Avant-prog sastav Xcranieum osnovao je 1989. godine Dean De Benedictis, zajedno s Philom Williamsom i Gregom Gunthnerom, koji je došao iz metal sastava Wargod. Također prisutni: John Wells (bubnjevi), Mike Iba (gitara) i Curtis Davis (bas). U 1990-ima, Dean De Benedictis odlučio je konačno snimiti nešto s trenutnom postavom koja ima pola pristojne kvalitete zvuka. Rezultat je bila zbirka sasvim različitih komada - koji su tada godinama stajali u studijskom ormariću. Dostupna je samo kaseta s četiri komada. Ovaj.A što se tu ima čuti? Pa, bend zahvaljuje Nick Didkovsky, poznat iz Doctor Nerve, i Dave Kerman, poznat iz svih vrsta čudnih bendova, među ostalima. Glazba je u skladu s tim čudna. "Moodgraft" počinje s naslovnom pjesmom, četvrtsatnom koja počinje gusto tkanim, visoko intenzivnim kosim kamenom dok se potpuno ne okrene na pola puta i prijeti da će se izgubiti u ambijentalnim zvukovima. Ali ovo je avant-rock, i tako divlji instrumentalni prolazi probijaju atmosferu iznova i iznova. Najbolji komad na kaseti.Preostali komadi su mnogo kraći od "Moodgrafta": "Rasulo" se temelji na zlokobnom bas riffu, na koji drugi glazbenici izmišljaju još zlokobnije zvukove dok se cijela stvar ne izgubi u buci. "Izolacija" je opet više pjesma, ili bolje komad, jer ovdje, kao i na ostatku albuma, nema pjevanja. U prvom dijelu, gotovo grimizna tkanina se nakuplja prije nego što se bend prebaci na tvrdi, funky groove, koji je previše krut da bi bio funk. Tada "Izolacija" neočekivano završava tihom akustičnom gitarom. Posljednji komad, "Boundries", počinje tmurnim zvukovima dok se ne uspostavi ritam koji će pratiti te zvukove do kraja. Čudan.Još čudnije: posljednji komad nije posljednji komad. Na umetku kasete nema drugog komada, ali još uvijek postoji jedan, kako se u međuvremenu pročulo, zove se "Površine - ovo stanje". Što je ovo, nije jasno. Još jedan komad Xcranieuma, nazvan "Površine - ovo stanje"? Ili komad koji se zove "Ovo stanje" s površina? Nisam to mogao pojasniti. Tridesetominutni (!) dobro se uklapa u ostalo: Otprilike se komad može podijeliti na tri dijela, prvi se sastoji od ćudljivih zvukova, u drugim bubnjevima i jednostavnom bas motivu vozite hipnotički ritam naprijed, au trećem je aktivan cijeli bend. Spacerock, Krautrock, to je smjer u kojem bih rekao. Ali tko stoji iza toga...Što se dogodilo bendu s čudnim imenom? Pa, nakon mnogih kašnjenja i uz dopuštenje ostatka benda, 2007. godine objavljeno je na strani Fateless Musica da će ova glazba konačno biti objavljena kao CD. Nažalost, ništa nije proizašlo iz toga. Ladislav&Zivanovic………….
Le groupe d’avant-prog Xcranieum a été fondé en 1989 par Dean De Benedictis, avec Phil Williams et Greg Gunthner, qui venaient du groupe de metal Wargod. Également présents: John Wells (batterie), Mike Iba (guitare) et Curtis Davis (basse). Dans les années 1990, Dean De Benedictis a finalement décidé d’enregistrer quelque chose avec la gamme actuelle qui a la moitié de la qualité sonore décente. Le résultat a été une collection de pièces assez différentes - qui sont ensuite restées dans l’armoire du studio pendant des années. Seule une cassette à quatre paquets est disponible. Et qu’y a-t-il à entendre? Eh bien, le groupe remercie Nick Didkovsky, une célébrité de Doctor Nerve, et Dave Kerman, connu de toutes sortes de groupes étranges, entre autres. La musique est étrange en conséquence. « Moodgraft » commence par la chanson-titre, un quart d’heure qui commence par une pierre en pente densément tissée et très intense jusqu’à ce qu’elle tourne complètement à mi-chemin et menace de se perdre dans les sons ambiants. Mais c’est de l’avant-rock, et de tels passages instrumentaux sauvages percent l’atmosphère encore et encore. Meilleure pièce sur bande. Les morceaux restants sont beaucoup plus courts que « Moodgraft »: « Disarray » est basé sur un riff de basse sinistre, auquel d’autres musiciens inventent des sons encore plus sinistres jusqu’à ce que le tout soit perdu dans le bruit. « Isolation » est plus une chanson à nouveau, ou plutôt un morceau, parce qu’il n’y a pas de chant ici, comme sur le reste de l’album. Dans la première partie, un tissu presque cramoisi s’accumule avant que le groupe ne passe à un groove dur et funky, qui est trop rigide pour être funk. Puis « Isolation » se termine inopinément avec une guitare acoustique silencieuse. La dernière pièce, Boundries, commence par des sons sombres jusqu’à ce qu’un rythme soit établi pour accompagner ces sons jusqu’à la fin. Bizarre. Encore plus étrange: la dernière pièce n’est pas la dernière pièce. Il n’y a pas d’autre pièce sur l’insert de la cassette, mais il y en a encore une, car elle s’est depuis répandue, elle s’appelle « Surfaces - cet état ». Ce que c’est n’est pas clair. Un autre morceau de Xcranieum, appelé « Surfaces - cet état »? Ou une pièce appelée « Cette condition » des surfaces? Je ne pouvais pas l’expliquer. Les 30 minutes (!) s’intègrent bien dans le reste: Environ la pièce peut être divisée en trois parties, la première se compose de sons de mauvaise humeur, dans d’autres tambours et un motif de basse simple conduire le rythme hypnotique vers l’avant, et dans le troisième le groupe entier est actif. Spacerock, Krautrock, c’est la direction que je dirais. Mais qui est derrière... Qu’est-il arrivé au groupe avec le nom étrange? Eh bien, après de nombreux retards et avec la permission du reste du groupe, en 2007, il a été annoncé du côté de fateless music que cette musique serait enfin publiée sous forme de CD. Malheureusement, il n’en est rien sorti. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............
The Avant-prog band Xcranieum was founded in 1989 by Dean De Benedictis, along with Phil Williams and Greg Gunthner, who came from the metal band Wargod. Also present: John Wells (drums), Mike Iba (guitar) and Curtis Davis (bass). In the 1990s, Dean De Benedictis decided to finally record something with the current lineup that has half the decent sound quality. The result was a collection of quite different pieces - which then stood in the studio cabinet for years. Only a four-pack cassette is available. And what's there to hear? Well, the band thanks Nick Didkovsky, a celebrity from Doctor Nerve, and Dave Kerman, known from all kinds of weird bands, among others. The music is strange accordingly. "Moodgraft" begins with the title track, a quarter-hour that begins with a densely woven, highly intense sloping stone until it completely turns halfway and threatens to get lost in ambient sounds. But this is avant-rock, and such wild instrumental passages pierce the atmosphere over and over again. Best piece on tape. The remaining pieces are much shorter than "Moodgraft": "Disarray" is based on a sinister bass riff, to which other musicians invent even more sinister sounds until the whole thing is lost in the noise. "Isolation" is more of a song again, or rather a piece, because there is no singing here, as on the rest of the album. In the first part, an almost crimson fabric accumulates before the band switches to a hard, funky groove, which is too rigid to be funk. Then "Isolation" unexpectedly ends with a silent acoustic guitar. The last piece, Boundries, begins with gloomy sounds until a rhythm is established to accompany these sounds to the end. Weird. Even stranger: the last piece is not the last piece. There is no other piece on the cassette insert, but there is still one, as it has since spread, it is called "Surfaces - this state". What this is is unclear. Another piece of Xcranieum, called "Surfaces - this state"? Or a piece called "This Condition" from the surfaces? I couldn't explain it. The 30-minute (!) fits well into the rest: Approximately the piece can be divided into three parts, the first consists of moody sounds, in other drums and a simple bass motif drive the hypnotic rhythm forward, and in the third the whole band is active. Spacerock, Krautrock, that's the direction I'd say. But who's behind it... What happened to the band with the odd name? Well, after many delays and with the permission of the rest of the band, in 2007 it was announced on fateless music's side that this music would finally be released as a CD. Unfortunately, nothing came of it. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............
The Avant-prog band Xcranieum was founded in 1989 by Dean De Benedictis, along with Phil Williams and Greg Gunthner, who came from the metal band Wargod. Also present: John Wells (drums), Mike Iba (guitar) and Curtis Davis (bass). In the 1990s, Dean De Benedictis decided to finally record something with the current lineup that has half the decent sound quality. The result was a collection of quite different pieces - which then stood in the studio cabinet for years. Only a four-pack cassette is available. And what's there to hear? Well, the band thanks Nick Didkovsky, a celebrity from Doctor Nerve, and Dave Kerman, known from all kinds of weird bands, among others. The music is strange accordingly. "Moodgraft" begins with the title track, a quarter-hour that begins with a densely woven, highly intense sloping stone until it completely turns halfway and threatens to get lost in ambient sounds. But this is avant-rock, and such wild instrumental passages pierce the atmosphere over and over again. Best piece on tape. The remaining pieces are much shorter than "Moodgraft": "Disarray" is based on a sinister bass riff, to which other musicians invent even more sinister sounds until the whole thing is lost in the noise. "Isolation" is more of a song again, or rather a piece, because there is no singing here, as on the rest of the album. In the first part, an almost crimson fabric accumulates before the band switches to a hard, funky groove, which is too rigid to be funk. Then "Isolation" unexpectedly ends with a silent acoustic guitar. The last piece, Boundries, begins with gloomy sounds until a rhythm is established to accompany these sounds to the end. Weird. Even stranger: the last piece is not the last piece. There is no other piece on the cassette insert, but there is still one, as it has since spread, it is called "Surfaces - this state". What this is is unclear. Another piece of Xcranieum, called "Surfaces - this state"? Or a piece called "This Condition" from the surfaces? I couldn't explain it. The 30-minute (!) fits well into the rest: Approximately the piece can be divided into three parts, the first consists of moody sounds, in other drums and a simple bass motif drive the hypnotic rhythm forward, and in the third the whole band is active. Spacerock, Krautrock, that's the direction I'd say. But who's behind it... What happened to the band with the odd name? Well, after many delays and with the permission of the rest of the band, in 2007 it was announced on fateless music's side that this music would finally be released as a CD. Unfortunately, nothing came of it. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............
0 likesAvant-prog sastav Xcranieum osnovao je 1989. godine Dean De Benedictis, zajedno s Philom Williamsom i Gregom Gunthnerom, koji je došao iz metal sastava Wargod. Također prisutni: John Wells (bubnjevi), Mike Iba (gitara) i Curtis Davis (bas). U 1990-ima, Dean De Benedictis odlučio je konačno snimiti nešto s trenutnom postavom koja ima pola pristojne kvalitete zvuka. Rezultat je bila zbirka sasvim različitih komada - koji su tada godinama stajali u studijskom ormariću. Dostupna je samo kaseta s četiri komada. Ovaj.A što se tu ima čuti? Pa, bend zahvaljuje Nick Didkovsky, poznat iz Doctor Nerve, i Dave Kerman, poznat iz svih vrsta čudnih bendova, među ostalima. Glazba je u skladu s tim čudna. "Moodgraft" počinje s naslovnom pjesmom, četvrtsatnom koja počinje gusto tkanim, visoko intenzivnim kosim kamenom dok se potpuno ne okrene na pola puta i prijeti da će se izgubiti u ambijentalnim zvukovima. Ali ovo je avant-rock, i tako divlji instrumentalni prolazi probijaju atmosferu iznova i iznova. Najbolji komad na kaseti.Preostali komadi su mnogo kraći od "Moodgrafta": "Rasulo" se temelji na zlokobnom bas riffu, na koji drugi glazbenici izmišljaju još zlokobnije zvukove dok se cijela stvar ne izgubi u buci. "Izolacija" je opet više pjesma, ili bolje komad, jer ovdje, kao i na ostatku albuma, nema pjevanja. U prvom dijelu, gotovo grimizna tkanina se nakuplja prije nego što se bend prebaci na tvrdi, funky groove, koji je previše krut da bi bio funk. Tada "Izolacija" neočekivano završava tihom akustičnom gitarom. Posljednji komad, "Boundries", počinje tmurnim zvukovima dok se ne uspostavi ritam koji će pratiti te zvukove do kraja. Čudan.Još čudnije: posljednji komad nije posljednji komad. Na umetku kasete nema drugog komada, ali još uvijek postoji jedan, kako se u međuvremenu pročulo, zove se "Površine - ovo stanje". Što je ovo, nije jasno. Još jedan komad Xcranieuma, nazvan "Površine - ovo stanje"? Ili komad koji se zove "Ovo stanje" s površina? Nisam to mogao pojasniti. Tridesetominutni (!) dobro se uklapa u ostalo: Otprilike se komad može podijeliti na tri dijela, prvi se sastoji od ćudljivih zvukova, u drugim bubnjevima i jednostavnom bas motivu vozite hipnotički ritam naprijed, au trećem je aktivan cijeli bend. Spacerock, Krautrock, to je smjer u kojem bih rekao. Ali tko stoji iza toga...Što se dogodilo bendu s čudnim imenom? Pa, nakon mnogih kašnjenja i uz dopuštenje ostatka benda, 2007. godine objavljeno je na strani Fateless Musica da će ova glazba konačno biti objavljena kao CD. Nažalost, ništa nije proizašlo iz toga. Ladislav&Zivanovic………….
0 likesLe groupe d’avant-prog Xcranieum a été fondé en 1989 par Dean De Benedictis, avec Phil Williams et Greg Gunthner, qui venaient du groupe de metal Wargod. Également présents: John Wells (batterie), Mike Iba (guitare) et Curtis Davis (basse). Dans les années 1990, Dean De Benedictis a finalement décidé d’enregistrer quelque chose avec la gamme actuelle qui a la moitié de la qualité sonore décente. Le résultat a été une collection de pièces assez différentes - qui sont ensuite restées dans l’armoire du studio pendant des années. Seule une cassette à quatre paquets est disponible. Et qu’y a-t-il à entendre? Eh bien, le groupe remercie Nick Didkovsky, une célébrité de Doctor Nerve, et Dave Kerman, connu de toutes sortes de groupes étranges, entre autres. La musique est étrange en conséquence. « Moodgraft » commence par la chanson-titre, un quart d’heure qui commence par une pierre en pente densément tissée et très intense jusqu’à ce qu’elle tourne complètement à mi-chemin et menace de se perdre dans les sons ambiants. Mais c’est de l’avant-rock, et de tels passages instrumentaux sauvages percent l’atmosphère encore et encore. Meilleure pièce sur bande. Les morceaux restants sont beaucoup plus courts que « Moodgraft »: « Disarray » est basé sur un riff de basse sinistre, auquel d’autres musiciens inventent des sons encore plus sinistres jusqu’à ce que le tout soit perdu dans le bruit. « Isolation » est plus une chanson à nouveau, ou plutôt un morceau, parce qu’il n’y a pas de chant ici, comme sur le reste de l’album. Dans la première partie, un tissu presque cramoisi s’accumule avant que le groupe ne passe à un groove dur et funky, qui est trop rigide pour être funk. Puis « Isolation » se termine inopinément avec une guitare acoustique silencieuse. La dernière pièce, Boundries, commence par des sons sombres jusqu’à ce qu’un rythme soit établi pour accompagner ces sons jusqu’à la fin. Bizarre. Encore plus étrange: la dernière pièce n’est pas la dernière pièce. Il n’y a pas d’autre pièce sur l’insert de la cassette, mais il y en a encore une, car elle s’est depuis répandue, elle s’appelle « Surfaces - cet état ». Ce que c’est n’est pas clair. Un autre morceau de Xcranieum, appelé « Surfaces - cet état »? Ou une pièce appelée « Cette condition » des surfaces? Je ne pouvais pas l’expliquer. Les 30 minutes (!) s’intègrent bien dans le reste: Environ la pièce peut être divisée en trois parties, la première se compose de sons de mauvaise humeur, dans d’autres tambours et un motif de basse simple conduire le rythme hypnotique vers l’avant, et dans le troisième le groupe entier est actif. Spacerock, Krautrock, c’est la direction que je dirais. Mais qui est derrière... Qu’est-il arrivé au groupe avec le nom étrange? Eh bien, après de nombreux retards et avec la permission du reste du groupe, en 2007, il a été annoncé du côté de fateless music que cette musique serait enfin publiée sous forme de CD. Malheureusement, il n’en est rien sorti. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............
1 likeThe Avant-prog band Xcranieum was founded in 1989 by Dean De Benedictis, along with Phil Williams and Greg Gunthner, who came from the metal band Wargod. Also present: John Wells (drums), Mike Iba (guitar) and Curtis Davis (bass). In the 1990s, Dean De Benedictis decided to finally record something with the current lineup that has half the decent sound quality. The result was a collection of quite different pieces - which then stood in the studio cabinet for years. Only a four-pack cassette is available. And what's there to hear? Well, the band thanks Nick Didkovsky, a celebrity from Doctor Nerve, and Dave Kerman, known from all kinds of weird bands, among others. The music is strange accordingly. "Moodgraft" begins with the title track, a quarter-hour that begins with a densely woven, highly intense sloping stone until it completely turns halfway and threatens to get lost in ambient sounds. But this is avant-rock, and such wild instrumental passages pierce the atmosphere over and over again. Best piece on tape. The remaining pieces are much shorter than "Moodgraft": "Disarray" is based on a sinister bass riff, to which other musicians invent even more sinister sounds until the whole thing is lost in the noise. "Isolation" is more of a song again, or rather a piece, because there is no singing here, as on the rest of the album. In the first part, an almost crimson fabric accumulates before the band switches to a hard, funky groove, which is too rigid to be funk. Then "Isolation" unexpectedly ends with a silent acoustic guitar. The last piece, Boundries, begins with gloomy sounds until a rhythm is established to accompany these sounds to the end. Weird. Even stranger: the last piece is not the last piece. There is no other piece on the cassette insert, but there is still one, as it has since spread, it is called "Surfaces - this state". What this is is unclear. Another piece of Xcranieum, called "Surfaces - this state"? Or a piece called "This Condition" from the surfaces? I couldn't explain it. The 30-minute (!) fits well into the rest: Approximately the piece can be divided into three parts, the first consists of moody sounds, in other drums and a simple bass motif drive the hypnotic rhythm forward, and in the third the whole band is active. Spacerock, Krautrock, that's the direction I'd say. But who's behind it... What happened to the band with the odd name? Well, after many delays and with the permission of the rest of the band, in 2007 it was announced on fateless music's side that this music would finally be released as a CD. Unfortunately, nothing came of it. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............
1 likeThe Avant-prog band Xcranieum was founded in 1989 by Dean De Benedictis, along with Phil Williams and Greg Gunthner, who came from the metal band Wargod. Also present: John Wells (drums), Mike Iba (guitar) and Curtis Davis (bass). In the 1990s, Dean De Benedictis decided to finally record something with the current lineup that has half the decent sound quality. The result was a collection of quite different pieces - which then stood in the studio cabinet for years. Only a four-pack cassette is available. And what's there to hear? Well, the band thanks Nick Didkovsky, a celebrity from Doctor Nerve, and Dave Kerman, known from all kinds of weird bands, among others. The music is strange accordingly. "Moodgraft" begins with the title track, a quarter-hour that begins with a densely woven, highly intense sloping stone until it completely turns halfway and threatens to get lost in ambient sounds. But this is avant-rock, and such wild instrumental passages pierce the atmosphere over and over again. Best piece on tape. The remaining pieces are much shorter than "Moodgraft": "Disarray" is based on a sinister bass riff, to which other musicians invent even more sinister sounds until the whole thing is lost in the noise. "Isolation" is more of a song again, or rather a piece, because there is no singing here, as on the rest of the album. In the first part, an almost crimson fabric accumulates before the band switches to a hard, funky groove, which is too rigid to be funk. Then "Isolation" unexpectedly ends with a silent acoustic guitar. The last piece, Boundries, begins with gloomy sounds until a rhythm is established to accompany these sounds to the end. Weird. Even stranger: the last piece is not the last piece. There is no other piece on the cassette insert, but there is still one, as it has since spread, it is called "Surfaces - this state". What this is is unclear. Another piece of Xcranieum, called "Surfaces - this state"? Or a piece called "This Condition" from the surfaces? I couldn't explain it. The 30-minute (!) fits well into the rest: Approximately the piece can be divided into three parts, the first consists of moody sounds, in other drums and a simple bass motif drive the hypnotic rhythm forward, and in the third the whole band is active. Spacerock, Krautrock, that's the direction I'd say. But who's behind it... What happened to the band with the odd name? Well, after many delays and with the permission of the rest of the band, in 2007 it was announced on fateless music's side that this music would finally be released as a CD. Unfortunately, nothing came of it. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............