Wwwwwoooooooooohoooooooo Thorax Ps in roblox I was a changeling and i was a loner I was hissing and ponies and thorax saw me and he said there is no reason to be bad and he chased me but i hid next to twilights house and he passed me and he was like where did she go and i ran and mid under a tree but i turned into a rock then icecream and pinkie pie tryed ratting me then I turned into a bug bear
@Funtime_Foxy107 wait a second..... Were you in my fav game Roleplay Is Magic on Roblox?! I made a reformed changeling OC in Roleplay Is Magic named Tangerine Blossom. So could we play together? My username is BendyFan2543YT
Misting Wolf YEAH THORAX STARLIGHT TRIXIE AND DISCORD SAVED THE DAY and all the changelings are cool now BTW I actually think that some mlp writers saw this episode because alot of the stuff that he said could happen DID HAPPEN just maybe a bit different...WHO KNOWS
The changelings should be actors! There should be theaters all over Equestria where the changelings can take the form of any character, perform elaborate productions using their powers, and feed on the love of their audiences at a safe and healthy rate!
I have read so many fanfics about the exact things you brought up. Both one of the main characters is a Changeling and Changelings coming to peace with Equestria and solving their problems, usually in the same story.
I know Chrysalis did have a great motive, but I want to know exactly how taking over Equestria and causing fear in the hearts of ponies will help produce the love the changelings need.
Sounds legit; but just as a Fluttercord shipper, if Bride of Discord and Daughter of Discord could happen, it seems like that would give great motive for the changelings to reinvade. Plus, it would make a lot of shippers happy! Not just Fluttercord, but Fashlight, Soarlin dash, Raripants, and, however many Applespike shippers there happen to be out there... ;-)
It may have just been a throwaway gag, but, regarding the Changelings as a whole, are there any theories about the one that shows up towards the end of A Slice of Life? Because generally the Changelings haven't really showed up (unless I completely missed something) outside of the Chrysalis episodes, so the fact that one was just kind of chilling there, undisguised, at the wedding between the Donkeys has some implications. Like, why weren't they thrown out, even if the other Ponies that were in the same row as them were clearly afraid? Is there something going on there? Is the dynamic between Ponies and Changelings more complex than what we've seen?
This literally just happened and it's been 3 years. I got so excited. Although, they didn't do it exactly like Brony Notion said, the changlings still were able to return love and have changed for good. Chrysalis on the other hand, is still a villain.
What would have the ponies have done if the blast, which was made of love, simply empowered the Changelings instead of them blasting off for the first time? I mean, it must have been like getting smacked in the face with an all you can eat buffet.
chris schall or the "Love blast" could be too much to handle for them. It is possible for anypony, or any form of life for that matter, to die from eating too much.
I think it's because it was too much love. Like having something like chocolate tastes great but if you have too much of it you get a belly ache. Basically, access of it can be damaging.
All you have to do is give Changelings the ability to feel strong, sincere love towards each other, so they can just feed off of that love which will become stronger as the feed on it, causing a sort of resonance. Of course, that might also make them unstoppable if they were to do something horrible.
Actually, Sombra was a young filly in the Crystal Empire who discovered his destiny was a villain we know when touched the Crystal Heart . He had a friend during his filly hood who earned her cutie mark and he didn't by setting him free from his fears. Then they weren't hanging out that much due to his friend going to events. It can be found in FIENDSHIP is magic issue #1.
In the final episode os season 6 we can see that Crysalis mostly done it for herself instead of her subjects and in my opion I don't think she really loves her subjects after all.
I think the cure for the changeling's NEED for love is loving and being loved (like friends for example). By loving they can produce enough love for themselves to live on. And eventually live like normal ponies. This theory works since the changelings have never really LOVED in their lifes, wich means it probably would work. What do you think ? +The Brony Notion
What's funny about this is that he more or less actually got exactly what he asked for about the ponies befriending the changelings. It's also important in his channels history for this being the first implication that his OC is a changeling. It's pretty funny to look back at this and see how much future you predicted.
Somehow I think the "Changelings" really are like "parasites" of the mlp universe. "Parasites" that won't stop until they've consumed all love of existence.
You wanted a changeling return. Are you satisfied? I find the changelings (the old ones) quite cute as well as the reformed. The old ones depended on each other, and protected the queen above all priorities.
I think that a good reintroduction for the changelings would be that the mane 6 are sent to the everfree forest by the map and then they find queen crysalys and her subgects in a small worn down area or village and the mane 6 need to help them because they are weak and in danger of dieing but my favorite part about this is the mane 6 needing to help an enemy and figuring out that the changlings were just trying to survive but they whent about it the wrong way.basicly they are sent to help the changlings (enemy) by the map but it's not egsactly a friendship problem it's more like a problem to hold and strive for hope and civilization.(that was freakishly long xD)
I thought it would be an interesting challenge if ponies and changelings try to become friends. Nevertheless it's been surprising when exactly this happened in season 6.
Zonbra became a villain because he loved princess Luna and she loved him as a friend, he was originally an unicorn pony and broke into the restricted area of star swirls then beaded's library or the princesses restricted library, he found a spell to let him grow a powerful horn as powerful as an alicorn's magic it's self, he was excited so he went to show princess Luna, she wanted to know how he got the magic and he said the restricted area. Princess Luna was furious so she sent him out to never set foot in canterlot. Princess Luna was sad but Zombra was furious, he went into handing, his horn started to get worse and so he attacked canterlot and all if equestria several times for pay back, he was called a King put wasn't an alicorn? Weird but his "new" horn held more power than an alicorn so I guess that makes sense 😐 Hopefully you reply to me Brony Notions and that explains the story why he became a villain 😁
Sombra's motive is a case of what TV Tropes calls "then let me be evil". Or rather, he's a villain due to a combination of being mistreated and being somewhat fatalistic in his own destiny. Seeing as he was pretty much born a monster inside a pony's body. (As a matter of fact, the shadow monster we see him as when Twilight and her friends encounter him IS his true form.) And his true purpose in life is to free other members of his own kind from underneath the Crystal Empire. A bit of a shame about him, though. Since Princess Amore did tell him that he could have done great things in his life.
Nightmare Moon's motive might not be all jealousy either. Since Luna was tricked into believing that she could earn everypony's adoration through fear. The spirit that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon, however, seems to be driven by its (or her) desire to plunge the world into an age of evil. Using anypony that it/she can manipulate in one way or another (as she/it did with Luna, and at least tried to do again with Rarity later on) to achieve that goal.
Ya know. The changelings and ponies could end up doing something similar to the Zygons and humans on Doctor Who. That actually worked pretty well til the Zygon episode of season 9 happened.
Since you are a changling you do have impact on their side. Which is totally why changlings should get along with ponies, I mean chysalis seemed greedy at the start, but I do not see much bad, therefore her change to the good side may have benefit, just like discord and the ponies
I completely agree also the changlings are basically her children I mean when thorax showed himself to spike it showed chrysalis with the changilings as baby’s and shes patting them she has a good reason to do it but my thoughts are chrysalis should have obviously been upset with starlight because she taking her kids away I would be upset but she could have embraced to and still be a queen when she was forced to stone they should realise that chrysalis wasn't really that bad of a villian and the Changelings could help her REFORM those are my thoughts Sawtooth please comment on this have a nice day.🙂.
By the way this comment is totally 7 years ago hahahaha 😶 any way please please comment on this 🥺
Good idea, but I think it would be much better if a loved background character was a changling, like Derpy, Lyra, Sweetie Drops / Bonbon, but not one of the mane 6, since that would leave lots more holes.
If anyone of the mane six were actually a changeling (and I dont mean they were replaced) I think it would be rainbow dash, considering she's often short tempered, boastful of her ovbious flying skills, loyal (like a bee to his/her queen), a good flyer, and possibly seems to have a bit more magic then the regular pegasus, escpecially when it comes to events like her rainbow nuke or sonic rainboom. Also, there was season 5 episode 13, where she were fighting changelings in her dream while inside what is assumed to be a changeling hive. If it is a hive, then how would she know what it would look like? And it likely wasn't made up, since dreams can often only take info seen in the real world (possibly except with magic things like Luna's dream magic and Celestia's Alicorn conversion realm) and either leave the info whole or slightly alter it/change it.
Osman E.2020-04-12 16:56:38 (edited 2020-04-12 16:57:38 )
Because she was your(or your chracter's?) queen while you making this video.
If one of the mane6 was a changeling head cannon mode on.. i would guess it would be fluttershy . And why fluttershy exactly you ask me well it's a tactical decision first off being that it would take a looong time for anyone to really start to notice if she was one because she's quiet , timid and the symbol of kindness and very loved by all her creatures and friends and if the changeling pulled the personality off correctly i don't think anyone would notice ... BUT on the other hand i can also see it happen that fluttershy would be out in the forest and finds a weakened changeling and of course being fluttershy she takes it home to nurse it back to health and fluttershy doesn't get swappen out by the changeling per say but she lets it look like her so that she can teach it about friendship and caring as to show that they can live side by side without the whole invasion thing.. big question though .. would angel bunny be ok with this setup :) Head cannon mode off
Chrysalis and the changelings are also different from the other villains because we never saw a backstory of them, just like we did with every other villain. So I’m just assuming that in the canterlot wedding episode, that was the first time that the changelings ever appeared in equestria.
I think I may have a viable thesis. Based off of the events of Season Five, we can guess that SOMETHING is gonna happen. In Amending Fences, we see someone in the background that looks like Starlight Glimmer, the first antagonist of the fifth season, who can steal cutie marks. In, you know, Slice of Life, there is a BLATANT CHANGELING, NOT IN DISGUISE, NORMAL FORM.
Something is going to happen....okay I forgot what it was, but I got a new idea. Cutie Mark Theft. Imprisonment. SHAPESHIFTING. See where I'm going? No? sigh What if, during the events of The Cutie Map, Starlight Glimmer kidnapped one of the main six, replacing them with a changeling: Starlight Glimmer is in league with Chrysalis.
Now I'm going into utter Speculation mode. We know Discord is reformed and Nightmare Moon is buried deep within the bowels of Luna's mind(I theorize). What of Tirek and Sombra? The Plunderseeds? Imprisoned, supposedly Smashed and trapped by the Tree of Harmony. Chrysalis and Glimmer free Tirek but keep him restrained somehow so he doesn't betray them, like he did to Discord. Tirek absorbs the Tree of Harmony's main source of power(not RP, because he can't absorb that) enabling the Seeds to grow once more. Then, by either developing this spell, or by stealing it, they resurrect Sombra. Discord is highly unlikely to actually betray the Mane Six, unless he's acting, he slowly plants seeds of doubt and mistrust between the villains, you know what happens? Three-Way-Brawl. Glimmer and Chrysalis, Tirek and Sombra, NMM annd Discord. Simply put, take any battles, combine them, and multiply it by 50, then add Twilight vs Tirek to the mix multiplied by 50. Yup. That awesome.
Actually I think chrysalis only wanted more subjects to rule over and was using her fellow changelings to do so. If you look back on the season 6 finale when she was steeling thorax’s love, and seeing how shacked the changelings were steeling love from their own kind is forbidden and considered treason reviling chrysalis’s true colors to the hive.
a very convincing Point Changeling but on the other hoof after that episode they used the elements of Harmony several times in several of the same and in different movies so if only the true Bears of the elements of Harmony can control them then how exactly do all the ponies use the Elements of Harmony also in the episode where we get some light on the Star Swirl the bearded history wooden the changeling that would be posing as one of the main six just change back instead of swapping personalities not to mention don't they have to change back every once in a while I mean sometimes they do go missing like being kidnapped but in that time that they were kidnapped wouldn't they change back and reveal their true identities as changelings my channel maybe mostly about miraculous ladybug but I am a huge MLP fan so I'm just saying your theory can go out the window because I just crushed it crushed it oh and one more thing I do agree with the feeding off of Love and powering their bodily functions but but but but with the overwhelming amount of love the Friendship of the main six would give off would make the Changeling go insane or develop Supernatural Pony powers increasing the bodily functions strength speed hearing eyesight everything therefore making a target for investigation so how does your theory Stand Up Now but not trying to dish it out on changelings or anything because in my pony form I am one Just As You Are but your theory would be really good but impossible due to the following from The Royal Wedding changelings rule but your theory drools no offense of course but I crushed it I'm sorry I crashed so bad I couldn't help myself PS I am not an evil Changeling😊😊😊😊😈😈😈😇😇😇😈😇😸
I must agree that Queen Chrysalis Had Good Intentions, And true, them being the parasites that they are, there wasn't a more peaceful option for the changeling kingdom. This Indefinitely Makes the queen of the changelings Be less of a villian, but no hero, more inbetween.
I kind of see the caring and hard working side of Chrysalis. She wants to feed her changelings. But, here's what I think happened. When you spoil someone, they start wanting more of it and can get ugly mean. In a way, her subjects spoiled her because when they fed on love they gave her power.
When the changelings come it's up to Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Torex have to save the mane 6 the order Princesses, Shining Armor and Flully Heart for the changelings the changelings become good but not Queen Carstyless she ran away you will find this episode in season 6 2 final episodes.
how long do you think queen crysilas has been around if she has been a threat before twilight was even alive. She keeps coming back even if you think she was gone for good. Also I'm noticing that she has a strong connection between night mare moon and king sambra. They look similar. I wonder if it is because they turned evil in a similar way.
I think the best choice would be for changelings to understand ponies better and to see a reason to just fit in I mean if somepony was attacking the one they love the love from their love would make them strong enough to defend their love not counting an adrenaline rush
I definitely believe that Chrysalis is not evil. She was just finding food for her subjects. The rulers of the changelings had probably been taught for generations that the way to do that is to take over a country, so of course she'll think that's the way to do it too. Even if it had occurred to her to find another way, I doubt any other rulers would've even been willing to speak to her on the matter, since the changelings surely had a bad reputation.
It's possible the changeling race has already made some kind of agreement with the pony race due to the appearance of a changeling attending a wedding in Ponyville and not eager to strike at or change into somepony.
That is a good plot twist plus I agree the Changlings aren't bad, just hungry and need to eat. And I think it's wrong for equertria to let them starve.
I think it could be that maybe there's a pony brought in that is half changeling (mum was a pony & dad was a changeling) it could make the mane six learn not to judge a book by its cover. Ever since I saw that show with the changelinges in it I've been thinking about it, my oc is half changeling. Her name is Purple lily, she fly's around helping lilys the water 1s grow. Id love to know what you think about my idea? X
The compromise idea is what I see when I watch Fluffle Puff Tales, where Fluffle loves Chrysalis, and Chrysalis lives off of love freely given without stealing it or hiding her identity. On the surface Fluffle Puff seems like just silly stories for the sake of silly stories, but it actually seems to imply and interesting unseen story. Twilight seems to have taken in Chrysalis to teach her to live without menace, and in doing so led her to meet Fluffle Puff who's unconditional love is sustaining Chrysalis. She resists the idea of accepting love freely given because it goes against everything she's ever known, but slowly she's starting to open up to Fluffle and accept her.
Or maybe I'm reading too much into a 'random silliness' video series.
Also, after being expelled from Canterlot, in the comics the changelings landed on a town of innocent bunny things that welcomed them openly, then razed it to the ground and consumed it's residents. Chrysalis splatted one on the wall just to intimidate the Cutiemark Crusaders.
Right so I just watched 'ask Fluffle Puff episode 1' and apparently they said exactly that. Guess it's not so unseen after all. I had mostly only watched the animated shorts before, not the ones that are actually videos of the comic version from the forum where the creator first posted it.
1:40 In the episode To Where and Back Again, while Chrisylis is stealing the love from Thorax, we can see it is causing him physical pain as well as weakening him.
We'd all love to see the changelings return with a second invasion, but the show has kind of reached the point where the main cast is severely over-powered... what with a mighty resourceful Princess in the lead of the group and the very Master of Chaos himself swirling around her like a bodyguard. (Speaking of which, I wonder if changelings can actually transform into Discord...?) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it'd take more than a traditional invasion to break this Dream Team and truly endanger Equestria. I believe that the writers would have to play it very smart to make it work. I'm sure your idea of a replaced member of the Team could fit into the whole scheme, somehow.
Also, I love the idea of ponies & changelings coexisting (somewhat) peacefully! Imagine how entertaining the interactions between ponies and their weird, semi-trustworthy neighbors would be...
That's the great thing about changelings, because they could one at a time replace the princesses and then the mane-6, and then attack. I agree that the six have too much power though. And also, I don't see why a changeling couldn't become Discord. /)
the changling left over could have been fluttershy my reasons 1 at the end of bats when the spell wasn't like on her anymore she still had fangs similar to a changing 2 on a recent episode ( element of kindness was called by the map blah blah blah) she wanted to leave because she didn't want to try until that changling could have realized he wasn't fitting the part. at the end of that episode fluttershys aka the changling could have turned tel he tables to make it look like he or she cared have any other reasons? comment below
They can also do other things. Just as the Timberwolves were coming back. With some mear magic stuff. Just like to shoot with lasers from his mouths to use them (like the unicorns and anicorns with their horns). For example, a pony (like an earth pony) like Tarzan can be raised by the monkeys, but only the "Everfree Paw" is raised by the Timbervolves. Or a follow up with this Shadow Pony. I want to show what it is for a part.
Something tells me we'll see the changelings again in Season 6. After all, one was somehow invited to the wedding in Slice of Life! There is a theory out there that Flurry Heart will be abducted by Chrysalis at some point so we will see if that comes to fruition...
mm actually that does has a point after all queen chrysalis did attack princess cadence wait king sambra also attacked but the crystal empire maybe they might join forces and attack or abduct flurry heart... maybe
@Mahatha Gnanaseelan I found someone who claims to have seen the remaining episode titles for this season and they did mention someone special returning in episode 12. Could that someone be Queen Chrysalis? :D
Cyril Smith VA it would explain a lot if flash was a changling spy but I don't want him to be but that's my opinion wow I should really have a theri YouTube channel
why do I feel like Chrisalis had lines where she wanted to rule Equastria was because she wanted people to give her consent to feed on love and the changelings not seen as bad
This is old but I really hate what they did with the changelings. Sure I preferred their old designs more, but that’s not why.
It’s because of the message. Think about it. For the changelings to be accepted and loved, they had to drastically change their appearance. They were too “unsightly” for ponies to accept.... what kind of message does that send?
We could’ve had episodes about changelings being hated because they look scary/creepy and ponies learning not to judge a book by it’s cover, but instead we saw the changelings permanently become more pony like (both in appearance and culture) just to be accepted. I know we already had a “don’t judge people based on appearances” episode with zecora, but we’ve also had multiple “fluttershy learns to be brave” episodes too.
I think it would be cool if the changelings created their own pony design that is unique like you did and they could live as a pony and nobody would notice and I could find somebody they love help them feed off of love and they can even start a family or something I don't know. well,it's just an idea. bro hoof!
If your favorite villain means "the character that you hate sooooo much that you want to take it out of the show, rip its face off and kill it with your own hands/hooves and throw it at the window" my favorite villain is Chrisalys or... however to spell her name!
Well to where and back also had a similar premise. Where all of Equestria's most loved ponies were replaced, and the changlings would feed off all the ponies love for the fake ponies.
Later after that episode, the main 6 use the elements of harmony so they cannot be a changeling, can they? It wouldn't work. What I mean is that the elements wouldn't work because when Spike was pretending to be Rainbow Dash with the elements (Discord removes their inner element) it doesn't work. All I'm saying is that in my opinion, a changeling cannot be one of the main 6.
I think there may have been more Changelings than just Chrysalis' group. We've seen that the Changelings look alot like insects rather than a race of ponies, so it can be assumed that Chrysalis is not as much a queen of a kingdom, but rather of a hive, meaning there might be more hives, ruled by other queens. This might allow the return of the Changelings. A different queen visits Equestria and offers to have her hive live in Equestria for its high amounts of love. Celestia, remembering the invasion of Chrysalis, denies the offer in fear of what might happen. This leads to a second attack, which ends up in both parties unable to defeat one-another and eventually deciding to end the fighting and think of a way to have them live together without endangering one-another. Changelings can feed on love, but are not allowed to take existing ponies' places, unless it were for work which they themselves are unfit to do (sickness, injury, etc.) as a Changeling might be able to even copy the talents of the pony they're pretending to be. Heck, it might even allow some ponies to have someone to help them out, such as Twilight having someone to practice her spells with, Rainbow Dash having a racing buddy and Applejack having some extra help on the farm.
@***** I'm sorry, I can't really follow you... Please try to use several sentences and not one incredibly long one, because it sounds like you keep switching the topic you're talking about while never ending your sentence.
@***** Chryssalis have daugther, Twilight and friends meet daugther, Chryssalis attack Crystal empire, Chryssalis and Daughter fights each other.... thats all i got out of it
and then they ruined her character by flipping this motivation into a completely selfish one just moments before her original motivation of feeding her kingdom was completely resolved.
sombra was an umbrum, a ghost ponie, and is born evil. he became a pony so that he could free the umbrum, but he became good when he turned into a pony. he started beleiving umbrum were good because he was one, even though he didnt know he was one until he saw his destiny. his best friend warned the princesses about him, they impriskned him, and knkw hes back.
@Chrysalis The Queen of the Changelings they're not exactly drones. They changed when. Well. Blah blah blah stuff in the fan fictions, so Yea they aren't exactly drones but who cares :L
@***** i would say that chryssie is the one feeding one love and that she gives this energy to all her subjects when they need it. or they do it similar to tirek when he steal magic, that they suck the energy from their victims. or they just absorb the energy and keep doing what they normally do.
@***** i know. but if i would get asked, i would say they mostly did this to keep the ponies from attacking them and that they planned to set them free when they fell asleep and then take the form of normal ponies and live among them.
@Kurliz Makara As awesome (for them) as that'd be, the notion falls into a paradoxical scenario often known as a "Perpetual Energy Ideal." In this case, perpetual energy in the form of endless love is needed to feed the changlings, HOWEVER, due to the first and second laws of thermodynamics (First law of thermodynamics: When energy passes, as work, as heat, or with matter, into or out from a system, its internal energy changes in accord with the law of conservation of energy. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible. Second law of thermodynamics: In a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems increases. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind are impossible.) AND the law of the conservation of energy (Within an isolated system, the total energy cannot be created or destroyed, and thus remains consistent.) that would require ALL their energy into producing love/food, with no other way that that energy could be used (including BREEDING), else there would be a decay in the food supply at an exponential rate and them still starving to death.
I think it is possible for a changeling Queen to store Love (so food for changelings) in her body ore sonething. She could habe feeded her hive later with the Energie.
Ahhh... The good old days before the "reformed" changelings came along. I will always be loyal to the Hive! "We may be starving, but at least we aren't one of them"
I want a episode where the alicorn sisters (you know who) are actually imposters taking the magic from their mom and dad to become lookalikes so nopony would be frightend. Sunset shimmer becomes alicorn and princess of day while twillight is night princess. Don't you get that you can kinda predict the story. Their names! SUNSET shimmer and TWILLIGHT sparkle. See?
Chrysalis does have a heart and I think she had no choice but to become a villain because she needs to let her beloved subjects (get it because she is a ruler) enough with school back on topic ya she needs to let her subjects to "feed on love" and I think she just dot used to doing her job but I don't think that she is the snobby and selfish as most villains I think she treats her ppl will respect let me now (i went way to deep with this didn't i )
If Hasbro does what you say to one of the most popular ponies, then they might get a lot of hate for doing so. Bring Notion, every character in my little pony has a fan base, meaning that no matter who you pick, a large group of people will object. The only reason I am saying no is because whoever you do it to, that specific fan base is going to object. Hasbro would get a lot of hate for doing so, and with all the antibronies, I don't think they would want to do that. The only character I see this being OK with is Flash Sentry since he was one of the most hated characters in my little pony. I'm sorry if this upsets or disappoints you, but that's just reality. On, and your videos are awesome and I would encourage you to keep making them.
They're her kids, on top of this she loves them, she just thinks that's not the best thing for them. She just doesn't realize they're genuinely happy now, she wants what's best for them, she just doesn't see it.
Miso Hoshi first of all we never conferred their all her children, second of we’ve seen from ocellus changelings have nuclear families, and third if you look in the comics chrysalis come to being from a mutated tree after the first changelings
My personal fav villain is Discord but queen chrysalis comes close in second but i think that she did have good intentions for her people i think that her heart was filled with darkness not love for her people.
seeing this video AFTER the series ended, -The changlings are reintroduced -They come to attack -They replaced not one, but all the loved ones in equestria -They reform (Well, not Chrysalis) -And lives with ponies peacefully Did the creators really watch this video or is Sawtooth just reallllly psychic? 😂
All the changelings found a better way by sharing love, but Chrysalis didn't accept and she ran away. Why would she run and seek revenge if she already new there was a better way to get everything they need? Why would she just run? Maybe there is a different reason she is doing this. Maybe something happend in the past to make her do all of this. I can't wait to find out when Chrysalis returns and attempts to seek revenge on Starlight.
Sombra wanted revenge against the ponies who took his empire from him, as for why he took control of the CE in the first place, the usually evil guy archetype
That would be awesome! And her kingdom could have been the changelings, whom were driven by selfish reasons and hate. Two changelings, Celestia and Luna, were good. They banished Queen Chrysalis and the changelings, freed captured ponies, and took power over Equestria.
I wonder… since changelings can change forms and even have cutie marks, does that mean that they can make up destinies? Or is it just a tattoo to them?
changelings are beautiful who, with friends, transform after sharing love and there is an episode of mlp backing my theory so watch it its called "to where and back" :)
she is also diffrent because shes a mother type character. she consumes love and the changeling's consume if of her like baby's sucking milk out of a mother
I think before Queen Chrysalis may have been the first person that rude The Crystal Empire so she may be the first one that was the love princess King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis rule together and the crystal ponies used to Crystal Heart to bring love all over the world I think and the changelings feed off that love from the crystal heart when it's charged up from the crystal ponies
Good idea notion! Let's give evil a chance! I'm tired of good defeating The evil. Let's give them a chance in friendship! Like with discord! It was nice to see evil change to good for once.
I think the doppelgänger idea would be very interesting but it couldn't work if it was one of the main characters, or any of the very close friends. Instead I think it would be a good idea to make it a side character. Like one you barely notice but is always there, just off to one side.
I think it's a good idea to have one of the background characters be a changeling, like Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, heck even one of the Mane 6's pets could end up being a changeling (I could actually picture Angel being a changeling since Fluttershy showers him with love...)
Dear brony nation, I honestly think there mite be 2 more alicorns to be featured in the show. In the episode twilight is a princess (not sure if thats the exact name) part 2 when they find the tree of harmony there is a chest that pops out of a flower. You here celestia say "6 locks 6 keys." and what if the horns of the "6" princesses are the keys? Or what if the 6 keys are the 6 elements of harmony? (even though I saw the ep. Where you explain that sunset could be the 7th) I honestly dont know and would like your opinion on this thought. But if you don't that's fine to...... loving fan-otaku Chan bro hoof 🐎♥
Well I think chrysalis has the biggest reason because she needed to feed a kingdom plus herself and only on love and with all the villains and without friendship then there is no love for her kingdom and herself
Well the crystalling showed a changeling in the end, so there's a chance for this to happen, So . . . How the heck do you male the writers listen to your ideas!?!?!?
Chrysalis is a villain... They (SPOILER ALERT) could become good and share love as we see in the ending of season 6. I know this vid is old, but still! She was doing it by selfish motives as well! Changelings didn't ever get satisfied, as to them drying out love from existance. Selfish as they could never feed on enough love to be able to sustain themselves.
@Pastel Breeze she's black and blue, well to me. Brony notion, think about this: Why is Chrysalis black and blue to some ppl, but white and gold to others?
You know, Queen Chrysalis is the villainess whose shapeshifting scared me. That was the reason I jumped outta my skin when Chrysalis revealed her true form.
SPOILER ALERT do not read if you haven't seen season 6 yet. But in the last episode of season 6 which is part 2 of the second to last episode of season 6, the mane 6 and all the princesses were kidnapped and taken to Queen Chrysalis's castle. So Starlight Glimmer, Discord and Trixie go to rescue them after realising that changelings have been posing in the mane 6's place. They go to Chrysalis's castle and long story short, Chrysalis tries to feed off Starlight's love but then Twilight tells Starlight to SHARE it instead, and when she does, the changelings transform into a new, fairy like sort of changeling with thorax as their new king. Starlight almost persuades Chrysalis to reform but is last seen flying off somewhere else far away. Hope this helps.
The real answer is because she is Gelorum. In The Ending of the End Part 1 she forgot to mention not only does she have plans, she has the AcceleChargers.
You forgot about Sunset Shimmer. She had a tribe of teenage zombies and had a hammer to smash the portal so wouldn't she have almost taken over equestria? She was jeleus of Twlight. How about that?
i would say, When see Queen Chrysalis drag herself into Celestia's throne room with Luna sitting next to her. Next seen is with twilight running into the castle with her friends and spike with the elements of harmony. then the episode would be a mix of what it was like with discordand the luna episode only with a whole bunch of ponies instead of one
IF THE RE-INVASION EPISODE HAPPENS THEY NEED TO ADD IN FLUFFLEPUFF!!!!! please? i love that mute tongue-talking mysterious black hole ball of fluff, her and chrissy make a cute team <3
When Cadence has flurry then the crystal people spot a changling named thorax who befriends spike and he feeds off of the love that ponies have for him.
Yeah like chrysalis needed to feed her Kingdom since the changlings feed off love . like you can't just ask ponies for there love so that is why she attacked . she is just doing her duty as a good leader like celestia so you can't really blame her for it and the changing ' s they don't choose to feed of love they are just born like that and they have to eat.
Imagine if Queen Chrysalis was pretending to be Princess Celestia since after the last invasion :O Eh not possible they wouldnt do something like that... it would be awesome though.
the only one who could actually be a changeling is spike be all the others have already used their powers and are in every episode so well spike might be a changeling!
does any pony think that possibly the shadow pony could be apart of the return of the changelings it would be pretty cool to mix that idea up again XD that would be great
Why are Queen Chrysalis evil when she and the other changelings only need love to live, what's the point for it when changeling never can be satisfied and why don't Queen Chrysalis also share love if she want to be satisfied?
The changelings do come back in season 5 ep 9 but its only one at the wedding in the back row. You can't really find it in the crowed but it shows it next to no one and a huge pile of files on the other end. What dose this mean? Is it a hint that they come back, he's cranky doodle donkeys friend, or he just went to the wrong thing? What do you think?
the only real way for changelings to survive without a ponies love would be to have something like the crystal heart an object that produces love or at least stores love in it then just give it to the changelings to feed off that no ponies would have to suffer from the loss of their own love but like you pointed out about them starving to death I think your right as fare as we know all the changelings mite of already died from no food
Two things: Sombra was the worst villain the show has made. So bland and one dimensional and chrysalis was the best quality villain because she has reasons to do it and she reminds me of zira from The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride.
Cadence and Chrysalis. To very different topics but if you dig a little deeper you can find that Cadence is the prince of love and Chrysalis well takes love. If there was a world where the bad guys were good and the good guys were bad would Chrysalis be the love Queen? and would Sombra be the love king? I mean there the only two villains that have king and queen in their names. But just a thought.
After season 6 Chrysalis wanted revenge on starlight glimmer for taking away her subjects from her kingdom and continued to be one of equestria 's villians
She never cared about the changelings she just wanted more subjects to rule over. But she lost all of that when she tried to steel Thorax’s love, and seeing how the other changelings were looking at her shocked I’m pretty sure taking love from other changelings was forbidden and considered treason. Show all the changelings chrysalis true colors
I feel really bad for Chrysalis, not only because of this video but because of like, everything else. It's just sad, and it makes everypony else sound evil.
Sigh... there was so much more that they could have used for Chrysalis. Maybe not make her reformed, but just make her more than just a slightly-crazed dictator.
Objection! We can see in Canterlot Wedding that as Chysalis "feeds" on Shining Armour's love, the stallion's health is seriously threatened. As you stated at 0:37 changelings are parasites, and there's no way for parasites and their "prey" to live in a harmonic way. If their relations to ponies were to be closer to a commensalism, then having changelings and ponies living together would make more sense.
Also your idea of having one of the mane 6 being secretly a changeling is refuted by the fact that they were able to use the Rainbow Power, to which only the true mane 6 are connected because of the Elements of Harmony.
Those were good ideas, though. Perhaps the changelings could try to sneak into the Crystal Empire? I'd say Shining Armour would be more likely to be a dopelganger, but I just remembered that Tirek stole his magic in a scene on the Season 4 finale; I'm pretty sure something would have happened if that was the case.
He said "How cool would it be to find out that one of our loved ponies wasn't actually there, and an invasion was about to occur?" I thought he meant that a changeling will have replace a member of the mane six at the last minute before the invasion occurs, that could somehow work. But I agree, your interpretation seems more likely given the Dr. Who example. They've used the Elements of Harmony more than once (plus Rainbow Power like you said), so there's no way for any of them to have been fake.
And if I were in Queen Chrysalis's hooves, I'd target Ponyville to directly get rid of the mane six before going for the main dish (Canterlot). I'd replace Gummy with a spy changeling to set up the preparations necessary. Nopony would ever suspect Gummy and it'd be a flawless victory.
@Deme F.Q @Giulia Sthefany Salustiano dos Santos I think if Discord or Nightmare Moon can be reformed, the Changelings can break away from their parasitic nature, maybe through a magical spell that changes the way they get power, like the spell in "Bats!". Oh and maybe the switch between real pony and Changeling has yet to occur, like in season five. The switch could happen at any time. :)
@The Brony Notion Again I disagree, not with the possibility of reforming the Changelings, but with the way you said it could happen. The two times Twilight did something like that (make the parasprites stop "eating the food" and said spell in "Bats!") had terrible consequences; I don't think she'd risk making the same mistake one more time.
I understand your empathy towards changelings and you do have good points to sustain your opinion; I myself find them really interesting. It would be fun to see them make a comeback.
incorrect you assume that changelings are only parasitic however a parasite knows better than to harm its prey. parasites will usually live alongside the prey or at least do no serious damage so that it may continue feeding on that prey. this allows for symbiosis in certain situations because the parasites can either help protect the body from other dangers and the parasite gets a meal. there are many parasites that are known to be bad for us but it isn't always bad. so even if the changelings were entirely parasitic then they still have the potential to help when not being threatened. Also they can be considered hunters since you say it does harm its prey. Hunters usually don't live with their prey however if you look at it another way you see that it may be possible for the changeling to get love without harming the prey. you can tell that is a possibility because there was nothing (aside from the brainwashing) wrong with shining armor until much later on. this means changelings could have a similar relationship with ponies as humans do with cows. furthermore if you think the idea of having their love fed on wouldn't fly with ponies then the changelings could compare themselves to the own relations of ponies to cows. think of it this way what would the cow think of ponies using its milk because in this world cows are sentient,and we have seen plenty of confectioneries that require milk. so peaceful relations are possible as proven by very confusingly non-complex yet at the same time complex means. Also if all else fails they could just try to blend in for a while and make a lofe for themselves. After all it is kinda what changelings can do.
@cybermage99 Symbiosis and parasitism are opposite to each other by definition. You could say parasitism is symbiosis' evil twin sibling.
You see, in the comics Chrysalis and the changelings attack a group of a kind called luvcats, feeding on the love they supposedly give them freely (kind of like in the Fluffle Puff blog) and if I can recall that nearly kills the luvcats. Parasites or hunters, either way the changelings' need to feed on emotions has been proven dangerous for their prey. Also I'm pretty sure they'd have tried blending in if that was an actual option; I mean they would have spared energy and time and would have the ponies' love whenever they wished. Since that wasn't the case I can only assume they didn't have a choice (or they are dumb as hell).
As for cows and milk... I'd rather think ponies actually drink soy milk, 'cause it seems less awkward this way :P
@Giulia Sthefany Salustiano dos Santos my point about symbiosis/ parasitism is saying that they are similar except one creates benefits for the host. changelings which are obviously competent enough to at least follow orders could be told to help ponies and there is no reason why they couldn't except the invasions aftereffects. in which case they could use disguises. As for the soy milk it was an analogy, what do you think cows would think of us using their milk if they could think like us.It was just an example of how in that world they could get along even when using their milk would be kind of awkward. truly it doesn't matter anyways because if the changelings were to try and join the pony society they would most likely succeed one way or another.
@cybermage99 I know it was an analogy, I was attempting to make a joke. It was terrible, sorry. Let's make another analogy, then. Suppose all animals were sentient; would you think that if a tick was told not to harm its host while sucking its blood, it would be able to ddo so? In my headcanon even if changelings wanted not to hurt ponies, it seems inevitable; thus Chrysalis couldn't just sneak the changelings into Equestria like that. If some ponies suddenly had a strange illness (like Shining Armour) while "others" (the disguised changelings) felt great, don't you think somepony would eventually find out the truth?
i say that as long as they are careful they could easily do so. who says that feeding on love harms the pony that is being fed on. it is just like taking blood. If you only take a little then its ok, but if you take alot then it can be very bad
You no it could be spike that it doesn't threaten to elements of harmony and it would also be giving spike more of a role then just be the comic relief it's a thought £^ (<-- pony face)
@cybermage99 Yes, being careful would work... if there was a small number of changelings, feeding sparingly on many ponies' feelings. My headcanon is that Chrysalis wasn't brainwashing Shining Armour, she was trying to cover the side effects of feeding on his love for Cadence. He did say that the spell she did on him was to stop his headache. Also, have you ever seen a tick infestation? It can be deadly. I stand my point that the number of changelings is ridiculously big making blending in very difficult, if not impossible.
@cassandra penner I've only seen changelings turn into ponies their size. Although taking Spike's place may be possible, it seems rather unlikely.
@Iridezent Luvipan I'm guessing you haven't seen the finale yet. You'll know what I'm talking about when you do, but by now I'll just say *slight spoilers ahead* they aren't completely /gone/.
why go to the Chrystal Empire, when you have a city like Manehattan? if you have enough ponies for each changeling to live on, you wouldn't evn notice it. Speaking of Tirek, why did he never consider stealing the Changelings' Magic, thus clearly giving him the edge?
@Eponey Cheetah I don't think a city (even if it's Manehattan) would have more ponies than an empire (it's almost literally comparing NYC to Canada). Also, Chrysalis' issue is more likely to be about Cadence "Mi Amore" Cadenza, the princess of ~love~. But I could be wrong.
your do know that every one has parasites in them to live like in your stomach or blood system and yes we see that he is hurting but if what this guy says is right then that means that "love" will be going out to thousands and thousands of changelings that could drain anything faster than gas through a modle T (bad joke i know) but i would not call changelings parasites or monsters more of the fact that they really dont get shown in a good light and if they could live off of love then they can live off of other emotions by that logic and the doppelganger idea has some holes in it i would like it much more if they see a changeling showing compassion towards a pony or fear of them because they have been called emotionless monsters and should not be able to do that thats all i can think of at this moment besides changeling oc for the win
@Midnight Song i enjoyed it but i feel as though there are more hives than just chrysalis and there not the only ones...and she not really evil at all just stressed out like a mother (with thousands of kids to feed) so a mental break down is what we see here the bad plan the evil acts just a stressed induced mental break down with hive mind at its worst dose that make scene?
@Davis Campbell Makes sense, but because there might be more hives doesn't mean she isn't the ruler of those too. If Celstia can rule equestria, Chrysalis can rule tons of hives... maybe her hive is like... the cantarlot of changlings. Just a though.
I agree the changelings deserve a 2 chance it's not there fault they feed on love or that they are different looking (They can change though p.s. pun intended) so there should be an episode for what he just said.
I'm just not a fan of the doppelganger idea in general, because I can't stand the changelings, they're my personal least favorite villain in the show, nor am I a fan of them returning
Shining armour is weak because he's holding the shield it's like if a human had to swim for hours it's basically holding that shield for days and he said nothing about one of the mane six he said and I quote "one of our beloved ponies" so one of the non-important ponies like doctor whooves or maybe derpy or bon-bon read my other comment for details on the bon-bon theory but hey its just a theory A PONY THEORY
@Bode the Brony There're so many grammar mistakes in that sentence that I can't tell whether it was written by a two-year-old or not. First off, instinct isn't changed based on interactions within one life-time, it's altered slowly over multiple generations. Second, changelings, while feeding on the love of other in a parasitic way, they shouldn't necessarily be categorized with ticks. Third, while there is no clear "tell" that changelings feed off of love to live, it's generally accepted that it's natural and therefore not a spell. Fourth, changelings in mythology were believed to blend into homes by kidnapping children and impersonating them, as Chrysalis clearly does within the show (although be it not a child, but instead Cadence). Therefore, what may have started as a spell originally to transform their body into that of another may have eventually become a natural ability born and passed through generations. Fifth, and this is a long-shot. That being said, it does make some sense. Changelings supposedly live by feeding on love, or at least gain power by doing so. Seeing as no human on record has directly been able to use emotion as sustenance, we have no way of telling how long any amount of love would sustain the changelings. As a final point, you mentioned (at least, I think you did) that Shining Armor is the size of other ponies, and, directly taken from your comment "her size would need mass amounts of food then why would a normal sized on harm another pony shining is the size of a normal one", love, as with any emotion, can be felt in different varying amounts. Shining Armor felt absolutely thoroughly in love with Cadence, and would therefore be a larger source of the emotion than, say, a random single pony on the street would. There's also that she was aiming to take over, so she would choose Shining over perhaps another pony that would provide her with the same amount of love.
You actually don't understand his "empathy" towards changelings. If you didn't know by now, it isn't "empathy" at all. Empathy is feeling bad for someone else, which, spoiler alert, doesn't apply to Sawtooth for... reasons.
I object to your objection! Shining armor's health was only threatened because Chrysalis fed off it much more than she needed. If ponies actually loved changelings or were friends with them, the love between the changeling and pony would feed the changeling. The ponys health would not be endangered because their friend wouldn't take enough of their love to hurt them. There is a way for ponies and changelings to live in harmony!
Giulia Sthefany Salustiano it could be princes cadence princess flurry heart!!! There was two changelings at the end of her first episode an adult and a baby changeling!
Okay so she IS a LEADER of the Changelings, and her job is probably feeding, but she doesn't really know how, so her first appearance is when she tries to get Shining Armor's love and not like LITERALLY to get all the love her self. But to feed it to the Changelings. But she has a preeeetttyyyy bad way of doing it, so in the last episode of season 6, Starlight asked her why she was doing these bad things (ahemmmm spoiler i guess) and she replied "To feed of course!" Also, "once i show my subjects what a true leader is." I don't remember what exactly she said but I'm pretty sure that's it. But Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow got turned into stone and tada, that's it 👽
u know what would be cool i read some fan fiction and found out that Chrysalis it actually the long lost crystal princess! so like what i would also think would be cool is if they make an episode about Chrysalis's past and add that she is the long lost crystal princess!
At the end, I realized that, because of his idea, that if Twilight was the fake, then that means that the real Twilight would not be an alicorn. ps I haven't seen the Thorax episode, but I've heard of it.
Sombra, he was friends with Luna but one day he found a spell to become a unicorn, Luna told him it was dark magic, he told her it was OK, she didn't agree and he ran away later making a return as the evil taken over King Sombra atleast I think I heard
I saw another comment That says (FLASH SENTRY IS A CHANGELING SPY) That would make an Awesome episode, If Twilight still has a Crush on Brad, That Means That He has Been Feeding off Twilight's Love For The past...3 years? That means he would be Pretty powerful, An Idea For An episode, is That They see Brad Again, And Twilight is Just crazy For seeing him Again, And She acts Like She Was tired, And We discover That he has Been Feeding off Twilight's Love And...SOMEONE MAKE A FAN FICTION OF THIS!
No,Terik is motivated by his father.Like Diamond tiara who was motivated my her mother/making her mother proud.Terik was making his father proud not trying to this just because.
Just have to say this dude predicted the ending of season 6 but not exactly starlight goes back to the communist Village she get's anxiety and comes back finds out everyone's been replaced by a changeling they find thorax the child beccause that's what he acted like to the other changeling then discord joined them also the changeling magic stopping thing is bullshit for dicord the embodyment of chaos his magic aparently just follow's a rule that no magic In the changeling hive but anyways you basicly called it it was a secret mini war
changelings actually eat love like similar to how we eat food but.....they grab the openent and suck the love out of them kinda like with trek did with magic
“There wasn’t really a more peaceful way to get what they need” And then Thorax appeared This isn’t really the most original comment and please don’t say I’m copying I just thought it was funny
there is a other episode with chrysalis search "season 6 episode 25" after watching that put in and watch "season 6 episode 26" and keep in mind to watch the right one and its a two part episode
It has to be Pinkie that is kidnapped. It would be so cool. And she would learn that the Changlings are different, and one of the Changlings has to be her, and then starts wanting to be Pinkie for real, with her friends and life. When Pinkie comes back, there is a big reveal and Pinkie starts defending the Changling 'n stuff. I want to see this so much.
i think a better idea is that Queen Chrysalis comes back and asks the mane six to forgive her then she turns good and her kingdom can live happily ever after the end but before the end derpy says to the people watching this video don't blast changlings away their people to
sombra turned to evil because he was basically a umbrum a umbrum is basically a evil monster he was a good person but he felt forced to be evil because his kind were evil
king sombra is not a king before of the crystal empire he was just a humble pony but i saw was a pony which looks like him in the future in the time he takes over the crystal empire sombras cutie mark was red not gray but the future him gave him his soul to take over plus his cutie mark turned into gray which means he does not have a desire to take over he was only controled to do it
twilight would be to tough to capture, if i were the enemy, i would go for the weakest and least expectant to be an imposter, in this case, being fluttershy.
+ The Brony Notion I'm a changeling too and I help protect Equestria from evil like Sombra or Trek or Discord if he were to go back to being evil,also you are so awesome and well... I am actually in the form of a member of the royal guard. #Changelings are superior and awesome
+Darren Tong They just love to crash weddings :P This one could have been a defector. Or it kidnapped someone and impersonated them, but why wouldn't it just do that to the bride or groom instead? Meh, I suppose we will never know how it got in.
Me at 2:50: wait isn’t Aren’t there nice changelings rules by thorax???????
So now I get it! They made the reformed changelings because of the briny notion!!!!!!! That and the other thousand or so people who wanted nice changelings of course.
I will not be quite satisfied if one of my beloved mlp characters actually WASN'T a character! Yes it was satisfying in DW but we all must say... WHERE WOULD THE CHARACTER GO IF THEY WEREN'T THERE!? That might also end of a character... or even the show. Besides, DON'T TAKE AWAY MY FLUTTERSHY HASBRO OR I WILL END YOU!!!!! And done. Please say your feedback to this comment in the reply. Thank You. (I do not intend to offend anypony I just want to point out my opinion.)
Fair enough, although that changeling theory sounds great for an episode, is sounds farfetched, because everypony was writing in the book thingy journal, isn't it?
They don't have to take her away. Remember the Canterlot fight scene where Applejack was buried under some changelings that looked exactly like her? Changelings can talk, so they could have swapped the real Applejack with a changeling.
theres no need for that, for example, if pinkie pie is a changeling, that means that the real pie is being held in some remote location (as it happend with cadence), but i think that theres a spy in ponyville, maybe derpy, cheerrliee, who knows, but the idea is really good that they have to use it, a twisted ending season like that would be amazing.
@Insanity Hm. I do kinda want that since Sunset Shimmer is boss and RD is just plain bragger but my BFF is obsessed with RD. I try to explain how all she says is how awesome she is. She doesn't listen
ya none of the characters should be taken away even though i would like the changlings to reappear. and why are all the bronys so crazy about fluttershy i like her and all but i just don't get it.
@xXFlutterArtsXx Perhaps they were captured by the changelings the episode before the episode, replaced by a changeling, and forced to give information about the coordinates of the mane 6, and/or give them love. So the all the ponies were real until the episode before that and then blam badda blam everyone's happy and a cool storyline.
Did Someone Realize That In the movie Friendship Games of MLP the Pendant Stealer of Twilight Is The Same with T-reks Horn the Pendant and the horn are both magic stealer...
My OC is also a Changeling. But unlike most Changelings, this Changeling is, how do i say, basically a Changeling in appearence, but has the powers of various other species.
My OC is a changeling. If you want to see it, just type "MLP changeling" in the search bar. My OC is nothing but a changeling, just an ordinary changeling. Not that anyone cares cough but I chose a changeling because I can't decide what my OC could've looked like. In other words, my OC is a changeling.
Changelings are shapeshifters, they can shapeshift in whatever the fuck they want and use these abilities, how exactly is that changeling any different?
@Lord Crystallax Huh, actually, just the fact that your OC is a changeling and still qualifies as an OC is already pretty bad, I think that as long as Elizabeth's isn't a red and black neon alicorn it's already going to be better.
@Le Derp Français. You now in that she has a husband I watched a show what im trying to say chrysalis husband might be the hole reason why she is like this ciase she once was a honey princess watch inkrose for that
I ask again about was queen chrysalis alwase a changling because there is this pained glass about a alicorn that looks so like chrysalis but it is not the cheesy and evil look it look calm besides what could enrage her more ? I’ll tell you the story of how she became evil or in my version. First start with a boyfriend you have and some other or girl makes the boyfriend love her better and they are planning to mate. Does that sound familiar? Well you want that love back from the other pony but in a evil way so it makes chrysalis hungry for love. That is how she got her army because the ponies who had the similar thing will be hunger for love and power
I love your idea for the show but................... this is supposed to be a show for 8 yr old girls..... I don't think they would understand and/or like that. My solution? (not a very good one) Make 2 versions of the show. One would be peaceful, for all the younger watchers, and one would be more... well... awesome. Ik lots of MLP fans would hate this but, hey, it could work. (Also, the doppelganger would probably be Rainbow or Fluttershy, and Rainbow would be nicer and less self-centered, and Fluttershy would be less brave. I prefer Rainbow.)
Brony Notion r u a changeling i see u change into a pony at the beginning of some of your vids. Im just curious.(and plz dont say a doi or something like that)
Yes, my OC is a changeling. I used to have the transformation in the intros of my older videos, but once I dropped that, I've been hinting at it. ;) HAIL QUEEN CHRYSALIS!
@The Brony Notion I KNEW IT!! I thought it was EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS when you changed your appearance and cutie mark IN A GREEN FLAME!!! Plus with that hint that you were on the side of the changeling's I USED LOGIC ACE ATTORNEY STYLE AND FIGURED IT OUT!!
@sierrasmith6080 hmmm....That's probably what he WANT'S US TO THINK! He hail's Queen Chrysalis so he mostly like a spy, waiting for us to trust him and drop our guard. Then BAM!! He start's an invasion and IMPRISON'S US AS SLAVE'S!!!!
it's not chrisalis's fault that she is like this it's her destiny and she suppose to be mean because she is a queen so she is suppose to be loyal to her colony okay y'all.
Pinkie Pie for Changeling doppelganger, this would explain why she so socially awkward sometimes - BECAUSE SHE HAS REALLY BEEN A CHANGELING SINCE "PINKIE APPLE PIE!!!" The doppelganger was feeding off of the love between the Apple family and that's why she put up with their in-fighting and acted oblivious to it, she wanted to make their love stronger to feed off of it.
If one of mane 6 were a changeling, how could he use his element of harmony. Changelings are rude and nervous creatures so it is inposible for them to pretend mane 6 for long. Obviously good idea but hard for hasbro to do.
Do you ever saw The Little Mermaid of Disney? The scene that Chrisalys (in disguise of Cadence) is singing appears with the Witch of Little Mermaid. And I think That She don't have a Heart.
what if a bunch of changelings run around the world as performers feeding off the love of a roaring crowd but they are found out by the main six wear they explain they only hid there true self to survive leading to a compromise, or better yet have an event were Equestria is almost destroyed and have the changling counter attack preventing thare no.1 food soucre from dieing out possibly showing how evil actions only make for more evil as the villan and changlings try and out do the other until the main 6 destroy the cycal with and act of kindness or something harmonious like that
The changelings already return in the final two episodes of season 6 but it was of screen they already capture the princesses , the whole family of flurry heart (idk what here name is ) and the mane 6
And basically yeah there was one invasion by queen chrysalis turning into applejack and this is a kids show so I don’t think you should put that much in.
Man into 2016 the season finale the changelings attack and also become reformed and their leader runs away Can't wait to find out what happened to her and what she's doing now
2:07 you REALLY have to say something like SPOILER ALERT!!! before something like that! i mean, i knew it, but imagine someone who hasn't seen that yet saw your video. that''s one of the baddest spoilers of season 6
Who's watching in 2017?anyway So I noticed her name is " Queen Chrysalis" right. What if she was the old ruler of the Crystal Kingdom? So maybe that is the second reason she hid Cadance!!! So she can disguise herself while switching between the changelings and the crystal ponies! That was my theory. But as you saw they lost and that's a really good idea for an episode but like I said 2017 it has already happened.
watch a mother's love never dies and things will become clearer I think it was published by goomba guy it is sad but I can see it happening and it might be a valuable resource for a explanation to chrysalisis invasion and song
chryselis doesnt hav a heart the only reason she most likely has a heart is in one of the fan fics i watched is because her and discord had history so i dont see why she sed "in my heart the is no room..." sorry if u dont agree this is wot i believe
Yes, there seems to be a flaw in your logic, you are a changling, so you opinion on the matter is irrelevant do to the fact that being a changling you could easily pass off a bias statement, in an attempt to overthrow Equestra once again.
what if a beloved pony was a changeling? well, i know there's thorax and blah blah blah they reformed starlight glimmer discord trixie but my point is, WHAT IF THE BELOVED MANE 6 CHANGELING WAS FLUTTERSHY???? now that's a what if you'll cry over, brony notion
they should make rainbow dash the changeling because she is barely doing her role has the element of loyality and is abanning her friends for people and things so there for she should be the fake.
Changelings turns into “beauty-lings” like WTH thorax this is super dumb but they are know beautiful but this is like forcing changelings even tho they changed themselves there must be a people who forced those poor love feeders
Wait...So...If Notion/Sawtooth Is A Changeling...And Notion/Sawtooth Is Talking about Chrysalis has the Best Reason to Invade Equestria... NOTION!!! So Notion, Your A Changeling, And Your one of Queen Chrysalis' Kind. So Your Basically Telling What Chrysalis' TRUE Plans Were!!?
If read comics (witch cratores say Cannon intill TV show say otherwise) sombra was try free his people who trap by crystal empire so it more sombra was try free his people and family
Queen chrysalis is a alicorn because she has wings and a horn so she's a alicorn prove me wrong I THINK QUEEN CHRYSALIS WAS NOT A CHANGELING SHE WAS A PONY BEFOR SHE BECAME A CHANGELING I WILL TELL MY THERY!!!
They ruined it they shouldve been bad forever or dont change theyre look or are they saying "If u ugly do many cirgurys to look fine" Because they couldve simply stay as that and not change theyre look but noooooo they wanted to make it trash
Oh my celestia, I think hasboro watches this channel.. XD idk for sure if what he says is climb true, but there is an episode coming 2016 where the main 6 make ALINCES with a changeling, could it be sawtooth?!
if hasbro would've done that but it is copyrighted so they can't really do it so maybe in the future hasbro could do something similar but wayyyy different who knows?
My wacky theory #11= ok I've heard that SOME PEOPLE think Chrysalis might be the lost crystal princess ASSUMING THAT THEORY IS RIGHT: MAYBE CHRYSALIS WANTED TO GET REVENGE on Cadence for taking her place. episode: Canterlot Wedding- so now assuming chrysalis was the lost crystal princess, she wanted to take cadence out of the picture so she could take back her place (throne) as the crystal princess!
THIS NEEDS TO BE AN EPISODE but....... It needs to be a 2 part or a three part if I may, listen okay how sad would it be to find idk lets say Applejack was a changing all along but then again this could work.... Hear me out wait I will shoot a video It will be up on Saturday called " Changling Chaos", but you can still read on okay so one of our "changling/ponies" enjoys the friend ship they are- well just watch the video this Saturday and dont feel forced to like or sub to me
:Brony notion: and you get lines like this. :Song: NO I DO NOT LOVE THE GROOM! IN MY HEART THERE IS NO ROOM! :Brony notion: she loves her empire to much she can't fit shining armor in. :Me: YEAH! Makes Sense!
Actually in the six season of my little believing do you actually have that episode that you're talking about but no I can envision typing instead there's a changeling but he don't want to be off love Siri doesn't want anything she just wants to be him you know do something and if you had a friend you could feed off the love they shared without actually you know being bad because that would be love he's giving and getting back pony might be getting a little weekend but they could only like to hang out with once a week maybe get up that way they could only then would like to see that one day they are now
Season 6 episode 25&26 to where and back again the changelings return and get reformed well all except chrysalis she said " I'll get revenge on you starlight glimmer!"
let me stop you right there because she doesn't have a cutie mark and so she's not a pony she's just a relic and probably try to replace the earth ponies and all the Equestria ponies with her changlings
it it's because King Sombra and Chrysalis was Queen and King of the Crystal Empire interchanging to fill up the love from the crystal ponies from the crystal heart
what a brownie nation is my comet made it to you so I just wanted to talk about that I was watching a video of she wait no was not who was she it was what did she used to be and what used to be I guess in the fan Comics she was the princess of Love instead of cadence so I guess Princess Cadence replace Queen Chrysalis and I guess it was Princess Queen Chrysalis and guess what she ruled the Crystal Empire with Sombra summer was turned around to two different to I think he still looks the same but different but not evil and Caden's cry Shining Armor head through on her but I don't think that was it when is back into a flashback on that episode I think Sombra was getting closer to the heart and then he started like in the attention of being like a changeling King but not changing changing but ruling the Crystal Empire and Chrysalis with her change things that the Crystal Empire is love with all the extra love would be actually giving love to the changes so they would be fed and all of them for that episode like I was talking about some Brilinta slips the only thing maybe 1/2 changing with the kiss lips when he's getting closer to the heart when they disappeared and I think died the escape and the Crystal Empire did it because mostly the Crystal Empire before 10 with all the sides the Crystal Empire Chrysalis her partner her husband and half of the home so that's why she came corrupt and evil answered and since now she felt like feels like she's a total drama and she gets so angry angry I my kingdom is gone and she wouldn't so corrupt that she turned into a queen and when everybody who watches MLP no one cleans our Queen's there are evil that's what all the princesses princesses so they don't turn corrupt and evil so that's his idea what what Christmas is to be and what she used to look like she was so pretty she would like princess a while so I hope you really like all this information I can't believe I sent this off but yeah that's how she turned corrupt
Yay doctor who my favourite thing in the world also I love your vids and this is Amy pond 👩🏻🦰this is Rory pond 👨🏽this is river song/melody 👩🏽🦱this is doctor 👱🏼♂️he has brown hair but he died it
you see I think I know chryslises story she you st to be frends whith Luna and celesia but when she told them about her they sent her away Luna was devastated that she's gone but she got revange twice then changing good but she refused and go to see the d azzlings land and helped them for the same reasons
Notion if think there should be a new pony that comes and Is the element of caring and chrysalis takes caring and tells one of her changlings to be one that would make a really good story P.S you are a changeling?
lol but queen chrysalis does have the best reason to try and take over and nothing to do with this but I am A DOCTOR WHO FAN IT SO COOL!!!!!!! so are you😀
i'am from 2016 and i will telk you something and you have to believe me, there is a teaser of season 6 when one changeling saves spikes live and spike become his best friend
um hello are you even listening to yourself you need to look at what you are saying Sombra and Queen Chrysalis we're probably driven out of their sanity and I have rumors that I believe are true that I can prove are true and if you haven't read comic books please do and if you haven't really looked at it I believe that its chrysalis is a villain that she used to be before Cadence and Cadence was just I like the way she is because of Chrysalis being corrupted so if you see my point then I would like to make it up to you that Sombra and Queen Chrysalis were corrupted I mean that's the only time your king and queen right so there must have been corrupted I mean the other princesses and princes and I mean princes aren't those aren't even corrupted like that and princesses I mean how well they aren't even Alicorns or anything like that you're probably just unicorns and I know someone looks like that I believe all guys that like unicorns are actually just unicorns that are real so if you do not see where I'm going with this you really need to look more and your comic books and you can tell I am mad at him saying that I'm really mad if you do not see what I'm saying I will find you I'm just kidding about putting you down I would never do that unless I actually blacked out or something so without further Ado you are seeing what I'm doing I also have feelings to believe that actually the Crystal Empire along with being the princess and they were really related and they both have their own armies but they both became corrupted of Darkness because of what they look like on the outside but Chrysalis didn't exactly look like that and I don't think so I had to turn right back I do believe that he was an earthquake before he ever became a unicorn but use dark magic and that's what corrupted him dark magic as an earth pony is pretty hard so if you see where I'm going dark magic like what she pretty much wanted to become that powerful that he would go that far to do anything and anyone who got in his way was pretty much a goner if you ask me but I do believe that Princess Luna was his friend or anything just like Discord but I do believe that he was there brother just like I believe that Chrysalis was their sister as she was an hour I mean the only other villain that was an Alicorn was Nightmare Moon and that was only Luna bad so if you see what I'm getting at she used to be a royal princess before she was ever an evil queen so if she was to be like that she was probably corrupted and thrown out of the royal family for what she was this and I believe that she was older than Luna but around the same age as Celestia I believe that Sombra was older than Luna too but when I probably didn't have any memory because the less you didn't want her to be sad that about that after becoming Nightmare Moon so she had the memories erased before Nightmare Moon and after Nightmare Moon so without further ado bye bye
LOOK CHRYSALIST IS NOT A VILLAIN when chrysalist is a queen on the other place she have fixed wings and pixiedust cutie mark someone curse her and control her on the inside thats why shes a became a villain
Okay I thank chrysalis and the rest of them they might need to change get it it’s like how the changeling changed but you shouldMake your videos more interesting and and also I like Alcorns signing out wait maybe not signing out I’m Phinne say in a couple of videos and I will message a lot of stuff and it might be very fun for you to and I hope you have a good videos and stuff this very back go to google and the rest of the days I think they have a little problem I think that you haveHaven’t seen anything very good they need to have great stuff great time together I’m like bitch they should have a great time why did they choose of a friendship to be evil I don’t like what I did this
I didn’t ride bike right hi yeah OK bye I just really think the video is so very good of yours and they should change the billing then twilight interest them to trust them for one because they need to really change and twilight and another of them need to also trust them and try to always like how they made this good on bad like he is was for evil so I think you need to I mean discord should tell them or show them what they need to do which is right but how will they be how will you make a video of how many times do I have to say it should I will confuse I don’t know why you have to really do this so many times you don’t explain the whole thing like what does this kid does or what like what happened so obviously you should make your videos more and more long
SPOIER: Not sure if you have kept up with the show lately, but the changelings in fact learn how to share love allowing them to feed off of each others love allowing them to change in appearance too.
WHERE DID YOU FIND IT?????? REPLY ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ♡LOVE♡ MLP!!!!!!!!
Kim Pepper2016-12-17 18:01:31 (edited 2016-12-17 18:05:26 )
Season 6 episodes 25 & 26 are the episodes that reveal this. However, I would also suggest that you watch episodes 25 & 26 from season 5 first followed by episodes 1, 2, 6, 16, & 21 from season 6 to get an overall better picture of the end of season 6.
+Igneux Sort of. But that kind of plot twist would fly over the heads of most kids in terms of its significance and probably piss of a lot of the older fans who would feel cheated.
It's been 3 seasons since A Canterlot Wedding, If they were going to do it they should have by now. At this point it would just be too much out of left field with zero build up.
Then explain the Season 4 fight with Tirek? Im one of many older fans that also Grew up with DRAGONBALL Z. ANd the fight between Twilight and Tirek wasnt designed for just being a "little girls show". MLP has surpassed its target demographic, plus most of the bronies in the fandom are all musicians and artists. Explain that.
I have a great idea! In the 100th episode wefound out bonbon was a secert ageant for deffiting dark animals. So what if in bonbons line of work she hadto deal with a changeling. Thats how they could introduce your idea!
At 0:50, we see Brony Notion, CHANGELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuunn!!!!!!!!!)
@Julia Sobiesiak the comment, at least the way i read it, was saying "Why are you predicting things that have already been confirmed or denied in this or that episode?" I was letting the commenter know that the reason he was predicting these things is because the episodes confirming or denying his predictions hadn't come out yet at the time of this video's upload
if one was not there ha ha ha ha you are think small scale try say only twilight is the only real pony and all here friends are change wings or better yet since twilight has no friends she the the change wing and alway has been and the real twilight has died would explain the changes she went though wean she was made princess of equestria that would be interesting if twilight was a changewing
Alright, this may have already been said, but here's my headcanon + episode idea...
Long ago, when Cadence was still a Pegasus filly, the changelings lived in Equestria as well. Of course, they weren't originally denizens of the kingdom, and were highly discriminated against. This, added to the fact that their lowers allowed them to easily pull off crimes such as robbery, murder, or identity theft, meant that after a while the darker criminal side of the species became the example rather than the exception and they were essentially rounded up and thrown out or killed. Chrysalis was one of the fillies who managed to stay under wraps for a long time, along with many others who had once been orphaned (hence their dismissal; otherwise they would've been thrown out with their parents) and would later become Queens (they were able to feed off of pony love much longer, and because of their skills were appointed). Of course, she was eventually discovered and tossed out, but not before meeting Cadence, who was so chock-full of love that she attempted to help the future Queen. This is why Chrysalis was so prepared infiltrator-wise when Cadence was engaged: she'd been keeping tabs on her since that first meeting. I also think she probably asked Celestia welcome them back, but there had been too many problems way back when.
As for another episode, now that there's the cutie map, I think it would be cool if they were sent to an uncharted location, having no idea what's out there. Eventually, after seeing the war-torn areas surrounding, they run right to the Hive's front door. They see that, much like Griffonstone, the changelings have been separated from each other by the rule of "dog-eat-dog". Of course, this puts them in danger of attack, giving the watcher a sense of fear for the main characters and why people in real life might be scared of others, even though in reality it's likely in their heads and potentially strengthening the later motive of accepting others and, more importantly, to try everything you can for something you care about (although now that I've written it, I can imagine so much potential for relationships show up. For instance, while one of them might be extremely attached to a certain changeling, another might be even more spiteful for something in their past involving another changeling). The changelings, while naturally dangerous, are currently too malnourished to attack, and despite the animosity between the two groups would mostly prefer to save their own chitin that go for even an unarmed, "dainty" pony. The sense of fear and rage from both sides raises as they work their way through the city (by the Queen's order, and not necessarily Chrysalis since either she might've died or this is another Hive entirely) and discover why they can't just get love from each other in the first place. Also, it would be great fanfic fodder, in case someone wanted to play Romeo-and-Juliet (myself included).
Do the changlings, I wonder, need to directly be given love from other ponies, or is the love sort of like a gas that fills the air? Because if the second is true, then wouldn't it have been very simple of the changlings to morph into ponies they've seen in a photo or something (ponies that are NOT in the immediate area) and just make their homes in equestria, hiding their true identity to avoid causing panic? And if the former, how does terrorizing the ponies help them receive this love? Again, a more covert and non violent measure seems like it would have been more helpful.
Okay so I realize this video is pretty old now BUT. Since their release earlier this year, have you seen the FIENDship is Magic set of the comics? Because it confirms both a fiercely loyal devotion AND a sort of indifference that Chrysalis has for her subjects. That is to say, she fights for them and protects them and puts their overall needs first, but also has no trouble harming or sacrificing individuals herself in certain circumstances.
Moreover, though, it shows us, very vaguely, what changelings ARE. And what they are is literally a magical accident, an abomination. They were not born, but grown, and we have no indication that they reproduce (other than the very curious Changeling foal in episode 100; a new development? a Changeling just as old as the rest who happens to be child-sized?)- OR HEAL. There were several flashbacks from various points in Chrysalis's issue showing that Changelings are ancient and Chrysalis has always been their queen. It also showed that in the past, THE CHANGELINGS WERE WHOLE. The holes in their horns, wings, and legs? All are either some kind of rotting of their bodies or battle damage that couldn't heal, or a combination of both.
I'm desperately hoping for a return of both her and Sombra.
(The comics show Sombra's past and motivation as well! He's actually really great once given a chance to show it!)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was really upset with what happened to the changelings. If the changelings were actually loved by the ponies like friends and such, they wouldn't even risk hurting anyone.
keep in mind none of the changelings had cutie marks either! probably changing into another pony they take there character traits and all the changelings would probably have the same cutie mark and cutie marks are unique. so whats the purpose but crystalis should have one meaning shes the leader. if you agree with this then continue the conversation!
Well remember they have to keep it for the kids, my suggestion is to make them return after hearing twilight was a princess, because after she because a princess, it became apparent that other ponies such as silver spoon and diamond tiara now loved her, this implies that they came back because more love was happening.
I honestly agree that they should bring chrysalis back. but, am I they only one who wants spike to be the secret changling? I mean, think about it!! a character who is paid no attention too, is a side character, and would be the least suspected!? its too perfect!!
When i first saw "A Canterlot Wedding Part 2" I thought one of the changelings had turned itself into Twilight and made the real Twilight become a changeling. Therefore making it so the "Changeling Twilight" could live in Equestria. And the magic Shinning Armor and Cadence made to banish the Changelings also banished the real Twilight. This explains why there was a changeling in the audience during "A Slice of Life" it was the real Twilight 0w0
I really like the story idea, i think it would be cool if the pony that was captured and substituted was twilight, because then they would have a really strong reason to get her back. I dont know, thats just my opinion
What if they had replaced Luna? She was gone for most of the episode - what if Luna was Plan B for if the invasion failed and the doppelganger watched her to find out how she ticked while the episode took place before capturing the real Luna and taking her place? That's why she was gone the whole time. It would work, you know it would.
If they did use that idea for an episode. I think they should use applejack or rarity. Mostly because they haven't had an episode about them in season 5 yet and I think it would be really awesome!
So perhaps the one mane 6 member is a changling, what if they came to ask for help to feed their kingdom? Of course everyone would be skeptical, but I think it would make an interesting episode.
A changling appeared in the most recent episode of season 5 showing up at Cranky and Matilda's wedding. I think it may be a way so slowly reintroduce them
if you really likke your idea, you may like my idea for the first episode of FILLY MAGIC, which is the children of the mlp cast. the first episode has chrysilis and a new character named king larve. chrysilis returns and keeps cadence and shining armors daughter(crystal sheilds) captive in exchange for three things. 1 is a new home to replace the one destroyed after the blast. the second is 12 million bits. and 3rd is having top scientists find another way for chqnglings to survive. when twilight and the elder 6 are powerless and are about to give in to the demands to rescue crystal sheilds, lightning glitters (twilight sparkle x flash sentry) apple betty (applejack adopted daughter), cumulliss cloudstreak ;skyla and skydoom cloud (rainbow dash x soarin) entropy (fluttercord) lavender fromage (cheesie pie) and red thunder (rarity x thunderlane) race to the scene. thats just part one so far but get back to me and tell me what you think. thanks.
If that happens the imposter must be derpy it has to. For one she'd be the easiest to copy as all they really have to do is stand there. Two, everyone loves derpy so they'd have plenty of food. plus derpy is always hiding in the background so it just makes sense
Fan fics have actually thought of this idea. One where Rainbow was a changeling the whole time because the real Rainbow died doing the first Sonic Rainboom. Or another where Rarity basically died not long after the rainboom but merged her lifeforce with a changeling that was Chrsalis's sister. But it would be cool to see them return. they are the only group that actually can since they are not reformed or dead.
I would love to see the changelings again and the pony that wasn't really there would probably be pinkie pie, for some people already believes that pinkie is a changeling
First i think one of the main six should actually be a changling but Fluttershy soon realizes that all changlings need love to survive. So while the invasion is going on the main six are communicating with the changling and learning so much about them. Soon the convince the princesses that the changlings aren't trying to be bad and that there is another way to handle them and then the ponies and the changlings make friends and live happily ever after.
FINALLY SOMEONE SHEDS LIGHT ON THIS SUBJECT! I had exact idea, the turning one of the the mane six, wouldn't make sense, cause, remember the explosion in canterlot? wouldn't the imposter be blown away?
Applejack is obviously the changeling. She said, ''Real me! Real me!'' A changeling could've easily copied her voice for that short of a line, especially for the changelings to have copied Twilight's voice.. Yeah. IT COULD HAPPEN! EDIT: Rainbow Power? Hmmmmmmm.... A changeling could have just- er, uh, maybe... Killed AJ? Erm, well, anyways.. A more kid-friendly way of doing that would be the changeling could've switched them for that, knowing that they would be suspected if it didn't fully work. Sooo, well, that could be the case- but could a changeling really go for 2 seasons without love? Er, maybe.. Maybe she (The changeling pretending to be AJ and all,) secretly fed at night? Well, everypony looked pretty much good since I last saw them in an episode. I don't know though. But, hey, again, IT COULD HAPPEN.
I think it should be Celestia who turns out to be Chrysalis and the changlings have been feeding off her love for her subjects until it runs out and that is how the invasion starts
Hmm... If she and her Brute feeds on Love, why they don't try to attack the Crystal Empire and steal the Heart or feed from its Energy? It would be some sort of Revenge on Cadence too.
It would even become a twist, if she has tried to exchange all Crystal Ponys expect the Guard, Cadence and Shining Armor against her Changelings, only to see at the end, that without them, the Heart won't have the Power of Love in it. ^^
well.....the problem is.....if one of the mane six is a changeling , then the elements of harmony would not have power to defeat any other villains. for example ; spike. when the mane six were corrupted,twilight used spike to replace rainbow dash as an element of loyalty. even though spike was a loyal friend and all , the spell never worked.
technicaly changelings can change to any form they want they just can only take on forms they see because they actually know what to change into so basically changelings can change into any form they want to because they don't actually have a idea of what to become before that
I think that chrysalis likes a little shining armour.If you people see the way she "looked" like she pretended to love him.Think about it,maybe this might be true,maybe Chrysalis changed a bit but that doesn't mean that she'll give up on her whole village of changelings.
Sawtooth, I just relived something. Carrot top, Lyra, and Berry punch are EVERYWHERE. Not only are they background ponies, but they Might just live all over equestria!
Hasbro may be doing this cause in season 5 slice of life there was a changeling at Cranky and Matilda's wedding. Please explain what is going on here now.
Also if the changelings were to live in Equestria, they would probably live in the Crystal Empire. Since the crystal ponies and empire are full of love, they could share that love with the changelings.
@The Brony Notion I think that idea is great, but like, have one of The Mane Six be trapped somewhere, while the changeling partner does things that make the rest suspicious. Or even better, one of the princesses. XD
I bet if they do do this, I think that the character who wouldn't be there would be Spike. Think about it, since when have Spike and Big Mac ever hung out? And yes I am aware of when this video was released.
"In my heart there is no room" could she have had a lover befor? What if her heart was brocken because of her old lover and whenever she saw other ponies in love she got jelouse and fed off there love?... BRUH!!
You were right about Nightmare Moon and discord but King Sombra turned evil because it was his future he read a book and it and he felt like it was him in the book so his future he Fighted his his future but he lost his future pulled him in the water and his body got Tooken over by is evil self so yeah no choice but to follow his destiny math help King Sombra turned evil and one more thing King Sombra was in love but his evil self lost his memories and so is love for the girl who was a crystal pony was turned into a slave by evil king Sombra
If one of the ponies was a changling then the elements of harmony would not work and they wouldn't have been able to turn discord into stone but they did so the thing you want HASBRO was a good idea but it would not work 😐
What if that doppleganger pony was fluttershy? I have 2 reasons for this 1) fluttershy has had a small role in season 4-5 so she hasnt had time to express her character 2) changlings have fangs and in the bats episode endes on a cliffhanger where it showed she had fangs even though she was "cured"
This is a show for kids to teach us valuable lessons for the rest of our lives but every one is turning them into inappropriate stuff sometimes i see it and science! Used to love it but fourth grade made it boring!
hold on what if changelings can sense that another is a changeling some how? and why do they only feed on love can they sense the ponies total emotions but feed on love because it is more nourishing than all the others?
if the changelings where going to invade if they did twilight sparkle then the queen would have to do it yes....... because twilight sparkle is now a princess like cadence, celetia and Luna. because the queen was princess cadence
There's already a lot of headcanons and creepypasta's about Rarity or Pinkie Pie being a changeling... I'm not sure about Rarity, but Pinkie actually makes a LOT of sense... What's Pinkie Pie's one true purpose in life? To make her friends SMILE! All her friends love her, all of Ponyville loves her! It's the perfect setup for any changeling, am I right? You would know better than I, Brony Notion guy... (sorry, I don't know how to spell your OCs name)
I just watched your 'I'm a Changeling!' video (new to the channel) and decided to check this one out. Yeah, it's pretty damn obvious, even if I hadn't seen that video...
hey maybe the episode that u came up is gonna happen because in the end of the slice of life there is a changeling sitting down at the ceremony if thats not the case can u explain why there might be a changeling in that episode
I wanna know how chrysalis came to be was she once an evil alicorn that was banished by Celestia some were or something but why does she have so many holes in her along with The Changelings? Do you have any idea??????????????
its true like lets se you introduce two really bad couples as in evil that love each other forever there punishment is being givin to changelings so they dont ever have to invade
Trust me, I'm gonna make a new Princess, another invasion. Now, before you go yelling all over Equestria, she has an amazing backstory. So, just wait. And she's just a filly.
Hi brony, cookie kitty girl asked why doesn't chrysalis have a cutie mark. I would love you to do a video on that. Suggestion: Queen Chrysalis has no love. Think you can understand my suggestion? Leave a reply if you have more suggestions!
there was a good king sombra and a evil king sombra the good one got killed by the bad one and the good one went into the bad one body De end.... ( maybe )
Changelings are NOT parasites!!!!! They are just creatures who need to coincide with ponies for food. It's not Their fault Chrysalis did a full on invasion instead of just sneaking in. Just because they SEEM bad doesn't make them ALL bad. Some of them could have just wanted food and was driven from hunger to threaten pony lives, but in actuality could be as peaceful as.. Well, fruit bats.
I just think Changelings need a chance to be proven good instead of instantly being a villain in the shadow of their leader.
But they are living creatures and should be treated as such. Just like African Americans, Changelings live, breathe, eat, feel- yes they may eat different foods, but you can't assume that they can't change..
That would be AWSOME as long as its not fluttershy,applejack, or twilight there my fave so if the do come out with a ep like that I'm (I'm going mad voice) I'm just warning the writers
Yes that would be cool to have another invasion but it would be pinky that is the changing because I know she is just wierd in a good way but she becomes wierd in a bad way somtimes
and she used to be a pretty mare but some pony gave her a love potin yet she was amune to it but is was a over dose and she kept drinking a potion that made her look like that and a kayos thing gave her the power since she ruled the insect kindom the kaos thing transformed all her people into change ling that is why she is not a bad guy she needs love like you said
best story line ever man U are amazing now could you plz make a video thats about equestria being a magicalised clone of earth in other words god made equestria but the made another dimention aka earth plz make this a vid oh and i would like to send you some pics throgh a letter so plz enclude adress etc bye from derpydragon FMX
Don't the chanyallings look like a ALICORN look the wings and the horn Magog green glow those might be like celestia or Luna's unts or pas ALICORN'S maby crissalas had a spell too go too the pass ALICORN'S and make them evil and celestia & Luna's PARANTES
Thx you should've said spoiler alert about dr.who.but back to changelings if I was one I would've lived with ponies peacefully without helping the others or will I? But stttiiillll! Just make a dumb treaty of peace!!
But then the elements of harmony would not work ok look the elements of harmony work would they would of made the character disapear make a video with silver quil
ooo and i know the best pony to do an investation FLUTTERSHY! she can be a chageling and the "mane 5" didnt see they expouled fluttershy XD . so they have being with a chagling flutershy but when they figure it out ((twilight will figeere it out)) and there will be an epic battle in ponyville and ect...then celestia will bring real fluttershy in the end... and ponyville will be like destroyed but you know how like the city is destroyed and on the other episode it is all fine. -.- i think of that
Just happened. IM A CHANGLING... i know ur secret ur one of my bros. I get it... My secrets safe with me! Wait my i mean yours. WAIT IS THIS A YOUTUBE COMMENT
@Brandon Katavich Because that was the largest source of love we've ever seen. We have a large pod in our Hive now. It's running low because of Princess Twinkle Toes and Princess Twinkle Toes 2.
Interesting idea for reintroducing Chrysalis and her Changelings. In a way, this has already been done in the FIMfic "Destination Unknown".
I personally prefer Chrysalis over most of the main characters for the first two seasons. It's with her character that you first see the responsibilities of a ruler to her subjects. She isn't necessarily a villain; she only did what she had to for her people. While she did display some selfish aspects, especially in her manipulation of Twilight's friends in order to maintain her disguise, I have to argue that this was more or less an act under pressure. If she was truly a villain motivated only by her own selfish desires, she would have tried to bring Twilight on side, instead of banishing her to the cave system. This indicates to me that her thoughts were more focused on the invasion and her changelings rather than her own gain. To back this up, she states pretty clearly after revealing herself as Chrysalis that her changelings required food that only ponies could provide. Invading Canterlot was therefore an act primarily to tend to her subject, and only secondarily for her own gain. And apart from rule over what was to become a dead nation, what would she have to gain by seizing the throne? So I think Chrysalis is really the only "good" villain the show has yet seen. Apart from maybe Sonata, but that's only because the siren's a bit of a dolt and probably doesn't realize what she's doing will actually harm anybody.
You know...I've had a theory about changelings for really long time now. What would you say if Queen Chrysalis actually invented the love potion? About a year ago I first watched the fan animation "Children of the Night", and if you listen to the voice over of the history of Luna's corruption, you'll hear the mare say after Luna wanted a kingdom of her own " For she thought it would divid and shader the weakened kingdom forever. Maybe in that time, since it was after Discords rain of power, the kingdom weakened and the love in it as well. Creating a period of depression. And you mentioned in the video, without love, the consequences would be death...so maybe she invented the love potion to create food for her own subjects? Now, I know it was a fan animation and all and there are a lot of different holes in my theory, but maybe, just maybe it could be possible?? I was hoping I could get your thoughts on it!
Well this opened my eyes. I pepersonally have always thought chrysalis was kinda an idiot but a powerful one. This just made me realize they could easily turn her into an awesome antihero. Like say they did help her changelings and she agreed to help them against any future threats. Make no mistake I think shes one of the more tragic villains now but how awesome would it be to see her become this antihero queen? That is what I'd love to see :)
I have a different idea on how they should run into the change-wings again.After their defeat at the royal wedding they are force to become scavengers and split up into small groups. The main 6 finds one group attacking a small town out of desperation do to the fact they are starving.
Or they find a lone change-wing that has taken on one of their appearances in an isolated town and has started a relationship with anther pony in order to feed off their love but has begun to feel genuine lover for the other pony they been tricking. Then their some conflict when the other pony they been tricking (just going to call him Tom) after some resolve they get Tom to accept the change-wing for who she is and her love and tom's love ends up being so strong for her that it transforms the changewing into a pony.
Your concept of one of the Mane 6 being a changeling all along reminds me of a fan fic where 'Pinkie Pie' was actually a "mini hive" of six changelings that would swap out being 'Pinkie' through out the day. "Pinkie's" memories and personality was consistent because of their hive mind. There was never an actual Pinkie Pie earth pony to begin with. 'Pinkie Pie" was just an invented persona for them to get love peacefully for as long as they can maintain their cover or live before they die of old age. The fic is them skipping town after the invasion to avoid capture/death.
The way that I feel would be the best way to do this episode would be to have our main characters, who so happened to have just been given a magical map, to be sent to explore a cave only to discover the changelings living in poverty, and just to mix things up a little, say the map tells the mane 6 to send say Cadence and Shining Armor in their stead. Maybe even nudge nudge to the show's beginnings by ending with a letter to Twilight from Shining and Cadence.
Solution: give changelings parasprites. Parasprites would provide them with an endless source of love to feed off of. And parasprites always regenerate and create more, so they would never go hungry/ lose strength.
the best solution i could think of for the changlings is let them take the spot of a pony who died unexpectedly or something. mare and foal die in childbirth? dont break the stallions heart, put changlings there instead, they feed secretly and the other never suffers. its still kinda cruel sure, but it would work. just imagine it, as far as they know, never losing a love one, and letting the changlings feed without (more or less) hurting anyone
queen chrysalis according to a well made fan fiction i saw awhile back didn't always look like she does now she looked like the princesses in a way she was colorful she was the queen of nature like a queen bee in a sense hence the insect type wings she has. according to it she made love potions to draw in stallions so she could gain there land and kingdom by marriage she only loved herself as it went though one prince was sneaky saw where her secret lab was and found the love potion and gave it to her in the drink her kingdom was famous for it was a sweet nectar drink. though he used to much and she transformed into the form she is now. as for the changlings they have no physical form they could just be extentions of her body or worker bees in a sense because her heart has no room because she loves only herself no one else and if she feeds on love can never have enough love because like a insect they always need food to thrive.
I would love to see a comeback of Chryssalis's changelings in season 5, they ould be a great fake out, leading twilight and the mane six AWAY from where the cutie mark map wants them to go. if it were any other villan, the six would fight them because, duh. they know the vilans! if it were a changeling it could feed off of love and drive them away.. idk, just a thought
in "This day aria" when chrysalis says "in my heart there is no room" she also could be saying that she only wants shining armor for his powerful love, not to actually love him. just a thought
we've been getting some development on the villains via a comic series called Feindship is magic. I recommend all five(5th one coming this week on Wednesday) to know of them better.
You do realize that that Doctor Who episode set up for the greatest victory of the Doctor yet! The only other time I can think of where no one died (and I mean in direct conflict with Doctor and his allies, not two different factions within the same group friendly firing) is the WW2 story, which was by far the most scary episode for me!
What if one of our beloved ponies that was taken was Twilight? And the fact that she became a princess never happened but that it was a doppelganger the whole time? THAT would make an awesome episode.
I think that my favourite villain wanted Equestria to make what every ruler does..... To feed the subjects, it is like: you are the head in a family and you have to feed the members of it and you don't have food, this is why what Chrysalis make was somehow "good"... More than that, was the love was their food, so what they musted do? What? They musted find something, anything... And this is why she is my favourite villain, cause she wanted to make something good, not even bad... This is my teory(remind that I am from Europe) and I think it said " In Equestria is more love than any place I ever was" ---->and "I must feed my subjects", it has a corespondence, somehow.😜
My OC is a Unicorn with magic strong enough to change his physical appearance. Meaning that he can change the shape of his body and give himself wings to boot or to have wings "and" a horn! So in a way my OC is technically an Alicorn "and" a Pegasis, as well as a Unicorn, when he even uses his magic to swap his horn for a pair of pegasai wings, when he's actually a standard everyday blood born Unicorn. Try not to over think it...
If any of the Characters' places could be swapped with one of the members of the mane six, I would expect Rainbow Dash to be the one that switched places with a Changeling whilst people are expecting it to be either Apple Jack or Twilight, however... It can't be Twilight, because there's proof that she's still with the group, as is being the "Team Leader". So, if anypony; At least in the group was replaced, we would not know right away. The one that I would expect to surprise or shock a lot of fans in the brony/pagasister nation; would have to be Fluttershy, because of the fact that she represents kindness, but would seem suspicious from not showing signs of being shy. "Mainly due conversation" or "Lack of Interest in the group's Festivities". On top of that, "Limiting her time with the group" and having a normal tone voice in disagreement with the others".
The one people would never expect really, would be Pinky Pie, because of her crazy level of intuition and the way she is able to traverse through Ponyville so fast. On top of the way she "observes everypony around town". Including the amount of energy she has, something off with Pinky, would be she wouldn't be as energetic as usual, as she would most likely try to get in the way of the others even more than she already does, which wouldn't seem right either. Lastly, the imposter Pinky Pie would have more of an aggressive tone toward the others.
Thanks for the feedback! :) You have a good point. The capability of my OC being a shape shifter and being able to swap his horn for a pair of wings would be very hard to believe. Namaste and a wonderful day to you! :) To think of how long that would take!
My oc is a sea pony (she has a tail) but her friend went missing and she found an ocean element (kinda like the alicorn amulet) and used it to turn herself half unicorn so she could walk on land, but whenever she touches water, she turns back into a sea pony
It isn't counted as a Mary Sue if she's perfect, I based my oc off of my favorite tv show, h2o and mako mermaids, she has to learn the struggles of regular pony life and she isn't a princess
Denial somewhat, but I based my OC the way I am in the real world, not really that close to fiction. So yeah, you may take that I'm defending other MLP fans, which that, I am, and I'm happy to do so. Many people make their ideas happen and they get judged, but does that stop them? That would be a big no, because lots of other people get inspired by that work, such as myself.
It doesn't even matter if it IS a Mary Sue, and oc is whatever we make of it, mine is based off my favorite things and she's not some princess, nor anything special but I'm proud to say that my oc is not perfect, she can't do magic spells that would give her wings (though that would be awsome) and she doesn't live in some castle where she catered to her every need. ;)
@***** @Pastel BreezeVA You both have very inspiring characteristics and yes, definitely no Mary Sue concept. I did some rough thinking and thought of a reason for my OC's cutie mark. His cutie mark is a scroll with a quill next to it that represents a mix of talents and capabilities. My OC is a big explorer too. Also thanks for sharing, truly! ;)
Well, there is kind of a problem with your idea :( The changelings can't talk therefore if one of the changelings become (say for instance) Rarity's douplganger she wouldn't be able to talk, making it awkward and strange unless that's part of the story line. But, if you remember in an episode "Too many Pinkie Pie's" we already had the same story where there was basically an invasion of Pinkie Pie's by going into a pool in a cavern. The same thing happened in the episode with the parasprites where Fluttershy found a parasprite then fed it food then it multiplied and caused an invasion. But I get what you mean, wanting to see the changelings return. So do I.
The chances of that happening is low and (in season 4) the main six used their rainbow powers so if one of them was a changing, the powers should not have worked
Me and my friend actually made a fanfic about the changlings coming back they are goodish but also has a twist Rouge ( discord and flutters daughter ) and Delany ( chrysalis's daughter ) try to make something the changlings could feed off instead of love they use rainbow essence, popcorn and something else to make something only young changelings could feed off but since only the young changelings could feed off of it others had to still feed off of love but secretly so yeah i also have a few more theories up my sleeve so thank you for reading oh and there is way more to this fanfic so ya bai!
"Absorbing his love has made me even more powerful than Celestia!" yeah, she used Shining Armor as a personal all you can eat buffet. She just let her changelings have everypony else.
I'm not sure how this would work because of Pinkie Pie. With her breaking the fourth wall so often, I'm sure she at least would know about one of her friends being switched out - and Pinkie Pie is too complicated a character to mimick to properly pull off as a changeling... or is it?
Your story idea was a nice idea but it lacked the obvious fact: if it was one of the mane 6 it would have been repelled by the blast and even if it some how hadn't it would have probably experienced a reaction after such a long exposure to the amazing bond the mane 6 share.
Well I have a feary ( I do not care if I spelled that wrong ) that queen Crisalis was the ruler of the Crystal Kingdom BEFORE Cadance had arrived. So maybe Christalis just wanted to rule a kingdom that she might have ruled in the past which could be the reason why she turned into Cadance besides her feeding off Shining Armors love.
i dont think she should come back with another invasion but instead realise her faults and come back on her own and admit she was wrong but still have 'outbursts' of the evil inside
I think cadence and shining armor have not banished them with that love wave , I think that wave was full of their two's love that will keep alive Qeen Chrysalis and her subjects
It would be pretty funny, if pinkie pie would be a doppelganger from the magical mirror pond, fluttershy would still be a vampire fruit bat and one of the others would be a changeling....
Maybe, flutterbat was a changeling, and she shifted into a bat on that episode from her shape-shifting malfunctioning during the invasion, she was replaced by the changeling!😮 MIND. BLOWN.
heres how i think changelings be reintroduced: celestia summons twilight and the others, then we find that she is really chrysalis and the guards are changelings and they explain that they will dye without love
So Brony Notion at the end of the video you said,"what if one of are loved ponies wasn't actually there." Would't that mean the elements wouldn't work?
Although it is a good theory, but the idea of Hasbro doing what you said is a little bit dark. I mean, it IS a show that was originally made for 6 year old girls.
Yes this could also mean that Twilicorn is just a changeling and is not real. Yes.
Really though it would work better with a side character, because MLP ain't that dramatic... ORRR A season finale/beginning COULD start with a normal week and later they find out that one of the princesses is a changeling. Yes, changeling, not Crysialiss herself. This wouldn't imply that she was a Changeling all along, but rather that she just got replaced.
i think i have a theory, but i don't know if the episode i am going to mention comes before or after the wedding. if it's before the wedding then my theory is complete bullshit. l l \ /
my theory is that during the chaos of "too many pinkie pies" a lost changeling sees the many doppelgangers and thinks they are changelings too. during the disaster it realizes it's mistake but is too late to escape as the other five round them up for the test. during the test the real pinkie gets sent to the mirror pool and the changling passes the test and assumes her identity, and with it's magic,( as i am not sure how powerful it is), inherits her memories and personality, while still knowing what it truly is.
i welcome others to point out any flaws in this as this is my first attempt at mlp theories.
@alex altenberger This might work in a show more aimed at adults like Doctor Who, but for a kids show the idea of Pinkie Pie having died by explosion is too dark I think. It'd make for a good fanfiction though!
I hate to be the person to poke holes in your awesome idea to bring back the changelings. But throughout the seasons since the changelings were banished by candence and shining armor in the season 2 finale. We see the mane 6 use the elements of harmony in keep calm and flutter on, magical mystery cure, MLP EG, both parts of princess twilight sparkle, and at the end of the season 4 finale twilights kingdom. To me at least i dont thing a changeling could even comprehend the magic of friendship let along wield it. also the elements are bound to the mane 6 because when twilight tells spike to be the element of loyalty in the return of harmony the elements fail. Well this idea is pre season 5 so who knows maybe our good little friend fluttershy can reform a changeling to be nice and not want to attack anything that shows love.
Changeling applejack would be good because when se turned back into a changeling she could say,"Ive been here ever since'applejack' broke that pinkie promisr
yes that would be cool to have that happen to the main six but it would also be sad I mean all of them have a special place in our hearts and if you of them where to not be there it would make a lot of the fans sad and some angry I for on would be sad but would still in joy the show, but I don't think messing with one of the six would be a good idea. Maybe it was on of there friends or other pony's in pony villi or Canterllot that had become close to the six but had been replaced by a changeling pretending to be them like you said, and those saying there to be another invasion to take over Equestria and feed on the love. So yes I do like your idea about and invasion and a double ganger but I don't think it should be on of them main six. sorry if my wording is wiered on this I'm not that good at spelling some words. I hope you consider my idea
if you ask me the biggest difference would be the fact that she had a villain song the first official villain song in the series before, of course the songs sung by the dazzlings were the next ones I mean name one ACTUAL villain that got a villain song in the series that's well known
I feel like Pinkie Pie would be a phony.That would NOT be a hungry changeling, because Pinkie Pie has a lot of friends outside of the Mane Six, an extrovert which means more love: Most of Ponyville is friends with Pinkie.
if you want to know the real resons of how sombra and queen chrysalis and terek and the sirens and nightmare moon became bad read the my little pony comic books the villains comics are call fiendship is magic hope i helped :)
What about that for the return of Chrysalis would be that She and her minions have been watching Equestria for a while and, while growing weaker, One of them stumble back into Ponyville. The MANE six finds it but notices they are weak. After a little while of accepting that they would die without love, they try to find a place for them. They would find the Crystal empire and they would live there, feeding off the love that the Ponies generate. Thos "proving" the theory that the Changelings lived in the Crystal Empire before Sombra! =3
OMG!!! What if that's the reason why Luna wasn't there for the fight! What if one of the changlings ( most likely Chrysalis) is the Luna right now!?! Dun dun DUN!!!😲
If you look at the list of episodes yes this episode would happen in season five basically pony ponyville One pony is being attacked by just one and I hope by and I'm trying to make the change is the changeling is being ummm reposed ? I picture Cherokee hitting him with a broomstick
Chrysalis should have got a better ending Like if she was a long lost princess of a fairy tale kingdom and the changelings and her were under the spell of a dark alacorn of some sort of dark magic when cadence and shining use there love spell chrysalis and her changelings get set free from the spell and they fly away to there kingdom
THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER ENDING HASBRO!!! (It should be when chrysalis returns!)
That couldn't work caused only the PONES with Right character could do it so unless there was a last minute swap that could work which whould lead to a lame plot a bunch of singing and walking to christles's base so big no no there plus its just a lame Villon in the first place
They should not show it that way cause there is no way the changeling could adopt to the friendship thing they could show a starving changing asking for help
totally make a episode about that, but please leave out the pony-not-being-there-thing IF YOU TAKE AWAY RAINBOW DASH I WILL..... I don't know, unsubscribe?
Rainbow has 7 words 7-7 equals 0. 0 is a of an oval. Wondering the same thing well you will find out twilight illuminati confirmed but wait! There's more you put rainbow and twilight together DO you se it!!! Well let's look closer closer illuminati confirmed you can't believe it rainbow dash is illuminati confirmed.
I'd love to see a return of them as well; Of all the villains, Chrysalis seemed like the only one that could have an actual returning storyline, backstory, hell even a culture to draw from. All the others were like "We need a neat looking badguy. Boom!" and that's that. I'd love to see more development on behalf of the Changelings. Can they feed on anything else? Do they HAVE to invade, or can they just assume lives in disguise? Would they give negotiations a chance if it meant they could feed? Can they feed without completely depleting their target? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
Perhaps the Invasion was a desperation move; last ditch attempt to get as much food as possible in a short amount of time. It certainly didn't seem like a first-option move to me.
I feel like the ending could work, although, in a different way. Remember how Pinkie liked the changelings? And how PINKIE has been pretty insufferable this season, with a few exceptions. I feel as if both a changeling and Pinkie are running around Ponyvile! The main 6 running into this changeling would be a pretty good start for an episode like this!
I've gotta say that "in my heart there is no room" could mean quite a few different things. I don't think it truly means what you implied. A king/queens heart should always be with their kingdom, in times of war, peace, famine, or boom. Though it is true that she's there to feed her kingdom, it doesn't truly mean in the sense you're talking about. If we are to assume that they are a hive like structure she would love all the other changelings due to them actually being her children. It's obvious that they require the love to survive, but I don't think that's the only thing they would feed on. I think that it's a little bit more supernatural then that.
I think the most effective reintroduction of the changelings would be to have a young changeling (say applebloom's age) stumbles out of the everfree and into the apple family's orchard alone, and obviously starving. Much more impact.
Much like how the Joker is to Batman. Chrysalis is to Twilight. Chrysalis is the only villain in MLP to directly affect one of Twilight's family members.. Shining Armor and Cadence. I know the Mane 6 are a family. But Chrysalis in my eyes was more personal to Twilight than the other villains.
I've got an idea. After the love explosion, it left a bunch of love behind, sort of like radiation. The changelings gave been surviving for a while on this. Finally, it all runs out. Chaos and mass hysteria break out. The hive is destroying itself. Changelings run away. Changeling spies are knocked everywhere in Equestria. Finally, Chrysalis swallows her pride for the good of all the changelings and comes for help. Then the episode continues to be cool.
Although I think it would be interesting that Fluttershy would be the changeling, I think it should be some other pony of the Mane Six, because Fluttershy kind of gets taken advantage of too much. She's so kind and fragile, I think it should be another pony.
I would LOVE to see an episode or episodes where Fluffle Puff (the popular OC we all love) reformed Chrysalis to good, so age can feed off love, and so her loyal subjects won't starve to death, which in my opinion, is cruel, even for the changelings, I mean seriously poor guys
The idea suggested in this episode, is somewhat used in three of the comics. Problem is, they don't entirely use the idea properly. It wasn't one of the mane 6, it was everyone in ponyville. I like the idea that in the comics they replaced pony's with Changlings, but it being everypony other than the Mane 6 and Spike is kind of unbeleivable.
Personally I believe if they ever managed to reintroduce the changlings it would be the mane six finding one starving to death in the forest. Of course, being good little ponies they would save and care for the starving changling and such, provide love. Not strong love, mind you, but love none the less. As such they would realize the problem the changlings have, trying to find love to feed off of.
The story idea of the imposter changling sounds interesting. However, I must admit it could ruin the show in a few ways. For example in the 4th season there was one episode for each of the main 6 that represented their element of harmony and showed how it could be hard to embrace. In each of these episodes each pony received a gift which turned into a key and these gifts were very meaningful. It would all be ruined if one of the ponies had been a fake the whole time. Just a thought.
I like that second idea and I have the perfect pony in mind from the main 6 to be the imposter, Pixie Pie. Her humour changed in season 3 what a perfect solution to explain why she was also mean to Fluttershy in Fillie vallilee.
"In my heart there is no room" She obviously feeds off her minions! Lol just kidding. I'd love to see more of them, I'd love some changelings to be in cities!
I think a have a good idea of how to reintroduce the changelings. I would think that the Mane 6 discover a hurt changeling someplace or another, since they got blasted away after the wedding. In my opinion,I think it's a pretty good idea!
I also like 'Fluffle Puff Tales' for the possibility that Chrys and her Changelings could live in Equestria as productive citizens. All they need is a living battery who does not care that she's functioning as a battery, which is why I want to use Fluffle Puff in that capacity in my fanfics. But first, I have to get the Changelings back to Ponyville. Without giving away too much, I plan to use 'Equestria Girls' to do this.
It would be so cool if a changeling turned into twilight and then was convincing the other five to give them another chance, but the plan backfires and they destroy the changeling as twilight then the 5 find the real twilight with chrysalis while they were talking things over and they finally make things right? Now that is an interesting plot twist!!!
i dont really think it would work with the main characters unless we see one getting kidnap, but what if it was one if the background, or atleast less segnificant character? the thing is that it's done something similare to what im talking about in the comics, just thr the changlings acted like zombies though...
I think its a great idea to bring back the changlings also im a big doctor who fan so I see what you are getting at! Also I wonder if story writers at hasbro even watch youtube videos like these?
Ooh! What if the "Changling pony" was Fluttershy? In the episode "Bats!" Even after being turned back to normal she still has a sharp tooth, like a changling. Perhaps the magic Twilight used to turn Fluttershy back weakens the changling's powers, therefore the tooth is visible.
I like you idea but, this could mess up the whole rest of the series. The pony this happens to yes will remember but, the ponies didn't actually spend time with this pony. This could lead to them growing apart. They could though accept a new pony and for a few episodes have them grow closer and the rest what you said. Loved the video though!
Not trying to say it's a bad idea, but I already thought of it. It won't work as the ponies have learned and been through to much together, but if you were to maybe have one first invasion( where they switch) then three episodes later have a second invasion were... The double agent betrays the cba flings because of the friends she's made.
I think it would make sense if it was Fluttershy, because in the episode "Bats!" she still has her fangs, I think maybe a changling could use that to their advantage and transform as her during her "bat" form? Just an idea, for my sweet, sweet lord- i mean my awful hatred.
I think fluttershy should be the changeling. the fake flutter would try to convince chrysalis to find a better way, since the imposter and the other 5 have bonded. and when the REAL flutter comes back, she has the fangs from when she was a bat. I MEAN, COME ON! THEY POINTED IT OUT IN THE END OF THE EPISODE! ARE THEY JUST GONNA THROW IT OUT?! this has been: A random Comment...
By running The Brony Notions idea on a character being Chrysalis, someone may have responded to this. While watching the Babs Seed music video, i discovered at one point, Babs eyes change to Chrysalis' eye color, indicating a return of her. At the point after the first chorus, the Cutie Mark Crusaders walk into a movie theater. When Babs lifts up the reel and comes out of the projection, notice her eyes change color. I may not be accurate, as it could be a number of things. It could be, in theory, a change from the projection of the movie.
I see what you mean but chrysalis still has selfish motives that would tempt her to do something crazy. so they could never live in peace. But I like your ideas. 😄
I don't know if this has already been said but on DA an artist did a comic where Queen Chrysalis was actually the Queen of the Flutter Ponies, but those were replaced with the Breezies in season 3, but it was still a nice gesture to the Generation 1 ponies. So if the writers did bring Changlings back it might be nice of they brought Flutter Ponies too because the entire Changling race are just like the Ponies of Equestria but seem like they were cursed. Kind of like Sombra if you look into it.
Then as revenge Sombras shadow over took the third sister he threatened to hurt the other sisters if she didn't turn. The shadow made her look like what she is today. But she didn't attack soon enough. So he took Luna. He threatened to take celestia bit he couldn't because light, celestia is the opposite of darkness. People have theories of old chrysalis, and we can tell the shadow is over wrapping her true self. But if she was defeated she would still have holes.
There are some things that won't make sense. But if Hasbro would show the reason why they feed off love it would make a great episode. For example if they would have the mane 6 travel equestria and stumble upon Queen Chrysalis and find out reasons they feed on love, lets say they were cursed, maybe they could find a way to change it into a feeding off of friendship of each other. the changelings could feed off there own friendship. Making that into an episode will slove the problem as well as getting to know the Chaneling queen and her subjects.
You should make a video on how crisis is some how a queen when luna and celestia are only princesses. This shows that queens do exist in equestia and when celestia and crisis fight it shows that crisis being a queen has more power.
I see where you are going like princess celestia could have been chrysais and you can see the changlings have a horn and wings so maybe on of the changlings took twilights memory and pretended to be a princess and chrysalis made celestia go along with it. If they made an episode where the real princess celestia finds the real twilight in the forbended library in a cocoon and she gets her out and asked her what happen that would be awesome
Personally, I think that Rainbow Dash would be the most likely to be the doppelganger. Like you said in your own video, Rainbow hasn't exactly been loyal...
Wait... Nightmare Moon is motivated by envy, Chrysalis gluttony, Sombra wrath, Tirek greed. I wonder if this will continue? (The tentacle things for lust maybe? Lol) Or wait, what about Nightmare Moon envy, Chrysalis lust, Sombra greed, Tirek gluttony?
This is actually not going to happen for one at the end of season 4 (sorry if I'm late at saying this) when they used the "Rainbow Magic" (you should totally use that the next time you talk about magic) wouldn't the changeling get vaporized?
Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I just found out something about cadence, in the MLP episode, " Hearts and Hooves day ", the crusaders learned that forcing two ponies to love each other isn't the right thing to do, but isn't that exactly what princess cadence does?!?!?!?!?!? As twilight Sparkle says: "My mind is officially. BLOWN!"
in one part your kinda refering ink roses story one of the lines is "and she would do all to keep them safe" so of course that means her urge to protect her kingdom and changelings would fill her heart
Also this is exactly like the sirens they feed of hate "I'm tired of Fast Food I Need a Meal" meaning they don't eat regular food they feed of ponys hate
I have an awesome theory: what if Crysalis is Celestia and Luna's mother, but was cursed or something and wants to get her kingdom back? Thry that one for size
Not sure if you're willing to listen but there's a theory that Luna was Chrysalis to test if she could beat Celestia or something "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world she didn't exist" On another note, them conquering the changelings in my opinion could support my "Dark Equestria" theory
if they did make a episode like that I would recommend them doppleganging fluttershy cause I feel if she would be in there it would be better because she is kind and helpless right?
don't they add evidence of this after the ending credits in the Canterlot wedding episode when it shows a bunch of ponies in the horrible green goo pods? so that might be a hint for the return of the changelings!
don't they add evidence of this after the ending credits in the Canterlot wedding episode when it shows a bunch of ponies in the horrible green goo pods? so that might be a hint for the return of the changelings!
I love Queen Chrysalis. Best idea ever on that story thing... the doppleganger. It should be Twilight. Only because since she is a princess, and Luna (a princess) turned into Nightmare Moon, It would make sense if she turned evil. You get me? Actually, with an accidental spell from Discord, that magic should cause Princess Tia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight to turn into monsters!!! Awesome
chrysalis had another chance: just let all of the changelings transform into random ponies and arrive like: our kigdom has been destroyed, now we need a home..." and after a few years, when everypony trusts them, tell them they are changelings and they had to do it or they would have died or something. no, it was cool the way it was. and now: forget what i said
They can't pull that off, because the elements of harmony was still working later on in the show and probably a changeling can't replace true friendship, or can he?
Well the video does make sense. Why? Because in the end of Royal Canterlot Wedding part 2 we see the real Twilight in a cocoon. This emplys a theory for me. Was it possible that Twilight was never made into an alicorn?
Hmmmm......I'm thinking something else.......what if Chrysalis made peace with the ponies and have both sides living in harmony?Even though they feed on love they can actually can live too with them if they accept their offer?
I really don't like to disagree with anypony, but since then didn't the ponies open up Twilight's magic castle thingy. If one of the ponies was replaced by changings would that mean that one of the changlings could have the element of that pony... I think not. Thanks for reading!
@The Brony Notion I totaly Agree with you But it is something that should happen in a Season Premiere or Season Finally (Or if the writers would make a Two parter that would not be a Season Premiere or Finally :D) that is what i think...
i like your ideas and all but i'm not sure how well the younger viewers would take it like as you said you need to find a middle where brony's are happy and so are the younger fans so i don't think that would happen
I think it would be a pretty good idea to introduce the changelings again but in twilight and flash's love for each other (and btw, I don't get why so many bronies hate flash century if they claim to just like the show and NOT be sexually attracted to them)
Wait mabe flash is a fake he might be a changeling who tried using its power to make a unque one...................but hopefully my queen will tell me(says with a wisper)um...........I never said that!!!!
A lot of people don't like him because he's very poorly written character. He really has no depth what-so-ever to him. Also a lot of it can also be from the way he was introduce. That god awful used to date the antagonist but then bumps into the protagonist and suddenly the two are head over heels in love stereotype. It's such a stupid and over used plot device. Thus seeing the writers of a show that's done so well with it's story writing and characters do that really struck a nerve with a lot of people. A lot of hate began to stir up for that unneeded/unwanted useless romance sub plot, aka Flash Century.
@Spirits818 people only think he's not well written because we haven't seen much of him and thanks to all this hate, now they're planning on dissing the idea of flash all together i think
sarcastic tone So in the battle at the end of season 2 Twilight is replaced by a changeling and all through what we have now it is changeling Twilight. At the end of season 3 twilight became an alicorn, but what if instead of her becoming an alicorn it was just a bit more of the changeling body coming through because it isn't used to holding a form for so long.
Why would she still have holes? Well as we saw when Nightmare moon was defeated peelings from the shadow or something was left behind and the true Luna was left with dark spoches on the cutie mark from the shadow. The shadow brings out the sadness, fear and everything bad hidin in there heart. The changelings? Probably ponies chrysalis turned into minions. Hmmm, I wonder what happened to sky wishes and minty..........
Question, at first in this day aria "cadence's" rose in her hair was red. Then later in that song, it turns pink. Also. When "cadence" (chrysalis) sings this line- "but I still want him to be, ALL MIIIIIIIIINE" there is an animation error with her eyes. Sorry hasbro. And bronies. And pegasisters.
I like the idea of that one of the ponies actually was a changeling, but princess Cadance and Shining Armor used a spell to remove all of the changelings from the crystal empire. And since the mane six has been using the elements of harmony a few times after these episodes, none of the mane six can be a changeling. The elements of harmony only works on certain ponies, like pinkie pie, twilight sparkle, applejack, rarity, fluttershy and rainbow dash. And if one of the mane six were to be a changeling, where did the other mane-six pony go? she clearly didn't get banished like the rest, and i believe cadance would've noticed if any of the mane six were to walk the steets of the crystal empire. so yeh. Dreams = Crushed.
i agree quiet well with this. but its been to long, amy was a seson or two, say pinkie pie was the changlinganother seson seson five? its just not resonalble i agree with everything else tho.
One thing about the idea for the changeling If one of them was actually a changling since how could they use the elements.i mean after the invasion they still used the elements so maybe.........ether the princesses(not twilight) was queen chrisse......or derpy!!!!!!!!!!!
I noticed that the changelings seem to be a licorice, if corrupt. I have a story idea that could explain that, but it's obviously not Cannon. Good, but not official.
PLSSSS REPLY the mlp community showed me this 2 months ago in the form of 3 pictures
1. Queen Changleing "it's my duty as queen to feed my people"
2. Nope she is exploded away
3. Queen Changling "it's ok river we have survived winter before" a few broken hearts lie on a bare empty table with several changelings gather around skinny
wait when ink rose says that she was a princess so would it be twilight's bother was the same look with a horn the same size as the queens x boyfriend and they loved alot till she goes crazy losing her love so when she says in the song there is no room in her heart she already had room for one that she lost cuz he ran away!
i think ( from ink roses head cannon) that queen chrysalis want revenge on equestria,(watch ink rose chrysalis thing and yyou will understand what i mean(you do not have to)
But seriously, they should do that. Maybe not one of the Mane Six, but someone else related to them. Scootaloo maybe? She doesn't seem to have a family, she'd be the perfect candidate for imitation. Also, your Changeling Princess Nightshade commands you to leave the ponies alone and not suck out their love >:( Friendship is better :D I speak from experience.
We all know they know about Doctor Who. (AND IF YOU DON'T, DOCTOR HOOVES, *COUGH COUGH.) Sooo This could be a chance. Buuuuutttt then again, not to big of a chance because it is a child's show for girls around five... If only..
I wouldn't like it if one of the ponies was a fake ;-; I would feel so betrayed and hurt and knowing that one of my ponies was a fake the entire time I would just collapse and die
Are you really a changeling or a regular pony? I think you are because in some of the videos you seem to first be a changeling. Then,you turn to a regular pony. Please tell us. I like your channel,but sometimes in a video you show a changeling. I'm really sad when you don't make videos about yourself. Please tell me. Please talk about yourself.
How this what if the main 5 and sunset shimmer come thought the mirror and look around for twilight sparkle but sudden the main 5 run into them self the main 6 pony think ( changelings ) the Equestria girls ( what the that me wow I'm awesome ) aka RD then twilight meet with sunset shimmer and they all meat up just before the main 5 pony begging to battle the EG thinking chrysalis may be near and that it sunset shimmer revels chrysalis found the mirror and attacking equestria girls world
(sorry for the long message enjoy ) the reason the EG find twilight is to stop queen chrysalis case she invading EG world lol I hope that happens ~ sorry I no sunset shimmer doesn't no chrysalis but she knows we're to go to find help with here pony friend :) lol
Chrisalis it's not a pony she's made from nothing and you sey in a video just ponys have a cutie mark and Chrisalis don't have a cutie mark but wath if Chrisalis it's a pony but she dazen't want a cutie mark?Chrisalis dazen't have a hurt bat her kingdom it love and dazen't have hurt too Chrisalis it love too all her kingdom it love because they don't have hurt and the hurt have a conection with the love after all let's sey we love because we'v got hurt too fing's wath Chrisalis dazen't have.
Im haw an question: lm sow an episode i think it was filli vanilla or somthing like that. In the begining i saw wen fluttershy was giving fod to the Bunnys one was hawing horns!!! Why!!!!!! I hope you saw this and poot an video and tell mi why.:-):-D
I still don't get the reasoning myself but according to them, since Disney usually portrays queens as evil and princesses as good they decided to keep her title as princess so you knew she wasn't evil or I guess secretly evil. Not that she acts evil secret or otherwise.
Yeah a lot of stories for kids tend to have queens has old, evil or both. Which really is very stupid. Queen is just a title. Someone who rules over a kingdom. While princess is just heir to the throne. Sadly though that trope has been going around for quite some time. Storywriters continue to make the excuse that girls just love princesses more and wouldn't like a character as much if she were a Queen. But that's stupid! They think that way because those people teach them that (Queen = old&evil, Princesses = young and pretty). But it's also obvious from Elsa that kids can and will love a character who is a Queen if presented right. If everyone just stuck to calling their characters Queens or Princesses depending on their role in the story, and not just on wether they are good or evil. It'd be a good step forward.
If you want a better answer to your question. I'd suggest checking out Nostalgia Critic's video entitled 'What's with the Princess Hate?'. He explains things way better, and in a lot more detail.
all the changelings are her kingdom and villagers she takes care of them maybe if celestia toke care of her villagers when there was a bad thing happening to them unlike all the times the elements of harmony had to save equestria and celestia was no where to be found at the time |:(
all i'm trying to say is celestia is not there for the ponys of equestria
i don't think that a real Queen would not be there for the people of the kingdom in there time of need witch makes celestia not a real Queen
Yay changelings rock I'm hungry send love to stop the cause.............send love now!..............................I'm starving send loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
your a changeling, i'm sure they would like an exposition dump. if you wont, i will, and i will villanize chyrisalis as much as i can as well as humiliating her to the point of no return. do you really want that to happen to your queen? no? well then, here's the microphone. (for giggles)
@Super Game Master because i'm a loner, I already betrayed her, and yes, she does want to kill me, I don't know what's stopping her though, it's not like I try to hide from her. (thanks, not the best I could do, but I was limited, Inkscape doesn't let you crop out certain parts like Photoshop does)
@Super Game Master they've gotten used to it, well, not Lily and a couple others. t\Then again, She's paranoid and generally afraid of everything. Twilight scares me ;_;'
Fuck no I need someone to fight to fight cadence and that ain't gonna be me although I will be new ruler as I am her royal spy and for my queens fate I will then be promoted prince
I think that's a wonderful idea to bring them back! I loved that episode of DW, and I would personally like to see the MLP staff do something similar. Also, if they ever decided to make Twilight not an alicorn, maybe that could be a possibility to back up on it?? I dunno, just something that came to mind. ^^
I've been wanting the Changelings to come back about three months after the Cantorlot Wedding aired on the Hub. And it would be a very interesting concept. I've noticed that the writers are beating around the bush and making new concepts in almost all of Season 4. From Pony Superheros to Breezes. And I'm glad they brought back the Breezes. I'm hoping they bring back the Seaponies. I mean, they brought back two characters from G1 after all. Who knows? And even if the Changelings were to come back(which would be awesome BTW), would they reform them like they did Discord? I mean, Nightmare Moon got reformed back to Luna. Discord is still making his way in... This this a coincidence that they're lined up? Maybe since the Main Six stopped and reformed both Nightmare and Discord, it would kinda be up to Cadence and Shining Armour to reform Chrysalis?
For starters, the Changelings do deserve some love too. Question would be, just how many of them still are alive and how loyal they are to her after the failure and fiasko in the previous invasion?
If we are to make it a lesson in friendship, who is to 'invite' them or make the first move?
It's not a bad idea for an episode, though many fanfics have already explored something similar, ie 'X was a changeling all along'. I personally like the idea of the ponies themselves going to the Changeling Kingdom undercover or something and thus us the audience gets to see more of the changeling civilization. Or even better, they find a lost baby changeling and have to return him/her home.
But the thing is, I don't really see it as a 'we need to survive' sort of thing. For me, it came off much more as the changelings receiving more a magical/energy boost from it, hence Chrysalis' easy defeat of Celestia. There's really no solid evidence them needing love to survive in the show or comics, and besides, it would really have dark implications in a show like this.
And really, while Chrysalis was technically doing her job as their monarch, she only mentioned it once and offhandedly, like it were an unimportant side-note. She might care somewhat about her subjects to a degree, but it's clear she'd doing this primarily for her own desire for power and establishing her Changeling Empire in the Equestrian lands. To top it off, she didn't treat the invasion as a grim task that must be done: she took sadistic glee out of every single minute of it and was more than happy to destroy ponies' lives (Shining, Twilight, Cadance, etc) without a twinge of regret.
All in all, Chryssie's a power-hungry and imperialistic stone-cold B*tch, and that's why we love her.
Your idea of the hidden changeling is actually quite good, and it would be more than just a surprising plot twist. However, that makes you think... what would happen with that changeling? He would have spent so much time with the mane six that he would have developed feelings for them and there would be three options: 1º He/she is a jackass and simply didn´t feel anything for them. 2º He has to say goodbye in the most possibly painful way 3º He stays as a main character. In any case, there is one thing that makes this idea impossible. When Tirek took the mane six´s magic, if there was a changeling among them wouldn´t that returned him to his true form, provided that he had no powers anymore? Anyway, good analysis, I find Chrysalis to be quite a good villain with good motives, although maybe the fact that she enjoys making ponies miserable makes her a less sympathetic character
This is an awesome idea! The magic of friendship can convert even changelings. I REALLY wanna see this happen. At the last moment the changeling could pull out and try to stop the invasion. This would finally give the mane 6 a CHALLENGE now that they're practically invincible. THIS HAS TO HAPPEN!!!
If the Changlings' function as parasites and the effects their actions cause can not be reconciled, then the Changlings can not be brought to peace except by the grave or cowing of the ponies.
The Changlings are one of those adversaries with whom one MUST stand and the other MUST fall. "They are our food. We must feed. Sorry if this kills you."
This makes Chrysalis the one antagonist of the series where friendship is trumped by the "love and devotion" to her people, and can NOT be defeated or turned, she can only be destroyed.
This alone makes actually dealing with Chrysalis and the Changlings much heavier than this generation of MLP can handle, at least on TV. Then again, they would just pull a "and they lived happily ever after" out of their butts, instead of actually dealing with this issue.
I agree it would be so cool to see the changelings come back for a reforming episode. I've always liked the changeling race as an idea. On the other hand I don't really like the complications that go along with having one of the main six pull a pond. it would confuse the younger viewers and complicate the relationship the six have been making. I think this episode could actually work though because we haven't been given to much solid information on the changelings. when we do though so many head cannons will be destroyed. I would personally love to have a back story for this race of insect like creatures.
I have to point out that no changeling has ever shown the will or capacity to imitate the personality of a pony, even when trying to be them. This is a key part to why they wanted to capture Canterlot, and more importantly, princess Celestia. Changelings can copy the physical look of an individual, but without the capacity to copy personalities, the necessary close proximity to those that know the pony they are replacing best results in them being found out very quickly, and since changelings cannot match ponies in a straight fight, was that happens, they have to leave. The only way to overcome this would be to replace a pony that is loved by all but really known but comparatively few: Princess Celestial. My guess on a Changeling return would be this: In their desire to overcome the weakness, the changelings build a staging town so they can learn how to imitate ponies better, and twilight and friends stumble upon it, and then teach them about Friendship.
Your videos are amazing and quite different from the other analysis ponies out their. Were they look at the show strictly on a viewing and entertainment standpoint and pointing out the littlest things witch in itself very thought provoking. You however look into equestria's inner-workings and give us theories that no-pony else asks. My favorite videos of yours are the ones that look at equestria in a real light that raises quetions just swept aside by others, but not you. Such as your video "Were is Equestria?" or "My little Horses?" More videos like that please. I haven't seen videos like yours sense radio free equestria stops being produced. If you can tell me of more annalists like you that dose videos like this pleas do. But i thank you for these videos. Your newest subscriber GorGutz.
She MUST have had her subjects starve to death once or twice, so when they got blown away they must have been starving, so imagine them nearly starving, and all the love she has goes straight to them, she LIVES for her subjects' well being.
This theories are amazing. I believe that RD should be the Changling in Disguise, considering Queen Chrysalis was trying to be LOYAL to her Changlings.
Great idea! I think that Fluttershy would be the changeling because she's the easiest to kidnap, I mean, Rarity may act like a delicate flower but trust me, get on her wrong side and you will really rethink kidnapping her!
It would be cool if one of the main 6 WAS a chageling like you said but....... LOADS of viewers are complaining when they do the rainbow friendship blast thing it would show it wasn't the real pony. What I think should happen is when they do the rainbow friendship blast thing Chrysalis should make the pony quickly chande with the changeling or else she would kill the pony's friends (the other 5) then the changeling would once again change with the pony - the pony would be cool if it was Twilight, they could show a scene were Twilight is tied to a bed or something so she can't escape. But the scene would be short and very dark so it's hard to see or understand what's happening. It could then show Chrysalis laughing at Twilight. Just throwing out ideas! =:3
Actually, it may be better not to have that kind of doctor who story idea... I find it out of place to see that in MLP.
But as for the changelings coming back, I think it would be cool if a stranded changeling met a partner, and they loved each other for who they are, so the partner doesn't kind being fed from, but the changeling loves her too much to feed as much as it needs (or smth like that). To camouflage itself, it needs to change into someone else, so it would be pretty cool if it saw one of the main 6, changed into it, and then gets approached by either the pony herself, or one of her friends that the changeling transformed into.
The pony that turns out to be a changeling should be luna. I mean think about it Luna was shown going through the barrier meaning she was allowed to go in and out of the kingdom freely. What better way for chrysalis to make it into the kingdom unnoticed while the barrier was up? Then at the end luna flies down and nonchalantly asks if she missed anything we all know that she couldn't have possibly missed an entire invasion but what if she was really chrysalis trying to sound oblivious so that no one would suspect anything. What if the whole wedding mishap was just a distraction so everypony would let their guard down and she could slowly take over disguised as one of the princesses closest to celestia?
I dont think one of the ponies could be a doppelganger. They already used the elemates and clearly showed traits indigenous to themselves. It's a cool idea, but now implemented into the series, It just wouldn't work. Nice Idea though.
I don't want peace but that's partly because there have been way too many reforms. I've always seen reforms as a G1 thing and was never pleased when it happened. Three unconvincing reforms in one short season didn't leave me particularly pleased especially as action and defeating evil etc is the reason I watch the show and watched G1. Even a very well put together reform in the show would annoy me now even though I could see a way changelings could integrate in pony society with all that friendship is magic stuff. On the other hoof, a changeling return would be good.
The reason Discord wanted to spread chaos, and that's it, is because, well, that's it. If he is the spirit of chaos, it would be very difficult to break from his chaotic ways. He wanted to spread chaos, be cause he IS chaos, no more no less. That's why it took until the defeat of Tirek for him to change his ways, and become a true friend to all of them.
Nice. I would so love to have the changlings reintroduced. But the Dr who thing.... shakes head no. If they did that then there would be an uproar from all the dr who fans wanting more dr whoves. to this (as good of an idea it may be for a fan service) I say no. still. I love the Changlings and Crissy.
I always liked to have the head cannon that one of the main six is a changeling, and has always been a changeling My favorite candidates are Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy
Ooooor, instead of one of the mane 6 being a changling, have a new pony introduced to the group, and over time, show suspicion that one of the ponies is hiding a secret, then later on reveal that false pony being either Chrysalis or a changling that is close to the same power. I would think that if Chrisalis is a queen then she would have a military system similar to that of Equestiria.
I love your idea! But what if queen chrysillas is the third sister I talked about in another comment? The most important one, I said, well, she is the only queen. And she has holes. Why? Maybe they get a hole each time they impersonate someone. The shadow pony, probably sombra didn't use elements of harmony. Maybe the third sister was saving them? Or they are dangerous like the intersect in this series called chuck.
Okay, I know this video is a little bit old, but I still want to share my opinion on this. (Don't take it too seriously, as I am not very good at analyzing every little detail to come to a conclusion and this just randomly came to me one night.) I agree that the show could re-introduce the Changelings by making one of the ponies in the show turn out to have been a Changeling the whole time, but I have a different idea for what pony it was. ... What if it was actually Celestia who was the "Amy" of the show? dun dun dun
not a bad idea, Fluttershy would be the ideal target, the fluttershy changeling being found out, having being turned friendly after discovering the power of friendship, they go and rescue fluttershy, the fluttershy changeling helps their arguement with chrysalis, and then from then it would be kinda like with discord, slowly changing for the better.
I think Chrysalis has very little reason to attack again as long as Cadence does her job. The crystal empire is a place built and supported by love. They give energy to the crystal heart which in turn sends that love out into the world. The changeling ponys need that love. So perhaps that was the original point of the crystal empire, to give love to the changeling empire, thus keeping them from acting others out of hunger.
I think another evasion would be impossible, if love is what they need to live. They must have been desperate for food to the point of trying to invade equestria. So its possible that when they were kicked out they lost their last hope of survival and all the changelings ended dying and their whole race became extinct.
If a Changeling has stolen one of the ponies, I'm sure that the other ponies would have noticed. Also, let's look at the times when the Elements of Harmony were activated. This couldn't have been done if the pony who represented the Element wasn't there? It doesn't make much sense, now, does it?
I hate to bring up the comics, but I wouldn't want to see them all return because it would make the 4 issue premier of the comics irrelevant. However, is it written in stone that ALL changelings have to follow Queen Chrysalis's rule? I mean, there could be a defector or two who are tired of her rule and long for a better life who could try seeking Twilight's help in becoming functioning members of pony society and also for protection from they're former queen's wrath.
Sudden idea. These two could take on the form of AJ's parents. I mean, we don't necessarily have to be told definitively what happened to them, but it would be the perfect opportunity to reveal that information. Just think of how the family might react, especially Applebloom, to these pony's sudden return. Imagine Applejack really wanting to believe it's them, but otherwise acting a lot like Twilight acted about Cadence in Royal Wedding part 1.
I don't have a whole lot of details for this, but imagine the entire Apple family trying to make them feel welcome only to have Applejack constantly ruining all the activities and going out of her way to make them feel unwelcome and trying to prove them as fakes or insincere. For them to tell the truth and their intentions as well as to beg for sanctuary, yeah, hard to see them bound for anywhere but a dungeon cell, so for them to go willingly would at least be a step in the right direction. Being that they're appearing in Ponyville, it would be Twilight's dungeon they end up in, meaning she'd have fairly regular access to talk with them.
Not sure how well they'd be able to play it out or how long it would take, but you can be sure their release into society would include a way to identify them no matter what form they take, as well as probably to monitor where they are at any given time. Maybe some day the magic of friendship turns their pony disguise form into their "natural" form and they cease to be changelings from that day on.
Again, not a whole lot of details on how this would go. I'm not a writer, so this badly written summary is about the best I got. :)
I think you are absolutely right she may not have much of a heart,just for her kingdom and her people but dose she have castle? I think that's one of the problems she might be homeless so she might move kingdom to kingdom trying to rule but fails like in the songs in that episode the canterlot wedding she's looking forward to ruling "the kind of day which i dreamed since I was small" she would of had to been planning this maybe for revenge maybe she was once good
Awesome idea it would be kool and it would make the show more interesting and loving plus there is more ways to change things up for season five and stuff
I think that maybe they could make it where the ponies amd changelings need to team up and as the ponies show love to the changelings, them and Chrystalis go back to thier former selfs
honrstly Hasbro is kinda stepping on the show's morals making the chainglings look so different and going AAAAAH EVIL directly contradicts Bridal Gossip It would have been better to see things from Chrysalis's view first. we don't know for sure the invasion was plan A. what if shehad infact tried asking for help and just wasn't given it?? what if she then tried simply coming in as a dignitary only to have a reaction similar to how Luna was received during nightmare night? after a while who wouldn't say "ok...enough of this TODAY WE INVADE" ?
The smash down between Twilight and Tirek was also in a kids show. You never know what they could do next! I also can't wait to see more Discord in S5, seeing him slowly build up trust again. Cant wait! :D
great idea! *thinks* omgomgomg it could be like in the avengers cartoon, where the scrulls are invading (shape shifting aliens) and one of dem replaces captain America, so maybe at the start of a series a character goes missing for an ep, and evantually ponies start to notice that they're acting a bit differently, and in the season finale all is revealed!!
Sombra used to be good but then the evil one of him came then he drown when he came up he was evil but the dupe of him was never seen again neither sombers the good one I never knew why the evil one came.
conspiracy theory: Princess Twilight isn't really a Princess...Twilight is still a Unicorn but a changeling made it be were she was a princess (this is a joke don't take it seriously)
Woah! i actually wrote a fanfiction based on another invasion, but this is a smaller one, in fact just in Ponyville, (now that Twilight is an alicorn my fanfic could be even better) . . .
What is about?: One of the mane six is a changeling, nopony knows, so little details in that character's personality start to make ponies in the town suspicious, etc etc etc, an invasion after making the mane six think someone will attack on canterlot.
I want so much to see the changelings returning! they are freaking awesome and have a lot of potential. But i don't see them dying , i think love makes them strong
There is just... one tiny... tiny... very tiny mistake in this and everyone elses thinking...
Ahem... The Comics are B class Canon, with the Show being A class. What that means is, unless the Show says otherwise, everything in the Comics is Canon. And the first 5-6 comics are all about the Changelings... Who stole 3 fillies so the queen could get revange on Twilight Sparkle. Feeding on love, or feeding the changelings, or anything else but revange on Twilight never came up. It was all power hungry and waiting for Twilight so she could... do something. Probably kill her.
Also during the comic is one scene is showing where they landed, and they landed in a place full of cute creatures that was giving them love and hugs just for being there.... They utterly wiped those creatures out and took over the place. There was no survivors.
IF they could feed and not hurt the ponies, I know the perfect way for them to live in peace. But most likely they can't. BUT if they could, there is a story that brought up this idea with a very basic logic. The ponies only real defence is the Deus Ex Machina. The Changelings NEED the ponies alive to feed. What the story did was, it had all the changelings disguise as ponies, but with a mission. They were to protect the ponies. An invasion, monster attack, whatever it was. There would be changelings everywhere with the Hivemind that can respond instantly to the danger and protect the ones they needed for food. Kinda like hired mercenary. Only being hired with food instead of money.
I think hasbro should do like he said with one of the ponys exept it shouldn't be one of the mane six it should be a cutie mark crusader like apple bloom or sweetie belle so they feed love off of there sister
Well... its sorta happened. Applejack lies. Applejack lies a lot. Mayby, a changeling stole applejack, unawere of her element, and took her place. Mayby, chrisalis ( I'll call her Chrissie) got banished, like Luna, but into the breezie kingdom. Or Chrissie stole applejack.
But since when would they make a replacement? It can't be before season 4 finale because everyone of the mane 6 was doing the key test. Unless you are saying that actually there were scenes with the real one and also with the fake one. Wait are you saying that Pinkie pie is the one? She was little off character in some scenes.
I considered Pinkie as possibly having been replaced. In episodes like filli vanili she was WAYYY out of character. Then we have moments like in Pinkie Pride where there's no way she was a changeling. Maybe the switch is yet to happen...
If they were just coming to get food ( which is love ) why didn't they just be nice and form relationships with people that loves them then they'd have a lot of food and everyone would be happy
of course theres a more peaceful way for the changelings to feed they can just do what chrysalis did but on a mass scale impersonate ponies with loved ones and feed of there love on the down low. its not perfect but its more peaceful then a flat out invasion
or maybe Chrysalis is a beautiful Queen but some one cursed her to be into what she is maybe she didn't love a pony who can change her I mean looked at the bad guys. Nightmare Moon is Luna of jealousy, Discord maybe is Star Swirl the Bearded because he doesn't have friends, Sombra... we don't know hes motives, and then Chrysalis who needs love to feed her kingdom maybe she needs love to reveal her true self?
I have a headcanon that Chrysalis is really the step-mother of Celestia and Luna. She wanted to be beauitful and used dark magic but became a changeling instead.
What a dobbleganger! I love all ponies what if Hasbro does Fluttershy (sad)or Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Apple Jack or Rainbow (all sad). All deserve to be there.
And Chrysalis came to take her back and the mane 6 were shocked and the pony fought Chrysalis to keep her freedom from the kingdom and stay friends with everypony else
well if they did that, then the their previous character development would be null and void, then again they could make applejack a changeling; not like she needed more character development. Plus if that were to happen, then the rainbow power they used to defeat Tirek wouldn't work.
In my heart there is no room hmm i think you were right on that line I don't watch my little pony early seasons so I'm not gonna put my own twist on it
Dude that would be AWSOME like the changeling will learn friendship and when the invasion starts he/she protects them and show its true identity sooo cool hasbo make this happen plz
Brony Notion I like your idea but I got another idea what if one of Queen Chrysalis' minion becomes Fancy Pants and then Captures Rarity because she knows that Twilight will use her friendship and what if The Changlings start to feed on Friendship could it be possible can you make a review about my idea of the feeding on friendship that would be a great video.
I know that this has little to nothing to do with the video but ill call the Brony Notion out on being a changeling and wanting to take over Equestria. All opposed say neigh.
I agree Zoe it should be twilight and the makers of mlp obveosly should do this and the have seen doctor who because if mlp makers didn't there would be no doctor who ovens in the background of EVERY EPISODE!!!
I would love that episode of mlp I would want the dopple ganger (cant spell) was hmmm..... Rarity :3 it would be sooo unexpected :3 I would watch the episode five time everyday :3
i have a idea for a video, can you explain if its humanly or ponaly possible for rainbow dash to break the sound barrier and at that break it in i think it was like 3 seconds at the end of canterlot wedding part 2??
Well im using my grandpas tablet and I got to say ur idea is pretty cool and I would like to see that happend but if in mlp doesn't make the episode why dont u do it and u can make it exactly how u want it to be.
Chysalis was just trying to save her changelings. She did the right thing for here kingdom. Why didn't Princess Celestia just help her? I mean, I thnk she knew what Changelings are. So why didnt she help them survive? Then this would never happend to Cadence. Another fact: How did Chysalis know about the wedding? and how did she come in Canterlot and locked Cadence?
Roodaka is still the better insect queen same actress but way more diabolical and twisted. Chrysalis: Ooh you're going to steal my love ooh Roodaka: S**t you're going to permanently change me into a mutant snake demon hybrid thing, you're crazy!
Oh silly brony notion (if that is your real name) the ponys don't care if another living creature starves to death. just look at the episode bats. Twilight willingly put a spell on the vampire fruit bats so they would stop eating and starve to death! just because AJ didn't want to sacrifice a few trees...
Or what is a changling peacefully encountered the mane 6.........watch Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends.....the Scribble episode ( maybe S01x02 ) and you'll see what i mean...
ok the thing is which pony would take the place of betraying?????? OR could it be discord BUT i'm not saying that you HAVE to but it would be pretty bad if you did its like the finale of Season 4 ALL OVER AGAIN but would it be rainbow dash? she hasn't been with her cutie mark lately SO she might always be with one if she only did like idk 2 or 3 acts of loyalty? so maybe the writers already thought of this OR they could bring a pony to be secretly be friends with them while being a changeling to feed on the ponies love for each other and their family (a.k.a AppleJack) they could do that in the future or piggyback on an original pony like Zecora
Dear princess celectia, I lurned today... I'm an the changelings side! Ummmmmm... Chrissie! Chrissie: ha ha! One more! Yup! My army is complete! Me: Chrissie! New changeling...(pant)...vidio...(pant) ... Chrissie: seriously.
Her name is in ink rose you're going to have to go to her channel and ask I would do it myself but I do not have her on Skype and if you're interested I happen to know a spike fan as well
WHANT A SECOND aren't u a change link? Implying that u need are devotion to watch your videos and there fore you can keep making videos and the cycle is repeated over and over? There fore making you imortle and you all power full and mighty? I'm on to you buster
The perfect trio:
765 likes- Burnt Swiss cheese butterfly
- Centaur demon
- Child
Replies (21)
21 likesChild
46 likes@alternative and the disguised good guy to be an evil grandpa
30 likeschild
8 likesOther wise known as The Queen of Bugs, The Red Head, and Crybaby! 👍🏻😂
23 likes@Trixie Lulamoon 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
5 likesCHILD
10 likesCMC: what is worse than suffering? BOOM
7 likesMlp: Cozy Glow
8 likes:Demon
:Hmm a child.
Me:If queen chrysalis is cheese that child is also a demon.
Madly dark LOL
4 likesThe writers saw this comment
3 likesy e s
3 likesChild
3 likesIf you don’t get it, Cozy Glow.
And chicken Griffin ell goat deer thing
3 likesAnd a reformed bad guy disguised as a blue goat bull thing
0 likesPfffft
0 likeschild
0 likesyEs
0 likesLMA-
1 likeHow is this so funny-
3 likesBurnt Swiss cheese butterfly and a child
Swis chess old grandpa and demented child my dream team
1 like"I'm not saying I'm on her side.... or am I?" 5 years later he comes out as a Changling hehehe
286 likesReplies (8)
Sawtooth: Surprise! Iv'e been a changeling this whole time!
31 likesThe viewers: Oh wow
I know 5 yeary later swaltooth is on her side
8 likesIts in his Intro-
6 likesyeah I've seen it
2 likesHey boys, we got a Spy!
2 likes*they
2 likesHe said in his basically said that he was a changeling by turning into his pony form from his changeling form
0 likesNo one took the hint though
0 likes"Being the parasites that they are-"
473 likesOoh, self burn, those are rare
Replies (13)
He just insulted his own species!
34 likes@Input Nutria And if you think about it, we humans insult our own species all the time.
47 likes@Sheena Ford Ikr
11 likes@Sheena Ford humans are fucking pathetic tbh
16 likes@Yurie Ooh Self Burn those are rare
9 likes@Yurie but your a human so your calling yourself pathetic
9 likes@Jannie Pate correct
10 likesBrooklyn 99! ^^
2 likes@Yurie Even if you find yourself pathetic that doesn't give you a reason to bring others down.
4 likes@Yay Yay Bro did you took that joke seriously? Holy shit i thought it was obvious enough
8 likes@Yurie 😅
2 likesBut changelings are parasites
2 likesAren’t they
@Yay Yay no
0 likes2 years later..there was a Thorax
1429 likesReplies (30)
Drs Charles 4 years later....2018
23 likes4 years later, they changed
29 likesGood
7 likesDrs Charles 4 years later 2018
9 likes4 years later... there are reformed changelings
20 likesWwwwwoooooooooohoooooooo Thorax
8 likesPs in roblox I was a changeling and i was a loner I was hissing and ponies and thorax saw me and he said there is no reason to be bad and he chased me but i hid next to twilights house and he passed me and he was like where did she go and i ran and mid under a tree but i turned into a rock then icecream and pinkie pie tryed ratting me then I turned into a bug bear
1 likeAnd seckond invasion + replacement of Mane 6 :3
3 likes(I love Spitfire)
1 likeYour channel title is amazing. Spitfire is great.
0 likesSwagfire12 OwO THAN 2 MORE YEARS LATERRRR THERES 2020
0 likesThen mlp ended
1 likeYES 🤣
0 likesSpitfire is My Captain lol
0 likes5 years later....mlp has ended😭
0 likesSpitfire is My Captain 3 years later there was a clozyglow
0 likesUm how about rainbow dash
0 likes6 years ago 2020
1 like😮 2020 anyone
0 likesHey dumbass, he took the video before Thorax came to be
0 likesSpitfire is My Captain yep
0 likesMało Kreatywne me to she is my second favourite character and favourite is rainbow dash
0 likes@Sorullin What
0 likesAnd to where and back again the worst episode ever
0 likes@Funtime_Foxy107 wait a second..... Were you in my fav game Roleplay Is Magic on Roblox?! I made a reformed changeling OC in Roleplay Is Magic named Tangerine Blossom. So could we play together? My username is BendyFan2543YT
0 likesAnd then he ruined the Ex- queen’s life
0 likes4 years later.. it ended.
0 likesAre you spitfire
0 likesXD
0 likesAnd he ruined the hive
0 likes"I want to see the changelings return"
380 likesIn season 6 they RETURN
Replies (5)
Wish grated
11 likesFor the worst episode ever
6 likesI'm glad you got your wish
1 like@Fantasy-Artist grated? like cheese?
0 likes@Alegria Déesse sorry I’m meant granted
0 likes“Queen Crysalys had the best reason to invade Equestria!”
It’s official, she invaded Equestria because friends
Replies (13)
14 likesI would invade Equestria for Friends I’ve heard it’s a pretty good show
20 likesYassssssss :3
8 likesXD HAH I was just At the begging and saw this comment XD
5 likesChrysalis! IT’S ON THE TITLE!!
6 likesYeah I still haven’t found it but I’m working on invading equestria
6 likesI literally wrote the same comment!
1 likeYaaaaaaaaaaassssss
1 likeThis comment is old af why are people still responding
1 likeCause its funny
1 like@CrystalMuffyn That reminds me of a video I just watched- lemme look at the name-
1 likeIt’s called, “Celeshia? Crystalis? SAMBRA?”
1 likeI mean she kinda diddddddd. Because of her kingdom that’s kinda her “friends”
0 likes"Now I'm not saying I'm on her side
128 likesBut that might be true"
Replies (1)
ember ashes More like “triggered”!
5 likesUhh... The writers watch these for sure.
824 likesReplies (12)
That Person's Art probably
18 likesYa lol
10 likesYeah the end of season 7 is very similar to the Brony Notions idea
44 likesYup
5 likesLol ikr
3 likesChicken and Noodles yeah they go around copyrighting mlp videos so OF COURSE THEY SEE IT
11 likesI mean, that isn't necessarily a bad thing
9 likesHuh? Wut? .-. 😑😑😑😒😒😒😒
2 likes@Mystery toy Lab that they wrote something similar to this idea
5 likesumm like the one where discord starlight trixie and thorax save equestria. lol i watch mlp wit my little sister.
5 likesThey actually do but idk about this channel
0 likesAnd then Thorax showed up. XD
1425 likesReplies (33)
YES we all love Thorax :>)
43 likesIkr? XD
8 likesMeh 2
8 likesCongratulations the day is saved by.. Thorax! And Starlight, Trixie and discord too I guess XD
15 likesMisting Wolf YEAH THORAX STARLIGHT TRIXIE AND DISCORD SAVED THE DAY and all the changelings are cool now BTW I actually think that some mlp writers saw this episode because alot of the stuff that he said could happen DID HAPPEN just maybe a bit different...WHO KNOWS
10 likesLOL
2 likesMisting Wolf and after that season 6 finale
2 likesExactly lol
2 likesLike the new design.(Thank you Thorax: ]). But I still LOVE the old design.
5 likesExactly xD
4 likesThorax is the best
5 likesYep
3 likesKing Thorax
3 likesEXACTLY!
2 likes@My Melody discord best
1 like@Awesomeness POWA HOUWS lol
1 like@Awesomeness POWA HOUWS true
1 like@Hi there, I like mlp And my name is Hailey do you have snapchat
1 like@Hi there, I like mlp And my name is Hailey lol
0 likesLol x10000000000000000000000
2 likesCrisalis: hehe nobody will stop me other then the mane six!
3 likesThorax: NOPE
Ummm okay......
0 likesHaha who knew
0 likes@Awesomeness POWA HOUWS I don't like Thorax.
1 likeAnd then along came thorax
2 likesYeah
2 likesOmg yeaaaa
1 likeI know Thorax is adorable who can not love Thorax he is the cutest changeling ever
3 likes@Awesomeness POWA HOUWS im here in 2021 :')
0 likesI guess you're right
0 likesyes and sawooth
0 likesThe changelings should be actors! There should be theaters all over Equestria where the changelings can take the form of any character, perform elaborate productions using their powers, and feed on the love of their audiences at a safe and healthy rate!
8 likes“Not like I’m on her side of anything... or am I?”
56 likesSawtooth Waves entered the chat
yes but in the lyrics when it says "in my heart there is no room" she said my heart so she has a heart
25 likesReplies (2)
well duh
4 likesIt could just be metaphorical speaking.
5 likes"I'm not saying i'm on her side.
42 likesBUT I MIGHT BE" eyes turn into changeling eyesReplies (3)
where is that part
0 likes0.45
0 likes@Rebutia The Sandwing 0:45
0 likesI have read so many fanfics about the exact things you brought up. Both one of the main characters is a Changeling and Changelings coming to peace with Equestria and solving their problems, usually in the same story.
6 likesI know Chrysalis did have a great motive, but I want to know exactly how taking over Equestria and causing fear in the hearts of ponies will help produce the love the changelings need.
0 likesSounds legit; but just as a Fluttercord shipper, if Bride of Discord and Daughter of Discord could happen, it seems like that would give great motive for the changelings to reinvade. Plus, it would make a lot of shippers happy! Not just Fluttercord, but Fashlight, Soarlin dash, Raripants, and, however many Applespike shippers there happen to be out there... ;-)
3 likesIt may have just been a throwaway gag, but, regarding the Changelings as a whole, are there any theories about the one that shows up towards the end of A Slice of Life? Because generally the Changelings haven't really showed up (unless I completely missed something) outside of the Chrysalis episodes, so the fact that one was just kind of chilling there, undisguised, at the wedding between the Donkeys has some implications. Like, why weren't they thrown out, even if the other Ponies that were in the same row as them were clearly afraid? Is there something going on there? Is the dynamic between Ponies and Changelings more complex than what we've seen?
3 likesReplies (2)
It’s probably thorax before he came to the crystal empire and met spike.
1 like@Regular Guy That makes the most sense.
0 likesThis literally just happened and it's been 3 years. I got so excited. Although, they didn't do it exactly like Brony Notion said, the changlings still were able to return love and have changed for good. Chrysalis on the other hand, is still a villain.
0 likesThe writers literally did the exact same thing in To Where And Back Again
20 likesi watched this back when he was the brony notion, im still kinda attached to that name for some reason.
11 likesWhat would have the ponies have done if the blast, which was made of love, simply empowered the Changelings instead of them blasting off for the first time? I mean, it must have been like getting smacked in the face with an all you can eat buffet.
351 likesReplies (12)
We drink water, but blasting people with water out of a fire hose knocks us off our feet.
50 likesWhen the donkeys get married The changeling is there
12 likesHe shall return from the dead JK
5 likesThey are not donkeys they are mules ( duh) #mlpfan <3
5 likeschris schall ... I can't stop laughing XD
2 likeschris schall or the "Love blast" could be too much to handle for them. It is possible for anypony, or any form of life for that matter, to die from eating too much.
11 likesNice idea
0 likeschris schall haha I would die too :)
1 likeThats like getting slapped in the face with a fish
2 likesI'm sure someone throwing food at you would hurt
5 likes@Phoebe cooley bruh they are donkeys the guy is names cranky doodle Donkey
2 likesI think it's because it was too much love. Like having something like chocolate tastes great but if you have too much of it you get a belly ache. Basically, access of it can be damaging.
0 likesAll you have to do is give Changelings the ability to feel strong, sincere love towards each other, so they can just feed off of that love which will become stronger as the feed on it, causing a sort of resonance. Of course, that might also make them unstoppable if they were to do something horrible.
4 likesReplies (2)
Or enchant a magical crystal that would create and resonate love, and just give it to the Changelings.
3 likesMomotech 764 Or Share it
1 likeActually, Sombra was a young filly in the Crystal Empire who discovered his destiny was a villain we know when touched the Crystal Heart . He had a friend during his filly hood who earned her cutie mark and he didn't by setting him free from his fears. Then they weren't hanging out that much due to his friend going to events. It can be found in FIENDSHIP is magic issue #1.
0 likesIn the final episode os season 6 we can see that Crysalis mostly done it for herself instead of her subjects and in my opion I don't think she really loves her subjects after all.
18 likesReplies (2)
I blame the writers for that it was complete bullcrap
6 likesHer “subjects” are her children
6 likesI think the cure for the changeling's NEED for love is loving and being loved (like friends for example). By loving they can produce enough love for themselves to live on. And eventually live like normal ponies. This theory works since the changelings have never really LOVED in their lifes, wich means it probably would work. What do you think ? +The Brony Notion
0 likesReplies (1)
The changelings HAVE loved in their lives. I can't explain it all here, so just watch ink Rose's story.
0 likesThey could live in the crystal empire
11 likesCrystal ponies make love, the changelings could feed off the rest
The thing is Chrysalis actually got a really efficient way to feed her kingdom and she just denied it so she is not really all that different
1 likeWhat's funny about this is that he more or less actually got exactly what he asked for about the ponies befriending the changelings. It's also important in his channels history for this being the first implication that his OC is a changeling. It's pretty funny to look back at this and see how much future you predicted.
0 likesSomehow I think the "Changelings" really are like "parasites" of the mlp universe. "Parasites" that won't stop until they've consumed all love of existence.
3 likesfinally someone who dosen't think chrysalis is a bad villian
215 likesReplies (10)
He is a changeling
7 likesI know that!
4 likesOkay nice profile pic
2 likesthanks
1 like+Maxwell Geldard ikr
1 likeI agree, though being Luna, my favorite pony ever, and having an AWESOME name, NightMare Moon= Best Bad Pony
3 likesMaxwell Geldard I dont
1 likeMax Caulfield she not he
2 likesI don’t think she’s bad, I think she just needs help.
3 likesShe is Gelorum therefore she is the best villain without a doubt.
0 likesYou wanted a changeling return. Are you satisfied? I find the changelings (the old ones) quite cute as well as the reformed. The old ones depended on each other, and protected the queen above all priorities.
0 likesThe new ones are very friendly and cute though :(
I think that a good reintroduction for the changelings would be that the mane 6 are sent to the everfree forest by the map and then they find queen crysalys and her subgects in a small worn down area or village and the mane 6 need to help them because they are weak and in danger of dieing but my favorite part about this is the mane 6 needing to help an enemy and figuring out that the changlings were just trying to survive but they whent about it the wrong way.basicly they are sent to help the changlings (enemy) by the map but it's not egsactly a friendship problem it's more like a problem to hold and strive for hope and civilization.(that was freakishly long xD)
0 likesI thought it would be an interesting challenge if ponies and changelings try to become friends.
0 likesNevertheless it's been surprising when exactly this happened in season 6.
Zonbra became a villain because he loved princess Luna and she loved him as a friend, he was originally an unicorn pony and broke into the restricted area of star swirls then beaded's library or the princesses restricted library, he found a spell to let him grow a powerful horn as powerful as an alicorn's magic it's self, he was excited so he went to show princess Luna, she wanted to know how he got the magic and he said the restricted area. Princess Luna was furious so she sent him out to never set foot in canterlot. Princess Luna was sad but Zombra was furious, he went into handing, his horn started to get worse and so he attacked canterlot and all if equestria several times for pay back, he was called a King put wasn't an alicorn? Weird but his "new" horn held more power than an alicorn so I guess that makes sense 😐 Hopefully you reply to me Brony Notions and that explains the story why he became a villain 😁
2 likesSombra's motive is a case of what TV Tropes calls "then let me be evil". Or rather, he's a villain due to a combination of being mistreated and being somewhat fatalistic in his own destiny. Seeing as he was pretty much born a monster inside a pony's body. (As a matter of fact, the shadow monster we see him as when Twilight and her friends encounter him IS his true form.) And his true purpose in life is to free other members of his own kind from underneath the Crystal Empire. A bit of a shame about him, though. Since Princess Amore did tell him that he could have done great things in his life.
75 likesNightmare Moon's motive might not be all jealousy either. Since Luna was tricked into believing that she could earn everypony's adoration through fear. The spirit that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon, however, seems to be driven by its (or her) desire to plunge the world into an age of evil. Using anypony that it/she can manipulate in one way or another (as she/it did with Luna, and at least tried to do again with Rarity later on) to achieve that goal.
Replies (1)
TL;DR c:
0 likesI have always made that connection in my mind and I have a always sort of thought that chrysalis was planned to be reformed later on and she didn’t
1 likeYa know. The changelings and ponies could end up doing something similar to the Zygons and humans on Doctor Who. That actually worked pretty well til the Zygon episode of season 9 happened.
0 likesStarlight had two reasons.
18 likes1) Changing a whole village unique because of her lost friend
2) To take revenge to Twilight
Replies (2)
and took cutie marks away from ponies and not taking her own AND she took it from an alicorn princess
6 likesHm, true.
2 likesSince you are a changling you do have impact on their side. Which is totally why changlings should get along with ponies, I mean chysalis seemed greedy at the start, but I do not see much bad, therefore her change to the good side may have benefit, just like discord and the ponies
0 likesI completely agree also the changlings are basically her children I mean when thorax showed himself to spike it showed chrysalis with the changilings as baby’s and shes patting them she has a good reason to do it but my thoughts are chrysalis should have obviously been upset with starlight because she taking her kids away I would be upset but she could have embraced to and still be a queen when she was forced to stone they should realise that chrysalis wasn't really that bad of a villian and the Changelings could help her REFORM those are my thoughts Sawtooth please comment on this have a nice day.🙂.
0 likesBy the way this comment is totally 7 years ago hahahaha 😶 any way please please comment on this 🥺
Good idea, but I think it would be much better if a loved background character was a changling, like Derpy, Lyra, Sweetie Drops / Bonbon, but not one of the mane 6, since that would leave lots more holes.
0 likesIf anyone of the mane six were actually a changeling (and I dont mean they were replaced) I think it would be rainbow dash, considering she's often short tempered, boastful of her ovbious flying skills, loyal (like a bee to his/her queen), a good flyer, and possibly seems to have a bit more magic then the regular pegasus, escpecially when it comes to events like her rainbow nuke or sonic rainboom. Also, there was season 5 episode 13, where she were fighting changelings in her dream while inside what is assumed to be a changeling hive. If it is a hive, then how would she know what it would look like? And it likely wasn't made up, since dreams can often only take info seen in the real world (possibly except with magic things like Luna's dream magic and Celestia's Alicorn conversion realm) and either leave the info whole or slightly alter it/change it.
0 likesBecause she was your(or your chracter's?) queen while you making this video.
13 likesIf one of the mane6 was a changeling head cannon mode on.. i would guess it would be fluttershy .
0 likesAnd why fluttershy exactly you ask me well it's a tactical decision first off being that it would take a looong time for anyone to really start to notice if she was one because she's quiet , timid and the symbol of kindness and very loved by all her creatures and friends and if the changeling pulled the personality off correctly i don't think anyone would notice ... BUT on the other hand i can also see it happen that fluttershy would be out in the forest and finds a weakened changeling and of course being fluttershy she takes it home to nurse it back to health and fluttershy doesn't get swappen out by the changeling per say but she lets it look like her so that she can teach it about friendship and caring as to show that they can live side by side without the whole invasion thing.. big question though .. would angel bunny be ok with this setup :) Head cannon mode off
Chrysalis and the changelings are also different from the other villains because we never saw a backstory of them, just like we did with every other villain. So I’m just assuming that in the canterlot wedding episode, that was the first time that the changelings ever appeared in equestria.
1 likeI think I may have a viable thesis. Based off of the events of Season Five, we can guess that SOMETHING is gonna happen. In Amending Fences, we see someone in the background that looks like Starlight Glimmer, the first antagonist of the fifth season, who can steal cutie marks. In, you know, Slice of Life, there is a BLATANT CHANGELING, NOT IN DISGUISE, NORMAL FORM.
0 likesSomething is going to happen....okay I forgot what it was, but I got a new idea. Cutie Mark Theft. Imprisonment. SHAPESHIFTING. See where I'm going? No? sigh What if, during the events of The Cutie Map, Starlight Glimmer kidnapped one of the main six, replacing them with a changeling: Starlight Glimmer is in league with Chrysalis.
Now I'm going into utter Speculation mode. We know Discord is reformed and Nightmare Moon is buried deep within the bowels of Luna's mind(I theorize). What of Tirek and Sombra? The Plunderseeds? Imprisoned, supposedly Smashed and trapped by the Tree of Harmony. Chrysalis and Glimmer free Tirek but keep him restrained somehow so he doesn't betray them, like he did to Discord. Tirek absorbs the Tree of Harmony's main source of power(not RP, because he can't absorb that) enabling the Seeds to grow once more. Then, by either developing this spell, or by stealing it, they resurrect Sombra. Discord is highly unlikely to actually betray the Mane Six, unless he's acting, he slowly plants seeds of doubt and mistrust between the villains, you know what happens? Three-Way-Brawl. Glimmer and Chrysalis, Tirek and Sombra, NMM annd Discord. Simply put, take any battles, combine them, and multiply it by 50, then add Twilight vs Tirek to the mix multiplied by 50. Yup. That awesome.
Actually I think chrysalis only wanted more subjects to rule over and was using her fellow changelings to do so. If you look back on the season 6 finale when she was steeling thorax’s love, and seeing how shacked the changelings were steeling love from their own kind is forbidden and considered treason reviling chrysalis’s true colors to the hive.
0 likesa very convincing Point Changeling but on the other hoof after that episode they used the elements of Harmony several times in several of the same and in different movies so if only the true Bears of the elements of Harmony can control them then how exactly do all the ponies use the Elements of Harmony also in the episode where we get some light on the Star Swirl the bearded history wooden the changeling that would be posing as one of the main six just change back instead of swapping personalities not to mention don't they have to change back every once in a while I mean sometimes they do go missing like being kidnapped but in that time that they were kidnapped wouldn't they change back and reveal their true identities as changelings my channel maybe mostly about miraculous ladybug but I am a huge MLP fan so I'm just saying your theory can go out the window because I just crushed it crushed it oh and one more thing I do agree with the feeding off of Love and powering their bodily functions but but but but with the overwhelming amount of love the Friendship of the main six would give off would make the Changeling go insane or develop Supernatural Pony powers increasing the bodily functions strength speed hearing eyesight everything therefore making a target for investigation so how does your theory Stand Up Now but not trying to dish it out on changelings or anything because in my pony form I am one Just As You Are but your theory would be really good but impossible due to the following from The Royal Wedding changelings rule but your theory drools no offense of course but I crushed it I'm sorry I crashed so bad I couldn't help myself PS I am not an evil Changeling😊😊😊😊😈😈😈😇😇😇😈😇😸
0 likesI must agree that Queen Chrysalis Had Good Intentions, And true, them being the parasites that they are, there wasn't a more peaceful option for the changeling kingdom. This Indefinitely Makes the queen of the changelings Be less of a villian, but no hero, more inbetween.
0 likesI kind of see the caring and hard working side of Chrysalis. She wants to feed her changelings. But, here's what I think happened. When you spoil someone, they start wanting more of it and can get ugly mean. In a way, her subjects spoiled her because when they fed on love they gave her power.
0 likesWhen the changelings come it's up to Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Torex have to save the mane 6 the order Princesses, Shining Armor and Flully Heart for the changelings the changelings become good but not Queen Carstyless she ran away you will find this episode in season 6 2 final episodes.
2 likeshow long do you think queen crysilas has been around if she has been a threat before twilight was even alive. She keeps coming back even if you think she was gone for good. Also I'm noticing that she has a strong connection between night mare moon and king sambra. They look similar. I wonder if it is because they turned evil in a similar way.
0 likesI think the best choice would be for changelings to understand ponies better and to see a reason to just fit in I mean if somepony was attacking the one they love the love from their love would make them strong enough to defend their love not counting an adrenaline rush
0 likesI definitely believe that Chrysalis is not evil. She was just finding food for her subjects. The rulers of the changelings had probably been taught for generations that the way to do that is to take over a country, so of course she'll think that's the way to do it too. Even if it had occurred to her to find another way, I doubt any other rulers would've even been willing to speak to her on the matter, since the changelings surely had a bad reputation.
0 likesIt's possible the changeling race has already made some kind of agreement with the pony race due to the appearance of a changeling attending a wedding in Ponyville and not eager to strike at or change into somepony.
0 likesThe part that got me laughing was " and has more holes than swiss cheese"
2 likesThat is a good plot twist plus I agree the Changlings aren't bad, just hungry and need to eat. And I think it's wrong for equertria to let them starve.
0 likesI think it could be that maybe there's a pony brought in that is half changeling (mum was a pony & dad was a changeling) it could make the mane six learn not to judge a book by its cover. Ever since I saw that show with the changelinges in it I've been thinking about it, my oc is half changeling. Her name is Purple lily, she fly's around helping lilys the water 1s grow. Id love to know what you think about my idea? X
0 likesThe compromise idea is what I see when I watch Fluffle Puff Tales, where Fluffle loves Chrysalis, and Chrysalis lives off of love freely given without stealing it or hiding her identity. On the surface Fluffle Puff seems like just silly stories for the sake of silly stories, but it actually seems to imply and interesting unseen story. Twilight seems to have taken in Chrysalis to teach her to live without menace, and in doing so led her to meet Fluffle Puff who's unconditional love is sustaining Chrysalis. She resists the idea of accepting love freely given because it goes against everything she's ever known, but slowly she's starting to open up to Fluffle and accept her.
7 likesOr maybe I'm reading too much into a 'random silliness' video series.
Also, after being expelled from Canterlot, in the comics the changelings landed on a town of innocent bunny things that welcomed them openly, then razed it to the ground and consumed it's residents. Chrysalis splatted one on the wall just to intimidate the Cutiemark Crusaders.
Replies (2)
Right so I just watched 'ask Fluffle Puff episode 1' and apparently they said exactly that. Guess it's not so unseen after all. I had mostly only watched the animated shorts before, not the ones that are actually videos of the comic version from the forum where the creator first posted it.
0 likesu no u do have a good point
0 likesSeason 6 (i think) finale be like: Your wish is my command
6 likesI definitely think that the cagelings should be in a future episode
0 likesthe plot of mlp FiM can go very far (I really like telling to myself "It's like this multiverse exists somewhere")
0 likesPropably when changelings will get the true love that is directed to them not their stolen forms something great will happen
I don't know who Chrysalis would become beacuse there already is a princess of love
1:40 In the episode To Where and Back Again, while Chrisylis is stealing the love from Thorax, we can see it is causing him physical pain as well as weakening him.
0 likesWe'd all love to see the changelings return with a second invasion, but the show has kind of reached the point where the main cast is severely over-powered... what with a mighty resourceful Princess in the lead of the group and the very Master of Chaos himself swirling around her like a bodyguard. (Speaking of which, I wonder if changelings can actually transform into Discord...?) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it'd take more than a traditional invasion to break this Dream Team and truly endanger Equestria. I believe that the writers would have to play it very smart to make it work. I'm sure your idea of a replaced member of the Team could fit into the whole scheme, somehow.
9 likesAlso, I love the idea of ponies & changelings coexisting (somewhat) peacefully! Imagine how entertaining the interactions between ponies and their weird, semi-trustworthy neighbors would be...
Replies (3)
That's the great thing about changelings, because they could one at a time replace the princesses and then the mane-6, and then attack. I agree that the six have too much power though. And also, I don't see why a changeling couldn't become Discord. /)
1 likeyou just predicted an episode
2 likesThe Brony Notion hi you are awesome 😄
1 likethe changling left over could have been fluttershy
0 likesmy reasons
1 at the end of bats when the spell wasn't like on her anymore she still had fangs similar to a changing
2 on a recent episode ( element of kindness was called by the map blah blah blah) she wanted to leave because she didn't want to try until that changling could have realized he wasn't fitting the part. at the end of that episode fluttershys aka the changling could have turned tel he tables to make it look like he or she cared
have any other reasons?
comment below
They can also do other things. Just as the Timberwolves were coming back. With some mear magic stuff. Just like to shoot with lasers from his mouths to use them (like the unicorns and anicorns with their horns). For example, a pony (like an earth pony) like Tarzan can be raised by the monkeys, but only the "Everfree Paw" is raised by the Timbervolves. Or a follow up with this Shadow Pony. I want to show what it is for a part.
0 likesSomething tells me we'll see the changelings again in Season 6. After all, one was somehow invited to the wedding in Slice of Life! There is a theory out there that Flurry Heart will be abducted by Chrysalis at some point so we will see if that comes to fruition...
0 likesReplies (2)
mm actually that does has a point after all queen chrysalis did attack princess cadence wait king sambra also attacked but the crystal empire maybe they might join forces and attack or abduct flurry heart... maybe
0 likes@Mahatha Gnanaseelan I found someone who claims to have seen the remaining episode titles for this season and they did mention someone special returning in episode 12. Could that someone be Queen Chrysalis? :D
506 likesReplies (24)
20 likesdat kawaii potato x c
3 likesCyril Smith VA it would explain a lot if flash was a changling spy but I don't want him to be but that's my opinion wow I should really have a theri YouTube channel
3 likesCyril Smith VA I don't think so but the other side of me thinks it's true
1 likeCyril Smith VA 😐 ummm:o :x ;b
3 likesCyril Smith VA .
3 likesHe would already Took a lot Of Love From TWILIGHT 😂
6 likesY'mean Brad?
1 likeCyril Smith VA GASP
1 likeYeah
1 likeXD
1 likeYes I am so down for that
1 likeCyril Smith VA shhhhh he will block us on social media 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱I know
1 likeCyril Smith VA Brony is a changeling shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
0 likesWhere is the real flash then hmm?
1 like+Cyril Smith VA
1 likeGood, it would kill that terrible ship with Twilight.
Cyril Smith VA I
0 likesIts Flash Century
1 likeCyril Smith VA I don’t think so
0 likesWhat would changelings look like in the human world?
1 likeCyril Smith VA did you ment a human world spy
0 likeswhy do I feel like Chrisalis had lines where she wanted to rule Equastria was because she wanted people to give her consent to feed on love and the changelings not seen as bad
1 likeSame way Thorax is different from the rest. Since Thorax was the first changeling to be good, maybe Chrysalis was the first to be evil.
0 likesThis is old but I really hate what they did with the changelings.
0 likesSure I preferred their old designs more, but that’s not why.
It’s because of the message. Think about it. For the changelings to be accepted and loved, they had to drastically change their appearance. They were too “unsightly” for ponies to accept.... what kind of message does that send?
We could’ve had episodes about changelings being hated because they look scary/creepy and ponies learning not to judge a book by it’s cover, but instead we saw the changelings permanently become more pony like (both in appearance and culture) just to be accepted. I know we already had a “don’t judge people based on appearances” episode with zecora, but we’ve also had multiple “fluttershy learns to be brave” episodes too.
I think it would be cool if the changelings created their own pony design that is unique like you did and they could live as a pony and nobody would notice and I could find somebody they love help them feed off of love and they can even start a family or something I don't know. well,it's just an idea. bro hoof!
0 likesI mean… this is possibly the most accurate way of telling the events that actually happened lmao
0 likesI’m definitely on Chrysalis’s side.
1 likeIf your favorite villain means "the character that you hate sooooo much that you want to take it out of the show, rip its face off and kill it with your own hands/hooves and throw it at the window" my favorite villain is Chrisalys or... however to spell her name!
1 likeThe lightning bolt could also represent her element of loyalty
0 likesI'm not saying that I'm on her side. Although that might be true!
8 likesUm... Sombra's motives were that he was corrupted by dark magic, and then took power. In the show, he was trying to get his kingdom back.
0 likesWell to where and back also had a similar premise. Where all of Equestria's most loved ponies were replaced, and the changlings would feed off all the ponies love for the fake ponies.
0 likesLater after that episode, the main 6 use the elements of harmony so they cannot be a changeling, can they? It wouldn't work. What I mean is that the elements wouldn't work because when Spike was pretending to be Rainbow Dash with the elements (Discord removes their inner element) it doesn't work. All I'm saying is that in my opinion, a changeling cannot be one of the main 6.
0 likesI think there may have been more Changelings than just Chrysalis' group. We've seen that the Changelings look alot like insects rather than a race of ponies, so it can be assumed that Chrysalis is not as much a queen of a kingdom, but rather of a hive, meaning there might be more hives, ruled by other queens.
10 likesThis might allow the return of the Changelings. A different queen visits Equestria and offers to have her hive live in Equestria for its high amounts of love. Celestia, remembering the invasion of Chrysalis, denies the offer in fear of what might happen. This leads to a second attack, which ends up in both parties unable to defeat one-another and eventually deciding to end the fighting and think of a way to have them live together without endangering one-another. Changelings can feed on love, but are not allowed to take existing ponies' places, unless it were for work which they themselves are unfit to do (sickness, injury, etc.) as a Changeling might be able to even copy the talents of the pony they're pretending to be. Heck, it might even allow some ponies to have someone to help them out, such as Twilight having someone to practice her spells with, Rainbow Dash having a racing buddy and Applejack having some extra help on the farm.
Replies (6)
@***** I'm sorry, I can't really follow you... Please try to use several sentences and not one incredibly long one, because it sounds like you keep switching the topic you're talking about while never ending your sentence.
0 likes@***** Well, I really couldn't follow it at all, so I had no idea what you were saying.
0 likes@***** Chryssalis have daugther, Twilight and friends meet daugther, Chryssalis attack Crystal empire, Chryssalis and Daughter fights each other.... thats all i got out of it
0 likes@DragoonShadow91 what is her dauther's name?😕😕
0 likes@Giang Han Trinh i dunno, it's a storyline Richharddss wanted... i'd love to call the kid Chryssy thou XD
0 likes@RED Soldier What are you doing on Youtube? Get back on the Battle feild!
1 likeand then they ruined her character by flipping this motivation into a completely selfish one just moments before her original motivation of feeding her kingdom was completely resolved.
1 likeI am on chrysalis's side! 🖤
8 likessombra was an umbrum, a ghost ponie, and is born evil. he became a pony so that he could free the umbrum, but he became good when he turned into a pony. he started beleiving umbrum were good because he was one, even though he didnt know he was one until he saw his destiny. his best friend warned the princesses about him, they impriskned him, and knkw hes back.
0 likeswould be fantastic. a changeling who was all this time with the mane 6 would be great
0 likesIf changelings feed off of love, why can't the changlinks live each other? BAM endless supply of "food"
75 likesReplies (31)
@Chrysalis The Queen of the Changelings
2 likesyo! this is my idea, dont make me feel bad about it
4 likes@Chrysalis The Queen of the Changelings they're not exactly drones. They changed when. Well. Blah blah blah stuff in the fan fictions, so Yea they aren't exactly drones but who cares :L
2 likesThat would make sense lol
0 likesTalking about CANON
1 likefacepalm what even
0 likescanon as in what the creator makes it
1 likewell, they could, but unfortunately, they are all jerks.
1 likeit sais so in a fan made comic i found somewhere around the internet.
@***** right. but that leads to another question: do they automaticly feed on love or can they choose when they do and when not?
0 likes@***** i would say that chryssie is the one feeding one love and that she gives this energy to all her subjects when they need it. or they do it similar to tirek when he steal magic, that they suck the energy from their victims. or they just absorb the energy and keep doing what they normally do.
0 likes@***** i know. but if i would get asked, i would say they mostly did this to keep the ponies from attacking them and that they planned to set them free when they fell asleep and then take the form of normal ponies and live among them.
0 likes@***** i have no idea.
0 likes@***** ok.
0 likesyeah
0 likes@Kurliz Makara The changlings haven't learned the magic of friendship.
3 likes@KitCatGames Pinkie I Agree.
0 likesWell changelings feed off of love but they are in capable of feeling any love themselves
0 likes@Kurliz Makara As awesome (for them) as that'd be, the notion falls into a paradoxical scenario often known as a "Perpetual Energy Ideal." In this case, perpetual energy in the form of endless love is needed to feed the changlings, HOWEVER, due to the first and second laws of thermodynamics (First law of thermodynamics: When energy passes, as work, as heat, or with matter, into or out from a system, its internal energy changes in accord with the law of conservation of energy. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible. Second law of thermodynamics: In a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems increases. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind are impossible.) AND the law of the conservation of energy (Within an isolated system, the total energy cannot be created or destroyed, and thus remains consistent.) that would require ALL their energy into producing love/food, with no other way that that energy could be used (including BREEDING), else there would be a decay in the food supply at an exponential rate and them still starving to death.
3 likesEEEEHHH
0 likes@Kurliz Makara OH MY GOD
0 likes@Kurliz Makara We feed on PONY love. Changeling love is powerful, but that protects us instead of feed us.
0 likes+Babi the Changeling your right even i might be a mixed with a changeling and a pony
0 likes( You're username and picture say nothing of the sort )
0 likesThey're changelings, they can't produce love. Also, Kurliz, you're a troll. How would you know?
0 likes@bucca2 :o)
0 likesbecause they dont HAVE any love duh and if they did the queen would have probably already draind the love
2 likesOh hey, that's pretty much exactly what happened
2 likeslol good idea
0 likesChrysalis may have wanted to invade equestria but she had a good reason 😆
1 likeI think it is possible for a changeling Queen to store Love (so food for changelings) in her body ore sonething. She could habe feeded her hive later with the Energie.
0 likesAhhh... The good old days before the "reformed" changelings came along. I will always be loyal to the Hive! "We may be starving, but at least we aren't one of them"
0 likesShe’s different because she’s best character in mlp. I am not changing my mind.
1 likebut why didn't the ponies let the changelings eat their love?
1 likeThey can make it any time they want, so there's actually nothing to lose
I want a episode where the alicorn sisters (you know who) are actually imposters taking the magic from their mom and dad to become lookalikes so nopony would be frightend. Sunset shimmer becomes alicorn and princess of day while twillight is night princess. Don't you get that you can kinda predict the story. Their names! SUNSET shimmer and TWILLIGHT sparkle. See?
0 likesChrysalis does have a heart and I think she had no choice but to become a villain because she needs to let her beloved subjects (get it because she is a ruler) enough with school back on topic ya she needs to let her subjects to "feed on love" and I think she just dot used to doing her job but I don't think that she is the snobby and selfish as most villains I think she treats her ppl will respect let me now (i went way to deep with this didn't i )
0 likesActually. ., I think she meant that her heart was too small for shining armour (this was when she said: in my heart there is no room)
0 likesIf Hasbro does what you say to one of the most popular ponies, then they might get a lot of hate for doing so. Bring Notion, every character in my little pony has a fan base, meaning that no matter who you pick, a large group of people will object. The only reason I am saying no is because whoever you do it to, that specific fan base is going to object. Hasbro would get a lot of hate for doing so, and with all the antibronies, I don't think they would want to do that. The only character I see this being OK with is Flash Sentry since he was one of the most hated characters in my little pony. I'm sorry if this upsets or disappoints you, but that's just reality. On, and your videos are awesome and I would encourage you to keep making them.
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry, it is BRONY Notion
0 likesAnd then comes in Thorax from season 6
149 likesReplies (6)
Chrysalis never cared for the changelings she was only using their hunger for love to rule😤
2 likesThey're her kids, on top of this she loves them, she just thinks that's not the best thing for them. She just doesn't realize they're genuinely happy now, she wants what's best for them, she just doesn't see it.
4 likesMiso Hoshi first of all we never conferred their all her children, second of we’ve seen from ocellus changelings have nuclear families, and third if you look in the comics chrysalis come to being from a mutated tree after the first changelings
0 likes@Fantasy-Artist we got actually in comics she said they are her children
3 likes@CaptainOpvious apart from the “season 10” comics I don’t think those count
2 likes@Fantasy-Artist As B canon information missing from the show can be filled from there. I mean thats what they said(writers) .
1 likeMy personal fav villain is Discord but queen chrysalis comes close in second but i think that she did have good intentions for her people i think that her heart was filled with darkness not love for her people.
0 likes"Now, I'm not saying I'm on her side, or that might be true" Changeling secret confirmed!
1 likeseeing this video AFTER the series ended,
1 like-The changlings are reintroduced
-They come to attack
-They replaced not one, but all the loved ones in equestria
-They reform (Well, not Chrysalis)
-And lives with ponies peacefully
Did the creators really watch this video or is Sawtooth just reallllly psychic? 😂
there is an episode coming out with a changlings and they are showed kindeness by spike
119 likesReplies (11)
0 likesis it possibly in SEASON 7!!!!!!!????
0 likesJulia Eichhorn No it's the episode when Spike and Thorax become friends, I think it's in season 5 or 6
5 likes@Cat Princess Valentine I know that now, and to clear your mind it's in season 6. Thanks
0 likesJulia Eichhorn You're welcome
0 likesnardos tadelle SPOILERS!!!
0 likesnardos tadelle yeah...that would nice.
0 likesnardos tadelle its out they also are different changelings
0 likesCat Princess Valentine 6 because starlight was in 5
0 likesWhat's kindeness?
1 likeYeah dude it happens
1 likeAll the changelings found a better way by sharing love, but Chrysalis didn't accept and she ran away. Why would she run and seek revenge if she already new there was a better way to get everything they need? Why would she just run? Maybe there is a different reason she is doing this. Maybe something happend in the past to make her do all of this. I can't wait to find out when Chrysalis returns and attempts to seek revenge on Starlight.
0 likessombra found a book with dark magic with a spell to make him as strong as an alicorn but he had to let the dark magic take over his body.
0 likeswhile your idea for reintroducing the changelings is amazing, it seems to deep of a concept for a kids show. but still great idea.
0 likesSombra wanted revenge against the ponies who took his empire from him, as for why he took control of the CE in the first place, the usually evil guy archetype
0 likesOne question: How is Queen Chrysalis feed on Shining Armor’s love in the episode “A CanterLot Wedding part 1?”
1 likeReplies (1)
That would be awesome! And her kingdom could have been the changelings, whom were driven by selfish reasons and hate. Two changelings, Celestia and Luna, were good. They banished Queen Chrysalis and the changelings, freed captured ponies, and took power over Equestria.
0 likesIt would been great if Chrysalis had this motivation
0 likesIf only the changelings became friends then they could feed off of eachothers love and live happily ever after.
0 likesI wonder… since changelings can change forms and even have cutie marks, does that mean that they can make up destinies? Or is it just a tattoo to them?
0 likesBest story idea ever!!!! Could you do a video on the last two episodes of season 5
3 likeschangelings are beautiful who, with friends, transform after sharing love and there is an episode of mlp backing my theory so watch it its called "to where and back" :)
1 likeshe is also diffrent because shes a mother type character. she consumes love and the changeling's consume if of her like baby's sucking milk out of a mother
0 likesMy heart there is no room, yes you can say she loves her kingdom but you can also argue she doesn’t have a heart
1 likeI think before Queen Chrysalis may have been the first person that rude The Crystal Empire so she may be the first one that was the love princess King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis rule together and the crystal ponies used to Crystal Heart to bring love all over the world I think and the changelings feed off that love from the crystal heart when it's charged up from the crystal ponies
0 likesGood idea notion! Let's give evil a chance! I'm tired of good defeating The evil. Let's give them a chance in friendship! Like with discord! It was nice to see evil change to good for once.
0 likesI think the doppelgänger idea would be very interesting but it couldn't work if it was one of the main characters, or any of the very close friends. Instead I think it would be a good idea to make it a side character. Like one you barely notice but is always there, just off to one side.
9 likesReplies (15)
@Kayleigh Brown Like Spike!
0 likesHm...not sure. He seems a little close to the main 6 for no-one never to notice him...
0 likes:D Nah, I was just making a gag, I actually love Spike...
0 likesMaybe like a background Character?
@Katoka Karalashvili yeah, plus it might not work, 'cause spike's a dragon
0 likesWell I dunno about that. It still might work.
0 likes@Katoka Karalashvili maybe.... but changelings are the same shape as a pony- which is the reason I assumed it might not work.
0 likesShrugs Who knows, really.
0 likesI think it's a good idea to have one of the background characters be a changeling, like Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, heck even one of the Mane 6's pets could end up being a changeling (I could actually picture Angel being a changeling since Fluttershy showers him with love...)
0 likes@UA Cosplay! Well don't they sometimes use the same model more than once while filling out crowd scenes?
0 likes@Kayleigh Brown MABEY DERPY? Eh? Eh?
0 likes@somethingninga Actually...I think that might work.
0 likes+Feather McTallison wait but there was never a cliffhanger like that o.o
0 likesLike Berry Punch! She's everywhere, even in Clousdale.
0 likes+Kayleigh Brown Applejack!
0 likes+somethingninga NO NOT DURPY
1 likeDear brony nation, I honestly think there mite be 2 more alicorns to be featured in the show. In the episode twilight is a princess (not sure if thats the exact name) part 2 when they find the tree of harmony there is a chest that pops out of a flower. You here celestia say "6 locks 6 keys." and what if the horns of the "6" princesses are the keys? Or what if the 6 keys are the 6 elements of harmony? (even though I saw the ep. Where you explain that sunset could be the 7th) I honestly dont know and would like your opinion on this thought. But if you don't that's fine to...... loving fan-otaku Chan bro hoof 🐎♥
0 likesWell I think chrysalis has the biggest reason because she needed to feed a kingdom plus herself and only on love and with all the villains and without friendship then there is no love for her kingdom and herself
0 likesNotion, you have to be a time traveler, they finally made friends and learned a very valuable lesson! Although I know you know that :3
0 likesIn a way... your story idea actually happens in the season 6 finale
3 likesSombra (reading from comics) was driven like that was Luna.When Celestia/Tia banished her And he felt unwanted
0 likesThere are amazing storys on Fimfiction ! You read some very impressiv ideas about Changlings
0 likesWell the crystalling showed a changeling in the end, so there's a chance for this to happen, So . . . How the heck do you male the writers listen to your ideas!?!?!?
0 likesChrysalis is a villain... They (SPOILER ALERT) could become good and share love as we see in the ending of season 6. I know this vid is old, but still! She was doing it by selfish motives as well! Changelings didn't ever get satisfied, as to them drying out love from existance. Selfish as they could never feed on enough love to be able to sustain themselves.
0 likesChrysalis? Oh, I love that white and gold villain!
251 likesReplies (59)
Noo.....it's a joke based off of the #dress, she's blue and black so I made a joke :)
22 likesIlololol! I jokester, I get it! Lolololololol :D
1 like:3
0 likesOhhhh i get it nowwwwww
1 like@Brianna Shock XD
0 likes#dress
0 likesYou'll understand.
#blueandblackorwhiteandgold blue and black is chrysalis
2 likes@Brianna Shock Yep. I'm seeing that Chrysalis is white and gold
1 like@Brianna Shock XD lol
0 likesIllusions
1 like@Pastel Breeze Hahaha to think that people fall for that, hahaha, nice one.
0 likes@Pastel Breeze (\
0 likes@Pastel Breeze Ha! Nailed it!
0 likesXD
0 likesWow really bringing #thedress into this
0 likesyusss :L
0 likes@Pastel Breeze she's black and blue, well to me. Brony notion, think about this: Why is Chrysalis black and blue to some ppl, but white and gold to others?
0 likesNice joke ( I got how you used # the dress as a joke on queen chrysalis. That is an awesome joke
1 likeOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh darn
0 likesI actually see gold and white on #dress
0 likes@Pastel Breeze
0 likesme: IT'S BLACK AND BLUE.
someone else: IT'S WHITE AND GOLD.
omfg worst joke ever XD
She used to be black gold and white
0 likes@Pastel Breeze lol
0 likesOMG XD
0 likesPerfect.
1 likeHahaha, I get the joke!
0 likes@Pastel Breeze nice joke there
0 likes@Pastel Breeze Lol!!! Once I saw a rare white and gold zebra and I said "Wow, I didn't know zebras were black and blue!" xD
0 likesnoice XD
0 likesYou know, Queen Chrysalis is the villainess whose shapeshifting scared me. That was the reason I jumped outta my skin when Chrysalis revealed her true form.
1 likeohhhhh really that was in the past now I'm queen chrisalis
1 likeOmg!she is White and gold! #TheDress
1 likeOh no 😑
0 likes+pigstar 101 yeah! White and gold is good..., and black and blue bad, ponies see black and blue, and the changelings see white and gold
1 like"the dress" as a pony!
0 likesWat???
0 likesWat??!
0 likesShe's talking about the dress she sees is that white and gold and some other people say it's blue and black really you got an ad in the green
5 likesOOOOOOOOoooohhhh god yes
0 likesKayley Cobb ??
0 likesno
0 likesxD
0 likesBrianna Shock but chrysalis isn't white and gold......
1 likeBrianna Shock Is this a joke about the dress?
3 likesEmoGaming it's like the thing with the dress ! XD
0 likesBrianna Shock I remember when that was a thing
1 likeme too
1 likeSPOILER ALERT do not read if you haven't seen season 6 yet. But in the last episode of season 6 which is part 2 of the second to last episode of season 6, the mane 6 and all the princesses were kidnapped and taken to Queen Chrysalis's castle. So Starlight Glimmer, Discord and Trixie go to rescue them after realising that changelings have been posing in the mane 6's place. They go to Chrysalis's castle and long story short, Chrysalis tries to feed off Starlight's love but then Twilight tells Starlight to SHARE it instead, and when she does, the changelings transform into a new, fairy like sort of changeling with thorax as their new king. Starlight almost persuades Chrysalis to reform but is last seen flying off somewhere else far away. Hope this helps.
5 likesAna Souto did he just predict that episode
0 likes0-0
0 likesYo Chrysalis is not white and gold she's black and blue
0 likesaaaa, the dress meme
0 likesCaren Stuhlsatz its the dress joke (somepeople see the dress as blue and black and others gold and white)
0 likesBrianna Shock Lol!!
0 likessmol squirt It's a colorblind joke... (Also, remember that dress? It's blue and black.... NOT ANYMORE!)
1 likeChrysalis is not blue and black, she's dark turquoise and black.
0 likeswow... that's...really good!!! i like your reasoning, and that would be an AWESOME plotline!!!
0 likesThe real answer is because she is Gelorum. In The Ending of the End Part 1 she forgot to mention not only does she have plans, she has the AcceleChargers.
0 likesYou forgot about Sunset Shimmer. She had a tribe of teenage zombies and had a hammer to smash the portal so wouldn't she have almost taken over equestria? She was jeleus of Twlight. How about that?
0 likesi would say, When see Queen Chrysalis drag herself into Celestia's throne room with Luna sitting next to her. Next seen is with twilight running into the castle with her friends and spike with the elements of harmony. then the episode would be a mix of what it was like with discordand the luna episode only with a whole bunch of ponies instead of one
0 likesI think twilight should be the one to be the impstor and yeah that is an amazing idea
0 likesShe had to feed her children
0 likes#bestreasonever
Also, hear My Little Portal's version of saying it;
"My children are starving of your foolish acts.."
I’m from the future and you are so right!!! “To were and back again” is pretty simalar
1 likein a party episode there was a foal changing they allowed in the room cause it was a foal not an adult so they let foals in ponyville at least
0 likesI would love more chamgelings
11 likesHASBRO
Replies (1)
Queen Jynxyyy may your wish come true abracadabra
1 likeDamn I want to see that happen, that's a really great idea
0 likesI think that's a great idea. I think it should be either applejack or rainbow dash, because they're the toughest
0 likesIF THE RE-INVASION EPISODE HAPPENS THEY NEED TO ADD IN FLUFFLEPUFF!!!!! please? i love that mute tongue-talking mysterious black hole ball of fluff, her and chrissy make a cute team <3
0 likesyay! he called it! they all live peacefully now! exepet chrysalis....
4 likesOf all the villains, Queen Chrysalis has the best reason to invade Equestria: FRIEEEEEEENSDSSSSSSS
3 likesReplies (1)
HER friends
0 likesWhen Cadence has flurry then the crystal people spot a changling named thorax who befriends spike and he feeds off of the love that ponies have for him.
0 likesThey could feed on eachover love. It would be annoying to each over changeling but it would work out
0 likesRewatching this video, I am 213% sure that hasbro watches these videos.
2 likesYeah like chrysalis needed to feed her Kingdom since the changlings feed off love . like you can't just ask ponies for there love so that is why she attacked . she is just doing her duty as a good leader like celestia so you can't really blame her for it and the changing ' s they don't choose to feed of love they are just born like that and they have to eat.
0 likesI like how this video basically predicts season 6 two years before it came out
0 likesThat Intro of "FRIENDSSSSS" always gets me dying since its right after a question then just pops up as if answering
0 likesShe is different because her laugh goes “nyah hagh”
2 likesDuring season 6, Thorax became a better leader than Chysalis will ever be. And season 9... well... Chysalis has kinda joined Tirek and Cozy Glow.
0 likesLove it! Make this story HAPPEN!!! Could you try doing animation, Brony?
0 likesWow I swear the animators watch your videos your idea was exactly implemented in TWO episodes!
0 likesI think tirek had the best version cause he wanted revenge on/for his brother
4 likesIt makes no sense for them to not be able to talk
Guys I think sawtooth waves is a changling
0 likesImagine if Queen Chrysalis was pretending to be Princess Celestia since after the last invasion :O Eh not possible they wouldnt do something like that... it would be awesome though.
0 likesSawtooth waves: a changing
6 likesConspired about how changing might be consume love
the only one who could actually be a changeling is spike be all the others have already used their powers and are in every episode so well spike might be a changeling!
1 like0:31 The look on Chryssy's face XD
1 likei thought that by 'in my heart there is no room' i just thought that she only loved herself
0 likesSombra
0 likesaccording to theory, because he was pulled away from his only friend which might of been Radiant Hope.
The changelings are kind of cute.😊
0 likesI have a feeling that writers do watch this because you literally predict future that Is crazy.
0 likesdoes any pony think that possibly the shadow pony could be apart of the return of the changelings it would be pretty cool to mix that idea up again XD that would be great
0 likesIt's amazing how your theory for a new episode actually came out
0 likesWhy are Queen Chrysalis evil when she and the other changelings only need love to live, what's the point for it when changeling never can be satisfied and why don't Queen Chrysalis also share love if she want to be satisfied?
0 likesThe changelings do come back in season 5 ep 9 but its only one at the wedding in the back row. You can't really find it in the crowed but it shows it next to no one and a huge pile of files on the other end. What dose this mean? Is it a hint that they come back, he's cranky doodle donkeys friend, or he just went to the wrong thing? What do you think?
4 likesReplies (1)
He’s a special guest
0 likesdude I may be wrong, but at 1:18, the no room in her heart quote must be due to all the darkness in there
1 likethe only real way for changelings to survive without a ponies love would be to have something like the crystal heart an object that produces love or at least stores love in it then just give it to the changelings to feed off that no ponies would have to suffer from the loss of their own love but like you pointed out about them starving to death I think your right as fare as we know all the changelings mite of already died from no food
0 likesTwo things: Sombra was the worst villain the show has made. So bland and one dimensional and chrysalis was the best quality villain because she has reasons to do it and she reminds me of zira from The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride.
0 likesCadence and Chrysalis. To very different topics but if you dig a little deeper you can find that Cadence is the prince of love and Chrysalis well takes love. If there was a world where the bad guys were good and the good guys were bad would Chrysalis be the love Queen? and would Sombra be the love king? I mean there the only two villains that have king and queen in their names. But just a thought.
0 likesOmg, dr. who = dr. Whooves = companion - Derpy... 😨😨😨
12 likesAfter season 6 Chrysalis wanted revenge on starlight glimmer for taking away her subjects from her kingdom and continued to be one of equestria 's villians
1 likeReplies (1)
She never cared about the changelings she just wanted more subjects to rule over. But she lost all of that when she tried to steel Thorax’s love, and seeing how the other changelings were looking at her shocked I’m pretty sure taking love from other changelings was forbidden and considered treason. Show all the changelings chrysalis true colors
0 likes1:12
0 likesQueen Chrysalis in the video: "No, I do not love the groom. In my heart, there is no room."
Me: "But I still want him to be all mine!!"
1 likeI feel really bad for Chrysalis, not only because of this video but because of like, everything else. It's just sad, and it makes everypony else sound evil.
0 likesI agree with lashawn perry but I have to add that maybe notion was the changeling in the wedding (dramatic music comes up)
0 likesSigh... there was so much more that they could have used for Chrysalis. Maybe not make her reformed, but just make her more than just a slightly-crazed dictator.
0 likesI love the idea of the changlings returning
0 likesMLP creators: Hey, can I copy your homework?
2 likesSawooth waves: Sure, just change a few things
MLP creaors: Ok! *Makes 'to where and back again'*
Congrats, a story writer saw this and kind of made it true
0 likes2:28, Yeah, I agree! Remember when Apple Jack said, "REAL ME, REAL ME!"? 'Cause I think it wasn't really her! I think it was a changeling!
0 likeswell, they sort of returned with thorax, can you do a movie on him?
0 likesI love the idea of the doctor who parody episode it could have Dr hooves in it
0 likesObjection! We can see in Canterlot Wedding that as Chysalis "feeds" on Shining Armour's love, the stallion's health is seriously threatened. As you stated at 0:37 changelings are parasites, and there's no way for parasites and their "prey" to live in a harmonic way. If their relations to ponies were to be closer to a commensalism, then having changelings and ponies living together would make more sense.
21 likesAlso your idea of having one of the mane 6 being secretly a changeling is refuted by the fact that they were able to use the Rainbow Power, to which only the true mane 6 are connected because of the Elements of Harmony.
Those were good ideas, though. Perhaps the changelings could try to sneak into the Crystal Empire? I'd say Shining Armour would be more likely to be a dopelganger, but I just remembered that Tirek stole his magic in a scene on the Season 4 finale; I'm pretty sure something would have happened if that was the case.
Replies (50)
He said "How cool would it be to find out that one of our loved ponies wasn't actually there, and an invasion was about to occur?" I thought he meant that a changeling will have replace a member of the mane six at the last minute before the invasion occurs, that could somehow work. But I agree, your interpretation seems more likely given the Dr. Who example. They've used the Elements of Harmony more than once (plus Rainbow Power like you said), so there's no way for any of them to have been fake.
4 likesAnd if I were in Queen Chrysalis's hooves, I'd target Ponyville to directly get rid of the mane six before going for the main dish (Canterlot). I'd replace Gummy with a spy changeling to set up the preparations necessary. Nopony would ever suspect Gummy and it'd be a flawless victory.
@Deme F.Q @Giulia Sthefany Salustiano dos Santos I think if Discord or Nightmare Moon can be reformed, the Changelings can break away from their parasitic nature, maybe through a magical spell that changes the way they get power, like the spell in "Bats!". Oh and maybe the switch between real pony and Changeling has yet to occur, like in season five. The switch could happen at any time. :)
3 likes@The Brony Notion Again I disagree, not with the possibility of reforming the Changelings, but with the way you said it could happen. The two times Twilight did something like that (make the parasprites stop "eating the food" and said spell in "Bats!") had terrible consequences; I don't think she'd risk making the same mistake one more time.
0 likesI understand your empathy towards changelings and you do have good points to sustain your opinion; I myself find them really interesting. It would be fun to see them make a comeback.
incorrect you assume that changelings are only parasitic however a parasite knows better than to harm its prey. parasites will usually live alongside the prey or at least do no serious damage so that it may continue feeding on that prey. this allows for symbiosis in certain situations because the parasites can either help protect the body from other dangers and the parasite gets a meal. there are many parasites that are known to be bad for us but it isn't always bad. so even if the changelings were entirely parasitic then they still have the potential to help when not being threatened. Also they can be considered hunters since you say it does harm its prey. Hunters usually don't live with their prey however if you look at it another way you see that it may be possible for the changeling to get love without harming the prey. you can tell that is a possibility because there was nothing (aside from the brainwashing) wrong with shining armor until much later on. this means changelings could have a similar relationship with ponies as humans do with cows. furthermore if you think the idea of having their love fed on wouldn't fly with ponies then the changelings could compare themselves to the own relations of ponies to cows. think of it this way what would the cow think of ponies using its milk because in this world cows are sentient,and we have seen plenty of confectioneries that require milk. so peaceful relations are possible as proven by very confusingly non-complex yet at the same time complex means.
0 likesAlso if all else fails they could just try to blend in for a while and make a lofe for themselves. After all it is kinda what changelings can do.
@cybermage99 Symbiosis and parasitism are opposite to each other by definition. You could say parasitism is symbiosis' evil twin sibling.
1 likeYou see, in the comics Chrysalis and the changelings attack a group of a kind called luvcats, feeding on the love they supposedly give them freely (kind of like in the Fluffle Puff blog) and if I can recall that nearly kills the luvcats. Parasites or hunters, either way the changelings' need to feed on emotions has been proven dangerous for their prey. Also I'm pretty sure they'd have tried blending in if that was an actual option; I mean they would have spared energy and time and would have the ponies' love whenever they wished. Since that wasn't the case I can only assume they didn't have a choice (or they are dumb as hell).
As for cows and milk... I'd rather think ponies actually drink soy milk, 'cause it seems less awkward this way :P
@Giulia Sthefany Salustiano dos Santos my point about symbiosis/ parasitism is saying that they are similar except one creates benefits for the host. changelings which are obviously competent enough to at least follow orders could be told to help ponies and there is no reason why they couldn't except the invasions aftereffects. in which case they could use disguises. As for the soy milk it was an analogy, what do you think cows would think of us using their milk if they could think like us.It was just an example of how in that world they could get along even when using their milk would be kind of awkward. truly it doesn't matter anyways because if the changelings were to try and join the pony society they would most likely succeed one way or another.
0 likes@cybermage99 I know it was an analogy, I was attempting to make a joke. It was terrible, sorry.
0 likesLet's make another analogy, then. Suppose all animals were sentient; would you think that if a tick was told not to harm its host while sucking its blood, it would be able to ddo so? In my headcanon even if changelings wanted not to hurt ponies, it seems inevitable; thus Chrysalis couldn't just sneak the changelings into Equestria like that. If some ponies suddenly had a strange illness (like Shining Armour) while "others" (the disguised changelings) felt great, don't you think somepony would eventually find out the truth?
i say that as long as they are careful they could easily do so. who says that feeding on love harms the pony that is being fed on. it is just like taking blood. If you only take a little then its ok, but if you take alot then it can be very bad
2 likesYou no it could be spike that it doesn't threaten to elements of harmony and it would also be giving spike more of a role then just be the comic relief it's a thought £^ (<-- pony face)
0 likes@cybermage99 Yes, being careful would work... if there was a small number of changelings, feeding sparingly on many ponies' feelings. My headcanon is that Chrysalis wasn't brainwashing Shining Armour, she was trying to cover the side effects of feeding on his love for Cadence. He did say that the spell she did on him was to stop his headache.
0 likesAlso, have you ever seen a tick infestation? It can be deadly. I stand my point that the number of changelings is ridiculously big making blending in very difficult, if not impossible.
@cassandra penner I've only seen changelings turn into ponies their size. Although taking Spike's place may be possible, it seems rather unlikely.
@Iridezent Luvipan I tend to overthink a lot, but really it's just logic.
0 likes@Iridezent Luvipan I'm guessing you haven't seen the finale yet. You'll know what I'm talking about when you do, but by now I'll just say *slight spoilers ahead* they aren't completely /gone/.
0 likeswhy go to the Chrystal Empire, when you have a city like Manehattan?
0 likesif you have enough ponies for each changeling to live on, you wouldn't evn notice it.
Speaking of Tirek, why did he never consider stealing the Changelings' Magic, thus clearly giving him the edge?
@Eponey Cheetah
0 likesI don't think a city (even if it's Manehattan) would have more ponies than an empire (it's almost literally comparing NYC to Canada). Also, Chrysalis' issue is more likely to be about Cadence "Mi Amore" Cadenza, the princess of ~love~. But I could be wrong.
your do know that every one has parasites in them to live like in your stomach or blood system and yes we see that he is hurting but if what this guy says is right then that means that "love" will be going out to thousands and thousands of changelings that could drain anything faster than gas through a modle T (bad joke i know) but i would not call changelings parasites or monsters more of the fact that they really dont get shown in a good light and if they could live off of love then they can live off of other emotions by that logic and the doppelganger idea has some holes in it i would like it much more if they see a changeling showing compassion towards a pony or fear of them because they have been called emotionless monsters and should not be able to do that thats all i can think of at this moment besides changeling oc for the win
0 likes@Iridezent Luvipan sweet we should RP some time then...
0 likesDeviant art?
0 likes@Iridezent Luvipan dont have one...how about tumbler
0 likes@Iridezent Luvipan FIMfictoin can work to i think
0 likes@The Brony Notion I need to say it would be a awesome turn for changlings if say... fluttershy finds one about to die and takes care of him
0 likesCheck out Ink Rose's 'The origins of princess chrysalis' and it will probably change you mind
0 likes@Midnight Song iv seen that... its good just not my cup of tea
0 likesAh, I see.
0 likes@Midnight Song i enjoyed it but i feel as though there are more hives than just chrysalis and there not the only ones...and she not really evil at all just stressed out like a mother (with thousands of kids to feed) so a mental break down is what we see here the bad plan the evil acts just a stressed induced mental break down with hive mind at its worst dose that make scene?
0 likes@Davis Campbell Makes sense, but because there might be more hives doesn't mean she isn't the ruler of those too. If Celstia can rule equestria, Chrysalis can rule tons of hives... maybe her hive is like... the cantarlot of changlings. Just a though.
0 likesI agree the changelings deserve a 2 chance it's not there fault they feed on love or that they are different looking (They can change though p.s. pun intended) so there should be an episode for what he just said.
0 likes@Dragon Girl I would like to see that but I think they can eat other emotions its just that love most filling/powerful
0 likesI'm just not a fan of the doppelganger idea in general, because I can't stand the changelings, they're my personal least favorite villain in the show, nor am I a fan of them returning
0 likes@lucarioinfamous well thats fine its your opinion and i respect that.
0 likesShining armour is weak because he's holding the shield it's like if a human had to swim for hours it's basically holding that shield for days and he said nothing about one of the mane six he said and I quote "one of our beloved ponies" so one of the non-important ponies like doctor whooves or maybe derpy or bon-bon read my other comment for details on the bon-bon theory but hey its just a theory A PONY THEORY
0 likes@Gabriel Henry thanks for reading! now for the supper end comment turnemment which do you think chrysalis is good or chrysalis is bad
0 likes@Giulia Sthefany Salustiano Dude FYI @The Brony Notions Oc is a changeling I just hope you know that
0 likes@Bode the Brony There're so many grammar mistakes in that sentence that I can't tell whether it was written by a two-year-old or not. First off, instinct isn't changed based on interactions within one life-time, it's altered slowly over multiple generations. Second, changelings, while feeding on the love of other in a parasitic way, they shouldn't necessarily be categorized with ticks. Third, while there is no clear "tell" that changelings feed off of love to live, it's generally accepted that it's natural and therefore not a spell. Fourth, changelings in mythology were believed to blend into homes by kidnapping children and impersonating them, as Chrysalis clearly does within the show (although be it not a child, but instead Cadence). Therefore, what may have started as a spell originally to transform their body into that of another may have eventually become a natural ability born and passed through generations. Fifth, and this is a long-shot. That being said, it does make some sense. Changelings supposedly live by feeding on love, or at least gain power by doing so. Seeing as no human on record has directly been able to use emotion as sustenance, we have no way of telling how long any amount of love would sustain the changelings. As a final point, you mentioned (at least, I think you did) that Shining Armor is the size of other ponies, and, directly taken from your comment "her size would need mass amounts of food then why would a normal sized on harm another pony shining is the size of a normal one", love, as with any emotion, can be felt in different varying amounts. Shining Armor felt absolutely thoroughly in love with Cadence, and would therefore be a larger source of the emotion than, say, a random single pony on the street would. There's also that she was aiming to take over, so she would choose Shining over perhaps another pony that would provide her with the same amount of love.
0 likes+lucarioinfamous man how much do write bro
0 likes@Karen Tellez A lot.
0 likesYou would know. wink wink
0 likesYou actually don't understand his "empathy" towards changelings. If you didn't know by now, it isn't "empathy" at all. Empathy is feeling bad for someone else, which, spoiler alert, doesn't apply to Sawtooth for... reasons.
0 likesOh no, they do serious damage, but they try not to kill their prey.
0 likesFrom a technical/scientific standpoint, parisitism is considered a type of symbiosis. But i do agree, it is like a twin sibling.
0 likesnope rong 1 changling is nice toraxe
0 likesI object to your objection! Shining armor's health was only threatened because Chrysalis fed off it much more than she needed. If ponies actually loved changelings or were friends with them, the love between the changeling and pony would feed the changeling. The ponys health would not be endangered because their friend wouldn't take enough of their love to hurt them. There is a way for ponies and changelings to live in harmony!
1 likeGiulia Sthefany Salustiano I ALSO OBJECT YOUR OBJECTION
0 likesGiulia Sthefany Salustiano it could be princes cadence princess flurry heart!!! There was two changelings at the end of her first episode an adult and a baby changeling!
0 likesGiulia Sthefany Salustiano Sseddrrrrrrree
0 likeswat
0 likesGiulia Sthefany Salustiano that wasn't the feeding, that was the effects of the mind control, and holding the largest fricken shield ever for days
0 likesthere was a good changling in one of the episodes
2 likesuh no....that was the effects of the mind control, not the feeding of the love, so yes, they COULD live off each other in a harmonic way
2 likesGiulia Sthefany Salustiano you are right I saw it too.
0 likeswhat if a member of the true main six was a changeling eh?
0 likesthey should do an episode about how chrisylis decided to invade equestrian .
0 likes1:40 when you eat the last piece of cake then your mum asks for it
1 likeOkay so she IS a LEADER of the Changelings, and her job is probably feeding, but she doesn't really know how, so her first appearance is when she tries to get Shining Armor's love and not like LITERALLY to get all the love her self. But to feed it to the Changelings. But she has a preeeetttyyyy bad way of doing it, so in the last episode of season 6, Starlight asked her why she was doing these bad things (ahemmmm spoiler i guess) and she replied "To feed of course!" Also, "once i show my subjects what a true leader is." I don't remember what exactly she said but I'm pretty sure that's it. But Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow got turned into stone and tada, that's it 👽
0 likes"Now I'm not saying I'm on her side. Although that might be true!"
0 likesYou and me both Sawtooth
ugh for ONCE there cant be a cartoon or animation where evil wins?! sometimes its better!
0 likesu know what would be cool i read some fan fiction and found out that Chrysalis it actually the long lost crystal princess! so like what i would also think would be cool is if they make an episode about Chrysalis's past and add that she is the long lost crystal princess!
0 likeslike this if u think its a good idea?
When you realize that he called an epic part of the later story...
0 likesthat story could work for pinkie.She's the most beloved pony in ponyville
0 likesthis aged well
1 likeI find that a very interesting idea but it would be sah if one of the main 6 was Not real!
0 likes“And has more holes than Swiss cheese”
He ain’t wrong though that’s why it’s funny!!!
"She has the best reason to invade equestria" "FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
1 likeEdit: I almost copied a comment im very sorry...😔
they turn good and dont need to feed on love but instead they give love
0 likesChangelings Dont Even Have A Hearts So " Ptting Love In Their Heart " Isnt Even An Option XD Just Proving A Point
0 likesAt the end, I realized that, because of his idea, that if Twilight was the fake, then that means that the real Twilight would not be an alicorn. ps I haven't seen the Thorax episode, but I've heard of it.
0 likesMan, I love that white and gold villain!
0 likesI agree that would be an awesome episode/two parter
0 likesTechnically sawtooth is on chryssialys' side
1 likeSombra, he was friends with Luna but one day he found a spell to become a unicorn, Luna told him it was dark magic, he told her it was OK, she didn't agree and he ran away later making a return as the evil taken over King Sombra atleast I think I heard
0 likesReplies (2)
I think that was a Head Cannon.
0 likes+KittyLPS321 all I known is a lie
0 likesI love the idea for the episode!!!!!
0 likesi think that the changling should be treated well they are SUPER CUTE and AWESOME and it was the princes fault that she turned EVIL
0 likesafter watching fluffe puff I don't think she's evil
0 likesNO! Don't encourage Hasbro into making one of the Mane 6 actually being a changeling.
0 likesDear god... there would be a mass havoc among the brony fandom...
I saw another comment That says (FLASH SENTRY IS A CHANGELING SPY) That would make an Awesome episode, If Twilight still has a Crush on Brad, That Means That He has Been Feeding off Twilight's Love For The past...3 years? That means he would be Pretty powerful, An Idea For An episode, is That They see Brad Again, And Twilight is Just crazy For seeing him Again, And She acts Like She Was tired, And We discover That he has Been Feeding off Twilight's Love And...SOMEONE MAKE A FAN FICTION OF THIS!
3 likesO MI GOD This episode absolutely HAS TO FRICKIN HAPEN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!
1 likeWatch ConspiraPon3's EP 1. In it, he says that he thinks Pinkie Pie is a changeling, feeding off of the love of her friends.
1 likeI LOVE THESE VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!! They are very reasonable......... coincidence?😄😄😄
0 likesNo,Terik is motivated by his father.Like Diamond tiara who was motivated my her mother/making her mother proud.Terik was making his father proud not trying to this just because.
0 likesi think they did watch it for ideas for the season 7 finale but instead of just one pony they used all ponies
0 likesthey eat love just like we eat our food
1 likeJust have to say this dude predicted the ending of season 6 but not exactly starlight goes back to the communist Village she get's anxiety and comes back finds out everyone's been replaced by a changeling they find thorax the child beccause that's what he acted like to the other changeling then discord joined them also the changeling magic stopping thing is bullshit for dicord the embodyment of chaos his magic aparently just follow's a rule that no magic In the changeling hive but anyways you basicly called it it was a secret mini war
0 likesShe had the best motives to invade Equestria, FRIENDS!!!!!
0 likesShe is my favorite villain with sombra
0 likeschangelings actually eat love like similar to how we eat food but.....they grab the openent and suck the love out of them kinda like with trek did with magic
0 likesCool idea! I might imply it into my audio drama.
0 likes“There wasn’t really a more peaceful way to get what they need”
1 likeAnd then Thorax appeared
This isn’t really the most original comment and please don’t say I’m copying I just thought it was funny
If you nominate Queen Chrysalis as the queen of swiss cheese, please like this comment.
4 likesActually... what about discord? He was actually the ruler of Equestria before Celestia and Luna
0 likesthere is a other episode with chrysalis search "season 6 episode 25" after watching that put in and watch "season 6 episode 26" and keep in mind to watch the right one and its a two part episode
0 likesLove it!!
0 likesIt has to be Pinkie that is kidnapped. It would be so cool. And she would learn that the Changlings are different, and one of the Changlings has to be her, and then starts wanting to be Pinkie for real, with her friends and life. When Pinkie comes back, there is a big reveal and Pinkie starts defending the Changling 'n stuff. I want to see this so much.
0 likesIt should de fluttershy because of bats because she still had the teeth!😀 lol
3 likesyou must love the season 6 finale
0 likesi think a better idea is that Queen Chrysalis comes back and asks the mane six to forgive her then she turns good and her kingdom can live happily ever after the end but before the end derpy says to the people watching this video don't blast changlings away their people to
0 likessombra turned to evil because he was basically a umbrum a umbrum is basically a evil monster he was a good person but he felt forced to be evil because his kind were evil
0 likesAgain his prediction was pretty much accurate
0 likesWell, we know what happened later :3
6 likesking sombra is not a king before of the crystal empire he was just a humble pony but i saw was a pony which looks like him in the future in the time he takes over the crystal empire sombras cutie mark was red not gray but the future him gave him his soul to take over plus his cutie mark turned into gray which means he does not have a desire to take over he was only controled to do it
0 likesThat would be the best plot twists ever!!!
0 likeswell they did it with all the most powerful ponys in equestria
0 likesFor the first question I was positive that it was moldy, extra-holey, swiss cheese. Anyone else?
0 likesMan you NEED to make spoiler warnings
8 likesReplies (4)
Yeah, I don't watch doctor who, but if I did I would ditch the series XD
0 likesLuckily I'm caught up.
0 likes@Juan Carlos
0 likesUnfortunately for me, I'm just starting the 4th season.
So yeah, season 6 spoiled for me. Woo.
That sounds cool about one of the loved ponies being a trader.... but I don't want anyone to leave
0 likes:.0
what about the cristal ponies (and heart)? i mean they produce love and all... maby this is how they could live in piece with them.
0 likeswish granted...when starlight returned from her village all the royals and the mane 6 are replaced
0 likesthe pony should be twighlight that would be like amzing!
9 likesReplies (10)
twilight would be to tough to capture, if i were the enemy, i would go for the weakest and least expectant to be an imposter, in this case, being fluttershy.
2 likes@Spyro Dragon But isn't Fluttershy the hardest to replace? Can they fool the animals she hangs out with?
0 likes@ouroborosi
0 likeswho says they cant take the place of small animals.
@Spyro Dragon Heh, I was thinking of Angel Bunny when i had posted my comment.
0 likes@ouroborosi
0 likeshe may be the most known, but he's no angel.
lol that would be quite the suprize
0 likesyep!
0 likesYa but then that wouldn't be fair twilight she will be locked in a cacoon alone and scared.
0 likesyeah, that would be interesting, but i stand with what i said, fluttershy would be the ideal target, being a shy pegasus pony.
@Elienne Deshommes shed get over it
0 likesKing Sombra was just bored and had nothing else to do😂
2 likesReplies (1)
I agree
0 likes+ The Brony Notion I'm a changeling too and I help protect Equestria from evil like Sombra or Trek or Discord if he were to go back to being evil,also you are so awesome and well... I am actually in the form of a member of the royal guard. #Changelings are superior and awesome
0 likesWhy does confused Chrysalis look so funny?
1 like“She has the best reason to invade equestria; FRIENDS!”
0 likesThere was that one changeling at cranky and matildas wedding
8 likesReplies (5)
That poor changeling just wanted to enjoy the wedding
2 likesthis video was uploaded in 2014
2 likesMakes sense why the changeling is at a wedding
3 likes+Darren Tong They just love to crash weddings :P This one could have been a defector. Or it kidnapped someone and impersonated them, but why wouldn't it just do that to the bride or groom instead? Meh, I suppose we will never know how it got in.
1 likeIt was thorax
0 likesMe at 2:50: wait isn’t Aren’t there nice changelings rules by thorax???????
1 likeSo now I get it! They made the reformed changelings because of the briny notion!!!!!!! That and the other thousand or so people who wanted nice changelings of course.
the thing with her heart I think is wrong, because in dutch it is like this: mijn hart is leeg en zwart, wich means: my heart is empty and black
0 likesThat is an amazing idea! I really like it, and you know I'm just... Gonna... go...fanfic... lol BONBON/SWEETIE DROPS! She shall be the one.
0 likesWell, the changelings DID return, but got reformed. But, that lesson didn't come up at all!
0 likesI will not be quite satisfied if one of my beloved mlp characters actually WASN'T a character! Yes it was satisfying in DW but we all must say... WHERE WOULD THE CHARACTER GO IF THEY WEREN'T THERE!? That might also end of a character... or even the show. Besides, DON'T TAKE AWAY MY FLUTTERSHY HASBRO OR I WILL END YOU!!!!! And done. Please say your feedback to this comment in the reply. Thank You. (I do not intend to offend anypony I just want to point out my opinion.)
7 likesReplies (20)
Fair enough, although that changeling theory sounds great for an episode, is sounds farfetched, because everypony was writing in the book thingy journal, isn't it?
1 likeYeah I agree.
0 likesEverybody has their favourites. Hasbro couldn't help but take away SOMEONE'S favourite character if they did it. However, I love the idea.
0 likesThey don't have to take her away. Remember the Canterlot fight scene where Applejack was buried under some changelings that looked exactly like her? Changelings can talk, so they could have swapped the real Applejack with a changeling.
0 likestheres no need for that, for example, if pinkie pie is a changeling, that means that the real pie is being held in some remote location (as it happend with cadence), but i think that theres a spy in ponyville, maybe derpy, cheerrliee, who knows, but the idea is really good that they have to use it, a twisted ending season like that would be amazing.
0 likes@Bronyman(brosforever28) they wont take away woona, they better not, or else
0 likes@Insanity Hm. I do kinda want that since Sunset Shimmer is boss and RD is just plain bragger but my BFF is obsessed with RD. I try to explain how all she says is how awesome she is. She doesn't listen
1 like@xXFlutterArtsXx hmm I never thought of that
0 likesxXFlutterArtsXx I agree with you do NOT take any of the characters away or I will end you hasbro!
0 likes@xXFlutterArtsXx I think it would be more interesting if they did that to 1 of the charectars (I WAS NOT SAYING FLUTTERSHY)
0 likesDon't take away any charecters. It's an awful idea!
0 likesya none of the characters should be taken away even though i would like the changlings to reappear. and why are all the bronys so crazy about fluttershy i like her and all but i just don't get it.
0 likes@Renee Miller Its because she is kind, caring, and an all-around sweetie! Also people can relate to her and its just- Well, she's great!
0 likes@Renee Miller Because they find her social awkwardness relatable
0 likes@Red Angel Fangs Yeah u r right about that too...
0 likes@xXFlutterArtsXx Perhaps they were captured by the changelings the episode before the episode, replaced by a changeling, and forced to give information about the coordinates of the mane 6, and/or give them love. So the all the ponies were real until the episode before that and then blam badda blam everyone's happy and a cool storyline.
0 likesooh, good idea, Junko Enoshima.
0 likes@Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Despair :)
0 likesI’m not on her side either. At least, not since I left the hive and have been posing as a pony in canterlot.
1 likeReplies (1)
Hey. I remember u! Remember me? I’m Sun Flare, it’s risky to tell u my changeling name.
0 likesDid Someone Realize That In the movie Friendship Games of MLP the Pendant Stealer of Twilight Is The Same with T-reks Horn the Pendant and the horn are both magic stealer...
0 likesI want that episode too!!!
0 likesWhat would have happened to Cadence and Twilight if they couldn’t get out, would twilights friends try and find her?
0 likesYou predicted season 6! AAAAAAA
3 likesthis aged well
0 likesThat would be an amazing episode
0 likes"Has more holes than swiss cheese" savage
0 likesThe beginning of this video gives my thoughts of bird boy from Poptropica but in different thoughts
12 likesMy OC is also a Changeling. But unlike most Changelings, this Changeling is, how do i say, basically a Changeling in appearence, but has the powers of various other species.
Replies (24)
mine is a normal pegasus filly with a hipster brony like style
1 likeMy OC is a changeling. If you want to see it, just type "MLP changeling" in the search bar. My OC is nothing but a changeling, just an ordinary changeling. Not that anyone cares cough but I chose a changeling because I can't decide what my OC could've looked like. In other words, my OC is a changeling.
0 likessoon it will be an artist like me i know how to be a picaso of nature
0 likesmy friend's OC is a changeling she is the changeling princess
0 likesoh cool
0 likesHey my oc is a changeling too yay I'm not the only one with a changeling oc his name is Crystal flutter yay
1 likecool
0 likes@Gamer Luna hey my oc is like a changling but can change appearance without needing love to feed off of
0 likesMy OC is a changling
0 likesCools
0 likesMy oc is also a changeling
0 likesI call Mary Sue.
2 likes(Runs into the sunset)
Mine is is an alacorn.
0 likesMy OC is a Pegasus Filly since you take away and e from teen and get my age
0 likesChangelings are shapeshifters, they can shapeshift in whatever the fuck they want and use these abilities, how exactly is that changeling any different?
0 likesWho do you talk to?
0 likesBut my OC is better than the other changelings.
0 likes@Lord Crystallax If you don't want to read Elizabeth's wall of text, she was basically politely saying your OC sucks.
0 likesAh. I know, but Elizabeth is just a hater, haters gonna hate hate hate :P
0 likesOh and Elizabeth, let's see YOUR OC, I doubt it's better
@Lord Crystallax Huh, actually, just the fact that your OC is a changeling and still qualifies as an OC is already pretty bad, I think that as long as Elizabeth's isn't a red and black neon alicorn it's already going to be better.
0 likesIt's a special changeling. It's baically 100% better.
0 likesI have an OC that's a changeling too. But she's always in disguise because she wants to fit in and be happy, so not many know she's a changeling :3
0 likes@katmanxrocks444 "not many" ohsh-- I hope not many know if ponies know someone is a changeling they're probally going to pitchfork her to death.
0 likes@Le Derp Français. You now in that she has a husband I watched a show what im trying to say chrysalis husband might be the hole reason why she is like this ciase she once was a honey princess watch inkrose for that
0 likesI ask again about was queen chrysalis alwase a changling because there is this pained glass about a alicorn that looks so like chrysalis but it is not the cheesy and evil look it look calm besides what could enrage her more ? I’ll tell you the story of how she became evil or in my version. First start with a boyfriend you have and some other or girl makes the boyfriend love her better and they are planning to mate. Does that sound familiar? Well you want that love back from the other pony but in a evil way so it makes chrysalis hungry for love. That is how she got her army because the ponies who had the similar thing will be hunger for love and power
0 likesin season 6 episode 16, changeling in slice of life is addressed! I'm so excited
1 likeReplies (1)
It's out! :3
0 likesI love your idea for the show but................... this is supposed to be a show for 8 yr old girls..... I don't think they would understand and/or like that. My solution? (not a very good one) Make 2 versions of the show. One would be peaceful, for all the younger watchers, and one would be more... well... awesome. Ik lots of MLP fans would hate this but, hey, it could work. (Also, the doppelganger would probably be Rainbow or Fluttershy, and Rainbow would be nicer and less self-centered, and Fluttershy would be less brave. I prefer Rainbow.)
0 likeslove it!
0 likesi love your vide
3 likeslove it!
0 likesI think they should make qc rule all the background ponies and they mane six had to fix it somehow anybody else think that would be cool?
0 likesso...if Chrystalis only had to f free ed on love to live, could she be immortal ?
0 likesI guess you kinda got what you wanted with the changeling solution
0 likesPinkie. Pinkie is the Changeling.
3 likesReplies (2)
PhoenixHelix No one is two words. Not one. Noone isn't a word.
0 likesDraynaRue Games Good theory, she is wired...
0 likesWho came back to watch The Brony Notion’s old video realizing he changed to Sawtooth Waves, but you want nostalgia
0 likesOne question, can they not tell it was some pony Else by the magic when the queen change in to cadence because her magic is blue not green
0 likesThe Brony Notion can read the future with the ponies and changelings living in Harmony.
0 likesBrony Notion r u a changeling i see u change into a pony at the beginning of some of your vids. Im just curious.(and plz dont say a doi or something like that)
8 likesReplies (16)
Yes, my OC is a changeling. I used to have the transformation in the intros of my older videos, but once I dropped that, I've been hinting at it. ;) HAIL QUEEN CHRYSALIS!
6 likeslol do u want to be pffs?
3 likesWhy not!
0 likes@The Brony Notion yay :p
1 likelistening to this day aria and this analasis and commenting on this vid lol
1 like@The Brony Notion i have another question...r u on summer vaca
0 likesYup!
0 likescool
0 likesspeaking of chrysalis i have the toy version of her.
1 like@lpslover243
0 likesA fan made one or an official one?
0 likes@The Brony Notion I KNEW IT!! I thought it was EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS when you changed your appearance and cutie mark IN A GREEN FLAME!!! Plus with that hint that you were on the side of the changeling's I USED LOGIC ACE ATTORNEY STYLE AND FIGURED IT OUT!!
1 likeOne question: Are you evil?
@Super Game Master he's probably not
0 likes@sierrasmith6080 hmmm....That's probably what he WANT'S US TO THINK! He hail's Queen Chrysalis so he mostly like a spy, waiting for us to trust him and drop our guard.
0 likesThen BAM!! He start's an invasion and IMPRISON'S US AS SLAVE'S!!!!
0 likesPlease check the date on comments before you reply.
0 likesbut if the brony notion is changeling, doesn't that mean he got blasted off with the rest some where? and where did they end up?
0 likesit's not chrisalis's fault that she is like this it's her destiny and she suppose to be mean because she is a queen so she is suppose to be loyal to her colony okay y'all.
0 likesi saw a video about king sambra and some power changed. it used to be red but the power made it black
0 likesWhen it's been a few years and changellings have returned, a few times actually
0 likesanyone watching in 2016?
5 likesThe riddle is chrysalis
0 likesI love your videos keep up with the good work i haven't been watching in a month I'm gonna be watching alot
If love is like food, is hate like poison? If that's so, all we have to do is show the changelings how much we hate them!
0 likesi had actully thought about something like that where changelings slowly replaced all of ponykind
0 likesDame you im not ther yet in dr.Who
10 likesReplies (22)
@King Sombrra Spoilers oops ;D
0 likesis ok sorry for bicthing at you
0 likes@SilverBrush1 xD
0 likes@SilverBrush1 WHAT IS AIR
0 likes@SilverBrush1 Woah,
@SilverBrush1 Science is....
0 likesNo..i won't..
@SilverBrush1 You dont wanna know..
0 likesif you dont.. that is.
@SilverBrush1 Its really...Really.......
0 likesNopefulled..
I love doctor who. it's the best. I've seen them all. even seaaon 8
0 likes@Lord Redeyes i dont like dr.who that much
0 likeshahaha
0 likesyour teling me I just started woching docter who |:(
0 likeshmm. good question @*****
0 likes+Lord Redeyes I know, can't he at least give us a spoiler alert?
0 likesWhy do you have to spoil DR.WHO I love that series
0 likes+The Brony Notion 😢😢😢😢😢 I was planing on starting iiiiiit!! in a whiny Rarity voice
0 likesaw shut up
0 likes+Stephen Cann wtf
0 likesHonestly, she should be the Princess of DESTRUCTION, and if she is, immediate +.
1 like@The Brony Notion I haven't to kill u
0 likesIf one of ponies was a double gager it would be pinkie pie because everyone loves her.
1 likethese are what i call the villains
0 likesthe generic one
the funny one
the evil one
the forgetable one
the demon
the cult leader
Replies (1)
+Emmicon I think
0 likes1. sombra
3.nightmare moon
6.starlight glimmer
Pinkie Pie for Changeling doppelganger, this would explain why she so socially awkward sometimes - BECAUSE SHE HAS REALLY BEEN A CHANGELING SINCE "PINKIE APPLE PIE!!!" The doppelganger was feeding off of the love between the Apple family and that's why she put up with their in-fighting and acted oblivious to it, she wanted to make their love stronger to feed off of it.
0 likesYes make it happen!
0 likesJust watched "The Times They Are A' Changeling". Kinda mind-blown right now.
0 likesThe only good thing Sombra has done was make Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Maud Pie look badass in the alternate universe.
0 likesI love it!!! :D 😄😄😄
0 likesIf one of mane 6 were a changeling, how could he use his element of harmony. Changelings are rude and nervous creatures so it is inposible for them to pretend mane 6 for long. Obviously good idea but hard for hasbro to do.
2 likesReplies (3)
Forgot someone.. thorax you dummy!
1 likeOk may one
1 likeBut only one
1 likeChrysalis is my favorite pony ^w^ <3
0 likesim with Queen Crysalis she is best changeling
0 likesThere was a changeling at the wedding of Mathilda and Cranky Doodle Donkey. Maybe something could be done from that.
0 likesDude predicted the future lmfao
0 likesI like that idea but the changelings would'nt be able to use The Elements of Harmony.
0 likesReplies (1)
It wouldn't have to be a changeling, it could be derpy
1 likeDo you ever saw The Little Mermaid of Disney? The scene that Chrisalys (in disguise of Cadence) is singing appears with the Witch of Little Mermaid. And I think That She don't have a Heart.
0 likeswhat if a bunch of changelings run around the world as performers feeding off the love of a roaring crowd but they are found out by the main six wear they explain they only hid there true self to survive leading to a compromise, or better yet have an event were Equestria is almost destroyed and have the changling counter attack preventing thare no.1 food soucre from dieing out possibly showing how evil actions only make for more evil as the villan and changlings try and out do the other until the main 6 destroy the cycal with and act of kindness or something harmonious like that
0 likesThe changelings already return in the final two episodes of season 6 but it was of screen they already capture the princesses , the whole family of flurry heart (idk what here name is ) and the mane 6
0 likesReplies (2)
Here = her
0 likesI typed this line when I didn’t watch the full video
0 likesAnd basically yeah there was one invasion by queen chrysalis turning into applejack and this is a kids show so I don’t think you should put that much in.
0 likesNooo she couldn’t just hear to what starlight glimmer said...
2 likesWell, Notion, seems like you've hit it on the nail.
0 likeslove the doctor who reference :33
0 likesI am so on chrysalis' side
0 likesAnd the doctor pony is the one to find this out IT'S ALL COMING INTO PLACE
0 likesWhy can’t they all just adopt kittens? Then the kitten gets love and the changlings get love!
1 likeDude, they just reappeared in the Season 5 finale!
0 likesMan into 2016 the season finale the changelings attack and also become reformed and their leader runs away Can't wait to find out what happened to her and what she's doing now
0 likesI would say that pony would be bon Bon say she was actually a secret agent for the changelings
0 likesSO TRUE! with everything you said,I'm serious bro
0 likes7 words....
0 likesThe Light To Where And Back Again
He was right
Sawtooth “ and out of all the villains she had the best reason”
Your story idea is almost as amazing as Magpie pony's Princess Trixie Sparkle. watch it
0 likes2:07 you REALLY have to say something like SPOILER ALERT!!! before something like that!
0 likesi mean, i knew it, but imagine someone who hasn't seen that yet saw your video. that''s one of the baddest spoilers of season 6
Chrysalis is my favorite
0 likesWho's watching in 2017?anyway
0 likesSo I noticed her name is " Queen Chrysalis" right. What if she was the old ruler of the Crystal Kingdom? So maybe that is the second reason she hid Cadance!!! So she can disguise herself while switching between the changelings and the crystal ponies! That was my theory. But as you saw they lost and that's a really good idea for an episode but like I said 2017 it has already happened.
if crysalis feeds on love why does she hate twilight?
0 likesHave you heard of that changling that has a gray body, orange hair, and a music note as a cutie mark?!
1 likepinkie pie should so be a changling just look into her and her abilities and it would soo be reasonable for HER to be a changling
0 likesmaybe that episode he was hoping for happens in season 6
0 likesyes Hasbro should do this. Then the original pony keeps all the memories..... WAIT THAT EXPLAINS APPLEJACK'S FLAWS FOR THE LAST SEASON! oh......
0 likesguess what Amy the new episode that Chrysalis hides out in their Old Kingdom but Starlight glimmer destroys it
0 likesLol my OC is the daughter of Doctor Whooves. I also have a second one for my online persona.
0 likes"What's black and blue, has four legs, and has more holes than Swiss cheese? Chrysalis." I"M DONE AND ITS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF THE vidEO
0 likeslove the intro! :D
0 likeswatch a mother's love never dies and things will become clearer I think it was published by goomba guy it is sad but I can see it happening and it might be a valuable resource for a explanation to chrysalisis invasion and song
0 likeslucky for him the changelings did come back but not in they way he wanted :p
0 likesI agree man. that was amazing
0 likesYou: Sombra, well, we don't really know yet
0 likesReformed Changelings
Solved problem
Altough, we still don't know what will Chrysalis do in the future.
When outlandish theories become cannon ......
0 likeschryselis doesnt hav a heart the only reason she most likely has a heart is in one of the fan fics i watched is because her and discord had history so i dont see why she sed "in my heart the is no room..." sorry if u dont agree this is wot i believe
0 likesYes, there seems to be a flaw in your logic, you are a changling, so you opinion on the matter is irrelevant do to the fact that being a changling you could easily pass off a bias statement, in an attempt to overthrow Equestra once again.
0 likesThat is a very good idea, in my opinion.
0 likesPinky looks kinda suspicious and if so then why not just let her be a cangeling?
0 likesSombra was driven by blind jealousy and anger
0 likesFor Queen and Swarm!
2 likesReplies (3)
um hides
0 likesUses alicorn Magic to summon army of changlings
1 like@Cido Lowe Uses internet to troll user with alicorn oc.
0 likesMaybe there isn’t room in her heart cause her holes are also in her heart 😆
0 likesHe predicted the future
0 likesand they actually do become friends
0 likeswhat if a beloved pony was a changeling? well, i know there's thorax and blah blah blah they reformed starlight glimmer discord trixie but my point is, WHAT IF THE BELOVED MANE 6 CHANGELING WAS FLUTTERSHY???? now that's a what if you'll cry over, brony notion
0 likeswhen she said ,in my heart ther is no room maybe she wanted to explayn that ther is only room for HATE in her heart.
0 likesthe changlings should live in the Crystal empire for food becuse all that love there might be some ectra
0 likesBut what if chrisilis isn t a villain she just want to let her kingdom starve
1 likehey what would happen if Queen Chrysalis was a real pony? and what would she look like?
0 likesthey should make rainbow dash the changeling because she is barely doing her role has the element of loyality and is abanning her friends for people and things so there for she should be the fake.
0 likeswill queen crysilas change like the other changelings and become queen or will she become one of thoraxes subjects
0 likesChangelings turns into “beauty-lings” like WTH thorax this is super dumb but they are know beautiful but this is like forcing changelings even tho they changed themselves there must be a people who forced those poor love feeders
1 likesuggesting secret invasion for mlp? i'm totally in.
0 likesBoy, you're gonna love the future
0 likesThe changelings do go to good but not Queen Chrysalis and they look different
0 likeshaha the episode he was talking about actually came true
0 likesActually Chrysalis doesn't have a heart all of the villains in My little pony Accept Nightmare Moon
0 likesI vote for Pinkie to be the changling in disguise
0 likesthe new episode where the changeling becomes friends wit spike is awesomes
0 likesthey need loved ones friendship
0 likesI hope changlings come back too
0 likesWait...So...If Notion/Sawtooth Is A Changeling...And Notion/Sawtooth Is Talking about Chrysalis has the Best Reason to Invade Equestria...
0 likesNOTION!!! So Notion, Your A Changeling, And Your one of Queen Chrysalis' Kind. So Your Basically Telling What Chrysalis' TRUE Plans Were!!?
0 likes0:08
1 likeSawtooth : and out of all Villains she had the best reason to invade equastria ............
Me : Huh ??? I thought changelings feed of Love not Friendship .
BEST IDEA EVER i dont watch dr.who but i can tell you do and i think you should bring that to meghan mcarthy
0 likesIf read comics (witch cratores say Cannon intill TV show say otherwise) sombra was try free his people who trap by crystal empire so it more sombra was try free his people and family
0 likesQueen chrysalis is a alicorn because she has wings and a horn so she's a alicorn prove me wrong I THINK QUEEN CHRYSALIS WAS NOT A CHANGELING SHE WAS A PONY BEFOR SHE BECAME A CHANGELING I WILL TELL MY THERY!!!
1 likeI don't even watch the show and I think that would be cool!
0 likesBut they don't need it it just makes them stronger
0 likesCan you make a video telling that how changeling queen used to look like ??
0 likes( I have a quart that was she beautiful pony or ugly pony)
i LOVE dr.who!
0 likesThey ruined it they shouldve been bad forever or dont change theyre look or are they saying
1 like"If u ugly do many cirgurys to look fine"
Because they couldve simply stay as that and not change theyre look but noooooo they wanted to make it trash
i totally agree for equal feed and that kind of episode
0 likesoh, how I SO WISH that you were part of the MLP developers cast
0 likesso that explains why there was a changeling in episode 100 peaceful way to feed on love
0 likesOh my celestia, I think hasboro watches this channel.. XD idk for sure if what he says is climb true, but there is an episode coming 2016 where the main 6 make ALINCES with a changeling, could it be sawtooth?!
0 likesIn the Fluffle Puff series Queen Chrysalis returns. So go check out the Fluffle Puff series.
0 likesI love this idea. It makes since but witch would it be?
0 likesBring that idea was amazing I hope it happens
0 likesNotion do you remember the episode were pinkie clones herself well the pony that was saved could have been a clone
0 likesHe did it he made it happen.
0 likesHe said what happens
But know we all know he was a changeling
1 likei love it
0 likesI agree. But if your talking about Fluttershy being a Changling then no. XD
0 likeswow congrats on predicting this exactly how it happen sawtooth!👍
0 likesYeah, Somb ra has his background Explained in the idw comics
0 likesOn the line in my heart there is no room cuz it's filled with hatetread jealousy
0 likesWell, the changelings ARE her children
0 likesif hasbro would've done that but it is copyrighted so they can't really do it so maybe in the future hasbro could do something similar but wayyyy different who knows?
0 likesOBJECTION!!!!!!!!!
0 likeschysalis said that they have no heart
Actually mlp season 6 there is an episode where a changeling,is Spike's friend
0 likeskeep up the good work
0 likesI am now happy you got my favorite party of this song 1:12 thx <3
1 likeIt makes me fueled with rage
0 likesChrysalis had a good reason to invade equestria.
WOW they should do this
1 likeI love it
0 likesit is now officially outdated. i think. Chrysalis is back in season 6 finale.
0 likesSpoilers: you get your wish in season six for changlings to return...
0 likesCool love it 😊
0 likesBlack+Tealish blue+Cheese= Queen Chrysalis
0 likesOMG!!! You can tell the future!!!
0 likesMy wacky theory #11= ok I've heard that SOME PEOPLE think Chrysalis might be the lost crystal princess ASSUMING THAT THEORY IS RIGHT: MAYBE CHRYSALIS WANTED TO GET REVENGE on Cadence for taking her place. episode: Canterlot Wedding- so now assuming chrysalis was the lost crystal princess, she wanted to take cadence out of the picture so she could take back her place (throne) as the crystal princess!
0 likesFor the end theory thingy... I think it could be Pinkie Pie to lazy to say all the reasons why but yeah xD
0 likesperhaps she first attempts friendship but is shunned .
0 likesTHIS NEEDS TO BE AN EPISODE but....... It needs to be a 2 part or a three part if I may, listen okay how sad would it be to find idk lets say Applejack was a changing all along but then again this could work.... Hear me out wait I will shoot a video It will be up on Saturday called " Changling Chaos", but you can still read on okay so one of our "changling/ponies" enjoys the friend ship they are- well just watch the video this Saturday and dont feel forced to like or sub to me
0 likesKing Sombra's drive......was Power. He craved power.
0 likesI think hasbro watches the brony notion because he said maybe they could find a way for the changelings to be good???
0 likesThe brony notion may be a changling but that doesnt mean he has to be in her kingdom c: or on her side
I love that idea
0 likesGreat idea!!
0 likesSo... Your saying you might be on her side. My OC, might be too.
0 likesI want to send Hasbro a letter.
0 likesThis might be happening remember in that episode where pinkie made a reference to the other pinkies
0 likesChrystalis isn't different from discord! Ok, maybe chrystalis feed on love... but is discord differend chrystalis?
0 likesAnd then all changeling turn good leaving Chrysalis the last of her kind.....
0 likesWait.. did he.. PREDICT THE FUTURE..?
0 likes:Brony notion: and you get lines like this.
:Brony notion: she loves her empire to much she can't fit shining armor in.
:Me: YEAH! Makes Sense!
what about thorax hes good
0 likesBut at the end queen cryslislist said love was not useful
0 likescongrats, this finally happened
0 likesAaaaand first episode with good audio quality. Must have gotten a new mic or something.
0 likesI think chrisalis had a form before
0 likeshasbro should totally do that
0 likesAnnnndd TAAAAADAAA this was answered pretty well in canon
0 likesI thought the Changeling fed of love cause they don’t have hearts
1 likelove the idea
0 likesLuv it!
0 likesI was watching daughter of discord and they have hearts but one changeling fell in love. Is it fandom or no?
0 likes1. She's a Queen.
0 likesI just realized what if in season 6 chrysails turned twilight into a changling :O that would be awesome O:d
0 likesyes I like the idea of the doctor who based idea
0 likes"that's might be" ~gets red when the cam got to close~ Yoshikawa-san:OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesBut wait theres an episode where the changelings "change"
0 likesI'd rather Queen Chrysalis not have a peaceful relationship with the ponies. It's doesnt really make her more awesome.
0 likesAlthough Tirek wanted to please his dear dad king vorak
0 likesIn the episode slice of life there was a changeling why didn't it take over equestria again and what was its purpose in being in that episode
0 likesThat is a good story idea.
0 likesthere is a new episode of that its in season six its when the changeligs share love
1 likeThe changelings are already reformed
1 likeThis sounds like a great idea but there are kids watching this show it might scare them
0 likesWhen you obviously showed your eyes as a changeling you scared me like really bad
0 likesMany Cadence could zap them with a love beam?
0 likesCool tell that to hasbro and I have a question when your doing that please tell them that cadence and shinning should have celestia and luna the 2nd.
0 likesThat would be cool but then would the real friend be with the changelings?where would he/she be????
0 likesDidn’t the ponies turn the changlings good or do you mean she hatched another colony
0 likesyou have ideas that BLOW my mind
0 likesHe's a changeling literally his OC is a changeling
2 likesIf you love someone it means you give love so she doesn't mean she can't accept his love it means she can't give him any
0 likesActully pretty good reason and you are in her kingdom
0 likesInteresting, but I think That would be scary for kids who are watching mlp.
0 likesOMG I love doctor who
0 likesDang it! I was attempting to practice for an audition then I saw this video and got distracted
0 likes“ a n d m o r e h o l e s t h a n
0 likess ω i s s c h e e s e . “
I know the history of king sombra he was not bad before ......I have read the comic ....of the villians
0 likesSombra didn't really invade equestria
0 likesi hate mlp but for some reason i find your videos entertaining
0 likesIf u see a new episode is a good changeling
2 likesI love the idea of that
0 likesI think it's awesome!
0 likesGuess they saw your video and only made a few tweaks to the episode. I mean, come on! What brony didn't love to where and back again?
0 likesAmy reminds me of Zia from The Kane Choronikles.
0 likesReplies (1)
srry if i spelled that wrong
0 likesActually in the six season of my little believing do you actually have that episode that you're talking about but no I can envision typing instead there's a changeling but he don't want to be off love Siri doesn't want anything she just wants to be him you know do something and if you had a friend you could feed off the love they shared without actually you know being bad because that would be love he's giving and getting back pony might be getting a little weekend but they could only like to hang out with once a week maybe get up that way they could only then would like to see that one day they are now
0 likesMy dodger would love this idea.🙂
0 likesteam chrysalis! yeah! 😯😊
0 likesThere actually IS and episode coming that has to do with spike making ALINCES with A changeling, :3 I wonder what will happen...🤔
0 likesOmg how did he know that,that would happen?
1 likeSeason 6 episode 25&26 to where and back again the changelings return and get reformed well all except chrysalis she said " I'll get revenge on you starlight glimmer!"
0 likesthe new king of the changelings is Lorax
0 likesIs Chrysalis an Alicorn?
0 likeslet me stop you right there because she doesn't have a cutie mark and so she's not a pony she's just a relic and probably try to replace the earth ponies and all the Equestria ponies with her changlings
0 likesnothing is better than smacking irony in your villain's face
0 likesMaybe all the villains in My Little Pony can we reform by the new villain in My Little Pony the movie
0 likesyears later all mane six are replaced by changelings
0 likes6 years later, Crystalis Starves to death cuz she stone
0 likesit it's because King Sombra and Chrysalis was Queen and King of the Crystal Empire interchanging to fill up the love from the crystal ponies from the crystal heart
0 likeswow you were so spot on
0 likesI think that's pretty good idea
0 likesgo to the next bronycon and ask Lauren Faust to make a episode like that
0 likesMwahaha.. Little did he know, they did come back... And made them change
0 likesthey give love to each other
0 likesWait how do the changeling knows who's who but not the ponys???
0 likesCrysalis: I’m not like other villains
0 likesHe saw a page of a king and two ponies bowing
0 likesCRYSALIS WANTS SHINING BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO BE POWERFUL that's why she does NOT love the groom
0 likesMy mind is blown that must happen
0 likesYou're literally telling Hasbro to rip off the plot from another show? That's pathetic.
0 likesGuys, "Dr. Who" and "Dr. Hooves". XD, exactly.
0 likesWell they sorta did now! It's cool.
0 likesHmm I know that Sombera is a shadow pony.
0 likesI know a pony who's half Changeling. 2 of them, in fact.
0 likesReplies (1)
WHO!!!!! TELL ME WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes+The Brony Notion Would you be ok with it if someone emailed Hasbro with this video linked to it? Because i want to do that.
0 likesThere is a better way to feed off love as in the new episode season 6 episode 16
0 likeswhat a brownie nation is my comet made it to you so I just wanted to talk about that I was watching a video of she wait no was not who was she it was what did she used to be and what used to be I guess in the fan Comics she was the princess of Love instead of cadence so I guess Princess Cadence replace Queen Chrysalis and I guess it was Princess Queen Chrysalis and guess what she ruled the Crystal Empire with Sombra summer was turned around to two different to I think he still looks the same but different but not evil and Caden's cry Shining Armor head through on her but I don't think that was it when is back into a flashback on that episode I think Sombra was getting closer to the heart and then he started like in the attention of being like a changeling King but not changing changing but ruling the Crystal Empire and Chrysalis with her change things that the Crystal Empire is love with all the extra love would be actually giving love to the changes so they would be fed and all of them for that episode like I was talking about some Brilinta slips the only thing maybe 1/2 changing with the kiss lips when he's getting closer to the heart when they disappeared and I think died the escape and the Crystal Empire did it because mostly the Crystal Empire before 10 with all the sides the Crystal Empire Chrysalis her partner her husband and half of the home so that's why she came corrupt and evil answered and since now she felt like feels like she's a total drama and she gets so angry angry I my kingdom is gone and she wouldn't so corrupt that she turned into a queen and when everybody who watches MLP no one cleans our Queen's there are evil that's what all the princesses princesses so they don't turn corrupt and evil so that's his idea what what Christmas is to be and what she used to look like she was so pretty she would like princess a while so I hope you really like all this information I can't believe I sent this off but yeah that's how she turned corrupt
0 likeswell they can be friends now :/
0 likesThat's right PS discord made them that way he stole their love to live so the have to feed on others
0 likesWhen you only see this six years later
1 likeI must save my queen
0 likesMLP + Doctor Who = new subscriber
0 likesI think Changelings have no heart which is why they feed on love...
0 likesReplies (1)
Chrysalis literally said "in my heart"
1 like:I
Or they could share love like Thorax
0 likesThis ruind doctor who for me! I am watching the second season of doctor who and seeing this is a big spoiler thanks sooo much for ruining that
0 likesThat would be awesome!
0 likesYay doctor who my favourite thing in the world also I love your vids and this is Amy pond 👩🏻🦰this is Rory pond 👨🏽this is river song/melody 👩🏽🦱this is doctor 👱🏼♂️he has brown hair but he died it
0 likesthat sounds awesome
0 likesSHE IS A WAFFLE!!! Dat is y she is da best villain...
0 likesnow i know why you said it was a shame to blast them away because you are a
0 likeschangeling.
I love your idea
0 likesOMG. did you litterally bring on the whole changling thing... with thorax???
0 likesnow im not saying im on her side although that might be true
0 likesThat would be awesome for us changlings
0 likesWhat if Moondancer is a changling.
0 likesmaybe cryslis is not bad because it is her job she has to feed her kingdom.
0 likesI gave you a like cuz I am part changeling and I support you.
0 likesI feel really bad for the changleings, they are trying to live and everyone is killing them. I though this was a kid show...
0 likesReplies (1)
Nancy Have you seen the season 6 finale
0 likesChrystalis need ask celestia and then make circus! in this circus christalis can look like ponies. ponies will like it and chrystalis will get love!
0 likesWow you predicted the future again
0 likesLove your idea and doctor who but now there's thorax
0 likesYou should make a vid of where did cricles came from
0 likesI like the idea.
0 likesAnd look at where we are now...
0 likesare you just- voting your former queen-?
0 likesAnd then thorax become the king
1 likeOBJECTION!!!!!!!!!
0 likeschysalis said that they have no heart
yup. that happened. the changelings came back. ;)
0 likesQueen Chrisalys used to be the lost crystal princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesyou see I think I know chryslises story she you st to be frends whith Luna and celesia but when she told them about her they sent her away Luna was devastated that she's gone but she got revange twice then changing good but she refused and go to see the d azzlings land and helped them for the same reasons
0 likesit kinda actally does end up happening
0 likesThat's exactly what happened!! You're sidekick!!!
0 likesWhy is Chrysalis an alicorn but called queen not princess
0 likesAWESOME!!!
0 likesChrysalis can be revenge
0 likesi hope that happens
0 likesThis makes sense
0 likesthe song is amazing tho
0 likesNotion if think there should be a new pony that comes and Is the element of caring and chrysalis takes caring and tells one of her changlings to be one that would make a really good story P.S you are a changeling?
0 likescrysalis was the queen of the crystal empire not saying that I'm on her side...but isn't it obvious of the name "crysalis" like if you agree or reply
0 likesIs he a Whovian? I am.
0 likesMake a video about King Sombra
0 likesThorax is a changling and he is good and most of the other changlings are good Queen Crisolis is the only bad one left
0 likesReplies (2)
Or is she?
1 likeyou are right now that i think about it there is no prof that Queen Criysalis is the only bad changling thank you for pounting that out :)
0 likesI never thought about it that that way
0 likesThe changlings reformed thorax Is a KING
0 likesthat would be super cool!!!
0 likesOmg, your wish finally came true!!
0 likeslol I know this video is out dated but they did 😂😂 lol
0 likesRoses are red
0 likesViolets are red
Tulips are red
Trees are red
0.39 self burn Sawtooth?😂❤️
0 likesThe Brony Notion... Are you a... CHANGLING? 😱
0 likesSeason 6 finale...all mane 6, spike, and princesses are replaced as well as Shining Armor.
0 likesoh if you want to see the changelings again go to the last episode of season six
0 likesWy has she 3 finals and the anther villains 1? Is she special?
0 likesSeason 6 finally
0 likesMay be the changelings look the way they do because they hungry
0 likesnow changelings share love
0 likesthat also happens in harry potter and the goblet of fire DUH😒 why people ignore the the best books ever i dont know
0 likesReplies (1)
That's subjective. My favorite book ever is "Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies"
0 likesWhat's black and blue , has four legs, and has mor holes than Swiss cheese?
0 likesSooooooo funny
That a good idea👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍
0 likesHoly cow! You're a changeling!!
0 likesReplies (1)
yes he is
0 likesThat would be amazing
0 likesAnd then it actually happened
0 likesI like to think of changelings as been like
0 likesthere is a theory about pinkie pie being a changeling
0 likesGosh Chrysalis should just find a boy friend then her and her kingdom can be fed. He has to be a REALLY fat guy though.
0 likesYour wish will come true in few seasons
0 likesKlausdorf erleichtert sein will auch böse ist? 🤔
1 likeblack and blue + has 4 legs + has more holes than swiss chease = an old table infested with wood lice 0_o
0 likeshe wasn't driven by anything
0 likeslol but queen chrysalis does have the best reason to try and take over and nothing to do with this but I am A DOCTOR WHO FAN IT SO COOL!!!!!!! so are you😀
0 likesif the pony's know that if the um you know... do not get love to eat they'ed DIE they,ed try to find a way
1 likeall villans are different but they all the same because they are villans
0 likesBut what about fluffy puff?
0 likesPov:it actually happened
0 likesHe's really a Changling
0 likesRainbow dash should be a changling because she doesn't stand for loyalty
0 likesAnd has more holes than swish cheese 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesWhat?! Also a child wrote this
Says the changelings isn't he a changeling
1 likeWas before princess celestia and princess Luna ruled Equestria was queen chrysalis was the ruler of questria
0 likesBut the changelings are reformed
0 likesWhat about cozy glow?
3 likesCuz she is the Mouldy Cheese Queen.
0 likesChangelings have no heart literally
0 likesSaw tooth you are tottaly right but probely bias since you are her son
0 likesi'am from 2016 and i will telk you something and you have to believe me, there is a teaser of season 6 when one changeling saves spikes live and spike become his best friend
0 likesand how did chrysalis went and attack equwstria
0 likesWhen did the changings start stating the ponies of Equstria
0 likesum hello are you even listening to yourself you need to look at what you are saying Sombra and Queen Chrysalis we're probably driven out of their sanity and I have rumors that I believe are true that I can prove are true and if you haven't read comic books please do and if you haven't really looked at it I believe that its chrysalis is a villain that she used to be before Cadence and Cadence was just I like the way she is because of Chrysalis being corrupted so if you see my point then I would like to make it up to you that Sombra and Queen Chrysalis were corrupted I mean that's the only time your king and queen right so there must have been corrupted I mean the other princesses and princes and I mean princes aren't those aren't even corrupted like that and princesses I mean how well they aren't even Alicorns or anything like that you're probably just unicorns and I know someone looks like that I believe all guys that like unicorns are actually just unicorns that are real so if you do not see where I'm going with this you really need to look more and your comic books and you can tell I am mad at him saying that I'm really mad if you do not see what I'm saying I will find you I'm just kidding about putting you down I would never do that unless I actually blacked out or something so without further Ado you are seeing what I'm doing I also have feelings to believe that actually the Crystal Empire along with being the princess and they were really related and they both have their own armies but they both became corrupted of Darkness because of what they look like on the outside but Chrysalis didn't exactly look like that and I don't think so I had to turn right back I do believe that he was an earthquake before he ever became a unicorn but use dark magic and that's what corrupted him dark magic as an earth pony is pretty hard so if you see where I'm going dark magic like what she pretty much wanted to become that powerful that he would go that far to do anything and anyone who got in his way was pretty much a goner if you ask me but I do believe that Princess Luna was his friend or anything just like Discord but I do believe that he was there brother just like I believe that Chrysalis was their sister as she was an hour I mean the only other villain that was an Alicorn was Nightmare Moon and that was only Luna bad so if you see what I'm getting at she used to be a royal princess before she was ever an evil queen so if she was to be like that she was probably corrupted and thrown out of the royal family for what she was this and I believe that she was older than Luna but around the same age as Celestia I believe that Sombra was older than Luna too but when I probably didn't have any memory because the less you didn't want her to be sad that about that after becoming Nightmare Moon so she had the memories erased before Nightmare Moon and after Nightmare Moon so without further ado bye bye
0 likesYa the mane 6 got replaced and then there was an invation of some sort idk
0 likesShe’s different because she’s the strongest black cheese I have ever seen
0 likesNo they just eat love.
0 likesYo predicted the future 😱
0 likesI think its a great idear
0 likesWe could have just mailed this video to hasbro
0 likesI heard a random squeal when the picture of tha changelings appeared.
0 likesOh, I like it!!
0 likessomeone send this video to one of the creators.......now
0 likesif they do what ever he said at the end it better not be fluttershy
0 likesmaybe they did watch this video (so exited for today's episode!)
1 likeReplies (2)
finally some one thats late like me
1 likesorry wrong episode that one is next weeks episode
0 likesLOOK CHRYSALIST IS NOT A VILLAIN when chrysalist is a queen on the other place she have fixed wings and pixiedust cutie mark someone curse her and control her on the inside thats why shes a became a villain
0 likesdo a doctor hovess 1
0 likesah yes a video about my waifu
0 likesPinky pie...
0 likesI watched a vid and said pinkie was A CHANGELING
might actually work with this theory to!
Maby there is no room for ponies just her children??!think about it
0 likesmaybe the youtube love keeps sawtooth alive????
0 likesCan't Cadence make love?
0 likesQueen chrysalis think there is no love in equestrian
0 likesI've also noticed that she the only girl changeling the rest are probably men
0 likesHow are you a "good " changing?
0 likesthat would be awesome
0 likeswhat has pink skin and has a frizzy mane and tail and loves to throw parties?
0 likesPinkie Pie(surprise!!!!!!!!)!
Why chrisalys is diffrent. Answer: cuz her name means pupa
0 likeswaching this wen we know that theres thorrax and the chanlings torn good its so funny XD
0 likesI'm not like oThEr villains!
1 likeOkay I thank chrysalis and the rest of them they might need to change get it it’s like how the changeling changed but you shouldMake your videos more interesting and and also I like Alcorns signing out wait maybe not signing out I’m Phinne say in a couple of videos and I will message a lot of stuff and it might be very fun for you to and I hope you have a good videos and stuff this very back go to google and the rest of the days I think they have a little problem I think that you haveHaven’t seen anything very good they need to have great stuff great time together I’m like bitch they should have a great time why did they choose of a friendship to be evil I don’t like what I did this
1 likeReplies (1)
I didn’t ride bike right hi yeah OK bye I just really think the video is so very good of yours and they should change the billing then twilight interest them to trust them for one because they need to really change and twilight and another of them need to also trust them and try to always like how they made this good on bad like he is was for evil so I think you need to I mean discord should tell them or show them what they need to do which is right but how will they be how will you make a video of how many times do I have to say it should I will confuse I don’t know why you have to really do this so many times you don’t explain the whole thing like what does this kid does or what like what happened so obviously you should make your videos more and more long
0 likes2019... Aaand your wish is granted.
0 likesShe the quen of love
0 likesOmg they did just that!
0 likeswell you got what you wanted
0 likesBad can we find out more about changlings
0 likesChrysalis = Fluffle puff is around
0 likesI think... AWSOME IDEA
0 likeshow do they changelings now who the love is of the pony
0 likesThe cutie re-mark. Solved. Jk NOT.
1 likeThe animators…are watching
0 likesSo Sawtooth feeds of of LOVE
0 likesbest idea ever
0 likesChrysalis does not have a ❤️
0 likesnice idea it actually happend
0 likesHow did she get in!!!
0 likesThey already came back Season 6 finale
0 likesThat Did Happend in Season 6
0 likeswhen the donkeys have their wedding a changling was there
0 likesAnd than Chrysalis turn in stone
0 likesME :Queen Crysalys had the best reason to invade Equestria!”
You: 😳..............................................😳 ???? what was that?
What if flash centry wasn't acully there
0 likesYour first video with good audio quality :D
0 likesIs it okay if I use ur episode idea to... maybe write a 📖 book?
0 likesthat's pretty cool.
0 likesThey will share love
0 likesI think that is a Great idea
0 likesHe is changeling probaly evil
0 likesWho is alicia queen of the villain world
0 likesthat is a awesome ida! Pleaze forgive the spelling
0 likesAmazing
0 likesIt happened! Yay!
0 likeshey can Chrysalis turn pony in changeling ???
0 likesReplies (1)
I don't know, but that would be cool.
0 likesSPOIER: Not sure if you have kept up with the show lately, but the changelings in fact learn how to share love allowing them to feed off of each others love allowing them to change in appearance too.
0 likesReplies (2)
WHERE DID YOU FIND IT?????? REPLY ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ♡LOVE♡ MLP!!!!!!!!
0 likesSeason 6 episodes 25 & 26 are the episodes that reveal this. However, I would also suggest that you watch episodes 25 & 26 from season 5 first followed by episodes 1, 2, 6, 16, & 21 from season 6 to get an overall better picture of the end of season 6.
0 likesand shes funny
0 likesThoraxs is the leader of the chanclings
0 likeswell you got your wish brony
0 likesif they dont make this ill die
0 likesTirek wanted to inpress his dad , if you herd
0 likesI feed in negative energy
0 likesI thought she looked pretty.....
0 likesChrysalis is his mom
0 likes+bronynotion they return as the goodies
0 likeswelp, you got your episode
0 likesThat is a good idea
0 likesThey must be starving but why didt she ask to help
0 likesthats true in season 6
0 likes0:39 to 2:47
0 likesBrony: and being the parasites that they are-
Me: 😐 UM we see in your old introduction that you are a changeling too! So don't be so mean to your own kind Mister BRONY or MISTER CHANGELING!!!
the changeling did come back
0 likeschangelings are reformed now
0 likesI KNEW IT YOUR ACTUALLY A CHANGLING!!!!!!! *Transforms into The Notion* Hey Everypony! hehehehehe!!!! I am also a changling!
0 likesHeh heh heh
Christalis is a chained in and she is a queen whist the others r not
0 likeswhy not spray them with bug spray
0 likesDoes FEED ON LOVE mean they eat it??????????????????
0 likesDon't make it Derpy anything but Derpy
0 likes0:57 oh dear lyra and berry shine and angry changelings lukily the chagilegs and ponies like berryshine and lyra all become friends yay
0 likesmy dad got all coo coo because he thought he was a bad changling
0 likes0:49 HAHA LOL
0 likesI think that chrislis is prismia or she is in contact with prismia
0 likesThis is in the series.
0 likesI'm haft pony and a changeling :3
0 likesThen a Thorax showed up…
1 like....Dobble the spoilers! So....
0 likesSpoilers!
0:50 You are a Changeling!
0 likesDiscord why well because he is the lord of chaos
1 likehow can u feed love to yourself? from the subs or something?
0 likesNot me about to comment about the disturbing ad that came on😂
0 likes0:37 lol he said they instead of we
0 likesAre you saying one of the man SIX us possibly a changling?
0 likesTirek is a magnet of mmmmmmaaaaaagggggggiiiiccccccccccccc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesyou just think chrysailis is different cause shes your ruler you changling!
0 likesI like it
0 likes2:42 good she just crazy
0 likesThats awsome
0 likesHave you heard of my little pony life yet
0 likesAwesome
0 likesthis was the first notion video I ever watched
0 likesFunny German Word: Doppelgänger xD
0 likesthe times they are a changeling
0 likesThey don't Dai because they have don't have love.
0 likesYou are amazing
0 likesHe's a changeling
0 likeswhat dark and blue , have four legs and look like cheese ?
0 likesqueen cystlest
moldy cheese
SAW TOOTH YOUR NAME IS ABOTE A SAW IN A TOOTH WICH IS pretty violent if u think about it.... :/
0 likes1:35 you THINK? Aren't YOU a Changeling?
0 likesI think pinkie pie is a changeling seriously she can alter her appearance!!!!!
0 likesthay get reformed except for Chrysalis that doesn't have a kingdom anymore
0 likesReplies (1)
I like that idea, because Chrissalis would definitely be looking for ways to get her kingdom back after the defeat, so, REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesGive luv for Chrissy
1 likeyour a GENIOUS
0 likesseason 6 It's a changeling called Thorax
0 likeschanglings come in season 6
0 likesResolution reform and share love plus at this point she is just selfish like if u aggree
1 likeI LOVR chrysalis
0 likesnice doctor who refrence
0 likesDamę i like queen chrysalis
0 likesI think sombody working with mlp watches your videos.
0 likesOmg The brony notion is a changelling (sorry bad english)
1 likewho is chrysalis's mom
0 likescan you do a video where changelings live
0 likesshould so happen
0 likesOoo I love doctor who
0 likesForshadowing?
2 likesyou are rit chrysalis is the god of honey! do make it into a my little pony season
1 likeCcrryyyyysssssttaallsssss
Is pinkie pie adopted?!
0 likesAwesome
0 likes(Foreshadowing) in season 6
0 likesHahaha lol "but I might be"
0 likesMore like dr hooves
0 likesYeh she is defrint. she loks more Royal to me
0 likesIt will happen in season 5 finale or season 6 finale cause I’m watching this late
0 likesHey season 6 they return and they learn how to love
0 likesShe’s not like other girls
0 likesSeason 6 finale...
0 likesdr.whooves!!!!
0 likesBrony Notion, your idea happened.
0 likesSeason6!!!!!!!
0 likesGood idea
0 likesAwwesome
0 likesSombra was corrupt
0 likesI agree
0 likesI agree
0 likesOh i now sombra is a shadow pony
0 likesI'm from the future the changlingies come back
0 likesthe doctor who reference! <3<3<3<3:D
0 likesi am watching this in 2017 and then from where and back came -_-
0 likesI am not saying on her side although that might be true
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesAnd then thorax xD
1 likehe said notion and not nation
0 likesI will make it happen
0 likesYES!
0 likesYes that would awsome
0 likeswhat about cozy glow
0 likesmy brother, I agree, let us in
0 likesUhh... changlings are good now yay
0 likesYou're right season 7
0 likesWell sawtooth is a changling
0 likesthey did do this
0 likesT H O R A X um yeah I'm 2 years late to this comment BUT your theory still stands true (edit 1 it was 3 years)
0 likesReplies (1)
Except for Chrysalis
0 likesacxuly her army was all alacurns
0 likesI just now have the same
0 likessinning ammor is a changlingspy
0 likesI thinking the changing feed on love because they new t power the magic😁😁😆
0 likesdude you rock I am glade you made thar video
0 likesthat episode is coming😃
0 likesSo true
0 likesBiased? Yup
0 likesNo, if one of the mane 6 were a changeling that would make so many kids sad! Every pony is forgetting that mlp: FiM is made FOR LITTLE GIRLS!
0 likesReplies (5)
+CarlaDaFox I think that ship sailed long ago.
0 likes+Igneux Sort of. But that kind of plot twist would fly over the heads of most kids in terms of its significance and probably piss of a lot of the older fans who would feel cheated.
1 likeIt's been 3 seasons since A Canterlot Wedding, If they were going to do it they should have by now. At this point it would just be too much out of left field with zero build up.
@***** Eh. kinda. But it is based for little girls
0 likes+CarlaDaFox
0 likesThen explain the Season 4 fight with Tirek? Im one of many older fans that also Grew up with DRAGONBALL Z. ANd the fight between Twilight and Tirek wasnt designed for just being a "little girls show". MLP has surpassed its target demographic, plus most of the bronies in the fandom are all musicians and artists. Explain that.
+CarlaDaFox he isn’;t talking about forever
1 likehe just means one of them could be a changeling in that episode and they’ll find the real one later
p.s there is a new movie of mlp this 2017
0 likeswait does this mean you would die if we stopped subscribing?
0 likesWait did he used to use pony creator lol
1 likeWait, but u are on her side, UR A CHANGLING!
0 likesLove the idea Ina sub
0 likeshey. dont hide it. i can see your using the pony generator.
0 likesReplies (1)
and alot of editing.
0 likesAh you ruind that episode of doktor how for me.PENGUIN
0 likesI have a great idea! In the 100th episode wefound out bonbon was a secert ageant for deffiting dark animals. So what if in bonbons line of work she hadto deal with a changeling. Thats how they could introduce your idea!
0 likesbut they figered it out
0 likesthere was a good changling in one of the videos
0 likesU were kinda right
0 likesIt's like they watch these
0 likesBest Idea! And Any One Wanna Bro Hoof? sticks out hoof
0 likesDid Hasbro watch this video*hint hint wink wink*
0 likesVery funny joke
0 likesIlove your idea
0 likeschangings have no Hart
0 likesNuts but could be true.
0 likesi like the idea O>O
0 likeshey but if the chaningllis have no heart
0 likesTimes are a changeling?
0 likesThey did one
0 likesLike the idea
0 likesSaw Tooth update this vid Times Are Changeling change it now NOW
0 likesHE'S A CHANGELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesAnd that's how thorax and to what and where back again where born
0 likeswhat about thorax
0 likesSounds like changeling propaganda but okay
0 likesDo you ever notice slender pony
0 likeslove or LOVE #undertale is expected
0 likesYour suggestion rules
2 likesThe show listened to u.
0 likesIt awsome the this is what happened in season 6 finale
0 likesloaf it
0 likesThat's True.
0 likesSpitfire is a good night
0 likesPinkie Pie is a changeling in pinkie Apple pie
0 likesXDLOL and has more holes than swiss cheese
0 likesReplies (1)
Your a bitch I know one who goes by fuzzy buzz he is cool and I thought him some stuff
0 likesum foreshadowing? i guess
0 likesWatch Ep 100 there is a Changelling
0 likessheet, dis is good
0 likesI new he was a chanjling in the start
0 likes(Then then then)
maby flah is a changeling
0 likesI do not know it a point or not but it true that chrysalis eat love
0 likesexactly
0 likesthis was posted on my 12 birthday! xD
0 likesHow is she diffrent?i mean she is kinda silly but she mean...
0 likesThey should really do that do like if u agree
0 likesthere is one coming!
0 likesDo you too? 0:56 you chengeling!
0 likesshe does not have a heart
0 likesReally.CHEESE!
0 likesYou would know wouldn't you 😐😐😐
0 likes0:37
2 likesthere was...
At 0:50, we see Brony Notion, CHANGELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuunn!!!!!!!!!)
0 likesWatch the times they are changling
0 likesI hope haspro sees this
0 likescough
0 likesThorax
Changelings are succubi
0 likesAnserw this question why are there villins.
0 likesi guess u got ur wish then
0 likesI just watch em on next Felix
0 likesIt already happened
0 likesI agree bluegamer
0 likeshave you seen the new episode
0 likesReplies (4)
this was released in 2014 way before any of that happened lmao
0 likes@Just a Gremlin thats the point, this comment is saying that sawtooth did something akin to predicting future episodes and the thorax storyline
0 likes@Julia Sobiesiak the comment, at least the way i read it, was saying "Why are you predicting things that have already been confirmed or denied in this or that episode?" I was letting the commenter know that the reason he was predicting these things is because the episodes confirming or denying his predictions hadn't come out yet at the time of this video's upload
1 like@Just a Gremlin oh, that makes sense, seems like ot was just a misunderstanding, welp either way have a nice day :D
0 likesOmg he pridicted a episode
0 likesCool 😎 vid
0 likesWhat about the episode the times are changling
0 likes(Four years later)
1 likeboy were they wrong
0 likesIn ur last intro u were a changeling lol
0 likesthere you go
0 likesoh Haaasbrooooooo, I have something for you to waaaaaatch
0 likesomg yes
0 likesHe is so good but his te
0 likesflutter shy
0 likes#ChanglingLivesMatter
0 likes666k views. 'Nuff said.
0 likeswait then how are you alive
0 likessobru wus a good pony but the good pony sudru ghad a badol witth evil him sudru good pony lost and wus drand wen he wusdrand hebecmesodru
0 likesTheir is an episode i forgot which one
0 likesasome
0 likesWhy is this here six years late I’m six years late bro 💀
0 likesare you and thorax brothers??? (|-;
0 likesyour wish came true
0 likesBEEP BEEP THREOY ALERT!!!! u r a changeling brony nation
0 likesMlp ep 25
0 likesYour suggestion came true
0 likescool
0 likescool
0 likesNotion how does it feel about talking about yourself?
0 likesNO WAY!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Though pinkie might be an exception
0 likesoMg Swaths Eye— ppfff
1 likeno far u r only siding with her becuse u r a changling >:(
0 likesthat is an episode, happy?
0 likesbecause shes a bug
0 likesAre you evil?
0 likescough thorax cough
0 likesCool
0 likesOMG
0 likesOMG
0 likesI've watched season 6
0 likesUmmmmmmmmmm I think Hasbro already watched your video and copied your idea with some new charitors (idk how to spell
0 likesReplies (1)
I forgot this ) at the end of my sentence .
0 likes7 years later generation 5 sucks
0 likesCOOL
0 likesI know what sombra did theirs a video
0 likeswatch the new episode finale season 5
0 likeswhere did the changlings go whe they where defeatex
0 likesLol u would know this cuz you are a changling 😆
0 likesThorax.
0 likessomepony...i mean somebody look at the new season 6 episode changeling please ... hint... hint.;)
0 likesQueen crisalalis yous to be a. Pony queen. BEE!!!!!! I. Watched ink. Rose
0 likesyou all have 4 legs !
0 likesI don’t like the fact where you put the movie in the vid it scares me
0 likesYour cutie for a changling
0 likeskkkkkkkk
0 likesits 2017 so sorry but, your theory is worng sorry it was a good theory tho
0 likesAnyway your wish came true
0 likes666k views :0
0 likesOh wait.......
667k views XD
Wait u feed on love so u feed on subscribers
0 likesWhat do you think of to where and back again
0 likesawesome
0 likesyay I gotta go play somethin
you were right watch the times are a chagenling season 6 episode 14 k
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesim a changeling i mean wut
0 likesthere is one
0 likesit's a little kid show
0 likesTHORAX
1 likeCheez-bug
0 likesShisspoler to Doctor who!!!😭😭😵😵😦😦☹☹☹😭
0 likesahhhh!!!!!!!! sawtooth is evil run ever pony ahhhhhh!!,!,! !!
0 likesLol for sight
0 likesWhat does FEED ON LOVE mean ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼❔❔❔❔❔❔❔
0 likesoh wait Notion did you notice yourr idea happened bro!!!
0 likesFlutter Shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
0 likesYes yes yus yes yeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeh
0 likes666K views
0 likesIs he a changling
0 likesWere does all vilin live
0 likesAlready did that why am I saying this in the comments you'll never read it because it's one of your old videos and this episode wasn't out back then
0 likesmade on June 18 2014 I think?
0 likesyaaaaa creepy face
0 likesyep thorax
0 likessas the changeling
0 likesYou said it again
0 likesI mean flash
0 likesI'm not sure what is going on
0 likesCool but werd
0 likes2:06 If you clicked on my link click on this
0 likesUhh.... 2019 thorax
1 likeno he is not
0 likesare you a changeling or brohove?
0 likesu got the new s6 episodes good luck
1 likeWho is watching by the end of mlp
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likeswell season 6episode 13 and second 1:43
0 likesYou called me a pearcit
0 likesthanks
0 likessee you next yer hahaha
0 likesyes so you should know
0 likesBut....but....
0 likesyes
0 likesyes
0 likes.........I have no words cuz you are a CHANGLING
0 likesTo where and back again
0 likesit the crestal
0 likesReplies (1)
I want to be a challenging
0 likesI LOVE YOU😜
0 likesChanging
0 likeswhiy dont you have hols in your mlp's lags
0 likesThorax and where and back again
0 likes(My oc has the 4 d cutie mark u like 4 discord.
0 likesReplies (2)
+Nanami Knight Bladefield well that was unnesisarily rude!!
0 likes+Paradox The Unicorn huh?
0 likesWhat song name
0 likesWhat song name
0 likesIs ⭐️ light g
0 likesyes
0 likesI'm a changeiling
0 likesReplies (1)
Like him the YouTubeer
0 likesWas Chrisalas
0 likeslook for doter of discord and wach it it is very interesting and it is on you tube
0 likesUm your a changeling obviously
0 likesyouridea is good but its got one problom hasbro made changelin for be hated not love sorry if youre look at this in 2020
0 likesO.O he is one he is not real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesAlso, she's a bit of a cutie 😅
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesif one was not there ha ha ha ha you are think small scale try say only twilight is the only real pony and all here friends are change wings or better yet since twilight has no friends she the the change wing and alway has been and the real twilight has died would explain the changes she went though wean she was made princess of equestria
0 likesthat would be interesting if twilight was a changewing
Bro your a changeling
0 likesMe to
0 likesyou feed of love
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesThere is one when
0 likesany ecept pinkie pie
0 likesYeeeaaa!
0 likesWho's here is 2021
0 likesDo you know that
1 likeSoon (already happened)
0 likesWAIT your a changling
0 likesdon't like that you are a changeling
0 likes👵 i am 62 years old
1 likeWe'll not exactly
0 likesi`m sorry i didn`t see dr. who i`m only 9
0 likesI fatten I'm back up
0 likesQue isso doído 🤔😗😆🙃🤐
0 likesI came here at 666k views
0 likesAlright, this may have already been said, but here's my headcanon + episode idea...
0 likesLong ago, when Cadence was still a Pegasus filly, the changelings lived in Equestria as well. Of course, they weren't originally denizens of the kingdom, and were highly discriminated against. This, added to the fact that their lowers allowed them to easily pull off crimes such as robbery, murder, or identity theft, meant that after a while the darker criminal side of the species became the example rather than the exception and they were essentially rounded up and thrown out or killed. Chrysalis was one of the fillies who managed to stay under wraps for a long time, along with many others who had once been orphaned (hence their dismissal; otherwise they would've been thrown out with their parents) and would later become Queens (they were able to feed off of pony love much longer, and because of their skills were appointed). Of course, she was eventually discovered and tossed out, but not before meeting Cadence, who was so chock-full of love that she attempted to help the future Queen. This is why Chrysalis was so prepared infiltrator-wise when Cadence was engaged: she'd been keeping tabs on her since that first meeting. I also think she probably asked Celestia welcome them back, but there had been too many problems way back when.
As for another episode, now that there's the cutie map, I think it would be cool if they were sent to an uncharted location, having no idea what's out there. Eventually, after seeing the war-torn areas surrounding, they run right to the Hive's front door. They see that, much like Griffonstone, the changelings have been separated from each other by the rule of "dog-eat-dog". Of course, this puts them in danger of attack, giving the watcher a sense of fear for the main characters and why people in real life might be scared of others, even though in reality it's likely in their heads and potentially strengthening the later motive of accepting others and, more importantly, to try everything you can for something you care about (although now that I've written it, I can imagine so much potential for relationships show up. For instance, while one of them might be extremely attached to a certain changeling, another might be even more spiteful for something in their past involving another changeling). The changelings, while naturally dangerous, are currently too malnourished to attack, and despite the animosity between the two groups would mostly prefer to save their own chitin that go for even an unarmed, "dainty" pony. The sense of fear and rage from both sides raises as they work their way through the city (by the Queen's order, and not necessarily Chrysalis since either she might've died or this is another Hive entirely) and discover why they can't just get love from each other in the first place. Also, it would be great fanfic fodder, in case someone wanted to play Romeo-and-Juliet (myself included).
Do the changlings, I wonder, need to directly be given love from other ponies, or is the love sort of like a gas that fills the air? Because if the second is true, then wouldn't it have been very simple of the changlings to morph into ponies they've seen in a photo or something (ponies that are NOT in the immediate area) and just make their homes in equestria, hiding their true identity to avoid causing panic? And if the former, how does terrorizing the ponies help them receive this love? Again, a more covert and non violent measure seems like it would have been more helpful.
0 likesOkay so I realize this video is pretty old now BUT. Since their release earlier this year, have you seen the FIENDship is Magic set of the comics? Because it confirms both a fiercely loyal devotion AND a sort of indifference that Chrysalis has for her subjects. That is to say, she fights for them and protects them and puts their overall needs first, but also has no trouble harming or sacrificing individuals herself in certain circumstances.
0 likesMoreover, though, it shows us, very vaguely, what changelings ARE. And what they are is literally a magical accident, an abomination. They were not born, but grown, and we have no indication that they reproduce (other than the very curious Changeling foal in episode 100; a new development? a Changeling just as old as the rest who happens to be child-sized?)- OR HEAL. There were several flashbacks from various points in Chrysalis's issue showing that Changelings are ancient and Chrysalis has always been their queen. It also showed that in the past, THE CHANGELINGS WERE WHOLE. The holes in their horns, wings, and legs? All are either some kind of rotting of their bodies or battle damage that couldn't heal, or a combination of both.
I'm desperately hoping for a return of both her and Sombra.
(The comics show Sombra's past and motivation as well! He's actually really great once given a chance to show it!)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was really upset with what happened to the changelings. If the changelings were actually loved by the ponies like friends and such, they wouldn't even risk hurting anyone.
1 likekeep in mind none of the changelings had cutie marks either! probably changing into another pony they take there character traits and all the changelings would probably have the same cutie mark and cutie marks are unique. so whats the purpose but crystalis should have one meaning shes the leader. if you agree with this then continue the conversation!
0 likesWell remember they have to keep it for the kids, my suggestion is to make them return after hearing twilight was a princess, because after she because a princess, it became apparent that other ponies such as silver spoon and diamond tiara now loved her, this implies that they came back because more love was happening.
0 likesI honestly agree that they should bring chrysalis back. but, am I they only one who wants spike to be the secret changling? I mean, think about it!! a character who is paid no attention too, is a side character, and would be the least suspected!? its too perfect!!
2 likesWhen i first saw "A Canterlot Wedding Part 2" I thought one of the changelings had turned itself into Twilight and made the real Twilight become a changeling. Therefore making it so the "Changeling Twilight" could live in Equestria. And the magic Shinning Armor and Cadence made to banish the Changelings also banished the real Twilight. This explains why there was a changeling in the audience during "A Slice of Life" it was the real Twilight 0w0
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry I meant didn't banish the real Twilight.
0 likesI like the idea of having changelings and ponies make peace, in fact, it would make a great 2 parter for the begging of a new season :)
0 likesI really like the story idea, i think it would be cool if the pony that was captured and substituted was twilight, because then they would have a really strong reason to get her back. I dont know, thats just my opinion
0 likesWhat if they had replaced Luna? She was gone for most of the episode - what if Luna was Plan B for if the invasion failed and the doppelganger watched her to find out how she ticked while the episode took place before capturing the real Luna and taking her place? That's why she was gone the whole time. It would work, you know it would.
0 likesIf they did use that idea for an episode. I think they should use applejack or rarity. Mostly because they haven't had an episode about them in season 5 yet and I think it would be really awesome!
0 likesSo perhaps the one mane 6 member is a changling, what if they came to ask for help to feed their kingdom? Of course everyone would be skeptical, but I think it would make an interesting episode.
0 likesI think it is brilliant and I would like to hear more about it and if you want the story developers to hear your idea you can send it to them
0 likesA changling appeared in the most recent episode of season 5 showing up at Cranky and Matilda's wedding. I think it may be a way so slowly reintroduce them
0 likesif you really likke your idea, you may like my idea for the first episode of FILLY MAGIC, which is the children of the mlp cast. the first episode has chrysilis and a new character named king larve. chrysilis returns and keeps cadence and shining armors daughter(crystal sheilds) captive in exchange for three things. 1 is a new home to replace the one destroyed after the blast. the second is 12 million bits. and 3rd is having top scientists find another way for chqnglings to survive. when twilight and the elder 6 are powerless and are about to give in to the demands to rescue crystal sheilds, lightning glitters (twilight sparkle x flash sentry) apple betty (applejack adopted daughter), cumulliss cloudstreak ;skyla and skydoom cloud (rainbow dash x soarin) entropy (fluttercord) lavender fromage (cheesie pie) and red thunder (rarity x thunderlane) race to the scene. thats just part one so far but get back to me and tell me what you think. thanks.
0 likesI love this idea!!!!! Queen Chrysalis is my fave mlp villain and I would love to see her again
0 likesIf that happens the imposter must be derpy it has to. For one she'd be the easiest to copy as all they really have to do is stand there. Two, everyone loves derpy so they'd have plenty of food. plus derpy is always hiding in the background so it just makes sense
0 likesFan fics have actually thought of this idea. One where Rainbow was a changeling the whole time because the real Rainbow died doing the first Sonic Rainboom. Or another where Rarity basically died not long after the rainboom but merged her lifeforce with a changeling that was Chrsalis's sister. But it would be cool to see them return. they are the only group that actually can since they are not reformed or dead.
0 likesI would love to see the changelings again and the pony that wasn't really there would probably be pinkie pie, for some people already believes that pinkie is a changeling
0 likesFirst i think one of the main six should actually be a changling but Fluttershy soon realizes that all changlings need love to survive. So while the invasion is going on the main six are communicating with the changling and learning so much about them. Soon the convince the princesses that the changlings aren't trying to be bad and that there is another way to handle them and then the ponies and the changlings make friends and live happily ever after.
0 likesdude that would be such a cool story idea! any fanfic writerss out there, i would love to see that happen.
0 likesFINALLY SOMEONE SHEDS LIGHT ON THIS SUBJECT! I had exact idea, the turning one of the the mane six, wouldn't make sense, cause, remember the explosion in canterlot? wouldn't the imposter be blown away?
0 likesApplejack is obviously the changeling. She said, ''Real me! Real me!''
0 likesA changeling could've easily copied her voice for that short of a line, especially for the changelings to have copied Twilight's voice.. Yeah.
Rainbow Power?
A changeling could have just- er, uh, maybe... Killed AJ? Erm, well, anyways.. A more kid-friendly way of doing that would be the changeling could've switched them for that, knowing that they would be suspected if it didn't fully work. Sooo, well, that could be the case- but could a changeling really go for 2 seasons without love? Er, maybe.. Maybe she (The changeling pretending to be AJ and all,) secretly fed at night? Well, everypony looked pretty much good since I last saw them in an episode. I don't know though. But, hey, again, IT COULD HAPPEN.
I think it should be Celestia who turns out to be Chrysalis and the changlings have been feeding off her love for her subjects until it runs out and that is how the invasion starts
0 likesHmm... If she and her Brute feeds on Love, why they don't try to attack the Crystal Empire and steal the Heart or feed from its Energy?
0 likesIt would be some sort of Revenge on Cadence too.
It would even become a twist, if she has tried to exchange all Crystal Ponys expect the Guard, Cadence and Shining Armor against her Changelings, only to see at the end, that without them, the Heart won't have the Power of Love in it. ^^
Sounds like a good Idea too or not?
well.....the problem is.....if one of the mane six is a changeling , then the elements of harmony would not have power to defeat any other villains. for example ; spike. when the mane six were corrupted,twilight used spike to replace rainbow dash as an element of loyalty. even though spike was a loyal friend and all , the spell never worked.
0 likestechnicaly changelings can change to any form they want they just can only take on forms they see because they actually know what to change into so basically changelings can change into any form they want to because they don't actually have a idea of what to become before that
0 likesI think that chrysalis likes a little shining armour.If you people see the way she "looked" like she pretended to love him.Think about it,maybe this might be true,maybe Chrysalis changed a bit but that doesn't mean that she'll give up on her whole village of changelings.
0 likesOr they could have been living among the rest of the ponds in equestrian and had the original ponds locked up and hidden away
0 likesSawtooth, I just relived something. Carrot top, Lyra, and Berry punch are EVERYWHERE. Not only are they background ponies, but they Might just live all over equestria!
0 likesI'm pretty sure the beloved pony he was talking about was Princess Luna, she wasn't there at the wedding for some strange reason…
0 likesHasbro may be doing this cause in season 5 slice of life there was a changeling at Cranky and Matilda's wedding. Please explain what is going on here now.
0 likesAlso if the changelings were to live in Equestria, they would probably live in the Crystal Empire. Since the crystal ponies and empire are full of love, they could share that love with the changelings.
@The Brony Notion I think that idea is great, but like, have one of The Mane Six be trapped somewhere, while the changeling partner does things that make the rest suspicious. Or even better, one of the princesses. XD
0 likesYou know the "Bats!" episode ending cliffhanger thing with the fangs?
0 likesOf course you do.
Therefore: flutters is the changling.
Hasbro, make it happen.
I bet if they do do this, I think that the character who wouldn't be there would be Spike. Think about it, since when have Spike and Big Mac ever hung out? And yes I am aware of when this video was released.
0 likesI also was really hoping for a episode with more changlings.
0 likesThat last you said makes sense. That would explain why the changeling was at the 100th Episode Special.
0 likes"In my heart there is no room" could she have had a lover befor? What if her heart was brocken because of her old lover and whenever she saw other ponies in love she got jelouse and fed off there love?... BRUH!!
0 likesYou were right about Nightmare Moon and discord but King Sombra turned evil because it was his future he read a book and it and he felt like it was him in the book so his future he Fighted his his future but he lost his future pulled him in the water and his body got Tooken over by is evil self so yeah no choice but to follow his destiny math help King Sombra turned evil and one more thing King Sombra was in love but his evil self lost his memories and so is love for the girl who was a crystal pony was turned into a slave by evil king Sombra
0 likesIf one of the ponies was a changling then the elements of harmony would not work and they wouldn't have been able to turn discord into stone but they did so the thing you want HASBRO was a good idea but it would not work 😐
0 likesWhat if that doppleganger pony was fluttershy? I have 2 reasons for this
0 likes1) fluttershy has had a small role in season 4-5 so she hasnt had time to express her character
2) changlings have fangs and in the bats episode endes on a cliffhanger where it showed she had fangs even though she was "cured"
Replies (2)
Thats a great idea!
0 likes@Alizae Gaston yeah it was just a thoughy i had
0 likesThis is a show for kids to teach us valuable lessons for the rest of our lives but every one is turning them into inappropriate stuff sometimes i see it and science! Used to love it but fourth grade made it boring!
0 likesWhat if the ponies find the changelings all sick and starving and stuff and they found a way for both to live together in harmony? No? Not cool?
0 likeshold on what if changelings can sense that another is a changeling some how? and why do they only feed on love can they sense the ponies total emotions but feed on love because it is more nourishing than all the others?
0 likesyou know he is a changling and changling can make someone fall in love with the " changling "
0 likesif the changelings where going to invade if they did twilight sparkle then the queen would have to do it yes....... because twilight sparkle is now a princess like cadence, celetia and Luna. because the queen was princess cadence
0 likesIf you hadn't already, you should do one on Pinkie Pie possible being a changing do to her need to be love and strange talents
0 likesyeah, an episode about the return of the changelingd would be awesome
0 likesThere's already a lot of headcanons and creepypasta's about Rarity or Pinkie Pie being a changeling... I'm not sure about Rarity, but Pinkie actually makes a LOT of sense... What's Pinkie Pie's one true purpose in life? To make her friends SMILE! All her friends love her, all of Ponyville loves her! It's the perfect setup for any changeling, am I right? You would know better than I, Brony Notion guy... (sorry, I don't know how to spell your OCs name)
0 likesI wonder if Hasbro watches these, and gets ideas to store for later
0 likesI just watched your 'I'm a Changeling!' video (new to the channel) and decided to check this one out. Yeah, it's pretty damn obvious, even if I hadn't seen that video...
0 likesThis is why Crissi is my favorite villan
0 likes0:49 Best part ever. Also, you ARE on her side. Why? You we're one of THEM in your OLD intro. Busted!
0 likesEach MLP Villian represents a deadly sin yes even the G1 villians
I have a solution. Make Changlings pets to normal ponies! Then the Changlings would get love, and the normal ponies can have pets. Bam.
0 likesWell... There is fluffle puff! Fluffle is in love with Crysaliss, and Crysaliss loves her back!
0 likesEven if invading was her only option, taking love from other ponies still isn't right, if your going to starve at least do it with some integrity.
0 likesYou may have forgotten that MLP is a kid's show...
0 likesYoung kids finding out that one of their favorite ponies wasn't actually there...
its awesome i love it
0 likesYay I love that idea it's so awesome and if it's true that would be so COOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!
0 likesIf u watch other theories about changelings you'll learn that some bronies think that pinkie pie is a changeling too
0 likeshey maybe the episode that u came up is gonna happen because in the end of the slice of life there is a changeling sitting down at the ceremony if thats not the case can u explain why there might be a changeling in that episode
0 likesI wanna know how chrysalis came to be was she once an evil alicorn that was banished by Celestia some were or something but why does she have so many holes in her along with The Changelings? Do you have any idea??????????????
0 likesI realised that all changelings are alicorns there like small versions of crysalis
0 likesThat would be the coolest episode ever!! Go doctor who and my little pony fans!!! /) (\ bro hoof!
0 likesits true like lets se you introduce two really bad couples as in evil that love each other forever there punishment is being givin to changelings so they dont ever have to invade
0 likesOr a king, and a new natural alicorn named Eclipse ( my OC ) destroys the King!
0 likesTrust me, I'm gonna make a new Princess, another invasion. Now, before you go yelling all over Equestria, she has an amazing backstory. So, just wait. And she's just a filly.
0 likesI love Doctor Who!!!!!
0 likesThe thing you want HASBRO to do ( I forgot the" to do")
0 likesThe idea is......AWESOME!!!!
0 likesLove the idea you should send it to them (unless you did something allready
0 likesomg season 5 make it happen!
0 likesThank you thank you for making a DOCTOR WHO connection it was great
0 likesHi brony, cookie kitty girl asked why doesn't chrysalis have a cutie mark. I would love you to do a video on that. Suggestion: Queen Chrysalis has no love. Think you can understand my suggestion? Leave a reply if you have more suggestions!
0 likesChrysalis is my ruler. She is a hero to us. I wish I was a changeling. Insead Im a dumb bat pony with no cutiemark.
0 likesthere was a good king sombra and a evil king sombra the good one got killed by the bad one and the good one went into the bad one body De end.... ( maybe )
0 likesOmg yass!! This idea has to happen!!
0 likesThat was very logical.
0 likesStory idea......AWESOME
0 likesChangelings are NOT parasites!!!!! They are just creatures who need to coincide with ponies for food. It's not Their fault Chrysalis did a full on invasion instead of just sneaking in. Just because they SEEM bad doesn't make them ALL bad. Some of them could have just wanted food and was driven from hunger to threaten pony lives, but in actuality could be as peaceful as.. Well, fruit bats.
0 likesI just think Changelings need a chance to be proven good instead of instantly being a villain in the shadow of their leader.
Replies (1)
But they are living creatures and should be treated as such. Just like African Americans, Changelings live, breathe, eat, feel- yes they may eat different foods, but you can't assume that they can't change..
0 likesi LOVE the idea
0 likesI love it
0 likesThe only villan who has a cutie mark is nightmare moon but she's not a villan no more she's princess luna
0 likesIf chrysalis comes back fluffle puff might show her self
0 likesThat would be AWSOME as long as its not fluttershy,applejack, or twilight there my fave so if the do come out with a ep like that I'm (I'm going mad voice) I'm just warning the writers
0 likesawesome, good doctor who idea!
0 likesI love the idea
0 likesDon't make fun of my mom! (My OC's mom is Queen Crysalis, duh.)
0 likesYes that would be cool to have another invasion but it would be pinky that is the changing because I know she is just wierd in a good way but she becomes wierd in a bad way somtimes
0 likesam i the only one who felt bad for the changlings?
0 likesplease just talk about something else besides Fluttershy I want Twilight
0 likesYes,yes... But which somepony is the doppelgänger might I ask
0 likesSo Your OC is a changeling. Cool. I'm not the only one who- NEVER MIND! I'm not a changeling. Nope. Not at all.
1 likeReplies (1)
im a dragon so
0 likesIt would make perfect episode
0 likesThat was...... EPIC and BOSS
0 likeslol, this is the moment everyone watching this vid bombards Hasbro with letters saying MAKE IT HAPPEN! jk, that'd be awesome though
0 likesThat would be awesome!!!
0 likesand she used to be a pretty mare but some pony gave her a love potin yet she was amune to it but is was a over dose and she kept drinking a potion that made her look like that and a kayos thing gave her the power since she ruled the insect kindom the kaos thing transformed all her people into change ling that is why she is not a bad guy she needs love like you said
0 likesi think it would be awesome as well
0 likesThat would be so cool!!!
0 likesit is super duper awesome
0 likesYou are on her side, because you are a changeling!
0 likesbest story line ever man U are amazing now could you plz make a video thats about equestria being a magicalised clone of earth in other words god made equestria but the made another dimention aka earth plz make this a vid oh and i would like to send you some pics throgh a letter so plz enclude adress etc bye from derpydragon FMX
0 likes@The Brony Notion That's a awesome idea.
0 likesHey Hasbro, if you read this comment, make twilight the pony who was never there that was a changling spy... ):)
0 likesIm a bit criselis evil on my side
0 likesThat "Pony that isn't really there" should b flash sentry LIKE IF U AGREE
0 likeswell they returned one changling in slice of life so there u go... even though this vid was made before then but still.
0 likesYou should so read Animorphs.
0 likesIt would be AWESOME
0 likesI agree with your idea
0 likesWhy did you bring up the doctor who scene, it's so saaaad....and soon after the Amy pond gets "killed" by a crying angle...
0 likesOops, Spoilers.
One changeling returns in season 5
0 likesUh, you are calling my queen a bad girl? Why I otta...
0 likesthey would be better if they could know who was not a chageling
0 likesOmg I'm gonna call HASBRO and make it happen
0 likesCALL hasbro tell the idea they will love it
0 likesi think that queen chysalis and king sombra used to rule the crystal empire with changlings and ponies co living i thin ?
0 likesI haven't seen that episode of Doctor Who yet!😠
0 likesAli: Do you want my love, come and get it. :3
0 likesI think it should be pinkie pie to be the changling
0 likesYYAASSSS!!!!!! made it happen
0 likesone word why she is diffrent fluffle puff
0 likesDon't yall see notion is a darn changeling
0 likesDon't the chanyallings look like a ALICORN look the wings and the horn Magog green glow those might be like celestia or Luna's unts or pas ALICORN'S maby crissalas had a spell too go too the pass ALICORN'S and make them evil and celestia & Luna's PARANTES
0 likesit is awsome
0 likesAwesome Idea
0 likesThen how wold the eliments of harming work?
0 likesNo elements make pony disapear and battles lost snips and snails disapear but don't touch pinkamina dian pie
0 likesGood idea!
0 likesReplies (1)
@mccannfamily28 https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&espv=2&biw=1455&bih=705&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=queen+chrysalis&oq=Queen+crystalis&gs_l=img.3.0.0i10i24.595322.610347.0.612565.
0 likesSo...................................... You just referenced Doctor Who
0 likesClearing up the fact and getting it out of the way that YOUR a changeling.
And then made an awesome spoiler. OK OUO
Thx you should've said spoiler alert about dr.who.but back to changelings if I was one I would've lived with ponies peacefully without helping the others or will I? But stttiiillll! Just make a dumb treaty of peace!!
0 likesI like your story idea brony
0 likesBut then the elements of harmony would not work ok look the elements of harmony work would they would of made the character disapear make a video with silver quil
0 likesIm a changling too! :D
0 likeswhat if pinky pie was one
0 likeswho else came here after the video when he said he was a changeling
0 likesReplies (3)
0 likesMe
0 likesMe
0 likesYou like her cuz shes your queen lawl
0 likesHis idea should happen
0 likesmy daughter thinks that the crysalis is nightmare moon.....x..x
0 likesI think that mlp is based on Dr who
0 likesi agree with your idea. i has to happen.
0 likesa changling did return in the new episode slice of lif
0 likesooo and i know the best pony to do an investation FLUTTERSHY! she can be a chageling and the "mane 5" didnt see they expouled fluttershy XD . so they have being with a chagling flutershy but when they figure it out ((twilight will figeere it out)) and there will be an epic battle in ponyville and ect...then celestia will bring real fluttershy in the end... and ponyville will be like destroyed but you know how like the city is destroyed and on the other episode it is all fine. -.- i think of that
0 likesYou made this video because your a changeling and you are on her side as a changeling!
0 likeshow do u make notion remixes?
0 likes0:50 CHANGELING!
0 likesAwsome
0 likesYup I think the same
0 likesAlso you just spoild the doctor who ep for me
0 likesMagic green glow
0 likeswene you were showing the vilins did you forget the dazzling ?
0 likesomg hasbro is ur listening PLEASE do the idea its like AMAZING DO ITTTTTTTTT PLZZZZZ
0 likesI like the idea, but
0 likesJust happened. IM A CHANGLING... i know ur secret ur one of my bros. I get it... My secrets safe with me! Wait my i mean yours. WAIT IS THIS A YOUTUBE COMMENT
0 likesomg yes with the doctor wh yus
0 likesspoiler alert, twilight isn't there.
0 likesNo I'm queen chrisalis
0 likesGood idea
0 likesawesome pawsome
0 likesread mlp is magic comic book 1 and 2
0 likesYeah why doesn't she?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesking soboran wants to mary princess celestia
0 likeswhy was there a changeling it the wedding in the 100th episode
2 likesReplies (3)
@Brandon Katavich Thank U
0 likes@Brandon Katavich This was before that, but I think since they feed off of love then a wedding would be a perfect place to go.
0 likes@Brandon Katavich Because that was the largest source of love we've ever seen. We have a large pod in our Hive now. It's running low because of Princess Twinkle Toes and Princess Twinkle Toes 2.
0 likesWhat a changeling
0 likesyes!!
0 likesSpoiler alert im not that far in dw
0 likesHundredth episode WUBSY THE CHANGELING
0 likesso u call ur self a paracite
0 likesONE OF THE MLP MANE 6 BEING FAKE?!? Ur crazy
0 likesYes
0 likesYassssssssssss
0 likesSo are u on her side or not
0 likesYou're latest videos don't have comments anymore. WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!!?
0 likesUmm.....derp!!!! :)
0 likeswhy doesnt hasbro ever listen to u!?!?!?
0 likesi no right n why do the minions have horns n wings r they alicorns
0 likesyes
0 likesyes yesyesyesyesyeyes
0 likes0:48
0 likesThorax
0 likesOr mybe not
0 likesAren't u a changeling
0 likesno no no no no no
2 likesyour copying pewdiepie!😵😧😑
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likes+Explosive KAMel It's a prank bro
0 likesI can't believe your a channeling
0 likesBro hoof
0 likesIdk XD
0 likesInteresting idea for reintroducing Chrysalis and her Changelings. In a way, this has already been done in the FIMfic "Destination Unknown".
1 likeI personally prefer Chrysalis over most of the main characters for the first two seasons. It's with her character that you first see the responsibilities of a ruler to her subjects. She isn't necessarily a villain; she only did what she had to for her people. While she did display some selfish aspects, especially in her manipulation of Twilight's friends in order to maintain her disguise, I have to argue that this was more or less an act under pressure. If she was truly a villain motivated only by her own selfish desires, she would have tried to bring Twilight on side, instead of banishing her to the cave system. This indicates to me that her thoughts were more focused on the invasion and her changelings rather than her own gain. To back this up, she states pretty clearly after revealing herself as Chrysalis that her changelings required food that only ponies could provide. Invading Canterlot was therefore an act primarily to tend to her subject, and only secondarily for her own gain. And apart from rule over what was to become a dead nation, what would she have to gain by seizing the throne?
So I think Chrysalis is really the only "good" villain the show has yet seen. Apart from maybe Sonata, but that's only because the siren's a bit of a dolt and probably doesn't realize what she's doing will actually harm anybody.
You know...I've had a theory about changelings for really long time now. What would you say if Queen Chrysalis actually invented the love potion? About a year ago I first watched the fan animation "Children of the Night", and if you listen to the voice over of the history of Luna's corruption, you'll hear the mare say after Luna wanted a kingdom of her own " For she thought it would divid and shader the weakened kingdom forever. Maybe in that time, since it was after Discords rain of power, the kingdom weakened and the love in it as well. Creating a period of depression. And you mentioned in the video, without love, the consequences would be death...so maybe she invented the love potion to create food for her own subjects? Now, I know it was a fan animation and all and there are a lot of different holes in my theory, but maybe, just maybe it could be possible?? I was hoping I could get your thoughts on it!
0 likesWell this opened my eyes. I pepersonally have always thought chrysalis was kinda an idiot but a powerful one. This just made me realize they could easily turn her into an awesome antihero. Like say they did help her changelings and she agreed to help them against any future threats. Make no mistake I think shes one of the more tragic villains now but how awesome would it be to see her become this antihero queen? That is what I'd love to see :)
0 likesI have a different idea on how they should run into the change-wings again.After their defeat at the royal wedding they are force to become scavengers and split up into small groups. The main 6 finds one group attacking a small town out of desperation do to the fact they are starving.
0 likesOr they find a lone change-wing that has taken on one of their appearances in an isolated town and has started a relationship with anther pony in order to feed off their love but has begun to feel genuine lover for the other pony they been tricking. Then their some conflict when the other pony they been tricking (just going to call him Tom) after some resolve they get Tom to accept the change-wing for who she is and her love and tom's love ends up being so strong for her that it transforms the changewing into a pony.
Your concept of one of the Mane 6 being a changeling all along reminds me of a fan fic where 'Pinkie Pie' was actually a "mini hive" of six changelings that would swap out being 'Pinkie' through out the day. "Pinkie's" memories and personality was consistent because of their hive mind.
0 likesThere was never an actual Pinkie Pie earth pony to begin with. 'Pinkie Pie" was just an invented persona for them to get love peacefully for as long as they can maintain their cover or live before they die of old age.
The fic is them skipping town after the invasion to avoid capture/death.
The way that I feel would be the best way to do this episode would be to have our main characters, who so happened to have just been given a magical map, to be sent to explore a cave only to discover the changelings living in poverty, and just to mix things up a little, say the map tells the mane 6 to send say Cadence and Shining Armor in their stead. Maybe even nudge nudge to the show's beginnings by ending with a letter to Twilight from Shining and Cadence.
0 likesSolution: give changelings parasprites. Parasprites would provide them with an endless source of love to feed off of. And parasprites always regenerate and create more, so they would never go hungry/ lose strength.
1 likethe best solution i could think of for the changlings is let them take the spot of a pony who died unexpectedly or something. mare and foal die in childbirth? dont break the stallions heart, put changlings there instead, they feed secretly and the other never suffers. its still kinda cruel sure, but it would work. just imagine it, as far as they know, never losing a love one, and letting the changlings feed without (more or less) hurting anyone
0 likesqueen chrysalis according to a well made fan fiction i saw awhile back didn't always look like she does now she looked like the princesses in a way she was colorful she was the queen of nature like a queen bee in a sense hence the insect type wings she has. according to it she made love potions to draw in stallions so she could gain there land and kingdom by marriage she only loved herself as it went though one prince was sneaky saw where her secret lab was and found the love potion and gave it to her in the drink her kingdom was famous for it was a sweet nectar drink. though he used to much and she transformed into the form she is now. as for the changlings they have no physical form they could just be extentions of her body or worker bees in a sense because her heart has no room because she loves only herself no one else and if she feeds on love can never have enough love because like a insect they always need food to thrive.
0 likesI would love to see a comeback of Chryssalis's changelings in season 5, they ould be a great fake out, leading twilight and the mane six AWAY from where the cutie mark map wants them to go. if it were any other villan, the six would fight them because, duh. they know the vilans! if it were a changeling it could feed off of love and drive them away.. idk, just a thought
0 likesin "This day aria" when chrysalis says "in my heart there is no room" she also could be saying that she only wants shining armor for his powerful love, not to actually love him. just a thought
0 likesThis episode idea is amazing, but I doubt hasbro or the production of MLP will not go for this story. It sounds a brilliant episode.
0 likeswe've been getting some development on the villains via a comic series called Feindship is magic. I recommend all five(5th one coming this week on Wednesday) to know of them better.
0 likesYou do realize that that Doctor Who episode set up for the greatest victory of the Doctor yet! The only other time I can think of where no one died (and I mean in direct conflict with Doctor and his allies, not two different factions within the same group friendly firing) is the WW2 story, which was by far the most scary episode for me!
0 likesWhat if one of our beloved ponies that was taken was Twilight? And the fact that she became a princess never happened but that it was a doppelganger the whole time? THAT would make an awesome episode.
0 likesI think that my favourite villain wanted Equestria to make what every ruler does..... To feed the subjects, it is like: you are the head in a family and you have to feed the members of it and you don't have food, this is why what Chrysalis make was somehow "good"... More than that, was the love was their food, so what they musted do? What? They musted find something, anything... And this is why she is my favourite villain, cause she wanted to make something good, not even bad...
0 likesThis is my teory(remind that I am from Europe) and I think it said " In Equestria is more love than any place I ever was"
---->and "I must feed my subjects", it has a corespondence, somehow.😜My OC is a Unicorn with magic strong enough to change his physical appearance. Meaning that he can change the shape of his body and give himself wings to boot or to have wings "and" a horn! So in a way my OC is technically an Alicorn "and" a Pegasis, as well as a Unicorn, when he even uses his magic to swap his horn for a pair of pegasai wings, when he's actually a standard everyday blood born Unicorn. Try not to over think it...
0 likesIf any of the Characters' places could be swapped with one of the members of the mane six, I would expect Rainbow Dash to be the one that switched places with a Changeling whilst people are expecting it to be either Apple Jack or Twilight, however... It can't be Twilight, because there's proof that she's still with the group, as is being the "Team Leader". So, if anypony; At least in the group was replaced, we would not know right away. The one that I would expect to surprise or shock a lot of fans in the brony/pagasister nation; would have to be Fluttershy, because of the fact that she represents kindness, but would seem suspicious from not showing signs of being shy. "Mainly due conversation" or "Lack of Interest in the group's Festivities". On top of that, "Limiting her time with the group" and having a normal tone voice in disagreement with the others".
The one people would never expect really, would be Pinky Pie, because of her crazy level of intuition and the way she is able to traverse through Ponyville so fast. On top of the way she "observes everypony around town". Including the amount of energy she has, something off with Pinky, would be she wouldn't be as energetic as usual, as she would most likely try to get in the way of the others even more than she already does, which wouldn't seem right either. Lastly, the imposter Pinky Pie would have more of an aggressive tone toward the others.
Now how good is my Observation?
Replies (9)
Thanks for the feedback! :) You have a good point. The capability of my OC being a shape shifter and being able to swap his horn for a pair of wings would be very hard to believe. Namaste and a wonderful day to you! :)
0 likesTo think of how long that would take!
Interesting, do you play minecraft(console) for PS3? I have a big world now.
0 likeslol! Digital!
0 likesMy oc is a sea pony (she has a tail) but her friend went missing and she found an ocean element (kinda like the alicorn amulet) and used it to turn herself half unicorn so she could walk on land, but whenever she touches water, she turns back into a sea pony
1 likeIt isn't counted as a Mary Sue if she's perfect, I based my oc off of my favorite tv show, h2o and mako mermaids, she has to learn the struggles of regular pony life and she isn't a princess
0 likesIsn't perfect I mean XD
0 likesDenial somewhat, but I based my OC the way I am in the real world, not really that close to fiction. So yeah, you may take that I'm defending other MLP fans, which that, I am, and I'm happy to do so. Many people make their ideas happen and they get judged, but does that stop them? That would be a big no, because lots of other people get inspired by that work, such as myself.
0 likesIt doesn't even matter if it IS a Mary Sue, and oc is whatever we make of it, mine is based off my favorite things and she's not some princess, nor anything special but I'm proud to say that my oc is not perfect, she can't do magic spells that would give her wings (though that would be awsome) and she doesn't live in some castle where she catered to her every need. ;)
0 likes@Pastel BreezeVA
You both have very inspiring characteristics and yes, definitely no Mary Sue concept. I did some rough thinking and thought of a reason for my OC's cutie mark. His cutie mark is a scroll with a quill next to it that represents a mix of talents and capabilities. My OC is a big explorer too. Also thanks for sharing, truly! ;)
Well, there is kind of a problem with your idea :(
2 likesThe changelings can't talk therefore if one of the changelings become (say for instance) Rarity's douplganger she wouldn't be able to talk, making it awkward and strange unless that's part of the story line. But, if you remember in an episode "Too many Pinkie Pie's" we already had the same story where there was basically an invasion of Pinkie Pie's by going into a pool in a cavern. The same thing happened in the episode with the parasprites where Fluttershy found a parasprite then fed it food then it multiplied and caused an invasion. But I get what you mean, wanting to see the changelings return. So do I.
Replies (3)
Um, rewatch the changelings episode. At the beginning of when they clone the mane six, they speak like twilight to confuse them.
2 likes@Matthew Caha but who knows if they're like parrots or can actually talk? I dunno
0 likes@Matthew Caha Yeah, I remember now but idk
0 likesThe chances of that happening is low and (in season 4) the main six used their rainbow powers so if one of them was a changing, the powers should not have worked
0 likesThis man needs an award for best plot twist ever
0 likesMe and my friend actually made a fanfic about the changlings coming back they are goodish but also has a twist Rouge ( discord and flutters daughter ) and Delany ( chrysalis's daughter ) try to make something the changlings could feed off instead of love they use rainbow essence, popcorn and something else to make something only young changelings could feed off but since only the young changelings could feed off of it others had to still feed off of love but secretly so yeah i also have a few more theories up my sleeve so thank you for reading oh and there is way more to this fanfic so ya bai!
0 likes"Absorbing his love has made me even more powerful than Celestia!" yeah, she used Shining Armor as a personal all you can eat buffet. She just let her changelings have everypony else.
0 likesAs a fan of both doctor who and my little pony, this should definitely be made into an episode.
0 likesI'm not sure how this would work because of Pinkie Pie. With her breaking the fourth wall so often, I'm sure she at least would know about one of her friends being switched out - and Pinkie Pie is too complicated a character to mimick to properly pull off as a changeling... or is it?
0 likesYour story idea was a nice idea but it lacked the obvious fact: if it was one of the mane 6 it would have been repelled by the blast and even if it some how hadn't it would have probably experienced a reaction after such a long exposure to the amazing bond the mane 6 share.
0 likesWell I have a feary ( I do not care if I spelled that wrong ) that queen Crisalis was the ruler of the Crystal Kingdom BEFORE Cadance had arrived. So maybe Christalis just wanted to rule a kingdom that she might have ruled in the past which could be the reason why she turned into Cadance besides her feeding off Shining Armors love.
0 likesMy OC is a unicorn that was raised by a Changeling, so this would be an amazing idea for the show ,you've got my vote🚩
0 likesi dont think she should come back with another invasion but instead realise her faults and come back on her own and admit she was wrong but still have 'outbursts' of the evil inside
0 likesI think cadence and shining armor have not banished them with that love wave , I think that wave was full of their two's love that will keep alive Qeen Chrysalis and her subjects
0 likesi think the idea of a changeling reappearance is AWESOME they should totally consider it
0 likesFluttershy had fangs just like the changelings before.She did battle with the changelings, maybe they could've been switched.
0 likesIt would be pretty funny, if pinkie pie would be a doppelganger from the magical mirror pond, fluttershy would still be a vampire fruit bat and one of the others would be a changeling....
1 likeI would totally love to see that kind of episode!
0 likesThat sounds ...
Maybe, flutterbat was a changeling, and she shifted into a bat on that episode from her shape-shifting malfunctioning during the invasion, she was replaced by the changeling!😮 MIND. BLOWN.
0 likesI love how you brought up Doctor Who. You always do, so I suppose that you are a faithful FANDOM member.
0 likesI'll tell you what i want in a return of the changelings episode,
0 likesI want to see just why she wants shining armor
is she actually in love with him however, she just doesn't realise.
heres how i think changelings be reintroduced: celestia summons twilight and the others, then we find that she is really chrysalis and the guards are changelings and they explain that they will dye without love
0 likesSo Brony Notion at the end of the video you said,"what if one of are loved ponies wasn't actually there." Would't that mean the elements wouldn't work?
0 likesAlthough it is a good theory, but the idea of Hasbro doing what you said is a little bit dark. I mean, it IS a show that was originally made for 6 year old girls.
0 likesYes this could also mean that Twilicorn is just a changeling and is not real. Yes.
0 likesReally though it would work better with a side character, because MLP ain't that dramatic...
ORRR A season finale/beginning COULD start with a normal week and later they find out that one of the princesses is a changeling. Yes, changeling, not Crysialiss herself. This wouldn't imply that she was a Changeling all along, but rather that she just got replaced.
i think i have a theory, but i don't know if the episode i am going to mention comes before or after the wedding. if it's before the wedding then my theory is complete bullshit.
1 likel
\ /
my theory is that during the chaos of "too many pinkie pies" a lost changeling sees the many doppelgangers and thinks they are changelings too. during the disaster it realizes it's mistake but is too late to escape as the other five round them up for the test. during the test the real pinkie gets sent to the mirror pool and the changling passes the test and assumes her identity, and with it's magic,( as i am not sure how powerful it is), inherits her memories and personality, while still knowing what it truly is.
i welcome others to point out any flaws in this as this is my first attempt at mlp theories.
Replies (2)
@alex altenberger Woah
0 likes@alex altenberger This might work in a show more aimed at adults like Doctor Who, but for a kids show the idea of Pinkie Pie having died by explosion is too dark I think. It'd make for a good fanfiction though!
0 likesI hate to be the person to poke holes in your awesome idea to bring back the changelings. But throughout the seasons since the changelings were banished by candence and shining armor in the season 2 finale. We see the mane 6 use the elements of harmony in keep calm and flutter on, magical mystery cure, MLP EG, both parts of princess twilight sparkle, and at the end of the season 4 finale twilights kingdom. To me at least i dont thing a changeling could even comprehend the magic of friendship let along wield it. also the elements are bound to the mane 6 because when twilight tells spike to be the element of loyalty in the return of harmony the elements fail. Well this idea is pre season 5 so who knows maybe our good little friend fluttershy can reform a changeling to be nice and not want to attack anything that shows love.
0 likesWhen you think about it the changelings energy is almost crystalline mabe they could use something like a power crystal
0 likesReplies (2)
But this could cause them to comeback with some thech never seen before exept for the crystal empire
0 likesBut if you think about crysalises dark intents this could also result in crystalline wepons
0 likesI think a villan should win at the end of a season and then be defeated in the 5th or mabey 7th episode
0 likesIt could be fluttershy! She still has that tooth from the bats meaning its really somepony else!
0 likesSuper! Love that story <3
0 likesWould love that episode cause I love doctor who!!
0 likesWAIT OMG YOURE A WHOVIAN TOO?!? My heart just shattered into a million pieces.
0 likesi agree....but they should add hints and clues of the changlings return...then....QUEEN CHRYSALIS
0 likesIf they were to do that, I want flutters to be the changling
0 likesQueen chrysalis didnt always look that way she was the queen of the insect kingdome
0 likesMind totally blown! Also, you mentioned Doctor Who (SQUEEE!).
0 likesChangeling applejack would be good because when se turned back into a changeling she could say,"Ive been here ever since'applejack' broke that pinkie promisr
0 likesmaybe the missing one of the Mane 6 could be Fluttershy, because of the snaggle tooth at the end of Bats!
0 likesWell changelings cant feed off there own kind but true love would be endless supply in my theory
0 likesyes that would be cool to have that happen to the main six but it would also be sad I mean all of them have a special place in our hearts and if you of them where to not be there it would make a lot of the fans sad and some angry I for on would be sad but would still in joy the show, but I don't think messing with one of the six would be a good idea. Maybe it was on of there friends or other pony's in pony villi or Canterllot that had become close to the six but had been replaced by a changeling pretending to be them like you said, and those saying there to be another invasion to take over Equestria and feed on the love. So yes I do like your idea about and invasion and a double ganger but I don't think it should be on of them main six. sorry if my wording is wiered on this I'm not that good at spelling some words. I hope you consider my idea
0 likesOr, the cutie map could bring them to the changelings bad lands, and let the ponies see how they made the changelings suffer.
0 likesIt's too bad that they may have killed off the changeling's off in the comics
0 likesAnd Here's A Question: Why Does FlufflePuff Love Chrysalis?
0 likesThat episode idea sounds cool, but the idea of a four year old seeing Apple jack melt into dust would probably freak all the babies who watch mlp out.
0 likesWhat if a "New Pony" came to town, and that pony be the changeling?
0 likesif you ask me the biggest difference would be the fact that she had a villain song the first official villain song in the series before, of course the songs sung by the dazzlings were the next ones I mean name one ACTUAL villain that got a villain song in the series that's well known
0 likesI feel like Pinkie Pie would be a phony.That would NOT be a hungry changeling, because Pinkie Pie has a lot of friends outside of the Mane Six, an extrovert which means more love: Most of Ponyville is friends with Pinkie.
0 likesThats a cool concept for a season finale (season 5 finale, make it happen hasbro)
0 likesif you want to know the real resons of how sombra and queen chrysalis and terek and the sirens and nightmare moon became bad read the my little pony comic books the villains comics are call fiendship is magic hope i helped :)
0 likesYes I'm with the you maybe there should be another attack and Derby or Laura should be the changelings that would be cool
0 likesHow is crysilis become a alicorn and how are her minions alicorns too. My theory is that she might be the mother of them so who would be the father.
1 likeI would watch that episode everyday
0 likesI read a my little pony comic from light speed hobbies where twilight let her go and another invasion happened.
0 likes"The Almost Ponies"? MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
0 likeswhen it went up to your face, i wanted to laugh so hard...
0 likesWhat about that for the return of Chrysalis would be that She and her minions have been watching Equestria for a while and, while growing weaker, One of them stumble back into Ponyville. The MANE six finds it but notices they are weak. After a little while of accepting that they would die without love, they try to find a place for them. They would find the Crystal empire and they would live there, feeding off the love that the Ponies generate. Thos "proving" the theory that the Changelings lived in the Crystal Empire before Sombra! =3
0 likesNot just over a barrel but in bats too when they made a sanctuary for them
0 likesAre changlings alicorns are they also gods and notice "Queen" chrysalis is also an alicorn but she calls herself a queen
1 likeOMG!!! What if that's the reason why Luna wasn't there for the fight! What if one of the changlings ( most likely Chrysalis) is the Luna right now!?! Dun dun DUN!!!😲
0 likesThat would work for flutter shy as she turned into flutter bat
0 likesBut how would attacking the equestrians make them love them? HMMMMM.....
0 likesYour mlp episode ideas are amazing
0 likesU should do one on dr hooves or derpy
0 likesIf that did happen they should make the secret pony Twilight
0 likesDamn you The Brony Notion... i like Chrysalis A LOT and i want to see an episode just like you said, it would be awesome.
1 likeLove it
0 likesChrissy is my favorite villain. In fact, you know what I am not going to tell u guys and girls.
0 likesThat's a cool idea. No Joke. But, that would change the whole story line, and the way people look at MLP. Forever.
1 likeLol so dramatic XD
love it
0 likesThis idea sounds awesome
0 likesthat would mean one of the main six would have not learned some of the lessons or maybe twilight wasnt even an alicorn
0 likesOr Hasbro could make Fulffle Puff canon.
0 likesI love the idea.
0 likesWhat if the mane six were all changing who could hypnotise ponies in to thinking they were ponies not changelings
0 likesSombra because he was driven insane by dark magic
0 likesOf corse I love the idea and I love dr.who
0 likesThere might be a trope name for your story idea. If there is, I can't figure it out.
0 likesIf you look at the list of episodes yes this episode would happen in season five basically pony ponyville One pony is being attacked by just one and I hope by and I'm trying to make the change is the changeling is being ummm reposed ? I picture Cherokee hitting him with a broomstick
0 likesthey have and by leak info the changelings are coming back in season 5. Plot unknown but in might be this.
0 likesYes! Please make this ieda real!
0 likesThis is the Burning Ocean,brohoove.
0 likesMade my day.
Perfect idea!
0 likesIf hasbro did make one go i think it would be applejack cuz her family deeply deeply love her
0 likesP.s. just sayin DONT TAKE AWAY MY FLUTTERSHY!!!!
sombra loved luna then he cast dark magic then luna was angery you need to watch inkrose,s video to understan
0 likesI love that idea
0 likesHEADCANON ACCEPTED. (also you mentioned Doctor Who squee)
0 likeswhat is weird is that the changlings are like alicorns? they have wings and a horn
0 likesI just had an idea what if all the pones were changelings and they were using elements of disharmony or is my theory stupid
0 likesthat would be so cool if they did that but, how would be switched?
0 likesMaybe not one of the mane 6, it would be more interesting if it were spike!
0 likes0:31 i love how tirek dont fit in the picture :D
0 likesWell, she would sing ther's no MORE room.
0 likesChrysalis should have got a better ending
0 likesLike if she was a long lost princess of a fairy tale kingdom and the changelings and her were under the spell of a dark alacorn of some sort of dark magic when cadence and shining use there love spell chrysalis and her changelings get set free from the spell and they fly away to there kingdom
THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER ENDING HASBRO!!! (It should be when chrysalis returns!)
0 likesoooo what if giving them love transforms them into cute adorable bug ponies :3
0 likesyou have to call spoilers before saying things about other tv shows!!!!!!
2 likesThe story idea is a nice one, but it isn't possible in a show thats target audience is children.
0 likesIf this does happen Hasbro could use this as an excuse for why Rainbow Dash isn't exactly acting like the element of loyalty.
0 likesDangit, please put up a spoiler annotation at the point you mention Doctor Who. Not that I'm mad at you or anything, just a heads up for other people.
0 likesBut thank u bronynotion at least 1 ponie understands our dilemma
0 likesXD
Lol I'm a BIG fan of Doctor who
0 likesBecause i really needed to be spoiled about doctor who.
0 likesThanks.
(That was sarcastic btw)
That couldn't work caused only the PONES with Right character could do it so unless there was a last minute swap that could work which whould lead to a lame plot a bunch of singing and walking to christles's base so big no no there plus its just a lame Villon in the first place
0 likesAmazing idea
0 likesthats acually a pretty good idea. hasbro, cmon
0 likesI think that cristalis only love to be the quin of all equetra or that she only love herself
0 likeswell if that is so. i'm adopted one and will give it so much love it wont know what to do with. that's how much i care ^_^
0 likesOhmygod!!! U r AWESOME!!!! Not only do u make good vids, but u did a vid w/ cannedcream AND mentioned doctor who!!!! I luv u 4 dat
0 likesthe elements of harmony kill your doctor who episode.
0 likesyou've reminded me of all the AWFUL, HORRIFIC, STUPID plots the 11th doctor suffered
He's on her side!
0 likesThat would be pretty cool, nice thinking dude!
0 likesI think that's great idea.😈genus at work here
0 likesUgh, Chrysalis became Princess cadence ( transformasion ) And was trying to get Shining armour's control! Reply if you know what im talking about!
0 likesflutershy is the one becase at the end of BATS flutershy had the fang of fluterbat
0 likesDude that iss like the awesomest idea ever it should be like pinkie or flutter shy. Dude great idea:-)
0 likesThey should not show it that way cause there is no way the changeling could adopt to the friendship thing they could show a starving changing asking for help
0 likesAwesome!!!!!
0 likesCan u find out why queen chrysalis doesn't have a cutie mark
0 likesReplies (1)
@Kimmie Young Um, changelings dont get cutie marks.... as far as i know
0 likesWTF!?she's blank flank!?😱😱😱
0 likesI love the story idea ill tell hasbro on twitter :) like if you like the story idea
0 likestheres a comic where the changlings return
0 likes1:40 "I've seen some shit man."
0 likesAre her changelings like moths?
0 likestotally make a episode about that, but please leave out the pony-not-being-there-thing IF YOU TAKE AWAY RAINBOW DASH I WILL..... I don't know, unsubscribe?
0 likesI dont like that idea of one of the ponyies being fake cause that means all the friendship was nothing and its just soooo sad
0 likesHope the fake pony would be applejack!
0 likesKing sombras story is he usto to be a normal pony but when he found in one of his books that how it hapend and explaining his horn
0 likescan I just say ASOWME
0 likesbrilliant
0 likesO.O
0 likesMind....
It would be pinkie!
0 likesAWESOME
0 likesmlp comic says sombra driven by mom lol
0 likesRainbow has 7 words 7-7 equals 0. 0 is a of an oval. Wondering the same thing well you will find out twilight illuminati confirmed but wait! There's more you put rainbow and twilight together DO you se it!!! Well let's look closer closer illuminati confirmed you can't believe it rainbow dash is illuminati confirmed.
0 likesWhat if pinkiepie is a changling .mind blown
0 likeschrysalis lives with a pink flufeypony
0 likeswhat if it was twilight! but i want it to be pinky pie asome!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesCrazy side but it's cool
0 likesI thought she was white and gold?
0 likesis chrysiles a pony.cuz she has a cutie mark.how she got it is beyond me.plz look at this notion.
0 likesI vote Pi-wi
0 likesI think it's pinky pie she's a changling
0 likesDo changelings have cutie marks
0 likesWe invasion thing I suggest YEAH!
0 likesthat would by awesome
0 likesYour a CHANGELING!!! Go princess Cadence and shining Armor
0 likesThat sorry would be GREAT
0 likesBut there are a thasond save the changeling's fan story's out there
0 likesGood idea
0 likesQueen cheeslegs
0 likesShe 1 wust a good queen but a love posin
0 likesAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDD Seson 6 of doctor who just got ruined -_-
1 likeI wan to se it also I'll send this video tords them and hope I don't get "in trouble" with them
0 likescool
0 likesCool
0 likesOMFG SPOILER I WANTED TO KNOW THAT >:( IM ON SEASON 5 ALREADY! but your my fav utuber so i can forget about it :3
0 likesyes!!
0 likescool vid brony bro
0 likesOMG i didnt know you watch that to :O
0 likesit's shado
0 likesWhy are there alicorns
0 likeskk i go tell lauryn feast
0 likesLinked!
0 likesno!!
0 likesAnyone wached season 6 last episode
0 likesYour a chaneling aren’t you!?!? 😖
1 likeso not awesome actually that would be crazy and weird and sad and all those other words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likeswtf
0 likesFTRO 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😸😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
0 likesME NO KNOW
0 likesno not been like bee like
0 likesno
0 likesno
0 likesI'd love to see a return of them as well; Of all the villains, Chrysalis seemed like the only one that could have an actual returning storyline, backstory, hell even a culture to draw from. All the others were like "We need a neat looking badguy. Boom!" and that's that. I'd love to see more development on behalf of the Changelings. Can they feed on anything else? Do they HAVE to invade, or can they just assume lives in disguise? Would they give negotiations a chance if it meant they could feed? Can they feed without completely depleting their target? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
1 likePerhaps the Invasion was a desperation move; last ditch attempt to get as much food as possible in a short amount of time. It certainly didn't seem like a first-option move to me.
I feel like the ending could work, although, in a different way. Remember how Pinkie liked the changelings? And how PINKIE has been pretty insufferable this season, with a few exceptions. I feel as if both a changeling and Pinkie are running around Ponyvile! The main 6 running into this changeling would be a pretty good start for an episode like this!
1 likeI've gotta say that "in my heart there is no room" could mean quite a few different things. I don't think it truly means what you implied. A king/queens heart should always be with their kingdom, in times of war, peace, famine, or boom. Though it is true that she's there to feed her kingdom, it doesn't truly mean in the sense you're talking about. If we are to assume that they are a hive like structure she would love all the other changelings due to them actually being her children. It's obvious that they require the love to survive, but I don't think that's the only thing they would feed on. I think that it's a little bit more supernatural then that.
0 likesI think the most effective reintroduction of the changelings would be to have a young changeling (say applebloom's age) stumbles out of the everfree and into the apple family's orchard alone, and obviously starving. Much more impact.
0 likesMuch like how the Joker is to Batman. Chrysalis is to Twilight. Chrysalis is the only villain in MLP to directly affect one of Twilight's family members.. Shining Armor and Cadence. I know the Mane 6 are a family. But Chrysalis in my eyes was more personal to Twilight than the other villains.
2 likesI've got an idea. After the love explosion, it left a bunch of love behind, sort of like radiation. The changelings gave been surviving for a while on this. Finally, it all runs out. Chaos and mass hysteria break out. The hive is destroying itself. Changelings run away. Changeling spies are knocked everywhere in Equestria. Finally, Chrysalis swallows her pride for the good of all the changelings and comes for help. Then the episode continues to be cool.
0 likesAlthough I think it would be interesting that Fluttershy would be the changeling, I think it should be some other pony of the Mane Six, because Fluttershy kind of gets taken advantage of too much. She's so kind and fragile, I think it should be another pony.
0 likesI would LOVE to see an episode or episodes where Fluffle Puff (the popular OC we all love) reformed Chrysalis to good, so age can feed off love, and so her loyal subjects won't starve to death, which in my opinion, is cruel, even for the changelings, I mean seriously poor guys
0 likesThe idea suggested in this episode, is somewhat used in three of the comics. Problem is, they don't entirely use the idea properly. It wasn't one of the mane 6, it was everyone in ponyville. I like the idea that in the comics they replaced pony's with Changlings, but it being everypony other than the Mane 6 and Spike is kind of unbeleivable.
0 likesPersonally I believe if they ever managed to reintroduce the changlings it would be the mane six finding one starving to death in the forest. Of course, being good little ponies they would save and care for the starving changling and such, provide love. Not strong love, mind you, but love none the less. As such they would realize the problem the changlings have, trying to find love to feed off of.
0 likesThe story idea of the imposter changling sounds interesting. However, I must admit it could ruin the show in a few ways. For example in the 4th season there was one episode for each of the main 6 that represented their element of harmony and showed how it could be hard to embrace. In each of these episodes each pony received a gift which turned into a key and these gifts were very meaningful. It would all be ruined if one of the ponies had been a fake the whole time. Just a thought.
0 likesI like that second idea and I have the perfect pony in mind from the main 6 to be the imposter, Pixie Pie. Her humour changed in season 3 what a perfect solution to explain why she was also mean to Fluttershy in Fillie vallilee.
0 likes"In my heart there is no room" She obviously feeds off her minions! Lol just kidding. I'd love to see more of them, I'd love some changelings to be in cities!
0 likesI think a have a good idea of how to reintroduce the changelings.
0 likesI would think that the Mane 6 discover a hurt changeling someplace or another, since they got blasted away after the wedding. In my opinion,I think it's a pretty good idea!
yes..That makes so much sense!!!! Ive always been hoping for another episode with Chrysalis! :)
1 likeI also like 'Fluffle Puff Tales' for the possibility that Chrys and her Changelings could live in Equestria as productive citizens. All they need is a living battery who does not care that she's functioning as a battery, which is why I want to use Fluffle Puff in that capacity in my fanfics. But first, I have to get the Changelings back to Ponyville. Without giving away too much, I plan to use 'Equestria Girls' to do this.
0 likesIt would be so cool if a changeling turned into twilight and then was convincing the other five to give them another chance, but the plan backfires and they destroy the changeling as twilight then the 5 find the real twilight with chrysalis while they were talking things over and they finally make things right? Now that is an interesting plot twist!!!
0 likesi dont really think it would work with the main characters unless we see one getting kidnap, but what if it was one if the background, or atleast less segnificant character? the thing is that it's done something similare to what im talking about in the comics, just thr the changlings acted like zombies though...
0 likesI think its a great idea to bring back the changlings also im a big doctor who fan so I see what you are getting at! Also I wonder if story writers at hasbro even watch youtube videos like these?
0 likesOoh! What if the "Changling pony" was Fluttershy? In the episode "Bats!" Even after being turned back to normal she still has a sharp tooth, like a changling.
0 likesPerhaps the magic Twilight used to turn Fluttershy back weakens the changling's powers, therefore the tooth is visible.
I like you idea but, this could mess up the whole rest of the series. The pony this happens to yes will remember but, the ponies didn't actually spend time with this pony. This could lead to them growing apart. They could though accept a new pony and for a few episodes have them grow closer and the rest what you said. Loved the video though!
0 likesI'm not a brony (although I'm definitely not an anti-brony), and still, I would definitely watch an episode with that storyline
0 likesI would like to see them return and about King Sombra i think he was driven by the desire for power and rulership.
0 likesNot trying to say it's a bad idea, but I already thought of it. It won't work as the ponies have learned and been through to much together, but if you were to maybe have one first invasion( where they switch) then three episodes later have a second invasion were... The double agent betrays the cba flings because of the friends she's made.
0 likesI think it would make sense if it was Fluttershy, because in the episode "Bats!" she still has her fangs, I think maybe a changling could use that to their advantage and transform as her during her "bat" form? Just an idea, for my sweet, sweet lord- i mean my awful hatred.
0 likesI think fluttershy should be the changeling. the fake flutter would try to convince chrysalis to find a better way, since the imposter and the other 5 have bonded. and when the REAL flutter comes back, she has the fangs from when she was a bat. I MEAN, COME ON! THEY POINTED IT OUT IN THE END OF THE EPISODE! ARE THEY JUST GONNA THROW IT OUT?! this has been: A random Comment...
2 likesGood Day
Neet idea, I like it!!
0 likesMaybe they try to use the elements again, having it gail, and forcefully revealing the changeling!
That would be a very interesting episode. I would love to see that happen.
0 likes0:34 Actually, she just makes an offhand mention about wanting to feed her children. Nothing in the story said the Changelings were her children.
0 likesBy running The Brony Notions idea on a character being Chrysalis, someone may have responded to this. While watching the Babs Seed music video, i discovered at one point, Babs eyes change to Chrysalis' eye color, indicating a return of her. At the point after the first chorus, the Cutie Mark Crusaders walk into a movie theater. When Babs lifts up the reel and comes out of the projection, notice her eyes change color. I may not be accurate, as it could be a number of things. It could be, in theory, a change from the projection of the movie.
0 likesI see what you mean but chrysalis still has selfish motives that would tempt her to do something crazy. so they could never live in peace. But I like your ideas. 😄
0 likesI don't know if this has already been said but on DA an artist did a comic where Queen Chrysalis was actually the Queen of the Flutter Ponies, but those were replaced with the Breezies in season 3, but it was still a nice gesture to the Generation 1 ponies. So if the writers did bring Changlings back it might be nice of they brought Flutter Ponies too because the entire Changling race are just like the Ponies of Equestria but seem like they were cursed. Kind of like Sombra if you look into it.
0 likesI agree, the Changelings should have a place in Equestria with all the other ponies, and live in harmony, if I worded that right
0 likesThen as revenge Sombras shadow over took the third sister he threatened to hurt the other sisters if she didn't turn. The shadow made her look like what she is today. But she didn't attack soon enough. So he took Luna. He threatened to take celestia bit he couldn't because light, celestia is the opposite of darkness. People have theories of old chrysalis, and we can tell the shadow is over wrapping her true self. But if she was defeated she would still have holes.
0 likesThere are some things that won't make sense. But if Hasbro would show the reason why they feed off love it would make a great episode. For example if they would have the mane 6 travel equestria and stumble upon Queen Chrysalis and find out reasons they feed on love, lets say they were cursed, maybe they could find a way to change it into a feeding off of friendship of each other. the changelings could feed off there own friendship. Making that into an episode will slove the problem as well as getting to know the Chaneling queen and her subjects.
0 likesYou should make a video on how crisis is some how a queen when luna and celestia are only princesses. This shows that queens do exist in equestia and when celestia and crisis fight it shows that crisis being a queen has more power.
0 likesI see where you are going like princess celestia could have been chrysais and you can see the changlings have a horn and wings so maybe on of the changlings took twilights memory and pretended to be a princess and chrysalis made celestia go along with it. If they made an episode where the real princess celestia finds the real twilight in the forbended library in a cocoon and she gets her out and asked her what happen that would be awesome
0 likesPersonally, I think that Rainbow Dash would be the most likely to be the doppelganger. Like you said in your own video, Rainbow hasn't exactly been loyal...
0 likesWait... Nightmare Moon is motivated by envy, Chrysalis gluttony, Sombra wrath, Tirek greed. I wonder if this will continue?
1 like(The tentacle things for lust maybe? Lol)
Or wait, what about Nightmare Moon envy, Chrysalis lust, Sombra greed, Tirek gluttony?
This is actually not going to happen for one at the end of season 4 (sorry if I'm late at saying this) when they used the "Rainbow Magic" (you should totally use that the next time you talk about magic) wouldn't the changeling get vaporized?
0 likesWait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I just found out something about cadence, in the MLP episode, " Hearts and Hooves day ", the crusaders learned that forcing two ponies to love each other isn't the right thing to do, but isn't that exactly what princess cadence does?!?!?!?!?!? As twilight Sparkle says: "My mind is officially. BLOWN!"
1 likein one part your kinda refering ink roses story one of the lines is "and she would do all to keep them safe" so of course that means her urge to protect her kingdom and changelings would fill her heart
0 likesReplies (1)
Also this is exactly like the sirens they feed of hate "I'm tired of Fast Food I Need a Meal" meaning they don't eat regular food they feed of ponys hate
0 likesI have an awesome theory: what if Crysalis is Celestia and Luna's mother, but was cursed or something and wants to get her kingdom back? Thry that one for size
0 likesNot sure if you're willing to listen but there's a theory that Luna was Chrysalis to test if she could beat Celestia or something "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world she didn't exist"
0 likesOn another note, them conquering the changelings in my opinion could support my "Dark Equestria" theory
OMG I love your idea! That would be an awesome finally to season five...
0 likesif they did make a episode like that I would recommend them doppleganging fluttershy cause I feel if she would be in there it would be better because she is kind and helpless right?
0 likesdon't they add evidence of this after the ending credits in the Canterlot wedding episode when it shows a bunch of ponies in the horrible green goo pods? so that might be a hint for the return of the changelings!
0 likesdon't they add evidence of this after the ending credits in the Canterlot wedding episode when it shows a bunch of ponies in the horrible green goo pods? so that might be a hint for the return of the changelings!
0 likesYes...SO MUCH YES!
I love Queen Chrysalis. Best idea ever on that story thing... the doppleganger. It should be Twilight. Only because since she is a princess, and Luna (a princess) turned into Nightmare Moon, It would make sense if she turned evil. You get me? Actually, with an accidental spell from Discord, that magic should cause Princess Tia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight to turn into monsters!!! Awesome
1 likechrysalis had another chance: just let all of the changelings transform into random ponies and arrive like: our kigdom has been destroyed, now we need a home..." and after a few years, when everypony trusts them, tell them they are changelings and they had to do it or they would have died or something. no, it was cool the way it was.
0 likesand now: forget what i said
If one of the ponies where actually a changeling then how would the elements have been used in the other seasons?
0 likesThey can't pull that off, because the elements of harmony was still working later on in the show and probably a changeling can't replace true friendship, or can he?
0 likesI don't think it would work because if one of the ponies where a changling than they wouldn't be able to use the elements.
1 likeWell the video does make sense. Why? Because in the end of Royal Canterlot Wedding part 2 we see the real Twilight in a cocoon. This emplys a theory for me. Was it possible that Twilight was never made into an alicorn?
0 likesHmmmm......I'm thinking something else.......what if Chrysalis made peace with the ponies and have both sides living in harmony?Even though they feed on love they can actually can live too with them if they accept their offer?
0 likesI really don't like to disagree with anypony, but since then didn't the ponies open up Twilight's magic castle thingy. If one of the ponies was replaced by changings would that mean that one of the changlings could have the element of that pony... I think not. Thanks for reading!
0 likes@The Brony Notion I totaly Agree with you But it is something that should happen in a Season Premiere or Season Finally (Or if the writers would make a Two parter that would not be a Season Premiere or Finally :D) that is what i think...
0 likesi like your ideas and all but i'm not sure how well the younger viewers would take it like as you said you need to find a middle where brony's are happy and so are the younger fans so i don't think that would happen
0 likesThey did bring the changeling's back in the comics!
0 likesThank you for adding the Doctor Who reference and that is a GEINUS IDEA
0 likesI think it would be a pretty good idea to introduce the changelings again but in twilight and flash's love for each other (and btw, I don't get why so many bronies hate flash century if they claim to just like the show and NOT be sexually attracted to them)
0 likesReplies (6)
Wait mabe flash is a fake he might be a changeling who tried using its power to make a unque one...................but hopefully my queen will tell me(says with a wisper)um...........I never said that!!!!
0 likes@jocelyn ciron
0 likesthat would be awesome but unlikely, first how would they know twilight would fall for him and second in both worlds?
A lot of people don't like him because he's very poorly written character. He really has no depth what-so-ever to him. Also a lot of it can also be from the way he was introduce. That god awful used to date the antagonist but then bumps into the protagonist and suddenly the two are head over heels in love stereotype. It's such a stupid and over used plot device. Thus seeing the writers of a show that's done so well with it's story writing and characters do that really struck a nerve with a lot of people. A lot of hate began to stir up for that unneeded/unwanted useless romance sub plot, aka Flash Century.
1 like@Spirits818 people only think he's not well written because we haven't seen much of him and thanks to all this hate, now they're planning on dissing the idea of flash all together i think
0 likes@Lpspawsome Actually no. He's had more than enough screenshot to have shown character depth if he had any.
1 like@Spirits818 But u saw the reaction in the cinema when flash came in and then trixie broke up the kiss and now trixie is everyone's hero!
0 likesMe personally I love chrysalis so if there was a new episode so to say season 5 i think that I will puke love into my own mouth and then scream in joy
0 likesI LOVE LOVE LOVE DOCTOR WHO and yes I WANT that to happen
0 likes1:39 "and a lack of this love would mean - death" closeup of her face oh... and that is what she would be saying, just look at her face
0 likesYou should do a video on how the changelings are kind of alacorns
0 likessarcastic tone So in the battle at the end of season 2 Twilight is replaced by a changeling and all through what we have now it is changeling Twilight. At the end of season 3 twilight became an alicorn, but what if instead of her becoming an alicorn it was just a bit more of the changeling body coming through because it isn't used to holding a form for so long.
0 likesFlash should return but it should be a changeling in his form.
0 likesThat's a interesting theory, but that doesn't explain how the elements of harmony would respond to them..
0 likesbut if one of the mane 6 was a changling,the elements of harmony would not work
0 likesWell lately we have seen Flash Century and Twilight get closer how about with them but a little like Cadence and Shining Armor
0 likesAwesome idea bro! If I worked for my little pony I would make it happen! Bro hoof!
1 likeI would love that for an episode ^-^
0 likessound fairly decent but we all should know what hasbro is like never listens to anyone but the bean counters.
0 likesYour episode should become an official episode in season 5.
0 likesWhy would she still have holes? Well as we saw when Nightmare moon was defeated peelings from the shadow or something was left behind and the true Luna was left with dark spoches on the cutie mark from the shadow. The shadow brings out the sadness, fear and everything bad hidin in there heart. The changelings? Probably ponies chrysalis turned into minions. Hmmm, I wonder what happened to sky wishes and minty..........
0 likeswhat about the smiling ponies in the season 5 snipit? could that be how the changelings return?
0 likesWhat if Fluttershy was actually a Changeling? That would explain why she still had a fang after the flutterbat episode. >:)
0 likesQuestion, at first in this day aria "cadence's" rose in her hair was red. Then later in that song, it turns pink. Also. When "cadence" (chrysalis) sings this line- "but I still want him to be, ALL MIIIIIIIIINE" there is an animation error with her eyes. Sorry hasbro. And bronies. And pegasisters.
0 likesThat is clever and easily pull off. I like it.
0 likesWhat do you mean by, "I'm not on her side, ALTHOUGH THAT MIGHT BE TRUE" ?
0 likesThat would be awesome. I vote ten out of ten muffins
0 likesI like the idea of that one of the ponies actually was a changeling, but princess Cadance and Shining Armor used a spell to remove all of the changelings from the crystal empire. And since the mane six has been using the elements of harmony a few times after these episodes, none of the mane six can be a changeling. The elements of harmony only works on certain ponies, like pinkie pie, twilight sparkle, applejack, rarity, fluttershy and rainbow dash. And if one of the mane six were to be a changeling, where did the other mane-six pony go? she clearly didn't get banished like the rest, and i believe cadance would've noticed if any of the mane six were to walk the steets of the crystal empire. so yeh. Dreams = Crushed.
0 likesReplies (2)
they had to give they're elements to the tree of harmony haven't you seen that episode yet?
0 likesYeah, but they've still used their elements of harmony after this episode-thingy.
0 likesCrysalis is my favourite villain of all time!! *fangirl SCREAM* 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
0 likesi agree quiet well with this. but its been to long, amy was a seson or two, say pinkie pie was the changlinganother seson seson five? its just not resonalble i agree with everything else tho.
0 likesMaybe chrisilis doesn't have a heart and so she and the changelings have to feed off of love to fill their need for a heart
0 likesI think that the changing will turn into animals and feed off the love fluttershy has for the animals
0 likesOne thing about the idea for the changeling
0 likesIf one of them was actually a changling since how could they use the elements.i mean after the invasion they still used the elements so maybe.........ether the princesses(not twilight) was queen chrisse......or derpy!!!!!!!!!!!
How would the elements of harmony work with this doppleganger?
0 likesok that is the awesomest prediction ever and I would love to see that happen -treetops
0 likesSo basically... You want them to make the Changelings and the ponies live in peace... Like in Fluffle Puff Tales?
0 likesthat would make a awesome episode
0 likesThat's an awesome idea 😎
0 likesThey would to know about doctor who first to get the idea and get permission from the creators of the show. but I guess it would be ok.
0 likesGood idea!! id like to see that to!
0 likes.... You watch doctor who? ....
Didn't expect that reaction didja
YAY a Doctor Who reference!
0 likesThat can't happen because the changeling would have been blasted away
0 likesI have seen a big change in pinkie since too many pinkie pies, so maybe the pinkie that stayed wasnt the REAL pinkie.
0 likesNice theory n story thought sounds awesome
0 likesYour idea is amaaaazing!
0 likesI noticed that the changelings seem to be a licorice, if corrupt. I have a story idea that could explain that, but it's obviously not Cannon. Good, but not official.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesPLSSSS REPLY the mlp community showed me this 2 months ago in the form of 3 pictures
1 like1. Queen Changleing "it's my duty as queen to feed my people"
2. Nope she is exploded away
3. Queen Changling "it's ok river we have survived winter before" a few broken hearts lie on a bare empty table with several changelings gather around skinny
Umm isn't friendship magic and if so, is blasting someone away real friendly?
0 likesAlso the changeling might no be able to remember what it is, actually thinks it's that pony!
0 likeswait wait wait,if your a changling how did you get in to the room of the time spell? not that im not on your side though
0 likesI think its a pretty good idea
0 likesit should be a loved background caracther like derpy wen she returned was a changeling
0 likesI think I know about SOMBRA he read a book with dark magic
0 likesSombra had kings maddnes... Just look it up.
0 likesBut pinkie pie sees everything x) you can't fool her, or can you?
0 likeswait when ink rose says that she was a princess so would it be twilight's bother was the same look with a horn the same size as the queens x boyfriend and they loved alot till she goes crazy losing her love so when she says in the song there is no room in her heart she already had room for one that she lost cuz he ran away!
0 likesI think it should be fluttershy because she's so quit all the time and it would be hard for the mane 6 to find out
0 likesI am a part-Changeling part-Earth Pony oc that is reminicent of an Ender Dragon
1 likeThat Is an AMAZING thought u should write it 4 them!
0 likesAwesome idea with the doctor who doppleganger/mlp , you know what i mean!
0 likesWait crissilish has alicorn requurements,does that make her an alicorn and the changlings have the same too.are they all alicons?
0 likeschangeling are ADORABLE
0 likesi think ( from ink roses head cannon) that queen chrysalis want revenge on equestria,(watch ink rose chrysalis thing and yyou will understand what i mean(you do not have to)
0 likesgreat idea!
0 likesyou are right they made a comic were they come back
0 likesWhat if pinkipie is a reflection from the water mirror
0 likesPersonally I think it should b applejack since not many bronies lik her and that would b an opportunity
0 likesReplies (1)
that's kinda rude cause some ppl acullally like AJ
0 likesI want an episode with chrysalis kidnapps and thakes the place of one of the mane 6
0 likesYou mean the plot of Secret Invasion but in MLP?
brohoofBut seriously, they should do that. Maybe not one of the Mane Six, but someone else related to them. Scootaloo maybe? She doesn't seem to have a family, she'd be the perfect candidate for imitation. Also, your Changeling Princess Nightshade commands you to leave the ponies alone and not suck out their love >:( Friendship is better :D I speak from experience.
Analyze the dazzlings, all I know is that they are sirens, that's all
0 likesI like it (a lot)
0 likesDon't go to the dark side dude!
0 likesWe all know they know about Doctor Who. (AND IF YOU DON'T, DOCTOR HOOVES, *COUGH COUGH.) Sooo This could be a chance. Buuuuutttt then again, not to big of a chance because it is a child's show for girls around five... If only..
0 likesSombra tried to fight a shadow
0 likesexcellent points!
0 likesI wouldn't like it if one of the ponies was a fake ;-; I would feel so betrayed and hurt and knowing that one of my ponies was a fake the entire time I would just collapse and die
0 likesAnd changlings have very similar fangs o3o
0 likescan some 1 tell me a link for the canterlot wedding episode plz can you make sure its full
0 likesYou said perisite instead of changeling .
0 likesthe mane 6 could find an injured changeling???
0 likesWait, what if The Brony Notion is the parasites? O_o
0 likesAre you really a changeling or a regular pony?
I think you are because in some of the videos you seem to first be a changeling. Then,you turn to a regular pony.
Please tell us.
I like your channel,but sometimes in a video you show a changeling.
I'm really sad when you don't make videos about yourself.
Please tell me.
Please talk about yourself.
maybe that's why Fluttershy had those fangs!!!!
0 likesRetrovirus that makes changelings into ponies.
0 likesyou have alot of cool ideas ecsept the discord one I like this
0 likes0:50 Proof , also LOOK AT THE INTRO IT MIGHT BE TRUE
0 likesReplies (1)
and i mean some of the other intros where he changed from changeling thing to a pony LOL
0 likesFluttershy had a fang left over o3o
0 likesIs Scootaloo a orphan? WHO are Rainbow Dashes parents?
0 likesDidn't some people make a comic of when the return?
0 likesso you're saying the like scrulls from marvels????
0 likesHow this what if the main 5 and sunset shimmer come thought the mirror and look around for twilight sparkle but sudden the main 5 run into them self the main 6 pony think ( changelings ) the Equestria girls ( what the that me wow I'm awesome ) aka RD then twilight meet with sunset shimmer and they all meat up just before the main 5 pony begging to battle the EG thinking chrysalis may be near and that it sunset shimmer revels chrysalis found the mirror and attacking equestria girls world
0 likes(sorry for the long message enjoy ) the reason the EG find twilight is to stop queen chrysalis case she invading EG world lol I hope that happens ~ sorry I no sunset shimmer doesn't no chrysalis but she knows we're to go to find help with here pony friend :) lol
I agree with hem
0 likesqueen chrysalis is awesome looking but i ain't like her voice
0 likesOr artillery the buck out of it
0 likesAhhhhhhhhh run run run away there's a changeling
0 likesbut still it would Kendrick for Chrysalis to turn g
0 likes0:50
1 like...
I have no words...
0 likesWelp ...
We're fucked.
the pony that could be is ...FLUTTERSHY. because of flutterbat hint hint
0 likesAlso... OMG your a Whovian too
0 likesWhy do they need sharp teeth it's kinda not good looking for young watchers of my little pony
0 likesAnd my ocis a changling!!!!but........well.....a tiny mix with nights at Freddy's
0 likesIts an good idé. But if vasent one pony how al that lessens of friendship?:)
0 likeswhere do changelings come from if not equestria?
0 likesReplies (6)
Good question...
0 likesWell, if you read the comics, they live in an old castle far south of Equestria, in the middle of nowhere in a desert.
1 likeOk.
0 likesI don't know where to get/read the comics....
@pola w Ask and you shall receive.
0 likeshttps://yp1.yayponies.no/book.php
0 likesoh i thought they lived in the ever green forest some where.
0 likesmaybe i'm right or something .......
I think scootaloo Is the dopple ganger
0 likesThay episode idea was great
0 likesDUUUUDE... just feed off of me
0 likesSo you are a changeling?
1 likeLuna is NOO longer nightmare moon and ummmm do celestia and Luna hate eachother or r they good sisters???
0 likesdr who is pawsome
0 likesChrisalis it's not a pony she's made from nothing and you sey in a video just ponys have a cutie mark and Chrisalis don't have a cutie mark but wath if Chrisalis it's a pony but she dazen't want a cutie mark?Chrisalis dazen't have a hurt bat her kingdom it love and dazen't have hurt too Chrisalis it love too all her kingdom it love because they don't have hurt and the hurt have a conection with the love after all let's sey we love because we'v got hurt too fing's wath Chrisalis dazen't have.
0 likesi AGREE
0 likesso many ALICORNS!!! (wow)
0 likesYou are a changeling!!! don't you remember your old intro?
0 likes0:49 xD
0 likesYou are a doctor who fan.
0 likesAnd has more holes than swis cheese XD
0 likesMy Mind Is So Dirty
Replies (4)
You had to post that.
0 likesyeah.
0 likesMerp LOL
0 likesI have a mind just as dirty.
0 likesYa,why are all her minions alicorns?l:
0 likesThat wold be an awsom idia!pleas hasbro pleas make it happen i realy love ponys!
0 likesn3ll
0 likesMust happen
0 likescool and yes
0 likesOr just send in tanks ether way werks
0 likesAt the end of it i mean xD
0 likesIm haw an question: lm sow an episode i think it was filli vanilla or somthing like that. In the begining i saw wen fluttershy was giving fod to the Bunnys one was hawing horns!!! Why!!!!!! I hope you saw this and poot an video and tell mi why.:-):-D
0 likesi am hungry now
0 likesOMG YOUR A CHANGEWING YOU WORK FOR CHRYSALIS AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesAfter bats!
0 likesit is going to be fl;uttershy isnt it
0 likesYou watch Doctor Who!!!!!????
0 likesI like ure idea
0 likesWhy is queen chrysalis a queen where celestia is a princess
0 likesReplies (4)
I still don't get the reasoning myself but according to them, since Disney usually portrays queens as evil and princesses as good they decided to keep her title as princess so you knew she wasn't evil or I guess secretly evil. Not that she acts evil secret or otherwise.
0 likesYeah a lot of stories for kids tend to have queens has old, evil or both. Which really is very stupid. Queen is just a title. Someone who rules over a kingdom. While princess is just heir to the throne. Sadly though that trope has been going around for quite some time. Storywriters continue to make the excuse that girls just love princesses more and wouldn't like a character as much if she were a Queen. But that's stupid! They think that way because those people teach them that (Queen = old&evil, Princesses = young and pretty). But it's also obvious from Elsa that kids can and will love a character who is a Queen if presented right. If everyone just stuck to calling their characters Queens or Princesses depending on their role in the story, and not just on wether they are good or evil. It'd be a good step forward.
0 likesIf you want a better answer to your question. I'd suggest checking out Nostalgia Critic's video entitled 'What's with the Princess Hate?'. He explains things way better, and in a lot more detail.
0 likesall the changelings are her kingdom and villagers she takes care of them
0 likesmaybe if celestia toke care of her villagers when there was a bad thing happening to them unlike all the times the elements of harmony had to save equestria and celestia was no where to be found at the time |:(
all i'm trying to say is celestia is not there for the ponys of equestria
i don't think that a real Queen would not be there for the people of the kingdom in there time of need witch makes celestia not a real Queen
Yay changelings rock I'm hungry send love to stop the cause.............send love now!..............................I'm starving send loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
0 likesyour a changeling, i'm sure they would like an exposition dump. if you wont, i will, and i will villanize chyrisalis as much as i can as well as humiliating her to the point of no return. do you really want that to happen to your queen? no? well then, here's the microphone. (for giggles)
2 likesReplies (9)
Why would you be humiliating your own queen? Wouldn't she try to kill you for betraying her?(This is just for fun.Cool icon BTW!)
1 like@Super Game Master because i'm a loner, I already betrayed her, and yes, she does want to kill me, I don't know what's stopping her though, it's not like I try to hide from her. (thanks, not the best I could do, but I was limited, Inkscape doesn't let you crop out certain parts like Photoshop does)
0 likesThat's really cool that you betrayed her! Is it hard for you to go out in public because your a changeling?
0 likes@Super Game Master they've gotten used to it, well, not Lily and a couple others. t\Then again, She's paranoid and generally afraid of everything. Twilight scares me ;_;'
0 likesDo you pretend to be a normal pony or do you stay in your true form.
0 likes@Super Game Master well, I did mention Lily flipping out, "_THE HORROR!!!, THE HORROR!!!" I wonder who scared her this time (/)(\)
0 likesOh that's a shame ^^;! My name is Luke Aura! I'm willing to see the good in everyone, even a changeling like you!
0 likesFuck no I need someone to fight to fight cadence and that ain't gonna be me although I will be new ruler as I am her royal spy and for my queens fate I will then be promoted prince
0 likes@Gamer Luna *BAM* say something? now, where'd my ammo go? There it is.
0 likesClue
0 likesYou need subscribers...
0 likesLol he sad brony notion isted of brony nation
0 likesWATCH This video Hasbro
0 likesHa Ha cheese
0 likesI think that's a wonderful idea to bring them back! I loved that episode of DW, and I would personally like to see the MLP staff do something similar. Also, if they ever decided to make Twilight not an alicorn, maybe that could be a possibility to back up on it?? I dunno, just something that came to mind. ^^
0 likesI've been wanting the Changelings to come back about three months after the Cantorlot Wedding aired on the Hub. And it would be a very interesting concept. I've noticed that the writers are beating around the bush and making new concepts in almost all of Season 4. From Pony Superheros to Breezes. And I'm glad they brought back the Breezes. I'm hoping they bring back the Seaponies. I mean, they brought back two characters from G1 after all. Who knows? And even if the Changelings were to come back(which would be awesome BTW), would they reform them like they did Discord? I mean, Nightmare Moon got reformed back to Luna. Discord is still making his way in... This this a coincidence that they're lined up? Maybe since the Main Six stopped and reformed both Nightmare and Discord, it would kinda be up to Cadence and Shining Armour to reform Chrysalis?
0 likesFor starters, the Changelings do deserve some love too.
0 likesQuestion would be, just how many of them still are alive and how loyal they are to her after the failure and fiasko in the previous invasion?
If we are to make it a lesson in friendship, who is to 'invite' them or make the first move?
It's not a bad idea for an episode, though many fanfics have already explored something similar, ie 'X was a changeling all along'. I personally like the idea of the ponies themselves going to the Changeling Kingdom undercover or something and thus us the audience gets to see more of the changeling civilization. Or even better, they find a lost baby changeling and have to return him/her home.
1 likeBut the thing is, I don't really see it as a 'we need to survive' sort of thing. For me, it came off much more as the changelings receiving more a magical/energy boost from it, hence Chrysalis' easy defeat of Celestia. There's really no solid evidence them needing love to survive in the show or comics, and besides, it would really have dark implications in a show like this.
And really, while Chrysalis was technically doing her job as their monarch, she only mentioned it once and offhandedly, like it were an unimportant side-note. She might care somewhat about her subjects to a degree, but it's clear she'd doing this primarily for her own desire for power and establishing her Changeling Empire in the Equestrian lands. To top it off, she didn't treat the invasion as a grim task that must be done: she took sadistic glee out of every single minute of it and was more than happy to destroy ponies' lives (Shining, Twilight, Cadance, etc) without a twinge of regret.
All in all, Chryssie's a power-hungry and imperialistic stone-cold B*tch, and that's why we love her.
Your idea of the hidden changeling is actually quite good, and it would be more than just a surprising plot twist. However, that makes you think... what would happen with that changeling? He would have spent so much time with the mane six that he would have developed feelings for them and there would be three options: 1º He/she is a jackass and simply didn´t feel anything for them. 2º He has to say goodbye in the most possibly painful way 3º He stays as a main character. In any case, there is one thing that makes this idea impossible. When Tirek took the mane six´s magic, if there was a changeling among them wouldn´t that returned him to his true form, provided that he had no powers anymore? Anyway, good analysis, I find Chrysalis to be quite a good villain with good motives, although maybe the fact that she enjoys making ponies miserable makes her a less sympathetic character
2 likesReplies (1)
This is an awesome idea! The magic of friendship can convert even changelings. I REALLY wanna see this happen. At the last moment the changeling could pull out and try to stop the invasion. This would finally give the mane 6 a CHALLENGE now that they're practically invincible. THIS HAS TO HAPPEN!!!
1 likeIf the Changlings' function as parasites and the effects their actions cause can not be reconciled, then the Changlings can not be brought to peace except by the grave or cowing of the ponies.
0 likesThe Changlings are one of those adversaries with whom one MUST stand and the other MUST fall. "They are our food. We must feed. Sorry if this kills you."
This makes Chrysalis the one antagonist of the series where friendship is trumped by the "love and devotion" to her people, and can NOT be defeated or turned, she can only be destroyed.
This alone makes actually dealing with Chrysalis and the Changlings much heavier than this generation of MLP can handle, at least on TV. Then again, they would just pull a "and they lived happily ever after" out of their butts, instead of actually dealing with this issue.
Here's an interesting question. What would happen if you fed Hatred to Chrysalis.
2 likesOn the side note, what if Chrysalis is actually the alicorn princess which appears in the book of Hearts and Hooves day?
I agree it would be so cool to see the changelings come back for a reforming episode. I've always liked the changeling race as an idea. On the other hand I don't really like the complications that go along with having one of the main six pull a pond. it would confuse the younger viewers and complicate the relationship the six have been making. I think this episode could actually work though because we haven't been given to much solid information on the changelings. when we do though so many head cannons will be destroyed. I would personally love to have a back story for this race of insect like creatures.
0 likesI have to point out that no changeling has ever shown the will or capacity to imitate the personality of a pony, even when trying to be them. This is a key part to why they wanted to capture Canterlot, and more importantly, princess Celestia. Changelings can copy the physical look of an individual, but without the capacity to copy personalities, the necessary close proximity to those that know the pony they are replacing best results in them being found out very quickly, and since changelings cannot match ponies in a straight fight, was that happens, they have to leave. The only way to overcome this would be to replace a pony that is loved by all but really known but comparatively few: Princess Celestial.
0 likesMy guess on a Changeling return would be this: In their desire to overcome the weakness, the changelings build a staging town so they can learn how to imitate ponies better, and twilight and friends stumble upon it, and then teach them about Friendship.
Your videos are amazing and quite different from the other analysis ponies out their. Were they look at the show strictly on a viewing and entertainment standpoint and pointing out the littlest things witch in itself very thought provoking. You however look into equestria's inner-workings and give us theories that no-pony else asks. My favorite videos of yours are the ones that look at equestria in a real light that raises quetions just swept aside by others, but not you. Such as your video "Were is Equestria?" or "My little Horses?" More videos like that please. I haven't seen videos like yours sense radio free equestria stops being produced. If you can tell me of more annalists like you that dose videos like this pleas do. But i thank you for these videos. Your newest subscriber GorGutz.
0 likesTHANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO! If any of the villains deserved a redemption arc, it was Chrysalis.
1 likeWow. I really like your theories and ideas! Your videos are interesting and even make me chuckle at times. Keep up the good work!
0 likesI totally agree! They should totally make an episode where the changelings return!
0 likesWhy chrysii is my favorite villain:
1 likeShe MUST have had her subjects starve to death once or twice, so when they got blown away they must have been starving, so imagine them nearly starving, and all the love she has goes straight to them, she LIVES for her subjects' well being.
This theories are amazing. I believe that RD should be the Changling in Disguise, considering Queen Chrysalis was trying to be LOYAL to her Changlings.
0 likesGreat idea! I think that Fluttershy would be the changeling because she's the easiest to kidnap, I mean, Rarity may act like a delicate flower but trust me, get on her wrong side and you will really rethink kidnapping her!
0 likesIt would be cool if one of the main 6 WAS a chageling like you said but....... LOADS of viewers are complaining when they do the rainbow friendship blast thing it would show it wasn't the real pony. What I think should happen is when they do the rainbow friendship blast thing Chrysalis should make the pony quickly chande with the changeling or else she would kill the pony's friends (the other 5) then the changeling would once again change with the pony - the pony would be cool if it was Twilight, they could show a scene were Twilight is tied to a bed or something so she can't escape. But the scene would be short and very dark so it's hard to see or understand what's happening. It could then show Chrysalis laughing at Twilight. Just throwing out ideas! =:3
0 likesActually, it may be better not to have that kind of doctor who story idea... I find it out of place to see that in MLP.
0 likesBut as for the changelings coming back, I think it would be cool if a stranded changeling met a partner, and they loved each other for who they are, so the partner doesn't kind being fed from, but the changeling loves her too much to feed as much as it needs (or smth like that). To camouflage itself, it needs to change into someone else, so it would be pretty cool if it saw one of the main 6, changed into it, and then gets approached by either the pony herself, or one of her friends that the changeling transformed into.
The pony that turns out to be a changeling should be luna. I mean think about it Luna was shown going through the barrier meaning she was allowed to go in and out of the kingdom freely. What better way for chrysalis to make it into the kingdom unnoticed while the barrier was up? Then at the end luna flies down and nonchalantly asks if she missed anything we all know that she couldn't have possibly missed an entire invasion but what if she was really chrysalis trying to sound oblivious so that no one would suspect anything. What if the whole wedding mishap was just a distraction so everypony would let their guard down and she could slowly take over disguised as one of the princesses closest to celestia?
0 likesI dont think one of the ponies could be a doppelganger. They already used the elemates and clearly showed traits indigenous to themselves. It's a cool idea, but now implemented into the series, It just wouldn't work. Nice Idea though.
0 likesI don't want peace but that's partly because there have been way too many reforms. I've always seen reforms as a G1 thing and was never pleased when it happened. Three unconvincing reforms in one short season didn't leave me particularly pleased especially as action and defeating evil etc is the reason I watch the show and watched G1. Even a very well put together reform in the show would annoy me now even though I could see a way changelings could integrate in pony society with all that friendship is magic stuff. On the other hoof, a changeling return would be good.
0 likesThe reason Discord wanted to spread chaos, and that's it, is because, well, that's it. If he is the spirit of chaos, it would be very difficult to break from his chaotic ways. He wanted to spread chaos, be cause he IS chaos, no more no less. That's why it took until the defeat of Tirek for him to change his ways, and become a true friend to all of them.
0 likesNice. I would so love to have the changlings reintroduced. But the Dr who thing.... shakes head no. If they did that then there would be an uproar from all the dr who fans wanting more dr whoves. to this (as good of an idea it may be for a fan service) I say no. still. I love the Changlings and Crissy.
0 likesgoodness, I love your point!! I always wondered about the "in my heart there is no room" thing... amazing!!!!!!!! :D
1 likeI always liked to have the head cannon that one of the main six is a changeling, and has always been a changeling
0 likesMy favorite candidates are Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy
Ooooor, instead of one of the mane 6 being a changling, have a new pony introduced to the group, and over time, show suspicion that one of the ponies is hiding a secret, then later on reveal that false pony being either Chrysalis or a changling that is close to the same power. I would think that if Chrisalis is a queen then she would have a military system similar to that of Equestiria.
0 likesI love your idea! But what if queen chrysillas is the third sister I talked about in another comment? The most important one, I said, well, she is the only queen. And she has holes. Why? Maybe they get a hole each time they impersonate someone. The shadow pony, probably sombra didn't use elements of harmony. Maybe the third sister was saving them? Or they are dangerous like the intersect in this series called chuck.
0 likesOkay, I know this video is a little bit old, but I still want to share my opinion on this. (Don't take it too seriously, as I am not very good at analyzing every little detail to come to a conclusion and this just randomly came to me one night.)
0 likesI agree that the show could re-introduce the Changelings by making one of the ponies in the show turn out to have been a Changeling the whole time, but I have a different idea for what pony it was.
What if it was actually Celestia who was the "Amy" of the show? dun dun dun
not a bad idea, Fluttershy would be the ideal target, the fluttershy changeling being found out, having being turned friendly after discovering the power of friendship, they go and rescue fluttershy, the fluttershy changeling helps their arguement with chrysalis, and then from then it would be kinda like with discord, slowly changing for the better.
0 likesIt would make for an amazing story they should put something simalar in season 5
0 likesI think Chrysalis has very little reason to attack again as long as Cadence does her job. The crystal empire is a place built and supported by love. They give energy to the crystal heart which in turn sends that love out into the world. The changeling ponys need that love. So perhaps that was the original point of the crystal empire, to give love to the changeling empire, thus keeping them from acting others out of hunger.
0 likesI think another evasion would be impossible, if love is what they need to live. They must have been desperate for food to the point of trying to invade equestria. So its possible that when they were kicked out they lost their last hope of survival and all the changelings ended dying and their whole race became extinct.
0 likesIf a Changeling has stolen one of the ponies, I'm sure that the other ponies would have noticed. Also, let's look at the times when the Elements of Harmony were activated. This couldn't have been done if the pony who represented the Element wasn't there? It doesn't make much sense, now, does it?
0 likesI really wish the changelings were cuter-- the fangs and harsh coloring sort of places it into this classic evil species. Great points. /)
2 likesReplies (4)
Actually, i Think that the Changelings are KINDA Cute....
4 likes@Pearl Herbert I agree, but they're not as cute as the pastel colored kawaii horses we're used to.
2 likes@Twyla Cousins They could look like anything they want. Every changeling can be cute if they transform into something cute!
2 likesI know, but I felt like hasbro was creating a clear antagonist which made the problem so black and white.
2 likesThat sounds so bucking awesome PLEASE HASBRO! HAVE A BRO AND MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
0 likesAlso I think you should do a video on how the changelings are all alicorns. You seem to have some really good logic.
I hate to bring up the comics, but I wouldn't want to see them all return because it would make the 4 issue premier of the comics irrelevant. However, is it written in stone that ALL changelings have to follow Queen Chrysalis's rule? I mean, there could be a defector or two who are tired of her rule and long for a better life who could try seeking Twilight's help in becoming functioning members of pony society and also for protection from they're former queen's wrath.
0 likesSudden idea. These two could take on the form of AJ's parents. I mean, we don't necessarily have to be told definitively what happened to them, but it would be the perfect opportunity to reveal that information. Just think of how the family might react, especially Applebloom, to these pony's sudden return. Imagine Applejack really wanting to believe it's them, but otherwise acting a lot like Twilight acted about Cadence in Royal Wedding part 1.
I don't have a whole lot of details for this, but imagine the entire Apple family trying to make them feel welcome only to have Applejack constantly ruining all the activities and going out of her way to make them feel unwelcome and trying to prove them as fakes or insincere. For them to tell the truth and their intentions as well as to beg for sanctuary, yeah, hard to see them bound for anywhere but a dungeon cell, so for them to go willingly would at least be a step in the right direction. Being that they're appearing in Ponyville, it would be Twilight's dungeon they end up in, meaning she'd have fairly regular access to talk with them.
Not sure how well they'd be able to play it out or how long it would take, but you can be sure their release into society would include a way to identify them no matter what form they take, as well as probably to monitor where they are at any given time. Maybe some day the magic of friendship turns their pony disguise form into their "natural" form and they cease to be changelings from that day on.
Again, not a whole lot of details on how this would go. I'm not a writer, so this badly written summary is about the best I got. :)
I think you are absolutely right she may not have much of a heart,just for her kingdom and her people but dose she have castle? I think that's one of the problems she might be homeless so she might move kingdom to kingdom trying to rule but fails like in the songs in that episode the canterlot wedding she's looking forward to ruling "the kind of day which i dreamed since I was small" she would of had to been planning this maybe for revenge maybe she was once good
0 likesAwesome idea it would be kool and it would make the show more interesting and loving plus there is more ways to change things up for season five and stuff
0 likesI think that maybe they could make it where the ponies amd changelings need to team up and as the ponies show love to the changelings, them and Chrystalis go back to thier former selfs
0 likesI agree about the re returning I think it should happen!
0 likeshonrstly Hasbro is kinda stepping on the show's morals making the chainglings look so different and going AAAAAH EVIL directly contradicts Bridal Gossip
0 likesIt would have been better to see things from Chrysalis's view first.
we don't know for sure the invasion was plan A.
what if shehad infact tried asking for help and just wasn't given it??
what if she then tried simply coming in as a dignitary only to have a reaction similar to how Luna was received during nightmare night?
after a while who wouldn't say "ok...enough of this TODAY WE INVADE" ?
Wow, that would be awesome, but bare in mind this is a kids show. But I still wish it could happen. P.S. I WANT ANOTHER DISCORD EP IN THE NEXT SEASON!
2 likesReplies (2)
The smash down between Twilight and Tirek was also in a kids show. You never know what they could do next! I also can't wait to see more Discord in S5, seeing him slowly build up trust again. Cant wait! :D
1 likewatch season 6 ep 16
0 likesI always assumed that Sombra was just looking for crystals to eat
0 likesgreat idea! *thinks* omgomgomg it could be like in the avengers cartoon, where the scrulls are invading (shape shifting aliens) and one of dem replaces captain America, so maybe at the start of a series a character goes missing for an ep, and evantually ponies start to notice that they're acting a bit differently, and in the season finale all is revealed!!
0 likesI love that idea. The person I would want to be a doppelganger would be Twilight. Imagine if Queen Chrysalis was Twilight!
0 likesSombra used to be good but then the evil one of him came then he drown when he came up he was evil but the dupe of him was never seen again neither sombers the good one
0 likesI never knew why the evil one came.
Something i find quite terrifying is that your entire real family could actually be changelings and you would never know. . . O_o
0 likesconspiracy theory: Princess Twilight isn't really a Princess...Twilight is still a Unicorn but a changeling made it be were she was a princess (this is a joke don't take it seriously)
2 likesReplies (1)
dun dun DUNNNN!!!
0 likesThat's a brilliant idea! But do you mean a pony from the mane six? Because I would be pretty sad if, say, Fluttershy didn't care about the friendship.
0 likesWoah! i actually wrote a fanfiction based on another invasion, but this is a smaller one, in fact just in Ponyville, (now that Twilight is an alicorn my fanfic could be even better) . . .
0 likesWhat is about?:
One of the mane six is a changeling, nopony knows, so little details in that character's personality start to make ponies in the town suspicious, etc etc etc, an invasion after making the mane six think someone will attack on canterlot.
I want so much to see the changelings returning! they are freaking awesome and have a lot of potential. But i don't see them dying , i think love makes them strong
There is just... one tiny... tiny... very tiny mistake in this and everyone elses thinking...
0 likesAhem... The Comics are B class Canon, with the Show being A class. What that means is, unless the Show says otherwise, everything in the Comics is Canon. And the first 5-6 comics are all about the Changelings... Who stole 3 fillies so the queen could get revange on Twilight Sparkle. Feeding on love, or feeding the changelings, or anything else but revange on Twilight never came up. It was all power hungry and waiting for Twilight so she could... do something. Probably kill her.
Also during the comic is one scene is showing where they landed, and they landed in a place full of cute creatures that was giving them love and hugs just for being there.... They utterly wiped those creatures out and took over the place. There was no survivors.
IF they could feed and not hurt the ponies, I know the perfect way for them to live in peace. But most likely they can't. BUT if they could, there is a story that brought up this idea with a very basic logic. The ponies only real defence is the Deus Ex Machina. The Changelings NEED the ponies alive to feed. What the story did was, it had all the changelings disguise as ponies, but with a mission. They were to protect the ponies. An invasion, monster attack, whatever it was. There would be changelings everywhere with the Hivemind that can respond instantly to the danger and protect the ones they needed for food. Kinda like hired mercenary. Only being hired with food instead of money.
I think hasbro should do like he said with one of the ponys exept it shouldn't be one of the mane six it should be a cutie mark crusader like apple bloom or sweetie belle so they feed love off of there sister
0 likesWell... its sorta happened. Applejack lies. Applejack lies a lot. Mayby, a changeling stole applejack, unawere of her element, and took her place. Mayby, chrisalis ( I'll call her Chrissie) got banished, like Luna, but into the breezie kingdom. Or Chrissie stole applejack.
0 likesBut since when would they make a replacement? It can't be before season 4 finale because everyone of the mane 6 was doing the key test. Unless you are saying that actually there were scenes with the real one and also with the fake one. Wait are you saying that Pinkie pie is the one? She was little off character in some scenes.
1 likeReplies (1)
I considered Pinkie as possibly having been replaced. In episodes like filli vanili she was WAYYY out of character. Then we have moments like in Pinkie Pride where there's no way she was a changeling. Maybe the switch is yet to happen...
0 likesIf they were just coming to get food ( which is love ) why didn't they just be nice and form relationships with people that loves them then they'd have a lot of food and everyone would be happy
0 likesThe missing pony should be Fluttershy as she seems easier to control
0 likesof course theres a more peaceful way for the changelings to feed they can just do what chrysalis did but on a mass scale impersonate ponies with loved ones and feed of there love on the down low. its not perfect but its more peaceful then a flat out invasion
0 likesImagine if it was twilight who had been replaced. Just imagine it
0 likeswouldnt it be easier if the changelings just loved eachother?
0 likesor maybe Chrysalis is a beautiful Queen but some one cursed her to be into what she is maybe she didn't love a pony who can change her I mean looked at the bad guys. Nightmare Moon is Luna of jealousy, Discord maybe is Star Swirl the Bearded because he doesn't have friends, Sombra... we don't know hes motives, and then Chrysalis who needs love to feed her kingdom maybe she needs love to reveal her true self?
0 likesfinally! you actually compare MLP and DW without memes!
0 likesAn interesting idea indeed, tho if any pony? Rarity, she's easy to trick and easy to mimic in personality wise.
0 likesAn interesting idea indeed, tho if any pony? Rarity, she's easy to trick and easy to mimic in personality wise.
0 likesOh dang. That episode idea actually sounds great.
0 likesI have a headcanon that Chrysalis is really the step-mother of Celestia and Luna. She wanted to be beauitful and used dark magic but became a changeling instead.
0 likesReplies (1)
That could possibly make a lot of sense.
0 likesIt's a good idea but how would they use the elements of harmony?
0 likesThats actually a good idea I also liked it when you used doctor who
0 likesi want this to happen! get on it hasbro!
1 likeSome of us need spoiler alerts you know. Like me, I haven't even seen Discord on the show yet!
1 likeChrysalis returned in the comics, and she was much more selfish there.
1 likeYour idea is awesome they need to make it happen
1 likeWhat a dobbleganger! I love all ponies what if Hasbro does Fluttershy (sad)or Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Apple Jack or Rainbow (all sad). All deserve to be there.
0 likesThe storyline I personally would like to see is one of the ponies never existed and they have been a changeling since the very first episode
0 likesReplies (1)
And Chrysalis came to take her back and the mane 6 were shocked and the pony fought Chrysalis to keep her freedom
0 likesfrom the kingdom and stay friends with everypony else
well if they did that, then the their previous character development would be null and void, then again they could make applejack a changeling; not like she needed more character development. Plus if that were to happen, then the rainbow power they used to defeat Tirek wouldn't work.
0 likesIn my heart there is no room hmm i think you were right on that line I don't watch my little pony early seasons so I'm not gonna put my own twist on it
0 likesDude that would be AWSOME like the changeling will learn friendship and when the invasion starts he/she protects them and show its true identity sooo cool hasbo make this happen plz
0 likesYou know he does have a point.
0 likesI remember in bats episode at the end fluttershy still had a sharp tooth!!!
0 likesomg please make a fanfiction cause that would be awesome!
0 likesi want this to happen! get on it hasbro!
0 likesYou should make stories for Hasbro!
0 likesBest story idea ever!!!🙀
0 likesDO SONG BREAKDOWNS! Listen to songs from mlp, listen to the lyrics, and find true meanings to songs!
0 likesChrysalis is to busy being in love with Fluffle Puff
0 likesI think Crysalis just wants a little lovin :3 <3
0 likesWell it's a good idea but not for a little girl's show. But I do like the idea.
0 likesOr mabey what would happen if Queen chrysalis didn't reveal herself that early in the show
0 likesI like the idea of having that plot( don't be inappropriate with the word >:( ) for another episode would be cool!
0 likesI think by impower her bodies funktions,you mean it impowers her magic
0 likesLove that idea
0 likesyah im with ya crisalas is my fav.
0 likesThis entire video is what so many of up changeling sympathizers have been saying for quite a while, my friend.
1 likeReplies (2)
I'm sure, I'm just putting my own spin on it. :)
0 likesEeyup.
0 likesBrony Notion I like your idea but I got another idea what if one of Queen Chrysalis' minion becomes Fancy Pants and then Captures Rarity because she knows that Twilight will use her friendship and what if The Changlings start to feed on Friendship could it be possible can you make a review about my idea of the feeding on friendship that would be a great video.
0 likesI know that this has little to nothing to do with the video but ill call the Brony Notion out on being a changeling and wanting to take over Equestria. All opposed say neigh.
0 likesI agree Zoe it should be twilight and the makers of mlp obveosly should do this and the have seen doctor who because if mlp makers didn't there would be no doctor who ovens in the background of EVERY EPISODE!!!
0 likesSombra wanted to take back the kingdom he was ruling :3
0 likesShe is mu favorite villian so far
1 likethanks for proving my point :D
0 likesWhat do you think would have happened if Luna was there
0 likesI would love that episode of mlp I would want the dopple ganger (cant spell) was hmmm..... Rarity :3 it would be sooo unexpected :3 I would watch the episode five time everyday :3
0 likesThere's a comic called chrysalis returns where she kidnaps the cmc to lure twilight
0 likesi have a idea for a video, can you explain if its humanly or ponaly possible for rainbow dash to break the sound barrier and at that break it in i think it was like 3 seconds at the end of canterlot wedding part 2??
0 likes(and um T.R.S.E will consume all) :)
Make this happen Hasbro!!!!!1!!!!
0 likesWell im using my grandpas tablet and I got to say ur idea is pretty cool and I would like to see that happend but if in mlp doesn't make the episode why dont u do it and u can make it exactly how u want it to be.
0 likesChysalis was just trying to save her changelings. She did the right thing for here kingdom. Why didn't Princess Celestia just help her? I mean, I thnk she knew what Changelings are. So why didnt she help them survive? Then this would never happend to Cadence. Another fact: How did Chysalis know about the wedding? and how did she come in Canterlot and locked Cadence?
0 likesRoodaka is still the better insect queen same actress but way more diabolical and twisted. Chrysalis: Ooh you're going to steal my love ooh Roodaka: S**t you're going to permanently change me into a mutant snake demon hybrid thing, you're crazy!
0 likesOh silly brony notion (if that is your real name) the ponys don't care if another living creature starves to death. just look at the episode bats. Twilight willingly put a spell on the vampire fruit bats so they would stop eating and starve to death! just because AJ didn't want to sacrifice a few trees...
0 likesAwesome that's such a good idea
0 likesi love the idea...
1 likeAm I the only one who was thinking of Captain America in the Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes series in that last part.
0 likesI wrote a message to Hasbro telling them your idea XD hope they find it... if they reply I will tell you what they said.
1 likeReplies (1)
Thanks! That's awesome! :D
0 likesI get your story plot
0 likesthey can passivly drain love. crysalis was just overeager
0 likesThat would be awesome!!!!
0 likesyou know that is not a bad idea.
I like it.
0 likeswhat if Discord brought chrissy back??? :o
0 likesi think this would go really will with how pink it acting this seasion
0 likesAwesome idea
0 likesOr what is a changling peacefully encountered the mane 6.........watch Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends.....the Scribble episode ( maybe S01x02 ) and you'll see what i mean...
0 likesok the thing is which pony would take the place of betraying?????? OR could it be discord BUT i'm not saying that you HAVE to but it would be pretty bad if you did its like the finale of Season 4 ALL OVER AGAIN but would it be rainbow dash? she hasn't been with her cutie mark lately SO she might always be with one if she only did like idk 2 or 3 acts of loyalty? so maybe the writers already thought of this OR they could bring a pony to be secretly be friends with them while being a changeling to feed on the ponies love for each other and their family (a.k.a AppleJack) they could do that in the future or piggyback on an original pony like Zecora
0 likesYou make a very good point.
0 likesThat is a really good idea this message should get out to hasbro and u have made it to my whovian list! :D
2 likesReplies (1)
Haha great! Doctor who is my second favorite show and I cant wait to what's in store for the new doctor!
1 likethey did the doppleganger thing in the Avangers Earths mightiest heros (the cartoon)
0 likesit took me about 5 videos to realize you say "brohoof" or so i think that is what you say at the end of each video
0 likesplease let hasbro see this... MAKE IT HAPPEN HASBRO @HasbroStudios @Hasbro Studios Shorts
0 likescan you do a video about why did twhilight become an alicorn why not fluttershy
0 likesCan you make your vids longer
0 likesI <3 you for that doctor who comment !!!!!
0 likesYES
0 likesJust
Replies (1)
A DW reference would kill me.
0 likes(in a good way.)
4 words,that whould be awsome
0 likesDear princess celectia,
0 likesI lurned today... I'm an the changelings side! Ummmmmm... Chrissie!
Chrissie: ha ha! One more! Yup! My army is complete!
Me: Chrissie! New changeling...(pant)...vidio...(pant) ...
Chrissie: seriously.
That will be awesome
0 likesChryslis you st to be good
0 likesRobot alicorn steals important items
0 likesI want that to happen and if you can tell MVK t I found a celestial fan for him to colab with thank you and I will see you next week
1 likeReplies (10)
really who?
0 likesHer name is in ink rose you're going to have to go to her channel and ask I would do it myself but I do not have her on Skype and if you're interested I happen to know a spike fan as well
1 likewhat episode should i collab with her about then?
0 likesYou know how you said you wanted to collab on the power pony's ???
0 likes@Dexter Thoma oh okay thanks so this spike fan you know who is that
0 likes@MVK T her name is Eliyora but I do want to tell you do not mention spike at your service
0 likes@Dexter Thoma already met her a while ago but she has other plans right now
0 likesOk if you need any more help you know where to get me
0 likesthanks
0 likes@MVK T anytime I'm always happy to support
0 likesNoooo, can't finish vid because I'm only on season 5 of Dr. Who; I accidentally saw a little too much. T^T
0 likesawsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesaww come on! i'm only in season 4 of doctor who man
0 likes<3 i found another whovian!
0 likessir your driving me mad DX those "HOLES" in the cheese are called EYES
Hmm Too me They Need "Love" Too Live...?
0 likesTheres a continuation in the comics . .
0 likesthat creepy eye motion yeh
0 likesI bet it's rainbow
0 likesOr she has no heart :P
0 likesMore holes than Swiss cheese!! :D
0 likesWhere does chrisaliss live why does she like fuffle puff
0 likesLol she a table and cheese lol
0 likesAlthough that might be true
0 likes... you just spoiled me DW D:
0 likesYou spoiler you spoiled Doctor Who for me
0 likesWow that's what I thought...
0 likeschrysalis
0 likesChrysilis
0 likesdoctor who and mlp in one video so cool
0 likesur so cool u like doctor who and mlp :]
it should be pinkie
0 likesbecause cookiekitty girl they want to fly not to be mean at all
0 likesCool
0 likesya why doesn't have a cutie mark??????
0 likesNot bad
0 likesChrysalis have a green magic why evrione loves her and think shhe is princess Cadenza why
0 likesSoo ...never mind
0 likesWHANT A SECOND aren't u a change link? Implying that u need are devotion to watch your videos and there fore you can keep making videos and the cycle is repeated over and over?
2 likesThere fore making you imortle and you all power full and mighty?
I'm on to you buster
Replies (2)
>:D Yes, the more subscribers I get, the closer I get to TAKING OVER EQUESTRIA!!!
2 likesnot if i can help it
1 likegahh! u taunt me...
0 likeswhich is to say that I really want to watch dr who, but I cant find what I want anywhere. I want to start from the beginning. where can I find this?!
Replies (2)
Netflix, showbox, primewire, etc.
0 likeshave started the rebooted series, even better than I thot it would be. :D
0 likesI do want to this happen but I want who
0 likesLol U wATCH DOCTOr WhO?!!! Lol I love u.
0 likesWhat is doctor who ???????
0 likesBrohoof...?
0 likesYey
0 likesno
0 likesno
0 likesNope
0 likesOh klmy
0 likesrealy
0 likesYeah
0 likesYou are a changling or :| or o3o OH WHAT EVER I DONT KNOW YOU DUDE!
0 likesFANIFIC
0 likesyea
0 likes*coming
0 likesDude
0 likesNo
0 likesNo
0 likesare you a changling
0 likesOhohhh
0 likes2015 ha ha
0 likesPutting*
0 likesum hi I am a hirl
0 likeshi
0 likeshi
0 likeshi
0 likes6 I mean
0 likesOkay
0 likesHi
0 likesFirst post XD o3o
1 likea duh
0 likesu 4got thorax
0 likesyour watch her
2 likesArnt u a changling
0 likesbecus you or won of thum
0 likesTHE
0 likesyour watch her
0 likesAaaa
0 likesMa ok
0 likesNein
0 likesYou are a cangleing
0 likesBro hove
0 likesIs