Na neki način, Turneja Da' 1991 predstavljala je zenit korporativnog rocka. Reklamiran kao "Yesshows '91: Around the World in 80 Dates", okupio je osam(!) najpoznatijih članova grupe za dvoipolsatnu emisiju, od kojih je više od polovice sadržavalo cijeli oktet. Pozadina je da su postojale dvije suparničke skupine Da od 1989. godine, a do kraja 1990. izgledalo je kao da nijedna neće biti komercijalno održiva sama po sebi. Tako su tužili jedni druge, ali to nije pomoglo, pa su se spojili u jednu grupu, izdali osrednji album s pjesmama zasebnih grupa i otišli na turneju.
Budući da sam bio na dva koncerta (4/18 i 7/18), mogu reći da je koncert bio fenomenalan.
Travanjska predstava, koja je bila "u rundi" u Hartford Civic Centru, bila je najbolja emisija da koju sam vidio. Pjevač Jon Anderson zvučao je sjajno, a od instrumentalista, sjećam se gitarista Trevora Rabina, klavijaturista Ricka Wakemana, a ističu se bubnjari Bill Bruford i Alan White. Union Live ne može preoteti događaj za mene, ali je ipak prilično dobar.
Loše strane? Prvo, harmonizirani vokali zaštitni su znak zvuka Da, ali prečesto su prateći vokali basista Chrisa Squirea slabi, pružajući nedovoljnu podršku Andersonu, osobito kasnije u showu. Drugo, miješanje previše odvaja instrumente, smanjujući "živi" osjećaj. Na "Roundaboutu", na primjer, bas gitara gotovo nestaje na mjestima. Prvobitno sam pretpostavio da je Union Live pomiješan od nule za cd izdanje, ali sada se pitam je li to mogao biti live soundboard mix s publikom dodanom (po mom mišljenju) nakon činjenice. Moja posljednja pritužba je, vjerujem, najznačajnija: isključivanje brojnih pjesama sa seta, unatoč dostupnosti oko 45 neiskorištenih minuta između dva CD-a. Po mojoj računici, evo što nedostaje: dvije union pjesme ("Lift Me Up" i "Shock to the System"), "And You And I I", "Changes", duet s bubnjevima i solo spot Tonyja Kayea. Držao bih jezik za zubima da su uključeni samo "Podigni me" i "Šok za sustav". Za početak, audio verzije ovih dviju pjesama uživo nisu dostupne legitimno - plus, obje su bile vrlo dobre na koncertu, posebno "Shock to the System", što je zvučalo bolje od verzije albuma.
Dobre strane uključuju zanimljive obrate dodane pjesmama, posebno Rabina i Andersona.
Najdraža mi je klavijatura koju je Wakeman dodao u "Vlasnik usamljenog srca". To je dio koji je izvorno napisao Rabin (kao što je navedeno na demo verziji pjesme na Rabinovoj 90124),ali Wakeman je čini svojom. Većina nastupa je vrlo dobra, iako je bend sigurno bio iscrpljen-Union Live je snimljen 8. kolovoza 1991., osamdeset i prvi i posljednji koncert turneje iz 1991., koja je započela četiri mjeseca ranije. (Igrali su posljednju petodnevnu japansku utakmicu u veljači i ožujku 1992.). Union Live nije Yessongs,ali je dobar kao i prosječni album Da uživo.
I barem dok se ne objavi još jedna snimka s ove turneje, Union Live je važan dio Yesove diskografije.LADISLAV&Z…….
0:00 Firebird Suite (Intro) 3:15 Yours Is No Disgrace 18:48 Rhythm Of Love 24:49 Heart Of The Sunrise 36:18 Steve Howe Guitar Solo (Clap/Mood for a Day) 43:15 Make It Easy (Intro to Owner Of A Lonely Heart) 44:14 Owner Of A Lonely Heart 51:22 Your Move 55:12 All Good People 59:16 Solly's Beard 1:07:28 Saving My Heart 1:13:38 Whitefish (The Fish/Tempus Fugit/Sound Chaser)/Amazing Grace 1:24:30 Rick Wakeman Synth Solo 1:30:00 Awaken 1:48:45 Roundabout 1:57:41 Credits
Steve and Trevor! Bill and Alan! Rick and Tony! Simply amazing. I caught their Fairfax, Va. concert. It was amazing. Met them after the show at the hotel. An incredible night.
I missed this tour, so thanks so much for uploading the video. Although there were plenty of intra-group tensions off stage, it never shows here. "Shock to the System" seems to have been cut from the video. Not a huge loss. But "Lift Me Up" is! Happy New Year!
In a way, the 1991 Yes' Tour represented the zenith of corporate rock. Advertised as "Yesshows '91: Around the World in 80 Dates," it brought together eight(!) of the group's most famous members for the two-and-a-half-hour show, more than half of whom contained the entire Oct. The background is that there have been two rival Groups Yes since 1989, and by the end of 1990 it looked as if neither would be commercially viable in itself. So they sued each other, but it didn't help, so they merged into one group, released a mediocre album with songs by separate groups and went on tour.
Since I've been to two concerts (4/18 and 7/18), I can say that the concert was phenomenal.
The April show, which was "in the round" at the Hartford Civic Center, was the best show I've ever seen. Singer Jon Anderson sounded great, and of the instrumentalists, I remember guitarist Trevor Rabin, keyboardist Rick Wakeman, and drummers Bill Bruford and Alan White stand out. Union Live can't take the event for me, but it's still pretty good.
The downsides? First, harmonized vocals are a hallmark of The Yes sound, but too often bassist Chris Squire's backing vocals are weak, providing insufficient support for Anderson, especially later in the show. Secondly, mixing too much separates the instruments, reducing the "living" feeling. On "Roundabout", for example, the bass guitar almost disappears in places. I originally assumed that Union Live was mixed from scratch for the CD release, but now I wonder if it could have been a live soundboard mix with the audience added (in my opinion) after the fact. My last complaint, I believe, is the most significant: excluding numerous songs from the set, despite the availability of about 45 unused minutes between two CDs. By my count, here's what's missing: two union songs ("Lift Me Up" and "Shock to the System"), "And You And I," "Changes," a drum duet and a Tony Kaye solo. I'd keep my mouth shut if only "Raise Me" and "Shock to the System" were included. For starters, audio versions of these two live songs are not available legitimately - plus, both were very good at the concert, especially "Shock to the System," which sounded better than the album version.
The upsides include interesting twists added to the songs, especially Rabin and Anderson.
My favorite keyboard is the keyboard Wakeman added to "The Owner of a Lonely Heart." It's the part originally written by Rabin (as noted on the demo version of the song on Rabin's 90124), but Wakeman makes it his own. Most of the performances are very good, although the band must have been exhausted-Union Live was recorded on August 8, 1991, the eighty-first and final concert of the 1991 tour, which began four months earlier. (They played their last five-day Japanese game in February and March 1992). Union Live isn't Yessongs, but it's as good as the average Yes live album.
And at least until another recording from this tour is released, Union Live is an important part of Yes's discography. LADISLAV&Z.......
D’une certaine manière, le Yes' Tour de 1991 représentait le zénith du rock corporatif. Annoncé comme « Yesshows '91: Around the World in 80 Dates », il a réuni huit (!) des membres les plus célèbres du groupe pour l’émission de deux heures et demie, dont plus de la moitié contenait tout l’octobre. Le contexte est qu’il y a eu deux groupes rivaux Oui depuis 1989, et à la fin de 1990, il semblait que ni l’un ni l’autre ne serait commercialement viable en soi. Alors ils se sont poursuivis, mais ça n’a pas aidé, alors ils ont fusionné en un seul groupe, ont sorti un album médiocre avec des chansons de groupes séparés et sont partis en tournée.
Depuis que j’ai été à deux concerts (4/18 et 7/18), je peux dire que le concert était phénoménal.
Le spectacle d’avril, qui était « dans la ronde » au Hartford Civic Center, était le meilleur spectacle que j’ai jamais vu. Le chanteur Jon Anderson sonnait bien, et parmi les instrumentistes, je me souviens du guitariste Trevor Rabin, du claviériste Rick Wakeman et des batteurs Bill Bruford et Alan White qui se démarquent. Union Live ne peut pas prendre l’événement pour moi, mais c’est quand même assez bon.
Les inconvénients? Tout d’abord, les voix harmonisées sont une caractéristique du son The Yes, mais trop souvent, les chœurs du bassiste Chris Squire sont faibles, fournissant un support insuffisant pour Anderson, surtout plus tard dans le spectacle. Deuxièmement, trop mélanger sépare les instruments, réduisant le sentiment « vivant ». Sur « Roundabout », par exemple, la guitare basse disparaît presque par endroits. J’ai d’abord supposé que Union Live a été mixé à partir de zéro pour la sortie du CD, mais maintenant je me demande si cela aurait pu être un mix de table d’harmonie en direct avec le public ajouté (à mon avis) après le fait. Ma dernière plainte, je crois, est la plus importante: exclure de nombreuses chansons de l’ensemble, malgré la disponibilité d’environ 45 minutes inutilisées entre deux CD. Selon mes calculs, voici ce qui manque: deux chansons de l’union (« Lift Me Up » et « Shock to the System »), « And You And I », « Changes », un duo de batterie et un solo de Tony Kaye. Je garderais ma bouche fermée si seulement « Raise Me » et « Shock to the System » étaient inclus. Pour commencer, les versions audio de ces deux chansons live ne sont pas disponibles légitimement - de plus, les deux étaient très bonnes au concert, en particulier « Shock to the System », qui sonnait mieux que la version album.
Les avantages incluent des rebondissements intéressants ajoutés aux chansons, en particulier Rabin et Anderson.
Mon clavier préféré est le clavier que Wakeman a ajouté à « The Owner of a Lonely Heart ». C’est la partie écrite à l’origine par Rabin (comme indiqué sur la version démo de la chanson sur 90124 de Rabin), mais Wakeman la fait sienne. La plupart des performances sont très bonnes, bien que le groupe ait dû être épuisé - Union Live a été enregistré le 8 août 1991, le quatre-vingt-unième et dernier concert de la tournée de 1991, qui a commencé quatre mois plus tôt. (Ils ont joué leur dernier match japonais de cinq jours en février et mars 1992). Union Live n’est pas Yessongs, mais c’est aussi bon que l’album live yes moyen.
Et au moins jusqu’à ce qu’un autre enregistrement de cette tournée soit publié, Union Live est une partie importante de la discographie de Yes. LADISLAV&Z.......
Wow is My Dream towards Another UNION ALL TOGETHER AGAIN BEFORE ENDING THIS WORLD... I've Been in about 11 Yes Concerts First time Chicago Amphitheater
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glaybe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!
Na neki način, Turneja Da' 1991 predstavljala je zenit korporativnog rocka. Reklamiran kao "Yesshows '91: Around the World in 80 Dates", okupio je osam(!) najpoznatijih članova grupe za dvoipolsatnu emisiju, od kojih je više od polovice sadržavalo cijeli oktet. Pozadina je da su postojale dvije suparničke skupine Da od 1989. godine, a do kraja 1990. izgledalo je kao da nijedna neće biti komercijalno održiva sama po sebi. Tako su tužili jedni druge, ali to nije pomoglo, pa su se spojili u jednu grupu, izdali osrednji album s pjesmama zasebnih grupa i otišli na turneju.
2 likesBudući da sam bio na dva koncerta (4/18 i 7/18), mogu reći da je koncert bio fenomenalan.
Travanjska predstava, koja je bila "u rundi" u Hartford Civic Centru, bila je najbolja emisija da koju sam vidio. Pjevač Jon Anderson zvučao je sjajno, a od instrumentalista, sjećam se gitarista Trevora Rabina, klavijaturista Ricka Wakemana, a ističu se bubnjari Bill Bruford i Alan White. Union Live ne može preoteti događaj za mene, ali je ipak prilično dobar.
Loše strane? Prvo, harmonizirani vokali zaštitni su znak zvuka Da, ali prečesto su prateći vokali basista Chrisa Squirea slabi, pružajući nedovoljnu podršku Andersonu, osobito kasnije u showu. Drugo, miješanje previše odvaja instrumente, smanjujući "živi" osjećaj. Na "Roundaboutu", na primjer, bas gitara gotovo nestaje na mjestima. Prvobitno sam pretpostavio da je Union Live pomiješan od nule za cd izdanje, ali sada se pitam je li to mogao biti live soundboard mix s publikom dodanom (po mom mišljenju) nakon činjenice. Moja posljednja pritužba je, vjerujem, najznačajnija: isključivanje brojnih pjesama sa seta, unatoč dostupnosti oko 45 neiskorištenih minuta između dva CD-a. Po mojoj računici, evo što nedostaje: dvije union pjesme ("Lift Me Up" i "Shock to the System"), "And You And I I", "Changes", duet s bubnjevima i solo spot Tonyja Kayea. Držao bih jezik za zubima da su uključeni samo "Podigni me" i "Šok za sustav". Za početak, audio verzije ovih dviju pjesama uživo nisu dostupne legitimno - plus, obje su bile vrlo dobre na koncertu, posebno "Shock to the System", što je zvučalo bolje od verzije albuma.
Dobre strane uključuju zanimljive obrate dodane pjesmama, posebno Rabina i Andersona.
Najdraža mi je klavijatura koju je Wakeman dodao u "Vlasnik usamljenog srca". To je dio koji je izvorno napisao Rabin (kao što je navedeno na demo verziji pjesme na Rabinovoj 90124),ali Wakeman je čini svojom. Većina nastupa je vrlo dobra, iako je bend sigurno bio iscrpljen-Union Live je snimljen 8. kolovoza 1991., osamdeset i prvi i posljednji koncert turneje iz 1991., koja je započela četiri mjeseca ranije. (Igrali su posljednju petodnevnu japansku utakmicu u veljači i ožujku 1992.). Union Live nije Yessongs,ali je dobar kao i prosječni album Da uživo.
I barem dok se ne objavi još jedna snimka s ove turneje, Union Live je važan dio Yesove diskografije.LADISLAV&Z…….
0:00 Firebird Suite (Intro)
15 likes3:15 Yours Is No Disgrace
18:48 Rhythm Of Love
24:49 Heart Of The Sunrise
36:18 Steve Howe Guitar Solo (Clap/Mood for a Day)
43:15 Make It Easy (Intro to Owner Of A Lonely Heart)
44:14 Owner Of A Lonely Heart
51:22 Your Move
55:12 All Good People
59:16 Solly's Beard
1:07:28 Saving My Heart
1:13:38 Whitefish (The Fish/Tempus Fugit/Sound Chaser)/Amazing Grace
1:24:30 Rick Wakeman Synth Solo
1:30:00 Awaken
1:48:45 Roundabout
1:57:41 Credits
8 brilliant musicians having exorbitant fun. That's what I'm feeling. That makes every single cell of my body cheer.
4 likesGod they were so amazingly tight and together. I believe they were all at or near their peak performing abilities here. Long live the mighty YES!!
2 likesSteve and Trevor! Bill and Alan! Rick and Tony! Simply amazing. I caught their Fairfax, Va. concert. It was amazing. Met them after the show at the hotel. An incredible night.
2 likesSTEVE HOWE, no matter how depressed i am with life, your guitar parts in many yes songs changes everything!!!!!
6 likesReplies (1)
oh my goodness - i feel exactly the same . i love steve :)) . legendary band - absolutely FANTASTIC !!!!
2 likesOutstanding! Thank you!
2 likesI missed this tour, so thanks so much for uploading the video. Although there were plenty of intra-group tensions off stage, it never shows here. "Shock to the System" seems to have been cut from the video. Not a huge loss. But "Lift Me Up" is! Happy New Year!
2 likesIn a way, the 1991 Yes' Tour represented the zenith of corporate rock. Advertised as "Yesshows '91: Around the World in 80 Dates," it brought together eight(!) of the group's most famous members for the two-and-a-half-hour show, more than half of whom contained the entire Oct. The background is that there have been two rival Groups Yes since 1989, and by the end of 1990 it looked as if neither would be commercially viable in itself. So they sued each other, but it didn't help, so they merged into one group, released a mediocre album with songs by separate groups and went on tour.
1 likeSince I've been to two concerts (4/18 and 7/18), I can say that the concert was phenomenal.
The April show, which was "in the round" at the Hartford Civic Center, was the best show I've ever seen. Singer Jon Anderson sounded great, and of the instrumentalists, I remember guitarist Trevor Rabin, keyboardist Rick Wakeman, and drummers Bill Bruford and Alan White stand out. Union Live can't take the event for me, but it's still pretty good.
The downsides? First, harmonized vocals are a hallmark of The Yes sound, but too often bassist Chris Squire's backing vocals are weak, providing insufficient support for Anderson, especially later in the show. Secondly, mixing too much separates the instruments, reducing the "living" feeling. On "Roundabout", for example, the bass guitar almost disappears in places. I originally assumed that Union Live was mixed from scratch for the CD release, but now I wonder if it could have been a live soundboard mix with the audience added (in my opinion) after the fact. My last complaint, I believe, is the most significant: excluding numerous songs from the set, despite the availability of about 45 unused minutes between two CDs. By my count, here's what's missing: two union songs ("Lift Me Up" and "Shock to the System"), "And You And I," "Changes," a drum duet and a Tony Kaye solo. I'd keep my mouth shut if only "Raise Me" and "Shock to the System" were included. For starters, audio versions of these two live songs are not available legitimately - plus, both were very good at the concert, especially "Shock to the System," which sounded better than the album version.
The upsides include interesting twists added to the songs, especially Rabin and Anderson.
My favorite keyboard is the keyboard Wakeman added to "The Owner of a Lonely Heart." It's the part originally written by Rabin (as noted on the demo version of the song on Rabin's 90124), but Wakeman makes it his own. Most of the performances are very good, although the band must have been exhausted-Union Live was recorded on August 8, 1991, the eighty-first and final concert of the 1991 tour, which began four months earlier. (They played their last five-day Japanese game in February and March 1992). Union Live isn't Yessongs, but it's as good as the average Yes live album.
And at least until another recording from this tour is released, Union Live is an important part of Yes's discography. LADISLAV&Z.......
This is just good stuff.
2 likesI had no idea they did this. This is really quite cool.
1 likeD’une certaine manière, le Yes' Tour de 1991 représentait le zénith du rock corporatif. Annoncé comme « Yesshows '91: Around the World in 80 Dates », il a réuni huit (!) des membres les plus célèbres du groupe pour l’émission de deux heures et demie, dont plus de la moitié contenait tout l’octobre. Le contexte est qu’il y a eu deux groupes rivaux Oui depuis 1989, et à la fin de 1990, il semblait que ni l’un ni l’autre ne serait commercialement viable en soi. Alors ils se sont poursuivis, mais ça n’a pas aidé, alors ils ont fusionné en un seul groupe, ont sorti un album médiocre avec des chansons de groupes séparés et sont partis en tournée.
0 likesDepuis que j’ai été à deux concerts (4/18 et 7/18), je peux dire que le concert était phénoménal.
Le spectacle d’avril, qui était « dans la ronde » au Hartford Civic Center, était le meilleur spectacle que j’ai jamais vu. Le chanteur Jon Anderson sonnait bien, et parmi les instrumentistes, je me souviens du guitariste Trevor Rabin, du claviériste Rick Wakeman et des batteurs Bill Bruford et Alan White qui se démarquent. Union Live ne peut pas prendre l’événement pour moi, mais c’est quand même assez bon.
Les inconvénients? Tout d’abord, les voix harmonisées sont une caractéristique du son The Yes, mais trop souvent, les chœurs du bassiste Chris Squire sont faibles, fournissant un support insuffisant pour Anderson, surtout plus tard dans le spectacle. Deuxièmement, trop mélanger sépare les instruments, réduisant le sentiment « vivant ». Sur « Roundabout », par exemple, la guitare basse disparaît presque par endroits. J’ai d’abord supposé que Union Live a été mixé à partir de zéro pour la sortie du CD, mais maintenant je me demande si cela aurait pu être un mix de table d’harmonie en direct avec le public ajouté (à mon avis) après le fait. Ma dernière plainte, je crois, est la plus importante: exclure de nombreuses chansons de l’ensemble, malgré la disponibilité d’environ 45 minutes inutilisées entre deux CD. Selon mes calculs, voici ce qui manque: deux chansons de l’union (« Lift Me Up » et « Shock to the System »), « And You And I », « Changes », un duo de batterie et un solo de Tony Kaye. Je garderais ma bouche fermée si seulement « Raise Me » et « Shock to the System » étaient inclus. Pour commencer, les versions audio de ces deux chansons live ne sont pas disponibles légitimement - de plus, les deux étaient très bonnes au concert, en particulier « Shock to the System », qui sonnait mieux que la version album.
Les avantages incluent des rebondissements intéressants ajoutés aux chansons, en particulier Rabin et Anderson.
Mon clavier préféré est le clavier que Wakeman a ajouté à « The Owner of a Lonely Heart ». C’est la partie écrite à l’origine par Rabin (comme indiqué sur la version démo de la chanson sur 90124 de Rabin), mais Wakeman la fait sienne. La plupart des performances sont très bonnes, bien que le groupe ait dû être épuisé - Union Live a été enregistré le 8 août 1991, le quatre-vingt-unième et dernier concert de la tournée de 1991, qui a commencé quatre mois plus tôt. (Ils ont joué leur dernier match japonais de cinq jours en février et mars 1992). Union Live n’est pas Yessongs, mais c’est aussi bon que l’album live yes moyen.
Et au moins jusqu’à ce qu’un autre enregistrement de cette tournée soit publié, Union Live est une partie importante de la discographie de Yes. LADISLAV&Z.......
"Saving My Heart" sounds much better here than on the album.
3 likesReplies (1)
Except for the flubbed guitar change at the end
2 likesI've Been in about 11 Yes Concerts
First time Chicago Amphitheater
All I can say is GOD PLLES YES 👍
3 likesYesssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 likesAwaken... just WOW
1 like1:29:18 AWAKEN on 🔥
2 likesCopyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
1 likeMoje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glaybe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!
2 likesladislav zivanovic