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PlayStation Portable System OST

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Comments (archived 2023-01-01 05:02; 4 top, 6 total comments)

3DSX Rips 2022-12-31 14:14:18

NOTE: Digital Comics tracks, and x-Radar Portable campaign dlc are currently missing. Will update the soundtrack once they're found.

Sherbert Shortkake 2023-01-01 00:38:52

I owned a PSP for ages but I never heard half of these... interesting to find these songs that actually sound so good. My PSP has since passed on... F.

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3DSX Rips 2023-01-01 00:44:40

F... and to my psp too. 😔

Tbf, the extra apps are obscure, and some are region exclusive.

Julianno Cartagena 2022-12-31 18:34:38

Hey! It’s the system Danball Senki’s on. (The 3DS version that was released a year later was localized as LBX)

Jeweldation 2022-12-31 14:14:28 (edited 2022-12-31 14:15:32 )

:D Can you do that one photos library app for PS4? (PlayMemories Online iirc)

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3DSX Rips 2022-12-31 14:35:20

Dunno how to get PS4 tracks atm, but will consider it.

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