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Traffic Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory 1973 FULL ALBUM Vinyl Rip/ladislav&zivanovic..

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-24 23:44:09

Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory šesti je studijski album engleskog rock sastava Traffic objavljen 1973. godine. Uslijedio je nakon njihovog albuma The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys iz 1971. godine i sadržavao je pet pjesama. Shoot Out, iako je postigao lošije kritike od svog prethodnika, dosegao je šesto mjesto na Billboardovoj ljestvici pop albuma, jedan prostor veći od Low Sparka koji je dosegao vrhunac 1972. godine. Kao i njegov prethodnik, originalna jakna za Shoot Out LP imala je ošišane gornje desne i donje lijeve kutove. Album je remasteriran za CD 2003. godine.Album je snimljen s četiri člana Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section (basist David Hood, bubnjar Roger Hawkins, klavijaturist Barry Beckett i gitarist Jimmy Johnson). Hood i Hawkins pojavljuju se na svim pjesmama i navedeni su kao članovi Traffica na rukavu albuma. Beckett i Johnson igraju samo na "Tragic Magic". Hood, Hawkins i Beckett išli bi na turneju s bendom o čemu svjedoči i kasniji album On the Road. Rolling Stone je imao prigušenu reakciju, rekavši da je većina pjesama previše temperamentna i ujednačena u strukturi i tonu, ali da su "Evening Blue" i "(Sometimes I Feel So) Neinspirirani" visoke točke. Saželi su da album "utjelovljuje nedosljednosti koje su zadesile bend, kao i visoke točke koje su održale Promet u pokretu. Retrospektivne kritike bile su manje opraštajuće, a AllMusic je naveo da su i skladbe i nastupi ravnomjerno slabi, što je pridodalo "kompetentnom, ako perfunkcionalnom naporu u poznatom stilu benda", dok se kritika kritičara Village Voicea Roberta Christgaua sastojala od jedne rečenice nakon koje je uslijedila napomena 'Giveaway: "LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIĆ................

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-24 23:44:39

Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory is the sixth studio album by English rock band Traffic released in 1973. It followed their 1971 album The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys and contained five songs. Shoot Out, while achieving poorer reviews than its predecessor, did reach number six on the Billboard Pop Albums chart, one space higher than Low Spark had peaked in 1972. Like its predecessor, the original jacket for the Shoot Out LP had its top right and bottom left corners clipped. The album was remastered for CD in 2003.The album was recorded with four members of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section (bassist David Hood, drummer Roger Hawkins, keyboardist Barry Beckett, and guitarist Jimmy Johnson). Hood and Hawkins appear on all the songs, and are listed as members of Traffic on the album sleeve. Beckett and Johnson only play on "Tragic Magic". Hood, Hawkins & Beckett would go on tour with the band as evidenced by the subsequent On the Road album.Rolling Stone had a subdued reaction, saying that most of the songs are too even-tempered and uniform in structure and tone, but that "Evening Blue" and "(Sometimes I Feel So) Uninspired" are high points. They summarized that the album "embodies the inconsistencies that beset the band as well as the high points that have kept Traffic moving.Retrospective reviews were less forgiving, with AllMusic stating that both the compositions and the performances are uniformly weak, adding up to "a competent, if perfunctory effort in the band's familiar style",while Village Voice critic Robert Christgau's review consisted of a single sentence followed by the note 'Giveaway: "LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC...……….

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-24 23:45:14

Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory est le sixième album studio du groupe traffic, sorti en 1973. Il fait suite à leur album de 1971 The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys et contient cinq chansons. Shoot Out, tout en obtenant de moins mauvaises critiques que son prédécesseur, a atteint la sixième place du classement Billboard Pop Albums, un espace de plus que Low Spark avait culminé en 1972. Comme son prédécesseur, la veste d’origine pour le Shoot Out LP avait ses coins en haut à droite et en bas à gauche coupés. L’album a été remasterisé pour CD en 2003.L’album a été enregistré avec quatre membres de la Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section (le bassiste David Hood, le batteur Roger Hawkins, le claviériste Barry Beckett, et le guitariste Jimmy Johnson). Hood et Hawkins apparaissent sur toutes les chansons, et sont répertoriés comme membres de Traffic sur la pochette de l’album. Beckett et Johnson ne jouent que sur « Tragic Magic ». Hood, Hawkins & Beckett partiraient en tournée avec le groupe comme en témoigne l’album suivant On the Road. Rolling Stone a eu une réaction modérée, disant que la plupart des chansons sont trop équilibrées et uniformes dans la structure et le ton, mais que « Evening Blue » et « (Sometimes I Feel So) Uninspired » sont des points forts. Ils ont résumé que l’album « incarne les incohérences qui assaillent le groupe ainsi que les points forts qui ont maintenu Traffic en mouvement. Les critiques rétrospectives étaient moins indulgentes, AllMusic déclarant que les compositions et les performances sont uniformément faibles, s’ajoutant à « un effort compétent, bien que superficiel dans le style familier du groupe », tandis que la critique de Village Voice Robert Christgau consistait en une seule phrase suivie de la note « Giveaway: « LADISLAV &ZIVANOVIC.............

ladislav zivanovic 2020-10-13 19:52:38 (edited 2021-10-25 04:12:45 )

"/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and a nice greeting, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the like every time you review it,VIDEO CLIP.., do not forget , necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which indicates the milk and the addition of different settings ... Thank you very much, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this home country gave us+God FOR ALWAYS+TI LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!'''/Moje veliko poštovanje prema posjetiteljima mog kanala i lijep pozdrav, Zato vas molim da se pretplatite na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk svaki put kad je pregledate,VIDEO CLIP.., ne zaboravite , potrebna zbog ocjena ovog Kanala, što ukazuje na mjuziku i dodavanje različitih postavki ... Veliko hvala, i uživajte u ljepoti i glazbi i posebnim predjelima koja nam je planer ove matične zemlje dao+Bože ZA UVIJEK+TI LADISLAV&Z+KANADA!!

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