This was from the very first live episode of the series on October 12, 1950. The routine was based on a real-life card game George's friend and fellow vaudevillian Benny Rubin invented, called "Panocchi", which George and his friends often played during their vaudeville tours...
George: "Gracie, do you know how to play Kleebob?" Gracie: "Yes. It's just like Mogul." George: "Mogul? What is Mogul?" Gracie: "Well, don't you remember last week, when you wanted to go to the ball game? You taught me how to play Mogul. Where do you want to go tonight, dear?"
Hal appeared as "Harry Morton" in the first seven episodes of the series [October 1950- January 1951]. He decided to leave the show after production moved from New York to Hollywood [John Brown replaced him for six months, then Fred Clark (through 1953), and Larry Keating became the final "Harry" in the fall of '53]. However, Hal sometimes appeared in the occcasional role of "Casey", Harry's real estate partner, during the remainder of the live series, and a filmed appearance in season three...
This was so cornball even in its day that it was over-the-top funny. And there's no way it could ever be repeated, because there's never been, nor will be, another Gracie.
Incidentally, this "Kleebob" card game routine was repeated- on film- in the January 25, 1954 episode "Gracie Discovers George's Secret Weakness", with Harry Von Zell sitting in for Hal March.
Saw this for the 1st time today---too much!.........Once on the TV show "Taxi," the gang played some nonsense card game that I think they learned from Latka, and certain nonsense words were used as card terms (ISTR Alex saying, "I got a full flerm.") I wonder if the Taxi skit is homage to this.
At 2:42 you can see the shadow of the boom microphone on the wall. It's interesting to see Hal March as Harry Morton. I always thought he was a pretty good comedian, but he's more famous for his one gig as a game show host ($64,0000 Question).
Hey! I'm still tryoing to find out if "I'll Be Waiting For You, Bill, When You Come Back From San Juan Hill" was ever a real song. So far the answer is prob'ly not!
Brown wasn't blacklisted until the fall of 1952, 'WytZox'. Until then, he continued to appear on radio, TV, and movies {i.e. "I LOVE LUCY", "The Moustache", March 17, 1952}.
Did George B ever sing the song....I'll be waiting for you Bill? If so then it is a real song. Maybe you are asking if it was a recording released by a record company?
Although frequently mentioned in his monologues I find no lyrics or any youtube performance of I'll Be Waiting For You, Bill, When You Come Back From San Juan Hill via googling. I suspect it was merely a made up song title George invented to use in his monologues! ☺
I still love George and Gracie after all these years
1 likeThis is such a funny skit....Gracie and Bea are two of my favorite actresses.
0 likesAlthough a nonsensical made up card game Gracie understood it! Gracie was indeed greatest sitcom comedienne ever, a true comedic genius! ☺
0 likesThis was from the very first live episode of the series on October 12, 1950. The routine was based on a real-life card game George's friend and fellow vaudevillian Benny Rubin invented, called "Panocchi", which George and his friends often played during their vaudeville tours...
0 likesHahah, so funny! Thanks for posting!
1 likeI love this show. They don't make shows, like this, anymore.
0 likesGeorge: "Gracie, do you know how to play Kleebob?"
0 likesGracie: "Yes. It's just like Mogul."
George: "Mogul? What is Mogul?"
Gracie: "Well, don't you remember last week, when you wanted to go to the ball game? You taught me how to play Mogul. Where do you want to go tonight, dear?"
Gracie A Love Story--one of the funniest books ever written
0 likesThis is freaking great
0 likesHal appeared as "Harry Morton" in the first seven episodes of the series [October 1950- January 1951]. He decided to leave the show after production moved from New York to Hollywood [John Brown replaced him for six months, then Fred Clark (through 1953), and Larry Keating became the final "Harry" in the fall of '53]. However, Hal sometimes appeared in the occcasional role of "Casey", Harry's real estate partner, during the remainder of the live series, and a filmed appearance in season three...
0 likesAnd nobody will ever be able to put the unique spin on a song that George Burns did. Bad in a most hilarious way.
0 likesThis was so cornball even in its day that it was over-the-top funny. And there's no way it could ever be repeated, because there's never been, nor will be, another Gracie.
0 likesIncidentally, this "Kleebob" card game routine was repeated- on film- in the January 25, 1954 episode "Gracie Discovers George's Secret Weakness", with Harry Von Zell sitting in for Hal March.
0 likesSaw this for the 1st time today---too much!.........Once on the TV show "Taxi," the gang played some nonsense card game that I think they learned from Latka, and certain nonsense words were used as card terms (ISTR Alex saying, "I got a full flerm.") I wonder if the Taxi skit is homage to this.
0 likesAt 2:42 you can see the shadow of the boom microphone on the wall. It's interesting to see Hal March as Harry Morton. I always thought he was a pretty good comedian, but he's more famous for his one gig as a game show host ($64,0000 Question).
0 likesAnd one of the most romantic ever written.
0 likesI wonder if a real game ever got made out of this. Actually, i don't want to know.
0 likesHey! I'm still tryoing to find out if "I'll Be Waiting For You, Bill, When You Come Back From San Juan Hill" was ever a real song. So far the answer is prob'ly not!
0 likesI heard that John Brown was dropped from the series when he was one of many people in the entertainment industry who was blacklisted by Joe McCarthy.
0 likeskleebob also showed up in a later episode with a different Harry,...von zell, not morton. anybody know what episode that was?
1 likeBrown wasn't blacklisted until the fall of 1952, 'WytZox'. Until then, he continued to appear on radio, TV, and movies {i.e. "I LOVE LUCY", "The Moustache", March 17, 1952}.
0 likesThe Spinning Jack!
1 likeReplies (1)
Revolving Queen ... 3,600 points.
0 likesReminds me of mornington crescent.
0 likesIsn't this from the first episode of the series ?
1 likeDid George B ever sing the song....I'll be waiting for you Bill? If so then it is a real song. Maybe you are asking if it was a recording released by a record company?
0 likesReplies (1)
Although frequently mentioned in his monologues I find no lyrics or any youtube performance of I'll Be Waiting For You, Bill, When You Come Back From San Juan Hill via googling. I suspect it was merely a made up song title George invented to use in his monologues! ☺
0 likesYes