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Faceez Series (DSiWare) OST

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Comments (archived 2022-11-26 08:18; 7 top, 11 total comments)

Jack Jensen’s Playthroughs & Reviews 2020-12-15 00:25:13

I see that you’re interested in this game too! I was interested in this obscure game when looking for new DSi games on the eShop yesterday. I really liked the style (Looked very nostalgic and Late 2000’s and Early 2010’s Vibes.) and It also just looked funny. I plan to get it soon, along with its sequel, Faceez Monsters. Anyways, thanks for ripping this soundtrack, I’m really interested in this game so finding the ENTIRE soundtrack is a treat!

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Local ketamine dealer 2020-12-24 23:36:50

Awesome soundtrack.

DJ the Default Dance Mask 2020-11-14 19:44:00

Hi there. I wanted to tell you that I'm actually a beginner of ripping soundfonts.
This is my first time ripping sound samples from games and I'm actually looking at some research of how to. Thanks for your help! =]

Replies (2)
3DSX Rips 2020-11-14 19:49:10 (edited 2020-11-14 19:50:32 )

Greetings! DS sound files are usually contained in "sdat" file. You can get it by acquiring a copy of the game rom and extract it using EveryFileExplorer.. in some cases, sdat is hidden, you can use NO$GBA and dump the ram.. kinda complicated process, reply if you need to learn more about it.

After you get the sdat, you can use tools to extract the soundfont like VGMTrans, Nitro Studio 2, etc.

DJ the Default Dance Mask 2020-11-14 19:58:30

@3DSX Rips Ok, thanks!

Philemax 2020-11-09 21:21:48

hi ! could you upload the tracks from Art Style: BOXLIFE ? (a DSiWare) No one on youtube has uploaded all of the musics of that game (there's only the title screen music on youtube and the Level 1 music which was posted by me x) ) so it would be nice if you uploaded the musics from that game on youtube keep up the good work ! :D

Replies (1)
3DSX Rips 2020-11-09 21:27:50

Thanks! I'll look into this game soon.

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Rocket Murphy 2022-01-31 22:29:31

shit goes hard

gkabi 2021-10-26 11:27:22

i used to be scared of this game

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Replies (1)
3DSX Rips 2021-10-26 13:53:03


Sicoz 2020-11-09 21:59:51

It is completed