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Blind Reaction/Review: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 10

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Comments (archived 2024-02-28 10:06; 5 top, 6 total comments)

@thenerdytiger9306 2023-01-07 00:09:41

To explain the rain scene:
Roy mustang is a flame alchemist he uses the transmutation circles on his gloves to make sparks which then ignite but you can't get a spark going in the rain so he is useless on rainy days. In that moment he felt useless

@overlordsalem2706 2021-12-04 21:39:41

Welcome to the second gut punch episode of this series. Maes Hughes death is considered by many to be one of the saddest in anime.

Replies (1)
@Shawkings 2021-12-05 00:34:52

he was also around a lot more time in fma than in brotherhood so people that watched fma beforehand loves him even more

@Drakin292 2023-01-09 13:29:06

The first anime series had this sad but touching moment where, as the train Ed is on passes an empty station platform, we see a ghostly Huges give him a gentile wave, but as the train zooms by and Ed looks back he's gone. I thought it was really moving. I wish they'd had that here too.

@thaddeusr.3967 2021-12-04 23:51:00

Well the Elrech brothers are off to see their teacher. Dang Hughes is gone.

@frisk-kun-6528 2021-12-04 20:54:35

Yah first

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