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MORNING&SKY...Sea Of Dreams..Full Abum..

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Comments (archived 2022-10-01 20:10; 3 top, 3 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-23 11:16:08

Morning Sky je sredinom 1970-ih nekoliko godina igrao u područjima New Hampshirea, New Jerseyja i Nove Engleske, najavljujući dva LP-a, od kojih je drugi "Dream Sea" sadržavao očite progresivne poteze. Glazba se usredotočuje na delikatno djelo Barbare London i glavnog glasa, učinkovitu električnu gitaru Johna Maguirea i čvrstu ritam sekciju Johna Huntera i Ernieja Stableforda . Ansambl je ponudio kontroliran i prilično jazzy spoj Folk Rocka i Psychea, obložen međuigrama i solo nastupima, kao i neke lijepe promjene u tempu i nevjerojatnom bubnjanju. Tu je i neki pristojan rad na orguljama i električnom klaviru i puno instrumentalnog ludila koje se može naći u cijeloj priči. London i Hunter kasnije su nastavili kao bračni par u kvartetu Barbara London.Na, New Hampshire's Morning Sky i ansamblu jazz flaute sredinom 1970-ih. Tada slatki prozračni ženski vokali dodaju malo života, a peppy ritmovi nalikuju kvartetu Lloyda McNeilla. Zatim, niotkuda, dolaze ti glasni fuzz gitarski solaži, koji su u ovom kontekstu stvarno uzbudljivi. To je fascinantan album i vrijedi ga potražiti! Cjelokupno privatno REMEK-djelo bit će stisnuto od početka do kraja. Glazba je vrlo originalan crossover između jazza (s funky dodirima), folka i psych-a. Ambijentalno, lepršavo, dirljivo. To je prekrasan rekord. Snima SP-1110. Private Pressing iz Durham NH to je Folk Psych zvuk s malo Jazza. Bend: Barbara London (Flauta, Vokal, Udaraljke), John Maguire (Gitare, Vokali, Harmonika, Udaraljke), John Hunter (Bas), & ernest stableford (Bubnjevi). Pjesme:

Supermarket Blues / Proljeće / Icarusov Hir / Laminar FlowDivination

/ Pjesma sa Zapada / Zemljana tema br.1Objavljeno

1976.Na površini, Morning Sky sa sjedištem u New Hampshireu tipičan je ansambl jazz flaute iz sredine 70-ih. Tada slatki prozračni ženski vokali dodaju malo života, a peppy ritmovi nalikuju kvartetu Lloyda McNeilla. Zatim, niotkuda, dolaze ti glasni fuzz gitarski solaži, koji su u ovom kontekstu stvarno uzbudljivi. To je fascinantan album i vrijedi ga potražiti! LADISLAV&Zivanović!!!

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-23 11:16:57

Morning Sky played in areas of New Hampshire, New Jersey and New England for several years in the mid-1970s, announcing two LPs, the second of which "Dream Sea" contained obvious progressive moves. The music focuses on the delicate work of Barbara London and the main voice, the efficient electric guitar of John Maguire and the solid rhythm section of John Hunter and Ernie Stableford . The ensemble offered a controlled and rather jazzy blend of Folk Rock and Psyche, lined with interigrams and solo performances, as well as some nice changes in pace and incredible drumming. There's also some decent organ and electric piano work and a lot of instrumental madness that can be found throughout. London and Hunter later continued as a married couple in the Barbara London.Na Quartet, New Hampshire's Morning Sky and a jazz flute ensemble in the mid-1970s. Then sweet breathable female vocalists add a little life, and the peppy rhythms resemble Lloyd McNeill's quartet. Then, out of nowhere, come the loud fuzz guitar solos, which in this context are really exciting. It's a fascinating album and it's worth looking for! The entire private MASTERPIECE will be squeezed from start to finish. Music is a very original crossover between jazz (with funky touches), folk and psych. Ambient, flowing, touching. That's a wonderful record. He's shooting SP-1110. Private Pressing from Durham NH it's a Folk Psych sound with a bit of Jazz. Band: Barbara London (Flute, Vocals, Percussion), John Maguire (Guitars, Vocals, Accordion, Percussion), John Hunter (Bass), & ernest stableford (Drums). Poems:

Supermarket Blues / Spring / Icarus' Hir / Laminar FlowDivination

/ Song from the West / Earth theme No.1Published

1976.Na surface, New Hampshire-based Morning Sky is a typical mid-'70s jazz flute ensemble. Then sweet breathable female vocalists add a little life, and the peppy rhythms resemble Lloyd McNeill's quartet. Then, out of nowhere, come the loud fuzz guitar solos, which in this context are really exciting. It's a fascinating album and it's worth looking for! LADISLAV&Zivanović!!!

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-23 11:17:20

Morning Sky a joué dans les régions du New Hampshire, du New Jersey et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre pendant plusieurs années au milieu des années 1970, annonçant deux LP, dont le second « Dream Sea » contenait des mouvements progressifs évidents. La musique se concentre sur le travail délicat de Barbara London et la voix principale, la guitare électrique efficace de John Maguire et la section rythmique solide de John Hunter et Ernie Stableford. L’ensemble a offert un mélange contrôlé et plutôt jazzy de Folk Rock et de Psyché, doublé d’interigrammes et de performances solo, ainsi que de beaux changements de rythme et de tambours incroyables. Il y a aussi un travail décent d’orgue et de piano électrique et beaucoup de folie instrumentale que l’on peut trouver tout au long. London et Hunter ont ensuite continué en tant que couple marié dans le Barbara London.Na Quartet, le Morning Sky du New Hampshire et un ensemble de flûte de jazz au milieu des années 1970. Ensuite, de douces chanteuses respirantes ajoutent un peu de vie, et les rythmes énergiques ressemblent au quatuor de Lloyd McNeill. Puis, de nulle part, viennent les solos de guitare bruyants, qui dans ce contexte sont vraiment excitants. C’est un album fascinant et ça vaut la peine d’être cherché! L’ensemble du CHEF-D’ŒUVRE privé sera pressé du début à la fin. La musique est un croisement très original entre le jazz (avec des touches funky), le folk et le psychisme. Ambiant, fluide, touchant. C’est un merveilleux record. Il tire sur SP-1110. Pressage privé de Durham NH c’est un son Folk Psych avec un peu de jazz. Groupe: Barbara London (flûte, chant, percussions), John Maguire (guitares, chant, accordéon, percussions), John Hunter (basse), et ernest stableford (batterie). Poèmes:

Supermarket Blues / Printemps / Hir d’Icare / Flux laminaireDivination

/ Song from the West / Earth theme No.1Published

1976.Na surface, Morning Sky, basé au New Hampshire, est un ensemble de flûtes de jazz typique du milieu des années 70. Ensuite, de douces chanteuses respirantes ajoutent un peu de vie, et les rythmes énergiques ressemblent au quatuor de Lloyd McNeill. Puis, de nulle part, viennent les solos de guitare bruyants, qui dans ce contexte sont vraiment excitants. C’est un album fascinant et ça vaut la peine d’être cherché! LADISLAV&Zivanović!!!