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Touch&Street Suite 1969..Full Flbum.....

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-28 13:48:40

Originally published in 1969
Taken at Technisonic Studios, St. Louis, Missouri.
Sleeve with

Cap (C) 1999 Gear Fab Publishing
Other versions (5)Autres versions (5)Touch (1980s belt)This article is about a band from the 1970s. For Don Gallucci's band, check out Touch (a band from the 1960s). For a South Korean group of boys, see Touch (South Korean group). History[edit] Post break
Mark Mangold continued to write and record with other artists and for other artists, and one of his earliest collaborators was the then relatively unknown musician Michael Bolton. [1] This working relationship began when Mangold co-wrote and performed on Bolton's first solo hit Fool's Game, which was featured on the latter artist's self-titled 1983 solo album. "I Found Someone," another collaboration with Bolton, was initially recorded by Laura Branigan, although it eventually became a top-10 hit for Cher.

Craig Brooks joined Mangold in the studio for Michael Bolton's solo album. In addition to being a fellow co-author on "Fool's Game," Brooks performed guitar and backing vocals on the album. The following year, he sang on Roger Glover's solo album, Mask.

Doug Howard also went on to perform, record and write with artists such as Todd Rundgren, Edgar Winter, Stun Leer and Roy Buchanan, as well as a member of Rundgren's Utopia (Howard co-wrote the utopian hit "Feet Don't Fail Me Now" and managing partner of Lodestar Entertainment.
1980: First album[edit]
Their single "Don't You Know What Love Is" reached #69 on the Billboard Hot 100 and number 1 in some areas, as did their single "When The Spirit Moves You." However, the song was heavily played on AOR radio stations in the US in the early 1980s and was going well on the specialist Melody Maker chart in the UK. The band grew to be one oxyp album in 1980, the second category album was in 1982. [1]
Touch was the first band to play at the inaugural Monsters of Rock Festival at Castle Donington in 1980. [1] A live version of "Don't You Know What Love Is" appeared on the compilation LP Monsters of Rock, documenting performances at the festival....... 2014: Reformation
In 2014, Mangold was asked to play Touch songs with the band that assembled the Firefest Festival, for the festival, including Swedish singer Göran Edman on lead vocals along with other Swedish musicians. This line-up performed live at Firefest in Nottingham, UK, in October 2014.

2020-present: New album
In 2020, Mangold announced that all four original members had reunited and were working again on a new Touch album for release at the end of 2020. In October 2020, Mangold posted a new Touch song on his Youtube account. Tomorrow Never Comes was released on March 6, 2021. Staff
Craig Brooks – guitars, vocals
Mark Mangold – keyboards, vocals
Doug Howard – bass guitar, vocals
Glenn Kithcart – drums, percussion, vocals... Discography
Studio albums
Touch (film)
Touch II (2021)
Tomorrow Never Comes (2021)
Compilation album... Complete works I &II (1998)ladislav&zivanovic

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-28 13:48:11

Izvorno objavljen 1969.
Snimljeno u Technisonic Studios, St. Louis, Missouri.
Rukav s

kapom (C) 1999 Gear Fab Publishing
Ostale verzije (5)Autres verzije (5)Touch (pojas iz 1980-ih)Ovaj članak govori o bendu iz 1970-ih. Za bend Dona Galluccija pogledajte Touch (bend iz 1960-ih). Za južnokorejsku grupu dječaka pogledajte Touch (južnokorejska skupina).Povijest[uređivanje] Post prekid
Mark Mangold nastavio je pisati i snimati s drugim umjetnicima i za druge umjetnike, a jedan od njegovih najranijih suradnika bio je tada relativno nepoznat glazbenik Michael Bolton. [1] Ovaj radni odnos započeo je kada je Mangold koautor i nastupio na Boltonovom prvom samostalnom hitu "Fool's Game", koji se nalazio na samozvanom solo albumu potonjeg izvođača iz 1983.godine. Pjesmu"I Found Someone",još jednu suradnju s Boltonom, u početku je snimila Laura Branigan, iako je na kraju postala top 10 hit za Cher.

Craig Brooks pridružio se Mangoldu u studiju za solo album Michaela Boltona. Osim što je bio kolega koautor na albumu "Fool's Game", Brooks je na albumu izvodio gitaru i prateće vokale. Sljedeće godine pjevao je na solo albumu Rogera Glovera, Mask.

Doug Howard također je nastavio nastupati, snimati i pisati s izvođačima i umjetnicima kao što su Todd Rundgren, Edgar Winter, Stun Leer i Roy Buchanan, kao i član Rundgrenove Utopije (Howard je koautor utopijskog hita"Feet Don't Fail Me Now" i upravljački partner Lodestar Entertainmenta.
1980: Prvi album[edit]
Njihov singl "Don't You Know What Love Is" dosegao je #69 na Billboard Hot 100 i broj 1 na nekim područjima, kao i njihov singl "When The Spirit Moves You". Međutim, pjesma je jako reproducirana na AOR radio postajama u SAD-u početkom 80-ih i dobro se odvijala na specijaliziranoj Melody Maker ljestvici u Velikoj Britaniji. Sastav je postoo jedan oksipovi album 1980. godine, drugi kategorijski album je 1982. godine. [1]
Touch je bio prvi bend koji je svirao na inauguracijskom monsters of rock festivalu na stazi Castle Donington 1980. godine. [1] Live verzija pjesme "Don't You Know What Love Is" pojavila se na kompilaciji LP Monsters of Rock, dokumentirajući nastupe na festivalu.......2014:Reformacija
Godine 2014., Mangold je zamoljen da svira Touch pjesme s bendom koji je okupio Firefest Festival, za festival, uključujući švedskog pjevača Görana Edmana na glavnim vokalima zajedno s drugim švedskim glazbenicima. Ova postava nastupila je uživo na Firefestu u Nottinghamuu Velikoj Britaniji u listopadu 2014. [2]

2020-danas: Novi album
U 2020. godini Mangold je objavio da su se sva četiri originalna člana ponovno okupila i da ponovno rade na novom Touch albumu za izlazak krajem 2020. godine. U listopadu 2020. godine Mangold je na svom Youtube računu objavio novu Touch pjesmu. Album Tomorrow Never Comesobjavljen je 6. ožujka 2021. godine.Osoblje
Craig Brooks – gitare, vokali
Mark Mangold – klavijature, vokali
Doug Howard – bas gitara, vokal
Glenn Kithcart – bubnjevi, udaraljke, vokali...Diskografija
Studijski albumi
Dodir (1980.)
Dodir II (2021)
Sutra nikad ne dolazi (2021)
Kompilacijski album...Kompletna djela I & II (1998.)ladislav&zivanovic

ladislav zivanovic 2021-11-28 13:49:55

Publié à l’origine en 1969
Prise à Technisonic Studios, St. Louis, Missouri.
Manche avec

1999: Cap (C) Gear Fab Publishing
Autres versions (5)Autres versions (5)Touch (ceinture des années 1980)Cet article concerne un groupe des années 1970. Pour le groupe de Don Gallucci, consultez Touch (un groupe des années 1960). Pour un groupe de garçons sud-coréens, voir Touch (groupe sud-coréen). Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Post-pause
Mark Mangold a continué à écrire et à enregistrer avec d’autres artistes et pour d’autres artistes, et l’un de ses premiers collaborateurs était le musicien alors relativement inconnu Michael Bolton. [1] Cette relation de travail a commencé lorsque Mangold a co-écrit et joué sur le premier succès solo de Bolton, Fool’s Game, qui a été présenté sur l’album solo éponyme de 1983 de ce dernier artiste. « I Found Someone », une autre collaboration avec Bolton, a d’abord été enregistrée par Laura Branigan, bien qu’elle soit finalement devenue un succès dans le top 10 pour Cher.

Craig Brooks a rejoint Mangold en studio pour l’album solo de Michael Bolton. En plus d’être co-auteur de « Fool’s Game », Brooks a joué de la guitare et des chœurs sur l’album. L’année suivante, il chante sur l’album solo de Roger Glover, Mask.

Doug Howard a également continué à jouer, enregistrer et écrire avec des artistes tels que Todd Rundgren, Edgar Winter, Stun Leer et Roy Buchanan, ainsi qu’un membre de Rundgren’s Utopia (Howard a co-écrit le hit utopique « Feet Don’t Fail Me Now » et associé directeur de Lodestar Entertainment.
1980: Premier album[modifier | modifier le code]
Leur single « Don’t You Know What Love Is » a atteint la 69e place du Billboard Hot 100 et la 1er place dans certains domaines, tout comme leur single « When The Spirit Moves You ». Cependant, la chanson a été fortement jouée sur les stations de radio AOR aux États-Unis au début des années 1980 et allait bien sur le classement spécialisé Melody Maker au Royaume-Uni. Le groupe est devenu un album oxyp en 1980, le deuxième album de catégorie a été en 1982. [1]
Touch a été le premier groupe à jouer au festival inaugural Monsters of Rock à Castle Donington en 1980. [1] Une version live de « Don’t You Know What Love Is » est apparue sur la compilation LP Monsters of Rock, documentant les performances au festival....... 2014 : Réforme
En 2014, Mangold a été invité à jouer des chansons de Touch avec le groupe qui a réuni le Festival Firefest, pour le festival, y compris le chanteur suédois Göran Edman au chant avec d’autres musiciens suédois. Ce line-up s’est produit en direct au Firefest à Nottingham, au Royaume-Uni, en octobre 2014.

2020-présent: Nouvel album
En 2020, Mangold a annoncé que les quatre membres originaux s’étaient réunis et travaillaient à nouveau sur un nouvel album Touch qui sortira à la fin de 2020. En octobre 2020, Mangold a publié une nouvelle chanson touch sur son compte Youtube. Tomorrow Never Comes est sorti le 6 mars 2021. Le personnel
Craig Brooks – guitares, chant
Mark Mangold – claviers, chant
Doug Howard – basse, chant
Glenn Kithcart – batterie, percussions, chant... Discographie
Albums studio
Touch (film)
Touch II (2021) (en)
Demain ne vient jamais (2021)
Album de compilation... Œuvres complètes I &II (1998)ladislav&zivanovic