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HickoryWind..Hickory Wind..1969 FULL ALBUM..Psychedelic.Folk Rock.......

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 04:33; 5 top, 5 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-14 20:29:52

Hickory Wind's 1969 S/T album is a mixture of psychedelia and earth influence. I'm certainly not a country music fan now, but on the other hand psychedelic rock is my favorite genre, so I had mixed feelings when I first listened to this record. It turned out that the album was filled with mostly rather mediocre material. There are maybe two or three songs that are kind of fine, but mostly this album is a very average effort. Especially those most earth-oriented songs don't convince me. "Father Come With Me" is my favorite song here and the only song I can call good.
This band later changed its name to B.F. Trike and recorded another
album. That one was released by Rockadelic Records in 1995. It's one of Rockadelic's rarest and most expensive albums, but musically it doesn't offer much for me either. It's still better than the first album released under the name Hickory Wind. listening to this after a long break from it is like drinking pure spring water from the fountain of youth. I think it's a childhood record. At least for me, maybe there's no other record so close as I grew up. invokes so much in my mind. 'time and change' is actually the only song I'm not crazy about. Sounds like they threw him here from a later session. 'livin' on wine and cigarettes and lots of stupid dreams... if I had a chance one more time, I'd do it all over again!' yes! VAS LADISLAV&Z...

Герман Кукушкин 2021-09-25 01:03:48

Отличный саунд под орган свежо и сейчас приятно спокойно слушать песни психо 1969

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-14 20:29:27

S/T album Hickoryja Winda iz 1969. mješavina je psihodelije i utjecaja zemlje. Sada sigurno nisam ljubitelj country glazbe, ali s druge strane psihodelični rock mi je najdraži žanr pa sam imao pomiješane osjećaje kada sam prvi put slušao ovu ploču. Pokazalo se da je album ispunjen uglavnom prilično osrednjim materijalom. Postoje možda dvije ili tri pjesme koje su nekako u redu, ali uglavnom je ovaj album vrlo prosječan napor. Pogotovo one pjesme koje su najviše orijentirane na zemlju me ne uvjeravaju. "Father Come With Me" je moja omiljena pjesma ovdje i jedina pjesma koju mogu nazvati dobrom.
Ovaj bend je kasnije promijenio ime u B.F. Trike i snimio još jedan
album. Taj je objavio Rockadelic records 1995. To je jedan od najrjeđih i najskupljih Rockadelićevih albuma, ali glazbeno ne nudi puno ni za mene. Još uvijek je bolji od prvog albuma objavljenog pod imenom Hickory Wind.pretpostavljam da je malo blesavo, ali ovaj rekord je vrlo blizak mom srcu. slušati ovo nakon duge pauze od toga je kao piti čistu izvorsku vodu iz fontane mladosti. mislim da je to rekord iz djetinjstva. barem za mene, možda ne postoji drugi zapis tako blizu kako sam odrastao. priziva toliko toga u mojim mislima. 'vrijeme i promjene' je zapravo jedina pjesma za koju nisam lud. zvuči kao da su ga bacili ovdje od kasnije sesije. 'livin' na vinu i cigaretama i puno glupih snova... da imam priliku još jednom, sve bih ponovio!' da!VAS LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-14 20:31:21

L’album S/T de Hickory Wind en 1969 est un mélange de psychédélisme et d’influence de la terre. Je ne suis certainement pas un fan de musique country maintenant, mais d’un autre côté le rock psychédélique est mon genre préféré, donc j’ai eu des sentiments mitigés quand j’ai écouté ce disque pour la première fois. Il s’est avéré que l’album était rempli de matériel pour la plupart plutôt médiocre. Il y a peut-être deux ou trois chansons qui sont un peu bien, mais surtout cet album est un effort très moyen. Surtout ces chansons les plus orientées vers la terre ne me convainquent pas. « Father Come With Me » est ma chanson préférée ici et la seule chanson que je peux appeler bonne.
Ce groupe changea plus tard son nom en B.F. Trike et en enregistra un autre
album. Celui-ci a été publié par Rockadelic Records en 1995. C’est l’un des albums les plus rares et les plus chers de Rockadelic, mais musicalement, il n’offre pas grand-chose pour moi non plus. C’est encore mieux que le premier album sorti sous le nom de Hickory Wind. écouter cela après une longue pause, c’est comme boire de l’eau de source pure de la fontaine de jouvence. Je pense que c’est un record d’enfance. Au moins pour moi, peut-être qu’il n’y a pas d’autre disque aussi proche que j’ai grandi. invoque tellement de choses dans mon esprit. « time and change » est en fait la seule chanson dont je ne suis pas fou. On dirait qu’ils l’ont jeté ici d’une session ultérieure. « livin » sur le vin et les cigarettes et beaucoup de rêves stupides ... si j’en avais l’occasion une fois de plus, je recommencerais! Oui! VAS LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-14 20:32:32

Hickory Wind's 1969 S/T album is a mixture of psychedelia and earth influence. I'm certainly not a country music fan now, but on the other hand psychedelic rock is my favorite genre, so I had mixed feelings when I first listened to this record. It turned out that the album was filled with mostly rather mediocre material. There are maybe two or three songs that are kind of fine, but mostly this album is a very average effort. Especially those most earth-oriented songs don't convince me. "Father Come With Me" is my favorite song here and the only song I can call good.
This band later changed its name to B.F. Trike and recorded another
album. That one was released by Rockadelic Records in 1995. It's one of Rockadelic's rarest and most expensive albums, but musically it doesn't offer much for me either. It's still better than the first album released under the name Hickory Wind. listening to this after a long break from it is like drinking pure spring water from the fountain of youth. I think it's a childhood record. At least for me, maybe there's no other record so close as I grew up. invokes so much in my mind. 'time and change' is actually the only song I'm not crazy about. Sounds like they threw him here from a later session. 'livin' on wine and cigarettes and lots of stupid dreams... if I had a chance one more time, I'd do it all over again!' yes! VAS LADISLAV&Z...