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Conqueroo&From The Vulcan Gas Company 1968 Full Album 2..,,

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HISTORY ROCKERRULA-LADISLAV&Z!!! 2021-08-26 01:11:33

"from vulcan gasworks"
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UK - 5 hours back - POINT 008 It's hard to find, pure original printing - not published in the US.
Conqueroo were a TEXAS psych band affiliated with 13th Floor Elevators and one of the more popular bands in the local Austin (etc.) area of suppprt bands in the 1960s. Austin Texas Sixties teen-scene "head band" faves The Conqueroo
Their only LP compiled and published more than 30 years ago in England = hard to find =
Conqueroo played alongside all the great Texas garage and underground bands in the era of '67 - '68, at one time in which he was a member of Powell St John who was a prolific songwriter, his works can be found on the legendary 13th Floor Elevators albums
... He wrote for Janis Joplin early in her '66-'67 Austin Texas days. If any Austin band in the late '60s could be called the de facto house band of a Vulcan gas company, it would have to be Conqueroo.
This, despite the fact that Vulcan was self-proclaimed as a psychedelic concert hall, and Conqueroo was hardly psychedelic though certainly a hippie favorite. If any genre of music could have been tied to the eclectic Conqueroo, it wouldn't have been one, but a fusion of many: folk, rock, jazz and blues. Nevertheless, Conqueroo has been a regular at the volcano -- featured on many volcanic handheld flights and posters -- since the hall opened in October 1967. Sonobeat Records owners Bill Josey Sr. and Rim Kelley (Bill Jr.) first heard Conqueroo perform with elevators on the 13th floor at the Austin Doris Miller Auditorium in January 1967. But in the end, Conqueroo's regular performances on Vulcan convinced joseys they had to film the group.
Recording at the Vulcan Gas Company -- originally in December 1967 and again in March of '68 -- brought Sonobeat's fifth release and third rock single, pairing Conqueroo Ed Guinn's I've Got Time (with an enigmatically dramatic but unusually booked duet) and 1 to 3 (with equally dramatic but uninhibited vocals by composer Bob Brown).
No fancy recording techniques were used; the single is nothing more than two great songs passionately performed by great musicians, recorded just a little raw in one of Sonobeat's favorite places. It remains the only commercial single edition of Conqueroo's original incarnation, which has often shared a vulcan stage with Lifts, Johnny Winter or Shiva's headband.
Sonobeat released Conquero's single with a double-sided black-and-white picture sleeve designed by legendary Austin illustrator Gilbert Shelton (who lived with Conqueroo and half a dozen other different characters in a large house not far from the University of Texas campus).

A stunning image by celebrated Austin photographer Belmer Wright (not to be confused with another great Austin photographer, Burton Wilson) completed the sleeve, which has little look and feel from one of those famous Vulcan gas company handbills in the '60s.
Both sides of the sleeve are identical, except for the title of the song, with a hand regarded by Shelton. The banner running through OOs in "Conqueroo" proclaims "Recorded Live at the Vulcan Gas Co.," but the single wasn't actually recorded in front of a live audience. Shelton's sleeve art refers to "The Conqueror," but the group was later known only as "Conqueroo."
Originally scheduled as Rs-104 (which collectors will note is etched into the single's dead wax), the Conqueroo release moved a notch on Sonobeat's schedule after Shiva's headband changed its mind about releasing their single, also recorded on Vulcan and originally scheduled for release before Conqueroo.
Bill Josey Sr.'s handwritten notes on conqueroo's main strip show that both songs were recorded using two Ampex recorders with two tracks. The second recorder was used for vocal overruns that were recorded immediately after the band staged instrumental songs. There is an ethereal "other worldliness" on these recordings, relayed by the band itself, but enhanced by the huge acoustics of the Vulcan Gas Company.
While cataloguing Sonobeat's main tapes in 2008, we discovered two additional unreleased songs that Conqueroo recorded during a march '68 session and were never completed.
One song can be titled None of Your Work, Waitress. Unfortunately, there is no further information about these records in the Sonobeat archive, so we are not sure why they were never completed and published.


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rafael braga 2021-08-28 04:03:08


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Герман Кукушкин 2021-08-26 11:37:22

Незнакомо но круто дух эпохи псай

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Susie Fairfield 2021-08-28 14:54:36 (edited 2021-08-28 14:56:55 )

Awesome Love this heavy psychedelia 🤘🏾💯💘🗿💎👊🏽🏆⛏

(shared 10×FB groups)

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 01:14:21

"iz Vulkanske plinara"
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VELIKA BRITANIJA - 5 sati natrag - TOCK 008Teško je pronaći, čisti izvorni tisak - nije objavljen u SAD-u.
Conqueroo su bili TEKSAŠKI psych bend povezan s 13th Floor Elevators i jedan od popularnijih bendova na lokalnom Austin (itd.) području suppprt bendova u šezdesetim godinama.Austin Texas šezdesetih teen-scena "head band" faves The Conqueroo
Njihov jedini LP sastavljen i objavljen prije više od 30 godina u Engleskoj = teško ga je pronaći =
Conqueroo je svirao zajedno sa svim velikim teksaškim garažnim i underground bendovima u eri '67 - '68, u jednom trenutku u kojem je bio član Powell St John koji je bio plodan pisac pjesama, njegova djela mogu se naći na legendarnim albumima 13th Floor Elevators
... Pisao je za Janis Joplin rano u njezinim '66 -'67 Austin Texas danima.Ako bi se bilo koja austinska grupa kasnih 60-ih mogla zvati de facto house bend vulkanske plinarske kompanije, to bi morao biti Conqueroo.
To, unatoč činjenici da je Vulkan bio samonajavljen kao psihodelična koncertna dvorana, a Conqueroo teško psihodeličan iako svakako hipijevski miljenik. Da je bilo koji glazbeni žanr mogao biti vezan za eklektični Conqueroo, to ne bi bila jedna, već fuzija mnogih: folka, rocka, jazza i bluesa. Unatoč tome, Conqueroo je bio redoviti gost vulkana -- istaknut na mnogim vulkanskim ručnim letovima i plakatima -- od otvaranja dvorane u listopadu 1967. Vlasnici diskografskih kuća Sonobeat Records Bill Josey st. i Rim Kelley (Bill Jr.) prvi su put čuli nastup Conquerooa s dizalima na 13. katu u austinskom auditoriju Doris Miller u siječnju 1967. Ali na kraju su redoviti nastupi Conquerooa na Vulkanu uvjerili Joseyje da moraju snimiti grupu.
Snimanje u Vulkanskoj plinarskoj kompaniji -- prvotno u prosincu 1967. i ponovno u ožujku '68 - donijelo je Sonobeatovo peto izdanje i treći rock singl, uparivanje pjesme Conqueroo Ed Guinn's I've Got Time (s zagonetno dramatičnim, ali neobično rezerviranim duetom) i 1 do 3 (s jednako dramatičnim, ali nesputanim vokalom skladatelja Boba Browna).
Nisu korištene otmjene tehnike snimanja; singl nije ništa drugo nego dvije sjajne pjesme koje strastveno izvode sjajni glazbenici, snimljene samo malo sirove na jednom od omiljenih mjesta Sonobeata. To je i dalje jedino komercijalno pojedinačno izdanje originalne inkarnacije Conquerooa, koji je često dijelio vulkansku pozornicu s Liftovima, Johnnyjem Winterom ili Shivinom trakom za glavu.
Sonobeat je izdao Conqueroov singl s dvostranim crno-bijelim slikovnim rukavom koji je dizajnirao legendarni austinski ilustrator Gilbert Shelton (koji je živio s Conquerooom i još pola tuceta različitih likova u velikoj kući nedaleko od kampusa Sveučilišta u Teksasu).

Zapanjujuća slika proslavljenog austinskog fotografa Belmera Wrighta (da se ne miješa s još jednim velikim austinskim fotografom, Burtonom Wilsonom) upotpunila je rukav, koji ima malo izgleda i osjećaja jednog od onih poznatih vulkanskih gas company handbillsa 60-ih.
Obje strane rukava su identične, osim naslova pjesme, rukom koju je slovio Shelton. Transparent koji teče kroz OOs u "Conqueroo" proglašava "Recorded Live at the Vulkan Gas Co.", ali singl zapravo nije snimljen pred živom publikom. Sheltonova umjetnost rukava odnosi se na "Osvajača", ali je skupina kasnije bila poznata kao samo "Conqueroo".
Izvorno zakazano kao Rs-104 (što će kolekcionari zabilježiti urezano je u mrtvi vosak singla), izdanje Conqueroo pomaknulo se zarez na Sonobeatovom rasporedu nakon što se Shivina traka za glavu predomislila oko objavljivanja njihovog singla, također snimljenog na Vulkanu i izvorno zakazanog za izlazak prije Conqueroo-a.
Rukom pisane bilješke Billa Joseyja Sr. na glavnoj traci Conquerooa pokazuju da su obje pjesme snimljene pomoću dva Ampex snimača s dva zapisa. Drugi snimač korišten je za vokalna prekoračenja koja su snimljena odmah nakon što je sastav postavio instrumentalne pjesme. Postoji eterična "druga svjetovnost" na tim snimkama, koju je prenio sam bend, ali pojačana ogromnom akustikom Vulkanske plinske kompanije.
Dok smo katalogizirali Sonobeatove glavne vrpce 2008. godine, otkrili smo dvije dodatne neobjavljene pjesme koje je Conqueroo snimio tijekom sesije u ožujku '68 i nikada nisu dovršene.
Jedna pjesma može biti naslovljena Ništa od vašeg posla, konobarice. Nažalost, nema dodatnih informacija o tim zapisima u sonobeat arhivi, tako da nismo sigurni zašto nikada nisu dovršeni i objavljeni.


ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 01:15:50

"from vulcan gasworks"
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UK - 5 hours back - POINT 008 It's hard to find, pure original printing - not published in the US.
Conqueroo were a TEXAS psych band affiliated with 13th Floor Elevators and one of the more popular bands in the local Austin (etc.) area of suppprt bands in the 1960s. Austin Texas Sixties teen-scene "head band" faves The Conqueroo
Their only LP compiled and published more than 30 years ago in England = hard to find =
Conqueroo played alongside all the great Texas garage and underground bands in the era of '67 - '68, at one time in which he was a member of Powell St John who was a prolific songwriter, his works can be found on the legendary 13th Floor Elevators albums
... He wrote for Janis Joplin early in her '66-'67 Austin Texas days. If any Austin band in the late '60s could be called the de facto house band of a Vulcan gas company, it would have to be Conqueroo.
This, despite the fact that Vulcan was self-proclaimed as a psychedelic concert hall, and Conqueroo was hardly psychedelic though certainly a hippie favorite. If any genre of music could have been tied to the eclectic Conqueroo, it wouldn't have been one, but a fusion of many: folk, rock, jazz and blues. Nevertheless, Conqueroo has been a regular at the volcano -- featured on many volcanic handheld flights and posters -- since the hall opened in October 1967. Sonobeat Records owners Bill Josey Sr. and Rim Kelley (Bill Jr.) first heard Conqueroo perform with elevators on the 13th floor at the Austin Doris Miller Auditorium in January 1967. But in the end, Conqueroo's regular performances on Vulcan convinced joseys they had to film the group.
Recording at the Vulcan Gas Company -- originally in December 1967 and again in March of '68 -- brought Sonobeat's fifth release and third rock single, pairing Conqueroo Ed Guinn's I've Got Time (with an enigmatically dramatic but unusually booked duet) and 1 to 3 (with equally dramatic but uninhibited vocals by composer Bob Brown).
No fancy recording techniques were used; the single is nothing more than two great songs passionately performed by great musicians, recorded just a little raw in one of Sonobeat's favorite places. It remains the only commercial single edition of Conqueroo's original incarnation, which has often shared a vulcan stage with Lifts, Johnny Winter or Shiva's headband.
Sonobeat released Conquero's single with a double-sided black-and-white picture sleeve designed by legendary Austin illustrator Gilbert Shelton (who lived with Conqueroo and half a dozen other different characters in a large house not far from the University of Texas campus).

A stunning image by celebrated Austin photographer Belmer Wright (not to be confused with another great Austin photographer, Burton Wilson) completed the sleeve, which has little look and feel from one of those famous Vulcan gas company handbills in the '60s.
Both sides of the sleeve are identical, except for the title of the song, with a hand regarded by Shelton. The banner running through OOs in "Conqueroo" proclaims "Recorded Live at the Vulcan Gas Co.," but the single wasn't actually recorded in front of a live audience. Shelton's sleeve art refers to "The Conqueror," but the group was later known only as "Conqueroo."
Originally scheduled as Rs-104 (which collectors will note is etched into the single's dead wax), the Conqueroo release moved a notch on Sonobeat's schedule after Shiva's headband changed its mind about releasing their single, also recorded on Vulcan and originally scheduled for release before Conqueroo.
Bill Josey Sr.'s handwritten notes on conqueroo's main strip show that both songs were recorded using two Ampex recorders with two tracks. The second recorder was used for vocal overruns that were recorded immediately after the band staged instrumental songs. There is an ethereal "other worldliness" on these recordings, relayed by the band itself, but enhanced by the huge acoustics of the Vulcan Gas Company.
While cataloguing Sonobeat's main tapes in 2008, we discovered two additional unreleased songs that Conqueroo recorded during a march '68 session and were never completed.
One song can be titled None of Your Work, Waitress. Unfortunately, there is no further information about these records in the Sonobeat archive, so we are not sure why they were never completed and published.


Nikolaos Mosxakis 2021-08-27 12:52:28

very very fgood.........................................................................

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 01:15:01

« provenant d’usines à gaz vulcain »
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ROYAUME-UNI - 5 heures en arrière - POINT 008 Il est difficile de trouver, impression originale pure - non publié aux États-Unis.
Conqueroo était un groupe de psychisme du TEXAS affilié à 13th Floor Elevators et l’un des groupes les plus populaires dans la région locale d’Austin (etc.) des groupes de suppprt dans les années 1960. Austin Texas Sixties teen-scene « head band » faves The Conqueroo
Leur seul LP compilé et publié il y a plus de 30 ans en Angleterre = difficile à trouver =
Conqueroo a joué aux côtés de tous les grands groupes de garage et underground du Texas à l’époque de '67 - '68, à une époque où il était membre de Powell St John qui était un auteur-compositeur prolifique, ses œuvres peuvent être trouvées sur les albums légendaires de 13th Floor Elevators
... Il a écrit pour Janis Joplin au début de ses jours '66-'67 Austin Texas. Si une bande d’Austin à la fin des années 60 pouvait être appelée la bande maison de facto d’une société de gaz Vulcain, il faudrait que ce soit Conqueroo.
Ceci, malgré le fait que Vulcain était autoproclamé comme une salle de concert psychédélique, et Conqueroo était à peine psychédélique mais certainement un favori hippie. Si n’importe quel genre de musique avait pu être lié à l’éclectique Conqueroo, il n’en aurait pas été un, mais une fusion de beaucoup: folk, rock, jazz et blues. Néanmoins, Conqueroo a été un habitué du volcan - présenté sur de nombreux vols et affiches de poche volcaniques - depuis l’ouverture de la salle en octobre 1967. Les propriétaires de Sonobeat Records, Bill Josey Sr. et Rim Kelley (Bill Jr.) ont entendu Pour la première fois Conqueroo se produire avec des ascenseurs au 13e étage de l’Auditorium Austin Doris Miller en janvier 1967. Mais à la fin, les performances régulières de Conqueroo sur Vulcan ont convaincu joseys qu’ils devaient filmer le groupe.
L’enregistrement à la Vulcan Gas Company - à l’origine en décembre 1967 et à nouveau en mars 68 - a apporté le cinquième album de Sonobeat et le troisième single rock, associant I’ve Got Time de Conqueroo Ed Guinn (avec un duo énigmatiquement dramatique mais inhabituellement réservé) et 1 à 3 (avec des voix tout aussi dramatiques mais décomplexées du compositeur Bob Brown).
Aucune technique d’enregistrement sophistiquée n’a été utilisée; le single n’est rien de plus que deux grandes chansons interprétées avec passion par de grands musiciens, enregistrées juste un peu brutes dans l’un des endroits préférés de Sonobeat. Il reste la seule édition commerciale de l’incarnation originale de Conqueroo, qui a souvent partagé une scène vulcaine avec Lifts, Johnny Winter ou le bandeau de Shiva.
Sonobeat a sorti le single de Conquero avec une pochette d’image en noir et blanc double face conçue par le légendaire illustrateur d’Austin Gilbert Shelton (qui a vécu avec Conqueroo et une demi-douzaine d’autres personnages différents dans une grande maison non loin du campus de l’Université du Texas).

Une superbe image du célèbre photographe d’Austin Belmer Wright (à ne pas confondre avec un autre grand photographe d’Austin, Burton Wilson) a complété la pochette, qui a peu d’apparence et de sensation de l’un de ces célèbres prospectus de la société de gaz Vulcan dans les années 60.
Les deux côtés de la pochette sont identiques, à l’exception du titre de la chanson, avec une main considérée par Shelton. La bannière qui traverse les OI dans « Conqueroo » proclame « Enregistré en direct à la Vulcan Gas Co. », mais le single n’a pas été réellement enregistré devant un public en direct. L’art de la pochette de Shelton fait référence à « Le Conquérant », mais le groupe n’a ensuite été connu que sous le nom de « Conqueroo ».
Initialement prévue comme Rs-104 (que les collectionneurs noteront est gravée dans la cire morte du single), la sortie de Conqueroo a bougé d’un cran sur le calendrier de Sonobeat après que le bandeau de Shiva a changé d’avis sur la sortie de leur single, également enregistré sur Vulcan et initialement prévu pour la sortie avant Conqueroo.
Les notes manuscrites de Bill Josey Sr. sur la bande principale de Conqueroo montrent que les deux chansons ont été enregistrées à l’aide de deux enregistreurs Ampex avec deux pistes. Le deuxième enregistreur a été utilisé pour les dépassements vocaux qui ont été enregistrés immédiatement après que le groupe a mis en scène des chansons instrumentales. Il y a une « autre mondanité » éthérée sur ces enregistrements, relayée par le groupe lui-même, mais rehaussée par l’énorme acoustique de la Vulcan Gas Company.
En cataloguant les bandes principales de Sonobeat en 2008, nous avons découvert deux autres chansons inédites que Conqueroo a enregistrées lors d’une session en mars 68 et n’ont jamais été achevées.
Une chanson peut s’intituler None of Your Work, Waitress. Malheureusement, il n’y a pas d’autres informations sur ces documents dans les archives de Sonobeat, nous ne sommes donc pas sûrs de la raison pour laquelle ils n’ont jamais été complétés et publiés.
