If you are a General or an Amateur Extra you can log into some remote ham's setups and use their radios to talk. I am running a CW learning net on the Chicago FM club 2 meter repeater to encourage Tech license holders to learn Morse Code. You have limited frequencies you can use in short wave if you know CW and you don't have to be a General or Extra class to talk around the world. It's not that hard to pass a tech test. Just get 27 of 35 questions and many are basic electrical safety questions.
If you are a General or an Amateur Extra you can log into some remote ham's setups and use their radios to talk.
1 likeI am running a CW learning net on the Chicago FM club 2 meter repeater to encourage Tech license holders to learn Morse Code.
You have limited frequencies you can use in short wave if you know CW and you don't have to be a General or Extra class to talk around the world.
It's not that hard to pass a tech test. Just get 27 of 35 questions and many are basic electrical safety questions.