Two points, both are neutral. One, notice neither of the Flim-Flam brothers has an entire apple as the cutie mark on their flanks, we know the apple family as honest and hardworking, so maybe the only partial apple on their flanks means that they each say only half the truth, and since they complete each other, then that means that the two are caught lying together. Two, remember Nightmare Moon's flank? There were blue splotches showing what was behind the evil guise, and the black splotches on the current Luna we know and love must be a reminder of the potentially horrible energy that "lurks un the shadows"......wait, that's it...Luna has self negative thoughts that cloud out the full personality, so maybe those dark splotches are actually her negative thoughts having a physical manifestation.
Like shes traped in her like when starlight had a mission she got jealous at celestia but why didnt she appear well she did in starlight's dream with daybreaker but well...idk anything.
Funfact: The black stain on Luna's cutie mark is actually the remaning of her dark side, night mare moon. She only transfer her magic to Twilight later on that episode, but not her dark magic of course.
i know this was 5 years ago lol why am I still here :V
for some reason i thought it was a part of her coat after this but in a royal problem it transfers to sunbutt so JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND, ANIMAORS! (to be fair we are never gonna get a straigt awnser now, since the show is over)
I have a better explanation to that. The black spot plus the moon represents her special talent, controlling the night, but just the moon represents her magic.Even if her Magicโs gone no one can take away her talent.
Cuber With a Camera Omg I totally agree with u!!!!!!! AGREE THAT UR THE REAL NERDDDDDD (and being a nerd just means ur smart pfft like YOU would even know what โsmartโ means lol xd GET ROASTED + WRECKED)
I always thought that Luna was an Appaloosa, since they're known mostly for having a "blanket" on their flanks that is a different color than the rest of them. And no, I don't mean Appaloosa as in the town where Applejack's relatives live. I mean Appaloosa as in the actual horse breed.
Here are a few more reason Luna could've been jealous of Tia for. Celestia is a take off of celestial, which can mean space, and space can be translated as infinity. Celestial also mean beauty. Luna, ehh, means moon. And the moon is really, a planet whose light come from the suns reflection.
You need to take a few astronomy lessons mate. First of all, the moon is not a planet. It's a bunch of dust bought together by gravity. Second, the moon's light isn't a reflection of sunlight. It's when the sunlight shines trough the moon from behind.
Well actually that's not the case. Luna is jelaous of her because ponies paid more attention to her. that's literally the main reason. Also, in the episode when Celestia and luna switched Cutie marks, Tia said luna's job was so hard, fighting nightmares ALONE. This is basically true since over the past few thousand years ponies paid more attention to Celestia even tho celestia is not the only princess in Equestria. Everytime Celestia is in trouble, ponies would come to help her but not on Luna's side. To me its just kinda UNFAIR that the ponies did that because Celestia is pretty much like hodly to the ponies. That's the reason why she turned into Nightmare moon. Luna needs more respect since she protect equestria from nightmares for centuries. Good thing she gained them Already. I dont really think its got things to do with names or stuff. Luna loves Celestia the way she is and so did Tia. But the ponies kinda have role from turning her into Nightmare moon.
I would assume that it's just a thing with ponies and their type of magic. Like the corrupted changeling having those holes in their legs or yacks having thick fur.
When I look at Zecora's cutie mark, I see her skill with alchemy. The swirl could be the mixture as she is stirring the pot and the little triangle on the outside could be the fire underneath.
Lol, I always thought snips and snails were just named and based off of that old rhyme that "boys are made of snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails" I never thought of particular meaning behind it. But I am kinda upset there's no female counterpart of them to go with the rhyme "girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice" because imagine how cute and perfect some twin foals named Sugar and Spice would be!! (Also very disappointed snips and snails don't have a brother who has a name to finish the rhyme)
Hi! I have a comment on Shinning Armor's cutie mark: i thought that the three stars above the shield were representing his family (father, mother and Twi) :)
Lunaโs blotches on her hips I always thought were a part of her cutie mark, as seen in many fan created animations of Luna and the story of her cutie mark. I now believe that it is either a birthmark or a scar. Just like real ponies and horses, each have a different pattern or marks. But in the magical pony world, almost all the ponies are one solid color with no birthmarks or markings (with the exception of Zecora) I really believe it is some sort of scar caused by maybe a burn from letโs say the sun. Maybe this was her revalation that she belonged with the night. I dunno.... just thinking...
I always thought that Luna's black splotch with the moon on top of it represented how she is a "light in the darkness" because of how she helps others in their dreams.
2:13 That's a good one, i really laughed harder than i should have. 3:16 A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey, specifically a male donkey and a female horse (a mare). Further, mules are sterile and cannot reproduce, while donkey are their own species. I think ponies have Cutie Marks probably because they are magic creature, unlike the ones you metioned
I always thought that the reason other characters never had any cutie marks was because there has to be a certain level of magic there. I mean unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies are all said to have a certain level of magic within them even though they haven't made the earth ponies magic clear. This would also explain why Zicora his a cutie marl because she does have a certain level of magic she is always making her own posions and helps the main six on occasion.
Zecora was introduced with the intent of making her Twilight's second mentor. We see shades of this during "magic duel." I think that's why her... tattoo? stripe pattern? looks like a sun; she was meant to be Twilight's second celestia.
Rainbow's mark actually has a lot of symbolic meaning like the cloud could represent her Loyalty to cloudsdale while the fact that the Lightning bolt are the three primary colors could show how her entire personality and the reason she has her element is because of her friend( put the mane six together what do you get? RD! And friends) idk where I'm going with this...
I know this is a old episode but I'd like to share my thoughts. I think that all pony's have magic in them, as depicted in the season 4 finale as tirek eventually takes magic from all types of ponys (excluding crystal ponies), and their cutiemarks are representations of what they are going to do in life. or, to put it in other words, what they're going and or supposed to channel their magic into in their lifetime. it my be the world's way of trying to keep order. special talents may 'work' because as their naturally good at something the magic inside them makes them exceptional at it. the magic could even give a long a judge towards their own special talents like when rarity was a little filly and her horn lead her all the way to the rock with the jewels inside, leading up to her getting her mark. I think the only reason unicorns may be the only ponys considered magical is because they have a clear and visable way to channel and develop the magic inside them, also probably having more magic than the other races.
I always thought Luna's cutie mark was the splotches too, but I guess it's just a unique marking for her, just like pipsqueak - probably just born that way rather than any actual event, just like real horses can be skewbald colour (pipsqueak's markings)
I think it's some sort of evolutionary aspect--since the ponies are so collaborative, it betters the species as a whole. Each pony can find what they're good at and help society, allowing more ponies with cutie marks to live on? Or something. (I'm really enjoying this cutie mark analysis, this should be a series! I'm curious about what you think of Derpy's.)
Ponies, in mlp, are at the top of the food chain, magical advancement, logical advancement, and peaceful activity, so their detainees are displayed on themselves as a symbol of superiority. Plus, ponies chanelle so much magical power within themselves and their detainees that it is reflected through their looks and it is an excepted sign of becoming of age.
I have a few thoughts on what Brony Notion had said. 1, maybe the lightning bolt on Rainbow Dash means someday she'll fly faster then the speed of light rather then Joining the Wonderbolts as her Sonic Rainboom allows her to break the sound barrier to fly at the speed of sound. 2, the blot he was referring to on Luna could just simply be a different marking on her actual body like any pony in real life would have and not a cutie mark. 3, last time i checked the nursery rhyme went "frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails" to me that makes sense as how are boys supposed to be made of snips? snips of what?.
Plus (for Celestia and Luna), Luna is the name of our moon, which makes sense because she raises the moon. On the other hand (or hoof), you would think Celestia means sun. WRONG! Celestia means sky which is less, how do I put it, effective, or booming in effect. But the creators were right. Celestia sounds better, as a name, than Sun. I think we can agree on that.
Maybe since zecora is obsessed with magic potions, when she was making the cutie mark thing, she tested it on herself and cured the cutie pox but somehow the spiral-sun mark stayed there.
Fun fact about snips mark, it can mean cutting away things you don't need or a unity because you need both blades working together to have a functional pair. Hell, my favorite vocalid cover has a quote that goes: "scissors have two blades. They carry out thier work together, just like a good married couple."
Snails mark can mean two things; to take your time and enjoy life at your own pace. Life isn't a race afterall. The second can mean to protect yourself against harm by stopping to think about the situation. Although I'm not sure how that translates to the character.
Maybe other creatures donโt have an easy way of finding their cuty mark while ponyโs do. Zebras also have the same ability witch explains Zicora having a cuty mark just like the ponies.
Six years too late on this but I'll go ahead and say what I think the reason is that only ponies have cutie marks.
First, I want to point out that while it is established that other creatures are capable of harnessing magic, I don't think that all magic is the same or at least that not all magic follows the same rules. Take the changelings for example, their main ability is to change their forms into differing objects and creatures, and after their reformation it's shown they still can change their forms and perform magic, despite not all of them keeping the horns from their original forms. However, despite having wings, changelings can't stand on clouds while Pegasi can.
This, along with many other details, leads me to believe that Pony magic is vastly different from that of other creatures. Perhaps because of this difference, magic in ponies simply manifests into certain things, like their horns, their wings, even things like Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense" and yes, their cutie marks which most often reflect who the pony is and what it is they are meant to do.
Do I think this makes ponies the "main race" in the world of Equestria? No. No I don't. But it does make me think that they were meant to do what seasons 8 and 9 were trying to accomplish. Bring the world together, peacefully. No, I don't think that there will never be a type of creature that ponies or the magic of friendship can't handle, but based on what the show has shown us it appears that it's mainly the ponies who reach out in friendship. I'm not saying that's the case every time, but it certainly appears that way most times. (But seeing how the show is called "My Little Pony" I can give the show a bit of leeway for that being the case)
Perhaps I'm wrong, and that's a very real possibility, but that's simply my idea on it.
i have a thoery regarding snails....and it comes from the episode "Buckball season". i think snail's cutiemark represents a means of "taking it slow,and taking it in" and an almost Zen type outlook of not worrying or thinking about things and letting them come to pass and fullfill themselves in time. in the aforementioned episode,Snails demonstrated an impressively calm outlook on everything,even when everyone else was going about thier own worries and fears. this leads me to believe Snails is actually a much more intelligent and collective pony than he appears....and he may be even suitable as an anxiety councilor or a therapist. id love to hear some second opinions on my theory.
I don't think Luna's interaction with the younger ponies is a sign of her more personal side. Rather, I think it's because the older ponies are scared of her.
Remember, they were raised on a thousand years of Nightmare Moon, the horror story of the villainous monster banished to the moon. The younger ponies are the first that will get to see her as Luna. It's a shame the show hasn't expanded more on this, but it's why I think she's so closed off to the older characters, yet so willing to help the younger ones.
I think rainbow's cutie mark means her character . Her tough character with a lightning bolt โก and her weak and her cloud means the softer side of her like she forgot to be herself just to impress the wonder bolts .
Zecora cutie mark could have been a tattoo that her culture uses like a cutie mark. Maybe different shapes have different meanings. Also non ponies donโt have cutie marks but still have talents.
Zecora's cutie mark looks like it symbolizes her knowledge of chaotic things and behaviors, and it would make sense. Her mark looks similar to the sign of entropy, but it swirls into the middle. I could see it as since she's chaotic (hidden under the guise of being mysterious, like how the entropy hides the swirl) she knows about chaos, but unlike Discord she uses that knowledge to help the ponies.
Ponies have magic in them, zebras seem to sometimes have found a way to acces some environmental magic bit have no magic themselves. (Like zecora shows with her potions)
Yes all ponies have magic in them (as S4 finale has shown with the earth ponies and pegasi)
I think the blotch symbolic meaning is of what Luna used to be for example in 2:52 on Nightmare Moon the blotch becomes purple like Luna! And on Luna itโs black like Nightmare Moon! It can also be the blotch that can be seen on the moon symbolizing how Luna got sent there.
The human world has cutie Mark's so they find their destiny in the parallel world. It stands to reason others could do the same. Gabby's mark from the crusaders could be as real as the marks of the other worlders.
I've seen a pic of Snip's dad and he has pic of controller of rope dolls as his cutie mark. It symbolises manipulation and controlling. Snip has scissors, do maybe his fate is to get rid of his controlling dad's power
The black splotches symbolize the dreamworld aspect of Luna- When Celestia and Luna switched cutie marks, the dream aspect was carried along with rasing the moon.
+Robbin But, I could argue that Zecora does have magical abilities. After all, she does have a horn like a unicorn. And considering Twilight, unicorns store magic in their horns. Maybe the stripes on her are just part of her cutie mark, showing she is different, yet the same as other close species.
@Animal Lover its like everyone with the same last name is related if you go far enough back up the family tree. The same goes for the Apples. Having an apple cutie mark like EVERY SINGLE APPLE always does makes the Flim Flam brothers blood members of the Apples as opposed to Pinkie who is related to a pie who married an apple.
How close the relation between the brothers and Applejack is debatable but they are related. Probably. I think. Its just an interesting theory based on a little girls cartoon of techni color ponies peeps. Facts are hard to come by.
@***** So...does that mean you and I are completely worthless because we aren't leaders of nations or something. Everybody serves a purpose. Everyone has value.
Imagine how bland the show would be if they got rid of all the background ponies.
Who would buy from AJ and Pinkie? Or Rarity's clothes? Who will Twilight annoy with her friendship speech? Who will cheer on Rainbow Dash!?
Its like a concert, the band is in the spotlight, but it's the crowd that makes them famous. grin
@***** And my point is that your point means absolutely nothing to those whose favorites are the background ponies. I never cared that Octavia will never be the focus of a show. Because she doesn't have to be. That's not going to affect how I see her.
Other animals are always in tribes so in a tribe, they have to follow rules. So they don't get a shot at finding a Destiny. Or with animals like bufulo maybe their cutie Mark is hidden under their fur.
Some things... The moon didn't show in Luna's flank because it was time of new Moon (and in a way, she herself is new Luna a.ka moon after that transformation.) Perhaps her mark changes according to moon phase or her character development? Who knows how long the moon cycle takes in Equestria.. we haven't seen her fully yet... the full moon is yet to be there....
:o Just realised! Film and flam's cutie marks make a full apple when put together and applejack's cutie mark is 3 whole apples.....could it mean that film and flam are meant to team up with the apples?!
I think Luna has those dark blots to show her past as nightmare moon and her jealousy. The moon, on top of it, simbolizes how she was able to overcome that part of her, and the moon is her cutie mark as well as symbolizing her power and her roll to protect people. Thatโs why it dissapeared when her power was taken away. She could no longer rule over her people and her power was gone. What remains then isnโt necessarily jealousy as much as a loss of purpose.
For me the ponies kind of control magic so I think there cutie mark could also represent what part or type of magic they control maybe the other animals don't have cutie marks because they aren't magical and for the other magical creatures it seems as though the ponies gave them magic
I'm pretty sure zebra's have cutie marks because I think Luna met zebra's whilst in the ever-free forest (when they were building the castle of the two sisters) when talking to a manticore named Melvin from the book The Journal of the Two Sisters.
I have a theory about Snails's cutie mark. In the episode "Ponyville Confidential" Snips and Snails get stuck together with a massive chunk of gum. The gum was sticky and snails leave a trail of slime behind them. Maybe you could find some other stuff and put that in a video?
As we already know all three races of pony possess magic (confirmed in season 4 finale) I believe this inner magic is, in part, responsible for the actual manifestation of the cutie mark. Support to my claim comes when the ponies were drained of their magic in the season 4 finale. When the ponies were magic-less the cutie marks also disappeared. Why would they disappear unless they were somehow connected?
But the same is not true in reverse. In the season 5 premiere, Starlight Glimmer removed the cutie marks from members of all three pony races. However they still possessed their basic magical abilities (respectively). This suggests that while magic affects cutie marks, not all cutie marks affect magic. Kinda like how all squares are rectangle but not all rectangles are squares.
As far as for why they actually get the cutie marks, you could go a few different ways 1) the magic gift of cutie marks could have been bestowed to the ponies by their original Alicorn rulers ---Head Cannon Speculation - in further speculating maybe (going off inkrose's head cannon) When the the chaos bringers destroyed the ruling Alicorns, they used the last of there magic to grant their subjects with the gift of cutie marks.. This would go along with the cannon statement from the season 4 finale, where, celestia states you can't just "get rid" of magic. Maybe it was that extra boost of magic that cause the cutie marks to manifest.
As far as we know no other creatures had as powerful rulers as the ponies have/had.
Idk I could be wrong :) thank to anyone who took the time to read this! I appreciate it a lot!
That's because tirek wasn't after the cutie marks. Starlight glimmer was. Starlight glimmer took the cutie mark, therefor removing the talent and kind of magic that gives them the mark. Tirek, who stole all the magic, took the cutie mark magic as well. starlight only took the "cutie magic". So tirek took the whole pie of magic, starlight just wanted a small bite out of it.
TulipSong your answer is so long it's 100,000,000,000,000 times more awesome than anything except my little pony. A 12 year old girl using her step _ dad's account surprising but not as surprising as the sudden plot twist of mlp.
I think maybe a long time ago there were other princesses before celestial and Luna who cast a spell on all ponies. For instance when the main 6 put on the play of how it all began there is no mention of a princess. Maybe they created a government\kingdom.I've always wanted to know about the princesses childhood. Also Granny Smith mentions in one episode that Filthy Riches father or grandfather ,I don't remember,was the first pony to buy her something jam. I wonder if AJ had someone like diamond tiara in her class to.They never really mention the older pony's childhoods except when they talk about how they got their cutie marks
i have a theory,equestria was made for ponies.and it was made with a special magic that made the ponies show their inner element shine and the cutie marks would since equestria was only made for ponies, the cutie marks would only affect the ponies
I always thought snips got his cutie mark one day because maybe he was in his mom's sewing supplies and found out he had the talentnfor it but as a little boy, too embrassed to tell people how he got it.
The reason only ponies have cutie marks: As seen in the season 4 finale, if magic is taken away from a pony it's cutie mark disappears. Ponies have magic on their side. Other animals don't, otherwise tirek woud have absorbed magic from them too.
This is a good discussion, if all ponies with magic had cutie marks, what about Discord... and Tirek had like all the magic from all the ponies with no cutie mark.
@The Brony Notionย Simple, Discord and Tirek have different kinds of magic. Discord: He can just think of it and it happens, also remember that he is the embodyment of chaos. Tirek: He has the magic to steal other kinds of magic. And also... Changelings!!! They have the magic of rapid body change, they don't have cutie marks... Why? Becaus their magic is sustained by the love they feed on. That is all.
Also do not forget Zercora has magic too. Even though her magic is more spiritual the physical and thus he cutie mark of a spiral spiraling outward, representing spiritual grow.
i have something about tia and lunas cutie marks: so, tia is the sun and luna is the moon right? and they are opposite right? so they keep harmony by each raising the sun and moon. aaaaaand they each represented 3 elements of harmony. so their cutie marks also represent them making harmony throughout the land. eh? eh?
It probably came from the unicorns, the only ponies of magic. Then I'm guessing it spread the other pony breeds, and because there are no other magic creatures in other species, it kept to ponies only.
I believe zecora's "cutie mark" Is actually a tribal tatoo signifying maturity,Adulthood, and being wise.I believe if we saw another zebra from where she came from it would have the same symbol.I think this because in some cultures face tatoos are considered to signify adulthood.
I think that the black spot in Luna's flank is like a souvenir of her corruption or a mark that reminds her of her foolish behaviour . I would love to hear what you think about it
I think Zecora's mark is a Cutie mark, while yes it may look like a tribal tattoo its also a spiral, like water when its stirred so I think Zecora's mark represents her skill in making medicine and her mysterious personality because she's the only none pony character with a cutie mark
With the dark blotches on Luna... in twilights kingdom she still has the dark blotches but in a royal problem when starlight glimmer switches celestia and Lunaโs cutie mark it gives celestia the dark blotches Indicating that itโs part of Lunaโs cutie mark.
I think that the black splotches on Luna is a permanent thing from being Nightmare Moon, since before she turned into her evil form, she didnt have those. So if Celestia turned into Daybreaker she would have orangey red splotches
I think the black blotches on Luna's flank represent her time as Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon had light color blotches representing that she was once a princess and Luna has dark color blotches representing that she was once Nightmare Moon.
2:54 if you put luna's cutie mark with celestia's it looks like night trying to block the day like when nightmare moon tried to have eternal night in equestria
and the black patches they may be a part of it but when her cutie mark was gone they are there maybe that is a sighn everything will go back to normal
Maybe Flim and Flam's decietfulness is hinted at by their unequal cutie marks. Flim only has 1/4 of an apple while Flam has 3/4's. I think this might have something to do with how their deals will always end up being unfavorable to the competition, especially considering how their initial deal was to split the profits 75/25.
the cutie mark probably has some genetic meaning. like what there sopost to do or how they act. it could even be a symbol of power, recegnition, or who they get along with. depending on how far you want to go into the lore, it could mean some thing else entirely like what type of ponies they could probably be. like an earth pony for apple jack, because she wouldn't need to fly or use magic to do her job. also, a reson on why other animals don't have cutie marks, is probably because, they might not have enough magic and, or phisical matter in general to have what it takes to earn a cutie mark or just have one in general. also, it is shown that ponies can go from a regular pony, to a princess. this is also probably a genetics thing. when a pony becomes a princess, their genetics and, or body matter, changes. but why would a princess have to be only an alicorn and not a regular unicorn or pegusus? well, ponies would probably want a strong, relyable, trustworthy, and caring leader to lead them and probably alicorns, where stronger than unicorns and faster than the pegasi, because alicorns have both of the two species. or, it might have just been tridishon. but, is it posible for an earth pony to go from a basic earth pony to a pegusus or unicorn? probably! just as how a pony might get their cutie marks or become a princess, they must under go a transformation. mostly like how twilight got her wings. also, speaking of transformation, the changlings probably have a genetic system or organ or magic function in their horn that allows them to change their apperences to match another creature's. also, changlings probably don't care about their normal appearence so much because they could just change into some other creature or object. welp, that raps it up for now. hope you enjoyed this small expanation on just some of the unsolved misteries in my little pony. hero out!!!!8)
I think Princess Luna will always have that black blotch to symbolize how she was tainted with jealousy. Even though she was changed by the powers of harmony, it doesn't change the fact she had been sealed away for so long. Princess Luna continues to adjust back into Equestria, but she still has her own personal struggles. It also doesn't take away from the past emotional pain felt by her or Princess Celestia. The results of her jealousy has left a lasting impact for life, so I think it's likely that the black blotches will always be present. She does keep a part of herself private and reserved similar to how there's parts of the night when it's considered sealed in mystery. I think that may also contribute to the black area.
For one thing i thin the creatures that loose their โessenceโ like griffinโs wouldnโt because they would probably just looks their feathers on their โFlanksโ
I know why others dont have cutie marks i think you see zebcoras flank actually is a cutie mark since it would represent her talent on potions. The reason why they put it on Zebcora is not really clear, but they probally did it because she looks alot like a pony and in episode one they firstly thought she was a pony. Thats my therory.
About Snips' cutie mark, in season 5 we hear that Babs' cutie mark are scissors. Her talent is hairdressing. Maybe same goes for Snips?
A head-cannon of mine seems more likely. It could represent how he always cuts people of their pedastals, maling them sink. Like when they have a great idea he ruins it with logic. He done so in Boast Busters. And he makes sure Snails doesn't go off daydreaming. Its a big part of his character. Maybe thats what they represent
"The moon is personal and secretive." what? Woulda been nice to say "There is a side of the moon that we never see, a dark side, and Luna has a dark side too" and you know, actually make sense like you did with Celestia's mark. Rather than pull attributes out of your plot.
Pony's probably have more of a magical compound than a physical one the marks are probably actually showing who they are and what they are meant to be. Cutie marks are a result of magic and the other animals have not really shown to know magic. Not even the Zicora ( can't spell names right) she has books and potions but the potions are really chemistry in a caldron. So she has not showed it either
Well... Babs Seed has a scissors cutiemark. Her cutiemark means she is good at cutting hair as said in the show. This could be the same case for snips.
my theory about zecoras cutie mark is that it is similar to symbols people make on their skin in other cultures. or something similar to that. the way she talks and acts also supports this.
At a guess, I'd say that Luna's blotches signify that she is breed of horse called an Appaloosa. Appaloosa ponies typically have spotted rears, so I figure it might just be natural thing. It could be argued, before everyone moans about how Celestia doesn't have flank marks, that she is spotted because Luna is mainly portrayed as being quite withdrawn and personal: it may be a specific backstory thing. Another suggestion, as seen in the show, could be that she comes across as a different kind of individual, so her markings are an indication of this; her differences (e.g. What other ponies walk about in dreams and speak in old talk??) Besides, Celestia's Cutie Mark is JUST the Sun, so shouldn't Luna's be just the moon?
I believe that the dark blotches on Luna's flank are to show that she is a Nightmare, she rules the night and the dream realm. She controls the dream land of the ponies and can create nightmares to help teach the ponies valuable lessons. She is also the Princess of the Night. Nightmare Moon was her nightmare that she lost control of in her greed for ponies to enjoy the night instead of fear it.
1: It was a marking left over from nightmare moon, which could imply that she is still evil underneath... 2: You know how Celestia's toy was pink? I beleive that she was actually pink at some point, and she gradually turned white. With Luna, I speculate that right now she's gradually turning from her bluish color to black 3: Since she rises the moon, the mark could resemble craters on the moon
@Anoop Ahluwalia .... are you serious. The blotch symbolises her change from nightmare moon back to Luna, itโs just a remainder of her magic from when she was evil but she no longer is so celestial wonโt turn evil. Plus, Luna wasnโt evil when their cutie marks changed anyway so it makes even less sense.
in the episode "applewood derby", snips and an older male pony are seen in the background making an cart that resembles one of those swirly pole-things that is white with red and blue stripes that you see outside a barber shop. Maybe his cutie mark is the fact that he's a barber! Or something like that.๐
my OC Sketchs' cutie mark is a pencil which means he is good at drawing and has a creative mind. it also goes into the saying the pen (pencil) is mightier than the sword, that goes with his character that he is skilled in sword fighting and is a mercenary.That is kind of the reason behind sketches cutie mark
I think Luna's black spot on her flank is the sign of her jealousy with her sister, jealousy is black and dark so is Luna's spot. It remains there even when she is revormed from Nightmare Moon to Princess Luna, to remain her of her jealousy that turned her to Nightmare Moon so she won't turn into Nightmare Moon again. So, i think before Luna is jealous with Celestia, the black spot isn't on her flank yet. Who agrees with me????
While Zecora can make potions and things of that nature, ponies have magic. Unicorns in the strongest way, followed by pegasui, than earth ponies. But it's present.
I think the reason why only ponies have cutie marks is because they were created to poses multiple elements of each Pegasus:they resemble the sky and great distances you can travel while in flight,as they can clear the clouds and be created from them like in Greek mytholigy they can also be dangerous which is why they clear out storm clouds or clouds that produce snow or any cloud that can cause trouble. Earth ponies:they poses great strength and can have a deep connection to the earth making them able to have the ability to pull heavy objects and kick apples out of trees. Unicorns:these creatures represent the element of water why I say this is because when ever they use magic it flows to their horn and sprouts out into a wave of magic to rather heal,hurt,defend,create and so much more for the magic to flow,letโs say healing if you are healing someone with magic the magic you use flows to the area that is hurt and heals it even bruises or scars from befair you got the wound the same day because the healing magic flows through the body to anywhere that is hurt and it is said that water can heal and that it is powerful in different ways.
I think the star in shining armours cutie mark is just something that runs in the family and very close members of the family have it something close to stars and it has nothing to do with protecting twilight.
I say the whole Apple represents how much Fleming plumber getting from the purchases and then the half Apple slice is how much the purchasers are getting out of the purchase
I think ponies are the only ones with cutie marks because ponies are the only things with enough magic power to have cutie marks. Once a pony's magic is taken like at the end of season 4 their cutie mark goes with their magic. But since Earth Ponies and Pegasi don't really have magic then their special ability's, strength, and flight are their kind of magic so that's why their cutie marks disappeared to. Also i have a theory about Luna. Those black splotches appeared when she became jealous and they are similar to a cutie mark because they represent how Luna wanted to have the night last forever, causing eternal darkness.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Luna had the splotches before becoming NMM, your theory is good but it doesn't fit if it was going to be a canon thing.
@kittylikespie27ย I said she got them before becoming nightmare moon, they represent her jealousy and she got them when she wanted her night to be more appreciated.
I support the belief that earth ponies' magic is connected with the ground. more specifically, growing things.(more about this later)ย i alsoย believe that theyre stronger than other ponies. we see plenty of evidence to support this in the show. and, if you'll notice, AJ's family are all earth ponies, and their apples are generally regarded as being some of the best apples in equestria. this supports the theory that earth ponies excel at growing things.
Pegasi can fly. but even with hollow bone structure, they don't flap often enough when hovering to be believable. This ability to hover is, I believe, part of their magic. they can also manipulate clouds. there is a spell which allows the other races to do this, but this is artificial, not being their native magic.
Unicorns are the only race with immediately apparent magic. (except for alicorns, of course.) they have a variety of spells, some of which take more magical energy than others. I think that they have reservoirs of magic which get depleted when they use magic then recharge over time. some spells, like teleportation, would take much more than levitation, andย depending on what ones special talent would be, it would useย less magic to do something relating to that talent, and more to do something not related.
Alicorns have the power of all three races along with their own alicorn magic. this makes itself apparent through celestia raising the sun, luna raising the moon, and cadence spreading love.ย though I doubt that's the extent of its powers.
wow, this has turned into a wall of text, but if u read this far, congratulations. that is my view on the differentย pony races. as far as zebras go, loyal2luna on explains it far better than I could in her dr whooves series. go check it, its very well written. ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย You Heard Nothing, signing off.
@Kara Schutteย I was playing animal jam earlier since i was ant my grandmas house. I cant play animal jam on my computer because it takes wayyyy to long to load.
that is true when because they lose magic the lose cutie mark lose strength lose cutie mark lose flight lose cutie mark and cutie marks were first with alicorns but magic was used most from luna and celstia so everyย one has magic earth ponies magic is strength Pegasus's magic is flight and unicorns already have magic
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย At the very start of the series, when the book opens, we can see Celestia and Luna in harmony, and Luna still have her dotts in there
@MrOktoberfest 00ย True but maybe even then she was jealous just secretly, and had a secret desire to over trow Celestia but it wasn't quite as strong. Or maybe she got it with her cutie mark as a symbol of her future jealousy, but it wasn't actually part of her cutie mark.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys that is a very good one but is it possible for a pony to get 2 cutie marks there isn't any evidence to back it up (maby there is in curiepoks but didnt see any)
@ST!JNย Maybe Luna do has a cutiepox case, but the dots must represent the dark sky at night without stars, cause' back when the sisters were little fillies, the stars were rare. Once Luna gets her cutiemark, the stars appear every night.
@MrOktoberfest 00ย Well, it happened before she became night mare moon the first time (destiny part) Then became a reminder to her, of the time she was NMM and not to be jealous, or at least so jealous that you turn into an evil ponyย
I believe that Lunaยดs cutie mark dark spot, represents the darkness and evil also the night can hide. Cause the night it is the domain of evil things so when Luna got influenced by that darkness it not only show up as Nightmare Moon, but as a scar. To serve Luna as a reminder that even a great princess/god like she can fall to temptation of her own power.ย
Well is just fan made. So is not really true. But is always fun to create new stuff in this world that has so many opportunities. If YOU WISH i could tell you my fan made mythology. ย
Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys is the best name EVER ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
The film flam connects is because the one with one slice of apple gets the price low for costumes and the one with big apple makes it more so they can get money they work together to get the perfect price geez itโs not hard
Ahhhhh! So it always bugged me that Rainbowdash's cutie mark wasn't a full rainbow. Reason one being that I am a perfectionist and don't like it when people do that, and reason two being that she had all of the colors in her main so why not her cutie mark? Now though I'm really intrigued because she only has three stripes and three is a reciting number...... Sooo do you think this could mean she could become the head of some thing in the future? cough cough wonder bolts cough cough p.s. I personally think that why shining amour's cutie mark has Twilight's in the center is because as her older brother it is his job to protect her from harm (both literally and figuratively) then the three smaller stars are the three other princesses.... Also sorry that this is so long, I just got really excited...
The show is about my little PONY so I guess the other animals aren't as important. Zecora comes out in many episodes and in one episode she saved sweetie bells from the cutie pox. She is also very good with potions so I'm thinking the mark is her cutie mark not her tattoo.
there's this one interpretation of snails I like where his cutiemark is based on the Fibonacci spiral and he's a math prodigy but sadly that will never be canon
Theory of lunas black spot when she was nightmare moon she turned black. Some of the black stayed on here. Black = evil Blue = good. The many blue colored places are preventing her from being evil.
I thought I was the only one who noticed Luna's cutie mark isn't the black patch as well. Also I thought rainbow dash's cutie mark had a rainbow to represent her ability to do sonic rain booms since from the looks on things she is the only one who can do them.
@***** With Rainbow Dash's cutie mark there are some theories that it is representing an acient olympic symbol of a certain greek olympic or godly symbol of lightning passing through the clouds. That this had to do with her athletics.
Even though this was 2 years ago i thought i share my thoughts on why only pony's have cutie marks...
okay so i dont have much of an original theory but what it is because the hold magic even earth ponies do. but you dont see a donkey help defeat the villians with magic and they dont seem to have a horn or even wings. or help ponies that do like Apple Jack. so i think to have a cutie mark you or your sepicies have to have magic involved.
Here is my theory. I think that the reason Luna has black splotches on her flank is because it was left there after she turned into Nightmare Moon. The reason it is behind the moon cutie mark is because Nightmare Moon was her background. It was a part of her destiny. The reason it stayed on her flank when her cutie mark was removed is probably because it is not her actual cutie mark, but an exclusive kind of cutie mark. (If that makes sense.)
@The Brony Notion What aboutย Pipsqueak? He's also kind of likeย Luna. Perhaps the chances of havingย splotchesย are rare? That could explain why we haven't seen much of that design.ย
@Ellen Reidย he could still be in the cmc though, because when babs told them she would be leader of the cmc in manehattan or whatever, the original cmc never told her an age limit or that it was only for girls.
@dranaeli2ย first maybe she can just tell or they told her but just didn't showย us and Second he said in Twilight Time that he WISHED he was a cutie mark crusader and Third maybe the rules are different in manehattan!
like pip and other ponies, i was very confused when the moon disappeared and not the black splotches, i find it really awesome and thats is one of the reasons that i love Princess Luna
@dranaeli2ย I know exactly what you're talking about. For me I see Luna's mark as a similar marking to that of an Appaloosa (horse/coat coloration) and Pipsqueak has the markings of a Paint (another horse breed/coat coloration)
Sweetie Belle and Shining Armor kind of have (not so) similar cutie marks...? They both have shields with a star on them... okay Twilight and Shining Armor's cutie marks are SO similar! They both have a big magenta six-pointed star on them. And they also have little stars on them too!
For the subject on how ponies are the only ones to have cutie marks and Zecora's is more of a tattoo, I'd like to say something. It seems that ponies are the only ones to posses magic (good magic, at least) and no other creatures do EXCEPT ZECORA!! Zecora is the only creature other than a pony to have good magic AND she has a cutie mark! Like you said in another video, cutie marks are linked to magic so it would make sense that she has a cutie mark. Just a suggestion though
What about Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark? I cant really understand what that means so can you please make a video on that. Well I have been working on a theory but it might not make sense. Her cutie mark is a sun, and clearly she doesn't bring light and in the first movie of Equestria Girls she divided everyone. Is that kind of bringing darkness? Maybe it connects to Rainbow Rocks, at the end when she gets the ears and tail. Or maybe it has something to do with her going through the mirror. Or Celestia's old star pupil. Or maybe it connects to your theory of Sunset Shimmer replacing Twilight for the human mane 6. I don't know and now I've got my self confused. Please do a video on this!
Wait! But I noticed that the sun on her cutiemark has 6 rays coming out of it. 6 friends? Or maybe later, Celestia will be to weak to raise the sun and Sunset Shimmer does Celestia's job. That would make a great episode or movie. ย Maybeย Sunset Shimmer will become the 5th alicorn princess of Equestria! You know, like come back to Equestria for some reason and helps out, and becomes a princess? The sun shines bright like a star (becauseย itย is a star), and Twilight's cutie mark is a star, and she is a princess. Sunset Shimmer is my favorite Equestria Girl, and I am eager to figure out what her cutiemark means!ย
I actually have somewhat of a theory with that ^^' See, as he mentions several times (The Brony Notion) Twilight's Cutie Mark has six stars representing her six friends. Sunset only has one star, a sun, representing herself. If you look at the placement of Twi's stars, they are mostly equal distance apart, and aligned so both sides are equal, the star representing herself bigger than the rest because that's who she is. If you look at Sunset's, her cutie mark has somewhat of a Yin Yang look to it. I believe Twi's cutie mark represents the elements of harmony, which need the power of friendship to wield (thus the stars representing her friends) but Sunset's represents harmony with herself. Just like a yin yang symbol, there's a light half and a dark half on her cutie mark. In the first movie she showed her dark side, wanting power to make herself happy.ย When she discovered that she could be happy and have power another way, she became light. She realized her mistakes and how her way wasn't right. Once she came to terms, she became happy and friendly, even helping out the mane 6. She found happiness by doing things that would not be for herself only. But that doesn't mean the dark side is gone. Like in a yin yang symbol, dark chases light and light chases dark. In order to be balanced, both need to be equal in the amounts given, in which the light and dark circles represent in a yin yang symbol. As above as below. Sunset doesn't have the dots, but the light and dark parts of her sun clash in a certain way that the light falls on the exact amount of rays the dark side does. Hopefully you like this ^^
@Jovana Stanojloviฤย I'm a little confused ^^' No one is saying any bad things about her? I was just saying my thoughts on her cutie mark ^^ Harmony with yourself isn't a bad thing. It means you have confidence in yourself and that what others say won't hurt you that much because only you, yourself, could upset the balance. We all have a darker side too, and Sunset showed that in the first movie. In the second one, she showed her other side and is much nicer.ย
Maybe there's another dance coming up, like a winter dance or whatever and Sunset Shimmer runs. Maybe they'll do a "Helping Sunset Win The Crown" song at lunch so everybody can see that she has changed. Celestia's a Princess and if she wins she'll be a princess. I know she has been a princess there before but this would be her first time being a princess with her changed self. Its not a full theory but that's all I got on my mind!
The people who don't know about sunset shimmers cutie mark is that look as close as you can in the centre of shimmers cutie mark I can't explain this part but heres a clue you half to be smart in this part evil good remember the circle thing one side has half white side with a black little dot and I the other side has half black and has a white little dot
Maybe just ponies have enough magic for cutie marks even though all of the creatures in equestria do have destinies that they realize in a special moment.
I think that ponies are the only type of creature that get cutie marks because they are more magical than zecora or the donkies But zecora does have a equal amount of knowledge and power as the ponies. The middle of her "cutie mark" could represent her knowledge of things that hypnotize other creatures like when the main six first met zecora, the poison joke flowers made them look weird. So brony notion I think zocora does have a real cutie mark.
I know this video was from a long time ago! But have you heard that Babs Apple got her cutie mark and it is a pair of scissors don't you think it's kinda strange that snips and babs have the same cutie mark?
I have an idea on why only pony's get cutie marks. so you know how it seems that ponys have the strongest bonds compared to other species? maby those bonds make a magic flow that forms into their cutie mark.
LeahVRendell 10 that would be so AWESOME that it's kind of ridiculous,....... but in Equestria anything can happen, but then who would be Voldemort. And no I'm not afraid to say his name, if a 17 year old orphan can say Voldemort so can I. If Voldemort doesn't like it he can say it to my face instead of hiding behind idiot so called "pure bloods" from a seventeen years old boy........ what was I originally talking about, I got lost insulting Voldemort, who can't kill me because he die in the seventh book. LOL Voldemort is an idiot. A single bacteria cell is Einstein compared to him ๐๐๐๐.
+callie belle it's a joke, because unicorns are equal to wizards in equestria? And it sounds like that famous HP quote? Get it? Darnit, nobody laughs at my jokes.
Rainbow dash: Hogwarts here I come Harry Potter: sorry this is only for unicorns and humans Rainbow Dash:... Twilight give me a horn make me an alicorn
Can't say much about Flim, but Flam is also the term in Rudimentary Percussion for attaching a grace note to any other note, which results in 2 strokes hitting the drum head in rapid succession... (Probably shouldn't have this as public knowledge JUST yet, but I'm working on a Pegasus Pony that has a cutie mark depicting a winged snare drum with crossed drumsticks- referring to both my dreams of being a professional pilot, and my current hobby of being on the WSU Snare Line...)
Maybe the show wants us to focus on ponies as the main species in the show, not other creatures. Other creatures like yaks or griffons, donโt really want to be focused on as much as they are only seen in a few episodes.
Well if the cutie marks are magic as I have presumed. which the loss of them in the finale would support, then a species with no capacity for magic wouldn't have them. That may seem to conflict with my idea that the cutie mark itself is the only magic earth ponies have, although they are closely related to unicorns. I have yet to decide if the three should be considered separate species or sub-species or races within a species. At any rate, it's possible that there was a time when Ponies were all one race, no wings or horns and they somehow discovered/obtained/were granted magic, and the first manifestation of it was the cutie mark. They later evolved into three distinct kinds with different applications for the magic they held. That would explain it, and also support the idea that Zecora's is artificial. I was thinking when you suggested it that it may not be tribal, but a personal choice as a result of living among ponies and wanting to interact with and relate to them, so she chose to make herself a cutie mark.
Well I can help answer your species-question, as the three tribes can interbreed successfully (as demonstrated by the Cakes and their mixed ancestry) making them definitely not separate species.ย Race, meanwhile, is a social construct, not a biological one, though I think it might be approximately equivalent to the way the ponies categorize each other.ย They may be subspecies, as they don't seem to interbreed (or even interact) much outside of Ponyville and live in very different habitats (unicorns appear to be alpine, judging by Rainbow Falls/Canterlot, and pegasi have the clouds). I'm also not sure whether evolution applies to this universe.ย If it does, it might apply to unicorns but evolving a third set of appendages takes a certain kind of WTF-science.ย Maybe the unicorn evolved naturally, and then managed to create pegasi though some kind of DNA-altering hocus-pocus.ย After all, if you've got un-limted power, I feel like one of the first things you'd do is give yourself wings.ย Alternatively, in the Heartswarming Eve pageant we saw that pegasi originally lived almost as mercenaries--perhaps a unicorn ruler long ago gave her earth-pony guards wings?
Maybe the cutie marks, or even magic as a whole, is the product of some sort of ancient spell or ritual that resulted in the creation of the separate groups of ponies (I.e. earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi). Or maybe the 3 groups are just a sub-species of alicorns, which would mean that the 3 groups evolved from the alicorns and then spread. I guess that would explain why ponies are so clearly at the top of the hierarchy, if we assume that alicorns really are viewed as a sort of god in this world.
The mark on Luna is a mark from when she turned into nightmare moon and got banished it was a reminder for her wrong doings and evilness from nightmare moon and to know she'll be back one day
I think that snips is a balenced pony because he has one part light and one part dark. He works for trixy ( dark side ) but he somtimes listens to twighlight ( light side )
I know why princess Luna's blotches were still there. She is a painted pony. They are real, and they look like they got splashed with a bucket of paint. So it wasn't her cutie mark, just Luna's coat color!
@ThePsycoHyena first of all, I'm not a bro, I'm a ten year old girl, and second, that does make sense, at least, mentally, since Luna only has a little bit of Nightmare Moon, and Nightmare Moon only has a bit of Luna. Luna is a painted pony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!๐๐๐ฆ
+Guen Cannon I agree, but I think that lunas black blotch represents the bad stuff she did and the moon represents the good stuff she did like raising the moon for the ponies to rest
Zecora might have a story where she could be the last zebra or maybe she got lost and somehow ended up in ponyville and maybe the ponys magic could have transferred to her giving her a cutie mark
Maybe ponies have their cutie mark because they hold magic that causes them to appear. Their talents get strong enough and that is their main power talent.
I think snips cutie mark means that he acts quickly most of the time not even thinking about what heโs doing the opposite of snails he might even have adhd but I think that probably because I have it my self he will do things in a snap or snip
zecoras cutie mark Repersents a symbolic sign,with smal triangels circling on the symbol i have seen zecora being a zebra that had things in potions,herbs,and Many other things That means That That symbol means a Potion and Witchbrew sign.
Hey about Luna's dark blotches i'm pretty sure that's a scare from where nightmare moon touched her and left that as a reminder that she would always be a part of her. Kinda like Tia's mane will always remind her of her choice to banish her sister for the sake of there kingdom.
Im pretty sure that only ponies can get cutie marks, yes i know im late but the episode in season 6"The fault in our cutie marks" just proves that it's true.
The TTTE Fan2019-08-01 19:19:37 (edited 2019-08-01 19:21:37 )
Speaking off Lunaโs cutie mark...
In the episode twilightโs kingdom yes the black splotches did stay with Luna. Letโs jump 3 seasons later to a royal problem
When Luna and celesta swapped cutie marks the black splotches left Luna and went to celesta.
โHereโs analizing More Cutie Marksโ โFRIENDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSโ Me:Thanks I Guess? Edit:Also The Black Thing Is Part Of Her Cutie Mark The Writers Were Just To Lazy In My Opinion Because When Starlight Switched Tiaโs And Lunaโs Cutie Mark The Black Thing Was On Tia
One thing Idk is that in season 4 Luna lost the moon part of her cutie mark, but in season 7 Luna switches cutie marks w/ celestia and the black and the moon go away so is the black part of her mark or not
Maby the reason Zecora is the only non-pony charachter in the show wih a cutimark is becase she was the only one who went to find her destiny. Other non-pony characters probablywere to afraid to go and descover there part in life. I hope you use my idea I one of your future vidios! :P
Can someone tell me why Cadence, Celestia, and Luna all have what appear light fancy horse shoes, yet Twilight still has the regular feet. If you could @thebronynotion I would love an answer.
I think that the cutie marks on ponys is a better idear as they are the main base of the show. Destiny could affect other characters and kinds but it makes much more sense to me if the mane characters are affected in a different way
I think that Luna's dark blotches are just a part of her, and have nothing to do with her cutie mark. In real life, many horses have speckled patterns on their bodies, much like Luna's. Some might say that the speckles should be a part of her cutie mark Because they could represent the dark of the night sky, but I personally think that her cutie mark is better just as the moon. I don't see any blotches to represent the daylight sky behind Celestia's cutie mark, do you?
Yes, this video is old. But what about changelings that turn into ponies? Thorax into Crystal Hoof, and Ocellus on her first day at the friendship school? Neither was copying a specific pony that we know of. Would those be their marks? Or were they random? Another question, can a changeling turn into anything? Or do they have to have seen it first? Are there size limits? (What about one of the really huge dragons, or a creature like the one Fluttershy helped) To fight the mole like creature, Pharax turned into the same creature he had turned into as a kid to protect Thorax. Yes, there's lazy animating, but... Thorax turned into bear to 'protect' Spike from Ember, but a bear isn't the most powerful option against a dragon in a magical land like Equestria.
i have a theory about snip's cutie mark!!!!!!!!! it has something to do with that unicorn puppeteer from insparation manifastation and the fact that everyone kept calling him snip's dad.what if he realy is his dad,and snips got his cutie mark when he ruined one of his dad's showes one day,since snips dosen't have the best relationship with his father?!?! it's just an idea,but i think it could add a lot to snips's charecter!!!!!!!!
@Reese And Liz Foley ย heck yeah i'm excited!!!!!!!!this is the coolest thing that happned to me,ever since i got a personal messege from doctor wolf on my youtube acount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i feel like other creatures dont have cutiemarks because most other magical creatures arent very pure and may not have enough magic to obtain a cutiemark. Other magical creatures also, just serve one purpose so its no use to even have a cutiemark. and on creatures with scales you cant even see the cutiemark anyways because the scales will cover up the cutiemark. I REST MY CASE. that was a whole lot to type lol.
I think that ponies only have cutie marks is because maybe a long time ago there was alot of equality happening before the 2 sisters became queen and princesses so there wasn't much of friendship in the town. however, maybe the other animals did have friendship in there town so they didn't need cutie marks to describe what they do best. but then Celestia made everyone happy again and told them they are all "different" so when they did there destiny they got a cutie mark! because ponies didn't realize that but the other animals did
Perhaps Cutie Marks only appear on ponies due to magical blood in them that other species don't have. Ponies don't only breed with ponies of the same kind, so it would make sense that all of them would have at least a little unicorn and pegasus, perhaps even ALICORN blood in them. The magic they all get could hold some future telling power that they can't reach consciously, and it predicts what that ponies future will be. And, following that logic, perhaps the reason the Cutie Mark Crusaders haven't found their cutie marks yet is that they've been trying too many activities to find them, confusing that dormant magic. Perhaps I'll make a video on this!
What if the reason Zecora has a cutie mark like the other ponies, is because she's part pony herself? Remember how Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake were born a unicorn and a pegasus despite having earth pony parents? Maybe Zecora's parents or distant ancestors was a zebra who married a pony/pegasus/unicorn? That would explain why she would move so close to other ponies.
Cutie marks are magical and friend ship is magic. Equestria is filled with ponies witch is more likely to be friends since they're pretty common while zebras have a lower chance specially when there is only one zebra sooooo you it's a tattoo
I think the reason non ponies donโt have cutie marks but zecora does is because they were too lazy to make more than needed but zecora is is an important character so she gets a cutie mark
i really can't put something about this other than umm ummmmmmm UMMMMMMM the.....fact......that..... Luna's cutie mark only the moon dissapering could mean that the black part could actually be a part of the actual skin of the pony? i mean it could be possible that luna has certain markings in her skin then other ponies
I think that maybe the reason of ponies getting cutie marks is that they are the only creatures that contain magic so cutie marks could possibly be magical and only show up on magical beings
Remember the season 4 finale? Notice how Tirek didn't steal any magic from any of the donkeys or mules, implying that they don't contain magic like ponies do that being the reason for no cutie marks. What makes ponies and I guess centaurs and draconequus' so special is something I don't know though
I think ponies have cutie marks and creatures like discord donโt because ponies generally accept their destinys as part of them, where discord and other creatures might not. That is why Starlight, who is not accepting of destiny, takes cutie marks away. Also, they have greater magic and the way their magic works is determined by their set purpose, their cutie marks. That may be why celestia and Luna have horshoes and other designs that match their cutie mark; they have greater power. That explains why zecora has a traditional and rune-like cutie mark; her magic focuses on traditional and mysterious spells and potions.
I think Zecora's cutie mark is a real cutie mark like the ponies because, while donkies may be closely related to ponies, I think they are technically a different species. Zebras are a kind of wild equines - horse/pony. So it would make sense that she and possibly other zebras would have cutie marks like the ponies only different.
I have just seen season 7 episode 10 and Luna and Celestia switch cutie-marks. It turns out the black splodge is part of her cutie-mark now....that's not consistency.
The reason why the black stuff was still there is because it shows about the figure that was on the moon after Luna's banishment. Ps this is why I think.
What if only ponyโs get cutie marks because any other animal gets something different to show their destiny, like how the humans have Symbols on their clothes.
Maybe the reason that only ponies have cutiemarks is because they were pony-made. As in ponies didn't use to have cutiemarks but for one reason or another they were made (possibly the magic that creates a cutie-mark is ingrained into the first batch of ponies natural magic and that extra magic coding of sort was passed on allowing the next generation to find their destiny). I'm just spitballing here.
Look at Trouble Shoes, he's a Clydesdale, a type of horse, and he has a cutie mark. Then look at the Saddle Arabians, they're horses too, but don't have cutie marks. What's up with that? I think ponies may have devolved from Clydesdales. That would be freaking awesome if you ask me!
what's weird that Sakura looks like a colt and what if she's a different creature and she's not a problem she keep the secret that's probably why she's out the ever free forest
The reason that only ponies have cutie marks is because the ancient pony Ponlantis devised a method of empowering their tyrannical unicorn rulers throughout the centuries. They devised an unending caste system which in modern pony society is celebrated as the destiny mark, or as it is more commonly called, the Cutie Mark. Of course, now that the great Ponlantis conquerors have been all, but forgotten, it is only a matter of time before they rise again. FYI, I am definitely not, a Ponlantis tyrant. You don't need to fear me. Probably. In fact, pay me no mind whatsoever. Seriously, don't even look me.
I think for other beings itโs more like there destiny is inside them however ponies are just well different in magic and destiny they just have more magic in them not saying Griffins and all those animals donโt have any magic just the magic shows on a pony better than say on one of the hippogriffs and the ponies skin is more magical looking for example being purple yellow orange pink white blue grey black etc or it might just be a simple case of well they just have the powers of cutie marks
I think zecora was a unicorn but a spell went wrong and turned her into a zebra and left her cutie mark,I think zecora's cutie mark means magic and meschive
I got an idea! what if Zacoria is a pony just in disguise or birth issues, and raised by zebras or a native tribe of ponies. It does look like see does has an real cutie mark just in the colors of her fur. and yes for those who don't know ponied do have fur.
That also raises the queation of why only ponies have horns/magic or wings? ALSO, IF "REAL" ALICORNS GET THEIR WINGS AN HORNS NATURALLY- ARE THEY EVEN PONIES??
About Zacora whatever you spell it i think the swirl is about her making potion and swirling a pot. The triangle i think her pattern or something hope that answered your question.
I knotice that rainbowdash's cutie mark is a flip of the wonder bolts symbol. Almost saying possibly she might never become a wonder bolt and take a different turn of events. It has been shown she would choose her friends over her dreams even with a few bumps along the way.
i think that ponies only have cutie marks because of certain magic which also supports my theory that to pegasi and unicorn a cutie mark is a magic extension but for a earth pony its linked TO there magic
I think only pony's have cutie marks because they are more magical.I mean heck!even earth pony's have some kind of magic.wight a minute,why are they called earth pony's when they don't even live on earth?or do they......I would love if you could do a theory on this and leave a like if you agree!
Even though i'm late i realized something at Flim and Flam's cutie mark Flam's cutie mark is an apple with a slice missing and Flim's cutie mark is just a slice of an apple and if you put them together it looks like a full apple
What false advertisement isn't in the Flim-Flam brother's cutie mark because it is if you read into it enough. They, seperately, don't tell the whole truth, but you can find what's really happening if you look at their statements together.
Yeah, consider this comment kind of late but wouldn't Flim and Flam be apart of the apple family because of their cutie marks? I can't help but think that. Maybe they aren't close relatives to the apples but maybe some part of the family. Look at the color of their coats for example. They have kinda the same color as Apple Bloom, both of them. The red and white hair as well. Well, Apple Bloom doesn't have white hair but I'm assuming it's because Flim and Flam are older. Maybe this is a theory you could look into! I don't think it's one that you've yet to talk about, or anyone to be honest. I can't be sure though.
Lunas cutie mark is weird, obviously as you showed that only the moon was gone and the black patch stayed there but in that one episode were starlight switches luna and celestias cutie marks they black patch is part of the cutie mark because it ends up on celestia
the strange thing about Luna's cutie mark is when it disappeared the black blotches remained but when it got switched with Celestia's the black blotches transferred to Celestia. hmm mm how very interesting....maybe Celestia had something to do with the black blotches hmmmmmmm
i think rainbow dashes cutie mark represents the sonic rainboom she did that is the color, and she was having the race that caused it in the clouds which is the clouds, and the fact that its a lightning bolt shape is to represent how fast she was going!
2:55 (Luna's blotch of black) I have a theory. It might be one of the aftermaths of her being corrupted and turned into nightmare moon, since night mare moon is black ( I'm not racist. ).
the reason why other people besides pony don't have cute marks is the fact that most of the magic happen to the pony in different ways . like twilight she became a magical princess , other beings in the show can't do that many special destiny . they do have destinys but not as special as ponys
The reason why zebras have markings is explained in fallout equestria although it may not be official it's more of an accurate explanation sorry I forgot what chapter ..
Maybe the other creatures do have cutie marks but there just some where that we don't see . But zebras like zicora have there cutie mark we're the pony's have it
its like greek mythology, alicorns (such as Celestia and Luna) they are like Gods, Ponys (such as the mane six) are like Demi-Gods and other animals are like the mortals... yet i dont think this explains the 'why dont other animals have cutie marks' thing... yeah, i got nothin'... but i think its still a good theroy???
Why only ponies, you ask? Well... There isn't anything cannon that I know of, but there are plenty of fan fictions out there, such as the Upheaval series that give possible explanations. My theory is that only those born with magic (even the smallest part) can have cutie marks, hence the reason why Zecora has a cutie mark-like symbol, and she has a skill with magic. But who knows? Maybe all will be revealed in a cannon episode someday. For now, all we can do is speculate.
Btw, the black spots on Luna's flank is not part of her cutie mark ;) when she gave her magic to twilight season 4 ( sorry, spoiler), only the moon part disa
You know, what I think is Luna has the black part on where her cutie mark is because she becomes nightmare moon, right? They were part of her! Like, it was meant that she was supposed to be nightmare moon! Duuh
Actaully , Lunas black patch is confusing because , yes in that do it stayed but in the ep straighlight swapped here with celestias the black patch was part of the cutie mark
Hi sawtooth I have an idea of why ponies have cutie marks and other beings just donโt. A pony has more magic than an other being in Equista (also did you notice the equista sounds sota like Equine)so have a cutie Mark we know this because when tyreck took the ponies magic their cutie Mark disappeared as well so their cutie Mark has something to do with magic and their destiny so I thinks thatโs why ponies have cutie Marks and other beings donโt
think about rainbow dashes cutie mark, and the story and time travel loop caused by and backstory of starlight glimmer, it is seen that in this episode, that the mane 5's group is very important to ponyville, and their group wouldnt have come together if not for rainbow dashes sonic rainboom, rainbow dashes cutie mark would resemble that sonic rainboom. the cloud because one of the stages is getting a cloud boost.
Wait didnโt they say the CMCs are the only ones in equestria with connected cutie marks or was it the same cutie marks? Because wouldnโt film and flam have connected cutie marks
The reason ponies have cutie marks and not other animals do not is because ponies can do magic and are special not like regular animals you see every day
the black blotch on Luna is probley a birth mark which goes with the moon on her cute mark because a moon needs a dark sky to go with it and maybe she was born in a dark place
Remember that song with snips and snails and puppy dog tails it represents that they are boys and have the most childish personalitys and are getting in trouble like little boys.
I think Iโm the only one who noticed this, but in the episode โApple family reunionโ the stallions that pull the bay ride donโt have cutie marks. I wonder why not...
I have no idea why donkeys don't have cutie marks but Zecora has a cutie mark not a tattoo . Anyway zebras do look similar to points so do donkeys and don't forget,Zecora HAS magic!
i got this in one episode apple bloom said babs seed cutie mark is a pair of scissors but snip's cutie mark is scissors so does that mean they are related?
The Brony Notion, the animators made an error because the episode a royal problem the black stuff was on Celestia however in season 4 they were still there when her cutie mark is gone. I guess when she gets a different cutie mark or whatever the black stuff is gone.
Well Zebras are more closely related to donkeys then horses, just as a proof look at their tails. Zebras have donkey tails. I know my answer is pretty late but still. Have a great day.
It's obvious the show is all about ponies and the ponies are the magical Creatures that lives in a Magical Land so it's obvious that only ponies get cutie marks because of the magic inside them
Is reason why the Zecora has a little cutie mark is because zebras and horses are basically the same thing except the zebras have stripes on their back
Plot convienence. They did not want to have to design more cutie marks for every other animal. I mean imagine how much time it would take to give all the animals that are hanging out with Fluttershy cutie marks!!!
I think that cows and other livestock animals dont get cutie marks because thier destinies are all the same, to be eaten or milked or just... live life? As for Zekora i homestly dont know, i am a but confuzzled right now, Zekora has a potential cutie mark, but if were being honest, the only way we can truly find out if its a cutie mark or not is to introduce another zebra, or just ask Zekora but i have a feeling the ponies know more than i do...
I never understood pip's cutie mark either. Maybe it has something to do with being a pirate. In luna eclipsed pip dressed up as a pirate. Maybe that's why he has a pirate sword for a cutie mark. This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump!
Is it weird that only ponies have different ย colours? Cuz donkeys, cows and thoses things have normal real life colours. Has anyone ever seen a blue pony with a rainbow main?
I really doubt that you'll see this since the video is from a year ago, but now that we have seen a Horse with a cutie mark, your theory about Zecora may be wrong.
ponies have magic while other creatures except discord don't in the Greek mythology there are gods of sun ,moon ,chaos and love so ponies are semi gods and the princess and discord represent them
I'm pretty sure that Mark on zakura is a cutie mark cuz she technically is in the pony family she is just a horse and cuz a zebra is technically a horse and a ponies just like a small horse
for the flim flam brothers the apple whith a cut out of it means (at least i think) the truth but only partly the truth and the part of an apple means the same thing
When Starlight Glimmer switched their cutie marks in th 7th season Celestia's flank had the dark splotches. So that means it was a part of her cutie mark! Dun! Dun!! DUUN!!!
Technically zacora is a zebra and in terms a horse you mentioned that close relatives of the horses like donkeys and mules don't have cutie marks in the show but the reason is that they are just not horses at all so......... in the end this is my reasoning on why zacora has a cutie mark hooe you enjoy it.
not only ponies though, because theres troubleshoes, and guessing from hig huge size compared to nornal stallions, hes a horse, and he has a cutie mark
Ahem! It iz me, With a "why do only ponies have cutie marks?" answer: cough cough So, I don't think there is any deep meaning, just that Lauren Faust was like, "Welp, The show is My Little Pony, not My Little Donkey and My Little Zebra!" (MLD and MLZ). But I got a little story up my sleeves! A hundred years ago or so, before Celestia's rule, every donkey had a mark, even the mule. But there was a special pony, He was named Edward Brony, He changed all of destiny, And only ponies lived happily! SO SORRY FOR THE RHYME!!! OMYGOSH SO SORRY! But here's the story bit by bit About a 3 centuries ago, Everyone had cutie marks. Zebras, Donkeys, Etc... But then Starswirl the Bearded came, and he changed everything. Why? Here's why: Donkeys, Zebras, And horses are much stronger and powerful than ponies, in size and strenght. So with cutie marks, they must be unstopabble! Let's say all those power horses started rebbeling against ponies... That would suck! So starswirl the bearded was like, "ENOUGH!" And permanently changed all the donkey/horses/zebra etc's genes to not generate the cutie mark. Just like Celestia altered Twilight Sparkle and Cadance's genes to make them Alicorns. Whadda you think? Please reply :3
in a episode made after this video when starlight switches the princesses cutie mark the dark spot goes on to celestia do you think that was a mistake of if it was meant to be that way
Zecora dose have a cutie mark maybe it stands for like hipnotising or something after all at the first all the ponies said she was like a witch in the middle the circles must be the hipnotising mark like who ur eyes go when u fell dizzy
With Flim and Flam's cutie marks does show false advertisement. I don't think anypony else has a part of a cutie mark, and ponies think a cutie mark is supposed to be full, but that falls under false advertisment. They, "only got part of what they bought"..... That's my perspective of it anyways. But hey, that's just a theory, a Pony Theory. Thanks for reading. Aaaannnndd cut.
Ok fact #1 Donkeys and Mules are not magical like ponies Unicorns horns and can cast spells Pegasi are winged ponies that can fly Earth ponies have a strong strength ability and can do things such as applebucking Alicorns are winged ponies and have horns they do royal duties in there own castle right now there are 4 alicorns the only way you can become one is if princess celestia nows that you are ready. Ok now that all of that is done Fact #2 Donkeys and Mules are closer relatives to Horses than ponies
The black splodges on luna is nightmare moon inside her you could say. When she was nightmare moon they turned purple to show luna was still there, the same when nightmare moon was transformed back into her.
actually I think the black mark on her is just a marking like a horse. If you think about it, it is rare but some of the mlp characters have markings. Like troubleshoes or how cadence and flurry have different wing colors on the tips. Or pipsqueak or sunburst and his family.
I think that your idea on the film flam brothers could be right but remember is the episode cutie mark less we see that a pony can draw on cutie mark maybe this is what film and flam did
Can u please analyze what maybe scootaloops cutiemark would be please or Applebloom because im really curious on what kind of cutie marks they might have but they haven't reveled it in the episodes yet (sorry if i spelled things incorrect)
my cutie mark is a crystal heart with 2 sparkly stars, it's actually mean the kingdom of the Love Sacred where i'm come from, my own cutie mark is ressembles to Cadence's cutie mark,don't call me a thief, i have my own my crystal heart cutie mark from my imagination!
Because ponies aren't normal ones like we have on earth. They all contain magic even earth ponies. Their talents are what causes the magic which causes a symbol on their flank.
Also, looks at the cake twins, the unicorn twin has a little nub for a horn, it's also dull looking, and with what @WerewolfofEpicn3ss said, it probably not.
3:02 the reason there still there is I thin that Luna in a pinto, you know a pony of two colores there are pintos that just have on patch on them or all over.
Sort of what Robin said the other animals don't have magic there for they done have a cutie mark but I believe that zecora dose have magic there for that is a cutie mark. ps sorry about spelling I'm being lazy with spelling.๐
Plz do more of these and I think that the black part of princess luna is part of her cutie mark because in the episode where starlight swaps her cutie mark with celestia it shows up on her
Cuz ponies have magic,but not just unicorns.Earth pony and Pegasi also have magic.Earth ponies are connected with the ground and are better at farming then unicorns and Pegasi,unicorns have horns and Pegasi can fly.This is just my opinion so donโt judge.meow meow ๐บ
Maybe flim and flams cutie marks show how their the opposite of applejack and they break the honesty because applejacks cutie mark is a full apple and theirs is a apple apart
What about babs cutie mark? She has a pair of apple shaped scissors. Sweetie belle said that she was always fussing with her bangs. But we never saw it in the show. I think her cutie mark has a deeper meaning? What do u think?
What if the reason why other animals donโt get cutie marks is because they have a different way to show their personality like an item that shows up infront of them. And when their find their skill they get a badge they will forever have and they can choose to wear it or not. OR all the other creatures do not have a destiny and the reason they donโt get cutie marks is to show they will all die ;-;
How do ponies' names always correspond with their cutie marks? Like, their names are given when they're born, but they don't get their cutie marks until later on in their lives.
The ponies are the only ones getting cutie marks because they are the equivalent of humans in their universe and humans are aware of the concept of having a destiny
I think it is because luna when she was a filly there was a glass and she tripped and the black liquid stained her flank and when she got her cutie mark it look like dark night sky
If i was in mlp i would be... Mare = black coat, silver mane, red eyes, yingyang cutie mark reperesenting my change in personality in life Colt = genaricly the same thing but on a guy
other animals don't have cutie marks because either their fur is hiding it or they would kind of be in the same clan or group tribe and all have some kind of crest or special mark, Zecora's mark is probably her cutie mark because she has no fur hiding it like a horse or pony wouldn't have either, her cutie mark looks a bit like the inside of a cauldron with bursting magical sparks which explains why she makes potions, plus she's the only zebra seen in the show๐๐ฝ๐๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐ต๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ต
in season 7 episode 10 royal problem when princess Luna and princess Celestia cutie marks are switch by starlight the black blotch appears on Celestia as way as the moon of Luna's cutie mark
your personality, the way you talk, your voice, and the way you think all are very very similar to twilight sparkle ๐๐ believe it or not youre dusk shine
I disagree with the RD analysis I think the I think the cloud represent cloudsdale and the bold the sonic rainboom and her moving from clouds dale to ponyville
the reason only ponies have them up because some of them have had some was on his way and the other people and they don't I mean what does the fox if you see anything on the body it's usually a tattoo if it's not a pain
i think that only ponies have them is the same as why humans are the only animals (if the science theory we were once monkeys is true) that have a society were there is order law and Justice hear me out
Maybe the reason creatures other than ponies canโt get cutie marks is because , and this is a semi dark theory and it only goes for the creatures that talk
What if ponies donโt allow them to? I mean, they kind of just treat cows like normal cattle despite being able to talk to them, who says they didnโt treat other creatures at some point in the past/off screen from what we see? What if Zecoraโs kind had rebelled against ponies (which could explain why ponies would fear her when we are first introduced to her, and why they are so weirded out and untrustworthy to her in the beginning, because just because somepony looks a little different wouldnโt scare an entire town, just a few people) and then were able to infact get a cutie mark of their own. Though, we canโt take this theory completely seriously since there hasnโt been more zebras seen yet, but like-
Maybe ponies had treated zebras as like slaves in their past like how pigs and cows kind of are now, and zebras just rebelled against them and left all pony-inhabited places and that be why we donโt see zebras in pony vile and etc, like how zecora lives in the everfree forest, and also notice the name โEver Freeโ maybe itโs called that because thatโs were the zebras escaped into ! Thatโs where they escaped pony rule! And not just because the plants and animals grow/live freely there!(I mean, zebras would count as animals so um, heh)
Maybe Ponies have prevented species that CAN ALSO get cutiemarks (like zebras or mules or donkies)
Have any of you noticed king sombre has not got a cutie mark but is a unicorn . And it's not like bad ponies can't have cutie marks look at cozy and nightmare moon
I think Zecora has a Cutiemark because she is indeed a Horse. Zebras are african wild horses. And Ponies are horses too, just smaller. Donkeys are close relatives, but not the same.
About Lunas cutie mark when she was young she diddnt have the black mark mabey thats a sign of the dark magic she had when she turned into nightmare moon
The show is called "My Little Pony" NOT my little cows or my little zebras the main animals are the calf of a horse which is the pony so the producers wanted to make the creatures unique which explains the awnser to the question
Wait, ok only they have cutie marks because you know they are like colorful and stuff? Well they have horns and wings and apple bucking powers, they get cutie mark cause they are good at stuff!
In the real world humans are the main creature of the earth. We control partically everything. Much like how the Ponies are the main creatures of equestria. Humans can find their passions and many bring this up in everyday life and oftenly into their jobs but humans are the only known creatures to do this. The ponies find their passions (special talents) and express them through their cutie marks. Many ponies use their special talents in their work but some aren't shown to. Take for example Pinkie Pie and Mrs Cake. Pinkie Pie is shown to be a party animal. Many would say her job is making the town happy but I don't think she actually has a job. (Except baby sitting the twins sometimes and helping in the bakery but they aren't a main focus in the show whereas Apple Jack on the farm is anyway).In the real world party animals are usally seen to not to concentrate much on their work (much like how pinkie pies job isn't a main focus) and more into the fun side of life. Whereas Mrs Cake's special talent is baking. Her job is working in the bakery. Much like how someone in the real world who likess baking may take up being a baker. The reason only ponies can do this is because Ponies are the main creatures of their world. You could argue the donkeys and zebras have homes too BUT have you seen a donkey or zebra princess/prince? This is just a therory though.
um maybe only ponys get cutie marks because there is 4 types of ponys earth ponys unicorn pegasis and alicorns and each of those tribes have magic as u can see in twilight's kingdom as the big bad guy (whatever his name is) steals magic from all of them so donkeys zedras and mules dont
Grate video cant wait till the next on by the way have you ever made a video about why ponys have cutie marks or if they aculy tell them what famaly ther from think about it sence applejack has 3 apples for a cutie mark and her hole famely is realted to apples cutie mark wies then dose it tell her what famaly shes from?can you make a video about that please if you say yes then thanks if you say no its ok just some thing to think about.
My Thirie is that black sludge on Lunaโs butt isnโt part of the cutie mark thereโs a breed of horse is called Appaloosas and a lot of them have that black splotch on there but just like Luna so my Thirie is Luna was an Appaloosa
hello ok so 1 Zecora does have a cutie mark and horses have cutie marks like ponies so i believe its basically the same thing srsly look at Troublehooves frankly i dont think he is a super sized stallion
I forgot...All the ponies is God helpers.Thay controll the weather,the animals,and the nature that suronds them.And by that,that' there talents.You know what I mean.
Donkeys,mules,cows,and Buffaloes they all have a stronger connection to real life other than ponies does that explain something? Like if you can awnser this
i think zecora does not have a cutie mark. seeing as zecora is kind of....a....what word would you call someone who is an african witch??sorry if i got this wrong but i'll call it this for now. anywho, many forest/african witches have drawings or symbols written on their skin. so on zecora's case, it is only a mark. not a cutie mark. this is only a theory. A PONY THEORY!!(see the reference there??(
So you know that Siri will look like snaps his dad being the puppeteers well I think I think that may be why that would be his cutie mark is because it supposed to represent that he is a trickster like your little boy trickster extra trouble maker so I thinkHey anyway yeah
only 7 years late to this, but zecora's mark is a cutie mark. we see other zebras in the comics, and they have cutie marks like ponies do. i dont like that either lol.
I think I know why...because you know how God created the people and the ponies.I think they are very important cause you know how all the pegasus controll the weather,and the alicorns...I don't know.Thats what I about you?
maybe zecora is sort of a pony but in some weird way maybe part zebra and part pony i dont know how to explain it but maybe make a theory about zecora's past or her cutie mark or tattoo design
The reason why ponies have cutie marks then other animals (or what ever you would like to call them) bc if you look closely ponies have wings and horns yes Ik that other animals have wings but not horns. let's put it this way if u look at them in real life their just ponies with out horns and wings and they have a brain like a human so they think and talk like us what I'm trying to say is that they have magic but we need to look how did they get that magic????
wait no when you were talking about zecora on the episode where the donky thing got a upsidedown horse shoe and you said only ponys can get their cutie marks!
Why did princess luna get her cutie mark and that black mark when she first raised the moon for her first time. I watch video of princess luna get her cutie mark and I watch one that she raise the moon for her first time and the cutie mark and her dark mark appear. I hope this helps for you're research about ponies cutie marks
Wait Rainbow Dash's cutie mark has 3 colors: blue yellow and red. If you mix these colors with each other, you will get all of the rainbows colors. But also blue,yellow and red are the color from Romania's flag. Uhhh what do u say?
snips and snails and puppy dog tails make up little boys sugar spice and everything nice make up little girls plus some x chemical if you want them to have superpowers
why is luna purple and black and the moon is really white and at night the sky is dark and stuff but wouldn't she be princess of the night not the moon
other animals like cowsย don't need a destiny they already know they need to produce milk maybe other animalsย destiny is ovius so they don't need a cutie mark to prove it
that black sploch on prinecess Luna was there when she was born and when she turned into nightmare moon and after she was defeat by the mane six twilight fluttershy rarity pinkie pie. applejack rainbow dash
rainbow dash should have been the main character because i mean she gave everyone their cutie marks i mean HELLOOOOO sonic raibow everyone like if you agree
snails Richard Ian Cox, snips Kappie Yamaguchi (in Japan) INUYASHA if they have a referance to that I will fall out of my chair. PLS FIND A REFERANCE PLS
remember when you said that snails have a snail quity mark and the reason why he has this kind of cutie mark is because you said that he is not the fastest
Mabe Zakura whas not a zebra but a unicorn that nuw a lote like Twilight but 1 of her spells whent rung in that turn her in a zebra and the only thing that sthad whas her cutie mark
Zecora ha il cutie mark perchรฉ magari ha la madre pony e il padre zebra o il contrario oppure รจ come i gemelli dei signori cake e quindi sono pegasus e unicorno da arte di alcuni parenti
look at Big Macs cutie mark in Fleming friends can t Mart is it same and what the other person said its prob there probably cousins but they are like archenemy cousins
I think black thing on Princess Luna is not a part of a human body is because she can turn into Nightmare Moon like it's a part of the body that's evil
You put the annotations way too far at the bottom of the video's screen. When I try to click on one, they get covered up by the options and video progress(?) bar.
My theory on how zecora got her sun is: zecora wanted to fit in at ponyville so she started to mess around with pony magic it spilt on her flank thus making way to her cutie mark
I acutally think she didn't have that forever, she got it when she became nightmare moon, it is a sybol of what she has done wrong and that she can forgive herself and the moon represents the good thing she's done in her life
ok wait, i have just realized you say ''bro hoof'' and yet, some people (or animals in my case, and fluttershy's) are girls. So, r girls not aloud to watch ur channel???
because ponies is magical... jk, ponies has it bc they might've been blessed by star swirlabearded or something... ya, this is kinda pointless but if u think I might've found something, pls reply to this comment or make a video out of it. you are the brony notion, im signing out until I get something. XD
Sterling potions making potions living in every Forest is this her cutie mark I need to know. Maybe that's our cutie mark and so are you song that of it you might want it you might want to do that way that is in the song do that is in a song .
Sakura is really really because and the donkey in the air p because because I want another video in Twilight because some twins for brother turning on me I'm going to tell you something in shining armour cutie mark is in the Royal Guard in and the star is in Twilight because because this texting and then the castle in the candle
Also also where is the puppy dog tails then if the ryme is snips and s ails and puppy dog tails and snips is the snips part snails is the snails part then who is the puppy dog tails part.
Sing them fast and think call do you not call me thatโs why they are donโt have to be more Cebra like to the America there is no kitty box I need like they are for the ponies and Deborah they are on the four ponies the grass cutting mat for the brasserie in the brass Deborah zebra and pony
But the big sister must had the moon and and take care of ponies nightmares but and and and a little sister had to have ways to sand down relax drink tea and eat cake
because pony is magic the have horn fly the are alicorn toooooo sooooo ehm.... frendship si magic... for pony.. well i dont now (im italy sorry if you can't read good)
Is it even a tatoo or a cutie mark it do not make sense in a human world why are only the pony Characters have cutie marks sorry this is to long for you it still do not make sense .
1:32 I would actually like to see an episode where Flim and Flam come back once again. But this time only one wants to sell their stuff like they always do and the other now refuses, having learnt his lesson. That would lead into a great and big fight and they wouldnยดt want anything to do with the other one. One would keep selling the stuff while the other would try his luck at something else. Everythingยดs going wrong though. One isnยดt able to sell the stuff properly, the other isnยดt able to really do something else. Then maybe the main six or only one of them (though Iยดd prefer all of them) could help them see that they really are only good when together, that they complete each other! Flim and Flam then would compromise.They would be selling the stuff like always, but sell it more honestly and actually put real effort into it!
TBH, @The Brony Notion , we haven't really seen any other zebras in the show. And you have to admit, she has a very similar type of body structure as the ponies. Maybe zebras get cutiemarks as well, but it just hasn't been recorded. Of course, this is just a theory.
My theory that I'm using is that only ponies have cutie marks because a long time ago they simply couldn't be useful to anyone because everyone was doing the same thing, work in the fields, the clouds, or magic so a band of unicorns thought to create a spell that allows natural magic to flow through a pony's body and manifest in multiple ways. i.e.: the cutie mark, flying, strength+dexterity+endurance. and spells.
The cutie marks of the Flim Flam brothers really interested me in a way. True, they fit together, making them two parts of the same whole and symbolising that they do everything together, but I think there's something slightly deeper. One would think that if they are totally equal, their cutie marks would be two apple halves. Two halves of the same whole, but no. One only have a quarter of an apple for their cutie mark and the other has three quarters. This leads me to think that maybe one of them is actually leading the other and the two only seem equal for showman sake...
Not a super ground breaking theory but I kinda like to think that.
Theory 1: I think the reason only ponys can have cutie marks is because, there are three kind of ponys, Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn. (I'll get to the Alicorns later), anyway, in this world all the different kinds of ponys have a different type of magic, unlike the donkeys and cows and what not. So, with this in mind, the ponys had found a way to use that magic to a certain degree, pertaining to their destinies, and the cutie marks represent that.
Now, a for Zecora, she is unlike any of the other creatures. She has developed her own kind of magic, and just like the ponys, Zecora found a way to use that magic in her own way, therefore making the cutie mark appear. This could also explain why she's the only zebra in the MLP world. She also talks a little about her home, which obviously is very far from Equestria, maybe the zebras are just like the ponys, except, they use a different type of magic.
Theory 2: Alicorns, they run the whole system of Equestria and Crystal empire. Then Twilight came, and ruled over ponyville. Did anyone notice, that all the alicorns have a cutie mark that represents a very vague, but important job. Celestia, the sun, Luna, the moon, Cadence, Love, and Twilight, Friendship. Maybe all the other ponys are based off of the alicorn cutie marks, and are just more specific. There may have been a spell that helped with this. And since the ponys represent the humans in our world, that's why they were the only ones affected by it, Zebras could represent something else in our world that is very important. Which is why it affected Zecora as well.
I think that ponies were with cutie marks since the beginning. So therefore for them to put cutie mark on any character that is added to mlp would be time consuming. Maybe when they surprise us with a cutie mark on each character like they have done many times as shown in many mlp and non-mlp fan videos they show what we did not at first see but as they tell us it bring knowledge to us sparking us in know what we Need to know.
I believe ponies get them as part of they're nature. (Magical or otherwise.) Like how dragons are dragons. Zebras on the other hand may be as you say, tribal tattoos. Meaning there may be some with the same ones and others with a different one.
Now, I know i basically said what you said, but I'm doing me best when tired. I could give better reasons later.
Maybe since all ponies have magic (yes so do earth ponies) there cutie marks represent what they are going to do with that magic. And zebra has been to do magic from the times we had seen here and maybe her destiny is to help other ponies while using that magic I hope this clears things up
Maybe the fact that Flim and Flam's cutie marks each have a separate stalk and leaf, so it merely appears they complete each other. That could represent their sly nature, they appear as one thing, but like the cutie marks not really completing each other, they are tricky and cunning and are always up to something else.
the darker blue must be some kind of birthmark that luna had. also with the ponies being the only ones to have cutie marks, they are linked to the magic they hold. other beings may not have magic such as ponies.
If you think about it, maybe the black splodges on Luna and the blue splodges on Nightmare Moon represent the other's side of her character (Luna has a little bit of Nightmare Moon and vice versa). Maybe it's to symbolize that other part of her is still there even if it's hidden inside her.
Zecora's cutie mark is from a tribal tradition that they held, in whatever land Zecora came from. And Luna's cutie "splotch" was more of a, let's just say symbol of Luna turning into Nightmare Moon, because I will do more research on cutie marks and see if it has anything like that. I just thought of one! Twilight sparkle has mini stars by her cutie mark I don't know if that's just detail or something else. I'll also be waiting for season 5 to find more out. So if you just wanna comment back, that'll be so great! Thank you for taking time and reading this. - EpiclyEpicTaco
With Zecora, what you must understand is that zebra's are cousins to horses. This would mean that Zecora DOES have a cutie mark. And not only that but if you look at it, it's a swirly "thingy". This represents here potion making abilities.ย
Allthough, Brony Notion's theory was rather intriguing.
My mind was just blown away when you said that boys where made from snips snails and puppy dog tails because it totally reminded me of that one powerpuff girls episode where mojo joJo made the three boys. I forgot what they where called
Wait... Maybe Zecora's so called "Cutie Mark" is related to her potion making skills! Maybe she got it when she was making her first potion?if it's too much work for you, leave it, but I was wondering if you could do a video mainly based on Zecora.
There is lots of room for speculation and headcanon. But then again, it is that very "wiggle room" that allows fanfic writers to get away with so many ideas and so many varying forms of headcanon.
My headcanon is that the cutie marks were originally a creation of the Earth Ponies, whom were originally slaves to other races/beings and often ran the risk of losing their sense of identity. When they started joining with the other pony tribes, they shared this creation with them as a form of friendship and unity. All this (according to my headcanon) happened before the Hearth's Warming Eve events.
Myself I don't think that a cutie-mark directly affects one's destiny, though it can be easily seen as such. Consider this, if the cutie mark represents only... 1, a reflection of the personality of the pony,ย 2, a reflection of that pony's general skills and specialty 3, something that means more to that pony than to others.
All three of those things affect how we behave and what we believe, how we interact with others and what we strive to achieve in life. And that, more than most other things, affects our destiny. As such, the cutie mark may not be something that actually affects the destiny, so much as an outward expression of some things that do affect it. That said, it could be very easy for people to mistake it, over the centuries, for something that does affect the destiny.
Twilight has made mistakes before. For instance I say that when she said "for hundred's of years" in "Winter wrap up" she wasn't aware of Ponyville's exact history, and was only speaking of the many various earth pony settlements, (lumping Ponyville in with them) that have existed over hundreds of years.
So when she says in "magical mystery cure" that changing the cutie mark changed their destiny, I take it with a grain of salt. It's not that it up and changed it directly, but rather, by convincing them of their new place in life, and maybe altering their minds/memories to accept their new role, has altered their destinies indirectly.
Well, u can't jump to conclusions on Zecora having no cutie mark since she is the ONLY zebra we've met! And taking into consideration that bat ponies, being hybrids, can have marks (flutterbat based) then I can only assume that hybrid pony breeds can have marks, like my OC. It's easy to assume that Zecora fits into a hybrid category, since she is not like the changelings or buffalo. She has a more pony like appearance, yet mules are a cross between horses and donkeys. Maybe donkeys don't have marks, so mules therefore carry that trait and don't have ones of their own. But there may be a few mules with one due to just genetics and the fact that the cutie mark trait can be shown if the right mix of genes come together. That being said, maybe ponies have that gene, therefore making it possible for any hybrid to receive a mark. When it comes to breeds like buffalo or changeling, they have a trait for no marks, possibly recessive. If I assume that ponies also have the recessive trait, but the dominant mark trait overpowers the no mark trait, then some hybrids may not have marks of their own. Zecora may be a hybrid, or zebra can have marks and it's just the fact that we haven't seen any other zebra in the show, much less another with or without a mark. Back to the mules, it could be possible, since we've only seen 3 mules in the show, that all showed that recessive no mark trait, meaning (if M=mark and m=no mark) that their genes would look like this: mm. Both parents have to carry the recessive trait. That's where the genes of ponies being Mm come in. Some hybrids won't have marks, some will. If ponies had the genotype MM then all hybrids would have marks no matter what the genotype of the other parent is. That would make no sense, seeing as how the 3 mules we've seen don't have marks at all, and if the pony parent had MM as the genotype, then the mule would have a Mm, meaning they have marks. Hopefully this makes sense
Horses in real life were given branded marks by cowboys on their hindquarters to prevent theft. Each type of mark was different and distinguished. I'm guessing this is why they have cutie marks.
I think that black blob on Luna symbolizes her tendng to darkness, and also her bility to turn into nightmare moon. It did not dissaper because it is featuring dark Magic, and all tha Magic seen was glowing and shining. When Luna discovered her cutie mark by raising the moon, I believe she found that Kind of dark Magic inside her. So yaeh. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!
did you guys ever think that these things that they get are more of a curse than a gift?it shows exactly how their lives are gonna be from the start,meaning they have no free will,which is proven in that time travelling episode,think about it,they have no choice whatsoever in what their tattoo is gonna be
I think the marking on Zecora's flank IS indeed a cutie mark, looking at it's colour. A tattoo would most likely be of a colour made of maybe some berries of sorts; purple, orange, red or blue, maybe. But the marking is perfectly and exactly the same colour as her stripes, indicating it's part of her original fur.
I don't know, a tattoo isn't necessarily meant to be made of different colors. The mark being the same color, I think, hints more to a tattoo than otherwise because a lot of cutie marks use a range of different colors (then again, they usually seem to match the pony's original color scheme.) I wouldn't take the color being the same too seriously, because in my mind, these things get 'distorted' as we view from their world. That really doesn't make sense, though to explain better, think about the songs. They're more more visual appearance and story telling, but I personally don't believe they actually 'happen' if you know what I mean. Some colors will get recycled, and there are really not a lot of variants when using one color. For instance, Pinkie's coat and Fluttershy's mane are the exact same shade of pink. Fluttershy's coat and Applejack's mane are also the exact same shade of yellow.ย
I always thought that cutie marks showed the pony their special talent not because of what they depicted (also this might be linked) but when the cutie mark appeared.
I think to answer the question as to why ponies have cutie marks and other equine/ungulates don't, you'd need to know more about the history of the entire world.ย So far, we've only really gotten a bit of a peek at pony history, and that didn't even touch on an origin story, real or mythical.ย However, I'd reckon that the cutie marks have something to do with how the three tribes relate to the world and the magic inherent in them.ย Though it was questionable up until now as to whether the Earth ponies have magic, Tirek's rampage clearly demonstrated that they do, and that their magic is related to their cutie marks.ย If any non-pony does have a cutie mark, however, it would be Zecora--she has occasionally cast her own spell (I think).ย All the other ungulates, however, seem fairly mundane and un-magical.ย In fact, the only non-ponies we've seen wielding magic (other than Zecora) have been classed as "monsters" by the ponies (dragons, basilisk).ย I wonder if part of the terror the ponies had for Zecora stemmed from her uncanny-valley liminality?ย Clearly not a pony, yet (apparently) cutie-marked and magical?
Maybe pony's have a clearer destiny. And since the pony's have magic since the magic sucker proved that maybe their cutie marks is the magic breaking out and deciding their destiny
Cutie Marks are magic, and only earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi have them because they all have magic. But unicorns can contol raw magic in four forms; Dark Magic (Such as King Sombra's swirly thing magic), Light Magic (as in the elements of harmony), Alicorn Magic (such as Luna and Celestial controlling celestial bodies), and normal raw magic.
I think I know why it doesn't effect others.I know that when ponies destiny's come to be there cutie marks it might be because their needs to everypony like how the cows help everypony survive with the milk they produce.Maybe the destiny of cows are helping ponies. if the cows had cutie marks it will look like the world of equestria and a bottle of milk mix up together with a pony as happy as can be.
I think only ponies have cutie marks is because there magical. All though zicora is "magical" she uses potions which can are found in the everfree forest which possesses magic
I think the reason only ponies have cutie marks is because they're the only creatures in Equestria that have a direct connection to the magic that is obviously prevalent in their world. At the end of season 4 when Terek stole pony magic, he only went after ponies and ignored the other creatures. Even creatures like Zecora who is obviously skilled in magic has an indirect connection to it and therefore would have an artificial cutie mark.
The stripes in RD's cutie mark are called PRIMARY COLORS (get it right). If you mix two of each color together you will, of course, get the other colors of the rainbow.
Well, i think zecora has a cutie mark. Its just...what is it? Everyone should know by know that zecora is well with potions and spells, she is also wise...i don't know why it would be a sun looking cutiemark..but u do have a few ideas! Who ealse has an idea on why zecoras mark is a sun like object?
i nodiced how you said the spots on luna's back where still there and where part of her cutie mark, for a second i thought that too, then in some of the epesodes, i saw little black sopts (just like the ones on her cutie mark) on the tip of her wing, so by then, i nodiced that the spots where part of her body, so, theres your answer! - Maylee McCool (My Name is not Keith McCool, that is my dad's name)
For me, Flim and Flam's cutie marks are from the sayings "Paying more for less" and "A deal at twice the price" Flims being the first saying and Flam's the second
I have also notice this but I believe that instead of ponies only having magic everything does it's just that ponies have the strongest since they have the mostย but the other species have to get special training or flat out need to channel their magic into something like with Zecora's potion making. That also beings me to my second part,ย I believe that zebras are the second strongest in magic so zebras can also cutie marks, but I think it is rare for a zebra to gain their cutie mark and that Zecora had to leave her home or village because of it since it most likely never happened to them in remembered or written history, and out of fear the members of her home or village distanced themselves from her, and so Zecora went to Equestria hoping that they expect her. How old she was or when she got to the kingdom is unknown but it had to be when she was young maybe a filly. In fact she most likely lives in the Everfree Forest since the ponies did the same thing to her, and from seeing how the town reacted in the first episode she was in when she came to town proves my point hope you understand my point, and remember friendship is magic.
The reason behind why lunas splotches didn't disappear is because that is a part of her body. In real life there are different types of horses. Some even have spots on them. So it is not apart of her cutie mark but of her body its self.
They say that Luna's cutiemark is is'nt a cutie mark. When Luna was in the moon there is a little mark on the moon. When nightmare escaped the moon had no longer the mark. It explains it the mark on the moon was transfered to Luna/nightmare. So it is not part of her cutie mark!
Hey brony I love your videos I think you should do a story on trixies cutie mark and how she got it that would be awesome I really want to laern how she got it.
i agree with the Zecora thing, but if it was a tatto wouldn't it made of berries( like what Natalie Lehtihovi said)? Then againย the berries would wash off and in the mlp world we would think they had the technology to do these sort of things like tattoos
I think that the black blotches on Luna's flank are just a birthmark. I can relate to this because I have a birthmark on my wrist that looks similar to the one on Luna's flank. Hope this was useful!!
Wouldn't birthmarks be on skin not fur? It's definitely either a different breed or just some coat coloration. Just a little detail that I thought u may have missed. Not saying ur wrong
But ponies have very minimal fur (in comparison to a dog) because you can still see the birthmark and owners don't have to cut their fur, but their manes and tails. (Just a thought)
Ok for the dark blotch thing for Luna I figured it out a long time ago. The dark blotch is the same color as Nightmare Moon's pelt. Also when Luna was Nightmare Moon the blotch's come up on to her to. Though the color as Luna's pelt. :D I cracked the code guys! :DDDDDDDDDDD
I think Rainbow Dash's cutie mark represents her home, Cloudsdale, and how she came down to earth/Ponyvile as fast as lightning, when sheย was racing in the Pegasus race.ย ย
I believe that that zebras don't get a cutie mark but instead a glyph appears on their flank to represent their personality/destiny/special talent. There is magic inside of the zebras just as their is magic inside of ponies because they are nearly the same, but just enough different for that magic to manifest a little differently. Ponies/Zebras are different from other beings/species in Equestria in that they set up functional societies and have the drive/personality to shape the world around them. Yes, dragons have dragon magic (I'm being vague w/ this term for a reason), cockatrices have the ability to turn things to stone, and griffins are... crabby? But none of them really seem to try and make the world around them better for their own'other's kind (Except for dragons but they purposefully make other people's/creature's lives harder). Cutie marks/glyphs serve a duel purpose in that they are a constant reminder that ponies/zebras have the ability to help everyone and a lot of them do try. They also are there to show a pony one of their special skills and remind them of that special skills should they ever forget it.
about the zebra mark, I think zecora doesn't get a cutie mark since the only magic that they have is made from herbs. Ponies magic is there when they are born and later leads them to get their cutie marks. one of the zebras must have gotten jealous and started a tradition. you don't have to agree on this, so i am prepared for a comment war. :D
Well my theory as to why ponies exclusively get cutie marks, as stupid as it sounds, is the fact that cutie marks are very spiritual and magical things. Ponies seem to be the most magical being in the show, being just about the only ones to fully use it. I believe that no matter what race of pony, all ponies have magic inside of them. Their magic is specifically used to do something important, which is portrayed by their cutie marks. But that's just my opinion.
Because Magic. Oh you want me to say more? Alright, I will.But Ima just give the gist of it.
I think that because ponies have magic, unlike the other four-legged adorable mammals in the series, the magic is able to take the pacific trait or talent a pony has, and when that is discovered, a mere means of either tradition or instincts create a changing on their plots to appear as their ideal mark on society. That being the case a cutie mark represents all of a pony.Who they see themselves as. It's not there fate, it's who they are. It's what make them happy. It's their hopes and dreams. Dreams that are so deep in their subconscious that they are projected to all through the magic inside them.
i feel like only ponies get cutie marks because maybe they can harness the magic of friendship and harmony better than any other animal and maybe zebras are close enough to ponies to harness it as well
I think zecora is a type of pony even though I have no prof I think zebra have at least enough magic to have a cutie mark or zebra are basically ponies because they look the most like ponies
Why only ponies, you ask? Simple - that's their gimmick and other sentiens species have different means of defining themselves.ย Notice how Zecora is magical as clearly shown in the Alicorn Amulet episode, without having clear means of being magical as ponies. She doesn't need to have horn, to be magical. That means that even species as close relative to ponies have different means of defining theis bare skills.ย
maybe the reason the ponies are the only ones to have cutie marks is because they evolved with them. e.g. how humans are the only creature on earth to possess cognitive and physical traits that allow us to build and research to advance our selves without the need to evolve.
Maybe at some point in time a strong pony magician or pony magicians cast a powerful spell that created ponykind's ability to earn cutie marks? Like in the Eragon series, where elves and humans were linked with the dragons and they all sides were affected for posterity, but not other races in Algaesia like dwarves? This would explain why others have no cutie marks-they weren't included in the spell?ย
I think Luna is kind of like my OC because as you see I turn from red to black, and Luna probably has skin conditions. like on some people how one part of there skin will be white and some brown colors. Don't get offended because I have a cousin like this, so im not offending you right?
I believe that animals that are not ponies don't have cutie marks BECAUSE they get to change and choose there fates (talking like brave) and they don't have to wait and for there cutie marks to tell them what to do and tell EVERYONE who they are non ponies and be free and as secretive as they like!
What if Luna looked at Celestia as a goddess... Because the Sun is what makes the moon complete. (The moon reflects light of the Sun creating light) And Celestia is a threat because of that. Some people think Luna should be the "Goddess" because Luna is the "moon bringer" and Celestia is the "Sun bringer" and the Sun is a star. Even though the Sun is what gives light to us during the night.ย
Maybe it has something to do with EUP cause only unicon earth and pegasus have cutie marks or just that they have to have a special talent that's why everypony (except for filly's) have a cutie mark
I think that possibly the cutie mark is a symbol to only ponies because of Queen Cylestia... You see that she's the ruler over governing 'ponies' nothing in the episodes gives you facts that she governs the other characters either. So, I think that maybe the power for others to have cutie marks is disabled because she only governs ponies. Although, there are other towns and places so.... this would mean that there would be a secret society of rulers that are ponies that distinguished that ONLY ponies that they govern can have cutie marks that represent where they live? I thought long and hard.
have u ever noticed that with all of the maine 6 (except Twilight), their cutie mark have three things on them. Applejack=3 apples, Rarity=3 jewels, Fluttershy= 3 butterflies, Pinkie Pie= 3 balloons, and Rainbow Dash= 3 different colors on the rainbow, but it is a little weird with Rainbow's cutie mark
if you look at flim and flams cutie marks, you'll see that both pieces have a stem and leaf. so they aren't actually from the same apple, maybe that has something to do with the dishonesty factor? i dunno its a stretch even to me.ย
My cutie mark is a big rainbow musical note, it shows that I am a lover of all kinds on music, but it being big means I have an open mind filled with weird but wonderful thoughts
Ahem SUNset SHIMMER? her name has Sun and shimmer in it! Also, on his last question, and I'm sure some of you guys said this, FOR GOD'S SAKE IT'S 'my little pony' not "my little equline"!!! (a family that includes horses& the lot...)
igota theory on why luna has a black splat around her cutie mark. it is basically a ponyfied version of a old story i jsut remembered. warning, the following theory will make you shit enough bricks to build a home for everyone on this planet.
Maybe Hasbro is just being lazy. Because in the christal empire part 1 and 2 there were only 3 cutie marks that seem to appear on everypony in the empire besides the mane 6. pun...try to find it
I see no reason why mules shouldn't be able to have cutie marks. After all, they're only half donkey. I'd assume the other half would most likely be pony.
Only ponys get cutie marks because ponys can be friends. What about the baffalos or zacora? I know your asking. They have truces. They don't play or laugh together
Make a vid on vinyl's cutie mark what does her cutie mark represent I'm trying to wonder what her cutie mark is for but when there is a party she plays the DJ's but I wonder why
i think snips has short attention span ad he snaps out of what he tried to think about and cut his thoughts beforeย he thinks things through snails is just slow
It's because I looked up the photo of zucoras cutie mark and I found out her cutie mark means the sun god...and she is good at being wize and the simbol on her flank and it also means wize.
The cutie marks only appear on ponies because they have magic ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ and then destiny affects them in a different way
what about lunas mane? i mean in season 1 her mane was normal but in 2 and 3 and 4 its flowing? how? we didnt see an episode about how she get her mane flowing
okay what i think is (for luna) she was born with it AND YES I KONW IT'S SHORT i just havent thought about it much BUT i konw (have an idea) whp the shadow pony is :)
since a pony's cutie mark explains there personalitie like my cutie mark is a crystal with a heart in it over a fire which means love will be hopeless at first but be strong at the end which explains why my pony's personalitie is hope and love so snips and snail cutie mark does really explain there personalitie but there name but then if there name is there cutie mark does that mean snips and snail's personalitie in there cutie mark is a mystery?.
Maybe only Pony's get cutie marks because, 1. The show is called My Little PONY 2. It might have something to do with Alicorns. IDK on that. 3. It might have to do with the elements of harmony. Also Discord it PART pony but he does not have a cutie mark.
Ponys have cutie marks becouse thay are magic i know cows and stoff can talk but thay are not colored like ponys so thay dont have as much magic and thay look like stoff from earth
As much as I love mlp, I have2 say,they,are,fake! How can a pony be blue or pink or white or yellow or purple or โฆโฆโฆorange I guess is fine but u get the point
I haveย hardly any proofย on what I think, but I think that ponies just have magic-pocket-things inside thair plots were the cutie marks are. AKA, ponies have magic butts and everyone/everypony else dose not.Making Zecroa's cutie mark not a cutie mark,or I'm wrong completly.And ifย I am incorrect, Zecora was born with her cutie mark.But the swirl of the mabe-cutie-mark can be a potion being sirred and the triangels are markings on the pot that the potion is being sirred in, wich makes since for me.It macks since because thair are many times in the show that Zecora is making a potion. I haven't wached the show in a while...All the thingsย I said could be wrong, or right.I have vary little proof...
If sectoral had a cuite mark then us would have to do with potion making and what I don't get is why she speak is rhyme but in trouble with tribbles she dope a sentence with no rhyme
I think zecoras cutiemark is not a tatoo ... its looks mpre like an african symbol , and maybe they look doffrent because of anotherย origin.ย She is a Zebra so maybe there is just a country for zebras , and they do have magic but another kind of , voodoo. When ever watch something about afrika you ever see that the most people there belives in voodoo andย shamans so maybe Zecoras cutiemarks represend something of her magic, mixingย magic potions
I think why Zacora I don't know how you spell it, back to what I was talking about I think she was from the past in the tribal times, hey just I'm like Dr. Who she may be a time traveler maybe she needs a time traveler who is with me!?!
or, you know, LUNA HAS FREAKING MARKINGS LIKE PIPSQUEAK OR ZECORA.... I always get so mad about this, I dont know why... sorry, just had to get that out =/
He (briefly) analyzed Derpy's cutie mark at the end of the first video, but knowing as little as we do, it's hard to say much about it.ย Dr Whoove's mark is a pop-culture reference, so there's not really much to analyze (less so, since he's never had a single line of dialogue to compare it with).
maybe the lightning bolt on rainbow dash's cutie mark means she is fast like lightning ? and its rainbow , well, you know why. i also think for flim and flam, since one cutie mark is a almost whole apple, missing a piece(the other apple slice cutie mark.) and since they are twins, they are not complete without one another. ย i also think only cutie marks appear on ponie because well, ponies are magical no matter what !! ย plus, the dark blotch on luna surrounding her cutie mark is just part of luna, its not part of her cutie mark ! ย ย ย
I think its because come on their like the only animals that are ponies with wings, horns, or both like the monsters are magical but these ponies have something specail like every pony
Why only Ponys? -as also posted in Pt.1 Idea behind 'the Mark',
There was a neat 'darkfic' all-hollows eve vid seen regards to the mark.
While it would seem bs, though kewl as its tying in with "Puppet to her fame", it still raises some neat ideas & questions.ย (ps, if not seen ย reading of said story... DO IT! DO IT NOW!! , lulz ;') -see @*****ย
The question of how perhaps that Ponys might not have always been as are now, which would be likely given a "change over time" nature of things, forgoing unlike OUR world a straightup 'pure-creationist' standing, that there world/verse is much younger perhaps than ours and still in a realitively 'new/god-shaped' form of things 'put a certain way' that hasn't had time to fully deviate from.
Still, there is also the idea that their world is MUCH older as suggested by "Leviethan" read by @Illya Leonovย by said leviethan. That such creatures were perhaps like dinosaurs for our world these 'demon-lords' were more numberous but all now died out or in the deepest parts of the world come appocalypse.
In this way, perhaps Ponys came to sentience from simpler natures akin to horses our side but given some spark like akin to us humans some such, being that "animals" for their world moreoverall having thought rather than just one race or other. That these Ponys might not however been their own overlords?
Perhaps such a being as Leviethan in power held the world in a slavemaster's grips and had his pony workers a brand as to what laybor he would have them do. At some point power as always does changes hands or hooves, with The Marks becoming something else. ย
Rather than a symbol of oppression that akin to "The Cutie-pox" forces or compels one towrds a specific or asigned skillset, instead became bound deeper-magic to Pony kind that rather responded to the Ponys when they found their chosen/destined skills or talents or love. ย AND Perhaps this would be as to why to what is known/shown that Only PONYs have such marks, that they were the Slave-Race who bore 'The Mark' as tied to darker magics. ย
Thus why it is yet still through such darker arts one might call forth a preferedย "cutie mark" as in the case of Octavia in "a puppet to her fame", but at a cost...
"ponies" ie 'small horses', "Ponys" aking to 'Bronys' or 'Bronies' a matter of spelling, But again, when saying MLP it is understood to mean Gen4 / FiM, and not say 3.5? ย ^_-
Other than just stylistic preference, also predesignation to mean "small horses' of the MLP variety", sorta like how Fannon is sorthand for 'Fandom group-collectively agreed/sorted Head-canon'
We often use specific alterations on normal or usually "proper" grammer such as shorthand or spelling to signify a given meaning or idea unspokenly.
Ofcourse I can't say how popular yet the term "fannon" or to say Ponys as shorthad meaning the 'pony-race of Equestria' like Humans refering to humanity overall or the "human-race". ย So if I say ponies instead of ponys or Ponys, I & others likely mean "small horses of our world." ย ^-*./)
I have a theory (which also is part of my fan mythology of Equestria)
Well you see, the ponies are the chose race. Just imagine their ruler is a God and it is a pony. The fact that they live in a world that nothing eve goes wrong (like a hurricane that creates deviations or hunger, or wars) it is because they were chosen from the beginning from those more powerful and mysterious. You see the ponies are all magicals because of their natural hope as well as resistance to evil. Even thought everything goes wrong ponies are always the first to find a solution (which confuses me since I believe there should be more species, not only ponies. And I really doubt that Equestria is the whole world.) I believe that the mysterious beings chose the ponies from any other sentient race because they were pure, they were kind and not afraid to do what is necessary to fight for good and right (Just like the Main six represent).ย
how come all of ย the ponies cutie marks match their name but not the cutie mark crusaders. Example apple jack. her name has apples in it, and here cutie mark is apples. here is an another example rainbow dash. she got her cutie mark by doing a sonic rain boom. and her cutie mark shows a sonic rain boom. plz do a vid on this
@lps epic Fails Ugh, why does everyone say "cuz I'm all about that bass no trouble" when its actually "Because you know I'm all about that bass 'bout that bass no trouble"
@TheAmazingBroniesย while a cello is a bass instrament, I believe Octavia is a master of all of the strings. So the treble cutie mark more represents the violin and fiddle than the cello.
sunset shimmer her cutie mark is kind of like celestiasย could they be related but ifย they where sunset would have wings and be a more edvance alicorn then twilight it dosent make any sence could she be related to princes celestia and princes luna canย that be possible kim possible subscribe imย joking
my cutie mark is a four leafed clover, most people thinks is lucky right? well in my life I seem to never end up in trouble, like the day before I had to get a tooth pulled it fell out (and 5 other teeth fell out as well) witch is pretty luckyย if you ask me... but a four leafed clover if different and out of place against every other 3 leafed clover, and like me im the oddball, the really random type, like derpy, an oddball as well, even tho I may seem dumb to everyone, I am very smart inside my own head, like how I found out to warp the holidays on my video game with common sence, yet the last thing anybody thinks off.
so my point is that I am different like the 4 cloversย are to all the other 3 clovers, but everybody love's 4 leafed clovers don't they? (giggle)
You know, I'm pretty certain every cutie mark has a deeper meaning then what's on the surface, which only makes them all the more awesome, and fun to analyze :D
Due to my belief that Zecora seems to wield an alchemy related magic I find it unlikely that possession of a cutie mark is directly correlated with magical power, but with another trait that it unique to ponies. One fact to consider is that this is most definitely not the only difference between the ponies and the other mammals in the show, for one thing ponies have extremely different mane, tail, and coat color as compared to the other species. Ponie's manes, tails, and coats are normally of a color not normally natural for their species, occasionally even a fluorescent color, while the other animals display more natural tones. Normally an odd unnatural colored pigment in an organism is due to a mutation or due to the fact that this creature is poisonous or highly dangerous. Odd mutations can be found in almost any organism given the right scenarios and warning signals can be found in the brightly colored poison dart frogs, as well as many other organisms. Neither of these possibilities can be completely disregarded, however I believe that the latter is the closest to the truth. Perhaps around the same time when ordinary ponies might have evolved into super strong earth ponies, soaring pegasi, and magic wielding unicorns they might have also gained these neon hues as well as Cutie Marks. What better way to show predators that you are dangerous and most definitely not suitable prey than to display your best skills and assets right on your flank. Although it is unlikely that the beasts will recognize these symbols, there may be one or two, such as a glimmering claw or a razor sharp knife that might click in their minds as potentially dangerous. And anyways, as shown in an episode if season four, many of these predators are only slightly less intelligent as the ponies if not just as intelligent. I think it would make sense if the ponies had evolved over time to display cutie marks. And possibly, if the theory presents in the first analyzing cutie marks video is true, these cutie marks could have also evolved to reflect personality traits.
My guess is that ponies are inherently magical beings and their magic just happens to manifest itself in a visual representation of their most emotionally fulfilling talent.
Luna could just assume the look of an Appaloosa, the real life horses with spotted hindquarters. It would make her cutie mark Moon look like its in a dark sky.
I think the dark blotches represent darkness (A.K.A, Nightmare Moon) and the moon itself is Luna in a way giving off a light from her innocent heart to protect her from being completely corrupted by Nightmare Moon, and when she looses the moon, I think the black part just means that the darkness of night will always be with her, or... NIGHTMARE MOON IS STILL AROUND!
My thoughts on why Zecora's cutiemark might be a tattoo. As we all (might) know, the cutiemark appears because of spectra, which is a type of magical element of a pony. Zebras (most likely) don't have any type magic, except witchcraft. Theoretically, they won't have any spectra to make the cutiemark appear, which would be why they don't have a cutiemark.
If you ask me it ties into her more the tattoo represents more of a mystery the outer spikes represent Celestia while the inner spiral represents a mystery even I do not understand computing yet always happy to help until the next time you have questions I will have answers
For unicorns I think the cutiemark represents their mane choice of spell rarity's is jewel finding and shining armour is magical barriers which is probably what the pink star really represents as twilight just specialises in all magic For other ponies its a little different as their magic is subconscious according to the episode about how equestria was settled.
Zecora has always had this magic to her. She can make drinks appear, she can create potions, and she even trained Twilight in the ways of focusing on her magic to use it. I think that Zecora's mark means that she enlightens people (or ponies if you want to talk that way) and helps guide them to understanding themselves,. In a way, the sun does as well! I don't know if my assumptions seem out-of-it, or if they even make sense! I just got to thinking about it. The way she talks with rhymes and takes time to explain things...
I think zecoras special talent is potion brewing. The swirl represents stirring the potion and the triangles represent petals and other elements of potion brewing. Do you think you could do a video explaining in further details your thoughts on this matter? BTW Zecora is best zebra ;)
I think that cutie marks are just part of the magic inherent in ponies, which is what makes them different. Donkeys, mules, minotaurs, and others have not been shown to use magic. I think zebras use a different kind of magic, which might explain why Zecora has a cutie mark of sorts.
I know it's been ages since you uploaded this but I only just got round to watching it. I got an idea about zecora's cutie mark. say that pony's are the equivalent to humans and they are smarter than other creature's this intelligent is represented in a cutie mark and zebras are just like pony's but in a different area and zecora's cutie mark is healer which use herbs as zecora always uses herbs of witch craft as when we first sore her every one thought she was using vodo.
if you look closely you can see the flim has a small apple slice vs flam's big slice representing unfair deal or one more benefited than the other as shown in their first appearance giving themselves more money than the apples. Also both marks has a stem where real apples only have one showing false advertising as in their second appearance (just a thought)
I was at school one day and out of nowhere I started thinking of MLP, when I started talking to my friends I was making a joke of "if the ponies have cutie marks why don't humans?" My friends thought I was just joking and laughed. Then I started thinking about it "what if humans can get cutie marks but they never figured out what they are good at, which explains why no human has any" I know that's not true and all, but it was a strange explanation to that and my friends, that are bronies, and I found the idea very amazing
pony's must be magical in a different way my theory is that magic is like a sound wave or light wave just a different kind when pony's have found their talent they are more magical than blank flanks so zecora's must be a tattoo or a birthmark but since she isn't a pony she used magic through other thing like plants also the 4 alicorn must hit different wavelengths of powerful magic to be alicorns hence they can cast powerful spells and their health is slowly being regenerated and the white eye thing wicth the channel so much magic its hard to control if you new to itย
Maybe there is more to the differences? As of yet, there is just the one Zebra, named Zecora. As opposed to the Donkeys and Mules, Zecora is more then the cheap Pun, she is actively partaking in the stories. Is she perform magic similiar enough to Pony Magic, why not expect the mark to follow after a similiar pattern?
From a point, she is suppiosed to be similiar, just so mysterious, she had to be portraid so differently there is something to fearfrom her.ย she needs more then a different speach, in part since both the Apples and Rarity clearly speak differently, compared with most other Ponies?
It could also be the reason Tirek (Hope I spelled that right) took magic from the 3 tribes and not non-ponies. Or it could be star-swirl's cough cough Discord Cough Cough ย magic gone wrong.
I think its because pony's can become princesses, like Twilight and Cadence. I haven't seen a Zebra princess or a Donkey princess. Any ways pony's carry magic in the tribes they are in, Earth Ponies are the strongest, Unicorns have magic and Pegasi have their wings and can stand on clouds. The cutie marks symbolize their destinies and like Twilight's cutie mark it shows that she was meant to be a princess. The whole thing on Luna... I think either she was born with that little black splotch or it represents her as Night Mare Moon...
I think your right about the tattoo because zecora likes mixing potions and brews and her mark doesn't look like anything about potions this is just a opinion.
Hey brony notion, zecora's mark means the healer, the shaman, or the first shaman which in essence what she is with her potions and so on. Also she is generally a healer since the past two times she has been put in she has been trying to help heal the ponies of an affliction or solve a problem in general.
(i always thought the reason luna has the black splotches on her flank is because when she turned into nightmare moon it corrupted her in a way that could never be cured making the black spot appear, when she got turned back that black spot was still there and it was the same color as her pelt when she was nightmare moon. Maybe shes infected and can willingly turn into nightmare moon as she pleases? in lullaby for a princess celestia says something about a limelight taking hold of the mind of its hosts i think that was the dark energy that caused it to appear and made her mane change colors. In part 2 of the first episode that blue blob was following twilight and her friends around and it looked alot like lunas mane which changed in the second season into the shape of it. Maybe she may change back into nightmare moon in season 4 or maybe even 5?)
Well, with Zecora if you look at it, you realize it's a Tribal Image of the SUN.ย Where else would you go to get closer to the Sun than to head to Equestria, where its Monarch is strictly tied to it?
I think Zcoreo's mark represents her speaking in rhymes which is associated with witchcraft but she is because she's kind of a witch doctor. But the spiky part I have no idea...
Btw look at the elements of harmony shards and count them. There are at least five shards so I think it's the rest of the mane 6 besides the element of harmonys spirit or one of the mane six but for twilight there are at least seven two for her parents, three for the princesses, and two for shining armor and spike. I think it doesn't show the other mane six on the element cause she already has them on her real cutie mark this is my own opinion
Okay, I didn't realize this until I put on my headphones. But I can hear some pops from the microphone and some slight background noise. I recommend you use Audacity to clean up the audio and put a pop filter on your microphone, if you can't do that, a sock works too. (unless you are using a headset microphone, in which case ignore what I said)
Just trying to be helpful, but other then that, keep up the awesome work.
I didnt think it was a cutie mark! Luna's blotches are rather natural, but if it was part of her cutiemark, it would've made sense if it meant that she could walk in ponies dreams, because it kinda looks like a dream bubble/cloud.
Hmm... I'm quite puzzled about The Flim Flam Brothers. What do their cutie marks actually mean? Considering that they, as you said, spam the other ponies (consumers/buyers/etc.) with fake or non-working items. (Example: In the episode when AppleJack got her Rainbow Reflection from the coin the other pony gave her) So, should the Flim-Flam brother's have a different cutie Mark? What does It mean as I said before, how does it show what the pony resembles,what their personality means or what their personal experiences with other ponies are?
I think Luna's black parts on her flank are body markings that go along with her cutie mark. Once I saw Season 4 Finale, I thought the 4 circles represented Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and Non-Pony creatures, and they go along with the cresent moon because she raises and lowers the moon for all 4 groups, and the black parts just popped up with her cutie mark, or they started to show as she got older.
The cutie mark also represents there magic so it is possible zacora has no magic but in my opinion I think her cutie mark represents her home how she travels and spread the nature of her culture so it may be the sign of her home rather than her talent unless that is her talent is teaching other ponies more about her talent if u would like to talk to me I am one hangout with same name many of your theories is similar to mine but I do have so say I disagree on some theories u said but I do respect your ideas so ta ta for now
I know that this might be off topic... But you know how Shining Armour married Cadence? If Cadence was a princess and she married a regular unicorn, wouldn't that make Shining Armour a prince? Correct me if I'm wrong, but any royal pony is an alicorn, so when Shining Armour got married, why didn't he get wings?
ย ย ย ย ย Get ready for a long one! Seriously, a really long one. It's like, 8 paragraphs.ย ย ย ย ย
ย ย ย ย I think only ponies have cutiemarks because in MLP FIM ponies are the, "Next humans". Meaning, they are intelligent and have similar to our modern science, although some are a bit behind the times.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย For example, buildings, horse drawn carridges, ships, statues, fashion, and paintings (those 3 show that they are creative and care about more than just survival like humans), and lamp posts. That last one doesn't seem that important and kind of random, but it shows that ponies can use electrical wiring.
ย ย ย ย ย ย Although it is shown that other species such as donkies/mules, zebras, cows, griffons and dragons are capable of communicating with other species and have emotions, they are not the most intelligent species and don't effect the MLP FIM world as much, so they don't have as strong of destinies as ponies do and don't have cutiemarks because of this.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย But that's just my opinion, and many other people think that it's because cutiemarks are the source of a ponies magic, and I think that's a great theory too. ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย The reason I think it's not that simple as that, is because I think a pony's cutiemark is not the source of a ponies magic, but rather a reflection of it. When a pony finds out who they are meant to be, and what their special magic is they get their cutimark. This is not the same as Unicorn magic, but closer to Alicorn magic.
ย ย ย ย ย Like what happened to Twilight, Cadence, and I'm guessing Celestia and Luna too, is when they found out that they had a very powerful magic inside of them stronger that an average pony's magic (Alicorn magic), proving them worthy of being an Alicorn and a Princess.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย A regular pony with magic as a cutiemark would be very good at magic for multiple things, as shown at first. But Twilight has the power to spread freindship all over Equestria. And since Friendship is Magic, Twilight has inside her, "The most powerful magic of all, the Magic of Friendship" (as stated in Equestria Girls), she is worthy of being an Alicorn Princess.
ย ย ย ย ย ย I could say almost the same thing for Cadence. A regular pony might have the talent of spreading love all over Equestria. But Cadence was a Pegasus before an Alicorn. This isn't a red flag because it's doesn't have to be a magical talent. She could just be really good at working out people's problems, have an attitude that makes people appreciate having someone special in their life. But MLP FIM has shown she is capable of much more than that and, I think you get the idea.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Oh my gosh, that was so much longer than it was supposed to be. If you actually read through the whole thing, tell me. I don't think it's going to be a lot.
In my opinion, I think cutie marks being in only ponies, shows that they are the or one of the dominant species in Equestria. Kinda like they are the human equivilents in Equestria, being more highly evolved creatures with a sense of power. But it is just my opinion!
Iย never thoughtย the dark spots were part of Luna's cutie mark because of her nightmare moon form. In this form the spots are purple while the moon remains white, this suggests that they were always meant to be visible as they form a pattern in her fur. This makes Luna more special as she is the only pony with patterned fur.
But Zicora has magic too far more than any earth pony why wouldn't she have a cutie mark, personally I think the reason she doesn't live with other zebras is because they dont have magic and she does.
I think its because Lauren faust needed this to make more episodes. If you noticed a good portion of the episodes in mlp are centered around cutie marks. Or she wanted to teach little kids about growing up to fast
I'd have to agree with what many have said so far, ponies in this world are the only ones with enough inherent magical power for cutie marks to manifest in. In the show we've seen that the other races, while having magic of there own, not having enough to match that of the three races of ponies. The only other beings that have come close to magic on the same level as the princesses has been Tirec( know I spelt that wrong but am not going to look it up now), Chrysalis and Disorder. However to explain why they don't is simple, Tirec needed to steel the magic of everypony in Equestria and Discord to match the equivilant magic of all four princesses. Chrysalis only had enough to take on Cylistia after munching of shining for god knows who long. As for Discord he represents the opposite of every thing the ponies stand for, even after his true "reform" at the end of season four, his nature is to not follow the crowd. I could go on but this is just a comment so I'll end it here.
I once heard that Flim and Flam were changelings, I'm not sure if that's true, but look at the color of their magic. In the Canterlot Wedding episode, the evil Cadence's magic was the exact same color. It may be a coincidence, but wouldn't Flim and Flam's magic aura color match their cutie marks, which are apples, making the color red? I'm not sure if this is true or not, but it's an interesting thought, that I do know for sure.
maybe Zecora does have a cutie mark and it might be cause she has a special talent and she is the only zebra we have seen but the others don't because maybe their talent is so alike it would be boring if all of them had the same cutiemark!!! well anyway that is my theory.
I think cutie marks do not come for themselves. Instead, I believe that there's an "allmighty alicorn God cutie mark creator", father of Celestia and Luna. These last two are the oldest creatures in all mlp universe (u no say) appart from Chrysalis)) , but also the first ones who got cutie marks, thanks to their father. This God just gives cutie marks to earth, pegasus and unicorn type ponies. Why? because Celestia and Luna started the procreation of the ponie species. How? once upon a time, Sombra was kind and loved the princesses. But the time passed, and Sombra became ambitious for the power of the sisters, and standed against them. Celestia and Luna asked for help to their father, and he granted them the power to defeat Sombra. Once this happened, the sisters had their cutie marks as a gift from the God. The sisters ruled the most powerful kindom in all mlp universe: Equestria. That's why every villan wants to rule it. Queen Chrysalis is this God's wife, wich also turned ambitious for the power. As punishment, the God turned her into an altern alicorn, like rotten. To the theory in the video, I think Chrysalis was the first bannished and not by the princesses, but by the God. Remember, this is only another theory, I'm not trying to improve the series nor to say that this is true, but makes you think quite a bit in my opinion...
Snips and Snails is just a joke off of the poem what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? Sugar, spice and everything nice. What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
I think Lauren Faust really likes this little poem since there are the ingredients to make the perfect little girls... and the Rowdy Rough Boys.
Horses originally have a mark where the cutie mark is. It is because so the owners of the horses can tell then apart. That may be why nothing else has a cutie mark. But I can't explain what's with the zebras.
I think the reason that Luna has a dark patch maybe due to her corruption from nightmare moon. Even though she is peaceful now the scars of what she did are still there, leaving that mark on her flank. This theory doesn't work too well but I like it.
@The Brony Notionย If you look at both Luna and Nightmare Moon, they are inverted versions of one another. It could be that Luna has extreme personality disorder and Nightmare is the other personality. That could explain why she has that discoloration and nopony else does, and also why it is still there when she loses her magic. It might have nothing to do with her cutie mark.
@Alice Winsor i like that theory too. It seems most believable based on facts against theories. It couldnt have been from Nightmare Moon, because she still has it in the flashback to before the evil took over.
In your "why discord is too Starswirl the bearded" i refrenced a book i have. The Journal of the Two Pony Sisters. It includes ponies meeting zebra for the first time and it says they have cutie marks.
I believe why other 'people' besides ponies dont have cutie marks is becuse they are not as magical as unicorns pegisui (pegasus sc?) and earth ponies. unicorns of course have magic that comes from there horns or maybe themselves that can be used to do different things, pegausi (sc?) becuz the have wing to fly their bones are liter and the fact that they can stand on/touch clouds says that they have magical abilities that they cant use like a unicorn but can be used at an unconicous level where they dont have to focus to stand, touch, or sleep on clouds. Earth ponies the fact that they can use strength stronger than other ponies to do outside work such as bucking apples tells us that they have magical properties that allows them to have the strength to do that work. All though pegasus and earth ponies dont have as much magical power as unicorns doesnt mean they dont have any. Thats why other animal/creatures/people/characters dont get cutie marks they have natural born abilitie that dont require magic of any kind to do anything they dont need magic to do what they do. Ponies are born with magic while the non pony characters are born with natural non magical abilities, thats why they dont have cutie marks. :3
In super speedy cider squeezey, flim and flam never intended to be tricky or deceive, they were just showing that their machine could make cider with less work than traditional methods. The only time they started deceiving was because, for some reason, the Apple family feels threatened even though they could have worked WITH flim and flam to make cider faster. Instead, Apple Jack bets the whole apple farm that the sscs won't beat hard work... They seem to want to avoid innovation in that episode. Do the Apples have a fear of Change and Innovation? if so, why? They can use that technology same as every pony else would.ย
I think that zebras have glyph marks. Some people think that glyph marks are like cutie marks except they stay the same color palette as their colors. Some other people say that glyph marks are the symbol of their tribe, I'm not sure. But I say that their like cutie marks.
Also, don't use pony creator. I've seen thousands of OCs with that hair style. You'll seem more professional.
Sun - open, warming, illuminates all, but none can approach or be truely close to, doomed to be alone. Moon - soft, yet concealed light. illuminates a few. can be approached safely but it takes time.
I do think its a little wrong that only ponys have cutie marks. But I think zecora dose have a cutie mark, because she is a important character, and a zebra is close to a pony. But then again, donkeys should have cutie marks. I also think its wrong that Bunnys and birds are pets, but cows, sheep, dragons, unicorns, ponys, and Pegasus, are able to talk, and do things!
i think the that they are showing different types for princess that are different because you see no one else that has different colored wings-Cadence ย is the bigger than any ponie i have see-Celestia ย the splotches on the hindquarters-Luna ย but than there is twilight who is showing normallityย This is showing they want all the princess to be different to show that they are specil other than they are alicorns and showing that they repersent types of ponies and be specil
But that is just my theory but it sounds better in my head ย :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)ย
Hold on a second that doesnt make any sense. Why did (for example) Silver Spoon parents named her that way? Did they know her cutiemark will be silver spoon? or Diamond Tiara (is that even a name?) or Snails ,what a "name".
P.S.Twilights cutiemark is connected somehow with the tree of harmony :P.
Well, I'd think that the reason only ponies would have cutie marks would be because of how it's like they're superior to other species, in the same way humans are with animals. Mabey they just have a better intelligence level, similarly to humans.
> Action > Realisation > Acceptance Unless you follow the entire process correctly, there is no mark. just look at the scene where Apple Jack got hers?
Twilights freinds are main characters and the princesses and the ponies also get cuity marks cause they are slmost characters that help cover the main ones and zecora as well but the other characters who dont then is cause they only appear one time and theirs no need to waist cuitymarks on characters who only appear in the show more than once or twice
the brony notion's right, each pony's cutie mark represents who they are. for example one of the characters he didn't feature was prince blue blood. he has a 4 pointed star that's yellow the colour of the sun and another one behind it that's the exact colour of the moon. for he being celestia and Luna's nephew his cutie mark has a part of them in it for yellow is celestia and the grey colour of the moon is Luna so it represents that he is a part of celestia and luna. maybe he'll raise the sun one day for back in ponyville's past unicorns used to raise and set the sun and the moon so maybe that will come in my little pony's future.ย
Well in other video about horses they do not seem to have a cutiemark so maybe... just maybe... when and if the become horses their cutiemark fades away... As their destiny as "ponies" are over or has been completed or blah blah blah... and are sent to places like Saddle Arabia or such... but in the back of my mind while typing this i thought what if.... if they dont complete their destiny in some asset they are reincarnated to try to refill their destiny or to complete a completely different destiny/job so yeah.. my OC had to do the same but it went Alicorn->Earth->Pegasus->Unicorn->Alicorn so she could learn how to fill here destiny as the pincess of Clockwork/steam punk
Zacoras cutie mark is a cutie mark cause that she is tetnicly a pony, zebras are ponies only with stripes, but they have some more differences than just that
Yeah ponies have cute mark because they got magic all the pony on the equsestria got magic like earth pony they don't have horn but they have magic on there body which means there magic help them do there job
also i think the reason i always do this is because i have a LOT of things on my chest about MLP and then you take those things and put them as a video but i change em up a little
I think Luna has the black blotches on her flank because she was once corrupted and now she has power over her transformation to nightmare moon and the black blotches are a sign for her power over her transformation?
maybe since luna is supposed to be the opposite of her sister couldn't that be luna would have markings and celestia wouldn't to show the contrast between the two? plus aren't moon kinda you know special and the sun is to in different ways?
I think Zecoras cutie mark/ tattoo is a birds eye view of a cauldron that has a swirled liquid inside and the spikes represent flames sticking out the bottom of the cauldron ย ย
So becuz ponies have magical abilities they can magically get marks on their butts to tell them what they r suppose to do with their life. Only ponies have the magic it takes to get a cutie mark. X3
I have a theory about cutie marks not appearing on other animals other than ponies. Its because of the more magical quality of the ponies such as unicorns, a pegasis, and earth ponies(yes earth ponies are magical they are incredibly strong for there small size and there ability to farm extraordinarily well) and not to forget alicorns with there extremely high magical properties. And the fact the ponies in the show are clearly the superior dominate species so the get a few perks
I do think it is a cutiemark. Why?because it shows she's a zebra and that she gives advice in rhymes.that explain the swirl.she talks in rhymes even when she's not giving advice. From Sparkle Singโ๐๐ถ
I just relized that the way that the apples in the film flam bros. Cutie marks are they can also mean not the whole truth, they don't tell everything to the story
did you notice sorin has a cutie mark that looks the same as the wonderbolt's simble? sorry for bad writingย oh ya its a little kids show that's why marks only appear on ponies in fact the name of the show is called "my little pony"
I think Luna could have 2 cutie marks. :D ย Least likely ย :P ย well what if she has two destinys? her destiny to be evil and cause eternal night as night mare moon? Or her normal way of raising the moon. ย The moon cutie mark could repersent the moon raising. and the black stuff on her could be her nightmare moon cutie mark. ย This probably is the least likely idea but anyways thats my thoughts
maybe the black spots came with the cutie mark but when Luna became nightmare moon and then turned back (after 1000 years) the spots became permanent to mark that part of her life. also now Luna knows she can visit ponies in there dreams maybe the spots stayed to represent her new knowledge of how she can help ponies other than raising the moon. ย
03:36 hmmm maybe it was made to be so by i dunno celestia and lunas great great great ancestirs or something? im definitly going to write a fangic about this
my oc cutie mark is a pokeball and a knight ( chess piece ) because i love pokemon and even my nickname is the pokemon queen, the knight, however, is for my love of chess and usage of the knight itself, i am a master of the horse piece and that is my cutie mark, y'all can reply to what your oc cutie mark is and why if y'all like
i believe that ponies are the only ones to be able to have cutie marks is because ponies are the only creatures that we know of besides discord and tirek to be able to use magic. even earth ponies and pegasi have individual types of magic so that could be why they have cutie marks. their magicย has more influence over the world and also I could be a way to tell diferent ponies apart from each other and to add depth to their characters and if the other creatures had cutie marks it would clog up the shots and make them too messy. what doesย a cow or a dog need a cutie mark for anyway?
i know becuse i work with the show. its becuse ponys have more things to do with there destine and there this is most oveis they apear when they find there tailent its a mark of witch means there tailent so other ponys know what there good at and help them get comfedens
I think ponies has cutie marks because all the other animals are like fimiliar to there talent but for ponies they don't know what there talent until show what there talent
I think Snips got his cutie mark for cutting hair. Look at his hair it looks like he cut it himself just like most kids do at least once in their lives. Because he is clumsy. immature, too young, etc.. he didn't do a good job but when he grows up maybe he'll be a barber pony. ย ย
Maybe ponies have unique destinies whilst everybody else's destiny are the unimportant and don't have a huge factor in the well being of equestria. Basically basically you don't see a donkey being the commander of the royal guard or as a well know sorcerous of magic. Or maybe ponies are the supreme beings of equestria and everybody else is unimportant.
wait just a second i just thought of something, ok so i think it was an episode in season 4 when the everfree forest starts to over grow and the both luna and celestia get captured and are no where to be seen. If it weren't for Zecoras potion that allowed twilight to see into the past, twilight wouldn't have been able to find the tree of harmony and return the elements of harmony to the tree to stop the forest from growing. hold on i think im getting somewhere with this, maybe non pony destines are just as important and pony destines. there just not as easy to see and not as noticeable. Here's an example, an alien comes to earth to take over, it is up to a group of people to stop it. there is said to be only one way to stop the alien and that is to, i don't know shoot it with a weapon of some sort. Well the people dont know where to find this weapon and they think all is lost until someone tells them the possible location of the weapon. The group of ย people find the weapon and kill the alien and become heros and are graced with glory and wealth. Now the group of people are ponies but the person who told them the location of the weapon is a donkey or a minatore, or even a zebra, and possible the creator of the weapon is a donkey and so on and so forth. As you can see if it weren't for the person who created the weapon and the person who told the group of people the location of the weapon the alien would have killed everybody. So maybe if it weren't for the non ponies in equestria, equestria wouldn't be were is was today. Now i think there are some other moments where this has taken place in mlp. Ok so im pretty sure that Iron Will teaches fluttershy to be more assertive and have more courage came out before they reformed discord. Maybe if it weren't for Iron Will teaching fluttershy, even though she did go over board with it she still retained some of what she learned to stand up to Iron Will, fluttershy wouldn't have been able to stand up to discord or even talk to him. Now that episode with pinkiepie and that one donkey that didn't want to be friends with her ( and i would have liked to put a 70 round drum mag of PPSH41 into his face when he denied her friendship) but any way if it weren't for him being as stubborn as he was pinkpie wouldn't have been able to be so determined to be friends with him that she might have actually given up. Now im pretty sure there is alot more like with the Chanlings or with the 6 manes pets but this comment is already to long and i applaude anybody who has stayed around reading this comment full of misspelled words and unorganized information to this point but the main idea is that if it weren't for non pony destines equestria would be completely destroyed by now. and bear with me but here is a couple of ideas that i came up with: star swirled the beardeds teacher was a non pony and ย the creator the elements of harmony was a non pony, and by a couple i meant a couple of ideas and as always Brohoof /) ย ย
@Miner Bro man that logic thought I applaud ur analisis of the situation and the question and I agree with ur paragraph long explanation but it still dosnt answer the question y not donkeys or other animals I think my coment along with some others will answer that question unless u have another theory if so please do share it
Well cutie marks tend to vanish when ponies are drained of their magic, so maybe the other races just don't have enough magic to manifest their cutie marks...?
I have theory about Luna's cutie mark similiar to princess rainbow dash. What if that black mark WAS a part of cutie mark but it was her jealosy and her dark side. Maybe nightmare moon is still there but she is inferiour now in het body and nightmare moon's mahgic is not the part of luna's magic. So Luna gave all of her magic to Twilight but not nightmare's magic. But i think that now nightmare moon's magic is not strong enough that's why luna stayed luna.
think its because the ponies are have my talens any look at the mane six some are fast fashionble and some can be really smart and some ย do lead ย and some like apples and some ย really want apple ย and its about ponys
Well if cutie marks represent their character.....why does king Sombra and Chrysalis don't have one?Is that even possible that King and Queen don't have cutie marks in the first place??
King Sombra DOES have a cutie mark...his armor just covers it up. And also, Queen Chrysalis doesn't have a cutie mark because she's not a pony, she's a Changeling, the Queen of Changelings, to be precise.
I have to agree with Yi-Yi Lian on this one: Changelings are not really ponies, though they look like ones. There's also those breezies, and they don't have cutie marks. So breezies, changelings and ponies (and donkeys etc.) are different species.
I think ponies and changelings can be kinda compared to elves and orcs from the Lord of the Rings; orcs were elves once, but once some of them were tortured for generations, they eventually lost their connection with nature, magic and beauty, turning them into the monsters they now are. Please don't kill me if I explained that wrong! I really haven't read Silmarillion, but my dad has, and he's the one who explained that to me, when we were watching the movies one time. :D
@Grimdark Fluttershy I agree with @TheTrilogical. As we see, getting a cutie mark is part of the magic of Equestria. The other animals, well, don't posses this magic. Come on, when have we ever seen a dog fly (apart from R.D.'s dream), a donkey do magic, and a buffalo raise the sun? Cutie marks are magical. But I wonder if one pony won't EVER get their cutie mark...that would be'd be like sort of like a Squib in pony form, I guess.
King Sombra has one, i think. Isnt it like 3 crystals, representing the crystal empire? If you ask me, maybe King Sombra might have been an over ruled King of the crystal empire. And as for Chrissy, she isn't exactly a "Pony". shes a Changeling. Changelings cant have cutie marks because they might stick with them through transformation.......... OR it could be hasbro being lazy ;P
ponies are the only ones whith cutie marks because they only have the right shape and also because they are the main animals in the whole of the serease hello its ovious my little PONY!
+The Brony Notion since the moon has black dots maybe luna was born with the black dots to show how she represents the moon to every little spot this would make sense since she is the princess of the moon
Why don't you you know do something on the rainbow rocks movie and hasbro should make a princess no one knows about and hey why not clestia and Luna's parents
HEAD CANON TIME XDDD ------------------------------------------ I think the black on luna's plot was Grown into her, If you look closely on Luna Eclipsed, and the piolet, Luna's hair AND cutie mark looked different. As Luna gets angry and Sad with ponies and her magic gets weaker as in the piolet luna's cutie mark had no black and her mane was like a normal pony. I think it symbalizes her magic abiltes and her limets, as she is not used to it as celestia.
Well don't jump to conclusions here. Maybe zebra do have marks, we just haven't seen more than Zecora. We don't know if every zebra has a mark or not, or even if Zecora has a mark since we know little about the zebra race as a whole. Just keep that in mind
I think that Zecora is NOT a zebra. Why? Because no Zebra can do witch craft or so to speak magic with no horn. and i no she has no horn but, Tiric from season 4 rap-up took earth pony magic as well. earth ponys have strength and do unexpexted things. so maybe Zecora is an earth pony and was thought to come from a far away land but maybe she is only thought forren because she looks different and remember no pony goes into the everfree forest untill applebloom followed her. and zecora looks a bit older but not much compared twlight. so maybe she moved in after the two pony sisters castle was destroyed or maybe she didn't.ย
we haven't seen any zebra other then zecora, so we cannot assume that her being able to use magic and brew potions is something unique to her alone. though i do think potion brewing is zecora's special talent as that seems to be her main focus.
no, not exactly, a spiral is a sign of hypmitisim, and therefor it is a sign of witch-craft, and the sun part of whats defintly a cutiemark, stands for the cultre of africia and also that she has no family, witch they thought ย was a gift from the sun. (this is what i've heared of.) so most of you must not be very smartย
Plot twist Babs and Snips are gonna opening a hair salon together.
809 likesReplies (37)
Bleh was that for a ship??? If so bigger bleh
32 likesOoooh
13 likesI ship it
12 likesLOL
9 likesBaps or Snabs
14 likesI think they'll become friends and open a salon, NOT dating in my opinion
29 likes@lhmw228 The person didn't necessairly meant that shipping is needed here. They could just be co-workers
24 likeswhat was babes cutie mark
5 likesRyleigh Weyant babs Quitir
2 likesWhat??????
2 likesWhat????????๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
2 likesYeah ๐
3 likesMimi MakesArts no because both their cutie marks are scissors
1 likeShona Dudley yeah
1 likeYeah they do have the same cutie marks
0 likes@lhmw228 what do u mean are u being mean???/
1 likeHaha
1 like@Spair M ๐คข
1 like@Just.Your.Average.Viewer. โ๏ธ
1 like@Isabella M ๐คข
1 like@Violet Regnier dude it was a joke
1 like@Spair M I know but it's still gross imagine snips as a apple
1 likeyea
1 likeship ship ship love making ship,s
1 likeProbably not.
1 like@Just.Your.Average.Viewer. its a pair of scissors like snips
1 like๐๐
1 likeAnd get married?
1 likeSnail* salon
1 like* music stops *
1 like@Just.Your.Average.Viewer. the cutie mark crusaders said that she got scissors as a cutie mark
1 likeLOL yeah XD
0 likesI- O:
0 likesOh man I wish that happened
0 likesWow. That sorta sounds like it would work.
0 likesYou mean snips and snails?
0 likesTwo points, both are neutral. One, notice neither of the Flim-Flam brothers has an entire apple as the cutie mark on their flanks, we know the apple family as honest and hardworking, so maybe the only partial apple on their flanks means that they each say only half the truth, and since they complete each other, then that means that the two are caught lying together. Two, remember Nightmare Moon's flank? There were blue splotches showing what was behind the evil guise, and the black splotches on the current Luna we know and love must be a reminder of the potentially horrible energy that "lurks un the shadows"......wait, that's it...Luna has self negative thoughts that cloud out the full personality, so maybe those dark splotches are actually her negative thoughts having a physical manifestation.
91 likesReplies (3)
2 likesThank you for the long essay that took me 5 million hours to read
0 likesI think she just sat in oil
0 likes"Why do they sell apples if they work in pears"
461 likesthe perfect pear
Replies (5)
Good question
4 likesikr
3 likesLol
3 likesgrand pear shakes his head
8 likes@The Asprey Sisters exactly what i would type
0 likesi always thought that the black blotch on luna was was remained from her Nightmare Moon self, considering her coat became black
586 likesReplies (24)
Yes i alos though that
4 likessame
3 likesbut when she is nightmare moon the blotches turn purple.
20 likesImaginingDragons she wasnt black, she was a very dark navy blue as nightmare moon.
9 likesit's for the sake of contrast
6 likesImaginingDragons Same
3 likesLike shes traped in her like when starlight had a mission she got jealous at celestia but why didnt she appear well
4 likesshe did in starlight's dream with daybreaker but well...idk anything.
that's a cool idea
1 likeInb4 when Starlight switched Luna's and Celestia's cutie marks, the blotch also transferred, so maybe the animators don't know themselves. XD
10 likesActually, Luna's cuttiemark, I mean the black part is the night sky. So,she has the same cuttiemark from her childhood.
6 likesBut in the episode where she switches with celestia the black blotches go with the cutie mark...
6 likesNo because its purple when shes nightmare moon
2 likesThat's a part from her regular self that is remaining
1 likeDalia Wisam racist
0 likes@bennett ur racest
0 likesMe too
1 likeDalia Wisam no it became purple when she became nightmare moon
1 likeI kinda thought of that as well
1 likeActually, it is what represents the dark magic that turned her evil
2 likesIt's actually just markings like on a horse.
2 likesโ@yeet hiTTTer I think celectia got the black for Luna's cutiemark is white and it is not visible on Celestia so they took the black as well.
2 likes@Saffronbus_art well yeah but think of it canonically
3 likes@Random person on the Internet it is to show that she is trapped inside nightmare moon as it happens in reverses
2 likesDalia Wisam the black blotch is her birth mark
1 likeFunfact: The black stain on Luna's cutie mark is actually the remaning of her dark side, night mare moon. She only transfer her magic to Twilight later on that episode, but not her dark magic of course.
292 likesi know this was 5 years ago lol why am I still here :V
Replies (13)
I agree I tought so too
5 likesmyb it's tantabus because later in the show that spot dissapeared
5 likesDang Luna
1 likefor some reason i thought it was a part of her coat after this but in a royal problem it transfers to sunbutt so JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND, ANIMAORS! (to be fair we are never gonna get a straigt awnser now, since the show is over)
5 likesI have a better explanation to that.
6 likesThe black spot plus the moon represents her special talent, controlling the night, but just the moon represents her magic.Even if her Magicโs gone no one can take away her talent.
2 likestrue but imagine nightmare moon vs triek or sombra or even just luna using dark magic
2 likesMaybe because it's not her cutie mark it's like the black splosh
1 likegood point
0 likesooh thats cool
0 likesW-WHAT
0 likesAh, a member of the commenting late gang.
0 likesso celestia was able to be daybreaker because she has luna's over all cutie mark (moon + the black)
0 likesany one notice that he got a better mic
474 likesReplies (14)
10 likesOfc yes
4 likesYes xd
2 likesOfc I did-
1 likehere yes
0 likesOh swell yes
0 likesLast time he sounded like he was recording on a toaster
2 likesNO!
0 likesOfc yep
0 likesYes
0 likesIkr
0 likesYes
0 likesOmfg yes
0 likesMe
0 likes"Working in pears." That pun was really good. =w=
345 likesReplies (11)
No it wasn't nerrrrrrrrrd
2 likesYeah
3 likesYeah, it made me laugh
3 likesLove it
3 likesCuber With a Camera Omg I totally agree with u!!!!!!! AGREE THAT UR THE REAL NERDDDDDD (and being a nerd just means ur smart pfft like YOU would even know what โsmartโ means lol xd GET ROASTED + WRECKED)
0 likes@Snowy The Alolan Vulpix thats.. not even a roast.. thats just something cringy kids would say.
1 likeIs_it_sleepy_time Why thank you sleeping beauty UwUz
1 like@Snowy The Alolan Vulpix thats a hard oof.
2 likesIs_it_sleepy_time ooof xD
1 like@Cuber With a Camera don't be rude it's they're opinion and nerds are cool
2 likes@Lps candy Comet lightdon't be mean! Also DONT swear it's REALLY bad in my opinion a sin even (agein just my opinion)
2 likesI always thought that Luna was an Appaloosa, since they're known mostly for having a "blanket" on their flanks that is a different color than the rest of them. And no, I don't mean Appaloosa as in the town where Applejack's relatives live. I mean Appaloosa as in the actual horse breed.
4 likesThe film-flam bros should sell Apple iPhones ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
141 likesReplies (3)
Duncan Nimmo I agree
6 likesthis has aged like wine
1 likeLaaame
0 likesHere are a few more reason Luna could've been jealous of Tia for. Celestia is a take off of celestial, which can mean space, and space can be translated as infinity. Celestial also mean beauty. Luna, ehh, means moon. And the moon is really, a planet whose light come from the suns reflection.
118 likesReplies (12)
You need to take a few astronomy lessons mate.
16 likesFirst of all, the moon is not a planet. It's a bunch of dust bought together by gravity.
Second, the moon's light isn't a reflection of sunlight. It's when the sunlight shines trough the moon from behind.
No no No, the moon is a satellite
9 likes@Multi-purpose account No, it is the Sun's light being reflected, as far as I know.
2 likesTeh moons a shaped meteor.
1 likeBrandi Wadkins when I was little my fav pony was Luna and it still is
2 likesA lizard the moon is a star
0 likesAnd Celestia does sound like celestial but you need a dictionary because celestial means god like and holy
1 likeOoh
1 likeWell actually that's not the case. Luna is jelaous of her because ponies paid more attention to her. that's literally the main reason. Also, in the episode when Celestia and luna switched Cutie marks, Tia said luna's job was so hard, fighting nightmares ALONE. This is basically true since over the past few thousand years ponies paid more attention to Celestia even tho celestia is not the only princess in Equestria. Everytime Celestia is in trouble, ponies would come to help her but not on Luna's side. To me its just kinda UNFAIR that the ponies did that because Celestia is pretty much like hodly to the ponies. That's the reason why she turned into Nightmare moon. Luna needs more respect since she protect equestria from nightmares for centuries. Good thing she gained them Already. I dont really think its got things to do with names or stuff. Luna loves Celestia the way she is and so did Tia. But the ponies kinda have role from turning her into Nightmare moon.
2 likes@Tahmina Karimova Same. She really needs more attention and Love. I respected her so much.
1 like@Multi-purpose account Bruh, it's reflection. The moon isn't transparent OR translucent.
0 likes@o it isnt reflection, really shouldnt take a genius to figure this out.
0 likesWhy cutie-marks appear only on ponies ?
143 likesTheir bodies are very in touch in magic
Earth ponies - magic is what gives them incredible strenght
Unicorns - well MAGIC
Pegasi - ability to fly and literally touch the clouds !
Basicly magic is what ponies are, what makes them special
and remember cutie marks are magic.
Propably other magical creatures existed but they killed themselves fighting for power centuries earlier
Ponies survived beacuse of their teamwork and love of peace
Replies (6)
Ranun sooooooo dragon breath isnโt magic
2 likesAnd shape-shifting?
2 likesYou : unicorns : well MAGIC
1 likeLmao๐คฃ Well unicorns is well known because of their magic๐คฃ
well cutie marks basically show your future so i thought it was just that ponies are more magically connected with destiny
6 likescough cough ษขสษชาาแดษดs สษชแดแดแดษขสษชาs แดสแดษดษขแดสษชษดษขs สแดแดs แดษดแด สษชแดแดแดสแดสสส แดแด แดสส แดแดสแดส แดสแดแดแดแดสแด cough cough
1 likeI would assume that it's just a thing with ponies and their type of magic. Like the corrupted changeling having those holes in their legs or yacks having thick fur.
1 likeheres the thing on luna"s cutiemark when it's moon disappears, the REAL mark was the moon, and the mark that is surrounding it is just A STAIN!
61 likesReplies (6)
+Chica The Chicken FINALLY!
1 like@Just go to my dA!ย lol
0 likesMyles Dreemurr Itโs a splotch to show she goes in the dream realm (heard it from a fanfic so donโt start yelling at me pls ;-;)
1 likeItโs one mark from her past because when she nightmare moon itโs purple
0 likes@emma fanfics aren't canon.. they're literally named fanfics, as in fan fiction.
0 likes@Edgelord I donโt watch my little pony anymore,, I guess I just didnโt know what a fanfic was.
0 likesWhen I look at Zecora's cutie mark, I see her skill with alchemy. The swirl could be the mixture as she is stirring the pot and the little triangle on the outside could be the fire underneath.
51 likesReplies (4)
That's a good point. But it's also an African symbol
1 likeReally, huh... Didn't know that, awesome.
0 likesWell she is a Zebra, and as far as I can tell depicts a lot of African culture on her part.
4 likesSpike Of The Bastion I think that is afrcan tradition cuting their skin and zebras are from Africa
2 likesLol, I always thought snips and snails were just named and based off of that old rhyme that "boys are made of snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails" I never thought of particular meaning behind it.
1 likeBut I am kinda upset there's no female counterpart of them to go with the rhyme "girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice" because imagine how cute and perfect some twin foals named Sugar and Spice would be!!
(Also very disappointed snips and snails don't have a brother who has a name to finish the rhyme)
โApple Productsโ shows iPhones good one, I get it.
43 likesHi! I have a comment on Shinning Armor's cutie mark: i thought that the three stars above the shield were representing his family (father, mother and Twi) :)
2 likesLunaโs blotches on her hips I always thought were a part of her cutie mark, as seen in many fan created animations of Luna and the story of her cutie mark. I now believe that it is either a birthmark or a scar. Just like real ponies and horses, each have a different pattern or marks. But in the magical pony world, almost all the ponies are one solid color with no birthmarks or markings (with the exception of Zecora) I really believe it is some sort of scar caused by maybe a burn from letโs say the sun. Maybe this was her revalation that she belonged with the night. I dunno.... just thinking...
0 likesThe sun and moon can be covered by clouds whenever they want them too so they don't have to do anything
3 likesI always thought that Luna's black splotch with the moon on top of it represented how she is a "light in the darkness" because of how she helps others in their dreams.
0 likes2:13 That's a good one, i really laughed harder than i should have.
0 likes3:16 A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey, specifically a male donkey and a female horse (a mare). Further, mules are sterile and cannot reproduce, while donkey are their own species.
I think ponies have Cutie Marks probably because they are magic creature, unlike the ones you metioned
I always thought that the reason other characters never had any cutie marks was because there has to be a certain level of magic there. I mean unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies are all said to have a certain level of magic within them even though they haven't made the earth ponies magic clear. This would also explain why Zicora his a cutie marl because she does have a certain level of magic she is always making her own posions and helps the main six on occasion.
0 likesZecora was introduced with the intent of making her Twilight's second mentor. We see shades of this during "magic duel." I think that's why her... tattoo? stripe pattern? looks like a sun; she was meant to be Twilight's second celestia.
0 likesRainbow's mark actually has a lot of symbolic meaning like the cloud could represent her Loyalty to cloudsdale while the fact that the Lightning bolt are the three primary colors could show how her entire personality and the reason she has her element is because of her friend( put the mane six together what do you get? RD! And friends) idk where I'm going with this...
0 likesI know this is a old episode but I'd like to share my thoughts.
0 likesI think that all pony's have magic in them, as depicted in the season 4 finale as tirek eventually takes magic from all types of ponys (excluding crystal ponies), and their cutiemarks are representations of what they are going to do in life. or, to put it in other words, what they're going and or supposed to channel their magic into in their lifetime. it my be the world's way of trying to keep order. special talents may 'work' because as their naturally good at something the magic inside them makes them exceptional at it. the magic could even give a long a judge towards their own special talents like when rarity was a little filly and her horn lead her all the way to the rock with the jewels inside, leading up to her getting her mark. I think the only reason unicorns may be the only ponys considered magical is because they have a clear and visable way to channel and develop the magic inside them, also probably having more magic than the other races.
I always thought Luna's cutie mark was the splotches too, but I guess it's just a unique marking for her, just like pipsqueak - probably just born that way rather than any actual event, just like real horses can be skewbald colour (pipsqueak's markings)
0 likesI think it's some sort of evolutionary aspect--since the ponies are so collaborative, it betters the species as a whole. Each pony can find what they're good at and help society, allowing more ponies with cutie marks to live on? Or something. (I'm really enjoying this cutie mark analysis, this should be a series! I'm curious about what you think of Derpy's.)
5 likesPonies, in mlp, are at the top of the food chain, magical advancement, logical advancement, and peaceful activity, so their detainees are displayed on themselves as a symbol of superiority. Plus, ponies chanelle so much magical power within themselves and their detainees that it is reflected through their looks and it is an excepted sign of becoming of age.
0 likesI have a few thoughts on what Brony Notion had said.
0 likes1, maybe the lightning bolt on Rainbow Dash means someday she'll fly faster then the speed of light rather then Joining the Wonderbolts as her Sonic Rainboom allows her to break the sound barrier to fly at the speed of sound.
2, the blot he was referring to on Luna could just simply be a different marking on her actual body like any pony in real life would have and not a cutie mark.
3, last time i checked the nursery rhyme went "frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails" to me that makes sense as how are boys supposed to be made of snips? snips of what?.
Plus (for Celestia and Luna), Luna is the name of our moon, which makes sense because she raises the moon. On the other hand (or hoof), you would think Celestia means sun. WRONG! Celestia means sky which is less, how do I put it, effective, or booming in effect. But the creators were right. Celestia sounds better, as a name, than Sun. I think we can agree on that.
0 likesThe dark splotches werenโt there before on Luna, theyโre like a part of her jealousy guilt and nightmare moon or something
0 likesMaybe since zecora is obsessed with magic potions, when she was making the cutie mark thing, she tested it on herself and cured the cutie pox but somehow the spiral-sun mark stayed there.
0 likesFun fact about snips mark, it can mean cutting away things you don't need or a unity because you need both blades working together to have a functional pair. Hell, my favorite vocalid cover has a quote that goes: "scissors have two blades. They carry out thier work together, just like a good married couple."
2 likesSnails mark can mean two things; to take your time and enjoy life at your own pace. Life isn't a race afterall. The second can mean to protect yourself against harm by stopping to think about the situation. Although I'm not sure how that translates to the character.
Maybe other creatures donโt have an easy way of finding their cuty mark while ponyโs do. Zebras also have the same ability witch explains Zicora having a cuty mark just like the ponies.
0 likesSix years too late on this but I'll go ahead and say what I think the reason is that only ponies have cutie marks.
0 likesFirst, I want to point out that while it is established that other creatures are capable of harnessing magic, I don't think that all magic is the same or at least that not all magic follows the same rules. Take the changelings for example, their main ability is to change their forms into differing objects and creatures, and after their reformation it's shown they still can change their forms and perform magic, despite not all of them keeping the horns from their original forms. However, despite having wings, changelings can't stand on clouds while Pegasi can.
This, along with many other details, leads me to believe that Pony magic is vastly different from that of other creatures. Perhaps because of this difference, magic in ponies simply manifests into certain things, like their horns, their wings, even things like Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense" and yes, their cutie marks which most often reflect who the pony is and what it is they are meant to do.
Do I think this makes ponies the "main race" in the world of Equestria? No. No I don't. But it does make me think that they were meant to do what seasons 8 and 9 were trying to accomplish. Bring the world together, peacefully. No, I don't think that there will never be a type of creature that ponies or the magic of friendship can't handle, but based on what the show has shown us it appears that it's mainly the ponies who reach out in friendship. I'm not saying that's the case every time, but it certainly appears that way most times. (But seeing how the show is called "My Little Pony" I can give the show a bit of leeway for that being the case)
Perhaps I'm wrong, and that's a very real possibility, but that's simply my idea on it.
the dark marks probably represents the darkness within her (jealousy and envy) that will never go away, so she is still jealous of Celestia.
1 likei have a thoery regarding snails....and it comes from the episode "Buckball season".
0 likesi think snail's cutiemark represents a means of "taking it slow,and taking it in" and an almost Zen type outlook of not worrying or thinking about things and letting them come to pass and fullfill themselves in time. in the aforementioned episode,Snails demonstrated an impressively calm outlook on everything,even when everyone else was going about thier own worries and fears.
this leads me to believe Snails is actually a much more intelligent and collective pony than he appears....and he may be even suitable as an anxiety councilor or a therapist. id love to hear some second opinions on my theory.
I don't think Luna's interaction with the younger ponies is a sign of her more personal side. Rather, I think it's because the older ponies are scared of her.
0 likesRemember, they were raised on a thousand years of Nightmare Moon, the horror story of the villainous monster banished to the moon. The younger ponies are the first that will get to see her as Luna. It's a shame the show hasn't expanded more on this, but it's why I think she's so closed off to the older characters, yet so willing to help the younger ones.
I think rainbow's cutie mark means her character . Her tough character with a lightning bolt โก and her weak and her cloud means the softer side of her like she forgot to be herself just to impress the wonder bolts .
0 likesZecora cutie mark could have been a tattoo that her culture uses like a cutie mark. Maybe different shapes have different meanings. Also non ponies donโt have cutie marks but still have talents.
0 likesZecora's cutie mark looks like it symbolizes her knowledge of chaotic things and behaviors, and it would make sense. Her mark looks similar to the sign of entropy, but it swirls into the middle. I could see it as since she's chaotic (hidden under the guise of being mysterious, like how the entropy hides the swirl) she knows about chaos, but unlike Discord she uses that knowledge to help the ponies.
0 likesYou see zecora's tattoo is like a cutie mark (the swirl explains her potion) but she chose it not earned it.๐
0 likesI always thought that the black splotch on Luna's cutie mark was kind of like a scar from when she was Nightmare Moon.
0 likesPonies have magic in them, zebras seem to sometimes have found a way to acces some environmental magic bit have no magic themselves. (Like zecora shows with her potions)
0 likesYes all ponies have magic in them (as S4 finale has shown with the earth ponies and pegasi)
I think the blotch symbolic meaning is of what Luna used to be for example in 2:52 on Nightmare Moon the blotch becomes purple like Luna! And on Luna itโs black like Nightmare Moon! It can also be the blotch that can be seen on the moon symbolizing how Luna got sent there.
1 likeI think that Zecora gave herself an artificial cutie mark after moving to Equestria, seeing how the dominant species there all have cutie marks.
0 likesThe human world has cutie Mark's so they find their destiny in the parallel world. It stands to reason others could do the same. Gabby's mark from the crusaders could be as real as the marks of the other worlders.
0 likesI've seen a pic of Snip's dad and he has pic of controller of rope dolls as his cutie mark. It symbolises manipulation and controlling. Snip has scissors, do maybe his fate is to get rid of his controlling dad's power
0 likesMaybe the snail cutiemark could represent how fast he is for being the fastest filly. Snails are small though.
0 likesThe black splotches symbolize the dreamworld aspect of Luna-
0 likesWhen Celestia and Luna switched cutie marks, the dream aspect was carried along with rasing the moon.
+Robbin But, I could argue that Zecora does have magical abilities. After all, she does have a horn like a unicorn. And considering Twilight, unicorns store magic in their horns. Maybe the stripes on her are just part of her cutie mark, showing she is different, yet the same as other close species.
0 likesWhat if Flim and Flam are Applejack's cousin's? LOL
114 likesReplies (27)
i dont think so...their unicorns not earth ponies
8 likesIt is established canon that that means diddly squat. Besides ever heard of interaccial love?
16 likesDerpy is a pegasus with a unicorn daughter
Shining Armor a unicorn married Cadence who was originally a pegasus who was later made an Alicorn.
The Cakes are earth ponies with a pegasus and unicorn twins.
Its like our world. We tend to stick to what's familiar to us so that we can relate to one another BUT love is blind.
So Applejack the element of honesty with two cousins who are scam artist. Not fact but possible and a pretty funny headcanon
wait what?could u try saying that in a less confusing way?
1 likeEarth Ponies could have Unicorn cousins.
8 likesWatch baby cakes when Mr. Cake explains how the babies are unicorn and Pegasus. It's just genetics
6 likesThey kind of are cuz apples
0 likeswhat do apples have to do with anything
0 likes@Animal Lover its like everyone with the same last name is related if you go far enough back up the family tree.
2 likesThe same goes for the Apples. Having an apple cutie mark like EVERY SINGLE APPLE always does makes the Flim Flam brothers blood members of the Apples as opposed to Pinkie who is related to a pie who married an apple.
How close the relation between the brothers and Applejack is debatable but they are related. Probably. I think. Its just an interesting theory based on a little girls cartoon of techni color ponies peeps. Facts are hard to come by.
@Chrono Mitsurugi Derpy having a daughter isn't canon you dodo!
1 like@***** for awhile Derpy wasn't canon. Time will tell. Nothing is set in stone till the show ends.
0 likes@***** also kudos to you for using dodo. Haven't seen that on the web in a LONG time.
1 like@Chrono Mitsurugiย So what? Background ponies will never get time in the spotlight. They are in the BACKGROUND after all.
0 likes@***** So...does that mean you and I are completely worthless because we aren't leaders of nations or something. Everybody serves a purpose. Everyone has value.
1 likeImagine how bland the show would be if they got rid of all the background ponies.
Who would buy from AJ and Pinkie? Or Rarity's clothes? Who will Twilight annoy with her friendship speech? Who will cheer on Rainbow Dash!?
Its like a concert, the band is in the spotlight, but it's the crowd that makes them famous. grin
@Chrono Mitsurugiย My point still stands. They won't be in the spotlight of an episode, no matter what happens in the show.
0 likes@***** And my point is that your point means absolutely nothing to those whose favorites are the background ponies. I never cared that Octavia will never be the focus of a show. Because she doesn't have to be. That's not going to affect how I see her.
0 likes@***** I think now you are the dodo for that comment
0 likes@*****โ thx for the tip
0 likesDon't be silly Chrono Mitsurugi they hate each other and if you look AJ she has a big heart for friends and family ๐
0 likes@J Herbett what about her Aunt and Uncle Orange?
0 likes+TobyandMavisforever Comment made irrelevant by the episode Slice of Life.
1 likeTaurian did you know that aj is a ame full name is animal jam ;D
0 likesyes i do know that be cuz i play aj
0 likeshmmmmmmmm
0 likesThat would be weird!
0 likesthat may be a theng
0 likesFilm and flam could be evil cousins of applejack???
0 likesThey do both have similar colours of mane and coat to apple bloom.
0 likesI always thought the black spots on Luna represented dark clouds with the moon in the sky lol
0 likesOther animals are always in tribes so in a tribe, they have to follow rules. So they don't get a shot at finding a Destiny. Or with animals like bufulo maybe their cutie Mark is hidden under their fur.
0 likesCan you please do a cutie mark analysis for Cozy Glow? It's be nice to get some other opinions on her cutie mark.
0 likesโI assume they find a more honest way to earn money.โ Not a chance Sawtooth
2 likesIn the season 4 finale, the blotches where still there. However, in season 7 episode 10, royal problems, the blotches switch with her cutie mark.
0 likesSome things... The moon didn't show in Luna's flank because it was time of new Moon (and in a way, she herself is new Luna a.ka moon after that transformation.) Perhaps her mark changes according to moon phase or her character development? Who knows how long the moon cycle takes in Equestria.. we haven't seen her fully yet... the full moon is yet to be there....
0 likes:o Just realised! Film and flam's cutie marks make a full apple when put together and applejack's cutie mark is 3 whole apples.....could it mean that film and flam are meant to team up with the apples?!
2 likesI think Luna has those dark blots to show her past as nightmare moon and her jealousy. The moon, on top of it, simbolizes how she was able to overcome that part of her, and the moon is her cutie mark as well as symbolizing her power and her roll to protect people. Thatโs why it dissapeared when her power was taken away. She could no longer rule over her people and her power was gone. What remains then isnโt necessarily jealousy as much as a loss of purpose.
0 likesI've always thought that the black splotch was the dark magic that corrupted her in the first place.
0 likesFor me the ponies kind of control magic so I think there cutie mark could also represent what part or type of magic they control maybe the other animals don't have cutie marks because they aren't magical and for the other magical creatures it seems as though the ponies gave them magic
0 likesI'm pretty sure zebra's have cutie marks because I think Luna met zebra's whilst in the ever-free forest (when they were building the castle of the two sisters) when talking to a manticore named Melvin from the book The Journal of the Two Sisters.
0 likesI have a theory about Snails's cutie mark. In the episode "Ponyville Confidential" Snips and Snails get stuck together with a massive chunk of gum. The gum was sticky and snails leave a trail of slime behind them. Maybe you could find some other stuff and put that in a video?
0 likesTo answer your question:
64 likesAs we already know all three races of pony possess magic (confirmed in season 4 finale)
I believe this inner magic is, in part, responsible for the actual manifestation of the cutie mark.
Support to my claim comes when the ponies were drained of their magic in the season 4 finale. When the ponies were magic-less the cutie marks also disappeared. Why would they disappear unless they were somehow connected?
But the same is not true in reverse. In the season 5 premiere, Starlight Glimmer removed the cutie marks from members of all three pony races. However they still possessed their basic magical abilities (respectively).
This suggests that while magic affects cutie marks, not all cutie marks affect magic.
Kinda like how all squares are rectangle but not all rectangles are squares.
As far as for why they actually get the cutie marks, you could go a few different ways
1) the magic gift of cutie marks could have been bestowed to the ponies by their original Alicorn rulers
---Head Cannon Speculation
-in further speculating maybe (going off inkrose's head cannon)
When the the chaos bringers destroyed the ruling Alicorns, they used the last of there magic to grant their subjects with the gift of cutie marks..
This would go along with the cannon statement from the season 4 finale, where, celestia states you can't just "get rid" of magic. Maybe it was that extra boost of magic that cause the cutie marks to manifest.
As far as we know no other creatures had as powerful rulers as the ponies have/had.
Idk I could be wrong :) thank to anyone who took the time to read this! I appreciate it a lot!
Replies (9)
...You just wrote an essay.
2 likeslol yes :)
0 likesThat's because tirek wasn't after the cutie marks. Starlight glimmer was. Starlight glimmer took the cutie mark, therefor removing the talent and kind of magic that gives them the mark. Tirek, who stole all the magic, took the cutie mark magic as well. starlight only took the "cutie magic". So tirek took the whole pie of magic, starlight just wanted a small bite out of it.
2 likesTulipSong your answer is so long it's 100,000,000,000,000 times more awesome than anything except my little pony. A 12 year old girl using her step _ dad's account surprising but not as surprising as the sudden plot twist of mlp.
0 likesI agree!
0 likesTulipSong
0 likesI have no time to read this
0 likesThank you for the long description that took me 5000 hours to read
0 likesLong,but worth it
0 likesI believe that ponies have more magical energy that other animals. Which in turn makes a cutie mark appear.
0 likesI think maybe a long time ago there were other princesses before celestial and Luna who cast a spell on all ponies. For instance when the main 6 put on the play of how it all began there is no mention of a princess. Maybe they created a government\kingdom.I've always wanted to know about the princesses childhood. Also Granny Smith mentions in one episode that Filthy Riches father or grandfather ,I don't remember,was the first pony to buy her something jam. I wonder if AJ had someone like diamond tiara in her class to.They never really mention the older pony's childhoods except when they talk about how they got their cutie marks
0 likesi have a theory,equestria was made for ponies.and it was made with a special magic that made the ponies show their inner element shine and the cutie marks would since equestria was only made for ponies, the cutie marks would only affect the ponies
0 likesI always thought snips got his cutie mark one day because maybe he was in his mom's sewing supplies and found out he had the talentnfor it but as a little boy, too embrassed to tell people how he got it.
1 likeThe reason only ponies have cutie marks:
172 likesAs seen in the season 4 finale, if magic is taken away from a pony it's cutie mark disappears.
Ponies have magic on their side.
Other animals don't, otherwise tirek woud have absorbed magic from them too.
Replies (31)
Yes! I can't believe I didn't think of that because I have my own video about how magic and cutie marks are connected! :) lol
5 likesThanks!
Yeah I would believe that thank you
0 likesWhat about Discord? He has magic. But not the cutie mark.
3 likes@ะคะธะปะธะฟะฟ ะะพัะพะฑััะฒย I rewatched the finale and it appears to be coming out of his mouth?ย
1 likeThat's a good point.ย
1 likeThis is a good discussion, if all ponies with magic had cutie marks, what about Discord... and Tirek had like all the magic from all the ponies with no cutie mark.
0 likesI'm curious on whether blank flanks got power drained.ย
0 likes@The Brony Notionย Simple, Discord and Tirek have different kinds of magic.
6 likesDiscord: He can just think of it and it happens, also remember that he is the embodyment of chaos.
Tirek: He has the magic to steal other kinds of magic.
And also... Changelings!!!
They have the magic of rapid body change, they don't have cutie marks...
Why? Becaus their magic is sustained by the love they feed on.
That is all.
@ะคะธะปะธะฟะฟ ะะพัะพะฑััะฒ while I don't have the answer right now look to videos past for the answer you are currently seeking
1 likeAlso do not forget Zercora has magic too. Even though her magic is more spiritual the physical and thus he cutie mark of a spiral spiraling outward, representing spiritual grow.
5 likes+DragonBorn agree and my reason is that zera is density with meeting the mane 6 so she have magic but not phyicsl
2 likesor the animators are just too lazy... just putting it out there
0 likesRobin remember all the cutie marks get released
2 likesDexter thoma he is not a pony
2 likesRobin ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesLps unicorns Forever
0 likescool
Robin hey
0 likeslook at mine then
0 likesGg
0 likesRobin MAGIC!!!
0 likesLp
0 likesRobin bghj
0 likesRobin .
0 likesNot all ponies have magic lots are Pegasus or Earth ponies
0 likesWhat about pegasus and earth ponies
0 likesRobin
0 likesFfion Campbell without magic pegasus ponies can't fly and earth ponies don't have strength
1 likeะคะธะปะธะฟะฟ ะะพัะพะฑััะฒ THIS IS SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesZacora has magic sorry if spelled wrong
0 likesi have something about tia and lunas cutie marks: so, tia is the sun and luna is the moon right? and they are opposite right? so they keep harmony by each raising the sun and moon. aaaaaand they each represented 3 elements of harmony. so their cutie marks also represent them making harmony throughout the land. eh? eh?
1 likeIt probably came from the unicorns, the only ponies of magic. Then I'm guessing it spread the other pony breeds, and because there are no other magic creatures in other species, it kept to ponies only.
0 likesI believe zecora's "cutie mark" Is actually a tribal tatoo signifying maturity,Adulthood, and being wise.I believe if we saw another zebra from where she came from it would have the same symbol.I think this because in some cultures face tatoos are considered to signify adulthood.
0 likesI think that the black spot in Luna's flank is like a souvenir of her corruption or a mark that reminds her of her foolish behaviour . I would love to hear what you think about it
0 likesI think Zecora's mark is a Cutie mark, while yes it may look like a tribal tattoo its also a spiral, like water when its stirred so I think Zecora's mark represents her skill in making medicine and her mysterious personality because she's the only none pony character with a cutie mark
0 likesWith the dark blotches on Luna... in twilights kingdom she still has the dark blotches but in a royal problem when starlight glimmer switches celestia and Lunaโs cutie mark it gives celestia the dark blotches Indicating that itโs part of Lunaโs cutie mark.
0 likesFor some reason, in the tenth episode of season 7, they decided to make Luna's black spots part of her cutie mark.
0 likesBut when starlight swapped Celestia and Lunaโs cutie marks in season 7,Celestia also had the black blob thing.
0 likesI donโt know how often Iโve watched this video, but I still love it ๐
0 likesI think that the black splotches on Luna is a permanent thing from being Nightmare Moon, since before she turned into her evil form, she didnt have those. So if Celestia turned into Daybreaker she would have orangey red splotches
5 likesI think the black blotches on Luna's flank represent her time as Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon had light color blotches representing that she was once a princess and Luna has dark color blotches representing that she was once Nightmare Moon.
0 likes2:54 if you put luna's cutie mark with celestia's it looks like night trying to block the day like when nightmare moon tried to have eternal night in equestria
1 likeand the black patches they may be a part of it but when her cutie mark was gone they are there maybe that is a sighn everything will go back to normal
Maybe Flim and Flam's decietfulness is hinted at by their unequal cutie marks. Flim only has 1/4 of an apple while Flam has 3/4's. I think this might have something to do with how their deals will always end up being unfavorable to the competition, especially considering how their initial deal was to split the profits 75/25.
3 likesthe cutie mark probably has some genetic meaning. like what there sopost to do or how they act. it could even be a symbol of power, recegnition, or who they get along with. depending on how far you want to go into the lore, it could mean some thing else entirely like what type of ponies they could probably be. like an earth pony for apple jack, because she wouldn't need to fly or use magic to do her job. also, a reson on why other animals don't have cutie marks, is probably because, they might not have enough magic and, or phisical matter in general to have what it takes to earn a cutie mark or just have one in general. also, it is shown that ponies can go from a regular pony, to a princess. this is also probably a genetics thing. when a pony becomes a princess, their genetics and, or body matter, changes. but why would a princess have to be only an alicorn and not a regular unicorn or pegusus? well, ponies would probably want a strong, relyable, trustworthy, and caring leader to lead them and probably alicorns, where stronger than unicorns and faster than the pegasi, because alicorns have both of the two species. or, it might have just been tridishon. but, is it posible for an earth pony to go from a basic earth pony to a pegusus or unicorn? probably! just as how a pony might get their cutie marks or become a princess, they must under go a transformation. mostly like how twilight got her wings. also, speaking of transformation, the changlings probably have a genetic system or organ or magic function in their horn that allows them to change their apperences to match another creature's. also, changlings probably don't care about their normal appearence so much because they could just change into some other creature or object. welp, that raps it up for now. hope you enjoyed this small expanation on just some of the unsolved misteries in my little pony. hero out!!!!8)
0 likesI think Princess Luna will always have that black blotch to symbolize how she was tainted with jealousy. Even though she was changed by the powers of harmony, it doesn't change the fact she had been sealed away for so long. Princess Luna continues to adjust back into Equestria, but she still has her own personal struggles. It also doesn't take away from the past emotional pain felt by her or Princess Celestia. The results of her jealousy has left a lasting impact for life, so I think it's likely that the black blotches will always be present. She does keep a part of herself private and reserved similar to how there's parts of the night when it's considered sealed in mystery. I think that may also contribute to the black area.
0 likesFor one thing i thin the creatures that loose their โessenceโ like griffinโs wouldnโt because they would probably just looks their feathers on their โFlanksโ
1 likeI know why others dont have cutie marks i think you see zebcoras flank actually is a cutie mark since it would represent her talent on potions. The reason why they put it on Zebcora is not really clear, but they probally did it because she looks alot like a pony and in episode one they firstly thought she was a pony. Thats my therory.
0 likesFinally. Someone agrees zecora dosen't have a cutie mark
5 likesAbout Snips' cutie mark, in season 5 we hear that Babs' cutie mark are scissors. Her talent is hairdressing. Maybe same goes for Snips?
0 likesA head-cannon of mine seems more likely. It could represent how he always cuts people of their pedastals, maling them sink. Like when they have a great idea he ruins it with logic. He done so in Boast Busters. And he makes sure Snails doesn't go off daydreaming. Its a big part of his character. Maybe thats what they represent
"The moon is personal and secretive." what? Woulda been nice to say "There is a side of the moon that we never see, a dark side, and Luna has a dark side too" and you know, actually make sense like you did with Celestia's mark. Rather than pull attributes out of your plot.
0 likesSee, I see Celestias cutie mark as a symbol of motherly actions, because the sun is kind of like that too.
0 likesPony's probably have more of a magical compound than a physical one the marks are probably actually showing who they are and what they are meant to be. Cutie marks are a result of magic and the other animals have not really shown to know magic. Not even the Zicora ( can't spell names right) she has books and potions but the potions are really chemistry in a caldron. So she has not showed it either
0 likesDude you need to make a video explaining Celestia's twisted sense of humor!
0 likesWell... Babs Seed has a scissors cutiemark. Her cutiemark means she is good at cutting hair as said in the show. This could be the same case for snips.
0 likesMaybe Zecora used some potion/spell thing to give her the ability to own a cutie mark
0 likesmy theory about zecoras cutie mark is that it is similar to symbols people make on their skin in other cultures. or something similar to that. the way she talks and acts also supports this.
0 likesAt a guess, I'd say that Luna's blotches signify that she is breed of horse called an Appaloosa. Appaloosa ponies typically have spotted rears, so I figure it might just be natural thing.
3 likesIt could be argued, before everyone moans about how Celestia doesn't have flank marks, that she is spotted because Luna is mainly portrayed as being quite withdrawn and personal: it may be a specific backstory thing. Another suggestion, as seen in the show, could be that she comes across as a different kind of individual, so her markings are an indication of this; her differences (e.g. What other ponies walk about in dreams and speak in old talk??)
Besides, Celestia's Cutie Mark is JUST the Sun, so shouldn't Luna's be just the moon?
Or maybe I'm just over thinking this.
Replies (1)
It could mean that Luna was Celestia's shadow in a sense...
0 likesI believe that the dark blotches on Luna's flank are to show that she is a Nightmare, she rules the night and the dream realm. She controls the dream land of the ponies and can create nightmares to help teach the ponies valuable lessons. She is also the Princess of the Night. Nightmare Moon was her nightmare that she lost control of in her greed for ponies to enjoy the night instead of fear it.
0 likesThe dark blotches on Lunas flank are just her fur pattern, which happens to look like the night sky when her cutie mark is there.
0 likesI think that ponies have more magic in them than other beings like donkeys and mules that's probably why they get cutie marks.
0 likesI have 3 theories on Luna's black blotch
0 likes1: It was a marking left over from nightmare moon, which could imply that she is still evil underneath...
2: You know how Celestia's toy was pink? I beleive that she was actually pink at some point, and she gradually turned white. With Luna, I speculate that right now she's gradually turning from her bluish color to black
3: Since she rises the moon, the mark could resemble craters on the moon
Comment which one you like to believe!
In season 7 Lunaโs and Celestiaโs cutie marks were switched and the dark blobs went to Celestia so idk
7 likesReplies (3)
ya but why didn't celestia turn evil?
0 likes@Anoop Ahluwalia .... are you serious. The blotch symbolises her change from nightmare moon back to Luna, itโs just a remainder of her magic from when she was evil but she no longer is so celestial wonโt turn evil. Plus, Luna wasnโt evil when their cutie marks changed anyway so it makes even less sense.
1 likeBecause the moon is white and Celestia is white, that why thereโs a black blobs and without it, we couldnโt see it
0 likesin the episode "applewood derby", snips and an older male pony are seen in the background making an cart that resembles one of those swirly pole-things that is white with red and blue stripes that you see outside a barber shop. Maybe his cutie mark is the fact that he's a barber! Or something like that.๐
0 likesFor the zebra cutie mark we aren't certain because we haven't seen any other zebras in the show , we have only seen zecora
0 likesSomething like a cutie mark happens to the hippogriffs when they choose to live on land or as a sea ๐ pong.๐ฆ
0 likesmy OC Sketchs' cutie mark is a pencil which means he is good at drawing and has a creative mind. it also goes into the saying the pen (pencil) is mightier than the sword, that goes with his character that he is skilled in sword fighting and is a mercenary.That is kind of the reason behind sketches cutie mark
0 likesI think Luna's black spot on her flank is the sign of her jealousy with her sister, jealousy is black and dark so is Luna's spot. It remains there even when she is revormed from Nightmare Moon to Princess Luna, to remain her of her jealousy that turned her to Nightmare Moon so she won't turn into Nightmare Moon again. So, i think before Luna is jealous with Celestia, the black spot isn't on her flank yet.
4 likesWho agrees with me????
Replies (3)
0 likesIt might be a birthmark too
2 likesI agree with you on that and I think you're right
0 likesLuna's cutie mark is meant of over whelming your fears
0 likesWhile Zecora can make potions and things of that nature, ponies have magic. Unicorns in the strongest way, followed by pegasui, than earth ponies. But it's present.
0 likesI think the reason why only ponies have cutie marks is because they were created to poses multiple elements of each Pegasus:they resemble the sky and great distances you can travel while in flight,as they can clear the clouds and be created from them like in Greek mytholigy they can also be dangerous which is why they clear out storm clouds or clouds that produce snow or any cloud that can cause trouble. Earth ponies:they poses great strength and can have a deep connection to the earth making them able to have the ability to pull heavy objects and kick apples out of trees. Unicorns:these creatures represent the element of water why I say this is because when ever they use magic it flows to their horn and sprouts out into a wave of magic to rather heal,hurt,defend,create and so much more for the magic to flow,letโs say healing if you are healing someone with magic the magic you use flows to the area that is hurt and heals it even bruises or scars from befair you got the wound the same day because the healing magic flows through the body to anywhere that is hurt and it is said that water can heal and that it is powerful in different ways.
1 likerainbows cutie mark symbolizes her competitive side and speed
3 likesI think the star in shining armours cutie mark is just something that runs in the family and very close members of the family have it something close to stars and it has nothing to do with protecting twilight.
0 likescan you please analyze more cutie marks!!! id love to see what you think now
1 likeI say the whole Apple represents how much Fleming plumber getting from the purchases and then the half Apple slice is how much the purchasers are getting out of the purchase
0 likesI think the resemble of zecora's cutie mark is illusions potions magic spells cures riddles and balance
0 likesI think ponies are the only ones with cutie marks because ponies are the only things with enough magic power to have cutie marks. Once a pony's magic is taken like at the end of season 4 their cutie mark goes with their magic. But since Earth Ponies and Pegasi don't really have magic then their special ability's, strength, and flight are their kind of magic so that's why their cutie marks disappeared to.
41 likesAlso i have a theory about Luna. Those black splotches appeared when she became jealous and they are similar to a cutie mark because they represent how Luna wanted to have the night last forever, causing eternal darkness.
Replies (43)
Actually, all types of ponies have magic inside them...but only Unicorns have the power to CONTROl their magic.
10 likesActually the dark splotches are normal markings on horses in real life.
5 likes@kittylikespie27ย True. But i like my theory better because its more interesting
3 likes@Yi-Yi Lianย Dont really have magic is what i said right?
3 likesTo me that means i know they do but they cant use it
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Luna had the splotches before becoming NMM, your theory is good but it doesn't fit if it was going to be a canon thing.
0 likes@kittylikespie27ย I said she got them before becoming nightmare moon, they represent her jealousy and she got them when she wanted her night to be more appreciated.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Oh I guess I read your comment wrong then.
0 likes@kittylikespie27ย its fine.
0 likesI support the belief that earth ponies' magic is connected with the ground. more specifically, growing things.(more about this later)ย i alsoย believe that theyre stronger than other ponies. we see plenty of evidence to support this in the show. and, if you'll notice, AJ's family are all earth ponies, and their apples are generally regarded as being some of the best apples in equestria. this supports the theory that earth ponies excel at growing things.
5 likesPegasi can fly. but even with hollow bone structure, they don't flap often enough when hovering to be believable. This ability to hover is, I believe, part of their magic. they can also manipulate clouds. there is a spell which allows the other races to do this, but this is artificial, not being their native magic.
Unicorns are the only race with immediately apparent magic. (except for alicorns, of course.) they have a variety of spells, some of which take more magical energy than others. I think that they have reservoirs of magic which get depleted when they use magic then recharge over time. some spells, like teleportation, would take much more than levitation, andย depending on what ones special talent would be, it would useย less magic to do something relating to that talent, and more to do something not related.
Alicorns have the power of all three races along with their own alicorn magic. this makes itself apparent through celestia raising the sun, luna raising the moon, and cadence spreading love.ย though I doubt that's the extent of its powers.
wow, this has turned into a wall of text, but if u read this far, congratulations. that is my view on the differentย pony races. as far as zebras go, loyal2luna on explains it far better than I could in her dr whooves series. go check it, its very well written.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย You Heard Nothing, signing off.
@Kara Schutteย It also sounds like one of my animal jam usernames kittyseatpie558ย
0 likes@Kara Schutteย lol
0 likes@Kara Schutte Holy buy some apples that's weird.
0 likes@Kara Schutteย I was playing animal jam earlier since i was ant my grandmas house. I cant play animal jam on my computer because it takes wayyyy to long to load.
0 likesthat is true when because they lose magic the lose cutie mark lose strength lose cutie mark lose flight lose cutie mark and cutie marks were first with alicorns but magic was used most from luna and celstia so everyย one has magic earth ponies magic is strength Pegasus's magic is flight and unicorns already have magic
0 likesGood point. I also think its a way to make them stand out from other creatures as well. Make em unique
0 likes@Scott Theriit iย dont even know if I makeย senseย
0 likesThat's fucking cool.
0 likesOO
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย At the very start of the series, when the book opens, we can see Celestia and Luna in harmony, and Luna still have her dotts in there
0 likes@MrOktoberfest 00ย maby lunas sponts are just part of her skin
0 likes@ST!JNย Yes. Some horses in real life have born with dots. Maybe
0 likes@MrOktoberfest 00ย True but maybe even then she was jealous just secretly, and had a secret desire to over trow Celestia but it wasn't quite as strong. Or maybe she got it with her cutie mark as a symbol of her future jealousy, but it wasn't actually part of her cutie mark.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys that is a very good one but is it possible for a pony to get 2 cutie marks there isn't any evidence to back it up (maby there is in curiepoks but didnt see any)
0 likes@ST!JNย Maybe Luna do has a cutiepox case, but the dots must represent the dark sky at night without stars, cause' back when the sisters were little fillies, the stars were rare. Once Luna gets her cutiemark, the stars appear every night.
1 like@ST!JNย But maybe it isn't a cutie mark, but rather some other symbol of a ponies destiny.ย
1 like@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย Unless her destiny is to corrump herself again, I got nothing
0 likes@MrOktoberfest 00ย Well, it happened before she became night mare moon the first time (destiny part) Then became a reminder to her, of the time she was NMM and not to be jealous, or at least so jealous that you turn into an evil ponyย
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย that a really good one, but I hope we get our answers in season 5
0 likes@ST!JNย Yeah, I would like to know for sure if its just a pattern on her flank or if its some sort of cutie mark-like thing
0 likesyea
0 likesKkk
0 likesKkkkkk
0 likesi agree with the most of it but...
0 likesluna was BORN with da dark splat DUHHHHH!!! :P
@*****ย Hmmmmm..... maybe...
0 likes@*****ย Oh, now I remember you! (sorry for late reply, my internet wasn't working)
0 likesnah i think it just there because.......uh ya ok MAYBE
0 likesI believe that Lunaยดs cutie mark dark spot, represents the darkness and evil also the night can hide. Cause the night it is the domain of evil things so when Luna got influenced by that darkness it not only show up as Nightmare Moon, but as a scar. To serve Luna as a reminder that even a great princess/god like she can fall to temptation of her own power.ย
0 likes@Francisco Rafael Montiel Palenciaย very smart but i still think she was born with it
0 likesWell is just fan made. So is not really true. But is always fun to create new stuff in this world that has so many opportunities. If YOU WISH i could tell you my fan made mythology.
0 likesย
0 likesOOOOOH TELL ME PLS!!!!!!!!!!
Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
0 likesCutube XX
1 likeHow are griffins magical? I don't recall seeing a griffin use magic. And Zecora makes potions and antidotes.
Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys is the best name EVER ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesThe film flam connects is because the one with one slice of apple gets the price low for costumes and the one with big apple makes it more so they can get money they work together to get the perfect price geez itโs not hard
1 likeMost creatures have their own magic and evolution. Dragons grow wings, changelings reform, ponies get cutie marks
0 likesAhhhhh! So it always bugged me that Rainbowdash's cutie mark wasn't a full rainbow. Reason one being that I am a perfectionist and don't like it when people do that, and reason two being that she had all of the colors in her main so why not her cutie mark? Now though I'm really intrigued because she only has three stripes and three is a reciting number...... Sooo do you think this could mean she could become the head of some thing in the future? cough cough wonder bolts cough cough p.s. I personally think that why shining amour's cutie mark has Twilight's in the center is because as her older brother it is his job to protect her from harm (both literally and figuratively) then the three smaller stars are the three other princesses.... Also sorry that this is so long, I just got really excited...
0 likesThe show is about my little PONY so I guess the other animals aren't as important. Zecora comes out in many episodes and in one episode she saved sweetie bells from the cutie pox. She is also very good with potions so I'm thinking the mark is her cutie mark not her tattoo.
0 likesSnails' cutie mark:
14 likesBy being slow in EDUCATION
i thought of something,
snails, has Dyslexia?
i dunno maybe?
Replies (3)
Omg and snips is good at classes because some work needs scissors WE SOLVED IT (maybe)
0 likesThat's really shitty to call someone "slow in education" for being dyslexic lmao
0 likes@Edgelord ๐คฆ They didn't mean it in a malicious way,
0 likesthere's this one interpretation of snails I like where his cutiemark is based on the Fibonacci spiral and he's a math prodigy but sadly that will never be canon
0 likesAlso, if you'll notice both the Flim Flam brothers only have a portion of an apple, showing that they never sell the full product like a scammer.
0 likes" My question is why do they sell apples if they work in pears! "
1 likeMe: LOL good one!
Theory of lunas black spot when she was nightmare moon she turned black. Some of the black stayed on here. Black = evil
1 likeBlue = good.
The many blue colored places are preventing her from being evil.
I thought I was the only one who noticed Luna's cutie mark isn't the black patch as well. Also I thought rainbow dash's cutie mark had a rainbow to represent her ability to do sonic rain booms since from the looks on things she is the only one who can do them.
3 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWith Rainbow Dash's cutie mark there are some theories that it is representing an acient olympic symbol of a certain greek olympic or godly symbol of lightning passing through the clouds. That this had to do with her athletics.
Even though this was 2 years ago i thought i share my thoughts on why only pony's have cutie marks...
0 likesokay so i dont have much of an original theory but what it is because the hold magic even earth ponies do. but you dont see a donkey help defeat the villians with magic and they dont seem to have a horn or even wings. or help ponies that do like Apple Jack. so i think to have a cutie mark you or your sepicies have to have magic involved.
Here is my theory. I think that the reason Luna has black splotches on her flank is because it was left there after she turned into Nightmare Moon. The reason it is behind the moon cutie mark is because Nightmare Moon was her background. It was a part of her destiny. The reason it stayed on her flank when her cutie mark was removed is probably because it is not her actual cutie mark, but an exclusive kind of cutie mark. (If that makes sense.)
0 likesFlim-flam means dishonest salesman but Discord means separation between friends and he is reformed! That means there is hope for Flim and Flam!
0 likessome ponys in real life are born with splotches of different color fur. so that is probably meant to be realistic
31 likesย
Replies (20)
Good point! Luna's the only one like that we've seen so far. :)
0 likesThank you a lot of ppl say I'm stupid to think that
3 likes@Hailey Eiserย you're not we just see things differently
0 likes@The Brony Notion What aboutย Pipsqueak? He's also kind of likeย Luna. Perhaps the chances of havingย splotchesย are rare? That could explain why we haven't seen much of that design.ย
4 likes@Tails Prowerย yeaย Pipsqueak too you're right. nice catch.
4 likesThanks! =D
3 likes@Tails Prowerย you're pretty cool and smart
0 likeslol thanks you are too! ;D
0 likesTrue, but that still wouldn't change the fact that his coat is different from most pony characters.ย Good catch though. =)
2 likes@April Chiuย that makes sense but maybe he is younger or the club is only meant for girls because there are only girls in the club including Babs
2 likes@Ellen Reidย he could still be in the cmc though, because when babs told them she would be leader of the cmc in manehattan or whatever, the original cmc never told her an age limit or that it was only for girls.
0 likes@dranaeli2ย first maybe she can just tell or they told her but just didn't showย us and Second he said in Twilight Time that he WISHED he was a cutie mark crusader and Third maybe the rules are different in manehattan!
0 likesGood call, I think you're right about that
0 likeslike pip and other ponies, i was very confused when the moon disappeared and not the black splotches, i find it really awesome and thats is one of the reasons that i love Princess Luna
0 likesThere's a breed of horses that are born with splotches on their flanks called Appaloosas.
1 like@dranaeli2ย I know exactly what you're talking about. For me I see Luna's mark as a similar marking to that of an Appaloosa (horse/coat coloration) and Pipsqueak has the markings of a Paint (another horse breed/coat coloration)
0 likesNo luna just spilt paint on her butt
3 likesi used to think it was just a visual warning about night mare moon but i thinkkkk it might have been there since she was very young?
1 like+Cakeblaze Dragon NO
0 likesYeah but when Celestia became Daybreaker, she gained the patch, so maybe it's that?
0 likesSweetie Belle and Shining Armor kind of have (not so) similar cutie marks...? They both have shields with a star on them... okay Twilight and Shining Armor's cutie marks are SO similar! They both have a big magenta six-pointed star on them. And they also have little stars on them too!
0 likesIn season 7 Lunaโs & Celestiaโs cutie marks were switched and the dark mark went celesia, but why didn't celestia become evil like luna did?
0 likesFor the subject on how ponies are the only ones to have cutie marks and Zecora's is more of a tattoo, I'd like to say something. It seems that ponies are the only ones to posses magic (good magic, at least) and no other creatures do EXCEPT ZECORA!! Zecora is the only creature other than a pony to have good magic AND she has a cutie mark! Like you said in another video, cutie marks are linked to magic so it would make sense that she has a cutie mark. Just a suggestion though
0 likesWhat about Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark? I cant really understand what that means so can you please make a video on that. Well I have been working on a theory but it might not make sense. Her cutie mark is a sun, and clearly she doesn't bring light and in the first movie of Equestria Girls she divided everyone. Is that kind of bringing darkness? Maybe it connects to Rainbow Rocks, at the end when she gets the ears and tail. Or maybe it has something to do with her going through the mirror. Or Celestia's old star pupil. Or maybe it connects to your theory of Sunset Shimmer replacing Twilight for the human mane 6. I don't know and now I've got my self confused. Please do a video on this!
30 likesReplies (21)
We don't know much about her special talent, and pony past and persona, so It's rather hard to figure out!
0 likesYa, good point.
0 likesWait! But I noticed that the sun on her cutiemark has 6 rays coming out of it. 6 friends? Or maybe later, Celestia will be to weak to raise the sun and Sunset Shimmer does Celestia's job. That would make a great episode or movie. ย Maybeย Sunset Shimmer will become the 5th alicorn princess of Equestria! You know, like come back to Equestria for some reason and helps out, and becomes a princess? The sun shines bright like a star (becauseย itย is a star), and Twilight's cutie mark is a star, and she is a princess. Sunset Shimmer is my favorite Equestria Girl, and I am eager to figure out what her cutiemark means!ย
2 likesIt's a sun like celestia's she'll probably become a princess in the human world to complete the mane six there and keep balance and peace
1 likeI actually have somewhat of a theory with that ^^' See, as he mentions several times (The Brony Notion) Twilight's Cutie Mark has six stars representing her six friends. Sunset only has one star, a sun, representing herself. If you look at the placement of Twi's stars, they are mostly equal distance apart, and aligned so both sides are equal, the star representing herself bigger than the rest because that's who she is. If you look at Sunset's, her cutie mark has somewhat of a Yin Yang look to it. I believe Twi's cutie mark represents the elements of harmony, which need the power of friendship to wield (thus the stars representing her friends) but Sunset's represents harmony with herself. Just like a yin yang symbol, there's a light half and a dark half on her cutie mark. In the first movie she showed her dark side, wanting power to make herself happy.ย When she discovered that she could be happy and have power another way, she became light. She realized her mistakes and how her way wasn't right. Once she came to terms, she became happy and friendly, even helping out the mane 6. She found happiness by doing things that would not be for herself only. But that doesn't mean the dark side is gone. Like in a yin yang symbol, dark chases light and light chases dark. In order to be balanced, both need to be equal in the amounts given, in which the light and dark circles represent in a yin yang symbol. As above as below. Sunset doesn't have the dots, but the light and dark parts of her sun clash in a certain way that the light falls on the exact amount of rays the dark side does. Hopefully you like this ^^
3 likesWow! I never thought about that. We might be getting on to something.
1 likeJust might be ^^ It'd be interesting if that becomes canon XD
0 likesSunset Shimmer is good now, so please everyone (everypony:-)) stop telling badema things about her
0 likes@Jovana Stanojloviฤย I'm a little confused ^^' No one is saying any bad things about her? I was just saying my thoughts on her cutie mark ^^ Harmony with yourself isn't a bad thing. It means you have confidence in yourself and that what others say won't hurt you that much because only you, yourself, could upset the balance. We all have a darker side too, and Sunset showed that in the first movie. In the second one, she showed her other side and is much nicer.ย
0 likesI think the sun on her cutiemark represents each world and that it was kind of part of her destiny to go to the human worldย
0 likes@Asima Yasinย Oh that's an interesting thought ^^ย
0 likesThanks!
0 likesMaybe there's another dance coming up, like a winter dance or whatever and Sunset Shimmer runs. Maybe they'll do a "Helping Sunset Win The Crown" song at lunch so everybody can see that she has changed. Celestia's a Princess and if she wins she'll be a princess. I know she has been a princess there before but this would be her first time being a princess with her changed self. Its not a full theory but that's all I got on my mind!
0 likesI totally agree
0 likesSunset alwais wanted to over throw Celesia. And the ying yang sign is meant to represent he transformation from bad to good.
0 likesFiery personality!
1 likeThe people who don't know about sunset shimmers cutie mark is that look as close as you can in the centre of shimmers cutie mark I can't explain this part but heres a clue you half to be smart in this part evil good remember the circle thing one side has half white side with a black little dot and I the other side has half black and has a white little dot
0 likesMy cutie mark is amazing ok!?! :-\
1 likelol :D
0 likesAsima Yasin Sunset is redish and sun and sun is yellow. Half red sun and half yellow.
0 likesAsima Yasin and starlight glimmer, for me
0 likesMaybe just ponies have enough magic for cutie marks even though all of the creatures in equestria do have destinies that they realize in a special moment.
0 likesI think that ponies are the only type of creature that get cutie marks because they are more magical than zecora or the donkies
0 likesBut zecora does have a equal amount of knowledge and power as the ponies. The middle of her "cutie mark" could represent her knowledge of things that hypnotize other creatures like when the main six first met zecora, the poison joke flowers made them look weird. So brony notion I think zocora does have a real cutie mark.
I know this video was from a long time ago! But have you heard that Babs Apple got her cutie mark and it is a pair of scissors don't you think it's kinda strange that snips and babs have the same cutie mark?
0 likesI have an idea on why only pony's get cutie marks. so you know how it seems that ponys have the strongest bonds compared to other species? maby those bonds make a magic flow that forms into their cutie mark.
0 likesOrrrr... Or or or.... Hear me out. The rainbow on Rainbow Dash's cutie mark means shes destined to be Harry Potter!
235 likesReplies (41)
Are you sure, darling?
8 likes@Fin fun Mermaid ^-^ Just read my comment I did ages ago and laughing at it. ๐ Yep is my final answer...
6 likesLeahVRendell 10 um...according to youtube dates.....that was only a month apart......just my opinion, i dont think that's very long...
0 likesIt's actually 1 year ago
0 likes๐ฑ
1 likeStarSwirl: "You're a wizard, Rainbow!"
5 likesLeahVRendell 10 that would be so AWESOME that it's kind of ridiculous,....... but in Equestria anything can happen, but then who would be Voldemort. And no I'm not afraid to say his name, if a 17 year old orphan can say Voldemort so can I. If Voldemort doesn't like it he can say it to my face instead of hiding behind idiot so called "pure bloods" from a seventeen years old boy........ what was I originally talking about, I got lost insulting Voldemort, who can't kill me because he die in the seventh book. LOL Voldemort is an idiot. A single bacteria cell is Einstein compared to him ๐๐๐๐.
1 likeWow
1 likeLeahVRendell 10 Lol
1 likehahahahahahahah
1 likeLeahVRendell 10 ๐คฃ nice
1 like"You're a unicorn, Rainbow!"
1 likederp33squid If ๐ really WAS a unicorn, she'd be an alicorn.
1 like+callie belle it's a joke, because unicorns are equal to wizards in equestria? And it sounds like that famous HP quote? Get it?
0 likesDarnit, nobody laughs at my jokes.
+hacer oฤuzhan thanks!
0 likesThat's not true.
0 likes+Fatema Akhter it's a joke
0 likesLeahVRendell 10 lool
0 likesderp33squid haha I get it I'm a mlp fan and a HP fan
0 likesLeahVRendell 10 OMG I love Harry Potter! Thatโs funny
0 likesLeahVRendell 10, whaaaaa
0 likesLeahVRendell 10 Yasss
0 likesomg i loove the way you think
0 likesLeahVRendell 10 hahahaha so true
0 likesLeahVRendell 10 | GO TO THE STATION 9 AND 3/4
0 likesร GASP
0 likesCool
0 likesHa good one:D lol
0 likesHarry Potter sucks
0 likesShe's
0 likesYESSSS
0 likesBing Xue yOu CaN lEaVe
0 likesCan confirm. Best theory.
0 likesI love yo
0 likesHa good one
0 likesRainbow dash: Hogwarts here I come
0 likesHarry Potter: sorry this is only for unicorns and humans
Rainbow Dash:... Twilight give me a horn make me an alicorn
well shes me new role model
0 likes@JESUS Velasco you suck-
0 likesCan't say much about Flim, but Flam is also the term in Rudimentary Percussion for attaching a grace note to any other note, which results in 2 strokes hitting the drum head in rapid succession... (Probably shouldn't have this as public knowledge JUST yet, but I'm working on a Pegasus Pony that has a cutie mark depicting a winged snare drum with crossed drumsticks- referring to both my dreams of being a professional pilot, and my current hobby of being on the WSU Snare Line...)
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash's has another meaning. Simply put, Lightning Bolts come out fast like Rainbow Dash's speed.
0 likesMaybe the show wants us to focus on ponies as the main species in the show, not other creatures. Other creatures like yaks or griffons, donโt really want to be focused on as much as they are only seen in a few episodes.
0 likesIn the Journal o the Two Sisters, Luna and Celestia met more zebra's. They wrote all the zebra's had cutiemarks.
0 likesWell if the cutie marks are magic as I have presumed. which the loss of them in the finale would support, then a species with no capacity for magic wouldn't have them. That may seem to conflict with my idea that the cutie mark itself is the only magic earth ponies have, although they are closely related to unicorns. I have yet to decide if the three should be considered separate species or sub-species or races within a species. At any rate, it's possible that there was a time when Ponies were all one race, no wings or horns and they somehow discovered/obtained/were granted magic, and the first manifestation of it was the cutie mark. They later evolved into three distinct kinds with different applications for the magic they held. That would explain it, and also support the idea that Zecora's is artificial. I was thinking when you suggested it that it may not be tribal, but a personal choice as a result of living among ponies and wanting to interact with and relate to them, so she chose to make herself a cutie mark.
3 likesReplies (2)
Well I can help answer your species-question, as the three tribes can interbreed successfully (as demonstrated by the Cakes and their mixed ancestry) making them definitely not separate species.ย Race, meanwhile, is a social construct, not a biological one, though I think it might be approximately equivalent to the way the ponies categorize each other.ย They may be subspecies, as they don't seem to interbreed (or even interact) much outside of Ponyville and live in very different habitats (unicorns appear to be alpine, judging by Rainbow Falls/Canterlot, and pegasi have the clouds).
0 likesI'm also not sure whether evolution applies to this universe.ย If it does, it might apply to unicorns but evolving a third set of appendages takes a certain kind of WTF-science.ย Maybe the unicorn evolved naturally, and then managed to create pegasi though some kind of DNA-altering hocus-pocus.ย After all, if you've got un-limted power, I feel like one of the first things you'd do is give yourself wings.ย Alternatively, in the Heartswarming Eve pageant we saw that pegasi originally lived almost as mercenaries--perhaps a unicorn ruler long ago gave her earth-pony guards wings?
@Lily Nguyen
0 likesWould you like some cheese to go with that whine?ย And, while you dine, perhaps I could serenade you with the world's tiniest violin?
TL;DR: Boo-hoo poor u sarcasm
Maybe the cutie marks, or even magic as a whole, is the product of some sort of ancient spell or ritual that resulted in the creation of the separate groups of ponies (I.e. earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi). Or maybe the 3 groups are just a sub-species of alicorns, which would mean that the 3 groups evolved from the alicorns and then spread. I guess that would explain why ponies are so clearly at the top of the hierarchy, if we assume that alicorns really are viewed as a sort of god in this world.
0 likesThe mark on Luna is a mark from when she turned into nightmare moon and got banished it was a reminder for her wrong doings and evilness from nightmare moon and to know she'll be back one day
0 likesI'm pretty sure Luna is an Appaloosa pony in that case.๐
0 likesI think that snips is a balenced pony because he has one part light and one part dark. He works for trixy ( dark side ) but he somtimes listens to twighlight ( light side )
0 likesI know why princess Luna's blotches were still there. She is a painted pony. They are real, and they look like they got splashed with a bucket of paint. So it wasn't her cutie mark, just Luna's coat color!
14 likesReplies (9)
:/ Think about Nightmare Moon bro. The black blotch's are the same color as her pelt. Andย Nightmare Moon has blotch's the same color as Luna's pelt.
3 likes@ThePsycoHyena first of all, I'm not a bro, I'm a ten year old girl, and second, that does make sense, at least, mentally, since Luna only has a little bit of Nightmare Moon, and Nightmare Moon only has a bit of Luna. Luna is a painted pony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!๐๐๐ฆ
2 likesHey it's totally cool that you're on this video but be careful! Some bronies use curse words or say inappropriate things!
0 likes@WerewolfofEpicness OK, I guess. I know about that already cause there adult guys.
0 likes@Guen Cannon This is what I figured. I mean, if Pip can have multiple coat colors, why can't Luna?
0 likes+Guen Cannon I agree, but I think that lunas black blotch represents the bad stuff she did and the moon represents the good stuff she did like raising the moon for the ponies to rest
0 likes+Guen Cannon im 10 year old too and inlove mlp
0 likes+bizarre_blizzard 87 just like sunset shimmers yin-yang cutie mark, maybe lunas black spot means the same thing
0 likesGreenEyedBeauty Iโm a year older
0 likesHer cutie mark could also represent her element of loyalty
0 likesZecora might have a story where she could be the last zebra or maybe she got lost and somehow ended up in ponyville and maybe the ponys magic could have transferred to her giving her a cutie mark
0 likesI believe Ponies have cutie marks due to their ability to use Magic
0 likesOther denizens of the world in the show can't use magic of any kind and have to rely on their own Physical abilities
Maybe ponies have their cutie mark because they hold magic that causes them to appear. Their talents get strong enough and that is their main power talent.
0 likesSnips ,Snails, puppy dog tails... so familiar bro RowdyRuff boys
20 likesReplies (5)
Speaking of them, who names them self "Brick"? Those boys really need teaching.
0 likesOh he's the leader one he's the red onesย
0 likesAnother person who watches Powerpuff Girls? Nice.
0 likesBecause it is
0 likesI think snips cutie mark means that he acts quickly most of the time not even thinking about what heโs doing the opposite of snails he might even have adhd but I think that probably because I have it my self he will do things in a snap or snip
1 likezecoras cutie mark Repersents a symbolic sign,with smal triangels circling on the symbol i have seen zecora being a zebra that had things in potions,herbs,and Many other things That means That That symbol means a Potion and Witchbrew sign.
0 likes2:55 hold up- but in the episode where starlight switches the princess's cutie marks, the blotches go to celestial as well. HURH
1 likeponies have cutie marks because.......
Hey about Luna's dark blotches i'm pretty sure that's a scare from where nightmare moon touched her and left that as a reminder that she would always be a part of her. Kinda like Tia's mane will always remind her of her choice to banish her sister for the sake of there kingdom.
0 likesi hope that sometime in s5 they introduce a charachter called puppydog tails
0 likesIm pretty sure that only ponies can get cutie marks, yes i know im late but the episode in season 6"The fault in our cutie marks" just proves that it's true.
0 likesSpeaking off Lunaโs cutie mark...
0 likesIn the episode twilightโs kingdom yes the black splotches did stay with Luna. Letโs jump 3 seasons later to a royal problem
When Luna and celesta swapped cutie marks the black splotches left Luna and went to celesta.
Like if you noticed in a royal problem๐๐ป
โHereโs analizing More Cutie Marksโ
Me:Thanks I Guess?
Edit:Also The Black Thing Is Part Of Her Cutie Mark The Writers Were Just To Lazy In My Opinion Because When Starlight Switched Tiaโs And Lunaโs Cutie Mark The Black Thing Was On Tia
One thing Idk is that in season 4 Luna lost the moon part of her cutie mark, but in season 7 Luna switches cutie marks w/ celestia and the black and the moon go away so is the black part of her mark or not
0 likesMaby the reason Zecora is the only non-pony charachter in the show wih a cutimark is becase she was the only one who went to find her destiny. Other non-pony characters probablywere to afraid to go and descover there part in life. I hope you use my idea I one of your future vidios! :P
0 likesThere's a game called "Cut the rope".
0 likesMaybe it has a common root with Snips's Cutie Mark?
Can someone tell me why Cadence, Celestia, and Luna all have what appear light fancy horse shoes, yet Twilight still has the regular feet. If you could @thebronynotion I would love an answer.
0 likesponies have MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 likesI think that the cutie marks on ponys is a better idear as they are the main base of the show. Destiny could affect other characters and kinds but it makes much more sense to me if the mane characters are affected in a different way
0 likesI think that Luna's dark blotches are just a part of her, and have nothing to do with her cutie mark. In real life, many horses have speckled patterns on their bodies, much like Luna's. Some might say that the speckles should be a part of her cutie mark Because they could represent the dark of the night sky, but I personally think that her cutie mark is better just as the moon. I don't see any blotches to represent the daylight sky behind Celestia's cutie mark, do you?
0 likesLuna has the dark splashes on her to show the darkness and being alone
0 likesYes, this video is old. But what about changelings that turn into ponies? Thorax into Crystal Hoof, and Ocellus on her first day at the friendship school? Neither was copying a specific pony that we know of. Would those be their marks? Or were they random? Another question, can a changeling turn into anything? Or do they have to have seen it first? Are there size limits? (What about one of the really huge dragons, or a creature like the one Fluttershy helped) To fight the mole like creature, Pharax turned into the same creature he had turned into as a kid to protect Thorax. Yes, there's lazy animating, but... Thorax turned into bear to 'protect' Spike from Ember, but a bear isn't the most powerful option against a dragon in a magical land like Equestria.
0 likesi have a theory about snip's cutie mark!!!!!!!!! it has something to do with that unicorn puppeteer from insparation manifastation and the fact that everyone kept calling him snip's dad.what if he realy is his dad,and snips got his cutie mark when he ruined one of his dad's showes one day,since snips dosen't have the best relationship with his father?!?! it's just an idea,but i think it could add a lot to snips's charecter!!!!!!!!
3 likesReplies (4)
0____o MIND BLOWN! Can I use this in one of my videos?
3 likes@The Brony Notionย realy?!?! sure!!!! that would be awsome!!!!!!!! just don't forget to mention me!!!!!!!! if you don't mind,that is...
3 likesGood job you got metntioned in a video. Are you excited?
0 likes@Reese And Liz Foley
0 likesย heck yeah i'm excited!!!!!!!!this is the coolest thing that happned to me,ever since i got a personal messege from doctor wolf on my youtube acount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i feel like other creatures dont have cutiemarks because most other magical creatures arent very pure and may not have enough magic to obtain a cutiemark. Other magical creatures also, just serve one purpose so its no use to even have a cutiemark. and on creatures with scales you cant even see the cutiemark anyways because the scales will cover up the cutiemark. I REST MY CASE. that was a whole lot to type lol.
0 likesThey most likely have more magic maybe not as much as the princess like celesta and Luna
1 likeThe black spots are the dream world. Which is technically part of her cutie mark but not connected to the point where her magic is connected to it.
0 likesI think that ponies only have cutie marks is because maybe a long time ago there was alot of equality happening before the 2 sisters became queen and princesses so there wasn't much of friendship in the town. however, maybe the other animals did have friendship in there town so they didn't need cutie marks to describe what they do best. but then Celestia made everyone happy again and told them they are all "different" so when they did there destiny they got a cutie mark! because ponies didn't realize that but the other animals did
0 likessorry for long explanation XD๐ด
Only ponies get cutie marks because they're by far the most magically attuned race.
7 likesReplies (2)
@TheRainbowPlanetย Thank you :)
0 likes@TheRainbowPlanetย It also explains why Zecora has a cutie mark! It's because she's a shaman!
1 likeI always wondered why zacora had a cutie mark
0 likesSnips and Snails and puppy dogs tails, that's what little boys are made of.
1 likeSugar and Spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of.
I think if Snips and Snails were genderswapped, I think their names would be Sugar and Spice.
Perhaps Cutie Marks only appear on ponies due to magical blood in them that other species don't have. Ponies don't only breed with ponies of the same kind, so it would make sense that all of them would have at least a little unicorn and pegasus, perhaps even ALICORN blood in them. The magic they all get could hold some future telling power that they can't reach consciously, and it predicts what that ponies future will be. And, following that logic, perhaps the reason the Cutie Mark Crusaders haven't found their cutie marks yet is that they've been trying too many activities to find them, confusing that dormant magic. Perhaps I'll make a video on this!
0 likesActually I think it's because that this show is about ponies, and that's why they focus on the ponies and not more animals
2 likesmaybe they dont give cows or other livestock cutiemarks because their destinies are all the same. TO BE EATEN.
12 likesReplies (3)
No. Just no.
0 likesCowes do not get cutie marks because they are cows
0 likesSad and to also gimme dairy
0 likesI think ponies are the only ones that can use magic so there cutie marks are magically made by a very powerful being.
0 likesWhat if the reason Zecora has a cutie mark like the other ponies, is because she's part pony herself? Remember how Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake were born a unicorn and a pegasus despite having earth pony parents? Maybe Zecora's parents or distant ancestors was a zebra who married a pony/pegasus/unicorn? That would explain why she would move so close to other ponies.
0 likesCutie marks are magical and friend ship is magic. Equestria is filled with ponies witch is more likely to be friends since they're pretty common while zebras have a lower chance specially when there is only one zebra sooooo you it's a tattoo
0 likesI think the reason non ponies donโt have cutie marks but zecora does is because they were too lazy to make more than needed but zecora is is an important character so she gets a cutie mark
0 likesi really can't put something about this other than umm ummmmmmm UMMMMMMM the.....fact......that..... Luna's cutie mark only the moon dissapering could mean that the black part could actually be a part of the actual skin of the pony? i mean it could be possible that luna has certain markings in her skin then other ponies
3 likesReplies (2)
Maybe Celestia got mad at her and used her sun powers to scorch her plot XD
3 likes:O IDEA! maybe after she was sent to the moon there was a bonus that her skin on her flank became tainted lol a joke into an idea ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!
0 likesI think that maybe the reason of ponies getting cutie marks is that they are the only creatures that contain magic so cutie marks could possibly be magical and only show up on magical beings
0 likesRemember the season 4 finale? Notice how Tirek didn't steal any magic from any of the donkeys or mules, implying that they don't contain magic like ponies do that being the reason for no cutie marks. What makes ponies and I guess centaurs and draconequus' so special is something I don't know though
0 likesLuna's flank might have been cutie mark only but Nightmare Moon could be remaining within her (im tired)
0 likesWell in the episode "a royal problem", when Starlight Swithes Celestia and Lunas Cutie marks the smoke goes with the cutie mark, so now i'm confused
0 likes2:11 XD
3 likesI think ponies have cutie marks and creatures like discord donโt because ponies generally accept their destinys as part of them, where discord and other creatures might not. That is why Starlight, who is not accepting of destiny, takes cutie marks away. Also, they have greater magic and the way their magic works is determined by their set purpose, their cutie marks. That may be why celestia and Luna have horshoes and other designs that match their cutie mark; they have greater power. That explains why zecora has a traditional and rune-like cutie mark; her magic focuses on traditional and mysterious spells and potions.
0 likesoh wow,
1 likeGreat job!!!
This is a great analysis :>
zecora is from a tribe that's why she has that symbol, but I think it means something close to " Witch " or even a potion maker so she is specual
0 likesWhat if the dark splotch was like, a representation of the tantabus, or something?
0 likes1:36 hear that
3 likesI think Zecora's cutie mark is a real cutie mark like the ponies because, while donkies may be closely related to ponies, I think they are technically a different species. Zebras are a kind of wild equines - horse/pony. So it would make sense that she and possibly other zebras would have cutie marks like the ponies only different.
0 likesI have just seen season 7 episode 10 and Luna and Celestia switch cutie-marks. It turns out the black splodge is part of her cutie-mark now....that's not consistency.
0 likesI think snails cutie mark represents how he's always slow knowing things๐ฃ
1 likeReplies (1)
Idk if it is right
0 likesThe pear pun was actualy pretty good
0 likeswait, so snips and snails and puppy dog tails, so would there be a sugar and spice somewhere?
39 likesReplies (11)
0 likes+Gravityrises 62661 Thats for girls. Sugar and spice and everything nice :D
0 likesno not really........
0 likesThat's what made the rowdyruff boys
0 likesNo Dude that's just...WRONG!!
0 likesWhenSilenceFalls
5 likesit goes:
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails,
Thatโs what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice,
Thatโs what little girls are made of.
๐จ๐ ๐ง๐ญ
Lauran Faust is married to Craig McCracken creator of the power puff girls so thats where sugar spice and everything nice come in
3 likesTrue tho
0 likeswolf moon please no
0 likesChemical X
0 likesWhen starlight switches celestias and lunas cutie mark the black pattern also goes to celestia though
0 likesYou know that the ponies in the show are more magical than cows and mules right?
0 likesI Beleive that Zicora is half pony. As for her cutiemark it represents her couldron swirling
0 likesSame here! I always thought Luna's cutie mark used the dark blotch too.
0 likesReplies (2)
She could be a cross breed
0 likesI suppose so, TJ.
0 likesso they are not good at stuff
5 likesReplies (12)
Funny you mention it. Turns out Snails is a master at buckball. This was reviled in a recent mlp episode.
2 likesyeah.
0 likes+The Brony Notion can you do a vid on that episode if you have a theory PLZ
0 likeswell ponies are moe magical than all the other animal i mean alicorns unicorn uh hello magic
0 likes[more]
0 likesrevised vision
0 likes[ANIMALS]
0 likesWat
0 likesrevised vision o -O
0 likesAllison Williams What the hell??
0 likeslol
0 likesThe reason why the black stuff was still there is because it shows about the figure that was on the moon after Luna's banishment. Ps this is why I think.
0 likes2:50 maybe Luna's sploches are a symbol of nightmare moon still being a part of her.
0 likesI think my theory for Lunaโs black splot on her is that she was born with it and I think this bc some horses are born like that
0 likesSnips has scissors because maybe he can cut hairs like Babs Seed or he is very crafty.
1 likeI have to say that season six episode twenty really redeemed Flim and Flam
0 likesi always thought zecora was a zebra cause i watch alot of mlp and zecora's daughter is a zebra
1 likeI remember seeing a bee cutie mark. Analyze mode on. Its a bee. There aren't many possibilities but i thing he is a bee keeper.
0 likesMy theory is that Luna's "splotches" are small parts of darkness from Nightmare Moon!!!!!!!
0 likesWhat if only ponyโs get cutie marks because any other animal gets something different to show their destiny, like how the humans have Symbols on their clothes.
1 likeรฉ provavelmente que sรณ os pรดneis partilham magia.
0 likesMaybe the reason that only ponies have cutiemarks is because they were pony-made. As in ponies didn't use to have cutiemarks but for one reason or another they were made (possibly the magic that creates a cutie-mark is ingrained into the first batch of ponies natural magic and that extra magic coding of sort was passed on allowing the next generation to find their destiny). I'm just spitballing here.
0 likesLook at Trouble Shoes, he's a Clydesdale, a type of horse, and he has a cutie mark. Then look at the Saddle Arabians, they're horses too, but don't have cutie marks. What's up with that? I think ponies may have devolved from Clydesdales. That would be freaking awesome if you ask me!
0 likesBut then when Starlight switched the royal sister's cutie marks the black splodge was switched as well?
0 likesMy head hurts.
what's weird that Sakura looks like a colt and what if she's a different creature and she's not a problem she keep the secret that's probably why she's out the ever free forest
0 likesThe reason that only ponies have cutie marks is because the ancient pony Ponlantis devised a method of empowering their tyrannical unicorn rulers throughout the centuries. They devised an unending caste system which in modern pony society is celebrated as the destiny mark, or as it is more commonly called, the Cutie Mark. Of course, now that the great Ponlantis conquerors have been all, but forgotten, it is only a matter of time before they rise again. FYI, I am definitely not, a Ponlantis tyrant. You don't need to fear me. Probably. In fact, pay me no mind whatsoever. Seriously, don't even look me.
0 likesI think for other beings itโs more like there destiny is inside them however ponies are just well different in magic and destiny they just have more magic in them not saying Griffins and all those animals donโt have any magic just the magic shows on a pony better than say on one of the hippogriffs and the ponies skin is more magical looking for example being purple yellow orange pink white blue grey black etc or it might just be a simple case of well they just have the powers of cutie marks
1 likeI think a cutie mark is tied to religion, everyone has a different culture, with that they come with a different religion/belief system
0 likesI don't think that Destiny would effect nonpony's because they have no magic like the pony's do
0 likesDo a theory on Zecora...
0 likesQuestion: Why is he the only Zebra that has a cutie mark.. and not any other species??
I think zecora was a unicorn but a spell went wrong and turned her into a zebra and left her cutie mark,I think zecora's cutie mark means magic and meschive
0 likesI got an idea! what if Zacoria is a pony just in disguise or birth issues, and raised by zebras or a native tribe of ponies. It does look like see does has an real cutie mark just in the colors of her fur. and yes for those who don't know ponied do have fur.
0 likesThat also raises the queation of why only ponies have horns/magic or wings?
About Zacora whatever you spell it i think the swirl is about her making potion and swirling a pot. The triangle i think her pattern or something hope that answered your question.
0 likesI knotice that rainbowdash's cutie mark is a flip of the wonder bolts symbol. Almost saying possibly she might never become a wonder bolt and take a different turn of events. It has been shown she would choose her friends over her dreams even with a few bumps along the way.
0 likesi think that ponies only have cutie marks because of certain magic which also supports my theory that to pegasi and unicorn a cutie mark is a magic extension but for a earth pony its linked TO there magic
0 likesI think only pony's have cutie marks because they are more magical.I mean heck!even earth pony's have some kind of magic.wight a minute,why are they called earth pony's when they don't even live on earth?or do they......I would love if you could do a theory on this and leave a like if you agree!
1 likeEven though i'm late i realized something at Flim and Flam's cutie mark Flam's cutie mark is an apple with a slice missing and Flim's cutie mark is just a slice of an apple and if you put them together it looks like a full apple
0 likesWhat false advertisement isn't in the Flim-Flam brother's cutie mark because it is if you read into it enough. They, seperately, don't tell the whole truth, but you can find what's really happening if you look at their statements together.
0 likesThe reason why only ponies have cutie marks is because the show is called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. And, because ponies are amazing.
0 likesYeah, consider this comment kind of late but wouldn't Flim and Flam be apart of the apple family because of their cutie marks? I can't help but think that. Maybe they aren't close relatives to the apples but maybe some part of the family. Look at the color of their coats for example. They have kinda the same color as Apple Bloom, both of them. The red and white hair as well. Well, Apple Bloom doesn't have white hair but I'm assuming it's because Flim and Flam are older. Maybe this is a theory you could look into! I don't think it's one that you've yet to talk about, or anyone to be honest. I can't be sure though.
0 likesLunas cutie mark is weird, obviously as you showed that only the moon was gone and the black patch stayed there but in that one episode were starlight switches luna and celestias cutie marks they black patch is part of the cutie mark because it ends up on celestia
0 likesthe strange thing about Luna's cutie mark is when it disappeared the black blotches remained but when it got switched with Celestia's the black blotches transferred to Celestia. hmm mm how very interesting....maybe Celestia had something to do with the black blotches hmmmmmmm
0 likesAbout Luna's cutie mark I think you can hear the song ๐ตthe moon ๐rises
0 likesi think rainbow dashes cutie mark represents the sonic rainboom she did that is the color, and she was having the race that caused it in the clouds which is the clouds, and the fact that its a lightning bolt shape is to represent how fast she was going!
0 likes2:55 (Luna's blotch of black) I have a theory. It might be one of the aftermaths of her being corrupted and turned into nightmare moon, since night mare moon is black ( I'm not racist. ).
0 likesI think that they are based mostly on the ponies so others don't becase building character is hard for every body
0 likesthe reason why other people besides pony don't have cute marks is the fact that most of the magic happen to the pony in different ways . like twilight she became a magical princess , other beings in the show can't do that many special destiny . they do have destinys but not as special as ponys
0 likesMaybe Snails and Snips are gonna get a third member since the nursery rhyme includes puppy tails?
0 likesThe reason why zebras have markings is explained in fallout equestria although it may not be official it's more of an accurate explanation sorry I forgot what chapter ..
0 likesAlso maybe Luna's black blotches apeared during the transformation from Luna to nightmare moon.
0 likesDoes Luna have pony vitiligo?
0 likesAlso when Starlight Glimmer switched the royal sistersโ marks the splotches went too... interesting. ๐ค
Maybe the other creatures do have cutie marks but there just some where that we don't see . But zebras like zicora have there cutie mark we're the pony's have it
0 likesits like greek mythology, alicorns (such as Celestia and Luna) they are like Gods, Ponys (such as the mane six) are like Demi-Gods and other animals are like the mortals... yet i dont think this explains the 'why dont other animals have cutie marks' thing... yeah, i got nothin'... but i think its still a good theroy???
0 likesZecora is from a far away lqnd so maybe in" Equestrian Afrika" there are no ponys only Zebras so destiny kind of don't work the same way
0 likes2:56 there seems to be an episode where luna And celestia switch cutie marks, And there She does lose the black smudge thing ( season 7)
0 likesWhy only ponies, you ask? Well... There isn't anything cannon that I know of, but there are plenty of fan fictions out there, such as the Upheaval series that give possible explanations. My theory is that only those born with magic (even the smallest part) can have cutie marks, hence the reason why Zecora has a cutie mark-like symbol, and she has a skill with magic. But who knows? Maybe all will be revealed in a cannon episode someday. For now, all we can do is speculate.
0 likesI thought snips cutie mark meant that if you playing with โ๏ธ means your naughty and snips is quite naughty
0 likesBtw, the black spots on Luna's flank is not part of her cutie mark ;) when she gave her magic to twilight season 4 ( sorry, spoiler), only the moon part disa
0 likesOk but did anyone else notice that if you look at the order of the rainbow on Rainbow Dash's cutie mark it's a backwards pan flag also darken?
1 likeIf Zecora is a zebra she is "pony-ishโ
0 likesNo Zecora is a pony, but more likely to look like a Zebra. Her pony pattern makes her look like a Zebra.
0 likesYou know, what I think is Luna has the black part on where her cutie mark is because she becomes nightmare moon, right? They were part of her! Like, it was meant that she was supposed to be nightmare moon! Duuh
0 likesI heard from tumbler that snails cutie mark=snails are rough and hard on the outside but soft on the inside
0 likesDonkeys don't have magic cutie marks come from magic, that's why when tyrek took their Magix their cutie marks went with
0 likesMaybe one of zecora's parents were a pony and one was an zebra
0 likesI have a question if princess Celestia raises the Sun and if Luna raises the Moon who sets both of them?
0 likesMake a separate video about Luna's cutie mark!
0 likesActaully , Lunas black patch is confusing because , yes in that do it stayed but in the ep straighlight swapped here with celestias the black patch was part of the cutie mark
1 likeZecoras mark is a cutie mark because it resembles a cauldron and something in it.
0 likesthere was an episode in season 5 where it showed a horse with an upside down horse shoe as hi cutie mark
0 likesHi sawtooth I have an idea of why ponies have cutie marks and other beings just donโt. A pony has more magic than an other being in Equista (also did you notice the equista sounds sota like Equine)so have a cutie Mark we know this because when tyreck took the ponies magic their cutie Mark disappeared as well so their cutie Mark has something to do with magic and their destiny so I thinks thatโs why ponies have cutie Marks and other beings donโt
0 likesI'll meet Luna in my dreams. LITERALLY. I'll see Tia (Celestia/Sunbutt/June) NEVER.
0 likesAll these puns are so hilarious
0 likesI think the black splotch on Luna's flank is a stain of nightmare moon
0 likesI think only pony's get cutie marks cause the guy that stole the magic only stole magic from pony's,maybe because other animals don't have magic.
0 likesthink about rainbow dashes cutie mark, and the story and time travel loop caused by and backstory of starlight glimmer, it is seen that in this episode, that the mane 5's group is very important to ponyville, and their group wouldnt have come together if not for rainbow dashes sonic rainboom, rainbow dashes cutie mark would resemble that sonic rainboom. the cloud because one of the stages is getting a cloud boost.
0 likesWait didnโt they say the CMCs are the only ones in equestria with connected cutie marks or was it the same cutie marks? Because wouldnโt film and flam have connected cutie marks
0 likesI think if they get a talent they get a cutemark.
0 likesThe reason ponies have cutie marks and not other animals do not is because ponies can do magic and are special not like regular animals you see every day
0 likesthe black blotch on Luna is probley a birth mark which goes with the moon on her cute mark because a moon needs a dark sky to go with it and maybe she was born in a dark place
0 likesThe Flim Flam brothers if you connect their cutie marks, it was an apple! This is the theory he did not say.
0 likesI think it pony biology that makes Cutie marks show up. No other animals has that biology. Not even ones that are like theirs
0 likes"SNIPS and SNAILS and puppy dog tail, that's what boys are made of". That a rhyme from when I was little ๐
0 likesRemember that song with snips and snails and puppy dog tails it represents that they are boys and have the most childish personalitys and are getting in trouble like little boys.
0 likesI think Iโm the only one who noticed this, but in the episode โApple family reunionโ the stallions that pull the bay ride donโt have cutie marks. I wonder why not...
0 likesI have no idea why donkeys don't have cutie marks but Zecora has a cutie mark not a tattoo . Anyway zebras do look similar to points so do donkeys and don't forget,Zecora HAS magic!
0 likesZebras can control magic... ponies can control magic... both have real cutie marks.
0 likesLuna's cutie mark is the moon but the black blotches is the left overs of Nightmare Moon
0 likesSawtooth: do they sell apples if they work in pears
0 likesMe:wow thatโs terrible
i got this in one episode apple bloom said babs seed cutie mark is a pair of scissors but snip's cutie mark is scissors so does that mean they are related?
0 likesThe Brony Notion, the animators made an error because the episode a royal problem the black stuff was on Celestia however in season 4 they were still there when her cutie mark is gone. I guess when she gets a different cutie mark or whatever the black stuff is gone.
0 likesi think that is because the ponys' destiys are already set down for the but other beings can control our destiny more freely
0 likesI don't think mules and donkeys have cutie marks because they used to all have the same destiny: working with humans doen in the mines.
0 likes3:04 Or they're just part of her natural coat.
1 likeWell Zebras are more closely related to donkeys then horses, just as a proof look at their tails. Zebras have donkey tails. I know my answer is pretty late but still. Have a great day.
0 likesNotice how their names are like their cutie marks, even before they get their cutie marks.
0 likesIt's obvious the show is all about ponies and the ponies are the magical Creatures that lives in a Magical Land so it's obvious that only ponies get cutie marks because of the magic inside them
0 likesIs reason why the Zecora has a little cutie mark is because zebras and horses are basically the same thing except the zebras have stripes on their back
0 likesPlot convienence. They did not want to have to design more cutie marks for every other animal. I mean imagine how much time it would take to give all the animals that are hanging out with Fluttershy cutie marks!!!
0 likesI think that cows and other livestock animals dont get cutie marks because thier destinies are all the same, to be eaten or milked or just... live life? As for Zekora i homestly dont know, i am a but confuzzled right now, Zekora has a potential cutie mark, but if were being honest, the only way we can truly find out if its a cutie mark or not is to introduce another zebra, or just ask Zekora but i have a feeling the ponies know more than i do...
0 likesI love your joke why do they sell apples if they work in pears
0 likes0:42 if I had anything with an eyeball on my hip I would be terrified for life
1 likeMaybe zicara has a cutie mark because of his talking he never keeps a strate word
0 likesI never understood pip's cutie mark either. Maybe it has something to do with being a pirate. In luna eclipsed pip dressed up as a pirate. Maybe that's why he has a pirate sword for a cutie mark. This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump!
0 likesIs it weird that only ponies have different ย colours? Cuz donkeys, cows and thoses things have normal real life colours. Has anyone ever seen a blue pony with a rainbow main?
0 likesI really doubt that you'll see this since the video is from a year ago, but now that we have seen a Horse with a cutie mark, your theory about Zecora may be wrong.
0 likesI think that only ponies get cutie marks because they carry the most magic.
0 likesI think it's because this is more of a pony show and because the other animals are more background
0 likesI believe that flim's cutie mark is what you get and flam's cutie mark is what is advertise
0 likesOther creatures do have cutie marks but it is under their feathers/fur or whatever
0 likesI am wondering about the kirin if they have magic then why donโt they have cutie marks?
0 likesMaybe it's because they have magic of a different type
0 likesponies have magic while other creatures except discord don't in the Greek mythology there are gods of sun ,moon ,chaos and love so ponies are semi gods and the princess and discord represent them
1 likeReplies (1)
Actually all the creatures have magic, look at the beasts from the cozy glow ep, they had to take the magic from the beasts to get out of tarterous
0 likesI think that snips cutie mark is a pun, because he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box if you know what I mean,
0 likesIf diamond tiara was punch himself I am so excited about that! ๐
0 likesI'm pretty sure that Mark on zakura is a cutie mark cuz she technically is in the pony family she is just a horse and cuz a zebra is technically a horse and a ponies just like a small horse
0 likesIt was a mistake the dark splotches are a part of Lunaโs cutey mark because in the video arroyo problem the dark splotches going to celestial
0 likesfor the flim flam brothers the apple whith a cut out of it means (at least i think) the truth but only partly the truth
0 likesand the part of an apple means the same thing
are the princesses immortal because of their important role or is everypony immortal?
0 likesWhen Starlight Glimmer switched their cutie marks in th 7th season Celestia's flank had the dark splotches. So that means it was a part of her cutie mark! Dun! Dun!! DUUN!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
But starlight said they have to be each other not a swap of magic
0 likesI think that the ponies have cutie marks because they live in a land filled with magic.
0 likesif rainbow was n super smash bros. her final smash would 100% be the sonic rainboom
0 likesI think that is zecoraโs cutie mark cause zebras have stripes not a shaped striped or watever shape you can think of
1 likeZecora's cutie mark is a symbol from the aicent tribe
0 likesMaybe Luna is a appleloosa (a breed or type of pony)
0 likesTechnically zacora is a zebra and in terms a horse you mentioned that close relatives of the horses like donkeys and mules don't have cutie marks in the show but the reason is that they are just not horses at all so......... in the end this is my reasoning on why zacora has a cutie mark hooe you enjoy it.
0 likesi think only pony's get their cutiemark 'cause they have magic, and the others don't
0 likesI wonder if Flim and Flam and Snip and Snail have some kind of connection.
0 likesThe black splodge is nightmare moon. When she was nightmare moon it changed to purple which is like lunas colour
0 likesnot only ponies though, because theres troubleshoes, and guessing from hig huge size compared to nornal stallions, hes a horse, and he has a cutie mark
0 likesWhat if zicora was hiding that she was really a pony but said other wise
0 likesAhem! It iz me, With a "why do only ponies have cutie marks?" answer:
0 likescough coughSo, I don't think there is any deep meaning, just that Lauren Faust was like, "Welp, The show is My Little Pony, not My Little Donkey and My Little Zebra!" (MLD and MLZ). But I got a little story up my sleeves!
A hundred years ago or so, before Celestia's rule,
every donkey had a mark, even the mule.
But there was a special pony,
He was named Edward Brony,
He changed all of destiny,
And only ponies lived happily!
SO SORRY FOR THE RHYME!!! OMYGOSH SO SORRY! But here's the story bit by bit
About a 3 centuries ago, Everyone had cutie marks. Zebras, Donkeys, Etc... But then Starswirl the Bearded came, and he changed everything. Why? Here's why: Donkeys, Zebras, And horses are much stronger and powerful than ponies, in size and strenght. So with cutie marks, they must be unstopabble! Let's say all those power horses started rebbeling against ponies... That would suck! So starswirl the bearded was like, "ENOUGH!" And permanently changed all the donkey/horses/zebra etc's genes to not generate the cutie mark. Just like Celestia altered Twilight Sparkle and Cadance's genes to make them Alicorns.
Whadda you think? Please reply :3
I belive that the black blotches on Lunas cutie mark it could be darkness because she jealous of her sister Celestia
0 likessnips and snails come from a old rhyme " snips and snails and puppy dog tail thats what little boys are made of "
0 likesin a episode made after this video when starlight switches the princesses cutie mark the dark spot goes on to celestia do you think that was a mistake of if it was meant to be that way
0 likesZecora dose have a cutie mark maybe it stands for like hipnotising or something after all at the first all the ponies said she was like a witch in the middle the circles must be the hipnotising mark like who ur eyes go when u fell dizzy
0 likesWhen I here Luna Celestia and moon I just think โYOU GOTTA SEND IT TO THE MOONโ sorry Luna!
1 likeWith Flim and Flam's cutie marks does show false advertisement.
0 likesI don't think anypony else has a part of a cutie mark, and ponies think a cutie mark is supposed to be full, but that falls under false advertisment. They, "only got part of what they bought"..... That's my perspective of it anyways. But hey, that's just a theory, a Pony Theory. Thanks for reading. Aaaannnndd cut.
Ok fact #1 Donkeys and Mules are not magical like ponies Unicorns horns and can cast spells Pegasi are winged ponies that can fly Earth ponies have a strong strength ability and can do things such as applebucking Alicorns are winged ponies and have horns they do royal duties in there own castle right now there are 4 alicorns the only way you can become one is if princess celestia nows that you are ready.
0 likesOk now that all of that is done Fact #2 Donkeys and Mules are closer relatives to Horses than ponies
My theory on zecora is that she is half pony so she still can have a cutie mark
0 likesI get the Zecora part but when was the last time we saw another zebra in mlp?
0 likesMe and my sister recently thought about Flim and Flam thought about their cutie marks.
0 likesmaybe ponies are more connected to magic. that could be a part of it...
0 likesThe black splodges on luna is nightmare moon inside her you could say. When she was nightmare moon they turned purple to show luna was still there, the same when nightmare moon was transformed back into her.
0 likesThe only reason I know about the snips, snails, and puppy dog tails rhyme is because I watched powerpuff girls.
0 likesPlease cover Granny Smith's CM. :3
1 likeHow ponies got their cutie mark:
0 likesApplejack: she had to go back to the farm.
Rainbow dash: She had to do a sonic rainboom.
or rainbow's lighting bolt could show how fast she is
0 likesI think zacora DID earn her mark but not in the same way maybe she got it when the tride thought it was time it makes sense.........right?
0 likesReplies (1)
In my opinion Zecora could have got it, she does have this mystical power that is different from the rest of the characters
0 likesIn the episode a heath of information the character cat tail has a cutie mark that look like zecora's maybe you could make a video about it
0 likesIts magic โจโจโ๐
0 likesI think it's because ponies in real life are brown but on this show the ponies are colorful (maybe the reason)
0 likesWhat happened if the black spots means the darkness sheโs been/ gone through
0 likesZecora is not a pony,it is a zebra.Got it?
0 likesI think that Zecora is half pony half zebra what do you think?
0 likesI think it's cause there's not more then one breed of non-ponys.
0 likesYou make me laugh two hours
0 likesIsn't rainbow dashes signature move the Buckner blaze?
0 likesWay back in s1 ep1
Pony and zebras are technically the same just zebras have stripes and no wings or horns
0 likesSnails isn't the fastest thinker of the group?
0 likesHave you seen buckball?
Snips cold be being free from his dad like he was a puppet
0 likesso celestia was able to be daybreaker because she has luna's over all cutie mark (moon + the black)
0 likesI thought when Luna was a kid she split black ink over it
0 likesNo R.D.'s Cutie Mark Means That The Cloud Is Where She Got The Cutie Mark And The Rainbow Bolt Means She Did A Sonic Rainboom
0 likesactually I think the black mark on her is just a marking like a horse. If you think about it, it is rare but some of the mlp characters have markings. Like troubleshoes or how cadence and flurry have different wing colors on the tips. Or pipsqueak or sunburst and his family.
1 likeMaybe it is a cutie mark becuz zebra are basically the same thing but with stripes donkeys have long ear and are shorter (I think )
0 likesLuna and Celestia even means moon and sun!
0 likesI haven't seen the season 4 finaly so I don't know why Luna's mark disappeared. Can someone please tell me?
0 likes19 days after the first one, the audio increases in quality by 3788%
0 likeshow does zecora have a cutie mark when she's a zebra?
0 likesI think that luna's spots under her cutie mark is her birth mark
0 likesRaimbowdash cutiemark is like lighnigh. I know, why! 1.She's fast 2. lightnight is in sky and raimbowdash like fly!
0 likesshing arrmor is like tilily's look-after because like when the wetting when she was singing shing arrmor was like her look-after
0 likesIt's because only ponies had represented the elements of harmony
0 likesbut queen crisalist could have a cutie Mark because she is technically just a corrupted pony
0 likesbut queen crisalist could have a cutie Mark because she is technically just a corrupted pony
0 likesI think that your idea on the film flam brothers could be right but remember is the episode cutie mark less we see that a pony can draw on cutie mark maybe this is what film and flam did
0 likesIn MLP: Has Film and Flam
1 likeIn Minecraft: Has a mod where you can get the Film-Flam enchantment
Me: What a weird connection
Yea me too i thought those dark bloops Were part of her cutie mark xD
0 likesi think you kinda streched the black thing on her flank because what if it's a birthmark type thing?
0 likesCan u please analyze what maybe scootaloops cutiemark would be please or Applebloom because im really curious on what kind of cutie marks they might have but they haven't reveled it in the episodes yet (sorry if i spelled things incorrect)
0 likesThere is a little bit of magic in side of them
0 likesWell maybe other creatures don't have cutie marks, because pints are the only ones who can create magic.
0 likesplease do starlight glimmer's cutie mark
0 likesLuna was born with the dark bloches. She is a painted pony.
0 likesmy cutie mark is a crystal heart with 2 sparkly stars, it's actually mean the kingdom of the Love Sacred where i'm come from, my own cutie mark is ressembles to Cadence's cutie mark,don't call me a thief, i have my own my crystal heart cutie mark from my imagination!
0 likes2:10 That face has been permanently burned into my brain
0 likesBecause ponies aren't normal ones like we have on earth. They all contain magic even earth ponies. Their talents are what causes the magic which causes a symbol on their flank.
0 likesRainbow Dash is silly since some ponies actually LIKE clouds
0 likesPonies have cutie marks because they are more connected to magic.
0 likesthe answer is simple: magic!
0 likesI wonder if Flim and Flam are related to the apple family.
0 likesBut wait... aren't there horses in Equestria who gain cutie marks just like any pony?
0 likesGreat video...but just thinking out loud, wouldn't it hurt to give birth to something (aka a unicorn) with a horn???
0 likesReplies (3)
Theory: the horns are soft and malleable in the first few days of life
0 likesAlso, looks at the cake twins, the unicorn twin has a little nub for a horn, it's also dull looking, and with what @WerewolfofEpicn3ss said, it probably not.
0 likesTrue
0 likesI also noticed that the colors of Rainbow Dash's rainbow bolt is primary colors
0 likesThe only ponies I know that have sun cutie marks are: Zecora Celestia and Sunset Shimmer
0 likesif you look at lunas cuite mark it looks likes someones dreaming and lunas job is about happy dreams
0 likes3:02 the reason there still there is I thin that Luna in a pinto, you know a pony of two colores there are pintos that just have on patch on them or all over.
0 likesLuna has the dark blotches because she is part Appaloosa
0 likesI thought too that Luna's Ciutymark the Moon AND the Flack is! :-\
2 likes2:55 celestia when got lunas cutie mark got the black blob but luna hade it to both hade it
0 likesThe Cora is basically a cousin cousin to go with the ponies why wouldn't he have a kitten๐
0 likesSort of what Robin said the other animals don't have magic there for they done have a cutie mark but I believe that zecora dose have magic there for that is a cutie mark. ps sorry about spelling I'm being lazy with spelling.๐
0 likesMaybe Luna is an almost Shetland pony?
0 likesLook at flim and flams cutie marks, they can not go together the slice has its own stem and leaf, if you put them together, there will be two of each
0 likesPlz do more of these and I think that the black part of princess luna is part of her cutie mark because in the episode where starlight swaps her cutie mark with celestia it shows up on her
0 likeslook on the mol pony maker, you can add that Mark on SEPARATELEY to the cutie mark.
0 likesCuz ponies have magic,but not just unicorns.Earth pony and Pegasi also have magic.Earth ponies are connected with the ground and are better at farming then unicorns and Pegasi,unicorns have horns and Pegasi can fly.This is just my opinion so donโt judge.meow meow ๐บ
0 likes2:58 I think everyone believed that too BN.๐๐
0 likesI think lunas black spot were nightmare moon's so if she was still nightmaremoom everything will go off
0 likesI think the dark spots are a part of her.
0 likesSnips has scissors for a cutey Mark and so does babs
0 likesfor flim and flam why did one have a apple slice and other had a full apple with a missing piece
0 likesWhat about that bull? The one with wing? He's not a pony, but I think I saw him with a cutie mark...
0 likesRainbow dash: The lightning bolt represents that she is fast, not that she is to become a wonderbolt.
0 likesMaybe flim and flams cutie marks show how their the opposite of applejack and they break the honesty because applejacks cutie mark is a full apple and theirs is a apple apart
0 likesWhat about babs cutie mark? She has a pair of apple shaped scissors. Sweetie belle said that she was always fussing with her bangs. But we never saw it in the show. I think her cutie mark has a deeper meaning? What do u think?
0 likesZecora might be a mix like half horse half zebra?
0 likesWhat if the reason why other animals donโt get cutie marks is because they have a different way to show their personality like an item that shows up infront of them. And when their find their skill they get a badge they will forever have and they can choose to wear it or not. OR all the other creatures do not have a destiny and the reason they donโt get cutie marks is to show they will all die ;-;
0 likesDo a face rival # please.
0 likesMaybe zecora doesn't have a tattoo but is part pony part zebra
1 likein season 7 the black is part of luna''s cutie mark
0 likesSnails does rock at buck ball though!
0 likesUm you got it wrong on the first 1. The lightning means that she's super fast!!
0 likesPlot twist: Zecora and horses weโre pony types
1 likeHow do ponies' names always correspond with their cutie marks?
0 likesLike, their names are given when they're born, but they don't get their cutie marks until later on in their lives.
Replies (1)
itz._.DNA I think thereโs another video on that by him
0 likesi think that the black bit on lunas flank is just left over from nightmare moon
0 likeszecoras cutie mark is actually a gliffmark
0 likesWhat are little girls made of?
0 likesSugar and Spice
And Everything Nice
That's what little girls are made of
The ponies are the only ones getting cutie marks because they are the equivalent of humans in their universe and humans are aware of the concept of having a destiny
0 likesFilm and flam's talent is making up half-baked plans. Get it?
1 likeMaybe one of zecora's parents were a pony and zecora does have a cutiemark
0 likesI think it is because luna when she was a filly there was a glass and she tripped and the black liquid stained her flank and when she got her cutie mark it look like dark night sky
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash's cutie mark means she is super fast.
0 likeswhat if the blotches on luna's flank are from nightmare moon
0 likesThat black thing on Luna's flank is probably a birth mark
0 likesBut Rainbowdash's lightning bolt in her cutie mark is the opposite way than compared to the wonderbolts lightning
0 likesReplies (1)
And Zecora might be a pony.. She just maybe styled up her mane
0 likes2:10-2:16 why do they sell apples if they work in pairs?
0 likesI think only ponies get cutie marks because the show is ALL about ponies! My Little PONY? Does that ring a bell?
0 likesi think flim and flams cutie mark are almost same apple hooves
0 likesIf you look at snipโs cutie mark one part of it is black the other part is white!๐ค
0 likes0:40 that was the best sonic rainboom she ever did tho and it was the biggest
0 likesIf i was in mlp i would be...
0 likesMare = black coat, silver mane, red eyes, yingyang cutie mark reperesenting my change in personality in life
Colt = genaricly the same thing but on a guy
I know why other animals don't have cutie marks because they didn't want to make any more cutie marks ๐
0 likesCelesia means sun and luna means moon in Spanish maybe thatโs why there names are celesta and Luna
0 likesI KNOW WHY maybe when other relatives get their cutie marks after ponies get theirs (when their older)
0 likesother animals don't have cutie marks because either their fur is hiding it or they would kind of be in the same clan or group tribe and all have some kind of crest or special mark, Zecora's mark is probably her cutie mark because she has no fur hiding it like a horse or pony wouldn't have either, her cutie mark looks a bit like the inside of a cauldron with bursting magical sparks which explains why she makes potions, plus she's the only zebra seen in the show๐๐ฝ๐๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐ต๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ต
0 likesThat black spot on Luna isn't a cutie mark just like horses the have patches a dark skin or lighter skin
0 likesin season 7 episode 10 royal problem when princess Luna and princess Celestia cutie marks are switch by starlight the black blotch appears on Celestia as way as the moon of Luna's cutie mark
0 likesFor snips he has scissors because his father owns a barber shop in Ponyville
0 likesYou know pony's are like horses and a zebra is a horse so i think its a cutie mark but thats my opinion
0 likesSnails cutie mark means that his thinking is veeeery sloooow like a snail xd
0 likesIt's magic๐๐
0 likesyour personality, the way you talk, your voice, and the way you think all are very very similar to twilight sparkle ๐๐ believe it or not youre dusk shine
0 likesMaybe flim and flam had changed their names to go together.... So there might be hope that they become good.... But mlp is over.
0 likesYou should do sunset shimmer
0 likesMaybe she was in a battle with a force of evil and it's a scar๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค
0 likesIdk why but snips and snails remind me of rock paper scissors again idk why.
0 likesmaybe none of the other creatures have found their destiny and why would a bull have a cutie mark
0 likesof course he can use scissors he's a unicorn
0 likesI think that zecora's cutie mark actually IS a cutie mark because I believe that ponies and zebras have the same .D.N.A. so yeah
1 likeReplies (1)
Purple guy I agree because zebras are technically WILD HORCES
0 likesI think the makers just ran out of ideas and didn't expect anyone to OVERANALYZE everything...
0 likesi think zikora LOOKS like a pony
0 likesGreat analysis
0 likesMaybe Zecora was born with the mark.
0 likesI disagree with the RD analysis I think the I think the cloud represent cloudsdale and the bold the sonic rainboom and her moving from clouds dale to ponyville
0 likesWell other creatures donโt have cutie marks Because the other creatures donโt have magic infused in them.
0 likesIf rainbow dash was in super smash bros. her final smash would be the sonic rain boom.
0 likesCan you please do a video on what you think pinkie pies Big sisters cutie mark is and what it looks like because they never show it in the show
0 likesUm well the ponies run on powers and zacora runs on witchery
0 likesCutie marks I think only appear on ponies because ponies want to be different
0 likesWell the Ponies have unicorns Earth ponies and Pegasus. The others don't. They only have each other. ๐ฆ๐ด๐๐ธ
0 likesnice I love your videos !
0 likesmy cutie mark is a lightning bolt I'm a alicorn
I think only ponies have cutie marks because they are just ponies. Itโs just a special trait of them
0 likeszecora has a cutie mark because zebras are ponies too :P
0 likesSnails grows up to be a biologist who studies gastropods.
0 likesThe reason why only ponys have cutie
0 likesmarks is its called My Little Pony
The griffens are good at every thing so that could lead to ponyโs only being good at one thing
0 likesReplies (1)
And any other animal good at everything
0 likesI mean we saw the horse with a cutie mark. So maybe that is zecoras cutie mark
0 likesthe reason only ponies have them up because some of them have had some was on his way and the other people and they don't I mean what does the fox if you see anything on the body it's usually a tattoo if it's not a pain
0 likesFlim and flam are from the apple fam! I mean NO other ponies have apples ... what do you think?
0 likesYeah why don't others have cutie marks like ponies I mean come on now it is as close to ponies as it gets. Zacoria looks just like a pony.
0 likesLuna's cutie mark has no black stuff it is just like a patch
0 likesif you think about it if other animals had cutie marks we might end up with twilight sparkle the cow XD
0 likesLuna spilled ink on her butt and can't get it off. Done.
0 likesi think that only ponies have them is the same as why humans are the only animals (if the science theory we were once monkeys is true) that have a society were there is order law and Justice
0 likeshear me out
Maybe Zecoras dad or mum was pony and other zebra
0 likesMaybe because they don't have that equestrian magic in them
0 likesIt IS a cutie mark it's just something hasbro thinks you won't notice!
0 likesLove your intro
0 likesIn equestria girls while snips and snails are sneaking up on twilight snips walks like a pair of scissors and snails slithers like a snail
0 likesWhy do they sell apples if they work in pears?
0 likesMe: HAHA no, just no....
You have all these theories and smart stuff... but what if the answer is "just because".๐
0 likesOK 1st of all cutie marks show their souls but the other creatures are different they don't have the affects of their souls clearly labeled.
0 likesmaby the black part on Luna's cutie mark is a scar from being nightmare moon
0 likesZecoras job is making poshinse so she has a cutie mark
0 likeszecora is a zebra wich is the closest thing to a pony so it would be reasonable for zecora to have a cutie mark. ;)
0 likesReplies (1)
but, she isn't a pony!
0 likesMaybe Celestial made a spell for ponys ย cutie marks toย ย come ย or there just special
0 likesI think i know why only ponys have cutie marks because the show is called "My Little Pony" So i think they only ment for the ponys to have cutie marks
0 likesmaybe the reason zecora isn't actullay a zebra, maybe she is a grey pony and went to the tatoo shop. maybe who knows? ask hasbro
0 likesMy 2 theories are Luna was born with those blobs or it was from night mare moon
0 likesReplies (1)
I think it's a curse of the nightmare beings feeding of Luna's jealousy "cough"Night mare moon"cough"
0 likesZebras are just wild horses with stripes and can't be tamed
0 likesThe film flam brothers could make lots of mony if they ran a two pint restaurant like subway we have
0 likesMaybe the reason creatures other than ponies canโt get cutie marks is because , and this is a semi dark theory and it only goes for the creatures that talk
1 likeWhat if ponies donโt allow them to? I mean, they kind of just treat cows like normal cattle despite being able to talk to them, who says they didnโt treat other creatures at some point in the past/off screen from what we see? What if Zecoraโs kind had rebelled against ponies (which could explain why ponies would fear her when we are first introduced to her, and why they are so weirded out and untrustworthy to her in the beginning, because just because somepony looks a little different wouldnโt scare an entire town, just a few people) and then were able to infact get a cutie mark of their own. Though, we canโt take this theory completely seriously since there hasnโt been more zebras seen yet, but like-
Maybe ponies had treated zebras as like slaves in their past like how pigs and cows kind of are now, and zebras just rebelled against them and left all pony-inhabited places and that be why we donโt see zebras in pony vile and etc, like how zecora lives in the everfree forest, and also notice the name โEver Freeโ maybe itโs called that because thatโs were the zebras escaped into ! Thatโs where they escaped pony rule! And not just because the plants and animals grow/live freely there!(I mean, zebras would count as animals so um, heh)
Maybe Ponies have prevented species that CAN ALSO get cutiemarks (like zebras or mules or donkies)
Replies (1)
QwQ wow
0 likesSo much horrible stuff that we humans get from a kidโs show
Maybe Luna is a appaloosa? Btw a appaloosa is a breed of horse look them up their my favourite breed!๐ค
0 likesReplies (1)
I love Appaloosas soooo much they look like REALLY BIG Dalmatians
0 likesTell Luna I see her moon every single night :)
0 likesyeah Sakura or it is a zebras and zebras are basically horses and horses are basically ponies so why doesn't Sakura get a cutie mark
0 likesZecora has CM i think ,cause she is Zebra and zebras are almost like ponies.
0 likesIt's probably a birth mark on Luna
0 likesCan you make another part?
0 likesWhy snip and snails being villains in EQ girls?
0 likesI have a theory on Luna 's cutiemark when it dissaperd the black sploched stuff is nightmare moon cause nightmare moon is a black pony
0 likes2:13 I see what you did there
0 likesi say that the sun is a sign of happynis and the moon is a sign of peac
0 likesbabs seed got scissors for a cutie mark in season 5
0 likesits good because you could change you're destiny when you like!
0 likesHave any of you noticed king sombre has not got a cutie mark but is a unicorn . And it's not like bad ponies can't have cutie marks look at cozy and nightmare moon
0 likesMaybe because ponies are the main form and they have their cutie marks when they unter the mirror.Idunno.
0 likesI think the reason only have cutie marks Is because pony and cutie end in E.
0 likeszebras are ponys but wild ponys so they have cutie marks.
0 likesMy cutie mark ( look at my profile pic ) is a heart with pencils meaning my love for drawing.
0 likesIt's magic๐
0 likesPlot twist Lunaโs dark blotch is her evil being stored inside
0 likesMaybe snails cutie could be a ๐ฌ because he is a slow thinker
0 likesI think Zecora has a Cutiemark because she is indeed a Horse. Zebras are african wild horses. And Ponies are horses too, just smaller. Donkeys are close relatives, but not the same.
0 likesSnails cutie mark is not just a slow snail but a sad slow snail. Is there any reason for this?
0 likescan you do is film and flam part of the apple family please? who agrees
0 likesthe thing is ponys are magical wich means donkys have no power no magic
0 likesCutie marks well some farmers will brand a horse with the symbol of certain farms to tell which are there's
0 likesZecoras Cutie Mark is that cuz potions are strange and her cute imaek is trange
0 likesAs oral is a pony and a zebra put together she has a cutie mark. Ponds are the top animals in the grid in equestria like humans
0 likesCould the Apple mean there closer to being related to the Apple family
0 likesFun fact: there may be a princess of cutie mark
0 likesim still here after 6 years
0 likesmaybe because she was a pony before but she changed in to a zecora which means zebra
0 likesMaybe other animals don't have cutie marks because MAGIC ๐
0 likesMaybe because animals don't have magic and the same body of a pony so maybe they don't have cutie marks
0 likesAbout Lunas cutie mark when she was young she diddnt have the black mark mabey thats a sign of the dark magic she had when she turned into nightmare moon
0 likesyou should make a vid of y only ponies get cutie marks, I want to know๐
0 likesITS MAGIC!!!!
0 likesit is not true that the sun covers everyone at once the sun only covers half of everyone at once
0 likesThe only reason Zecora has a cutie Mark is because the triangles are a pot and the swirl is a potion because she makes potions
0 likesThe show is called "My Little Pony" NOT my little cows or my little zebras the main animals are the calf of a horse which is the pony so the producers wanted to make the creatures unique which explains the awnser to the question
0 likesWait, ok only they have cutie marks because you know they are like colorful and stuff? Well they have horns and wings and apple bucking powers, they get cutie mark cause they are good at stuff!
0 likesfilm and flam are like fred and george weasely
0 likesmaybe they only show up on ponies because mules and zebras are diffrent
0 likesIn the real world humans are the main creature of the earth. We control partically everything. Much like how the Ponies are the main creatures of equestria. Humans can find their passions and many bring this up in everyday life and oftenly into their jobs but humans are the only known creatures to do this. The ponies find their passions (special talents) and express them through their cutie marks. Many ponies use their special talents in their work but some aren't shown to. Take for example Pinkie Pie and Mrs Cake. Pinkie Pie is shown to be a party animal. Many would say her job is making the town happy but I don't think she actually has a job. (Except baby sitting the twins sometimes and helping in the bakery but they aren't a main focus in the show whereas Apple Jack on the farm is anyway).In the real world party animals are usally seen to not to concentrate much on their work (much like how pinkie pies job isn't a main focus) and more into the fun side of life. Whereas Mrs Cake's special talent is baking. Her job is working in the bakery. Much like how someone in the real world who likess baking may take up being a baker. The reason only ponies can do this is because Ponies are the main creatures of their world. You could argue the donkeys and zebras have homes too BUT have you seen a donkey or zebra princess/prince? This is just a therory though.
1 likeSo sheโs probably tryb and she got that tattoo if you look it up then will look and see that there is Maggie and Thompson youโre welcome
0 likesSimply pony's are magic creatures the others dont
1 likeWell Zecora is a zebra so your right
0 likesluna didn't have the splotch before nightmare moon
0 likesYou could've said the primary colors
0 likesim kinda confused, because Trouble Shoes is a horse, but he has a cutiemark ;-;"""
0 likesum maybe only ponys get cutie marks because there is 4 types of ponys earth ponys unicorn pegasis and alicorns and each of those tribes have magic as u can see in twilight's kingdom as the big bad guy (whatever his name is) steals magic from all of them so donkeys zedras and mules dont
0 likesThe creators were too lazy to give them cutie marks
0 likesi think Luna painted those when she was little I saw a picture
0 likesI'm binge watching these old vids
0 likesI thought that RD cutiemark represent speed.
0 likeswhat does luna do when someone has a wet dream---
0 likesmaybe just ponys and zebras have cutie marks.
0 likesOh and that it might be a tanto to show what she does like potions
0 likesWhat are Diamond tiara newspaper made of
0 likesSnips and snails and bubblegum fails
Thatโs what diamond tiara newspaper made of
@The Brony Notion 2:54 Luna is an Appaloosa...
0 likesLuna was born with that spot on hur flank.
0 likesReplies (1)
maybe. who knows?
0 likesI also think family has similar cutie marks
0 likesGrate video cant wait till the next on by the way have you ever made a video about why ponys have cutie marks or if they aculy tell them what famaly ther from think about it sence applejack has 3 apples for a cutie mark and her hole famely is realted to apples cutie mark wies then dose it tell her what famaly shes from?can you make a video about that please if you say yes then thanks if you say no its ok just some thing to think about.
0 likesthe audio is way more clear and non blurred
0 likesbut a pony can be named hannah heart
0 likesIT'S MAGIC
0 likesMine is a microphone with four stars at the sides!
0 likesMy Thirie is that black sludge on Lunaโs butt isnโt part of the cutie mark thereโs a breed of horse is called Appaloosas and a lot of them have that black splotch on there but just like Luna so my Thirie is Luna was an Appaloosa
0 likesThe black stuff on lunas cutie make i heard is that that is the remainder of nightmare moon
0 likesMaybe that cute marks only on ponys because they aren't normal ones and others we seen is seen in real life
0 likeshello ok so 1 Zecora does have a cutie mark and horses have cutie marks like ponies so i believe its basically the same thing srsly look at Troublehooves frankly i dont think he is a super sized stallion
0 likescan you make a video about Luna's cutue mark
0 likesBest joke ever!
0 likesI think that sekolah is a pony and we just didn't notice it but maybe she's not like the other ponies maybe the second Pony butt wipes
0 likesI forgot...All the ponies is God helpers.Thay controll the weather,the animals,and the nature that suronds them.And by that,that' there talents.You know what I mean.
0 likesluna has a black spot because she painted on her flank a filly
0 likesi think that black spot represents nightmare moon
0 likesThat's a very short video. The are usually soo long!
0 likesCan you serve a nightmare gel says that took a fall ball team and that's how she became nightmare moon moon
0 likesMaybe they don't have the same structure
0 likesMaybe Luna is an Appaloosa
0 likesI think luna was just born with those black splodges like pip sqeek
0 likesMaybe zebras get cutie marks to. Like maybe there are other zebras like her
0 likesHow Nightmare moon has different wings
0 likesLol why are they apples if they work in pairs? Lel XD that's funny
0 likesWhy is it that the snail on snails cutie mark has a unhappy face?
0 likesCutie marks Shows There magic and talent
0 likesLuna's black blotch on her cutie mark place is probably a birth mark
0 likesRainbow dash is the reason the main six got their cutie marksโ so rainbow dash is the reason the main six know each other ๐คฏ๐ฉ
0 likesMaybe Flim and Flam are part of the apple family
0 likeszebras are the cousin's of horses
0 likesI think Luna's blotches are from when she was Nightmare Moon.
0 likesReplies (2)
But she had them before she got her cutie mark
0 likes@Gayle Drake
0 likesI dunno honestly
the brony notion: what is it about pony's that make cutie marks appear on them and not any one else
0 likesme: RACISM
it also represents their names
0 likesDonkeys,mules,cows,and Buffaloes they all have a stronger connection to real life other than ponies does that explain something? Like if you can awnser this
0 likesPonys are Demi gods. Pressies are gods. Other living beings are mortal or muggles
1 likeReplies (1)
+chloe yi acutally she saved apple bloom fom the cutie pox
0 likesand- bronynotion- they're not just ponies! they're MAGIC PONIES! hello!- unicorns and pegasi!
0 likesactully they do have there marks but they are covered up with fur,feathers,and more and that is zecora's mark don't be dumb
0 likesCelestia and Luna means sun and moon
0 likesDude the part that you said "I thought that black part of Luna (whatever it is)" that some ponies (or horses) have btw your welcome ๐
0 likesReplies (1)
Whoops I mean "that black thing is gonna disappear
0 likesHey when u said snips he has a scissor but what about babs (apple blooms cousin) she had a sissors too!
0 likesi think zecora does not have a cutie mark. seeing as zecora is kind of....a....what word would you call someone who is an african witch??sorry if i got this wrong but i'll call it this for now. anywho, many forest/african witches have drawings or symbols written on their skin. so on zecora's case, it is only a mark. not a cutie mark. this is only a theory. A PONY THEORY!!(see the reference there??(
0 likesProbably Luna was born with that black spot
1 likeSo you know that Siri will look like snaps his dad being the puppeteers well I think I think that may be why that would be his cutie mark is because it supposed to represent that he is a trickster like your little boy trickster extra trouble maker so I thinkHey anyway yeah
0 likeszecora does have a cutie mark its not a tatoo
0 likesI think that only ponies have cutie marks because they are the toys,not the cows
0 likesSense๐ด is more โจthen the zebra !!!!!!!๐๐๐โ
0 likesmy theory is is because other creatures besides pones are not worthy
0 likesIf I was a pony my cutie mark should be a paintbrush crossed with a pencil
0 likesSnips and snails are a nursery rime
0 likesponies hav magic in em
0 likesalso ponies and zecora are magical nothing else
0 likesLuna has paint on her flanks
0 likesThe puns are intreating
0 likeszecoras cutie mark is a Sun ,maybe she is helping Celistia
0 likesThe poem is from Powerpuff Girls
0 likesI think it was from nightmare moon
0 likesItโs magic
0 likesonly 7 years late to this, but zecora's mark is a cutie mark. we see other zebras in the comics, and they have cutie marks like ponies do. i dont like that either lol.
0 likeswhat about chrysalis cutie mark?
0 likesI think I know why...because you know how God created the people and the ponies.I think they are very important cause you know how all the pegasus controll the weather,and the alicorns...I don't know.Thats what I about you?
0 likesZecora Could be a zorse a zorse is a muttetion between a horse and zebra
0 likesExcuse me Iโve seen film and flam at least 4 times
0 likessnips is a unicorn. of course he can use scissors!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Earth ponies can have scissor cutie marks too though. Snips' cutie mark may represent something specific to do with cutting.
0 likesI think you should post a video about started our bed Twilight's relationship
0 likesmaybe zecora is sort of a pony but in some weird way maybe part zebra and part pony i dont know how to explain it but maybe make a theory about zecora's past or her cutie mark or tattoo design
0 likesReplies (1)
Phoenixjammer1 AJ he/she a zebra
0 likesok about rainbow dashes cutiemark that lightning just shows the speed right?
0 likesItโs a snails because itโs name is Nail
0 likesI think unicorns are close to a pony
0 likesI Think Cutie marks appears because it's personality
0 likesOr starlight glimmer
0 likesSnails will become a postman... because snail mail.
0 likesI love this video
0 likesIf there is snips and snails then who or where is puppy dog tails O_o
0 likesMy favourite Video is analysing more cutie marks
0 likesPonys get cutie marks because THEY ARE SO F..... AWESOME...or the people who made my little pony like pony?๐๐๐
0 likesThe reason why ponies have cutie marks then other animals (or what ever you would like to call them) bc if you look closely ponies have wings and horns yes Ik that other animals have wings but not horns. let's put it this way if u look at them in real life their just ponies with out horns and wings and they have a brain like a human so they think and talk like us what I'm trying to say is that they have magic but we need to look how did they get that magic????
0 likeswait no when you were talking about zecora on the episode where the donky thing got a upsidedown horse shoe and you said only ponys can get their cutie marks!
0 likesReplies (1)
+Azanda LaBoy-Vogt That "donky thing" was a pony and this video was made before that episode.
0 likesan actual taste I like pears more than Apples no offense Applejack
0 likesponies have inner magic that's how donkeys and mules don't have cutiemarks
0 likesLouna was born with the black bloches
0 likesI guess 'cause the show's about ponies? And zebras are similar?
0 likesBecause only ponies can for example wrap winter up
0 likesLuna's dark splotch is when she was young and shit herself.
0 likesShe could be half pony
0 likeswhat does CMC cutie mark means?
0 likesZebras are a type of pony or horse look it up
0 likesponys have more magic
0 likeshe is post to protect Twilight and the love princess
0 likescan you make a video about Luna's cutie mark plizzzz
0 likesYou realy gotta see season 6
0 likesflim and flam are also in viva las pegasus
0 likesBecauseย pony's have magicย , wings, and talents
0 likesonly ponys have cutie marks because they have magic
0 likesDestiny effects them but it dosen't show, like humans.
0 likesPlease do rarity cutie mark
0 likesMy friend and i were seling Aplles and he plays guitar so.......his cutie mark will be aplle guitar or just guitar
0 likesThe creators were to lazy to come up with a bunch of cutie marks
0 likesCestials cutie mark is making ponies smile.
0 likesahh cause ponyโs are magic
0 likesThe magic of the three tribes
0 likesWhy did princess luna get her cutie mark and that black mark when she first raised the moon for her first time. I watch video of princess luna get her cutie mark and I watch one that she raise the moon for her first time and the cutie mark and her dark mark appear. I hope this helps for you're research about ponies cutie marks
0 likesSpoiler alert:in season 5 babs seed said that she got a cutie mark, a pair of scissors what happened to snips
0 likesThat nursery rhyme is THE ROWDYRUFF BOYS O.o
0 likesFlim flam brothers cutie marks could suggest their products aren't complete
0 likesNot only thay have a cutie Mark and Destiny thay have to find there Destiny
0 likesI think its.......................BECAUSE ITS A CHILD CARTOON!(p.s i love your videos)
0 likesthe black blotches might be apart of her hide
0 likesponys are very horsey thats why
0 likesso are zebras
Probably ponies are the only ones with magic so they have cutie marks
0 likesThe black spot is nightmare moon
Luna's dots is her birthmark
0 likesThere is a saying that says snips and snails and puppies tails
0 likesI think it's because ponies are magical
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesThe black Bloch I think itโs a birth mark
0 likesI'll say ponies are ponies! ๐ ๐
0 likesAnd for discord he's just not a pony
0 likeszebras are actuall Similar two horses
0 likesPonys are magic as my little PONY and greeck has pegisi and unicorns not donky corns
0 likesBut where's puppy dog tails? lol
0 likesIts becos ponnies is related to pegasuses and unikorns Who have magik abileties
0 likesCelestia rise the sun luna rise the moon and who will rise the stars
0 likesMaby ponies work like humans do
0 likesBecause almost ALL humans have birth marks
Mine... Not so much
Because I got my mark later in my life
slim and slam just an one people [ cutie mark mix into a apple]
0 likesWait Rainbow Dash's cutie mark has 3 colors: blue yellow and red. If you mix these colors with each other, you will get all of the rainbows colors. But also blue,yellow and red are the color from Romania's flag. Uhhh what do u say?
0 likesMaybe it's because ponies are rare
0 likessnips and snails and puppy dog tails make up little boys
0 likessugar spice and everything nice make up little girls
plus some x chemical if you want them to have superpowers
2:11 Goddammit Barbera!
0 likesI think luna painted it on
0 likesZecoroa is a zebra and a zebra is a tipe of pony
0 likesI think only ponyโs have cutie marks because there are three different forms of ponyโs unicorns flying ones and land ponyโs like if you agree
0 likesWhy doesn't the person that makes this video think about his theories and other's emotions then make the videos..... hey it's just a suggestion.
0 likesBecause ponys are magical
0 likesMaybe the black bloch is some kind of strange stane from when she was a little kid
0 likesZacora is pony and zebra
0 likesCause they have different beliefs ๐
0 likesI bet theyโre 2 ponies named sugar and apice
0 likesBecause they are a different animal. And pony's are different
0 likesI thinc that mark on zacora is somthing that is on all her kind
0 likesDo you know starlight glimmer switch celestia's and luna's cutie marks????????
0 likesI love my little pony
0 likeswhy is luna purple and black and the moon is really white and at night the sky is dark and stuff but wouldn't she be princess of the night not the moon
0 likesI think Luna had a black splat because that is to repestent nightmare moon and the moon for Luna๐ฎ๐ฎ
0 likesThey hate every other animal. Boom, reason.
1 likeother animals like cowsย don't need a destiny they already know they need to produce milk maybe other animalsย destiny is ovius so they don't need a cutie mark to prove it
0 likesthat black sploch on prinecess Luna was there when she was born and when she turned into nightmare moon and
0 likesafter she was defeat by the mane six twilight fluttershy rarity pinkie pie. applejack rainbow dash
Perhaps other animals are not as magical as the ponies
0 likesthe bolt was probably speed
0 likesPonies are magical creature so make sense of me have magical cutie marks To make them special
0 likes2:13 ๐
0 likesOk, ty for the pony drawing tutorial
0 likesSnips might do oragami
0 likesI know why ponies have cutie marks because.....MAGIC no literally not JUST for the meme magic is da anwer
0 likes3:37 MAGICCCC
0 likes1:38 anyone know the name with mr in it i bet u know ( otrebla its backwards btw lol
0 likesthis is my cutie mark๐ฑ
0 likesI think because ponys are special
0 likesthe cmc is a pony and dont have a cutie mark but now they do
0 likesrainbow dash should have been the main character because i mean she gave everyone their cutie marks i mean HELLOOOOO
0 likessonic raibow everyone like if you agree
CHICKEN MAGIC (just magic)
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesSnips make the scissor noise
0 likesBecause maybe Zecora Is Half Pony And Zebra
0 likesPony magic
0 likessnails Richard Ian Cox, snips Kappie Yamaguchi (in Japan) INUYASHA if they have a referance to that I will fall out of my chair. PLS FIND A REFERANCE PLS
0 likes1:38 budget Fred and George
0 likesanimators got lazy and didn't want to think all of the cutie marks DUH
0 likesBecause pony's are awesome
0 likesremembee when you said said that one of the ponys has a smile mark and the reason why he has a snail.
0 likesReplies (1)
remember when you said that snails have a snail quity mark and the reason why he has this kind of cutie mark is because you said that he is not the fastest
0 likesMajics!! Cause you know, I dont see no uni-mule
0 likesBecause Ponies are magical.I think.
0 likesIts cuz the show is called My little PONY not my little donkey lol.
0 likesPony have cutie mark because they have magic
0 likesCause ponies are magical!
0 likesMabe Zakura whas not a zebra but a unicorn that nuw a lote like Twilight but 1 of her spells whent rung in that turn her in a zebra and the only thing that sthad whas her cutie mark
0 likesHow come boys have cutie marks?
0 likesThey are not magic and I know what you mean your an awesome inspirational utuberxx!xxxxxxxxx๐ฑ๐๐ถ ๐๐
0 likesPlot twist. Celestia has the splotch, It's just white
0 likesNo, that's not the analysis of rainbow dash cutie mark. And Luna got hers because she raises the moon. Duh.
0 likesMabey the black splotch is a birthmark
0 likeshahaha at 3:10 my computer trolled me "heres why !ERROR MESSAGE!
0 likesThe Perfect Pear
0 likesZebras are ponys just a diffrent breed of ponys so they could be that there ponys! "hint hint"
0 likesReplies (1)
(the hint hint is earth ponies)
0 likeszicora is seakritly a pony dun dun dun=-O
0 likesZecora ha il cutie mark perchรฉ magari ha la madre pony e il padre zebra o il contrario oppure รจ come i gemelli dei signori cake e quindi sono pegasus e unicorno da arte di alcuni parenti
0 likesOr.....randow got the randow by the sonic random
0 likeslook at Big Macs cutie mark in Fleming friends can t Mart is it same and what the other person said its prob there probably cousins but they are like archenemy cousins
0 likesmaybe the ponies are too special
0 likesMany she's secretly a pony
0 likesReplies (1)
I mean zecora
0 likesWhy does Scootaloo's hair style similar to Rainbow Dash's hair style? next episode?
0 likesFor rainbow dash, lightning is fast. Like Rainbow Dash
0 likesGood one
0 likesWhat is Celestia is part of the celestial slash sun and moon ๐
0 likesFlim and Flam cutie marks looks the same
0 likesA zebra is a type of horse so...yea.
0 likesMay be rainbow dash lightning rainbow means a sonic rainboom
0 likesI love flim and flam
0 likesZebras Is Kinda Look Like A Horse
0 likesโFlim and flamโโฆ.
0 likesโฆ ๐๐ฆฉ
I will why the ponies have cutie marks because it is called my little pony. I think.
0 likesWho else thinks of Mr flimflam (aka flamingo) when they hear flim-flam..... Just meh OK ; - ;
0 likesMaybe the becuse the ponyโs are Amin characters u see them in every show and idk
0 likesWait snips and snails and puppy dog tails does that mean cos of sugar and spice and everything nice there's a sugar and spice somewhere in equestria
0 likesMy cutie mark is two hearts ๐almost like this
0 likesI love luna
0 likesMolester Moon at 2:42
0 likesmaybe because the shows called MY little PONY NOT my little donky or my little zebra
0 likesdid you hear the screm at 1. 36
0 likesI think black thing on Princess Luna is not a part of a human body is because she can turn into Nightmare Moon like it's a part of the body that's evil
0 likesYou put the annotations way too far at the bottom of the video's screen. When I try to click on one, they get covered up by the options and video progress(?) bar.
0 likesCelestial gives em there cutie marks and hates other kinds of animals
0 likesWhy are scisers shaped like something I shouldn't mention
0 likesHahaha! //sigh// Apple products.
0 likesmejbi Zikora is a pony
0 likesBecause PLOT CONVENIENCE, that's why.๐๐
0 likesBut maybe Rainbow Dash ยดs cutie mark should be a sonic rainboom
1 likei heard derpy AGAIN or is it the sims...
0 likesI think that the black spot on Luna is a birth mark
1 likeReplies (3)
Ella Walker I like this
0 likesor nightmaremoom
0 likesthanks
0 likesmebe the ponys have magic
0 likescherry Berry his cutie marks is a cherry
1 likeDang the animators
0 likesZebra= prison pony
0 likesFlim and Flam-Flip and Flap
0 likesFlimflam...
1 likewhere have I heard that before.?
Well zacora is a zebra right well a zebra is so close to a pony that thay mite be a pony
0 likesMAGIC
0 likesMAGIC
0 likesMAGIC
0 likesMAGIC
0 likesMAGIC
0 likesMAGIC
0 likesShinning armor is Twilight's brother
0 likesReplies (2)
P.S I forgot to say that in part 1.
0 likesP.P.S he is her big bro!!
0 likesU
Flim-flam more like MRFLIMFLAM (from flamingo)
0 likesBecause it's the shows name My Little PONY not my little ANIMALS
0 likesI get poneis are magical
0 likesMy theory on how zecora got her sun is: zecora wanted to fit in at ponyville so she started to mess around with pony magic it spilt on her flank thus making way to her cutie mark
0 likesMaybe the black stuff on Luna is like a scar of Nightmare Moon
0 likesit is called my little pony not my little zebra
0 likesA zebra is a ponny
0 likesLuna was born with a Blog
0 is called my little PONY
0 likesWhy is your cutiemark a music note?
0 likeswhat chareter do you like more snips or snails like for snails and comment for snips btw my favourite is snails
1 likeMy new pony is a changling too
0 likesThat's her birthmark
0 likesMagic...
0 likeshmm... zebras... "I got nothing"
0 likesmagic
1 likeWorking in -PAIRS ๐ hee hee ๐
0 likeszedbras are ponys two
0 likesThe show is called my little pony not my little donkey
0 likesBecause itโs called my little pony not my little donkey or mule
0 likesAbout luna's 'black stuff' on her 'cutie mark', This is just a theory, but I think it could possibly be her birth mark. But I dunno.
0 likesReplies (2)
I acutally think she didn't have that forever, she got it when she became nightmare moon, it is a sybol of what she has done wrong and that she can forgive herself and the moon represents the good thing she's done in her life
3 likesGood theory, m8.
0 likesWhat about sunset shimmer
0 likesyou just gave me an idea for one of your vidoes. why dont pony have the same mark?
0 likesSnail name is same like his cutie mark
0 likesI Think there is2 my Little ponyโs Cause I just watched Netflix and seen thereโs another my little pony
0 likesno becase. pones can have wings or a hone but donkes do not have wings or a hone think about that
0 likes00:35 where is rainbows face
0 likesSnails hmmmmmm aha becuase hes a very slow learner๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ
0 likesnightmarmoons cutie mark
0 likesok wait, i have just realized you say ''bro hoof'' and yet, some people (or animals in my case, and fluttershy's) are girls. So, r girls not aloud to watch ur channel???
0 likesMabye because ponys are magical???????????????
0 likesHahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesfilm-flam..... mr film flip flops....
0 likesIts ponies type of
0 likesMaaaaaaaaaggiiiiiiic
Rainbow dashes is cause of the sonic rainboom
0 likesI think only ponies have cutie marks cuz the show is called my little PONY <------------------------ .
0 likesThe moon is feminine and the sun is masculine SO WHY IS CELESTIA A GIRL and ps know your alcamy if you don't understand also I need to know my grammar
0 likesMy cutie marks is a soul
0 likesThat is why she has spots
0 likesZecora turned into : as oral
0 likesHow many analyzing videos will you dp
0 likeslol you sea"why do they sell apples when they work in PEARS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReally because I googled it and it's SLUGS and snails and puppy dog tails
0 likesLook at over ponyโs cutie mark there all colorful .
0 likesMagic
1 like4 Years later....I'm here
0 likesWhy doesn't anyone around here ask hasbro??!!
0 likesDun Cover different species obviously
0 likesMagic duh
0 likesWell it is called my little pony
0 likesNice joke :3
0 likes14:43/3:43
0 likesGood one
I phone
IF zacora did have trab were are they (bad Grammer I no)
0 likesbecause most little girls like ponys
0 likesa pony is a little horse
0 likesMagic
0 likesMagic
0 likesMagic
0 likesInteresting. I suppose so.
0 likes01:37 MRFLIMFLAM?!
1:38 =
0 likesMr. FlimFlam
Flim flam are apples and the apple family is big do you see where I'm going with this
0 likesReplies (1)
no. i don't see where you're going with this.
0 likesMaybe Zakora is half pony. Maybe.
0 likesbecause ponies is magical... jk, ponies has it bc they might've been blessed by star swirlabearded or something... ya, this is kinda pointless but if u think I might've found something, pls reply to this comment or make a video out of it. you are the brony notion, im signing out until I get something. XD
0 likesReplies (1)
@Cuddly Cub169 oh ya, BROHOOF
0 likesBecause ponys are magical duuuuuuuuuuuu
0 likesFlim and Flam...
1 likeMrFlimFlam...
0 likesseason 7 episode 10
Not even the horses had cutie mark but I don't think zecoras mark is fake
0 likesLuna is a Appaloosa horse
0 likesFLIM FLAM REMINDS ME OF..... mrflimflam
0 likesYay soairndash cute marks
0 likesUm.....because its a show about ponies!?
0 likesIn equestria girls the were tring to make twilinght loke bad the way they sneek snails movd like a snail and snips snipt like sisors
0 likesMagic
0 likesok zecoras mother is a pony and dad a zebra her mother died in the everfreeforest ย her dad ย twilits dad and she has a cutimark and magik
0 likesI don't think that people how are not pony they don't have a destiny.
0 likesPonies are magic and other animals aren't.
0 likesrambow! rambow!
0 likesMagic
0 likesHahahaha
0 likesmaybe the black mark is a scar
0 likesnow is goodโบ
0 likesMagic
0 likesI am a my little pony i have a cutie mark
0 likes"apple products"
0 likeslike a pony and a horse
0 likesI think that it was a birth mark
0 likesGood pun
0 likesWait flim and flam? Flamingos username is mrflimflam XD
0 likeshey luna cuite mark changed wean she was nightmaremoon
0 likesThat I cant cover all of them in one video next
0 likesOnly ponies have talant
0 likes1:34
0 likesjust thinking about mrflimflam and this coincidence
Sterling potions making potions living in every Forest is this her cutie mark I need to know. Maybe that's our cutie mark and so are you song that of it you might want it you might want to do that way that is in the song do that is in a song .
0 likesReplies (1)
I meant to say her sorry I'm telling the truth I would never lie and by the way I love you videos.
0 likesSo funny
0 likesA horse?
0 likesnow watch me whip now nae
0 likesNo actual apples
0 likesMagic
0 likesSakura is really really because and the donkey in the air p because because I want another video in Twilight because some twins for brother turning on me I'm going to tell you something in shining armour cutie mark is in the Royal Guard in and the star is in Twilight because because this texting and then the castle in the candle
0 likesi get it. heheh Pears hehehe
0 likesFlim + Flam = Mrflimflam
0 likesBecause ponies are somewhat more i
0 likesWell ponies are the only people who gets cutie marks because they are not normal animals they are different from horses
0 likesI think it is because ponies are magical and fake
0 likes1:36 film, and flam....
0 likesmrflimflam
prrt! snฤฑps and snaฤฑls and puppy dog taฤฑls? HA!
0 likesYour funny ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ถ
0 likesI know why because the animal are the same
0 likeskkkkkkkkkk
0 likesPonies only get them
0 likesHow
0 likesDid
I know that ๐ dash would be first...
my density is to use ๐พ๐พ
0 likesThen where is puppy dog tails
1 likeReplies (1)
1 likeNO PUNS
0 likesWhat is your favorite color? Mine is pink๐๐
2 likesReplies (4)
Do you want to have an online wedding and marry me???
0 likesWierdo
0 likesJessica Mcghee green!
0 likesJessica Mcghee violet!!
0 likesLook I know I sound stupid and maaaaaybe the most of you now the anserv to my question but.........huuh....what's Crisalises cutemark????!!!!!!!
0 likesZecoras cutie mark is One her stripes and sorry bad English
0 likeszikora izs a zibra not aponi
0 likes๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ
0 likesYour really punny ๐
0 likesZecora is not a zebra๐
0 likes1:39
0 likesmr flimflam
they're not ponies
0 likesWill the promise die
0 likesAlso also where is the puppy dog tails then if the ryme is snips and s ails and puppy dog tails and snips is the snips part snails is the snails part then who is the puppy dog tails part.
0 likesReplies (1)
Snails sorry typo
0 likesSing them fast and think call do you not call me thatโs why they are donโt have to be more Cebra like to the America there is no kitty box I need like they are for the ponies and Deborah they are on the four ponies the grass cutting mat for the brasserie in the brass Deborah zebra and pony
0 likesluna is best pony
0 likesะฝั ะฒะพั ะฑะปะธะฝ ัั ะฒะฐะผ ััะพ ะฟััะฝะพ ั ะปัะฝั ัะดะตะปะฐะปะพ? ะฟะพัะตะผั ะฒะพั ะฑะตะปัะต ะบะพะฟัััะฐ ั ัะฐะผะฑััััะฐ ะฝะต ัะดะธะฒะปััั? ะฝั ะดะฐ, ะพะบัะฐั ัะฐะบะพะน, ะผะพะถะตั ัะพะดะธะฝะบะฐ.
0 likesmagic da
0 likesit's wonder COLTS
0 likesI think because pony a the mane animals
0 likesWhy is your c it is Mark a music note?
0 likesteh ponies r best
0 likesOMG
0 likesBut the big sister must had the moon and and take care of ponies nightmares but and and and a little sister had to have ways to sand down relax drink tea and eat cake
0 likeswell maybe that was just a smidge them both as blank blank speaker the red is that I didn't tell you just won't have cute remarks or talents
0 likesZebras are ponies from Africa
0 likesbecause pony is magic the have horn fly the are alicorn toooooo sooooo ehm.... frendship si magic... for pony.. well i dont now (im italy sorry if you can't read good)
0 likesITS MRFLIMFLAM (if u watch flamingo u will understand)
0 likesNew it was rainbow dash first
0 likes1:34 i tought he said Mrflimflam, the account of Flaming/Albert... i geuss im dumb?
3 likesReplies (1)
Me to TwT
0 likesFor luna my be a mark fro her bad Things she did
0 likes2:56.... poop?
0 likesIs it even a tatoo or a cutie mark it do not make sense in a human world why are only the pony Characters have cutie marks sorry this is to long for you it still do not make sense .
0 likesAthother animals have no destany like evrybody dose the same thing but ponies have diffrent destany
0 likesI was typing too fast sorry XD
0 likesShe wos born like this ...... luna
0 likes+brony notion I think they (animmal besides pony ) arent ase special ase the ponys
0 likesPS like me. and talk back to me
lisen. there noises. in the back round
0 likesWhy are your video so short
1 likeoh never mind
0 likesAPPLES ๐or APPLES๐ฑ
0 likesthe potion
0 likesWhat about ur cutie mark
0 likes๐ฑ๐๐๐๐
0 likesCan you draw me as a pony
0 likesSay What?! ๐๐
0 likesgee im late...i think is the same as the human world, whhere humans have destiny , while the rest dosentthe same concept is applied in equastria
0 likesCause there first sign of existence Ware at different times and location
0 likes2:13 ๐๐ง๐๐ง๐ why
0 likesleja lukne
0 likesBtw, the black s
0 likesthat's why
0 likesPUNS
0 likesMaby her cute arc is a poshen like if you agree
0 likes๐ฆ๐ฆ๐จโโคโ๐จ
0 likesalread is a noob they have more room
0 likesclick on the video and keep pressing 4
0 likesChicken pot pie
0 likesAnd how the people who me May the game who made the show so that's why they did that it was all just because of someone else just someone else
0 likesSorry im not a good writer
0 likesSpecies?
0 likesnot apple phone
0 likesLogic
0 likesAeeeeeeeeeee
0 likesI think i know
0 likes2:42 :-P
0 likesTher not tha same as ther cutie mark marks are ther talent not ther tha cutie mark ther ponys
0 likesMe wow it is 2020
0 likeswhy only ponies doez I wanna nowz
0 likes๐ฅฆ
0 likeslol
0 likeslol
0 likesIts a birht Mark dummy ๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesYour ok
0 likeswhat is marketing ?????? ๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค
0 likesHow are you sawtooth
0 likes"flim flam means false advertising to make money"
1 likeme who knows Albert/flamingo has a roblox account named mrflimflam: uh oh, I hope he already knows what it means
0 likesclops
0 likes๐really
0 likeszebras are Captain Quinn like ponies ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐โบโบ๐
0 likesWhat abour ur cutie mark
0 likes1:32 I would actually like to see an episode where Flim and Flam come back once again. But this time only one wants to sell their stuff like they always do and the other now refuses, having learnt his lesson. That would lead into a great and big fight and they wouldnยดt want anything to do with the other one. One would keep selling the stuff while the other would try his luck at something else. Everythingยดs going wrong though. One isnยดt able to sell the stuff properly, the other isnยดt able to really do something else. Then maybe the main six or only one of them (though Iยดd prefer all of them) could help them see that they really are only good when together, that they complete each other!
0 likesFlim and Flam then would compromise.They would be selling the stuff like always, but sell it more honestly and actually put real effort into it!
TBH, @The Brony Notion , we haven't really seen any other zebras in the show. And you have to admit, she has a very similar type of body structure as the ponies. Maybe zebras get cutiemarks as well, but it just hasn't been recorded. Of course, this is just a theory.
1 likeMy theory that I'm using is that only ponies have cutie marks because a long time ago they simply couldn't be useful to anyone because everyone was doing the same thing, work in the fields, the clouds, or magic so a band of unicorns thought to create a spell that allows natural magic to flow through a pony's body and manifest in multiple ways. i.e.: the cutie mark, flying, strength+dexterity+endurance. and spells.
1 likeThe cutie marks of the Flim Flam brothers really interested me in a way. True, they fit together, making them two parts of the same whole and symbolising that they do everything together, but I think there's something slightly deeper. One would think that if they are totally equal, their cutie marks would be two apple halves. Two halves of the same whole, but no. One only have a quarter of an apple for their cutie mark and the other has three quarters. This leads me to think that maybe one of them is actually leading the other and the two only seem equal for showman sake...
0 likesNot a super ground breaking theory but I kinda like to think that.
Theory 1:
1 likeI think the reason only ponys can have cutie marks is because, there are three kind of ponys, Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn. (I'll get to the Alicorns later), anyway, in this world all the different kinds of ponys have a different type of magic, unlike the donkeys and cows and what not. So, with this in mind, the ponys had found a way to use that magic to a certain degree, pertaining to their destinies, and the cutie marks represent that.
Now, a for Zecora, she is unlike any of the other creatures. She has developed her own kind of magic, and just like the ponys, Zecora found a way to use that magic in her own way, therefore making the cutie mark appear. This could also explain why she's the only zebra in the MLP world. She also talks a little about her home, which obviously is very far from Equestria, maybe the zebras are just like the ponys, except, they use a different type of magic.
Theory 2:
Alicorns, they run the whole system of Equestria and Crystal empire. Then Twilight came, and ruled over ponyville. Did anyone notice, that all the alicorns have a cutie mark that represents a very vague, but important job. Celestia, the sun, Luna, the moon, Cadence, Love, and Twilight, Friendship. Maybe all the other ponys are based off of the alicorn cutie marks, and are just more specific. There may have been a spell that helped with this. And since the ponys represent the humans in our world, that's why they were the only ones affected by it, Zebras could represent something else in our world that is very important. Which is why it affected Zecora as well.
The reason zecora's cutie mark is like that is because she stirs potions that goes for the swirl. She does random things that goes for the spikes.
0 likesI think that ponies were with cutie marks since the beginning. So therefore for them to put cutie mark on any character that is added to mlp would be time consuming. Maybe when they surprise us with a cutie mark on each character like they have done many times as shown in many mlp and non-mlp fan videos they show what we did not at first see but as they tell us it bring knowledge to us sparking us in know what we
1 likeNeed to know.
I believe ponies get them as part of they're nature. (Magical or otherwise.) Like how dragons are dragons. Zebras on the other hand may be as you say, tribal tattoos. Meaning there may be some with the same ones and others with a different one.
1 likeNow, I know i basically said what you said, but I'm doing me best when tired. I could give better reasons later.
Maybe since all ponies have magic (yes so do earth ponies) there cutie marks represent what they are going to do with that magic. And zebra has been to do magic from the times we had seen here and maybe her destiny is to help other ponies while using that magic I hope this clears things up
0 likesMaybe the fact that Flim and Flam's cutie marks each have a separate stalk and leaf, so it merely appears they complete each other. That could represent their sly nature, they appear as one thing, but like the cutie marks not really completing each other, they are tricky and cunning and are always up to something else.
0 likesthe darker blue must be some kind of birthmark that luna had. also with the ponies being the only ones to have cutie marks, they are linked to the magic they hold. other beings may not have magic such as ponies.
0 likesIf you think about it, maybe the black splodges on Luna and the blue splodges on Nightmare Moon represent the other's side of her character (Luna has a little bit of Nightmare Moon and vice versa). Maybe it's to symbolize that other part of her is still there even if it's hidden inside her.
0 likesZecora's cutie mark is from a tribal tradition that they held, in whatever land Zecora came from. And Luna's cutie "splotch" was more of a, let's just say symbol of Luna turning into Nightmare Moon, because I will do more research on cutie marks and see if it has anything like that. I just thought of one! Twilight sparkle has mini stars by her cutie mark I don't know if that's just detail or something else. I'll also be waiting for season 5 to find more out. So if you just wanna comment back, that'll be so great! Thank you for taking time and reading this. - EpiclyEpicTaco
0 likesWith Zecora, what you must understand is that zebra's are cousins to horses. This would mean that Zecora DOES have a cutie mark. And not only that but if you look at it, it's a swirly "thingy". This represents here potion making abilities.ย
0 likesAllthough, Brony Notion's theory was rather intriguing.
My mind was just blown away when you said that boys where made from snips snails and puppy dog tails because it totally reminded me of that one powerpuff girls episode where mojo joJo made the three boys. I forgot what they where called
0 likesWait...
0 likesMaybe Zecora's so called "Cutie Mark" is related to her potion making skills! Maybe she got it when she was making her first potion?if it's too much work for you, leave it, but I was wondering if you could do a video mainly based on Zecora.
Luna could simply be an alicorn appaloosa. An appaloosa horse has markings on their rears, so it could be that.
0 likesThere is lots of room for speculation and headcanon. But then again, it is that very "wiggle room" that allows fanfic writers to get away with so many ideas and so many varying forms of headcanon.
0 likesMy headcanon is that the cutie marks were originally a creation of the Earth Ponies, whom were originally slaves to other races/beings and often ran the risk of losing their sense of identity. When they started joining with the other pony tribes, they shared this creation with them as a form of friendship and unity. All this (according to my headcanon) happened before the Hearth's Warming Eve events.
Myself I don't think that a cutie-mark directly affects one's destiny, though it can be easily seen as such. Consider this, if the cutie mark represents only...
1, a reflection of the personality of the pony,ย
2, a reflection of that pony's general skills and specialty
3, something that means more to that pony than to others.
All three of those things affect how we behave and what we believe, how we interact with others and what we strive to achieve in life. And that, more than most other things, affects our destiny. As such, the cutie mark may not be something that actually affects the destiny, so much as an outward expression of some things that do affect it. That said, it could be very easy for people to mistake it, over the centuries, for something that does affect the destiny.
Twilight has made mistakes before. For instance I say that when she said "for hundred's of years" in "Winter wrap up" she wasn't aware of Ponyville's exact history, and was only speaking of the many various earth pony settlements, (lumping Ponyville in with them) that have existed over hundreds of years.
So when she says in "magical mystery cure" that changing the cutie mark changed their destiny, I take it with a grain of salt. It's not that it up and changed it directly, but rather, by convincing them of their new place in life, and maybe altering their minds/memories to accept their new role, has altered their destinies indirectly.
Well, u can't jump to conclusions on Zecora having no cutie mark since she is the ONLY zebra we've met! And taking into consideration that bat ponies, being hybrids, can have marks (flutterbat based) then I can only assume that hybrid pony breeds can have marks, like my OC. It's easy to assume that Zecora fits into a hybrid category, since she is not like the changelings or buffalo. She has a more pony like appearance, yet mules are a cross between horses and donkeys. Maybe donkeys don't have marks, so mules therefore carry that trait and don't have ones of their own. But there may be a few mules with one due to just genetics and the fact that the cutie mark trait can be shown if the right mix of genes come together. That being said, maybe ponies have that gene, therefore making it possible for any hybrid to receive a mark. When it comes to breeds like buffalo or changeling, they have a trait for no marks, possibly recessive. If I assume that ponies also have the recessive trait, but the dominant mark trait overpowers the no mark trait, then some hybrids may not have marks of their own. Zecora may be a hybrid, or zebra can have marks and it's just the fact that we haven't seen any other zebra in the show, much less another with or without a mark. Back to the mules, it could be possible, since we've only seen 3 mules in the show, that all showed that recessive no mark trait, meaning (if M=mark and m=no mark) that their genes would look like this: mm. Both parents have to carry the recessive trait. That's where the genes of ponies being Mm come in. Some hybrids won't have marks, some will. If ponies had the genotype MM then all hybrids would have marks no matter what the genotype of the other parent is. That would make no sense, seeing as how the 3 mules we've seen don't have marks at all, and if the pony parent had MM as the genotype, then the mule would have a Mm, meaning they have marks. Hopefully this makes sense
0 likesHorses in real life were given branded marks by cowboys on their hindquarters to prevent theft. Each type of mark was different and distinguished. I'm guessing this is why they have cutie marks.
0 likesFor snips his teeth are really sharp in one comic he proved that by snapping the CMCs rope that holds the fireworks cannon
0 likesI think that black blob on Luna symbolizes her tendng to darkness, and also her bility to turn into nightmare moon. It did not dissaper because it is featuring dark Magic, and all tha Magic seen was glowing and shining. When Luna discovered her cutie mark by raising the moon, I believe she found that Kind of dark Magic inside her. So yaeh. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!
0 likesdid you guys ever think that these things that they get are more of a curse than a gift?it shows exactly how their lives are gonna be from the start,meaning they have no free will,which is proven in that time travelling episode,think about it,they have no choice whatsoever in what their tattoo is gonna be
0 likesI think the marking on Zecora's flank IS indeed a cutie mark, looking at it's colour. A tattoo would most likely be of a colour made of maybe some berries of sorts; purple, orange, red or blue, maybe. But the marking is perfectly and exactly the same colour as her stripes, indicating it's part of her original fur.
0 likesReplies (2)
I don't know, a tattoo isn't necessarily meant to be made of different colors. The mark being the same color, I think, hints more to a tattoo than otherwise because a lot of cutie marks use a range of different colors (then again, they usually seem to match the pony's original color scheme.) I wouldn't take the color being the same too seriously, because in my mind, these things get 'distorted' as we view from their world. That really doesn't make sense, though to explain better, think about the songs. They're more more visual appearance and story telling, but I personally don't believe they actually 'happen' if you know what I mean. Some colors will get recycled, and there are really not a lot of variants when using one color. For instance, Pinkie's coat and Fluttershy's mane are the exact same shade of pink. Fluttershy's coat and Applejack's mane are also the exact same shade of yellow.ย
0 likesHmm,ย true. I still don't think it's a tattoo though. XD
0 likesI always thought that cutie marks showed the pony their special talent not because of what they depicted (also this might be linked) but when the cutie mark appeared.
0 likesI think to answer the question as to why ponies have cutie marks and other equine/ungulates don't, you'd need to know more about the history of the entire world.ย So far, we've only really gotten a bit of a peek at pony history, and that didn't even touch on an origin story, real or mythical.ย However, I'd reckon that the cutie marks have something to do with how the three tribes relate to the world and the magic inherent in them.ย Though it was questionable up until now as to whether the Earth ponies have magic, Tirek's rampage clearly demonstrated that they do, and that their magic is related to their cutie marks.ย If any non-pony does have a cutie mark, however, it would be Zecora--she has occasionally cast her own spell (I think).ย All the other ungulates, however, seem fairly mundane and un-magical.ย In fact, the only non-ponies we've seen wielding magic (other than Zecora) have been classed as "monsters" by the ponies (dragons, basilisk).ย I wonder if part of the terror the ponies had for Zecora stemmed from her uncanny-valley liminality?ย Clearly not a pony, yet (apparently) cutie-marked and magical?
0 likesMaybe pony's have a clearer destiny. And since the pony's have magic since the magic sucker proved that maybe their cutie marks is the magic breaking out and deciding their destiny
0 likesCutie Marks are magic, and only earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi have them because they all have magic. But unicorns can contol raw magic in four forms; Dark Magic (Such as King Sombra's swirly thing magic), Light Magic (as in the elements of harmony), Alicorn Magic (such as Luna and Celestial controlling celestial bodies), and normal raw magic.
0 likesI think I know why it doesn't effect others.I know that when ponies destiny's come to be there cutie marks it might be because their needs to everypony like how the cows help everypony survive with the milk they produce.Maybe the destiny of cows are helping ponies. if the cows had cutie marks it will look like the world of equestria and a bottle of milk mix up together with a pony as happy as can be.
0 likesI think only ponies have cutie marks is because there magical.
0 likesAll though zicora is "magical" she uses potions which can are found in the everfree forest which possesses magic
I think the reason only ponies have cutie marks is because they're the only creatures in Equestria that have a direct connection to the magic that is obviously prevalent in their world. At the end of season 4 when Terek stole pony magic, he only went after ponies and ignored the other creatures. Even creatures like Zecora who is obviously skilled in magic has an indirect connection to it and therefore would have an artificial cutie mark.
0 likesThe stripes in RD's cutie mark are called PRIMARY COLORS (get it right). If you mix two of each color together you will, of course, get the other colors of the rainbow.
0 likes~Dash~
With the other animal cutie mark thing I just don't question it and go with the flow.
0 likesWell, i think zecora has a cutie mark.
0 likesIts just...what is it? Everyone should know by know that zecora is well with potions and spells, she is also wise...i don't know why it would be a sun looking cutiemark..but u do have a few ideas! Who ealse has an idea on why zecoras mark is a sun like object?
i nodiced how you said the spots on luna's back where still there and where part of her cutie mark, for a second i thought that too, then in some of the epesodes, i saw little black sopts (just like the ones on her cutie mark) on the tip of her wing, so by then, i nodiced that the spots where part of her body, so, theres your answer! - Maylee McCool (My Name is not Keith McCool, that is my dad's name)
0 likesFor me, Flim and Flam's cutie marks are from the sayings "Paying more for less" and "A deal at twice the price" Flims being the first saying and Flam's the second
0 likesWell in season 4 finale they never shown zecora getteting her "cutie mark" taking a away so it is probly a tribal thing.
0 likesI have also notice this but I believe that instead of ponies only having magic everything does it's just that ponies have the strongest since they have the mostย but the other species have to get special training or flat out need to channel their magic into something like with Zecora's potion making. That also beings me to my second part,ย I believe that zebras are the second strongest in magic so zebras can also cutie marks, but I think it is rare for a zebra to gain their cutie mark and that Zecora had to leave her home or village because of it since it most likely never happened to them in remembered or written history, and out of fear the members of her home or village distanced themselves from her, and so Zecora went to Equestria hoping that they expect her. How old she was or when she got to the kingdom is unknown but it had to be when she was young maybe a filly. In fact she most likely lives in the Everfree Forest since the ponies did the same thing to her, and from seeing how the town reacted in the first episode she was in when she came to town proves my point hope you understand my point, and remember friendship is magic.
0 likesThe reason behind why lunas splotches didn't disappear is because that is a part of her body. In real life there are different types of horses. Some even have spots on them. So it is not apart of her cutie mark but of her body its self.
0 likesThey say that Luna's cutiemark is is'nt a cutie mark. When Luna was in the moon there is a little mark on the moon. When nightmare escaped the moon had no longer the mark. It explains it the mark on the moon was transfered to Luna/nightmare. So it is not part of her cutie mark!
0 likesFluffy puff's cutie mark is a fluffy hart.
0 likesThe hart means love.
And the fluffy around it means he is fluffy.
Hey brony I love your videos I think you should do a story on trixies cutie mark and how she got it that would be awesome I really want to laern how she got it.
0 likesi agree with the Zecora thing, but if it was a tatto wouldn't it made of berries( like what Natalie Lehtihovi said)? Then againย the berries would wash off and in the mlp world we would think they had the technology to do these sort of things like tattoos
0 likesI think that the black blotches on Luna's flank are just a birthmark. I can relate to this because I have a birthmark on my wrist that looks similar to the one on Luna's flank.
0 likesHope this was useful!!
Replies (2)
Wouldn't birthmarks be on skin not fur? It's definitely either a different breed or just some coat coloration. Just a little detail that I thought u may have missed. Not saying ur wrong
1 likeBut ponies have very minimal fur (in comparison to a dog) because you can still see the birthmark and owners don't have to cut their fur, but their manes and tails. (Just a thought)
0 likesOk for the dark blotch thing for Luna I figured it out a long time ago. The dark blotch is the same color as Nightmare Moon's pelt. Also when Luna was Nightmare Moon the blotch's come up on to her to. Though the color as Luna's pelt. :D I cracked the code guys! :DDDDDDDDDDD
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash's cutie mark represents her home, Cloudsdale, and how she came down to earth/Ponyvile as fast as lightning, when sheย was racing in the Pegasus race.ย ย
0 likesI believe that that zebras don't get a cutie mark but instead a glyph appears on their flank to represent their personality/destiny/special talent. There is magic inside of the zebras just as their is magic inside of ponies because they are nearly the same, but just enough different for that magic to manifest a little differently. Ponies/Zebras are different from other beings/species in Equestria in that they set up functional societies and have the drive/personality to shape the world around them. Yes, dragons have dragon magic (I'm being vague w/ this term for a reason), cockatrices have the ability to turn things to stone, and griffins are... crabby? But none of them really seem to try and make the world around them better for their own'other's kind (Except for dragons but they purposefully make other people's/creature's lives harder). Cutie marks/glyphs serve a duel purpose in that they are a constant reminder that ponies/zebras have the ability to help everyone and a lot of them do try. They also are there to show a pony one of their special skills and remind them of that special skills should they ever forget it.
1 likeReplies (1)
Safiya Light I sgree
0 likesabout the zebra mark, I think zecora doesn't get a cutie mark since the only magic that they have is made from herbs. Ponies magic is there when they are born and later leads them to get their cutie marks. one of the zebras must have gotten jealous and started a tradition. you don't have to agree on this, so i am prepared for a comment war. :D
0 likesWell my theory as to why ponies exclusively get cutie marks, as stupid as it sounds, is the fact that cutie marks are very spiritual and magical things. Ponies seem to be the most magical being in the show, being just about the only ones to fully use it. I believe that no matter what race of pony, all ponies have magic inside of them. Their magic is specifically used to do something important, which is portrayed by their cutie marks. But that's just my opinion.
0 likesBecause Magic. Oh you want me to say more? Alright, I will.But Ima just give the gist of it.
0 likesI think that because ponies have magic, unlike the other four-legged adorable mammals in the series, the magic is able to take the pacific trait or talent a pony has, and when that is discovered, a mere means of either tradition or instincts create a changing on their plots to appear as their ideal mark on society. That being the case a cutie mark represents all of a pony.Who they see themselves as. It's not there fate, it's who they are. It's what make them happy. It's their hopes and dreams. Dreams that are so deep in their subconscious that they are projected to all through the magic inside them.
Anyway, that's what I think.
Replies (1)
Also, when the mane five switched talents, I think they all thought what they were do was the key to their happiness.
0 likesI'm kinda thinking destiny to ponies means leading a fulfilling and happy life.
Maybe because zebras seem more closely related to ponies than donkeys or mules or as you said a tribal tattoo.
0 likesSunset Simmer's cuitie mark would be a picture of the sun as shown in MLP 1 & 2.
0 likesi feel like only ponies get cutie marks because maybe they can harness the magic of friendship and harmony better than any other animal and maybe zebras are close enough to ponies to harness it as well
0 likesI think zecora is a type of pony even though I have no prof I think zebra have at least enough magic to have a cutie mark or zebra are basically ponies because they look the most like ponies
0 likesWhy only ponies, you ask? Simple - that's their gimmick and other sentiens species have different means of defining themselves.ย
0 likesNotice how Zecora is magical as clearly shown in the Alicorn Amulet episode, without having clear means of being magical as ponies. She doesn't need to have horn, to be magical. That means that even species as close relative to ponies have different means of defining theis bare skills.ย
In magic duel, those horses from saddle arabia also didnt have cutie marks.
0 likesmaybe the reason the ponies are the only ones to have cutie marks is because they evolved with them. e.g. how humans are the only creature on earth to possess cognitive and physical traits that allow us to build and research to advance our selves without the need to evolve.
0 likesI think the dark blotches of lunas cutie mark is part of it but it does not have the same symbolic meaning as the moon
0 likesMaybe at some point in time a strong pony magician or pony magicians cast a powerful spell that created ponykind's ability to earn cutie marks? Like in the Eragon series, where elves and humans were linked with the dragons and they all sides were affected for posterity, but not other races in Algaesia like dwarves? This would explain why others have no cutie marks-they weren't included in the spell?ย
0 likesI think Luna is kind of like my OC because as you see I turn from red to black, and Luna probably has skin conditions. like on some people how one part of there skin will be white and some brown colors. Don't get offended because I have a cousin like this, so im not offending you right?
0 likesAnd I guess a zebra could be considered a pony... There are no other ones that we know of in equestria though...
0 likesI believe that animals that are not ponies don't have cutie marks BECAUSE they get to change and choose there fates (talking like brave) and they don't have to wait and for there cutie marks to tell them what to do and tell EVERYONE who they are non ponies and be free and as secretive as they like!
1 likeMaybe it's because people only brand horses. Ever think about that?
0 likesCutie marks ARE based off of branding, after all.
snails cutie mark simply means slow and steady will triumph those who think to fast and dont take the time to do anything cautiously
0 likesMaybe ( Zecora?) found a way to deserve/get cutie mark.
0 likesI always thought that Luna was an appoloosa
0 likesWhat if Luna looked at Celestia as a goddess... Because the Sun is what makes the moon complete. (The moon reflects light of the Sun creating light) And Celestia is a threat because of that. Some people think Luna should be the "Goddess" because Luna is the "moon bringer" and Celestia is the "Sun bringer" and the Sun is a star. Even though the Sun is what gives light to us during the night.ย
0 likesMaybe it has something to do with EUP cause only unicon earth and pegasus have cutie marks or just that they have to have a special talent that's why everypony (except for filly's) have a cutie mark
0 likesI think that possibly the cutie mark is a symbol to only ponies because of Queen Cylestia... You see that she's the ruler over governing 'ponies' nothing in the episodes gives you facts that she governs the other characters either. So, I think that maybe the power for others to have cutie marks is disabled because she only governs ponies. Although, there are other towns and places so.... this would mean that there would be a secret society of rulers that are ponies that distinguished that ONLY ponies that they govern can have cutie marks that represent where they live? I thought long and hard.
0 likeshave u ever noticed that with all of the maine 6 (except Twilight), their cutie mark have three things on them. Applejack=3 apples, Rarity=3 jewels, Fluttershy= 3 butterflies, Pinkie Pie= 3 balloons, and Rainbow Dash= 3 different colors on the rainbow, but it is a little weird with Rainbow's cutie mark
0 likesReplies (3)
Illuminati confirmed? '3'
0 likes@lily dragonhartย ย
0 likesIlluminati confirmed? what is dat? im not a very sereous brony as u can tell
illuminati - a secret organization with a pyramid and an eye on the top of dah pyramid. it's on the American dollar bill.
0 likesif you look at flim and flams cutie marks, you'll see that both pieces have a stem and leaf. so they aren't actually from the same apple, maybe that has something to do with the dishonesty factor? i dunno its a stretch even to me.ย
0 likesMy cutie mark is a big rainbow musical note, it shows that I am a lover of all kinds on music, but it being big means I have an open mind filled with weird but wonderful thoughts
0 likesGreat theory harmony!:)
0 likesAhem SUNset SHIMMER? her name has Sun and shimmer in it! Also, on his last question, and I'm sure some of you guys said this, FOR GOD'S SAKE IT'S 'my little pony' not "my little equline"!!! (a family that includes horses& the lot...)
0 likesigota theory on why luna has a black splat around her cutie mark. it is basically a ponyfied version of a old story i jsut remembered.
0 likeswarning, the following theory will make you shit enough bricks to build a home for everyone on this planet.
my theory is, that she sat in black paint.
Maybe Hasbro is just being lazy. Because in the christal empire part 1 and 2 there were only 3 cutie marks that seem to appear on everypony in the empire besides the mane 6. pun...try to find it
0 likesI see no reason why mules shouldn't be able to have cutie marks. After all, they're only half donkey. I'd assume the other half would most likely be pony.
0 likesthe dark blothes are part of luna. she was born with them!
1 likeHorses have cutie marks and zebras and opines as metieoned in the second or first trixe episode
0 likesOnly ponys get cutie marks because ponys can be friends. What about the baffalos or zacora? I know your asking. They have truces. They don't play or laugh together
0 likesPonds have more than one type while mules are mules and so forth
0 likesWhat if the blotch was a stain left behind by the darkness of nightmare moon?
0 likesMake a vid on vinyl's cutie mark what does her cutie mark represent I'm trying to wonder what her cutie mark is for but when there is a party she plays the DJ's but I wonder why
0 likesthe flick-flank bro's probably don't have that on their cm's because then everypony would see what they're up to
0 likesi think snips has short attention span ad he snaps out of what he tried to think about and cut his thoughts beforeย he thinks things through
1 likesnails is just slow
I think cutiemarks are based on the pony's name, like applejack = apples, Luna = moon, celestia = da sun, so on, in mean, its just my theory.
1 likeReplies (1)
That can't work think of it pinkie pie, moud, rainbow dash, flip, and flam
0 likesIt's because I looked up the photo of zucoras cutie mark and I found out her cutie mark means the sun god...and she is good at being wize and the simbol on her flank and it also means wize.
0 likesReplies (4)
@Emma Burke hey
0 likes@Emma Burke hey bff!
0 likes@Emma Burke sup?
0 likes@Emma Meg Burke hey
0 likescutiemark and zecora are magical!
0 likesThe cutie marks only appear on ponies because they have magic ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ and then destiny affects them in a different way
0 likeswhat about lunas mane? i mean in season 1 her mane was normal but in 2 and 3 and 4 its flowing? how? we didnt see an episode about how she get her mane flowing
0 likesI think zacoras cuti mark is for potions
0 likeszecara is a type of pony that's why she has a cutie mark
0 likesThe three colors stand for the wonderbolts
0 likesits cause in that episode in the song it shows only lunas moon part of her cutie mark
0 likesZecora was born by a pony and a zebra so it is a cutie mark
0 likesokay what i think is (for luna) she was born with it AND YES I KONW IT'S SHORT i just havent thought about it much BUT i konw (have an idea) whp the shadow pony is :)
0 likes2:42 THAT FACE.
0 likessince a pony's cutie mark explains there personalitie like my cutie mark is a crystal with a heart in it over a fire which means love will be hopeless at first but be strong at the end which explains why my pony's personalitie is hope and love so snips and snail cutie mark does really explain there personalitie but there name but then if there name is there cutie mark does that mean snips and snail's personalitie in there cutie mark is a mystery?.
0 likesMaybe only Pony's get cutie marks because, 1. The show is called My Little PONY 2. It might have something to do with Alicorns. IDK on that. 3. It might have to do with the elements of harmony. Also Discord it PART pony but he does not have a cutie mark.
0 likesyou know how pipsqeak has spots?
0 likesSo does luna
the end
Ponys have cutie marks becouse thay are magic i know cows and stoff can talk but thay are not colored like ponys so thay dont have as much magic and thay look like stoff from earth
1 likethe cutie mark of making potions
0 likesIm AMAZED! I should put my pony OC Clementine and she what it means. Do you think you ย might know?
0 likesAs per said ponies all have the ability to acess magic but cutie marks span across all magic
0 likesZecora is magic. She is a pony
0 likesi am not sure about derpys cutie mark why is it seven bubbles when normaly on a pony the is up to three marks on the flank so why does derpy have 7
0 likesyes i love derpy but this is the one question i have been wondering about
I think only ponies have cutie marks because they are the dominant species?
0 likesI draw cutie marks every day
0 likesUm I think that the dark plots on Luna are just a birth Mark
0 likesalso my cutie mark has the primary colors which represents the rainbow
0 likesIn one episode she said it was a mark
0 likesthat lense flare.
0 likesAs much as I love mlp,
0 likesI have2 say,they,are,fake!
How can a pony be blue or pink or white or yellow or purple or
โฆโฆโฆorange I guess is fine but u get the point
I haveย hardly any proofย on what I think, but I think that ponies just have magic-pocket-things inside thair plots were the cutie marks are. AKA, ponies have magic butts and everyone/everypony else dose not.Making Zecroa's cutie mark not a cutie mark,or I'm wrong completly.And ifย I am incorrect, Zecora was born with her cutie mark.But the swirl of the mabe-cutie-mark can be a potion being sirred and the triangels are markings on the pot that the potion is being sirred in, wich makes since for me.It macks since because thair are many times in the show that Zecora is making a potion. I haven't wached the show in a while...All the thingsย I said could be wrong, or right.I have vary little proof...
0 likeswhat do you mean in season 4 Luna looses her cutie mark? O_O
0 likesWell maybe because they are the oily one one with horn ,wings
0 likesZecoras is a zebra and she has a cutie mark ๐
0 likesright before you showed the definition of flim-flam i searched it up on google and when i got back, guess what the next few seconds showed?
0 likesI think the black blotch on Luna is a scar mabey?
0 likesDerpy: luck fragility hollow
0 likesZebras are in the pony/horse family... Are they?
0 likesMaybe its genetic that ponies have cutie marks
0 likesIf sectoral had a cuite mark then us would have to do with potion making and what I don't get is why she speak is rhyme but in trouble with tribbles she dope a sentence with no rhyme
0 likesim pretty sure somepony just sprayed black ink on lunas flank...
0 likesI think zecoras cutiemark is not a tatoo ...
0 likesits looks mpre like an african symbol , and maybe they look doffrent because of anotherย origin.ย
She is a Zebra so maybe there is just a country for zebras , and they do have magic but another kind of , voodoo. When ever watch something about afrika you ever see that the most people there belives in voodoo andย shamans
so maybe Zecoras cutiemarks represend something of her magic, mixingย magic potions
Flin and flam cutie marks complete each other -yin yang complete each other
0 likesThere is one pony that doesn't have a cutiemark it is Crysalis.
0 likesWait I have the theory that science honesty is an apple and flimflams Apple marks aren't the whole apple so nor the whole truth
0 likesIt could be that ponies are magic
0 likesonly actual characters get cutie marks. It makes sense right? so if anyone ask u who r the characters say" look for the cutie mark!"
0 likesponies are the only ones cause they are magical
0 likesI got it it is CUTIE marks and the only cute thing in the show that can actually do human stuff are PONIES that's why they get CUTIE marks
0 likesmaybe they'll explain this in season 5?S5 S5 S5 pls come sooooon...
0 likesZecora is a zebra and a zebra is a kind of pony
0 likesI think why Zacora I don't know how you spell it, back to what I was talking about I think she was from the past in the tribal times, hey just I'm like Dr. Who she may be a time traveler maybe she needs a time traveler who is with me!?!
0 likesI have seen the movie and it was a cut out of twiight made by snipps
0 likesSnips: he has a bad hair cut
0 likesWhy is your cutie mark a music note.
0 likesI lol'd 2:11
0 likesthe point of snip is that he snips though thoughts.
0 likeslunas cuteymark is only a moon. why do i say this because some ponys have bodypaderns.lunas is just where cuteymark is.
0 likesWell hasbro once make them only ponys with cutie marks and dint Wanned to change the tradiciรณn zecora coms from a tribu and that is a actual tatoo
0 likesor, you know, LUNA HAS FREAKING MARKINGS LIKE PIPSQUEAK OR ZECORA.... I always get so mad about this, I dont know why... sorry, just had to get that out =/
0 likesLife you put filim and flam's cutie mark together you get a hole Apple
0 likesIsn't it possible that Flim Flam's cutie marks don't actually fit = FALSE ADVERTISING
0 likesZecora is a pony her tribe striped her so she wouldn't be different they sent her away when she made a potion and got her cutie mark :D :) :D
0 likesWhich Episode is the one that Luna loses her Cutie Mark?
0 likesYou had a pic of Derpys and dr.whooves cutie mark I thought you were going to anylize them
0 likesReplies (1)
He (briefly) analyzed Derpy's cutie mark at the end of the first video, but knowing as little as we do, it's hard to say much about it.ย Dr Whoove's mark is a pop-culture reference, so there's not really much to analyze (less so, since he's never had a single line of dialogue to compare it with).
0 likesSnails is not smart his brain is slow Snipps has a hair cutt
0 likesSnails name snails and snips scissors ^_^
0 likesI think that discord was not star swerld a bearded before.
0 likesZecroa's cutie mark is maiby a wichis pot
0 likes๐ magic!!!!!!!
0 likesZecora has cutie mark
0 likesmaybe the lightning bolt on rainbow dash's cutie mark means she is fast like lightning ? and its rainbow , well, you know why. i also think for flim and flam, since one cutie mark is a almost whole apple, missing a piece(the other apple slice cutie mark.) and since they are twins, they are not complete without one another. ย i also think only cutie marks appear on ponie because well, ponies are magical no matter what !! ย plus, the dark blotch on luna surrounding her cutie mark is just part of luna, its not part of her cutie mark ! ย ย ย
0 likesIn my opinion luna is an Appaloosa
0 likesI think its because come on their like the only animals that are ponies with wings, horns, or both like the monsters are magical but these ponies have something specail like every pony
0 likessnip cuts a rope in a comic without trying maybe that's somethingย
0 likesMaybe the dark spots are her birth mark?ย
0 likesmaybe lunas bloggers are what's left of nightmare moon
0 likesPonies get cutie mark because... uh REASONS AND PLOT DEVELOPMENT
0 likesI think her leg, she got evilfied. Not a word but check out ink rouse.
0 likesdon't ponys names match their cutie marks
0 likesI think it was a good joke anyone agree
0 likesUh you know that splosh of black on luna plot that's a bit nmm that never went away.
0 likesR-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me
0 likesWhy only Ponys? -as also posted in Pt.1 Idea behind 'the Mark',
0 likesThere was a neat 'darkfic' all-hollows eve vid seen regards to the mark.
While it would seem bs, though kewl as its tying in with "Puppet to her fame",
it still raises some neat ideas & questions.ย
(ps, if not seen ย reading of said story... DO IT! DO IT NOW!! , lulz ;')
-see @*****ย
The question of how perhaps that Ponys might not have always been as are now, which would be likely given a "change over time" nature of things, forgoing unlike OUR world a straightup 'pure-creationist' standing, that there world/verse is much younger perhaps than ours and still in a realitively 'new/god-shaped' form of things 'put a certain way' that hasn't had time to fully deviate from.
Still, there is also the idea that their world is MUCH older as suggested by "Leviethan" read by @Illya Leonovย by said leviethan. That such creatures were perhaps like dinosaurs for our world these 'demon-lords' were more numberous but all now died out or in the deepest parts of the world come appocalypse.
In this way, perhaps Ponys came to sentience from simpler natures akin to horses our side but given some spark like akin to us humans some such, being that "animals" for their world moreoverall having thought rather than just one race or other.
That these Ponys might not however been their own overlords?
Perhaps such a being as Leviethan in power held the world in a slavemaster's grips and had his pony workers a brand as to what laybor he would have them do.
At some point power as always does changes hands or hooves, with The Marks becoming something else. ย
Rather than a symbol of oppression that akin to "The Cutie-pox" forces or compels one towrds a specific or asigned skillset, instead became bound deeper-magic to Pony kind that rather responded to the Ponys when they found their chosen/destined skills or talents or love. ย AND Perhaps this would be as to why to what is known/shown that Only PONYs have such marks, that they were the Slave-Race who bore 'The Mark' as tied to darker magics. ย
Thus why it is yet still through such darker arts one might call forth a preferedย
"cutie mark" as in the case of Octavia in "a puppet to her fame", but at a cost...
^_- ย peace.
Replies (2)
0 likes@Shelly Kirbyย *flappjacks
0 likesPotato , Tomato... two different things. /)
"ponies" ie 'small horses', "Ponys" aking to 'Bronys' or 'Bronies' a matter of spelling,
But again, when saying MLP it is understood to mean Gen4 / FiM, and not say 3.5? ย ^_-
Other than just stylistic preference, also predesignation to mean
"small horses' of the MLP variety", sorta like how Fannon is sorthand for 'Fandom group-collectively agreed/sorted Head-canon'
We often use specific alterations on normal or usually "proper" grammer such as shorthand or spelling to signify a given meaning or idea unspokenly.
Ofcourse I can't say how popular yet the term "fannon" or to say Ponys as shorthad meaning the 'pony-race of Equestria' like Humans refering to humanity overall or the "human-race". ย So if I say ponies instead of ponys or Ponys, I & others likely mean "small horses of our world." ย ^-*./)
its ย magic
0 likeswhy are there cutie marks on there plots
0 likesI have a theory (which also is part of my fan mythology of Equestria)
0 likesWell you see, the ponies are the chose race. Just imagine their ruler is a God and it is a pony. The fact that they live in a world that nothing eve goes wrong (like a hurricane that creates deviations or hunger, or wars) it is because they were chosen from the beginning from those more powerful and mysterious. You see the ponies are all magicals because of their natural hope as well as resistance to evil. Even thought everything goes wrong ponies are always the first to find a solution (which confuses me since I believe there should be more species, not only ponies. And I really doubt that Equestria is the whole world.) I believe that the mysterious beings chose the ponies from any other sentient race because they were pure, they were kind and not afraid to do what is necessary to fight for good and right (Just like the Main six represent).ย
Probably because Ponies are a lot more magical
0 likeshow come all of ย the ponies cutie marks match their name but not the cutie mark crusaders. Example apple jack. her name has apples in it, and here cutie mark is apples. here is an another example rainbow dash. she got her cutie mark by doing a sonic rain boom. and her cutie mark shows a sonic rain boom. plz do a vid on this
0 likesHow is Celestia able to raise the moon while Luna is banished if that is not her "talent/cutiemark"?ย
0 likesi think that is a cutie mark cuz she looks alot like a pony only that shes a zebra and donkies do look like ponys but not that muchย
0 likesThey do not have a destiny
0 likesPonies are made up. Other animals are real and made without cutie marks originally only ponies are made with them.
0 likesIt think the black thing is like a birth mark or something.....
0 likesi think...
0 likesweird genetics
It's called my little PONY and it a cartoon
0 likesTHat train though..
0 likeswhat about sunset
0 likesExplain Octavia's. Octavia plays a cello. A cello is a bass instrument, but her cutie mark is a treble cleff. wtf?
1 likeReplies (12)
cuz im all about that bass bout that bass no treble XDย
2 likes@lps epic Failsย ... That's not funny.
0 likes@TheAmazingBroniesย :C
0 likesWell She Likes music So Can She play Everthing
0 likes@lps epic Fails Ugh, why does everyone say "cuz I'm all about that bass no trouble" when its actually "Because you know I'm all about that bass 'bout that bass no trouble"
0 likes@TurquioseTurtle456ย because i am to lazy to right the entire thingย
0 likesSorry for profanity I thought I was texting my friend
0 likes@TurquioseTurtle456ย Me and your mom used some profanity last night.
0 likes@TheAmazingBronies Me and your mom did too
0 likesShe loves music!
0 likesShe's all about that bass! No treble! I'm sorry.... I just had to do it! Lol :P
1 like@TheAmazingBroniesย while a cello is a bass instrament, I believe Octavia is a master of all of the strings. So the treble cutie mark more represents the violin and fiddle than the cello.
0 likessunset shimmer her cutie mark is kind of like celestiasย could they be related but ifย they where sunset would have wings and be a more edvance alicorn then twilight it dosent make any sence could she be related to princes celestia and princes luna canย that be possible kim possible subscribe imย joking
0 likesZebras are related to ponies
0 likesI think he was tirek ?ย
0 likesWhat is a brony
0 likesI think its racism
0 likesmy cutie mark is a four leafed clover, most people thinks is lucky right? well in my life I seem to never end up in trouble, like the day before I had to get a tooth pulled it fell out (and 5 other teeth fell out as well) witch is pretty luckyย if you ask me... but a four leafed clover if different and out of place against every other 3 leafed clover, and like me im the oddball, the really random type, like derpy, an oddball as well, even tho I may seem dumb to everyone, I am very smart inside my own head, like how I found out to warp the holidays on my video game with common sence, yet the last thing anybody thinks off.
1 likeso my point is that I am different like the 4 cloversย are to all the other 3 clovers, but everybody love's 4 leafed clovers don't they? (giggle)
0 likesi thing that theย
0 likesLook apple phones
0 likesSay 123 if your watching in 2015
0 likesIdk what to say
0 likesPlease stop with the puns, their not funny
0 likesSrry ment Zecora
0 likeslol
0 likes360,001 views
0 likesWow. The 360,001st view. Woooooooow. Wtf.
0 likesMe to
0 likesYou know, I'm pretty certain every cutie mark has a deeper meaning then what's on the surface, which only makes them all the more awesome, and fun to analyze :D
0 likesDue to my belief that Zecora seems to wield an alchemy related magic I find it unlikely that possession of a cutie mark is directly correlated with magical power, but with another trait that it unique to ponies. One fact to consider is that this is most definitely not the only difference between the ponies and the other mammals in the show, for one thing ponies have extremely different mane, tail, and coat color as compared to the other species. Ponie's manes, tails, and coats are normally of a color not normally natural for their species, occasionally even a fluorescent color, while the other animals display more natural tones. Normally an odd unnatural colored pigment in an organism is due to a mutation or due to the fact that this creature is poisonous or highly dangerous. Odd mutations can be found in almost any organism given the right scenarios and warning signals can be found in the brightly colored poison dart frogs, as well as many other organisms. Neither of these possibilities can be completely disregarded, however I believe that the latter is the closest to the truth. Perhaps around the same time when ordinary ponies might have evolved into super strong earth ponies, soaring pegasi, and magic wielding unicorns they might have also gained these neon hues as well as Cutie Marks. What better way to show predators that you are dangerous and most definitely not suitable prey than to display your best skills and assets right on your flank. Although it is unlikely that the beasts will recognize these symbols, there may be one or two, such as a glimmering claw or a razor sharp knife that might click in their minds as potentially dangerous. And anyways, as shown in an episode if season four, many of these predators are only slightly less intelligent as the ponies if not just as intelligent. I think it would make sense if the ponies had evolved over time to display cutie marks. And possibly, if the theory presents in the first analyzing cutie marks video is true, these cutie marks could have also evolved to reflect personality traits.
My guess is that ponies are inherently magical beings and their magic just happens to manifest itself in a visual representation of their most emotionally fulfilling talent.
1 likeLuna could just assume the look of an Appaloosa, the real life horses with spotted hindquarters. It would make her cutie mark Moon look like its in a dark sky.
1 likeI think the dark blotches represent darkness (A.K.A, Nightmare Moon) and the moon itself is Luna in a way giving off a light from her innocent heart to protect her from being completely corrupted by Nightmare Moon, and when she looses the moon, I think the black part just means that the darkness of night will always be with her, or... NIGHTMARE MOON IS STILL AROUND!
0 likesMy thoughts on why Zecora's cutiemark might be a tattoo.
0 likesAs we all (might) know, the cutiemark appears because of spectra, which is a type of magical element of a pony. Zebras (most likely) don't have any type magic, except witchcraft. Theoretically, they won't have any spectra to make the cutiemark appear, which would be why they don't have a cutiemark.
If you ask me it ties into her more the tattoo represents more of a mystery the outer spikes represent Celestia while the inner spiral represents a mystery even I do not understand computing yet always happy to help until the next time you have questions I will have answers
1 likeFor unicorns I think the cutiemark represents their mane choice of spell rarity's is jewel finding and shining armour is magical barriers which is probably what the pink star really represents as twilight just specialises in all magic
0 likesFor other ponies its a little different as their magic is subconscious according to the episode about how equestria was settled.
Zecora has always had this magic to her. She can make drinks appear, she can create potions, and she even trained Twilight in the ways of focusing on her magic to use it. I think that Zecora's mark means that she enlightens people (or ponies if you want to talk that way) and helps guide them to understanding themselves,. In a way, the sun does as well! I don't know if my assumptions seem out-of-it, or if they even make sense! I just got to thinking about it. The way she talks with rhymes and takes time to explain things...
0 likesI think zecoras special talent is potion brewing. The swirl represents stirring the potion and the triangles represent petals and other elements of potion brewing. Do you think you could do a video explaining in further details your thoughts on this matter?
0 likesBTW Zecora is best zebra ;)
I think that cutie marks are just part of the magic inherent in ponies, which is what makes them different. Donkeys, mules, minotaurs, and others have not been shown to use magic. I think zebras use a different kind of magic, which might explain why Zecora has a cutie mark of sorts.
0 likesI know it's been ages since you uploaded this but I only just got round to watching it. I got an idea about zecora's cutie mark. say that pony's are the equivalent to humans and they are smarter than other creature's this intelligent is represented in a cutie mark and zebras are just like pony's but in a different area and zecora's cutie mark is healer which use herbs as zecora always uses herbs of witch craft as when we first sore her every one thought she was using vodo.
0 likesif you look closely you can see the flim has a small apple slice vs flam's big slice representing unfair deal or one more benefited than the other as shown in their first appearance giving themselves more money than the apples. Also both marks has a stem where real apples only have one showing false advertising as in their second appearance (just a thought)
1 likeI was at school one day and out of nowhere I started thinking of MLP, when I started talking to my friends I was making a joke of "if the ponies have cutie marks why don't humans?" My friends thought I was just joking and laughed. Then I started thinking about it "what if humans can get cutie marks but they never figured out what they are good at, which explains why no human has any" I know that's not true and all, but it was a strange explanation to that and my friends, that are bronies, and I found the idea very amazing
0 likespony's must be magical in a different way my theory is that magic is like a sound wave or light wave just a different kind when pony's have found their talent they are more magical than blank flanks so zecora's must be a tattoo or a birthmark but since she isn't a pony she used magic through other thing like plants also the 4 alicorn must hit different wavelengths of powerful magic to be alicorns hence they can cast powerful spells and their health is slowly being regenerated and the white eye thing wicth the channel so much magic its hard to control if you new to itย
0 likesMaybe there is more to the differences?
0 likesAs of yet, there is just the one Zebra, named Zecora.
As opposed to the Donkeys and Mules, Zecora is more then the cheap Pun, she is actively partaking in the stories.
Is she perform magic similiar enough to Pony Magic, why not expect the mark to follow after a similiar pattern?
From a point, she is suppiosed to be similiar, just so mysterious, she had to be portraid so differently there is something to fearfrom her.ย she needs more then a different speach, in part since both the Apples and Rarity clearly speak differently, compared with most other Ponies?
It could also be the reason Tirek (Hope I spelled that right) took magic from the 3 tribes and not non-ponies. Or it could be star-swirl's cough cough Discord Cough Cough ย magic gone wrong.
0 likesI think its because pony's can become princesses, like Twilight and Cadence. I haven't seen a Zebra princess or a Donkey princess. Any ways pony's carry magic in the tribes they are in, Earth Ponies are the strongest, Unicorns have magic and Pegasi have their wings and can stand on clouds. The cutie marks symbolize their destinies and like Twilight's cutie mark it shows that she was meant to be a princess. The whole thing on Luna... I think either she was born with that little black splotch or it represents her as Night Mare Moon...
0 likesI think the reason only ponies have cutie marks is that ponies value destiny and control of their lives more than the other races.
0 likesThe others may not believe that one's place in life is set, so they don't need a mark to tell them their place.
I think your right about the tattoo because zecora likes mixing potions and brews and her mark doesn't look like anything about potions this is just a opinion.
1 likeHey brony notion, zecora's mark means the healer, the shaman, or the first shaman which in essence what she is with her potions and so on. Also she is generally a healer since the past two times she has been put in she has been trying to help heal the ponies of an affliction or solve a problem in general.
0 likesIf you check Zecora's wiki page, the mark on her flank IS a cutie mark! She is notably the only non-pony character to have one.
0 likes(i always thought the reason luna has the black splotches on her flank is because when she turned into nightmare moon it corrupted her in a way that could never be cured making the black spot appear, when she got turned back that black spot was still there and it was the same color as her pelt when she was nightmare moon. Maybe shes infected and can willingly turn into nightmare moon as she pleases? in lullaby for a princess celestia says something about a limelight taking hold of the mind of its hosts i think that was the dark energy that caused it to appear and made her mane change colors. In part 2 of the first episode that blue blob was following twilight and her friends around and it looked alot like lunas mane which changed in the second season into the shape of it. Maybe she may change back into nightmare moon in season 4 or maybe even 5?)
0 likesWell, with Zecora if you look at it, you realize it's a Tribal Image of the SUN.ย Where else would you go to get closer to the Sun than to head to Equestria, where its Monarch is strictly tied to it?
0 likesHave anyone else noticed that Cadence's cutie mark features the crystal heart?
0 likesI think Zecora has a cutie mark for 3 possible reasons...
0 likes1. Maybe a family member was a pony.
2. Zebra's are basically just ponies with stripes.
3. Maybe in some back story she was granted it...
I think the blotch on Luna's flank is part of her coat, like how pipsqueak is double colored .
0 likesI think Zcoreo's mark represents her speaking in rhymes which is associated with witchcraft but she is because she's kind of a witch doctor. But the spiky part I have no idea...
0 likesI have an idea on Luna and why she still had the black markings when her cutie make disappeared. She's an appaloosa. It makes sense.
0 likesBtw look at the elements of harmony shards and count them. There are at least five shards so I think it's the rest of the mane 6 besides the element of harmonys spirit or one of the mane six but for twilight there are at least seven two for her parents, three for the princesses, and two for shining armor and spike. I think it doesn't show the other mane six on the element cause she already has them on her real cutie mark this is my own opinion
0 likesOkay, I didn't realize this until I put on my headphones. But I can hear some pops from the microphone and some slight background noise. I recommend you use Audacity to clean up the audio and put a pop filter on your microphone, if you can't do that, a sock works too. (unless you are using a headset microphone, in which case ignore what I said)
0 likesJust trying to be helpful, but other then that, keep up the awesome work.
I didnt think it was a cutie mark! Luna's blotches are rather natural, but if it was part of her cutiemark, it would've made sense if it meant that she could walk in ponies dreams, because it kinda looks like a dream bubble/cloud.
0 likesHmm... I'm quite puzzled about The Flim Flam Brothers. What do their cutie marks actually mean? Considering that they, as you said, spam the other ponies (consumers/buyers/etc.) with fake or non-working items. (Example: In the episode when AppleJack got her Rainbow Reflection from the coin the other pony gave her) So, should the Flim-Flam brother's have a different cutie Mark? What does It mean as I said before, how does it show what the pony resembles,what their personality means or what their personal experiences with other ponies are?
1 likeI think Luna's black parts on her flank are body markings that go along with her cutie mark. Once I saw Season 4 Finale, I thought the 4 circles represented Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and Non-Pony creatures, and they go along with the cresent moon because she raises and lowers the moon for all 4 groups, and the black parts just popped up with her cutie mark, or they started to show as she got older.
0 likesThe cutie mark also represents there magic so it is possible zacora has no magic but in my opinion I think her cutie mark represents her home how she travels and spread the nature of her culture so it may be the sign of her home rather than her talent unless that is her talent is teaching other ponies more about her talent if u would like to talk to me I am one hangout with same name many of your theories is similar to mine but I do have so say I disagree on some theories u said but I do respect your ideas so ta ta for now
0 likesThe dark splotches on Luna's flank is just regular markings. She might be an appaloosa.
0 likesI know that this might be off topic...
0 likesBut you know how Shining Armour married Cadence?
If Cadence was a princess and she married a regular unicorn, wouldn't that make Shining Armour a prince?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but any royal pony is an alicorn, so when Shining Armour got married, why didn't he get wings?
ย ย ย ย ย Get ready for a long one! Seriously, a really long one. It's like, 8 paragraphs.ย ย ย ย ย
0 likesย ย ย ย I think only ponies have cutiemarks because in MLP FIM ponies are the, "Next humans". Meaning, they are intelligent and have similar to our modern science, although some are a bit behind the times.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย For example, buildings, horse drawn carridges, ships, statues, fashion, and paintings (those 3 show that they are creative and care about more than just survival like humans), and lamp posts. That last one doesn't seem that important and kind of random, but it shows that ponies can use electrical wiring.
ย ย ย ย ย ย Although it is shown that other species such as donkies/mules, zebras, cows, griffons and dragons are capable of communicating with other species and have emotions, they are not the most intelligent species and don't effect the MLP FIM world as much, so they don't have as strong of destinies as ponies do and don't have cutiemarks because of this.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย But that's just my opinion, and many other people think that it's because cutiemarks are the source of a ponies magic, and I think that's a great theory too.
ย ย ย ย ย ย
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย The reason I think it's not that simple as that, is because I think a pony's cutiemark is not the source of a ponies magic, but rather a reflection of it. When a pony finds out who they are meant to be, and what their special magic is they get their cutimark. This is not the same as Unicorn magic, but closer to Alicorn magic.
ย ย ย ย ย Like what happened to Twilight, Cadence, and I'm guessing Celestia and Luna too, is when they found out that they had a very powerful magic inside of them stronger that an average pony's magic (Alicorn magic), proving them worthy of being an Alicorn and a Princess.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย A regular pony with magic as a cutiemark would be very good at magic for multiple things, as shown at first. But Twilight has the power to spread freindship all over Equestria. And since Friendship is Magic, Twilight has inside her, "The most powerful magic of all, the Magic of Friendship" (as stated in Equestria Girls), she is worthy of being an Alicorn Princess.
ย ย ย ย ย ย I could say almost the same thing for Cadence. A regular pony might have the talent of spreading love all over Equestria. But Cadence was a Pegasus before an Alicorn. This isn't a red flag because it's doesn't have to be a magical talent. She could just be really good at working out people's problems, have an attitude that makes people appreciate having someone special in their life. But MLP FIM has shown she is capable of much more than that and, I think you get the idea.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Oh my gosh, that was so much longer than it was supposed to be. If you actually read through the whole thing, tell me. I don't think it's going to be a lot.
In my opinion, I think cutie marks being in only ponies, shows that they are the or one of the dominant species in Equestria. Kinda like they are the human equivilents in Equestria, being more highly evolved creatures with a sense of power. But it is just my opinion!
0 likesIย never thoughtย the dark spots were part of Luna's cutie mark because of her nightmare moon form. In this form the spots are purple while the moon remains white, this suggests that they were always meant to be visible as they form a pattern in her fur. This makes Luna more special as she is the only pony with patterned fur.
0 likesBut Zicora has magic too far more than any earth pony why wouldn't she have a cutie mark, personally I think the reason she doesn't live with other zebras is because they dont have magic and she does.
0 likesI think its because Lauren faust needed this to make more episodes. If you noticed a good portion of the episodes in mlp are centered around cutie marks. Or she wanted to teach little kids about growing up to fast
0 likesI think luna was born with that plotch. I feel the same way about zecoras (maybe i spelled that wrong) cutie mark.
0 likesI'd have to agree with what many have said so far, ponies in this world are the only ones with enough inherent magical power for cutie marks to manifest in. In the show we've seen that the other races, while having magic of there own, not having enough to match that of the three races of ponies. The only other beings that have come close to magic on the same level as the princesses has been Tirec( know I spelt that wrong but am not going to look it up now), Chrysalis and Disorder. However to explain why they don't is simple, Tirec needed to steel the magic of everypony in Equestria and Discord to match the equivilant magic of all four princesses. Chrysalis only had enough to take on Cylistia after munching of shining for god knows who long. As for Discord he represents the opposite of every thing the ponies stand for, even after his true "reform" at the end of season four, his nature is to not follow the crowd. I could go on but this is just a comment so I'll end it here.
0 likesI once heard that Flim and Flam were changelings, I'm not sure if that's true, but look at the color of their magic. In the Canterlot Wedding episode, the evil Cadence's magic was the exact same color. It may be a coincidence, but wouldn't Flim and Flam's magic aura color match their cutie marks, which are apples, making the color red? I'm not sure if this is true or not, but it's an interesting thought, that I do know for sure.
0 likesmaybe Zecora does have a cutie mark and it might be cause she has a special talent and she is the only zebra we have seen but the others don't because maybe their talent is so alike it would be boring if all of them had the same cutiemark!!! well anyway that is my theory.
1 likeI think cutie marks do not come for themselves. Instead, I believe that there's an "allmighty alicorn God cutie mark creator", father of Celestia and Luna. These last two are the oldest creatures in all mlp universe (u no say) appart from Chrysalis)) , but also the first ones who got cutie marks, thanks to their father. This God just gives cutie marks to earth, pegasus and unicorn type ponies. Why? because Celestia and Luna started the procreation of the ponie species. How? once upon a time, Sombra was kind and loved the princesses. But the time passed, and Sombra became ambitious for the power of the sisters, and standed against them. Celestia and Luna asked for help to their father, and he granted them the power to defeat Sombra. Once this happened, the sisters had their cutie marks as a gift from the God. The sisters ruled the most powerful kindom in all mlp universe: Equestria. That's why every villan wants to rule it. Queen Chrysalis is this God's wife, wich also turned ambitious for the power. As punishment, the God turned her into an altern alicorn, like rotten. To the theory in the video, I think Chrysalis was the first bannished and not by the princesses, but by the God. Remember, this is only another theory, I'm not trying to improve the series nor to say that this is true, but makes you think quite a bit in my opinion...
0 likesSnips and Snails is just a joke off of the poem what little boys are made of.
1 likeWhat are little girls made of? Sugar, spice and everything nice.
What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
I think Lauren Faust really likes this little poem since there are the ingredients to make the perfect little girls... and the Rowdy Rough Boys.
Horses originally have a mark where the cutie mark is. It is because so the owners of the horses can tell then apart. That may be why nothing else has a cutie mark. But I can't explain what's with the zebras.
0 likesI think the reason that Luna has a dark patch maybe due to her corruption from nightmare moon. Even though she is peaceful now the scars of what she did are still there, leaving that mark on her flank. This theory doesn't work too well but I like it.
1 likeReplies (5)
I love your theory!... but she still had the spots in the flashback of Discord being banished for the first time. This was before she was banished.
0 likes@The Brony Notionย Hum... maybe and answer to this is that she always had a little bit of evil inside of her?
0 likes@The Brony Notionย If you look at both Luna and Nightmare Moon, they are inverted versions of one another. It could be that Luna has extreme personality disorder and Nightmare is the other personality. That could explain why she has that discoloration and nopony else does, and also why it is still there when she loses her magic. It might have nothing to do with her cutie mark.
1 like@xerotheturtleย Boom, answer! I like your thinking!
0 likes@Alice Winsor i like that theory too. It seems most believable based on facts against theories. It couldnt have been from Nightmare Moon, because she still has it in the flashback to before the evil took over.
0 likesIn your "why discord is too Starswirl the bearded" i refrenced a book i have. The Journal of the Two Pony Sisters. It includes ponies meeting zebra for the first time and it says they have cutie marks.
0 likesI believe why other 'people' besides ponies dont have cutie marks is becuse they are not as magical as unicorns pegisui (pegasus sc?) and earth ponies. unicorns of course have magic that comes from there horns or maybe themselves that can be used to do different things, pegausi (sc?) becuz the have wing to fly their bones are liter and the fact that they can stand on/touch clouds says that they have magical abilities that they cant use like a unicorn but can be used at an unconicous level where they dont have to focus to stand, touch, or sleep on clouds. Earth ponies the fact that they can use strength stronger than other ponies to do outside work such as bucking apples tells us that they have magical properties that allows them to have the strength to do that work. All though pegasus and earth ponies dont have as much magical power as unicorns doesnt mean they dont have any. Thats why other animal/creatures/people/characters dont get cutie marks they have natural born abilitie that dont require magic of any kind to do anything they dont need magic to do what they do. Ponies are born with magic while the non pony characters are born with natural non magical abilities, thats why they dont have cutie marks. :3
0 likesand about Sombra's cutiemark he has it under his blanket or thing. If you watch video- a tale of one shadow- then you see that he has a cutiemark :D
1 likeIn super speedy cider squeezey, flim and flam never intended to be tricky or deceive, they were just showing that their machine could make cider with less work than traditional methods. The only time they started deceiving was because, for some reason, the Apple family feels threatened even though they could have worked WITH flim and flam to make cider faster. Instead, Apple Jack bets the whole apple farm that the sscs won't beat hard work... They seem to want to avoid innovation in that episode. Do the Apples have a fear of Change and Innovation? if so, why? They can use that technology same as every pony else would.ย
1 likeI think that zebras have glyph marks. Some people think that glyph marks are like cutie marks except they stay the same color palette as their colors. Some other people say that glyph marks are the symbol of their tribe, I'm not sure. But I say that their like cutie marks.
0 likesAlso, don't use pony creator. I've seen thousands of OCs with that hair style. You'll seem more professional.
What if those dark blotches were from a bit of nightmare moon as a mark that never really went away like Harry potter's scar
0 likesIn a comic that I have read snips was able to cut a rope with his buck teeth and said that's what his cutiemark was was about
0 likesSun - open, warming, illuminates all, but none can approach or be truely close to, doomed to be alone.
0 likesMoon - soft, yet concealed light. illuminates a few. can be approached safely but it takes time.
I do think its a little wrong that only ponys have cutie marks. But I think zecora dose have a cutie mark, because she is a important character, and a zebra is close to a pony. But then again, donkeys should have cutie marks.
0 likesI also think its wrong that Bunnys and birds are pets, but cows, sheep, dragons, unicorns, ponys, and Pegasus, are able to talk, and do things!
It's probably the magical properties of each pony that allow cutiemarks to form (or plane and simple MAJIK!!!!!!)
0 likeswhat program did you use to make the logo at: 00:08- 00:12, and how do you record your videos? I want to do this kind of stuff as well.
0 likesi think the that they are showing different types for princess that are different because you see no one else that has different colored wings-Cadence ย is the bigger than any ponie i have see-Celestia ย the splotches on the hindquarters-Luna ย but than there is twilight who is showing normallityย
1 likeThis is showing they want all the princess to be different to show that they are specil other than they are alicorns and showing that they repersent types of ponies and be specil
But that is just my theory but it sounds better in my head ย :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)ย
I think Zecora is half pony-half zebra. So maybe it IS a cutie mark.
1 likeHold on a second that doesnt make any sense. Why did (for example) Silver Spoon parents named her that way? Did they know her cutiemark will be silver spoon? or Diamond Tiara (is that even a name?) or Snails ,what a "name".
0 likesP.S.Twilights cutiemark is connected somehow with the tree of harmony :P.
Well, I'd think that the reason only ponies would have cutie marks would be because of how it's like they're superior to other species, in the same way humans are with animals. Mabey they just have a better intelligence level, similarly to humans.
0 likesI think that only horses of some type have cutie marks because of the destiny and if it was on a cow or donkey that would just look strange right?
0 likes> Action > Realisation > Acceptance
0 likesUnless you follow the entire process correctly, there is no mark.
just look at the scene where Apple Jack got hers?
The black splotches, Luna was born with, the moon part is her cutie mark
0 likesTwilights freinds are main characters and the princesses and the ponies also get cuity marks cause they are slmost characters that help cover the main ones and zecora as well but the other characters who dont then is cause they only appear one time and theirs no need to waist cuitymarks on characters who only appear in the show more than once or twice
0 likesthe brony notion's right, each pony's cutie mark represents who they are. for example one of the characters he didn't feature was prince blue blood. he has a 4 pointed star that's yellow the colour of the sun and another one behind it that's the exact colour of the moon. for he being celestia and Luna's nephew his cutie mark has a part of them in it for yellow is celestia and the grey colour of the moon is Luna so it represents that he is a part of celestia and luna. maybe he'll raise the sun one day for back in ponyville's past unicorns used to raise and set the sun and the moon so maybe that will come in my little pony's future.ย
0 likesi think zecora got that cutie mark every animal/pony is different
0 likesWell in other video about horses they do not seem to have a cutiemark so maybe... just maybe... when and if the become horses their cutiemark fades away... As their destiny as "ponies" are over or has been completed or blah blah blah... and are sent to places like Saddle Arabia or such... but in the back of my mind while typing this i thought what if.... if they dont complete their destiny in some asset they are reincarnated to try to refill their destiny or to complete a completely different destiny/job so yeah.. my OC had to do the same but it went Alicorn->Earth->Pegasus->Unicorn->Alicorn so she could learn how to fill here destiny as the pincess of Clockwork/steam punk
1 likeZacoras cutie mark is a cutie mark cause that she is tetnicly a pony, zebras are ponies only with stripes, but they have some more differences than just that
0 likesSo based on that logic, maybe there'll be two girl ponies named Sugar and Spice? I mean, girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.
0 likesif dsicord was a pony what do you think his cutie mark would be?
0 likesQuestion: why do cutiemarks only appear on ponies? Answer: GENETICS.
0 likesYeah ponies have cute mark because they got magic all the pony on the equsestria got magic like earth pony they don't have horn but they have magic on there body which means there magic help them do there job
1 likeI think Luna's dark blotches are a birth mark when she was born
0 likesI think only ponies have magic because of the ep of season 4 terik didn't take any magic from any other animal's
0 likesalso i think the reason i always do this is because i have a LOT of things on my chest about MLP and then you take those things and put them as a video but i change em up a little
0 likesI think Luna has the black blotches on her flank because she was once corrupted and now she has power over her transformation to nightmare moon and the black blotches are a sign for her power over her transformation?
0 likesthe reason that zeicora has a cutie mark is because she is a zebra and there closer to ponys then donkeys are
0 likesmaybe since luna is supposed to be the opposite of her sister couldn't that be luna would have markings and celestia wouldn't to show the contrast between the two? plus aren't moon kinda you know special and the sun is to in different ways?
0 likesI think Zecoras cutie mark/ tattoo is a birds eye view of a cauldron that has a swirled liquid inside and the spikes represent flames sticking out the bottom of the cauldron ย ย
0 likesOne thing:
0 likesWhy is the name that same as the CM?
Snails is a snail snips is a scissor
Diamond tiara is a diamond tiara
maybe the dark splotches repersent her dark side or nightmare moon there by it is always there
0 likesI think Luna and clestia represent yin and yang Good and Bad
0 likesOne word: magic
0 likesSo becuz ponies have magical abilities they can magically get marks on their butts to tell them what they r suppose to do with their life. Only ponies have the magic it takes to get a cutie mark. X3
0 likesI have a theory about cutie marks not appearing on other animals other than ponies. Its because of the more magical quality of the ponies such as unicorns, a pegasis, and earth ponies(yes earth ponies are magical they are incredibly strong for there small size and there ability to farm extraordinarily well) and not to forget alicorns with there extremely high magical properties. And the fact the ponies in the show are clearly the superior dominate species so the get a few perks
0 likes2:13
0 likes"But why are they selling apples if they work in PAIRS?"
Hey you should do a video "How do ponies get their names before there cutie mark revels?" If u do the video, can u give me partial credit? :) Thanks
0 likesbut... luna doesnt have a splat of ink and a moon for her cutiemark.... its just a moon!!
0 likesI do think it is a cutiemark. Why?because it shows she's a zebra and that she gives advice in rhymes.that explain the swirl.she talks in rhymes even when she's not giving advice.
0 likesFrom
Sparkle Singโ๐๐ถ
I just relized that the way that the apples in the film flam bros. Cutie marks are they can also mean not the whole truth, they don't tell everything to the story
1 likedid you notice sorin has a cutie mark that looks the same as the wonderbolt's simble?
0 likessorry for bad writingย
oh ya its a little kids show that's why marks only appear on ponies in fact the name of the show is called "my little pony"
Can you say what u think apple bloom's, sweetie belle's and scootaloo's cutie marek might be. And the representation. Pweeeease. Xxx
0 likesSnips is probably going to be a barber, and Snails a gardener...ย
1 likeI think Luna could have 2 cutie marks. :D ย Least likely ย :P ย well what if she has two destinys? her destiny to be evil and cause eternal night as night mare moon? Or her normal way of raising the moon. ย The moon cutie mark could repersent the moon raising. and the black stuff on her could be her nightmare moon cutie mark. ย This probably is the least likely idea but anyways thats my thoughts
0 likesmaybe the black spots came with the cutie mark but when Luna became nightmare moon and then turned back (after 1000 years) the spots became permanent to mark that part of her life. also now Luna knows she can visit ponies in there dreams maybe the spots stayed to represent her new knowledge of how she can help ponies other than raising the moon. ย
0 likesyeah i thought those blotches were part of it too... i actually figured that out BEFORE that episode i forgot ow though
0 likeszicora is a mix beatween a pony and a zibera so she has a cutee mark
0 likes03:36 hmmm maybe it was made to be so by i dunno celestia and lunas great great great ancestirs or something? im definitly going to write a fangic about this
1 likeThis is good to learn
0 likesI think luna might be an apaloosa
0 likesI have no idea why ponies have cutie marks! :-)
0 likesLUNA IS A APPALOSSA!! Sorry I kind of got mad but luna is an appalossa, a horse with little spots of their back/flank.
0 likesLuna was born with it on her flank
0 likesI think Luna painted that spot
0 likeszecora is basicaliy a pony becuse she is a horse and ponys are miniatere horses, so its a cutie mark for sure.
0 likesBecause ponies are close friends to magical creatures.
0 likesmy oc cutie mark is a pokeball and a knight ( chess piece ) because i love pokemon and even my nickname is the pokemon queen, the knight, however, is for my love of chess and usage of the knight itself, i am a master of the horse piece and that is my cutie mark, y'all can reply to what your oc cutie mark is and why if y'all like
0 likesi believe that ponies are the only ones to be able to have cutie marks is because ponies are the only creatures that we know of besides discord and tirek to be able to use magic. even earth ponies and pegasi have individual types of magic so that could be why they have cutie marks. their magicย has more influence over the world and also I could be a way to tell diferent ponies apart from each other and to add depth to their characters and if the other creatures had cutie marks it would clog up the shots and make them too messy. what doesย a cow or a dog need a cutie mark for anyway?
0 likesThe link to part one just sends back to part 2 again.
0 likesi know becuse i work with the show. its becuse ponys have more things to do with there destine and there this is most oveis they apear when they find there tailent its a mark of witch means there tailent so other ponys know what there good at and help them get comfedens
1 likeI think ponies has cutie marks because all the other animals are like fimiliar to there talent but for ponies they don't know what there talent until show what there talent
0 likesI rember hearing somthing about snips wanting to cut hair in the show
0 likesLol I thought the same thing about Lunas cutie mark. Now it just looks like someone spilled ink on her butt
0 likesI think Snips got his cutie mark for cutting hair. Look at his hair it looks like he cut it himself just like most kids do at least once in their lives. Because he is clumsy. immature, too young, etc.. he didn't do a good job but when he grows up maybe he'll be a barber pony. ย ย
0 likeswell zebras are alot like horses only zebras have strips and horses dont
0 likesI think ponies are just too cool for mule.
0 likeswhat do u call a female horse who goes out all night??? A nightmare!!
0 likesactually on zecora zebras are actually horses
0 likescan you do something about the flim flam brothers
0 likesDuh cutie marks are magic and only the ponys have magic
0 likes@The Brony Notionย Simple, Luna is a pain/apaloosa pony, that's why the blotch stays.ย
0 likesMaybe ponies have unique destinies whilst everybody else's destiny are the unimportant and don't have a huge factor in the well being of equestria. Basically basically you don't see a donkey being the commander of the royal guard or as a well know sorcerous of magic. Or maybe ponies are the supreme beings of equestria and everybody else is unimportant.
1 likeReplies (4)
That's sad for the Donkeys though. Plus Hasbro should be teaching equality to kids. Maybe you're right, but I hope not! /)
0 likeswait just a second i just thought of something, ok so i think it was an episode in season 4 when the everfree forest starts to over grow and the both luna and celestia get captured and are no where to be seen. If it weren't for Zecoras potion that allowed twilight to see into the past, twilight wouldn't have been able to find the tree of harmony and return the elements of harmony to the tree to stop the forest from growing. hold on i think im getting somewhere with this, maybe non pony destines are just as important and pony destines. there just not as easy to see and not as noticeable. Here's an example, an alien comes to earth to take over, it is up to a group of people to stop it. there is said to be only one way to stop the alien and that is to, i don't know shoot it with a weapon of some sort. Well the people dont know where to find this weapon and they think all is lost until someone tells them the possible location of the weapon. The group of ย people find the weapon and kill the alien and become heros and are graced with glory and wealth. Now the group of people are ponies but the person who told them the location of the weapon is a donkey or a minatore, or even a zebra, and possible the creator of the weapon is a donkey and so on and so forth. As you can see if it weren't for the person who created the weapon and the person who told the group of people the location of the weapon the alien would have killed everybody. So maybe if it weren't for the non ponies in equestria, equestria wouldn't be were is was today. Now i think there are some other moments where this has taken place in mlp. Ok so im pretty sure that Iron Will teaches fluttershy to be more assertive and have more courage came out before they reformed discord. Maybe if it weren't for Iron Will teaching fluttershy, even though she did go over board with it she still retained some of what she learned to stand up to Iron Will, fluttershy wouldn't have been able to stand up to discord or even talk to him. Now that episode with pinkiepie and that one donkey that didn't want to be friends with her ( and i would have liked to put a 70 round drum mag of PPSH41 into his face when he denied her friendship) but any way if it weren't for him being as stubborn as he was pinkpie wouldn't have been able to be so determined to be friends with him that she might have actually given up. Now im pretty sure there is alot more like with the Chanlings or with the 6 manes pets but this comment is already to long and i applaude anybody who has stayed around reading this comment full of misspelled words and unorganized information to this point but the main idea is that if it weren't for non pony destines equestria would be completely destroyed by now. and bear with me but here is a couple of ideas that i came up with: star swirled the beardeds teacher was a non pony and ย the creator the elements of harmony was a non pony, and by a couple i meant a couple of ideas and as always Brohoof /) ย ย
0 likes@Miner Bro man that logic thought I applaud ur analisis of the situation and the question and I agree with ur paragraph long explanation but it still dosnt answer the question y not donkeys or other animals I think my coment along with some others will answer that question unless u have another theory if so please do share it
0 likes@Dillan Daniels
0 likesWell cutie marks tend to vanish when ponies are drained of their magic, so maybe the other races just don't have enough magic to manifest their cutie marks...?
Ya!why don't people have magical marks on their bums the represent the special talent!
0 likesWe'll ponies are cute hence the name CUTIE mark
1 likeIs probably because of she makes possess
0 likesI love my little pony
Because ponies are awesome. That's why only ponies have cutie marks.
0 likeswho knows maybe only ponies have the magical potencial to hearn a cutie markย
0 likesZebras are a kind of pony/horse
0 likesZecora is a zebra, which is a type of horse.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesBecause all of the non ponies except zecora have fur maybe they have there cutie marks under the fur
0 likesReplies (1)
+SevenSiningStars Ponies have fur, too.
0 likesZebras have cutie marks to if you read the diary of the two sisters
0 likesI have theory about Luna's cutie mark similiar to princess rainbow dash. What if that black mark WAS a part of cutie mark but it was her jealosy and her dark side. Maybe nightmare moon is still there but she is inferiour now in het body and nightmare moon's mahgic is not the part of luna's magic. So Luna gave all of her magic to Twilight but not nightmare's magic. But i think that now nightmare moon's magic is not strong enough that's why luna stayed luna.
0 likesDo analyzing mlp names.
0 likesthink its because the ponies are have my talens any look at the mane six some are fast fashionble
0 likesand some can be really smart and some
ย do lead ย and some like apples and some ย really want apple ย and its about ponys
ya know im kinda sad to here its not a cutie mark :-((
0 likes2:42 ........ Molester moon.......... (smosh reference)
0 likesWell the show is my little PONY so well you understand
0 likesFlim flames brothers cutiemark go together flim cutieMark is a half of a Apple and flames cutiemark is almost full a Apple.
0 likesThe title is my little pony it's not mules or things like that that's why
0 likesIt's called MyLittlePony.
I think Luna is an aplusa
0 likesbecause ponys are magic
0 likesI think that ponies are the only ones because... 1:01-1:04
0 likesWell if cutie marks represent their character.....why does king Sombra and Chrysalis don't have one?Is that even possible that King and Queen don't have cutie marks in the first place??
0 likesReplies (11)
King Sombra DOES have a cutie mark...his armor just covers it up. And also, Queen Chrysalis doesn't have a cutie mark because she's not a pony, she's a Changeling, the Queen of Changelings, to be precise.
5 likesoh.....
0 likes@Yi-Yi Lian no chrysalis has one im pretty sure I looked it up and I got a dead rose with holes in it as her cutie mark
0 likes@LPSgal AJ
0 likesFanmade.
@LPSgal AJ I think that was a headcanon.
0 likesI have to agree with Yi-Yi Lian on this one: Changelings are not really ponies, though they look like ones. There's also those breezies, and they don't have cutie marks. So breezies, changelings and ponies (and donkeys etc.) are different species.
2 likesI think ponies and changelings can be kinda compared to elves and orcs from the Lord of the Rings; orcs were elves once, but once some of them were tortured for generations, they eventually lost their connection with nature, magic and beauty, turning them into the monsters they now are. Please don't kill me if I explained that wrong! I really haven't read Silmarillion, but my dad has, and he's the one who explained that to me, when we were watching the movies one time. :D
Well.....yes but why only ponies have cutiemarks while others have markings?
0 likesCause... Magic? I dunno. It's My Little Pony. Don't over think it to much, you'll hurt yourself.
0 likes@Grimdark Fluttershy I agree with @TheTrilogical. As we see, getting a cutie mark is part of the magic of Equestria. The other animals, well, don't posses this magic. Come on, when have we ever seen a dog fly (apart from R.D.'s dream), a donkey do magic, and a buffalo raise the sun? Cutie marks are magical. But I wonder if one pony won't EVER get their cutie mark...that would be'd be like sort of like a Squib in pony form, I guess.
0 likesWell, the entire show is actually about ponies, so maybe that's why only they have magical cutie marks? Does it need to be any more complex than that?
0 likesKing Sombra has one, i think. Isnt it like 3 crystals, representing the crystal empire? If you ask me, maybe King Sombra might have been an over ruled King of the crystal empire. And as for Chrissy, she isn't exactly a "Pony". shes a Changeling. Changelings cant have cutie marks because they might stick with them through transformation.......... OR it could be hasbro being lazy ;P
0 likesZecora is related to da ponys
0 likesOther things may not be Mageic
0 likesso thats probley why she has a cutie mark
0 likesIt's just Luna's butt
0 likesAnd what about aj's cutiemark? You said something about twilight, rainbow dash, rarity, pinkie and flutters.... :<
0 likesi think princess celestia has somethig to do with cutei marksย
0 likesEmoji๐๐๐go!
0 likesOk now I'm luna my fave princes
I think ponys are specal
0 likesk u got a good point there
0 likesSorry, but molester moon is on the luna analysis. XD
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likessomepony ######## that all dankys,zebras and ponys need cutiemarks!
0 likesponies are the only ones whith cutie marks because they only have the right shape and also because they are the main animals in the whole of the serease hello its ovious my little PONY!
0 likeshey the brony noption zecora is a zebra
0 likesI don't know.. I'm confused. Halp.
0 likescutie marks are just racist that way.
0 likesif you press part 1 its the same vid
0 likesReplies (3)
@allie griffin Oh thanks for pointing that out!
0 likesur wellcome
0 likes+The Brony Notion MOO
0 likesCool
0 likesGreat pun...
0 likesReplies (4)
Thank you :3
1 like+The Brony Notion since the moon has black dots maybe luna was born with the black dots to show how she represents the moon to every little spot this would make sense since she is the princess of the moon
1 like+The Brony Notion u replied ๐ฑโค๏ธ yay thx sorry I'm late tho
0 likes+Maria Posada that's what I wanted to say but then different
0 likesUh, see the giant Explenation of me in thw prev. Anelizabahahawahwa Video... Squeek
0 likesWhy don't you you know do something on the rainbow rocks movie and hasbro should make a princess no one knows about and hey why not clestia and Luna's parents
0 likesDat emoji do ๐
0 likesReplies (6)
1 like๐๐
0 likes๐๐๐๐
0 likes๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likes+rainbowyokitty ๐๐๐
0 likes๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
0 likesYea um maybe only ponies because its NOT REAL!!!Just kidding. It must be in their genes of something. But I'm not a long expert.
0 likesZecora I don't know
0 likesI have goten a cutie mark its painfull
2 likesReplies (1)
I'm a cutie mark crusader. I've yet to get mine lol
1 like------------------------------------------
I think the black on luna's plot was Grown into her, If you look closely on Luna Eclipsed, and the piolet, Luna's hair AND cutie mark looked different. As Luna gets angry and Sad with ponies and her magic gets weaker as in the piolet luna's cutie mark had no black and her mane was like a normal pony.
I think it symbalizes her magic abiltes and her limets, as she is not used to it as celestia.
Replies (1)
Notion please reply to this if you agree.
0 likeswhy is there always 73 comments?
1 likeOr talents
0 likesHahahahah๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesmeh I agee
0 likesnot to be rude
0 likes๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ
0 likesI don't know u I don't know my my sister did that
0 likesIts u Uncle aahhhahahahahahahahaha
0 likesAre you a girl
0 likesare you a boy or girl
0 likesReplies (1)
Johnny Joseph me girl
0 likesSorry I did not get that
0 likesWork in pears that funny and no is funny 2
0 likesum wutubaoot sunset
0 likessquak
0 likesDisappeared
0 likesUhh i got nothing
0 likesno clue.
0 likesracism
0 likesIts bicoz .its u Uncle
0 likesiPony
0 likesHI so what's up bro
0 likesor speller
0 likesHihihihiiiiiiiiiii
0 likesWell, Zacora is a zebra and she wouldn't have a cutie mark because, well, SHE'S A ZEBRA, like come on.
1 likeReplies (1)
Well don't jump to conclusions here. Maybe zebra do have marks, we just haven't seen more than Zecora. We don't know if every zebra has a mark or not, or even if Zecora has a mark since we know little about the zebra race as a whole. Just keep that in mind
2 likesnot wvy
0 likesw9oooookkkiiiii
0 likesI am elive
0 likesThanks but what
0 likes๐ท๐ด...
0 likesmrflimflam
0 likesNope
0 likesno I am not
0 likesMrflimflam
0 likesM.L
0 likeswhat is your name
0 likesFirst ๐
0 likesI yay
0 likeshi
0 likesI think that Zecora is NOT a zebra. Why? Because no Zebra can do witch craft or so to speak magic with no horn. and i no she has no horn but, Tiric from season 4 rap-up took earth pony magic as well. earth ponys have strength and do unexpexted things. so maybe Zecora is an earth pony and was thought to come from a far away land but maybe she is only thought forren because she looks different and remember no pony goes into the everfree forest untill applebloom followed her. and zecora looks a bit older but not much compared twlight. so maybe she moved in after the two pony sisters castle was destroyed or maybe she didn't.ย
0 likesReplies (5)
we haven't seen any zebra other then zecora, so we cannot assume that her being able to use magic and brew potions is something unique to her alone. though i do think potion brewing is zecora's special talent as that seems to be her main focus.
0 likesZecora also speaks in riddles and I think that's what the spiral means
0 likesno, not exactly, a spiral is a sign of hypmitisim, and therefor it is a sign of witch-craft, and the sun part of whats defintly a cutiemark, stands for the cultre of africia and also that she has no family, witch they thought ย was a gift from the sun. (this is what i've heared of.) so most of you must not be very smartย
0 likesEven if your crazy claim that she's not a zebra is true, it's possible she might be half zebra and half pony.
0 likesya but .... i say wat da hex !
0 likeslol hex
My name is