@Quacker poor LGBT person. You guys are just so desperate wanted to be recognized and accepted as the part of social community, so you shamelessly shout your LGBT thoughts in every sosmed there is. Well, let me tell you, THAT ISN'T THE WAY. If you really want to be accepted, you must first start to respect non-LGBT people. Stop shouting your ideology and start to listen to others. Starlight is not a lesbian and never confirmed to be. Just because she has one closest friend who is a girl, that doesn't automatically make her a lesbian. Hasbro never confirms who she ends up with.
@Hiccy69 Poor straight person, quit being so dramatic. You're getting heated talking about the sexuality of a fictional horse character. Let people, no matter what you assume their orientation may be, have their harmless headcanons. Reminder that Starlight, like many other characters, isn't confirmed to be literally anything in those terms, and that people have the freedom to speculate what they wish. No need to flaunt your blatant homophobia while you're at it 😐
@Quacker Look, it is your opinion and i respect that. You want to call her a lesbian, thats your business. But don't force your opinion to those who don't like it. Not all of us like LGBT stuffs you know, and you can't force us to support you either.
@Louise Bekken I feel like this theory is wrong but you can have you’re opinion but I’d like to say they could be siblings and where does she get her pink from and Sunset is In equestria Girls just my opinion
@Hiccy69 Poor Homophobic person. You guys are desperate to be the center of attention, so you shamelessly shout your homophobic thoughts and ideology in every area there is. Well let me tell YOU, THAT ISN’T THE WAY. If you really want attention and people to like, you must first respect everyone (including the LGBTQ+). Stop shouting your ideologies and start to listen to others. People can have their own head canons about characters her sexuality has never been confirmed so right now you’re sounding like an idiot. Just because someone thinks she’s lesbian doesn’t mean they’re forcing ideologies, right now you’re the own doing the forcing of ideologies.
Ma dude people LISTEN SUNBURSt and starlight is brother and sisters gosh if u watch the whole episode u can see that sunbursts mother has the same color magic horn as starlight does and starlights father has the same color as sunbursts if they have a child it will be a huge problem
@Hiccy69 also, not supporting LGBT literally means you don't want certain people to have rights because YOU don't like them. man the level of hypocrisy you guys say is beyond my understanding. you don't like people FOR SOMETHING THEY CAN'T CHOSE. man i.. i hate you. i hate people like you. i hope you get the same people we do someday.
@Dulcet That still isnt a reason for saying every character is lgbtq, what he said wasn't homophobic, Starlight hasn't been confirmed to be any sexuality but shes most likely to be straight, If that person thought she was gay or lesbian she should have said it was an opinion but she never did.
@Quacker okay... but fyi people would lash out on you for saying that your dad work for hasbro, not many ppl can get the joke... so maybe be careful next time...? Idk
@Dani M why? becuz shitlight glimmer is literaly worst thenlcancler and deserves to getsecanser an any relashinship with her is inharintly abdusive becuz she worser then HjtIer StaIon and Moosaleeny put together times infinity and comets horrinble unforgivabe atrosities agenst evryone an every episdoe shes in and manipalaites evreryone into forgivving her anyway wnen she shood rilly be brurtilly serverly torchered togdeath and then resarected just so she can be torchered toedaeth over and over agen in diffrint ways and shell beg to be aloud to stay deed in piece but they dont let her they just laff in her facet and keep torchering her becuz she deserves it. thats why. and my oc is more prowerful then everone in ekwestria put together so he can easely overpower shitlight and use magic to keep brining her back to lifes for more torcher.
@Hiccy69 It's just a headcanon. You can headcanon Starlight as straight. You can headcanon Starlight as lesbian. They're literally cartoon ponies. There's no need to cause a ship war.
@Spongie is it because starlight use to be jealous of him cause he got his cutie mark first before her and ignore her at a kids when she being lonely, when she meet her old friends again, she being ignore again because he only pay attention on magic and her other friends instead herself (I know they talk each other now but he still kinda bad friends cause he been ignoring her and left her by herself while giving a attention to everyone else and his learning of magic and trick)
@•pastelly. somone should fare shitlight glimmer out of a cannon and into a pit of malted lava and wach and laff as she barns toodeath slowly and pajnfuIIy. And then bring her back to life so to torcher her agein.
@Hiccy69 excuse me?! “Start to respect non-lgbt” What kind of logic is that!? That’s absolutely disgusting and disrespectful towards The lgbt they got abused and humiliated for so many years and can’t even make up their own little headcannons without a straight stuck up homophobe attacking them?! Maybe YOU should get your homophobic ass out of here
@KindaCryptic They never once acted fully homophobic. Just because somebody calls someone out for forcing an unconfirmed headcanon doesn’t automatically mean they’re homophobic. Also, they were never “desperate to be the center of attention”. All they did was say that somebody’s belief was a headcanon. Sure, they were rude about it, but to be honest, despite not being homophobic, I would’ve done the same thing.
@Quacker Well, you did kinda just state that without further implicating that it was a headcanon. In fact, your statement had nothing to do with the comment, and there’s a good chance it’s not true. Also, nobody technically asked for you opinion. Just saying.
Trixie married my OC Prince Justice Firestorm.
And on there honeymoon they bruttily torchered shitlight glimmer todeaath abunch of times in diffrint ways by Prince Justice Firestorm use his magic to keep resarecting shitlight just so him and Trixie can keep torchering her. Then wren the honeymoone were over they still keeped torchering her and they rest of the other caracters all joined in to help. And somone live streemed it so anyone can wach and enjoy her suftering from the comfert of there homes. And if the want to see a praticuler torcher agin they can wach the vidios that are benign recorded sepratly. And music albmums of her crying and screeming in agginy so if they cant wach a vidio they can at lest lissen and rellish in her plain and missiry. and evem the babies like it and can use it to as a lulaby. 🤣🤣😫😤👿❤😝🤣🤣
@Pratibhaaa and then Sunberst sneek up on shitlight glimmer went shes a sleep and c. Hop. offe her horn and gage hereyes () ut with it. And farce her too drjmk wotter cantamanaited whith collara and tifoyd fervor. And latter wotterbored her witrh her Daria Ria whale everone wachest and laffs atther and mocks her. lol
@Angelina F.L ye they should try picturing shitlight glimmer being severally torchered. That might help them feel calmer and more relaxxed. Or than again maybe it wood probly jist be more fun and exiting then calmming. Like Disneyland. lol
@Hiccy69 bro, you have some serious issues. I’m sorry that you’re homophobic and feel this pressed about a fictional ponies sexuality. You don’t know she’s straight either. Never confirmed her being straight. But we’re all here under a video that talks about the possibility she could’ve ended up with a man, it’s equally possible she could’ve ended up with a woman.
@Hiccy69 you’re the only one being forceful about what you’re saying. They literally said she was a lesbian and nothing else and you got pressed for nothing.
@just an anonymous potato no one was forcing a headcannon on anyone y’all are literally pressed just because someone said she’s a lesbian and that makes you seem pretty homophobic. Lesbians exist, get over it.
@just an anonymous potato he didn’t just simply state it was a headcannon, he literally called lgbtqia+ people desperate. He literally insulted the person just for saying she’s a lesbian. That is homophobic.
@Sunshine 🐝 The Oxford definition of homophobic is “having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.” By definition, this means that he’s not being homophobic, since he’s only insulting someone for calling her a lesbian rather than insulting LGBT itself. Besides, just because you insult LGBT once doesn’t automatically make you homophobic. If you insult your brother, he’s still your brother, and you still care about each other. To claim someone is completely against LGBT as a whole just because they make an insult (That’s not even really structured as an insult if you ask me, more like a rude and debatable fact, although it is true to some extent) is frankly really stupid, and I mean this in the nicest way possible.
@Sunshine 🐝 When the hell did anyone say lesbians didn’t exist? I honestly couldn’t care less either way. And there most certainly was at least one person “forcing a headcanon on somebody”.
@just an anonymous potato no there wasn’t. They just said starlights a lesbian, no force involved. I said that the existence of lesbians is clearly upsetting y’all.
@Sunshine 🐝 And might I ask how exactly do you attack a whole community? Send a hateful message toward every single member that exists in that community?
@Sunshine 🐝 Well if going around repeatedly telling everyone who interacts with you that Starlight is a lesbian isn’t forcing a headcanon that what the hell is? Fucking murdering somebody’s family!?
Also I have no problems with lesbians themselves, just stupid headcanons.
@Hiccy69 First off: L + Ratio, Second off: headcanons exist, my dude, Third off: Saying you “need to earn the respect of straight people” implies that we need to DESERVE respect for being human and that your opinion is supposed to matter to us, and Fourth off: LGBT PEOPLE SHOULDNT HAVE TO EARN RESPECT. You don’t have to support us; We won’t force you to. Just RESPECT us. And saying we’re “shoving things down your throat” id absolute bs. You know that companies show straight couples kissing, making out, etc in shows, movies, etc all the time, right?
@✨I-Am-Very-Sleep-Deprived✨ my oc can rjpaway all of shitlight glimmers magic and cheign her to the waII and caste a speII to give her teraffying haIIusinashins of evryone she loves and cares anout being torchered and kiIIed and make her think its aII her falt there being torchered and kiIIed and than loch her in a madeval torcher chaimbrer for the rest of eternity.
@_Anon.ymus_ my oc can can make some poiyzen look like a brian and teII shitlight glimmer its acshully Sunbersts brian so she thinks hesdead and fourse her toeat it wil shes loched in a madeval torcher dungian. lol
@Coconut do u think shitlight glimmer desrerves to be in the worst most agginnizing excrusshieating pajn posibele nonstop forever and even longer then forever?
@Karuniko Musahi Official um Trixie knows who Sunburst is she met him in season 7 when shitlight glimmer tricked him into braking and entrancing into the Applee farm and then shitlight did abunch of other unforgivsble cremes aganst him. And then Trixie seen intersecting whith Sundburst in a copple eprisodes after thhat. But it still cant be Trixue and Sunburst as Lester Dawns parents becuz Trixie all ready married my oc Prince Justic Firestorm and on there honeymoon they repedtedly torcherdshitlight glimmer to debt and my oc reasoirekchted shitlight each time shediess so they can kept torctherring her. lol
@•pastelly. no, the difference is that the person dulcet replied to was furiously yelling at the other person for being lgbt and telling them "yoU WONT GET ACCEPTED LIKE THIS!!!1!1!!1" which is yk... homophobia besides that, the fact they said "stop forcing things down our throat!!" shows that they don't want to see any gay romance or even representation, EVEN THOUGH they're fine with straight rep. take a guess on what that is! yeah, you're right! it's homophobia. gay people aren't any different from straight people, being biased and saying you don't want to see gay stuff is homophobia.
@just an anonymous potato "fully homophobic" doesn't exist. the person was homophobic, they yelled at the OP and said that gay people were depserate and "never going to get accepted like this" which is FUCKED. you can't tell that to people. imagine yelling at a black person for drawing one of the MLP ponies as black as a human, that'd be kinda racist, no? how is this any different?
besides, saying you don't want to have gay representation forced down your throat but being fine with straight rep is homophobia. based on your name, you're not quite mature or knowledgeable on social issues yet, so i will explain:
if you are okay with chocolate, but say you don't like vanilla, we can deduct you don't like vanilla. if you're okay with straight people and their relationships on TV, but get mad the moment that a gay person is on TV, we can guess you're homophobic. easy deduction, really.
you don't have to offend an entire community to be homophobic. homophobic acts don't necessarily make you homophobic, but most of the time, they reveal that you ARE. you can be an ally and still do homophobic things or say homophobic things.
yet, the thing is, the original homophobic commenter IS homophobic. really, you can obviously tell by them already starting off with "you poor LGBT people" or whatever shit they said since that's EXTREMELY condescending and dehumanizes gay and trans folk, but i digress.
@felix808 Tricxie and my oc t0r=che=ring shitlight glimmer together as bruittoly as posible would be prety romantic. Just add a bunch of scented candles and enjoy the beautiful music of shitlights 5ccreems of agg3nhy and terrier. lolol
@U r a c t u a l m u m [Cliffer] the infographics show haves a playlist of videos of wordst panishmints thrughout history and vidoes about the most pajnfuII1 things in ther world and things that ar wmore worser then depth. shitlight glimmer deserves all the things in all the videos and vvorse. lol
@Thepretzellady Sunset Shimmer should bjorn shitlight glimmer at the steak and maybe give shitlight a fireproof gasmask so she can feel aII thepajn from the heet without pasting out and hers suffe., ring and missouriy will last longer. And everyone else can gather around and Iaff and mock shitlight/ as shedies sIowIy and pajnfueIIy. lol
@Hiccy69 Ok First Of Rude It Was Meant As A Joke And Second Stop Wasting Your Time Ranting And Writing A Whole 1000 Word Essay In The Comments If U Don't Have Something Nice To Say Keep Your Big Mouth Shut🤠
@harinderdeep singh shitlight glimmer derseves to get every dazieze in the world all at once and all the worst. side affects of aII the medakaII. treemints and my oc uses magic to kept hrer aIive longer so she can 5ufer longer. lol
@Dark Angel It's fine to think she is lesbian. Her sexuality is not confirmed. She could be anything. There are already canon LGBTQ+ characters in the show. People can think whatever they want to, as long as we respect each other's opinion, it's literally harmless.
@Anonymous Ina Why do people have to confirm if a character is gay for them to be gay? There is nothing confirming Starlight is straight either. So people can believe whatever they want to.
@•pastelly. They're homophobic because they threw a tantrum over someone making a head cannon that Starlight is lesbian. The show never confirmed if Starlight is lesbian, but it also never confirms she is straight either. So she could be anything you decide. It's harmless as long as we respect each other's opinion.
@just an anonymous potato If someone shows dislike or disgust for homosexuality they are homophobic. That's how it works. It doesn't have to be a homosexual person. Just homosexuality in general. Do you even hear yourself? If he's acting homophobic then he IS homophobic 💀
@just an anonymous potato Homophobia isn't attacking the whole community. It's disliking homosexuality. If you dislike homosexuality, then that usually means you dislike all homosexual people.
@Endless Twist No, I don’t hear myself because this is text. And the person didn’t show hatred for homophobia itself, but rather somebody else for pushing a homosexual headcanon onto everyone else. I have no problems with gay people but I do have problems with baseless headcanons being forced onto other people, and the other person may or may not feel the same. I’m going to try and refrain from arguing because this argument is like 3 weeks old and the last time I replied was 3 months ago, and this should’ve long since been done.
@just an anonymous potato my oc Prince Justice Firestorm pusheened shitsflight glimmer into a big fur. nice. that seethru so everone can gather around and see her after. it turned on. and heatproof speekers to listen and dance. too her pane,
@Hiccy69 I don't even agree with Starlight being lesbian but this was possibly the most homophobic way you could have put this response. Lmao. Do better.
@Marcy Baby Remove out sum off. shitlight glimmers oregons and mussels wile shes aIIive and fuIIy conchess and no anastasia and cookie it aII in a castlerrolle filed with aton off Iive flees and mach hereat it.
@mabel_is_the_dumb_one idc shitlight glimmeri is still wrose then every bad an evil thing in both realty and fiction put together times infinity. There isnt enuff space in the entire multiverse to fit all the hourable pumish, ments she dreserves.
@mabel_is_the_dumb_one aslo gacha is d\/m6 u shoud wacha Rick andc Morty insted. sometimes I wach Rick and Morty wile wmaking fanart and fanfiction of shitdlight glinnner being torchiere ed in sLoely and pailmfuIIy as posable. cuz she deesercves it.
@Hiccy69 dude who tf was forcing it??? they just said shes a lesbian bcuz its their hc. i personally like the hc of her being a lesbian? maybe you shouldnt push your straightness onto us either how abt that
@epiclizardgamer69 the stapaddo wood be perfect to iuse on shitlightg glimer. and aslo the wrack. and every other herabile puminshmant anypne can think off,
@epiclizardgamer69 speeking of dinosaurs it wood be rea;ly awesome if a dinosaur/ mewtellaited shitlightf gloimmer sIoweIy and pan. fuIIy as. possibele. i should draw a pic of of that.
@epiclizardgamer69 or my oc can cast the crusiattis curse from Hary Potter on shitlight nonstop for all eternity whilae aslo givning her other super plain, fuII plJnashmants at the same time.
@Gaming Kitty Cat She to good for shitlighlt glimmer. Sunset is the best eqestria girl she shoud go thru the portal and join in everyone else as they torchiere shitlightl glimmer too dearth. lol
Actually... While Spike never says anything to indicate he recognizes Luster Dawn, what he says doesn't necessarily indicate he doesn't recognize her, either. He mostly expresses surprise that she's not interested in making friends.
The one line that really points at Spike and Luster being strangers is "This is your top student?", but it could also be interpreted as him being disappointed in her.
Part of his disbelief might have very well been that Starlight's daughter and Twilight's protege would be so disinterested in friendship. So, he might have very well known who she was, and maybe even interacted with her when she was a filly, but he simply hasn't kept in touch with her since.
Also, at 1:18 when Sunburst and Starlight are standing next to each other, Starlight waves happily at Luster, before turning to Twilight, and then turns to Luster again to give her a kind smile. This could just be Starlight being friendly... or it could be Starlight greeting her daughter.
Exactly what I was thinking. If Luster didn't know Spike, wouldn't she be surprised that a dragon was sitting at Twilight's right hand? Not to mention that it looked like Spike had been travelling somewhere before and just got back, so maybe he didn't know that Luster didn't like friendship.
To me, it definitely sounded like it was heavily implied Spike didn't know Luster, based on how he spoke to her. I got thay vibe from their entire conversation in that episode
And the part with Starlight waving at Luster because she's her daughter is a stretch, it just looks like she waved at Twilight, since they have a big past, Twilight is one of the most important ponies in her life
@Kitty Cheshire I don't think she'd be surprised, she'd probably know who Spike was either way, so I don't think lack of surprise on her part is indicative of anything, especially since other creatures seemed to have become a common sight in Equestria.
@Vee Nope, she's turning her head to look at Twilight after waving, she's definitely waving at Luster.
Again, it might be just cause she's being friendly to a new student, so "because she's her daughter" may be a stretch, but I still wanted to mention it.
@Ellie Why so defensive? It's okay to have a theory, but it isn't factual haha. To me, it just looked like she looked away for a second, it makes more sense she waves enthusiastically at Twi since she changed her entire life around for the better, but we're talking about such a tiny thing in a few second clip, I think it's okay to believe whatever anyone wants to believe. That's just my two cents
@Vee shitlight glimmer should get every dazz eeze in the world all at once aand all the side effects of every tree/ tmint and medacayshin and my oc can use magic to keep her aIive so she cant e. scape the any of the pa. in and missouri of. it all. and everyone else can gather arond and Iauffgh . at her and, relish. in her missouri. and take some pics and vids to share wit the wholle entire multiverse. ; lol she derves it.
@Ellie You're the one arguing tho. It's a cartoon about ponies, maybe find something more important to care this much about. Oh wait you're 13. Nevermind lol
@Vee well im 14 and can do college math so im smartier then u lol. and aslo they shoud of made a epidode were they remove shitlightfglimmers magic as pianofully as posable and Ioch her inna smaII white roomba whith bright white lights everywere and caste a spell to make her all glowing white and all her food and water and 5h. It, and p. 155 in a white hole in the middle of the room. and no sound or smell or taste at all. And leaf her their for a year. And then letter out and cu7her opine and out somme off her internetetsiones and superglue thim too a tree, and mackher walk aronde thetree wile it sIoewIy and pianoafuIIy puIIs themoutalltheway. and caste a spiell to keep rer. alive. so the pine latsts logner. and mack hereat her owen oregonslol.
I personally like the idea that we just haven't met the mother. It's possible that sunburst is the dad but the mom isn't a character. My theory is that Luster was born in the crystal empire to Sunburst and some random mare. Then Sunburst had to move away to start working at the school. And seeing how gifted his daughter was, he took her with him so she could study with Twilight. This leads to Sunburst and random lady to falling out of love due to the long distance relationship. And since Sunburst needed help raising his kid, Starlight offered to help. And I like to think that Sunburst and Starlight raise Luster as father and aunt instead of father and mother.
@Jane's dick Do you not know how aunts and uncles work? Or do you just not have any yourself? Friends of parents become aunts/uncles all the time. Like found family.
@o 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜_𝙿𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 o lolurdum of corse i have ants and uncles there my parents rothers and sisters, and shitlighti glimmer desere to be foursfed abucket of b. leech and cIorreene. LOL
"They're standing next to each other. It must be true love!" Literally the fandom's reaction to Applejack and Rainbow Dash arriving in the throne room at the same time. ...and Fluttershy arriving through Discord's chaos dimension.
In my opinion yes, Starlight and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents, biologically. The reasoning for this is just when I look at luster dawn's design it just screams starlight and sunburst. Also, Trixie is a close friend of both Starlight and a friend of Sunburst so Luster would have been in her life most likely seen as an "aunt" figure, Luster would have like picked up slight personality traits from Trixie as well as her parents.
Spike clearly seems to know luster he just was shocked about her not caring about friendship a lot, she was raised by Starlight and Sunburst who are clearly both Introvert characters and wouldn't really talk to anyone because that's who introverts are.
When Luster arrives at the school of friendship, Sunburst and Starlight clearly notice Luster, and they both smile and wave, looking proud. Although this may just be their personalities they clearly are looking at Luster and know her or they just are friendly.
When you look at Luster who do you see design-wise? Starlight and Sunburst's coat mixed together would be Luster's. Her whole design just looks similar. Her magical capabilities would have come from Starlight and Sunburst along with Sunburst's love for knowledge and studying.
I just personally really think Luster is Starlight and Sunburst's daughter lol
Starlights the same age as pinkie and the rest of the group. Pinkies kid is like 3 years old, starligt would of had to get pregnant while the show was running, which never happpend. Shes not their kid.
@Elyssa Caouette Davies we dont know how much time actually passed . Pinkie could have had her child around three years ago but it could have been more than ten since we last saw them spike did go from a toddler to a full grown adult after all and many of the crew look aged a good amount. for all we know everyone was 20 when we met them and 40 after the time skip
My theory is that Starlight got very busy being a head mare, mother, and looking after the castle. So she had to quit the friendship council, we didnt see her attend the meeting in the last problem.
@Saida Jan I agree with you on that one the cinemark doesn't lie and it looks like SunBurst and The Great And Powerful Tricksy cuiemark's were smashed together to get Sun Don's cuiemark.
I honestly think that Starlight is the mom dude because Sunburst and Starlight both are REALLY close and they also represent the sun and night sooo anyone have the same theary? Just saying they would also be perfect together 😳 And BTW I can totally see her forgetting to tell her friends that she had a kid or was pregnant my friend was pregnant but I just thought she was fat but then 5 years later now I know 😂 still pretty mad at her for "forgetting" to tell me 😠🙄
This ignores the timing issue. Mac Jr and Cheesy are still children, and the Cake Twins are still living at home.. The finale is on 15 years or so after the rest of the show. Yet, Dawn is old enough to be sent away, which for Twilight was 18-22. Sorry, but the timing on Dawn means she should have been born at least 3-5 years before the show's end.
Elyssa Caouette Pinkie’s kid isn’t three years old. In For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, we see canonically five year old ponies, and they look much younger than Pinkie’s kid does.
@Elyssa Caouette Davies Just because they are the same age doesn’t mean Starlight and Pinkie got married and had a kid at the exact same year. Some can wait to as late as mid 30s while others could have them as soon as 22.
@Izunadara pinki and cheese prob got married and I dont know if starlight and sunburst got married. And why is my opinion eating u up so bad? Everyones got their own though so 🤷 am i not allowed to give my opinion if it dosnt match up to yours?
@Izunadara lol, like I said I had my opinion and ur the one who commented on it so its kinda dumb that ur saying that lol🤣 but okay keep going on old comments and make conversation if ur really that lonely bud😆 I got a life and maybe u should get off the internet and find something to keep u bussy instead of trolling on old comments in ur parents basement. Seriously 🤭
@Izunadara I'm guessing ur going to reply cause I know how trolls like u are🤭 Hmmmm ur prob gunna go on and try to turn the conversation on me to make yourself look smarter right? Thats a troll for u👍
@Izunadara lol there it is🤣 u repeated what I said and said it back to me😆 classic troll, unlike u I live and pay rent and bills so u trying to flip what I said dosnt work dude.
@Izunadarai could say the same😘 gotta ask me for dinner if u wanna take this relationship any further since u keep responding.😚 I get it u like me cutie.
@Elyssa Caouette Davies Oh don’t flatter yourself sweetheart. I haven’t wasted an ounce of emotion on you. And you also keep coming back so, yeah, hypocrite.
Yeah I think that too here why I think she might not tell 1.She forgotten 2. Maybe she was too far so she cannot tell them 3. She wanted to keep it secret
I can see Starlight having a kid with Sunburst over Trixie idk why but I can. From the chemistry they kind of had throughout the series is what leads me to believe that Starlight and Sunburst would end up together and Trixie would be that single for life friend because her standards are too high. Like think about their personality. I could see that Starlight might forget to send photos though. Or that Starlight and Sunburst moved away for a little while. Or that when Dawns a filly, they send her to a boarding school so spike never really got to meet her only when she was a little baby and because Twilight and Spike kind of meet a lot of people, it would make sense that Spike would forget her face. Plus no offense to those Spike fans out there, but I don't think he's very smart.
Twi: wat! Daughter!? Since when!!? Sg: 5 years? Two;but why didn't you say!? Sg: uhm you never really asked? Thought it be obvious being fat and moody Twi: i thought you are too much and... Sg: right, because I'm always moody? Rude!
@Elyssa Caouette Davies pinkie was 17-29 when she was first interduced. Now she looks like she is at least 35-40. So there was enough time for starlight to get pregnant
@°Twilight° replying to a 3 month old comment thats old enough that I forgot what it's even about, I don't care, it's a cartoon that's finished awhile ago and u just caught up? Go comment on some videos more up-to-date, cause trolls who comment on old shit are just desperate for drama.🙄
@Elyssa Caouette Davies Exactly! The fact that Big Mac and Pinkie's offspring are foals but Luster isn't is BEYOND coincidence; if Luster Dawn was the product of Starburst, she would've been a filly, around the same age as Lil Cheese and Big Mac's son. The Pumpkin Twins, Flurry Heart, and the CMC were all grown up by the finale. Luster HAD to have existed before the time jump.
@Elyssa Caouette Davies It could be Pinkie has more older kids but they're not shown, as the boneless that Lil' Cheese has was number 7, or it could be that Pinkie had a kid much later in life.
TS: Oh hi Starlight, what was it-- found a little pink pony hide behind SG
TS: awww, who this little pony? Your daughter? jokingly said giggled
SG: Well, this is what I want to talk to you about. I want my daughter, Luster Dawn, to go to your magic school, I'm believe she will soon be your favorite student!
TS: Oh, of course... Wait... Your daughter!! Really?? Did you... How... When... What!?
SG: Oh yeeeaah, I totally forgot, you haven't even met her, sorry that I didn't tell you about her. embarrassed smile
TS: I guess after the wedding with Sunburst, you're really busy that didn't even tell me you're pregnant, not even the time I visit your frienship school.
@Spiral晃晃 And then Twighliight rjps away shitlight glimmers magic and Twighlight and Loster Down and everyobe else in the world gong up on shitlight glimmer and torcher shitlight toodeath wile laffing and jearing at her and 5pjttjng and 5hjttjng in her face. lololololol
@~•SolarSky WCUE~• shell never learn aboot friendship. shes litrelly worse then HjtIer, StaIin, Satin, Mouseleeny, and the Kim diynesty in Norther Korea put together times infinity. she deserves to be torchered toodeath, resireted, and then torchered toodeath again over and over again nonstop for all eternity.
Fr this is how i see it going down Starlight 20 years later: I can't believe she is already in college!! Twilight:who's in collage Starlight: luster dawn Twilight: ooh my star pupil! I can't believe she so grown but how do you know who she is Starlight : ummm me I'm her mom Twilight : you had a whole entire child and I did not even know!?!? Starlight :oh ya I forgot to tell you!! Haha
@Elyssa Caouette Davies ya bc what I found out by just watching the show is that dragons probably age really slow bc twilight hatched spike when she was around maybe 5 or 6 years old and when the show was happening she was around 24-27 and spike was still a little kid so just bc pinkie had lil cheese about 3 years ago doesn't mean Starlight was pregnant during the show
This makes so much sense Oh My Pony Celestia goodness okay this makes too much sense I've never thought about this this is just like like I don't even know this is crazy like Trixie could be a mom I want to have Trixie would be good as a mom I mean tricks you might be good I do a lot of magic tricks to just play with her child this is so crazy and too smart I've never thought about this wow wow wow wow wow🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
@Joel Francois Trixie should cute of shitlight glimmers magic horn and use it too gage out shitllightseyes and 5ta6 her int he 5tumick and pour a gallon of 5aIt on it and fIoranatimastic asjd.
@Beth Gomez lol and then Twighlight removes shitlightg glimmers magic as pianofuIIy as posibile and all the man 6 gongup on shitlighgt and toerchier her toedeath and 5pjt and pj55 and 5hjt all over her. like she deserveses.
The way Trixie is smiling at Sunburst at 5:23 makes me truly belive that she's in love with him. She even closes her eyes and "lifts" her mane there too, which is something most people do when they are in love, at least I do in a nervous way 😂❤ So I do believe that Trixie and Sunburst are Luster's parents! Even though Luster doesn't have much similarities with Trixie, there's a chance some other ponies in her family has a similar color palette.
I think it would help to examine the parents we DO see, and see how those look in comparison. Twilight, pinkie pie, fluttershy, and scootaloo. We've seen all their parents, so maybe it would help narrow down the possibilities.
Honestly this is a good assumption but I feel like that Starlight makes more sense we only see Trixie with Sunburst only in a couple of shows together so it could be very well that Trixie just appreciates what he thinks about magic
There was no indication that Spike didn't know who Luster was. In fact, she seemed to know her just fine. The only thing he was surprised about was that she didn't like the idea of friendship, but he certainly seemed to know her, and even looked at her fondly when she entered. So there was no "Spike problem". And even if there as, why would it only matter if Luster's parents are Starlight/Sunburst and not Trixie/Sunburst? So this is a moot point either way.
There were lots of hints that Starlight and Sunburst did have feelings for each other; blushes, interactions that imply two people liking each other, being very close to each other, etc. There's also the future readings from the mobile game app (all of which were accurate for the rest of the Mane Six), which said for Starlight that her future "will be full of happy students and sunny days", and for Sunburst that his future "will be full of rewarding research and starlit nights". These are very specific word choices and the rest of the Mane Six had similar future readings ("a dangerously cheesy" future for Pinkie, a future of "caring critters and charming chaos" for Fluttershy, a future of "captain's bars and a good, honest life" for RD, "a booming business and a loving, loyal relationship" in the future for AJ, a future of "creative fulfillment and a world full of new designs" for Rarity, and a future with "a long, just, and magical reign" for Twilight).
There's also the fact that Joss Haber (who wrote the episode with Luster's appearance) said that Starlight and Sunburst ARE her parents, even though Jim Miller didn't like the idea or feel it made sense because it made Equestria feel too small with everything revolving around the same characters, but said he was fine with Starlight and Sunburst being married would leave it up to the fans to decide if Luster is their daughter or not. That's confirmation from the episodes writer, along with reluctant acceptance and a claim to let the fans decide from another writer from Miller. So, yeah, taking all that into consideration...
And Luster DOES have features of both Starlight and Sunburst, not to mention a similar Cutie Mark, which does tend to run in families (ex. the Apple family), and her name, Luster Dawn, can be seen as a time of day taking place between when Starlight's would and Sunburst's would, which is also a very common thing when it comes to naming characters.
And Luster thinking friendship is a waste of time isn't that strange, not even with Twilight being her teacher (and she's obviously very close to her, but still doesn't know about her meetings with the other Mane Six). Even with Starlight and Sunburst being the head and vice-head of the School of Friendship, or possibly even especially with them having those position, it's not unusual she looks down on the idea of friendship. In many cases where kids who have parents that often go on and on about their work or try who preach it to their their children, the kids will often start to find the subject irritating, and will even start to rebel against it or consider it an eye-roll whenever its mentioned. This happens a lot in the real world, and is almost expected at times, especially during teenage and young adult years.
So it's more than possible, even more than likely, that Starlight and Sunburst are her parents. But as for Sunburst and Trixie... yeah, I just can't see it, sorry. Friends, yes, lovers, sorry, no.
Yeah, this seems fairly solid. After watching the segment of the episode where Spike meets Luster he doesn't exactly act like he doesn't know her. And even if he doesn't, it wouldn't be super odd since he's an ambassador and seems to actually be away quite often for long lengths of time.
In my op, Jim Miller didn't like the idea because Luster's appearance lacking her father's markings (hooves and nose) which is genetic so he probably cast the idea aside. Another thing making me wonder is that in the scene where Twilight introduced Luster to her school of friendship. Supposedly said Luster was the daughter of Sunburst and Starlight, then the interaction they had seems to be a bit... cold? So you have me hooked on this idea and I hope they gave us a bit more look into Luster's past in the near future
Yeah I agree, Sunburst and Starlight I can see, but Sunburst and Trixie? Yeah no there is no way I can see them in a relationship that isn’t anything more than a friendship
Right because if she’s close with twilight and her star pupil how the hell the spike not know her?
Also the way Luster kinda lit up or had an excited look when entertaining the friendship school and the way Starlight waves looks very mother/daughter, like “I’m happy to see you but also I’m a young adult so imma give a casual wave”
I’m curious, which MLP game did you see the character ‘sayings’ in? I have the mobile one but I guess that’s not the game that has the things talking about the future? Or maybe I haven’t gotten there in the story yet?
Your right and honestly the connection between Trixi and Luster Dawn could just be that since her parents are friends with Trixi she is around a lot so she could definitely have a flare from her being around a lot during her childhood and you could say that Trixi was trying to bring Starburst and Starlight together as she did get Starburst to move closer to starlight and the rest is history.
@Silevile u cant ship shitlight glimmer with Trixie cuz Trixie is my wifu and all ready married my oc and shitlight glimer is litrally worster then hjtIer, staIjn, satin, moosealeeny, and the kimm dinisty all putted together times infinity.
Look, there was no indication that Spike didn't know who Luster Dawn was. The only indication this theory is true is that Luster Dawn referred to Twilight as her queen instead of aunt and Twilight told her to call her teacher or mentor instead of aunt. But honestly, that could be cleared up pretty quickly.
I think the Sunburst and Trixie ship is cute. Honestly, it makes for an interesting story at the very least. I may not like Trixie, but the idea I find appealing.
Decided to rewatch some Sawtooth Waves videos and came across this one. Definitely like the idea of Trixie and Sunburst more. I feel more a best friend energy between Starlight and Sunburst, really. But, I don't mind if Starlight was the parent.
I came back to watch this cause I’ve recently been craving some StarBurst fanfics (yet there’s very very few in Ao3 😭) and now I want something that involves Luster Dawn into the mix! Be it Sunburst being a single father or some drama around their child being anti-friendship! So to anyone who comes across this, let me know of any stories out there that comes to mind with these two 🥺😚
Also - Trixie does not necessarily show any kind of romance towards Sunburst, shes this kind of person who is full of herself so she just seems to be happy Sunburst likes her magic tricks.
@Celine Rosali it is a romantic orientation , the romantic counterpart of asexual , apply to those who dont experiece romantic attraction to anyone , basically the opposite of panromantic you might say
@The Lanktheist yup but have you seen rape , drug , and things like that in mlp ? I only said that because this is a kid show , things like that just dont exit you know ?
@The Lanktheist many of the chemicals had the same effect if you drink , inhale or let it contact with your eye not just drug , and those are magic what did you expected from mixing a bunch of bug , leaf , etc togerther ?
@slytherinwerewolf. what up with them ? They said themself that it is normal for 2 earthpony to make pony with different race (yeah i know my english suck )
@Alegria Déesse please think about the fact that this is the main character we talking about , i can see the "we're dating but that didnt work out but we had a baby " more than the thing make you got Aids and ruin your future in some situation , oh and also since in mlp they dont have lust or mating season and they can make baby themselve thank to magic so what is the freaking point of one night stand 🤔
@potato_fan ah magic , you can litterly rip the farbric of time and space and change the nature of something entierly , how in the world cant its create life ? worst case scenarial you just need some sperm and egg to get the job done
@potato_fan and also if really she was "accident" , there would still be no prove that they dont love eachother and have to breakup because of trixie dad job or otherthing
I’m also curious where the “you don’t inherit magic” theory comes from unless they mentioned it in the show which I missed it then, and even Twilight herself said in an episode “magic is something your born with” and I can think of a word for other “things your born with” (skin/or I guess coat color, eye color, hair color) and Trixie is kind of proven to be not very powerful, (mind you Sunburst is though) but for her child to be a top magic student isn’t super likely…but that’s my take, that and there’s a few other things that made me believe the Sunburst/Starlight parent theory. The way Starlight waves at Luster when she comes in and the way she looks at he says it
They should all get together and do every kind of torchiere possible on shitlightyglimmer and my oc resaurekt her eachtime shedies so they can kept on torchiere inhg her over and over forever and laff and reIIish in her missouriy.
The thing about the time of days could also work for Starlight, and also I think luster dawns color palette should accommodate Trixies colors more than Sunbursts since she’s the mother 😅
That's a really good theory, but if I'm not mistaken, in the last episode of the series, Spike was reunited with Twilight after a time they hadn't seen each other. This means that after Twilight's coronation, Spike didn't stay with her forever and he made himself a life on his behalf. So maybe when he visited Twilight at the castle, he didn't have time to see his friends from Ponyville (except the mane 6), so he may have been (physically) away from Starlight for so long that he never saw her daughter! I know it may be a bit forced theory, but ☆Starbust☆ forever !!!
The cutie marks are way too similar between sunburst and luster dawn and the hairline between the two are so similar and their colors. Sunburst has to be the father. Also, I don’t think it’s really accurate that she would be born soon after twilights coordination because between then and when luster dawn is introduced twilight has significantly grown so I think more time has past since the time you originally given when she was borb
@Mikee the·o·ry
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
@g4ys0n Yes, but if you think that Luster Dawn is Starlight's kid than no mater if she is hers with Sunburst, hers with someone else, or adopted than Spike would know the kid because Starlight would have kept in touch with Twilight and Spike.
@g4ys0n no. Luster is almost full grown, their relationship can’t really be that new. Plus, she still would’ve had to have been brought up in a conversation with spike, even if she’s not her biological mom.
@Jimmy Orozco starlight married/dated into the family, meaning Luster Dawn CAN still be ( legally ) a foal. Starlight still seems young, so it could be dating. Meaning, the relationship is still new. Thus, it not coming into conversation yet.
@g4ys0nStarlight works at the school, right? Spike would visit her very often and even something as new as that could be told through strong connections and daily visits.
I think that if you want to find out someone's parents, you shouldn't necessarily jump for the conclusion that the parents actually dated. It could have been a very ephemeral event.
I actually believe it's true that Trixie and Sunburst are together. Also, When we see Twilights coronation, they are sitting next to each other on a table, only the two of them! How cute is that!!
I’m new to the fandom, and have only been in it for about 3 months, so I got to truly watch the last episode from an outsider’s, non-biased (not saying you were), perspective (I am terrible because I usually get into a series only after watching the last episode, Rise of the TMNT and Amphibia being good examples). And well, here’s the thing: can you really say that Spike didn’t know Luster? Besides what the creators say on Twitter (which conflicts on the matter), and after watching the episode, you don’t see anything in particular that clearly states that Luster doesn’t know Spike or the others. Also, it is very likely that Luster could have been sent away to live with Twilight at her school instead of with her parents at the school of friendship given how gifted she is (being the daughter of the best of two worlds in the magic realm of things). I’m not sure if you take into consideration the video game as well, which gives little ending statements about the future of each pony. For example, Pinkie and Cheese are each stated the idea more or less: “It is not up to us to decide their future, but here’s a pun of something they will do that basically implies a pony that will be there forever partner, and it is up to the fans to draw their own conclusions whether that means something romantic or plutonic.” It’s nice because it gives the fans that liberty to make their ships canon in their own way, but then it’s almost as if the crew was saying, “you guys can choose, but if we had the final world, not trying to say anything, but it would most likely be this person.” And Starlight/Sunburst’s statements reveal the same ideas. From what I can see in the fandom, EVERYONE, and even the crew, takes their own path of what they want canon or not. Which is awesome! I love having that freedom to make my ship dreams come tru! However, you have to admit there are certain instances, like the FlutterCord ship or in this case Luster Dawn being the offspring of StarBurst, they have the strongest foundation for being canon but could not be for obvious reasons (like the large and powerful Dislestia community or other Starlight shippers for example). Basically what I’m trying to say is I totally agree with the points considered, but respectfully, I don’t totally agree on the point that your claim is set in stone, that Spike didn’t know Luster at all. That was what one of the director’s considered as a reason why it would possibly not be, but again, it’s very contradictory information from the head writers and most importantly the other creator involved who said the theory is possible. I mean, I totally may be wrong and may have missed a line that makes it obvious that Luster doesn’t know Spike or the others or the School of Friendship, so I would recommend rewatching the final episode and try to find specific evidence that clearly shows that. I am totally gonna do that just in case. If you can, I would love to see a second video over this topic!! I really loved watching it!
Adding to the Trixie/Sunburst theory, her hair looks like a combination between the two’s. Her hair has the same curl at the ends as Trixie’s, and have the same wavy shape and highlights as Sunburst.
I don't think Starlight is the mother of luster dawn since she's the head mare of the school of friendship and surely she would have seen how important friendship is and tought her friendship lessons starting at a young age.
I personally think that her parents are just some random ponys that we probably don't know since I doubt that Sunburst would have raised a daughter who didn't want to have friends when he's friends with the headmaster of the school of friendship
Okay well I can say this has, cleared my thoughts so here is my idea the cutie marks can be family things but, starlight does not have a moon on her cutie mark but Tricky does which means the symbol has to mean something, But most you can get psychical traits from your parents as well so it could be possible. For either or to be the parent
Yeah. I’d be happy if starlight or Trixie was luster’s mom. I’d prefer starlight cause she and sunburst have a deep connection from the very beginning but if trixie was with sunburst they’d surely have a deep conversation too as they have a kid for goodness sake but yeah. Happy either way
I see that Sunburst and Trixie are Luster's parents because of the name theory, magic theory, and the Spike theory. Also, the confidence is Trixie's thing, and the magic school is Sunburst's thing.
I love the idea but it doesn't fit well to me. In the finale song we can see Sunburst but he doesn't show that fatherly excitement to see his daughter. Neither does Luster Dawn.
I think it still wouldn't make sense, because why wouldn't starlight show her child to her friends? Wouldn't it make sense if Starlight had shown Spike, someone she is close with, her first child? I don't think it's likely that he wouldn't of seen the child for her whole life. Even if Spike's job requires him to be out a lot, there's nothing stopping him from visiting Starlight on his way back to Canterlot.
If that was the case, then wouldn't Spike make a remark about Starlight's daughter having a hard time making friends? Something sarcastic, or questioning why she's having trouble because of her mother's close relationship with Twilight?
I also think that if Luster was Starlight's and Sunburst's daughter, it would've been obvious in the show. Starlight is an important character in the show close to the mane 6, and Luster is one of the main focuses in this episode, I think Twilight would've said something like "How's your mother doing?" with Luster replying that Starlight was doing fine. I highly doubt the writers wouldn't confirm it in the episode if Luster was their daughter
But if they had even had a small meetup and starlight mentions her daughter I don't think she would leave him in the dark and not show her OWN daughter
He got it wrong. He acted shocked because of what she said (that she didn't understand why friendship was important) not her coming in. That can't be used as an evidence piece.
@Jimmy Orozco shitlight glimmer isnt resopansible shes litterrily worse then HjtIer, StaIjn, Mouseleeny, Satin, and the Kim diynisty in North Kprea all put together times infinty. She should litrally be torchered toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as posssible and the ressireccted by my oc just so she can be torchered toodeath again over and over again so shes in the worst most excrusheating agganizzing pajn possibele for all eternity.
@Jimmy Orozco Tbh I don't see how his interaction implies he doesn't know her. Even if she wasn't the child of any of the main six it STILL would not make sense because how would Spike and Luster BOTH live with Twilight in the palace, or at least how would Twilight mentor Luster, and Spike somehow has never seen or heard about her beyond the vague mention of a prized pupil. Spike's tone of voice with "that's your prized pupil??" sounds more disappointed and less "I'm meeting a powerful and talented unique for the first time"
I believe so. With Starlight's big school responsibilities and as Spike even said with his full time job as well they probably just never had the time to really have Spike get to really know Luster.
The better question is, how the hell did the PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP get her BEST student to hate/not want to be involved with friendship so much, its literally twilights whole thing💀
Forgot a little bit about this vid but I've gotten an idea since I last saw it.. Luster COULD still be Starlight and Sunburst's kid with Trixie still being involved. With the possible crush Trixie could've gotten mentioned in the video, maybe she still kept those feelings even if Sunburst fell in love with Starlight. Still wanting to be close to her and Sunburst, she offered to care for and look after Luster while Sunburst and Starlight were busy with their "wizard duties" (or whatever it was) and The School Of Friendship.
@Ivette Duarte I also forgot about Moon Dancer which was Twilights oldest friend and in a sense her student because she taught her some stuff in an episode
@Rei Hino well, this video clearly shows that they could easily bond over their love of magic tricks and failing at magic .. but what I'm confused about is why sawtooth didn't talk about their real bond, they are both like the first ever friends of Starlight. And with starlight to connect them, I'm sure they would get to meet a lot more then sawtooth gives them credit for. Is it so hard to think that Starlight, while learning about the magic of friendship and harmony might wander if her friends can be friends with each other just like the Mane Six are all friends and friends with each other. She would definitely try to get them together as friends with their love of magic and they could find a deeper connection then that. It's not only plausible it's quite likely. Who doesn't want there friends to also be friends.
@Karuniko Musahi Official there is no proof of that being canon and they would have mentioned her in the story. The writers covered most plot holes related to the characters.
All right, here is my two cents. I do think it's possible that either Starlight Glimmer or Trixie could be Luster Dawn's mom, but it does seem more plausible that Trixie would be if Luster Dawn is not just a random student. However, I will say that if Starburst and Starlight Glimmer aren't an item, then I definitely want to go on a date with Starlight Glimmer. She is definitely a beautiful and attractive mare!!!
If the child of one of Twilight's friends became her top student, Equestria would become suspicious of favoritism in her school. It makes sense that Luster Dawn's parents might try to make her appear as just a student in the school, and just a mare outside of it.
I think the thing that makes me not want to believe Luster is the child of any main character is simply that there's no way she would have been so anti-friendship if she had grown up with parents that were close personal friends of the princess of friendship and went through their own friendship trials multiple times.
@Rebecca Wells I don’t think Trixie is anti-friendship she even goes through her own things and starts hanging out with…oh I can’t remember at the moment but doesn’t she do a thing with discord and the changeling and one other person? Anyway maybe she doesn’t have a lot of friends and is very vain but I’d say she’s just as pro-friendship as anyone else
lol Lister Dawn wood of probly have fun helping my OC briuotully torchering shitlight glimmer toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as posible and then he use his magic to resirects shitlight so they can keep torchering her toodeath over and over agian in diffrerent ways. lol I drawed lots of fanart of shitlight glimmer being torchered and kjIIed and posted it on my blog with a secrey pastword. Som of then are realy 6I00dy and gh0rry. lolol
@GippyHappy yea im acually beter then most pepple becuz im relly smart and im not afriad to say the Truth. I just haved to 5peII things wronfg becuz so y00t000b canit senssor me by dailietting my coimints. Becuz they want to surpass the truth abouot littterlly evroything.
@anqelkin well she litterly evry epasode she in she comit some unforgivible atrossity and mannipualates evryone into frogiving her anyway becuz shes litterly worse then evry bad and evil thing that ever existited and still ecxists and and ever will exist all put together times infinity inkluding all the evil dictaders ever even tho she suposited to be "raformed" but oviusly isnt shes justs barnwashing them all into thinking she is.
The case for sunburst as a parent is very strong. Just based on her hair I always theorized she was half crystal pony. You don't really see those shiny gradients in normal pony manes so that was my reasoning. And why not? Sunburst was living in the crystal empire for a long time.
The idea of this relationship has killed my last 2 brain cells and this is so complex its like a episode of game theory if an episode of game theory was a romance novel
@Truc Angie aww- I get what you mean! I had a similar situation in middle school where I was dating one of my friends, when we told one of my other friends we broke up, she said "awe, but you two were my ship". Let's just say, we were both uncomfortable. Middle school was wack-
@Nalaye88 I have no idea what you meant, but I don't think I or anyone else mentioned any spoilers. The ship itself is not canon, but it can be a headcanon for others though. You should also work on your spelling and grammar- pfttt!
@Slugalxii Ok so I know that some people hate most of the MHA ships. Buuut- the more you think about it the more you see WHY people shipped Bakagou and Deku, they basically fit PERFECTLY for that “Two Rivals into Two Lovers” Cliche. Or that one cliche were one bullies the other to throw off feelings. Yes I know that’s not really what happened but you got admit it DOES make sense ;-;
@The Potato I can see why people would like it, but I really just think some people like the ship because it’s two dudes together (there’s nothing wrong with being gay, I just think some people sexualize them which is bigg ewie). I only see them as friends. I personally don’t ship characters as much, because I don’t really care for shipping. But if others like them together, then they can ship ‘em if they want. Just as long as they don’t shove it in my face or look at every scene with bakugou and deku then say they were meant together, then I’m fine with it.
@Slugalxii Well that’s true too- now don’t hate me but I really like gay ships tbh .w. BUT that’s not why I shipped them. It’s because their past most of all that represented the mindset of the ship for me
@The Potato yeah, that's totally fine. I'm not gonna hate you over a little ship, it's not that big of a deal. I personally don't see Bakugou being intrested in anyone and Deku being too focused on becoming a hero to be with anyone either. The only one I really ship Bakugou with is Kirishima, but it's mostly a bromance for me- pfttt! Also, as long as you like gay ships not because "its gay, so I ship." Then your all good!
@Natalie K personally, i didnt enjoy it because during my 7th or 8th grade year, I had to deal with some bullying and racism. So yeah, that was no fun. There are some people who enjoyed their middle school year, which good for them, but I think most didn't really enjoy their middle school year.
@Lily The Alien lol when I was in 2nd grade me and my friend made something called the magic yes or no eraser where you would put yes on one side, no on the other, and maybe on the side. One day someone who had a crush on me asked the eraser if they would marry me and it flipped to yes, they told me and I just laughed. T h a t w a s a m i s s t a k e, after school all the boys where chasing me to kiss him, because I laughed at it ;-; and my 2nd grade teachers where outside and when I told them they're like: "Just stop running they'll get bored" YEAH I TRIED THAT AND I END UP GETTING PUSHED CLOSER TO HIM >:OOO (Lol I have a lot to say ;-;)
@〈Emzekia - Gaming〉 man, sounds like second grade- pfttt! Wacky kiddos. Your teacher should've probably done more, but oh well. Imma hope that they acknowledge that it's not normal to do that now-
@Lily The Alien A similar thing happened to me, once we were talking about hamilton and a classmate walks over and asks are you dating? but it was more like you guys ARE dating, like it was a fact
@zMøonlight ahah, 3 months late- you can still be asexual and have a crush. If your crushing on someone, you might like em romantically, but not sexually. ^^b
@Slugalxii I have my own opinion I ship bakudeku, you can hate on me all you want I didn’t just ship them because they we standing next to each other. People have their own opinions and to judge it would just be rude.
@[us] it was mostly me joking around and not being serious. There are SOME Bakudeku shippers that are like that. Not all. If it doesn't refer to you. Then i'm not talking about you. I don't care who you ship as long as you're not being toxic and respecting other's ships. Hating on someone just because of their ship is stupid. If you ship it, you ship it. I don't care. Again, just don't be toxic about it.
Sunburst is a more humble pony, and Trixie is a more adventurous soul. Put them together and I think Luster being their daughter makes sense. She has the brains and self assurance to be their offspring, and although neither Trixie or Sunburst had the gift of magic, when u combine their individual strengths, it makes sense that it'd lead to Luster Dawn.
One thing: I do think Trixie would be Luster Dawn’s mom and Sunburst being her father because she’d have her fathers sun cutie mark and trixies last name has “moon” in it, and Luster Dawn’s cutie mark is a sun rising with an ocean. And there’s something that starts with an m that kinda controls the waves of the ocean…
Does anybody noticed that all great magicians in equestria has something to do with day and night theme. Starlight, Twillight, Sunset, Star Swirl, Sunburst, luster dawn, moon dancer (well we never seen her doing something great but lets believe its true) Luna, Celestia etc. Coincidence? Maybe
I still think Starlight is her Mom. If you think about it, Starlight wasn't seen in the council bit, meaning if they did stay in touch it would only be for emergencies. There would be too much chaos for starlight to bring up luster. But, Another way more likely theory is she did bring up having a child but never mentioned her name. This fits way more as to why spike wouldn't recognize Luster.
@Jxnii She didnt, The Last problem is the last episode in the show, and it takes place 20 years after the shows "last battle" timeline. the "Present" Flashes we see are flashbacks from Adult Twi.
Actually I think Spike knows very Well who Luster Dawn is. I mean - Twilight would be like “hey this is Luster Dawn, my top student” once Luster came to see Twilight but she just said my top student is in trouble and Spike seems to know who she is.
@Raw Explorer Maybe, But Still, Too much chaos to bring up having a kid, So he only recognizes her as twilights top student. And by that logic he would still recognize her as trixies child. My point is THIS IS A HILL I WILL GLADLY DIE ON. (PS, I just re read the comment and just realised that you werent trying to go against my comment- and realized you were agreeing with me because sunburst and trixie arent close to spike- meaning that it wouldnt make much sense otherwise for him to know her-)
shitlight glimmer should be torchered toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as possible. And keep ressarectting her and torchering her toodeath over and over again so shes in the worstest agginnizzing pajn posible nonstop 4 all eternity.
5:35 Conspiracy theory time: Look at Starlight and Sunburst eyed, Starlight has regular friendly look but look at Sunburst! It's relaxed, calm and almost intimate.
I always thought that she was Starlight's and Sunburst's daughter. No matter what people say, I will always say that Sunlight and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents. When I first saw her, I immediately thought that she had to be their because of the similar traits of Sunlight and Sunburst. To me, she's their daughter.
I like the theory, but luster dawn's eyes are yellow.. I feel like it would be strange if she didn't have (at least) a similar color to her "parents". Just my opinion though
I think Lustre Dawn is of an age with the Cake twins, suggesting that she was already born before the time skip. My guess would be that she's Sunburst's niece, or the daughter of a cousin of his, rather than his daughter.
I feel like if Starling was Luster's mother, there would be a small chance Spike wouldn't know about it. What I mean is, if they did end up having a friendship reunion, Spike might not know what Starlight's kid looked like. Hence why he didn't know who she was when she cam to the palace. But I could see the reasoning behind Trixie being her mother too.
It's not exactly easy to say since all of the female ponies have the same base shape , but something about Luster Dawn's mannerisms just ... SCREAM Starlight Glimmer to me , and I can't explain it beyond that lmao .
, you probably all know Luster Dawn, Twilight Sparkle's student in the finale. Some say her parents are Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst, since she looks similar to both, and her cutie mark is suspiciously similar to Sunburst's.
I know it's not "family-friendly" but I can see Luster Dawn being the result of an ill-fated one night stand between Trixie and Sunburst. That would help explain the lack of knowledge of her from anyone important. She could have been given up for adoption or whatever.
I don't really see Trixie or Starlight as moms. They run a school together for Pete's sake. They have enough kids to take care of as is, neither of them seem up to raising an infant on top of juggling a career and very active social circles.
But then again, my main otp is Trixie/Starlight so maybe I'm biased lol
My biggest problem was actually: Why was she introduced to Ponyville if she would presumably live there anyway (because her parents would be in that town)? I think it makes sense that she's Sunburst's relation in someway considering the similarities, but maybe back in the crystal empire?
Like if you also wonder this. Let me know your thoughts/theories with this!
Sunburst and Trixie are close to Starlight, so she would know if they had a child. It would be easy for her to tell Spike, like, “Yeah and also my friends had a child!”
That assumes she is related to Twilight's extended circle. Had the series not ended it likely would not have had that flash forward and so we may not know she exists much less her future position.
@Baka Yarou Near as I understand show was canon to the comics, but comics were not always canon to the show, but could generally be assumed as much unless contradicted by the show.
@AvengersEndgame Gurl No, but the way it ended I'm not surprised that someone could think that way. Anyway largest question now is WhoTF is Potion Nova 0o0
@Lulink This does not compute. You make groundless assumptions. It is clear that she was meant to be young Celestia, except that new developer team didn't know that Starlight Glimmer is young Celestia. Ending suck in general anyway (Midnight Sparkle was clearly mean to be final boss), what doesn't menat it wasn't planed to end at that point.
@TheRezro I was responding to the original comment. I meant that if the show was canceled then we wouldn't have the finale episode and Luster Dawn wouldn't exist.
Also "You make groundless assumptions" and "It is clear that she was meant to be young Celestia"? Does not compute, my dude.
@Lulink But barely existence of Luster Down has nothing to do with the reason for show ending. It could be argued that she was thrown and never explained, because show was canceled. Though it was purely because random change of studio.
There is lot of proves that Starlight Glimmer is Celestia. From fact that Celestia know unique cutemark transfer spell developed by Starlight. Discord was randomly salty against Starlight calling her "power hungry pony" despite that they never meet. Her best friend is bearded wizard in cape who totally isn't future Starswirl, even if he is only person Starswirl was actually caring about. Starlight is also identical in look as Flurry Heart (who she is). She was also based on G1 Twilight and there is recurring joke implying that she is actually identical in look as Twilight Sparkle (who is her shadow). There is lot of indirect proves, and it was huge let down how final episode ignored all that. We actually know what Bewitching Bell do from G1 and it isn't what Tirek already could do.
@Lulink I also forget to mention that Starlight is one of two ponies we know that they can do time travel and actual name of Trixie is Lulamoon (plus her human version was confirmed to be capable to teleport = alicorn). And those coincidence pile up to point that we could call this franchise a Pony Souls.
@Garth Davis Cancellation mean that there were meant to be more episodes and seasons. Conclusion mean that it ended as it was planed. Nothing really show that they planed go further then they did. We did know from quite some time that they already work on next generation.
@Lulink Those people complaining about Twilight wings are idiots. Putting aside uneven season 3, where show actually was meant to be canceled, but rise of Bronies save series and they restart production. For most time show was on the high gear. Just people blame they own lost of interest or series not fallowing they head canon (like it was always clear that Twilight is aristocrat, what some people miss), with the quality. My complains regard final are due to fact that Twilight and they friendship did nothing there. Unnecessary new studio clearly didn't have idea how finish whole thing.
I’d definitely see trixie being luster dawns Biological mother but she’s a very busy person(student counselor and being a magician) so I’d also see luster dawn to have a mother daughter relationship with starlight(since starlight gets her work done fast, She’ll definitely be bored.)
I'm surprised that you didn't touch the fact that Luster is too old to be the daughter of any one of the main cast. It's unclear how much time has passed since the Final Battle (I personally like to think it's somewhat between 15-20 years but it could be as little as ten) so, in order for Luster to be the daughter of Starlight/Sunburst or even Trixie/Sunburst, they had to, huh, "get right to it" as soon as the battle was over.
Big Mac and Sugar Belle for example, who we see their relationship progress with the show and get married on-screen, are shown to have ONE foal and a pretty young one at that, if anyone should have a kid Luster's age, it should be them. Even Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich took it slow it seems, with only one kid that's even younger than Big Mac's and Sugar Belle's.
So, as much as I love the theory that Luster is a Starlight/Sunburst kid (and no you CANNOT change my mind), the ages and the timing are the biggest factors holding this theory back. It's hard to line them up without some serious suspension of disbelief.
Luster is probably the daughter of some random couple that was born or was already born by the time the League of Doom was turned into stone.
I agree with Sunburst being Luster Dawn's Father, but I disagree with a choice for a Mother. I think Sunset Shimmer is better. Her cutie Mark is a sun like her daughter and husband. Maybe Sunburst secretly met Sunset one time and we didn't see it in the show.
I feel that if that were the case luster would be a lot more yellow- also due to the fact that sunburst and sunset seem uncannily similar in colour scheme, name and cutiemark i believe that they are siblings
Thats wat I thought too.But looking closely on the video I realize he was actually talking about Cadence and Flurry Heart.Cuz that arow is to Flurry,not Shinning.
Crystal DiamondSparkle but that isn’t a special thing between two alicorns. The consequence (alicorn baby) cannot be the cause (special bond between two alicorns). Hence, it should be the special thing between an unicorn and an alicorn. So it doesn’t prove that magic cannot be inherited. Thus, Starlight Glimmer could very likely be the mum!
I think that it is someone from the mirror(there sunset lives) so spike is so surprised because he lost all touch in mirror cantorlet and twilight forgot to say the news to him. :-)
I think it's still possible that Luster Dawn is Starlight and Sunburst's daughter. I think that for 2 main reasons. Just here me out.
First of all, I think that the future we're shown is a little farther ahead than we think. Notice the the members of the main 6 who aren't alicorns are clearly showing signs of getting on in years, they seem to be middle aged at best, but when the main timeline was still happening they appeared to be the developmental equivalent of human teenagers. For evidence of that, we need only look to Equestria Girls and the fact that the main 6 appear to be high school sophmores, maybe juniors, while the CMC's seem to be in early middle school. To jump from the equivalent of 16 year olds to more like 40s-60s, it has to have been longer than we think. It's unclear exactly how ponies age in this universe but since Granny Smith, who is still alive, is one of the founders of Ponyville then several decades must've passed since she was a foal when the main timeline begins, which suggests that ponys in equestria age closer to the rate of their human counterparts. Fast forward another 20-30 years, and we have LusterDawn, a pony who is probably around where Twilight was at the beginning of the series in terms of her age, she actually looks a little smaller to me than Twilight was, so she could even be younger, but my point is I think she was born several years after the series ended, making it possible for Starlight and Spike to drift apart in the intervening years, or maybe that's not it, maybe they simply got busy as a result of their jobs and Spike, rather than not knowing who Luster is, simply didn't recognize her, he may not have seen her since she was a baby.
The other reason, is I think the case for Sunburst being her father is too strong to dismiss but also don't think that it's possible for Trixie to be her mother. Sunburst and Trixie have common interests and similar deeper reasons behind those common interests, but Sunburst has something with Starlight he just doesn't with Trixie, History. Not only do they have a friendship dating back to when they were little, but they both learned the hard way, and first hand that they're better off together, that without each other in their lives they're both in a far worse place. I find it hard to believe that Trixie could top that.
The only reason I wasn't on board with this is cause I liked the idea of Trixie and starlight being together however all three of them do have a connection and a bond so it's plausible plus,it's only a ship and it dosent have to make sense nessasaraly but this one kinda does and imma keep with luster dawn having 3 parents. Because of this luster is at the school for exceptional abilities with magic correct? Well we know both Trixie and sunburst arnt the best with magic but if luster had another parent highly talented in magic,one that is in love with the learning of magic,and one who is enamored with magic and magic tricks. Can stack up to be a very good reason for luster
But what about friendship? All three of her parents would be working at a school of friendship there's now way they would let her do exactly what twilight did. Or is there? Perhaps with all the work at the school and luster being old enough to care for herself they let her slip away and into the same hooves as twilight was in season 1. 😎 dropped a bomb here yall
I re watched this a year later but anyway, I don’t think we know her parents because of her eye color. Starlight’s eye color isn’t Luster’s eye color, neither is Trixie’s or Sunburst’s. Maybe Sunburst is Luster’s father put Starlight and Trixie wouldn’t be the mother.
gosh i wish that gen5 would be about Luster and the group of people she walked away with at the last episode of gen 5, I'm going crazy just thinking about it. I would 100% watch it, which I cannot say about what they are actually doing for gen5
they couldve handled the ending & 2021 movie like ATLA into LoK where the old cast took a load off leaving it to the next gen while they hung back & lived their lives, having lusterdawn continue her studies as twilight did but forging her own path maybe even with the student6 becoming something of their "sunset shimmer" but not becomng a alicorn, while twilight & the others continued watching over eqestria. Just a tought, i was more than satisfied with the original ending.
I'm late, but as good as this theory is, I see starlight as the Mum. Plus i think more people want her tp be the mum. And their both excellent at magic, they both have cutie marks relating to magic (i might be wrong on that one) and they've been friends since FOREVEEEEEEERRRRRRR
hmm, i don' treally believe any of the ponies mentionned are the parents. Twilight is pretty close with all of them and even tho she is very busy she would definitly make time for her friend's mariage and or baby meeting (princess of friendship duh, friendship first). Spike is Twilight's closest friend and follows her everywhere. Even if he was maybe taking care of twilight's duties so he couldn't attend the event's himself, he would definitly be aware of it. Also Twilight would just be very exited about a baby as she has a close connection with one and generally loves them (flurry Heart) and an exited Twilight is a loud moth Twilight. Yeah there's no way Spike wouldn't know either way
Well even if sunburst and Trixie had luster dawn that doesn't necessarily mean that they are still together. Starlight and sunburst could have gotten together if they ended up splitting up or maybe luster dawn could have been the result of a fling between Trixie and sunburst
Even if her parents don't look pink there could be pink genes that we just don't see in the parents or Trixie. I mean Trixie's eyes and magic aura colour are pink aren't they?
Mina Ashido2020-12-11 19:25:41 (edited 2020-12-11 19:27:09 )
Here is me fixing it well for spike he is probably always helping twilight and never has the time just think about it spike cares a lot for twilight and he knows she over stresses lots of things and mostly when she has to much work so it is possible that spike is busy helping her plus lots of people loose touch with old friends but i don’t think they lost in touch cause they are pretty good friends so I’m thinking if they ever visited that there visits would be small and to top that off i don’t think they would visit that often if spike is always helping twilight but here is where the spike not knowing starlight’s daughter is solved well I wouldn’t think starlight would just say oh i have a daughter now i think she would take small steps to not overwhelm spike or twilight cause if you remember flurry heart then you would know twilight wanted to be the best aunt ever so she bought flurry heart lots of stuff so don’t you think it would be the same for her and with twilight and twilight is a princess/queen she will have lots of stuff to do and if she knew about starlight’s daughter she would def cancel stuff to go and see starlight’s daughter but she didn’t tell spike cause spike would tell twilight cause spike has a big mouth and and now boom case solved
I'm a StarBurst shipper too. I'm not happy. I'm not disappointed. Actually none of my ships ever been real. I SHIP FLUTTERCORD AND THEY CAN CHANGE MY MIND ONCE CORONA IS GONE
@Blue waffle ! yes well, even then, lil cheese has a yellow coat and pinkie and cheese sandwich don't have yellow coats. Big Mac had a red coat when bright Mac and buttercup didn't have red coats. Either Trixie and sunburst could have had submissive genes for pink coats and so could their parents. It would have just taken two ponies who both had the pink coat gene for it to happen
Me- I haven’t actually seen season 9 yet cause it’s not available for me yet but I,be already seen some spoilers anyways and I started screaming after I saw this not screaming joy but SKGSKDVBLW
Well I disagree with this, as we all see in the last episode The Last Problem, Starlight and Sunburst were standing togather when Twilight opened the door. Also, Luster Dawn's hair relates to Sunburst's, while her coat color looks like Starlight's. Also, Luster Dawn's saying of "friendship is a waste of time" is relatable to Starlight's incident, and Trixie is only a matter of jealosy. I mean, WHO WOULD MARRY BECAUSE THEIR NAMES WERE RELATED?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, my theory is that Sunburst got married with somepony not mentioned in the series, perhaps a relative of Starlight or Trixie? I mean, I could be wrong...
Applejacket shooud sneek upon shitlight glimmers as sleep at nit and brake her horn and tookened her outsidie and the howl Apele flamily can gong up on shitlight and bruatolly torcher her toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as poseble wile laffing and mockeing her and 5pjttjng and 5hittjng on her fase. And evreryone else in the world is they;re to and jonning in and reilishing in her missurriy. lololol
I think her mother is Starlight. I mean, look at the similarities. Both Starlight and Luster have pinkish coats, they both seem to have an ambition for magic. Now, look at Trixie and Luster. They don't look similar at all. Trixie is blue, Luster is pink. Luster has a blonde mane and tail, Trixie has a silverish-blueish mane and tail. Trixie likes stage magic, Luster likes real magic. Plus, Starlight also has a nighty name. It's possible the reason Luster Dawn is called Luster Dawn is because she was born at dawn. I think the reason Spike doesn't seem to know Luster is because, well, they both are very busy nowadays. Starlight is headmare of the school of friendship and also busy looking after Twilight's castle, Spike is the royal advisor to the ruler of Equestria and is shown to be busy sorting out problems between the different creatures. I'm not saying they don't send letters to each other from time to time, but, I doubt they've seen each other in a long time. I think Luster Dawn most likely was never brought up due to the fact Spike and Starlight didn't chat much nowadays, only writing to talk about business. It's also possible Starlight or Trixie is a stepmother.
This theory makes sense, but I just have a small problem. Trixie and Sunburst are like Starlight’s BFFs. If Spike and Starlight do have a reunion, than she would have told Spike about Trixie and Sunburst having a kid. Besides, what about when Twilight took Luster to the Friendship School? Starlight didn’t or Sunburst didn’t seem to know Luster
one of the creators of mlp fim actually said that they personally believe starlight and sunburst are the parents of luster! which i think is adorable because i completely ship the two and love luster. however, another creator, i think jim, said that he doesn’t believe so. he thinks that if she was, it would seem like equestria would be a smaller world and he’d like to believe she’s just a random prodigy just like how twilight was.
@Sweet Dreams 💙 Sunset should takeawoy shitlight glimers magic as pajmfuIIy as posibler and pele shitlights 5kin of with a patatoe pealer. and mix it into a cup with shiltights 6I00d and mack shitlight drjmkl it. lol
as much as i want sunburst an starlight to be a thing and also luster dawns mom and dad the possibility is very low cuz luster dawn is way to anti-friendship for her to be starlight and sunbursts child
I think this theory is really good, but there’s one thing blocking it: trixie and starlight are BEST FRIENDS if trixie had a baby I’m sure she would’ve told starlight and starlight and twilight are also best friends so, starlight would have told twilight and spike is twilights right hoof dragon, so I think spike would at least have heard of luster dawn.
@Erin Schnaedter Sunburst mom will be far too old to them to be siblings (unless by father's side since we never seen him) we don't know of any aunts or uncles though and the age gap is considerable... Than again some families are wild.
@Cameo Shadowness Unless she's around the same age as the Cutie Mark Crusaders (most likely a bit younger), and she just didn't make an appearance in "The Parent Map" because [insert random excuse for her absence that follows along the same line of reasoning for why neither Apple Bloom or her parents made an appearance in "Where the Apple Lies" ].
The problem with Trixie and sunburst being together is… though they were friends… they never seemed to be close enough to be s couple… and I can see starlight telling spike she had a kid without saying her name… maybe she didn’t decide yet- and forgot to tell him luster’s name- I can see starlight thinking she told spike something without telling him- idk
Sawtooth Waves it makes sense but luster dawn has pink skin? If thats we u call it for a horse where did she get it from and if spike doesnt even have a connection with trixy but who does? Starlight shes close with spike she would have told him and spike doesnt seem to even know luster dawn that kinda’ve destroys your theory
@Reham Abdelsattar true but you do know that it doesn't need to be the parents only to give them it, it can be the parents parents or any other family member
@Reham Abdelsattar And? The Cake Twins have a pale yellow and light brownish-white coat while their parents have yellow/light blue coats. And then look at the Pie Family. Pinkie is bright pink, her father (Igneous Rock) is brown with grey mane, her mother (Cloudy Quartz) is light grey with dark grey mane, Maude is grey with purple mane, Limestone Pie is a grey-ish purple with light grey mane, and Marble Pie is light grey with darker greys mane.
The point is, you can't dis-count familial relations just because of the colors of their mane and coat.
@Life Nugget i wish.but we don't have any clue she came back to equestria.but even if she did the problem would still b the same.in the other world sunset became part os spike circle of friends.
@abner ruan but... What if the same thing that happened with twilight happens with sunset shimmer? Sunset shimmer is also suppose to be a pony which means there should be another sunset shimmer somewhere else in that world!
There's a problem with the Trixie theory: Trixie is the student counselor in a School of Friendship so why would her daughter be so dismissive of friendship? This is also one reason why Starlight and Sunburst couldn't really be Lustre's parents: anyone associated with Twilight's school is automatically excluded unless they are a really weird parent.
@Reham Abdelsattar NO WAIT THAT ACTUALLY MAKES MORE SENSE LIKE- look closely at their colours. Trixie's and sunburst colours if mixed they become a greenish blue type of color BUT if you mix sunburst and starlight's colours you'll get mulberry purple and that the EXACT colour luster has!! C'MON MAN-
no it dose not everyone in mlp has a similar mane color to their parents if not their parents mixed and my theory is that luster dawns parents are starlight and sunburst because when starlights coat color and sunbursts coat color mix it looks like luster dawns coat color i havent watched season 9 yet though i know im right
Bo Braekevelt2021-09-07 15:25:48 (edited 2021-09-07 15:27:12 )
@~Adelphia and Sage~ the pony’s with the exact same fur colours as lusterdawn combined aren’t Starlight and Sunburst but Big Mac and Sugar Belle
It's for the fans to decide whether or not Luster Dawn is their child, as said by the creators. So basically, them being parents isn't canon, but a mere headcanon lol
I still think SunBurst and StarLight are LusterDawn's parents... The colors match better, the hair similarities, the cutie marks (stars and sunbeams) Spike could've not met starlight in a while, and starlight easily gets flustered with things she's doing, like Twilight does. If she has a busy mind she might not bring something like that up.
I think Sunburst and Starlight DID have LusterDawn. Because although Starlight DID have LusterDawn right after Twilight and Spike left, she still had her decently recently. Spike probably just wasn't told, or he forgot. Also, LusterDawn is one of those teenage fillies. She is the size of an adult, but she is a young girl.
Re visiting this a year later I have a hole to pop in the Trixie/Sunburst love story and that’s due to the friendship between Trixie and Starlight. If Starlights in Spikes inner circle and being that Spike knows Trixie and seen her reform etc….it wouldn’t be strange that Starlight not only mentioned Trixie and Sunburst together but also mentioned they most likely get married and have a baby especially since Starlight is Trixies best friend, Starlight would definitely mention being at or in the wedding too!
Annnd to add onto Starlight and Sunburst being her parents during the last song when they enter the school Starlight waves specifically at Luster, if you pause it right when she gets in she’s clearly looking right at Luster, and then her pupils shift to Twilight, maybe an animators hint hint
Thats the same thing to me too!! o.o i was thingking the same thing!! i was thot that Sunberst and Starlight was brother and sister for such a long, long, looooooong years. O_O!!!😵😱(゚ρ゚;)!!!
Here's a hole in your theory: If either Sunburst or Starlight or Trixie was Luster's parents- they would have taught her about friendship at a young age. They all learned and growed with it so I believe before they sent off Luster to the magic school, they would have taught her the magic of friendship. And her herself has said, " I don't wanna make friends." Now, I've read some theories down below and I support one that she could be Celestia's. But I think she could be either Luna or Celestia's. If she was Celestia's, I think Luster would learn about Twilight and Spike and all her friends- everything they would've accomplished. I think that she would've looked up to Twilight and tried to be like her. But, if she was Luna's child- which is possible, Luna would've told her only about a couple of adventures- if any. Now, even knowing the magic of friendship.. she'd have the rebellious nature of her mom, Luna. But it would make sense for Spike not to know who Luster is. Maybe Luna went off to enjoy life and settled down. She didn't want the news to spread so she didn't tell EVERYONE. Celestia though, might've immediately told all her friends, thus, causing Spike to know who Luster Dawn is. And about the cutie mark and colors- she would have to take after her dad with the colors. And the cutie mark could go for either one.
right, and she said, " idk where to start" but if her parents were sunburst and starlight/trixie, then of course she'd know where to start, at the school of friendship. And she didnt show any familiarity when she saw any of them and she sees the ponies of ponyville for the very first time and is introduced to the mane 6's families and homes for the very first time. Had she been brought up in ponyville, then she'd at least something about them and the council of friendship
Also, Sunburst is right there if he was her father wouldn't Luster Dawn come up and greeted him like a child recognizing a parental figure, or he welcoming her as a father. His manner was more of an administrative figure welcoming an incoming student so no I don't think Sunburst is her father or Trixy her mother.
That's what I thought too, although I didn't consider Luna as her mom. 😂 How could she be so deniable towards friendship, if Sunburst or Starlight/Trixie were her parents?
@Anabelle Shotton could've been, but then again- shining armor's family also had Alicorn magic in it. He may have not been one but Twilight was supposed to become a princess all along. So there was Alicorn magic in there. What if the dad was an earth pony? With only earth pony magic- not unicorn or pegasus. Adding a bit more earth magic to an Alicorn would probably tilt the scales more on the normal side. You do have a valid point tho, that's just why they're called theories (❁´◡`❁)
Your Local Noob2021-11-18 12:03:28 (edited 2021-11-18 12:03:47 )
Mans out here speculating on whether Starlight or Trixie had a kid with Sunburst as if Starlight and Trixie aren't clearly dating each other, smh.
What if luster dawn is actually sunburst’s sister? I mean it makes sense if you think about it! Spike won’t know luster dawn, luster would still be connected to sunburst and she would still meet with starlight and trixi to maybe a point of admiring them like her brother
I personally still believe Starlight is her mother. I just don't see Trixie forming more of a connection to Sunburst. Aside from that, all Spike was reacting to her with confusion was Luster not wanting friendship. In fact, if he didn't know about her then he would've asked Twilight why she had a new top student outta the blue. Spike said that Royal Adviser is a full time job for him. So he probably did hear about Starlight having a child and even met her but just never knew she didn't want friends. As well as Luster being and still is in school making her constantly busy as well. So yeah, interesting take on the subject, but I just don't see Trixie being Luster's mother.
My brother said maybe she was celestia's daughter, but luster dawn looks nothing like celestia, and spike would probably know who she is if she was celestia's daughter, right?
Mac they may have passed on their crowns, but that doesn’t really mean they aren’t Royalty. They never abdicated (gave up their claims) the thrones of Equestria, they just simply stepped down and retired. Going off what Faust said way back when (and assuming nothing has changed) Twilight Isn’t Immortal, meaning she WILL die at some point and assuming she never has kids or pulls a Celestia with Luster, then at some point they will have to step back in to make sure that Equestria doesn’t fall apart.
@bully056 Twilight wasn't ment to become an Alicorn under Faust either, in fact a lot of what the show became in it's later seasons were to never have happened. On top of that, Twilight looks exactly like Celestia in the tine Jump and it makes no sense to ruling less than a generation before passing the crown.
@LuciLucid Though, people would still stay "in-the-know" with figureheads and big names of the past; like, how we do with former presidents of America. Aside from that, Twilight is good friends with the 2 sisters. I'm pretty sure she'd stay in touch. Lol :)
No Princess Luna and Princess Celestial never had any kids. They are far too old for children and they’re not married. If they were married they would have been queens. They never had any romance towards anypony. Except Princess Celestia used to have a crush on Discord but nothing happened between them two because they grew apart from each other. Also Princess Luna never had romantic feelings towards anypony at all.
Besides Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s purpose was to make Twilight an a official Princess and retire entirely as Princesses. Because they knew Princess Twilight had the potential to run a whole entire kingdom. That’s what Princess Celestia was focused on getting Princess Twilight to find her purpose to help her prepare for the future.
@Pinkie Pie Actually, they were queens. Lauren Faust didn't want them to have the title "queen, however; because, Disney depicted queens as being evil. That's why Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are called "princesses" and Chrysalis is called a "queen", in the show. :)
I think that tricky is luster dawn’s mother because starlight would never forget about a friend or her friendship studies after something like season 4 or 5 after she became a star student so I think I agree with this theory.
Personally, I don't think Luster is a product of Starburst/Sunlight. I also don't support the theory that Luster's going to be the new ruler of Equestria - like a Celestia position or Twilight's current one. First of all, Celestia ruled over a thousand years - Twilight's only ruled long enough for her to grow her size. I can understand a Luna/Cadence/not-ruling Twilight position, but what's the point of having two Princesses of Friendship, since Luster's growth is a similar, quicker version of Twilight's. Plus, Twilight and her friends actually learned to become friends after showing their strengths through hard moments, while Luster was convinced by a song. For now, I think Twilight's going to rule in Canterlot alone - and since even normal Twilight didn't rule over Ponyville, I don't find it very plausible Luster will either. Anyways, Sawtooth - what are your thoughts? (Plus Trixie x Sunburst might be a bit weird, and I personally think Luster is just a random unicorn like Twilight was - but it definitely makes more sense than Sunburst/Sunlight.)
I wish it was those two but I can't see Starlight in a romantic relationship and having children, honestly. She is a good friend but completely devoted to magic and the school
The TTTE Fan2021-06-16 10:36:48 (edited 2021-06-16 10:37:06 )
Is It Just Me, Or Does The Medal Spike Have Look Like The Ones Luke, Han And Chewy Got At The End Of A New Hope?
Rephrasing: "The idea that Starlight and Sunburst are Lusterdawn's parents"
"The idea that Starlight and Lusterdawn are Sunburst's parents" "The Starlight and Sunburst idea that parents are Lusterdawn's" "idea The Lusterdawn's parents are Starlight and that Sunburst" "idea that Lusterdawn The are Starlight and Sunburst's parents"
I think that her mother IS starlight, because, “sun” burst, the sun, and “Star” “light” the light could stand for the moon light and stars come out at night, do I even need to explain sunburst? Sure it’s understandable that Trixie could be her mother, but it would make more sense for starlight to be her mother because 1, sunburst and starlight have been friends for years, and 2, starlight in and episode in season 8, she was trying everything for just her and sunburst to hang out, just like when applejacks parents met, it would be just one conversation and then they would fall in love, thanks for reading all the way to the end and do u agree?
I agree but why would trixie be in this I mean it could be trixie but trixie dosent like sunburst maybe but trixie might like sunburst and starlight would not be the mum but idk yet but I think starlight is like shinning armour and cadence was kids when thye met the same as sunburst and starlight but like trixie is like the moon and sunburst is like the sun as luna and celestia. But that does not solve it all yet because trixie and sunburst dont do much together trixie isent fly around when sunburst is it's like she is hiding something maybe she was pregnant then and didnt tell sunburst not even twilight but why did she not tell anything if that did happen did she even go go the hospital?
Kitkat Kalee I kinda think Twilight but I also kinda think Starlight I kinda think Twilight because in the episode where Sunburst and Twilight hang out they had SO MUCH in common and maybe they hanged out even more and made Lusterdawn but also I kinda think Starlight cause her and Sunburst are really close to each other and doesn't Twilight already like Flash?!??
River Heinze maybe spike and starlight DID lose touch because starlight would be too busy taking care of Luster to write to spike, and through all those years of taking care of her she would forget to tell spike
Unless you address his point as to why it can't really be Starlight - aka the fact that Spike didn't know who Luster Dawn was - I can't agree with you because whilst I do like the ship of Sunburst with Starlight, Sawtooth has a point.
@Nadia Yass but if that was so sunburst would have to travel to canterlot to get in touch with her But he couldn't because he has a lot of responsibilities as vice head stallion
It does make sense, but in the last song of season 9, the cutiemark crusaders looked like the same age as Luster. And that would be only possible if Luster was born near the year the cutiemark crusaders were born. LOL this is complicated......
i see your point, but celestia tried to hammer friendship into twilights head long before she finally understood. future twilight told spike that, in teaching magic she had neglected the most important lessons of all, so lusters focus on magic may have came first before anything else her parents may have told her.
Yeah but that was different twilight grew up thinking that magic and knowledge is everything, sunburst/Trixie and sunlight must've told her about there stories and some sorts because why wouldn't they tell them? And I feel like Luster Dawn is the Princess of new beginnings or Princess of Freedom or Princess of Light because Dawn means new beginnings but the Luster thing I don't know though the reason why I say she couy be the princess of light because she has like diamonds in her cutie mark and usually Venus the morning star is only visible at dawn or sunset but what does that got anything to do with light but I still feel like it's that though cause what else could she be destined with? What two princess of friendship?
What if sunburst married starlight but had an affair with trixie and was never there for the then child Luster dawn trixie had only told her that her father was at the school so she enrolled after years of studying to be with her then lost father who did n’t know she was even alive
Also, if we go with the Trixie theory, she was never to the type to preach the magic of friendship so often. And Sunburst was also a fairly study orientated person. I could see it playing out this way; where Luster decides for herself that friendship is not worth it like in the show.
i beilieve that spike was with starlight this whole time they might have been close in the castle but maybe when twilight moved away they lost total touch and spike never really knew that she was starlights child up until now
If the theory were proved true, i would know how is to be a Starlight, seeing her closest friends dating XDDD, friendship is magic, many times is happened in my life and it's so good to see them aaa X3
Well Trixie and sunbursts moon and sun theory is the only thing that makes sense on the other side luster has starlights expesions mental thinking process motivation same coat color....etc besides if you think about it there was never a Spike problem he seemed to know her pretty well just surprised that she thinks friendship as a waste of time.
Gacha Fantasy2021-07-17 08:52:24 (edited 2021-07-17 09:04:31 )
Whait a Minute!!! Did anybody noticed that basically every powerful female unicorns name(except for cadence), has something to do with the times of an day ore something that appears at the sky?
I watched the scenes of this Last episode and have maybe a Other Conclusion to this. I believe ...... Luster Dawn is maybe in the Same Age like Scootaloo Sweetybelle and Applebloom. Maybe, it sounds very unreal, but I believe that Luster Dawn is maybe just a Random Pony were Twillight saw the talents of her after she toke the Place of Celestia in Canterlot. but it not takes out , that she is related to Starlight or Sunburst or both. only not close related like the direct offspring of someone but indirectly in the family tree. Only older than we think.
I personally disagree with the spike contriction. He said the mission he was on was not easy, so he probably didn't contact starlight for who knows how long. I personally think starlight is the mother, but trixie is another option I'm open to. Just not queen chrysalis. I'd take a rock over that option.
it wouldn't really make sense if Trixie was the mother wouldn't she want Luster Dawn to take after her passed on generation of performing magic shows and entertaining many crowds across equestria instead of doing real magic, but then again it makes sense she is the mother because of her self absorbed attitude and Sunburst's great talent and passion on magic, but Trixie looks nothing like Luster so i dont think this theory is too accurate but one of the storyboard artists/director said we could decide on this.
But MAYBE JUST PERHAPS- Luster’s mom is a pony from the Crystal Empire that Sunburst met and had Luster Dawn with. Sunburst IS Luster’s dad but he divorced her mother and fell in love with Starlight.
Another possibility : Sunset Shimmer is Luster Dawn's mother.
In another one of Sawtooth's videos, he discussed Sunset Shimmer being Sunburst's sister. Sunset and Sunburst have similar cutie marks and color palettes, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that Luster is Sunset's daughter. Maybe Luster's father is the one who's unknown. And yes, great magic CAN come from humble roots, and it often does, but it can also be hereditary.
Just saying and throwing a suggestion out there. 👍
Another point/maybe coincidence to this : Sunset's human color palette.
Sunset's human designs tend to incorporate magenta, a shade of pink. Mix magenta with a little bit of yellow (Sunset's coat/skin tone), and you get something similar to Luster Dawn's coat.
Coincidence? Probably. Fun to point out? Definitely.
I mean think about it there are so many things in the My Little pony friendship is magic series that we haven't noticed we have seen their parents before
Me: types fanfiction at the speed of light try to fricking stop me!!!!
But for real though, I read stories where Starlight is the mother of Diamond Tiara or Scotaloo, heck, even one where Sunburst is the father of one of the cake twins, this ain't nothing new for StarBurst shippers
Here is a lil theory When Luster Dawn become the princess of friendship she gave birth to Sunny Star-scout and yeah the magic of friendship continues to spread thru the generations. Soo yeah it’s my theory and I think the mother is Trixie and look at her hair! Her hair color looks like sunburst’s colour but lighter and more longer and ponytailed Trixie mane! And she is a unicorn
my theory is that luster is sunburst and starlights child and the explanation for the spike thing is that spike was assigned some sort of job/role in equestria by twilight (because hes a grown/almost grown fully functional dragon now) and wasnt around during any interactions between twilight and starlight so wouldnt know about luster and between their different duties and just busyness and all spike and twilight never got to talking about it, which i understand might be pretty strange, but its the best i got.
-Luster Dawn is the same age as CMC so she was born more along time than Twilight's coronation.And compare Sunburst and Luster Dawn,i'd say she his relative's daughter.
Umm, Why do I have a feeling that Luster Dawn's mother can be Sunset Shimmer? Sunset Shimmer could have come back to Equestria someday. It is not like Sunset will be staying in the human world forever. She still needs to reunite with her family & old friends too. Sunset could have met her other self too. Sunset has trust in Human Twilight anyways so it is a possibility Sunset Shimmer might have gone back to Equestria. Sunset has trust in Human Twilight & her Human friends to teach her Human self about friendship too.
I like the theory of starlight more because if we look at little cheese you see the coat colors way better in little cheese with pinky and cheese sandwich. If you combine starlight and Sunburst you can get that pink color but with Trixie it would probably be a darker color, this isn’t always the case because we look at twilights parents and see her coat you can understand where the purple comes from because her dad is blue and her mom is a little gray but I mean it’s a little bit more plausible to me that starlight would be the mother looking at it through genetics.
I just assumed she was Starlights daughter or niece, or that she was Celestia's Grandaughter, or that she was just an orphan. Hmm... Edit: Ok, after rewatching the first part of the episode, where Luster meets up with Twilight in the new Throne room, it seems that Spike does know who she is. Sawtooth, if you see this comment, can you explain to me what you mean by and I quote '"no clue who she was?"' Thanks!
Actually, i believe Luster Dawn is Sunburts sister. That explains why Spike doesnt know Luster Dawn. And they both may be talented in the same thing! And because we dont know Sun Bursts parents appearance that could explain why Luster Dawns skin is purplish.
(Its just my theory, after all ive only found out about Luster Dawn today!)
Hmm, possible but that means that Luster would have to be far younger like ten years younger then starburst, but she’s young enough to study at the school of magic, starburst in the finale is probably like what? 50? There’s a slight possibility but it’s highly unlikely
We have seen Sunburst's parents before, actually. They were in the episode were Starlight explains her past since Sunburst showed off his cutiemark to both parents and we saw the mother in the episode where Sunburst and Starlight had to deal with their parents. Neither of his parents have pinkish/purplish skin
Here's an explanation: she is his half sister. You never see his dad again so it's possible he got with a younger mare and had Luster. Because guys are never too old to have children 🙃
@Firefly Inspiration That emoji and last line fills me with pity due to the implications of what you're saying- and it's more then one implication mind you
@Ibuki Moida Kin :3 I just happen to know a lot of older women that have struggled all their life to have kids but because of age, can't. Where as men unless they have health issues they can have children whenever they like. Honestly happy for them, but feel the scales are a bit unfairly tipped.
Commented mostly because I saw someone say Sunburst's mother would be too old to have kids. Sorry if it rubbed you in the wrong way.
We see his dad once and his mother twice, they are both in the yellowish-orangish colour range, however I don't think your theory is null and void. We first see Stellar Flare and Sunspot in flash backs when Sunburst was just a colt, but when Sunburst and Starlight return to Sire's Hollow as adults there is only Stellar Flare. Based off of what you wrote I did some quick research and what I think is that Sunspot and Stellar Flare got a divorce and Sunspot moved away sometime after Sunburst left for school. From there he remarried and when Sunburst was in his mid-too-late teens had Luster Dawn. The only connection I can think of after that is Shining Armor and Twilight have near identical cutie marks and are siblings so that could work with Sunburst and Luster Dawn. Also although we don't know exactly how much of a time skip there is but I personally believe that its only about 15-20 years, so that would make her just a bit younger than the cutiemark crusaders and they all have siblings that are much older than them as well.
I have another reason why starlight would NEVER be her parent- starlight knows a lot of things about friendship, but luster dawn is like- i dont need friendship.. Surely is starlight was her mother, she would've known a lot about friendship!
I don't agree on the argument Luster Dawn was born not so long before Twilight coronation. She was student in her school BEFORE the coronation. Check out the first episodes about Friendship School. Luster is ONE OF THE FIRST students if You look closely and she is about the size of young unicorn. She couldnt be either of those characters daughter.
my only disagreement here is based on my unwavering belief that trixie is not only in love with starlight but also transgender but i mean more power to you if you like this idea!
I know it’s a VERYYYYYYY WEIRD idea... But when I first saw the hair of Lister Dawn i was thinking of uhm yeah...Sunshine Glimmer..with Sunburst...but HOW?? -> Uhm...☝️... idk..🤷♀️
"Who are Luster Dawn's parents?"....i remember when Big Jim was answering fan questions he said that whomever Luster Dawn's parents are is up to the fans to decide, since it's one of the many things the shows crew left us to theorize about, i mean many people like to think that Luster's parents are Starlight and Sunburst and i for one think so too.
sxynny they aren’t siblings we have no clue who starlight’s mother and sunburst’s father are , but neither of them refers to the other’s parent as theirs. And if they were siblings, they wouldn’t have lost touch when Sunburst went to Canterlot.
I think that yes, lusters parent are starlight and sunburst, because even though starlight mightve mentioned her, say spike and luster never met, and we could say in the future that starlight never mentioned lusters name, therefore he wouldnt know her.
I really do like the theory but in my eyes it’s not canon I really do believe starlight is Luster mom and I think the reason is spike is just surprise that the daughter of starlight glimmer doesn’t really believe in friendship any been so busy that he never really met up with the school he says it himself “making peace between the diamond dogs have not been easy or something between those lines here’s how I think would’ve happened starlight was about to tell Spike about her having a daughter so far she said she had a daughter and Spike had to go to work so he couldn’t hear the rest of the story
Lets see... assuming Grogar somehow banished Celestia, while biding his time waiting to get his bell back, being unable to use the elements of harmony, he uses it through the mane 6 such that other villains such as discord doesn’t overthrow him. How he used his future scrying spell to line up discord, cosy glow, chrysalis and terik for him to get his bell back was such a great twist. After season 9, Grogar reclaims his bell and there is an epic battle. To bad that in your timeline, that didn’t happen.
I don’t think trix’s cutie mark is a moon it’s the magic coming out of the wand you could see the “moon”uneven and “starlight” is part of night so I think starlight is luster dawns mom
“This wouldn’t be the first time we would see similarities between cutiemarks of family members.” shows Shining Armours and Twilights cutiemarks THE ENTIRE APPLE FAMILY
@Natasha Treloar ... They said cutie marks that look alike so I said cutie mark crusader's.. you said how? I thought you didn't know they look alike so I was telling you to look up the marks to see what they look like lol ... Anyway it's like almost 2 in the morning for me I'm about to pass out
Wait would've Starlight told Spike she was an aunt? I mean it's possible she is close to both Trixie And Sunburst so they might have asked her to be an aunt.
I don't think she's starlight glimmers child because she looks to be about the same age as the cake twins, meaning starlight would have had her earlier on in the show. but we don't see luster until the end of the series
Well, if Starlight and Sunburst had a child, it's possible that they've had a foalsitter for the time they were teaching at the School of Friendship. So, it's possible Spike didn't know what Luster Dawn looked like, he just knew that they have a daughter.
It's far more likely than Trixie being the mother. While pony genetics are complicated, Luster's coat colour seems like a combination of Sunburst's and Starlight's. Starlight's cutie Mark is similar to that of Trixie's. Also, the naming. Star - Light. As in the light coming from stars. Luster - soft glow. Dawn - self-explanatory. It's more likely that Sunburst and Starlight have named their daughter accordingly.
Plus, her talent for magic and magical aptitude would already be in her genes if she was the daughter of Sunburst and Starlight. Trixie has a limited range of magical power and it's only confined to her tricks. Plus, to me, it didn't seem like Spike didn't know her. He conversed with her on an equal, if not friendly, level.
Except you forget that I'd you mix a color on the red or orange spectrum with one on the blue, you get purple, lusters coat looks like a purplish pink, her mane also looks more that of trixies. And spike still does disprove the starlight thing. She would have most definitely mentioned her name in conversation.
@VixyMix 101 her coat is more pink than purple, though. Also, I can tell you haven't read my whole comment. As I said, he addressed her on an equal/friendly basis. He would likely be more professional if she wasn't someone he knew. He doesn't seem to not know her, given Spike's expressions and mannerisms towards Luster.
@EnchantedWings fair, but he isn't a rude little dragon anymore, he's got a job now and no doubt he has to keep professional around anyone he meets even if he doesn't know them.
@VixyMix 101 Spike seems to be on friendly terms with her. "Hello, royal advisor right here!" "And I think it's better. Plus, if friendships ultimately fade, why make them in the first place" Neither of them would talk in such an informal level of they didn't know one another. He might know her from visits to the school of magic. We won't know as the show has ended, but it's fun to speculate.
There was actually no Spike problem Spike wasn't surprised at seeing Luster but rather her lack of interest in friendship and seemed to recognize her just fine
I think silverstream is her mom just look at silverstream hear and skin colour lusterdown she takes all her abilitys from her father anddd they hold hands too!
@IVLunar MelodyVI , um....What are talking about? Silverstream isn't even a pony. She's a hippogriff. Even if it's possible for a pony and a hippogriff to have children, wouldn't Luster be a hybrid ?
I find this unlikely wouldn't trixy and sunburst teach there child about friendship already? Like they both are friends ds 2ith starlight and she as a aunt would not let her friends kid not know friendship
I like theory of Starlight and Sunburst being Luster Dawns mom and dad, but the Spike thing I may know why he didn't know. Spike became Twilight's Royal Advisor, and he said it was a busy job. Maybe because he was so busy, he didn't have much time to know these things.
This is just a theory but what if Luster Dawn is the reason for the separation of Equestria in MLP New Generation. She was in the same situation as Twilight when MLP FIM began. And we have seen similar situations with the different types of ponies separating. And that was the evil trio whom have been turned to stone. What if they were released to be reformed. By Luster Dawn. But she ends up failing. Causing the evil 3 causing enough trouble to prevent ponies from fighting back and then fleeing into hiding to regain their power. I feel like luster dawn doesn't have the same connection to friendship like twilight and it would be likely an event like this would prove her suspicions about friendship right causing her to hide herself away or something.
Just a theory hehe. It's been bouncing around in my head for days now
hopefully, this is debunked soon I just don't want it to be that this is the conclusion
edit: I think this can't be real because luster dawn is pink, not blue orange, or a mix of the two so that means that the possibility he comes to at the end is definitely the real conclusion
Well you gotta remember, when Twilight lived in Ponyville, she didn’t keep in touch with her own brother who literally lived a night long train ride or a princess fly away so what makes Spike and Starlight having a higher chance of staying in touch. If Twilight’s brother kept marrying a girl a secret for a long time, probably over a year or so, then a child wouldn’t be such a difference. I dunno, you decide :)
Based on some of the episodes it seemed like they were actually in a relationship- and,,, in the app his future was "full of starlit nights" and hers was "full of sunny days" which is evidence 👀❤️
@mia I ship StarTrix too. Even done a few animations of it. And have more planned. I can see Starlight and trixie being more of a couple than Starlight and Sunburst. Besides, Trixie even said in an episode ," The Starlight I love.." And she didn't say it like you would to a friend.
the thing is, if lusters mother where to be trixie, she would most likely be a green tone then a pink considering blue and yellow make green and colour mixing through ponies children has been seen many times eg: flurry heart, big mac and sugar belles kid, and even lil cheese, her colour in my opinion is still to dark to be starlights mix, but she could be sun bursts sister, because both big mac and pinkie pie both had there kids later, and i think it doesnt make sense shes old enough for that,
Well why would starlight and sunburst be siblings? They both have different colours
sunburst and starlight wouldn't be siblings because look at their appearances! Plus siblings are most likely to have the same colour of hair as her/his sister/brother and starlight and SUNBURSTS hair is completely different I pick they are couples
@Blank agree able but think, sweetiebell and raity are like both big now i think luater is the same age as the cmc, and maybe when starlight and sunburst went to tuere old town luater was with her dad? OR she is a secret Cmc and thats the day she got her mark
@Lanky but how would luster get her mark when she sunburst and starlight moved away? Lusters cutie mark looks like a sun rising or a sun setting so why would luster get her cutie mark when sunburst and starlight moved away? Like you need to do something related to your cutie mark to get your cutie mark
No think of it this way sunburst is yellow like the sun trixie is blue because night is blue or black luster dawn is pink like the sky when its well.. dawn see
Then again we've also seen them get coat colors from eyes-- look at fluttershy and her family. Trixies eyes are purple, mixing it with yellow would prob make pink
@VixyMix 101 Uhm so if your saying that fluttershy and Trixie suddenly dated I'm just saying that my little pony is a child's channel and children don't know about lesbians!! Or even what lesbian means!!!
@Blank uuuuh.. first of all that's NOT what I said, read again, I was making a point that ponies can also get the eye colors into their coat colors so it's likley luster is trixies child. Second of all-- lesbians aren't that hard to understand.. I knew what it was when I was a kid-- if you can't understand it, you're stupid as hell.
@VixyMix 101 I know that hun I know that you didn't say they were like dating but why would Trixie and flutter shy like mix lusters color I know I'm confusing but I dunno some child's can have something of their own like my example you get your drawing skills form your mom And you get your singing for your bigger sis and then you have something of your own like singing not everything a child has has to be related to their parents
@VixyMix 101 and I know that kids can understand what Les means but what I meant was like 5 or 4 year olds! And I'm 8 and I already know what Les means so of course I know some kids can understand lesbian!
@Blank if they can understand a straight couple they can understand a lesbian one. It really isn't that hard to comprehend. Infact kids that age do not care, sure a few will be curious but most do not care who's with who.
@Blank besides, what's wrong with putting in a gay couple? It doesn't hurt anyone's and it can even be beneficial for kids to know that it's normal and lead to a smarter and more open mindset. You do know lyra and bon bon are MARRIED right? And that scootaloos aunts are a couple?
@VixyMix 101 no I didn't know Lyra and bon bon are married and I didn't say there was something wrong with a gay couple! And plus in netflix my little pony there is no gay or lesbians so I thought that maybe kids couldn't understand lesbian and gay!
@VixyMix 101 I'm still 8 I can't know everything already I didn't know they Lyra and bon bon are married! But if they were married and it was on YouTube of course I wouldn't know I don't watch my little pony on YouTube because I thought netflix was better but Lyra and bon bon never married in netflix plus Lyra and Bon Bon were never in my little pony Netflix
@VixyMix 101 it's too late I already know the dirty thing the gacha community does! And it's very very very bad! I know what it's called it called by three things but I don't wanna say this 3 things it's disgusting!
@Blank rip, well sorry but in order to be on yt you have to 13+ But fine-- just don't be surprised if you look back on this and regret it-- trust me, I've been there.
@VixyMix 101 Uhm my mom is in a far away city working and my dad works far away too my mom's brothers live with me I live with my grandma and my babysitter and my grandma's mom but I think my mom already knows I found about the rape thingy .. because when I was watching YouTube Gacha life was my top favourite but I didn't know they did dirty things but then I saw a Gacha video with dirty things and I was curious so I watched it then I kept watching it for months until I found out more and more about it But my mom saw it in my history but she didn't say anything to me but maybe she just reported the video I don't know...
@VixyMix 101 and I don't want my parents to find out about this because I'm too ashamed to say I did and I'm too ashamed to say this to you too but I have to just don't tell anyone else okay?!?! I liked the porn thingy but then I don't now I'm avoiding the porn thingy and Im trying to stop every gachatuber that's posting the porn thingy and I also feel that the porn thingy ruined my entire life and it did because this is my darkest secret and Im ashamed to tell this dark secret but If I don't tell the truth when I die I'm afraid I'm going to hell so here I liked the porn and now I'm just avoiding it and trying to stop it and I hate it I hate it so much it's the worst it's the most worst thing in my life!!!
i think trixie is the mother of Luster Dawn. because Sunburst's cutie mark is Sun and Trixie's cutie mark is Moon and Luster Dawn's cutie mark is Dawn so that's what i have in mind that trixie is the mother of Luster Dawn. thank you everybody and god bless.
Here's My Thoughts: I stil do think Starlight is the mother, because even if Twilight and Starlight did meet up and Starlight told Twilight that she had a baby, Spike wouldn't be there because if Twilight was gonna leave Canterlot, I think Spike would've been left in charge, and if Starlight wanted to meet up with either Twilight, Spike, or both of them, I think that Spike would insist on Twilight going instead of him.
I don't know, just a hunch. (and I'm still clinging onto them being a cute couple)
I understand, but it is something forced. from the fact that they make a beautiful couple ... That is why I do not like the ship. They totally lost the spark. If you watch the episode where Starlight takes Sunburst to Ponyville and introduces her to her friends, there's like a lot of awkwardness between them.
Or maybe starlight went evil again and thats why her child doesn’t support friendship (cause they both had enough friendship lessons to raise a social kid)
1. Spike doesn’t said he don’t know about Luster, just surprised that she is her best student 2. When Starlight and Sunburst stand next to each other, Starlight wave at Luster like a mother, then both Starlight and Sunburst stare at Luster with proudness in their eyes, do you think they would do that to a random filly, Starlight is the awkward pony she wouldn’t do anything stupid like that
late here, but I don't think Luster is from a main character. both because of her disdain of friendship as others pointed out, and because why would Twilight send her to get own hometown to begin a friendship journey? the entire point of Twilight going to Ponyville was to put her in a new situation with new people to be around and new experiences to teach her about friendship. doesn't really jive with going to your hometown, unless you're really optimistic, which would be in character for the show
I definitely say she is Starlight and Sunbursts daughter. Sunburst might have wanted her to become gifted in magic I think. Starlight might have worried she might go off on the wrong path and trusted Twilight to keep her on it.
I also think that Twilight is training her to be her Successor. It was stated that she would not outlive her friends, the way I saw it the ending basically repeated the beginning. I also know that Celestia and Luna gave twilight their powers over the sun and moon, which has now been confirmed in the finale. From something I once read on the mlp wiki those powers were how the sisters remained young. I also notice Celestia and Luna dont appear in the finale aside from flashbacks. If the part of the sun and moon powers being the real source of their immortality is true they could be dead.
So that's how Twilight wont outlive her friends. She's going to give her power to Luster. She'll face some bad guy, I think the real Grogar. I'm writing a fanfic on this.
Not sure if she is their daughter, she doesn't any of Sunburst's or Starlight's eye color,,they could've adopted her. Though I would lovebto read your fanfic
@Lythiana Michelle Twilight and Shining Armor dont really look like their parents either. The fanfic is called Luster Dawn New Days of the Magic of Friendship.
There is a little more temptation that luster dawn is just a random unicorn look at the royal sisters cutie mark! Sun and moon! There's probably more ponies with sun and moon cutie marks. So she's maybe just a random unicorn.
Theres a problem with the "Trixie is Lusters mom" theory. Luster is pink. Trixie is blue. That would mean that Luster would either be orange, blue, or a mixture of the two. Not bright pink, which makes Starlight as Lusters mom all the more likely. Like if you agree.
Ponies aren’t always the same colours as their parents or a mixture though . Pinkie pie for example; she’s bright pink and her parents are like grey and brownish
@EnderCon04 it doesn't even have to be trixie's parents for the theory to work. in the theory you'd already assume luster's paternal or maternal grandparents have the genes that luster has. you debunk the theory because trixie has a blue coat and luster has a pink coat but you seem to have forgotten about recessive genes. look at twilight, she has purple coat but her parents have light gray and blue coats. by your argument twilight should have a light bluish coat. see also how pinkie pie is the only one with a pink coat in her family, it's all thanks to recessive genes.
@EnderCon04 i'm not even trying to debunk or prove the theory. i'm just reminding people that recessive genes exist. so many people seem to have skipped their biology class. someone is different from the rest of the family everyone thinks that someone is adopted or their mother cheated on their father. notable example is violet parr from the incredibles.
ether way they shoud all gong up and bruttilley torcher shitlight glimmer toodeath after my oc rjps away her magic as pajnfuIIy as possible. They cuold us shitlight as a dartbroad with poiyssin darts that mack her wreath in aggenhy and Ioch her in a room with abunch of raddioactivie chemacels in it that give herw raddiatshin poysanning and then use magic to keeped her aIIive whale the raddioashin easts away at her boddy slolowly and pajnfuIIy unteII its just a sckeIIitan left and then my oc magicly resorect her just to torcher her toodeath agan and again 4 aII eternity.
@EnderCon04 trixie’s mom was shown in the comics and she’s brown and yellow It’s possible Luster got her coat color from Trixie’s pinkish eyes. We’ve seen from Applejack and Fluttershy’s family that genes can switch around like that
Because Starlight and Sunburst were friends when they were small. And second thought I think when Starlight and Sunburst are big now they are together. Forever.
It’s a great theory, but there’s also the case where the creators always make ponies have the same colouring as their parents. Luster Dawn matches half of Sunburst’s colouring, but not at all to Starlight’s or Trixie’s. Also this is just my opinion, pls don’t be offended or try to change my mind 😅 bc this is just how opinions work!!!
Edit: A lot of ppl are disagreeing with me, which is ok, but I’m just basing this on what I usually see the for the character designs. Almost 98% of the time, they give the ponies and their parents similar colour schemes to let viewers know that they’re related. The only rare exception would be Pinkie Pie, for whatever reason..
Wait no. Look closely at their colours. Trixie and sunburst colours makes a greenish type of color bit sunburst and starlight's colours makes a purple most close mulberry purple. And Luster has the EXACT mulberry purple skin!
What about sunset shimmer? It’s crazy I know but just think about it, this is my theory and somewhere in the comment section my full explanation for this is typed out.
Not really. Pinkie Pie doesn't look even remotely close to her parents, Apple Blossom got her fathers coat but her grandmothers eyes, Twilight has a pinkish purple coat without either of her parents having that color etc. If anything, it's pretty common for the creators to repeat colours but change them around, e.g Fluttershy and her brother have the same pallette but for different things. Luster Dawn has Sunbursts coat color as a mane and eyes, and a slightly more pinkish version of Starlights coat. The cutie mark is also extremely similar to both Sunburst, and his mother.
@Briana Addyson Buendia u just contradicted urself... Her father is blue and her mom is white, and in result her brother shining armour has blue hair and white colouring. 😂 so it kinda DOES matter? Everything Twilight’s parents have when it comes to character design incorporates into her’s and shining armour’s design. (Except for the 1 unique design they have, such as her dad’s gold eyes, and Twilight’s single magenta highlight). The creators of MLP always do this.
@Minnah .K❣️ The ponies who Sakisa named. Applebloom have the eyes of her grandmother, and Luster could have the colors of the mom of Trixie too. Yea, maybe Trixie and Luster don't match too much, but is a really good option and even better than Starlight, for two facts: Starlight and Sunburst do not really like each other. They do not share likes but Trixie and Sunburst do, in the episode "Uncommon Bond" you see that they already loat the spark and that it really costs them to remain being FRIENDS, so imagine being a couple. And, Starlight is the DIRECTOR of the school of friendship. How her daughter hate so much friendship? I know, Sunburst is the deputy director and Trixie the counselour, but, they don't really pay attention to friendship. The student of the princess of friendship... maybe yea, right?
@MidnightMuffin Starlight isn’t a shade of pink. Go back to the episode (i think it was called Celestial Advice) where Dragon Lord Ember says that Twilight and Starlight look alike bc they’re both ‘Purple Ponies’. So i think you’re the one who’s wrong here 😂
I know this is an old comment but some people saying that starlight not carrying a gene for pink can be wrong. As I looked back to see starlight dad and noticed that his eye color was the exact same eye color as luster dawn. This adds on to theory that starlight can possibly be luster dawn mom.
but you didn't see this luster didn't recognize him in the place, ok the mark might be right but tricksy and he hold the hand hippogriff unless she might be just some normal 2 kinds for the ponys now I think it might be just that for now (I'm a big fan i thing of every video you do and I'm happy with it please do more)
I will be honest. I ship Starlight x Sunburst, but I'll try to be the most open minded. I don't think Starlight is the mother, neither Trixie. I don't know... Trixie knowing her character she just seems to not be the type of person to like someone, or at least Sunburst. But heh, it can happen. But maybe Luster is just some random pony that is inspired by Sunburst's design lmao
So here's something I've been thinking about, luster looks like the same age as the cutie mark crusaders and if we compare their age, luster must've been the same age as the cutie mark crusaders before the future, so luster was probably born before twilight even became a ruler, or atleast, before Trixie and sunburst became an item. But that's my theory, it could be wrong, who knows?
That could be true but it's hard to tell age from the models. Generally speaking, Starlight and Sunburst are at least a decade or two older than Twilight for her to have had her (Starlight's) village for so long, and she looks very close to the main six and Trixie in appearance. The models of fillies and colts are especially inconsistent. The main six also look very young in the epilogue for ponies implied to be thirty years older than they were and there's no way they're any younger than thirty in the main series if we go off of Fluttershy having a young brother in his late teens to early twenties that wasn't alive until after they all got their cutie marks. My point is that it's entirely possible Luster I'd way younger than the Cute Mark Crusaders. I'd actually say that the CMC, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon do look a lot older in age with how they're designed.
Ok but like maybe starlight ISNT her mom? I see a lot of sunburst in luster, BUT why is she pink? Her traits should match her parents traits. Maybe pinkie pie??? Idk. Just a theory
The only thing that doesn't add in the theories is dawn's eyes. They're a amber yellow... which would technically make her mom/dad have some type of yellowish eyes.
@biavon07 i mean sometimes it works correctly like rainbow dash's dad has rainbow hair and so does rainbow dash. Rainbow dash has pink eyes like her mom, but both of her parents have blue skin.
there's nothing to imply spike doesn't know who luster is. and honestly, I'd be concerned if he didn't know who Twilight's student was, given that he and twilight are even closer than him and starlight :/
Yeahh but their eyes are kind of bugging me since dawn has yellow and both trixy and sunburst cool eyed colors dawn’s eyes are a warm color that doesnt really make sense
I watched a video and I don't think Spike was surprised because he didn't know her, I think he was suprised because she said that mabey friendship was pointless
As much as I like this theory, I literally just watched the final episode before this video and Spike didn't ask who Luster Dawn was at all. He flew into his throne, asked Twilight what the problem was, Twilight explained her top student(Luster) didn't wanna focus on friendship, Luster comes in, Twilight tells her not to call her majesty, Luster explains she doesn't understand, Spike tells her she came to the right place to learn to understand, and then Luster dropped the "I don't wanna make friends." bomb. So Spike never said he didn't know who Luster was. Though I can see the points some others had where they said that if Starburst was her parents, then why would she have such an attitude as to not want friends if they would for sure teach her the joys of friendship, but I think I have an explanation for that. Starlight and Sunburst may not have been able to do the stories much justice. While they might be able to tell her what they know and what they experienced, the truth is they weren't there for a lot of it. So to Luster, it could just seem like they're spewing a bunch of praise for their friend with not many details or proof to back it up in her eyes(as her attitude suggests she'd be that way.) They might of taught her all they know about friendship, but Sunburst was an outcast loner for a good chunk of his life while Starlight was a power hungry dictator against friendship for a good chunk of hers. Their experience with friendship may not of been enough to really prove to Luster that it's worth it to make friends. On top of that, it's highly suggested that Celestia's school is like a boarding school so a school where they live full term and just visit home. If Luster is powerful enough to be Twilight's student, it's highly likely she might be a prodigy like herself and her parents and was shipped right away to Celestia's school. So that wouldn't be much time to teach her from when she's old enough to understand lessons to when she leaves for Celestia's school to truly teach her the power of friendship. So as much as I like the unique idea that Trixie and Sunburst could be Luster's parents, I believe it's more likely to be Starlight and Sunburst, especially with how stuffed full of ships the show decided to squeeze into the finale(especially the most popular ships) and Starburst is for sure the most popular Starlight ship out there(under StarlightXTwilight) so I wouldn't be surprised if they went the Starburst route especially since they canonized Appledash, Fluttercord, and CheesePie in the same episode and all of those are for sure the most popular ships for those characters.
It’s obvious that she got her mother’s used to be personality and that I mean starlight, filly starlight didn’t want friends because she thought they would betray her, like how sunburst accidentally hurt her.
@Rosy Cherry it looks like they went with the most popular ships which were Appledash, CheesePie, and Fluttercord. Those 3 are the most popular Mane 6 ships
But starburst or sun light one is sweet and wholesome and the other is incredibly juicy😏 anyone who watched taking uncommon bond too seriously knows what just did
Yeah trixie might like sunburst but what about sunburst? whats his feelings with trixie? i thi nk sunburst is like the blind love guy who doesnt see that someone likes him but did have dawn i more like starlight and sunburst it makes more sense to me bcus maybe dawn wanted to follow his dads hoofsteps more than starlight but i dont disagree with this
Listen to this….CELESTIA IS LUSTER DAWN’S MOTHER. I don’t think she’s married to Sunburst but hear me out. They both have that sun theme, Luster Dawn goes to Celestia’s school (well it used to be anyway). Think about it ;)
Look at 1:33, when they’re coming to school. You can think that Starlight is waving to Twilight, but if you look closer, you can see she is waving to Luster, not Twilight.
Spike not knowing who Luster is doesn’t necessarily mean Luster isn’t Starlight’s daughter to me Starlight and Spike weren’t really that close in the show they only saw each other a few times also it’s possible they lost touch after Twilight moved to canterlot and Spike never found out about Starlight having a daughter or about Luster but Spike not knowing who Luster is doesn’t necessarily mean that she isn’t Starlight’s daughter so Spike isn’t the problem at all it’s still a possibility it’s just possible that Spike never met Luster due to moving to canterlot with Twilight so Also with Trixie busy with her world tours and magic shows I don’t really think she’d have the kind of time to fall in love with and have a child with Sunburst plus it’s unlikely because of Luster’s colour pallet her pallet is a mix of Sunburst and Starlights body and her mane and tail is bright like Sunbursts and has a combined style of both Starlight and Sunburst if their manes were combined or at least that’s how it looks to me
Definantly can see sunburst being her father, MOST familys have a common thing in their cutie marks, and the fact that her cutie mark looks so similar to sunbursts, its very possible. As for trixy being the mother, i can see it too because of her confidence, and the fact BOTH of them didnt see the point of having friends either
GUYS ,more evidence for the trixe + sunburst=luster dawn if look closely trixe sun burst and starlight are all talking in the school of friendship seen
Okay look at this since starlight and sunburst are more close in the future than him and trixy then what uf they fell out of love and divorced but still remained friends. Now sunburst has some fealings for starlight. And a bit later starlight could possibly become luster dawns new mother!!
I just looked up Twilight's parents to see how the mlp logic worked, and also to see if that was true (I was thinking the same thing, your comment just made me more curious). Well, Twilight's parents don't have her eye color!
@X-It's a Mystery-X While you are correct since i checked too, i noticed that Shining Armor inherits the same eyes as his mother, and while i was at it i looked at all of the pony parents for more research. I found that Trixie inherits her father's eyes. Rainbow Dash inherits her Mother's eyes, and Fluttershy inherits her father's eyes while her brother shares a lighter shade of purple to their mother. we also aren't even considering the fact that there could be long lost family members with the gene that we don't even know of!
@Jasmine MathewI just looked up more randomness and realized that if Luster was infact the child of Starlight and Sunburst, she could've possibly gotten her eye color from Starlight's father (her eyes being a lighter version of his)). Sorry if I'm being irrational, I'm just a hardcore fangirl of the Starburst ship and was sad to see it die in this video.
Grandparents? I suggested this because I am talented in Music, unlike my parents. That’s where my maternal grandfather comes in. My maternal grandfather was a great pianist that could play a lot songs, and he even composed a few too. I must have gotten my musical talent from him.
Jr Perfect2020-09-02 13:44:36 (edited 2020-09-02 13:45:40 )
Theory-Starlight is her mom.Not only are they similar in the ways Sawtooth told but look at thier names-Starlight Glimmer and Luster Dawn,Just like Dragon Lord Ember said in Thriplee Threat,both Starlight and Luster has an element of shine to them ( Gllimmer= Shiny stuff,Luster = Shine) and like Luster's father,Sunburst, both of them have a time of the day in thier names. Sawtooths main problem was Spike not recognizing Luster ,right? Spike did say that being a friendship ambassador is a full time job and he also asked Twilight what was the emergency ,suggesting that he was too busy with his work and did not come to Canterlot or ponyville in a long time. And because of this reason ,not recognizing Luster.
I can see twixie and sunburst together and that their lust dawns parents because they both have a lighten part of their hair just like lust dawn and for the reasons you said too.
Ok, so after 30 minutes of going back and forth between the three most common way of determining who are the parents of pony in the mlp universe. This is what I've come up with: 1. Color palette: After selecting and mixing every color found on Starburst, Trixie, and Starlight. I think in this, Starlight is the best match because I was able to find Luster's colors by mixing Starburst and Starlight's colors, and doing minor changes (ex: making it brighter, adding more of one of the color, etc) while Trixie and Starburst colors made a weird mix of greys and browns. 2. Eye type. If you look at a lot of the mothers and daughters of mlp. They normally share the same eye type. Here, both mares tie because they have the same type. If you wanna be REALLY technical. Starlight would win because they share the same iris time. 3. Mane style, a lot of children in this universe share similar mane styles. Again, sadly both of them tie because they both have wavey/curly manes, again being extremely technical, Trixie would win because Luster's mane ends in a razor shape point like Trixie's and not a normal curl like Starlight's. So, with this clear tie established. Who do I think is the mother? Neither of them, I'd like to think that Starburst is the father there's too many things that point to this, but I think one of three things is the case: 1. Starburst had Luster with a completely different mare and they're still in a relationship, even though she hasn't been seen on camera 2. Starburst and Luster's mother are no longer together and he's in/trying to pursue a relationship with Starlight or 3. Pretty much the same as two but he's in/trying to pursue a relationship with Trixie.
The first thing is pretty stupid sense well.. you forgot pinkie pie exists.. ressesive genes also exist and it isn't as simple as mixing colors. Maybe redo that shit..
@VixyMix 101 As much as I'd love to. I tried that in the beginning, only to think that was not important. If it makes you feel better, Trixie's father looks like her and her mother is has an orange and yellow color palette, Starlight's father is a much deeper purple and I think his mane is either green or teal, with brown eyes. So either way I'm working with either similar colors to starburst or I'm working with similar colors to the two mares in question, which is why I didn't include it because I thought it was useless. Thank you for being the first lovely thing I read when I woke up. Edit: If think it's more than mixing colors read the rest of the stuff I wrote
@VixyMix 101 I know this, but there's only so much I could compare! Body type? All mares have the same body, the personality? Both of them have very similar personality types, so what else do you want me to do? I already did three in my original comment, and now two more here. Please, tell me! What else am I missing?
@ZecardinaDraws I'm just telling you that you shouldn't base who the childs parents or guardians are based on looks, instead base on what sawtooth is doing, what makes sense in the timeline and well, who they're with. Like how spike is twis brother.
@ZecardinaDraws that and someone found out genetics may actually come from the hue instead of the actual colors, and found pinkies family share similar hues (ie: lot of reds)
@VixyMix 101 In my opinion, there's an argument for both, I was scrolling though the comments seeing an both arguments and I agreed with all of them, but I like having a solid conclusion. So I thought using actual genetics it would settle things, even though I now feel like I wasted 30 minutes of my time. I figured using genetics would tie up some loose ends, which is how I got to my three conclusions and if you are just telling me this, you could have said that in a better way instead of making me feel like what I did meant nothing.
Sunset shimmer is Luster's mother imagine a scenario where sunset finds her human counter part and returns to Equestria and since she already knew starlight and twilight theyd help her meet sunburst and think about it luster and sunsets colour coats are kind of similar luster gets her gift of magic from sunset and if twilight hadn't taught luster friendship she could have been the next sunset shimmer and spike wouldn't know about luster because he isn't closely connected to sunset that is why I think that luster Dawn's mother is none other than sunset shimmer
Yup you make sence sunset shimmer was evil at the start then twilight told her what friendship is she became good just like luster dawn she didnt want any friends but when twilight told her that friends are important or something like that she said that maybe friends are not bad after all she loooks so similar to sunset shimmer like litterally
No but like yk how the families and they're skin color is kinda the same? Well take this Starlight and her father they're skin color is very similar since they're father and daughter and same goes with Sunburst and his mom, so if Trixie might be the mother of luster dawn won't they be having the same skin color? Because not even Sunburst and luster's skin matches it matches with starlights (Well not highly but it's like kinda the same shade) noticed the hair shade? Luster has orange-ish yellow hair and so does Sunburst but Sunburst only has the orange part and Starlight has the purple-ish and cyan edges, also for the spike thing what if Starlight said something about her daughter to spike but he never seen her? But another thing if you see the opening here 1:19 spike AND luster were there and so was Starlight when they opened the door hm and another one look at how Starlight waves 1:21 she's looking directly at Twilight and luster, and also over here at 1:22 look at the way Starlight is looking at luster it's like mother and daughter relationship and so it is with sawtooth waves if spike always just stays at the school how come he doesn't know who luster is? Now I think he doesn't stay at the school since he could've heard so luster since she's Twilights top student yk? So there's possibility and Sunburst and Trixie spend most time in the school? Strange I feel like he spends most of the time with Starlight since They're standing next to each other No but fr who knows?
It is trixie because some of trixe cutie matched with luster daws
Dar The Star2020-08-21 16:12:31 (edited 2020-08-21 16:13:44 )
As much as my little shipper heart has been broken, I can't argue with the idea of Sunburst and Trixie being Luster Dawn's parents because it makes a whole heck of a lot of sense. However unless it gets confirmed or denied, we'll never know for sure.
What if spike knew who luster is but didn't knew she was twilights favorite student i mean look at that face like je knows her attitude and stuff so yeah I think her mum is starlight and dad is sunburst
I still think that starlight and sunburst is sill made the kid lusterdawns Because
Do you remember one of the episodes where her starlight got jealous of all her friends because they had a better connection to sunburst than she had (at the time) and I think she got jealous because she had a crush on him so she got mad when other females (like Trixie and Mod) how to close a relationship so back on the Trixie thing I think Trixie appreciated his company since no one really appreciates her magic incense Sunburst did she really liked that and she knew that starlight liked(maybe not in a romantic way but like friendship wise) him so it was pros for both of them Trixie got to see her friend more often and so did Starlite that’s White star light was so excited when he came correct me if I’m wrong but that’s what I think happened and eventually starlight gained the courage to tell him and he accept it and sooner than later lusterdawn happened
Let me know what you guys think I’m probably wrong but we won’t know what happened because now friendship is magic doesn’t exist only slightly
It is possible that people might-no friendship is Magic is closed there won’t be any more episodes no more lore to add on and it’s sad to think that we won’t get an answer
5:45 Trixie went to school for gifted unicorns. Sunburst also went to that school. However, Starlight did not go to that school and she is also the director of the friendship school and I think that if Luster Dawn were her daughter, she would put her in that school. I know Sunburst is the assistant principal and Trixie the counselor, but principal is a much more important position.
I think luster's parents are probably sunburst and starlight cause they know eachother for a long time and also its not it luster looks nothing like trixie if she's thier daughter she needs to be like her father and mother. but she only looks like sunburst but not trixie. I am 89% sure that luster's dad is sunburst cause her hair and cutie bark looks like his and I am 76% sure that starlight is her mother cause her skin colour is almost like her's and also starlight was twilight's student and also now luster is also twilights student so its like mother like daughter aaaaannddd for Trixie I am 0% sure cause luster looks nothing like her sooo yeah I think starlight is suitable to be her mother and sunburst's wife if she is
Not going through the comments to check but someone's probably said this already. ANYWAY: I love the idea that Luster is Starlight and Sunburst's daughter, but not only is your point very valid, when Twilight brought Luster to Ponyville saying "this is where the magic happens etc etc", it seemed like that was the first time Luster had ever been there. If she were a SunLight kid, she probably would have been raised there by Sunburst and Starlight (who were running the school), so Twilight bringing her to Ponyville would essentially be, "Hey! I'm bringing you back home! It's better than Canterlot!"
Actually we don't know luster downs parents... and starlight and sunburst are perfect pair... i don't see any romance between sunburst and trixie... but video is great
Hey Sawtooth if sunburst was luster's father then didn't she was surprised seeing him in school of friendship and don't you think he will have told her he is working in the school of friendship but if he told that she will never say that the friendship is waste of time
I have a theory it may be sun burst and moon dancer look at the details sun burst has the same cutie mark as luster moon dancer is more in studying a nerd same as sun burst and they may fell in love thats why luster dawn is the top student.
I still support the theory that Luster is Starlight's daughter. Spike never said, "who is Luster Dawn?" and Twilight never mentioned her by name to Spike until Luster walked in. So I think that Luster still would be the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst. Where would Luster's pink come from? If you mixed Sunburst and Starlight's colors, we'd get exactly the color Luster is. And Luster looks nothing like Trixie. But I gotta say, "THEY ARE STANDUNG NEXT TO EACH OTHER! IT MUST BE TRUE LOVE!" gets me every time :D
its trixie because i found out a few days ago starlight is brother and sisters with sunburst their parents came together and starlight used to like rock and roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly I disagree, she seems a lot more like Starlight when she was younger than anything lol she's not super arrogant or attitude-ish or performative, although a bit snarky, but she's also shown to be very sentimental.
@T. Sparkz they shood sneek upon shitlight glimmer while shes a sleep and cutee of her horn and torcher her toodeath as horrvbly as posabale. lol she deserdes it.
@Mint fishes Twighlight shoueld take awyay shitlighft glimmiers magic as pianofuIIy as passible and mack shitlightdrjmk a gaIIon of mangheneeze diockside. misxed wit aressanack. And Murkyurey. and raddiem.
I think that luster’s parents aren’t ponies we know, mainly because of her attitude towards friendship. If Sunburst and Starlight or even Sunburst and Trixie raised her they would have undoubtedly taught her about the values of friendship from a very young age. She also most likely isn’t a Canterlot, Ponyville or Crystal Empire pony because of how key friendship is in those places (it’s key all over equestria but like there are probably a lot more monuments and statues about the magic of friendship and overall a lot more hype than in Manehattan for example). She strikes me as the kind of pony who would have loved the legends about the Mane 6 as a filly and believed strongly in the magic of friendship to the point where she wanted to have powers like them, which drove her to study exceptionally hard independently and as she grew up she probably questioned the necessity of friendship when it comes to magic. But I’m pretty sure that if she was raised by any ponies we are familiar with they would have made sure she understood just how important friendship was in magic (or maybe she is sunbursts daughter but wasn’t raised by him and her birth mother for some reason but that’s unlikely since we see all potential parents in the future in good condition)
I disagree with that... do you remember how ponies reacted to the mane six's book? Some of them were from the places we know, yet totally didn't learn the frienship lessons
My ships are (Yes i know who's a boy and who's a girl) Twighlight×spike Rarity×fancy pants Rainbow dash×flutter shy Pinkie×apple Jack Scootallo×sweetybell Thays all my ships TvT
I think that starlight is the mother. And the ponies can’t be in their 40s. I think their in their 50s-60s. So, Luster is probably around 19-21. So, Spike and Starlight might have grown apart. Or grown apart enough to not bring up a child.
nothing to do with the topic but i just have to say it out, WHY DOES RARITY HAVE WRINKLED AND GREY HAIR IN THE LAST EPISODE???? she would never want those and there is pony hair dye too. also why does the other ones not have any grey hairs??? it's not like she would be decades older than her other friends :(
Sensible (and sober) me: This theory brings about many questions. If Luster is Sunset and Flash's daughter, why are they in the pony world? Is Flash even the father? If not, who is? Luster is pink, so the husband probably has pink in him, or has a family member or members with pink. And assuming it's someone from they pony world, and not the MLPEG world with like 40 people, there are endless possibilities and this is highly implausible. Maybe it is someone from the MLPEG world, who can say? But is the mother even Sunset? The same could be applied to literally any pony in the entire universe, and like Sawtooth said, most powerful unicorns come from humble beginnings. For all we know, she could be the adopted daughter of Lyra and Bon Bon. Next time, you should check the stats before you say something.
mic drop
Crazy me: i hate you :(
And so the internal struggle for control over me continued~
I disagree for one reason. There is no inheritance with any of trixy’s looks. I’d imagine that sunburst and sunset did. I know you think they are siblings but here me out. Maybe sunset came back when she was older and met sunburst. Plus, sunset is also confident and didn’t think she needed friends. Sunset might of been in touch with spike for a little but then her love life came before that and stopped writing.
@Ludmila Camargo Shimizu it's not wrong shipping childhood friends, but assuming it's canon and even calling a character dumb for "not knowing it" is something else.
this makes the most sense. jim haber, the writer of that episode, said that luster is starlight & sunburst's child, but (obviously), he also wrote the dialogue for spike. he both wrote luster dawn (as the daughter of sun & star) into existence, but also (slightly) contradicts himself later on.
Him: 7 minute video saying luster dawn is possible but most likely starlight and sunbrust Me: she's they're daughter Google: Luster Dawn is indeed Starlight and Sunburst's daughter.
my trixie x starlight shipper self was shook throughout this whole video 💀 EDIT OMG WHAT IF THEY ALL DATED OMG?? edit 2 why did I say omg twice edit 3 by they all I mean starlight sunburst and trixie are together i mean it makes sense
@BirdNerd17 wtf- Cadance is just a bit older than Twilight like when Twilight was a kid she was a teen, so to her be Starlight mother she would be pregnant as a kid-
@oOf Actually cadence was around young adult age when twilight was a filly and who says starlight isn't younger than her. It's a fan fic, I'm not saying it's cannon
It’s twilights mother starlight ran away from her sister because she did something horrible and her parent did not like it so they got angry with her so she decided to run away from them.
Nandini, I gift you with... The Prologue for Wish On Starlight! (The prologue is from Cadence's point of view btw) /inside slashes/= Thoughts Normal= Speech *Bold/in Asterisks*= Actions or changes in the scenery "In quotes"= Other's Speaking
/It's cold, too cold, and wet. and yet I'm out here in the rain, my feathers dripping with water and my mane soaked. It's too wet to travel to Canterlot to meet with Princess Celestia yet, I'll have to stay here tonight... somewhere/ It started to pour /Great/ "Princess Cadence? Is that you?" Huh? "Come on in" Firelight(That's what it said for starlight's father was when I googled it) opened his door "It's too cold and wet to be out, I'll make you some tea and get you warmed up. What's your favorite flavor?" Chamomile, Thank you "Oh it's no problem!" he said wrapping a blanket around me so I could warm up Are you sure? I wouldn't wanna be a burden sir "I'm sure," He smiled pulling out a mug and tea bag /So I stayed there that night, that one night. We never meant for it to happen, we were never in love but soon enough/ * I'm sorry Nightlight, but I'm just not ready to be a mother. "I understand," He said calmly "I can raise her if that is really what you want" Thank you, I can't express how much this means to- "Wait. I'm not finished" He interrupted "If you are to leave her with me you can't return, you can tell her the truth when she is older, but she mustn't know while she is young" Okay /I choke on the word/ "But I will let you make one choice, what will her name be?" ...Starlight. Starlight Glimmer (End prologue)
If starlight isn't her mother, then Trixie and sunburst being her parents doesn't make sense because starlight and the two of them are very close and if they had a child they would surely tell her and she being very close to twilight would tell her and twilight being very close to spike would tell him. So if anybody thinks spike acted like he didn't know luster then none of them parented her.
Personally, I think she isn't related to any major character in the show, and that she might have been alive (though just a child at the time) during the show's run.
...Or maybe that's just me being a huge Starlight/Trixie shipper who doesn't want either to end up with someone else.
Actually, I could see it. Sunburst could boost up Trixie's confidence levels way more, especially after her fallouts a while back. And maybe they broke up at some point(because that does happen.)
If they did break up, it'd make sense for Starlight and Sunburst to finally be the end-couple. Since it looks like it's been about ten years or so since the time skip from her Coronation, it'd make sense that Trixie n Sunburst got together, started dating, had Luster Dawn, and then broke up cause they lacked the emotional connection, and then Starlight became Luster Dawn's adoptive mother.
Okay okay I see what he's talking about but when Spike's seen Luster he looked hesitant to tell Twilight that he knew her like it's like he did but he didn't want to say anything and I never can see Trixie and starburst together in the future that's just something that I don't see happening sure she could have had a crush on him but starlight and starburst go way back before they even did they just have similarities and starlight and sunburst look more like Luster's parents than Trixie and sunburst that's just my opinion
What happens if *Sunset Shimmer* Yes, You heard me, What happens if Sunset Shimmer is her mother, They have both kinda the same cutie mark, but I don’t see them together, I’ll try and think about it more and more lmfao
@Mariana Prokopowiski actually considering Pumpkin Cake and Poundcake are a unicorn and pegasus and both their parents are earth ponies, and Mr and Mrs cake explained that the reason Pumpkin and Pound cake weren't earth ponies like them was because of their grandparents it's actually possible that she got her pink coat from her grandparents
Well I mean, if we're gonna base it off an artist or typical next gen maker's standpoint: Orange + light blue can make a pinkish color Her hair also looks like Trixie's, just curled slightly like Sunburst's. See how it works is that, she took Sunburst's colors but they got lighter because of Trixie's mane (similar to how Pinkie and Cheese had a child with lighter features). If you notice, Luster has the same stripe patterns as Trixie, just in orange.
Well you could be right but if sunburst and starlight had a child starlights cutiemark should be different and have a sun one it like all the other parents
The chance is there of trixie being the mother but it is a close answer that sunset shimmer is the mother because sunset and sunburst both have sunset cutie marks and both were former students of celestia's School of magic
She’s the magic element in the human world, leaving to have a child with a random stallion would doom her world. Plus she would have to leave and go back to the human world which would be literally leaving her child which might give her child depresión but Luster isn’t a depressed pony she’s confident. Plus plus I’m sure they’ve never met eachother before!
If that was the case then I'm pretty sure the writers would have HEAVILY implied that because they have never even seen each other before and it just has a lot of plot holes like why would Sunset return to the pony world and decides to have a child with some pony and then leave her child and return to her own world? I'm pretty sure no mother would do that. Atleast not in their universe
Ok but listen, sunset from Equestria stays in the human world, she meets human sunset, sunset is sort of like (human) twilight and longs for more knowledge or lives in her own world, she decides to leave the human world and goes to Equestria balance restored
@LiLie Coffey Yeah it was really strange for me too. Aside from Discord who is a literal god, Sunset is the only pony that exists in one world. How weird is that? It's probably lazy writing or they had no idea how to introduce the second Sunset into the lore. So they chose the easy way and said that there's only one Sunset which is really lame. And now that G4 and probably EG has ended, I doubt we'll get any more answers than that
Lustar dawn's parents might be Trixie and sunburst bc Trixie kinda likes the moon Wich is a solar system and sun is a solar system to as u said sunburst mean luster dawn so that is dawn's parents I think
I think she is starlight's daughter and Spike does'nt know about her because she didn't spent much time with Starlight and when she goes into school she doesn't see her parents much, sure Starlight might tell spike, but he still wouldn't know how she looks.
To be honest i think you might be right i mean sun burst and starlight are best friends and trixy is best friends with starlight and i think starlight wouldn't mind if trixy and sun burst became i couple
I’m sticking by my former statement that Sunburst and Starlight are Luster’s parents. Starlight most likely forgot to tell Spike. That sounds like a “her” thing Still, awful odd for Luster not to know about friendship when her parent’s line of work is centered around it. Then again, most children are uninterested in their parent’s work until a certain age
Her parents are sunburs and starlight i promise i aint lying base on google starlight and sunburs are the parents of lester dawn spike dont know luster dawn cause youdnt see starlight in the castle cause yknow they moved out but im confident that the parents of luster dawn is starlight and sunburs
Or starlight told spike and just called her dawn. Or just a nickname. I go by a nickname have since I was a baby, most don’t know it’s not my real name
Isn’t offspring USUALLY a mix of the parent’s genetic features and physical appearances? I am against this theory of ‘StarlightGlimmer + Sunburst = LusterDawn’ as the genetic features aren’t completely adding up. LusterDawn may look like she would be StarlightGlimmer and Sunburst’s daughter but it got me thinking that she can’t be related to Sunburst and Starlight.
The main - LusterDawn has a bright orange main with a fade and highlights that are yellow, the orange would be from Sunburst’s main but the yellow is from nowhere. Starlight doesn’t have a yellow main, she has a dark purple main with mint teal highlights.
LusterDawn has pink skin, SunBurst has yellowish-orange skin while Starlight has light purple skin. This is the part that comes and goes out of nowhere to nowhere, Sunburst has yellowish-orange skin, which nowhere near to pink skin, starlight has light purple skin, which is also nowhere near pink skin.
LusterDawn has yellow eyes, Sunburst has teal eyes and Starlight has purple eyes. Purple and teal are nowhere near yellow and cannot be mixed to form yellow eyes.
Let’s say that I am wrong and that Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer, indeed have a daughter who happened to be LusterDawn, they would only have a daughter if she was adopted. This theory would be supported as TwillightSparkle’s parents, which she looks nothing relatively close to, claim that Twillight is their daughter. Twillight does not look like any of her parents or brother. Shining Armour, TwillightSparkle’s brother, could be related to his parents but Twillight isn’t. This would lead to Twillight probably being adopted.
And Trixy couldn’t be Luster’s mother from the genetics. The adoption theory would go to use if we say I am wrong.
Final theory: Ponies adopt other ponies and raise them to be the next generation because they couldn’t give birth to offspring in the first place.
If LusterDawn was adopted, and if we put this theory in this case, it would mean that Trixy couldn’t give birth to offspring for a certain reason (such as because it is a medical issue). If we don’t put this theory in this case, they probably adopted LusterDawn, if specifically, because they wanted a child who would follow in the path of Trixy and/or Sunburst, in the sight of LusterDawn showing potential to learn about Magic, Trixy and Sunburst would have chose
If she was chosen out of random, then Trixy and Sunburst would have needed to create the potential for Luster to learn about Magic or she showed the potential later on when she was adopted. But this is just a theory.
wait what about luster dawns color of her body yellow + blue is green but luster dawn ends up pink and looking at her hair its the same hairstyle and color as sunburst and the color combination as Trixie so could luster dawn have 2 mothers?
Irvin Pribadi That would make for a pretty wild story you know! Chrysalis, a younger changling Queen, stealing the love of a prominent Pegasus dignitary in an effort to claim some territory and gets routed out. The Sisters find out that there is a child in the mix, a baby pegasus girl with an unusual amount of magic but unable to shift forms like her mother. They take her in as her father either rejects her or insists that she's taken far away to be safe and better looked after than he could manage after the trauma of being deceived for so long. Cadence grows, she discovers her unique abilities with love based magic and becomes an Alicorn! As well as being able to be officially called a Princess (though she was one all this time). A rare feat for pegasi yet not unheard of to the two sisters, but they never tell her the truth about her mother. Not even after Chrysalis comes to Canterlot, drawn possibly by Cadence's strong love and yearning for Shining Armor. Chrysalis, never realizing who Cadence truly is to her, casts her out and takes her place, etc. You know how that ends. It could be a secret that Celestia and Luna vow to take to their graves, installing Cadence as ruler of the Crystal Kingdom to be the best place to fit her. Even after Flurry Heart is born with her immense raw power (an example of what Cadence had the possibility of being had she been born with a more direct way to express her magic, ie: a horn). What I'm saying is, it could work! Nice theory! ;) Even though it was a joke lol
The Enticci2022-04-17 07:38:28 (edited 2022-04-17 07:38:49 )
Why was starlight glimmer not the next alicorn to help out twilight. If starlight IS the STRONGEST UNICORN in equestria, why isn't she the next magical alicorn?
Sunset did go to Celestia's school, it could be possible that she if not moved back wanted her daughter to go too, and we did see her in the song when Twilight showed up at the end of it
Him: Wow trixie? First diamond tiara reforming terrick now this? What is he gonna say next? That celestia was gerogar this whole time?! Wait actually. Me: XD
Yes it is a good theory but can what chushes your theory it is Twilight I will tell you how Your saying that Trixie is Luster Dawn mother but remember that Starlight also had a crush on Sunburst before Trixie and only because he left she thought cutie marks were bad so if she found out she would not be friends with Trixie And did not happen so Trixie is not Luster Dawn mother So now the solution to the Spike problem is Twilight she is very mentaly unstable and needs Spike support and there are many species of Equestrian Creatures that need to be be befriended so Spike must be very busy so they lost touch now it makes sense
you might be on to something! We never saw human sunburst so who's to say he doesn't exist! Maybe he attended Crystal prep but transfers to canterlot high!
personally, i think that luster IS starlight and sun burst's daughter because luster looks nothing like Trixie and if u try this when starlight and sunburst's skin color mix together is luster's skin color if spike has forgotten he could have remembered that starlight had a kid maybe he don't know what she looks like and also he might have been a little surprised that luster is not into frienship in the first place but that doesn't mean spike doesn't know her.
Neither Starlight nor Trixie is Luster Dawn's mom cause Luster Dawn's mom has to have yellow eyes and pink body colour cause ponies take their mom's or dad's eye and body colour
A lot of the stuff in that episode was writers "confirming" fan ships - apple Jack and rainbow dash, pinkie pie and cheese sandwich. It makes the most sense for them to then go with sunburst and starlight being a couple. In order for Trixie to be luster's mother would be for the writing team to have actually considered some of the smaller details, which I doubt they would have for something that may not mean much.
@☆ ava ☆ for a few reasons, i always thought their rivalry was super cute because they learned to put it aside to get along, and it just makes sense, rainbowdash is hard headed and apple jack in down to earth and smart. its alot to explain-
Maybe she will find a poem like destroying my Bell Unforgettable which I give to my friend saw his home was Destroy misses his friends and family he cannot return he's the older brother of the Two Sisters off his royal family one way to solve his crime he lost his Wings by a powerful one so he become the Fallen one
I have no idea what this person is even saying because of that way of talking sounds so old and stale which makes me wonder who or what is running that youtube channel with the question marks as a username.
I Will give you a hint like Cadence is a princess right? So the adult is connected To the little one like flurry heart ok? Example: So twilight’s parents are unicorn’s right? So she must be a unicorn then celestial made her a princess. Now did you get it ok?
Did u mix orange and Trixie's blue together? It doesnt equal that kind of pink. It doesnt even equal Pink! Starlight and the Orange together is wayyy Closer!
I was rewatching “The Last Problem” ep and I found another piece of evidence to support your claim of Trixie and Sunburst. In the episode, when everyone gets their apple cider, they’re sitting together.
It could still be a possibility that starlight is luster dawns mom, because FIRST OF ALL Spike travels around alot now and barely even sees twilight sometimes, so there is a possibility that he wouldn’t know about it, AND SECOND OF ALL, Starlight surely would be very busy as the head principal at twilights school. Call me crazy if ya want but I think there is a possibility
I saw the thumbnail and I SCREAMED (that happens when Starlight be ur fav and u cri when he says it's not starlight and there no point in watching the rest of the vid cuz im so sad)
Maybe 1 of them is her mother but 🌙 and ☀️ well this 🌙☀️ dawn are not see when celestia and luna see moon and sun at the same time ? 😂😂 it was helirious so.. yeah make sence if her mother is trixie tho
Well luster dawn is mixture of sunburst and starlight glimmer
Laura Kelly2020-09-02 19:11:10 (edited 2020-09-02 19:12:53 )
What about the obvious trans-species relationships that are evident throughout the last season and especially the last episode. Why would Sunburst help Silverstream down when she's flying in if they weren't an item, and why would she hang around there if they weren't-looks like all that group stayed around though? Also is Ocellus and Smolder a thing-why would Ocellus deliver tea to her otherwise unless Smolder is a teacher and Ocellus an assistant? I don't agree that either of them could be the parents-they're both work at the SCHOOL OF FRIENDSHIP!-she would've been raised to value friendship above everything.
ok so trixie can not be luster,s mother because she is not in love with sunburst and if she had a baby she would have told starlight then starlight would have told twilight and spike and if sunburst had child he would have told starlight then further to twilight and spike same with starlight so it has to be someone not very close to the mane six and spike
It’s a very interesting theory but I feel that Sunburst, after shying away from his friends for years and being shown how great friendship is, would heavily instill that on his daughter. His daughter probably would be smart, yes, but also have friends, unlike Luster Dawn.
I mean, really, what the name "Luster Dawn" means is that Josh Haber a) ran out of good words for the end of the day and had to switch to the start of the day instead and b) didn't think "Dawn Luster" sounded quite right. Beyond that, though . . . I'm not sure that Spike didn't know Luster at all, but it does seem like he at least doesn't know her as well as you'd expect him to know Starlight's kid.
I also think that though we know unassuming parents can produce magically gifted offspring, that doesn't conversely imply that magically gifted parents will tend to produce unassuming offspring (and we don't have any actual data on that front). If strong magic were recessive, then it would have the potential to show up unexpectedly, but would be much more common among those with recent ancestors who also had strong magic.
I don't watch the my little pony anymore bc my mom doesn't want me to and i do wat my mom wants, but of i had to say there are other ponys in that place that have sun hair but i guess the evidence makes sense but it could also be something else why didn't they say she was theres and what is the reason for every?🤔
I find it hard to believe twilight and her friends wouldn’t also know if sunburst or starlight had a child. While they weren’t as close as the main six, if we remember correctly, twilight and starburst bonded immediately over their love of antiquing and even became pen pals. There is pony who looks like she could be a possible mother of luster dawn, but as far as I’ve been able to find, she is unnamed. She is shown in canterlot boutique. She is the pony who has a sun and has a pink coat and yellow mane. In all honesty considering the fact that spike had no concept of who luster dawn was it makes sense that she could be a minor characters daughter. Or she could very well be starbursts relative. They do have similarities. She could’ve come from sire’s hollow as we do never see what happened after their last visit. Or she could have very well been a canterlot pony from the start.
Ok so spike had to know her if it was twighlights TOP student right? And in a scene you showed it had STARLIGHT SUNBURST and LUSTER DAWN and she looks like starlight and sunburst daughter 😊 and I don’t think I’m wrong but doesn’t it say in the show-?
I think they’re her lessern dance parents and what about they did lose touch like spike and starlight glimmer Like they could a half that’s what I think
Sunburst and starlight is the parents of Luster Dawn parents because starlight is more confident than trixie so that means luster dawn is the daughter of starlight and sunburst
I think that Starlight and sunburst parents are close to each other think that if Starlight and sunburst parents that means that Starlight and sunburst are luster dawns parent
You're the kind of person who would make a video trying to make sense of the weirdest questions I have as many ideas as you might have 1: Spike is related to the discord because the discus is forcing the magic power of the house to get that dragon egg or 2: Grandma Smit is in secret eavil because IDK
I rather think that sunset sunset whatever her name is is Lester John's mother then Christy the all-knowing pain in the ass Pony Starlight Shimmer would be more of a candidate to beat Esther John's mother when trick see any day
While I'm not against the "Starburst" ship, I don't get why a lot of the fandom thinks that Luster Dawn is the child of Starlight and Sunburst:
-Big Mac and Pinkie each had a child; if Luster Dawn was the product of Starburst, she would've been a filly, around the same age as Lil Cheese and Big Mac's son
-During "The Magic of Friendship of Grows", Sunburst and Starlight greet Luster with a simple wave; she doesn't hug them or say "hi, mom and dad"
-Jim Miller himself debunked this excuse of a headcanon
-If Luster Dawn is the daughter of the heads of the School of Friendship, who are also personal friends of Twilight Sparkle, how do you explain her anti-friendship mindset?
okay, I have a theory. If twilight was cadences sister in law, would Celestia be twilight's aunt, too? Celestia took cadence in as her niece, so she would be twilight's too, right?
“They’re standing next to each other! It must be true love!” Me: notices spike and twilight stand next to each other all the time and thinks of every time the main six stand together Me again: 0-0 uh huh........ you do you sawtooth
@Lucy Randomness Spike and rarity is even more disgusting. Rarity is a full grown mare that is 20+ years old, and spike is a pre-teen dragon. So shipping them is wrong.
There is some compelling reasons some have come to the conclusion that Luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst, mostly related to her character design. Just An Opinion
Z pe a lepší a lepší a lepší 🎓🎩Z toho šel do něj kontakt na mě působí na to šlo o tom smyslu zákona o DPH za odpověď na otázku ohledně toho se zeptat zda by bylo na čaou🛋🛏🪟x a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a levnější velkoobchod a lepší než ten se zeptat zda by bylo na čase a lepší než ten se zeptat zdo👚👕d a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a levnější velkoobchod a lepší než ten se zeptat zda by 85 a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší
I believe you just I know the parents okay you might not believe this I think princess Kaiden is The mother okay hear me out I think Princess cadence is cheating on shining armour and had a child with Sunburst Okay I’m just saying they’re really close and Spike is not really that close to Princess cadence so Spikes problem isn’t a problem okay I’m not saying it’s completely incorrect correct but I’m just saying they’re in the same team did the same school And Sunburst is the Christopher so he probably crystallise first daughter and that’s why she is smart
Him: someone he spends a lot of time with at the school? Me: I swear to god if you say twilight I'm done Him:*says Trixie instead* Me:WHAT??????????? You better have a good explanation sir
Replies (3)
Team Georgie2021-01-10 06:07:31 (edited 2021-02-20 09:19:17 )
It would have been better if you did "Me: my profile picture " instead of that " WHAT????????? You better have a good explanation sir."
It's a good theory but we'll honestly I don't really see trixie as the mostly type like could you imagine her carrying around a pony for 9 months, idk about that
Maybe Starlight,Twilight,and Sunset were lost long siblings. Their Night,Sunrise,and Sunset. Twilight is sunrise because you only see Twilight in early morning.
They're* Also, I see Twilight when i'm outside around sunset. It's a nice purple color that comes after the orange, yellow, and pink that you see in a sunset. I'm not patient enough to watch the sunrise, but at least as far as I know it's not an "only in the morning".
omg the Trixie and Sunburst theory with the cutie mark themes gave me so much inspiration ;w; usually I give my ocs parents by trying to separate their colors now I'll think about this idea to make them unique
But wait.. Aren't Starlight Glimmer AND Trixie Lulamoon lesbian??? Like Trixie and Starlight Definitely like (or liked) each other, all the signs are there, everyone knows that.. Right?!
Or maybe Starlight introduced Luster to her friends when Luster was at a young age and the reason why Spike couldn’t recognize her was because he hadn’t seen her for a long time and her appearance changed
Really bad theory: I think that Trixie and Starlight adopted Luster. I know, it sounds crazy, but hear me out. Luster has both Starlight's magical ability (as she is Twilight's head student) and Trixie's confidence. Both Starlight and Trixie were a bit, how do I say this, un-friendly at first? But, like Luster did, they gave in to the Magic of Friendship. There's most likely evidence against this, but Starlight was also Trixie's first friend, which is another big thing that ties them together.
Edit: Who are her biological parents? Well, I believe that Sunburst is Lusters blood father. Now this next part is a stretch, but it's the only thing I could think of. I think that Luster's blood mother might have maybe left Sunburst with Luster, and then he put her up for adoption, as he could not raise her on his own. Just a thought, and a very wild and crazy one.
Tiffany Tang Her real parents in this scenario are Trixie and Starlight lol. If you mean her birth/blood parents you should specify that. Implying that adoptive parents are not real parents is very harmful and not good. (Even if you didn’t mean to). Anyway, in this scenario/case, her birth parents are probably just random ponies lol. No need to really specify them since she has her two moms. :p
Horses and Me2022-07-07 02:31:17 (edited 2022-07-07 02:31:59 )
What about sunset simmer she is the only one left to think about and if trixie was luster mother the coat color would have match or will it.... Face it sunset simmer is the right color and CUTIE MARKS MATCHES PERFECT but come on guys sunset could be the mother! But guys another thing breakin this story sunburt never have been closet to sunset shimmer 😵😕 but we need to investigate 🔎
The Random Girl2021-10-19 23:45:44 (edited 2021-10-20 01:06:10 )
OK OK OK THIS IS URGENT. SAWTOOTH WAVES YOU REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS COMMENT. I THINK I'VE FOUND LUSTER DAWN'S MOTHER!!!!! Ok ok ok ok. So go back to Season 9 Episode 25. When the unicorn's shield breaks, look who's standing next to Sunburst!!! She is the only unfamiliar unicorn there!!! I think this may be it!!! If this is true please give me a bit of credit if you make a video. PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS!!! @Sawtooth Waves
Dont lead this into the wrong way,but your other video about flurry heart cadance baby that the title was"not true alicorn" I think that wasn't true,you see if flurry was a changeling,well I supposed that she wont' show any magic like when she sneeze and shout that she broke the crystal heart well that proves that she is a true alicorn,but if she is a changeling there is NO magic powers a changeling can change,but they cannot copy the ability of unicorn's magic because flurry heart has a strong magic like her mother Cadence,it would be impossible that changeling can copy a strong magic because there leader was Chrysalis who is weak just hungry for power or love who thought she could defeat twilight,Just NO offence THAT isjust my oppinoin😊
Do this video twilight lost her wings went the Flurry's heart crystal and the last crystal at the ice is like the unicorn crystal and rainbow dash and explorer friend has the earth pony crystal but the pegasi crystal is not ANYWer so do that video how she lost wings
Omg I think I know who is lister downs parents it is not star as you said is wait drumroll please Dom Dom Dom dom dom it’s not Trixie it’s SUNSET SHIMMER!!! Now I’m gonna tell you why beaucase sunset SUNBERST and lister down all related to SUN so make any sense ?? And please tell me why it make sense or not.
I think Luster is just some random pony. Personally, I love the idea of her being Starlight and Sunburst's daughter, I don't think that's the case. I also don't think she's Trixie's daughter. Since all three work at the friendship school, Twilight would have known if they had a daughter and she would have told spike too. Otherwise Starlight would have told him if she or Trixie or Sunburst had children, as Sunburst and Trixie are her close friends. So I think Spike not knowing who she is means she's just a random unicorn.
But then again wouldn't Sunburst tell him I forget her name and wouldn't that information because despite what is Spike was lying there I know it's Mike wouldn't lie but what if he just didn't want like twilight to know where something
She is a random unicorn, hmmm, well because when starlight and sunburst started to marry. She has already become a student. But she has so many similarities to both. And tronxie can't be her mother. She is a little arrogant to be a mother. I Mean it is a mistery!
what if when I select the UNM Una bailed out Celeste or Luna most most likely celestial found love and created her because the Leslie A if you like put her into the past changed her hair color yeah so let's see I could have went through another face instead of having that glows weird hair so technically we don't have a proof that's the less you can't be her mother I mean so left ya so let's use like five hundred six hundred and seventy years old so we don't know that anyways yeah that's true even though we don't know her mother and we kind of know her father to let ya could have got married with them and how to children which would have been so wrong
I look it up and turns out that starlight married sunburst and luster dawn is theyr daughter put i still dont get it about the spike thing you might be right
For the first episode, ‘the stars will aid in her escape’. I think LUNA released Nightmare Moon (nm). You might think ‘NM IS LUNA 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄’ Well, when Celestia used the elements (rip) to banish NM, spirits of the real Luna were still there. Celestia was upset, about the sad banishment. She banished those spirits to the stars, knowing to not banish to the moon, as NM may manipulate her into becoming evil. NM and Luna got to know each other, but Luna knew not to trust. Luna knew what her sister was doing, getting Twilight to meet the mane 5. With the magic within her, she released NM. When Luna was brought back, reformed, the sprits were brought back. Luna stayed quiet, to regain magic and then came back to the Alicorn we know and love.
The spirits wanted the mane 6 to defeat NM instead. Now, I feel Luna knew Twilight’s potential. That’s why instead of reforming NM while banished, she wanted the mane 6 to do it, knowing what’s to come, knowing about the futures 4th alicorn princess. The spirits watched Twilights magical potential from above, seeing how she learned and grew. There was one tiny push into making her into her full potential. FRIEEEEEEEEENNNNDDDDDSSSSSSS! Yeah, she knew the only thing Twilight needed, was friends. Her friends helped her learn and grow, Twilight becoming her full potential, becoming the princess of friendship. She wanted her to meet the mane 5, become friends. Then she would use the remaining magic within her to release NM. Then the rest is history
I don’t really think that sunburst is Luster’s dad because if he is there would be no way that the school of friendship is a place that Twilight has to show her.
I always thought Sunset and SciTwi were her parents...
Ku Aina2021-06-25 02:29:32 (edited 2021-06-25 02:36:45 )
Ya'll know what, idc or idgaf what anyone said. To me, Starburst is canon. I did hear somewhere where someone said that some worker from MLP confirms Starburst is canon so...
also, some fillies are born with different colours than their parents. Just bc they have different personalities and colors doesn't mean they are not related. So I think and i want to believe Starlight is her mother and you can't stop me from shipping Starburst. Again, this is my opinion and my thought cuz I want to. :)
Also tbh Starburst is kinda a toxic relationship. Starlight isnt that respectful of her friend or his boundaries, the only time she's ever rlly bonded with him is them sharing annoyance with their parents, they don't even have anything in common anymore--
@VixyMix 101 true, but Sunburst knows magic more than anyone else and Starlight is talented at magic, so they would make a good team. Also, i told you this my opinion! And i do not think Starlight is toxic.
@Ku Aina yeah a good team, not a good couple. Also okay? That doesn't mean I can't give mine as well. Such as that starlight is a big ass bitch. She's basically a whiney baby-- they legit have to dumb down twilight just for her to seem smart and good. Not to mention she legit tried to kill discord, dont forget that she makes the same HUGE mistakes of using her magic to mind control, even tho she has ALLLLL the help in the world.. twilight at least didn't know a lot of things and had to find out stuff herself and learn from it, so that's why she made mistakes-- starlight? What's her excuse-- booo hoo! My friend got a butt mark and I didn't! Now excuse me as I become an evil tyrant and brain wash people!~ yeah, that's something a normal, sane person would do!~ and not just forget about it after a very long while--
wow, you have to think outside the box, not inside the box, we obviously could tell that I forgot the girl girl her name, the main character. You're talking about the girl who is twilight Sparkle's Maine students cannot be connected to I don't I forgotthey can not physically be related because as we saw the flurry heart, her mom, wasn't actually a real real, real, technically real peg aside, Alcorn God damn, the corn was a real actual cornso, technically, she was born in our home, which mean full grown ALA corn with full grown wings, how do you put that out of your stomach anyways, so, yeah, kind of true if that can happen, I'm pretty sure, 2 other creatures crib, create one PIAS PO point magic pony pony with horns, God pointing what a whore oh my God
it is true that trixie and sunburst is the parents of luster dawn cuz what is the middle of sun and moon? Its the cutie mark of luster dawn! Its sunrise or sunset!
Hmm?? Well there is 3 ponies that could be sunburst wife starlight sunset shimmer or trick now first one starlight now starlight glimmer haves many reasons she could sunburst wife so they have a good relationship when there were young but there is one thing starlight does not have the same cutie mark next trick now well they have moon and sun in there name they hang out a lot and tricke wants to see him a lot next sunset shimmer now here's the thing they both have sun in there name but here's the twist they have never met before so maybe starlight could be lustet dawns mother
actually starlight is not lusters parent or sunburst..WHY!? im back with more conclutions lol anyways. its cause luster ddint know them when twilight made her meet them more importantly she didnt know where her parents lived!? cause she didnt know what pontville was right?
Yes I think it is real but are we suppose to believe that this is true I mean like they acted they don't no luster like look they didn't say something like twilight luster is our daughter we are glad that your here with our daughter or luster saying mom my teacher said I can study here. I mean it is impossible that mom and daughter don't interact with eachother
ok first of all you should think about who is luster dawn. she is a pony .Emm..I mean an unicorn. the problem like who are the royal sisters parents (those pictures aren't true)。。。。and in my little pony they never told you about the royal sisters past or who are their parents maybe luster dawn were born in another family not twilight even know .I imagine that she even maybe born in a rock I know that is crazy but its a magic world so it may have this possibility
I can see trixe and sunburst having lusterdawn. To the color of their skin possibly combined to create lusterdawns Skin, their cutiemarks matching up, and even working at the school of friendship together. Great possibility
I don't expect Luster Dawn being Sunburst's daughter or anyone else's daughter since she was so rude infront of the Princess of Friendship. If she's the daughter Sunburst or Starlight, I think we can all expect her to be polite, nice, or friendly since both of them can be seen working at the school of Friendship.
and isnt sunset supposed to be really good at magic and she was celestia's top student before twilight, AND It would explain why we never have seen anyone worried about her leaving the magical world other than her teachers AND IT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY WE HAVEN'T SEEN AN EG VERSION OF HER, BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE MAGIC, STRONG ENOUGH TO TIME TRAVEL BACK IN TIME SO IM NOW DYING FOR THIS IDEA-
Could you do a theory wether Twilight will outlive her friends? Are Alicorns immortal with age or just live a whole lot longer and then die at a certain age?
Okay, I was re-watching the series and I saw this pony who had so many of Luster Dawn’s genetics, the bad thing is I can’t remember who it was. Once it pops back in my mind I’ll come back and edit this.
Wait a sec, that could be true because Spike and sunset shimmer aren’t really close and her color palette matches to Sunset. Sunset and starburst both have a lot of magical power but I don’t know how they would meet
@sassandsarcasam I don't get this "Spike not knowing that pony's baby because they're not close" thing. As long as Twilight knows, then Spike would definitely find out aswell. I mean why wouldn't Twilight tell Spike about one of her friends having a baby? Susnet and Twilight are close friends so I'm pretty sure she would have told Twilight if she had a baby and Twilight would have definetly told Spike about it.
Well, I have a theory. Since there’s pony mane 6 and a human mane 6 there could be another Sunset shimmer which lives in the pony world. Though the problem is that we never saw another sunset shimmer.
@Screw_A_Username Both Sunset shimmers live in the human world. The Sunset we know was born in the pony world and then escaped to the human world remember? The other human Sunset is probably dead or lives in another city ( the second one is more likely). I wish they cleared the "2 sunset thing" out before they ended the EG movies
@Screw_A_Username That's actually very true! In fact it probably is true that there is another sunset shimmer. But we never saw her or got introduced to her so all the magic stuff would be totally new to her, also Twilight (original twilight) was really smart when it came to letting who went in and out of the portal, and since she let Sunset stay in that world, maybe there actually wasn't human sunset? Idk, both are very possible
You know what it does seem like a possibility. But in that case i dont think sunburst would be the father. It would have to be someone from the human world.
@Jam but that makes zero sense... It sounds like the crew is trying to slide some murder under the rug and handwaved it as destiny always knew it would be so.
More likely, just like pony Sunset ran away from school, so did human Sunset. But human Sunset didn't find a magical portal, she just... Disappeared or maybe they found the portal at the same exact time and fused together. That is the best theory I can come up with that isn't gory.
Pony version ran into the mirror as human version was crying at the statue, they entered at the exact same time and became one complete sunset with all each other's memories (which allows them to work in both worlds flawlessly)
@Jam just because the writer says it's true doesn't make it true. JK Rowling said dumbledore was gay some decades after she already made money off him on a bid to make more money and everyone called her out on her BS
When the author states the facts, the real world is a reflection of our world, and then states contradicting information without any evidence as to why it's contradicting, it's okay to accept that evidence as dubious at best. Authors change their mind and the lore ALL the time especially for popular brands. See Pokemon, Monster High, Harry Potter and more. The truth is, the creators don't have the ability to notice evey pothole especially future ones and when presented with such a promblem they will usually have no time to think it through so they just give whatever statement sounds right in the moment.
One problem Sunset is in the human world and since from Granny Smith's founding of ponyville which according to Twilight was centuries ago it's safe to assume that Sunset might not be... Around anymore. I think I'm gonna get judged for this but when I realized this I actually cried because that means Twilight probably didn't or doesn't know that Sunset is gone I couldn't stand the thought that Twilight probably doesn't even know that one of her friends is gone forever
@Screw_A_Username the sunset we see IS the one from the pony world also the fact that human Sunset would've gone to the same school and Sunset was a villian when she first came to the human world. R.I.P OG human Sunset
@Awolves are cute but it seems pretty obvious time works differently on earth then it does in the human world. Maybe because the sisters move the sun themselves so they don't have to follow a 24h schedule. But it seems like time moves faster in equestria.
Like the time in between the mirror activating seems to take much longer in equestria then in the human demention.
Has anyone ever thought that Luster Dawns mother is Sunset Shimmer? Now, listen. SUNSET (Dusk) Shimmer and Luster DAWN. If you don’t get what I mean, I’m talking about dawn and dusk, sounds like a good mother and daughter thing, right? Sure, this is just a theory but it sounds like it could be a thing. Sunset Shimmer didn’t really get the message of friendship until the Mane 6 came along. So that could be the reasoning of LusterDawn’s misunderstanding and dislike of friendship, just like how her mother misunderstood it and disliked it at around her age. That could also be a reasoning for why Spike didn’t recognise her, because he has no contact with Sunset Shimmer. That’s all I came up with but I hope that this theory is pretty good?
@Jack Starrett she’s basically the magic element of the human world, so leaving her place as that to have a baby with a random stallion and then going back would mean she would probably doom the human world AND leave her child behind, which might cause the child to have depression since she might think her mom doesn’t care about her, but she doesn’t, she’s confident and seems not-too-depressed. Plus I don’t think they even seen eachother.
@Jimmy Orozco or she is in the pony world currently after graduated high school, it has been a long time since mlp s9 ep25 so by then she would’ve finished high school and went back to the pony world. We probably didn’t see her due to use not seeing sunburst hometown or even the crystal empire.
@Jimmy Orozcowell if there is a sunset in that world maybe she could replace her. Even not, i think the girls can handle it. Plus she has her book just in case.
Jimmy Orozco2020-10-19 00:17:37 (edited 2020-10-19 00:25:00 )
@Jack Starrett other Sunset in the human world hasent been proven yet, and maybe never will. And, remember that time when the mane six needed sunset in their team to be able to defeat the sirens? They can’t handle it alone.
@Jack Starrett but without Sunset, the tema wouldn’t be complete. The geoz enhanced their power, but without sunset, they are still incapable. Think of it as a leveling system. You have the mane six, they are all level 30. Sunset joins the team as level 20. She not on the same level as anyone, so she’s practically worthless. This is why the mane six were neglecting to let her join the rainbooms (but also cause they were too busy fighting). When sunset wa son their level, they had a complete and powerful team. The geoz served as a quick level up. They were all at least level 60. Powerful, but more powerful than before. And if Sunset were to go, the team would get weaker, even with the geoz, they wouldn’t be capable, because all they did was enhance their power. Without Sunset, a fraction of the power needed to be a complete and balanced team goes away, and they are practically doomed.
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Jimmy Orozco2020-10-19 00:49:11 (edited 2020-10-19 00:52:46 )
@Jack Starrett and that’s basically what friendships all about. If they are all together then they are a total powerhouse, but without sunset they are just... incomplete.
@Jack Starrett wait! There’s more.., sunsets mind reading powers also help in a variety of occasions. They are sometimes even the reason the crew are able to discover who the villain is and their motives. Without that they are drumroll doomed.
@Jack Starrett I will guess, for communication? Yes, maybe, but, heres the thing: Sunset has no reason to go to the pony world in the first place. Even if it were to say hi to Twi, she would have to go back so quickly, she would have no time to meet anypony (SunBurst). So I will admit, you got me a few times, and you had good arguments But just tell me: why would Sunset ditch her human friends to go to the pony world for so long that she would meet somepony else that she would then marry to and have a baby with?
@Jimmy OrozcoI’ll admit, you got good points. Imma just say that’s true. But the one thing that is probably make this logically is not what makes sense, but what hasbro wants to do. Since this series is over tho, we may never know. Everyone has their perspective, their what ifs. Mine is that Sunset feels like they can handle themselves and leaves, that’s just me. I understand your logic, and I agree with here and there but we all have different ideas on this.
Jimmy Orozco2020-10-19 01:57:25 (edited 2020-10-19 01:58:03 )
@Jack Starrett I agree too. Whatever was unanswered or whatever happens after the end is up to us fans, since the show has ended and Hasbro ain’t answering questions anymore. But if we want to write our perspective of what could’ve happened or what wasn’t answered, we need evidence to support our claims, and it all has to make sense for it to connect into the storyline, since Hasbro left us some hints so we could figure it the answer to the questions they didn’t answer themselves. Either way, we can imagine all we want. Thanks for the discussion. Or really, it was a big Theory Throwdown.
@Jimmy Orozco b4 we end this conversation, I want to say that there is one thing I’ve been waiting for since season 4 and it never happened. Spike’s origins.
@Jack Starrett dang, it’s sad we never got to know about spikes origins. Though I personally think he was robbed from his parents when they were sleeping and used for Twilights test (though that seems pretty obvious). Apart from that, what I wanna know is: how? Who are his parents? Where are they now? Are they looking for him? There’s a lot of things that might stay unanswered.
@Jack Starrett I'd like to agree with you but I really don't think Sunset would leave her human friends to get back to the pony world. As we saw in the recent EG movies and specials (specially Forgotten Friendship), Sunset cares about her friends A LOT. They are basically her family. It's very unlikely and out of character for her to ditch her world and friends just to permanently return to the pony world for no reason. But as you said, the show is over and we might never get our answers. Personally I think Luster Dawn is just some random pony's child. The writers would have DEFINETLY implied if she was related to any of the main characters. So I'm 99% sure that she is not related to Sunset or any other pony we know.
I actually Like the idea that Lusterdawn is actually Sunburst sister, despite his parents being old she was born and grew up soon being accepted to the school of magic planning of following her brothers footsteps
Ya know the celestia grogar thing got me thinking, where did celestia and luna even come from? How did they become alicorns (since they said flurry heart is the first born alicorn)?
In the timeline they just kinda show up already alicorns but where did they come from? Did starswirl make them alicorns? Are they the first alicorns in existence? Well in the equestria play, the three tribes put up a flag with alicorns on it before celestia and luna appear so maybe not.
I think alicorns were a myth at first then starswirl made them alicorns but it was only possible because of their already existing magical power over the sun and moon
@nandini rao yeah i saw that video but if there is an alicorn civilization why didn't celestia amd luna return there after retirement? Also, they couldn't be born alicorns in said civilization bc celesia and luna said themselves that the birth of an alicorn has never happened before
@Novapanthera yeah i suppose that makes sense. I myth about a pony with all the power of the three races does seem like something ponies would think of. Starswirl might've wanted to see if it was possible and didn't know it would work when made the sisters alicorns
If not starlight or trixie maybe sunset shimmer her hair has the color Edit: has anyone even seen my comment yet? Because mine has 0 like unlike everyone else
Wait wait wait let's first discuss luster dawn's personality and similarities your right if luster dawn is a star student then she must be intelligent like sunburst and magical like starlight well her similar things with her parents is her intelligence and her magic but she did get confident! Like Trixie Oop but luster dawn can't have both Trixie and starlight as a mom so instead I think luster dawn was born with her own personality, confidence! We don't have to be so similar to your parents we always have something of our own! Yes spike didn't know luster dawn it's weird that luster dawn knows twilight and twilight knows luster dawn but spike doesn't! But what if spike really knows luster dawn and forgot luster dawn? And why exactly would spike forget luster dawn? It's simple spike is a princesses assistant princesses are busy so Princess twilight would be busy too and maybe Princess Twilight gave spike some things to do then spike got too busy to even remember luster dawn? Here's one more why would Trixie and sunburst Be parents of luster? Well here's my theory why I don't think Trixie is luster dawn's mom I think Trixie isn't Listers parent because look at sunbursts style? Sure sunburst likes magic but Trixie is very sassy and we'll show off ISH no offense Trixie but Trixie isn't sunbursts style sunburst is more like starlight!
Plot twist sunburst married trixie but sunburst cheated on trixie and made a kid with starlight, and then starlight used magic to put the fetus in trixie, making trixie and manipulates her memory to think that luster is her real kid, which would explain why spike didn’t know anything cuz who would tell such a messed up thing to spike
@MidnightMuffin Okay- And? 🤨👁👄👁🤷♀️ (Gosh- where’s the “Send meme” button when I need it 😒 And where the heck is the “sigh” emoji-) And I am talking about Luster Dawn- just saying it in a different way ;-; Lemme restate it for you-
“Wait- did Sunburst ever mention having a sister? 🤨 Cause I can kinda see Luster Dawn being his sister- 😂”
@MidnightMuffin Okay- thanks for quoting what I said..? I’m just being honest 😒 Okay- I’m kinda done with this conversation- I got places and things to do 🙂 Soooo goodbye- have a nice day- ☺️
@MidnightMuffin if you're playing with guessing age from the way people write, your "I thought you were dOnE wItH tHiS cOnVeRsAtIoN." isn't sounding very mature. Turns out you can't guess age that way and your condescendance isn't needed.
NO!?!? When we see Luster in the show, she's a fully grown mare. Meaning, Diamond would've had to have had her when she was still a little kid. YOU ARE IMPLYING PED0PHILIA WITH THIS, AS SUNBURST IS AN ADULT.
@She Does It Again that wouldn’t make pink in the colors, that would make a completely red and orange filly and she’s still in the pony-human world and don’t forget she might be his brother
@She Does It Again I think its Big Mac and sugar belles kid, it would be easy for spike to lose contact with Big Mac and the colours fit perfectly, next to that Sugar Belle is a unicorn so the kid is likely one too
What if sunny starscout's Mom was Luster Dawn? || That's Why Sunny has issues About her Alicorn Magic. Coz Luster Dawn is a unicorn like unicorn Twilight sparkle and maybe luster Dawn Became an Alicorn too. I Am So Confused 😵😵😵 If you like mah comment also just comment over that cool button
I think it's Sunday and the greatest money it is not so clean now I know somebody's interest does not make sense it's too easy I'd rather be starlight than yeah I'm going for a starlight instead because that makes a lot more sense than what if they moved there together then came back and then came back and get working you never know outdoor lucky videos to the bathroom we want something so cool I love you videos
For you shippers: just bc trixie is lusters mother doesn’t mean they can’t be poly or together at the time of lusters adult hood Edit: consider that perhaps starlight was infertile. Trixie could have been surrogate
I really hope she's not their daughter, cause that would be so unfair, out of all the ponies in Equestria, Twilight chooses the daughter of her best friend.
eh idk it makes sense but I feel like starlight and trixie should’ve ended up together they were so close, had so many moments, and really related to each other besides it would’ve been nice to have another canon lesbian couple in the show
I looked it up and it said that There is some compelling reasons some have come to the conclusion that Luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst, mostly related to her character design.Nov 21, 2019
When they look at sunburst and starlight's face their looking at lusterdawn and how lusterdawn looks at sunburst and starlight looks like they know each other. Maybe they send lusterdawn to Twilight's magic school because of her talent and sunburst went there but he got kicked out he wants to give his daughter the thing he wanted and it kinda totally makes sense with the color pallet and the personallity
if you look closely at luster's cutie mark you will see that there is a little bit of glimmer in her cutie mark this also proves luser's mother is starlight
Video aside Celestia never really treated twilight as her niece but is still treated as an equal to being her student maybe twilight is following that same role, luster being the daughter of a true friend she's not treating her any different because she is the ruler of Equestria she has to remain neutral for her kingdom. favoritism isn't the best thing when other ponies look up to the princess ❤️
Maybe, and this is a really far off theory, starlight and Sunburst got together one night, (maybe they had to much cider)where the child was conceived, Starlight as the child in secret, then them usually decide that Sunburst should be the one to keep the child because he’s more fit to raise her
If you have noticed children mostly get there complexion of body from their mother ,and their manes colour from their father. Even though the mother's body colour is of another shade of the colour that the child has got the state changes for the colour eventually remains the same that same happens with the main also the shade of the fathers main and the child's main a different but the colour is same.Luster dawn has a dark shade of pink just like star light has a light shade of pink. Same goes with the main of her and sunbrust.
there are still more rabbit holes to this theory lol
also my simpliest theory: -twilight and spike in the castle for long to rule -clearly means that sunburst and starlight would be at the twilight's school -trixie has never been in canterlot and is not shown to be in canterlot ever once -starlight bein a counselor in the school of friendship -cutie marks are not linked together -take from the cake family example-one of their filly is not the same color, one of the filly does not have the related type of cutie mark -from the parents -if trixie was the mother, spike would've known since she met spike when twilight and trixie duel each other -makes sense that starlight and sunburst won't be able to tell cuz the two seem to be always busy
No I could never see trixie and sunburst being a thing but maybe she wanted him to be apart of the council bc she wanted starlight and him to get more close ik that starlight wasnt alart of the Council but maybe trixie thought she was gonna be apart of it. Idk just an assumption 😅
i dont believe either are her mother. she has no look similarities to trixie, and its unrealistic for her to be the child of starlight like explained. but based mostly on the cutie mark plus the hair she could be related to sunburst.
Ever seen the 90's Cartoon? (My Little Pony Tales)
Luster Dawn has a pink coat with a blonde mane and tail.
Starlight from MLPT ALSO has a pink coat with a blonde mane and tail.
Starlight Glimmer at her base priorities towards magic, while NOT sociopathic, is shrewd and ambitious MUCH like Luster Dawn. They BOTH hold friendship to a lower level than personal excellence for example.
Starlight Glimmer even shattered their universe and was able to travel time and space by magic. Who's to say she didn't use Time Magic to cross paths with Starlight from "Pony Land"? OK! OK! So 90's Starlight is technically an Earth Pony...But then Starlight GLIMMER is amongst other things A RESEARCHER, isn't she? Luster Dawn fancy's herself to be one too, doesn't she?
What If Starlight Glimmer didn't CONCEIVE Luster Dawn but rather she CARRIED her??
If Starlight ISN'T Luster Dawn's Mother...What if "Starlight" IS??? ;)
I think spike knew luster dawn when she was a filly but after she grew up spike didn't knew much. But twilight knew so spike should have known because spike and twilight both live in the same castle but we saw that in s9 ( the last problem ) spike wasn't in the castle he came from outside . So that's why I think spike knew her .
....Nope Im going with Starlight, Given by what I know of Spike's Lines as an adult it was obvious he was constantly travelling to here and there and mostly the DragonLands and we know being headmare is a busy job too so maybe a little silence between the two...(?)
I think I must agree with you sawtooth waves that Starburst have a Sun cutie mark has a moon one and dawn between Morning and night that also makes sense with her name
But what if Sunburst had a twin brother? We have already seen how siblings can have similar cutie marks, so if they are twins then they’re cutie marks would be very similar. I imagine that Sunburst had a twin bother named Solar sunrise or something like that and he wasn’t has magical as his brother and he did magic tricks like Trixie but felt left out so he ran away from home to starlight’s village he was there and then he got mentally torchered until that was fixed. Sunburst then remembered him and got him back to his senses and met with his family again. He didn’t know starlight was a friend of sunburst because he least when he was very young. He then saw interest in Trixie because she was just like him. He because her Assistant, Partner, friend, then they started dating. Few years later, luster dawn enters the world! But she wants to learn real magic like her uncle and sister in law. Yeah that’s right! Starlight. Trixie was in Sunbursts friend circle but not all the way so they didn’t have feelings for each other but he knew somepony that may have a bigger circle with Trixie. And Starlight and Sunburst get married and in the same timeline, they have Starburst, Twinkle shine, Aurora light, and Starry dusk. Aurora is the oldest and Twinkle is the youngest. Starburst is the bravest and Starry is the most quiet. These are names that I think suit them. Hello and bye! This is a suggestion
Nice try but I still believe that Starlight Glimmer is Luster Dawn's mother because I still ship Starburst and probably Starlight was too busy being the new headmare of the school of friendship to introduce her daughter to Spike even though he was Princess Twilight's Royal Advisor.
This is going to sound crazy so bare with me, what if sunsetshimmer is luster’s mom. The color pallet works out perfect as well as the mane style. Now if his theory on sunset being sun bursts brother is right this won’t work, but if that theory is incorrect then maybe mine is right. This is far into the future so it’s not likely to say that sunset never came back to equestria. Still keeping in touch with the book until she was finally able to go back to her would after having luster dawn. The cutie marks work out perfectly as they are both sun-ish marks and while twilight may have known spike may not have, in fact sun burst may have kept the mom a secret from everyone considering that sunset isn’t from the pony world anymore. This is just my theory though.
The only reason starlight was thrown out was spike not knowing her. It is possible that he knew that starlight had a kid but wasn't in close enough contact to actually know her name. Starlight took over the school as twilight was leaving and spike has his own life and fends hip ambassador duties. He could've been off to the dragon lands for an extended time.
I think Trixie and Sunburst is luster's parents because of all the reasons in this video and one other thing . Both Trixie and Luster has the same kind of hair , different colour but look at Trixie's mane and Luster's mane and can you say that they do not look kind of the same ?
One problem: in the MLP game, it says "its not ours to speculate on Sunburst's future, but we subject it'll be full of rewarding research and starlit nights" and "its not ours to speculate on starlight's future, but we subject it'll be full of happy students and sunn days" THIS JUST MAKES SENSE!! "rewarding research" SUB\NBURST LOVES TO REASEARCH! and "happy students" STARLIGHT IS THE HEADMARE OF THE FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL NOW- IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSEEEE!!
It’s most likely to be what you said about the circle of spike the dragon sense of Lester done and future spike don’t know each other it would have to be a Trixie so it would be most likely just Trixie then it would be starlight
I know I grew out of mlp at an ok time but now I feel like it was to soon and I kind of want to rewatch this... I didn’t even know luster dawn was a person or that twilight and spike look like that now or pink pie has a child or anything!
I’m late but its probably Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle, colours fit perfectly, Sugar Belle is a unicorn so their baby can be one too, filly’s don’t always have the same kind of cutiemark as their parents- just look at pinky pie.
I don't find it hard to believe he is their daughter. During Twilights coronation the cake twins were still babies. It's possible they got down and busy real quick after that and Luster is just younh
another thing is if she was starlight’s daughter wouldnt she be more involved in the idea of friendship and possibly go to the school of friendship? it doesnt make any sense for them to be related
i mean i think starlight and sunburst are the parents because look at luster's hair...the hair kinda has the same hair color style and the color of her skin,it looks like she would be their daughter by mixing the colors
Ok this makes perfect sense but if you look at LUSTER DAWN at 5:34 luster was a little like :0 so i don't think trixie or starligth is her parents + luster don't like her mom and a child look like her parent's
Maybe Starlight and Sunburst are LusterDawns parents and They thought that twilight told Spike and a reunion with Starlight maybe Luster was at twilight school and Spike didnt know about LusterDawn
I think starlight because luster Dawn said magic is a waste of time and starlight went back in time and tried to make twilight and her friends not meat each other soo she thinks Olso friendship is not importent
I,d imagine if Sawtooth Waves went through the portal and introduce him self to everyone in the human world and be like ( Hi i,m Sawtooth Waves and i,m a youtuber.)
Nah. Because listen. Luster means a soft glow, light, shimmer, glimmer. Now what's starlight? She got that name from both Starlight and Sunburst. And did you see how Starlight waved at her with excitement in her eyes directly towards Luster Dawn? THAT'S HER DAUGHTERRR. Those are her parents bro. And furthermore, she gets obsession with her studies from Sunburst and her disinterest in friendship from Starlight. Y'all forgot the way Starlight was before meeting Twilight? Even she thought it was useless. I rest my case.
@VixyMix 101 Bruh what...Yeah Starlight did learn friendship. Does that mean her daughter should know it too? They're not the same person/pony. I think you need to think harder. If Luster is going to Celestia's school, who's teaching her about friendship if she's too obsessed in her studies like how her dad was?
@VixyMix 101 My dudeeeee ofc it was spread but yet there was still a pony cough Luster who didn't see the need. Clearly not everyone is big on friendship🥱 Are you in denial that that's her daughter or something? Yikes
@დ I'm saying that it wouldn't make sense for someone who values friendship to have a daughter that doesn't know a thing about it or understands it, not to mention that starlight is still likley in contact with twilight, that's her friend and mentor-- so how would that convo on how friendships don't have to fade not be brought up sooner?? I ain't in denial, your argument just sucks ass. Plus, it seems like u rlly didn't watch the video.
@VixyMix 101 I watched the whole video. And bro Luster doesn't seem like she lives with her parents and away from them. So how would they know? I'm open to the idea that Trixie could be the mom too, I have no problem with that if that's the case. But, to me the odds are in favor for Starlight to me and I DON'T GIVE A DAMNNN😩😩 about your opinion. Come back to me if the creator ever says something about who her parents are. If none of them are her parents then that would just be a laugh. Have a good night lmao
No no no ... sunburst has been around spike plenty . Sunburst is flurry harts crystaler so he is always at the crystal palace where spike is known as the great and powerful spike the glorious... you would think that spike and twilight would go to visit often
here is a suggestion what if luster dawn is sunburst’s stay with me here niece what i am suggesting is that luster dawn is the daughter of sunset shimmer luster dawn left the human world to study magic with her uncle just a thought
Orange and purple makes pink so I think starlight and sunburst are her parents cuz if you add orange and blue it totally makes a different color so it makes sense for a sunburst and starlight because if you go back in that scene when you just saw Trixie waving and she didn't even stay long she just waved and she's gone
My only thought is Luster Dawn is pink,, and neither Trixie nor Sunburst are pink and I don’t think their relatives are 😅 but I’m not sure who her parents would be if not
She doesn't know friendship until Twilight told her she is definitely Starlight glimmers daughter Twilight Todd Starlight glimmer friendship and Twilight also told that daughter off Starlight glimmer friendship so that girl is definitely Starlight glimmers
Hey guys what about sunset shimmer? I mean you did have a theory about sunset and sunburst being siblings right? Hence a similar cutie mark right ? Oh if you do choose this comment please can I have a shout-out ?
5:33 --> 5:37 It's true that Sunburst and Trixy might be an item but look how Sunburst and Trixy act around Luster, they show no parental love towards her, like they only know her from the school.
(Idont know if you've ever mentioned this before because I haven't been on YouTube recently, but please read this Sawtooth Waves.) Off topic, but if you think about it, all of mlp is a flashback, and all the characters are actually dead. But Celestia is the one who owns the book of the beginning, and the ending of the show. Therefore, it was a flashback that Celestia had remembered, and thought was very important to the history of Equestria. And Flurry Heart is a natural born Alicorn, therefore Flurry Heart will be the next ruler of the Crystal Empire, as Cadence dies.
@alaria smiss but can't wings go over cutiemarks? We have seen the Cape waving so that we could see his cutiemark (or where it should be) so if he had wings they'd be covering there.
Lets see... assuming Grogar somehow banished Celestia, while biding his time waiting to get his bell back, being unable to use the elements of harmony, he instead uses it through the mane 6 such that other villains such as discord doesn’t overthrow him. How he used his future scrying spell to line up discord, cosy glow, chrysalis and terik for him to get his bell back was such a great twist. After season 9, Grogar reclaims his bell and absorbs the magic of the tree of harmony, leading to that epic fight. Discord’s sacrifice was truly heartbreaking. To bad that in your timeline, that didn’t happen. Reply to this comment for any questions of this timeline of this theory
Sawtooth: presents Trixie and sunburst Me: according to like pony palette genetics, Luster is pink and Trixie is blue! Also, Trixie's real last name is LULAMOON???!!
Ma dude people LISTEN SUNBURSt and starlight is brother and sisters gosh if u watch the whole episode u can see that sunbursts mother has the same color magic horn as starlight does and starlights father has the same color as sunbursts if they have a child it will be a huge problem
Sawtooth: saying that starlight wasn't the mother ME: it's tricks Sawtooth: it's trixie Me: O-O Thanks for 45 likes :) also sunburst and trixie (maybe starlight)could be lusters adoptive! Mom and dad
Look at Luster Dawn’s mane the way it has light yellow highlights looks like Starlight’s dad’s highlights in his green mane, maybe Luster Dawn is SB and SG’s daughter!
If u Google 'Luster Dawn parents', it'll come up with "I'm Luster Dawn, personal student of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and daughter of the Headmare and Vice Headstallion of the School of Friendship." and the new Headmare of The School Of Friendship is Starlight, and Starlight went looking for a Vice Headstallion which just so happens to be Sunburst. So yes, Starlight and Sunburst are Luster's parents
@siqxyre Sunburst got his eyes from his father (not exactly the same shade but still blue). You can't get an eye color from a cutie mark, cutie marks aren't genetic
@siqxyre @Klazocloniac okay I looked at a the families in MLP and the explanations for all of the weird children colors are that they came from their parents' eyes and cutie marks. What can I say? You were right, I was wrong, and I can yeet genetic common sense in the series out of the nearest window. The Pie family still doesn't make sense btw. I am not talking only about Pinkie. Two of her sisters got purple that came from nowhere.
We've seen ponies take genetic colors from eyes tho, and Trixie has purple eyes. Not to mention that ressesive genes exist, don't forget Trixie is a one night stand child and we've seen her possible father, seems like she got every single genetic for him-- who's to say her mom wasn't pink?
i think that she is just a random unicorn in ponyville, and that someone working on mlp stated that it would be wierd if they were related in someway. maybe, a background pony gave birth to her, try and take a closer look....
okay here's my theory starlight and sunburst are the parents and spike has met luster dawn a few times but is not exactly close to her
basically in my starburst shipper mind , this is what happened-
Twilight and spike move away, maybe few moons later starlight and sunburst have a child(luster dawn). Spike meets her a few times but because friendship ambassador is a full time job these days he forgets about her. And when sunburst notices her magical talent he sends her to the magic school so now even if spike decided to visit ponyville he wouldn't meet her. A lot of time goes by and luster dawn is about 18 or 19 probably and the events of the episode happen.
so my fellow Starlight x Sunburst shippers, we don't need to lose hope yet, there is a chance that our ship survived!
Notifications poped out Me:*Le GaSp* Also me:FINALLY!! Also also me:Starlight X Sunburst? Hmmm well i never ship them.... but- Sunburst X Trixie? Huh- never thought of her getting a boyfriend- EVEN HAVE A CHILD?! Die
This is a joke pls don't take it seriously- I actually love the theory that Sunburst and Trixie having Luster dawn ^^
мне кажется что трикси не может быть её мамой. блин она же синего цвета. тут палитра чуток не совпадает. хотя можно псмотреть на некоторые семьи из мультика и...
Just a speculation... but could Sunset Shimmer be Lusters mother? 👀 Maybe Luster grew up in the human world and Sunset sent her to Equestria in hopes of her learning about friendship, but Luster may have interpreted it in a different way and thought her alleged mother would've wanted her to learn about magic instead. Just a hunch but I thought it could be possible
Nah I think Luster Dawn is Starlight and Sunburst’s child even one of the people who worked on show said that they personally agree with fans that she is their child but she also said all up to the fans to ultimately decide that for themselves
Okay so if Luster Dawn is Twilights star pupil, and Luster Dawn has non-pony friends to help her discover friendship, what will happen to a creature if the magic of several different creatures gets channeled into one? Like, how an alicorn becomes due to getting the magic of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, what do you get if you take magic of several different creatures? Will Luster Dawn become a draconequus thanks to friendship magic or something? or is that what'll happen to one of the student six?
In this Starlight is happily married to Sunburst and they have a daughter named Luster dawn (as some are suspecting). As she can be seen in the last episode in season 9 talking to the princess Twilight in her castle about friendship.
" one of the most powerful unicorns in equestria " sure we're gonna act like she didnt TRAVEL THROUGH TIME and could have beaten Twilight in the season 5 finale.
I have to maybe debunk the theory that either are her parents in the episode Where starlight glimmer is looking for a vive head mare shows a little pony who looks exactly like luster dawn... it made me think of this video and my mind was blown out of proportion 😂
i think that theres more although i like your theory and although i havent watched the hole series of mlp i have a theory that big mack and suger belle are the parents the only evidence i have so far is that the color scheme and the fact that they aee married makes it believe able and the fact that suger belle is in fact a unicorn helps support that but it doesnt support why she thinks why friendship is useless and a waste of time but please take this into consideration
There's just one little problem this child looks nothing like any of these ponies you've mentioned maybe the tiniest bit like sunburst but not like Trixie or like Starlight my point in evidence look at the child's eye color none of those ponies have that color just some food for thought, also the pink coat
Luster Dawn's parents are really Starlight and Sunburst and Luster Dawn didn't even look like Starlight but Starlight's grandmother has an dirty pink coat so it is passed for Luster Dawn it says in The Darkest Dawn Episode 1 and all the all the answers that you trying found was in this video.
Someone he gets along with yes Someone who spends a lot of time at the school of friendship yes Someone he spends a lot of time with Mhm Trixie!Bcuz they stood next to each other once R U 4 REAL!UUUFF (Sounds of him being confused) (Sounds of me being aggravated)
yeah no, sorry, if Starlight isn't the mother of Sunburst's parents, nobody is. Plus you can't mistake Luster's pretty pink coat to be inherited from Starlight.
Hmm... You know, her being sunset shimers doter would be interesting. The one that came before Twilight sparkle, doter become twilight sparkles student
Yeah starlight is her biological mother bc I did some research and it says that luster dawns moms color and her dads color would make her color if they mixed it up together. If you know what I mean.
You have to look at her hair too. She has the hair of a pony from the crystal empire. It’s gradient like those from the crystal empire unlike the flat colors of those from, well, anywhere else in equestria
Plot twist: Maud Pie (Pinkie Pie's sister) is actually Luster Dawn's mom.
because if Trixie had a chance of being the mother of Luster Dawn why not Maud? cause Maud and Sunburst also bounded quite well when they first met and plus that could also explain why Luster Dawn is a pink pony, not because Maud is a pink pony but because her sister, Pinkie pie is a pink pony and Luster Dawn could've gotten it through genes.
God i havent been in touch with mlp for awhile now....damn you anime took my childhood away from me😤 i'll get it back , still love this show sm im not letting go yet
Lesser Don's eyes one of her grandparents would have to have orange eyes and also one of her parents would probably have to be pink but Star swirl does add up so it must be on Star squirrels side but we don't know her mother's side yes 👌👌👌
"ok there's no evidence that these two have ever been romantically involved" well I wanna disagree. It Kinda looks like starlight is asking sunburst out like and reply if I agree
so sunburst and luster's cutie mark's are little bit same what about starlight, starlight and luster's hair are so same starlight + sunburst = luster dawn
I always thought maybe it was Sunset from Equestria Girls I mean its not like Spike would keep in touch with her idk how that would work but if Sunset had a daughter she would probaly want her to learn her origins then again I think mentioning to Spike that Sunset the pony who wanted to take over the multiverse had a daughter and she was being sent there
I don't think she is anybody we know daughter though because every single main character in the show is: FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!!
I actually don’t think that luster dawn’s parents would be sunburst and trixie or sunburst and starlight or any other two ponies that got married some time before or after twilight’s coronation because for a fact we know that Sugarbelle and Big Mac got married before her coronation so it’s safe to assume that they had their child some time after her coronation. So for luster dawn to be fully grown she would’ve to be born long before twilight’s coronation so it’s not possible that she was born after her coronation.
also umm, since sunburst, starlight and trixie live in ponyville, and lusterdawn had never been there before kinda just entails that she isnt any of theirs?? from the ending montage it seems like lusterdawn didnt know anybody there... and why would she be introduced to her parents??? why would she be given a tour of her home town??? just sayin
It could be true that starlight and sunburst are in love But there is a secret reason that My little pony Didnt want us to know about Luster Dawn Parents It could be that Luster Dawn was just an Normal Unicorn that lives whit others that Normaly showed up at Canterlot school, But Now one ever knew about Sunburst and Trixie Trixie's cutie mark has a moon And Sunburst has a sun beetween sun and moon there Is dawn Wich is Luster's Last name, No one knew About them Within Luster Dawn ayes was Diffrent from trixie's Ayes but the ayes color was almost as Sunburst primary color and hair color wich means that sunburst could be The father but Luster Dawn has also pink skin the only pink skin that i saw was...... welp that couldnt be true.
And plus if trixie ws her biological mother. Wouldn't she have some of her attitude like you know how trixie is sassy sometimes? Yeah that and shes not sassy she has more of Starlights attitude.
No D No D No D👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👙👙👙eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
how come all the wizards or sorcerers or powerful ponies are named and based off of the sun or light or the moon or stars or the time of day and stuff (excluding cadence and flurrt heart) twilight star swirl sunset shimmer starlight glimmer celestia luna sun burst
If she was a trixie then she would probably be some blue or like a samburst orange, I think she is a starlight because she is some purple and she is some pink or something between pink and purple Color says it all.
I don't think Starlight and Sunburst are her parents. I used to kinda think it was Big Mac and Sugar Belle coz she looks EXACTLY like them, but I feel like she's not the child of any of these ships because of the age. Pinkie Pie's child is still a kid, why would Sunburst and Starlight or Big Mac and Sugar Belle, have such a grown up daughter? Luster Dawn is not little.
There is one thing that bump me about this none of the mother that u say starlight and tricy they both don't have that orangy shade eyes and not her father to so I'm still confused
But trixie and sunburst is starlight's friend and starlight,being the mare head of twilight friendship school,wouldnt be normal to think that starlight might Have said a word about luster dawn and twilight says it to spike or the others🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
I think that spike already knew who luster dawn was but he didn’t know that twilights top student was luster dawn so he was surprised and maybe spike was being introduced to her for the first time and I think starlight is part of the family since starlight gives an attitude like luster dawn and like u said smart like sunburst and starlight is powerful and so is sunburst so maybe she got in the same way twilight got in with a magic surge and maybe spike didn’t know because he was being busy like really busy with his duties as friendship ambassador or whatever he was.
I think sawtooth is correct it is not starlight because starlight has nothing in commen with Luster Dawn and if a ponys ser name is dawn it has to be Lusters dad
To honest pinkie pie, trixie, starlight and sunburst because luster has pink on her fur like pinkie pie and her hair like trixie and she have lines as starlight and her cutie mark may not look as the same as pinkie pie but her cutie mark look the same as trixie, starlight and sunburst so that makes my reason luster drawn has three mothers and one father
Ima go with the first comments I see and also this is my opinion Starlight is Dawn or whatever her name was parents LIKE DUDE LOOK AT HER HAIR BRO WTH and I don’t know if this matters but Luster and Starlight where both star students!
ok trixie's coat does NOT match luster dawns coat not even the mane matches the only match would be someone who isn't close to spike and is color purple or pink so it could be pinkie pie,twilight,starlight,tempest shadow,grown up flurry heart or,nobody
but pinkie,twilight,and starlight are close with spike so that leaves tempest,and flurry but flurry is too young so that meen's tempest is lusters mom BUT at the end of the my little pony movie both twilight and tempest did a fist bump which also meens bonding so twilight would have heard of her and twilight is also close to sunburst so its not sunburst either so that means luster is just a random pony from somewhere BUT in season 5 episode 1 cutie mark vault scene there are 2 rainbow cutie marks exactly the same and we all know only one pony has a kind of cutie mark. so one of the marks are fake and behind is lusters cutie mark so that means starlight still feels guilty of controling and tricking nearly all pony's and was afraid to tell so that means starlight is a single mom
I think they actually could be, here's why: Her cutie mark looks like sunburst's Her hair looks like starlight's Also: SUN-burst, lusterDAWN, their names have something to do with the sun. I also believe that sunburst has blushed at starlight and has had a full episode with her and they seem to like each other alot
Sawtooth how do we know if spike dose not know if she had a child and wasn’t told about it he needs to do his job yes but your right about her being a adult
You realize though that the “spike would know” would be an issue for sunburst too. Even if they weren’t as close, everyone else was, so it would be extremely unlikely he would not have heard it. Especially how you claim he and starlight are such good friends. Edit: also I understand the “ship because they are next to each other, seriously?” issue, but you can’t deny it has some semblance of truth. This is also during a song where they are introducing characters, their roles, and relationships. When they are introduced it should say something about who they are based on what is shown. They are introduced together and stay together through the scene whereas trixie is apart from them with the CMCs. The fact she shows not much reaction to seeing any of them could be used to disregard them as parents (I mean she does smile super big but eh), but it also is likely that they don’t want to be ungodly obvious or that it would jumble the flow of the song transitions.
ehhhhh. I think they would be a little too old to have kids. seeing as twilight must be not far from Celestia's age when she was ruler, their parents would have been dead by now
@PinkMoth their parents would've probably been around Granny Smiths age before the final episode. So they'd still be alive, just a bit too old to have another related pony.
And if Starlight really was Luster's mother, then Luster would know friendship a lot more than in the last episode. Because she would have taught her.. So yeah you are right
I think it's quite the opposite. Luster knew the importance of friendship, she just doubted that you should start friendships, because they end anyway. And, from what we know, Starlight had the same problem when she was younger, her friendship with Sunburst ended unexpectedly when he left for Celestia school. Maybe Luster heard that story and started to think the same way as her mother once thought, like "she was right and even though it ended great for her and father (Sunburst), I may not be that lucky"
Luster done,s Parents name is Musterd done and Sunset shimmer Becose sun set shimer is Like sun Musterd done its Cutie mark is Sun set who has a Sun set Sun set shimmer.
I think you’re right but I don’t know like celestial Luna some of the ponies oh wait a minute I think that all the day and night ponies even saw stealing NTNT do you know my God I think that’s the family. 753
I'm here to calm all the shippers with a theory: Sunburst marry both Starlight and Trixie and 2 of them gave birth.Trixie gave birth to Luster and Starlight gave birth to a unknown pony that study with her/his parents in School of Friendship and Luster study at School for Gifted Unicorns
do a fanfyc series ecstension! U can shyp fluttershy and dyscord and reform everyone and stuff! And u could keel up ur normal vids just do it on the syde!
I don't think Sunburst or Starlight are Lusters parents because in "The last broblem" Twilight says "Thats ok because I know exactly where to send you" witch makes me think that Luster lived in Canterlot
If you want to find Luster Parent is the eyes,the body code,Cutie mark, and last the mane how do i know that see twilight sparkle parent IM sure you Will find out
Like other comment I wroth on glimmer video. But think it apple jack new sister or long lost sister. Like was born right before mom die. So the apple kids never see her before last episode. But unlike sunset story this more likely. But bet both more just erro in art or something. Or they have a trend of naming everything sun or farm names, lol/ 0r young sister of glimmer or sun rest too? Could connect to one of kids family too?
I love the thought of all these protagonist friends becoming like a huge family and keeping relations with each other's kids. Though it kinda closes the circle to other minor characters.
Also if you would pay a little more attention to the last episode, spike has been gone for quite a while making peace between kingdoms, that could take months. However I do see some of your points you got me thinking.
Well, basically, they didn't have to talk about their daughter with anyone but Twilight, so that the daughter wouldn't get be arrogance during school and become like Sunset, for example, when she was vain. Yes, it sounds like an excuse, but all arguments are excuses, ph. I can't say what's true and what's false, but I like to think so.
I dunno, it did not seem that Spike didn't know who she was, but more shocked at the words coming out of her mouth. He did not seem to have to explain who he was to her, other than that "ambassador of friendship' quip, but that did not seem an explanation, as more of a 'come on, did you forget me?' thing.
Sunburst is without a doubt the dad, that's for sure. The mane flow is very like Trixey's though and messy like Sunburt's. The eyes match Trixey's mother's eyes. Spike most likely didn't know due to this fact! He's not too close to Sunburst either. They got along great though. The appearance and the eyes give it away for me. You also mentioned strong magic comes from humble beginnings. Bingo, you got it with the parents' abilities but their knowledge would be amazing.
She also does indeed have the confidence but the nervousness of Sunburst when it comes to friends at first. You can clearly see it during the final song of G4. It's definitely her if it's someone the audience is aware of, but the dad is indeed sunburst. There's no denying it from the power, knowledge and appearance.
I like the idea that luster is starlight and sunburst's daughter because of her coat colour and spike well he did say being the friendship ambassador is a full time job so maybe they lost touch for a while
Spike doesn't know anything about Luster when seeing her, But then does that mean he never knew Luster was Twilights student? And twilight is basically Spike's sister. Starlight might've had to have Luster not too long after the coronation, but who knows how much time has passed since the coronation and the time skip we receive at the very end. Twilights friends are old, Rarity has grey hair
hmm true but some of the parents dont need to have the same skin or hair do you see futtershy mom hair she dont have the same color of fluttershy or fluttershy's brother
Also is you look at luster's cutie mark again it has the moon in it also, that would be a combo of both sunburst and trixie's cutie Mark's! So I believe its possible
what if starlight is luster dawn's mom but things didn't work out and that's why Starlight wouldn't bring us Luster dawn when she was talking with spike because it was painful and trixie could be Luster dawn's current mom with sunburst as the father <3
When he said that there was no evidence that they got together I remembered the fact that right now on the mobile game future Sunburst's discription mentioned that his life will be full of starlit nights and I don't remember much about Starlight's discription but I do know that it hinted toward her being with sunburst. You might be thinking it's just a coincidence but it's a recurring thing in the future ponies' discriptions. Like rainbow Dash has the word Honest in her description and AJ has the word Loyal in hers. Flutters has been implied to be with Discord. And her discription includes the word cHaOs. Pinkie Is obviously with cheese sandwich and her discription includes the phrase Dangerously Cheesy. Need I go on. So yeah who says that the games don't have hints for theories.
Replies (2)
Awolves are cute2021-01-21 05:54:21 (edited 2021-01-21 05:55:27 )
Okay Trixie is possible as her mother but we don't see Trixie and sunburst bond almost at all after uncommon bond and in the video he said that luster dawn would have to be born soon after Twilight left. Would they have enough time to fall in love marry and have a daughter? No. So I just don't think luster is Sunburst's daughter or anypony else's (who is important) she could be just a really gifted unicorn who came from humble parents. Also unrelated but when neighsay reformed did accredit the school of friendship
Sorry about that replay I forgot about the fact they did bond. Also I remembered that Future's Starlight's discription includes the word 'Sunny' so sorry Sawtooth but Luster isn't the daughter of anypony we know
I don‘t think Trixie is Luster‘s Mother. I don‘t really see how she and Sunburst could‘ve fallen in love... Maybe it‘s just because we didn‘t see them so often together, but I never noticed any Chemistry between them, other than Hobby’s. And they could just be friends... maybe she send him the letter, because she Starlight had a (more or less really big) crush on him, and wanted both her friends to come together... I actually think we just don‘t know Luster‘s parents
A bit late but, I think it's posible that starlight and sunburst could have a doughter without Spike knowing and for me it makes more sence just beacuse I have always seen Trixi more like a good friend and not a girlfriend. (sorry for bad english, it's early and i'm bad in english)
Sunburst starlight and luster dawn might still be connected maybe sunburst mom and starlight's dad had Lester Dawn that doesn't only mean Lester dawn and sunburst and starlight are step sisters brothers their parents are step mom and dad
What if they all just have a polyamorous relationship yup I'm talking about starlight sunburst and trixie all being in a three-some poly relationship just let this sink into you it actually makes sense for me 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
I think sunburst and trixie lulamoon are the parents of lustedawn
Mei Mei2021-02-11 03:08:10 (edited 2021-02-11 03:22:48 )
Ya, that makes sense. But Luster doesn't even look like trixie, and...trixie is not as good as magic as starlight. Beside, trixie does not as close to Sunburst as Starlight. Maybe spike don't know Luster because he has so much work, and so does starlight. Or, just like someone comment, Starlight did tells Spike about her child, but Spike didn't meet Luster, and Starlight forgot to tells her name. Ok, so, I still think that starlight is Luster Dawn's mom
it can,t be trixi and sunburst because they are starlights closest friends and they will tell starlight then starlight will tell twilight and twilight will tell spike
Still, I don't think Trixie can be the mother of that filly. (Translated by the help of an interpreter, since the author is Russian).
Still, I paid attention to the appearance of the student Twilight sparkle:
1. The combination of colors. We can say that the combination of colors of Trixie and Sunburst skins can not get a soft pink! With a combination of Orange-yellow and bluish, you can't get pink. Most likely, it will be greenish or the like, but with a combination of Sunburst and Starlight (Orange-yellow + light purple), it may well turn out to be a soft pink... But, with colors in MLP in general confusion... The same modet can not be with a combination of colors, but just the color transfer can go either from the mane, or from the skin. And basically it changes like from mane to skin - from skin to mane... But neither Trixie nor Sunburst has pink on their fur or mane.
2. The way Luster Dawn's mane is laid. You can see near the horn "cutting off" part of the mane from the rest. The same is observed in Starlight. Well, neither Trixie nor Sunburst has that, just Starlight. I do not know how plausible my territory is, but I respect your opinion and the opinion of others, I will not impose it, it will be enough for me if you read it :)
Всё же не считаю, что Трикси — может быть матерью той кобылки. (Russian Translate).
Всё же, я обратила внимание на внешность ученицы Твайлайт:
1. Сочетание цветов. Можно сказать, сочетание цветов шкурки Трикси и Санбёрста не могут получить нежно розовый! При сочетании Оранджевато-желтого и голубоватого не может получиться розовый. Скорее всего выйдет зеленоватый или т.п. НО при сочетании Санбёрста и Старлайт (Оранджевато-желтый + светло-фиолетовый) вполне может получиться нежно розовый... Но, с цветами в МЛП вообще путаница... Так же модет быть не при сочетании цветов, но и просто передача цвета может идти либо с гривы, либо со шкурки. И в основном он меняется типо с гривы на шкурку - со шкурки на гриву... Но ни у Трикси, ни у Санбёрста НЕТ розового цвета ни на шкурке ни на гриве.
2. То, как уложена грива Ластер Доун. Можно заметить около рога "отсечение" части гривы от остального. Такое же наблюдается и у Старлайт. Ну, ни у Трикси, ни у Санбёрста такого нет, только у Старлайт. Не знаю, насколько моя территория правдоподобна, но я уважаю ваше мнение и мнение других, навязывать я её не буду, мне будет достаточно, если вы её прочитаете :)
It's still entirely possible. We know from the series that even within friend circles not everyone knows each other. I can absolutely believe Spike simply hasn't met Luster personally and even forgot her name. Additionally it's pretty much a given that Sunburst is her dad (the cutie mark is a dead give-away), and from the perspective of a kids show it simply makes the most sense for him having married Starlight.
Nuuu I think starlight is lusterdawns mother i mean starlight would be the kind of friend who would forget to tell spike and the others except twilight cause she is realllyyy close with her
I can't ship starlight and sunburst cuz Like my theory is that starlight and sunburst ate long lost siblings woch would explain that the most powerful unicorn and most powerful wizard (who knew what to do with the heart when it was shattert) just so happened to grow up togather and just so happen to be from the exact same town the both just so happen to know celestia like not everypony knows the former raiser of the sun for goodness sake! And the Last proof that somehow Starlights coat doent macht her dads fully its a like some white or light yellow was mixed in there...????
I think thet trixy is absolutely not luster downs mother. I think thet it would make very mouch since thet starlight is her mother. But there is one more posebiliti thet stirlight is not lusters mother but is sumbursts girl friend. Maby Sumburst is not lusters dad. And in epizode when sumbarst and trixy are gating close Stirlight is jealous so she like's him. But ani wais whot i wontid to say is maby if Sumburst is not Lusters dad then maby Sunset is her mom. I think thet thet would make very much since.
Umm sunburst and starlight our friends even their a kid but one question why the equestrian video are not showing what happened and why is have a new character that's my question
When I watched it I wasn’t going too deep on thinking what were her parents but I just was like really sure that starburst was one of them because they have a similar cutiemark and I was just thinking starlight was the other but you made really good points that trixie can be with sunburst
There's also the not-so-remote pastability that GlimGlam could be low-key implied to be her mom, but the writers simply didn't think the Spike connection through; as much as I love this show, continuity was never exactly its strongest point. I will say that the TrixieBurst does appeal to me as well, what with the whole Sun + Moon duality and all. Whichever the case may be, both scenarios have potential to make a lot of fandom shippers a n g e r y as either one would nullify Trix and GlimGlam being deeply in lebbianz with each other. Lol.
Miguel Sanchez2020-12-25 07:29:50 (edited 2020-12-25 07:31:41 )
Spike being clueless is common I would be shocked if he knew anything for once! Also that shy hoof movement. Starlight does that constantly! No one else does. Convenient you ignore this kind of behavior or the howl "friends don't last thing'... Which has sg all over it.
Well if you think about it timeline wise, isn't Luster Dawn a bit too old to be related to anyone who didn't already have a child? I think she should be around the age of the CMC so she should have already been born before the ending time skip.
I think you have something with Sunburst being Luster's parents, but I don't think Trixi is. Her color pallet is wayyyy to different! Starlight being her parent was a stretch, since we've seen Fluttershy and Zeffer Breeze's parents. You can see their colors are either darkened or lighter and moved.
But roughly assuming the mane 6 were in their mid/late teens or possibly older before the last episode and luster looks the same age they were, that would mean at least 15 years had passed after the coronation. At the same time though, people say the CMC’s were 7-10, and in the final episode they looked roughly 16, meaning only 6 years had passed.
In this happily to and they have a daughter named Luster dawn (as some are suspecting). As she be seen in the last episode in season 9 talking to the princess Twilight in her castle about friendship.
Ok, it makes sense, but what about colors? With every family that we have met, at least one parent shared a coat color. Neither Trixie nor Sunburst are pink, nor do they make the color pink when mixed together.
This part is kinda hard with her parents. Starlight and Trixy are friends but I’d don’t see the episode when Trixy and Sunburst got together with the magic cards, but they could be the parents but then Luster Dawns eyes are golden.
Miguel Sanchez2020-12-24 21:17:27 (edited 2020-12-24 21:54:05 )
Luster has her grandpas eyes (on Starlight side of the family)... something not possible if Jackpot was her granddad. Also Luster's magic abilities must be exceptional... and given how Trixie AND Sunburst are practical a flop... well... Not to mention her ego /character fits inside the castle walls, i think its fair to say its not Trixies daughter ;) For any timing issues : 1. Fillies grow rather fast. 2. Starlight happens to know TimeMagic ! Perhaps she skipped some difficult years :D [or started a bit earlier and brought the kind back to current daddy?]... cute idea but... i stick with SG+Sunburst. They would make for a TRULY powerful child! [Trixie still can be aunt!] ps. she even MOVES like mom https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/5/51/Captain_Gallus_introduces_Luster_Dawn_S9E26.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/300/height/300?cb=20191028201346 < SG does that, a lot ;p ps. Noon + Night = Dawn [Sunburst. Starlight. Dawn]
Ok but, no one has come to the thaught that maybe she's a sugarmac daughter? I mean, the color palettes match and her species does too, her name and cutie mark are the only things that doesn't fit at once, but you can give it a thought.
Like, maybe Spike said that in a sarcastic way because he knows that sugar belle isn't that much of a magic prodegy.
Idk, i came up with the theory at my 2:15 AM insomnia and made sense...
I'm pretty sure Spike would've heard about Sunburst and Trixie having a kid, not being told by them, but by Starlight. C'mon, her two best friends having a kid together? She'd never shut up about it (either of jealously or excitedness). What I'd like to think is that Luster's parents are completely different ponies; there could be a "Sun" family that is extensive just like the Apples, and another "Moon" family, perhaps distantly related to Celestia and Luna themselves. Heck, Prince Blueblood has a star like symbol for a cutie mark, so it's possible!
Junebug! Bright fur. Green eyes. Unicorn. Powerful magic. Grows children quickly^^ (since its actually Chrysalis) AND SINCE changelings are welcome these days.... there you go!
If you look at luster dawns eyes, then look at starlight and sunbursts eyes. They don’t look similar. Luster dawns eyes are a completely different color.
Bouncing off your recent theory regarding Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst being related... What if Luster is Sunset Shimmer's daughter? Consider: Sunset has some sort of fling while in the pony world. Now obviously raising a child is a lot easier as an adult pony then as a young adult human, but she doesn't want to abandon the world she's more comfortable with. The solution? Leave her child to be raised by the father (or by her uncle) in the pony world. This would explain the similarities to Sunburst without her being his kid.
If you guys didnt know Luster Dawn has the same voice actor as Starlight... just listen closely.. so yeeeeah. Oh and Luster doesnt look like Trixie at all..
I find not so convincing. When luster dawn went to twilights School of friendship luster met sunburst but she looks like she did not recognize him. That's why I don't think sunburst is luster Dawn's father.
It’s actually possible that starlight is her mom because spike and starlight might not have seen each other in a while what if spike knew about the starlight’s daughter but no more.
Am I the only one who thinks luster dawn is Celestia's and luna's granddaughter because luna is the one who controls the night and moon while celestia is the one who controls the sun and then there's Day,Dawn,And night so I think it makes sense but not so sure
As far as I know any pony can be her mother but if starlight had a crush on sunburst wouldn’t she tell twilight or even her friend who is a consoler and wouldn’t Trixie do the same all I know for sure is that sunburst is the father of luster dawn
The only problem is that Trixie and Starlight have similar eye color to Sunburst. They all have blue or purple eyes. Luster Dawn has orange eyes so how did she get them? I think she is just a random unicorn but I don't know.
At first, i shipped trixie and starlight then i thought yessssss sunburst and starlight had dawn but its too perfect Trixie x Sunburst = Dawn! Also, more proof is : Ok, dawns cutie mark, its a rising sun on an ocean right? Like he said, dawns cutie mark may come from sunburst....but what about the ocean? The Wave of magic on trixies cutie mark looks like a wave, which comes from an ocean therefore, the wave = ocean and the sun = rising sun which all equals dawns cutie mark!
I think it is possible that she is the daughter of sunburst and starlight because like starlight she really like studying and magic and doesn't really thought qof friendship because starlight first did the same and luster dawn's cutie mark is a little matching with sunburst cutie mark
maybe starlight IS the mother of luste, since spike did go on a trip to make peace- so maybe- spike has been gone for a long long time and starlight did said that she had a kid but spike do know but he dont know her name and face and when he got back he just met her for the first time- qwq
Sun burst that makes sense but trixie I don't think so star light and Sun burst have had a big connection since they met as coals and I think that they would have luster because starlight glimmer has something to do with the night and what's in listers cutie mark I think it's a shooting star it makes sense spike forgot about her he has his adviser duties to fulfill
omg- TRIXIE?! OK OK OK I THINK SAWTOOTH HAS FINALLY GONE CRAZY!! I MEAN, TRIXIE LULAMOON? Ok i think i heard wrong- ima replay it- 5 seconds later nope didn't hear wrong- but i guess it is possible- i really don't know, but who else thinks that trixie being the mother here is a crazy idea?
Wait wait wait...you say luster Dawn mother is not starlight glimmer!? We need to see closely ...their hair is same and luster dawn dad cutie mark is same!!
Just Lynn2020-12-05 04:44:21 (edited 2020-12-05 04:45:25 )
Wait but spike would still know her bc trixie is working at the school and she would be gushing about her daughter and everyone in town would know that that’s her daughter. And an alt solution is that trixie would’ve told starlight and she would’ve have told twilight and the other and spike would’ve have known.
I think luster dawn is the daughter of sun burst and Princes celestia I mean after celestia gave the school of magic to twilight sparkle I am sure celestia whould send luster dawn to the school of magic because celestia knows that luster dawn is in great hoofs.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Sunburst and Starlight and The pony you’re talking about the cutie marks are mixed up its up Sandburst and have Starlight if you look closely to. The video when Twilight becomes queen I look closely to her cutie mark
Is luster like literally like sunburns daughter and Luna moon is like 100% you can literally see the name out of it but it could not be the mother the mother could not be the real mother is it the stepmother I have no clue I googled everything up and it kind of says that they're kind of lusters mother and father I don't know
#Starlight Glimmer deserved someone MUCH BETTER ... Sunburns was VERY MEDIOCRE ... Already at the time they met again even when She wanted to play the magic board game with him, he always got mad at her ... HE IS NOT WORTHY OF HER ... SHE DESERVES SOMEONE BETTER ... #SLEIPNIR {New Saga / Season 1 (11)}?
I’m confused... 😶❓🤔 Is this a next gen kinda thing? I’ve only seen MLP Magic is friendship and the equestria stuff Where do I watch this and what is it called??
well there is sunset shimer and no way shenis going to let twisy get near him but i think flurry heart when she got the haert in the picture then a baby was her reward since she could not get her wings like that but instead a baby but shes not alicorn so shes want to be like her mom with power so she want to twilighs class
Me seeing the dude thinking Trixie and sun burst are togther:FUCK NO OH HELL NO When I saw the dawn girl I knew instantly that she was related to sun burst and perhaps with Starlight I kinda thought that she would like sun burst
That Lawster dawns Dad Is a male Alicorn Protecting The SUN and The MOm Will Protect MaGic Like Shining Armour BUT she does that In the NIGHt but also Thay Might be realted To Sunburts and Sunset Shimmer and related to Princess Celestia And She Has a Brother thats Born A male alicorn Thats More Powerful Than Frendship And That Brother Would Be Ayaan yes My name matches that But Also She Being The Older Sibling to A Male Alicorn could be why She Is Powerful And Nerd Like And her Brother might Relate To That Somehow So The Parents Of Lawster Dawn are AlphaSun (Dad) and MoonMagic (mom) although Thay are Unknown Thay ReallY could Be Living In eqwestria BUT mabey HIGHY UP the Sky? See where im GoinG Up Above Rainbow dash'es HOMe and She Lives down In pownivill While Visiting her Parents also Her sobling wil also Be witg her BUT SUCH PONIES WOULD HAVE BEEN KNOWN BY CELESTIA OR STAR SWIRL MHM AND IM ONLY 8 YERS OLD DABS WAIT IM A MUSLIM ANYWAYS Theres Your Theoary Lol Sub to me
I love the idea of starlight and sunburst being a couple, but I don't think luster dawn is their daughter. Of either of them in any scenario. While you have a strong argument about the cutie marks, I just can't see a child of theirs being so anti- friendship after the development both characters have made through their respective arcs.
I'm gitting some weird vibe that flatershy is her mom why because she has pink hair and Luster Luster dawn has a pink Body and Luster dawn hair has a little yellow in it
sunberst and starlight is in couple becouse laster dawns ciutimark is same with sunberst but i know the mother itu is starlight Glimmer becouse starlight ciutimark is same with laster dawns ciutimark.becouse sunberst and starlight look atau ichoder
I think you're right about the dad and I think you're right and Trixie being in the bum but not sure about story I don't think I reach 60 is the one because like he is kind of like that asked because that's lasted on then and Trixie and and Dad which I forgot the name of the person you think than is present in my dream my MJ in stone
This is just getting crazy and I'm not just talking about you saying a bully can reform an evil God Demon thing and this is more sensible edit and at 5:11 that's a I want to get in your pants look
Elizabeth was my first weekend in the sun with my eyes on the moon my beautiful face of the world I love you my face and my heart is a lot better and my life was my second my best to you my love you love love my love you my face and
It is possible Starlight and Spike lost touch. Sometimes when one moves away, it can be difficult to keep in touch as you form new paths. I speak from personal experiences ☹️, but just like how Twilight moved to Ponyville in the first episode, we find out later she lost touch with her old friends as she started her new life. The same could be the same for Starlight and Spike. If they don’t communicate, it’s possible Spike wouldn’t know of Luster Dawn if she really was Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter.
I like the idea of Luster's parents being completely new and other people because it would be nice to see Starlight trying to get along with them etc, also, new characters!
I agree with everything Sawtooth says but I think half of these theories can't be confirmed because I don't think the producers think this far when they create characters... Also from what I remember, didn't Spike act surprised when Luster Dawn said she thought friendship is stupid. I could be wrong though.
A fan asked Jim Miller on Twitter if Luster Dawn is related to Starlight and Sunburst about a year ago. He replied: "I say no but Josh Haber (writer of mlp) says yes. So you can decide!" So this is kinda "half canon" since the co-director says no but the writer says yes. So it's yours to decide. I have the link to that post if anyone wants
Tbh I think Trixie and Sunburst could be the parents, a lot of valid points were made in the video. Starlight could be the mother though, but Trixie is my number one for the mom.
Just because you have a lot in common does not mean your in love with each other. I still believe that Luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight en Sunburst. Just saying 😉
I see a lot of people say that Luster is pretty much impossible to be Starlight and Sunburst’s kid, but I honestly believe she is. Here is my theory! If you take into account Luster Dawn’s eyes, it’s irrelevant no matter what you think. If you relate it to Applejack’s parents, Pear Butter’s eyes were blue, and Bright Mac’s eyes were green. Yet Apple Bloom has yellow eyes while Applejack and Big Mac have green eyes. I think this is because of Granny Smith. Some parents have a ‘carrier gene’. It’s basically a gene that doesn’t appear physically, but they still have it. I don’t know all the details but to shorten it all, that’s what a ‘Carrier gene’ is. Granny Smith’s eyes are yellow. This is probably why Apple Bloom’s eyes are yellow too. After some research, neither of Sunburst’s parents had yellow eyes. Starlight’s father didn’t *but we haven’t seen her mother*. It is entirely possible Starlight has her mother’s eyes but is only carrying the genetics of it. That’s my theory behind Luster Dawn as the StarBurst/SunLight child
Sunburst and Trixie do have a lot in common but isn’t that more of a friendship trait than a romantic trait?
The phrase “opposites attract” holds true for a meaning. I mean, would you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who likes the exact same things you do?
To quote Rainbow Dash from The end in friendship “How boring would that be?”
From the dialogue from The Last Problem in my opinion, it doesn't outright state that Spike didn't know about Luster Dawn, when he says "This is your top student?" it's more exclamation of surprise that Twilight's top student would come to the conclusion that friendship isn't important, rather than actually not knowing Luster Dawn. Spike could know Luster Dawn and know her parents, (whether it's Sunburst/Starlight, Sunburst/Trixie or somepony else entirely.) just not on a personal level.
One big problem with trixe and sunburst being the mom and dad would mean ...... starlight is hiding something because both trixe and sunburst were very close friends of starlight and only one meeting would have been a chance to introduce their daughter and they probably had a lot of meetings after they left so i mean starlight if known to luster would have told spike already or at least twilight would have told spike in the case
(I don't know much about MLP) well actually , spike only was surprised that luster Dawn tought that friendship is a waste so thencianly he might know about luster and starlight but not so much about the freindship thing, yes they are both in the same area and starlight could check on luster but then again it's not unlikely that luster wouldn't want to discuss it or that starlight told spike hence she probably discussed with twighlight. I think the possibility of Trixie being Luster's mom is true and same with the crush thing but it doesn't seem the same with sunburst hence he is seen talking and around starlight A LOT more , same deal with star light.
I think Starlight & Sunburst is Luster's parents. Starlight could have been busy taking care of her & the school too & didn't tell her friend(s) about her child...
I think that sunset summer is Luther dawns mom because they both look alike they both also are confident enough to go to Twilights castle also they are both very smart and that is why I think Luther Dawns mom is Sunset Shimer.
She has the power the passion for Academia you said honestly I think it's Starlight is Trixie was never really that powerful Twilight was a lot more powerful and don't you agree that Starlight was Stronger then Twilight when she was in the Unicorn
I think this makes sense. We have never seen Trixie put anyone before her in a great position ( except starlight of course ) she put sunburst in a great position it is a great deal, it could be her first crush sorry for this word . eeeeee
I also think that starlight is not lustrdawn's mother for two other reasons, one of which is she would grow up in Ponyville because her technical mother is the head mare in the school of friendship which leads to my other point she would value friendship as much as her mother being raised in the school of friendship.
The comments section: Sunset Shimmer could it be the mother! The suggested video section: Could Sunset and Sunburst be Related? I don't know if I want to know the answer 9_6
ok my question is why would luster dawn have orange eyes when trixie starlight and sunburst all have blue or purple wouldn't luster have blueish purple eyes if that was the case?
Here’s a theory for you Moon dancer Twilight Sparkle I searched it up it said “Twilight sparkle married Moon dancer and had a kid named Twilight Noctua”
Me:Oh yes Trixie.......WAIT HER LAST NAME BE LULAMOON??????
Fantasy Of Lis2020-11-04 18:30:50 (edited 2020-11-06 21:33:28 )
The theory of the names (you know, that dawn comes between day and night) It's Lulamoon. And the stars are as much part of the night as the moon. Starlight! So that part of the theory is kind of random if you aks me
Me when I see the title: OMG! WATCH NOW! Sawtooth: i dont think Starlight is Luster Dawn's mother. Me: nope, Starlight IS the mother. Me when I watched the video: well, there goes that ship......
But... If Sunburst and Trixie live together in ponyville and have a child together, why would never have been in ponyville? When Twilight sent her there she didn't seem to know anyone else in town but wouldn't she have grown up there?
why haven't i seen a single soul having the thought of Luster being Sunset Shimmers daughter, hear me out, the mane and the cutie mark would make sense, even the name, sunset and dawn y'all, the father idk about but it would make sense since sunset is still living in the human world so what if sunset told her daughter about the life she had and the school she went to, luster got intrigued and went to equestria but didnt wanna go to the school of friendship bc as she said in the series that she is more of an academic pony. And sunset being in the other world NOT being part of their friendship councilor there could be a possibility that no one knew about sunsets daughter bc she lives in the other world and every pony except for celestia and sometimes twilight seem to not even care the slightest about her anymore. Like, is anyone understanding my point here?
@Jam A pony is a mix of their parents right? Either like mixed mixed or as an example: the mane from one parent and the coat from the other, am i wrong? Even if sunburst would be the dad, luster is still more alike sunset than starlight
Like come on you no she still was not that powerful at the mgsv episode so yeah I'm thinking it was actually Starlight not trusting I mean Miami and Trixie in Sunburst did have an instant connection but still
"Theyre standing to next each other. It must be true love! Woah! Then, who is the mother! Me: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Then who! Other talk. Someone great and powerfull. Sunburst and Trixie staring me: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt how about cutie marks trixie night sunburst sun daighter dawn. Me: MAH BRAIN!
No I don’t think Trixie and Sunburst had Luster Dawn because we know Starlight and Trixie are really good friends and you think Starlight would tell Spike and Twilight about the great news about her friends new child that’s my reason
Not to be rude or anything but I just watched that episode and it doesn't show anything that Lester Dawn's mom is starlight or not because Spike seems to know her it looks like I don't know.
The Power Man the power and also try mixing the colors orange and pink the pink. Starlight has for her coat and the orange that Sunburst has for his coat of course
I have big theory, ok so like I was thinking about everyone was just old I was thinking is it the same time in the pony world and the human world the same time or it’s different
Trixe and sunburst Can u do a video about what if twilight had a mate like Katie and shining armor And I think sunset is mother wait nvm but if sunset idk
But uh this whole thing shouldn't make sense cuz doesn't twilight suppose to live for more than a 1000 years? So that would kinda mean that her friends will get old and die ;-;
do i have to do the logic 1.starlights father has a cutie mark like Sunberst and his mom 2. Wene Twillight,Rainbowdash , flutershy and the others grew up why was trixe not wirh sunburst
Trixi really I mean like they only met when sunburst came to Canterlot and starlight has been with him since well HE WAS A FILLY like bruh I think starlight will be sad well maybe if starlight had a crush on sunburst that will be heartbreaking for starlight but idk at the same time idk you guess guess what do you think matches most? Starlight or trixi comment down below 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👇🏻
I feel like moon hmmmm who has think about a auntie people can get cutie marks from autie and I can be whatever like she is good at this but still auntie Luna pepole can cutie marks from auntie so who is lunas other sister she must be the owner crazy rigjt
I think that Luster Dawn was adopted because that Sunburst didn't have orange eyes, then Trixie and Starlight has blue and purple fur and Luster Dawn has a pink fur.
Trixe is not the mother luster dawn buz shed tell starligth and shed tell spike maybe the moms sunset shimmer because shed quickly get a good connection with sunburst when spike is friendship imbasider luster dawn would be full grown as with spike and twiligth sparkle sunset shimmer would be in the human world and sunburst would be with the kid so in order to get enough money he sends her to magic schoool buz shes very magicil one of my sisters thougth twiligth was the mom of luster dawn but shed be a alicorn and spike would know her so yeah also for the name sunset shimmer and sun burst both have sun so theyd choses a difrent time of day dawm also her mom and dad are both very magical it makes sense unless sunburst and sunset are siblings but there not hes from a pony world sunsets not so yeah also they both havehair stripes starligth and trixie would babysit seeing as her mother was in another dimention shed get sas from her baby siter trixe and amazing raw abilitis firom starligth and her dad.
Hi my name is subah taanzila is my mom's name and could sunsat be her mother and sunburst her father I think sunsat and sunburst r her mom and dad I am not good at english
If then it’s like big flashlight brother no camping him because he doesn’t like you as a person I said Trixie and the other man I have a friend that wants kidnap is them because what else chemo I just miss can I have a night and Addie’s aunt so that’s how
Also i think Spike moved not long ago to twilights Soo IT makes a little sens and im 100% sure that Spike knows WHO she is Also i watch your videos all The Time i enjoy them all The Time i like answering them of what i think👍👍👍👍👍
Think could be another pinky kid look like pink and cheese cake. And in end pinky is the only really got marry in the end of show. Guess discord and flute shy could be too. Then the 2 school student that work in old rarity’s shop could be dating. But can that really happing, eh. Wish I saw more ponis got marry oh ya the apple brother too. Sorry get of track, really madding. Hey anything madding make a good video idea. Could be unknown sister of mane 6 or crusade we not knew about.
I can’t imagine anyone being with Sunburst other than Starlight.
8156 likesReplies (299)
92 likesMe too
94 likesMe too
51 likesYeh
30 likesTbh Sunburst x Starlight is pretty abusive.
50 likes@Spongie ?
213 likesAgreed 👍
11 likesyeah but i do like the theory tho i guess just appreciate it atleast...?
27 likesI agr
5 likesI argee it’s supposed to be starlight
16 likes@Spongie how
55 likesHey fellow potterhead !
3 likesTo whom you are you saying potter head
5 likes@SUDHAKAR PELURI hello!
2 likesTheir is such a thing as platonic relationships you know.
35 likes@imran khan to Gryffindor Equestrian Girl she's a potterhead which mean harry potter fan
4 likesFlash. Starlight is a lesbian.
22 likes@Quacker poor LGBT person. You guys are just so desperate wanted to be recognized and accepted as the part of social community, so you shamelessly shout your LGBT thoughts in every sosmed there is. Well, let me tell you, THAT ISN'T THE WAY. If you really want to be accepted, you must first start to respect non-LGBT people. Stop shouting your ideology and start to listen to others. Starlight is not a lesbian and never confirmed to be. Just because she has one closest friend who is a girl, that doesn't automatically make her a lesbian. Hasbro never confirms who she ends up with.
142 likeswhat if Sunset Shimmer is her mother...???
33 likes@test test explain why :/
10 likes@Spongie why?
11 likesHow is that?
0 likesYes I love it ❤️😍❤️😍❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️ in this case 😉
1 likeMe either
0 likesi made this comment into the 690th like, your welcom. Also, is there if the mother is trixie, where does Luster get her pink color from?
14 likes@Hiccy69 Poor straight person, quit being so dramatic. You're getting heated talking about the sexuality of a fictional horse character. Let people, no matter what you assume their orientation may be, have their harmless headcanons. Reminder that Starlight, like many other characters, isn't confirmed to be literally anything in those terms, and that people have the freedom to speculate what they wish. No need to flaunt your blatant homophobia while you're at it 😐
193 likes@Natalia T Who will be Luster's husband?
0 likes@Natalia T Maybe Sunny that will be G5 protagonist is Luster's great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter
9 likesikr
1 like@Dulcet YEAH DRAG THEM
50 likesMe too
2 likesme to
8 likesthey are in love
(they shod be in love tell me they in love🏹🏹
I can't imagine Starlight being with anyone other than Trixie.
16 likesYes
1 likeArent they siblings?
1 likeMe too
1 like@꧁CåndyTheFøx꧂ no
10 likesthey are friends
@Starnotreal Oh ok thx!
1 like@M o o n L o o p s thx for the info!
1 like@Louise Bekken you tell Sunset Shimmer back?
4 likesoh
were is Sunset Shimmer in apusteria girls?
I know right
2 likesgirl i no am sold on the 1st teary lol
0 likesBest ship
3 likes@Louise Bekken exactly and I believe it ❤️
0 likesagreed
0 likesSoo true
0 likesSame
1 likeI mean I guess but can they just be friends
5 likes@Spongie why!? There perfect!
3 likesI mean..starlight is always happy whenever she meets sunburst again.
9 likesExcept when she meets her for the first time again...
Me three!
1 like@Quacker how do you know that? Did the creator say it? How about the voice actor? No. It’s a Theory
11 likes@Dulcet pony* they aren’t horses
7 likes@Hiccy69 Starlight is a lesbian and you can die mad about it
3 likes@•Lemony Gacha• My dad works for Hasbro. Trust me /j
13 likes@Quacker oh yeahhh I’m suppose to believe your dad “works for hasbro” everyone used THAT excuse. For roblox too
11 likes@Quacker okay, okay, let’s give you a chance: what’s your fathers name?
3 likes@•Lemony Gacha• I was obviously joking.
15 likes@•Lemony Gacha• His name is John Cena
21 likes@Quacker Look, it is your opinion and i respect that. You want to call her a lesbian, thats your business. But don't force your opinion to those who don't like it. Not all of us like LGBT stuffs you know, and you can't force us to support you either.
26 likes@Hiccy69 I wasn't forcing it on anyone. I was just making a comment.
32 likes@Quacker good, lets keep it that way. The last thing we need is another unessecary never-ending war between different sexual orientation.
18 likes@Hiccy69 Ok whatever
17 likesMe neither
1 like@Louise Bekken I feel like this theory is wrong but you can have you’re opinion but I’d like to say they could be siblings and where does she get her pink from and Sunset is In equestria Girls just my opinion
2 likesSame
1 like@Spongie HOW????
3 likes@Hiccy69 Poor Homophobic person. You guys are desperate to be the center of attention, so you shamelessly shout your homophobic thoughts and ideology in every area there is. Well let me tell YOU, THAT ISN’T THE WAY. If you really want attention and people to like, you must first respect everyone (including the LGBTQ+). Stop shouting your ideologies and start to listen to others. People can have their own head canons about characters her sexuality has never been confirmed so right now you’re sounding like an idiot. Just because someone thinks she’s lesbian doesn’t mean they’re forcing ideologies, right now you’re the own doing the forcing of ideologies.
20 likesMa dude people LISTEN SUNBURSt and starlight is brother and sisters gosh if u watch the whole episode u can see that sunbursts mother has the same color magic horn as starlight does and starlights father has the same color as sunbursts if they have a child it will be a huge problem
1 like@Molly Golly true
2 likes@KindaCryptic tnx for the support man
1 like@Spongie How?
0 likesSame bro/sis 😍
1 like@KindaCryptic YES. you deserve some medals
0 likes@Hiccy69 also, not supporting LGBT literally means you don't want certain people to have rights because YOU don't like them. man the level of hypocrisy you guys say is beyond my understanding. you don't like people FOR SOMETHING THEY CAN'T CHOSE. man i.. i hate you. i hate people like you. i hope you get the same people we do someday.
13 likes@Spongie i agree
1 like@Dulcet That still isnt a reason for saying every character is lgbtq, what he said wasn't homophobic, Starlight hasn't been confirmed to be any sexuality but shes most likely to be straight, If that person thought she was gay or lesbian she should have said it was an opinion but she never did.
23 likesIkr
0 likes@AN - 02WC 885280 McClure PS Starburst
3 likesFirst time?
1 likei ship starlight and trixie tbh
7 likesHonestly
1 likePlease
2 likesTwilight x Sunburst almost happened in the same day
y e s
0 likesYeah
0 likesSame
1 like@Spongie What? How?
3 likes@Quacker ehh... do you even have proof of that?
4 likes@Quacker she is not even a lesbian, nobody confirmed that... and yeah sure, your father work for hasbro, a huge lie
12 likes@Anonymous Ina Bro, my dad working for Hasbro was a joke. Starlight being a lesbian is a headcanon of mine.
15 likes@Quacker okay... but fyi people would lash out on you for saying that your dad work for hasbro, not many ppl can get the joke... so maybe be careful next time...? Idk
7 likes@Anonymous Ina Okay I will
4 likesOmg me tooo ☹️
1 likeI can 😄
0 likesik
0 likes@Louise Bekken no Sunburst is Sunset's brother
2 likesMe too
2 likesSame 😂
1 likeSame-
0 likesmee too
0 likesSame
0 likesIk! Starburst forever!! ❤
3 likesGood thing I multi ship Starlight with him and Trixie. A poly is plausible!!!
7 likesNope, because they don't have chemistry, they are (with luck) friends.
1 likeMe too
0 likesI mean day dawn and night are a great compliment day:starburst dawn:luster and night:trixie
0 likes@5h13 LEE YING TUNG are you the writer? It’s not “supposed” to be starlight. this is just a theory anyways
1 like@Spongie agreed
1 likeWhat to do you know if if we know that who is Leicester Don parent
0 likesNot even Moon Dancer?
0 likessame
0 likessame-
0 likesSame, but also I think spike knew about luster, just not that she was not interested in friendship. I think it is starlight
3 likes@Spongie What do you mean?
0 likes@Armando Lico True.
0 likes@Michael Gillespie So true...
0 likes@Quacker It's YOUR headcannon. It wasn't confirmed.
5 likes@Emy Chara Yeah I know that bro
5 likesI agree 🛐🛐
0 likesMe tooo
0 likesEveryone's opinions and Head cannons are fine. And I can totally see Sunburst and Trixie
2 likes@Hiccy69 they probably arent desperate. they simply think that. theres just many lgbtq ppl in the world, not them just being desperate.
5 likesYyea
0 likes@Michael Gillespie yes, there are. So, let Trixie and Sunburst be a platonic relationship.
1 like@Louise Bekken ooooo 😲
0 likesMe too
1 likeme too
1 likeSame
1 likeSame
0 likesme three because idk
2 likes@Hiccy69 calm yo shit down bruh letting people on the internet make you so mad that you decide to write a whole paragraph on how homophobic you are
1 likeSAME
1 likeRIGHT
1 likeMe too
1 like@STORY TIME WITH MANASVI bro that’s my name
0 likes@Molly Golly but we literaly see Sunbursts dad in that flash back in season 5 and its a defanitly a different pony.
6 likes@Dani M why? becuz shitlight glimmer is literaly worst thenlcancler and deserves to getsecanser an any relashinship with her is inharintly abdusive becuz she worser then HjtIer StaIon and Moosaleeny put together times infinity and comets horrinble unforgivabe atrosities agenst evryone an every episdoe shes in and manipalaites evreryone into forgivving her anyway wnen she shood rilly be brurtilly serverly torchered togdeath and then resarected just so she can be torchered toedaeth over and over agen in diffrint ways and shell beg to be aloud to stay deed in piece but they dont let her they just laff in her facet and keep torchering her becuz she deserves it. thats why. and my oc is more prowerful then everone in ekwestria put together so he can easely overpower shitlight and use magic to keep brining her back to lifes for more torcher.
1 like@Hiccy69 It's just a headcanon. You can headcanon Starlight as straight. You can headcanon Starlight as lesbian. They're literally cartoon ponies. There's no need to cause a ship war.
12 likesI can't also but it explains
0 likes@Sobeitut idc wat she is she still deserves to be in the worst most agginizzing pajn and missariy posibile for all eternaty.
1 likeSame
1 likeTrue
1 likeoh-
2 likes@Spongie is it because starlight use to be jealous of him cause he got his cutie mark first before her and ignore her at a kids when she being lonely, when she meet her old friends again, she being ignore again because he only pay attention on magic and her other friends instead herself (I know they talk each other now but he still kinda bad friends cause he been ignoring her and left her by herself while giving a attention to everyone else and his learning of magic and trick)
0 likes@Lalah Adams that’s rude
2 likesi ship Sunburst x Starlight
4 likes@hjuoowou560 i think sunvurst shouild join everyome else in brutilly torchering shitlight todeath.
1 like@Dulcet Just if somebody has headcanons doens't mean its a real canon. And if people making straight ships doesn't mean they're homophobic.
4 likes@•pastelly. somone should fare shitlight glimmer out of a cannon and into a pit of malted lava and wach and laff as she barns toodeath slowly and pajnfuIIy. And then bring her back to life so to torcher her agein.
1 like@Hiccy69 excuse me?! “Start to respect non-lgbt” What kind of logic is that!? That’s absolutely disgusting and disrespectful towards The lgbt they got abused and humiliated for so many years and can’t even make up their own little headcannons without a straight stuck up homophobe attacking them?! Maybe YOU should get your homophobic ass out of here
2 likesMe too
0 likes@Anyaa slowly lower shitlight glimmrer into a vatt of flornananmttonic accjd hoofs first so herdeth is slower and the pajn lasts longer.
1 liketwiburst is surprisingly popular
62 likes@Sawtooth Waves I can see that happening
7 likes@Sawtooth Waves yeah twilight and sunburst does have a lot in common
6 likes@KindaCryptic They never once acted fully homophobic. Just because somebody calls someone out for forcing an unconfirmed headcanon doesn’t automatically mean they’re homophobic. Also, they were never “desperate to be the center of attention”. All they did was say that somebody’s belief was a headcanon. Sure, they were rude about it, but to be honest, despite not being homophobic, I would’ve done the same thing.
8 likes@Quacker Well, you did kinda just state that without further implicating that it was a headcanon. In fact, your statement had nothing to do with the comment, and there’s a good chance it’s not true. Also, nobody technically asked for you opinion. Just saying.
3 likes@mao delulu 💯💯 What? He’s not homophobic because he simply stated that it was a headcanon. Honestly reaching
2 likes@just an anonymous potato and he said it in the rudest, most disrespectful way fucking possible lmao
0 likes@just an anonymous potato I was making a joke bro
4 likesTrixie married my OC Prince Justice Firestorm. And on there honeymoon they bruttily torchered shitlight glimmer todeaath abunch of times in diffrint ways by Prince Justice Firestorm use his magic to keep resarecting shitlight just so him and Trixie can keep torchering her. Then wren the honeymoone were over they still keeped torchering her and they rest of the other caracters all joined in to help. And somone live streemed it so anyone can wach and enjoy her suftering from the comfert of there homes. And if the want to see a praticuler torcher agin they can wach the vidios that are benign recorded sepratly. And music albmums of her crying and screeming in agginy so if they cant wach a vidio they can at lest lissen and rellish in her plain and missiry. and evem the babies like it and can use it to as a lulaby. 🤣🤣😫😤👿❤😝🤣🤣
3 likesAnd I could imagine them as a couple
1 like@Pratibhaaa and then Sunberst sneek up on shitlight glimmer went shes a sleep and c. Hop. offe her horn and gage hereyes () ut with it. And farce her too drjmk wotter cantamanaited whith collara and tifoyd fervor. And latter wotterbored her witrh her Daria Ria whale everone wachest and laffs atther and mocks her. lol
1 like@Jane's dick
0 likesThat's terrifying
@Spongie how? Starlight is good
1 like@Pratibhaaa she deserves it lol 💀
1 like@gabi is not
1 likeunpopular opinion but to me Sunburst gave me fruity vibes
4 likes@Chachi yae he should mack shitlight glimmer eat. poyzzin friut that kjIIs her slowly and pajnfuIIy. lol
1 like@Hiccy69 not u being homophobic
2 likes@lovecat5005 do you think shitlight glimmer should be torchered toodeath like all the thangs I said? lol
1 like@Hiccy69 dude calm down
2 likes@Angelina F.L ye they should try picturing shitlight glimmer being severally torchered. That might help them feel calmer and more relaxxed. Or than again maybe it wood probly jist be more fun and exiting then calmming. Like Disneyland. lol
2 likes@Hiccy69 you disgust me.
0 likesBut their siblins
0 likes@Phoebe Phoenix no there not
2 likes@Louise Bekken Random ideas But maybe, cutie mark and hair Oh nooo……. now made me ridiculous and now i have 1000 theories 😒😒😒😭😭😭
0 likes@Quacker TRUE
0 likesSame
1 likeI guess it could work
1 like@Hiccy69 hush ur coping
1 likeSame
1 like@Spongie Wdym?
0 likes@Hiccy69 bro, you have some serious issues. I’m sorry that you’re homophobic and feel this pressed about a fictional ponies sexuality. You don’t know she’s straight either. Never confirmed her being straight. But we’re all here under a video that talks about the possibility she could’ve ended up with a man, it’s equally possible she could’ve ended up with a woman.
5 likes@Hiccy69 you’re the only one being forceful about what you’re saying. They literally said she was a lesbian and nothing else and you got pressed for nothing.
2 likes@Anonymous Ina they literally said they were joking in their comment. That’s what /j means.
1 like@Emy Chara ok so why are you pressed about someone having a headcannon?
1 like@Sunshine 🐝 well sorry, back then I did not know at all... I don't know many internet slang
1 like@just an anonymous potato no one was forcing a headcannon on anyone y’all are literally pressed just because someone said she’s a lesbian and that makes you seem pretty homophobic. Lesbians exist, get over it.
0 likes@just an anonymous potato no one ASKED for your opinion either
0 likes@just an anonymous potato he didn’t just simply state it was a headcannon, he literally called lgbtqia+ people desperate. He literally insulted the person just for saying she’s a lesbian. That is homophobic.
2 likes@Anonymous Ina quick google search coulda told ya but sure
0 likes@Sunshine 🐝 The Oxford definition of homophobic is “having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.” By definition, this means that he’s not being homophobic, since he’s only insulting someone for calling her a lesbian rather than insulting LGBT itself. Besides, just because you insult LGBT once doesn’t automatically make you homophobic. If you insult your brother, he’s still your brother, and you still care about each other. To claim someone is completely against LGBT as a whole just because they make an insult (That’s not even really structured as an insult if you ask me, more like a rude and debatable fact, although it is true to some extent) is frankly really stupid, and I mean this in the nicest way possible.
0 likes@Sunshine 🐝 When the hell did anyone say lesbians didn’t exist? I honestly couldn’t care less either way. And there most certainly was at least one person “forcing a headcanon on somebody”.
0 likes@just an anonymous potato he did attack the whole community and not just that one person.
0 likes@just an anonymous potato and yes, insulting the community even just once is an act of homophobia.
0 likes@just an anonymous potato no there wasn’t. They just said starlights a lesbian, no force involved. I said that the existence of lesbians is clearly upsetting y’all.
0 likes@Sunshine 🐝 And might I ask how exactly do you attack a whole community? Send a hateful message toward every single member that exists in that community?
0 likes@Sunshine 🐝 Just because it’s an act of homophobic doesn’t mean he’s homophobic, you just further proved my point
0 likes@Sunshine 🐝 Well if going around repeatedly telling everyone who interacts with you that Starlight is a lesbian isn’t forcing a headcanon that what the hell is? Fucking murdering somebody’s family!?
1 likeAlso I have no problems with lesbians themselves, just stupid headcanons.
Me too
2 likesi know right! i even shipped them because of their friendship, but this is kinda mindblowing! 😮
1 liketotally agree
1 like@Louise Bekken sunset or sunburst are definitely the most likely(the mane and cutie mark)
1 like@Shuumumu other family members
1 like@nasinnarcotics agreed
1 like@꧁CåndyTheFøx꧂ no just childhood friends
1 like@Hiccy69 First off: L + Ratio, Second off: headcanons exist, my dude, Third off: Saying you “need to earn the respect of straight people” implies that we need to DESERVE respect for being human and that your opinion is supposed to matter to us, and Fourth off: LGBT PEOPLE SHOULDNT HAVE TO EARN RESPECT. You don’t have to support us; We won’t force you to. Just RESPECT us. And saying we’re “shoving things down your throat” id absolute bs. You know that companies show straight couples kissing, making out, etc in shows, movies, etc all the time, right?
2 likes@✨I-Am-Very-Sleep-Deprived✨ my oc can rjpaway all of shitlight glimmers magic and cheign her to the waII and caste a speII to give her teraffying haIIusinashins of evryone she loves and cares anout being torchered and kiIIed and make her think its aII her falt there being torchered and kiIIed and than loch her in a madeval torcher chaimbrer for the rest of eternity.
1 like@_Anon.ymus_ my oc can can make some poiyzen look like a brian and teII shitlight glimmer its acshully Sunbersts brian so she thinks hesdead and fourse her toeat it wil shes loched in a madeval torcher dungian. lol
2 likes@Sunshine 🐝 shitlight glimmer shoud be bannished just close enuff to the sun todie as sIowIy and pajnfuIIy as possibele. lol
2 likes@Spongie bye
0 likes@Hiccy69 dang ur right
0 likes@Coconut do u think shitlight glimmer desrerves to be in the worst most agginnizing excrusshieating pajn posibele nonstop forever and even longer then forever?
2 likes@The Magical World of Hamsi yep
0 likes@Yohanne Onazrag no sunset shimmer is Sunburst’s big sister
0 likes@Maldita junakiz how is it Trixie ?
0 likesTrixie doesn’t know who sunburst is-
need more people like you in the world
1 like@Karuniko Musahi Official um Trixie knows who Sunburst is she met him in season 7 when shitlight glimmer tricked him into braking and entrancing into the Applee farm and then shitlight did abunch of other unforgivsble cremes aganst him. And then Trixie seen intersecting whith Sundburst in a copple eprisodes after thhat. But it still cant be Trixue and Sunburst as Lester Dawns parents becuz Trixie all ready married my oc Prince Justic Firestorm and on there honeymoon they repedtedly torcherdshitlight glimmer to debt and my oc reasoirekchted shitlight each time shediess so they can kept torctherring her. lol
2 likes@Dark Angel and even then, we're allowed to headcanon every character as lgbt. you don't have to agree, just let people do what they want.
1 likeas you said, starlight's sexuality has not been confirmed. YOUR headcanon is that she's straight, some people think she's LGBT. grow up lmao
@Emy Chara they aren't saying that???? get a reading comprehension. you people love to bash lgbt headcanons the moment they appear
0 likes@•pastelly. no, the difference is that the person dulcet replied to was furiously yelling at the other person for being lgbt and telling them "yoU WONT GET ACCEPTED LIKE THIS!!!1!1!!1" which is yk... homophobia
1 likebesides that, the fact they said "stop forcing things down our throat!!" shows that they don't want to see any gay romance or even representation, EVEN THOUGH they're fine with straight rep. take a guess on what that is! yeah, you're right! it's homophobia. gay people aren't any different from straight people, being biased and saying you don't want to see gay stuff is homophobia.
@just an anonymous potato "fully homophobic" doesn't exist. the person was homophobic, they yelled at the OP and said that gay people were depserate and "never going to get accepted like this" which is FUCKED. you can't tell that to people. imagine yelling at a black person for drawing one of the MLP ponies as black as a human, that'd be kinda racist, no? how is this any different?
0 likesbesides, saying you don't want to have gay representation forced down your throat but being fine with straight rep is homophobia. based on your name, you're not quite mature or knowledgeable on social issues yet, so i will explain:
if you are okay with chocolate, but say you don't like vanilla, we can deduct you don't like vanilla.
if you're okay with straight people and their relationships on TV, but get mad the moment that a gay person is on TV, we can guess you're homophobic. easy deduction, really.
you don't have to offend an entire community to be homophobic. homophobic acts don't necessarily make you homophobic, but most of the time, they reveal that you ARE. you can be an ally and still do homophobic things or say homophobic things.
yet, the thing is, the original homophobic commenter IS homophobic. really, you can obviously tell by them already starting off with "you poor LGBT people" or whatever shit they said since that's EXTREMELY condescending and dehumanizes gay and trans folk, but i digress.
@felix808 Tricxie and my oc t0r=che=ring shitlight glimmer together as bruittoly as posible would be prety romantic. Just add a bunch of scented candles and enjoy the beautiful music of shitlights 5ccreems of agg3nhy and terrier. lolol
2 likesTwilight works, or just for fun thorax and sunburst
1 like@VixyMix 101 ye they shoud all gong up on shitlight glimmer and trorcher her toodeath as pajnfuIIY as posseble.
1 likeProblem is the amount of ppl i can see with Starlight
1 like@Spongie ig i see what you mean, but please explain more
0 likes@Quacker YISH
0 likes@Hiccy69 bro, its called theory
0 likes@Louise Bekken what-
0 likes@Dulcet thank you
0 likes@Randy Rios Cruz lol it isnt impossible
0 likes@wiktoria kłos yessss
0 likes@nasinnarcotics same
0 likes@꧁CåndyTheFøx꧂ nah
0 likes@•Lemony Gacha• they said /j
0 likes@U r a c t u a l m u m [Cliffer] ikr
0 likes@U r a c t u a l m u m [Cliffer] the infographics show haves a playlist of videos of wordst panishmints thrughout history and vidoes about the most pajnfuII1 things in ther world and things that ar wmore worser then depth. shitlight glimmer deserves all the things in all the videos and vvorse. lol
2 likesTrue
1 like@Louise Bekken sunset shimmer was in highschool When Starlight met her And starlight is (maybe) full grown lol
0 likes@Thepretzellady Sunset Shimmer should bjorn shitlight glimmer at the steak and maybe give shitlight a fireproof gasmask so she can feel aII thepajn from the heet without pasting out and hers suffe., ring and missouriy will last longer. And everyone else can gather around and Iaff and mock shitlight/ as shedies sIowIy and pajnfueIIy. lol
2 likesyeh
0 likes@꧁CåndyTheFøx꧂ Starlight and sunburst aren't sibllings.
0 likes@Molly Golly their not sibllings bruh
1 like@Jane's dick wtf leave Starlight out of your twisted fantasy
0 likes@Jane's dick no Starlight is a great character
0 likes@blurky Sunburst shouId 5neak poyizen hemp Iock and night 5hade. unto shitlights diner.
1 likeSame
0 likes@Hiccy69 Ok First Of Rude It Was Meant As A Joke And Second Stop Wasting Your Time Ranting And Writing A Whole 1000 Word Essay In The Comments If U Don't Have Something Nice To Say Keep Your Big Mouth Shut🤠
1 like@harinderdeep singh shitlight glimmer derseves to get every dazieze in the world all at once and all the worst. side affects of aII the medakaII. treemints and my oc uses magic to kept hrer aIive longer so she can 5ufer longer. lol
2 likes@Hiccy69 Y'all are so dramatic Jesus. Starlight is a fictional character. Give it a rest. It's a harmless head cannon.
1 like@Dark Angel It's fine to think she is lesbian. Her sexuality is not confirmed. She could be anything. There are already canon LGBTQ+ characters in the show. People can think whatever they want to, as long as we respect each other's opinion, it's literally harmless.
1 like@Anonymous Ina Why do people have to confirm if a character is gay for them to be gay? There is nothing confirming Starlight is straight either. So people can believe whatever they want to.
0 likes@•pastelly. They're homophobic because they threw a tantrum over someone making a head cannon that Starlight is lesbian. The show never confirmed if Starlight is lesbian, but it also never confirms she is straight either. So she could be anything you decide. It's harmless as long as we respect each other's opinion.
0 likes@just an anonymous potato If someone shows dislike or disgust for homosexuality they are homophobic. That's how it works. It doesn't have to be a homosexual person. Just homosexuality in general. Do you even hear yourself? If he's acting homophobic then he IS homophobic 💀
0 likes@just an anonymous potato Homophobia isn't attacking the whole community. It's disliking homosexuality. If you dislike homosexuality, then that usually means you dislike all homosexual people.
0 likes@Endless Twist No, I don’t hear myself because this is text. And the person didn’t show hatred for homophobia itself, but rather somebody else for pushing a homosexual headcanon onto everyone else. I have no problems with gay people but I do have problems with baseless headcanons being forced onto other people, and the other person may or may not feel the same. I’m going to try and refrain from arguing because this argument is like 3 weeks old and the last time I replied was 3 months ago, and this should’ve long since been done.
0 likes@Endless Twist they should mack shitlight glimmer swoIIow abunch of Iive wasps andIiquid metel.
2 likes@just an anonymous potato my oc Prince Justice Firestorm pusheened shitsflight glimmer into a big fur. nice. that seethru so everone can gather around and see her after. it turned on. and heatproof speekers to listen and dance. too her pane,
2 likesIdem
0 likes@Hiccy69 I don't even agree with Starlight being lesbian but this was possibly the most homophobic way you could have put this response. Lmao. Do better.
1 like@Marcy Baby Remove out sum off. shitlight glimmers oregons and mussels wile shes aIIive and fuIIy conchess and no anastasia and cookie it aII in a castlerrolle filed with aton off Iive flees and mach hereat it.
1 like@Spongie Moonlight would cry to death
0 likes@Quacker lol I searched it up and it's real my God shes lesbian like me
0 likes@mabel_is_the_dumb_one idc shitlight glimmeri is still wrose then every bad an evil thing in both realty and fiction put together times infinity. There isnt enuff space in the entire multiverse to fit all the hourable pumish, ments she dreserves.
1 like@mabel_is_the_dumb_one aslo gacha is d\/m6 u shoud wacha Rick andc Morty insted. sometimes I wach Rick and Morty wile wmaking fanart and fanfiction of shitdlight glinnner being torchiere ed in sLoely and pailmfuIIy as posable. cuz she deesercves it.
1 like@Hiccy69 woah dude chill out its just a headcanon? no one said she HAS to be a lesbian? yall are getting pressed over nothing 💀💀
0 likes@Dulcet literally
0 likes@nasinnarcotics same tbh
0 likes@•Lemony Gacha• i cant tell if youre being serious
0 likes@Hiccy69 dude who tf was forcing it??? they just said shes a lesbian bcuz its their hc. i personally like the hc of her being a lesbian? maybe you shouldnt push your straightness onto us either how abt that
0 likes@Anonymous Ina yes she is. i am lauren faust
0 likes@Emy Chara no one said it was 💀💀
0 likes@just an anonymous potato dude chill out please 💀
0 likes@epiclizardgamer69 shitlightglimmer derserves the most slowest and pa. infuII torchiere possible nonstop for all eternity times absolute infinity.
1 like@epiclizardgamer69 i drawed lots of fanart of shitlight glimmer bing torchiered and kj[[3d.
1 like@epiclizardgamer69 the stapaddo wood be perfect to iuse on shitlightg glimer. and aslo the wrack. and every other herabile puminshmant anypne can think off,
1 like@epiclizardgamer69 speeking of dinosaurs it wood be rea;ly awesome if a dinosaur/ mewtellaited shitlightf gloimmer sIoweIy and pan. fuIIy as. possibele. i should draw a pic of of that.
1 like@epiclizardgamer69 or my oc can cast the crusiattis curse from Hary Potter on shitlight nonstop for all eternity whilae aslo givning her other super plain, fuII plJnashmants at the same time.
1 likeAnd the broken heart in Starlight with her two best friends having a kid and moving on without her...? Idk, I don't like it personally.
0 likesMe 2
0 likesHonestly I think that they’re better as close friends than actually becoming more than that. I just can’t see it.
0 likes@TheWolfed1 ur mom lol
1 like@Spongie Wdym?
0 likes@Chemya mack shitlgight glimmeer eayt a bowl of buffell grass; lilies, and yew lol,
1 likesAmE
1 like@Kratos Studios 🚪🦄 your mom
1 like@Dulcet Uhh, Then stop bashed other people ship
0 likesImagine it was Maud tho 🤭 I'd ship it XD
0 likes@Moosification MAud should 5ha. tter shitlightgglimmers spine whith arock.
1 like@Lemony ye ba5 hshitlight glimmerss kuII in instead. with a harvey mettle bass6aII 6at lol
1 likeSunset
0 likes@Gaming Kitty Cat She to good for shitlighlt glimmer. Sunset is the best eqestria girl she shoud go thru the portal and join in everyone else as they torchiere shitlightl glimmer too dearth. lol
1 likeTrixie
0 likes@Disgust Of-Riley Trixie and my oc should fours shitlightlglimmer tod rink Iiguid nitrogen.
1 like@Hiccy69 shut up
0 likesActually... While Spike never says anything to indicate he recognizes Luster Dawn, what he says doesn't necessarily indicate he doesn't recognize her, either. He mostly expresses surprise that she's not interested in making friends.
838 likesThe one line that really points at Spike and Luster being strangers is "This is your top student?", but it could also be interpreted as him being disappointed in her.
Part of his disbelief might have very well been that Starlight's daughter and Twilight's protege would be so disinterested in friendship. So, he might have very well known who she was, and maybe even interacted with her when she was a filly, but he simply hasn't kept in touch with her since.
Also, at 1:18 when Sunburst and Starlight are standing next to each other, Starlight waves happily at Luster, before turning to Twilight, and then turns to Luster again to give her a kind smile. This could just be Starlight being friendly... or it could be Starlight greeting her daughter.
Replies (16)
Exactly what I was thinking. If Luster didn't know Spike, wouldn't she be surprised that a dragon was sitting at Twilight's right hand? Not to mention that it looked like Spike had been travelling somewhere before and just got back, so maybe he didn't know that Luster didn't like friendship.
72 likesAnd both Sunburst and Starlight looking really proud at Luster Dawn, like obviously starring at her
45 likesLuster Dawn should comet matricide. lol
1 likeTo me, it definitely sounded like it was heavily implied Spike didn't know Luster, based on how he spoke to her. I got thay vibe from their entire conversation in that episode
9 likesAnd the part with Starlight waving at Luster because she's her daughter is a stretch, it just looks like she waved at Twilight, since they have a big past, Twilight is one of the most important ponies in her life
@Kitty Cheshire I don't think she'd be surprised, she'd probably know who Spike was either way, so I don't think lack of surprise on her part is indicative of anything, especially since other creatures seemed to have become a common sight in Equestria.
3 likes@Vee Nope, she's turning her head to look at Twilight after waving, she's definitely waving at Luster.
2 likesAgain, it might be just cause she's being friendly to a new student, so "because she's her daughter" may be a stretch, but I still wanted to mention it.
@Ellie Why so defensive? It's okay to have a theory, but it isn't factual haha. To me, it just looked like she looked away for a second, it makes more sense she waves enthusiastically at Twi since she changed her entire life around for the better, but we're talking about such a tiny thing in a few second clip, I think it's okay to believe whatever anyone wants to believe. That's just my two cents
1 like@Vee shitlight glimmer should get every dazz eeze in the world all at once aand all the side effects of every tree/ tmint and medacayshin and my oc can use magic to keep her aIive so she cant e. scape the any of the
0 likespa. in and missouri of. it all. and everyone else can gather arond and Iauffgh . at her and, relish. in her missouri. and take some pics and vids to share wit the wholle entire multiverse. ; lol she derves it.
Yeah! Sawtooth confused me with that.
0 likes@Vee Watch the clip against instead of arguing about it.
0 likes@Ellie too bad mlp didnt make a episode of shitlieght glimmer being torchieres t0ode4th as sIoewIy and plajnfuIIy as possibele/
1 like@Ellie You're the one arguing tho. It's a cartoon about ponies, maybe find something more important to care this much about. Oh wait you're 13. Nevermind lol
0 likes@Vee She waves at Luster, that's pretty clear in the clip. Resorting to childish insults like that seems rather infantile.
0 likes@Vee well im 14 and can do college math so im smartier then u lol. and aslo they shoud of made a epidode were they remove shitlightfglimmers magic as pianofully as posable and Ioch her inna smaII white roomba whith bright white lights everywere and caste a spell to make her all glowing white and all her food and water and 5h. It, and p. 155 in a white hole in the middle of the room. and no sound or smell or taste at all. And leaf her their for a year. And then letter out and cu7her opine and out somme off her internetetsiones and superglue thim too a tree, and mackher walk aronde thetree wile it sIoewIy and pianoafuIIy puIIs themoutalltheway. and caste a spiell to keep rer. alive. so the pine latsts logner. and mack hereat her owen oregonslol.
1 like@Ellie can u see my comets lol
1 like@Vee lolurmomdeeznutslol
1 likeI personally like the idea that we just haven't met the mother. It's possible that sunburst is the dad but the mom isn't a character. My theory is that Luster was born in the crystal empire to Sunburst and some random mare. Then Sunburst had to move away to start working at the school. And seeing how gifted his daughter was, he took her with him so she could study with Twilight. This leads to Sunburst and random lady to falling out of love due to the long distance relationship. And since Sunburst needed help raising his kid, Starlight offered to help. And I like to think that Sunburst and Starlight raise Luster as father and aunt instead of father and mother.
133 likesReplies (5)
The idea of two friends raising a kid together is so cute <3
13 likes@Diddles i agree
0 likes@lazer_kat_ how wood shitlight glimmer be her ant if shes not her mom or dads sister?
1 like@Jane's dick Do you not know how aunts and uncles work? Or do you just not have any yourself? Friends of parents become aunts/uncles all the time. Like found family.
0 likes@o 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜_𝙿𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 o lolurdum of corse i have ants and uncles there my parents rothers and sisters,
1 likeand shitlighti glimmer desere to be foursfed abucket of b. leech and cIorreene. LOL
"They're standing next to each other. It must be true love!"
31 likesLiterally the fandom's reaction to Applejack and Rainbow Dash arriving in the throne room at the same time.
...and Fluttershy arriving through Discord's chaos dimension.
Replies (4)
yeah, but they were confirmed by creators.
7 likesApplejack and Rainbow Dash explictly said they lived together
2 likes@Disgust Of-Riley when did they say that?
0 likesBut both are canon
0 likesIn my opinion yes, Starlight and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents, biologically. The reasoning for this is just when I look at luster dawn's design it just screams starlight and sunburst. Also, Trixie is a close friend of both Starlight and a friend of Sunburst so Luster would have been in her life most likely seen as an "aunt" figure, Luster would have like picked up slight personality traits from Trixie as well as her parents.
18 likesSpike clearly seems to know luster he just was shocked about her not caring about friendship a lot, she was raised by Starlight and Sunburst who are clearly both Introvert characters and wouldn't really talk to anyone because that's who introverts are.
When Luster arrives at the school of friendship, Sunburst and Starlight clearly notice Luster, and they both smile and wave, looking proud. Although this may just be their personalities they clearly are looking at Luster and know her or they just are friendly.
When you look at Luster who do you see design-wise? Starlight and Sunburst's coat mixed together would be Luster's. Her whole design just looks similar. Her magical capabilities would have come from Starlight and Sunburst along with Sunburst's love for knowledge and studying.
I just personally really think Luster is Starlight and Sunburst's daughter lol
i can totally see starlight being the type to completely forget to tell a friend she had a kid
12930 likesReplies (164)
375 likesTwilight a few years later: HOL' UP- STARLIGHT YOU HAD A KID!?
1632 likesStarlight: oh yeah..... I... forgot....
80 likesSmae ngl
60 likes“Oh yeah, by the way I have given birth to a child. Like 10 years ago.”
31 likesStarlights the same age as pinkie and the rest of the group. Pinkies kid is like 3 years old, starligt would of had to get pregnant while the show was running, which never happpend. Shes not their kid.
103 likes@nayem Abbassi thats the thing🤣 lol I don't know, I hate that, either trixy or starlight. I love em both.
22 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies we dont know how much time actually passed . Pinkie could have had her child around three years ago but it could have been more than ten since we last saw them
130 likesspike did go from a toddler to a full grown adult after all and many of the crew look aged a good amount.
for all we know everyone was 20 when we met them and 40 after the time skip
6 likesSAME
8 likesBut if you see carefully the baby cakes have just been shown as full grown ponies how fast could sunburst have a child fully grown
37 likesMy theory is that Starlight got very busy being a head mare, mother, and looking after the castle. So she had to quit the friendship council, we didnt see her attend the meeting in the last problem.
59 likesLol yes
3 likesabsolutely
4 likesSaida Jan, this is what is happening with me:
20 likesMind: The stripes in her hair! Trixie doesn’t have those!
Me: Oh yeah! I didn’t notice that!
Trixie: Yeah it’s starlight’s
Me: What I thought
@Saida Jan BrUH u cant jusg hate someone bc of there open opinoin
5 likes@Embarrassed Gay that means twenty years
3 likesYEAA
1 likeSame
2 likes@Saida Jan I agree with you on that one the cinemark doesn't lie and it looks like SunBurst and The Great And Powerful Tricksy cuiemark's were smashed together to get Sun Don's cuiemark.
6 likesShe seems like an immortal
3 likesGM LOL same
1 likeSaida Jan Whats ur problem?? Can’t u tell a joke?
1 likeYea
1 likeEither that or they know and just don’t mention it.
2 likes@Saida Jan so rude
1 likeMe too
1 likeI honestly think that Starlight is the mom dude because Sunburst and Starlight both are REALLY close and they also represent the sun and night sooo anyone have the same theary? Just saying they would also be perfect together 😳 And BTW I can totally see her forgetting to tell her friends that she had a kid or was pregnant my friend was pregnant but I just thought she was fat but then 5 years later now I know 😂 still pretty mad at her for "forgetting" to tell me 😠🙄
14 likesLeone Light XDXDXDXDXD
2 likesTwilight: "Who's that?"
23 likesStarlight: "oh that's just my kid"
Twilight: ".....what"
I dressed my avatar up as a magician
1 likeActually, I can see that happening
2 likesXD
1 likeThats like my mom forgetting to tell me its DINNER
6 likes@JustASimp92 My mom: oh yeah,By tge way We ate cookies we out you.
3 likesme:wHHAATTTTTTT
This ignores the timing issue. Mac Jr and Cheesy are still children, and the Cake Twins are still living at home.. The finale is on 15 years or so after the rest of the show. Yet, Dawn is old enough to be sent away, which for Twilight was 18-22. Sorry, but the timing on Dawn means she should have been born at least 3-5 years before the show's end.
5 likeswath the vak
0 likesElyssa Caouette Pinkie’s kid isn’t three years old. In For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, we see canonically five year old ponies, and they look much younger than Pinkie’s kid does.
5 likes@Somewhere deep in the jungle also, little cheesy has a cutie mark. I go with a minimum age of 10
3 likesI Think it is star liht
0 likesYes
0 likesGM she doesnt have a kid idiot
0 likes:p jk
0 likesyes and the color luster has Sunburst and Starlight color
0 likesAm man I want them to make a new season 😭
0 likesI doubt it... Starlight's friends are very important to her, why would she forget something like that?
3 likesExactly
0 likesYep
0 likesHey! >:c
0 likes@Sam Dickenson Yes, finally someone who gets it. >:C
2 likes@Iris Well, sorry..?
1 likeYES
0 likesSame
0 likesIkr thoo xD
0 likesY e p
0 likesYou have 5k likes 👁👄👁
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies From what we know, there is atleast a 10 year difference between the last episode with the final season
1 likeStarlight is not Luster Dan mom
0 likes@Soraine lol XD
0 likes@Saida Jan dude its just a thorey and chill out you 6 year old
0 likes@Soraine hahahahaha
0 likesSame XDD
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies
2 likesJust because they are the same age doesn’t mean Starlight and Pinkie got married and had a kid at the exact same year. Some can wait to as late as mid 30s while others could have them as soon as 22.
@Izunadara pinki and cheese prob got married and I dont know if starlight and sunburst got married. And why is my opinion eating u up so bad? Everyones got their own though so 🤷 am i not allowed to give my opinion if it dosnt match up to yours?
0 likes@Izunadara I commented on this video like 2 months ago, kinda no point on trying to argue against an old comment unless ur REALLY BOARD.
0 likes@Izunadara 🤣😆
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies
0 likesWhat did I say that makes you think your opinion is eating me up?
I only stated my thoughts on what you said. Never did I say you can’t have an opinion, lol.
@Elyssa Caouette Davies
1 likeThere are thousands of people who react to comments that are over 1 year old. So don’t play the “this is an old comment” card.
Using your logic, it’s pointless to even watch this video. After all, it’s old....right?
@Izunadara lol, like I said I had my opinion and ur the one who commented on it so its kinda dumb that ur saying that lol🤣 but okay keep going on old comments and make conversation if ur really that lonely bud😆 I got a life and maybe u should get off the internet and find something to keep u bussy instead of trolling on old comments in ur parents basement. Seriously 🤭
1 like@Izunadara I'm guessing ur going to reply cause I know how trolls like u are🤭 Hmmmm ur prob gunna go on and try to turn the conversation on me to make yourself look smarter right? Thats a troll for u👍
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies
1 likeSays the one who is responding to my comments.....on an “old post”......on the internet.....on your fathers couch.
Hypocrite much!?
@Elyssa Caouette Davies
1 likeNo, I’m just saying you’re a hypocrite.
@Izunadara lol there it is🤣 u repeated what I said and said it back to me😆 classic troll, unlike u I live and pay rent and bills so u trying to flip what I said dosnt work dude.
0 likesI dont need to respond to ur call for help anymore👋
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies
1 likeHypocrite!
@Elyssa Caouette Davies
1 likeSo stop responding and flooding my damn notifications. Easy as that!
@Izunadarai could say the same😘 gotta ask me for dinner if u wanna take this relationship any further since u keep responding.😚 I get it u like me cutie.
0 likes@Izunadara the more angry u get makes it obvious u can't stay away lol😘
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies
1 likeOh don’t flatter yourself sweetheart. I haven’t wasted an ounce of emotion on you. And you also keep coming back so, yeah, hypocrite.
@Izunadara 😘 okay darling your secrets safe with me cutie we're both ladies.
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies Whatever
1 like@Izunadara 🤣
0 likestrue true,
0 likesYep
0 likesLol
0 likesyeah me to, infact i can picture it right now
1 likeYeah I think that too here why I think she might not tell
2 likes1.She forgotten
2. Maybe she was too far so she cannot tell them
3. She wanted to keep it secret
I don't belive that
0 likesI can see Starlight having a kid with Sunburst over Trixie idk why but I can. From the chemistry they kind of had throughout the series is what leads me to believe that Starlight and Sunburst would end up together and Trixie would be that single for life friend because her standards are too high. Like think about their personality. I could see that Starlight might forget to send photos though. Or that Starlight and Sunburst moved away for a little while. Or that when Dawns a filly, they send her to a boarding school so spike never really got to meet her only when she was a little baby and because Twilight and Spike kind of meet a lot of people, it would make sense that Spike would forget her face. Plus no offense to those Spike fans out there, but I don't think he's very smart.
3 likesWhat about princess twilight sparkle
0 likes@Parvati Plays Flash Century cuz they supposedly as rumor has it, have a child known as Nova in the future
0 likesKinda
0 likesTwi: wat! Daughter!? Since when!!?
2 likesSg: 5 years?
Two;but why didn't you say!?
Sg: uhm you never really asked? Thought it be obvious being fat and moody
Twi: i thought you are too much and...
Sg: right, because I'm always moody? Rude!
That’s true... now I am really confused 😐😐
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies I agree with you, and my she is the same age as flurry heart
0 likesyup.
0 likesP
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies Doesn't pinkie have 3 kids and two looking like Luster Dawn's age?
0 likes@Embarrassed Gay no probably like 60-80+
2 likesLMAOO
0 likes@Soraine XD
0 likesYes
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies pinkie was 17-29 when she was first interduced. Now she looks like she is at least 35-40. So there was enough time for starlight to get pregnant
2 likes@°Twilight° replying to a 3 month old comment thats old enough that I forgot what it's even about, I don't care, it's a cartoon that's finished awhile ago and u just caught up? Go comment on some videos more up-to-date, cause trolls who comment on old shit are just desperate for drama.🙄
0 likes@°Twilight° sorry 5 month old comment, almost half a year ago. Who cares?
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies since when did pinky had kids ??!!!!
0 likes@Estella_Møøñ Wølfìë I don't know why they had to make her kid look like fluttershy lol🤣😂
0 likesSame tho-
0 likesI would forget I had child if I did or will
0 likes@Shining Glitter Cookie watch the last episode of season nine and find out
0 likesmayybeee but definitely not twilight.. starlight must still be close to twilight and therefore spike must have met her or heard of her atleast once-
0 likesYou are soooo right
0 likes@Soraine this made me die
0 likesNope
0 likes@HotDogs? How would Starlight forgot to tell for many years?
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies Exactly! The fact that Big Mac and Pinkie's offspring are foals but Luster isn't is BEYOND coincidence; if Luster Dawn was the product of Starburst, she would've been a filly, around the same age as Lil Cheese and Big Mac's son. The Pumpkin Twins, Flurry Heart, and the CMC were all grown up by the finale. Luster HAD to have existed before the time jump.
0 likesYea
0 likesWhat if, It's been 16 Years since the Coronation of Twilight. And Luster Dawn is 15 Years Old.
1 likeXDDD
1 likeHonestly yeah
1 like*laughs yeah, she is... kinda like that... XD
1 likeLuster Dwan 's parents are sunburst and starlight glimmer
0 likesLuster dwan parents are sunburst and starlight glimmer
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies actually starlight is a bit older than pinkie and the others so she probably had her kid before pinkie did
0 likes@Elyssa Caouette Davies It could be Pinkie has more older kids but they're not shown, as the boneless that Lil' Cheese has was number 7, or it could be that Pinkie had a kid much later in life.
0 likesye shitlight glimmer shhould be bruittilly torchered toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as posssible.
1 likeSG: Hi Twilight, have time?
1 likeTS: Oh hi Starlight, what was it--
found a little pink pony hide behind SG
TS: awww, who this little pony? Your daughter? jokingly said
SG: Well, this is what I want to talk to you about. I want my daughter, Luster Dawn, to go to your magic school, I'm believe she will soon be your favorite student!
TS: Oh, of course... Wait... Your daughter!! Really?? Did you... How... When... What!?
SG: Oh yeeeaah, I totally forgot, you haven't even met her, sorry that I didn't tell you about her.
embarrassed smile
TS: I guess after the wedding with Sunburst, you're really busy that didn't even tell me you're pregnant, not even the time I visit your frienship school.
SG: Hehe... Oops...
@Spiral晃晃 And then Twighliight rjps away shitlight glimmers magic and Twighlight and Loster Down and everyobe else in the world gong up on shitlight glimmer and torcher shitlight toodeath wile laffing and jearing at her and 5pjttjng and 5hjttjng in her face. lololololol
1 likeShe is that type, she's still learning about friendship
0 likes@~•SolarSky WCUE~• shell never learn aboot friendship. shes litrelly worse then HjtIer, StaIin, Satin, Mouseleeny, and the Kim diynesty in Norther Korea put together times infinity. she deserves to be torchered toodeath, resireted, and then torchered toodeath again over and over again nonstop for all eternity.
1 like@Amihan Ali Abdullah no
0 likes@Embarrassed Gay i personally think they were in theyre early/mid twenties at the start
0 likes@Soraine
0 likesso are you saying that Starlight forgot to tell
0 likesher friend that she had a kid
This is so damn true
0 likes@JustASimp92 WAHAHAHAHAHAHA
1 likeYeah but she would tell twilight her mentor
0 likes@CoolGirl Twighlight shoud ttrick shitlight glimmer into drqnking 6Ieach and arsonack and p0r Iava onher.
1 likeYeah but it depends how her mind control goes-
0 likesNgl yeah
0 likesFr this is how i see it going down
0 likesStarlight 20 years later: I can't believe she is already in college!!
Twilight:who's in collage
Starlight: luster dawn
Twilight: ooh my star pupil! I can't believe she so grown but how do you know who she is
Starlight : ummm me I'm her mom
Twilight : you had a whole entire child and I did not even know!?!?
Starlight :oh ya I forgot to tell you!! Haha
@Elyssa Caouette Davies ya bc what I found out by just watching the show is that dragons probably age really slow bc twilight hatched spike when she was around maybe 5 or 6 years old and when the show was happening she was around 24-27 and spike was still a little kid so just bc pinkie had lil cheese about 3 years ago doesn't mean Starlight was pregnant during the show
0 likes@Pulak Gogoi who is luster DAN
0 likes@Anthony James Luster Down shoud sneek abunch off asrnack and sionyde in. too shitlightglimmers food.
1 like🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesYa
0 likes@Soraine Pfffft
0 likesThis makes so much sense Oh My Pony Celestia goodness okay this makes too much sense I've never thought about this this is just like like I don't even know this is crazy like Trixie could be a mom I want to have Trixie would be good as a mom I mean tricks you might be good I do a lot of magic tricks to just play with her child this is so crazy and too smart I've never thought about this wow wow wow wow wow🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
0 likes@Joel Francois
1 likeTrixie should cute of shitlight glimmers magic horn and use it too gage out shitllightseyes and 5ta6 her int he 5tumick and pour a gallon of 5aIt on it and fIoranatimastic asjd.
0 likes@pinkie pie edits🍩🎈 someone shoud poor supastrong acjd on shitlight glimers fcace.
1 like@pinkie pie edits🍩🎈 andmake and mack shitlight glimmer drjmk abunch of ocean watter.
1 likeyeah she would
0 likesshe forgot hahaha pft like this mane 6 be like starlight you have a child!!! and starlight is like oh yeah o completely forgot sorry
0 likes@Beth Gomez lol and then Twighlight removes shitlightg glimmers magic as pianofuIIy as posibile and all the man 6 gongup on shitlighgt and toerchier her toedeath and 5pjt and pj55 and 5hjt all over her. like she deserveses.
1 like@adorbs drama sftffccsaesnm
0 likesGtt
0 likes@Soraine ….to… tell. ….you
0 likes@Soraine “YOU WH-“
0 likesThis is why I can never have children. I’d be this parent.
0 likesThe way Trixie is smiling at Sunburst at 5:23 makes me truly belive that she's in love with him. She even closes her eyes and "lifts" her mane there too, which is something most people do when they are in love, at least I do in a nervous way 😂❤ So I do believe that Trixie and Sunburst are Luster's parents! Even though Luster doesn't have much similarities with Trixie, there's a chance some other ponies in her family has a similar color palette.
13 likesReplies (1)
I totally see it now that you pointed it out
1 likeI think it would help to examine the parents we DO see, and see how those look in comparison. Twilight, pinkie pie, fluttershy, and scootaloo. We've seen all their parents, so maybe it would help narrow down the possibilities.
7 likesspike was surprised at twilight aggreing with luster dawn, so you never know if spike and luster know eachother
0 likesHonestly this is a good assumption but I feel like that Starlight makes more sense we only see Trixie with Sunburst only in a couple of shows together so it could be very well that Trixie just appreciates what he thinks about magic
4 likesI can easily clear this up.
2685 likesThere was no indication that Spike didn't know who Luster was. In fact, she seemed to know her just fine. The only thing he was surprised about was that she didn't like the idea of friendship, but he certainly seemed to know her, and even looked at her fondly when she entered. So there was no "Spike problem". And even if there as, why would it only matter if Luster's parents are Starlight/Sunburst and not Trixie/Sunburst? So this is a moot point either way.
There were lots of hints that Starlight and Sunburst did have feelings for each other; blushes, interactions that imply two people liking each other, being very close to each other, etc. There's also the future readings from the mobile game app (all of which were accurate for the rest of the Mane Six), which said for Starlight that her future "will be full of happy students and sunny days", and for Sunburst that his future "will be full of rewarding research and starlit nights". These are very specific word choices and the rest of the Mane Six had similar future readings ("a dangerously cheesy" future for Pinkie, a future of "caring critters and charming chaos" for Fluttershy, a future of "captain's bars and a good, honest life" for RD, "a booming business and a loving, loyal relationship" in the future for AJ, a future of "creative fulfillment and a world full of new designs" for Rarity, and a future with "a long, just, and magical reign" for Twilight).
There's also the fact that Joss Haber (who wrote the episode with Luster's appearance) said that Starlight and Sunburst ARE her parents, even though Jim Miller didn't like the idea or feel it made sense because it made Equestria feel too small with everything revolving around the same characters, but said he was fine with Starlight and Sunburst being married would leave it up to the fans to decide if Luster is their daughter or not. That's confirmation from the episodes writer, along with reluctant acceptance and a claim to let the fans decide from another writer from Miller. So, yeah, taking all that into consideration...
And Luster DOES have features of both Starlight and Sunburst, not to mention a similar Cutie Mark, which does tend to run in families (ex. the Apple family), and her name, Luster Dawn, can be seen as a time of day taking place between when Starlight's would and Sunburst's would, which is also a very common thing when it comes to naming characters.
And Luster thinking friendship is a waste of time isn't that strange, not even with Twilight being her teacher (and she's obviously very close to her, but still doesn't know about her meetings with the other Mane Six). Even with Starlight and Sunburst being the head and vice-head of the School of Friendship, or possibly even especially with them having those position, it's not unusual she looks down on the idea of friendship. In many cases where kids who have parents that often go on and on about their work or try who preach it to their their children, the kids will often start to find the subject irritating, and will even start to rebel against it or consider it an eye-roll whenever its mentioned. This happens a lot in the real world, and is almost expected at times, especially during teenage and young adult years.
So it's more than possible, even more than likely, that Starlight and Sunburst are her parents. But as for Sunburst and Trixie... yeah, I just can't see it, sorry. Friends, yes, lovers, sorry, no.
Replies (72)
You have me convinced
256 likesYou are pretty persuasive. You would make a good lawyer.
305 likesYou. I like you. I'm gonna print and paste this reply on my wall.
253 likes@Meche Robles yes do it.
91 likesThat makes even more sense
25 likesi like your reason, and i am convinced, but i never saw someone who would give such a long reply, lol
83 likesNot to mention Trixie & Luster Dawn’s half-baked response when seeing each other. Luster Dawn didn’t even smile or wave at her.
96 likesYeah, this seems fairly solid. After watching the segment of the episode where Spike meets Luster he doesn't exactly act like he doesn't know her. And even if he doesn't, it wouldn't be super odd since he's an ambassador and seems to actually be away quite often for long lengths of time.
87 likesYou would be a good lawyer my friend
34 likesYoure gonna be a good lawyer. And thats actually a great reason aswell👏👏👍
30 likesHowever when twilight send her to ponyville to make friends,
10 likesno way im reading all that i'll just read some also thats a good assuption
4 likesI didn't think it would be much to read but when I pressed "read more," I found a whole speech-
14 likes@Celine Rosali I think it means pinkie's relationship with cheese and fluttershy's maybe relationship with discord
10 likesIn my op, Jim Miller didn't like the idea because Luster's appearance lacking her father's markings (hooves and nose) which is genetic so he probably cast the idea aside. Another thing making me wonder is that in the scene where Twilight introduced Luster to her school of friendship. Supposedly said Luster was the daughter of Sunburst and Starlight, then the interaction they had seems to be a bit... cold? So you have me hooked on this idea and I hope they gave us a bit more look into Luster's past in the near future
7 likesimma trust this
2 likesi have to agree
1 likeYour essay has successfully convinced me that Starlight could still be Lusterdawn’s mother.
8 likesFrom you telling about Rainbow Dash’s and Apple Jack’s sentence about what they want their future to be:
6 likesI think that AJ and RD are a pairing
@Mio from what I saw in the last episode, it is implied that they are living together.
22 likesRD: "We could be getting to where we should be earlier if you let me do some of the chores"
AJ: "Maybe I would if you did them the right way"
@Mio I googled it before and it said those two are a couple :)
4 likes@Harriette whatever you saw, its not canon, the team never aprovd of that
6 likesYeah I agree, Sunburst and Starlight I can see, but Sunburst and Trixie? Yeah no there is no way I can see them in a relationship that isn’t anything more than a friendship
18 likesdam he did just do a theory in a video of a theory
7 likesI disagree but you do make interesting points
1 likeWow
0 likesHey what's guys it scarce here
0 likesWow, best explanation.
0 likes@Elin Felicia so true but then again this is just a My Little pony theory wait now I sound like film theory •~• °~°
1 likeThis viewer, this viewer is an effin genius
2 likesHe is right
5 likes@moonshiro but the creator did if I recall??
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS
0 likes@halmittens they didnt, its all fan stuff.
0 likes@moonshiro are you sure?
0 likes@moonshiro https://youtu.be/GGQlnKVjxyk
0 likesBefore you say anything.. Please do let us/fans have it.. After all it's nothing much to you but it means a lot to us ^^
I agree this, because it make more sense
4 likesI have to say that you’ve convinced me, good chap. I’d hire you for any future theory solving
5 likesThat sounds moreplausible
0 likesI have a new theory that the pare to are Quibble Pants and Clear Skies
1 likeLong comment
0 likes@Elin Felicia yeah she smiled when she saw Sunburst and Starlight
0 likesWhat’s the game called if you can remember?
0 likesI didn’t read this but can we just appreciate how long it took you to type that?
3 likesStarlight X sunburst is WAAAAY likelier
1 likeUhm I think this sentence is too long
0 likes@Hoshi San Yes very true
0 likesthis guy did research alright
0 likes@Sxanq
0 likesAnd so did I
Right because if she’s close with twilight and her star pupil how the hell the spike not know her?
2 likesAlso the way Luster kinda lit up or had an excited look when entertaining the friendship school and the way Starlight waves looks very mother/daughter, like “I’m happy to see you but also I’m a young adult so imma give a casual wave”
@Hoshi San fr..
0 likesOh boy you wrote a lot
0 likesyou are very passionate in my little pony i see
0 likes@Mio its been a confirmed canon ship
2 likes@moonshiro it is canon actually-
0 likesI completely agree with this
0 likesI’m curious, which MLP game did you see the character ‘sayings’ in? I have the mobile one but I guess that’s not the game that has the things talking about the future? Or maybe I haven’t gotten there in the story yet?
0 likesRD & AJ r together??! wtf! why didn't i know that.. omg, they were my ultimate ship
1 likeHow did u type this
0 likesGood job, I agree
0 likesPlot Twist: Her parents are Trixie and Starlight
0 likesYour right and honestly the connection between Trixi and Luster Dawn could just be that since her parents are friends with Trixi she is around a lot so she could definitely have a flare from her being around a lot during her childhood and you could say that Trixi was trying to bring Starburst and Starlight together as she did get Starburst to move closer to starlight and the rest is history.
0 likesYou: gives a compelling argument detailing how Sunburst x Starlight is basically canon
0 likesMe, a Starlight x Trixie shipper: angry screaming noises
0 likesSo does that mean Rarity is... Poly? 0_o
I mean the second part indicates their partner and we didn't see anyone with her... At the moment so..
Also it's funny how your comment makes better fact based theory then the entire video xD you should do pony theory videos
0 likes@Silevile u cant ship shitlight glimmer with Trixie cuz Trixie is my wifu and all ready married my oc and shitlight glimer is litrally worster then hjtIer, staIjn, satin, moosealeeny, and the kimm dinisty all putted together times infinity.
1 like@Cyrus Ureña I searched it up and it said RD is married to soarin
0 likes@eri-chan Rainbow and Sorarin should torchiere shitIight glimmer to dearth lol
1 likeI'm convinced
0 likesLook, there was no indication that Spike didn't know who Luster Dawn was. The only indication this theory is true is that Luster Dawn referred to Twilight as her queen instead of aunt and Twilight told her to call her teacher or mentor instead of aunt. But honestly, that could be cleared up pretty quickly.
4 likesI think the Sunburst and Trixie ship is cute. Honestly, it makes for an interesting story at the very least. I may not like Trixie, but the idea I find appealing.
2 likesDecided to rewatch some Sawtooth Waves videos and came across this one. Definitely like the idea of Trixie and Sunburst more. I feel more a best friend energy between Starlight and Sunburst, really. But, I don't mind if Starlight was the parent.
0 likesI came back to watch this cause I’ve recently been craving some StarBurst fanfics (yet there’s very very few in Ao3 😭) and now I want something that involves Luster Dawn into the mix! Be it Sunburst being a single father or some drama around their child being anti-friendship! So to anyone who comes across this, let me know of any stories out there that comes to mind with these two 🥺😚
0 likesAlso - Trixie does not necessarily show any kind of romance towards Sunburst, shes this kind of person who is full of herself so she just seems to be happy Sunburst likes her magic tricks.
2483 likesReplies (29)
Have you heard of a shundere?
16 likes@lucky puffin have you ever heard of aromantic ?
2 likes@Celine Rosali it is a romantic orientation , the romantic counterpart of asexual , apply to those who dont experiece romantic attraction to anyone , basically the opposite of panromantic you might say
8 likeshave you heard of one night stands?
0 likes@Alegria Déesse it's mlp , of course that thing dont exit
21 likes@chara drunk oh my
2 likes@chara drunk Death, pregnancy, and birth all exist. The process of making kids also exists.
8 likes@The Lanktheist yup but have you seen rape , drug , and things like that in mlp ? I only said that because this is a kid show , things like that just dont exit you know ?
12 likes@chara drunk I mean… yeah, there are literal magical objects that are treated like a high drug, down to eyes changing somehow.
4 likes@The Lanktheist many of the chemicals had the same effect if you drink , inhale or let it contact with your eye not just drug , and those are magic what did you expected from mixing a bunch of bug , leaf , etc togerther ?
1 like@chara drunk umm...the cake twins
0 likes@slytherinwerewolf. what up with them ? They said themself that it is normal for 2 earthpony to make pony with different race (yeah i know my english suck )
0 likesSo true
1 like@chara drunk night stands aren't amoral. Being a single parent isn't unseen in MLP.
3 likes@Alegria Déesse please think about the fact that this is the main character we talking about , i can see the "we're dating but that didnt work out but we had a baby " more than the thing make you got Aids and ruin your future in some situation , oh and also since in mlp they dont have lust or mating season and they can make baby themselve thank to magic so what is the freaking point of one night stand 🤔
1 like@lucky puffin tsundere*
0 likes@lucky puffin Tsundere?
0 likes@lucky puffin also , i look it up , what shundere have to do with this ? She not depressed 🤔
2 likes@chara drunk mate trixie WAS a one night stand
1 like@potato_fan how did you know and why ? There no lust and if you want a baby just use magic ?
1 like@chara drunk people believe trixie was a accident and also there is no proof of your magic theory eithet
4 likes@potato_fan ah magic , you can litterly rip the farbric of time and space and change the nature of something entierly , how in the world cant its create life ? worst case scenarial you just need some sperm and egg to get the job done
0 likes@potato_fan and also if really she was "accident" , there would still be no prove that they dont love eachother and have to breakup because of trixie dad job or otherthing
2 likesI’m also curious where the “you don’t inherit magic” theory comes from unless they mentioned it in the show which I missed it then, and even Twilight herself said in an episode “magic is something your born with” and I can think of a word for other “things your born with” (skin/or I guess coat color, eye color, hair color) and Trixie is kind of proven to be not very powerful, (mind you Sunburst is though) but for her child to be a top magic student isn’t super likely…but that’s my take, that and there’s a few other things that made me believe the Sunburst/Starlight parent theory. The way Starlight waves at Luster when she comes in and the way she looks at he says it
2 likestrixie isnt that full of herself, we dont see her too much in the later seasons so maybe she got nicer or something.
1 likeI feel like Twi and Spike would of checked up on the school so I don’t think Luster’s parents are known
0 likesThey should all get together and do every kind of torchiere possible on shitlightyglimmer and my oc resaurekt her eachtime shedies so they can kept on torchiere inhg her over and over forever and laff and reIIish in her missouriy.
1 likeThe thing about the time of days could also work for Starlight, and also I think luster dawns color palette should accommodate Trixies colors more than Sunbursts since she’s the mother 😅
0 likesI mean here’s the thing. If Luster WAS Sunburst’s daughter he would have acknowledged her in the scene where she entered the school with the mane 6
16 likesReplies (1)
I thought the same thing, he looked at her like another student
4 likesThat's a really good theory, but if I'm not mistaken, in the last episode of the series, Spike was reunited with Twilight after a time they hadn't seen each other. This means that after Twilight's coronation, Spike didn't stay with her forever and he made himself a life on his behalf. So maybe when he visited Twilight at the castle, he didn't have time to see his friends from Ponyville (except the mane 6), so he may have been (physically) away from Starlight for so long that he never saw her daughter! I know it may be a bit forced theory, but ☆Starbust☆ forever !!!
2 likesThe cutie marks are way too similar between sunburst and luster dawn and the hairline between the two are so similar and their colors. Sunburst has to be the father. Also, I don’t think it’s really accurate that she would be born soon after twilights coordination because between then and when luster dawn is introduced twilight has significantly grown so I think more time has past since the time you originally given when she was borb
0 likesTheory: Starlight IS her mom, just not her biological mom.
3336 likesReplies (56)
Ooo I like that
141 likesOooo yess
53 likesYeah, they also both have the same hair pattern.
107 likesTheres no actual evidence for that at all so its not really a theory.
38 likesMaybee but like he said,even if starlight wasnt her BIOLOGICAL mom,she still would have brought it up after a while
49 likes•ItzSiri Galaxy• their relationship could be somewhat new.
14 likesWhyIsLossyGaming? Isn’t that what they said 🤦♀️.
3 likes@Baka Yarou Do you know what a theory is or are you stupid?
6 likesYeees
0 likesOoooooo
0 likesMmmmmm idk
1 likeOof
0 likesKinda like Derpy and Dinky!
4 likesYesss
3 likesXx UniCat xX O.O why would she not be her biological mom?
0 likesOcean And Kayla it could explain why Spike doesn’t know, the relationship could be new.
1 likeJinnta M. Noticeably off center mane-line.
0 likesXx UniCat xX We’ve seen step-parents before on the case of Patton Oswalt pony, Quibble Pants.
4 likesDun dun dunnnnnnnnn
1 like@toki kinda a theory is where they make up scenario's of what MAYBE it could be
2 likes@Mikee no. A theory is a possibility that has evidence backed behind it but not provable
4 likesPossibly.. possibly..
0 likesXx UniCat xX yassssss I agree
0 likesOmg butttt who is the biological mom?
0 likesSunburst have a child whit a pony and they get divorce or she die and starlight adopt LusterDawn whit Sunburst
0 likes@cucumber bro maybe Starlight and Sunburst adopted her later on when twilight and spike got used to ruling equestria.
2 likesOmg yes!!!
0 likesstep mom
0 likesOoo Maybe shes adopted!
0 likesLea DieMalerin She looks too similar to Sunburst tho.
0 likesOoooo
0 likes@Mikee the·o·ry
1 like/ˈTHirē/
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
They broke up
0 likesYess
0 likesLuster dawn kinda looks nothing like her parents,well accept for the hair sorta but other then that no,I dont believe that starlight is her mom
0 likesOooooH. You're good.
0 likesThe social circle problem still applies.
0 likesRosie G it could be a new relationship.
0 likes@g4ys0n Yes, but if you think that Luster Dawn is Starlight's kid than no mater if she is hers with Sunburst, hers with someone else, or adopted than Spike would know the kid because Starlight would have kept in touch with Twilight and Spike.
0 likesNoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i love that ship
0 likes@g4ys0n no. Luster is almost full grown, their relationship can’t really be that new. Plus, she still would’ve had to have been brought up in a conversation with spike, even if she’s not her biological mom.
1 like@Jimmy Orozco starlight married/dated into the family, meaning Luster Dawn CAN still be ( legally ) a foal. Starlight still seems young, so it could be dating. Meaning, the relationship is still new. Thus, it not coming into conversation yet.
1 like@g4ys0nStarlight works at the school, right? Spike would visit her very often and even something as new as that could be told through strong connections and daily visits.
0 likes@toki kinda so I guess a head canon?
0 likesThat's a good theory!
0 likesMmmm prob
0 likesYes.
0 likesStarlight was Flash and Sunburst's surrogate
0 likesshitlight glimmer should be forrced to pass a miillion kidney stones all at once. lololol
1 likeEwwww
1 like@rover doll lol
1 like@toki kinda ok a theory is something you believe but dont know if its true. (If a theory is not that then ill correct my comment)
0 likesBoth Trixie and Starlight are her moms and Sunburst is just the sire
0 likesOhhh
0 likesI think that if you want to find out someone's parents, you shouldn't necessarily jump for the conclusion that the parents actually dated. It could have been a very ephemeral event.
1 likeI actually believe it's true that Trixie and Sunburst are together. Also, When we see Twilights coronation, they are sitting next to each other on a table, only the two of them! How cute is that!!
2 likesI’m new to the fandom, and have only been in it for about 3 months, so I got to truly watch the last episode from an outsider’s, non-biased (not saying you were), perspective (I am terrible because I usually get into a series only after watching the last episode, Rise of the TMNT and Amphibia being good examples). And well, here’s the thing: can you really say that Spike didn’t know Luster? Besides what the creators say on Twitter (which conflicts on the matter), and after watching the episode, you don’t see anything in particular that clearly states that Luster doesn’t know Spike or the others. Also, it is very likely that Luster could have been sent away to live with Twilight at her school instead of with her parents at the school of friendship given how gifted she is (being the daughter of the best of two worlds in the magic realm of things). I’m not sure if you take into consideration the video game as well, which gives little ending statements about the future of each pony. For example, Pinkie and Cheese are each stated the idea more or less: “It is not up to us to decide their future, but here’s a pun of something they will do that basically implies a pony that will be there forever partner, and it is up to the fans to draw their own conclusions whether that means something romantic or plutonic.” It’s nice because it gives the fans that liberty to make their ships canon in their own way, but then it’s almost as if the crew was saying, “you guys can choose, but if we had the final world, not trying to say anything, but it would most likely be this person.” And Starlight/Sunburst’s statements reveal the same ideas. From what I can see in the fandom, EVERYONE, and even the crew, takes their own path of what they want canon or not. Which is awesome! I love having that freedom to make my ship dreams come tru! However, you have to admit there are certain instances, like the FlutterCord ship or in this case Luster Dawn being the offspring of StarBurst, they have the strongest foundation for being canon but could not be for obvious reasons (like the large and powerful Dislestia community or other Starlight shippers for example). Basically what I’m trying to say is I totally agree with the points considered, but respectfully, I don’t totally agree on the point that your claim is set in stone, that Spike didn’t know Luster at all. That was what one of the director’s considered as a reason why it would possibly not be, but again, it’s very contradictory information from the head writers and most importantly the other creator involved who said the theory is possible. I mean, I totally may be wrong and may have missed a line that makes it obvious that Luster doesn’t know Spike or the others or the School of Friendship, so I would recommend rewatching the final episode and try to find specific evidence that clearly shows that. I am totally gonna do that just in case. If you can, I would love to see a second video over this topic!! I really loved watching it!
0 likesAdding to the Trixie/Sunburst theory, her hair looks like a combination between the two’s. Her hair has the same curl at the ends as Trixie’s, and have the same wavy shape and highlights as Sunburst.
1 likeLuster: friendship is a waste
4627 likesThe fandom: who are her parents?!
Replies (15)
“What’s the best kind of firework to buy?”
238 likes“Wouldn’t YOU like to know, weather boy?!”
“.....Where are your parents?”
Luster dawn's parents are starlight and sunburst your correct
48 likesWhere ya mom atttt where ya mom at?? 👁
13 likesMoon dancer?
10 likesIkr
4 likeslol
1 likeIKR!? CELESTIA ARREST HER! Wait... Celestia wasn't there anymore o k great just great epic fail
3 likes@°Aesthetic Pastel° Yes
0 likesAaaaaand also there's no such thing as arresting in My Little Pony
0 likesPlease give me a shout out
0 likesMaybe Luster’s mom is Moondancer
1 likeCozy glow is mother?? 👁️👄👁️
0 likes@The Magical World of Hamsi then why is there police officers?
1 like@goat nuggies 💀
0 likesLuster: Only the GREATEST and most POWERFUL parents, muahahahhaha!
0 likesI don't think Starlight is the mother of luster dawn since she's the head mare of the school of friendship and surely she would have seen how important friendship is and tought her friendship lessons starting at a young age.
1 likeI personally think that her parents are just some random ponys that we probably don't know since I doubt that Sunburst would have raised a daughter who didn't want to have friends when he's friends with the headmaster of the school of friendship
1 likeI love how he said that celestia turned into grogar that was hilarious
2 likesOkay well I can say this has, cleared my thoughts so here is my idea the cutie marks can be family things but, starlight does not have a moon on her cutie mark but Tricky does which means the symbol has to mean something, But most you can get psychical traits from your parents as well so it could be possible. For either or to be the parent
0 likesTrixie stole Starlight's man
1151 likesReplies (27)
More like sunburst stole starlight’s mare
136 likes@I.D.K ! That too
39 likesToday's Friendship Lesson: Dating your best friend's childhood friend.
62 likesWhy not just make them a polyamory
27 likesSteal her man, steal her man yah A
9 likesLE GASP* >:O
7 likesNever
3 likesWow that the most likes I ever got before my highest was 4
4 likesLol
1 like@Floxiewolf122 I just got into hazbin hotel and ur profile is angel dust (angel is my second fav character behind vaggie)
1 like@Floxiewolf122 what are ur top 3 characters in hazbin hotel and mlp mine are:
2 likesHazbin Mlp
1.vaggie 1.starlight
2.angel 2.thorax
3.charlie 3.luna
But they are just friends
1 likeFloxiewolf122 they just should’ve been poly LMAOOO
0 likesNoice
1 likeLMAO
0 likesXD
0 likesTrixie's fault...... WHY TRIXIE WHYYYYYY!!!!!
1 likeyes >:(
0 likes🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬Trixie
0 likesME TOO (XD)
0 likes( STARLIGHT ) 😱😭
0 likes( TRIXIE) 😚😘😋😎😉
Trixie steals starlights man while sunburst steals Starlights girl XD
0 likesLol ha ha ha 😂🤣😂
0 likesOhhhhhhhhh
0 likes@I.D.K ! YES.
0 likesLMAOO and did😭😭😭 like that’s yo bestie manz
0 likesCool pfp
0 likesYeah. I’d be happy if starlight or Trixie was luster’s mom. I’d prefer starlight cause she and sunburst have a deep connection from the very beginning but if trixie was with sunburst they’d surely have a deep conversation too as they have a kid for goodness sake but yeah. Happy either way
0 likesI see that Sunburst and Trixie are Luster's parents because of the name theory, magic theory, and the Spike theory. Also, the confidence is Trixie's thing, and the magic school is Sunburst's thing.
1 likeI do love the idea of them being her parents
0 likesI love the idea but it doesn't fit well to me. In the finale song we can see Sunburst but he doesn't show that fatherly excitement to see his daughter. Neither does Luster Dawn.
0 likesWhat if starlight had mentioned their child, but spike has not seen her before?
1497 likesReplies (23)
I think it still wouldn't make sense, because why wouldn't starlight show her child to her friends? Wouldn't it make sense if Starlight had shown Spike, someone she is close with, her first child? I don't think it's likely that he wouldn't of seen the child for her whole life. Even if Spike's job requires him to be out a lot, there's nothing stopping him from visiting Starlight on his way back to Canterlot.
71 likes@PlasticRabbits tbh, I can see Starlight as the type that would forget to mention her child to her friends
75 likesThis actually makes sense
11 likesBut she goes on twilights school so Im pretty sure he sees her everyday and he would hear twilight talking about the kid if the parent was starlight
9 likesStarlight would have told Spike Luster’s name, and as a mom almost always does, show him pictures of her to embarrass her. It doesn’t make sense.
4 likesHmmmmm
0 likes@PlasticRabbits if sunburst was the father it’s very likely she might be doing homework or be at school
1 like@David Kassa lol yeah
0 likesNAME!!
0 likes@PlasticRabbits what if spike KNOWS who she is
1 likeBUT he didn't know that she was the star student/pupil bc he was,,, y'know gone for sometime?-
If that was the case, then wouldn't Spike make a remark about Starlight's daughter having a hard time making friends? Something sarcastic, or questioning why she's having trouble because of her mother's close relationship with Twilight?
3 likesI also think that if Luster was Starlight's and Sunburst's daughter, it would've been obvious in the show. Starlight is an important character in the show close to the mane 6, and Luster is one of the main focuses in this episode, I think Twilight would've said something like "How's your mother doing?" with Luster replying that Starlight was doing fine. I highly doubt the writers wouldn't confirm it in the episode if Luster was their daughter
Yea, but in my opinion sunburst and trixie is a better ship
0 likesBut if they had even had a small meetup and starlight mentions her daughter I don't think she would leave him in the dark and not show her OWN daughter
0 likesHe got it wrong. He acted shocked because of what she said (that she didn't understand why friendship was important) not her coming in. That can't be used as an evidence piece.
2 likes@♧NovaTastic♧ not to be mean or anything, but I think you stole that joke from GM
0 likes@〈Emzekia - Gaming〉 oh, well I have seen it somewhere. I'm sorry for stealing it
0 likes@♧NovaTastic♧ it's fine-- I don't really care it's just your guy's comments where oddly similar and I thought you where stealing :>
0 likesThat is logical because if you don't know someone you do not know what they look like.
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco 🤣. My mother had forgaten to tell my uncle she had a child.
0 likes@Dani well but thats just your mom. Starlight is responsable and wouldn’t forget to tell her best friend about her child.
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco shitlight glimmer isnt resopansible shes litterrily worse then HjtIer, StaIjn, Mouseleeny, Satin, and the Kim diynisty in North Kprea all put together times infinty. She should litrally be torchered toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as posssible and the ressireccted by my oc just so she can be torchered toodeath again over and over again so shes in the worst most excrusheating agganizzing pajn possibele for all eternity.
1 like@Jimmy Orozco Tbh I don't see how his interaction implies he doesn't know her. Even if she wasn't the child of any of the main six it STILL would not make sense because how would Spike and Luster BOTH live with Twilight in the palace, or at least how would Twilight mentor Luster, and Spike somehow has never seen or heard about her beyond the vague mention of a prized pupil. Spike's tone of voice with "that's your prized pupil??" sounds more disappointed and less "I'm meeting a powerful and talented unique for the first time"
0 likesI believe so. With Starlight's big school responsibilities and as Spike even said with his full time job as well they probably just never had the time to really have Spike get to really know Luster.
1 likeThe better question is, how the hell did the PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP get her BEST student to hate/not want to be involved with friendship so much, its literally twilights whole thing💀
1 like1:17 cracked me up. People (myself included) can reach a bit far in this exact way when we’re excited
0 likesI just want to point out that shining armor isn’t an alicorn but okay.
0 likesForgot a little bit about this vid but I've gotten an idea since I last saw it.. Luster COULD still be Starlight and Sunburst's kid with Trixie still being involved. With the possible crush Trixie could've gotten mentioned in the video, maybe she still kept those feelings even if Sunburst fell in love with Starlight. Still wanting to be close to her and Sunburst, she offered to care for and look after Luster while Sunburst and Starlight were busy with their "wizard duties" (or whatever it was) and The School Of Friendship.
1 likeThe name is just the writes playing around with Celestial bodies.
1421 likesCelestia is day
Luna is night
Celestia had three students: Sunset, Sunburst and Twilight
Twilight had two students: Starlight and Luster Dawn
But interesting theory tho.
Its a full 24 hour cycle, Celestia - Sunset- Sunburst- Twilight- Starlight- Luna - Luster Dawn
Replies (25)
Ellé Victor Whoa cool theory
19 likesEdit:*passes out*
11 likes@Ivette Duarte I also forgot about Moon Dancer which was Twilights oldest friend and in a sense her student because she taught her some stuff in an episode
72 likesThere’s gotta be a dusk name somewhere XD
15 likes@Heaven ontop of Hell Sonata 's full name is Sonata Dusk, but I don't see the connection
11 likesWoah
1 like"Sunset, Sunburst and Twilight." At first I thought you were doing a poem until that last line after the two S's and one T. XD
5 likesLuster was trixie and sunburst's daughter trixie was moon sunburst was sun so luster's mother is trixie
3 likes@wing Iya Trixie and sunburst didn’t have a bond together so your saying you ship them for no reason
4 likesTrue
2 likesIt is more of an easter egg than a theory... If you do mean theory how is it a theory
1 like@Rei Hino well, this video clearly shows that they could easily bond over their love of magic tricks and failing at magic .. but what I'm confused about is why sawtooth didn't talk about their real bond, they are both like the first ever friends of Starlight. And with starlight to connect them, I'm sure they would get to meet a lot more then sawtooth gives them credit for. Is it so hard to think that Starlight, while learning about the magic of friendship and harmony might wander if her friends can be friends with each other just like the Mane Six are all friends and friends with each other. She would definitely try to get them together as friends with their love of magic and they could find a deeper connection then that. It's not only plausible it's quite likely. Who doesn't want there friends to also be friends.
2 likesCool i didn't realize
1 likeLol its the night and day magic family xD
1 likewait starlight is twilites student
1 like@melmil2 yeah...im guessing you're new to the fandom :) welcome young one
1 like🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😡😡😡😡👿👿👿💢💥🖕
0 likes@Pepito De Lara Are you okay there buddy 👀 why the aggression
1 likeMuster,s Parents Name are
1 likeSunBurt and sunset shimmer Becuse it is sun
Yeah the thing is
1 like‘Lula’ has no connection to moon
And doesn’t connect to dawn so yeah- it doesn’t seem that Trixie is the mother but might be the teacher? Friend? It depends
@clarabelle sunburst and sunset shimmer are siblings
1 likeSunset is older
Sunburst is younger
@melmil2 yes she’s been twilight’s student ever since they befriended her
0 likes@Karuniko Musahi Official there is no proof of that being canon and they would have mentioned her in the story. The writers covered most plot holes related to the characters.
1 likeThe perfect theory
0 likesAll right, here is my two cents. I do think it's possible that either Starlight Glimmer or Trixie could be Luster Dawn's mom, but it does seem more plausible that Trixie would be if Luster Dawn is not just a random student. However, I will say that if Starburst and Starlight Glimmer aren't an item, then I definitely want to go on a date with Starlight Glimmer. She is definitely a beautiful and attractive mare!!!
0 likesI always thought that sunburst and starlight were PERFECT to be married! ☺️ 🥰😍😘
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesIf the child of one of Twilight's friends became her top student, Equestria would become suspicious of favoritism in her school. It makes sense that Luster Dawn's parents might try to make her appear as just a student in the school, and just a mare outside of it.
0 likesshe also have the same stripes in here mane as Trixie, and that mane throw when she did see him, kind of imply a interest.
0 likesI think the thing that makes me not want to believe Luster is the child of any main character is simply that there's no way she would have been so anti-friendship if she had grown up with parents that were close personal friends of the princess of friendship and went through their own friendship trials multiple times.
1734 likesReplies (29)
Or maybe that’s all the reason she needed to be annoyed by it and go against the family principles?
186 likesBut ist starlight anti friend ship to
4 likes@Rebecca Wells I don’t think Trixie is anti-friendship she even goes through her own things and starts hanging out with…oh I can’t remember at the moment but doesn’t she do a thing with discord and the changeling and one other person?
12 likesAnyway maybe she doesn’t have a lot of friends and is very vain but I’d say she’s just as pro-friendship as anyone else
1 like@Brook D Exactly
1 likeWasn’t twilight the same tho, two grew up with a great big bro and his gf and from what I can remember good parents
12 likes@Chicken noodle soup She wasn't anti-friendship, she was just more preoccupied with her studies.
13 likes@GippyHappy fair point, it’s been a while since I’ve seen MEP so I forgot
4 likesNooooooooo
0 likesThat is quite a good point
0 likeslol Lister Dawn wood of probly have fun helping my OC briuotully torchering shitlight glimmer toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as posible and then he use his magic to resirects shitlight so they can keep torchering her toodeath over and over agian in diffrerent ways. lol I drawed lots of fanart of shitlight glimmer being torchered and kjIIed and posted it on my blog with a secrey pastword. Som of then are realy 6I00dy and gh0rry. lolol
1 like@GippyHappy yea im acually beter then most pepple becuz im relly smart and im not afriad to say the Truth. I just haved to 5peII things wronfg becuz so y00t000b canit senssor me by dailietting my coimints. Becuz they want to surpass the truth abouot littterlly evroything.
2 likeslol cute oppin shitlight glimmers 5+ummack and rjp heir gu7s 0ut and mack heir ea7 7hem. My oc can use his magic to kpeep her aIIive for it.
1 like@Jane's dick Oh you're still going?
1 like@GippyHappy yes lol wanna hear more? I have lots. haha
1 like@GippyHappy wat if they + rick shitlight glimmer into e47 ing a bail of hey full of blisster beatles and arsonachk. lol
1 like@Jane's dick why you hate starlight
0 likes@anqelkin well she litterly evry epasode she in she comit some unforgivible atrossity and mannipualates evryone into frogiving her anyway becuz shes litterly worse then evry bad and evil thing that ever existited and still ecxists and and ever will exist all put together times infinity inkluding all the evil dictaders ever even tho she suposited to be "raformed" but oviusly isnt shes justs barnwashing them all into thinking she is.
1 like@anqelkin and shes mean to my wifu
1 likeI have considered that too, maybe she just didn't really understand her parents' decisions?
0 likes@ADF maybe she shoud help evryonr else torcher her mothrer toodeath.
1 like@ADF or forse shitlight glimmer to dreink a bottle pi55 fiIed with saminnella aand bachalisim and monkey paux.
1 likeFriendship has literally overtaken the world of Equestria. Luster's just an exception to wanting friendship in her life.
0 likes@Sweet Dreams 💙 toartchering shitlight glimmer wood be a grate freindship bonding activiaty. lol
1 likeKids and young adults are rebellious?
0 likes@Brook D yeah I grow up with a christian family and I am not Christian heck my dad is the owner of a church.
0 likesYou haven't heard of rebellious teens/young adults did ya?
2 likes@Daniel Survivor so if your mom is a doctor in your rebellious phase you have to start killing people
0 likesI mean
0 likesThe case for sunburst as a parent is very strong. Just based on her hair I always theorized she was half crystal pony. You don't really see those shiny gradients in normal pony manes so that was my reasoning. And why not? Sunburst was living in the crystal empire for a long time.
0 likesYou are missing one point though.
1 likeFlurry Heart is grown up and she was smaller than the crusaders
So Luster has to be so much smaller than the CMC's
The idea of this relationship has killed my last 2 brain cells and this is so complex its like a episode of game theory if an episode of game theory was a romance novel
0 likesTrixie, Starlight and Sunburst are a perfect example of, “This is my girlfriend, and this is my girlfriends boyfriend”
0 likes"They're standing next to eachother, it must be true love!"
6449 likesEvery shipper ever-
Replies (85)
Yup. That actually gets annoying after a point
205 likes@KMM02 yeah, I get that! I hate when they try to make their ship canon by harassing the creator. Ù-Ú
153 likesMe who commented the same thing when this video was uploaded and nobody noticed: ...
49 likes@Lily The Alien now, that's just weird-
20 likes@Ren Tran its okay buddy, at least people know now. T3Tb
22 likesI would have to disagree on this I think people are ok to have there own opinions please dont hate on me
16 likes@Catherine nah, your chill! I didnt mean every shipper ever. I was only exaggerating- I know not all shippers are like this. Only some! ^^b
30 likesOMG TRUE
4 likesmy hero academia be like----
22 likes@Rosalina Bows you mean, bakudeku shippers be like--
12 likesThat is my life in a nutshell,
13 likesMe: *talking to a FRIEND that is a boy*
My Best Friend: “I sHiP“
@Truc Angie aww- I get what you mean! I had a similar situation in middle school where I was dating one of my friends, when we told one of my other friends we broke up, she said "awe, but you two were my ship". Let's just say, we were both uncomfortable. Middle school was wack-
5 likes700 like!
1 likeYep
1 likeDon't spoil a show I mean love is gross and grown-up
1 likeAny way there freinds
1 likeAnd no way
1 like@Nalaye88 I have no idea what you meant, but I don't think I or anyone else mentioned any spoilers. The ship itself is not canon, but it can be a headcanon for others though. You should also work on your spelling and grammar- pfttt!
1 like@Slugalxii Ok so I know that some people hate most of the MHA ships. Buuut- the more you think about it the more you see WHY people shipped Bakagou and Deku, they basically fit PERFECTLY for that “Two Rivals into Two Lovers” Cliche. Or that one cliche were one bullies the other to throw off feelings. Yes I know that’s not really what happened but you got admit it DOES make sense ;-;
2 likes@The Potato I can see why people would like it, but I really just think some people like the ship because it’s two dudes together (there’s nothing wrong with being gay, I just think some people sexualize them which is bigg ewie). I only see them as friends. I personally don’t ship characters as much, because I don’t really care for shipping. But if others like them together, then they can ship ‘em if they want. Just as long as they don’t shove it in my face or look at every scene with bakugou and deku then say they were meant together, then I’m fine with it.
5 likesLol
1 like@Slugalxii Well that’s true too- now don’t hate me but I really like gay ships tbh .w. BUT that’s not why I shipped them. It’s because their past most of all that represented the mindset of the ship for me
1 like@The Potato yeah, that's totally fine. I'm not gonna hate you over a little ship, it's not that big of a deal. I personally don't see Bakugou being intrested in anyone and Deku being too focused on becoming a hero to be with anyone either. The only one I really ship Bakugou with is Kirishima, but it's mostly a bromance for me- pfttt! Also, as long as you like gay ships not because "its gay, so I ship." Then your all good!
2 likes@Slugalxii lolol and thanks, I’m glad we had this talk, also I get what you mean bout da bromance :>
2 likes@The Potato yeah yeah, same! ^^b
1 likeBrush that is a true shipper
2 likes@Slugalxii when was middle school ever enjoyable for anyone? 😂
1 like@Natalie K personally, i didnt enjoy it because during my 7th or 8th grade year, I had to deal with some bullying and racism. So yeah, that was no fun. There are some people who enjoyed their middle school year, which good for them, but I think most didn't really enjoy their middle school year.
2 likesIkr
1 likeliterally
My friend pointed out an eyebrow wiggle once, and she basically said "(SHIP NAME) HAS TO BE CANONNNNN"
@Lily The Alien lol when I was in 2nd grade me and my friend made something called the magic yes or no eraser where you would put yes on one side, no on the other, and maybe on the side. One day someone who had a crush on me asked the eraser if they would marry me and it flipped to yes, they told me and I just laughed. T h a t w a s a m i s s t a k e, after school all the boys where chasing me to kiss him, because I laughed at it ;-; and my 2nd grade teachers where outside and when I told them they're like: "Just stop running they'll get bored" YEAH I TRIED THAT AND I END UP GETTING PUSHED CLOSER TO HIM >:OOO (Lol I have a lot to say ;-;)
1 like@Lily The Alien hah! No joke ;-;
1 likeSereneStar lol
1 likeLol
1 like@〈Emzekia - Gaming〉 man, sounds like second grade- pfttt! Wacky kiddos. Your teacher should've probably done more, but oh well. Imma hope that they acknowledge that it's not normal to do that now-
1 like@Slugalxii XD
1 likeYEP
1 likeYa
1 likeyes.
2 likesLiterally #JIKOOK
1 likeAs a shipper myself, I can confirm that most of us aren't like that...
1 like@Storm Studios yeah I know, I was just over exaggerating. No worries! Theres just some shippers who are like that.
1 like@Slugalxii Okie!
1 like@Lily The Alien A similar thing happened to me, once we were talking about hamilton and a classmate walks over and asks are you dating? but it was more like you guys ARE dating, like it was a fact
1 likeLike Starlight and Trixie.
1 likeNo it's not true
1 like@Reem it's true for some people in certain fandoms, but not everyone's like this. I know. So, it is true. Just not for everone.
1 like@KMM02 yeah but in the show remeber when they run the school together
0 likeslol true
0 likesno
0 likes@Emi!! it's true for some peeps in specific fandoms but not everyone. I don't think all shippers are like this btw- it's just a joke.
0 likes@Lily The Alien say what
1 likeLol
1 likeOk bey
1 likeYup trueeeeee
1 liketrue LOVE OMG
1 likeI mean I do ship them and yeah I definitely would say that :|
0 likesLol es
0 likesPfffffff- TRUE BAHAHAHAHA
0 likes@Slugalxii i just thought standing next to each other is "true friendship!" But I'm a shipper 👁️👄👁️
1 likeI died there-
0 likessame-
1 like@Slugalxii LIKE MHA!!
0 likesI also think that Trixie is mother and sun burst is father
0 likesBasically I have a crush on my best friend...and I'm asexual..
1 likeSooooo true
0 likesYes
0 likesÙwÚ
0 likesexactly
0 likesLol
0 likes@Slugalxii coughx2 TOXIC bkdk shippers coughx2
0 likesI don't now
1 likeHahahhahahhahhahhahahhahhahhahahhahhahahhhahahhahhahahhahahha
1 like@zMøonlight ahah, 3 months late- you can still be asexual and have a crush. If your crushing on someone, you might like em romantically, but not sexually. ^^b
0 likes@Queen Xenit 😂
0 likes@Slugalxii I have my own opinion I ship bakudeku, you can hate on me all you want I didn’t just ship them because they we standing next to each other. People have their own opinions and to judge it would just be rude.
0 likes@[us] it was mostly me joking around and not being serious. There are SOME Bakudeku shippers that are like that. Not all. If it doesn't refer to you. Then i'm not talking about you. I don't care who you ship as long as you're not being toxic and respecting other's ships. Hating on someone just because of their ship is stupid. If you ship it, you ship it. I don't care. Again, just don't be toxic about it.
1 like@SereneStar let me correct you its actually every mha shipper ever
1 like@El Boberto bnha fandom do be wildin'. O-O'
0 likes@El Boberto lol
1 likeFan-fiction be like
0 likes@Slugalxii I can RELATEEEE
0 likes@Truc Angie 😆
0 likesYup ,me with u-...
0 likesSunburst is a more humble pony, and Trixie is a more adventurous soul. Put them together and I think Luster being their daughter makes sense. She has the brains and self assurance to be their offspring, and although neither Trixie or Sunburst had the gift of magic, when u combine their individual strengths, it makes sense that it'd lead to Luster Dawn.
0 likesOne thing: I do think Trixie would be Luster Dawn’s mom and Sunburst being her father because she’d have her fathers sun cutie mark and trixies last name has “moon” in it, and Luster Dawn’s cutie mark is a sun rising with an ocean. And there’s something that starts with an m that kinda controls the waves of the ocean…
0 likesHmmm?
When you say Trixie could be Luster Dawn's mother,it kinda makes sense to me because of the hair streak
0 likesDoes anybody noticed that all great magicians in equestria has something to do with day and night theme. Starlight, Twillight, Sunset, Star Swirl, Sunburst, luster dawn, moon dancer (well we never seen her doing something great but lets believe its true) Luna, Celestia etc. Coincidence? Maybe
0 likesI still think Starlight is her Mom. If you think about it, Starlight wasn't seen in the council bit, meaning if they did stay in touch it would only be for emergencies. There would be too much chaos for starlight to bring up luster. But, Another way more likely theory is she did bring up having a child but never mentioned her name. This fits way more as to why spike wouldn't recognize Luster.
1230 likesReplies (16)
Wait wait wait, what episode did she mention she HAD a CHILD again?---
12 likes@Jxnii She didnt, The Last problem is the last episode in the show, and it takes place 20 years after the shows "last battle" timeline. the "Present" Flashes we see are flashbacks from Adult Twi.
38 likesActually I think Spike knows very Well who Luster Dawn is. I mean - Twilight would be like “hey this is Luster Dawn, my top student” once Luster came to see Twilight but she just said my top student is in trouble and Spike seems to know who she is.
34 likes@Raw Explorer Maybe, But Still, Too much chaos to bring up having a kid, So he only recognizes her as twilights top student. And by that logic he would still recognize her as trixies child. My point is THIS IS A HILL I WILL GLADLY DIE ON. (PS, I just re read the comment and just realised that you werent trying to go against my comment- and realized you were agreeing with me because sunburst and trixie arent close to spike- meaning that it wouldnt make much sense otherwise for him to know her-)
20 likesDarn spike ruining The ship
10 likesMe too
0 likesThen again this is just speculation we still don’t know who they could be ..... yet
1 likeAnd shes head mare
1 like@⚘Amaryllis⚘ Blaze
1 like@Lucy Randomness Pfft-
0 likes@⚘Amaryllis⚘ wut
0 likes@Jxniigirl that's just a theory
0 likesomg
1 likeGood theory
0 likesshitlight glimmer should be torchered toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as possible. And keep ressarectting her and torchering her toodeath over and over again so shes in the worstest agginnizzing pajn posible nonstop 4 all eternity.
1 likeI would like to point out the very important detail that Sunburst and Trixie both have star capes
0 likes5:35 Conspiracy theory time: Look at Starlight and Sunburst eyed, Starlight has regular friendly look but look at Sunburst! It's relaxed, calm and almost intimate.
0 likesI laughed so hard when you thought that Trixie is Luster Dawn’s mother like I just couldn’t imagine her being with Sunburst😂😭😂
0 likesI had a different theory - that she's Twilight's daughter. But that theory fell apart when I realized Spike didn't recognize her.
0 likesI always thought that she was Starlight's and Sunburst's daughter. No matter what people say, I will always say that Sunlight and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents. When I first saw her, I immediately thought that she had to be their because of the similar traits of Sunlight and Sunburst. To me, she's their daughter.
267 likesReplies (13)
whos sunlight :T
8 likesIt's starlight not sunlight
11 likesWhen I saw her I didn’t even think of that
1 likeI always thought she was their daughter
1 likeFYI it's STAR light
1 likeYESSIR.
1 likeSame
0 likes@Dyu What theory?
0 likes@Dyu the top of what?
0 likesSame 🐢🐢🐢
0 likesI agree with...,SAWTOOTH WAVES
0 likesJosh Haber confirmed it, Jim Miller disagreed but he said it's up to the fans, so as an MLP fan, she's their daughter, nothing can change my mind
0 likesThis.
0 likesI like the theory, but luster dawn's eyes are yellow.. I feel like it would be strange if she didn't have (at least) a similar color to her "parents". Just my opinion though
1 likeI think Lustre Dawn is of an age with the Cake twins, suggesting that she was already born before the time skip. My guess would be that she's Sunburst's niece, or the daughter of a cousin of his, rather than his daughter.
0 likesSawtooth Waves, I think you are right because every three; names; combined with cutie marks make perfect sense.
0 likesI looked it up after I finished the video, and Luster Dawn is indeed Sunburst’s and Starlight’s daughter !
0 likesI think Starburst might just be one of the best names for a ship ever
697 likesReplies (21)
Lol ye🙃
8 likesOr rather
20 likesSupernova
Omg. Yes
3 likesThe Starburst ship name is....
Ooooh YES
2 likesYes
1 likeYassssssss
2 likesLmao🤣🤣🤣
2 likesStarburst, Sunlight-
5 likesIndeed
2 likesYes, but....
4 likeswhats your favorite flavor of this ship
(Don’t like this reply it’s cringey)
@StrawThatBends orange for me.
2 likesStarbursts do be looking yummy
2 likesNow I want starburst
3 likesHa you're not alone
1 likeliterally all i can think of when hearing the word starburst is the sweet
0 likes@StrawThatBends red tastes the best change my mind
2 likes@Stitch have you TASTED watermelon?
1 likeI like Sunlight though but this is still incredibly cool
1 likeIt sounds like starbucks
0 likesloll
0 likesI feel like if Starling was Luster's mother, there would be a small chance Spike wouldn't know about it. What I mean is, if they did end up having a friendship reunion, Spike might not know what Starlight's kid looked like. Hence why he didn't know who she was when she cam to the palace. But I could see the reasoning behind Trixie being her mother too.
0 likesIt's not exactly easy to say since all of the female ponies have the same base shape , but something about Luster Dawn's mannerisms just ... SCREAM Starlight Glimmer to me , and I can't explain it beyond that lmao .
0 likes, you probably all know Luster Dawn, Twilight Sparkle's student in the finale. Some say her parents are Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst, since she looks similar to both, and her cutie mark is suspiciously similar to Sunburst's.
0 likesBased on the streaks in and waviness sunburst’s hair I think it’s possible (though hit or miss likely) that her mother is sunset shimmer
0 likesThey always ask who are luster Dawn's parents but they never ask how are luster Dawn's parents.
296 likesReplies (8)
😂😂lol sad horse noises
19 likesHold it right there this is mlp we will not associate it with THAT
10 likesWhy is luster Dawn's parents?
10 likesWhen are Luster Dawn's parents?
7 likesreally I thought this was dead
0 likes@Kaleela Edwards At the school of friendship
0 likesWhat are Luster Dawn's parents
3 likesDead
0 likesI know it's not "family-friendly" but I can see Luster Dawn being the result of an ill-fated one night stand between Trixie and Sunburst. That would help explain the lack of knowledge of her from anyone important. She could have been given up for adoption or whatever.
0 likesI don't really see Trixie or Starlight as moms. They run a school together for Pete's sake. They have enough kids to take care of as is, neither of them seem up to raising an infant on top of juggling a career and very active social circles.
But then again, my main otp is Trixie/Starlight so maybe I'm biased lol
Him:this isn't the first time we've seen cutiemark conections between family
1 likeAlso him: shows twilight and shinings cutiemark
The apples:🍎🍏🥧🥧🍎🍏
My biggest problem was actually: Why was she introduced to Ponyville if she would presumably live there anyway (because her parents would be in that town)? I think it makes sense that she's Sunburst's relation in someway considering the similarities, but maybe back in the crystal empire?
0 likesLike if you also wonder this. Let me know your thoughts/theories with this!
Sunburst and Trixie are close to Starlight, so she would know if they had a child. It would be easy for her to tell Spike, like, “Yeah and also my friends had a child!”
0 likesIf the series wasn’t canceled, we’d know who her parents are.
801 likesReplies (28)
Exactly there’s so much we don’t know if only hasbro didn’t cancel and let it run we would know everything
87 likesThe comics
19 likes@MrWolfeyes2 What number of comic?
6 likeswe got s10 in comics so maybe it will be there
25 likesThat assumes she is related to Twilight's extended circle. Had the series not ended it likely would not have had that flash forward and so we may not know she exists much less her future position.
17 likesMrWolfeyes2 isn’t some of the comics not canon tho? I’ve heard something that said not all of them are canon but I could be wrong.
7 likes@Baka Yarou Near as I understand show was canon to the comics, but comics were not always canon to the show, but could generally be assumed as much unless contradicted by the show.
6 likesWait she's not big mac and sugar bells daughter?
7 likes@DreMan710 considering the colors that could be true🤯
7 likesSeries wasn't canceled. It was concluded. Sadly Hasbro move production to another studio, so this conclusion is disappointing.
14 likes@Travis Smith Comic never was canon. It is alternative reality like G5.
1 likeTheRezro Either way, the series ended without a cliffhanger.
1 like@AvengersEndgame Gurl No, but the way it ended I'm not surprised that someone could think that way. Anyway largest question now is WhoTF is Potion Nova 0o0
6 likesIf the series wasn't canceled we wouldn't know who she is though.
0 likes@Lulink This does not compute. You make groundless assumptions. It is clear that she was meant to be young Celestia, except that new developer team didn't know that Starlight Glimmer is young Celestia. Ending suck in general anyway (Midnight Sparkle was clearly mean to be final boss), what doesn't menat it wasn't planed to end at that point.
0 likes@TheRezro I was responding to the original comment. I meant that if the show was canceled then we wouldn't have the finale episode and Luster Dawn wouldn't exist.
0 likesAlso "You make groundless assumptions" and "It is clear that she was meant to be young Celestia"? Does not compute, my dude.
@Lulink But barely existence of Luster Down has nothing to do with the reason for show ending. It could be argued that she was thrown and never explained, because show was canceled. Though it was purely because random change of studio.
0 likesThere is lot of proves that Starlight Glimmer is Celestia. From fact that Celestia know unique cutemark transfer spell developed by Starlight. Discord was randomly salty against Starlight calling her "power hungry pony" despite that they never meet. Her best friend is bearded wizard in cape who totally isn't future Starswirl, even if he is only person Starswirl was actually caring about. Starlight is also identical in look as Flurry Heart (who she is). She was also based on G1 Twilight and there is recurring joke implying that she is actually identical in look as Twilight Sparkle (who is her shadow). There is lot of indirect proves, and it was huge let down how final episode ignored all that. We actually know what Bewitching Bell do from G1 and it isn't what Tirek already could do.
@Lulink I also forget to mention that Starlight is one of two ponies we know that they can do time travel and actual name of Trixie is Lulamoon (plus her human version was confirmed to be capable to teleport = alicorn). And those coincidence pile up to point that we could call this franchise a Pony Souls.
0 likeswhy’d it got canceled...
0 likesAvengersEndgame Gurl Yes. That means no more seasons and no more episodes.
0 likes@dizzy It was starting to get bad. Actually some might argue it was bad since season 5
0 likes@Garth Davis Cancellation mean that there were meant to be more episodes and seasons. Conclusion mean that it ended as it was planed. Nothing really show that they planed go further then they did. We did know from quite some time that they already work on next generation.
1 like@dizzy It wasn't.
0 likes@Lulink Those people complaining about Twilight wings are idiots. Putting aside uneven season 3, where show actually was meant to be canceled, but rise of Bronies save series and they restart production. For most time show was on the high gear. Just people blame they own lost of interest or series not fallowing they head canon (like it was always clear that Twilight is aristocrat, what some people miss), with the quality. My complains regard final are due to fact that Twilight and they friendship did nothing there. Unnecessary new studio clearly didn't have idea how finish whole thing.
0 likesYeah
0 likesCanceled? I thought it ended -
1 likeWhy was Mlp cancelled?..
1 likeI’d definitely see trixie being luster dawns Biological mother but she’s a very busy person(student counselor and being a magician) so I’d also see luster dawn to have a mother daughter relationship with starlight(since starlight gets her work done fast, She’ll definitely be bored.)
0 likesI'm surprised that you didn't touch the fact that Luster is too old to be the daughter of any one of the main cast. It's unclear how much time has passed since the Final Battle (I personally like to think it's somewhat between 15-20 years but it could be as little as ten) so, in order for Luster to be the daughter of Starlight/Sunburst or even Trixie/Sunburst, they had to, huh, "get right to it" as soon as the battle was over.
0 likesBig Mac and Sugar Belle for example, who we see their relationship progress with the show and get married on-screen, are shown to have ONE foal and a pretty young one at that, if anyone should have a kid Luster's age, it should be them. Even Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich took it slow it seems, with only one kid that's even younger than Big Mac's and Sugar Belle's.
So, as much as I love the theory that Luster is a Starlight/Sunburst kid (and no you CANNOT change my mind), the ages and the timing are the biggest factors holding this theory back. It's hard to line them up without some serious suspension of disbelief.
Luster is probably the daughter of some random couple that was born or was already born by the time the League of Doom was turned into stone.
for me it doesn’t make sense for them to be their parents according to the timeline. But it is a great theory
0 likesI agree with Sunburst being Luster Dawn's Father, but I disagree with a choice for a Mother. I think Sunset Shimmer is better. Her cutie Mark is a sun like her daughter and husband. Maybe Sunburst secretly met Sunset one time and we didn't see it in the show.
2 likesReplies (1)
I feel that if that were the case luster would be a lot more yellow- also due to the fact that sunburst and sunset seem uncannily similar in colour scheme, name and cutiemark i believe that they are siblings
0 likesSawtooth: “Special thing between two alicorns.”
800 likesMe: Since when was Shining armor ever an alicorn!?
Replies (11)
Thats wat I thought too.But looking closely on the video I realize he was actually talking about Cadence and Flurry Heart.Cuz that arow is to Flurry,not Shinning.
78 likesCrystal DiamondSparkle but that isn’t a special thing between two alicorns. The consequence (alicorn baby) cannot be the cause (special bond between two alicorns). Hence, it should be the special thing between an unicorn and an alicorn. So it doesn’t prove that magic cannot be inherited. Thus, Starlight Glimmer could very likely be the mum!
13 likesI think that it is someone from the mirror(there sunset lives) so spike is so surprised because he lost all touch in mirror cantorlet and twilight forgot to say the news to him. :-)
3 likesHe said in one video shinning amour should be an Alicorn
5 likesCosmic Flash yup like ummm
1 like@Crystal DiamondSparkle p
0 likesP
Hike uluru
A thinking meant flurry heart and Cadence not shining armor and Cadence but yet I'm not sure
1 likeHi
0 likesJuliannarose Goldinger doesn’t make him one
0 likes@Crystal DiamondSparkle it’s *what not *wat
0 likesI think it's still possible that Luster Dawn is Starlight and Sunburst's daughter. I think that for 2 main reasons. Just here me out.
0 likesFirst of all, I think that the future we're shown is a little farther ahead than we think. Notice the the members of the main 6 who aren't alicorns are clearly showing signs of getting on in years, they seem to be middle aged at best, but when the main timeline was still happening they appeared to be the developmental equivalent of human teenagers. For evidence of that, we need only look to Equestria Girls and the fact that the main 6 appear to be high school sophmores, maybe juniors, while the CMC's seem to be in early middle school. To jump from the equivalent of 16 year olds to more like 40s-60s, it has to have been longer than we think. It's unclear exactly how ponies age in this universe but since Granny Smith, who is still alive, is one of the founders of Ponyville then several decades must've passed since she was a foal when the main timeline begins, which suggests that ponys in equestria age closer to the rate of their human counterparts. Fast forward another 20-30 years, and we have LusterDawn, a pony who is probably around where Twilight was at the beginning of the series in terms of her age, she actually looks a little smaller to me than Twilight was, so she could even be younger, but my point is I think she was born several years after the series ended, making it possible for Starlight and Spike to drift apart in the intervening years, or maybe that's not it, maybe they simply got busy as a result of their jobs and Spike, rather than not knowing who Luster is, simply didn't recognize her, he may not have seen her since she was a baby.
The other reason, is I think the case for Sunburst being her father is too strong to dismiss but also don't think that it's possible for Trixie to be her mother. Sunburst and Trixie have common interests and similar deeper reasons behind those common interests, but Sunburst has something with Starlight he just doesn't with Trixie, History. Not only do they have a friendship dating back to when they were little, but they both learned the hard way, and first hand that they're better off together, that without each other in their lives they're both in a far worse place. I find it hard to believe that Trixie could top that.
Trixie being the mom seems unlikely, because luster dawns eyes are golden, and neither trixie nor sunburst have golden eyes
0 likesThe only reason I wasn't on board with this is cause I liked the idea of Trixie and starlight being together however all three of them do have a connection and a bond so it's plausible plus,it's only a ship and it dosent have to make sense nessasaraly but this one kinda does and imma keep with luster dawn having 3 parents. Because of this luster is at the school for exceptional abilities with magic correct? Well we know both Trixie and sunburst arnt the best with magic but if luster had another parent highly talented in magic,one that is in love with the learning of magic,and one who is enamored with magic and magic tricks. Can stack up to be a very good reason for luster
1 likeBut what about friendship? All three of her parents would be working at a school of friendship there's now way they would let her do exactly what twilight did. Or is there? Perhaps with all the work at the school and luster being old enough to care for herself they let her slip away and into the same hooves as twilight was in season 1.
😎 dropped a bomb here yall
I re watched this a year later but anyway, I don’t think we know her parents because of her eye color. Starlight’s eye color isn’t Luster’s eye color, neither is Trixie’s or Sunburst’s. Maybe Sunburst is Luster’s father put Starlight and Trixie wouldn’t be the mother.
0 likesgosh i wish that gen5 would be about Luster and the group of people she walked away with at the last episode of gen 5, I'm going crazy just thinking about it. I would 100% watch it, which I cannot say about what they are actually doing for gen5
0 likesthey couldve handled the ending & 2021 movie like ATLA into LoK where the old cast took a load off leaving it to the next gen while they hung back & lived their lives, having lusterdawn continue her studies as twilight did but forging her own path maybe even with the student6 becoming something of their "sunset shimmer" but not becomng a alicorn, while twilight & the others continued watching over eqestria. Just a tought, i was more than satisfied with the original ending.
0 likesI'm late, but as good as this theory is, I see starlight as the Mum. Plus i think more people want her tp be the mum. And their both excellent at magic, they both have cutie marks relating to magic (i might be wrong on that one) and they've been friends since FOREVEEEEEEERRRRRRR
0 likeshmm, i don' treally believe any of the ponies mentionned are the parents. Twilight is pretty close with all of them and even tho she is very busy she would definitly make time for her friend's mariage and or baby meeting (princess of friendship duh, friendship first). Spike is Twilight's closest friend and follows her everywhere. Even if he was maybe taking care of twilight's duties so he couldn't attend the event's himself, he would definitly be aware of it. Also Twilight would just be very exited about a baby as she has a close connection with one and generally loves them (flurry Heart) and an exited Twilight is a loud moth Twilight. Yeah there's no way Spike wouldn't know either way
0 likesCan you hear that?
4615 likesIt's the screams of Sunburst and Starlight shippers.
Replies (96)
At first it was of joy.
269 likesThen of confusion.
Then of anger.
HAHA omg, I was screaming at the screen when he mentioned Trixie.
164 likes"NO NO NOT TRIXIE!"
@Di Wear me too! I said "I don't like it! " many MANY times
5 likesWell even if sunburst and Trixie had luster dawn that doesn't necessarily mean that they are still together. Starlight and sunburst could have gotten together if they ended up splitting up or maybe luster dawn could have been the result of a fling between Trixie and sunburst
26 likesPopinJay Edits The color combinations still don't match up... there need to be pink genes SOMEWHERE!
9 likes@IndoDINO Youtube well we never saw Trixie's parents so maybe from them?
6 likes@Bandit_The_Unbroken Same.
2 likes@IndoDINO Youtube Ooo. Exactly.
4 likes@Faith Unknown SAME-
7 likesNo joke as soon as he mentioned Trixie I flipped off my phone-
no regrets.
The pink genes are likely from Trixie's mother.
3 likes@Bandit_The_Unbroken ???
3 likes@Bandit_The_Unbroken nope we see trixies mother in the comics- shes yellow loll
4 likesWell then. You win.
2 likesAnd the screams of StarTrix shippers.
7 likes@M.D. Barroga Truth!
0 likescan you hear mine?
2 likesI'll be honest I am a bit disappointed but it's also cool at the same time
3 likesLol
1 likeNoooooo, whyyy
1 likeI can relate TwT
1 likeFunky Munky
1 like;w;
On the outside I am fine but on the inside I'm crying 😁 me on the outside 😭 me on the inside
2 likesAsha Kanmani was a second behind me 0.0
1 likeme only shipping it because the ship name is starburst it eez what it eez
3 likesHah ! laughs in multiship
2 likesREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! okay to get serious now this theory does have some plausibility to it.
1 like@gramamamma so true so true and i want that to happen because ME Big starlight x sunburst fan hehe
2 likes@Bandit_The_Unbroken I totally agree! 😊😊😊
1 like@gramamamma I know, I wonder who Trixie's father and mother is!!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔
2 likesleave us alone 😔
0 likesAnd starlight and trixie shippers
0 likesEven if her parents don't look pink there could be pink genes that we just don't see in the parents or Trixie. I mean Trixie's eyes and magic aura colour are pink aren't they?
0 likes3:46 I hear something different than you
There ready to go to war to protect the ship
2 likesAAA lol
0 likesIKR
0 likesNo no Trixie is not her mother ...... She don't
0 likesYassss!
0 likesyes Screem for me Shipers SCREEM
0 likesSadness has come upon the sun-light see what I did there lol not even funny
0 likesThe shippers who just love the taste of starburst, now have just lost their sweet tooth its more sunmoon or trun
0 likesHow did you know
0 likescrap
0 likesIndoDINO Youtube Well Pinkie’s family are all dull colours, so it’s not impossible it comes from further down the generation line.
0 likesBirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l yep
0 likesOh yah. Hahah that was me.
0 likesQuiet Distance even I’m surprised
0 likesYesiamhere
0 likesalso the screams of Trixie and Starlight shippers
0 likesLuster went to the friendship school
0 likesstrawberry juice the comic are not canon
0 likes@Theo 💖 ancestors People NOT EVERYONE HAS GENES FROM CLOSER FAMILY!!!!
0 likesAlso Trixie x Starlight shippers like myself
1 likeOh yeah sorry I forgot to get my scream back in the home :((
0 likesMine one
0 likesFirst, screams of anger. Then screams of joy that Sunburst×Starlight and Starlight×Trixe can poly.
0 likesOh you can hear my screams
0 likes@Di Wear Trixie makes me mad
0 likesTruth, I'm a Starlight X Sunburst shipper
0 likesAnd the screams of a sad StarTrix shipper (me lol)
0 likesI think that tricksy is Luster Dawns Mom
0 likesHere is me fixing it well for spike he is probably always helping twilight and never has the time just think about it spike cares a lot for twilight and he knows she over stresses lots of things and mostly when she has to much work so it is possible that spike is busy helping her plus lots of people loose touch with old friends but i don’t think they lost in touch cause they are pretty good friends so I’m thinking if they ever visited that there visits would be small and to top that off i don’t think they would visit that often if spike is always helping twilight but here is where the spike not knowing starlight’s daughter is solved well I wouldn’t think starlight would just say oh i have a daughter now i think she would take small steps to not overwhelm spike or twilight cause if you remember flurry heart then you would know twilight wanted to be the best aunt ever so she bought flurry heart lots of stuff so don’t you think it would be the same for her and with twilight and twilight is a princess/queen she will have lots of stuff to do and if she knew about starlight’s daughter she would def cancel stuff to go and see starlight’s daughter but she didn’t tell spike cause spike would tell twilight cause spike has a big mouth and and now boom case solved
0 likesI'm a StarBurst shipper too.
0 likesI'm not happy.
I'm not disappointed.
Actually none of my ships ever been real.
I like Trixie when she gets better.I like the theory if it was starlight i would have reacted the same.
0 likesi mean its just a "theory" hehe.....haha...HAHA
phew god..
One of those people screaming is me:)
0 likesBut aren't Starlight and Sunburst siblings?! Or am I just dumb?
1 likeIt is better then startrix:P
0 likesIm bout to die. Nobody came to my funeral
0 likes@LiterallyLaen no , there not siblings
0 likesikr
0 likes@gramamamma I mean I saw them
2 likesHer mom is brown and her dad is blue so-
@Blue waffle ! yes well, even then, lil cheese has a yellow coat and pinkie and cheese sandwich don't have yellow coats. Big Mac had a red coat when bright Mac and buttercup didn't have red coats. Either Trixie and sunburst could have had submissive genes for pink coats and so could their parents. It would have just taken two ponies who both had the pink coat gene for it to happen
1 like@gramamamma yes well that’s true.
2 likes@Loki is best anti-hero Yes!
3 likesMe- I haven’t actually seen season 9 yet cause it’s not available for me yet but I,be already seen some spoilers anyways and I started screaming after I saw this not screaming joy but SKGSKDVBLW
0 likes@CocoPiggi OH-
0 likesSay what 100
0 likesAdd the creams of starlightx trixy shippers
1 likeit includes me
1 like@zaif tarbuzi why does mlp include wynaut
0 likes@Lucy Randomness cuz i am wynaut :D
0 likes@Bandit_The_Unbroken Agree
0 likesI hear the screams, I’m one of them.
0 likes@Faith Unknown I like trixe
0 likesSnape threw Lockhart against a wall... Does that mean they're together? I doubt it lol this theory is a bit more plausible than that
0 likesBro this guy was my WHOLE childhood!!! I remember watching this guy when I was 5
0 likesWell I disagree with this, as we all see in the last episode The Last Problem, Starlight and Sunburst were standing togather when Twilight opened the door. Also, Luster Dawn's hair relates to Sunburst's, while her coat color looks like Starlight's. Also, Luster Dawn's saying of "friendship is a waste of time" is relatable to Starlight's incident, and Trixie is only a matter of jealosy. I mean, WHO WOULD MARRY BECAUSE THEIR NAMES WERE RELATED?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, my theory is that Sunburst got married with somepony not mentioned in the series, perhaps a relative of Starlight or Trixie? I mean, I could be wrong...
0 likesMy Fucked Up Brain At First; “The Parents Are The Royal Sisters!”
0 likesMe, 2 Seconds Later; “I Said That?”
1325 likesSawtooth : shows Twilight’s and Shining Armour’s Cutie marks
Literally the whole Apple Family : Are we a joke to you ??
Replies (8)
Yea why did sawtooth only show twilight and shining armor
46 likesThe apple family's cutie marks have a similar theme, but not necessarily design.
68 likesIt would probably take over the whole screen lmfao
34 likesApplejacket shooud sneek upon shitlight glimmers as sleep at nit and brake her horn and tookened her outsidie and the howl Apele flamily can gong up on shitlight and bruatolly torcher her toodeath as slowly and pajnfuIIy as poseble wile laffing and mockeing her and 5pjttjng and 5hittjng on her fase. And evreryone else in the world is they;re to and jonning in and reilishing in her missurriy. lololol
1 likethe orange family[apple jack met them when she was 5] :hey us too!!
4 likesoof
0 likes@Chara Violet bruh
0 likesLol
0 likesI think her mother is Starlight. I mean, look at the similarities. Both Starlight and Luster have pinkish coats, they both seem to have an ambition for magic. Now, look at Trixie and Luster. They don't look similar at all. Trixie is blue, Luster is pink. Luster has a blonde mane and tail, Trixie has a silverish-blueish mane and tail. Trixie likes stage magic, Luster likes real magic. Plus, Starlight also has a nighty name. It's possible the reason Luster Dawn is called Luster Dawn is because she was born at dawn. I think the reason Spike doesn't seem to know Luster is because, well, they both are very busy nowadays. Starlight is headmare of the school of friendship and also busy looking after Twilight's castle, Spike is the royal advisor to the ruler of Equestria and is shown to be busy sorting out problems between the different creatures. I'm not saying they don't send letters to each other from time to time, but, I doubt they've seen each other in a long time. I think Luster Dawn most likely was never brought up due to the fact Spike and Starlight didn't chat much nowadays, only writing to talk about business. It's also possible Starlight or Trixie is a stepmother.
0 likesPlus Trixie and Sunburst are PERFECT TOGETHER
2 likesThis theory makes sense, but I just have a small problem.
0 likesTrixie and Sunburst are like Starlight’s BFFs.
If Spike and Starlight do have a reunion, than she would have told Spike about Trixie and Sunburst having a kid.
Besides, what about when Twilight took Luster to the Friendship School?
Starlight didn’t or Sunburst didn’t seem to know Luster
I'm sure they would have said something this important in the show during the final episode, right?
0 likesone of the creators of mlp fim actually said that they personally believe starlight and sunburst are the parents of luster! which i think is adorable because i completely ship the two and love luster. however, another creator, i think jim, said that he doesn’t believe so. he thinks that if she was, it would seem like equestria would be a smaller world and he’d like to believe she’s just a random prodigy just like how twilight was.
579 likesReplies (5)
Another creator disagreed and said it was up to our own imagination.
43 likesAww I ship them <>
7 likes@abcde_ghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz He said he didn't agree with the decision to not have Luster have Sunburst's fur pattern moreso
0 likesWell Jim removed Sunset making an appearance in the battle with everyone against the trio so I completely disagree with his choosings.
4 likes@Sweet Dreams 💙 Sunset should takeawoy shitlight glimers magic as pajmfuIIy as posibler and pele shitlights 5kin of with a patatoe pealer. and mix it into a cup with shiltights 6I00d and mack shitlight drjmkl it. lol
1 likeWhen he said Trixy and Sunburst where Lunar Dawn’s parents, i almost jumped out of my seat.
0 likesBut i agree with him 🫥
as much as i want sunburst an starlight to be a thing and also luster dawns mom and dad the possibility is very low cuz luster dawn is way to anti-friendship for her to be starlight and sunbursts child
0 likesYou turned me from a StarlightxSunburst shipper to a TrixiexSunburst shipper in seven minutes!
Dang it, I am really easy to convince am I?
i definitely agree, I feel like starlight’s and sunburst would not have a great relationship
0 likesEveryone asks who are Luster Dawn's parents
723 likesBut no one asks how are Luster Dawn's parents 😔
Replies (14)
15 likesIll do you one better, why are luster dawn's parents?
63 likes@Eiman B I'll do you one better when are Luster Dawn's parents
29 likes@SavageMaster XX Avengers Infinity war :)
6 likes@SavageMaster XX :D
2 likes@draganmoewmoew YT ?
0 likesYeah
0 likesIll do you one better, what the chicken nuggets luster dawns parents?
1 likeI'll do everyone one better! luster dawn's parents sus?
1 likexddddddd
0 likesHow bout this?
1 likeWhat are Luster Dawns parents?🤯🤔🤔🤔🤔🤯
@Cxmfort I'll do you one better what Is luster dawns parents'
1 like@Eiman B tbf that isn't grammatically correct
0 likes@ADF ur mom isn't grammatically correct
0 likesI am a fan of My Little Pony, and that's why, thanks for the theory. I gave you a big like. Good luck in your chanel!
0 likesI looked it up after I finished the video, and Luster Dawn is indeed Sunburst’s and Starlights daughter
0 likesI would never imagine Trixie and sunburst I’d feel bad for starlight TwT being alone
0 likesI think this theory is really good, but there’s one thing blocking it: trixie and starlight are BEST FRIENDS if trixie had a baby I’m sure she would’ve told starlight and starlight and twilight are also best friends so, starlight would have told twilight and spike is twilights right hoof dragon, so I think spike would at least have heard of luster dawn.
0 likesI feel like Luster and Sunburst's cutie marks are way too similar in appearance for them to not be related in some way
855 likesReplies (10)
Could be siblings or cousins.
24 likes@Erin Schnaedter Sunburst mom will be far too old to them to be siblings (unless by father's side since we never seen him) we don't know of any aunts or uncles though and the age gap is considerable... Than again some families are wild.
24 likes-I have an offical uncle younger than me...-@Cameo Shadowness Unless she's around the same age as the Cutie Mark Crusaders (most likely a bit younger), and she just didn't make an appearance in "The Parent Map" because [insert random excuse for her absence that follows along the same line of reasoning for why neither Apple Bloom or her parents made an appearance in "Where the Apple Lies" ].
17 likes@Erin Schnaedter okay that does make more sense tbh. I can see that working.
5 likesI just assumed she was his niece or something and moved on but Noo the fandom MUST make this into a shipping war
7 likes@Somnodaur that's because the writers themselves couldn't agree with who were the parents. It's in her fandom page.
8 likesJe
1 likeMaybe sunburst is luster’s uncle
3 likesYes
0 likesYes ally
0 likesThank you! FUN pondering! Pon3 on! <3
0 likes4:34 they also both have robes to cover there cutey mark and it has stars on it with gems #twinsies
2 likesTo be really honest, I think the real mother is Sunset Shimmer
1 likeThe problem with Trixie and sunburst being together is… though they were friends… they never seemed to be close enough to be s couple… and I can see starlight telling spike she had a kid without saying her name… maybe she didn’t decide yet- and forgot to tell him luster’s name- I can see starlight thinking she told spike something without telling him- idk
0 likesMe at the beginning: I feel like the people who like Starlight x Sunburst will love this video
2931 likesMe near the end: What... ITS MAKES SENSE BUT WHHHAT?!
Replies (68)
you sure about that?
416 likesSame here
25 likesIm googling Trixie x Sunburst RIGHT NOW
33 likesCan you reformed Sombra
23 likesSawtooth Waves it makes sense but luster dawn has pink skin? If thats we u call it for a horse where did she get it from and if spike doesnt even have a connection with trixy but who does? Starlight shes close with spike she would have told him and spike doesnt seem to even know luster dawn that kinda’ve destroys your theory
15 likes@Rosetta Cleckley it is shown how Sombra can be reformed in an official MLP comic
11 likes@Sawtooth Waves XD
6 likesLol
5 likes@Sawtooth Waves what about sunset shimmer?
13 likesUno reverse card hit me.... 😷
5 likes@Rosetta Cleckley yessssss
3 likes@Reham Abdelsattar true but you do know that it doesn't need to be the parents only to give them it, it can be the parents parents or any other family member
3 likes@Life Nugget maybe instead of my idea maybe Starlight gets with Sunset I mean they do seem like they would
5 likes@Sawtooth Waves Insert "Are you sure about that meme"
1 likeKatie-Karrot their ship name is Starburst :)
4 likesWhat if it luster parents are actually big mac and suger belle daughter gave u thought if that 🤔 😳 😅
5 likes@Reham Abdelsattar And? The Cake Twins have a pale yellow and light brownish-white coat while their parents have yellow/light blue coats.
5 likesAnd then look at the Pie Family. Pinkie is bright pink, her father (Igneous Rock) is brown with grey mane, her mother (Cloudy Quartz) is light grey with dark grey mane, Maude is grey with purple mane, Limestone Pie is a grey-ish purple with light grey mane, and Marble Pie is light grey with darker greys mane.
The point is, you can't dis-count familial relations just because of the colors of their mane and coat.
@Sawtooth Waves
1 likeShippers: 💔
Me: I hoped they would be but I am fine.
@Reham Abdelsattar Well, Twilights parents don't have purple... skin? If thats what you call it. Same with shining armors white "skin"
5 likes@Sawtooth Waves hi sawtooth hope you are doin well in this boring pandemic
3 likes@Life Nugget i wish.but we don't have any clue she came back to equestria.but even if she did the problem would still b the same.in the other world sunset became part os spike circle of friends.
3 likes@Sawtooth Waves yaaaaaa look at my reply
1 like@Sawtooth Waves Well... Starlight and Sunburst were childhood friends.. But that's a possibility that they can be together
3 likesSawtooth Waves Can you please do a video about How King Sombra Be Reformed or a video about King Sombra In General we don’t know much about Him
1 likeI think I think Ross is Don’s parents or sunset shimmer and sunburst
1 likeI know it feels awkward but actually it could have been maybe right
2 likes@Life Nugget OH heck-
0 likesHold on I ship it and I haven't watched the video what's gonna happen~
0 likes@Life Nugget I think personally that sunset shimmer is the sister of sunburst
3 likes@chaitツ there mother has pale gray skin and I think her mother has purple skin
1 like@Xx Mystic xX mine to
1 likeHilary Bear her father is blue, and her mother is gray-ish. I see it for Shining, not for Twi.
1 likeMe:SAME
0 likesI know right?! I wasent expecting that twist
0 likesIm ons of them
0 likes@abner ruan but... What if the same thing that happened with twilight happens with sunset shimmer? Sunset shimmer is also suppose to be a pony which means there should be another sunset shimmer somewhere else in that world!
3 likesSunset?
1 likeI almost did a spit take when I heard that
0 likesI think luster dawn is adopted ?
1 likeSame here
1 likeAren't sunburst and starlight siblings?
1 likeAren't sunburst and starlight siblings?
1 likeLife Nugget :3 omg dude I was gonna say that, I was just checking to see if someone else did that before me
1 like@Life Nugget Sunset Shimmer maybe not!!!
0 likes@Treelet Shine maybe not but there's a possibility 🤭🤔
2 likesMe:WHHHAT!??? Two of Starlight’s best friends married each other!?
0 likesWait, is her name actually Lila moon?? I thought that was fan fiction
0 likes@Life Nugget Please take a look at my comments for Pinkie Pie,Cozy Clow and Chrysalis.
0 likesYeah sawtooth
0 likesSame
0 likesimagine how the trixie x starlight shippers feel
2 likesit's me
i'm upset
@vampycat237 Subbed. Liked. Replied
0 likesThere's a problem with the Trixie theory: Trixie is the student counselor in a School of Friendship so why would her daughter be so dismissive of friendship? This is also one reason why Starlight and Sunburst couldn't really be Lustre's parents: anyone associated with Twilight's school is automatically excluded unless they are a really weird parent.
0 likesWhat is wrong with meeeeee i gave a comment just kinda exactly when u posted and u didnt answer and u answer me why what is wrooong with meeeee
0 likes@Reham Abdelsattar NO WAIT THAT ACTUALLY MAKES MORE SENSE LIKE- look closely at their colours. Trixie's and sunburst colours if mixed they become a greenish blue type of color BUT if you mix sunburst and starlight's colours you'll get mulberry purple and that the EXACT colour luster has!! C'MON MAN-
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves cool
0 likesI watch this because no reason, and ships are garbage
0 likes@rainbow star17 actually the colors fit- oh god no
0 likesI don't think that was stated that sticks easy starter
0 likes@MANMOY Big mac x sugarbelle...
1 like@Karrot64 no
0 likes@Karrot64 there is disgusting art
0 likesno it dose not everyone in mlp has a similar mane color to their parents if not their parents mixed and my theory is that luster dawns parents are starlight and sunburst because when starlights coat color and sunbursts coat color mix it looks like luster dawns coat color i havent watched season 9 yet though i know im right
0 likes@~Adelphia and Sage~ the pony’s with the exact same fur colours as lusterdawn combined aren’t Starlight and Sunburst but Big Mac and Sugar Belle
0 likesIt's for the fans to decide whether or not Luster Dawn is their child, as said by the creators. So basically, them being parents isn't canon, but a mere headcanon lol
1 likei think they might show luster's parents at one point in the show
0 likesI still think SunBurst and StarLight are LusterDawn's parents... The colors match better, the hair similarities, the cutie marks (stars and sunbeams) Spike could've not met starlight in a while, and starlight easily gets flustered with things she's doing, like Twilight does. If she has a busy mind she might not bring something like that up.
0 likesStarlights the kinda person to bring up dawn randomly without the other person knowing who she is.
0 likesI never asked this question but I'm interested either way
1270 likesReplies (11)
5 likesSame
8 likesSani Parsa same
4 likesSo true
3 likesLol same- I just thought she was a random pony too
3 likesSame
1 likesame
1 likeThat's pretty much all STW vids summed up.
1 likeMe neither but I'm Intrested to
1 like@Auditormadness9 you have a point lmao
1 likeSame
0 likesI think Sunburst and Starlight DID have LusterDawn. Because although Starlight DID have LusterDawn right after Twilight and Spike left, she still had her decently recently. Spike probably just wasn't told, or he forgot. Also, LusterDawn is one of those teenage fillies. She is the size of an adult, but she is a young girl.
1 likeThat got me lol
Yep the theory fits what I really wanna know is has celestia been grogar this whole time?!
0 likesRe visiting this a year later I have a hole to pop in the Trixie/Sunburst love story and that’s due to the friendship between Trixie and Starlight. If Starlights in Spikes inner circle and being that Spike knows Trixie and seen her reform etc….it wouldn’t be strange that Starlight not only mentioned Trixie and Sunburst together but also mentioned they most likely get married and have a baby especially since Starlight is Trixies best friend, Starlight would definitely mention being at or in the wedding too!
0 likesReplies (1)
Annnd to add onto Starlight and Sunburst being her parents during the last song when they enter the school Starlight waves specifically at Luster, if you pause it right when she gets in she’s clearly looking right at Luster, and then her pupils shift to Twilight, maybe an animators hint hint
0 likesWhen Starlight's backstory was revealed, I thought that Starlight and Sunburst were siblings. I believed that for years, until I saw The Parent Map.
139 likesReplies (4)
Ankan5000 Boing. Lmao
2 likesThats the same thing to me too!! o.o i was thingking the same thing!! i was thot that Sunberst and Starlight was brother and sister for such a long, long, looooooong years. O_O!!!😵😱(゚ρ゚;)!!!
1 likeYeah, now that you mention it. Losing contact with a loved sibling over a simple friend would have made her jump to cultism more sense.
6 likes@pigifi that would be such an interesting story!!
1 likeAll I learned from this video is: Sunburst has game.
2 likesi have no objection to trixie being the mother at all, but i was kinda rooting for starlight glimmer. i guess it reflects real life after all
0 likes"And that was a special case between two alicorns."
1 like"two alicorns."
t w o a l i c o r n s
holy celestia its cofirmed
Her hair reminds me of the powered-down crystal ponies, so maybe one or both of her parents are form the crystal empire?
0 likesHere's a hole in your theory: If either Sunburst or Starlight or Trixie was Luster's parents- they would have taught her about friendship at a young age. They all learned and growed with it so I believe before they sent off Luster to the magic school, they would have taught her the magic of friendship. And her herself has said, " I don't wanna make friends." Now, I've read some theories down below and I support one that she could be Celestia's. But I think she could be either Luna or Celestia's. If she was Celestia's, I think Luster would learn about Twilight and Spike and all her friends- everything they would've accomplished. I think that she would've looked up to Twilight and tried to be like her. But, if she was Luna's child- which is possible, Luna would've told her only about a couple of adventures- if any. Now, even knowing the magic of friendship.. she'd have the rebellious nature of her mom, Luna. But it would make sense for Spike not to know who Luster is. Maybe Luna went off to enjoy life and settled down. She didn't want the news to spread so she didn't tell EVERYONE. Celestia though, might've immediately told all her friends, thus, causing Spike to know who Luster Dawn is. And about the cutie mark and colors- she would have to take after her dad with the colors. And the cutie mark could go for either one.
216 likesReplies (14)
right, and she said, " idk where to start" but if her parents were sunburst and starlight/trixie, then of course she'd know where to start, at the school of friendship. And she didnt show any familiarity when she saw any of them and she sees the ponies of ponyville for the very first time and is introduced to the mane 6's families and homes for the very first time. Had she been brought up in ponyville, then she'd at least something about them and the council of friendship
26 likes@Winter I forgot to write this but I'm glad you did!
4 likesAlso, Sunburst is right there if he was her father wouldn't Luster Dawn come up and greeted him like a child recognizing a parental figure, or he welcoming her as a father. His manner was more of an administrative figure welcoming an incoming student so no I don't think Sunburst is her father or Trixy her mother.
16 likesYes this comment makes much sense
5 likes@Victory Angel OMG you're right
4 likes@Victory Angel big brains
2 likesYeah, there's no way it's Sunburst and Starlight or Trixie, even if the color scheme matches
3 likesThat's what I thought too, although I didn't consider Luna as her mom. 😂 How could she be so deniable towards friendship, if Sunburst or Starlight/Trixie were her parents?
2 likesif luster dawn is Celestia's daughter, who's the father?
2 likes@Winter and if she were in pony ville I cant imagine her not knowing AJ and pinkie
3 likesTrue
1 likeBut maybe she didn’t understand friendship as well as twilight
1 like@LPS mystic a mystery?
0 likes@Anabelle Shotton could've been, but then again- shining armor's family also had Alicorn magic in it. He may have not been one but Twilight was supposed to become a princess all along. So there was Alicorn magic in there.
0 likesWhat if the dad was an earth pony? With only earth pony magic- not unicorn or pegasus. Adding a bit more earth magic to an Alicorn would probably tilt the scales more on the normal side.
You do have a valid point tho, that's just why they're called theories (❁´◡`❁)
Mans out here speculating on whether Starlight or Trixie had a kid with Sunburst as if Starlight and Trixie aren't clearly dating each other, smh.
2 likesWhat if luster dawn is actually sunburst’s sister? I mean it makes sense if you think about it! Spike won’t know luster dawn, luster would still be connected to sunburst and she would still meet with starlight and trixi to maybe a point of admiring them like her brother
0 likesI personally still believe Starlight is her mother. I just don't see Trixie forming more of a connection to Sunburst. Aside from that, all Spike was reacting to her with confusion was Luster not wanting friendship. In fact, if he didn't know about her then he would've asked Twilight why she had a new top student outta the blue. Spike said that Royal Adviser is a full time job for him. So he probably did hear about Starlight having a child and even met her but just never knew she didn't want friends. As well as Luster being and still is in school making her constantly busy as well. So yeah, interesting take on the subject, but I just don't see Trixie being Luster's mother.
0 likesSawtooth : “Who’s Luster Dawn to us?-“
1 likeMlp : A New Generation : ”Inconvenient.”
My brother said maybe she was celestia's daughter, but luster dawn looks nothing like celestia, and spike would probably know who she is if she was celestia's daughter, right?
910 likesReplies (21)
And wouldn't that make her almost royalty
31 likes@Ethan Not really since Celestia and Luna gave up their crowns.
26 likesSworn Sinister yeah
5 likes@LuciLucid but I guess they do have some royal luxuries even after retirement like a big house and lots of money she can be rich and Nobal at most
16 likesI feel like Spike would still know her if that was the case
10 likesMac they may have passed on their crowns, but that doesn’t really mean they aren’t Royalty. They never abdicated (gave up their claims) the thrones of Equestria, they just simply stepped down and retired. Going off what Faust said way back when (and assuming nothing has changed) Twilight Isn’t Immortal, meaning she WILL die at some point and assuming she never has kids or pulls a Celestia with Luster, then at some point they will have to step back in to make sure that Equestria doesn’t fall apart.
9 likes@bully056 Twilight wasn't ment to become an Alicorn under Faust either, in fact a lot of what the show became in it's later seasons were to never have happened. On top of that, Twilight looks exactly like Celestia in the tine Jump and it makes no sense to ruling less than a generation before passing the crown.
6 likesShe probably would have been a allicorn
1 likeBut then she’d be an alicorn, like Flurry Heart
4 likesWhat.the.f***.
1 like@Autumn Rose I know right?
3 likesYeah but we've seen in the show that a lot of Pony folk who have children dont always match colors or hair styles.
3 likes@LuciLucid Though, people would still stay "in-the-know" with figureheads and big names of the past; like, how we do with former presidents of America. Aside from that, Twilight is good friends with the 2 sisters. I'm pretty sure she'd stay in touch. Lol :)
1 likeNo Princess Luna and Princess Celestial never had any kids. They are far too old for children and they’re not married. If they were married they would have been queens. They never had any romance towards anypony. Except Princess Celestia used to have a crush on Discord but nothing happened between them two because they grew apart from each other. Also Princess Luna never had romantic feelings towards anypony at all.
1 likeBesides Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s purpose was to make Twilight an a official Princess and retire entirely as Princesses. Because they knew Princess Twilight had the potential to run a whole entire kingdom. That’s what Princess Celestia was focused on getting Princess Twilight to find her purpose to help her prepare for the future.
1 like@Pinkie Pie Actually, they were queens. Lauren Faust didn't want them to have the title "queen, however; because, Disney depicted queens as being evil. That's why Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are called "princesses" and Chrysalis is called a "queen", in the show. :)
2 likesAnd I doubt celestia even wants children shes old asf .. and isn’t in love with anyone..
1 like@Megga Miauw but didnt they say alicorns like flurry heart being born wasnt normal??
1 likeI think so a mean like orange and blue could make pink right
1 like@LuciLucid in real monarchy if you retire and dont become the king this dont make you stop being of the royal family
1 like@Pinkie Pie she had a crush on discord since when ?
0 likesThe second he said "great and powerful" I was flabbergasted
0 likesI think that tricky is luster dawn’s mother because starlight would never forget about a friend or her friendship studies after something like season 4 or 5 after she became a star student so I think I agree with this theory.
0 likesI think the My Little Pony creators should watch this channel
2 likesLuster also has the curls in her hair like Trixie and the messiness of Sunbursts hair too.
0 likesPersonally, I don't think Luster is a product of Starburst/Sunlight. I also don't support the theory that Luster's going to be the new ruler of Equestria - like a Celestia position or Twilight's current one.
9 likesFirst of all, Celestia ruled over a thousand years - Twilight's only ruled long enough for her to grow her size. I can understand a Luna/Cadence/not-ruling Twilight position, but what's the point of having two Princesses of Friendship, since Luster's growth is a similar, quicker version of Twilight's. Plus, Twilight and her friends actually learned to become friends after showing their strengths through hard moments, while Luster was convinced by a song. For now, I think Twilight's going to rule in Canterlot alone - and since even normal Twilight didn't rule over Ponyville, I don't find it very plausible Luster will either.
Anyways, Sawtooth - what are your thoughts? (Plus Trixie x Sunburst might be a bit weird, and I personally think Luster is just a random unicorn like Twilight was - but it definitely makes more sense than Sunburst/Sunlight.)
I wish it was those two but I can't see Starlight in a romantic relationship and having children, honestly. She is a good friend but completely devoted to magic and the school
0 likesIs It Just Me, Or Does The Medal Spike Have Look Like The Ones Luke, Han And Chewy Got At The End Of A New Hope?
0 likesThis reminds me of the mha fandom, “2 characters shared a frame? Ship em!”
0 likesYou get me?
Rephrasing: "The idea that Starlight and Sunburst are Lusterdawn's parents"
0 likes"The idea that Starlight and Lusterdawn are Sunburst's parents"
"The Starlight and Sunburst idea that parents are Lusterdawn's"
"idea The Lusterdawn's parents are Starlight and that Sunburst"
"idea that Lusterdawn The are Starlight and Sunburst's parents"
I think that her mother IS starlight, because, “sun” burst, the sun, and “Star” “light” the light could stand for the moon light and stars come out at night, do I even need to explain sunburst? Sure it’s understandable that Trixie could be her mother, but it would make more sense for starlight to be her mother because 1, sunburst and starlight have been friends for years, and 2, starlight in and episode in season 8, she was trying everything for just her and sunburst to hang out, just like when applejacks parents met, it would be just one conversation and then they would fall in love, thanks for reading all the way to the end and do u agree?
262 likesAlso, THANKS FOR OVER 200 LIKES🥺🥺😭😭😭
Replies (16)
Yea I was thinking the same thing lol that is a really smart explanation for it
13 likesI agree but why would trixie be in this I mean it could be trixie but trixie dosent like sunburst maybe but trixie might like sunburst and starlight would not be the mum but idk yet but I think starlight is like shinning armour and cadence was kids when thye met the same as sunburst and starlight but like trixie is like the moon and sunburst is like the sun as luna and celestia. But that does not solve it all yet because trixie and sunburst dont do much together trixie isent fly around when sunburst is it's like she is hiding something maybe she was pregnant then and didnt tell sunburst not even twilight but why did she not tell anything if that did happen did she even go go the hospital?
10 likesRachel Newton hmm that could be true
0 likesLps Nora thanks <3
1 likeKitkat Kalee I kinda think Twilight but I also kinda think Starlight
2 likesI kinda think Twilight because in the episode where Sunburst and Twilight hang out they had SO MUCH in common and maybe they hanged out even more and made Lusterdawn but also I kinda think Starlight cause her and Sunburst are really close to each other and doesn't Twilight already like Flash?!??
Nadia Yass yes twilight does like flash but I could agree if they hung out a little longer
1 likeRiver Heinze maybe spike and starlight DID lose touch because starlight would be too busy taking care of Luster to write to spike, and through all those years of taking care of her she would forget to tell spike
0 likesI gave you the 200th
1 likeEma Shane omg thank uuu!
2 likesUnless you address his point as to why it can't really be Starlight - aka the fact that Spike didn't know who Luster Dawn was - I can't agree with you because whilst I do like the ship of Sunburst with Starlight, Sawtooth has a point.
0 likes@Nadia Yass but if that was so sunburst would have to travel to canterlot to get in touch with her
0 likesBut he couldn't because he has a lot of responsibilities as vice head stallion
@Chill Genderfluid yes true
0 likesWoah! That's a great point!!! I never thought of that!
0 likes•Pastel Sunset• You're right but what if Sunburst moved to Canterlot..
0 likesHellDancerGaming thanks
0 likesI have a theory: Luster dawn might have come from a different place in Equestria, but she moved to ponyville, and then attended the School
0 likesIt does make sense, but in the last song of season 9, the cutiemark crusaders looked like the same age as Luster. And that would be only possible if Luster was born near the year the cutiemark crusaders were born. LOL this is complicated......
2 likesIs Luster‘s destiny to become the next alicorn on the school like twilight did?
1 likeDawn is the opposite of Twilights name. If she becomes an Alicorn, then they both would fully replace Celestia and Luna in their domains.
0 likesI find it hard to believe that the daughter Anyone who was important at the school of friendship would think friendship was a waste of time
373 likesReplies (15)
i see your point, but celestia tried to hammer friendship into twilights head long before she finally understood. future twilight told spike that, in teaching magic she had neglected the most important lessons of all, so lusters focus on magic may have came first before anything else her parents may have told her.
143 likesSawtooth Waves yeah I get that
12 likesYeah but that was different twilight grew up thinking that magic and knowledge is everything, sunburst/Trixie and sunlight must've told her about there stories and some sorts because why wouldn't they tell them? And I feel like Luster Dawn is the Princess of new beginnings or Princess of Freedom or Princess of Light because Dawn means new beginnings but the Luster thing I don't know though the reason why I say she couy be the princess of light because she has like diamonds in her cutie mark and usually Venus the morning star is only visible at dawn or sunset but what does that got anything to do with light but I still feel like it's that though cause what else could she be destined with? What two princess of friendship?
19 likes@Marianingh Ley Tambis I find that theory very true
2 likesHer name is Luster Dawn, not Lunar Dawn though
Sorry if your autocorrect did that
that makes sence
0 likesYes, it was one of the first things i thought when i saw this theory
0 likesWhat if sunburst married starlight but had an affair with trixie and was never there for the then child Luster dawn trixie had only told her that her father was at the school so she enrolled after years of studying to be with her then lost father who did n’t know she was even alive
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves Exactly.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves ?
0 likes@Gaba Gaba
1 likeDrama.
I like you.
Also, if we go with the Trixie theory, she was never to the type to preach the magic of friendship so often. And Sunburst was also a fairly study orientated person. I could see it playing out this way; where Luster decides for herself that friendship is not worth it like in the show.
2 likes@comet oh thanks for pointing out I didn't notice that it was lunar
0 likesTWILIGHT IS HER MOTHER! Dun dun dun
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves "Hammer friendship into Twilights head" 😂
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Still that does not explain how the baby cakes are NOW full grown so luster should be like a bit older to apple bloom
0 likesAm I the only one who would LOVE sunburst as a single dad? He would be a great single dad. MAYBE A GAY SINGLE DAD
0 likes"There's one little detail: Spike"
0 likescue me trying to figure out how Spike could father a daughter that is 100% pony
i beilieve that spike was with starlight this whole time they might have been close in the castle but maybe when twilight moved away they lost total touch and spike never really knew that she was starlights child up until now
0 likesIf the theory were proved true, i would know how is to be a Starlight, seeing her closest friends dating XDDD, friendship is magic, many times is happened in my life and it's so good to see them aaa X3
1 likeWe went from us calling Trixie “The Pony of Shadows,” to us calling her Luster Dawns mother-
117 likesDang we’ve evolved.
Well Trixie and sunbursts moon and sun theory is the only thing that makes sense on the other side luster has starlights expesions mental thinking process motivation same coat color....etc besides if you think about it there was never a Spike problem he seemed to know her pretty well just surprised that she thinks friendship as a waste of time.
0 likesWhait a Minute!!! Did anybody noticed that basically every powerful female unicorns name(except for cadence), has something to do with the times of an day ore something that appears at the sky?
0 likesI watched the scenes of this Last episode and have maybe a Other Conclusion to this. I believe ...... Luster Dawn is maybe in the Same Age like Scootaloo Sweetybelle and Applebloom. Maybe, it sounds very unreal, but I believe that Luster Dawn is maybe just a Random Pony were Twillight saw the talents of her after she toke the Place of Celestia in Canterlot. but it not takes out , that she is related to Starlight or Sunburst or both. only not close related like the direct offspring of someone but indirectly in the family tree. Only older than we think.
0 likesBtw, can you make a video of Spike's real parents? I really want to know🙏
0 likesI personally disagree with the spike contriction. He said the mission he was on was not easy, so he probably didn't contact starlight for who knows how long. I personally think starlight is the mother, but trixie is another option I'm open to. Just not queen chrysalis. I'd take a rock over that option.
42 likesit wouldn't really make sense if Trixie was the mother wouldn't she want Luster Dawn to take after her passed on generation of performing magic shows and entertaining many crowds across equestria instead of doing real magic, but then again it makes sense she is the mother because of her self absorbed attitude and Sunburst's great talent and passion on magic, but Trixie looks nothing like Luster so i dont think this theory is too accurate but one of the storyboard artists/director said we could decide on this.
0 likesLuster’s mom is a pony from the Crystal Empire that Sunburst met and had Luster Dawn with. Sunburst IS Luster’s dad but he divorced her mother and fell in love with Starlight.
"why didn't you tell me you had a kid, starlight?"
1 like"I forgor"
Emily: it must be true love 💕
1 likePercy:not!!!!!!
Another possibility : Sunset Shimmer is Luster Dawn's mother.
0 likesIn another one of Sawtooth's videos, he discussed Sunset Shimmer being Sunburst's sister. Sunset and Sunburst have similar cutie marks and color palettes, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that Luster is Sunset's daughter. Maybe Luster's father is the one who's unknown. And yes, great magic CAN come from humble roots, and it often does, but it can also be hereditary.
Just saying and throwing a suggestion out there. 👍
Replies (1)
Another point/maybe coincidence to this : Sunset's human color palette.
0 likesSunset's human designs tend to incorporate magenta, a shade of pink. Mix magenta with a little bit of yellow (Sunset's coat/skin tone), and you get something similar to Luster Dawn's coat.
Coincidence? Probably. Fun to point out? Definitely.
I've just searched it and it says “neon verse. In this starlight is happily married to sunburst and they have a daughter named luster dawn”
0 likesI mean think about it there are so many things in the My Little pony friendship is magic series that we haven't noticed we have seen their parents before
1 likeI can totally see Trixie and Sunburst, I ship it now!
1 likeYou: Starlight might not be Luster Dawn's mother
677 likesStarburst shippers: internal screaming
Replies (15)
You had no RIVHT to call me out like that 😭🙄🧑🏻🦲
12 likesS t a r b u r s t
10 likesStarburst candies lol
7 likesI’m not sure if they’re in all countries tho
6 likesYes
1 likeExternal screaming
1 likeMe: Any kids they have together are both younger, and might not be that powerful.
2 likesu didnt have to call us out like that :((
2 likesMe: types fanfiction at the speed of light try to fricking stop me!!!!
1 likeBut for real though, I read stories where Starlight is the mother of Diamond Tiara or Scotaloo, heck, even one where Sunburst is the father of one of the cake twins, this ain't nothing new for StarBurst shippers
I was internally DYING
1 likeYeh I would scream
1 likeStarburst
1 likeStArBuRsT yUmMy
0 likes@Meche Robles Spoiled Allcake
0 likesLuster cutie mark really suit to trixie
0 likesBut her color palette suit more with starlight
I'm guessing she's from the crystal empire or has a relative there because of her hair shading
0 likesShe is the Daughter of Sunburst And Starlight. Mostly because of her Character design
0 likesHere is a lil theory When Luster Dawn become the princess of friendship she gave birth to Sunny Star-scout and yeah the magic of friendship continues to spread thru the generations. Soo yeah it’s my theory and I think the mother is Trixie and look at her hair! Her hair color looks like sunburst’s colour but lighter and more longer and ponytailed Trixie mane! And she is a unicorn
0 likesImagine if someone made an mlp spinoff with people's theories-
166 likesReplies (5)
pure CHAOS
4 likesThe “Discord is Starswirl” theory hmmmmmmm
5 likesTomori S. I’ll do it u guys can voice
2 likesLol
2 likesIt would be chaos.
2 likesmy theory is that luster is sunburst and starlights child and the explanation for the spike thing is that spike was assigned some sort of job/role in equestria by twilight (because hes a grown/almost grown fully functional dragon now) and wasnt around during any interactions between twilight and starlight so wouldnt know about luster and between their different duties and just busyness and all spike and twilight never got to talking about it, which i understand might be pretty strange, but its the best i got.
0 likesthis theory is so cute i love this
0 likes-Luster Dawn is the same age as CMC so she was born more along time than Twilight's coronation.And compare Sunburst and Luster Dawn,i'd say she his relative's daughter.
0 likesI've always had a crush on Sunburst... I feel so betrayed...
0 likesAlternate Title:
333 likesSpike ruined everything.
For Sunburst x Starlight Shippers of course.
Replies (7)
Why? This is all imaginary.
5 likesLol
3 likesStarburst ahha
0 likes@Solomon Griffen
1 likeaH-
Sh I got confused-
Wdym you got confused
1 likeConfused about what? 🤔🤫😉
@Solomon Griffen
0 likesI accidently combined Sunbursts and Starlights names
But at least starlight and Maud pie shippers are still happy
0 likesBefore you said great and powerful i thought it was starlight but when you said it i immediately knew who it was
0 likesWell-
1 likeNo it cannot be Trixie.
Sunburst - Sun includes the daylight
Lulamoon - Doesn’t connect with dawn
Glimmer - a part of dawn
The luster wouldn’t have existed if glimmer wasn’t a part of it
Otherwise there is just a twilight zone which also has a connection with Dust
This amulet can only be used in day and night not before dawn not after dust!
It can’t be Trixie to be luster dawn’s mother if there is no connection to them
Orange + blue does not create yellow
In fact purple + orange does
But not blue
In order for it to be pink it’s
Blue + green + white + Purple + Red
1:20 I always thought that starlight wave to Luster first, Sunburst be like: thank you for bringing them(to SilverStream
1 likeAhh, this was the first Sawtooth video I watched!
2 likesUmm, Why do I have a feeling that Luster Dawn's mother can be Sunset Shimmer? Sunset Shimmer could have come back to Equestria someday. It is not like Sunset will be staying in the human world forever. She still needs to reunite with her family & old friends too. Sunset could have met her other self too. Sunset has trust in Human Twilight anyways so it is a possibility Sunset Shimmer might have gone back to Equestria. Sunset has trust in Human Twilight & her Human friends to teach her Human self about friendship too.
1 likeI like the theory of starlight more because if we look at little cheese you see the coat colors way better in little cheese with pinky and cheese sandwich. If you combine starlight and Sunburst you can get that pink color but with Trixie it would probably be a darker color, this isn’t always the case because we look at twilights parents and see her coat you can understand where the purple comes from because her dad is blue and her mom is a little gray but I mean it’s a little bit more plausible to me that starlight would be the mother looking at it through genetics.
0 likesSawtooth: It’s NOT Starlight, it’s Trixie.
0 likesComments: And I took that personally
wait, this isn't from the original show is it? AM CONFUSE
1 likeThought originally this was a fanmade epilogue but???
I just assumed she was Starlights daughter or niece, or that she was Celestia's Grandaughter, or that she was just an orphan. Hmm...
77 likesEdit: Ok, after rewatching the first part of the episode, where Luster meets up with Twilight in the new Throne room, it seems that Spike does know who she is. Sawtooth, if you see this comment, can you explain to me what you mean by and I quote '"no clue who she was?"' Thanks!
Here’s my theory about flurry Being an alicorn
0 likesHer dads unicorn
And her mom was a Pegasus befor a alicorn
1:13 Sawtooth: Can Something Ever Be More And More Valuable
0 likesI agree this very much even though it feels so strange to ship sunburst with any pony other than starlight glimmer
0 likes4:16 JUMP SCARE!!!!
4 likesI know it isn't that scary but it scared me alot
Actually, i believe Luster Dawn is Sunburts sister. That explains why Spike doesnt know Luster Dawn. And they both may be talented in the same thing! And because we dont know Sun Bursts parents appearance that could explain why Luster Dawns skin is purplish.
185 likes(Its just my theory, after all ive only found out about Luster Dawn today!)
Replies (20)
But how could luster be so young? We saw in the episode when he sees his mom, but she was already to old to have children.
22 likesLei Pi oh yeah, but they kinda look similar
2 likes@Skylight Furrs she’s too young
2 likes@Elise Bailey who?
1 likeHmm, possible but that means that Luster would have to be far younger like ten years younger then starburst, but she’s young enough to study at the school of magic, starburst in the finale is probably like what? 50? There’s a slight possibility but it’s highly unlikely
4 likesVerserer Gred idk :/ they never mentioned his age
1 likeVerserer Gred I don’t know their age
1 likeWe have seen Sunburst's parents before, actually. They were in the episode were Starlight explains her past since Sunburst showed off his cutiemark to both parents and we saw the mother in the episode where Sunburst and Starlight had to deal with their parents. Neither of his parents have pinkish/purplish skin
6 likes@Ibuki Moida Kin :3 Yes, the theory destroyed.
0 likes@LukiKruki >:3
1 likeThe episode where starlight and Sunburst got called to their home town, their parents are there 😳
1 likeHere's an explanation: she is his half sister. You never see his dad again so it's possible he got with a younger mare and had Luster. Because guys are never too old to have children 🙃
0 likes@Firefly Inspiration That emoji and last line fills me with pity due to the implications of what you're saying- and it's more then one implication mind you
0 likes@Ibuki Moida Kin :3 I just happen to know a lot of older women that have struggled all their life to have kids but because of age, can't. Where as men unless they have health issues they can have children whenever they like. Honestly happy for them, but feel the scales are a bit unfairly tipped.
0 likesCommented mostly because I saw someone say Sunburst's mother would be too old to have kids. Sorry if it rubbed you in the wrong way.
maybe sunburst’s niece?
1 likeBut she’s much younger
0 likesdarlingdeth3 i was gonna say that
1 like@Skylight Furrs well Luster Dawn looks around the same age as Apple Bloom, Sun Burst and Apple Jack are also practically the same age so it could work
0 likesWe actually saw both his parents in Starlight's flashback
0 likesWe see his dad once and his mother twice, they are both in the yellowish-orangish colour range, however I don't think your theory is null and void. We first see Stellar Flare and Sunspot in flash backs when Sunburst was just a colt, but when Sunburst and Starlight return to Sire's Hollow as adults there is only Stellar Flare. Based off of what you wrote I did some quick research and what I think is that Sunspot and Stellar Flare got a divorce and Sunspot moved away sometime after Sunburst left for school. From there he remarried and when Sunburst was in his mid-too-late teens had Luster Dawn. The only connection I can think of after that is Shining Armor and Twilight have near identical cutie marks and are siblings so that could work with Sunburst and Luster Dawn. Also although we don't know exactly how much of a time skip there is but I personally believe that its only about 15-20 years, so that would make her just a bit younger than the cutiemark crusaders and they all have siblings that are much older than them as well.
2 likesI have another reason why starlight would NEVER be her parent-
0 likesstarlight knows a lot of things about friendship, but luster dawn is like- i dont need friendship..
Surely is starlight was her mother, she would've known a lot about friendship!
The two of them did have some hints of romance tho. They got blushy at eachother 😳
0 likes“Lo and behold, THEIR STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER! It MuSt Be TrUe LoVe” lol
1 likeI think Sunburst and Starlight are Luster Dawn’s parents
1 likeThe 3 dislikes are from sunburst, starlight, and trixie lol
135 likesReplies (7)
And the other 94?
2 likesThe Phoenix 3000 from the sunburst x starlight glimmer shippers
7 likes@Elijah Gabriel L. Givanim Don't forget the Starlight x Trixie shippers.
8 likesAlso alt accounts of starlight,trixie and sunburst
2 likesLoll
0 likesYes lol
0 likes@ZimonZieClown Naa >:0
0 likesI don't agree on the argument Luster Dawn was born not so long before Twilight coronation. She was student in her school BEFORE the coronation. Check out the first episodes about Friendship School. Luster is ONE OF THE FIRST students if You look closely and she is about the size of young unicorn. She couldnt be either of those characters daughter.
0 likesmy only disagreement here is based on my unwavering belief that trixie is not only in love with starlight but also transgender but i mean more power to you if you like this idea!
0 likesI know it’s a VERYYYYYYY WEIRD idea...
1 likeBut when I first saw the hair of Lister Dawn i was thinking of uhm yeah...Sunshine Glimmer..with Sunburst...but HOW??
-> Uhm...☝️... idk..🤷♀️
I fully support THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRIIIMMMEEERRR(Trixie LulamoonxStarlight Glimmer.
1 like"Who are Luster Dawn's parents?"....i remember when Big Jim was answering fan questions he said that whomever Luster Dawn's parents are is up to the fans to decide, since it's one of the many things the shows crew left us to theorize about, i mean many people like to think that Luster's parents are Starlight and Sunburst and i for one think so too.
91 likesReplies (3)
Definitely sunburst and starlight for me 🤣
3 likesI have to agree
0 likesI do like how they confirmed the PinkieCheese and LyraBon relationships while keeping AppleDash implied but not confirmed.
5 likesI ship Starlight and Sunburst! Starburst forever!!!! ❤
1 likeI can’t imagine that Trixie is Luster Dawns mother. But I do think that Trixie has a crush on Sunburst.
0 likesi was really hoping you would say maud pie was the mother lol
0 likesI feel like Moondancer would also work as her mother for all the diehard Starlight X Trixie fans
0 likesLuster the daughter of starlight and sunburst.
262 likesThe whole fandom: YES YES YES YES PLEASE
Replies (15)
I’m 🤷♀️🤷♂️🤷♀️🤷♂️🤷♀️🤷🤷♂️🤷♀️🤷♂️🤷♀️🤷
2 likesDiane Whitmore me too 🤷♂️🤷🤷♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻🤷🏻♂️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼🤷🏼♂️🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽🤷🏽♂️🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾🤷🏾♂️🤷🏿♀️🤷🏿🤷🏿♂️
0 likesBut then luster is the daughter of trixie and sunburst ;w;
2 likesStarlight and Sunburst are friends, right?
0 likesand then I’m saying Trixy is the mum
0 likesLol true
0 likesNo thanks.
0 likes@angeltookachonce they're siblings-
0 likesAnd then like
1 likeTrixie: “I will ruin this fandom’s their whole career”
@chiffonaidenxd oh i didn't know that
1 likesxynny they aren’t siblings we have no clue who starlight’s mother and sunburst’s father are , but neither of them refers to the other’s parent as theirs. And if they were siblings, they wouldn’t have lost touch when Sunburst went to Canterlot.
0 likes@Megan Stone starlight said they lost touch when sunburst went to canterlot and that she lost her only friend at that time
0 likes@angeltookachonce THEY AREN'T SIBLINGS only truw mlp fans know that
0 likes@koffy soooo... Their friends?
0 likes@angeltookachonce yepp
0 likesI think that yes, lusters parent are starlight and sunburst, because even though starlight mightve mentioned her, say spike and luster never met, and we could say in the future that starlight never mentioned lusters name, therefore he wouldnt know her.
0 likesThis actually kinda makes sense the details and everything it all kinda makes sense ima agree with this
0 likesAnd then there’s my theory, where unicorn children just materialize in front of their parents.
0 likesI really do like the theory but in my eyes it’s not canon I really do believe starlight is Luster mom and I think the reason is spike is just surprise that the daughter of starlight glimmer doesn’t really believe in friendship any been so busy that he never really met up with the school he says it himself “making peace between the diamond dogs have not been easy or something between those lines here’s how I think would’ve happened starlight was about to tell Spike about her having a daughter so far she said she had a daughter and Spike had to go to work so he couldn’t hear the rest of the story
0 likesStarlight and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents, roll credits-
461 likesThis a joke guys don't @ me-
Replies (8)
The heck
2 likes@HBegaming YT
3 likesY e s .
1 like@Oh Wow, Sports ✨n o✨
0 likes@HBegaming YT
1 like@Oh Wow, Sports no
0 likes@Jcloveshorror2007 r/whoosh
0 likes@dont interact with this channel pls r/whoosh
0 likesTrixie is definitely her mom
0 likesthe cutie mark thing worked on me definitely Trixie
Luster Dawn had similar Cutie to Sunburst while her hair is similar to Starlight
0 likesLuster: friendship is a waste
0 likesThe fandom: WHO ARE HER PARENTS??
Starlight and sunburst:(stands near each other)
0 likesSawtooh:I SMELL LOVE
“First he says diamond tiara can reform tirek now this? What’s next? Princess Celestia has secretly been Grogar”
725 likesLOL
Replies (19)
5 likesLol
3 likes😂😂😂😂😂 I laughed so loud
7 likesThat is a Theroy that needs solving
6 likes@angeltookachonce yeah, me too
2 likes@Keiro Ty maybe he'll bring it up in his next video
3 likesI laughted so hard. 😂😂😂😂
1 likeLol hahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahhahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahhahhahahahahhahhahahah
1 like😂😂😂
1 likeUni xd lmao
1 likeLets see... assuming Grogar somehow banished Celestia, while biding his time waiting to get his bell back, being unable to use the elements of harmony, he uses it through the mane 6 such that other villains such as discord doesn’t overthrow him. How he used his future scrying spell to line up discord, cosy glow, chrysalis and terik for him to get his bell back was such a great twist. After season 9, Grogar reclaims his bell and there is an epic battle.
2 likesTo bad that in your timeline, that didn’t happen.imagine if celestia REALLY WAS grogar nopony would expect THAT
1 likePffft-
0 likesLol
0 likesXD OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF for real like who wants a villan Qwee- (pic of Qween crysals comes guss they can be sisters :>
0 likesI laughed so hard by that part 🤣
0 likesLamo 😂😂😂😂😂😂 sawtooth says celestia is secretly grogar
0 likes4:20 I'm still waiting for Celestia is secretly Grogar theory
0 likesI think still that starlight glimmer is luster dawn's mother, that's my theory
0 likesMe: searching up “ who is luster dawn parents”
0 likesGoggle: lister dawn is indeed starlight and sunburst’s daughter
✨The more you know✨
I don’t think trix’s cutie mark is a moon it’s the magic coming out of the wand you could see the “moon”uneven and “starlight” is part of night so I think starlight is luster dawns mom
0 likes“This wouldn’t be the first time we would see similarities between cutiemarks of family members.”
2689 likesshows Shining Armours and Twilights cutiemarks
Replies (46)
36 likesI- LmAo
23 likesPfft
9 likesLol
5 likesLol I’m dead
4 likesYES
3 likesPFFT-
0 likesNot Apple bloom
1 like{BlueUni Wolf} actually
9 likesHer cutie mark had an Apple on it so... H A
The Taurus Trooper, ok that makes sense you win,
2 likesIt’s so TRUUUUE
0 likesThe cutie mark crusader's lol
1 like@Natasha Treloar... Look up the cutie mark crusader's cutie marks and look at them.... You will see for yourself lmao
0 likes@Natasha Treloar ... They said cutie marks that look alike so I said cutie mark crusader's.. you said how? I thought you didn't know they look alike so I was telling you to look up the marks to see what they look like lol ... Anyway it's like almost 2 in the morning for me I'm about to pass out
0 likesDon’t tell me what to do likes comment
0 likesIt was funny and a good point, don’t sell yourself short
tell me why i didn’t even think of them
0 likesInstead of Apple Bloom UnU
0 likesIt's okay I will dislike for you! :D
0 likesShyyJupiter THANK YOU
0 likes@Wrightcember It's nothing 💖
0 likesTrue
0 likesWhat does LMAO mean?I seriously don't know.
0 likesSecondly what does stgg mean?
0 likesSecondly what does stgg mean?
0 likes@Nalaye88 lmao = laughing my ass off
0 likesstg = swear to god
@Nalaye88 LMAO = Laugh my arms off
0 likesLol
0 likesXD
0 likes@juuupiter !! you did not dislike lol
0 likes@Kickin It With Kiyah You sure? The dislike button looks pretty blue to me?
0 likes@juuupiter !! it says no dislikes
0 likes@Kickin It With Kiyah It doesn't tell you the amount of dislikes
0 likesThis is the only comment with edited thing that is actually not annoying
0 likes@juuupiter !! it does for me but I don’t really think we should be arguing
0 likes@Silver I hate this comment so much but I can’t bring myself to delete it
0 likesno I will not sTOp liking da comment Lol
1 likePfft-- hAa
1 likeLol
0 likesVery belivable
0 likesHi
0 likesToo bad im liking the comment anyway.
0 likesOof I liked coz ur saying is true
0 likesNo I don't think I will stop
0 likesWait would've Starlight told Spike she was an aunt? I mean it's possible she is close to both Trixie And Sunburst so they might have asked her to be an aunt.
0 likesI think that star light and sun burst could be just friends
1 likeWho ever comes back to these videos still is 20% cooler 😎🌈🦄❤️
0 likesI don't think she's starlight glimmers child because she looks to be about the same age as the cake twins, meaning starlight would have had her earlier on in the show. but we don't see luster until the end of the series
0 likesWell, if Starlight and Sunburst had a child, it's possible that they've had a foalsitter for the time they were teaching at the School of Friendship. So, it's possible Spike didn't know what Luster Dawn looked like, he just knew that they have a daughter.
27 likesIt's far more likely than Trixie being the mother. While pony genetics are complicated, Luster's coat colour seems like a combination of Sunburst's and Starlight's. Starlight's cutie Mark is similar to that of Trixie's. Also, the naming. Star - Light. As in the light coming from stars. Luster - soft glow. Dawn - self-explanatory. It's more likely that Sunburst and Starlight have named their daughter accordingly.
Plus, her talent for magic and magical aptitude would already be in her genes if she was the daughter of Sunburst and Starlight. Trixie has a limited range of magical power and it's only confined to her tricks.
Plus, to me, it didn't seem like Spike didn't know her. He conversed with her on an equal, if not friendly, level.
Replies (7)
Good point!! Thanks for sharing! I never thought about this!!! Adding this to my book of theories from other people!!
0 likesI like it!
0 likesExcept you forget that I'd you mix a color on the red or orange spectrum with one on the blue, you get purple, lusters coat looks like a purplish pink, her mane also looks more that of trixies.
0 likesAnd spike still does disprove the starlight thing. She would have most definitely mentioned her name in conversation.
@VixyMix 101 her coat is more pink than purple, though. Also, I can tell you haven't read my whole comment. As I said, he addressed her on an equal/friendly basis. He would likely be more professional if she wasn't someone he knew.
1 likeHe doesn't seem to not know her, given Spike's expressions and mannerisms towards Luster.
@EnchantedWings fair, but he isn't a rude little dragon anymore, he's got a job now and no doubt he has to keep professional around anyone he meets even if he doesn't know them.
0 likes@VixyMix 101 Spike seems to be on friendly terms with her. "Hello, royal advisor right here!"
0 likes"And I think it's better. Plus, if friendships ultimately fade, why make them in the first place"
Neither of them would talk in such an informal level of they didn't know one another. He might know her from visits to the school of magic. We won't know as the show has ended, but it's fun to speculate.
@EnchantedWings tbh, he's like that with nearly everyone that he talks to.
0 likesLook at spike when he says “wait I totally don’t know her.”
0 likesLike he does know but he acts like he doesn’t.
Also, Luster's mane looks alot like Lula's in turm of shape and flow
0 likesI know the last one was a joke, but that has all ready been comformed to be discord!!! At least pick a crazy possibility that hasn’t been comformed!?!
1 likeThere was actually no Spike problem
0 likesSpike wasn't surprised at seeing Luster but rather her lack of interest in friendship and seemed to recognize her just fine
I'm pretty sure she's just a random unicorn.
325 likesReplies (8)
Awwe :/
3 likesSame but...
21 likesDont tell sawtooth!
(He will stop making the awesome videos. )
Same, I can't type
0 likesYa
0 likesI think silverstream is her mom just look at silverstream hear and skin colour lusterdown she takes all her abilitys from her father anddd they hold hands too!
0 likes@IVLunar MelodyVI , um....What are talking about? Silverstream isn't even a pony. She's a hippogriff. Even if it's possible for a pony and a hippogriff to have children, wouldn't Luster be a hybrid ?
4 likesI think so...?
0 likes@Sunlight i think they meant silver spoon? Idk maybe
0 likesLuster Dawn looks more like Starlight then Trixie
0 likessawtooth: shows twi and shining's cutie marks*
0 likesthe apple family: Hold up-
flim and flam: we usually argue but we agree with them on this one
or in my opinion, sunburst, starlight and trixie are in a poly relationship and sunburst and trixie are just the ones who conceived lusterdawn :D
0 likesI find this unlikely wouldn't trixy and sunburst teach there child about friendship already? Like they both are friends ds 2ith starlight and she as a aunt would not let her friends kid not know friendship
0 likesI like theory of Starlight and Sunburst being Luster Dawns mom and dad, but the Spike thing I may know why he didn't know. Spike became Twilight's Royal Advisor, and he said it was a busy job. Maybe because he was so busy, he didn't have much time to know these things.
14 likesThis is just a theory but what if Luster Dawn is the reason for the separation of Equestria in MLP New Generation. She was in the same situation as Twilight when MLP FIM began. And we have seen similar situations with the different types of ponies separating. And that was the evil trio whom have been turned to stone. What if they were released to be reformed. By Luster Dawn. But she ends up failing. Causing the evil 3 causing enough trouble to prevent ponies from fighting back and then fleeing into hiding to regain their power. I feel like luster dawn doesn't have the same connection to friendship like twilight and it would be likely an event like this would prove her suspicions about friendship right causing her to hide herself away or something.
0 likesJust a theory hehe. It's been bouncing around in my head for days now
Some useless tips i can say
0 likesStarlight: Orange and purple mixes pink i think
Trixie: Stars on every accessories she has aswell as sunburst
Luster has like, Crystal Empire hair.
0 likesMaybe her parents are from the Crystal Empire?
You know Trixie is a good idea because of lunamoon but I think starlight glimmer because of star and light but still it might be one of those two
0 likesNot me just realizing trixie’s real name is “lulamoon”
467 likesReplies (4)
No, it's her last name.
48 likesLmao same I just found out that is her last name
10 likesSame
1 likei didn’t know that it was her last name 😀
1 likehopefully, this is debunked soon I just don't want it to be that this is the conclusion
0 likesedit: I think this can't be real because luster dawn is pink, not blue orange, or a mix of the two so that means that the possibility he comes to at the end is definitely the real conclusion
unrelated but i think its kinda funny she managed to get a time of day-synonym for shiny name
0 likes4:02 this is the best accent ever. I very like it. I REALY like it. ILOVE it. I want to marry it.
1 likeI'd say Luster is related to Sunburst - maybe a aunt child or something
0 likesAnother hint to Trixie being Luster Dawn's mother: Similar voice.
98 likesLol when sawtooth said "they were standing next to eachother" i fell out of my chair plot twist luster is a changeling
0 likesI find it weird but also funny to think that Twixie and Sunburst are OTP which would basically break so many headcanons lol
0 likesI thought of sunburst as the father bc I noticed the cutie mark as well
0 likeswhen you said it must be true loveee❤️❤️❤️ I laughed
0 likesWell you gotta remember, when Twilight lived in Ponyville, she didn’t keep in touch with her own brother who literally lived a night long train ride or a princess fly away so what makes Spike and Starlight having a higher chance of staying in touch. If Twilight’s brother kept marrying a girl a secret for a long time, probably over a year or so, then a child wouldn’t be such a difference. I dunno, you decide :)
63 likesI saw her when the time princess Celestia saw the games from the friendship school... she was fully grown tho😳
0 likeswhen you were pausing for suspense before saying Trixie I thought it was gonna be Twilight XD
0 likesme: starlight kinda had a thing with trixie tbh so i doubt--
0 likessawtooth:
When he said there’s one thing that crumbles the thing i thought it was the eye color
0 likesI still ship Sunburst and Starlight though, nothing will stop me.
196 likesReplies (17)
3 likesno wayyy i ship starlight and twilight
3 likesNadia wait wot, I-
3 likesSame I also ship Sunburst and Starlight. #Sunlightforever
4 likesBased on some of the episodes it seemed like they were actually in a relationship- and,,, in the app his future was "full of starlit nights" and hers was "full of sunny days" which is evidence 👀❤️
7 likesI ship starlight and sunburst too-, but I also ship starlight and Trixie-
5 likessame here <3
1 like@nadia what the
1 likeMe too
1 likesame
2 likesno trixie and starlight and that’s final
4 likes@mia no
1 likeSadie Lopez why?
1 like@mia because i like Sunburst x Starlight
2 likesSadie Lopez no
1 like@mia yes
2 likes@mia I ship StarTrix too. Even done a few animations of it. And have more planned. I can see Starlight and trixie being more of a couple than Starlight and Sunburst. Besides, Trixie even said in an episode ," The Starlight I love.." And she didn't say it like you would to a friend.
1 likeI can totally see luster dawn being sunburst’s and Trixie‘s kid
0 likesI still believe that spike was just surprised and knows who luster is
0 likes*sees trixie has more posibility than starlight
0 likes*traitor by Olivia Rodrigo playing at the background
But Luster Dawn looks like a crystal pony, right? She looks like one. Or...am I missing something here?
0 likesthe thing is, if lusters mother where to be trixie, she would most likely be a green tone then a pink considering blue and yellow make green and colour mixing through ponies children has been seen many times eg: flurry heart, big mac and sugar belles kid, and even lil cheese, her colour in my opinion is still to dark to be starlights mix, but she could be sun bursts sister, because both big mac and pinkie pie both had there kids later, and i think it doesnt make sense shes old enough for that,
339 likesReplies (49)
Oh hey you are dead
5 likesI mean, yeah, but then there's Pinkie Pie...
51 likesY'know, the pink pony in an entire family of gray and brown ponies??
Starberry Gaming
18 likesYou’re right, could be family genetics, i mean the “Yakity Sax” episode or somethin, when she gets upset, she turned more gray-ish.
Wait Big Mac and sugar belle had a child?
0 likes@Mr._Multiverse Yes, his name is unknown, but he appears once in the timeskip episode.
2 likes@astro !! is the episode called time skip?
0 likes@Mr._Multiverse No, the episode is called "The Last Problem", it's the last episode of season 9.
4 likes@astro !! ok ty
0 likesWell one thing we know is that the pony genetics is wild like the baby cakes
2 likesI feel like her mom would be that Phoenix girl from the human bersion of mlp i forgot her name
0 likesWell why would starlight and sunburst be siblings? They both have different colours
sunburst and starlight wouldn't be siblings because look at their appearances! Plus siblings are most likely to have the same colour of hair as her/his sister/brother and starlight and SUNBURSTS hair is completely different I pick they are couples
@Blank i ment luster and sunburst.. but sure
0 likes@Lanky Hmm I got confused but you have a point luster and sunburst do look alike but I don't think luster is siblings with sunburst
0 likes@Blank agree able but think, sweetiebell and raity are like both big now i think luater is the same age as the cmc, and maybe when starlight and sunburst went to tuere old town luater was with her dad? OR she is a secret Cmc and thats the day she got her mark
1 like@Lanky but how would luster get her mark when she sunburst and starlight moved away?
0 likesLusters cutie mark looks like a sun rising or a sun setting so why would luster get her cutie mark when sunburst and starlight moved away? Like you need to do something related to your cutie mark to get your cutie mark
@Blank not saying that when they left she got it just during the time they where gone
0 likes@Lanky ye shut that's not related to the sun rising or setting hmm
0 likes@Blank dude it doesnt have to do with them, just during the time of which they where gone luster got her mark
1 like@Lanky mk
0 likesLittle Cheese (pinkie pies daughter) looks liek flutter shy with the green eyes, the pink hair, the yellow skin. xD
1 like@ril I know
1 likeNo think of it this way sunburst is yellow like the sun trixie is blue because night is blue or black luster dawn is pink like the sky when its well.. dawn see
1 likeThen again we've also seen them get coat colors from eyes-- look at fluttershy and her family.
0 likesTrixies eyes are purple, mixing it with yellow would prob make pink
@VixyMix 101 Uhm so if your saying that fluttershy and Trixie suddenly dated I'm just saying that my little pony is a child's channel and children don't know about lesbians!! Or even what lesbian means!!!
0 likes@Blank uuuuh.. first of all that's NOT what I said, read again, I was making a point that ponies can also get the eye colors into their coat colors so it's likley luster is trixies child.
0 likesSecond of all-- lesbians aren't that hard to understand.. I knew what it was when I was a kid-- if you can't understand it, you're stupid as hell.
@VixyMix 101 I know that hun
0 likesI know that you didn't say they were like dating but why would Trixie and flutter shy like mix lusters color I know I'm confusing but I dunno some child's can have something of their own like my example you get your drawing skills form your mom
And you get your singing for your bigger sis and then you have something of your own like singing not everything a child has has to be related to their parents
@VixyMix 101 and I know that kids can understand what Les means but what I meant was like 5 or 4 year olds! And I'm 8 and I already know what Les means so of course I know some kids can understand lesbian!
0 likes@VixyMix 101 but sure go with what you want you can pick that luster's mom is Trixie but I just think it would be starlight because
0 likesOkay I forgot like Starlights best friend's name like the boy one that was placed as lusters dad so I can't really explain this properly-
@Blank if they can understand a straight couple they can understand a lesbian one. It really isn't that hard to comprehend.
0 likesInfact kids that age do not care, sure a few will be curious but most do not care who's with who.
@Blank besides, what's wrong with putting in a gay couple? It doesn't hurt anyone's and it can even be beneficial for kids to know that it's normal and lead to a smarter and more open mindset.
1 likeYou do know lyra and bon bon are MARRIED right? And that scootaloos aunts are a couple?
@VixyMix 101 no I didn't know Lyra and bon bon are married and I didn't say there was something wrong with a gay couple! And plus in netflix my little pony there is no gay or lesbians so I thought that maybe kids couldn't understand lesbian and gay!
0 likes@VixyMix 101 I'm still 8 I can't know everything already I didn't know they Lyra and bon bon are married! But if they were married and it was on YouTube of course I wouldn't know I don't watch my little pony on YouTube because I thought netflix was better but Lyra and bon bon never married in netflix plus Lyra and Bon Bon were never in my little pony Netflix
0 likes@Blank then don't come on youtube. It isn't meant for 8 year olds, you'll just get hurt--
0 likesGo on youtube kids or something.
@VixyMix 101 no because when I open YouTube kids all I see is
0 likes"tHe LiTtLe MeRmaId"
"LeTs cRaFt a NoTeBoOk"
@VixyMix 101 andi already have been hurt so many times but you know it's too late
0 likes@VixyMix 101 it's too late I already know the dirty thing the gacha community does! And it's very very very bad! I know what it's called it called by three things but I don't wanna say this 3 things it's disgusting!
0 likes@Blank rip, well sorry but in order to be on yt you have to 13+
0 likesBut fine-- just don't be surprised if you look back on this and regret it-- trust me, I've been there.
@VixyMix 101 it's too late I already know that bad thing so it doesn't matter if I go to YouTube kids anymore!!
0 likes@Blank where are your parents in all this?
0 likes@VixyMix 101 and I don't have YouTube kids downloaded I don't know how to
1 like@VixyMix 101 Uhm my mom is in a far away city working and my dad works far away too my mom's brothers live with me I live with my grandma and my babysitter and my grandma's mom but I think my mom already knows I found about the rape thingy .. because when I was watching YouTube Gacha life was my top favourite but I didn't know they did dirty things but then I saw a Gacha video with dirty things and I was curious so I watched it then I kept watching it for months until I found out more and more about it
0 likesBut my mom saw it in my history but she didn't say anything to me but maybe she just reported the video I don't know...
@VixyMix 101 no one in this house has a clue that I know the porn thingy except my mom..
0 likes@VixyMix 101 and I don't want my parents to find out about this because I'm too ashamed to say I did and I'm too ashamed to say this to you too but I have to just don't tell anyone else okay?!?! I liked the porn thingy but then I don't now I'm avoiding the porn thingy and Im trying to stop every gachatuber that's posting the porn thingy and I also feel that the porn thingy ruined my entire life and it did because this is my darkest secret and Im ashamed to tell this dark secret but If I don't tell the truth when I die I'm afraid I'm going to hell so here I liked the porn and now I'm just avoiding it and trying to stop it and I hate it I hate it so much it's the worst it's the most worst thing in my life!!!
0 likesHe is more orange so it makes sense
0 likeswait wait wait PINKIE AND BIG MAC??? wait wait wait no no SUGAR BELLE AND BIG MAC??? 🤯
0 likes@Blank lol she meant luster dawn and sunburst i think..
0 likes@lexie suger belle amd big mac have a son yes, he has a Orange mane and purple coat
0 likesGu3gegey
0 likesTsusge
0 likesi think trixie is the mother of Luster Dawn. because Sunburst's cutie mark is Sun and Trixie's cutie mark is Moon and Luster Dawn's cutie mark is Dawn so that's what i have in mind that trixie is the mother of Luster Dawn. thank you everybody and god bless.
0 likesI don't want to except that trixie might be the mom but she probably is 😞
1 likeI DO think that Trixie and Sunburst are probably Luster Dawn's parents... it makes sense
0 likesMaybe it's Sunset? She has the magic and the attitude of Luster Dawn... But then Sunburst wouldn't be the father
0 likesHere's My Thoughts: I stil do think Starlight is the mother, because even if Twilight and Starlight did meet up and Starlight told Twilight that she had a baby, Spike wouldn't be there because if Twilight was gonna leave Canterlot, I think Spike would've been left in charge, and if Starlight wanted to meet up with either Twilight, Spike, or both of them, I think that Spike would insist on Twilight going instead of him.
351 likesI don't know, just a hunch. (and I'm still clinging onto them being a cute couple)
Replies (6)
Well twilight would say to spike that starlight is having a baby
10 likes@Agnieszka Przybylek or she couldve forgot
3 likes@Agnieszka Przybylek but she might not have mentioned the name
1 likeI think starlight
0 likesI understand, but it is something forced. from the fact that they make a beautiful couple ... That is why I do not like the ship. They totally lost the spark. If you watch the episode where Starlight takes Sunburst to Ponyville and introduces her to her friends, there's like a lot of awkwardness between them.
1 likeOr maybe starlight went evil again and thats why her child doesn’t support friendship (cause they both had enough friendship lessons to raise a social kid)
0 likesI think your right that luster dawns parents are trixy and sunbursts
0 likes1. Spike doesn’t said he don’t know about Luster, just surprised that she is her best student
0 likes2. When Starlight and Sunburst stand next to each other, Starlight wave at Luster like a mother, then both Starlight and Sunburst stare at Luster with proudness in their eyes, do you think they would do that to a random filly, Starlight is the awkward pony she wouldn’t do anything stupid like that
late here, but I don't think Luster is from a main character. both because of her disdain of friendship as others pointed out, and because why would Twilight send her to get own hometown to begin a friendship journey? the entire point of Twilight going to Ponyville was to put her in a new situation with new people to be around and new experiences to teach her about friendship. doesn't really jive with going to your hometown, unless you're really optimistic, which would be in character for the show
0 likesOr maybe there is a completely different pony in the show that we don’t know about
0 likesI definitely say she is Starlight and Sunbursts daughter. Sunburst might have wanted her to become gifted in magic I think. Starlight might have worried she might go off on the wrong path and trusted Twilight to keep her on it.
95 likesI also think that Twilight is training her to be her Successor. It was stated that she would not outlive her friends, the way I saw it the ending basically repeated the beginning. I also know that Celestia and Luna gave twilight their powers over the sun and moon, which has now been confirmed in the finale. From something I once read on the mlp wiki those powers were how the sisters remained young. I also notice Celestia and Luna dont appear in the finale aside from flashbacks. If the part of the sun and moon powers being the real source of their immortality is true they could be dead.
So that's how Twilight wont outlive her friends. She's going to give her power to Luster. She'll face some bad guy, I think the real Grogar. I'm writing a fanfic on this.
Replies (9)
whoah dude can I read it :00
4 likesVery well said
0 likesSorry for not replying, I didnt get a notification. It's called Luster Dawn New Days of the Magic of Friendship.
1 likeSam Dickenson tenks dudes... um wat platform
0 likesThanks. I told someone else the name of the fanfic in these comments if you want to read it.
0 likes@KOcHI _ Its on fimfiction and fanfiction.net
1 likeSam Dickenson tenks again :00
0 likesNot sure if she is their daughter, she doesn't any of Sunburst's or Starlight's eye color,,they could've adopted her. Though I would lovebto read your fanfic
0 likes@Lythiana Michelle Twilight and Shining Armor dont really look like their parents either. The fanfic is called Luster Dawn New Days of the Magic of Friendship.
0 likesStarlight is looking not for Twilight but to Luster
1 likeTHEORY:luster dawn is sunny starscout's mom
0 likesWhat if Starlight Glimmer is Luster Dawn's aunt?
0 likesThere is a little more temptation that luster dawn is just a random unicorn look at the royal sisters cutie mark! Sun and moon! There's probably more ponies with sun and moon cutie marks. So she's maybe just a random unicorn.
0 likesTheres a problem with the "Trixie is Lusters mom" theory. Luster is pink. Trixie is blue. That would mean that Luster would either be orange, blue, or a mixture of the two. Not bright pink, which makes Starlight as Lusters mom all the more likely. Like if you agree.
297 likesReplies (13)
Ponies aren’t always the same colours as their parents or a mixture though . Pinkie pie for example; she’s bright pink and her parents are like grey and brownish
64 likes@Me Also pinkies kiddo looks like fluttershy xD
23 likes@Kairos I mean tbf Lil cheese's dad is brown and yellow iirc
10 likesrecessive genes exist.
0 likes@krex44 Yes, but if we don't know what Trixie's mom's color is, then my explanation still stands
3 likes@EnderCon04 it doesn't even have to be trixie's parents for the theory to work. in the theory you'd already assume luster's paternal or maternal grandparents have the genes that luster has. you debunk the theory because trixie has a blue coat and luster has a pink coat but you seem to have forgotten about recessive genes. look at twilight, she has purple coat but her parents have light gray and blue coats. by your argument twilight should have a light bluish coat. see also how pinkie pie is the only one with a pink coat in her family, it's all thanks to recessive genes.
9 likes@EnderCon04 i'm not even trying to debunk or prove the theory. i'm just reminding people that recessive genes exist. so many people seem to have skipped their biology class. someone is different from the rest of the family everyone thinks that someone is adopted or their mother cheated on their father. notable example is violet parr from the incredibles.
4 likes@Me that’s because it’s a gene that skipped from her granny. Her granny pie is bright pink and the gene skipped her sisters and went to her
2 likesether way they shoud all gong up and bruttilley torcher shitlight glimmer toodeath after my oc rjps away her magic as pajnfuIIy as possible. They cuold us shitlight as a dartbroad with poiyssin darts that mack her wreath in aggenhy and Ioch her in a room with abunch of raddioactivie chemacels in it that give herw raddiatshin poysanning and then use magic to keeped her aIIive whale the raddioashin easts away at her boddy slolowly and pajnfuIIy unteII its just a sckeIIitan left and then my oc magicly resorect her just to torcher her toodeath agan and again 4 aII eternity.
1 likeThere's also the fact that it's implied that Trixie is a trans woman. She wouldn't be able to give birth at all. Lol.
0 likes@T. Sparkz um when is that implied? or is it just some dum fanficton?
4 likespony children most of the time dont match the colors of their parents for example Big Mac is Red but his dad is yellow and his mom is tan so-
2 likes@EnderCon04 trixie’s mom was shown in the comics and she’s brown and yellow
2 likesIt’s possible Luster got her coat color from Trixie’s pinkish eyes. We’ve seen from Applejack and Fluttershy’s family that genes can switch around like that
Pop is Lester John's going to be the next alicorn after Twilight
0 likesBecause Starlight and Sunburst were friends when they were small. And second thought I think when Starlight and Sunburst are big now they are together. Forever.
0 likes2:43 that was a special case between two alicorn wrong Shining Armor is in an alicorn
0 likesI think Sunburst is the dad but I don't think we know the mother yet
0 likesIt’s a great theory, but there’s also the case where the creators always make ponies have the same colouring as their parents. Luster Dawn matches half of Sunburst’s colouring, but not at all to Starlight’s or Trixie’s. Also this is just my opinion, pls don’t be offended or try to change my mind 😅 bc this is just how opinions work!!!
461 likesEdit: A lot of ppl are disagreeing with me, which is ok, but I’m just basing this on what I usually see the for the character designs. Almost 98% of the time, they give the ponies and their parents similar colour schemes to let viewers know that they’re related. The only rare exception would be Pinkie Pie, for whatever reason..
Replies (25)
Wait no. Look closely at their colours. Trixie and sunburst colours makes a greenish type of color bit sunburst and starlight's colours makes a purple most close mulberry purple. And Luster has the EXACT mulberry purple skin!
47 likesTo be fair; Trixies mother, who was shown in the comics; had a mane of similar color to Luster Dawn's
32 likesI don't think Trixie matches that much to luster but starlight perfectly does
10 likesWhat about sunset shimmer? It’s crazy I know but just think about it, this is my theory and somewhere in the comment section my full explanation for this is typed out.
2 likes@Furbaby Farm people think she’s his sister tho-
7 likes@Enshi_ assuming that is wrong tho
3 likes@Furbaby Farm oh ok
1 likeNot really. Pinkie Pie doesn't look even remotely close to her parents, Apple Blossom got her fathers coat but her grandmothers eyes, Twilight has a pinkish purple coat without either of her parents having that color etc.
19 likesIf anything, it's pretty common for the creators to repeat colours but change them around, e.g Fluttershy and her brother have the same pallette but for different things. Luster Dawn has Sunbursts coat color as a mane and eyes, and a slightly more pinkish version of Starlights coat. The cutie mark is also extremely similar to both Sunburst, and his mother.
Look at Scootaloo’s parents! They look nothing like her 😐
5 likes@rianna allen they look pretty similar
2 likes@Md.Mustafizur Rahman Bro she's pink
0 likes@Quacker ye I know but what if we mix the colours together? It makes a type of pinkish purple. It's just my interpretation sooo😅
2 likes@Briana Addyson Buendia u just contradicted urself... Her father is blue and her mom is white, and in result her brother shining armour has blue hair and white colouring. 😂 so it kinda DOES matter? Everything Twilight’s parents have when it comes to character design incorporates into her’s and shining armour’s design. (Except for the 1 unique design they have, such as her dad’s gold eyes, and Twilight’s single magenta highlight). The creators of MLP always do this.
1 likeI do agree with that, although pinky pie doesn't have any similiar colours with her parents
1 like@Sakisasvictorianmask that's exactly what I thought
1 likeYea, but some ponies don't have the same colors than her parents
0 likes@Vaichi like who? Pinkie Pie..? She’s like the rare exception 😮
0 likes@Minnah .K❣️ The ponies who Sakisa named. Applebloom have the eyes of her grandmother, and Luster could have the colors of the mom of Trixie too. Yea, maybe Trixie and Luster don't match too much, but is a really good option and even better than Starlight, for two facts: Starlight and Sunburst do not really like each other. They do not share likes but Trixie and Sunburst do, in the episode "Uncommon Bond" you see that they already loat the spark and that it really costs them to remain being FRIENDS, so imagine being a couple. And, Starlight is the DIRECTOR of the school of friendship. How her daughter hate so much friendship? I know, Sunburst is the deputy director and Trixie the counselour, but, they don't really pay attention to friendship. The student of the princess of friendship... maybe yea, right?
2 likes@Vaichi I guess that’s a plausible theory, but I’m still pretty doubtful. Anyways, whatever I said is just my opinion tho, so no hard feelings!
1 like"Luster Dawn matches half of Sunburst’s coloring, but not at all to Starlight’s or Trixie’s."
0 likesExcept Starlight and Luster are both a shade of pink so you are immediately wrong.
@MidnightMuffin Starlight isn’t a shade of pink. Go back to the episode (i think it was called Celestial Advice) where Dragon Lord Ember says that Twilight and Starlight look alike bc they’re both ‘Purple Ponies’. So i think you’re the one who’s wrong here 😂
1 likeYou should see Pinki pie’s parents
1 likeI know this is an old comment but some people saying that starlight not carrying a gene for pink can be wrong. As I looked back to see starlight dad and noticed that his eye color was the exact same eye color as luster dawn. This adds on to theory that starlight can possibly be luster dawn mom.
1 likeI think that it's just for comedic effect that Pinkie Pie's parents are dull greyish colours, while Pinkie is bright pink.
0 likesAlso another exception is the cake twins since I don’t think they look like the cakes
0 likesTo be honest I personally thought we were going to follow star bus into the Next Generation.
0 likesbut you didn't see this luster didn't recognize him in the place, ok the mark might be right but tricksy and he hold the hand hippogriff unless she might be just some normal 2 kinds for the ponys now I think it might be just that for now (I'm a big fan i thing of every video you do and I'm happy with it please do more)
0 likesthank you a lot for her masi information about my little pony
0 likesWhat if she was adopted into Sunburst’s family
0 likesI’ve never clicked so quickly on a video in my life!!! Thank you for your hard work and contributions to this fandom!! :)
6 likesPlot twist: Trixie, Sunburst, and Starlight are in a poly relationship
1 likeI will be honest. I ship Starlight x Sunburst, but I'll try to be the most open minded. I don't think Starlight is the mother, neither Trixie. I don't know... Trixie knowing her character she just seems to not be the type of person to like someone, or at least Sunburst. But heh, it can happen.
0 likesBut maybe Luster is just some random pony that is inspired by Sunburst's design lmao
they may both not be good a magic but i don't think trixie would love someone like sunburst
0 likesКак бы там не было, мне все равно хочется, что бы у Санберста и Старлайт был ребенок чьё имя Ластер Даст
0 likesSo here's something I've been thinking about, luster looks like the same age as the cutie mark crusaders and if we compare their age, luster must've been the same age as the cutie mark crusaders before the future, so luster was probably born before twilight even became a ruler, or atleast, before Trixie and sunburst became an item. But that's my theory, it could be wrong, who knows?
178 likesReplies (6)
Theory destroyed
10 likesHi
1 likeHer parents are probably random ponies lmao
22 likesOh my, good observation
5 likesYou got a point there. The age gap is definitely true.
2 likesThat could be true but it's hard to tell age from the models. Generally speaking, Starlight and Sunburst are at least a decade or two older than Twilight for her to have had her (Starlight's) village for so long, and she looks very close to the main six and Trixie in appearance. The models of fillies and colts are especially inconsistent. The main six also look very young in the epilogue for ponies implied to be thirty years older than they were and there's no way they're any younger than thirty in the main series if we go off of Fluttershy having a young brother in his late teens to early twenties that wasn't alive until after they all got their cutie marks. My point is that it's entirely possible Luster I'd way younger than the Cute Mark Crusaders. I'd actually say that the CMC, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon do look a lot older in age with how they're designed.
0 likesOk but like maybe starlight ISNT her mom? I see a lot of sunburst in luster, BUT why is she pink? Her traits should match her parents traits. Maybe pinkie pie??? Idk. Just a theory
1 likeI think you are right. or maybe sunburst and trixie had a child and then sun burst and starlight adapted her
1 likeThe only thing that doesn't add in the theories is dawn's eyes. They're a amber yellow... which would technically make her mom/dad have some type of yellowish eyes.
390 likesReplies (31)
I mean yeah, but then there's Twilight's case... She has purple eyes and her parents have yellow and blue eyes,,,
84 likesıllıllıYLLENıllıllı 🤔🤔🤔
4 likes@biavon07 Genetics dont work the same way eg.mrs cake has pink eyes and mr cake has green eyes, but their children have blue and brown eyes though
62 likespinkie pie
10 likes@Ariana ?
2 likesPeachy Shadows your right. Now that I think about it... it really mixes up a lot of things
7 likesWait...is sunset shimmer and Sun burst related??
4 likesEdit:I forgot all of the family tree T-T
Pinkie pie looks wayyy different than her parents and sisters
15 likes@Justin Flanders you are right. I still wonder how genetics work in mlp though
10 likes@• Mel • no
3 likes@Louise Bryant Oh okay thank you
2 likes@biavon07 i mean sometimes it works correctly like rainbow dash's dad has rainbow hair and so does rainbow dash. Rainbow dash has pink eyes like her mom, but both of her parents have blue skin.
6 likesWell sunburst's mom as almost yellowish eyes and maybe his father had yellowish eyes and passed it down to her
8 likes@Justin Flanders I think shes adopted tho I am unsure about it so correct me if I am wrong!
0 likesShe could've gotten them from another ancestor
3 likeseyes usually end up as aesthetic choice by the artists rather than actual genetics lol
1 likeluster could have inherited a gene from a grandparent that had amber eyes
0 likes@darlingdeth3 Ya I think she probably got it from her grandparents
0 likesPeachy Shadows oh my god Mrs cake isn’t her actual mother bro.
0 likesPeachy Shadows pretty sure pinkie was originally on the rock farm
0 likesActual genetics don’t work that way sooo...I don’t think that’s necessary lol.
1 like(I mean it’s not always direct like that. My parents both have brown eyes while my siblings have blue eyes. It’s just not that simple.)
@Alpha Syrup they mean like pinkie pie is the only pink pony in her family-
0 likes@Weirdo_Zer0 nah I don’t think so
0 likesPonies come in all shapes and si- I mean, all colors.
1 like@Alpha Syrup but thats only cuz mr and mrs cakes children are not the same type of ponies they are
0 likesIt’s possible the MLP universe doesn’t follow the same biological patterns our world has! 😁 that’s what makes it more exciting!
0 likes@Ella Star yeeee!
0 likesMutations are still a thing
0 likes@Abby Hale that’s not what mutations are though
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco what, your saying that its not possible for a mutation to occur that makes her have a different eye color then her parents?
0 likes@Abby Hale no, I’m saying that’s not what mutation is. I’de use the word “alteration”
0 likesDoes anyone know where i can watch the last 2 episodes of season 9 for free?
1 like"Celestia secretly being grogar this whole time?!"
1 likeI totally lost it
there's nothing to imply spike doesn't know who luster is. and honestly, I'd be concerned if he didn't know who Twilight's student was, given that he and twilight are even closer than him and starlight :/
0 likesthis makes so much sense!
0 likesY'all just convinced me that Sunburst/Trixie should be a thing.
98 likesReplies (2)
Haha same 🤣🤣🤣
2 likesSame 🤣😂
0 likesWait- since when did twilight takeover celestias school? I thought the series ended in 2018 on a cliffhanger!!!
0 likesYeahh but their eyes are kind of bugging me since dawn has yellow and both trixy and sunburst cool eyed colors dawn’s eyes are a warm color that doesnt really make sense
0 likesWell he is right I think that trixe is luster dawn s mom and sunburst is luster dawns dad🤗
0 likes"So no, I don't think Starlight is Luster Dawns mother."
547 likesMe: WH-
Me at the end: ....I GuEsS-
Replies (3)
2 likesBut she's a mother-in-law
1 likeLol
0 likesYou're right I think it is twixie and sunburst
1 likeWait when and where did mane 6 babies come into play?! what did I miss and where can I find it??
0 likesI think Luster dawn's parents are Starlight and Sunburst
0 likesI watched a video and I don't think Spike was surprised because he didn't know her, I think he was suprised because she said that mabey friendship was pointless
0 likesAs much as I like this theory, I literally just watched the final episode before this video and Spike didn't ask who Luster Dawn was at all. He flew into his throne, asked Twilight what the problem was, Twilight explained her top student(Luster) didn't wanna focus on friendship, Luster comes in, Twilight tells her not to call her majesty, Luster explains she doesn't understand, Spike tells her she came to the right place to learn to understand, and then Luster dropped the "I don't wanna make friends." bomb. So Spike never said he didn't know who Luster was.
117 likesThough I can see the points some others had where they said that if Starburst was her parents, then why would she have such an attitude as to not want friends if they would for sure teach her the joys of friendship, but I think I have an explanation for that. Starlight and Sunburst may not have been able to do the stories much justice. While they might be able to tell her what they know and what they experienced, the truth is they weren't there for a lot of it. So to Luster, it could just seem like they're spewing a bunch of praise for their friend with not many details or proof to back it up in her eyes(as her attitude suggests she'd be that way.) They might of taught her all they know about friendship, but Sunburst was an outcast loner for a good chunk of his life while Starlight was a power hungry dictator against friendship for a good chunk of hers. Their experience with friendship may not of been enough to really prove to Luster that it's worth it to make friends.
On top of that, it's highly suggested that Celestia's school is like a boarding school so a school where they live full term and just visit home. If Luster is powerful enough to be Twilight's student, it's highly likely she might be a prodigy like herself and her parents and was shipped right away to Celestia's school. So that wouldn't be much time to teach her from when she's old enough to understand lessons to when she leaves for Celestia's school to truly teach her the power of friendship.
So as much as I like the unique idea that Trixie and Sunburst could be Luster's parents, I believe it's more likely to be Starlight and Sunburst, especially with how stuffed full of ships the show decided to squeeze into the finale(especially the most popular ships) and Starburst is for sure the most popular Starlight ship out there(under StarlightXTwilight) so I wouldn't be surprised if they went the Starburst route especially since they canonized Appledash, Fluttercord, and CheesePie in the same episode and all of those are for sure the most popular ships for those characters.
Replies (6)
It’s obvious that she got her mother’s used to be personality and that I mean starlight, filly starlight didn’t want friends because she thought they would betray her, like how sunburst accidentally hurt her.
8 likesI agree with you, Starburst moment
0 likes@Rosy Cherry it looks like they went with the most popular ships which were Appledash, CheesePie, and Fluttercord. Those 3 are the most popular Mane 6 ships
4 likes@Star Vyxon 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬
0 likesI like the sunburst and starlight glimmer theory also Spike and starlight maybe dont have a reunion so spike wont know
0 likesLuster hair has 2 color, but trixie hair has 1 color, but starlight hair has 2 color (my opinion)
2 likesI see recommendations has brought us back together again 😃 Hi Sawtooth
0 likesI looked it up on Google and actually it's starburst and starlights daughter
1 like“someone he gets along with..”
419 likesyes
“maybe someone the spends around at the school or friendship?”
yes yes yes yes
“someone Gᵍᵍᵍᵍʳreat, and POWERFUL?”
Replies (13)
No i ship sunburst and starlight :(
29 likesBut starburst or sun light one is sweet and wholesome and the other is incredibly juicy😏 anyone who watched taking uncommon bond too seriously knows what just did
8 likes@Geaven Laud I don’t think we should ship people unless it’s canon here
4 likesNah I don’t think the colors match up
5 likesUnless
Actually I think they do
4 likesDUN DUN DUN
@Geaven Laud or a theory
1 like@Shiny Roarick MSM I think that starlights mom probably was pink.. I dunno-
1 likeTRIXIE-
2 likes@Shiny Roarick MSM
3 likesHues of orange and blue make wat
Oh yeah can make pink boom
@Glitterly Power the colors would've made brown
0 likesLol
0 likesSunxie
0 likesLike the words of hajime from Danganronpa
0 likesNO THAT'S WRONG!@Ashley Hales
No extendí absolutamente nada de lo que dijo pero al mismo tiempo entendí todo lo que dijo XD
0 likesWell I know it's Sunburst that is her father but I still don't know who's the mom but if it's not Sunburst neither starlit or trixi I don't know
0 likesMaterial for Discovery ahahah, i didn’t think about her parents this theory break my brain 😂 lol
1 likeP.S. Привет русским! 👋
I think its probably: Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie.
0 likeswhen you said spike I thought you were gonna say spike is the father-
240 likesReplies (9)
14 likesI mean lik then the child would be a hybrid of pony and dragon
8 likesSAME XD
2 likesOh hell no wait what if he i-
0 likesme too
0 likesLol
0 likessame ngl
0 likesYeah trixie might like sunburst but what about sunburst? whats his feelings with trixie? i thi nk sunburst is like the blind love guy who doesnt see that someone likes him but did have dawn i more like starlight and sunburst it makes more sense to me bcus maybe dawn wanted to follow his dads hoofsteps more than starlight but i dont disagree with this
0 likesDidn't we see starlight father and sunburst mother always disagreeing each other thoughts?? Or was that just only starlight's mother and father
0 likesListen to this….CELESTIA IS LUSTER DAWN’S MOTHER. I don’t think she’s married to Sunburst but hear me out. They both have that sun theme, Luster Dawn goes to Celestia’s school (well it used to be anyway). Think about it ;)
0 likesStarlight, Trixie, and Sunburst are in a polyamorous relationship. I'm not taking any constructive criticism.
0 likesLook at 1:33, when they’re coming to school. You can think that Starlight is waving to Twilight, but if you look closer, you can see she is waving to Luster, not Twilight.
10 likesonly one case of power being inherited, and that was with TWO alicorns
0 likesshining armor is an alicorn confirmed?
Actually I believe that sunburst would homeschool lusterdawn
0 likesFirelight + Stellar Flare, change my mind
2 likesReplies (1)
That.. actually works
0 likesSpike not knowing who Luster is doesn’t necessarily mean Luster isn’t Starlight’s daughter to me Starlight and Spike weren’t really that close in the show they only saw each other a few times also it’s possible they lost touch after Twilight moved to canterlot and Spike never found out about Starlight having a daughter or about Luster but Spike not knowing who Luster is doesn’t necessarily mean that she isn’t Starlight’s daughter so Spike isn’t the problem at all it’s still a possibility it’s just possible that Spike never met Luster due to moving to canterlot with Twilight so
1 likeAlso with Trixie busy with her world tours and magic shows I don’t really think she’d have the kind of time to fall in love with and have a child with Sunburst plus it’s unlikely because of Luster’s colour pallet her pallet is a mix of Sunburst and Starlights body and her mane and tail is bright like Sunbursts and has a combined style of both Starlight and Sunburst if their manes were combined or at least that’s how it looks to me
Definantly can see sunburst being her father, MOST familys have a common thing in their cutie marks, and the fact that her cutie mark looks so similar to sunbursts, its very possible. As for trixy being the mother, i can see it too because of her confidence, and the fact BOTH of them didnt see the point of having friends either
35 likesI think that Sunburst and Starlight are Lusterdawn's parent's
0 likesI think I also know that starlight isn’t luster mother
0 likesor, consider: starlight, trixie, and sunburst are all in a polyam relationship and love each other...
0 likesThe hair of Luster and Trixie are similar too
0 likes“ They’re standing next to each other, it must be true love!”
100 likesThat cracked me up
GUYS ,more evidence for the trixe + sunburst=luster dawn if look closely trixe sun burst and starlight are all talking in the school of friendship seen
0 likesIt might be Trixie all of those things... she is Luster Dawn's mother
0 likesMy brain hurts from all these questions- oh wait I have no brain due to having siblings telling "dad" jokes
0 likesIt’s been official that starlight and sunburst is lusters parents
0 likesYes starlights children's would probably be very powerful
0 likesThose kids is elementary that are obsessed with ships: “Glow and behold, they’re standing next to each other😱😱 it MUST be true love!!”
0 likesI will find it funny that this theory gets blown away when the creator says Whose lusterdawns actual parents are XD
0 likesOkay look at this since starlight and sunburst are more close in the future than him and trixy then what uf they fell out of love and divorced but still remained friends. Now sunburst has some fealings for starlight. And a bit later starlight could possibly become luster dawns new mother!!
0 likesmy game theory brain: THE EYES! THE EYES DON’T MATCHH!! THE GENES THE G E N E S
337 likesReplies (15)
I just looked up Twilight's parents to see how the mlp logic worked, and also to see if that was true (I was thinking the same thing, your comment just made me more curious). Well, Twilight's parents don't have her eye color!
29 likes@X-It's a Mystery-X While you are correct since i checked too, i noticed that Shining Armor inherits the same eyes as his mother, and while i was at it i looked at all of the pony parents for more research. I found that Trixie inherits her father's eyes. Rainbow Dash inherits her Mother's eyes, and Fluttershy inherits her father's eyes while her brother shares a lighter shade of purple to their mother. we also aren't even considering the fact that there could be long lost family members with the gene that we don't even know of!
41 likesoh no i just went full matpat didn't i oops
@Jasmine MathewI just looked up more randomness and realized that if Luster was infact the child of Starlight and Sunburst, she could've possibly gotten her eye color from Starlight's father (her eyes being a lighter version of his)). Sorry if I'm being irrational, I'm just a hardcore fangirl of the Starburst ship and was sad to see it die in this video.
8 likesJasmine Mathew recessive
4 likesSarah D’Silva You’re right about those recessive genes!
5 likesMEEEE
1 likeBut thats just a theory, a comment theory
2 likesJust what i thought about.
1 likenothing that a lil headcanon can't fix tho-
Very true but I think that's kind of like red hair genes, it's rare. It could be from trixie or sunbursts parents eyes. Which I believe is rare-
2 likesOne word. Grandparents.
3 likesTell that to Mr. and Mrs. Cake's kids XD
2 likesok...WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????
1 likeGrandparents? I suggested this because I am talented in Music, unlike my parents. That’s where my maternal grandfather comes in. My maternal grandfather was a great pianist that could play a lot songs, and he even composed a few too. I must have gotten my musical talent from him.
0 likesShe could have inherited it from a grandparent or a past family member
0 likesSawtooth:they're standing next too each other!
0 likesSawtooth(future):okay so there's nothing proving it
Me:knowing mlp that means they have been dating fore twenty years and are gonna get married.
It's like sunburst cheating on starlight and I also think that sunny and luster belonged to the same family
0 likesNow we should see if Sunny Starscout is a clone of Scootaloo but as an Earth pony? Or would Scootaloo be Sunny's mother or grandmother?
0 likesAnd I personally LOVE PONY ROMANCE
2 likesTheory-Starlight is her mom.Not only are they similar in the ways Sawtooth told but look at thier names-Starlight Glimmer and Luster Dawn,Just like Dragon Lord Ember said in Thriplee Threat,both Starlight and Luster has an element of shine to them ( Gllimmer= Shiny stuff,Luster = Shine) and like Luster's father,Sunburst, both of them have a time of the day in thier names.
28 likesSawtooths main problem was Spike not recognizing Luster ,right? Spike did say that being a friendship ambassador is a full time job and he also asked Twilight what was the emergency ,suggesting that he was too busy with his work and did not come to Canterlot or ponyville in a long time. And because of this reason ,not recognizing Luster.
I can see twixie and sunburst together and that their lust dawns parents because they both have a lighten part of their hair just like lust dawn and for the reasons you said too.
0 likes"ThErE sTaNdInG nExT tO eAcHoThEr!!!"
0 likesEvery shipper and anime protagonist- OmG tHeY aRe MaRrIeD!!!
Ok, so after 30 minutes of going back and forth between the three most common way of determining who are the parents of pony in the mlp universe. This is what I've come up with:
0 likes1. Color palette: After selecting and mixing every color found on Starburst, Trixie, and Starlight. I think in this, Starlight is the best match because I was able to find Luster's colors by mixing Starburst and Starlight's colors, and doing minor changes (ex: making it brighter, adding more of one of the color, etc) while Trixie and Starburst colors made a weird mix of greys and browns.
2. Eye type. If you look at a lot of the mothers and daughters of mlp. They normally share the same eye type. Here, both mares tie because they have the same type. If you wanna be REALLY technical. Starlight would win because they share the same iris time.
3. Mane style, a lot of children in this universe share similar mane styles. Again, sadly both of them tie because they both have wavey/curly manes, again being extremely technical, Trixie would win because Luster's mane ends in a razor shape point like Trixie's and not a normal curl like Starlight's.
So, with this clear tie established. Who do I think is the mother? Neither of them, I'd like to think that Starburst is the father there's too many things that point to this, but I think one of three things is the case:
1. Starburst had Luster with a completely different mare and they're still in a relationship, even though she hasn't been seen on camera
2. Starburst and Luster's mother are no longer together and he's in/trying to pursue a relationship with Starlight
or 3. Pretty much the same as two but he's in/trying to pursue a relationship with Trixie.
Replies (7)
The first thing is pretty stupid sense well.. you forgot pinkie pie exists.. ressesive genes also exist and it isn't as simple as mixing colors. Maybe redo that shit..
0 likes@VixyMix 101 As much as I'd love to. I tried that in the beginning, only to think that was not important. If it makes you feel better, Trixie's father looks like her and her mother is has an orange and yellow color palette, Starlight's father is a much deeper purple and I think his mane is either green or teal, with brown eyes. So either way I'm working with either similar colors to starburst or I'm working with similar colors to the two mares in question, which is why I didn't include it because I thought it was useless. Thank you for being the first lovely thing I read when I woke up.
0 likesEdit: If think it's more than mixing colors read the rest of the stuff I wrote
@ZecardinaDraws again, sometimes they don't get the genes, look at pinkie again.
0 likes@VixyMix 101 I know this, but there's only so much I could compare! Body type? All mares have the same body, the personality? Both of them have very similar personality types, so what else do you want me to do? I already did three in my original comment, and now two more here. Please, tell me! What else am I missing?
0 likes@ZecardinaDraws I'm just telling you that you shouldn't base who the childs parents or guardians are based on looks, instead base on what sawtooth is doing, what makes sense in the timeline and well, who they're with. Like how spike is twis brother.
0 likes@ZecardinaDraws that and someone found out genetics may actually come from the hue instead of the actual colors, and found pinkies family share similar hues (ie: lot of reds)
0 likes@VixyMix 101 In my opinion, there's an argument for both, I was scrolling though the comments seeing an both arguments and I agreed with all of them, but I like having a solid conclusion. So I thought using actual genetics it would settle things, even though I now feel like I wasted 30 minutes of my time. I figured using genetics would tie up some loose ends, which is how I got to my three conclusions and if you are just telling me this, you could have said that in a better way instead of making me feel like what I did meant nothing.
0 likeswhy cant lusterdawn be a character in the next gen ;(
0 likesSunset shimmer is Luster's mother imagine a scenario where sunset finds her human counter part and returns to Equestria and since she already knew starlight and twilight theyd help her meet sunburst and think about it luster and sunsets colour coats are kind of similar luster gets her gift of magic from sunset and if twilight hadn't taught luster friendship she could have been the next sunset shimmer and spike wouldn't know about luster because he isn't closely connected to sunset that is why I think that luster Dawn's mother is none other than sunset shimmer
273 likesReplies (9)
But what about the pink skin
3 likes@Astoria • Is Just a Theory A series Theory
8 likesDesyree Macshara ITS PINKIE PIE
11 likesjk that’s stupid
Or is it?
Yup you make sence sunset shimmer was evil at the start then twilight told her what friendship is she became good just like luster dawn she didnt want any friends but when twilight told her that friends are important or something like that she said that maybe friends are not bad after all she loooks so similar to sunset shimmer like litterally
4 likesAsh_ Chvrry it doesn’t have to be Sunburst tho :v it could be anyone
4 likessweet sister's sweet treats that does make sense but I don’t think sunset is returning back to Equestria
0 likessweet sister's sweet treats exactly. When I first saw her my first thought was sunburst and sunsets daughter and forgot starlight and him were friends
0 likesW-what if lusterdawn is pink because it’s inherited from a human peepee
0 likesI can't believe you think Trixie is Luster Dawn's mom.
0 likesNo but like yk how the families and they're skin color is kinda the same? Well take this
1 likeStarlight and her father they're skin color is very similar since they're father and daughter and same goes with Sunburst and his mom, so if Trixie might be the mother of luster dawn won't they be having the same skin color? Because not even Sunburst and luster's skin matches it matches with starlights (Well not highly but it's like kinda the same shade) noticed the hair shade? Luster has orange-ish yellow hair and so does Sunburst but Sunburst only has the orange part and Starlight has the purple-ish and cyan edges, also for the spike thing what if Starlight said something about her daughter to spike but he never seen her? But another thing if you see the opening here 1:19 spike AND luster were there and so was Starlight when they opened the door hm and another one look at how Starlight waves 1:21 she's looking directly at Twilight and luster, and also over here at 1:22 look at the way Starlight is looking at luster it's like mother and daughter relationship and so it is with sawtooth waves if spike always just stays at the school how come he doesn't know who luster is? Now I think he doesn't stay at the school since he could've heard so luster since she's Twilights top student yk? So there's possibility and Sunburst and Trixie spend most time in the school? Strange I feel like he spends most of the time with Starlight since They're standing next to each other No but fr who knows?
Trixie and sunburst spawned a baby then starlight went back in time and spawned a baby with him
1 likeIt is trixie because some of trixe cutie matched with luster daws
0 likesAs much as my little shipper heart has been broken, I can't argue with the idea of Sunburst and Trixie being Luster Dawn's parents because it makes a whole heck of a lot of sense. However unless it gets confirmed or denied, we'll never know for sure.
0 likesSunbrsut and trix is more convincing then starlight.
0 likesMy Brain 🧠 : is Luster Dawn, Sunny Starcout’s mom? 0.0
0 likesWhat if spike knew who luster is but didn't knew she was twilights favorite student i mean look at that face like je knows her attitude and stuff so yeah I think her mum is starlight and dad is sunburst
1 likeSawtooth: They’re standing next to each other.
316 likesMe: Plays Wedding music in my mind.
Replies (3)
but who said the vows?
7 likesWait, if Luster Dawn IS Suburst's and Trixie's daughter, Sunburst and Trixie could spread the news to Starlight, then spike COULD know about it.
6 likesSame
2 likesI still think that starlight and sunburst is sill made the kid lusterdawns
0 likesBecause
Do you remember one of the episodes where her starlight got jealous of all her friends because they had a better connection to sunburst than she had (at the time) and I think she got jealous because she had a crush on him so she got mad when other females
(like Trixie and Mod) how to close a relationship so back on the Trixie thing I think Trixie appreciated his company since no one really appreciates her magic incense Sunburst did she really liked that and she knew that starlight liked(maybe not in a romantic way but like friendship wise) him so it was pros for both of them Trixie got to see her friend more often and so did Starlite that’s White star light was so excited when he came correct me if I’m wrong but that’s what I think happened and eventually starlight gained the courage to tell him and he accept it and sooner than later
lusterdawn happened
Let me know what you guys think I’m probably wrong but we won’t know what happened because now friendship is magic doesn’t exist only slightly
It is possible that people might-no friendship is Magic is closed there won’t be any more episodes no more lore to add on and it’s sad to think that we won’t get an answer
Fan theories for the better I guess
love your videos 😘😘😘😘
0 likesAll I wonder is who is starlight's mother
0 likesThe hair type between Luster and Sunburst is the same.. Its wavy
0 likes5:45 Trixie went to school for gifted unicorns. Sunburst also went to that school. However, Starlight did not go to that school and she is also the director of the friendship school and I think that if Luster Dawn were her daughter, she would put her in that school. I know Sunburst is the assistant principal and Trixie the counselor, but principal is a much more important position.
87 likesReplies (2)
Trixie went to the school for gifted unicorns? When was that established?
1 like@MidnightMuffin Oh, I read about it in an interview with Lauren Faust.
3 likeshear me out
1 liketrixie sunburst and starlight are all dating
Maybe if we could find out who luster dawn stays with the most it could be one off her family members!?!?
0 likesAnyone else think of an entire backstory by the end of it? No just me ok
0 likesI think luster's parents are probably sunburst and starlight cause they know eachother for a long time and also its not it luster looks nothing like trixie if she's thier daughter she needs to be like her father and mother. but she only looks like sunburst but not trixie. I am 89% sure that luster's dad is sunburst cause her hair and cutie bark looks like his and I am 76% sure that starlight is her mother cause her skin colour is almost like her's and also starlight was twilight's student and also now luster is also twilights student so its like mother like daughter aaaaannddd for Trixie I am 0% sure cause luster looks nothing like her sooo yeah I think starlight is suitable to be her mother and sunburst's wife if she is
1 likeNot going through the comments to check but someone's probably said this already. ANYWAY:
9 likesI love the idea that Luster is Starlight and Sunburst's daughter, but not only is your point very valid, when Twilight brought Luster to Ponyville saying "this is where the magic happens etc etc", it seemed like that was the first time Luster had ever been there. If she were a SunLight kid, she probably would have been raised there by Sunburst and Starlight (who were running the school), so Twilight bringing her to Ponyville would essentially be, "Hey! I'm bringing you back home! It's better than Canterlot!"
Replies (1)
tht makes sense tho
0 likesSawtooth : sorry guys , but in my theory luster dawn is not starlights daughter
0 likesStarlight x sunburst shippers : NOOOOOOOOO
Actually we don't know luster downs parents... and starlight and sunburst are perfect pair... i don't see any romance between sunburst and trixie... but video is great
0 likesHey Sawtooth if sunburst was luster's father then didn't she was surprised seeing him in school of friendship and don't you think he will have told her he is working in the school of friendship but if he told that she will never say that the friendship is waste of time
0 likes#1Sawtooth:shows twilight and shining armors cutie marks:the Apple family:are we a joke to you!#2 sawtooth; more than friends:MLB:she's just a friend
0 likesYour theories have so much more logic than math could ever give
51 likesI think that luster has a pony parent and a none pony parent spesificly a changeling griffin or sea pony
0 likesTrixie is the mom of laster drawn lol
1 likeI have a theory it may be sun burst and moon dancer look at the details sun burst has the same cutie mark as luster moon dancer is more in studying a nerd same as sun burst and they may fell in love thats why luster dawn is the top student.
0 likesI mean, Sunburst has two front hooves... If you know what I mean.
0 likesI still support the theory that Luster is Starlight's daughter. Spike never said, "who is Luster Dawn?" and Twilight never mentioned her by name to Spike until Luster walked in. So I think that Luster still would be the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst. Where would Luster's pink come from? If you mixed Sunburst and Starlight's colors, we'd get exactly the color Luster is. And Luster looks nothing like Trixie. But I gotta say, "THEY ARE STANDUNG NEXT TO EACH OTHER! IT MUST BE TRUE LOVE!" gets me every time :D
15 likesI don't think those are her parents as you see starlight started to hate him in the season 5 like you know
0 likesImagine if dawns mom was dead, that would be dark,
0 likesYou always convince me
0 likesWell i mean they're supposed to be,Luster Dawn has the same cutie mark as Sunburst,
0 likesAnd Trixie is like,just wizard like Sunburst
Trixie and Sunburst
Luster Dawn and Sunburst
Cutie mark
Trixie and Luster Dawn
Trixie's cutie mark=Lula "Moon"
Luster Dawn=Moon
That's the reason why i think Trixie is the mother.
Replies (1)
0 likesI love to see a brand new series of Luster Dawn’s journey making new friends and going big adventures just like twilight
4 likesLuster Dawn's mane looks like Trixie's mane too
0 likesits trixie because i found out a few days ago
0 likesstarlight is brother and sisters with sunburst their parents came together
and starlight used to like rock and roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Who is the mother then..?
0 likesSomeone great and powerful
Me: NO-
I don’t think this is possible there should have been a much stronger relationship she probably would have said this mom dad
0 likesThis......this question has been poking at me for so long.
238 likesReplies (6)
Same. I always thought it was sunburst and starlight
4 likesSame.
1 likeAnd I absolutely refuse to believe that the mother is Trixie.
@Oh Wow, Sports I honestly think that would be crazy
0 likes@Cool Keeper I know right? If Sunburst were to be in a relationship at all, it would have to be with Starlight. They have the most chemistry.
0 likes@Oh Wow, Sports Exactly. Also, luster is pink just like starlight
1 like@Cool Keeper My thoughts Exactly.
0 likesIf it was Trixie then wouldn’t starlight know about it and then tell Spike?
0 likesThis one is so creative-
0 likeson the my little pony webside they say starlight and sunburst end up together and have luster dawn! just saying p.s love your vids ;D
0 likesMakes even more sense with the hair, her name and her personality. Basically shares the traits of both Trixie and Sun burst.
103 likesReplies (7)
0 likesExactly, it makes more sense then starlight being her mom!
0 likesEXACTLY. her personality just screams trixie
4 likesHonestly I disagree, she seems a lot more like Starlight when she was younger than anything lol she's not super arrogant or attitude-ish or performative, although a bit snarky, but she's also shown to be very sentimental.
7 likes@T. Sparkz they shood sneek upon shitlight glimmer while shes a sleep and cutee of her horn and torcher her toodeath as horrvbly as posabale. lol she deserdes it.
1 like@T. Sparkz obviously, look at her father!
1 like@Mint fishes Twighlight shoueld take awyay shitlighft glimmiers magic as pianofuIIy as passible and mack shitlightdrjmk a gaIIon of mangheneeze diockside. misxed wit aressanack. And Murkyurey. and raddiem.
1 likeI think Spikes act didn't mean luster dawn is someone he hadn't met i think its just a surprised act cuz lusterdawn does not want to make friends
0 likesİ dont know the mother but Luster Dawn's father is definitly Sunburst
0 likesCluster Don has the colour of sunburn in her hair and his skin colour is like starlight
0 likesi think luster's parents are starlight and sunburst
0 likesI think that luster’s parents aren’t ponies we know, mainly because of her attitude towards friendship. If Sunburst and Starlight or even Sunburst and Trixie raised her they would have undoubtedly taught her about the values of friendship from a very young age. She also most likely isn’t a Canterlot, Ponyville or Crystal Empire pony because of how key friendship is in those places (it’s key all over equestria but like there are probably a lot more monuments and statues about the magic of friendship and overall a lot more hype than in Manehattan for example). She strikes me as the kind of pony who would have loved the legends about the Mane 6 as a filly and believed strongly in the magic of friendship to the point where she wanted to have powers like them, which drove her to study exceptionally hard independently and as she grew up she probably questioned the necessity of friendship when it comes to magic. But I’m pretty sure that if she was raised by any ponies we are familiar with they would have made sure she understood just how important friendship was in magic (or maybe she is sunbursts daughter but wasn’t raised by him and her birth mother for some reason but that’s unlikely since we see all potential parents in the future in good condition)
47 likesReplies (1)
I disagree with that... do you remember how ponies reacted to the mane six's book? Some of them were from the places we know, yet totally didn't learn the frienship lessons
0 likesLusters hair looks like a crystal ponys hair but without the crystal effect on it
0 likesi searched it up a few minutes b4 this video and it said she was adopted by flash sentry and twilight
0 likesSunburst and starlight glimmer is the parents :)
0 likesTrixie x Starlight shippers: Emotionally distressed shrieking
1510 likesReplies (33)
85 likesBETWEEN WHATS CANON (Trixburst)
LIL OPINION! (Startrix)
@※★➷♡𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓽 ♡➹★※ Startrix for the win!
27 likesBut honestly she does look like Trixie
10 likesMy ships are
8 likes(Yes i know who's a boy and who's a girl)
Rarity×fancy pants
Rainbow dash×flutter shy
Pinkie×apple Jack
Thays all my ships TvT
But what if they were poly and all three of them were together?
23 likes@FurryfiedArts What if trans Starlight
5 likesWhat if Trixie and Starburst had been married but they divorced and Trixie fell in love with Starlight and now Starlight is a second mom to Luster.
16 likesI've heard a headcannon of Sunburst being a donor for starlight and trixie 👉🏿👈🏿
14 likesSexy Raymond MEEEE LMFOAOSKSKS BYE
0 likesPotatoFork yes
1 like500th like! But it doesn't matter!
0 likes@GOD of Clouds Do you not understand that we are in pain
1 like@GOD of Clouds Okay okay fine
0 likes@Supaddi applebloom:
1 likeI aM LoNeLy
@Mikee XD
0 likes@Supaddi i disagree but respect
0 likes@FurryfiedArtsthey dont do that in my little pony its a kids show its inappropriate apparently but you and only you can dream
0 likes@darlingdeth3 Good point
0 likesRarity is single because she a queen pinky pie is and Fluttershy apple jack and rainbow dash and twilight and sunset shimmer so ya
0 likesNo! This is great!! This means Starburst and Startrix can poly!
3 likesTHANK YOU
2 likesreeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEE
0 likes@※★➷♡𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓽 ♡➹★※ Trixbust is never comfirmed to be canon.
0 likes@Dani shhhhhh
1 likeCan you do a video of who what if Celestia Luna and twilight are related?👯♀️👯♀️👯♀️
0 likesTheir clothes match too !
1 like@※★➷♡𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓽 ♡➹★※ starburst is a candy also-
2 likesLiterally me
0 likesI KNOW RIGHT?!?!?
0 likes@※★➷♡𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓽 ♡➹★※ I like both 😂
2 likesthat's meeee T^T
0 likesI think that starlight is the mother. And the ponies can’t be in their 40s. I think their in their 50s-60s. So, Luster is probably around 19-21. So, Spike and Starlight might have grown apart. Or grown apart enough to not bring up a child.
0 likesOk but. Trixie/Starlight/Sunburst polyship can make it so that Trixie and Starlight are both her mom lol
0 likesWell I was thinking she's Sunburt's little sister or it's Starlight and Sunburst Child I just thinking
1 likeYes there her parents starlight and sunburst
0 likesYes starlight and sunburst are her parents
It actually doesn’t make sense that Spike wouldn’t know Luster at all. She is Twilight’s top student.
8 likesnothing to do with the topic but i just have to say it out, WHY DOES RARITY HAVE WRINKLED AND GREY HAIR IN THE LAST EPISODE???? she would never want those and there is pony hair dye too. also why does the other ones not have any grey hairs??? it's not like she would be decades older than her other friends :(
0 likesCrazy me: WHAT IF...
Sensible (and sober) me: This theory brings about many questions. If Luster is Sunset and Flash's daughter, why are they in the pony world? Is Flash even the father? If not, who is? Luster is pink, so the husband probably has pink in him, or has a family member or members with pink. And assuming it's someone from they pony world, and not the MLPEG world with like 40 people, there are endless possibilities and this is highly implausible. Maybe it is someone from the MLPEG world, who can say? But is the mother even Sunset? The same could be applied to literally any pony in the entire universe, and like Sawtooth said, most powerful unicorns come from humble beginnings. For all we know, she could be the adopted daughter of Lyra and Bon Bon. Next time, you should check the stats before you say something.
mic drop
Crazy me: i hate you :(
And so the internal struggle for control over me continued~
sunburst and starlight shippers: first there were screams of joy then confusion then anger
0 likesI love Sawtooth waves
0 likesHonestly the points are.....
7 likesthe possibilities are endless really. I just need to process this for a minute
I can also see trixie being the mother, for one luster is pink, and I’m pretty sure orange and blue make pink lol 😂
0 likesReplies (1)
they make brown
0 likesI disagree for one reason. There is no inheritance with any of trixy’s looks. I’d imagine that sunburst and sunset did. I know you think they are siblings but here me out. Maybe sunset came back when she was older and met sunburst. Plus, sunset is also confident and didn’t think she needed friends. Sunset might of been in touch with spike for a little but then her love life came before that and stopped writing.
0 likeswhat episode is the clip from 2:16 from, i just watched the whole show but i forgot 😭
0 likesI still think that she is Lester's mom
0 likesmaybe the directors were just being dumb when spike said that.
456 likesReplies (4)
Or fans were being dumb by assuming Luster was related to Twilight and her friends.
31 likesTrue
1 like@Ludmila Camargo Shimizu it's not wrong shipping childhood friends, but assuming it's canon and even calling a character dumb for "not knowing it" is something else.
10 likesthis makes the most sense. jim haber, the writer of that episode, said that luster is starlight & sunburst's child, but (obviously), he also wrote the dialogue for spike. he both wrote luster dawn (as the daughter of sun & star) into existence, but also (slightly) contradicts himself later on.
3 likesHim: 7 minute video saying luster dawn is possible but most likely starlight and sunbrust
0 likesMe: she's they're daughter
Google: Luster Dawn is indeed Starlight and Sunburst's daughter.
my startrix shipping ass went through a rollercoaster of emotions through this
1 likeanyways theory wrong trixies a lesbian 🤧
Trixie, Starlight, And Sunburst Are A Poly Couple
0 likesI would say she's Sunset shimmer's child because of her mane and also her name.
0 likesPeople waiting for the season on Netflix: Better question: Who is Luster Dawn?
99 likesReplies (4)
Guilty as charged:(
3 likes@CX519 Yeah this is me too- the pain... The painnn
1 likeExactly
0 likesI'll Do You One Better: Why Is Luster Dawn?
6 likesI think Lusters mum is Starlight
0 likesWait if it is Tricia then won’t that mean that starlight would be jealous
0 likesthis is adorable
0 likesStarlight when she learns that she missed a chance to marry her best friend
0 likes:I
Me : ya of course
424 likesSawthooth: no
Me : why?
Sawthooth: cuz spike
Me : damn u spike
Replies (15)
This comment made me laugh, thanks
21 likesWhy am I laughing😂😂
15 likesOoh spike you big stupid dragon 😂😂😂
14 likesThat stupid dragon...
19 likesSpike akways messes up Sigh
7 likesSpike always ruins everything.
4 likesGod Damn it Spike-
5 likesOkabe Rintarou lol
0 likesBad Spike you are a very bad Spike
0 likes@Hannaxxsia lol XD
0 likesKakaka
1 like@Avery Sweets I like to make people laugh maybe I should be a clown one day no clowns are creepy no
1 likeXD
2 likesstarlight is luster dawn mom and sunburst is the dad
0 likesI think it is trixie and sunbrust!
0 likesmy trixie x starlight shipper self was shook throughout this whole video 💀
edit 2 why did I say omg twice
edit 3 by they all I mean starlight sunburst and trixie are together i mean it makes sense
Your right Luster's parents are Sunburst and Trixie
0 likesIs anyone gonna talk about the fact that we don't know who Starlight's mom is?
309 likesEdit: um, where did those likes come from?
Edit 2: Um no joke, the most likes I got before this wasn't even thirty last time I checked, I'm blown away, thank you all so much!
Replies (32)
BirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l it’s me
6 likes@nandini rao well Yes, but who was she?
1 like@thesarahdilemma XD
1 likenandini rao I have a fanfic where it is cadence
2 likesBirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l can you send a link?
1 likenandini rao and in my fanfic, she left starlight with starlight’s father( who is her father) because she wasn’t ready for a child
2 likesGood Vibe Wolf it’s a concept, and I haven’t written it next
1 likenandini it will be called a Wish on Starlight
1 likeBirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l oh nvm
0 likesAnd who's Sunbursts father
0 likes@nandini rao How do you know that they are dead?
0 likes@nandini rao Do you have discord or something because it's to explain everything in here
0 likes@BirdNerd17 wtf-
0 likesCadance is just a bit older than Twilight like when Twilight was a kid she was a teen, so to her be Starlight mother she would be pregnant as a kid-
BirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l Or Sunburst’s dad.
0 likeswell, we don't know her. but we don't know sunburst's dad either
0 likes@oOf Actually cadence was around young adult age when twilight was a filly and who says starlight isn't younger than her. It's a fan fic, I'm not saying it's cannon
0 likes@Benjamin Elffire true
0 likes@Garth Davis very true
0 likesShe was lost sometime during the whole Cutie Re-mark time paradox. XD
1 likeMa.JBrony 1 XD
1 likeThey had a friendship problem with her mom!!!
0 likesIt’s twilights mother starlight ran away from her sister because she did something horrible and her parent did not like it so they got angry with her so she decided to run away from them.
1 like@SONNY GOH Interesting theory
0 likesBirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l thanks
0 likesNandini, I gift you with... The Prologue for Wish On Starlight! (The prologue is from Cadence's point of view btw)
0 likes/inside slashes/= Thoughts
Normal= Speech
*Bold/in Asterisks*= Actions or changes in the scenery
"In quotes"= Other's Speaking
/It's cold, too cold, and wet. and yet I'm out here in the rain, my feathers dripping with water and my mane soaked. It's too wet to travel to Canterlot to meet with Princess Celestia yet, I'll have to stay here tonight... somewhere/
It started to pour
"Princess Cadence? Is that you?"
"Come on in" Firelight(That's what it said for starlight's father was when I googled it) opened his door "It's too cold and wet to be out, I'll make you some tea and get you warmed up. What's your favorite flavor?"
Chamomile, Thank you
"Oh it's no problem!" he said wrapping a blanket around me so I could warm up
Are you sure? I wouldn't wanna be a burden sir
"I'm sure," He smiled pulling out a mug and tea bag
/So I stayed there that night, that one night.
We never meant for it to happen, we were never in love
but soon enough/
I'm sorry Nightlight, but I'm just not ready to be a mother.
"I understand," He said calmly "I can raise her if that is really what you want"
Thank you, I can't express how much this means to-
"Wait. I'm not finished" He interrupted "If you are to leave her with me you can't return, you can tell her the truth when she is older, but she mustn't know while she is young"
Okay /I choke on the word/
"But I will let you make one choice, what will her name be?"
...Starlight. Starlight Glimmer
(End prologue)
((So what do you think?))
BirdNerd17 l Aka Adri l good enough.
0 likes@nandini rao (Aka Nandini) IF you didn't see it I commented the prologue for you so you can have a preview!
0 likesNandini That's okay!
0 likes@nandini rao Thx!
0 likesoop, remove the rao
0 likesnandini I'm not comfortable, sorry
0 likes@nandini rao Awe! Thanks!
0 likesDude I got some news for you I looked it up on Google and they are Lester Dawes parents
0 likesMaybe sunburst knew someone we didn't
1 likeIf starlight isn't her mother, then Trixie and sunburst being her parents doesn't make sense because starlight and the two of them are very close and if they had a child they would surely tell her and she being very close to twilight would tell her and twilight being very close to spike would tell him. So if anybody thinks spike acted like he didn't know luster then none of them parented her.
0 likesOk, I think sunburst and starlight are together, but i dont necessarily think luster is their kid
0 likesPersonally, I think she isn't related to any major character in the show, and that she might have been alive (though just a child at the time) during the show's run.
6 likes...Or maybe that's just me being a huge Starlight/Trixie shipper who doesn't want either to end up with someone else.
Ponies dont get their cutiemark from their parents they EARN them
0 likesWhen you remember there last names :
0 likesIt's not Trixie it's someone that I don't know their names because I can remember their names but they know what how do I collectors and body looks
0 likesAnyone else read her name like luster duster or just me?
1 like"What's he gonna say next? Celestia has secretly been Groger this whole time?"
168 likesMy 'future video' senses are doin a heckin tingle
Edit: Senpai noticed me :0 🥰
Replies (6)
@RedDiamondCat probably edited the comment after the comment was hearted soooo it went away lol youtube logic
5 likes@Dazzle Sound Or Rosa wrote edit when this comment published and the youtuber never hearted Rosa.
2 likes@LukiKruki well they screwed themselves over is all ik
0 likesoof
0 likes@G indeed :,)
0 likes@Dazzle Sound ohhh
0 likesThis is hurting my brain yet making me think more about my little pony children in the future on the last episode of my little pony
0 likesumm your answer on this qution is realy good but do you have seen that starlight has been already student of twillit sparkle their coulour is same too
0 likeswait we saw a part of the show where luster dawn is with starlight and sunburst .
0 likesi think that Sunburst is the brother of Starlight
0 likesActually, I could see it. Sunburst could boost up Trixie's confidence levels way more, especially after her fallouts a while back. And maybe they broke up at some point(because that does happen.)
7 likesIf they did break up, it'd make sense for Starlight and Sunburst to finally be the end-couple. Since it looks like it's been about ten years or so since the time skip from her Coronation, it'd make sense that Trixie n Sunburst got together, started dating, had Luster Dawn, and then broke up cause they lacked the emotional connection, and then Starlight became Luster Dawn's adoptive mother.
Okay okay I see what he's talking about but when Spike's seen Luster he looked hesitant to tell Twilight that he knew her like it's like he did but he didn't want to say anything and I never can see Trixie and starburst together in the future that's just something that I don't see happening sure she could have had a crush on him but starlight and starburst go way back before they even did they just have similarities and starlight and sunburst look more like Luster's parents than Trixie and sunburst that's just my opinion
0 likesIt's been like 20 years they would have lost atleast a bit of touch
0 likesI love how this guy said (Starlight and Sunburst are Inloveeeee❤❤❤ Lol
0 likeswhen I just see in google I guest Luster dawn 's mother was actually Starlight glimmer
0 likesReplies (2)
I totally agree
0 likes@Ida Dahlan thank you
0 likesSawthooth: Trixie might be Luster's mom
436 likesSunburst x Starlight shippers: so you have chosen death
Replies (7)
I shipped:
22 likesStarlightxTrixie
But this dude just created another ship for me 😳
0 likes•Pastel Sunset• Ship them all together, OT3
1 likeI hate all mlp ships
1 likeYa Boi Bonzie cool, no one asked tho-
2 likes@Amalia idc
0 likeshahhhahaha lol
1 likeMy idea was Sunset Shimmer + Sunburst= Luster Dawn
0 likesWhat happens if *Sunset Shimmer* Yes, You heard me, What happens if Sunset Shimmer is her mother, They have both kinda the same cutie mark, but I don’t see them together, I’ll try and think about it more and more lmfao
0 likesim gonna take a break LUSTER WASNT USED IN G5
0 likesHave I ever stood next to someone: no
0 likesHave I ever been with anyone: no
Idk about you but that seems like more than good enough evidence
Hmm, I’m not sure about Trixie being her mother. The genetics just don’t make sense.
71 likesGreat video, I enjoyed it a lot.
Ps, thanks for clarifying guys. I was wrong, sorry
Replies (10)
luster could have gotten her pink coat from one of grandparents maybe?
14 likesFor me pinkie’s parents don’t make sense;-;
18 likes@Eclipsa's Dreams I'm like 90 percent sure Pinkie Pie was adopted when she was a small filly.
4 likes@Mariana Prokopowiski actually considering Pumpkin Cake and Poundcake are a unicorn and pegasus and both their parents are earth ponies, and Mr and Mrs cake explained that the reason Pumpkin and Pound cake weren't earth ponies like them was because of their grandparents it's actually possible that she got her pink coat from her grandparents
5 likesProko it’s okay 😂 I’m not great at biology
0 likes@KanikHartz then oop now I see it xD
0 likesProko makes sense
0 likes0:54 Her face. It just seems Trixie-ish. IDK
0 likes@KanikHartz That's interesting... SABER TOOOOOOOTH Come HERE!
0 likesWell I mean, if we're gonna base it off an artist or typical next gen maker's standpoint:
1 likeOrange + light blue can make a pinkish color
Her hair also looks like Trixie's, just curled slightly like Sunburst's. See how it works is that, she took Sunburst's colors but they got lighter because of Trixie's mane (similar to how Pinkie and Cheese had a child with lighter features). If you notice, Luster has the same stripe patterns as Trixie, just in orange.
Got A theory remember Spike is the ambassador of the dragonsAnd ponies so maybe starlight lost touch with him
0 likesMy theory:i think that big mactosh and sugarbelle are luster dawn parents.
0 likesWell you could be right but if sunburst and starlight had a child starlights cutiemark should be different and have a sun one it like all the other parents
0 likesTrixie: 😐 sunburst
0 likesSunburst: yes
The chance is there of trixie being the mother but it is a close answer that sunset shimmer is the mother because sunset and sunburst both have sunset cutie marks and both were former students of celestia's School of magic
169 likesReplies (11)
She’s the magic element in the human world, leaving to have a child with a random stallion would doom her world. Plus she would have to leave and go back to the human world which would be literally leaving her child which might give her child depresión but Luster isn’t a depressed pony she’s confident. Plus plus I’m sure they’ve never met eachother before!
14 likesAnd they both flunked out
3 likesIf that was the case then I'm pretty sure the writers would have HEAVILY implied that because they have never even seen each other before and it just has a lot of plot holes like why would Sunset return to the pony world and decides to have a child with some pony and then leave her child and return to her own world? I'm pretty sure no mother would do that. Atleast not in their universe
4 likes@Infinite 2000 exactly.
0 likesOk but listen, sunset from Equestria stays in the human world, she meets human sunset, sunset is sort of like (human) twilight and longs for more knowledge or lives in her own world, she decides to leave the human world and goes to Equestria balance restored
1 like@LiLie Coffey It's confirmed that there is only 1 Sunset shimmer. So there is no "human" Sunset
2 likes@Infinite 2000 seriously? Love my little pony but Equestria girls have too many plots holes
2 likes@LiLie Coffey Yeah it was really strange for me too. Aside from Discord who is a literal god, Sunset is the only pony that exists in one world. How weird is that?
3 likesIt's probably lazy writing or they had no idea how to introduce the second Sunset into the lore. So they chose the easy way and said that there's only one Sunset which is really lame. And now that G4 and probably EG has ended, I doubt we'll get any more answers than that
@Infinite 2000 all that potential WASTED!!! imagine the possible story there could have been
0 likes@LiLie Coffey Would've been a million times better than the unnecessary and boring story of "legend of Everfree"
0 likesYou are all right
0 likesLustar dawn's parents might be Trixie and sunburst bc Trixie kinda likes the moon Wich is a solar system and sun is a solar system to as u said sunburst mean luster dawn so that is dawn's parents I think
0 likeshim: who else that he knows super well in the school….
0 likesMe: don’t say it don’t say it!
Him: someone Great… and Powerful…
Me: Aight Im out
What if flurry heart was the lustrous mum
0 likesThat moment when you see Sunburst without his cloak.
14 likesYes, but I like starlight and Trixie too much😭
0 likesI think she is starlight's daughter and Spike does'nt know about her because she didn't spent much time with Starlight and when she goes into school she doesn't see her parents much, sure Starlight might tell spike, but he still wouldn't know how she looks.
0 likesMaybe starlight did say she had a daughter but didn’t said her name
1 likeHer parents are Lulamoon and Sunburst
0 likesMe who thought sunburst and starlight were siblings for years: 👁👄👁
806 likesReplies (23)
20 likesI’m not a brony but when I saw them for the first time i already knew that they were friends
38 likesAnd Starlight and Trixie.
8 likessame
3 likesyou. W A T?
8 likesW H A T
7 likesExcuse me, W H A T
5 likesNah Sunburst sister is sunset shimmer
3 likes𝙳𝚞𝚍𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝?
3 likesW H A T ?
2 likesWhat........
5 likesNo sunburst's sister is sunset shimmer
@Michal Solnica aye that's wht I said✌🏻✌🏻👍🏻
1 likeWait as a theory or did you think they actually said that in the show?
1 likeI knew they were siblings 😂😄 thank you unicorn crafter for bringing this up.
1 likePs you deserve a like
1 like@Awolves are cute
2 likesNo, I was like 8 or 9, and when I saw them in the house together playing together I guess I just assumed they were siblings.
Excuse me what-
1 likebruh
0 likesHuuuhh
0 likesLOL XD ;)
0 likesi was just gonna type that imao
1 likeOh ._.
1 likeYeah samw
0 likesI think.... Suntree (what I said) wait no Sunxie HOW WOULD I EVEN SAY THAT
0 likesMakes no sense wouldn’t starlight tell spike I mean there both really good friends but that’s just a hunch
0 likesif sunburst was the parent he would tell starlight who would tell spike
0 likesTo be honest i think you might be right i mean sun burst and starlight are best friends and trixy is best friends with starlight and i think starlight wouldn't mind if trixy and sun burst became i couple
0 likesMaybe spike knew starlight would have a kid but, didn't meet luster due to royal duties. Not too possible but you never know...
64 likesReplies (1)
That’s what I was thinking!
0 likesi think sunburst and starlight are her parents [its a theory]
0 likesSpike was friendship embasiter so he must have been busy to go to Twilight’s school
0 likesThe real question is who else knew sunburst before twighlights coranation?
1 likeReplies (1)
Because I have no idea.
1 likeStarlight and sunburst: we have a-
0 likesThorax: GODFATHEr dIbSsS
I’m sticking by my former statement that Sunburst and Starlight are Luster’s parents. Starlight most likely forgot to tell Spike. That sounds like a “her” thing
3 likesStill, awful odd for Luster not to know about friendship when her parent’s line of work is centered around it. Then again, most children are uninterested in their parent’s work until a certain age
in last episode at minute 1:11 (youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAvb5Ov1sX4 we can see sunburst is at the table with trixie.
0 likesBut I kinda think its not trixie its starlight cuz they had things in common they went one many places alone but I dont think trixie is it...
0 likeswait, why so many ppl ship sunburst and starlight? i think they're brother and sister😿
0 likesHer parents are sunburs and starlight i promise i aint lying base on google starlight and sunburs are the parents of lester dawn spike dont know luster dawn cause youdnt see starlight in the castle cause yknow they moved out but im confident that the parents of luster dawn is starlight and sunburs
0 likes"Spike and Starlight couldn't have lost touch that easily."
75 likesMe, knowing and befriending almost every big name MLP Analyst before FIM ended: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.... I guess that's just a me problem then!
Or starlight told spike and just called her dawn. Or just a nickname. I go by a nickname have since I was a baby, most don’t know it’s not my real name
0 likesSawtooth is right for Luster Dawns parnets
0 likesIsn’t offspring USUALLY a mix of the parent’s genetic features and physical appearances? I am against this theory of ‘StarlightGlimmer + Sunburst = LusterDawn’ as the genetic features aren’t completely adding up. LusterDawn may look like she would be StarlightGlimmer and Sunburst’s daughter but it got me thinking that she can’t be related to Sunburst and Starlight.
0 likesThe main - LusterDawn has a bright orange main with a fade and highlights that are yellow, the orange would be from Sunburst’s main but the yellow is from nowhere. Starlight doesn’t have a yellow main, she has a dark purple main with mint teal highlights.
LusterDawn has pink skin, SunBurst has yellowish-orange skin while Starlight has light purple skin. This is the part that comes and goes out of nowhere to nowhere, Sunburst has yellowish-orange skin, which nowhere near to pink skin, starlight has light purple skin, which is also nowhere near pink skin.
LusterDawn has yellow eyes, Sunburst has teal eyes and Starlight has purple eyes. Purple and teal are nowhere near yellow and cannot be mixed to form yellow eyes.
Let’s say that I am wrong and that Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer, indeed have a daughter who happened to be LusterDawn, they would only have a daughter if she was adopted. This theory would be supported as TwillightSparkle’s parents, which she looks nothing relatively close to, claim that Twillight is their daughter. Twillight does not look like any of her parents or brother. Shining Armour, TwillightSparkle’s brother, could be related to his parents but Twillight isn’t. This would lead to Twillight probably being adopted.
Replies (1)
And Trixy couldn’t be Luster’s mother from the genetics. The adoption theory would go to use if we say I am wrong.
0 likesFinal theory: Ponies adopt other ponies and raise them to be the next generation because they couldn’t give birth to offspring in the first place.
If LusterDawn was adopted, and if we put this theory in this case, it would mean that Trixy couldn’t give birth to offspring for a certain reason (such as because it is a medical issue). If we don’t put this theory in this case, they probably adopted LusterDawn, if specifically, because they wanted a child who would follow in the path of Trixy and/or Sunburst, in the sight of LusterDawn showing potential to learn about Magic, Trixy and Sunburst would have chose
If she was chosen out of random, then Trixy and Sunburst would have needed to create the potential for Luster to learn about Magic or she showed the potential later on when she was adopted. But this is just a theory.
wait what about luster dawns color of her body yellow + blue is green but luster dawn ends up pink and looking at her hair its the same hairstyle and color as sunburst and the color combination as Trixie so could luster dawn have 2 mothers?
0 likesSawtooth’s method of making theories: Chrysalis is Cadance’s lost mother. Wow I made a theory.
58 likesReplies (2)
Irvin Pribadi That would make for a pretty wild story you know! Chrysalis, a younger changling Queen, stealing the love of a prominent Pegasus dignitary in an effort to claim some territory and gets routed out. The Sisters find out that there is a child in the mix, a baby pegasus girl with an unusual amount of magic but unable to shift forms like her mother. They take her in as her father either rejects her or insists that she's taken far away to be safe and better looked after than he could manage after the trauma of being deceived for so long. Cadence grows, she discovers her unique abilities with love based magic and becomes an Alicorn! As well as being able to be officially called a Princess (though she was one all this time). A rare feat for pegasi yet not unheard of to the two sisters, but they never tell her the truth about her mother. Not even after Chrysalis comes to Canterlot, drawn possibly by Cadence's strong love and yearning for Shining Armor. Chrysalis, never realizing who Cadence truly is to her, casts her out and takes her place, etc. You know how that ends. It could be a secret that Celestia and Luna vow to take to their graves, installing Cadence as ruler of the Crystal Kingdom to be the best place to fit her. Even after Flurry Heart is born with her immense raw power (an example of what Cadence had the possibility of being had she been born with a more direct way to express her magic, ie: a horn). What I'm saying is, it could work! Nice theory! ;) Even though it was a joke lol
14 likes@TC 182 Or Flurry Heart's FATH... ok it's now getting crazy
0 likesWhy was starlight glimmer not the next alicorn to help out twilight. If starlight IS the STRONGEST UNICORN in equestria, why isn't she the next magical alicorn?
0 likesYou do alot of mysterys from my little pony
1 likeI think Starlight and Sunburst
1 likeWhen I first saw Luster Dwan I thought it was Sunset Shimmer's daughter. To back this up, Dawn-Sunset.🤔🤨
19 likesReplies (2)
if she returned to equestria or at least her daughter went thru the trouble of going between worlds to attend school then I guess
0 likesSunset did go to Celestia's school, it could be possible that she if not moved back wanted her daughter to go too, and we did see her in the song when Twilight showed up at the end of it
0 likesI think starlight is the real mom I have proof
0 likes4:16
1 likeActually, YESSSS!
I think the mom might be Sunset Shimmer...
0 likesHim: Wow trixie? First diamond tiara reforming terrick now this? What is he gonna say next? That celestia was gerogar this whole time?! Wait actually.
0 likesMe: XD
i thought that trixie got married with celestia's nephew prince blue blood
0 likesYes it is a good theory but can what chushes your theory it is Twilight
0 likesI will tell you how
Your saying that Trixie is Luster Dawn mother but remember that Starlight also had a crush on Sunburst before Trixie and only because he left she thought cutie marks were bad so if she found out she would not be friends with Trixie
And did not happen so Trixie is not Luster Dawn mother
So now the solution to the Spike problem is Twilight she is very mentaly unstable and needs Spike support and there are many species of Equestrian Creatures that need to be be befriended so Spike must be very busy so they lost touch now it makes sense
Me starts googling the parents of luster dawn oh I guess starlight is the mom
0 likesPlease tell me what video software you use i am really wanna make videos like this.
0 likesLuster doesn’t interact with any of these characters like she knows them. I personally think she’s Sunset’s daughter, who gave her up to Twilight
38 likesReplies (3)
But if Sunset gave Luster to Twilight, then Spike would know her.
5 likesyou might be on to something! We never saw human sunburst so who's to say he doesn't exist! Maybe he attended Crystal prep but transfers to canterlot high!
1 likeYeah but...why? Did she died?
0 likesSunbrust and trixy are defitny luster dawn parents
0 likesand Lusters hair almost looks like sunbursts as well
0 likesEscola da amizade está mais para escola dos crush
0 likespersonally, i think that luster IS starlight and sun burst's daughter because luster looks nothing like Trixie and if u try this when starlight and sunburst's skin color mix together is luster's skin color if spike has forgotten he could have remembered that starlight had a kid maybe he don't know what she looks like and also he might have been a little surprised that luster is not into frienship in the first place but that doesn't mean spike doesn't know her.
0 likesGood theory but I like starburst ship way to much
37 likesNeither Starlight nor Trixie is Luster Dawn's mom cause Luster Dawn's mom has to have yellow eyes and pink body colour cause ponies take their mom's or dad's eye and body colour
0 likes2:17 what episode is that?
0 likestrixie deserves no love from sunburst
0 likesTrixie is Luster Dawn's mom
122 likesWhat's next, is Sunset Shimmer secretly Sans-
Replies (7)
Maybe, who knows 😂
5 likesmegalovania intensifies
3 likesSunset just wants a bad time with the villains...Ahahhahah
2 likesPossibly...
0 likesWho knows?!
0 likes2020 isn't over yet!
There should be at least ONE thing good in this year!
@Asha kanmani that is rude
0 likes@nandini rao ya I know
0 likesYour theory make my mind expode like im not lying
0 likesluster's eyes are orange and neither sunburst nor trixy have orange eyes
1 likeI always shipped starlight and sunburst seance they both entered the Sunbirst
0 likesIf sunburst is her dad her dad would teach her at least abit of friendship
0 likesA lot of the stuff in that episode was writers "confirming" fan ships - apple Jack and rainbow dash, pinkie pie and cheese sandwich. It makes the most sense for them to then go with sunburst and starlight being a couple.
11 likesIn order for Trixie to be luster's mother would be for the writing team to have actually considered some of the smaller details, which I doubt they would have for something that may not mean much.
I still think it's their daughter
0 likesWhat if it could possibly be sunburst and sunset shimmer
0 likesОфигеть... 😲Всё очень логично👏👏👏 и ведь правда, эта парачка была такой ми ми ми😊... Я взорвался
0 likes“They’re standing next to each other. It must be true love!
260 likesBnha shippers: better yet, they know the other exists!!!!!!!
Replies (17)
Besides theirs been hints of the ship through out the show and comics
2 likesBold of you to assume shippers ship characters who know each other
16 likesAva Lava ah yes. The random crossover ships.
3 likes@Arquidesis Studio yep.
1 likeI don’t get the gay ships...they aren’t logical
3 likesJulianne Mina but Appledash is actually confirmed canonically
1 likeJulianne Mina it’s a ship and gay what’s not to like also ships are like never logical 😅
3 likesWhat is Bnha? Have I been gone for too long?
1 like@Erin baku no hero academia, my hero acedamia. its an anime
0 likes@☆ ava ☆ ik and i love it
0 likesDoll Draws why do u love it-
0 likes@☆ ava ☆ for a few reasons, i always thought their rivalry was super cute because they learned to put it aside to get along, and it just makes sense, rainbowdash is hard headed and apple jack in down to earth and smart. its alot to explain-
0 likes@Lillian Lamb ikr appledash is a great ship. i thought u meant u like bnha ships
0 likesFacts
0 likes@☆ ava ☆ Tho personally I ship soarindash
3 likes@☆ ava ☆ o XD
0 likesTDP shippers : why stop there ? They exist in the same universe, that's enough !
1 likeThe owl house shippers : laugh hysterically
do thorax and pharynx have a an older sister named larynx?
1 likewell starlight is midnight seen but trixie could be
0 likesSunburnt is Lester dawn's dad and her mom is tikie😄🙆
0 likesI had a feeling he was going to mention Trixie.
14 likesLuster dawn is beautiful
0 likesAnother question.... WHO IS STARLIGHT GONNA MARRY THEN LOL
0 likesplot twist, luster dawn ruined the bond between pony kind and she is the reason that all ponies no longer have magic
0 likesI feel like we don't know her parents at all because even if Sunburst had a child at least starlight would know then twilight then spike etc.
32 likesReplies (2)
It's all about circles
0 likesOr rather how far they don't spread.
0 likesMaybe she will find a poem like destroying my Bell Unforgettable which I give to my friend saw his home was Destroy misses his friends and family he cannot return he's the older brother of the Two Sisters off his royal family one way to solve his crime he lost his Wings by a powerful one so he become the Fallen one
0 likesReplies (1)
I have no idea what this person is even saying because of that way of talking sounds so old and stale which makes me wonder who or what is running that youtube channel with the question marks as a username.
1 likeI Will give you a hint like Cadence is a princess right? So the adult is connected
0 likesTo the little one like flurry heart ok? Example: So twilight’s parents are unicorn’s right? So she must be a unicorn then celestial made her a princess. Now did you get it ok?
Did u mix orange and Trixie's blue together? It doesnt equal that kind of pink. It doesnt even equal Pink! Starlight and the Orange together is wayyy Closer!
0 likesTrixie and starlight are best friends if starlight knows spike then so will trixie
0 likesI was rewatching “The Last Problem” ep and I found another piece of evidence to support your claim of Trixie and Sunburst. In the episode, when everyone gets their apple cider, they’re sitting together.
3 likesReplies (1)
Holy shir they are together it must be true love ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘
0 likesLaster dawn could be a ofen you know from a ofernig!
0 likesStarburst and starlight our siblings I think you should watch that episode
0 likesstarlight is haed mayor and sun burst is vice haed mayor maybe sunset shimer is luster dawn
0 likesI work at equestrian girl leputa said sunburnt and starlight is her parents
1 likeIt could still be a possibility that starlight is luster dawns mom, because FIRST OF ALL Spike travels around alot now and barely even sees twilight sometimes, so there is a possibility that he wouldn’t know about it, AND SECOND OF ALL, Starlight surely would be very busy as the head principal at twilights school. Call me crazy if ya want but I think there is a possibility
7 likesReplies (1)
I agree with your theory because it makes sense and also I want Starburst (Starlight x sunburst) to sail
2 likesI think Luster Dawn's mom is SUNSET SHIMMER.
0 likesI think starlight is luster dawn is her mom.
0 likesAnd by the way Trixie and starlight are close together so you’re kind of wrong
0 likesi like you putting pinkie pie in the end always!!!
0 likesMe: sees thumbnail
505 likesAlso me: LE GASP
Replies (7)
4 likesI cried at that point
3 likesso... are you french by any chance? :3
0 likesO
0 likesIf only Sunburst x Starlight is cannon...
2 likes@Karrot64 Ikr-
1 likeLike.. Cheese and Pinkie are canon-
I saw the thumbnail and I SCREAMED (that happens when Starlight be ur fav and u cri when he says it's not starlight and there no point in watching the rest of the vid cuz im so sad)
0 likesMaybe 1 of them is her mother but 🌙 and ☀️ well this 🌙☀️ dawn are not see when celestia and luna see moon and sun at the same time ? 😂😂 it was helirious so.. yeah make sence if her mother is trixie tho
0 likesas a starlight and trixie shipper, i just disagree
0 likesOk I was just scrolling through YouTube I see this and my brain kind of freaked out a bit…
0 likesIt also said NO… but maybe…
I think luster Dawn has a sister I think her sister is do you know the answer ???😏😏😏
0 likesStarlight and Sunburst looks romantic in the crystalling episode, isn't that means they already love each other?!
25 likesReplies (1)
They kinda don't, plus that's be very abusive because starlight is kinda a huge a-hole.. she doesn't respect his boundaries, or is happy for him..
0 likesI dont remember is explicitly stating that spike never knew about Luster Dawn
0 likesI’m think it’s the last two you said it might be Trixie it’s probably Trixie who knows but I think it’s Trixie what do you guys think
0 likesWell she was adopted by sun burst 😃 maybe ok you true maybe ok your smart though love your videos keep it up
0 likesEvery theory i hear from you, every theory that leaves me in a mental breakdown while proccessing them. I mean, they have a lot of sense
4 likesLuster dawn's real parents are Starlight gimmer and sunburns
0 likesCouse I see the future in tiktok
yeah starlight is her real mom
0 likesActually when you search it up sunburst and starlight are married but it’s not proven that there luster dawns parents
0 likesWell luster dawn is mixture of sunburst and starlight glimmer
0 likesWhat about the obvious trans-species relationships that are evident throughout the last season and especially the last episode. Why would Sunburst help Silverstream down when she's flying in if they weren't an item, and why would she hang around there if they weren't-looks like all that group stayed around though? Also is Ocellus and Smolder a thing-why would Ocellus deliver tea to her otherwise unless Smolder is a teacher and Ocellus an assistant? I don't agree that either of them could be the parents-they're both work at the SCHOOL OF FRIENDSHIP!-she would've been raised to value friendship above everything.
7 likesLuster has to be Trixie and Sunburst's kid. I don't she why she wouldn't be, and the cutie mark evidence just backs it up even more
0 likesActually do you think Trixie and Sunburst are pastor Dawn‘s parents because they all simplify a form of day
0 likesIt must be true love😹
0 likesok so trixie can not be luster,s mother because she is not in love with sunburst and if she had a baby she would have told starlight then starlight would have told twilight and spike and if sunburst had child he would have told starlight then further to twilight and spike same with starlight so it has to be someone not very close to the mane six and spike
0 likesIt’s a very interesting theory but I feel that Sunburst, after shying away from his friends for years and being shown how great friendship is, would heavily instill that on his daughter. His daughter probably would be smart, yes, but also have friends, unlike Luster Dawn.
3 likesi think her name is lester dawn not luster :[
0 likesstarlight is luster dawn's mother
0 likesI think she is starlight's daughter I think starlight told spike that she has a daughter but spike didn't know her face
0 likesYou think if you just had seen your kid you would give a hug
7 likesThis is who else thinks so
Replies (1)
Like beggar
0 likesI think your theory of Trixie and sunburst and luster dawn is correct
0 likesReplies (1)
Is wrong because luster have orange eyes but trixie don’t
0 likesTwilight would of brought up a child if sunburst had one
0 likesI think listers parents are sunset and sunburst
0 likesStarlight and Sunburst are her parents
0 likesI mean, really, what the name "Luster Dawn" means is that Josh Haber a) ran out of good words for the end of the day and had to switch to the start of the day instead and b) didn't think "Dawn Luster" sounded quite right. Beyond that, though . . . I'm not sure that Spike didn't know Luster at all, but it does seem like he at least doesn't know her as well as you'd expect him to know Starlight's kid.
5 likesI also think that though we know unassuming parents can produce magically gifted offspring, that doesn't conversely imply that magically gifted parents will tend to produce unassuming offspring (and we don't have any actual data on that front). If strong magic were recessive, then it would have the potential to show up unexpectedly, but would be much more common among those with recent ancestors who also had strong magic.
1:36 when worlds collide 😏
0 likesI don't watch the my little pony anymore bc my mom doesn't want me to and i do wat my mom wants, but of i had to say there are other ponys in that place that have sun hair but i guess the evidence makes sense but it could also be something else why didn't they say she was theres and what is the reason for every?🤔
0 likesI'm sure Sunburst is luster dawn's parents but Trixie is not luster dawn's mother at all.
0 likesMy idea is Thayer luster dawn was born and her family died 4 days sooner or a bit more
0 likesI find it hard to believe twilight and her friends wouldn’t also know if sunburst or starlight had a child. While they weren’t as close as the main six, if we remember correctly, twilight and starburst bonded immediately over their love of antiquing and even became pen pals. There is pony who looks like she could be a possible mother of luster dawn, but as far as I’ve been able to find, she is unnamed. She is shown in canterlot boutique. She is the pony who has a sun and has a pink coat and yellow mane. In all honesty considering the fact that spike had no concept of who luster dawn was it makes sense that she could be a minor characters daughter. Or she could very well be starbursts relative. They do have similarities. She could’ve come from sire’s hollow as we do never see what happened after their last visit. Or she could have very well been a canterlot pony from the start.
4 likesFor a secend I thought WAIT THATS SUNBREARSS SISTER and then I was like oh sunset shimmer is his sister 🤣😂
0 likesAnything I write is written by my granddaughter EVEN DIS !!!!
0 likesTAKE IT IN + PLZ REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe her mom is Sunset Shimmer.... I mean- if you put them like in same spot you will see they have something same together...
0 likesOk so spike had to know her if it was twighlights TOP student right? And in a scene you showed it had STARLIGHT SUNBURST and LUSTER DAWN and she looks like starlight and sunburst daughter 😊 and I don’t think I’m wrong but doesn’t it say in the show-?
0 likesI can totally see that Trixie and Sunburst being Luster Dawn's parents!! Thank you so much for posting this theory Sawtooth Waves!!
4 likesand are thorax and pharynx chrysalis's sons? then she would be their mommy.
0 likesI think they’re her lessern dance parents and what about they did lose touch like spike and starlight glimmer Like they could a half that’s what I think
0 likesSunbird and Starlight
0 likesSunburst and starlight is the parents of Luster Dawn parents because starlight is more confident than trixie so that means luster dawn is the daughter of starlight and sunburst
0 likesReplies (1)
That's the stupidest thing to base it off of
0 likesThere’s also the possibility that starlight told spike she had a child, yet spike never met her. Then he wouldn’t knows she looked like!
41 likesReplies (4)
Yeah but I imagine he'd know her name.
1 likeThe Creator oh, I didn’t see your comment
1 likeUmm.."sunset shimmer" ? I think you're talking about the wrong pony here,is Starlight.
1 likeCrystal DiamondSparkle oops, my mistake
1 likeLuster dawn see her look she got Starlights skin sort and look at her mane and tail it represents sun bursts
0 likesI think that Starlight and sunburst parents are close to each other think that if Starlight and sunburst parents that means that Starlight and sunburst are luster dawns parent
0 likesWatches hole thing * realizes I could just ask google
0 likesWait isn’t sunburst starlights brother ? SWEET HOME ALABAMA
0 likesI love my little pony
1 likeWhat if sunset and sunburst are lustre dawn's parents
0 likesStarlight and starburst. Luster dawn have a cutie mark like starburst and also little stars like starlight
0 likesЭто имеет смысл.Сасбест бы не стал с своим другом жизни делать ребёнка..
0 likesDamn it, Trixie being her mother makes too much sense, but i can't, i shipp Starlight and Sunburst---
311 likesReplies (11)
Same LOL
6 likesI ship Sunburst x Trixie 😀😀
6 likesYeah same Starlight and Sunburst for the win
10 likesSame man starlight and sunburst are cute together
5 likesBut Spike that little piece of dragon shi-
@Emi-Edits Trixie x sunburst is good for me 😀
2 likeshonestly i dont like the idea of starburst being with either starlight x trixie ftw
0 likesTbh i dont ship anything. Idk why, i feel like i just gave up being a shipper xD
0 likesIts Starlight x Sunburst for me
0 likes@Maria Lopez Starlight x sunburst forever
1 likeSame I ship Starlight x Sunburst 👁️👄👁️
1 likeYou can always think of Trixie being that “Rich Auntie” if you want. That’s what I personally believe.
0 likesYou are true about Shining armor ant Twilight
0 likesBro in the episode sunburts got along with everyone so this is negative
0 likesIn short no one knows but definitely not any characters he brought up
0 likesTrixie is Lester mom
1 likeYou're the kind of person who would make a video trying to make sense of the weirdest questions I have as many ideas as you might have 1: Spike is related to the discord because the discus is forcing the magic power of the house to get that dragon egg or 2: Grandma Smit is in secret eavil because IDK
3 likesoh boy do i need to catch up with mlp
0 likesI rather think that sunset sunset whatever her name is is Lester John's mother then Christy the all-knowing pain in the ass Pony Starlight Shimmer would be more of a candidate to beat Esther John's mother when trick see any day
0 likesКогда выйдит новый сезон😭😭
0 likesAbout the cutie mark I think the mother is trixie wnd the father is sunburst
1 likeI could’ve sworn that sunburst and starlight were siblings- turns out they were just close friends
14 likesMabey the morter can be tricksy or starlight but i think i agree that sunburt is the farher
0 likesanyway I think starlight is her mother
0 likesWhile I'm not against the "Starburst" ship, I don't get why a lot of the fandom thinks that Luster Dawn is the child of Starlight and Sunburst:
3 likes-Big Mac and Pinkie each had a child; if Luster Dawn was the product of Starburst, she would've been a filly, around the same age as Lil Cheese and Big Mac's son
-During "The Magic of Friendship of Grows", Sunburst and Starlight greet Luster with a simple wave; she doesn't hug them or say "hi, mom and dad"
-Jim Miller himself debunked this excuse of a headcanon
-If Luster Dawn is the daughter of the heads of the School of Friendship, who are also personal friends of Twilight Sparkle, how do you explain her anti-friendship mindset?
another thing to point out is the eye color! neither one has orange eyes !
0 likesokay, I have a theory. If twilight was cadences sister in law, would Celestia be twilight's aunt, too? Celestia took cadence in as her niece, so she would be twilight's too, right?
4 likesShining really be out of it tho
I think sunbert and trixi r dawns parents but dawn doesn't know her mom
0 likesActually discord has been Gregorio the whole time
0 likesI think the Sunburst and Trixie could be match
0 likesReplies (1)
But where did the pink skin come from
0 likesI think that sun burst and trixie are clusters parents
0 likes“They’re standing next to each other! It must be true love!”
694 likesMe: notices spike and twilight stand next to each other all the time and thinks of every time the main six stand together
Me again: 0-0 uh huh........ you do you sawtooth
Replies (22)
6 likesThat's true.
2 likesOh. My. God!
2 likesThat is soooooo true
2 likesSo I guess that means..
1 likeNot true love?!
2 likesNot sure though
1 likeSpike and Twi are siblings
8 likesI know, but it’s what the fandom says.
0 likesI mean Applejack and Rarity are dating in EG so...
4 likes@Campfire ew no Applejack and Rarity I prefer Spike and Rarity
1 like@Lucy Randomness Spike and Rarity is too easy and not really interesting. They don't really have any chemistry
5 likes@Campfire uhhh
0 likesBut didnt twi and shining say that spike is their little brother like adopted 😁
6 likes@Lucy Randomness they're talking about equestria girls, it isn't exactly normal for a human to feel romantically attracted to a dog.
1 like@astro !! ok but maybe Dog Spike wanted another owner, human Rarity
0 likes@Lucy Randomness it's still the same spike, he was attracted to human rarity-
1 likeand he doesn't seem to not want to be owned by twilight
@astro !! yeah, I called him dog spike bc he’s a dog in the human world, not a dragon.
0 likes@Lucy Randomness Spike and rarity is even more disgusting. Rarity is a full grown mare that is 20+ years old, and spike is a pre-teen dragon. So shipping them is wrong.
4 likes@Elxgant but Spike has a crush on Rarity, you can’t tell me to not ship them I can if I want
1 likeMe: searches fluttershy and discord standing next to each other
3 likes@Campfire pride 🏳️🌈
1 like4 words:
0 likesLet the ahipper role.
What if sunburst is her brother 🤯
0 likesI think her parents are neither Trixie and Sunburst or Celestia and Luna because it’s like the same cutie mark
0 likesand is pharynx dating ocellus? and are you their child sawtooth? the they would be their baby.
0 likesMe in the begining: Seems legit
107 likesMe at the end: What?!! No way
It is quite smart that you think sun berst and trics a lister downs pearents
0 likes2:44 TWO ALICORNS?!
0 likesI think princess Luna is mother because after night dawn comes
0 likesOk Trixie Luster mother ok the only perfect parents I know is Sunburst and Starlight
0 likesIf she was anyone’s child that was more involved in friendship, I don’t think she’d be as hesitant for friendship as she is.
4 likesI like your you tube. I think that pony is sunburst, or sunset shimmer, or starlight glimmer’s little sister!
0 likesSunburst and Trixie were sitting together in the coronation
0 likesTrixe is very close to his best friend so it’s likely
0 likesI think Sunburst and Trixie is luster Don parents
0 likesThere is some compelling reasons some have come to the conclusion that Luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst, mostly related to her character design.
8 likesJust An Opinion
Replies (1)
Z pe a lepší a lepší a lepší 🎓🎩Z toho šel do něj kontakt na mě působí na to šlo o tom smyslu zákona o DPH za odpověď na otázku ohledně toho se zeptat zda by bylo na čaou🛋🛏🪟x a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a levnější velkoobchod a lepší než ten se zeptat zda by bylo na čase a lepší než ten se zeptat zdo👚👕d a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a levnější velkoobchod a lepší než ten se zeptat zda by 85 a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší a lepší
0 likesI believe you just I know the parents okay you might not believe this I think princess Kaiden is The mother okay hear me out I think Princess cadence is cheating on shining armour and had a child with Sunburst Okay I’m just saying they’re really close and Spike is not really that close to Princess cadence so Spikes problem isn’t a problem okay I’m not saying it’s completely incorrect correct but I’m just saying they’re in the same team did the same school And Sunburst is the Christopher so he probably crystallise first daughter and that’s why she is smart
0 likesim speechless
0 likesur one smart guy
But Luster has orange eyes, neither sunburst or trixie have orange eyes-
0 likesI think I think luster Don parents are sunburst and Trichy
0 likesHim: someone he spends a lot of time with at the school?
221 likesMe: I swear to god if you say twilight I'm done
Him:*says Trixie instead*
Me:WHAT??????????? You better have a good explanation sir
Replies (3)
It would have been better if you did
5 likes"Me: my profile picture " instead of that " WHAT????????? You better have a good explanation sir."
0 likes@That one cat your mother chose over you lol I am in love with your name and pfp 😂
0 likesWOAH WOAH WOAH man you just started the video with Sunburst and starlight having a kid OUT OF NOWHERE
0 likesI think you’re right
0 likesI think that sunburst and trixie are the parents
0 likesPretty good example
0 likesIt's a good theory but we'll honestly I don't really see trixie as the mostly type like could you imagine her carrying around a pony for 9 months, idk about that
16 likesReplies (2)
Sam Darcy Moore the average horse gestation period is actually 11 months
1 like@God of angering randos on the internet cool, I didn't ask
1 likeI think the parents or Sunburst and Trixie
0 likesIkr they where meant for each other
0 likesone night stand between Sunburst and Trixie hahaha
0 likesHow about Lyra and Bon Bon
0 likesMaybe Starlight,Twilight,and Sunset were lost long siblings. Their Night,Sunrise,and Sunset. Twilight is sunrise because you only see Twilight in early morning.
16 likesReplies (1)
They're* Also, I see Twilight when i'm outside around sunset. It's a nice purple color that comes after the orange, yellow, and pink that you see in a sunset. I'm not patient enough to watch the sunrise, but at least as far as I know it's not an "only in the morning".
0 likesNo one is going to talk about skin colour 😂😂😂
0 likesI know that sunburst married tricksy because at most of the time you could she tricksy having feelings for sunburst
0 likesI still think that starlight married sunburst
0 likesI almost said Sunset trying to say Sunburst
0 likesomg the Trixie and Sunburst theory with the cutie mark themes gave me so much inspiration ;w; usually I give my ocs parents by trying to separate their colors now I'll think about this idea to make them unique
0 likesLuster is so cute
0 likesCan you please explain how luster is freaking pink if Trixie is her mother then why is she pink
0 likes#teamstarburst!!!!
1 likePlot twist: she’s the daughter of Celestia and....Idk
159 likesEDIT:this is the most liked comment I’ve ever had!
Replies (4)
Discord in pony form (¬ω¬)
6 likes@Asha kanmani Diamond Tiara and Cozy Glow's daughter. 😂
8 likesAsha Kanmani yas
1 likeLuster being Celestia’s kid would be amazing 😉
1 likeIt could be starlight because starlight is a bit pink but most light and the child is a little bit dark pink so I think But iam not sure its starlight
0 likesBut wait.. Aren't Starlight Glimmer AND Trixie Lulamoon lesbian??? Like Trixie and Starlight Definitely like (or liked) each other, all the signs are there, everyone knows that.. Right?!
0 likesimagine pinkie pie and sunbursts having kids
0 likesStarlight is the mother of that kid
0 likesOr maybe Starlight introduced Luster to her friends when Luster was at a young age and the reason why Spike couldn’t recognize her was because he hadn’t seen her for a long time and her appearance changed
14 likesOh but I shipped starlight and sunburst though
0 likesI think sunset shimmer is luster dawns mother
0 likesI suggest tricsy is the mother
0 likesNo. Starlight and trixie are lesbians❤️
0 likes“More than just friends”
277 likesmiraculous ladybug: “ she’s just a friend “
Replies (9)
oh yeah! adrien said that
6 likes@She Does It Again yes lol
4 likesYe
0 likesLol
0 likesyep
3 likesWrong fandom
2 likesOMG I KNOW BLIND BOI Mari and luca heck no tho
1 likeCan you mystery 1 on fluttershy
0 likesWhen everyone ships Sunburst and Starlight
0 likesMe, an intellectual: haha trixi x starlight 🌝☕️
What about fire flicker her colors is so similar to luster
0 likesI think you’re right
0 likesReally bad theory: I think that Trixie and Starlight adopted Luster. I know, it sounds crazy, but hear me out. Luster has both Starlight's magical ability (as she is Twilight's head student) and Trixie's confidence. Both Starlight and Trixie were a bit, how do I say this, un-friendly at first? But, like Luster did, they gave in to the Magic of Friendship. There's most likely evidence against this, but Starlight was also Trixie's first friend, which is another big thing that ties them together.
13 likesEdit: Who are her biological parents? Well, I believe that Sunburst is Lusters blood father. Now this next part is a stretch, but it's the only thing I could think of. I think that Luster's blood mother might have maybe left Sunburst with Luster, and then he put her up for adoption, as he could not raise her on his own. Just a thought, and a very wild and crazy one.
Replies (3)
Actually, this is really good theory...
this is a very nice theory, but who would her REAL parents be?
0 likesTiffany Tang
0 likesHer real parents in this scenario are Trixie and Starlight lol.
If you mean her birth/blood parents you should specify that. Implying that adoptive parents are not real parents is very harmful and not good. (Even if you didn’t mean to).
Anyway, in this scenario/case, her birth parents are probably just random ponies lol. No need to really specify them since she has her two moms. :p
Sunset might be the moher
0 likes💕 I don’t know who they are
0 likesThe eyes tho trixy has purple eyes sunburst has blue and luster has brown/yellow i kinda get the pink on luster but trixy is blue
0 likesWait , maybe she’s adopted .......
0 likesIt’s just a theory a pony th-
"sawtooth" that's future spike. "Spike" that's future spikes problem
0 likesMe: True Love!
0 likesmaybe lusters parents are twilight
0 likesWhat about sunset simmer she is the only one left to think about and if trixie was luster mother the coat color would have match or will it....
0 likesFace it sunset simmer is the right color and CUTIE MARKS MATCHES PERFECT but come on guys sunset could be the mother! But guys another thing breakin this story sunburt never have been closet to sunset shimmer 😵😕 but we need to investigate 🔎
Plot twist: Luster Dawn was adopted. 😂
36 likesReplies (1)
2 likesI can't believe this isn't getting attacked by people who ship sunburst x starlight
0 likesкак для шипера Старлайт и Самбёрста и шипера Старлайт и Трикси, услышать об Трикси и Самбёрсте было больно...
0 likesStarlight name is present night too
0 likesStarlight would kill Trixie if she were with Sunburst.
0 likesSunburst and Trixie...
14 likesWhat am I even supposed to think about this?
Luster dawn is a new pony.
0 likesWait -awo-ta wait a minute but aren’t starlight and sunburst cousins or siblings
0 likesay maybe she kept luster a suprise and spike was busy helping twilight rule
0 likesNo it’s not them because if it was don’t you think there parents would tell her the magic of friendship.
0 likesWell trixie only hung out with him a couple times and he was able to get along with twilight too
32 likesReplies (1)
Trixie is Starlight’s best friend, DUH
1 likeOK OK OK THIS IS URGENT. SAWTOOTH WAVES YOU REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS COMMENT. I THINK I'VE FOUND LUSTER DAWN'S MOTHER!!!!! Ok ok ok ok. So go back to Season 9 Episode 25. When the unicorn's shield breaks, look who's standing next to Sunburst!!! She is the only unfamiliar unicorn there!!! I think this may be it!!! If this is true please give me a bit of credit if you make a video. PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS!!! @Sawtooth Waves
0 likesTrixie and sunburst yes but what about luster connected as daughter yes
0 likesNah cuz idc Sunburst and Starlight forever✨✨
0 likesSunburst and Starlight are luster parents.
0 likesNot that you brought the possibility of Trixburst I ship it
0 likesDont lead this into the wrong way,but your other video about flurry heart cadance baby that the title was"not true alicorn" I think that wasn't true,you see if flurry was a changeling,well I supposed that she wont' show any magic like when she sneeze and shout that she broke the crystal heart well that proves that she is a true alicorn,but if she is a changeling there is NO magic powers a changeling can change,but they cannot copy the ability of unicorn's magic because flurry heart has a strong magic like her mother Cadence,it would be impossible that changeling can copy a strong magic because there leader was Chrysalis who is weak just hungry for power or love who thought she could defeat twilight,Just NO offence THAT isjust my oppinoin😊
0 likesI love your video
0 likesI love your video
0 likesTheory: It must been sunburts sister well technically little sister.
76 likesReplies (3)
3 likesNu
1 likeThats actually true
0 likesTwighlight and her brother.
0 likesLuster dawn parents is starlight glimmer and sun Burts!!!
0 likesDo this video twilight lost her wings went the Flurry's heart crystal and the last crystal at the ice is like the unicorn crystal and rainbow dash and explorer friend has the earth pony crystal but the pegasi crystal is not ANYWer so do that video how she lost wings
0 likesmaybe shes just adopted
0 likesit's very coherent it's a perfect theory ,
4 likesI say that the parents are starlight and sunburst
I was gonna say sunset shimmer and another pony🤔
0 likesTrixie and sunburst luster's
0 likesMom and dad not crazy to me but it's true and btw hi sawtooth!
i think that sunburst is Luster's dad but for trixie
but if you look closely all his theory of trixie is correct too..
Ha! I only heard GREAT and I knew it was Trixie
0 likesStarburst? That could be a good name- If luster dawn was born from starlight and sun burst-
5 likesLuster Dawn said Friendsip is a waste of time.
0 likesSunset, sunburst, luster dawn... sun marks?!
0 likesI think is Starlight and sunburst
0 likesI think your right sawtooth waves
0 likesShe seems to have the same cutie mark as sunburst in my opinion 😁
3 likesStarlight is the mother
0 likesI know I am crazy rn but what of sunset shimmer was lusters mom?
0 likesOmg I think I know who is lister downs parents it is not star as you said is wait drumroll please Dom Dom Dom dom dom it’s not Trixie it’s SUNSET SHIMMER!!! Now I’m gonna tell you why beaucase sunset SUNBERST and lister down all related to SUN so make any sense ?? And please tell me why it make sense or not.
1 likeI am sure that sunburst is dawn father but trixy no no
0 likesI think Luster is just some random pony. Personally, I love the idea of her being Starlight and Sunburst's daughter, I don't think that's the case. I also don't think she's Trixie's daughter. Since all three work at the friendship school, Twilight would have known if they had a daughter and she would have told spike too. Otherwise Starlight would have told him if she or Trixie or Sunburst had children, as Sunburst and Trixie are her close friends. So I think Spike not knowing who she is means she's just a random unicorn.
3 likesBut I think trixie Did haev a bit of a crush on Sunburst and same with Sunburst!
0 likesSunset shimmer coud be Lusterdawns mom and Sunburst is Lusterdawns dad
1 likeReplies (1)
Bro StarTrix has never been confirmed it's just a ship💀
0 likesIt's must be true love ❤
0 likesYea okay"
When i saw the notifiaction i was like "who are luster dawns parents?" me: whos lawster dawn?
136 likesReplies (6)
2 likesSounds like meh
0 likesSame, then once the video started, I got it
1 likeNot the only 1 trust me
2 likesLol same
1 likeBruh..
1 likeTrue why did i not notice i wish you make more videos like som much so cool thx
1 likeIn a nother video it showed starlight was her mom and sunburst is her dad
0 likesBut then again wouldn't Sunburst tell him I forget her name and wouldn't that information because despite what is Spike was lying there I know it's Mike wouldn't lie but what if he just didn't want like twilight to know where something
0 likesThe comparison about the time of day near the end there really convinced me. Also, totally called the Trixie thing! :P
3 likesShe is a random unicorn, hmmm, well because when starlight and sunburst started to marry. She has already become a student. But she has so many similarities to both. And tronxie can't be her mother. She is a little arrogant to be a mother. I Mean it is a mistery!
0 likesА можно перевести?
0 likesI saw Lester in season four
0 likesSunburst and starlight are siblings
0 likesI never would never had thought trixie and sunburst would be together thats a whole new page
9 likesBut how did Luster get pink skin and orange eyes.
0 likesUmmm and I don’t think trixie would have a child with her best friend starlight’s also really close friend how would starlight feel about that
0 likeswhat if when I select the UNM Una bailed out Celeste or Luna most most likely celestial found love and created her because the Leslie A if you like put her into the past changed her hair color yeah so let's see I could have went through another face instead of having that glows weird hair so technically we don't have a proof that's the less you can't be her mother I mean so left ya so let's use like five hundred six hundred and seventy years old so we don't know that anyways yeah that's true even though we don't know her mother and we kind of know her father to let ya could have got married with them and how to children which would have been so wrong
0 likesLook at Starlights and sunbursts hair
47 likesStarlight's style and sunburst's wavy hair
0 likesI look it up and turns out that starlight married sunburst and luster dawn is theyr daughter put i still dont get it about the spike thing you might be right
0 likesidk, her eye colour doesn't match with any of the 3 mentioned ponys...
0 likesI mean before Twilight move to ponyville she also did not like friendship and she is also Celestia top student back in the day
0 likesTHEORY
25 likesFor the first episode, ‘the stars will aid in her escape’. I think LUNA released Nightmare Moon (nm). You might think ‘NM IS LUNA 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄’ Well, when Celestia used the elements (rip) to banish NM, spirits of the real Luna were still there. Celestia was upset, about the sad banishment. She banished those spirits to the stars, knowing to not banish to the moon, as NM may manipulate her into becoming evil. NM and Luna got to know each other, but Luna knew not to trust. Luna knew what her sister was doing, getting Twilight to meet the mane 5. With the magic within her, she released NM. When Luna was brought back, reformed, the sprits were brought back. Luna stayed quiet, to regain magic and then came back to the Alicorn we know and love.
The spirits wanted the mane 6 to defeat NM instead. Now, I feel Luna knew Twilight’s potential. That’s why instead of reforming NM while banished, she wanted the mane 6 to do it, knowing what’s to come, knowing about the futures 4th alicorn princess. The spirits watched Twilights magical potential from above, seeing how she learned and grew. There was one tiny push into making her into her full potential. FRIEEEEEEEEENNNNDDDDDSSSSSSS! Yeah, she knew the only thing Twilight needed, was friends. Her friends helped her learn and grow, Twilight becoming her full potential, becoming the princess of friendship. She wanted her to meet the mane 5, become friends. Then she would use the remaining magic within her to release NM. Then the rest is history
Replies (6)
Oof ignored
1 likeInteresting
1 likeThat’s interesting but if Luna could release herself why wait a thousand years?
0 likes@Abbi Jenson She was waiting until the Mane 6 were ready to take on Nightmare Moon.
1 like@Jennifer Smith I don't think so
1 likeKhammy Oyelakin yeah that’s what I meant
0 likesLook at luster mane stile kinda like starlight right
0 likesBruh you're ruining my ship either way 😢
1 likeMy thought maybe trixie
0 likesHim "trixie"
I think it is apple jack and fluter shy,s brother
0 likesI, the impatient girl that I am, scrolled down to the comments to see who her mother is. But, now I’m just confused as ever
15 likesNo! Starlight. Is. The. Mothr
0 likesI can't believe how you think that but Sunburst and Starlight ship forever why would he love trixie
0 likesIt's.....sunburst and Starlight
0 likesI don’t really think that sunburst is Luster’s dad because if he is there would be no way that the school of friendship is a place that Twilight has to show her.
0 likesI would want to request a video idea: What could be the closest creature to be a human? (Kinda old, but I'm outta ideas)
4 likesMaybe luster dwans mom is sunset shimmer
0 likesI think your right but the mom I dont think so
0 likesaight so you saying they had the "thing"-
0 likesYoo starlight and trixie are best friends... also– but sunburst and starlight were childhood friends...
1 likeBut if its in human 20's but then starlight likes sunburst— but then now there together...
Yes i know this is weird but kinda makes sense...
I always thought Sunset and SciTwi were her parents...
6 likesYa'll know what, idc or idgaf what anyone said. To me, Starburst is canon. I did hear somewhere where someone said that some worker from MLP confirms Starburst is canon so...
0 likesalso, some fillies are born with different colours than their parents. Just bc they have different personalities and colors doesn't mean they are not related. So I think and i want to believe Starlight is her mother and you can't stop me from shipping Starburst. Again, this is my opinion and my thought cuz I want to. :)
Replies (4)
A worker never confirmed it, they said they personally see it-- that doesn't mean it's canon
1 likeAlso tbh Starburst is kinda a toxic relationship. Starlight isnt that respectful of her friend or his boundaries, the only time she's ever rlly bonded with him is them sharing annoyance with their parents, they don't even have anything in common anymore--
1 like@VixyMix 101 true, but Sunburst knows magic more than anyone else and Starlight is talented at magic, so they would make a good team. Also, i told you this my opinion! And i do not think Starlight is toxic.
0 likes@Ku Aina yeah a good team, not a good couple.
0 likesAlso okay? That doesn't mean I can't give mine as well. Such as that starlight is a big ass bitch. She's basically a whiney baby-- they legit have to dumb down twilight just for her to seem smart and good. Not to mention she legit tried to kill discord, dont forget that she makes the same HUGE mistakes of using her magic to mind control, even tho she has ALLLLL the help in the world.. twilight at least didn't know a lot of things and had to find out stuff herself and learn from it, so that's why she made mistakes-- starlight? What's her excuse-- booo hoo! My friend got a butt mark and I didn't! Now excuse me as I become an evil tyrant and brain wash people!~ yeah, that's something a normal, sane person would do!~ and not just forget about it after a very long while--
Celestia wasin't crogar discord was crogar
0 likesIllegitimate offspring?
0 likesnah i'm luster's mom and dad...and sister and brother...dog....cat....grandparents,cousins...
0 likesMaybe in season 10 idw we might get to see cozy glow and luster dawn's parents
8 likesReplies (4)
We're not gonna have a season 10 of MLP sadly.
2 likes@Destiny Consonery but have season 10 of MLP in comic ⊙ω⊙
1 like@Destiny Consonery um season 10 idw came out recently
1 likeRenamon 565 really?
0 likesWhat if sunburst and twilight are her parents
0 likesWhat is starlight and Trixie are both luster dawn's parents
0 likesWow hard to imagine
0 likes*debunks Sunburst x Starlight*: YESS!
140 likes*goes on to debunk Starlight x Trixie*: Stop blowing holes in me ship!
Replies (8)
Lol :P
3 likesSame!
3 likesIKR
0 likesexactly
0 likesCouldn't agree more.
0 likesIkr...LEMME SHIP XD
1 likeLol same
0 likesLol I like this video cuz I like Sunburst x Trixie more than Sunburst x Starlight :0
1 likeOfcourse she its luster is sunburst and starlight's doughter
0 likesLester's parents are sunburst and trixie
0 likesluster dawn is the pony
0 likesStarlight is kinda it's like her cutie mark is star and starts are in a night :/
0 likesIt's what the cutie mark of Shining Armor ?
0 likesI agree chricksy and sunburst moon sun down
0 likesLuster dawn parents is sun burst and star light glimer i see it in google
0 likesI agree!
0 likesSunburst and Starlight?
39 likesAyeee my boy is out of the friend zone!
wow, you have to think outside the box, not inside the box, we obviously could tell that I forgot the girl girl her name, the main character. You're talking about the girl who is twilight Sparkle's Maine students cannot be connected to I don't I forgotthey can not physically be related because as we saw the flurry heart, her mom, wasn't actually a real real, real, technically real peg aside, Alcorn God damn, the corn was a real actual cornso, technically, she was born in our home, which mean full grown ALA corn with full grown wings, how do you put that out of your stomach anyways, so, yeah, kind of true if that can happen, I'm pretty sure, 2 other creatures crib, create one PIAS PO point magic pony pony with horns, God pointing what a whore oh my God
0 likesSunbust loves star light
0 likesit is true that trixie and sunburst is the parents of luster dawn cuz what is the middle of sun and moon? Its the cutie mark of luster dawn! Its sunrise or sunset!
0 likesI think Trixie is her mom! It adds up so good
0 likesIt was the “one thing” for me lol
0 likesme and my sister call the buffer-but-less-buff spike: "spike on steroids"
69 likesReplies (1)
Spike is on steroids xD
4 likesOkay but why LUSTer dawn-
0 likesThat could be kinda true
0 likesSunburnsd and Starlight
0 likesI’d like to know who cozy glow’s parents are
5 likesHmm?? Well there is 3 ponies that could be sunburst wife starlight sunset shimmer or trick now first one starlight now starlight glimmer haves many reasons she could sunburst wife so they have a good relationship when there were young but there is one thing starlight does not have the same cutie mark next trick now well they have moon and sun in there name they hang out a lot and tricke wants to see him a lot next sunset shimmer now here's the thing they both have sun in there name but here's the twist they have never met before so maybe starlight could be lustet dawns mother
0 likesHe is so funny
0 likesactually starlight is not lusters parent or sunburst..WHY!? im back with more conclutions lol anyways. its cause luster ddint know them when twilight made her meet them more importantly she didnt know where her parents lived!? cause she didnt know what pontville was right?
1 likeReplies (1)
even she ddint know trixxie lol hope my thery is kinda acutrite
0 likesI guess it is Trixie and Sunburst
0 likesI don’t think that we know either of Luster’s parents as the genetics don’t match up for her and the suggested parents.
7 likesSunburst is her father and trixy is her mother
0 likesLuster is maybe Tricsi's doagter
0 likesI think starlight glimmer is the the other
0 likesStarlight and Sunburst
0 likesAnother theory : starlight and sunburst wanted to try a relationship but it fell apart but they still decided to be friends and sunburst started a new
5 likesrelationship with trixie luster dawn visits starlight from time to time but sometimes she is too busy so she regularly stays with sunburst and
starlight helps with the money/bits and i would assume that her favorite parent is trixie so she decided to follow her confidence starlight
Never mentioned it to spike because she didn’t want spike having a grudge to sunburst.
Yes I think it is real but are we suppose to believe that this is true I mean like they acted they don't no luster like look they didn't say something like twilight luster is our daughter we are glad that your here with our daughter or luster saying mom my teacher said I can study here. I mean it is impossible that mom and daughter don't interact with eachother
0 likesI’m not happy with the answer I like sunburst x starlight
0 likesi think starlight is lustergons mom not trixy
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesStarlight is her mom
ok first of all you should think about who is luster dawn. she is a pony .Emm..I mean an
0 likesunicorn.
the problem like who are the royal sisters parents (those pictures aren't true)。。。。and in my little pony they never told you about the royal sisters past or who are their parents
maybe luster dawn were born in another family not twilight even know .I imagine that she even maybe born in a rock I know that is crazy but its a magic world so it may have this possibility
I can see trixe and sunburst having lusterdawn. To the color of their skin possibly combined to create lusterdawns Skin, their cutiemarks matching up, and even working at the school of friendship together. Great possibility
4 likesOk. But how did luster dawn get orange eyes instead of her parents.
0 likesNo sunshet shimmer will be princess after some time
0 likesIt must be true love!
0 likesWait what
What about Sunset Shimmer 🤔🤔
0 likesShe also looks similar to Sunset Shimmer. 🤔 But I like the thought of Starlight and Sunburst (I ship it like FexEx)
4 likesI think Sun burst and trixie.
0 likesSunburst and starlight is together because they is running the school together right?
0 likeshmm is Lusterdawn, Trixie and sunburst are famly then Snunny is also
0 likesjust look at the eye color and skin and cutiemark
Sunset is mother ¹st thing
0 likesCutie mark
Theory:Starlight is her mom just not closer to Dawn.
18 likesI don't expect Luster Dawn being Sunburst's daughter or anyone else's daughter since she was so rude infront of the Princess of Friendship. If she's the daughter Sunburst or Starlight, I think we can all expect her to be polite, nice, or friendly since both of them can be seen working at the school of Friendship.
2 likesNo one is noticing the fact that she has granny smith eyes
0 likesMe*
0 likes(HAHAHA how can they be parents there FRIENDS!?)
Wait twilight hair is wavy now?
0 likesPlot twist: what is before moon: sunset, Sunset Shimmer is actually trixie's and sunburst's daughter from future
205 likesEdit: Even eyes matches
Replies (21)
Matilda Haran oof XD
2 likesThat's good idea but to make us believe you have to prove that
5 likes👍👍👍I LOVE THAT IDEA👍👍👍
0 likesand isnt sunset supposed to be really good at magic and she was celestia's top student before twilight, AND It would explain why we never have seen anyone worried about her leaving the magical world other than her teachers AND IT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY WE HAVEN'T SEEN AN EG VERSION OF HER, BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE MAGIC, STRONG ENOUGH TO TIME TRAVEL BACK IN TIME SO IM NOW DYING FOR THIS IDEA-
8 likesI like the theory where sunset shimmer is sunburst's sister.
7 likes@Fate Cosmic or like cousin's
2 likesBut that’s two orange coats where is the pink tinge from.
0 likes@Million X157 eg version of who
0 likes@MsMeppy who know but I am gonna go with it
0 likesXD
0 likes@MsMeppy not ALL Kids Has To look like Their Parents, There's something called Hereditation Maybe She hereditate from someone elsw
0 likes@🎶Broppy Arrtuny and Bonnica Studios (Poppy)💗 doubtful
0 likes@MsMeppy it's True, 😑 Me is An example
0 likes@MsMeppy My Hair is From My Great Grandfather My face From my mother My skin Tome from My Father My Nose From My Aunt
0 likes@🎶Broppy Arrtuny and Bonnica Studios (Poppy)💗 it’s a kids show plus it’s based of ponies most get colours from parents
0 likes@MsMeppy You Just Don't Wanna Admit that Starlight x Sunburst Isn't real
0 likesYou are like GuyPoppy, Breek, Parb, Croppy Shippers When they Realize Broppy is Real
And Like me When I Realized Freddica is real But I Still Ship Bonnica
@🎶Broppy Arrtuny and Bonnica Studios (Poppy)💗 Dude ima block you cause your trying to start a fight
0 likes@🎶Broppy Arrtuny and Bonnica Studios (Poppy)💗 They look like there parents
0 likes@MsMeppy POUND CAKE Doesn't Looks Like Them😑
0 likesAnd I'm a Girl
And I'm Not Trying To fight
I'm Trying To reason With You
@Tiny Korra he said from the future as in she came back to meet her parents
0 likesI think it’s the second one.
0 likesYeah starlight and Summer started to parents of lester
0 likesIt must be true love
0 likesMe: lol
Maybe they're a trouple
0 likesMaybe she is sunset shimmers daughter that twilight allowed to cross back into the pony world>)
44 likesReplies (1)
1 likeI think starlight and Trixie’s baby, but sunburst is the biological father.
0 likesIt's on google.. Google said luster is Sunburst daughter and starlight is the morher
0 likesI don't see the difrunts of haw the little pony can be sunbersts dad or stare lights mum ? #CONFUSED
0 likesIs spikezilla canon?
0 likesWelp, was NOT expecting that. You got us again Sawtooth!
13 likesAlso what was that hinting about a new theory..?
Starlight and sunburst
0 likesbut if trixie is her mother were did the pink skin come from? not to be rude but still
0 likesUgh don’t you mean the weak and powerless trixie
0 likesBut she would have either blue or purple eyes not orange unless it's a recessive gene
0 likesCould you do a theory wether Twilight will outlive her friends? Are Alicorns immortal with age or just live a whole lot longer and then die at a certain age?
4 likesIs Celestia dead in the episode.
0 likesI think it was the one that I think it was Starbucks I think the orange one with the blue glasses yeah thing is like Trixie Trixie I don't know
0 likesi headcanon starlight as gay so i only see sunburst and starlight as friends so i hc luster's parent's are sunset and starlight
0 likesYour so right
0 likesi am kind of disappointed that we don't have any information of starlight between the timeskip
7 likesSawtooth waves i think your wrong about the sunburst and trickle ahhh I don't know how to write her name
0 likesI see this part on mlp time for two
0 likesJust imagin of lusters parents were sunburst and sunset shimmer
0 likesIt's sunbust and starlight
0 likesIf you watched the darkest dawn, sunburst and starlight are luster dawn's parents.
5 likesReplies (1)
That is a fan work not canon
0 likesI think that his sister
0 likesDo you think she is Moondancer’s daughter
0 likesSoooooo
0 likesTrixie Lulamoon + Sunburst = Luster Dawn
I think it's sunburst and Trixie
0 likesOkay, I was re-watching the series and I saw this pony who had so many of Luster Dawn’s genetics, the bad thing is I can’t remember who it was. Once it pops back in my mind I’ll come back and edit this.
4 likesHey Trixie and sunburst both have stars on there clothes
0 likesZecora mom fim dad
1 likeWhere do y'all watch this 😭
0 likesWhat about the eyes?
0 likesI don't think she's related to either. Sunset Shimmer however......
259 likesReplies (34)
Hey, good theory there
5 likesWait a sec, that could be true because Spike and sunset shimmer aren’t really close and her color palette matches to Sunset. Sunset and starburst both have a lot of magical power but I don’t know how they would meet
30 likesoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesSunset Shimmer is in the human world.
9 likes@sassandsarcasam I don't get this "Spike not knowing that pony's baby because they're not close" thing. As long as Twilight knows, then Spike would definitely find out aswell. I mean why wouldn't Twilight tell Spike about one of her friends having a baby? Susnet and Twilight are close friends so I'm pretty sure she would have told Twilight if she had a baby and Twilight would have definetly told Spike about it.
7 likesShe went back to pony world, meet sunburst, bang sunburst, gave birth to luster, then went back to human world and prob never get back
5 likes@Silver Bruh what are the chances of that, and what would the purpose even be?😂
4 likesWell, I have a theory. Since there’s pony mane 6 and a human mane 6 there could be another Sunset shimmer which lives in the pony world. Though the problem is that we never saw another sunset shimmer.
3 likes@Screw_A_Username Both Sunset shimmers live in the human world. The Sunset we know was born in the pony world and then escaped to the human world remember? The other human Sunset is probably dead or lives in another city ( the second one is more likely). I wish they cleared the "2 sunset thing" out before they ended the EG movies
7 likes@Screw_A_Username That's actually very true! In fact it probably is true that there is another sunset shimmer. But we never saw her or got introduced to her so all the magic stuff would be totally new to her, also Twilight (original twilight) was really smart when it came to letting who went in and out of the portal, and since she let Sunset stay in that world, maybe there actually wasn't human sunset? Idk, both are very possible
3 likes@Ate n threw up hold up, are you the one from glitchtrap’s thing?
0 likes@Screw_A_Username Indeed I am.
0 likesAnd uh you never saw me here, I don't watch my little pony..
@Infinite 2000 there is no human Sunset. It was confirmed by one of the directors
1 like@Jam So she is like Discord and only exist in one universe?
1 like@Infinite 2000 i guess so
0 likesShe is in the human world tho
0 likesYou know what it does seem like a possibility. But in that case i dont think sunburst would be the father. It would have to be someone from the human world.
0 likes@Jam but that makes zero sense... It sounds like the crew is trying to slide some murder under the rug and handwaved it as destiny always knew it would be so.
1 likeMore likely, just like pony Sunset ran away from school, so did human Sunset. But human Sunset didn't find a magical portal, she just... Disappeared or maybe they found the portal at the same exact time and fused together. That is the best theory I can come up with that isn't gory.
Pony version ran into the mirror as human version was crying at the statue, they entered at the exact same time and became one complete sunset with all each other's memories (which allows them to work in both worlds flawlessly)
@demonheart13 but it's true.
0 likes@Jam just because the writer says it's true doesn't make it true. JK Rowling said dumbledore was gay some decades after she already made money off him on a bid to make more money and everyone called her out on her BS
0 likesWhen the author states the facts, the real world is a reflection of our world, and then states contradicting information without any evidence as to why it's contradicting, it's okay to accept that evidence as dubious at best. Authors change their mind and the lore ALL the time especially for popular brands. See Pokemon, Monster High, Harry Potter and more. The truth is, the creators don't have the ability to notice evey pothole especially future ones and when presented with such a promblem they will usually have no time to think it through so they just give whatever statement sounds right in the moment.
1 likeWell then sunburst is not her father?
I think sunburst and sunset are siblings
They.are.bro and sis or his theory
0 likesEh I don't think that is biogolicoly possible Sunset Shimmer never met him
0 likes@*•ᴇᴍᴏ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋʙᴜᴛᴛᴇʀғʟʏᴘᴜᴘ•* considering the time skip. They could met if sunset came to earth. But I feel like they are sibling
0 likesHold up
0 likesWait A Minute
They are siblings
0 likes@Sp Tan never confirmed
0 likesOne problem Sunset is in the human world and since from Granny Smith's founding of ponyville which according to Twilight was centuries ago it's safe to assume that Sunset might not be... Around anymore. I think I'm gonna get judged for this but when I realized this I actually cried because that means Twilight probably didn't or doesn't know that Sunset is gone I couldn't stand the thought that Twilight probably doesn't even know that one of her friends is gone forever
1 like@Ate n threw up whoa did not expect another fnaf fan to be commenting here I love it when people are part of 2 completely different fandoms
0 likes@Screw_A_Username the sunset we see IS the one from the pony world also the fact that human Sunset would've gone to the same school and Sunset was a villian when she first came to the human world. R.I.P OG human Sunset
0 likes@Ate n threw up Lol u ded
0 likes@Jam there IS no human Sunset but WAS there a human Sunset
0 likes@Awolves are cute but it seems pretty obvious time works differently on earth then it does in the human world. Maybe because the sisters move the sun themselves so they don't have to follow a 24h schedule. But it seems like time moves faster in equestria.
1 likeLike the time in between the mirror activating seems to take much longer in equestria then in the human demention.
0 likesI like sunburst and TrixieTheory
0 likesI think that you are right
0 likesthe eyes of luster is diff
0 likesNo I think that sunsetshimer is the mother
0 likesI think she's some random filly, feels less like playing favorites that way
5 likesBut sunburst and starlight are brother and sister😧
1 likeHas anyone ever thought that Luster Dawns mother is Sunset Shimmer? Now, listen. SUNSET (Dusk) Shimmer and Luster DAWN. If you don’t get what I mean, I’m talking about dawn and dusk, sounds like a good mother and daughter thing, right? Sure, this is just a theory but it sounds like it could be a thing. Sunset Shimmer didn’t really get the message of friendship until the Mane 6 came along. So that could be the reasoning of LusterDawn’s misunderstanding and dislike of friendship, just like how her mother misunderstood it and disliked it at around her age. That could also be a reasoning for why Spike didn’t recognise her, because he has no contact with Sunset Shimmer. That’s all I came up with but I hope that this theory is pretty good?
0 likesAnyone else heard him call her a nerd
0 likesI think Star light
1 likeI feel like sunset shimmer is a more suitable mother then Trixie.
129 likesReplies (26)
1 likeRuthiniabelle Soto nwO what happened to Sunset shimmer in the show, anyway?
2 likesGaby George my opinion, after high school, she came back to equestria and meets sunburst and bla bla bla luster dawn is born.
3 likes@Jack Starrett Yeah
1 likeOh my gosh that make SO MUCH SENSE
0 likesI have a headcanon that sunset and sunburst are siblings-
4 likesShe’s over at the human world.
1 like@Jack Starrett she’s basically the magic element of the human world, so leaving her place as that to have a baby with a random stallion and then going back would mean she would probably doom the human world AND leave her child behind, which might cause the child to have depression since she might think her mom doesn’t care about her, but she doesn’t, she’s confident and seems not-too-depressed. Plus I don’t think they even seen eachother.
2 likes@Jimmy Orozco or she is in the pony world currently after graduated high school, it has been a long time since mlp s9 ep25 so by then she would’ve finished high school and went back to the pony world. We probably didn’t see her due to use not seeing sunburst hometown or even the crystal empire.
0 likes@Jack Starrett as I said, the human world would be doomed without Sunset.
1 like@Jimmy Orozcowell if there is a sunset in that world maybe she could replace her. Even not, i think the girls can handle it. Plus she has her book just in case.
0 likes@Jack Starrett other Sunset in the human world hasent been proven yet, and maybe never will. And, remember that time when the mane six needed sunset in their team to be able to defeat the sirens? They can’t handle it alone.
1 like@Jimmy Orozco yeah but that was in the 2nd movie, they’ve grown since then even get the magical geo(which are stronger)z
0 likes@Jack Starrett but without Sunset, the tema wouldn’t be complete. The geoz enhanced their power, but without sunset, they are still incapable. Think of it as a leveling system. You have the mane six, they are all level 30. Sunset joins the team as level 20. She not on the same level as anyone, so she’s practically worthless. This is why the mane six were neglecting to let her join the rainbooms (but also cause they were too busy fighting). When sunset wa son their level, they had a complete and powerful team. The geoz served as a quick level up. They were all at least level 60. Powerful, but more powerful than before. And if Sunset were to go, the team would get weaker, even with the geoz, they wouldn’t be capable, because all they did was enhance their power. Without Sunset, a fraction of the power needed to be a complete and balanced team goes away, and they are practically doomed.
1 like@Jack Starrett and that’s basically what friendships all about. If they are all together then they are a total powerhouse, but without sunset they are just... incomplete.
0 likes@Jack Starrett wait! There’s more.., sunsets mind reading powers also help in a variety of occasions. They are sometimes even the reason the crew are able to discover who the villain is and their motives. Without that they are drumroll doomed.
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco yes they are doomed without her, but one thing, she has the book, she can give it to her friends and she can use the one Twi has.
1 like@Jack Starrett I will guess, for communication? Yes, maybe, but, heres the thing:
0 likesSunset has no reason to go to the pony world in the first place.
Even if it were to say hi to Twi, she would have to go back so quickly, she would have no time to meet anypony (SunBurst).
So I will admit, you got me a few times, and you had good arguments
But just tell me: why would Sunset ditch her human friends to go to the pony world for so long that she would meet somepony else that she would then marry to and have a baby with?
@Jimmy OrozcoI’ll admit, you got good points. Imma just say that’s true. But the one thing that is probably make this logically is not what makes sense, but what hasbro wants to do. Since this series is over tho, we may never know. Everyone has their perspective, their what ifs. Mine is that Sunset feels like they can handle themselves and leaves, that’s just me. I understand your logic, and I agree with here and there but we all have different ideas on this.
0 likes@Jack Starrett I agree too. Whatever was unanswered or whatever happens after the end is up to us fans, since the show has ended and Hasbro ain’t answering questions anymore. But if we want to write our perspective of what could’ve happened or what wasn’t answered, we need evidence to support our claims, and it all has to make sense for it to connect into the storyline, since Hasbro left us some hints so we could figure it the answer to the questions they didn’t answer themselves. Either way, we can imagine all we want. Thanks for the discussion.
1 likeOr really, it was a big Theory Throwdown.
@Jimmy Orozco b4 we end this conversation, I want to say that there is one thing I’ve been waiting for since season 4 and it never happened. Spike’s origins.
0 likes@Jack Starrett dang, it’s sad we never got to know about spikes origins. Though I personally think he was robbed from his parents when they were sleeping and used for Twilights test (though that seems pretty obvious). Apart from that, what I wanna know is: how? Who are his parents? Where are they now? Are they looking for him? There’s a lot of things that might stay unanswered.
2 likesI do aswell
0 likesYeah I think so
0 likes@Jack Starrett I'd like to agree with you but I really don't think Sunset would leave her human friends to get back to the pony world. As we saw in the recent EG movies and specials (specially Forgotten Friendship), Sunset cares about her friends A LOT. They are basically her family. It's very unlikely and out of character for her to ditch her world and friends just to permanently return to the pony world for no reason. But as you said, the show is over and we might never get our answers. Personally I think Luster Dawn is just some random pony's child. The writers would have DEFINETLY implied if she was related to any of the main characters. So I'm 99% sure that she is not related to Sunset or any other pony we know.
0 likesNo
0 likesI think you are right
0 likesI think you are right
0 likesWOW!!!!😲
0 likesI think her mother and father is Trixie and sunburst
18 likesReplies (4)
No they aren't.
1 like@Yay Yay it’s a shipping joke lol
0 likes@Darlynne!! Ok.
0 likesStartrix is femme for femme rights.
2 likesHow did I end up here?
0 likesSunburst and starlight
0 likesI could think trikcys but trikcy and starlight and also sunburst are unicorn
0 likesso but how directions calenlel is also in this video
Sunburst and trixe lullamoon
0 likesok it makes so much sense but at the same time i'm just here staring at my laptop screen thinking "WHAAAAAAATTTTTT?"
17 likesSo He is a single dad who cares about that?
0 likesThis dude thinks like me there standing next to each other
0 likesHer parents are Sun burst and Trixie
0 likesHim: it must be true love!
0 likesMe: ummmmmmmmmm
I actually Like the idea that Lusterdawn is actually Sunburst sister, despite his parents being old she was born and grew up soon being accepted to the school of magic planning of following her brothers footsteps
11 likesReplies (2)
0 likesWait how i did not know
0 likesmaybe like STARlight and SUNburst is luster DAWN perents
0 likesBut wouldn’t sunburst tell starlight that he has a kid then starlight will tell spike
0 likesI already know her
0 likesWhy dose luster dawn looks so same like in the new pony in
0 likesYa know the celestia grogar thing got me thinking, where did celestia and luna even come from? How did they become alicorns (since they said flurry heart is the first born alicorn)?
4 likesIn the timeline they just kinda show up already alicorns but where did they come from? Did starswirl make them alicorns? Are they the first alicorns in existence?
Well in the equestria play, the three tribes put up a flag with alicorns on it before celestia and luna appear so maybe not.
Replies (3)
I think alicorns were a myth at first then starswirl made them alicorns but it was only possible because of their already existing magical power over the sun and moon
1 like@nandini rao yeah i saw that video but if there is an alicorn civilization why didn't celestia amd luna return there after retirement? Also, they couldn't be born alicorns in said civilization bc celesia and luna said themselves that the birth of an alicorn has never happened before
0 likes@Novapanthera yeah i suppose that makes sense. I myth about a pony with all the power of the three races does seem like something ponies would think of.
0 likesStarswirl might've wanted to see if it was possible and didn't know it would work when made the sisters alicorns
0 likesWhat about sunset shimmer?
0 likeslil apple is the foal.
0 likesThis is a good theory, but a can't support it, as I ship Trixie and Twighligt
0 likesActually, in the official MLP game, on the back of Starlight and Sunburst's character cards, there are... a few hints!
7 likesReplies (2)
Really?? Please share?
3 likesi wanna know too please
1 likeI think your mom is I think her mom is sunset but I don’t know who her dad is
0 likesУ Старлайт и Санберста другие глаза вообще не подходят под ученицу принцессы Тваилайт Спаркл
0 likesTrixie Lulamoon x Sunburst
1 likeStarlight Glimmer x Sunset Shimmer
But hey that's my AU and idc if you wanna follow it also but yeh
Its just the EYES lusterdawn doesnt match
0 likesBut how would twilight not mention to spike that her friend had a kid? She tells him everything, and he’d probably be there with her visiting
8 likesWhat do you mean humble origin.
0 likesWhat do you mean humble roots.
0 likesnah its starlight for sure ;-;
0 likesAh that’s cute
0 likesFor me Starlight and Sunburst this is Luster parents, this only way, and i dosnt change my opinion.
18 likesI saw on Google and Luster parents is starlight and sunburst
0 likesSunburst x Starlight lol 😂😂😂😂 Tell me if you ship this.
0 likesOMGG TRUE!
0 likesHow about Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry
0 likesI think starlight Is the mother because The daughter could just be a daddy's girl And starlight me just not talk about her daughter alot
38 likesi know sunburst and trixe
0 likesi thought maybe sunset shimmer
0 likesAnd the dad someone else...
0 likesWait wait sunburst has a beard
0 likes"... Then, who is the mother?"
20 likesMe: Please god, let it be moondancer
"Someone who's great and powerfull"
Me: Not what i expected, but happy about it 👌
Replies (1)
I don't think it would be Moondancer, seeing as Sunburst and Moondancer have never interacted with each other.
1 likeAGH SUNBURST AT 3:16 🥺🥺🥺
0 likesplot twist it's sunset shimmer
0 likeslil cheese is the foal.
0 likesLuster do have pink skin color🤨
0 likesIt was so funny when he said the celestia is secretly grogar 😂
4 likesIf not starlight or trixie maybe sunset shimmer her hair has the color
0 likesEdit: has anyone even seen my comment yet? Because mine has 0 like unlike everyone else
0 likesBruh i dont ship trixie and sunburst.cause they did not meet they just meet in season 9
0 likesomg thats so cool
0 likesI feel like starlight would have mentioned something if trixie, TRIXIE had had a kid
0 likesSunburst and starlight
0 likesHim trixie
0 likesMe trixie she doesn't even have the attitude of trixie
What about maude pie?
0 likesWait wait wait let's first discuss luster dawn's personality and similarities your right if luster dawn is a star student then she must be intelligent like sunburst and magical like starlight well her similar things with her parents is her intelligence and her magic but she did get confident! Like Trixie
24 likesOop but luster dawn can't have both Trixie and starlight as a mom so instead I think luster dawn was born with her own personality, confidence! We don't have to be so similar to your parents we always have something of our own! Yes spike didn't know luster dawn it's weird that luster dawn knows twilight and twilight knows luster dawn but spike doesn't! But what if spike really knows luster dawn and forgot luster dawn? And why exactly would spike forget luster dawn? It's simple spike is a princesses assistant princesses are busy so Princess twilight would be busy too and maybe Princess Twilight gave spike some things to do then spike got too busy to even remember luster dawn? Here's one more why would Trixie and sunburst
Be parents of luster? Well here's my theory why I don't think Trixie is luster dawn's mom I think Trixie isn't Listers parent because look at sunbursts style? Sure sunburst likes magic but Trixie is very sassy and we'll show off ISH no offense Trixie but Trixie isn't sunbursts style sunburst is more like starlight!
Replies (1)
1 like💗WOAH💗
1 likeTrixie and starlight are close friends but sunburst and starlight are close friends now what y'all think?
0 likesI say Starlight is the mom cause like it makes no sense
0 likesI Googled it and she is starlight and sunburst daughter
0 likeswell it make sense but love sunburst and starlight being together
4 likesPlot twist sunburst married trixie but sunburst cheated on trixie and made a kid with starlight, and then starlight used magic to put the fetus in trixie, making trixie and manipulates her memory to think that luster is her real kid, which would explain why spike didn’t know anything cuz who would tell such a messed up thing to spike
0 likesWait an Apple Pickin minute
0 likeswhy do you think luster dawn not starlight glimmer daughter too .☝
0 likesI mean the data adds up with luster dawn being sun bursts and trixs kid, but sorry sun burst has to be with starlight it’s fate UvU
0 likesWait- did Sunburst ever mention having a sister? 🤨 Cause I can kinda see it 😂
57 likesReplies (19)
Sunset Shimmer?
8 likesWhat does have to do with the video?
0 likes@MidnightMuffin ? I’m only making an assumption? Cause I’m still talking about Luster Dawn technically- 😐
1 like@【Midnight _Lily】 You gave no indication of that in your original comment.
1 like@MidnightMuffin Okay- And? 🤨👁👄👁🤷♀️ (Gosh- where’s the “Send meme” button when I need it 😒 And where the heck is the “sigh” emoji-) And I am talking about Luster Dawn- just saying it in a different way ;-; Lemme restate it for you-
1 like“Wait- did Sunburst ever mention having a sister? 🤨 Cause I can kinda see Luster Dawn being his sister- 😂”
@【Midnight _Lily】 How old are you?
0 likes@MidnightMuffin (Can’t specify age-) But I am 13+ (Not higher than 18 tho-)
1 like@【Midnight _Lily】 Just say you're a teenager then. But if that's the case why do you speak like you're 11 years old?
0 likes@MidnightMuffin Uh- how does one speak like a 11 year old? It’s just my grammar then 😐🤷♀️
1 like@【Midnight _Lily】 "Gosh- where’s the “Send meme” button when I need it 😒 And where the heck is the “sigh” emoji"
0 likes-you one hour ago
@MidnightMuffin Okay- thanks for quoting what I said..? I’m just being honest 😒 Okay- I’m kinda done with this conversation- I got places and things to do 🙂 Soooo goodbye- have a nice day- ☺️
1 like@【Midnight _Lily】 Yep. 11 years old.
0 likes@MidnightMuffin 😁👍 (Keep telling yourself that...cause your doing great at it!-)
2 likes@【Midnight _Lily】 I thought you were dOnE wItH tHiS cOnVeRsAtIoN.
0 likes@MidnightMuffin It’d be rude to not reply- or I might just have an addiction of replying to every reply 🤣- Unless I don’t understand it-
1 like@【Midnight _Lily】 Then why wouldn't you ask that person what they meant?
0 likesI regret reading this-
1 like@MidnightMuffin if you're playing with guessing age from the way people write, your "I thought you were dOnE wItH tHiS cOnVeRsAtIoN." isn't sounding very mature. Turns out you can't guess age that way and your condescendance isn't needed.
0 likes@Alegria Déesse Lmao Why are you so pissy about that?
0 likeshaha the true love
0 likesI think starlight is a stepmother because trixy is starlight friend so I thing trixy gave up and is gay sorry
0 likesi think its them tow!!!
0 likesi think luster parents are sunburst and Diamond tiara
0 likesReplies (1)
NO!?!? When we see Luster in the show, she's a fully grown mare. Meaning, Diamond would've had to have had her when she was still a little kid. YOU ARE IMPLYING PED0PHILIA WITH THIS, AS SUNBURST IS AN ADULT.
0 likes* Me the whole time* “then why is she.. PINK.” Lol
69 likesReplies (2)
You could say the same with pinkie tho, her parents are brown and gray
13 likesWhy is Twilight purple?
2 likesor they just ran out of ideas for cutie marks-
0 likesBut I think that it looks like to look a bit closer sir AC goes to Marks look like the same
0 likesCould it be sunset shimmer dauther
0 likesWe’re does luster get her eye color from
0 likesOr maybe she could be sunburst's younger sister or daughter of his sister..
9 likesReplies (1)
You mean like niece?
0 likesTrixie and sunburst is lusters parents because the reason why is because they both do magic but maybe they are...
0 likesShining armor and twilight sparkle
0 likesplot twist: sunset shimmer is luster dawn's mother
0 likesYes we know
0 likesIt's should be trixie and Sunburst,The whole family is a day and night connection.HOLD UP ITS SUNSET SHIMMER!
52 likesReplies (7)
Then he destroys that theory with another claiming theyre sibs
4 likes@Miot miot ow
3 likes@{Cherrie life} XD
1 likeOh. my. god! It has to be SUNSET SHIMMER! You are a genius
0 likes@She Does It Again that wouldn’t make pink in the colors, that would make a completely red and orange filly and she’s still in the pony-human world and don’t forget she might be his brother
1 like@Bo Braekevelt oh. yeah I remember it was in 1 of his vids thanks for pointing that out
0 likes@She Does It Again I think its Big Mac and sugar belles kid, it would be easy for spike to lose contact with Big Mac and the colours fit perfectly, next to that Sugar Belle is a unicorn so the kid is likely one too
1 likeStarlight and sunbrast
0 likes4:16 Lol
1 likePrincess Celeste Dia
0 likesKako su starlaj I taj sarobnjak dobili bebu
0 likesSawthooth : shows 1D pic
43 likesMe : OMG ONE THING YAY
Ya so on Google it says sunburst and starlight are luster parents
0 likesWhat if sunny starscout's Mom was Luster Dawn? || That's Why Sunny has issues About her Alicorn Magic. Coz Luster Dawn is a unicorn like unicorn Twilight sparkle and maybe luster Dawn Became an Alicorn too. I Am So Confused 😵😵😵 If you like mah comment also just comment over that cool button
0 likesLobster dawe !
0 likesThis is some Soap Opera Shit
19 likesSawtooth waves: NO THAT’S WRONG! break
(Lol )
I think it's Sunday and the greatest money it is not so clean now I know somebody's interest does not make sense it's too easy I'd rather be starlight than yeah I'm going for a starlight instead because that makes a lot more sense than what if they moved there together then came back and then came back and get working you never know outdoor lucky videos to the bathroom we want something so cool I love you videos
0 likesYou and Twilight, or Sunburst and Sunset Shimmer
0 likesI think ur right
0 likesObviously it's that person that you were just talkin about
0 likesUh starlight is the most powerful being in MLP. She banished discord permenantly while the elements and two princesses couldn't
4 likessunburts and starlight
0 likesTrixie and Sunburst
0 likesSunberst :dad
0 likesstar=night
0 likesNow while I like each possibility, I REALLY Want her to be Sunburst & Starlight's kid
10 likesTwT
I think sunset shiner and sunburst
0 likesSunset shimmer 😳
1 likeYes it is
0 likesFor you shippers: just bc trixie is lusters mother doesn’t mean they can’t be poly or together at the time of lusters adult hood
28 likesEdit: consider that perhaps starlight was infertile. Trixie could have been surrogate
Replies (5)
Oh hey same headcanon!
3 likesWOW òooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesBroppy And Bonnica Shipper no where, I just was suggesting possible reasons
0 likes@Stop Lewding thanks
0 likesi think..... ur right
0 likesStarlight
0 likesStarlight
0 likesStarlight😍😘🤰👱♀👱♂
0 likesI really hope she's not their daughter, cause that would be so unfair, out of all the ponies in Equestria, Twilight chooses the daughter of her best friend.
4 likesReplies (3)
How is it "unfair" ?
1 like@Andres Ramirez Carrillo The classic term of nepotism.
1 like@Toad256 Exactly
0 likesThorax gets godfather dibs
0 likeserm I don't know, maybe, Sunset??
0 likesWye is a grown man watching my little pony
0 likeseh idk it makes sense but I feel like starlight and trixie should’ve ended up together they were so close, had so many moments, and really related to each other besides it would’ve been nice to have another canon lesbian couple in the show
1 likeI looked it up and it said that There is some compelling reasons some have come to the conclusion that Luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst, mostly related to her character design.Nov 21, 2019
0 likesWhen they look at sunburst and starlight's face their looking at lusterdawn and how lusterdawn looks at sunburst and starlight looks like they know each other. Maybe they send lusterdawn to Twilight's magic school because of her talent and sunburst went there but he got kicked out he wants to give his daughter the thing he wanted and it kinda totally makes sense with the color pallet and the personallity
2 likesWish we got to see more of everyone else instead of twilight😭😭
1 likeif you look closely at luster's cutie mark you will see that there is a little bit of glimmer in her cutie mark this also proves luser's mother is starlight
1 likeVideo aside Celestia never really treated twilight as her niece but is still treated as an equal to being her student maybe twilight is following that same role, luster being the daughter of a true friend she's not treating her any different because she is the ruler of Equestria she has to remain neutral for her kingdom. favoritism isn't the best thing when other ponies look up to the princess ❤️
0 likesImagine Starlight and Sunburst had a child and put her up for adoption
3 likesMaybe, and this is a really far off theory, starlight and Sunburst got together one night, (maybe they had to much cider)where the child was conceived, Starlight as the child in secret, then them usually decide that Sunburst should be the one to keep the child because he’s more fit to raise her
0 likesIf you have noticed children mostly get there complexion of body from their mother ,and their manes colour from their father. Even though the mother's body colour is of another shade of the colour that the child has got the state changes for the colour eventually remains the same that same happens with the main also the shade of the fathers main and the child's main a different but the colour is same.Luster dawn has a dark shade of pink just like star light has a light shade of pink. Same goes with the main of her and sunbrust.
0 likesthere are still more rabbit holes to this theory lol
0 likesalso my simpliest theory:
-twilight and spike in the castle for long to rule
-clearly means that sunburst and starlight would be at the twilight's school
-trixie has never been in canterlot and is not shown to be in canterlot ever once
-starlight bein a counselor in the school of friendship
-cutie marks are not linked together
-take from the cake family example-one of their filly is not the same color, one of the filly does not have the related type of cutie mark -from the parents
-if trixie was the mother, spike would've known since she met spike when twilight and trixie duel each other
-makes sense that starlight and sunburst won't be able to tell cuz the two seem to be always busy
You know that would make very much sense that they would be the mother and father because they've been best friends ever since kids
0 likesNo I could never see trixie and sunburst being a thing but maybe she wanted him to be apart of the council bc she wanted starlight and him to get more close ik that starlight wasnt alart of the Council but maybe trixie thought she was gonna be apart of it. Idk just an assumption 😅
1 likei dont believe either are her mother. she has no look similarities to trixie, and its unrealistic for her to be the child of starlight like explained. but based mostly on the cutie mark plus the hair she could be related to sunburst.
1 likeOk, so hear me out!
0 likesEver seen the 90's Cartoon? (My Little Pony Tales)
Luster Dawn has a pink coat with a blonde mane and tail.
Starlight from MLPT ALSO has a pink coat with a blonde mane and tail.
Starlight Glimmer at her base priorities towards magic, while NOT sociopathic, is shrewd and ambitious MUCH like Luster Dawn. They BOTH hold friendship to a lower level than personal excellence for example.
Starlight Glimmer even shattered their universe and was able to travel time and space by magic. Who's to say she didn't use Time Magic to cross paths with Starlight from "Pony Land"? OK! OK! So 90's Starlight is technically an Earth Pony...But then Starlight GLIMMER is amongst other things A RESEARCHER, isn't she? Luster Dawn fancy's herself to be one too, doesn't she?
What If Starlight Glimmer didn't CONCEIVE Luster Dawn but rather she CARRIED her??
If Starlight ISN'T Luster Dawn's Mother...What if "Starlight" IS??? ;)
I think spike knew luster dawn when she was a filly but after she grew up spike didn't knew much. But twilight knew so spike should have known because spike and twilight both live in the same castle but we saw that in s9 ( the last problem ) spike wasn't in the castle he came from outside . So that's why I think spike knew her .
1 likeMabey Sunburst and Trixie had twins, Luster Dawn is the name of the first twin and the name of the second twin is Shade Dusk
2 likesI mean it's canon for those two to be together😂
7 likesLuster Dawn's hair are similiar to Starlight hair
14 likes5:57 "Together, against the sisters" plays
2 likesoh my god i used to watch ur content like 6 years ago so finding out that u still post makes me so happy :)
1 like....Nope Im going with Starlight, Given by what I know of Spike's Lines as an adult it was obvious he was constantly travelling to here and there and mostly the DragonLands and we know being headmare is a busy job too so maybe a little silence between the two...(?)
0 likesReplies (1)
And the episode never suggested Spike does not know about Luster Dawn, he just had no idea about her philosophy of "friends are a waste of time".
0 likesI think I must agree with you sawtooth waves that Starburst have a Sun cutie mark has a moon one and dawn between Morning and night that also makes sense with her name
0 likesok but like on another note Starlight and Trixie shldve wound up together gn gn good day not taking any rebuttals theyre literal soulmates
2 likesnow it could never be sunburst or starlight two ponies who understand true friendship
0 likesLuster: Friendship is a waste of time
74 likesMe and the other fandom: WHO ARE HER PARENTS!?!?
Replies (3)
7 likesDude u stole a comment
5 likes"Other fandom"?
0 likesSawtooth: what's between night and day?
16 likesMe: twilight ofc
Bold of you to assume she's not some magical child born from Starlight and Trixie
0 likesIdk how he knows all of this he seems really smart
1 likeBut what if Sunburst had a twin brother? We have already seen how siblings can have similar cutie marks, so if they are twins then they’re cutie marks would be very similar. I imagine that Sunburst had a twin bother named Solar sunrise or something like that and he wasn’t has magical as his brother and he did magic tricks like Trixie but felt left out so he ran away from home to starlight’s village he was there and then he got mentally torchered until that was fixed. Sunburst then remembered him and got him back to his senses and met with his family again. He didn’t know starlight was a friend of sunburst because he least when he was very young. He then saw interest in Trixie because she was just like him. He because her Assistant, Partner, friend, then they started dating. Few years later, luster dawn enters the world! But she wants to learn real magic like her uncle and sister in law. Yeah that’s right! Starlight. Trixie was in Sunbursts friend circle but not all the way so they didn’t have feelings for each other but he knew somepony that may have a bigger circle with Trixie. And Starlight and Sunburst get married and in the same timeline, they have Starburst, Twinkle shine, Aurora light, and Starry dusk. Aurora is the oldest and Twinkle is the youngest. Starburst is the bravest and Starry is the most quiet. These are names that I think suit them. Hello and bye! This is a suggestion
0 likes... Read more
Nice try but I still believe that Starlight Glimmer is Luster Dawn's mother because I still ship Starburst and probably Starlight was too busy being the new headmare of the school of friendship to introduce her daughter to Spike even though he was Princess Twilight's Royal Advisor.
0 likesI did not expect when you said someone great and powerful 🤣
1 like1:23 the way hes doing is is killing me😂😂😂😂😂😂
9 likes"It must be true love"
Background: "romance theme intensifies"
This is going to sound crazy so bare with me, what if sunsetshimmer is luster’s mom. The color pallet works out perfect as well as the mane style. Now if his theory on sunset being sun bursts brother is right this won’t work, but if that theory is incorrect then maybe mine is right. This is far into the future so it’s not likely to say that sunset never came back to equestria. Still keeping in touch with the book until she was finally able to go back to her would after having luster dawn. The cutie marks work out perfectly as they are both sun-ish marks and while twilight may have known spike may not have, in fact sun burst may have kept the mom a secret from everyone considering that sunset isn’t from the pony world anymore. This is just my theory though.
0 likesThe only reason starlight was thrown out was spike not knowing her. It is possible that he knew that starlight had a kid but wasn't in close enough contact to actually know her name. Starlight took over the school as twilight was leaving and spike has his own life and fends hip ambassador duties. He could've been off to the dragon lands for an extended time.
0 likesReplies (1)
Also the episode never suggested Spike does not know her, he just had no idea about her philosophy of "friends are a waste of time".
0 likesone problem with either mother, the eyes
0 likessunburst and starlight have blue eyes and trixie has purple, nowhere close to luster's orange eyes
I think Trixie and Sunburst is luster's parents because of all the reasons in this video and one other thing . Both Trixie and Luster has the same kind of hair , different colour but look at Trixie's mane and Luster's mane and can you say that they do not look kind of the same ?
0 likesdoes anyone who doesn't ship Starlight and Sunburst ever get jealous that their ship name can be Starburst?
0 likesSawtooth: look there standing next to each other it must be true love!
2 likesSawtooth 2020
One problem: in the MLP game, it says "its not ours to speculate on Sunburst's future, but we subject it'll be full of rewarding research and starlit nights" and "its not ours to speculate on starlight's future, but we subject it'll be full of happy students and sunn days"
It’s most likely to be what you said about the circle of spike the dragon sense of Lester done and future spike don’t know each other it would have to be a Trixie so it would be most likely just Trixie then it would be starlight
1 likeIf you look at trixies cutie mark it has a cloud of sparkles ☁️ and luster has a but of what kinda looks like a cloud on the bottom of her cutie mark
0 likesI think her parents are: Lulamoon & Sunburst
0 likesI know I grew out of mlp at an ok time but now I feel like it was to soon and I kind of want to rewatch this... I didn’t even know luster dawn was a person or that twilight and spike look like that now or pink pie has a child or anything!
0 likesI’m late but its probably Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle, colours fit perfectly, Sugar Belle is a unicorn so their baby can be one too, filly’s don’t always have the same kind of cutiemark as their parents- just look at pinky pie.
0 likesI believe sunburst is definitely luster dawns father
0 likesIf we're going to ship any one with worst pony: Starlight and Trixie would be adorable
0 likesBut when you see the part when Twilight and her friends walked into the school starlight and sunburst talking to each other makes totally sense
0 likesReplies (1)
Ppl can't talk to eachother-- they're literally both vice head ponies..
0 likesI don't find it hard to believe he is their daughter. During Twilights coronation the cake twins were still babies. It's possible they got down and busy real quick after that and Luster is just younh
0 likesLester dawn maybe just some random pony that was added into the movie but this is also kinda true
0 likesanother thing is if she was starlight’s daughter wouldnt she be more involved in the idea of friendship and possibly go to the school of friendship? it doesnt make any sense for them to be related
0 likesI believe starlight is her mother she does have a sassy attitude like her
0 likesI feel like starlight wood be the second mother
0 likesMe: Hmmmm.... How do you know that much?
0 likesSawtooth Waves: Oh, I just work and examinate really hard :) heheh...
Ok ok when do we meet luster? I really want to watch it
0 likesi mean i think starlight and sunburst are the parents because look at luster's hair...the hair kinda has the same hair color style and the color of her skin,it looks like she would be their daughter by mixing the colors
0 likesI agree with you sawtooth I think luster dawns parents to sunburst and Trixie are luster dawns parents
0 likesI think you're on to something, they could be sunburst and trixie
0 likesOk this makes perfect sense but if you look at LUSTER DAWN at 5:34 luster was a little like :0 so i don't think trixie or starligth is her parents + luster don't like her mom and a child look like her parent's
0 likesI still think that star light is her mom cause she has her skin colour and attitude
0 likesMaybe Starlight and Sunburst are LusterDawns parents and They thought that twilight told Spike and a reunion with Starlight maybe Luster was at twilight school and Spike didnt know about LusterDawn
1 likeI think starlight because luster Dawn said magic is a waste of time and starlight went back in time and tried to make twilight and her friends not meat each other soo she thinks Olso friendship is not importent
0 likessorry but stalight is mother luster dawn not trixie. trixie loves prince blueblood.
1 likeI,d imagine if Sawtooth Waves went through the portal and introduce him self to everyone in the human world and be like ( Hi i,m Sawtooth Waves and i,m a youtuber.)
0 likesI think it starlight coz it's makes more sense and the color stimulates ya but I wouldn't ship starlight friend with her childhood friend.
0 likes1:20 is this tchaikovsky? i dont remember the name of the piece
0 likesNah. Because listen. Luster means a soft glow, light, shimmer, glimmer. Now what's starlight? She got that name from both Starlight and Sunburst. And did you see how Starlight waved at her with excitement in her eyes directly towards Luster Dawn? THAT'S HER DAUGHTERRR. Those are her parents bro. And furthermore, she gets obsession with her studies from Sunburst and her disinterest in friendship from Starlight. Y'all forgot the way Starlight was before meeting Twilight? Even she thought it was useless. I rest my case.
2 likesReplies (6)
Yeah except she literally learned friendship from the princess OF friendship.. your argument kinda sucks bro
0 likes@VixyMix 101 Bruh what...Yeah Starlight did learn friendship. Does that mean her daughter should know it too? They're not the same person/pony. I think you need to think harder. If Luster is going to Celestia's school, who's teaching her about friendship if she's too obsessed in her studies like how her dad was?
0 likes@დ because friendship and what it's about was spread more sense legit twilight took over.. the princess OF FRIENDSHIP.
0 likesChrist are you an idiot?
@VixyMix 101 My dudeeeee ofc it was spread but yet there was still a pony cough Luster who didn't see the need. Clearly not everyone is big on friendship🥱 Are you in denial that that's her daughter or something? Yikes
0 likes@დ I'm saying that it wouldn't make sense for someone who values friendship to have a daughter that doesn't know a thing about it or understands it, not to mention that starlight is still likley in contact with twilight, that's her friend and mentor-- so how would that convo on how friendships don't have to fade not be brought up sooner??
0 likesI ain't in denial, your argument just sucks ass.
Plus, it seems like u rlly didn't watch the video.
@VixyMix 101 I watched the whole video. And bro Luster doesn't seem like she lives with her parents and away from them. So how would they know? I'm open to the idea that Trixie could be the mom too, I have no problem with that if that's the case. But, to me the odds are in favor for Starlight to me and I DON'T GIVE A DAMNNN😩😩 about your opinion. Come back to me if the creator ever says something about who her parents are. If none of them are her parents then that would just be a laugh. Have a good night lmao
0 likes1:18 people who ship Zayden and Primrose from 'The Bacon Hair' be like:
7 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWhen you stopped watching years ago and come back and twilights huge spikes buff and everyone has kids 👁👄👁
0 likesI think that luster dawn is starlight child but has a different dad with a 🌞 cutie Mark
0 likesMaybe starlight, sunburst and Trixie are lusteres parents
0 likesAnd somepony cheated
A different one for a different universe
When u said prices celestial was i secretly i forgot the name 😜😝
0 likesNOOOO!!!!!I refuse to believe that sunburst is with anyone but starlight
0 likesNo no no ... sunburst has been around spike plenty . Sunburst is flurry harts crystaler so he is always at the crystal palace where spike is known as the great and powerful spike the glorious... you would think that spike and twilight would go to visit often
0 likesOkay but if it's tricky that's just sad but tricky has stripes in her hair and luster dawn has it too and sun burst has orange hair so it makes sense
0 likesTricia and sunburst it makes so much sense
0 likesthe only reason I actually think it might be Trixie and sunburst is bcs of the name I mean come on sunburst lulamoon luster dawn
0 likesMe literally realizing just now that Pinky had a daughter
1 likeReplies (1)
With Cheese sandwitch!
0 likesi love your videos
0 likes"They're standing next to each other, it must be TRUE LOVE!"
I think luster mother is Trixie day and night and dawn is between them I think Trixie is her mother 🤔
0 likesI don't think Starlight and Sunburst has a kid since she has purple eyes and him has blue eyes.
0 likesLuster doesn't have purple or blue eyes so..
here is a suggestion what if luster dawn is sunburst’s stay with me here niece what i am suggesting is that luster dawn is the daughter of sunset shimmer luster dawn left the human world to study magic with her uncle just a thought
0 likesI never explored the posibilities before, and now... I don't know... I'M IN CRISIS-
0 likesThis is false cause we all know trixie is already in a relationship with starlight. ;P
0 likesIt couls be that spike forgot how luster looked and got surprised seeing her
0 likesLet’s be real, she’s Trixie and Starlight’s daughter, Sunburst is just the donor dad uwu
0 likesi never realised this but sunburst has a beard
0 likesI think Luster dawn’s parents are Princess Clestia and Princess luna
0 likesStill think that starlight glimmer is luster's mom
0 likesProgress after series: New ship unlocked
0 likesI have no idea who luster dawns dad is but her mom is twighlight
0 likesi think her mother is a crystal pony
0 likesI think tricksy is not luster Dawn mother if you know that luster is pink and her hair is orange so that repercents sun burst but the pink don't
1 likeCould she be sunset's daughter?
0 likesOrange and purple makes pink so I think starlight and sunburst are her parents cuz if you add orange and blue it totally makes a different color so it makes sense for a sunburst and starlight because if you go back in that scene when you just saw Trixie waving and she didn't even stay long she just waved and she's gone
0 likesReplies (1)
We've seen ponies get color genetics from the eyes, not to mention ressesive genes exist. Look at pinkie for example--
0 likesThat was so funny.
0 likesI think they are her parents I just wish they put that in Sean
0 likesLuster went to Twilights school not celistiya
1 likeStar lights daughter is luster dawn
0 likesidk i see both tbh. and im not against any of these so yuh im just here watching yall feed me more theories in the comments lmao
0 likesTrixie and Sunburst I think 🤔
0 likesI think it’s starlight and sunburst
0 likesIt checks out! :)
0 likeshahah i love the 1:18
0 likesIt makes sins with the mane too.
0 likesMy only thought is Luster Dawn is pink,, and neither Trixie nor Sunburst are pink and I don’t think their relatives are 😅 but I’m not sure who her parents would be if not
0 likesShe doesn't know friendship until Twilight told her she is definitely Starlight glimmers daughter Twilight Todd Starlight glimmer friendship and Twilight also told that daughter off Starlight glimmer friendship so that girl is definitely Starlight glimmers
0 likesReplies (1)
Sometimes he creeped me out
0 likesMaybe he cheated on starlight 🥺😳
0 likesBut Trixie would be in starlight circles and then it would be in spike circles
0 likesfirst of all, if Pinkie and Cheese had Lil Cheese, he/she was a foal. So wouldn’t Luster Dawn be a foal if Trixie and Sunburst were her real parents??
1 likeReplies (2)
yea but lil cheese was not their only child if I can recall right they had 2 other grown children
0 likes@vanilla chocolate how come they didnt show up
0 likesLuster dawns mother it's starlight glimmer her hair like luster
0 likesTrixie is reformed by starlight and twilight
0 likesHmmm I think I wanna go back to the sunburst+starlight=
0 likesLuster dawn
Replies (1)
I see it VERY clearly
0 likesStarlight and Sunburst are Just Friends
0 likesMaybe starlight and sunburst are just talking
1 like1:14 annoyed "she's just a friend" from Adrian agreste noises
0 likesStarlight is light purple
0 likesUnicorn
Luster dawn is light pink these colour is same
I think it's sunset and sunburst
0 likesmay be sunset shimmer is luster dawn's mother ? I mean I am just asking . pls reply
0 likesthe colour of trixi dose't match luster dawn
0 likesmaybe the mother is sunset shimmer made not brother made wife look at her cutemark
0 likesHave to see Staffel 9 ....
0 likesCould it be possible sunburst and starlight parents child so luster their little sister
0 likesNope no way it could be tricky it could be sunbrust and starlight
0 likesReplies (1)
Watch the vid
0 likesLuster dawn is sunbursts brother
0 likesHey guys what about sunset shimmer? I mean you did have a theory about sunset and sunburst being siblings right? Hence a similar cutie mark right ? Oh if you do choose this comment please can I have a shout-out ?
0 likestwilight introduces luster dawn to the school of friendship but if sunburst is the dad of luster dawn she must know it before
5 likes5:33 --> 5:37 It's true that Sunburst and Trixy might be an item but look how Sunburst and Trixy act around Luster, they show no parental love towards her, like they only know her from the school.
3 likes(Idont know if you've ever mentioned this before because I haven't been on YouTube recently, but please read this Sawtooth Waves.) Off topic, but if you think about it, all of mlp is a flashback, and all the characters are actually dead. But Celestia is the one who owns the book of the beginning, and the ending of the show. Therefore, it was a flashback that Celestia had remembered, and thought was very important to the history of Equestria. And Flurry Heart is a natural born Alicorn, therefore Flurry Heart will be the next ruler of the Crystal Empire, as Cadence dies.
4 likesUh I think luster's parents are sunburst and starlight cause it is so obvious right😏😏
0 likesImagine having your best friend having a child with you're childhood friend
8 likesReplies (1)
well, she could "spend time" with Maud Pie then.
0 likesI say look at the physical geans 2+2=4 so why does the daughter have pink skin if non of the parents did
1 likei think she is starlights doughter. but spike has gone away so much time. and i think that luster is 14-16 that lieves some hole to the timeline
13 likesReplies (1)
plus it even isn't explicitly stated spike never knew
1 likeWho thought that sun bust was cute? 😂 I did when I was younger and now tbh 😂
22 likesReplies (3)
I did toooo
1 likeI still do lmao
1 like@Backroomsaucy 😂
0 likeshaha i still ship the starburnt
0 likesTHAT IS SOOOOO CUTE I SHIP but isn’t he to old or is that just me 0-0
1 likeReplies (1)
1 likeA theory suggesten:
4 likesWe already know why twilight could use alicorn magic as a unicorn
But what about Sombra?? Her uses it all the time, yet he doesn't have wings.
Replies (3)
@Blake Wickman cool :)
0 likesHow do you know he DOESN'T have wings? He wears a freeking cape in all his appearances. He might just have wings under that cape.
1 like@alaria smiss but can't wings go over cutiemarks? We have seen the Cape waving so that we could see his cutiemark (or where it should be) so if he had wings they'd be covering there.
0 likes6:37
0 likesYoshi: lemme steal yo face
I'd still think Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer are Luster's parents. And whether you believe it or not I'd still say they are and not Trixie XD
6 likesWhat if it's Celestia's kid
nah that's weird
+ Imagine your childhood crush going for your best friend OUCH
If moon and sun = dawn
8 likesThen her sis is obviously sunset
Lets see... assuming Grogar somehow banished Celestia, while biding his time waiting to get his bell back, being unable to use the elements of harmony, he instead uses it through the mane 6 such that other villains such as discord doesn’t overthrow him. How he used his future scrying spell to line up discord, cosy glow, chrysalis and terik for him to get his bell back was such a great twist. After season 9, Grogar reclaims his bell and absorbs the magic of the tree of harmony, leading to that epic fight. Discord’s sacrifice was truly heartbreaking.
5 likesTo bad that in your timeline, that didn’t happen.Reply to this comment for any questionsof this timelineof this theorySawtooth: presents Trixie and sunburst
3 likesMe: according to like pony palette genetics, Luster is pink and Trixie is blue! Also, Trixie's real last name is LULAMOON???!!
There standing next to each other
0 likesWell, that's all cleared out, now cozy glow, where have your parents been?
4 likes"we don't know luster's parents at all, luster could just be a random unicorn from who knows where"
4 likesSooooo she is a bastard!
Ma dude people LISTEN SUNBURSt and starlight is brother and sisters gosh if u watch the whole episode u can see that sunbursts mother has the same color magic horn as starlight does and starlights father has the same color as sunbursts if they have a child it will be a huge problem
0 likesits lester and trixy because of there cutie marks nhigt and day and bon and its in her name lester don
0 likesSawtooth: saying that starlight wasn't the mother
45 likesME: it's tricks
Sawtooth: it's trixie
Me: O-O
Thanks for 45 likes :) also sunburst and trixie (maybe starlight)could be lusters adoptive! Mom and dad
Replies (2)
I'm sUrprised :D 45 likes in 3 weeks thanks everyone :)
0 likesI disliked my own comment because it sucks ;-)
0 likesLook at Luster Dawn’s mane the way it has light yellow highlights looks like Starlight’s dad’s highlights in his green mane, maybe Luster Dawn is SB and SG’s daughter!
0 likesIf u Google 'Luster Dawn parents', it'll come up with "I'm Luster Dawn, personal student of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and daughter of the Headmare and Vice Headstallion of the School of Friendship." and the new Headmare of The School Of Friendship is Starlight, and Starlight went looking for a Vice Headstallion which just so happens to be Sunburst.
11 likesSo yes, Starlight and Sunburst are Luster's parents
Replies (4)
Thats not official
0 likesSorry sugar, that's a tumblr blog.
0 likesIt's a fantunblr account of someone pretending to be Luster Dawn. (I am not against fan accounts I'm just pointing out that its not canon.)
0 likes@Rosie G aw man, it would've been cool tho. Thx
0 likesSun and light moon and darkness sunset and said what stones may make sense to you
0 likesDo you see how both Starlight and Sunburst look at Luster when they see her when visiting the school.
5 likesin the video of. ho is princes Celestia
0 likesmother it is queen Cletstia.
5:53 this just proved everything you said
6 likesI watch mlp on Netflix and season 9 hasn’t come up yet so I’m confused about all these videos, DANG IT!
10 likesReplies (8)
You could watch it on youtube
3 likesSeason 9 is on hulu
1 like@Ichigo lol don't have hulu
1 like@sorrynotrosiie __
1 likeOh I never thought of that!
Try finding the episodes on YouTube. That’s what I did.
1 like@mlpobsessedpony yeah
1 likeYeah I’ll try to see if I can find it! I never thought of that
@Is it Moss ? I don't know if you found it yet, but if you're not, here we go:
1 likehttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfJpfTZK5SWC0EjyUBRk7FmSgezs1Un86
@Lola Gondola OMG thank you! 🥺💕
1 likeI saw a place called “into the unknown” in the map. Doesn’t that ring a bell to you? Or just me?
4 likesReplies (2)
It does...
0 likesLol Frozen 2
1 likeOk spoilers for those who havnt watched yet. TRIXIE? ok you have a lot of points but mhhhh idk i might dissagree with that
4 likesstarlight glimmer
0 likesBut the thing is, luster and Trixie look nothing alike, she has orange eyes unlike both of them. And we're would she get her pink?
49 likesReplies (7)
@Emily Ulbrich yeah. Because Sunburst is very pink. And you can't inherit eye color from coat color. Even mlp genetics are not that weird (I hope).
5 likesSunburst isn’t really tat pink, he’s more of an orange. But who knows cause, pony logic is weird
0 likesרוני בן עזרא
4 likesYes you can??? Thats literally where twilight got her eye color from, her moms mane
Sunburst also does not have the eye color of his parents, his eye color comes from his dads cutiemark
Also pinkie pie looks literally nothing like her parents, not a single similarity.
@siqxyre ^
1 like@siqxyre Sunburst got his eyes from his father (not exactly the same shade but still blue). You can't get an eye color from a cutie mark, cutie marks aren't genetic
0 likespossibly a recessive gene from a grandparent
0 likes@siqxyre @Klazocloniac okay I looked at a the families in MLP and the explanations for all of the weird children colors are that they came from their parents' eyes and cutie marks. What can I say? You were right, I was wrong, and I can yeet genetic common sense in the series out of the nearest window. The Pie family still doesn't make sense btw. I am not talking only about Pinkie. Two of her sisters got purple that came from nowhere.
0 likesim scred of future spike
0 likesluster Dawn-
Replies (1)
0 likesB-but i ship starburst 🥺
0 likesWell sunset shimmer could be her mother but sun burst never met 🤔
3 likesWhat about sunset cima
Oh no..They have se- E-eh n-nope ;–;
0 likesluster dawn is pink tho if it was sunburst
0 likesand trikixe she would either be orange bleu or both witch makes dark green
Replies (1)
We've seen ponies take genetic colors from eyes tho, and Trixie has purple eyes.
0 likesNot to mention that ressesive genes exist, don't forget Trixie is a one night stand child and we've seen her possible father, seems like she got every single genetic for him-- who's to say her mom wasn't pink?
i think that she is just a random unicorn in ponyville, and that someone working on mlp stated that it would be wierd if they were related in someway. maybe, a background pony gave birth to her, try and take a closer look....
3 likes(idk who it actually is tho)
Replies (1)
G H but if she was from ponyville why would she be so confused about making friends bc ponyville is full of friends
0 likesis it possible it could be.....
22 likesNo, they are brother and sister.
Replies (1)
@Annamaria Poku i think he might've meant Sunburst and Sunset
0 likesWhen you were hinting about trixie being the mother, I was like:
14 likesBoi if it’s trixie I’m gonna scream
Replies (2)
But.. Did you scream?
0 likesDivided Worlds inside my head yes
0 likesEh No Starlight is with Trixie
0 likesI guess it was better when Starlight and Sunburst were together...
5 likes4:02 don’t ask why I was expecting Diamond Tiara 😳
5 likes2:44 TWO alicorns? Since when was Shining armors an alicorn?
0 likesReplies (1)
Think they mean flurry and cadence
0 likes"there standing next to each other it must be true love" Me: DUN DUN DUN
0 likesokay here's my theory
5 likesstarlight and sunburst are the parents and spike has met luster dawn a few times but is not exactly close to her
basically in my starburst shipper mind , this is what happened-
Twilight and spike move away, maybe few moons later starlight and sunburst have a child(luster dawn). Spike meets her a few times but because friendship ambassador is a full time job these days he forgets about her. And when sunburst notices her magical talent he sends her to the magic school so now even if spike decided to visit ponyville he wouldn't meet her. A lot of time goes by and luster dawn is about 18 or 19 probably and the events of the episode happen.
so my fellow Starlight x Sunburst shippers, we don't need to lose hope yet, there is a chance that our ship survived!
He cannot be ether Luster lives in cantorlot Sunburst lives in ponyvill so why did twilight sent her back to ponyvill ?
0 likesNotifications poped out
4 likesMe:*Le GaSp*
Also me:FINALLY!!
Also also me:Starlight X Sunburst? Hmmm well i never ship them.... but- Sunburst X Trixie? Huh- never thought of her getting a boyfriend- EVEN HAVE A CHILD?! Die
This is a joke pls don't take it seriously-
I actually love the theory that Sunburst and Trixie having Luster dawn ^^
Good point
0 likesSawtooth: Someone grrreat and pow-
15 likesMe: nope, it's Starlight!
me who likes both trixielight and starburst after hearing this theory:
6 likes"Please have a polyamorous-"
Replies (3)
You ship them?!
0 likesI never actually shipped anyone in mlp only-
twilight x flash
and the other
twilight x timber
in equestria girls
@She Does It Again get out of my house!
0 likesStarburst yum
0 likesCan you make a vidyow of if there ever Goma make a season 9 in nexflix
0 likesi am pretty sure Sunburst married starlight, so lausterdawn must be a random pony like twilight
4 likesмне кажется что трикси не может быть её мамой. блин она же синего цвета. тут палитра чуток не совпадает. хотя можно псмотреть на некоторые семьи из мультика и...
0 likesShinning armor Is a UNICORN
0 likesSunset is Lusters mom but her dad... Who knows!
0 likesReplies (1)
Sunset is not her mom. Sunset never left the human world.
0 likesSatooth: Celestia is Grogar. Me: here we go again. Me again: (Rolls eyes) -_-
11 likesSunburst and trixie
0 likesTrixie and Benjamin
0 likesMabey starlight and sunburst
0 likesSunburst end tirixie
0 likesHe could be his younger sister and takes the father role bc there parents died or smth
3 likesI think you have right. But then i dont anderstand why is olwas starlight there just like a mom
0 likesWhy is this my favorite vid my fav because my ship gets put into this video
0 likesstarlightXsunburst
omg sunburst and starlight got busy?
0 likesI think mom has to be pink
0 likesJust a speculation... but could Sunset Shimmer be Lusters mother? 👀 Maybe Luster grew up in the human world and Sunset sent her to Equestria in hopes of her learning about friendship, but Luster may have interpreted it in a different way and thought her alleged mother would've wanted her to learn about magic instead. Just a hunch but I thought it could be possible
1 likeI love ur videos!! They are so cool and quite eye-opening!
0 likesNah I think Luster Dawn is Starlight and Sunburst’s child even one of the people who worked on show said that they personally agree with fans that she is their child but she also said all up to the fans to ultimately decide that for themselves
2 likesOkay so if Luster Dawn is Twilights star pupil, and Luster Dawn has non-pony friends to help her discover friendship, what will happen to a creature if the magic of several different creatures gets channeled into one? Like, how an alicorn becomes due to getting the magic of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, what do you get if you take magic of several different creatures? Will Luster Dawn become a draconequus thanks to friendship magic or something? or is that what'll happen to one of the student six?
1 likeIn this Starlight is happily married to Sunburst and they have a daughter named Luster dawn (as some are suspecting). As she can be seen in the last episode in season 9 talking to the princess Twilight in her castle about friendship.
0 likes" one of the most powerful unicorns in equestria " sure we're gonna act like she didnt TRAVEL THROUGH TIME and could have beaten Twilight in the season 5 finale.
0 likesI have to maybe debunk the theory that either are her parents in the episode Where starlight glimmer is looking for a vive head mare shows a little pony who looks exactly like luster dawn... it made me think of this video and my mind was blown out of proportion 😂
0 likesWow! That Dawn is between the sun's timing and the moon's timing
2 likesShe is more than just a regular old unicorn 🦄😀😀
It would make complete sense for sunburst and trixie to hook up 😍
0 likesI hate acknowledging that you struck some really good points because I love Starburst so much.
0 likesWhat if Starlight and Sunburst are together, but Sunburst has some explaining to do regarding Trixie and Luster Dawn. There. Now everyone’s right.
0 likesI believe in a a world 🌍 of talking horses 🐴 I don’t believe that sunburnt would ever choose trice over starlight
1 likei think that theres more although i like your theory and although i havent watched the hole series of mlp i have a theory that big mack and suger belle are the parents the only evidence i have so far is that the color scheme and the fact that they aee married makes it believe able and the fact that suger belle is in fact a unicorn helps support that but it doesnt support why she thinks why friendship is useless and a waste of time but please take this into consideration
Starlight is my option and i think that sunburns would have chosen starlight instead of trixie
0 likesThere's just one little problem this child looks nothing like any of these ponies you've mentioned maybe the tiniest bit like sunburst but not like Trixie or like Starlight my point in evidence look at the child's eye color none of those ponies have that color just some food for thought, also the pink coat
0 likesI totally lost it when you said “low and beholed there standing next to each other must be true love” XD
2 likesI rather choose starlight as luster’s mom,but trixie would be better than other ponies, this kinda make sense
1 likeLuster Dawn's parents are really Starlight and Sunburst and Luster Dawn didn't even look like Starlight but Starlight's grandmother has an dirty pink coat so it is passed for Luster Dawn it says in The Darkest Dawn Episode 1 and all the all the answers that you trying found was in this video.
0 likesMaybe Spike only saw Luster Dawn as a filly and therefore didn’t recognize her
1 likeLuster dawn has the features the mother of Sun burst and Father of Starlight
1 likeThis actually made sense, u blew my mind just now lol
0 likesSomeone he gets along with
0 likesyes
Someone who spends a lot of time at the school of friendship
Someone he spends a lot of time with
Trixie!Bcuz they stood next to each other once
(Sounds of him being confused)
(Sounds of me being aggravated)
I’d go with what makes them look like them
0 likesyeah no, sorry, if Starlight isn't the mother of Sunburst's parents, nobody is. Plus you can't mistake Luster's pretty pink coat to be inherited from Starlight.
1 likeOnly the lifeless Gary Mitchell and Dr. Elizabeth Dehner had a magical son of the Enterprise.
0 likesHmm... You know, her being sunset shimers doter would be interesting. The one that came before Twilight sparkle, doter become twilight sparkles student
0 likesWhen lusterdawn closes her eyes I get HUGE tricksy vibes from her
0 likesReplies (1)
The way she talks kinda reminds me of trixie too .. kinda reminds me of starlight too though
0 likesLuster dawn was created by Sunburst by magic!
0 likesYeah starlight is her biological mother bc I did some research and it says that luster dawns moms color and her dads color would make her color if they mixed it up together. If you know what I mean.
0 likesYou have to look at her hair too. She has the hair of a pony from the crystal empire. It’s gradient like those from the crystal empire unlike the flat colors of those from, well, anywhere else in equestria
0 likesReplies (1)
Personally I think her parents are sunburst and a pony from the crystal empire. Probably someone we haven’t met before or only saw shortly
0 likesPlot twist:
7 likesMaud Pie (Pinkie Pie's sister) is actually Luster Dawn's mom.
because if Trixie had a chance of being the mother of Luster Dawn why not Maud? cause Maud and Sunburst also bounded quite well when they first met and plus that could also explain why Luster Dawn is a pink pony, not because Maud is a pink pony but because her sister, Pinkie pie is a pink pony and Luster Dawn could've gotten it through genes.
lol just my opinion :)
Replies (3)
it is a good explanation bcause u see pinkie had the children earlier to take care and insted of being and earth pony the were pecoside and unicorn
0 likesbut.... why isn't luster kinda more interested in stones
2: both trixie and starburst are powerful
Yeah you got a point!
1 likeBro Maud is with Mudbriar
2 likesI really do like the starlight x sunburst ship, ima stick with this lol.
0 likesGod i havent been in touch with mlp for awhile now....damn you anime took my childhood away from me😤 i'll get it back , still love this show sm im not letting go yet
0 likesnight, day, dawn, it has to be trixe, perfect match, OMGOMGOMG
0 likesLesser Don's eyes one of her grandparents would have to have orange eyes and also one of her parents would probably have to be pink but Star swirl does add up so it must be on Star squirrels side but we don't know her mother's side yes 👌👌👌
0 likesI actually thought luster dawn was related or even the daughter of sunset glimmer
0 likes"ok there's no evidence that these two have ever been romantically involved" well I wanna disagree. It Kinda looks like starlight is asking sunburst out like and reply if I agree
0 likesI think Sunset is Sunburst's sister, there was a topic about Luster being related to Sunset and/or Starlight
0 likesso sunburst and luster's cutie mark's are little bit same what about starlight, starlight and luster's hair are so same
1 likestarlight + sunburst = luster dawn
Sunset? Because the Sun is setting on her cutie mark :)
0 likesI see what you're saying, but I ship Sun x Star so she's their child in my mind XD
0 likesBut the thing is that spike saw her and knew her but tried to hide it
1 likeWhat about sunset! Sunset is also in-between Night and day... Just a thought.
1 likeI always thought maybe it was Sunset from Equestria Girls I mean its not like Spike would keep in touch with her idk how that would work but if Sunset had a daughter she would probaly want her to learn her origins then again I think mentioning to Spike that Sunset the pony who wanted to take over the multiverse had a daughter and she was being sent there
0 likesI don't think she is anybody we know daughter though because every single main character in the show is: FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!!
No way would they let their child be like: Nope
I think he’s the dad I just don’t see Trixie or starlight being the mom.
0 likesYeah but there's one problem with Sunburst and Trixie being parents of Luster Dawn, I don't see any of Trixies quantities in her.
0 likesLuster’s mom could be Sunset Shimmer
1 likePossibly Spitfire could be her mother just her father would need to be a unicorn
0 likesI actually don’t think that luster dawn’s parents would be sunburst and trixie or sunburst and starlight or any other two ponies that got married some time before or after twilight’s coronation because for a fact we know that Sugarbelle and Big Mac got married before her coronation so it’s safe to assume that they had their child some time after her coronation. So for luster dawn to be fully grown she would’ve to be born long before twilight’s coronation so it’s not possible that she was born after her coronation.
0 likesi think starlight is still her mom 7 months ago I watched this and I cant forget
0 likesalso umm, since sunburst, starlight and trixie live in ponyville, and lusterdawn had never been there before kinda just entails that she isnt any of theirs?? from the ending montage it seems like lusterdawn didnt know anybody there... and why would she be introduced to her parents??? why would she be given a tour of her home town??? just sayin
0 likesI think you are overthining the Spike situation, its pretty obvious its Starlight Glimmer
0 likesI just realized that luster has lust in her name
0 likesI can see starlight and sunburst as her parents ! But not the rest but this is my opinion! But I can REALLY see it !
0 likesWait so how would luster end up pink? Does color not play a role in foals
0 likesSunburst x starlight was super strong but I can tell that trixie x sunburst could be possible
1 likeIdk why I think lustur dawn is sunburst and startlinghts daughter because they were really close from the start
0 likes'That was the sesult of two alicorns'
... shining armour is a unicorn
It could be true that starlight and sunburst are in love But there is a secret reason that My little pony Didnt want us to know about
0 likesLuster Dawn Parents It could be that Luster Dawn was just an Normal Unicorn that lives whit others that Normaly showed up at Canterlot school, But Now one ever knew about Sunburst and Trixie
Trixie's cutie mark has a moon And Sunburst has a sun beetween sun and moon there Is dawn Wich is Luster's Last name, No one knew About them Within Luster Dawn ayes was Diffrent from trixie's Ayes but the ayes color was almost as Sunburst primary color and hair color wich means that sunburst could be The father but Luster Dawn has also pink skin the only pink skin that i saw was...... welp that couldnt be true.
And plus if trixie ws her biological mother. Wouldn't she have some of her attitude like you know how trixie is sassy sometimes? Yeah that and shes not sassy she has more of Starlights attitude.
2 likesReplies (1)
No D No D No D👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👙👙👙eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
0 likesi'm mentally screeching right now, W H Y
0 likesCan you solve why theres like no male alcorns?
1 likeIm so shock when i heard the word GREAT 😂
0 likesI think trixie is luster’s mom!
0 likesPrincess Celestia
0 likesSunburst
Sunset Shimmer
Sonata Dusk
Twilight Sparkle
Starlight Glimmer
Princess Luna
Trixie Lulamoon
Moon Dancer
Luster Dawn
Then how did lusted cone out pink?? I’m curious
0 likesWhen your a multishipper:👁️👄👁️
1 likehow come all the wizards or sorcerers or powerful ponies are named and based off of the sun or light or the moon or stars or the time of day and stuff (excluding cadence and flurrt heart)
1 liketwilight
star swirl
sunset shimmer
starlight glimmer
sun burst
Starlight and sun burst have to be luster dawns parents who knows what
0 likesWell in the song with starlight and sunburst luster was there so she would at least say hi
0 likesSunburst/dad trixie/mom luster dawn/kid sun/dad moon/mom
0 likesdawn/kid
i beleive that lulumoon is the mom
0 likesi think lusters parents are sawtooth waves
0 likesi honastly think sunburts and trixie are luster dawns parents it all makes sense
0 likesI loved how when they opened the f
1 likeDoor they fall in love
Sawtooth waves: talks bout love
1 likeMe: pukes
If she was a trixie then she would probably be some blue or like a samburst orange, I think she is a starlight because she is some purple and she is some pink or something between pink and purple
0 likesColor says it all.
I don't think Starlight and Sunburst are her parents. I used to kinda think it was Big Mac and Sugar Belle coz she looks EXACTLY like them, but I feel like she's not the child of any of these ships because of the age. Pinkie Pie's child is still a kid, why would Sunburst and Starlight or Big Mac and Sugar Belle, have such a grown up daughter? Luster Dawn is not little.
0 likesi think your right trixie is her mom
0 likesLuster dawn is 100% daughter of Sunberst. Just look for their hair... but i think someone else can be her mother 'cause her skin color is PINK.
0 likesSunset and twilight seems to be more luster dawn
0 likesBefore you said Trixie might be her mom I thought sunset shimmer would be her mom
0 likesWhen you said True Love I'm like shut up but as a joke I don't actually mean it
1 likeHmmmm luster dawn has orange eye color but none of them doesnt but maybe its because all the pony can get diffrent eye color
0 likesBut the skin colors match up with starlight tho
And when purple and orange is mix it will make luster skin color
And gradient from purple to irabge have luster skin color
There is one thing that bump me about this none of the mother that u say starlight and tricy they both don't have that orangy shade eyes and not her father to so I'm still confused
0 likesDoes Sunburst know anypony else with a rather pink color? Trixie as Luster's mother seems kinda... not right >:I , but i ship dem
0 likesLusters eyes did you forget the eyes dont look like what they whould get
0 likesKid has orange eyes
0 likesParents has blue eyes...
Make sence
0 likesBut trixie and sunburst is starlight's friend and starlight,being the mare head of twilight friendship school,wouldnt be normal to think that starlight might Have said a word about luster dawn and twilight says it to spike or the others🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
0 likesYou have made my mind explode
0 likesI think that spike already knew who luster dawn was but he didn’t know that twilights top student was luster dawn so he was surprised and maybe spike was being introduced to her for the first time and I think starlight is part of the family since starlight gives an attitude like luster dawn and like u said smart like sunburst and starlight is powerful and so is sunburst so maybe she got in the same way twilight got in with a magic surge and maybe spike didn’t know because he was being busy like really busy with his duties as friendship ambassador or whatever he was.
0 likesReplies (1)
Also I do not think trixie is I love with him
0 likesI realize the ship sunburst x starlight has a ship name of starburst
0 likesWow that could be true!
0 likesAh them Luster's parents
0 likesWow luster dawn is soooooo cute
0 likesAll the Trixie and Starlight shippers are malding rn
0 likesIt was her first time in a crust for you how could she be there daughter and plus they were meeting for the first time
0 likesMoon- dawn- day that might actually right
0 likes2:44 saw: but that was a special thing between two Alcorns
0 likesMe:... SHINING ARMOR IS A UNACORN!!!!!!!
Replies (1)
He was talking about cadence and flurry heart only also can you even read arrows?
1 likeMy Pov: welp I need to find another ship for starlight
10 likesI wonder if sunset shimmer could work😏😏
Replies (2)
Same i thought that too
1 likedon't worry guys... it's not because Sunburst is a dad that it was necessarily more than a one night stand
1 like1:24 PERFECT
0 likesmane 4 in mlp g5: im about to end this ponys whole career
0 likesstarlight is the mom
0 likesI think sawtooth is correct it is not starlight because starlight has nothing in commen with Luster Dawn and if a ponys ser name is dawn it has to be Lusters dad
0 likesTrixie and Starlight are best friends
0 likesShe needs a cap then
0 likesShoot the thumbnail made me so into starburst or starlight x sunburst AND NOW THE TWIST MADE ME EXPLODE someone fix me please
0 likesi know who luster dawns parents is i think maybe its trixie and that boy that u said
0 likesMaybe celestia and i can't think of any dads
0 likesi just looked uo who is lusterdawns parents its Starlight and sunburst ARE the parents of lusterdawn
0 likesTo honest pinkie pie, trixie, starlight and sunburst because luster has pink on her fur like pinkie pie and her hair like trixie and she have lines as starlight and her cutie mark may not look as the same as pinkie pie but her cutie mark look the same as trixie, starlight and sunburst so that makes my reason luster drawn has three mothers and one father
0 likesHow could you say spike is her daughter spike had a crush on rarity
0 likesIma go with the first comments I see and also this is my opinion Starlight is Dawn or whatever her name was parents LIKE DUDE LOOK AT HER HAIR BRO WTH and I don’t know if this matters but Luster and Starlight where both star students!
0 likessun and moon , day and night surely luster parents is trixie and sunburst
0 likesthe moment you said it wasn't starlight I instantly thought it was Trixie
1 likeBut trixy is a posibility
1 likeBut sunburst is starlights brother
1 likeok trixie's coat does NOT match luster dawns coat not even the mane matches the only match would be someone who isn't close to spike and is color purple or pink so it could be pinkie pie,twilight,starlight,tempest shadow,grown up flurry heart or,nobody
0 likesbut pinkie,twilight,and starlight are close with spike so that leaves tempest,and flurry but flurry is too young so that meen's tempest is lusters mom BUT at the end of the my little pony movie both twilight and tempest did a fist bump which also meens bonding so twilight would have heard of her
and twilight is also close to sunburst so its not sunburst either so that means luster is just a random pony from somewhere BUT in season 5 episode 1 cutie mark vault scene there are 2 rainbow cutie marks exactly the same and we all know only one pony has a kind of cutie mark. so one of the marks are fake and behind is lusters cutie mark so that means starlight still feels guilty of controling and tricking nearly all pony's and was afraid to tell so that means starlight is a single mom
I think her mom is sunsetshimmer
0 likescan someone PLEASE tell me where i can find season 9 is it even out SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME I NEED TO KNOW
0 likesI think is the ponys you said at the end
0 likesDid you know that if you look closely Luster Dawn’s hair isn’t on her head it’s behind her
0 likesMy ship is ~sunburst X starlight~
0 likesLike luster dawns cutie Mark is the same as starlights friend
0 likesI totally agree
0 likesIt could be sunberst and sunset shimmer
0 likesFirst know because Trixie doesn't even have the same skin color
0 likesBut it looks like she is a crystal pony...
0 likesSunburst and Sunset?
0 likesWhat about sunsetshimmer?!?!?👀😯
0 likesAwsocute uwu
0 likesMaybe luster dawns parents died?
0 likesI think you are right
0 likesI think they actually could be, here's why:
13 likesHer cutie mark looks like sunburst's
Her hair looks like starlight's
Also: SUN-burst, lusterDAWN, their names have something to do with the sun.
I also believe that sunburst has blushed at starlight and has had a full episode with her and they seem to like each other alot
You know...
10 likesIt could be Derpy Hooves
Replies (3)
4 likesXD!!!
0 likesMe seeing this comment:
0 likeslmao
random two ponies standing next to eachother
(no hate I promise I've been watching since the brony notion at Apple acres)-
4 likesSawtooth how do we know if spike dose not know if she had a child and wasn’t told about it he needs to do his job yes but your right about her being a adult
3 likesLooks like the ship sailed
5 likes"iT mUsT bE trUe LoVe!"
14 likesromatic musicYou realize though that the “spike would know” would be an issue for sunburst too. Even if they weren’t as close, everyone else was, so it would be extremely unlikely he would not have heard it. Especially how you claim he and starlight are such good friends.
0 likesEdit: also I understand the “ship because they are next to each other, seriously?” issue, but you can’t deny it has some semblance of truth. This is also during a song where they are introducing characters, their roles, and relationships. When they are introduced it should say something about who they are based on what is shown. They are introduced together and stay together through the scene whereas trixie is apart from them with the CMCs. The fact she shows not much reaction to seeing any of them could be used to disregard them as parents (I mean she does smile super big but eh), but it also is likely that they don’t want to be ungodly obvious or that it would jumble the flow of the song transitions.
I swear if it’s sunburst and starlight I’m gonna scream.
6 likesReplies (3)
In a good way or bad way
3 likesMlp Someone bad
2 likesShe hid Luster.... DUN DUN DUN
1 likeIt can’t be trixie because there daughter would be brown
0 likesGuy from hasbro watching this:
8 likesWTF
My question is, 'Why does this kids cartoon character have the word "Lust" in their name?!'
6 likesReplies (3)
The word is Luster, which is entirely different in meaning. Sorta like making her name Shining Dawn but with a fancier term for shining
5 likesAlso, lust is a shade of red. Some color names are weird. Like Veronica blue.
0 likes@Arquidesis Studio "The more you know!"
0 likesi agree with you
13 likesBut i love the Theory, good job on it
Me: watches the Rosalina Gabe theory video
5 likesAlso me: the jeans don’t match for Trixie it must be Starlight
5:20 See Starlight face, she has a cruch on Sunbrust
3 likesReplies (1)
Ok but Trixie flipped her hair and her eyes were lidded. 👀
0 likesYou just blew multiple holes in my ship😢💔
13 likesReplies (1)
Lol XD
0 likesWho ships Starburst(starlight + starburst?) I ship it!
33 likesReplies (4)
I DO! It's so flipping cute
1 likeMEEEE! Love that ship! I have a hole plate on Pintrest with only Starburst photo's and fanarts
1 likeDid you meant put them into a Cargo Ship and ready for shipping?
0 likesYassss
0 likesI think it is sunburst and trixie
0 likesMaybe starlight had Luster Dawn on accident and she didn't want any other pony to know about it.
7 likesReplies (2)
That makes total sense, and yet no sense at all
0 likes@alaria smiss xD ik
0 likesI feel like sunbursts mam and starlight’s dad had luster, marking her starlight and sunbursts half little sister
6 likesReplies (6)
ehhhhh. I think they would be a little too old to have kids. seeing as twilight must be not far from Celestia's age when she was ruler, their parents would have been dead by now
2 likes@PinkMoth their parents would've probably been around Granny Smiths age before the final episode. So they'd still be alive, just a bit too old to have another related pony.
0 likes@BoxBot Stuff I suppose.
0 likesMOM not MAM
0 likes@Skylight Furrs different people from different places say words differently from each other sometimes.
1 likeLei Pi mam is british?
0 likesAnd if Starlight really was Luster's mother, then Luster would know friendship a lot more than in the last episode. Because she would have taught her.. So yeah you are right
6 likesReplies (1)
I think it's quite the opposite. Luster knew the importance of friendship, she just doubted that you should start friendships, because they end anyway. And, from what we know, Starlight had the same problem when she was younger, her friendship with Sunburst ended unexpectedly when he left for Celestia school. Maybe Luster heard that story and started to think the same way as her mother once thought, like "she was right and even though it ended great for her and father (Sunburst), I may not be that lucky"
0 likesAye i love youre content keep up
3 likes3:19 is funny picture at all🤣
0 likesMe: damn... I shipped Trixie and Starlight so much
44 likesReplies (5)
Luster done,s
0 likesParents name is Musterd done and
Sunset shimmer
Becose sun set shimer is Like sun
Musterd done its Cutie mark is
Sun set who has a Sun set
Sun set shimmer.
1 likeY'know it's a theory right. You don't have to believe it if you don't want to
1 likeTrixie, Starlight, and Sunburst are in a polyamorous relationship and they raised Lustsr Dawn together. Now everyone is happy
2 likes@kat or it was a one night stand, that's good too.
0 likesD a n k f l a n k s
0 likesOr a secret fling between twilight and sunburst that they didn't want any one to know about??
3 likesReplies (1)
Then sunburst would be royal and luster is bowing to her mom lol
0 likes"we don't know luster's at all, luster could just be a random unicorn from who knows where
5 likesBut blue and orange makes green and lusterdawn is purple
0 likesI think you’re right but I don’t know like celestial Luna some of the ponies oh wait a minute I think that all the day and night ponies even saw stealing NTNT do you know my God I think that’s the family. 753
0 likesI'm here to calm all the shippers with a theory:
4 likesSunburst marry both Starlight and Trixie and 2 of them gave birth.Trixie gave birth to Luster and Starlight gave birth to a unknown pony that study with her/his parents in School of Friendship and Luster study at School for Gifted Unicorns
You kinda sound like sunburst himself XD
14 likesReplies (1)
0 likes4:03
4 likesspit my glass of milk
Idk. Im still on the trixie and starlight dating bandwagon.
4 likesomg
3 likesthis is BIG brain thinking here
ok their are 4 alecorns but you dide't count criseless
0 likesI am the same!!
0 likesdo a fanfyc series ecstension! U can shyp fluttershy and dyscord and reform everyone and stuff! And u could keel up ur normal vids just do it on the syde!
4 likesLuster dawn mom dad is luck sun moon light
0 likesMlp Shippers: Why don't we ship Starlight + Sunburst = Luster-
15 likesSaw tooth: NOPE
"My little pony theorising is magic"
Dont judge me but i think its big mac child,not related ik
0 likesI think sunset shimmer is the mom
1 likeWhat if she is just a random pony who went to the school?
6 likes0:45 WAIT sunburst's nose mark is gone
3 likesTrixie is mom
0 likesNope, Starlight and Sunburst never got together at the end. Their just friends.
3 likesTrixie and Starlight are together. Their a power couple. PERIOD.
The only thing that doesn't really line up is colour pallette- no pinks in Trixie's mane or coat.
3 likesReplies (7)
It could always be a skipped generation
0 likes@The Lanktheist doesn't make sense in the timeline- Sunburst isn't that old, yet.
0 likesGayCoffeeAddict No, I mean genetics. Sunburst can still be the dad, but maybe a relative of Trixie had a pink coat?
0 likes@The Lanktheist oh, you mean recessive genes. Maybe, but we don't know who Trixie's parents are.
0 likes@GayCoffeeAddict Trixie's dad is Jack pot and Trixie's mom is Sunflower Spectacle
0 likesGayCoffeeAddict Well, wouldn’t that be why it makes me more sense? We have no proof or disproof of the theory.
0 likes@The Lanktheist exactly. Or, more likely, the MLP creators didn't really think it through. But for a theory, it's relatively solid.
3 likesSiblings
0 likesI don't think Sunburst or Starlight are Lusters parents because in "The last broblem" Twilight says "Thats ok because I know exactly where to send you" witch makes me think that Luster lived in Canterlot
1 likeWhen are u going to do a Q and A I am waiting i want you to do it please do a Q and A🙏🙁
1 likeMaybe luster dawn is sunburst and sunsetshimers child? You never know.
6 likesReplies (1)
or simply the child of sunset shimmer with someone unknown
1 likeWhat does why is her eyes are orange her parents eyes are cyan
0 likesIf you want to find Luster Parent is the eyes,the body code,Cutie mark, and last the mane how do i know that see twilight sparkle parent IM sure you Will find out
0 likes2:23 I AM THE CREATOR OF THIS LUSTER FILLY! Thank you for use it. 😃😃😁😁😁😉😊
12 likesReplies (1)
5 likesReplies (1)
Early squad! :3
1 likeHow about you just type it in to Google?
0 likesLike other comment I wroth on glimmer video. But think it apple jack new sister or long lost sister. Like was born right before mom die. So the apple kids never see her before last episode. But unlike sunset story this more likely. But bet both more just erro in art or something. Or they have a trend of naming everything sun or farm names, lol/ 0r young sister of glimmer or sun rest too? Could connect to one of kids family too?
0 likesStar light-
0 likesSunburst and tricki lulamoon
0 likesLuster dawn has pink skin
0 likesI love the thought of all these protagonist friends becoming like a huge family and keeping relations with each other's kids. Though it kinda closes the circle to other minor characters.
2 likesAlso if you would pay a little more attention to the last episode, spike has been gone for quite a while making peace between kingdoms, that could take months. However I do see some of your points you got me thinking.
0 likesWell, basically, they didn't have to talk about their daughter with anyone but Twilight, so that the daughter wouldn't get be arrogance during school and become like Sunset, for example, when she was vain. Yes, it sounds like an excuse, but all arguments are excuses, ph. I can't say what's true and what's false, but I like to think so.
0 likesI dunno, it did not seem that Spike didn't know who she was, but more shocked at the words coming out of her mouth. He did not seem to have to explain who he was to her, other than that "ambassador of friendship' quip, but that did not seem an explanation, as more of a 'come on, did you forget me?' thing.
0 likesSunburst is without a doubt the dad, that's for sure. The mane flow is very like Trixey's though and messy like Sunburt's.
0 likesThe eyes match Trixey's mother's eyes. Spike most likely didn't know due to this fact! He's not too close to Sunburst either.
They got along great though. The appearance and the eyes give it away for me. You also mentioned strong magic comes from humble beginnings. Bingo, you got it with the parents' abilities but their knowledge would be amazing.
She also does indeed have the confidence but the nervousness of Sunburst when it comes to friends at first. You can clearly see it during the final song of G4. It's definitely her if it's someone the audience is aware of, but the dad is indeed sunburst. There's no denying it from the power, knowledge and appearance.
I like the idea that luster is starlight and sunburst's daughter because of her coat colour and spike well he did say being the friendship ambassador is a full time job so maybe they lost touch for a while
0 likesSathooth: tells amazing theories between MLP things
2 likesThe developers who meant nothing: .......
I love the idea of Trixi being Luster Dawn’s mom. At the coronation of Twilight they SIT MEXT TO EACH OTHER.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesCan’t believe I hit the ‘m’ button
I like the Trixie and Sunburst theory! Also someone in the past could have had a pink coat, remember, Pinkie pie looks nothing like her parents
0 likesYou have pretty great and powerful theories
0 likesWell, you know, Spike met Trixie in the first episode she ever in. But, they don’t have a very close relationship.
0 likesSpike doesn't know anything about Luster when seeing her, But then does that mean he never knew Luster was Twilights student? And twilight is basically Spike's sister. Starlight might've had to have Luster not too long after the coronation, but who knows how much time has passed since the coronation and the time skip we receive at the very end. Twilights friends are old, Rarity has grey hair
1 likeWe gonna point out how Starlight and Sunburst didn’t age as much as everyone else?
0 likesactually once i seen this episode not even after 10 seconds i was like "thats got to be starlights and sunburst daughter just look at the cutie mark!"
1 likeI can imagine Trixie and starburst well it makes a lot of sense.
0 likesI agree with the thought of trixe and sunburst having luster dawn
0 likesMy thoughts about this is that Sunburst and Trixie are totally Luster dawn's parents!
0 likesThe only thing that stops me from believing trixy is dawn's mom is the fact that dawn's skin is pink
1 likeReplies (1)
hmm true but some of the parents dont need to have the same skin or hair do you see futtershy mom hair she dont have the same color of fluttershy or fluttershy's brother
0 likesI think you are right about Trixie and Sunburst
1 likeAlso is you look at luster's cutie mark again it has the moon in it also, that would be a combo of both sunburst and trixie's cutie Mark's! So I believe its possible
0 likeswhat if starlight is luster dawn's mom but things didn't work out and that's why Starlight wouldn't bring us Luster dawn when she was talking with spike because it was painful and trixie could be Luster dawn's current mom with sunburst as the father <3
0 likesInteresting. It suppose it is possible for that kind of parring to happen.
0 likesY’all I just realized that sunburst literally has a giant beard-
0 likesSpike confused about the fact that lusterdawn thought that friendship was important not that he never heard about luster dawn
0 likesI wonder what purpose will Luster Dawn have as a princess, or when she becomes ruler of the place, how will her man move lol
0 likesOr maybe Luster Dawn's parents are Sunburst and Trixie!
0 likesTrixie being LusterDawns Mother Is a Really Good Possibillity! I she is!
0 likesWhen he said that there was no evidence that they got together I remembered the fact that right now on the mobile game future Sunburst's discription mentioned that his life will be full of starlit nights and I don't remember much about Starlight's discription but I do know that it hinted toward her being with sunburst. You might be thinking it's just a coincidence but it's a recurring thing in the future ponies' discriptions. Like rainbow Dash has the word Honest in her description and AJ has the word Loyal in hers. Flutters has been implied to be with Discord. And her discription includes the word cHaOs. Pinkie Is obviously with cheese sandwich and her discription includes the phrase Dangerously Cheesy. Need I go on. So yeah who says that the games don't have hints for theories.
0 likesReplies (2)
Okay Trixie is possible as her mother but we don't see Trixie and sunburst bond almost at all after uncommon bond and in the video he said that luster dawn would have to be born soon after Twilight left. Would they have enough time to fall in love marry and have a daughter? No. So I just don't think luster is Sunburst's daughter or anypony else's (who is important) she could be just a really gifted unicorn who came from humble parents. Also unrelated but when neighsay reformed did accredit the school of friendship
0 likesSorry about that replay I forgot about the fact they did bond. Also I remembered that Future's Starlight's discription includes the word 'Sunny' so sorry Sawtooth but Luster isn't the daughter of anypony we know
0 likesSunburst and Starlight were friends since they were foals I think is the daughter Starlight and Sunburst.
1 likeI don‘t think Trixie is Luster‘s Mother. I don‘t really see how she and Sunburst could‘ve fallen in love... Maybe it‘s just because we didn‘t see them so often together, but I never noticed any Chemistry between them, other than Hobby’s. And they could just be friends... maybe she send him the letter, because she Starlight had a (more or less really big) crush on him, and wanted both her friends to come together... I actually think we just don‘t know Luster‘s parents
0 likesWow standing beside someone is true love
0 likesAlso with lusters cutiemark it was the wavey thing on the bottom like starlight has on the top of hers
0 likesI think sunburst and starlight because I have shipped them forever but trixy as the mom would make sense
0 likesYes yes YES Sunburst and Starlight are totally together
0 likesA bit late but, I think it's posible that starlight and sunburst could have a doughter without Spike knowing and for me it makes more sence just beacuse I have always seen Trixi more like a good friend and not a girlfriend. (sorry for bad english, it's early and i'm bad in english)
0 likesWhat about Sunset Shimmer being the mother?
1 likeyes I think starlight is luster's mother because her hair is simple to luster
0 likeswait am I the only one who think trixie and starlight would be cute?
0 likesSunburst starlight and luster dawn might still be connected maybe sunburst mom and starlight's dad had Lester Dawn that doesn't only mean Lester dawn and sunburst and starlight are step sisters brothers their parents are step mom and dad
0 likesRandom pony yes. Starlight and sunburst married 💗
1 likeomg im right when she said starlight isnt the mother then i said maybe trixie
0 likesI knew this ship was real 😍 omg <3
0 likesCelestias Student -> Twilight
0 likesTwilights Student -> Luster Dawn
Luster Dawns Student -> ?????
There was an image like this but drawn ⬆️
(I like this theory tho... I still think it's Starlight 👀)
And starlight is luster Dawn's mom
2 likesI think maybe luster dawns mother could also be rainbow dash as she has the confidence and rainbows are most likey to be between dawn and sunset
0 likesMaybe the g5 kids are the real kids of trixie and sunburst 🤔
0 likesI think she is sunset’s child.mabye she sent her through the portal to study under her good friend
0 likesWhat if they all just have a polyamorous relationship yup I'm talking about starlight sunburst and trixie all being in a three-some poly relationship just let this sink into you
0 likesit actually makes sense for me 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Jesus Christ I only now noticed the similarity of the cutie marks
1 likethis makes so much sense plus look at her hair
0 likesI think your wrong about Friday and sunburst it's obvious enough that starlight is the mom
0 likesi still cant believe mlp ended
0 likesI think sunburst and trixie lulamoon are the parents of lustedawn
0 likesYa, that makes sense. But Luster doesn't even look like trixie, and...trixie is not as good as magic as starlight. Beside, trixie does not as close to Sunburst as Starlight. Maybe spike don't know Luster because he has so much work, and so does starlight. Or, just like someone comment, Starlight did tells Spike about her child, but Spike didn't meet Luster, and Starlight forgot to tells her name.
0 likesOk, so, I still think that starlight is Luster Dawn's mom
Wait, why did I though it was Sunset Shimmer? Like She might be Sunburst's sister but why does she appeared in my head?
0 likesSo it must be a uni-
0 likesWait It’s Rarity she’s a single mom!
can you make a video for this question: why isn't there a kind of equestria and what would the how be like with a king
0 likesShining armor Would be the king of protection🏹🛡🦄
2 likesSunburst is luster Dawn's dad
1 likeTrixi poped in my head
0 likesMy head: no, no, NO
The video: yes
My head: I JUST SAID NO!?!!??!
I think it's Triksy sunburst and her both have two colour eyes so does luster dawn
0 likesI think it’s Mrs. John’s mom is course Twix Trixie
0 likesMe wondering how dose even MLP kids even works
1 likeBut if Luster Dawn was Twilight's best student or whatever then would not Spike know who Luster is? Couse that comfuses me
0 likesMaybe luster Don just showed up randomly somewhere
0 likesWhen you did this video I do see that you might be right.
1 likeSunset Shimmer makes more sense than Trixie lol
0 likesit can,t be trixi and sunburst because they are starlights closest friends and they will tell starlight then starlight will tell twilight and twilight will tell spike
1 likeSunburst and Trixie are luster Dawns parents🌅🌅🎑
0 likesYeah it must be possible that's her parents
0 likesMaybe starlight didnt say her name so spike didnt know
0 likescan uu aswer this: hat would happen if a Pegasus and a unicorn get together and had fraternal twins ( not identical twins)
0 likesYou're a genius
0 likesLumster Parent,s
0 likesName is Muster done and Sunset shimmer.
I actually think that it might be sunset shimmers daughter think about it same hair white lines same color skin think about it.
0 likesAll makes sense BUT he works at the FRIENDSHIP school he whould probbably tell his douther about friendship
1 likeStarlight and Sunburst aren't siblings?!
0 likesYou might also think what if luster is sunburst sister
0 likesFor a moment I thought it will be tempest
1 likeI think I think it's Sunburst and Sunset Shimmer
0 likesI disagree if starlight is Trixies close friend trixie would tell starlight then starlight would tell spike?
0 likesStarlight is mom of luster dawn
0 likesI think starlight is luster dawns mother maybe spike has amnesia or starlight has amnesia
0 likesOr they could be siblings!?!?!?!
0 likesSunburst and starlight are married the first is right
1 likeIf lusterDawn is sunburst and Trixie's daughter and how does she not know ponyville?!?
0 likeshow did you come up with your pony
0 likesI think this is true!
0 likesI think dwanś mother will be either Luna or celestia cuz she is is dwan and it will be one of them
0 likesI think that you got them right on the 2nd try you are big brain🧠🧠🧠🧠
0 likesThe one direction reference
1 likeIt must be LOVE!…no.
0 likesI think Lexi is the mother I’m sure of it by the way pls add some more vids I whant to now a lot about the pony’s pls
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesI think we dont know her parents cause its not a story only about our 7 pony so yea I'm pretty sure shes a random pony though
0 likesI cant beleive no one even bothered to ship Sunburst and Starlight
0 likesEDIT: Sunburst and Trixie? can i vomit
0 likesBut Wouldn’t sun burst teach her daughter friendship she didn’t even care about friendship
0 likesStill, I don't think Trixie can be the mother of that filly.
0 likes(Translated by the help of an interpreter, since the author is Russian).
Still, I paid attention to the appearance of the student Twilight sparkle:
1. The combination of colors. We can say that the combination of colors of Trixie and Sunburst skins can not get a soft pink! With a combination of Orange-yellow and bluish, you can't get pink. Most likely, it will be greenish or the like, but with a combination of Sunburst and Starlight (Orange-yellow + light purple), it may well turn out to be a soft pink... But, with colors in MLP in general confusion... The same modet can not be with a combination of colors, but just the color transfer can go either from the mane, or from the skin. And basically it changes like from mane to skin - from skin to mane... But neither Trixie nor Sunburst has pink on their fur or mane.
2. The way Luster Dawn's mane is laid. You can see near the horn "cutting off" part of the mane from the rest. The same is observed in Starlight. Well, neither Trixie nor Sunburst has that, just Starlight. I do not know how plausible my territory is, but I respect your opinion and the opinion of others, I will not impose it, it will be enough for me if you read it :)
Replies (1)
Всё же не считаю, что Трикси — может быть матерью той кобылки.
0 likes(Russian Translate).
Всё же, я обратила внимание на внешность ученицы Твайлайт:
1. Сочетание цветов. Можно сказать, сочетание цветов шкурки Трикси и Санбёрста не могут получить нежно розовый! При сочетании Оранджевато-желтого и голубоватого не может получиться розовый. Скорее всего выйдет зеленоватый или т.п. НО при сочетании Санбёрста и Старлайт (Оранджевато-желтый + светло-фиолетовый) вполне может получиться нежно розовый... Но, с цветами в МЛП вообще путаница... Так же модет быть не при сочетании цветов, но и просто передача цвета может идти либо с гривы, либо со шкурки. И в основном он меняется типо с гривы на шкурку - со шкурки на гриву... Но ни у Трикси, ни у Санбёрста НЕТ розового цвета ни на шкурке ни на гриве.
2. То, как уложена грива Ластер Доун. Можно заметить около рога "отсечение" части гривы от остального. Такое же наблюдается и у Старлайт. Ну, ни у Трикси, ни у Санбёрста такого нет, только у Старлайт. Не знаю, насколько моя территория правдоподобна, но я уважаю ваше мнение и мнение других, навязывать я её не буду, мне будет достаточно, если вы её прочитаете :)
1:20 amazing
0 likesWait wait wait pinkie is a MOM bless that child
0 likesI’m sad now because he just made a huge point that starlight probably not her mom
0 likesReplies (1)
It's still entirely possible. We know from the series that even within friend circles not everyone knows each other. I can absolutely believe Spike simply hasn't met Luster personally and even forgot her name. Additionally it's pretty much a given that Sunburst is her dad (the cutie mark is a dead give-away), and from the perspective of a kids show it simply makes the most sense for him having married Starlight.
0 likesI love the math :o
0 likesI cannot beleive Trixie could be Lusters mother! If you mix the color palets that cant be true! But I can sort of see it.
1 likeReplies (4)
1 likeFinaly someone sees my point-
1 likeFinally someone says it, and even neighter of Sunburst or Trixie's parents have a similar color to pink
1 likewow thats actually plausible
0 likesmaybe adopted daughter of spike like maybe starlight spike is a baby himself
0 likesthat makes perfect sens
0 likesokay okay, get this, THREESOME
0 likesI thingk luster dawn father is sunburn but luster’s mother is starlight glimmer not trixie
0 likesMe waiting for mlp season 9 to come on Netflix cuz why not I can’t watch it on tree house I don’t have it sp I wanted to wait to watch this
0 likesNuuu I think starlight is lusterdawns mother i mean starlight would be the kind of friend who would forget to tell spike and the others except twilight cause she is realllyyy close with her
0 likesTrixie is blue, luster us pink, how does she get her pink?
0 likesLuster dawn is adopted
0 likesMe: sHiP sTaRlIgHt AnD sUnBuRsT
Edit: Im still subbed to u
Nowhere in the episode is ever suggested Spike does not know her.
0 likesBut what about the genetics
0 likesWhat about eye color?
1 likeLuster has orange eyes 👀 👁️👄👁️
0 likesI agree with you
0 likesI agree with you
0 likesi love that song one thang
0 likesGood luck 🤞 to find the truth
1 likeOr his sister
0 likesThe mother would have orange eyes and pink skin or purple
0 likesBut...........
3 likesStarlight is the type that would forget to tell a friend she had a kid 😑😂
Sunburst and Sunset
0 likesThe Earth is a cube.
7 likesReplies (3)
2 likesno it a chimken nugget
3 likes@DapperGirl15 exactly
0 likesIt could be Sunset Shimmer if she is not Sunburst's sister.
1 likeplot twist: discord is luster dawns mother
4 likesYour rarely posting, what's happening is everything ok?
3 likesReplies (1)
Actually, they are posting way more than usual now! once every other friday! :D
2 likesI personally accept that Luster Dawn is Sunset Shimmer's kid.
5 likesTrixie and sunburst sitting in a tree KISSING
0 likesI searched it on google and google says starlight and sunburst is her parents and i trust google.
15 likesTrixie and Sunburst are in starlights circle shouldn't starlight be i nice friend to inform Spike about her friends child?
0 likesI have never been this early ever
3 likesok my guess is sunburst and sunset shimmer thats my guess
0 likesYou: does a thing of sunburst leaving skool
5 likesMe: YEET
0 likesOK so who is starlight mom ps from 2021 that ship has already happened both ships
0 likesMe, an inanimate insanity fan: PACO? P A C O? YOU MEAN THE SHIP BETWEEN PICKLE AND TACO????
3 likesOkay but can we talk about fluttershy and discord???
0 likesHonestly I stopped watching after fully heart
4 likesReplies (3)
Flurry Heart.
0 likesCatherine Paci i meant that 😂
0 likes@Amethyst I see, you outsmarted my outsmarting!
0 likesFirst of all twilight you can't force people to have friends
0 likesluster DAWN,
5 likesTWILIGHT sparkle,
SUNSET shimmer,
What's with these names??
Ever noticed lister dawn’s hair? It has trixie’s style and sunburst’s Color
3 likesSome random pony cause twilight's parents are also some random pony
0 likesYay another video!!!
4 likesAnd wow that wouldn’t surprise me... 😅
For once I’m the first..
6 likesReplies (2)
1 like@IcedToast 🤨
2 likesI was thinking sunset shimmer
0 likesFIRST!I!I!!!!
3 likesI can't ship starlight and sunburst cuz Like my theory is that starlight and sunburst ate long lost siblings woch would explain that the most powerful unicorn and most powerful wizard (who knew what to do with the heart when it was shattert) just so happened to grow up togather and just so happen to be from the exact same town the both just so happen to know celestia like not everypony knows the former raiser of the sun for goodness sake! And the Last proof that somehow
0 likesStarlights coat doent macht her dads fully its a like some white or light yellow was mixed in there...????
i say its sunburst and Trixie
0 likesI think Luster Dawn's mother is just some random pony Sun Burst met and marry..
2 likesWell i think that star light mite be her mother because there hair mach a little but even Trixie's cutymark mach hers I am confusde
0 likesI think thet trixy is absolutely not luster downs mother. I think thet it would make very mouch since thet starlight is her mother. But there is one more posebiliti thet stirlight is not lusters mother but is sumbursts girl friend. Maby Sumburst is not lusters dad. And in epizode when sumbarst and trixy are gating close Stirlight is jealous so she like's him. But ani wais whot i wontid to say is maby if Sumburst is not Lusters dad then maby Sunset is her mom. I think thet thet would make very much since.
0 likesif you're making stories about My Little Pony you should watch it first
0 likesOne thing😂👑
0 likesMe:hello?? Last names
1 likeMario Impression
0 likesI only ship starburst
0 likesYa she is her mom I think Idc what do you think
0 likesOh hey where is dawn mendes hahaha
0 likesStarlight and sunburst are literally gay and not for eachother smh
0 likesTrixie ?
0 likesStar light boooom
1 likeShe had six weeks in 7 year last month of
0 likesI vote (sunburst + trixie) = lustar dawn
1 likeWait that makes so much f*ckin sense
0 likesAre you kidding me I search in goole starlight is married to sunburst
0 likestwilight sparkle and sunbrust
0 likesof cours they were friend wen they were small
0 likesLulamoon?
0 likesLike her parents
0 likesI mean your not wrong sawtooth
1 likeProp yes because there have a moon and aside to do mark make afternoon could you mark!😘
0 likes1:36- You didn’t 😭
0 likesI now who masters parents are and live
0 likesReplies (1)
I now lesters parent
0 likesWhat the hay!!!!!! I thought sunburst and starlight are friends 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🤠
0 likesMaybe sunset shimmer is lusters mom.
0 likesA what!!!!! A what!!!!! I didn't know about it alone? 😲😳😲😳😲😳😲😳
0 likesI agree
0 likesyes 😊
0 likesThey had a baby quick
0 likesOr there’s a divorce
0 likesLister dawns parents must be someone but I don't no really weird but if spike Disney know luster dawn then who is her parents
0 likesОоо, нет нет нет нет нет
0 likesСтарлайт и Санбёрст созданы друг для друга
her eye colour
0 likes4:03 oh no
0 likesit's Sunburst and I don't know
0 likesWHAT!?!??!?
0 likesi would hope not starlight would not divorce trixie
0 likesUmm sunburst and starlight our friends even their a kid but one question why the equestrian video are not showing what happened and why is have a new character that's my question
0 likesNo no no no those were Starlights BESTFRIENDS she would tell Spike if her BESTFRIENDS had a child!
0 likesNo trixy
0 likesWhen I watched it I wasn’t going too deep on thinking what were her parents but I just was like really sure that starburst was one of them because they have a similar cutiemark and I was just thinking starlight was the other but you made really good points that trixie can be with sunburst
0 likesI get the sunburst part, but as much as I want a starlight mom
0 likesI'm pretty sure starlight could be the type of family relative to forget to tell them they had a kid
There's also the not-so-remote pastability that GlimGlam could be low-key implied to be her mom, but the writers simply didn't think the Spike connection through; as much as I love this show, continuity was never exactly its strongest point. I will say that the TrixieBurst does appeal to me as well, what with the whole Sun + Moon duality and all. Whichever the case may be, both scenarios have potential to make a lot of fandom shippers a n g e r y as either one would nullify Trix and GlimGlam being deeply in lebbianz with each other. Lol.
0 likesSpike being clueless is common
0 likesI would be shocked if he knew anything for once!
Also that shy hoof movement.
Starlight does that constantly!
No one else does. Convenient you ignore this kind of behavior or the howl "friends don't last thing'... Which has sg all over it.
Well if you think about it timeline wise, isn't Luster Dawn a bit too old to be related to anyone who didn't already have a child? I think she should be around the age of the CMC so she should have already been born before the ending time skip.
0 likesI think you have something with Sunburst being Luster's parents, but I don't think Trixi is. Her color pallet is wayyyy to different! Starlight being her parent was a stretch, since we've seen Fluttershy and Zeffer Breeze's parents. You can see their colors are either darkened or lighter and moved.
0 likesBut roughly assuming the mane 6 were in their mid/late teens or possibly older before the last episode and luster looks the same age they were, that would mean at least 15 years had passed after the coronation. At the same time though, people say the CMC’s were 7-10, and in the final episode they looked roughly 16, meaning only 6 years had passed.
0 likesIn this happily to and they have a daughter named Luster dawn (as some are suspecting). As she be seen in the last episode in season 9 talking to the princess Twilight in her castle about friendship.
0 likesOk, it makes sense, but what about colors? With every family that we have met, at least one parent shared a coat color. Neither Trixie nor Sunburst are pink, nor do they make the color pink when mixed together.
0 likesThis part is kinda hard with her parents. Starlight and Trixy are friends but I’d don’t see the episode when Trixy and Sunburst got together with the magic cards, but they could be the parents but then Luster Dawns eyes are golden.
0 likesLuster has her grandpas eyes (on Starlight side of the family)... something not possible if Jackpot was her granddad.
0 likesAlso Luster's magic abilities must be exceptional... and given how Trixie AND Sunburst are practical a flop... well...
Not to mention her ego /character fits inside the castle walls, i think its fair to say its not Trixies daughter ;)
For any timing issues : 1. Fillies grow rather fast. 2. Starlight happens to know TimeMagic ! Perhaps she skipped some difficult years :D
[or started a bit earlier and brought the kind back to current daddy?]... cute idea but... i stick with SG+Sunburst. They would make for a TRULY powerful child! [Trixie still can be aunt!] ps. she even MOVES like mom https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/5/51/Captain_Gallus_introduces_Luster_Dawn_S9E26.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/300/height/300?cb=20191028201346 < SG does that, a lot ;p ps. Noon + Night = Dawn [Sunburst. Starlight. Dawn]
oh and last but not least... TRIXIE DATES HOOFAR!
Ok but, no one has come to the thaught that maybe she's a sugarmac daughter? I mean, the color palettes match and her species does too, her name and cutie mark are the only things that doesn't fit at once, but you can give it a thought.
1 likeLike, maybe Spike said that in a sarcastic way because he knows that sugar belle isn't that much of a magic prodegy.
Idk, i came up with the theory at my 2:15 AM insomnia and made sense...
Do you think pony life is set in the mane 6s' minds after twilight leaving to canterlot and they're saddened and traumatized from it?
0 likesI love how 1 direction is shown when he says one, that just reminds me of one way or another tbh
2 likesI'm pretty sure Spike would've heard about Sunburst and Trixie having a kid, not being told by them, but by Starlight. C'mon, her two best friends having a kid together? She'd never shut up about it (either of jealously or excitedness). What I'd like to think is that Luster's parents are completely different ponies; there could be a "Sun" family that is extensive just like the Apples, and another "Moon" family, perhaps distantly related to Celestia and Luna themselves. Heck, Prince Blueblood has a star like symbol for a cutie mark, so it's possible!
0 likesJunebug!
0 likesBright fur. Green eyes. Unicorn. Powerful magic. Grows children quickly^^ (since its actually Chrysalis) AND SINCE changelings are welcome these days.... there you go!
I think she is the daughter of glimer, because the brand in my opinion understands the influence on the formation of poney
0 likesLuster's mannerisms remind me of Starly.
0 likesIf you look at luster dawns eyes, then look at starlight and sunbursts eyes. They don’t look similar. Luster dawns eyes are a completely different color.
0 likesI don’t know why but this made me match there names into one name for if they actually have there own little filly which is: sunset glimmer
0 likesWell, Luster dawn is seen in one of the episodes already grown, she was a background pony
0 likes1:33 she was heartbroken enough to destroy the world several times over (totally not ex girlfriend behavior) but... Please. Go on!
1 likeI think that luster dawn's parents are Cheese and Pinkie Pie. I saw the two of them together in this one video with all of their children I believe.
0 likesBouncing off your recent theory regarding Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst being related... What if Luster is Sunset Shimmer's daughter? Consider: Sunset has some sort of fling while in the pony world. Now obviously raising a child is a lot easier as an adult pony then as a young adult human, but she doesn't want to abandon the world she's more comfortable with. The solution? Leave her child to be raised by the father (or by her uncle) in the pony world. This would explain the similarities to Sunburst without her being his kid.
0 likesCelestia might dates him!
0 likesNow that she is free...
Sun cutiemark. Talented. Also there is a fanfic in which they date and he compliments her hat.
If you guys didnt know Luster Dawn has the same voice actor as Starlight... just listen closely.. so yeeeeah. Oh and Luster doesnt look like Trixie at all..
0 likesMaybe Starlight told Spike that she has a daughter but he never got the occasion to meet her because of his Canterlot's duty
0 likesI find not so convincing. When luster dawn went to twilights School of friendship luster met sunburst but she looks like she did not recognize him. That's why I don't think sunburst is luster Dawn's father.
0 likesIt’s actually possible that starlight is her mom because spike and starlight might not have seen each other in a while what if spike knew about the starlight’s daughter but no more.
1 likeI don’t think her parents are originally but maybe the show can see this vid and get the idea
1 likeI do think Sunburst and Trixie are her parents it makes a total lot of sense
0 likesAm I the only one who thinks luster dawn is Celestia's and luna's granddaughter because luna is the one who controls the night and moon while celestia is the one who controls the sun and then there's Day,Dawn,And night so I think it makes sense but not so sure
1 likeActually when I saw luster dawn I looked at her cutymark then I suddenly I thought it was same as Sunburst I don't know the mother of luster dawn
0 likesAs far as I know any pony can be her mother but if starlight had a crush on sunburst wouldn’t she tell twilight or even her friend who is a consoler and wouldn’t Trixie do the same all I know for sure is that sunburst is the father of luster dawn
0 likesThe only problem is that Trixie and Starlight have similar eye color to Sunburst. They all have blue or purple eyes. Luster Dawn has orange eyes so how did she get them? I think she is just a random unicorn but I don't know.
0 likesalso look at their names:
0 likesLU(lamoon) + (sunb)URST = luster (dawn)
Well .I think Luster Dawn’s parents is Starlight and Samberst
0 likesAt first, i shipped trixie and starlight
1 likethen i thought yessssss sunburst and starlight had dawn
but its too perfect
Trixie x Sunburst = Dawn!
Also, more proof is :
Ok, dawns cutie mark, its a rising sun on an ocean right?
Like he said, dawns cutie mark may come from sunburst....but what about the ocean?
The Wave of magic on trixies cutie mark looks like a wave, which comes from an ocean
therefore, the wave = ocean and the sun = rising sun which all equals dawns cutie mark!
I think it is possible that she is the daughter of sunburst and starlight because like starlight she really like studying and magic and doesn't really thought qof friendship because starlight first did the same and luster dawn's cutie mark is a little matching with sunburst cutie mark
0 likesHim: Her mother must be someone he knew already
0 likesMe: No-
Him: Someone he got along with
Me: It can’t be-
Him: Someone he spends a lot of time with-
Me: N-n-no-
Him: In the School of Friendship.
Me: Wait-
Him: Someone G-GRREAT
Me: Oh no-
Him: And powerful, Trixie
Me: Nooooooooooo!!
Him: With the evidence
Me: 😢 My ship-
(Not hate, just sadness 😭😂)
Here’s more proof that trixie is luster dawn’s mom....she has the sea below the sun and the sea is blue and trixe is blue
0 likesmaybe starlight IS the mother of luste, since spike did go on a trip to make peace-
0 likesso maybe-
spike has been gone for a long long time and starlight did said that she had a kid but spike do know but he dont know her name and face and when he got back
he just met her for the first time-
The other thing is that are we going to say that Twilight and Starlight stopped talking?
0 likesi would like this idea more if i wasn’t a starlight x trixie fan lmao
0 likesSun burst that makes sense but trixie I don't think so star light and Sun burst have had a big connection since they met as coals and I think that they would have luster because starlight glimmer has something to do with the night and what's in listers cutie mark I think it's a shooting star it makes sense spike forgot about her he has his adviser duties to fulfill
0 likesomg- TRIXIE?! OK OK OK I THINK SAWTOOTH HAS FINALLY GONE CRAZY!! I MEAN, TRIXIE LULAMOON? Ok i think i heard wrong- ima replay it- 5 seconds later nope didn't hear wrong- but i guess it is possible- i really don't know, but who else thinks that trixie being the mother here is a crazy idea?
0 likesI really think it is trixie all the clues lead to her so its obvious, and sunburst is soo the father
0 likesI guess Luster Dawn is Sunburst's daughter, but definitely not Starlight's
0 likesYou're right about Trixie and sunburst Trixie and Sunburst are Lester Don's parents and also I'm sorry I spelled it wrong
0 likesIt all makes sense now trixe and sunburst are luster dawns parents trixe is moon and sunburst is sun and luster is noon
0 likesWait wait wait...you say luster Dawn mother is not starlight glimmer!? We need to see closely ...their hair is same and luster dawn dad cutie mark is same!!
0 likesGood thesis. I appreciate it, but c'mon you ruining the ship here.
1 likehere is a question. Do alicorns don't age?
0 likesOne of the parents have to have the same eyes as the kid
0 likesMaybe Starlight mentioned her having a child, but spike didn’t know what she looked like. Probably slim chance but maybe?
0 likes(Sorry for the capital letters)
Starlight is Lusters mother I have read about it
0 likesWait but spike would still know her bc trixie is working at the school and she would be gushing about her daughter and everyone in town would know that that’s her daughter. And an alt solution is that trixie would’ve told starlight and she would’ve have told twilight and the other and spike would’ve have known.
0 likesFor me it's starlight glimmer cause like c'mon it's destiny or maybe luster dawn is princesses celestia and princesses luna's relative ?
0 likesBut wouldn't luster dawn hug sunburst after seeing him?
0 likesWhat about sunset shimmer
1 likeIt matches cutie marks prop magic talent
I think luster dawn is the daughter of sun burst and Princes celestia I mean after celestia gave the school of magic to twilight sparkle I am sure celestia whould send luster dawn to the school of magic because celestia knows that luster dawn is in great hoofs.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
1 likeSunburst might be luster dawns father but starlight isn't her mother sunset shimer could be her mother
0 likesSunburst, definitely but I don’t know who else.
0 likesWhat if sunburst was NOT the father but Sunset Shimer is the mother!? SUNSET and DAWN seems like a good theory
0 likesBig Brain take: Polyamory between Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie
0 likesHer name should be moon and Sun
0 likesYeah I think sunburst is lusterdawns father plus they both Forget about their hair some times a bit
0 likesIf starlight gets with sunburst I’ll cry or if she gets a boyfriend, I’ll never forgive mlp if they do this
0 likesI feel sunburst and Trixie are luster dawns parents
0 likesSunburst and Starlight and The pony you’re talking about the cutie marks are mixed up its up Sandburst and have Starlight if you look closely to. The video when Twilight becomes queen I look closely to her cutie mark
0 likesnot me (one being late) and more prominently always have been shipping trixie and starlight-
it’s a plausible theory, absolutely!
sweetie bells magic aura matches Luster Dawn's
0 likesI think that Lester Don’s parents are sunburst and Trixie
0 likesWhat if she just doesn’t have a mother
0 likest r u e l o v e 💖
0 likesBut in google I see that starlight is the mother-
1 likeSo, laster dawns mother is starlight Glimmer
0 likes4:16 you should accualy make a video on that!
0 likesI think they are the parents
1 likeMaybe sunburst is lustre dawns cousin and they see each other allot?
0 likes5:34 episode pls?
2 likesLook at her eyes and look at her skin tone
1 likeIs luster like literally like sunburns daughter and Luna moon is like 100% you can literally see the name out of it but it could not be the mother the mother could not be the real mother is it the stepmother I have no clue I googled everything up and it kind of says that they're kind of lusters mother and father I don't know
0 likesI havent watched MLP for 5 years.
#Starlight Glimmer deserved someone MUCH BETTER ... Sunburns was VERY MEDIOCRE ... Already at the time they met again even when She wanted to play the magic board game with him, he always got mad at her ... HE IS NOT WORTHY OF HER ... SHE DESERVES SOMEONE BETTER ... #SLEIPNIR {New Saga / Season 1 (11)}?
0 likesI know the answer!!!I am a greater researcher then u sawtooth waves.I figure out who is luster dawns parents.It is Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst.
0 likesI’m confused... 😶❓🤔
0 likesIs this a next gen kinda thing?
I’ve only seen MLP Magic is friendship and the equestria stuff
Where do I watch this and what is it called??
No entiendo nada pero me gustan tus videos xd
0 likesLuster Dawns parents are starlight and sun burst
0 likesCan y'all give me a minute......Purple plus orange??
0 likeswell there is sunset shimer and no way shenis going to let twisy get near him but i think flurry heart when she got the haert in the picture then a baby was her reward since she could not get her wings like that but instead a baby but shes not alicorn so shes want to be like her mom with power so she want to twilighs class
0 likesMe seeing the dude thinking Trixie and sun burst are togther:FUCK NO OH HELL NO
0 likesWhen I saw the dawn girl I knew instantly that she was related to sun burst and perhaps with Starlight I kinda thought that she would like sun burst
Maybe they are her parents
0 likes2:17 this is the cutest shit ive ever seen
0 likesMy Theory:
1 likeThat Lawster dawns Dad Is a male Alicorn Protecting The SUN and The MOm Will Protect MaGic Like Shining Armour BUT she does that In the NIGHt but also Thay Might be realted To Sunburts and Sunset Shimmer and related to Princess Celestia And She Has a Brother thats Born A male alicorn Thats More Powerful Than Frendship And That Brother Would Be Ayaan yes My name matches that But Also She Being The Older Sibling to A Male Alicorn could be why She Is Powerful And Nerd Like And her Brother might Relate To That Somehow So The Parents Of Lawster Dawn are AlphaSun (Dad) and MoonMagic (mom) although Thay are Unknown Thay ReallY could Be Living In eqwestria BUT mabey HIGHY UP the Sky? See where im GoinG Up Above Rainbow dash'es HOMe and She Lives down In pownivill While Visiting her Parents also Her sobling wil also Be witg her BUT SUCH PONIES WOULD HAVE BEEN KNOWN BY CELESTIA OR STAR SWIRL MHM AND IM ONLY 8 YERS OLD DABS WAIT IM A MUSLIM ANYWAYS Theres Your Theoary Lol Sub to me
Replies (1)
Imma Study Now!
0 likesI think you’re right
0 likesis sunburst is the sibling of sunset shimmer?
0 likesOK enough with the love😂
0 likesStarlight: Oh yeah i had a kid btw-
1 likeReplies (1)
Me as a mother
0 likesI love the idea of starlight and sunburst being a couple, but I don't think luster dawn is their daughter. Of either of them in any scenario. While you have a strong argument about the cutie marks, I just can't see a child of theirs being so anti- friendship after the development both characters have made through their respective arcs.
0 likesThe great and poerfull trixie
0 likesI'm gitting some weird vibe that flatershy is her mom why because she has pink hair and Luster Luster dawn has a pink Body and Luster dawn hair has a little yellow in it
0 likesThis is cool😎 i alredy watch my little pony all season
0 likesNo way with trixie not luster dawn mom
0 likesIt is starlight
I have a confession in my opinion Starburst is the worst ship they just seem as childhood friends nothing more
0 likesSunset shimmer and sunbust are the parents of Luster dawn.
0 likesYea I bet her parents are trixie and sunburst
0 likesI like starlight and sunburst better
1 likei think luster mom is sunset
0 likesthat wood make sense
I think they really she's parents :/
0 likesDid anyone notice that lusterdawns cutie mark is the clip on the orange horses cloak sorry don’t remember his name
0 likesWhat series’s is twilight taking over the school???
0 likessunberst and starlight is in couple becouse laster dawns ciutimark is same with sunberst but i know the mother itu is starlight Glimmer becouse starlight ciutimark is same with laster dawns ciutimark.becouse sunberst and starlight look atau ichoder
0 likesWait so I saw pinkie with some child and I was like
1:19 😂
1 likeBut...the magical lesbians...the beautiful...magical...lesbians ;^;
0 likesi think it whold be either
0 likesi thik she would be the niece of sunburst not daughter
the dad idk but mom might be sunset shimmer...
Nooooo I totally shipped starlight and sunburst
0 likesnah this is cap as hell because its canon that sunburst and star are marrired
0 likesIt's starlight
0 likesSunburst is luster dawn dad
0 likesI see old art in this
0 likesChokes on air
0 likesMaybe Lester Don is Twilight sparkles Kid
1 likeI think you're right about the dad and I think you're right and Trixie being in the bum but not sure about story I don't think I reach 60 is the one because like he is kind of like that asked because that's lasted on then and Trixie and and Dad which I forgot the name of the person you think than is present in my dream my MJ in stone
0 likesStarlight and sunbust
0 likes♥️love you
0 likesI think it is sunburst and sunset shimmer
0 likesWhy do luster look like fluttershy
1 likeI think sunset shimmer and sunburst
0 likesWhen I herd school I thought gasp twixie
0 likesLook at the eyes
0 likesOmgg whaaaaat!?!?!? I am speachless
0 likesI think you know why
0 likesHey that's fucking cute
0 likesi love you your cool
0 likesI think there is some fan fictions about is
0 likesSunburst and Trixie. Ok.
0 likesWOW
0 likesI thik luster dawn parent is starlight and sumber
0 likesTrixieee!!??!!?? Whattttttt.........No wayyyyyy.
0 likesBuuuuut maybe..........
Just thought maybe sunset shimmer cuz sunset is in her name?
0 likesand i am sorry that I said I am a great researcher pls forgive me
0 likesStarlait
0 likesred+ yellow= Orange
0 likesCool😎
0 likesPlease Be Tricksy
0 likesUnless it's a mix
0 likesI think its sunset at the human world
0 likesNo there family :p
0 likesThis is just getting crazy and I'm not just talking about you saying a bully can reform an evil God Demon thing and this is more sensible edit and at 5:11 that's a I want to get in your pants look
0 likesI think 🤔 trickce😜
0 likesdis man.. IS RUINING DA SHIPPPPP
1 likeOWWWwwwwwwwww
1 likemaybe twilight🦄
0 likesReplies (1)
Instead of sunset being the sister she is the mom
0 likesTrixie and Tomsunburst
0 likesThe eyes don't say the same as you
0 likesWhere do u even find this
0 likesI think that she is a hacthiling
1 likeI think that you think might be true
0 likesDis is facts yall
0 likesSunset shimmer
0 likesLuster gone
0 likes4.18 thats not what I would say
0 likesdawn only an up day
0 likesElizabeth was my first weekend in the sun with my eyes on the moon my beautiful face of the world I love you my face and my heart is a lot better and my life was my second my best to you my love you love love my love you my face and
0 likesAnd there main(hair)is same
0 likesThen from where is the blonde hair, eyes and pink skin color
0 likesThey are one
0 likesWow
0 likesSunburst and trickster
1 likeSunburst and sunset shimmer is brother and sister
0 likessunset shimmer i think
0 likesluna + sumbers
0 likes* starlight and trixie r both lesbian and dating argue w the wall /lh
0 likesI Agree
0 likessunbirst and rarity
1 likeReplies (1)
I mean luster dawn's parents are sunbirst and trixy
0 likesYou are sinking my ship arrrrrr
0 likesTrixie and sunburst
0 likesWhat about the color of eyes
0 likesThe pink skin tho?
0 likesStarlight shod be with sunberst😡😡
0 likesbecause the: color
yellow and blue not became pink
(Luster dawn pink color)
Hmmm if luster drawn became starlights baby ok but y luster drawn not looks like
who the heck is that
0 likes0:00
This seems like sawtooth just ships trixie and sunburst and this is his way of trying to get people to ship them instead of starlight and sunburst
2 likesYey trixie
0 likesMe too
0 likesI don't have Hulu for I can have Season 9
0 likesThat’s wired.
0 likesred+ White= pink
0 likeswhoa...
0 likesOwwwwwww
1 likePinkie pie is the mom
0 likesTher brother and sister right??
0 likesAt 00:01:07
Replies (1)
no that would be disgusting
0 likesIt is possible Starlight and Spike lost touch. Sometimes when one moves away, it can be difficult to keep in touch as you form new paths. I speak from personal experiences ☹️, but just like how Twilight moved to Ponyville in the first episode, we find out later she lost touch with her old friends as she started her new life. The same could be the same for Starlight and Spike. If they don’t communicate, it’s possible Spike wouldn’t know of Luster Dawn if she really was Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter.
1 likeI like the idea of Luster's parents being completely new and other people because it would be nice to see Starlight trying to get along with them etc, also, new characters!
1 likeI agree with everything Sawtooth says but I think half of these theories can't be confirmed because I don't think the producers think this far when they create characters... Also from what I remember, didn't Spike act surprised when Luster Dawn said she thought friendship is stupid. I could be wrong though.
0 likesI watched the scene several times, and I'm convinced that its nothing more than hasty exposition dialogue. I'm sticking with my Starburst ship.
1 likeOh come on, we both know that starlight spends a lot of time in Trixie’s wagon, and usually when we see that wagon.. it’s rocking back and forth...
0 likesMakes you wonder.
It's Starlight. She's very good at forgeting or not telling the importent things.
0 likesA fan asked Jim Miller on Twitter if Luster Dawn is related to Starlight and Sunburst about a year ago. He replied:
0 likes"I say no but Josh Haber (writer of mlp) says yes. So you can decide!"
So this is kinda "half canon" since the co-director says no but the writer says yes. So it's yours to decide.
I have the link to that post if anyone wants
Now I believe more the fact that Trixie may be Luster's mom.. It just makes more sense!
0 likesTbh I think Trixie and Sunburst could be the parents, a lot of valid points were made in the video. Starlight could be the mother though, but Trixie is my number one for the mom.
0 likesJust because you have a lot in common does not mean your in love with each other. I still believe that Luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight en Sunburst. Just saying 😉
0 likesI see a lot of people say that Luster is pretty much impossible to be Starlight and Sunburst’s kid, but I honestly believe she is. Here is my theory!
0 likesIf you take into account Luster Dawn’s eyes, it’s irrelevant no matter what you think. If you relate it to Applejack’s parents, Pear Butter’s eyes were blue, and Bright Mac’s eyes were green. Yet Apple Bloom has yellow eyes while Applejack and Big Mac have green eyes. I think this is because of Granny Smith. Some parents have a ‘carrier gene’. It’s basically a gene that doesn’t appear physically, but they still have it. I don’t know all the details but to shorten it all, that’s what a ‘Carrier gene’ is. Granny Smith’s eyes are yellow. This is probably why Apple Bloom’s eyes are yellow too. After some research, neither of Sunburst’s parents had yellow eyes. Starlight’s father didn’t *but we haven’t seen her mother*. It is entirely possible Starlight has her mother’s eyes but is only carrying the genetics of it.
That’s my theory behind Luster Dawn as the StarBurst/SunLight child
Sunburst and Trixie do have a lot in common but isn’t that more of a friendship trait than a romantic trait?
0 likesThe phrase “opposites attract” holds true for a meaning. I mean, would you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who likes the exact same things you do?
To quote Rainbow Dash from The end in friendship “How boring would that be?”
I love the trixie theory but I really think her mother is starlight.
0 likesFrom the dialogue from The Last Problem in my opinion, it doesn't outright state that Spike didn't know about Luster Dawn, when he says "This is your top student?" it's more exclamation of surprise that Twilight's top student would come to the conclusion that friendship isn't important, rather than actually not knowing Luster Dawn. Spike could know Luster Dawn and know her parents, (whether it's Sunburst/Starlight, Sunburst/Trixie or somepony else entirely.) just not on a personal level.
0 likesLuster has never been to ponyville, so her having parents that lived in ponyville wouldnt make any sense in terms of continuity.
0 likesTrixie and Sunburst as Luster Dawn’s parents totally makes sense
0 likesOne big problem with trixe and sunburst being the mom and dad would mean ...... starlight is hiding something because both trixe and sunburst were very close friends of starlight and only one meeting would have been a chance to introduce their daughter and they probably had a lot of meetings after they left so i mean starlight if known to luster would have told spike already or at least twilight would have told spike in the case
0 likes(I don't know much about MLP) well actually , spike only was surprised that luster Dawn tought that friendship is a waste so thencianly he might know about luster and starlight but not so much about the freindship thing, yes they are both in the same area and starlight could check on luster but then again it's not unlikely that luster wouldn't want to discuss it or that starlight told spike hence she probably discussed with twighlight. I think the possibility of Trixie being Luster's mom is true and same with the crush thing but it doesn't seem the same with sunburst hence he is seen talking and around starlight A LOT more , same deal with star light.
1 likeBut Spike has a new role so he could not have seen Starlight for a long time. He could know about Starlight having a child but not knowing who.
0 likesI don’t think we even know luster dawns parents as much as I like that idea tho...
2 likesIt really makes sense for Tricksie to be lusters mom
0 likesI think Starlight & Sunburst is Luster's parents. Starlight could have been busy taking care of her & the school too & didn't tell her friend(s) about her child...
1 likeI think that sunset summer is Luther dawns mom because they both look alike they both also are confident enough to go to Twilights castle also they are both very smart and that is why I think Luther Dawns mom is Sunset Shimer.
1 likeShe has the power the passion for Academia you said honestly I think it's Starlight is Trixie was never really that powerful Twilight was a lot more powerful and don't you agree that Starlight was Stronger then Twilight when she was in the Unicorn
0 likesI think this makes sense. We have never seen Trixie put anyone before her in a great position ( except starlight of course ) she put sunburst in a great position it is a great deal, it could be her first crush sorry for this word . eeeeee
0 likesNo entendi casi nada pero esta buenisima la teoria me iso asta dudar xd
1 likeI also think that starlight is not lustrdawn's mother for two other reasons, one of which is she would grow up in Ponyville because her technical mother is the head mare in the school of friendship which leads to my other point she would value friendship as much as her mother being raised in the school of friendship.
0 likesReplies (1)
I think you are correct with the fact of Trixie and sunburst being Lustrdawn's parents is completely correct.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves your forgetting the fact sunburst blushed after starlight told him he was a big wizard at the end of the crystaling
0 likesThe comments section: Sunset Shimmer could it be the mother!
1 likeThe suggested video section: Could Sunset and Sunburst be Related?
I don't know if I want to know the answer 9_6
ok my question is why would luster dawn have orange eyes when trixie starlight and sunburst all have blue or purple wouldn't luster have blueish purple eyes if that was the case?
1 likeHere’s a theory for you
1 likeMoon dancer Twilight Sparkle I searched it up it said
“Twilight sparkle married Moon dancer and had a kid named Twilight Noctua”
i literally just spit out my cereal when he said “sOmEoNe GrEaT aNd PoWeRfUl”
0 likesLuna means Moon and Dawn is in the middle of the Moon and the Sun so Trixie and Sunburst are probably her parents
0 likesTbh I always shipped trixi and starlight, but I think they were just really close friend. But I still ship it!!!
1 likeIf luster dawn was sun burst daughter then she would already know the walue of Friendship and would already live in ponywill !!
0 likesI think if Trixe was Dawn's mother then she need to tell Starlight. Then apsolutly she gonna tell spike when they meet
0 likesI kinda want lusterdawn to not be related to any of the other characters, too much nepotism
0 likesHorse magic, Luster Dawn's parents are Trixie, Starlight, and Sunburst.
0 likesSawtooth:"Trixie.....Lulamoon."
0 likesMe:Oh yes Trixie.......WAIT HER LAST NAME BE LULAMOON??????
The theory of the names (you know, that dawn comes between day and night) It's Lulamoon. And the stars are as much part of the night as the moon. Starlight! So that part of the theory is kind of random if you aks me
1 likeReplies (1)
I agree with you
1 likeI thought luster was starlights daughter becuase of her mannerisms but now that you mention it...
0 likesYou are funny.... you always make me laugh
0 likesWhenever you said great and powerful I was just like ITS TRIXIE
0 likesStarlight and Sunburst: *breaths*
0 likesSawtooth Waves: ”IT MUST BE TRUE LOVE!”
Replies (1)
0 likesWhen I heard trixi's name I saind nope you just crushed the shipping community
0 likesI think your theory is right trice and starburst sitting in a magical everfree green spring tree k n e e z
1 likeI think sunset shimmer is the mother because luster has the sunset that resembles sunset
1 likewe don't know if the look Spike gave was one of not knowing who she is
0 likesMe when I see the title: OMG! WATCH NOW!
0 likesSawtooth: i dont think Starlight is Luster Dawn's mother.
Me: nope, Starlight IS the mother.
Me when I watched the video: well, there goes that ship......
Ps: I stil ship Starburst!
But... If Sunburst and Trixie live together in ponyville and have a child together, why would never have been in ponyville? When Twilight sent her there she didn't seem to know anyone else in town but wouldn't she have grown up there?
0 likesi was expecting them to be together.
0 likesWhy does every Alcorn hair get all wavy when they get about Celeste years age
0 likesActually lusters mother is starlight .
0 likesnow that I think of this, what if princess Celestia HAS secretly ben grougaurd this WHOLE TIME GASP
0 likesmakes sense look at her brand looks from the subbast
1 likeactually i think that luster's parent are trixie and sunburst only
0 likeswhy haven't i seen a single soul having the thought of Luster being Sunset Shimmers daughter, hear me out, the mane and the cutie mark would make sense, even the name, sunset and dawn y'all, the father idk about but it would make sense since sunset is still living in the human world so what if sunset told her daughter about the life she had and the school she went to, luster got intrigued and went to equestria but didnt wanna go to the school of friendship bc as she said in the series that she is more of an academic pony. And sunset being in the other world NOT being part of their friendship councilor there could be a possibility that no one knew about sunsets daughter bc she lives in the other world and every pony except for celestia and sometimes twilight seem to not even care the slightest about her anymore. Like, is anyone understanding my point here?
1 likeReplies (2)
but Luster's cutie mark is too similar to Sunburst's and doesn't look like Sunset's cutie mark.
0 likes@Jam A pony is a mix of their parents right? Either like mixed mixed or as an example: the mane from one parent and the coat from the other, am i wrong? Even if sunburst would be the dad, luster is still more alike sunset than starlight
0 likesWell if luster dawn's Mother is Trixie Her Coat wouldn't Have pink- Instead it Would Have Had Blue
0 likes1:34
1 likeIt seems more than Sunburst have something with Silverstream. Not means that they are Luster's parents, but could discard Sunburst relationship.
I actually think it is Sunburst and Twilight Sparkle Twilight the girl with the bright star Diamond Twilight I can't remember what the girl's name was
0 likesLike come on you no she still was not that powerful at the mgsv episode so yeah I'm thinking it was actually Starlight not trusting I mean Miami and Trixie in Sunburst did have an instant connection but still
0 likes"Theyre standing to next each other. It must be true love! Woah! Then, who is the mother! Me: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
0 likesThen who! Other talk. Someone great and powerfull. Sunburst and Trixie staring me: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt how about cutie marks trixie night sunburst sun daighter dawn. Me: MAH BRAIN!
she kind of looks like trixie too-
0 likesTheres a 99% possibility that trixie and sunburst are luster dawns parents
0 likesMe: Okay...Fanfic time!
0 likesMy friends: why are you like this?
Yes there are luster dawn parents sunburst and triexie dauther
0 likesNo I don’t think Trixie and Sunburst had Luster Dawn because we know Starlight and Trixie are really good friends and you think Starlight would tell Spike and Twilight about the great news about her friends new child that’s my reason
0 likesi think ur right u have a lot of proof ;)
0 likesOr what if luster dawn is the sister of sunburst?
0 likesYeah i think is True Coz Duster Dawn is Twilight Best Student So she is Smart Same as Sunburst
0 likesWoah so smart i think trixie really is the mother
0 likesI think luster dawn’s parents is suburst and sunset shimer because in sunsets song my past is not today at the end of the song there was a luster dawn
1 likeNot to be rude or anything but I just watched that episode and it doesn't show anything that Lester Dawn's mom is starlight or not because Spike seems to know her it looks like I don't know.
0 likes4:52 what episode name they meet?
0 likesTrixie and Sunburst are Starlight's friends so Starlight would tell Spike and Twilight.. right?
0 likesStarlight/Trixie shippers are punching the air rn
0 likesTrixie and sunburst must be luster dawn's parents luster dawn must be born a few years ago
0 likesLuster Dawn's cutie mark is a "rising sun" and Starlight is a "fascist"? lol don't @ me
0 likesI just think that starlight is her mom
0 likesI agree that sunburst and trixie are her parents.
0 likesI say lusters parents is trixie and sunburst lulamoon and sunburst makes dawn
0 likesThe Power Man the power and also try mixing the colors orange and pink the pink. Starlight has for her coat and the orange that Sunburst has for his coat of course
0 likesOK so dumb theory; what if Starburst is accually Sunset Shimmer's brother? ! I see multiple similarities. And Luster give me a Sunset wibe.
0 likesOmg... this video was recommended and then I realized I saw this channel when I was little
0 likesI think you are right! You are so smart!
0 likesI think it is Starlight and sunburst
0 likesLuster Dawn Remind me of Twilight sparkle
0 likesPixie is the mothers an Starlight is the mother to
0 likesi think it might be true but twilight was bumping in FlAsH IS SHE OKAY
1 likeI think sunburst and trixie are luster dawns parents
0 likesWell people are shipping Starlight and Sunburst.
0 likesI know that sunset shimmer cute mark is a sun and sunburst is a sun
0 likesSo her mother is sunset shimmer
I have big theory, ok so like I was thinking about everyone was just old I was thinking is it the same time in the pony world and the human world the same time or it’s different
1 likeTry looking at the color wheel orange and what makes her skin color
0 likesSunburst's mother StelerFlower married Firelight and as a result Luster is the sister of Sunburst and Starlight
1 likeReplies (1)
@Annamaria Poku I'm glad)
0 likesbut trike is starlights bets friend and sun burst so she will tell spike right?
0 likesaren't they siblings?
0 likesyou said that this is not the first time we saw a simaliar cutie mark but LoOk At ThE ApPlE FaMiLy!
0 likesFirst ax Lester if she knows her parents
0 likesYou know she can be adopted right and he can like guys....
0 likesoff topic sorta but why wasn’t little cheese not named cheese CAKE ...that might be confusing bc the cake siblings though
0 likesTrixe and sunburst
1 likeCan u do a video about what if twilight had a mate like Katie and shining armor
And I think sunset is mother wait nvm but if sunset idk
It has to be sunset shimmer or is it just me
1 likeMe when he said trixie:OH NO OH NO OH NONONO
0 likesI have thought that she was sun bursts little sister
0 likesI think Rarity or flurry Heart or Sunset Shimmer or something else
0 likesPlus luster talks like starlight
0 likesHug me when you’re ready for the weekend and then you will have to get a little bit of time for us.
0 likesBut uh this whole thing shouldn't make sense cuz doesn't twilight suppose to live for more than a 1000 years?
0 likesSo that would kinda mean that her friends will get old and die ;-;
do i have to do the logic
0 likes1.starlights father has a cutie mark like Sunberst and his mom
2. Wene Twillight,Rainbowdash
, flutershy and the others grew up why was trixe not wirh sunburst
Imagine its just sunburst's sister .-.
0 likesListen I want to go with anything else then Trixie getting with somebody okay
0 likesTrixie the mom
0 likesIt was just a hookup 😂
0 likes6:19 think glimmer snd her friend more likely
0 likesI know it’s The pony that you were talking about and the other pony
0 likesIs this a theory video or a ship fest that is the real question here pony peeps
0 likesYes bc they look alike
0 likesWhat if tirek wasn't defeated
0 likesOk im going with you its makes sence about the mraeks
1 likeStarlight and Sunburst
0 likesIt would be better if sunset was her mother but she not
0 likesi havent seen luster dawns parents
0 likesTrixi really I mean like they only met when sunburst came to Canterlot and starlight has been with him since well HE WAS A FILLY like bruh I think starlight will be sad well maybe if starlight had a crush on sunburst that will be heartbreaking for starlight but idk at the same time idk you guess guess what do you think matches most? Starlight or trixi comment down below
Maybe twilight sparkle and sunburst ?
0 likesWill something happen if in the pony world someone die and the human world it’s fine what would it happen or it’s different between every world
0 likesWait wait wait lusterdawn. Starlight and Starburst light+burst+star=luster boom ur answer
0 likesI think is starlight
0 likesuhm... Trixies full name is
0 likesTrixie Lunamoon
not Lula .___.
I think your right
0 likesmaybe mother is pinkie pie sister? well even colors are better :D
0 likesSunburst is her daughter and Trixie is her mother
1 likeReplies (1)
1 likeIf you mix orange and blue make pink?
0 likesNah trixie is starlights best shipp
0 likesIt has to be sunburst and tricksy
0 likesIm tinc dat Star Lait is the mam
0 likesShe could be sunset shimmer and sunberst kid
0 likesUhm no of course spike know luster do you think he does not work in the school i think you're wrong
0 likesI feel like moon hmmmm who has think about a auntie people can get cutie marks from autie and I can be whatever like she is good at this but still auntie Luna pepole can cutie marks from auntie so who is lunas other sister she must be the owner crazy rigjt
0 likesYo, I have an Easter egg and a theory that you must see but I have to make sure you listen so no one steals it from me
0 likesI know what is 910 mother and father is sunburst sunset shimmer has the saying not about time ☀️☀️🌞
0 likesI think that Luster Dawn was adopted because that Sunburst didn't have orange eyes, then Trixie and Starlight has blue and purple fur and Luster Dawn has a pink fur.
0 likesReplies (2)
What about twilight? She has a purple coat, but her parents have grey and blue coats?
0 likesAnd twilight's parents don't have purple eyes either.
0 likesI think no luster dan parents i don't know lusters parents
0 likesYeah but, it’s spike
1 likeI totally think sunset shimmer is her mom look at her hair and look at sunsets cutie mark there is a sun also the kid of Tricse all yello and orange
0 likesReplies (1)
Agree with this, but what does "the kid of tricse" Mean
0 likesI think is star liegt
0 likesi think its princess Luna and Sunburst U>U
0 likesTrixe is not the mother luster dawn buz shed tell starligth and shed tell spike maybe the moms sunset shimmer because shed quickly get a good connection with sunburst when spike is friendship imbasider luster dawn would be full grown as with spike and twiligth sparkle sunset shimmer would be in the human world and sunburst would be with the kid so in order to get enough money he sends her to magic schoool buz shes very magicil one of my sisters thougth twiligth was the mom of luster dawn but shed be a alicorn and spike would know her so yeah also for the name sunset shimmer and sun burst both have sun so theyd choses a difrent time of day dawm also her mom and dad are both very magical it makes sense unless sunburst and sunset are siblings but there not hes from a pony world sunsets not so yeah also they both havehair stripes starligth and trixie would babysit seeing as her mother was in another dimention shed get sas from her baby siter trixe and amazing raw abilitis firom starligth and her dad.
0 likesI have to get the kids to the doctor for the first week and then I will have them to the
0 likesTrixie and sunburst
0 likesSunburst and sunset shimmer🐴🐴🌞🌞🌞🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅
0 likesIs luster dawn’s is son sunburs and starlagiht glimmer is family
0 likeseh no way to realy know unless they make season 10
0 likesso.........................
Hi my name is subah taanzila is my mom's name and could sunsat be her mother and sunburst her father I think sunsat and sunburst r her mom and dad I am not good at english
0 likesDo you hear that? That is the sound of every TrixyxStarlight shipper crying
1 likeAnd I'm one of them
1 like☄️☄️
1 likeIt make sense
0 likesOMG
0 likesI'm sad now
0 likesI think you are on to something
0 likesstatlight
0 likesWho the heck is sun burst?
0 likesReplies (1)
you new or something?
0 likesSpike is not a father of dawn because spike is having a crush of rarity
0 likesPa shout out kuya 🥺✌️✌️😊
Spike is not a father of dawn because spike is having a crush of rarity
0 likesPa shout out kuya 🥺✌️✌️😊
IT is Sunburst and Trixie
0 likes0% IS real 😐🙄
1 likewat were does luster get pink from
0 likesStorms payments
0 likesThe kid skin color is not the same
0 likes🌅 hmmmmmmm.......
0 likeswait wait PINKIE HAS CHILD
0 likesThe kid looks like it's starlight daughter because starlight is purple and sunburst is yellow and the daughter is light pink?!?!??!!!
0 likesSunset Shimmers daughter
0 likesWhere is her color from her mom
0 likessunset shimer
0 likesHow about Sunset Shimmer?-
0 likesReplies (1)
but sunburst and sunset don't even know each other.
0 likesSunset and sunburst
0 likesfamily tree
0 likesI love you so so so wrong so I like you you’re so
1 likeWhat if sunburst is gay
1 likeBut luster dawn is pink
0 likesSunset shimmer
0 likesAre part of twilight cutie mark😐
0 likesBut i guess or starlight who now...?
0 likesIf then it’s like big flashlight brother no camping him because he doesn’t like you as a person I said Trixie and the other man I have a friend that wants kidnap is them because what else chemo I just miss can I have a night and Addie’s aunt so that’s how
0 likesSunset shimer
0 likesI think the mom is NOT Trixie ii think its Sunset
0 likesNot The pony
0 likesis starliet she is her modher trixi in starliet is best frean so is star liet is her modher
0 likesHi I love you!
0 likesOK so Dang why is pink yes so let me pinky pinky to be like that but so maybe she’s hiding her cutie mark that is tosun
0 likesbut her eyes
0 likesI am a Pegasus
0 likesIf you Look IT up They hot married and having Twilights New student
0 likesReplies (1)
Also i think Spike moved not long ago to twilights Soo IT makes a little sens and im 100% sure that Spike knows WHO she is Also i watch your videos all The Time i enjoy them all The Time i like answering them of what i think👍👍👍👍👍
0 likesThink could be another pinky kid look like pink and cheese cake. And in end pinky is the only really got marry in the end of show. Guess discord and flute shy could be too. Then the 2 school student that work in old rarity’s shop could be dating. But can that really happing, eh. Wish I saw more ponis got marry oh ya the apple brother too. Sorry get of track, really madding. Hey anything madding make a good video idea. Could be unknown sister of mane 6 or crusade we not knew about.
0 likesIt’s possible