Solution: Celestia and Luna allowing Discord to have his own holiday each year that everypony celebrates. It can be a sort of wacky reality-bendin day where stuff gets put all topsy turvy to a limited degree so that no one gets hurt, allowing his chaotic nature to be viewed in more of a positive light.
My solution is, Discord planned every part of this except losing his power. He never really switched sides. He was hinting that they had most of their keys already at the very beginning of the episode, AND points them towards their diary, which held more clues to that... are we to believe it's a coincidence that he ALSO drops the last key in their laps?
He obviously did. Also, made a big speech in episode 1 which was... well, for nothing in fact. Except telling the ponies exactly what to do, right? Moreover, I think he never lost his power, probably just pretended to (just like he pretended his injury in season 9 premiere)
The ponies should give discord a somewhat small piece of land to spread his chaos freeley. I mean seriously this whole thing could of been avoided if the rest of the mane six trusted him more or gave him a spot to use chaos freeley!
Not bad. My idea was that he give a little chaos to bored ponies, or maybe grant their wishes to help teach them a lesson. Giving good luck to somebody who's having bad luck could be another way he could help.ย
I really think this is a good idea. And to brony notion, he doesn't always need to use ponies to play around with. He can do buildings there, or trees skewed around the spot. :)
I like this idea And even if he has his own dimension itโs a cuckoo dimension and he doesnโt have a lot of people there but having his own area of land in the pony World he can actually show people his chaos and be with people in chaos
The real question is . . . if Tirek never betrayed Discord, would Discord have kept on being evil, or would he have betrayed Tirek at some point, friendship prevailing in the end? m
In my opinion, the best solution would be a planned date when Discord can create as much chaos as he wants, as long as nopony gets hurt and that he cleans up after he's done. See it as an Equestrian holiday.
@The Brony Notion My theory about this is Discord never truly betrayed the ponies, but simply acted like he betrayed them. I thought of this in key moments of Twilight's Kingdom.
So my theory is that when he reads the journal kept by the 6 ponies he bookmarks 5 passages that depicts 5 of them displaying the elements they represent which turn out to be 5 of the keys to unlock the chest. He realizes that there's nothing about Twilight's element of magic, and then he is called by Celestia to stop Tirek. Discord wonders if the stealing of magic has something to do with Twilight's element so he joins Tirek and "betrayas" the ponies thinking that Twilight will have the same experience as the others and will be able to unlock the chest, but it doesn't happen and he continues to help Tirek and does believe Tierk is grateful for his help. This could be explained when Discord felt the change of magic when Twilight gained the Alicorn magic of the other 3 princesses and said "That can't be right" and wonders if that has something to do with Twilight's element and he didn't tell Tirek about it and when Tirek stole the magic and strength of the 5 Discord turns away in shame and sorrow for what he was watching and never realized that he would be the one to give Twilight the means to unlock the chest, and when he was in the bubble he was sad because he thought he had failed. So I thought he was secretly trying to help his friends all along and never told them because he wanted his "betrayal" to be convincing, and wanted to help Twilight unlock the chest. I'm sure there could be a few holes to that theory but it's what made sense to me as Discord thanks to Fluttershy knew about friendship already.
What about having a Discord Day? Like a holiday once a year which shifts from city to city by year, depending upon the host. Then, he can put everything all crazy and upside down for a day, and all the ponies celebrate it with him.
I believe I might have a solution for what to do with Discord! How about giving him his very own special day of the week in which he can have fun! We could call this special day Wonderday! Or perhaps it could be called Mad Hatter Day, lol! It should be regarded as a great 24 hour celebration in which all of Ponyville can participate in. It would be a grand all day party with delightful activities, such as mad tea parties, hilarious games and the like, along with all the crazy pranks that Discord is so fond of! There would be only four rules: 1. Nothing that happens by Discord's doing can cause any harm to anyone, 2. Nothing that is done can be done with malice or sinister intent, 3. At the end of 24 hours the party is over, and Discord cannot do anything to extend the party (examples: making the day last forever, stopping clocks from ticking, restarting the day, turning back time, extending time, you get the idea?), and 4. Everything must be returned to the way it was before the party began once the 24 hours is up. This potential solution would also be an excellent opportunity for Discord to make more friends. Everyone can get to know Discord better, and share the fun in his jokes along with him. I honestly don't think he is truly evil, per say. I think he just has a very, VERY unique sense of humor, lol!
Doesn't he already have a realm of chaos that he lives in? If that's not enough for him then I guess they could designate an area for him that he can use to mess with that small section of reality. And even let some ponies go there if Discord promises to let them return home when ever they please.
Ever heard of Bride of Discord? Discord disappears and then a few years later he comes back and then he makes a deal with them about not effecting Equestria with his magic and he uses the Castle of the Two Sisters to cause chaos since it's in the Everfree Forest anyway.
I think the solution should be that: One day a year there should be a celebration (like Nightmare Night) were people would celebrate Discord were he spreads Chaos so that Discord would have time off.
I can sorta see what he's saying about losing stuff that meant something to them, but at the start of the season, they learned that it wasn't the elements that held them together, and the memories aren't gone, and neither are their friends, Fluttershy could always see the Breezies one day, and Cheese is just wandering around. Still really enjoying watching tho! Also, shipshipshipshipshipshipshipship! Fluttercord forever!( I need help.)
3:01 The Mane Six losing their physical objects and having them turn into friendship keys didn't bother me a bit because the idea was that's part of the sacrifice they had to make; they had to lose something important in order to become stronger and defeat Tirac.
Twilight's house getting destroyed was sad but also important because again it shows the heroes losing something dear to them. It's not like in a lot of older kid's shows where everything turns out perfectly fine. And it's not like Twilight is left homeless at the end, since she gets a new home. I don't care that it's different; in fact it makes the series more interesting when things change as opposed to everything always staying the same.
Maybe he can use his magic to make ponyville a bit more fun and interesting and twilight could cast and spell on discord so that if he goes too far that magic will be undone.
In my opinion, this was NOT a betrayal by Discord. Discord (and possibly Celestia, Luna, and Cadence) planned this! In part 1, Discord shows that he knew about the keys to Twilight's mystery box by bookmarking each respective section in their diary/journal. If he knew about those other keys, who's to say that he didn't know about the 6th key (i.e. the pendent that Tirek had around his neck)? In order to get the pendent and considering Tirek's nature, it would take nothing less than earning Tirek's "trust" to get it from him. Attacking Tirek directly or trying to steal the pendent would most likely result in disaster (i.e. Tirek taking their magic). Discord probably knew this, and decided to "help" Tirek to earn his "trust" and to eventually have the pendent given to him.
In part 2, Discord gets the pendent from Tirek, but doesn't plan on Tirek stealing his chaos magic anyway. This is what Discord "didn't see coming". Even so, Discord is still able to literally hand over the 6th key to Twilight so that she and her friend can open the mystery box.
+L337M4573RK While your theory has some credence to it (Discord knowing about the keys), I think the object the key came from was irrelevant. The "key" needed to be a meaningful gift from somepony else who learned a valuable lesson from the pony in question, who also learned something important. If Discord was an undercover agent, then the lessons weren't real, and would not have produced the needed key.
+L337M4573RK I also had this theory and commented about it on this video awhile ago. I don't think that Discord knew about the objects since they weren't written in the diary just what the pony learned from that moment and I don't think he was working with Celestia, Luna or Cadence but instead decided on his own to "betray" the ponies and tell none of them about it as he knew Twilight hadn't found hers yet and wanted her to do so and went along helping Tirek so that Twilight could come in and get her key and defeat Tirek. pointing the main 6 towards the lessons from the places he book marked, not telling Tirek when he sensed that Celestia, Luna and Cadence give their magic to Twilight and not changing the window of Twilight so Tirek would find out then and possibly be deleted
Answer for discord....ask Celestia to be aloud to run amok one April Fool's day! As long as he fixes it by the end of the day, it should be okay for one day out of the year :)
+RainbowGal 090 what's so funny srsly that was an amazing place ;-; I don't even know why they destroyed it wait because they destroyed it I'm gonna destroy hasbros faces yeah that's right hasbro this little girls gonna punch you hahahahhaha
+RainbowGal 090 no, Jessica u have a good point!๐ฎ r ponys just gonna waltz in and say, I'd like a book! or a new library. the silver birch library. loving that name!
i already hate april fools day...that would just be another reason for me to chain myself to my bed for the day (in case it starts flying or running around like a rabid bull)
I know this is an old post, but I'd like to give my two cents. I think that Discord should run an amusement park. Pinkie Pie wasn't the only pony to enjoy his antics when he was running amok.
I've mentioned this once before... I personally don't usually put expectations on a show nor do I make guesses on how I feel it should go, but this was one of the times I did. See, I believe in balance (to a certain extent) and i felt that Discord gave balance to Equestria. Everything is so perfect, with rainbows and butterflies (yes I know it's a children's show, but still!). There's also magic in everything. The fact that two princesses are in charge of rising and setting the sun and moon, likely guided me to my 'theory'(?). So I'll get to my point: what if now that Discord is reformed and all evil is being taken care of... The world started to break. The mane six frantically try to figure out why and (maybe with Zakura's help) realize that there is an imbalance. They approach Discord and explain that they need a little chaos. He is overjoyed, BUT-! When he tries to use his magic he is suddenly unable to. Just like when the mane six had their cutie marks switched; they couldn't use their skills and talents for what they were destined for. In this case Discord has forgotten why he is who he is and why it was that he caused chaos. Basically this would touch on the concept of trying to change something, being true to yourself, remembering where you came from, and compromising. By the end of this episode, they all would've come together and worked out a solution which allows Discord the freedom that everyone deserves.
Wow, this was great, although I had some thoughts, Discord betrayed them because he wanted freedom, but then he ends up being betrayed by tirac, then when twilight gives up ALL the magic for him ( and her other friends) he then gives her the medallion, I think it symbolizes that he is now willing to give up at least some of his freedom for, after what she did for him... or does this make no sense?
I think celestia and Luna should allow discord one day of random chaos, and call it chaos day or something like that, where he can be himself without punishment, as long as no one gets hurt, just harmless fun. Because discord is a pretty high ranking 'pony' in the royal hierarchy
i'd actually already thought of this solution B4 this video. Discord gets to own a piece of land allowing him to be free within its borders, as long as his chaos magic DOESN'T harm other parts of Equestria. Like say a uninhabited forest, somewhat like the ever-free, or a desert, just somewhere his powers won't be a bother.
I would honestly say, that probably in twilights castle there might be a room completely for discord so he can have his little' play room ' as it may, if discord can find more healthy means of letting his chaos out then he wouldn't be so ready to turn at the drop of a left. and yes that was a reference to fluttershy being scare of a left touching her flank.
Once a day, Discord should be allowed into a room just for him that looks exactly like a house living room, bedroom, or other type of house room, and let him tear it apart, and every time that happens, the mane six fix his room, because they're his friends. That way, he can make chaos rain without any harm to any pony! Problem solved!
Well, at the beginning of the 2-parter, Discord points out the significant entries in the journal, leading the main 6 to find 5 of the keys to that chest. I think that Discord realized that they still didn't have the element of magic's key, so he gave into his desire to have freedom because he knew it would lead to that final key... :P
I really do hope they put some more Fluttercord in season five. Everyone went crazy with the canon of Dislestia. >.> I'm more of a fluttercord shipper, Fluttershy was the one who really understood him and was really the only one who was willing to give him a chance. I think these two episodes were also focusing on the others finally accepting Discord as a true friend. I see so much potential in Discord, I really hope they give him more air time in season five.
another reason why I think it was so easy for discord to betray the ponies is that they just didn't trust him. other than fluttershy, the mane 6 really didn't think he had changed all that much. I mean, look at the beginning of the season 4. they immediately had no problem with turning discord back to stone and assumed straight away that he had caused the disappearance of celestia and luna. I mean in the ponies defense, it lowkey was him lmao, but still he probably would've told them what he did when celestia and luna first encountered him if they had just believed him at first, he was salty. and fluttershy is the only one to have believed him and actually let him off the hook, which is why it really was only emotional seeing flutteryshy's reaction to discord joining tirek, the rest of the mane 6 really should've just actually been a friend to him throughout the season, and it probably would've been harder for him to be convinced. also as soon as the mane 6 had to give up the elements of harmony the first thing they were concerned with was "how are we going to turn discord back to stone when he wreaks havoc on the world again," they didn't really think he changed just because of his sorta headstrong attitude haha. i feel like later in the series after the betrayal was when they really started to try and understand discord, and of course fluttershy was the pony he felt most comfortable with. he even went on to be friends with spike, big mac, starlight, trixie, thorax, celestia, luna, cadence, etc. the mane 6 being able to take discord back and accept his mistake was when they truly believed he was reformed, and it kept his friendships strong.
I think casting the same spell twilight used in magical mystery cure on him after removing all his friends could swap him back to star swirl and remove any chance of him creating chaos.
in the "Bride of Discord" fanfiction, Discord gets the abandoned Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters as it's called as his own personal place to make chaos. i think that would be the best way to give him a little more freedom as the spirit of chaos.
Is there a disorder where you give personalitys and names to inanimate objects or devises? Like the Librey. I felt like we lost a character. Or the castle. I feel like it has a personality, a life force. I personally believe the castle has a pompous rich personally like a snooty billionaire. However he is still faithful to his owner. The Librey was a toned down refined character who liked to just play along. This also carries over to real life and other franchises.
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Ria The Amazing2020-09-20 22:07:16 (edited 2020-09-20 22:07:34 )
You know what I found sad, when discord gave twilight the pendant she didnโt even say thank you or anything except for going directly to the chest I wish twilight and the others have something in common with discord
I would treat discord with the love and friendship he deserves while trying to help him remember all the good times we had. That's how I would help dissy cord (this is my nickname for him) return to his good ways without him turning equestria upside down.
Besides letting Discord have his own Dimension to play in, I say maybe have a "Day of Discord" or something like that, just for Discord to have a little fun with the ponies once a year.
Honestly, (I know this video is old but), they should give Discord like a theme park. A park of chaos where he can do ANYTHING (besides endangering ponies). And have it where ponies can visit for fun. Chaos, when mildly controlled, is a lot of fun. Plus pinkie pie would go just for the rain.
The foreshadowing with the three is a crowd episode is interesting, and I think it adds to discord a lot. I think you are missing out on a big possibility. What if Discord realized that having to sacrifice magic maybe the only twilight could have a moment for her element to shine? By allowing himself to not sit the villain, this gave him the freedom to be the friend he needed to be. Evidence: 1. Discord can sense any shift in magic. Discord probably already knew Terik was free and upsetting the balance in the magic force. 2. Discord was reading and making notes in the pony diary. He was able e asu planning from that moment and knew how to open the box. He knew twilight was the one without a gift. 3. Discord is still in the process of becoming a good friend. He doesn't quite know how to express his friendship to the ponies not in chaotic forms. By planning and setting twilight up for success that was his way of trying to be a good friend. This is also why I think twilight so forgiving of him for us betrayal. 4..This would also be a great way to show more proof that he is star swirl the bearded. If star swirl did happen to mix himself up with many different creatures, this could have also mixed up his brain. Why he likes chaos and why he can only express thoughts through chaotic plans. It may be chaos to everyone bug him, and this chaotic situation is the only way he could make sense to the ponies.
I actually liked the song the princesses sang. It shows true symbolism in Twilights role in Equestria, "know that your time is comming soon as the sun rises so does the moon and love has a place in every heart, you are a princess you'll play your part." It means the sun (Celestia) and the moon (Luna) rising as a sign that Twilight will rise to new expectations and find out where her place in Equestria is, and love in every heart means as long as she loves her friends and treasures their friendship she can become the princess she is meant to be and rise to new challeges. It might not be like the challeges Celestia and Luna faced when they first became princesses (i read the journal of the two sisters book! XD) but she will have to face things big or small to discovery her role in Equestria.
I truly hope the show touches on the friendship he recently forged with Princess Luna while trying to fix the sleepwalking he was experiencing, or rather sleep chaosing :-D
I think the best way for Discord to use chaos is to let him but make it timed so whatever hes done wears off in a hour or a day that way he still has his fun and ponys lives go back to normal quicker
i think a way to help discords problem is having a episode that helps it other than the one where it was pretty much just him and flutter, he should see what they do in they're everyday lives but if they do this they will obviously do at least one frame of kaos
Discord's freedom can easily be shown in that between worlds realm that you described which is basically his home. So, he should be able to do whatever he wants in his own place so long as it won't affect anypony else. There he can wreck all kinds of havoc and therefore not have to feel longing for mischief.
Maybe a Chaos Sanctuary? A place were Discord could do what ever chaos he wants. Maybe on certain days fillies and colts could take field trips their and learn about the AWESOMENESS of a Draconaquus. Can you say "Best field trip ever!"
I think a good way for Discord to unleash his inner-chaos is by either; Making a little bit of land that Discord can shape with a mess up all he wants, or, one day of the year that Discord gets to go into chaos, but only for one day.
The nation of Mania, ruled by king Discord. Theoretically, he could have as much land as he wanted seeing as he doesn't fallow the rules of reality so a 500 acre piece of land could easily be double or tripled in size because of his senseless chaos magic. And lets face it, his chaos would be awesome to live in. I can easily see some ponies and other creatures going to live there.
Maybe there can be an episode in which Pinkie helps Disord create his own amusement park where he can wreak as much chaos as he wants and ponies can have endless fun exploring this constantly changing atmosphere.
I had a theory myself, just never posted it. I think Discord planned all of that without meaning to. Remember the potion that Zecora made for Alicorn usage only? You know, the one that provided visions to Twilight? After the Tree of Harmony was saved, Discord had her drink it again, to show what he did after his defeat by Celestia and Luna way back when. At the time, it was a sort of payback. Now, give or take 1500 years later, the Elements of Harmony are needed to save the Tree, and sacrificed. The tests to release the Elements was likely unknown to him, and so were the lessons involved, just so the ones meant to awaken the Elements would get a MAJOR power boost to reverse all damage done by a MASSIVE threat, one that he wouldn't be able to defeat. Namely, Tirek. Granted, he wouldn't have known of the threat, but he's Chaos Incarnate.
Chaos and Life have some sort of agreement that makes them practically one and the same. Here or any world, really. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he can predict the future, without technically seeing into said future, and thus preparing everything needed for it, without knowing he's preparing for it, or even that he SHOULD, for that very reason. He understood a small part of Friendship, the good part, from Fluttershy, but Tirek showed him a Bad Friendship, filled with Lies and betrayal. That showed him the Full Truth of Friendship, which answers the question of the "Multiple test of Friendship" Discord had given.
But I'm getting off topic a bit. So, Discord's role in Tirek's defeat. An unknowning Double Agent, putting the plans into action when he was first defeated, and then the ones to beat the bigger threat, one he couldn't stop, but never really looked into, enough of a power boost a ways into the future, when it was needed most. He goes with Tirek, following him, until the final moment, when he learns a lesson he didn't see coming, but gives the final key needed to unlock the box, which ends up spelling Tirek's defeat by the Elements of Harmony, which, by his own actions, were sealed away and then empowered upon initial release, thus the physical changes and shockwave returning everypony's magic to the populace.
In short, while Discord may not have seen it coming, he prepared for it, in the event something happened that he couldn't stop. His actions caused the Tree of Harmony to retake the Physical form of the Elements. The Trials increased the Mane Six's connection to said elements. Each Trail gave a key to unleashed the, at the time, sealed power of Harmony. Discord gave the Final key needed. With that Key, the Power of Harmony within the Magic of Friendship was released, and took down the biggest threat at the time: Tirek. The defeat released a Shockwave through the excess Power, thus returning the Magic to Equestria.
Chaos works in a Round-about way. So, in a roundabout way, Discord set up everything for Tirek's defeat. Whether he knew it or not, the only way someone will know is if they ask him directly. Anyone else think of this being a possibility? It's my theory, at least.
Well technically speaking Discords betrayal was supposed to happen so it's very forgivable plus freedom (real freedom) is a treasure for people who don't have it like Discord sorta didn't. Discord has always been an interesting character to analyze since his motives aren't always clear especially now since he is reformed
Twilight's doubts sounded completely logical. First she was worried about being a princess but by the point of the finale she realized that it didn't mean that much.
The castle makes perfect sense to me. She is now a proper princess.
I have to say, that was a good review, but nothing on the final character designs of the finale? Nothing?? They were terrible! I could almost feel my eyes melting out of their sockets they were so bad! Though I have to say, it's not surprising that Twilight eventually received her own kingdom, however I liked the old tree house library better than her new castle.
In my previous comment I forgot that Mr. Notion asked what a good solution is to Discord wanting more freedom, for the answer I point to Bride of Discord. In case you don't want to look it up and read it, or for somehow you don't like Fluttercord, then I'll tell you. In it Discord gets to stay in the castle of the two pony sisters and the surrounding area is his to do whatever chaos he wants. It's not all of Equestria or a whole town to himself but it's something, though I think he's fine in his home in the chaos dimension, which makes me wonder why he wanted to take over Equestria in the first place if he already has a chaos dimension. Oh well.
I think Twilight should search for places with oppression and lack of freedom. When she finds them, she can call up Discord and let him have some fun, thus teaching him the positive side of chaos and freedom.
There should be a day of chaos every year like a holiday where everyone connect weird as long as he puts it back to how it was before and doesnโt do anything too extreme it Would be fun and not just for him but for everyone like a stress reliever
Actually, ever since "Keep Calm and Flutter On", I've felt that Discord was only faking being reformed. ย It was only under the threat of being returned to stone that he was forced to "reform". ย One might ask, well if the Elements of Harmony were back in the Tree of Harmony, what would stop him from just taking over again? ย One would have to believe the spell Celestia put on the Elements to stop Discord from messing with them would still be in effect, and a quick teleport back to the tree would spell Discord's return to stone once more. ย He was merely biding his time until he could return to chaos and get revenge on the ponies that imprisoned him. ย And yet part of him wanted his scheme to fail judging by the advice he's given to Twilight over the season.
You know, I think that the physical memories in the rainbow power episodes are NOT gone. The objects were the keys, and the keys are the throne they have in twilights castle.
I think maybe the transformation from a treehouse from a crystal imitation of a tree that clashes with the rest of ponyville is a sign that there will be changes and more responsibility as things get more complex( like the video about human-twilight going to pony world) maybe there will be a major plot twist with the cutie mark crusaders and a big commotion about princesses and what belongs to who and where. Plus it looks like discord could start to use his magic for battle fare like when he tried to stop tereck(idk how to spell๐ฃ). I think discord would now be more responsible with freedom since he knows the outcome and would have an outlet for disaster. I feel like the creators are starting into a new storyline with a possible "7th element" and plugging into something deeper like with the sirens going into the human world or something could happen like a clash or rip in the portal or no separation between the worlds like the fact about every thirty moons it opens breaks (again maybe the cmc will have a part and discord possibly fighting for equestria)
I really don't know cause these are random ideas I just put out. I'm also kinda new to these concepts because I haven't watched all of the episodes or rainbow rocks besides clips and trailers although I saw twilight's kingdom 1 and 2 and watched equestria girls and at least 12 mlp episodes including the first. This most likely is wrong or unreasonable but just consider this because the characters are definitely developing and growing more mature/powerful(mane six each get a throne [ownership troubles/wars with discord or cmc might happen idk]) I really don't know what I'm thinking I'm sorry I really am not an organized person sorry
I don't know, I feel like Discord should have been a lot more resistant to manipulation by Tirek. I mean, it was pretty obvious to all of us from the beginning that Tirek was just using Discord to get what he wanted. As someone who was no stranger to manipulating others, I feel like Discord shouldn't have fallen for that so easily. Honestly, I think Discord let Tirek push him around to a degree that the Mane Six and even Fluttershy couldn't get away with. And because Discord is my favorite MLP villain, I was a bit disappointed with that.
In the grand scheme of things though, that's really a minor complaint. Season 4 was really good, and I'm looking forward to season 5 and beyond.
I always thought his betrayal wasn't a true betrayal, but rather his own chaotic way of helping the Mane Six overcome the battle with Tirek and the mystery of the box. I mean, given that he's the "Element of Disharmony", it would make perfect sense that he'd be connected to the tree in some telikinetic fashion and go out of his way to ensure the tree grew stronger by helping them so he, too, could grow stronger and remain even as he limits his power to small things in favour of his affection toward the Mane Six.
I think discord should be able to create a few chaotic events as long as he puts everything back the way it was before. Perhaps he may also find an outlet for his chaos in making little misadventures for the mane 6. Besides, you can't learn if you don't experience, and a little bit of chaos never truly hurt anyone in season 2, did it? Nopony was shown to be injured or killed by Discord's fun. Another thing, if there isn't any chaos, no one really knows what the standard would be for harmony, correct?
I believe that discords evil will resurface, and they will then beat him. With the lesson to be learned is that friends need space in which they can be themselves. Which means discord should be given an area in which he can cause all the chaos he wants too.
what if there was a place already crazy. A place discord could run free. what if there was somepony there who could fix anything with a quick potion. Somepony discord could relate to. That's right I'm talking about the everfree forest and Zicora
Well, if we look back to the first episodes of season 4, we know that Twilight use a spell to summon discord. This being said, who's to say discord was not given another realm a realm of chaos to control. Or at least a completely separate part of the planet that they live on as she has to summon him using magic.
Hey dude its me Camron from kentokyocon remember me I had the claws and was following you doing my deep voice saying nyan I wanted to say hey and please message me dude my phone number is 859 354 9570 please dude I want to get in touch with you and talk to you about some stuff please message me shaggy
In my fan fiction that I'm still writing, there is a point where discord gets ahold of resurrection magic and tries to bring back his old race that was killed off.... the draquoniquines. And he was the only survivor, SINCE in season 2 episode 1, cheeralee blatantly calls discord a draquoniqus.
Actually while it is true that Discord's motivation may have been freedom to be himself, I feel that the other contributing factor is that none of the other main 6 really treated him like a friend. Fluttershy was the only one to stand up for him in the season opening. Pinkie Pie would have cared for Discord in the episode where he pretended to be sick but she also gets too easily distracted and that episode also showed his insecurity as to where he stands with the other ponies besides Fluttershy. So by the time the finale comes she is the only one he is betraying and it was more out of curiosity than anything else. Wasย he being held back by his friendship? Was there something more? Only way to find out was to go ahead and give up on friendship andย see.
I always thought that directing his havoc would have been better. let him use his mischief to teach lessons to heroes and villains alike (lets face it, that's a regular occurrence every season and given the fact that it took 4 seasons worth of villains appearing in the space of one year, should give discord something to do). give him challenges to face and overcome, even give him that section of empty waste land if he wants it outside Equestria. Havoc directed healthily is better then havoc suppressed.
They should give him a place in the everfree to do what ever he wants but have force field to keep his chaos from reaching ponyville But he can leave whenever he Wants
Ladies and Gentlecolts, step right up! Come and see the wonders of Discordia! That's right, Discord, the spirit of disharmony, has created a theme park of pure chaos! Be boggled, be inspired! Visit Discordia today! (Disclaimer: Discordia is not responsible for any changes to the guests, enter at your own risk.)
I think the mane 6 should just build Discord a house or something where he can have all the chaos he wants as a birthday gift or something. He is the friend of the princess of friendship, so the mane 6 could do that much for a friend.
I do have another problem with Discord's betrayal, and that's not the fact he betrayed them. My problem is that I see no reason for Discord to cooperate with Tirek. Yes, Tirek says he will give Discord the freedom to bring chaos to Equestria after he stole all the magic, but what is stopping discord from doing exactly that? It could be argued that it was out of gratitude for Tirek, but that's not how I judge an evil Discord. He also can't see Tirek as a new friend in my opinion because A) Tirek is offering Discord freedom INSTEAD of friendship, making it pretty clear he is not interested in friendship And B) even if tirek did mean it like that, Discord chose to abandon friendship for freedom, so why would he want a new friend if discord believes in that moment that friends only limit his freedom? Furthermore, it's obvious that Tirek only cares for himself and is bound to Betray discord. Not seeing the possibility is stupid, and while discord is crazy and has a lot of hybris sometimes, one thing I can't see him as is stupid.
And my last problem, Discord is definitely morally conflicted when Tirek steals the mane 5's magic (mostly because of fluttershy), and again, since he traded friendship for his absolute freedom (even reality bows to his will for Nightmares' sake), why in Tartarus would he do something (or let something happen) he feels is wrong?
Also, i want to add a detail to his whish for freedom. Since Discord was able to hear Celestia while being a statue, he heard what's she said. "But I have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil." ... She has a use for him. That's not how one should talk about a living, sentient creature you hope to resocialise into society. That's how one talks about a weapon or a tool. She basically says that if she could use his magic without needing him, she would do it. At least that's what it could sound like to discord. next thing happened at the end of "keep calm and flutter on". Celestia (more or less) secretly left the elements in ponyville as weapons against Discord. Which could be problematic for Discord's relationship with equestria in two ways. 1)it's treated as a secret what the purpose of the elements in ponyville is. They clearly don't trust him, so why should he trust them? 2) it's weapons specifically against him. Celestia could have made it broader and say that the elements should remain in ponyville because the mane 6 then have easier access to them if a threat appears. Then they would not have been specifically against discord.
I know it's getting long, but please bear with me for a little bit more. I think it's wrong to see his betrayal as stepping back into evilness after being completely reformed. His reformation is only completed after season 4. Look at the end of "princess twilight sparkle". As soon as he realized that the elements are gone, he's making new, most certainly evil plans and only stops after fluttershy yells at him. (His friendship with) fluttershy is a morality chain. He isn't reformed, his morality chain just let's him act as if he was. As soon as that chain was gone (when he saw his friendship over), he reverted back to his original self. I also suspect that he always doubted if fluttershy is honest until he saw her crying in that cage, same way he felt it was necessary to test if twilight truly was his friend
i know im about six years to late, but if discord can do ANYTHING with a snap of a claw, then i think he should create a parallel universe, that only he could go to, and when he gets bored, go there and do as he pleases, or take it a step further, and copy Equestria, and everything about it in different universe, and then rule over that himself, do what he wants to do
I know! all of those special gifts, by ponys they almost never see. gone forever! I was like really?! no other versions?! would it have been so hard to make duplicates. keep the original. problem solved. COME ON HASBRO!!
Discord was only convinced to betray Equestria. Tirek put it in his head that the ponies were only using him for the benefit of his magic. Tirek also mentioned that the friendship thing was only an act to keep Discord imprisoned. Discord was in denial at first, but then gave in the second time just like that. Even before he was betrayed, he did pity the ponies and the mane 6 of having their powers drained. I think he will never change in pulling a few harmless tricks every now and then, but I believe he has completely moved on from causing chaos. Still, I don't know what his future episodes will be like. But I don't think the other 5 of the mane 6 will ever change their distrust of him especially RD. I hope the writers listen to the fan theories, and his backstory will one day be revealed in a episode. Where he was always treated as an outcast and a monster due to his appearance. His only friends were Celestia and Luna, and he used his magic to make all ponies suffer as he suffered. Where it is a rather sensitive episode about Discord where he gets pity for ounce.
I have a theory that twilight's element of harmony isn't magic, but friendship. All of the elements used to be just colored gems, except for the "magic" one. 6 points, 6 friends. Also, when Discord gave Twilight that necklace, he gave it to her as a sign of friendship. Not a sign of magic. Please do a video about this! :-)
Look to keep discord satisfied I think they should give home his own land with a few ponies who wouldn't mind discords rule so as he could have fun. Though the thing I never got was why were they so fearful of him sure he has the power to hurt someone but we have yet to see him actually hurt anypony
Could discord not make an alternate reality were only he can travel to and wreak havoc there and then come back to the normal reality whenever he wants and be friends with the main 6?
I say, let discord have his freedom! I mean the episodes he was introduced in were my absolute favorites. (Although Fluttershy probably wouldn't be too happy about that and...) Nevermind! I take it back! #FlutterCordForever!
3:19 I know!!! That's exactly what I was thinking at this moment!!! Just, you know, turning this object from really close friends/helpful lessons into keys that can only be used once ... Nevermind! RAINBOW POWER!!!ย And I HATE the new castle ... It's so shiny in an EXTREMELY distracting way ... and unnatural ... and doesn't suit literally anything around it ... and it's so shiny in an EXTREMELY distracting way ...ย
Maybe discord could help twilight understand the pinkie sense. Their both chaotic.
I say it was awesome that Princess Luna finally got to sing in a song.
Maybe twilight gets captured some how and the others search for her but can't find her. They lose hope. And discord is the one to find twilight in Tartarus and discord has to make a choice too. This would have an intense battle between discord and Tirac. But the battle is only to trick Tirac and transport twilight away. It would give discord's key much more meaning and an epic season premiere. If discord was able to change, crysalsis could too?
That would be good! I can't wait to see Discord grow in character and become trust-worthy again. Luna has a good Singing voice too! And there's something about Cadence's voice that I absolutely adore!
Give discord a land to play with that is his own so that way he can serve his purpose and his existence to make balance between good and bad which wouldnโt end up in Ponyville being the chaos capital of the pony world
When the new non-pony 6 Re-created the tree of harmony into a crystal tree-house within the walls of the abandoned castle of the two sisters, does that count as bringing back Twilights library in some way???
When you were talking about twilights house it depends on the pony there are four types one is old school for all the memories Which you were thinking ( same with me) another is future ones which they would be the ones that move a lot and like a change another is you like a small house to live in another would be like rarity likes big like fancy the old house staying would be a move for the old school and small house ponies the new house is future ponies and moving ponies
I'm also going to answer your question. I'm using Bride of Discord for this idea, BTW. I think that Discord should be given a designated area in the Everfree Forest to use his chaos. Not like anypony would care about the Everfree being messed with, anyway.
I keep taking a look back at this too I think we all noticed that discord gave up so much to be friends with the mane six and nine of them had to change at all in my opinion I enjoy the Capitol of Chaos discord much better than imma have a tea party with flutters discord. Sorry for the lack of quote and hyphens
Technically, Discords has freedom but he doesn't know it yet. In season 5 his house was full of chaos I mean look at the floating house and the dimension not to mention he can still freely use his chaos magic. Just in a good way. If you look back to the episode where Discord pretends to be sick just to prove friendship between Twilight and himself! He caused trouble by (almost) flooding the treehouse! And singing that ridiculous song talk about picky. He's still evil but in a complete lower level.
Well... It is clear to me that Princess Celestia had planned this. She also cannot tell Twilight about it, else Tirek will find out. For the other three giving their Alicorn magic to Twilight... OBVIOUSLY it would make the young princess' magic out of control, making it a decent bait for Tirek.And Discord... well, they needed someone capable to get that amulet from Tirek -- technically given freely -- only discord could, Also, Discord now had something to lose, so he gave the amulet to Twilight. Also, that Twilight chose her friends over magic was too... because friendship IS magic. I suppose Discord saying it aloud meant something too. Saying it was a test of friendship just cleared things out...
They could give discord some uninhabited land to make havoc in. That might not work. Or let him wreck havoc in prisons. It might make the prisoners want to reform more wouldn't it?
This video should be about how Discord TOTALLY planned this all. No, seriously, he did. He did all of this for Twilight. It must've torn him inside, but he did it for a good cause.
Give discord his own land a few miles away from equestria and clone some ponys that he could rain his chaos on. Then when he gets his need to be crazy out he can reateurn to equestria. And for discord I dont think it being a few miles away seeing that he can telliport. PS: I think he is the funniest charicter in the sieries.
I think if anything, Discord needs to be accepted for what he is, and be allowed liberties with his abilities. When Fluttershy is befriending him, she allows him to become comfortable by changing his surroundings to better suit his personality. Why are the other ponies unwilling to allow for some of his chaos? It seems that they should put forth a better effort to accept Discord instead of expecting him to do all the work. After all, it's been established that he does not know much about friendship. Twilight, most of all, should be leading the way in making their new addition welcome. Instead she seems to be openly hostile to anything Discord says or does. Now I'm not saying that he should be allowed to do whatever he wants, but he should be expected to cause some chaos, though given the rule that he can do so as long as it doesn't harm other ponies. Friendship is full of compromise after all. I think it would be only fair that ponies be willing to accept some chaos into their life for the sake of keeping a friend rather than making an enemy. Discord can't change who he is, so those who profess to be his friends should be willing to accept him for his faults as well as his gifts. You have to admit, having the power of Discord on your side is pretty handy.ย
I think they should give discord a chaos castle in the everfree forest asking as he keeps all the chaos there, he can be chaotic and the ponies remain safe!
I hope I'm not the only one who's saddened by the fact that more tears were shed at the fact that a stupid tree burned down than Fluttershy crying over Discord's betrayal.
That "Stupid Tree" was filled with all the memories from season 1 - season 4 not to mention where she met Pinkie pie and was the fist place she stayed at ponyville but yeah "stupid"
Well to be fair, the effects of Discords betrayal on Twilight seem to have lasted longer than Fluttershys tears... Sure they dug up the stump of her old house and put it in her new castle to help her come to terms with the loss of her old home... But yeah that's basically it... Twilight lost more to Discords Betrayal than Fluttershy did at least initially...
Unfunny Dilbert 1876 I was sad about the betrayal too! But the reason the library was so sad is that it was the 'hub' of the Mane 6 and had many memories.
he could get a house of his own with walls around it and its garden so he can discordify inside his walls and leave the rest of equestria on the other side of the wall alone
I would give Discord some place where he can spread his chaos like he wants, kind of an own kingdom. I personally love Discord and for his sake, I would give him that, even when I would be a pony, I would him do it in my house. I even imaged that he maybe has some sort of mini Equestia in his bathroom, playing with that and only the mini Fluttershy is still nice, while he plays jokes on the others.
Discord's longing for freedom is a problem that really does need to be addressed. Call me a copy cat, but in the fan fiction Bride of Discord, Discord had his own area where he can have as much freedom as he wanted, but only in his "territory" or "property" so there is still harmony in Equestria and Discord doesn't have to chose between Freedom and Friendship. I kinda think that's the best option. Yeah, he'd be only in his area, but it's like giving him a house and saying "Do what you want with this and make it your own home. Just don't mess with my property." (I don't claim this idea, I'm only summarizing a solution that was presented in Bride of Discord, one of my more favorite MLP fan fiction works along with Cupcakes, Smile HD, and My Little Dashie.)
Maybe we could give discord an area so he can do his chaos like maybe the ever free forest but then Zacore might have to move out in the castle ruins would be ruined it doesnโt he already have his house and that was one dimension thing
You know maybe the princesses can get together and use there magic altogether and make a magic chamber for discord so he like and think up anything he wants and do whatever he wants with it.
Couldn't Celestia let Discord play a few harmless pranks? Like loosening the lid to the salt? I think Discord was bored of being "good" and wanted to have a little bit of fun.
Just saying - discord didn't have to take over ponyville I mean - he made the evergreen forest grow out of controll in one of the episodes so couldn't he just - use the evergreen forest? It would give him freedom to do what he please but could also keep harmony to all the other places Manehattan, ponyville Etc like zicora discord could have rule over evergreen forest. But how would that play out in the next season?
Discord repays kindness, the only reason he trolls the mane 6 (and the main reason he betrays them) is that they were always jerks to him. Except for Flutters who he is actually friendly to.
maybe like once a like year or so the ponys could have something called: 'Caos day' or something? where discord can do his caos for that one day and the next just snap and clean up his mess!
Solution: Twilight has strong magic right? well she could some of that magic to make Discord a area to cause chaos and have some fun. since Twilight has strong Magic, she can regenerate the area so if Discord is board, he can just do it again. Plus, Twilight can make make the area look different every time.
Discord is the ONLY being with reality warping magic. Is Twilight or anyone else really expected to regenerate his land over and over again? Anyone but himself, I mean.
After reading the comments I am not agreeing on any of the points made. What's the fun in having a trustworthy discord I was upset by this episode because it truly did strip discord of most of his character and played off of key points. I know everyone was complaining that discord forgot fluttershy a name and all. But fueling the shipping is just all they were trying to do with the good discord and truly evil is what the played up in his betrayal. Being a huge fan of discord it hurt my heart guts to watch this episode but I agree on most of the videos point anyway. I want there's a crowd discord back he was perfectly balanced in the shipping, the chaos, and leave the flipping incredibly evil discord out
I think discords reasons to be evil didn't involve him getting revenge or ruling equestria, my theory is that he just wanted 2 c equestria in chaos just as the joker wanted 2 c Gotham burn in the dark knight
If It Wasn't For Discord Twilight Never Would've Gotten Her Key To The Chest And If She Never Got It Tirek Would've killed 2 birds in one stone , Good On Ya Discord!!
1: "Noย interestingย villainย is evil just for the sake of being evil." ย True,ย true, but some real one are. 2: "Literallyย being theย spiritย of chaos, its only in his nature toย wreakย havoc." ย Please don't use wordsย interchangeablyย when they don't have at leastย similarย definitions. 3: "He'd neverย experience true friendship." ย He also wouldn't be on Equestria's side to betray them. 4:ย Actuallyย that's all I have. ย Well done Notion, you haveย finallyย excited my expectation.ย
I think that like in the fanfic 'Bride of Discord' he should be given some land to do whatever he wants with, maybe even land in the everfree forest like in the fanfic.
Its really hard to have discord cut loose for one day without it wreaking havoc on equestria. He has to have an outlet maybe he can do that later on or we can explore that later on in season 5.
I just thought that we saw equestrian versions of Halloween, St. Valentines. Day and Christmans, but they've never shown us the equestrian version of an April Fool's Day... And that would make a perfect national holiday dedicated to Discord. Luna and Cadence both have their days, why wouldn't he have one?.. On the other hand, that's quite weird to have a national holiday dedicated to the former tyrant ruler who might've leave not the best mark in history...
@olserknamย I think thats a good idea anyways because Celestia also has her own day to. the Summer Sun Celebration. Their probably going to make ike a friendship day or somthing for Twilight
I think Discord should have one day of the week to do whatever he wants to do. As long as he turns everything back to normal, doesn't mess with the lives of animals, and can only do harmless pranks on peopl- I mean ponys. He can do whatever he is allowed to do. If he wants, he can help other ponys. But only if he wants to.
Maybe Discord needs a job. I wondered if he was actually in Equestria Girls but was busy teaching chemistry or art or something. What kind of job could he do in Ponyville? He has lots of magic and could use it for Ponyville's upkeep or something. He could be deputy mayor.
When the mane six lost there special gifts they weren't lost forever now there are in the form of keys to unlock the box and let out that rainbow of death
I thought that discord betrayed the ponies because he wasn't feeling any type of friendship from the others except from Fluttershy. The other five ponies were always quick to point fingers at him and Fluttershy was the only one who seem to care about him. Maybe he consider his friendship with them not much of a lost.
as i saw many videos ย about the betrayal that discord portrait in the season finale i come up with a theory. that he actualy put all toghether to let them obtain the last objective that was ย the rainbow powers and may i say that because his first try to give twilight her key to the chest have fail. he actualy plot to use the tireks theart to make them archive a bigger reward, and like i this i bring the ย question what is the best way to make someone find and answer for me ad many people would be not giving them the answer it will be better ย to make them get to it by themselves so they get true knowledge and a better lesson, and ย for thisi shall reffer ย to the firts episode of the season and when discord said to twilight to lose the oportunity to teach a leson to her. for me that is how discord's mind works ย not giving you the answer but making you realize it. So to conclude this i will say that my theory is that discord plan all this thathe knew that tirek would "betray him"" to put twilight in a difficult choice to ย really test her limits in friendship ย and taking the risk to find out, afterall hes not trully evil hes is justa god a spirit that could fnd amusment in what motals do and test them to see if they can overcome their limits. and to tell i ifnal agument to this theory i will refer tothe creation ย of the character he is based on Q from star trek and what does he do test the humanity if they can become more and surpas his limation and in the process learning from them And ย thats my theoryย
They should give discord a teeny-tiny little corner of Equestria and anypony or anydragon can live there๐ it's the perfect plan lol (this post is a joke but if any body thinks it's a good idea im gonna take credit if it hasn't been posted yet)
well I think they should have made an area in the middle of no ware and put up magic fences so that the magic couldn't escape then he could go there to use his magic exept with rules like 1 no using magic on ponies 2 no using magic on animals 3 no using magic on living things and 4 no using out of control magic out of that area then let ponies and donkeys and dragons and such go visit him if they want so that he feels wanted and not held back.
Actually I feel sorry for Discord. I mean he was meant to be reformed in Season 3, but nopony besides Fluttershy ever believed in him and still have a huge dislike against him. He's even reformed! Well, it's understandable, that Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack still don't trust him as a friend, but seriously, Rarity and Pinkie Pie? I wouldn't expect them to be mean as well. And then there's "Make new friends but keep Discord" (I know, Discord behaved like a jerk). Sorry, I don't want to rant about several episodes, but I've got a theory, that Discord was always alone and was still alone after Season 3. Of course, he had Fluttershy, but in the Season 4 finale, Tirek made him an even bigger offer and finally manipulated him.
Well, I hate Fluttershy because of her exagerrated cowardice, but I really really like her because of her kindness and her love to everything. She believes that everything has got a bright side and her chemistry with Discord was just so cute.
Give discord a small part of equestria like the 2 sisters old castle in the everfree forest and let him go nuts on only that area like he demanded in bride of discord great YouTube series
I think they should have a holiday for Discord where he can be as chaotic as he wants and everypony just rolls with it and has fun! If you were a filly, would you really be that freaked out by cotton candy clouds or a shuck of popcorn?๐๐๐๐๐
We will call it "the Discord Zone". Twilight Zone music plays in the background. But seriously, this idea is so good, multiple parties have independently reached the conclusion that giving Discord a little patch of land to play with would be best. His house is probably already in the Everfree Forest anyways. Hm... that would explain Fluttershy being able to send mail to Discord so easily...
Applejack would be against that on the basis that unless Discord was capable of and did undo EVERYTHING he did during that day, then that one day could ruin her entire livelihood. So yeah, that's a bit much.
Ok mabe we can give him a little u know a place to live we herd about he hade house in threes a croud but we're is it we almost saw all of equettera up until ......... SESON 5 when the main 6 go to find that no pony has a cutie mark but a = sign mabe that's were he lives or lived
Um... could you fix some of your grammar mistakes in that comment? They're hard to read. If I'm getting you right, then I'm pretty sure that we in fact have actually seen very little of Equestria. I mean, if you look at a map, Equestria takes up pretty much all of a North America-shaped continent. That's a lot of land to explore.
I like it too, but not in the Everfree Forest. This place is only place we know of that WORKS BY ITSELF. Namely possibly ย the last natural place. It should be sanctuary of "the time before ponies". It's like a rainforest, should be left alone.ย Also - giving EVERFREE forest to direct ruling of someone just doesn't fit. Find another place!
@Atrine Trasyย Take into consideration that she really believes she's doing the right thing and sacrificing for the sake of others.ย She's a fanatic. It would be damn sad to have her just die before rededmption. Even Darth Vader got redemption :) She will get back and she will either be thrown into hell or understand her errors.
@Atrine Trasyย Not really. She doesn't want ponies to have minority complex. I suppose she has dealt with minority complex and thinks the special talents are source of suffering.
That's actually a really good ideaโฆ but in a way it's still restricting since it's only a piece of forest. He can't even go wild in the whole forest without Zecora going mad, or him destroying the Tree of Harmony. Poor Discord. Hmmm but what if they gave him his own dimension?!?!?!??!! I mean if the princesses can send ponies to the Moon, the Sun, an alternate Canterlot(earth yet not earth haha), and apparently Tartarus, it shouldn't be too hard for them to find or create some empty dimension for discord to go wild in.
Gonna call it "no great villain is evil for evils sake" for MLP this is true but for other forms of media Joker calls bullshit on it. other then that great video
I think Discord knew he must betrayt M6, because Twilight didnt have her key. It was Discord, who knew, how to get theire keys. Mabye he was guardian of elements of harmony but in past it was happend somethig and he forgot it. He could altered elements of harmony to elements of disharmony and stop him can only new guardian of elements of harmony (Celestia and Luna or M6). And now, when he is friend of M6, he remembered it and therefore he is tracking and helping them.
Don't forget that the tree IS saved as it was confirmed for season 5. Also beyond note I always knew that Discord would betray when he said a quote in keep calm and Flutter on "I will use my magic for good (most of the time)" I wonder what more enemies there will be in 2015 NOT looking forward to Equestria Girls.... Any who I forgot Again what the Hell I was going to just say Ill edit this if I figure it out again.
That post doesn't necessarily mean the treehouse comes back just that twilight will deal with the loss of it in some way. I hope its her dealing with home sickness or something along those linesย instead of the other way which has been stated above.
Darn I wish Discord should be evil again. I mean he didn't want to KILL or take over anything (like most villans.) He just wanted to have fun! And I agree with him, the world he wanted looked fun. A place I would live in. But the mane 6 had to ruin it?! Good job mane 6 good job.
+The Brony Notion Like you said, Discords chaotic desires are just going to keep building up until he goes back to evil, but maybe this would be the time where Mattel will introduce April fools day or a day like it. A day where Discord can "rule" Equestria and let all the build up out.
What if Discord just occasionally made it rain chocolate milk with cotton candy clouds. That was the least harmful thing that happened to aquestria during his reign of terror. A lovely surprise of you ask me. Seriously, imagine looking out the window and your friend's just filled your swimming pool with ice cream or whatever. It's playful, harmless, and generally a fun time.
Just imagine if discord became the king of his own land, not too far from ponyville so he could visit, but make it so that he could have a place to make however he pleases, and others who love a good amount of chaos (me) could live in peace with the rest of Equestria. Just a thought that may give ideas to others who watch this video. There aren't any kings yet anyway, and this show is all about friendship and equality, so why not?
I think it's funny that you mention retreehousifying Twilight Sparkle's home because in Season 9 the Tree of Harmony is reformed into the Treehouse of Harmony by Twilight Sparkle's students.
Just give it scored his own uninhabited part of a Questria where he can spread chaos throughout the land and no one will get hurt because really when he was evil he didn't really seem to have any intention of hurting anyone physically anyway
Just give Discord the whole thing! Popcorn, cotton candy, chocolate milk, what could be better! And, if I remember, we can drink the glass too! It will be GLORIOUS
My theory is that discord is the 7th element because in the final episode he said where is my throne and fluttershy answer with your not there yet and I want to here your thoughts on the topic
Since the elements of harmony seem to be complete, I think Discord will eventually rule another another land on his own, once he's proven his trustworthiness. Good thinking, I wouldn't have picked that up as possible foreshadowing to future seasons! /)
And just saying when the princesses gave twilight their magic, their hair stopped flowing... So shouldn't that mean that twilight should've had flowing hair?
the best thing they could do is let discord mess with the ever green forest I mean if its that bad why not all he could do is make it better and yes I know zecora lives there so just make sure discord leaves that part alone but besides that this is probably the best solution unless there'sย another random place in equestrian were he can do what he wants but if any else has a better idea please tell
i think the solution should be making a giant place where ponies can even come in,in witch Discord is alowed to do anything,but only inside,wile it can be like his little easy to acces pocket dimension using magic to make it bigger on the inside,and ponies can come in and play around with Discord,maybe even make some sort of tradition in witch you have to stay inside for as long as you can,and you get given something,like a mini-game of ponyville in witch Discord is the game master,and you have to play by his rules for the time you stay inside,wile you should be able to enter and play with Discord not just as a mini-game of pony-ville ,but as a little way to keep him from doing evil,and to become friends with him and have random fun,he might be just the right time of chaos,the fun one wen its in control,controlled chaos
I think they should teleport discord to a different land and he could do chaos there were nothing is there and chilled it up so nothing can get out Except discord
Honestly I think the only explanation to Discord's betrayal was because he like Celestia and Fluttershy probably fell for one of the "oldest tricks in the book."
2:48 to 3:01 I do think she had adjusted but what does the princess of friendship do? I think that was what the writers were trying to address that and it's not as clear as princess of the day and princess of the night also princess of love
what if they let Discord have reign over the Ever Free forest? where he's allowed to chaos-ify everything in there. He could turn trees into candy canes, ponds into chocolate milk. He could make it rain only over the forest. The ever free forest is already chaotic to ponies because it runs on its own without the need for the ponies. what better place for Discord then the Ever free forest?
They could give discord a holiday!!! Nightmare moon got nightmare night (which Luna later found to enjoy). Celestia gets the summer sun celebration. And Cadence pretty much has hearts and hovers day. Discord should get one day or week of chaotic fun and then once the day is over (with a timer of corse) and then restore order for the rest of the year. Like a discord festival! . . . Oh god another festival! O.o
i dont understand why discord joined tirek in the first place. ย tirek convinced him that discord was still kinda imprisoned but the elements of harmony are gone. ย discord didnt need tirek, discord could have taken over equestria easily without tirek. ย then later, discord could have just teleported away when tirek tried to steal his power and even though tirek was powerful, i still dont think he was as powerful as discord seeing as discord controls reality and can counter any spell. ย so my two complaints about this are why did discord join tirek and why didnt discord just teleport away and defeat tirek later on.
Why not give Discord a piece of land to let his imagination roam wild, but he can't go out of that piece of land, and if he does, that piece of land get taken back. Just an idea but still.
Hmm, since Twilight stuck her neck out to call Discord her friend, I have to wonder if season 5 will have some sort of conflict about who Discord likes more: Twilight or Fluttershy. ย How will those mares react to his decision?
Maybe a bunch more weird mythical creatures come to Equestria and start turning it into chaos and then Discord gets his own kingdom to rule his subjects and he can turn that place into complete chaos.
correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure that Discords betrayal was just ploy from the beginning, at least on his end. he was the one who pointed twilight in the right direction as far as opening the chest at the Tree Of Harmony. im pretty sure they all forgot about it seeing as how no pony mentions it after the start of the season until Discord brings it up, he even bookmarks the pages she needs to read in the diary in order to figure it out. Left on her own im not sure she never would have figured it out. Tirek also talks about how smart Discord is, meaning if he knew how to open the chest he also knew twilight needed to overcome an obstacle dealing with magic. telling any pony anything would jeopardize the "lesson" she needed to learn which would mean he had to fool everyone. doing so he painted himself the bad guy, fooled every pony into believing it making the lesson genuine so to speak. if he had given her the answers she wouldn't have learned anything. plus the whole winking at Princess Sun Butt at the end makes it pretty convincing they both he and she where in on it. Plus only a true friend would go through this much trouble for you.ย ย
maybe Discord could get his own land in Equestria like Apple Jack has her own just a bit larger for his needs. He could make his own land how ever he wanted like in the one episode he was staying at Fluttershy's home and changing it only you know, on his own land. It would give him the freedom to make his own land unique in his own ways and he could change it whenever he wanted. If so there would be no reason to change all of Equestria and create havoc everywhere.
Oh my god, are people really gonna start bitching and complaining about that stupid tree house? Okay, I'm sorry if this is rude or jack assish at all, but now your all going too far. That's like everyone getting mad because they decided to give Applejack a bandanna to go along with her hat. That's really how stupid it is. You all might just being to damn picky or too damn sensitive about what happens in the show, I mean seriously? As far as I'm even concerned, the tree house didn't even get destroyed forever. All that happened that it got an upgrade. It got an improvement and made it 50 percent cooler. Who cares, it's not like they took off a character all together.
Apparently they are bringing the tree-house back, (I haven't looked into this myself) but I would still be mad if they didn't. Honestly a bandana is insignificant, but Twilight's new house is a whole different idea. Twilight was functioning perfectly as a princess in her old house. The new castle doesn't fit Twilight's nerdy book-reading personality at all. Other than that, lots of people say the designs aren't as well crafted and fine tuned like the old one. I just recently watched Digibrony's thoughts on the episode and he basically said the same thing only better.ย I agree with him totally. He pointed out how unnatural and dark and depressing the insides are compared to the tree. It was iconic and now it's gone (unless they bring it back)ย We both have different opinions on this matter, your okay with the new castle, I'm not, and that's not a bad thing. Let's just agree to disagree and love and tolerate the others view point. /)))
I for one think that letting Twilight's library be destroyed by Tirek was a really clever stroke of writing. ย It's true that it was a paragon of Twilight's memories with her friends and iconic for our nerdy bookworm and things like the #savetree campaign only show how many bronies, myself included, think like that, but that's also why it made for a really moving scene in the finale, that justified Twilight wanting to blast Tirek's face away. I don't really like the new "castle" either, but if they brought back the treehouse it would somewhat ruin the weight of that part of the story, kind of like a character simply getting revived after he died a tragic death. That's just my opinion though and I'll simply hope that the writers find a middle ground solution that makes everyone happy :) I personally like the idea of Twilight finding a sapling of her old home or something like that.
I totally agree. I think it was Tommy Oliver that said something like, "When the house blows up, you know it just got real" It definitely made that last scene SUPER EPIC! But I'll miss the house all the same. :(
@only2ndplace I think Mr. Ender explained that they hinted the tree's destruction in the episode "Trade Ya" due to her explaining the books are worth memories but she cannot keep them.
people should really stop saying no offense to people they think will take offence unless your talking about a fact (no offence fluttershy but your afraid of your own shadow)
Yeah, it may have gotten an "upgrade" BUT 1. It doesn't match the landscape of Ponyville at ALL. It looks like maybe a house in the Crystal Empire or even Canterlot. Everyone liked the treehouse because yeah, a tree in Ponyville is something that fits! 2. Twilight doesn't like being better than everypony else. Gets a huge fucking castle.
@Smash Tasm I don't think it's just her castle. In the season five storyboards shown at comiccon, the elements of the mane six made a round table appear. Just think of Twilight as King Arthur with the others as her knights.
Though... I'm curious what the purpose the older castle of the two sister will serve.
Ehh I don't like the Sterotypes in the show Examples: Fluttershy is your typical shy girl ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Rainbow: Typical tomboy likes sports etc Rarity: has stereotype all over her Apple: Typical Farmgirl
The only two that don't fall under this are: Pinkie and Twilight (Luna and Celestia also count down there read the comics)
but real people really do have these trait though they have just been stripped down to there elementary personality's personality's that can applied to people there not being racist there being socially fundamental
@The Brony Notionย I think it would look alot better if it was smaller and had the colors of an actual tree instead of a crystal tree, but it did come from a chest that came from the tree of harmony which is also a crystal tree.
I actually liked that they destroyed the tree house (not so much the new design though). Just because the tree house is gone, doesn't mean that the memories are gone, and the ponies still have their friendship and their lessons etc, it kind of reminded me of UP, when Carl realises that a house is just a house, and what is really important are the memories he has in his heart. Also, it was a pretty big HOLY SHIT THE TREE HOUSE HAS BEEN DESTROYED!! THINGS-JUST-GOT-REAL moment. I would like to think this castle is just a sort of 'first draft' and I'd actually like to see Twilight and co to put their own personal touches into the design of the new castle, and make it look better and more like somewhere they should be living.
it's like, if you don't release steam in an old locomotive, the boiler and pistons will burst. if discord hadn't unleashed chaos when he did the results could have been fatal.
Discord should own a piece of land that he can do whatever he wants in. Since Twilight already has a castle maybe he could have The Castle of the Two Sisters.
I think the tree house playset is better that the tiny castle that came eith the twilight with the wierd wings.Im now useing that for the crystal empire
Well... Discords Chaos is not unhealthy per se... you might get mad and dizzy, but nothing harmful. Why not give Discord a piece of land - any land as he can change it to anything at all - for him to do what he wants. And then invite Ponies to this as a Carneval or so. As long as he changes them back when they leave, nobody is going to complain.
Itยดs not real freedom of course, but real freedom needs boundaries too, which is a problem on itself. As Discord is all-mighty per definition (if he werenยดt screwing around or underestemating his enemies, he should never lose...) I guess he never had anyone teach about what is good and what is bad, which explained his view of Freedom compared to the freedom of what the Ponies thought.
I love that idea of him having his own theame park reminds me of Eggman a bit i also think Discord Should have his own pet or a pony who has the exact same powers of him and was good friends with Fluttershy so when he couldnt be with Fluttershy hed have someone to help when he ever feels lonlyโบ
I do agree with what you said about the library, but omg that book thing in 'Trade Ya' was terrible! Let's teach children to be hoarders, shall we? The whole Pinkie Pie and Twlight part of that ep was my least favourite....
i think that twilight and the princess should create discord something of his own world where it has no real effects on equestria and we have seen twilight creat a portal before i mean look at the human world she had created some changes and her power with the princess celestia and luna raise the sun and moon so i think creating a portal should be easy
I'd like if Discort became like a house designer for the ponies. Call me crazy, but if I was a pony I'd absolutely want an upside down house or something.
ok just thought of something amazing... "deep breath"ย IF Star Swirl = Discord and Star Swirl was talented with TIME magic then maybe he saw into the future. And IF he did and saw himself as Discord as a friend to an ALICORN with the symbol of MAGIC as her CUTIE MARK then what do you think would happen? You see if you look closely Discord knows more than he lets off about Twilight (maybe he read ahead in the script) . thats MY opinion ...
okay i see a lot of people saying give him one day a year and others saying give him some open uninhabited land. why not do both? one day a year? come on you all know how hard it is to wait for your birthday or christmas. surely he'll get antsy in between the yearly event. so he needs space for when that happens, so just put both together. a stretch of land for the rest of the year, and all of equestria for one day.
One thing that got me thinking is; why is Twilight's castle made out of crystals if she's not in the Crystal Empire or connected to the Crystal Empire? So I was thinking and then it hit me. Twilight Sparkle is connected to the Crystal Empire; she is the bearer of the element of magic which is the main element of harmony.
And if you look on the MLP trading cards the crystal heart is said to be the 7th element of Harmony; the element of love. Who bears this element exactly? Oh yeah Twilight's brother and her sister-in-law.
If Discord want more freedom maybe you should let him do some magic inside a rum there it doesn't do any damage or maybe on a children party, ^^ just for a little time.
chaos day! a day where discord can unfold all his chaotic desires... and then after a day's time it'll all go back to normal... i mean isn't that the main issue with discord? ponies not liking the unpredictable envioment? but if it was a predictable date it would be less horrorfying
Soooo, no complaints on how stupid the rainbow powers look. None? Not a single nitpick? Come on, they were SOOO BAD!! I mean they even changed their cutie marks!
@*****ย Well the fact that they were on screen for five seconds also bothered me because even though the designs were bad they still should of done more with the rainbow powers.
@Lord Predacordย I dont like how their cutie marks are changed, and some of the hair is pretty dumb and im not a big fan of the hoof design but the hooves i dont mind as much.
i agree but disagree because the did almost the same thing in equestrya girls when the magic came, there appearance changed. i wold also like to bring up that every time a villain is destroyed there is the same ending, the rainbow of friend ship hitting the person and distorting them. except when other ponies save the day. im going to make a video about it so watch for that.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys thats why i liked her, little changes would look cool, like AJ's mane, normally i would like Rainbow Power, Cause i like adding more colors, but those exaggerated manes, it was like if inside the box it had hair.
@VD Craftย Pinkies design was good like ajs and wasn't super crazy like RD's or Twilights. Fluttershy is somewhere in the middle I think her hair was not super crazy but still kinda crazy.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys for me, the scale is (from good to bad) AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight and then rarity, some pictures of rarity were so good that made me say she is cool! but on the show... her mane is all on her front, like seeing the other side of celestia's mane, it hides everything
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Nah, they propably will never use the rainbow ponies in the show again. After all, it was just that one super magic blast in the box, which was propably destroyed when the Twilight's new castle was born. And about their cutie marks... Remember how Tirek stole all of their magic and their cutie marks completely disappeared? The super-blast-magic box just enhanced them for a while, just to get everything back in order and poof, they were gone as soon as the whole magic thingy (except the big crystal-ass treehouse)... forever. :D
And Princess RainbowDash ruler of the skies your complaining about the RP look when your name respresents everything you despise about it? -.- rlly if ur a alicorn have a GOOD reason and not a REPETE of a character >:(
Yeah I agree, they looked absolutely awful, I think Fluttershy looked the worst with her bad hair day, and I remember Rainbow's wings looking terrible, but they were there and gone in less than a minute for the sake of some toys, and we'll probably never see them again, so don't think it's worth getting too angry about. I can think of so many ways they could have looked cooler, maybe like a Super Saiyan version of each pony purely in the colour of their rainbow shade or something... so all you could see is their glowing body and eyes, it would hardly be a form at all, but much better.ย
@*****ย I don't think flutters hair was to bad except that one part where there were two pieces of hair in one spot and it looked weird Rainbow Dash's wings looked pretty cool in my opinion since they were rainbow colored. Dash, Twilight, and Rarity's hair looked the worst in my opinion. Dash's was way to spiky Twilight's was messy and Rarity's was just curls everywhere.
I don't remember all that much, but I think one of them (was it Rarity) had this awful photoshop soft brush over her cutie mark or something, that looked downright ridiculous. I don't know what they were thinking when they designed them...ย
@*****ย I think most of their cutie marks had been changed, AJ's Pinkies and Rarity's are the ones I remember but Twilight's was the same and I think Dash's was too.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย only thing i can think of to lagitamise it is Super Forms there like super-charged now...maby it's like how Goku,s eyes turn green
Omg I didn't notice but I also don't understand why the rainbow thing was required why couldn't it be a epic battle were they unlocked a new element of harmony being derpy and they like turning out to be the pony elements of harmony and the kicking his ass
you know i have noticed when a cartoon animal/person goes all high and powerful its usually yellow isn't that odd. <sonic> <mlp> <dragonballs z> /( o_o)\
Tia and Luna should give discord an area in the everyfree where he and relax and be free to do what he wants so that he can stress out or ruin things some where in the every free forest
I'm actually a Flutterdash person, for more personal reasons, I'm a pretty timid person by nature and always go for others who are out going and confident. However I also like Fluttershy+Discord and Celestia+Discord. Any of them are fine, I actually don't approve of FlutterMac though, I think because they are both so quiet and shy by nature, it would be a pretty boring relationship.
@*****ย Thats ok ย im actually a shy person too. To be honest FlutterShy personality describes me some what. I'm probably a little more adventurous than she is. But hay, we all have our own voice and personality that should be aloud to shine.ย
I know Celestia should give discord a land that no animal could live on and he can just mess around with it like a kid's room or a playroom or a park so discord can have some freedom
To be honest I donโt blame him for betraying them, I mean yes Fluttershy was nice to him and twilight tolerated him, but rainbow dash, Applejack, and rarity were WAY too eager to turn him back to stone in the season 4 two parter, so as far as Iโm concerned they never were friends with him. I mean itโs essentially the same as threatening to send someone to prison just because you speculate, but have no actual proof, that they did something wrong. Would you do that to someone you considered a friend, or would you give them he benefit of the doubt?
Furthermore, while Fluttershy was clearly nice to him and twilight at least tolerated him, itโs entirely possible that the other poniesโ antagonism convinced him that the way Fluttershy and to a lesser extent twilight acted was just a facade they were displaying to use him so his magic could be used for the benefit of Celestia and her allies, and that they never even liked him at all.
So keeping that in mind, is it any wonder he sided with tired, who from his perspective was probably the first living thing to show him โgenuineโ concern and respect? (Obviously tirek was lying but keep in mind i said from discordโs perspective)
On another note, Iโm pissed at the way hey handled his betrayal, instead of making a one liner like โsurely you saw this comingโ he should have snapped at them when they accused him and said something that showed how much their distrust hurt him and how he believed they never liked him and were only using him, all while heโs clearly on the verge of tears to show how genuine his feelings were. Then , when twilight was battling tirek, they should have cut back to he rest of he mane six and discord imprisoned and shown a scene where they apologized to discord for acting in that way and convinced him they did care, and that hey should have shown it better. Then, discord, realizing his error, apologizes to them and especially Fluttershy for his betrayal and for not believeing that she cared for him.he, that would have been much better in my opinion
Come on bronies, really? The series needs more big shocks and changes. Twilight's house being destroyed was a brave move by the makers of the show and I think it was a good one. The last thing we want is the series to be safe and stagnant.
I for one thing Twilight becoming a princess was also a GREAT idea, she'd been developing towards it, it just made sense and was very satisfying. And her coming to terms with it had to be covered in the main series because guess what? MOST PEOPLE DON'T WATCH EQUESTRIA GIRLS! I sure don't, it just seems stupid to me, I saw 5 minutes and then just noped out of it.
But seriously come on people, you need to encourage brave moves when they happen. Remember how much it sucked when they "fixed" Derpy. Maybe they wouldn't have done that in the first place if people didn't criticize them every time they did something hard or controversial.
I would love to see more dramatic emotional moments and more big character changes personally! Maybe the mane six could all become princesses at the end of a series once they've all learned the true meaning of friendship, and then they could be like the Celestia for a whole new generation of ponies, teaching them about friendship!
The mane six could still go on missions, in fact they could go on really epic missions like exploring a new land or something! And there could be all kinds of dragons and other types of ponies and stuff!
The last thing we need is the series getting stale and reptitive. I'm all for change, and you should be too! Shake things up Hasbro, I for one support it!
Derpy is great now :D But for a while they made her eyes normal and they edited her voice out of an episode because people complained about her being "offensive" :C @Flareblood
or maybe a Discord related holiday? Where once every month on one specific day let's say the 13th of every month in the pony world Discord is allowed to turn the pony world upside down but make it fun and he could go around pranking just like how Rainbow and Pinkie do. So instead of making chaos everyone hates the chaos could be something the ponies could enjoy it would be like a big chaotic party. Chocolate milk and popcorn for everyone ^__^
Perhaps Discord should be given freedom, but in just one segregated area. That way, if any ponies wanted to live there, they would be free to, but there would be a choice.
One word:BALANCE. There has to be a balance between Chaos and NON Chaos. If Discord can't create chaos He will turn evil and sadly... So would equestria because someone would start a fight. HOWEVER Discord wouldn't use his powers all the time as he would need to have his powers in check.
Let Discord take a vacation to a world with a small amount of chaos already present and make it twenty percent more chaotic for about a week or two. Well, this did happen in one fanfiction already... A Naruto and MLP:FiM crossover... I can see cotton candy clouds over Konoha right now... Man I wish someone would write a fanfiction with Discord going into the Ghost Zone and screwing with that already chaotic place and making Walker trying and failing to arrest that chaotic trickster.
3:42 - oh phooey on you. Just remember who this programs' TARGET audience is, and that Hasbro's primary purpose IS to make money from toys. You gotta take these things with a grain of salt.
Simple, let him have the castle of the two pony sisters. Most pony's stay out of the forest, so he could have all the chaos he wants within its boarders. Heck he could make a crazy chaos themed park that Pony's visit.ย
Discord should be allowed to be him self in a place like the everfree forest where he could be creating those choco rains without nobody destourbing him?โ๏ธ
I think that celestia will give discord the two sisters old castle so he can bring disharmany as much as he wants also it should be a excuse to why the. Mane 6 were tiding it
Since Celestia said openly admitted that she invites Discord to the grand galloping gala to liven things up, maybe one week a year with no laws, just so long as nobody got hurt in the process.
How about doing what Disneyfanatic did in her fanfic "Bride Of Discord", give him a piece of land where he's free to use his chaos magic however he desires as long as it says within his land? Not a bad idea right? :)
is it just me, or is what they end up doing, and hanging the roots of her former home from the castle chandelier kinda morbid? "Your old home was destroyed and you shall miss it forever, (forever truly being forever as you are an immortal alicorn whose friends will all die one day) so we shall put the remains of it here where you can see it every day and remember it is gone."
its been proven that luna can turn into nightmare moon on command season 2 so why didn't she fool tierek into joining him becuz she evil the kick his but at the end
What if the princesses create a large building that discord can do whatever he wants in it? He'll still have freedom without wreaking havoc on ponyville. Or equestria for that matter.
What if, on Nightmare night, Discord opened a haunted house of chaos! The ponies would have a good time and Discord would get to reek havoc in a productive manner. :D
Why do the mane six trust discord. He took your wings, took your horns, hide the elements of harmony, made then the opposite of their elements, put equestria in choes, knew about the vines and kept it a secret even though it was important for them to know, betrayed them, broke fluttershy' heart, and though that freedom is more important than friendship
In my opinion, Discordยดs betrayal was totally plausible. Letยดs see. Discord, master of chaos and disharmony, former ruler of the world, after being released for a second time he sees an opportunity to trick the mane six while they are trying to reform him. He mocks the friendship Fluttershy offers him as he believes it is a mere fraud in order to keep him from taking over the world. In fact, he didnยดt do that because of the Elementsยดs presence. Later, Fluttershy states that despite all she has tolerated from him she quits and renounces to try to befriend him. He suddenly feels devastated and agrees to be reformed. If this wasnยดt seen as legitimate, he proved it when his first impulse after the Elements were given wasnยดt conquering Equestria (sort of, since he considered). During the season 4 beginning and in "Threeยดs a crowd" it is easily discernible that Fluttershy is the only pony in the mane six who sees him as a friend (and Pinkie, who finds him amusing), while the others see him as a total annoyance. The sentiment is reciprocal, and so Discord disturbs the rest of the mane six while he treats nicely Fluttershy. That is what any logical person would do; be good with who is good to you and vice versa. And then is when Tirek comes, and offers him something really interesting. He can decide to keep a sole friend (who only intended to befriend him for interest, although that might be different now) in a world where no other person appreciates him deprived of his freedom and abandoning his nature, or siding with someone who actually appreciates his true self and will allow him to do anything he wants. After the treatment he received it is not surprise that he changed sides. But letยดs admit it; if the mane six had been nicer towards him he wouldnยดt have betrayed them. Sure, Discord was a dick all the time, but so he was to Fluttershy, and in the end he became kind towards her. If the rest of the mane six had actually tried to make friends with him he might be less of an annoyance and proven true loyalty.
id say that for discord to not go off the rocker again, they have a day (much like April fools) where he can cause SAFE chaos. Harmless pranks causing no permanent damage. for 24 hours every year Discord can have fun with his passive powers (cotton clouds, milk rain, ice roads, giant card houses, ect.)
They should give discord his own little section in the ever free forest were he could do as much chaos as he wants just in that little section or he looses it The Brony Nation
Maybe give Discord his own little village. Not with any other living thing living in it though. So Discord can cause chaos there. It would be like in movies where they make up a town so they can blow them up. It would give Discord some freedom, heck he could even make fake ponies to crush and stuff if he feels like it.
just give him his own little slice of land somewhere, a couple Acers wear he can be himself. who knows maybe it'll turn into an attraction of some kind, and he'll get a whole bunch of visitors who Want to see what de dose.
we know discord has his own little section of equestia that is chaos incarnate maybe one or twice a year he could invite pones (other then the mail pony) to come experience chaos with no ill after effects. the daring ponys my like him better after that.
To be fair to Discord, non of the ponies except Fluttershy really treated Discord like an actual friend, no wonder he wanted something more, ponies like AJ were treating him horribly even though they were apparently supposed to be his friends.
I haven't watched your video yet but I think discords betrayal was not a betrayal at all. My theory suggests discord betrayed them because he wanted all of Equestria to have one good friend because he was trying to turn t-reck good so he would give all the magic back and feel and spread the magic of friendship across Equestria, another powerful figure that spread friendship. At the end he gave twilight the amulet not just as a sign of gratitude and friendship also as an apology gift like a pizza ๐ will I'm sorry on it. Get my point love your vids :D buh-bye please make this a video! Ok bye ๐
For Discord to have an area were he can bring chaos just say a two x two miles square. That way he can be somewhat free but doesn't betray anyone. Like or responde if you agree please. Plz. pretty plz.
i am not upset by the tree house blown up, i am upset the writers being forced to blow up the tree house by Hasbro for a New Toy Sale! not surprised... but that doesn't make me less pissed about it.
i really hope they remake the tree house didnt they make the new castle out of the old house and if they did then how did twilight go back and visit the old treehouse
oh they could give discord a magic room that alows him to work chaos with out wrecking any thing and then if he likes his creation he can save it and go back to it even after making another creation (i make alot of impossible invention ideas)
Can't the four princesses be generous enough to give discord a part of equestria so he can be as free as he wants, why don't give him the ever free forest after moving zecora out of it or give him the weird biome from the episode someone to look over me!!!!!
What if they do like in one of my favorite (cough* cough* fluttercord cough* cough*) fanfics just give him a large plot of land in say, the everfree forest where he is free to be chaotic and reek havoc.
is discord a real villan? i mean well he never even did much to hurt anypony or take over equestria and he never did anything truely bad but in his perspective "have fun"
4:00-4:07 Ladies and gentleman, today is the three-year anniversary of Twilight's treehouse library destruction. Please join me in a moment of silence for this beautiful treehouse. "My Heart Will Go On" starts playing Thank you. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
easy. send discord to an abandoned piece of land and let him make chaos there and ponies can go there to have "fun" if they think its fun. but discord cant force them to stay.
I really did not think that twilight's house needed to be destroyed, but could have been remodeled that does not look like a hasbro play set. Plus, having the items that each girl received back to them to cherish those important lessons. I though that discords betrayal was kind if stupid and that discord should have known better after fluttershy reforming him. However, him having the lack of freedom does give some idea of why discord did what he did.
Here's an idea give the guy his own little bit of forest and say "here you go now go play and brake everything and when you're bored fix it if you please but till then go nuts."
I think Discord should have a day weโre he can do anything and have all the freedom that he deserves but for 1 rule that he can harm anyone/anything/any pony
give him a plot of land to own limit him to that land. BAM. problem solved. But it has to stay inside his owned land and a bit off from any big cities and well preferably close to ponyville.. . but his land should be spacious.. but not to big either.. If anything like say a crazy muscled up bunny or a bunny with REALLYYYY long legs escapes.. then as punishment his land amount gets reduced and vise versa for a major good deed but has a limit of how big and how small his land can get as well!
i say have celestia make a dimension that looks a lot like ponyville only enhabited by stuffed dummies instead of living beings and that only discord can enter or exit.
if there was somewhere that Discord could just "run free" and do anything, like make stuff float around, and any thing else that he want's to do, as long as fluttershy says that he's not really hurting anypony, then I think it might be OK. That's long.ย
Well, TBN, can I call you TBN? I'm calling you TBN.
I think a solution could be to give Discord a space he can do all of his chaotic activities in. For example, take Bride of Discord, he is given the castle in Everfree.
He is able to life there, defy gravity and do such.
I have a book on my tablet that tells about tirek past and fuss who it was... DISCORD so I'm thinking tirek let him help because he rembers him even though he was a teen back then
Twilight: completes spell~ becomes a princess Fluttershy: Reforms Discord (is it just me or is what fluttershy did seriously better than what twilight did?)~ doesn't become princess?
i personally think that maybe discord(please do not laugh) secretly has a teensy crush on discord and maybe thinks that its over. dittershy can not end!
one of the other reviewers-DWK, I believe- sums up the castle and the rainbow power forms pretty handily. with a hypnotic chant. Buy our toys. Buy our toys. Buy our toys...
i dont really blame Discord for betraying them, only Fluttershy really cared about him, the rest didnt give two craps. also i feel that they could have done Discord turning back to good a little different, i ment the only reason he turned on Tirek was because he stole his powers, i just think they could have done that better thats all
Did you get that off bride of discord ? That would be a good idea thou, but he would also get lonely not living around any pony. Then again we can always put fluttershy in charge of visiting him and keeping he from messing with ponies if that did happen.
I know this vid is super old but I think that Discord could just create another dimension for himself that is the same as equestrian exept without the the ponies he cares about that he can do whatever he wants with, or the princesses and the mane six agreeing to him having a day a year to do whatever he wants with equestria. (he might get carried away but FLUTTERSHY TO THE RESCUE!!) my thoughts The Brony Notion .
If you know the bride of discord you should know what I'm talking about. So maybe Luna and Celestia can give discord a castle (their old home) so he can be all chaotic and stuff
I think Discord should get at least a little bit of Equestria to rule.... Mabey the Everfree forest? That would make a ton of sense, the Everfree forest is crazy, Discord is crazy..... =D
"Ugh, you keep giving me nightmares. What is that? Really?" That's illuminati. Just look at it, there's a triangle in the middle. O.O Illuminati Confirmed
I think he should have Discord have day's when he can cause a little chaos like chocolate rain!!... Or maybe I just want to see Pinkie skip around drinking chocolate rain man she was lucky. And a little chaos never killed anyone or maybe I just want to see some more chaotic Discord~!
ps. Am I the only one who fangirl when he talked about Discord and Fluttershys friendship? No only me?
I Think discord should have a tiny park Of chaos where he could do what I like to call harmless chaos like cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk or corn popping right into popcorn not changing animals and ponies
Okay if you listen close to three is a wheel you here twilight saying i don't even know were-discord interrupts.We know that she has no idea where he lives. So I think that there should be a whole episode about finding out where Discord lives.And people seriously need to stop thinking that Discord lives in Celestia's castle dungeon.
But if I had a choice to where he can live he should live in the castle of the two sisters.So he can explore the whole thing. this would make an epic episode
Let Discord make chaos. But have him fix it later. Even if he turns the town hall into a giant bowl of pudding, it's not the end of Equestria as long as he turns it all back. But let him do it only if it doesn't get out of hand or too confusing.ย Maybe let him have a "chaos zone" where things in 5 feet of him do weird stuff but go back to normal when they/he leaves.
I need to go join like this page... Also: With downcast eyes, I put my hat, not previously anywhere in sight, over my heart. R.I.P. Twilight's Tree House...
Solution for discords freedom, give him his own pocket of Equestria (there is enough free space) and let him create a chaos amusement park, that way ponies can enjoy the chaos and he can make more friends.
Twilight should make him a fake magical reality where he can do what every he wants for a while and satisfy his need for freedom and then come back out
I know they should give him a abandon pece of land that he can do whatever he wonts with. Lest that will solve the problem of him turning on the ponies again.
Hmmmmmmm....if discord is going to be a part of the elements of harmony......I say he is the element of peace......because he realized that friendship is more powerful than evil and chaos......any opinions about this?
WHY NOT GIVE HIM THE EVER-FREE FOREST TO DORK AROUND IN!!??!!! i mean.... 1.Ponies avoid that area, for the most part, so causing chaos there wouldn't effect the pony inhabitants. 2. The area is well known as ย dangerous/abnormal , for the plants, animals and weather, so even if Discord were to change things up to fit his "style" the way the forest is seen then/now would be basically the same.ย 3. He could recycle the old castle of the Pony sisters and give it some use. (instead of being a decaying plot of land) 4. He could benefit Equestia by using his chaos to keep evil inhabitants of the forests ย (like timber wolves) at bay, and away from the ponies; even providing safe passage to ponies passing through.
That's my piece thank-you very much~! bowsย
(also Fluttershy visiting him in the forest with a picnic, or just going to see him cause now he's CLOSE now, seems ssoooooo~ooooo cute! doki doki 0v0......^0^ SO CUTE! <3)
Hmm let's see give discord an abandoned town in the everfree forest and let him do whatever he wants? (I had story of the blanks flashbacks typing this so I hope you love this idea)
Get an entire fake world for discord full of fake ponies to wreak havoc on and no one (except for the ponies (and twighlights tree house. Lol) ) get hurt. Win win.
The solution is twilight gives discord some land to be free so whenever he feels like chaos he can do it there. Now I'll make this comment longer muahahahah
They had to make the rainbow power ponys, so rainbow rocks and that box with the 6 keys make since. Now that they have rainbow power, they can use it in equestira girls, now with the new movie coming out soon. I was not happy too see rainbow power, at first, now I'm OK with it. I also like twilights castle!!!!!! Its nice. RAINBOW ROCKS!!!!!!! bye :)
DISCORD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a day dedicated to Discord wrecking havoc all over Equestria. He can just clean it up later lol I just liked the sound of Discord Day
i say let Discord and Pinkie team up ((no not like a shipping)) I'm thinking Discord and the chocolate factory. those two bouncing off the wall ideas off eachother and her mirror pool clones can be the staff.
EMEGESH I HAD A REALIZATION, maybe more people has but whatevsss, so in your theories you state that discord is the unicorn that twi admires (forgot his name sorry) and that twi was actually clover the clever, so maybe somehow twilight knew that her mentor was going to turn into discord, but she didnt really tell him so she wont alter the future, and by the time passes she tries to turn discord into her mentor once again by defeating him and reforming him..? i dont know if that makes sense but ;-;
In threes a crowd cadence and twilight go to the end of equestrian and nobody lives there I think discord can go there and when ever he wants to do a littel chaos he can do it there not harming pony's
I would allow discord to a few days called discord day every year and end of every Discord Day every thing will reset to the previous morning including if somepony got kill or died They would wake the previous morning just would everypony else would
I have one question though......why did hashbro go with those silly looking rainbow power designs?I mean yeah......they look funny but those hairs?Good grief!Have they really ran out of ideas?
Pinkie and/or Rainbow Dash needs to teach Discord how to prank people. It would be a nice outlet for Discords Chaos, retouch on a part of Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie's character from season one, and just be funny for us to watch.ย
They need to give him his own little area with no pony around to be chaotic. As we all know their are different dimensions in MLP [ Equestrian girls ] their should be one or two dimensions people don't mind him being able to teleport from and to. LIKE COME ON I can name 1000000000000 shows on TV with deserted dimensions MLP must have at least 2 dimensions that he can teleport 2 and back. Maybe its like his place he can visit when he is not busy having picnics with Fluttershy and giving Twilight nice necklaces [ 2 amuletsย from Discord in one season. he's a great ย character but seriously]! Well any way if Megan Macalsky adds it im having a partyย ! P.S: IF Megan Macalsky is reading this make Fluttershy and Discords love thing happen.
I think maybe having something you know we have April Fool's here why don't we have something like over there the question or ask that signifies that particular day just for disc or as long as if no pony gets hurt I personally say he should have a day dedicated to him once a year so he can be able to express himself and be able to let loose without being so easily convinced of what freedom is course we all should know that freedom doesn't necessarily mean just to be free to do things estate of mine
one day a month when discord can create as much chaos as he wants for the entire day without hurting anypony. Than at the end of the day he snaps his fingers and it's all fixed. That would be fun and entertaining! ย
I'm with you, discord needs his own chaos day...0_0 DISCORD DAY!!!!! A national holiday in equestria celebrating everyone's favorite lord of chaos!!! Oooooohhhhhhh I'd celebrate it!
your complaint number 1: come on! if you would become a prince or king, it would take long to adjust to it. Number 2: have you heard of something being dramatic? ย After such a good season, i think hasbro deserved this. YOU ARE OVER REACTING, this is a CHILDRENS show, you are becoming Digibro
discord,his mother and father were the only dacanagirsedv (how do spell),then discord's mother and father die and he trys to forget his pain with crazy-ness
Dude, you missed the point of the entire show. The entire series is one long toy commercial. The only reason Hasbro made the MLP cartoon was to make sales for a declining toy franchise.
Maby use magic to give him a realm where chaos is everywhere. O i donno maby he can name it HELL! Celestia is God in Eqestria....when ponys say O My God, they say O My Celestia. So it makes sense to think of discord as the devil. Where luna falls in this, i donno.
DISCORDS OWN DIMENSION COLD BE WHERE HE GETS ALL CHAOS-Yย its another dimension that celestia gave him that allows him to make chaos and keep her kingdom safe HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Omg omg at 4:13 look at the dots inside of the triangle that the three allicorns are making, if u look really closely at it, it kinda looks like an eye... O. o
well brony notion thats true because in episode Castle sweet Castle she didnt feel like home i think the ending would be more nice if they had shown tgat she got her "TREE" HOUSE back with her castle.
make a hole universe thats lush and not alot of animals and put discord in it so he can do whatever oh he destroyed that one? make it again oh he destroyed that one? make it again
If Discord likes chaos, I HAVE AN IDEA THAT MAYBE SAVE EQUESTRIA! Discord is friends with Fluttershy right, FLUTTERCORD FOREVER! Anyways if he would do anything for Fluttershy he could do this, If any evil thing or something Discord can use his chaos on the evil guy and he can enjoy the chaos he is commiting
I think I know why flutter shy like discord so much on discord like flutter shy so much because flutter shy takes care of animals and likes animals and can talk to animals but every single pony can talk to discord but what are shy I donโt think he knows that because the school is a animal so thatโs why flutter shy like discord the most
discord should have a speciel place or part in equestrea equeistria where he can go................................................................... WILD
GONE GONE GONE GONE EVERYTHING GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE Also flutter cord does anyone remember that moment when Fluttershy was saying we aren't worth it then discord is like you are I get teared up trying to tell people about it I'm crying on phone screen thinking about fluttercord I mean disshy I mean shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping seriously though rip twilights house join the rip twilights libary Facebook page
me:*crying*WHY TWILIGHT'S TREE HOUSE?!?!?!?!? sombra:*blasts sonamyfan1256 me:*covered in ash*COUGH*anyway...R.I.P: twilight's old*cough*library*faints from coughing alot
I'm actually not familiar with kingdom hearts. The memories themselves are not in the items, but the items bring about the memories. Most people treasure items given to them by friends that they don't see as much as they would like. /)
Ok so do you ponies know why Tia said that a birth of an Alicorn is something Eqestria has never seen? Because she didn't want any pony to know she has a big casin thats why!
I all the items the mane 6 got from ponies who's lives were changed by them but they still remember them and if they forget don't they still have that journal that they wrote in?
OMFG IDEA (dear Hasbro) Discord could have his own part of equestria to wreck havoc in then he will not be harming everypony ELSE kind of like starlight glimmer and ugh ๐ฉEQUALIST๐ฉ village shudders in disgust ๐BUT WITH DISCORD INSTEAD!!:D
ok soย princess celesiaย gets her blue green pink flowy mane luna gets her stary-night flowy mane and princess cadence gets her long white pink purple mane though twilight does have some color in her mane she just has 2 stripes so I think twilight should be able to get hat amazing mane we saw in season 4 fanile!!!
YOU KNOW WHATS MY COMPLAINT?!?!?!? *turns around and shoots fluttercord ship**turns back around with shades on* thug life(THIS IS FOR CELESTIACORD MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
0.0 maybe T what's-his-name (XD) was the Shadow "Pony"! (that was off topic but still lolz) that would explain the shadow's yellow glowingish eyes and why it was so tall. idk lol
Ya Maddie Labb I agree 10000000 prensent they should let discord spread chaos in the castle of the two pony sisters because that place is aboned like in bride of discord
discord should ย needs to ask for it and to me the 2 parter was awful tirek was a bad character he talked to much he laughed to much abd he let them know his plan this is why i like king sombra cause he is better than tirek say i,m wrong explain why u all hate sombra i don,t care i just want him to have the same love like the other vilines hail king sombra
aparently, it's against yourtube's polocy to use footage from something like a show, but flipped so that the imagery is backwards. Dr. Wolf's channel got taken down for a while because he used flipped footage in his original version of his review of Crusaders of the Lost Mark
i can't reemember the exact reason, but i think it was something like it is seen as wrong cause it's changing the original footage? Dr. Wolf explained it far better
This video is kind of favoring fluttershy with discord. I am sorry, but fluttercord is just gross. And fluttershy is my least favorite mlp character of ALL TIME. So, yes this comment is to just show my hate towards fluttershy. It is nice that she gave discord a chance in all, but the others deserve more respect. They had a reason to not like discord, I mean her was once EVIL. AND WE KNOW THAT CHOAS IN PONYVILLE ISNT A GOOD THING.
Diskord like flutershy!!!!! Diskord like flutershy!!! He want her for gurl friend!!! He want her for girl friend!!!!!!๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐ป๐น๐ป๐น๐น๐ป๐ป๐๐๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ
hmm maby hem getting 1 day a year to do this ๐ซ๐๐ฒ๐๐๐โโกโโโโฌโฌโฉโโคตโช๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฃ๐๐โ โฃโฆ
he shod get his own pice of land( meening most of the everfree forist). ย sorry abowt ย myย spelling I am usingย my dad (jon Hammond's) akownt and am Ali'yah Hammond. Ali'yah is not misspelld because itย is in this langiwidg called ENCHINT HEBRO ย and I'm 10
-Fluttercord and disshy -lolololololklolololllololoolllololoololloolololoolliooollololooloololoollolll illogical lol lolololllllkl I'll ol SOOOOOOOO FUNAH!!!@@!!!!!&#%@^^ร%@;!^ Ha, ha, HA!!!!
Solution: Celestia and Luna allowing Discord to have his own holiday each year that everypony celebrates. It can be a sort of wacky reality-bendin day where stuff gets put all topsy turvy to a limited degree so that no one gets hurt, allowing his chaotic nature to be viewed in more of a positive light.
715 likesReplies (24)
Thats also a great idea. It sounds like it wouldn't harm anyone, but still be crazy enough to please the spirit of chaos
55 likes@TimeKaiserย opposite day, maybe?
29 likesSure! That is in deed a day of which to celebrate doingg things how you normally wouldn't and still have people enjoy it!
14 likesThat is genius
9 likes@TimeKaiser Great idea :) He certainly needs to get a new reputation so ponies no longer fear him.
15 likes@TimeKaiser I like it! It's a pony version of April Fool's Day!
13 likesTimeKaiser, smart
3 likesyeah! dusk nightwing, my bat pony pony, would LOVE that!!!
1 likeSing "Discord" at holiday
3 likessing "Discord"
4 likesToo bad Celestia's too mean too do that
3 likesI like that
1 likeYeah
0 likesWhat? No one got hurt anyway. Discord doesnโt care enough to hurt anyone.
1 likeThat's an interesting approach but in my opinion I think discord should have a small portion of land full of discords chaoticness.
1 like@Shahin Rafati celestia is not mean
0 likesThat could be true
0 likesMy bedroom is kind of chaos, (AKA Discord posters everywhere lol)
1 likeSo, it's the Discord equivalent of Nightmare Night? Awesome idea!
1 likeLike Topsy Turvy day from The Hunchback of Notre Dame!!! ๐๐๐คฉ๐ฅฐ
1 like@valentinaaa yes
0 likesGood idea!
1 likeIsent that what April fools day is for? Would that holiday be like the pony April fools day?
0 likesWait...doesn't Discord already live in an alternate dimension were he can reek havoc, and chaos all he wants?
191 likesReplies (7)
Yes but since itโs already pretty chaotic thereโs not much he can do but also heโs the only one who lives there
55 likes@Larkin Slides That's sad
10 likes@LonEly PatatoE ..Yes?
2 likes@LonEly PatatoE From what I remember I think I do?
1 likeI still laugh at the scene of the mailpony who was lost ๐ญ
1 likeSo true but what if heโs used up all that space?
0 likes@Larkin Slides fluttershy visits tho
0 likesMy solution is, Discord planned every part of this except losing his power.
133 likesHe never really switched sides. He was hinting that they had most of their keys already at the very beginning of the episode, AND points them towards their diary, which held more clues to that... are we to believe it's a coincidence that he ALSO drops the last key in their laps?
Replies (1)
He obviously did. Also, made a big speech in episode 1 which was... well, for nothing in fact. Except telling the ponies exactly what to do, right?
15 likesMoreover, I think he never lost his power, probably just pretended to (just like he pretended his injury in season 9 premiere)
The ponies should give discord a somewhat small piece of land to spread his chaos freeley. I mean seriously this whole thing could of been avoided if the rest of the mane six trusted him more or gave him a spot to use chaos freeley!
581 likesReplies (28)
That's a good idea, but Discord also likes playing around with people... They should do that ^^ it's a pretty great plan!
119 likesthanks!
12 likesNot bad. My idea was that he give a little chaos to bored ponies, or maybe grant their wishes to help teach them a lesson. Giving good luck to somebody who's having bad luck could be another way he could help.ย
36 likesI really think this is a good idea. And to brony notion, he doesn't always need to use ponies to play around with. He can do buildings there, or trees skewed around the spot. :)
9 likes@Aspen Watson or he could go around with dash and pinkie to pull pranks on others.with his abilities it would be awesome
19 likesOh! That's better than my idea. Ya!
4 likesDoesn't he alredy have his own demention?
13 likesI like this
4 likesHe has his own dimension, I think thatโs enough.
9 likesHe has his own dimension and if he really wanted to who could make more.
5 likesThrows sixty nine OCs at discord
3 likesYeah, that could work
3 likesUnless he already over-chaoskfied it
Or maybe they could give discord the everfree forest
4 likesNo pony needs that place, right?
@Henry Jones I mean, he already does that.
2 likesHe asked for that in a fan made series called Bride of Discord.
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves maybe pinkie pie can help discord!
3 likesBut he allready has that (his House/dimension thing)
3 likeswell hey, discord has a dimension to himself lmfao. what you said came true!
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves ^^
1 likeI agree though I mean not bad but thing is where? Sure he has a dimension himself but it's kinda lonely though too.
2 likesExcuse me he has a home
4 likesI like this idea And even if he has his own dimension itโs a cuckoo dimension and he doesnโt have a lot of people there but having his own area of land in the pony World he can actually show people his chaos and be with people in chaos
3 likesThis theory makes me think of Bride Of Discord lol
4 likesIdk why but I thought my stepfather was discord I mean they sound the same they Act the same and idk how but the kinda look the same..
1 like@Henry Jones yeah
0 likesYeah I agree
0 likeshe has a whole chaos realm
0 likesIndeed, but I think the reason they didn't was because he already had his own chaotic dimension
2 likesGive him a area that he can do what ever he wants but there are 2 rules 1: no grabing ponys unless they say its ok 2: can hurt the mass populated area
109 likesReplies (5)
+Sharon DeMorrow thx
0 likesdude I was going to say that. literally the first comment there is the one that I was going to say? wow
0 likes@Steckie Productions thx
0 likesUmm dude tirek won't do that. Just saying that only 2% of equestrias population lives in the ever free forest
0 likesHe already have his own dimension tho
0 likesThe real question is . . .
21 likesif Tirek never betrayed Discord, would Discord have kept on being evil, or would he have betrayed Tirek at some point, friendship prevailing in the end? m
This all could've been avoided if the ACTUAL PRINCESS OF F R I E N D S H I P just trusted him more.
35 likesIn my opinion, the best solution would be a planned date when Discord can create as much chaos as he wants, as long as nopony gets hurt and that he cleans up after he's done. See it as an Equestrian holiday.
43 likesReplies (3)
their version of our april fools day
8 likesYa.I bet fluttershy would make that holiday
6 likesIt would be called national chaos day
5 likesBest Character Of the the show
304 likesReplies (23)
85 likesSame
11 likesI also agree
9 likesYes.
7 likesYes but shes so queit if your talking about fluttershy
6 likesYup
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves you are the Best
5 likesLet him be chaotic but without being too chaotic.
5 likesYes
2 likesAnd Sunset Shimmer.
1 likeYES
2 likesYou wrote the twice
1 like@Sawtooth Waves 50'th like!
0 likesAgreed
0 likesDouble the's
1 likeAgreed
0 likesYeah ๐
1 like@Soumyadeep Paul theyre talking about discord:)
1 likeWell... debatable.
1 likeHeโs definitely one of the best, though, for sure!
No ๐ซ Twighlight is
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves no fluttershy is
0 likes@justin Perry no he is not
0 likes@The Brony Notion My theory about this is Discord never truly betrayed the ponies, but simply acted like he betrayed them. I thought of this in key moments of Twilight's Kingdom.
32 likesSo my theory is that when he reads the journal kept by the 6 ponies he bookmarks 5 passages that depicts 5 of them displaying the elements they represent which turn out to be 5 of the keys to unlock the chest. He realizes that there's nothing about Twilight's element of magic, and then he is called by Celestia to stop Tirek. Discord wonders if the stealing of magic has something to do with Twilight's element so he joins Tirek and "betrayas" the ponies thinking that Twilight will have the same experience as the others and will be able to unlock the chest, but it doesn't happen and he continues to help Tirek and does believe Tierk is grateful for his help. This could be explained when Discord felt the change of magic when Twilight gained the Alicorn magic of the other 3 princesses and said "That can't be right" and wonders if that has something to do with Twilight's element and he didn't tell Tirek about it and when Tirek stole the magic and strength of the 5 Discord turns away in shame and sorrow for what he was watching and never realized that he would be the one to give Twilight the means to unlock the chest, and when he was in the bubble he was sad because he thought he had failed. So I thought he was secretly trying to help his friends all along and never told them because he wanted his "betrayal" to be convincing, and wanted to help Twilight unlock the chest. I'm sure there could be a few holes to that theory but it's what made sense to me as Discord thanks to Fluttershy knew about friendship already.
What about having a Discord Day? Like a holiday once a year which shifts from city to city by year, depending upon the host. Then, he can put everything all crazy and upside down for a day, and all the ponies celebrate it with him.
14 likesReplies (1)
i like it!
2 likesI believe I might have a solution for what to do with Discord! How about giving him his very own special day of the week in which he can have fun! We could call this special day Wonderday! Or perhaps it could be called Mad Hatter Day, lol! It should be regarded as a great 24 hour celebration in which all of Ponyville can participate in. It would be a grand all day party with delightful activities, such as mad tea parties, hilarious games and the like, along with all the crazy pranks that Discord is so fond of! There would be only four rules: 1. Nothing that happens by Discord's doing can cause any harm to anyone, 2. Nothing that is done can be done with malice or sinister intent, 3. At the end of 24 hours the party is over, and Discord cannot do anything to extend the party (examples: making the day last forever, stopping clocks from ticking, restarting the day, turning back time, extending time, you get the idea?), and 4. Everything must be returned to the way it was before the party began once the 24 hours is up. This potential solution would also be an excellent opportunity for Discord to make more friends. Everyone can get to know Discord better, and share the fun in his jokes along with him. I honestly don't think he is truly evil, per say. I think he just has a very, VERY unique sense of humor, lol!
55 likesReplies (5)
truthfully, not one person in mlp is truly evil (no death or murder).ย
2 likesI really love this idea!
2 likesa good idea but i think it's smarter to keep it on a monthly basis.
3 likesthere is something that is called too much chaos XD
brilliant idea! I don't know about you but I love chocolate and candy floss so candy floss clouds raining chocolate is AN AWESOME IDEA!!!!
3 likes@David Schuuring No there isn't
0 likesDoesn't he already have a realm of chaos that he lives in? If that's not enough for him then I guess they could designate an area for him that he can use to mess with that small section of reality. And even let some ponies go there if Discord promises to let them return home when ever they please.
17 likesEver heard of Bride of Discord? Discord disappears and then a few years later he comes back and then he makes a deal with them about not effecting Equestria with his magic and he uses the Castle of the Two Sisters to cause chaos since it's in the Everfree Forest anyway.
47 likesReplies (6)
Your a bunny
1 likeYea I watched every episode ten times
1 likeHave you seen daughter of discord I'm still waiting for the second episode.
1 likeHuh, that is awful
1 like+Sherri DeVille why?
2 likesoh! I love that show!
2 likesSpoiler:
33 likesMe: And then in Season 9, he literally lets 4 of Equestriaโs worst villains out of Tarturus
Replies (2)
Chrysilis wasnt in tartarus
3 likesRaptor Zeraora mm u get what I mean (neither was sombra)
3 likesDiscord can flip realms upside down, so wouldn't he be able to make his own little chaotic world where he can do anything and everything?
5 likesI think the solution should be that: One day a year there should be a celebration (like Nightmare Night) were people would celebrate Discord were he spreads Chaos so that Discord would have time off.
5 likesI noticed after treik took discord's magic he acted different it was probably just the betrayal but what if discord's magic makes him wanteding choas.
7 likesI'm gonna be candid, I totally ship fluttershy and discord.
20 likesThe fact that they never showed their powered up forms ever again just makes me sad
4 likesI can sorta see what he's saying about losing stuff that meant something to them, but at the start of the season, they learned that it wasn't the elements that held them together, and the memories aren't gone, and neither are their friends, Fluttershy could always see the Breezies one day, and Cheese is just wandering around. Still really enjoying watching tho! Also, shipshipshipshipshipshipshipship! Fluttercord forever!( I need help.)
3 likes3:01 The Mane Six losing their physical objects and having them turn into friendship keys didn't bother me a bit because the idea was that's part of the sacrifice they had to make; they had to lose something important in order to become stronger and defeat Tirac.
2 likesTwilight's house getting destroyed was sad but also important because again it shows the heroes losing something dear to them. It's not like in a lot of older kid's shows where everything turns out perfectly fine. And it's not like Twilight is left homeless at the end, since she gets a new home. I don't care that it's different; in fact it makes the series more interesting when things change as opposed to everything always staying the same.
Maybe he can use his magic to make ponyville a bit more fun and interesting and twilight could cast and spell on discord so that if he goes too far that magic will be undone.
3 likesIn my opinion, this was NOT a betrayal by Discord. Discord (and possibly Celestia, Luna, and Cadence) planned this! In part 1, Discord shows that he knew about the keys to Twilight's mystery box by bookmarking each respective section in their diary/journal. If he knew about those other keys, who's to say that he didn't know about the 6th key (i.e. the pendent that Tirek had around his neck)? In order to get the pendent and considering Tirek's nature, it would take nothing less than earning Tirek's "trust" to get it from him. Attacking Tirek directly or trying to steal the pendent would most likely result in disaster (i.e. Tirek taking their magic). Discord probably knew this, and decided to "help" Tirek to earn his "trust" and to eventually have the pendent given to him.
130 likesIn part 2, Discord gets the pendent from Tirek, but doesn't plan on Tirek stealing his chaos magic anyway. This is what Discord "didn't see coming". Even so, Discord is still able to literally hand over the 6th key to Twilight so that she and her friend can open the mystery box.
Replies (7)
this is actually smart
10 likes+L337M4573RK While your theory has some credence to it (Discord knowing about the keys), I think the object the key came from was irrelevant. The "key" needed to be a meaningful gift from somepony else who learned a valuable lesson from the pony in question, who also learned something important. If Discord was an undercover agent, then the lessons weren't real, and would not have produced the needed key.
23 likes+L337M4573RK I also had this theory and commented about it on this video awhile ago. I don't think that Discord knew about the objects since they weren't written in the diary just what the pony learned from that moment and I don't think he was working with Celestia, Luna or Cadence but instead decided on his own to "betray" the ponies and tell none of them about it as he knew Twilight hadn't found hers yet and wanted her to do so and went along helping Tirek so that Twilight could come in and get her key and defeat Tirek. pointing the main 6 towards the lessons from the places he book marked, not telling Tirek when he sensed that Celestia, Luna and Cadence give their magic to Twilight and not changing the window of Twilight so Tirek would find out then and possibly be deleted
4 likes+Allannon500 are a couple things that make the theory that Discord didn't truly betray the ponies but acted like he did more believable
3 likesOk I am so lost in this comment and its replies. Am I the only one who's not a theorist here?๐ข
1 like@Casey Wilde Nope
0 likes๐ฒ๐คฏ
1 likeAnswer for discord....ask Celestia to be aloud to run amok one April Fool's day! As long as he fixes it by the end of the day, it should be okay for one day out of the year :)
51 likesReplies (2)
Nice I like it!
16 likesWe have the same idea of sorts
3 likeswe can have national chaos day every month where everyonr can do anything as long as it can come to be normal by sunrise
0 likesidea for discord give him his own floating chunk of land for his chaos to run wild on
7 likesRIP Twilight's library home.
415 likesReplies (23)
@Sara Conroy :(
36 likes+The Brony Notion waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
6 likesIkr
4 likesI miss it! But also question? Now where will ponies borrow books? Hmmmm...
7 likes@Jessica Stehley twilights NEW castle, or a library. XD
4 likes@RainbowGal 090 ha!
1 like@LA productions
1 likeย XD
Rest in peace oak library that's acctually the name of it too
3 likes+LA productions what's so funny?
1 like+RainbowGal 090 what's so funny srsly that was an amazing place ;-; I don't even know why they destroyed it wait because they destroyed it I'm gonna destroy hasbros faces yeah that's right hasbro this little girls gonna punch you hahahahhaha
1 likeyes. mi friend ( twilight CRAZY) made a grave stone and now it's in her backyard. she will pray by it. it's not pretty!
3 likes+RainbowGal 090 no, Jessica u have a good point!๐ฎ r ponys just gonna waltz in and say, I'd like a book! or a new library. the silver birch library. loving that name!
3 likesThe Brony Notion I will have a moment silents for her libary and owlicious were did he go
0 likessuper sad
0 likesi think he gone to discord's house
1 likeikr
0 likesanimalgal gaming and reviewing and her jpb
0 likesanimalgal gaming and reviewing let me just go back in time to stop this from ever happening
0 likes2010-2014
2 likesYeah, The Castle Sucks, And Always Does The Middle Finger To Anyone
0 likes๐๐๐
0 likeswhat about owl?
0 likesgive him freedom onย april fools day
37 likesReplies (2)
17 likesi already hate april fools day...that would just be another reason for me to chain myself to my bed for the day (in case it starts flying or running around like a rabid bull)
2 likes1:10
6 likesNo evidence he's being held back by his desires?
If he so much as moved a claw, he was threatened to being stoned again (mane 6 except for Fluttershy and Spike)!
He was literally on parole, not totally free.
Plus, he'd make as much chaos as he wanted in his dimension but what fun is there in making chaos if nobody's there to see it?
He couldn't do much in Equestria because one wrong move/accident and he'd be imprisoned again!
So, yeah. I'd say he is holding back, but at the cost of his sanity.
Sawtooth: Brings up how Twilight lost her home and all of the memories shared there
5 likesMe: DONT REMIND ME!!! ๐ญ
I know this is an old post, but I'd like to give my two cents. I think that Discord should run an amusement park. Pinkie Pie wasn't the only pony to enjoy his antics when he was running amok.
31 likesReplies (4)
+poisonivystar4 I love that idea!!!
6 likesthe brony notion I love your videos I miss them
2 likesa amusement park is genius!!!
2 likesThis could really make up a good episode! :D At least, it'll be better than "What about Discord" and "Rollercoaster of Friendship".
1 likeI think that they could give him a unknown piece of Equestria so it could have cheios and be his home
5 likesI've mentioned this once before...
1 likeI personally don't usually put expectations on a show nor do I make guesses on how I feel it should go, but this was one of the times I did. See, I believe in balance (to a certain extent) and i felt that Discord gave balance to Equestria. Everything is so perfect, with rainbows and butterflies (yes I know it's a children's show, but still!). There's also magic in everything. The fact that two princesses are in charge of rising and setting the sun and moon, likely guided me to my 'theory'(?).
So I'll get to my point: what if now that Discord is reformed and all evil is being taken care of... The world started to break. The mane six frantically try to figure out why and (maybe with Zakura's help) realize that there is an imbalance. They approach Discord and explain that they need a little chaos. He is overjoyed, BUT-! When he tries to use his magic he is suddenly unable to. Just like when the mane six had their cutie marks switched; they couldn't use their skills and talents for what they were destined for. In this case Discord has forgotten why he is who he is and why it was that he caused chaos.
Basically this would touch on the concept of trying to change something, being true to yourself, remembering where you came from, and compromising.
By the end of this episode, they all would've come together and worked out a solution which allows Discord the freedom that everyone deserves.
Wow, this was great, although I had some thoughts, Discord betrayed them because he wanted freedom, but then he ends up being betrayed by tirac, then when twilight gives up ALL the magic for him ( and her other friends) he then gives her the medallion, I think it symbolizes that he is now willing to give up at least some of his freedom for, after what she did for him... or does this make no sense?
0 likesI think celestia and Luna should allow discord one day of random chaos, and call it chaos day or something like that, where he can be himself without punishment, as long as no one gets hurt, just harmless fun. Because discord is a pretty high ranking 'pony' in the royal hierarchy
5 likesThis is why I loved it when they turned the old roots of the treehouse into a chandelier
1 likei'd actually already thought of this solution B4 this video. Discord gets to own a piece of land allowing him to be free within its borders, as long as his chaos magic DOESN'T harm other parts of Equestria. Like say a uninhabited forest, somewhat like the ever-free, or a desert, just somewhere his powers won't be a bother.
0 likesI would honestly say, that probably in twilights castle there might be a room completely for discord so he can have his little' play room ' as it may, if discord can find more healthy means of letting his chaos out then he wouldn't be so ready to turn at the drop of a left. and yes that was a reference to fluttershy being scare of a left touching her flank.
0 likesIf you think about it since trees are living things, we actually had a death in a kids show. lol
7 likesOnce a day, Discord should be allowed into a room just for him that looks exactly like a house living room, bedroom, or other type of house room, and let him tear it apart, and every time that happens, the mane six fix his room, because they're his friends. That way, he can make chaos rain without any harm to any pony! Problem solved!
1 likeGive Discord a little area to be himself and put magical barriers around it so the chaos stays confined to that area.ย
1 likeThey could have avoided ALL the Discord conflict by doing that in the first place.
Change the Castle into a tree in season five.
6 likesWell season 9, the elements of harmony tree turns into a tree house so does that work
Sorry about saying tree a lot in the comment
Well, at the beginning of the 2-parter, Discord points out the significant entries in the journal, leading the main 6 to find 5 of the keys to that chest. I think that Discord realized that they still didn't have the element of magic's key, so he gave into his desire to have freedom because he knew it would lead to that final key... :P
0 likesI really do hope they put some more Fluttercord in season five. Everyone went crazy with the canon of Dislestia. >.> I'm more of a fluttercord shipper, Fluttershy was the one who really understood him and was really the only one who was willing to give him a chance. I think these two episodes were also focusing on the others finally accepting Discord as a true friend. I see so much potential in Discord, I really hope they give him more air time in season five.
22 likesI think discord can have his own holiday sort of like our april fools dayto let out his chaos urges
6 likesI've said it once and I'll say it again. discord's redemption arc was the best decision made for mlp, change my mind
1 likeanother reason why I think it was so easy for discord to betray the ponies is that they just didn't trust him. other than fluttershy, the mane 6 really didn't think he had changed all that much. I mean, look at the beginning of the season 4. they immediately had no problem with turning discord back to stone and assumed straight away that he had caused the disappearance of celestia and luna. I mean in the ponies defense, it lowkey was him lmao, but still he probably would've told them what he did when celestia and luna first encountered him if they had just believed him at first, he was salty. and fluttershy is the only one to have believed him and actually let him off the hook, which is why it really was only emotional seeing flutteryshy's reaction to discord joining tirek, the rest of the mane 6 really should've just actually been a friend to him throughout the season, and it probably would've been harder for him to be convinced. also as soon as the mane 6 had to give up the elements of harmony the first thing they were concerned with was "how are we going to turn discord back to stone when he wreaks havoc on the world again," they didn't really think he changed just because of his sorta headstrong attitude haha. i feel like later in the series after the betrayal was when they really started to try and understand discord, and of course fluttershy was the pony he felt most comfortable with. he even went on to be friends with spike, big mac, starlight, trixie, thorax, celestia, luna, cadence, etc. the mane 6 being able to take discord back and accept his mistake was when they truly believed he was reformed, and it kept his friendships strong.
1 likeI think casting the same spell twilight used in magical mystery cure on him after removing all his friends could swap him back to star swirl and remove any chance of him creating chaos.
0 likesin the "Bride of Discord" fanfiction, Discord gets the abandoned Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters as it's called as his own personal place to make chaos. i think that would be the best way to give him a little more freedom as the spirit of chaos.
2 likesIs there a disorder where you give personalitys and names to inanimate objects or devises? Like the Librey. I felt like we lost a character. Or the castle. I feel like it has a personality, a life force. I personally believe the castle has a pompous rich personally like a snooty billionaire. However he is still faithful to his owner.
1 likeThe Librey was a toned down refined character who liked to just play along.
This also carries over to real life and other franchises.
You know what I found sad, when discord gave twilight the pendant she didnโt even say thank you or anything except for going directly to the chest I wish twilight and the others have something in common with discord
0 likesI would treat discord with the love and friendship he deserves while trying to help him remember all the good times we had. That's how I would help dissy cord (this is my nickname for him) return to his good ways without him turning equestria upside down.
0 likesBesides letting Discord have his own Dimension to play in, I say maybe have a "Day of Discord" or something like that, just for Discord to have a little fun with the ponies once a year.
0 likesHonestly, (I know this video is old but), they should give Discord like a theme park. A park of chaos where he can do ANYTHING (besides endangering ponies). And have it where ponies can visit for fun. Chaos, when mildly controlled, is a lot of fun. Plus pinkie pie would go just for the rain.
0 likesThe foreshadowing with the three is a crowd episode is interesting, and I think it adds to discord a lot. I think you are missing out on a big possibility. What if Discord realized that having to sacrifice magic maybe the only twilight could have a moment for her element to shine? By allowing himself to not sit the villain, this gave him the freedom to be the friend he needed to be.
0 likesEvidence:
1. Discord can sense any shift in magic. Discord probably already knew Terik was free and upsetting the balance in the magic force.
2. Discord was reading and making notes in the pony diary. He was able e asu planning from that moment and knew how to open the box. He knew twilight was the one without a gift.
3. Discord is still in the process of becoming a good friend. He doesn't quite know how to express his friendship to the ponies not in chaotic forms. By planning and setting twilight up for success that was his way of trying to be a good friend. This is also why I think twilight so forgiving of him for us betrayal.
4..This would also be a great way to show more proof that he is star swirl the bearded. If star swirl did happen to mix himself up with many different creatures, this could have also mixed up his brain. Why he likes chaos and why he can only express thoughts through chaotic plans. It may be chaos to everyone bug him, and this chaotic situation is the only way he could make sense to the ponies.
I have a solution to the freedom problem with discord. Use the old castle in ever free as a chaos zone/home for discord
6 likesReplies (1)
Good solution! But he likes messing around with people too, so he would still be missing that. /)
2 likes3:50 Did Castle Sweet Castle treehouseify the castle enough? I think it did, and I nearly cried at the end.
2 likesI actually liked the song the princesses sang. It shows true symbolism in Twilights role in Equestria, "know that your time is comming soon as the sun rises so does the moon and love has a place in every heart, you are a princess you'll play your part." It means the sun (Celestia) and the moon (Luna) rising as a sign that Twilight will rise to new expectations and find out where her place in Equestria is, and love in every heart means as long as she loves her friends and treasures their friendship she can become the princess she is meant to be and rise to new challeges. It might not be like the challeges Celestia and Luna faced when they first became princesses (i read the journal of the two sisters book! XD) but she will have to face things big or small to discovery her role in Equestria.
1 likeI truly hope the show touches on the friendship he recently forged with Princess Luna while trying to fix the sleepwalking he was experiencing, or rather sleep chaosing :-D
0 likesI think the best way for Discord to use chaos is to let him but make it timed so whatever hes done wears off in a hour or a day that way he still has his fun and ponys lives go back to normal quicker
0 likesi think a way to help discords problem is having a episode that helps it other than the one where it was pretty much just him and flutter, he should see what they do in they're everyday lives but if they do this they will obviously do at least one frame of kaos
0 likesDiscord's freedom can easily be shown in that between worlds realm that you described which is basically his home. So, he should be able to do whatever he wants in his own place so long as it won't affect anypony else. There he can wreck all kinds of havoc and therefore not have to feel longing for mischief.
0 likesGive discord his own bubble of insanity then heโll be able to cause as many things to go wrong without hurting anyone
0 likesMaybe a Chaos Sanctuary? A place were Discord could do what ever chaos he wants. Maybe on certain days fillies and colts could take field trips their and learn about the AWESOMENESS of a Draconaquus. Can you say "Best field trip ever!"
1 likeI think a good way for Discord to unleash his inner-chaos is by either; Making a little bit of land that Discord can shape with a mess up all he wants, or, one day of the year that Discord gets to go into chaos, but only for one day.
0 likesActually,now that I think about it... Why couldn't the box just plant itself in the library tree and made it the castle?
2 likesThe nation of Mania, ruled by king Discord. Theoretically, he could have as much land as he wanted seeing as he doesn't fallow the rules of reality so a 500 acre piece of land could easily be double or tripled in size because of his senseless chaos magic. And lets face it, his chaos would be awesome to live in. I can easily see some ponies and other creatures going to live there.
0 likesMaybe there can be an episode in which Pinkie helps Disord create his own amusement park where he can wreak as much chaos as he wants and ponies can have endless fun exploring this constantly changing atmosphere.
1 likeI had a theory myself, just never posted it. I think Discord planned all of that without meaning to. Remember the potion that Zecora made for Alicorn usage only? You know, the one that provided visions to Twilight? After the Tree of Harmony was saved, Discord had her drink it again, to show what he did after his defeat by Celestia and Luna way back when. At the time, it was a sort of payback. Now, give or take 1500 years later, the Elements of Harmony are needed to save the Tree, and sacrificed. The tests to release the Elements was likely unknown to him, and so were the lessons involved, just so the ones meant to awaken the Elements would get a MAJOR power boost to reverse all damage done by a MASSIVE threat, one that he wouldn't be able to defeat. Namely, Tirek. Granted, he wouldn't have known of the threat, but he's Chaos Incarnate.
0 likesChaos and Life have some sort of agreement that makes them practically one and the same. Here or any world, really. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he can predict the future, without technically seeing into said future, and thus preparing everything needed for it, without knowing he's preparing for it, or even that he SHOULD, for that very reason. He understood a small part of Friendship, the good part, from Fluttershy, but Tirek showed him a Bad Friendship, filled with Lies and betrayal. That showed him the Full Truth of Friendship, which answers the question of the "Multiple test of Friendship" Discord had given.
But I'm getting off topic a bit. So, Discord's role in Tirek's defeat. An unknowning Double Agent, putting the plans into action when he was first defeated, and then the ones to beat the bigger threat, one he couldn't stop, but never really looked into, enough of a power boost a ways into the future, when it was needed most. He goes with Tirek, following him, until the final moment, when he learns a lesson he didn't see coming, but gives the final key needed to unlock the box, which ends up spelling Tirek's defeat by the Elements of Harmony, which, by his own actions, were sealed away and then empowered upon initial release, thus the physical changes and shockwave returning everypony's magic to the populace.
In short, while Discord may not have seen it coming, he prepared for it, in the event something happened that he couldn't stop. His actions caused the Tree of Harmony to retake the Physical form of the Elements. The Trials increased the Mane Six's connection to said elements. Each Trail gave a key to unleashed the, at the time, sealed power of Harmony. Discord gave the Final key needed. With that Key, the Power of Harmony within the Magic of Friendship was released, and took down the biggest threat at the time: Tirek. The defeat released a Shockwave through the excess Power, thus returning the Magic to Equestria.
Chaos works in a Round-about way. So, in a roundabout way, Discord set up everything for Tirek's defeat. Whether he knew it or not, the only way someone will know is if they ask him directly. Anyone else think of this being a possibility? It's my theory, at least.
Well technically speaking Discords betrayal was supposed to happen so it's very forgivable plus freedom (real freedom) is a treasure for people who don't have it like Discord sorta didn't. Discord has always been an interesting character to analyze since his motives aren't always clear especially now since he is reformed
0 likesTwilight's doubts sounded completely logical.
1 likeFirst she was worried about being a princess but by the point of the finale she realized that it didn't mean that much.
The castle makes perfect sense to me. She is now a proper princess.
we learn in later episodes that discord seems to have his own realm where he is completely chaotic but of course, you did not know this at the time.
0 likesSolution: they could build a magic isolated room that he could do whatever he wants
1 likeI have to say, that was a good review, but nothing on the final character designs of the finale? Nothing?? They were terrible! I could almost feel my eyes melting out of their sockets they were so bad! Though I have to say, it's not surprising that Twilight eventually received her own kingdom, however I liked the old tree house library better than her new castle.
0 likesIn my previous comment I forgot that Mr. Notion asked what a good solution is to Discord wanting more freedom, for the answer I point to Bride of Discord. In case you don't want to look it up and read it, or for somehow you don't like Fluttercord, then I'll tell you. In it Discord gets to stay in the castle of the two pony sisters and the surrounding area is his to do whatever chaos he wants. It's not all of Equestria or a whole town to himself but it's something, though I think he's fine in his home in the chaos dimension, which makes me wonder why he wanted to take over Equestria in the first place if he already has a chaos dimension. Oh well.
1 likeI think Twilight should search for places with oppression and lack of freedom. When she finds them, she can call up Discord and let him have some fun, thus teaching him the positive side of chaos and freedom.
0 likesThere should be a day of chaos every year like a holiday where everyone connect weird as long as he puts it back to how it was before and doesnโt do anything too extreme it Would be fun and not just for him but for everyone like a stress reliever
0 likesActually, ever since "Keep Calm and Flutter On", I've felt that Discord was only faking being reformed. ย It was only under the threat of being returned to stone that he was forced to "reform". ย One might ask, well if the Elements of Harmony were back in the Tree of Harmony, what would stop him from just taking over again? ย One would have to believe the spell Celestia put on the Elements to stop Discord from messing with them would still be in effect, and a quick teleport back to the tree would spell Discord's return to stone once more. ย He was merely biding his time until he could return to chaos and get revenge on the ponies that imprisoned him. ย And yet part of him wanted his scheme to fail judging by the advice he's given to Twilight over the season.
0 likesYou know, I think that the physical memories in the rainbow power episodes are NOT gone. The objects were the keys, and the keys are the throne they have in twilights castle.
1 likeGive him his own plot of land where he can freely cause as much chaos as he pleases. It's already been done in a fluttercord fanfic
0 likesOkay, can we talk about how none of the Mane 6 but Fluttershy like Discord?
2 likesThis isn't a betrayal of anyone but Fluttershy, because honestly it cant be considered a betrayal if they were friends to begin with
Replies (1)
They trusted him not to be evil, he broke that trust, it's a betrayal
0 likesI feel like discord knew about the magic of friendship but he somehow got really tempted by tirek
0 likesother than that discord is good
Solution: Make another realm then let discord do his thing then he can come back to the real universe with all his friends
1 likeI'm so agree with u!! Tree house, gone, the objects they got, gone! Even though they would not of be able to open the chest, still, gone!
1 likeI think maybe the transformation from a treehouse from a crystal imitation of a tree that clashes with the rest of ponyville is a sign that there will be changes and more responsibility as things get more complex( like the video about human-twilight going to pony world) maybe there will be a major plot twist with the cutie mark crusaders and a big commotion about princesses and what belongs to who and where. Plus it looks like discord could start to use his magic for battle fare like when he tried to stop tereck(idk how to spell๐ฃ). I think discord would now be more responsible with freedom since he knows the outcome and would have an outlet for disaster. I feel like the creators are starting into a new storyline with a possible "7th element" and plugging into something deeper like with the sirens going into the human world or something could happen like a clash or rip in the portal or no separation between the worlds like the fact about every thirty moons it opens breaks (again maybe the cmc will have a part and discord possibly fighting for equestria)
0 likesI really don't know cause these are random ideas I just put out. I'm also kinda new to these concepts because I haven't watched all of the episodes or rainbow rocks besides clips and trailers although I saw twilight's kingdom 1 and 2 and watched equestria girls and at least 12 mlp episodes including the first. This most likely is wrong or unreasonable but just consider this because the characters are definitely developing and growing more mature/powerful(mane six each get a throne [ownership troubles/wars with discord or cmc might happen idk]) I really don't know what I'm thinking I'm sorry I really am not an organized person sorry
I don't know, I feel like Discord should have been a lot more resistant to manipulation by Tirek. I mean, it was pretty obvious to all of us from the beginning that Tirek was just using Discord to get what he wanted. As someone who was no stranger to manipulating others, I feel like Discord shouldn't have fallen for that so easily. Honestly, I think Discord let Tirek push him around to a degree that the Mane Six and even Fluttershy couldn't get away with. And because Discord is my favorite MLP villain, I was a bit disappointed with that.
0 likesIn the grand scheme of things though, that's really a minor complaint. Season 4 was really good, and I'm looking forward to season 5 and beyond.
I always thought his betrayal wasn't a true betrayal, but rather his own chaotic way of helping the Mane Six overcome the battle with Tirek and the mystery of the box. I mean, given that he's the "Element of Disharmony", it would make perfect sense that he'd be connected to the tree in some telikinetic fashion and go out of his way to ensure the tree grew stronger by helping them so he, too, could grow stronger and remain even as he limits his power to small things in favour of his affection toward the Mane Six.
1 likeI feel like Disneyfanatic2364 did a great job in bride of discord of finding a way to let discord use his powers to help woo flutters
1 likeYou're the only person I know that gives theories that are actually interesting.
0 likesI think they should give Discord an area where he can be purely chaotic without upsetting every pony.ย
3 likesI think discord should be able to create a few chaotic events as long as he puts everything back the way it was before. Perhaps he may also find an outlet for his chaos in making little misadventures for the mane 6. Besides, you can't learn if you don't experience, and a little bit of chaos never truly hurt anyone in season 2, did it? Nopony was shown to be injured or killed by Discord's fun. Another thing, if there isn't any chaos, no one really knows what the standard would be for harmony, correct?
0 likesI believe that discords evil will resurface, and they will then beat him. With the lesson to be learned is that friends need space in which they can be themselves. Which means discord should be given an area in which he can cause all the chaos he wants too.
0 likeswhat if there was a place already crazy. A place discord could run free. what if there was somepony there who could fix anything with a quick potion. Somepony discord could relate to. That's right I'm talking about the everfree forest and Zicora
4 likesIn all honesty, I'm sure Discord has a realm meant for him to have his fun with.
0 likesHe just needs one area of Equestria, even just a room where he could "express himself".
1 likeWell, if we look back to the first episodes of season 4, we know that Twilight use a spell to summon discord. This being said, who's to say discord was not given another realm a realm of chaos to control. Or at least a completely separate part of the planet that they live on as she has to summon him using magic.
0 likesReplies (1)
Hey dude its me Camron from kentokyocon remember me I had the claws and was following you doing my deep voice saying nyan I wanted to say hey and please message me dude my phone number is 859 354 9570 please dude I want to get in touch with you and talk to you about some stuff please message me shaggy
0 likesIn my fan fiction that I'm still writing, there is a point where discord gets ahold of resurrection magic and tries to bring back his old race that was killed off.... the draquoniquines. And he was the only survivor, SINCE in season 2 episode 1, cheeralee blatantly calls discord a draquoniqus.
0 likesGive Discord his own part of equestria to cause chaos, like a new kingdom where discord is allowed to wreak havoc to any degree.
0 likesGiving discord the castle of the two sisters is a good solution.
1 likeActually while it is true that Discord's motivation may have been freedom to be himself, I feel that the other contributing factor is that none of the other main 6 really treated him like a friend. Fluttershy was the only one to stand up for him in the season opening. Pinkie Pie would have cared for Discord in the episode where he pretended to be sick but she also gets too easily distracted and that episode also showed his insecurity as to where he stands with the other ponies besides Fluttershy. So by the time the finale comes she is the only one he is betraying and it was more out of curiosity than anything else. Wasย he being held back by his friendship? Was there something more? Only way to find out was to go ahead and give up on friendship andย see.
0 likesI always thought that directing his havoc would have been better. let him use his mischief to teach lessons to heroes and villains alike (lets face it, that's a regular occurrence every season and given the fact that it took 4 seasons worth of villains appearing in the space of one year, should give discord something to do). give him challenges to face and overcome, even give him that section of empty waste land if he wants it outside Equestria. Havoc directed healthily is better then havoc suppressed.
0 likesGive Discord an area to run as a themepark? Only condition that ensures no one is hurt and can leave when they want?
0 likesLets face on, a themepark run on Discord's powers would be pretty awesome.
2:00 this moment in the episode was so funny I couldn't breathe
1 likei think that in the show it would be cool that celestia could let discord have a bit a land to make chaos or a chaos day once every year
0 likesya know, discord does have his own little chaotic world. it was in the episode "make new friends but keep discord"
0 likesGive Discord his own dimension.
3 likesIt's about Discord fighting his own nature, his dark desires he's had for some time.
0 likesJust like anyone else's sinful desire they may have.
What if he knew the magic box was the key to Tirek's defeat and planned the entire thing?
0 likesThey should give him a place in the everfree to do what ever he wants but have force field to keep his chaos from reaching ponyville
0 likesBut he can leave whenever he
Ladies and Gentlecolts, step right up! Come and see the wonders of Discordia! That's right, Discord, the spirit of disharmony, has created a theme park of pure chaos! Be boggled, be inspired! Visit Discordia today!
0 likes(Disclaimer: Discordia is not responsible for any changes to the guests, enter at your own risk.)
I think the mane 6 should just build Discord a house or something where he can have all the chaos he wants as a birthday gift or something. He is the friend of the princess of friendship, so the mane 6 could do that much for a friend.
0 likesI feel like discord can see through the time and he planned it
1 likeI do have another problem with Discord's betrayal, and that's not the fact he betrayed them. My problem is that I see no reason for Discord to cooperate with Tirek.
0 likesYes, Tirek says he will give Discord the freedom to bring chaos to Equestria after he stole all the magic, but what is stopping discord from doing exactly that?
It could be argued that it was out of gratitude for Tirek, but that's not how I judge an evil Discord. He also can't see Tirek as a new friend in my opinion because
A) Tirek is offering Discord freedom INSTEAD of friendship, making it pretty clear he is not interested in friendship
B) even if tirek did mean it like that, Discord chose to abandon friendship for freedom, so why would he want a new friend if discord believes in that moment that friends only limit his freedom?
Furthermore, it's obvious that Tirek only cares for himself and is bound to Betray discord. Not seeing the possibility is stupid, and while discord is crazy and has a lot of hybris sometimes, one thing I can't see him as is stupid.
And my last problem, Discord is definitely morally conflicted when Tirek steals the mane 5's magic (mostly because of fluttershy), and again, since he traded friendship for his absolute freedom (even reality bows to his will for Nightmares' sake), why in Tartarus would he do something (or let something happen) he feels is wrong?
Also, i want to add a detail to his whish for freedom. Since Discord was able to hear Celestia while being a statue, he heard what's she said. "But I have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil."
... She has a use for him. That's not how one should talk about a living, sentient creature you hope to resocialise into society. That's how one talks about a weapon or a tool. She basically says that if she could use his magic without needing him, she would do it. At least that's what it could sound like to discord.
next thing happened at the end of "keep calm and flutter on". Celestia (more or less) secretly left the elements in ponyville as weapons against Discord. Which could be problematic for Discord's relationship with equestria in two ways.
1)it's treated as a secret what the purpose of the elements in ponyville is. They clearly don't trust him, so why should he trust them?
2) it's weapons specifically against him. Celestia could have made it broader and say that the elements should remain in ponyville because the mane 6 then have easier access to them if a threat appears. Then they would not have been specifically against discord.
I know it's getting long, but please bear with me for a little bit more. I think it's wrong to see his betrayal as stepping back into evilness after being completely reformed. His reformation is only completed after season 4. Look at the end of "princess twilight sparkle". As soon as he realized that the elements are gone, he's making new, most certainly evil plans and only stops after fluttershy yells at him. (His friendship with) fluttershy is a morality chain. He isn't reformed, his morality chain just let's him act as if he was. As soon as that chain was gone (when he saw his friendship over), he reverted back to his original self. I also suspect that he always doubted if fluttershy is honest until he saw her crying in that cage, same way he felt it was necessary to test if twilight truly was his friend
i think the rainbow powers were AWSOME and i think they will always have a memorey of the items they lost
0 likesi know im about six years to late, but if discord can do ANYTHING with a snap of a claw, then i think he should create a parallel universe, that only he could go to, and when he gets bored, go there and do as he pleases, or take it a step further, and copy Equestria, and everything about it in different universe, and then rule over that himself, do what he wants to do
1 likeI know! all of those special gifts, by ponys they almost never see. gone forever! I was like really?! no other versions?! would it have been so hard to make duplicates. keep the original. problem solved. COME ON HASBRO!!
0 likesDiscord was only convinced to betray Equestria. Tirek put it in his head that the ponies were only using him for the benefit of his magic. Tirek also mentioned that the friendship thing was only an act to keep Discord imprisoned. Discord was in denial at first, but then gave in the second time just like that. Even before he was betrayed, he did pity the ponies and the mane 6 of having their powers drained. I think he will never change in pulling a few harmless tricks every now and then, but I believe he has completely moved on from causing chaos. Still, I don't know what his future episodes will be like. But I don't think the other 5 of the mane 6 will ever change their distrust of him especially RD. I hope the writers listen to the fan theories, and his backstory will one day be revealed in a episode. Where he was always treated as an outcast and a monster due to his appearance. His only friends were Celestia and Luna, and he used his magic to make all ponies suffer as he suffered. Where it is a rather sensitive episode about Discord where he gets pity for ounce.
0 likesI have a theory that twilight's element of harmony isn't magic, but friendship. All of the elements used to be just colored gems, except for the "magic" one. 6 points, 6 friends. Also, when Discord gave Twilight that necklace, he gave it to her as a sign of friendship. Not a sign of magic. Please do a video about this! :-)
0 likesDiscord seems to regret his decision from when Shining get's his magic stolen. My headcannon is that he would warn Twi just after he got betrayed.
0 likesI almost started crying when Discord betrayed Fluttershy. Him and Gummy are my favorite characters.
0 likesLook to keep discord satisfied I think they should give home his own land with a few ponies who wouldn't mind discords rule so as he could have fun. Though the thing I never got was why were they so fearful of him sure he has the power to hurt someone but we have yet to see him actually hurt anypony
0 likesPause it at 2:07 - Discord's face is priceless! ๐
0 likesCould discord not make an alternate reality were only he can travel to and wreak havoc there and then come back to the normal reality whenever he wants and be friends with the main 6?
4 likesReplies (3)
You mean like the place where he lives XD
2 likesI agree!
0 likesWhat about Fluttershy?
0 likesDiscord didn't betrayed them at all. My theory is that Celestia had a vision and conspired with Discord to obtain the last key and open the chest
0 likesI say, let discord have his freedom! I mean the episodes he was introduced in were my absolute favorites. (Although Fluttershy probably wouldn't be too happy about that and...) Nevermind! I take it back! #FlutterCordForever!
0 likes"If you were at the end of Equestria, you'd be standing on a big A!"
3 likesDiscord should be a party entertainer. He could even team up with Pinkie and make a job out of it. That would be the best party ever!
0 likesthe look on his face at 1:51; I was dying!: ) LOL I think that discord should try telling fluttershy his feelings.
1 like3:19 I know!!! That's exactly what I was thinking at this moment!!! Just, you know, turning this object from really close friends/helpful lessons into keys that can only be used once ... Nevermind! RAINBOW POWER!!!ย
0 likesAnd I HATE the new castle ... It's so shiny in an EXTREMELY distracting way ... and unnatural ... and doesn't suit literally anything around it ... and it's so shiny in an EXTREMELY distracting way ...ย
Can we just look at her magic regeneration in her eyes for a second when the necklace shined?
0 likesMaybe discord could help twilight understand the pinkie sense. Their both chaotic.
1 likeI say it was awesome that Princess Luna finally got to sing in a song.
Maybe twilight gets captured some how and the others search for her but can't find her. They lose hope. And discord is the one to find twilight in Tartarus and discord has to make a choice too. This would have an intense battle between discord and Tirac. But the battle is only to trick Tirac and transport twilight away. It would give discord's key much more meaning and an epic season premiere. If discord was able to change, crysalsis could too?
Replies (1)
That would be good! I can't wait to see Discord grow in character and become trust-worthy again. Luna has a good Singing voice too! And there's something about Cadence's voice that I absolutely adore!
0 likesGive discord a land to play with that is his own so that way he can serve his purpose and his existence to make balance between good and bad which wouldnโt end up in Ponyville being the chaos capital of the pony world
0 likesI think that they should just make a little place for him that you can just do whatever chaos he wants
0 likesits been 6 years and I still miss the treehouse
1 likeI laughed so loud this episode XD
0 likesWhen the new non-pony 6 Re-created the tree of harmony into a crystal tree-house within the walls of the abandoned castle of the two sisters, does that count as bringing back Twilights library in some way???
1 likeDiscord could become a painter. It would actually be really good for him if you think about it.
0 likesdonโt worry twilightโs treehouse I SHALL AVENGE YOU!!!
5 likesHonestly It makes sense, the mane 6 taught Discord friendship, with Tirek, Discord had friendship AND freedom
0 likesWhen you were talking about twilights house it depends on the pony there are four types one is old school for all the memories Which you were thinking ( same with me) another is future ones which they would be the ones that move a lot and like a change another is you like a small house to live in another would be like rarity likes big like fancy the old house staying would be a move for the old school and small house ponies the new house is future ponies and moving ponies
0 likesI'm also going to answer your question. I'm using Bride of Discord for this idea, BTW. I think that Discord should be given a designated area in the Everfree Forest to use his chaos. Not like anypony would care about the Everfree being messed with, anyway.
3 likesReplies (4)
+Panda Monium Exactly my idea! :-)
0 likes@Enoch Wileyย Awesome!
0 likes+panda moniom great idea
0 likes@jojo jacobย Well, it was DisneyFanatic's idea, but thanks.
0 likesI keep taking a look back at this too I think we all noticed that discord gave up so much to be friends with the mane six and nine of them had to change at all in my opinion I enjoy the Capitol of Chaos discord much better than imma have a tea party with flutters discord. Sorry for the lack of quote and hyphens
0 likesTechnically, Discords has freedom but he doesn't know it yet. In season 5 his house was full of chaos I mean look at the floating house and the dimension not to mention he can still freely use his chaos magic. Just in a good way. If you look back to the episode where Discord pretends to be sick just to prove friendship between Twilight and himself! He caused trouble by (almost) flooding the treehouse! And singing that ridiculous song talk about picky. He's still evil but in a complete lower level.
0 likesWell... It is clear to me that Princess Celestia had planned this. She also cannot tell Twilight about it, else Tirek will find out. For the other three giving their Alicorn magic to Twilight... OBVIOUSLY it would make the young princess' magic out of control, making it a decent bait for Tirek.And Discord... well, they needed someone capable to get that amulet from Tirek -- technically given freely -- only discord could, Also, Discord now had something to lose, so he gave the amulet to Twilight. Also, that Twilight chose her friends over magic was too... because friendship IS magic. I suppose Discord saying it aloud meant something too. Saying it was a test of friendship just cleared things out...
0 likesThey could give discord some uninhabited land to make havoc in. That might not work.
0 likesOr let him wreck havoc in prisons. It might make the prisoners want to reform more wouldn't it?
This video should be about how Discord TOTALLY planned this all.
0 likesNo, seriously, he did. He did all of this for Twilight. It must've torn him inside, but he did it for a good cause.
Give discord his own land a few miles away from equestria and clone some ponys that he could rain his chaos on. Then when he gets his need to be crazy out he can reateurn to equestria. And for discord I dont think it being a few miles away seeing that he can telliport. PS: I think he is the funniest charicter in the sieries.
0 likesI think if anything, Discord needs to be accepted for what he is, and be allowed liberties with his abilities. When Fluttershy is befriending him, she allows him to become comfortable by changing his surroundings to better suit his personality. Why are the other ponies unwilling to allow for some of his chaos? It seems that they should put forth a better effort to accept Discord instead of expecting him to do all the work. After all, it's been established that he does not know much about friendship. Twilight, most of all, should be leading the way in making their new addition welcome. Instead she seems to be openly hostile to anything Discord says or does. Now I'm not saying that he should be allowed to do whatever he wants, but he should be expected to cause some chaos, though given the rule that he can do so as long as it doesn't harm other ponies. Friendship is full of compromise after all. I think it would be only fair that ponies be willing to accept some chaos into their life for the sake of keeping a friend rather than making an enemy. Discord can't change who he is, so those who profess to be his friends should be willing to accept him for his faults as well as his gifts. You have to admit, having the power of Discord on your side is pretty handy.ย
0 likesI think they should give discord a chaos castle in the everfree forest asking as he keeps all the chaos there, he can be chaotic and the ponies remain safe!
0 likesI agree with the castle thing I mean c'mon they have got to bring the library back. I do love the castle though
0 likesI hope I'm not the only one who's saddened by the fact that more tears were shed at the fact that a stupid tree burned down than Fluttershy crying over Discord's betrayal.
121 likesReplies (10)
3 likesThat "Stupid Tree" was filled with all the memories from season 1 - season 4 not to mention where she met Pinkie pie and was the fist place she stayed at ponyville but yeah "stupid"
22 likes@Mc Piggy Thank you!
8 likes@Unfunny Dilbert 1876
11 likesWell to be fair, the effects of Discords betrayal on Twilight seem to have lasted longer than Fluttershys tears... Sure they dug up the stump of her old house and put it in her new castle to help her come to terms with the loss of her old home... But yeah that's basically it... Twilight lost more to Discords Betrayal than Fluttershy did at least initially...
@Unfunny Dilbert 1876 So true.
10 likesxXRainbowNekoXx WHO IS MAKING MY WIFE SUFFER TELL ME๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค
3 likesUnfunny Dilbert 1876 I was sad about the betrayal too! But the reason the library was so sad is that it was the 'hub' of the Mane 6 and had many memories.
6 likesCasey Wilde its a joke wtf hell fuck the heck Why you so over dramatic
2 likeshe could get a house of his own with walls around it and its garden so he can discordify inside his walls and leave the rest of equestria on the other side of the wall alone
0 likesThe fact that one of his main problems with the episode was a single shot
0 likesI would give Discord some place where he can spread his chaos like he wants, kind of an own kingdom. I personally love Discord and for his sake, I would give him that, even when I would be a pony, I would him do it in my house.
0 likesI even imaged that he maybe has some sort of mini Equestia in his bathroom, playing with that and only the mini Fluttershy is still nice, while he plays jokes on the others.
I suggest that discord should have a empty room and there he can do all of chaotic thing's!
1 likeI think discord should have a kingdom to reek havock in it would stop him from invading other kingdoms
0 likesLet him make another dimension where he can wreak as much havoc as he wants.
1 likeI have an idea how about having a little bit of both friendship and a little bit of chaos ๐ค
0 likesWhat if he had his own kingdom out of equestria that means he could do whatever he wants over there
1 likeDiscord's longing for freedom is a problem that really does need to be addressed. Call me a copy cat, but in the fan fiction Bride of Discord, Discord had his own area where he can have as much freedom as he wanted, but only in his "territory" or "property" so there is still harmony in Equestria and Discord doesn't have to chose between Freedom and Friendship. I kinda think that's the best option. Yeah, he'd be only in his area, but it's like giving him a house and saying "Do what you want with this and make it your own home. Just don't mess with my property." (I don't claim this idea, I'm only summarizing a solution that was presented in Bride of Discord, one of my more favorite MLP fan fiction works along with Cupcakes, Smile HD, and My Little Dashie.)
1 likeMaybe we could give discord an area so he can do his chaos like maybe the ever free forest but then Zacore might have to move out in the castle ruins would be ruined it doesnโt he already have his house and that was one dimension thing
0 likesYou know maybe the princesses can get together and use there magic altogether and make a magic chamber for discord so he like and think up anything he wants and do whatever he wants with it.
0 likesCouldn't Celestia let Discord play a few harmless pranks? Like loosening the lid to the salt? I think Discord was bored of being "good" and wanted to have a little bit of fun.
0 likesOne day out of each year sounds like a plan hehe (hell, we have April Fool's Day)
3 likesHe could also cause a storm of chaos on any enemies that threaten the ponies, that'd be fun to watch ^^
Just saying - discord didn't have to take over ponyville I mean - he made the evergreen forest grow out of controll in one of the episodes so couldn't he just - use the evergreen forest? It would give him freedom to do what he please but could also keep harmony to all the other places Manehattan, ponyville Etc like zicora discord could have rule over evergreen forest. But how would that play out in the next season?
0 likesHonestly I just think that discord needs more friends seeing that the only pony that actually trust him are Celestia and Fluttershy.
0 likesHonestly I just think that discord needs more friends seeing that the only pony that actually trust him are Celestia and Fluttershy.
0 likesDiscord repays kindness, the only reason he trolls the mane 6 (and the main reason he betrays them) is that they were always jerks to him. Except for Flutters who he is actually friendly to.
0 likesI've always thought it was obvious that Discord had the entire thing planned out so that Twilight could win against Tirek.
0 likesReplies (1)
Weeeell... Season 9. So probably. If he had no magicโ why were his eyes still alightโ and why didn't Tirek get submerged by chaos?
1 likegive discord his own town to play with and do what he wants in the town be as chaotic as he wishes
0 likesmaybe like once a like year or so the ponys could have something called: 'Caos day' or something? where discord can do his caos for that one day and the next just snap and clean up his mess!
1 likeSolution: Twilight has strong magic right? well she could some of that magic to make Discord a area to cause chaos and have some fun. since Twilight has strong Magic, she can regenerate the area so if Discord is board, he can just do it again. Plus, Twilight can make make the area look different every time.
1 likeReplies (2)
Discord is the ONLY being with reality warping magic. Is Twilight or anyone else really expected to regenerate his land over and over again? Anyone but himself, I mean.
0 likesI didn't keep that in mind sorry
0 likesAfter reading the comments I am not agreeing on any of the points made. What's the fun in having a trustworthy discord I was upset by this episode because it truly did strip discord of most of his character and played off of key points. I know everyone was complaining that discord forgot fluttershy a name and all. But fueling the shipping is just all they were trying to do with the good discord and truly evil is what the played up in his betrayal. Being a huge fan of discord it hurt my heart guts to watch this episode but I agree on most of the videos point anyway. I want there's a crowd discord back he was perfectly balanced in the shipping, the chaos, and leave the flipping incredibly evil discord out
2 likesI think discords reasons to be evil didn't involve him getting revenge or ruling equestria, my theory is that he just wanted 2 c equestria in chaos just as the joker wanted 2 c Gotham burn in the dark knight
0 likesI can just imagine how happy he was about S5: Episode 3 X3
0 likesIf It Wasn't For Discord Twilight Never Would've Gotten Her Key To The Chest And If She Never Got It Tirek Would've killed 2 birds in one stone , Good On Ya Discord!!
1 likeI think there should be a special day for Discord to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't harm or change the ponies.
0 likesDiscord should get a small area of land for him to do whatever he pleases, so that way nothing gets out of hand, and discord can have freedom
0 likes1: "Noย interestingย villainย is evil just for the sake of being evil." ย True,ย true, but some real one are.
0 likes2: "Literallyย being theย spiritย of chaos, its only in his nature toย wreakย havoc." ย Please don't use wordsย interchangeablyย when they don't have at leastย similarย definitions.
3: "He'd neverย experience true friendship." ย He also wouldn't be on Equestria's side to betray them.
4:ย Actuallyย that's all I have. ย Well done Notion, you haveย finallyย excited my expectation.ย
Replies (1)
Also I got lazy on that third quote and I hate myself for that.
0 likesI think discord could be allowed to bring chaos ONLY on April 1st every year BUT once the day is over,it must stop
0 likesI think that like in the fanfic 'Bride of Discord' he should be given some land to do whatever he wants with, maybe even land in the everfree forest like in the fanfic.
0 likesIts really hard to have discord cut loose for one day without it wreaking havoc on equestria. He has to have an outlet maybe he can do that later on or we can explore that later on in season 5.
8 likesReplies (2)
I just thought that we saw equestrian versions of Halloween, St. Valentines. Day and Christmans, but they've never shown us the equestrian version of an April Fool's Day... And that would make a perfect national holiday dedicated to Discord. Luna and Cadence both have their days, why wouldn't he have one?..
5 likesOn the other hand, that's quite weird to have a national holiday dedicated to the former tyrant ruler who might've leave not the best mark in history...
@olserknamย I think thats a good idea anyways because Celestia also has her own day to. the Summer Sun Celebration. Their probably going to make ike a friendship day or somthing for Twilight
0 likesHe should get to completely torture EVERYONE in the underworld, and when a new enemy pops up, it's his turn to have a slice of chaos :3
0 likesRetreehousification has actually happened, guys. Watch 'Castle Sweet Castle'.
0 likesThat moment at the end with teary Twilight is fucking adorable
Oh, good job Discord ,
0 likesYou killed my best customer's house but you gave her a god damn medallion
I think that they should give discord a certain amount of land that has no ponies to reek havoc on
0 likesI think Discord should have one day of the week to do whatever he wants to do. As long as he turns everything back to normal, doesn't mess with the lives of animals, and can only do harmless pranks on peopl- I mean ponys. He can do whatever he is allowed to do. If he wants, he can help other ponys. But only if he wants to.
0 likesMaybe Discord needs a job. I wondered if he was actually in Equestria Girls but was busy teaching chemistry or art or something. What kind of job could he do in Ponyville? He has lots of magic and could use it for Ponyville's upkeep or something. He could be deputy mayor.
3 likesReplies (2)
Or detecting magic problems like in the finale of s4! I think any official position would be much too orderly for Discord. ;)
4 likesHe could get a job that is a good idea but also bad because he might mess it up trying to cheer him up a bit. Ya now
4 likes"It was pretty cool to see the Relation SHIP betwean Fluttercord and Dish-shy."
1 likeMe: wait. So fluttershy washes dishes now? ๐
When the mane six lost there special gifts they weren't lost forever now there are in the form of keys to unlock the box and let out that rainbow of death
1 likeI thought that discord betrayed the ponies because he wasn't feeling any type of friendship from the others except from Fluttershy. The other five ponies were always quick to point fingers at him and Fluttershy was the only one who seem to care about him. Maybe he consider his friendship with them not much of a lost.
0 likesas i saw many videos ย about the betrayal that discord portrait in the season finale i come up with a theory. that he actualy put all toghether to let them obtain the last objective that was ย the rainbow powers and may i say that because his first try to give twilight her key to the chest have fail. he actualy plot to use the tireks theart to make them archive a bigger reward, and like i this i bring the ย question what is the best way to make someone find and answer for me ad many people would be not giving them the answer it will be better ย to make them get to it by themselves so they get true knowledge and a better lesson, and ย for thisi shall reffer ย to the firts episode of the season and when discord said to twilight to lose the oportunity to teach a leson to her. for me that is how discord's mind works ย not giving you the answer but making you realize it.
0 likesSo to conclude this i will say that my theory is that discord plan all this thathe knew that tirek would "betray him"" to put twilight in a difficult choice to ย really test her limits in friendship ย and taking the risk to find out, afterall hes not trully evil hes is justa god a spirit that could fnd amusment in what motals do and test them to see if they can overcome their limits. and to tell i ifnal agument to this theory i will refer tothe creation ย of the character he is based on Q from star trek and what does he do test the humanity if they can become more and surpas his limation and in the process learning from them
And ย thats my theoryย
They should give discord a teeny-tiny little corner of Equestria and anypony or anydragon can live there๐ it's the perfect plan lol (this post is a joke but if any body thinks it's a good idea im gonna take credit if it hasn't been posted yet)
3 likesTechnically, he has his own realm, does he not? He could simply wreak havoc there anytime he wished..
0 likesMy idea was that Discord was playing a long scam just to get Tirek's amulet so he could give it to Twilight.
0 likeswell I think they should have made an area in the middle of no ware and put up magic fences so that the magic couldn't escape then he could go there to use his magic exept with rules like 1 no using magic on ponies 2 no using magic on animals 3 no using magic on living things and 4 no using out of control magic out of that area then let ponies and donkeys and dragons and such go visit him if they want so that he feels wanted and not held back.
0 likesyour making the loss for her tree house more sad then it needs to be. ):
0 likes2:06 that face though
3 likesReplies (1)
0 likeswhen I first sam twilights kingdom, i thought the castle grew out of the the library, personally i think that would've been better
0 likesRight, so I think you should give Discord some land that he can spread his chaos(got that one from bride of Discord) ๐
0 likesRest In Peace treehouse you had a good life
1 likeActually I feel sorry for Discord. I mean he was meant to be reformed in Season 3, but nopony besides Fluttershy ever believed in him and still have a huge dislike against him. He's even reformed! Well, it's understandable, that Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack still don't trust him as a friend, but seriously, Rarity and Pinkie Pie? I wouldn't expect them to be mean as well. And then there's "Make new friends but keep Discord" (I know, Discord behaved like a jerk). Sorry, I don't want to rant about several episodes, but I've got a theory, that Discord was always alone and was still alone after Season 3. Of course, he had Fluttershy, but in the Season 4 finale, Tirek made him an even bigger offer and finally manipulated him.
0 likesWell, I hate Fluttershy because of her exagerrated cowardice, but I really really like her because of her kindness and her love to everything. She believes that everything has got a bright side and her chemistry with Discord was just so cute.
I still don't see what's the problem with ceos!
8 likesGo discord!
Replies (1)
My kinda fan
1 likeGive discord a small part of equestria like the 2 sisters old castle in the everfree forest and let him go nuts on only that area like he demanded in bride of discord great YouTube series
0 likesmaybe once every other week we give discord a little time to spread soem chaos but it ends ant the end of the day sounds good right?
1 likeI think they should have a holiday for Discord where he can be as chaotic as he wants and everypony just rolls with it and has fun! If you were a filly, would you really be that freaked out by cotton candy clouds or a shuck of popcorn?๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesEven though it was gone they have the castle to remind them of the chest so they will remember the things
0 likesThey could give him a piece of the ever free forest just for causing chaos. And have him still be able to visit his friends what do you think?
56 likesReplies (45)
I like
0 likesMe too
0 likesthen its decided that it should be so
0 likesCough ย *Ala Bride of Discord* Cough Cough
4 likesMakes sense
0 likes@ccameron mkeeย more like a concrete seller
0 likesWe will call it "the Discord Zone". Twilight Zone music plays in the background. But seriously, this idea is so good, multiple parties have independently reached the conclusion that giving Discord a little patch of land to play with would be best. His house is probably already in the Everfree Forest anyways. Hm... that would explain Fluttershy being able to send mail to Discord so easily...
0 likesit would be great wouldn't it :D
@Atrine Trasyย i was thinking along the lines of a day where he can do what ever until sundown. but that might be too much.
0 likesApplejack would be against that on the basis that unless Discord was capable of and did undo EVERYTHING he did during that day, then that one day could ruin her entire livelihood. So yeah, that's a bit much.
0 likesOk mabe we can give him a little u know a place to live we herd about he hade house in threes a croud but we're is it we almost saw all of equettera up until ......... SESON 5 when the main 6 go to find that no pony has a cutie mark but a = sign mabe that's were he lives or lived
0 likesUm... could you fix some of your grammar mistakes in that comment? They're hard to read. If I'm getting you right, then I'm pretty sure that we in fact have actually seen very little of Equestria. I mean, if you look at a map, Equestria takes up pretty much all of a North America-shaped continent. That's a lot of land to explore.
0 likesNot a good idea cause he will be done with the forest and then have more fun in ponyville and spread chaos everywhere
0 likesI like it too, but not in the Everfree Forest. This place is only place we know of that WORKS BY ITSELF. Namely possibly ย the last natural place. It should be sanctuary of "the time before ponies". It's like a rainforest, should be left alone.ย
0 likesAlso - giving EVERFREE forest to direct ruling of someone just doesn't fit.
Find another place!
@QueenSalisย okay.... hmmm how about that town of stupid equality drone ponies.
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย Has it aired already?
0 likes@QueenSalisย not yet but ive gotten a really good veiw of it due to trailers and inside looks.
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย wait for it...
0 likes@QueenSalisย ok
0 likesWell, it's out now. I want Discord nowhere near there.
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย This town is full of normal ponies now :P so no. Not there.
0 it on hulu because i want to see it.
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย It's... on Youtube. Itself as well as many reactions.
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย Take into consideration that she really believes she's doing the right thing and sacrificing for the sake of others.ย
0 likesShe's a fanatic. It would be damn sad to have her just die before rededmption. Even Darth Vader got redemption :)
She will get back and she will either be thrown into hell or understand her errors.
I think Discord would hate that b*tch. Her ideals are so boring!
1 like@QueenSalisย and if you ask me they are down right evil
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย Not really. She doesn't want ponies to have minority complex. I suppose she has dealt with minority complex and thinks the special talents are source of suffering.
0 likes@QueenSalisย it could be but i don't understand why she would take it out on others
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย She doesn't. She thinks she's doing the good thing for the others.
0 likes@QueenSalisย well she's blind to the world
0 likes@Atrine Trasyย And when she stops being such will be when she has her redemption moment.
0 likes@*****ย proablably
0 likes@Atrine Trasy It has been FINALLY established that Discord has a DOMAIN!!! :D
1 like@QueenSalisย ikr its wonderful
1 likeThat's actually a really good ideaโฆ but in a way it's still restricting since it's only a piece of forest. He can't even go wild in the whole forest without Zecora going mad, or him destroying the Tree of Harmony. Poor Discord. Hmmm but what if they gave him his own dimension?!?!?!??!! I mean if the princesses can send ponies to the Moon, the Sun, an alternate Canterlot(earth yet not earth haha), and apparently Tartarus, it shouldn't be too hard for them to find or create some empty dimension for discord to go wild in.
1 like@Tiara Thomasย ...He has an established domain already... without any help.
0 likesHe does? Where?
0 likes@*****ย We don't know where... But it's awesome! [Make new friends but keep Discord]
0 likesThat or a chaotic holiday...kind of Topsy Turvey day.
0 likes@*****ย well i am glad it made you happy.
0 likes@Tiara Thomas When you mean tartourus, did you mean tantibrus? Sorry for wasting ur time if no.
0 likesBut it's solved he has his own dimantion
3 likesi wrote this so long ago so no worries i know.
2 likesI was thinking the same thing before I read your post
0 likesthat's so cool
0 likesGonna call it "no great villain is evil for evils sake" for MLP this is true but for other forms of media Joker calls bullshit on it. other then that great video
0 likesI think Discord knew he must betrayt M6, because Twilight didnt have her key. It was Discord, who knew, how to get theire keys. Mabye he was guardian of elements of harmony but in past it was happend somethig and he forgot it. He could altered elements of harmony to elements of disharmony and stop him can only new guardian of elements of harmony (Celestia and Luna or M6). And now, when he is friend of M6, he remembered it and therefore he is tracking and helping them.
0 likesMaybe discord could have his own area of land in equestria where he could reek all the havoc he wants.
0 likesMaybe Discord never really betrayed them in the first place? Maybe he had a plan all along?
0 likesDon't forget that the tree IS saved as it was confirmed for season 5.
9 likesAlso beyond note I always knew that Discord would betray when he said a quote in keep calm and Flutter on "I will use my magic for good (most of the time)" I wonder what more enemies there will be in 2015 NOT looking forward to Equestria Girls.... Any who I forgot Again what the Hell I was going to just say Ill edit this if I figure it out again.
Replies (21)
Where did you here that? I wanna see it!
2 likesI am not officially sure yet but I am sure with over 1000 people they will bring it back something on equestrian daily..
0 likesWhere you heard they're bringing back from?
0 likesThey are doing something for itย a petition.
0 likesI'll probably sign it lol
0 likesOkay I just got an update they will have a whole episode that is dedicated to it.
0 likesCool! Can you give me a link?
0 likesSure Ill get it right now its on twitter but I have pictures and the petition
0 likesNews:ย Okay I cannot seem to find the petition but I haveย the twitter post
When did they confirm the next season? All my info is backed up... :(
1 likeEh 2015 but some say fall like S4.
0 likesNice :D thanks
3 likes@Mr Xd2 Comedyย REALLY?!
0 likesNo Molestia is still dead.
0 likesNO!!! FUCK!
0 likesThat post doesn't necessarily mean the treehouse comes back just that twilight will deal with the loss of it in some way. I hope its her dealing with home sickness or something along those linesย instead of the other way which has been stated above.
0 likesThey even confirmed it at comic con.
0 likes+siman markson as soon as I read your comment, tune up #3 from rent came into my head
0 likesWhat that mean?
0 likesI think he should have a castle of his own to mess around with
0 likesDarn I wish Discord should be evil again. I mean he didn't want to KILL or take over anything (like most villans.) He just wanted to have fun! And I agree with him, the world he wanted looked fun. A place I would live in. But the mane 6 had to ruin it?! Good job mane 6 good job.
0 likes+The Brony Notion
0 likesLike you said, Discords chaotic desires are just going to keep building up until he goes back to evil, but maybe this would be the time where Mattel will introduce April fools day or a day like it. A day where Discord can "rule" Equestria and let all the build up out.
i say discord should just have his own little part of the place were he can cause all the trouble he wants with out it affecting anypony else
0 likes2:11 fell of my chairxD
6 likesWhat if Discord just occasionally made it rain chocolate milk with cotton candy clouds. That was the least harmful thing that happened to aquestria during his reign of terror. A lovely surprise of you ask me. Seriously, imagine looking out the window and your friend's just filled your swimming pool with ice cream or whatever. It's playful, harmless, and generally a fun time.
0 likesJust imagine if discord became the king of his own land, not too far from ponyville so he could visit, but make it so that he could have a place to make however he pleases, and others who love a good amount of chaos (me) could live in peace with the rest of Equestria. Just a thought that may give ideas to others who watch this video. There aren't any kings yet anyway, and this show is all about friendship and equality, so why not?
0 likesI think it's funny that you mention retreehousifying Twilight Sparkle's home because in Season 9 the Tree of Harmony is reformed into the Treehouse of Harmony by Twilight Sparkle's students.
0 likesJust give it scored his own uninhabited part of a Questria where he can spread chaos throughout the land and no one will get hurt because really when he was evil he didn't really seem to have any intention of hurting anyone physically anyway
0 likesdiscord should have a spot in the evrfree forst were he can be well free to do what he wants like if you agree
224 likesReplies (11)
i agree but someone else came with this ideea already and made somw series with it. Check these on Disneyfanatic2364's youtube page.
3 likesya ive seen it thats why i thought of it
1 likeMidgemon forever dats wat screwball did in daughter of discord
0 likesow good idea haha
0 likesMidgemon he has his own house
1 likeJust expand ponyville to the mountain. Give Discord mountain. Make it so animals can comfortably live there. Fluttershy moves to the mountain.
0 likesI said almost the exact same thing!
0 likesWhy not the entire Forest? (Except for a few places)
0 likes@Moonflower ๐๐๏ธ he has his own dimension
1 likeHe has a dimension where he can do any chaos he wants
1 likeHeโs friends at the threat of what is pretty much death! That makes me sad.
0 likesHe should make his own world and have TONS of chaos just for him!
0 likesJust give Discord the whole thing! Popcorn, cotton candy, chocolate milk, what could be better! And, if I remember, we can drink the glass too! It will be GLORIOUS
0 likesAt least one bit was paid into that castle. The bit that applejack got, at least the castle got one cent into it
1 likeMy theory is that discord is the 7th element because in the final episode he said where is my throne and fluttershy answer with your not there yet and I want to here your thoughts on the topic
10 likesReplies (6)
Since the elements of harmony seem to be complete, I think Discord will eventually rule another another land on his own, once he's proven his trustworthiness. Good thinking, I wouldn't have picked that up as possible foreshadowing to future seasons! /)
3 likes@The Brony Notion let's hope the new season have more fluttercord moments
1 likeYES! I can't wait to see Discord slowly gain trust among his fellow pony friends, and hopefully get closer to Fluttershy! squee
2 likes@The Brony Notion you know in the series they never mentions were discord live
1 likeTrue, he just pops out of nowhere. It definitely fits his character! I'm sure he doesn't need one place alone to live. /)
5 likesSpike HAS the 7th throne already...
0 likesi think they should give the old castle of the two sisters to discord to play with or something like that.
0 likesbut when tirek destroyed twilights library it made me think of tirek as complete awesomeness
0 likesDiscord does have his own realm after that episode
1 likeThey could do what they did in Bride of Discord: Give him part of the Everfree Forest. I mean, he's not confined or anything.
0 likesIf discord truly does want free dom the princesses can just give him some abandon land and let that be is area for chaos
3 likesReplies (1)
And just saying when the princesses gave twilight their magic, their hair stopped flowing... So shouldn't that mean that twilight should've had flowing hair?
5 likesthe best thing they could do is let discord mess with the ever green forest I mean if its that bad why not all he could do is make it better and yes I know zecora lives there so just make sure discord leaves that part alone but besides that this is probably the best solution unless there'sย another random place in equestrian were he can do what he wants but if any else has a better idea please tell
0 likesi think the solution should be making a giant place where ponies can even come in,in witch Discord is alowed to do anything,but only inside,wile it can be like his little easy to acces pocket dimension using magic to make it bigger on the inside,and ponies can come in and play around with Discord,maybe even make some sort of tradition in witch you have to stay inside for as long as you can,and you get given something,like a mini-game of ponyville in witch Discord is the game master,and you have to play by his rules for the time you stay inside,wile you should be able to enter and play with Discord not just as a mini-game of pony-ville ,but as a little way to keep him from doing evil,and to become friends with him and have random fun,he might be just the right time of chaos,the fun one wen its in control,controlled chaos
0 likesNo order without discord. The greatest character ever.
0 likesEdit: donโt feel bad I am a proud Fluttercord shipper
Let Discord run theme parks and fun houses, he gets to cause Chaos in a controlled fashion AND entertain ponies.ย Everybody wins!
0 likesMe going back to an old vid and being hit by the bad audio
3 likesI think they should teleport discord to a different land and he could do chaos there were nothing is there and chilled it up so nothing can get out
0 likesExcept discord
The chest gave something that together take all the memories and make something that will always stay
0 likesHonestly I think the only explanation to Discord's betrayal was because he like Celestia and Fluttershy probably fell for one of the "oldest tricks in the book."
0 likesSend him to the kingdom of the Changlings and Queen Chrysalis and let him loose! They've got to be somewhere, right?
2 likesdiscord day where he gets to do what he wants thats my solution
11 likesReplies (3)
That would be the best holiday of the year!
4 likesthanks for the compliment on my solution im also a brony
0 likesWould be dangerous. He could destroy Ponyville easily in a day.
0 likes2:48 to 3:01 I do think she had adjusted but what does the princess of friendship do? I think that was what the writers were trying to address that and it's not as clear as princess of the day and princess of the night also princess of love
0 likeswhat if they let Discord have reign over the Ever Free forest? where he's allowed to chaos-ify everything in there. He could turn trees into candy canes, ponds into chocolate milk. He could make it rain only over the forest. The ever free forest is already chaotic to ponies because it runs on its own without the need for the ponies. what better place for Discord then the Ever free forest?
0 likesThey could give discord a holiday!!! Nightmare moon got nightmare night (which Luna later found to enjoy). Celestia gets the summer sun celebration. And Cadence pretty much has hearts and hovers day. Discord should get one day or week of chaotic fun and then once the day is over (with a timer of corse) and then restore order for the rest of the year. Like a discord festival! . . . Oh god another festival! O.o
0 likesmaybe they could let him let loose in some other land that has no one in it. it's a pretty simple solution if you ask me.
0 likesmy solution is discord id perfect and the other ponies should try to more like him
10 likesReplies (6)
Discord is far from perfect
0 likes@รrรชรซpฤrKรฎd 3ร5ย people who are not perfect and recognizes it is truly perfect, in my opinion :D
2 likes@Bella Johnsonย "Nobody's perfect."
0 likes@Tsukaimon.jpgย your comment made me realize that I spelled "is" wrong! i accidentally wrote "id" instead!
1 likeThe Beauty of perfection is the fact that everyone has flaws.
0 likes@รrรชรซpฤrKรฎd 3ร5ย yes. That will be the slogan of the world when I am the queen of the world :D
0 likesi dont understand why discord joined tirek in the first place. ย tirek convinced him that discord was still kinda imprisoned but the elements of harmony are gone. ย discord didnt need tirek, discord could have taken over equestria easily without tirek. ย then later, discord could have just teleported away when tirek tried to steal his power and even though tirek was powerful, i still dont think he was as powerful as discord seeing as discord controls reality and can counter any spell. ย so my two complaints about this are why did discord join tirek and why didnt discord just teleport away and defeat tirek later on.
0 likesDiscord runs off periodically to severely "F" with Equestria's actual enemies, keeping them off balance and unable to do anything meaningful.
0 likesWhy not give Discord a piece of land to let his imagination roam wild, but he can't go out of that piece of land, and if he does, that piece of land get taken back. Just an idea but still.
0 likesHmm, since Twilight stuck her neck out to call Discord her friend, I have to wonder if season 5 will have some sort of conflict about who Discord likes more: Twilight or Fluttershy. ย How will those mares react to his decision?
0 likeshes a powerful spell binder, why cant he just create a pocket dimension and do crud in there
10 likesReplies (3)
Like a playground for Discord! I like that idea...
6 likeswhat is the point of doing something without anyone around to appreciate/validate it?
1 likenever said that he couldn't bring people over to the dimension and so on
0 likesMaybe a bunch more weird mythical creatures come to Equestria and start turning it into chaos and then Discord gets his own kingdom to rule his subjects and he can turn that place into complete chaos.
0 likesWait.
That's a terrible plan.
correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure that Discords betrayal was just ploy from the beginning, at least on his end. he was the one who pointed twilight in the right direction as far as opening the chest at the Tree Of Harmony. im pretty sure they all forgot about it seeing as how no pony mentions it after the start of the season until Discord brings it up, he even bookmarks the pages she needs to read in the diary in order to figure it out. Left on her own im not sure she never would have figured it out. Tirek also talks about how smart Discord is, meaning if he knew how to open the chest he also knew twilight needed to overcome an obstacle dealing with magic. telling any pony anything would jeopardize the "lesson" she needed to learn which would mean he had to fool everyone. doing so he painted himself the bad guy, fooled every pony into believing it making the lesson genuine so to speak. if he had given her the answers she wouldn't have learned anything. plus the whole winking at Princess Sun Butt at the end makes it pretty convincing they both he and she where in on it. Plus only a true friend would go through this much trouble for you.ย ย
0 likesmaybe give discord a day he could wreck havoc every year or maybe give him a place where it's okay for insanity
0 likesmaybe Discord could get his own land in Equestria like Apple Jack has her own just a bit larger for his needs. He could make his own land how ever he wanted like in the one episode he was staying at Fluttershy's home and changing it only you know, on his own land. It would give him the freedom to make his own land unique in his own ways and he could change it whenever he wanted. If so there would be no reason to change all of Equestria and create havoc everywhere.
0 likesI think ther is an episode where twilight gets home sick of the castle
3 likesReplies (1)
There is
0 likesits funny when he was like uh you given me nightmares really that akward shot could have been avoided pretty easily
0 likesDiscord is like that one parent that puts you in a situation you don't like to try to make you prepared for life. XD
0 likesI think that they should give Discord a piece of abandoned land for him and his coo-coo ness
0 likesYou should make Discord follow Celestia around and prank her... that way she gets a taste of herย own medicine
0 likesOh my god, are people really gonna start bitching and complaining about that stupid tree house? Okay, I'm sorry if this is rude or jack assish at all, but now your all going too far. That's like everyone getting mad because they decided to give Applejack a bandanna to go along with her hat. That's really how stupid it is. You all might just being to damn picky or too damn sensitive about what happens in the show, I mean seriously? As far as I'm even concerned, the tree house didn't even get destroyed forever. All that happened that it got an upgrade. It got an improvement and made it 50 percent cooler. Who cares, it's not like they took off a character all together.
28 likesReplies (25)
Actually it was confirmed again but yeah I agree.
0 likesApparently they are bringing the tree-house back, (I haven't looked into this myself) but I would still be mad if they didn't. Honestly a bandana is insignificant, but Twilight's new house is a whole different idea. Twilight was functioning perfectly as a princess in her old house. The new castle doesn't fit Twilight's nerdy book-reading personality at all. Other than that, lots of people say the designs aren't as well crafted and fine tuned like the old one. I just recently watched Digibrony's thoughts on the episode and he basically said the same thing only better.ย I agree with him totally. He pointed out how unnatural and dark and depressing the insides are compared to the tree. It was iconic and now it's gone (unless they bring it back)ย We both have different opinions on this matter, your okay with the new castle, I'm not, and that's not a bad thing. Let's just agree to disagree and love and tolerate the others view point. /)))
4 likes@The Brony Notion
2 likesI for one think that letting Twilight's library be destroyed by Tirek was a really clever stroke of writing.
ย It's true that it was a paragon of Twilight's memories with her friends and iconic for our nerdy bookworm and things like the #savetree campaign only show how many bronies, myself included, think like that,
but that's also why it made for a really moving scene in the finale, that justified Twilight wanting to blast Tirek's face away. I don't really like the new "castle" either, but if they brought back the treehouse it would somewhat ruin the weight of that part of the story, kind of like a character simply getting revived after he died a tragic death.
That's just my opinion though and I'll simply hope that the writers find a middle ground solution that makes everyone happy :)
I personally like the idea of Twilight finding a sapling of her old home or something like that.
I totally agree. I think it was Tommy Oliver that said something like, "When the house blows up, you know it just got real" It definitely made that last scene SUPER EPIC! But I'll miss the house all the same. :(
5 likesIt'll be back someday Megan Mcarthy finally got a good episode idea to end it with that but meh.
3 likes@only2ndplace I think Mr. Ender explained that they hinted the tree's destruction in the episode "Trade Ya" due to her explaining the books are worth memories but she cannot keep them.
0 likes@The Brony Notionย They should give him a bit of land not being used to him so he can do we he what with it
0 likespeople should really stop saying no offense to people they think will take offence unless your talking about a fact (no offence fluttershy but your afraid of your own shadow)
1 likeYeah, it may have gotten an "upgrade" BUT
0 likes1. It doesn't match the landscape of Ponyville at ALL. It looks like maybe a house in the Crystal Empire or even Canterlot. Everyone liked the treehouse because yeah, a tree in Ponyville is something that fits!
2. Twilight doesn't like being better than everypony else. Gets a huge fucking castle.
@Smash Tasm I don't think it's just her castle. In the season five storyboards shown at comiccon, the elements of the mane six made a round table appear. Just think of Twilight as King Arthur with the others as her knights.
0 likesThough... I'm curious what the purpose the older castle of the two sister will serve.
@Science Mageย fluttershy is cool...
0 likesfluttershy is best pony
0 likesEhh I don't like the Sterotypes in the show Examples:
0 likesFluttershy is your typical shy girl
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
Rainbow: Typical tomboy likes sports etc
Rarity: has stereotype all over her
Apple: Typical Farmgirl
The only two that don't fall under this are:
Pinkie and Twilight (Luna and Celestia also count down there read the comics)
but real people really do have these trait though they have just been stripped down to there elementary personality's personality's that can applied to people there not being racist there being socially fundamental
0 likesYeah still but they are Stereotypes like I said Pinkie and Twilight are not stereotypes.
0 likessure they are
0 likespinkie: high energy exited girl who happy allot or the innocence one
That's not Steriotypical. Hell, I've never seen a girl like that.
0 likesi have where do you live l:(
0 likes@Science Mage
0 likesUh... Wha?
@The Brony Notionย I think it would look alot better if it was smaller and had the colors of an actual tree instead of a crystal tree, but it did come from a chest that came from the tree of harmony which is also a crystal tree.
1 likeI actually liked that they destroyed the tree house (not so much the new design though). Just because the tree house is gone, doesn't mean that the memories are gone, and the ponies still have their friendship and their lessons etc, it kind of reminded me of UP, when Carl realises that a house is just a house, and what is really important are the memories he has in his heart. Also, it was a pretty big HOLY SHIT THE TREE HOUSE HAS BEEN DESTROYED!! THINGS-JUST-GOT-REAL moment. I would like to think this castle is just a sort of 'first draft' and I'd actually like to see Twilight and co to put their own personal touches into the design of the new castle, and make it look better and more like somewhere they should be living.
0 likes@Perky Noodlesย I think that's a really good idea. If you had not said it, then I would.
0 likesyeah! i dont miss that at all (sorry treehouse lovers)
0 likesit's like, if you don't release steam in an old locomotive, the boiler and pistons will burst. if discord hadn't unleashed chaos when he did the results could have been fatal.
0 likesDiscord should own a piece of land that he can do whatever he wants in. Since Twilight already has a castle maybe he could have The Castle of the Two Sisters.
0 likesPonies could let Discord have a single day a year to do as he pleased as long as no one would get hurt. Like April Fools.
0 likesevery year, have an equestrian day of chaos. let discord brew some mischief (in public) for a day once every year and not be punished for it.
0 likesat least it does have a bit of tree in it (the real thing not the toy)
4 likesReplies (4)
0 likeswell at least most of the bronies arent so happy with hasbro well i think most of them arent
0 likes@The Brony Notion Lol Brony Notion question- Are you doing anything for season 5 yet??? -Dj Pon3
0 likesI think the tree house playset is better that the tiny castle that came eith the twilight with the wierd wings.Im now useing that for the crystal empire
0 likesWell... Discords Chaos is not unhealthy per se... you might get mad and dizzy, but nothing harmful. Why not give Discord a piece of land - any land as he can change it to anything at all - for him to do what he wants. And then invite Ponies to this as a Carneval or so. As long as he changes them back when they leave, nobody is going to complain.
1 likeItยดs not real freedom of course, but real freedom needs boundaries too, which is a problem on itself. As Discord is all-mighty per definition (if he werenยดt screwing around or underestemating his enemies, he should never lose...) I guess he never had anyone teach about what is good and what is bad, which explained his view of Freedom compared to the freedom of what the Ponies thought.
I love that idea of him having his own theame park reminds me of Eggman a bit i also think Discord Should have his own pet or a pony who has the exact same powers of him and was good friends with Fluttershy so when he couldnt be with Fluttershy hed have someone to help when he ever feels lonlyโบ
0 likesReplies (4)
Own theme park, that sounds cool
0 likesYeer ๐
0 likesYay thanx ๐
0 likesWith discord lol but he might just click his claw instead lol
0 likesThey already made the playset of Twilight's Kingdom and it is the best thing ever. It only comes with Twilight though but she's rainbow
0 likesHe should just do all of it in his dreams
0 likesthat castle isn't very popular.
3 likesI do agree with what you said about the library, but omg that book thing in 'Trade Ya' was terrible! Let's teach children to be hoarders, shall we? The whole Pinkie Pie and Twlight part of that ep was my least favourite....
0 likesi think that twilight and the princess should create discord something of his own world where it has no real effects on equestria and we have seen twilight creat a portal before i mean look at the human world she had created some changes and her power with the princess celestia and luna raise the sun and moon so i think creating a portal should be easy
0 likesI'd like if Discort became like a house designer for the ponies. Call me crazy, but if I was a pony I'd absolutely want an upside down house or something.
0 likesok just thought of something amazing... "deep breath"ย
0 likesIF Star Swirl = Discord and Star Swirl was talented with TIME magic then maybe he saw into the future.
And IF he did and saw himself as Discord as a friend to an ALICORN with the symbol of MAGIC as her CUTIE MARK then what do you think would happen?
You see if you look closely Discord knows more than he lets off about Twilight (maybe he read ahead in the script) . thats MY opinion ...
okay i see a lot of people saying give him one day a year and others saying give him some open uninhabited land. why not do both? one day a year? come on you all know how hard it is to wait for your birthday or christmas. surely he'll get antsy in between the yearly event. so he needs space for when that happens, so just put both together. a stretch of land for the rest of the year, and all of equestria for one day.
7 likesReplies (1)
There you go! Excellent idea, but I'm not sure the writers will see this video, the comments, or this comment.......but it's possible!
1 likeOne thing that got me thinking is; why is Twilight's castle made out of crystals if she's not in the Crystal Empire or connected to the Crystal Empire?
0 likesSo I was thinking and then it hit me. Twilight Sparkle is connected to the Crystal Empire; she is the bearer of the element of magic which is the main element of harmony.
And if you look on the MLP trading cards the crystal heart is said to be the
7th element of Harmony; the element of love. Who bears this element exactly? Oh yeah Twilight's brother and her sister-in-law.
If Discord want more freedom maybe you should let him do some magic inside a rum there it doesn't do any damage or maybe on a children party, ^^ just for a little time.
0 likesI have a solution that does end in that. Just give him some land he could do whatever on and call it discord land like a theme park
0 likeschaos day! a day where discord can unfold all his chaotic desires... and then after a day's time it'll all go back to normal... i mean isn't that the main issue with discord? ponies not liking the unpredictable envioment? but if it was a predictable date it would be less horrorfying
0 likesSoooo, no complaints on how stupid the rainbow powers look. None? Not a single nitpick? Come on, they were SOOO BAD!! I mean they even changed their cutie marks!
164 likesReplies (70)
I agree, and I almost put that, but most other analysts covered that. ;D /)
13 likes@*****ย Well the fact that they were on screen for five seconds also bothered me because even though the designs were bad they still should of done more with the rainbow powers.
1 likeI only disagree with a few of the designs.
1 like@Lord Predacordย I dont like how their cutie marks are changed, and some of the hair is pretty dumb and im not a big fan of the hoof design but the hooves i dont mind as much.
3 likesI did not notice the cutie marks... Now I got to go see it.
1 like@Lord Predacordย Its easy to see in the pictures on the toys and other stuff, kinda hard in the show
1 likeSeriously... As in agreeing with you
1 likei agree but disagree because the did almost the same thing in equestrya girls when the magic came, there appearance changed. i wold also like to bring up that every time a villain is destroyed there is the same ending, the rainbow of friend ship hitting the person and distorting them. except when other ponies save the day. im going to make a video about it so watch for that.
1 likeCome on dude u have to admit those powers where pretty badass
3 likesWhat are you talking about?! They look fabulous.
3 likes@Alliisnotacatย They were okay i guess but you cant just go around changing ponies cutie marks!!
0 likesi dont liked RP rarity (i never liked her) and the big messy mane of RP Twilight
0 likes@VD Craftย I dont like Rainbow Dash's rainbow power mane. Its way to spiky.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย same here, actually i only liked AJ's hairstyle
0 likes@VD Craftย I forgot what RP AJ lookedlike but i think i liked that one to
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย forgetting the colors , The change on her mane isnt big, is the same thing but bigger
0 likes@VD Craftย Yeah that's why I liked, it wasn't too big a change.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys thats why i liked her, little changes would look cool, like AJ's mane, normally i would like Rainbow Power, Cause i like adding more colors, but those exaggerated manes, it was like if inside the box it had hair.
0 likes@VD Craftย Yeah, I liked AJ's and Pinkies but not any pony else's The bows looked cute in her hair and her mane wasn't to over done.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย oh yeah, i almost forgot pinkie
0 likes@VD Craftย Pinkies design was good like ajs and wasn't super crazy like RD's or Twilights. Fluttershy is somewhere in the middle I think her hair was not super crazy but still kinda crazy.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys for me, the scale is (from good to bad) AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight and then rarity, some pictures of rarity were so good that made me say she is cool! but on the show... her mane is all on her front, like seeing the other side of celestia's mane, it hides everything
0 likes@VD Craftย Yeah plus way to many large curls. Her usual mane and tail look good but the big curls in her RP mane are just to much.
0 likesH
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
0 likesNah, they propably will never use the rainbow ponies in the show again. After all, it was just that one super magic blast in the box, which was propably destroyed when the Twilight's new castle was born. And about their cutie marks... Remember how Tirek stole all of their magic and their cutie marks completely disappeared? The super-blast-magic box just enhanced them for a while, just to get everything back in order and poof, they were gone as soon as the whole magic thingy (except the big crystal-ass treehouse)... forever. :D
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย hi auntie :3
0 likesHey the only reason you don't like it is because they changed it.
1 likeOther people actually like the new changes. Self included
@Nicole Riveraย they're mane's are giant
0 likes@VD Craft sooo. I think its cool ๐ก๐ก๐
0 likesBoo rd,u suck,two is better
0 likesI disagree, I like the rainbow powerd look, PLUS it fits with Brony nations magic canon, witch I agree with
0 likesAnd Princess RainbowDash ruler of the skies your complaining about the RP look when your name respresents everything you despise about it? -.- rlly if ur a alicorn have a GOOD reason and not a REPETE of a character >:(
0 likesrainbow dash looks the same I:I
0 likesI think that just goes without saying lol.
0 likesYeah I agree, they looked absolutely awful, I think Fluttershy looked the worst with her bad hair day, and I remember Rainbow's wings looking terrible, but they were there and gone in less than a minute for the sake of some toys, and we'll probably never see them again, so don't think it's worth getting too angry about. I can think of so many ways they could have looked cooler, maybe like a Super Saiyan version of each pony purely in the colour of their rainbow shade or something... so all you could see is their glowing body and eyes, it would hardly be a form at all, but much better.ย
0 likes@*****ย I don't think flutters hair was to bad except that one part where there were two pieces of hair in one spot and it looked weird Rainbow Dash's wings looked pretty cool in my opinion since they were rainbow colored. Dash, Twilight, and Rarity's hair looked the worst in my opinion. Dash's was way to spiky Twilight's was messy and Rarity's was just curls everywhere.
0 likesI don't remember all that much, but I think one of them (was it Rarity) had this awful photoshop soft brush over her cutie mark or something, that looked downright ridiculous. I don't know what they were thinking when they designed them...ย
0 likes@*****ย I think most of their cutie marks had been changed, AJ's Pinkies and Rarity's are the ones I remember but Twilight's was the same and I think Dash's was too.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skysย only thing i can think of to lagitamise it is Super Forms there like super-charged now...maby it's like how Goku,s eyes turn green
0 likes@*****ย I have no idea what your talking about but Okay!
0 likeswhen you sayed that the Cuite Markes changed
0 likes@*****ย yeah i know just the rest i dont know
0 likesthe being super-charged part?
0 likes@*****ย Yeah that and Goku and what not
0 likesi gess you'v never seen DBZ(Dragon Ball Z)
0 likes@*****ย Oh, yeah that explains it, I havent seen DBZ
0 likeswas that ment to be sarcastic?
0 likes@*****ย No....
0 likesI agree, they had like 6 different manes?!? Who does that?!?!?
0 likesOmg I didn't notice but I also don't understand why the rainbow thing was required why couldn't it be a epic battle were they unlocked a new element of harmony being derpy and they like turning out to be the pony elements of harmony and the kicking his ass
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys come on, after such a good season, hasbro deserved it
0 likes@***** for which one? Twilight?To be honest, hers is the only one I like...
0 likesNah to me it was fine
2 likesyou know i have noticed when a cartoon animal/person goes all high and powerful its usually yellow isn't that odd.
3 likes<sonic> <mlp> <dragonballs z>
/( o_o)\
0 likesthe way the rainbow thing looks still gives me nightmares...
1 likeikr the hair is ridiculous looking
2 likesEveryone has a opinion
4 likesi love it
2 likesand the hair is really weird too like wtf!?!?!?
3 likesI know right STOP CHANGING MLP WHAT THE WOLF!!!!!!!
3 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys the cutie marks did not change. They just had other marks around them
0 likespersonally i love rainbow power!! i love how the manes and bright colors look
0 likesDito, they were a little over the edge
0 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys they were alright
0 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys it doesn't their cutie marks just gets put all over their body's
2 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I
0 likessorry but i just can't stand your profile pic
0 likesTia and Luna should give discord an area in the everyfree where he and relax and be free to do what he wants so that he can stress out or ruin things some where in the every free forest
0 likesThey should give discord a small amount of land to do what ever he wants with that way ever pony is happy
0 likesI think we all knew where we were, when the tree was blown the f*ck up... Places hat on chest. Fare thee well, good friend...
2 likesFluttercord 4 everrrr!!! ;P
25 likesReplies (6)
I'm with u there cuz there's no pair made more for each other than fluttershy and discord.
1 like@*****
2 likesNOOOOOoooook. Good for you :)ย
Well we can't all love the same thing ;) HIGH FIVE :D
1 likeI'm actually a Flutterdash person, for more personal reasons, I'm a pretty timid person by nature and always go for others who are out going and confident. However I also like Fluttershy+Discord and Celestia+Discord. Any of them are fine, I actually don't approve of FlutterMac though, I think because they are both so quiet and shy by nature, it would be a pretty boring relationship.
3 likes@ZeldAry Hyruleย thank you some one get it!!!!ย
2 likes@*****ย Thats ok ย im actually a shy person too. To be honest FlutterShy personality describes me some what. I'm probably a little more adventurous than she is. But hay, we all have our own voice and personality that should be aloud to shine.ย
1 likeI know Celestia should give discord a land that no animal could live on and he can just mess around with it like a kid's room or a playroom or a park so discord can have some freedom
0 likesTo be honest I donโt blame him for betraying them, I mean yes Fluttershy was nice to him and twilight tolerated him, but rainbow dash, Applejack, and rarity were WAY too eager to turn him back to stone in the season 4 two parter, so as far as Iโm concerned they never were friends with him. I mean itโs essentially the same as threatening to send someone to prison just because you speculate, but have no actual proof, that they did something wrong. Would you do that to someone you considered a friend, or would you give them he benefit of the doubt?
0 likesFurthermore, while Fluttershy was clearly nice to him and twilight at least tolerated him, itโs entirely possible that the other poniesโ antagonism convinced him that the way Fluttershy and to a lesser extent twilight acted was just a facade they were displaying to use him so his magic could be used for the benefit of Celestia and her allies, and that they never even liked him at all.
So keeping that in mind, is it any wonder he sided with tired, who from his perspective was probably the first living thing to show him โgenuineโ concern and respect? (Obviously tirek was lying but keep in mind i said from discordโs perspective)
On another note, Iโm pissed at the way hey handled his betrayal, instead of making a one liner like โsurely you saw this comingโ he should have snapped at them when they accused him and said something that showed how much their distrust hurt him and how he believed they never liked him and were only using him, all while heโs clearly on the verge of tears to show how genuine his feelings were. Then , when twilight was battling tirek, they should have cut back to he rest of he mane six and discord imprisoned and shown a scene where they apologized to discord for acting in that way and convinced him they did care, and that hey should have shown it better. Then, discord, realizing his error, apologizes to them and especially Fluttershy for his betrayal and for not believeing that she cared for him.he, that would have been much better in my opinion
Maybe if its possible have a spell that can lead to a pocket dimension for discord to have some freedom
0 likesI say discord should have the castle of the two sisters u know to give him some land to use his magic the way he likes
0 likesCome on bronies, really? The series needs more big shocks and changes. Twilight's house being destroyed was a brave move by the makers of the show and I think it was a good one. The last thing we want is the series to be safe and stagnant.
23 likesI for one thing Twilight becoming a princess was also a GREAT idea, she'd been developing towards it, it just made sense and was very satisfying. And her coming to terms with it had to be covered in the main series because guess what? MOST PEOPLE DON'T WATCH EQUESTRIA GIRLS! I sure don't, it just seems stupid to me, I saw 5 minutes and then just noped out of it.
But seriously come on people, you need to encourage brave moves when they happen. Remember how much it sucked when they "fixed" Derpy. Maybe they wouldn't have done that in the first place if people didn't criticize them every time they did something hard or controversial.
I would love to see more dramatic emotional moments and more big character changes personally! Maybe the mane six could all become princesses at the end of a series once they've all learned the true meaning of friendship, and then they could be like the Celestia for a whole new generation of ponies, teaching them about friendship!
The mane six could still go on missions, in fact they could go on really epic missions like exploring a new land or something! And there could be all kinds of dragons and other types of ponies and stuff!
The last thing we need is the series getting stale and reptitive. I'm all for change, and you should be too! Shake things up Hasbro, I for one support it!
Replies (6)
@Bud Charles I don't see anything wrong with Derpy...
1 likeDerpy is great now :D But for a while they made her eyes normal and they edited her voice out of an episode because people complained about her being "offensive" :C @Flareblood
0 likesOkay. I can only reply instead of giving my own commentss on YouTube. Anyone know why?
0 likes@Justin Shelugaย No but YouTube has been non-stop glitches for years XD
1 like+Bud Charles
0 likesthe thing about Twilight being corenated was that it happened too early. They should have made season 3 a full season.
I agree
0 likesLet discord be Tireks personal torchurer. THAT'S FOR OUR LIBRARY-TREE HOUSE.
2 likesor maybe a Discord related holiday? Where once every month on one specific day let's say the 13th of every month in the pony world Discord is allowed to turn the pony world upside down but make it fun and he could go around pranking just like how Rainbow and Pinkie do. So instead of making chaos everyone hates the chaos could be something the ponies could enjoy it would be like a big chaotic party. Chocolate milk and popcorn for everyone ^__^
0 likesPerhaps Discord should be given freedom, but in just one segregated area. That way, if any ponies wanted to live there, they would be free to, but there would be a choice.
0 likesOne word:BALANCE. There has to be a balance between Chaos and NON Chaos. If Discord can't create chaos He will turn evil and sadly... So would equestria because someone would start a fight. HOWEVER Discord wouldn't use his powers all the time as he would need to have his powers in check.
0 likesLet Discord take a vacation to a world with a small amount of chaos already present and make it twenty percent more chaotic for about a week or two.
0 likesWell, this did happen in one fanfiction already... A Naruto and MLP:FiM crossover... I can see cotton candy clouds over Konoha right now...
Man I wish someone would write a fanfiction with Discord going into the Ghost Zone and screwing with that already chaotic place and making Walker trying and failing to arrest that chaotic trickster.
discord should just find his own land, make it his own, and visit the ponies frequently.
0 likes3:42 - oh phooey on you. Just remember who this programs' TARGET audience is, and that Hasbro's primary purpose IS to make money from toys. You gotta take these things with a grain of salt.
0 likesSimple, let him have the castle of the two pony sisters. Most pony's stay out of the forest, so he could have all the chaos he wants within its boarders. Heck he could make a crazy chaos themed park that Pony's visit.ย
0 likesI think I have a solution for discord. They should give discord his own
0 likeslittle town filled with pony`s who are willing to live with chaos.
Who else thinks Discord looks great in a police outfit?
0 likesDiscord should be allowed to be him self in a place like the everfree forest where he could be creating those choco rains without nobody destourbing him?โ๏ธ
0 likesI think that celestia will give discord the two sisters old castle so he can bring disharmany as much as he wants also it should be a excuse to why the. Mane 6 were tiding it
0 likesSince Celestia said openly admitted that she invites Discord to the grand galloping gala to liven things up, maybe one week a year with no laws, just so long as nobody got hurt in the process.
0 likesWell, the design of Twilight's new castle does pay homage to the golden oak library!
0 likesYou know the only reason Fluttershy is so kind is probably because she's was chosen to be the element of kindness
0 likesDude that opening was beautiful!
0 likesIt has already been done when fluttershy told discord that being normal is destroying him so you can be chaotic good
0 likesHow about doing what Disneyfanatic did in her fanfic "Bride Of Discord", give him a piece of land where he's free to use his chaos magic however he desires as long as it says within his land? Not a bad idea right? :)
0 likesDiscord could make things like haunted houses only... crazy houses :D
0 likesGive him his own land where he can make chaos whenever the fuck he wants and he can also make chaos towards the future villains
0 likesis it just me, or is what they end up doing, and hanging the roots of her former home from the castle chandelier kinda morbid?
0 likes"Your old home was destroyed and you shall miss it forever, (forever truly being forever as you are an immortal alicorn whose friends will all die one day) so we shall put the remains of it here where you can see it every day and remember it is gone."
I have forgiven you for the angel.
its been proven that luna can turn into nightmare moon on command season 2 so why didn't she fool tierek into joining him becuz she evil the kick his but at the end
0 likesDiscord was evil before without motive. So what is your point?
0 likesAnd Twilight's castle is "treehousified". If you don't see the castle set into a giant tree, I feel very bad for you. :(
they should have discord day, he gets to do anything he wants for one day a year
0 likesWhat if the princesses create a large building that discord can do whatever he wants in it? He'll still have freedom without wreaking havoc on ponyville. Or equestria for that matter.
0 likesGive Discord a place to be chaotic. Just like in bride of Discord.
0 likesWhat if, on Nightmare night, Discord opened a haunted house of chaos! The ponies would have a good time and Discord would get to reek havoc in a productive manner. :D
0 likesWhy do the mane six trust discord. He took your wings, took your horns, hide the elements of harmony, made then the opposite of their elements, put equestria in choes, knew about the vines and kept it a secret even though it was important for them to know, betrayed them, broke fluttershy' heart, and though that freedom is more important than friendship
0 likesIn my opinion, Discordยดs betrayal was totally plausible. Letยดs see. Discord, master of chaos and disharmony, former ruler of the world, after being released for a second time he sees an opportunity to trick the mane six while they are trying to reform him. He mocks the friendship Fluttershy offers him as he believes it is a mere fraud in order to keep him from taking over the world. In fact, he didnยดt do that because of the Elementsยดs presence. Later, Fluttershy states that despite all she has tolerated from him she quits and renounces to try to befriend him. He suddenly feels devastated and agrees to be reformed. If this wasnยดt seen as legitimate, he proved it when his first impulse after the Elements were given wasnยดt conquering Equestria (sort of, since he considered). During the season 4 beginning and in "Threeยดs a crowd" it is easily discernible that Fluttershy is the only pony in the mane six who sees him as a friend (and Pinkie, who finds him amusing), while the others see him as a total annoyance. The sentiment is reciprocal, and so Discord disturbs the rest of the mane six while he treats nicely Fluttershy. That is what any logical person would do; be good with who is good to you and vice versa. And then is when Tirek comes, and offers him something really interesting. He can decide to keep a sole friend (who only intended to befriend him for interest, although that might be different now) in a world where no other person appreciates him deprived of his freedom and abandoning his nature, or siding with someone who actually appreciates his true self and will allow him to do anything he wants. After the treatment he received it is not surprise that he changed sides. But letยดs admit it; if the mane six had been nicer towards him he wouldnยดt have betrayed them. Sure, Discord was a dick all the time, but so he was to Fluttershy, and in the end he became kind towards her. If the rest of the mane six had actually tried to make friends with him he might be less of an annoyance and proven true loyalty.
0 likesI think a good idea for fixing the problem with discord and freedom is he shood have a space for cayos or gust discord taritory
0 likesid say that for discord to not go off the rocker again, they have a day (much like April fools) where he can cause SAFE chaos. Harmless pranks causing no permanent damage. for 24 hours every year Discord can have fun with his passive powers (cotton clouds, milk rain, ice roads, giant card houses, ect.)
1 likeThey should give discord his own little section in the ever free forest were he could do as much chaos as he wants just in that little section or he looses it The Brony Nation
0 likesMaybe give Discord his own little village. Not with any other living thing living in it though. So Discord can cause chaos there. It would be like in movies where they make up a town so they can blow them up. It would give Discord some freedom, heck he could even make fake ponies to crush and stuff if he feels like it.
0 likesjust give him his own little slice of land somewhere, a couple Acers wear he can be himself. who knows maybe it'll turn into an attraction of some kind, and he'll get a whole bunch of visitors who Want to see what de dose.
0 likeswe know discord has his own little section of equestia that is chaos incarnate maybe one or twice a year he could invite pones (other then the mail pony) to come experience chaos with no ill after effects. the daring ponys my like him better after that.
0 likesTo be fair to Discord, non of the ponies except Fluttershy really treated Discord like an actual friend, no wonder he wanted something more, ponies like AJ were treating him horribly even though they were apparently supposed to be his friends.
0 likesThe soronding areas of equestria should be only for discord so he can do everything he wants but keep it from flooding into eqwestria
0 likesI haven't watched your video yet but I think discords betrayal was not a betrayal at all. My theory suggests discord betrayed them because he wanted all of Equestria to have one good friend because he was trying to turn t-reck good so he would give all the magic back and feel and spread the magic of friendship across Equestria, another powerful figure that spread friendship. At the end he gave twilight the amulet not just as a sign of gratitude and friendship also as an apology gift like a pizza ๐ will I'm sorry on it. Get my point love your vids :D buh-bye please make this a video! Ok bye ๐
0 likesHe can't hold back evil. And in my emgnashun a wolf named Huteress made friends with Discord. Discord needs to keep Huteress a serrated.
0 likesFor Discord to have an area were he can bring chaos just say a two x two miles square. That way he can be somewhat free but doesn't betray anyone. Like or responde if you agree please. Plz. pretty plz.
0 likesI support your theories and I love your vids
0 likesThey should give discord some area to inflict with chaos that would not harm ponies, like the badlands
0 likesSending every bad villain into a random dimention, and letting discord have free reign! :)
0 likesif you miss the golden oak library, then you might like the newest episode of season 5.
0 likesIt's not gone but changed it's different.Same with the tree house the memories are with her.
0 likesi am not upset by the tree house blown up, i am upset the writers being forced to blow up the tree house by Hasbro for a New Toy Sale! not surprised... but that doesn't make me less pissed about it.
0 likesi really hope they remake the tree house didnt they make the new castle out of the old house and if they did then how did twilight go back and visit the old treehouse
0 likesI feel pretty bad for Discord.
0 likesLet Discord have some kind of little, forgotten area to wreak havoc in. Like, say, I don't know, THE WHOLE OF APPALOOSA?!?!
0 likesoh they could give discord a magic room that alows him to work chaos with out wrecking any thing and then if he likes his creation he can save it and go back to it even after making another creation (i make alot of impossible invention ideas)
0 likesMaybe he can have a room the shows the chaos that he displays but does't leak into equestrian.
0 likesCan't the four princesses be generous enough to give discord a part of equestria so he can be as free as he wants, why don't give him the ever free forest after moving zecora out of it or give him the weird biome from the episode someone to look over me!!!!!
0 likesWhat if they do like in one of my favorite (cough* cough* fluttercord cough* cough*) fanfics just give him a large plot of land in say, the everfree forest where he is free to be chaotic and reek havoc.
0 likesthey should have discord rome free sometimes but not all the time (and by rome free I don't mean turning roads into soap or flipping houses over)
0 likesthey should let him have fun with a spot deep within the forest ... like the old castle!
0 likesis discord a real villan? i mean well he never even did much to hurt anypony or take over equestria and he never did anything truely bad but in his perspective "have fun"
0 likes4:00-4:07 Ladies and gentleman, today is the three-year anniversary of Twilight's treehouse library destruction. Please join me in a moment of silence for this beautiful treehouse. "My Heart Will Go On" starts playing Thank you. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
0 likeseasy. send discord to an abandoned piece of land and let him make chaos there and ponies can go there to have "fun" if they think its fun. but discord cant force them to stay.
0 likesCREATE CHAOS CITY!!! also, for about the six friendship keys (or whatever), I think it's actually somewhere in the castle (why not?)
0 likesSeason five they actually address the fact that the old tree house had memory's in it and how this new castle didn't
0 likessolution:they could make a place in the forest where discord could make every thing all wacky.
0 likeshow about discord makes his own world where he is free to make chaos but not in equestria?
2 likesCouldn't the 4 princesses make Discord his own world? With all the villains and he would be the ruler?
0 likesIf Celestia sent him to the moon he could wreak all the havoc he could ever dream of.
0 likesThat awkward moment when you realise Discord is actually Q from Star Trek
0 likesThey should give discord the ever free forest. Where he will be ever free to play with a little chaos. That's what the name should be for.
0 likes4:04 never stop smiling
0 likesI got all of the Equestrian girls dolls when I was younger :D they were my favorite toy for like three months ๐
0 likesI really did not think that twilight's house needed to be destroyed, but could have been remodeled that does not look like a hasbro play set. Plus, having the items that each girl received back to them to cherish those important lessons. I though that discords betrayal was kind if stupid and that discord should have known better after fluttershy reforming him. However, him having the lack of freedom does give some idea of why discord did what he did.
0 likesif they treated discord like a normal pony maybe he wouldn't desire freedom so much
0 likesEasy , get him his own dimension
1 like- Celestia
Discord just wanted to spread complete CHAOS to Equestria.
1 likeI think celestia should designate a small piece of equestria for discord so he can be himself!
0 likesHere's an idea give the guy his own little bit of forest and say "here you go now go play and brake everything and when you're bored fix it if you please but till then go nuts."
0 likesSo Technically Tirek Killed Himself By Letting Go Of Discord While He Didn't Know Discord Had The Key!!
0 likesI died at 2:12 of adorableness
0 likeshope season 5 will have more ย discord in it doing more stuff and when i mean stuff i mean fun chaos stuff not bad chaos just fun chaos.
0 likesHe has endless powers so he should create his own land for that purpose.
0 likesthat was what i thought! seriosly, i wanted them to keep the tree house and the idems
0 likesI think Discord should have a day weโre he can do anything and have all the freedom that he deserves but for 1 rule that he can harm anyone/anything/any pony
0 likesI think letting discord go to a inhabited part of Equestria and letting him toy around there. Heck! LET HIM BRING THE LONG LEGED BUNNIES BACK!!!
0 likesgive him a plot of land to own limit him to that land. BAM. problem solved. But it has to stay inside his owned land and a bit off from any big cities and well preferably close to ponyville.. . but his land should be spacious.. but not to big either..
0 likesIf anything like say a crazy muscled up bunny or a bunny with REALLYYYY long legs escapes.. then as punishment his land amount gets reduced and vise versa for a major good deed but has a limit of how big and how small his land can get as well!
They could do the same thing for him as they did the bats
0 likesGive discord a piece of land he can do with what he will
0 likesi say have celestia make a dimension that looks a lot like ponyville only enhabited by stuffed dummies instead of living beings and that only discord can enter or exit.
0 likesI'm glad they honored the Library in the latest episode 'Castle Sweet Castle'
0 likesYou should do an analysis why the main 6 changed their cutie marks in the rainbow power thing episode! =:3
0 likesI really miss Twilight's tree. :'(
0 likesif there was somewhere that Discord could just "run free" and do anything, like make stuff float around, and any thing else that he want's to do, as long as fluttershy says that he's not really hurting anypony, then I think it might be OK. That's long.ย
0 likesgive discord his own realm to wreak havoc upon
0 likesmaybe discord can make a duplication of the pony world or at least find another world to mess with
0 likesGive him a chunk of land to do whatever he wants to do in it
0 likesWell, TBN, can I call you TBN?
1 likeI'm calling you TBN.
I think a solution could be to give Discord a space he can do all of his chaotic activities in. For example, take Bride of Discord, he is given the castle in Everfree.
He is able to life there, defy gravity and do such.
Replies (2)
Go ahead! And I like that idea! /)
2 likesI thought of that as well!
0 likesmaybe they should give discord a plot of land that he could do whatever he wants with
0 likesI can't be the only one who thinks Discord would enjoy April Fool's Day, can I?
0 likesI have a book on my tablet that tells about tirek past and fuss who it was... DISCORD so I'm thinking tirek let him help because he rembers him even though he was a teen back then
0 likesTwilight: completes spell~ becomes a princess
1 likeFluttershy: Reforms Discord (is it just me or is what fluttershy did seriously better than what twilight did?)~ doesn't become princess?
i personally think that maybe discord(please do not laugh) secretly has a teensy crush on discord and maybe thinks that its over. dittershy can not end!
0 likesI want to be evil sometimes for no reason I just think it would be cool
0 likesthey could deal with discord by letting him wreak havoc on some waste land
0 likesDiscord should get a space just for him to mess up and be free a little
0 likesPerhaps give him a day a year to do what he wants like a pony April fools day
0 likesgiving him a day to chose haviec in a safe way somehow
0 likesone of the other reviewers-DWK, I believe- sums up the castle and the rainbow power forms pretty handily. with a hypnotic chant. Buy our toys. Buy our toys. Buy our toys...
0 likesDiscord should get his own land to reach havoc on.
0 likesReplies (3)
He has already his own land! Se the episode "make new friends but keep discord".
0 likes+Norwegian Noob yeah but that place is tiny and lonely very very lonely
0 likes+John Young I think that's because nopony will live there and Discord don't need so much space...
0 likesGive him a huge place to live like the everfry and one rule don't hurt zucora
0 likesi dont really blame Discord for betraying them, only Fluttershy really cared about him, the rest didnt give two craps. also i feel that they could have done Discord turning back to good a little different, i ment the only reason he turned on Tirek was because he stole his powers, i just think they could have done that better thats all
0 likesEasy, just give him his own little corner of equestria to wrench havoc in. One where no pony lives.
2 likesReplies (3)
In s2 he liked messing with people too. He would have to give that part up. Good idea though!
0 likesDid you get that off bride of discord ? That would be a good idea thou, but he would also get lonely not living around any pony. Then again we can always put fluttershy in charge of visiting him and keeping he from messing with ponies if that did happen.
0 likesYa they could send discord to hmm I got it the end of the ever free forest not the end the tree of harmony is or just give him a lesson
0 likesIn the intro, did anyone notice that Discord was in Fluttershyโs window googling at her while she was giving Angel and apple? Just a thought..
0 likes4:37 I think discord should create a new realm and cause chaos in it or cause chaos in a different realm
0 likesI think discord should have his own land to cause chaos on
0 likesThey should give April fools day to discord, Then he could play tricks without announcing anypony
0 likesDiscord just needed a space for his chaos like a discord Land yeah there's his house but he could have visitors
0 likesperhaps discord could show twilight sparkle what he knows about magic he gets to demonstrate/use his chaos magic
0 likesI know this vid is super old but I think that Discord could just create another dimension for himself that is the same as equestrian exept without the the ponies he cares about that he can do whatever he wants with, or the princesses and the mane six agreeing to him having a day a year to do whatever he wants with equestria. (he might get carried away but FLUTTERSHY TO THE RESCUE!!) my thoughts The Brony Notion .
0 likesBoneless was sacrificed for the good of Equestria. I hope I'm not the only one who noticed this.
0 likesYeah, it's solved by making a new world where only he is which will never make sense to me ;-;
0 likeshe should have his own world
0 likesWhat if Discord had his own sector of Equestria to be free?
0 likesIf you know the bride of discord you should know what I'm talking about. So maybe Luna and Celestia can give discord a castle (their old home) so he can be all chaotic and stuff
0 likesi would like it if the conclusion ended in chaos.
0 likesI think Discord should get at least a little bit of Equestria to rule.... Mabey the Everfree forest? That would make a ton of sense, the Everfree forest is crazy, Discord is crazy..... =D
0 likes02:11 discord's awardly adorable
0 likesDoesn't Discord literally have a chaos dimension, where his house is?
0 likesMaybie, they could have discord wreak havoc on a specific spot like cough cough The equalization town this in season 5I dunno..
0 likes"Ugh, you keep giving me nightmares. What is that? Really?"
0 likesThat's illuminati. Just look at it, there's a triangle in the middle. O.O Illuminati Confirmed
I guess it was half of a good thing I only watched till season 3 xD
0 likesa smallish plot of land nobody needs and he can reek havic on the land but he can't go over a magic barrier or friend ship n stuff
0 likesDiscord could also help Rarity make some awesome clothes
0 likesI think he should have Discord have day's when he can cause a little chaos like chocolate rain!!... Or maybe I just want to see Pinkie skip around drinking chocolate rain man she was lucky. And a little chaos never killed anyone or maybe I just want to see some more chaotic Discord~!
0 likesps. Am I the only one who fangirl when he talked about Discord and Fluttershys friendship? No only me?
Make his own crazy dimension!
1 likegive discord his own land to play with
0 likesI think Discord should have a plot of land to spread chaos.
0 likesI got nightmares from above me for the rest of my life and scare me half to death
0 likesGive him half of equestria and his own tv show
0 likesI Think discord should have a tiny park Of chaos where he could do what I like to call harmless chaos like cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk or corn popping right into popcorn not changing animals and ponies
0 likesHe should have a small area in Equestria to use his magic. At least give him a SMALL area....
1 likeLet discord have a chaos playground a place he can reshape how he wants just like alcohol to a alcoholic a little bit and that's enough
0 likesThe everfree forest is already filled with choas so give him a home in the forest
0 likesDiscord could help pinky pie plan some awesome parties
0 likesThat was so funny when he did the slow motion!
0 likesmaybe reserve a section for discord in the everfree forest! so he could fool around as much as he wants!
0 likesthat B&W picture with music and the writing rest in peace made me cry ...
0 likesfor 2 secs
Okay if you listen close to three is a wheel you here twilight saying i don't even know were-discord interrupts.We know that she has no idea where he lives. So I think that there should be a whole episode about finding out where Discord lives.And people seriously need to stop thinking that Discord lives in Celestia's castle dungeon.
2 likesReplies (1)
But if I had a choice to where he can live he should live in the castle of the two sisters.So he can explore the whole thing. this would make an epic episode
1 likeWhat if they let discord be chaotic in some part of the ever free forest.
0 likesLet me guess, Discord is going to marry Eris, the Greek spirit of strife, and she would turn all of applejack's apples into golden apples of discord
0 likesLet Discord make chaos. But have him fix it later. Even if he turns the town hall into a giant bowl of pudding, it's not the end of Equestria as long as he turns it all back. But let him do it only if it doesn't get out of hand or too confusing.ย Maybe let him have a "chaos zone" where things in 5 feet of him do weird stuff but go back to normal when they/he leaves.
0 likesI think Princess celestia should turn discord into a pony so he can regain his trust/friendship with the rest of the mane 6
0 likesrest in peace twilights library/treehouse/old never forgotten home! ๐ข
0 likesI say let him have 1 month of freedom a year to keep his erg for caos calm but saddle to.
0 likesgive discord one part of the land for he to do whatever he wants
0 likesGive him a plot of land where he can do whatever the freak he wants
0 likes(Watch bride of discord vids)
I need to go join like this page... Also: With downcast eyes, I put my hat, not previously anywhere in sight, over my heart. R.I.P. Twilight's Tree House...
0 likesSeason 8 already and they still haven't granted your tree wish Brony Notion.
0 likesmaybe they can give him his own place to do chaos
0 likesSolution for discords freedom, give him his own pocket of Equestria (there is enough free space) and let him create a chaos amusement park, that way ponies can enjoy the chaos and he can make more friends.
0 likesReplies (1)
um he could go through universes why make chaos in equestria when you can do it else where
0 likesI say there should be an episode were past twilight comes and says "your Castel is nice what about the memories
0 likesBN I agree with you on the whole marketing thing but the items about the keys is something that needed to happen
2 likesLet Discord run wild in the Everfree Forest. Just so long as he dosen't lay waste to Zecora's home.
0 likesGOOD IDEA???????
Give discord a dimension like with giratena but not banishment so he can do what ever he wanted like in cloud cuckoo land
0 likesThey could have a Discord Day in Equestria! A day for just chaos and chocolate rain ( mm... Chocolate rain...) Yeah!
0 likesa solution is simple has anyone watched daughter of discord/ bride of discord? well the answer is the everfree forest. let him reek his havoc there.
0 likesWhen the picture of that toy came on I just repeatedly said I have that over and over because I had no idea it was my little pony
0 likesDiscord could have like his own dome to cause chaos in, than everyponys happy!
0 likesMaybe Discord should be in charge of punishment, like spread chaos to those who should be punished I thank you for reading this comment.
0 likesI say give him an uninhabited part of the everfree, then he won't use Ponyville as a playground
0 likesI think his freedom was wanting to have friends.I think?
0 likesTwilight should make him a fake magical reality where he can do what every he wants for a while and satisfy his need for freedom and then come back out
0 likesHe could have the everfree forest and the castle of the two sis to make chaos on ps not zecoras place
0 likesWhat if he created a little room/dimension to turn around ๐
0 likesi think the main six could create discord his own dimension to decorate?... with rainbow power๐
0 likesAnyone notice who the fair was celebrating when discord intervened with Twilight and Cadence's together time? :3
1 likeMabey they could set an area of land for discord to go crazy in
0 likesI know they should give him a abandon pece of land that he can do whatever he wonts with. Lest that will solve the problem of him turning on the ponies again.
0 likesRe-Treehouseify Twi's Castle? Did you miss the part where it's a TREE OF HARMONY?
0 likesWould be Cool if Celestia would give Discord a part of Equestria where is none population where he can do what ever he want to do... :D
0 likesHmmmmmmm....if discord is going to be a part of the elements of harmony......I say he is the element of peace......because he realized that friendship is more powerful than evil and chaos......any opinions about this?
0 likesGive discord a piece of land (where no one lives) and problem solved.
0 likesgive discord some land tht he can do whatever he wants with and then on a day of the year he can do whatever he wants
0 likesDuring the first few seconds of the video, a part of Discordยดs arm is missing ^^
0 likesReplies (1)
+wolviller111 NO THATS NOT TRUE if you look close you will see that he just bent his arm
0 likesEasy. Discord gets the old abandoned castle in the Everfree :)
0 likesDiscord creates an alternate dimension so he can reek havoc there
0 likesi mean....
1.Ponies avoid that area, for the most part, so causing chaos there wouldn't effect the pony inhabitants.
2. The area is well known as ย dangerous/abnormal , for the plants, animals and weather, so even if Discord were to change things up to fit his "style" the way the forest is seen then/now would be basically the same.ย
3. He could recycle the old castle of the Pony sisters and give it some use. (instead of being a decaying plot of land)
4. He could benefit Equestia by using his chaos to keep evil inhabitants of the forests ย (like timber wolves) at bay, and away from the ponies; even providing safe passage to ponies passing through.
ย This solution, in turn, accomplishes three goals....
That's my piece thank-you very much~! bowsย
(also Fluttershy visiting him in the forest with a picnic, or just going to see him cause now he's CLOSE now, seems ssoooooo~ooooo cute! doki doki 0v0......^0^ SO CUTE! <3)
I think discords freedom is to escape from freindshi9 and become chaos
0 likesI think the princesses should give discord the ever free forest to be himself except I didn't think about zacora maybe zacora wouldn't mind
0 likesSo I take it that you ship Fluttercord? Awesome, because they're my favorite ship!
2 likesgive discord a little bit of land he can do whatever he wants to it
0 likes4:42 well he has his own house and it's kinda like that
0 likesWhy not give Discord a piece of Equestria and call it Chaos Corner or something?
0 likesMaybe Discord could have a special day to PRANK ponies. Only to prank and be a little free
0 likesCelestia giving Discord his own island that is all i got
0 likesWhen he feels da need to wreak havock he can do it DEEP in da everfree forest
0 likesI wish that all of the mane six could become allcorn
0 likesGive him a space ( preferably next to fluttershy's') to rece havoc on really anything...
0 likes3:48 guess what, Season 5 episode 3 "make this castle a home" (or whatever the actual name is)
0 likesthey should give land in a bubble :)
0 likesHmm let's see give discord an abandoned town in the everfree forest and let him do whatever he wants? (I had story of the blanks flashbacks typing this so I hope you love this idea)
0 likesi know this is odd but what about the books themselves what is ponyvilliw gonna do when they need a book
2 likesReplies (1)
Haha! Never would have thought of that... XD Good point though! /)
2 likescouldn't discord have a part of equestria to do that stuff
0 likesI think they will retreehouseify the castle in "Castle Sweet Castle."
0 likesSo did this season finale poke a hole in your discord is starswirl the bearded? It did kinda for me
0 likesShe gets her tree house ๐ก
1 likeYeah thatโs cute it makes mad ๐ก that he betrayed her
0 likesSimple he gets ONE day every two months to make chaos on a small or abandoned town
0 likesMaybe the ponies could let Discord wreak havoc if;
0 likesit didn't harm anybody, thing
he fixed it up afterwards
Now he has his alternate dimension home where he cam me chaotic
0 likesHe can create a little caous on April 1
2 likesgive him his own land he can do whatever with
0 likesDiscord sould own the ever-free forest, his own chaotic place of freedom
0 likesWhy not give him a small part of the ever free forest to do what he wants with.
0 likesGive Discord a useless wasteland to chaos-ify!!!!
0 likesi agree, they need her libary/tree
0 likesThe sound at 2:06 is the same as HUMAN FLUTTERSHY when human Rainbow Dash said the Rainbooms could play her song!
Coincidence? I think NOT!
(Points to anypony who knows that quote.)
But if discord doesn't betrayed them, Twilight wouldn't get the necklace thing and the mane 6 cannot unlock the chest and defeat tirek.
0 likesTake a piece of ponyville and let discord do anything with it
0 likesThe flutter shy part so funny
0 likesGet an entire fake world for discord full of fake ponies to wreak havoc on and no one (except for the ponies (and twighlights tree house. Lol) ) get hurt. Win win.
0 likesgive discord a small land he can do what ever he wants on
0 likesI know the name of the music played during the moment of silence. Its called 'Asleep the Snow Came Flying.'
0 likesFluttercord and Disshy, huh? I assume you ship Fluttercord, like I do. :) Cuz that would be AWESOME.
1 likeI didn't even notice the passing of the amulet in three's a crowd
0 likesWhen u pointed out 'these ponies' u forgot to point out spike, he made that face too
0 likesR.I.P
0 likesTwilight's Libary 2010-2015
if he had some land to himself it wood help
0 likeshe should have a sort of play area
0 likesThe solution is twilight gives discord some land to be free so whenever he feels like chaos he can do it there. Now I'll make this comment longer muahahahah
0 likesThe triangle charm thing discord gave twilight made me think "illuminati"
0 likesThey had to make the rainbow power ponys, so rainbow rocks and that box with the 6 keys make since. Now that they have rainbow power, they can use it in equestira girls, now with the new movie coming out soon.
0 likesI was not happy too see rainbow power, at first, now I'm OK with it.
I also like twilights castle!!!!!! Its nice.
bye :)
DISCORD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a day dedicated to Discord wrecking havoc all over Equestria. He can just clean it up later lol I just liked the sound of Discord Day
0 likesmaybe they can give discord a plot of land ponies dont use like in bride of discord?
0 likesThis is random but did you know that season 5 is coming out spring in 2015?! I saw it on a commercial and totally freaked the freak out!
0 likesHe was SO fanboying... Also, excuse me; I have a corner that requires my undivided attention...
0 likesDiscord should be given a plot of land(maybe in the Everfree Forest) where he can do anything he wants.
2 likeslet discord turn ponyville into chaos every other thursday.
0 likesDoes anyone notice twilight saying yes behind the sound of the clop in the ending BROHOOF
0 likesHe could simply just annoy the ever living crap out of sun butt, because SHE can't turn him to stone no more
0 likesBack to stone Discord would have been sent back to stone
0 likestake a uninhabitable corner of equestria ,and let discord do thangs.
0 likesAnd twilight a tree house is now a castle and twilights happy for it because one she feels that she has a purpose as a princess
1 likeNow and again make it rain chocolate milk! He gets my vote!
0 likesoh good heavens, that audio quality. the good old days of 2014 youtube
0 likesi say let Discord and Pinkie team up ((no not like a shipping)) I'm thinking Discord and the chocolate factory. those two bouncing off the wall ideas off eachother and her mirror pool clones can be the staff.
0 likesEMEGESH I HAD A REALIZATION, maybe more people has but whatevsss, so in your theories you state that discord is the unicorn that twi admires (forgot his name sorry) and that twi was actually clover the clever, so maybe somehow twilight knew that her mentor was going to turn into discord, but she didnt really tell him so she wont alter the future, and by the time passes she tries to turn discord into her mentor once again by defeating him and reforming him..? i dont know if that makes sense but ;-;
0 likesthey do take the roots of her old house and make it a chandelier in the castle
0 likesGive discord his own land
0 likesIn threes a crowd cadence and twilight go to the end of equestrian and nobody lives there I think discord can go there and when ever he wants to do a littel chaos he can do it there not harming pony's
0 likesgive discord the castle of the two pony sisters a territory where discord can release his caoseโบ
0 likesi ship celestia and discord but Fluttercord is really cute :3
0 likes2:12 DAT FACE!! XD
0 likesMaybe they could makeย Discord his ownย place toย be crazy and random like a land called crazy world or something like that.
0 likesReplies (1)
Haha have you seen where he lives?
0 likesMerbe celesty could make discord his own realm or wuteves and he could live there and visit ponyville when he wants or whateva
0 likesOh ma gawd brony notion throwback! Such different videos!
1 likeI didnโt know anyone else did a tribute to the tree house thank god Iโm not alone
0 likesat 2:31 rainbow has a broken wing
2 likesGive discord the castle of the 2 sisters with fluttershy as his wife (wink wink)
0 likessolution: Allow Fluttershy to do this cause you know SHIP SHIP SHIP!
0 likesR.I.P Twilight's library we will miss you ๐
0 likeson "bride of discord" discord got his own land to spread chaos in
0 likesHey, your not the only one who ships fluttercord. I do too.
0 likesits easy in an arey outside of ponyvil discord can make nice chaos so his friend can vist
0 likesGive discord a pilce to be him.
1 likei think discord can have a nice room in flutters home were he can make caos [ sorry if spelled wrong ]
0 likesother than princess luna discord would need to be my favorite
0 likes2:12 INCREDIBLY LOL
0 likesI like Flutterdash a lot more than Fluttershy/Discord
0 likesI wonder what happened to twilight's owl-
1 likeI think discord should be sent to live in the everfree forest
0 likesI would allow discord to a few days called discord day every year and end of every Discord Day every thing will reset to the previous morning including if somepony got kill or died They would wake the previous morning just would everypony else would
0 likesThat audio quality tho ๐
0 likesAnd twilight didn't even say thank you to discord
0 likesHe was ivel becouse he could have friendship and ivel, but be good after he could not have both things, I think
0 likesIf you watch LittleShyFim I saw in one of his videos Twilights castle literally looks like a middle finger ( the stem )
0 likesR.I.P twilights tree house...๐ช๐ญ
0 likesGive him his own land maybe?
0 likesI have one question though......why did hashbro go with those silly looking rainbow power designs?I mean yeah......they look funny but those hairs?Good grief!Have they really ran out of ideas?
0 likeslittle question,can i be in the brony notion even though im a girl
0 likesYou can ask discord to go to the space and do whatever there.
0 likesI think the ponies should make discord a place to go wild
0 likestie hi up in a no magic spell or something and show him a la his baby pictures!
0 likesdiscord day aka April fools day discord is free to do what ever he wants for one day he stars wanting more they can just use rainbow powers
0 likesPinkie and/or Rainbow Dash needs to teach Discord how to prank people. It would be a nice outlet for Discords Chaos, retouch on a part of Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie's character from season one, and just be funny for us to watch.ย
0 likesmove discord to a big cage with fake ponys and stuff he will make miscief instead of all over ponyville.
0 likesWhen it comes to pinkie pie's gift: There is a rumor saying that Pinkie is getting a mate in season 5 :3 Cross your fingers for Cheese sandwich :3
0 likesAdmit it. You're a shipper...
1 likeOK I will amit it it was pretty awesome come on their hair but I don't think the keys had to do with it it could of been Discord :-\ :-[ :-)
0 likesShipping fuel to the max right here
0 likesThey need to give him his own little area with no pony around to be chaotic. As we all know their are different dimensions in MLP [ Equestrian girls ] their should be one or two dimensions people don't mind him being able to teleport from and to. LIKE COME ON I can name 1000000000000 shows on TV with deserted dimensions MLP must have at least 2 dimensions that he can teleport 2 and back. Maybe its like his place he can visit when he is not busy having picnics with Fluttershy and giving Twilight nice necklaces [ 2 amuletsย from Discord in one season. he's a great ย character but seriously]! Well any way if Megan Macalsky adds it im having a partyย ! P.S: IF Megan Macalsky is reading this make Fluttershy and Discords love thing happen.
0 likeslet him out of the out of the stone and hug him
0 likesSawtooth waves they put her memories in cristals
1 likeR.I.P Twilights house but what if Discord never betrayed the mane 6 then the sixth key would not of been found In this episode
0 likesthe three alicrons were making a......TRIANGLE DUN DUN DUN ILLMITNE CONFROMED
0 likes3:38 we have that play set XD
0 likesuse discord to lay waste to equstrias enemys
0 likeseasy find a place where no one lives a big plot of land and just say to discord when you feel the need to go nuts come here and go nuts
0 likesMake an area for discord to wreak havoc.
0 likesgive him the grounds of the roller pony sires (bride of discord) and the fact he has puppy dog eyes for flutters is to cute!!!!ย
0 likesyour moment of silence isn't silent.... XD
0 likesMaby he can have some proprty called"kaos space"to wreak havoc on and not pony vile(sorry dumb spell check thing)
0 likeshave discord back in his true natureย
0 likesgive him space somwhere where no pony lives
0 likes3:37 BUY OUR TOYS
2 likesPlease, make a video about Sprinkle Stripe, Lucky dreams and Lovestruck, becouse they're all looks like Mane Six.
0 likesYou kinda predicted season 5 episode 3...
0 likesyeesh, looks like they went super sayan at the end of the episode
0 likesI know why discord said those things about fluttershy. Because he is in love with fluttershy.
0 likesRip Twilight library tree ๐ข
0 likesDiscord has his own world
0 likesI think maybe having something you know we have April Fool's here why don't we have something like over there the question or ask that signifies that particular day just for disc or as long as if no pony gets hurt I personally say he should have a day dedicated to him once a year so he can be able to express himself and be able to let loose without being so easily convinced of what freedom is course we all should know that freedom doesn't necessarily mean just to be free to do things estate of mine
0 likesRest In Peace
0 likesGolden Oak Library
That's what twilight's home was called right?
let discord have fun on the moon.
0 likesWhat in season 5 it's showing he has his own dimantion to live in
0 likes2 be honest I like discords version of ponyvile better
0 likesflutter cord, so adorable
0 likesTwilight's library
1 like2010-2014
never forget :'((((
:'( R.I.P Golden Okes Library.
0 likesDiscord can have a building blocks set that he can destroy!!! dabs
0 likesMaybe if fluttershy like did her stare on the pony/creature not giving discord freedom and befriended them so they could see what
0 likesFriendship is like.
Well I think that is the best sulwshn for discord the literal Speer it of crazy
1 likeR.I.P Twilights Tree House
0 likesThe UTIAMTE betrayal was the season 9 >:(
0 likesI sujest the princesses make a dumetions that Discord could bring chaos to.
1 likeI miss twilights old tree house but I like the new house or castle to hey don't blame me I'm a girl ๐
0 likesI hope they build on the fact of discordย having a crush on flutter shy in season five ย
0 likesTurn him to stone!!!!!๐ฃ๐ฃ
0 likesA bit of land to go krazy with
1 likeLet him have a place to be kaoic
0 likeshis own half of eqestria! seems fair right >:)
0 likesone day a month when discord can create as much chaos as he wants for the entire day without hurting anypony. Than at the end of the day he snaps his fingers and it's all fixed. That would be fun and entertaining! ย
1 likeReplies (1)
I'm with you, discord needs his own chaos day...0_0 DISCORD DAY!!!!! A national holiday in equestria celebrating everyone's favorite lord of chaos!!! Oooooohhhhhhh I'd celebrate it!
0 likesTHE 90s ARE BACK! (I'm talking about the rainbow powered hair)
0 likesGet his own smal kingdom
0 likesok so discord wants freedom right? Why wont he gets his own little plot of land to do his chaos magic thing.....ya :D
0 likesand spike was there two he was with the Maine six two did ya forget about him
0 likesDiscord deserves freedom
0 likesEasy give discord a pocket dimension to make chaos in stede of pony vill
0 likesGolden Oak Library Replaced with Middle finger Castle
1 likeI like to think that all the objects reappeared in the castle.
0 likesyour complaint number 1: come on! if you would become a prince or king, it would take long to adjust to it. Number 2: have you heard of something being dramatic? ย After such a good season, i think hasbro deserved this. YOU ARE OVER REACTING, this is a CHILDRENS show, you are becoming Digibro
0 likes0:12 Anypony else see Twilight give the camera an annoyed look !
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesTwilight's' home is now the so called "Monstrosity".
0 likes>library gets destroyed
0 likes>ice house thingy appears
my books, why? ;_;
Replies (1)
Ehm Those are Crystals not Ice :) and from what we have seen the Crystal Castle has 6 times more books that the library so dont worry Twily :)
0 likesdiscord,his mother and father were the only dacanagirsedv (how do spell),then discord's mother and father die and he trys to forget his pain with crazy-ness
0 likes(for cows)
moo moo:moo moo moo moo moo mooooooo moo
hmm lets think discord--twilight--library--castle--fluttershy--love
1 likeis this what the video is about ?
Dude, you missed the point of the entire show. The entire series is one long toy commercial. The only reason Hasbro made the MLP cartoon was to make sales for a declining toy franchise.
2 likesDont yall think the cutiemark chronicals should get their cutiemarks in season 6 or something im getting annoyed #needmorecutiemarks
1 likelett him have his own space to cors KAOSS
0 likesMaby use magic to give him a realm where chaos is everywhere. O i donno maby he can name it HELL! Celestia is God in Eqestria....when ponys say O My God, they say O My Celestia. So it makes sense to think of discord as the devil. Where luna falls in this, i donno.
0 likesHis own area to cause chaos
0 likes0:01 Wtf is with his lion arm?
1 like2:48 The egs are NOT CANON !
0 likesGive him his on town. Kinda like they don't did in bats
0 likesits another dimension that celestia gave him that allows him to make chaos and keep her kingdom safe
nothing is worse than equistria girls
2 likesEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilightโs Treehouse
0 likesRest in spaghetti
Never forghetti
Discord's box..oh sorry not like Pandora's box XD I mean like a 1 mile maybe? a half? Spot of property for discord!
0 likesTurn discord into stone..........again!
0 likes2:55, Equesteria Girls, if you remember, is NOT cannon
0 likesGreat idea TimeKaiser !
0 likesYou do realize you said fluttercord and DISHY
0 likesA arce of equestria to himself
0 likesOmg omg at 4:13 look at the dots inside of the triangle that the three allicorns are making, if u look really closely at it, it kinda looks like an eye... O. o
0 likeswell brony notion thats true
0 likesbecause in episode Castle sweet Castle she didnt feel like home
i think the ending would be more nice if they had shown tgat she got her "TREE" HOUSE back with her castle.
Tree chandelure, imbued with gems of all the good memories!
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesMLP STUFF!
0 likesmake a hole universe thats lush and not alot of animals and put discord in it so he can do whatever
0 likesoh he destroyed that one? make it again
oh he destroyed that one? make it again
It's not things that keep friends together just like what apple Jack said
0 likesRead DisneyFantic's fan fictions and because of flutter shy discord is then able to control his chaos as he lives a happy life.
0 likesHe's both bad and good.
i thick he want reveng for being stone for 1000 years
0 likeslet discord help pinkie with her parties
0 likesA Facebook Page Just for Twilight's Library????? ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesbecause he was a power crazed lunatic. Who would give that up??
0 likesturn discord to stone!๐
0 likesBut is Treelibrary Kill?!?!?!? *X-files theme plays
0 likesUmm discord gets his own area to mess with?
0 likesForeshadowing? Yes!
0 likesIf Discord likes chaos, I HAVE AN IDEA THAT MAYBE SAVE EQUESTRIA! Discord is friends with Fluttershy right, FLUTTERCORD FOREVER! Anyways if he would do anything for Fluttershy he could do this, If any evil thing or something Discord can use his chaos on the evil guy and he can enjoy the chaos he is commiting
0 likesReplies (1)
Or whatever( comes by)
0 likesI think I know why flutter shy like discord so much on discord like flutter shy so much because flutter shy takes care of animals and likes animals and can talk to animals but every single pony can talk to discord but what are shy I donโt think he knows that because the school is a animal so thatโs why flutter shy like discord the most
0 likesYou obviously haven't seen Season Five Episode Three Castle Sweet Castle yet.
0 likesB-but chaos is fun
2 likesokay i think letting discord bring a little bit of chaos like the cholate rain would be okay and like maybe putting chaos to good?ย
0 likesyou forgot the roots on the roof
0 likesthat is why he wanted freedom
0 likesoh oh or he can come to our world every now and then and make it total chaos. please do
0 likesAlso R.I.P twilight's libraru
0 likesdiscord should have a speciel place or part in equestrea equeistria where he can go...................................................................
0 likesWILD
ehhhhhh,so is discord gonna keep cracking?
0 likesR.i.p. Library ๐ญ
0 likesHave a designated area for discord to do is magic in
0 likesHow about giving dicord the castle of the two sisters
0 likesUmm OH I KNOW Discord shuld have his OWN pece of land like the casel of the royle pony sisters and the ever green forest right?
0 likesMy birthday was on the same day TK ran, and the song about her role was so cringe-worthy I cried, which is when I got a year older. -_-
0 likesYour crazy I already have that play set
0 likesI think they should just give some land. thats not where anyone lives so he could just rep havoc there and not go chaos crazy again.
0 likesI ship Celesticore!
0 likesAlso is it just me or am I the only one that does not care about tree house being blown up???
0 likesfluttershy and disscord falling in LOVE
0 likesI don't like discord anymore after the awful final
0 likeshe gets a part of the ever free forest mabie?
0 likes4:15 ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED !?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?
1 likeTHIS IS NOT FOR REAL I JUST WANNA HHAVE A LAUGH so discord should be a pony hhahahahahhahahahahahahahahaah๐
1 likeYou should watch THE BRIDE OF DISCORD.
0 likesLet discord cause giant chaos+confuison to villans placees
0 likesDid he just ad the twighlight treehouse part for filler
0 likesanyone who makes fluttershyย cry deserves a punch in the face.
0 likesGONE GONE GONE GONE EVERYTHING GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE Also flutter cord does anyone remember that moment when Fluttershy was saying we aren't worth it then discord is like you are I get teared up trying to tell people about it I'm crying on phone screen thinking about fluttercord I mean disshy I mean shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping shipping
0 likesseriously though rip twilights house
join the rip twilights libary Facebook page
Awesome and cute.
0 likesXD he ships flutter cord you know wut Brony I respect that
0 likesa thing they choud do is give discord his own land to rule over there he choud make ash mutch chaos ash he wants to make
0 likesReplies (1)
Ya, they should
0 likeshe got brainwashed by tirek
0 likesHe said said a moment of silence.
0 likesPlay's music
I like conspirapon3 s take on it
0 likesdiscord is a double alicorn?i mean look at him he has tow horns a chicken hand a bear hand and..โฆbla bla bla im boring to tell everything
0 likesCOME ONNN!!!
0 likesIn which of those houses wold YOU live in eh EH?
That face
0 likesme:*crying*WHY TWILIGHT'S TREE HOUSE?!?!?!?!?
1 likesombra:*blasts sonamyfan1256
me:*covered in ash*COUGH*anyway...R.I.P: twilight's old*cough*library*faints from coughing alot
0 likesLess freedom for discord!
0 likesMemories are not in those objects gifts. They are in us. Aah axel (lea) from kingdom hearts should teach you a lesson. Got it memorized?
1 likeReplies (1)
I'm actually not familiar with kingdom hearts. The memories themselves are not in the items, but the items bring about the memories. Most people treasure items given to them by friends that they don't see as much as they would like. /)
2 likesUmmmmmm in the season 5 trailer twilight and spike hugged and cried about twilight 's library
0 likes(I'm not joking. )
you ruined my childhood ๐ช
2 likestears P.S spoiler alert in a episode they 5 other ponies decorate twilights castle with the remains of her old house.p.s I wrote this on 12-21-2017
0 likesdescored does have freedom he just does"int youse it in the seris
1 likeTransform your OC to a human form MLPEG
0 likesTOTAL CHAOS!!! thats my slouition
0 likesI can't believe you ship Fluttercord.๐
0 likesDisshy...shiping so hard!
0 likes3:36
0 likesOh Hasbro had to make it the middle finger
I kinda wish that they would just stick to the ponies instead of Equetria Girls
0 likesWho is best villain? Reformed or not?
0 likesi love discored XD
0 likesSolution to discord for him to be free send him off too another dimension. done good alrightyย
0 likesHe moves in a howes !
0 likesOk so do you ponies know why Tia said that a birth of an Alicorn is something Eqestria has never seen?
0 likesBecause she didn't want any pony to know she has a big casin thats why!
Replies (3)
Tanya Mishurova celestia
0 likesTanya Mishurova tia what?
0 likesTanya Mishurova ahhhh!!!!!?!,!?!?!?!!??!
0 likestwilight 's home r.i.p๐ข
0 likesCough fluttercordย Cough Cough Cough Cough Cough Cough Cough dies of hardtack
1 likeRIP twighlight house
0 likesSentimental objects are nothing! Merchandise is more important!
0 likeswalks to discord's house
0 likesCreate Chaosville!!!!
0 likesDAMN YOU HASBRO!!!!!
0 likesBut I do miss her library
0 likesI all the items the mane 6 got from ponies who's lives were changed by them but they still remember them and if they forget don't they still have that journal that they wrote in?
0 likesSimple
1 likeChoas # evil
OMFG IDEA (dear Hasbro) Discord could have his own part of equestria to wreck havoc in then he will not be harming everypony ELSE kind of like starlight glimmer and ugh ๐ฉEQUALIST๐ฉ village shudders in disgust ๐BUT WITH DISCORD INSTEAD!!:D
0 likesR.I.P Tree
0 likesReally I did have a moment of silence
0 likesok soย princess celesiaย gets her blue green pink flowy mane luna gets her stary-night flowy mane and princess cadence gets her long white pink purple mane though twilight does have some color in her mane she just has 2 stripes so I think twilight should be able to get hat amazing mane we saw in season 4 fanile!!!
0 likes0:56 THANK YOU! suck it maleficent haters!
0 likesrest in peace
0 likestwilights castle is a crystal tree with her cutie mark
0 likesplease do face reveal your my fav youtuber
0 likesMaybe... Maybe this means that EqG isn't cannon after all! HURAY!!!1
0 likesDude. That was not silence.
0 likesFluttershy and Discord sitten in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g!!
0 likesi think they did not ment to put a same seen in the same ep
0 likesR.I.P Twilight Sparkle's Treehouse.
0 likesSo true you are amazing pony power
0 likesThe castle sweet castle episodes that the tree chandelier represents the golden oak library memories
0 likesREMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RIP Twilight's old homeย
0 likesI blame twilight
0 likesDiscord and flutter shy get married and princess clelasity gets jelus and ruins the wedding
0 likesI don't really like equestria girls. I REALLY don't like that they're making a sequel to Equestria Girls
0 likesnow sing the F***ing national anthom
0 likesWoah when he show us discord and Mane chix rainbow had wing bent
0 likesTo do what he wants for a while and then stop OR do what he wants NOT in ponyville OR honestly I forgot what I was gonna say ORANGE JUICE
0 likesIn the dream world twilight maked her treehouse aigen
0 likesI love the backwards all new and hub lol
0 likesdiscrot has a crush on fluttershy but she see's him as a dad is my trery .
0 likesYOU KNOW WHATS MY COMPLAINT?!?!?!? *turns around and shoots fluttercord ship* *turns back around with shades on* thug life(THIS IS FOR CELESTIACORD MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
0 likesReplies (2)
xD So basically, you killed Flutters? D:
0 likes@Jamaa Kitties maybe >:D but I killed the fluttercord ship X3
0 likesOh my god we were talking about equetria girls marketing
0 likesIsn't Megan Mcarthy a Viner
0 likeslol you are so funny
0 likesOk so in the NEXT season they cre8 a tribute
0 likeshe wants to be a pony
0 likesGive him a plot of land where he can do whatever he wants!!!!
0 likesDuh!!!!!!!
Replies (2)
dudes doesn't he have is own universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI didn't think of that....
0 likesHi im thinking about making a pony OC channel do you have any advice? Thank you ;)
0 likestree house not gone the root of the tree is going to be in the new one.
0 likesdiscord is part of the ilummanti
0 likeshow about one that looks like 4:42
0 likes0.0 maybe T what's-his-name (XD) was the Shadow "Pony"! (that was off topic but still lolz) that would explain the shadow's yellow glowingish eyes and why it was so tall. idk lol
0 likesDat face is so funny!!!!!!hahahahahahahahahhehehehehhehehehe
0 likesIntroduce Discord to Minecraft
0 likesSeriously?????????????????
0 likesRIP Twilight's library home.
twilight's castle's living room has the roots of the library as a chandelier
3 likesReplies (1)
I think he posted this before the makeover episode
2 likesMeh. At least Twilight's new place doesn't look like it belonged to the Beirsteined Bears.
0 likesim on discrords side I will get you freedom discrord>:(
0 likesDiscord macks a kasel whith some land given him so he can have some fun
0 likesYa Maddie Labb I agree 10000000 prensent they should let discord spread chaos in the castle of the two pony sisters because that place is aboned like in bride of discord
0 likesWhy did you say fluttercord?
0 likesI liked twilites old house better
0 likesDiscord's Theme Parks
0 likesseason 6 might not come out
0 likesIS NOT FLUTTERCORD!!! It's fluttermac
0 likesIt sounds like you used to record on a toaster lol
0 likesme too
0 likesit's already 2016
But this is kinda like sunset shimmer she gave up her greed so discord gave up his chaos
0 likesLOL 2:11 XD
0 likesI say he can do chocolate rain but no further
0 likesdiscord needs love your love brony notion kiss discord
0 likescreate a place (CONTENT)for animals or draconocus whatever stuff to rome free
0 likesdiscord would live there duh!
hey I'm born in 5th October , that's when twilight's treehouse was demolished ๐๐ญ
0 likesMy mind is blown
0 likesthere not lost they were made into a castle who repersent their friendhsip
0 likesI ship it!
0 likeswhatch season 5 they put memories in her castle the roots
0 likesRIP Library
0 likesFLUTTERCORD?!?!? DISHSHY?!?!?!??! BRUH! IT'S FLUTTERSHY AND DISCORD >.> XD sorry but its true
0 likesI don't get it. What's wrong with the shot?
0 likesI know! Pinkie pie parties!
0 likes2:36 pinkie pie looks like she hates the world!
0 likesGive a little bit of land to play with.
0 likes๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ๐ you are so fane
0 likesand its DARK VERY DARK
0 likesI am amazed he's not a dispie is the pinkie pie x discord thing
0 likesWhey bella bunny that is genius
0 likesExplain tirek then
0 likesHer house died on my birthday WHY?!?!?
0 likestwilight was figuring out her role weirdo
0 likes5- 10- 15
1 likeThe day Twilight lost here treehouse
Also my birthday๐ข
Replies (2)
+Rachel Vinson Worst birthday ever.
0 likes+Rachel Vinson that is sad must not have been a happy birthbay
0 likesthat mic tho
1 likeHe sounds so WEIRD
0 likesI luv fluttercord
0 likesTwilights library rest in pepperonis
0 likesJust watch daughter of discord notion easy answer
0 likesdiscord should ย needs to ask for it and to me the 2 parter was awful tirek was a bad character he talked to much he laughed to much abd he let them know his plan this is why i like king sombra cause he is better than tirek say i,m wrong explain why u all hate sombra i don,t care i just want him to have the same love like the other vilines hail king sombra
0 likesReplies (4)
nice grammar
0 likes@kristen hallerย oh fuck off it was out of rage i was that badย
0 likesI actually thought Tirek was one of the best developed villians on the show.
0 likes@katleidoscopicย SOMBRA IS BETTER
lol this episode... just lol...
0 likesReplies (1)
@Yoav Gutman he made it more lol'erย Lol'er: to make funnier and to then define the word ONCE.
0 likesMe. Hi sad ok sorry so hey
0 likesDiccord. LET ME FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rip ๐ญ๐ญ
0 likesReplies (1)
RIP tree house library.
0 likesPinkie would love chocolate rain.Lyra wants humans in Equestria.
0 likesBannish him!
0 likesplz do discord in real world plz๐๐
0 likesReplies (1)
that would be chaos
1 likeReplies (1)
Illuminati is nothing funny. It's very serious.
0 likesAwww! And creeps
0 likesWait there is a Facebook page dedicated to the golden oak library?
0 likesReplies (1)
Also this was uploaded in my birthday last year. And I'm watching this on my birthday. Wow I'm late
0 likes1:08 discord like ๐
0 likeswhat ep is this?
0 likeshello people from the past im from 2018 and they did put the tree in the castle
0 likesyou really do like Fluttershy,
0 likesEVERY ONE DIES ( JK )
0 likes๐ข๐ข๐ข๐ฟ
0 likesFluttercorrrrrddddddd!! Dishyyyyyyy!
1 likeInteresting. I suppose.
1 likeDiscord Dies!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesbackwards footage? Notion, that's dangerous to use. Dr. Wolf got in big trouble for that
0 likesReplies (4)
Uh what?
0 likesaparently, it's against yourtube's polocy to use footage from something like a show, but flipped so that the imagery is backwards. Dr. Wolf's channel got taken down for a while because he used flipped footage in his original version of his review of Crusaders of the Lost Mark
0 likes+Autum Breeze Why? Is flipped videos worse to use than the original videos?
0 likesi can't reemember the exact reason, but i think it was something like it is seen as wrong cause it's changing the original footage? Dr. Wolf explained it far better
0 likes5-10-14? what that mean?
0 likesI thought it was ace
0 likesLol the facebook page!!
0 likesequestria girls is non canon
0 likesThis video is kind of favoring fluttershy with discord. I am sorry, but fluttercord is just gross. And fluttershy is my least favorite mlp character of ALL TIME. So, yes this comment is to just show my hate towards fluttershy. It is nice that she gave discord a chance in all, but the others deserve more respect. They had a reason to not like discord, I mean her was once EVIL. AND WE KNOW THAT CHOAS IN PONYVILLE ISNT A GOOD THING.
0 likes04:02 Srsly? XD
0 likesRip library
0 likesDiskord like flutershy!!!!! Diskord like flutershy!!! He want her for gurl friend!!! He want her for girl friend!!!!!!๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐ป๐น๐ป๐น๐น๐ป๐ป๐๐๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ
0 likesim intresting AND evil 4 teh sake uf evil
0 likesfluttercord!
0 likeshmmmm rainbow im getting a little sick i LOVE magic and i LOVE MLP but....i jut wanna see idk plain purple magic or green or even yellow
0 likesall the books so sad
0 likesAccidental "S" Word popped up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeShip fluttercord
0 likesEQG isnt canon
0 likes1 week for discord
0 likes+The Brony Notion 04:01 What is the name of the music?
0 likeshmm maby hem getting 1 day a year to do this ๐ซ๐๐ฒ๐๐๐โโกโโโโฌโฌโฉโโคตโช๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฃ๐๐โ โฃโฆ
0 likesEat a banana?
0 likesmabe discord and fluttershy like each other or what
0 likesold spoiler discord and cilesta and luna ย used
0 likesย ย ย ย ย freinds withย
He is soooo rude
0 likesu dont know seson ย 5 yet
0 likesjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยกยก
0 likestotal caos
0 likes1.20 what episode
0 likesSorry but I have to 4:18 ILLUMINATI CALLED IT
0 likesWhy are yuo canfused?
0 likesAka having fun
0 likeshe shod get his own pice of land( meening most of the everfree forist). ย sorry abowt ย myย spelling I am usingย my dad (jon Hammond's) akownt and am Ali'yah Hammond. Ali'yah is not misspelld because itย is in this langiwidg called ENCHINT HEBRO ย and I'm 10
0 likesCompromise
0 likesTraitor
0 likesAw man spoilers 3:
0 likesDazzle dazzel
0 likesFluttercord
0 likesThe rainbow powers look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid
0 likesWho is mean McCarthy
0 likesThere is no seson 5
0 likesMe 2 nightmares
0 likes-Fluttercord and disshy
1 like-lolololololklolololllololoolllololoololloolololoolliooollololooloololoollolll illogical lol lolololllllkl I'll ol SOOOOOOOO FUNAH!!!@@!!!!!&#%@^^ร%@;!^ Ha, ha, HA!!!!
Omg not boneless
0 likesOmg lol the tree house was destroyed on my 7th bithday
0 likesReplies (1)
And at that point I did watch my little pony but only on YouTube and I didn't know when that tree house was destroyed so yeah
0 likeswut in the freak IS THIS?!
0 likesTwilight Sparkle make a spell
0 likesasome
0 likesThis was uploaded on my birthday (may14 2014)
0 likesSIX YEARS AGO-------
1 likeKindly kick him and
0 likesThese ponies
1 likePrincess Fluttershy
0 likesOn 4:01 what is dat song called
0 likesI hate twilight omg
0 likesyou got a get other it i no i miss twilights old libry it was about diskoord lol
0 likesLol lol XD XD XD
0 likesWait is rainbow dash a boy or girl
0 likesOm Ayi Ayi sing di scored good time hits self into Ai Cins
0 likesXD
0 likesRetreehouseify lol.
0 likesdest world for me
0 likesOFF TOPIC
0 likeswhat was the video at the bottom at 0:35
0 likesso what was this video about again
0 likesThis was on my birthday ^.^
0 likeswhy is your cutie mark pixel not like a normal cutie mark because my little pony isn't pixel its normal...
0 likesCool
0 likesDiscd wt fed bocs the dou alu caos so he mis thet
0 likesY u vids no longer then 5 min?
0 likeshub is gone
0 likesLOL IDK.
0 likesI Ship
0 likesHEY I can't find the face book page
0 likesa room
0 likesHowza
1 likewatch dauter of discord thats my anser
0 likesRip, plus wednesdaay is my bday
0 likesFlonsaf
0 likes1. Dislike
2. Unsubscribe
3. Block
4. Report
5. Burn computer
... Ok What=dat.
0 likesBad mic
0 likesWaaaaaaaaaa
0 likesrasengan
0 likeslol
0 likesMy name's Sara!
0 likesReplies (1)
Hi Sara
0 likesI cried when twighlight's house was destroyed
1 likeReplies (4)
Because ur an idot :/
0 likes+Rainbow Toadette no i'm not
0 likes+Rainbow Toadette mean
0 likes+Michael Whittaker exactly
0 likesummm brony its backwards
0 likesidk lol
0 likesIdk lol
1 likeGuys i just say subscribe about FLUTTERCORD AND DISSHY i mean uh talk bout FLUTTERSHY AND DISCORD ok
0 likesyou will be
0 likesi have 1
0 likesyucky
0 likes๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
1 like.......
0 likesOh yeah
2 likesIDK
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesThey that castle is destroyed and ugly
0 likescastle
0 likesUmm idk lol
0 likesNope
0 likesYay
0 likes???idk
0 likesWho is watching this in 2016
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesYeah
0 likesUhhhhhhhhhhhhh
0 likesCAYOS CAYOS๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐ซ๐๐ง๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ก๐ข ๐๐ฃ๐๐ค๐๐ฅ๐๐ฆ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ MAMHA๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
0 likesReplies (1)
1 like7
0 likesfirst
1 likere
0 likesReplies (1)