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Fighting is Magic: Aurora Queen Chrysalis Hit Counter Fixed

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Comments (archived 2024-04-03 16:27; 1 top, 7 total comments)

@retroblue9558 2022-03-02 20:23:46

Just tested 1.3, it's awesome ! Just fix some Derpy bugs and Chrysalis hitbox to AJ's Earthquake and it will be 👌👌 !

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Replies (6)
@retroblue9558 2022-03-02 22:18:21

@@WindowsLogic oh okay 😄

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@WindowsLogic 2022-03-02 21:43:46

@@retroblue9558 She cannot as she doesn't need to fly

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@retroblue9558 2022-03-02 21:41:14

@@WindowsLogic Maybe 😅 I'll check again the updates. Also, can't she fly like RD and Fluttershy?

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@WindowsLogic 2022-03-02 21:36:37

@@retroblue9558 The most recent version fixes her command list so maybe that's why?

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@retroblue9558 2022-03-02 21:11:45

@@WindowsLogic yup, Derpy is quite playable 😄 But for example I didn't succeed to do her LV3

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@WindowsLogic 2022-03-02 21:03:42 (edited 2022-03-02 21:04:02 )

I'll look into Applejack's hitbox for chrysalis, thank you for telling me. Derpy isn't so much buggy as missing some animations, the mechanics are good.

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