being awesome is, well, awesome, I just don’t see why she can’t go to the spa with her bffs or thinking something is cute even though that’s not the most heroic thing to do. Sorry I have a lot to say about rainbow dash.
Greatest to least (MY OPINION): Apple Jack Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy Pinkie Pie
I don't really like Pinkie because she is just always so hyper and it's rare to see any other emotions from her apart from if the episode is focused on her. It's just so common to see her like that, and might get kinda bland to see her after a while. Then again it gets rather boring for my eyes to see such a color scheme, just really 2 shades of pink. And in the MLP movie she did mess up a few times (not saying that she didn't do anything good, saying she did show her flaws in the movie 3 times) that just made you think "PINKIE! Oh come on not again... -_-". I do not hate her, she is just the last on my list. Others might have another opinion, and I respect that. We all have our favorites so if you like Pinkie I won't hate you. Just what I think.
1 Fluttershy because she is so kind and loves nature and animals like me. 2 Pinkie Pie she is excited and loves cupcakes and sweets like me. 3 Twilight Sparkle because she is very serious and loves to read like me. She's also a very good leader. She also has magical Talent. 4 Rarity it's not that I don't like her but sometimes she can be a little annoying but not all the time. 5 Applejack it's not that I don't like her but she kind of doesn't really represent honesty all the time. I mean she represents loyalty instead of honesty. 6 Rainbow Dash ugh I don't really like Rainbow Dash so much. Sure she is the oldest of loyalty and that's very important but sometimes I think she brags about herself too much. And I like her dream about being a Wonderbolt but I don't know she kind of Bragg's like I said and I don't know if she's just not like me what do you guys think.
Chloe Huxtable also I'm glad u have a open opinnoin but if it's a mean one I don't think u should say that in person or on line. But it's great u have a open opinion.
kawaii animal lover I am not judging but people are like this, they like fluttershy because she’s so kind and everything but all everyone wants is just her love for nature no one actually cares about fluttershy except the people who actually don’t care for what she is ( Animal lover ) if they wanted that opinion on fluttershy they should’ve kept it to themselves ( to brag like you ) Mostly I’d say you learned from rainbow dash to say that when you have your first favorite ( I’m hating on u and I don’t care if people hate on me for hating on you ) Don’t like you anymore
The Doggie Six - Official Channel No, but it's easier to like a character if you can relate to them. It's okay to choose a favourite because of personal reasons, and not just because you like their character. ☺
Of course she needs to brag about herself that's her character flaw like Pinkie Pie's annoying and Twilight he's overprotective and Fluttershy's to caring about animals and sometimes annoying I mean I love animals like a normal person but still character flaws I say
Think about it, wihtout her, what wold the show be, and she isn't exactly worthless. I admit she isn't my favorite (because I don't have one, but if I HAD to, she wouldn't be there) but she still has redeeming qualities, now I appreciate The Brony Notion for mentioning this, but two or three definitely isn't just it.
My least favorite pony is Rd first she isn't really loyal the only episodes she is loyal is the pilot wonder bolt academy and rainbow falls she is also a show of. In testing 123 she doesn't care about passing the test
@Edson Salgado i respect your opinion, but i am going to have to disagree. My least favourite pony is twilight. Although, i do agree that rainbow dash doesn't deserve her element.
@Edson Salgado The pilot (almost all the two parters actually), Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow Falls (she was in the end and that's all that matters), Griffon the Brush-off, Dragon Quest, Hurricane Fluttershy, as well as always being the first to volunteer to help out when they need it.
That's way more than 4, and can think of several more too. Suck it.
The first part of the pilot she doesn't do anything loyal, you got me on wonder bolts academy , yah but she should have been loyal the whole episode, hurricane fluttershy not really more like supporting, trade ya she fucking sold out flutter shy for a fucking book then again she is like me (making it a little funny)
1. Applejack(y she last 😢) 2. Twilight Sparkle 3. Fluttershy 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rarity 6. Rainbow Dash
Edit: I dont like rainbow dash's arrogance. Its too much for me to like her. If somepony were to say "my highest cloud busting number in 3 hours was 100!" she'd respond with "pfft i can do that in my sleep. You really need a lot of work" and she might say that to a child. She can be so rude especially to fluttershy. Being impatient and mean to her in Dragonshy and mildly forcing her to try to be in the tornado in another ep. All this too someone who was bullied for a long time and has plenty of social issues and has trouble with standing up for herself. While these problems solve themselves and even help fluttershy, she's too hard on her. She also has a lot of earlier moments of not being loyal. Example, when Spitfire wanted rainbow to fly with cloudsdale and not ponyvile. She almost does, but fakes an injury so she doesnt have to pick. She eventually does pick ponyvile but she almost flown with people she honestly doesnt know too well but her admires vs friends who have been with her through so much and helped teach her valuable lessons and be a better pony.
@Bri Mac none taken. But actually fluttershy was too scared to face the dragon so she went back to ponyville. Then the mane six tried different ways to make the dragon leave and rainbow dash kicked its nose so that made it angry. Fluttershy was setting the dragon straight and it stopped attacking. She actually saved them
They are similar, but I dont use it as a staple like the Pewds does. I just use it as an outro because the brohoof is like the main brony greeting and it's a good way to end conversation.
She is worken on it .....haters gonna hate hate hate i shake it off shake it off.... Ok i will no longer try to murder you.... Continues singing song to keep myself calm
my least favroute is Twilight because i know she is a princess but think of here before she even came to ponyville she didnt even care out her friends she only cared about books and magic!
Personally, Twilight is the worst. She was the only pony to become an alicorn, even though her friends understand friendship just as much as she does! She was always the biggest character with the most development. It wasn't much of the mane 6 especially in season 1, it was more like twilight and the other 5 ponies, in season 4 its definitely the best since there's no more letters to Celestia, although that does mean no more crazy twilight, but that's not the point my point here is that after a while all the ponies started writing but Celestia only appeared to write to twilight.
I didn't like the letters to Celestia. And I'm glad it stopped. But I don't really like the journal much. It didn't appear much... I kinda feel like the writers don't like it either.
Twilight was Celestia's student. Also the fact that she went from completely anti-friendly to becoming the figure of friendship is what had Celestia centered around her to becoming a princess. There is also the fact of twilight's element. Twilight's element is magic, is it not? Well, in "return of harmony: part 2" Discord's chaotic influence got a hold on Twilight as it did to her friends. Her friends all became the exact opposite of their element of harmony. But, what is the opposite of magic? You can't say it's no magic, that doesn't make sense, she was still able to use her magic. The answer is in the title of the show. "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"..."FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC" There for, her element of magic is actually the element of friendship, thus her becoming an enemy to the rest of the main 6 and also becoming the princess of friendship for that's what her element actually is. That is why Twilight is the princess of friendship and not any of the others
@BlueButterfly YOu are right, Twilight Sparkle was destined to be the princess, she is the most powerful unicorn and that is why she became an alicorn power, understanding of friendship and magic...
Applejack or Rainbow Dash have no special abilities or anything, they just represent one part of friendship, and i am sure there are more ponies who can represent their elements of harmony, but only ONE true element of MAGIC, Twilight represents friendship itself. While the other ponies only a small part each
thats a great piont I mean why couldn't the other 5 have there own life as a princess that would be a great sub as in like the 6 princesses of harmony I think it would be really cool!!!!,,
@Makenna Johnson how old are you?. i mean .. "cool" of course, but it would be pointless, ... it would be cool having transformers fighting changelings but where is the story telling in that??..
Having 6 princesses would be cute but not a great story, it would be TOO MUCH , 4 alicorns is enough. Besides only Rainbow Dash appear to be powerful and/or special (sonic rainboom) the other four are regular ponies
I don't think that all 6 of the Mane Six ponies should become Alicorns. They didn't do anything special to become them...and it wasn't their destiny. Also, should I mention that it would be kind of...well...pointless to have 9 princesses in Equestria.
@Pokemon Series' I think ur coment is idiotic because they would be princeses of what there cutie marks represents. For fluttershy kindness, for applejack honesty, rainbowdash loyalty, and for pienkie pie laughter I mean we've already seen what pony ville would be like without pinkey pie in the season 3 fanaly so yes it does make sense
@Dillan Daniels Dont you mean what there elements are? Because if they were the princesses of what their cutie mark represents then Fluttershy would be animals, Applejack would be apples, Rainbow Dash would be like weather or racing or something, Pinkie would be parties and Rarity would be fashion.
She is the best pony btw if u like RainbowDash I'm sorry she is my 2nd least favorite pony she thinks she is too cool. Twilight is the wisest and helps the other ponies
@LegendaryQuake Yeah but she also complains about being a princess all the time. Exaples: EQG: doesn't like her wings and is unsure of her role as a princess. Trade ya! thinks that watching over the traders fair isent important. Twilight's kingdom: Thinks she inset getting enough to do and again unsure of her role. And in Bats! She didn't even appear to think about Fluttershy's side imminently joining Aj. And in Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 she doesn't think that making Rainbow study like her or other ponies wouldn't work until near the end. @Twilight Sparkle No offence to you but really im sick of your constant whining.
I see. I've been told 2 fanfic stories about the parents. 1. Applejack received the hat before they died to timber wolves, and 2. The parents fell off a bridge trying to save Rarity. They fell down the river and the dad's hat was left in front of her.
If all of the others became alicorn princesses, there would be a princess of honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, and kindness, which I like the idea of but then there would be 10 princesses....
Think about it this way guys. Even with 9 alicorns they would still be rare think about how many ponies are in equestria. Is 9 really that big of a number? And Hasbro would actually probbably like the idea because ya know... BUY OUR TOYS!
I'm half with you. I like Twilight. She's the series protagonist what she experiences we experience with her. On the other hand I cant really like her all that much. For me the main character of any given series is the one that I well... don't enjoy nearly as much. They become tedious at times handling situations way differently than I would have, or they become obnoxious because you want to see more of their cooler friends get screen time.
Yes, it's true that twilight isn't the only pony who really understands friendship. All six do, but the difference is Twilight knows magic better than any other pony (except for maybe Celestia and Luna). Because friendship is magic, twilight is the most qualified. 😄
Personally im my opinion i dont really like rainbowdash i mean she isnt really modest always bragging how awesome she is and take equrstra (sorry if its missed spelled anything) girls she challenged twilight in a one on one and when twilght loses she said are u kidding nobody can beat me! So that m least favorite pony my favorite pony is twilght she always has when i first saw the show without her (or a pony just like her and diffrent name) there just wouldnt be a show. It would be kind of off track without a goodie two shoe and know it all the show would be like how do i say this hmm blan i honestly think it wouldnt be much of a show without her sorr if i counfussed any of u!
Brightfang is cool, this has gone too far! Saying that I SHOULD DIE IS JUST WRONG!! Listen, I know that we both said somethings that we are probably regretting right now, but sayin you want someone to die is just too far! Im so srry that I hurt ur feelings, i wish that i could make up for it, but plz stop sayin that i should die. I never told u to die and called u names! Just lets put this behind us and just say srry to each other. So to +BrightFang is cool i am soooo very srry that i hurt ur feelings and i wish i could makeup for it. Cant we cats and dogs just get along?🐱🐶
I never killed cats! In fact i had kittens at my house and help them find forever homes! Plz i just want to apologize for this entire comment 'war' sayin to each other that the other one should 'die'. I just want to say srry, can u ever forgive me
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 Does it make you feel better to make me feel bad by calling me a dog brain and sayin that im dumb and i should die?! Your a cyberbully!!! A jerk!!! I've been apoligizing but all u have been doin is making me feel bad!!! U know wat, IM DONE WITH THIS I HOPE UR SATISFIED JERK!! U RUINED YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE PLUS WHILE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET U TO FORGIVE ME!!! FORGET THIS!!😡😡😡
@***** u need to be nice because im a warriors fan and i like dogs because im aslo a fan of survialer so just be nice u jerk so go say sorry to Rachel Garcia
@***** Enough's enough! I love cats too but that doesn't mean I cant like dogs! Stop forcing your beliefs on others! And a true cat lover WOULD give away kittens if they were fostering them because they care about the kittens and want them to have good homes! Just respect @Rachel Garcia 's opinion and say your sorry already, she just want's to be forgiven.
Brightfang i don't acted like that i'm good person ( unless they call me dumb or something ) so lets all forget this ever happened and live are tiny lives and forgive each other lol OK
@Emily Renee No. Just no. I understand it's all opinions, but I just don't agree with you... I think there should only be 2 Alicorns, but I guess 3 is fine, but why 4? I agree with @Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys on this one.... Twilight's friends understand friendship a lot more than she does.
I still don't like Twilight. She's too "Mary Sue"ish, which means she's too perfect in every way. I like a character with flaws, not perfect characters.
@DJ WOLF-3 You kidding me?! Twilight was Princess Celestias student thats why she became an alicorn and not the others plus rainbow dash wouldn't even want to be an alicorn princess she would most of all like to be in the wonder bolts! And twilights not the worse she has flaws to but shes not my favorite.. I'm just saying that you shouldn't be so naive to her if you got opinions keep them to yourself if there bad ones.
@Mysterious Pixelated Blur Just 'cause your a princesses student dosen't mean you have to be a princess, Sunset shimmer was her student too. And I respect your opinion, but no opinion is a "bad" one per-say.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Well then keep your offensive opinions to yourself and sunset shimmer left equestria. witch explains why she didn't become a princess plus she never found about friendship and I doubt she could become a princess now and yes twilight was the only one that could become a princess because she was also the closest to celestia. And once again she learned all about friendship im not saying the others didn't but they weren't royalty or anything if overall twilight was royalty before becomming an alicorn because well kinda cause Brother captain of the gaurd celestias student and the others it would just be weird to have like 10 alicorn princesses their supposed to be rare.
@Mysterious Pixelated Blur I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone here. I know all about sunset shimmer's situation, and I was just saying that because she is the only other celestia's student that we know of. Twilight was not royalty until now. Captain of the royal guard is Not a position of royalty, plus her parents weren't royalty (as far as we know). 10 out of thousands possibly millions or even billions of ponies is still rare. Again not meaning to offend you, or anyone but one last little thing, putting your harsh opinion on someone else's "mean" opinion is being a bit hypocritical, considering your doing it yourself in the process.
Twilight is not the worst, My favorite is Fluttershy and Pinkie pie, my least favorite is Rainbow dash. Twilight us bit the worst, she became a princess because she is the element of friendship, not loyalty! :/
@liger lover I agree with you. Though I kinda like fluttershy I love pinkie pie! My ships for them are fluttershy and Sombra (I just think he would like some company of kindness and I think they would be a funny couple) and Pinkie and Cheese I know its cheesy but there so cute :3
So, you're upset because Twilight outshines all her friends? Why are all those bad qualities? She's hardly stuck up, and character development is a good thing.
@Lianna Persha I'm not saying character development is bad, i'm saying that she is way more develped than the others. It's the mane 6 not Twilight and those other 5. I don't recall saying she was stuck up, and I don't think that she is. @Mysterious Pixelated Blur thanks ;3
I agree I think Twilight is the worst it's not that I hate her it's just I feel like now she's a princess she'll be all perfect now and start teaching everyother pony about friendship I think in season 4 they hinted to that. Twilight has just as many flaws as every other pony and she should not get any special treatment. I hope in season 5 the other 5 will play a bigger part and i agree with Pony Notion about the apple thing but i'll set that aside for now.
Well duh celestia only sends letters to twi since spike is usually with her and it's more convenient in that sense. Now twi isn't my favorite either, but for me Rarity takes the bottom of the list. Twilight became an alicorn because of her advancement in her studies and her lessons on the magic of friendships. I hope maybe someday the whole mane 6 will be princesses
I also kind of think twilight is the worst. ( Pssst... My favorite is Fluttershy -squee-😄) twilight is kind of boring and she kind of gets crazier than Izzy from total drama sometimes... Sorry for people who don't know who Izzy is. ( look her up 😋) I just, Idk... I just don't really have a thing for twilight.. Anyways, I really like Applejack, she is tied for second favorite in the mane six with Pinkie, Hope you guys like my opinion
Yes I agree that twilight is very unfair, but just think about it, Twilight is also scared of too much responsiblity and she also not that like being an alicorn right? Beside, I also almost always unfair to my friends when winning a design poster competition as Twilight, so for me the way Twilight got the most development is not such a big deal.
You actually explained why she's good. Twilight had understanding of magic, was the star pupil of Celestia, and had more experience as a leader. She's our main, main character so it would make sense right? I hate no character but Snips and Snails, and respect your opinion and you yourself since you weren't being a jerk about it.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Yes! I totally agree! I hate Twilight! She always gets attention and thanks to this, the show could be renamed, "Princess ALICORN Twilight Sparkle and 5 Other Ponies."
Can all of you for the love of god stop commenting. The original comment is like a year old now! I'm done with this entire conversation. And YES I am aware I started it. And now i'm going to attempt to end it. So shut your mouths, all of you.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Really? "Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys"? Sounds like someone's pretty pissed because their favorite pony didn't become a princess. xD Boohoohoo.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I I`m a fan of twilight! How dare you! I....I....Will....will....Um......I will kill rainbow Dash ya! Ya you heard me right! I will find her!
LOL. I`m not trying to Hate. It`s kinda to be a joke. But I do like Twilight. We all like other ponys to be a fav. I just thout it would be funny so ya. Bye.
Deal with it that Twilight is the "only alicorn". Plus you dont need to over-hate and say that she's the worst pony. Plus I think nopony is worst there is only LEAST FAVOURITE.
yes Celestia only writes to twilight becouse SHE HAS THE DRAGON WIT THE ABILITY TO SEND AND RECIVE MESSAGES FEOM CELESTIA AND why whuld she write to anyone but twilight if twilight can just tell the others what celestia wanted them to know
Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys excuse u twillight is caring sure a little bit of the main charectr but just because she went to the school fogifted unicorns and she is special
I don't really like rainbow dash... "That's about 20% cooler" or "your such an EGG HEAD. learn to be cool. " Omg look, there's that word again, Cool. Omg get over it RD not everyone's cool. Ok?
For me Rainbow is such a great pony, I mean not every pony could do best ALMOST at everything right? Beside for me, the way she acting is not the way to tell other to be cool like her, i think its very inspire me,, #Rainbow is my favorite pony so sorry if I insulting#
What? Who gives a crap who their voices by? That's like saying if you like applejack you have to like all of them cuz their all created by Lauren... No! Sometimes people don't like hot headed show offs
To be honest, Rainbow is my least favorite pony, i hate her bragging stuff but what i like about her is she's kinda funny, and my fav pony is Applejack, i'm not a cool type of pony so Rainbow is my least
+Em M Why do you think Fluttershy is the worst?! She's the second funniest in the mane six ( NO PINKIE IS NOT FIRST ) She's shy which I was pretty shy when I was in middle school so I could relate to her.
+clivinator baitor she's also a little greedy does not really care for fluttershy half the time.. she has abandoned her friends multiple times for her own greedy reasons... would you like me to go on?
+clivinator baitor sooo... aj has been mean to every pony in the show multiple times and been greedy half the times she's a main character..? yup... it's my opinion BTW don't get mad...
+clivinator baitor please be more specific... rd or aj..? sorry but if your talking about aj being a jerk... honestly... (get it aj and honest yeah OK..) aj carries alot of the traits from rd mostly the good ones and yes I know she's stubborn but so is rd kind of... she abandoned all of them multiple times and aj gets along with everyone.. and she IS competitive and if someone cheats (which rd did in one episode) she will stand up for it (as well as many other people would) and rd only cards about winning in every episode she competes... applejack did it once... also I just noticed how long this comment is sowwie XD I don't like aj that much either but rd has gotta be my least favorite..
Applejack nearly destroyed ponyville because of her stupid stubborness, she cheated in the running of the leaves, she tried to get in the way of her friends dreams by wanting Twilight's extra Gala ticket for greedy reasons, and she's racist. Fuck Appleshit.
@Kateřina Ložková She did the right thing in the end. That doesn't compare to Applejack nearly poisoning ponyville in Applebucking Season because of her stubbornness.
@The Pudding ya i relate come sit with the pega sisters so you dont get haters. You just get girl i know what you mean i but i like her more for this :3 everyone is happy
1. Pinkie Pie 2. Fluttershy 3. Rainbow Dash 4. Twilight 5. AppleJack 6. Rarity I dislike Rarity because she is really girly and might be generous but is not selfless. She really does seem to care about how her friends look, but is more conscious about herself and always makes a huge deal when something spills on her dress
That was old rarity. She's not my favorite (Flutters is my fav, she relates to me) but she IS selfless. A lot of the times, in the comics. I dunno if you read them, but my personal favorite is Nightmare Rarity. The nightmare substance takes over her, because she just wanted to help everyone, and didn't want to be replaced or forgotten. Rarity is selfless, but she doesn't show it as much in the films. She's a fashionista, and she's gotta do what she's gotta do.
Being generous means she is selfless. She is always putting herself before anyone else. Caring about her looks is simply a part of her character. And throwing shade on her just because shes 'girly' is extremely biased.
Megan Wilson I actually think that Rarity is my favorite pony because of her creativity! Sure she makes sure everything is as perfect as possible, but have you seen The Brony Notion's video "Does Twighlight Have OCD?" Rarity wants to look 👀 good 😊. Such a big deal.😒
Marta Black Snowflake tbh idc if it is ur opinion but i see no way u so much as hate such an innocent character. in dact, shes my favourite. so sure u can put her at the bottom, but dont throw the I HATE HER at us. thats just rude
+Marta Black Snowflake why? I know it's an opinion, but in MY opinion, she's the second best. She is kind and gentle with a passion for animals and has had a lot of development. I don't see a reason to hate her.
никто из пони мне не нравится. в смысле ни с кого я не фанатею. они милые но правитель мира под прикрытием что учит главную шестёрку на протижении многих сезонов лучший. да, я именно про тебя, дискорд!
I am not giving hate to anyone who has other opinions but rainbow dash is my least favorite, apple jack is my 2nd fav after flutter shy. I just think rainbow dash is a little full of herself.
My least favorite character is rainbow dash. She is the element of loyalty but she always abandons her friends. I can only recount two episodes where she's loyal. The pilot and that one episode where she puts her wonderbolt career on the line for her friends.
Lol my opinion fluttershy is the worst pony 1.she's the weakest thing ever 2.she's the most useless 3.she's boring 3. Doesn't deserve her fame (rainbowdash deserves her fame but fluttershy nope) 4.fluttershy maybe has more character development but she just learn the same thing every episodes
Sorry just being Honest i love them all equally but..
I HATE Rarity too. These are my reasons - 1. She is a typical girl who loves fashion. 2. She is almost too much obsessed with beauty. 3. She had a crush on quite a few colts and she literally ditched her love of fashion for getting Trenderhoof's attention. 4. She cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
My favourite episode was of My Little Pony AppleJack is everyone can you show you you know the Keating and he might talk about that can guess what I'm saying you do I watch My Little Pony talking about like Equestria Girls working and making me stronger bye buy find m y me my initials 90 jll JLR
I will put my explanations and likings in order from most to least ( it is very hard to pick because they are all very good characters ) 1. Fluttershy. She is adorable, kind, shy and has the aspects and fears of a regular person. Yes she is passive, at times, but she comes out strong or assertive when trying to help her friends or sticking up for them - think about episode Dragon Shy where she told the dragon off because what he said to her friends. 2. Pinkie Pie. Her optimism and randomness is what really shines bright from the others. She is a good person that can be serious [ on rare occasions ] but she can still be hit hard with sad feelings to where she may act different in personality but that is why she makes it so no one can be sad so that is why we also see a rare occasion of anyone being sad. 3. Twilight. We are able to see more character development from her. Growing over time from when she was Celstia's student to where she is Starlight's teacher and she might think she is a bad techer for not always being able to be there for her student but letting her have space to make her own decisions is a good thing to let her learn independence. [ Also some people might be confused about why Twilight is the Princess of Friendship when the other Mane 6 know just as much about friendship as she does but its not all about how much friendship you know but also about the balance of leadership, optimism, charity, etcetera - Princess Celstia even said the traits you need to be a princess on the day Twilight became an alicorn ] 4. Applejack. Is Honest, Loyal (More than Rainbow tbh) and down to earth. She is also very hard-working but a little too hard-working where she doesnt look after her health but only because she is doing it for a reason to help other people because she can be quite selfless to where she does to much at once because she is an independent pony that its hard to ask for help - which i understand completly. 5. Rarity. She is hard-working, observant, and generous. She isnt as hard at work like AJ but she works hard to make her dreams come true. There can be times where she can be dramatic and seem weak but there are times where you see she is a strong, smart, capable mare (i think i spelled that right) which is shown the time she was kidnapped by the diamond dogs. 6. Rainbow Dash. Is observant, brave, and is also hard-working. She may not seem it but she is also very hard-working to make her dream to be a wonderbolt happen which eventually pays off as seen from season 6. She can be arrogant and lazy at times but she makes up for it by being there for her friends. At least she knows when it's a good time to take a break. [ the only reason she is my least favorite us because she can get too arrogant to where she can get her self in danger ] You dont have to like my list but dont hate on it either because i deserve to have my own opinions just like you.
I love Applejack. In my opinion she has developed and we have learned many new things about her, but she also stays true to her own personality. She still learns from her mistakes, and tries to be as good friend as she can be. But mostly I like her, because I can relate to her so much!
Applejack is a great pony. She has flaws just like the rest of them sure, but the flaws aren't all that make a character. She also has integrity, a great place in her heart for family, and is both loyal and honest (for the most part) (that one episode in season 6 cough cough) (where the Apple lies cough cough).
My least favorite one is....drumroll Rarity. This is why. #1 She is WAYY into fashion. Now you might be saying, "Oh, Pinkie Pie is too into parties and Twilight is too into books." Look. They have had development to stray away from just parties and books. Rarity however, hasn't. That's really it.
twightlight sucks so bad can't people understand that. I feel like twightlight is almost exactly all about her self. she has those friends that just cheer her up all she ever did was fix a problem she made (the cutie Mark cure or something like that) also she gets all the credit for fighting vilines when the others help. And she also gets the most time on the show last but not least she started sending celesia the picture of all the ponies in pony Ville where showing in the picture she's the center of attention also the other main 5 are shoved in there with all the other random ponies Who else agrees with me
During the part where you showed the clips where she was saying "Apple" sometimes I heard "Snapple" I don't even drink Snapple or whatever that juice is called. But I noticed.
1. Pinkie Pie! Honestly it was close between her and the second place character, but Pinkie always makes the episodes better. She's just so unpredictable. 2. Fluttershy! She's just so shy and adorable. I have loved her forever. The first MLP episode I watched was the one where she did a tea party with Discord and she just kinda stuck with me. 3. Rarity! Do I really need to explain? 4. Twilight. She's a really great character but I don't like her because she's too much like me. And when she became a princess, I almost exploded. Her element is already a crown. She's already such a main character. Why'd it have to get more about her?! I just don't get it. Personally, I think someone else should be princess of friendship. 5. Applejack. Boring. 6. Rainbow Dash. Pretty much just a Pegasus Applejack.
I agree with you Apple Jack are stubborn and that's she's all about apples for some reason she wanted to tell her about Apple is one she's trying to you know when one Rainbow Dash is trying to learn about the wonder bolts bolts so I'm guessing Apple Jack is not very smart
Personally i think twilight is the worst one out of the mane 6 because for one she should have never become an alicorn let alone the princess of friendship because she has not really learned any lessons about friendship she actually has put in mostly the things her friend learned about friendship so yes this could benefit her but honestly even is she did learn from this mistakes her friends made she still continuously makes these mistakes and if you did not notice that after the episode Lesson Zero most of the time it is the others writing to princess celestia besides how she became an alicorn honestly if you get to be an alicorn for simply completing a spell which note that that is much simpler than actually writing a spell shouldn't Star Swirled the Bearded have been an alicorn after writing so many spells and on a completely unrelated note why is it that the only alicorns actually seen are female and no males are alicorns even shining armor who is considered a prince
Mane six fav:Apple Jack The Princess:Princess Luna and Brony I'm not being mean but you know the show is for young children to learn right from wrong I love your channel by the way 😂😀
well rainbow dash is kind of when some is like having a problem she points out bad stuff they did that's mean and rarity can be greedy like you learn from flaws my flaw is sometimes at school I'm pretty annoying
My favrote mane six. 1) Rarity. I was going to say twilight and rarity second, but after reading some of the comments about her... 2) Twilight. 3) Fluttershy 4) Pinkie Pie 5) Rainbow Dash 6) Applejack. I dont like her.
Stubborn Minded: That's just a part of her personality, and i think it makes her more interesting. Oblivious: Come on, aren't we all sometimes?? And since she so kind, she could have been saying that to make her sis think she didn't get caught. Least Development: That's the writer's fault. Apples: She is APPLEjack, is she not? And all of the main six have an obsession. Fluttershy - Animals. Twilight - Books. Rainbow Dash - The Wonder Bolts. Pinkie Pie - Party stuff. Rarity - Cloths. And Applejack kinds has to have an obsession, doesn't she? And what better thing for that to be than apples?
i know im late but one thing i dont like about a.j is tht she has no special talent like the other maine 5: Twilight: Princess (i knlw it doesnt really count but to me it does) Fluttershy: The Stare Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Sense Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rain Boom Rairity: Gem Findind Spell
1. AJ(not like you XD)because shes strong honest and loyal but shes a little stubborn. 2.Twilight because she is smart but i dont know why idont like her so much. 3.fluttershy because i love animals a lot like her and also im afraid of hights and a little shy but some times i dont like her personality. 4.RD because shes selfimage pony and yes shes awesome but i hate her a lot. 5.Pinkie because shes always so distractive but i like her because no matter how serious the events are she makes fun of them. 6.Rarity ihate her shes always fashion fashionfashion
I agree applejack sucks because when diamond tiara and silver spoon walked up to apple bloom she thought they were her friends I mean I know applejack is nice and stuff. BUT COME ON
My lest favourite pony is Rarity because out of the main six I relate to her the lest .E.g. I'm fun like pinkie, love animals like Fluttershy, cool like Rainbow, like to get messy like Apple jack and like reading like Twilight, but I'm don't really care what I look like.
6: Rarity 5 Twilight 4: Rainbow dash 3: Fluttershy 2: Apple Jack And if you have seen my other comments on different vids, than you know my FAVORITE is: 1: Pinkie pie.
My favorites: 1. Applejack 2. RD 3. Twilight 4. Fluttershy 5. Rarity 6. Pinkie Pie I mean, Why do you have to make a video about APPLEJACKS flaws. You could at least make a vid on ALL their flaws coz they all have flaws too ya know...
Applejack is my favorate member of the main six but you can have your opinion. 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 (P.S I hate that cliche where a characters say that a villan is a friend.)
I know nobody asked but to my opinion the least pony i like is Rainbow Dash.She is like a bragger and arrogant,she also sometimes doesn't show her element of Loyalty.Although there is somethings i like about RD.She's a prankster and funny and so swag
My least favorite pony is..... pinkie pie. I mean, to me, she is just annoying. She is loud and kind of crazy. Sorry to all the pinkie pie fans but that is my opinion. My favorite pony is either Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. I like that I can relate to Fluttershy's shyness. The reason I like Rainbow Dash is her speed and competitiveness. I relate to that since I run cross country. Just don't expect me to talk to you while I run but I can be competitive.
she says the word,"apple" way to much like what it is all the time, her answers and all always at least has.... APPLE in it like, stop saying apple so much. and I know she loves what she does and all... but she takes this whole apple thing way too far. If you disagree go ahead and disagree if you don't great for you.
Raity. Why because she is just so anoying in my opinion every things she do with her shop just goes on my nerves plus she crys for many animportent things. But besides that I like her 😁
all of the ponys are the worst but then worst worst is rainbow dash. I really wonder why she isn't even loyal when she is the spirit of loyalty.........
WHAT ABOUT RAINBOW DASH AND RARITY??????? They are the worst ponies because rainbow dash is arrogant and is not even loyal. Rarity may be generous but she makes a big deal when her costumes get ruined and she used costumes to help Rainbow with the Wonderbolta exams. Rarity is like " costumes fashion social standing omg I will dedicate myself to this
my favorit is twilight because she not matter dirty or clean she almost like every thing her magic is soo great and her sooo care for her friend.just look the galloping gala episode she okay is her ticket for her friend
1.aj 2.rarity 3.fluttershy 4.twilight 5.starlightglimmer(i dont hate her she's just boring)6.pinkiepie 7.trixie 8.rainbow crash(rainbow dash)9.discord 10.thorax (I don't hate him he is just SUPER BORNIG)
I'm sorry but... I think that either rarity or pinkie pie is the worst. But I have an explanation for my reason. I think that even though pinkie pie is the element of laughter, she can be a little bit annoying with her laughter, predictions and random pop ups. Rarity on the on hand (hoof) is just to sassy for my taste. don't get me wrong I do like fashion but rarity is just not my style..... Anyways, this is just my opinion though
I don't like Rainbow Dash. I mean, she might be pretty but she has a loud and overall annoying personality. Sure she's loyal, but have we really seen her do that much? I liked her ok until the episode "Pranks Later." First, she pranks Fluttershy (best pony) and then LAUGHS at her when she's crying her eyes out. Really? And then later she just completly ignores her friends' requests and keeps on pranking them. And she thinks she's so cool? I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one, but she really isn't.
This is like 1÷0 and makes no sense and 00 do you live I live they all make no sense sorry that was a typo like I said 1÷0 divided by zero makes no sense
I don't like and hate is "fluter shy" because in the best princess video The brony notion vote like a lot for princess twilight because he likes fluter shy .HE CHETED . I am happy now because princess twilight sparkle LOST so now I am happy ☺ and because Luna wan
Will be ready because I don't really like fashion and cheese to fashion Monster I know she loves fashion and all but she is taking it too far in fashion😱😱🙀🙀
My least favourite pony is rarity because she's so darn boring, all she does is go on and on about fashion (yuck it's disgusting) at least apple jack is a fun pony to watch. Rarity is such a simple minded character, I have nothing against her voice actor and it's probably not her fault, I think it's just the script she's reading. I guess she is supposed to be for the lovers of fashion but unfortunately I am not one to love it I just pick a top some trousers and off I go. One last point, her pet is so annoying to watch ,always scratching about and messing things up .But I guess that's my opinion what's your opinion on rarity, reply below? If you enjoy this little argument I've made please thumbs up. THANKYOU!
My least favourite pony is rainbow dash because she doesn't understand that you shouldn't tease your friends and she's not loyal at all and last she's upsesed with herself
In my opinion RARITY is the worst out of the group all the charectors are different in there own way I understand but all rarity talks about j's fasion I mean can't she be like fluttershy or pinkie pie and just talk about something different you now. I am not hating on her but this is my opinion and I hate her the most.
This Is My Favorite To Least Favorite List!You Aj Hater! 1.Sunset Shimmer 2.Pinkie Pie 3.Applejack(The One That You"Hate!) 4.Pinkie Pie 5.Twilight Sparkle 6.Rainbow Dash 7.Rarity(O.B.V.I.O.U.S.L.Y.!)
I absolutely despise Rainbow Dash. I hate how self centered she is, how rude and overconfident she is. I mean, just look at "Testing, 1, 2, 3". She starts off thinking that she'll obviously win, she'll obviously pass. And she didn't even study thinking that it's an "twilight thing". But, after seeing that she has zero chance of passing, she BLAMES TWILIGHT FOR IT, saying that "her study methods aren't all they're cranked up to be", when they were the one of the reasons why Twilight Sparkle is now Princess Twilight Sparkle. Sure, I know the moral is that not everyone has the same study methods, but, wasn't it worth a try? How could she blame Twilight? She was the one who tried to help her! Sorry if this offends any Rainbow Dash fans, I'm fully aware of her good qualities, I just don't like her bad qualities.
I hate Rainbow dash don't judge me I love Fluttershy and Pinkie pie because Rainbow dash is full of herself and I love Fluttershy, because she is lovely and a bit weak but strong on the inside and the reason I love Pinkie pie because she very energetic like me she can bake cakes like me and we love to have fun.😁😄
I’m little at least talk to you don’t like it either check my father like that that’s a good little offensive do you mean so why do you not like her that’s so rude I know that I know why you don’t like you but you kind of being rude to the field at voice Apple Jack that’s kind a rude
Nice video, and totally agree with you. Yet, the "flaws" you dislike her are exactly the reasons I love her. Ponies are loved becuase they are not perfect.
I thought really hard about who my favourite or least favourite of the mane six are, and...I can't decide! As soon as one of them has something I love about them, I'm then reminded of some side of them I'm annoyed by. Every one of them has about as many good qualities as they have flaws. Though that isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it makes all of them more three-dimensional. Nobody, or rather, nopony, is perfect.
its because she represents the element of honesty which means having the quality integrity, staying true to yourself and your opinions. and being simple minded just comes from her cutie mark. Apple the most basic and simple fruit. and she has become more observant refer to the episode applejack's day off.
Apple jacks bad qualities are qualities that a lot of people have from time to time, and in many ways I believe it just makes her more relatable. Like how sometimes a person/pony will have an idea to help others but they become so busy trying to make the idea reality they end up not seeing the actual effect it is having. Applejack is just a friend that tries to help in every situation, even if she have no prior knowledge in whatever her friends need help in which is most likely why she has the random Apple facts, I know within friendship groups I've been a part of there was always one friend that always tried to help no matter what even if they didn't have any clue what to do at all. So I really do believe that apple Jack has all the qualities you mentioned just to make her relatable, in a way it's like a pony version of "you're only human".
I think my least favorite would have to be rainbow dash because she cares more about her ego then her friends at times. She also is brutally honest, like you said, which can make things worse. She is also to hard on her friends, pushing them to far to the point where they cry.
Personally, my least favorite pony is Rarity. Why I dislike her is simple, her personality and nature. I don't like her flirty and girly nature. I watched her sway the mail pony in Canterlot Boutique and it really rubbed me the wrong way. But she has redeeming qualities. I like her struggles and episodes, but the stuff I just listed sorta cancels out my enjoyment of her.
My least favorite ponies are Applejack and Twilight. Twilight is just so depending on being a princess or learning about magic but sometimes she is so caught up in her studies she forgets about her own friends.
in AppleBuck Season, she didn't come up with that idea. Everyone asked her to help, since shes already good at that stuff, and has experience saving Ponyville by herself. She just agreed to all that cause she wasn't thinking straight, DEAL WITH IT!
OK let me be honest, the worst pony not in the mane six (ha ha get it?!) is Derpy because she is quite mad! And the worst pony in the mane six is Pinkie Pie, for the same reason!
In my view, Applejack is in fact quite observant but wants to watch the world burn, except for her own sister of course. Remember how she stops Rainbow Dash from saying untimely words? Also how she lets her own sister doing shit? Certainly, what I said didn't seem to match "Somepony top watch over me" anyhow, since Applejack in that episode is OOC (she had let Apple Bloom stay at Fluttershy's!)
you have good points but still,( I mean I love all the pony's) but why make these videos when in the comments people will argue about who's the best, no matter how many facts you got,.
maybe she pretended to be oblivious in one bad apple. maybe she did that so she could tell them about the babs in a way of not scolding them first. to let them see the fault and fix it themselves teaching them a friendship lesson
The Sexy Cat2016-12-16 21:46:41 (edited 2017-03-27 02:11:47 )
I love Applejack I really do but sometimes her character says a lot bout her so I agree and yes I love fluttershy I mean she is the cutest one in the show
my least favorite is Rarity. her entire character is fashion. The animators dumbed her down to one trait- especially in the EG movies- watch them and you'll see what I mean. In testing testing 123 rainbow needs to know more about the Wonderbolts then what they wear, yet Rarity only offers info about their fashion. I feel like Rarity could be a great character as the element of generosity but all she's done so far is talk about fashion and occasionally give ponies random objects as a simulation of being generous.
P1 Rarity is the pony I least like for several reasons.P2 Rarity is scared of DIRT! P2 She only cares about being clean. C1 Clearly,Rarity is my least favorite pony.
I think that Applejack should have the element loyalty instead bc if u think about it, Applejack lies sometimes. I think that Rarity should have honesty, well, bc I think Applejack shouldn't have honesty. And I think Rainbow Dash should have generosity or something x)
These are my favorite ponies in order 1: Twilight 2:AJ 3: Fluttershy 4: Pinkie pie 5: RainbowDash 6: Rairity (Sorry spelled wrong) Don't yell or hate on me if you disagree it's just my opinion
My favorite pony from the mane six is Pinkie Pie and my least favorite pony is Applejack.You already said all of the reasons I hate Applejack,but another reason I hate her is that she is not very honest to her friends and very honest to her family so its like her friends don't mean much to her.The reason Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony is because she is has her Pinkie Sense,she is kind of psychic,she is funny, tries her to make other ponies believe her,and makes ponies around happy.
here are my thoughts on the mane six best to worst (worst is the top of the list). 6. raratiey 5. apple jack 4. twilight 3.rainbow dash 2.pinkie pie 1.flutter shy
i guess if i had a least favorite it would probabally be Rarity i mean she never really helps.... and shes just always obsessed with fashion.... i mean i don't mind a nice dress once in while but that's just too much.....
a) My fav list 1. Applejack 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Twilight Sparkle 4. Starlight Glimmer
b) My "i don't rly mind 'em" list 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Rarity
c) My "i hate them with a burning passion" list 1. Fluttershy 2. Fluttershy 3. Fluttershy
Why? a) they are the ponies who never make me feel annoyed or bored while watching the show, no matter if the episode is good or bad, they manage to be entertaining and likeable. applejack, twilight and dash can't really make me dislike them, c'mon, i was hoping midnight sparkle would beat the crap out of shimmer in EQG3... but guess what? ._. as for the pink communist, i liked Starlight even in her "villain" days, and i even thought her reasons would be good... until the time travel episode. oh gawd, why? well, at least she lost something... valuable? meh, i still love commie ponies ♡. and time travel ♡. and magic ♡. b) there are some writers who really make them get on my good/bad side. take EQG4 as an example: Rarity was portrayed in a extremely shallow/all-fashion-fashion-fashion manner in the movie, while in some episodes of the show she is amazingly kind and has an actual personality. Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, normally passes as annoying to me, but the way some writers put her to be "mean" to Fluttershy (hi, Filli Vanilli) actually makes me like her, because it shows she is not gotten by Fluttershy's shit. Besides, 'Party of One' made me symphatize a lot with her. c) <sigh> Fluttershy is that one character who not only annoys me by acting as victim of everything, but is idolized by the fandom. "why is that a problem?" well, every single little time i say that i do not like her, there are people who try to force me to like her, bothering me every moment possible. plus, the way she always acts as an idiot reminds me of the way I used to act in public. and there was no such thing as being called cute or being protected just for that. people actually treated me as garbage in every opportunity, even my so called friends. her acceptance is ridiculous to me. she is basically what i despise not only in myself but in other people too. every time the mane 5 treat her bad, it makes me like them even more.
Sunset Shimmer is not in any list because she is too difficult for me to actually classify as one of the categories mentioned before. in EQG1, i didn't really mind her, just a generic villain. in EQG2, i loved her and her redemption with the rainbooms. in EQG3, she became an annoyance, when she screamed at sci-twi, she got the first place in my hate list. in EQG4, i didn't really mind her. when she is the main protagonist, she becomes unlikeable. when she is just a supporting character, i love her. sorry for my (bad) english, it is not my native language and i'm still learning how to speak/write it properly
rainbow dash is best pony, shes 20% cooler than everypony else and hasnt bragged since season 2 rarity is worst pony, she only has like 2 lines that don't include fashion in legend of everfree and dont even get me started on the whining..... also: 1 RD 2 PP 3 TS 4 FS 5 AJ 6 R
My opinion please no hAte-Applejack:so strong I love the character and Winona-Pinkiepie:so exited ready for anything and what could equestria do without her smile-Fluttershy: kind loves little creatures and big really cute-Rainbowdash: strong ready to win (Just a bit braggy) won't leave her friends sides-twilight: kind likes to read does not give up lleader-rarity: kind loves fashion (hates AJ) picky does not like to get dirty very proper-
Have you ever wondered why aj has a FAKE Texas accent? She lives in the same place every one else lives! I'm from TX btw. and we don't sound like that.
my least favorite pony has to be rarity because of well I don't mean to offend anyone but I think she is really bossy and never shows any development in that except for that it is getting worst and worst. I also think that she is selfish and does not deserve the element of generosity. Sorry if I offended anyone
Well, Carrot Cake And Pound Cake Were Absolutely Crazy With Power, So Multiply Pound Cakes Power By 2, And You Have One Crazy Foal, And Has No Control Over Her Powers Whatsoever, I Bet Twilight Could Pull A Majora's Mask And Pull The Moon Down Onto Equestria.
Rarity is the worst. She's supposed to be the element of generosity, but most of the time, she's making others suffer to get what she wants. For instance, "Rarity Takes on Manehatten." She makes her friends work instead of going sight-seeing, and she doesn't even thank them; she just runs off! Also, I don't like how she complains about what others look like, and yells whenever she gets her hooves muddy, or there's something in her mane. Ugh! Get over it, Rarity! You're not the center of the universe, and one little flaw isn't the end of the world! Snorts I'm sorry to those of you that like Rarity. But I just hate her.
i really like applejack because she is the one who i think has more values..? she has her hooves on the earth, although that can lead to her stubbornness, but i think she has the most realistic (personality) features? she is humble, very caring, loyal and she worries a lot about her family and friends, i agree with the fact that she made other ponies sick for a...umm lets call it a selfish reason,but that kind of things happen because she wants to make it right, she wants to give her all and proof to herself/other ponies what she is capable of, of course that is not always good when you dont know when to stop😂😂 oh and my least favorite pony is rainbow dash, she is soo arrogant, im pretty sure there is a very good reason behind that, probably a family issue or idk BUT ITS SOO ANNOYING THAT IN EACH EPISODE SHE APPEARS SHE HAS TO BRAG ABOUT HOW AWESOME SHE IS, I SWEAR😂😂😂😂😁 but i admire that she is an athletic pony :3 but she is annoying XDD
In my opinion Fluttershy is like a victim all the time, I just don't like someone scared, I actually like her when she shows strength, and Twilight is just too perfect, you know like the special snowflake, but I do like them I just consider them my least favorites
liviestar365 Twilight isn't perfect. She barely represents the power she's supposed to represent and she sometimes borders on psychological instability.
my least favorite pony is Rarity she is generous but she's mostly mean .She heart Suite Bell's feelings a lot when she was only trying to help her. Rarity is so insensitive eventually some day she is going to crosh Spike's feelings. And she is mean with some of her friends too
shut up zulema he has a very good point all though there were some parts in there i did disagree but most i do aree and my least favorate pony is rainbow dash mainly couse shes selfish and there is proof in season 1 episode 3 at the end when all 4 ponies said nah take the tickets she said "YES THAT MEANS THE TICKETS ARE MINE!! i got the ticket" and stuff see selfish XD but no hard feelings in rainbow dash lovers
we are like the same person i like applejack and somtimes i don't but my lest favroite pony is rainbowdash and favrotie pony is fluttershy and the pony i kinda like is rarity the pony i hate ehhhhh' twilitght sparkie i know shes a alicorn in all but i don't really like magic and twilights asetent you know the one spike' he has a crush on his serveant i thoutgh twilight was servat uh never mind but its nice talkin' to ya brony notion i hope you have a great afternoon i know i am cause' i'm going to flight with my freinds so see you in the morning because i watch your vidios every morning even on shcool mornings so i hope you love my coment and can you pretty pleeeeeeeeeez put my coment on your show bye brony notion
Aj is cool but Fshy is best!!!!!!!!!!!Deal with it!🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐻🐼🐨🐯🦁🐮🐷🐸🐙🐔🐧🐦🐤🐣🦄🐴🐗🐺🐥🐝🐛🐌🐞🐜🐵🐢🐍🦀🦂🕷🐠🐟🐡🐬🐳🐋🐊🐆🐅🐃🐂🐄🐪🐫🐘🐖🐎🐑🐏🐐🐀🐁🐓🦃🕊🐿🐇🐈🐩🐕🐉🐲🐾who doesn't love an animal lover?😆😎😜
Please don't hate comment these are my opinions also the - thing is the reason why they're picked to be either liked or disliked, I wrote it short because I'm lazy 👅
Yes I also do not like applejack because she is the worst pony ever dance like her mankirt all colours and she and I love her about her that always saying apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples you read my mind
Applejack being stubborn is a good thing. You need one or two stubborn characters for quite a few reasons, whether it be a joke or the plot catalyst of an entire episode! In fact, the latter has been used atleast once that I know of.
I kinda think shes the most relate able, since she has these flaws. Plus both times the olbivious were used to pus the story plot further, they could have done it better but without her being oblivious to her surrondings the story would no have moved in the way it should. And being stubborn- Also story plot-ness. They could not change her character easily and the apple thing- Its just funny.
My List: 1. Rainbow Dash - She reminds me a lot of myself and my big ego but she also has qualities that I want. She has helped me become a cooler and a relaxed person 2. AJ- She is a awesome sister and great independent pony. She is what I wish I could be at Times as I suck at showing emotion 3. Twilight - I love books. She loves books. Nuff said. She is also really smart and at Times awkward, I love girls like that 4. Pinkie Pie - I used to think she was annoying af but she has become more tolerable and I wish I had a friend like her in real life 5. Fluttershy - She reminds me of What I used to be when I was a lot younger. I hate people that are to scared to stand up for themselves. She takes it to a whole new level, being pushed around by her damn bunny! 6. Rarity- Completely self centered and way to obsessive and has little to no redeeming qualities at all. Though she still has her shining moments. I don't hate her, Don't get me wrong but to me she is the less special pony
1 - Flutter shy (amazing, nice, shy and relatable to!) 2 - Apple Jack (IDK, I just like Apple Jack) 3 - Rainbow Dash (Awesome!) 4 - Rarity (caring and helpful) 5 - Pinkie Pie (To silly in dire situations) 6 - Twilight Sparkle (she's just to full of herself sometimes!)
let me just say this... AppleJack's element is about knowing when and when not to be honest. Rainbow dash is brutally honest,which can be offending. but thats just a theory a mlp theory! (sorry matt patt)
I agree!Even Apple jack isn't nice to Fluttershy when the bats come. I mean, you already said that but, what I mean is, that thier talents are different right? So, I think that Apple jack can't judge every-pony else!!
I think apple jack is afraid to show that she is actually upset or frustrated with people around her.Telling her sister "look their are your friends" could be interpenetrated as an innocent mistake. But what if apple jack actually has a deep inner need to control, punish others for their offences toward her and manipulate ? Apple jack is stubborn and likes to have things her way but instead of doing something that could potentially make her look too bossy and controlling; she fauns ignorance. Pressing buttons and pushing people in the direction she likes behind the scenes.
she is not that bad, I mean she's not my favorite, but I think your being to hard on her. And Applejack did not have a strategy for Rainbow, she said she just remembers random facts on apples, she was just backing her point with a fact
funny thing is, i like her brother more than her. I find AJ to be kinda flat and underdeveloped. Big Mac, for some reason, is way more well rounded despite barely having two lines at any given time.
Unfortunately, I agree with most of this. Only because Applejack is like that, but who isn't? ALL of the mane six can be VERY stubborn. But I do have to agree that she is overly OBLIVIOUS. Just my opinion on the matter.
favorite pinkie pie she is funny and has a great meaning in the show 2.fluttershy she is so relaxing and nice 3.rainbowdash she is there for her friends and left the wonder bolts for her friends 4.rarity she is kind generis and cares about others but a little to much about there look for my liking 5.apple Jack aka aj she is very honest least favorite twilight sparkle she wouldn't of became princess without her friends she douse not deserve it she is in the spot light to much
I have one pony that I love and hate at the same time:rainbow dash! I love her because she is funny and always manages to raise a smile(even more than pinkie!) I hate her because she is boastful.
it's not her fault it's the writers. my least favorite is twilight because...she's the most like me in ways. idk I relate to her the most and she's the least fave.
i completely disagree i know that you stand your ground at times so why are you saying it's a bad thing that she does?!and applejack wasn't involved with apples her whole life she got her cutiemark after realizing she didn't belong in manehatten she belonged in ponyville!and you act like she only cares about family friends and apples!have you not forgot she saves lives not puts them at risk family or not! i will stand my ground that she shall stay on my top 3 favorite ponies list!
I don't mean to be offensive, but you have a heart of stone! Go check out my comment on who's best pony? video. Applejack is a little simple BECAUSE she is a countryside straight forward pony, and I love the way she is. Saying that; "It's not that I don't like her!" but dubbing AJ the worst pony of all is...you know!
First Of All, I Just Don't Like Unicorns. Why Is Because they Kind Of Show Of That They Are "So Powerful". Well, I do Think Their Magic Is Pretty Cool But Nah. Well, Now, Even If Twilight Is An Alicorn, I'm Not Much Into Alicorns SO MUCH, But They ARE Cool! But Mostly,But ... Wait, I Meant To Say Mostly. Aemh, RESTART!!! OKie So ... But Mostly, Mostly, She Still Doesn't Know Much, She Even Reads Way too Many Books. I do Know That Books Are Good To Read, But Twilight Reads Them To Often! Also, now PPL, Pls Don't Hate On This Part …
I Feel Like She Is Boring. Yep, I Said It, kind Of Boring Now!!! Sorry, But I Had To Say It.
Well Of Course, This Is MY OPINION! Not Your’s Mine. OKie, Sorry.
My favorite pony: 1. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!! 2. Sunset Shimmer. 3.Twilight Sparkle. 4. Rainbow Dash. 5. Pinkie Pie. 6. Applejack. 7. Rarity. Rarity is my least favorite because all she cares about is fashion and make up. She always complains when things get messy, and when it comes to bad things about tidy stuff. For example, in A Canterlot Wedding, when they were going to get the Elements of Harmony and they were all throwing their dresses off, and Rarity stayed behind catching all of them. She is worried about what is least important than what is more important!
My favorite pony: 1. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!! 2. Sunset Shimmer. 3.Twilight Sparkle. 4. Rainbow Dash. 5. Pinkie Pie. 6. Applejack. 7. Rarity. Rarity is my least favorite because all she cares about is fashion and make up. She always complains when things get messy, and when it comes to bad things about tidy stuff. For example, in A Canterlot Wedding, when they were going to get the Elements of Harmony and they were all throwing their dresses off, and Rarity stayed behind catching all of them. She is worried about what is least important than what is more important!
1.Rainbow Dash 2.Twilight Sparkle 3.Fluttershy 4.Rarity 5.Pinkie Pie 6.Applejack
Even though i like Rainbow dash , i also dont like her at the same time cause i dont like people or should i say ponies brag , rainbow dash is such ...... a bragger and in one of your episodes , you said that rainbow dash doesnt represent her element , she also betrayed her friends in some episodes and , i dont like being betrayed . like i said , i like rainbow dash also because she is fast and can also do one of the most legendary things that i am not sure that anypony can do . the sonic rainboom . even though that i dont like her at the same time as i like her doesnt mean that i dont like totally and like her totally , you know what i mean .
my favorite pony is rainbow dash because she is just like my best friend and least favorite is plz don't kill me fluttershy.... she to timid, just kind of annoying... but I do ship her and discord 😂😂
1. Rainbow dash 2. Rarity 3. Pinky pie 4. Flutter shy 5. Twilight 6. Apple jack i dislike AJ because of the resons you said but also blond hair,green eyes, she dose not look very unice as apose to rainbow hair, magic and all sorts of other different things that make the main 6 memrible
1-flutter shy 2-Rarity 3-twilight 4-pinkie pie 5-Apple jack 6-Rainbow dash I think rainbow dash is worst because she hasn't done anything of her job and being helpful to her friends because the only time she did was the first Ep of my little pony she did the broken bridge and went to her friends that's only on
this is with sunset shimmer: 1.Rainbow Dash(I really really really love the movie "My Little Dashie"😄 2.Sunset Shimmer (Shes cute) 3.Rarity(Im her HUGE fan!!!!!) 4.Apple jack(Please don't say anything wrong) 5.Twilight sparkle(well....i do like her) 6.Pinkie pie(she is so annoying)
Rainbow Dash for several reasons 1: She mocks her friends constantly (calling she called Spike the "worst dragon ever" and laughing right in his face...wtf!) 2: She's egotistical (there's a big difference between being self confident and just being arrogant) 3: She's all bark and no bite (seriously she really isn't as tough as people say, have we really ever seen her fight? sure there were the changelings, but the changelings aren't that great of fighters, and this kind of shows since FLUTTERSHY of all ponies can beat them up) 4: She doesn't deserve her element.
+Dr MechaPyro I'm talking about her flight and athleteicism (however the fuck you spell that). And considering she can create a nuclear explosion and walk away unscathed, she's probably just holding back.
+Dr MechaPyro I'm talking about her flight and athleteicism (however the fuck you spell that). And considering she can create a nuclear explosion and walk away unscathed, she's probably just holding back.
@Frank Poole Besides even if Dash is as durable as you say, durability and offense are two different things, she could have toon force durability but almost completely helpless in a one on one fight
that's the fault of the writers, who frankly have not treated her, or a lot of the mane 6 as well as they should be treated this season. they're too busy trying to make Spike and Starlight look good (impossible in the latters case).
1.princess twilight sparkle 2. Fluttershy 3.pinkie pie 4. Rainbowdash 5. Applejack 6. Rarity I don't like rarity becuase she only cares about fashion and is too girl like
I hate apple jack but the only thing I like about her well apples and I love flutter shy and pinkie pie
Laura Dorneles2016-09-07 04:06:46 (edited 2016-09-07 04:09:53 )
My list :1-Apple Jack2-Flutershy3-Pinkie Pie4-RainbowDash5-Rarity6-Twilight Sparke..I dont like twi because she.. its just she! I dont hate her, i just.. dont like, like: she is a FUCKING ALICORN now... i dont hate alicorns too ithere are some that i like. And she is a super smar a op pony.... why like her?.Rarity, she is soooooo girly and boring.... also, i just like her cat..i dont like thaaat much of RD because she is boring too and i dont like her character (personality,desingn,story...etc) ..i like pinkie because she is cute on her way and she is super optimistic, and i like gummy.i like flutter because she is like, myself, she is a mirror to me.... im shy i love animals and nature, i can be VERY SCARY wen i want.... etc.and i like AJ because i think that she is very cool and i leke her style, personalaty and etc.... i dont love her... i prefer flutter, but she is the top because the list is mine....(sorry to my bad English, im from Brazil....)
1. Fluttershy (my waifu) 2. Rarity 3. Twilight 4. Pinkie 5. AJ 6. Rainbowdash I really like fluttershy for the same reason as many. Shes adorable! >w< Seriously 10/10. And im not saying i hate rainbowdash, its just that my fondness of characters is based off how i can relate to them and i just cant relate to rainbowdash so no hate please
i think apple jack is annoying... just my opinion I don't care if anyone else likes her that's fine its good to like things I just don't like her... or Twilight Sparkle
1. Fluttershy 2. Pinkie 3. Rarity 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Apple Jack I think Pinkie and Rarity are funny and I just like Fluttershy. I dislike rainbow dash because she is really rude and kinda up herself and I just plain don't like Apple Jack. Oh and is it just me or should Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack switch with the whole honest and loyal thing because Dash can be sometimes brutally honest and Apple Jack is really loyal.
1.Apple Jack 2.Rainbow Dash 3.Flutter Shy 4.Pinkie Pie 5.Rarity 6.Twilight Sparkle The reason I put Twilight on the last part of the list because she is the princess of Friendship but she is a little of a bookworm and she love books and books and books.
she is SOO annoying im sorry but in 1 episode she uses spike as her SLAVE yeah sooooo nice and she just makes me wanna rage (sorry to all u rarity fans)
the reason why I hate Rainbow Dash is because she brags about her coolness people brag every one in a while but bragging that much in a episode ...........too much .
in my OPINION I dislike rainbowdash BUT I don't hate it's because rainbows doesn't feel like the color I don't like the most ( for some of u guys know what rainbow means for some people only)
i am sorry to say to the rest of the fans, but i totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really hate apple jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is just boring to me!! !! !! !!
My least favorite pony is why like sparkle because she obviously won't see her hair is just simple and I'm going to the free books so I kind of like to read books🇵🇭🐬🌈🐱🍭❤️🍕💋🌉😻⚽️🇨🇴💎😍🌹🇵🇭🦄🐬🎮💜🎉💩🍫👑🚺
My least favorite pony in the mane 6 is..... Rainbow Dash, Don't hate me for it! Its just my opinion. Why? She doesn't deserve her element, She always brag about herself, She is so lazy that she cannot help her friends, And I find her.. Overrated! Why people?
I personally dislike rainbow dash I think she is to full of herself and not that nice she has put showing off in front of the life's of other ponies and I just dislike her in general she is also not that loyal (not counting ep 2 that was setting up the elements of harmony) but hey that's just my opinion
Applejack values honesty and consequently believes everybody does, too. It's beyond her comprehension that people lie on a regular basis, so she takes what should be obvious as lies at face value. At least that's what strikes me. Also, I don't think there is a best pony, and I probably couldn't come up with a favorite if I tried. They're all great in their own ways, and it's really hard to make a comparison. I mean, it's not like we're comparing apples to apples...
Okay, let's get this straight. When you were talking about how Rainbow Dash didn't deserve her element, you were kind of.. let's say highlighting Applejack. Now, you're throwing her under the bus. What's up with that?
Look I got some things to say about applejack As you can see, applejack lost her parents, witch that is sad, applejack, in most story's, the last time she saw them, she was very mean, witch it makes applejack work even harder too help in the apple family I really think that applejack is a great pony, being that she does the best she can do Also, Sweat Apple Acres is the heart of Pony Ville, that makes more sense Applejack will do what ever for her friends
Applejack deserves more fan's then the other ponys
I have no idea who my least favorite pony was . When I first watched it and you said Apple Jack was the worst I was like what and then you told me all the reasons I'm like oh yeah good point
My least favorite pony is Twilight because: 1) She takes studying way too seriously. Like, what is she studying for half the time!? 2) She doesn't listen to her friends. 3) She wastes a lot of time. In all of the time she spends studying for nothing, she could be spending with the ponies of ponyville, which, technically is her kingdom, like Cadance has the crystal empire.
I agree with "megon winslin" because she's she's just to girly and too fashionable and I think it is not the intended recipient or not to mention that she is the most sassy one in the mane six!!
Apple Jack works hard at life. She has to work on the farmer and her parents r dead. She has to help raise Apple Bloom and help Granny Smith. I think she deserves more credit
Applejack has developed the least. If you look at all the other ponies, they have improved in some way. Twilight became an alicorn princess. That's pretty huge. Rainbow's part of the Wonderbolts. Fluttershy's become way more assertive. Rarity created her own boutique, and Pinkie Pie's parties and ideas have improved ever since Cheese Sandwich came along. Applejack hasn't really made any improvements since the beginning of the series, which I assume has been two to three years, because there have been two Grand Galloping Galas so far, and they occur yearly.
At the end of " Crusaders of the lost mark" Apple Jack Said, "If your parents were still here Applebloom, they would have been so proud." What happened to them & can ponys die?
Flutterhshy,because she reminds me of myself when i was younger,I was always very shy,timid,and quiet but eventually like fluttershy I started to get less timid and quiet but still am but not as much as I was
1. She will always cheer you up, whether with a party or just in general! 2. She is determined to have the best party ever for you! 3. She always has an amazing attitude. No more frowning for her!
Mainly, I know most kids would probably like Twilight & RD. Anyway, yes @Thebronynotion I think u are too hard on Applejack...but yea like u said she also has a few great qualities. So...yup, my thin kings are this
These are my list of my Top 10 favorite ponies from MLP; from best to worst:1: Derpy2: Fluttershy (My favorite from the mane six)3: RD4: Starlight Glimmer5: Vinyl Scratch6: Rarity7: Twilight (She's the spotlight, COME ON HASBRO!)8: Pinkie Pie (I love her; she's me in human form. But overall, she's never really... umm.. How should I put this... serious.)9: Bon-Bon (aka, Special Agent Sweetie Drops)10: AJ (What The Brony Notion said in the video)THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!! GET OVER IT IF UR OFFENDED!!
My favorite is Rainbow and my least favorite is AJ. Even though they're both sort of similar and have the same voice actress, I just don't really like AJ as a character.
my least favorite is Rainbow because get ready. She's mean,pushy,selfish,short temperd,and unscetive. But she is loyal to her pet tortoise Tank and in "the cutie mark chronicles" she was really sweet to Fluttershy
1-flutter shy(I'm shy too) 2-pinkie pie(I Ike parties) 3-rarity(I care about style) 4rainbow dash (always want to fly in my life) 5- apple jack (help others????)
Me, I think she has PTSD at times... the trauma? when her parents died. Probably told her to look after Apple Bloom who was a baby back then and doesn't remember a thing. Big Mac reacted by basically stopping talking. (maybe he'd been telling a story and then they get attacked by whatever creature he talked about for real)... So... worst Pony? Spoiled Rich.
Rarity because she doesn't really show her element to the public.. she only has the gemstone. Twilight on the other hoof is using her element to its full potential and so is Rainbow.
You made good points but,my leats fav is twili.she bossy,books, and makes it be her fantasy!for 1, she makes celestia let her have the best thing!she does not deserve that!like and comment if you agree. Dislike and comment if you disagree.
My list is #1 aj #2 rainbow #3 fluttershy #4 pinkie #5 twilight #6 rarity I don't like rarity because I am a tomboy and she is just to girly girl,deal with it!
GUYS EVERYBODY HAS DIFFERENT OPINIONS SO THERE IS NO CONCLUSION ON WHO IS WORST OR BEST PONY. im sure hasbro created the mane six not to point out whos the best but to have characters of different strengths and weaknesses
My lest favorite pony is twilight And yes u are being hard on apple jack And she is my favorite pony Also I think what she did was smart because apple jack convinced them to save baps seed!
my fav list 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Twilight 3. Rainbow Dash 4. Rarity 5. AppleJack 6. Fluttershy (I don't really hate fluttershy and AJ but I prefer the others more than them
Also if anyone has ever seen smile HD or cupcakes pinkie pie in smile she kills all of her friends for no good reason and in cupcakes she kills rainbowdash and makes her into a cupcake!! I mean that's pretty disgusting if you ask me!!
this is my favorites list 1Fluttershy 2Twilight 3Applejack 4Pinkie pie 5Rainbow Dash 6 Rarity You all can hate me for disliking Rarity, but that is just your opinion and this is just my opinion. I dislike her for her hating getting dirty and fancy ways.
Best pony: 1: R.D 2:Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity 3:Twilight and A,J* Best backroud pony: 1: Derpy and Vinil 2: Bonbon and Lyra 3: Dr. Whooves and octavia Best princess 1: Luna 2: Twi and Cadence 3: Celestia* Best pet None
* i chose Twilight and Applejack for my least favorite because for A.J he has a point and for twi, to nerdy * i didnt chose celestia first or second because she dosent do awesome things (I still like these ponies i dont dislike them!)
Brony notion when you say the thing of apples in testing 1,2,3 apple jack already said that she didn't have any idea to help rainbow first watch then go to conclusions And I am not trying to sound rude
My favorite pony from the main 6 is Apple Jack I love her and I have the flaws as her to :) this is my favorite to least favourite :) 1) Apple Jack 2) rainbow dash 3)twilght sparkle 4) rairty 5) pinkie pie 6) fluttershy But I love all of the ponys like u I dont dilke any of them but for me fluttershy is my least favorite pony :)
Melakitty 101 thank u I love fluttershy but I just love the others more theres nothing wrong with that that's like me saying I an gonna repot anyone that likes Apple Jack the least but I'm not because that would be horribal and eveyone has there own likes and dislkies on characters .
I don't really have a favourite pony..the only reason (the main reason) I want apple jack to be my friend is because I can tell her ANYTHING oh and rarity because in (I forgot which episode) she keeps reminding them (on wait now I remember it was the episode pinkie found out that shining at or was having a baby) she kept telling pinky The Person Who Ruins The Surprise Have To Take The Blame Forever! So it is obvious she would never lie and my favourite pony yo be my friend is..RAINBOW DASH! Because 1.all my friends in real life aren't LOYAL they always ditch me and I invite them to EVERYTHING and they don't even invite me to there birthday parties -_- and rainbow is the opposite of shy (no offence flutter shy but imagine how annoying it would be to have a friend that is too shy to do a lot of stuff with u) LIKE JEEZ FLUTTER SHY anyway DONT HATE ON THIS
my least favorite is defo flutter butter, jk its probs dash, she is egotistical in the wrong way, and just overall not really my favorite, but i still like her, so from least favorite to favorite 6: Rainbow Dash 5: Applejack 4: Rarity 3: Twilight Sparkle 2: Fluttershy 1: Pinkie Pie because all she wants to do is make ya smile smile smile! and its super effective!
I loooooooove Applejack!!! my heart fell off because its your least fave :( my faves Applejack FlutterShy Pinkie Pie Twighlight Sparkle Rarity sorry for the who love rarity i like her too but im not fashionable
Applejack is great! You point out her flaws but miss her greatness! Like the episode where she didn't sleep, she helped her friends even when she had work to do, you can trust her hence element of honesty, when fluttershy turned to flutterbat applejack just wanted her friend back! She loves family and friends!
Some of those episodes were studies in what happens when some of these traits are taken to extreme conclusions. In these studies the pony is shown to realize how they overdo it. Applejack's case is she wants to be dependable, helpful and hard working and all that. Consequently she has trouble recognizing her limit and being able to say no or I can't do this right now, I'm tapped out of energy. A lot of people do exactly this. In an odd way this actually ends up being dishonest. People can also exploit this tendency.
BTW, I just loved the recent episode with her and Rarity. If you got a problem AJ'll problem solve that for ya. And yeah this episode is also meant to point out aspects of a character taken to extremes. There wouldn't be a story if the writers weren't doing this. This one illustrates how constant busyness and being helpful to other people may end up making a person close to you feel neglected. Happens in life too. I have a personal situation just like it.
I also like that Applejack is willing to get rough and dirty to get a job done. Don't get me wrong. I also appreciate Rarity's artistic vision and attention to detail, but sometimes you gotta throw superficial aesthetics aside for practical solutions to certain jobs. This dynamic reminds me of a girl hired at my place of work and she had these ultra long manicured nails. Now you'd think in retail that wouldn't be a problem. Well, maybe with one of those mall outlets that'd fine, but here there's a lot of hands on work. Putting labels in datastrips will destroy your nails very fast and if you're too obsessed over your nails to be able to do anything here, you're at the wrong place. Needless to say she didn't work with us for very long.
So yeah, despite the flaws there's a lot to admire in Applejack.
My least favourite pony is... Rainbow Dash My worst pony is...well Flutter Shy is always my worst pony but it at the bottom second,the bottom of my list is Pinky Pie,well I didn't mean I don't like her but It just so....weird
AppleJack is...... Not like that.. in the new seasons she improved.. but in applejack day off.. she pretty rotten but she learn her lessons. my least favourite is ...... ehe,,..... i have no idea.... AJ STILL BEST PONY WHO DEAL WITH IT!?
My opinion is : 1. Fluttershy (shipping Fluttercord) 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Twilight Sparkle 4. Apple Jack 5. Rarity 6. Rainbow Dash Why do you guys like Rainbow Dash? She's to full of her self although sometimes she can be very helpful.
fav to least fav 1.Fluttershy 2.Pinkie Pie 3.Rainbow Dash 4.Rarity 5.Apple Jack 6.Twilight Sparkle Twilight she is to nerdy-like and her learning style is waaaaaaaaay to different from mine.
I think the worst is fluttershy is the worst as she is really useless and too weak. She doesn't care when someone hurts her BFF's but only for when someone accidently harms a totally worthless bug. My point is shown when the mane 6 get sucked into spike's comic book. To save all her friends from DEATH she has to get angry and she doesn't get angry untill the villain HURTS A SILLY FLY FOR PONY'S SAKE! Also I think that applejack should be the alicorn of them all. She's determined to sucseed and is really brave in facing bad situations. Also if you think about it, applejack works the hardest out of them all. She works on her farm, she does these crazy mission things, she plays with her sister. Applejack actually really outshines twilight if you think about it!!
if you like apples are so we know someone would you have a cowgirl hat on your head that understand and AppleJack AppleJack is honest honest AppleJack honest Pony she is the most honest pony in the Pony videos anyway from you know that if you can even the best how many views would like to know when you get this video is next Wednesday is the next Tuesday is the next Friday is it Saturday and Sunday can you just tell me or Thursday
Ok does aj sound like animal jam like if you say aj it means animal jam or means apple jack aj sounds like.... (Look below my words to see) .................................................it sounds like apple jack don't ya think aj sounds like apple jack not animal jam leave a comment below what ya think???🍎🍎🍎
I guess apple jack is okay but she is apples and nothing else. Now the flim flam brothers were annoying but you can't really say to much about her. She also thinks she's leader in family reunion she completely tells everyone what to do another point is in leap of faith they see all the ponies go down to the tent she says to granny smith and apple bloom where do you think your going! I screamed at the TV why don't you mind your own business. And in bats we get talking about worst pony ( my opinion ) rainbow dash. Apple jack almost lost the apple farm and all rainbow dash cared about was APPLE CIDER WHAT THE HELL RAINBOW! And plus she is hardly loyal in mmmystery on the frenship express she says go mind the cake I'm going to BED! And in testi ng 123 she hardly even listens to twilight at all because she wants to fail and then she starts freaking out because she wasn't listening. And pinkies pest pony cuz she is cute, never worries, silly and completely does the impossible! Pinkie all will remember you
+Frank Poole listen here now your the one who should watch the show and actually know that spike isn't a pony but if he was he would probably have a better element then rainbow. She is lazy real element of loyalty when in dragon quest she pushes flutter shy out the door even know RAINBOW knows she hates them so suck it up and move on spike didn't know how to use the elements! so shut up and mo be on loser
I dislike... drum role please... twilight. I don't know why I just don't like her here is my list of best 2 worst#1 Flutter Shy#2Derpy#3 pinkie pie #4 Apple Jack#5 rainbow dash#6 Rarity 7#... Twilight
I hate pinkie pie cause she is just so hyper and I don't like hyper!!! I also hate applejack too cause she is way to honest. how about she lies once or twice and she talks about apples ALL the time I mean who cares about apples!!!
TS sucks because well in the map she wasn't called so.She was upset shouldn't she be happy Forrester them plus she shouldn't be silicone rd should plus aj is a images of my friend Plus she was treating rd like a kid in when she was trying to teach her about wonder bolts ain't it ovirs sorry can't spell that word correct but she should now she would learn by flying because it's rainbow plus the wonder bolts are about flying shouldn't it be a flying test
I don't know why I don't like I'm sorry he can get I don't like the luckiest man Elsa and Anna cake everytime I send you a very good mood here are the moon people
rainbow dash is the best because she is cool and awesome and she is nice like the time she saved her friends from a turnado that's why I pick her and some people say that she's bad at loyolty so don't be mean and deal with it 💘💔
I can't deside between rarity of fluffy butt just fluffy butt is to week I HATE week people/ponys rarity I'm sorry that I'm offending girlygirls but I hate them UR GIRLS WERE STRONG WERE TOUGH WE CAN PROTECT ARE SELFS!!!!!! jeez ok I went to far
Applejack is honestly my favourite female protagonist! A character is allowed to have flaws, that's what makes them dynamic. If a character can't move past those flaws is when you have some stagnation. AJ learns at the end of each those episodes you described to be a little more open minded. Hell, I think the writers of this show need to give her some more episodes to shine.AJ may be stubborn but she is also kind, diligent, resourceful and all and all willing to make sacrifices when push comes to shove. Personally I respect her but I also respect your right to have an opinion, even if I disagree
HM.. I feel like my least and favorite characters are completely different from everyone else's. Like if I had a list it would go like this. 1. Twilight because she is really an awkward nerd like me 2. Fluttershy because of her character development and shyness 3. Applejack because of her devotion to family and stubbornness 4. PinkiePie because of her Childlike behavior and how she wants everyone to smile 5. Rainbow Dash because she tends to hide her actual emotions (or try to) 6. Spike because he is like a slave sometimes and is very adorable (under appreciated) 7. Rarity because I think she is too focused on fashion and she never really changes to me.
Ugh! In ticket master AJ mentioned that the reason she wanted to go to the gala was to raise money FOR HER FAMILY. How more amazing can you honestly get?
My least favorite pony is Rarity, I'll be HONEST here, I love her fashion sense, but her drama makes kinda un likable. Most times she doesn't even try to fix her problems
i personalty think that twilight is the "bottom list" pony.with all the other ponys, you can either relate to, or know somebody that reminds you of that pony. I dont think i know anybody who loves books that much or is obsest with his/her friendship that much (Rainbow Dash is the top list pony)
my least favorite of the m6 is rarity. In secret of my excess and in rarity investigates, she seduces two male characters to get what she wants! and her element makes the least sense out of all the m6. aj is actually my fav, I just frickin' LOVE her role in Twijack
Oops; and just minutes after I posted on your "Best Pony" video of how I put Applejack higher on the list than my favourite Flutters on the basis of her character... Mind; these flaws are the reasons Applejack's fourth favourite of the main six under Flutters, Rarity and Pinkie; she's often the source of the conflict in her episodes and rarely makes up for it in the same episode; only showing her best qualities when helping another pony deal with a situation they're stuck in. Alas; my opinion of the old dear is forever marred by a sodding sleepover... that was a BAD episode...
um.... haven't we had the talk about the "MARY SUE" oc personality situation?!? AJ is definitely my favorite pony. why? BECAUSE SHE IS NOT PERFECT! i..disagree with you pony notion, she does have flaws, but that's what makes her good! right?
I know fluttershys the element of kindness and all, and she probably would be good for the job, but, if I had a problem or worry,(and I was a pony), apple jack would probably be the first pony I would go to and be sure she would 99.99% be able to keep a secret. that other 00.01% is the fact that she is the element of HONESTY..... damit
I am so sorry everyone but my least favorite pony is Fluttershy. She is just too shy and quiet. I know she kinda breaking out of her shell but still. I like how she loves animals and can understand them (sometimes) but she can be unodservent like apple jack. It is clear that Angel dose not like things but she makes him do it.
My list 1:Rainbowdash(DASHIE) 2:Twighlight(TWIGH) 3/4:mix b/tween Fluttershy & Applejack(I LOVE EM BOTH EQUALLY! (AJ & FLUTTERSHY, NO NICK NAME FOR FLUTTERSHY) 5:Pinkie Pie(sorry, I DO like her, just......the least.PINKIE) |~in ( & ) if it's an apology, statement, or nickname.~|
least favorite : apple jack 1.shes just over all annoys me im mean come on shes pretty much says apple in every episode 2.least developed character like you said theres not much to her
I don't really like rarity of twilight very much. Twilight is just... It seems like the show is mainly focused on her and it's just annoying I guess. Also alicorn. I don't like rarity because I just don't like people or ponies with that kind of personality.
Apple Jack never told the cmc that Babs was bullied and all she thinks about ( most of the time) is apples plus she nearly lost Flutter shy and Apple bloom was almost eaten in some pony to each over me👿 My least favourite pony is Rarity because she is always doing something that includes fashion and Apple Jack is my second to last pony I don't like
We'll out of the mane 6, I think RD is worst pony. Because even know she's the element of loyalty, there are many times that she will abandon her friends so she can be with someone our do something. That's my opinion. Out of all characters, i don't really like the sweety drops. My fav. would be luna
+TatoTimez Rainbow has never once betrayed her element. Her friends aren't the only ones she needs to be loyal to. Besides, if they're trying to hold her back from living her dream, then they are not good friends to her at all and don't deserve her loyalty.
1. pinkie: most like me, SUPER magic, and always there to be there 2. twilight: bookworm, princess, and second most like me 3. rarity: accent, city gal, and kinda petty, like me 4. fluttershy: can talk to animals, great voice, and so ADORABLE ( like me but i love animals cant talk to them ) 5. rainbow dash and apple jack: rd is selfish, conceited, and to full. aj is oblivious, way too stubborn, barely notices anything, and gets too ahead
I refuse to name my least favorite pony, because I know no matter who I said, I'd be offensive to a specific fan base, but I WILL say my favorite is Rainbow Dash.😉
My least favorite pony is NOT in the maine 6, she's acctually in MLP equestria girls Friendship games. My least favorite pony is,Sour Sweets, because she always sais something happy, or nice.Then, she sais something dark, or mean. She could easily get herself in trouble if she ceeps it up.
I don't like the pony that took her cutie marks. I forgot her name :-). The reason I don't like her is because she just took their cutie marks to say that everyone was equal but they're not there cutie mark makes them unique and different from the other ponies and I don't like the way he just lied about giving away her cutie mark when she actually didn't but there is one other thing that kinda changes my mind about this there is an episode where she kinda got nicer she learned her lesson
my least favorite pony is twilight sparkle. cause she is just so main, and she is not thankful that she is a princess, and that she is always the goody-toe-shoes or whatever. and she like hates discord so much. and i super love discord and i think he is my favorite character in my little pony. plus, she is so negative and she is always the main main and more infinity main character, i mean not in all of the episodes but like from 1 to 100 percent she is the main character for like 98 percent or 99 percent.
My least favorite pony is Apple jack and the one I hate the most is Twilight because she kinda acts like a nerd and my most favorite pony is Rainbow dash because she is cool and her life is more better than Twilights because it's like Twilight studies all her life.
All of them is my least favorite pony Why? Cause.. 1. Twighlight- She is so greedy of K N O W L E D G E and sometimes forget her role 2. Fluttershy- She is TOO quiet and TOO kind its bad already 3. Rarity- She just cares about fashion.. The way she helps her friends is trough fashion 4. Applejack- Yes, you knew it APPLES 5. RainbowDash- She mostly just show off how amazing and cool she is all she depends on is the Wonderboltz 6. Pinkie Pie- Well... Shes... Just... PINKIE
In my opinion, Twilight sucks. It bugs me that after she became an alicorn she acts narcissistic in the majority of season five she says over and over how shes the "Princess of friendship" and personally i liked the older mlp when nobody was a main character. And her cutie mark is annoying too, her "special talent" is just being a unicorn and she acts like it's the most important thing in equestria. I mean i thought i would like the mlp friendship is magic series and i do, I like how they used the word Equestrian (Horse riding in the Olympics) and turned it into a world, but i never liked twilight. She thinks a book is the answer to everything her cutie mark should've been a book. And she wasn't happy for her brother when he got married and when he sent her that treasure hunt she only did it for the prize at the end. Apple jack has her flaws but twilight will always be my least favorite in the series.
Rairity she chose the garden instead of her friends only to be popular so she thinks that pony can be loyal even when her friends have been nice to her she's gift in return is the exact opicet of what they gave to her. (So Rood 😡 )
how rude of you Apple Jack is the best pony for me maybe you just hate her I don't agree with it also about the bats actually Apple Jack is right because they already died the trees, and then fluttershy said that it will grow fast ànd strong and also her friends agreed that they must let the fruit bats go
My least favorite? It's a tie between rainbow and AJ. AJ's reasons you stated and the reason for rainbow, well, SHE HARDLY REPRESENTS HER LOYALTY!! I mean it's not many occasions when she does so! Here are some examples: Super speedy cider whatever 6000, She is quick to abandon AJ's cider for flim and flam's another is the equestria games, she really considers joining the wonder bolts team
+DoodleZ Mlp Rainbow has always been loyal in the end. Besides she's being loyal to her dreams of being a wonderbolt, WHICH STILL COUNTS AS LOYALTY. Her loyalty isn't strictly to her friends. She should be allowed to be a bit selfish from time to time. There's nothing wrong with that.
Why applejack she is honest to every pony she was honest to big mac she did say to apple buck all the apples so she didn't lie she Apple bucked half of it by her self the other half to her and her friends she's HONESTY 🍎jack (whisper loyalty,laughter,kindness,generosity,honesty and ,magic haha)
Oops 1: Pinkie Pie 2: Rarity 3: Rainbow Dash 4: Applejack 5: Fluttershy 6: Twilight Sparkle I don't like Twilight because she's just so... Centre of attention, like she became a princess! I feel like they should make her less Royal compared to the mane 6. I mean, Her cutie Mark! Everybody says it's a BiG star among her 5 friends. I think twilight should be on the level of the mane 6 and they kinda combine to make the princess of friendship.
my two least favorites are rarity because she is sooo caught up in herself and rainbowdash because she is rude most of the time not trying to be rude if you like them.
my least favorite pony is rare ( not her full name ) because she is to fushy with her mane, how they look and is to drama queen all to gather so ya a.j. is not that bad but not my favorite ether.
My least fovorite is Rarity, i DO like her, but she (Just like Apple Jack to him) is at the bottom of my list Oh, and my favorite is tied between Fluttershy and Rainbowdash
I agree with the flaws for Applejack. But she isn't the worst to me. For me, this spot goes to Rainbowdash. She is overbearing, quick to blow up in your face, and very self-centered.
Rarity is my least favorite. I don't think she had any character development in 6 SEASONS AND COUNTING! most of Rarity does is going around spitting fashion in brony's faces. She's the center of jokes and humor of the show (Pinkie actually showed some of her character development in Pinkie Pride and Party Of One She shows that if she can't be the party pony.. she's no one well at least to herself. and for Discord MAKE NEW FRIENDZ BUT KEEP DISCORD IS HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Spike shows very much character development that if you want proof, I suggest watching the second ep of Season 6) And that why Rarity is WORST PONY
My least favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, hooves down. She is hardly loyal, other than the time she HAS to be loyal so it works with the plot. She is also very self centered... There are times when she cares more about herself and everything that happens to her and her future, rather than caring about her friends, a.k.a FIVE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PONIES IN EQUESTRIA! Okay, let's put that fact of friendship aside for a second. They are THE elements of harmony! If something happens to one pony, there will be a "domino effect", resulting in the fall of all of them! Dash is completely oblivious to how incredibly crucial the Mane Six (five in her case) is to Ponyville, or rather, EQUESTRIA.
my least favorite pony is twilight, i can't relate to her in any way, i don't like reading, learning's a bore, i never approved of her being an alicorn, she takes thing to seriously and she just gets on my nerves, her colors are horrid and she's a huge show off when it comes to her learning ability, she way overrated to me at least, and that's why i hate twilight sparkle so much. IMO!!! OKAY?!?!?!
+Rose Benzinger I guess you didn't watch Sleepless in Ponyville, or Flight to the Finish, or Hurricane Fluttershy, or every other episode where she was kind and supportive.
srsly i'll get it to ya'll straight
rainbow is my fav cuz am kinda like her
rarity is 2nd cuz i luv her drama
pinkie 3rd cuz she's pinkie
twi is 4th cuz.... book horse= nerd horse NERD HORSE AWESOME!
5th is flutters cuz............ uh................. well......... i hate that she's shy actually, she still can't do a lot. i hopped for more character change. i still think theres a lot more u can do with her. so with meh hopes she's number 5!
6th is AJ cuz.... of wat he said! <3
anyways, the only reason i love MLP is cuz its like me and my 5 friends (hoe convenient, i have 5 friends and all of us randomly seem to match the character of these ponies! coincidence or destiny! yea its a coincidence :P
the thing is..... the friend who acts like pinks is my best friend the one who acts like AJ id 2nd the one who acts like flutters is my 3rd the one who acts like book horse is 4th and the now who acts like rarity is my last. Jk i don't have any best BEST friend they're all awesome and i've known them for ever!!!
my main point of this comment was i don't wanna see anymore AJ vs RD who's best pony? DEBATE DEBATE!!! there r srsly 4 other ponies there to the side crying! :(
I disagree with you that's why i dislike this video she is kind and even loyal to her family friends and farm your really wrong and my least favorite pony is fluttershy beacause she is so shy i know she is kind but think about it she really afraid of almost everything and even her own shadow
Applejack no way she's the second-best guess who's the best I bet you can't guess my best silver spoon is the worst just wish I could slap a dislike on this video I'm not kidding stop watching you if you insulting people that shouldn't be insulted I'm out of your channel never ever I watch the channel again
I dislike Rainbow Dash because she's so self-centered. Im not saying i hate her but she doesn't realize that there is more than calling others "EGGHEAD" and insulting others.Honestly she does have some good stuff too. Like in season 5 she improves a lot more.
I have 2 ponys i hate.... Rarity and Apple Jack....They are sooo annoying! Apple Jack about apples! Rarity about fashion! Who cares! We have better things to do other then hear these things!
my least favorite pony is pinkie pie I know she's like super great super fun super super...but the thing that it scares me is pinkiemena I MEAN LIKE MAKING PONYS JUST FOR CUPCAKES?! When u watch a video about cupcakes at the start I already finding another video
Why Rarity as least well because she's no help at all. All she cares about is looking pretty. Why Rainbow Dash best well because she's 20% cooler than the other ones. Sorry I had to use that pun.😆😆😆😆😆
My Least favorite pony is Rainbow Dash because 1. She hardly ever has been loyal in the show 2. She plays pranks on people that they don't think is funny but she still carries on 3. she doesn't have self reflection whenever she does something not nice she hardly ever says sorry and comes up with an excuse 5. Wow what a liar lies about everything and says she has something when she doesn't 6. she is rude and spoiled and whenever somebody tries to talk to her she either says '' Go away!'' or says nothing and completely ignores them like they don't exist
And I don't like her because she is country and I hate county and because she I think is the least talented of the characters. What I'm talking about is her cutie mark. Just look at it, it's the only cutie mark that is really, you know, not so creative. Think of the other fives cutie marks, I think there way more creative than Apple Jacks.
lily ureta she's too girly for a lot of people I guess. she has her fans though. I actually kind of enjoy her sometimes. plus she's way better than starlight.
princess twilight is my lest favorite pony because she thinks that she is better than everyone jest because she is a princess!!!!!! Like what is up with that also she can some times she can be a jerk unlike futtershy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡😬😠 I Think that futtershy should be princess !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummmmmm twilight never said that shes better than anyonr else ya dumbass.... And if she did thats a carecter flaw and you CANT have a good charecter whit out those.. And i can see you hating her cus she is a goody goody... But i may hate you becose of your opinion thats like the same thing! BUT i dont!!!!
What I think about the Mane Six: Rarity is dramatically heated, but givingly generous. Applejack is stubbornly shallow, but honestly down to earth. Pinkie is spontaneously out there, but effectively cheerful. Fluttershy is defensively pushed, but is sympathetically kind. Dashie is boastingly arrogant, but selflessly loyal. Twilight is obsessively stressed, but intelligently triggering/connecting. They all have their flaws, which contrast strengths, and vice versa.
322 likesReplies (22)
Pinkie is very creepy
7 likes@Leah Prentice you mean
3 likesI agree everypony has their flaws but t
7 likesThat is just the thing that makes their character stronger
13 likesSo true
6 likes@Azure Nightfall I agree
1 likeWell said, well said.
4 likesAgreed. Defiantly.
1 likeYeah but can u Pick one (im just being curious) i wanna know what ur favorite pony is mine is rarity
1 like@HauntetGamer Personally, it's Twilight.
1 likeMaple Iridescence good point!
1 likeBest comment!
2 likesFlawless remember That Why my worst pony is the villain that is so simple come On guyyys
2 likesWell said.
1 likeEeyup.
1 likeMerina P 100th
0 likes@Leah Prentice IM PINKIE PIE
0 likesYeah
1 like@Leah Prentice I don't think pinkie is creepy
1 likeI did not understand anything you just said but ok
0 likesHow many hours did you take to complete this grammatic comment
0 likes@Aneeshya Gireesh idk , I do remember spending a lot of time on this comment when I was 12 tho lmao
0 likesI agree w/ the points that you made, but want to clarify a few things:
30 likes1: She may be oblivious but that is because she believes people will always be honest. As she says in the episode where she learns Rainbow Dash dosen't like pie, "are you sure there isn't anything else that you have been lying to us about?" She was the last pony to realize this and was then suspicious. She only give friends and family the benefit of the doubt because she trusts them that they are honest. If it is a villain or you've hidden something and she finds out, than she is detective suspicious no. 1!
2: her persistace is mainly caused by her element of honesty too because she makes what is called an honest promise- staying true to the cause no matter what.
3: there is no three because I agree with you that it is a problem that needs solving and it makes her character static and a little boring.
Replies (2)
I agree
0 likesI agree
0 likesThere is no such thing as a worst pony in my opinion. I love all of them :)
546 likesReplies (47)
Gavin King I agree!
5 likes@ツ Froggy Gaming uh... NO!!!!!
Read my comment and you'll understand why I hate her.
Edit: This was almost 2 years ago, I have matured now and I do not know what 9 year old me was thinking as no way in hell is this good for swaying others, anyway I'm a bitch and bye bye
Ariel Regala maybe you should respect their opinions
3 likesGavin king I totally agree
1 likeI agree but applejack is my favorite tho but this is his opinion but hasbro said the most popular characters in the mane six was pink pie and apple jack I know it’s there opinion and I like every mlp character 😕🙂 and she isn’t flawless
0 likesRoxy Scarlet why so rude? And btw sweetie belle is just fully 😕😒
1 like@Nova rose it is filly not fully
0 likesTrue. So true :)
2 likesKinnary Mac it is called auto correct and I know how filly is spelled
1 likeI know someone named gavin king! They are like mlp to!
1 likeyou have a perfect avatar to say that =)
1 likeI know somebody by that same name -.-
2 likesAaaand maybe cozy glow, she’s annoying and Downright evil 😈
1 likeMee too
1 likeCommunism dash?
0 likes噶差Karmi 2009 um you could’ve said it nicely not in a rude out of control way.
1 likeAgree
1 liketotally true
1 likeya
0 likesme too
0 likesI very much agree
0 likesI thing that to:)
0 likesThe worst pony is.......
2 likesthe COVID pony
Did I go there
yup I did
@Venti_ that’s true, if there was a Covid-19 pony, I would hate them XD well I guess I’d give them a chance but still!
1 likeHe literally said it was his opinion
0 likesExcept Trenderhoof and Prince Blueblood. We gotta hate those jerks for breaking Rarity's hearts! Ù^Ú
0 likes@KRM You're and Because*
0 likes@Lilac the Rox I personally like Cozy Glow. The fact that she is very mischievous makes her ADORABLE!
1 like@Payman Rasul This was a year ago, please.
0 likes@KRM Omg, I deeply apologise!
0 likes@Payman Rasul Nah it's fine, I was an immature brat back then.
0 likes@KRM Now, don't be too harsh on yourself. It's fine, honestly!
0 likesYes
0 likes@NIANA NORRISER MLP is dead lmfao, I was like 9 when I wrote this and I don't give 2 shits about My-little-fucking-pony anymore lol
0 likesYes no one is best and no one is worst
0 likesI agreee totally
0 likes@KRM why do you hate sweetie belle?!?!?!?!
0 likes@Zipxa_Raya Bro idk, my past self just did, but now I couldn't care less honestly
0 likesI don’t have a wrost but I have a best derpy:3
0 likes@KRM dude I’m a kid why you swear :(
0 likes@Slouchyllama Gaming Probably cause I could back then
0 likesApplejack is actually my favorite FiM character, and even after watching Sawtooth’s video, I still don’t get why she’s this hated by the Brony fandom. If anything, in my opinion, Rainbow Dash (or shall I say, Rainbow Trash?) deserves way, way more hate than any of the ponies, for obvious reasons.
0 likesI agree
0 likesI think there are some side characters like that guy in charge of that place in "Viva Lost Pegasus" but overall I like and or love almost every pony.
0 likescouldn't agree more
0 likesEveryone has a stubborn side, that just makes Applejack more huma- uh cough uh pony....hehe
613 likesReplies (14)
..CONSPIRACY THEORY- So she's a human- APPLE JACK!!!!
12 likesI:I
1 like....
1 like@ashley ferguson I've always wanted to experience country life
1 likeye
1 likeI agree
2 likesI:I l:l
0 likesThis is awkward LPS, sure he? she? they don't have that name for nothing
0 likessure, but leaving your friends just because she didn't win a rodeo? she knows how important she is to equestria.
3 likesyah
0 likesWha
0 likesI don't understand 😕
0 likes…………..maybe
0 likesDon't you guys remember the song Flawless ? No pony is perfect. All of them are best friends. And all of them have good things about them. And P.s l love all of them
372 likesReplies (16)
Carita Weller I like how you think! ☺
4 likesYou ar so reit
1 likeYou do realize this was posted years before that song happened twilight wasn't even a princess yet when this video came out
20 likesYes I'm not the only one who thought of that to be honest Applejack does this all for good reasons so Applejack is probably the kindest Pony next to Fluttershy
4 likesAgree with you!!
2 likesIm pretty sure this was before season 5. But i agree, after season 5 she gets ALOT better
6 likesThis video was put out before that song...
5 likes@S Gaming testing, testing, 123 was made when this was out, so twilight was a princess.
3 likesthis video was made before flawless came out
2 likeslook at the date
Applejack didn’t learn her lesson about being stubborn and being to protective
2 likesyes
0 likesYeah, but considering all the lessons they had learned and all the mistakes they made up to this point, they might as well be.
0 likesWow that is so touching
0 likesYes. That’s right! Plus I love them as well!
0 likestotally agree
0 likesI for one love AJ, so she's not perfect, she's stubborn, and makes mistakes, who doesn't? And of course she sees everything through apple-shaped glasses, she's been an apple farmer her ENTIRE life!
5 likesSecond of all, apple jack was treating apple bloom like a baby because she was afraid of her sister being hurt. If you think about it, apple bloom is really young, she doesn’t even have her cutie mark! Would you leave your young sister alone in a barn for a few days?
144 likesReplies (16)
4 likesWell honestly, I would feel more uncomfortable of a really young person being alone in a barn, than a house. Just me?
12 likesyes
1 likeThey don't seem to be super worried when the cutie mark crusaders are wandering all over ponyville unsupervised. There are plenty of times the crusaders are off doing their own thing. I'm not saying it's completely out of character for Applejack to worry so much, I just think it was stretched a bit too far
13 likesNo. I won't leave my sis there.
1 likeI searched how old is apple bloom and it says she’s 10 but this isn’t the human world in the human world 13 you can stay home by yourself plus ya she cared what small thing she does but she’s being to you know protective and she won’t learn anything if applejack keeps getting in the way she’s old enough to do some of the stuff
5 likesno
0 likes@Becka B fair point but in ponyville there are a lot of ponies, so if something happened to her there are a lot more ponies to help and weve seen of friendly and helpful ponies (:
3 likes@Niya_theawesome true but I do think the biggest problem has less to do with Applebloom being unsupervised and more to do with Applejack's behavior in the episode. Like I said, I think it was pushed a little too far and could have been written better
1 liketrue but after the apple jacks parents tragic death, obviously applejack would be way overprotective
2 likesWell, she is pretty old because she is allowed to do some crazy things to get her cutiemark, and BIG MAC BIG MAC himself ( most responsible pony well almost ) Said apple bloom was responsible ( indirictly )
0 likesActually she does have a cutie mark in 2021 -.-
1 like@Niya_theawesome how do you know they died??
1 likePOV: I don't have a sister
1 likeShe does have a cutie mark in season 5 episode 18, but apart from that I agree
0 likesIt wasn’t for a few days it was for an afternoon they said that in the episode apple jack was overreacting
0 likes1. Applejack, love the accent, love the amount of hardwork and love her dedication and loyalty. That being said she does need more character development
53 likes2. Rainbow Dash, I actually wouldn't consider her all that loyal (at least not anymore than the other ponies) but HOT DIGGIDY DAWG she is awesome.
3. Twilight Sparkle Loves to read like me, potentially has OCD (i have been diagnosed with severe OCD and am on medication) so she's the most relatable
4. Fluttershy likes animals but shes a little overprotective of them...that being said she is shy and kind
5. Pinkie Pie jumps too much and is a little too random, but she has some funny moments
6. Rarity cries and wines a little too much, annoyingly. That being said her moments with spike are quite funny
Edit: I hate the fact that I was ever a brony and I want to shoot myself for this faze
Replies (3)
rainbow dash is very loyal, she sacrificed so much for her friends, for what she thought was right. the others didn't have anything else to really sacrifice.
2 likesDont be ashamed of having been a brony in the past. It's a fun show theres nothing to be ashamed of
5 likesTwilight does said that Rainbow Dash is the most loyal friend in Equestria
0 likesDespite their flaws, why not just love them all :D
24 likesCause if they were perfect they wouldn’t be as cool y’know :3
Replies (1)
"It's our flaws that makes us work."😉
0 likesOut of everyone I really liked, rareity, applejack and fluttershy
2 likes1.) Rareity- I really liked how she wasn’t that mean pony who liked fashion or fitted that stereotype, she was generous and kind, she helped a ton of people with their personal issues and even inspired me to design clothes. Her character out of all of them was the most unique, she was sassy, kind a bit crazy bjt overall i liked how she didn’t stay with one personality and out of all of them I really think she’s really underrated, the people who don’t like her thinks she’s to “girly” which fine i guess but that’s still a stupid reason to dislike her after all the good things she have done in the past
2.) Apple Jack- She can sometimes be annoying but nonetheless shes a really mature character. Her and rainbow dash relationship is really just gold, she’s strong, honest and caring. Yes i guess she’s to honest in that one episode to the fashion designers but really it’s just her opinions even if it does hurt others, yes i guess i was bit annoyed with her of how she ruined all their hardwork but later on apologies and admits her mistakes and helps them which is also why i like her, she takes responsibility for her actions, although shes a sweetheart she’s also a bit sassy but in her own ways, nonetheless shes a mature motherly character.
3.) Fluttershy- Shes the definition of a sweetheart, I really like how she can be nice and harsh at the same time but of course her kindness does take over, after many years she has become confident, in the beginning of season 1 she couldn’t even look at twilight in the eyes and say her name but now they have been good friends, her character growth is amazing which is why I agree of her being the no1.) pony favourite.
Look at how she acted in Honest Apple. and people actually think she's the mature one...
43 likesReplies (2)
she has her flaws
2 likesLook at how Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie acted throughout the majority of FiM episodes. And people actually like these two...
1 likeI've just seen this video lately. Although it's kind of late to share my thoughts, I hope that there is somepony can read my opinions – about AJ.
0 likesFirst, AJ sure is a determined pony, and sometimes she got carried away and things turned out to be unexpected. At least she felt apologized and tried her best to help fixing her mistake. Since she also learnt something from that, I guess there is nothing to complain about her stubbornness.
Secondly, AJ has such a perfect country flair included her appearance and characteristic. Honest, hard-working and hospitality are 3 of her most recognizable pony(person)ality in my point of view. It that case, it’s quite obvious that she is oblivious. Unlike Rarity, who is very sensitive, AJ doesn't have the ability to see through other ponies' feeling. Rarity can easily recognize every frowns that her friends, family or customers give her and immediately guess out what they want (ep Forever filly for example), but if you ask AJ to read another pony's expression, even the most simple one, she just can't. Hey, are you asking a simple and sincere cowgirl to read other's mind? Shoot! She can't do that sugar cube, unless there is somepony comes and tell her what should she do.
Well, since AJ had to take care of Apple Bloom from the day AB was little, I guess AJ has her reason to treat AB overprotective, like mother to daughter. But I agree, it was way too overprotective that led to tons of unexpected things :p
The last thing I want to say is about “AJ didn't learn anything at all” which is simply not true. I think the pony who keeps on learning only 1 lesson should be Fluttershy. Oops, no offence.
So, to conclude everything, I strongly think that everypony has their own flaws, and those flaws are what make them perfect.
About the others; Rainbow Dash? I thought she was such a showing-off and reckless, yet seeing her kind look that she gave Pinkie or Scootaloo made my heart melted. Rarity? She is just annoying and useless sometimes, but I love the way she put her passion in everything, and her sensibility, too. Pinkie Pie! I thought her to be a silly carefree pony who has nothing to worry about, but actually the most caring one, always think of her friends and family. I have nothing to say about Fluttershy, she just too adorable and cuteness overload yet sometimes her shyness makes her useless and she only learn 1 lesson about how to use the stare whole season. And Twilight, I hate when she went creepy, but overall, I love her without reasons. Well, I guess everypony has their flaws, but I still love all of them.
If you are still reading this, thank you very much and please forgive me if I made some kind of grammar or spelling mistake since English is not my mother tounge language.
From Vietnam with luv <3
Apple jack : did u know that granny Smith discovered the first granny Smith
45 likesSawtooth waves : I know apples are her life and all but really ...
Me : it's called humor dude
Replies (4)
7 likesPjdfjlsafjlfjalfahlshlffhhhfhdlfsypsufppugszg
4 likes@X Is A Monster #YoureCorrectBecauseYes
4 likesCccccccc
2 likesSomeone should make a video: "Every time Applejack says 'Apple' '
1317 likesReplies (101)
That video would be hours long 😜😜😜🍎🍎🍎🍎🍏🍏🍏🍏
79 likes@Halley C. I know. I still want to see it.
24 likes@Nerissa Cappell Let's play the drinking game. Every time Applejack says apple, take a shot. Probably be drunk by the end of the episode too considering that's all she like talks about besides family especially if said episode is mainly about her.
42 likes@TheVanishing87 Sorry, not old enough to drink XD
16 likes@Nerissa Cappell I would love the part when she says "Apples."
8 likes+MLP-Sliver-Quill do a drinking game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 likes@Nerissa Cappell xD
0 likes@Nerissa Cappell xD
0 likesMaybe How many times she says Apples in a season ????
1 like@Vixen_Girl she has sayd apple excacly 86392754819384634664738829999290282634492836492293 zillion times a episode
2 likeswow
1 likeI think that would be a 5 hour long video about that
3 likes@***** I would!
1 likeI have no life@Nerissa Cappell Yeah how???????????????????????????//
0 likes@***** put - these around the crossthru words
0 likesc-----
0 likesnot working
0 likes@Nerissa Cappell you could drink apple juice =P see what did there apple juice applejack... you get the idea
5 likes@Nerissa Cappell
0 likeshm@Nerissa Cappell someone did just search applejack apple compilation
1 likethat is a great idea.
0 likesOr maybe someone should watch all the episodes of season four and take a shot of whiskey every time she says apples
1 likeLol XD
0 likesI hate APPLE JACK why say Apple Apple Apple why?
1 like+Cindi Gurley me too. why apples?!?!
0 likes+Nerissa Cappell have you seen 'apple.MOV'
0 likes@coollolkid on youtube Nope.
0 likes@Nerissa Cappell it's about apple jack eating to many apples, it pretty much makes fun of her love for apples
0 likes@coollolkid on youtube Yeah, I looked it up once you mentioned it. lol
0 likes@Nerissa Cappell yeah it sum's AJ up pretty well XD
0 likes+Nerissa Cappell more like "every time someone ever said 'apple' in MLP"
0 likes@Nova Pisces XD #apple.MOV
0 likesO H GO D
0 likes@Nova Pisces so..... u must of seen apple.MOV but the way your acting
0 likesDasshuChan Woof bitch she os awsome un like you bitch
1 likeKitty Haze right
0 likesLuna Cappell
0 likesThat would be a 3000 hour video xD
0 likesSomebody did......
0 likesthat would be like 10 hours
0 likes#everytimeapplejacksaidapple
0 likesYAASSS
0 likesLuna Cappell ....best idea ever
0 likesOMG YES
0 likesLady Wolf
0 likesI can’t even count that high!
But seriously, watch Sanders Sides.
Luna Cappell that would take FOORRREEEVVVVEVEEERRRRR
0 likesLol
0 likesLuna Cappell has the right idea
0 likesOmc someone dp it
0 likeshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRRlzkBqljk APPLE
0 likes16 hours later
0 likesMe: We are almost done!
@Mc Piggy1
0 likesI see a danganronpa pfp 👀👀👀👀
1 likeYa she said’ s ‘’apple” 1000000 a minute!
0 likesYES
0 likesTheVanishing87 Sorry not old enough to drink 🍹
0 likestake a shot every time AJ talks country
1 likeYou're in luck! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRRlzkBqljk
0 likes@Hailey C. yeees
0 likesI watched the whole thing over again and she said it around 137 times
0 likesIf they did, it would be HOURS LONG
0 likesI was the 700th like and 70th comment
0 likesYeah hehehehehehe
0 likesApPuHlZ
0 likesEe-Yup
0 likesLuna Cappell yes. I mean, there is a video every time Twilight says book, why not Applejack?
0 likeshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRRlzkBqljk
0 likesHailey C. DAYS
0 likesI actually did a while ago, but I didnt have a channel and I lost the file unu
1 likeI would love thataybe he should to this as well
0 likesHere! https://youtu.be/ZRRlzkBqljk
0 likes@Mc Piggy probs 50 times🤣
0 likes@Flame lash eat an apple everytime
0 likesTHEN MAKE IT!!!!
1 likeJust a warning...
1 likeNever play a game where you take a shot of wine when she says “Apple”
kyoko profile pic hehe
1 likeyep
0 likesI searched for a video like that, and the closest I found was from 3 years ago now, 2 years after you commented. Here’s the link.
0 likeshttps://youtu.be/ZRRlzkBqljk
@Hailey C. true ;)
0 likesFor every time she said that I'd be a millionaire
0 likesSure
0 likesGood idea
0 likesFirst episode beggining
1 likeTwilight: oki, time for the food
Applejack: let me introduce you to the family
Apple fritter, apple pie, apple bloom APPLE DIS APPLE DAT APPLE STAT
Lmao yes
0 likesSooo ur a kiri fan 🤩🤩
0 likesSome people really know how to make others laugh
0 likesLOL
0 likesThat video should be days long
0 likesI actually searched that lol
0 likesPlease no
0 likesSomeone's gonna go crazy doing that
@Hailey C. l know and that would be hilarious 🤣🤣
0 likes@Luna Cappell https://youtu.be/jtSE53tD4_0
0 likesAnd every time Big Mac says yep
0 likesI do have a couple hours spare lol
0 likesYou know if they make every pony of the mane six perfect then the show wouldnt even be interesting!!You cant always point out ponys mistakes in every episode to get a topic of a video..
4 likesI like all of them for different reasons and don’t like a part of all of them for different reasons but having flaws makes them more relatable (albeit frustrating) to watch.
0 likesI really couldn’t list them in order of my favourite to least favourite because I see a part of myself in each of them from the bad qualities to the good.
Applejack is a weird character for me . My dad thinks that applejack is the best pony just because she’s southern . I think she’s an ok character, and of course an important one . She’s the element of honesty and she’s been in more episodes than twilight ! Yet , I think my favorite character has to be Flutter shy .
4 likesI think my least favorite is twilight . I mean , I don’t hate her character , I actually see her as a really good character , and she’s up there for my favorites ponies in general . It’s just that I’d pick fluttershy for best pony XD
Now you have a song about it We are not flawless from season 7 ep 14
372 likesReplies (8)
I love that song
8 likesTrue
3 likesCheck out when did this came out from maybe he changed his mind just maybe
2 likescrilis yassss
1 likeYeah I like that song
3 likesTotally love it
0 likes@Ethan Beharry we’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too! Cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
1 likeThey say I’m a big shot, that my ego’s the size of a whale! My confidence comes off as cocky, but it gives me the courage to fail!
Sure, I can be a drama queen, a bit stuck up it’s true.
And I can be too eager to please, there’s such thing like being too honest too cause
We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
Ponies just think I’m all bubbles and laughter, that I don’t seem sincere. I might joke around a little too much, but I’m just so happy you’re here!
It took me a while to be confident, to really come out of my shell!
But nopony has to be perfect, by now don’t you know so we’ll because yeah
We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
What about the beginning?
I never claimed to be perfect, my mistakes are all written in ink! None of us claimed to be perfect, and it’s sad if that’s what you all think. Our flaws help to make us special, they bond us and keep us strong. Our flaws are what brought us together, so stop acting like somethings wro-o-o-ong
Full version of Flawless
I never claimed to be perfect, my mistakes are all written in ink! None of us claimed to be perfect, and it’s sad if that’s what you all think. Our flaws help to make us special, they bond us and keep us strong. Our flaws are what brought us together, so stop acting like somethings wro-o-o-ong, We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
They say I’m a big shot, that my ego’s the size of a whale! My confidence comes off as cocky, but it gives me the courage to fail!
Sure, I can be a drama queen, a bit stuck up it’s true.
And I can be too eager to please, there’s such thing like being too honest too cause
We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
Ponies just think I’m all bubbles and laughter, that I don’t seem sincere. I might joke around a little too much, but I’m just so happy you’re here!
It took me a while to be confident, to really come out of my shell!
But nopony has to be perfect, by now don’t you know so we’ll because yeah
We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, we’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work, yeah! We’re not flawless! We’re work in progress, so tell me what flaws ya got too, cause I still like what’s flawed about you!
Applejack is the most sane of the mané 6 .in each episode she confront one of two things
1 like1.-a dishonest act ( usually done by flin and flan)
2.-a family issue
Being stubborn is her great weakness because it came along with her honest behavior ( in her way she has to confront the fact that her ways arent the correct ones al the time)
My favorite pony is rainbowdash because I dig her personality. She's a tomboy go-getter who has the element of harmony I believe is the best. I believe in loyalty above all else.
2 likesMy list favorite ponys of the mane six
14 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Twilight sparkle
3. Rainbow dash
4. Pinkie pie
5. Applejack
6. Rarity
In season 7s episode the perfect pear we know the apple siblings had parents now being a show for kids they wouldn't show tragedy but I believe that when Applejack was a filly along with might Mac and apple bloom being an infant she got in a fight with rarity at school one day so rarity wanted to apologise for it but had to cross a bridge to get to the farm but the rope snapped and rarity screamed for help Applejack and her parents heard her and went to help but all this caused the outher rope to break but the mom tried to grab it the dad was able to save rarity but him and his wife fell in the river from the fall and Applejack thinking it was her fault for being not that strong or fast but mostly for fighting with rarity but there Grandma gave Applejack time but at one point she had to let it out but Applejack was I'm guessing scared of that then she starts getting memories of her parents but maybe she had those feelings cause maybe she had a good relationship with them witch is understandable but being an older sister she was told to be there for her family but mostly for applebloom because she wouldn't know why her parents aren't around anymore but that's just my saying after watching a four part video story on YouTube called core of the apple
1 likePoor AJ. :( She deserved so much better. She’s always been my favorite character, alongside Twilight...
1 likeI LOVE apple juice aka cider, and how honest applejack is to her friends (I’m the opposite most of the time), but I like how fluttershy loves animals (I do too). Rainbow, well, she... is a TOTAL show-off, rarity on the other hand is... well... TOO pretty perfect. Pinky is fun, okay, maybe she spoiled a couple of suspense parts in MLP, but at least she has parties? Idk 😐, BUT I would LOVE it if u would make a chart like u did before for the princesses but this time for the main 6... maybe 5?!? Cause I can tell everyone is gonna pick twilight spankin sparkle over everyone else (twilight is my fav). To sum this all up I would like to thank you for all of ur reasoning behind ur theories because before I met ur YT channel I didn’t much know much about anyone in the story although they literally told us everything about them. ;3
1 likeThe flaws I usually don't care about. That's what makes someone an actual character. It's the lack of character development that's the actual problem. It's the reason that from a literary perspective, Applejack is my least favorite character. (Which is a completely different rating system than, say, wanting to meet them if they were real. Being critical of their character doesn't necessarily mean I don't like them, personally.)
1 likeI should probably point out that any obliviousness in MLP in general is not indicative of the character's actual lack of awareness, unless it is being made clear that they are being unaware. That's just a common thing for cartoons to do to convey the information to the audience in a clear way. If a character on-screen is a really good liar, but the audience is supposed to know they are lying, the only way to do that is to give them clear tells, which they would not possess in-universe.
Personally, I think the episode "somepony to watch over me" has a meaningful story line, to me I see Applejack taking on the role of Appleblooms mother who most likely died. Yes I do understand that their sisters, but I think Applejack might have been there when their parents died and whenever Applebloom is hurt it reminds Applejack that she won't have a parent figure to lift her back up, so Applejack decides to take on that role her self.
1 likeReplies (1)
1 likeApple Jack is actually my favorite pony from the main 6. I love her for the reason you don't like her. She is under developed. To me this just means she has room to grow as a pony. She may have her flaws but those are just obstacles for her to overcome. I also love her because of the simplicity of her character. I mean how much simpler can you get than a farm girl. I also love her aspersions, to continue to run the farm. Mostly because Apple blossom, big Mack, and probably AJ's parents (if there not dead) did not what to continue this. Also, everyone else's aspirations are a little to out there and "not traditional". They'd seem like things a much younger pony would dream of. For example, rainbow dashes desire to join the wonderbolds. This is simpler to wanting to become a popstar when you're older, it's probably not going to happen. She set realistic standards so not to be let down. In conclusion, AJ is amazing
18 likesHOLD ON! it's actually thanks to appel Jack for being so oblivious! what to I mean you may ask? when apple bloom was trying to get out of the party thanks to apple jack for blocking the exit apple bloom would have never met sweetie bell and scootaloo, I mean she still could have ended up meeting them some how but not the same way.
10 likesmy most favorite pony is fluttershy, i love her so much, tbh some of my friends ship me and fluttershy because i'm pretty much a male version of fluttershy, to make it less confusing i'm a male fluttershy is female, but i am kind like fluttershy, i'm shy like fluttershy, i love animals and nature like fluttershy, i only ever get mad when someone rubbishes or hurts those i care about, fluttershy is like that too as she show's in that episode where they went up the mountain to get rid of the sleeping dragon
2 likesPinkie Pie is my least favourite of the main 6. She is very funny, sweet and is always positive but she can get very absent minded at times. In season 5 a snow monster tries to attack her and she laughs at it. In season 1 when Celestia goes missing she says that she is "good" at hiding. In season 1 when Pinkie tried to get Rainbow Dash to help her with a prank Rainbow tried avoiding her and you can clearly see she is annoyed. But Pinkie keeps on going after Rainbow. I'm not saying that Pinkie is a bad pony, she is an awesome pony. Those were just some flaws.
3 likesThis might be seven years ago but...
1 likeI respect your opinion and while she might be one my favorites, I understand your point of view. Atleast A.J won't join the bad side since she's so stubborn. I like her and Rainbowdash because my personality is more like them. So basically, I like knowing other people's (or ponys) opinion and I neither agree or disagree
thank you for your time
I think that all the ponies have a major flaw of obliviousness like how Twilight is completely inconsiderate of the feelings of other ponies or how Rarity sometimes doesn't care for any pony getting hurt for her major goal. The writers and author have said that the qualities shown usually with her little sister is mostly for character development for Apple Bloom so the intentions are made clear.
0 likesI think the obliviousness in Applejack is kind of… faked. Maybe she’s trying just to help Apple Bloom realize her mistakes/be able to face her enemies in a way
2 likesMy order of favorite’s to least favorites (I like all of them this is just a list to put them on)
11 likes1.Fluttershy
-I just relate to her the most, we both are shy, we both have stage fright, we both have people who admire us because of our singing, we both love nature and animals.
2. Rainbow Dash
-I would be Rainbow dash if I was very confident in myself and we both are emotional but don’t show it.
3.Twilight Sparkle
-We both are bookworms, we both are clever, and we both want things organized.
4.Pinkie pie
-I would put her higher but my three choices are my favorites, We both get very offended and doubt our friends sometime but we keep a smile on, well I do on the outside.
-I was a drama queen as a kid (I’m a pre-teen now) one time I cried just because I didn’t want to get on the computer, I also cried at the little insults my stepbrother said to me.
-I just don’t have much things in common with her except we both are stubborn minded.
Replies (8)
0 likes@CHAOS .Goddess. ???
0 likesI agree with you.
0 likes@CHAOS .Goddess. You said you hate Flutter??
0 likes@CHAOS .Goddess. Uh? Why do you hate MLP?
0 likes@CHAOS .Goddess. Uh okay..... You hate something for no reason...
0 likes@CHAOS .Goddess. I know. But still. Hating for no reason, really dude ?
0 likes@CHAOS .Goddess. Okay then. Still weird, but, if you don't do anything, then okay.
0 likesI really like Applejack, but I do agree that she has some major flaws.
33 likes1. Rainbow
2. AJ
3. Pinkie
4. Spike
5. Flutter
6. Rarity
7. Twilight
I really don’t care much for twilight
Replies (6)
That Fluttershy rating is offensive.
4 likesMine are
5 likes1. Flutter
2. Rainbow
3. Pinkie
6. Rarity because she in to inmature and a drama queen
I don’t like rainbow dash
0 likes1. Twilight,she has been with us all and without her the main 6 would fall apart. After all she was last to get courpt by discord. And she is also the wisest and best at giving advice due to her leadership skills. And she also relatable.
2 likes2 dash. Independent strong smart and is always loyal. She would give up her dreams for the mane six. And she always ready to save the day. And she is good to look up to as she takes care of scootaloo very well.
3. Rarity. Hardworking confident and she is also a good inspiration she is a good sister and puts everything into her next creation and eont give up on her dreams.
4 flutters calm,quiet loves animals but can be assertive when she needs to be. Has talent and knows how to put up with people no matter there past like discord. And she was the only one to trust him at first.
5 pinkie. Loud,fun talented and someone to bring a smile to your face. Can look past danger and see the light in things and always knows how to make things better for everypony
6 aj. Hardworking, mother figure family lover and will comfort when things get bad likes to help and will tell you how it is when you need to here it.
Patrick Sexton Mine are
0 likes1.scootaloo
2.rainbow dash
3. Sweetiesebelles
4.king Sombra
@Pumpkin gladiator gaming rarity for me is that she is very vain
0 likesShe is actually my favorite. I agree that she's stubborn, but in some of the examples you had it just shows how much she cares about her loved ones. I also love that she's honest, loyal, hard working, kind and as I said, super caring c:
6 likesI love all the girls so much and this list isn't a representation of who I like the most it's simply a list of their traits and flaws. The Mane 6 is made of these girls and their all incredible in their own way❤!!
0 likes1. Rainbow Dash, she's just AMAZNG! She's the coolest out of the mane 6! Like have you seen her do the sonic rainboom?! She's so confident not the typical girl she's a tomboy and. She's actually loyal in many ways even though she doesn't always show it there's been countless amount of times RD has been loyal to her friends and even her princess. She can be very self-centred and her ego can get so huge it makes her unbearable but it's just because she's ever so confident in herself.
2.Twilight Sparkle she's just so quirky and smart. I don't know why i like her so much she's just got that something about her. Yes she has her moments and can be very controlling and bossy but that's what makes her a good leader eh. From season 1-3 she possibly had OCD but from season 4 she learned how to control it, I think it's mainly because she became princess. She's very organized and likes to stay on top of things so when things don't go to plan she has a mental breakdown!! She gets so worked up in her studies and books that she sometimes forgets how others may feel. With that being said, her intuition and magic sense is crazy she's very empathetic to how other's may feel and put's people's needs above her own! Long live Princess TWILY!!
3. Apple Jack, my country gal. She's the mom of the group! I love her accent and countryisms "Well colour me pleased as punch" I feel like I can relate to her thee most because I'm stubborn, driven and hard-working. I love how family-oriented she is; she'll do anything for her friends and family. She's very proud to be from the Apple family and doesn't hide that! Apples are her thing and she can rant about them forever but she tends to get carried away and lets it take over her personality. She's brutally honest and doesn't sugar-coat anything and that's why I respect her. However, I do wish she had more of a character development !
4.Rarity, more like Miss Rarity, she's well the drama-queen, the Miss Perfect of the mane 6. She likes things clean and proper. She's the typical girly-girl and can be very annoying with all her whining and over-the-top dramatic scenes but that's what makes her likeable. She cares so much about looks that it can distract her from the actual objective. She can be very dismissive of other people's experiences and feelings until it's happened to her. However, she's a very generous pony and wears her heart on her sleeve to make others happy. She clearly has a soft spot for Spike and is closest to Fluttershy.
5.Flttershy, I've put her here not because I don't like her but I feel like she could be more confident in herself. I wouldn't necessarily call her a "pushover" anymore but there's times where she has self-doubt. With that being said, the times she's assertive are one to talk about, she becomes a complete boss. She's a cute, shy pony who's great with animals and children. She isn't afraid to stand up for what is right.
6.Pinkie Pie, I love Pinkamina Diane Pie. She's hilarious and so fun. With that being said, she can be a bit much, gets offended easily, she takes things too personally and she can be a bit too in your face. She loves making friends and is the life of the party but she needs respect other people's privacy and tone it down just a notch. With that being said, her over-the-top crazy personality makes her a great character and makes the show enjoyable to watch!!!
1. Applejack because she is strong, funny, and awesome
2 likes2. Pinkie Pie because she has such a lovable personality!
3. Rainbow Dash. She is full of herself, but she did pull off a Sonic Rainboom, and that's pretty awesome
4. Twilight Sparkle. She is a very smart pony and she'd do anything for her friends
5. Fluttershy. Don't get me wrong, I like Fluttershy, but she can be painfully shy. For example, in the episode Filli Vanilli, she hides the fact that she likes singing until the very end of te episode.
6. Rarity. Ugh! Have you counted all the times she was moping in her boutique on a chaise eating ice cream?
But all of the ponies are pretty awesome!
tbh i can't decide on a least favorite out of the mane 6, but out of all ponies my least favorite would have to be Hoity Toity (i can't remember how to spell his name so forgive me if i got the spelling of his name wrong) i hate the way he bad mouths the first costumes that the other 5 mane ponies asked rarity to make them for the first grand galloping gala (not sure if i spelled that right or not either) we see, i think their first costumes were so pretty, yes there second ones were nice too, but i liked the first ones better, and i think Celestia would have liked them better too, but i dunno that's all just my opinion, other mlp fans might disagree and that's fine, everyone has a right to there own opinion
2 likesShe pissed me off in Apple Family reunion because she kept pushing Apple Bloom and Babs Seed away from each other without giving them any time to catch up and see each other knowing full well that they don’t see each other enough that often and only want to catch up and see each other
2 likesAlso yeah I agree with you
Replies (1)
Kiara LionessTM {Kiara Fray Fairchild} well I don’t agree with you
0 likesAs of Season 8, I can't decide whether my least favorite of the Mane 6 is Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. With Rainbow, it's a matter of my always having had some reservations about her ego and sharp tongue, as well as some of her more out-of-the-blue jerk moments - with Pinkie, I just feel like the writers are slowly turning her into little more than a childish idiot (if episodes like "The Maud Couple" and "Horse Play" are anything to go by).
0 likesReplies (1)
Scratch that: as of "Yakity-Sax", Pinkie is my least favorite.
0 likesHow ironic that your least favorite character JUST HAPPENS to be the one appearing in Brohoof.
6 likesFor me my least favorite mane 6 member is rarity I don't know why but she just doesn't resonate as well with me as the others do but also she just is so greedy like with dragonshy for example she has almost gotten the dragon to leave but knowing dragons are greedy she still says "and I'll watch your treasure" completely setting everything back to square one plus when she's thrown out of the cave she is more annoyed about not getting the gems and jewelry than making it so that ponyville won't end up covered in black smoke for the next 100 years and I know it was a flutter shy development episode but still they lugit just ended up making her greedy for the sake of her being greedy which may I remind you she's supposed to be the welder of the element of generosity aka the opposite of how she was in dragonshy
0 likesMy least favorite out of the mane 6 is Rarity. Mostly because she doesn’t always listen to her friends. I like Applejack because in season 9 she was basically the only one willing to tell Twilight what was going on when something went wrong. Yes, Applejack has her flaws, but all of the mane 6 does. There was literally a whole song about their flaws in the show (forgot what episode-).
1 likeApplejack has been my favorite since season 1 and that will never change, I would have to say she is one of the best characters of the show, shes not perfect but neither are her friends, shes strong, caring mature, level headed, second in command of the mane 6 next to Twilight, she is the back bone of the group keeps them together and brings out the best in them. she has had alot of good moments thru out the series and has out shined her friends in the episodes, she is the best sister, and will always be best pony.
5 likesFavorite: Fluttershy. She is the kindest one I know. I love how much of an animal lover she is and how much character development she's had. Her shyness has improved greatly throughout the seasons. Also, she has the right amount of flaws.
0 likesLeast Favorite: This is hard. I have to say, even though I like them all equally, I believe Rainbow Dash is my least favorite. She seems the least loyal, and I don't know, a little too cocky. But still, I like them all equally.
Those are my answers.
Replies (3)
I respect your opinion, but rd is my fav. Favorite: rainbow dash. I really like her attitude and she can be loyal sometimes. Least favorite: Rarity. Her element is generosity, but she never shows that, and she is always a stock up and a b*
0 likesKaty Lewis wow i don’t remember making this comment
0 likesRaven Feathers XD probs because it was 2 years ago. I’m pretty late to this video
0 likesOkay so here's my list, but just to be clear I don't actually have a 'least favourite' member of the mane 6, it'll just be the one who I don't like as much as others and I'll say what I think of them.
49 likes1. Fluttershy: Mainly because I relate to her a lot. She's socially awkward, quiet, prefers being around animals rather than other ponies, loves nature, is caring and has her moments where she might get frustrated, or if she's trying to be something she's not and it ends up going pear shaped. That's all me, and her character just makes a lot of sense because I relate to her so much. It honestly feels like I'm watching myself as a cartoon pony.
2. Applejack: Again, I relate to her a lot. She's bluntly honest, sensible, and acts very motherly towards her family and friends. She also has a very big appetite like myself, lol. I like how she's always thinking practically, and how straightforward she is. Yes, she has her flaws, they all do, but she learns from her mistakes and is genuinely concerned if she hurts somepony's feelings. She's just great, and in my opinion she needs more love.
3. Rainbow Dash: This is mostly because I really like her character design, and how she's not a typical girl. She can be a bit much sometimes though, although she's gotten a lot more mature recently.
4. Pinkie Pie: I like her, but like Rainbow she can be a little much sometimes. I know it's her character to be the hyper one, but I'd like her to be a bit calmer sometimes and maybe not so "in your face".
5. Twilight: I do not in any way dislike her, I actually really love her character and how she's always there for her friends, she just annoys me sometimes with how she acts. I think it's just how her character is written, but remember in "Tanks For The Memories", after they had all said 'goodbye' to Tank, she straight away asked if Rainbow was "ready for some winter fun". Like what the heck 😂😂 he just went into his hole and you think RD's just suddenly gonna be okay?! I don't know, I like her but she has times where I'm just like omg Twilight why 😂
6. Rarity: Okay, so this is basically because I don't really relate to her character that much. I'm not confident, and I don't like attention, and I don't like dressing up, and I don't like obsessing over boys. She's just too much of a typical female, and can be very annoying sometimes. I don't hate her, she's a very cute pony, but I only really like it when she's being generous, or when she's singing cause I really love her voice and she has the catchiest songs. She just seems too obsessed over her looks, and I don't like it. Ñ
Replies (13)
@meera mahabir thank you so much 😊
0 likesKendra Curtis I am like Twilight I have OCD
1 like@sofía⁷ cool :) there aren't any characters who i dislike, and i think twilight's a good character.. i think it's great that you can relate to her 😄
0 likesI'm pretty sure Apple Jack's popular everyone I've talked to likes her also spike and rainbow are more blunt than Apple Jack she's more being honest even when it's difficult or when it's important more than bluntly honest and I like Rainbow and Pinkie being over the top but I respect your opinion
2 likes@JolteonRPGplayer coolio 👍🦋
0 likes"a typical female" what the hell is that supposed to mean!?!?!
0 likes@Aria i mean that i like how rainbow isn't traditionally feminine
0 likes@Kendra Curtis ummm okay
0 likes@Kendra Curtis is every female supposed to be feminine??
0 likes@Aria no??? i literally just said that i like rainbow dash BECAUSE she's not traditionally feminine.. like it's good to have girls who are a bit more rough and tumble than most people think they're supposed to be.. of course that doesn't mean traditionally feminine girls have any less value.. all females are wonderful, no matter what their interests or traits are.. i'm a girl (in case you didn't know) and i would say i'm more feminine than masculine but i wouldn't label myself as particularly girly or boyish, i'm just a female who has her interests and traits and that's it.. i'm just an awkward little human who is trying her best, like we all are c:
1 likeShut up. I think it also means like the stereo typical girl like “omg there is a new boutique at the mall” and “I am so going to go get my nails done” and I am not saying those are bad I am just saying that that’s what some people think ALL girls act and it’s not true I myself am sorta girly sorta Tom boy my bestie is Tom boyish she loves football and likes sports and hangs out with the boys not because she likes them but she says that there is less drama there an I agree
2 likesHow do u write that much
0 likesI completely hate boys they are so annoying and they are so dum and bossy
0 likesWhile I respect your oppinion, and do admit that you raise many good points, I cannot agree. In fact Applejack is tied best pony in my mind with Pinkie Pie. Yeah, that should tell you something about my personality. :P
0 likesYeah, she is stuborn. She is also really proud, short-tempered, blunt and often too eager to please. She can be a little under developed, but I can't blame a character for bad writing, can I? Also, well, yeah. The apples...I don't think the show AJ is as focused on Apples as the fans make her out to be. She just happens to be run a farm with them. And if something is your job, it is something you focus on. We don't hear the same complaint with twilight and her books, or Rarity and her gems, or Pinkie Pie and cake. But for some reason AJ's apple focus is freaky and the other's are normal. I don't know.
As for obliviousness...I don't argue that one little bit. It's like she has blinders on, maybe because she expects things to go a certain way. When it doesn't, she is slow to realize that something is off. It maybe that she is slow to pick up social cues? Autism maybe? Because she is quick as anything so see something wrong in things like her apple trees.
I honestly think tht her character as some of the best good points in the whole show. She is honest, but she had to go through a lot of rough patches to truely learn what being honest and having good integrety really means. She is stuborn, but a lot of that is because she is so determined not to let her family, her friends and her farm down. She is proud, but really, when you have such a solid rep, it is pretty hard not to be.She clearly loves her family to a fault. And I just love her sense of humor. When that eyebrow goes up, my inner fangirl has a ball. She is, of course, hardworking, dependable, and a solid rock. If she cracked, I think the whole town of Ponyville might suffer and suffer hard.
Personally, I have the most trouble getting Rarity. That is weird because we both are creative. But I have a hard time understanding her. Her dramas are off-putting, her focus on clothes and fassion and papering herself is silly to me. Her selfishness is annoying. And I have a hard time getting behind her when she is clearly even more oblivious in a far more fundamental way than AJ ever is. Especially when it comes to high society or, forgive me, stallions. That is to say, I still like her. There is almost no character that I don't like at least a little in the show. But of the main six, she is the one I have the most trouble likeing. Maybe that is the AJ in me.
I respectfully disagree with you.
1 likeI think AN has flaws but she is also the most adjustable pony. She usually adjusts with situation and does not force her ideas on others. Unlike the other 5 she also doesn't feel jealous in certain scenarios. She's always happy and doesn't show off about anything. I think she is under developed because she doesn't have much to work on. She is a perfect pony.
My least favorite is Rarity. Sometimes her character is over dramatic to say the least. However, what really angered me was how easily annoyed she was with her sister Sweetie Belle. Maybe, being a younger sibling myself, and often seeking the respect and attention from my sister, I tend to side a bit more Sweetie Belle. The truth is though, Rarity got so bothered about having everything her way that she failed to reach an understanding with her until the end of the Sisterhooves Social, therefore showing a lack in generosity when it comes to giving patient and time with her sibling. Also in the Manehattan episode when she ran out with the costumes her friends made for her, she did not even stop to say thank you. The good news is that she learned her lesson in the end. What I do like about her is those moments when she surprises people by going all " oh it is ON!" on everypony. My favorite ponies however are Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Pinkie mostly because of her great sense of optimism and Fluttershy because of the many obstacles she has had to overcome in her life. What makes them both awesome is their sensitivity which often shows how much they really care or rely on other characters in the show.
6 likesFun fact: the creator wanted to make the mane 6 be relatable so she gave all 6 of them personality disorders so that's why they all have such fatal flaws since they are supposed to be relatable and there are many people who would have similar flaws and that's also why they aren't the perfect hero's
0 likes"Who's a silly pony? Who is? You is. Applejack." That song says it all. My favorite background pony: Applejack.
4 likesmy favorite and least favorite:
3 likes1) rainbowdash she's basically me as a pony even though she gets a little bit full of herself she does realize it
2)pinkie pie who couldn't love her?
3) apple jack basically what you said at the end
4) fluttershy she has her good days and is willing to do anything for her friends
5) rarity fashion isn't really my thing but she isn't that bad
6) twighlight, i honestly dont HATE her but she isn't my favorite she is too much of a goody 2 shoes
Replies (1)
yeah I agree. Twilight is so perfect and flawless -_-. I loved the unicorn Twilight!
1 likeI feel like in the scene with baby being in the cart, she saw the suspicious thing and decided to subtly mention what a hard time she's been having at home
0 likesI have to disagree with the second one. she's always the first one to notice that something isn't right, and always notices things more than the others.
0 likesMy fav ponies :
0 likes1. Rainbow Dash (she always been my fav pony ever since I watch the show and I'm into MLP because of RD. People who said RD isn't loyal really needs to pay attention to her. I like how she's the one who saved her friends' life most of times and sacrificed many things just to be with her friends yet people still call her unloyal -_-)
2. Pinkie Pie (To be honest, Pinkie Pie made the show a lot more entertaining. I love how she likes to make her friends smile and how she treats her sister Maud. Pinkie always made me less sad when I'm having a bad day)
3. Twilight (She's so cute when she's panicking)
4. Rarity (People also need to pay attention to her more. She is really generous but people always try to deny it)
5. Applejack (I like her as much as others, she's hardworking, honest, and overall she will be good friend in real life)
6. Fluttershy (I notice how when other mane 5 goes against their elements people were hating on the character but when Fluttershy is against her element people were okay with that. Fluttershy is so gullible. She force all animals to like her and she hurt animals and would do anything to make animals love her (like the one in best night ever) She rarely saved her friends. She can handle a dragon in Dragonshy and later she's afraid of dragons again in Dragon Quest. Idk, she's always my least fav pony
When you're recording with a toaster
4 likesI think rarity is worst cuz she’s dramatic,fancy and she gets really sensitive over dumb things
3 likesthere is no best pony or worst pony. I love them all :D Every pony has flaws and that's okay, no one is perfect
0 likesrarity
2 likesas a girl who hates stereotypical and "trendy" girls i hate her
a lot
i dont really mind obsession with apples (applejack) but omg i hate girls obsessed with the appearance of someone
I am definitely a mix of Pinkie and Applejack
1 likeI stand up for myself
If someone bothers me or doesn’t understand that I said NO then I can be really stubborn/angry
I always stay positive even in hard times (Ik I said I’m stubborn sometimes but only when someone bothers me, not when something sad is happening or scary or dangerous, I am positive at those times)
I am brave and never cry (by never I mean rarely, even AJ cried in an episode so I mean, everyone cried at least once)
I laugh alot:p
I try to cheer sad people up and give really good advice to those who struggle
When I’m working, I really concentrate
Yeah :p
Picking favorites is easy and hard for me at the same time, but I'll give it a go.
0 likes1.My favorite is probably Fluttershy because honestly she is the most down to earth, kindest, most thoughtful and least stupid out of all of the ponies. Sure her shyness can sometimes get in the way of her goals but that never annoyed me, in fact I really identify with Flutteryshy. Also her mane is the prettiest out of all of the main six (and only second to Cadence imo).
2. My second is Twilight. She is super smart, precise, analytical, and at first was a total loner (which I totally get). And I love how she learns about friendship and gains friends because I really struggle with that sometimes. But on the down side, there are a couple of times where her OCD tendencies get a little annoying and sometimes she can completely oblivious to things and way too dramatic about stuff and worrying about the tiniest little things (but then again I probably don't like that because I do it too heh....)
3. Apple Jack. Honestly I really like Apple jack and it's hard for me to out her at number 3. But when I first stared watching the show, I thought she was just so full of herself and stuck in her ways and just annoying. But over time when she started developing more as a character, I really started to like her.
4. Rarity is # 4. I get where everyone is coming from and yeah she can be kinda shallow, but once she realizes it, she tries to make amends. And honestly that's way better than not realizing it at all (*cough* Raindow Dash *cough*). Also she is really clever and she honestly doesn't really annoy me which is always a plus. And I hate that she is so low on the list because I do like her but the previous ponies i like a lot more.
5. Pinkie can just be... too much for me. Don't get me wrong, there are times where I like her, like when she tries to make everyone happy and goes so far out of the way for her friends, but she can be really, really really annoying. And loud. And pushy. And she doesn't listen. Or pay attention. I think you see my point by now.
6. Raindow Dash is my least favorite hands down. No I don't think she is the worst pony ever, in fact I do like some things about her. But honestly, she is so full of herself that it gets annoying. Also she doesn't listen, she puts herself before others 95% of the time, and is shallow. And unlike Rarity, she doesn't even realize it. She just thinks she is the shit when she really isn't. But there are times when I do like her. Like when she got Fluttershy the bird call and actually thought about others before herself or when we got to see past that "I'm so awesome" shit, and especially when she gets humbled like when she was trying to get in the WonderBolts Academy. Then we get to see potential for a really great pony. But right now, her ego is still too much for me to be okay with.
HONORABLE MENTIONS (seeing as I was only focusing on the mane six, these are a couple of my favorites overall. They just didn't fit in this ranking system). These are in no specific order
Big Mac
Princess Cadence
Princess Luna
Spike (yea I know he's a dragon but I don't care)
Maud Pie
Starlight Glimmer
Replies (3)
Rainbow Dash's ego is part of how athlete's survive in that kind of environment. She needs to have that attitude to make it. It's working for her too. Twilight is the worst because of how reckless she is with her magic.
0 likesFrank Poole You can still be humble and not think you are the greatest thing in the world. Just because she is an athlete doesn't give her a free pass so be so selfish and egotistical. Yeah, she needs to be confident, that's totally cool. I get that. But not to the point where confidence becomes almost sufficatingly cocky. I just personally think that it is a flaw in her character, but that makes her more relatable. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying I don't prefer her because of it. And yeah sure Twilight is reckless but that's because half of the time she doesn't know what the hell she is doing and sometimes doesn't know her own strength. Also that's part of learning, so I don't see it as a big deal. As she becomes more advanced with it she will get better. And if she doesn't that's bad character writing.
0 likesThat's a reasonable way of looking at it.
0 likesSince this is about AJ, I'll be honest: ^^ I really don't know why people say they hate any of the ponies. To me you just can't hate them. And you shouldn't. That's just they way they are. You wouldn't want me hating you because I'm not crazy with your personality, or because you made some mistakes in your life. Sometimes the way people describe one of the mane six that they don't like, you'd think they thought that particular pony was the Devil.
8 likesI agree that AppleJack is very stubborn and it is something she needs to work on, but stubbornness is an extremely hard trait to dumb down. And that's what it is- a trait, not a flaw that she needs to rid herself from. I agree that her stubbornness can be bad and at times a "flaw" but it can be used for good as well because it helps her be dependable and industrious. :)
Also, Apple Jack isn't always oblivious. If you remember the camping episode with the CMC, AJ, Rarity, and RD, you'll notice that Apple Jack was the only one to notice something was up with Scootaloo and asked the filly if she wanted to talk about what was going on. Also, she caught on to Tenderhoof liking her, and Rarity doing what she could to impress Tenderhoof.
In the first couple of seasons Celestia acted a little to high and mighty even though she is a princess you’d think she’d be more selfless right? And well Luna didn’t act that special after twilight thought her the modern ways. Maybe since Celestia stayed in Equestria so long without Luna, her vinegar in the moon sort of changed her making her think that since she could take the responsibilities of day and night that she was more special
0 likesMy least favorite pony is twilight. Before season 4 she would worry over everything to the point where it was annoying. After she became a alacorn all her flaws just disappeared. It’s unrealistic and she goes back to her old ways when it’s convenient for the plot. I think that she is the least developed character. She went from a nerves wreck to a perfect princess in like 2 episodes. I feel like other then that she didn’t change at all. She still puts her studies before her friends many times. Compared to all the the other fun and and pony’s with there interesting characteristics she is super bland and a flat character. I know I will get a lot of hate for this but ok.
1 like🎵We're not flawless, we're a work in progress. We've got dents and we've got quirks ,but it's our flaws that make us work, yeah! We're not flawless, we're a work in progress. So tell me what flaws you got too, cause i still like what's flawed about you.🎵
1 likeApple Jack is one of my favourite characters and she is a great character yet has flaws.
0 likesI love Applejack, actually.
99 likesHer two biggest character flaws are Pride, Stubborness and Greed, but I hardly blame her. I mean, she's a farm pony. They make a lot of money, but I'm assuming most of that goes back into taking care of the farm, so they barely have any money to cover their health, repair their house or even buy new farm supplies. ("Ticket Master"). And her pride and stubborness stems from her determination. She's determined to make everypony proud and happy, she's determined to help the farm, she's determined to keep her family safe. And because she wants to help so much she's stubborn. And because she's so good at it, she's prideful. You can't really blame Applejack.
That said, my list favorite is Pinkie Pie, simply because I have had a friend like Pinkie before. Good intentions, fun, happy, positive, energetic and out to cheer you up. See also: Jealous, Overly Hyper, Overly Dramatic, Impossible to talk to seriously, etc.
Replies (41)
+Katoka Karalashvili I LOVE her too!
2 likesWoo! Brohoof
3 likes+Katoka Karalashvili :D!
0 likes+Katoka Karalashvili It's me again. Shocker. Realistically speaking Farmers don't make much money at all. They don't really sell their produce as the lands are owned by someone else and rented by them. So they tend to pay the rent through the produce which is then shipped to markets and stuff by said company. All the stuff you said about AJ can also make you lose friends. We call that stuck up where I was raised, since you still think about your own well-being by thinking about YOUR family and nobody elses family. She was just being honest though. Besides Pinkie shows not all things are serious and you should learn to enjoy the finer things. I do enjoy seeing your opinion. It's great. /)
1 likeOh hi.
2 likes...How does that make any sense?
OK Well, firstly you mention how farmers make very little money. Applejack's farm is pretty much the biggest provider of all things apple, so I'd assume they'd actually be making a lot of money, but let's say you're right. If that's the case, no one can blame her for wanting money.
But Applejack never shows any signs of not caring about other ponies?.. Maybe once in "Swarm of the Century", and who can blame her. Her friends have a pupil of a god, and her family has at most a strong stallion. Who would you support? And another time in "The Ticket Master", in which everyone wants to go to the party for one reason or the other, but it never touches the subject of their family's well-being. If this were the case, I'm sure Applejack would be more hesitant to take the ticket.
Yes, Pinkie shows that not all things are serious. Pinkie has a lot of redeeming qualities. But at the same time, Jealousy as well as not taking almost ANYTHING seriously is very clearly a part of her character, which is just the biggest flaw imaginable for me personally, since, again, I've had a friend EXACTLY like her.
screw you then rainbow dash is better and u know it
2 likesI dislike Rainbow because she's a writer's pet. She's not a bad character, though.
5 likesI agree rainbow dash is awesome 😄
1 like+Katoka Karalashvili I agree. Rainbowdash is over used and can get on my nerves when people talk about her TOO MUCH. She is kind a on my bottom list because I dislike arrogant people, but that's only how I feel.
4 likesWell, that's one thing, and the other is that just the emphasis the entire show has on Rainbows in general also bothers me.
1 like+Mckenna May Rainbow Dash is the best
1 like+Jazz Crane ☺ yes man thanks
0 likesi love aj all that mean stuff u said notion she is like me
1 likeI agree she deserves a chance too
1 likeAm sorry but to my opinion applejack is the least favourite character I want
0 likes@Katoka Karalashvili I think that some characters are used way too much. Its good character development sometimes but, It can get a little boring. Maybe they should make episodes on characters without spotlights, Like... Um... Maybe a Wonderbolt? Or a side pony.
2 likesthats three flaws
0 likes+Katoka Karalashvili I totally agree. I feel that this guy's opinions on worst and best ponys should be switched.
1 like+Caspian Boris Burn in Hell
0 likes@***** oh I just saw that. You realize how dumb the show would be without her right? It NEEDS a grounded character, every wacky show does. And also that thing has three backers, so what exactly is your point?
1 like+Katoka Karalashvili Applejack is my favorite among the Mane 6 as well.
2 likesapple jack is best pony
3 likesAJ IS BEST PONY!!! :D
3 likesI KNOW!!!!!!
0 likes+Katoka Karalashvili shit taste
1 like+Katoka Karalashvili Personally, I know it';s heresy, but I like AJ over RD (and Rainbow Dash is actually at the bottom of my personal list). I identify with AJ more, she's a better tomboy, Rainbow Dash might be more characterful, but she gets too obnoxious (and requires Tank to bring out the best in her), and I think Applejack clashes better with the other ponies. Rainbow Dash is basically just a boy who wears a dress on occasion and is advertised as a girl.
5 likes+Katoka Karalashvili that was 3 character flaws.
1 likei agree
0 likes+Katoka Karalashvili I love AJ too. :) Brohoofs
0 likesI am with u
1 likeI agree totally!
1 likeyeah
0 likesWith you
1 likeOf course Applejack is the best!
2 likesJay right i love applejack you no what you might be my favorite person
0 likesLove this comment! 😃👆👆 AJ definitely needs more love 😊
2 likesTessa B. That would be cool ☺
0 likesM_Teague Wow, that was such a simple comment but so well said! You definitely seemed to describe AJ and RD in a nutshell lol 😂
0 likesRuthie Easterday Exactly, we should respect all the ponies for their flaws, especially Applejack since a lot of what she does wrong isn't on purpose ☺
0 likesI am that friend who takes nothing seriously lol
0 likes@M_Teague it's scootaloo who truly brings out the best in dash.
1 likeAj's kind of a stubborn idiot. I hated what she did in the granny episode.
My least favourite is rarity as she cares about her career than she does about her friends. Also when discord turned the elements of harmony into the opposite, rarity didn’t become much different
1 likeMy order:
0 likes1. Applejack- I love her connection to family and love of baking apple treats.
2. Pinkie Pie- Baking and positivity, what can I say...
3. Fluttershy- I kinda understand her. I am little shy too. I also love her kindness.
4. Rarity- I agree with her feelings on beauty, I just like the other characters more.
5. Twilight Sparkle- I just like her for being a good friend.
6. Rainbow Dash- I am not super sporty, so I can't relate as much.
If I am being honest
1 likeI like all of them..But I do agree about Apple Jack..
Edit:I finished the show, and yea the main 6 all have their flaws. So yea I will always agree with them on that.
1.Twilight [She Is nice and always ful of leadership]
37 likes2.Pinkie [She always kills me cuz she's Hilarious]
3.Rainbow Dash [She is so daring]
Replies (7)
@JustSomeShay do you hate my little pony?!?!?!?!
0 likes@JustSomeShay well you didn't offend me I'm just asking why do you hate my little pony?
0 likes@JustSomeShay okay but is it because it's to kiddish?
0 likesSo you don't like it because it has models and stuff like that?
0 likes@JustSomeShay i said do not like it because it teaches you staff?
0 likes@JustSomeShay ok fine you don't like my little pony and you have you reasons but are we friends now?
0 likes@JustSomeShay yay!!! I literally have no friends! Well until now
0 likeshonestly, Applejack is in the bottom of my list. But, she is a good character! A good character has to have a lot of flaws. But, you made your point when you said that she hasn't developed much as the other characters.
6 likesApple Jack's my least favorite too but that's because compared to everyone else in the show she seemed a little bit perfect and not particularly interesting
2 likesI agree because AppleJack isn't always honest
2 likesNo, In babs seed, she knew what the cmcs were up too. She told them about the heartache which made them realise how mean they were and they could save her. But I agree with the watching over me. 🍎 🐴
0 likesI don’t really like applejack because she can be very mean this actually happened in two episodes the first episode too many pinkie pies I mean I know that all of the pinkie pies knock down her building but she shouldn’t have got that mad I mean if they got the other building up they can easily get that one up again OK now the second episode bats in this episode applejack was just evil I mean here’s how I know she encouraged all of her friends to do the wrong thing I mean to me that’s just cruel my opinion all of her friends should have gone with her idea they should have gone with Fluttershy’s idea and now Apple jacks idea backfired and turned flutter shy into a bat and all of her friends including herself almost got eaten I love your videos!
2 likesPersonally, Applejack is tied with Twilight Sparkle for my favorite of the Mane Six. I mean, she's hardworking, headstrong, not to mention, she isn't a class-clown like Rainbow Dash!
1 likeReplies (2)
Rainbow Dash is the best for being a class clown. Applejack is sooooo boring. Rainbow Dash actually makes things happen.
0 likesApplejack is the worst.
0 likesRarity because in one of the episode when they were having a banquet with Celestial she did not want a DRINK A DRINK so it won’t get dirty 🤲
7 likesYeah I agree, my least favourite mane six is Applejack and Rainbow dash isn't far in the podium... even with the more recent episodes she didn't do much better... I mean that episode where she had to be in the jury for the dresses made me scream "It's about time she learns honesty doesn't mean you have to be rude". I already said it somewhere else but when she and Rainbow Dash showed distrust toward Discord, it only dragged him away from friendship and towards Tirek's promise of freedom.
0 likesI'm personally not appealed by the whole "family" stuff, but even so I'm quite mad that she says she's placing her family above all, and still ends up letting them down so often: the examples you showed in this video, plus that time she wanted Rainbow Dash to babysit Granny Smith, that time when Big Mac showed that he lost connection with Applebloom because Applejack was so awesome and he ws just a farm pony showed that Applejack doesn't actually listen to her family. This is painful to watch.
The times her competition against Rainbow Dash makes her forget everything else (I'm sorry but cheating and lying for that running of the leaves, or putting the friendship school students in trouble for a picture on the wall ain't honesty) don't help.
That said, in the episode about the journal of friendship, if I had been there I'd have said that even if I don't like her, I'd defend Applejack's legitimacy in the group, because she does have qualities, she completes the others and more importantly, if she's their friend, that's all we need to accept her.
I like Applejack. But I gotta say, in season 1, she was really annoying. But as the season's progressed, her character grew. I really like her character now, because of the love she has for her family.
0 likesPersonally Rarity would be my least favourite pony, for main reason she only thinks of herself and is very oblivious to how nicely Spike treats her, he even gave Rarity his birthday dinner just for her own benefit of having the gem, she often causes feuds against her friendship with AppleJack for them being completely different to each other, and in Rainbow Rocks she just had to bring in a giant piano for the rehearsal describing it as "Arriving in style" and even manipulating the diamond dogs to carry the damned thing for her, and i think that she just overreacts on every single thing, then again she does have her flaws but she also has moments from when she is right (Please don't hurt me, this is just my own opinion...)
6 likesWhaaat omg i Love Applejack, she is my favorite Pony. My death list is bigger now
4 likesI love all of them, but my least favorite is Rarity. Her snobby side is just too much. But I still love her.
0 likesMy favorite out of the six is rainbow dash cuz she is loyal to her friends even though she brags sometimes she's still my favourite. My least favorite is flutter shy cuz she's really shy and not very helpful and she also betrayed her friends in one episode
3 likesMy favorite character depends on witch one your talking about cause I am a really big sunset shimmer ☀️fan but I also love rainbow dash 🌈⚡️
25 likesReplies (8)
1 likeMe to i like rarity or sunset
0 likessoooo true
0 likesI also like sunset
1 likeMe too
0 likes@♡_𝓨𝓾𝓴𝓲_♡ 🌈💨
0 likes@♡_𝓨𝓾𝓴𝓲_♡ rainbow dash is awesome 😎
1 like@Elizandra Martins Coutinho thanks i am 20% cooler!
1 likeIn One Bad Apple, what if Applejack knew what was going on and tried to get the girls to make things right without making it seem suspicious?
0 likeswhen he has applejack giving a high five to rainbow dash in his intro and yet he thinks Apple jack is at the “bottom”
1 likeOk first of all apple jack didn’t consider flutter shy side in the bat episode because her granny had been telling her stories about how bad the bats are and granny was there when it happened. Flutter shy just met them.
2 likesAbout obliviousness, this is MLP we're talking about. Name one character that hasn't been oblivious despite the obvious being right in front of them. Diamond with Cheerilee, Gilda with Rainbow Dash etc. etc. etc. It often takes a big event (combined with public humiliation) to get them to think "hmmm, maybe insert character's name here might not be a nice person after all!"
0 likesMy least favourite pony is Rainbow Dash because she's a jerkass
Or Starlight Glimmer because she's a spotlight hogging Mary Sue who destroyed the world over 1 friend moving away. WTF.
I rember in an episode when Applejack was the only one bucking apple trees. She did everything her friends had said even when she was almost all worn out. She earned a trophy. She is a caring pony and that is why she is so protective of her only little sis.
8 likesReplies (2)
Everypony and everyone has flaws. She is not the only one with flaws. Me and my brother have flaws. I also say Charpon
2 likesSay Charpony VA is also correct. She is brilliant also and everyone who agrees with me and her.
0 likesI just hate her more when she behaves so stubbornly in Honest Apple.
5 likesSpeaking of stubborn minded and zero sleep I think Apple Jack is very friendly honest western accent and love bucking apples.
0 likesI love all of them so much, including applejack, but she’s the one I love the least
0 likesApplejack my favorite but i like them all there is literally nothing wrong with them they may have flaws but wait till season 7 episode 14 they make a song that says we arent flawless we are working progress we got dents and we got querks but its are flaws that makes us work
0 likesAppleJack is one my favorite ponys, but you have great points. My least favorite characters would have to be either Pinkie Pie or FlutterShy because they both are very annoying a lot of times and do more harm than good sometimes.
9 likes0:37 That would make a good Earth-Pony joke
1 like3:18 Tongue Twisters, Granny Smith is an apple named after Maria Ann Smith who propagated the cultivar from a chance seedling
Apples, Apples, Apples
Favourites out the mane six:
32 likes6. Rarity
4. Twilight
2.Rainbow Dash
At least Applejack has a confirmed job and actually gets something done once in a while, unlike your favourite, Fluttershy.
5 likesFluttershy is definitely my least favourite.
I completely agree with this and yes the random apple facts are just…
0 likes"Today I will talk about who is worst pony"
2 likesMe: Man I didn't even watch the video yet and I allready tell you there will be a huge amount of dislikes. So you MISSED :D
I agree on some of your points, but actually aj is my favorite character
0 likesMy favorite pony order:
1 like1) Apple Jack
2) Fluttershy
3) Pinkie Pie
4) Twilight
5) Rarity
6) Rainbow Dash
1-3 are almost tied and 4-6 are also almost tied.
My list:
0 likes1. Pinkie Pie. Idk I just love her for some reason
2. Twilight Sparkle. She's magic, and purple, and sweet, and magic...
3. Applejack. Even though I agree with you, Applejack is a main character that is hard-working and sweet, and I like her lots.
4. Rainbow Dash. Dem wings are cool, but I feel like she's a character with poor development. Also she's rude sometimes.
5. Fluttershy. Okay, everyone's gonna hate me for this, but I feel like Fluttershy is W A Y too kind sometimes. I know that's her element, but just... yeah.
6. Rarity. It's not that I don't like her, but her attitude is just the worst for me. Even worse than Applejack's.
My order from favorite to least favorite and brief explanations why,
39 likes1.Pinkie pie
She is fun, crazy, happy, and always tries to make sure others around her are happy, often standing in the way of her own happiness just for others. She's awesome. And she's insane (like me XD)
2. Rainbow dash
While I guess she can be selfish at times and yeah, little full of herself, I think she still shows how she cares for her friends and will stick up for them. She is also the honest friend which everyone needs (More honest than Aj,) Plus, who doesn't like rainbows?
3. Applejack
Applejack is loyal to her friends and family (More loyal than RD,) yeah they should switch elements....Anyway she is hardworking and would do anything for the great or good of her family and farming business. So props to her for that
4. Fluttershy (Yeah I know I'm gonna get hate for putting her at number 4) but hear me out, while yes, she is adorable and kind and the type of animal person everyone needs to be, she is still shy to the point where I feel like there is to much awwww moments and sympathy for her. Actually you know what? Its not that I don't like fluttershy, actually, its probably the way the fandom acts about her. like oh, if you don't like her then you're evil etc, but overall, she is still a pretty good character 🙂
5. Twilight
Personally for me, I've never really liked her. Idk, she just is well, for starters, annoying at times, plus the fact that she became an alicorn when the others know just as much about friendship as she does! (Not that I'm complaining, if all of them became alicorns it would have been awful) the list goes on. Personally, she's just not my favorite
6. Rarity
Ok so, rarity is WAY too obsessed with fashion (Duh) I feel like that's all she cares about. She's ANNOYING, and she might be generous, but she's not selfless, and can still be very rude. And don't even get me started on the whining....
Anyway remember this just my opinion. Getting mad at me for having a different opinion then you is simply childish and rude (Words from hoodohoodlumsrevenge) anyways....Baiii now XD
Replies (6)
I know this is late but watch secrets and pies
0 likesFlawless the song remember
0 likesAnd I am childish cuz I am a child
1 likeI feel the same way about them. Just personaly I whould switch Pinkie and AJ.
0 likesFluttershy is actually my least favourite pony XD
2 likesThe way you worded your comment just rubs me the wrong way and honestly, it makes me a little sad. Lauren Faust herself says that each My Little Pony character has at least one personality disorder. (Including the Mane Six) Knowing this I really feel a connection to each pony. A lot of people agree that Twilight is the most mature pony out of all the mane six, plus she's the leader! Everyone has a flaw in their personality, so I really think the characters shouldn't be ranked. Everyone struggles with anxiety from time to time, but the spectrum differs from person to person.
0 likesI think that Applejack just needs to have more lessons to learn.
0 likesHonestly applejack was my favourite character
1 like5 years later update: My least fav pony is still AJ. I live in the South, and her accent isn't authentic. Normally I hear someone with an accent and do not notice, but with hers I do. Maybe she's just not from my state.
0 likesI disagree. Everyone has some flaws, it what makes them unique. You are being too hard on applejack. This is my opinion. I like all the ponies equally.
0 likesI think the Mane Six each have unique different flaws that connects to their personality.
0 likesI still love apple jack she’s great even tho she might be weird or something
0 likesI just think after twilight apple jack is the 2nd best pony for me like in shining armor wedding she was the only person who said sorry to twilight for not believing her
1 likeAnother thing you should've added was that Applejack avoids telling the truth, especially when it needs to be said. This is just me, but I kinda find it annoying that she says "To tell you the truth..." we already know it's gonna be the truth. She could either get to the gist of it or just say "Honestly..."
1 like1.Rainbow Dash bc shes kool and funny
2 likes2. Pinkie Pie bc shes fun and bright
3. Rarity bc shes well brighter?
4. Fluttershy bc shes sweet and kind
5. Applejack bc APPLEZZZZZZZZ
5. Twilight bc idk i kinda forgot about her lol
I love AJ.. but I agree with these faults and she should work on them..
0 likesI don't do "worst pony" but the bottom of my list for "okay ponies" is probably Twilight, I mean, yeah, she's great and all, and she certainly LOOKS pretty but... she's just so "I'm the main character so you should all listen to me" and then her thing works over half the time, it just makes her so unlikeable in my opinion and don't even get me started on how annoying her voice is. In the other hand, Flutter shy is definitely my favorite pony, she is amazing and his good flaws to balance her out, her main flaw that balances her out AND makes her her is the fact that she has such a quiet and soft voice, implying that she doesn't think that she should be the center of attention all the time.
0 likesStop judging the show! Flaws are a part of life! And no Apple Jack is NOT my favorite pony! But everyone has flaws! So don't be mean to ponies cuz you don't like there flaws... 👌🔫
1 likeApple Jack is my favorite purely because I relate to her the most. I am super stubborn when I get an idea in my head, I love helping others out but have a hard time accepting it myself, I am a hard worker and sometimes over exert myself. I also have the tenancy to kind of miss things that later I'll realize what someone was meaning even if they didn't straight up say it. I am also easily liked because of my caring and loyal nature. I also relate to Twi and Fluttershy, but AJ is my favorite.
3 likesReplies (1)
You make a great point, Apple Jack has more responsibilities than even Princess Twilight, so I can definitely understand. And btw when I first discovered the show, about a year ago, Apple Jack was at first my favorite because of her southern charm ;) When it comes to relatability, I think Apple Jack is at the top for most people, but Twilight is more relatable for me. /))))
0 likesHere is a list of the Mane 6 from most useful to useless:
1 like1. Twilight Sparkle. She is an important alicorn princess
2. Rarity. She has a horn that contains powerful magic
3. Rainbow Dash. She can fly well and fast
4. Fluttershy. She can fly but low and not very fast
5. Applejack. She is strong but she can't fly and she doesn't have magic
6. I'm sorry, Pinkie. You don't have strength, flight, or magic.
these are qualities everypony has. some just show it more than others, btw my least fav is rarity just for the fact that she is the exsact type of "pony" i hate. thinking looks are everything. i won't lie, her "elemental" side is good and she is a bit kind but i just can't put her higher on my list.
0 likesWell Applejack has made rather normal mistakes other than overprotecting applebloom to the Point where she has to prove herself
0 likesWas I the only pony, I mean one, to keep pausing it at 1:22 to see what appeared on Fluttershys face? It's so funny 😂 (hint- put it at the slowest playback speed)
0 likesrewatch every episode from MLP [like every episode from start to present] and take a shot every time Applejack says the word ‘apple’ or ‘apples’ or anything apple related.
0 likesI'm not sure if this has anything to do with the video, but applejack's and rainbow dash's elements should be swapped
0 likesApplejack is (almost) always loyal to her farm, friends, family etc
Dash (almost) always tells the truth, sometimes doesnt even think about what she says, even if aj doesnt
(And yes, i did comment this from a video i saw... sometime)
I'm a huge fan of Applejack and I think she's best pony and that's because there's many qualities of myself that I see in her.
0 likesThere are never enough apples. I run on apple power.
0 likesI would say that my least favorite is Rarity. Why? I have zero patience for the high fashion types.
1 likeFor the fourth flaw, Applejack is an apple farmer, did you expect anything less?
0 likesI know that this is an older video, but this is my list:
2 likes(I love them all!! Don't get me wrong)
1. Applejack! As someone who lives on a farm, you get so much from her. She is so cute and I love the accent and she is just perfect to me :D I feel like that sometimes she is the only one who gets things done and I respect that.
2. Pinkie Pie! She makes me so happy. Sometimes she is so over the top, but it gives a lot to the show. If she wasn't there the show would be quite boring at times.
3. Rarity! She is such a drama Queen and I love it. All the girls give different perspectives to look from, but hers is so interesting. She can be whiny and annoying at times, but we're out here chilling.
4. Raindow Dash! She is amazing and I love her energy :D Her ego is sometimes so huge that she becomes almost unbearable.
5. Twilight! She is a great main character, but she can have this guality where she thinks that this whole world saving thing is her own problem and so ignores her friends who are there to help. That annoys me so much when it happens, but thankfully she usually understands that she doesn't have to do things alone :D
6. Fluttershy! Oh how I wish they did her just a tad better. At the start when I got to know her she was just this cute little delicate bean who needs to be protected, but there where everyone else became better ponies through friendship, she just kind of stayed pathetic :/ Of course she has her moments which make me like her even more, bc that's what I wanted for her. Good development. Most of the time she still is too blue-eyed &sensitive. They made her seem so weak, even tho she could have been so much more :(
My favorite pony is Apple Jack..... And I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you😞 No one is perfect! Too me she is very hard working and loyal to her family and friends! Then Twlight, since she taught me how friendship is important and made me realize how special friendship really is! Then comes Rainbow dash 🌈 She is sooooo cool and awesome and sometimes funny😂 Then comes pinkie pie since so is also VERRRRRERY FUNNY AND HAPPY 🎈 Then comes Raity and there comes fluttershy.....Flutter shy looks like she cares more about her animal friends more about her pony friends..... TBH flutter sky is the most prettiest pony of the Mane 6 but she is too shy
3 likesTake a shot of cider every time applejack says apples
1 likebut to be fair i love all the ponys :3
2 likesThis video is very old but I m seeing it now 😅
0 likesWell my favorites out of the mane six are
1. Twilight Sparkle ( I don't know why I like her she is kinda like me, she is very good by nature and always there for her friends)
2. Rainbow Dash ( well she is truly awesome and I like how her character is designed and I love her voice and her nature is also like me)
3. Pinkie Pie ( well I love how she is Crazy for parties and I love her colours and I love when she sings songs!)
4. Apple Jack ( well I don't hate AJ she is very hardworking and I love her accient the way how she speaks and l love her style..Simple u know.. that sort of thing)
5. Fluttershy ( I don't hate Fluttershy.. actually I love her character design and her love for animals and her beautiful voice..she is sooo kind)
6. Rarity ( I really don't hate Rarity...she is Beautiful and her way of speaking is also good but what I don't like is that Rarity sometimes take advantage of Spike and She is always Crying and Drama queen all the time..so because of that Rarity is last from my opinion..)
Well I like all of the Mane Six :)
Replies (1)
Well I also like Starlight Glimmer, Sunset shimmer and All of the Princesses!
0 likesYou did this whole video without the Silly Pony song.
0 likesI applaud
I totally agree with y ou!!!!But you have to admit she is also the most tragic!!!
4 likesReplies (2)
Arianna Conomacos I know this is two years ago but rarity is the most tragic. She makes things seem so difficult to handle when there so easy. She’s the drama queen. (Sorry I’ll shut up)
0 likes@〜Mizuki-Chan〜 I agree. Here are my reasons to HATE her.
0 likes1. She is a typical girl who loves fashion.
2. She is almost too much obsessed with beauty.
3. She has been crushing over quite a few colts. And she has gone into quite some trouble for herself to get Trenderhoof's attention.
4. She cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
My favorite ponys
2 likesRainbow dash she is cool sometimes a jerk
Pinkie pie she is funny always breaks the 4th wall and comes from nowhere
DERPY she is just funny fly into stuff loves muffins
My fav main characters in order
0 likes1) Starlight (she’s relatable and powerful so 👌)
2) flutter shy (she is shy which is the opposite of me but she’s sweet)
3) Rarity (she’s great)
4) Twilight (besides being opinionated I like her)
5) Apple jack (I like that she’s honest)
6) Pinky pie (nice but kinda annoying)
7) Rainbow dash (arrogant but cool)
Yes I know these are their personalities but it’s just my personal presence
( also so many people have flutter shy as their 2nd or 3rd fav)
Older fans might favor apple jack because she was in gen 1 spike as well
1 likeApplejack is only oblivious to the fillies cuz it’s usually at an event that you should be partying, and also she’s basically a Parent to Apple Bloom
0 likesList of ponies from my fave to least fave
2 likes1:fluttershy
2:Pinkie Pie
3:Rainbow dash
4:twilight sparkle
And #6 is rarity. Why? Long story short, rarity is basically the most full of herself, and is more OCD than good ol' twily. Rarity is basically the most selfish of the man's six with a sticker labeled "generosity" slapped on her. She is totally full of herself and uses spike, and she takes advantage of him. Sorry to all those who no I've offended, but this is my opinion
Fluttershy- She BARLEY gets ANY Character development and she reformed Discord. Discord should've had more time to be evil.
1 likeagree over all. and the best pony in my view is starlight. she is awesome.
0 likesMy least favorite character is rarity because she is the EXACT opposite from me. But she is pretty
8 likesMy favorite pony (and worst pony as well)
1 like1. Fluttershy - She my favorite pony because she's SO ADORABLE and nice to her friends and her animals. The way shes shy is so cute.
2. Twilight Sparkle - I like Twilight because she always help her friends and save Ponyville. Also the name Twilight is a great name by her character, So that's why my name TwilightJLO was inspired by her. Sometimes she's obsessed with books.
3. Applejack - She is a hard working pony. She always be honests to her friends and family. She always be the helpful pony. The reason why in put her in 3 is what BN says she only obsessed Apple's and bad weird or bad problems but I still like her.
4. Pinkie Pie - I kinda like her. Pinkie pie shes obsessed with party but that's all. Sometimes she gets annoying someone like Rainbow Dash or Cranky doodle donkey. But what i like about her is she cute and Happy smile but thats all. For my Opinion.... I sometimes don't like party (Sorry Pinkie)
5. Rainbow Dash - To be honest I don't really hated her. It just always be mad for reason and NOT be a loyalty Pony. For example, She bans pinkie pie and hang out with Gilda (Gilda is mean, will sorta) and she always what to be awesome and join the wonderbolts. She sometimes bans her friend just because to be cool. The only thing I like about her is her rainbow hair and her sonic rainboom.
6. Rarity - Just like Rainbow Dash, Rarity is sometimes mean to her friends and sometimes sweetie bell. Shes ONLY OBSESSED WITH FASHION and she always be spoiled. Sometimes she like cute male ponys but all of them rejected her. So she cry like a spoiled. The only thing I like about her is she being generous to her friends sometimes.
Im not saying I hate Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. They just my least favorite ponys.
But this is just my opinion.
She may not be the best pony,but she's the best human right?
0 likes(My opinion)
3:16 Truman Burbank to Applejack: What does that have to do with anything?
1 like3:31 how could apple facts not be helpful for becoming a Wonderbolt?
0 likesI think that applejack noticed that they had something going on and that is why she told them how much trouble Babbes had in man hatton
0 likesPersonally, I like Applejack. A “worst pony” or “best pony” title shouldn’t even exist. Accept them for their flaws.
0 likesAfter seeing Littleshy’s EWW videos with AJ episodes I did start to think there was something lacking in Applejack.
0 likesWhat I think
10 likes1: Applejack
2: Rainbow Dash
3: pinkie pie
4: fluttershy
5: twilight
6: rarity
I think applejack represents the human the most in my opinion 😅 that's why I like her the most
0 likes"flaw 1: shes stubbornminded...goes into explaining why" YA DONT SAY there was an episode ABOUT HER NOT WANTING HELP FOR MOST OF THE EPISODE BECAUSE SHES TOO STUBBORN
0 likesI don't like Fluttershy... She's just such a push-over, and even after the iron will episode, when she finally gets a backbone, she's still a shy jello-heart. This could severely effect her personal life with her friends.
2 likesYou: Who Is Worst Pony?
Me:... Ok?
Yeah like I was saying Applejack said I can't bear the truth so she lied to Twilight Sparkle when Discord was taking over again
1 likeShe's my favorite
4 likesWe’re not flawless. We’re a work progress we got dents and we got quirks- what?
0 likesMy favorite ponies:
5 likes1. Derpy
She's an adorable derp horse, you gotta love Derpy
2. Rainbow Dash
She's just awesome
3. Fluttershy
She's cute
4. Dr. Hooves
He's really interesting
5. Shining armor
I can relate to him since I am a brother myself
6. Luna
She's the most mysterious princess
7. Pinkie Pie
She's crazy and Iove it
8. Cadence
I never see her that much like Luna and I wanna see more of her
9. Celestia
Goddess of the sun, that's awesome
10. Twilight
Decently developed
Applejack, Rarity, Flurry Heart, and the entire equestria girls series makes up my least favorite list
Replies (1)
I have to agree with fluttershy being cute
0 likesi like Apple Jack because 1.Honest 2.Her personality is like me 3.My favorite food is apples 4. i used to live in a barn
0 likesOne thing i sorta don’t like about Applejack is that she made her brother entirely stop talking ☹️
0 likesI think that scene from "1, 2, 3 Testing" was meant to be a joke.
0 likesShe is ok-ish but, she gets the MOST attention...OF ALL
1 likeI agree with you, My favorite pony is Twilight. My least favorite pony...oh I’m getting to get hate for this BUT It’s my OPINION!!! Rainbow Dash, she seems a little ignorant and selfish. I like her but she isn’t my favorite in the main 6. My list is this...
0 likes1. Twilight Sparkle
2. Flutter Shy
3. Rarity and Pinky Pie
4. Apple jack
5. Rainbow Dash
one thing I like and have about apple Jack is that she is a pony like from Earth she looks alot like a real pony so I don't think they should have made Earth ponys
0 likesI disagree with AJ being oblivious. I think the writers were trying to make her like an annoying parent. I’m pretty sure that they were trying to make her relatable. That’s just my opinion.
0 likesall the characters are oblivious - the show presents sth as obvious so that the young audience knows what's happening. take the time the main 6 fooled spike that the timber wolf in spike at your service was real. they genuinely thought it was believeble.
0 likesWell I personally.
1 likeCompletely agree.
I think I have the most unrelateable list of the ponies of the Mane 6 I like... 😂
0 likes1. Applejack
2. Rarity
3. Twilight
4. Pinkie Pie
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Fluttershy
First of all leave her alone she has one of the most depressing back stories ever with her
1 likeReplies (1)
Literally first of all her parents are missing or dead so what’s the point of her flowers maybe it’s because of her parents I don’t know we don’t know a lot about the other characters backstory a lot we just know twilight has a mother and a father with a brother called shining armor big pinkie pie with the rock family
0 likestodaly agree but (and this is just cannon) that applejack knew there was something off with babes and apple bloom and told apple bloom why babes was the way she was without making it ovious she knew something.
0 likes1 Applejack and Dashie :)
15 likes2 Fluttershy Pinkie Rarity
3 Twili
I don"t know why people hate AJ maybe she is not cool like Dashie but she is fast beautiest Element ( Honesty ) strong cool . She make my everytime smile . She give Twilight first Ticket , Last episode of MLP with Star Lights , she goth cool hat and cool family . I like every pony I can't imagin MLP with no Pinkie smile , Dashie cool rainbow and speed , Rarity beauty , Fluttershy kind and cutte , Twili magic and Aj strong and apples :) sorry for my English :)
1.Flutterz 💝and Rainbow 🌈
2 likes2.Pinkie Pie 😝
3.AppleJack 🍎🍏
4.Rarity 💄
5. Twilight Sparkle 📖
Listen, don't get me wrong, I don't HATE twilight, she's just at the bottom. She has all the attention when all her friends help her too. Princess Celestia barely notices the other 5 (unless she wants to dump a problem on them) it's always been Twilight. The special one, seriously, if there is a star painted or drawn anywhere it's automatically seen as her cutie mark-because she's so special
Rainbow Dash without a doubt she’s not loyal that much or should I say as much as Apple Jack at least Apple Jack constantly portrays honesty
1 likeNot just talking about the mane 6, my least favorite is diamond tiara because she sometimes makes me wanna go in the show and beat her up.
1 likeMy least favorite pony?
2 likesFlurry heart
That face 😂
0 likesWe aren't flawless we're a work in progress!!! Lol
0 likesI have a headcanon that Applejack is autistic and that's why she's so stubborn and non observent. It would make sense for her not to notice the fillys deviously smiling. And also her making drastic decisions without thinking about them makes sense too. It also makes sense as to how she talks about apples so so so so much because apples are her special interest.
0 likes1.Apple Jack
6 likes2.Rainbow Dash
3.Twilight Sparkle
4.Pinkie Pie
6. Fluttershy
This is graded by voice.(singing voice)
Replies (1)
Pretty accurate. I'd put twilight lower tho.
0 likesRarity is least favorite because sometimes she only cares about her and the things she wants. I mean she took away spikes birthday dinner for her benefit
14 likesReplies (3)
Yep! Element of generosity takes advantage of a crush to get what she wants.
4 likes@Harmony LPSchannel Did you get it from Cinemare Sins or something?
2 likesWhat's that?
0 likesMy least favorite character is rarity she is so she’s the
0 likesElement of generosity and even though some episodes went out for being generosity she got so much sweetie Belle when she used her blue Jules and then she tried to clean her room and when she tried to help cook but she still a good character
3 likes1. LUNA
Now that I watched this she is a bit of my least favorite pony sorry AppleJack but the only thing I like about her is that she is very honest like me
0 likesI think that Rainbow Dash should be the element of honesty and applejack should be that element of loyalty
0 likesApplejack made flaws and fixed it up. Nopony is bad.' We are not flawless we have got dents and we have got quirks so tell me what flaws you got too because I still like whats flawed about you '
1 likei remember when we were pushed to spin around trees
1 likeI used to think Rarity was the worst when I was younger, because I thought she was selfish and snobby
0 likesBut that changed as I got older, I saw how she is actually very generous (as her element suggests) and I think she's very though even tho she is the girliest of them all
I dislike Applejack, honestly (no pun intended) she's just boring for me and sometimes her stubbornness is too much to bear
Yeah, "she's not flawless" but I hold a grudge against her for some reason
That was my rambling
Good afternoon
Mane six: quality's and flaws
2 likesPinkie: Q. makes everyone happy F. forgets own birthday
Rarity: Q. generous F. dramatic
Rainbow: Q. brave F. rude
Fluttershy: Q. kind F. Fearful and Quiet
Twilight: Q. smart F. totally has O.C.D.
Apple jack: Q. loyal and honest F(s). Stubborn minded, Oblivious, Apples
do you agree? like is yes reply is no (pls tell me why) and don't answer is you have never seen the show
Replies (2)
0 likesMore or less.
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Rarity because she is not practical, do one small mistake and she gets mad. And she is too much of a fashionista, also I get the feeling she cares more about her friend's wearing her dresses more than her friend comfort in the dresses she makes.
1 likeMy least favorite character is anyone who teaches the cmc a lesson the hard way or mare do well.
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Twilight, cuz she takes things too seriously. Like in Pinkie Sense, (or whatever it was called) she was so determined to find the reason behind Pinkie's Pinkie Sense.
0 likesIf she didn’t say that to them she’d be humiliated
0 likesAnother example of AJ's obliviousness: see episode Applejack's Day Off
1 likeI love them all equally because love is about giving then receiving or receiving then giving and then it keeps on happening over and over again and I have equals happiness and happiness equals love
0 likesAJ is basically me I'm not stubborn but I'm vary oblivious & I looooove apples
0 likesShe's my favorite pony tbh
0 likesthe two ponies out of the main 6 i don't like is Rarity and Twilight. I don't like Rarity because she's annoying, drama queen and lame to watch on screen. I hate Twilight because she relies on books to live, she become lame when she became a princess, she thinks everything well be okay if you just befriend them, she also thinks things can be fixed with magic, she's a bad friend and is just bland and lame.
2 likesto me Rarity and Twilight have 0 character while Pinkie pie. Rainbow dash and Apple jack to me have character and i do see where your coming off with aj and i think that's right.
Applejack is my second favourite pony because her and rainbowdash relate to me the most and i like her constant mission to please her family like when twillight gets the tickets to the grand galloping gala in season 1 rainbow’s, rarity’s, pinkie’s and even i know this sounds surprising but fluttershy’s reasons to go are all for their own benifit but applejacks are to help the farm and her family. P.S good job if you made it to the end of this comment you sure have good patience.
0 likesSo for oblivious example maybe AJ DID notice them laughing and suspected something so she said that about bab seed so they could realize they did something wrong without AJ outright saying you did something wrong and you need to learn a lesson just my opinion thank you for reading
0 likesMy Fav is Twilight heres why: She shows pottential for a great leadership And i just love her she has a lot of my favourite things and shes just too awesome.
0 likesNow my least fav is Rainbow heres why:Shes too full off herself and way over Confident and she doesnt deserve the element of loyalty And shes kinda a little bit not nice.
My favourite pony is rarity as I kinda relate to her and I also have a cat
0 likesI get why aj is really stubborn because her character is based off a country person and most country people are known to be stubborn. Not trying to offend anybody. Also my favorite pony is sunset shimmer
0 likesMy least pony (from the mane six) is rarity I mean she literally tried to steal from a dragon ready to sacrifice and be a meal and she got 9 million (a lot of) gems when she got her cutie mark
0 likesMy least favorite my little pony character is Quenn Crisils, because she captured the best ponys!!! and she feeds of love!!!
1 likeMy favorite pony is Fluttershy. Why? Because I see myself in her SO MUCH! Its always when I discover a new episode I see myself so much in Fluttershy! She LOVES animals like I do, she's shy like I am but she learns to stand up for herself, like I did at somepoint. I think my least favorite pony is Pinky Pie. I do not not like her, its just that I don't have that much interest in the funny carecters in movies. Except for Olaf of corse. I just think that every pony is different but Pinky is the classic funny carecter.
0 likes1 is best 6 is could improve to an ok pony
4 likes1.Rainbowdash
2.Fluttershys brother
3.Pinkie pie
5.Princess Flurryheart
6.Shining Armour
My order:
13 likes1st Rarity
2nd Applejack
3rd Rainbow Dash
4th Fluttershy
5th Pinkie Pie
6th Twilight Sparkle
Replies (5)
0 likesTwilight
Rainbow dash
Pinkie pie
Apple jack
I'm actually surprised that you didn't put rarity last like everyone does! I will not rank mine bc I personally love all the ponies
0 likes@angel Respect ?
1 likeMine
0 likesFluttershy + shes has alot of character growth -she takes her shyness too far sometimes
Twilight +she learns alot -she over thinks
Pinkie + she has a postive influance -she is a little too optemisic sometimes
Rarity + she is learning how to give more and not to be too bossy - she abuses her reltionship with spike and is toooooo vain
Aj +she cares for her loved ones -suuuppper stuborn
Rd +always helps her friends - super self centre and has a 🐋+🐘 ego
0 likesPinkie pie
Rainbow dash
These are the mane 6 for me in order:
1 like1. Rainbow Dash (you can probably tell)
2. Pinkie Pie
3. Apple Jack
4. Rarity
5. Twilight
6. Fluttershy
I love applejack but even i think she has flaws i dont agree at 1 but 2 and 3 and 4
0 likesI agree with you like apple jack doesn't deserve her element
3 likesReplies (1)
Adrian Shrubb applejack is every honest that’s her element right? So she has it right now right she deserves it just being honest 🤨😋😕
0 likesI love apple jack but she does have a few problems she could be less stubborn and pay a little more attention but what pony doesn't doesn't have some problems .
0 likesI love apple jack 🥺
1 likeI love AJ. Personally RD(Rainbow Dash) is my least favourite, and AJ is my favourite
0 likesaj is my favorite because were both stubborn, family oriented and love apples then rarity because im always sowing something and diamonds are my birth stone then twilight because we are both book worms and have some anxiety and O.C.D then rain bow dash because she reminds me of my best friend and is someone i could talk freely with then pinkie because she's pinkie i mean what is there more to say then fluttershy because we both love animals and she also reminds me of my friend who loves singing
1 likeApplejack is my favorite of the Mane six because she's most like myself!
0 likesI think your example for her 4th flaw she probably thaught the others were just spouting nonsense
0 likesAww, don't you think that's a little harsh? I love Applejack, she needs more love! Even though Rainbow Dash is my favorite, GO TEAM RAINBOW!!
4 likesReplies (2)
Dash rulez!
0 likesLol
0 likesmy least favorite pony is rarity i mean i had saw her being generouse 0 times in total and lets all agree on this she is toooo much into fashion she also has some hard times getting along with ponies in generall so i would say that is a major flaw
2 likesThese are my favourites (reminder I don't hate the ponies on the bottom I just don't like to see them much)
0 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Aj
3. Rarity
4. Pinkie
5. Twilight
6. Rainbow
Honestly rainbow isn't my all favorites because she's egotistic and ignorent
Also the fact she's more disloyal then her element of loyalty. In one of the episodes we see her screaming to her parents because their too supportive and it's embarSing. I mean it's ok to feel embarrassed but it's just for her to feel like there first. She screams at them just for the wonderbolts but you should always put your family first before friends and others
Although Applejack is my third favorite out of the "Mane" six, she is quite... Stubborn.
0 likesI love raity because she is fashionable
2 likesI love of them part from the evil ponies
If I had to say my favorites in order of greatest to least.
34 likes1. Twilight
4. Rarity
Now her pls don’t yell at me... but...
6. Pinky pie
Replies (10)
Pinkie sucks
5 likesI don’t like pinkiepie to
6 likesYes
3 likesIs it cuz she jumps and babbles a lot
3 likesI like pinky pie but at times she can be annoying.
2 likes@poptart cat I don’t hate her I but she is just low on the list, not sure why though.
1 like@Ember Fire Goddess YT I never said you hate her but I can see how she’s low on your list.
1 like@poptart cat ah ok, sorry.
1 likeWhy all the pinkie hate all the sudden?!
1 like@Lily gacha edits ☆ oof, no hate on her tho.
1 likeI love all of the main 6, she just isn't my favorite...
My favorite pony is princess Luna cuz shes the moon princess!
0 likesMy list goes
Pinkamena(pinkie pie)
Twilight Sparkle (unicorn)
Rarity,and Cadance
I can't stand Cadance because she's barely even noticable and because she acts like shes the most perfect pony which takes meh to Rarity who is so full of herself and far too deep in fashion that she's VERY hard to like
But in the apple family reunion applejack was trying to make evrything perfect
0 likesMY best pony list:
0 likes1. Fluttershy (need i say more? CUTE, ADORABLE, and has a lot of good character development)
2. Rarity (she is fabulous and has good development, but can be a bit dramatic at times)
3. Applejack (yes, she can be oblivious at times but she's still loveable)
4. Pinkie Pie (i literally don't have to say anything here. SHE'S GREAT)
5. Rainbow Dash (she's overrated.)
6. Twilight Sparkle (also overrated and i don't care much for her, but her freakouts are funny to watch)
Flaw # 1 LIKE A 3 DIMENSIONAL CHARACTER! Notice what she felt was at stake every time she was stubborn or... lied. She has pride and hates to disappoint ponies around!
5 likesAlso, her goddamn parents are dead. She'll do everything for Applebloom's sake, so that Applebloom has the best situation possible, because, of course, she feels responsible and Big Mac isn't the type to raise a filly, he's good at providing necessities, but not truly raising a child into responsible, aware adult. Yes, she made that ONE mistake that ONE day, but... which parents or guardians didn't? Also, she felt bad for herself because for the overprotective time, she was certain she was mistaken for all the time before, and how badly and often this could have hurt her younger sister! She probably went as far as to think that she hurt her sister be being neglect! I think this clears her.
Flaw # 2 Like a 3 dimensional character. First example: She's not oblivious, she jumps into conclusions and assumes.
(Also, this is early in the show, character had yet to be developed) Second example - She assumes her sister has no bad will in her. She assumes that if Applebloom didn't tell her anything bad about Babs, that means they get along fine. After all, AJ had probably told her several times, that she can trust her big sister with anything.
Flaw # 3 I disagree. Her stubborness has many effects and she has either to learn about each result of it, which she's partially doing, or have this adressed.
Flaw # 4 She's expert on them, that's her life's work. The sublect she feels strongest at. That's how she was raised.
Characters flaws don't make character worst pony.
Replies (4)
@QueenSalis I agree with every worst you just said.
0 likes@***** Twillight? Freak outs.
1 likeApplejack? Celery. :P
But I do agree she's not the most developed character. Yet... she has complex feelings. She overreacts. She's insecure. She thinks ponies recent accomplishments mean the most about them, she seems to think that if she fails at something, every previous times she got things just perfectly, won't matter anymore. Before the events of the show, Applejack is in my opinion, besides her flaws and fears, the most adult and society-functional person.
And... she already had the most responsibilities before the Mane 6 met. She had to grow up before them.
+ Queensails I totally agree with you she is the most responsible and adult pony! She's not a pony any more she's a full grow horse now!!
1 likeIf one were to compare the responsibilities and social positions of M6 before the events of the show:
0 likesTwilight is a student. She's only responsible for her grades. Cares for them by studying.
Rarity is responsible for herself only - after all, Sweetie Belle lives with their parents. Also, her parents would probably help Rarity with basics if she weren't successful with her dresses, which are her means of providing herself.
Rainbow Dash is a weathermare. She's only responsible for herself , cares for herself by working. And no, weather doesn't count as her responsibility, because other weather pony would take care for it.
Fluttershy is responsible for herself and her animals, but is deeply incompatible with society, even basic interactions.
Pinkie is pastry chef/party planner. This is nice and sweet, but she's hardly responsible for much, besides herself. Cares for herself by working for Cakes.
And then... Applejack. Owner of Sweet Apple Acres. Responsible for both her siblings in a way, as well as Granny Smith. In details - responsible for her senile relative, responsible for family business, responsible for not only her little sister's food and living, but for raising her to socially functional adult.
Also... I don't have any "best pony/worst pony" picks.
2 likes2.rainbow dash
6.apple jack I guess
Wait don't forget one thing do you watch the one when Applejack said I can't bear the truth and that doesn't look suspicious
0 likesI accidentally deleted my entire post... so that’s annoying, but basically, this is the summary of how it goes-
0 likes1. Flutters, cause I relate to her on an extremely personal level
2. AJ, because she’s a pony embodiment of my personality
3. Pinkie, because I always admired her positivity
4. Twi, because of her major character development overtime
5. Dashie, because she was my childhood favorite, but I’ve now realized and seen her flaws
6. Rarity, because I like her on certain levels, but on others, I don’t like her at all
If you want me to go more into detail about why, lemme know, I also know this response is very late rip-
You know what's funny applejack is his least favorite pony but the group of has applejacks hoof in it
0 likesYup definitely the worst pony is
1 likeApplejack,.
Applejack is my favourite!
1 likeI agree with you on this
2 likesI paused at 1:23 and saw this weird face on foot or shy and it was hilarious
0 likesThe flaws is the best part to characterization. Personally, I know it's heresy, but I like AJ over RD. I identify with AJ more, she's a better tomboy, Rainbow Dash might be more characterful, but she gets too obnoxious (and requires Tank to bring out the best in her), and I think Applejack clashes better with the other ponies. Rainbow Dash is basically just a boy who wears a dress on occasion and is advertised as a girl.
7 likesI have a strange connection to some lesser-favorable elements in fandoms (notably games) and I put in a lot of work to sometimes see how they work.
Applejack isn't at the top of my list, but she's not the bottom, and I like all of the Mane Six quite a lot.
Replies (9)
3 likesyeah my favorte is a.j
0 likesYou obivasly don't understand the meaning of the two VERY SIMALER characters Apple jack and rainbow dash because honestly Apple jack is the LEAST relatibal PONY IN THE WHOLE SHOW I mean if she lived a life that didn't basically mean APPLES there would be more character and I know about rainbow dash but SHE IS NOT A BOY WHO WHERES A DRESS EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE aj and rd are bascically the exact same except RD is better
0 likes+Apple Jack my comment goes for you to
0 likeswhat did yuo said 😡 Dash is my favorite and I don't see nothing wrong with don't being a girly girl
0 likesRainbow is way better then AJ
0 likes+JohnnyC8732 exactly!
0 likesHey, RD my be obnoxious, but that gives you no right to say that she is a boy that sometimes puts on a dress, and is made to look like a girl. I wouldn't even say that about AJ, who just for the record, spits on her hoof before she shakes someone else's. Thats just unbelievably gross and in some cases rude. RD also is more honest than AJ, so let's be "honest" here, AJ probably doesn't deserve her element, of course the same goes for RD too, but at least RD has more character than AJ, and even though it doesn't seem like it, RD is just a smigimeter (pinkie pie quote) more sensitive about others than AJ is
1 like+Shanon Kirkpatrick hey AJ is cool too she spits on her hoof cause is traditional for cowgirls (stereotypes)
0 likesI actually have two least favorites:
0 likesTwilight Sparkle and Fluttershy
Fluttershy / twilight as I can easily relate to them both
0 likesOne time I suggested that she could play apple jack then pouted off and blamed me for not letting her join in.
0 likesI DEFEND applejack cause she's like me kinda (and not that I have a southern accent cause I don't) its cause she does stupid things and I do stupid things all the time.
1 likeOk, before I get bad comments, I'm just gonna list off my favorite from worst by list, I'll explain why I hate the pony after the list.
4 likes1. Rainbow Dash
2. Fluttershy
3. Rarity
4. Applejack
5. Twilight
6. Pinkie Pie
Ok, the reason Pinkie Pie is at the bottom is because I find her a little too out of control, the 4th wall breaking is too over rated in my opinion, and She's too pink! Plz don't hate.
Replies (2)
@gracie smith RD rules! I like Pinkie, but I understand what your saying. I think she hasn't been a very good character since season 1 actually.
0 likes@clivinator baitor Thanks for understanding and yes, Rainbow Dash does rule
1 likePersonally, AJ is the best
0 likesRemember when she said how much she wanted to go to the grand galloping gala, all she talked about were….DRUMROLL PLEASE
0 likesapples….🙄
Cadence is my favourite 💗💜💛
0 likesMy favorite is either flutter shy or APPLE JACK.
1 likeMy least favourite member of the Mane 6 would have to be Rainbow Dash because she's full of herself, is
0 likesimpulsive, reckless, hot-headed and tends to suffer from bouts of thoughtlessness.
I don't hate her though and she IS loyal, caring and once she realizes that she's unknowingly made a
mistake or caused someone to be hurt, she feels bad and goes all out to make up for her mistake and
apologizes for it. It's just that the other Mane 6 members tend to be more likeable to me.
Replies (1)
It's good that you acknowledge her positives. Your opinion is respectable.
1 likemy least favorite pony?
0 likesCountry Sawtooth
kidding (kinda)
My least favorite is....
Cozy Glow
during the times she acted "nice" they were all SOOOO OBLIVIOUS like that "smile"
Did anyone see the face of flutterbat flicker?
0 likesAnd my least favourite pony is Applejack 😅
Your right! My least favorite pony in the main six is rainbow dash. If you think about it she is mean,rude, and she brags a lot.
1 likeSees "the flaws of Apple jack" him: Let's talk about who the worst pony is. Me: Dislikes
0 likesNah ill actually try to watch the video
If I happen to offend you... get over it.... you know what Sawtooth. You lied. You said you hated snips and snails, you say you hate twist. Worst pony is clearly prince blue blood tho. He is so mean. Most useless pony is Celestia, Applejack has a job.
0 likesAgree and disagree she went back to pony vile and her friends because she could never do something like that to she really cares about she just needed help of thinking how much she cared about them
0 likesMy fav:
2 likes1:fluttershy
3:twilight sparkle
6:apple jack(im sorry)
We’re not flawless we’re work in progress remember that episode 🙄
1 likeReplies (2)
This was released before that dumbass
0 likes@Taseefa don't be a jerk
0 likesafter you mention it, applejack is a little, well, weird
0 likesYeah, you right. Applejack is not my favourite pony
1 like1.Fluttershy
4 likes2.Rainbow Dash
4.Pinkie Pie
I agree AJ should have known about the Devil smiles
0 likesFor me, Rarity is at the bottom of the mane six. Don't get me wrong I still love her. But I love the rest a bit more.
0 likesMy least favorite pony is rarity, she's a drama queen and I just found it hard to like her. As a character she's not bad, I just don't like her
0 likesPinkie pie is my favorite because she silly and positive and fun loving and soooooo very funny
0 likesOkay i respect your decision but she is trying to help and she loves her sister
0 likesSorry to say, but you asked for opinions.
2 likesMy least favorite pony is Fluttershy. Because she is extremely annoying (to me anyway). I don’t hate her, I just dislike her. Sorry to anyone who’s feelings I’ve hurt
Edit: also my opinion on mane 6 best to worst.
1) Pinkie Pie
She is crazy! And sooooooo relatable to me. She is basically like me in most ways. Plus she is the funniest and the only shows I watch are either full comedy or things with a random character joking all the time (which is why I love the show “Teen Titans Go”).
2) Rainbow Dash
I like how her character is always awesome, and her ego. (I usually like characters who are full of themselves). Plus, I looked up to her when I was little.
3) Twillight
I didn’t like her before, but once I returned to the show as an older person than I was, she just grew on me
4) Rarity
I like how over dramatic she is. And I also love fashion.
5) AJ
I never liked her that much. She is starting to grow on me though, it still is a long way
6) Fluttershy
I don’t like her. She is REALLY annoying with the shy and defendless personality. Although she is pretty likable with Discord around. I just don’t like these character types in any show
honestly i do not hate any of the pony as they are good in their own ways .
0 likesMy favorite out of the main six is rainbow dash but out of all the ponies its defidently flurry heart
1 likeWhen Apple Jack is ur Favorite 🥲
0 likesShe’s my favorite rip LOL
0 likesFavourite: rarity least favourite: apple jack but it was really hard
0 likesEveryone might disagree with me but twilight sparkle is last on the list
0 likesWell atleast for me😉
12 likesReplies (42)
lol ok
2 likesThx, who is your favorite pony?????????:D
1 likeFluttershy :D
0 likesShe is my 2nd favorite!!! :D
1 likei like Derpy
1 likeshe's a back ground pony and I like doctor.
0 likesi know but she is my fave backround pony
0 likesoh ok :D
0 likeslol
0 likesYAY apple jack :D
0 likesApplejack is love.
1 likeXD
1 likeI love applejack
0 likesMe two '3'
0 likesNah now pinkie is life
1 like@The Brony Notion She is mah favorite as well :D
0 likesso now P is life because... screw logic. it's PP.
0 likes@Norah Meredith DERPY LOVES MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 like@Sabin Morris DERPY IS LIFE
0 likesDERPY
0 likesMEGAN FOX
0 likesIDK
0 likes????where did she come from XD
0 likeslol X3
0 likesXD
0 likesXD Derpy Jack is life, Derpy jack is love :3 there :D
0 likesYAY
0 likes:D
0 likesDERPY JACK :)
0 likesyea Derpy jack I just made it up?? It might be a real ship name o3o
0 likesit should
0 likesnice job
Thanks :D
0 likesI SUPPORT
0 likesXD lol
0 likesAJ is my favorite
0 likesYay someone else loves her two :D
0 likesTopaz Diamond i don't mind her
0 likesHoly shit I was cringy as fuck two years ago, haha whoops.
0 likesSawtooth waves well she is already a full developed character
0 likesMy opinion:
13 likes1.RD
RD is amazing! I love her ( XD)
3.Pinkie Pie
I just don’t really like Twilight
Replies (1)
Kimmypuppylover 123455 Whattttt
0 likesMy least favorite character (of the mane six) is Rarity because she just...Nitpicky. Every freaking thing has to be just right! She literally couldn't choose between, five white towels! They were all white! Well, that was human Rarity, but pony Rarity is just as bad, wanting a some pin thing or something that looks exactly like the one she has, but it's slightly older! Just keep the one you have pony! Now, I know that keeping everything in the right order is important, (A few weeks ago I was caught sorting a handful of rocks in a drive-in theatre because they weren't straight) but still, she does it with everything!
0 likesMy friend is lucky her name is not "Apple DJ Jack", or else this video would REALLY tick her off
0 likesThe main six Great to worst
0 likesFlttuer Shy.
Ok Flttuer Shy is the best pony of the main six. I know some people say that she's a doormat and to sacred or whatever. But she is kind, She's adorable, And loves anammls.
Pinke pie
Pinke is the second best of the main six cuss She is funny, happy loves cupcakes (and other sugar thing), Is really pink, and loves to party.
Twilight is the third best of the main six cuss She is Nice to her friends, Loves books, a powerful aliacron, Twilight is Starlight student, and a good friend
Apple Jack
Apple Jack is is both. The positive
part is that she honest to her friends and family, She (almost) always tell the truth no matter what, and her contrarians (do not how to spell it so don't blame me) are really funny. The negative part is sometimes suburban. That the only sipped thing about her
Raraty is the second worst of the main six cuss She is so how do you say it oh I don't know CARING MOSTLY ABOUT YOUR MAIN LIKE WHO EVEN CARES LIKE JUST COMB IT OR I'M SOMETHING LIKE THAT! AND NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU WEARING! Raraty is JUST... bad
Ugh Rainbow Dash
Ok any other Rainbow Dash fan's reading this well then fine I resstpet our opinion bur Rainbow Dash is the first worst m.l.p charter bases Flim and Flam. I know she did better in Seasen 8 but my point is that Rainbow Dash brages to much. And she's just picky A lot of the times. Rainbow Dash is JUST to to much.
i really don't like fluttershy her whole personality can be summed up with two words "kind,shy"
1 likeall the rest of them have a more interesting personality
Because apple jack is the element of loyalHONESTY
1 likei agree with ya but she is a great pony
0 likesFact Applejack is the only one that does not have parents
0 likesYeah sure you might say
“but we never saw the mane six parents
But we already saw twilight when she got her cutie mark
Rainbow dash
And pinkie
You seee ?
Weeeeeeeelll, my least favorite is ..... Twilight! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN. I know, it’s shocking, but she’s all about bookz! And, why was SHE mane character. I know she’s great with magic and all buuuuuuuut, she’s kinda weird, and her mane style is so... plain, the only kinda not really cool thing about her mane is... well... the tiny cut... tell me why u agree or disagree in the reply’s...
1 likeI came back to this and wow the brony notion/sawtooth waves has come far
1 likeMy lest favorite pony is applejack
1 likeShe is the only pony out of the main six that I cant relate to AT ALL
Well I don't like when she doesn't seek help from her friends
0 likesapplejack's my favourite :'D
0 likesI frickin love apples
0 likesI personally love all the mane 6 but heres my list (Favourite to “Least favourite”)
3 likes-Apple Jack, shes honest and the most realistic and down to earth and she cares about her friends and family
-Rarity, I normally would hate people like her but idk. Yes she is self centred but she knows when she crosses the line and and shes generous
-RainbowDash. Idk I love her energy and her vibes and how cocky she is but how she would never abandon her friends
-Fluttershy. I like her quietness bc its somewhat relatable and she isn’t hesitant to stand up for what she believes in when necessary
-Pinkie Pie. I love her backstory and her personality, yes shes a tad annoying but idk shes just overall fun
-Twilight Sparkle. I like her, not as much though shes fun and smart but she over thinks things a bit too much
Applejack is awesome and my least favorite character is rarity.
15 likesReplies (19)
0 likes@Pokemon Series' YAY ;)
0 likesI agreed to Applejack the best it sad so many people hate her
0 likes@Slinky Dogg i know right
0 likesI think in season 5 they develop aj a bit more. I've been looking all over the net for more aj episodes and the only ones I can find are either non intense or I've already watched it. AJ is awesome!
3 likesAJ is awezum and I can't wait for more AJ episodes to come out in season 5. I hope they do more.
0 likes@ThePantherPringles me to I really want a episode about Applejack past
0 likesPonies pasts are interesting. I'm so ready, if I was trapped in a room with words on the walls and everything I would read every single word
0 likesLol I totally agree with ya......nom nom nom nom
1 likeYupz
0 likes@ThePantherPringles OMG! its like we have the same mind!
0 likesOmigosh.. I DO have a twin!
0 likes@ThePantherPringles lolz!! but I really agree with u cause applejack is the best character and rarity is definatly the worst!
0 likesthanks
0 likesRarity ismy least favourite bc she's not rlly generous most of the time. U saw waht she did dere in Secret of my Exess
1 likederpy is best pone
0 likesI would say derpy best bg pony and we're sorta talking about the mane 6 squee
0 likesRead one of my recent replies to this.
0 likesI think rainbow dash is the best.
0 likesI think Applejack is the best❤
0 likesMy favourites of the main six
2 likes1. Fluttershy
2.Pinkie Pie
3. Rainbow Dash
5. Twilight
6. Apple Jack.
Apple Jack is way to rude and honest to me. Sure, she is the Element of honesty, but she is actually hurting the feelings of others all the Time.
Come on.apple jack is my favorite character
0 likesNot to get on anyone's emotional truf but my least favorite is rareiy and my favorite is apple jack
22 likesReplies (2)
I hate rarity to
0 likesDarling had I been too bad to you? rarity voice
0 likesYou actually changed my opinion on apel jack
0 likesApplegeek : HEY, GET BACK HERE WITH YOU!
0 likesI saw that Nicolas Cage face over Fluttershy's! : )
0 likesMy least favorite is..... sorry..... it's rarity. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "BUT ANYA, RARITY IS THE BEST OF THEM, SHE'S THE ONE WHO HAS THE BEST SINGING VOICE!!!!!!!" Yeah, yeah, shut up. this is MY opinion. I think she's my least favorite because she's just all.... she's just all frilly frilly frou frou.
1 likeHonestly, this might sound a little offensive to every brony and pegasister out there, but I really don't like Twilight Sparkle very much because she's bossy and pushy and she's way too humble for anypony's good.
4 likesReplies (2)
Finally someone who agrees with me!!! I FUCKING HATE TWILIGHT! Rarity's much better :)
3 likesShe's always acting like, "I'm an alicorn princess now and I've been the trigger for saving Equestria on more than one occasion, but I'm just going to pretend that I'm just a regular pony." "Rainbow, you need flash cards for studying or else you won't get anything done."
0 likesIn my opinion I don't Like Twilight its just a matter of she gets too stressed and Id rather look more into Fluttershy or applejack. Rainbow dash makes a competitive character that people cant relate to and rarity maybe be dramatic but who doesn't laugh every time she has one of her dramatic moments. Tho favorite character which I'm going to count in is spike.
0 likesan can be over protective or carried away but she's not the worst because the worst pony is... star swirl or wind ridder
0 likesLeast Fave Pony: (Drumroll) PRINCESS TWILIGHT. Shes such a know it all and she can be stubborn.
1 likeApple jack is amazing
0 likesI love applejack!! But I really agree with this. I like how she's down to earth and country :D. My least favorite pony would probably be Twilight.... I'm just.. Not a fan lol :P
10 likesReplies (8)
favorite pony
0 likesderpy
BEST pony
Fav mane 6
second fav
0 likesalthough ill agree to derpy too :D
@apple jack I like you. You are my fav pony in mlp beside of derpy. :|
0 likes@Fernando curiel derpy!!~
0 likesApplejack is one of the strongest - and kinda funny at times - so I like her as my faveourite. Becos she's stubborn, she can learn a lesson outta that, cos she'll help her other friends but can go through a hard time accepting help from friends
0 likesAJ the best I can't wait to get to work on that portal
0 likes@ThePantherPringles can I join you on your quest.
0 likesSure we just need to collect a sample of Luna blood then we can get to work and go through and see all dem poniez
0 likestbh all the main ponies kinda annoy me for one reason or another. I don't hate them, but I won't fangirl over any of them either. my fav characters are usually the side characters.
0 likesI saw a video that said that applejack is the only one out of the main six that doesn't have a mental disorder
0 likesI know some one who is not a fan of apple jack but shares features that make her ruin my life like not seeing the entire picturea and jumping to random and stupid conclusions.
0 likesMy favorite ponies are:
0 likes1. Apple Jack or Fluttershy
2. Apple Jack or Fluttershy
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Twilight Sparkle
5. Rarity
6. Rainbow Dash
I adore AJ!! I like that she is stubborn minded.
6 likesAnnnddd about my least fav...
It is Fluttershy. Sorry xD
Appeljack is my fav. And twilight is my least fav
6 likesReplies (2)
pony luv I kinda agree with you I love apple jack and twilight is my least favorite
1 like1. Twilight is the main character of the show.
1 like2. She is the smartest.
3. She's a Queen.
4. Everyone loves her.
My favorite pony is pinkie pie she’s basically me but not human and pink but we’re both equally crazy
1 likeShe's also overprotective
1 likeI think that being stubborn is a good thing sometimes being Fluttershy is bad cuz she just let people push her around what Applejack she stands her ground she is stubborn and she will not let anybody just walk all over her now honestly I think Apple Jacks the best it get it I mean she is the element of honesty I said I honestly I think she's the best
0 likesIn my mind Rarity is the worst pony ever like she makes so much masteaks and then relises it at the end of the episode shes also 60% lazy anoying and she only cares about her self like she makes sweetiebelle and spike do all her work!
4 likesIn my opinion, my least favourite pony is The Brony Notion because he tells his fans how terribly flawed some peoples favourite pony is, for example, how Apple Jack gives tough love to her friends and family, I am sorry I fell this way but this is my Honest opinion like how Apple Jack is honest!!!!! By the way this is just a Little joke I don't mean any of this apart from Apple Jack being honest 😆😄👧
2 likesAppleajack is my fav!!!
1 likemy least favourite pony is ....oh I cant choose there all great.❤🧡💛💚💙💜🐴🐴🐎🐎🦄🦄
2 likesMy personal least favourite pony is Rarity
2 likesEvery flaw has a strength and every strength has a flaw
0 likes-Me
I agree with him
2 likesI don't like her either .
1 likeTo tell the truth, i have many times "fight" with a guy on YouTube whose favourite pony is Applejack.
I prefer Rarity 💎 and Starlight ✨.
Well....she does say Apple's a lot and I mean alot.
0 likes1 twilight she is so smart like me.
We love apple jack
0 likesI am an Apple Jack fan!!!!!!
0 likesI personally think Applejack shouldn’t be a part of the mane six..
1 likeI know it's just your opinion but I like Apple jack here my favorite to my least favorite... Pinkie pie, flutter shy, Apple jack, twilight, rarity, rainbow dash.
0 likesApple Jack is the most honest pony and I like all the ponies
0 likesI’m with you notion
2 likesI don't like picking worst pony. It's... Kinda mean? Like I know they're fictional but I still feel bad lol.
1 likeI use to like her, but you changed my mind.
0 likesas much as I love all the pony's Rarity is my least favorite and if I told you why I would never leave so ya.
0 likesI love everypony except dump ones
3 likesYou are not insulting aple jak ... you are insulting my sister
0 likesMy sisters favotite pony is apple jak because she has all those flaws
Twilight because when something gets in her mind she’s trying to think of anything else
0 likesI like all ponies equally
0 likesApplejack is my least favorite pony because she makes me loose my mind because too many apples 🍎 and I lost my tooth so I don’t really like apples 🍏
1 likeHEY ! I love your videos but I dont agree that applejacks worst pony,I think she IS THE BEST PONY !
0 likesWell the cmc didn't ask about Bab seed so what do we know about the real truth about Bab seed
0 likesTwilight, because she's an EGGHEAD!
3 likesReplies (1)
Lol and Your profile pic is eggs
1 like1.Rainbow Dash
2 likes2.Pinkie Pie
3.Twilight Sparkle
AJ is my favorite pony
0 likesEverybody has flaws
0 likesRarity-she's too fancy and uptight for my tastes.
7 likesIn order who I like best
6 likes1: Applejack XD
2: Rainbow dash
3: Twilight
4: Fluttershy
5: Pinkie pie ( Sorry She just isn't instresting)
6: Rarity ok here's the reason I'm not a girl or for that matter DONT CARE for dresses and designs and all that that's my opinion 😀
Replies (2)
Ugh fine here's my updated one
1 like1: AppleJack (Still XD)
4:Twilight (why she down graded is because SHE is the only one of the mane six who is a princess :/)
6: Rainbow dash Ok here's the reason why she was 2 in my last one is because she's athletic like me so I could relate to that. But then I was pretty ignorant XD
She wasn't only athletic she's Rude Mistrustworthy despite her element of loyalty. And she's a show off :/
ItzBurger PlayzMC I prefer your first list XD
0 likesi have been thinking what happened to apple jack's parents .
3 likesReplies (1)
Right Applejack and Rainbow dash are the best all the way my least favorite is pinkie she kind of annoying with her voice and the things she does.
1 likeApplejack is my favorite mane six pony
1 likedamn my fav pony is apple jack
0 likesIf you want me to say my favorite characters from greatest to least i would say...
0 likes1. Twilight
2. Fluttershy
3. Rarity
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Apple Jack
6. Pinkie Pie
1. Apple Jack
2 likes2. Rainbow dash
3. Pinky pie
5. Flutter shy
6. Rarity
The power i hate is Luna like the moon lame
0 likesFeel free to disagree
My least favorite is Applejack.
1 likeI think Applejack’s the best most Inspiring pony I. The world your wrong
0 likesSomeone tell me that she's always saying apples in the movie u know?
0 likesHere is my list
0 likes1 Twillight
I like Twilly the Most because I relate to her the most because we’re both tidy and organised and I can’t take a test without thinking that everything is going down
2 Pinky
I like Pinky because she’s a lot like me we both have high energy and love to make other People smile
3 Flutter Shy
I like flutter shy because of her kind caring nature but I don’t think that she is the best
4 Rarity
I like her because I actually don’t now why
5 Dashy
I like rainbow better than apple jack because
6 Apple Jack
I don’t like Apple jack or Rainbow to much because they are both so cumpeditive I really don’t like that
My least favorite is rarity
2 likesrarity because she is so self center the way she treat her friends isn't very generous I mean she is so mean to sweetybell and she ruins everything with her stupid fashion. She also takes spike for granted and took the heart shaped gem away from him. I don't think I can write down all of my reasons. the only good thing I saw in her was in episode one see she cuts off her tail and that is not generous that disgusting and more of being thoughtfull and fashionable and no affeiens but I hate fashion.
6 likesReplies (1)
0 likesRarity. Nuf said
2 likesOkay, so here's my list lmao:
0 likes1. Rainbow Dash
2. Applejack
3. Fluttershy
4. Rarity
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie is my favorite Pony
1 likeMy personal opinion of the ponies and reasons
0 likes1,Pinkie pie
She’s fun,crazy,very random and Insanely joyful 😄
She’s helpful and loyal to her friends and family!Plus she’s quite honest although she hasn’t changed much but that’s something good and bad she hasn’t improved or gotten worse.
3,Twilight sparkle
I would’ve put her on 2nd but she’s too center of attention plus she’s already my 2nd favorite princess,anyways I like Twilight because we’ve been with her from the start and been through her journey Which brings us quite close to her!
4,Rainbow Dash
I feel like she’s more tomboy then a natural pony,she’s brutally honest I love the sonic rainboom the idea just seems awesome and the rainbow seems to follow her after or when she flies really fast
5,Fluttershy(I’m gonna get so hated for this :(
Let me say something before I mention my reasons shes so low on my list,she’s sugar sweet and kind but the flaws are that she’s way too shy... and gently like when she was cheering her voice was quiet.
I am so sorry Rarity fans she’s just not my favorite pony she’s way to obsessed over fashion sorry again.
This was all my opinion please don’t be mean :(
Replies (1)
I'd put dash higher (#1 actually) but still a respectable list.
0 likes1. AJ
8 likes2. RD
3. F
4. PP
5. TWI
6. R
i really don't like radity because she is to stock up and full of here self.
Replies (1)
lots of people hate rarity for some reason i just don't understand why and i just feel like rainbow dash is overrated. and rarity and fluttershy are kinda underrated
0 likesShe has flaws that does not mean she is not good pony
1 likeMy faverouite to least faverouite mane 6
1 like1. RD
2. Fluttershy
3. Twilight
4. Rarity
5. Pinkie pie
6. AJ
I love AppleJack
0 likeshere is my list
0 likes1. Fluttershy
2. AJ
4. Twilight sparkle
5.Pinkie pie
6. Rd
Her character is way too sporty and doesn't really acknowlege people that can't really do that stuff.
My least favorite pony is Pinkie Pie because she is way too perky and the random party stuff is really annoying.
4 likesI disagree with you about the Applejack thing because yes, the random apple facts won't help with anything, but I still like the fact that she never lies to her pony friends.
Not being rude just my opinion but applejack is my 2nd fav pony
0 likesApplejack is my favorite 😰
0 likesI have three least favorite ponys-
0 likesFlim and Flam
Prince Blue Blood
Blue blood cuz hes a jerk
Flim an flam cuz even when they could have become Good No they wanted to stay villans.
My LEAST favorite character is the memest one of all, FLURRY HEART. NOT like I dislike the character in general. I just dislike the buy our toys memes
0 likesHow dare u!
3 likesapplejack is the most hard working in the mane 6
She is very honest
And wants the best for not only her family,but friends as well
My favorite pony is twilight sparkle and my worst pony is rarity sorry for the rarity lovers
2 likesMy list from favourite to least favourite
0 likes1. Twilight
2. Rarity
3. Fluttershy
4. Rainbow dash
5. Applejack
6. Pinkie pie
k seriously best pony would be maud pie. But i'm so with you with aj being worst pony out of the mane six
0 likesYah I think you're right also she used to be a lier.
0 likesPINIE PIE IS MY FAVORITE💙🐴🍦🍨🍧🍫🍰🍩🍪🍭🍬🍮!!!
3 likesTo anyone I offend GET OVER IT 😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesMy Waifu takes this video very personally 🥺
1 likeI hate rarity because she gets pony’s mad at her ALL the time.infact I can even make a list about who,why,when the pony’s were mad at her!
2 likesRarity and applejack:3 times
rarity and rainbow dash: 2 times
Rarity and sweetiebell:1 time
Rarity and Fluttershy:1 and 1/2 times
That totals up with 8 1/2 times with pony’s being mad at her.Also,I hate she is soooooo fancy.She seems to only be happy working with famous pony’s and I just don’t like her hair
Replies (1)
rarity is my favorite LMAO
0 likesI agree.
3 likesNumber 4. Apples
1 likeA.j: Apples apples apples (add infinity more apples)
Me at school when I am answering something: apples
get over it?
0 likesGet over it?
Get Over It?
now i like all of the ponies but there is a least favorite... i have to say.... actually i dunno never mind i like all of them
0 likesoh well...
Applejack is my least favourite pony.
1 likeWhy?
Replies (1)
do you like stawberries better
0 likesI dont like twilight, because she is feels fake. Her friendliness and happiness sounds artificial and forced to me. Also, I feel like the other ponies feel more developed then her.
10 likesI think AJ and dashie should be switched in the elements of harmony
0 likesAj is very loyal
To her family and friends
But broke a pinke promise
Which is deception
But dashie is always truthful
But has left her friends hanging every once in a while
Like and reply if you agree!
Replies (1)
They can't be perfect all the time.
0 likesAnother episode for stubborn minded is the sleepover episode
1 likeBig Macintosh/Big Mac because he doesn't talk he does nothing you barely even notice him.
1 likeSO RUDE
7 likesWhen he says It’s in my opinion Oh, it’s in HIS opinion.
Replies (4)
Dude , you should ignore people's opinions. Be happy...do whatever makes you happy. Your life seems wrong to me.
0 likesMy life isn’t wrong...
0 likes@pan-demi-c Ok sorry.
0 likesNo it’s okay
0 likesI'd like videos like that about all the mane six, not just the one you dislike the most.
0 likesAnyway, I despise Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, even though they seem to be the most popular out there. I get that everyone has flaws, but one being a narcissistic brat and the other an "adorable" (tbh I'm always so thrown away by that cutesy shy act) doormat? That both never learn their lessons dedicated to these sides? I honestly will never understand.
Replies (2)
uglybbe zefir rd is complex and entertaining. You're just a simpleton.
0 likes@Bri Mac every main character is complex enough. Except Rainbow Dash is fucking annoying aside of that.
0 likesI know I’m gonna get hate but I completely hate fluttershy. Every body makes such s big deal when she’s “assertive” or even if she yells the tinyest bit. I just find her character really boring and not that exciting I can’t think of any other way to say it but either way I would put her at the very very very bottom I’m my list
2 likesAnd everyone else was forcing there ideas of studying on her to
0 likesRarity is my least favorite Pony because she cares too much about her dress
0 likesTwilight is my least faverote pony. DONT HATE ME!!!!
4 likesMY least favorite pony is Rarity
1 likeI actually hate rainbow dash
0 likesIt's because you see her cheat a lot and always think for herself first even she's the element of loyalty
0 likes... I'm just made now...
1. Rainbow Dash
2 likes2. Apple Jack
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Rarity
5. Fluttershy
6. Twilight Sparkle
(Favourite - Least)
1: rainbow dash
12 likes2:twilight sparkle
3: fluttershy
4: pinkie pie
6: rarity
Replies (2)
Mlp amazing Twilght sparkles is my favorite!
1 likeIt looks great!!!!!
0 likessawtooth you are hurting applejack actor's feeling
0 likesMy least favorite pony is pinky because always fun fun fun fun.....
1 likeReplies (1)
He should take back your insults and throw them in the trash instead. 😒🗑
0 likesBut she learns her lesson and she dose that in radios episode because she was afraid she might disappoint her friends
0 likesNo way she's my least favorite to.
4 likesMy list:
0 likes1 Pinkie Pie
2 Rarity
3 Applejack
4 Fluttershy
5 Twilight
6 Dashie
Best pony is sugar belle tho.
I agree that she is oblivious
1 likeI like apple jack twighlights my least favorite. She gets to be prencess. she was not a powerful unicorn. But trixie,starlight, and sunset are powerful uicorns but they aren't princess. And sunset,starlight and trixie have worse pasts
1 likeReplies (2)
Yeah I hate how perfect, flawless, so overpowered and always in charge she has gotten. I miss the old unicorn Twilight.😑
0 likesI also think Sunset Shimmer And Starlight should have been alicorns
0 likesI'm with u brony apple jack is not a vafrite
80 likesReplies (10)
Yessssss I'm not t he only one
1 likeYea go us!
0 likesThat is extream...
1 likeAgreed
0 likesum dont u mean in equr... idk how to spell it lol but still
1 likeRemember flawless?
1 likeChill girl
0 likesi..... i don't get it???
0 likesI love AJ , change my mind
0 likes@Nova rose brony* awesome*
0 likesi love her but i feel bad for her
0 likesThe worst pony in my opinion is the diamond tiara tiara
1 likeYou aren’t totally hard on applejack
0 likesMy least favorite pony is rarity because she is very well you know jest wach the episode the sister hoof social
2 likesI love applejack but I hate twilight sparkle
3 likes0:27 I'm not onna get over it
1 likeI love appleJack
0 likesApples could be a special interest of hers
0 likesWHY WHY AJ clam down OK 😬😡😠😑 she is my favorite
21 likesReplies (2)
Apple is my favorite to
4 likesShe's my joint favourite with rainbow dash :)
1 likeDamn, this video is old as f, wonder if he still has the same opinion of applejack these days.
0 likesI think the post pony is rainbow dash with a mix of AppleJack rainbow because shes just too selfish in herself and AppleJack well all the facts that you said
0 likesMy least favourite character is totally rarity yes she is such a fashionista and I just don’t care about like fashion stuff so I just don’t really get soda
2 likesI recognize those ponies smiling >:)
0 likesmy favorite is
31 likes1. Rainbow Dash
2. Luna
3. Apple Jack
4. Fluttershy
5. Twilight
6. Pinkie
7. Rarity ugh
Replies (16)
Musical Melody
4 likesIKR, Rarity sucks
Why rarity?
2 likesMY least favorite is RAINBOW dash
2 likesWhy luna?
1 like@Mario Arroyo you swallow
1 likeLUNA
2 likesIS
2 likesBEST PONY
2 likesWhat is your reasoning to hate Rarity? Just a question
2 likesOk this is the second person that I have seen today that hates rarity
1 likeLuna isn't part of The Mane Six
1 likeEscus me I love fluttershy and don't think I'm nice as her I mean who dosint love fluttershy oh whait you 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
2 likesOh I didint see the ready oops sorry hehe
1 likeI'm so sorry
1 like@ليمون الزهرة she or he must be one of them XD
0 likes@astro animation I know I am super late but here's the thing - some people hate Rarity because she is that typical girl who loves fashion. and she is almost too much obsessed with beauty. Also she always falls for a bunch of colts. Trenderhoof, Prince Blueblood and maybe there could be more. And she almost always cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
0 likesi don't need to defend AJ because MOST points are true (Beside the character development part >:()
0 likesmy least favourite pony is Rarity. obvious reasons first, SHE WHINES AND CRIES TOO MUCH. she literally whines her way out of the diamond dogs!
secondly she's boring and predictable.
finally she doesn't actually have good taste in fashion for my tastes.
was i too harsh?
My least favorite pony is rarity because she is so stuck up And she complains about every little detail
1 likeMy favourite pony out of the main sis is rairty
0 likesmy favorite pony IS APPLEJACK because he and her are so much alike and she is like my idol
0 likes1. Applejack
3 likes2.Rainbow dash
3.Pinkie pie
Its only my opinion sorry if I offended anyone.
Replies (1)
Didn't offend me at all.
0 likesMy - cough- least favorite pony is
0 likescoughPINKE PIE one of the most stubborn ponyMAKE A VIDEO OF HOW MANY TIME APPLEJACK SAID APPLE.
0 likesMy least favourite character is flutter shy bc I always forget about her
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesPlz make a video of every time Applejack says "apple"
0 likes1.TS
3 likes2.R
I really like all the veins it sends what I do you slightly dislike Applejack sometimes but my daughters favourite is Apple get I don’t think I can really you never say that to hurt when he is you know here but I think my least favourite pony is Verity he just called cc you know the facts and that he start and end I just don’t think girls should really act that way hey hey
1 likeFavorites: Rarity, Fluttershy, Derpy Hoves, Luna, and Cadence
1 likeHated: Twilight Sparkle (no offense, I just always hated her)
Replies (1)
she's sucked ever since she got her wings. before that she was kind of enjoyable sometimes, but now she's just dull.
1 likeApple Jack is my favourite!
0 likesRainbow Dash is my least favourite.
My least favorite is Fluttershy because she is kind of boring and doesn't have an interesting character. Like you said, she doesn't seem vey developed either.
1 likeApplejack is best backround pony
4 likesReplies (3)
WHAT?? Are you seriously??
0 likesdo you really just call applejack a background pony
1 likeshots fired!
2 likesi am so sorry but i disagree with you sawtooth as apple jack is my second favorite character due to her countryisum
0 likesShe is loyal☺
0 likesFor me, Rainbowdash is way to egotistical to really like that much
0 likesReplies (1)
She's not that bad.
0 likesYes for me the worst is pink pie and the 2nd worst pony is what you said . i liked
0 likesI will have to agree on some points in this video, but I'm only going to say one. Her element of Honesty. As you watch MLP there are some episodes, like the one that was shown, where Applejack doesn't fully show her element. In fact, Rainbow Dash shows the element of Honesty more then Apple Jack dose, And There are some where Applejack shows the element of Loyalty more then Rainbow Dash. Maybe the creator(s) of MLP should of switched the two elements between the characters. But that's not always true. In most episode the two show there element, but in key situations, Applejack always forgets her in till the last minute. And Rainbow Dash is usually blunt with everything. Now I'm not dising either Pony, my favorite ship is AppleDash (Yes AppleDash), but I will never say that there is a worst pony. While there are opinions and I favor yours my friend, I believe that no pony should be shun. Not saying that you have done so. I support this video.
6 likesReplies (2)
Scratch that, favorite ship ever is OctaScratch, but out of the mane six, AppleDash.
1 like@Matty Potbury Yeeaah Buddy!
0 likes1.Pinkie pie and Applejack :3
2 likes2.rainbow dash
Pinkie is obviously the bottom tier, Apple is top next to Rarity.
1 like1. Fluttershy
1 like2. AJ
3. Pinkie
4 . Rainbow
5. Rarity
6. Twilight
My least favorite Pony is it Rarity, because she is not generous at all and she does not deserve her element!
1 likeApplejack
3 likesRainbow dash
Pinkie pie
Don’t you see she is not even honest at first she lied a lot
0 likesI'm allergic to apples
0 likesYour going to hate this but fluttershy is my least favorite and I ♥️AJ
2 likesMy least favourite is rarity to Me is so posh and desperate for Prince blue blood in the galla and being popular and being scared of mud done
1 likewhy hatred towards rainbow dash I know I've read all the comments. if it hadn't been for rainbow dash none of the main six would have been who they are today or have been friends all hail the best pony in equestria Rainbow Dash
4 likesReplies (5)
1 likeSo if you were to say that to rarity you would change your mind don’t you
1 likeAethyr Stonite What do you mean?
0 likesThank you
1 likeRainbow dash got the show a larger audience.
0 likesYo applejack lies all the time
0 likesmy least favorite of the mane six is Rarity she is so, annoying
Replies (12)
RoachDoggJR /Raven I agree
1 likeI agree but she has anger issues.
0 likesApplejack is amazing and might i add that rainbow dash is so full of herself that its just annoying
0 likesYep
0 likesNot a jerk but a little selfish. Rarity, Applejack, and spike have had their self-centered moments too though
2 likes@Jaanavi Kaushikno. She can be a little at times but her character is not annoying. Angry, determined, and pessimistic sometimes but never annoying...
0 likesI agree
0 likesA.J>R.D
0 likes@Helos nope.
1 likeRD is a jerk. But an awesome jerk \0/
1 likemy least favorite pony is twighlight i know i know shes a princess shes inported but i just dont really like her that much
0 likesI agree applejack treat’s apple bloom like a baby
0 likes1.Pinky pie
1 like2.flutter shy
3.rainbow dash
4.apple jack
1. Fluttershy
1 like2. Pinkie Pie
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Twilight
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
1. Rainbow Dash
5 likes2. Pinkie Pie
3. Twilight Sparkle
4. Flutter Shy
5. Rarity
6. Apple Jack
Replies (3)
I agree with every little bit of this list.
0 likes@Katy Lewis I think my opinion actually shifted to Rarity being my least favorite. In later seasons Applejack is more down to earth and has a lot of growth.
0 likesOrlando Brony don’t blame ya. Rarity can be such a stock up when she wants to be. She’s hardly generous aswell
0 likesI am not getting over that
0 likesShe only dose that because she cares for them to much
0 likesI agree with you 💯 👍 👌 👏 🙌 🙂
0 likesFlurry heart ♥
0 likesMy least favorite pony.... (please no hate)
6 likesTwilight, she is so.... bland I guess?
I still love her tho!
Replies (2)
Rare Apples I actually agree with you she is always obsessed with cleaning and reading
2 likesSame also she shouldn’t be the princess of friendship, that’d be like if Celestia sent Discord to stop doing chaos and be more normal and he did so now he’s princess of normalness.
2 likesPinkie Pie for Princess of Friendship.
my list of favorite ponies
0 likes1. Applejack
1 like2. Rarity
3. Fluttershy
4. Rainbow dash
5. Pinkie pie
6. Twilight
I don't like twilight because she is too typical and predictable, she can't always be the centre of attention y'all.
They did that to make applejack different
0 likes0:37 DOWN TO EARTH
Rarity is the worst
3 likesMy least favorite pony is twilight don’t try to change my mind
1 likeReplies (1)
She's only gonna get worse too
0 likespause EXACTLY at 1:23
1 like2:52- 3:00 at 2x speed it is rilly funy
0 likesWho saw fluttershys weird face on 1:22?
0 likesmy least favourite is twilight case she ernd her crown fore nothing
5 likesReplies (2)
and plus aj is a apple and she's like real people I have trouble with fixing my flaws aswell
3 likesyeah, thats true
0 likesAnd she makes everything up
0 likesMy favorite pony is applejack
0 likesEvery pony can act stubborn for example rainbow dash who isn't much loyal.
1 likeMy least favorite character is........... Twilight Sparkle. She's not even cute. She steals the show and she's the center of attention and I don't like it. To me, she is linked to Princess Celestia and everyone knows that Princess Celestia is a troll. That means she's a troll. Evidence, search Twilghtlious and see that thing. OMG. I just hate her. My favorite characters are Derpy, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.
3 likesReplies (1)
What the heck did I write... I LOVE EVERYONE
1 likemy leaast fav pony is fluttershy bc she wouldnever get any pony to listen to her ideas and she is too shy
2 likesMy favorite out of the mane 6 to least fave :
0 likes1.Dashie
5. Twi
6. Sorry Pinkie , but it’s u .
my favourite mlp character is....
1 like1: Rarity
2: Fluttershy
3: Pinkie
4: Rainbow dash
5: Spike
6: Twilight
and my least favourite....
7: Apple Jack and starlight
but... Aj is worse.
Rarity is the worst pony ever. Why? Because she cares so much about fashion she can't go a day without it😒😒
2 likes(Re-edit):But if they are flawless then they are Mary sue not any one or any pony so 'Flawless' came
3 likesI agree with brownie motion
1 likeEverypony is Flawless
2. Rarity
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Appleshack
5. Rainbow Crash
6. Flutterfloosh
7. Sun butt
8. Moon butt
0 likes1.FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!!!
6 likes2.Rainbow Dash
3.Twilight Sparkle
5.Pinkie Pie
Replies (3)
fluttershy is the best
0 likesTotally
0 likesright
1 likeI agree with you Sawtooth
0 likesMane seven
0 likes7:Rarity
3:pinkie pie
Twilight vs starlight
Um... I actually think there is no worst pony.
1 likeMy least favorite pony is derpy
16 likesRarity. She is stuck up and so annoying! She does have a few good moments but I don't really like that much.
Replies (19)
Well I think Rarity is the most "Real" of the Mane Six in regards to her personality, Yes, She can be Stuck Up, Yes, She can be a Bitch, But more often than not, she is shown to help her friends no matter what the cost to her Time, Money, Popularity, ETC. She is my Favorite pony because she is nowhere near perfect, She is not the Shining Paragon of Niceness, but when you need her, You can bet she'll be there to help you.
2 likesI Know this probably won't convince you otherwise, But maybe It will help you appreciate her a little bit more :)
I love all ponies but she is just my least fave.
0 likes@***** Rarity also made up to her friends near the end of the mlp episode "Rarity Goes Manehattan"
0 likesI like that ep:)
0 likesBTW it's "Rarity Takes Manehattan" not "Rarity Goes Manehattan"
0 likesFUCK YOU
0 likesMan
0 likesi agree shes a stuck up bitch, not hating just true, shes also cries alot, i counted and shes cried 7 times, and if shes had more scenes in mlp fim that number would probably double
0 likesI change my mind about Rarity she was the only mane six pony who tried to avoid Discord's trick! I was impressed when I first saw that ^-^
0 likesGuys i gave a warning!
2 likes@CountRegular who the hell is Caletia?
0 likes@bobby bennison I think she/he means Celestia.
0 likesI know. I find it hilarious when people screw up their names. Makes it impossible to take them seriously.
0 likesThe writers heard our complaints and made a episode were she was way to genorus :face hoof:
0 likesrarity takes manehattenk
0 likes@Eliza Nelson Manehattan*
0 likesI hate you
0 likesSorry to hear that! I can't say the same for you because I have no idea who you are!
0 likesNo afence to anyone who loves Rarity
0 likesApple Jack makes biggg mistake
0 likesme: throws applejack toy at computer
0 likesReplies (1)
this is a joke dont hate me
0 likesfluttershy i just hate if she uh just get along with me
3 likesI don't even like apples that much
1 likeRainbow dash is incredibly egoistic, and she has been given the element of loyalty, for being loyal ONCE. She hasn't fulfilled her element greatly now, hasn't she?
0 likesRarity seems to love being the center of attention, and if she isn't, she'll start ranting about how unfair it is. She also wanted to ruin Fluttershy's show since she was jealous that Photo Finish didn't choose her as her model.
Pinkie pie cares about partying too much. In that episode with the parasprites, she cares about her music instruments more than the safety of ponyville.
Applejacks Flaws have already been stated.
AND YOU... FLUTTERSHY AND TWILIGHT...... have no flaws.
Replies (4)
@jjenlub dash sticks with her friends more often than not. And when she does ditch them she has a good reason for it. It's not like she has an easy choice.
1 likePlus her friends dont treat her very well so they dont really deserve her loyalty.
@jjenlub wrong.
1 likeBri Mac k whatever man
0 likesTwilight is a mary sue and fluttershy is either a coward or an asshole.
0 likes1:23,there was a picture on flutter shys face....
0 likesI agree, I just think that Rarity is WORST.
6 likesReplies (6)
0 likesShe is my least fave, in my opinion
1 likeshe was in last place at the online vote, applejack was 4th
1 likeYap
0 likes@Amanda Adams Are you talking about the fan favorite poll that Fluttershy won? I heard it was the other way around with those two. I think it went:
0 likesFluttershy
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
She's my second favorite my first is Fluttershy.
1 likeapple jack is honest
0 likesAhhaha the pun u made with apple jack "Lets be HONEST" TvT
0 likesidk why everyone hates rarity!
0 likes1:23 for a split second lol
0 likesRarity. (is the worst in my humble opinion, no hard feelings)
36 likesReplies (12)
Princess Derpy Hooves i like rarity
2 likes+Flutterdash MLP shrugs Anyway, like I said, it's just my opinion! We can agree to disagree.
1 like@Princess Derpy Hooves totally! If u dont like her thats fine!
1 likeIt's mostly just because I have the least in common with her, as opposed to the rest of the Mane Six, whom I share at least one trait with respectively. I don't actually dislike her.
2 likes@Princess Derpy Hooves heres how my list goes: (favorite to least fav)
2 likes1. Twily
2. Rd
3. PP
4. Applejack
5. Rarity
6. Flutters
I dont dislike her, shes in the bottom of the list because i dont identify with her as much as the others.
For me, it's
3 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Rainbow Dash
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Applejack
5. Twilight
6. Rarity
(I'm sad that I don't count as one of the Mane Six, and therefore cannot be #1.)@Princess Derpy Hooves I absolutely LOVE twilight
0 likes@Princess Derpy Hooves hahaha my favorire background pony is vynil...
0 likes1. Vynil
2. Octavia
3. Derpy
4. Lyra
5. Bon bon (sweetie drops)
6. Dr hooves
I like him but i just like the others more.
Mine are
1 like1. Derpy (obviously)
2. Dr. Whooves
3. Lyra Heartstrings
4. Vinyl Scratch
5. Octavia
6. Bon Bon
Me too
1 likeRandomEllie I feel the same way ☺
0 likesRandomEllie About Rarity, I mean ☺
0 likesWait isnt Flash Sentry the worst
1 likeYou are AMAZING!!!!!
1 likeYou make apple jack sad 🥺
0 likesApple jack is really awsome ....
1 likeMy least favorite pony is TRIXIE
Replies (1)
Ooh. My least favourite pony is definitely Rarity.
0 likes1. She is a typical girl who loves fashion.
2. She is almost too much obsessed with beauty.
3. She has been crushing over quite a few colts and she did a lot just to get Trenderhoof's attention.
4. She cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
Rarity is worst pony because she is too elegant, maybe even the MOST elegant pony in Ponyville!
6 likesI am not hating on your opinion because it is YOUR opinion but I just want to point out one of the reason you dislike Applejack for. You said, and I quote "She's stubborn minded." The thing about this is there is a pony who takes "being stubborn" to a whole new different level..Twilight. Now I don't hate on Twilight or anything but I just want to compare her stubborness to Applejack's stubborness. I agree that Applejack is very stubborn but over the years she has learned to trust others a bit more. She is still not completely there but she is definitely getting there. In Applebuck season she willingly decides to ask for help and it helps her. Twilight however, needs a bit more convincing. It takes the rest of the Mane 6 plus spike to finally get her to agree to their help. Even after she finally agrees and everything goes smoothly, she is still stubborn and thinks she HAS to do it herself or else her friends would get hurt. What she doesn't know though is that they are more likely to defeat a villain or sort some havic TOGETHER. Not one by themselves but all together.
0 likesThe least favorite it was it was then I did it would probably be someone out of the main six
0 likesYou are sooooooooooo correct
0 likesPersonally Apple jack is worsts pony only because I like all the other ponies more.
1 likeSame, AppleJack is my least favorite. But Twilight is my favorite, not Fluttershy.
3 likes2.fluttershy
0 likes3.applejack
4.twilight sparkle
6.lest like pinkiepie
Maybe apple jack has assburgers, my dad and brother have it and they kinda match up with the stubborn personality.
0 likesImage was on flutterbats face this time
1 likeIn apple buck season apple jack was stubborn cause she was tired bc pony’s and ppl I know that when both things are tired there stubborn like me so that’s one way u affended me apple jack is my favorate pony !
0 likesTTwilight was the worst!
3 likes1.Rainbow Dash
2 likes2.Apple Jack
5.Pinkie pie
Let's be honest lol
0 likesFor everyone who is making such a big deal out of Applejack or anypony else being at the bottom of the list, WE'RE NOT FLAWLESS!
0 likesReplies (2)
Anypony gets it?
0 likesyeah.
0 likesI dont like rarity
3 likesThis video started a comment war.... maybe you should have THOUGHT IT THROUGH before asking people to put their least favourite pony in the comments.
0 likes😤 leave Apple jack alone
0 likesAj is my favorite pony I love her because her fram
0 likesMy favorite pony is twilight because she is so amart.
1 likeraity is the worst twilights best pony
Honest orange apple horse is absolutely worst pony
2 likesI love all of them they all do mistakes and that's they learn that is why they made that is it friendship is magic geting it?
0 likesTell me if you didn't
i dont hate any of the mane six there my favortie ponies
1 likeApplejack is really stubborn like y’all are probably saying well applejack cares about apple bloom that’s why she keeps looking out for apple bloom ugh when I looked on google it says she was 10 first of all apple bloom goes walking out on ponyvill by herself and how would you feel if someone said if you need to get a spoon you open the where the spoons are really so you can’t be to supportive on your child or else they will end like they can’t really do anything if you do it all for them
0 likesPinkie pie= worst pony because she party's waaàaaaaaaaay to much and at the wrong time if u don't believe me say someponey passes on pinkie being pinkie would of course through a party
6 likesYou are just listing my qualities
0 likes1. Sunset Shimmer
0 likes2. Pinkie pie
3. Rarity
4. Apple Jack
5. Fluttershy
6.Starlight Glimmer
7. Twilight Sparkle
8. Rainbow Dash
I like apple jack but she isn't my favorite of the six. it is FLUTTASHY BABY! WHOOOOOOO! cute little face!<3
0 likesMy favorite pony is derpy
0 likesBut...all the other main ponies have flaws....why is AJ such a big problem? If she didn't have flaws, she'd be a Mary Sue! Sure she's stubborn, but Dash's arrogant, Pinkie's oblivious, Rarity can be greedy, Twilight is obsessive etc. Flaws are what makes characters grow and learn. I mean, yeah Applejack is boring, but she's not my least favorite. I love all the mane 6.
200 likesReplies (33)
Your awesome
6 likesYou go Charpony VA
3 likes@Katie Sanchez Gee thanks! ^-^
2 likesNo problem and no need to thank me
2 likes@***** Everyone has flaws! ^.^ And it makes them amazing.
1 likeThe reason why reason why AJ's is such a big problem here is because it is what he dislikes. Yes I agree on you that people have flaws it depends on you if you will like them or not.
5 likesEX: Soul Eater (not sure if you seen it, but here it is). There was an episode that two of the main characters (one of them is an arrogant, show off, and loud mouth. He is still an okay guy) had to go to a village to defeat an enemy. At the end of the episode one of the villagers said "even if he wasn't part of the star clan, I still wouldn't like him."
@Vinyl Scratch That literally made no sense at all.
3 likes"The reason why reason why-" Wha??
"AJ's such a big problem is what he dislikes." That's not an argument.
Who is Soul Eater? Episode of what?? What does this have to do with anything that I said??
1.)Sorry, fast typing.
2 likes2.)You're right that is not an argument, but instead a statement. Brony notion doesn't like stubborn, oblivious characters who can unintentionally cause others harm and shows no development from it. Which AJ is (Applebuck Season and Bats).
3.)Soul Eater is an anime TV series and it was suppose to be an example of what I meant.
@Vinyl Scratch 1. Ah.
1 like2. I said Pinkie was oblivious not AJ. I was using her as an example. AJ has developed though, Bats clearly showed that.
3. Not sure how that has to do with anything.
2.) Pinkie isn't stubborn though and she doesn't always cause others harm. She has way more development than AJ. Bats to me shows that she didn't learn much from her stubbornness and she didn't tried to listen to Fluttershy. (Reminded me of the same mistake she made when she didn't listen to Twilight in Applebuck Season.
3 likes3.) Again it was an example. But here is another. I don't like stubborn, close-minded, oblivious characters that had the least development, which Applejack is.
@Vinyl Scratch Pinkie causes most of the problem. Filli Vanilli and Over a Barrel come to mind.
1 likeYes but Pinkie isn't stubborn. Those two episode it ,to me Pinkie was treated more like tool rather than a character.
1 like@Vinyl Scratch And why are you against stubborn people?
1 likeI don't like people who too stubborn and are not willing to give new things a chance. Close minded people who will always stay in the past and never look at the future. Those are the type of stubborn people I don't like. Sadly that is what AJ is to me.
1 like@Vinyl Scratch I see what you mean, but I still like AJ. (oh trust me she's the second worst for me) and I think she's alright. To be honest I hate people like Rainbow Dash. Show offs, arrogant..ugh...don't kill me XD
2 likes@***** Understandable.
1 likeRainbow is my second least favorite of the 6. AJ is my third least favorite of the entire series, right besides Snips and Snails.
1 like@Vinyl Scratch Rainbow Dash is defiantly worse for me. But Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Snips and Snails are awful too. At least AJ isn't annoying, mean spirited or just...ugh. She stays in the background.
1 likeAJ to me is annoying, I tend to look for characters that have the most development but there are not many episodes that are mainly about her and the writers sometimes use her as a background pony (which I don't really think she is) which makes me angry. She is not a bad character, but I wish she had more development.
0 likesI don't mind DT or SS, I hate bullies but I sort of like them.
Snip and Snail are straight out "boys are dumb" characters. Well so much for equalities.
@Vinyl Scratch Yeah but for me Dash is just...unlikable. I don't really wish to go into a full argument about "who is worst pony" , like I said...I really like them all.
0 likesI don't want to go into an argument either. I was just trying to answer your question.
0 likes@Vinyl Scratch It was more of a rhetorical question for the Notion.
0 likesOh ok, I couldn't tell. Sorry
0 likes@Vinyl Scratch It's fine ^^
0 likesrarity is not greedy she`s the element of generosity the opposite of greed
1 like@Kelly Mramor I said CAN be greedy. Let's not forget when she gave Spike the smallest gem off her dress for him, or when she seduced Spike into giving her the fire ruby. Oh and when she stole some of the dragon (from Dragonshy's) gems.
1 likeyeah but at least she gave him a gem and remember she gave him that gigantic blue gem for helping her find gems for sapphire shore`s dresses that was not greedy at all.
2 likes@Charpony VA rainbow dash is AWESOME!!!!!!!
1 like@Kelly Mramor Like I said CAN. Not all the time.
1 like@Kelly Mramor Sorry, I'm not a fan of Dash.
1 likehow are you not a fan of rainbow dash I love her a lot she is tied with pinkie for my 2nd favorite!
4 likes@Kelly Mramor It's called having an opinion.
15 likes@Kelly Mramor I'm pretty sure you didn't read what I just said. I never said she was greedy ALL the time. I said a lot of the times she CAN be greedy.
5 likesRarity because in the MLP movie in the song “We got this” she says “Generosity’s what we’re all about” she clearly favors her element and is that really going to help Twilight feel less stressed out?
1 likeMy least favourite pony has to be…….. uh….hhmmm.. I think it’s flooded shy.. why you ask? Well… she always tries to stop doing stuff which is scary and you’re supposed to be brave at some point but she’s never brave! Sooooo….. yeah! My least favourite character.
0 likesMy favourite pony is Twilight sparkle
0 likes1 Apple jack deal with it
1 like2 Fluttershy because she loves animals like me
3 Twilight
4 Pinkie pie
5 Rarity
6 Rainbow dash
favourite to least favourite:TS RD FS AJ PP R
3 likesI'd grade them:
0 likes1. Applejack and Fluttershy
2. Twilight
3. Rarity
4. Pinkie Pie
5. None
6. Rainbow Dash.
Replies (1)
Dash is best you dickhead.
1 likeMy least favorite pony is twilight
1 likeMy fav♥️ ponies
1 likeTwilight
Apple Jack
Flutter shy
Pinky pie
My least favorite is, get ready for it, RAINBOW DASH. She is arrogant. In the Mare Do Well episode she is kind of braggy.
0 likesTwilight because BOOKS
4 likesReplies (3)
0 likesWhats wrong whith Books?
0 likes@dasje d everything
0 likesHow is your 2 least favourite out of the main six
0 likesTruth be told, I like Applejack more than I like Rarity and Rainbow Dash. While it's true that Applejack can go overboard with her honesty, Rainbow Dash and Rarity tend to show signs of going against their element. Though I will admit Applejack has made some little white lies a couple times, I wouldn't hold it against her too much.
0 likesEDIT: I still like Rarity and Rainbow Dash, just not as much.
My fave is AJ!
0 likesMy least favorite is Twilight because... I don't really know. I guess because she's the main character and for some reason, I usually end up disliking the main characters the most... favorite is Pinkie Pie, she always makes me smile :)
6 likesReplies (15)
I think you dislike twilight becose shees a goody goody.....But i like her cus im like her ! Im a nerd, bookwarm and.... Im kinda like a goody too shoes
0 likes(Sorry for my spelling im latvian..)
+Marta Gavrilka No, I'm a lot like her too, actually. It might be because I like humor, and Twilight usually gives us the practicality instead of the humor.
1 like+Not Gonna Tell You ok i was just giving a example i have no idea what your like
0 likesme to
0 likesSo same I like princess Luna or discord
0 likesTotally agree.
0 likes+Hannah Lee Discord is the best!!
0 likesI agree with you I don't like twilit either it's because she just rambles on threw the I tire show and the fact that she gets everything she gets to be a alicorn she gets to be a princess she gets a crown when everyone one else just gets a neckless
2 likes@The AxM Clan yeah, to be honest, I find her just a teeny bit... dull. I know people are going to hate like crazy on me now, but whatever.
1 like+Lauren Last Name I don't agreeeee
0 likes+Olivia S That's okay
0 likesMy 2 favs (since I like them equally) or Pinkie and Flutters. My least favorite, is Twilight. She isn't BAD, but I really don't relate to her. I'm not as smart, independent, etc. as her. I like characters I relate to more.
1 like+Kat465k Yeah, she's not bad, and I do relate to her a little, but I think it's because she's so serious most of the time and I tend to like comedic characters like Pinkie and Discord.
0 likes+Kat465k Yeah, she's not bad, and I do relate to her a little, but I think it's because she's so serious most of the time and I tend to like comedic characters like Pinkie and Discord.
0 likes+Lauren Last Name My fav villain is Discord. Now he's my favorite reformed villain :)
0 likesThe Sins of Apple Jack (P!ATD fans where y'all at?)
0 likesI could not point out any pony but I say it in my little pony equestria girls is pinkiepie because in season one she looks so crazy funny mad and very different compared to season 2 pinkiepie
1 likeReplies (1)
I am sorry if I have done a bad comment
0 likesmy least fav is a random backround pony with no name
63 likesReplies (50)
1 like@***** thx
1 likeNo
0 likes+rockstar 101 ya I wuz and that's y I decided 2 make MY point
2 likes+rockstar 101 for what?
1 like@***** okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
0 likes+rockstar 101 your youtube name should be whatever you are a speech can you not reply PLZ
0 likes+oindrilla ghosh ugh not!
0 likesNope
1 like+rockstar 101 explain plz
0 likesyep
0 likes+rockstar 101 yeah
0 likes+oindrilla ghosh Ew, another cringy overly sensitive fan...
2 likes+oindrilla ghosh yes applejack is the BEST
0 likes+TheKittyCorner he dosn't hate her she's just his least favourite
0 likesSAME!!!!!!!!! Apple jack is my fave I'm horrified!
0 likesDon't dislike unsubscribe then burn down ur computer! ITS CALLED OPINION!!
0 likes+Julia Usquisa yup I hate her too
0 likes+oindrilla ghosh no pinkie is
0 likesI like Aj but she's not the best
0 likes+sillysally No!! rainbow is
2 likesim gonna say pinkie
0 likesI dislike Apple
0 likesNo she's not
0 likesApple jack is good but her flaws are pretty bad
0 likes+WolfGirl Gamer yeah
0 likes+Emily Brown yes she is ok
0 likes+Lucky LaRusso yup aj is best!
0 likes+Apple Jack nop she sucks
0 likes+Apple Jack NO RD
2 likes+Ignacio Colin yep it's RD
0 likes+lea dash Aj is awesome I mean the couple episodes that you said were quite not good for aj but it was some mistakes,So I'm not with you brony notion
0 likesyeeeeeesssss
0 likes@Melakitty 101 NOOOOOO
0 likes@Kaitlyn Barlow nOOOO
0 likesagree
0 likesagree
0 likesdisagree
1 likeI AGREE
0 likesNo she is day worst
4 likesI hate her
5 likesoindrilla ghosh NO SHE IS NOT!!!! She broke a pinkie promise!
3 likesTea Tea Fox she is my bae go to snell
0 likesShe didn't break it because she said at breakfast. She didn't have breakfast so she didn't break the Pinkie Promise!
0 likes@Kattris everprior yes
0 likesShe
Rd is best
2 likesWho is your second least favourite out of the mean six
0 likesmy least favourite ponies is Apple jack because of here stoberness and rainbow dash because of her selfishness.sooo i agree with you
1 likeI don't have a least favorite pony
1 likeMy favorite ponies favorite to least favorite
0 likes1.Pinkie pie
4.Apple Jack
Soooo agree
3 likesReplies (3)
hi omg i hate her cuz my friend ikes her i like rd chek out mlp flash photography
1 likei soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo agree
0 likesYes
0 likesApple's apples apples apple's she says toooo many 'apples'
0 likesThis is of the MAIN SIX!!!
1 likeFluttershy
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Agree or disagree?
Replies (1)
that's not too bad a list
0 likesMy lyrics favorite character is very easy Rarity
1 likei don't like Dr hooves, he ignores Derpy and just is bad and calls sitting in a chair for 5 seconds time travel also derpys name is derpy hooves and he is dr hooves so their either related or married
0 likesI can't tell who I dislike the most. I like AJ because she is just a normal pony, she could even be a background pony, I like it. I don't like all those perfect heroines in little girls' shows.
49 likesI don't like Rarity because she cares about fashion. A LOT.
I don't like Twilight anymore because she's an alicorn --' At the beginning of the show I really liked her because she had flaws and wasn't perfect at all. I found her original. But eh... Princess of friendship and all... Stupid kids show
I don't really like Flluttershy because we don't know a lot about her, I can't feel close to her. And yeah she's cute but I don't really like her.
I guess I pretty like Rainbow, even if she is way too arrogant. But eh, I can't hate everyone
I LOVE Pinkie I know if I met her I'll just cry and hope she'll die with her canon, but in the show she's awesome! Always see life as a game, and have fun everytime everywhere, I'd like to live like her. But in our world everything sucks so I can't ._.
So if I had to make a list, of my favorites, I think it's:
Precious bratRarityOh and it's just my opinion it's okay if you like the
bratRARITYAlso sorry for the bad english I'm french yay
Replies (12)
I actually don't like Americans making shows about girls being pretty and perfect, her little sister is better.
8 likesMhm. Well I’d like some reasoning —- No, *GOOD* reasoning. Rarity is best pony. Fight me.
7 likes... I umm ... well... nvm
0 likesi can relate more to rarity cause her extraness and the cramming part is so me
2 likesAj
2 likesRd
Idc if you like pp it's my opinion k?
My list is the exact same
0 likes@Turquoise Ninju tomboys on top! Nice
0 likesEdahel i am rarity you horrid brat
2 likesI think i have an almost love hate relationship with Pinkie, sometimes she can be really annoying, and sometimes she can be really funny
0 likesThis is almost like my list but I would make Fluttershy my least fav pony
1 likeI am a normal pony! And as such I desire a normal explanation in detail of the ritual sacrificing children! (c)
0 likesVotre Anglais n'est pas si mal.
0 likesAJ is my fourth favorite
0 likesApplejack cries on the inside
0 likesapple jack is my favorite. she cant be the worst. Im gonna dislike, un subscribe and burn the computer down
0 likesi dont realy like pinky pie because shes too ''overhappinestie'' shes too energergic and over about happinest thats anoying dude
3 likesFor me it’s
0 likes1.fluttershy
3.pinkie pie
6.rainbow dash
1. Pinkie Pie
0 likes2.Fluttershy
4. Apple Jack
5.Twilight Sparkle
6. Rainbow Dash
She should not have element of honesty
0 likesBest thumbnail ever..
0 likesFav ponies:
14 likes1. Rainbow
2. Applejack
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie pie
5. Rairity
6. Twilight
Yes twilight is my least favourite pony deal with it
Replies (38)
+RadRainbowReviews Not a problem with me. Twilight kinda sucks. Rainbow is definitely the best too.
3 likes@***** Kinda cool that you were able to say something nice about all of them, even your least fav. Sometimes I wish I could feel that way.
1 like+Imelda Siregar I hate u
0 likesu forgot derpy who is first
0 likes+Imelda Siregar at first I was like HOW DARE U but now that u put it like that I won't puch u 😅
0 likes@Funny Bunny well I hate u she's nice besides u never seen her in real life have you well case closed
0 likesAny way mlp
0 likesFind the 8
0 likes999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
+Imelda Siregar awesome
0 likes+Olivia Springer found it mate
0 likesOMFS our pony list is almost the same!!! finally aniter one who hates twilight
1 likeYay I'm not the only one who twilight is their least favirot pony rd is best
0 likesMe too, twilight is too my least favoriete pony
1 like+RadRainbowReviews yasssss
0 likes+RadRainbowReviews HOW DARE YOU PUT FLUTTERSHY SO FAR DOWN IN YOUR LIST!!! jk, and also, i hate twilight too, but i don't really like rainbow.
1 like@raridashylightpie raridashylightpie raridashylightpie watch your language please! there is a child present. aka, me! also, "faggot isn't an insult anymore unless your my brother. okay? just stop being so negative! geez!!
0 likesI agree I don't like Twilight Sparkle.
0 likesOMG I LOVE Rainbow Dash!!😊😊😊
0 likesI don't like Twilight and I hate Rarity but I love Rainbow Dash!!
0 likes+Vinyl Scratch Wait, Rarity is your least favorite pony? We have a lot in common.😊😊
0 likesSame , I'll like.
1 likeI fucking hate applejack she shouldn't even exist in the first damn place!!!!!
0 likes@Frank Poole You know what? They went WAY TOO FAR when Twilight became a princess.😑😑😑
2 likes+Game Galaxy yup
0 likesYUP!!!!!!!!
0 likeshow dare you...
0 likesWOW SAME HERE! 😂
0 likes@Julia Usquisa you are another traitor?
0 likes+Shen Master Gamer yes stupid
0 likes@Julia Usquisa why did you call me stupid? for liking twilight? girl im not saying everyone should love twilight im just saying that i dont really understand why and for some reason i call them traitors
+Shen Master Gamer I. A traitor I don't like twilight my fav rainbow
0 likes@Julia Usquisa ok, rainbow is also on the first place as twilight right now so yeah... everything is cool
0 likes+Game Galaxy yaaaaaaaaaaaaas!
0 likesI can see you hating her cus shees a goody goody...:/ so NO blame
0 likesI'm ok
0 likesApple jack is my second fav
I love Apple Jack do not say those things to her Or Else
0 likesMy least favourite MLP character is drumroll please cozy glow you never said I had to pick one of the main 6
0 likesMy fav is RD
3 likesReplies (3)
So right
0 likesThat is 100% correct
0 likesdisagree
0 likesI Love apple jack
0 likesI love applejack because I love apples
0 likes1.Pinkie Pie2. Apple Jack3. Fluttershy4. Twilight5.Rainbow Dash6. Rarity
0 likesWe're not flawless...
0 likesmy fav is rainbow dash
5 likesMy list:
0 likes1. Rarity
2. Apple Jack
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie Pie
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Twilight ( sorry to twilight lovers I do still like her I just like the others better )
Actually you are right ✅ 😌 👌 😏 👏 🙂 ✅ 😌
0 likesTwilight=marry sue=hate
1 likeFillydelphia? Is that the best they could do. I’m a philly homie and that is not right
0 likesMy lease favorite happens to be twilight sparkle. Don't get me wrong, she is the main one, and before she was a princess, I liked her. But when she became a princess, oh please stop hasbro, you're ruining the show! I mean I know the CMC got their cutie marks but that's actually cool. But why did she have to become a princess? Why not just make her an Alicorn? I mean my OC is an Alicorn and so are my other mane 6 OCs, but they don't rub it in people's faces or are princesses!
18 likesReplies (28)
Least* I hate autocorrect.
0 likesagreed. that is solid true
1 like+Angelina Woods rude to autocorrect!!!!
0 likessame here
+Angelina Woods
3 likesAlicorn = Princess. There are no non-princess Alicorns in the show. If you're an Alicorn, you're a ruler. The title of Alicorn isn't given out to just anyone.
That said, Twilight isn't really rubbing anything into anyone's face? She's still a cute little bookworm, who has no choose but to live in a castle and attend fancy gatherings. She only points her title out when it's necessary, like solving a friendship problem.
+Katoka Karalashvili hmm... you are right. plus she didn't want to be a princess anyways I'm guessing. yet she is still my least favorite pony. why is cause her element doesn't make sense at all, she knows everything, and she is kinda rude to spike.
0 likes@somer loves dogs I understand why anyone would hate or love Twilight and it's fine, but thank you for being rational. And yes, your point does make sense. I'm neutral to Twilight, personally.
1 like@***** Um... Twilight wants to go on an Adventure. That doesn't make her greedy, it's due to her curiosity. She is a Princess because she was an Apprentice of a Princess.
+Angelina Woods The CMC got their cutie marks? When??
0 likes+Ivy Lu my favorite is applejack🍎🍏, and least favorite is rarity♦.
0 likes+Demon in the episode crusaders of the lost mark.
0 likes+Angelina Woods
2 likes"Why become a princess"
"Why not an alicorn!!"
Oh please!! They're both the same (not including animation errors).
Yes, I was thinking they were trying to rub in the other five element's faces. I think they gotten too far when they make only Twilight have special things occur to her. I mean like really, WE KNOW SHE IS A PRINCESS HASBRO! Is that clear, to much to ask for? I'll answer for you, no!
0 likes+David Coleman Jr. Pinki is my first favorite charactar.
0 likes+Katoka Karalashvili You are wrong, Crystal the villian is an alicorn and she isn't a princess.
0 likes+somer loves dogs Yes!
0 likes+Ivy Lu YEEEEES!
0 likes@Hind Gamal I love pinkie pie! She is my favorite too!
1 like+Hind Gamal Crysallis is a queen. she isn't a pony. she is a changeling
1 likeMy least fave is TwiglightSparkle because the other 5 lived a normal life but when twighlight came into the picture the other 5 have had to risk there lives.
0 likesmy least favorite pony is flutter shy
1 like+Christopher Hostetter why? She's my second fav.
0 likes+Angelina Woods ,i agree! i mean, she's always the main subject of everything!
0 likesi mean,of course SHE is an alicorn! my oc is an alicorn too,but im not the center
of attention! and of corse twilight's was the last key!
+Tanya Maxwell Well, sure, but it's not like she means to be the center of attention. In Trade Ya, when Pinkie offers to help her give away her books, instead making her look very popular, Twilight says she doesn't want the ponies getting her books because she's a princess. She doesn't like the feeling of being more important when she isn't. She's just another pony.
1 like+Artistic Harmony huh? who?
0 likes+Artistic Harmony Me? what did I do?
0 likesI agree!
0 likes+Ivy Lu Have ro comment so much times, Twilight didnt brag about her title unless she has to during a gathering or to adressed.
0 likesDJ NinjaCollider your OC is an alicorn?'i hope she has a reason to an alicorn... i hope it isn't a mary sue
0 likesRarity I don’t like rarity she only cares about her appearance and too full of her self to notice that spike is trying to shoe love and detention and she is too busy with realising he loves her
0 likesI understand but your being a little harsh on applejack give her a brake
0 likesIt might be weird but I HATE TWILIGHT SPARKLE
4 likesWhy does everybody think rarity is the worse its just a kids show and its none of your business the voice actor of rarity is a adult so pls dont hate on rarity and aj and rd or pinkie it really hurts the Hasbros i hope you understand-LJ
1 likeMy least favourite pony is Trixie
0 likesNOBODY LIKES APPLEJACK!SOMEONE MAKE A VIDEO OF "the good things about applejack"!
0 likesApplejack is not the worst everypony has flaws from the mane 6
6 likesMy least favorite pony is rarity It’s because kids just Doesn’t understand that spike is a gross on Doesn’t who doesn’t know that already no that She doesn’t know anything and she’s just Spoiled In Ticketmaster she kept on insisting twilight to give her the tickets to just a guy does she already have 1 million others so yeah that’s why I hate rarity
1 likeApplejack is the best
1 likei dont know i mean shes not my favorite but i dont hate her
1 likeIf I had to choose the word Pony it be you because every pony is the best pony
0 likesWell here cutie mark suggests her being simple
12 likesReplies (3)
1 likeBeing that apples are a very common fruit
6 likes👍Agree with you.
4 likesAj might be my favorite..
0 likesBest pony to worst pony (mane six)
0 likes1 . fluttershy
2. Rarity
3. Twilight
4. Pinkie pie
5. Apple jack
6. Rainbow dash
My least favourite if I had to choose is Rainbow Dash
0 likesFight Me 😆
Replies (1)
You just misunderstand where she's coming from.
1 likeI like all of them but it is HIS opinion
0 likesMy least favourite charater is Rarity
23 likesReasons
1. She's a BIG drama queen and i hate drama queens
2. Rarity easily gets jealous about her FRIENDS
3. She is kinda ego centric, which is Rainbows thing. But she still has a ego
4. Her voice sounds like a snobby teenager
Replies (6)
@ليمون الزهرة ya
0 likesShe's not that bad I like her
5 likesblame rarity, not her voice actor
0 likeskosmik things I love Rarity she is almost the best definition of self centered theatre kid.
1 likekosmik things not my reasons but ya she’s the worst
0 likeseveryone has AN ego
1 likemy least favorite is Twilight Sparkle because most people like her just because shes a 'princess' (p.s my favorite is FlutterShy) ❤0❤
0 likesMy least favourite pony is raerety and my favourite pony is pinkie pie
1 likeSubtitles really said water shy
1 likeI think you are being hard on her
0 likesI hate twilight cause it's all about her like everyone likes her and her personality is just the worst
8 likesThe worst in my opinion is pinkie pie as she is just too happy and not serious enough
1 likeAll but one of the main six are my least favorites
2 likesThat one being pinkie pie despite her flaws
Replies (1)
Why the hell do you even watch this show then.
0 likesRarity because she obsess about everything
0 likesPersonally I’ve never liked Rainbow Dash she’s kind of a bully
0 likesHmm... Applejack may have these flaws, but she is still kind, hard working, faithful and honest. But the WORST character is Rarity... seriously, instead of being a seamstress and the element of genorousity, she is nothing good. I hate her. And what about Rainbow Dash? Loyal, huh? She has not done anything good after the first episode of season 1 and season 3 and season 5... She is a total JERK with short temper!
26 likesReplies (4)
Offensive! Rainbow dash doesn’t need any more loyalty lessons she’s loyal enough! Yeah I know that ONE TIME she got angry about tank but come on! She did it because she loves him! And everyone gets angry silly.
1 likeNo one is perfect nor you your not perfect B cuz you are not allowed to blame anyone and you just did
0 likesNo one is perfect nor you your not perfect B cuz you are not allowed to blame anyone and you just did
0 likesGalaxy_Cat and Music_Cat Just because these characters aren’t flawless doesn’t mean they’re beyond criticism.
0 likesI like all My Little Pony characters I don't want it and I like most Applejack
1 like1. Raknbowdash,2. Pinkiepie,3.twilight,4.rarity,5.flutter shy,.applejack
1 likeRainbowdash she's a little bit selfish for me
1 likeApple Jack is amaz
1 likeMy worst pony list
5 likes1°Twilight :because she want to be the best pony ever
2°Rarity:because she want to be the only pony fabulous
3°AppleJack:because she is a lie and the real for me its that
4°Celestia:because she HATE LUNA
5°Sunset:because... because I said
Jk it because my cousin said when me and my cousin are playing mlp she is bad
all you apple jack lovers he sed git over it
0 likesI disagree with you cuz at the end aj is a farmer she trys her best and I hate rarity she is sooooo sassy atleast she is friendly she should be the element of sassy ness
0 likesIn my opinion i love aj so what im saying is to me aj is better
0 likesApple jack is like so bad that’s the point of this video right
3 likeswell she lies slot and rainbow dash says the truth
2 likesYou have got to be kidding me😒
0 likesmy least fav pony is .......... TRIXIE i mean she is soooo rude
1 likeApple a plain old country earth pony accent
0 likesMy least fav pony is.... Drumrolllllllll
5 likesFluttershy!!!!!
Why? One word: STERYOTYPE!!! She's got NO original character!!! I have seen her character in SOOOOO many other cartoons, getting over the same issues OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! It's getting boooooring!!!! Another example for this is rarity.
Rainbow is brave, not afraid to fight
Applejack is strong both inside and out
If more people were like pinkie the world would be a better place
Raritys character always surprises me
Twilight can shoot lasers from her face lol
And flutters? Ummm... uhhhhh.... She can speak to animals??? Idk
Replies (3)
0 likesBtw who's your favorite?
0 likesYeah, mine too! Flutters kinda is just ya know,
0 likesA stereotype
0 likes2.fluttershy
3.pinkie pie
5. applejack
6.rainbow dash
I agree!
1 likeEveryone I won't pick any pony there school is fantastic and they have a few flaws
0 likes1 Aj She may be this same awesome stat s as rainbow but she is a pony who is very fooled easily like on call of the cutie
That it
twilight is my fav
0 likes1.RD
38 likes2.SG
Idk I've never been that exited to see twilight
Replies (6)
Bri Mac dude calm down if you don't like the show then don't watch it
0 likesI like this show but not not the point I remember alot of characters, who is SG?
0 likesDJ Melody o
0 likeswhy is Starlight linked to "Building your Buisness"
0 likesDJ Melody mh
0 likesDJ Melody who is sg and ss
0 likesAt 3:59 you have apple jaks hat
0 likesapple jack is totally amazing my least fav pony is flutter shy!
2 likesI agree with you too 🙂😅😇🤗
1 likeApathetic sounds like she want to get attention from everyone in PonyvillLike how good she isInIn my friends party is twilight she’s so adorable and cute and can steal them both adorable so hard babe you’re right I hate Florida to she’s so annoying she’s so annoying Florida is the only real Alacon
0 likesMy fav ponies:
23 likes1. Fluttershy She is kind and adorable and she even is my inner pony! We both love nature, have a little brother, are shy and good at singing (I didn't to brag)
2. Rainbow Dash She is REALLY loyal (no matter how much bronies don't notice it) She actually learns from her mistakes and she is determined no matter what. She'll do her best to get what she wants as long as she doesn't hurt others. I'm also a lot like her
3. Applejack She is the best role model of the mane six. She's always honest and loyal to her family and friends. She cares about her sister very much and does her best to protect her even if she gets over protective. And I can relate to her worrying for Applebloom.
4. Twilight. Twilight is always organized and wants for everyone to be alright. She's the best pony she can be. Episodes such as Friendship is Magic part 2 and Lunar Eclipse show wonderful character development for her. And she learns from her mistakes no matter what was the coincidence and gives others a second chance when THEY ALSO learn from THEIR mistakes.
5. Pinkie Pie. I'm not against her in any way just that I like one through four even more. She shows to be brave even if it's not in the way you expect. She also truly shows that she cares about everyone. She'd go completely out of her way (shown in the episode "A friend in deed") just to make others feel happy.
6. Rarity Ugh! I'm sick of HER! Rarity is generous and all but besides of that she needs to get a whole lot better! In the episode "For whom the Sweetiebell Toils" instead of helping Sweetiebell Rarity goes to sleep because Sweetiebell is upset. She can't just touch dirt because she freaks out! That's too much of a stretch! She can just take a bath no pity! Honestly I think she is far too worried about her clothing. I understand that's her life and all but needing a GALLON for a single little patch of mud on one of her dresses. That far tooooooooooo much! I appreciate her in episodes like Art of the dress (I think that's the name) were she works hard to make her friends happy but for most of the series, she's best character she could be. I'm KNOW she can do better than most of the series shows. She just needs to TRY or just put more effort into it.
Replies (9)
My Little Pony Toys and episodes rainbow dash is the best!!!
1 likeThere is no generous with rarity. K I L L R A R I T Y
1 likeMy Little Pony Toys and episodes wow you didn't even say its your opinion
0 likesRainbow Storm wow then go with the villains
0 likesHEY
0 likesHoly crap this will take me a year to read!
0 likesFor fun, would you like to debate? I believe Rarity is best pony.
1 likeGacha Fan 0518 derpy is best pony
0 likesI think rarity, she’s to dramatic
0 likesMy least favorite Pony is Rainbow Dash
0 likesMy Favourites:
1 like1.Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash
3.Pinkie Pie/Rarity
My least fav pony is... nobody lol
1 likeFavorite Ponies are Applejack and Fluttershy.
3 likesLeast favorite pony is Rainbow Dash because she reminds me of my sister
Replies (4)
@LeaAlverezOfficial You're sister sounds awesome XD
0 likesShe stole my hot pocket. IS THAT AWESOME?
0 likes@LeaAlverezOfficial ..... kind of
0 likesWhat dose appels have to do with the wonderbolts
0 likesdon't the bubbles for Kim work I always forget her name but she's terrible I mean seriously she looks so Derpy that's literally her name that's terrible I mean she's the one of the least developed characters
0 likesI like mane pony Because , I see the Sony fo friendship this song name is Flawless , I like that song sooo. Much, Sony say all is not perfect , you see that 🐎🐎❤️❤️
1 likeMy least fave character is applejack two
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesYou have made Applejack my least favorite pony now.
54 likesReplies (9)
What do you mean?
0 likesI think the worst pony is Rarity
7 likesMarie Cajigas you take that back right now.😠😠😠😠😠💀
1 like@mlpmotion sets Okay, lol
0 likesI know, right?😖
0 likes+Marie Cajigas I can't decide who is worse: Rarity or Pinkie Pie.
2 likesPinkie Pie isn't bad.
6 likesSame
0 likes1. fluttershy2. twilight3. starlight glimmer4. apple jack5. pinkie pie6. rainbow dash7. rarity I very dislike rarity because she is very girly and is a drama queen.
0 likesAn applejack fan is watching a video wy someone hates applejack yeah not a good idee
0 likesMy favorite pony’s are
1 like👇🏻
2.Twilight Sparkle
My favorite Pony is Rainbow Dash
0 likesdoes diamond tiara count as a hated pony cuase she's a jerk
9 likesReplies (19)
+Megan Wheatley cause*
1 like+Megan Wheatley Season 5 will change your mind about her... Her story is very sad actually.
0 likesyeah
0 likesWell this is the mane 6 we are talking about.
0 likesShe changed in crusaders of the lost cutie mark
0 likesik
0 likesyes but she is just a feeling not a pony
0 likesNope
0 likes+Megan Wheatley in a episode diamond tiara relises she is mean and stands up to the pony making her be mean the pony is... HER MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes@Becky Cronin Don't forget the SPOILER! Warning.
0 likesyoup
0 likes+Megan Wheatley not anymore ;)
0 likes+Megan Wheatley no, because she is not part of the main 6.
0 likesOh heck no because she was a bully because of her parents
1 likeYes
0 likes+Game Galaxy um have you seen season 5 episode 18?!
1 likeyes only recently as i don't really watch it!
0 likesGood point.
0 likes+Becky Cronin Omg those sentences made me cringe so much. It's "In an episode, Diamond Tiara realized she is mean, and she stands up to the pony that's making her mean. The pony is... HER MOM!"
0 likesI love Apple Jack👩❤️💋👩
0 likesMine is probably Trender Hoof.. the reason why is how can he discover something thatwasnt even created or how can he predict something before its announced and... HIS.SENCE.OF.STYLE!! REALLY!? It's just no... for me so that's who my lest fav pony is im sorry to all that like him... :(
0 likes1.pinky pie
0 likes2.rarity
5.rainbow dash
6.apple jack
4 likes2 twilirght
3 pinkie
4 aj
5 rarity
6 fluldersy
0 likesmy least favourite pony is... apple... no rainbow dash, then applejack
0 likesmy least favorite pony is Rainbow Dash because he’s barely even loyal
0 likesReplies (1)
How is she barely loyal? She's more loyal that rarity at least.
0 likesNo one is PERFECT. Common.
2 likesMe
2.rainbow dash
3.pinkie pie
6.twilight sparkle
Fav ponies:
68 likes1. AppleJack (HISS)
2. Pinkie Pie
3. Fluttershy
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Rarity
6. Twilight Sparkle
Replies (3)
Mine is
2 likesApple jack
Pinkie pie
Rainbow dash
Yeah, I don’t like Twilight either
3 likesGo team applejack!
2 likesSaying I don’t really like Applejack hurts me but she’s my is kind of Stafford very actually my name is Holly and my dad let me use my iPad
0 likes1. Rarity
0 likes2. Fluttershy
3. Applejack
4. Pinkie Pie
5. Twilight
6. Rainbow Dash
1. Pinkie
0 likes2. Twilight
3. Rainbow
4. Rarity
5. Flutter shy
6. Aj
Before watching video: Objectively, Applejack is best pony and Rainbow Dash is worst.
1 likeBegan watching: The only issue anyone has with her, is that she's flawless. That is her flaw. How the hell can she be the worst then?!
Finished watching: Applejack made such grand strides in not being stubborn anymore that she wrote the infamous friendship letter to Celestia that was entirely her boasting about being right. That episode summed her up so well. Even when she got in over her head, she was willing to change things up for the better. She got over her one flaw quickly. too quickly. Meanwhile Fluttershy, your idea of a best pony, was still struggling to learn the same lesson she'd had over and over again. You are deeply confused if you think AJ is flawed, when her entire character is being so perfect that she becomes dull.
Replies (1)
She's boring. That's why.
0 likesPesonally I think twilight is the worst because she gets so much attention. I mean, why should she be the ONLY princess of friendship when she would be worthless without the rest of the PONIes. I think that all the main 5 should be princesses or if it really had to be only one of them it should be pinkie pie because she is friends with everyone in ponyville she always makes people smile and everything. Right. Rant over.
11 likesReplies (7)
@MarshmallowCat / Lauren Yeah, I get that. Her friends kinda got shafted.
0 likesyeah I liked twilight up to the point she became princess...I took a whole two hours cooling down after watching that episode!!!
0 likesTwilight or Fluttershy
1 likeTwilight because she gets way to much attention and shouldn't be the only princess
Fluttershy because she's so timid and shy that it annoys, sure she can scare a dragon but she herself is scared of a leaf and let's a bunny control her
+kittykatwondersforeverme too
0 likesYa you should see the episode when twilight trys to make it up to moon dancer and twilight didnt know pinkie pie knew menuet so pinkie pie said and you call yourself the princess of friendship
1 like+MarshmallowCat / Lauren if twilight is the princess of friendship, flutters has to be the princess of nature cause SHES BEST PONY!
1 likeShe is CRAZY.If she will be princess then future of equestria will be Crazy.She probably woud make party in every house and nobady coud do enytihink becuse,she woud be princess
0 likesBest to least
0 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Pinkie pie
3. Applejack
4. Rainbow dash
5. Twilight
6. Rairty
Fluttershy and rainbow dash are my worst ponies... apple jack is my second favorite pony after twighlight
0 likesi love raindbow dash
2 likesRainbow dash is always freaking of how SHES so awesome etc etc it’s dumb
1 like1.twilight is wize
35 likes2.twilight is funny
3.she is very carful and cares for the other ponys
4.she is just AWSOME
Replies (11)
no.3 is a lie
3 likesi agree raiden luu she is my fav
0 likesRaiden Luu wise*
1 likeshe is fake
1 like💖💖💖💖💖
0 likesLol
0 likesI don't like Twilight, she just so... full of herself with her new role as princess. Sunset Shimmer is my fav, although she is a EG character when she was first released. Anyway, back to Twilight. She always seems to rub it in that she is a princess and the rest of the mane 6 aren't. " As the princess of Friendship" - T.S. ALL FORMAL SENTENCES ARE STARTED THAT WAY!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?! Answer: Because she is princess of friendship
1 likeMy reply: So? She doesn't have to RUB IT IN.
Wise, not wize
0 likesAwesome, not awesome
You are just like twilight!
Raiden Luu I agree
0 likesOh and you can't forget that she is scared of qeusadilla 😂
1 likeRaiden Luu *wise
1 likebut nobody can choose what you like only you can choose what you like let me explain lets say you really like oreo cookies but
0 likessomebody else might like chocolate chip 🍪 cookies they said no you should eat my kind of cookies but they cannot choose what you like only you can choose what you like.Get it now?
0 likes1.spike
1 like2.fluttershy
i don't like her but shes growing on me
Rarity is the worst Bec,she is a drama queen
7 likesMy mlp best to worst
0 likes1st:twilight
6th:rainbow dash
Edit:I hate rainbow dash cause she always showsoff cheets and hardly shows the element of loyalty
Replies (1)
Twilight said Rainbow Dash is the most loyal pony
0 likes1:23 Nickalis cage
2 likesApplejack is too my less favorite pony
2 likesMy least favorite character is Pinkie pie because she’s just... annoying. She’s in everyone’s business all the time, she doesn’t back off, even when you tell her to go away, and I already have two little sisters like that! I don’t need one more
1 likeFrom liked to disliked:
4 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Twilight
3. Rarity
4. Pinky Pie
5. Applejack
6. Rainbow Dash
Replies (9)
0 likesEveryone only likes your sonic rainbom and rainbow mane. (I am sorry, i know i am being harsh)
No, we like her personality. She's not selfish either, like Rarity.
1 like+StarLight ShineBright Omg your list is almost like mine!
2 likes+jade wesman What's different?
0 likes@StarLight ShineBright Erm, Rarity is my second fave and then Twilight. Apple Jack being my least fave but yours is still pretty close to mine.
1 like@jade wesman Kinda nice to see someone else who likes rarity, even if she is kinda selfish sometimes.
1 like+jade wesman I can understand
1 likeMy list goes the opposite way😝
3 likes+Rainbow Flame™ That's so Kind!! =D
0 likesApplejack gets so much deserved hate
0 likesI disagree
0 likesWorst pony: nopony
Make her a Princess of harmony and God of aples jeeaaaa
0 likesshe's my least favorite too.
0 likesLeast Favorite: FLUTTERSHY- she is so sweet it really makes my head explode in the episodes. And those eyes.... yeah and lack of flaws other then - too kind, (not a flaw) and not assertive - Sorry if you like her
9 likesReplies (9)
So Turtleee she does have flaws... wait, hmm. Let me think... she lets herself get pushed around a lot, so quiet that she misses out on things... uhhh, that's all i can think of...
1 likeSo Turtleee scared of dragons 🐉
0 likesSo i guess kindness is not your thing.
1 likeSoniaGamingxo ! Omg how could you say that
1 likeSoniaGamingxo ! I like fluttershy a lot but you don't hurt my feelings
1 likeInteresting opinion there. Ok, I cannot think of many flaws for her, I’ll give you that. BUT STILL, I love her forever!! Although I am not offended by anyone’s opinion, just as long as they are not rude about it.
1 likeYour wrong after an episode and pushes anyone else even her she got scared by herself and not scared when the situation is for her friends and her means she's one of sweetest characters in the whole mlp befriended a king of chaos and does put on a brace face in ain't easy being breezies
1 likeFluttershy is a role model for us to be kind to others, she even deserves to be the next princess.
0 likes@fox_in_michigan then when she decides to be assertive she turns into an unreasonable asshole. It's either too shy or too much of an asshole. That makes her 2 dimensional, which is a weak character.
0 likesNot even guna explain why but my least favorite pony is twilight sparkle
0 likesI don’t like rarity because how she only care about famous like all of her friends help her and she doesn’t care really that much oboe her friend like when they first met she was trying to make her look nice and that’s rude maybe they like that hair style maybe she won’t even be friends with her
2 likesA.J is my fav
0 likesNick Cage at 1:23 !!!!!! lol!!XD
1 likeReplies (1)
good one The Brony Notion!!! lmbo!!!!XD
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Rainbow dash because of one thing: In a whole episode she tried to stop Winter (my favorite season) And she didn't listen to Fluttershy (my favorite pony) About hibernation!
13 likesReplies (9)
omg u take opinion of poor rainbow back RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!😠
3 likesfluffyminecraft gaming NO WAY!!! RAINBOW DASH IS A JERK
1 likeseriously why all the hatred just because she wanted to stop winter can u honestly tell me u had a friend who was about to move away and u didn't try to get them to stay she didn't want to be without her new best friend who saved her and choose her and she didn't want to believe fluttershy because saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do tank is her main friend all the other ponies live close to their family rainbow dash is all alone...
2 likesShe is also my least favorite because she just sees
2 likesNot fitting as the loyal element
Rainbow isn't will not be a jerk she stop because she was scared for tank to go and cried after trying to stop because of tank and she didnt care to fluttershy because she thought he can't and remember rainbow dash is competitive and a hero to others and she will for her friends and in may the best pet win she learned how to care a pet no matter what and plus Flawless Every Pony were not flawless
1 likeAnd I'm her give proof
I forget the word after will
0 likesIKR she is a jerk, and wayyyyyyyyy too confident in herself and a show off
2 likesThat is in just ONE episode.😑 Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony ever.
1 like@lizzy youre so shallow-minded. She's still a hero of equestria whether she's a jerk or not.
1 like1.Rainbow dash
1 like2. APPLEJACK
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie pie
5. Rarity
6. Twilight sparkle
My opinion
7 likes1.Rainbowdash
Replies (3)
Rainbow dash is a baby and a wimp from season 5 episode 5
1 likeI like her but crying over a turtle is so dramatic and wimpy
0 likesNo applejack best pony
0 likesDoes my least favorite pony have to be one of the main six because I hate the cakes the ponies that make cake and stuff
0 likes3:57 rainbow she seem a bit rude one
0 likesI mean I like Applejack but she is my least favorite next to Twilight
1 likeReplies (2)
Sorry if I offended you
1 like@CLY I'm not offended since neither of them is my fav lol
1 likeMy least favorite pony has to be.................................................Pinkie Pie (Already hears hate comments) Think about it, shes loud, cliche, and never ever will take a serious situation, like when you go over to her and softly say "My grandmother died could you set a dinner up in her honor?" Expecting nice clean set up tables but NO you may get a pink room with the table looking like a 5 year old's bday party. Second of all she has no character other than being happy and smiling all the time. At least AJ is an honest, hardworking, and loving pony, "BUT SO IS PINKIE PIE!" Calm DOWN people, she has NO flaws known. I have SO many more reasons but I'll keep it short. (This is MY opinion) Btw Maud Pie is so much better I'd rather watch her for 5 hours than pinkie for 1.
32 likesReplies (22)
huh interesting opinion. but I think pinkie has way more depth that you see. she has struggled with identity crisis is too many pinkie pies. and with extreme self doubt in party of one. so much so she goes back to her sad unhappy self as a filly. and when asked to be serious she is. or if she reads the situation. but she is an extreme optimist which always lightens the mood when things get too bad. but thats just my opinion :)
3 likesWhy did you comment then? If your tiny little mind wasn't dead because you destroyed it with your hate! Look here five year old if you READ it all it's my opinion, Geez I didn't say I didn't like her GOD, AND I'M COMMENTING on the "Worst pony video" Not "The best" Their opinions on the best are over there! Look Rarity always prepares everyone always giving, AJ hardworking doing her best, RD always willing to stay with her friends and protect them, Fluttershy may calm them, Twilight leads them, and Pinkie well helps them smile? I mean I guess her pinkie sense is helpful but really? It's my opinion.
1 like+LionesslionLover AJ sorry that was my little sister who commented with my account.
0 likesUsually I'll get mad, but you proved your point actually well. Pinkie Pie IS my favorite pony, but she isn't to you. She brings the fun to me, and doesnt to you. I respect that. you have a pretty good point then I seen here.
2 likesIt is only my opinion ^^ I understand that she can be funny but when she matures just an inch then maybe I'll consider her. I do still like when she breaks the 4th wall and is with Maud.
1 like+LionesslionLover AJ there is times when you hate them so much but at one point... You forget y u hate them 😜
2 likesBut its pinky???
3 likesBriefly said: Mentally the bull in a China store.
0 likesBy the way, in German it is "Elefant im Porzellanladen".
LionesslionLover AJ she can take a serious situation, especially if it involves her friends. Remember pinkie pride? She was wrong in that episode, same with party of one (i thought that was pinkies's best episode, it showed an "alter ego" of pinkie, like more character development) i understand how you wouldn't like her though.
1 likeLionesslionLover AJ Its called a opinion
1 likeLionesslionLover AJ
1 likeEvery video I come across always has that one animal jam player XD
Dont blame ya, I make some AJ(PW) videos too! And pinkie is my least favorite as well. She messed a lot of stuff up in the MLP movie and is just a bit too hyper for me...
0 likesWell i dont even know you but i can tell you are annoying but applejack is my favorite pony and pinkie pie is my second but watch it
0 likesPretty3co i agree man
0 likesLionesslionLover AJ that's interesting but I don't think that's true or not
0 likesLionesslionLover AJ I like pinkie pie actually I won't judge you though.
1 likewell you are right to have your own opinion but i don't think calling someone a five year old won't help anything I mean but I do admire you giving out your opinion but maybe if a hater comes just let them hate ( not to be a hater just saying )
1 likePinkie is my my fave 😥😤
1 likeDon't act grown up. Yes , I didn't like pinkie pie before but I realized she's the best and no one will be happy without her. happiness is the key to friendship.
0 likes1:23 scary
0 likesI don’t agree I don’t like twilight just my opinion
0 likesWhat am I doing... i started out with ted talk for school........
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Pinkie, because she is soooo random and annoying .
5 likesReplies (5)
Worst pony is Fluttershy
1 like@Em M PINKIE IS WORST PONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesYou are a little bitch. Pinkie is the best pony ever. She always make me smile.
0 likesPinkie pie will never be worst pony. She will always better than the rest. Well Rarity's my favourite
1 likeI like all mane 6 beat that bitches
0 likesPonies in my opinion:
0 likes1.Twilight Sparkle
4.Rainbow Dash
5.Pinkie Pie
6.Apple Jack
my fav pony is rarity
0 likesyou are right cuz off all Apple Jacks Evans Apple she brings up apples at 4 everything I bet a big mack comes around she would say put on but on tap in fry could see your Apple
0 likesI agree but disagree with it
0 likes1. Pinkypie: she's PINK she is always happy (and a little crazy) and makes jokes and breaks the 4th wall.
5 likes2. Fluttershy: she's sweet and very kind and her pet is funny and amazing plus she turned into a batpony.
3. Rainbow dash: RD is the one who gave the mane six there cutie marks even though she seems tough she has soft feelings and I love tank.
4: Applejack: .....she isn't all bad....her dogs cute....and she's a bit more loyal then RD
5. Rarity: ok.....she is....sigh ALL SHE CARES ABOUT IS HER SELF AND FASHION LIKE COME ON!!!!
6. princess Twilight sparkle: ok Twi is a pony sue to me. She's super smart,always gets the job done, I think she got cheated into being a princess (sorry for the people who like her and dis agree) and when she gets stressed SHE BECOMES MAD AND SHE ALMOST MADE PONY VILL GO MAD plus Luna is best princess pony (lol again just my opinion)
Replies (5)
Haylie Bunny um........TWILIGHT IS BEST PONYYYYYYYY and also...She is NOT a mary sue. She has flaws. example: wanting every single thing to be perfect at the point of going completely insane.
2 likesFlutterdash MLP I understand why you would like her and other people like her too I just never got attached to her.... And not everyone likes the same things it was just my list and opinions I don't want to fight about this and I hope I didn't make you too mad. :D PS I like Twi in some ways but she's just not my favorite.
0 likesHaylie Bunny .....
0 likesIris light Twilight Makes everything perfect and plus she was cheated was so wrong it was celestia test and a problem and she is the princess you know
1 likeWhen twilight get stressed it's just complicated to solve but that's ok since she can be stressed as much as she wants.
0 likesApple jack for same resons
2 likesI like all the main characters okay
0 likesThat is exactly what I think
0 likes1: Twilight
3 likes2: Fluttershy
3: Pinkie pie
4: apple Jack
5: Rarity
6: Rainbow dash
I dislike rainbow because she is a bragger and in one episode just runs away from pinkie pie and rainbow is just so sad when mysterious mare do well takes her place
Replies (13)
bragging isn't a crime
2 likesWell it's rude!
0 likesCorrect but u forgot rainbow dash
0 likesSame!
0 likes@Tj K No
0 likesMe too
0 likesIkr
0 likes+Mikey donkey shut up
0 likesNot cool mate
1 likeyou forgot rainbow dash:(
0 likeswhat episode does she run away
2 likesin the episode mare do well she learns not to brag
1 likei mean RD
0 likesApplebuck
0 likesMe: You applef-
Twilight sparkle is my least favorite pony
0 likesMy least favorite is Rainbow Dash because she’s such a show off and stubborn.
0 likesTwilight twilight is my least favorite because they haven’t done much with her she’s just boring
1 likeReplies (1)
She's a Queen.
0 likesMy least fave is..........rarity because she is soooooooooo full of herself
34 likesReplies (11)
rainbow dash is like that too
3 likesRoger Mills Rainbow is full of herself too. (i love rainbow though)
2 likes+variedades online RD learnt about that rarity didnt
2 likesBennett 3207 good point
0 likesRoger Mills no she's ok
0 likesIris Light ya burn him
0 likesRoger Mills my least favorite is Rainbow Dash for same reasons
0 likesRoger Mills
0 likesMLP spoof Productions Rainbow may be full of herself like when she brag
0 likesWell, if you are calling the elements of generousity is full of herself...
0 likesI agree
0 likesNobody's Perfect
0 likesI dare you u to take this argument with equestron
0 likesWhat season is the last round up?
0 likesin my opinion rarity is the worst
29 likesReplies (12)
Hey! Rarity is one of my fav ponies
1 liketwili is the worst not to be offensive
1 likeStaryDayMLPLoverLane yep
0 likesnone taken its your opinion
0 likessorry i said my opinion angeline lau not trying to offend anybody i just don't like her because she is fastinista
0 likesStaryDayMLPLoverLane agrood
0 likesStaryDayMLPLoverLane I love your profile picture.
0 likesZoe Hawkins+ thanks I love yours too
0 likesStaryDayMLPLoverLane sorry I didn't answer awhile back. my mom didn't let me have my phone because of my grades so I'm going to Valerie's house to spend the night with Kynleigh. She said I could take it and that's why I didn't answer till now so... thanks
0 likesInkKiss nooooo twi is best pony!
1 likei like twilight to but that is inkisses opinion
1 likeIris Light yep
0 likesYou are wrong about Apple jack
0 likes1 Fluttershy
0 likes2 Twilight
3 Pinkie
4 Applejack
5 Rainbow
6 Rarity
I kinda like aj but she's not on any mlp clothes
0 likesAnd my worst pony is fire spyt
1 likeRainbow dash is my least favorite because she's selfish and mean sometimes and she brags about her self and she cares about winning all the time
13 likesReplies (68)
@Flutter guy What's wrong with wanting to win all the time? She's not selfish at all either. Giving up your dream for your friends is not a selfish act, which is exactly what she did in Wonderbolts Academy.
3 likes@clivinator baitor I know everyone has there own opinion
1 like@Flutter guy At least you weren't a jerk about it.
1 like@clivinator baitor I'm not a jerk
1 like@Flutter guy I know, I said you weren't.
1 like@clivinator baitor okay thanks
1 like@Flutter guy THANK YOU. I don't hate RD, but she has a lot of flaws and most people doesn't seem to care about it just because she's cool and all and she is one of the fandom's favorite.
2 likes@Tinee Artist I know right Rd mostly cares about her self and only cares about wining
2 likes@Flutter guy That's not really a bad thing though. Lots of athletes are like that.
1 likeYeah, but it's the way she acts that is kinda hard to andle for me. I never liked show-off people
1 like@Tinee Artist me too good thing my friends aren't like that
1 like@Flutter guy THANK YOU, it's about time sombody says that
1 like@shadow bonnie Oh, shut the hell up, you moron. People trash Rainbow Dash all the time. She doesn't deserve any of it either. You fucking suck ass.
0 likes@clivinator baitor hey don't be meN
0 likes@Flutter guy I'm sick of people thinking their in the minority who hate dash when they're not. She has too many haters.
0 likes@clivinator baitor
0 likespoint me to a video where sombody is saying that she is worst pony, there are plenty of people commenting that but there isn't anyone on youtube with alot of subs saying it because if they sayed that on video they would lose 80% of there subs, you see what i mean?
@shadow bonnie It's the people in the comment sections that do it. It's always her and Rarity that get trashed, and it's always for no good reason.
0 likes@clivinator baitor rainbow is the foxy of mlp made worse by the fact that she becomes more annoying because she is an only okay at best charactor doesn't deserve the love she gets
0 likes@shadow bonnie she does deserve it because she's gotten the most development of any of them, and the best episodes. I don't see the other ponies doing anything that great, so I don't see why they should get more love.
0 likes@clivinator baitor yeah your just another, "rd is perfect shut up if you say she has a flaw" person you don't know anything she's lurned the same lessons over and over
0 likes@shadow bonnie I don't think she's perfect, I think her flaws are what make her interesting though. I want to know more about why she is the way she is. Maybe if you actually gave her more thought, you'd understand why she's such a good character. Not perfect, but good.
1 likeI'll subscribe to anyone who says they love RD.
1 like@***** I know right
1 like+clivinator baitor It's not like everyone should like her...
1 like@richard amin There's no reason not to though.
1 like@clivinator baitor well I don't like rainbow dash for the same reasons flutter guy does....
1 like@richard amin
1 likei'm with you
@richard amin so for basically no reason at all. lame.
1 like+clivinator baitor err.... she kind of left her friends to lose to fly with the wonderbolts remember..? I don't like rainbow myself I feel like applejack already has most the good traits ranbow has which to be fair.. isn't alot...
0 likes@clivinator baitor their is a reason I just said I don't like rainbow dash for the same reasons flutter guy does gosh can you read?
1 like+Flutter guy You Are SO RIGHT! She Does Not Derserve Her Element!
1 like@LunaOgAnton Sauce Yeah she does. She's loyal in every damn episode. How stupid are you? Shes a million times better than you'll even be too.
0 likes@clivinator baitor wow
2 likesYour acting like everyone should like rd when some of us don't.We have opinions wether we liked rd or not.
@richard amin I'm gonna defend my favorite pony when morons talk shit about her whether you like it or not. That's my opinion so shove it.
1 like@Hakim Johnson Yeah, and then she went back to them.do you even pay attention?
0 likesMy opinion: People who hate Rainbow Dash are pathetic.
0 likes@clivinator baitor ok defend your your character all you want but some people don't like her so deal with it
0 likeshere's the thing, i don't really care if people like her or not, but saying she isn't deserving of her element is what really sets me off, because that's straight up crap.
0 likesshe's awesome bro
1 likehey ranbowdash is my favorite so I will get ranbowdash to kick your ass sorry small kids
1 like@Gabriella Hind wow not even one Rd fan isn't nice to non Rd fans...
0 likes@richard amin People are dicks to them first.
0 likes@clivinator baitor um people we're stating their opinions. I don't get how people created a pointless argument from one thing
1 like
TOTALY true. I mean thanks to her they almost lost Fluttershy forever. Twilight is a much better charakter. ♥
1 likein trade ya
0 likes+Flutter guy SO TRUE!!!!
1 like+clivinator baitor yeah, but exactly how many times has Rainbow Dash was TRULY loyal? I mean, think about it, Rainbow Dash has only loyal in about 5 episodes out of, I don"t know 110 episodes!
1 like@StarLight ShineBright She's loyal in every episode just be being with her friends. Besides, being loyal isn't her sole character trait. Just because she doesn't show true loyalty in every episode doesnt' mean she isn't loyal. Rarity rarely shows generosity, Applejack is rarely honest, Pinkie isn't funny in every episode, Fluttershy is a bitch h several times. I guess that means they don't deserve their elements either.
0 likes+clivinator baitor Sure EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, Rainbow Dash is with them, right? fine i will admit it, I have been harsh, but I just can't see why people like Rainbow Dash so much....well nobody's the same Right? I apologize.
0 likes@StarLight ShineBright Hey, it's alright. A lot of us just like because she's entertaining and relateable. No biggie.
0 likes+clivinator baitor Well.. If you say so...
0 likesWow dude you are a hypocrite...
1 like+Stuwie 2456 Hey! Don't judge me!
0 likesNot you I'm talking to clivinator whatever that name is
0 likes@clivinator baitor Hey don't be mean on my comments and you guys are fighting over nothing
0 likesDang what a wimp he blocked me for calling him out on his crap lol
0 likesyeah but she is a great pony sometime like in Wounderbolts Academy
3 likes+flutter guy yeah I can't stand Rainbow Dash she isn't even very loyal
0 likesI hate Fluttershy cause she's overrated and annoying as heck
1 likeYa i totally understand but i dont hate her but she is my least favorite pony :T
0 likes+flutter guy ya sometimes :P
0 likesScrew you
1 likeI know I don't really like rainbow dash as well.
0 likes+flutter guy She doesn't brag that much anymore, she cares about her friends more than winning, and sometimes her selfishness is justified.
0 likes😳😒😞😣😢😭😫😩😥😪😱😠😡😤😖😧😦😟😵😲👿😮😬😐😕😯😑 I LOVE RAINBOW DASH
0 likesWell shut up! Rainbow is awesome she has the right to talk about it! Like I'm awesome 😏
0 likesThat IS true but there's more stuff that I NOT happy with RD, In 'Super breezy, cider sqweezy' RD LOVED Flim and Flam's Cider, and she didn't thought of AJ's Cider, she just kept on liking Flim and Flam's Cider. In 'RD Falls Back' RD pretty much Gives up on being in the main 5's team, and goes and joins the wonderbolts. But to be honest, I LOVE how RD has a place to love her pet, Tank. And that's the complaining I had to say about RD, So yeah..... Good ideas though!
0 likesI agree with you flutter guy
0 likesCool story bro
0 likesMy fav pony is brony!!!!
0 likesRarity is my lest favorite pony
0 likesFavorite: Rainbow Dash
3 likes2. Pinkie Pie
3.Twilight Sparkle
4. Fluttershy
5. Rarity
Least Favorite. Applejack
Replies (5)
Thank u for not making fluttershy your least favorite pony
0 likes+Binh Tn
1 likewell she is mine in allllllll of equestria
+Melakitty 101 what
1 likeif you swap rar and aj around that my list!
0 likesthat's exactly my order of favorite to least favorite
1 likeTo me all ponies are the best no worst pony
0 likesim not a big fan of applejack ether!
1 likeMy least favorite pony is rarity, I don't jknow is that I dont have that stronge conection to rarity like the other ponies
0 likesAnyone saw what I saw at 1:22?!
6 likesReplies (20)
The weird face? i did xDD
0 likesI think it was Nicolas cage XD
0 likes@Orca Player
0 likesOh XDD
I saw at 1:21 does that count?
0 likesI dunno. But when there is Flutterbat face for a split second it changes to Nicolas Cage. Its somewhere around 1:20 soo idk
0 likesyes it was a face on top of a face 😂😂 I think it was a edit from when she started hissing
1 likeYEP!!!
1 likeLol me
0 likes1#Fluttershy
1 like2#Rainbow Dash
3#Pinkie Pie
4#Princess Twilight Sparkle
6#Apple Jack
0 likesi only just realised...........
0 likesWTF
0 likesOrca Player what did u see!
0 likesOrca Player I can't catch it!
0 likesdo u mean at 1:23 XD
0 likesikr
0 likesSame
0 likesme too
0 likesOrcaPlayer Yes, Flutterbat from the episode BAT, then this weird face pop up
0 likesOrcaPlayer ikr
0 likes1- Fluttershy- I LOVE her because she is adorable and sweet, and I love her character development throughout the show, and I like animals just like her
1 like2- Rainbow Dash- Yeah, I know she brags a LOT about herself, and it annoys me too sometimes, but she’s just so AWESOME and funny
3- Rarity- I love her dramatic personality, and she’s just so adorable, and I love her fashion hobby
4- Pinkie Pie- She’s soo funny and entertaining and energetic!! I also find her very adorable, and she always knows how to make anyone smile, and I like her singing voice
5- Twilight- It’s not that I don’t like her, I just don’t really enjoy her all that much.. but I kinda enjoyed her bookworm personality and talents in magic. I liked her the most when she was a quirky unicorn, but her being an alicorn princess is good too
6- AppleJack- She’s my least favorite pony too. I liked how you pointed out her obliviousness and stubborn nature, and how many fricken times she says the word “apple”.. 😒But I liked how easygoing AppleJack was, and I enjoyed her accent, but she just wasn’t my favorite.
#TeamAj !!!♥️♥️🍎🍎🍎🍎
0 likesDid anypony else just see a weird faced Fluttershy for a spit sec on her bat Fluttershy face? Or that just me?
0 likesFluttershy (don't judge I just can't understand her)
1 likeReplies (1)
Eh, same here.
0 likes1. Twili because similarities
21 likes2. RC (Rainbowcrash) Because she was the first pony from mlp i´ve ever seen and she´s also one of the reasons why i started watching the show
3. Psycho (Fluttershy) I need to admit it was hard to decide between RC and psycho but she´s just a little bit too shy. But i really like her relation with discord.
4.Pink Thuglife pony (pinkie) Because she kinda got annoying with her always happy mindset
5. AJ (Apple jack) well Notion just explained it.
6. Rarity I don´t even have a nickname for her that explains it all.
Let me cite Eva Smith:
"Rarity because she calls herself pretty, and she's all like this: '' FLUTTERSHY, DARLING, HOW COULD YOU!? YOU NEVER WORK THE DRESS I MADE! I TOOK ME HOURS TO MAKE!!!!!!!!!!!''😐 I know you are probably thinking I'm going to far on this, but Rarity is always caring about fashion, and barley anything else. I like her, but not as much as I like the others. She always cares about what is least important, like fashion, than what is more important, like chafing taking ove f Equestria."
Replies (13)
I'll cope with your Rd score
1 likeYalla yalla inkavalla FLUTTER SHY IS BEST PONY AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 likeshave you herd of opinions sharla?
0 likesu copied that rarity comment
0 likesEva smith
0 likes+Eva Smith He/She thinks i stole your comment even though i clearly said "let me cite Eva smith" and put quote signs on the quote but oooook.
0 likesYalla yalla inkavalla imma girl and I didn't mean to write copied or Eva Smith XD
0 likessorry
Yalla yalla inkavalla ...so much hate for rarity why?
0 likesYalla yalla inkavalla I really really I don't mind I'm really kind well because she's the most generous Pony ever she never means to harm any Pony if you make me do Pinkie Pie's promise I will I will do it I promise I will do it don't make me do it because I will so don't make me do it please from Fluttershy
0 likesThuglife pinkie, you thinking of testing 1 2 3 when she was rapping? (and had the stupid snoop dogg alarm clock)
0 likesYalla yalla inkavalla so rarity calling herself pretty is a good thing bc she doesn’t have a low self esteem and she’s not ugly
0 likesThe “so” was an accident sorry 🙃
0 likesMy opinion for worst pony, rainbow dash. Ugh just here me out.
0 likesRainbow is very self senterd and diterminded, and trust me being determined is a great thing. But when it puts others at risk its not good. Like in the iorn pony competition she was willing to send aj up a montain to win! THERE COULD HAVE BEEN A ROCK SLIDE!!!!!!!!!! And when the derby racing came along she didn't give a care in the world what scootaloo had to say about her cart, she just wanted to make the fastest cart to win! She is also brutally honest. To be so brutally honest could hurt others feeling abd self confidence. Honesty is a good policy but kindness is a better one in my opinion.
Replies (1)
That iron pony thing was so long ago. Does it really matter anymore?
0 likesI agree, lol. no offense to anyone
0 likesAgreed
1 likeWorst pony is the mayor
1 likeFluttershy.
5 likes-Easily manipulated
-Never active
-Negative to socializing
-Can be a a bitch
Replies (7)
-doesn't keep her promises (beginning of Dragon Quest she screws over RD)
3 likes-too much of a coward to help her friends when they need her (Power Ponies)
-has the most annoying fanbase ever
What do you mean by never active? Are you talking about her not being sporty?
0 likesNegative to socializing? wow so i suppose that someone like me with selective mutism would bother you so much that you would hate them.
@MidnightLunaRose Selective mutism? Is that even a real thing?
0 likes@bob yes
0 likes@therockdolphin You gotta be a serious loser to have that.
0 likes@bob hello there having fun hating on people because I know I am
0 likesWrong flutter shy is hardly ever assertive!
0 likesI don't really like Rainbow Dash... She doesn't seem royal, really. She doesn't deserve loyalty!
1 likeReplies (1)
Yeah she does idiot. You don't know how loyalty works.
0 likesi guess ur right i didnt notice that
0 likesThe worst pony....is apple jack rlly
1 likeIsint derrpy more worst or other ponys
No hate on this... But my opinion on the worst pony, is Twilight Sparkle. She is super crazy, focuses too much on magic, and is way to much of a fan favorite! Blah blah blah TWO HOURS LATER FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC! ENOUGH. WITH. THAT. SAYING!
4 likesReplies (9)
+Amy McIntire Nah, you're right.
0 likes@Frank Poole Thank you
0 likesShe's my 2nd LEAST faverouite pony, and those are the reasons WHY TS is my LEAST faverouite pony. :)
1 like+Amy Mcintyre me too, I think she's pretty annoying
0 likesAGREED!!! :-)
0 likes+Amy McIntire took the words right out of my mouth
0 likesNot to mention she is a PRINCESS!!! That went WAY too far.😑
0 likes@***** Yep. Celestia:Oh, I could make the rest of Twilight's friends an alicorn but I won't because I don't care.😝
0 likes@Larissa Coleman omg lol I feel the same way
0 likesdis who i like >.<
0 likes1.Pinkie cause she is kind lol
3.raanbowdash i guess -_-
4 fluttershy
I think rarity is the worst all the fashion just makes me sick
0 likesMeanest person ever brownie notion
0 likesrarity is the best! twi and aj is worst!
3 likesReplies (7)
@firemoncat I like me some Rarity and Dashie!
0 likesI like rarity and pinkie pie the most
0 likes@firemoncat You shut your mouth, Twilight is best pony. Goes back to other webpage to fangirl over Twilight
0 likesI like Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight. Twilight is kinda like me. Bookworms4life. lol
1 like+firemoncat actually rarity is the worst, she's boring, anoying and not generous at all
0 likes+MarTeen Rommel well, that's what you think
0 likes+Avery Fleming actually, I do sort of like Twilight. She reminds me of well, me. It's just that she gets too much attention lately. And also, don't get mad at someone just because their thoughts are different from yours.
0 likesMy order:
0 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Twilight Sparkle
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Rarity
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Applejack
My least favorite character is rainbow dash because she is kind of selfish and that’s what I have always feared people would think of me.
0 likes.......... i dont like you now. apple jack is my favorite pony cause first off im a texan! and second she really cares for her faimly i know its your list but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! :C
0 likesApple jack Is best!
0 likesOY YOU! APPLEJACK IS NOT THE WORST! 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎😡😡😡
113 likesReplies (71)
+GlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl *personal least favorite, not the worst. It's an opinion.
11 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl ok ok apple jack
5 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl congrats.😒
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl I DISAGREE
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl geez calm down, he only said it was his own opinion...
0 likesit's his opinion
2 likesI agree with brony :3
4 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl it is 😡 just the WORST
2 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl duh, she is🙄
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl I don't like applejack but not like she is just poop she is a good but not th best
0 likesNatalia Deja I hate apple jack
2 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl she is 6th best.😥
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl no apple jack is the worst
1 likeGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl 0:13 ITs AN OPINION
3 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl well, she's my middle pony. I agree with him on "whos the best pony" yeah its fluttershy. but I think rarity is the worst.
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl the first time in my mind
0 likesshe isswww
0 likesYes she is !
0 likessumaira junaid u are so right everyone if u don't agree with him DON'T ⌚️ THIS goddess 💩💩💩💩💩
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl SHE IS THE BEST PONY EVER!
1 likeits an opinion personally i think AJ is one of the best ponies
0 likesAngel Day Yeah!
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl F'S is the wost
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl yes she is... (No offense)
1 likeKaaran Nihalani FS IS THE BEST!! ( or hurrata Shy in japanese) sorry im obbsesed with MLP and Japan... -.-
0 likesGlitterGirl123 PowerPuffgirl she's not the best of pony's
1 liketo count on...
The Thunderbolts right
0 likesI like fuddyshy and paekepey
0 likesTodd Greene who's fuddashy and paekie pie
1 like@Angel Day I love your profile picture.
0 likes@Shadow X Loki I like your profile picture.
0 likesGG
0 likesshut up Frank-farter
0 likesLook, he clearly said "this is only my opinion so sorry haters" and your saying that! Did you even watch the video??? I love Apple Jack but can you at least not shout about it when he said it a THE FIRST 30 SECONDS OF THE VIDEO
0 likesThe Thunderbolts He clearly said this is my opinion
0 likesThe Thunderbolts he also said get over it
0 likesThe Thunderbolts it's HIS opinion
0 likesOutrages6Animator exactly
0 likesAlanna Davis be nice
0 likeschill! He said this is in HIS OPINION!
0 likesThe Thunderbolts she is addicted to apples 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
0 likesThe Thunderbolts GET OVER IT GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesKendra Tyler I'm sorry but you can't tell her what she needs or doesn't need to get over cuz you are not the boss of her or him or it how does that make you feel think about it God!!!
0 likesThe Thunderbolts yes she is she so stubborn
0 likesThe Thunderbolts I agree with you to
1 likeApple jack is my favorite 😤😡😠
0 likesThe Thunderbolts no!I agree twilight is the worst!just not apple jack! 😲😲😤😤😵😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😠
1 likeThe Thunderbolts he's only going by facts, calm the fuck down.
1 likeHE IS SHARING HIS OPINION BOI we all are in titled to our own opinion GET OVER IT BOI
0 likesme don't like aj not hate her
0 likesrarity to me is self centered
1 likeKitty Meows I disagree
0 likesTea Tea Fox
0 likesShe is my least fave
The Thunderbolts my opinion is that Applejack is the best pony!
1 likethe worst is rarity and fluttershy
3 likesthat's what I think
2 likesIlovespups 103 Seh
0 likesYandereGirl
0 likesShe is making a joke. Look up what a joke is because you clearly don't know.
0 likesThe Thunderbolts
1 likeThe Thunderbolts Yeah SHE AWESOME
0 likesThe Thunderbolts
3 likesGet over it, already.
No one here cares.
The Thunderbolts it's his opinion
2 likesThe Brony Notion poo u
2 likesThe Thunderbolts my list
1 likeAJ
The Thunderbolts gongrats if only he did it to me 😐
1 likeThe Thunderbolts Yeah He respons on your hate comment Wow cool if hes your gav DONT TREAT HIM LIKE TRASH LIKE OMFG ITS HIS UPINION
0 likesThe Thunderbolts ITS HIS OPINOIN
1 likeTbh the worst pony is the brony notion.....
0 likesI agree 👍
0 likesWhy are the writers and the bronies so cruel and unfair to Applejack and her fans?
1 likeReplies (2)
don't be sad. applejack has her supporters. people on the show staff like her too.
0 likesDoesn't change the fact the show is unfair, I'll always be sad as long as it's like that. The movie is even more unfair.
1 like1. Twi
15 likes2. RD
3. Apples
4. Pink pony
5. rarity
6. The shy one
I dislike Fluttershy because first- I think she gets too much love and I love breaking the system, second- I dislike her because she's "kawaii" and I hate that kind of people.
Replies (7)
Sia lix um that's kind of rude that you put that part that you hate kawaii people.
0 likesOk, that is a little rude!! Why do you hate kawaii people? I’m just wondering. You still won’t make me change my opinion on her though!
2 likesi dont like you
0 likesShe is a role model and some people like kawaii people. I'm also shy too in public when I make friends.
0 likes...GRRRRRRRRRR You hate me and fluttershy p.s My least fav is RD and my favorite is fluttershy
0 likesShe’s not “kawaii”, I think she has social phobia.
0 likes1.Twilight
0 likes2. Rarity
3. Pinkie
4. Applejack
5. Fluttershy
I admit, rainbow can be amusing, but she acts like a stuck up jerk. she things she’s the best thing ever to set foot in equestria and needs to be praised for everything and can’t be seen doing anything that may give her a bad image. Prideful jerk of a pony... JK! Although I don’t like rainbow all that much, she isn’t the worst ever. I feel like she can be really funny, but she is a bit self absorbed, and I get being awesome is, well, awesome, I just don’t see why she can’t go to the spa with her bffs or thinking something is cute even though that’s not the most heroic thing to do. Sorry I have a lot to say about rainbow dash.
Don’t hate meh pls
Replies (1)
at least you're not being an unreasonable jerk about her.
0 likesMy least favorite pony is believe it or not Pinkie Pie. Because sometimes she just scares me with that smile
1 likeReplies (2)
1 like@Bri Mac thnx for agreeing :"3
0 likesGreatest to least (MY OPINION):
2 likesApple Jack
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
I don't really like Pinkie because she is just always so hyper and it's rare to see any other emotions from her apart from if the episode is focused on her. It's just so common to see her like that, and might get kinda bland to see her after a while. Then again it gets rather boring for my eyes to see such a color scheme, just really 2 shades of pink. And in the MLP movie she did mess up a few times (not saying that she didn't do anything good, saying she did show her flaws in the movie 3 times) that just made you think "PINKIE! Oh come on not again... -_-".
I do not hate her, she is just the last on my list. Others might have another opinion, and I respect that. We all have our favorites so if you like Pinkie I won't hate you. Just what I think.
Welp, you triggered 2.7k people lmao-
0 likes1 Fluttershy because she is so kind and loves nature and animals like me.
43 likes2 Pinkie Pie she is excited and loves cupcakes and sweets like me.
3 Twilight Sparkle because she is very serious and loves to read like me. She's also a very good leader. She also has magical Talent.
4 Rarity it's not that I don't like her but sometimes she can be a little annoying but not all the time.
5 Applejack it's not that I don't like her but she kind of doesn't really represent honesty all the time. I mean she represents loyalty instead of honesty.
6 Rainbow Dash ugh I don't really like Rainbow Dash so much. Sure she is the oldest of loyalty and that's very important but sometimes I think she brags about herself too much. And I like her dream about being a Wonderbolt but I don't know she kind of Bragg's like I said and I don't know if she's just not like me what do you guys think.
Replies (29)
Dash's bragging is just a way of dealing with her insecurity. She doesn't do it to be mean.
2 likesI know but don't judge me
3 likesI won't judge you, hon.
2 likesFrank Poole I also like your channel
1 likeThanks, dear.
2 likesFrank Poole yw
1 likeshut up about frank poole already and get on with the main six
1 likeChloe Huxtable hey what's that supposed to mean. I think that's very mean.
1 likekawaii animal lover calm down
2 likeskawaii animal lover she is boring
1 likeChloe Huxtable who is
2 likesChloe Huxtable also I'm glad u have a open opinnoin but if it's a mean one I don't think u should say that in person or on line. But it's great u have a open opinion.
1 likeU DUM. R U L E E Q U E S T R I A
0 likesSame for me, just switching Fluttershy and Pinkie.
0 likeskawaii animal lover nah
1 like1.fluttershy
2. Rd
3. A.j
4. Pinkie
5. Rarity
6. Twighlight ( I hate twighlight)
But if we get off the mane six then...
kawaii animal lover I feel sad that twilight is too "serious" for you.
0 likesI didn't mean to say that.
0 likesWhy do you hate raity just because I am yosen her as my oc or do what flower wishers to be love heart tear
0 likesFor the last one...the pony doesn't have to be like you for you to like them
0 likeskawaii animal lover I am not judging but people are like this, they like fluttershy because she’s so kind and everything but all everyone wants is just her love for nature no one actually cares about fluttershy except the people who actually don’t care for what she is ( Animal lover ) if they wanted that opinion on fluttershy they should’ve kept it to themselves ( to brag like you ) Mostly I’d say you learned from rainbow dash to say that when you have your first favorite ( I’m hating on u and I don’t care if people hate on me for hating on you ) Don’t like you anymore
1 likekawaii animal lover why is rainbow dash last
0 likeskawaii animal lover z
0 likesThe Doggie Six - Official Channel No, but it's easier to like a character if you can relate to them. It's okay to choose a favourite because of personal reasons, and not just because you like their character. ☺
0 likesOf course she needs to brag about herself that's her character flaw like Pinkie Pie's annoying and Twilight he's overprotective and Fluttershy's to caring about animals and sometimes annoying I mean I love animals like a normal person but still character flaws I say
0 likesFluttershy fan's unite
0 likesSo true
0 likesMaybe you should redo some old videos. Who knows, maybe your opinions have changed since then.
0 likesI love rerity
0 likesugh !and also my least favorite pony is rainbow dash she's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO snobby and rude sometimes
0 likesReplies (1)
She is hardly rude
0 likesGlad to know applejack is #1 Worst Pony!
10 likesReplies (25)
shut up
0 likes@kristen haller nope.avi
0 likesShut up haters
0 likes@Katie Sanchez don't think every one hates her stupid
0 likes@Katie Sanchez Never!
0 likesAJ is best pony
0 likes@kristen haller Nope
0 likes#twilightsparkle
@Drew Schmidt yeep!
0 likes@kristen haller No! Twilight is!
1 like@Drew Schmidt Tom is best pony!
0 likes@***** Yes!
0 likes@kristen haller Spike is da best pony, then Luna, then Discord, then Tom
1 likeHey!Guess what?!Spike isn't a pony.
0 likes@Maya Ganzy Neither is Apple Jack, she's just a changeling
0 likes@Drew Schmidt no you're a changeling
0 likes@kristen haller Yes I am
0 likes@Drew Schmidt look a hater
0 likes@kristen haller Yes, an Applejack hater
0 likes@Drew Schmidt so you hate a cereal
1 like@kristen haller xD
0 likes@kristen haller What a neat debate he had :?)
0 likesThink about it, wihtout her, what wold the show be, and she isn't exactly worthless. I admit she isn't my favorite (because I don't have one, but if I HAD to, she wouldn't be there) but she still has redeeming qualities, now I appreciate The Brony Notion for mentioning this, but two or three definitely isn't just it.
1 like@Alyssa H. ehh, I think she only had a VERY small amount of redeeming quality
0 likesunderstandable amount of dislikes
0 likesCeletia is my least favorite character she sit hight and above and doesn't give any of her attention to luna luna my favorite character
0 likes1. Rainbow dash
1 like2.aj
4.pinkie pie
6 fluttershy
0 likesMy last favorite pony is tiwelt
12 likesReplies (29)
0 likesAJ. I unsubscribed to the brony notion >=(
1 likeSame
0 likesRarity and Twighlight .-.
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Rd first she isn't really loyal the only episodes she is loyal is the pilot wonder bolt academy and rainbow falls she is also a show of. In testing 123 she doesn't care about passing the test
1 like@Zoey B. R.I.P. spelling
2 likesNo offense, though..@Edson Salgado i respect your opinion, but i am going to have to disagree. My least favourite pony is twilight. Although, i do agree that rainbow dash doesn't deserve her element.
0 likes@De'shay Westfield then again we have been with twilight a long time tell me again why you don't like twilight
1 like+De'shay Westfield of course she doesn't deserve her element, honestly spike deserves the element of loyalty.
0 likes@Ava Smith lol
0 likes@Ava Smith Rainbow Dash does deserve her element. She's always loyal in the end. Spike isn't loyal, he's just doing his job.
0 likes@clivinator baitor name at least 4 episodes that rainbow dash was loyal in ..... exactly
0 likes@Edson Salgado The pilot (almost all the two parters actually), Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow Falls (she was in the end and that's all that matters), Griffon the Brush-off, Dragon Quest, Hurricane Fluttershy, as well as always being the first to volunteer to help out when they need it.
0 likesThat's way more than 4, and can think of several more too. Suck it.
The first part of the pilot she doesn't do anything loyal, you got me on wonder bolts academy , yah but she should have been loyal the whole episode, hurricane fluttershy not really more like supporting, trade ya she fucking sold out flutter shy for a fucking book then again she is like me (making it a little funny)
0 likes+Edson Salgado its just that i find the other mane 6 more interesting than twilight
0 likes+De'shay Westfield I see
0 likes+De'shay Westfield same and in season 5 ALL the episodes are about twilight they used to be about all of them god damb it Hasbro...
0 likesSame! My fave is aj
0 likes@clivinator baitor btw I'm calling you a bitch because you said suck it
0 likes+clivinator baitor look we can't keep this going on let's just say we have our own opinion☺
0 likes+Edson Salgado fine. sorry.
0 likes+clivinator baitor alright dude
1 likerud I was joking geez
0 likes@clivinator baitor I like how nobody else cares about our discussion😅
0 likes@Edson Salgado Probably better that way.
0 likesYou spelt twilight wrong
0 likes@Gibbster Oh my God, your name.
0 likes@clivinator baitor true ......wanna wanna brohoof?:3
0 likes1st fav to 6th fav
1 like1. Applejack(y she last 😢)
2. Twilight Sparkle
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie Pie
5. Rarity
6. Rainbow Dash
Edit: I dont like rainbow dash's arrogance. Its too much for me to like her. If somepony were to say "my highest cloud busting number in 3 hours was 100!" she'd respond with "pfft i can do that in my sleep. You really need a lot of work" and she might say that to a child. She can be so rude especially to fluttershy. Being impatient and mean to her in Dragonshy and mildly forcing her to try to be in the tornado in another ep. All this too someone who was bullied for a long time and has plenty of social issues and has trouble with standing up for herself. While these problems solve themselves and even help fluttershy, she's too hard on her. She also has a lot of earlier moments of not being loyal. Example, when Spitfire wanted rainbow to fly with cloudsdale and not ponyvile. She almost does, but fakes an injury so she doesnt have to pick. She eventually does pick ponyvile but she almost flown with people she honestly doesnt know too well but her admires vs friends who have been with her through so much and helped teach her valuable lessons and be a better pony.
Wow that was a lot.
Replies (2)
No offense but RD is totally in the right to be pissed at fluttershy in the dragon episode since she nearly got them all killed.
0 likes@Bri Mac none taken. But actually fluttershy was too scared to face the dragon so she went back to ponyville. Then the mane six tried different ways to make the dragon leave and rainbow dash kicked its nose so that made it angry. Fluttershy was setting the dragon straight and it stopped attacking. She actually saved them
1 likeLeast fav pony: PP Why: Little annoying
1 likeApple x100
0 likesAj= APPLE JUICE
0 likesis'nt brohoof like pewdiepie's brofist saying?
7 likesReplies (4)
They are similar, but I dont use it as a staple like the Pewds does. I just use it as an outro because the brohoof is like the main brony greeting and it's a good way to end conversation.
11 likes@The Brony Notion i iz agree.
3 likes+The Brony Notion agreeeed
3 likesyep
1 likeYou may have the point...
0 likesI like apple jack because she is bootiful and fabuloud
0 likesI am attended but I know all those things
0 likesI agree with you such ways I hate apple jack
1 likeMy least favorite pony is flutter shy! She is such a pushover!
6 likesReplies (4)
+Cupcake101 am so happy that u said that
0 likes+Cupcake101 I think of that as a GOOD thing actually, so would you rather a friend who pushes you around and takes advantage of you?
1 likeShe is worken on it .....haters gonna hate hate hate i shake it off shake it off.... Ok i will no longer try to murder you.... Continues singing song to keep myself calm
0 likesmy least favroute is Twilight because i know she is a princess but think of here before she even came to ponyville she didnt even care out her friends she only cared about books and magic!
2 likesOk,I love you but APPLE JACK IS THE BESTTT.umm sorry I just lovee apple jack
0 likesMy least favorite Pony is the Brony Notion I hate you for hating Applejack she is my favorite so I don't like Fluttershy so haha
1 likeMy least fav is rainbow
1 likePersonally, Twilight is the worst. She was the only pony to become an alicorn, even though her friends understand friendship just as much as she does! She was always the biggest character with the most development. It wasn't much of the mane 6 especially in season 1, it was more like twilight and the other 5 ponies, in season 4 its definitely the best since there's no more letters to Celestia, although that does mean no more crazy twilight, but that's not the point my point here is that after a while all the ponies started writing but Celestia only appeared to write to twilight.
138 likesReplies (279)
I didn't like the letters to Celestia. And I'm glad it stopped. But I don't really like the journal much. It didn't appear much... I kinda feel like the writers don't like it either.
2 likesTwilight was Celestia's student. Also the fact that she went from completely anti-friendly to becoming the figure of friendship is what had Celestia centered around her to becoming a princess. There is also the fact of twilight's element. Twilight's element is magic, is it not? Well, in "return of harmony: part 2" Discord's chaotic influence got a hold on Twilight as it did to her friends. Her friends all became the exact opposite of their element of harmony. But, what is the opposite of magic? You can't say it's no magic, that doesn't make sense, she was still able to use her magic. The answer is in the title of the show. "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"..."FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC" There for, her element of magic is actually the element of friendship, thus her becoming an enemy to the rest of the main 6 and also becoming the princess of friendship for that's what her element actually is. That is why Twilight is the princess of friendship and not any of the others
7 likesThat is so true all mane 6 should be ailcorn a even rainbow dash but I love apple jack
5 likes@BlueButterfly YOu are right, Twilight Sparkle was destined to be the princess, she is the most powerful unicorn and that is why she became an alicorn power, understanding of friendship and magic...
1 likeApplejack or Rainbow Dash have no special abilities or anything, they just represent one part of friendship, and i am sure there are more ponies who can represent their elements of harmony, but only ONE true element of MAGIC, Twilight represents friendship itself. While the other ponies only a small part each
thats a great piont I mean why couldn't the other 5 have there own life as a princess that would be a great sub as in like the 6 princesses of harmony I think it would be really cool!!!!,,
0 likes@Makenna Johnson how old are you?. i mean .. "cool" of course, but it would be pointless, ... it would be cool having transformers fighting changelings but where is the story telling in that??..
3 likesHaving 6 princesses would be cute but not a great story, it would be TOO MUCH , 4 alicorns is enough.
Besides only Rainbow Dash appear to be powerful and/or special (sonic rainboom) the other four are regular ponies
one-i'm 11 and two I think your right !!!
1 like@Makenna Johnson A fan art of the six being alicorns is pretty cool and i love how the mane six look as alicorns princesses. ...
0 likesreally cute profile pic btw
yeah do u have a google account cause I do
1 like@Makenna Johnson yes i have one :)
0 likescool
0 likesI don't think that all 6 of the Mane Six ponies should become Alicorns. They didn't do anything special to become them...and it wasn't their destiny. Also, should I mention that it would be kind of...well...pointless to have 9 princesses in Equestria.
5 likes@Yi-Yi Lian Than we could always kill Celestia...
1 like@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Well...It wouldn't be a bad thing to kill a troll...
0 likeslol
6 likes@Pokemon Series' Woah, calm down.
0 likes@Pokemon Series' I think ur coment is idiotic because they would be princeses of what there cutie marks represents. For fluttershy kindness, for applejack honesty, rainbowdash loyalty, and for pienkie pie laughter I mean we've already seen what pony ville would be like without pinkey pie in the season 3 fanaly so yes it does make sense
0 likes@Dillan Daniels Dont you mean what there elements are? Because if they were the princesses of what their cutie mark represents then Fluttershy would be animals, Applejack would be apples, Rainbow Dash would be like weather or racing or something, Pinkie would be parties and Rarity would be fashion.
0 likesok will u ppl stop talkng about this its been going on for like 2 weeks!
0 likes@gaming with mak At least it hasn't been months. Trust me i know what thats like.
0 likeslol
0 likesThat person is mixing their element with their talents
0 likesFluttershy - helping and caring for animals
Pinkie - parties
RD - speed
Applejack - working with apples at the farm
Rarity - fashion
Twilight - magic
hey it is not my fault I am a princess
1 likelol
0 likesShe is the best pony btw if u like RainbowDash I'm sorry she is my 2nd least favorite pony she thinks she is too cool. Twilight is the wisest and helps the other ponies
2 likesthanks , but I am not special. I am just like other ponies
0 likes@LegendaryQuake Yeah but she also complains about being a princess all the time. Exaples: EQG: doesn't like her wings and is unsure of her role as a princess. Trade ya! thinks that watching over the traders fair isent important. Twilight's kingdom: Thinks she inset getting enough to do and again unsure of her role.
1 likeAnd in Bats! She didn't even appear to think about Fluttershy's side imminently joining Aj. And in Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 she doesn't think that making Rainbow study like her or other ponies wouldn't work until near the end.
@Twilight Sparkle No offence to you but really im sick of your constant whining.
none taken
0 likesso true
0 likesI don't get why they're not developing aj. She deserves more eps
0 likesand aj is perfect ,everyone is perfect
0 likeswell no one 100 % perfect
everyone is best in there own way
I agree with Twilight. Speaking of aj, where did she get the hat?
0 likesNo pony knows...
0 likesIm not sure too but a lot of ppl think her dad gave it to her
0 likesI see. I've been told 2 fanfic stories about the parents. 1. Applejack received the hat before they died to timber wolves, and 2. The parents fell off a bridge trying to save Rarity. They fell down the river and the dad's hat was left in front of her.
0 likesI agree
0 likes@CountRegular I don't think Centaurs would eat that. Also calm down, there's no need for all caps.
0 likesIf all of the others became alicorn princesses, there would be a princess of honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, and kindness, which I like the idea of but then there would be 10 princesses....
0 likes@ThePantherPringles no no no no no no no no no no no no that would bw to many
2 likesIk on my comment at the bottom, click on "read more"
0 likesThink about it this way guys. Even with 9 alicorns they would still be rare think about how many ponies are in equestria. Is 9 really that big of a number?
0 likesAnd Hasbro would actually probbably like the idea because ya know...
@***** There must be thousands of ponies is equestria if not millions or billions. 9 is rare.
0 likesI'm half with you. I like Twilight. She's the series protagonist what she experiences we experience with her. On the other hand I cant really like her all that much. For me the main character of any given series is the one that I well... don't enjoy nearly as much. They become tedious at times handling situations way differently than I would have, or they become obnoxious because you want to see more of their cooler friends get screen time.
0 likesYay derpy! I have a muffinz
0 likesno D:
0 likesMuffin? duck face
0 likes@ThePantherPringles i was saying no, twilight isnt worst pony
0 likesI know Twilight's one of the better ones :D
1 likeWell she IS the main caracter
0 likesCongratulations on posting the 60th comment here squee
0 likesI was 'bout to say the same thing ya'll personally this the order of my favs
1 like1 Rainbow & AJ. (tie)
2 Rarity
3 Pinkie Fluttershy (tie)
4 Twilight Brattypants
@Rasetsu Brony yepppp
0 likesApplejack have no flaws >:(
0 likesIk AJ is one of the best ones
0 likesApplejack is the best
0 likesVery true :)
0 likesOpinions people. Opinions.
0 likesYay! Opinions!
0 likesthe show will probably end with the mane 6 becoming alicorns
0 likesYay!squee
0 likesNo. In sonic rainboom rarity turns into an alicorn and in pinkie pride there is a glitch where she is an alicorn
0 likesSame I hate twilight
2 likesI wouldn't hate Twilight....
1 likeYa I hate Twilight . I Love Rainbow Dash
2 likesI still wouldn't hate Twilight....
1 likeJust chill u hate twi then ok its your opinion
0 likesI don't hate....
0 likesI know I know....
0 likesYes, it's true that twilight isn't the only pony who really understands friendship. All six do, but the difference is Twilight knows magic better than any other pony (except for maybe Celestia and Luna). Because friendship is magic, twilight is the most qualified. 😄
3 likesI like all of them but I have an order of which like the most. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbowdash, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity
1 likeDon't say that twilight is bad!
1 likeShe is best pony and fave pony!
@LegendaryQuake Dash thinks she's cool because she IS!
1 likei agree with the idea that Twilight is the worst seriously the show now is like "my little Twilight, Twilight has magic"
2 likesNeh nopony's the worst
0 likesOki doi loki poki
0 likesIt's a pinkie thing.
0 likesUr so awesome
0 likesI like rainbow cos mai fave pony Applejack
0 likesI wanna say something and if I don't say it.. the world will explode..
0 likesPringle Sandwiches
+Princess rainbow dash ruler of the I agree
0 likesBut on one condition she was and always be the one to chesse-ify anypony!that's wy I like pinkie pie,rarity,and flutter shy.
0 likesI'm a dawggy woof
0 likesIf he said least pony was pinkie ... I'd be SOOOOOOO MAD
0 likesI wouldn't say thaaaat.. Rarity sometimes goes against her element
0 likesI thought i was the only one who hated Twilight
1 like......
0 likesCalm down every one, no need to get violent
0 likes+BrightFangis cool, you better shut up cause i can say my own opinions, so shut up kitty before I get mad and you dont want to see me mad.
0 likes@Rachel Garcia @***** Enough with the fighting already! Could you please just agree to disagree and move on!
0 likes@***** I'm sure they will be fine, that dog is all talk... or bark i guess, im not really sure
0 likesAren't we getting off topic here....
0 likesOkay SIGH
0 likesWhat dog?
0 likes@Scarlet Wolf
0 likesi dont like twilight either
0 likesMeh..
0 likesPersonally im my opinion i dont really like rainbowdash i mean she isnt really modest always bragging how awesome she is and take equrstra (sorry if its missed spelled anything) girls she challenged twilight in a one on one and when twilght loses she said are u kidding nobody can beat me! So that m least favorite pony my favorite pony is twilght she always has when i first saw the show without her (or a pony just like her and diffrent name) there just wouldnt be a show. It would be kind of off track without a goodie two shoe and know it all the show would be like how do i say this hmm blan i honestly think it wouldnt be much of a show without her sorr if i counfussed any of u!
3 likes@abigail kranning Not everyone can be a modest Margret, and Rainbow is one of those people, Even so I respect your opinion
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys i respect urs too
0 likes@***** i like warriors too
0 likesshruggs
0 likesNot to mention, all the others were original Let me say this one more time ORIGINAL, ponys. Twilights just a new bee.
0 likesBrightfang is cool, this has gone too far! Saying that I SHOULD DIE IS JUST WRONG!! Listen, I know that we both said somethings that we are probably regretting right now, but sayin you want someone to die is just too far! Im so srry that I hurt ur feelings, i wish that i could make up for it, but plz stop sayin that i should die. I never told u to die and called u names! Just lets put this behind us and just say srry to each other. So to +BrightFang is cool i am soooo very srry that i hurt ur feelings and i wish i could makeup for it. Cant we cats and dogs just get along?🐱🐶
0 likesI never killed cats! In fact i had kittens at my house and help them find forever homes! Plz i just want to apologize for this entire comment 'war' sayin to each other that the other one should 'die'. I just want to say srry, can u ever forgive me
0 likesDoes it make you feel better to make me feel bad by calling me a dog brain and sayin that im dumb and i should die?!
Your a cyberbully!!! A jerk!!! I've been apoligizing but all u have been doin is making me feel bad!!! U know wat, IM DONE WITH THIS I HOPE UR SATISFIED JERK!! U RUINED YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE PLUS WHILE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET U TO FORGIVE ME!!! FORGET THIS!!😡😡😡
@***** u need to be nice because im a warriors fan and i like dogs because im aslo a fan of survialer so just be nice u jerk so go say sorry to Rachel Garcia
0 likes@***** Enough's enough! I love cats too but that doesn't mean I cant like dogs! Stop forcing your beliefs on others! And a true cat lover WOULD give away kittens if they were fostering them because they care about the kittens and want them to have good homes! Just respect @Rachel Garcia 's opinion and say your sorry already, she just want's to be forgiven.
0 likesMhmmmm..
0 likesMy least favourite pony in Rainbow Dash
0 likes@***** Well personally I think you should be yourself, because (no offence) that is not an appropriate way to act.
0 likesLol..?
0 likes@***** BrightFang is cool your making it look like your showing your sis bad side by making me feel bad. Is that what you want?
0 likesWell i already did
0 likesBrightfang i don't acted like that i'm good person ( unless they call me dumb or something )
0 likesso lets all forget this ever happened and live are tiny lives and forgive each other lol OK
P.S. Big sis of Brightfang
Ahm bored ah just wanna get this to 200 coments
0 likesyay
0 likesTWILGHT is the best
1 like...
0 likes@Emily Renee No. Just no. I understand it's all opinions, but I just don't agree with you... I think there should only be 2 Alicorns, but I guess 3 is fine, but why 4? I agree with @Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys on this one.... Twilight's friends understand friendship a lot more than she does.
0 likes@Luna Potter A.K.A if even another alicorn, it shouldn't be Twilight.
0 likesyea
0 likesWe're rlly still on this -_- I'm starting to get bored xD
0 likes*really
0 likesHay guess waht I learned a magic trick where u can make infinate chocolate and I ate my bonus piece ^-^
0 likescan i have some chocolate plz =^.^=
0 likes....No :P
0 likeswhy not? :'(
0 likesBecause it's naht like I can pass my arm through the screen and give u one xD
0 likesdude that is bullshit twilight is the best
0 likesPlease prove your point. If I like it enough, along with Dashie, I might end up agreeing.
0 likesYeah
0 likesnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
0 likesYea
0 likesYa for me it is either twi or dash as my least fav pony
0 likesI don't like rd because she just cares about herself and never listens check episode testing 1,2,3 she's so annoying
0 likes@mo sal Well she is kinda a bragger, and a little bit self absorbed, but a lot of the other ponies were being annoying to in that ep.
0 likesI think that too
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Yea, Twilight is defintly my "un" faviorate.
0 likesI still don't like Twilight. She's too "Mary Sue"ish, which means she's too perfect in every way. I like a character with flaws, not perfect characters.
0 likes@Luna Potter Twi does have her flaws, but there not very good or obvious ones. I definitly agree though
0 likesShe's kinda awkward, just not awkward enough to be good in my opinion
0 likes@Luna Potter She complains a lot about being a princess too...
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Really Rarity complains about Twilight being a princess but Twilight complains a lot too...
0 likesTotally with you i want to hurt twilight and kill her and rob her of her element my favorite character is dashie
0 likesMy 2 favirote are dashie and flutter! ;D
1 like+ Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I agree with thee * clap, clap, clap, clap. *
0 likes@DJ WOLF-3 You kidding me?! Twilight was Princess Celestias student thats why she became an alicorn and not the others plus rainbow dash wouldn't even want to be an alicorn princess she would most of all like to be in the wonder bolts! And twilights not the worse she has flaws to but shes not my favorite.. I'm just saying that you shouldn't be so naive to her if you got opinions keep them to yourself if there bad ones.
0 likes@Mysterious Pixelated Blur Just 'cause your a princesses student dosen't mean you have to be a princess, Sunset shimmer was her student too.
0 likesAnd I respect your opinion, but no opinion is a "bad" one per-say.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Well then keep your offensive opinions to yourself and sunset shimmer left equestria. witch explains why she didn't become a princess plus she never found about friendship and I doubt she could become a princess now and yes twilight was the only one that could become a princess because she was also the closest to celestia. And once again she learned all about friendship im not saying the others didn't but they weren't royalty or anything if overall twilight was royalty before becomming an alicorn because well kinda cause Brother captain of the gaurd celestias student and the others it would just be weird to have like 10 alicorn princesses their supposed to be rare.
0 likes@Mysterious Pixelated Blur I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone here. I know all about sunset shimmer's situation, and I was just saying that because she is the only other celestia's student that we know of. Twilight was not royalty until now. Captain of the royal guard is Not a position of royalty, plus her parents weren't royalty (as far as we know).
0 likes10 out of thousands possibly millions or even billions of ponies is still rare.
Again not meaning to offend you, or anyone but one last little thing, putting your harsh opinion on someone else's "mean" opinion is being a bit hypocritical, considering your doing it yourself in the process.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys all of that was pretty offensive to me :( LEAVE ME ALONE NOW BITCH!
0 likes@Mysterious Pixelated Blur Sorry, i really don't mean to offend anyone, but you did comment on my post.
0 likesI think I'm just blurting out?
0 likesCome on,she is (with the next 5) a main pony,so she is in the front.
0 likesI know its for someone not fair...
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I think she complains to get attention, but that's just me...
0 likesTwilight is not the worst, My favorite is Fluttershy and Pinkie pie, my least favorite is Rainbow dash. Twilight us bit the worst, she became a princess because she is the element of friendship, not loyalty! :/
0 likes@liger lover I agree with you. Though I kinda like fluttershy I love pinkie pie! My ships for them are fluttershy and Sombra (I just think he would like some company of kindness and I think they would be a funny couple) and Pinkie and Cheese I know its cheesy but there so cute :3
0 likesYea......... TWILI YOU THA WORST
0 likesAMEN!
0 likesi think pinkiepie, fluttershy, and ditzy doo (Derpy Whoozes)
0 likesSo, you're upset because Twilight outshines all her friends? Why are all those bad qualities? She's hardly stuck up, and character development is a good thing.
0 likes@Lianna Persha I Agree also @Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I love your picture and username
0 likes@Lianna Persha I'm not saying character development is bad, i'm saying that she is way more develped than the others. It's the mane 6 not Twilight and those other 5. I don't recall saying she was stuck up, and I don't think that she is.
0 likes@Mysterious Pixelated Blur thanks ;3
I know, pretty stupid kind of them.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
0 likesThan that's the storytelling, not Twilight. I just don't know why you dislike her then.
Twilight the rejected unicorn so she became a alicorn so she could watch her friends die she is messed up
0 likes@ashley nagy Twilight is gonna live like a regular pony. Because she was not born as an alicorn
0 likestwilight isnt the worst rainbow is rainbow isnt loyal, she is so desprate to meet the wonderbolts
1 like@Cotton Candy Well, that is her life goal. Trust me if you wanted to be something ever since you were little, you would do anything for it too.
1 like@***** True...
0 likesYou don't need to say why, Twilight IS worst pony.
3 likes@Erin Jackson Flutter Shy is best pony.
2 likesOk
0 likes@Shelly Kirby The wings are butterfly wings, not alicorn wings. That doesn't count.
0 likesaggered
0 likesWhat did I do that was mean?
0 likesuh you kinda said that twilight was the worst so yeah.
0 likesWell that's not really mean in my opinion, it's not like Twilight is an actual person or anything.
0 likeswell in our definition worst can be a mean word and I like to protect the characters on the show because I really like it.
0 likesWell, I can respect that.
0 likesBy worst I mean least favorite, it all boils down to my personal opinion. Being mean was never my intention.
oh` well ok.
0 likesYea you're right
0 likesthanks.
0 likesYa but they don't have to make her the STAR of EVERYTHING. They could at least make the other ponies do special things like Twilight.
0 likesyeah.
0 likeswow.
0 likesI agree I think Twilight is the worst it's not that I hate her it's just I feel like now she's a princess she'll be all perfect now and start teaching everyother pony about friendship I think in season 4 they hinted to that. Twilight has just as many flaws as every other pony and she should not get any special treatment. I hope in season 5 the other 5 will play a bigger part and i agree with Pony Notion about the apple thing but i'll set that aside for now.
0 likesyeah I really like twilight I mean seriously she`s a ALICORN!
1 like@Kelly Mramor shes not the only alicorn so whats your point
0 likesI know she`s not the only alicorn but still alicorns are rare and extremely powerful.
1 likeIf there rare way are there so many
0 likesThere are literally four Alicorns out of thousands of not millions of ponies... They are rare.
0 likeswell why would they become alicorns they don`t have any traits of an alicorn.
0 likesWell duh celestia only sends letters to twi since spike is usually with her and it's more convenient in that sense. Now twi isn't my favorite either, but for me Rarity takes the bottom of the list. Twilight became an alicorn because of her advancement in her studies and her lessons on the magic of friendships. I hope maybe someday the whole mane 6 will be princesses
0 likesI also kind of think twilight is the worst. ( Pssst... My favorite is Fluttershy -squee-😄) twilight is kind of boring and she kind of gets crazier than Izzy from total drama sometimes... Sorry for people who don't know who Izzy is. ( look her up 😋) I just, Idk... I just don't really have a thing for twilight.. Anyways, I really like Applejack, she is tied for second favorite in the mane six with Pinkie, Hope you guys like my opinion
0 likesSnips and snails there dum PERIOD
0 likeswell I don`t care why they actually made twilight an alicorn I just care about how she became an alicorn IN THE SHOW.
0 likeschrisalys is worst
1 likeactually I did remember king sombra. I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU! BUT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THE MANE SIX!
0 likes@***** I remember king sombra.
0 likesThey should call the show twilight sparkle and other stupid ponies
0 likes@Lightning Dash the rest of the mane 6 are not stupid!!!!
0 likesYes I agree that twilight is very unfair, but just think about it, Twilight is also scared of too much responsiblity and she also not that like being an alicorn right? Beside, I also almost always unfair to my friends when winning a design poster competition as Twilight, so for me the way Twilight got the most development is not such a big deal.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
0 likesThat name is so cool.
You actually explained why she's good. Twilight had understanding of magic, was the star pupil of Celestia, and had more experience as a leader. She's our main, main character so it would make sense right? I hate no character but Snips and Snails, and respect your opinion and you yourself since you weren't being a jerk about it.
0 likes@Dillan Daniels I think your comment makes no sense
0 likes@***** And where is your evidence she is too full of herself?
2 likesyeah I don`t think rainbow is that full of her self yes she can be at times but she has gotten a lot better through out the series.
2 likes@***** I don`t hate twilight but she`s my least favorite princess
0 likes@***** yeah cadence is my 2nd favorite.
0 likesExactly . In the My Little Pony fashems they replace Twilight, another Twilight with Rainbow Dash
0 likes@CubicCandy WHERE did you get fashems I can`t find them anywhere and I have already been to target twice?!?
0 likes@mlp lover I've only seen them at Toys R us
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys everypony says target, but I can find fashems just not mlp fashems.
0 likes@mlp lover I looked far and wide and only found them at Toys R us.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys ok but I think it will be much harder to convince my mom to take me to toys r us then target.
0 likes@mlp lover Yeah.
0 likes@***** ok then...
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Yes! I totally agree! I hate Twilight! She always gets attention and thanks to this, the show could be renamed, "Princess ALICORN Twilight Sparkle and 5 Other Ponies."
0 likes@Nyx Moon Productions well then...
0 likesCan all of you for the love of god stop commenting. The original comment is like a year old now! I'm done with this entire conversation. And YES I am aware I started it. And now i'm going to attempt to end it.
0 likesSo shut your mouths, all of you.
@***** I'm just tired of seeing this in my notifications. It gets old after a while and i'm done with it. Okay? can you leave me alone?
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys well you don`t have to be rude about it.
0 likes@mlp lover Sorry if I did seem rude. I'm just a little fed up with it.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys yeah ok ,and not to be rude or anything but you can`t control us commenting that`s our own choice.
0 likes@***** Dude, I was talking about older episodes. BTW, I've watched every episode of mlp.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Really? "Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys"? Sounds like someone's pretty pissed because their favorite pony didn't become a princess. xD Boohoohoo.
@Athina Barreda don`t you 4 ever not 5ever?
0 likesyou are so incorrect, twilight should be best pony.
0 likesYes aj is my fav and so is rarity
1 like@Lanny Montoya well I don`t think she should best pony, but she definetly should not be worst. she`s #4 on my list.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I I`m a fan of twilight! How dare you! I....I....Will....will....Um......I will kill rainbow Dash ya! Ya you heard me right! I will find her!
1 likeLOL. I`m not trying to Hate. It`s kinda to be a joke. But I do like Twilight. We all like other ponys to be a fav. I just thout it would be funny so ya. Bye.
@Twilight Sparkle gasp I`m your BIGGST fan! Twilight!!!!!!!
1 like@Noreen McTague wow it's just an opinion
0 likes@Lucas Spencer It might seem like i`m being rude buts a Joke.
0 likes@Lanny Montoya YESSSSSSSS
0 likesDeal with it that Twilight is the "only alicorn". Plus you dont need to over-hate and say that she's the worst pony. Plus I think nopony is worst there is only LEAST FAVOURITE.
0 likes@Tara Rainbow Bloom I Tottly Agree!
0 likes@Tara Rainbow Bloom
0 likesokay I get it! This was a year ago, I don't say stuff like that anymore!
So can we all just stop now please?
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I wasn`t trying to. Sorry.
0 likes@Noreen McTague It's okay. I'm just a little sick of this stuff.
0 likesSorry!
0 likesI was watching the video and reading through the comments and I saw this comment. I like to reply ya know....
0 likes@Tara Rainbow Bloom
0 likesIt's okay, and checking previous comments and dates on things is a good thing to do before calling someone out on something.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys OK! Did you see my joke?
0 likesOk. Bye! Im watching a video right now.
0 likes@***** Your just plan mean.
0 likes@Delicious Toffee Me Too!
0 likes@Tara Rainbow Bloom Bye!
0 likesI HATE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesOh.
0 likesMy.
Can we all please just stop commenting.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Sorry.
0 likes@David Phelan wow dude.
0 likesAgreed, because she is way 2 dramatic for me ;-;
0 likesThis was over 125 weeks old. How in the world did you find it
1 likePersonally, Twilight is my favourite
2 likesagreed
0 likesI don't like Twilight ether not because I hat her it's just I don't really relate to her at all
2 likesDisagree
3 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Twilight only became an alicorn because she was the leader
3 likesyes Celestia only writes to twilight becouse SHE HAS THE DRAGON WIT THE ABILITY TO SEND AND RECIVE MESSAGES FEOM CELESTIA AND why whuld she write to anyone but twilight if twilight can just tell the others what celestia wanted them to know
4 likesThe fox blog ,Emily Renee yeeesss finaly someone who understands ☺
1 likePrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys excuse u twillight is caring sure a little bit of the main charectr but just because she went to the school fogifted unicorns and she is special
0 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys youre so wrong like if u agree
4 likes😨😨😨😨😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤕🤕🤕🤤🤤🤤😤😤😤😤😤😤😠😠😠😠😠😠👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡👿👿👿👿👿👿😠😠😠😠😠😠🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅😱😤😨👅🙀🤕👿😡😠💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:( meanie😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😠😠😠😠👿👿👿👿😡😡😡😡😡😡💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔👿👿👿👿
0 likessrry I know its your opinion and all..but...im dead inside now... (pinkie's my fave pony)
0 likeswait did I just reply to the wrong comment?
0 likesshoot....
Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I agree 100% with you
2 likesTwilight has been a complete and total failure as the princess of friendship and she absolutely sucked in the movie.
1 likePlease not be pinky pie!
0 likesI don’t like Pinkie pie she is just to much for me
1 likeRarity is my least favourite
0 likesMy fav is rarity then rainbow then flutter shy then pinkie pie because she’s so fun then apple jack then twilight
1 likeaj is best pone. rd is worst. I have a lot of reasons for that
29 likesReplies (89)
@Scyrina I think you read my mind because that is what I said
1 likeU suck jerk
0 likesI don't like rd either
1 likeIkr
1 like@Scyrina Twi Twi. Enough said.
0 likesI agree with you 😊😊 😄 😄
0 likesI don't really like rainbow dash... "That's about 20% cooler" or "your such an EGG HEAD. learn to be cool. "
0 likesOmg look, there's that word again, Cool. Omg get over it RD not everyone's cool. Ok?
@***** Ikr.
0 likes@Scyrina In my opinion RD is best pony. So may I here your reasons on why she is the worst?
3 likesCan I hear those reasons?
0 likesFor me Rainbow is such a great pony, I mean not every pony could do best ALMOST at everything right? Beside for me, the way she acting is not the way to tell other to be cool like her, i think its very inspire me,, #Rainbow is my favorite pony so sorry if I insulting#
3 likes@Patricia Altanny even with her element lack of fit?
0 likes@Scyrina im with you RD is my least fav pony but i do not hate her
0 likesWrong! All ponies (except snips and tails) are best pone!
1 likeagreed
0 likesYeah
0 likesYeap!!! Billion times yeap!!!
0 likesWatch mare do well and look at rd's actions
0 likesYep aj is totally the best
0 likesI love all
0 likes@Scyrina Got it backwards. RD is awesome. AJ is boring.
3 likes@Lou Buu do you evan watch mlp. AJ is far the best pony
0 likes@Olivia Tann There's nothing interesting about her. And all this RD hate is just a stupid fad that's gonna die off eventually.
0 likesRainbow is best and everypony knows it
3 likes@David Phelan Yep.
2 likes@Scyrina detonates a nuke on you and awesome as i wanna be starts playing
1 like@SibiricusAJ Lolyes
0 likes@SibiricusAJ You have no argument other than lolno. You lose. Dash is best. Case closed.
3 likesI love rd she is awsome
2 likes@SibiricusAJ Lolyes
1 likeBut it is not my only reason.
(RD is more athletic)
I know but im just saying i love rd she is best pony
0 likesWhat? Who gives a crap who their voices by? That's like saying if you like applejack you have to like all of them cuz their all created by Lauren... No! Sometimes people don't like hot headed show offs
1 like@Toothless Dash is way more than just a hot-headed show-off.
2 likesYea I guess your right
0 likesTo be honest, Rainbow is my least favorite pony, i hate her bragging stuff but what i like about her is she's kinda funny, and my fav pony is Applejack, i'm not a cool type of pony so Rainbow is my least
1 like@Scyrina Shut upppppppppppppppppp. RD was treated wrong.
1 like@***** BE QUIET OR I POST PONE U
0 likes@Trinity Murdock ya.
0 likes@Serenity Price agreed.
0 likes@Breanna Vann yes
0 likes@Tiny_Whale Be quiet. Everypony has their sayings. u r just not looking. btw she just hates books and eggs. SO SHUT UP U BUT LICKING JERK
0 likes@***** Thats another reason ur a jerk
0 likes@Tiny_Whale Be quiet. U are being recorded and found by thousands of rd fans
0 likes@Thieves' Forest why is rd worst
0 likes@sorcha jade i agree
0 likesLol you guys need to take some meditation courses
1 like@Hollyleaf of Leafpool mk, let's say I know what your trying to say, learn English please :)
0 likesRarity, Derpy, and Pinkie pie are defiantly best ponies
0 likesWorst: Twilight and Fluttershy
+Em M Why do you think Fluttershy is the worst?! She's the second funniest in the mane six ( NO PINKIE IS NOT FIRST ) She's shy which I was pretty shy when I was in middle school so I could relate to her.
0 likesShe is too overrated and its like she's just doing this "shy" thing for attention
0 likesYeah
0 likesThank you
0 likesexsplane those " reasons "
0 likes@SammyWubz what why wr think apple jacks the best
0 likesRd is best pne
1 likeAj is best pony. Rarity is worst
0 likesYeah, totally agree.
0 likes@Scyrina There is no valid reason to hate RD. She's confident, funny, loyal, understandably flawed, and her episode are the best.
0 likes+clivinator baitor she's also a little greedy does not really care for fluttershy half the time.. she has abandoned her friends multiple times for her own greedy reasons... would you like me to go on?
0 likes@Hakim Johnson applejack is a million times worse
1 like+clivinator baitor sooo... aj has been mean to every pony in the show multiple times and been greedy half the times she's a main character..? yup... it's my opinion BTW don't get mad...
0 likes@Hakim Johnson she is a jerk, she's just more subtle about it.
0 likes+clivinator baitor please be more specific... rd or aj..? sorry but if your talking about aj being a jerk... honestly... (get it aj and honest yeah OK..) aj carries alot of the traits from rd mostly the good ones and yes I know she's stubborn but so is rd kind of... she abandoned all of them multiple times and aj gets along with everyone.. and she IS competitive and if someone cheats (which rd did in one episode) she will stand up for it (as well as many other people would) and rd only cards about winning in every episode she competes... applejack did it once... also I just noticed how long this comment is sowwie XD I don't like aj that much either but rd has gotta be my least favorite..
0 likes+Hakim Johnson *cares not card
0 likes+Scyrina I have several reasons why aj is worst pony.
2 likesApplejack nearly destroyed ponyville because of her stupid stubborness, she cheated in the running of the leaves, she tried to get in the way of her friends dreams by wanting Twilight's extra Gala ticket for greedy reasons, and she's racist. Fuck Appleshit.
1 likefuck off aj is best pony!!!!!
0 likes@Lou Buu Finally! Somebody who realizes what piece of shit AJ is!
0 likes@Ryan Sarinana Insulting AJ is fun though.
1 like@Ryan Sarinana Screw them. They need to grow and deal with the fact that they're favorite pony isn't that great.
0 likesfor example trade ya?
0 likes@Kateřina Ložková She did the right thing in the end. That doesn't compare to Applejack nearly poisoning ponyville in Applebucking Season because of her stubbornness.
0 likesI totally agree
0 likesI love AJ
Really I do
0 likes@Katy Cobley Dash is better than her.
0 likes+clivinator baitor Whatever we all have our own opinions
0 likes@Katy Cobley alright.
0 likes+Scyrina You sir are my hero
0 likeswhat are these 'reasons'?
0 likes+clivinator baitor finally! someone who agrees with me!
1 like@firemoncat He has no reasons, because there are none.
0 likes+Scyrina Applejack is overrated.
1 likeSince the title is friendship is magic :p
0 likes@The Pudding ya i relate come sit with the pega sisters so you dont get haters. You just get girl i know what you mean i but i like her more for this :3 everyone is happy
2 likes@Vanilla_Icing10 her friends were worse. Dash did nothing wrong. Her bragging wasnt hurting anyone.
1 likeYou don't have any reasons do you.
1 likeShe's emotionless
2 likesmy least fav is rambow because she nener changes thorugh out the whole serises
0 likesReplies (1)
so what? she doesn't have to change. she's perfect the way she is.
1 likeApple jack has a horn.
0 likesThe last pony is................. Applejack 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍉🍉🍉
1 like6.twilight
5 likes5.applejack
Replies (6)
0 likes@SkyFighterBlue wait is this worst or best going down and if it's worst going down to 1 RAINBOW DASH IS MY FAV DX SO SHHHUUUT UUUUPPPP
0 likesand if it's best at 1 sorry :(
1 like5.AppleJack
1. Rarity
0 likes2. Twillight
3. Applejack
4. Fluttershy
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Rainbowdash
According to my scale, 1 is best and 6 is the worst. 1. Fluttershy.;) 2. Rarity 3. Pinkie 4. Twlight 5.Rainbow Dash. 6. Applejack :(
0 likesFrom best to worst:
1 like1: Rarity is by far my fave
2: RD
3: Twilight
4: Pinkie Pie
5: Fluttershy
6: Applejack
my least fav is Rainbow Dash and My fav is Applejack
1 likeMy hatestestest pony : twilight sparkle
1 likeStubbornness is not a flaw NONE OF THESE ARE!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
it kind of is
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likes1. Pinkie Pie
61 likes2. Fluttershy
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Twilight
5. AppleJack
6. Rarity
I dislike Rarity because she is really girly and might be generous but is not selfless. She really does seem to care about how her friends look, but is more conscious about herself and always makes a huge deal when something spills on her dress
Replies (24)
That was old rarity. She's not my favorite (Flutters is my fav, she relates to me) but she IS selfless. A lot of the times, in the comics. I dunno if you read them, but my personal favorite is Nightmare Rarity. The nightmare substance takes over her, because she just wanted to help everyone, and didn't want to be replaced or forgotten. Rarity is selfless, but she doesn't show it as much in the films. She's a fashionista, and she's gotta do what she's gotta do.
1 like@Kat465k Very true but she is still my least favorite
0 likesyou are right
0 likespinkie pie is my favourite pony as well
0 likessame for rarity not the rest
0 likesI agree pinkie pie is best pony
0 likessame
0 likes:O how can you dislike pinkie pie?!
0 likesPinkie is My favorite :3
1 likeTell me about it rarity
0 likesmegen look generosity means NOT being selfish I said cuz that's what it really mean not being selfish
1 likeBeing generous means she is selfless. She is always putting herself before anyone else. Caring about her looks is simply a part of her character. And throwing shade on her just because shes 'girly' is extremely biased.
4 likesgenorosity means helping see the episode of rarity takes manhatan
0 likesFinnaly someone who likes pinkie like i do.
1 likeOops spelled finally wrong.
0 likesMegan Wilson I too
0 likesMegan Wilson I actually think that Rarity is my favorite pony because of her creativity! Sure she makes sure everything is as perfect as possible, but have you seen The Brony Notion's video "Does Twighlight Have OCD?" Rarity wants to look 👀 good 😊. Such a big deal.😒
5 likesMegan Wilson yeah she's actually also in my bottom of my list. Because she doesn't know a little dirt is good for everybody.
0 likessame
0 likesbut you forgot to put Rarity is annoying
0 likesMegan Wilson I got rainbow dash two times! Yours and the first one
0 likesMegan Wilson true
0 likesrareitty is my least favret idk why
1 likeI am um a lot like Applejack
0 likesyou take that back A.J. is Aswan and don't you friget it
0 likesWhich episode is this at 0:54 ?
0 likesReplies (1)
Applebuck season I believe
0 likes1.RD
27 likes2.TS
I hate flutterz
Replies (42)
4 likes@zipporwhill ??
0 likesI HATE YOU
6 likeswhat the hell
4 likesyou sick monster
4 likesNoooooooo you monster
1 like@***** I just lik RD
1 likeFlutters is acctualy relatble for me but still...
By the way I have a small self-esteem
fuck you flutters is best pony
5 likesEy peps i dont care that u like them this is My opinion
2 likeshow dare you!😨
3 likesyou are stupid
0 likesdid you say say that to me?
3 likesIf so, sorry if i offended you- it's just my opinion that fluttershy's da best.😌
Once more I wish you were not real grrrrrr
2 likesNot flatter shy go away before I hit. You grrrr
2 likesyou are a fuking ass
2 likes+Wires_GAMES omfg stop bullyng me
1 likeidiot
2 likeslook at all these butthurt flutterfans talking shit... this is one of the things that make me hate her... ._.
0 likeslogan you literally copy pasted this comment in multiple comments where people say they like rainbow dash.
0 likesget a life stalker
oh and btw every statment in that scentence can be countered
0 likesbut its annoying because i get like 1 million notifications and there all you
0 likesno its pretty much spot on
1 likeI hate flutters to
3 likes@Zoe Hawkins my opinion...
0 likesMarta Black Snowflake i have no clue why any stupid idiot would HATE fluttershy. fuck you
0 likesMarta Black Snowflake tbh idc if it is ur opinion but i see no way u so much as hate such an innocent character. in dact, shes my favourite. so sure u can put her at the bottom, but dont throw the I HATE HER at us. thats just rude
1 like+Marta Black Snowflake why? I know it's an opinion, but in MY opinion, she's the second best. She is kind and gentle with a passion for animals and has had a lot of development. I don't see a reason to hate her.
0 likes9
0 likesWhy is everyone getting so butthurt over their opinion? 😂
0 likesNuuuu
0 likesI dont care about your opinion on fluttershy. I personally like fluttershy but rainbowdash is equally awesome.
1 likeAll the replys here omigoshyouhateflutteryouidiotgethitbytruckblablabla
0 likesyou are a ...fruit cake. im goona ban joo!
0 likesstill hate joo!=(
0 likesdont say that word!
0 likesdont say that
0 likesWORD!!!!!
0 likeshi rainbow
0 likesSame
0 likesGreat list.
0 likesTwilight because she's always annoying and apple jack and rainbow dash are best
2 likesOh god apples
0 likesI mean rainbow dash is my favorite but I like all the main 6 the same really
2 likesAnd why do people hate rarity so much I mean give her some love
But she is independent
0 likesMy favorit ponys are
0 likes1.Twilight sparkle
4.rainbow dash
5.pinkie pie
6.apple jack
the first episode i saw i thought rainbow was a guy
0 likesI agree
1 likeMy least favorite pony is rainbow dash
1 likeI agree
1 likei will not get over it that is mean
0 likesSame here.
2 likeswho is best pony me and trixie :)
1 likeUmm I agree 50- 50 ways thru 😑
0 likesI favorite pony is rainbow dash. Because you made a mistake.
0 likesI least is pinkie pie. Because her history doesn't make sense.
I don't like what you're saying about Apple junk
0 likesI agree apple jack does suck
0 likesMy mom does not like rarity
2 likes…… my least favourite pony is rainbow dash ……………
0 likesYou are crazy apple Jack is nice
1 likeAppleJack my least fav pony cuz the same u said about her
1 likeagree apple jack is terrible and don't speak like that bro that is creepy man
0 likesAj is worst my second not fav is twilight my third is rarity forth is flutter shy the second best pony is pinky pie and best pony goes to rainbow dash
2 likesfave to least fave :)
0 likes1 pinkie pie
2 fluttershy
3 twilight
4 Rarity
5 rainbow dash
6 applejack
APPLE JACK IS THE BEST!! pinkie is the least best 4sure
1 likei like all the ponies
0 likesникто из пони мне не нравится. в смысле ни с кого я не фанатею. они милые но правитель мира под прикрытием что учит главную шестёрку на протижении многих сезонов лучший. да, я именно про тебя, дискорд!
0 likesWorst pony is Rarity
1 likePinkie Pie, too obnoxious
0 likesNo no no I hate this Apple Jack Is my favourite
0 likesEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeYUP!
I'm sorry but.... least favorite; Pinkie pie.
0 likesMy list favorite pony is a pony that is not a pony
0 likesWhy does your voice sound weird and eco-ie?
1 likeBy favorite is AJ!!!!!!
0 likesA=Apple jack
0 likes1:Applejack
0 likesI think it’s the OLD rainbow dash..What do i mean? Before season..(idk)...SHE WAS SO MEAN!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
season 2 might be what you're thinking of.
1 likewhy is HER name applejack could be applejane
0 likesBut I have a theroy myself
0 likesI agree
0 likesI agree
0 likesWorst pony and hooman ever is Flash Century.
0 likesApple jack same =)
1 likeTwilight to popular
1 likeI agree
0 likesmy fav ponies worst to best (MY OPINION)
1 like1. RARITY!!
3. Pinkie
4. Twlight
5. Applejack
6. Rainbow dash
0 likesMy lest pony who l like is rarity
2 likesmy fav is applejack cause shes cute! SO GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT oh i dont like apple jacknI LIKE APPLES AND SHE IS THE BEST >:(
0 likesmy fav pony is twilight my lees fav pony is trxse
2 likesReplies (1)
yeah, screw trixie
0 likesrainbow dash is my least fav because shr is to into herself
0 likesApple Jack is so worst
1 likeMy Least Fav pony Is AJ Too
0 likesAPPLES! 🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏
0 likesMy least favourite pony rarity
0 likesI don’t like Rarty. She is selfish 😡😡😡🤬🤬
2 likesI am not giving hate to anyone who has other opinions but rainbow dash is my least favorite, apple jack is my 2nd fav after flutter shy. I just think rainbow dash is a little full of herself.
0 likesThis was made on my bday
0 likesWhy do you hate applejack ?! I love her! I dont like Twilight or rainbow dash.
0 likesReplies (1)
Applejack's just kinda annoying.
0 likesI don't like Rarity that much because she is a snob.
1 likemy least favourite pony is rainbow dash
0 likesAnd it’s not like he is honest
0 likesSAME T.B.N
0 likesMy least favorite character is rainbow dash. She is the element of loyalty but she always abandons her friends. I can only recount two episodes where she's loyal. The pilot and that one episode where she puts her wonderbolt career on the line for her friends.
0 likesReplies (4)
She's only been disloyal twice, and once was because she was being mind-controlled. The other time her reasons were understandable.
1 likeFrank Poole understandable. I wasn't trying to offend anyone.
0 likesNot offended. I didn't mean for that to sound as angry as it did. Sorry if that seemed harsh.
0 likesFrank Poole its okay. I expected people to disagree with me.
0 likesWhat have you done!!!???
0 likes1:23 lol lol lol lol lol
0 likesYou’re my favourite YouTube’s
0 likesI don't like Applejack or Pinkie Pie
1 likemy lest favorite is apple jack
1 likeguys, I don't like this fighting can we all stop plz
1 likeIt is true that she more taking care about everyone and taking it too much and history of apples and
0 likesapleesss!!!! 2:53
1 likeApplejack fans nuked I’m a applejack fan btw and your wrong 😋💣🧨
1 likeReplies (1)
YES APPLEJACK ALL THE WAY without honesty how do u have friendship.
1 likeMy least fav is fluttershy
1 likeReplies (1)
Just Kidding hehe btw I am a kid I luv them all
1 likeLol my opinion fluttershy is the worst pony
1 like1.she's the weakest thing ever
2.she's the most useless
3.she's boring
3. Doesn't deserve her fame (rainbowdash deserves her fame but fluttershy nope)
4.fluttershy maybe has more character development but she just learn the same thing every episodes
Sorry just being Honest i love them all equally but..
I love apple Jack she my top pony riarty I least
2 likesReplies (3)
I HATE Rarity too. These are my reasons -
0 likes1. She is a typical girl who loves fashion.
2. She is almost too much obsessed with beauty.
3. She had a crush on quite a few colts and she literally ditched her love of fashion for getting Trenderhoof's attention.
4. She cries over small problems that could easily be fixed.
@Dog Tube so who your favorite pony?
0 likes@pokie pizza playz Rainbow dash and Applejack
0 likesMy least favourite pony is rarity
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likes(NO OFFENSE)
1 like1. Tie between Fluttershy and APPLEJACK
2 likes2. Pinkie Pie
3. Rainbow Dash
5. I don't really like RARITY I am not a girly girl I am a Tom Boy.
1:23 pause
0 likes2:10 russian subtitles?
1 likeeverypony but not aj
0 likesRainbow dash
2 likesPinkie pie
Apple jack
0 likesApplejack
1 likeHow dare you
1 likeMy list is
0 likes1. fluttershy
2. twilight
3. pinkie
4. rainbow dash
5. apple jack
6. rarity
1:23 I-
0 likesWhach song flawles again no pony and one is perfect!
0 likesI hate mane 5 instead of fluttershy
0 likesLith her alone
1 likeHappy all the time is it I love Pinkie Pie and she's also the I like you where I like how many
0 likesI put the video at 0.25
0 likesSweety Bell
0 likesMy letters liked 🦓 IS YOU
0 likesIn my opinion best pony: fluttershy worst pony: rainbow dash
0 likesReplies (2)
got it backwards. fluttershy's a coward who never learns anything.
1 likeFs is overrated.
0 likesApple jack is not worst pony
1 likecool
0 likesI hate AJ too
2 likes1:23 Nicolas Shy
0 likesI hate all of them except for twilight
0 likesshe is No.2
0 likesThat's how they learn I for got to put how 😅
0 likesDerpy
0 likesTwilight is worst pony
2 likes:.........Im the same I don't like aj
2 likesI love everyone
2 likesUgh apple jack worst pony
1 likeRarity
2 likesWHAT ??????
0 likesApple jack
0 likesleast favourite is Rainbow Dash she is just so full of herself
0 likesReplies (1)
It's not that she's full of herself. She's just very confident. Rarity's full of herself too by that logic. Maybe you should hate her then, huh.
1 like1:23 (slow mo) uhhhhhhhhhh
0 likesi dont like Applejack
1 like2:27
0 likesI agree
0 likesMy cousin will not be happy she loves apple jack but i hate her
1 likeRainbow dash !
0 likesRainbow dash she is so stubborn
0 likesI never saw that
0 likes1.rainbow dash
1 likeOh who is my less fav pony ........you
0 likesNooooooo
0 likesRainbow Dash. Because she is so self-minded
0 likesReplies (2)
not anymore
0 likesI agree with you now
0 likesburns pc
0 likesMy favourite episode was of My Little Pony AppleJack is everyone can you show you you know the Keating and he might talk about that can guess what I'm saying you do I watch My Little Pony talking about like Equestria Girls working and making me stronger bye buy find m y me my initials 90 jll JLR
1 likeRarity
1 likeTher made to do that because it's learn life lessons so of course she will be like that it's just show life lessons
0 likesRainbow DASH
0 likes1:23
0 likesWhy are you so mean to us
0 likesSawtooth jk princess Luna
0 likesMine is rainbow dash
0 likesApples
0 likesMe is favorite charater is twilight and rainbow.
0 likesWorst is pinkie.
worst audio should "changeling" should be you
0 likesMy let fa fit Pony Is appljak
0 likeszephyr brezz
0 likesRainbow dash and applejack
0 likesFluttershy
0 likesFluttershy
0 likesMine is...................................................................ah Pinkie pie because she is very annoying
0 likesI hate pinky pie apple jack is okay
2 likesI WILL NEVER HATE A J!(Your country accent is BAD!!!!)
0 likeshi I am Karen this duds older sister and my lest favorite pony oat of the mane six is pinkeye pie because she is endowing as fuck.
0 likesPinkie pie is best
0 likesNow compare her to rainbow dash
0 likesReplies (1)
Dash is a better character all the way.
1 likein equestria girls sunset shimmer is the best and in my little pony I like twilight the most and I hate rainbow dash
0 likesReplies (1)
sunset is an overrated bitch.
0 likesbest
0 likesApplejack
Rainbow dash
sorry dashie
0 likesWait are you russian?
0 likesIn my opinion, Rainbow dash is worst pony (SHE IS SO RUDE)
0 likesReplies (1)
if she's so rude, than why so her friends love her so much and want to be with her?
0 likesRay is worst pony
0 likesApple Jack is the Werst
1 likeBooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesyoure worst pony XD jk why would anypony think that XD
0 likesI'm just here for the comments
2 likesPinky pie
1 likeMy name is AJ
0 likesapple applle apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple
0 likesI like Applejack because she has a dog! I hate Rarity.
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesi dont have one
0 likes1 rainbow dash
1 like2 pinky pie
3 Apple jack
4 flutter shy
5 rarity
6 twilight
Replies (1)
0 likesI so agree flutershy is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry sent comment on the wrong video.
0 likesApple jack is worst
1 like1.Flutterbat
0 likes2.Twilite
4.Pinkie pie
6.aplle jack
Replies (1)
Forgot dash.
0 likesmy lest favret pony is rarety
1 likeI will put my explanations and likings in order from most to least ( it is very hard to pick because they are all very good characters )
0 likes1. Fluttershy. She is adorable, kind, shy and has the aspects and fears of a regular person. Yes she is passive, at times, but she comes out strong or assertive when trying to help her friends or sticking up for them - think about episode Dragon Shy where she told the dragon off because what he said to her friends.
2. Pinkie Pie. Her optimism and randomness is what really shines bright from the others. She is a good person that can be serious [ on rare occasions ] but she can still be hit hard with sad feelings to where she may act different in personality but that is why she makes it so no one can be sad so that is why we also see a rare occasion of anyone being sad.
3. Twilight. We are able to see more character development from her. Growing over time from when she was Celstia's student to where she is Starlight's teacher and she might think she is a bad techer for not always being able to be there for her student but letting her have space to make her own decisions is a good thing to let her learn independence. [ Also some people might be confused about why Twilight is the Princess of Friendship when the other Mane 6 know just as much about friendship as she does but its not all about how much friendship you know but also about the balance of leadership, optimism, charity, etcetera - Princess Celstia even said the traits you need to be a princess on the day Twilight became an alicorn ]
4. Applejack. Is Honest, Loyal (More than Rainbow tbh) and down to earth. She is also very hard-working but a little too hard-working where she doesnt look after her health but only because she is doing it for a reason to help other people because she can be quite selfless to where she does to much at once because she is an independent pony that its hard to ask for help - which i understand completly.
5. Rarity. She is hard-working, observant, and generous. She isnt as hard at work like AJ but she works hard to make her dreams come true. There can be times where she can be dramatic and seem weak but there are times where you see she is a strong, smart, capable mare (i think i spelled that right) which is shown the time she was kidnapped by the diamond dogs.
6. Rainbow Dash. Is observant, brave, and is also hard-working. She may not seem it but she is also very hard-working to make her dream to be a wonderbolt happen which eventually pays off as seen from season 6. She can be arrogant and lazy at times but she makes up for it by being there for her friends. At least she knows when it's a good time to take a break. [ the only reason she is my least favorite us because she can get too arrogant to where she can get her self in danger ]
You dont have to like my list but dont hate on it either because i deserve to have my own opinions just like you.
I love Applejack. In my opinion she has developed and we have learned many new things about her, but she also stays true to her own personality. She still learns from her mistakes, and tries to be as good friend as she can be. But mostly I like her, because I can relate to her so much!
0 likes2:33
1 likeI think Applejack made them feel guilty to realize what they did and try to fix it, but that's only me
Applejack is a great pony. She has flaws just like the rest of them sure, but the flaws aren't all that make a character. She also has integrity, a great place in her heart for family, and is both loyal and honest (for the most part) (that one episode in season 6 cough cough) (where the Apple lies cough cough).
0 likesMy least favorite one is....
2 likesdrumrollRarity. This is why. #1 She is WAYY into fashion. Now you might be saying, "Oh, Pinkie Pie is too into parties and Twilight is too into books." Look. They have had development to stray away from just parties and books. Rarity however, hasn't. That's really it.Flaw #5: Applejack always punishes Apple Bloom and her two friends even when they don't do anything wrong.
1 likeI love it when he said "but who is the worst pony?" And then the intro that just says friends comes on XD
0 likestwightlight sucks so bad can't people understand that. I feel like twightlight is almost exactly all about her self. she has those friends that just cheer her up all she ever did was fix a problem she made (the cutie Mark cure or something like that) also she gets all the credit for fighting vilines when the others help. And she also gets the most time on the show last but not least she started sending celesia the picture of all the ponies in pony Ville where showing in the picture she's the center of attention also the other main 5 are shoved in there with all the other random ponies
2 likesWho else agrees with me
During the part where you showed the clips where she was saying "Apple" sometimes I heard "Snapple" I don't even drink Snapple or whatever that juice is called. But I noticed.
0 likesHah, random apple facts are best thing of Applejack!! I love that crazy apple -lady XD
0 likesMy ranking of the mane 6 from best to worst
0 likes1. Pinkie Pie! Honestly it was close between her and the second place character, but Pinkie always makes the episodes better. She's just so
2. Fluttershy! She's just so shy and adorable. I have loved her forever. The first MLP episode I watched was the one where she did a tea party with Discord and she just kinda stuck with me.
3. Rarity! Do I really need to explain?
4. Twilight. She's a really great character but I don't like her because she's too much like me. And when she became a princess, I almost exploded. Her element is already a crown. She's already such a main character. Why'd it have to get more about her?! I just don't get it. Personally, I think someone else should be princess of friendship.
5. Applejack. Boring.
6. Rainbow Dash. Pretty much just a Pegasus Applejack.
I LOVES THE APPLE JOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI agree with you Apple Jack are stubborn and that's she's all about apples for some reason she wanted to tell her about Apple is one she's trying to you know when one Rainbow Dash is trying to learn about the wonder bolts bolts so I'm guessing Apple Jack is not very smart
2 likesI can't think of Any flaws she has done all those things because she loves her friends and family
0 likesApplejack is my fave, I didn't get mad.
0 likesMy personality is similar to her.
Applejack at the start of the show:
1 likelol I'm gettin apples haha APPLES.
Applejack now:
lol I'm gettin apples haha more APPLES.
Replies (1)
0 likesI think
1 like1: Applejack
2: Rainbow Dash
3: Twilight spark
4: Pinkie pie
5: Futtershy
6: Rartiy
No matter no one truly LOVES AJ
1 likePersonally i think twilight is the worst one out of the mane 6 because for one she should have never become an alicorn let alone the princess of friendship because she has not really learned any lessons about friendship she actually has put in mostly the things her friend learned about friendship so yes this could benefit her but honestly even is she did learn from this mistakes her friends made she still continuously makes these mistakes and if you did not notice that after the episode Lesson Zero most of the time it is the others writing to princess celestia besides how she became an alicorn honestly if you get to be an alicorn for simply completing a spell which note that that is much simpler than actually writing a spell shouldn't Star Swirled the Bearded have been an alicorn after writing so many spells and on a completely unrelated note why is it that the only alicorns actually seen are female and no males are alicorns even shining armor who is considered a prince
1 likeI really like Applejack, But out of the mane six she's my least favorite
1 likeMane six fav:Apple Jack
0 likesThe Princess:Princess Luna
and Brony I'm not being mean but you know the show is for young children to learn right from wrong
I love your channel by the way 😂😀
Did anybody else see what flashed on flutter bats face? I think it was a nick cage tbh
0 likeswell rainbow dash is kind of when some is like having a problem she points out bad stuff they did that's mean and rarity can be greedy like you learn from flaws my flaw is sometimes at school I'm pretty annoying
0 likesi agree with the brony notion applejack is my least favorite pony
2 likesReplies (1)
Lol me too!!
0 likesmy favorite pony is 1.twilight
1 like2.pinkie pie
5.apple jack
6. rainbow dash
That thumbnail is awesome XD
0 likesBut i love applejack!!!! Its ok... I still love your videos
0 likesI agree and disagree because sh was the first one Twilight went to when they all look gray
0 likesApplejack is my favorite pony
0 likesWell I agree with u because u do make a good point but apple jack is honest isn't that good
0 likesI agree with you I hate aj
2 likesbut my mom loves her
My favrote mane six.
0 likes1) Rarity. I was going to say twilight and rarity second, but after reading some of the comments about her...
2) Twilight.
3) Fluttershy
4) Pinkie Pie
5) Rainbow Dash
6) Applejack. I dont like her.
APPLE JACK IS MY FAVORItE!!! She is fun and loving
0 likesI sort of agree with both
1 likeAnd applejack is 2nd best pony in my OPALNION 😼
0 likesI love Apple jack HOW DARE YOU !!!!
0 likesEFF YOU!!!
0 likesStubborn Minded: That's just a part of her personality, and i think it makes her more interesting.
Oblivious: Come on, aren't we all sometimes?? And since she so kind, she could have been saying that to make her sis think she didn't get caught.
Least Development: That's the writer's fault.
Apples: She is APPLEjack, is she not? And all of the main six have an obsession. Fluttershy - Animals. Twilight - Books. Rainbow Dash - The Wonder Bolts. Pinkie Pie - Party stuff. Rarity - Cloths. And Applejack kinds has to have an obsession, doesn't she? And what better thing for that to be than apples?
i know im late but one thing i dont like about a.j is tht she has no special talent like the other maine 5:
2 likesTwilight: Princess (i knlw it doesnt really count but to me it does)
Fluttershy: The Stare
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Sense
Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rain Boom
Rairity: Gem Findind Spell
Ya see? She doesnt have any thing!
0 likesbut you learn from mistakes
0 likes1. Applejack
1 like2. Rainbowdash
3. Twilight
4. Fluttershy
5. Pinkie
6. Rarity
1. AJ(not like you XD)because shes strong honest and loyal but shes a little stubborn.
0 likes2.Twilight because she is smart but i dont know why idont like her so much.
3.fluttershy because i love animals a lot like her and also im afraid of hights and a little shy but some times i dont like her personality.
4.RD because shes selfimage pony and yes shes awesome but i hate her a lot.
5.Pinkie because shes always so distractive but i like her because no matter how serious the events are she makes fun of them.
6.Rarity ihate her shes always fashion fashionfashion
So am I a bad person, cuz I have the same personality as her.
0 likesI agree applejack sucks because when diamond tiara and silver spoon walked up to apple bloom she thought they were her friends
1 likeI mean I know applejack is nice and stuff. BUT COME ON
This is my favorite to least favorite pony
0 likes1. A.J
2. Pinkie
3. Flutter
4. Twily
5. Rainbow
6. Rarity
The other 5 have flaws too
0 likesMy least fav is rarity cause she cares to much about her looks
1 likeMy lest favourite pony is Rarity because out of the main six I relate to her the lest .E.g. I'm fun like pinkie, love animals like Fluttershy, cool like Rainbow, like to get messy like Apple jack and like reading like Twilight, but I'm don't really care what I look like.
1 likei say rarity is worst cuz she dosnt desrve her element most of the time and she tries to make things and fancy and dat poop stuff
2 likesi like rustic things better
Heres my least favorite to favorite-
1 like6: Rarity
5 Twilight
4: Rainbow dash
3: Fluttershy
2: Apple Jack
And if you have seen my other comments on different vids, than you know my FAVORITE is:
1: Pinkie pie.
My faverote pony is Rarity and my least is Apple jack got the same reasons
1 likeYus I screen capped Nicholas cage flutterbat. It was so freaking hard
0 likesI love apple jack and Granny Smith :)
0 likesyes to me as well twilight is the worst pony for that same reason
1 likeAPPLEJACK IS #1👌
0 likesMy least is flutter shy because she is always with animals
1 likeMy favorites:
0 likes1. Applejack
2. RD
3. Twilight
4. Fluttershy
5. Rarity
6. Pinkie Pie
I mean, Why do you have to make a video about APPLEJACKS flaws. You could at least make a vid on ALL their flaws coz they all have flaws too ya know...
"Apples" are not a reason
0 likesHey, um....not trying to be rude....but...
0 likesAll characters have to have flaws, otherwise they would be extremely boring
Applejack is my favorate member of the main six but you can have your opinion. 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 (P.S I hate that cliche where a characters say that a villan is a friend.)
0 likesI think rarity is the worst, I just don't relate to her like I do to the rest
2 likesmy list
2 likes1.rainbow dash
2.apple jack
4.twighlit sparkle
5.pinkie pie
leave a like if your the same
i love aplejack
0 likesPrince Blueblood. For sure.
1 likebut you said Fluttershy is your best pony
0 likesOMG go too 1:23 it's beautiful LOL
0 likesWell brony notion i
0 likesDisagree this time i like her She is just soooooo TOOO MUCH nice with her little sister.
I think celestia because she's the sun I hang in the dark
0 likesReplies (1)
well were talkking about the mane :D (PUNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS XD) 6 here
0 likes1.Derpy
2 likes2.Scootaloo
3.Rainbow Dash
4.Pinkie Pie
7.Twilight Sparkle
8.Apple Jack
I know nobody asked but to my opinion the least pony i like is Rainbow Dash.She is like a bragger and arrogant,she also sometimes doesn't show her element of Loyalty.Although
0 likesthere is somethings i like about RD.She's a prankster and funny and so swag
My fave part of this vid
1Fluttershy 2 pinky pie 3 rarity 4 twilight 5 ranbow dash 6 apple jack
1 likei like apple jack :D
2 likesFluttershy-too nice and tooooooo quiet.
0 likesI'm with you I hate apple jack
2 likesmy least favorites are rarity twilight and rainbow dash nothing can change it at all
0 likesReplies (1)
why do you even watch this show if you hate half the mane cast?
1 likeApple jack IS GOOD U HAVE NO HEART
0 likesmy worst pony is Twilight Sparkle every sense mystery care she been all about becoming a princess she hasn't been herself since mystery care
1 likeI somewhat agree and disagree.
0 likesme it's Fluttershy is my favorite then Pinkie Pie then Twilight ,Rainbow Dash ,Applejack then Rarity. but I still like all of them
1 likeWHATTTT I love applejack....kidding
0 likesMy least favorite pony is..... pinkie pie. I mean, to me, she is just annoying. She is loud and kind of crazy. Sorry to all the pinkie pie fans but that is my opinion. My favorite pony is either Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. I like that I can relate to Fluttershy's shyness. The reason I like Rainbow Dash is her speed and competitiveness. I relate to that since I run cross country. Just don't expect me to talk to you while I run but I can be competitive.
1 likeshe says the word,"apple" way to much like what it is all the time, her answers and all always at least has.... APPLE in it like, stop saying apple so much. and I know she loves what she does and all... but she takes this whole apple thing way too far. If you disagree go ahead and disagree if you don't great for you.
0 likesReplies (1)
there is just to much apple don't you think?
0 likesAnd i like the mane 6 this way-
1 like1.All off them
Replies (1)
Sunset shimmer that's nice of you to say.
0 likesits wonder bolts not thunder bolts
0 likesRaity. Why because she is just so anoying in my opinion every things she do with her shop just goes on my nerves plus she crys for many animportent things. But besides that I like her 😁
2 likesApple jack is my least favourite
2 likesApple. Apple! Apple? Apple! apple.
0 likesI think Twilight is the worst pony plz don't be mad at me 😁😁
1 likeI totally agree
0 likesall of the ponys are the worst but then worst worst is rainbow dash. I really wonder why she isn't even loyal when she is the spirit of loyalty.........
0 likesmy least fave pony is rarity. sorry spike!
2 likesMy Favorite Pony Is Rainbow Dash
1 likei like all of em
1 likeYou said it. I dont like ms. Mayor. SHE HAS NO PURPOSE AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesangel day are so right!!!
0 likesrarity is my least favourite
1 likeI can relate to aj and fluttershy more then the other mane 6. My least fav is rainbow dash because I hate people like her.
0 likesMy worst pony is Luna because well she turns evil
1 likenoooooooooooooooo i love her
0 likesWHAT ABOUT RAINBOW DASH AND RARITY??????? They are the worst ponies because rainbow dash is arrogant and is not even loyal. Rarity may be generous but she makes a big deal when her costumes get ruined and she used costumes to help Rainbow with the Wonderbolta exams. Rarity is like " costumes fashion social standing omg I will dedicate myself to this
1 likeReplies (1)
Rarity and Rainbow Dash are ambitious and goal-driven.
2 likesMy lest favourite pony is ranbowdash❤️💛💚💙💜
0 likesthe worst is twilight
2 likesHOW DARE YOU!!!!!! :(
0 likesgo FlutterShy
0 likesdid you record this on a toaster? no offense but it sounds like it was.
1 likePinkie pie anoys me to no end...
0 likesSorry but I think the worst pony is Rarity. I do because she kind of only cares about fashion more than anything else.
1 likeJust my opinion
and rainbow dash and apple jack are the best
2 likesWell im not good at choosing sides on all so im gona tell y'all just never tell me ma thayt okay just..dawnt
0 likesmy favorit is twilight because she not matter dirty or clean she almost like every thing her magic is soo great and her sooo care for her friend.just look the galloping gala episode she okay is her ticket for her friend
0 likesworst pony is celestia because she is mary-sue
1 likefluttershy is my favourite! 😆😆😆☺but applejack?she is my second favorite! she not the worst!😠😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠
0 likesI like apple jack
0 likesi dont like raretiy because she to fashionable
2 likesApplejack 😒😒
2 likes1.aj 2.rarity 3.fluttershy 4.twilight 5.starlightglimmer(i dont hate her she's just boring)6.pinkiepie 7.trixie 8.rainbow crash(rainbow dash)9.discord 10.thorax (I don't hate him he is just SUPER BORNIG)
0 likesReplies (2)
Shau'ne Thomas aj is boring. dash is better. deal with it bitch.
1 likeFrank Poole :(
0 likesagreed yes yes yes
0 likesi like applejack the most.i think pinkie is the worst pony.she is just too dramatic for me
0 likes❤️agree
1 likeI'm sorry but... I think that either rarity or pinkie pie is the worst. But I have an explanation for my reason. I think that even though pinkie pie is the element of laughter, she can be a little bit annoying with her laughter, predictions and random pop ups. Rarity on the on hand (hoof) is just to sassy for my taste. don't get me wrong I do like fashion but rarity is just not my style..... Anyways, this is just my opinion though
2 likesReplies (1)
Stephanie Zhao ok. (Sorry i really don't have anything to say XD)
0 likesI agree that aj is worst pone
1 liketrue true
1 likemy least favourite pony is rainbow dash cos she can be mean
0 likesmy favourite to least favourite
2 likes1.rainbow dash
2 . pinkie pie
4 . rarity
6 . twilight
Replies (9)
rhianna duffin Murphy good list
0 likesFrank Poole thanks
0 likesrhianna duffin Murphy WHY DOES EVERYONE HATES TWILY???????
0 likesI don't hate her she's just my least favourite
0 likes@rhianna duffin Murphy why?
0 likesFlutterdash MLP because it is
0 likes@rhianna duffin Murphy you dont have a reason to dislike her?
0 likesFlutterdash MLP I love twilight she's just my least favourite and it's because I like the other ones better
0 likes@rhianna duffin Murphy oh ok
0 likesI don't like Rainbow Dash. I mean, she might be pretty but she has a loud and overall annoying personality. Sure she's loyal, but have we really seen her do that much? I liked her ok until the episode "Pranks Later." First, she pranks Fluttershy (best pony) and then LAUGHS at her when she's crying her eyes out. Really? And then later she just completly ignores her friends' requests and keeps on pranking them. And she thinks she's so cool? I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one, but she really isn't.
0 likesReplies (1)
Zipporwhill that's exactly why she's the best. fluttershy deserved it for being a cowardly bitch.
0 likesWhat's wit that guys face on the picture of flutterbat?
0 likesleast fav would beeeeeeeeee.........
1 likedo
i would say dia tiara but shes reformed
snips? nah hes an awesome catcher
fiiiiiine. i... pick... lyra... cuz i just had to pick, people.
Twilight= worst pony
1 likeI really don't have a worst and favorite piney.
0 likesThis is like 1÷0 and makes no sense and 00 do you live I live they all make no sense sorry that was a typo like I said 1÷0 divided by zero makes no sense
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry keep making typos this voice thing is really suck 😂
0 likesapplejack is just like my friend, totally apples. my least favorite is twilight because she is in every episode and she has just gotten annoying
0 likesReplies (1)
u r annoying i love twily
1 likeFaves in order 1. Pinkie 2. Fluttershy 3. Twilight 4. Rairety 5. A.j 6. Rainbow aaah shes soooooo selfisch
0 likesReplies (1)
Reb Du not selfish, she's proud.
0 likesI dont like rainbow dash..... Shes to self senterd for loyalty
0 likesGet it?
0 likesapple jack
0 likesNope. Sheeyucks i like apple jack the most ya'll know it'!
0 likes1. Fluttershy
0 likes2. Rarity
3. Twilight Sparkle
4. Pinke Pie
5.Apple Jack
6. Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie is downgrading from so fast!
I hate pinkie pie because she doesn't take thing seriously and when someone cries she is still all happy like why?
0 likesI don't like her that much either
1 likeI don't like and hate is "fluter shy" because in the best princess video The brony notion vote like a lot for princess twilight because he likes fluter shy .HE CHETED . I am happy
0 likesnow because princess twilight sparkle LOST so now I am happy ☺ and because Luna wan
ts I don't like her she was the first terd in two perins!
2 likesYes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
2 likesAJ is best pony
0 likes1:22...
0 likesWill be ready because I don't really like fashion and cheese to fashion Monster I know she loves fashion and all but she is taking it too far in fashion😱😱🙀🙀
0 likesI think that rainbowdash
0 likesYOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesMy least favourite pony is rarity because she's so darn boring, all she does is go on and on about fashion (yuck it's disgusting) at least apple jack is a fun pony to watch. Rarity is such a simple minded character, I have nothing against her voice actor and it's probably not her fault, I think it's just the script she's reading. I guess she is supposed to be for the lovers of fashion but unfortunately I am not one to love it I just pick a top some trousers and off I go. One last point, her pet is so annoying to watch ,always scratching about and messing things up .But I guess that's my opinion what's your opinion on rarity, reply below? If you enjoy this little argument I've made please thumbs up. THANKYOU!
0 likesu know right
0 likesApples
0 likesstop.You are making me not like this show
0 likesraraty she is not my style
1 likeprinses Twilight
0 likesMy least favourite pony is rainbow dash because she doesn't understand that you shouldn't tease your friends and she's not loyal at all and last she's upsesed with herself
0 likesReplies (2)
FlutterPie its okay to tease your friends sometimes. and she IS loyal.
1 likeFrank Poole I value your opinion but I disagree 😋😀
0 likesIn my opinion RARITY is the worst out of the group all the charectors are different in there own way I understand but all rarity talks about j's fasion I mean can't she be like fluttershy or pinkie pie and just talk about something different you now. I am not hating on her but this is my opinion and I hate her the most.
1 likeReplies (2)
I meant to say is sorry ;3
0 likesCasey Conley i feel the same way,
0 likesHOW DARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👿👿👿👿👿👿😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤
0 likesThis Is My Favorite To Least Favorite List!You Aj Hater!
0 likes1.Sunset Shimmer
2.Pinkie Pie
3.Applejack(The One That You"Hate!)
4.Pinkie Pie
5.Twilight Sparkle
6.Rainbow Dash
hey apple is not worst!!!!!!! rarity is worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likerarity is worst pony 😡😡😡😡
2 likesI don't like rarity she's weird
1 likeNobody likes rarity and I don't like that
0 likes3:54 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 I LOVE APPLEJACK SHE IS PERFICT!!!!!!!
0 likesFavourite: rainbowdash
1 likeLest fav:pinkie pie
I don,t like applejack 😄😄😄😄😅😅😅
1 likeApple jack is rainbow dashes FRIEND I'm rainbow dashes cousin
0 likes1:23 wat
0 likesI absolutely despise Rainbow Dash. I hate how self centered she is, how rude and overconfident she is. I mean, just look at "Testing, 1, 2, 3". She starts off thinking that she'll obviously win, she'll obviously pass. And she didn't even study thinking that it's an "twilight thing". But, after seeing that she has zero chance of passing, she BLAMES TWILIGHT FOR IT, saying that "her study methods aren't all they're cranked up to be", when they were the one of the reasons why Twilight Sparkle is now Princess Twilight Sparkle. Sure, I know the moral is that not everyone has the same study methods, but, wasn't it worth a try? How could she blame Twilight? She was the one who tried to help her! Sorry if this offends any Rainbow Dash fans, I'm fully aware of her good qualities, I just don't like her bad qualities.
0 likesI hate Rainbow dash don't judge me I love Fluttershy and Pinkie pie because Rainbow dash is full of herself and I love Fluttershy, because she is lovely and a bit weak but strong on the inside and the reason I love Pinkie pie because she very energetic like me she can bake cakes like me and we love to have fun.😁😄
1 likeReplies (1)
Rainbow Dash isn't full of herself. She's confident because it helps her deal with failure.
0 likesNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesi hat rarity sorry to other people
1 likeApple jak is asm
0 likesJapple aack
0 likesfluttershy beouse she is SO ANNOYING
0 likesReally! AJ
0 likes1:23 uhm-
1 likeRainbow dash
0 likesI’m little at least talk to you don’t like it either check my father like that that’s a good little offensive do you mean so why do you not like her that’s so rude I know that I know why you don’t like you but you kind of being rude to the field at voice Apple Jack that’s kind a rude
0 likestrixie
0 likesI don’t like rain bow dash because she is so bragging
0 likespinkie pie
0 likesdid you have to mention me
1 likeI hate applejack 😡
0 likesNot to offend anyone, but another flaw of app!ejack's is that she doesn't even live up to her element
2 likesI HATE rainbow dash and applejack a ton!
0 likesIf you Agree like the video
1 likeAll right, you do make some good points but RD is WAAAAY worse!
0 likesReplies (1)
Rd is entertaining.
0 likesI also dis like aj but I strongly thing pinkie pie is worst pony cause she is only used for comic relief
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likeswow how bad
0 likesI hate Apple jack 😒 😑 🙄 😤 😐 😫
0 likesI don't like Twilight because she is boring
2 likesboooooooo I love applejack
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likescringe*
0 likesI don’t agree with you
1 likeI think twilites
1 likeworst
Replies (8)
i like twilight shes my fav but i respect your opinion
0 likesStaryDayMLPLoverLane thx x3
0 likeswelcome
0 likesStaryDayMLPLoverLane 😊 I think this will be a long conversation X3
0 likesX3
0 likeslol who's your second fave???
0 likesit would either be sunset or flutter shy
0 likesok x3
0 likestwilight is the worst she is a nerd kind of mean to spike doesn't respect flutters wishes and is so in love with reading she doesn't listen
1 likei like applejack i don`t like pinkie pie AND YOU HATE APPLEJACK!!!!!!!
0 likesMy fav is RD AJ u made me so mad I unsubscribe
2 likesNice video, and totally agree with you. Yet, the "flaws" you dislike her are exactly the reasons I love her. Ponies are loved becuase they are not perfect.
0 likesI thought really hard about who my favourite or least favourite of the mane six are, and...I can't decide! As soon as one of them has something I love about them, I'm then reminded of some side of them I'm annoyed by. Every one of them has about as many good qualities as they have flaws. Though that isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it makes all of them more three-dimensional. Nobody, or rather, nopony, is perfect.
0 likesI TOTALLY disagree! AJ is super honest because she represents the element of honesty. I want to be just like her. →^_^←
1 likeits because she represents the element of honesty which means having the quality integrity, staying true to yourself and your opinions. and being simple minded just comes from her cutie mark. Apple the most basic and simple fruit. and she has become more observant refer to the episode applejack's day off.
1 likeReplies (1)
rainbow dash has to be my least fave cause she can be arrogant at times, but i do still love her. its just that she's my least fave
0 likesApple jacks bad qualities are qualities that a lot of people have from time to time, and in many ways I believe it just makes her more relatable. Like how sometimes a person/pony will have an idea to help others but they become so busy trying to make the idea reality they end up not seeing the actual effect it is having. Applejack is just a friend that tries to help in every situation, even if she have no prior knowledge in whatever her friends need help in which is most likely why she has the random Apple facts, I know within friendship groups I've been a part of there was always one friend that always tried to help no matter what even if they didn't have any clue what to do at all. So I really do believe that apple Jack has all the qualities you mentioned just to make her relatable, in a way it's like a pony version of "you're only human".
0 likesI think my least favorite would have to be rainbow dash because she cares more about her ego then her friends at times. She also is brutally honest, like you said, which can make things worse. She is also to hard on her friends, pushing them to far to the point where they cry.
0 likesPersonally, my least favorite pony is Rarity. Why I dislike her is simple, her personality and nature. I don't like her flirty and girly nature. I watched her sway the mail pony in Canterlot Boutique and it really rubbed me the wrong way. But she has redeeming qualities. I like her struggles and episodes, but the stuff I just listed sorta cancels out my enjoyment of her.
1 likeMy least favorite ponies are Applejack and Twilight. Twilight is just so depending on being a princess or learning about magic but sometimes she is so caught up in her studies she forgets about her own friends.
1 likein AppleBuck Season, she didn't come up with that idea. Everyone asked her to help, since shes already good at that stuff, and has experience saving Ponyville by herself. She just agreed to all that cause she wasn't thinking straight, DEAL WITH IT!
0 likesOK let me be honest, the worst pony not in the mane six (ha ha get it?!) is Derpy because she is quite mad! And the worst pony in the mane six is Pinkie Pie, for the same reason!
2 likesYou know I can't decide whether I like anyone in mlp better than another
0 likesIn my view, Applejack is in fact quite observant but wants to watch the world burn, except for her own sister of course.
0 likesRemember how she stops Rainbow Dash from saying untimely words? Also how she lets her own sister doing shit? Certainly, what I said didn't seem to match "Somepony top watch over me" anyhow, since Applejack in that episode is OOC (she had let Apple Bloom stay at Fluttershy's!)
I laughed at the Apples part lol
0 likesmy least favourite is Rarity because sometimes I think she is over reacting
1 likeyou have good points but still,( I mean I love all the pony's) but why make these videos when in the comments people will argue about who's the best, no matter how many facts you got,.
1 likemaybe she pretended to be oblivious in one bad apple. maybe she did that so she could tell them about the babs in a way of not scolding them first. to let them see the fault and fix it themselves teaching them a friendship lesson
0 likesI love Applejack I really do but sometimes her character says a lot bout her so I agree and yes I love fluttershy I mean she is the cutest one in the show
0 likesFluttershy because she NEVER speaks up for herself and when she does she goes mean
2 likesI respect your opinion but Aj is one of me faves. But I really like the quality of your videos. Have a good day everyone!! :D
0 likesRarity, shes just way to picky that's pretty much my only reasoning lol
1 likemy least favorite is Rarity. her entire character is fashion. The animators dumbed her down to one trait- especially in the EG movies- watch them and you'll see what I mean. In testing testing 123 rainbow needs to know more about the Wonderbolts then what they wear, yet Rarity only offers info about their fashion. I feel like Rarity could be a great character as the element of generosity but all she's done so far is talk about fashion and occasionally give ponies random objects as a simulation of being generous.
0 likesP1 Rarity is the pony I least like for several reasons.P2 Rarity is scared of DIRT! P2 She only cares about being clean. C1 Clearly,Rarity is my least favorite pony.
1 likeNope, I agree. She is very flawed. Also the pony I think is the worst is DT's mom.
1 likeI think that Applejack should have the element loyalty instead bc if u think about it, Applejack lies sometimes. I think that Rarity should have honesty, well, bc I think Applejack shouldn't have honesty. And I think Rainbow Dash should have generosity or something x)
0 likesI find that none of the pony's are least favorite but
0 likespinkie and twilight are my favourites
tbh they are all my favourites
1 likeShe's way to honest
1 like1:Fluttershy
0 likes2: Pinkey
4: Rarity
5: Princess Twilight Sparkle
6: Applejerk
These are my favorite ponies in order
0 likes1: Twilight
3: Fluttershy
4: Pinkie pie
5: RainbowDash
6: Rairity (Sorry spelled wrong)
Don't yell or hate on me if you disagree it's just my opinion
My favorite pony from the mane six is Pinkie Pie and my least favorite pony is Applejack.You already said all of the reasons I hate Applejack,but another reason I hate her is that she is not very honest to her friends and very honest to her family so its like her friends don't mean much to her.The reason Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony is because she is has her Pinkie Sense,she is kind of psychic,she is funny, tries her to make other ponies believe her,and makes ponies around happy.
0 likeshere are my thoughts on the mane six best to worst (worst is the top of the list). 6. raratiey
1 like5. apple jack
4. twilight
3.rainbow dash
2.pinkie pie
1.flutter shy
My least favorite is pinkie everyone else is a tie but pinkie needs one more thing that i like about her to be with everyone else
1 likei guess if i had a least favorite it would probabally be Rarity i mean she never really helps.... and shes just always obsessed with fashion.... i mean i don't mind a nice dress once in while but that's just too much.....
1 likea) My fav list
2 likes1. Applejack
2. Rainbow Dash
3. Twilight Sparkle
4. Starlight Glimmer
b) My "i don't rly mind 'em" list
1. Pinkie Pie
2. Rarity
c) My "i hate them with a burning passion" list
1. Fluttershy
2. Fluttershy
3. Fluttershy
a) they are the ponies who never make me feel annoyed or bored while watching the show, no matter if the episode is good or bad, they manage to be entertaining and likeable. applejack, twilight and dash can't really make me dislike them, c'mon, i was hoping midnight sparkle would beat the crap out of shimmer in EQG3... but guess what? ._. as for the pink communist, i liked Starlight even in her "villain" days, and i even thought her reasons would be good... until the time travel episode. oh gawd, why? well, at least she lost something... valuable? meh, i still love commie ponies ♡. and time travel ♡. and magic ♡.
b) there are some writers who really make them get on my good/bad side. take EQG4 as an example: Rarity was portrayed in a extremely shallow/all-fashion-fashion-fashion manner in the movie, while in some episodes of the show she is amazingly kind and has an actual personality. Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, normally passes as annoying to me, but the way some writers put her to be "mean" to Fluttershy (hi, Filli Vanilli) actually makes me like her, because it shows she is not gotten by Fluttershy's shit. Besides, 'Party of One' made me symphatize a lot with her.
c) <sigh> Fluttershy is that one character who not only annoys me by acting as victim of everything, but is idolized by the fandom. "why is that a problem?" well, every single little time i say that i do not like her, there are people who try to force me to like her, bothering me every moment possible. plus, the way she always acts as an idiot reminds me of the way I used to act in public. and there was no such thing as being called cute or being protected just for that. people actually treated me as garbage in every opportunity, even my so called friends. her acceptance is ridiculous to me. she is basically what i despise not only in myself but in other people too. every time the mane 5 treat her bad, it makes me like them even more.
Sunset Shimmer is not in any list because she is too difficult for me to actually classify as one of the categories mentioned before. in EQG1, i didn't really mind her, just a generic villain. in EQG2, i loved her and her redemption with the rainbooms. in EQG3, she became an annoyance, when she screamed at sci-twi, she got the first place in my hate list. in EQG4, i didn't really mind her. when she is the main protagonist, she becomes unlikeable. when she is just a supporting character, i love her.
sorry for my (bad) english, it is not my native language and i'm still learning how to speak/write it properly
rainbow dash is best pony, shes 20% cooler than everypony else and hasnt bragged since season 2
2 likesrarity is worst pony, she only has like 2 lines that don't include fashion in legend of everfree and dont even get me started on the whining.....
1 RD
2 PP
3 TS
4 FS
5 AJ
6 R
I love every pony
1 likeI'm sorry all apple jack fans but that apple is the bad apple (of the main 6) I'm sorry 😕
1 likeOMG apple jack is one of the best pony you've been to harsh on the mane 6 and next your going to talk about how bad rarity is😒
0 likesApplejack is my favorite pony
0 likesMy opinion please no hAte-Applejack:so strong I love the character and Winona-Pinkiepie:so exited ready for anything and what could equestria do without her smile-Fluttershy: kind loves little creatures and big really cute-Rainbowdash: strong ready to win
0 likes(Just a bit braggy) won't leave her friends sides-twilight: kind likes to read does not give up lleader-rarity: kind loves fashion (hates AJ) picky does not like to get dirty very proper-
Rarity is my lest favorite pony of all with her its always about cloths its really annoying
1 likeRarity: she's just so fucking fancy
0 likespinkie pie! I love her but she's all up in every pony's faces so that makes pinkie my lest favorit pony next to king sambra
1 likeMy least favorite is AJ so I agree
0 likesHave you ever wondered why aj has a FAKE Texas accent? She lives in the same place every one else lives! I'm from TX btw. and we don't sound like that.
0 likesBrony you make a point
0 likesmy least favorite pony has to be rarity because of well I don't mean to offend anyone but I think she is really bossy and never shows any development in that except for that it is getting worst and worst. I also think that she is selfish and does not deserve the element of generosity. Sorry if I offended anyone
1 likeMy least is rarity she is all about fashion that's it!
1 like1#Fluttershy
1 like2#Rainbow Dash
3#Pinkie Pie
4#Princess Twilight Sparkle
6#Apple Jack
I agree but you pick Applejack over Rainbow Dash.
0 likesI like her accent :D
0 likes1:23 If you pause at the right moment...
0 likesmy favorite pony's are Octavia and DJ pon-3 my least favorite is Flurry heart because she's just put there for no reason and is too O.P. for a filly.
0 likesReplies (1)
Well, Carrot Cake And Pound Cake Were Absolutely Crazy With Power, So Multiply Pound Cakes Power By 2, And You Have One Crazy Foal, And Has No Control Over Her Powers Whatsoever, I Bet Twilight Could Pull A Majora's Mask And Pull The Moon Down Onto Equestria.
0 likesYeah thx for pointing out applejack 😀
0 likeshow dare you apple jack is my favorite character
0 likesRarity is the worst. She's supposed to be the element of generosity, but most of the time, she's making others suffer to get what she wants. For instance, "Rarity Takes on Manehatten." She makes her friends work instead of going sight-seeing, and she doesn't even thank them; she just runs off! Also, I don't like how she complains about what others look like, and yells whenever she gets her hooves muddy, or there's something in her mane. Ugh! Get over it, Rarity! You're not the center of the universe, and one little flaw isn't the end of the world! Snorts I'm sorry to those of you that like Rarity. But I just hate her.
2 likesmy least favourite pony is Pinkie Pie because I think that she is too loud and two other than the moon and she is too excited
1 likeaww poor applejack... I disagree. well I disagree everything except the apples bit.apple apple apple apples! APPLES.
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesI love apple jack and derpy
0 likesDo not talk about Applejack that way
0 likesMy favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle 🎆🐴🐌
0 likesmy least favorite is of cores twilight and favorite is spike:)
1 likeAj and Rainbow dash are my favourite carectrs be cose of nothing Just interesting carekters.
2 likesi really like applejack because she is the one who i think has more values..? she has her hooves on the earth, although that can lead to her stubbornness, but i think she has the most realistic (personality) features? she is humble, very caring, loyal and she worries a lot about her family and friends, i agree with the fact that she made other ponies sick for a...umm lets call it a selfish reason,but that kind of things happen because she wants to make it right, she wants to give her all and proof to herself/other ponies what she is capable of, of course that is not always good when you dont know when to stop😂😂 oh and my least favorite pony is rainbow dash, she is soo arrogant, im pretty sure there is a very good reason behind that, probably a family issue or idk BUT ITS SOO ANNOYING THAT IN EACH EPISODE SHE APPEARS SHE HAS TO BRAG ABOUT HOW AWESOME SHE IS, I SWEAR😂😂😂😂😁 but i admire that she is an athletic pony :3 but she is annoying XDD
0 likesReplies (1)
oh and also, those kind of "proof everypony that i can do it" issues could be caused by the fact that she lost her parents when she was very young
0 likesTOTALY QUEEN CRYSALIS! reason is she has a reason to be angry
0 likesI think AppleJacks name isn't AppleJack. After all her GUY name is AppleJack and so I think AppleJack-uline
0 likesI agree I don't really like applejack
1 likeI DON'T get over it... -_-
0 likesAnd twilight is known to say books
0 likesDerpy Hooves is my favorite because derpy is awesome :P like if you agree
0 likesMy lest favorite character in mlp is Rareity.
1 likeHow dare u 🍎 Jack is awesome( my fave )
0 likesbut I like fluttershy, I am just saying
0 likeshere are my thoughts on the mane six best to worst ; 6.rarity 5.apple jack. 4.twilight. 3rainbow dash. 2.pinkie pie. 1.FLUTTER SHY ;WOO HOO
1 likeBut... I sill think Applejack is the best
0 likesis anybody gonna talk about 1:23 XD
0 likesAm I the only one who has pinkie at the top of their list?
1 likemy least fav is definentaly twillight
1 likerarity is my least favorite pony
0 likes1.Fluttershy
0 likes2.twilight
4.Apple Jack
5.pinkie pie
6.Rainbow Dash
my least favourite pony is fluttershy
1 liketwi cuz she gets good things
0 likes1. APPLEJACK
0 likes2. RAINBOW DASH
the sing in the episod whit the bats its just like the sing in friendship games!
0 likesTwilight is very stubborn
1 like1:flutteshy
0 likes2 rainbow
3 rarity.
5 Twilight
Aj does not go ON THIS LIST 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
fluttershy,twilight, applejack
0 likesOk aj is not the most nicest pony but ok. but RARITY is awful she is so vain!!!!!!
1 likeShe's fine.......
0 likesPinkie is my fave and twilight is my least
0 likesMy least fav pony is Spitfire cause I can.
2 likesI think rarity is the worst because she goes in fashion all the time but I'm not trying to be rude
1 likeUp until now I was really convinced that I should subscribe to this guy
1 like2.RD
My lest fav pony is the great and powerful trixi
2 likesReplies (1)
She ain't so great and powerful
0 likesfrom favorite to least favorite PP, R, RD,AJ,TS,FS
1 likeReplies (4)
What's so bad about FlutterShy and Twilight?
0 likesIn my opinion Fluttershy is like a victim all the time, I just don't like someone scared, I actually like her when she shows strength, and Twilight is just too perfect, you know like the special snowflake, but I do like them I just consider them my least favorites
1 likeliviestar365 Twilight isn't perfect. She barely represents the power she's supposed to represent and she sometimes borders on psychological instability.
0 likesHow do you make your avatar move???? or am I crazy
0 likesI guess your right, but, you are being a bit...........mean
0 likesshe isnt the worst
1 likepinkie cause she is just, CRAZY
0 likesdoes it have to be from the mane 6 #the brony notion
0 likesHow could you 😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥😭😢😥
0 likesbut she is best pony! Background pony that is 👍
0 likesReplies (4)
she is best pony but she is not a background pony.
0 likesSorry i just don't like that she gets called that but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
0 likes@***** it's ok. I understand
0 likesShe is ok
0 likesWorst pony is rarity because she only thinks about dresses
1 likebecause all she does is be tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy
0 likesI agree
1 likeHow dare you!
0 likesReplies (1)
bc there r fashionistas out there who hate her bc she gets dirty
0 likesspike is a dragon
0 likesleast favorite Pinkie pie
1 likeI changed my mind😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
0 likesAJ IS THE BEST!!!!!!😡🍎🍎
0 likesthis is my favirit pony
0 likesyour the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
1 likeyha you are i agree with you
0 likesI don't have a least favorite
1 likeI Dislike AppleJerk I mean Applejack for the same reasons
0 likeswho saw nick cage on fluttershy? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
0 likesoh aplle jack is my least fav
1 likemy least favorite pony is Rarity she is generous but she's mostly mean .She heart Suite Bell's feelings a lot when she was only trying to help her. Rarity is so insensitive eventually some day she is going to crosh Spike's feelings. And she is mean with some of her friends too
0 likesI like fluttershy but I don't no about applejack
1 likeI argee with u Brony Notion :D
1 like💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🍎 Shes my seacound favourite
0 likesthen what happen to applejacks parents
0 likesshut up zulema he has a very good point all though there were some parts in there i did disagree but most i do aree and my least favorate pony is rainbow dash mainly couse shes selfish and there is proof in season 1 episode 3 at the end when all 4 ponies said nah take the tickets she said "YES THAT MEANS THE TICKETS ARE MINE!! i got the ticket" and stuff see selfish XD but no hard feelings in rainbow dash lovers
0 likesim applejeack i Don t know for tragic hmmmm..... but yea
0 likesMy list favorite is rainbow dash
0 likesapples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples.
0 likesThe worst pony is brony. JK
0 likes# #thebronynotion
0 likesI TOTALLY disagree! AJ is super honest because she represents the element of honesty. I want to be just like her. →^_^←
1 likenot the worst but ok
1 likeApplejack
0 likesmine is pinkimeya ahha pinkie
0 likesthouhg i do like apples
0 likesStart day mlp lover lane YOU ARE CRAZY
1 likeI.agreee
0 likes1:23 what
0 likesok im burning my computer and ill leav a dislike
0 likesagree
1 likeWho is your favoret y bronie youuber mine is...The living tombstone and Mic the microphone.
0 likeswe are like the same person i like applejack and somtimes i don't but my lest favroite pony is rainbowdash and favrotie pony is fluttershy and the pony i kinda like is rarity the pony i hate ehhhhh' twilitght sparkie i know shes a alicorn in all but i don't really like magic and twilights asetent you know the one spike' he has a crush on his serveant i thoutgh twilight was servat uh never mind but its nice talkin' to ya brony notion i hope you have a great afternoon i know i am cause' i'm going to flight with my freinds so see you in the morning because i watch your vidios every morning even on shcool mornings so i hope you love my coment and can you pretty pleeeeeeeeeez put my coment on your show bye brony notion
0 likesmy least favourite pony is you
0 likesApple Apple
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesAJ is not bad because you just like fluttershy
0 likesAj is cool but Fshy is best!!!!!!!!!!!Deal with it!🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐻🐼🐨🐯🦁🐮🐷🐸🐙🐔🐧🐦🐤🐣🦄🐴🐗🐺🐥🐝🐛🐌🐞🐜🐵🐢🐍🦀🦂🕷🐠🐟🐡🐬🐳🐋🐊🐆🐅🐃🐂🐄🐪🐫🐘🐖🐎🐑🐏🐐🐀🐁🐓🦃🕊🐿🐇🐈🐩🐕🐉🐲🐾who doesn't love an animal lover?😆😎😜
0 likesOY glitter girl 1 23 powerpuffgirl it is not your choice it is the brony nashion's
0 likesMy least favourite pony is Rainbow Dash because she is sort of stuck-up and she has only been loyal TWICE as far as I know...
0 likesReplies (3)
she's been loyal in pretty much every episode. just because she struggles with it doesn't mean she isn't loyal
0 likesalso she learnt not to be stuck up and stuff in mare do well.... 4 seasons ago.........
0 likesMore than twice.
0 likeswhat aj is the best
0 likesYEAH 😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😡😡
2 likesRarity is worse she only cares about her diamonds
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesI agree applejack sucks
0 likesTwilight is worst pony. She is SUCH an egg head
1 likeReplies (1)
Catty 364 that is very unkind Catty
0 likesrainbow dash she is to selfish
0 likesSOOOOOOO DISAGREE SHE IS BEST (pinkie pie is obvious she is better) YOU ARE SO MEAN TO ME!!! AND AJ!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesRainbow dash
0 likesAgain all pony is best pony no pony is worst
0 likesI hate twilight she mean to spike and bossy
1 likeNo pinkie pie is the worst
0 likesim going to unsubscribe to you if you say that again AJ is my fave pony😠😠😠😠😠
0 likesReplies (4)
aj is worst pony
0 likes*second worst pony (rarity is worst)
0 likes+Bennett 3207 i hate rarity to
0 likesman thats his opinion geese
0 likesmy best pony pinkie pie worst pony no pony
0 likesMy least favorite is rainbow dash, well not hate, i just don't like her
0 likes1. Princess Memoir Cadenza (Cadence)
0 likes( now the friendship group )
1. Rarity - Fancy
2. Twilight - PRINCESS
3. Fluttershy - Nice!
4. Pinkiepie - HYPER
5. Applejack - Stubborn
6. Rainbowdash ugh - Braggy.
Please don't hate comment these are my opinions also the - thing is the reason why they're picked to be either liked or disliked, I wrote it short because I'm lazy 👅
Replies (1)
Dash doesn't even brag anymore.
1 likeI personally can't stand Rarity
2 likesShe is way too prissy
Rainbow Dash because I think she's a show off.
0 likesReplies (3)
she learnt not to brag and show of in mare do well
0 likesApplejack is my favorite and your are going to be unsubscribe me
1 likeapplejack is my least fav. pony
0 likes!!!bbbooo!!!
1 like🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
1 like🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
1 likeYes I also do not like applejack because she is the worst pony ever dance like her mankirt all colours and she and I love her about her that always saying apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples you read my mind
0 likesYou monster🐺🐺🐺
0 likesi hate raaity
1 likeI agreee with you Brony NOTION! !!!!
1 likeIn my honest opinion and Pinkie pie is the worst pony
0 likesnot cool not cool
0 likesMy dad does not sure
0 likesMy name is Marie ignore the name
0 likesmy favourites in order: 1.pinkie pie😜 2.rarity 🔹🔷🔹 3.rainbow dash 😎 4.apple jack 🍎🍎🍎 5.flutter shy 😢 6.twilight sparkle 👎👎👎👎👎💔💔💔👿👹👺✴
0 likes3.PP
0 likesShe is nise
0 likesSS is the worst
1 like🍎🍎🍎
0 likes1. Rainbow
1 like2. Flutter
3. Twilight
4. Aj
5. Pinkie
6. Rarity
I don't really like the fashion soooo yeah I don't really like rar... ^^"
I hate apple jack
0 likesqueen CR 😈😡👎💔👽👿👑
0 likestiwlight
1 likeI mean Rainbow Dash is really annoying
0 likesReplies (1)
Pinkie is the most annoying.
1 likepinke she is supre grmatec and nose
0 likesYa good
0 likesI hate applejaxk
1 likehey applejack is not the worst 😡😡😡
0 likesM laest is rainbow
0 likesmine Is her to
1 likeReplies (1)
Au ally no its rarity her episodes a sometime the ost boring but after its applejack
1 likeApplejack being stubborn is a good thing. You need one or two stubborn characters for quite a few reasons, whether it be a joke or the plot catalyst of an entire episode! In fact, the latter has been used atleast once that I know of.
0 likesI kinda think shes the most relate able, since she has these flaws. Plus both times the olbivious were used to pus the story plot further, they could have done it better but without her being oblivious to her surrondings the story would no have moved in the way it should. And being stubborn- Also story plot-ness. They could not change her character easily and the apple thing- Its just funny.
0 likesMy List:
1 like1. Rainbow Dash - She reminds me a lot of myself and my big ego but she also has qualities that I want. She has helped me become a cooler and a relaxed person
2. AJ- She is a awesome sister and great independent pony. She is what I wish I could be at Times as I suck at showing emotion
3. Twilight - I love books. She loves books. Nuff said. She is also really smart and at Times awkward, I love girls like that
4. Pinkie Pie - I used to think she was annoying af but she has become more tolerable and I wish I had a friend like her in real life
5. Fluttershy - She reminds me of What I used to be when I was a lot younger. I hate people that are to scared to stand up for themselves. She takes it to a whole new level, being pushed around by her damn bunny!
6. Rarity- Completely self centered and way to obsessive and has little to no redeeming qualities at all. Though she still has her shining moments. I don't hate her, Don't get me wrong but to me she is the less special pony
1 - Flutter shy (amazing, nice, shy and relatable to!)
1 like2 - Apple Jack (IDK, I just like Apple Jack)
3 - Rainbow Dash (Awesome!)
4 - Rarity (caring and helpful)
5 - Pinkie Pie (To silly in dire situations)
6 - Twilight Sparkle (she's just to full of herself sometimes!)
let me just say this... AppleJack's element is about knowing when and when not to be honest. Rainbow dash is brutally honest,which can be offending. but thats just a theory a mlp theory! (sorry matt patt)
1 likeThe biggest problem with AJ is that in the start of the show she was already where she wanted to be in life. She has no goals or anything.
0 likesI agree!Even Apple jack isn't nice to Fluttershy when the bats come. I mean, you already said that but, what I mean is, that thier talents are different right? So, I think that Apple jack can't judge every-pony else!!
1 likeI think apple jack is afraid to show that she is actually upset or frustrated with people around her.Telling her sister "look their are your friends" could be interpenetrated as an innocent mistake. But what if apple jack actually has a deep inner need to control, punish others for their offences toward her and manipulate ? Apple jack is stubborn and likes to have things her way but instead of doing something that could potentially make her look too bossy and controlling; she fauns ignorance. Pressing buttons and pushing people in the direction she likes behind the scenes.
0 likesi can relate to apple jack on the stubborn minded when i get an idea i tend to stick with it
0 likesWhen Apple jack was talking to the cutie mark crusaders she was guilt tripping them. The friend thing was just trying to be nice.
0 likesI agree with the flaws but she's my fav :3
0 likesshe is not that bad, I mean she's not my favorite, but I think your being to hard on her. And Applejack did not have a strategy for Rainbow, she said she just remembers random facts on apples, she was just backing her point with a fact
0 likesfunny thing is, i like her brother more than her. I find AJ to be kinda flat and underdeveloped. Big Mac, for some reason, is way more well rounded despite barely having two lines at any given time.
1 likewell applejack is way too honest and hurts other feelings
0 likesUnfortunately, I agree with most of this. Only because Applejack is like that, but who isn't? ALL of the mane six can be VERY stubborn. But I do have to agree that she is overly OBLIVIOUS. Just my opinion on the matter.
0 likesYou are so right about Apple Jack
0 likesSO to me it's rarity because she's kinda a diva and a over worried pony (well my oc is XD)
1 like1-Twilight 2-Pinkie 3-Flutters 4-Rainbow 5-Rarity 6-AJ
0 likesfavorite pinkie pie she is funny and has a great meaning in the show
0 likes2.fluttershy she is so relaxing and nice
3.rainbowdash she is there for her friends and left the wonder bolts for her friends
4.rarity she is kind generis and cares about others but a little to much about there look for my liking
5.apple Jack aka aj she is very honest
least favorite twilight sparkle she wouldn't of became princess without her friends she douse not deserve it she is in the spot light to much
0 likesI have one pony that I love and hate at the same time:rainbow dash!
0 likesI love her because she is funny and always manages to raise a smile(even more than pinkie!)
I hate her because she is boastful.
my fav is Rarity becuse I can relate to her.
0 likesAn is by far my favorite pony of the mane six and just in general
0 likesReplies (1)
I meant Aj not an
0 likeslove twighlight fave pony and she got better each episode
1 likeI agree with you 88.9%
0 likes1) fluttershy
2) rarity
3) pinkie
4) rainbow
5) AJ
6) Twitwi
my least favorite pony is Fluttershy because she is so shy and everything! 😕
0 likesit's not her fault it's the writers. my least favorite is twilight because...she's the most like me in ways. idk I relate to her the most and she's the least fave.
0 likesout of the main 6:rarity
0 likescmc:sweetiebelle
other child/foals:dimond tiara
back round:lemonygem
most hated:dt/dimond tiara
1: Fluttershy
0 likes2: Pinkie pie
3: applejack
4: Rainbowdash
5: Rarity
6: Twilight Sparkle
i agree but still like aj more than twighlight
1 likeMy least favorite is Pinky pie.. She's mysterious, Magical, And worst of all... THE CREEPIEST! Just look at some theories that made over that Pony!
0 likesi completely disagree i know that you stand your ground at times so why are you saying it's a bad thing that she does?!and applejack wasn't involved with apples her whole life she got her cutiemark after realizing she didn't belong in manehatten she belonged in ponyville!and you act like she only cares about family friends and apples!have you not forgot she saves lives not puts them at risk family or not! i will stand my ground that she shall stay on my top 3 favorite ponies list!
0 likesLuna's best princess the cat best pet
0 likesTwilight best pony applejack least
Best pony
At Least applejack is actually like her element she's Honest unlike RD she's never loyal also I don't have anything against Rainbow she's awesome
0 likes(Least Favorite to
0 likesFavorite)
6.Apple Jack
4.Rainbow Dash
3.Flutter Shy
1.Pinkie Pie
0 likes2.TS
3.RD, FS, PP
Let's say the only ones I like are AJ and TS
Pause at 1:23,😂😂😂
1 likeBut... My list:
1. Apple Jack
2. Fluttershy
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Pinkie Pie
5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Rarity
you are so right apple jack is also my least fav as well!
0 likesAJ is crazy and every episode of her
0 likesguys calm down, each to their own.
0 likesI'm not angry but I'm not happy. I'm ha-ngry. But I'm not going to go crazy I'm not going to go Pinkie Pie on you. So I'm perfectly fine.
0 likes1. RainbowDash
1 like2. AppleJack
3. PinkiePie
4. FlutterShy
5. Twilight
6. Rarity
1 twilight sparkle
1 like2 futter shy
3 pike pie
4 rain bow dash
Wanna know the flaws of The Brony Notion?
0 likes3. Always skips the main theme of most episodes he talks of
2.not really a good OC
1. And lost one sub
Best to Worst
0 likes1: PP
I don't mean to be offensive, but you have a heart of stone! Go check out my comment on who's best pony? video. Applejack is a little simple BECAUSE she is a countryside straight forward pony, and I love the way she is. Saying that; "It's not that I don't like her!" but dubbing AJ the worst pony of all is...you know!
0 likesmy favorite is Pinkie Pie because I'm pretty much like her
0 likesMy Least Fave Pony Is #6 And My Fave Is #1:
1 like#6= Twilight Sparkle
#5= Rarity
#4= Applejack
#3= Rainbow Dash
#2= Pinkie Pie
#1= Fluttershy
Why Twilight Is My Least Fave:
First Of All, I Just Don't Like Unicorns. Why Is Because they Kind Of Show Of That They Are "So Powerful". Well, I do Think Their Magic Is Pretty Cool But Nah.
Well, Now, Even If Twilight Is An Alicorn, I'm Not Much Into Alicorns SO MUCH, But They ARE Cool!
But Mostly,But ... Wait, I Meant To Say Mostly. Aemh, RESTART!!! OKie So ... But Mostly, Mostly, She Still Doesn't Know Much, She Even Reads Way too Many Books. I do Know That Books Are Good To Read, But Twilight Reads Them To Often!
Also, now PPL, Pls Don't Hate On This Part …
I Feel Like She Is Boring. Yep, I Said It, kind Of Boring Now!!! Sorry, But I Had To Say It.
Well Of Course, This Is MY OPINION! Not Your’s Mine. OKie, Sorry.
Most Fave Out The Mane 6 Is ...
A Tie Between ...
LUNA & DERPY!!!!!!
PS: Pls Don't Hate!!! PLS!!!
did u notice apple jack just said granny smith wasn't named after the grannysmith
0 likesMy favorite pony:
0 likes1. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!
2. Sunset Shimmer.
3.Twilight Sparkle.
4. Rainbow Dash.
5. Pinkie Pie.
6. Applejack.
7. Rarity.
Rarity is my least favorite because all she cares about is fashion and make up. She always complains when things get messy, and when it comes to bad things about tidy stuff. For example, in A Canterlot Wedding, when they were going to get the Elements of Harmony and they were all throwing their dresses off, and Rarity stayed behind catching all of them. She is worried about what is least important than what is more important!
My favorite pony:
0 likes1. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!
2. Sunset Shimmer.
3.Twilight Sparkle.
4. Rainbow Dash.
5. Pinkie Pie.
6. Applejack.
7. Rarity.
Rarity is my least favorite because all she cares about is fashion and make up. She always complains when things get messy, and when it comes to bad things about tidy stuff. For example, in A Canterlot Wedding, when they were going to get the Elements of Harmony and they were all throwing their dresses off, and Rarity stayed behind catching all of them. She is worried about what is least important than what is more important!
thank you! apple jack is a freak
0 likesI'm taking about the episode The Mistyerois Mare Do - well (sorry for the bad spelling )
0 likes1. Twilight
0 likes2. Pinkie Pie
3. Fluttershy
4. Rarity
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Apple Jack
Wait....I think we are doing...DEBATE!!!
0 likes1.Rainbow Dash
1 like2.Twilight Sparkle
5.Pinkie Pie
Even though i like Rainbow dash , i also dont like her at the same time cause i dont like people or should i say ponies brag , rainbow dash is such ...... a bragger and in one of your episodes , you said that rainbow dash doesnt represent her element , she also betrayed her friends in some episodes and , i dont like being betrayed . like i said , i like rainbow dash also because she is fast and can also do one of the most legendary things that i am not sure that anypony can do . the sonic rainboom . even though that i dont like her at the same time as i like her doesnt mean that i dont like totally and like her totally , you know what i mean .
I would like Rarity more if she was more courageous PINKIE PIE FOR DAYZ
0 likesmy favorite pony is rainbow dash because she is just like my best friend and least favorite is plz don't kill me fluttershy.... she to timid, just kind of annoying... but I do ship her and discord 😂😂
1 like1. Fluttershy 2. Pinky pie 3. Rainbow dash 4. Twilight sparkle 5. Rarity 6. Apple jack
0 likesI agree with pony Nation
1 likemy least favorite is twilight. my favorite is kadence
0 likesB-but AppleJack is best pony ;-;
0 likesApple jack is the best pony
0 likesFavorite to least favorite.
0 likes1.Fluttershy
3.Pinkie Pie
4.Rainbow Dash
5.Apple Jack
I just can't with Twilight (even though she IS the main character.
1. Fluttershy
0 likes2. Rarity
3. AJ
4. Rainbow , Pinkie and Twilight 🙈 sry can't decide I like them all :x
100℅ unliked pony for me (not mane 6) Starlight Glimmer.
1 likeReplies (2)
loooong time ago that waz
0 likesfirst fave is derpy but from mane six it is Fluttershy
0 likes1. FlutterShy
0 likes2. PinkiePie
3. AppleJack
4. TwilightSparkle
5. RainbowDash
6. Rarity
I like Rarity but TO MUCH FASHION!
1. Rainbow dash
1 like2. Rarity
3. Pinky pie
4. Flutter shy
5. Twilight
6. Apple jack
i dislike AJ because of the resons you said but also blond hair,green eyes, she dose not look very unice as apose to rainbow hair, magic and all sorts of other different things that make the main 6 memrible
My List:
1 like1.AJ
1st apple jack 2nd rarity 3rd twilight 4th pinkie pie 5th rainbow dash 6th fluttershy
0 likesim crying
0 likes1-flutter shy
0 likes2-Rarity
4-pinkie pie
5-Apple jack
6-Rainbow dash
I think rainbow dash is worst because she hasn't done anything of her job and being helpful to her friends because the only time she did was the first Ep of my little pony she did the broken bridge and went to her friends that's only on
Replies (1)
I'm pretty sure dash has been helpful lots of times.
1 likeMy list is :
0 likes6. RAINBOW DASH
flutters has been my least fave
1: Fluttershy,
0 likes2: Pinkie Pie,
3: Rarity,
4: Rainbow Dash,
5: Applejack,
6: Twilight Sparkle.
sorry sparklepants
i totaly cant stand aplejack good choice
0 likesthis is with sunset shimmer:
0 likes1.Rainbow Dash(I really really really love the movie "My Little Dashie"😄
2.Sunset Shimmer (Shes cute)
3.Rarity(Im her HUGE fan!!!!!)
4.Apple jack(Please don't say anything wrong)
5.Twilight sparkle(well....i do like her)
6.Pinkie pie(she is so annoying)
Rainbow Dash for several reasons
1 like1: She mocks her friends constantly (calling she called Spike the "worst dragon ever" and laughing right in his face...wtf!)
2: She's egotistical (there's a big difference between being self confident and just being arrogant)
3: She's all bark and no bite (seriously she really isn't as tough as people say, have we really ever seen her fight? sure there were the changelings, but the changelings aren't that great of fighters, and this kind of shows since FLUTTERSHY of all ponies can beat them up)
4: She doesn't deserve her element.
Replies (9)
she can back it up, so she can brag all she wants
0 likes@Frank Poole
1 likeOkay, when? when has she ever tried to fight something on her own and win?
+Dr MechaPyro I'm talking about her flight and athleteicism (however the fuck you spell that). And considering she can create a nuclear explosion and walk away unscathed, she's probably just holding back.
0 likes+Dr MechaPyro I'm talking about her flight and athleteicism (however the fuck you spell that). And considering she can create a nuclear explosion and walk away unscathed, she's probably just holding back.
0 likes@Frank Poole
0 likesI'm pretty sure that's called inconsistency.
@Frank Poole
0 likesBesides even if Dash is as durable as you say, durability and offense are two different things, she could have toon force durability but almost completely helpless in a one on one fight
that's the fault of the writers, who frankly have not treated her, or a lot of the mane 6 as well as they should be treated this season. they're too busy trying to make Spike and Starlight look good (impossible in the latters case).
0 likes@Frank Poole
0 likesAnd that would be great if they would develop Rainbow more, but until then she's going to remain my least favorite of the mane six.
She does deserve her element because arrogant people can still be loyal.
0 likesApplejack is the best
0 likesApplejack is the best
0 likes1.applejack
0 likes2.pinkie pie
4.Rainbow dash
All most all southerners are like this so you are offending all of us. but I still subscribe.
0 likes1.flutershy
0 likes2.twilightsparkle
If u could be one of the main six, who would u be? Apple jack=🍎, Fluttershy=🐞, Pinkie pie=🍩, Rainbow dash=🌈, Rarity=💎, Twilight sparkle=🌙
0 likesYeah Apple Jack is ugg...How do I say this? She's the bottom of the barrel! HaHa still making jokes!
0 likes1. Twilight
0 likes2. Pinkie
I don't like Rainbow as much because she seems too reckless, I don't like Rarity as much because she is too girly.
rarity is my least fave cause she is too bitcy and up stuck
0 likes1.princess twilight sparkle 2. Fluttershy 3.pinkie pie 4. Rainbowdash 5. Applejack 6. Rarity I don't like rarity becuase she only cares about fashion and is too girl like
0 likes1.pinkie pie
0 likes2.fluttershy
3.rainbow dash
4. Apple jack
5.twilight sparkle
6. Rarity
In bad apple her obliviousness help babs stop her bully sets
0 likesYour wrong twilight is the worst character because she's a goody two shoes just the same as the comment I wrote about celesta being a fraud
0 likesthat's just sooooooooo mean alpplejack is the best she is honest with her she is very trustworthy and she is totally BADASSS OK ):(
1 likeUm thats called a plot hole......
0 likesmine is
0 likes1. applejack
2. pinkie
3. twilight
4. fluttershy
5. rarity
6. rainbow dash
mine is
0 likes1. applejack
2. pinkie
3. twilight
4. fluttershy
5. rarity
6. rainbow dash
1. Flutter shy 2. Rainbow 3. Twily 4. Pinky pie 5. AJ 6. Rarity she is just annoying 🦄😡
1 likeMy favorite best to worst
0 likes1. Fluttershy
2. Twilight
3. Rarity/Pinkie Pie
4. Rainbow Dash/Applejack
Same I don't rlly care for apple jack.... ITS MY OPINION NO HATE!!!!!
0 likes1 Rainbow Dash
1 like2 Twilight/AJ (tied)
3 Rarity
4 Fluttershy
5 Spike
6 Pinkie
sue me
How dare you. Apple Jack is the best pony. How rude of you for saing Apple Jack is the worst pony
0 likesMy fav pony is AJ :D
1 like1.applejack
3.pinkie pie
4.rainbow dash
6.not like i would hate her i just want to know her more ;)
Replies (1)
fluttershy 6.
0 likesleast ratty and the other is fluted shy
1 likemy favorit ponny is fluttershi be cause she is just like me
0 likesmy least fav pony is rarity
0 likesI agree 😌😌😌
0 likes1. Rainbow Dash
1 like2. Pinkie Pie
3. AppleJack/Rarity/Fluttershe (tie)
4. Twilight (I dk I just like her the least :(
I think twilight sparkle is the worst because she has to be in every episode
1 likeI like pinkie pie the best
0 likesI like the mane 6
1 likeUmm my least favorite is.....well NONE!!
0 likes1 pinkie pie
0 likes2 flutter shy
3 rainbow dash
4 rarity
5 apple jack
6 twilight sparkle
Best pony Sunset and I can't decide the
0 likesWorst pony !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOOOO!!! I♥AG >:( :'(
0 likesI Unliked The Video Because Of This [ OR NOT ] #thatwasajoke
0 likesYour intro is AJ and rd you relise that rigth? Maybe you should make the orange hoof yelow insted sot its flutters and rd :3
0 likesApplez meh needz zum applez
1 like1 pinkie pie 2 rarity 3 flutter shy. 4 applejack 5 rainbow dash. 6 twilight sparkle
0 likesrainbow dash is my least favorite
0 likesI hate apple jack but the only thing I like about her well apples and I love flutter shy and pinkie pie
0 likesMy list :1-Apple Jack2-Flutershy3-Pinkie Pie4-RainbowDash5-Rarity6-Twilight Sparke..I dont like twi because she.. its just she! I dont hate her, i just.. dont like, like: she is a FUCKING ALICORN now... i dont hate alicorns too ithere are some that i like. And she is a super smar a op pony.... why like her?.Rarity, she is soooooo girly and boring.... also, i just like her cat..i dont like thaaat much of RD because she is boring too and i dont like her character (personality,desingn,story...etc) ..i like pinkie because she is cute on her way and she is super optimistic, and i like gummy.i like flutter because she is like, myself, she is a mirror to me.... im shy i love animals and nature, i can be VERY SCARY wen i want.... etc.and i like AJ because i think that she is very cool and i leke her style, personalaty and etc.... i dont love her... i prefer flutter, but she is the top because the list is mine....(sorry to my bad English, im from Brazil....)
0 likesI AGREE WITH YOU BRONY I HATE APPLE JACK and sorry but it's my opinion so no HATE COMMENTS
1 likeAPPLE APPLE APPLE APPLES 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 applesforlife
0 likes1. Fluttershy (my waifu)
0 likes2. Rarity
3. Twilight
4. Pinkie
5. AJ
6. Rainbowdash
I really like fluttershy for the same reason as many. Shes adorable! >w< Seriously 10/10. And im not saying i hate rainbowdash, its just that my fondness of characters is based off how i can relate to them and i just cant relate to rainbowdash so no hate please
i think apple jack is annoying... just my opinion I don't care if anyone else likes her that's fine its good to like things I just don't like her... or Twilight Sparkle
1 likeu r offending my favorite pony
0 likesnot a fan of apples
0 likes1.Rarity fav
0 likes2.Flutter Shy
3.Pinkie Pie
4.Twilight Spaklr
5.Rainbow Dash
6.Apple Jack least fav
twilight is my least
0 likesrarity is next
then flutter shy
pinkie pie
rainbow dash and best is apple jack
rareity is the worst
2 likes1. Fluttershy
0 likes2. Pinkie
3. Rarity
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Apple Jack
I think Pinkie and Rarity are funny and I just like Fluttershy. I dislike rainbow dash because she is really rude and kinda up herself and I just plain don't like Apple Jack. Oh and is it just me or should Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack switch with the whole honest and loyal thing because Dash can be sometimes brutally honest and Apple Jack is really loyal.
in thought she was a boy ( a pale jack )
0 likesFluttershy
0 likesTwilight
Apple Jack
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
alicorn twilight because alicorn twilight
1 likeI love Ajax
0 likesMy list is
0 likes1.Apple Jack
2.Rainbow Dash
3.Flutter Shy
4.Pinkie Pie
6.Twilight Sparkle
The reason I put Twilight on the last part of the list because she is the princess of Friendship but she is a little of a bookworm and she love books and books and books.
I don't like I apppple jak the most but my least favorite is rainbow dash
0 likesapple jack
0 likessame
0 likesApple jack
0 likesworst pony is to me pinkie pie
0 likesthe prizes four ponies fluttershy🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
0 likesrarity🌟🌟🌟🌟
pinkie pie🌟🌟🌟
AJ🌟twilight 💩
Apple jake
0 likesjust because she to load and she's to atention
0 likesI haven't even seen the video yet and I don't like it
0 likesI think rarity is a bit you no :(
0 likesapple jack is my 2 favorite o also I hate twilight
0 likesYour mean
0 likesWhy.......
0 likesApples
0 likesTS is my lest
1 likemy least favorite pony is pinkie because she doesn't make ANY sense.
0 likesReplies (1)
"What fun is there in making sense?" -Discord
0 likesJk. I understand where you're coming from.
I agree she is the WORST
0 likesNoooooooooooo
0 likesshe is SOO annoying im sorry but in 1 episode she uses spike as her SLAVE yeah sooooo nice and she just makes me wanna rage (sorry to all u rarity fans)
0 likesthe reason why I hate Rainbow Dash is because she brags about her coolness people brag every one in a while but bragging that much in a episode ...........too much .
0 likesin my OPINION I dislike rainbowdash BUT I don't hate it's because rainbows doesn't feel like the color I don't like the most ( for some of u guys know what rainbow means for some people only)
0 likesWho doesn't love Pinkie
0 likesReplies (1)
I don't. Not anymore.
0 likesmy little pony worst pony (1 is the worst pony)
0 likes(1) pinky pie
(2) reraty
(3)apple Jack
(4) tielight sparkle
(5) rainbow dash
My least is Rainbow Dash it's not that I don't like her it's just that she's at the bottom of the list. Sorry Rainbow Lovers 👎🏽
0 likesReplies (1)
meh, you're not a jerk about it like some people.
0 likesi sorta dislike rainbow dash
0 likesflutter shy buuu
0 likesTwilight
0 likesI hate twilight
0 likespinkie pie
0 likesI hate twilight no alicone
0 likesi am sorry to say to the rest of the fans, but i totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really hate apple jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is just boring to me!! !! !! !!
0 likesReplies (1)
i LIKE AJ her but least fave
0 likesthe forst is pinke pie 3 is appleJack the best is Rainbow dash 2 is 2.Fluttershy
0 likesReplies (3)
1.Rainbow dash
1 like2. Fluttershy
6.pinkie pie
+Rainbow roze i disagree my list is : 1. apple jack 2. rarity 3. fluttershy 4. twilight 5. pinkie pie 6. rainbow dash .
0 likes+Rainbow roze see up above why I hate Rainbow Dash
0 likesmy worst pony is fluttershy
2 likesMy least favourite character is rainbow dash She thinks she is better than everypony else then In Trade Ya she traded FlutterShy away for a book
0 likesme no like rainbow pony she stubborn and she dont wisten
0 likesI hate Rainbow Dash well not hate but like I hardly even like the attention to her she's usually a show off
0 likesReplies (1)
I guess you didn't pay attention to the song "Flawless".
0 likes1. AJ (Apple Jack)
2 likes2. RD (Rainbow Dash)
3. Twilight
4. PP (Pinkie Pie)
5. Fluttershy
6. Rarity
Rarity just makes me barf
Booooo I like apple jack
0 likesbooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!😡😠
0 likesWhy am I hate
0 likesWwa wwawwawwawwawwa💩
0 likesReplies (1)
My least favorite pony is why like sparkle because she obviously won't see her hair is just simple and I'm going to the free books so I kind of like to read books🇵🇭🐬🌈🐱🍭❤️🍕💋🌉😻⚽️🇨🇴💎😍🌹🇵🇭🦄🐬🎮💜🎉💩🍫👑🚺
0 likesstuburn
0 likesI don't like rainbow dash
0 likes:P
0 likesI unsubscribe
0 likestwilight
0 likesReplies (1)
Is the worst
1 likeMy least favorite pony in the mane 6 is..... Rainbow Dash, Don't hate me for it! Its just my opinion. Why? She doesn't deserve her element, She always brag about herself, She is so lazy that she cannot help her friends, And I find her.. Overrated! Why people?
0 likesReplies (3)
trueapplejackfan664 everything you said is wrong.
0 likesFrank Poole Lol XD I don't watch the canon much!
0 likeswell that explains it, lol.
0 likesShe doesn't deserve her element at all. She's probably the least honest out of the mane six.
2 likesbut aj is niec i s but she not
0 likesI personally dislike rainbow dash I think she is to full of herself and not that nice she has put showing off in front of the life's of other ponies and I just dislike her in general she is also not that loyal (not counting ep 2 that was setting up the elements of harmony) but hey that's just my opinion
0 likesReplies (8)
she doesn't act that way anymore. that was only in season 2
1 likeok i still dont like her
0 likes@Posh Catterson well, give her time.
0 likeswhy do you want to change my mind about her?
0 likesI can't change your mind. she can though.
0 likesshe cant
0 likesif she stops giving you reasons to dislike her, why would you continue disliking her?
0 likesi did not say that
0 likesMane seven
2 likesReplies (1)
1 likeThe cmc
0 likesjk
0 likes1.TS
0 likesTwiligt
0 likesApplejack values honesty and consequently believes everybody does, too. It's beyond her comprehension that people lie on a regular basis, so she takes what should be obvious as lies at face value. At least that's what strikes me. Also, I don't think there is a best pony, and I probably couldn't come up with a favorite if I tried. They're all great in their own ways, and it's really hard to make a comparison. I mean, it's not like we're comparing apples to apples...
0 likesOkay, let's get this straight. When you were talking about how Rainbow Dash didn't deserve her element, you were kind of.. let's say highlighting Applejack. Now, you're throwing her under the bus. What's up with that?
1 likeLook
0 likesI got some things to say about applejack
As you can see, applejack lost her parents, witch that is sad, applejack, in most story's, the last time she saw them, she was very mean, witch it makes applejack work even harder too help in the apple family
I really think that applejack is a great pony, being that she does the best she can do
Also, Sweat Apple Acres is the heart of Pony Ville, that makes more sense
Applejack will do what ever for her friends
Applejack deserves more fan's then the other ponys
I have no idea who my least favorite pony was . When I first watched it and you said Apple Jack was the worst I was like what and then you told me all the reasons I'm like oh yeah good point
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Twilight because:
0 likes1) She takes studying way too seriously. Like, what is she studying for half the time!?
2) She doesn't listen to her friends.
3) She wastes a lot of time. In all of the time she spends studying for nothing, she could be spending with the ponies of ponyville, which, technically is her kingdom, like Cadance has the crystal empire.
I agree with "megon winslin" because she's she's just to girly and too fashionable and I think it is not the intended recipient or not to mention that she is the most sassy one in the mane six!!
0 likesApple Jack works hard at life. She has to work on the farmer and her parents r dead. She has to help raise Apple Bloom and help Granny Smith. I think she deserves more credit
0 likesApplejack has developed the least. If you look at all the other ponies, they have improved in some way. Twilight became an alicorn princess. That's pretty huge. Rainbow's part of the Wonderbolts. Fluttershy's become way more assertive. Rarity created her own boutique, and Pinkie Pie's parties and ideas have improved ever since Cheese Sandwich came along. Applejack hasn't really made any improvements since the beginning of the series, which I assume has been two to three years, because there have been two Grand Galloping Galas so far, and they occur yearly.
0 likesShe's like the best friend ever! How could you!!!
0 likesI'm just saying that the scene at 2:08 happens in like EVERY CARTOON...
0 likesAt the end of " Crusaders of the lost mark" Apple Jack Said, "If your parents were still here Applebloom, they would have been so proud." What happened to them & can ponys die?
0 likesMy least favorite is Rarity because it seems like her episodes are really similar to each other and she is hardly EVER generous. #ElementofHarmonyfail
1 likeApplejack sings REALLY WELL
0 likesFlutterhshy,because she reminds me of myself when i was younger,I was always very shy,timid,and quiet but eventually like fluttershy I started to get less timid and quiet but still am but not as much as I was
0 likesAJ is my fav, damn it
0 likes1: Fluttershy
0 likes2: Pinkiepie
3: Rainbowdash
4: Rarity
5: Applejack
6: Twilight
Pinkie Pie
0 likes1. She will always cheer you up, whether with a party or just in general!
2. She is determined to have the best party ever for you!
3. She always has an amazing attitude. No more frowning for her!
Replies (2)
Pinkie is my fav sowwie
0 likesDon't apologize. Pinkie's great. She and Dash are my favs.
0 likesMainly, I know most kids would probably like Twilight & RD. Anyway, yes @Thebronynotion I think u are too hard on Applejack...but yea like u said she also has a few great qualities. So...yup, my thin kings are this
0 likesWell she is HONEST so she is being realistic
0 likesI think the eqestria girls are even loyal kind honest generous luofter and magical
0 likesEverypony plays an important role in the series no pony is the worst and no pony is the best
0 likesNow DEAL With It
These are my list of my Top 10 favorite ponies from MLP; from best to worst:1: Derpy2: Fluttershy (My favorite from the mane six)3: RD4: Starlight Glimmer5: Vinyl Scratch6: Rarity7: Twilight (She's the spotlight, COME ON HASBRO!)8: Pinkie Pie (I love her; she's me in human form. But overall, she's never really... umm.. How should I put this... serious.)9: Bon-Bon (aka, Special Agent Sweetie Drops)10: AJ (What The Brony Notion said in the video)THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!! GET OVER IT IF UR OFFENDED!!
0 likesMy favorite is Rainbow and my least favorite is AJ. Even though they're both sort of similar and have the same voice actress, I just don't really like AJ as a character.
0 likesReplies (1)
1. Rainbow
0 likes2. Flutters
3. Twilight
4. Pinkie
5. Rarity
6. AJ
Favorites 1-6 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Applejack 3. Pinkie Pie 4. Fluttershy 5. Rarity 6. Twilight Sparkle
2 likesMy favorite of the mane 6 is Rarity for so many reasons personal and not so personal
0 likesmy least favorite is Rainbow because get ready. She's mean,pushy,selfish,short temperd,and unscetive. But she is loyal to her pet tortoise Tank and in "the cutie mark chronicles" she was really sweet to Fluttershy
0 likes1-flutter shy(I'm shy too)
1 like2-pinkie pie(I Ike parties)
3-rarity(I care about style)
4rainbow dash (always want to fly in my life)
5- apple jack (help others????)
my least is rarity because she is always going on about fashion " Don't touch my dress Don't use my jewels" it disappoints me😞😞😞
2 likesReplies (2)
I know it's annoying rarity is the worst part of my little pony
1 likeYeah I really don't like her
1 likeflutter shy because she can not speak with power and in the first episode of mlp she was to afraid of meating someone
0 likesMe, I think she has PTSD at times... the trauma? when her parents died. Probably told her to look after Apple Bloom who was a baby back then and doesn't remember a thing. Big Mac reacted by basically stopping talking. (maybe he'd been telling a story and then they get attacked by whatever creature he talked about for real)... So... worst Pony? Spoiled Rich.
0 likesApplejack is my favorite :(
0 likesLeast Favorite: Applejack
1 likeReason: This may not sound like a reason but I don't like work, and guess what applejack loves?
The dreaded...
Replies (1)
And she's always WAY too happy about things.
0 likesMy fave is rarity cause she's into fashion also my fave colors
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Apple Jack to because I feel like I have some of my personality in all of the other ponies but not in her for some reason
0 likes1. Rainbow Dash
2 likes2. AppleJack
3. FlutterShy
4. PinkiePie
5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Rarity
She is the best pony EVER
0 likesApplejack is exactly like me so yeah
0 likesPinkie cause she never takes anything seriously and when she does it's a mistake
1 likeI love Applejack
0 likesBest : Twilight Sparkle
0 likesSecond Best : Flutter Shy
funnest is totally a word xD
0 likesRarity because she doesn't really show her element to the public.. she only has the gemstone. Twilight on the other hoof is using her element to its full potential and so is Rainbow.
0 likesI really like Apple Jack. This is not a hate comment, I'm just sad :(
0 likesApple jack is my favorite!!!!!
0 likesMy least favorite is Fluttershy.... She just acts so sensitive and unsocial. Not to mention when she was so rude to Pinkie Pie and Rarity.
0 likesYou made good points but,my leats fav is twili.she bossy,books, and makes it be her fantasy!for 1, she makes celestia let her have the best thing!she does not deserve that!like and comment if you agree. Dislike and comment if you disagree.
1 likeMy list is
1 like#1 aj
#2 rainbow
#3 fluttershy
#4 pinkie
#5 twilight
#6 rarity
I don't like rarity because I am a tomboy and she is just to girly girl,deal with it!
she's my fav
0 likesGUYS EVERYBODY HAS DIFFERENT OPINIONS SO THERE IS NO CONCLUSION ON WHO IS WORST OR BEST PONY. im sure hasbro created the mane six not to point out whos the best but to have characters of different strengths and weaknesses
0 likesMy lest favorite pony is twilight
1 likeAnd yes u are being hard on apple jack
And she is my favorite pony
Also I think what she did was smart because apple jack convinced them to save baps seed!
my favourite pony is rarity because she loves fashion
0 likesAj is my second favorite pony
0 likesFlutters for #1 full pony#2 A.J.#3 pinkie #4 rainbow #5twilght #6 miss pamperd brat/also known as rarity
1 likeAj doesn't suck :(
0 likesI love Apple jack
0 likesFav is Twilight, amazing !
0 likesApple jack is my favorite pony!😡
0 likesmy fav list
1 like1. Pinkie Pie
2. Twilight
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Rarity
5. AppleJack
6. Fluttershy
(I don't really hate fluttershy and AJ but I prefer the others more than them
Twilight is the best pony!
0 likesAlso if anyone has ever seen smile HD or cupcakes pinkie pie in smile she kills all of her friends for no good reason and in cupcakes she kills rainbowdash and makes her into a cupcake!! I mean that's pretty disgusting if you ask me!!
1 likeThe pony i dont like that much is also aj
1 likethis is my favorites list
0 likes1Fluttershy
4Pinkie pie
5Rainbow Dash
6 Rarity
You all can hate me for disliking Rarity, but that is just your opinion and this is just my opinion. I dislike her for her hating getting dirty and fancy ways.
My list from best to worse #1 pinkie pie #2 twilight sparkle #3 flutter shy #4 rainbow dash #5 apple jack #6 rarity
0 likesBest pony:
0 likes1: R.D
2:Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity
3:Twilight and A,J*
Best backroud pony:
1: Derpy and Vinil
2: Bonbon and Lyra
3: Dr. Whooves and octavia
Best princess
1: Luna
2: Twi and Cadence
3: Celestia*
Best pet
* i chose Twilight and Applejack for my least favorite because for A.J he has a point and for twi, to nerdy
* i didnt chose celestia first or second because she dosent do awesome things
(I still like these ponies i dont dislike them!)
Brony notion when you say the thing of apples in testing 1,2,3 apple jack already said that she didn't have any idea to help rainbow first watch then go to conclusions
0 likesAnd I am not trying to sound rude
rarity is my least favorite
2 likesmy FAV pony is twily because she is cool cute and of course friendly and she is even brainy like me😍😍💙💙💙💙
0 likes1. pinkie pie 2. twilight sparkle 3. fluttershy 4. rainbow dash 5. Rarity 6. applejack
0 likesMy favorite pony from the main 6 is Apple Jack I love her and I have the flaws as her to :) this is my favorite to least favourite :)
0 likes1) Apple Jack
2) rainbow dash
3)twilght sparkle
4) rairty
5) pinkie pie
6) fluttershy
But I love all of the ponys like u I dont dilke any of them but for me fluttershy is my least favorite pony :)
Replies (3)
Me too your list is my the same as mine
0 likes+Peguastar 12111
0 likesNow I reported you because fluttershy is just a week, and boring, this is her opinion, mine is that fluttershy is the worst
Melakitty 101 thank u I love fluttershy but I just love the others more theres nothing wrong with that that's like me saying I an gonna repot anyone that likes Apple Jack the least but I'm not because that would be horribal and eveyone has there own likes and dislkies on characters .
0 likesmy least favourite pony out of the main 6 is pinkie cause she's just to weird for me.She's not funny if you ask me.
1 likeI agree but disagree at the same time 😬😒
0 likesmy friend loves apple jack
0 likesMy favourite ponys
1 likeFluttershy
Rainbow dash
Twilight sparkle
Pinkie pie
P.s just my opinion
Cant choose between Twilight and rarity
0 likesTwilight as a princess is just sooo Mary Sue
When they focus on Rarity they focus on generosity or how bossy she is or somthing like dat
I don't really have a favourite pony..the only reason (the main reason) I want apple jack to be my friend is because I can tell her ANYTHING oh and rarity because in (I forgot which episode) she keeps reminding them (on wait now I remember it was the episode pinkie found out that shining at or was having a baby) she kept telling pinky The Person Who Ruins The Surprise Have To Take The Blame Forever! So it is obvious she would never lie and my favourite pony yo be my friend is..RAINBOW DASH! Because 1.all my friends in real life aren't LOYAL they always ditch me and I invite them to EVERYTHING and they don't even invite me to there birthday parties -_- and rainbow is the opposite of shy (no offence flutter shy but imagine how annoying it would be to have a friend that is too shy to do a lot of stuff with u) LIKE JEEZ FLUTTER SHY anyway DONT HATE ON THIS
1 likeReplies (1)
Sounds like you deserve better friends.
0 likesYea.....I fucking hate apples 😡but applejack is my favourite pony ☺️
0 likesmy least favorite is defo flutter butter, jk its probs dash, she is egotistical in the wrong way, and just overall not really my favorite, but i still like her, so from least favorite to favorite 6: Rainbow Dash 5: Applejack 4: Rarity 3: Twilight Sparkle 2: Fluttershy 1: Pinkie Pie because all she wants to do is make ya smile smile smile! and its super effective!
0 likesdude she has apples in her name
0 likesI agree..... I well.... Forget her the most....
0 likesits called a plot hole person
0 likesRarity is worst pony She wasn't even going to be in the show entill Hasbro demanded a "girly girl "
2 likesReplies (1)
@***** Hasbro said girls needed a "girly girl" and one witch encouraged materialism and dress wearing for girls to watch the show and buy toys
0 likesapple 🍎 jack is the best in the whole wide world
0 likesOndrilla ghosh I completly agree with you
0 likes1. Rainbow Dash
0 likes2. Pinkie Pie
3. Flutter Shy
4. Apple Jack
5. Rarity
6. Twilight
1:22 i saw a face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
1 likerairity because she fusses about everything and by doing that runes evrething
0 likesin the Flutterbat pick something flashed in her face
0 likesOK let me tell you all a valuable lesson nopony is worst oh and if you HATE any of the main6.
1 like1.fluttershy
0 likes2.rarity
3.pinkie pie
4.rainbow dash
my fave do NOOOO
1 like1.fluttershy
yeah apple jack is the best regards Brony nation
0 likesI agree with you
0 likesMy fav LIST
2 likes1 . Rainbow Dash
2. Twilight sparkle
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Fluttershy
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
I really agree
1 likemy favourite is rarity😍
0 likesI loooooooove Applejack!!! my heart fell off because its your least fave :(
0 likesmy faves
Pinkie Pie
Twighlight Sparkle
sorry for the who love rarity i like her too but im not fashionable
Replies (3)
0 likes+lea dash sorry she is before twighlight in my list really sorry
0 likesmy least favorite My Little Pony Is Pinkie Pie
1 like1.twilight
0 likes2.rainbow
My favourite character is Applejack thx for insulting meh. :/
0 likes1 twilight
1 like2 rainbow dash
3 fluttershy
4 rairty
5 pinkie pie
6 apple jack
Applejack is great! You point out her flaws but miss her greatness! Like the episode where she didn't sleep, she helped her friends even when she had work to do, you can trust her hence element of honesty, when fluttershy turned to flutterbat applejack just wanted her friend back! She loves family and friends!
1 likeReplies (1)
Some of those episodes were studies in what happens when some of these traits are taken to extreme conclusions. In these studies the pony is shown to realize how they overdo it. Applejack's case is she wants to be dependable, helpful and hard working and all that. Consequently she has trouble recognizing her limit and being able to say no or I can't do this right now, I'm tapped out of energy. A lot of people do exactly this. In an odd way this actually ends up being dishonest. People can also exploit this tendency.
1 likeBTW, I just loved the recent episode with her and Rarity. If you got a problem AJ'll problem solve that for ya. And yeah this episode is also meant to point out aspects of a character taken to extremes. There wouldn't be a story if the writers weren't doing this. This one illustrates how constant busyness and being helpful to other people may end up making a person close to you feel neglected. Happens in life too. I have a personal situation just like it.
I also like that Applejack is willing to get rough and dirty to get a job done. Don't get me wrong. I also appreciate Rarity's artistic vision and attention to detail, but sometimes you gotta throw superficial aesthetics aside for practical solutions to certain jobs. This dynamic reminds me of a girl hired at my place of work and she had these ultra long manicured nails. Now you'd think in retail that wouldn't be a problem. Well, maybe with one of those mall outlets that'd fine, but here there's a lot of hands on work. Putting labels in datastrips will destroy your nails very fast and if you're too obsessed over your nails to be able to do anything here, you're at the wrong place. Needless to say she didn't work with us for very long.
So yeah, despite the flaws there's a lot to admire in Applejack.
applejack is my best
0 likes1.fluttershy
0 likes2.rainbowdash
1. Apple Jack
0 likes2. Fluttershy
3. Rarity
4. Pinkie Pie
5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Rainbow Dash
My least favourite pony is... Rainbow Dash
0 likesMy worst pony is...well Flutter Shy is always my worst pony but it at the bottom second,the bottom of my list is Pinky Pie,well I didn't mean I don't like her but It just so....weird
RARITY!!! hmm mm excuse me bronies & pegasisters
1 likeI say discord is best...well part pony part lion..and well everything else.😝
0 likes1.rainbow dash
0 likes2.applejack
3.pinkie pie
5.twilight sparkle
because apple jack sute shes all apples but thas one of the things that make her unique
0 likesur not wrong but I still like Aj
0 likesAppleJack is...... Not like that.. in the new seasons she improved.. but in applejack day off.. she pretty
0 likesrotten but she learn her lessons. my least favourite is ...... ehe,,..... i have no idea.... AJ STILL BEST PONY
Replies (2)
AND she don't abandoned her friends. she just..... uhhhh she said she's gonna back.......
0 likesSILLY ME!!!!
+Apple Jack she don't need to develop shes best shes best BLA BLA i don't care what U say aj best pony
0 likesI kinda agree
1 likeI mean Winson sorry for perniciousing her name wrong (SORRY!) :( ♡♡☆☆
0 likes1.R
0 likes2.RD
Twilight is a nerd!
Rarity rocks!
1 likemy least favourite character is rainbow dash because she likes to always brag about she is the best like really
0 likesI LOVE APPLE JACK 😡😡😡
0 likes1:23 Nicolas Cage
0 likesMy opinion is :
0 likes1. Fluttershy (shipping Fluttercord)
2. Pinkie Pie
3. Twilight Sparkle
4. Apple Jack
5. Rarity
6. Rainbow Dash
Why do you guys like Rainbow Dash? She's to full of her self although sometimes she can be very helpful.
Replies (2)
I love Rainbow because she's so much like me. The ponies/characters you can connect you make everything.
0 likesLike you said, she's very helpful and loyal.
0 likes2 Fluttershy
3 Rainbow
4 twilight
5 Rarity
6 A.J.
Least fave: twilight
1 likeMy least favourite pony is apple jack to
1 likebecuase she is an elamnet of harmony!!!!
0 likesbest to worst pony
1 like1.Fluttershy
3.Rainbow dash
4.pinkie pie
6.Apple Jack
fav to least fav
0 likes1.Fluttershy
2.Pinkie Pie
3.Rainbow Dash
5.Apple Jack
6.Twilight Sparkle
Twilight she is to nerdy-like and her learning style is waaaaaaaaay to different from mine.
Rarty because she is fill of her saf
2 likesThe pony I hate is twilight sparkle because she thinks she's better than the other ponys and she's snobbish
1 likeyeah that's right
0 likesSee russian subs
0 likesKinds loose the point that are you talked about for a second to giggle
0 likes2.TS
0 likesReplies (2)
me too!! they are so awesome!
0 likescarfeter
0 likesI don`t like Applejace either
2 likesThe Brony Notion is worst pony
0 likesMine is twilight
1 likeI think the worst is fluttershy is the worst as she is really useless and too weak. She doesn't care when someone hurts her BFF's but only for when someone accidently harms a totally worthless bug. My point is shown when the mane 6 get sucked into spike's comic book. To save all her friends from DEATH she has to get angry and she doesn't get angry untill the villain HURTS A SILLY FLY FOR PONY'S SAKE! Also I think that applejack should be the alicorn of them all. She's determined to sucseed and is really brave in facing bad situations. Also if you think about it, applejack works the hardest out of them all. She works on her farm, she does these crazy mission things, she plays with her sister. Applejack actually really outshines twilight if you think about it!!
1 likeFluttershy
1 likeRarity
Rainbow dash
Apple jack
I think Fluttershy is worst she hasn't developed a lot and also she is mostly not stared in the episodes she is chicken like a background pony
0 likesMy least favorite is Rarity because she's to fancy ok heres list
0 likes1. TWILIGHT
2. Pinkie
3. Rainbow
5. Applejack
last. Rarity
Hatters ganna hate
0 likes1. AppleJack
0 likes2. Rainbow Dash
3. FlutterShy
4. PinkiePie
5. Rarity
6. Twilight Sparkle
1. Fluttershy :3
0 likes2. Twilight
3. Applejack
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Rarity (THE WORST)
2 likesAj best pone. >•^•>
0 likes1.fluttershy 2.APPLEJACK 3.pinky pie 4.raretiy 5.twilit 6.rainbow
0 likesReplies (1)
No rainbow dash the best FLUTTERSHY THE WORT!!!
0 likeswhy does everyone hate her?
0 likesReplies (3)
Cus shes da worst!!! ( Cause she doessnt like my fave pony RD btw)
0 likesbecause she was mean with fluttershy in bats, i hate you fluttershy, FOREVEEEERRRR
0 likes+Melakitty 101 long story short I used to hate flutter shy when I was little and I used to love Twilight
0 likesaj is good
0 likesmy list from best to worst .
1 like1.apple
2.rainbow dash
3.flutter shy
4 . rarity
5.pinkie pie
6.twilight sparkle
I think rd is the worst. She is almost never loyal and bias and rude. I could go on forever
0 likesReplies (1)
There's nothing wrong with Rainbow Dash. She's perfection. Her friends just can't compare to her greatness.
0 likesPinky is my lest favourite
1 like1 rainbow Dash
0 likes2 Apple Jack
3 Pinkie Pie
4 twilight
5 Rarity
6 fluttershy
Replies (1)
Wottttt fluttershy is the best :(
0 likesif you like apples are so we know someone would you have a cowgirl hat on your head that understand and AppleJack AppleJack is honest honest AppleJack honest Pony she is the most honest pony in the Pony videos anyway from you know that if you can even the best how many views would like to know when you get this video is next Wednesday is the next Tuesday is the next Friday is it Saturday and Sunday can you just tell me or Thursday
0 likesOk fav ponies good to bad
1 like1. Applejack
3.rainbow dash
5.pinkie pie
My favorites:
2 likesBest: Fluttershy
2: Rainbow Dash
3: Apple Jack
4: Twilight
5: Rarity
6: Pinkie Pie
Yeah, I don't like Pinkie Pie... Deal with it.
i dont like rainbow dash because she brags alot
0 likesI hated dimentiara
0 likesOk does aj sound like animal jam like if you say aj it means animal jam or means apple jack aj sounds like.... (Look below my words to see) .................................................it sounds like apple jack don't ya think aj sounds like apple jack not animal jam leave a comment below what ya think???🍎🍎🍎
0 likesI guess apple jack is okay but she is apples and nothing else. Now the flim flam brothers were annoying but you can't really say to much about her. She also thinks she's leader in family reunion she completely tells everyone what to do another point is in leap of faith they see all the ponies go down to the tent she says to granny smith and apple bloom where do you think your going! I screamed at the TV why don't you mind your own business. And in bats we get talking about worst pony ( my opinion ) rainbow dash. Apple jack almost lost the apple farm and all rainbow dash cared about was APPLE CIDER WHAT THE HELL RAINBOW! And plus she is hardly loyal in mmmystery on the frenship express she says go mind the cake I'm going to BED! And in testi ng 123 she hardly even listens to twilight at all because she wants to fail and then she starts freaking out because she wasn't listening. And pinkies pest pony cuz she is cute, never worries, silly and completely does the impossible! Pinkie all will remember you
0 likesReplies (3)
+barlot 3000 Fuck you. Rainbow Dash is best pony. Your opinion is trash.
0 likes+Frank Poole listen here now your the one who should watch the show and actually know that spike isn't a pony but if he was he would probably have a better element then rainbow. She is lazy real element of loyalty when in dragon quest she pushes flutter shy out the door even know RAINBOW knows she hates them so suck it up and move on spike didn't know how to use the elements! so shut up and mo be on loser
0 likes+barlot 3000 *move l:
0 likesAgree
0 likesTwilight sparkle is the worst because she is sssssssooooooo crazy in the 1st episode in my little pony season 1 G4 😥
0 likesLol twilight is the worst as well
1 likeHmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Uh pinkie pieeeeeeeeeeeee!
0 likesYour not a pony
0 likesI hate AJ too
0 likesI am Pinkie Pie
0 likesI agree even thoe umm rainbow dash eqestria girl is more loyal i will make my own voideo my first video
0 likes💜💜💜twilight sparkle
0 likesI dislike... drum role please... twilight. I don't know why I just don't like her here is my list of best 2 worst#1 Flutter Shy#2Derpy#3 pinkie pie
0 likes#4 Apple Jack#5 rainbow dash#6 Rarity 7#... Twilight
Replies (1)
Derpy doesn't count...
0 likesyou cool
0 likesAPPLEJACK IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!!!!!! I hate rainbow dash because she is so rude and just..... Yea!
0 likesReplies (1)
Rainbow Dash is funny though. I like it when she's rude.
0 likesRARITY😲😒😡🗣
1 likeReplies (1)
I like rarity best too
0 likesI😍😘😍AJ
0 likesI hate...apple jack to
2 likes6 apple jack
1 likeI don't no wat to think!!!!
0 likesI hate pinkie pie cause she is just so hyper and I don't like hyper!!! I also hate applejack too cause she is way to honest. how about she lies once or twice and she talks about apples ALL the time I mean who cares about apples!!!
0 likestwilight is the worst
2 likesTwilight
1 likeTS sucks because well in the map she wasn't called so.She was upset shouldn't she be happy Forrester them plus she shouldn't be silicone rd should plus aj is a images of my friend Plus she was treating rd like a kid in when she was trying to teach her about wonder bolts ain't it ovirs sorry can't spell that word correct but she should now she would learn by flying because it's rainbow plus the wonder bolts are about flying shouldn't it be a flying test
1 likeprinsess flutersy good
0 likesboo!!!!!!! 1. Aj 2 . rarity 3. fluttershy 4. twilight 5. pinkie pie 6. Rd . 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
0 likesTwillight
2 likesNo twilight is worst Because She is a nerd
1 likeI hate aj too
1 likeno no no no no no no no no no really
0 likesonly a little bit
0 likesI don't know why I don't like I'm sorry he can get I don't like the luckiest man Elsa and Anna cake everytime I send you a very good mood here are the moon people
0 likesmy lest favret pony is rarty
2 likesI hate rainbow dash because I don't like tomboys or boyish stuffy puffy
0 likesTwilight is the worst she is an egghead she is a nerd and she likes school and books
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesY U NO LIKE APPLE JACK 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
0 likesrainbow dash is the best because she is cool and awesome and she is nice like the time she saved her friends from a turnado that's why I pick her and some people say that she's bad at loyolty so don't be mean and deal with it 💘💔
2 likesReplies (4)
I'm going to assume that you are either 7 years old or bilingual...
2 likes+Allison Koester LOL! 😂😂😂
0 likes+Allison Koester Wtf like maybe u like idk rarity? do we judge?
0 likes@Marta Gavrilka ?
0 likesrainbow dash and applejack is best
0 likesReplies (5)
Yep right
0 likesYUP!
0 likesThat is so 20% cooler
0 likesI know the episodes with rainbow and aj it's just the funniest
0 likesdamn right
0 likesI dislike twighligt becuse she doesn't have fun and I stuck up
1 likeReplies (2)
she's such an egghead
0 likesEGGHEAD
0 likesI can't deside between rarity of fluffy butt just fluffy butt is to week I HATE week people/ponys rarity I'm sorry that I'm offending girlygirls but I hate them UR GIRLS WERE STRONG WERE TOUGH WE CAN PROTECT ARE SELFS!!!!!! jeez ok I went to far
0 likesReplies (2)
fluffle puff doesn't count
0 likes+Peguastar 12111 fluffle puff is awesome though
0 likesAJ hate
0 likesApplejack is honestly my favourite female protagonist! A character is allowed to have flaws, that's what makes them dynamic. If a character can't move past those flaws is when you have some stagnation. AJ learns at the end of each those episodes you described to be a little more open minded. Hell, I think the writers of this show need to give her some more episodes to shine.AJ may be stubborn but she is also kind, diligent, resourceful and all and all willing to make sacrifices when push comes to shove. Personally I respect her but I also respect your right to have an opinion, even if I disagree
0 likesHM.. I feel like my least and favorite characters are completely different from everyone else's. Like if I had a list it would go like this.
1 like1. Twilight because she is really an awkward nerd like me
2. Fluttershy because of her character development and shyness
3. Applejack because of her devotion to family and stubbornness
4. PinkiePie because of her Childlike behavior and how she wants everyone to smile
5. Rainbow Dash because she tends to hide her actual emotions (or try to)
6. Spike because he is like a slave sometimes and is very adorable (under appreciated)
7. Rarity because I think she is too focused on fashion and she never really changes to me.
Ugh! In ticket master AJ mentioned that the reason she wanted to go to the gala was to raise money FOR HER FAMILY. How more amazing can you honestly get?
2 likesMy least favorite pony is Rarity, I'll be HONEST here, I love her fashion sense, but her drama makes kinda un likable. Most times she doesn't even try to fix her problems
1 likei personalty think that twilight is the "bottom list" pony.with all the other ponys, you can either relate to, or know somebody that reminds you of that pony. I dont think i know anybody who loves books that much or is obsest with his/her friendship that much (Rainbow Dash is the top list pony)
1 likeI think it's a little mean to do this to applejack, but I understand that it's your opinion 🙂
1 likemy least favorite of the m6 is rarity. In secret of my excess and in rarity investigates, she seduces two male characters to get what she wants! and her element makes the least sense out of all the m6. aj is actually my fav, I just frickin' LOVE her role in Twijack
0 likesRatings
2 likes1.Twilight- She smarty
2. Rainbow dash- 20% cooler
3. Fluttershy- Kind to animals
4. Rarity- Fashionista
5. Pinkie pie- Hyper
6. Applejack- Apples 4ever
Well the show doesn't always show the other character's flaws, only Applejack and Twilight.
0 likesOops; and just minutes after I posted on your "Best Pony" video of how I put Applejack higher on the list than my favourite Flutters on the basis of her character... Mind; these flaws are the reasons Applejack's fourth favourite of the main six under Flutters, Rarity and Pinkie; she's often the source of the conflict in her episodes and rarely makes up for it in the same episode; only showing her best qualities when helping another pony deal with a situation they're stuck in. Alas; my opinion of the old dear is forever marred by a sodding sleepover... that was a BAD episode...
0 likesI respect your opinion. I still love Applejack no matter what.
0 likesAJ is my favorite, she is the most like me, and she has an awesome southern accent :D
0 likesI thought AJ was the best but you bring up a good point my lest favorite pony is rarity
1 likeMy least favorite is actually Rainbow Dash, but I am totally same with you.
1 likeum.... haven't we had the talk about the "MARY SUE" oc personality situation?!? AJ is definitely my favorite pony. why? BECAUSE SHE IS NOT PERFECT! i..disagree with you pony notion, she does have flaws, but that's what makes her good! right?
0 likesFavorites
1 like1) Spike
2)Rainbow Dash
apple jack is sometimes annoying but if i could have any pony from mlp as a friend i choose applejack
1 likeI agree with you.AppleJack is my least favorite pony.She's my least favorite pony because of tessting,testing,1,2,3.
0 likesi agree with you because she is the one starting all the arguments
0 likesI know fluttershys the element of kindness and all, and she probably would be good for the job, but, if I had a problem or worry,(and I was a pony), apple jack would probably be the first pony I would go to and be sure she would 99.99% be able to keep a secret. that other 00.01% is the fact that she is the element of HONESTY..... damit
0 likesat least she tried to help her town
0 likesFavorite to least favorite: 1: Rainbow Dash 2: Fluttershy 3: Pinkie Pie 4: Twilight 5: Apple Jack 6: Rarity Sorry if I offended anyone
2 likesApplejack is my favourite pony because I can strangely relate
0 likesI know I'm gonna get a lot of hate, but my least favorite pony was Rainbow Dash, although, Brony Notion here may have changed my mind.
0 likesI am so sorry everyone but my least favorite pony is Fluttershy. She is just too shy and quiet. I know she kinda breaking out of her shell but still. I like how she loves animals and can understand them (sometimes) but she can be unodservent like apple jack. It is clear that Angel dose not like things but she makes him do it.
1 likeMy list
1 like1:Rainbowdash(DASHIE)
5:Pinkie Pie(sorry, I DO like her, just......the least.PINKIE)
|~in ( & ) if it's an apology, statement, or nickname.~|
least favorite : apple jack
0 likes1.shes just over all annoys me im mean come on shes pretty much says apple in every episode
2.least developed character like you said theres not much to her
I don't really like rarity of twilight very much. Twilight is just... It seems like the show is mainly focused on her and it's just annoying I guess. Also alicorn. I don't like rarity because I just don't like people or ponies with that kind of personality.
1 likeApple Jack never told the cmc that Babs was bullied and all she thinks about ( most of the time) is apples plus she nearly lost Flutter shy and Apple bloom was almost eaten in some pony to each over me👿 My least favourite pony is Rarity because she is always doing something that includes fashion and Apple Jack is my second to last pony I don't like
0 likesAJ is my fave. It's okay though
0 likesWe'll out of the mane 6, I think RD is worst pony. Because even know she's the element of loyalty, there are many times that she will abandon her friends so she can be with someone our do something. That's my opinion. Out of all characters, i don't really like the sweety drops. My fav. would be luna
0 likesReplies (1)
+TatoTimez Rainbow has never once betrayed her element. Her friends aren't the only ones she needs to be loyal to. Besides, if they're trying to hold her back from living her dream, then they are not good friends to her at all and don't deserve her loyalty.
0 likes1. pinkie: most like me, SUPER magic, and always there to be there
0 likes2. twilight: bookworm, princess, and second most like me
3. rarity: accent, city gal, and kinda petty, like me
4. fluttershy: can talk to animals, great voice, and so ADORABLE ( like me but i love animals cant talk to them )
5. rainbow dash and apple jack: rd is selfish, conceited, and to full. aj is oblivious, way too stubborn, barely notices anything, and gets too ahead
Replies (1)
Rarity's more selfish.
0 likes1:23 XD dat face XD genius!
0 likesI refuse to name my least favorite pony, because I know no matter who I said, I'd be offensive to a specific fan base, but I WILL say my favorite is Rainbow Dash.😉
0 likesReplies (4)
Dashie is the best!! I bucking love her 😂😂
0 likes+Vinyl Scratch Me too!!! She is WAY more AWESOME than she says she is.😎😎😎😎😎😀😀
0 likes+Larissa Coleman yeah!! 😎 20% cooler than me 😂
0 likes+Larissa Coleman Well, you have a pretty AWESOME taste in personality😉😉😉
0 likesTwilight cause after season 2 she start being perfect
0 likesI love apple jack to and katoka your right because shes a farm pony so she needs to luck after her farm home to grow food for ponyvile.:)
0 likesmy least favorite pony is ... Fluttershy. my favorite pony is .... apple jack
0 likesMy least favorite pony is NOT in the maine 6, she's acctually in MLP equestria girls Friendship games. My least favorite pony is,Sour Sweets, because she always sais something happy, or nice.Then, she sais something dark, or mean. She could easily get herself in trouble if she ceeps it up.
1 likeI disagree with this video this is my list
0 likes1.Applejack
3.Pinkie pie
I don't like the pony that took her cutie marks. I forgot her name :-). The reason I don't like her is because she just took their cutie marks to say that everyone was equal but they're not there cutie mark makes them unique and different from the other ponies and I don't like the way he just lied about giving away her cutie mark when she actually didn't but there is one other thing that kinda changes my mind about this there is an episode where she kinda got nicer she learned her lesson
0 likessnips and snails just like you said they're the worst characters on the earth
1 likeI actually agree with you
0 likesmy least favorite pony is twilight sparkle. cause she is just so main, and she is not thankful that she is a princess, and that she is always the goody-toe-shoes or whatever. and she like hates discord so much. and i super love discord and i think he is my favorite character in my little pony. plus, she is so negative and she is always the main main and more infinity main character, i mean not in all of the episodes but like from 1 to 100 percent she is the main character for like 98 percent or 99 percent.
0 likesI love Applejack soooo much. But Rarity and Fluttershy are my least favorite.
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Apple jack and
0 likesthe one I hate the most is Twilight because
she kinda acts like a nerd and my most favorite
pony is Rainbow dash because she is cool
and her life is more better than Twilights
because it's like Twilight studies all her life.
All of them is my least favorite pony
0 likesWhy? Cause..
1. Twighlight- She is so greedy of K N O W L E D G E and sometimes forget her role
2. Fluttershy- She is TOO quiet and TOO kind its bad already
3. Rarity- She just cares about fashion.. The way she helps her friends is trough fashion
4. Applejack- Yes, you knew it APPLES
5. RainbowDash- She mostly just show off how amazing and cool she is all she depends on is the Wonderboltz
6. Pinkie Pie- Well... Shes... Just... PINKIE
Don't make fun of her! Apples is in her name! D:<
0 likesi love all the ponys
0 likes1st favorite: Apple Jack
0 likes2nd: Fluttershy
3rd: Rainbow Dash
4th: Pinkie Pie
5th: Twilight Sparkle
6th: Rarity
Apple jack is awesome
0 likesmy favorite Pony is Twilight and my least favorite Pony is Fluttershy
0 likesReplies (1)
Don't you dare speak to fluttershy like that she won the favourite pony vote last week
0 likesMy fav ponys are derpy and dr. Whooves.
0 likesIn my opinion, Twilight sucks. It bugs me that after she became an alicorn she acts narcissistic in the majority of season five she says over and over how shes the "Princess of friendship" and personally i liked the older mlp when nobody was a main character. And her cutie mark is annoying too, her "special talent" is just being a unicorn and she acts like it's the most important thing in equestria. I mean i thought i would like the mlp friendship is magic series and i do, I like how they used the word Equestrian (Horse riding in the Olympics) and turned it into a world, but i never liked twilight. She thinks a book is the answer to everything her cutie mark should've been a book. And she wasn't happy for her brother when he got married and when he sent her that treasure hunt she only did it for the prize at the end. Apple jack has her flaws but twilight will always be my least favorite in the series.
0 likesDamn right she's worst.
1 likeedit 1: WRONG! RARITY IS WORST
I agree with him...
0 likesRairity she chose the garden instead of her friends only to be popular so she thinks that pony can be loyal even when her friends have been nice to her she's gift in return is the exact opicet of what they gave to her. (So Rood 😡 )
0 likesRD because she aloweys barges about how amazing she is
0 likestwilight is my least fav cause she always gets the spotlight on everything and like aj and apples its twilight and books
0 likesMy list of mane 6 ponies favorite to least favorite
0 likes1.Fluttershy
3.Twilight Sparkle
4.Pinkie Pie
5.Rainbow Dash (Who used to be my favorite)
.1 twilight
0 likes.2 aj
.3 rarity
.4 Fluttershy
.5 pinkie pie
.6 rainbow dash
how rude of you Apple Jack is the best pony for me maybe you just hate her I don't agree with it also about the bats actually Apple Jack is right because they already died the trees, and then fluttershy said that it will grow fast ànd strong and also her friends agreed that they must let the fruit bats go
0 likesactually I agree with you and what you think
0 likesMy least favorite? It's a tie between rainbow and AJ. AJ's reasons you stated and the reason for rainbow, well, SHE HARDLY REPRESENTS HER LOYALTY!! I mean it's not many occasions when she does so! Here are some examples:
0 likesSuper speedy cider whatever 6000, She is quick to abandon AJ's cider for flim and flam's another is the equestria games, she really considers joining the wonder bolts team
Replies (4)
+DoodleZ Mlp Rainbow has always been loyal in the end. Besides she's being loyal to her dreams of being a wonderbolt, WHICH STILL COUNTS AS LOYALTY. Her loyalty isn't strictly to her friends. She should be allowed to be a bit selfish from time to time. There's nothing wrong with that.
0 likes+Frank Poole I know but she was seriously considering it.
0 likes@DoodleZ Mlp Id's say it was understandable. Her friends really should know how much it means to her by now.
0 likesApplejack ripped her off with the cider but she still helped her in the contest. That's pretty loyal.
0 likesWow, apple jack my least favorite too!
0 likesapple jack is the best pony in the world!!!!!
0 likesmy favorite is Applejack my least favorite is rarity
0 likesfor me the worst pony is...YOU THE BRONY NOTION!
0 likesLeast fav: Rarity FASION MANIAC!
0 likestwilight is my least favourite, I still like her it's just she is to much of an egg head for me
2 likesReplies (2)
Yeah twilight sucks
0 likes... for me she's just to 'get everything perfect or I die'... PRINCESS CELESTIA WONT FIRKKCEMJSSKDNDJD (breaks keyboard)
0 likesmy name is joy so my favorite pony is pinke pie
1 likeHere's my favs from the mane six ( No hate comments, please )
1 like1- Rarity
3- Rainbow Dash
4- Pinkie Pie
6- Twilight Sparkle
I hate apple jack for the same reasons you do but more adding on to the apple part apple is all she ever says I'm sure she has said that 100 times
1 like6.Fluttershy5.Applejack4.Pinkie Pie3.Rarity2.Twilight Sparkle1.Rainbow Dash.
0 likesMy favourite ponys are fluttershy and twilight sparkle
0 likesI sorta agree both sides lol
0 likesWhy applejack she is honest to every pony she was honest to big mac she did say to apple buck all the apples so she didn't lie she Apple bucked half of it by her self the other half to her and her friends she's HONESTY 🍎jack (whisper loyalty,laughter,kindness,generosity,honesty and ,magic haha)
0 likesMy least fav out the mane 6 is twilight
1 likeBut she wants to win the price money because mare put so much pressure on her
0 likesRainbow and applejack are both really stubborn
0 likesbut i love applejack how can she be the worst character that just makes me sad
0 likesReplies (3)
+Trin Hier She's just not very interesting.
0 likes@Frank Poole well the picture for the video looks interesting lol
0 likes@Trin Hier i guess
0 likes1 . futtershy
1 like2. rainbow dash
3. twilight
4. pinkie pie
5. rarity
6. Apple jack
Here's my list of best pony's
0 likesRainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
1 Applejack
0 likes2 Rarity
3 Fluttershy
4 Twilight
5 Rainbow
6 Pinkie pie
I agree with that
1 likeMy least favorite pony is drum role:
0 likesApple jack
Favorite pony:
Princess Twilight Sparkle!
My faves
0 likes1: Pinkie Pie
2: Rarity
4: Rainbow Dash
5: Applejack
6: Fluttershy
Replies (1)
0 likes1: Pinkie Pie
2: Rarity
3: Rainbow Dash
4: Applejack
5: Fluttershy
6: Twilight Sparkle
I don't like Twilight because she's just so... Centre of attention, like she became a princess! I feel like they should make her less Royal compared to the mane 6. I mean, Her cutie Mark! Everybody says it's a BiG star among her 5 friends. I think twilight should be on the level of the mane 6 and they kinda combine to make the princess of friendship.
my fav pony list
0 likes1.AJ
my two least favorites are rarity because she is sooo caught up in herself and rainbowdash because she is rude most of the time not trying to be rude if you like them.
0 likesHow you don't like AJ
0 likesmy least favorite pony is rare ( not her full name ) because she is to fushy with her mane, how they look and is to drama queen all to gather so ya a.j. is not that bad but not my favorite ether.
0 likes.1 twilight
0 likes.2 aj
.3 rarity
.4 Fluttershy
.5 pinkie pie
.6 rainbow dash
did you know applejack is a beverage loved in america.......... it is apple cider?????? cough cough rainbow dash
0 likesFuttershy forever!!!!!!!!! She has a bunny!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesMy least fovorite is Rarity, i DO like her, but she (Just like Apple Jack to him) is at the bottom of my list
0 likesOh, and my favorite is tied between Fluttershy and Rainbowdash
Replies (1)
I am thinking the same! #flutterdash
0 likesI agree with the flaws for Applejack. But she isn't the worst to me. For me, this spot goes to Rainbowdash. She is overbearing, quick to blow up in your face, and very self-centered.
0 likesI LOVE AJ
0 likesApple Jack is awesome you are wrong
0 likesmy fave is Rainbow Dash! bucuz she is awesome and swag!
0 likesCan you do a poll about worst pony😀
0 likesMy fave to least fave:
0 likesRainbow
Yes rarity is last for me. Deal with it.
Replies (1)
I hate Rarity too.
0 likesApple Jack same reasons +The Brony Notion
0 likesApple Jack noooooo :(
0 likesRainbow. She so doesnt deserve her element and doesnt think abot other's opinions if it makes her look "uncool"
0 likesReplies (1)
Not true.
0 likesRarity is my least favorite. I don't think she had any character development in 6 SEASONS AND COUNTING! most of Rarity does is going around spitting fashion in brony's faces. She's the center of jokes and humor of the show (Pinkie actually showed some of her character development in Pinkie Pride and Party Of One She shows that if she can't be the party pony.. she's no one well at least to herself. and for Discord MAKE NEW FRIENDZ BUT KEEP DISCORD IS HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Spike shows very much character development that if you want proof, I suggest watching the second ep of Season 6) And that why Rarity is WORST PONY
0 likesMy favorite pony is flutter shy
0 likesAPPLE JACK IS AWESOME but rainbow dash is more awesome I don't have a lest favorite
0 likesat least shes more honost
0 likesRarity is the worst she gets WAY to caught up in fashion
0 likesHow could you 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
0 likesmy list of favorite to least favorite pony 1:Fluttershy 2: Pinkie pie 3: Rainbow dash 4: Applejack 5:Twilight sparkle 6:Rarity
1 likeReplies (4)
+Abby Malcolm WHAT THE HECK?????
2 likesme: fave - least fave
0 likes1)rainbow dash
3)apple jack
4)twilight sparkle
5)pinkie pie
+Hedy Vermes yeah rarity isn't my favorite.. at all XD
0 likes@Abby Malcolm yeah
0 likesthe cat is the best
0 likesat 01:23 he is showing something on flutter s face. i am going to spoiler.......
My least favourite is also applejack I just don't like her as much as the others
0 likesRarity she is too clean!!!!
0 likesMy least favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, hooves down. She is hardly loyal, other than the time she HAS to be loyal so it works with the plot. She is also very self centered... There are times when she cares more about herself and everything that happens to her and her future, rather than caring about her friends, a.k.a FIVE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PONIES IN EQUESTRIA! Okay, let's put that fact of friendship aside for a second. They are THE elements of harmony! If something happens to one pony, there will be a "domino effect", resulting in the fall of all of them! Dash is completely oblivious to how incredibly crucial the Mane Six (five in her case) is to Ponyville, or rather, EQUESTRIA.
0 likesReplies (2)
For these reasons, Rainbow Dash (gets on my nerves) is my least favorite pony.
0 likesSo what? They all act badly sometimes. Rarity is more selfish. Why don't you hate her?
1 likeMy fave pony is twilight apple jack pinkie pie rarity
0 likesShe is, VERY stubborn..
0 likesMy least fav. is twillight she mainly gets all the attention and all she is a ... well I just don't like that she's the center of attention.
0 likesFlutter shy she is way to ahy
0 likesMy favorit pony is pinkie pie
1 likemy least favorite pony is twilight, i can't relate to her in any way, i don't like reading, learning's a bore, i never approved of her being an alicorn, she takes thing to seriously and she just gets on my nerves, her colors are horrid and she's a huge show off when it comes to her learning ability, she way overrated to me at least, and that's why i hate twilight sparkle so much. IMO!!! OKAY?!?!?!
1 likeReplies (3)
One reading is awesome and two who doesn't like to Learn something new from time to time
0 likes@Jay Richardson i meant i hate learning about stuff thats like math or science or history.
0 likes@Jay Richardson and like i said, "I" don't like reading, i never said that you couldn't like it, i just said i don't.
0 likespinkie two words cupcakes and smile
0 likesFavorite Ponies
0 likes1.PINKIE!
5.Rainbow Dash
Replies (1)
i agree. love pinkie she makes me laugh and she different to others
0 likesmy order of favorites
0 likesapplejack
rainbow dash
pinkie pie
flutter shy
Twilight because she is sooooooooooooooo serious
0 likesthat's my husbands Lil sister
0 likesaj is most adulthood
0 likesthe worst pony I think is rainbow dash wanna know why: I think she's kinda mean and heartless
0 likesReplies (1)
+Rose Benzinger I guess you didn't watch Sleepless in Ponyville, or Flight to the Finish, or Hurricane Fluttershy, or every other episode where she was kind and supportive.
0 likesRarity is a bitch.
Tank is the best
1 likemy order is
0 likes1. pinky pie
2. flutter shy
3. twilight sparkle
4. Rainbow dash
5. A.J.
6. Rarity
:3 ;3 :)
0 likesfacepalm
srsly i'll get it to ya'll straight
rainbow is my fav cuz am kinda like her
rarity is 2nd cuz i luv her drama
pinkie 3rd cuz she's pinkie
twi is 4th cuz.... book horse= nerd horse NERD HORSE AWESOME!
5th is flutters cuz............ uh................. well......... i hate that she's shy actually, she still can't do a lot. i hopped for more character change. i still think theres a lot more u can do with her. so with meh hopes she's number 5!
6th is AJ cuz.... of wat he said! <3
anyways, the only reason i love MLP is cuz its like me and my 5 friends (hoe convenient, i have 5 friends and all of us randomly seem to match the character of these ponies!
coincidence or destiny! yea its a coincidence :P
the thing is..... the friend who acts like pinks is my best friend
the one who acts like AJ id 2nd
the one who acts like flutters is my 3rd
the one who acts like book horse is 4th
and the now who acts like rarity is my last.
Jk i don't have any best BEST friend they're all awesome and i've known them for ever!!!
my main point of this comment was i don't wanna see anymore AJ vs RD who's best pony? DEBATE DEBATE!!! there r srsly 4 other ponies there to the side crying! :(
diamond tiara and silver spun and rarity
0 likesfrinds/family👍some episodes 👎
0 likesi watched one of your later videos and figured out YOUR MICORPHONE SUCKS IN DIS VIDEO
0 likeswhat aj is my sssooooo my fav and shes a cowgirl well cowpony , and she reminds me of jessie from toy story
0 likesI love aj
0 likesI disagree with you that's why i dislike this video she is kind and even loyal to her family friends and farm your really wrong and my least favorite pony is fluttershy beacause she is so shy i know she is kind but think about it she really afraid of almost everything and even her own shadow
1 likeReplies (1)
+raymond ramilo I admire your maturity.
0 likesYou are super mean apple jack is amazing
0 likesI love you Broni motion because I dislike applejack to my favorite pony Rainbow Dash
0 likesApplejack no way she's the second-best guess who's the best I bet you can't guess my best silver spoon is the worst just wish I could slap a dislike on this video I'm not kidding stop watching you if you insulting people that shouldn't be insulted I'm out of your channel never ever I watch the channel again
0 likesRarity is the worst!
0 likesFavorite ponies
0 likes1. Cadence
1.5. Rarity
2. Flutter shy
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Pinkamena Diana Pie/Pinkie Pie
5.Twilight Sparkle
6. Applejack
YES I HATE APPLEJACK(you happy notion?)
quiestion if you dont like apple jack why do u have her hoof in your intro oh and brony notion please respond
0 likesMy least favourite is Rarity because she is so fussy
0 likesReplies (2)
+Metal Hulk grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
0 likes+Nur Arslan hey I'm not saying I hate her I actually love her
0 likes👁❤️💎butt (Rarity)
my fave pony is pinkie pie because she so like me
0 likesRarity is worst pony
1 likePrincess Twilight Sparkle
0 likesMy least faverut pony Is rainbow dash and twilit.
0 likesNone I love all# rainbow dash
0 likesI dislike Rainbow Dash because she's so self-centered. Im not saying i hate her but she doesn't realize that there is more than calling others "EGGHEAD" and insulting others.Honestly she does have some good stuff too. Like in season 5 she improves a lot more.
0 likesapple jack
0 likesnone I like all of the ponies
0 likesme too
0 likesWorst ponys Twilight and Rarity (Rarity is worst than Twilight) and best ponys Rainbow Dash ❤ and Applejack but Dashie is better
0 likesmy list goes rd, ts, fs, pp, r, aj
1 likeI like rarity rd g fluttershy
1 likei think dose discord count
0 likesNo I totally disagree
0 likesMy least is .....none because
0 likesReplies (1)
No it's ok
0 likesI like pinky much better
0 likesButthurt AJ fans. Lol.
1 likemine is twlight
0 likesAnd she abandons her frie ds a d ponyville so she ca. HELP ponyville a d she do t wanna let em Down
0 likesI have 2 ponys i hate.... Rarity and Apple Jack....They are sooo annoying! Apple Jack about apples! Rarity about fashion! Who cares! We have better things to do other then hear these things!
0 likesReplies (1)
u r so right
0 likeshow dare u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesRainbow dash because 1. She is full of herself 2. She is a show off 3. Impatient and Pushy
0 likesReplies (1)
+Aurora Reddie She doesn't even act that way anymore.
0 likesRainbow Dash Is my 6th My Fav Is PP Or Fs I dont KNOW GRRRR
0 likesLeast fav is errr twighlight
0 likesI do not like twilight
0 likesbest-applejackworst-rainbow
0 likesReplies (5)
+Emma Dirling AJ sucks ass. RD is best.
0 likes@Frank Poole you know you can make a point without swearing right? No? okay then.
0 likes@Emma Dirling You're on the fucking internet, kid.
0 likes@Frank Poole and this is why its terrible.wow.
0 likes@Emma Dirling you'll get used to it. we all do in the end.
0 likesI don't really like rarity she is greedy for fame
0 likesmy least favorite pony is pinkie pie I know she's like super great super fun super super...but the thing that it scares me is pinkiemena I MEAN LIKE MAKING PONYS JUST FOR CUPCAKES?!
0 likesWhen u watch a video about cupcakes at the start I already finding another video
Oh come on
0 likespinky pie
0 likestwilight...
0 likesWhy Rarity as least well because she's no help at all. All she cares about is looking pretty. Why Rainbow Dash best well because she's 20% cooler than the other ones. Sorry I had to use that pun.😆😆😆😆😆
1 likeReplies (2)
I don't blame you, Rainbow Dash is the best!!!!!😊😊😊😊
0 likesWe've all used that pun at some point.
0 likesRainbow dash
0 likesLyra
0 likesResons
my is apple jack
0 likesRainbowdash
0 likesmy least favitote mane six character is ....................rainbow dash and she should not be a element of harmony Cuz she is mean
0 likesReplies (1)
+Matilda Wadsworth Fuck you. RD is best pony.
0 likesWHAT DA HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!:(((((
0 likesof mane six it is rainbow no efence but she isnt loyla she dosnt deserv to be loyal
0 likesReplies (1)
+nichola ofori atta She's very loyal actually. She's never gone against her element.
0 likesI hate diamond tiara
1 likeno pinky pie is the vorst
0 likesMy Least favorite pony is Rainbow Dash because 1. She hardly ever has been loyal in the show 2. She plays pranks on people that they don't think is funny but she still carries on 3. she doesn't have self reflection whenever she does something not nice she hardly ever says sorry and comes up with an excuse 5. Wow what a liar lies about everything and says she has something when she doesn't 6. she is rude and spoiled and whenever somebody tries to talk to her she either says '' Go away!'' or says nothing and completely ignores them like they don't exist
0 likesReplies (3)
+SnowSky AJ God, you're dumb.
1 likejust an opinion you probs like RD but i don't doesn't mean you have to dis respect my opinion
0 likesI wonder if this opinion has changed...
0 likesyay
0 likesRainbow is the worst.
1 likeReplies (1)
+SHAN Uma Rainbow is the best. She single handedly saved equestria with her sonic rainboom.
1 likeMy worst pony is fluttershy👎
0 likesAnd I don't like her because she is country and I hate county and because she I think is the least talented of the characters. What I'm talking about is her cutie mark. Just look at it, it's the only cutie mark that is really, you know, not so creative. Think of the other fives cutie marks, I think there way more creative than Apple Jacks.
0 likesNo
0 likesi think rainbowdash is the worst
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesDon’t agree worst pony rainbow dash
0 likesRarity is my least favorite Pony
0 likesReplies (2)
mine too
1 likelily ureta she's too girly for a lot of people I guess. she has her fans though. I actually kind of enjoy her sometimes. plus she's way better than starlight.
0 likesprincess twilight is my lest favorite pony because she thinks that she is better than everyone jest because she is a princess!!!!!! Like what is up with that also she can some times she can be a jerk unlike futtershy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡😬😠 I Think that futtershy should be princess !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 likesReplies (2)
I hate twilight to
0 likesUmmmmmm twilight never said that shes better than anyonr else ya dumbass.... And if she did thats a carecter flaw and you CANT have a good charecter whit out those.. And i can see you hating her cus she is a goody goody... But i may hate you becose of your opinion thats like the same thing! BUT i dont!!!!
1 likerainbow dash where is rainbow dash she the worse pony apple jack is the best pony
0 likesReplies (5)
+flutters shy Eat shit. Rainbow Dash is best pony, applejack is stupid and boring.
1 like@Frank Poole i respect your opinoin my friend say that to apple jack i am still her friend
0 likes@flutters shy Crap, now I feel bad about telling you to eat shit. Sorry. You're alright.
0 likes@Frank Poole yes i am alright dont worry i get bullied alot
0 likes@flutters shy I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you'll be alright, friend.
0 likesur rong
0 likesrainbow dash is worst pony! !!
0 likesReplies (2)
1 like