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Savanna&Collected Madness..1973 ENGLAND, RARE ..Acid, Folk Rock..

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 00:38; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-08-11 21:14:12

Biographie de Savannah
Le quatuor SAVANNA basé à LISBONNE/Portugal a été fondé en 2012 par Miguel Vilhena (guitare, synthétiseur), Pedro Castilho (synthé), Tiago Vilhena (basse) et le batteur João Seixas. Influencés par le surréalisme, mais aussi par le psychédélisme et unis par une passion pour les maîtres de la bande sonore tels que Goblin, Carpenter ou Morricone, ils ennoblissent leur musique avec la brillance d’une ambiance spatiale floydish.

En 2012, le groupe a enregistré un EP intitulé « Aurora » aux studios Discotexas - sept chansons qui sont toutes connectées - où ils ont besoin de s’asseoir et d’écouter afin de percevoir pleinement son concept: une histoire qui conduit à un voyage dans le temps, guidé à travers une grande aventure dans laquelle l’humanité joue le personnage principal.
SAVANE ..........Ladislav&Zivanovic... SAVANNA est un nouveau look qui apparaîtra sur scène qui offre un nouveau mélange symbiotique de psychédélique progressif / espace et de rock artistique. Pink Floyd et Porcupine Tree ont peut-être eu un grand impact influent ici. C’est leur premier signe de vie, pour ainsi dire, nous parlons d’un EP qui réunit sept chansons, relativement courtes et compactes plus ou moins... mais quand vous écoutez, il pourrait certainement aller pour une épopée arrondie dans son intégralité. D’ailleurs, une association spirituelle vient au nouveau venu brésilien Cobalt Blue, qui m’a convaincu d’une manière similaire il y a quelque temps.
Il y a aussi une ambiance cinématographique pour l’État ... et certes, le groupe met également en évidence une certaine passion pour les maîtres de la bande sonore comme Enni Morricone, par exemple. La courte chanson-titre se développe d’un terrain de jeu électronique / ambiant à un magnifique comportement de balancement. Maintenant suiveur Run s’ouvre avec une ligne de basse somptueuse et offre des riffs de guitare accrocheurs, plus loin la chanson l’invite à chanter le long de charmants chœurs invités. Avec Fall, ils glissent dans un beau spin hallucinogène alors, dominé par des guitares et des synthétiseurs espacés.

L’impressionnante dernière paire de chansons de Curtain Of Death s’avère être le point culminant de l’album. Surtout un groove basé sur un travail de basse et de batterie animé, des synthétiseurs excentriques tourbillonnent entre les deux, des guitares diverses avec plusieurs chansons à ne pas oublier. C’est l’écriture de chansons que j’attendrais normalement de vieilles mains. En plus de ces dinosaures prog mentionnés, je nommerais également Astra et Moonwagon s’il devait y avoir une demande pour des œuvres similaires à mentionner. Fun nettoyer sur un total de 23 minutes - il pleure pour plus. SAVANNA est un autre groupe dans lequel j’attends avec impatience la prochaine sortie. ..........Ladislav&Zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2022-08-11 21:14:39

Savannah's biography
The LISBON/Portugal-based SAVANNA quartet was founded in 2012 by Miguel Vilhena (guitar, synth), Pedro Castilho (synth), Tiago Vilhena (bass) and drummer João Seixas. Influenced by surrealism, but also by psychedelia and united by a passion for soundtrack masters such as Goblin, Carpenter or Morricone, they ennoble their music with the brilliance of a floydish space ambience.

In 2012, the band recorded an EP called 'Aurora' at Discotexas Studios - seven songs that are all connected - where they need to sit and listen in order to fully perceive its concept: a story that leads to time travel, guided through a great adventure in which humanity plays the main character.
SAVANNA ..........Ladislav&Zivanovic... SAVANNA is a new look that will appear on stage that offers a fresh symbiotic mix of progressive psychedelic/space and artistic rock. Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree may have had some big influential impact here. This is their first sign of life, so to speak, we are talking about an EP that brings together seven songs, relatively short and compact more or less... but when you listen, it could certainly go for one rounded epic in its entirety. For that matter, some spiritual association comes to the Brazilian newcomer Cobalt Blue, who convinced me in a similar way some time ago.
There is also a cinematic vibe for the state ... and true, the band also highlights some passion for soundtrack masters like Enni Morricone, for example. The short title track develops from an electronic/ambient playground to a magnificent swinging behavior. Now follower Run opens with a sumptuous bass line and offers catchy guitar riffs, further the song invites her to sing along to charming guest backing vocals. With Fall, they glide into a beautiful hallucinogenic spin then, dominated by spaced guitars and synthesizers.

Curtain Of Death's impressive final pair of songs turns out to be the highlight of the album. Above all a groove based on lively bass and drumming work, quirky synthesizers swirl in between, diverse guitars with multiple songs not to be forgotten. This is songwriting I'd normally expect from old hands. In addition to those mentioned prog dinosaurs, I would also name Astra and Moonwagon if there should be a demand for similar works to mention. Fun clean over a total of 23 minutes - it cries for more. SAVANNA is another band in which I am eagerly awaiting the next exit. ..........Ladislav&Zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2022-08-11 21:13:33

Savanninu biografiju
Kvartet SAVANNA sa sjedištem u Lisabonu/Portugalu osnovali su 2012. godine Miguel Vilhena (gitara, synth), Pedro Castilho (synth), Tiago Vilhena (bas) i bubnjar João Seixas. Pod utjecajem nadrealizma, ali i psihodelije i ujedinjeni strašću prema majstorima soundtracka poput Goblina, Carpentera ili Morriconea, svoju glazbu oplemenjuju sjajem floydish svemirskog ambijenta.

Godine 2012. bend je snimio EP pod nazivom 'Aurora' u Discotexas Studiju - sedam pjesama koje su sve povezane - gdje treba sjediti i slušati redom kako bi se u potpunosti percipirao njegov koncept: priča koja vodi u putovanje kroz vrijeme, vođena kroz veliku avanturu u kojoj čovječanstvo igra glavnog lika.
SAVANNA ……….Ladislav&zivanovic...SAVANNA je novo ruho koje će se pojaviti na sceni koje nudi svježu simbiotsku mješavinu progresivnog psihodeličnog/svemirskog i umjetničkog rocka. Pink Floyd i Porcupine Tree možda su imali neki veliki utjecajni utjecaj ovdje. Ovo je njihov prvi znak života pa da tako kažemo, govorimo o EP-u koji okuplja sedam pjesama, relativno kratkih i kompaktnih manje-više... ali kada slušate, to bi svakako moglo ići i za jedan zaobljeni ep u cijelosti. Što se tiče toga, neka duhovna asocijacija dolazi do brazilskog pridošlice Cobalt Blue, koji me uvjerio na sličan način prije nekog vremena.
Postoji i filmska vibra za državu ... i istina, bend također ističe neku strast prema majstorima soundtracka poput Ennija Morriconea, na primjer. Kratka naslovna pjesma razvija se od elektroničkog/ ambijentalnog igrališta do veličanstvenog ponašanja ljuljanja. Sada se follower Run otvara raskošnom bas linijom i nudi zarazne gitarske rifove, nadalje pjesma poziva da pjeva uz šarmantne gostujuće prateće vokale. S Fallom klize u prekrasan halucinogeni spin tada, u kojem dominiraju razmaknute gitare i sintisajzeri.

Impresivni završni par pjesama Curtain Of Death ispada vrhunac albuma. Prije svega groove temeljen na živahnom basu i bubnjarskom radu, otkačeni sintisajzeri kovitlaju se između, raznolikih gitara s više pjesama koje se ne zaboravljaju. Ovo je pisanje pjesama koje bih inače očekivao od starih ruku. Osim onih spomenutih prog dinosaura imenovao bih i Astru i Moonwagon ako bi trebala postojati potražnja za sličnim djelima koja treba spomenuti. Zabava čista tijekom ukupno 23 minute - to plače za još. SAVANNA je još jedan bend u kojem s nestrpljenjem čekam sljedeći izlaz. ……….Ladislav&zivanovic...

HISTORY ROCKERRULA-LADISLAV&Z!!! 2022-08-11 21:09:56

Savannah's biography
The LISBON/Portugal-based SAVANNA quartet was founded in 2012 by Miguel Vilhena (guitar, synth), Pedro Castilho (synth), Tiago Vilhena (bass) and drummer João Seixas. Influenced by surrealism, but also by psychedelia and united by a passion for soundtrack masters such as Goblin, Carpenter or Morricone, they ennoble their music with the brilliance of a floydish space ambience.

In 2012, the band recorded an EP called 'Aurora' at Discotexas Studios - seven songs that are all connected - where they need to sit and listen in order to fully perceive its concept: a story that leads to time travel, guided through a great adventure in which humanity plays the main character.
SAVANNA ..........Ladislav&Zivanovic... SAVANNA is a new look that will appear on stage that offers a fresh symbiotic mix of progressive psychedelic/space and artistic rock. Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree may have had some big influential impact here. This is their first sign of life, so to speak, we are talking about an EP that brings together seven songs, relatively short and compact more or less... but when you listen, it could certainly go for one rounded epic in its entirety. For that matter, some spiritual association comes to the Brazilian newcomer Cobalt Blue, who convinced me in a similar way some time ago.
There is also a cinematic vibe for the state ... and true, the band also highlights some passion for soundtrack masters like Enni Morricone, for example. The short title track develops from an electronic/ambient playground to a magnificent swinging behavior. Now follower Run opens with a sumptuous bass line and offers catchy guitar riffs, further the song invites her to sing along to charming guest backing vocals. With Fall, they glide into a beautiful hallucinogenic spin then, dominated by spaced guitars and synthesizers.

Curtain Of Death's impressive final pair of songs turns out to be the highlight of the album. Above all a groove based on lively bass and drumming work, quirky synthesizers swirl in between, diverse guitars with multiple songs not to be forgotten. This is songwriting I'd normally expect from old hands. In addition to those mentioned prog dinosaurs, I would also name Astra and Moonwagon if there should be a demand for similar works to mention. Fun clean over a total of 23 minutes - it cries for more. SAVANNA is another band in which I am eagerly awaiting the next exit. ..........Ladislav&Zivanovic...