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Anti-Bronies: How to handle and avoid them

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Comments (archived 2023-05-21 08:56; 3 top, 7 total comments)

DarkyBoode32 2022-11-14 06:49:36

I just simply avoid places where they might be dwelling and don’t respond to them. If I come across one, I just look in the opposite direction and move on with my day.

lurio 2022-01-27 19:57:19

personally i just like annoying them on purpose. funny asf tbh

Marcos Senna 2021-07-23 04:06:49

I thought anti bronies were gone 7 years ago

Replies (4)
Comic Field 2021-07-23 04:41:49

Although they're more rare, they're still here, although they're close to extinction, which is a good thing.

Marcos Senna 2021-07-23 05:06:31

@Comic Field I was an anti brony back then but I left a long time ago like when I enter high school because I had better things to do with my time. I’m surprised they are still around

1 like
Prince Sri Dash 2022-06-14 09:34:31

I am gonna make a meme to insult them.

DarkyBoode32 2022-11-14 06:55:33

@Comic Field That’s true, bronies got a lot of hate back when the fandom was in its hype around 2011-2014. But they’re not getting as much hate these days. Because typically when there’s a group of people who are outside of what society deems the norm, conservative cuckheads always lash out and attempt to shun them. Although despite the backlash, the group doesn’t back down and keeps being themselves until they are accepted into society. What bronies have experienced in the early 2010s is quite similar to gay people in the 1970s and metalheads in the 1980s.