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Lesley Duncan..Earth Mother 1972 Full Album...

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-07 17:27:22

Earth Mother je drugi album britanskog kantautora Lesleyja Duncana, ali prvi koji sam ikad kupio; na jačini odmah sam je kupio prvu, Sing Children Sing. Earth Mother je tamnija, bolom ispunjenija od ranijeg albuma. Prva pjesma, "Times", ima bolno iskrene rečenice "Brinem se ako mi se previše približiš, a toliko mi nedostaješ kad te više ne bude..." Tu je mirno prihvaćanje kraja savršene veze u "Kraljici svom kralju", želeći svom bivšem ljubavniku sve najbolje: "Ali sami ćete se mažeti." U "Starim prijateljima" ona govori "Ali gdje je otišla sva ta magija koja nas je držala na našem mjestu / Sada nisam mogla ne pokazati tugu u licu / I plakala / Nešto je umrlo." A tu je i gotovo gorka ostavka "Sorry Living": "A što je još jedan žalosni trenutak kada ste dobili okus za sorry livin'." U rijetkom odlasku pjeva tuđu pjesmu, opsesivno tužnu "If It's All The Same To You" Andyja Bowna iz Herda i Status Quo, koji svira bas na ovom albumu. Savršeno je raspoložena za ostale pjesme.
Pa ipak, ovo nije angst-driven album; to je introspektivno, da, ali u njihovom razmišljanju o gubitku, pjesme su o osnaživanju, priznavanju vaše boli, jačanju kako biste mogli nastaviti dalje i živjeti.
Vrhunac albuma je naslovna pjesma, "Earth Mother" koja, posvećena Prijateljima Zemlje, mora biti jedna od prvih ekološki osviještenih pjesama. "O majko molim te oprosti nam / Uzeli smo sve što si morao dati / Tvrdio je to kao naše pravo na život / Nikad ne misleći' i ti si imao to pravo...", gotovo obična ispovjedaonice stihova oštro u suprotnosti s pokretačkom snagom refrena, "Ali ne usuđujemo se okrenuti i reći Stop / Dok gledamo sporu trulež / Ipak, život koji svi imamo / Sve ovisi o vama / Ali mi smo uzeli pogrešan trag / I obojili smo vaše lice u crno / I tako je teško vratiti se od njega sada." Ovo je himna, čije riječi sve govore; to je krik samootkrivanja; To je molitva za naš planet.
Ostali glazbenici na ovom zapanjujućem albumu uključuju legendarnog Chrisa Speddinga na gitarama, Barryja de Souzu na bubnjevima i udaraljkama te producenta Lesleyja Duncana i tadašnjeg supruga Jimmyja Horowitza na orguljama, klaviru i flautama. Kao i uvijek, mogla je pozvati najbolje.
Prvi put objavljena 1972., Earth Mother je danas svježa i moćna kao što je bila tada: zapanjujući, ali topli pjesnički stihovi otpjevani u prekrasnom zrelom glasu Lesley Duncan, s vrhunskim aranžmanima i glazbenim stažem - objektna lekcija nekim današnjim ženskim kantautorima. Navodno postoje potezi da se njezina tri preostala albuma uskoro objavljuju na CD-u. I usuđujemo se nadati da bi s ovim rereleases, i s web stranicama posvećenim njoj u Americi, Italiji i Japanu, Lesley Duncan mogao početi ponovno snimati?<...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-07 17:31:30

If Lesley Duncan is known at all, it’s as a determined backing vocalist on countless British recordings in the 1960s and 1970s. She writes on several of Elton John’s early albums, Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon,” the original “Jesus Christ Superstar,” as well as the albums of Donovan, Kiki Dee, and others. Her biggest hit was becoming the first outside writer to have a song that appeared on Elton John LP-Lesley playing guitar and singing a duet with Elton on her beautiful song “Love Song” on the “Tumbleweed Connection” LP. It was my first introduction to Lesley, and it came in 1975. “Earth Mother” is her second album, which was originally released by CBS in the UK in 1972. I could have sworn it got a release at Columbia in the US as well, but I did not confirm it. I finally got my hands on a copy of the 1988 album and paid quite a penny for a disgusting piece of vinyl. It is a revelation to hear this fine record in its pristine condition.
The album is filled with gorgeous melodies, intelligent lyrics and a wide variety of tempos, from the upbeat "Times" and "Thunder" to the mild "Love Will Never Lose You" and the shocking "If It's All The Same to You." Lesley’s mood is a little darker than that on her first album, “Sing Children Sing” (also available on CD from Edsel). “Fortieth Floor” is a kiss-off for a record CEO, “Sorry Living” is a paradoxically bouncy paean for blahs (“what’s another sad moment when you get a taste for sorry lives?”), And the epic title cut is a lament about destruction an environment that builds from a quiet start to the fall of an explosion in about seven minutes. Being a good backing singer, you can bet all the background vocals are provided by Lesley (except for a little help from a group of guys called “Fine Tooth Combs” on the final cut), and the hasty Lesleys are piled up to a wonderful effect on the gospel tinged number “God is real ". Throughout, excellent guitar work is provided by the legendary Chris Spedding, and the contribution of producer-arranger-keyboardist-flutist Jimmy Horowitz is indispensable.
Holding it all together are Lesley's huge lead vocals. Elton’s “Love Song” is a fine introduction to her talents, but hearing her is a treat in itself. Versatile would be a good word to describe it. It can range from clear, ringing, smooth ascents, to huskier tones (see "oh yes" on the "Times"), from innocent ("Love Will Never Lose You") to passionate ("God is Real" and headlines) .
This album is a good introduction to this criminally overlooked talent. However, that’s just the taste of what follows: three years later, she would publish what I think is her crowning achievement: the LP “Moon Bathing”. Hoping to see it on CD one day.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-07 17:29:05

Earth Mother is the second album by British singer-songwriter Lesley Duncan, but the first I have ever bought; at strength I immediately bought it first, Sing Children Sing. Earth Mother is darker, more pain-filled than the previous album. The first song, "Times," has painfully honest sentences "I worry if you get too close to me, and I miss you so much when you're gone ..." There's a calm acceptance of the end of the perfect relationship in "The Queen to My King," wishing my ex to the lover all the best: "But you will marry yourself." In "Old Friends" she says "But where did all that magic that kept us in our place / Now I couldn't help but show sadness in my face / And cry / Something died." And there's the almost bitter resignation of "Sorry Living": "And what another sad moment when you got a taste for sorry livin '." In a rare outing, he sings someone else’s song, the obsessively sad “If It’s All The Same To You” by Andy Bown of Heard and Status Quo, which plays bass on this album. She is in a perfect mood for other songs.
Still, this is not an angst-driven album; it’s introspective, yes, but in their thinking about loss, the songs are about empowering, acknowledging your pain, strengthening so you can move on and live.
The highlight of the album is the title track, “Earth Mother” which, dedicated to Friends of the Earth, must be one of the first environmentally conscious songs. "Oh mother please forgive us / We took everything you had to give / He claimed it as our right to life / Never thinking 'and you had that right ...", almost ordinary confessional verses sharply opposed to the driving force refrain, "But we dare not turn around and say Stop / As we watch the slow rot / Yet the life we ​​all have / It all depends on you / But we took the wrong clue / And we painted your face black / And so hard to go back from him now. " This is an anthem, whose words speak for themselves; it is a cry of self-discovery; It is a prayer for our planet.
Other musicians on this stunning album include the legendary Chris Spedding on guitars, Barry de Souza on drums and percussion, and producer Lesley Duncan and then-husband Jimmy Horowitz on organ, piano and flute. As always, she could call the best.
First published in 1972, Earth Mother is as fresh and powerful as it was then: stunning but warm poetic verses sung in the beautiful mature voice of Lesley Duncan, with superb arrangements and musical experience - an object lesson to some of today's female songwriters. Reportedly, there are moves to release her three remaining albums on CD soon. And dare we hope that with these rereleases, and with websites dedicated to her in America, Italy and Japan, Lesley Duncan could start filming again? <.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-07 17:32:23

Ako je Lesley Duncan uopće poznat, to je kao odlučni prateći vokal na bezbroj britanskih snimanja u šezdesetima i sedamdesetima. Ona piše na više ranih albuma Eltona Johna, "Dark Side of the Moon" Pink Floyda, originalnom albumu "Jesus Christ Superstar", kao i albumima Donovana, Kiki Dee i drugih. Njezin najveći udar bio je postati prvi vanjski pisac koji je imao pjesmu koja se pojavila na Elton John LP-Lesley svira gitaru i pjeva duet s Eltonom na njezinoj prekrasnoj skladbi "Love Song" na "Tumbleweed Connection" LP. To je bio moj prvi uvod u Lesley, a došao je 1975. "Earth Mother" je njezin drugi album, koji je CBS izvorno objavio u Velikoj Britaniji 1972. Mogao sam se zakleti da je dobio izdanje i na Columbiji u SAD-u, ali nisam to potvrdio. Napokon sam se dokopao kopije albuma 1988. godine i platio prilično peni za gnjusan komad vinila. To je otkriće čuti ovaj fini rekord u svom netaknutom stanju.
Album je ispunjen raskošnim melodijama, inteligentnim stihovima i široko različitim tempima, od optimističnih "Timesa" i "Thundera" do blage "Love Will Never Lose You" i potresne "If It's All The Same to You." Lesleyno raspoloženje je malo mračnije od onog na njezinom prvom albumu, "Sing Children Sing" (također dostupan na CD-u iz Edsela). "Fortieth Floor" je kiss-off za rekordnog izvršnog direktora, "Sorry Living" je paradoksalno odskočno paean za blahs ("što je još jedan žalosni trenutak kada ste dobili okus za žao živi?"), a epski naslov rez je jadikovanje o uništavanju okoliša koji gradi od tihog početka do pada eksplozije u oko sedam minuta. Budući da je dobar prateći pjevač, možete se kladiti da sve pozadinske vokale pruža Lesley (osim za malu pomoć grupe momaka koji se zovu "Fine Tooth Combs" na završnom rezu), a prenagljeni Lesleys su nagomilani do prekrasnog učinka na evanđeoski tinged broj "Bog je stvaran". Tijekom cijelog, odličan gitaristički rad pruža legendarni Chris Spedding, a doprinos producenta-aranžera-klavijaturista-flautista Jimmyja Horowitza je neizostavan.
Držeći sve zajedno su Lesley je ogromna glavna vokal. Eltonova "Ljubavna pjesma" fini je uvod u njezine talente, ali čuti je samu je poslastica. Svestrana bi bila dobra riječ da je opišem. Ona može biti u rasponu od jasnih, zvonjavih, glatkih uspona, do huskier tona (pogledajte "oh da" na "Timesu"), od nevinog ("Love Will Never Lose You") do strastvenog ("Bog je stvaran" i naslova).
Ovaj album je dobar uvod u ovaj kriminalno previđeni talent. Međutim, to je samo okus onoga što slijedi: tri godine kasnije objavila bi ono što je po mom mišljenju njezino krunsko postignuće: LP "Mjesečevo kupanje". Nadajući se da ćemo jednog dana to vidjeti i na CD-u.