Rachel's&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version.... Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial Soundtrack... Rachael was an experimental Nexus-7 replicant created by Eldon Tyrell. At first, she believed she was a human being, having possessed embedded memories that belonged to Tyrell's niece.
In addition to revealing her identity, she fell in love with Rick Deckard's Blade Runner and conceived a child with him, but died as a result of birth. Her remains were later discovered by replicant Blade Runner K.
The Clone of Rachael was created by Niander Wallace and offered to Deckard in exchange for information about their child............. Biography
As the founder of tyrell corporation, Eldon Tyrell had access to unfathomable wealth, power and technology. To colonize and explore habitable areas for colonies outside the world, the Tyrell Corporation has produced replicants. These replicants were like humans, although they often possessed superior strength and greater or equal intellect compared to their genetic designers. The Nexus-6 variety of replicants until 2019 possessed strength and intellect, but they were not equipped to live for more than four years in an effort to contain the rebellions and limit their danger (despite their effectiveness in colonization and dangerous work)Zivanovic&Ladislav.............
Rachel's&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version.... Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial Soundtrack... Rachael was an experimental Nexus-7 replicant created by Eldon Tyrell. At first, she believed she was a human being, having possessed embedded memories that belonged to Tyrell's niece.
In addition to revealing her identity, she fell in love with Rick Deckard's Blade Runner and conceived a child with him, but died as a result of birth. Her remains were later discovered by replicant Blade Runner K.
The Clone of Rachael was created by Niander Wallace and offered to Deckard in exchange for information about their child............. Biography
As the founder of tyrell corporation, Eldon Tyrell had access to unfathomable wealth, power and technology. To colonize and explore habitable areas for colonies outside the world, the Tyrell Corporation has produced replicants. These replicants were like humans, although they often possessed superior strength and greater or equal intellect compared to their genetic designers. The Nexus-6 variety of replicants until 2019 possessed strength and intellect, but they were not equipped to live for more than four years in an effort to contain rebellions and limit their danger (despite their effectiveness in colonization and dangerous work). Performances
Blade Runner
Blade Runner: The Story of the Future
A Marvel Comics Super Special: Blade Runner
Blade Runner (film)
Blade Runner 2049
A LAIR.png
Out of the world: Blade Runner Wiki has 36 images associated with Rachael.
Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner - all versions
Blade Runner - American theatrical version
Blade Runner - international theatrical version
Future noir: Making Blade Runner - revised and updated edition
Dangerous days: Making Blade Runner
Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine
Rachel’s&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version.... Blade Runner 2049 Bande originale non officielle... Rachael était un réplicant expérimental de Nexus-7 créé par Eldon Tyrell. Au début, elle croyait qu’elle était un être humain, ayant possédé des souvenirs intégrés qui appartenaient à la nièce de Tyrell.
En plus de révéler son identité, elle est tombée amoureuse de Blade Runner de Rick Deckard et a conçu un enfant avec lui, mais est morte des suites de sa naissance. Ses restes ont ensuite été découverts par le réplicant Blade Runner K.
Le Clone de Rachael a été créé par Niander Wallace et offert à Deckard en échange d’informations sur leur enfant............. Biographie
En tant que fondateur de tyrell corporation, Eldon Tyrell avait accès à une richesse, à un pouvoir et à une technologie insondables. Pour coloniser et explorer des zones habitables pour des colonies en dehors du monde, la Tyrell Corporation a produit des réplicants. Ces réplicants étaient comme des humains, bien qu’ils possédaient souvent une force supérieure et un intellect plus grand ou égal par rapport à leurs concepteurs génétiques. La variété de réplicants Nexus-6 jusqu’en 2019 possédait de la force et de l’intellect, mais ils n’étaient pas équipés pour vivre plus de quatre ans dans un effort pour contenir les rébellions et limiter leur danger (malgré leur efficacité dans la colonisation et le travail dangereux)Zivanovic &Ladislav.............
Rachel's&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version....Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial Soundtrack...Rachael je bio eksperimentalni replikant Nexus-7 kojeg je stvorio Eldon Tyrell. U početku je vjerovala da je ljudsko biće, nakon što je posjedovala ugrađena sjećanja koja su pripadala Tyrellovoj nećakinji.
Osim što je otkrila svoj identitet, zaljubila se u Blade Runnera Ricka Deckarda i začela dijete s njim, ali je umrla od posljedica rođenja. Njezine ostatke kasnije je otkrio replikant Blade Runner K.
Klon Rachaela stvorio je Niander Wallace i ponudio Deckardu u zamjenu za informacije o njihovom djetetu.............Biografija
Kao osnivač korporacije Tyrell, Eldon Tyrell imao je pristup nedokučivom bogatstvu, moći i tehnologiji. Kako bi kolonizirala i istražila nastanjiva područja za kolonije izvan svijeta, korporacija Tyrell proizvela je replikante. Ti su replikanti bili poput ljudi, iako su često posjedovali superiornu snagu i veći ili jednak intelekt u usporedbi sa svojim genetskim dizajnerima. Nexus-6 raznolikost replikanata do 2019. godine posjedovala je snagu i intelekt, ali nisu bili opremljeni za život dulje od četiri godine u nastojanju da obuzdaju pobune i ograniče njihovu opasnost (unatoč njihovoj učinkovitosti u kolonizaciji i opasnom radu)Zivanovic&Ladislav………….
Blade Runner
Blade Runner: The Story of the Future
A Marvel Comics Super Special: Blade Runner
Blade Runner (film)
Blade Runner 2049
A LAIR.png
Out of the world: Blade Runner Wiki has 36 images associated with Rachael.
Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner - all versions
Blade Runner - American theatrical version
Blade Runner - international theatrical version
Future noir: Making Blade Runner - revised and updated edition
Dangerous days: Making Blade Runner
Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine.......ladislav&xivanovic.............Représentations
Coureur de lame
Blade Runner: L’histoire de l’avenir
Un Marvel Comics Super Spécial: Blade Runner
Blade Runner (film)
Blade Runner 2049
Hors du monde: Blade Runner Wiki a 36 images associées à Rachael.
Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner - toutes les versions
Blade Runner - Version théâtrale américaine
Blade Runner - version théâtrale internationale
Future noir: Making Blade Runner - édition révisée et mise à jour
Jours dangereux: Faire Blade Runner
Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine
Rachel's&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version.... Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial Soundtrack... Rachael was an experimental Nexus-7 replicant created by Eldon Tyrell. At first, she believed she was a human being, having possessed embedded memories that belonged to Tyrell's niece.
0 likesIn addition to revealing her identity, she fell in love with Rick Deckard's Blade Runner and conceived a child with him, but died as a result of birth. Her remains were later discovered by replicant Blade Runner K.
The Clone of Rachael was created by Niander Wallace and offered to Deckard in exchange for information about their child............. Biography
As the founder of tyrell corporation, Eldon Tyrell had access to unfathomable wealth, power and technology. To colonize and explore habitable areas for colonies outside the world, the Tyrell Corporation has produced replicants. These replicants were like humans, although they often possessed superior strength and greater or equal intellect compared to their genetic designers. The Nexus-6 variety of replicants until 2019 possessed strength and intellect, but they were not equipped to live for more than four years in an effort to contain the rebellions and limit their danger (despite their effectiveness in colonization and dangerous work)Zivanovic&Ladislav.............
Rachel's&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version.... Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial Soundtrack... Rachael was an experimental Nexus-7 replicant created by Eldon Tyrell. At first, she believed she was a human being, having possessed embedded memories that belonged to Tyrell's niece.
0 likesIn addition to revealing her identity, she fell in love with Rick Deckard's Blade Runner and conceived a child with him, but died as a result of birth. Her remains were later discovered by replicant Blade Runner K.
The Clone of Rachael was created by Niander Wallace and offered to Deckard in exchange for information about their child............. Biography
As the founder of tyrell corporation, Eldon Tyrell had access to unfathomable wealth, power and technology. To colonize and explore habitable areas for colonies outside the world, the Tyrell Corporation has produced replicants. These replicants were like humans, although they often possessed superior strength and greater or equal intellect compared to their genetic designers. The Nexus-6 variety of replicants until 2019 possessed strength and intellect, but they were not equipped to live for more than four years in an effort to contain rebellions and limit their danger (despite their effectiveness in colonization and dangerous work). Performances
Blade Runner
Blade Runner: The Story of the Future
A Marvel Comics Super Special: Blade Runner
Blade Runner (film)
Blade Runner 2049
A LAIR.png
Out of the world: Blade Runner Wiki has 36 images associated with Rachael.
Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner - all versions
Blade Runner - American theatrical version
Blade Runner - international theatrical version
Future noir: Making Blade Runner - revised and updated edition
Dangerous days: Making Blade Runner
Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine
Rachel’s&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version.... Blade Runner 2049 Bande originale non officielle... Rachael était un réplicant expérimental de Nexus-7 créé par Eldon Tyrell. Au début, elle croyait qu’elle était un être humain, ayant possédé des souvenirs intégrés qui appartenaient à la nièce de Tyrell.
0 likesEn plus de révéler son identité, elle est tombée amoureuse de Blade Runner de Rick Deckard et a conçu un enfant avec lui, mais est morte des suites de sa naissance. Ses restes ont ensuite été découverts par le réplicant Blade Runner K.
Le Clone de Rachael a été créé par Niander Wallace et offert à Deckard en échange d’informations sur leur enfant............. Biographie
En tant que fondateur de tyrell corporation, Eldon Tyrell avait accès à une richesse, à un pouvoir et à une technologie insondables. Pour coloniser et explorer des zones habitables pour des colonies en dehors du monde, la Tyrell Corporation a produit des réplicants. Ces réplicants étaient comme des humains, bien qu’ils possédaient souvent une force supérieure et un intellect plus grand ou égal par rapport à leurs concepteurs génétiques. La variété de réplicants Nexus-6 jusqu’en 2019 possédait de la force et de l’intellect, mais ils n’étaient pas équipés pour vivre plus de quatre ans dans un effort pour contenir les rébellions et limiter leur danger (malgré leur efficacité dans la colonisation et le travail dangereux)Zivanovic &Ladislav.............
Rachel's&Dream Extended 2 Hr Version....Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial Soundtrack...Rachael je bio eksperimentalni replikant Nexus-7 kojeg je stvorio Eldon Tyrell. U početku je vjerovala da je ljudsko biće, nakon što je posjedovala ugrađena sjećanja koja su pripadala Tyrellovoj nećakinji.
0 likesOsim što je otkrila svoj identitet, zaljubila se u Blade Runnera Ricka Deckarda i začela dijete s njim, ali je umrla od posljedica rođenja. Njezine ostatke kasnije je otkrio replikant Blade Runner K.
Klon Rachaela stvorio je Niander Wallace i ponudio Deckardu u zamjenu za informacije o njihovom djetetu.............Biografija
Kao osnivač korporacije Tyrell, Eldon Tyrell imao je pristup nedokučivom bogatstvu, moći i tehnologiji. Kako bi kolonizirala i istražila nastanjiva područja za kolonije izvan svijeta, korporacija Tyrell proizvela je replikante. Ti su replikanti bili poput ljudi, iako su često posjedovali superiornu snagu i veći ili jednak intelekt u usporedbi sa svojim genetskim dizajnerima. Nexus-6 raznolikost replikanata do 2019. godine posjedovala je snagu i intelekt, ali nisu bili opremljeni za život dulje od četiri godine u nastojanju da obuzdaju pobune i ograniče njihovu opasnost (unatoč njihovoj učinkovitosti u kolonizaciji i opasnom radu)Zivanovic&Ladislav………….
0 likesBlade Runner
Blade Runner: The Story of the Future
A Marvel Comics Super Special: Blade Runner
Blade Runner (film)
Blade Runner 2049
A LAIR.png
Out of the world: Blade Runner Wiki has 36 images associated with Rachael.
Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner - all versions
Blade Runner - American theatrical version
Blade Runner - international theatrical version
Future noir: Making Blade Runner - revised and updated edition
Dangerous days: Making Blade Runner
Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine.......ladislav&xivanovic.............Représentations
Coureur de lame
Blade Runner: L’histoire de l’avenir
Un Marvel Comics Super Spécial: Blade Runner
Blade Runner (film)
Blade Runner 2049
Hors du monde: Blade Runner Wiki a 36 images associées à Rachael.
Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner - toutes les versions
Blade Runner - Version théâtrale américaine
Blade Runner - version théâtrale internationale
Future noir: Making Blade Runner - édition révisée et mise à jour
Jours dangereux: Faire Blade Runner
Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine